Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2599 · P5197

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #156836

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 57 BoundingBox { } movieClip 59 BrdrShdw { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'shadowColor'); } } movieClip 61 BrdrFace { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'buttonColor'); } } movieClip 62 SimpleButtonDown { } movieClip 64 BrdrBlk { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'borderColor'); } } movieClip 66 BrdrHilght { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'highlightColor'); } } movieClip 67 SimpleButtonIn { } movieClip 68 SimpleButtonUp { } movieClip 69 Defaults { #initclip Object.registerClass('Defaults', mx.skins.halo.Defaults); #endinitclip } movieClip 70 UIObjectExtensions { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIObjectExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions); #endinitclip } movieClip 71 UIObject { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIObject', mx.core.UIObject); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } button 74 { on (keyPress '<Tab>') { this.tabHandler(); } } movieClip 75 { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } #endinitclip frame 1 { } } movieClip 76 FocusRect { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusRect', mx.skins.halo.FocusRect); #endinitclip } movieClip 77 FocusManager { #initclip Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 78 UIComponentExtensions { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIComponentExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions); #endinitclip } movieClip 79 UIComponent { #initclip Object.registerClass('UIComponent', mx.core.UIComponent); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 80 SimpleButton { #initclip Object.registerClass('SimpleButton', mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 81 Border { #initclip Object.registerClass('Border', mx.skins.Border); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 82 RectBorder { #initclip mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(mx.skins.RectBorder.symbolName, Object(mx.skins.RectBorder)); Object.registerClass('RectBorder', mx.skins.halo.RectBorder); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 83 ButtonSkin { #initclip Object.registerClass('ButtonSkin', mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin); #endinitclip } movieClip 84 Button { #initclip Object.registerClass('Button', mx.controls.Button); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 80 SimpleButton { onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } } movieClip 85 CustomBorder { #initclip Object.registerClass('CustomBorder', mx.skins.CustomBorder); mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement('CustomBorder', mx.skins.CustomBorder); #endinitclip frame 1 { } } movieClip 88 ScrollTrack { } movieClip 95 ScrollDownArrowDisabled { } movieClip 97 ScrollThemeColor1 { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor'); } } movieClip 99 ScrollThemeColor2 { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor'); } } movieClip 100 ScrollDownArrowDown { } movieClip 101 ScrollDownArrowOver { } movieClip 102 ScrollDownArrowUp { } movieClip 108 ScrollThumbBottomDisabled { } movieClip 110 ThumbThemeColor1 { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor'); } } movieClip 112 ThumbThemeColor3 { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor'); } } movieClip 113 ScrollThumbBottomDown { } movieClip 114 ScrollThumbBottomOver { } movieClip 115 ScrollThumbBottomUp { } movieClip 117 ScrollThumbGripDisabled { } movieClip 119 ThumbThemeColor2 { frame 1 { mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor'); } } movieClip 120 ScrollThumbGripDown { } movieClip 121 ScrollThumbGripOver { } movieClip 122 ScrollThumbGripUp { } movieClip 124 ScrollThumbMiddleDisabled { } movieClip 125 ScrollThumbMiddleDown { } movieClip 126 { } movieClip 128 { } movieClip 129 ScrollThumbMiddleOver { } movieClip 130 ScrollThumbMiddleUp { } movieClip 131 ScrollThumbTopDisabled { } movieClip 132 ScrollThumbTopDown { } movieClip 133 ScrollThumbTopOver { } movieClip 134 ScrollThumbTopUp { } movieClip 135 ScrollTrackDisabled { } movieClip 136 ScrollUpArrowDisabled { } movieClip 137 ScrollUpArrowDown { } movieClip 138 ScrollUpArrowOver { } movieClip 139 ScrollUpArrowUp { } movieClip 140 BtnDownArrow { #initclip Object.registerClass('BtnDownArrow', mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 141 BtnUpArrow { #initclip Object.registerClass('BtnUpArrow', mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip } movieClip 142 ScrollBarAssets { } movieClip 143 HScrollBar { #initclip Object.registerClass('HScrollBar', mx.controls.HScrollBar); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 84 Button { onClipEvent (initialize) { icon = ''; label = 'Button'; labelPlacement = 'right'; selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } instance of movieClip 80 SimpleButton { onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } } movieClip 144 VScrollBar { #initclip Object.registerClass('VScrollBar', mx.controls.VScrollBar); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 84 Button { onClipEvent (initialize) { icon = ''; label = 'Button'; labelPlacement = 'right'; selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } instance of movieClip 80 SimpleButton { onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } } movieClip 145 View { #initclip Object.registerClass('View', mx.core.View); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 146 ScrollView { #initclip Object.registerClass('ScrollView', mx.core.ScrollView); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 143 HScrollBar { onClipEvent (initialize) { enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } instance of movieClip 144 VScrollBar { onClipEvent (initialize) { enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; } } } movieClip 147 TextArea { #initclip Object.registerClass('TextArea', mx.controls.TextArea); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 177 ScrollPane { #initclip Object.registerClass('ScrollPane', mx.containers.ScrollPane); #endinitclip frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 1 { function gotoMySite() { getURL('', '_top'); } function deadClick() { if (sfxvolume == '34') { ++_root.NoseType; if (_root.NoseType > 2) { _root.NoseType = 1; } _root.char.head.nose.gotoAndStop(_root.NoseType); } else { if (sfxvolume == '7') { if (BlendType == 'normal') { BlendType = 'difference'; } else { BlendType = 'normal'; } _root.char.blendMode = BlendType; } else { getURL('', '_top'); } } } var percentloaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; stop(); var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); myMenu.builtInItems.zoom = true; myMenu.builtInItems.quality = true; myMenu.builtInItems.rewind = true; var copyrightNotice = new ContextMenuItem('© Mittsies 2013', gotoMySite); var deadclick = new ContextMenuItem('Visit my Tumblr!', deadClick); myMenu.customItems.push(copyrightNotice); myMenu.customItems.push(deadclick); = myMenu; stopAllSounds(); var AlreadyWatchedIntro = false; } movieClip 181 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 181 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.percentloadedDisplay); } } movieClip 183 { } instance of movieClip 183 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.percentloaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; _root.percentloadedDisplay = int(_root.percentloaded); if (_root.percentloaded > 80) { this._alpha = 25 + _root.percentloaded * 0.75 - (_root.percentloaded - 80) * 6; } else { this._alpha = 25 + _root.percentloaded * 0.75; } if (_root.percentloaded == 100) { _root.nextFrame(); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 229 movieClip 187 { } instance of movieClip 187 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.percentloaded > 80) { this._alpha = 25 + _root.percentloaded * 0.75 - (_root.percentloaded - 80) * 6; } else { this._alpha = 25 + _root.percentloaded * 0.75; } } } movieClip 190 { } movieClip 195 { } movieClip 196 { } movieClip 197 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 198 { on (rollOver) { if (_root.HUDfade > 61) { _root.HUDfade = 61; } _root.HUDlock = true; } on (rollOut) { _root.HUDlock = false; } } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 204 { } movieClip 206 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 207 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.HUDfade > 61) { _root.HUDfade = 61; } _root.HUDlock = true; } on (rollOut) { _root.HUDlock = false; } } movieClip 210 { } movieClip 212 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 213 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } on (rollOver) { if (_root.HUDfade > 61) { _root.HUDfade = 61; } _root.HUDlock = true; } on (rollOut) { _root.HUDlock = false; } } movieClip 214 { } instance of movieClip 214 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.HUDfade = 0; _root.HUDlock = false; var fadecap; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.HUDlock) { ++_root.HUDfade; } if (_root.HUDfade > 60) { fadecap = _root.HUDfade - 60; if (fadecap > 90) { fadecap = 90; } this._alpha = 100 - fadecap; if (_root.HUDfade > 160) { } } } } movieClip 49 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.constructObject(); }; mx.core.UIObject = v1; var v2 = new MovieClip(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this._width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this._height; }; v2.__get__left = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__get__x = function () { return this._x; }; v2.__get__top = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__get__y = function () { return this._y; }; v2.__get__right = function () { return this._parent.width - (this._x + this.__get__width()); }; v2.__get__bottom = function () { return this._parent.height - (this._y + this.__get__height()); }; v2.getMinHeight = function (Void) { return this._minHeight; }; v2.setMinHeight = function (h) { this._minHeight = h; }; v2.__get__minHeight = function () { return this.getMinHeight(); }; v2.__set__minHeight = function (h) { this.setMinHeight(h); return this.__get__minHeight(); }; v2.getMinWidth = function (Void) { return this._minWidth; }; v2.setMinWidth = function (w) { this._minWidth = w; }; v2.__get__minWidth = function () { return this.getMinWidth(); }; v2.__set__minWidth = function (w) { this.setMinWidth(w); return this.__get__minWidth(); }; v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) { if (x != this._visible) { this._visible = x; if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': x ? 'reveal' : 'hide'}); } } }; v2.__get__visible = function () { return this._visible; }; v2.__set__visible = function (x) { this.setVisible(x, false); return this.__get__visible(); }; v2.__get__scaleX = function () { return this._xscale; }; v2.__set__scaleX = function (x) { this._xscale = x; return this.__get__scaleX(); }; v2.__get__scaleY = function () { return this._yscale; }; v2.__set__scaleY = function (y) { this._yscale = y; return this.__get__scaleY(); }; v2.doLater = function (obj, fn) { if (this.methodTable == undefined) { this.methodTable = new Array(); } this.methodTable.push({'obj': obj, 'fn': fn}); this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher; }; v2.doLaterDispatcher = function (Void) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.redraw(); } var v3 = this.methodTable; this.methodTable = new Array(); if (v3.length > 0) { var v2; v2 = v3.shift(); while (v2 != undefined) { v2.obj[v2.fn](); } } }; v2.cancelAllDoLaters = function (Void) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.methodTable = new Array(); }; v2.invalidate = function (Void) { this.invalidateFlag = true; this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher; }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) { this.invalidate(); }; v2.redraw = function (bAlways) { if (this.invalidateFlag || bAlways) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var v2; for (v2 in this.tfList) { this.tfList[v2].draw(); } this.draw(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'draw'}); } }; v2.draw = function (Void) {}; v2.move = function (x, y, noEvent) { var v3 = this._x; var v2 = this._y; this._x = x; this._y = y; if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'move', 'oldX': v3, 'oldY': v2}); } }; v2.setSize = function (w, h, noEvent) { var v2 = this.__width; var v3 = this.__height; this.__width = w; this.__height = h; this.size(); if (noEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'oldWidth': v2, 'oldHeight': v3}); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this._width = this.__width; this._height = this.__height; }; v2.drawRect = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { this.moveTo(x1, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y1); this.lineTo(x2, y2); this.lineTo(x1, y2); this.lineTo(x1, y1); }; v2.createLabel = function (name, depth, text) { this.createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); var v2 = this[name]; v2._color = mx.core.UIObject.textColorList; v2._visible = false; v2.__text = text; if (this.tfList == undefined) { this.tfList = new Object(); } this.tfList[name] = v2; v2.invalidateStyle(); this.invalidate(); v2.styleName = this; return v2; }; v2.createObject = function (linkageName, id, depth, initobj) { return this.attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj); }; v2.createClassObject = function (className, id, depth, initobj) { var v3 = className.symbolName == undefined; if (v3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className); } var v4 = this.createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj); if (v3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner); } return v4; }; v2.createEmptyObject = function (id, depth) { return this.createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth); }; v2.destroyObject = function (id) { var v2 = this[id]; if (v2.getDepth() < 0) { var v4 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v5 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(0, v4, 'up'); var v3 = v5; v2.swapDepths(v3); } v2.removeMovieClip(); delete this[id]; }; v2.getSkinIDName = function (tag) { return this.idNames[tag]; }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initObj) { if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) { mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement); } return this.createObject(linkageName, this.getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj); }; v2.createSkin = function (tag) { var v2 = this.getSkinIDName(tag); this.createEmptyObject(v2, tag); return this[v2]; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) {}; v2._createChildren = function (Void) { this.createChildren(); this.childrenCreated = true; }; v2.constructObject = function (Void) { if (this._name == undefined) { return undefined; } this.init(); this._createChildren(); this.createAccessibilityImplementation(); this._endInit(); if (this.validateNow) { this.redraw(true); } else { this.invalidate(); } }; v2.initFromClipParameters = function (Void) { var v4 = false; var v2; for (v2 in this.clipParameters) { if (this.hasOwnProperty(v2)) { v4 = true; this['def_' + v2] = this[v2]; delete this[v2]; } } if (v4) { for (v2 in this.clipParameters) { var v3 = this['def_' + v2]; if (v3 != undefined) { this[v2] = v3; } } } }; v2.init = function (Void) { this.__width = this._width; this.__height = this._height; if (this.initProperties == undefined) { this.initFromClipParameters(); } else { this.initProperties(); } if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) { this.stylecache = new Object(); } }; v2.getClassStyleDeclaration = function (Void) { var v4 = this; var v3 = this.className; while (v3 != undefined) { if (this.ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[v3] == undefined) { if (_global.styles[v3] != undefined) { return _global.styles[v3]; } } v4 = v4.__proto__; v3 = v4.className; } }; v2.setColor = function (color) {}; v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) { var v8 =; if (v8 != undefined) { var v3; for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) { if (tf[v3] == undefined) { tf[v3] = v8[v3]; } } } return false; } var v6 = false; for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) { if (tf[v3] == undefined) { var v5 = this._tf[v3]; if (v5 != undefined) { tf[v3] = v5; } else { if (v3 == 'font' && this.fontFamily != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontFamily; } else { if (v3 == 'size' && this.fontSize != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontSize; } else { if (v3 == 'color' && this.color != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.color; } else { if (v3 == 'leftMargin' && this.marginLeft != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.marginLeft; } else { if (v3 == 'rightMargin' && this.marginRight != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.marginRight; } else { if (v3 == 'italic' && this.fontStyle != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontStyle == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'bold' && this.fontWeight != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.fontWeight == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'align' && this.textAlign != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textAlign; } else { if (v3 == 'indent' && this.textIndent != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textIndent; } else { if (v3 == 'underline' && this.textDecoration != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.textDecoration == v3; } else { if (v3 == 'embedFonts' && this.embedFonts != undefined) { tf[v3] = this.embedFonts; } else { v6 = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (v6) { var v9 = this.styleName; if (v9 != undefined) { if (typeof v9 != 'string') { v6 = v9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } else { if (_global.styles[v9] != undefined) { v6 = _global.styles[v9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } } } if (v6) { var v10 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (v10 != undefined) { v6 = v10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } if (v6) { if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (this._parent != undefined) { v6 = this._parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false); } } } if (v6) { v6 =, true, this); } return v6; }; v2._getTextFormat = function (Void) { var v2 =; if (v2 != undefined) { return v2; } v2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(v2, true); = v2; if (this.enabled == false) { var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor'); v2.color = v3; } return v2; }; v2.getStyleName = function (Void) { var v2 = this.styleName; if (v2 != undefined) { if (typeof v2 != 'string') { return v2.getStyleName(); } else { return v2; } } if (this._parent != undefined) { return this._parent.getStyleName(); } else { return undefined; } }; v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) { var v3; ++_global.getStyleCounter; if (this[styleProp] != undefined) { return this[styleProp]; } var v6 = this.styleName; if (v6 != undefined) { if (typeof v6 != 'string') { v3 = v6.getStyle(styleProp); } else { var v7 = _global.styles[v6]; v3 = v7.getStyle(styleProp); } } if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } v7 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (v7 != undefined) { v3 = v7[styleProp]; } if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { var v5 = this.stylecache; if (v5 != undefined) { if (v5[styleProp] != undefined) { return v5[styleProp]; } } if (this._parent != undefined) { v3 = this._parent.getStyle(styleProp); } else { v3 =[styleProp]; } if (v5 != undefined) { v5[styleProp] = v3; } return v3; } } if (v3 == undefined) { v3 =[styleProp]; } return v3; }; v1.mergeClipParameters = function (o, p) { for (var v3 in p) { o[v3] = p[v3]; } return true; }; v1.symbolName = 'UIObject'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject; v1.version = ''; v1.textColorList = {'color': 1, 'disabledColor': 1}; v2.invalidateFlag = false; v2.lineWidth = 1; v2.lineColor = 0; v2.tabEnabled = false; v2.clipParameters = {'visible': 1, 'minHeight': 1, 'minWidth': 1, 'maxHeight': 1, 'maxWidth': 1, 'preferredHeight': 1, 'preferredWidth': 1}; v2.addProperty('bottom', v2.__get__bottom, function () {}); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('left', v2.__get__left, function () {}); v2.addProperty('minHeight', v2.__get__minHeight, v2.__set__minHeight); v2.addProperty('minWidth', v2.__get__minWidth, v2.__set__minWidth); v2.addProperty('right', v2.__get__right, function () {}); v2.addProperty('scaleX', v2.__get__scaleX, v2.__set__scaleX); v2.addProperty('scaleY', v2.__get__scaleY, v2.__set__scaleY); v2.addProperty('top', v2.__get__top, function () {}); v2.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); v2.addProperty('x', v2.__get__x, function () {}); v2.addProperty('y', v2.__get__y, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIObject.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 50 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.core.UIComponent = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIObject(); mx.core.UIComponent.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this.__width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this.__height; }; v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); }; v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) { this.setEnabled(newValue); this.invalidate(); delete; return newValue; }; v2.setEnabled = function (enabled) { this.invalidate(); }; v2.getFocus = function () { var selFocus = Selection.getFocus(); return (selFocus === null) ? null : eval(selFocus); }; v2.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; v2.getFocusManager = function () { var v2 = this; while (v2 != undefined) { if (v2.focusManager != undefined) { return v2.focusManager; } v2 = v2._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { this.removeEventListener('keyDown', this); this.removeEventListener('keyUp', this); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusOut'}); this.drawFocus(false); }; v2.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { this.addEventListener('keyDown', this); this.addEventListener('keyUp', this); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusIn'}); if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) { this.drawFocus(true); } }; v2.findFocusInChildren = function (o) { if (o.focusTextField != undefined) { return o.focusTextField; } if (o.tabEnabled == true) { return o; } return undefined; }; v2.findFocusFromObject = function (o) { if (o.tabEnabled != true) { if (o._parent == undefined) { return undefined; } if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) { o = o._parent; return o; } if (o._parent.tabChildren) { o = this.findFocusInChildren(o._parent); return o; } o = this.findFocusFromObject(o._parent); } return o; }; v2.pressFocus = function () { var v3 = this.findFocusFromObject(this); var v2 = this.getFocus(); if (v3 != v2) { v2.drawFocus(false); if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) { v3.drawFocus(true); } } }; v2.releaseFocus = function () { var v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(this); if (v2 != this.getFocus()) { v2.setFocus(); } }; v2.isParent = function (o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o == this) { return true; } o = o._parent; } return false; }; v2.size = function () {}; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; this._focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false;'enabled', this.enabledChanged); if (this.enabled == false) { this.setEnabled(false); } }; v2.dispatchValueChangedEvent = function (value) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'valueChanged', 'value': value}); }; v1.symbolName = 'UIComponent'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.version = ''; v1.kStretch = 5000; v2.focusEnabled = true; v2.tabEnabled = true; v2.origBorderStyles = {'themeColor': 16711680}; v2.clipParameters = {}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 51 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.core.View = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent(); mx.core.View.prototype = v2; v2.init = function () { super.init(); this.tabChildren = true; this.tabEnabled = false; this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; }; v2.size = function () { this.border_mc.move(0, 0); this.border_mc.setSize(this.__get__width(), this.__get__height()); this.doLayout(); }; v2.draw = function () { this.size(); }; v2.__get__numChildren = function () { var v3 = mx.core.View.childNameBase; var v2 = 0; while (!false) { if (this[v3 + v2] == undefined) { return v2; } ++v2; } return -1; }; v2.__get__tabIndex = function () { return this.tabEnabled ? this.__tabIndex : undefined; }; v2.__set__tabIndex = function (n) { this.__tabIndex = n; return this.__get__tabIndex(); }; v2.addLayoutObject = function (object) {}; v2.createChild = function (className, instanceName, initProps) { if (this.depth == undefined) { this.depth = 1; } var v2; if (typeof className == 'string') { v2 = this.createObject(className, instanceName, this.depth++, initProps); } else { v2 = this.createClassObject(className, instanceName, this.depth++, initProps); } if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = this.loadExternal(className, this._loadExternalClass, instanceName, this.depth++, initProps); this.addLayoutObject(v2); return v2; } this[mx.core.View.childNameBase + this.__get__numChildren()] = v2; v2._complete = true; this.childLoaded(v2); this.addLayoutObject(v2); return v2; }; v2.getChildAt = function (childIndex) { return this[mx.core.View.childNameBase + childIndex]; }; v2.destroyChildAt = function (childIndex) { if (!(childIndex >= 0 && childIndex < this.__get__numChildren())) { return undefined; } var v4 = mx.core.View.childNameBase + childIndex; var v6 = this.__get__numChildren(); var v3; for (v3 in this) { if (v3 == v4) { v4 = ''; this.destroyObject(v3); break; } } var v2 = Number(childIndex); while (v2 < v6 - 1) { this[mx.core.View.childNameBase + v2] = this[mx.core.View.childNameBase + (v2 + 1)]; ++v2; } delete this[mx.core.View.childNameBase + (v6 - 1)]; --this.depth; }; v2.initLayout = function () { if (!this.hasBeenLayedOut) { this.doLayout(); } }; v2.doLayout = function () { this.hasBeenLayedOut = true; }; v2.createChildren = function () { if (this.border_mc == undefined) { this.border_mc = this.createClassChildAtDepth(_global.styles.rectBorderClass, mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom, {'styleName': this}); } this.doLater(this, 'initLayout'); }; v2.convertToUIObject = function (obj) {}; v2.childLoaded = function (obj) { this.convertToUIObject(obj); }; v1.extension = function () { mx.core.ExternalContent.enableExternalContent(); }; v1.symbolName = 'View'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.View; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'View'; v1.childNameBase = '_child'; v2.hasBeenLayedOut = false; v2._loadExternalClass = 'UIComponent'; v2.addProperty('numChildren', v2.__get__numChildren, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tabIndex', v2.__get__tabIndex, v2.__set__tabIndex); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.View.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 52 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.core.ScrollView = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.View(); mx.core.ScrollView.prototype = v2; v2.getHScrollPolicy = function (Void) { return this.__hScrollPolicy; }; v2.setHScrollPolicy = function (policy) { this.__hScrollPolicy = policy.toLowerCase(); if (this.__width == undefined) { return undefined; } this.setScrollProperties(this.numberOfCols, this.columnWidth, this.rowC, this.rowH, this.heightPadding, this.widthPadding); }; v2.__get__hScrollPolicy = function () { return this.getHScrollPolicy(); }; v2.__set__hScrollPolicy = function (policy) { this.setHScrollPolicy(policy); return this.__get__hScrollPolicy(); }; v2.getVScrollPolicy = function (Void) { return this.__vScrollPolicy; }; v2.setVScrollPolicy = function (policy) { this.__vScrollPolicy = policy.toLowerCase(); if (this.__width == undefined) { return undefined; } this.setScrollProperties(this.numberOfCols, this.columnWidth, this.rowC, this.rowH, this.heightPadding, this.widthPadding); }; v2.__get__vScrollPolicy = function () { return this.getVScrollPolicy(); }; v2.__set__vScrollPolicy = function (policy) { this.setVScrollPolicy(policy); return this.__get__vScrollPolicy(); }; v2.__get__hPosition = function () { return this.getHPosition(); }; v2.__set__hPosition = function (pos) { this.setHPosition(pos); return this.__get__hPosition(); }; v2.getHPosition = function (Void) { return this.__hPosition; }; v2.setHPosition = function (pos) { this.hScroller.__set__scrollPosition(pos); this.__hPosition = pos; }; v2.__get__vPosition = function () { return this.getVPosition(); }; v2.__set__vPosition = function (pos) { this.setVPosition(pos); return this.__get__vPosition(); }; v2.getVPosition = function (Void) { return this.__vPosition; }; v2.setVPosition = function (pos) { this.vScroller.__set__scrollPosition(pos); this.__vPosition = pos; }; v2.__get__maxVPosition = function () { var v2 = this.vScroller.maxPos; return (v2 == undefined) ? 0 : v2; }; v2.__get__maxHPosition = function () { return this.getMaxHPosition(); }; v2.__set__maxHPosition = function (pos) { this.setMaxHPosition(pos); return this.__get__maxHPosition(); }; v2.getMaxHPosition = function (Void) { if (this.__maxHPosition != undefined) { return this.__maxHPosition; } var v2 = this.hScroller.maxPos; return (v2 == undefined) ? 0 : v2; }; v2.setMaxHPosition = function (pos) { this.__maxHPosition = pos; }; v2.setScrollProperties = function (colCount, colWidth, rwCount, rwHeight, hPadding, wPadding) { var v3 = this.getViewMetrics(); if (hPadding == undefined) { hPadding = 0; } if (wPadding == undefined) { wPadding = 0; } this.propsInited = true; delete this.scrollAreaChanged; this.heightPadding = hPadding; this.widthPadding = wPadding; if (colWidth == 0) { colWidth = 1; } if (rwHeight == 0) { rwHeight = 1; } var v5 = Math.ceil((this.__width - v3.left - v3.right - this.widthPadding) / colWidth); if (this.__hScrollPolicy == 'on' || v5 < colCount && this.__hScrollPolicy == 'auto') { if (this.hScroller == undefined || this.specialHScrollCase) { delete this.specialHScrollCase; this.hScroller = this.createObject('HScrollBar', 'hSB', 1001); this.hScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(20); this.hScroller.scrollHandler = this.scrollProxy; this.hScroller.__set__scrollPosition(this.__hPosition); this.scrollAreaChanged = true; } if (this.numberOfCols != colCount || this.columnWidth != colWidth || this.viewableColumns != v5 || this.scrollAreaChanged) { this.hScroller.setScrollProperties(v5, 0, colCount - v5); this.viewableColumns = v5; this.numberOfCols = colCount; this.columnWidth = colWidth; } } else { if ((this.__hScrollPolicy == 'auto' || this.__hScrollPolicy == 'off') && this.hScroller != undefined) { this.hScroller.removeMovieClip(); delete this.hScroller; this.scrollAreaChanged = true; } } if (this.heightPadding == undefined) { this.heightPadding = 0; } var v4 = Math.ceil((this.__height - - v3.bottom - this.heightPadding) / rwHeight); var v8 = (this.__height - - v3.bottom) % rwHeight != 0; if (this.__vScrollPolicy == 'on' || v4 < rwCount + v8 && this.__vScrollPolicy == 'auto') { if (this.vScroller == undefined) { this.vScroller = this.createObject('VScrollBar', 'vSB', 1002); this.vScroller.scrollHandler = this.scrollProxy; this.vScroller.__set__scrollPosition(this.__vPosition); this.scrollAreaChanged = true; this.rowH = 0; } if (this.rowC != rwCount || this.rowH != rwHeight || this.viewableRows + v8 != v4 + this.oldRndUp || this.scrollAreaChanged) { this.vScroller.setScrollProperties(v4, 0, rwCount - v4 + v8); this.viewableRows = v4; this.rowC = rwCount; this.rowH = rwHeight; this.oldRndUp = v8; } } else { if ((this.__vScrollPolicy == 'auto' || this.__vScrollPolicy == 'off') && this.vScroller != undefined) { this.vScroller.removeMovieClip(); delete this.vScroller; this.scrollAreaChanged = true; } } this.numberOfCols = colCount; this.columnWidth = colWidth; if (this.scrollAreaChanged) { this.doLayout(); var v2 = this.__viewMetrics; var v12 = (this.owner != undefined) ? this.owner : this; v12.layoutContent(v2.left,, this.columnWidth * this.numberOfCols - v2.left - v2.right, this.rowC * this.rowH, this.__width - v2.left - v2.right, this.__height - - v2.bottom); } if (!this.enabled) { this.setEnabled(false); } }; v2.getViewMetrics = function (Void) { var v2 = this.__viewMetrics; var v3 = this.border_mc.__get__borderMetrics(); v2.left = v3.left; v2.right = v3.right; if (this.vScroller != undefined) { v2.right += this.vScroller.minWidth; } =; if (this.hScroller == undefined && (this.__hScrollPolicy == 'on' || this.__hScrollPolicy == true)) { this.hScroller = this.createObject('FHScrollBar', 'hSB', 1001); this.specialHScrollCase = true; } v2.bottom = v3.bottom; if (this.hScroller != undefined) { v2.bottom += this.hScroller.minHeight; } return v2; }; v2.doLayout = function (Void) { var v10 = this.__get__width(); var v8 = this.__get__height(); delete this.invLayout; this.__viewMetrics = this.getViewMetrics(); var v3 = this.__viewMetrics; var v2 = v3.left; var v9 = v3.right; var v5 =; var v11 = v3.bottom; var v7 = this.hScroller; var v6 = this.vScroller; v7.setSize(v10 - v2 - v9, v7.minHeight + 0); v7.move(v2, v8 - v11); v6.setSize(v6.minWidth + 0, v8 - v5 - v11); v6.move(v10 - v9, v5); var v4 = this.mask_mc; v4._width = v10 - v2 - v9; v4._height = v8 - v5 - v11; v4._x = v2; v4._y = v5; }; v2.createChild = function (id, name, props) { var v2 = super.createChild(id, name, props); return v2; }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this.__viewMetrics = new Object(); if (_global.__SVMouseWheelManager == undefined) { _global.__SVMouseWheelManager = new Object(); var v4 = _global.__SVMouseWheelManager; v4.onMouseWheel = this.__onMouseWheel; Mouse.addListener(v4); } }; v2.__onMouseWheel = function (delta, scrollTarget) { var v4 = scrollTarget; var v1; while (v4 != undefined) { if (v4 instanceof mx.core.ScrollView) { v1 = v4; false; } v4 = v4._parent; } if (v1 != undefined) { v4 = delta <= 0 ? 1 : -1; var v2 = v1.vScroller.lineScrollSize; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = 0; } v2 = Math.max(Math.abs(delta), v2); var v3 = v1.vPosition + v2 * v4; v1.vPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min(v3, v1.maxVPosition)); v1.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scroll', 'direction': 'vertical', 'position': v1.vPosition}); } }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { super.createChildren(); if (this.mask_mc == undefined) { this.mask_mc = this.createObject('BoundingBox', 'mask_mc', this.MASK_DEPTH); } this.mask_mc._visible = false; }; v2.invalidate = function (Void) { super.invalidate(); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { this.size(); }; v2.size = function (Void) { super.size(); }; v2.scrollProxy = function (docObj) { this._parent.onScroll(docObj); }; v2.onScroll = function (docObj) { var v3 =; var v2 = v3.scrollPosition; if (v3 == this.vScroller) { var v4 = 'vertical'; var v5 = '__vPosition'; } else { var v4 = 'horizontal'; var v5 = '__hPosition'; } this[v5] = v2; this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scroll', 'direction': v4, 'position': v2}); }; v2.setEnabled = function (v) { this.hScroller.enabled = v; this.vScroller.enabled = this.hScroller.enabled; }; v2.childLoaded = function (obj) { super.childLoaded(obj); obj.setMask(this.mask_mc); }; v1.symbolName = 'ScrollView'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.ScrollView; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'ScrollView'; v2.__vScrollPolicy = 'auto'; v2.__hScrollPolicy = 'off'; v2.__vPosition = 0; v2.__hPosition = 0; v2.numberOfCols = 0; v2.rowC = 0; v2.columnWidth = 1; v2.rowH = 0; v2.heightPadding = 0; v2.widthPadding = 0; v2.MASK_DEPTH = 10000; v2.addProperty('hPosition', v2.__get__hPosition, v2.__set__hPosition); v2.addProperty('hScrollPolicy', v2.__get__hScrollPolicy, v2.__set__hScrollPolicy); v2.addProperty('maxHPosition', v2.__get__maxHPosition, v2.__set__maxHPosition); v2.addProperty('maxVPosition', v2.__get__maxVPosition, function () {}); v2.addProperty('vPosition', v2.__get__vPosition, v2.__set__vPosition); v2.addProperty('vScrollPolicy', v2.__get__vScrollPolicy, v2.__set__vScrollPolicy); ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ScrollView.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 53 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.TextArea = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.ScrollView(); mx.controls.TextArea.prototype = v2; v2.__get__maxChars = function () { return this.label.maxChars; }; v2.__set__maxChars = function (x) { this.label.maxChars = x; return this.__get__maxChars(); }; v2.__get__length = function () { return this.label.length; }; v2.__get__restrict = function () { return this.label.restrict; }; v2.__set__restrict = function (s) { this.label.restrict = (s == '') ? null : s; return this.__get__restrict(); }; v2.__get__wordWrap = function () { return this.label.wordWrap; }; v2.__set__wordWrap = function (s) { this.label.wordWrap = s; this.invalidate(); return this.__get__wordWrap(); }; v2.__get__editable = function () { return this.__editable; }; v2.__set__editable = function (x) { this.__editable = x; this.label.type = x ? 'input' : 'dynamic'; return this.__get__editable(); }; v2.__get__password = function () { return this.label.password; }; v2.__set__password = function (s) { this.label.password = s; return this.__get__password(); }; v2.__get__html = function () { return this.getHtml(); }; v2.__set__html = function (value) { this.setHtml(value); return this.__get__html(); }; v2.getHtml = function () { return this.label.html; }; v2.setHtml = function (value) { if (value != this.label.html) { this.label.html = value; } }; v2.__get__text = function () { return this.getText(); }; v2.__set__text = function (t) { this.setText(t); return this.__get__text(); }; v2.getText = function () { if (this.initializing) { return this.initText; } var v2 = this.label; if (v2.html == true) { return v2.htmlText; } return v2.text; }; v2.setText = function (t) { if (this.initializing) { this.initText = t; } else { var v2 = this.label; if (v2.html == true) { v2.htmlText = t; } else { v2.text = t; } this.invalidate(); } this.dispatchValueChangedEvent(t); }; v2.__get__hPosition = function () { return this.getHPosition(); }; v2.__set__hPosition = function (pos) { this.setHPosition(pos); this.label.hscroll = pos; this.label.background = false; return this.__get__hPosition(); }; v2.__get__vPosition = function () { return this.getVPosition(); }; v2.__set__vPosition = function (pos) { this.setVPosition(pos); this.label.scroll = pos + 1; this.label.background = false; return this.__get__vPosition(); }; v2.__get__maxVPosition = function () { var v2 = this.label.maxscroll - 1; return (v2 == undefined) ? 0 : v2; }; v2.__get__maxHPosition = function () { var v2 = this.label.maxhscroll; return (v2 == undefined) ? 0 : v2; }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this.label.styleName = this; this._color = mx.core.UIObject.textColorList; this.focusTextField = this.label; this.label.owner = this; this.label.onSetFocus = function (x) { this._parent.onSetFocus(x); }; this.label.onKillFocus = function (x) { this._parent.onKillFocus(x); }; this.label.drawFocus = function (b) { this._parent.drawFocus(b); }; this.label.onChanged = function () { this.owner.adjustScrollBars(); this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'change'}); this.owner.dispatchValueChangedEvent(this.owner.text); }; this.label.onScroller = function () { this.owner.hPosition = this.hscroll; this.owner.vPosition = this.scroll - 1; }; if (this.__get__text() == undefined) { this.__set__text(''); } }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { super.createChildren(); this.label.autoSize = 'none'; }; v2.layoutContent = function (x, y, totalW, totalH, displayW, displayH) { var v2 = this.label; if (this.tfx != x || this.tfy != y || this.tfw != displayW || this.tfh != displayH) { this.tfx = x; this.tfy = y; this.tfw = displayW; this.tfh = displayH; v2.move(this.tfx, this.tfy); v2.setSize(this.tfw, this.tfh); this.doLater(this, 'adjustScrollBars'); } }; v2.scrollChanged = function (Void) { var v2 = Selection; if (v2.lastBeginIndex != undefined) { this.restoreSelection(); } this.label.background = false; }; v2.onScroll = function (docObj) { var v3 = this.label; super.onScroll(docObj); v3.hscroll = this.__get__hPosition() + 0; v3.scroll = this.__get__vPosition() + 1; this._vpos = v3.scroll; this._hpos = v3.hscroll; v3.background = false; if (this.hookedV != true) { this.vScroller.addEventListener('scrollChanged', this); this.hookedV = true; } if (this.hookedH != true) { this.hScroller.addEventListener('scrollChanged', this); this.hookedH = true; } }; v2.size = function (Void) { var v3 = this.getViewMetrics(); var v7 = v3.left + v3.right; var v4 = + v3.bottom; var v6 = v3.left; var v5 =; this.tfx = v6; this.tfy = v5; this.tfw = this.__get__width() - v7; this.tfh = this.__get__height() - v4; super.size(); this.label.move(this.tfx, this.tfy); this.label.setSize(this.tfw, this.tfh); if (this.__get__height() <= 40) { this.hScrollPolicy = 'off'; this.vScrollPolicy = 'off'; } this.doLater(this, 'adjustScrollBars'); }; v2.setEnabled = function (enable) { this.vScroller.enabled = enable; this.hScroller.enabled = enable; this.label.type = (this.__get__editable() == false || enable == false) ? 'dynamic' : 'input'; this.label.selectable = enable; var v3 = this.getStyle(enable ? 'color' : 'disabledColor'); if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = enable ? 0 : 8947848; } this.setColor(v3); }; v2.setColor = function (col) { this.label.textColor = col; }; v2.setFocus = function (Void) { Selection.setFocus(this.label); }; v2.onSetFocus = function (x) { var f = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval(f); if (o != this.label) { Selection.setFocus(this.label); return undefined; } (this.getFocusManager()).defaultPushButtonEnabled = false; this.addEventListener('keyDown', this); super.onSetFocus(x); }; v2.onKillFocus = function (x) { (this.getFocusManager()).defaultPushButtonEnabled = true; this.removeEventListener('keyDown', this); super.onKillFocus(x); }; v2.restoreSelection = function (x) { var v2 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(v2.lastBeginIndex, v2.lastEndIndex); this.label.scroll = this._vpos; this.label.hscroll = this._hpos; }; v2.getLineOffsets = function (Void) { var v16 = this._getTextFormat(); var v18 = v16.getTextExtent2(this.label.text); var v5 = _root._getTextExtent; v5.setNewTextFormat(v16); var v14 = this.label.wordWrap; var v9 = 0; var v7 = this.label._width - 2 - 2; var v12 = new Array(); var v17 = new String(this.label.text); var v15 = v17.split('\r'); var v11 = 0; while (v11 < v15.length) { v12.push(v9); var v4 = v15[v11]; v5.text = v4; var v13 = Math.ceil(v5.textWidth / v7); var v10 = Math.floor(v4.length / v13); var v3; for (;;) { if (!(v14 && v5.textWidth > v7)) break; v3 = v4.indexOf(' ', v10); var v6; if (v3 == -1) { v3 = v4.lastIndexOf(' '); if (v3 == -1) { v3 = v10; } } v6 = v4.substr(0, v3); v5.text = v6; if (v5.textWidth > v7) { while (v5.textWidth > v7) { var v8 = v3; v3 = v4.lastIndexOf(' ', v3 - 1); if (v3 == -1) { v3 = v8 - 1; } v6 = v4.substr(0, v3); v5.text = v6; } } else { if (v5.textWidth < v7) { var v8 = v3; while (v5.textWidth < v7) { v8 = v3; v3 = v4.indexOf(' ', v3 + 1); if (v3 == -1) { if (v4.indexOf(' ', 0) != -1) { break; } else { v3 = v8 + 1; } } v6 = v4.substr(0, v3); v5.text = v6; } v3 = v8; } } v9 += v3; v12.push(v9 + 1); v4 = v4.substr(v3); if (v4.charAt(0) == ' ') { v4 = v4.substr(1, v4.length - 1); v9 += 1; } v5.text = v4; } v9 += v4.length + 1; ++v11; } return v12; }; v2.keyDown = function (e) { var v5 = e.code; if (v5 == 34) { var v6 = this.label.bottomScroll - this.label.scroll + 1; var v3 = this.getLineOffsets(); var v2 = Math.min(this.label.bottomScroll + 1, this.label.maxscroll); if (v2 == this.label.maxscroll) { var v4 = this.label.length; Selection.setSelection(v4, v4); } else { this.label.scroll = v2; Selection.setSelection(v3[v2 - 1], v3[v2 - 1]); } } else { if (v5 == 33) { var v6 = this.label.bottomScroll - this.label.scroll + 1; var v3 = this.getLineOffsets(); var v2 = this.label.scroll - 1; if (v2 < 1) { Selection.setSelection(0, 0); } else { Selection.setSelection(v3[v2 - 1], v3[v2 - 1]); this.label.scroll = Math.max(v2 - v6, 1); } } } }; v2.draw = function (Void) { var v2 = this.label; var v4 = this.getText(); if (this.initializing) { this.initializing = false; delete this.initText; } var v3 = this._getTextFormat(); v2.embedFonts = v3.embedFonts == true; if (v3 != undefined) { v2.setTextFormat(v3); v2.setNewTextFormat(v3); } v2.multiline = true; v2.wordWrap = this.__get__wordWrap() == true; if (v2.html == true) { v2.setTextFormat(v3); v2.htmlText = v4; } else { v2.text = v4; } v2.type = (this.__get__editable() == true) ? 'input' : 'dynamic'; this.size(); v2.background = false; }; v2.adjustScrollBars = function () { var v2 = this.label; var v4 = v2.bottomScroll - v2.scroll + 1; var v3 = v4 + v2.maxscroll - 1; if (v3 < 1) { v3 = 1; } var v5 = 0; if (v2.textWidth + 5 > v2._width) { if (!v2.wordWrap) { v5 = v2._width + v2.maxhscroll; } } else { v2.hscroll = 0; v2.background = false; } if (v2.height / v4 != Math.round(v2.height / v4)) { --v3; } this.setScrollProperties(v5, 1, v3, v2.height / v4); }; v2.setScrollProperties = function (colCount, colWidth, rwCount, rwHeight, hPadding, wPadding) { super.setScrollProperties(colCount, colWidth, rwCount, rwHeight, hPadding, wPadding); if (this.vScroller == undefined) { this.hookedV = false; } if (this.hScroller == undefined) { this.hookedH = false; } }; v2.__get__tabIndex = function () { return this.label.tabIndex; }; v2.__set__tabIndex = function (w) { this.label.tabIndex = w; return this.__get__tabIndex(); }; v2.__set___accProps = function (val) { this.label._accProps = val; return this.__get___accProps(); }; v2.__get___accProps = function () { return this.label._accProps; }; v2.__get__styleSheet = function () { return this.label.styleSheet; }; v2.__set__styleSheet = function (v) { this.label.styleSheet = v; return this.__get__styleSheet(); }; v1.symbolName = 'TextArea'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.TextArea; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'TextArea'; v2.initializing = true; v2.clipParameters = {'text': 1, 'wordWrap': 1, 'editable': 1, 'maxChars': 1, 'restrict': 1, 'html': 1, 'password': 1}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.TextArea.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.ScrollView.prototype.clipParameters); v2.__vScrollPolicy = 'auto'; v2.__hScrollPolicy = 'auto'; v2.__editable = true; v2.addProperty('_accProps', v2.__get___accProps, v2.__set___accProps); v2.addProperty('editable', v2.__get__editable, v2.__set__editable); v2.addProperty('hPosition', v2.__get__hPosition, v2.__set__hPosition); v2.addProperty('html', v2.__get__html, v2.__set__html); v2.addProperty('length', v2.__get__length, function () {}); v2.addProperty('maxChars', v2.__get__maxChars, v2.__set__maxChars); v2.addProperty('maxHPosition', v2.__get__maxHPosition, function () {}); v2.addProperty('maxVPosition', v2.__get__maxVPosition, function () {}); v2.addProperty('password', v2.__get__password, v2.__set__password); v2.addProperty('restrict', v2.__get__restrict, v2.__set__restrict); v2.addProperty('styleSheet', v2.__get__styleSheet, v2.__set__styleSheet); v2.addProperty('tabIndex', v2.__get__tabIndex, v2.__set__tabIndex); v2.addProperty('text', v2.__get__text, v2.__set__text); v2.addProperty('vPosition', v2.__get__vPosition, v2.__set__vPosition); v2.addProperty('wordWrap', v2.__get__wordWrap, v2.__set__wordWrap); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.TextArea.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 148 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.SkinElement = v1; var v2 = new MovieClip(); mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype = v2; v1.registerElement = function (name, className) { Object.registerClass(name, (className == undefined) ? mx.skins.SkinElement : className); _global.skinRegistry[name] = true; }; v2.__set__visible = function (visible) { this._visible = visible; }; v2.move = function (x, y) { this._x = x; this._y = y; }; v2.setSize = function (w, h) { this._width = w; this._height = h; }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 149 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.addTextStyles = function (o, bColor) { o.addProperty('textAlign', function () { return this._tf.align; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.align = x; }); o.addProperty('fontWeight', function () { return (this._tf.bold != undefined) ? (this._tf.bold ? 'bold' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.bold = x == 'bold'; }); if (bColor) { o.addProperty('color', function () { return this._tf.color; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.color = x; }); } o.addProperty('fontFamily', function () { return this._tf.font; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.font = x; }); o.addProperty('textIndent', function () { return this._tf.indent; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.indent = x; }); o.addProperty('fontStyle', function () { return (this._tf.italic != undefined) ? (this._tf.italic ? 'italic' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.italic = x == 'italic'; }); o.addProperty('marginLeft', function () { return this._tf.leftMargin; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.leftMargin = x; }); o.addProperty('marginRight', function () { return this._tf.rightMargin; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.rightMargin = x; }); o.addProperty('fontSize', function () { return this._tf.size; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.size = x; }); o.addProperty('textDecoration', function () { return (this._tf.underline != undefined) ? (this._tf.underline ? 'underline' : 'none') : undefined; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.underline = x == 'underline'; }); o.addProperty('embedFonts', function () { return this._tf.embedFonts; }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.embedFonts = x; }); }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 150 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.StyleManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.registerInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; }; v1.isInheritingStyle = function (styleName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] == true; }; v1.registerColorStyle = function (styleName) { mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] = true; }; v1.isColorStyle = function (styleName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] == true; }; v1.registerColorName = function (colorName, colorValue) { mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] = colorValue; }; v1.isColorName = function (colorName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] != undefined; }; v1.getColorName = function (colorName) { return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName]; }; v1.inheritingStyles = {'color': true, 'direction': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'fontSize': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'textAlign': true, 'textIndent': true}; v1.colorStyles = {'barColor': true, 'trackColor': true, 'borderColor': true, 'buttonColor': true, 'color': true, 'dateHeaderColor': true, 'dateRollOverColor': true, 'disabledColor': true, 'fillColor': true, 'highlightColor': true, 'scrollTrackColor': true, 'selectedDateColor': true, 'shadowColor': true, 'strokeColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundDisabledColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundPressedColor': true, 'symbolColor': true, 'symbolDisabledColor': true, 'themeColor': true, 'todayIndicatorColor': true, 'shadowCapColor': true, 'borderCapColor': true, 'focusColor': true}; v1.colorNames = {'black': 0, 'white': 16777215, 'red': 16711680, 'green': 65280, 'blue': 255, 'magenta': 16711935, 'yellow': 16776960, 'cyan': 65535, 'haloGreen': 8453965, 'haloBlue': 2881013, 'haloOrange': 16761344}; v1.TextFormatStyleProps = {'font': true, 'size': true, 'color': true, 'leftMargin': false, 'rightMargin': false, 'italic': true, 'bold': true, 'align': true, 'indent': true, 'underline': false, 'embedFonts': false}; v1.TextStyleMap = {'textAlign': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'color': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'textIndent': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'lineHeight': true, 'marginLeft': true, 'marginRight': true, 'fontSize': true, 'textDecoration': true, 'embedFonts': true}; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.StyleManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 151 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) { var v5 = false; if (this._tf != undefined) { var v2; for (v2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v2]) { if (tf[v2] == undefined) { var v3 = this._tf[v2]; if (v3 != undefined) { tf[v2] = v3; } else { v5 = true; } } } } return v5; } v5 = true; return v5; }; v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) { var v2 = this[styleProp]; var v3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(v2); return (v3 == undefined) ? v2 : v3; }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true); return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.classConstruct(); v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 152 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.Border = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIObject(); mx.skins.Border.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v1.symbolName = 'Border'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.Border; v2.className = 'Border'; v2.tagBorder = 0; v2.idNames = new Array('border_mc'); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.Border.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 153 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.RectBorder = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.Border(); mx.skins.RectBorder.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this.__width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this.__height; }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { this.size(); }; v2.getBorderMetrics = function (Void) { var v2 = this.offset; if (this.__borderMetrics == undefined) { this.__borderMetrics = {'left': v2, 'top': v2, 'right': v2, 'bottom': v2}; return this.__borderMetrics; } this.__borderMetrics.left = v2; = v2; this.__borderMetrics.right = v2; this.__borderMetrics.bottom = v2; return this.__borderMetrics; }; v2.__get__borderMetrics = function () { return this.getBorderMetrics(); }; v2.drawBorder = function (Void) {}; v2.size = function (Void) { this.drawBorder(); }; v2.setColor = function (Void) { this.drawBorder(); }; v1.symbolName = 'RectBorder'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.RectBorder; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'RectBorder'; v2.borderStyleName = 'borderStyle'; v2.borderColorName = 'borderColor'; v2.shadowColorName = 'shadowColor'; v2.highlightColorName = 'highlightColor'; v2.buttonColorName = 'buttonColor'; v2.backgroundColorName = 'backgroundColor'; v2.addProperty('borderMetrics', v2.__get__borderMetrics, function () {}); v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.RectBorder.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 154 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { MovieClip.prototype.createClassChildAtDepth = this.createClassChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.createChildAtDepth = this.createChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthTo = this.setDepthTo; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthAbove = this.setDepthAbove; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthBelow = this.setDepthBelow; MovieClip.prototype.findNextAvailableDepth = this.findNextAvailableDepth; MovieClip.prototype.shuffleDepths = this.shuffleDepths; MovieClip.prototype.getDepthByFlag = this.getDepthByFlag; MovieClip.prototype.buildDepthTable = this.buildDepthTable; _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createClassChildAtDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createChildAtDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthTo', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthAbove', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthBelow', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'findNextAvailableDepth', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'shuffleDepths', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'getDepthByFlag', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'buildDepthTable', 1); }; mx.managers.DepthManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.sortFunction = function (a, b) { if (a.getDepth() > b.getDepth()) { return 1; } return -1; }; v1.test = function (depth) { if (depth == mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth) { return false; } else { return true; } }; v1.createClassObjectAtDepth = function (className, depthSpace, initObj) { var v1; switch (depthSpace) { case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj); return v1; case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj); return v1; } return v1; }; v1.createObjectAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthSpace, initObj) { var v1; switch (depthSpace) { case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj); return v1; case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip: v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj); return v1; } return v1; }; v2.createClassChildAtDepth = function (className, depthFlag, initObj) { if (this._childCounter == undefined) { this._childCounter = 0; } var v3 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3); var v6 = 'down'; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { v6 = 'up'; } var v5; if (v3[v2] != undefined) { v5 = v2; v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v6); } var v4 = this.createClassObject(className, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj); if (v5 != undefined) { v3[v2] = v4; this.shuffleDepths(v4, v5, v3, v6); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { v4._topmost = true; } return v4; }; v2.createChildAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthFlag, initObj) { if (this._childCounter == undefined) { this._childCounter = 0; } var v3 = this.buildDepthTable(); var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3); var v6 = 'down'; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { v6 = 'up'; } var v5; if (v3[v2] != undefined) { v5 = v2; v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v6); } var v4 = this.createObject(linkageName, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj); if (v5 != undefined) { v3[v2] = v4; this.shuffleDepths(v4, v5, v3, v6); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { v4._topmost = true; } return v4; }; v2.setDepthTo = function (depthFlag) { var v2 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); var v3 = this._parent.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v2); if (v2[v3] != undefined) { this.shuffleDepths(this, v3, v2, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v3); } if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { this._topmost = true; } else { delete this._topmost; } }; v2.setDepthAbove = function (targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) { return undefined; } var v2 = targetInstance.getDepth() + 1; var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); if (v3[v2] != undefined && this.getDepth() < v2) { v2 -= 1; } if (v2 > mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth; } if (v2 == mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, 'down'); } else { if (v3[v2] != undefined) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v2); } } }; v2.setDepthBelow = function (targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) { return undefined; } var v6 = targetInstance.getDepth() - 1; var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable(); if (v3[v6] != undefined && this.getDepth() > v6) { v6 += 1; } var v4 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var v5; for (v5 in v3) { var v2 = v3[v5]; if (v2._parent != undefined) { v4 = Math.min(v4, v2.getDepth()); } } if (v6 < v4) { v6 = v4; } if (v6 == v4) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, 'up'); } else { if (v3[v6] != undefined) { this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, undefined); } else { this.swapDepths(v6); } } }; v2.findNextAvailableDepth = function (targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var v5 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; if (targetDepth < v5) { targetDepth = v5; } if (depthTable[targetDepth] == undefined) { return targetDepth; } var v2 = targetDepth; var v1 = targetDepth; if (direction == 'down') { while (depthTable[v1] != undefined) { --v1; } return v1; } while (depthTable[v2] != undefined) { ++v2; } return v2; }; v2.shuffleDepths = function (subject, targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var v9 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var v8 = v9; var v5; for (v5 in depthTable) { var v7 = depthTable[v5]; if (v7._parent != undefined) { v9 = Math.min(v9, v7.getDepth()); } } if (direction == undefined) { if (subject.getDepth() > targetDepth) { direction = 'up'; } else { direction = 'down'; } } var v1 = new Array(); for (v5 in depthTable) { v7 = depthTable[v5]; if (v7._parent != undefined) { v1.push(v7); } } v1.sort(mx.managers.DepthManager.sortFunction); if (direction == 'up') { var v3; var v11; while (v1.length > 0) { v3 = v1.pop(); if (v3 == subject) { break; } } while (v1.length > 0) { v11 = subject.getDepth(); v3 = v1.pop(); var v4 = v3.getDepth(); if (v11 > v4 + 1) { if (v4 >= 0) { subject.swapDepths(v4 + 1); } else { if (v11 > v8 && v4 < v8) { subject.swapDepths(v8); } } } subject.swapDepths(v3); if (v4 == targetDepth) { break; } } } else { if (direction == 'down') { var v3; while (v1.length > 0) { v3 = v1.shift(); if (v3 == subject) { break; } } while (v1.length > 0) { var v11 = v3.getDepth(); v3 = v1.shift(); var v4 = v3.getDepth(); if (v11 < v4 - 1 && v4 > 0) { subject.swapDepths(v4 - 1); } subject.swapDepths(v3); if (v4 == targetDepth) { break; } } } } }; v2.getDepthByFlag = function (depthFlag, depthTable) { var v2 = 0; if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop || depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kNotopmost) { var v5 = 0; var v7 = false; var v8; for (v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { if (!v9._topmost) { v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth()); } else { if (!v7) { v5 = v9.getDepth(); v7 = true; } else { v5 = Math.min(v5, v9.getDepth()); } } } } } v2 += 20; if (v7) { if (v2 >= v5) { v2 = v5 - 1; } } } else { if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) { for (var v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = Math.min(v2, v9.getDepth()); } } } v2 -= 20; } else { if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) { for (var v8 in depthTable) { var v9 = depthTable[v8]; var v3 = typeof v9; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth()); } } } v2 += 100; } } } if (v2 >= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) { v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth; } var v6 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers; for (v9 in depthTable) { var v4 = depthTable[v9]; if (v4._parent != undefined) { v6 = Math.min(v6, v4.getDepth()); } } if (v2 <= v6) { v2 = v6; } return v2; }; v2.buildDepthTable = function (Void) { var v5 = new Array(); var v4; for (v4 in this) { var v2 = this[v4]; var v3 = typeof v2; if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v2.__getTextFormat != undefined) { if (v2._parent == this) { v5[v2.getDepth()] = v2; } } } return v5; }; v1.reservedDepth = 1048575; v1.highestDepth = 1048574; v1.lowestDepth = -16383; v1.numberOfAuthortimeLayers = 383; v1.kCursor = 101; v1.kTooltip = 102; v1.kTop = 201; v1.kBottom = 202; v1.kTopmost = 203; v1.kNotopmost = 204; v1.holder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('reserved', mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth); v1.__depthManager = new mx.managers.DepthManager(); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.DepthManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 155 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1._removeEventListener = function (queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var v4 = queue.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v4) { var v2 = queue[v1]; if (v2 == handler) { queue.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } } }; v1.initialize = function (object) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } object.addEventListener =; object.removeEventListener =; object.dispatchEvent =; object.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchQueue = function (queueObj, eventObj) { var v7 = '__q_' + eventObj.type; var v4 = queueObj[v7]; if (v4 != undefined) { var v5; for (v5 in v4) { var v1 = v4[v5]; var v3 = typeof v1; if (v3 == 'object' || v3 == 'movieclip') { if (v1.handleEvent != undefined) { v1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (v1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if ([eventObj.type] == undefined) { v1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { v1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.addEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v3 = '__q_' + event; if (this[v3] == undefined) { this[v3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, v3, 1);[v3], event, handler); this[v3].push(handler); }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v2 = '__q_' + event;[v2], event, handler); }; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; v1.exceptions = {'move': 1, 'draw': 1, 'load': 1}; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 156 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; = v1; var v2 = new; = v2; v1.addKeyEvents = function (obj) { if (obj.keyHandler == undefined) { obj.keyHandler = new Object(); var v1 = obj.keyHandler; v1.owner = obj; v1.onKeyDown =; v1.onKeyUp =; } Key.addListener(obj.keyHandler); }; v1.removeKeyEvents = function (obj) { Key.removeListener(obj.keyHandler); }; v1.addLoadEvents = function (obj) { if (obj.onLoad == undefined) { obj.onLoad =; obj.onUnload =; if (obj.getBytesTotal() == obj.getBytesLoaded()) { obj.doLater(obj, 'onLoad'); } } }; v1.removeLoadEvents = function (obj) { delete obj.onLoad; delete obj.onUnload; }; v1.initialize = function (obj) { if ( == undefined) { = new; } obj.addEventListener =; obj.__origAddEventListener =; obj.removeEventListener =; obj.dispatchEvent =; obj.dispatchQueue =; }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(, eventObj); this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); }; v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) { this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyDown', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)}); }; v2.onKeyUp = function (Void) { this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyUp', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)}); }; v2.onLoad = function (Void) { if (this.__sentLoadEvent != true) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'load'}); } this.__sentLoadEvent = true; }; v2.onUnload = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'unload'}); }; v2.__addEventListener = function (event, handler) { this.__origAddEventListener(event, handler); var v3 =; for (var v5 in v3) { if ([v5][event] != undefined) { var v2 = v3[v5][0];[v2](this); } } }; v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) { var v6 = '__q_' + event;[v6], event, handler); if (this[v6].length == 0) { var v2 =; for (var v5 in v2) { if ([v5][event] != undefined) { var v3 = v2[v5][1];[v2[v5][1]](this); } } } }; v1.keyEvents = {'keyDown': 1, 'keyUp': 1}; v1.loadEvents = {'load': 1, 'unload': 1}; v1.lowLevelEvents = {'keyEvents': ['addKeyEvents', 'removeKeyEvents'], 'loadEvents': ['addLoadEvents', 'removeLoadEvents']}; v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined; ASSetPropFlags(, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 157 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.core.ExternalContent = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.loadExternal = function (url, placeholderClassName, instanceName, depth, initProps) { var v2; v2 = this.createObject(placeholderClassName, instanceName, depth, initProps); this[mx.core.View.childNameBase + this.numChildren] = v2; if (this.prepList == undefined) { this.prepList = new Object(); } this.prepList[instanceName] = {'obj': v2, 'url': url, 'complete': false, 'initProps': initProps}; this.prepareToLoadMovie(v2); return v2; }; v2.prepareToLoadMovie = function (obj) { obj.unloadMovie(); this.doLater(this, 'waitForUnload'); }; v2.waitForUnload = function () { var v3; for (v3 in this.prepList) { var v2 = this.prepList[v3]; if (v2.obj.getBytesTotal() == 0) { if (this.loadList == undefined) { this.loadList = new Object(); } this.loadList[v3] = v2; v2.obj.loadMovie(v2.url); delete this.prepList[v3]; this.doLater(this, 'checkLoadProgress'); } else { this.doLater(this, 'waitForUnload'); } } }; v2.checkLoadProgress = function () { var v8 = false; var v3; for (v3 in this.loadList) { var v2 = this.loadList[v3]; v2.loaded = v2.obj.getBytesLoaded(); = v2.obj.getBytesTotal(); if ( > 0) { v2.obj._visible = false; this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'progress', 'target': v2.obj, 'current': v2.loaded, 'total':}); if (v2.loaded == { if (this.loadedList == undefined) { this.loadedList = new Object(); } this.loadedList[v3] = v2; delete this.loadList[v3]; this.doLater(this, 'contentLoaded'); } } else { if ( == -1) { if (v2.failedOnce != undefined) { ++v2.failedOnce; if (v2.failedOnce > 3) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'complete', 'target': v2.obj, 'current': v2.loaded, 'total':}); delete this.loadList[v3]; false; } } else { v2.failedOnce = 0; } } } v8 = true; } if (v8) { this.doLater(this, 'checkLoadProgress'); } }; v2.contentLoaded = function () { var v4; for (v4 in this.loadedList) { var v2 = this.loadedList[v4]; v2.obj._visible = true; v2.obj._complete = true; var v3; for (v3 in v2.initProps) { v2.obj[v3] = v2.initProps[v3]; } this.childLoaded(v2.obj); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'complete', 'target': v2.obj, 'current': v2.loaded, 'total':}); delete this.loadedList[v4]; false; } }; v2.convertToUIObject = function (obj) { if (obj.setSize == undefined) { var v2 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype; obj.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, null); obj.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, null); obj.addProperty('left', v2.__get__left, null); obj.addProperty('x', v2.__get__x, null); obj.addProperty('top', v2.__get__top, null); obj.addProperty('y', v2.__get__y, null); obj.addProperty('right', v2.__get__right, null); obj.addProperty('bottom', v2.__get__bottom, null); obj.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible); obj.move = mx.core.UIObject.prototype.move; obj.setSize = mx.core.UIObject.prototype.setSize; obj.size = mx.core.UIObject.prototype.size;; } }; v1.enableExternalContent = function () {}; v1.classConstruct = function () { var v1 = mx.core.View.prototype; var v2 = mx.core.ExternalContent.prototype; v1.loadExternal = v2.loadExternal; v1.prepareToLoadMovie = v2.prepareToLoadMovie; v1.waitForUnload = v2.waitForUnload; v1.checkLoadProgress = v2.checkLoadProgress; v1.contentLoaded = v2.contentLoaded; v1.convertToUIObject = v2.convertToUIObject; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.core.ExternalContent.classConstruct(); v1.ViewDependency = mx.core.View; ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ExternalContent.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 158 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.CustomBorder = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.Border(); mx.skins.CustomBorder.prototype = v2; v2.__get__width = function () { return this.__width; }; v2.__get__height = function () { return this.__height; }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) {}; v2.draw = function (Void) { if (this.l_mc == undefined) { var v2 = this.setSkin(mx.skins.CustomBorder.tagL, this.leftSkin); if (this.horizontal) { this.minHeight = this.l_mc._height; this.minWidth = this.l_mc._width; } else { this.minHeight = this.l_mc._height; this.minWidth = this.l_mc._width; } } if (this.m_mc == undefined) { this.setSkin(mx.skins.CustomBorder.tagM, this.middleSkin); if (this.horizontal) { this.minHeight = this.m_mc._height; this.minWidth += this.m_mc._width; } else { this.minHeight += this.m_mc._height; this.minWidth = this.m_mc._width; } } if (this.r_mc == undefined) { this.setSkin(mx.skins.CustomBorder.tagR, this.rightSkin); if (this.horizontal) { this.minHeight = this.r_mc._height; this.minWidth += this.r_mc._width; } else { this.minHeight += this.r_mc._height; this.minWidth = this.r_mc._width; } } this.size(); }; v2.size = function (Void) { this.l_mc.move(0, 0); if (this.horizontal) { this.r_mc.move(this.__get__width() - this.r_mc.width, 0); this.m_mc.move(this.l_mc.width, 0); this.m_mc.setSize(this.r_mc.x - this.m_mc.x, this.m_mc.height); } else { this.r_mc.move(0, this.__get__height() - this.r_mc.height, 0); this.m_mc.move(0, this.l_mc.height); this.m_mc.setSize(this.m_mc.width, this.r_mc.y - this.m_mc.y); } }; v1.symbolName = 'CustomBorder'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.CustomBorder; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'CustomBorder'; v1.tagL = 0; v1.tagM = 1; v1.tagR = 2; v2.idNames = new Array('l_mc', 'm_mc', 'r_mc'); v2.leftSkin = 'F3PieceLeft'; v2.middleSkin = 'F3PieceMiddle'; v2.rightSkin = 'F3PieceRight'; v2.horizontal = true; v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {}); v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.CustomBorder.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 159 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.CustomBorder(); mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb.prototype = v2; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { super.createChildren(); this.useHandCursor = false; }; v2.setRange = function (_ymin, _ymax, _datamin, _datamax) { this.ymin = _ymin; this.ymax = _ymax; this.datamin = _datamin; this.datamax = _datamax; }; v2.dragThumb = function (Void) { this.scrollMove = this._ymouse - this.lastY; this.scrollMove += this._y; if (this.scrollMove < this.ymin) { this.scrollMove = this.ymin; } else { if (this.scrollMove > this.ymax) { this.scrollMove = this.ymax; } } this._parent.isScrolling = true; this._y = this.scrollMove; var v2 = Math.round((this.datamax - this.datamin) * (this._y - this.ymin) / (this.ymax - this.ymin)) + this.datamin; this._parent.scrollPosition = v2; this._parent.dispatchScrollEvent('ThumbTrack'); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.stopDragThumb = function (Void) { this._parent.isScrolling = false; this._parent.dispatchScrollEvent('ThumbPosition'); this._parent.dispatchScrollChangedEvent(); delete this.onMouseMove; }; v2.onPress = function (Void) { this._parent.pressFocus(); this.lastY = this._ymouse; this.onMouseMove = this.dragThumb; super.onPress(); }; v2.onRelease = function (Void) { this._parent.releaseFocus(); this.stopDragThumb(); super.onRelease(); }; v2.onReleaseOutside = function (Void) { this._parent.releaseFocus(); this.stopDragThumb(); super.onReleaseOutside(); }; v2.draw = function () { super.draw(); if (this.grip_mc == undefined) { this.setSkin(3, this.gripSkin); } }; v2.size = function () { super.size(); this.grip_mc.move((this.__get__width() - this.grip_mc.width) / 2, (this.__get__height() - this.grip_mc.height) / 2); }; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.CustomBorder.symbolOwner; v2.className = 'ScrollThumb'; v2.btnOffset = 0; v2.horizontal = false; v2.idNames = new Array('l_mc', 'm_mc', 'r_mc', 'grip_mc'); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 160 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.SimpleButton = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent(); mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); if (this.preset == undefined) { this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; } this.useHandCursor = false; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { if (this.preset != undefined) { var v2 = this[this.idNames[this.preset]]; this[this.refNames[this.preset]] = v2; this.skinName = v2; if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } this.initializing = false; } else { if (this.__state == true) { this.setStateVar(true); } else { if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } } } }; v2.setIcon = function (tag, linkageName) { return this.setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName); }; v2.changeIcon = function (tag, linkageName) { this.linkLength = linkageName.length; var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Icon'; this[v2] = linkageName; this[this.idNames[tag + 8]] = v2; this.setStateVar(this.getState()); }; v2.changeSkin = function (tag, linkageName) { var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Skin'; this[v2] = linkageName; this[this.idNames[tag]] = v2; this.setStateVar(this.getState()); }; v2.viewIcon = function (varName) { var v4 = varName + 'Icon'; var v3 = this[v4]; if (typeof v3 == 'string') { var v5 = v3; if (this.__emphasized) { if (this[v3 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) { v3 += 'Emphasized'; } } if (this[v3].length == 0) { return undefined; } v3 = this.setIcon(this.tagMap[v5], this[v3]); if (v3 == undefined && _global.isLivePreview) { v3 = this.setIcon(0, 'ButtonIcon'); } this[v4] = v3; } this.iconName._visible = false; this.iconName = v3; this.iconName._visible = true; }; v2.removeIcons = function () { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 2) { var v2 = 8; while (v2 < 16) { this.destroyObject(this.idNames[v2]); this[this.stateNames[v2 - 8] + 'Icon'] = ''; ++v2; } ++v3; } this.refresh(); }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initobj) { if (initobj == undefined) { var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, {'styleName': this}); this.calcSize(tag, v3); return v3; } var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj); this.calcSize(tag, v3); return v3; }; v2.calcSize = function (Void) { this.__width = this._width; this.__height = this._height; }; v2.viewSkin = function (varName, initObj) { var v3 = varName + 'Skin'; var v2 = this[v3]; if (typeof v2 == 'string') { var v4 = v2; if (this.__emphasized) { if (this[v2 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) { v2 += 'Emphasized'; } } if (this[v2].length == 0) { return undefined; } v2 = this.setSkin(this.tagMap[v4], this[v2], (initObj != undefined) ? initObj : {'styleName': this}); this[v3] = v2; } this.skinName._visible = false; this.skinName = v2; this.skinName._visible = true; }; v2.showEmphasized = function (e) { if (e && !this.__emphatic) { if (mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) { this.__emphaticStyleName = this.styleName; this.styleName = mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration; } this.__emphatic = true; } else { if (this.__emphatic) { this.styleName = this.__emphaticStyleName; } this.__emphatic = false; } }; v2.refresh = function (Void) { var v2 = this.getState(); if (this.enabled == false) { this.viewIcon('disabled'); this.viewSkin('disabled'); } else { this.viewSkin(this.phase); this.viewIcon(this.phase); } this.setView(this.phase == 'down'); this.iconName.enabled = this.enabled; }; v2.setView = function (offset) { if (this.iconName == undefined) { return undefined; } var v2 = offset ? this.btnOffset : 0; this.iconName._x = (this.__width - this.iconName._width) / 2 + v2; this.iconName._y = (this.__height - this.iconName._height) / 2 + v2; }; v2.setStateVar = function (state) { if (state) { if (this.trueOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.tus; } else { this.rolloverSkin = this.trs; } if (this.trueOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon =; } else { this.rolloverIcon = this.tri; } this.upSkin = this.tus; this.downSkin = this.tds; this.disabledSkin = this.dts; this.upIcon =; this.downIcon = this.tdi; this.disabledIcon = this.dti; } else { if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) { this.rolloverSkin = this.fus; } else { this.rolloverSkin = this.frs; } if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) { this.rolloverIcon = this.fui; } else { this.rolloverIcon = this.fri; } this.upSkin = this.fus; this.downSkin = this.fds; this.disabledSkin = this.dfs; this.upIcon = this.fui; this.downIcon = this.fdi; this.disabledIcon = this.dfi; } this.__state = state; }; v2.setState = function (state) { if (state != this.__state) { this.setStateVar(state); this.invalidate(); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this.refresh(); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { if (this.initializing) { this.initializing = false; this.skinName.visible = true; this.iconName.visible = true; } this.size(); }; v2.getState = function (Void) { return this.__state; }; v2.setToggle = function (val) { this.__toggle = val; if (this.__toggle == false) { this.setState(false); } }; v2.getToggle = function (Void) { return this.__toggle; }; v2.__set__toggle = function (val) { this.setToggle(val); return this.__get__toggle(); }; v2.__get__toggle = function () { return this.getToggle(); }; v2.__set__value = function (val) { this.setSelected(val); return this.__get__value(); }; v2.__get__value = function () { return this.getSelected(); }; v2.__set__selected = function (val) { this.setSelected(val); return this.__get__selected(); }; v2.__get__selected = function () { return this.getSelected(); }; v2.setSelected = function (val) { if (this.__toggle) { this.setState(val); } else { this.setState(this.initializing ? val : this.__state); } }; v2.getSelected = function () { return this.__state; }; v2.setEnabled = function (val) { if (this.enabled != val) { super.setEnabled(val); this.invalidate(); } }; v2.onPress = function (Void) { this.pressFocus(); this.phase = 'down'; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); if (this.autoRepeat) { this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressDelay', this.getStyle('repeatDelay')); } }; v2.onPressDelay = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); if (this.autoRepeat) { clearInterval(this.interval); this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressRepeat', this.getStyle('repeatInterval')); } }; v2.onPressRepeat = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'}); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.onRelease = function (Void) { this.releaseFocus(); this.phase = 'rollover'; if (this.interval != undefined) { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; } if (this.getToggle()) { this.setState(!this.getState()); } else { this.refresh(); } this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); }; v2.onDragOut = function (Void) { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDragOut'}); }; v2.onDragOver = function (Void) { if (this.phase != 'up') { this.onPress(); return undefined; } else { this.phase = 'down'; this.refresh(); } }; v2.onReleaseOutside = function (Void) { this.releaseFocus(); this.phase = 'up'; if (this.interval != undefined) { clearInterval(this.interval); delete this.interval; } }; v2.onRollOver = function (Void) { this.phase = 'rollover'; this.refresh(); }; v2.onRollOut = function (Void) { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); }; v2.getLabel = function (Void) { return this.fui.text; }; v2.setLabel = function (val) { if (typeof this.fui == 'string') { this.createLabel('fui', 8, val); this.fui.styleName = this; } else { this.fui.text = val; } var v4 = this.fui._getTextFormat(); var v2 = v4.getTextExtent2(val); this.fui._width = v2.width + 5; this.fui._height = v2.height + 5; this.iconName = this.fui; this.setView(this.__state); }; v2.__get__emphasized = function () { return this.__emphasized; }; v2.__set__emphasized = function (val) { this.__emphasized = val; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 8) { this[this.idNames[v2]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Skin'; if (typeof this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] == 'movieclip') { this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Icon'; } ++v2; } this.showEmphasized(this.__emphasized); this.setStateVar(this.__state); this.invalidateStyle(); return this.__get__emphasized(); }; v2.keyDown = function (e) { if (e.code == 32) { this.onPress(); } }; v2.keyUp = function (e) { if (e.code == 32) { this.onRelease(); } }; v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { super.onKillFocus(); if (this.phase != 'up') { this.phase = 'up'; this.refresh(); } }; v1.symbolName = 'SimpleButton'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.SimpleButton; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'SimpleButton'; v2.style3dInset = 4; v2.btnOffset = 1; v2.__toggle = false; v2.__state = false; v2.__emphasized = false; v2.__emphatic = false; v1.falseUp = 0; v1.falseDown = 1; v1.falseOver = 2; v1.falseDisabled = 3; v1.trueUp = 4; v1.trueDown = 5; v1.trueOver = 6; v1.trueDisabled = 7; v2.falseUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp'; v2.falseDownSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.falseOverSkin = ''; v2.falseDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp'; v2.trueUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.trueDownSkin = ''; v2.trueOverSkin = ''; v2.trueDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn'; v2.falseUpIcon = ''; v2.falseDownIcon = ''; v2.falseOverIcon = ''; v2.falseDisabledIcon = ''; v2.trueUpIcon = ''; v2.trueDownIcon = ''; v2.trueOverIcon = ''; v2.trueDisabledIcon = ''; v2.phase = 'up'; v2.fui = 'falseUpIcon'; v2.fus = 'falseUpSkin'; v2.fdi = 'falseDownIcon'; v2.fds = 'falseDownSkin'; v2.frs = 'falseOverSkin'; v2.fri = 'falseOverIcon'; v2.dfi = 'falseDisabledIcon'; v2.dfs = 'falseDisabledSkin'; = 'trueUpIcon'; v2.tus = 'trueUpSkin'; v2.tdi = 'trueDownIcon'; v2.tds = 'trueDownSkin'; v2.trs = 'trueOverSkin'; v2.tri = 'trueOverIcon'; v2.dts = 'trueDisabledSkin'; v2.dti = 'trueDisabledIcon'; v2.rolloverSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.frs; v2.rolloverIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fri; v2.upSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fus; v2.downSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fds; v2.disabledSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfs; v2.upIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fui; v2.downIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fdi; v2.disabledIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfi; v2.initializing = true; v2.idNames = ['fus', 'fds', 'frs', 'dfs', 'tus', 'tds', 'trs', 'dts', 'fui', 'fdi', 'fri', 'dfi', 'tui', 'tdi', 'tri', 'dti']; v2.stateNames = ['falseUp', 'falseDown', 'falseOver', 'falseDisabled', 'trueUp', 'trueDown', 'trueOver', 'trueDisabled']; v2.refNames = ['upSkin', 'downSkin', 'rolloverSkin', 'disabledSkin']; v2.tagMap = {'falseUpSkin': 0, 'falseDownSkin': 1, 'falseOverSkin': 2, 'falseDisabledSkin': 3, 'trueUpSkin': 4, 'trueDownSkin': 5, 'trueOverSkin': 6, 'trueDisabledSkin': 7, 'falseUpIcon': 0, 'falseDownIcon': 1, 'falseOverIcon': 2, 'falseDisabledIcon': 3, 'trueUpIcon': 4, 'trueDownIcon': 5, 'trueOverIcon': 6, 'trueDisabledIcon': 7}; v2.addProperty('emphasized', v2.__get__emphasized, v2.__set__emphasized); v2.addProperty('selected', v2.__get__selected, v2.__set__selected); v2.addProperty('toggle', v2.__get__toggle, v2.__set__toggle); v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, v2.__set__value); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 161 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent(); mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.prototype = v2; v2.__get__scrollPosition = function () { return this._scrollPosition; }; v2.__set__scrollPosition = function (pos) { this._scrollPosition = pos; if (this.isScrolling != true) { pos = Math.min(pos, this.maxPos); pos = Math.max(pos, this.minPos); var v3 = (pos - this.minPos) * (this.scrollTrack_mc.height - this.scrollThumb_mc._height) / (this.maxPos - this.minPos) +; this.scrollThumb_mc.move(0, v3); } return this.__get__scrollPosition(); }; v2.__get__pageScrollSize = function () { return this.largeScroll; }; v2.__set__pageScrollSize = function (lScroll) { this.largeScroll = lScroll; return this.__get__pageScrollSize(); }; v2.__set__lineScrollSize = function (sScroll) { this.smallScroll = sScroll; return this.__get__lineScrollSize(); }; v2.__get__lineScrollSize = function () { return this.smallScroll; }; v2.__get__virtualHeight = function () { return this.__height; }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this._scrollPosition = 0; this.tabEnabled = false; this.focusEnabled = false; this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { if (this.scrollTrack_mc == undefined) { this.setSkin(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDTrack, this.scrollTrackName); } this.scrollTrack_mc.visible = false; var v3 = new Object(); v3.enabled = false; v3.preset = mx.controls.SimpleButton.falseDisabled; v3.initProperties = 0; v3.autoRepeat = true; v3.tabEnabled = false; var v2; if (this.upArrow_mc == undefined) { v2 = this.createButton(this.upArrowName, 'upArrow_mc', mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDUpArrow, v3); } v2.buttonDownHandler = this.onUpArrow; v2.clickHandler = this.onScrollChanged; this._minHeight = v2.height; this._minWidth = v2.width; if (this.downArrow_mc == undefined) { v2 = this.createButton(this.downArrowName, 'downArrow_mc', mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDDownArrow, v3); } v2.buttonDownHandler = this.onDownArrow; v2.clickHandler = this.onScrollChanged; this._minHeight += v2.height; }; v2.createButton = function (linkageName, id, skinID, o) { if (skinID == mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDUpArrow) { o.falseUpSkin = this.upArrowUpName; o.falseDownSkin = this.upArrowDownName; o.falseOverSkin = this.upArrowOverName; var v3 = this.createObject(linkageName, id, skinID, o); this[id].visible = false; this[id].useHandCursor = false; return v3; } o.falseUpSkin = this.downArrowUpName; o.falseDownSkin = this.downArrowDownName; o.falseOverSkin = this.downArrowOverName; var v3 = this.createObject(linkageName, id, skinID, o); this[id].visible = false; this[id].useHandCursor = false; return v3; }; v2.createThumb = function (Void) { var v2 = new Object(); v2.validateNow = true; v2.tabEnabled = false; v2.leftSkin = this.thumbTopName; v2.middleSkin = this.thumbMiddleName; v2.rightSkin = this.thumbBottomName; v2.gripSkin = this.thumbGripName; this.createClassObject(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb, 'scrollThumb_mc', mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDThumb, v2); }; v2.setScrollProperties = function (pSize, mnPos, mxPos, ls) { var v4; var v2 = this.scrollTrack_mc; this.pageSize = pSize; this.largeScroll = (ls != undefined && ls > 0) ? ls : pSize; this.minPos = Math.max(mnPos, 0); this.maxPos = Math.max(mxPos, 0); this._scrollPosition = Math.max(this.minPos, this._scrollPosition); this._scrollPosition = Math.min(this.maxPos, this._scrollPosition); if (this.maxPos - this.minPos > 0 && this.enabled) { var v5 = this._scrollPosition; if (!this.initializing) { this.upArrow_mc.enabled = true; this.downArrow_mc.enabled = true; } v2.onDragOver = this.startTrackScroller; v2.onPress = v2.onDragOver; v2.onRelease = this.releaseScrolling; v2.stopScrolling = this.stopScrolling; v2.onDragOut = v2.stopScrolling; v2.onReleaseOutside = this.releaseScrolling; v2.useHandCursor = false; if (this.scrollThumb_mc == undefined) { this.createThumb(); } var v3 = this.scrollThumb_mc; if (this.scrollTrackOverName.length > 0) { v2.onRollOver = this.trackOver; v2.onRollOut = this.trackOut; } v4 = (this.pageSize / (this.maxPos - this.minPos + this.pageSize)) * v2.height; if (v4 < v3.minHeight) { if (v2.height < v3.minHeight) { v3.__set__visible(false); } else { v4 = v3.minHeight; v3.__set__visible(true); v3.setSize(this._minWidth, v3.minHeight + 0); } } else { v3.__set__visible(true); v3.setSize(this._minWidth, v4); } v3.setRange(this.upArrow_mc.__get__height() + 0, this.__get__virtualHeight() - this.downArrow_mc.__get__height() - v3.__get__height(), this.minPos, this.maxPos); v5 = Math.min(v5, this.maxPos); this.__set__scrollPosition(Math.max(v5, this.minPos)); } else { this.scrollThumb_mc.__set__visible(false); if (!this.initializing) { this.upArrow_mc.enabled = false; this.downArrow_mc.enabled = false; } delete v2.onPress; delete v2.onDragOver; delete v2.onRelease; delete v2.onDragOut; delete v2.onRollOver; delete v2.onRollOut; delete v2.onReleaseOutside; } if (this.initializing) { this.scrollThumb_mc.__set__visible(false); } }; v2.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) { super.setEnabled(enabledFlag); this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.minPos, this.maxPos, this.largeScroll); }; v2.draw = function (Void) { if (this.initializing) { this.initializing = false; this.scrollTrack_mc.visible = true; this.upArrow_mc.__set__visible(true); this.downArrow_mc.__set__visible(true); } this.size(); }; v2.size = function (Void) { if (this._height == 1) { return undefined; } if (this.upArrow_mc == undefined) { return undefined; } var v3 = this.upArrow_mc.__get__height(); var v2 = this.downArrow_mc.__get__height(); this.upArrow_mc.move(0, 0); var v4 = this.scrollTrack_mc; v4._y = v3; v4._height = this.__get__virtualHeight() - v3 - v2; this.downArrow_mc.move(0, this.__get__virtualHeight() - v2); this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.minPos, this.maxPos, this.largeScroll); }; v2.dispatchScrollEvent = function (detail) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scroll', 'detail': detail}); }; v2.isScrollBarKey = function (k) { if (k == 36) { if (this.__get__scrollPosition() != 0) { this.__set__scrollPosition(0); this.dispatchScrollEvent(this.minMode); } return true; return false; } if (k == 35) { if (this.__get__scrollPosition() < this.maxPos) { this.__set__scrollPosition(this.maxPos); this.dispatchScrollEvent(this.maxMode); } return true; } return false; }; v2.scrollIt = function (inc, mode) { var v3 = this.smallScroll; if (inc != 'Line') { v3 = (this.largeScroll == 0) ? this.pageSize : this.largeScroll; } var v2 = this._scrollPosition + mode * v3; if (v2 > this.maxPos) { v2 = this.maxPos; } else { if (v2 < this.minPos) { v2 = this.minPos; } } if (this.__get__scrollPosition() != v2) { this.__set__scrollPosition(v2); var v4 = mode < 0 ? this.minusMode : this.plusMode; this.dispatchScrollEvent(inc + v4); } }; v2.startTrackScroller = function (Void) { this._parent.pressFocus(); if (this._parent.scrollTrackDownName.length > 0) { if (this._parent.scrollTrackDown_mc == undefined) { this._parent.setSkin(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDTrackDown, this.scrollTrackDownName); } else { this._parent.scrollTrackDown_mc.visible = true; } } this._parent.trackScroller(); this._parent.scrolling = setInterval(this._parent, 'scrollInterval', this.getStyle('repeatDelay'), 'Page', -1); }; v2.scrollInterval = function (inc, mode) { clearInterval(this.scrolling); if (inc == 'Page') { this.trackScroller(); } else { this.scrollIt(inc, mode); } this.scrolling = setInterval(this, 'scrollInterval', this.getStyle('repeatInterval'), inc, mode); }; v2.trackScroller = function (Void) { if (this.scrollThumb_mc._y + this.scrollThumb_mc.__get__height() < this._ymouse) { this.scrollIt('Page', 1); } else { if (this.scrollThumb_mc._y > this._ymouse) { this.scrollIt('Page', -1); } } }; v2.dispatchScrollChangedEvent = function (Void) { this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scrollChanged'}); }; v2.stopScrolling = function (Void) { clearInterval(this._parent.scrolling); this._parent.scrollTrackDown_mc.visible = false; }; v2.releaseScrolling = function (Void) { this._parent.releaseFocus(); this.stopScrolling(); this._parent.dispatchScrollChangedEvent(); }; v2.trackOver = function (Void) { if (this._parent.scrollTrackOverName.length > 0) { if (this._parent.scrollTrackOver_mc == undefined) { this._parent.setSkin(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDTrackOver, this.scrollTrackOverName); } else { this._parent.scrollTrackOver_mc.visible = true; } } }; v2.trackOut = function (Void) { this._parent.scrollTrackOver_mc.visible = false; }; v2.onUpArrow = function (Void) { this._parent.scrollIt('Line', -1); }; v2.onDownArrow = function (Void) { this._parent.scrollIt('Line', 1); }; v2.onScrollChanged = function (Void) { this._parent.dispatchScrollChangedEvent(); }; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; v2.className = 'ScrollBar'; v2.minPos = 0; v2.maxPos = 0; v2.pageSize = 0; v2.largeScroll = 0; v2.smallScroll = 1; v2._scrollPosition = 0; v2.scrollTrackName = 'ScrollTrack'; v2.scrollTrackOverName = ''; v2.scrollTrackDownName = ''; v2.upArrowName = 'BtnUpArrow'; v2.upArrowUpName = 'ScrollUpArrowUp'; v2.upArrowOverName = 'ScrollUpArrowOver'; v2.upArrowDownName = 'ScrollUpArrowDown'; v2.downArrowName = 'BtnDownArrow'; v2.downArrowUpName = 'ScrollDownArrowUp'; v2.downArrowOverName = 'ScrollDownArrowOver'; v2.downArrowDownName = 'ScrollDownArrowDown'; v2.thumbTopName = 'ScrollThumbTopUp'; v2.thumbMiddleName = 'ScrollThumbMiddleUp'; v2.thumbBottomName = 'ScrollThumbBottomUp'; v2.thumbGripName = 'ScrollThumbGripUp'; v1.skinIDTrack = 0; v1.skinIDTrackOver = 1; v1.skinIDTrackDown = 2; v1.skinIDUpArrow = 3; v1.skinIDDownArrow = 4; v1.skinIDThumb = 5; v2.idNames = new Array('scrollTrack_mc', 'scrollTrackOver_mc', 'scrollTrackDown_mc', 'upArrow_mc', 'downArrow_mc'); v2.clipParameters = {'minPos': 1, 'maxPos': 1, 'pageSize': 1, 'scrollPosition': 1, 'lineScrollSize': 1, 'pageScrollSize': 1, 'visible': 1, 'enabled': 1}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters); v2.initializing = true; v2.addProperty('lineScrollSize', v2.__get__lineScrollSize, v2.__set__lineScrollSize); v2.addProperty('pageScrollSize', v2.__get__pageScrollSize, v2.__set__pageScrollSize); v2.addProperty('scrollPosition', v2.__get__scrollPosition, v2.__set__scrollPosition); v2.addProperty('virtualHeight', v2.__get__virtualHeight, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 162 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.HScrollBar = v1; var v2 = new mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar(); mx.controls.HScrollBar.prototype = v2; v2.getMinWidth = function (Void) { return this._minHeight; }; v2.getMinHeight = function (Void) { return this._minWidth; }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this._xscale = -100; this._rotation = -90; }; v2.__get__virtualHeight = function () { return this.__width; }; v2.isScrollBarKey = function (k) { if (k == 37) { this.scrollIt('Line', -1); return true; return super.isScrollBarKey(k); } if (k == 39) { this.scrollIt('Line', 1); return true; } return super.isScrollBarKey(k); }; v1.symbolName = 'HScrollBar'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'HScrollBar'; v2.minusMode = 'Left'; v2.plusMode = 'Right'; v2.minMode = 'AtLeft'; v2.maxMode = 'AtRight'; v2.addProperty('virtualHeight', v2.__get__virtualHeight, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.HScrollBar.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 163 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.Button = v1; var v2 = new mx.controls.SimpleButton(); mx.controls.Button.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v2.draw = function () { if (this.initializing) { this.labelPath.visible = true; } super.draw(); if (this.initIcon != undefined) { this._setIcon(this.initIcon); } delete this.initIcon; }; v2.onRelease = function (Void) { super.onRelease(); }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { super.createChildren(); }; v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initobj) { return super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj); }; v2.viewSkin = function (varName) { var v3 = this.getState() ? 'true' : 'false'; v3 += this.enabled ? this.phase : 'disabled'; super.viewSkin(varName, {'styleName': this, 'borderStyle': v3}); }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (c) { this.labelPath.invalidateStyle(c); super.invalidateStyle(c); }; v2.setColor = function (c) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 8) { this[this.idNames[v2]].redraw(true); ++v2; } }; v2.setEnabled = function (enable) { this.labelPath.enabled = enable; super.setEnabled(enable); }; v2.calcSize = function (tag, ref) { if (this.__width == undefined || this.__height == undefined) { return undefined; } if (tag < 7) { ref.setSize(this.__width, this.__height, true); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { this.setState(this.getState()); this.setHitArea(this.__width, this.__height); var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 8) { var v4 = this.idNames[v3]; if (typeof this[v4] == 'movieclip') { this[v4].setSize(this.__width, this.__height, true); } ++v3; } super.size(); }; v2.__set__labelPlacement = function (val) { this.__labelPlacement = val; this.invalidate(); return this.__get__labelPlacement(); }; v2.__get__labelPlacement = function () { return this.__labelPlacement; }; v2.getLabelPlacement = function (Void) { return this.__labelPlacement; }; v2.setLabelPlacement = function (val) { this.__labelPlacement = val; this.invalidate(); }; v2.getBtnOffset = function (Void) { if (this.getState()) { var v2 = this.btnOffset; return v2; } if (this.phase == 'down') { v2 = this.btnOffset; return v2; } v2 = 0; return v2; }; v2.setView = function (offset) { var v16 = offset ? this.btnOffset : 0; var v12 = this.getLabelPlacement(); var v7 = 0; var v6 = 0; var v9 = 0; var v8 = 0; var v5 = 0; var v4 = 0; var v3 = this.labelPath; var v2 = this.iconName; var v15 = v3.textWidth; var v14 = v3.textHeight; var v10 = this.__width - this.borderW - this.borderW; var v11 = this.__height - this.borderW - this.borderW; if (v2 != undefined) { v7 = v2._width; v6 = v2._height; } if (v12 == 'left' || v12 == 'right') { if (v3 != undefined) { v9 = Math.min(v10 - v7, v15 + 5); v3._width = v9; v8 = Math.min(v11, v14 + 5); v3._height = v8; } if (v12 == 'right') { v5 = v7; if (this.centerContent) { v5 += (v10 - v9 - v7) / 2; } v2._x = v5 - v7; } else { v5 = v10 - v9 - v7; if (this.centerContent) { v5 /= 2; } v2._x = v5 + v9; } v4 = 0; v2._y = v4; if (this.centerContent) { v2._y = (v11 - v6) / 2; v4 = (v11 - v8) / 2; } if (!this.centerContent) { v2._y += Math.max(0, (v8 - v6) / 2); } } else { if (v3 != undefined) { v9 = Math.min(v10, v15 + 5); v3._width = v9; v8 = Math.min(v11 - v6, v14 + 5); v3._height = v8; } v5 = (v10 - v9) / 2; v2._x = (v10 - v7) / 2; if (v12 == 'top') { v4 = v11 - v8 - v6; if (this.centerContent) { v4 /= 2; } v2._y = v4 + v8; } else { v4 = v6; if (this.centerContent) { v4 += (v11 - v8 - v6) / 2; } v2._y = v4 - v6; } } var v13 = this.borderW + v16; v3._x = v5 + v13; v3._y = v4 + v13; v2._x += v13; v2._y += v13; }; v2.__set__label = function (lbl) { this.setLabel(lbl); return this.__get__label(); }; v2.setLabel = function (label) { if (label == '') { this.labelPath.removeTextField(); this.refresh(); return undefined; } if (this.labelPath == undefined) { var v2 = this.createLabel('labelPath', 200, label); v2._width = v2.textWidth + 5; v2._height = v2.textHeight + 5; if (this.initializing) { v2.visible = false; } } else { delete this.labelPath.__text; this.labelPath.text = label; this.refresh(); } }; v2.getLabel = function (Void) { return (this.labelPath.__text != undefined) ? this.labelPath.__text : this.labelPath.text; }; v2.__get__label = function () { return this.getLabel(); }; v2._getIcon = function (Void) { return this._iconLinkageName; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { if (this.initializing) { return this.initIcon; } return this._iconLinkageName; }; v2._setIcon = function (linkage) { if (this.initializing) { if (linkage == '') { return undefined; } this.initIcon = linkage; } else { if (linkage == '') { this.removeIcons(); return undefined; } super.changeIcon(0, linkage); super.changeIcon(1, linkage); super.changeIcon(3, linkage); super.changeIcon(4, linkage); super.changeIcon(5, linkage); this._iconLinkageName = linkage; this.refresh(); } }; v2.__set__icon = function (linkage) { this._setIcon(linkage); return this.__get__icon(); }; v2.setHitArea = function (w, h) { if (this.hitArea_mc == undefined) { this.createEmptyObject('hitArea_mc', 100); } var v2 = this.hitArea_mc; v2.clear(); v2.beginFill(16711680); v2.drawRect(0, 0, w, h); v2.endFill(); v2.setVisible(false); }; v1.symbolName = 'Button'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.Button; v2.className = 'Button'; v1.version = ''; v2.btnOffset = 0; v2._color = 'buttonColor'; v2.__label = 'default value'; v2.__labelPlacement = 'right'; v2.falseUpSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.falseDownSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.falseOverSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.falseDisabledSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.trueUpSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.trueDownSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.trueOverSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.trueDisabledSkin = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.falseUpIcon = ''; v2.falseDownIcon = ''; v2.falseOverIcon = ''; v2.falseDisabledIcon = ''; v2.trueUpIcon = ''; v2.trueDownIcon = ''; v2.trueOverIcon = ''; v2.trueDisabledIcon = ''; v2.clipParameters = {'labelPlacement': 1, 'icon': 1, 'toggle': 1, 'selected': 1, 'label': 1}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.Button.prototype.clipParameters, mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.clipParameters); v2.centerContent = true; v2.borderW = 1; v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, v2.__set__icon); v2.addProperty('label', v2.__get__label, v2.__set__label); v2.addProperty('labelPlacement', v2.__get__labelPlacement, v2.__set__labelPlacement); ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.Button.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 164 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setColor = function (c) { if (c != undefined) { var v2 = new Color(this); v2.setRGB(c); } }; v2.draw = function (Void) { this.setColor(this.getStyle(this._color)); this.onEnterFrame = undefined; }; v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) { this.onEnterFrame = this.draw; }; v1.setColorStyle = function (p, colorStyle) { if (p._color == undefined) { p._color = colorStyle; } p.setColor = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.setColor; p.invalidateStyle = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.invalidateStyle; p.draw = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.draw; p.setColor(p.getStyle(colorStyle)); }; v1.mixins = new mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement(); ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 165 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.addGeometry = function (tf, ui) { tf.addProperty('width', ui.__get__width, null); tf.addProperty('height', ui.__get__height, null); tf.addProperty('left', ui.__get__left, null); tf.addProperty('x', ui.__get__x, null); tf.addProperty('top', ui.__get__top, null); tf.addProperty('y', ui.__get__y, null); tf.addProperty('right', ui.__get__right, null); tf.addProperty('bottom', ui.__get__bottom, null); tf.addProperty('visible', ui.__get__visible, ui.__set__visible); }; v1.Extensions = function () { if (mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended == true) { return true; } mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended = true; var v6 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype; var v9 = mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v9, v6);; var v13 = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(v6); var v5 = MovieClip.prototype; v5.getTopLevel = v6.getTopLevel; v5.createLabel = v6.createLabel; v5.createObject = v6.createObject; v5.createClassObject = v6.createClassObject; v5.createEmptyObject = v6.createEmptyObject; v5.destroyObject = v6.destroyObject; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getTopLevel', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createLabel', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createClassObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createEmptyObject', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'destroyObject', 1); v5.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat; v5._getTextFormat = v6._getTextFormat; v5.getStyleName = v6.getStyleName; v5.getStyle = v6.getStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '__getTextFormat', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '_getTextFormat', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyleName', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyle', 1); var v7 = TextField.prototype; mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v7, v6); v7.addProperty('enabled', function () { return this.__enabled; }, function (x) { this.__enabled = x; this.invalidateStyle(); }); v7.move = v9.move; v7.setSize = v9.setSize; v7.invalidateStyle = function () { this.invalidateFlag = true; }; v7.draw = function () { if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var v2 = this._getTextFormat(); this.setTextFormat(v2); this.setNewTextFormat(v2); this.embedFonts = v2.embedFonts == true; if (this.__text != undefined) { if (this.text == '') { this.text = this.__text; } delete this.__text; } this._visible = true; } }; v7.setColor = function (color) { this.textColor = color; }; v7.getStyle = v5.getStyle; v7.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat; v7.setValue = function (v) { this.text = v; }; v7.getValue = function () { return this.text; }; v7.addProperty('value', function () { return this.getValue(); }, function (v) { this.setValue(v); }); v7._getTextFormat = function () { var v2 =; if (v2 != undefined) { return v2; } v2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(v2); = v2; if (this.__enabled == false) { if (this.enabledColor == undefined) { var v4 = this.getTextFormat(); this.enabledColor = v4.color; } var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor'); v2.color = v3; return v2; } if (this.enabledColor != undefined) { if (v2.color == undefined) { v2.color = this.enabledColor; } } return v2; }; v7.getPreferredWidth = function () { this.draw(); return this.textWidth + 4; }; v7.getPreferredHeight = function () { this.draw(); return this.textHeight + 4; }; TextFormat.prototype.getTextExtent2 = function (s) { var v3 = _root._getTextExtent; if (v3 == undefined) { _root.createTextField('_getTextExtent', -2, 0, 0, 1000, 100); v3 = _root._getTextExtent; v3._visible = false; } _root._getTextExtent.text = s; var v4 = this.align; this.align = 'left'; _root._getTextExtent.setTextFormat(this); this.align = v4; return {'width': v3.textWidth, 'height': v3.textHeight}; }; if ( == undefined) { = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); _global.cascadingStyles = true; _global.styles = new Object(); _global.skinRegistry = new Object(); if (_global._origWidth == undefined) { _global.origWidth = Stage.width; _global.origHeight = Stage.height; } } var v4 = _root; while (v4._parent != undefined) { v4 = v4._parent; } v4.addProperty('width', function () { return Stage.width; }, null); v4.addProperty('height', function () { return Stage.height; }, null); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'width', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'height', 1); return true; }; v1.bExtended = false; v1.UIObjectExtended = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; v1.SkinElementDependency = mx.skins.SkinElement; v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; v1.UIEventDispatcherDependency =; ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 166 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.skins.halo.Defaults = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.setThemeDefaults = function () { var v2 =; v2.themeColor = 8453965; v2.disabledColor = 8684164; v2.modalTransparency = 0; v2.filled = true; v2.stroked = true; v2.strokeWidth = 1; v2.strokeColor = 0; v2.fillColor = 16777215; v2.repeatInterval = 35; v2.repeatDelay = 500; v2.fontFamily = '_sans'; v2.fontSize = 12; v2.selectionColor = 13500353; v2.rollOverColor = 14942166; v2.useRollOver = true; v2.backgroundDisabledColor = 14540253; v2.selectionDisabledColor = 14540253; v2.selectionDuration = 200; v2.openDuration = 250; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; v2.color = 734012; v2.textSelectedColor = 24371; v2.textRollOverColor = 2831164; v2.textDisabledColor = 16777215; v2.vGridLines = true; v2.hGridLines = false; v2.vGridLineColor = 6710886; v2.hGridLineColor = 6710886; v2.headerColor = 15395562; v2.indentation = 17; v2.folderOpenIcon = 'TreeFolderOpen'; v2.folderClosedIcon = 'TreeFolderClosed'; v2.defaultLeafIcon = 'TreeNodeIcon'; v2.disclosureOpenIcon = 'TreeDisclosureOpen'; v2.disclosureClosedIcon = 'TreeDisclosureClosed'; v2.popupDuration = 150; v2.todayColor = 6710886; _global.styles.ScrollSelectList = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.ScrollSelectList; v2.backgroundColor = 16777215; v2.borderColor = 13290186; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.ComboBox = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.ComboBox; v2.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.NumericStepper = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.NumericStepper; v2.textAlign = 'center'; _global.styles.RectBorder = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v2 = _global.styles.RectBorder; v2.borderColor = 14015965; v2.buttonColor = 7305079; v2.shadowColor = 15658734; v2.highlightColor = 12897484; v2.shadowCapColor = 14015965; v2.borderCapColor = 9542041; var v4 = new Object(); v4.borderColor = 16711680; v4.buttonColor = 16711680; v4.shadowColor = 16711680; v4.highlightColor = 16711680; v4.shadowCapColor = 16711680; v4.borderCapColor = 16711680; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.origBorderStyles = v4; var v3; _global.styles.TextInput = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.TextInput; v3.backgroundColor = 16777215; v3.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.TextArea = _global.styles.TextInput; _global.styles.Window = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Window; v3.borderStyle = 'default'; _global.styles.windowStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.windowStyles; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.dataGridStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.dataGridStyles; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.Alert = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Alert; v3.borderStyle = 'alert'; _global.styles.ScrollView = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.ScrollView; v3.borderStyle = 'inset'; _global.styles.View = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.View; v3.borderStyle = 'none'; _global.styles.ProgressBar = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.ProgressBar; v3.color = 11187123; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; _global.styles.AccordionHeader = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.AccordionHeader; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.fontSize = '11'; _global.styles.Accordion = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.Accordion; v3.borderStyle = 'solid'; v3.backgroundColor = 16777215; v3.borderColor = 9081738; v3.headerHeight = 22; v3.marginBottom = -1; v3.marginTop = -1; v3.marginRight = -1; v3.marginLeft = -1; v3.verticalGap = -1; _global.styles.DateChooser = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.DateChooser; v3.borderColor = 9542041; v3.headerColor = 16777215; _global.styles.CalendarLayout = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.CalendarLayout; v3.fontSize = 10; v3.textAlign = 'right'; v3.color = 2831164; _global.styles.WeekDayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.WeekDayStyle; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.fontSize = 11; v3.textAlign = 'center'; v3.color = 2831164; _global.styles.TodayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.TodayStyle; v3.color = 16777215; _global.styles.HeaderDateText = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); v3 = _global.styles.HeaderDateText; v3.fontSize = 12; v3.fontWeight = 'bold'; v3.textAlign = 'center'; }; v2.drawRoundRect = function (x, y, w, h, r, c, alpha, rot, gradient, ratios) { if (typeof r == 'object') { var v18 =; var v16 =; var v15 =; var v10 =; } else { var v10 = r; var v15 = v10; var v16 = v15; var v18 = v16; } if (typeof c == 'object') { if (typeof alpha != 'object') { var v9 = [alpha, alpha]; } else { var v9 = alpha; } if (ratios == undefined) { ratios = [0, 255]; } var v14 = h * 0.7; if (typeof rot != 'object') { var v11 = {'matrixType': 'box', 'x': -v14, 'y': v14, 'w': w * 2, 'h': h * 4, 'r': rot * 0.0174532925199433}; } else { var v11 = rot; } if (gradient == 'radial') { this.beginGradientFill('radial', c, v9, ratios, v11); } else { this.beginGradientFill('linear', c, v9, ratios, v11); } } else { if (c != undefined) { this.beginFill(c, alpha); } } r = v18; var v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; var v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.moveTo(x + w, y + h - r); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); this.curveTo(x + w, y + h - v12, x + w - v13, y + h - v13); this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y + h, x + w - r, y + h); r = v16; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x + r, y + h); this.curveTo(x + v12, y + h, x + v13, y + h - v13); this.curveTo(x, y + h - v12, x, y + h - r); r = v15; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x, y + r); this.curveTo(x, y + v12, x + v13, y + v13); this.curveTo(x + v12, y, x + r, y); r = v10; v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2; v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095; this.lineTo(x + w - r, y); this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y, x + w - v13, y + v13); this.curveTo(x + w, y + v12, x + w, y + r); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); if (c != undefined) { this.endFill(); } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); mx.skins.halo.Defaults.setThemeDefaults(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.classConstruct(); v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 167 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.managers.SystemManager = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.init = function (Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized == false) { mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized = true;; Mouse.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); Stage.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener; } }; v1.addFocusManager = function (f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); }; v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) {}; v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) { var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v1.focusManager._onMouseDown(); }; v1.onResize = function (Void) { var v7 = Stage.width; var v6 = Stage.height; var v9 = _global.origWidth; var v8 = _global.origHeight; var v3 = Stage.align; var v5 = (v9 - v7) / 2; var v4 = (v8 - v6) / 2; if (v3 == 'T') { v4 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'B') { v4 = v8 - v6; } else { if (v3 == 'L') { v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'R') { v5 = v9 - v7; } else { if (v3 == 'LT') { v4 = 0; v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'TR') { v4 = 0; v5 = v9 - v7; } else { if (v3 == 'LB') { v4 = v8 - v6; v5 = 0; } else { if (v3 == 'RB') { v4 = v8 - v6; v5 = v9 - v7; } } } } } } } } if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen = new Object(); } mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.x = v5; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.y = v4; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.width = v7; mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.height = v6; _root.focusManager.relocate(); mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize'}); }; v1.__get__screen = function () { mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.onResize(); } return mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen; }; v1._initialized = false; v1.idleFrames = 0; v1.isMouseDown = false; v1.forms = new Array(); v1.addProperty('screen', v1.__get__screen, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.SystemManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 168 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.managers.FocusManager = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent(); mx.managers.FocusManager.prototype = v2; v2.__get__defaultPushButton = function () { return this.__defaultPushButton; }; v2.__set__defaultPushButton = function (x) { if (x != this.__defaultPushButton) { this.__defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(false); this.__defaultPushButton = x; this.defPushButton = x; x.__set__emphasized(true); } return this.__get__defaultPushButton(); }; v2.getMaxTabIndex = function (o) { var v3 = 0; var v6; for (v6 in o) { var v2 = o[v6]; if (v2._parent == o) { if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (v2.tabIndex > v3) { v3 = v2.tabIndex; } } if (v2.tabChildren == true) { var v4 = this.getMaxTabIndex(v2); if (v4 > v3) { v3 = v4; } } } } return v3; }; v2.getNextTabIndex = function (Void) { return this.getMaxTabIndex(this.form) + 1; }; v2.__get__nextTabIndex = function () { return this.getNextTabIndex(); }; v2.relocate = function (Void) { var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.__get__screen(); this.move(v2.x - 1, v2.y - 1); }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this.tabEnabled = false; this._height = 1; this._width = 1; this._y = -1; this._x = -1; this._alpha = 0; this._parent.focusManager = this; this._parent.tabChildren = true; this._parent.tabEnabled = false; this.form = this._parent; this._parent.addEventListener('hide', this); this._parent.addEventListener('reveal', this); mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager(this.form); this.tabCapture.tabIndex = 0;'enabled', this.enabledChanged); Selection.addListener(this); this.lastMouse = new Object(); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'focusManager', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabEnabled', 1); }; v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) { this._visible = newValue; return newValue; }; v2.activate = function (Void) { Key.addListener(this); this._visible = true; this.activated = this._visible; if (this.lastFocus != undefined) { this.bNeedFocus = true; if (!mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown) { this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus'); } } }; v2.deactivate = function (Void) { Key.removeListener(this); this._visible = false; this.activated = this._visible; var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus(); var v3 = this.getActualFocus(v2); if (this.isOurFocus(v3)) { this.lastSelFocus = v2; this.lastFocus = v3; } this.cancelAllDoLaters(); }; v2.isOurFocus = function (o) { if (o.focusManager == this) { return true; } while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return false; } if (o._parent == this._parent) { return true; } o = o._parent; } return false; }; v2.onSetFocus = function (o, n) { if (n == null) { if (this.activated) { this.bNeedFocus = true; } } else { var v2 = this.getFocus(); if (this.isOurFocus(v2)) { this.bNeedFocus = false; this.lastFocus = v2; this.lastSelFocus = n; } } }; v2.restoreFocus = function (Void) { var v2 = this.lastSelFocus.hscroll; if (v2 != undefined) { var v5 = this.lastSelFocus.scroll; var v4 = this.lastSelFocus.background; } this.lastFocus.setFocus(); var v3 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(v3.lastBeginIndex, v3.lastEndIndex); if (v2 != undefined) { this.lastSelFocus.scroll = v5; this.lastSelFocus.hscroll = v2; this.lastSelFocus.background = v4; } }; v2.onUnload = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager(this.form); }; v2.setFocus = function (o) { if (o == null) { Selection.setFocus(null); } else { if (o.setFocus == undefined) { Selection.setFocus(o); } else { o.setFocus(); } } }; v2.getActualFocus = function (o) { var v1 = o._parent; while (v1 != undefined) { if (v1.focusTextField != undefined) { while (v1.focusTextField != undefined) { o = v1; v1 = v1._parent; if (v1 == undefined) { return undefined; } if (v1.focusTextField == undefined) { return o; } } } if (v1.tabEnabled != true) { return o; } o = v1; v1 = o._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.getSelectionFocus = function () { var m = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval(m); return o; }; v2.getFocus = function (Void) { var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus(); return this.getActualFocus(v2); }; v2.walkTree = function (p, index, groupName, dir, lookup, firstChild) { var v5 = true; var v11; for (v11 in p) { var v2 = p[v11]; if (v2._parent == p && v2.enabled != false && v2._visible != false && (v2.tabEnabled == true || v2.tabEnabled != false && (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined || v2.onReleaseOutside != undefined || v2.onDragOut != undefined || v2.onDragOver != undefined || v2.onRollOver != undefined || v2.onRollOut != undefined || v2 instanceof TextField))) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (v2 != this._lastTarget) { if ((v2.groupName != undefined || groupName != undefined) && v2.groupName == groupName) { continue; } if (v2 instanceof TextField && v2.selectable == false) { continue; } if (v5 || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._firstNode.groupName && v2.selected == true) { if (firstChild) { this._firstNode = v2; firstChild = false; } } if (this._nextIsNext == true) { if (v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._nextNode.groupName && v2.selected == true || this._nextNode == undefined && (v2.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName != groupName)) { this._nextNode = v2; } } if (v2.groupName == undefined || groupName != v2.groupName) { if (this._lastx.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._lastx.groupName && this._lastx.selected == true) { } else { this._lastx = v2; } } } else { this._prevNode = this._lastx; this._needPrev = false; this._nextIsNext = true; } if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (v2.tabIndex == index) { if (this._foundList[v2._name] == undefined) { if (this._needPrev) { this._prevObj = v2; this._needPrev = false; } this._nextObj = v2; } } if (dir && v2.tabIndex > index) { if (this._nextObj == undefined || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._nextObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._nextObj.groupName) || this._nextObj.groupName != undefined && this._nextObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._nextObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex)) { this._nextObj = v2; } } else { if (!dir && v2.tabIndex < index) { if (this._prevObj == undefined || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._prevObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._prevObj.groupName) || this._prevObj.groupName != undefined && this._prevObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._prevObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex)) { this._prevObj = v2; } } } if (this._firstObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._firstObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._firstObj.groupName) || this._firstObj.groupName != undefined && this._firstObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._firstObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex)) { this._firstObj = v2; } if (this._lastObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._lastObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._lastObj.groupName) || this._lastObj.groupName != undefined && this._lastObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._lastObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex)) { this._lastObj = v2; } } if (v2.tabChildren) { this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild); } v5 = false; } else { if (v2._parent == p && v2.tabChildren == true && v2._visible != false) { if (v2 == this._lastTarget) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (this._prevNode == undefined) { var v3 = this._lastx; var v7 = false; while (v3 != undefined) { if (v3 == v2) { v7 = true; break; } v3 = v3._parent; } if (v7 == false) { this._prevNode = this._lastx; } } this._needPrev = false; if (this._nextNode == undefined) { this._nextIsNext = true; } } else { if (!(v2.focusManager != undefined && v2.focusManager._parent == v2)) { if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) { continue; } v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild); } } v5 = false; } } } this._lastNode = this._lastx; if (lookup) { if (p._parent != undefined) { if (p != this._parent) { if (this._prevNode == undefined && dir) { this._needPrev = true; } else { if (this._nextNode == undefined && !dir) { this._nextIsNext = false; } } this._lastTarget = this._lastTarget._parent; this.getTabCandidate(p._parent, index, groupName, dir, true); } } } }; v2.getTabCandidate = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { var v2; var v3 = true; if (o == this._parent) { v2 = o; v3 = false; } else { v2 = o._parent; if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = o; v3 = false; } } this.walkTree(v2, index, groupName, dir, v3, firstChild); }; v2.getTabCandidateFromChildren = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { this.walkTree(o, index, groupName, dir, false, firstChild); }; v2.getFocusManagerFromObject = function (o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return o.focusManager; } o = o._parent; } return undefined; }; v2.tabHandler = function (Void) { this.bDrawFocus = true; var v5 = this.getSelectionFocus(); var v4 = this.getActualFocus(v5); if (v4 != v5) { v5 = v4; } if (this.getFocusManagerFromObject(v5) != this) { v5 == undefined; } if (v5 == undefined) { v5 = this.form; } else { if (v5.tabIndex != undefined) { if (this._foundList != undefined || this._foundList.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v5.tabIndex; } this._foundList[v5._name] = v5; } } var v3 = Key.isDown(16) != true; this._searchKey = getTimer(); this._needPrev = true; this._nextIsNext = false; this._lastx = undefined; this._firstNode = undefined; this._lastNode = undefined; this._nextNode = undefined; this._prevNode = undefined; this._firstObj = undefined; this._lastObj = undefined; this._nextObj = undefined; this._prevObj = undefined; this._lastTarget = v5; var v6 = v5; this.getTabCandidate(v6, (v5.tabIndex == undefined) ? 0 : v5.tabIndex, v5.groupName, v3, true); var v2; if (v3) { if (this._nextObj != undefined) { v2 = this._nextObj; } else { v2 = this._firstObj; } } else { if (this._prevObj != undefined) { v2 = this._prevObj; } else { v2 = this._lastObj; } } if (v2.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex; this._foundList[v2._name] = v2; } else { if (this._foundList == undefined) { this._foundList = new Object(); this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex; } this._foundList[v2._name] = v2; } if (v2 == undefined) { if (v3 == false) { if (this._nextNode != undefined) { v2 = this._nextNode; } else { v2 = this._firstNode; } } else { if (this._prevNode == undefined || v5 == this.form) { v2 = this._lastNode; } else { v2 = this._prevNode; } } } if (v2 == undefined) { return undefined; } this.lastTabFocus = v2; this.setFocus(v2); if (v2.emphasized != undefined) { if (this.defPushButton != undefined) { v5 = this.defPushButton; this.defPushButton = v2; v5.emphasized = false; v2.emphasized = true; } } else { if (this.defPushButton != undefined && this.defPushButton != this.__defaultPushButton) { v5 = this.defPushButton; this.defPushButton = this.__defaultPushButton; v5.emphasized = false; this.__defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(true); } } }; v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; if (this.defaultPushButtonEnabled) { if (Key.getCode() == 13) { if (this.__get__defaultPushButton() != undefined) { this.doLater(this, 'sendDefaultPushButtonEvent'); } } } }; v2.sendDefaultPushButtonEvent = function (Void) { this.defPushButton.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'}); }; v2.getMousedComponentFromChildren = function (x, y, o) { for (var v7 in o) { var v2 = o[v7]; if (v2._visible && v2.enabled && v2._parent == o && v2._searchKey != this._searchKey) { v2._searchKey = this._searchKey; if (v2.hitTest(x, y, true)) { if (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined) { return v2; } var v3 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, v2); if (v3 != undefined) { return v3; } return v2; } } } return undefined; }; v2.mouseActivate = function (Void) { if (!this.bNeedFocus) { return undefined; } this._searchKey = getTimer(); var v2 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(this.lastMouse.x, this.lastMouse.y, this.form); if (v2 instanceof mx.core.UIComponent) { return undefined; } v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(v2); if (v2 == this.lastFocus) { return undefined; } if (v2 == undefined) { this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus'); return undefined; } var v3 = v2.hscroll; if (v3 != undefined) { var v6 = v2.scroll; var v5 = v2.background; } this.setFocus(v2); var v4 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(v4.lastBeginIndex, v4.lastEndIndex); if (v3 != undefined) { v2.scroll = v6; v2.hscroll = v3; v2.background = v5; } }; v2._onMouseDown = function (Void) { this.bDrawFocus = false; if (this.lastFocus != undefined) { this.lastFocus.drawFocus(false); } mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; var v3 = Selection; v3.lastBeginIndex = Selection.getBeginIndex(); v3.lastEndIndex = Selection.getEndIndex(); this.lastMouse.x = _root._xmouse; this.lastMouse.y = _root._ymouse; _root.localToGlobal(this.lastMouse); }; v2.onMouseUp = function (Void) { if (this._visible) { this.doLater(this, 'mouseActivate'); } }; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.type == 'reveal') { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(this.form); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(this.form); } }; v1.enableFocusManagement = function () { if (!mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized) { mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized = true; Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } } }; v1.symbolName = 'FocusManager'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.managers.FocusManager; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'FocusManager'; v2.bNeedFocus = false; v2.bDrawFocus = false; v2.defaultPushButtonEnabled = true; v2.activated = true; v1.initialized = false; v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; v2.addProperty('defaultPushButton', v2.__get__defaultPushButton, v2.__set__defaultPushButton); v2.addProperty('nextTabIndex', v2.__get__nextTabIndex, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.FocusManager.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 169 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false; this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0; this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0; }; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.SkinElement(); mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype = v2; v2.draw = function (o) { o.adjustFocusRect(); }; v2.setSize = function (w, h, r, a, rectCol) { this._yscale = 100; this._xscale = 100; this.clear(); if (typeof r == 'object') { = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; = > 2 ? - 2 : 0; this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); this.endFill(); = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; = > 1 ? + 1 : 0; this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; = > 1 ? - 1 : 0; this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); this.endFill(); } else { var v5; if (r != 0) { v5 = r - 2; } else { v5 = 0; } this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); if (r != 0) { v5 = r - 2; r -= 1; } else { v5 = 0; r = 0; } this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5); this.endFill(); } }; v2.handleEvent = function (e) { if (e.type == 'unload') { this._visible = true; } else { if (e.type == 'resize') {; } else { if (e.type == 'move') {; } } } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus = function (focused) { var v2 = this._parent.focus_mc; if (!focused) { v2._visible = false; this.removeEventListener('unload', v2); this.removeEventListener('move', v2); this.removeEventListener('resize', v2); } else { if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = this._parent.createChildAtDepth('FocusRect', mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop); v2.tabEnabled = false; this._parent.focus_mc = v2; } else { v2._visible = true; } v2.draw(this); if (v2.getDepth() < this.getDepth()) { v2.setDepthAbove(this); } this.addEventListener('unload', v2); this.addEventListener('move', v2); this.addEventListener('resize', v2); } }; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () { var v2 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); if (v2 == undefined) { v2 = 8453965; } var v3 = this._parent.focus_mc; v3.setSize(this.width + 4, this.height + 4, 0, 100, v2); v3.move(this.x - 2, this.y - 2); }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.adjustFocusRect = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.classConstruct(); v1.DefaultsDependency = mx.skins.halo.Defaults; v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 170 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.checkIdle = function (Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames > 10) { mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'idle'}); } else { ++mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames; } }; v1.__addEventListener = function (e, o, l) { if (e == 'idle') { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.interval == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.interval = setInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle, 100); } } mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener(e, o, l); }; v1.__removeEventListener = function (e, o, l) { if (e == 'idle') { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l) == 0) { clearInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.interval); } } else { mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l); } }; v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = true; var v5 = _root; var v3; var v8 = _root._xmouse; var v7 = _root._ymouse; if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form.modalWindow == undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v6 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v4; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v6) { var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v4]; if (v2._visible) { if (v2.hitTest(v8, v7)) { if (v3 == undefined) { v3 = v2.getDepth(); v5 = v2; } else { if (v3 < v2.getDepth()) { v3 = v2.getDepth(); v5 = v2; } } } } ++v4; } if (v5 != mx.managers.SystemManager.form) { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(v5); } } } var v9 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v9.focusManager._onMouseDown(); }; v1.onMouseMove = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; }; v1.onMouseUp = function (Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = false; mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; }; v1.activate = function (f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v1.focusManager.deactivate(); } } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); }; v1.deactivate = function (f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v5.focusManager.deactivate(); var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v1; var v2; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) { v1 += 1; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) { v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]; } ++v1; } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = v2; break; } else { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) { v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]; } } ++v1; } v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; v5.focusManager.activate(); } } }; v1.addFocusManager = function (f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.push(f); mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(f); }; v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) { var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var v1; v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(f); } mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.splice(v1, 1); return undefined; } ++v1; } }; v1.enableOverlappedWindows = function () { if (!mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized) { mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized = true; mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.checkIdle; mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseDown = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseDown; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseMove = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseMove; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseUp = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseUp; mx.managers.SystemManager.activate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.activate; mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.deactivate; mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.addFocusManager; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.removeFocusManager; } }; v1.initialized = false; v1.SystemManagerDependency = mx.managers.SystemManager; ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 171 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.styles.CSSSetStyle = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2._setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) { this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp] != undefined) { if (styleProp == 'color') { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } } _level0.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); return undefined; } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } if (styleProp == 'themeColor') { var v7 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var v6 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var v8 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var v4 = {}; v4[v7] = 12188666; v4[v6] = 13500353; v4[v8] = 16766319; var v5 = {}; v5[v7] = 13958653; v5[v6] = 14942166; v5[v8] = 16772787; var v9 = v4[newValue]; var v10 = v5[newValue]; if (v9 == undefined) { v9 = newValue; } if (v10 == undefined) { v10 = newValue; } this.setStyle('selectionColor', v9); this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v10); } _level0.changeColorStyleInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue); } else { if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } _level0.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue); } }; v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = function (styleProp) { var v4 = getTimer(); var v5; for (v5 in this) { var v2 = this[v5]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v4) { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete; delete v2.stylecache[styleProp]; } v2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); v2.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); v2.searchKey = v4; } } } }; v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = function (sheetName, colorStyle, newValue) { var v6 = getTimer(); var v7; for (v7 in this) { var v2 = this[v7]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v6) { if (v2.getStyleName() == sheetName || sheetName == undefined || sheetName == '_global') { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete v2.stylecache[colorStyle]; } if (typeof v2._color == 'string') { if (v2._color == colorStyle) { var v4 = v2.getStyle(colorStyle); if (colorStyle == 'color') { if ( != undefined) { = v4; } } v2.setColor(v4); } } else { if (v2._color[colorStyle] != undefined) { if (typeof v2 != 'movieclip') { v2._parent.invalidateStyle(); } else { v2.invalidateStyle(colorStyle); } } } } v2.changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue); v2.searchKey = v6; } } } }; v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = function (sheetName, styleProp, newValue) { var v5 = getTimer(); var v6; for (v6 in this) { var v2 = this[v6]; if (v2._parent == this) { if (v2.searchKey != v5) { if (v2.styleName == sheetName || v2.styleName != undefined && typeof v2.styleName == 'movieclip' || sheetName == undefined) { if (v2.stylecache != undefined) { delete v2.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } delete v2.enabledColor; v2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue); v2.searchKey = v5; } } } }; v2.setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) { if (this.stylecache != undefined) { delete this.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } if (styleProp == 'themeColor') { var v10 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var v9 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var v11 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var v6 = {}; v6[v10] = 12188666; v6[v9] = 13500353; v6[v11] = 16766319; var v7 = {}; v7[v10] = 13958653; v7[v9] = 14942166; v7[v11] = 16772787; var v12 = v6[newValue]; var v13 = v7[newValue]; if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = newValue; } if (v13 == undefined) { v13 = newValue; } this.setStyle('selectionColor', v12); this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v13); } if (typeof this._color == 'string') { if (this._color == styleProp) { if (styleProp == 'color') { if ( != undefined) { = newValue; } } this.setColor(newValue); } } else { if (this._color[styleProp] != undefined) { this.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } } this.changeColorStyleInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } else { if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return undefined; } } this.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || styleProp == 'styleName') { var v8; var v5 = newValue; if (styleProp == 'styleName') { v8 = (typeof newValue == 'string') ? _global.styles[newValue] : v5; v5 = v8.themeColor; if (v5 != undefined) { v8.selectionColor = v5; v8.rollOverColor = v8.selectionColor; } } this.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } }; v1.enableRunTimeCSS = function () {}; v1.classConstruct = function () { var v2 = MovieClip.prototype; var v3 = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setStyle = v3._setStyle; v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren; v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = v3.changeColorStyleInChildren; v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = v3.notifyStyleChangeInChildren; v2.setStyle = v3.setStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeTextStyleInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeColorStyleInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren', 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'setStyle', 1); var v4 = TextField.prototype; v4.setStyle = v2.setStyle; v4.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren; return true; }; v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.classConstruct(); v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 172 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.Extensions = function () { if (mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended == true) { return true; } mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended = true; TextField.prototype.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus) { this.drawFocus(true); } } }; TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { this.drawFocus(false); } }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.getFocusManager = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.getFocusManager; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.enableOverlappedWindows(); mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.enableRunTimeCSS(); mx.managers.FocusManager.enableFocusManagement(); }; v1.bExtended = false; v1.UIComponentExtended = mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.Extensions(); v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.FocusManagerDependency = mx.managers.FocusManager; v1.OverlappedWindowsDependency = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows; ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 173 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.halo.RectBorder = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.RectBorder(); mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { this.borderWidths.default = 3; super.init(); }; v2.getBorderMetrics = function (Void) { if (this.offset == undefined) { var v3 = this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName); this.offset = this.borderWidths[v3]; } if (this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName) == 'default' || this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName) == 'alert') { this.__borderMetrics = {'left': 3, 'top': 1, 'right': 3, 'bottom': 3}; return this.__borderMetrics; } return super.getBorderMetrics(); }; v2.drawBorder = function (Void) { var v6 = _global.styles[this.className]; if (v6 == undefined) { v6 = _global.styles.RectBorder; } var v5 = this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName); var v7 = this.getStyle(this.borderColorName); if (v7 == undefined) { v7 = v6[this.borderColorName]; } var v8 = this.getStyle(this.backgroundColorName); if (v8 == undefined) { v8 = v6[this.backgroundColorName]; } var v16 = this.getStyle('backgroundImage'); if (v5 != 'none') { var v14 = this.getStyle(this.shadowColorName); if (v14 == undefined) { v14 = v6[this.shadowColorName]; } var v13 = this.getStyle(this.highlightColorName); if (v13 == undefined) { v13 = v6[this.highlightColorName]; } var v12 = this.getStyle(this.buttonColorName); if (v12 == undefined) { v12 = v6[this.buttonColorName]; } var v11 = this.getStyle(this.borderCapColorName); if (v11 == undefined) { v11 = v6[this.borderCapColorName]; } var v10 = this.getStyle(this.shadowCapColorName); if (v10 == undefined) { v10 = v6[this.shadowCapColorName]; } } this.offset = this.borderWidths[v5]; var v9 = this.offset; var v3 = this.__get__width(); var v4 = this.__get__height(); this.clear(); this._color = undefined; if (v5 == 'none') { } else { if (v5 == 'inset') { this._color = this.colorList; this.draw3dBorder(v11, v12, v7, v13, v14, v10); } else { if (v5 == 'outset') { this._color = this.colorList; this.draw3dBorder(v11, v7, v12, v14, v13, v10); } else { if (v5 == 'alert') { var v15 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); this.drawRoundRect(0, 5, v3, v4 - 5, 5, 6184542, 10); this.drawRoundRect(1, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 5, 4, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, 3, v15, 50); this.drawRoundRect(3, 1, v3 - 6, v4 - 4, 2, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'default') { this.drawRoundRect(0, 5, v3, v4 - 5, {'tl': 5, 'tr': 5, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, 6184542, 10); this.drawRoundRect(1, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 5, {'tl': 4, 'tr': 4, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, {'tl': 3, 'tr': 3, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, [12897484, 11844796], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(3, 1, v3 - 6, v4 - 4, {'tl': 2, 'tr': 2, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'dropDown') { this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, {'tl': 4, 'tr': 0, 'br': 0, 'bl': 4}, [13290186, 7895160], 100, -10, 'linear'); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, v4 - 2, {'tl': 3, 'tr': 0, 'br': 0, 'bl': 3}, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'menuBorder') { var v15 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); this.drawRoundRect(4, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 3, 0, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(4, 4, v3 - 1, v4 - 2, 0, 6184542, 10); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, 0, [0, 14342874], 100, 250, 'linear'); this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, 0, v15, 50); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, v3 - 3, v4 - 4, 0, 16777215, 100); } else { if (v5 == 'comboNonEdit') { } else { this.beginFill(v7); this.drawRect(0, 0, v3, v4); this.drawRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, v4 - 1); this.endFill(); this._color = this.borderColorName; } } } } } } } } if (v8 != undefined) { this.beginFill(v8); this.drawRect(v9, v9, this.__get__width() - v9, this.__get__height() - v9); this.endFill(); } }; v2.draw3dBorder = function (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) { var v3 = this.__get__width(); var v2 = this.__get__height(); this.beginFill(c1); this.drawRect(0, 0, v3, v2); this.drawRect(1, 0, v3 - 1, v2); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c2); this.drawRect(1, 0, v3 - 1, 1); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c3); this.drawRect(1, v2 - 1, v3 - 1, v2); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c4); this.drawRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, 2); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c5); this.drawRect(1, v2 - 2, v3 - 1, v2 - 1); this.endFill(); this.beginFill(c6); this.drawRect(1, 2, v3 - 1, v2 - 2); this.drawRect(2, 2, v3 - 2, v2 - 2); this.endFill(); }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.styles.rectBorderClass = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; _global.skinRegistry.RectBorder = true; return true; }; v1.symbolName = 'RectBorder'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; v1.version = ''; v2.borderCapColorName = 'borderCapColor'; v2.shadowCapColorName = 'shadowCapColor'; v2.colorList = {'highlightColor': 0, 'borderColor': 0, 'buttonColor': 0, 'shadowColor': 0, 'borderCapColor': 0, 'shadowCapColor': 0}; v2.borderWidths = {'none': 0, 'solid': 1, 'inset': 2, 'outset': 2, 'alert': 3, 'dropDown': 2, 'menuBorder': 2, 'comboNonEdit': 2}; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.classConstruct(); v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 174 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin = v1; var v2 = new mx.skins.RectBorder(); mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin.prototype = v2; v2.init = function () { super.init(); }; v2.size = function () { this.drawHaloRect(this.__get__width(), this.__get__height()); }; v2.drawHaloRect = function (w, h) { var v6 = this.getStyle('borderStyle'); var v4 = this.getStyle('themeColor'); var v5 = this._parent.emphasized; this.clear(); switch (v6) { case 'falseup': if (v5) { this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 75); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 85, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, v4, 75); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); } else { this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [13291985, 16250871], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [9542041, 13818586], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(3, 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); } break; case 'falsedown': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, v4, 20); break; case 'falserollover': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); break; case 'falsedisabled': this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100); this.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100); break; case 'trueup': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16250871, 100); break; case 'truedown': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, v4, 20); break; case 'truerollover': this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 50); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial'); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, v4, 40); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100); this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100); break; case 'truedisabled': this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100); this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100); this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100); this.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100); } }; v1.classConstruct = function () { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.skinRegistry.ButtonSkin = true; return true; }; v1.symbolName = 'ButtonSkin'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin; v2.className = 'ButtonSkin'; v2.backgroundColorName = 'buttonColor'; v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin.classConstruct(); v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 175 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.controls.VScrollBar = v1; var v2 = new mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar(); mx.controls.VScrollBar.prototype = v2; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); }; v2.isScrollBarKey = function (k) { if (k == 38) { this.scrollIt('Line', -1); return true; return super.isScrollBarKey(k); } if (k == 40) { this.scrollIt('Line', 1); return true; return super.isScrollBarKey(k); } if (k == 33) { this.scrollIt('Page', -1); return true; return super.isScrollBarKey(k); } if (k == 34) { this.scrollIt('Page', 1); return true; } return super.isScrollBarKey(k); }; v1.symbolName = 'VScrollBar'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; v1.version = ''; v2.className = 'VScrollBar'; v2.minusMode = 'Up'; v2.plusMode = 'Down'; v2.minMode = 'AtTop'; v2.maxMode = 'AtBottom'; ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.VScrollBar.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 176 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; mx.containers.ScrollPane = v1; var v2 = new mx.core.ScrollView(); mx.containers.ScrollPane.prototype = v2; v2.getBytesTotal = function () { return this._total; }; v2.getBytesLoaded = function () { return this._loaded; }; v2.__set__contentPath = function (scrollableContent) { if (!this.initializing) { if (scrollableContent == undefined) { this.destroyChildAt(0); } else { if (this[mx.core.View.childNameBase + 0] != undefined) { this.destroyChildAt(0); } this.createChild(scrollableContent, 'spContentHolder'); } } this.__scrollContent = scrollableContent; return this.__get__contentPath(); }; v2.__get__contentPath = function () { return this.__scrollContent; }; v2.__get__content = function () { return this.spContentHolder; }; v2.setHPosition = function (position) { if (position <= this.hScroller.maxPos && position >= this.hScroller.minPos) { super.setHPosition(position); this.spContentHolder._x = -position; } }; v2.setVPosition = function (position) { if (position <= this.vScroller.maxPos && position >= this.vScroller.minPos) { super.setVPosition(position); this.spContentHolder._y = -position; } }; v2.__get__vLineScrollSize = function () { return this.__vLineScrollSize; }; v2.__set__vLineScrollSize = function (vLineSize) { this.__vLineScrollSize = vLineSize; this.vScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(vLineSize); return this.__get__vLineScrollSize(); }; v2.__get__hLineScrollSize = function () { return this.__hLineScrollSize; }; v2.__set__hLineScrollSize = function (hLineSize) { this.__hLineScrollSize = hLineSize; this.hScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(hLineSize); return this.__get__hLineScrollSize(); }; v2.__get__vPageScrollSize = function () { return this.__vPageScrollSize; }; v2.__set__vPageScrollSize = function (vPageSize) { this.__vPageScrollSize = vPageSize; this.vScroller.__set__pageScrollSize(vPageSize); return this.__get__vPageScrollSize(); }; v2.__get__hPageScrollSize = function () { return this.__hPageScrollSize; }; v2.__set__hPageScrollSize = function (hPageSize) { this.__hPageScrollSize = hPageSize; this.hScroller.__set__pageScrollSize(hPageSize); return this.__get__hPageScrollSize(); }; v2.__set__hScrollPolicy = function (policy) { this.__hScrollPolicy = policy.toLowerCase(); this.setScrollProperties(this.spContentHolder._width, 1, this.spContentHolder._height, 1); return this.__get__hScrollPolicy(); }; v2.__set__vScrollPolicy = function (policy) { this.__vScrollPolicy = policy.toLowerCase(); this.setScrollProperties(this.spContentHolder._width, 1, this.spContentHolder._height, 1); return this.__get__vScrollPolicy(); }; v2.__get__scrollDrag = function () { return this.__scrollDrag; }; v2.__set__scrollDrag = function (s) { this.__scrollDrag = s; if (this.__scrollDrag) { this.spContentHolder.useHandCursor = true; this.spContentHolder.onPress = function () { this._parent.startDragLoop(); }; this.spContentHolder.tabEnabled = false; this.spContentHolder.onReleaseOutside = function () { delete this.onMouseMove; }; this.spContentHolder.onRelease = this.spContentHolder.onReleaseOutside; this.__scrollDrag = true; } else { delete this.spContentHolder.onPress; this.spContentHolder.tabEnabled = false; this.spContentHolder.tabChildren = true; this.spContentHolder.useHandCursor = false; this.__scrollDrag = false; } return this.__get__scrollDrag(); }; v2.init = function (Void) { super.init(); this.tabEnabled = true; this.keyDown = this._onKeyDown; }; v2.createChildren = function (Void) { super.createChildren(); this.mask_mc._visible = false; this.initializing = false; if (this.__scrollContent != undefined && this.__scrollContent != '') { this.__set__contentPath(this.__scrollContent); } }; v2.size = function (Void) { super.size(); this.setScrollProperties(this.spContentHolder._width, 1, this.spContentHolder._height, 1); this.hPosition = Math.min(this.hPosition, this.__get__maxHPosition()); this.vPosition = Math.min(this.vPosition, this.__get__maxVPosition()); }; v2.setScrollProperties = function (columnCount, columnWidth, rowCount, rowHeight) { super.setScrollProperties(columnCount, columnWidth, rowCount, rowHeight); this.hScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(this.__hLineScrollSize); this.hScroller.__set__pageScrollSize(this.__hPageScrollSize); this.vScroller.__set__lineScrollSize(this.__vLineScrollSize); this.vScroller.__set__pageScrollSize(this.__vPageScrollSize); }; v2.onScroll = function (scrollEvent) { this.spContentHolder._x = -this.__hPosition; this.spContentHolder._y = -this.__vPosition; super.onScroll(scrollEvent); }; v2.childLoaded = function (obj) { super.childLoaded(obj); this.onComplete(); }; v2.onComplete = function (Void) { this.setScrollProperties(this.spContentHolder._width, 1, this.spContentHolder._height, 1); this.hPosition = 0; this.vPosition = 0; this.__set__scrollDrag(this.__scrollDrag); this.invalidate(); }; v2.startDragLoop = function (Void) { this.spContentHolder.lastX = this.spContentHolder._xmouse; this.spContentHolder.lastY = this.spContentHolder._ymouse; this.spContentHolder.onMouseMove = function () { var v5 = this.lastX - this._xmouse; var v4 = this.lastY - this._ymouse; v5 += this._parent.hPosition; v4 += this._parent.vPosition; var v3 = this._parent.getViewMetrics(); var v7 = this._parent.__height - - v3.bottom; var v6 = this._parent.__width - v3.left - v3.right; this._parent.__hPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min(v5, this._width - v6)); this._parent.__vPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min(v4, this._height - v7)); this._parent.hScroller.scrollPosition = this._parent.__hPosition; this._x = -this._parent.hPosition; this._parent.vScroller.scrollPosition = this._parent.__vPosition; this._y = -this._parent.vPosition; super.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scroll'}); }; }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (o) { = this; this._total =; this._loaded = o.current; super.dispatchEvent(o); }; v2.refreshPane = function (Void) { this.__set__contentPath(this.__scrollContent); }; v2._onKeyDown = function (e) { if (this.hScroller != undefined && this.__hPosition <= this.hScroller.maxPos && this.__hPosition >= this.hScroller.minPos) { if (e.code == 37) { this.hPosition -= this.hLineScrollSize; } else { if (e.code == 39) { this.hPosition += this.hLineScrollSize; } } } if (this.vScroller != undefined && this.__vPosition <= this.vScroller.maxPos && this.__vPosition >= this.vScroller.minPos) { if (e.code == 33) { this.vPosition -= this.vPageScrollSize; } else { if (e.code == 34) { this.vPosition += this.vPageScrollSize; } } if (e.code == 40) { this.vPosition += this.vLineScrollSize; } else { if (e.code == 38) { this.vPosition -= this.vLineScrollSize; } } } if (e.code == 36) { this.vPosition = this.vScroller.minPos; } else { if (e.code == 35) { this.vPosition = this.vScroller.maxPos; } } }; v1.symbolName = 'ScrollPane'; v1.symbolOwner = mx.containers.ScrollPane; v2.className = 'ScrollPane'; v1.version = ''; v2.__hScrollPolicy = 'auto'; v2.__scrollDrag = false; v2.__vLineScrollSize = 5; v2.__hLineScrollSize = 5; v2.__vPageScrollSize = 20; v2.__hPageScrollSize = 20; v2.clipParameters = {'contentPath': 1, 'scrollDrag': 1, 'hScrollPolicy': 1, 'vScrollPolicy': 1, 'vLineScrollSize': 1, 'hLineScrollSize': 1, 'vPageScrollSize': 1, 'hPageScrollSize': 1}; v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.containers.ScrollPane.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.ScrollView.prototype.clipParameters); v2.initializing = true; v2.addProperty('content', v2.__get__content, function () {}); v2.addProperty('contentPath', v2.__get__contentPath, v2.__set__contentPath); v2.addProperty('hLineScrollSize', v2.__get__hLineScrollSize, v2.__set__hLineScrollSize); v2.addProperty('hPageScrollSize', v2.__get__hPageScrollSize, v2.__set__hPageScrollSize); v2.addProperty('hScrollPolicy', function () {}, v2.__set__hScrollPolicy); v2.addProperty('scrollDrag', v2.__get__scrollDrag, v2.__set__scrollDrag); v2.addProperty('vLineScrollSize', v2.__get__vLineScrollSize, v2.__set__vLineScrollSize); v2.addProperty('vPageScrollSize', v2.__get__vPageScrollSize, v2.__set__vPageScrollSize); v2.addProperty('vScrollPolicy', function () {}, v2.__set__vScrollPolicy); ASSetPropFlags(mx.containers.ScrollPane.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); var PaperPosition = 0; var MaxPaperMove = new Array(-300, 0); var PaperLock = 2; randRange = function (min, max) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; return v1; }; cache = SharedObject.getLocal('user'); var initialization =; trace('initialization ' + initialization); if (initialization != 'ran') { = 'ran'; = 50; = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); } x = 0; while (x < { if ([x] == undefined ||[x] == null) {[x] = 1; } ++x; } var bodice =[0]; var shirt =[1]; var Boots =[2]; var Dress =[3]; var Glasses =[4]; var Haircut =[5]; var Collar =[6]; var ShadowType =[7]; var SkirtType =[8]; var CatEars =[9]; var HairColor =[10]; var TailStyle =[11]; var HairBow =[12]; var NoseType =[13]; var Background =[14]; var LightingType =[15]; var MaleSkin =[16]; var Balls =[17]; var Ballgag =[18]; var MiakaCock =[19]; var Socks =[20]; var Blushlines =[21]; var cumstain = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); var CumSet = 1; var BlendType = 'normal'; var defaultvolumee =; } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 224 { } movieClip 226 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 228 { } movieClip 229 { } button 237 { on (release) { _root.pingy(); if (_quality == 'MEDIUM') { _quality = 'HIGH'; } else { if (_quality == 'HIGH') { _quality = 'LOW'; } else { if (_quality == 'LOW') { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; } } } } } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 243 { } movieClip 244 { } button 247 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 249 { } instance of movieClip 249 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('intro'); } } button 252 { on (rollOver) { _root.changelog._alpha = 100; _root.changelogPaper._alpha = 100; if (_root.PaperLock == 0) { _root.changelogPaper.gotoAndStop(2); _root.changelogPaper._y -= _root.PaperPosition; _root.PaperPosition = 0; } } on (rollOut) { if (_root.PaperLock == 0) { _root.changelogPaper.gotoAndStop(1); } } on (release) { _root.changelog._alpha = 100; _root.changelogPaper._alpha = 100; if (_root.PaperLock == 0) { _root.PaperLock = 1; _root.changelogPaper.gotoAndStop(2); _root.changelogPaper._y -= _root.PaperPosition; _root.PaperPosition = 0; } else { _root.PaperLock = 0; _root.changelogPaper.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 259 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); } } movieClip 263 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); } } movieClip 267 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); } } movieClip 268 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Haircut); } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 270 { } movieClip 275 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 279 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 286 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.CatEars); } } movieClip 291 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.CatEars); } } movieClip 300 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Blushlines); } frame 10 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 302 { } movieClip 306 { } movieClip 308 { } movieClip 310 { } movieClip 312 { } movieClip 314 { frame 1 { var currentPos = _parent._y; var initialPos = _parent._y; var lerpPos = 0; var maxPos = new Array(-0.75, 1.75); } frame 5 { if (lerpPos == 0) { i = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (i > 80) { lerpPos = _root.randRange(-3.5, 3.5); } else { gotoAndPlay('forced wait'); } } if (lerpPos > 0.11 && currentPos < initialPos + maxPos[1]) { currentPos += 0.1; lerpPos -= 0.1; gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (lerpPos < -0.11 && currentPos > initialPos + maxPos[0]) { currentPos -= 0.1; lerpPos += 0.1; gotoAndPlay(2); } else { lerpPos = 0; } } _parent._y = currentPos; } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 315 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { gotoAndPlay('look5'); } frame 55 { gotoAndStop('look5'); } } movieClip 321 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.ShadowType); } } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 325 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 88 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 101 { stop(); } } movieClip 349 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 365 { frame 1 { var bamalagoobi = 0; var bamalaweegi = 0; var psudeoRandom = 0; } frame 4 { x = _root.randRange(0, 600 + psudeoRandom); if (x < 600) { ++psudeoRandom; } else { psudeoRandom = 0; gotoAndPlay('narrow'); } } frame 5 { if (bamalagoobi == 1 && _root.brow1pos < 30) { this.eyebrows.brow1._y += 0.1; ++_root.brow1pos; } if (bamalagoobi == 2 && _root.brow1pos > -10) { this.eyebrows.brow1._y -= 0.1; --_root.brow1pos; } if (bamalagoobi == 3 && _root.brow2pos < 30) { this.eyebrows.brow2._y += 0.1; ++_root.brow2pos; } if (bamalagoobi == 4 && _root.brow2pos > -10) { this.eyebrows.brow2._y -= 0.1; --_root.brow2pos; } if ((bamalagoobi == 5 || bamalagoobi == 8) && _root.browrot < 45) { this.eyebrows.brow1._rotation -= 0.2; this.eyebrows.brow2._rotation += 0.2; ++_root.browrot; } if ((bamalagoobi == 6 || bamalagoobi == 7) && _root.browrot > -45) { this.eyebrows.brow1._rotation += 0.2; this.eyebrows.brow2._rotation -= 0.2; --_root.browrot; } bamalaweegi = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (bamalaweegi > 1) { bamalagoobi = _root.randRange(0, 12); } x = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (x < 99) { if (_root.FORCE_BLINK != 1) { if (_root.FORCE_WINK == 1) { gotoAndPlay('closeone'); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { _root.FORCE_BLINK = 0; gotoAndPlay('blink'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('blink'); } } frame 17 { x = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (x < 50 || _root.FORCE_CLOSE == 1) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 54 { x = _root.randRange(0, 300 + psudeoRandom); if (x < 300) { ++psudeoRandom; } else { psudeoRandom = 0; gotoAndPlay('blink2open'); } } frame 55 { x = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (x < 99) { if (_root.FORCE_BLINK != 1) { if (_root.FORCE_WINK == 1) { gotoAndPlay('closeone'); } else { gotoAndPlay('loop2'); } } else { _root.FORCE_BLINK = 0; gotoAndPlay('blink2'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('blink2'); } } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay('loop2'); } } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 370 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.NoseType); } } movieClip 383 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Ballgag); } } movieClip 385 { } movieClip 409 { frame 1 { stop(); var looperman = 0; } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 19 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 35 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.MoanSFXBANK.length); _root.playsfx(_root.MoanSFXBANK, randsfx); } frame 52 { if (looperman < 10) { gotoAndPlay('pantloop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('worry'); looperman = 0; } } frame 60 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 420 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Glasses); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 424 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); } } movieClip 429 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.HairBow); } } movieClip 432 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); } } movieClip 433 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 29 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 49 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 434 { frame 56 { stop(); } } movieClip 438 { frame 2 { _root.changelog._alpha += 2; _root.changelogPaper._alpha += 2; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 440 { frame 2 { if (_root.AlreadyWatchedIntro == true) { gotoAndStop('end'); } else { _root.AlreadyWatchedIntro = true; } } frame 74 { _root.PaperLock = 0; } frame 120 { stop(); _root.changelog._alpha = 100; _root.changelogPaper._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 440 { onClipEvent (release) { } } movieClip 443 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (_root.paperScroll == 1) { if (_root.PaperPosition < _root.MaxPaperMove[1]) { _root.changelogPaper._y += 30; _root.PaperPosition += 30; } } else { if (_root.paperScroll == -1) { if (_root.PaperPosition > _root.MaxPaperMove[0]) { _root.changelogPaper._y -= 30; _root.PaperPosition -= 30; } } } } } instance of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { if (Key.getCode() == 38 || Key.getCode() == 87) { if (_root.PaperPosition < _root.MaxPaperMove[1]) { _root.changelogPaper._y += 10; _root.PaperPosition += 10; } } if (Key.getCode() == 40 || Key.getCode() == 83) { if (_root.PaperPosition > _root.MaxPaperMove[0]) { _root.changelogPaper._y -= 10; _root.PaperPosition -= 10; } } if (Key.getCode() == 32) { if (_root.PaperLock == 0) { _root.PaperLock = 1; _root.changelogPaper.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.PaperLock = 0; _root.changelogPaper.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 450 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 452 { on (rollOver) { _root.paperScroll = 1; } on (rollOut) { _root.paperScroll = 0; } } button 453 { on (rollOver) { _root.paperScroll = -1; } on (rollOut) { _root.paperScroll = 0; } } button 460 { on (release) { cache.clear(); gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 464 { } frame 4 { _root.char.torso.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.torso.bodice.gotoAndStop(2 - bodice); _root.char.arm1.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.arm2.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); if (_root.shirt == 1) { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(3); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(3); } } this.char.blendMode = BlendType; _root.speech._alpha = 0; this.char.cock.gotoAndStop(4); Phase = 'fap'; scenepos = 0; var currentscene = 'fap'; } movieClip 466 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Background); } } button 476 { on (release) { _root.maleskin(7); } } movieClip 477 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Background); } } movieClip 482 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.SkirtType); } } movieClip 484 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Dress); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 488 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); } } movieClip 490 { } movieClip 493 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.Glasses = 15; _root.char.head.glasses.gotoAndStop(_root.Glasses); } } } movieClip 496 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.TailStyle); } } movieClip 499 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.shirt); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 500 { } movieClip 503 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 504 { } movieClip 506 { } movieClip 508 { } movieClip 510 { } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 515 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.bellsBANK.length); _root.playsfx(_root.bellsBANK, randsfx); } } movieClip 516 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Collar); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } button 518 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 521 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 524 { } movieClip 526 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 527 { } movieClip 533 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.SkirtType); } } movieClip 534 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Dress); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 537 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 539 { } movieClip 541 { } movieClip 543 { } movieClip 544 { } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 547 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 549 { } movieClip 551 { } movieClip 552 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 553 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.cumstain[1] == 1) { this.cumstain2.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 560 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 561 { } movieClip 562 { } movieClip 564 { } movieClip 565 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 567 { } movieClip 569 { } movieClip 570 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 571 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.cumstain[2] == 1) { this.boob.boob.cumstain1.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } frame 2 { if (_root.cumstain[2] == 1) { this.boob.boob.cumstain1.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } frame 3 { if (_root.cumstain[2] == 1) { this.boob.boob.cumstain1.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 574 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 578 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 579 { frame 1 { if (_root.cumstain[4] == 1) { this.cum3.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } } movieClip 582 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 583 { } movieClip 585 { } movieClip 590 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Socks); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 592 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 596 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } } button 597 { on (press) { _root.FeetPress(2); } } movieClip 598 { frame 1 { if (_root.cumstain[6] == 1) { this.cum6.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } } movieClip 603 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Socks); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 605 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } button 606 { on (press) { _root.FeetPress(1); } } movieClip 607 { } movieClip 613 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Socks); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 614 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 620 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 625 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 630 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 635 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 640 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Socks); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 641 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); if (_root.cumstain[3] == 1) { this.cum1.gotoAndStop('stop'); this.cum2.gotoAndStop('stop'); } if (_root.cumstain[4] == 1) { this.cum4.gotoAndStop('stop'); } if (_root.cumstain[5] == 1) { this.cum5.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 645 { } movieClip 652 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 654 { } movieClip 656 { } movieClip 677 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } } movieClip 679 { } movieClip 681 { } movieClip 683 { } movieClip 684 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { if (_root.MiakaCock == 1) { horse._alpha = 0; human._alpha = 100; } if (_root.MiakaCock == 2) { horse._alpha = 100; human._alpha = 0; } } frame 2 { if (_root.MiakaCock == 1) { horse._alpha = 0; human._alpha = 100; } if (_root.MiakaCock == 2) { horse._alpha = 100; human._alpha = 0; } } frame 3 { if (_root.MiakaCock == 1) { horse._alpha = 0; human._alpha = 100; } if (_root.MiakaCock == 2) { horse._alpha = 100; human._alpha = 0; } } frame 4 { if (_root.MiakaCock == 1) { horse._alpha = 0; human._alpha = 100; } if (_root.MiakaCock == 2) { horse._alpha = 100; human._alpha = 0; } } } movieClip 722 { frame 2 { if (_root.Balls != 1) { gotoAndPlay('noballs'); } else { stop(); } } frame 16 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 32 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 65 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 82 { gotoAndStop('flop3'); } frame 86 { stop(); } } movieClip 723 { } movieClip 726 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 728 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 731 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay('rewind'); if (_root.rewindclip > 0) { this._parent.prevFrame(); _root.rewindclip -= 1; } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 737 { frame 1 { if (_root.shirt != 1) { gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 740 { frame 1 { if (_root.shirt != 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { stop(); } } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 741 { } movieClip 743 { } movieClip 745 { } // unknown tag 88 length 208 movieClip 757 { frame 1 { if (_root.CumSet != 1) { gotoAndStop('null'); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 13 { _root.char.leglow2.cum1._alpha = 100;; } frame 16 { _root.char.leglow2.cum2._alpha = 100;; } frame 17 { stop(); _root.cumstain[3] = 1; } } movieClip 770 { frame 1 { if (_root.CumSet != 1) { gotoAndStop('null'); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 21 { _root.char.leglow2.cum4._alpha = 100; _root.char.leg1.cum3._alpha = 100;;; _root.cumstain[4] = 1; } frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 785 { frame 1 { if (_root.CumSet != 1) { gotoAndStop('null'); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 13 { _root.char.boob2.boob.boob.cumstain1._alpha = 100;; _root.cumstain[1] = 1; _root.cumstain[2] = 1; } frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 795 { frame 1 { if (_root.CumSet != 1) { gotoAndStop('null'); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 10 {; _root.cumstain[5] = 1; } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 20 { _root.char.boob2.cumstain1._alpha = 100;; _root.cumstain[1] = 1; stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 805 { frame 1 { if (_root.CumSet != 1) { gotoAndStop('null'); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 10 {; _root.cumstain[6] = 1; } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 20 { _root.char.boob2.cumstain1._alpha = 100;; _root.cumstain[1] = 1; stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } } movieClip 806 { frame 1 { this.malepelvis.wetness._alpha = 0; var looperman = 0; } frame 2 { if (!flag_chatfired) { var soundlooper = 0; flag_chatfired = true; } } frame 3 { if (_root.SoundtrackFired == false) { _root.queuemusik(0); _root.SoundtrackFired = true; } } frame 10 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 12 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 14 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 28 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 30 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 32 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 39 { if (_root.scenepos < 2) { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 40 { if (_root.Phase == 'fap') { gotoAndPlay('fap'); } } frame 54 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 56 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 58 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 64 { if (_root.Phase != 'fap4') { _root.Phase = 'fap3'; gotoAndPlay('fap3center'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fap4center'); } } frame 79 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 81 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 83 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 97 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 99 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 101 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 109 { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 117 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 118 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 119 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 126 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 127 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 128 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 131 { ++looperman; if (looperman < 15) { this.head.blush._alpha += 3; gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } if (looperman == 12) { _root.chatprompt('Ah.. this feels really good. I rather enjoy being watched, you know... would you like me to cum for you?', 'MIAKA'); } if (looperman == 15) {; gotoAndPlay('fap5bridge'); _root.Phase = 'fap5'; } } frame 132 { _root.Phase = 'fap4'; gotoAndPlay('fap4'); } frame 134 { _root.Phase = 'fap5'; } frame 144 { if (_root.Phase == 'fap5bridgeREV') { stop(); _root.rewindclip = 12;; } } frame 147 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 148 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 149 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 150 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 157 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 158 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 159 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 162 { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 173 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 175 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 177 { this.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look5'); this.head.gotoAndPlay('uptodown'); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop('oh'); } frame 177 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 179 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 189 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 191 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 193 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 195 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 204 { looperman = 0; } frame 213 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 215 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 217 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 218 { if (looperman == 0) { this.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look3'); this.head.gotoAndPlay('downtoup'); this.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('oh'); } } frame 219 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 229 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 231 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 233 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 235 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 242 { ++looperman; if (looperman < 3) { gotoAndPlay('fsloop1'); } else { this.head.gotoAndPlay('lookup'); _root.FORCE_BLINK = 1; _root.FORCE_CLOSE = 1; _root.chatprompt('Hnn..~', 'MIAKA'); } } frame 248 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 250 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 252 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 260 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 262 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 264 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 280 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 282 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 284 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 298 { _root.Phase = 'fsloop2'; ++_root.Masturbation; if (_root.Masturbation == 2) {; } else {; } _root.FORCE_BLINK = 0; _root.FORCE_CLOSE = 0; _root.chatprompt('Ah... heheh... I made quite a big mess all over myself, didn\'t I? What would you like to do next?', 'MIAKA'); } frame 330 { if (_root.Phase != 'fapreset') { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } } frame 350 { _root.Phase = 'fap5'; _root.CumPhase = 'fapfast'; gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 365 { looperman = 0; } frame 373 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 374 { this.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look5'); this.head.gotoAndPlay('uptodown'); } frame 375 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 377 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 379 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 389 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 391 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 393 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 395 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 405 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 406 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 408 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 409 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 414 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 415 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 417 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 418 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 425 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 426 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 427 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 428 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 430 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 431 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 432 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 433 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 437 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 438 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 439 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 441 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 442 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 443 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 444 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 448 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 449 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 450 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 451 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 452 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 453 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 454 { ++looperman; if (looperman < 16) { gotoAndPlay('ffloop1'); } else { this.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look3'); this.head.gotoAndPlay('downtoup'); _root.Phase = 'ffloop2'; _root.chatprompt('Haaah.. hah.. wow, that was very satisfying! What\'re we going to do now?', 'MIAKA'); ++_root.Masturbation; if (_root.Masturbation == 2) {; } else {; } } if (looperman == 9) {; } if (looperman == 11) {; } if (looperman == 15) {; } } frame 477 { if (_root.Phase == 'fapreset') { _root.Phase = 'fap5'; } gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } } movieClip 824 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.LightingType); } } movieClip 826 { } movieClip 827 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 830 { frame 2 { gotoAndStop(_root.speechchar); } } movieClip 832 { } movieClip 833 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } } movieClip 836 { } button 841 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 845 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 846 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 850 { } movieClip 852 { } movieClip 853 { instance of movieClip 852 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { myColor = new Color(this); myColorTransform = new Object(); myColorTransform = {'bb': _root.volumeepos * 2}; myColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); } } } button 856 { on (release) { _root.musik.nextFrame(); if (_root.MusikStatus == 'Off') { _root.MusikStatus = 'On'; _root.musik.Musik.start(_root.MusikPos / 1000); } else { _root.MusikStatus = 'Off'; _root.musik.Musik.stop(); _root.MusikPos = _root.musik.Musik.position; } } } movieClip 858 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(2); } } instance musik of movieClip 858 { onClipEvent (load) { var Musik = new Sound(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.musik.Musik.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.musik.Musik.start(); _root.MusikPos = 0; }; _root.musik.Musik.setVolume(_root.MusikVolume * _root.MVMaster); } } movieClip 863 { } movieClip 864 { frame 12 { stop(); } } button 867 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.scenepos == -50) { _root.chatpromptBANK('HELLO', 'MIAKA'); } if (_root.scenepos == -49) { _root.chatprompt('So what\'ll it be this time?', 'MIAKA'); _root.zoomdirector(0, 0.1);; } if (_root.scenepos == -48) { _root.gotoAndStop(_root.intronext); } if (_root.scenepos == 0) { _root.chatpromptBANK('HELLO2', 'MIAKA'); _root.zoomdirector(0, 0.1); } if (_root.scenepos == 1) { _root.chatpromptBANK('DECIDE', 'MIAKA'); _root.Phase = 'fap2';; } if (_root.scenepos == 50) { _root.gotoAndStop('anal'); _root.Phase = 'loop1'; } if (_root.scenepos == 51) { _root.Phase = 'loop2'; } if (_root.scenepos == 52) { _root.Phase = 'loop3'; } if (_root.scenepos == 53) { _root.Phase = 'loop4';; } if (_root.scenepos == 54) {;; } if (_root.scenepos == 100) { _root.gotoAndStop('vaginal'); _root.Phase = 'loop1'; } if (_root.scenepos == 101) { _root.Phase = 'loop2'; } if (_root.scenepos == 102) {; } if (_root.scenepos == 149) { _root.gotoAndStop('fj'); } if (_root.scenepos == 150) { _root.Phase = 'trans1'; } if (_root.scenepos == 151) { _root.Phase = 'loop3'; _root.char.looperman = 0; } if (_root.scenepos == 152) { _root.Phase = 'loop4'; _root.char.looperman = 0; } if (_root.scenepos == 153) { _root.Phase = 'loop5'; _root.char.looperman = 0; } if (_root.scenepos == 154) { _root.Phase = 'cum'; } if (_root.scenepos == 155) { _root.gotoAndStop('fap'); } ++_root.scenepos; } } movieClip 869 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 871 { on (release) { _root.Phase = 'fap4'; ++_root.scenepos; x = _root.randRange(1, 4); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('Oh? I figured you\'d just want to take me right here on the bar... regardless, I\'ll make sure to give you a nice little show.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('Ah, good choice, I love to be watched while I jack off! I hope you\'re going to fap too! Hehe.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('Not many people can resist the urge to hump me... I\'m impressed. Heheh.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 4) { _root.chatprompt('If you insist! Let\'s cum together, sweetheart.', 'MIAKA'); }; } } button 872 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 50; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('grin'); _root.char.head.eyes.eyelids.eyebrows.gotoAndPlay('rise'); _root.char.head.gotoAndPlay('lookup');; x = _root.randRange(1, 5); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('But of course. Few can resist my warm, tight asshole...~', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('Ah you know me too well... I absolutely love anal.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('Mmn, that sounds lovely. I can\'t wait a moment longer to feel you inside my butt!~', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 4) { _root.chatprompt('Now that\'s what I wanted to hear! Come on and ride me like your lil\' horny pony-girl!', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 5) { _root.chatprompt('Meow! :3', 'MIAKA'); } } } button 873 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 100; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('frown'); _root.char.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look2');; x = _root.randRange(1, 7); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('M-my pussy? .. Oh... Well, I don\'t normally let people fuck me there... but for you I\'ll make an exception.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('Absolutely not! I never do that sort of thing!! ... well... alright... but just this one time.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('You want to put it wh-where?! Well... I... I guess that might be okay... just be gentle please...', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 4) { _root.chatprompt('Eeep! I\'m... n-not so sure about that! ... I... suppose as long as you\'re extra careful...', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 5) { _root.chatprompt('Wait... what? You want to try my cunt? Well... I\'m not a big fan of it... but okay...', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 6) { _root.chatprompt('What, really? Well, since its YOU... just don\'t tell anyone I let you fuck my pussy.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 7) { _root.chatprompt('B-but... that\'s my tight lil\' kitty hole! You can\'t fuck me there! ... agh.. okay fine!', 'MIAKA'); } } } movieClip 876 { } movieClip 877 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { _root.playsound3('menu_ping.wav'); } } button 878 { on (release) { _root.Phase = 'fapslow'; _root.chatprompt('Nice and slow... got it. Just relax and enjoy yourself with me, maybe we can cum together?~', 'MIAKA');; } } button 879 { on (release) { _root.Phase = 'fapfast'; _root.chatprompt('Heh, you\'re rather eager today. Alright then, I hope you can keep up... let\'s finish together!', 'MIAKA');; } } button 880 { on (release) { _root.chatprompt('Oh... did you have something else in mind?', 'MIAKA');;; } } movieClip 883 { } movieClip 884 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } button 885 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 50; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('grin'); _root.char.head.eyes.eyelids.eyebrows.gotoAndPlay('rise'); _root.char.head.gotoAndPlay('lookup');; x = _root.randRange(1, 5); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('But of course. Few can resist my warm, tight asshole...~', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('Ah you know me too well... I absolutely love anal.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('Mmn, that sounds lovely. I can\'t wait a moment longer to feel you inside my butt!~', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 4) { _root.chatprompt('Now that\'s what I wanted to hear! Come on and ride me like your lil\' horny pony-girl!', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 5) { _root.chatprompt('Meow! :3', 'MIAKA'); } } } button 886 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 100; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('frown'); _root.char.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look2');; x = _root.randRange(1, 7); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('M-my pussy? .. Oh... Well, I don\'t normally let people fuck me there... but for you I\'ll make an exception.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('Absolutely not! I never do that sort of thing!! ... well... alright... but just this one time.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('You want to put it wh-where?! Well... I... I guess that might be okay... just be gentle please...', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 4) { _root.chatprompt('Eeep! I\'m... n-not so sure about that! ... I... suppose as long as you\'re extra careful...', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 5) { _root.chatprompt('Wait... what? You want to try my cunt? Well... I\'m not a big fan of it... but okay...', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 6) { _root.chatprompt('What, really? Well, since its YOU... just don\'t tell anyone I let you fuck my pussy.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 7) { _root.chatprompt('B-but... that\'s my tight lil\' kitty hole! You can\'t fuck me there! ... agh.. okay fine!', 'MIAKA'); } } } button 887 { on (release) { _root.chatprompt('Alright, we\'ll go at your pace then. Just tell me when to cum!', 'MIAKA');; _root.nested_cum.gotoAndStop(2); _root.CumPhase = 'fapslow'; } } movieClip 890 { } movieClip 891 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 900 { } movieClip 902 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 903 { frame 1 { if (_root.currentscene != 'footjob') { this.disableSocks.gotoAndStop(2); this.disableSkirt.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 1 { var descript = ''; var display = ''; } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.ShadowType; if (_root.ShadowType > 4) { _root.ShadowType = 1; }[7] = _root.ShadowType; _root.char.head.eyes.eyelids.eyeshadow.gotoAndStop(_root.ShadowType); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankPing.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankPing, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.ShadowType + ' out of 4'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Eyeshadow'; _parent.display = _root.ShadowType + ' out of 4'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.SkirtType; if (_root.SkirtType > 4) { _root.SkirtType = 1; }[8] = _root.SkirtType; _root.char.skirtfront.skirt.gotoAndStop(_root.SkirtType); _root.char.skirtback.skirt.gotoAndStop(_root.SkirtType); _root.playsound3('capefx.wav'); _parent.display = _root.SkirtType + ' out of 4'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Dress Color'; _parent.display = _root.SkirtType + ' out of 4'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.LightingType; if (_root.LightingType > 15) { _root.LightingType = 1; }[15] = _root.LightingType;; _parent.display = _root.LightingType + ' out of 15'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Lighting'; _parent.display = _root.LightingType + ' out of 15'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.Collar; if (_root.Collar > 2) { _root.Collar = 1; }[6] = _root.Collar; _root.char.torso.collar.gotoAndStop(_root.Collar); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankPing.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankPing, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.Collar + ' out of 2'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Collar'; _parent.display = _root.Collar + ' out of 2'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.Glasses; if (_root.Glasses > 4) { _root.Glasses = 1; }[4] = _root.Glasses; _root.char.head.glasses.gotoAndStop(_root.Glasses); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankPing.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankPing, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.Glasses + ' out of 4'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Glasses'; if (_root.Glasses > 4) { _parent.display = _root.Glasses - 5 + ' out of 6'; } else { _parent.display = _root.Glasses + ' out of 4'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.Haircut; if (_root.Haircut > 3) { _root.Haircut = 1; }[5] = _root.Haircut; _root.char.hairback.gotoAndStop(_root.Haircut); _root.playsound3('capefx.wav'); _parent.display = _root.Haircut + ' out of 3'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Hair Style'; _parent.display = _root.Haircut + ' out of 3'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.HairColor; if (_root.HairColor > 3) { _root.HairColor = 1; }[10] = _root.HairColor;; _root.char.head.hair1.gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); _root.char.head.hair2.gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); _root.char.tail.tail.gotoAndStop(_root.HairColor); _root.playsound3('capefx.wav'); _parent.display = _root.HairColor + ' out of 3'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Hair Color'; _parent.display = _root.HairColor + ' out of 3'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.Glasses; if (_root.Glasses < 6) { _root.Glasses = 6; } if (_root.Glasses > 11) { _root.Glasses = 6; }[4] = _root.Glasses; _root.char.head.glasses.gotoAndStop(_root.Glasses); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankPing.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankPing, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.Glasses - 5 + ' out of 6'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Eyewear+'; if (_root.Glasses > 4) { _parent.display = _root.Glasses - 5 + ' out of 6'; } else { _parent.display = _root.Glasses + ' out of 4'; } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.Background; if (_root.Background > 9) { _root.Background = 1; }[14] = _root.Background;; _root.char.bg2.gotoAndStop(_root.Background); _parent.display = _root.Background + ' out of 9'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Background'; _parent.display = _root.Background + ' out of 9'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.TailStyle;[11] = _root.TailStyle; if (_root.TailStyle > 5) { _root.TailStyle = 1; } _root.char.tail.gotoAndStop(_root.TailStyle); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankPing.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankPing, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.TailStyle + ' out of 5'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Tail Type'; _parent.display = _root.TailStyle + ' out of 5'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.CatEars; if (_root.CatEars > 4) { _root.CatEars = 1; }[9] = _root.CatEars; _root.char.head.ear1.gotoAndStop(_root.CatEars); _root.char.head.ear2.gotoAndStop(_root.CatEars); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankPing.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankPing, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.CatEars + ' out of 4'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Ear Type'; _parent.display = _root.CatEars + ' out of 4'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.HairBow; if (_root.HairBow > 4) { _root.HairBow = 1; }[12] = _root.HairBow; _root.char.head.hair1.hairbow.gotoAndStop(_root.HairBow); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankPing.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankPing, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.HairBow + ' out of 4'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Hair Bow'; _parent.display = _root.HairBow + ' out of 4'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.cameracurrent; if (_root.cameracurrent > 2) { _root.cameracurrent = 0; } _root.zoomdirector(_root.cameracurrent, 0.1); } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Camera'; _parent.display = '--'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.Ballgag; if (_root.Ballgag > 7) { _root.Ballgag = 1; }[18] = _root.Ballgag; _root.char.head.mouth.ballgag.gotoAndStop(_root.Ballgag); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankPing.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankPing, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.Ballgag + ' out of 7'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Mouthgag'; _parent.display = _root.Ballgag + ' out of 7'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.Balls; if (_root.Balls > 2) { _root.Balls = 1; }[17] = _root.Balls; if (_root.Balls == 1) { _root.char.balls.balls.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.balls.balls.gotoAndStop('noballs'); } randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSquishsoft.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankSquishsoft, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.Balls + ' out of 2'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Balls'; _parent.display = _root.Balls + ' out of 2'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.MiakaCock; if (_root.MiakaCock > 2) { _root.MiakaCock = 1; }[19] = _root.MiakaCock; _root.char.cock.gotoAndStop(_root.MiakaCock); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSquishsoft.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankSquishsoft, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.MiakaCock + ' out of 2'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Miaka\'s Cock'; _parent.display = _root.MiakaCock + ' out of 2'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.Socks; if (_root.Socks > 2) { _root.Socks = 1; }[20] = _root.Socks; _root.char.leglow2.sock.gotoAndStop(_root.Socks); _root.char.foot2.sock.gotoAndStop(_root.Socks); _root.char.leglow1.sock.gotoAndStop(_root.Socks); _root.char.foot1.sock.gotoAndStop(_root.Socks); _root.playsound3('capefx.wav'); _parent.display = _root.Socks + ' out of 2'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Socks'; _parent.display = _root.Socks + ' out of 2'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { ++_root.Blushlines; if (_root.Blushlines > 9) { _root.Blushlines = 1; }[21] = _root.Blushlines; _root.char.head.blushlines.gotoAndStop(_root.Blushlines); randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankPing.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankPing, randsfx); _parent.display = _root.Blushlines + ' out of 9'; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Facial Feature'; _parent.display = _root.Blushlines + ' out of 9'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.FeetOption == 1) { x = _root.randRange(0, 3); var responses = new Array('Ah, so it\'s some footplay you\'re after. I understand.', 'Oh heheh, you wanna hump my feet? Kinky!', 'Ah, you want a footjob... Mhmm, I can do that.', 'Oh? A footjob? I had a feeling you might want one of those...'); _root.chatprompt(responses[x], 'MIAKA'); _root.scenepos = 149; _root.FeetOption = 0; } else { _root.chatprompt('Nothing interesting happens.', 'ERROR'); } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { _parent.descript = 'Mystery Button!'; _parent.display = '--'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _parent.descript = ''; _parent.display = ''; } } } movieClip 904 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankTak.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankTak, randsfx); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankTak.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankTak, randsfx); } frame 12 { gotoAndStop(1); } } button 905 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 50; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('grin'); _root.char.head.eyes.eyelids.eyebrows.gotoAndPlay('rise'); _root.char.head.gotoAndPlay('lookup');; x = _root.randRange(1, 5); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('But of course. Few can resist my warm, tight asshole...~', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('Ah you know me too well... I absolutely love anal.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('Mmn, that sounds lovely. I can\'t wait a moment longer to feel you inside my butt!~', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 4) { _root.chatprompt('Now that\'s what I wanted to hear! Come on and ride me like your lil\' horny pony-girl!', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 5) { _root.chatprompt('Meow! :3', 'MIAKA'); } } } button 906 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 100; _root.chatprompt('Normally I\'d decline but... I am pretty horny today...! Let\'s do it!', 'MIAKA'); _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('frown'); _root.char.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look2');; } } button 907 { on (release) { _root.chatprompt('Oh, you wanna watch me go again? Well alright!', 'MIAKA');; _root.Phase = 'fapreset'; _root.nested_cum.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 910 { } movieClip 911 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } } button 921 { on (release) { _root.char.torso.bodice.nextFrame(); if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.bodice = 0; if (_root.shirt == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(3); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.bodice = 1; _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); }[0] = _root.bodice; } } button 924 { on (release) { _root.char.torso.shirt.nextFrame(); _root.char.arm1.shirt.nextFrame(); _root.char.arm2.shirt.nextFrame(); if (_root.shirt == 1) { _root.shirt = 0; if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(3); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.shirt = 1; if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(2); } }[1] = _root.shirt; } } button 927 { on (release) { ++_root.Dress; if (_root.Dress > 2) { _root.Dress = 1; } _root.char.skirtfront.gotoAndStop(_root.Dress); _root.char.skirtback.gotoAndStop(_root.Dress);[3] = _root.Dress; } } button 930 { on (release) { ++_root.Boots; if (_root.Boots > 2) { _root.Boots = 1; } _root.char.leg1.boot.gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); _root.char.leglow1.gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); _root.char.foot1.boot.gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); _root.char.leg2.boot.gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); _root.char.leglow2.gotoAndStop(_root.Boots); _root.char.foot2.boot.gotoAndStop(_root.Boots);[2] = _root.Boots; } } button 933 { on (release) { _root.maleskin(2); } } button 935 { on (release) { _root.maleskin(3); } } button 937 { on (release) { _root.maleskin(1); } } button 939 { on (release) { _root.maleskin(4); } } button 941 { on (release) { _root.maleskin(6); } } button 943 { on (release) { _root.maleskin(5); } } button 947 { on (release) { _root.maleskin(8); } } movieClip 948 { frame 1 { if (_root.currentscene != 'footjob') { this.disableDress.gotoAndStop(2); this.disableBoots.gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 949 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankTak.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankTak, randsfx); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankTak.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankTak, randsfx); } frame 12 { gotoAndStop(1); } } button 955 { on (release) { _root.Phase = _root.CumPhase; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 956 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 958 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 50; _root.chatprompt('After watching me drain myself, now you wanna take me in the ass too? Ah, you\'re cruel! Heheh, but really, I don\'t mind...', 'MIAKA'); _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('grin'); _root.char.head.eyes.eyelids.eyebrows.gotoAndPlay('rise');; } } button 959 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 100; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1);; x = _root.randRange(1, 3); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('I\'m so horny, I don\'t even mind...', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('Normally I\'d be against it, but I\'m so horny I can\'t possibly say no!~', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('...I suppose I just can\'t refuse. Let\'s do it!~', 'MIAKA'); } } } movieClip 962 { } movieClip 963 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } } button 966 { on (release) { _root.Phase = 'loop1'; } } button 967 { on (release) { _root.Phase = 'loop2'; } } button 968 { on (release) { _root.Phase = 'loop3'; } } button 969 { on (release) { _root.Phase = 'loop4'; } } button 970 { on (release) { _root.Phase = 'cum'; } } button 971 { on (release) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } movieClip 974 { } button 975 { on (release) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay('show'); } } movieClip 976 { } movieClip 977 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 20 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } } button 978 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 50; _root.chatprompt('Mmmn, that footjob really got me excited. Let\'s do this!~', 'MIAKA');; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 979 { on (release) { _root.scenepos = 100; _root.chatprompt('After playing with my dirty feet you wanna put it in my pussy? You\'re such a naughty one!', 'MIAKA');; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 980 { on (release) { _root.chatprompt('So it\'s my turn now? Okay hehe.', 'MIAKA');; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 983 { } movieClip 984 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } } button 988 { on (release) {; } } // unknown tag 88 length 39 button 993 { on (release) {; _root.clicky.gotoAndStop('end'); } on (rollOver) { _root.clicky.gotoAndStop('end'); } on (rollOut) { _root.clicky.gotoAndStop('end'); } } movieClip 995 { } movieClip 996 { frame 148 { stop(); } } movieClip 998 { frame 2 { if (_root.zooming > 0) { a = 0; b = _root.zoomforce; a = 0; while (a < b) { _root.char._xscale += (_root.zoomdiff[0] / _root.zoomrate) * _root.zooming * _root.zoomrate * 0.01; _root.char._yscale += (_root.zoomdiff[1] / _root.zoomrate) * _root.zooming * _root.zoomrate * 0.01; _root.char._x += (_root.zoomdiff[2] / _root.zoomrate) * _root.zooming * _root.zoomrate * 0.01; _root.char._y += (_root.zoomdiff[3] / _root.zoomrate) * _root.zooming * _root.zoomrate * 0.01; --_root.zooming; ++a; } } gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1001 { } instance sfxplayer of movieClip 1001 { onClipEvent (load) { sfx = new Sound(this); sfx2 = new Sound(this); sfx3 = new Sound(this); } } movieClip 1008 { } movieClip 1009 { } movieClip 1010 { frame 6 { stop(); } frame 111 { stop(); } } movieClip 1014 { frame 16 { stop(); } } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 6 { _root.char.torso.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.torso.bodice.gotoAndStop(2 - bodice); _root.char.arm1.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.arm2.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); if (_root.shirt == 1) { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(3); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(3); } } this.char.blendMode = BlendType; _root.speech._alpha = 0; Phase = 'loop1'; scenepos = 101; var currentscene = 'vaginal'; } movieClip 1022 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.MaleSkin); } } movieClip 1025 { frame 1 { if (_root.shirt != 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { stop(); } } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1026 { } movieClip 1028 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1029 { } movieClip 1037 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.MaleSkin); } } movieClip 1045 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.MaleSkin); } } movieClip 1053 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.MaleSkin); } } movieClip 1061 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.MaleSkin); } } movieClip 1064 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1065 { } movieClip 1067 { } movieClip 1069 { } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1073 { } movieClip 1081 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.MaleSkin); } } movieClip 1089 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.MaleSkin); } } movieClip 1091 { } movieClip 1094 { } movieClip 1109 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.MaleSkin); } } movieClip 1117 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.MaleSkin); } } movieClip 1119 { } movieClip 1136 { frame 6 {; } frame 10 {; } frame 30 {; } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1140 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 70 { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1141 { frame 1 { var looperman = 0; this.malepelvis.wetness._alpha = 0; this.head.eyes.eyelids.eyebrows.gotoAndStop('worry'); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop('worry'); this.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndStop('look4'); } frame 2 { if (_root.SoundtrackFired == false) { _root.queuemusik(0); _root.SoundtrackFired = true; } } frame 45 { _root.FORCE_BLINK = 1; } frame 55 { this.head.eyes.eyelids.gotoAndPlay('close');; this.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('worry'); this.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look4'); } frame 56 { this.pelvis.gotoAndStop('open'); if (_root.Balls == 1) { this.balls.balls.gotoAndPlay('squish'); } } frame 67 { } frame 73 { if (_root.Balls == 1) { this.balls.balls.gotoAndPlay('normalize'); } } frame 79 { if (_root.Balls == 1) { this.balls.balls.gotoAndPlay('squishdelayed'); } } frame 85 { x = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (x > 88) {; } y = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (y > 68) { _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('pant'); } } frame 85 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSquishsoft.length); _root.playsfx2(_root.sfxbankSquishsoft, randsfx); } frame 116 { if (looperman < 5) { ++looperman; } if (looperman == 4) { _root.chatpromptBANK('HARDER', 'MIAKA'); } if (looperman == 5) { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); ++looperman; } gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 134 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSquish.length); _root.playsfx2(_root.sfxbankSquish, randsfx); } frame 134 { _root.char.boob1.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); _root.char.boob2.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); if (_root.Balls == 1) { _root.char.balls.balls.gotoAndPlay('flop3'); } } frame 135 { x = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (x > 88) {; } y = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (y > 68) { _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('pant'); } } frame 151 { if (looperman < 10) { ++looperman; } if (looperman == 10) { _root.chatpromptBANK('ALMOST', 'MIAKA'); _root.CumPhase = 'cum'; _root.nested_cum.gotoAndStop(2); ++looperman; } gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 164 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSquish.length); _root.playsfx2(_root.sfxbankSquish, randsfx); } frame 164 { _root.char.boob1.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); _root.char.boob2.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); if (_root.Balls == 1) { _root.char.balls.balls.gotoAndPlay('flop3'); } _root.FORCE_WINK = 1; _root.chatpromptBANK('CUM_VAG', 'MIAKA'); } frame 170 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 171 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 172 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 173 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 174 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 175 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 176 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 177 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 178 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 179 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 180 { this.malepelvis.cum._alpha = 100; } frame 193 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 194 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(3); } frame 195 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 196 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 197 { this.cock.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 250 { gotoAndPlay('endloop'); _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 7 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 8 { _root.char.torso.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.torso.bodice.gotoAndStop(2 - bodice); _root.char.arm1.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.arm2.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); if (_root.shirt == 1) { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(3); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(3); } } this.char.blendMode = BlendType; _root.speech._alpha = 0; Phase = 'loop1'; scenepos = 51; var currentscene = 'anal'; } movieClip 1176 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.Balls == 1) { _root.char.balls._alpha = 100; } else { _root.char.balls._alpha = 30; } } frame 15 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 31 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 64 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 81 { gotoAndStop('flop3'); } } movieClip 1179 { } movieClip 1181 { } movieClip 1183 { } movieClip 1185 { } movieClip 1187 { } movieClip 1188 { frame 1 { this.malepelvis.wetness._alpha = 0; this.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndStop('look3'); this.head.gotoAndStop('downtoup'); this.head.mouth.gotoAndStop('oh'); var looperman = 0; } frame 2 { if (_root.SoundtrackFired == false) { _root.queuemusik(0); _root.SoundtrackFired = true; } } frame 45 { this.head.gotoAndPlay('downtoup'); } frame 50 { this.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look3'); this.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('oh'); } frame 58 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSquishsoft.length); _root.playsfx2(_root.sfxbankSquishsoft, randsfx); } frame 58 { _root.char.boob1.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); _root.char.boob2.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); } frame 67 { } frame 85 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSquishsoft.length); _root.playsfx2(_root.sfxbankSquishsoft, randsfx); } frame 87 { _root.char.boob1.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); _root.char.boob2.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); } frame 88 { x = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (x > 88) {; } y = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (y > 68) { _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('pant'); } } frame 116 { if (looperman < 5) { ++looperman; } if (looperman == 4) { _root.chatpromptBANK('HARDER', 'MIAKA'); } if (looperman == 5) { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); ++looperman; } gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 129 { _root.char.boob1.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); _root.char.boob2.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); if (_root.Balls == 1) { _root.char.balls.balls.gotoAndPlay('flop'); } randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSmack.length); _root.playsfx2(_root.sfxbankSmack, randsfx); } frame 130 { x = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (x > 88) {; } y = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (y > 68) { _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('pant'); } } frame 148 { if (looperman < 13) { ++looperman; } if (looperman == 13) { _root.chatpromptBANK('HARDER', 'MIAKA'); _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); ++looperman; } gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 160 { x = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (x > 94) {; } y += _root.randRange(0, 10); if (y > 50) { _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('pant'); y = 0; } } frame 162 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSquishsoft.length); _root.playsfx2(_root.sfxbankSquishsoft, randsfx); } frame 167 { if (looperman < 18) { ++looperman; } if (looperman == 18) { _root.chatpromptBANK('HARDER', 'MIAKA'); _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); ++looperman; } gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 186 { _root.char.boob1.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); _root.char.boob2.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); if (_root.Balls == 1) { _root.char.balls.balls.gotoAndPlay('flop2'); } randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSmack.length); _root.playsfx2(_root.sfxbankSmack, randsfx); } frame 187 { x = _root.randRange(0, 100); if (x > 94) {; } y += _root.randRange(0, 10); if (y > 50) { _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('pant'); y = 0; } } frame 194 { ++looperman; if (looperman == 12) { _root.chatpromptBANK('HARDER', 'MIAKA'); } if (looperman == 13) { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 210 { _root.char.boob1.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); _root.char.boob2.boob.gotoAndPlay('bounce'); if (_root.Balls == 1) { _root.char.balls.balls.gotoAndPlay('flop2'); } randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankSmack.length); _root.playsfx2(_root.sfxbankSmack, randsfx); _root.chatpromptBANK('CUM_ANAL', 'MIAKA'); } frame 211 { this.malepelvis.cum._alpha = 100; } frame 265 { _root.Phase = 'loop1'; gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 9 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 10 { _root.char.torso.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.torso.bodice.gotoAndStop(2 - bodice); _root.char.arm1.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.arm2.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); if (_root.shirt == 1) { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(3); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(3); } } this.char.blendMode = BlendType; _root.speech._alpha = 0; Phase = 'loop1'; scenepos = 150; var currentscene = 'footjob'; } movieClip 1189 { frame 1 { if (_root.cumstain[4] == 1) { this.cum3.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } } movieClip 1191 { } movieClip 1193 { } movieClip 1195 { } movieClip 1197 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1199 { frame 1 { if (_root.cumstain[6] == 1) { this.cum6.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } } movieClip 1201 { } movieClip 1203 { frame 1 { if (_root.cumstain[6] == 1) { this.cum6.gotoAndStop('stop'); } } } movieClip 1205 { } movieClip 1207 { } movieClip 1251 { frame 1 { this.malepelvis.wetness._alpha = 0; var looperman = 0; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 2 { if (_root.SoundtrackFired == false) { _root.queuemusik(0); _root.SoundtrackFired = true; } } frame 39 { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 41 { _root.Phase = 'loop2'; } frame 70 { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); if (looperman == 6) { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (looperman < 6) { ++looperman; } } } frame 93 { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); if (looperman == 6) { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (looperman < 6) { ++looperman; } } } frame 123 { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); if (looperman == 3) { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (looperman < 3) { ++looperman; } } } frame 142 { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); if (looperman == 3) { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (looperman < 3) { ++looperman; } } } frame 158 { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 183 { this.head.mouth.cum1._alpha = 100; } frame 230 { _root.Phase = 'aftercum';; } frame 286 { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } } frame 12 { function queuemusik(track) { _root.musik.Musik.stop(); _root.musik.Musik.attachSound(MusikTracks[track], isStreaming); _root.MusikTrack = track; _root.MusikPos = 0; if (_root.MusikStatus == 'On') { _root.musik.Musik.start(0, 99); _root.musik.Musik.setVolume(MusikVolume * MVMaster); } _root.musicticker = String(MusikTracks[track]); _root.musictickerview.gotoAndPlay('fade'); } function chatprompt(dialog, character) { _root.speech._alpha = 100; _root.speechname = character; _root.speechtext = dialog; _root.speech.chatcolor.gotoAndStop(character); _root.speech.Border.gotoAndPlay('flash'); _root.speech.Mask.gotoAndPlay('revealslow'); _root.speechchar = character; } function chatpromptBANK(dialogbank, character) { _root.speech._alpha = 100; _root.speechname = character; if (dialogbank == 'HELLO') { x = _root.randRange(1, _root.dialogbankHELLO[0]); _root.speechtext = _root.dialogbankHELLO[x]; } if (dialogbank == 'HELLO2') { x = _root.randRange(1, _root.dialogbankHELLO2[0]); _root.speechtext = _root.dialogbankHELLO2[x]; _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('grin'); } if (dialogbank == 'DECIDE') { x = _root.randRange(1, _root.dialogbankDECIDE[0]); _root.speechtext = _root.dialogbankDECIDE[x]; _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('ungrin'); } if (dialogbank == 'HARDER') { x = _root.randRange(1, _root.dialogbankHARDER[0]); _root.speechtext = _root.dialogbankHARDER[x]; } if (dialogbank == 'ALMOST') { x = _root.randRange(1, _root.dialogbankALMOST[0]); _root.speechtext = _root.dialogbankALMOST[x]; } if (dialogbank == 'CUM_VAG') { x = _root.randRange(1, _root.dialogbankCUM_VAG[0]); _root.speechtext = _root.dialogbankCUM_VAG[x]; } if (dialogbank == 'CUM_ANAL') { x = _root.randRange(1, _root.dialogbankCUM_ANAL[0]); _root.speechtext = _root.dialogbankCUM_ANAL[x]; } _root.speech.chatcolor.gotoAndStop(character); _root.speech.Border.gotoAndPlay('flash'); _root.speech.Mask.gotoAndPlay('revealslow'); _root.speechchar = character; } function zoomdirector(ID, force) { zoomforce = force; if (_root.zooming == 0) { _root.camIDtarget = ID; a = 0; while (a < 6) { _root.zoomdiff[a] = Math.abs(_root.camID[_root.camIDtarget][a] - _root.camID[_root.camIDcurrent][a]); if (_root.camID[_root.camIDtarget][a] < _root.camID[_root.camIDcurrent][a]) { _root.zoomdiff[a] *= -1; } ++a; } _root.zooming = _root.zoomrate; _root.camIDcurrent = _root.camIDtarget; } } function playsfx(array, soundbyte) { _root.sfxplayer.sfx.attachSound(array[soundbyte]); _root.sfxplayer.sfx.setVolume(sfxvolume * sfxmaster); _root.sfxplayer.sfx.start(0, 1); } function playsfx2(array, soundbyte) { _root.sfxplayer.sfx2.attachSound(array[soundbyte]); _root.sfxplayer.sfx2.setVolume(sfxvolume * sfxmaster); _root.sfxplayer.sfx2.start(0, 1); } function playsfx3(array, soundbyte) { _root.sfxplayer.sfx3.attachSound(array[soundbyte]); _root.sfxplayer.sfx3.setVolume(sfxvolume * sfxmaster); _root.sfxplayer.sfx3.start(0, 1); } function playsound(soundbyte) { _root.sfxplayer.sfx.attachSound(soundbyte); _root.sfxplayer.sfx.setVolume(sfxvolume * sfxmaster); _root.sfxplayer.sfx.start(0, 1); } function playsound2(soundbyte) { _root.sfxplayer.sfx2.attachSound(soundbyte); _root.sfxplayer.sfx2.setVolume(sfxvolume * sfxmaster); _root.sfxplayer.sfx2.start(0, 1); } function playsound3(soundbyte) { _root.sfxplayer.sfx3.attachSound(soundbyte); _root.sfxplayer.sfx3.setVolume(sfxvolume * sfxmaster); _root.sfxplayer.sfx3.start(0, 1); } function maleskin(ID) { _root.char.malebody.gotoAndStop(ID); _root.char.malepelvis.gotoAndStop(ID); _root.char.malearm1.gotoAndStop(ID); _root.char.malearm2.gotoAndStop(ID); _root.char.malehand1.gotoAndStop(ID); _root.char.malehand2.gotoAndStop(ID); _root.char.malelegs.gotoAndStop(ID); _root.char.malethumb1.gotoAndStop(ID); _root.char.malethumb2.gotoAndStop(ID); _root.MaleSkin = ID;[16] = ID; } function FeetPress(side) { if (FootCombo == 0) { FootCombo = side; } else { if (FootCombo == 1 && side == 2 || FootCombo == 2 && side == 1) { x = randRange(0, 3); var v3 = new Array('You seem to really like my feet...', 'Ah that feels good when you rub my toes like that.', 'Hehe, you must really like feet!', 'Curious about my toes? Heheh...'); _root.chatprompt(v3[x], 'MIAKA'); FootCombo = 0; FeetOption = 1; } else { FootCombo = 0; } } } stop(); this.char.blendMode = BlendType; var MusikPos = 0; var MusikPos2 = 0; var MusikLaunched = 'No'; var MusikStatus = 'On'; var MusikTrack; var MusikTracks = new Array('Ritual, by Mittsies', 'Tavern Jazz, by GASP'); var MVMaster = 1; var MusikVolume = defaultvolumee; var musicticker; var volumeepos; var volumeeoffset = 0; volumee.volumeeBar._x = _root.defaultvolumee * -0.8 + 40; volumee.volumeeBar.onPress = function () { startDrag(this, false, -40, this._y, 40, this._y); }; volumee.volumeeBar.onReleaseOutside = function () { stopDrag(); }; volumee.volumeeBar.onRelease = volumee.volumeeBar.onReleaseOutside; volumee.volumeeBar.onEnterFrame = function () { volumeepos = int((this._x - volumeeoffset - 40) * -1.25); = volumeepos; _root.MusikVolume = volumeepos; _root.sfxvolume = volumeepos; }; var speechchar = 'MIAKA'; var speechtext; dialogbankHELLO = new Array(5, 'Hey there, welcome once again! Always glad to see another valued customer.', 'Oh hey again, back so soon? Heheh. I don\'t blame you one bit!', 'Hi there! ...Don\'t be shy, heheh. You can stare all you want, I kind of like it to be honest...', 'You again! Ah, welcome, make yourself at home. Stay awhile!', 'Ah, my favorite customer! Come, have a seat... or you can just stand and watch me for a while heheh.'); dialogbankHELLO2 = new Array(3, 'Hehe! Enjoying the view so far?', 'I hope I\'m all you had hoped for!', 'Like what you see? Heheh.'); dialogbankDECIDE = new Array(6, 'So... do you want to do something in particular, or perhaps you\'d rather just watch me fap?', 'Well let\'s see now... you could watch me rub my dick until I cum all over myself, unless you had something else in mind.', 'Gosh I\'m horny right now. You just so happened to walk in on me while I was already masturbating... what now?', 'It feels really good to pump my girl-cock in front of you like this... did you want to hump me right here on the counter, or just watch?', 'Well, now that you\'re here, perhaps you\'d like to do something! Or you could simply observe...', 'Are you just gonna stand there and watch me all day or are you gonna play too? :3'); dialogbankHARDER = new Array(10, 'Nnyah! Don\'t Stop!!', 'Ahhnn~ keep going~ it feels so good~', 'Oh I love you so much right now... it feels so good~', 'Harder... please~', 'Faster... please~', 'Fuck me harder!~', 'J-just like that... I love how it feels!~', 'Please don\'t stop ... even for a moment... nyaah~', 'Meooww~~~!!~', 'It feels so good!~'); dialogbankALMOST = new Array(5, 'I\'m gonna cum any moment now!', 'I can feel you deep inside my pussy... it\'s wonderful!~', 'My pussy is tingling with pleasure... I\'m gonna orgasm!~', 'Oh god I\'m gonna orgasm any moment now!', 'Cum deep inside of my pussy!~'); dialogbankCUM_VAG = new Array(2, 'Yes!! Ahhhn!! I\'m cumming!~', 'Oh gosh oh gosh yes!! Ahnn~~ nyaah!~'); dialogbankCUM_ANAL = new Array(5, 'Fill up my butthole with your hot spooge!', 'I love the feeling of sticky juices being squirted in me!~', 'Mmmn, it feels incredible when you cum inside of me...', 'Ahhn!~ It feels really good when you bust inside of me!', 'I\'m your little kitty fucktoy...~ you love to fill me up with your spooge!~'); _root.speech._alpha = 0; var init = new Array(_root.char._xscale, _root.char._yscale, _root.char._x, _root.char._y); var camID = new Array(); camID[0] = new Array(init[0], init[1], init[2], init[3]); camID[1] = new Array(init[0] * 1.7, init[1] * 1.7, init[2] - 150, init[3] + 50); camID[2] = new Array(init[0] * 1.7, init[1] * 1.7, init[2] - 150, init[3] - 365); _root.char._xscale = camID[0][0]; _root.char._yscale = camID[0][1]; _root.char._x = camID[0][2]; _root.char._y = camID[0][3]; _root.camIDcurrent = 0; _root.camIDtarget = 0; var zoomdiff = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0); var zooming = 0; var zoomrate = 15; var zoomforce = 1; var cameracurrent = 1; _root.zoomdirector(1, 5); var Phase = 'idle'; var CumPhase = 'fapslow'; var Masturbation = 0; var scenepos = -50; var intronext = 'title'; this.nested_next.gotoAndStop(2); var currentscene = 'bar'; var sfxvolume = defaultvolumee; var sfxmaster = 0.4; var sfxbankSquish = new Array('squish_1.wav', 'squish_2.wav', 'squish_3.wav', 'squish4.wav', 'squish5.wav', 'squish6.wav', 'squish7.wav', 'squish8.wav', 'squish9.wav'); var sfxbankSquishsoft = new Array('squishsoft_1.wav', 'squishsoft_2.wav', 'squishsoft_3.wav', 'squishsoft_4.wav', 'squishsoft_5.wav'); var sfxbankSmack = new Array('smack_1.wav', 'smack_2.wav', 'smack_3.wav', 'smack_4.wav', 'smack_5.wav', 'smack_6.wav'); var sfxbankCumshot = new Array('cumshot_1.wav', 'cumshot1.wav', 'cumshot2.wav', 'cumshot3.wav', 'cumshot4.wav'); var MoanSFXBANK = new Array('moan1.wav', 'moan3.wav', 'moan4.wav', 'moan5.wav', 'moan6.wav', 'breathe2.wav', 'breathe3.wav', 'breathe4.wav', 'breathe5.wav', 'breathe6.wav'); var bellsBANK = new Array('belljingle.wav', 'belljingle2.wav'); var sfxbankTak = new Array('tak1', 'tak2', 'tak3'); var sfxbankPing = new Array('ping1.wav', 'ping2.wav', 'ping3.wav', 'ping4.wav', 'ping5.wav'); var HUDfade; var HUDlock; var HUDfade2; var HUDlock2; var FORCE_BLINK = 0; var FORCE_WINK = 0; _root.char.torso.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.torso.bodice.gotoAndStop(2 - bodice); _root.char.arm1.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); _root.char.arm2.shirt.gotoAndStop(2 - shirt); if (_root.shirt == 1) { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (_root.bodice == 1) { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.char.boob1.gotoAndStop(3); _root.char.boob2.gotoAndStop(3); } } var brow1pos = 0; var brow2pos = 0; var browrot = 0; var rewindclip = 0; var FootCombo = 0; var FeetOption = 0; var SoundtrackFired = false; } movieClip 1253 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.Background); } } movieClip 1255 { } movieClip 1257 { } movieClip 1259 { } movieClip 1261 { } movieClip 1263 { } movieClip 1266 { } movieClip 1268 { } movieClip 1271 { } movieClip 1273 { } movieClip 1274 { frame 1 { this.malepelvis.wetness._alpha = 0; var looperman = 0; } frame 2 { if (!flag_chatfired) { flag_chatfired = true; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); _root.queuemusik(1); var soundlooper = 0; } } frame 43 { if (_root.scenepos < -48) { _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 44 { gotoAndPlay(_root.Phase); } frame 104 { stop(); } } movieClip 1286 { } movieClip 1287 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { BANKoptions1 = new Array('Give me a pint of your finest red ale.', 'A glass of apple cider, please!', 'Just some water, I guess.', 'Actually I\'m not that thirsty...', 'Got any mead?'); BANKoptions2 = new Array('I\'d just like to watch you work.', 'I\'ll just watch this time.', 'I\'m a bit nervous, how about I just watch?', 'I suppose I could watch you warm up.', 'Perhaps you could warm up first.', 'Could I watch you play with yourself?'); BANKoptions3 = new Array('(stare at her awkwardly in silence).', '(awkwardly look around the room)', '(shrug your shoulders and look away)', '(observe the beautiful bartop)', '(scratch behind your neck nervously)', '(give her a strange smile)'); BANKoptions4 = new Array('I\'ll have \'the usual\'.', 'I\'ll have \'the usual\'.', 'The usual, please.', 'You already know what I like...', 'How about your specialty? Heh.', 'Rock Candy sent me.', 'Let\'s be blunt: Buttsex.', 'I\'ll be forthright about it: Anal.'); BANKoptions5 = new Array('Could I see those pretty feet of yours?', 'I bet you have very beautiful feet...', 'I suppose I should be leaving now.', 'Actually I changed my mind, I should go.', 'Nevermind, actually, I should leave.', 'On second thought, I have to do something.', 'I\'m just stopping by. I gotta go soon.', 'I suppose I should be leaving now.', 'Actually I changed my mind, I should go.', 'Nevermind, actually, I should leave.', 'On second thought, I have to do something.', 'I\'m just stopping by. I gotta go soon.', 'I suppose I should be leaving now.', 'Actually I changed my mind, I should go.', 'Nevermind, actually, I should leave.', 'On second thought, I have to do something.', 'I\'m just stopping by. I gotta go soon.'); x = _root.randRange(0, BANKoptions1.length - 1); var menudropper1 = BANKoptions1[x]; x = _root.randRange(0, BANKoptions2.length - 1); var menudropper2 = BANKoptions2[x]; x = _root.randRange(0, BANKoptions3.length - 1); var menudropper3 = BANKoptions3[x]; x = _root.randRange(0, BANKoptions4.length - 1); var menudropper4 = BANKoptions4[x]; x = _root.randRange(0, BANKoptions5.length - 1); var menudropper5 = BANKoptions5[x]; var menuchoice5; if (x > 1) { menuchoice5 = 0; } else { menuchoice5 = 1; } } frame 20 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankTak.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankTak, randsfx); } frame 28 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankTak.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankTak, randsfx); } frame 34 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankTak.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankTak, randsfx); } frame 37 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankTak.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankTak, randsfx); } frame 39 { randsfx = _root.randRange(0, _root.sfxbankTak.length - 1); _root.playsfx3(_root.sfxbankTak, randsfx); } frame 43 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_parent.menuchoice5 == 0) { x = _root.randRange(1, 3); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('Alright. Goodbye.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('You came all the way out here just to leave all of a sudden? Odd.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('Strange, but, I understand. Perhaps another time.', 'MIAKA'); } _root.intronext = 'title'; } if (_parent.menuchoice5 == 1) { _root.chatprompt('Ohhh.. heheh, I know what -you- want.', 'MIAKA'); _root.intronext = 'fj'; _root.char.gotoAndPlay('zoom'); } _root.dropper.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { x = _root.randRange(1, 3); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('Hehehe, oh goodness, you just wanna jump straight to it I suppose.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('No pussy-footing around for this one... you just want to go right to the action.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('But of course.', 'MIAKA'); } _root.dropper.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.intronext = 'anal'; _root.char.gotoAndPlay('zoom'); _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { x = _root.randRange(1, 4); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('...Right then. I suppose you\'re not interested. Well, maybe another time.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('Ah, you must be busy... Well... Feel free to stop by any time!', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('Not looking for anything at this moment, I understand. Well, goodbye for now!', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 4) { _root.chatprompt('You\'re making ME feel awkward, now... hah hah... Well either way, I understand... Perhaps another time.', 'MIAKA'); } _root.char.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look2'); _root.dropper.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.intronext = 'title'; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { x = _root.randRange(1, 3); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('Just going to watch for now? Hehe, that\'s fine by me...', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('I\'ll do my best to entertain... I suppose I\'ll sit up on the counter for you.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('A voyeur of sorts? Just let me hop up onto the counter.', 'MIAKA'); } _root.dropper.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.intronext = 'fap'; _root.char.gotoAndPlay('zoom'); _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { x = _root.randRange(1, 4); if (x == 1) { _root.chatprompt('This is not that kind of bar, my friend... Maybe you should try a different pub.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 2) { _root.chatprompt('I think you\'re in the wrong kind of bar, we don\'t actually sell drinks here. Maybe you should try somewhere else.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 3) { _root.chatprompt('We haven\'t sold a beverage here in years, I think you managed to stumble into the wrong place, friend. You should go.', 'MIAKA'); } if (x == 4) { _root.chatprompt('I\'m not entirely sure you\'ve come to the right place for something like that... Try elsewhere.', 'MIAKA'); } _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('frown'); _root.char.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look2'); _root.dropper.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.intronext = 'title'; _root.nested_next.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.chatprompt('This is not that kind of bar, my friend... Maybe you should try a different pub.', 'MIAKA'); _root.char.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('frown'); _root.char.head.eyes.eyeballs.gotoAndPlay('look2'); gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } frame 69 { stop(); } }
Created: 23/10 -2018 21:29:41 Last modified: 23/10 -2018 21:29:41 Server time: 13/03 -2025 06:52:00