Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

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This is the info page for
Flash #156431

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
// unknown tag 88 length 144 movieClip 17 gialog { } movieClip 19 { } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 23 { } movieClip 25 { } movieClip 27 { } movieClip 29 { } movieClip 31 { } movieClip 33 { } movieClip 35 { } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 47 { } movieClip 48 popup_obj { } movieClip 54 { } movieClip 55 { } movieClip 58 { } movieClip 59 { } movieClip 60 phrase_area { } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 65 button_play { } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 70 btn_yes { } movieClip 72 btn_no { } movieClip 76 btn_more { } movieClip 78 btn_enter_room_3 { } movieClip 79 btn_enter_room_2 { } movieClip 81 btn_enter_room_1 { } movieClip 83 btn_again { } movieClip 85 { } movieClip 87 { } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 91 counter { } movieClip 95 btn_next { } movieClip 98 btn_logo { } movieClip 101 { } movieClip 105 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 111 { } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 116 { } // unknown tag 88 length 65 movieClip 121 { } movieClip 122 { frame 1 { function drawPercent(per) { per *= 100; if (per > 100) { per = 100; } tx = origx + per * 212 / 100; preloader.movebar._x += (tx - preloader.movebar._x) / 5; preloader.perc.text = int(per) + '%'; per2 = per; } stop(); var per2; var li = 0; var tx = 0; var origx = preloader.movebar._x; var per = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.ispreview != 'preview') { var v3 = _parent.getBytesLoaded() / _parent.getBytesTotal(); this.drawPercent(v3); } if (per2 > 99) { ++li; if (li == 10) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } }; _parent.stop(); } frame 26 {; } } movieClip 557 __Packages.Texts { #initclip if (!_global.Texts) { var v1 = function (myClip, myFont, xPos, yPos, myWidth, myAlig, myFrame, mySprite, myText) { this.textObj = _root.attachMovie(myFont, myClip, mySprite); this.textObj.gotoAndStop(myFrame); this.textObj.txt = myText; this.textObj._x = xPos; this.textObj._y = yPos; if (myWidth > 0) { this.textObj.fld._width = myWidth; } if (!(myAlig eq '')) { this.format = new TextFormat(); this.format.align = myAlig; this.textObj.fld.setTextFormat(this.format); } }; _global.Texts = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.pres = function () { this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.gotoAndStop(3); }; v2.over = function () { this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.gotoAndStop(2); }; v2.norm = function () { this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.gotoAndStop(1); }; v2.setMoney = function (myCurrency, mySeparator, myPosition, myMoney, myPrev) { var v2 = ''; var v5 = 0; var v3 = (String(myMoney)).length - 1; while (v3 >= 0) { v5 += 1; if (v5 > 3) { v5 = 1; if (mySeparator eq 'SPACE') { v2 += ' '; } else { v2 += mySeparator; } } v2 += (String(myMoney)).charAt(v3); --v3; } myMoney = ''; v3 = 0; while (v3 < (String(v2)).length) { myMoney += (String(v2)).charAt((String(v2)).length - v3 - 1); ++v3; } switch (String(myPosition)) { case 'beginning': this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.txt = myPrev + myCurrency + myMoney; break; case 'end': this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.txt = myPrev + myMoney + myCurrency; break; default: this.rootClip[this.newObject].font.txt = myPrev + myCurrency + myMoney; } }; v2.textConfigure = function (myText) { var v3 = myText.split('/n'); var v2 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3.length) { v2 += v3[v1]; if (v1 < v3.length - 1) { v2 += '\n'; } ++v1; } return v2; }; v2.setText = function (myText) { this.textObj.txt = this.textConfigure(myText); }; v2.setAlign = function (myAlig) { this.format.align = myAlig; this.textObj.fld.setTextFormat(this.format); }; v2.setPosition = function (myX, myY) { this.textObj._x = myX; this.textObj._y = myY; }; v2.setRotation = function (myRot) { this.rootClip[this.newObject]._rotation = myRot; }; v2.setWidth = function (myWidth) { this.textObj.fld._width = myWidth; }; v2.setVisible = function (myVis) { this.textObj._visible = myVis; }; v2.setAlpha = function (myAlpha) { this.rootClip[this.newObject]._alpha = myAlpha; }; v2.textObj = new Object(); ASSetPropFlags(_global.Texts.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 558 __Packages.Strings { #initclip if (!_global.Strings) { var v1 = function () { super(); this.es_strList = new Object(); this.es_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Bien señorita Smith, vaya a comenzar nuestro sujeto especial... '; this.es_strList.scene_1_2 = 'No puedo quedarme. No tengo un ocio para el curso especial... '; this.es_strList.scene_1_3 = '¡Hola, Bonita! ¿Qué hace usted aquí?'; this.es_strList.scene_1_4 = '¡Espero a mi profesor! '; this.es_strList.scene_1_5 = 'La lección es terminada... Vaya a casa.'; this.es_strList.scene_1_6 = '¡No voy a casa, tengo una pregunta! '; this.es_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Usted tiene que corregir su tarea de casa. Hay algunos errores allí. '; this.es_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Perdóname por favor, pero necesito ir. '; this.es_strList.scene_1_9 = ' ¿Por qué me espera usted?'; this.es_strList.scene_1_10 = ' Quiero pedir a usted entrenarme, porque no entiendo unos momentos...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_11 = ' ¿Qué pregunta?... Ya pasamos el curso completamente. Test estará mañana.'; this.es_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Sí. Yo sé. Es por eso usted debería ayudarme... '; this.es_strList.scene_1_13 = ' ¿Puede usted decirme qué exactamente usted no entiende?'; this.es_strList.scene_1_14 = '¿Puede usted repetir la lección de hoy?'; this.es_strList.scene_1_15 = ' ¡Vale!, entonces usted conseguirá la nota «C» '; this.es_strList.scene_1_16 = '¿Qué pasa? Mi padre pagará a usted...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_17 = 'No, me voy a casa... Si usted quiere, puedo entrenarle en casa...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_18 = '¿Qué hace Ud. alusión?'; this.es_strList.scene_1_19 = '¿Toda la lección? ¿Es usted loca?'; this.es_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Usted habla groseramente . Explíqueme todo. ¡Yo insisto! '; this.es_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Si usted chupará mi polla, usted conseguirá una nota alta...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_22 = '¡Usted es un pervertido!'; this.es_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Ahora estoy ocupado, explicaré a usted todo pero por la tarde...'; this.es_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Bién, visitaré a usted en casa.'; this.en_strList = new Object(); this.en_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Hi, sweety! Why did you call me? What Happened? '; this.en_strList.scene_1_2 = ' Nothing, I just wanted to see you... '; this.en_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Hello. Nice dress! '; this.en_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Just a nice dress? Nothing else?'; this.en_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Good evening, darling. You are so beautiful today!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_6 = ' Come in. I prepared a dinner for us...'; this.en_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Oh, my Lord! I forgot that we have anniversary...'; this.en_strList.scene_1_8 = 'It\'s okay. I got used to your persistant memory lost.'; this.en_strList.scene_1_9 = ' OK, let\'s try your cooking.'; this.en_strList.scene_1_10 = ' Not so fast boy.'; this.en_strList.scene_1_11 = ' Oh, just in time! I am very hungry '; this.en_strList.scene_1_12 = ' Where is flowers? '; this.en_strList.scene_1_13 = ' Nice. Anyway I wouldn\'t buy anything...'; this.en_strList.scene_1_14 = ' What?'; this.en_strList.scene_1_15 = ' No, I\'ll go to buy flowers for you!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Calm down. Flowers this is not what I want to get.'; this.en_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Forgive me, please! I don\'t even know what to do... '; this.en_strList.scene_1_18 = 'If you want to make me happy, just come in and take off clothes!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_19 = 'I didn\'t know that you are a horny slut...'; this.en_strList.scene_1_20 = 'You as usual spoil everything.... '; this.en_strList.scene_1_21 = ' Well... ok, my lovely...'; this.en_strList.scene_1_22 = 'I want you!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_23 = 'OK, I want to touch your boobs!'; this.en_strList.scene_1_24 = 'You are son of a bitch! Get out!'; this.ru_strList = new Object(); this.ru_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Ну, что ж, Смит, начнем наш спецкурс. '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Я не могу остаться. У меня нет времени на спецкурсы...'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Привет, Красотка! Что ты тут делаешь?'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Я жду вас, профессор!'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Урок окончен… Иди домой'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Нет, у меня вопрос! '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Вы должны еще раз проверить домашнюю работу. Там есть ошибки. '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Мне нужно идти.'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Почему ты ждешь меня?'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Мне нужно, чтобы вы позанимались со мной, я кой-чего не понимаю...'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Какой вопрос… Курс пройден, тест завтра.'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Да. Я знаю. Поэтому вы должны мне помочь... '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Что именно ты не понимаешь?'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Вы можете провести для меня сегодняшний урок?'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Ладно, только больше тройки не получишь'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Это почему? Папа же вам заплатит...'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Нет, мне нужно идти... Если хочешь, я могу позаниматься с тобой дома...'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_18 = 'К чему это вы? '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Целый урок? Да ты с ума сошла?'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Вы грубиян! Проведите для меня урок, я настаиваю! '; this.ru_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Если отсосешь мне, получишь пятерку...'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Ну вы и урод!'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Я занят сейчас. Если хочешь, я позанимаюсь с тобой вечером...'; this.ru_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Хорошо, я зайду к вам сегодня.'; this.fr_strList = new Object(); this.fr_strList.scene_1_1 = 'D’accord, mademoiselle Smith, on commence notre cours spécial'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Je peux pas rester. J\'ai pas de temps libre pour le cours spécial...'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Salut, la Beauté ! Qu’est-ce que tu fais là ?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_4 = 'J’vous attend, monsieur le professeur !'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_5 = 'La leçon est finie... Vous êtes libre.'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Non, j’ai une question ! '; this.fr_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Vous devez corriger votre devoir. Il y a des erreurs. '; this.fr_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Je dois aller, excusez-moi...'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_9 = ' Pourquoi vous m’attendez?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Pourriez-vous m’aider ? Je ne comprend pas quelques moments...'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Quel question... Nous avons terminer le cours. Le test est demain.'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Oui, je sais. C’est pourquois vous devez m’aider... '; this.fr_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Qu’est-ce que vous ne comprenez pas exactement ?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Vous pouvez me refaire une leçon d’aujourd’hui ?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_15 = 'OK, alors, vous n’aurez que “C” '; this.fr_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Mais pourquoi ? Mon père va vous payer...'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Non je rentre... Si vous voulez, je peux vous aider chez moi ...'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Où vous voulez en venir ? '; this.fr_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Toute une leçon ? Vous êtes folle ?'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Vous êtes injuste. Expliquez-moi ça, j’insiste ! '; this.fr_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Si tu suces ma bite, t’auras “A”...'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Vous êtes connard !'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Je suis occupé maintenant, mais je pourrai vous tout expliquer ce soir...'; this.fr_strList.scene_1_24 = 'OK, je viendrai vous voir à la maison.'; this.hu_strList = new Object(); this.hu_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Szia Édes! Miért hívtál? Mi történt? '; this.hu_strList.scene_1_2 = ' Semmi, csak látni akartalak... '; this.hu_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Szia! Csinos a ruhád! '; this.hu_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Csinos a ruhám? Ennyi?'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Jó estét, kedvesem. Gyönyörű vagy ma!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_6 = ' Gyere be. Főztem neked vacsorát...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Ó, Istenem! Elfelejtettem, hogy ma van az évfordulónk...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Semmi baj. Hozzászoktam már az emlékezetkieséseidhez.'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_9 = ' Rendben, akkor együnk.'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_10 = ' Na ne olyan gyorsan.'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_11 = ' Épp jókor! Nagyon éhes vagyok '; this.hu_strList.scene_1_12 = ' Virágot nem hoztál? '; this.hu_strList.scene_1_13 = ' Jó. Nem vettem semmit...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_14 = ' Micsoda?'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_15 = ' Rendben, megyek, veszek neked virágot!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Nyugi. Nem a virág a lényeg.'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Kérlek, bocsáss meg! Nem tudom, mit tegyek... '; this.hu_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Ha boldoggá akarsz tenni, gyere és vetkőzz le!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Nem tudtam, hogy ilyen szexéhes kis ribanc vagy...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Elrontasz mindent, mint általában.... '; this.hu_strList.scene_1_21 = ' Hát... rendben, kedvesem...'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Akarlak!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Rendben, hadd markoljam meg a melledet!'; this.hu_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Hülye bunkó! Kifelé!'; this.it_strList = new Object(); this.it_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Ciao tesoro! Perché mi hai chiamato? Che è successo? '; this.it_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Niente, volevo solo vederti... '; this.it_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Ciao. Che bel costume! '; this.it_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Solo un bel costume? Niente di più?'; this.it_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Buona sera, tesoro. Sei veramente bellissima stasera!'; this.it_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Entra. Ci ho preparato una cena...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Oh, mio Dio! Ho dimenticato che avevamo un anniversario...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Non è un problema. Mi sono abituata alla tua memoria corta'; this.it_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Bene, proviamo la cena.'; this.it_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Non tanto veloce, ragazzo.'; this.it_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Oh, il tempo è perfetto! Ho una grandissima fame '; this.it_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Dove sono i fiori? '; this.it_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Buono. Ma altrimenti io non ti ho comprato niente...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Che?'; this.it_strList.scene_1_15 = 'No, Ti comprerò fiori!'; this.it_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Calmati. I fiori non sono quelli che voglio comprarti.'; this.it_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Scusami, per favore! Non so cosa fare... '; this.it_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Se vuoi rendermi felice, vieni qui a prenditi giù i vestiti!'; this.it_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Non sapevo che eri una puttana tanto eccitata...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Come al solito devi rompere tutto.... '; this.it_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Beh... bene, tesoro...'; this.it_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Ti voglio!'; this.it_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Bene, voglio toccarti le tette!'; this.it_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Sei un figlio di puttana! Vai all’inferno!'; this.pl_strList = new Object(); this.pl_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Witam śliczniutka! Dlaczego dzwoniłaś? Coś się stało? '; this.pl_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Nic. Po prostu chciałam Cię zobaczyć... '; this.pl_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Witam. Ładna sukienka!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Ładna? Tylko tyle?'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Dobry wieczór słodziutka. Wyglądasz dzisiaj przepięknie!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_6 = ' Wejdź. Przygotowałam dla nas obiad...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_7 = 'O mój Boże! Kompletnie zapomniałem, że to nasza rocznica...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Nic nie szkodzi. Przyzwyczaiłam się już do Twojego stałego zapominalstwa..'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_9 = ' OK, wypróbujmy zatem Twoich specjałów.'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Nie tak szybko, chłopcze.'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_11 = ' Och, idealnie w czas! Jestem taki głodny! '; this.pl_strList.scene_1_12 = ' No i gdzie te kwiaty? '; this.pl_strList.scene_1_13 = ' Fajnie. I tak bym nic nie kupił...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_14 = ' Co?'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_15 = ' Nic, już idę kupić Ci te kwiaty!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Uspokuj się już. Kwaty nie są wcale tym, czego pragnę.'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Proszę, wybacz mi! Nie mam pojęcia co teraz zrobić... '; this.pl_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Jeżeli chcesz mnie uszczęśliwić, wejdź do środka i ściągnij swoje ubrania!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Nie wiedziałem, że taka z Ciebie napalona zdzira...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_20 = 'No i jak zwykle musiałeś wszystko zmaścić... '; this.pl_strList.scene_1_21 = ' No cóż... Niech Ci już będzie, moja słodziutka...'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Pragnę Cię!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_23 = 'OK, a ja chcę pomacać Twoje cycki!'; this.pl_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Jesteś totalnym sukinsynem! Wynoś się stąd!'; this.de_strList = new Object(); this.de_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Hallo, meine Süße! Warum hast du mich angerufen? Was ist los?'; this.de_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Nichts, ich wollte bloß dich wieder sehen …'; this.de_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Hallo. Ein nettes Kleid!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Nur ein nettes Kleid? Nicht mehr?'; this.de_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Guten Abend, Liebling. Du bist so schön heute!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Geh hinein. Ich habe Mittagessen für uns gekocht …'; this.de_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Ah, mein Gott! Ich habe vergessen, dass wir einen Jahrestag haben …'; this.de_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Macht nichts. Ich habe mich schon an deinen ständigen Gedächtnisverlust gewöhnt.'; this.de_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Gut, probieren wir mal, was du gekocht hast.'; this.de_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Nicht so schnell, mein Junge.'; this.de_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Ah, ganz zur rechten Zeit! Ich bin sehr hungrig.'; this.de_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Wo sind Blumen?'; this.de_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Nett. Sowieso hätte ich nichts gekauft …'; this.de_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Was?'; this.de_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Nein, ich gehe jetzt und kaufe Blumen für dich!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Beruhige dich. Die Blumen sind nicht das, was ich bekommen will.'; this.de_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Verzeihe mich bitte! Ich weiß gar nicht, was zu machen …'; this.de_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Wenn du mich glücklich machen willst, geh bloß herein und ziehe dich aus!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Ich habe nicht gewusst, dass du eine heiße Tussi bist …'; this.de_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Du verdirbst alles wie immer …'; this.de_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Gut .. OK, mein Schatz …'; this.de_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Ich will dich!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_23 = 'OK, ich will deine Brüsten streifen!'; this.de_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Du bist ein Mistkerl! Packe dich!'; this.ro_strList = new Object(); this.ro_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Salut, frumoasă! De ce m-ai sunat? S-a întâmplat ceva? '; this.ro_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Nimic, doar vroiam să te văd... '; this.ro_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Salut. Ce rochie drăguţă! '; this.ro_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Doar o rochie drăguţă?Nimic altceva?'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Bună seara, dragă. Arăţi atât de bine astăzi!'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Intră. Am pregătit cina...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Oh, Doamne! Am uitat că e aniversarea noastră...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_8 = 'E ok. M-am obişnuit să-ţi pierzi memoria în mod constant.'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_9 = 'OK, ia să-ţi gustăm mâncarea.'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Nu te grăbi aşa băiete.'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Oh,exact la timp! Îmi e foarte foame. '; this.ro_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Unde sunt florile? '; this.ro_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Drăguţ. Oricum nu aş cumpăra nimic...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Ce?'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Nu, voi merge să cumpăr flori pentru tine!'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Calmează-te. Nu flori îmi doresc să primesc.'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Iartă-mă, te rog! Nici nu ştiu ce să fac... '; this.ro_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Dacă vrei să mă faci fericită, intră doar şi dă-ţi jos hainele!'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Nu ştiam că eşti o târfă excitată...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Ca de obicei trebuie să strici tu totul.... '; this.ro_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Ei bine... ok, iubita mea...'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Te vreau!'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_23 = 'OK, vreau să-ţi ating sânii!'; this.ro_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Eşti un nemernic! Ieşi afară!'; this.bg_strList = new Object(); this.bg_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Добре, госпожице Смит, нека започнем нашия специален урок'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Не мога да кажа. Нямам свободно време за специално обучение...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Здравей, хубавице! Какво правиш тук?'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Чакам вас, учителю!'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Урокът свърши... Отивай си'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Не, аз имам един въпрос! '; this.bg_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Ще трябва да поправиш домашното си. Има няколко грешки. '; this.bg_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Съжалявам, но аз трябва да тръгвам.'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Защо ме чакаш?'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Искам да ви помоля да ми помогнете с ученето, защото не са ми ясни някои неща...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_11 = 'Какъв въпрос... Срокът свърши. Тестовете са утре.'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Ами, да, знам. За това вие трябва да ми помогнете... '; this.bg_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Какво точно не разбираш?'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Можете ли да повторите днешния урок?'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Добре тогава, тогава ще получиш 3-ка'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_16 = 'И какво от това? Баща ми ще ви плати...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Не, аз си отивам вкъщи... Ако искаш, мога да ти давам уроци вкъщи...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Какво караш? '; this.bg_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Целия урок? Ти луда ли си?'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Вие сте много груб. Обяснете ми всичко. Настоявам! '; this.bg_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Ако ми смучеш хуя, ще получиш 6-ца ....'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Вие сте извратеняк!'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Сега съм зает, но ще ти обясня всичко довечера...'; this.bg_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Добре, ще дойда у вас.'; this.pt_strList = new Object(); this.pt_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Olá amor! Porque me ligaste? O que aconteceu? '; this.pt_strList.scene_1_2 = ' Nada, so te queria ver... '; this.pt_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Olá. Que lindo vestido! '; this.pt_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Só um lindo vestido? Nada mais?'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Boa noite querida. Estás tão linda esta noite!'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Entra. Preparei um jantar para nós...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Oh meu deus. Esqueci-me que hoje era o nosso aniversário...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Não faz mal. Já me habituei à tua persistente perda de memória.'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_9 = ' Ok, vamos experimentar a tua comida.'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_10 = ' Calma aí rapazinho.'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_11 = ' Oh, mesmo a tempo! Estou com muita fome. '; this.pt_strList.scene_1_12 = ' Onde estão as flores? '; this.pt_strList.scene_1_13 = ' Porreiro. De qualquer maneira não ia comprar nada...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_14 = ' O que?'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_15 = ' Não, vou comprar algumas flores para ti!'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Calma aí. Flores, não é isso que eu quero.'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Perdoa-me por favor! Nem sei o que fazer... '; this.pt_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Se me queres fazer feliz, entra e tira a tua roupa!'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Eu não sabia que eras uma puta assanhada...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Como é normal, estragas tudo.... '; this.pt_strList.scene_1_21 = ' Bem... ok meu amor...'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Quero-te!'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Ok, quero agarrar as tuas mamas!'; this.pt_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Yes um filho da puta! Rua!'; this.sr_strList = new Object(); this.sr_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Zdravo, lepotice! Zašto si me zvala? Šta se desilo? '; this.sr_strList.scene_1_2 = ' Ništa, samo sam htela da te vidim... '; this.sr_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Zdravo. Lepo haljina! '; this.sr_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Samo lepa haljina? Ništa više?'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Dobro veče draga. Danas si tako lepa!'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_6 = ' Uđi. Spremila sam nam večeru...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Oh, Bože! Zaboravio sam da nam je danas godišnjica...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_8 = 'U redu je. Navikla sam se na to da stalno zaboravljaš stvari.'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_9 = ' OK, daj da probamo šta si skuvala.'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_10 = ' Ne tako brzo.'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_11 = ' Oh, u pravo vreme! Baš sam gladan '; this.sr_strList.scene_1_12 = ' Gde je cveće? '; this.sr_strList.scene_1_13 = ' Lepo. UI svakom slučaju ne bih ništa kupio...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_14 = ' Šta?'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_15 = ' Ne, idem da ti kupim cveće!'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Smiri se. Cveće nije ono što želim.'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Oprosti mi, molim te! Nikad ne znam šta treba da uradim... '; this.sr_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Ako hoćeš da me usrećiš, samo uđi i skini se!'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Nisam znao da si napaljena drolja...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Kao i uvek sve pokvariš.... '; this.sr_strList.scene_1_21 = ' Pa... ok, draga...'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Želim te!'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_23 = 'OK, hoću da ti pipam sise!'; this.sr_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Ti si dripac! Izlazi napolje!'; this.ua_strList = new Object(); this.ua_strList.scene_1_1 = ' Привіт,люба! Чому ти мене кликала? Що сталося?'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Нічого, я просто хотіла тебе побачити…'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_3 = 'Привіт. Гарна сукня!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_4 = 'Тільки сукня? Більш нічого?'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_5 = 'Добрий вечір, люба. Ти сьогодні така гарна!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_6 = 'Заходь.Я приготувала обід для нас...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_7 = 'О, Боже мій!Я забув, що у нас річниця...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Нічого.Я звикла до твоєї постійної забудькуватості.'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_9 = 'Добре, давай спробуємо, що ти приготувала.'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_10 = 'Не так швидко,хлопчику.'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_11 = 'О, як раз вчасно! Я дуже зголоднів'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Де квіти?'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_13 = 'Добре. У будь-якому випадку я б нічого не купував...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Що?'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_15 = 'Ні,я піду за квітами для тебе!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_16 = 'Заспокойся. Квіти - не те, що я хочу отримати'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Пробяч мене,будь ласко!Я навіть не знаю,що робити...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Якщо бажаєш зробити мене щасливою, прсто підійди і зніми з мене одяг!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Я не знав, що ти така збуджена...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_20 = 'Ти як завжди все псуєш...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Ну, добре...моя люба...'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Я хочу тебе!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Добре,я хочу торкнутись твоїх грудей!'; this.ua_strList.scene_1_24 = 'Ти сукин син! Давай!'; this.cz_strList = new Object(); this.cz_strList.scene_1_1 = 'Dobře, slečno Smisová, pojďme začít náš speciální přednět. '; this.cz_strList.scene_1_2 = 'Nemohu tu zůstat. Nemám čas na speciální kurzy...'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_3 = ' Haló, krásko! Co tu děláš?'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_4 = ' Čekám na tebe, učiteli!'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_5 = ' Hodina je u konce... Jdi domů'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_6 = ' Ne, mám otázku! '; this.cz_strList.scene_1_7 = 'Musíš opravit svůj domácí úkol. Jsou v něm nějaké chyby. '; this.cz_strList.scene_1_8 = 'Musím jít, pardon.'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_9 = ' Proč na mě čekáš?'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_10 = ' Chci vás poprosit, jestli byste mě necvičil, protože nerozumím některým momentům...'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_11 = ' Jaká otázka... Prošli jsme kurzem. Test je zítra.'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_12 = 'Ano. Já vím. Proto byste mi měl pomoct... '; this.cz_strList.scene_1_13 = ' Čemu jsi přesně nerozuměla?'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_14 = 'Můžete zopakovat dnešní hodinu?'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_15 = ' OK, tím pádem dostaneš za 3'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_16 = 'No a co? Otec vám zaplatí...'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_17 = 'Ne, jdu domů... Jestli chceš, mohu tě učit doma...'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_18 = 'Co si projedeme? '; this.cz_strList.scene_1_19 = 'Celou lekci? Jste šílená?'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_20 = ' Jsi hrubý. Vysvětli mi všechno. Trvám na tom!'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_21 = 'Jestli mi ho vykouříš, dostaneš za 1'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_22 = 'Vy jste blázen!!'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_23 = 'Jsem teď zaneprázdněn, ale vysvětlím ti vše večer...'; this.cz_strList.scene_1_24 = 'OK, navštívím vás doma.'; this.langList = new Object(); this.langList.en = 'Play'; = 'Играть'; = 'Spielen'; = 'Jugar'; = 'Jouer'; = 'Play'; = 'Gioca!'; = 'Zagraj'; = 'Joacă'; = 'Игра'; = 'Plai'; = 'Tocar'; = 'Грати'; = 'Hrát'; this.gameNameList = new Object(); this.gameNameList.en = 'Sexual Anniversary'; = 'Секс-Спецкурс'; = 'Sexueller Jahrestag'; = 'El Curso de Sexo'; = 'Baise-Cours'; = 'Szexi évforduló'; = 'Anniversario Sessuale'; = 'Seksualna Rocznica'; = 'Aniversarea Sexuală'; = 'Относно Cекса'; = 'Aniversário Sexual'; = 'Seksualno godišnjica'; = 'Cексуальна річниця'; = 'Předmět milování'; }; _global.Strings = v1; _global.Strings extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Strings.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 559 __Packages.Buttons { #initclip if (!_global.Buttons) { var v1 = function (myList) { super(); this.buttonList = new Array(); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < myList.length) { this.buttonList[v5] = _root.attachMovie(myList[v5].obj, 'button_obj_' + v5, 150 + v5); this.buttonList[v5]._x = myList[v5].area[0]; this.buttonList[v5]._y = myList[v5].area[1]; this.buttonList[v5].frame = myList[v5].frame; this.buttonList[v5].url = myList[v5].url; this.buttonList[v5].txt.text = _global.str2[myList[v5].btnPlay]; this.buttonList[v5].gotoAndStop(1); this.buttonList[v5].onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.buttonList[v5].onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.buttonList[v5].onDragOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.buttonList[v5].onRelease = function () { if (!(this.url eq '')) { this.getURL(this.url, 'blank'); } if (this.frame != 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(this.frame); _global.myButtons.kill(); } }; ++v5; } }; _global.Buttons = v1; _global.Buttons extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.kill = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.buttonList.length) { delete this.buttonList[v3].onRollOver; delete this.buttonList[v3].onRollOut; delete this.buttonList[v3].onDragOut; delete this.buttonList[v3].onRelease; this.buttonList[v3].removeMovieClip(); ++v3; } delete this.buttonList; delete _global.myButtons; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Buttons.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 560 __Packages.Waiting { #initclip if (!_global.Waiting) { var v1 = function (myFramesQty, myFrame, snd) { super(); this.framesQty = myFramesQty; this.gotoFrame = myFrame; this.counter = 0; this.mySound = snd; if (!(this.mySound eq '') and !(this.mySound eq undefined)) { this.playSound(this.mySound, false); } _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _global.myWaiting.counter += 1; if (_global.myWaiting.counter >= _global.myWaiting.framesQty) { _global.myWaiting.kill(); _root.gotoAndStop(_global.myWaiting.gotoFrame); } }; }; _global.Waiting = v1; _global.Waiting extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.playSound = function (soundName, loop) { _root.sound.attachSound(soundName); _root.sound.start(); }; v2.kill = function () { delete _root.onEnterFrame; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Waiting.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 561 __Packages.Dialog { #initclip if (!_global.Dialog) { var v1 = function (myList, xPos, yPos, popup_1, popup_2, myFrame) { super(); this.dailogList = new Array(); var v5 = 0; while (v5 < myList.length) { this.dailogList[v5] = _root.attachMovie('phrase_area', 'phrase_obj_' + v5, 100 + v5); this.dailogList[v5]._x = xPos; this.dailogList[v5]._y = yPos + v5 * 35; this.dailogList[v5].phrase = myList[v5].phrase; this.dailogList[v5].answer = myList[v5].answer; this.dailogList[v5].correct = myList[v5].correct; this.dailogList[v5].frame = myList[v5].frame; this.dailogList[v5].snd = myList[v5].snd; this.dailogList[v5].visited = false; this.dailogList[v5].numb = v5; this.dailogList[v5].gotoAndStop(1); _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v5].setText(myList[v5].phrase); _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v5].setAlign('left'); _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v5].setPosition(xPos + 5, yPos + v5 * 35 + 7); _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v5].setVisible(true); this.dailogList[v5].onRollOver = function () { if (this.visited eq false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } }; this.dailogList[v5].onRollOut = function () { if (this.visited eq false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } }; this.dailogList[v5].onDragOut = function () { if (this.visited eq false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } }; this.dailogList[v5].onRelease = function () { if (this.visited eq false) { _global.myDialog.makePopup(this.numb, 1); } }; ++v5; } this.popupObject = new Object(); this.popupObject = _root.attachMovie('popup_obj', 'popup_obj', 50, {'_visible': false}); this.popupObject.popup_1 = new Array(7); this.popupObject.popup_1[2] = popup_1[1]; this.popupObject.popup_1[3] = popup_1[2]; this.popupObject.popup_1[6] = popup_1[0]; this.popupObject.popup_2 = new Array(7); this.popupObject.popup_2[2] = popup_2[1]; this.popupObject.popup_2[3] = popup_2[2]; this.popupObject.popup_2[6] = popup_2[0]; this.popupObject.popup_button.gotoAndStop(1); _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._visible = false; if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y > 0) { this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y + 30; this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x - this.popupObject.popup_1[2] + 75; this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = true; this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = false; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y < 0) { this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y - this.popupObject.popup_1[3] - 30; this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x - 33; this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = true; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]].arrow._y == 0) { this.popupObject.popup_1[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_1[5] = false; this.popupObject.popup_1[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._y; this.popupObject.popup_1[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_1[6]]._x; } } } _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._visible = false; if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]].arrow._y > 0) { this.popupObject.popup_2[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._y + 30; this.popupObject.popup_2[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._x - this.popupObject.popup_2[2] + 75; this.popupObject.popup_2[4] = true; this.popupObject.popup_2[5] = false; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]].arrow._y < 0) { this.popupObject.popup_2[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._y - this.popupObject.popup_2[3] - 30; this.popupObject.popup_2[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._x - 33; this.popupObject.popup_2[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_2[5] = true; } else { if (_root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]].arrow._y == 0) { this.popupObject.popup_2[4] = false; this.popupObject.popup_2[5] = false; this.popupObject.popup_2[1] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._y; this.popupObject.popup_2[0] = _root[this.popupObject.popup_2[6]]._x; } } } _root.startFrame = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.finishFrame = myFrame; this.sound = new Sound(); }; _global.Dialog = v1; _global.Dialog extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.makePopup = function (choiceNumb, popupNumb) { this.hideDialog(); this.popupObject._visible = true; this.popupObject._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][0]; this.popupObject._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][1]; this.popupObject.popup_1_2._width = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_2._width = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_3_2._width = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_1._height = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_2._height = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_3._height = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_1_3._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_2_3._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_3_3._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_3_1._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_3_2._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_3_3._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 20; if (popupNumb == 1) { _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(this.dailogList[choiceNumb].phrase); } else { _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(this.dailogList[choiceNumb].answer); this.playSound(_global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].snd, false); } _global.gameTexts.text_0.setAlign('center'); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setPosition(this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][0] + 10, this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][1] + 15); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setWidth(this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 20); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setVisible(true); this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 90; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_button._x = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][2] - 50; this.popupObject.popup_button._y = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][3] - 15; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._visible = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][4]; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._visible = this.popupObject['popup_' + popupNumb][5]; this.popupObject.popup_button.gotoAndStop(1); this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.popupObject.popup_button.onDragOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.popupObject.popup_button.onRelease = function () { _global.myDialog.kullPopup(popupNumb); if (popupNumb == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(_global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].frame); _global.myDialog.makePopup(choiceNumb, 2); } else { if (_global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].correct eq false) { _global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].visited = true; _global.myDialog.dailogList[choiceNumb].gotoAndStop(3); _root.gotoAndStop(_root.startFrame); _global.myDialog.showDialog(); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(_root.finishFrame); _global.myDialog.kill(); } } }; }; v2.showDialog = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.dailogList.length) { this.dailogList[v3]._visible = true; _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v3].setVisible(true); ++v3; } }; v2.hideDialog = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.dailogList.length) { this.dailogList[v3]._visible = false; _global.gameTexts['dialog_' + v3].setVisible(false); ++v3; } }; v2.kullPopup = function (popupNumb) { delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOver; delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRollOut; delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onDragOut; delete this.popupObject.popup_button.onRelease; this.popupObject._visible = false; _global.gameTexts.text_0.setVisible(false); }; v2.kill = function () { this.popupObject.removeMovieClip(); delete this.popupObject; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.dailogList.length) { delete this.dailogList[v3].onRollOver; delete this.dailogList[v3].onRollOut; delete this.dailogList[v3].onDragOut; delete this.dailogList[v3].onRelease; this.dailogList[v3].removeMovieClip(); ++v3; } delete this.dailogList; delete _global.myDialog; }; v2.playSound = function (soundName, loop) { _root.sound.attachSound(soundName); if (loop) { _root.sound.start(0, 100000); } else { _root.sound.start(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Dialog.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 562 __Packages.Sequence { #initclip if (!_global.Sequence) { var v1 = function (myList, myArea, myBtn, myFrame) { super(); this.classVar = new Object({'start_frame': _root._currentframe + 1, 'mouse_press': false, 'cur_seq': -1, 'cur_id': -1, 'proc': 0, 'interv': 0, 'next_btn': myBtn}); this.sequenceData = myList; this.sequenceArea = myArea; this.sequenceList = new Array(); this.sequenceNumb = 0; this.persentsNumb = 0; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < this.sequenceData.length) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < this.sequenceData[v5].masks.length) { this.sequenceList[v5] = _root[this.sequenceData[v5].masks[v6].mask]; this.sequenceList[v5].seq = v5; this.sequenceList[v5].id = v6; this.sequenceList[v5].onPress = function () { _global.mySequence.onPressAction(this); }; this.sequenceList[v5].onDragOut = function () { _global.mySequence.onReleseAction(this); }; this.sequenceList[v5].onRelease = function () { _global.mySequence.onReleseAction(this); }; ++v6; } ++v5; } _root.counter.gotoAndStop(1); _root[this.classVar.next_btn].gotoAndStop(1); _root[this.classVar.next_btn].onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; _root[this.classVar.next_btn].onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root[this.classVar.next_btn].onDragOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root[this.classVar.next_btn].onRelease = function () { _global.mySequence.kill(); _root.gotoAndStop(myFrame); }; _root[this.classVar.next_btn]._visible = false; }; _global.Sequence = v1; _global.Sequence extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onFrameAction = function () { if (this.classVar.mouse_press eq true) { switch (this.sequenceData[this.classVar.cur_seq].type) { case 'click-n-hold': this.classVar.proc += this.sequenceData[this.classVar.cur_seq].masks[this.classVar.cur_id].speed; this.persentsNumb += this.sequenceData[this.classVar.cur_seq].masks[this.classVar.cur_id].speed; if (this.classVar.proc >= this.sequenceData[this.classVar.cur_seq].add_percents) { this.persentsNumb = Math.round(this.persentsNumb - (this.classVar.proc - this.sequenceData[this.classVar.cur_seq].add_percents)); this.sequenceNumb += 1; this.classVar.proc = 0; if (this.sequenceNumb == this.sequenceData.length) { _root[this.classVar.next_btn]._visible = true; } clearInterval(this.classVar.interv); } _root.counter.gotoAndStop(int(this.persentsNumb * 5)); break; case 'move': } } }; v2.onPressAction = function (myObject) { switch (this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].type) { break; case 'click': case 'click-n-hold': if (myObject.seq == this.sequenceNumb) { clearInterval(this.classVar.interv); this.classVar.mouse_press = true; this.classVar.cur_seq = myObject.seq; this.classVar.cur_id =; this.classVar.interv = setInterval(this, 'onFrameAction', 30); _root.gotoAndStop(this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].masks[].good.frame); this.makePopup(this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].masks[].good.text); this.soundName = this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].masks[].good.snd; this.playSound(this.soundName, false); } if (myObject.seq < this.sequenceNumb) { _root.gotoAndStop(this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].masks[].good.frame); this.soundName = this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].masks[].good.snd; this.playSound(this.soundName, false); } if (myObject.seq > this.sequenceNumb) { _root.gotoAndStop(this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].masks[].bad.frame); this.makePopup(this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].masks[].bad.text); this.soundName = this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].masks[].bad.snd; this.playSound(this.soundName, false); } break; case 'move': } }; v2.onReleseAction = function (myObject) { switch (this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].type) { case 'click': if (myObject.seq == this.sequenceNumb) { this.persentsNumb += this.sequenceData[myObject.seq].add_percents; this.sequenceNumb += 1; _root.counter.gotoAndStop(this.persentsNumb); } if (myObject.seq > this.sequenceNumb) { } if (myObject.seq < this.sequenceNumb) { } break; case 'click-n-hold': clearInterval(this.classVar.interv); _root.gotoAndStop(this.classVar.start_frame); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(''); _root.sound.stop(this.soundName); this.popupObject.removeMovieClip(); break; case 'move': } }; v2.makePopup = function (myText) { this.popupObject = new Object(); this.popupObject = _root.attachMovie('popup_obj', 'popup_obj', 50); this.popupObject._x = this.sequenceArea[0]; this.popupObject._y = this.sequenceArea[1]; this.popupObject.popup_1_2._width = this.sequenceArea[2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_2._width = this.sequenceArea[2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_3_2._width = this.sequenceArea[2] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_1._height = this.sequenceArea[3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_2._height = this.sequenceArea[3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_2_3._height = this.sequenceArea[3] - 40; this.popupObject.popup_1_3._x = this.sequenceArea[2] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_2_3._x = this.sequenceArea[2] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_3_3._x = this.sequenceArea[2] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_3_1._y = this.sequenceArea[3] - 20; this.popupObject.popup_3_2._y = this.sequenceArea[3] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_3_3._y = this.sequenceArea[3] - 20; _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(myText); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setAlign('center'); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setPosition(this.sequenceArea[0] + 10, this.sequenceArea[1] + 15); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setWidth(this.sequenceArea[2] - 20); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setVisible(true); this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._x = this.sequenceArea[2] - 90; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._y = this.sequenceArea[3] - 0; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_up._visible = this.sequenceArea[4]; this.popupObject.popup_arrow_down._visible = this.sequenceArea[5]; this.popupObject.popup_button._visible = false; }; v2.kill = function () { delete _root[this.classVar.next_btn].onRollOver; delete _root[this.classVar.next_btn].onRollOut; delete _root[this.classVar.next_btn].onDragOut; delete _root[this.classVar.next_btn].onRelease; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < this.sequenceData.length) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < this.sequenceData[v5].masks.length) { delete _root[this.sequenceData[v5].masks[v4].mask].onPress; delete _root[this.sequenceData[v5].masks[v4].mask].onDragOut; delete _root[this.sequenceData[v5].masks[v4].mask].onRelease; ++v4; } ++v5; } delete this.sequenceList; delete this.popupObject; delete _global.mySequence; }; v2.playSound = function (soundName, loop) { _root.sound.attachSound(soundName); if (loop) { _root.sound.start(0, 100000); } else { _root.sound.start(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Sequence.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 563 __Packages.HintTimer { #initclip if (!_global.HintTimer) { var v1 = function () { super(); trace('HintTest'); this.sequenceData = new Array(); this.sequenceList = new Array(); this.addPercents = new Array(); this.sequenceData = _global.sequenceList; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < this.sequenceData.length) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < this.sequenceData[v5].masks.length) { this.addPercents[v5] = this.sequenceData[v5].add_percents; this.sequenceList[v5] = _root[this.sequenceData[v5].masks[v6].mask]; ++v6; } ++v5; } this.startTimer(); }; _global.HintTimer = v1; _global.HintTimer extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.startTimer = function () { this.isTimerStarted = true; this.mcActionPoint = null; this.beginTime = getTimer(); this.progress_start = _root.counter._currentframe; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { trace(getTimer() - _global.newHintTimer.getBeginTime()); if (_root.counter._currentframe == _root.counter._totalframes) { if (_global.newHintTimer.isStarted()) { _global.newHintTimer.stopTimer(); } } else { if (_root.counter._currentframe > _global.newHintTimer.getProgressStart()) { if (_global.newHintTimer.isStarted()) { _global.newHintTimer.stopTimer(); } _global.newHintTimer.startTimer(); } else { if (getTimer() - _global.newHintTimer.getBeginTime() >= HintTimer.MillisecWait) { if (_global.newHintTimer.getMcActionPoint() == null) { trace(' progress_start = ' + _global.newHintTimer.getProgressStart()); var v5 = 0; var v4 = 0; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < _global.newHintTimer.addPercents.length) { v4 += _global.newHintTimer.addPercents[v3]; trace('_root.counter._currentframe = ' + _root.counter._currentframe); trace('( ' + v4 + ' * ' + _root.counter._totalframes + ' / ' + 100 + ' )'); if (_root.counter._currentframe < v4 * _root.counter._totalframes / 100) { v5 = v3; break; } ++v3; } var v7 = _global.newHintTimer.sequenceList[v5]._x; var v6 = _global.newHintTimer.sequenceList[v5]._y; trace(' new_x = ' + v7 + ' new_y = ' + v6); _global.newHintTimer.setMcActionPoint(_root.attachMovie('actionPoint', 'actionPoint', _root.getNextHighestDepth(), {'_x': v7, '_y': v6})); } } } } }; }; v2.stopTimer = function () { var v3 = 0; while (_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v3) != undefined) { ++v3; } trace(' i = ' + v3); this.mcActionPoint.swapDepths(v3); this.mcActionPoint.removeMovieClip(); this.mcActionPoint = null; delete _root.onEnterFrame; this.isTimerStarted = false; }; v2.getBeginTime = function () { return this.beginTime; }; v2.getProgressStart = function () { return this.progress_start; }; v2.getMcActionPoint = function () { return this.mcActionPoint; }; v2.setMcActionPoint = function (_mc) { this.mcActionPoint = _mc; }; v2.isStarted = function () { return this.isTimerStarted; }; v1.MillisecWait = 30000; ASSetPropFlags(_global.HintTimer.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 564 __Packages.Shakehand { #initclip if (!_global.Shakehand) { var v1 = function (myList) { super(); this.datasList = myList; this.datasList.dist = 0; this.datasList.x = _root._xmouse; this.datasList.y = _root._ymouse; this.datasList.last_x = _root._xmouse; this.datasList.last_y = _root._ymouse; this.datasList.summ_x = 0; this.datasList.summ_y = 0; this.datasList.counter = 0; this.datasList.status = 0; this.datasList.fr_jump = 0; this.datasList.c_frame = _root.scene._currentframe; this.datasList.m_frame = _root.scene._framesloaded; _root.scene.gotoAndStop(1); _root.counter.gotoAndStop(1); this.popupList = new Object(); this.popupList = _root.attachMovie('popup_obj', 'popup_obj', 50); this.popupList.popup_button.gotoAndStop(1); this.popupList.popup_button._visible = false; this.popupList.popup_arrow_up._visible = false; this.popupList.popup_arrow_down._visible = false; this.popupList._x = this.datasList.popup[0]; this.popupList._y = this.datasList.popup[1]; this.popupList.popup_1_2._width = this.datasList.popup[2] - 40; this.popupList.popup_2_2._width = this.datasList.popup[2] - 40; this.popupList.popup_3_2._width = this.datasList.popup[2] - 40; this.popupList.popup_2_1._height = this.datasList.popup[3] - 40; this.popupList.popup_2_2._height = this.datasList.popup[3] - 40; this.popupList.popup_2_3._height = this.datasList.popup[3] - 40; this.popupList.popup_1_3._x = this.datasList.popup[2] - 20; this.popupList.popup_2_3._x = this.datasList.popup[2] - 0; this.popupList.popup_3_3._x = this.datasList.popup[2] - 20; this.popupList.popup_3_1._y = this.datasList.popup[3] - 20; this.popupList.popup_3_2._y = this.datasList.popup[3] - 0; this.popupList.popup_3_3._y = this.datasList.popup[3] - 20; _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(this.datasList.popup[4]); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setAlign('center'); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setPosition(this.datasList.popup[0] + 10, this.datasList.popup[1] + 15); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setWidth(this.datasList.popup[2] - 20); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setVisible(true); trace(this.datasList.popup[0]); this.interval = setInterval(this.actionWaiting, 30, this); }; _global.Shakehand = v1; _global.Shakehand extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.actionWaiting = function (obj) { var v9 = _root._xmouse; var v10 = _root._ymouse; var v11 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v9 - obj.datasList.x, 2) + Math.pow(v10 - obj.datasList.y, 2)); this.datasList.status -= 1; if (obj.datasList.dist <= v11) { obj.datasList.dist = v11; } else { var v13 = Math.abs(obj.datasList.x - obj.datasList.last_x) * Math.cos(obj.datasList.angle * Math.PI / 180); var v12 = Math.abs(obj.datasList.y - obj.datasList.last_y) * Math.sin(obj.datasList.angle * Math.PI / 180); var v14 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(v13, 2) + Math.pow(v12, 2)); var v8 = v14 / obj.datasList.counter * obj.datasList.difficulty; if (v8 > 7 * obj.datasList.counter) { v8 = 7 * obj.datasList.counter; } obj.datasList.status += Math.ceil(v8); obj.datasList.counter = 0; obj.datasList.dist = 0; obj.datasList.x = v9; obj.datasList.y = v10; } var v6 = 100 * obj.datasList.status / 1000; if (v6 > 100) { v6 = 100; } obj.datasList.fr_jump = Math.ceil(obj.datasList.maxFrameJump * v6 / 100) + obj.datasList.minFrameJump; var v5 = obj.datasList.c_frame + obj.datasList.fr_jump; if (v5 > obj.datasList.m_frame) { v5 -= obj.datasList.m_frame; } obj.datasList.c_frame = v5; _root.scene.gotoAndStop(obj.datasList.c_frame); if (int(499 * obj.datasList.status / 1000) + 1 > _root.counter._currentframe) { _root.counter.nextFrame(); _root.counter.nextFrame(); } else { if (int(499 * obj.datasList.status / 1000) + 1 < _root.counter._currentframe) { _root.counter.prevFrame(); _root.counter.prevFrame(); } } obj.datasList.last_x = v9; obj.datasList.last_y = v10; ++obj.datasList.counter; if (obj.datasList.status > 0) { var v7 = obj.datasList.status * 0.005 + 1; if (v7 > 5) { v7 = 5; } obj.datasList.status -= v7; } if (obj.datasList.status < 0) { obj.datasList.status = 0; } if (v6 >= 100) { _root.gotoAndStop(obj.datasList.frame); _global.myShakehand.kill(); } }; v2.kill = function () { clearInterval(this.interval); _global.gameTexts.text_0.setText(''); this.popupList.removeMovieClip(); delete this.popupList; delete _global.myShakehand; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Shakehand.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 565 __Packages.Regime { #initclip if (!_global.Regime) { var v1 = function (myList, myBtn, myFrame) { super(); this.regimeData = myList; this.nextBtn = myBtn; this.nextframe = myFrame; this.regimeCurr = 0; this._passFR = 0; this._totalFR = 0; this.regimeData[0].cntr = 0; this.regimeData[0].pass = true; this.regimeData[0].time = this.regimeData[0].time * 30 + 1; this._totalFR += this.regimeData[0].time; var v5 = 1; while (v5 < this.regimeData.length) { this.regimeData[v5].cntr = 0; this.regimeData[v5].pass = false; this.regimeData[v5].time = this.regimeData[v5].time * 30 + 1; this._totalFR += this.regimeData[v5].time; ++v5; } _root.counter.gotoAndStop(1); this.startAnimation(0); _root[this.nextBtn].gotoAndStop(1); _root[this.nextBtn].onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; _root[this.nextBtn].onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root[this.nextBtn].onDragOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root[this.nextBtn].onRelease = function () { _global.myRegime.kill(); _root.gotoAndStop(myFrame); }; _root[this.nextBtn]._visible = false; this.sound = new Sound(); }; _global.Regime = v1; _global.Regime extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function () { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < this.regimeData.length) { _root[this.regimeData[v4].btn].gotoAndStop(1); if (this.regimeData[v4].pass eq true) { if (v4 != this.regimeCurr) { _root[this.regimeData[v4].btn].id = v4; _root[this.regimeData[v4].btn].onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); }; _root[this.regimeData[v4].btn].onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root[this.regimeData[v4].btn].onDragOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root[this.regimeData[v4].btn].onRelease = function () { _global.myRegime.startAnimation(; }; } else { _root[this.regimeData[v4].btn].gotoAndStop(3); } _root[this.regimeData[v4].btn]._alpha = 100; } else { _root[this.regimeData[v4].btn]._alpha = 30; } ++v4; } }; v2.drop = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < this.regimeData.length) { if (this.regimeData[v3].pass eq true) { delete _root[this.regimeData[v3].btn].onRollOver; delete _root[this.regimeData[v3].btn].onRollOut; delete _root[this.regimeData[v3].btn].onDragOut; delete _root[this.regimeData[v3].btn].onRelease; } ++v3; } }; v2.startAnimation = function (myID) { this.drop(); this.regimeCurr = myID; clearInterval(this.regimeIntr); _root.gotoAndStop(this.regimeData[myID].frame); this.regimeIntr = setInterval(this, 'runAnimation', 33); this.init(); this.sound.stop(this.soundName); if (myID > 0) { this.soundName = this.regimeData[myID].snd; this.playSound(this.soundName, true); } else { _root.sound.stop(this._sound); } }; v2.runAnimation = function () { if (this.regimeData[this.regimeCurr].cntr < this.regimeData[this.regimeCurr].time) { this.regimeData[this.regimeCurr].cntr += 1; this._passFR += 1; _root.counter.gotoAndStop(int(500 * this._passFR / this._totalFR)); if (this.regimeData[this.regimeCurr].cntr == this.regimeData[this.regimeCurr].time) { this.drop(); this.regimeData[this.regimeCurr + 1].pass = true; this.init(); if (this.regimeCurr == this.regimeData.length - 1) { _root[this.nextBtn]._visible = true; } } } }; v2.kill = function () { _root.sound.stop(this._sound); this.regimeIntr = setInterval(this, 'runAnimation', 33); this.drop(); delete this.regimeData; }; v2.playSound = function (soundName, loop) { if (!(this._sound eq undefined)) { _root.sound.stop(this._sound); } this._sound = soundName; _root.sound.attachSound(soundName); if (loop) { _root.sound.start(0, 100000); } else { _root.sound.start(); } }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.Regime.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { _global.LanguageGame = 'ru'; _global.OnlineGame = 'online'; _global.gameTexts = new Object(); _global.gameTexts.dialog_0 = new Texts('dialog_0', 'gialog', 10, 10, 0, 'left', 0, 1000, ''); _global.gameTexts.dialog_1 = new Texts('dialog_1', 'gialog', 10, 45, 0, 'left', 0, 1001, ''); _global.gameTexts.dialog_2 = new Texts('dialog_2', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1002, ''); _global.gameTexts.dialog_3 = new Texts('dialog_3', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1003, ''); _global.gameTexts.dialog_4 = new Texts('dialog_4', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1004, ''); _global.gameTexts.text_0 = new Texts('text_0', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1010, ''); _global.gameTexts.text_1 = new Texts('text_1', 'gialog', 10, 80, 0, 'left', 0, 1011, ''); _global.strings = new Strings(); _global.str = _global.strings[_global.LanguageGame + '_strList']; _global.str2 = _global.strings.langList; _global.gameName = _global.strings.gameNameList; _global.haveOfficeSex = false; _global.haveRoom_1Sex = false; _global.haveRoom_2Sex = false; } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 128 { } frame 3 { _root.btn_logo.onRelease = function () { getURL('' + _global.LanguageGame + '2011#1' + _global.OnlineGame, 'blank'); }; _root.sound = new Sound(_root.sound_switch); _root.sound1 = new Sound(_root.music_switch); _root.sound1.attachSound('music1'); _root.sound1.start(0, 100000); _root.music_vol = 50; _root.sound1.setVolume(_root.music_vol); _root.music_switch.gotoAndStop(1); _root.music_switch.onRelease = function () { if (_root.music_vol == 50) { _root.music_switch.gotoAndStop(2); _root.music_vol = 0; } else { _root.music_switch.gotoAndStop(1); _root.music_vol = 50; } _root.sound1.setVolume(_root.music_vol); }; _root.sound_vol = 100; _root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sound_switch.onRelease = function () { if (_root.sound_vol == 100) { _root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sound_vol = 0; } else { _root.sound_switch.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sound_vol = 100; } _root.sound.setVolume(_root.sound_vol); }; } frame 9 { game_name.text = _global.gameName[_global.LanguageGame]; _global.buttonList = new Array({'area': [335, 250], 'obj': 'button_play', 'frame': 10, 'url': '', 'btnPlay': _global.LanguageGame}); _global.myButtons = new Buttons(_global.buttonList); stop(); } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 134 { } movieClip 137 { } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 143 { } movieClip 146 { } movieClip 149 { } movieClip 152 { } movieClip 153 { } frame 10 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, 15); stop; } movieClip 158 { frame 30 { stop(); } } frame 15 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(150, 20); stop; } movieClip 159 { frame 150 { stop(); } } movieClip 162 { frame 30 { stop(); } } frame 20 { _global.dialogList = new Array({'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_1, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_2, 'correct': false, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_3'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_3, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_4, 'correct': true, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_2'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_5, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_6, 'correct': false, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_1'}); _global.myDialog = new Dialog(_global.dialogList, 20, 365, ['quest_cloud', 250, 75], ['ans_cloud', 250, 70], 25); stop(); } movieClip 165 { } movieClip 166 { frame 100 { } frame 200 { } frame 300 { } } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 171 { } frame 25 { _global.dialogList = new Array({'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_7, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_8, 'correct': false, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_3'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_9, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_10, 'correct': true, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_2'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_11, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_12, 'correct': false, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_1'}); _global.myDialog = new Dialog(_global.dialogList, 20, 365, ['quest_cloud', 250, 75], ['ans_cloud', 250, 70], 30); stop(); } frame 30 { _global.dialogList = new Array({'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_13, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_14, 'correct': true, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_3'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_15, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_16, 'correct': false, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_2'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_17, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_18, 'correct': false, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_1'}); _global.myDialog = new Dialog(_global.dialogList, 20, 365, ['quest_cloud', 250, 75], ['ans_cloud', 250, 70], 35); stop(); } frame 35 { _global.dialogList = new Array({'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_19, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_20, 'correct': false, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_3'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_21, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_22, 'correct': false, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_2'}, {'phrase': _global.str.scene_1_23, 'answer': _global.str.scene_1_24, 'correct': true, 'frame': 24, 'snd': 'laugh_1'}); _global.myDialog = new Dialog(_global.dialogList, 20, 365, ['quest_cloud', 250, 75], ['ans_cloud', 250, 70], 40); stop(); } frame 40 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, 45); stop; } frame 45 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(290, 50); stop; } movieClip 174 { } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 180 { } movieClip 183 { } movieClip 185 { frame 290 { stop(); } } frame 50 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(200, 55); stop; } movieClip 188 { } movieClip 191 { } movieClip 194 { } movieClip 197 { } movieClip 200 { } movieClip 203 { } movieClip 206 { } movieClip 209 { } movieClip 212 { } movieClip 215 { } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 224 { } movieClip 227 { } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 233 { } movieClip 234 { frame 200 { stop(); } } frame 55 { _global.sequenceList = new Array({'add_percents': 12.5, 'type': 'click-n-hold', 'masks': [{'mask': 'lask_1', 'speed': 0.1, 'good': {'frame': 57, 'text': 'So good ...', 'snd': 'like'}, 'bad': {'frame': 57, 'text': 'Stop it!', 'snd': 'dontlike'}}]}, {'add_percents': 12.5, 'type': 'click-n-hold', 'masks': [{'mask': 'lask_2', 'speed': 0.1, 'good': {'frame': 58, 'text': 'mmmm ... so good ...', 'snd': 'like'}, 'bad': {'frame': 58, 'text': 'Stop it!', 'snd': 'dontlike'}}]}, {'add_percents': 12.5, 'type': 'click-n-hold', 'masks': [{'mask': 'lask_3', 'speed': 0.1, 'good': {'frame': 59, 'text': 'So good ...', 'snd': 'like'}, 'bad': {'frame': 59, 'text': 'Stop it!', 'snd': 'dontlike'}}]}, {'add_percents': 12.5, 'type': 'click-n-hold', 'masks': [{'mask': 'lask_4', 'speed': 0.1, 'good': {'frame': 60, 'text': 'So good ...', 'snd': 'like'}, 'bad': {'frame': 60, 'text': 'Stop it!', 'snd': 'dontlike'}}]}, {'add_percents': 12.5, 'type': 'click-n-hold', 'masks': [{'mask': 'lask_5', 'speed': 0.1, 'good': {'frame': 61, 'text': 'So good ...', 'snd': 'like'}, 'bad': {'frame': 61, 'text': 'Stop it!', 'snd': 'dontlike'}}]}, {'add_percents': 12.5, 'type': 'click-n-hold', 'masks': [{'mask': 'lask_6', 'speed': 0.1, 'good': {'frame': 62, 'text': 'So good ...', 'snd': 'like'}, 'bad': {'frame': 62, 'text': 'Stop it!', 'snd': 'dontlike'}}]}, {'add_percents': 12.5, 'type': 'click-n-hold', 'masks': [{'mask': 'lask_7', 'speed': 0.1, 'good': {'frame': 63, 'text': 'So good ...', 'snd': 'like'}, 'bad': {'frame': 63, 'text': 'Stop it!', 'snd': 'dontlike'}}]}, {'add_percents': 12.5, 'type': 'click-n-hold', 'masks': [{'mask': 'lask_8', 'speed': 0.1, 'good': {'frame': 64, 'text': 'So good ...', 'snd': 'like'}, 'bad': {'frame': 64, 'text': 'Stop it!', 'snd': 'dontlike'}}]}); _global.mySequence = new Sequence(_global.sequenceList, [300, 70, 200, 60, false, false], 'btn_next', 65); _global.newHintTimer = new HintTimer(); stop(); } movieClip 237 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 243 { } movieClip 246 { } movieClip 249 { } movieClip 252 { } movieClip 253 { } movieClip 256 { } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 262 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 268 { } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 274 { } movieClip 275 { } movieClip 276 { } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 285 { frame 200 { gotoAndPlay('sex_1'); } frame 400 { gotoAndPlay('sex_2'); } frame 600 { gotoAndPlay('sex_3'); } frame 800 { gotoAndPlay('sex_4'); } frame 1000 { gotoAndPlay('sex_5'); } frame 1200 { gotoAndPlay('sex_6'); } frame 1400 { gotoAndPlay('sex_7'); } frame 1600 { gotoAndPlay('sex_8'); } frame 1800 { gotoAndPlay('sex_9'); } } movieClip 287 { } frame 57 { scl333.gotoAndPlay('sex_2'); } frame 58 { scl333.gotoAndPlay('sex_3'); } frame 59 { scl333.gotoAndPlay('sex_4'); } frame 60 { scl333.gotoAndPlay('sex_5'); } frame 61 { scl333.gotoAndPlay('sex_6'); } frame 62 { scl333.gotoAndPlay('sex_7'); } frame 63 { scl333.gotoAndPlay('sex_8'); } frame 64 { scl333.gotoAndPlay('sex_9'); } frame 65 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(10, 70); stop; } frame 70 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, 75); stop; } frame 75 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(70, 80); stop; } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 296 { } movieClip 299 { } movieClip 302 { } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 308 { } movieClip 311 { } movieClip 314 { } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 323 { } movieClip 324 { frame 70 { stop(); } } frame 80 { _global.myShakehand = new Shakehand({'angle': 90, 'difficulty': 1, 'minFrameJump': 1, 'maxFrameJump': 10, 'frame': 85, 'popup': [100, 400, 200, 60, 'Shake your mouse up\'n\'down to make it faster']}); stop(); } movieClip 328 { frame 200 { gotoAndPlay('sex_1'); } } frame 85 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, 90); stop; } movieClip 329 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay('sex_1'); } } frame 90 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, 95); stop; } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 338 { } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 353 { } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 359 { } movieClip 362 { } movieClip 365 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 371 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 377 { } movieClip 380 { } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 384 { } frame 95 { _global.regimeList = new Array({'btn': 'temp_1', 'time': 0, 'frame': 96, 'snd': ''}, {'btn': 'temp_2', 'time': 9, 'frame': 97, 'snd': 'temp_1'}, {'btn': 'temp_3', 'time': 9, 'frame': 98, 'snd': 'temp_2'}, {'btn': 'temp_4', 'time': 9, 'frame': 99, 'snd': 'temp_3'}); _global.myRegime = new Regime(_global.regimeList, 'btn_next', 100); stop(); } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 389 { } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 395 { } frame 97 { scen5.gotoAndPlay('sex_1'); } movieClip 400 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 409 { } movieClip 413 { } movieClip 416 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 422 { } movieClip 425 { } movieClip 436 { frame 130 { stop(); } } movieClip 443 { frame 60 { gotoAndPlay('sex_1'); } frame 100 { gotoAndPlay('sex_2'); } frame 120 { gotoAndPlay('sex_3'); } frame 250 { stop(); } } frame 98 { scen5.gotoAndPlay('sex_2'); } frame 99 { scen5.gotoAndPlay('sex_3'); } frame 100 { scen5.gotoAndPlay('finish'); _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(130, 105); stop; } frame 105 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, 110); stop; } frame 110 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(60, 115); stop; } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 449 { } movieClip 452 { } movieClip 455 { } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 461 { } movieClip 464 { } movieClip 467 { } movieClip 470 { } movieClip 473 { } movieClip 476 { } movieClip 479 { } movieClip 482 { } movieClip 486 { } movieClip 490 { frame 70 { stop(); } } frame 115 { _global.regimeList = new Array({'btn': 'temp_1', 'time': 0, 'frame': 116, 'snd': ''}, {'btn': 'temp_2', 'time': 9, 'frame': 117, 'snd': 'temp_1'}, {'btn': 'temp_3', 'time': 9, 'frame': 118, 'snd': 'temp_2'}, {'btn': 'temp_4', 'time': 9, 'frame': 119, 'snd': 'temp_3'}, {'btn': 'temp_5', 'time': 9, 'frame': 120, 'snd': 'temp_3'}); _global.myRegime = new Regime(_global.regimeList, 'btn_next', 121); stop(); } movieClip 491 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 496 { } movieClip 498 { } frame 117 { scen6.gotoAndPlay('sex_1'); } movieClip 512 { } movieClip 528 { frame 125 { stop(); } } movieClip 534 { frame 110 { stop(); } } movieClip 540 { frame 95 { stop(); } } movieClip 541 { frame 60 { gotoAndPlay('sex_1'); } frame 100 { gotoAndPlay('sex_2'); } frame 140 { gotoAndPlay('sex_3'); } frame 160 { gotoAndPlay('sex_4'); } frame 290 { stop(); } } frame 118 { scen6.gotoAndPlay('sex_2'); } frame 119 { scen6.gotoAndPlay('sex_3'); } frame 120 { scen6.gotoAndPlay('sex_4'); } frame 121 { scen6.gotoAndPlay('finish'); _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(130, 125); stop; } frame 125 { _global.myWaiting = new Waiting(30, 130); stop; } frame 130 { game_name.text = _global.gameName[_global.LanguageGame]; _global.buttonList = new Array({'area': [-20, 210], 'obj': 'btn_again', 'frame': 10, 'url': ''}, {'area': [-20, 261], 'obj': 'btn_more', 'frame': 0, 'url': '' + _global.LanguageGame + '-Lollipop_Cock_Trip-' + _global.OnlineGame}); _global.myButtons = new Buttons(_global.buttonList); stop(); } movieClip 544 { } movieClip 547 { } movieClip 550 { } movieClip 552 { } movieClip 553 { } movieClip 554 { frame 170 { stop(); } }
Created: 24/10 -2018 00:53:28 Last modified: 24/10 -2018 00:53:28 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:41:24