Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

In the Darkness Animation (Flash) by SiliconAya.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #161748

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
function playFLV() { return((g_flvVariable != undefined) || (g_flvURL != undefined)); } function arrange() { if (!isFullScreen()) { background._x = 0; background._y = 0; background._width = 0; background._height = 0; background._visible = false; border._visible = true; control.showControl(); g_videoObj._x = g_marginLeft; g_videoObj._y = g_marginTop; g_videoObj._width = Stage.width - (g_marginLeft + g_marginRight); g_videoObj._height = Stage.height - (g_marginTop + g_marginBottom); } else { background._x = 0; background._y = 0; background._width = Stage.width; background._height = Stage.height; background._visible = true; border._visible = false; control.hideControl(); if (!((g_videoWidth != 0) && (g_videoHeight != 0))) { g_videoObj._x = (Stage.width - g_videoObj._width) / 2; g_videoObj._y = (Stage.height - g_videoObj._height) / 2; } else { var _loc4 = 0; var _loc3 = 0; var _loc2 = Stage.width; var _loc1 = Stage.height; if ((g_videoWidth / g_videoHeight) <= (Stage.width / Stage.height)) { _loc2 = int(Stage.height * (g_videoWidth / g_videoHeight)); _loc4 = (Stage.width - _loc2) / 2; } else { _loc1 = int(Stage.width / (g_videoWidth / g_videoHeight)); _loc3 = (Stage.height - _loc1) / 2; } g_videoObj._x = _loc4; g_videoObj._y = _loc3; g_videoObj._width = _loc2; g_videoObj._height = _loc1; } } border.arrange(); control.arrange(); } function initPlayer() { if (g_initilized == undefined) { _lockroot = false; g_version = getVersion(); _lockroot = true; g_flvLoaded = false; g_isPlaying = false; g_isEnd = false; g_soundObj = new Sound(); g_soundMute = false; if (g_flvVariable != undefined) { g_flvURL = eval (g_flvVariable); } if (!playFLV()) { g_currentFrame = _currentframe; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!control.vt.isDragging) { g_isPlaying = g_currentFrame != _currentframe; g_currentFrame = _currentframe; } var _loc2 = g_isEnd; g_isEnd = _currentframe == _totalframes; if ((!_loc2) && (g_isEnd)) { if (g_endURL != undefined) { getURL (g_endURL, ((_root.g_endURLTarget == undefined) ? "" : (_root.g_endURLTarget))); } if (g_endSWF != undefined) { _root.loadMovie(g_endSWF); } } if (g_isEnd && (!control.vt.isDragging)) { if (g_isPlaying) { if (!(g_autoRewind || (g_repeat))) { g_isPlaying = false; stop(); } else { changeCurrentFrame(1); if (!g_repeat) { g_isPlaying = false; stop(); } else { play(); } } } } updateControls(); }; if (!g_autoPlay) { g_autoPlay = true; stop(); } } else { arrange(); if (g_flvURL != undefined) { control.vt.time.text = "Streaming..."; g_currentTime = 0; g_netConnection = new NetConnection(); g_netConnection.connect(null); g_netStream = new NetStream(g_netConnection); g_videoObj.attachVideo(g_netStream); g_videoObj.smoothing = true; g_netStream.setBufferTime(g_bufferTime);; g_netStream.onStatus = function (infoObj) { switch (infoObj.code) { case "NetStream.Play.Start" : g_flvLoaded = true; if (!g_autoPlay) { g_netStream.pause(true);; g_isPlaying = false; } else { g_isPlaying = true; } return; case "NetStream.Buffer.Full" : if ((g_videoWidth == 0) || (g_videoHeight == 0)) { g_videoWidth = g_videoObj.width; g_videoHeight = g_videoObj.height; arrange(); } return; case "NetStream.Play.Stop" : if (g_totalTime != undefined) { if ((g_totalTime - g_netStream.time) < 0.5) { g_endTime = g_netStream.time; } } return; case "NetStream.Seek.Notify" : return; case "NetStream.Seek.InvalidTime" :; return; case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound" : control.vt.time.text = "Stream not found."; var _loc1 = new TextFormat(); _loc1.color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; control.vt.time.setTextFormat(_loc1); } }; g_netStream.onMetaData = function (infoObj) { g_totalTime = Math.floor(infoObj.duration); }; } else { control.vt.time.text = ("\"" + g_flvVariable) + "\" not defined."; var fmt = new TextFormat(); fmt.color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; control.vt.time.setTextFormat(fmt); } _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (g_endTime != undefined) { var _loc3 = g_isEnd; g_isEnd = g_netStream.time >= g_endTime; if ((!_loc3) && (g_isEnd)) { if (g_endURL != undefined) { getURL (g_endURL, ((_root.g_endURLTarget == undefined) ? "" : (_root.g_endURLTarget))); } if (g_endSWF != undefined) { _root.loadMovie(g_endSWF); } } } if (g_isEnd) { var _loc2 = g_isPlaying; if (g_isPlaying) { g_isPlaying = false; g_netStream.pause(true); } if (!control.vt.isDragging) { if (_loc2) { if (g_autoRewind || (g_repeat)) { changeCurrentFrame(0); if (g_repeat) { g_isPlaying = true; g_netStream.pause(false); } } } } } updateControls(); }; var stageListener = new Object(); stageListener.onResize = arrange; Stage.addListener(stageListener); } g_initilized = true; } } function changeCurrentFrame(pos) { if (!playFLV()) { if (!((g_isPlaying && (!control.vt.isDragging)) && (pos < _totalframes))) { g_currentFrame = pos; gotoAndStop(pos +0); } else { g_currentFrame = 0; gotoAndPlay(pos); } } else {; } } function isFullScreen() { return(Stage.displayState == "fullScreen"); } function updateControls() { control.b_play._visible = !g_isPlaying; control.b_pause._visible = g_isPlaying; control.vt.syncIndicatorWithVideo(); } var g_fps = 30; var g_autoPlay = true; var g_autoRewind = true; var g_repeat = true; var g_showFullScreen = false; var g_showSound = false; var g_showAudioTrack = false; var g_showTime = false; var g_skinCustomizeColor = false; var g_skinColor = 16777215; var g_skinColorSaturation = 40; var g_bufferTime = 5; var g_soundVolume = 0; var g_marginLeft = 0; var g_marginTop = 0; var g_marginRight = 0; var g_marginBottom = 0; var g_initilized; var g_version; var g_flvLoaded; var g_netConnection; var g_netStream; var g_videoObj; var g_videoWidth = 0; var g_videoHeight = 0; var g_totalTime; var g_endTime; var g_soundObj; var g_soundMute; var g_currentFrame; var g_isPlaying; var g_isEnd; Stage.align = "TL"; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; initPlayer();

Library Items

Symbol 1 VideoUsed by:Timeline

Instance Names

"g_videoObj"Frame 1Symbol 1 Video
Created: 20/10 -2018 23:13:38 Last modified: 20/10 -2018 23:13:38 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:05:57