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Tisha (Expanded Edition) by CGMan.swf

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Flash #160783

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Doc[7] = "0*<B>CONTROLS:</B> Click on this window to make it active. Once it's active, use following keys for navigation:<BR>Up & Down: Scroll<BR>Left & Right: Change Pages<BR>Spacebar: Toggle auto-scroll<BR>Ctrl: Preferences panel"; Doc[9] = "0*<B>NOTE:</B> This story is not intended for minors. It is intended for mature adults who know the difference between reality and fantasy. A character in this story is a minor but she is not involved in any sexual situations."; DirtyDoc[9] = "0*<B>NOTE:</B> This story is not intended for anyone. You really shouldn't be reading this."; Doc[15] = "1*<B>CHAPTER 1: TISHA'S ORIGINS</B><BR>"; Doc[17] = "0*Tisha was a beautiful girl growing up in Louisiana. A sororal twin, she entered this world at the same time as her sister Sasha. She also had an older sister, Tanya. One chilly winter day Tanya grabbed little Tisha by the arm and pulled her into the bathroom."; Doc[19] = "0*\"What are you doing?\" Tisha asked, rubbing her arm.<BR><BR>\"I have to show you something.\" Tanya said.<BR><BR>\"What?\"<BR><BR>Tanya poked her head out of the bathroom door to make sure nobody was coming. Then she unzipped her coat. She pulled the coat open and thrust her young chest out at her sister. \"Look at this!\"<BR><BR>Tisha noticed some bulges under her sister's shirt that were not there before. \"You have boobs!\" Tisha said. \"Real boobs.\" They were small, but there was no mistaking them for anything else.<BR><BR>Tanya looked down at her own chest and smiled proudly and the two small lumps under her shirt. \"They started growing a couple of days ago. I wonder if they will get as big as mom's?\"<BR><BR>\"I dunno.\" Tisha said, \"Mom is pretty big.\" Tanya turn to face the mirror and looked at her new developments. \"Besides, she got bigger <i>after</i> she had you.\"<BR><BR>\"Yeah but she was pretty big before that.\" Tanya explained."; Doc[21] = "0*Tisha looked down at her flat chest. \"I wonder when mine will come. I hope it's soon!\""; DirtyDoc[21] = "0*Tisha placed her hands over her flat chest. \"I wonder when mine will come. I hope it's soon!\""; Doc[22] = "0*\"Me too!\" Tanya said and hugged her little sister."; Doc[23] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[25] = "0*Over the next couple of weeks, Tisha watched Tanya's breasts grow. She could think of nothing else when her sister entered the room. She had to take a look and see how Tanya's new breasts were doing. Sasha did not share Tisha's curiosity with Tanya's developments. She was wrapped up in her portable video games, collecting monsters or feeding plants."; Doc[26] = "0*\"Hey Tisha.\" Tanya said as she walked in from school.<BR><BR>\"Where were you?\" Tisha asked.<BR><BR>\"I...just had my first kiss.\" Tanya said calmly.<BR><BR>\"You did?! With who?\" Tisha said.<BR><BR>\"Jeremy.\"<BR><BR>\"Jeremy? He's cool I guess.\" Tisha said. \"Kind of goofy. Why did you kiss him?\""; Doc[27] = "0*\"He asked me if he could see me in my bra.\" Tanya said. \"I had never kissed a boy, so I said I would show him if he kissed me."; DirtyDoc[27] = "0*\"He asked me if he could see me in my bra.\" Tanya said as she placed her palms over her breasts. \"I had never kissed a boy, so I said I would show him if he kissed me."; Doc[28] = "0*\"So you showed him?\""; Doc[30] = "0*\"Yep. That was the deal. But this bra is getting tight. I am getting too big for it. See?\" Tanya flipped up her shirt and showed her sister. Tisha could see Tanya's breasts bulging over the top and bottom of her bra. \"He got quite a show.\""; DirtyDoc[30] = "0*\"Yep. That was the deal. But this bra is getting tight. I am getting too big for it. See?\" Tanya flipped up her shirt and showed her sister. Tisha could see Tanya's breasts bulging over the top and bottom of her bra. Tanya cupped her hands under her breasts and lifted them. The cleavage bulging over the top of her bra bulged with more prominence. \"He got quite a show.\""; Doc[32] = "0*\"Wow.\" Tisha said as she looked at her sister's impressive bust. She stared at them in reverence until her sister pulled her shirt down. Then she managed to form full sentences again. \"So what was kissing like??\""; Doc[34] = "0*\"It was weird.\" Tanya said as she looked to her right in thought. \"But I liked it.\""; Doc[36] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[38] = "0*A month later, all three sisters were sitting at the dinner table with their mother."; Doc[40] = "0*Tanya ask her mother, \"Mom, can you get me another bra? This one doesn't fit anymore. Tanya thrust out her chest and her full breasts projected outward. It was obvious that there was more Tanya bulging out of the top of her C-sized bra cups than they were was designed to hold."; Doc[42] = "0*Tanya's mother looked at her blossoming daughter and smiled. \"My baby is taking after her mommy. I hope you are saving these old bras. Your sisters will be needing them some day.\""; Doc[44] = "0*\"When, Mommy?\" Tisha asked."; Doc[46] = "0*\"Oh don't you worry baby.\" Her mother said as she placed her hand on Tisha's forearm. \"It will happen when the time is right. Some day you will get your own.\" Tisha's mom looked down at her large F-cup breasts."; DirtyDoc[46] = "0*\"Oh don't you worry baby.\" Her mother said as she placed her hand on Tisha's forearm. \"It will happen when the time is right. Some day you will get your own.\" Tisha's mom placed her palms under her large F-cup breasts and bounced them in her hands."; Doc[48] = "0*\"I hope so.\" Tisha said."; Doc[50] = "0*\"It will, sweetheart.\" her mother said. \"There's nothing better than having having a set of big titties. That is power. Always remember that, baby.\""; DirtyDoc[50] = "0*\"It will, sweetheart.\" her mother said. \"There's nothing better than having having a set of big titties.\" Tisha's mother slid her hands up and down over the expanse of her large bosom. \"That is power. Always remember that, baby.\""; Doc[52] = "0*\"Yes, Mommy.\" Tisha said."; Doc[54] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[56] = "0*The next day Tanya and her mother came in from the store. Tanya ran up the stairs to show her sisters her new bra.<BR><BR>\"Check it out! I'm officially a D-cup!\" Tanya said with a big smile on her face. She inhaled and thrust her large breasts out.<BR><BR>They truly were impressive. Tisha could not take her eyes off of the bulges in Tanya's shirt. \"They are really big, Tanya!\" Tisha said.<BR><BR>Tanya bobbed up and down on her toes. She watched her breasts bounce. \"What do you think, Sasha?\""; Doc[58] = "0*Sasha looked up from her game. \"Yep. They are big. The boys will love them.\" Then she went back to her game. Tanya rolled her eyes."; Doc[60] = "0*Tisha looked down her chest. She was hoping to discover a change. She was disappointed."; DirtyDoc[60] = "0*Tisha put her palms on her chest. She was hoping to feel a change. She felt nothing but her ribcage."; Doc[62] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[64] = "0*Over the next couple of weeks, Tanya filled out just a bit more. Sometimes she could fill out a double-D bra. She had a tiny waist and hips; She was all breasts. She became very popular. The prettiest girls in school all wanted to hang out with her. To be seen in the halls walking and talking with Tanya meant you were cool. The boys spoke about her in hushed tones. Fortunately, all of this attention did not give her an attitude. She remained kind and sweet to most everyone."; Doc[66] = "0*One day, Tisha organizing her locker. She saw Tanya approaching. Her full breasts bouncing in-step. She was showing just a bit of cleavage. Tisha watched the large masses jiggling as her sister approached. Two girls hovered over her vying for attention by sharing gossip."; Doc[68] = "0*\"Hey Sis!\" Tanya said. She gave her sister a big hug. The girls on Tanya's right flank looked down at Tisha disapprovingly"; DirtyDoc[68] = "0*\"Hey Sis!\" Tanya said. She gave her sister a big hug. Tisha felt comfort from Tanya's large, warm breasts pressing against her chest. The girl on Tanya's right flank looked down at Tisha disapprovingly"; Doc[69] = "0*\"Hi Tanya. You are looking great.\""; Doc[70] = "0*Tanya put her fists on her hips to showcase her frontage for Tisha. She knew how much Tisha enjoyed the view. \"You think so? Thanks!\""; DirtyDoc[70] = "0*Tanya cupped her hands under her hefty breasts and jiggled them. She knew how much Tisha enjoyed the view. \"You think so? Thanks!\""; Doc[72] = "0*\"Come on, Tanya!\" said the girl to Tanya's right. \"I don't want to hang with your flat little sister.\""; Doc[73] = "0*Tanya saw the look of anguish briefly flicker in Tisha's eyes. Tanya spun to her right. Her heavy breasts wobbled heavily. Her eyebrows lowered and her eyes squinted. She was pissed. \"Margaret! Tisha is my sister and I love her. In my world, Tisha is up here,\" Tanya placed her palm over her cleavage. \"and you are down here.\" Tanya then placed her hand down at her hips. \"But after your bitchy remark you don't even rate. Get the fuck away from me!\""; Doc[74] = "0*Margaret looked at Tisha, then back at Tanya. She frowned, grunted in distain, then walked away."; Doc[76] = "0*Tanya turned to her left. \"Listen, Amy.. I need a moment with my sister. Let's talk later, okay?\" Amy nodded quietly then walked away."; Doc[77] = "0*Tanya turned to Tisha. \"Are you okay?\""; Doc[78] = "0*Tisha looked up at her big sister and mustered the strength to give her a calm \"Yes.\""; Doc[79] = "0*Tanya placed her hand on Tisha's shoulder. \"Are you sure?\""; Doc[80] = "0*Tisha's eyes welled up and she said, \"Yes.\" as she started to cry."; Doc[82] = "0*\"Oh Tisha!\" Tanya embraced her little sister. Tisha buried her face in her sister's chest. Tanya could hear Tisha's muffled cries. \"It's okay, Tisha.. It's okay to cry.\" She stroked her sobbing sister's back tenderly. \"Margaret is dead to me. I'll never hang with her again. You are so much better than her. You know that, right?\""; Doc[84] = "0*Tisha lifted her head. She saw wet streaks from her tears tracing along the tops of her sister's cleavage. She looked her sister in the eyes. \"It's not that.. I just want to get some boobs <I>soo bad</I>.\""; Doc[86] = "0*\"I know you do, Tish.\" She hugged Tisha again. \"I know. I wish I could help you. It's just one of those things we can't control. It will happen when it happens.\""; Doc[90] = "0*Six months later, Tisha and Sasha celebrated their mutual birthday. Their mother loaded all of her daughters into the car for a trip to the mall. All three of the girls sat in the back seat. Tisha was in the center. She kept stealing glances down her big sister's blouse. Tanya was wearing a low-cut top and displayed a generous amount of cleavage. It wobbled and bounced with the motions of the car.<BR><BR>Tanya noticed Tisha looking longingly down her shirt. She inhaled deeply. Her breasts seemed to swell up and out. Tisha's eyes widened and she swallowed hard. Tanya wrapped her arm around her little sister. \"It'll happen. Just be patient.\" Tisha rested her head on her big sister's shoulder.<BR><BR>\"It has to happen soon.\" Sahsa said as she played her portable game.<BR><BR>\"Why?\" Tisha asked.<BR><BR>\"Because I'm already getting mine.\" Sasha said.<BR><BR>\"You are??\" Tisha asked."; Doc[93] = "0*\"You are getting your titties, baby?\" Her mother asked as she looked in the rear view mirror.<BR><BR>\"Yes mom.\" Sasha said.<BR><BR>\"Oh, my girls are growing up so fast.\"<BR><BR>\"Can you sit up so I can see?\" Tisha asked."; Doc[95] = "0*Sasha sighed and paused her game. \"Alright.\" She stood up and thrust out her chest. There were two distinct lumps the size of a half tennis ball pushed out from her top."; DirtyDoc[95] = "0*Sasha sighed and paused her game. \"Alright.\" She stood up and thrust out her chest.<BR><BR>\"I don't see anything.\" Tisha said. Tanya leaned forward to get a better look.<BR><BR>\"Oh hang on.\" Sasha rubbed her fingers over her shirt. After a moment two distinct lumps the size of a half tennis ball pushed out from her top."; Doc[97] = "0*\"Those are your boobs?\" Tisha asked with wonder.<BR><BR>\"No, those are my nipples.\" Sasha said. \"They puff up like that.\"<BR><BR>\"Wow.\" Tisha said.<BR><BR>\"Have you seen enough?\" Sasha asked.<BR><BR>\"Yes. Thank you Sasha.\"<BR><BR>Sasha resumed her video game."; Doc[99] = "0*Tisha turned to Tanya with a sparkle in her eye. \"That means I will be growing too! Because we are the same age!\" She felt like her long-awaited dream was coming true and there wasn't even a change on her yet. But with Sasha growing like that, she has to be getting her turn very soon."; Doc[100] = "0*\"That's great, Tish.\" Tanya said. She gave her little sister a big hug. Tisha smiled. She was eager to have a set of breasts of her very own. Then she will have power; Just like her mother said."; DirtyDoc[100] = "0*\"That's great, Tish.\" Tanya said. She gave her little sister a big hug. Tisha smiled as she felt Tanya's large, warm breasts squashing flat against her. She was eager to have the same things on her own body. Then she will have power; Just like her mother said."; Doc[102] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[105] = "0*Several weeks had passed since their birthdays. Sasha's breasts had grown steadily over time. Her breasts only projected an inch or two from her chest, but they were extrordinarily wide. They stood high and firm, perfect domes sticking straight out, starting just inches below her clavicles. And they were topped with those large, puffy nipples.<BR><BR>Tisha grew depressed as she watched her twin sister's breasts blossoming ever larger while she still had nothing to show.<BR><BR>Tisha was sitting in her english class feeling miserable. She looked down at her chest. Still no changes."; Doc[107] = "0*In the corner of her eye she noticed Pauline had leaned back to stretch. She raised her arms up and groaned an exaggerated yawn. Tisha turned to look at Pauline's torso. Her large, double-D breasts pushed out as she leaned back into her stretch. Then she twisted her torso towards Tisha as if she were loosening up her core. Pauline's hefty breasts were squashed from her shirt pulled taut from her twisting. Her amazing cleavage bulged up and out and her thick nipples showed more prominently."; Doc[109] = "0*Tisha watched Pauline's contorting torso with awe and envy. Pauline stopped in mid-stretch and opened her eyes. She looked right at Tisha. \"What's the matter?\" She made a mock sighing sound. \"Are you jealous of these big tits, Tiny Tisha?\""; DirtyDoc[109] = "0*Tisha watched Pauline's contorting torso with awe and envy. Pauline stopped in mid-stretch and opened her eyes. She looked right at Tisha. \"What's the matter?\" Pauline put her hands on her abundant breasts and squeezed them. She made a mock sighing sound. \"Are you jealous of these big tits, Tiny Tisha?\""; Doc[111] = "0*Tisha felt Pauline's words hit her like a sack of dirt. Tisha heard a chuckle. She turned to see the smiling face of Margaret, enjoying her persecution. Tisha's face grew red. She quickly gathered her things and ran out of the classroom."; Doc[113] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[115] = "0*Tanya was the first to come home from school. She found Tisha crying in her pillow.<BR><BR>\"Tisha, what is wrong?\" Tanya asked with a worried look on her face. Tisha turned to look at her sister. Her eyes were swollen and bloodshot from crying. Tanya rushed to her sister's side and put her hand on Tisha's shoulder. \"What happened?\"<BR><BR>Tisha told her sister the whole story of Pauline and Margaret. She could not finish her words without her emotions billowing out of her once again and more tears streaming down her cheeks."; Doc[117] = "0*\"Oh, Tish..\" Tanya wrapped her arms around her sister. Tisha buried her face in her sister's chest. \"I'm so sorry.\" Tanya gently rocked back and forth as Tisha cried. She felt comfort and endless love from her sister's embrace. Tanya stroked her sister's little afro. \"You will show them all some day. I just know it.\"<BR><BR>After several minutes in the arms of her older sister gently rocking back and forth, Tisha was lulled into a zen-like state of calm."; DirtyDoc[117] = "0*\"Oh, Tish..\" Tanya wrapped her arms around her sister. Tisha buried her face in her sister's bosomy chest. \"I'm so sorry.\" Tanya gently rocked back and forth as Tisha cried into her sister's bust. She felt comfort and endless love from her sister's full breasts. She could feel them gently expand and contract with each of her sister's breaths. Tanya stroked her sister's little afro. \"You will show them all some day. I just know it.\"<BR><BR>After several minutes of being surrounded by the soft, warm flesh of her older sister's breasts, Tisha was lulled into a zen-like state of peace."; Doc[119] = "0*Sasha walked in the room wearing a tight yellow top. Her blossoming figure was very evident. \"What happened?\""; DirtyDoc[119] = "0*Sasha walked in the room wearing a tight yellow top. Her dome-shaped breasts and puffy nipples were very evident. \"What happened?\""; Doc[120] = "0*Tanya looked up at Sasha and said, \"Pauline made fun of her at school.\" Tanya stroked Tisha's back. \"She called her 'Tiny Tisha'\""; Doc[122] = "0*\"That bitch!\" Sasha said. \"I'll kick her ass!\""; Doc[124] = "0*Tanya said \"She will get what's coming to her. Can you stay with Tisha? I'm going to get something to eat.\"<BR><BR>Sasha sat down on the bed near her sisters. \"Come here, Tisha\" she said with her arms outstretched."; Doc[126] = "0*Tisha silently raised up from Tanya's embrace and settled into the arms of Sasha. Tanya got up and walked out of the room."; DirtyDoc[126] = "0*Tisha silently raised up from Tanya's embrace and settled into the arms of Sasha. She nuzzled her face in between Sasha's firm breasts. Tanya got up and walked out of the room."; Doc[128] = "0*\"Thank you Sasha.\" Tisha said, her voice partly muffled. \"Without you and Tanya, I don't know how I could deal with this.\""; DirtyDoc[128] = "0*\"Thank you Sasha.\" Tisha said, her voice partly muffled from her mouth being pushed against her sister's firm bosom. \"Without you and Tanya, I don't know how I could deal with this.\""; Doc[130] = "0*\"Don't worry about it.\" Sasha said. She shifted in her seat.<BR><BR>\"I wish they would just <I>grow</I> already!\" Tisha sighed. Sasha briefly grimmaced then started to breathe deeper. \"I look like a little girl compared to everyone in my class.\" Sasha inhaled again with a slight quivering in her breath.<BR><BR>\"Oh, no.. Not now...\" Sasha sighed as she breathed deeply."; Doc[132] = "0*Tisha felt a warmth building within her sister's budding breasts. \"Are you okay Sasha?\""; Doc[134] = "0*Sasha froze, holding her breath. She grunted slightly. After a few moments she then relaxed and caught her breath."; DirtyDoc[134] = "0*Sasha froze and clenched her fists. Holding her breath, she grunted slightly. Tisha felt Sasha's firm breasts swell slightly against her cheek. Sasha then relaxed and caught her breath."; Doc[136] = "0*Tisha sat up and looked at her sister's chest. They looked slightly larger. Her nipples were fully swollen, looking like she had halved tennis balls under her shirt. \"Sasha, did your boobs...just get bigger?\"<BR><BR>Sasha's breathing normalized. She looked at Tisha awkwardly then down at her bigger breasts. \"Yeah. I get these growth spurts sometimes.\"<BR><BR>Tisha looked at her sister's enlarged breasts within her tight top. \"Well that is just <I>great!</I> My twin sister is growing bigger right in front of me and I still have <I>nothing</I>.\"<BR><BR>\"I can't help it, Tisha. Really.\" Sasha said. \"It just happens.\""; Doc[138] = "0*\"Life is so unfair.\" Tisha said as she collapsed back into her sister's arms."; DirtyDoc[138] = "0*\"Life is so unfair.\" Tisha said as she collapsed back into her sister's embrace, planting her face into her sister's warm bosom."; Doc[140] = "1*<B>CHAPTER 2: CONSOLATION</B>"; Doc[145] = "0*Tisha's school days did not get any better. She made the mistake of letting her tormenters know that their attacks were effective. After several weeks of ridicule, Tisha feigned an illness to stay home from school. She just could not take their abuse today. She spent the day in the least healthy way possible; lying in bed thinking about how depressing her life was."; Doc[147] = "0*\"Knock knock.\" Sasha said as she stood in the doorway.<BR><BR>Tisha rolled on to her back to look at her sister. \"School is out already?\"<BR><BR>\"I cut my last class.\" Sasha said as she walked up to Tisha's bedside. \"I wanted to see how you were doing.\"<BR><BR>\"I wasn't sick.\" Tisha said with a sigh. \"I just couldn't deal with their smart ass comments today.\"<BR><BR>Sasha sighed and sat down on Tisha's bed. She put her hand on her sister's tummy. \"I'm so sorry, Tish. Can't you just...\" Sasha paused as she searched her mind for a solution. \"...ignore them?\""; Doc[149] = "0*\"That's easy for you to say!\" Tisha said as she placed her hand on her forehead. \"Look at you. What are you, a D-cup now?\"<BR><BR>Sasha lowered her head and looked down the dark chasm between her impressive breasts. \"Yes.\" she said with a frown.<BR><BR>\"And they stick straight out; like rockets! You have an amazing rack. We are twins! I should have <I>some</I> of that. But I have <I>nothing</I>. Oh, wait.. My nipples are longer. <I>Great!</I>\" Tisha wiped a tear from her eye.<BR><BR>\"Oh, Tish.\" Sasha extended her arms. Tisha sat up and embraced her sister. They silently held eachother for a few moments. \"I am going to make Pauline and her friends stop messing with you.. You will see.\"<BR><BR>A tear fell from Tisha's eyes. \"Thank you Sasha. I am lucky to have you as my sister.\""; Doc[152] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[154] = "0*The next day Tisha went to school. She was feeling better about herself because of her sister's support. She closed her locker and turned around. She nearly walked right into Pauline's boobs.<BR><BR>\"Hey watch where you are going, Tiny Tisha!\" Pauline brought her hands up in a defensive gesture. \"You nearly walked into my big tits!\""; DirtyDoc[154] = "0*The next day Tisha went to school. She was feeling better about herself because of her sister's support. She closed her locker and turned around. She walked right into Pauline's soft boobs.<BR><BR>\"Hey watch where you are going, Tiny Tisha!\" Pauline brought her hands up and grasped her large breasts. She moved them slightly back and forth as if to adjusted them after their collision. \"You walked right into my big tits!\""; Doc[156] = "0*Tisha looked at Pauline's breasts then up at her face. \"W-why were you standing right behind me?\"<BR><BR>\"I wanted you to see how my big girls looked in this new top. Are you getting any <i>'girls'</i> yet?\" Pauline looked down at Tisha's chest. \"Oh, I guess not.\"<BR><BR>\"We've had enough of your bullshit, Pauline!\" Sasha's voice came Pauline's left flank. She turned to see Sasha's glowering eyes. \"Leave Tisha alone.\"<BR><BR>\"Oh yeah? And who is going stop me?\" Pauline asked defiantly."; Doc[158] = "0*\"<I>WE</I> will!\" Tanya's voice said from behind Pauline. Pauline spun around to see Tanya walk up to Tisha's left side. She put her arms around her sister. Other students began to gather to watch the confrontation. \"If you even <I>TALK</I> to Tisha without our permission, you will be picking your teeth off the ground.\" Tisha looked at her big sister and smiled.<BR><BR>Sahsa came to Tisha's right side and put her arm around her twin sister. \"We absolutely will.\" Sasha looked at Pauline's chest. \"Frankly, I don't see why you would flaunt those things.\" Sasha inhaled and thrust out her amazing breasts. Her swollen areolas formed distinct bulges under tight top as her breasts projected outward into the open space between herself and Pauline. \"Now <I>these</I>... These are some tits!\"<BR><BR>The crowd 'Ooohed' at the sight of Sasha's thrusting breasts. Pauline's eyes grew wide. It was clear to her that her own chest was no competition to Sasha's jutting wonders."; Doc[160] = "0*\"How do these look to you, Tisha?\" Sasha asked.<BR><BR>Tisha peered over her sister's thrusting breasts to get a good look down her cleavage. She smiled at Pauline and said, \"They look fan-tastic from here!\""; DirtyDoc[160] = "0*Shasha turned to face Tisha, presenting her magnificently thrusting breasts to her sister. \"How do these feel, Tisha?\" Sasha asked.<BR><BR>Tisha reached up and gave her sister's thrusting right breast a couple of gentle squeezes. \"Amazing. Very firm.\" Then she gave her sister's plump areola a soft squeeze between her thumb and index finger. The areola responded by swelling larger. She smiled at Pauline and said, \"They feel fan-tastic!\""; Doc[162] = "0*Sasha smiled at Tisha. She turned to Pauline. \"You can fuck off now.\"<BR><BR>Their fellow students cheered as Pauline frowned and silently walked away.<BR><BR>Tanya looked at Tisha. \"She is not going to bother you any more.\""; Doc[164] = "0*Tisha gave Tanya a big hug. \"Thank you so much!\" She turned to Sasha and gave her hug as well. \"Thanks Sasha!\" She pulled back to wipe a tear from her cheek. This time it was a tear of joy. \"They really do look fantastic by the way.\"<BR><BR>Sasha laughed and hugged her sister again. Tisha smiled."; DirtyDoc[164] = "0*Tisha gave Tanya a big hug. \"Thank you so much!\" She turned to Sasha and gave her hug as well. \"Thanks Sasha!\" She pulled back to wipe a tear from her cheek. This time it was a tear of joy. \"They really do feel fantastic by the way.\"<BR><BR>Sasha laughed and hugged her sister again. She pressed her large, firm breasts into her sister. Tisha smiled."; Doc[166] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[180] = "1*<B>CHAPTER 3: INSPIRATION</B><BR>"; Doc[182] = "0*Tisha's school days had improved. She still had nothing new to speak of on her chest, and her female classmates were developing breasts all around her. But the teasing for the most part had stopped. On the odd occasion that a fellow student would give her grief about her chest, Sasha would thrust her amazing breasts in her face and Tisha's antagonist would instantly feel flat by comparison. Nobody could compete with Sasha's breasts. They were Tisha's secret weapons."; Doc[184] = "0*Nobody would think that Sasha's astounding breasts could get any better. But to everyone's surprise, Sasha's breasts continued to blossom larger. Over the next couple of months, she had swelled up to a staggering double-F cup. They no longer stood straight out like they did back in her D-cup days, but they were remarkably firm. Sasha would frequently get asked if she had surgery to get such a massive and firm bust. These questions started to irritate her as she thought it would be ridiculous for such a young lady to get breast enhancement surgery."; Doc[186] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[188] = "0*One day Sasha was lying on the couch, playing a portable video-game. Tanya was sitting in another chair, watching television. Tisha came up behind Sasha and crouched down so she could speak into her ear.<BR><BR>\"Hey Sasha, what are you playing?\" Tisha asked. She took the opportunity to down the V-neck of Sasha's blouse. She marveled at the sight of Sasha's massive breasts and the deep, dark cleavage.<BR><BR>\"Yeah?\" Sasha asked while she continued to play. \"I didn't think you were into games.\""; Doc[190] = "0*\"They are pretty cool. This is the monster game?\" Tisha said. Tanya turned and observed how Tisha was transfixed by Sasha's cleavage. She smiled and shook her head.<BR><BR>\"Yeah, you go exploring and find monsters and set traps for them. See? There are two of them now.\" Sasha explained.<BR><BR>\"I see them!\" Tisha said as she watched Sasha's huge breasts gently expanding and contracting with her breaths.<BR><BR>\"I'm going to move in closer.\" Sasha said as she pushed upwards on the controls.<BR><BR>\"Yes..\" Tisha said as she leaned forward.<BR><BR>\"Oh.. They spotted me. See how they bounce up and down when they get excited?\""; Doc[192] = "0*\"I sure do!\" Tisha said. She extended her head further forward so she could gaze down into her sister's gaping cleavage.<BR><BR>\"Uggh!\" Sasha grunted in frustration. Sitting up, she glared at her twin sister. \"Really, Tisha?\" She paused her game. \"All this time you were just looking at my tits?\"<BR><BR>\"I couldn't help it. I was thinking back to when you asked me to look at them at school.\" Tisha sighed. \"You have gotten so...<I>HUGE</I> since then. And I'm just...\" Tisha looked down. \"wishing I had some of that. Just a little bit.\""; DirtyDoc[192] = "0*\"I sure do!\" Tisha said. She extended her arm and poked her finger down her sister's gaping cleavage.<BR><BR>\"Gaah!\" Sasha tossed her arms up, pulling Tisha's finger out of her chest. Sitting up, she glared at her twin sister. \"Really, Tisha?\" She paused her game. \"All this time you were just looking at my tits?\"<BR><BR>\"I couldn't help it. I was thinking back to when you asked me to feel them at school.\" Tisha sighed. \"You have gotten so...<I>HUGE</I> since then. And I'm just...\" Tisha looked down. \"wishing I had some of that. Just a little bit.\""; Doc[195] = "0*\"Cut her some slack, Sasha.\" Tanya said. \"Mother Nature hasn't exactly been very fair between the two of you.\"<BR><BR>Sasha looked at her sister. \"Oh, alright. Look.. What's mine is yours, okay? Just.. ask me first. Don't be such a sneak about it.\"<BR><BR>Tisha grinned widely."; Doc[197] = "0*Sasha sat up straight and thrust out her amazing, massive breasts. Her shirt pulled taut as it contained her immense load. \"Go ahead.. Take a good look.\"<BR><BR>Tisha's eyes bulged as she saw her sister's massive breasts bulging towards her. \"Oh, Sasha. You have gotten so big!\""; DirtyDoc[197] = "0*Sasha sat up straight and thrust out her amazing, massive breasts. Her shirt pulled taut as it contained her immense load. \"Go ahead.. Give them a good feel.\"<BR><BR>Tisha's eyes lit up. She leaned forward and rested her cheek on her sister's breasts. She grabbed each side of them with her hands. \"Oh, Sasha. You have gotten so big!\""; Doc[199] = "0*\"She certainly has.\" Tanya said."; Doc[200] = "0*Sasha leaned forward a bit to give Tisha a better view down her deep cleavage.<BR><BR>Tisha's jaw dropped. \"Your tits are so firm!\""; DirtyDoc[200] = "0*Tisha raised her head up and looked at Sasha's breasts as she held either side of them. She squeezed her hands together to make her sister's squeeze together. Her cleavage blossomed from Tisha's manipulations. \"Your tits are so firm!\""; Doc[202] = "0*Sasha looked down at Tisha, \"Feel better?\""; Doc[204] = "0*Tisha carefully examined the expanse of her sister's bust as it bulged before her. \"Yes, thank you. Can you make them jiggle?\"<BR><BR>Sasha raised an eyebrow at Tisha then shimmied her shoulders. Her volumnous, heavy breasts shook slightly out of synch with her torso. \"They are a bit too firm for that. Tanya is the jiggle queen in the family. And Mom of course.\" Tisha turned to look at her older sister. Tanya smiled and shook her chest a bit, sending jiggling waves through her large bosom. Tisha smiled at Tanya then turned back towards Sasha. \"Your nipples are swelling up.\"<BR><BR>Sasha looked down. \"Yep. That happens now and then.\" Sasha's areolas bulged outward."; DirtyDoc[204] = "0*Tisha held her sister's breasts in her palms and jiggled them from side to side. \"Yes, thank you.\" Tisha's eyebrows raised. \"Your nipples are swelling up.\"<BR><BR>Sasha looked down. \"Yep. That will happen when they are played with.\" Sasha's areolas bulged outward."; Doc[206] = "0*Tisha giggled. \"It's like you have little boobs growing out of your big boobs!\" Tisha's eyes grew wide. \"Wow.\" She watched them bulge larger. \"They are getting even bigger! Jesus, Sasha!\"<BR><BR>Tanya looked at Sasha's bulging areola bumps and raised her eyebrows. \"Damn, Sash!\" Sasha's areolas had swollen larger than either Tisha or Tanya had seen them. Sasha looked like she had half oranges under her blouse. Large oranges."; DirtyDoc[206] = "0*Tisha giggled. \"It's like you have little boobs growing out of your big boobs!\" She released Sasha's breasts and gave her puffy nipples a gentle pinch. \"Wow.\" She watched them responding. \"They are getting even bigger! Jesus, Sasha!\"<BR><BR>Tanya looked at Sasha's bulging areola bumps and raised her eyebrows. \"Damn, Sash!\" Sasha's areolas had swollen larger than either Tisha or Tanya had seen them. Sasha looked like she had half oranges under her blouse. Large oranges."; Doc[208] = "0*Sasha sighed and put her hands over her sister's hands. \"Okay.\" She took a deep breath. \"Have you had enough now?\"<BR><BR>\"Yes.\" Tisha said. \"Thank you Sasha.\" She raised up and hugged her sister. \"I wish I could repay you for your kindness.\"<BR><BR>Sasha hugged Tisha back. \"Seeing you happier is good enough for me.\""; Doc[210] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[212] = "0*The next weekend, all three sisters were watching the movie <I>\"Grease.\"</I> Sasha and Tisha sat together on the long sofa. Tisha would occasionally turn her head to steal glances at Sasha's large breasts. She held a large bowl of popcorn in her lap."; DirtyDoc[212] = "0*The next weekend, all three sisters were watching the movie <I>\"Grease.\"</I> Sasha was seated at the far end of the long sofa, and Tisha was sitting right in front of her, with the back of her head nestled comfortably between Sasha's large breasts. She held a large bowl of popcorn in her lap."; Doc[213] = "0*Tanya said to Tisha, \"I'm surprised you've never seen this before. I love this movie.\""; Doc[214] = "0*\"Nope. Never have.\" Tisha said. \"I'm liking it, though. The songs are funny.\" Tisha tossed a popcorn kernel to her side and it landed in Sasha's cavernous cleavage.<BR><BR>\"That's not what they are there for.\" Sasha said.<BR><BR>\"I'm sorry, sis.\" Tisha said. She tossed a popped kernel into her mouth. Sasha rolled her eyes."; DirtyDoc[214] = "0*\"Nope. Never have.\" Tisha said. \"I'm liking it, though. The songs are funny.\" Tisha tossed a popcorn kernel over her head and it fell into Sasha's cavernous cleavage.<BR><BR>\"If you do that again, I won't let you sit there anymore.\" Sasha warned her.<BR><BR>\"I'm sorry, sis.\" Tisha reached over her head and pushed her hand down her twin sister's cleavage. She pulled out the kernel and popped it in her mouth. Sasha rolled her eyes. Tisha patted either side of her sister's massive breasts as if she were fluffing some pillows."; Doc[216] = "0*The next scene in the movie was the slumber party. Tasha saw a brief shot of the character Marty Maraschino clasping her hands together while looking at her chest. \"What is she doing?\" Tisha asked.<BR><BR>Tanya said, \"She's trying to make her tits look bigger.\"<BR><BR>\"<I>What!?</I>\" Tisha said as she stood up. She reached for the remote, spilling some popcorn from the bowl. She scanned back to watch the scene again. \"That makes your tits bigger?\"<BR><BR>\"I don't know,\" Tanya said, \"I've never tried it.\""; Doc[218] = "0*Tisha scanned the movie back once more to study the scene.<BR><BR>\"Can we watch the rest of the movie?\" Sasha asked with a sigh.<BR><BR>Tisha put down the remote and sat upright on the couch. She mimicked the motions she saw the actor do while she looked down at her chest. Then she turned to Sasha and pushed her chest out. \"Do they look any bigger?\""; Doc[220] = "0*Sasha looked at her sister. \"I don't see any difference.\"<BR><BR>\"You probably have to do it for a long time.\" Tanya said.<BR><BR>Tisha spent the rest of the movie squeezing her palms together. After the movie she went to the bathroom to study herself. She twisted her torso from side to side. \"Nothing.\" She said. She clasped her palms together and squeezed while watching her reflection. She furrowed her brow as she squeezed another dozen times. She put her arms down to her sides and looked in the mirror. \"Hmm.\""; Doc[222] = "0*Tisha was determined to find out of there was anything to this. When she went to bed, she continued to tense her chest while lying down. She did so until she was fully fatigued and went to sleep."; Doc[224] = "1*<BR>- - - -<BR>"; Doc[226] = "0*The next morning, Tisha's chest hurt. She brought her palms together to squeeze but felt a sharp pain throughout her chest. \"Ow!\""; Doc[228] = "0*She told Tanya that her chest hurt when she moved. \"You're just sore from trying something new.\" Tanya said. \"You will be fine in a couple of days.\"<BR><BR>When Tisha heard this she felt a thrill all the way down to her core. Whatever she was doing was having an effect. As soon as the soreness went away she would do it again. And again.<BR><BR>And again."; var DirtyMode = 0; var DirtyCounter = 0; var DirtyModeReq = 0; var DirtyPanelX = -233; var DirtyPanelMode = 0; var SliderReq = 0; var ScrollSliderMode = 0; var FontSliderMode = 0; var ScrollSliderX = 250; var FontSliderX = 250; var AutoScrollPref = 0.3; var FontPref = 17; var SliderMode = 0; var SliderOldX = 0; var MouseOldX = 0; var AVar; var BVar; var CVar; var DVar; var DocBit; var Counter; var PageBuildMode = 1; var FirstTime = 0; var PageUpdateBool = 0; var PageNum = 1; var PageBit; var PageBitStart; var PageBitEnd; var PageBitTotal; var PageNumDisplay = "Title"; var PageRequest = 0; var PageY = 50; var PageLength = 10; var ScrollMode = 0; var ScrollPref = 0; var ScrollVel = 0.2; var PrefsRequest = 0; var PrefsPanelX = 820; var PrefsPanelMode = 0; var PrefsPanelChanged; var KeyScrollReq = 0; var KeyScrollMode = 0; var KeyScrollVel = 0; var KeyScrollLevel = 0; var UpdateScroll = 0; var ScrollSpeedA = 8; var ScrollSpeedB = 16; var ScrollSpeedC = 32; var mouseListener = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta) { if (delta < 0) { KeyScrollReq = 2; } if (delta > 0) { KeyScrollReq = 1; } }; mouseListener.onMouseUp = function () { if (SliderMode == 1) { SliderMode = 2; } }; Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); var keyListener = new Object(); keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 32) { ScrollPref++; if (ScrollPref > 1) { ScrollPref = 0; } PlayPauseLED.gotoAndStop(ScrollPref + 1); if ((PrefsPanelMode == 0) || (PrefsPanelMode == 3)) { ScrollMode = ScrollPref; } } if (Key.getCode() == 38) { KeyScrollReq = 1; } if (Key.getCode() == 40) { KeyScrollReq = 2; } if (Key.getCode() == 37) { PageRequest = 2; PageUpdate(); } if (Key.getCode() == 39) { PageRequest = 3; PageUpdate(); } if (Key.getCode() == 17) { ScrollMode = 0; PrefsRequest = 1; } if (Key.getCode() == 68) { DirtyModeReq = 1; } if (Key.getCode() == 73) { DirtyModeReq = 2; } if (Key.getCode() == 82) { DirtyModeReq = 3; } if (Key.getCode() == 84) { DirtyModeReq = 4; } if (Key.getCode() == 89) { DirtyModeReq = 5; } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); }
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Created: 21/10 -2018 14:52:55 Last modified: 21/10 -2018 14:52:55 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:53:04