Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Azumangadaioh dress off rps-game ちよじゃんけん.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #155918

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { debug = false; Stage.scaleMode = 'noscale'; _quality = 'best'; _root.ero_end_fnc = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('end'); }; if (_root.age_ok) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { stop(); } } movieClip 17 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 17 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut, dragOut) { gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (release) { _root.age_ok = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(2); } } // unknown tag 88 length 137 movieClip 5 text_as { } frame 2 { stop(); keylistener = new Object(); keylistener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.title_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.cancel_flag = true; _root.gotoAndPlay('select_lb'); } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.title_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.cancel_flag = true; _root.gotoAndPlay('game_lb'); } else { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.title_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.cancel_flag = true; _root.uppoint = 1000; selecthanteikati(); } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.title_mc.removeMovieClip(); _root.cancel_flag = true; = 2000; selecthanteimake(); } } } } }; if (debug) { Key.addListener(keylistener); } } movieClip 20 { } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 26 { } movieClip 29 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 37 { frame 1 { this.stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { loadPercent = Math.floor((this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal()) * 100); load_bar._x = loadPercent * 3 - 300; loader_txt = loadPercent + '%'; if (loadPercent >= 100) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.gotoAndPlay('bar_start'); } }; } instance title_marurogo_mc of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { num = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._rotation += num; } } frame 3 { _root.mini_loading_bar_mc.bar01.stop(); } frame 40 { _root.mini_loading_bar_mc.title_marurogo_mc.num = 0; _root.mini_loading_bar_mc.title_marurogo_mc._alpha = 40; } frame 55 { _parent.gotoAndPlay('start'); } } frame 4 { stop(); _root.speedxy = 3; _root.cancel_flag = false; } movieClip 41 { } movieClip 42 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 46 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 51 { frame 170 { stop(); } } movieClip 52 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 57 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 62 { frame 138 { gotoAndPlay('rep'); } } movieClip 65 { frame 1 { count = 0; } frame 29 { count += 1; if (count < 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe - 1); } } frame 30 { _root.title_mc.title_dara_mc.gotoAndPlay(_root.title_mc.title_dara_mc._currentframe + 1); } frame 31 { count = 0; } frame 32 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 35 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 38 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 43 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 51 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 82 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 92 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 101 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 108 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 115 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 118 { count += 1; if (count < 130) { this.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe - 1); } } frame 119 { _root.title_mc.title_dara_mc.gotoAndPlay(_root.title_mc.title_dara_mc._currentframe + 1); } frame 122 { count = 0; } frame 123 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 126 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 130 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 135 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 142 { _root.speedxy -= 1; } frame 167 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 183 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 197 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 204 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 209 { _root.speedxy += 1; } frame 213 { count += 1; if (count < 130) { this.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe - 1); } } frame 214 { gotoAndPlay(30); } } movieClip 78 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 79 { frame 1 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 1); this.chara_select_bg_dara.gotoAndStop(rnd); } instance chara_select_bg_dara of movieClip 78 { } frame 71 { stop(); } } movieClip 84 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 89 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 94 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 97 { } movieClip 102 { } movieClip 105 { } movieClip 106 { instance of movieClip 84 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 84 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.idou_y = -300; _root.idou_x = -300; _root.idou_x2 = 300; _root.cancel_flag = true; _root.title_mc.gotoAndPlay(_root.title_mc._currentframe + 1); this._parent.gotoAndPlay('go'); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._x = -10; _root.idou_y = this._y; _root.idou_x = this._x - 28; _root.idou_x2 = this._x + 136; _root.hane_flg = true; } onClipEvent (releaseOutside, rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._x = 0; _root.idou_x = this._x - 54; _root.idou_x2 = this._x + 152; _root.hane_flg = false; } onClipEvent (load) { _root.idou_y = this._y; _root.idou_x = this._x - 54; _root.idou_x2 = this._x + 152; } } instance of movieClip 89 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._x = -10; _root.idou_y = this._y; _root.idou_x = this._x - 28; _root.idou_x2 = this._x + 124; _root.hane_flg = true; } onClipEvent (releaseOutside, rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._x = 0; _root.idou_x = this._x - 54; _root.idou_x2 = this._x + 142; _root.hane_flg = false; } onClipEvent (release) { this._parent._parent.title_kaisetu_mc._visible = true; this._parent._parent.title_kaisetu_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } } instance of movieClip 94 { onClipEvent (release) { fscommand('quit'); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._x = -10; _root.idou_y = this._y; _root.idou_x = this._x - 28; _root.idou_x2 = this._x + 69; _root.hane_flg = true; } onClipEvent (releaseOutside, rollOut) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._x = 0; _root.idou_x = this._x - 54; _root.idou_x2 = this._x + 86; _root.hane_flg = false; } } instance of movieClip 97 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.hane_flg) { if (num == 0) { _root.idou_y = this.enundou._y / 4; _root.idou_x2 = 152; } else { num -= 1; } } else { num = 100; } } onClipEvent (load) { num = 100; } onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 30 { stop(); } instance menu_hane_mc of movieClip 102 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = pojisyon; if (this._x > _root.idou_x) { pojisyon = this._x - (this._x - _root.idou_x) / 4; } else { pojisyon = this._x - (this._x - _root.idou_x) / 4; } this._y = pojisyony; if (this._y > _root.idou_y) { pojisyony = this._y - (this._y - _root.idou_y) / 4; } else { pojisyony = this._y - (this._y - _root.idou_y) / 4; } if (!_root.hane_flg) { pojisyony = this._y - (this._y - _root.idou_y) / 10; } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.hane_flg = false; } } instance menu_hane_mc of movieClip 105 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = pojisyon; if (this._x > _root.idou_x2) { pojisyon = this._x - (this._x - _root.idou_x2) / 4; } else { pojisyon = this._x - (this._x - _root.idou_x2) / 4; } this._y = pojisyony; if (this._y > _root.idou_y) { pojisyony = this._y - (this._y - _root.idou_y) / 4; } else { pojisyony = this._y - (this._y - _root.idou_y) / 4; } if (!_root.hane_flg) { pojisyony = this._y - (this._y - _root.idou_y) / 10; } } } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 109 { } // unknown tag 88 length 137 // unknown tag 88 length 85 // unknown tag 88 length 137 // unknown tag 88 length 134 movieClip 118 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 120 { } // unknown tag 88 length 85 movieClip 123 { instance of movieClip 109 { onClipEvent (release) { this._parent._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 118 { onClipEvent (press) { nextFrame(); } } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 126 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 2 { _root.start_bg_root_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 28 { stop(); } instance title_kaisetu_mc of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 30 { _root.gotoAndPlay('select_lb'); } frame 44 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance title_mc of movieClip 126 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(100); } } movieClip 129 { } movieClip 130 { instance org of movieClip 129 { onClipEvent (load) { function init() { if (!_root.cancel_flag) { flag = false; cnt = 0; hensuu = 0.1; this._alpha = 0; _x = Math.random() * 500 + 25; _y = Math.random() * 500 + 100; this._rotation = Math.floor(Math.random() * 350); speed = Math.random() * 4 + 2; scale = speed * 6 + 3; katamuki = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1; _xscale = scale / katamuki; _yscale = scale; _alpha = speed; if (rnd == 1) { if (_x > 400) { ptnro = speed / 6; ptn = _root.speedxy / 6; } else { ptnro = -speed / 6; ptn = -_root.speedxy / 6; } } else { if (_x > 200) { ptnro = speed / 6; ptn = _root.speedxy / 6; } else { ptnro = -speed / 6; ptn = -_root.speedxy / 6; } } rndst = Math.floor(Math.random() * 24) + 1; if (rndst > 20) { this.init(); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); this._alpha = 0; if (_name == 'org') { maxNum = 30; num = 0; while (num < maxNum) { this.duplicateMovieClip('snow' + num, 10 + num); ++num; } } this.init(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _x + (ptn + _root.speedxy / 6); if (katamuki < 6) { ptn += 1; } _y = _y + speed / 4; this._alpha += hensuu + speed / 14; _xscale = _xscale + speed / 8; _yscale = _yscale + speed / 8; this._rotation += ptnro; if (this._alpha >= 50 || _y > 380 || _x < -50 || _x > 650 || _root.cancel_flag) { hensuu = -2; flag = true; } if (flag == true) { cnt += 1; } if (cnt > 35) { this.init(); } } } frame 70 { stop(); } instance orgb of movieClip 129 { onClipEvent (load) { function init() { if (!_root.cancel_flag) { flag = false; cnt = 0; hensuu = 0.1; this._alpha = 0; _x = Math.random() * 500 + 25; _y = Math.random() * 500 + 100; this._rotation = Math.floor(Math.random() * 350); speed = Math.random() * 4 + 2; scale = speed * 6 + 3; katamuki = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1; _xscale = scale / katamuki; _yscale = scale; _alpha = speed; if (rnd == 1) { if (_x > 400) { ptnro = speed / 6; ptn = _root.speedxy / 6; } else { ptnro = -speed / 6; ptn = -_root.speedxy / 6; } } else { if (_x > 200) { ptnro = speed / 6; ptn = _root.speedxy / 6; } else { ptnro = -speed / 6; ptn = -_root.speedxy / 6; } } rndst = Math.floor(Math.random() * 24) + 1; if (rndst > 20) { this.init(); } } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); this._alpha = 0; if (_name == 'orgb') { maxNum = 60; num = 0; while (num < maxNum) { this.duplicateMovieClip('snowb' + num, 50 + num); ++num; } } this.init(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _x + (ptn + _root.speedxy / 6); if (katamuki < 6) { ptn += 1; } _y = _y + speed / 4; this._alpha += hensuu + speed / 14; _xscale = _xscale + speed / 8; _yscale = _yscale + speed / 8; this._rotation += ptnro; if (this._alpha >= 50 || _y > 380 || _x < -50 || _x > 650 || _root.cancel_flag) { hensuu = -2; flag = true; } if (flag == true) { cnt += 1; } if (cnt > 35) { this.init(); } } } } movieClip 131 { } instance of movieClip 131 { onClipEvent (press) { } onClipEvent (load) { this.useHandCursor = false; } } frame 6 { stop(); } movieClip 136 { } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 143 { } movieClip 144 { } movieClip 145 { instance of movieClip 144 { onClipEvent (load) { this._rotation = -45; } } } movieClip 150 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 153 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 158 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 160 { } movieClip 164 { } movieClip 167 { } movieClip 170 { frame 16 { stop(); _root.chara_select = 'tiyo'; } frame 18 { if (!_root.pre) { _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_sakaki_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_text_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('text_sakaki_lb'); } else { _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_kagura_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_text_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('text_kagura_lb'); } } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 174 { } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 178 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); _root.chara_select = 'sakaki'; } frame 17 { if (!_root.pre) { _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_oosaka_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_text_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('text_oosaka_lb'); } else { _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_text_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('text_tiyo_lb'); } } } movieClip 182 { } movieClip 185 { } movieClip 186 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); _root.chara_select = 'oosaka'; } frame 18 { if (!_root.pre) { _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_kagura_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_text_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('text_kagura_lb'); } else { _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_sakaki_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_text_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('text_sakaki_lb'); } } } movieClip 190 { } movieClip 193 { } movieClip 194 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); _root.chara_select = 'kagura'; } frame 18 { if (!_root.pre) { _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_text_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('text_tiyo_lb'); } else { _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_oosaka_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_text_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('text_oosaka_lb'); } } } movieClip 204 { } // unknown tag 88 length 134 movieClip 208 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { syoki_x = _root.chara_Select_mc._x; syoki_y = _root.chara_Select_mc._y; } frame 2 { this._parent.kaorin_efect_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 3 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 2; } frame 5 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 4; } frame 6 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 3; } frame 8 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 2; } frame 10 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 1; } frame 11 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 3; } frame 13 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 2; } frame 15 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 1; } frame 17 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 1; } frame 20 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 1; } frame 23 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 4; } frame 24 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 3; } frame 26 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 2; } frame 27 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 3; } frame 28 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y = syoki_y; } frame 37 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y = syoki_y; } frame 40 { if (_root.chara_select != 'sakaki') { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(38); } } frame 41 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y = syoki_y; } frame 70 { if (_root.chara_select != 'sakaki') { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(68); } } } movieClip 211 { } movieClip 214 { } movieClip 217 { } movieClip 220 { } movieClip 223 { } movieClip 226 { } movieClip 229 { } movieClip 232 { } movieClip 233 { frame 20 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 114 { stop(); } } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 239 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 249 { } // unknown tag 88 length 134 movieClip 255 { } movieClip 258 { frame 1 { stop(); syoki_y = _root.chara_Select_mc._y; } frame 20 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 4; } frame 21 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 3; } frame 22 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 2; } frame 24 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 2; } frame 25 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y += 2; } frame 26 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y -= 2; } frame 27 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y = syoki_y; } frame 42 { this.chara_Select_mc.chara_select_kettei.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 45 { _root.chara_Select_mc._y = syoki_y; } } movieClip 264 { } // unknown tag 88 length 134 movieClip 271 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 272 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } } movieClip 279 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 283 { } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 300 { } movieClip 301 { } movieClip 306 { frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 308 { frame 1 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 2; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 2; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 1; _root.chara_select = 'fast'; } frame 2 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 2; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 2; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 1; } frame 3 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 3; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 3; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 1; } frame 4 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 4; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 4; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 2; } frame 5 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 5; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 5; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 2; } frame 7 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 7; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 7; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 3; } frame 8 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 9; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 9; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 3; } frame 9 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._x -= 2; _root.orl_mc._y -= 4; } frame 10 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._x -= 2; _root.orl_mc._y -= 5; } frame 11 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 15; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 15; _root.orl_mc._x -= 3; _root.orl_mc._y -= 6; } frame 12 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 14; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 14; _root.orl_mc._x -= 4; _root.orl_mc._y -= 7; } frame 13 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 13; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 13; _root.orl_mc._x -= 5; _root.orl_mc._y -= 10; } frame 14 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 10; } frame 15 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 10; } frame 16 { _root.orl_mc._xscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._yscale += 12; _root.orl_mc._x -= 1; _root.orl_mc._y -= 10; } frame 27 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 150 { onClipEvent (load) { xsca = this._xscale; ysca = this._yscale; x = this._x; y = this._y; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.pre = false; this._xscale -= 4; this._yscale -= 4; this._x += 2; this._y += 2; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.kaorin_efect_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent.chara_select_kettei.flg = false; if (_root.chara_select == 'fast') { this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'sakaki') { this._parent.chara_select_sakaki_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'oosaka') { this._parent.chara_select_oosaka_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'kagura') { this._parent.chara_select_kagura_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'tiyo') { this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } } } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._xscale = xsca; this._yscale = ysca; this._x = x; this._y = y; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 153 { onClipEvent (load) { xsca = this._xscale; ysca = this._yscale; x = this._x; y = this._y; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.pre = true; this._xscale -= 4; this._yscale -= 4; this._x += 2; this._y += 2; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.kaorin_efect_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent.chara_select_kettei.flg = false; if (_root.chara_select == 'fast') { this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'sakaki') { this._parent.chara_select_sakaki_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'oosaka') { this._parent.chara_select_oosaka_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'kagura') { this._parent.chara_select_kagura_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'tiyo') { this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } } } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._xscale = xsca; this._yscale = ysca; this._x = x; this._y = y; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance chara_select_kettei of movieClip 158 { onClipEvent (load) { xsca = this._xscale; ysca = this._yscale; x = this._x; y = this._y; } onClipEvent (press) { this._xscale -= 4; this._yscale -= 4; this._x += 2; this._y += 2; this.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_root.chara_select == 'tiyo') { this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('bl_lb'); this._parent.gotoAndPlay('serect_lb'); } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'sakaki') { if (flg != true) { this._parent.chara_select_kaorin_mc.gotoAndPlay('kaorin'); flg = true; } else { this._parent.chara_select_kaorin_mc.gotoAndPlay('kaorinno'); } } else { flg = false; this._parent.chara_serect_taikenban_yomi_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._xscale = xsca; this._yscale = ysca; this._x = x; this._y = y; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 28 { this.chara_serect_move_bg_mc._xscale = -100; this.chara_serect_move_bg_mc._x = 560; } instance of movieClip 279 { onClipEvent (load) { xsca = this._xscale; ysca = this._yscale; x = this._x; y = this._y; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.pre = true; this._xscale -= 4; this._yscale -= 4; this._x += 2; this._y += 2; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndStop('nomal'); this._parent.gotoAndPlay(40); this._parent.kaorin_efect_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent.chara_select_kettei.flg = false; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._xscale = xsca; this._yscale = ysca; this._x = x; this._y = y; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance chara_select_kettei of movieClip 158 { onClipEvent (load) { xsca = this._xscale; ysca = this._yscale; x = this._x; y = this._y; ketteiflg = false; } onClipEvent (press) { this._xscale -= 4; this._yscale -= 4; this._x += 2; this._y += 2; this.gotoAndPlay(2); if (!ketteiflg) { ketteiflg = true; if (_root.chara_select == 'sakaki') { _root.gotoAndPlay('story_sakaki_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'oosaka') { _root.gotoAndPlay('story_oosaka_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'kagura') { _root.gotoAndPlay('story_kagura_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'tiyo') { _root.chara_select = 'non'; _root.ol_in_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } this._parent.gotoAndPlay('go_lb'); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._xscale = xsca; this._yscale = ysca; this._x = x; this._y = y; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 44 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 279 { onClipEvent (load) { xsca = this._xscale; ysca = this._yscale; x = this._x; y = this._y; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.pre = true; this._xscale -= 4; this._yscale -= 4; this._x += 2; this._y += 2; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndStop('nomal'); this._parent.gotoAndPlay('modoru_lb'); this._parent.kaorin_efect_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent.chara_select_kettei.flg = false; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._xscale = xsca; this._yscale = ysca; this._x = x; this._y = y; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 45 { this.chara_serect_move_bg_mc._xscale = 100; this.chara_serect_move_bg_mc._x = 0; } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay('main_lb'); } instance chara_select_tiyo_mc of movieClip 170 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay('bl_lb'); } } instance of movieClip 150 { onClipEvent (load) { xsca = this._xscale; ysca = this._yscale; x = this._x; y = this._y; } onClipEvent (press) { _root.pre = false; this._xscale -= 4; this._yscale -= 4; this._x += 2; this._y += 2; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.kaorin_efect_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent.chara_select_kettei.flg = false; if (_root.chara_select == 'fast') { this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'sakaki') { this._parent.chara_select_sakaki_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'oosaka') { this._parent.chara_select_oosaka_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'kagura') { this._parent.chara_select_kagura_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } else { if (_root.chara_select == 'tiyo') { this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('end_lb'); _root.chara_select = 'non'; } } } } } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._xscale = xsca; this._yscale = ysca; this._x = x; this._y = y; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 153 { onClipEvent (load) { this._parent.chara_select_tiyo_mc.gotoAndPlay('bl_lb'); } } frame 82 { stop(); } } movieClip 310 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 311 { frame 38 { stop(); } } movieClip 312 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); if (_root.huu == 'ちよちゃん') { this._parent.gotoAndPlay('story_tiyo'); } else { if (_root.huu == '大阪') { this._parent.gotoAndPlay('story_oosaka'); } else { if (_root.huu == '榊さん') { this._parent.gotoAndPlay('story_sakaki'); } else { if (_root.huu == '神楽') { this._parent.gotoAndPlay('story_kagura'); } } } } } } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 318 { } movieClip 321 { } movieClip 440 { } movieClip 442 { } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 447 { instance of movieClip 446 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 + 1); rnd3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9 + 1); rnd2 = rnd; this._y += _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 4; this._x += _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._xscale / 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._rotation += rnd * 2; this._x -= rnd2; this._y += rnd3 - 3; rnd2 - 0.1; this._xscale -= rnd; this._yscale -= rnd; this._alpha -= 6; } } } movieClip 453 { frame 1 { stop(); ttt.text = ''; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._currentframe > 90) { ttt.text = txt_hoge.substr(0, (this._currentframe - 90) * 2); if (this._currentframe % 5 > 1 && this._currentframe < 180) { ttt.text += '■'; } } else { ttt.text = ''; } }; txt_hoge = 'Opponent: Chiyo Mihama \nLocation: Bottom court \nEquipment: High School Uniforms \nNickname: Chiyosuke ! ! '; } instance of movieClip 321 { onClipEvent (release) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay('game_go'); } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } instance of movieClip 447 { onClipEvent (load) { this._x = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._x; this._y = _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._y + _root.ol_in_mc.papa_fly_mc2._yscale / 2; } } frame 170 { } frame 220 { delete this.onEnterFrame; _root.gotoAndPlay('game_lb'); } frame 231 { stop(); } } frame 7 { stop(); } button 457 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('game_lb'); } } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); _quality = 'low'; = false; _root.selectflag = 1; _root.selectyes = ' '; = ' '; _root.selectout = ' '; _root.kekka = ' '; } movieClip 466 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 486 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 496 { } movieClip 499 { } movieClip 502 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 509 { } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 517 { } movieClip 518 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 53 { gotoAndPlay('re'); } } movieClip 539 { frame 109 { this._parent._parent.push3.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 163 { stop(); this._parent._parent.time_bl.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 540 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 543 { } movieClip 545 { frame 1 { aite_message = ''; _root.info_message = 'ユーザーinfo'; } frame 36 { if (_root.siaikaisuu > 1) { this._parent.aite.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 46 { this._parent.text_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 86 { this._parent.aite.gotoAndPlay('junbi'); } frame 88 { if (_root.siaikaisuu > 1) { aite_message = '「いきますです!」'; } else { aite_message = '「それではいきますよー」'; } } frame 123 { if (_root.aikoflag == true) { _root.info_message = '続けて準備してください'; this._parent.aite.gotoAndPlay('junbi'); var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 1; if (rnd == 1) { aite_message = '「負けませんなのだ!」'; } else { if (rnd == 2) { aite_message = '「お強いですね! でも!」'; } else { if (rnd == 3) { aite_message = '「次こそ決着にしますっ!」'; } else { if (rnd == 4) { aite_message = '「やりますねっ !」'; } else { if (rnd == 5) { aite_message = '「まだまだ引きませんよ!」'; } else { if (rnd == 6) { aite_message = '「次こそは!」'; } else { if (rnd == 7) { aite_message = '「 う ー !  負けませんなのだー!」'; } } } } } } } this._parent.text_mc.gotoAndPlay('text_move_lb'); } event_cancel_flag = false; _root.mayoinum = 0; } frame 135 { if (_root.aikoflag != true) { _root.info_message = ''; } } frame 141 { if (_root.aikoflag != true) { _root.info_message = 'マウスの準備をしてください'; } } frame 145 { this._parent.aite.gotoAndPlay('odori'); } frame 154 { aite_message = ''; _root.eventflag = false; _root.eventtypeflag = 0; _root.aikoflag = false; } frame 175 { selectflagfanc(); if (_root.aikoflag != true) { _root.info_message = '右のカードから一枚クリック!'; aite_message = 'ち~よち~よじゃーんけーん! じゃーんけーん・・・'; } else { _root.info_message = 'もう一度カードクリック!'; aite_message = 'あ~いこーでじゃーんけーん! じゃーんけーん・・・'; } this._parent.event_mc.gotoAndPlay('eventselect'); } frame 181 { this._parent.push3.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 234 { stop(); } } movieClip 596 { frame 44 { stop(); } } movieClip 678 { frame 54 { stop(); } } movieClip 743 { frame 38 { stop(); } } movieClip 744 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 753 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 754 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 56 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 99 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 765 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 794 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 795 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.siaikaisuu; } frame 15 { this.kaisen_mc.gotoAndStop(_root.siaikaisuu); } frame 70 { this.kaisen_mc.gotoAndStop(_root.siaikaisuu); } frame 105 { stop(); } frame 115 { gotoAndStop('text_end_lb'); } } movieClip 798 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 810 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 812 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 814 { } button 815 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.selectflag != false) { gotoAndPlay(10); select('ぐーで決定ですね'); _root.mayoinum += 1; if (_root.mayoinum == 60) { this._parent.kemuri.my_fnc(); trace('kemuri'); } } } on (releaseOutside, rollOut) { if (_root.selectflag != false) { gotoAndPlay(18); selectout('ぐーを出すフリをして'); select(' '); } } on (release) { if (_root.selectflag != false) { this.kado_kettei_gu.gotoAndPlay(2); selectyes('ぐー', 'gu'); selectout('ぐー!'); select('ぐー!'); } } } movieClip 837 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 843 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 844 { } button 845 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.selectflag != false) { gotoAndPlay(10); select('ちょきで決定ですね'); _root.mayoinum += 1; if (_root.mayoinum == 60) { this._parent.kemuri.my_fnc(); trace('kemuri'); } } } on (releaseOutside, rollOut) { if (_root.selectflag != false) { gotoAndPlay(18); selectout('ちょきを出すフリをして'); select(' '); } } on (release) { if (_root.selectflag != false) { this.kado_kettei_tyoki.gotoAndPlay(2); event_cancel_flag = true; selectyes('ちょき', 'tyoki'); selectout('ちょき!'); select('ちょき!'); } } } movieClip 867 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 873 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } button 874 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.selectflag != false) { gotoAndPlay(10); select('ぱーで決定ですね'); _root.mayoinum += 1; if (_root.mayoinum == 60) { this._parent.kemuri.my_fnc(); trace('kemuri'); } } } on (releaseOutside, rollOut) { if (_root.selectflag != false) { gotoAndPlay(18); selectout('ぱーを出すフリをして'); select(' '); } } on (release) { if (_root.selectflag != false) { this.kado_kettei_pa.gotoAndPlay(2); event_cancel_flag = true; selectyes('ぱー', 'pa'); selectout('ぱー!'); select('ぱー!'); } } } movieClip 896 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 903 { } movieClip 913 { frame 15 { stop(); } instance kemuri of movieClip 903 { onClipEvent (load) { stop(); _visible = false; this.my_fnc = function () { this._parent._parent.aite.tiyo_odori.hatena.gotoAndPlay(2); rep = 0; _alpha = 10; _visible = true; play();; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++rep; if (rep > 50) { _alpha = _alpha - 6; _parent.gotoAndStop('end'); } else { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 10; } } if (_alpha < 0) { _visible = false; stop(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; } } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay('re'); } } movieClip 947 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 953 { frame 1 { if (!_root.aikoflag) { if (_root.renkati > 2) { gotoAndPlay('kuyasii'); } else { if (_root.renmake > 2) { gotoAndPlay('uhehe'); } else { gotoAndStop('non'); } } } else { gotoAndStop('non'); } } frame 2 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4 + 1); if (rnd == 1) { _root.renzokuserihu = '絶好調です'; } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.renzokuserihu = '顔に書いて\nありますよ!'; } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.renzokuserihu = 'えへへ~♪'; } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.renzokuserihu = '連勝です!'; } } } } } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4 + 1); if (rnd == 1) { _root.renzokuserihu = 'あわわ・・・'; } else { if (rnd == 2) { _root.renzokuserihu = 'うう~・・・'; } else { if (rnd == 3) { _root.renzokuserihu = 'これは少し\nおかしいです'; } else { if (rnd == 4) { _root.renzokuserihu = '勝つまでは!'; } } } } } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 963 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 964 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 3; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 12; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 22; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } } movieClip 965 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 971 { frame 1 { _root.selectflag = false; } frame 30 { _root.aikoflag = true; _root.aikonum += 1; selectunflagfanc(); _root.allaiko += 1; _root.selectyes = ' '; = ' '; _root.selectout = ' '; if (_root.aikonum > 1) { if (_root.aikonum < 6) { this._parent._parent.aiko_lb_hontai_mc.gotoAndPlay('renzoku_lb'); this._parent._parent.aiko_lb_hontai_mc.aiko_lb_mc.gotoAndStop('aiko' + _root.aikonum); } else { this._parent._parent.aiko_lb_hontai_mc.gotoAndPlay('max_lb'); } } _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndPlay('aiko_lb'); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.game_mc.time_bl.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 977 { } movieClip 980 { instance of movieClip 977 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.eventflag != true) { this._visible = false; } } } frame 20 { if (_root.aikonum > 1) { _root.game_mc.aiko_lb_hontai_mc.gotoAndPlay('kati_lb'); } if (_root.egara.substr(0, 1) != _root.egara.substr(2, 1)) { if (_root.egara.substr(1, 1) == _root.egara.substr(3, 1)) { _root.ribenjiflg = true; } } _root.gyakuribenjiflg = false; } frame 25 { this._parent._parent.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._parent.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka._currentframe + 60); } frame 36 { stop(); _root.katinum += 1; _root.allkati += 1; this._parent._parent.datui_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 985 { frame 18 { this._parent._parent.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._parent.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka._currentframe + 30); if (_root.egara.substr(0, 1) != _root.egara.substr(2, 1)) { if (_root.egara.substr(1, 1) == _root.egara.substr(3, 1)) { _root.gyakuribenjiflg = true; } } _root.ribenjiflg = false; } frame 24 { } frame 29 { stop(); _root.makenum += 1; _root.renkati = 0; _root.allmake += 1; if (_root.aikonum > 1) { _root.game_mc.aiko_lb_hontai_mc.gotoAndPlay('make_lb'); } _root.aikonum = 0; this._parent._parent.kirakira_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 986 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 988 { } movieClip 990 { } movieClip 993 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1018 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1019 { } movieClip 1024 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1025 { } movieClip 1028 { } movieClip 1031 { } movieClip 1034 { } movieClip 1035 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if ( < 2000) { this.gotoAndPlay('tensi4'); } else { if ( < 4000) { this.gotoAndPlay('tensi2'); } else { if ( < 6000) { this.gotoAndPlay('tensi1'); } else { if ( < 8000) { this.gotoAndPlay('tensi'); } else { gotoAndPlay('tensi0'); } } } } } frame 40 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 77 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 114 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 151 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 188 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1036 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance kira_settei_mc of movieClip 988 { onClipEvent (load) { num = 3; maxcnt = 16; maxr = 50; } } instance of movieClip 306 { onClipEvent (load) { c_x = 0; c_y = 0; r = 10; theta = 60; omega = 10; kiraflag = 1; cnt = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { theta += omega; if (kiraflag == 2) { if (r > 0) { r -= this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } if (r < this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxr) { if (kiraflag == 1) { r += this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } cnt += 1; if (cnt == this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxcnt) { kiraflag = 2; } radian = theta * Math.PI / 180; _x = c_x + Math.cos(radian) * r; _y = c_y + Math.sin(radian) * r; } } instance of movieClip 306 { onClipEvent (load) { c_x = 0; c_y = 0; r = 10; theta = 120; omega = 10; kiraflag = 1; cnt = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { theta += omega; if (kiraflag == 2) { if (r > 0) { r -= this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } if (r < this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxr) { if (kiraflag == 1) { r += this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } cnt += 1; if (cnt == this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxcnt) { kiraflag = 2; } radian = theta * Math.PI / 180; _x = c_x + Math.cos(radian) * r; _y = c_y + Math.sin(radian) * r; } } instance of movieClip 306 { onClipEvent (load) { c_x = 0; c_y = 0; r = 10; theta = 180; omega = 10; kiraflag = 1; cnt = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { theta += omega; if (kiraflag == 2) { if (r > 0) { r -= this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } if (r < this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxr) { if (kiraflag == 1) { r += this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } cnt += 1; if (cnt == this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxcnt) { kiraflag = 2; } radian = theta * Math.PI / 180; _x = c_x + Math.cos(radian) * r; _y = c_y + Math.sin(radian) * r; } } instance of movieClip 306 { onClipEvent (load) { c_x = 0; c_y = 0; r = 10; theta = 240; omega = 10; kiraflag = 1; cnt = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { theta += omega; if (kiraflag == 2) { if (r > 0) { r -= this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } if (r < this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxr) { if (kiraflag == 1) { r += this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } cnt += 1; if (cnt == this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxcnt) { kiraflag = 2; } radian = theta * Math.PI / 180; _x = c_x + Math.cos(radian) * r; _y = c_y + Math.sin(radian) * r; } } instance of movieClip 306 { onClipEvent (load) { c_x = 0; c_y = 0; r = 10; theta = 300; omega = 10; kiraflag = 1; cnt = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { theta += omega; if (kiraflag == 2) { if (r > 0) { r -= this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } if (r < this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxr) { if (kiraflag == 1) { r += this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } cnt += 1; if (cnt == this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxcnt) { kiraflag = 2; } radian = theta * Math.PI / 180; _x = c_x + Math.cos(radian) * r; _y = c_y + Math.sin(radian) * r; } } instance of movieClip 306 { onClipEvent (load) { c_x = 0; c_y = 0; r = 10; theta = 360; omega = 10; kiraflag = 1; cnt = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { theta += omega; if (kiraflag == 2) { if (r > 0) { r -= this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } else { -= 1000; _root.allokane -= 1000; this._parent._parent.money_mc.gotoAndPlay(42); this._parent.gotoAndPlay('kiraend_lb'); } } if (r < this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxr) { if (kiraflag == 1) { r += this._parent.kira_settei_mc.num; } } cnt += 1; if (cnt == this._parent.kira_settei_mc.maxcnt) { kiraflag = 2; } radian = theta * Math.PI / 180; _x = c_x + Math.cos(radian) * r; _y = c_y + Math.sin(radian) * r; } } frame 3 { } frame 4 { stop(); this.tensi_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 20 { if ( <= 0) { _root.game_mc.ol_mc.gotoAndPlay('end'); stop(); } } frame 23 { _root.aikoflag = false; selectunflagfanc(); _root.selectyes = ' '; = ' '; _root.selectout = ' '; _root.info_message = 'ユーザーinfo'; this._parent.text_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent.kekka_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndPlay('2ndstart_lb'); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.game_mc.time_bl.gotoAndStop(1); _root.siaikaisuu += 1; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1061 { frame 12 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 1066 { } movieClip 1067 { instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } } movieClip 1068 { instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } } movieClip 1069 { instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } instance of movieClip 1066 { onClipEvent (load) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 1) * 10; this._xscale = rnd; this._yscale = rnd; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd / 5); } } } movieClip 1082 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } button 1084 { on (press) { this.startDrag(); this.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(6); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); this.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1086 { } movieClip 1089 { } movieClip 1090 { } movieClip 1091 { } movieClip 1094 { } movieClip 1097 { } movieClip 1100 { frame 1 { function myStartDrag() { slider_mc.startDrag(false, left, top, right, bottom); this.onEnterFrame = mySetVolume; } function myStopDrag() { slider_mc.stopDrag(); this.onEnterFrame = undefined; } function mySetVolume() { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._y = _root.tiyo_datui_y - this.slider_mc._y * 6.98; } rectA = slideArea_mc.getBounds(this); rectS = slider_mc.getBounds(slider_mc); rectB = slideArea_mc.getBounds(this); rectSS = slider_mc.getBounds(slider_mc); top = rectA.yMin - rectS.yMin; bottom = rectA.yMax - rectS.yMax; left = rectB.xMin - rectSS.xMin; right = rectB.xMax - rectSS.xMax; height = bottom - top; width = right - left; } instance slider_mc of movieClip 1089 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.slidery = this._y; this._parent.gotoAndPlay(3); } } instance of movieClip 1091 { onClipEvent (release) { this._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc._xscale *= 2; this._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc._yscale *= 2; _root.sliderx = 20; _root.slidery = this._parent.slider_mc._y; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._x -= _root.tiyo_datui_xscale; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._y = _root.tiyo_datui_y - _root.slidery * 1.5 * 13.96; this._parent.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._currentframe + 1); } } frame 2 { function myStartDrag2() { slider_mc2.startDrag(false, left, top, right, bottom); this.onEnterFrame = mySetVolume2; } function myStopDrag2() { slider_mc2.stopDrag(); this.onEnterFrame = undefined; } function mySetVolume2() { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._y = _root.tiyo_datui_y - this.slider_mc2._y * 13.96; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._x = _root.tiyo_datui_x - this.slider_mc2._x * 5; bg_._y = bg_y - this.slider_mc2._y / 4; bg2_._y = bg2_y - this.slider_mc2._y / 2; bg3_._y = bg3_y - this.slider_mc2._y / 1.5; } rectA = slideArea_mc.getBounds(this); rectS = slider_mc2.getBounds(slider_mc2); rectB = slideArea_mc.getBounds(this); rectSS = slider_mc2.getBounds(slider_mc2); top = rectA.yMin - rectS.yMin; bottom = rectA.yMax - rectS.yMax; left = rectB.xMin - rectSS.xMin; right = rectB.xMax - rectSS.xMax; height = bottom - top; width = right - left; stop(); ctrl_sound = new Sound(_parent); } instance slider_mc2 of movieClip 1094 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.myStartDrag2(); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { _parent.myStopDrag2(); _root.sliderx = this._x; _root.slidery = this._y; } onClipEvent (load) { this._x = 20; this._y = _root.slidery * 1.5; } } instance of movieClip 1091 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.sliderx = this._parent.slider_mc2._x * 0.01 * 50; _root.slidery = this._parent.slider_mc2._y * 0.01 * 50; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._xscale = _root.tiyo_datui_xscale; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._yscale = _root.tiyo_datui_yscale; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._x = _root.tiyo_datui_x; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._y = _root.tiyo_datui_y - _root.slidery * 6.98; this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_b._visible = false; this._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_s._visible = true; this._parent.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._currentframe + 1); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(4); } onClipEvent (press) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(5); } onClipEvent (releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { function myStartDrag() { slider_mc.startDrag(false, left, top, right, bottom); this.onEnterFrame = mySetVolume; } function myStopDrag() { slider_mc.stopDrag(); this.onEnterFrame = undefined; } function mySetVolume() { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._y = _root.tiyo_datui_y - this.slider_mc._y * 6.98; bg_._y = bg_y - this.slider_mc._y / 2; bg2_._y = bg2_y - this.slider_mc._y; bg3_._y = bg3_y - this.slider_mc._y / 4; } rectA = slideArea_mc.getBounds(this); rectS = slider_mc.getBounds(slider_mc); rectB = slideArea_mc.getBounds(this); rectSS = slider_mc.getBounds(slider_mc); top = rectA.yMin - rectS.yMin; bottom = rectA.yMax - rectS.yMax; left = rectB.xMin - rectSS.xMin; right = rectB.xMax - rectSS.xMax; height = bottom - top; width = right - left; bg_ = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.datui_bg_kouka_mc; bg_y = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.datui_bg_kouka_mc._y; bg2_ = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.datui_bg_kouka_mc2; bg2_y = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.datui_bg_kouka_mc2._y; bg3_ = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.datui_bg_kouka_mc3; bg3_y = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.datui_bg_kouka_mc3._y; stop(); ctrl_sound = new Sound(_parent); } instance slider_mc of movieClip 1089 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.myStartDrag(); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { _parent.myStopDrag(); _root.slidery = this._y; } onClipEvent (load) { this._y = _root.slidery; } } instance of movieClip 1091 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._xscale *= 0.6; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._yscale *= 0.6; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._y = _root.tiyo_datui_y - 10; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._x = _root.tiyo_datui_x; this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._currentframe + 1); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(4); } onClipEvent (press) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(5); } onClipEvent (releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 1097 { onClipEvent (release) { this._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc._xscale *= 2; this._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc._yscale *= 2; _root.sliderx = 20; _root.slidery = this._parent.slider_mc._y; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._x -= _root.tiyo_datui_xscale; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._y = _root.tiyo_datui_y - _root.slidery * 1.5 * 13.96; this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_b._visible = true; this._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_s._visible = false; this._parent.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._currentframe - 1); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (press) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(3); } onClipEvent (releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1097 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._xscale = _root.tiyo_datui_xscale; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._yscale = _root.tiyo_datui_yscale; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._x = _root.tiyo_datui_x - _root.sliderx * 2.5; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc._y = _root.tiyo_datui_y - _root.slidery * 6.98; this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._currentframe - 1); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (press) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(3); } onClipEvent (releaseOutside, rollOut) { this._parent.lupe_base.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 1107 { } movieClip 1109 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1120 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1121 { instance of movieClip 1120 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.kutusita_flag[1] == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 1124 { instance of movieClip 1120 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.pantu_flag[1] == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 1127 { instance of movieClip 1120 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.kyami_flag[1] == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 1130 { instance of movieClip 1120 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sukato_flag[1] == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 1131 { instance of movieClip 1120 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sukato_c_flag[1] == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 1134 { instance of movieClip 1120 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.uwagi_flag[1] == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 1135 { instance of movieClip 1120 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.uwagi_c_flag[1] == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 1136 { instance tiyo_datui_kutusita_text of movieClip 1121 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.kutusita_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.kutusita_flag[1] == true) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kutusita._visible = true; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_kutusita._visible = true; _root.kutusita_flag[1] = false; } else { if (_root.kutusita_flag[1] == false) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kutusita._visible = false; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_kutusita._visible = false; _root.kutusita_flag[1] = true; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_pantu_text of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.pantu_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.pantu_flag[1] == true) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_pantu._visible = true; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_pantu._visible = true; _root.pantu_flag[1] = false; } else { if (_root.pantu_flag[1] == false) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_pantu._visible = false; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_pantu._visible = false; _root.pantu_flag[1] = true; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_kyami_text of movieClip 1127 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.kyami_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.kyami_flag[1] == true) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kyami._visible = true; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_kyami._visible = true; _root.kyami_flag[1] = false; } else { if (_root.kyami_flag[1] == false) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kyami._visible = false; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_kyami._visible = false; _root.kyami_flag[1] = true; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_sukato_text of movieClip 1130 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sukato_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.sukato_flag[1] == true) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato._visible = true; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_sukato._visible = true; _root.sukato_flag[1] = false; } else { if (_root.sukato_flag[1] == false) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato._visible = false; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_sukato._visible = false; _root.sukato_flag[1] = true; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_sukato_c_text of movieClip 1131 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sukato_c_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.sukato_c_flag[1] == true) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato_c._visible = true; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_sukato_c._visible = true; _root.sukato_c_flag[1] = false; } else { if (_root.sukato_c_flag[1] == false) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato_c._visible = false; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_sukato_c._visible = false; _root.sukato_c_flag[1] = true; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_uwagi_text of movieClip 1134 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.uwagi_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.uwagi_flag[1] == true) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi._visible = true; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_uwagi._visible = true; _root.uwagi_flag[1] = false; } else { if (_root.uwagi_flag[1] == false) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi._visible = false; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_uwagi._visible = false; _root.uwagi_flag[1] = true; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_uwagi_c_text of movieClip 1135 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.uwagi_c_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.uwagi_c_flag[1] == true) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi_c._visible = true; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_uwagi_c._visible = true; _root.uwagi_c_flag[1] = false; } else { if (_root.uwagi_c_flag[1] == false) { this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi_c._visible = false; this._parent._parent._parent.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_drag_uwagi_c._visible = false; _root.uwagi_c_flag[1] = true; } } } } } button 1138 { on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(2); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(1); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(4); } on (press) { gotoAndPlay(3); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1146 { } button 1149 { on (rollOver, press) { gotoAndStop(14); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(16); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(13); } } movieClip 1152 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1109 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.kutusita_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } if (_root.pantu_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } if (_root.kyami_flag[0] == false) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { this._parent._parent.ero_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut, dragOut) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } instance hitarea of movieClip 1146 { onClipEvent (load) { this.useHandCursor = false; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { } } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1154 { } // unknown tag 88 length 130 movieClip 1171 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 1180 { instance of movieClip 1154 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.zoukanum > 0) { if (_root.zoukanum > 100) { _root.display_num += 10; _root.zoukanum -= 10; } else { if (_root.zoukanum > 50) { _root.display_num += 5; _root.zoukanum -= 5; } else { if (_root.zoukanum > 10) { _root.display_num += 2; _root.zoukanum -= 2; } else { ++_root.display_num; --_root.zoukanum; } } } } else { this._parent.gotoAndPlay('next_lb'); } } onClipEvent (load) { _root.display_num = _root.zannum; _root.zoukanum2 = '+' + _root.zoukanum; } } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 1194 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1220 { instance tiyo_datui_s_kuti_mc of movieClip 1194 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1233 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1257 { instance tiyo_datui_b_kuti_mc of movieClip 1233 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1260 { } movieClip 1263 { } movieClip 1266 { } movieClip 1269 { } movieClip 1272 { } movieClip 1275 { } movieClip 1278 { } movieClip 1279 { instance tiyo_kutusita of movieClip 1260 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.kutusita_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.kutusita_flag[1] = true; } } } instance tiyo_pantu of movieClip 1263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.pantu_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.pantu_flag[1] = true; } } } instance tiyo_sukato_c of movieClip 1266 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sukato_c_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.sukato_c_flag[1] = true; } } } instance tiyo_sukato of movieClip 1269 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sukato_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.sukato_flag[1] = true; } } } instance tiyo_kyami of movieClip 1272 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.kyami_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.kyami_flag[1] = true; } } } instance tiyo_uwagi_c of movieClip 1275 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.uwagi_c_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.uwagi_c_flag[1] = true; } } } instance tiyo_uwagi of movieClip 1278 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.uwagi_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.uwagi_flag[1] = true; } } } } movieClip 1282 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1283 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1284 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1285 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1288 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 60; stop(); } } movieClip 1291 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 60; stop(); } frame 2 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 6; }; } frame 13 { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } movieClip 1292 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 60; stop(); } frame 2 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 6; }; } frame 13 { delete this.onEnterFrame; } } movieClip 1294 { } movieClip 1297 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1299 { } movieClip 1302 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1304 { } movieClip 1307 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1309 { } movieClip 1312 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1313 { } movieClip 1314 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1316 { } movieClip 1319 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1320 { } movieClip 1321 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1322 { instance tiyo_datui_s of movieClip 1220 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._currentframe); } } instance tiyo_datui_b of movieClip 1257 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._currentframe); } } instance tiyo_datui_drag_pantu of movieClip 1297 { onClipEvent (load) { nedan = 300; if (_root.pantu_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.pantu_flag[1] = true; _root.pantu_c_flag[1] = true; } } onClipEvent (press) { thisx = _x; thisy = _y; if (_root.pantu_flag[0] == true) { this.startDrag(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_pantu._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('pantu'); } else { if (_root.datuipoint >= nedan) { this.startDrag(); _root.datuipoint -= nedan; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_pantu._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('pantu'); } else { husokukin('pantu', nedan - _root.datuipoint); } } } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { if (onflag == true) { onflag = false; this.stopDrag(); if (this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.hitarea.hitTest(this.tiyo_datui_dorag_hit)) { kisekae_drop('pantu'); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_pantu._visible = false; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_pantu_c._visible = false; _root.pantu_flag[0] = true; _root.pantu_flag[1] = true; _root.pantu_flag[2] = 'get!'; _root.pantu_c_flag[0] = true; _root.pantu_c_flag[1] = true; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_pantu._alpha = 100; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_pantu_text._visible = true; _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { if (_root.pantu_flag[0] != true) { _root.datuipoint += nedan; } kisekae_drop_false(); _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_pantu._alpha = 100; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_drag_kutusita of movieClip 1302 { onClipEvent (load) { nedan = 75; if (_root.kutusita_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.kutusita_flag[1] = true; _root.kutusita_c_flag[1] = true; } } onClipEvent (press) { thisx = _x; thisy = _y; if (_root.kutusita_flag[0] == true) { this.startDrag(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kutusita._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('kutusita'); } else { if (_root.datuipoint >= nedan) { this.startDrag(); _root.datuipoint -= nedan; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kutusita._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('kutusita'); } else { husokukin('kutusita', nedan - _root.datuipoint); } } } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { if (onflag == true) { onflag = false; this.stopDrag(); if (this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.hitarea.hitTest(this.tiyo_datui_dorag_hit)) { kisekae_drop('kutusita'); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kutusita._visible = false; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kutusita_c._visible = false; _root.kutusita_flag[0] = true; _root.kutusita_flag[1] = true; _root.kutusita_flag[2] = 'get!'; _root.kutusita_c_flag[0] = true; _root.kutusita_c_flag[1] = true; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kutusita._alpha = 100; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_kutusita_text._visible = true; _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { if (_root.kutusita_flag[0] != true) { _root.datuipoint += nedan; } kisekae_drop_false(); _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kutusita._alpha = 100; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_drag_kyami of movieClip 1307 { onClipEvent (load) { nedan = 225; if (_root.kyami_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.kyami_flag[1] = true; _root.kyami_c_flag[1] = true; } } onClipEvent (press) { thisx = _x; thisy = _y; if (_root.kyami_flag[0] == true) { this.startDrag(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kyami._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('kyami'); } else { if (_root.datuipoint >= nedan) { this.startDrag(); _root.datuipoint -= nedan; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kyami._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('kyami'); } else { husokukin('kyami', nedan - _root.datuipoint); } } } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { if (onflag == true) { onflag = false; this.stopDrag(); if (this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.hitarea.hitTest(this.tiyo_datui_dorag_hit)) { kisekae_drop('kyami'); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kyami._visible = false; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kyami_c._visible = false; _root.kyami_flag[0] = true; _root.kyami_flag[1] = true; _root.kyami_flag[2] = 'get!'; _root.kyami_c_flag[0] = true; _root.kyami_c_flag[1] = true; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kyami._alpha = 100; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_kyami_text._visible = true; _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { if (_root.kyami_flag[0] != true) { _root.datuipoint += nedan; } kisekae_drop_false(); _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_kyami._alpha = 100; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_drag_sukato_c of movieClip 1312 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sukato_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.sukato_flag[1] = true; _root.sukato_c_flag[1] = true; } } onClipEvent (press) { thisx = _x; thisy = _y; if (_root.sukato_c_flag[0] == true) { this.startDrag(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato_c._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('sukato_c'); } else { if (_root.datuipoint >= 0) { this.startDrag(); _root.datuipoint -= 1; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato_c._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('sukato_c'); } } } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { if (onflag == true) { onflag = false; this.stopDrag(); if (this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.hitarea.hitTest(this.tiyo_datui_dorag_hit_c)) { this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato._visible = false; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato_c._visible = false; _root.sukato_flag[0] = true; _root.sukato_flag[1] = true; _root.sukato_c_flag[0] = true; _root.sukato_c_flag[1] = true; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato_c._alpha = 100; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_sukato_text._visible = true; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_sukato_c_text._visible = true; _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndPlay(1); kisekae_drop('sukato_c'); } else { if (_root.sukato_c_flag[0] != true) { _root.datuipoint += 1; } kisekae_drop_false(); _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato_c._alpha = 100; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_drag_sukato of movieClip 1314 { onClipEvent (load) { nedan = 130; if (_root.sukato_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.sukato_flag[1] = true; _root.sukato_c_flag[1] = true; } } onClipEvent (press) { thisx = _x; thisy = _y; if (_root.sukato_flag[0] == true) { this.startDrag(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('sukato'); } else { if (_root.datuipoint >= nedan) { this.startDrag(); _root.datuipoint -= nedan; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('sukato'); } else { husokukin('sukato', nedan - _root.datuipoint); } } } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { if (onflag == true) { onflag = false; this.stopDrag(); if (this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.hitarea.hitTest(this.tiyo_datui_dorag_hit)) { kisekae_drop('sukato'); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato._visible = false; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato_c._visible = false; _root.sukato_flag[0] = true; _root.sukato_flag[1] = true; _root.sukato_flag[2] = 'get!'; _root.sukato_c_flag[0] = true; _root.sukato_c_flag[1] = true; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato._alpha = 100; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_sukato_text._visible = true; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_sukato_c_text._visible = true; _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this._parent.tiyo_datui_drag_sukato_c._visible = false; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { if (_root.sukato_flag[0] != true) { _root.datuipoint += nedan; } kisekae_drop_false(); _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_sukato._alpha = 100; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_drag_uwagi_c of movieClip 1319 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.uwagi_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.uwagi_flag[1] = true; _root.uwagi_c_flag[1] = true; } } onClipEvent (press) { thisx = _x; thisy = _y; if (_root.uwagi_c_flag[0] == true) { this.startDrag(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi_c._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('uwagi_c'); } else { if (_root.datuipoint >= 0) { this.startDrag(); _root.datuipoint -= 1; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi_c._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('uwagi_c'); } } } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { if (onflag == true) { onflag = false; this.stopDrag(); if (this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.hitarea.hitTest(this.tiyo_datui_dorag_hit_c)) { this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi._visible = false; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi_c._visible = false; _root.uwagi_flag[0] = true; _root.uwagi_flag[1] = true; _root.uwagi_c_flag[0] = true; _root.uwagi_c_flag[1] = true; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi_c._alpha = 100; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_uwagi_text._visible = true; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_uwagi_c_text._visible = true; _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndPlay(1); kisekae_drop('uwagi_c'); } else { if (_root.uwagi_c_flag[0] != true) { _root.datuipoint += 1; } kisekae_drop_false(); _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi_c._alpha = 100; } } } } instance tiyo_datui_drag_uwagi of movieClip 1321 { onClipEvent (load) { nedan = 125; if (_root.uwagi_flag[0] == true) { this._visible = false; _root.uwagi_flag[1] = true; _root.uwagi_c_flag[1] = true; } } onClipEvent (press) { thisx = _x; thisy = _y; if (_root.uwagi_flag[0] == true) { this.startDrag(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('uwagi'); } else { if (_root.datuipoint >= nedan) { this.startDrag(); _root.datuipoint -= nedan; this.gotoAndPlay(2); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi._alpha = 50; onflag = true; kisekae_drag('uwagi'); } else { husokukin('uwagi', nedan - _root.datuipoint); } } } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { if (onflag == true) { this.stopDrag(); onflag = false; if (this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.hitarea.hitTest(this.tiyo_datui_dorag_hit)) { kisekae_drop('uwagi'); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi._visible = false; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi_c._visible = false; _root.uwagi_flag[0] = true; _root.uwagi_flag[1] = true; _root.uwagi_flag[2] = 'get!'; _root.uwagi_c_flag[0] = true; _root.uwagi_c_flag[1] = true; this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi._alpha = 100; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_uwagi_text._visible = true; this._parent._parent.datui_panel_tab.tiyo_datui_tab_text.tiyo_datui_uwagi_c_text._visible = true; _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this._parent.tiyo_datui_drag_uwagi_c._visible = false; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { if (_root.uwagi_flag[0] != true) { _root.datuipoint += nedan; } kisekae_drop_false(); _x = thisx; _y = thisy; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this._parent.tiyo_huku_mc.tiyo_uwagi._alpha = 100; } } } } frame 9 { var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) + 1; if (rnd == 3) { gotoAndPlay('datui_mabataki'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 33 { gotoAndPlay('datui_drug'); } frame 35 { uru_num = 3; } frame 51 { var u0 = _root.uwagi_flag[0]; var uc0 = _root.uwagi_c_flag[0]; var s0 = _root.sukato_flag[0]; var sc0 = _root.sukato_c_flag[0]; if (u0 && uc0 && s0 && sc0) { var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) + 1; if (rnd == 3) { gotoAndPlay('datui_urupati'); } else { gotoAndPlay('uruuru'); } } else { if (uru_num > 0) { gotoAndPlay('uruuru'); uru_num -= 1; } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay('uruuru'); } frame 75 { gotoAndPlay('harahara'); } } movieClip 1339 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1341 { } movieClip 1349 { } movieClip 1350 { frame 1 { stop(); pas_k = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_s.tiyo_datui_s_kuti_mc; pas_kb = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_b.tiyo_datui_b_kuti_mc; } frame 56 { pas_k._visible = false; pas_kb._visible = false; } frame 57 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 98 { pas_k._visible = false; pas_kb._visible = false; } frame 99 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1355 { } movieClip 1356 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); _root.game_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 1361 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { hensuu = _root.uppoint; _root.utiwake_text = '基本レート: ' + _root.uppoint + '\n'; if (_root.aikonum == 2) { hensuu += hensuu * 0.2; _root.utiwake_text += 'あいこ倍率: *1.2\n'; } else { if (_root.aikonum == 3) { hensuu += hensuu * 0.4; _root.utiwake_text += 'あいこ倍率: *1.4\n'; } else { if (_root.aikonum == 4) { hensuu += hensuu * 1; _root.utiwake_text += 'あいこ倍率: *2.0\n'; } else { if (_root.aikonum >= 5) { hensuu += hensuu * 1.5; _root.utiwake_text += 'あいこ倍率: *2.5\n'; } } } } if (_root.ribenjiflg == true) { hensuu += hensuu / 2; _root.utiwake_text += 'リベンジ成功: *1.5\n'; } if (_root.eventflag == true) { hensuu += hensuu / 2; _root.utiwake_text += 'イベント成功: *1.5'; } hensuu = Math.floor(hensuu); _root.zannum = _root.datuipoint; _root.zoukanum = hensuu; _root.datuipoint += hensuu; _root.allpoint += hensuu;; this._parent.tiyo_bg_panel.tyoki.gotoAndStop(1);; _root.ribenjiflg = false; } instance datui_panel_tab of movieClip 1152 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(13); } } instance datuiend_btn of movieClip 1341 { onClipEvent (release) { this._parent._parent.text_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent._parent.kekka_mc.gotoAndStop(1); this._parent._parent.ol_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.aikonum = 0; _root.tyakui_text = '上着:' + _root.uwagi_flag[2] + '\n' + 'スカート:' + _root.sukato_flag[2] + '\n' + '靴下:' + _root.kutusita_flag[2] + '\n' + 'キャミ:' + _root.kyami_flag[2] + '\n' + 'ぱんつ:' + _root.pantu_flag[2] + '\n'; _visible = false; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _alpha = 30; } onClipEvent (rollOut, dragOut) { _alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; } } frame 49 { stop(); if (_root.sukato_c_flag == true) { if (_root.uwagi_c_flag == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(50); } } } instance tiyo_datui_mc of movieClip 1322 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.tiyo_datui_xscale = this._xscale; _root.tiyo_datui_yscale = this._yscale; _root.tiyo_datui_x = this._x; _root.tiyo_datui_y = this._y; } } instance ero_mc of movieClip 1356 { onClipEvent (press) { } } frame 50 { stop(); _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.gotoAndPlay('uruin'); } frame 110 { stop(); } } movieClip 1365 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { _root.aikoflag = false; selectunflagfanc(); _root.selectyes = ' '; = ' '; _root.selectout = ' '; _root.info_message = 'ユーザーinfo'; _root.game_mc.aite.gotoAndPlay('mepati'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndPlay('2ndstart_lb'); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.game_mc.time_bl.gotoAndStop(1); _root.siaikaisuu += 1; _root.game_mc.datui_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 19 { _root.game_mc.ol_mc.star_mc.gotoAndPlay('kirain'); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); _root.gotoAndStop('end'); } } movieClip 1374 { } movieClip 1377 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 1378 { frame 2 { this.otousan.gotoAndStop('l' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2 + 1)); this.gotoAndPlay(Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 4)); } instance otousan of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.eventflag = true; _root.eventtypeflag = 1; hintfanc('ちょきでっ!'); } } frame 70 { stop(); } } movieClip 1390 { frame 13 { stop(); } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(8); } frame 20 { stop(); } } button 1392 { on (press) { if (flag != true) { _root.eventflag = true; _root.eventtypeflag = 2; _root.game_mc.event_mc.cat_voice_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.event_mc.cat_voice_mc._x = _root._xmouse - 40; hintfanc('パーです!'); flag = true; } } } movieClip 1393 { } movieClip 1394 { } movieClip 1395 { frame 1 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 2; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd); } frame 118 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 119; this.gotoAndPlay(rnd); } frame 142 { stop(); this.event_neko_mc.gotoAndPlay('cat_Dash'); this.event_neko_mc._x -= 25; } instance event_neko_mc of movieClip 1394 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_x < 170) { this._visible = false; } else { _x = _x - 24; } } } } movieClip 1398 { } movieClip 1399 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 1401 { frame 2 { this.otousan.gotoAndStop('l' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2 + 3)); this.gotoAndPlay(Math.floor(Math.random() * 20 + 4)); } instance otousan of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (press) { _root.eventflag = true; _root.eventtypeflag = 4; hintfanc('ちょきでっ!'); } } frame 53 { stop(); } } movieClip 1402 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 14) + 1; if (rnd > 12) { this.gotoAndPlay(6); } else { if (rnd > 10) { this.gotoAndPlay(8); } else { if (rnd > 5) { this.gotoAndPlay(7); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } } button 1403 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } // unknown tag 88 length 137 movieClip 1410 { } movieClip 1424 { frame 29 { } instance of movieClip 1410 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1); } onClipEvent (load) { _parent.stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1410 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(_parent._currentframe + 1); } onClipEvent (load) { _parent.stop(); } } frame 122 { _parent.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1428 { } movieClip 1437 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 4 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1); gotoAndPlay(rnd * 5); } frame 9 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1); gotoAndPlay(rnd * 5); } frame 14 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1); gotoAndPlay(rnd * 5); } frame 19 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1); gotoAndPlay(rnd * 5); } } movieClip 1458 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1460 { } movieClip 1464 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1467 { } movieClip 1472 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance tiyo_ero_bar_max of movieClip 1467 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 3 { this._parent.tiyo_ero_bar_mask.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 18 { _parent._parent.plusflg = false; } } movieClip 1474 { } movieClip 1559 { } movieClip 1560 { frame 1 { re = 0; re_m = 3; re_m_l = 3; my_in = false; _global.rn = function (a, b) { var v1 = b - a + 1; return Math.floor(Math.random() * v1) + a; }; } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 21 { my_in = true; } frame 37 { ++re; if (rn(0, 10) == 0) { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_c'); } else { if (_parent.ero_p > 30) { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_c'); } else { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_o'); } } trace(_parent.ero_p); } frame 49 { ero(1); } frame 57 { ++re; if (re_m < re) { } else { if (_parent.ero_p > 30 && re > rn(4, 6)) { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_c'); _parent.next_b._visible = true; } } } frame 60 { if (re_m < re) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } else { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_o'); } } frame 66 { ero(1); } frame 73 { ++re; if (re_m < re) { } else { if (_parent.ero_p > 30 && re > rn(4, 6)) { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_c'); _parent.next_b._visible = true; } } } frame 76 { if (re_m < re) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } else { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_o'); } } frame 82 { ero(1); } frame 87 { ero(1); } frame 93 { ++re; if (re_m < re) { } else { if (_parent.ero_p > 30 && re > rn(4, 6)) { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_c'); _parent.next_b._visible = true; } } } frame 96 { if (re_m < re) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } else { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_o'); } } frame 102 { ero(1); } frame 107 { ero(1); } frame 117 { ++re; if (re_m < re) { } else { if (_parent.ero_p > 30 && re > rn(4, 6)) { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_c'); _parent.next_b._visible = true; } } } frame 120 { ++re; if (re_m < re) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } else { if (rn(0, 2) == 0) { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_o'); } else { gotoAndPlay(my_l + '_c'); } } } frame 129 { stop(); my_in = false; } instance of movieClip 1559 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent.re_m < 10) { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1564 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1567 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1582 { frame 7 { if (_parent.kessin) { gotoAndPlay('go'); } else { gotoAndPlay('rep_uru'); } } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay('rep'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 134 movieClip 1675 { frame 1 { num = 0; } frame 28 { if (num != 10) { gotoAndPlay('rep_kessin'); ++num; } } frame 52 { ero(1); } frame 56 { ero(2); } frame 63 { ero(2); } frame 67 { ero(1); } frame 79 { if (this._parent.tiyo_ero_bar_mc.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y < 100) { gotoAndPlay('syabu_rep2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('syabu_rep'); } } frame 93 { gotoAndPlay('ittarep'); } frame 105 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1); if (rnd == 9) { gotoAndPlay('up'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ururep'); } } frame 107 { ero(2); } frame 109 { ero(2); } frame 110 { if (this._parent.tiyo_ero_bar_mc.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y < 3) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1); if (rnd > 8) { itta = true; gotoAndPlay('bikun2'); } } } frame 112 { ero(2); } frame 114 { ero(2); } frame 116 { ero(2); } frame 119 { gotoAndPlay('syabu_rep2'); } frame 193 { gotoAndPlay('ittarep2'); if (itta_rep_point == 30) { _parent.f_o.gotoAndPlay('go'); ++itta_rep_point; } else { if (itta_rep_point) { ++itta_rep_point; trace(itta_rep_point); } else { itta_rep_point = 1; } } } frame 194 { _parent.keep._visible = false; } frame 261 { _parent.kouhunend = true; } frame 330 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1); if (rnd > 8) { gotoAndPlay('up3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ururep2'); } } } movieClip 1679 { frame 1 { num = 0; } frame 28 { if (num != 10) { gotoAndPlay('rep_kessin'); ++num; } } frame 52 { ero(1); } frame 56 { ero(2); } frame 63 { ero(2); } frame 67 { ero(1); } frame 79 { if (this._parent.tiyo_ero_bar_mc.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y < 100) { gotoAndPlay('syabu_rep2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('syabu_rep'); } } frame 93 { gotoAndPlay('ittarep'); } frame 105 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1); if (rnd == 9) { gotoAndPlay('up'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ururep'); } } frame 107 { ero(2); } frame 109 { ero(2); } frame 110 { if (this._parent.tiyo_ero_bar_mc.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y < 3) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1); if (rnd > 8) { itta = true; gotoAndPlay('bikun2'); } } } frame 112 { ero(2); } frame 114 { ero(2); } frame 116 { ero(2); } frame 119 { gotoAndPlay('syabu_rep2'); } frame 193 { gotoAndPlay('ittarep2'); } frame 261 { _parent.kouhunend = true; } frame 330 { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1); if (rnd > 8) { gotoAndPlay('up3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('ururep2'); } } } movieClip 1687 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1689 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); _root.ero_end_fnc(); } } movieClip 1690 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { kessin = true; ero_p = 0; kouhun = 10; zougen = 0; plusflg = false; matta = false; _global.ero = function (point) { ero_p += Math.floor(point * kouhun); zougen = Math.floor(point * kouhun); if (!plusflg) { _root.tiyo_ero_mc.tiyo_ero_bar_mc.tiyo_ero_bar.gotoAndPlay('plus'); plusflg = true; } }; } instance tiyo_ero_in_tinko of movieClip 1458 { onClipEvent (load) { var mosSizeX = 3; var mosSizeY = 3; var mosWidth = 100; var mosHeight = 70; var mosX = 250; var mosY = 314; var noiseMode = ltrue; var bmp1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(mosWidth, mosHeight); var bmp2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(mosWidth, mosHeight); var mat1 = new flash.geom.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, mosX * -1, mosY * -1); var mat2 = new flash.geom.Matrix(1 / mosSizeX, 0, 0, 1 / mosSizeY, 0, 0); var mat3 = new flash.geom.Matrix(mosSizeX, 0, 0, mosSizeY, 0, 0); mos = createEmptyMovieClip('mosaic', this.getNextHighestDepth()); mos.attachBitmap(bmp1, 0); createMosaic = function () { bmp1.fillRect(bmp1.rectangle, 0); bmp2.fillRect(bmp2.rectangle, 0); bmp1.draw(this, mat1); bmp2.draw(bmp1, mat2); if (noiseMode) { bmp1.noise(Math.random() * 1000, 0, 20, 8); bmp2.draw(bmp1); } bmp1.fillRect(bmp1.rectangle, 0); bmp1.draw(bmp2, mat3); mos._x = mosX; mos._y = mosY; }; createMosaic(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { createMosaic(); } } instance next_b of movieClip 1460 { onClipEvent (release) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay(this._parent._currentframe + 1); } } instance tiyo_ero_bar_mc of movieClip 1474 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent.kouhunend) { if (_parent.zougen != 0) { if (this.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y > 0) { if (this.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y < 20) { this.tiyo_ero_bar.tiyo_ero_bar_max._visible = true; } if (!_parent.matta) { if (_parent.zougen > 10) { this.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y -= 1; _parent.zougen -= 5; } else { if (_parent.zougen > 6) { this.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y -= 0.6; _parent.zougen -= 3; } else { this.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y -= 0.2; --_parent.zougen; } } } } } } else { haba += 0.2; if (this.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y < 304) { this.tiyo_ero_bar_mask._y += haba; } } } onClipEvent (load) { haba = 0; } } frame 3 { stop(); this.tiyo_ero_osyaberi.gotoAndPlay('osyaberi_start'); } frame 4 { stop(); this.tiyo_ero_in_tinko.gotoAndPlay(2); this.tiyo_ero_osyaberi.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 5 { stop(); next_b._visible = false; } instance tiyo_ero_name of movieClip 1560 { onClipEvent (load) { var mosSizeX = 3; var mosSizeY = 3; var mosWidth = 50; var mosHeight = 70; var mosX = 250; var mosY = 266; var noiseMode = ltrue; var bmp1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(mosWidth, mosHeight); var bmp2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(mosWidth, mosHeight); var mat1 = new flash.geom.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, mosX * -1, mosY * -1); var mat2 = new flash.geom.Matrix(1 / mosSizeX, 0, 0, 1 / mosSizeY, 0, 0); var mat3 = new flash.geom.Matrix(mosSizeX, 0, 0, mosSizeY, 0, 0); mos = createEmptyMovieClip('mosaic', this.getNextHighestDepth()); mos.attachBitmap(bmp1, 0); createMosaic = function () { bmp1.fillRect(bmp1.rectangle, 0); bmp2.fillRect(bmp2.rectangle, 0); bmp1.draw(this, mat1); bmp2.draw(bmp1, mat2); if (noiseMode) { bmp1.noise(Math.random() * 1000, 0, 20, 8); bmp2.draw(bmp1); } bmp1.fillRect(bmp1.rectangle, 0); bmp1.draw(bmp2, mat3); mos._x = mosX; mos._y = mosY; }; createMosaic(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { createMosaic(); } } instance name_2 of movieClip 1567 { onClipEvent (press) { if (!_parent.tiyo_ero_name.my_in) { _parent.tiyo_ero_name.gotoAndPlay('in'); } _parent.tiyo_ero_name.my_l = 'side'; = 0; _parent.tiyo_ero_name.re_m += 1; } onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(2); } } instance name_1 of movieClip 1567 { onClipEvent (press) { if (!_parent.tiyo_ero_name.my_in) { _parent.tiyo_ero_name.gotoAndPlay('in'); } _parent.tiyo_ero_name.my_l = 'up'; = 0; _parent.tiyo_ero_name.re_m += 1; tnk.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 6 { stop(); this.tiyo_ero_in_tinko.gotoAndStop('genki'); } instance tiyo_ero_in_tinko of movieClip 1458 { onClipEvent (load) { var mosSizeX = 3; var mosSizeY = 3; var mosWidth = 50; var mosHeight = 70; var mosX = 250; var mosY = 314; var noiseMode = ltrue; var bmp1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(mosWidth, mosHeight); var bmp2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(mosWidth, mosHeight); var mat1 = new flash.geom.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, mosX * -1, mosY * -1); var mat2 = new flash.geom.Matrix(1 / mosSizeX, 0, 0, 1 / mosSizeY, 0, 0); var mat3 = new flash.geom.Matrix(mosSizeX, 0, 0, mosSizeY, 0, 0); mos = createEmptyMovieClip('mosaic', this.getNextHighestDepth()); mos.attachBitmap(bmp1, 0); createMosaic = function () { bmp1.fillRect(bmp1.rectangle, 0); bmp2.fillRect(bmp2.rectangle, 0); bmp1.draw(this, mat1); bmp2.draw(bmp1, mat2); if (noiseMode) { bmp1.noise(Math.random() * 1000, 0, 20, 8); bmp2.draw(bmp1); } bmp1.fillRect(bmp1.rectangle, 0); bmp1.draw(bmp2, mat3); mos._x = mosX; mos._y = mosY; }; createMosaic(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { createMosaic(); } } frame 7 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.tiyo_ero_mc.tiyo_ero_syaburi_honban2.gotoAndStop(_root.tiyo_ero_mc.tiyo_ero_syaburi_honban._currentframe); }; stop(); } instance tiyo_ero_syaburi_honban of movieClip 1675 { onClipEvent (load) { var mosSizeX = 3; var mosSizeY = 3; var mosWidth = 50; var mosHeight = 102; var mosX = 250; var mosY = 314; var noiseMode = ltrue; var bmp1 = new flash.display.BitmapData(mosWidth, mosHeight); var bmp2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(mosWidth, mosHeight); var mat1 = new flash.geom.Matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, mosX * -1, mosY * -1); var mat2 = new flash.geom.Matrix(1 / mosSizeX, 0, 0, 1 / mosSizeY, 0, 0); var mat3 = new flash.geom.Matrix(mosSizeX, 0, 0, mosSizeY, 0, 0); mos = createEmptyMovieClip('mosaic', this.getNextHighestDepth()); mos.attachBitmap(bmp1, 0); createMosaic = function () { bmp1.fillRect(bmp1.rectangle, 0); bmp2.fillRect(bmp2.rectangle, 0); bmp1.draw(this, mat1); bmp2.draw(bmp1, mat2); if (noiseMode) { bmp1.noise(Math.random() * 1000, 0, 20, 8); bmp2.draw(bmp1); } bmp1.fillRect(bmp1.rectangle, 0); bmp1.draw(bmp2, mat3); mos._x = mosX; mos._y = mosY; }; createMosaic(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { createMosaic(); } } instance tiyo_ero_syaburi_honban2 of movieClip 1679 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent.tiyo_ero_syaburi_honban._currentframe); } } instance keep of movieClip 1687 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.matta = true; gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { _parent.matta = false; gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1691 { frame 1 { _global.kisekae_drag = function (item) { pas_k = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_s.tiyo_datui_s_kuti_mc; pas_kb = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_datui_b.tiyo_datui_b_kuti_mc; pas = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.datui_serihu_mc; pas_hyoujou = _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc; pas_hyoujou.gotoAndPlay('datui_drug'); pas.gotoAndPlay('go'); pas_k._visible = true; pas_kb._visible = true; pas_k.gotoAndStop(1); pas_kb.gotoAndStop(1); var v9 = _root.uwagi_flag[0]; var v8 = _root.uwagi_c_flag[0]; var v4 = _root.sukato_flag[0]; var v7 = _root.sukato_c_flag[0]; var v3 = _root.kyami_flag[0]; var v5 = _root.pantu_flag[0]; var v6 = _root.kutusita_flag[0]; var v16 = _root.uwagi_flag[1]; var v12 = _root.uwagi_c_flag[1]; var v13 = _root.sukato_flag[1]; var v10 = _root.sukato_c_flag[1]; var v11 = _root.kyami_flag[1]; var v14 = _root.pantu_flag[1]; var v15 = _root.kutusita_flag[1]; if (item == 'uwagi') { if (!v9) { _root.datuiserihu = 'う… はずかしいですねぇっ~'; } else { if (v12 && v13 && v10 && v11 && v14 && v15) { _root.datuiserihu = '一枚っきりにして脱がすのはHENTAIです!!'; pas.gotoAndPlay('ikari'); } else { _root.datuiserihu = 'はううう・・・'; } } } if (item == 'uwagi_c') { if (!v8) { _root.datuiserihu = ''; } else { if (v8) { _root.datuiserihu = 'ふえ~ん 目がえっちです~'; } } } if (item == 'sukato') { if (!v4) { _root.datuiserihu = 'し、下のほうからですか!!'; } else { if (v4) { _root.datuiserihu = 'はずかしいからやめてください~'; } } } if (item == 'sukato_c') { if (!v7) { _root.datuiserihu = ''; } else { if (v7) { _root.datuiserihu = 'えっち~ そんなにみないでください~'; } } } if (item == 'kyami') { if (!v3) { _root.datuiserihu = 'お、おっぱいは発展途上なのでやめましょう'; } else { if (v3) { _root.datuiserihu = 'そんなに下着脱がすのが好きなんですか!'; } } } if (item == 'pantu') { pas_hyoujou.gotoAndPlay('harahara'); if (!v5) { _root.datuiserihu = '(あああ… おとうさん おかあさん…)'; } else { if (v5) { _root.datuiserihu = '何度も穿かせないでください~'; } } } if (item == 'kutusita') { if (!v6) { _root.datuiserihu = 'くつしたです'; } else { if (v9 && v4 && v3 && v5) { _root.datuiserihu = 'くつしたを最後に・・・ 趣味があやしいです!'; } else { if (v6) { _root.datuiserihu = '?'; } } } } }; _global.kisekae_drop = function (item) { pas.gotoAndPlay('go'); pas_k.gotoAndStop(2); pas_kb.gotoAndStop(2); pas_k._visible = true; pas_kb._visible = true; pas_hyoujou.gotoAndPlay('uruin'); var v9 = _root.uwagi_flag[0]; var v8 = _root.uwagi_c_flag[0]; var v4 = _root.sukato_flag[0]; var v7 = _root.sukato_c_flag[0]; var v3 = _root.kyami_flag[0]; var v5 = _root.pantu_flag[0]; var v6 = _root.kutusita_flag[0]; var v16 = _root.uwagi_flag[1]; var v12 = _root.uwagi_c_flag[1]; var v13 = _root.sukato_flag[1]; var v10 = _root.sukato_c_flag[1]; var v11 = _root.kyami_flag[1]; var v14 = _root.pantu_flag[1]; var v15 = _root.kutusita_flag[1]; if (item == 'uwagi') { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_5_d.gotoAndPlay(2); if (!v9) { _root.datuiserihu = '次は勝ちますからね!'; } else { if (v12 && v13 && v10 && v11 && v14 && v15) { _root.datuiserihu = 'このHENTAIーーーーー!!'; } else { _root.datuiserihu = 'ううう・・・'; } } } if (item == 'uwagi_c') { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_6_d.gotoAndPlay(2); if (!v8) { _root.datuiserihu = '透明なのとられました~'; } else { if (v8) { _root.datuiserihu = '透明なのでも取ちゃうですか? おに~'; } } } if (item == 'sukato') { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_2_d.gotoAndPlay(2); if (!v4) { _root.datuiserihu = 'あんまりみないでください~'; } else { if (v4) { _root.datuiserihu = 'は、はずかしいからやめてください~'; } } } if (item == 'sukato_c') { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_3_d.gotoAndPlay(2); if (!v7) { _root.datuiserihu = ''; } else { if (v7) { _root.datuiserihu = 'は、はずかしい事を発明しないでください!'; } } } if (item == 'kyami') { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_7_d.gotoAndPlay(2); if (!v3) { _root.datuiserihu = 'はぁぁぁぁ・・・っ'; } else { if (v3) { _root.datuiserihu = 'ううー かえしてー'; } } } if (item == 'pantu') { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_4_d.gotoAndPlay(2); if (!v5) { _root.datuiserihu = '…もうお嫁にいけません・・・・・・'; } else { if (v5) { _root.datuiserihu = 'ううう へんたいさんなのです'; } } } if (item == 'kutusita') { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.tiyo_datui_mc.tiyo_huku_1_d.gotoAndPlay(2); if (!v6) { _root.datuiserihu = 'くつしたどうするですか?'; } else { if (v9 && v4 && v3 && v5) { _root.datuiserihu = 'はああ・・・それでもはずかしいです・・・'; } else { if (v6) { _root.datuiserihu = 'はだしは割と好きです'; } } } } }; _global.kisekae_drop_false = function (item) { pas_k._visible = false; pas_kb._visible = false; pas.gotoAndStop(1); var v5 = _root.uwagi_flag[0]; var v3 = _root.uwagi_c_flag[0]; var v4 = _root.sukato_flag[0]; var v2 = _root.sukato_c_flag[0]; var v7 = _root.kyami_flag[0]; var v8 = _root.pantu_flag[0]; var v6 = _root.kutusita_flag[0]; if (v5 && v3 && v4 && v2) { pas_hyoujou.gotoAndPlay('uruuru'); } else { pas_hyoujou.gotoAndPlay(1); } }; _global.selectflagfanc = function () { _root.selectflag = true;; _root.game_mc.tiyo_bg_panel.tyoki.gotoAndStop(2);; }; _global.selectunflagfanc = function () { _root.selectflag = false;; _root.game_mc.tiyo_bg_panel.tyoki.gotoAndStop(1);; _root.game_mc.aite_message.aite_message = ''; }; = function (a1) { = a1; }; _global.selectout = function (b) { _root.selectout = b; }; _global.hintfanc = function (a2) { _root.game_mc.hint_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.hint_messe = a2; }; _global.husokukin = function (b1, b2) { _root.game_mc.datui_mc.husoku_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.husokukin = b2; if (b1 == 'uwagi') { _root.husokuhuku = '上着を脱がすには'; } else { if (b1 == 'kyami') { _root.husokuhuku = 'キャミソールを脱がすには'; } else { if (b1 == 'sukato') { _root.husokuhuku = 'スカートを脱がすには'; } else { if (b1 == 'pantu') { _root.husokuhuku = 'パンツを脱がすには'; } else { if (b1 == 'kutusita') { _root.husokuhuku = 'くつしたを脱がすには'; } } } } } if (b2 <= 20) { _root.husokuosii = 'Σ'; } else { _root.husokuosii = ' '; } }; _global.selectyes = function (c, d) { _root.game_mc.event_mc.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_root.selectflag != false) { _root.selectflag = false; _root.selectyes = c; if (_root.eventflag == true) { selecthanteievent(d); } else { selecthantei(d); } } }; _global.selecthanteievent = function (h) { if (h == 'gu') { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 1) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; } else { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 3) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 5; } else { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 2) { rnd = 7; } else { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 4) { rnd = 7; } } } } if (rnd == 1 || rnd == 2 || rnd == 3 || rnd == 4) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのかち~'; ++_root.renkati; _root.renmake = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('tyoki'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('kati'); _root.egara = '+g' + _root.egara; } else { if (rnd == 5 || rnd == 6) { _root.kekka = 'あいこで…'; _root.aikoflag = true; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('gu'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('aiko'); _root.selectout = ' '; } else { _root.kekka = 'あなたのまけ~'; ++_root.renmake; _root.renkati = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('pa'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('make'); _root.egara = '-g' + _root.egara; } } } if (h == 'tyoki') { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 2) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; } else { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 1) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 5; } else { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 3) { rnd = 7; } else { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 4) { rnd = 5; } } } } if (rnd == 1 || rnd == 2 || rnd == 3 || rnd == 4) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのかち~'; ++_root.renkati; _root.renmake = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('pa'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('kati'); _root.egara = '+t' + _root.egara; } else { if (rnd == 5 || rnd == 6) { _root.kekka = 'あいこで…'; _root.aikoflag = true; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('tyoki'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('aiko'); _root.selectout = ' '; } else { if (rnd == 7) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのまけ~'; ++_root.renmake; _root.renkati = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('gu'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('make'); _root.egara = '-t' + _root.egara; } } } } if (h == 'pa') { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 3) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; } else { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 2) { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 5; } else { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 1) { rnd = 7; } else { if (_root.eventtypeflag == 4) { rnd = 1; } } } } if (rnd == 1 || rnd == 2 || rnd == 3 || rnd == 4) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのかち~'; ++_root.renkati; _root.renmake = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(4); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('gu'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('kati'); _root.egara = '+p' + _root.egara; } else { if (rnd == 5 || rnd == 6) { _root.kekka = 'あいこで…'; _root.aikoflag = true; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(4); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('pa'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('aiko'); _root.selectout = ' '; } else { if (rnd == 7) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのまけ~'; ++_root.renmake; _root.renkati = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(4); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('tyoki'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('make'); _root.egara = '-p' + _root.egara; } } } } }; _global.selecthantei = function (e) { if (e == 'gu') { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1; if (_root.mayoinum >= 60) { rnd = 2; } if (rnd == 1 || rnd == 6) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのかち~'; ++_root.renkati; _root.renmake = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('tyoki'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('kati'); _root.egara = '+g' + _root.egara; } else { if (rnd == 2 || rnd == 4 || rnd == 5 || rnd == 8 || rnd >= 11) { _root.kekka = 'あいこで…'; _root.aikoflag = true; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('gu'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('aiko'); _root.selectout = ' '; } else { _root.kekka = 'あなたのまけ~'; ++_root.renmake; _root.renkati = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('pa'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('make'); _root.egara = '-g' + _root.egara; } } } if (e == 'tyoki') { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1; if (_root.mayoinum >= 60) { rnd = 2; } if (rnd == 1 || rnd == 6) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのかち~'; ++_root.renkati; _root.renmake = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('pa'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('kati'); _root.egara = '+t' + _root.egara; } else { if (rnd == 2 || rnd == 4 || rnd == 5 || rnd == 8 || rnd >= 11) { _root.kekka = 'あいこで…'; _root.aikoflag = true; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('tyoki'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('aiko'); _root.selectout = ' '; } else { _root.kekka = 'あなたのまけ~'; ++_root.renmake; _root.renkati = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('gu'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('make'); _root.egara = '-t' + _root.egara; } } } if (e == 'pa') { rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * 13) + 1; if (_root.mayoinum >= 60) { rnd = 2; } if (rnd == 1 || rnd == 6) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのかち~'; ++_root.renkati; _root.renmake = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(4); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('gu'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('kati'); _root.egara = '+p' + _root.egara; } else { if (rnd == 2 || rnd == 4 || rnd == 5 || rnd == 8 || rnd >= 11) { _root.kekka = 'あいこで…'; _root.aikoflag = true; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(4); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('pa'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('aiko'); _root.selectout = ' '; } else { _root.kekka = 'あなたのまけ~'; ++_root.renmake; _root.renkati = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(4); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('tyoki'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('make'); _root.egara = '-p' + _root.egara; } } } }; _global.selecthanteiaiko = function (f) { _root.kekka = 'あいこで…'; _root.aikoflag = true; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('gu'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('aiko'); _root.selectout = ' '; }; _global.selecthanteikati = function (e) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのかち~'; ++_root.renkati; _root.renmake = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('tyoki'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('kati'); _root.egara = '+g' + _root.egara; }; _global.selecthanteimake = function (e) { _root.kekka = 'あなたのまけ~'; ++_root.renmake; _root.renkati = 0; _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.game_mc.tiyo_janken_mc.tiyo_janken_naka.gotoAndPlay('pa'); _root.game_mc.aite.tiyo_odori.gotoAndStop('odori_end'); _root.game_mc.aite_message.gotoAndStop('tiyo_mes_end'); _root.game_mc.kekka_mc.gotoAndPlay('make'); _root.egara = '-g' + _root.egara; }; _root.uppoint = 100; = 10000; _root.eventflag = false; _root.event_cancel_flag = false; _root.eventtypeflag = 0; _root.selectflag = false; _root.selectyes = ' '; = ' '; _root.selectout = ' '; _root.kekka = ' '; _root.katinum = 0; _root.makenum = 0; _root.aikoflag = false; _root.aikonum = 0; _root.siaikaisuu = 1; _root.datuipoint = 0; _root.mayoinum = 0; _root.egara = ''; _root.renkati = 0; _root.renmake = 0; _root.ribenjiflg = false; _root.gyakuribenjiflg = false; _root.datuiserihu = 'せりふがでるよ'; _root.allkati = 0; _root.allmake = 0; _root.allaiko = 0; _root.allpoint = 0; _root.allokane = 0; _root.sukato_c_flag = new Array(false, false, ''); _root.sukato_flag = new Array(false, false, ''); _root.uwagi_flag = new Array(false, false, ''); _root.uwagi_c_flag = new Array(false, false, ''); _root.kyami_flag = new Array(false, false, ''); _root.kutusita_flag = new Array(false, false, ''); _root.pantu_flag = new Array(false, false, ''); _root.tyakui_text = '上着:' + _root.uwagi_flag[2] + '\n' + 'スカート:' + _root.sukato_flag[2] + '\n' + '靴下:' + _root.kutusita_flag[2] + '\n' + 'キャミ:' + _root.kyami_flag[2] + '\n' + 'ぱんつ:' + _root.pantu_flag[2] + '\n'; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 486 { } frame 3 { stop(); _quality = 'best'; } } frame 12 { _quality = 'best'; } movieClip 1692 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 1695 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 1697 { } movieClip 1700 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1703 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1705 { } movieClip 1706 { frame 51 { _root.gameover_serihu_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 78 { stop(); } } movieClip 1712 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { num = 0; } frame 31 { num += 1; if (num > 20) { _root.lo_gameover_tekitou_mc.gotoAndPlay('go'); } else { if (num == 13) { _parent.sannin.gotoAndPlay('end'); gotoAndPlay(20); } else { gotoAndPlay(20); } } } } movieClip 1720 { frame 1 { stop(); gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 121 { stop(); } frame 169 { stop(); } } movieClip 1731 { frame 1 { num = Math.floor((this._x + 100) / 10); if (this._y < 200) { gotoAndPlay(num); } else { gotoAndPlay(56 - num); } } frame 112 { gotoAndPlay('re'); } } movieClip 1734 { frame 5 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); _root.gotoAndPlay(1); } }
Created: 24/10 -2018 04:51:43 Last modified: 16/8 -2024 07:45:45 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:23:19