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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Jen Adventure Game - Case #8004 - 'The Hotel' by illionore.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #159872

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Case #8004

"The Hotel"


Special Agent
Jennifer McCrow




"Have you seen my
baby? Where she goes,
nobody knows."
-- part of a song by
Jason Falkner.

<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Loading... please wait.</font></p>



<p align="left"><font face="Albertsthal Typewriter" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Testing the test. This doesn&apos;t seem to be a good idea, Jen. Maybe something else could work out.</font></p>





<p align="left"></p>


Dear Mathilda. I am tired. I am
sorry  for leaving you this way
but I see no way out. I leave you
with the only posession I had to
get some cash. If you can find
it, that is. Here is it's location:


<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="14" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">?</font></p>





























And Jen...

... be careful.

We don't have any idea
what kind of things you
may find in that hotel.

Some subtlety may
be required as well.













closed for












<p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="20" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Ich glaube es nicht!</b></font></p>














Breakfast time:
06:00 - 08:30.
Lunch is from
11:30 - 13:30.
No service, you
have to go take
your orders
from the
kitchen. Have a
good meal!








Jumping off the
roof not allowed!

Or you got to clean up
the mess yourself! :D

t was here!







The End.

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//b_movie_31 (TheHotel_fla.b_movie_31) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class b_movie_31 extends MovieClip { public function b_movie_31(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 2
//btnIntroStart_2 (TheHotel_fla.btnIntroStart_2) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class btnIntroStart_2 extends MovieClip { public function btnIntroStart_2(){ addFrameScript(19, frame20); } function frame20(){ gotoAndPlay(1); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 3
//clothing1_160 (TheHotel_fla.clothing1_160) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class clothing1_160 extends MovieClip { public function clothing1_160(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 4
//clothing2_64 (TheHotel_fla.clothing2_64) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class clothing2_64 extends MovieClip { public function clothing2_64(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 5
//cook_72 (TheHotel_fla.cook_72) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cook_72 extends MovieClip { public function cook_72(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 6
//crate_80 (TheHotel_fla.crate_80) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class crate_80 extends MovieClip { public function crate_80(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 7
//dancer_20 (TheHotel_fla.dancer_20) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class dancer_20 extends MovieClip { public function dancer_20(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 8
//face2_79 (TheHotel_fla.face2_79) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class face2_79 extends MovieClip { public function face2_79(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 7, frame8); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame8(){ gotoAndPlay(2); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 9
//ftgrl_77 (TheHotel_fla.ftgrl_77) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ftgrl_77 extends MovieClip { public function ftgrl_77(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 7, frame8); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame8(){ gotoAndPlay(2); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 10
//galg_124 (TheHotel_fla.galg_124) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class galg_124 extends MovieClip { public function galg_124(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 11
//gratedoor_93 (TheHotel_fla.gratedoor_93) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class gratedoor_93 extends MovieClip { public function gratedoor_93(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 12
//head1_78 (TheHotel_fla.head1_78) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class head1_78 extends MovieClip { public function head1_78(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 7, frame8); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame8(){ gotoAndPlay(2); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 13
//Jenbodytied_104 (TheHotel_fla.Jenbodytied_104) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Jenbodytied_104 extends MovieClip { public function Jenbodytied_104(){ addFrameScript(6, frame7); } function frame7(){ gotoAndPlay(1); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 14
//liftcover_112 (TheHotel_fla.liftcover_112) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class liftcover_112 extends MovieClip { public function liftcover_112(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 15
//MainTimeline (TheHotel_fla.MainTimeline) package TheHotel_fla { import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var fridge:MovieClip; public var guyWithMask:MovieClip; public var doorPrison:MovieClip; public var doorNo:MovieClip; public var monaLisa:MovieClip; public var guy:MovieClip; public var btnProceed:MovieClip; public var btnEnter:MovieClip; public var bigFeatherBig:MovieClip; public var loungeTable:MovieClip; public var wallkeys:MovieClip; public var girlOnBed:MovieClip; public var b_movie:MovieClip; public var crate:MovieClip; public var btnLeft:MovieClip; public var exitdoor:MovieClip; public var paintBucket:MovieClip; public var weights:MovieClip; public var swimGround:MovieClip; public var face1:MovieClip; public var feet1:MovieClip; public var fork:MovieClip; public var jenTkl:MovieClip; public var woodPlanks:MovieClip; public var doorGym:MovieClip; public var btnIntroStart:MovieClip; public var face2:MovieClip; public var feet2:MovieClip; public var girl1:MovieClip; public var horse:MovieClip; public var small308:MovieClip; public var pond:MovieClip; public var jenHiding:MovieClip; public var girl2:MovieClip; public var btn0:MovieClip; public var microwave:MovieClip; public var arch:MovieClip; public var tablebell:MovieClip; public var slotMachine:MovieClip; public var loader_mc:movie_mc; public var loaded_txt:TextField; public var btn1:MovieClip; public var jenBound:MovieClip; public var clot1:MovieClip; public var dancer:MovieClip; public var hide2:MovieClip; public var btn2:MovieClip; public var mouseHole:MovieClip; public var feather:MovieClip; public var torturer:MovieClip; public var radio:MovieClip; public var clot2:MovieClip; public var shower:MovieClip; public var btnExit:MovieClip; public var hide3:MovieClip; public var theEndText:MovieClip; public var btn3:MovieClip; public var woodenDoor:MovieClip; public var archUp:MovieClip; public var privatedoor:MovieClip; public var clot3:MovieClip; public var doorTheater:MovieClip; public var doorCafe:MovieClip; public var rings:MovieClip; public var theX:MovieClip; public var tree:MovieClip; public var hide4:MovieClip; public var hide5:MovieClip; public var btn4:MovieClip; public var stairsUp:MovieClip; public var bar:MovieClip; public var hide6:MovieClip; public var lastDoor:MovieClip; public var duck:MovieClip; public var forest:MovieClip; public var cook:MovieClip; public var goLeft:MovieClip; public var bread:MovieClip; public var notification:MovieClip; public var door102:MovieClip; public var doorClub:MovieClip; public var liftbutton:MovieClip; public var btnForest:MovieClip; public var doorRight:MovieClip; public var door103:MovieClip; public var ticket:MovieClip; public var overlay:MovieClip; public var sign:MovieClip; public var swimWall:MovieClip; public var btnPool:MovieClip; public var flashBeam:MovieClip; public var handGrate:MovieClip; public var btnRight:MovieClip; public var glimpse:MovieClip; public var plate:MovieClip; public var jenRestaurant:jen2; public var resep:MovieClip; public var btnReturn:MovieClip; public var liftcover:MovieClip; public var barrel:MovieClip; public var sexySuit:MovieClip; public var johnDoe:MovieClip; public var door207:MovieClip; public var fruitDisplay:MovieClip; public var bullsEye:MovieClip; public var door308:MovieClip; public var flashItem:MovieClip; public var btnBack:MovieClip; public var textBuffer:String; public var bUsingObject:Boolean; public var currentClothing; public var iPhase; public var slot1:uint; public var slot2:uint; public var slot3:uint; public var slot4:uint; public var slot5:uint; public var slot6:uint; public var slot7:uint; public var currentItemSelected; public var currentFloor; public var bLiftRepaired; public var bInspected103; public var bInspected207; public var bInspected308; public var bInspectedCafe; public var bTicketGone; public var bNoDisturb; public var bBreadServed; public var bForkOnTable; public var bFeatherAtPond; public var bKeyAtPond; public var bWoodenDoorLocked; public var bScrewDriverOnBarrel; public var bGrateDoorOpen; public var bRadioHasFuse; public var liftState; public var resepState; public var resepTkCountDown; public var bSpareKeysTaken; public var bNotePresent; public var hangmanGalgState; public var hangmanLettersFound; public var bHangmanSolved; public var bCoinInPants; public var cashState; public var bDancerNude; public var bSwimsuitInRoom; public var bCrowBarTaken; public var crateState; public var comicPanel; public var bReceptionistHasComplained; public var bigNote; public var jenStanding; public var jenSitting; public var speech; public var blackScreen; public var myUi; public var myInterval:uint; public var tmpX:Number; public var bMoviePlaying; public var afterDark:uint; public var mouseCursor2; public var movie_speedcount; public var movie_frame; public var movie_scenecount; public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 11, frame12, 12, frame13, 13, frame14, 14, frame15, 15, frame16, 16, frame17, 17, frame18, 18, frame19, 19, frame20, 20, frame21, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 23, frame24, 24, frame25, 25, frame26); } public function onProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{ var _local2:Number =; var _local3:Number =; var _local4:Number = (_local2 / _local3); loader_mc.scaleX = _local4; loaded_txt.text = (("Loading... " + Math.round((_local4 * 100))) + "%"); } public function onComplete(_arg1:Event):void{ loaded_txt.text = "Finished loading."; btnIntroStart.alpha = 1; btnIntroStart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame); } public function startGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ btnIntroStart.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame); gotoAndStop(2); } public function mouseClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:* =; showSpeech(""); if ( == null){ } else { if (checkClickingItem(_local2) == true){ } else { if (currentFrame == 22){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "btnEnter"){ newText("I entered the hotel. The receptionist isn't looking particularly friendly..."); afterDark = 3; changeLoc(16); } else { if (_local2 == "pond"){ newText("It is a duck pond. No way I'm going in there!"); } else { if (_local2 == "forest"){ newText("Strange, it looks like there's a forest on the roof of the hotel..."); } else { if (_local2 == "duck"){ newText("I don't want to disturb the nice duck."); } else { if (_local2 == "small308"){ newText("Hey, someone lost their key. I could use that in my investigation!"); tmpX = putItemToSlot(6); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprKey308.x = tmpX; myUi.sprKey308.alpha = 1; small308.y = -1000; bKeyAtPond = false; }; } else { if (_local2 == "feather"){ newText("The duck has dropped a feather. Maybe it'll come in useful sometime."); tmpX = putItemToSlot(9); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprFeather.x = tmpX; myUi.sprFeather.alpha = 1; feather.y = -1000; bFeatherAtPond = false; }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 8)) && ((_local2 == "pond")))){ removeItemFromSlot(8); myUi.sprBread.x = -1000; myUi.sprBread.alpha = 0; newText("Oh look, a duck came to eat the bread! At least it was good for something!"); bFeatherAtPond = true; duck.x = 294; duck.y = 503; feather.x = 325; feather.y = 520; } else { randomDenyReply(); }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 16){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (jenTkl.alpha == 1){ } else { if (_local2 == "monaLisa"){ newText("It is a cheap copy of the Mona Lisa. A VERY cheap copy. I wonder why that's here..."); } else { if (_local2 == "tablebell"){ newText("It is an old table-bell. There's no need for me to press it, the receptionist is right here."); } else { if (_local2 == "privatedoor"){ newText("A pink door that reads 'private'. I can't really try to go pry in there with her watching."); } else { if ((((((_local2 == "wallkeys")) && ((resepState == 2)))) && ((jenTkl.alpha == 0)))){ newText("Finally! Now that the receptionist is out, I can take those spare-keys!"); tmpX = putItemToSlot(14); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprSpareKeys.x = tmpX; myUi.sprSpareKeys.alpha = 1; wallkeys.y = -100; wallkeys.alpha = 0; bSpareKeysTaken = true; }; } else { if (_local2 == "wallkeys"){ newText("There's a lot of keys bundled together in that cabinet. You get one when you rent a room."); } else { if (_local2 == "exitdoor"){ newText("Ah, some fresh air. It sure smells weird in that place. Not my kind of hotel!"); changeLoc(22); } else { if (_local2 == "resep"){ if (currentClothing == 2){ showSpeech("Receptionist: Do you have a search warrant? No? Then you should leave. We don't want bad publicity or customers being scared off by police officers wandering our hotel!"); bReceptionistHasComplained = true; newText("Hm... it looks like I might have to go under-cover. I won't get in like this."); } else { if (iPhase == 0){ showSpeech("Jen: Hello, my name is Melany Bumble. I should have a reservation.\nReceptionist: That is correct. Welcome miss Bumble, here is your room key. You'll find your room on the first floor."); newText("That went great. Now I have a key! And my own room! Yay!"); myUi.sprKey102.x = 329.5; myUi.sprKey102.alpha = 1; iPhase = 1; } else { if (resepState == 2){ newText("Um, can't talk with her now. She's not what you'd call 'responsive'."); } else { newText("I don't really want to talk with her more. She's very unkind."); }; }; }; } else { if (_local2 == "doorRight"){ if (currentClothing == 2){ showSpeech("Receptionist: Hey! Where do you think you're going? Police aint getting in without a search order! We don't want to scare our visitors! Get out!"); bReceptionistHasComplained = true; newText("Woah, she IS quite unfriendly!"); } else { if (iPhase > 0){ newText("I am now in the main hall, which also doubles as restaurant. Not very impressive."); changeLoc(17); } else { newText("I think that door leads to the rest of the hotel, but I should first check in."); }; }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 4)) && ((((_local2 == "wallkeys")) || ((_local2 == "resep")))))){ newText("I don't want to return my room key."); } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 4)) && ((((_local2 == "doorRight")) || ((_local2 == "privatedoor")))))){ newText("It is my room key. It won't fit on that door."); } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 9)) && ((_local2 == "resep")))){ if (resepState == 1){ newText("Get some smile on your face for once... Feather-Time!"); showSpeech("Receptionist: HAHAHAHA! What are you doing? HAHAHA! I can't take this! HAHAHAHA\nJen: FEATHER-TIME! It's about time you get a smile onto your face, like Mona Lisa overthere! Heheh... Sorry, but I'm afraid this little mischief is necessary!"); resepState = 2; resep.gotoAndPlay(4); if (resepTkCountDown == 0){ resepTkCountDown = 100; }; jenStanding.alpha = 0; jenTkl.y = 472; jenTkl.gotoAndPlay(1); jenTkl.alpha = 1; } else { if (resepState == 2){ newText("She's T.K.O. - Tickling her more won't accomplish a thing."); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); }; }; }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 17){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "notification"){ newText("What a sad hotel. They don't even have a waiter."); } else { if (_local2 == "liftbutton"){ newText("Hopefully the lift is safe... this is such a sloppy place!"); changeLoc(25); } else { if (_local2 == "btnLeft"){ newText("Now I'm back at the reception again. That unfriendly staff member is still there."); changeLoc(16); } else { if (_local2 == "btnRight"){ newText("The hotel's kitchen is even worse than the restaurant. How do they cook here?"); changeLoc(18); } else { if (_local2 == "bread"){ newText("What's this? My lunch is only a lump of dry old bread? Appalling."); tmpX = putItemToSlot(8); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprBread.x = tmpX; myUi.sprBread.alpha = 1; bread.y = -100; bBreadServed = false; iPhase = 4; bKeyAtPond = true; }; } else { if (_local2 == "plate"){ if ((((bBreadServed == true)) || ((bForkOnTable == true)))){ newText("It's a plate. I just hope they washed it well."); } else { newText("Nah, they can keep the plate."); }; } else { if (_local2 == "fork"){ newText("Um... did someone murder someone with this fork or something? Possible evidence?"); tmpX = putItemToSlot(7); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprFork.x = tmpX; myUi.sprFork.alpha = 1; fork.y = -100; bForkOnTable = false; }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 25){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "btn0"){ if ( == 2){ newText("I don't want to go downstairs wearing this. They don't want police here!"); } else { currentFloor = 0; newText("Ah, I feel safer on the ground floor in this crappy place."); changeLoc(17); }; } else { if (_local2 == "btn1"){ newText("I'm on the first floor now. My room is on this floor."); changeLoc(14); } else { if (_local2 == "btn2"){ newText("This is the second floor. I can hear some sounds here."); changeLoc(11); } else { if (_local2 == "btn3"){ newText("This is the third floor. It is a very quiet floor."); changeLoc(8); } else { if (_local2 == "btn4"){ if (bLiftRepaired == false){ newText("Hm... pressing this button doesn't do anything. The lift isn't moving."); } else { newText("This should be the fourth floor. Strange, I thought there'd be more..."); changeLoc(5); }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((((currentItemSelected == 11)) && ((liftState == 0)))) && ((_local2 == "liftcover")))){ liftState = 1; resepState = 1; liftcover.gotoAndStop(2); newText("Hm, there appears to be a burnt fuse. That's why the lift doesn't work properly."); } else { if ((((((currentItemSelected == 12)) && ((liftState == 1)))) && ((_local2 == "liftcover")))){ liftState = 2; liftcover.gotoAndStop(3); removeItemFromSlot(12); myUi.sprFuse.x = -1000; myUi.sprFuse.alpha = 0; newText("Good. It fits. Hopefully the lift is now fully operational again."); iPhase = 7; bLiftRepaired = true; } else { randomDenyReply(); }; }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 14){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "door102"){ if (myUi.sprKey102.alpha == 0){ newText("Oh no! I can't go in. I left my keys inside the room!"); } else { newText("This is my room, but I'll need to use my key. The door is locked."); }; } else { if (_local2 == "liftbutton"){ newText("Back in the lift. Let's hope it keeps working!"); changeLoc(25); } else { if (_local2 == "door103"){ if (bInspected103 == false){ jenStanding.x = 634; jenStanding.y = 330; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; showSpeech("You listen at the door. No sounds. Then your nose wrinkles. WHAT is that SMELL? It's just as if some food has gone rotten inside... You try the door, but it won't budge. You really need to check inside if you just can. This may be important for the investigation."); bInspected103 = true; if ((((((((bInspected207 == true)) && ((bInspected103 == true)))) && ((bInspected308 == true)))) && ((bInspectedCafe == true)))){ iPhase = 2; }; }; newText("Eeeww... it smells horrible near this door."); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 4)) && ((_local2 == "door102")))){ newText("So this is my room. At least the bed is soft... I hope I won't have to spend the night here."); if (myUi.sprSwimsuit.alpha == 1){ bSwimsuitInRoom = true; removeItemFromSlot(3); myUi.sprSwimsuit.x = -500; myUi.sprSwimsuit.alpha = 0; }; changeLoc(13); } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 14)) && ((_local2 == "door103")))){ newText("Oh my god! How awful!"); changeLoc(15); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 11){ glimpse.x = 1000; if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "doorTheater"){ newText("Ah, a theater. I don't have much time, but a little break is welcome."); changeLoc(10); } else { if (_local2 == "liftbutton"){ newText("Time to change floors again!"); changeLoc(25); } else { if (_local2 == "door207"){ if (bInspected207 == false){ jenStanding.x = 634; jenStanding.y = 330; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; showSpeech("You clearly hear sounds coming from this door. Laughing. Begging... A woman is being tortured here! You're onto something, Jen! This situation MUST be investigated further! It may tell what's going on here!"); bInspected207 = true; if ((((((((bInspected207 == true)) && ((bInspected103 == true)))) && ((bInspected308 == true)))) && ((bInspectedCafe == true)))){ iPhase = 2; }; newText("There's sounds coming from here! Laughter and begging!"); } else { if (iPhase == 1){ newText("I first want to check the other rooms before investigating this deeper."); } else { if (bNoDisturb == false){ if ( != 2){ glimpse.x = 300; jenStanding.x = 634; jenStanding.y = 330; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; showSpeech("Bandit: Go away! You're disturbing us! Don't knock on the door again!\nJen: What... what is going on in there?\nBandit: None of your business! Leave us alone!"); newText("This is all very suspicious! I should get a good look inside really..."); } else { showSpeech("Man: P-police officer, this is not what it seems! We're just roleplaying. Really!\nWoman: My boyfriend is right! We are okay! P-please don't look!\nJen: Err... eh - I'm terribly sorry! I won't disturb you further!"); newText("How embarrassing. Either way, this is not a lead to solving the mystery..."); bNoDisturb = true; changeLoc(12); }; } else { newText("I don't want to disturb that couple again."); }; }; }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 8){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "doorCafe"){ if (bInspectedCafe == false){ jenStanding.x = 634; jenStanding.y = 330; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; bInspectedCafe = true; if ((((((((bInspected207 == true)) && ((bInspected103 == true)))) && ((bInspected308 == true)))) && ((bInspectedCafe == true)))){ iPhase = 2; }; newText("Renovation? That would be an excellent excuse to hide something behind. Must look inside!"); } else { newText("The door is locked. I have to find some other way to get in here..."); }; } else { if (_local2 == "liftbutton"){ newText("It's lift time again!"); changeLoc(25); } else { if (_local2 == "door308"){ if (bInspected308 == false){ jenStanding.x = 126; jenStanding.y = 353; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; showSpeech("You listen to the door, but there's nothing to be heard. This room is most likely empty... or its inhabitant is currently not on their hotel room."); bInspected308 = true; if ((((((((bInspected207 == true)) && ((bInspected103 == true)))) && ((bInspected308 == true)))) && ((bInspectedCafe == true)))){ iPhase = 2; }; newText("This room appears to be quiet. Maybe it is empty."); } else { newText("This room appears to be quiet. Maybe it is empty."); }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 6)) && ((_local2 == "door308")))){ newText("This room is empty. Not sure if the person checked out though."); changeLoc(7); } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 14)) && ((_local2 == "doorCafe")))){ newText("Hm. Nothing here! I would have sworn something illegal was going on here..."); changeLoc(9); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 12){ iPhase = 3; if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "girlOnBed"){ newText("A young woman is tied to bed, dressed as the Easter Bunny... looking embarrassed."); } else { if (_local2 == "guyWithMask"){ newText("I think he's dressed as super-hero or... or a bandit who kidnapped the Easter Bunny."); } else { if (_local2 == "btnExit"){ newText("Embarrassing... but it looks like fun, too..."); changeLoc(11); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 13){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "ticket"){ newText("Ah, they provided a lunch voucher. At least I won't leave on an empty stomach."); tmpX = putItemToSlot(5); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprLunch.x = tmpX; myUi.sprLunch.alpha = 1; ticket.y = -100; bTicketGone = true; }; } else { if (_local2 == "shower"){ newText("Hm... a shower will do me good."); clot1.x = 74.2; clot2.x = 154.3; if (bSwimsuitInRoom == true){ clot3.x = 140; clot3.y = 319; clot3.alpha = 1; }; = 0; jenStanding.x = 295; jenStanding.y = 42; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; } else { if (_local2 == "clot2"){ newText("Maybe I should represent the law for now..."); clot1.x = 74.2; clot2.x = -1000; if (bSwimsuitInRoom == true){ clot3.x = 140; clot3.y = 319; clot3.alpha = 1; };; = 1; jenStanding.x = 380; jenStanding.y = 300; } else { if (_local2 == "clot3"){ newText("Time for a swim!"); clot1.x = 74.2; clot2.x = 154.3; clot3.x = -1000; clot3.alpha = 0;; = 1; jenStanding.x = 380; jenStanding.y = 300; } else { if (_local2 == "radio"){ newText("It's a radio. But unplugged. Actually, there's no wall socket to connect it to either."); } else { if (_local2 == "clot1"){ newText("It may be better to stay incognito..."); clot1.x = -1000; clot2.x = 154.3; if (bSwimsuitInRoom == true){ clot3.x = 140; clot3.y = 319; clot3.alpha = 1; };; = 1; jenStanding.x = 380; jenStanding.y = 300; } else { if (_local2 == "btnExit"){ if ( == 0){ newText("Hey! I'm not leaving my room before I'm dressed!"); } else { if ( == 3){ newText("OH CRAP! CRAP CRAP CRAP! I left the keys in my room!"); removeItemFromSlot(14); myUi.sprSpareKeys.x = -1000; myUi.sprSpareKeys.alpha = 0; removeItemFromSlot(6); myUi.sprKey308.x = -1000; myUi.sprKey308.alpha = 0; myUi.sprKey102.x = -1000; myUi.sprKey102.alpha = 0; changeLoc(14); } else { newText("Back to work, Jen! There's a case of missing women to solve!"); changeLoc(14); }; }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 11)) && ((_local2 == "radio")))){ if (bRadioHasFuse == true){ if (liftState == 0){ newText("I don't see a reason to take the radio apart..."); } else { bRadioHasFuse = false; newText("I won't need the radio anyway. There, got a working fuse."); tmpX = putItemToSlot(12); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprFuse.x = tmpX; myUi.sprFuse.alpha = 1; }; }; } else { newText("I already took the fuse out, don't anything more from here."); }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 12)) && ((_local2 == "radio")))){ newText("I don't want to put it back in there."); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 18){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "goLeft"){ newText("Now I'm back in the main hall again. This isn't getting me anywhere."); changeLoc(17); } else { if (_local2 == "microwave"){ newText("Hm, I strongly wonder - are they only microwaving readymade food here?"); } else { if (_local2 == "arch"){ if (cook.y > 0){ newText("I can't go there... the cook is strategically blocking the way."); } else { newText("Below the kitchen is a wine cellar. Nothing strange about that at first sight."); changeLoc(21); }; } else { if (_local2 == "fridge"){ newText("It's a fridge. Probably nothing in it I would want."); } else { if (_local2 == "cook"){ if (iPhase == 4){ showSpeech("Jen: I have complaints about the lunch! The bread is days old, it's hard like a rock!\nCook: Why... why do you have to be so mean!? whaaahaaa-huu-huu... I am going to quit!\nJen: err... I didn't mean to make him cry... or quit... just... oh my..."); newText("It's a crappy hotel and a crappy cook... but I didn't want to cause THIS either..."); iPhase = 5; cook.gotoAndStop(2); } else { newText("A guy I could almost expect in this bad hotel... He fits the place..."); }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 5)) && ((_local2 == "cook")))){ if (iPhase < 3){ showSpeech("Cook: It isn't lunch time yet. You can't use your lunch voucher until lunch.\nJen: But I'm hungry now!\nCook: Too bad. Come back when it's lunch time."); newText("I need to come back later. Seems you can't just get food here whenever you're hungry."); } else { bBreadServed = true; bForkOnTable = true; removeItemFromSlot(5); myUi.sprLunch.x = -1000; myUi.sprLunch.alpha = 0; showSpeech("Cook: Cook: Go to the restaurant. I will bring you some food right away."); newText("They don't have service,... but they don't have manners either! Geez."); }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 8)) && ((_local2 == "cook")))){ showSpeech("Jen: I have complaints about the lunch! This bread is days old, it's hard like a rock!\nCook: Why... why do you have to be so mean!? whaaahaaa-huu-huu... I am going to quit!\nJen: err... I didn't mean to make him cry... or quit... just... oh my..."); newText("It's a crappy hotel and a crappy cook... but I didn't want to cause THIS either..."); iPhase = 5; cook.gotoAndStop(2); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 10){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if ((((_local2 == "b_movie")) || ((_local2 == "subText")))){ newText("It's some foreign B-movie. It has a bad quality and a poor plot. I don't think anyone'd like it."); } else { if (_local2 == "btnExit"){ changeLoc(11); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 7){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "flashItem"){ newText("Hey, what's this? A flashlight. Might be useful."); myUi.sprFlashlight.x = 372.5; myUi.sprFlashlight.y = 0; myUi.sprFlashlight.alpha = 1; flashItem.y = -100; flashItem.alpha = 0; } else { if (_local2 == "btnExit"){ newText("Back to business!"); changeLoc(8); } else { if (_local2 == "shower"){ newText("I don't want to take a shower in someone else's room."); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 21){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "barrel"){ newText("It's a barrel, but don't want to drink on the job!"); } else { if (_local2 == "woodenDoor"){ if (bWoodenDoorLocked == true){ newText("It's a small wooden door, but it's locked."); } else { newText("dark...! I can't see a thing!"); changeLoc(20); }; } else { if (_local2 == "archUp"){ newText("It's good to be ABOVE the ground again. Stinky damp cellar!"); changeLoc(18); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 7)) && ((_local2 == "woodenDoor")))){ removeItemFromSlot(7); myUi.sprFork.x = -1000; myUi.sprFork.alpha = 0; bWoodenDoorLocked = false; newText("Buggers! The fork now totally broke. But at least I got the door unlocked."); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 20){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "ton"){ newText("It is a wooden barrel. It contains some dry foods. Nothing interesting."); } else { if (_local2 == "boxes"){ newText("A pile of crates. I can't go open them one by one, but nothing seems suspicious about them."); } else { if (_local2 == "grateDoor"){ if (bGrateDoorOpen == false){ newText("A strong iron door. It appears to be locked. I can't pass through this."); } else { newText("Woah! Looks like I found the hotel's dirty secret! Crazy!"); iPhase = 8; changeLoc(19); }; } else { if (_local2 == "screwDriver"){ flashBeam.screwDriver.x = -1000; flashBeam.screwDriver.alpha = 0; newText("I found a screwdriver. Maybe I can put that to good use."); tmpX = putItemToSlot(11); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprScrew.x = tmpX; myUi.sprScrew.alpha = 1; bScrewDriverOnBarrel = false; }; } else { if (_local2 == "btnBack"){ changeLoc(21); newText("Smells a bit stuffy here."); } else { if (_local2 == "sprFlashlight"){ if (flashBeam.x > 0){ flashBeam.x = -1000; flashBeam.alpha = 0; newText("Off. This saves the battery a bit."); } else { flashBeam.x = 312.35; flashBeam.y = 376; flashBeam.alpha = 1; newText("Luckily I have a flashlight!"); }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 11)) && ((_local2 == "grateDoor")))){ newText("I would just break the screwdriver trying to open that."); } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 16)) && ((_local2 == "grateDoor")))){ newText("That did the job! I'm good, I'm very very good! Haha..."); bGrateDoorOpen = true; flashBeam.grateDoor.gotoAndStop(2); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 15){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "johnDoe"){ if (bCoinInPants == true){ newText("Hey, there's a token 'lucky charm' in his pants. Didn't bring him much luck apparently."); tmpX = putItemToSlot(19); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprToken.x = tmpX; myUi.sprToken.alpha = 1; bCoinInPants = false; }; } else { newText("It's a John Doe. How awful, having to end like this..."); }; } else { if (_local2 == "note"){ newText("Looks there is a farewell-note in his pocket..."); tmpX = putItemToSlot(15); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprNote.x = tmpX; myUi.sprNote.alpha = 1; johnDoe.note.alpha = 0; johnDoe.note.x = -100; bNotePresent = false; }; } else { if (_local2 == "btnExit"){ newText("I'm glad to be out of that room. Not a pleasant place to be."); changeLoc(14); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 9){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "woodPlanks"){ newText("They really are renovating here. Just don't know what's old and what's new."); } else { if (_local2 == "paintBucket"){ newText("It's a paint bucket. Don't want to get paint all over me!"); } else { if (_local2 == "bullsEye"){ newText("Hm. You can play darts here... but the darts are missing..."); } else { if (_local2 == "slotMachine"){ if (cashState == 0){ newText("It is a slot machine. It's like: Input money, output nothing."); } else { if (cashState == 1){ newText("A good swift push and... OOPS... hey, but I won something! Heheheh..."); cashState = 2; slotMachine.gotoAndStop(10); } else { if (cashState == 2){ newText("Look at that, it paid out quite a bit! I'd say about 25 pounds!"); tmpX = putItemToSlot(13); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprCash.x = tmpX; myUi.sprCash.alpha = 1; cashState = 3; }; } else { if (cashState == 3){ newText("I don't want to touch that again. It's already broken enough."); }; }; }; }; } else { if (_local2 == "btnBack"){ newText("Back to work, Jen!"); changeLoc(8); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 19)) && ((_local2 == "slotMachine")))){ myUi.sprToken.x = -500; myUi.sprToken.alpha = 0; removeItemFromSlot(19); cashState = 1; slotMachine.gotoAndPlay(2); newText("It took the token... but it seems stuck! Doesn't stop!"); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 5){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "doorClub"){ newText("This is the nightclub of the hotel... yeah..."); changeLoc(6); } else { if (_local2 == "liftbutton"){ newText("Hopefully the lift is safe... this is such a sloppy place!"); changeLoc(25); } else { if (_local2 == "doorGym"){ newText("This is supposed to be the gym, but there's um, not much to do."); changeLoc(4); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 4){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "bars"){ newText("Ehm, I used those as a little girl, probably am not very good anymore."); } else { if (_local2 == "rings"){ newText("Eep... They should close this hotel. For safety reasons!"); } else { if (_local2 == "horse"){ newText("No way I'm going to be using that!"); } else { if (_local2 == "weights"){ newText("Way too heavy for me. I can't lift that."); } else { if (_local2 == "guy"){ newText("Is that guy guarding the door to the roof? Why..."); } else { if (_local2 == "sign"){ newText("They have a FOREST on the roof... !?"); } else { if (_local2 == "btnBack"){ newText("Hopefully this is a really CHEAP hotel, it's very crappy."); changeLoc(5); } else { if (_local2 == "stairsUp"){ if ( == 3){ changeLoc(23); newText("Sigh. Why did I think the roof would be interesting at all here?"); } else { if ( == 2){ showSpeech("Guy: Hey! What is this about? Haven't they told you downstairs we don't want any police up here?\nJen: I need to have a look upstairs!\nGuy: Do you have a search warrant? No? Then you're not welcome here. Now shush!"); newText("Oops, I forgot, they don't like police here. Suspicious enough!"); } else { showSpeech("Sorry, ma'am, you're not allowed to the ROOF SPA without a swimsuit."); newText("Buggers. Dress code for the roof..."); }; }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 6){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "dancer"){ if (dancer.currentFrame == 3){ newText("It is a pole. On a rather small stage. Tacky place."); } else { if (dancer.currentFrame == 2){ newText("An erotic dancer. I stripped her nude by buying her swimsuit."); } else { newText("It is an erotic dancer, hugging a pole. Not one of the missing women."); }; }; } else { if (_local2 == "btnReturn"){ newText("Pff... All I can say, this is not my choice of hotel!"); changeLoc(5); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 19)) && ((_local2 == "dancer")))){ showSpeech("Dancer: What's that for?\nJen: I want to take a swim, I could use a swimsuit...\nDancer: Hahaha... for THAT worthless token? Forget it!"); newText("Hm."); } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 13)) && ((_local2 == "dancer")))){ showSpeech("Jen: Miss, I need your swimsuit! I want you to undress for me.\nDancer: Yeah? Can you pay? I'm not stripping for free, you know!\nJen: Here, this should cover it."); newText("That was way overpriced for a swimsuit... but I need it."); removeItemFromSlot(13); myUi.sprCash.x = -1000; myUi.sprCash.alpha = 0; tmpX = putItemToSlot(3); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprSwimsuit.x = tmpX; myUi.sprSwimsuit.alpha = 1; }; bDancerNude = true; dancer.gotoAndStop(2); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 23){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "btnBack"){ newText("Back in the gym again... with its useless stuff."); changeLoc(4); } else { if (_local2 == "btnPool"){ newText("Ah, the pool is nice and cool. Unfortunately I'm at work and not holiday."); changeLoc(26); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 26){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "btnBack"){ newText("That was a great swim! But now back to work!"); changeLoc(23); } else { if (_local2 == "btnForest"){ newText("So... this is the forest, hm? Why have a forest on the roof?"); changeLoc(3); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 3){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "btnBack"){ newText("Back in the cool water. I could swim all day..."); changeLoc(26); } else { if (_local2 == "tree"){ newText("Oh my. But these are PLASTIC trees. It's a fake forest on a roof!"); } else { if (_local2 == "theX"){ if (bHangmanSolved == false){ newText("Oh my. But these are PLASTIC trees. It's a fake forest on a roof!"); } else { if (theX.currentFrame == 1){ newText("X marks the spot. By the Queen, the tree can open here. There's something inside."); theX.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (theX.currentFrame == 2){ newText("My my... a crowbar? That's John Doe's most beloved posession?"); theX.gotoAndStop(3); bCrowBarTaken = true; tmpX = putItemToSlot(16); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprCrowbar.x = tmpX; myUi.sprCrowbar.alpha = 1; }; }; }; }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; } else { randomDenyReply(); currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 19){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (iPhase == 8){ bMoviePlaying = false; blackScreen.y = 0; afterDark = 100; newText("Suddenly everything went black and when I woke up... I was robbed, bound, and..."); removeItemFromSlot(11); removeItemFromSlot(15); removeItemFromSlot(16); removeItemFromSlot(9); myUi.sprFeather.x = -1000; myUi.sprFeather.alpha = 0; myUi.sprFlashlight.x = -500; myUi.sprCrowbar.x = -500; myUi.sprNote.x = -500; myUi.sprScrew.x = -500; myUi.sprFlashlight.alpha = 0; myUi.sprCrowbar.alpha = 0; myUi.sprNote.alpha = 0; myUi.sprScrew.alpha = 0; iPhase = 9; gotoAndStop(24); } else { if (_local2 == "doorPrison"){ newText("No, I don't want to go back into that stone prison..."); } else { if (_local2 == "handGrate"){ newText("I can't do anything for her as long as that torturer is there."); } else { if (_local2 == "bigFeatherBig"){ if (iPhase == 11){ newText("I can't reach it without alarming the torturer!"); } else { if (iPhase == 12){ jenStanding.alpha = 0; myUi.alpha = 0; gotoAndStop(27); }; }; } else { if (_local2 == "doorNo"){ if (iPhase == 11){ newText("I can't reach the door without the torturer noticing."); } else { newText("Leaving now would raise suspicion. Not to mention it's pitch dark there."); }; } else { if ((((_local2 == "girl1")) || ((_local2 == "girl2")))){ newText("She's being tickled senseless... She is one of the missing women. I have to do something."); } else { if (_local2 == "crate"){ if (crateState == 0){ newText("Hm... what do we have here... there's a suit in this crate."); sexySuit.x = 106.35; sexySuit.y = 474; sexySuit.alpha = 1; crate.gotoAndStop(2); crateState = 1; } else { newText("I don't see anything else interesting in here."); }; } else { if (_local2 == "sexySuit"){ newText("ehhrr... I wasn't expecting this... but... maybe it'll do..."); showSpeech("Torturer: Ah, Mistress Miranda, is that you? About time. These ladies need your treatment!\nJen: Eh, yes... yes it is me. I will grab that feather right away and get to work!\nTorturer: You better. You know we need to get these ones ready before the night falls!"); sexySuit.alpha = 0; sexySuit.x = -1000;; = 1; jenStanding.x = 114; jenStanding.y = 374; jenHiding.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenStanding.alpha = 1; iPhase = 12; } else { if (_local2 == ""){ newText(""); } else { if (_local2 == ""){ newText(""); } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 17)) && ((_local2 == "torturer")))){ newText("No way. He's much stronger than I am. I need to be smart."); } else { randomDenyReply(); }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 2){ if (_local2 == "btnProceed"){ if (comicPanel == 1){ comicPanel = 2; hide2.alpha = 0; } else { if (comicPanel == 2){ comicPanel = 3; hide3.alpha = 0; } else { if (comicPanel == 3){ comicPanel = 4; hide4.alpha = 0; } else { comicPanel = 5; myUi.alpha = 1; gotoAndStop(22); }; }; }; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 27){ if (_local2 == "btnProceed"){ if (comicPanel == 5){ comicPanel = 6; hide5.alpha = 0; } else { if (comicPanel == 6){ comicPanel = 7; hide6.alpha = 0; btnProceed.alpha = 0; btnProceed.x = 1000; theEndText.alpha = 1; }; }; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 24){ if (bUsingObject == false){ if (_local2 == "swimsuit"){ newText("With some struggle... ugh-hahaha- I can take off my - hahaha swimsuit..."); jenBound.swimsuit.x = -1000; jenBound.swimsuit.alpha = 0; swimGround.x = 461; swimGround.y = 475; swimGround.alpha = 1; } else { if (_local2 == "swimGround"){ newText("Hahaha - I picked up the swimsuit - hahaha! But what now? Haha- I'm dying of laughter!"); swimGround.alpha = 0; swimGround.x = -1000; tmpX = putItemToSlot(3); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprSwimsuit.x = tmpX; myUi.sprSwimsuit.alpha = 1; }; } else { if (_local2 == "swimWall"){ newText("No, I don't want to pull it out again. Leave those ants in there!"); } else { if (_local2 == "lastDoor"){ if (iPhase < 10){ newText("I can't - hahaha -haha - reach the - hahaha - door!"); } else { if (iPhase < 11){ newText("I can't reach the door. I'm bound!"); } else { newText("Eep... How will I get out of here unnoticed?"); changeLoc(19); }; }; } else { if (_local2 == "mouseHole"){ newText("Those ants keep hahaha coming through hahaha the mouse hole! hahaha!"); } else { if (_local2 == "knot"){ if (iPhase < 10){ newText("I can't hahaha untie that rope, hahaha - while tickled - hahaha!"); } else { newText("Now that I could concentrate, that knot was untied in no-time. But I'm still trapped..."); iPhase = 11; jenBound.x = -1000; jenBound.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = 313; jenStanding.y = 349; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; = 0; jenStanding.alpha = 1; tmpX = putItemToSlot(17); if (tmpX != -500){ myUi.sprRope.x = tmpX; myUi.sprRope.alpha = 1; }; }; } else { checkObject(_local2); }; }; }; }; }; }; } else { if ((((currentItemSelected == 3)) && ((_local2 == "mouseHole")))){ newText("Phew, stuffing the mousehole with my swimsuit helped. Now I can at least breathe again."); removeItemFromSlot(3); myUi.sprSwimsuit.x = -500; myUi.sprSwimsuit.alpha = 0; swimWall.x = 488.5; swimWall.y = 421.25; swimWall.alpha = 1; jenBound.jenBody.gotoAndStop(8); iPhase = 10; } else { randomDenyReply(); }; currentItemSelected = 0; changeMouse(false); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function putSpriteOrder():void{ setChildIndex(jenStanding, (numChildren - 1)); setChildIndex(jenSitting, (numChildren - 1)); setChildIndex(speech, (numChildren - 1)); setChildIndex(bigNote, (numChildren - 1)); setChildIndex(blackScreen, (numChildren - 1)); setChildIndex(myUi, (numChildren - 1)); setChildIndex(mouseCursor2, (numChildren - 1)); } public function changeLoc(_arg1:uint){ bMoviePlaying = false; blackScreen.y = 0; gotoAndStop(_arg1); afterDark = 3; } public function typeText():void{ var _local1:*; if (currentFrame == 10){ doMovie(); }; if ((((iPhase == 11)) && ((currentFrame == 19)))){ torturer.ftr1.rotation = (-5 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 11))); torturer.ftr2.rotation = (-5 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 11))); }; if (resepTkCountDown > 0){ jenTkl.featherHand.rotation = (-5 + Math.floor((Math.random() * 11))); resepTkCountDown--; }; if (resepTkCountDown == 1){ resep.gotoAndStop(3); jenTkl.alpha = 0; jenTkl.y = 550; jenStanding.alpha = 1; showSpeech(""); }; if (textBuffer.length > 0){ _local1 = (myUi.txt.text + textBuffer.charAt(0)); myUi.txt.text = _local1; textBuffer = textBuffer.substring(1); }; if (afterDark > 0){ afterDark--; if (afterDark == 0){ if (currentFrame == 2){ } else { if (currentFrame == 3){ if (bCrowBarTaken == true){ theX.gotoAndStop(3); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 4){ } else { if (currentFrame == 5){ } else { if (currentFrame == 6){ if ( == 2){ dancer.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (bDancerNude == true){ dancer.gotoAndStop(2); }; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 7){ if (myUi.sprFlashlight.x > 450){ flashItem.x = 128; flashItem.y = 280; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 8){ } else { if (currentFrame == 9){ if (cashState == 1){ slotMachine.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (cashState == 1){ slotMachine.gotoAndStop(10); }; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 10){ bMoviePlaying = true; } else { if (currentFrame == 11){ } else { if (currentFrame == 12){ } else { if (currentFrame == 13){ if (bTicketGone == true){ ticket.y = -100; }; if ( == 1){ clot1.x = -1000; } else { clot1.x = 74.2; }; if ( == 2){ clot2.x = -1000; } else { clot2.x = 154.3; }; if (((!(( == 3))) && ((bSwimsuitInRoom == true)))){ clot3.x = 140; clot3.y = 319; clot3.alpha = 1; } else { clot3.x = -500; clot3.alpha = 0; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 14){ } else { if (currentFrame == 15){ if (bNotePresent == false){ johnDoe.note.alpha = 0; johnDoe.note.x = -100; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 16){ if (resepState == 1){ resep.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (resepState == 2){ resep.gotoAndStop(3); }; }; if (bSpareKeysTaken == true){ wallkeys.x = -100; wallkeys.alpha = 0; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 17){ if ((((bBreadServed == true)) || ((bForkOnTable == true)))){ plate.x = 553; plate.y = 356; }; if (bBreadServed == true){ bread.x = 554; bread.y = 351; }; if (bForkOnTable == true){ fork.x = 519; fork.y = 365; }; if ( == 3){ jenRestaurant.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = 240; jenStanding.y = 330; jenStanding.alpha = 1; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 18){ if (iPhase > 4){ cook.y = -500; cook.alpha = 0; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 19){ if (iPhase == 8){ jenHiding.alpha = 0; torturer.alpha = 0; } else { if (iPhase == 11){ jenStanding.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = -1000; feet1.gotoAndPlay(2); feet2.gotoAndPlay(2); face1.gotoAndPlay(2); face2.gotoAndPlay(2); }; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 20){ if (bScrewDriverOnBarrel == true){ flashBeam.screwDriver.x = -125.2; flashBeam.screwDriver.y = -93.7; flashBeam.screwDriver.alpha = 1; }; if (bGrateDoorOpen == true){ flashBeam.grateDoor.gotoAndStop(2); }; } else { if (currentFrame == 21){ } else { if (currentFrame == 22){ if (bKeyAtPond == true){ small308.x = 570; small308.y = 546; }; if (bFeatherAtPond == true){ feather.x = 325; feather.y = 520; }; } else { if (currentFrame == 23){ } else { if (currentFrame == 24){ } else { if (currentFrame == 25){ if (liftState == 1){ liftcover.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (liftState == 2){ liftcover.gotoAndStop(3); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; blackScreen.y = -900; }; }; } public function newText(_arg1:String):void{ textBuffer = ""; myUi.txt.text = ""; textBuffer = _arg1; } public function customMouseCursor2(_arg1:Event){ if (bUsingObject == true){ mouseCursor2.x = stage.mouseX; mouseCursor2.y = stage.mouseY; }; } public function changeMouse(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 == true){ mouseCursor2.alpha = 1; Mouse.hide(); bUsingObject = true; mouseCursor2.mouseEnabled = false; } else { mouseCursor2.x = -100; mouseCursor2.alpha = 0;; bUsingObject = false; mouseCursor2.mouseEnabled = true; }; } public function doMovie():void{ movie_speedcount--; if (movie_speedcount < 0){ movie_speedcount = 4; }; if (movie_speedcount == 0){ movie_scenecount--; if (movie_scenecount == 0){ movie_scenecount = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 10)) + 20); movie_frame = Math.floor((Math.random() * 30)); }; if (bMoviePlaying == true){ movie_frame++; if (movie_frame == 3){ movie_frame = 1; overlay.subText.text = "Ich glaube es nicht!"; }; if (movie_frame == 5){ movie_frame = 3; overlay.subText.text = "Aber ich bin der Osterhase!"; }; if (movie_frame == 7){ movie_frame = 5; overlay.subText.text = "Sie sind nur das Mädchen nebenan!"; }; if (movie_frame == 11){ movie_frame = 7; overlay.subText.text = "Jaaa?"; }; if (movie_frame == 9){ overlay.subText.text = " Jaa!"; }; if (movie_frame == 13){ movie_frame = 11; overlay.subText.text = "Ich muss gehen! - Die Eier verstecken!"; }; if (movie_frame == 15){ movie_frame = 13; overlay.subText.text = "Die Feder spricht immer die Wahrheit!"; }; if (movie_frame == 17){ movie_frame = 15; overlay.subText.text = "Diese schönen FüBe sind keine Pfoten!"; }; if (movie_frame == 19){ movie_frame = 17; overlay.subText.text = "HAHAHA - aufhören! - HAHAHAHA!"; }; if (movie_frame == 23){ movie_frame = 19; overlay.subText.text = "Aufhören, HAHAHA - Bitte! Haha-hilfe!"; }; if (movie_frame == 25){ movie_frame = 23; overlay.subText.text = "Nicht kitzeln, nicht der Feder! Bitte!"; }; if (movie_frame == 29){ movie_frame = 25; overlay.subText.text = "Hahaha! Ich bin der Osterhase, haha - Wirklich!"; }; if (movie_frame == 31){ movie_frame = 29; overlay.subText.text = "Sie sind FAKE, bist du nicht? -- Nein!"; }; movie_speedcount = 2; b_movie.gotoAndStop(movie_frame); b_movie.y = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 21)) + 194); }; }; } public function showSpeech(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == ""){ speech.x = 400; speech.y = -100; speech.alpha = 0; speech.speechText.text = ""; } else { speech.x = 400; speech.y = 50; speech.speechText.text = _arg1; speech.alpha = 1; }; } public function checkObject(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == "sprClothes1"){ if ((((currentFrame == 22)) && ((iPhase == 0)))){ if (myUi.sprClothes1.currentFrame == 1){ if (bReceptionistHasComplained == false){ newText("I don't want to unpack now. I should go inside and get to work."); } else { newText("Good thing I took these holiday clothes with me, I will need them."); myUi.sprClothes1.gotoAndStop(2); }; } else { newText("I don't like to change out in the open, but I have little choice now..."); currentClothing = 1;;; myUi.sprClothes1.alpha = 0; myUi.sprClothes1.x = -100; myUi.sprClothes2.alpha = 1; tmpX = putItemToSlot(2); myUi.sprClothes2.x = tmpX; }; } else { if (myUi.sprClothes1.currentFrame == 1){ newText("I don't want to unpack this here in front of her..."); } else { newText("I don't want to change clothes here. Someone may see me!"); }; }; } else { if (_arg1 == "sprClothes2"){ newText("I don't want to change here out in the open again. Once was enough!"); }; }; } public function putItemToSlot(_arg1:uint):Number{ var _local2:* = -372; var _local3:* = 44; if (slot1 == 0){ slot1 = _arg1; return (_local2); }; if (slot2 == 0){ slot2 = _arg1; return ((_local2 + (_local3 * 1))); }; if (slot3 == 0){ slot3 = _arg1; return ((_local2 + (_local3 * 2))); }; if (slot4 == 0){ slot4 = _arg1; return ((_local2 + (_local3 * 3))); }; if (slot5 == 0){ slot5 = _arg1; return ((_local2 + (_local3 * 4))); }; if (slot6 == 0){ slot6 = _arg1; return ((_local2 + (_local3 * 5))); }; if (slot7 == 0){ slot7 = _arg1; return ((_local2 + (_local3 * 6))); }; return (-500); } public function removeItemFromSlot(_arg1:uint):void{ if (slot1 == _arg1){ slot1 = 0; } else { if (slot2 == _arg1){ slot2 = 0; } else { if (slot3 == _arg1){ slot3 = 0; } else { if (slot4 == _arg1){ slot4 = 0; } else { if (slot5 == _arg1){ slot5 = 0; } else { if (slot6 == _arg1){ slot6 = 0; } else { if (slot7 == _arg1){ slot7 = 0; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function randomDenyReply():void{ var _local1:* = Math.floor((Math.random() * 20)); if (_local1 == 0){ newText("I don't want to put that there."); } else { if (_local1 == 1){ newText("This doesn't sound like a good idea."); } else { if (_local1 == 2){ newText("That doesn't accomplish anything."); } else { if (_local1 == 3){ newText("Are you nuts? I won't do that!"); } else { if (_local1 == 4){ newText("This seems like a bad idea."); } else { if (_local1 == 5){ newText("Nope, it has no effect."); } else { if (_local1 == 6){ newText("I don't know why I would want to do that."); } else { if (_local1 == 7){ newText("This isn't a good idea. Really!"); } else { if (_local1 == 8){ newText("I'm not sure I want to try that..."); } else { if (_local1 == 9){ newText("Maybe I should try something else."); } else { if (_local1 == 10){ newText("I will find a better use for this item."); } else { if (_local1 == 11){ newText("It doesn't do anything."); } else { if (_local1 == 12){ newText("That just doesn't make any sense."); } else { if (_local1 == 13){ newText("These two things don't go that well together."); } else { if (_local1 == 14){ newText("Nope."); } else { if (_local1 == 15){ newText("I don't think that would help me in this situation."); } else { if (_local1 == 16){ newText("I am wasting my time. This doesn't help."); } else { if (_local1 == 17){ newText("There must be another way to get this done."); } else { if (_local1 == 18){ newText("It was worth a try, but it doesn't help me."); } else { newText("I don't want to do that."); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function hangmanGame(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:* = false; if (hangmanLettersFound < 11){ if (_arg1 == "aa"){ if (bigNote.aa.alpha == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; bigNote.aa.alpha = 0.1; bigNote.let3.letterVal.text = "A"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "bb"){ = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "cc"){ = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "dd"){ bigNote.dd.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "ee"){ if ( == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; = 0.1; bigNote.let9.letterVal.text = "E"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "ff"){ bigNote.ff.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "gg"){ = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "hh"){ if (bigNote.hh.alpha == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; bigNote.hh.alpha = 0.1; bigNote.let8.letterVal.text = "H"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "ii"){ bigNote.ii.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "jj"){ bigNote.jj.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "kk"){ if (bigNote.kk.alpha == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; bigNote.kk.alpha = 0.1; bigNote.let5.letterVal.text = "K"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "ll"){ bigNote.ll.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "mm"){ if ( == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; = 0.1; bigNote.let2.letterVal.text = "M"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "nn"){ bigNote.nn.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "oo"){ if (bigNote.oo.alpha == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; bigNote.oo.alpha = 0.1; bigNote.let12.letterVal.text = "O"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "pp"){ if (bigNote.pp.alpha == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; bigNote.pp.alpha = 0.1; bigNote.let11.letterVal.text = "P"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "qq"){ bigNote.qq.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "rr"){ if (bigNote.rr.alpha == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; bigNote.rr.alpha = 0.1; bigNote.let4.letterVal.text = "R"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "ss"){ if ( == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; = 0.1; bigNote.let6.letterVal.text = "S"; bigNote.let10.letterVal.text = "S"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "tt"){ if ( == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; = 0.1; bigNote.let7.letterVal.text = "T"; bigNote.let13.letterVal.text = "T"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "uu"){ bigNote.uu.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "vv"){ bigNote.vv.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "ww"){ bigNote.ww.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "xx"){ if (bigNote.xx.alpha == 1){ hangmanLettersFound++; }; bigNote.xx.alpha = 0.1; bigNote.let1.letterVal.text = "X"; _local2 = true; } else { if (_arg1 == "yy"){ bigNote.yy.alpha = 0.1; } else { if (_arg1 == "zz"){ bigNote.zz.alpha = 0.1; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; if (_local2 == false){ hangmanGalgState++; bigNote.galg.gotoAndStop(hangmanGalgState); }; if (hangmanLettersFound == 11){ bHangmanSolved = true; iPhase = 8; }; if (hangmanGalgState == 10){ bigNote.btnReset.x = -5.4; bigNote.btnReset.y = 218.3; bigNote.btnReset.alpha = 1; }; }; } public function hangManReset(){ hangmanGalgState = 1; hangmanLettersFound = 0; bigNote.galg.gotoAndStop(1); bigNote.let1.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let2.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let3.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let4.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let5.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let6.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let7.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let8.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let9.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let10.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let11.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let12.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.let13.letterVal.text = "?"; bigNote.aa.alpha = 1; = 1; = 1; bigNote.dd.alpha = 1; = 1; bigNote.ff.alpha = 1; = 1; bigNote.hh.alpha = 1; bigNote.ii.alpha = 1; bigNote.jj.alpha = 1; bigNote.kk.alpha = 1; bigNote.ll.alpha = 1; = 1; bigNote.nn.alpha = 1; bigNote.oo.alpha = 1; bigNote.pp.alpha = 1; bigNote.qq.alpha = 1; bigNote.rr.alpha = 1; = 1; = 1; bigNote.uu.alpha = 1; bigNote.vv.alpha = 1; bigNote.ww.alpha = 1; bigNote.xx.alpha = 1; bigNote.yy.alpha = 1; bigNote.zz.alpha = 1; bigNote.btnReset.alpha = 0; bigNote.btnReset.y = -500; } public function checkClickingItem(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if ((((((((((_arg1 == "aa")) || ((_arg1 == "bb")))) || ((_arg1 == "cc")))) || ((_arg1 == "dd")))) || ((_arg1 == "ee")))){ hangmanGame(_arg1); }; if ((((((((((_arg1 == "ff")) || ((_arg1 == "gg")))) || ((_arg1 == "hh")))) || ((_arg1 == "ii")))) || ((_arg1 == "jj")))){ hangmanGame(_arg1); }; if ((((((((((_arg1 == "kk")) || ((_arg1 == "ll")))) || ((_arg1 == "mm")))) || ((_arg1 == "nn")))) || ((_arg1 == "oo")))){ hangmanGame(_arg1); }; if ((((((((((_arg1 == "pp")) || ((_arg1 == "qq")))) || ((_arg1 == "rr")))) || ((_arg1 == "ss")))) || ((_arg1 == "tt")))){ hangmanGame(_arg1); }; if ((((((((((((_arg1 == "uu")) || ((_arg1 == "vv")))) || ((_arg1 == "ww")))) || ((_arg1 == "xx")))) || ((_arg1 == "yy")))) || ((_arg1 == "zz")))){ hangmanGame(_arg1); }; if (_arg1 == "btnReset"){ hangManReset(); }; if (_arg1 == "sprKey102"){ currentItemSelected = 4; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprKey308"){ currentItemSelected = 6; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprBread"){ currentItemSelected = 8; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprFork"){ currentItemSelected = 7; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprFeather"){ currentItemSelected = 9; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprScrew"){ currentItemSelected = 11; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprSpareKeys"){ currentItemSelected = 14; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprToken"){ currentItemSelected = 19; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprCash"){ currentItemSelected = 13; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprRope"){ currentItemSelected = 17; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprSwimsuit"){ if (currentFrame == 24){ currentItemSelected = 3; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; newText("I don't want to swap clothes here!"); return (false); //unresolved jump }; if (_arg1 == "sprNote"){ if (bigNote.alpha == 0){ bigNote.x = 400; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 1; } else { bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; }; return (false); } else { if (_arg1 == "sprFuse"){ currentItemSelected = 12; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; if (_arg1 == "sprCrowbar"){ currentItemSelected = 16; changeMouse(true); return (true); }; //unresolved if currentItemSelected = 5; }; true.changeMouse(!NULL!); return (true); return (false); } function frame1(){ stop(); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); } function frame2(){ stop(); textBuffer = ""; bUsingObject = false; currentClothing = 2; iPhase = 0; slot1 = 0; slot2 = 0; slot3 = 0; slot4 = 0; slot5 = 0; slot6 = 0; slot7 = 0; currentItemSelected = 0; currentFloor = 0; bLiftRepaired = false; bInspected103 = false; bInspected207 = false; bInspected308 = false; bInspectedCafe = false; bTicketGone = false; bNoDisturb = false; bBreadServed = false; bForkOnTable = false; bFeatherAtPond = false; bKeyAtPond = false; bWoodenDoorLocked = true; bScrewDriverOnBarrel = true; bGrateDoorOpen = false; bRadioHasFuse = true; liftState = 0; resepState = 0; resepTkCountDown = 0; bSpareKeysTaken = false; bNotePresent = true; hangmanGalgState = 1; hangmanLettersFound = 0; bHangmanSolved = false; bCoinInPants = true; cashState = 0; bDancerNude = false; bSwimsuitInRoom = false; bCrowBarTaken = false; crateState = 0; comicPanel = 1; bReceptionistHasComplained = false; bigNote = new bigNote1(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; addChild(bigNote); jenStanding = new jen1(); jenStanding.x = 322; jenStanding.y = 430;; jenStanding.alpha = 0; addChild(jenStanding); jenSitting = new jen2(); jenSitting.x = -100; jenSitting.y = -100; jenSitting.gotoAndStop(2); jenSitting.alpha = 0; addChild(jenSitting); speech = new speechb(); speech.x = 400; speech.y = -100; speech.alpha = 0; addChild(speech); blackScreen = new bs(); blackScreen.x = 0; blackScreen.y = -900; addChild(blackScreen); myUi = new ui(); myUi.x = 400; myUi.y = 575; myUi.txt.text = "I arrived at the Hotel..."; myUi.alpha = 0; addChild(myUi); addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseClicked); myInterval = setInterval(typeText, 50); tmpX = 0; bMoviePlaying = false; afterDark = 0; mouseCursor2 = new cursor2(); mouseCursor2.x = -100; mouseCursor2.y = -100; mouseCursor2.alpha = 0; addChild(mouseCursor2); movie_speedcount = 2; movie_frame = 1; movie_scenecount = 14; mouseCursor2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, customMouseCursor2); } function frame3(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 90; jenStanding.y = 373; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame4(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = 650; jenStanding.y = 327; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame5(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = 220; jenStanding.y = 300; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame6(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = 99; jenStanding.y = 404; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame7(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 380; jenStanding.y = 300; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame8(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = 220; jenStanding.y = 300; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame9(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = 233; jenStanding.y = 396; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame10(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = -100; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 0; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame11(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = 220; jenStanding.y = 300; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame12(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 0; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame13(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 380; jenStanding.y = 300; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); if (myUi.sprClothes2.alpha == 1){ removeItemFromSlot(2); myUi.sprClothes2.x = -1000; myUi.sprClothes2.alpha = 0; }; } function frame14(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = 220; jenStanding.y = 300; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame15(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 575; jenStanding.y = 375; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame16(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 222; jenStanding.y = 440; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame17(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenStanding.x = -100; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 0; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame18(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 230; jenStanding.y = 335; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame19(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 695; jenStanding.y = 350; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame20(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 0; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame21(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 634; jenStanding.y = 0x0101; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame22(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 372; jenStanding.y = 430; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame23(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 560; jenStanding.y = 400; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame24(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 0; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame25(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = 318; jenStanding.y = 370; jenStanding.alpha = 1; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = 1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } function frame26(){ stop(); bigNote.x = -1000; bigNote.y = 275; bigNote.alpha = 0; jenSitting.x = -100; jenStanding.x = -100; jenStanding.alpha = 0; jenSitting.alpha = 0; jenStanding.scaleX = -1; jenSitting.scaleX = 1; putSpriteOrder(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 16
//receptionist_55 (TheHotel_fla.receptionist_55) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class receptionist_55 extends MovieClip { public function receptionist_55(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 7, frame8); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame8(){ gotoAndPlay(4); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 17
//slotMachine_29 (TheHotel_fla.slotMachine_29) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class slotMachine_29 extends MovieClip { public function slotMachine_29(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 8, frame9); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame9(){ gotoAndPlay(2); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 18
//theX_9 (TheHotel_fla.theX_9) package TheHotel_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class theX_9 extends MovieClip { public function theX_9(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package TheHotel_fla
Section 19
//bigNote1 (bigNote1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bigNote1 extends MovieClip { public var xx:MovieClip; public var pp:MovieClip; public var ii:MovieClip; public var hh:MovieClip; public var aa:MovieClip; public var let9:MovieClip; public var yy:MovieClip; public var qq:MovieClip; public var zz:MovieClip; public var rr:MovieClip; public var kk:MovieClip; public var jj:MovieClip; public var cc:MovieClip; public var bb:MovieClip; public var ss:MovieClip; public var let10:MovieClip; public var tt:MovieClip; public var mm:MovieClip; public var ll:MovieClip; public var ee:MovieClip; public var dd:MovieClip; public var let11:MovieClip; public var galg:MovieClip; public var let12:MovieClip; public var let1:MovieClip; public var btnReset:MovieClip; public var uu:MovieClip; public var let13:MovieClip; public var let2:MovieClip; public var let3:MovieClip; public var vv:MovieClip; public var oo:MovieClip; public var nn:MovieClip; public var gg:MovieClip; public var ff:MovieClip; public var let4:MovieClip; public var let5:MovieClip; public var ww:MovieClip; public var let6:MovieClip; public var let7:MovieClip; public var let8:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 20
//bs (bs) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bs extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 21
//cursor2 (cursor2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cursor2 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 22
//introLogo (introLogo) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class introLogo extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 23
//jen1 (jen1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class jen1 extends MovieClip { public var jenBody:MovieClip; public var clothing:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 24
//jen2 (jen2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class jen2 extends MovieClip { public var clothing:MovieClip; } }//package
Section 25
//movie_mc (movie_mc) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class movie_mc extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 26
//sClothes1 (sClothes1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class sClothes1 extends MovieClip { public function sClothes1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 27
//speechb (speechb) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class speechb extends MovieClip { public var speechText:TextField; } }//package
Section 28
//ui (ui) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class ui extends MovieClip { public var sprCash:MovieClip; public var txt:TextField; public var sprFeather:MovieClip; public var sprKey308:MovieClip; public var strRope:MovieClip; public var sprLunch:MovieClip; public var sprCrowbar:MovieClip; public var sprSwimsuit:MovieClip; public var sprToken:MovieClip; public var sprClothes2:MovieClip; public var sprFork:MovieClip; public var sprFlashlight:MovieClip; public var sprSpareKeys:MovieClip; public var sprClothes1:sClothes1; public var sprFuse:MovieClip; public var sprBread:MovieClip; public var sprNote:MovieClip; public var sprScrew:MovieClip; public var sprKey102:MovieClip; } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 FontUsed by:3 4 5 6 7 13 23
Symbol 3 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 4 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 5 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 6 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 8 FontUsed by:9 10 14 18 20 28 31 40 55 75 81 90 92 104 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 171 191 192 193 207 210 212 215 223 231 232 233 236 237 340 341 343 345 366 367 369 371 378 382 406 407 409 410 487 488 489 490 491 503 506 530 536 538 540 543 545
Symbol 9 TextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 10 TextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 BitmapUsed by:12
Symbol 12 GraphicUses:11Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 TextUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClip {movie_mc}Uses:15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 18 TextUses:8Used by:21
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 20 TextUses:8Used by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.btnIntroStart_2}Uses:17 18 19 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 23 EditableTextUses:2Used by:65
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClip {sClothes1}Uses:24 25Used by:65
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 28 EditableTextUses:8Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:27 28Used by:65
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 31 EditableTextUses:8Used by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:30 31Used by:65
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:33Used by:65
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClipUses:35Used by:65
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:37Used by:65
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 40 EditableTextUses:8Used by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:39 40Used by:65
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:65
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:44Used by:65
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:46Used by:65
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClipUses:48Used by:65
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:50Used by:65
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:52Used by:65
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 55 EditableTextUses:8Used by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:54 55Used by:65
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:57Used by:65
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 60 MovieClipUses:59Used by:65
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:62
Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:61Used by:65
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClipUses:63Used by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui}Uses:22 23 26 29 32 34 36 38 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 56 58 60 62 64
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClipUses:66Used by:73
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.clothing1_160}Uses:68 69 70 71Used by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClip {jen1}Uses:67 72
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 75 EditableTextUses:8Used by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClip {speechb}Uses:74 75
Symbol 77 BitmapUsed by:78
Symbol 78 GraphicUses:77Used by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClip {introLogo}Uses:78
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:84
Symbol 81 EditableTextUses:8Used by:84
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClipUses:82Used by:84
Symbol 84 MovieClip {cursor2}Uses:80 81 83
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:86  Timeline
Symbol 86 MovieClip {bs}Uses:85
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:162
Symbol 88 FontUsed by:89 160 507 508 554
Symbol 89 TextUses:88Used by:162
Symbol 90 EditableTextUses:8Used by:162
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 92 EditableTextUses:8Used by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:91 92Used by:162
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:105
Symbol 104 EditableTextUses:8Used by:105
Symbol 105 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.galg_124}Uses:94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104Used by:162
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158
Symbol 107 EditableTextUses:8Used by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:106 107Used by:162
Symbol 109 EditableTextUses:8Used by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:106 109Used by:162
Symbol 111 EditableTextUses:8Used by:112
Symbol 112 MovieClipUses:106 111Used by:162
Symbol 113 EditableTextUses:8Used by:114
Symbol 114 MovieClipUses:106 113Used by:162
Symbol 115 EditableTextUses:8Used by:116
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:106 115Used by:162
Symbol 117 EditableTextUses:8Used by:118
Symbol 118 MovieClipUses:106 117Used by:162
Symbol 119 EditableTextUses:8Used by:120
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:106 119Used by:162
Symbol 121 EditableTextUses:8Used by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:106 121Used by:162
Symbol 123 EditableTextUses:8Used by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClipUses:106 123Used by:162
Symbol 125 EditableTextUses:8Used by:126
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:106 125Used by:162
Symbol 127 EditableTextUses:8Used by:128
Symbol 128 MovieClipUses:106 127Used by:162
Symbol 129 EditableTextUses:8Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:106 129Used by:162
Symbol 131 EditableTextUses:8Used by:132
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:106 131Used by:162
Symbol 133 EditableTextUses:8Used by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:106 133Used by:162
Symbol 135 EditableTextUses:8Used by:136
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:106 135Used by:162
Symbol 137 EditableTextUses:8Used by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:106 137Used by:162
Symbol 139 EditableTextUses:8Used by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:106 139Used by:162
Symbol 141 EditableTextUses:8Used by:142
Symbol 142 MovieClipUses:106 141Used by:162
Symbol 143 EditableTextUses:8Used by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClipUses:106 143Used by:162
Symbol 145 EditableTextUses:8Used by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:106 145Used by:162
Symbol 147 EditableTextUses:8Used by:148
Symbol 148 MovieClipUses:106 147Used by:162
Symbol 149 EditableTextUses:8Used by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:106 149Used by:162
Symbol 151 EditableTextUses:8Used by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:106 151Used by:162
Symbol 153 EditableTextUses:8Used by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClipUses:106 153Used by:162
Symbol 155 EditableTextUses:8Used by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClipUses:106 155Used by:162
Symbol 157 EditableTextUses:8Used by:158
Symbol 158 MovieClipUses:106 157Used by:162
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 160 EditableTextUses:88Used by:161
Symbol 161 MovieClipUses:159 160Used by:162
Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1}Uses:87 89 90 93 105 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 161
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClipUses:163Used by:168
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167
Symbol 167 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.clothing2_64}Uses:165 166Used by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClip {jen2}Uses:164 167Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 BitmapUsed by:170
Symbol 170 GraphicUses:169Used by:Timeline
Symbol 171 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClipUses:173Used by:Timeline
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176 177 178 552 553
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Symbol 177 MovieClipUses:175Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 MovieClipUses:175Used by:Timeline
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:180Used by:Timeline
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:183
Symbol 183 MovieClipUses:182Used by:Timeline
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:187
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:187
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:187
Symbol 187 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.theX_9}Uses:184 185 186Used by:Timeline
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:190
Symbol 190 MovieClipUses:189Used by:Timeline
Symbol 191 TextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 192 TextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 193 TextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 194 GraphicUsed by:195
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:194Used by:Timeline
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:197
Symbol 197 MovieClipUses:196Used by:Timeline
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:199
Symbol 199 MovieClipUses:198Used by:Timeline
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:201
Symbol 201 MovieClipUses:200Used by:Timeline
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:203
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:202Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 205 MovieClipUses:204Used by:Timeline
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 207 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 208 GraphicUsed by:209
Symbol 209 MovieClipUses:208Used by:Timeline
Symbol 210 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:213 234 372
Symbol 212 EditableTextUses:8Used by:213
Symbol 213 MovieClipUses:211 212Used by:Timeline
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:216 346
Symbol 215 EditableTextUses:8Used by:216
Symbol 216 MovieClipUses:214 215Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:221
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:221
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:221
Symbol 221 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.dancer_20}Uses:218 219 220Used by:Timeline
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:224
Symbol 223 EditableTextUses:8Used by:224
Symbol 224 MovieClipUses:222 223Used by:Timeline
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClipUses:226Used by:Timeline
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:229
Symbol 229 MovieClipUses:228Used by:Timeline
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 231 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 232 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 233 EditableTextUses:8Used by:234
Symbol 234 MovieClipUses:211 233Used by:Timeline
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:238
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Symbol 237 EditableTextUses:8Used by:238
Symbol 238 MovieClipUses:235 236 237Used by:Timeline
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 240 FontUsed by:241 249 251 253 255 257 259 261 263 264 266 330 333
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Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:243
Symbol 243 MovieClipUses:242Used by:Timeline
Symbol 244 GraphicUsed by:245
Symbol 245 MovieClipUses:244Used by:Timeline
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 247 MovieClipUses:246Used by:Timeline
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 249 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 251 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 252 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 253 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 255 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 256 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 257 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 259 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 261 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 262 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 263 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 264 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:267
Symbol 266 EditableTextUses:240Used by:267
Symbol 267 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.slotMachine_29}Uses:248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266Used by:Timeline
Symbol 268 GraphicUsed by:269
Symbol 269 MovieClipUses:268Used by:Timeline
Symbol 270 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 271 BitmapUsed by:272
Symbol 272 GraphicUses:271Used by:327
Symbol 273 BitmapUsed by:274
Symbol 274 GraphicUses:273Used by:327
Symbol 275 BitmapUsed by:276
Symbol 276 GraphicUses:275Used by:327
Symbol 277 BitmapUsed by:278
Symbol 278 GraphicUses:277Used by:327
Symbol 279 BitmapUsed by:280
Symbol 280 GraphicUses:279Used by:327
Symbol 281 BitmapUsed by:282
Symbol 282 GraphicUses:281Used by:327
Symbol 283 BitmapUsed by:284
Symbol 284 GraphicUses:283Used by:327
Symbol 285 BitmapUsed by:286
Symbol 286 GraphicUses:285Used by:327
Symbol 287 BitmapUsed by:288
Symbol 288 GraphicUses:287Used by:327
Symbol 289 BitmapUsed by:290
Symbol 290 GraphicUses:289Used by:327
Symbol 291 BitmapUsed by:292
Symbol 292 GraphicUses:291Used by:327
Symbol 293 BitmapUsed by:294
Symbol 294 GraphicUses:293Used by:327
Symbol 295 BitmapUsed by:296
Symbol 296 GraphicUses:295Used by:327
Symbol 297 BitmapUsed by:298
Symbol 298 GraphicUses:297Used by:327
Symbol 299 BitmapUsed by:300
Symbol 300 GraphicUses:299Used by:327
Symbol 301 BitmapUsed by:302
Symbol 302 GraphicUses:301Used by:327
Symbol 303 BitmapUsed by:304
Symbol 304 GraphicUses:303Used by:327
Symbol 305 BitmapUsed by:306
Symbol 306 GraphicUses:305Used by:327
Symbol 307 BitmapUsed by:308
Symbol 308 GraphicUses:307Used by:327
Symbol 309 BitmapUsed by:310
Symbol 310 GraphicUses:309Used by:327
Symbol 311 BitmapUsed by:312
Symbol 312 GraphicUses:311Used by:327
Symbol 313 BitmapUsed by:314
Symbol 314 GraphicUses:313Used by:327
Symbol 315 BitmapUsed by:316
Symbol 316 GraphicUses:315Used by:327
Symbol 317 BitmapUsed by:318
Symbol 318 GraphicUses:317Used by:327
Symbol 319 BitmapUsed by:320
Symbol 320 GraphicUses:319Used by:327
Symbol 321 BitmapUsed by:322
Symbol 322 GraphicUses:321Used by:327
Symbol 323 BitmapUsed by:324
Symbol 324 GraphicUses:323Used by:327
Symbol 325 BitmapUsed by:326
Symbol 326 GraphicUses:325Used by:327
Symbol 327 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.b_movie_31}Uses:272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 310 312 314 316 318 320 322 324 326Used by:Timeline
Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:329
Symbol 329 MovieClipUses:328Used by:331
Symbol 330 EditableTextUses:240Used by:331
Symbol 331 MovieClipUses:329 330Used by:Timeline
Symbol 332 GraphicUsed by:334
Symbol 333 EditableTextUses:240Used by:334
Symbol 334 MovieClipUses:332 333Used by:Timeline
Symbol 335 GraphicUsed by:336
Symbol 336 MovieClipUses:335Used by:Timeline
Symbol 337 GraphicUsed by:338
Symbol 338 MovieClipUses:337Used by:Timeline
Symbol 339 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 340 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 341 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:344
Symbol 343 EditableTextUses:8Used by:344
Symbol 344 MovieClipUses:342 343Used by:Timeline
Symbol 345 EditableTextUses:8Used by:346
Symbol 346 MovieClipUses:214 345Used by:Timeline
Symbol 347 GraphicUsed by:348
Symbol 348 MovieClipUses:347Used by:Timeline
Symbol 349 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:351
Symbol 351 MovieClipUses:350Used by:Timeline
Symbol 352 GraphicUsed by:353
Symbol 353 MovieClipUses:352Used by:Timeline
Symbol 354 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 355 GraphicUsed by:356
Symbol 356 MovieClipUses:355Used by:Timeline
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:358
Symbol 358 MovieClipUses:357Used by:Timeline
Symbol 359 GraphicUsed by:360
Symbol 360 MovieClipUses:359Used by:Timeline
Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:362
Symbol 362 MovieClipUses:361Used by:Timeline
Symbol 363 GraphicUsed by:364
Symbol 364 MovieClipUses:363Used by:Timeline
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 366 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 367 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:370
Symbol 369 EditableTextUses:8Used by:370
Symbol 370 MovieClipUses:368 369Used by:Timeline
Symbol 371 EditableTextUses:8Used by:372
Symbol 372 MovieClipUses:211 371Used by:Timeline
Symbol 373 GraphicUsed by:376
Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:375
Symbol 375 MovieClipUses:374Used by:376
Symbol 376 MovieClipUses:373 375Used by:Timeline
Symbol 377 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 378 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 379 GraphicUsed by:380
Symbol 380 MovieClipUses:379Used by:Timeline
Symbol 381 GraphicUsed by:383
Symbol 382 EditableTextUses:8Used by:383
Symbol 383 MovieClipUses:381 382Used by:Timeline
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:385
Symbol 385 MovieClipUses:384Used by:Timeline
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:387
Symbol 387 MovieClipUses:386Used by:Timeline
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:395
Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:395
Symbol 391 GraphicUsed by:395
Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:395
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:395
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:395
Symbol 395 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.receptionist_55}Uses:389 390 391 392 393 394Used by:Timeline
Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:397
Symbol 397 MovieClipUses:396Used by:400
Symbol 398 GraphicUsed by:399
Symbol 399 MovieClipUses:398Used by:400
Symbol 400 MovieClipUses:397 399Used by:Timeline
Symbol 401 GraphicUsed by:402
Symbol 402 MovieClipUses:401Used by:Timeline
Symbol 403 GraphicUsed by:404
Symbol 404 MovieClipUses:403Used by:Timeline
Symbol 405 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 406 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 407 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 408 GraphicUsed by:411
Symbol 409 EditableTextUses:8Used by:411
Symbol 410 EditableTextUses:8Used by:411
Symbol 411 MovieClipUses:408 409 410Used by:Timeline
Symbol 412 GraphicUsed by:413
Symbol 413 MovieClipUses:412Used by:Timeline
Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClipUses:414Used by:Timeline
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:417
Symbol 417 MovieClipUses:416Used by:Timeline
Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:419
Symbol 419 MovieClipUses:418Used by:Timeline
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 421 GraphicUsed by:422
Symbol 422 MovieClipUses:421Used by:Timeline
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:424
Symbol 424 MovieClipUses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:426
Symbol 426 MovieClipUses:425Used by:Timeline
Symbol 427 GraphicUsed by:429
Symbol 428 GraphicUsed by:429
Symbol 429 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.cook_72}Uses:427 428Used by:Timeline
Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 431 GraphicUsed by:432
Symbol 432 MovieClipUses:431Used by:Timeline
Symbol 433 GraphicUsed by:434
Symbol 434 MovieClipUses:433Used by:Timeline
Symbol 435 GraphicUsed by:436
Symbol 436 MovieClipUses:435Used by:Timeline
Symbol 437 GraphicUsed by:438
Symbol 438 MovieClipUses:437Used by:Timeline
Symbol 439 GraphicUsed by:441
Symbol 440 GraphicUsed by:441
Symbol 441 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.ftgrl_77}Uses:439 440Used by:Timeline
Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:445
Symbol 443 GraphicUsed by:445
Symbol 444 GraphicUsed by:445
Symbol 445 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.head1_78}Uses:442 443 444Used by:Timeline
Symbol 446 GraphicUsed by:449
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:449
Symbol 448 GraphicUsed by:449
Symbol 449 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.face2_79}Uses:446 447 448Used by:Timeline
Symbol 450 GraphicUsed by:452
Symbol 451 GraphicUsed by:452
Symbol 452 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.crate_80}Uses:450 451Used by:Timeline
Symbol 453 GraphicUsed by:454
Symbol 454 MovieClipUses:453Used by:Timeline
Symbol 455 GraphicUsed by:456
Symbol 456 MovieClipUses:455Used by:Timeline
Symbol 457 GraphicUsed by:458
Symbol 458 MovieClipUses:457Used by:Timeline
Symbol 459 GraphicUsed by:460
Symbol 460 MovieClipUses:459Used by:Timeline
Symbol 461 GraphicUsed by:462
Symbol 462 MovieClipUses:461Used by:465
Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:464
Symbol 464 MovieClipUses:463Used by:465
Symbol 465 MovieClipUses:462 464Used by:Timeline
Symbol 466 GraphicUsed by:467
Symbol 467 MovieClipUses:466Used by:Timeline
Symbol 468 GraphicUsed by:478
Symbol 469 GraphicUsed by:470
Symbol 470 MovieClipUses:469Used by:478
Symbol 471 GraphicUsed by:472
Symbol 472 MovieClipUses:471Used by:478
Symbol 473 GraphicUsed by:474
Symbol 474 MovieClipUses:473Used by:478
Symbol 475 GraphicUsed by:477
Symbol 476 GraphicUsed by:477
Symbol 477 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.gratedoor_93}Uses:475 476Used by:478
Symbol 478 MovieClipUses:468 470 472 474 477Used by:Timeline
Symbol 479 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 480 GraphicUsed by:481
Symbol 481 MovieClipUses:480Used by:Timeline
Symbol 482 GraphicUsed by:483
Symbol 483 MovieClipUses:482Used by:Timeline
Symbol 484 GraphicUsed by:485
Symbol 485 MovieClipUses:484Used by:Timeline
Symbol 486 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 487 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 488 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 489 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 490 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 491 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 492 GraphicUsed by:493
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Symbol 496 GraphicUsed by:497
Symbol 497 MovieClipUses:496Used by:Timeline
Symbol 498 GraphicUsed by:499
Symbol 499 MovieClipUses:498Used by:Timeline
Symbol 500 GraphicUsed by:501
Symbol 501 MovieClipUses:500Used by:Timeline
Symbol 502 GraphicUsed by:504
Symbol 503 EditableTextUses:8Used by:504
Symbol 504 MovieClipUses:502 503Used by:Timeline
Symbol 505 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 506 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 507 EditableTextUses:88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 508 EditableTextUses:88Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 511 GraphicUsed by:512
Symbol 512 MovieClipUses:511Used by:515
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Symbol 514 GraphicUsed by:515
Symbol 515 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.Jenbodytied_104}Uses:510 512 513 514Used by:520
Symbol 516 GraphicUsed by:517
Symbol 517 MovieClipUses:516Used by:520
Symbol 518 GraphicUsed by:519
Symbol 519 MovieClipUses:518Used by:520
Symbol 520 MovieClipUses:515 517 519Used by:Timeline
Symbol 521 GraphicUsed by:522
Symbol 522 MovieClipUses:521Used by:Timeline
Symbol 523 GraphicUsed by:524
Symbol 524 MovieClipUses:523Used by:Timeline
Symbol 525 GraphicUsed by:526
Symbol 526 MovieClipUses:525Used by:Timeline
Symbol 527 GraphicUsed by:528
Symbol 528 MovieClipUses:527Used by:Timeline
Symbol 529 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 530 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 531 GraphicUsed by:534
Symbol 532 GraphicUsed by:534
Symbol 533 GraphicUsed by:534
Symbol 534 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.liftcover_112}Uses:531 532 533Used by:Timeline
Symbol 535 GraphicUsed by:537 539 541 546
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Symbol 537 MovieClipUses:535 536Used by:Timeline
Symbol 538 EditableTextUses:8Used by:539
Symbol 539 MovieClipUses:535 538Used by:Timeline
Symbol 540 EditableTextUses:8Used by:541
Symbol 541 MovieClipUses:535 540Used by:Timeline
Symbol 542 GraphicUsed by:544
Symbol 543 EditableTextUses:8Used by:544
Symbol 544 MovieClipUses:542 543Used by:Timeline
Symbol 545 EditableTextUses:8Used by:546
Symbol 546 MovieClipUses:535 545Used by:Timeline
Symbol 547 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 548 GraphicUsed by:549
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Symbol 550 BitmapUsed by:551
Symbol 551 GraphicUses:550Used by:Timeline
Symbol 552 MovieClipUses:175Used by:Timeline
Symbol 553 MovieClipUses:175Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

"loaded_txt"Frame 1Symbol 14 EditableText
"loader_mc"Frame 1Symbol 16 MovieClip {movie_mc}
"btnIntroStart"Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.btnIntroStart_2}
"btnProceed"Frame 2Symbol 174 MovieClip
"hide4"Frame 2Symbol 176 MovieClip
"hide3"Frame 2Symbol 177 MovieClip
"hide2"Frame 2Symbol 178 MovieClip
"btnBack"Frame 3Symbol 181 MovieClip
"tree"Frame 3Symbol 183 MovieClip
"theX"Frame 3Symbol 187 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.theX_9}
"btnBack"Frame 3Symbol 181 MovieClip
"guy"Frame 4Symbol 190 MovieClip
"weights"Frame 4Symbol 195 MovieClip
"horse"Frame 4Symbol 197 MovieClip
"bar"Frame 4Symbol 199 MovieClip
"rings"Frame 4Symbol 201 MovieClip
"sign"Frame 4Symbol 203 MovieClip
"stairsUp"Frame 4Symbol 205 MovieClip
"bar"Frame 4Symbol 199 MovieClip
"liftbutton"Frame 5Symbol 209 MovieClip
"doorGym"Frame 5Symbol 213 MovieClip
"doorClub"Frame 5Symbol 216 MovieClip
"dancer"Frame 6Symbol 221 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.dancer_20}
"btnReturn"Frame 6Symbol 224 MovieClip
"btnExit"Frame 7Symbol 181 MovieClip
"shower"Frame 7Symbol 227 MovieClip
"flashItem"Frame 7Symbol 229 MovieClip
"liftbutton"Frame 8Symbol 209 MovieClip
"door308"Frame 8Symbol 234 MovieClip
"doorCafe"Frame 8Symbol 238 MovieClip
"bullsEye"Frame 9Symbol 243 MovieClip
"woodPlanks"Frame 9Symbol 245 MovieClip
"paintBucket"Frame 9Symbol 247 MovieClip
"slotMachine"Frame 9Symbol 267 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.slotMachine_29}
"fruitDisplay"Frame 9Symbol 269 MovieClip
"btnBack"Frame 9Symbol 181 MovieClip
"b_movie"Frame 10Symbol 327 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.b_movie_31}
"overlay"Frame 10Symbol 331 MovieClip
"btnExit"Frame 10Symbol 334 MovieClip
"liftbutton"Frame 11Symbol 209 MovieClip
"doorTheater"Frame 11Symbol 344 MovieClip
"door207"Frame 11Symbol 346 MovieClip
"glimpse"Frame 11Symbol 348 MovieClip
"btnExit"Frame 12Symbol 181 MovieClip
"shower"Frame 12Symbol 227 MovieClip
"guyWithMask"Frame 12Symbol 351 MovieClip
"girlOnBed"Frame 12Symbol 353 MovieClip
"clot1"Frame 13Symbol 356 MovieClip
"clot2"Frame 13Symbol 358 MovieClip
"radio"Frame 13Symbol 360 MovieClip
"radio"Frame 13Symbol 360 MovieClip
"clot3"Frame 13Symbol 362 MovieClip
"ticket"Frame 13Symbol 364 MovieClip
"liftbutton"Frame 14Symbol 209 MovieClip
"door103"Frame 14Symbol 370 MovieClip
"door102"Frame 14Symbol 372 MovieClip
"btnExit"Frame 15Symbol 181 MovieClip
"shower"Frame 15Symbol 227 MovieClip
"johnDoe"Frame 15Symbol 376 MovieClip
"monaLisa"Frame 16Symbol 380 MovieClip
"privatedoor"Frame 16Symbol 383 MovieClip
"doorRight"Frame 16Symbol 385 MovieClip
"exitdoor"Frame 16Symbol 387 MovieClip
"resep"Frame 16Symbol 395 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.receptionist_55}
"jenTkl"Frame 16Symbol 400 MovieClip
"tablebell"Frame 16Symbol 402 MovieClip
"wallkeys"Frame 16Symbol 404 MovieClip
"notification"Frame 17Symbol 411 MovieClip
"liftbutton"Frame 17Symbol 209 MovieClip
"btnLeft"Frame 17Symbol 181 MovieClip
"btnRight"Frame 17Symbol 181 MovieClip
"jenRestaurant"Frame 17Symbol 168 MovieClip {jen2}
"btnRight"Frame 17Symbol 181 MovieClip
"loungeTable"Frame 17Symbol 413 MovieClip
"plate"Frame 17Symbol 415 MovieClip
"fork"Frame 17Symbol 417 MovieClip
"bread"Frame 17Symbol 419 MovieClip
"arch"Frame 18Symbol 422 MovieClip
"fridge"Frame 18Symbol 424 MovieClip
"microwave"Frame 18Symbol 426 MovieClip
"goLeft"Frame 18Symbol 181 MovieClip
"cook"Frame 18Symbol 429 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.cook_72}
"bigFeatherBig"Frame 19Symbol 432 MovieClip
"girl2"Frame 19Symbol 436 MovieClip
"girl1"Frame 19Symbol 438 MovieClip
"feet1"Frame 19Symbol 441 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.ftgrl_77}
"face1"Frame 19Symbol 445 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.head1_78}
"feet2"Frame 19Symbol 441 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.ftgrl_77}
"face2"Frame 19Symbol 449 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.face2_79}
"crate"Frame 19Symbol 452 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.crate_80}
"jenHiding"Frame 19Symbol 454 MovieClip
"doorNo"Frame 19Symbol 456 MovieClip
"doorPrison"Frame 19Symbol 458 MovieClip
"handGrate"Frame 19Symbol 460 MovieClip
"torturer"Frame 19Symbol 465 MovieClip
"sexySuit"Frame 19Symbol 467 MovieClip
"flashBeam"Frame 20Symbol 478 MovieClip
"btnBack"Frame 20Symbol 181 MovieClip
"archUp"Frame 21Symbol 481 MovieClip
"barrel"Frame 21Symbol 483 MovieClip
"barrel"Frame 21Symbol 483 MovieClip
"barrel"Frame 21Symbol 483 MovieClip
"barrel"Frame 21Symbol 483 MovieClip
"barrel"Frame 21Symbol 483 MovieClip
"woodenDoor"Frame 21Symbol 485 MovieClip
"pond"Frame 22Symbol 493 MovieClip
"forest"Frame 22Symbol 495 MovieClip
"btnEnter"Frame 22Symbol 497 MovieClip
"feather"Frame 22Symbol 499 MovieClip
"duck"Frame 22Symbol 501 MovieClip
"small308"Frame 22Symbol 504 MovieClip
"btnPool"Frame 23Symbol 181 MovieClip
"btnBack"Frame 23Symbol 181 MovieClip
"btnBack"Frame 23Symbol 181 MovieClip
"jenBound"Frame 24Symbol 520 MovieClip
"mouseHole"Frame 24Symbol 522 MovieClip
"swimGround"Frame 24Symbol 524 MovieClip
"swimWall"Frame 24Symbol 526 MovieClip
"lastDoor"Frame 24Symbol 528 MovieClip
"liftcover"Frame 25Symbol 534 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.liftcover_112}
"btn3"Frame 25Symbol 537 MovieClip
"btn2"Frame 25Symbol 539 MovieClip
"btn1"Frame 25Symbol 541 MovieClip
"btn0"Frame 25Symbol 544 MovieClip
"btn4"Frame 25Symbol 546 MovieClip
"btnForest"Frame 26Symbol 181 MovieClip
"btnBack"Frame 26Symbol 181 MovieClip
"btnProceed"Frame 27Symbol 174 MovieClip
"hide6"Frame 27Symbol 552 MovieClip
"hide5"Frame 27Symbol 553 MovieClip
"theEndText"Frame 27Symbol 555 MovieClip
"txt"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 23 EditableText
"sprClothes1"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 26 MovieClip {sClothes1}
"sprKey102"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 29 MovieClip
"sprKey308"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 32 MovieClip
"sprSpareKeys"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip
"sprFlashlight"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 36 MovieClip
"sprClothes2"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 38 MovieClip
"sprLunch"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 41 MovieClip
"sprFork"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 43 MovieClip
"sprBread"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 45 MovieClip
"sprFeather"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 47 MovieClip
"sprScrew"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 49 MovieClip
"sprFuse"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 51 MovieClip
"sprNote"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 53 MovieClip
"sprToken"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 56 MovieClip
"sprCash"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 58 MovieClip
"sprSwimsuit"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 60 MovieClip
"sprCrowbar"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 62 MovieClip
"strRope"Symbol 65 MovieClip {ui} Frame 1Symbol 64 MovieClip
"jenBody"Symbol 73 MovieClip {jen1} Frame 1Symbol 67 MovieClip
"clothing"Symbol 73 MovieClip {jen1} Frame 1Symbol 72 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.clothing1_160}
"speechText"Symbol 76 MovieClip {speechb} Frame 1Symbol 75 EditableText
"letterVal"Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 92 EditableText
"let1"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let2"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let3"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let4"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let5"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let6"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let7"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let8"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let9"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let10"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let11"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let12"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"let13"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 93 MovieClip
"galg"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.galg_124}
"aa"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 108 MovieClip
"bb"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 110 MovieClip
"cc"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 112 MovieClip
"dd"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 114 MovieClip
"ee"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 116 MovieClip
"ff"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 118 MovieClip
"gg"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 120 MovieClip
"hh"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 122 MovieClip
"ii"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 124 MovieClip
"jj"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 126 MovieClip
"kk"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 128 MovieClip
"ll"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 130 MovieClip
"mm"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 132 MovieClip
"nn"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 134 MovieClip
"oo"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 136 MovieClip
"pp"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 138 MovieClip
"qq"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 140 MovieClip
"rr"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 142 MovieClip
"ss"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 144 MovieClip
"tt"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 146 MovieClip
"uu"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 148 MovieClip
"vv"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ww"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 152 MovieClip
"xx"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 154 MovieClip
"yy"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 156 MovieClip
"zz"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 158 MovieClip
"btnReset"Symbol 162 MovieClip {bigNote1} Frame 1Symbol 161 MovieClip
"clothing"Symbol 168 MovieClip {jen2} Frame 1Symbol 167 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.clothing2_64}
"subText"Symbol 331 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 330 EditableText
"note"Symbol 376 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 375 MovieClip
"featherHand"Symbol 400 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 397 MovieClip
"ftr1"Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 462 MovieClip
"ftr2"Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 462 MovieClip
"torturer"Symbol 465 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 464 MovieClip
"ton"Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 470 MovieClip
"boxes"Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 472 MovieClip
"screwDriver"Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 474 MovieClip
"grateDoor"Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 477 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.gratedoor_93}
"jenBody"Symbol 520 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 515 MovieClip {TheHotel_fla.Jenbodytied_104}
"swimsuit"Symbol 520 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 517 MovieClip
"knot"Symbol 520 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 519 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata present, AS3.
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Created: 22/10 -2018 05:24:09 Last modified: 22/10 -2018 05:24:09 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:09:46