Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Cyber Hell 3 by 53xy83457.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #161898

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 24 { } movieClip 25 dbullet { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > this._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < this._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(672); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > this._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < this._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(700); } } this._x -= 20; if (this._x < -20) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe > 671) { this._y = -21; } }; } } movieClip 26 tbullet { frame 1 { var speed; if (_root.Enemy._xscale > 0) { speed = -20; } else { if (_root.Enemy._xscale < 0) { speed = 20; } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > this._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < this._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2086); } } if (this.hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > this._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < this._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2114); } } this._x += speed; if (this._x < -20 || this._x > 920) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root._currentframe > 2085) { this._y = -21; } }; } } button 32 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.loadNewgrounds(); } } movieClip 45 { } button 51 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } button 52 { on (release) { prevFrame(); } } button 56 { on (release) { selectPeriod('Today'); } } button 59 { on (release) { selectPeriod('This Week'); } } button 62 { on (release) { selectPeriod('This Month'); } } button 65 { on (release) { selectPeriod('This Year'); } } button 68 { on (release) { selectPeriod('All-Time'); } } movieClip 69 { frame 1 { function selectPeriod(p) { _parent.loadScores(10, p); period = p; gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } } movieClip 70 Score Board (NewgroundsAPI) { #initclip Object.registerClass('Score Board (NewgroundsAPI)', com.newgrounds.components.ScoreTable); #endinitclip frame 1 { loadScores(10); } } movieClip 99 { } movieClip 102 { } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 114 { frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 120 { } button 121 { on (release) { startMovie(); } } movieClip 122 Preloader Bar (NewgroundsAPI) { #initclip Object.registerClass('Preloader Bar (NewgroundsAPI)', com.newgrounds.components.PreloaderBar); #endinitclip } movieClip 129 { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (865 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -67 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 287) {  += 374; true; } if ( == 239) {  -= 28; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; } if ( != 753) break; for (;;) {  -= 514; if ( == 211) {  += 348; } if ( == 140) {  += 608; }  -= 521;  -= 268;  -= 160;  -= 678;  += 737;  += 747;  -= 291;  += 270;  += 302;  -= 204;  -= 753;  += 398;  -= 819;  -= 748; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ''; 1;  == 963; eval(true); } } movieClip 130 { frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 131 Flash Ad (NewgroundsAPI) { #initclip Object.registerClass('Flash Ad (NewgroundsAPI)', com.newgrounds.components.FlashAd); #endinitclip } movieClip 138 { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2892 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -160 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 177) {  += 121; true; } if ( == 713) {  += 93; } if ( != 540) break; for (;;) {  += 246; if ( == 922) {  -= 382; } if ( == 983) {  -= 147; ''; }  += 208;  += 89;  -= 786;  += 713;  += 421;  += 632;  += 170;  -= 505;  -= 131;  += 308; var  = 1;  -= 763;  -= 219;  -= 263;  += 510;  += 775;  -= 327;  += 46;  -= 421;  += 250; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 724; eval(!true); true; } } movieClip 140 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 142 { frame 37 { _parent.setGotoFrame('done'); stop(); } } movieClip 144 { } movieClip 146 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Medal_Icon_Placeholder { } movieClip 153 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Medal_Popup { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (737 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 9 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 132; continue; if ( == 894) {  -= 891; var eval( != 235) = true; continue; } if ( == 434) { for (;;) {  += 345; if (!true) { break; }  += 29;  += 166;  += 77;  += 206;  -= 422;  -= 355;  -= 135;  -= 235;  -= 105;  -= 669;  += 29;  -= 171;  -= 128;  += 953;  -= 490;  += 556;  -= 54;  -= 408;  += 401;  += 185;  += 252;  += 541;  += 568;  -= 293;  -= 318;  -= 688;  -= 425; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 235; true; } frame 2 { medal.attachIcon(icon); } frame 10 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2142 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 78 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 176) {  += 609; true; } if ( == 293) {  += 436; } if ( != 306) break; for (;;) {  += 231; if ( == 832) {  += 5; true; } if ( == 890) {  += 93; }  += 176;  += 286;  -= 784;  += 356;  += 909;  -= 455;  += 716;  -= 447;  += 515;  += 342;  += 890;  -= 600;  -= 210; var eval(1) = true;  -= 347;  -= 25;  -= 224;  -= 252;  -= 791;  -= 170;  -= 121;  -= 150;  -= 549;  -= 124;  -= 859; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  == 361; true; ''; ; } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); _visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 159 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Login_Warning { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2309 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 253 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  -= 105; continue; if ( == 39) {  += 855; continue; } if ( == 413) { for (;;) {  += 520; if (!true) { break; }  -= 739;  += 184;  -= 889;  -= 443; var eval( != 518) =  != 194;  -= 669; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  -= 472;  += 117;  += 423;  += 503;  -= 308;  += 574;  -= 739;  += 231;  -= 419;  += 63;  -= 24;  += 346;  -= 46;  += 151;  += 275;  -= 2;  -= 338; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 518; true; } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); _visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 162 NewgroundsAPIAsset_Connection_Error { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1793 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 705 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 965) {  -= 568; true; } if ( == 764) {  += 3; true; } if ( == 920) { for (;;) {  -= 156; if ( != 28) break;  += 917; if ( == 698) {  -= 334; }  += 421;  -= 509;  += 266;  += 482;  += 39;  += 216;  -= 595; var eval(1 ::: !1) = eval( != 277);  -= 616;  -= 339;  += 62;  -= 73;  -= 724;  += 346;  -= 468; } ''; ''; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); _visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 164 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 170 { } movieClip 172 { } movieClip 174 { } movieClip 176 { } movieClip 178 { } movieClip 180 { } movieClip 182 { } movieClip 183 NewgroundsAPIAsset_big_popup_background { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (827 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 669 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  -= 86; continue; if ( == 4) {  += 812; continue; } if ( != 545) break; for (;;) {  += 156; if (!true) { goto 303; }  -= 450; label 303:  -= 229;  -= 400;  -= 450;  += 77;  -= 377;  += 565;  -= 221;  -= 116;  -= 534;  += 234;  -= 553;  += 145;  -= 96;  += 96;  += 666;  += 162;  += 199;  += 165;  -= 47;  -= 105;  += 166; var  = 1;  -= 111;  -= 30;  += 364;  -= 18;  -= 779; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 985;  == 497; true; true; true; ; } } button 187 { on (release) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2726 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 118 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 703; continue; if ( == 628) {  -= 63; if (!true) { continue; }  += 53; continue; for (;;) { if ( == 859) {  += 37; }  -= 852;  -= 553;  -= 15;  += 840;  += 107;  -= 319;  -= 280;  -= 74;  += 115;  += 315;  += 448;  += 215;  -= 481;  -= 40;  -= 136;  += 357;  += 53;  -= 355; var eval(true) = true;  -= 221;  -= 732;  += 183;  -= 21;  -= 243;  += 530;  += 682;  -= 833; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 289; true; } } button 193 { on (release) { getURL(official_version_url, '_blank'); } } movieClip 195 NewgroundsAsset_New_Version_Available { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (980 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -291 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( != 178) break;  += 237; if ( == 100) {  += 80; if (!true) { goto 235; }  += 713; label 235: for (;;) { if ( != 893) break;  -= 86;  -= 744;  -= 541;  += 96;  += 723;  -= 947; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = eval( == 844);  += 553;  += 317;  += 419;  += 713;  += 16;  -= 541;  += 471;  -= 807;  += 75;  -= 332;  -= 116; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } true; } } button 196 { on (release) { getURL(official_version_url, '_blank'); } } movieClip 200 NewgroundsAsset_Illegal_Host { frame 1 { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2307 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -142 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 121) {  += 383; true; } if ( == 505) {  += 45; } if ( == 418) { for (;;) {  += 276; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( != 661) break;  -= 104; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = !undefined; if ( == 134) {  += 305; }  += 176;  += 243;  += 6;  -= 560;  += 388;  += 359;  += 409;  -= 527;  += 561;  -= 903;  -= 615;  -= 315;  += 89;  -= 203; }  != 439; ''; eval(true); ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } movieClip 201 API Connector (NewgroundsAPI) { #initclip Object.registerClass('API Connector (NewgroundsAPI)', com.newgrounds.components.APIConnector); #endinitclip frame 20 { _visible = false; } } frame 1 { Stage.showMenu = false; _root.swoop = new Sound(); _root.swoop.attachSound('newswoop1'); _root.drop = new Sound(); _root.drop.attachSound('drop'); _root.flow = new Sound(); _root.flow.attachSound('fountains'); _root.legs = new Sound(); _root.legs.attachSound('pbot armsound'); _root.biggun = new Sound(); _root.biggun.attachSound('optimus gun sound'); _root.knifes = new Sound(); _root.knifes.attachSound('knifes'); _root.spurt = new Sound(); _root.spurt.attachSound('flesh rip1'); _root.charge = new Sound(); _root.charge.attachSound('charges'); _root.boom = new Sound(); _root.boom.attachSound('explosion'); _root.zap = new Sound(); _root.zap.attachSound('new dad lazers'); _root.melt = new Sound(); _root.melt.attachSound('terminator transform'); _root.mysplat = new Sound(); _root.mysplat.attachSound('mysplat'); _root.r2beep = new Sound(); _root.r2beep.attachSound('R2D2a'); _root.burn = new Sound(); _root.burn.attachSound('dadhedfires'); _root.blip = new Sound(); _root.blip.attachSound('beeps'); _root.edlegs = new Sound(); _root.edlegs.attachSound('robotwalk2s'); _root.wheels = new Sound(); _root.wheels.attachSound('robo wheels'); _root.clash = new Sound(); _root.clash.attachSound('sword clashs1'); _root.saws = new Sound(); _root.saws.attachSound('saws'); _global.score; _global.boss; _global.boss2; _global.medal; } movieClip 209 { } instance of movieClip 201 API Connector (NewgroundsAPI) { onClipEvent (construct) { api_id = '26334:szUFRBT4'; encryption_key = 'Bhn3NtnCYgPeKXnHq7oOmSXXyWOLnfCv'; version = ''; fake_session = true; debug = true; error_screens = true; medal_popups = true; } } button 212 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 215 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 218 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } instance of movieClip 131 Flash Ad (NewgroundsAPI) { onClipEvent (construct) { show_background = true; } } instance of movieClip 122 Preloader Bar (NewgroundsAPI) { onClipEvent (construct) { AUTO_PLAY = false; } } button 222 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 226 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 229 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 236 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 239 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 74 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1997 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -85 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 379) {  -= 70; true; } if ( == 745) {  += 224; ''; 1; } if ( != 565) break; for (;;) {  -= 487; if ( == 127) {  += 618; } if ( == 969) {  -= 490; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = undefined; }  -= 518;  -= 35;  -= 154;  += 366;  += 383;  += 300;  -= 287;  -= 102;  += 627;  += 192;  += 35;  -= 220;  -= 100;  -= 78; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 751; true; !; #endinitclip } movieClip 72 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1375 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 491 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 844) {  -= 510; true; } if ( == 74) {  += 788; } if ( == 123) { for (;;) {  += 790; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if (!undefined) { break; }  -= 824;  -= 302;  -= 28;  += 369;  += 599;  -= 112;  -= 824;  -= 155;  -= 596;  += 34;  -= 185;  -= 49;  += 313;  -= 105;  -= 658;  -= 134;  -= 99;  += 280; var eval(eval(!true)) = true;  -= 230;  += 43;  -= 625;  -= 688; }  != 744; ''; ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 88 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (595 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 240 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 324) {  += 240; true; } if ( == 635) {  += 101; } if ( != 513) break; for (;;) {  += 17; if ( == 245) {  += 436; } if ( == 303) {  += 433; }  += 89;  -= 505;  -= 62;  -= 158;  -= 288;  -= 530;  -= 515;  -= 668;  += 630; var  = eval(1);  += 168;  += 125;  += 295;  += 7;  -= 31; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 861; !''; true; #endinitclip } movieClip 75 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1727 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -55 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 139) {  += 289; true; } if ( == 270) {  += 502; } if ( != 326) break; for (;;) {  += 446; if ( == 951) {  -= 253; } if ( == 772) {  -= 546; true; }  -= 85;  += 39;  += 170;  += 307;  += 725;  -= 268;  -= 476;  += 392;  -= 457;  += 99;  += 384;  += 491;  += 155;  -= 669;  -= 191;  -= 135;  -= 188;  -= 550;  += 561;  += 83;  += 781;  -= 44; var eval(true) = true;  += 453;  -= 581; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } !eval( != 698); ''; ''; 1; #endinitclip } movieClip 80 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2740 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 685 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  -= 455; continue; if ( == 269) {  += 296; continue; } if ( != 415) break; for (;;) {  -= 41; if (!true) { goto 1324; }  -= 61; label 1324:  -= 568;  -= 61;  += 883; var eval( != 870) =  != 837;  += 688; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  -= 151;  -= 114;  += 143;  -= 732;  += 82;  -= 50;  -= 647; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } !eval(undefined); ''; ''; 1; #endinitclip } movieClip 79 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (263 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 299 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 562) {  += 403; true; } if ( != 245) break;  += 52; if ( == 200) { for (;;) {  += 325; if ( == 46) {  += 833; } if ( == 29) {  += 527; }  += 269; var eval(1 ::: eval(1)) =  != 297;  -= 765;  += 470;  += 332;  += 41;  += 149;  -= 537;  -= 676;  += 577;  += 112;  -= 273;  -= 581;  -= 634;  -= 497; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ''; 1; #endinitclip } movieClip 76 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1082 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -27 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 408; continue; if ( != 462) break;  -= 333; if (!true) { goto 235; }  += 36; label 235: continue; for (;;) { if ( == 165) {  += 281; }  -= 224;  += 36;  += 148;  -= 150;  += 281;  += 299;  -= 293;  -= 282;  -= 262;  += 690;  += 266;  += 205;  -= 883;  += 5;  += 192;  -= 741;  -= 301;  += 473;  -= 823; var  = true;  -= 327;  += 240;  += 492;  -= 250;  += 878;  -= 18;  -= 125; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 33;  != 869; true; true; ''; eval(!1); #endinitclip } movieClip 84 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1006 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 27 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 73; continue; if ( == 157) {  += 134; continue; } if ( == 438) { for (;;) {  -= 431; if (!true) { goto 298; }  += 261; label 298:  -= 475;  -= 141;  -= 165;  += 159;  += 145;  -= 325;  -= 291; var eval(true) = '';  += 488;  += 152;  += 261;  -= 379;  -= 775;  += 952;  += 23;  -= 285;  -= 295;  -= 377;  -= 312;  += 686;  += 237;  += 495; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 522; true; #endinitclip } movieClip 85 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1967 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -285 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 149) {  -= 13; true; } if ( == 389) {  -= 92; ''; 1; } if ( == 470) { for (;;) {  -= 190; if ( != 868) break;  -= 291; if ( == 871) {  -= 482; }  += 73;  -= 318;  += 610;  += 45;  -= 228;  -= 133;  -= 487;  -= 318;  -= 80;  -= 134;  += 367;  += 135;  += 554; var eval(true) = !true;  += 474;  += 137;  -= 75;  -= 538;  -= 510;  -= 26;  += 834;  += 189;  -= 688;  += 615;  -= 622; }  != 202; ''; eval(true); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 27 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1203 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 616 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 797) {  -= 581; true; } if ( == 27) {  += 683; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 450) { for (;;) {  -= 423; if ( != 357) break;  += 245; if ( == 869) {  -= 419; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = ''; }  -= 347;  -= 147;  += 267;  -= 53;  += 439;  += 178;  -= 183;  += 355;  -= 566; } '';  != 913; ''; !1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 71 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (678 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 334 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 501) {  += 48; true; } if ( == 215) {  += 492; } else { for (;;) {  -= 713;  -= 296; if ( != 549) break; if ( == 895) {  += 405;  += 614;  -= 866; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  += 525;  += 405;  -= 100;  -= 521;  -= 607;  += 329;  += 556;  -= 109;  += 562;  -= 716;  += 939;  += 443;  += 98;  -= 182;  -= 136;  += 153; var eval(eval(true)) = '';  -= 654;  -= 976; } !undefined; ''; 1; true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 73 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1221 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -124 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 75) {  -= 2; true; } if ( != 34) break;  += 873; if ( == 644) { for (;;) {  -= 166; if ( == 774) {  -= 198; } if ( == 291) {  -= 23; }  -= 2;  += 506;  -= 165;  -= 39;  -= 518;  -= 616;  += 404;  += 30;  -= 168;  -= 233;  += 6;  -= 571;  -= 371;  -= 24;  += 400;  -= 310; var eval(!eval( != 478)) = true;  += 137;  -= 108;  -= 171; } ''; ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 77 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (872 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 209 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 570) {  += 407; true; } if ( == 588) {  += 333; } if ( == 945) { for (;;) {  -= 518; if ( != 643) break;  += 302;  += 2; if ( == 977) { }  -= 336;  += 455;  += 175;  -= 336;  += 420;  -= 921;  -= 22;  -= 800;  += 326;  += 298;  -= 362;  -= 244;  += 221; var  = !1;  -= 220;  += 347; } true; ; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 78 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1695 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 421 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 583) {  += 204; true; } if ( == 661) {  -= 34; ''; 1; } if ( == 868) { for (;;) {  -= 762;  += 171; if ( != 787) break; continue;  -= 90;  -= 90;  -= 70;  -= 309;  += 788; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  += 231;  += 121;  += 346;  -= 252;  -= 512;  += 490;  += 17;  -= 345; var eval(eval(true)) = '';  -= 552;  += 53;  -= 370; } !undefined; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 81 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2879 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -58 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 423; continue; if ( == 650) {  -= 578; continue; } if ( != 694) break; for (;;) {  -= 583; if (!true) { goto 285; }  += 400; label 285:  += 259;  += 10;  += 400;  += 729;  -= 272;  += 664;  -= 434;  += 39;  -= 390;  -= 88;  -= 115;  += 419;  += 145;  -= 169; var eval(1) = !true;  -= 61;  += 265;  -= 20;  -= 54;  += 85;  += 29;  -= 229;  += 164;  += 242;  += 91;  -= 262;  -= 914; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 266; eval( != 511); ''; true; true; ''; #endinitclip } movieClip 82 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1433 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -183 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 228) {  += 628; true; } if ( == 546) {  -= 425; } if ( != 301) break; for (;;) {  -= 203; if ( == 209) {  -= 88; }  -= 233; if ( == 856) { }  -= 322;  += 297;  -= 322;  += 11;  -= 542;  -= 744;  -= 108;  += 412;  -= 786;  += 443;  -= 491;  += 460;  -= 389;  += 581;  -= 448; var  = 1;  += 298;  -= 15;  += 323;  += 481;  -= 724; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } !true; eval(true); ''; #endinitclip } movieClip 83 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (423 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 264 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  -= 521; continue; if ( == 239) {  -= 183; continue; } if ( == 166) { for (;;) {  -= 96; if (!true) { goto 498; }  += 343; label 498:  -= 30;  += 239;  -= 52;  += 165;  -= 601;  -= 666;  += 343;  -= 139; var eval(true) = '';  -= 589;  += 775;  += 21;  += 23;  -= 385;  += 201;  += 712;  -= 832;  += 2;  += 42;  -= 578;  -= 221;  += 463; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 687; true; #endinitclip } movieClip 86 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (38 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 295 + (); // An attempt to read a value from empty stack while (!undefined) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) {  += 438; continue; if ( != 783) break;  -= 417; if (!true) { goto 235; }  += 254; label 235: continue; for (;;) { if ( == 61) {  += 722; }  += 847;  += 97;  += 39;  += 22;  += 428; var eval( != 144) = '';  += 303;  += 807;  -= 62;  -= 542;  -= 291;  -= 806;  -= 541;  += 254;  -= 361;  -= 404;  += 282;  += 327;  -= 28;  += 441;  += 764;  += 207;  -= 746;  -= 478;  -= 142;  -= 351;  -= 326; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }  != 333 :::  == 333; eval(true); true; true; ''; 1; #endinitclip } movieClip 87 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1418 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 14 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 410) {  -= 391; true; } if ( == 448) {  += 143; } if ( != 539) break; for (;;) {  -= 505; if ( == 315) {  += 112; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack !undefined; }  += 627; if ( != 19) break;  -= 198;  += 233; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack  -= 198;  -= 587;  -= 212;  -= 179;  -= 195;  -= 765;  -= 340;  -= 40; var eval(true) = '';  += 447;  -= 157;  -= 25;  += 575;  += 272;  += 112;  += 138;  += 11;  += 400;  -= 434; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } eval(undefined); true; ''; 1; #endinitclip } movieClip 89 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2764 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 750 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 959) {  -= 281; true; } // An attempt to read a value from empty stack } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } ( != 419) ? undefined; #endinitclip } movieClip 90 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (145 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 543 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 688) {  -= 276; true; } if ( == 967) {  -= 668; } if ( != 704) break; for (;;) {  += 197; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 236) {  += 63; } if ( == 846) {  += 104; }  += 303;  += 278;  += 425;  -= 569;  += 564;  -= 231;  += 337;  -= 664;  -= 590;  -= 671;  -= 570; var eval(!undefined) =  != 412;  -= 72;  += 388;  -= 45;  += 196;  -= 376;  += 391;  -= 845;  += 9; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } true; ''; 1; true; ; #endinitclip } movieClip 91 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (1568 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = 372 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 407) {  += 542; true; } if ( == 610) {  += 275; true; } if ( == 215) { for (;;) {  -= 99; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack if ( == 101) {  += 28; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack var eval(undefined) = !undefined; } if ( != 942) break;  -= 727;  += 12;  -= 64;  += 491;  -= 448;  += 164;  += 55;  -= 182;  += 813;  -= 773;  += 41;  += 54;  -= 44;  += 480;  -= 716; } eval(!undefined);  != 885; ''; 1; ''; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } movieClip 123 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2350 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -239 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 67) {  += 206; true; } if ( == 957) {  -= 70; } if ( != 822) break; for (;;) {  -= 332; if ( == 224) {  += 663; } if ( != 713) break;  -= 489;  -= 675;  += 342;  += 529;  += 440;  += 66;  += 151;  -= 490;  += 468;  -= 946; var eval(!1) = ''; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } eval( != 968); ''; #endinitclip } movieClip 132 { #initclip for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { Unknown action: 0xfc function () {  = (2421 % 511) * true; if (!'') { } else {} return ; } var  = -320 + (); for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { for (;;) { if ( == 57) {  += 233; true; } if ( == 608) {  -= 3; // An attempt to read a value from empty stack eval(undefined); } if ( == 269) { for (;;) {  += 360;  -= 110; if ( != 290) break; goto 336;  += 810; label 336:  -= 470;  += 197;  += 218;  += 141;  -= 340;  += 810;  -= 14; var  = !true;  += 40;  -= 374;  -= 617;  -= 352;  -= 158;  += 247;  -= 2;  -= 68;  += 468;  += 478;  -= 117;  += 115;  += 317;  += 110;  += 69;  += 291;  -= 50;  -= 507; } true; true; ''; 1; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } #endinitclip } frame 2 { score = 666; boss = 0; boss2 = 0; medal = true; } frame 82 { stop(); } button 255 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(83); } on (keyPress 'z') { gotoAndPlay(83); } on (keyPress 'Z') { gotoAndPlay(83); } } frame 96 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 258 { } frame 97 { stop(); } button 264 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(98); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(98); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(98); } } movieClip 268 { } frame 171 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 272 { } movieClip 277 { } movieClip 279 { } movieClip 281 { } movieClip 286 { } movieClip 289 { } movieClip 293 { frame 1 { stop(); var Mobile; Mobile = true; } frame 3 { Mobile = false; } } button 296 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(172); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(172); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(172); } } movieClip 302 { } movieClip 307 { } movieClip 309 { } movieClip 310 { } frame 260 { stop(); } button 316 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(261); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(261); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(261); } } frame 261 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Enemy._y > Player._y) { Enemy.swapDepths(Player.getDepth() + 1); } else { if (Enemy._y < Player._y) { Player.swapDepths(Enemy.getDepth() + 1); } } if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 318 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 323 { } movieClip 325 { frame 1 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } }; } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.Enemy.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); this.onEnterFrame = function () {}; } frame 41 { _root.flow.start(); } frame 130 { _root.flow.stop('fountains'); _root.gotoAndPlay(262); } } frame 262 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Bang, zoom, straight to the Moon'); } frame 262 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } movieClip 328 { } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 340 { } frame 420 { stop(); } button 342 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(421); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(421); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(421); } } frame 421 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Enemy._y > Player._y) { Enemy.swapDepths(Player.getDepth() + 1); } else { if (Enemy._y < Player._y) { Player.swapDepths(Enemy.getDepth() + 1); } } if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 345 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 349 { } movieClip 357 { } movieClip 359 { frame 1 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.legs.stop('pbot armsound'); _root.gotoAndPlay(422); } } } } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.legs.stop('pbot armsound'); _root.Enemy.gotoAndPlay(38); } } } } frame 2 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 3 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 4 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 4 { _root.legs.start(); } frame 5 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 6 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 7 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 8 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 9 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 10 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 11 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 12 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 13 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 14 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 15 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 16 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 17 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 18 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 19 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } } frame 20 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 21 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 22 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 22 { _root.legs.start(); } frame 23 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 24 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 25 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 26 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 27 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 28 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 29 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 30 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 31 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 32 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 33 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 34 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 35 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 36 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 38 { _root.knifes.start(); } frame 70 { _root.spurt.start(); } frame 74 { _root.spurt.start(); } frame 78 { _root.spurt.start(); } frame 120 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 150 { _root.charge.start(); } instance evul2 of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul2; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 50 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 50) { _root.gotoAndPlay(574); } } } } frame 221 { _root.boom.start(); } frame 310 { _root.gotoAndPlay(601); } } frame 422 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 422 { stopAllSounds(); } button 364 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(420); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(420); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(420); } } movieClip 367 { } frame 573 { stop(); } frame 574 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } movieClip 376 { } movieClip 382 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 386 { } movieClip 388 { } frame 600 { stop(); } frame 601 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Fuck tha Police'); } frame 601 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } movieClip 393 { } frame 670 { stop(); } button 394 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(671); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(671); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(671); } } frame 671 { stop(); var i = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Enemy._y > Player._y) { Enemy.swapDepths(Player.getDepth() + 1); } else { if (Enemy._y < Player._y) { Player.swapDepths(Enemy.getDepth() + 1); } } if (Enemy.Shoot == true) { ++i; _root.attachMovie('dbullet', 'dbullet' + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['dbullet' + i]._x = Enemy._x; _root['dbullet' + i]._y = Enemy._y; } if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 397 { } movieClip 398 { } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 408 { } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 414 { } movieClip 416 { frame 1 { _root.zap.start(); } frame 1 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.Enemy.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } } frame 2 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 3 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 4 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 5 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 6 { var Shoot; Shoot = true; } frame 7 { Shoot = false; } frame 7 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 8 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 9 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 10 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 11 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 12 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 13 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 14 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 15 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 16 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 17 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 18 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 19 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } } frame 20 { if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 4; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 4; } } gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 21 { Shoot = false; _root.zap.stop('new dad lazers'); _root.knifes.start(); } frame 61 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 94 { _root.mysplat.start(); } frame 125 { _root.spurt.start(); } frame 219 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Surgeon Who'); } frame 220 { _root.gotoAndPlay(900); } } frame 672 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 672 { stopAllSounds(); } button 417 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(670); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(670); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(670); } } movieClip 420 { } frame 699 { stop(); } frame 700 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 700 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 899 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Sonic screw you'); } frame 900 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } movieClip 439 { } movieClip 444 { } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 449 { } movieClip 452 { } movieClip 457 { } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 462 { } movieClip 464 { } movieClip 466 { } movieClip 478 { } movieClip 480 { } movieClip 483 { } movieClip 486 { } movieClip 490 { } movieClip 494 { } movieClip 495 { } movieClip 497 { } movieClip 502 { } movieClip 511 { } movieClip 513 { } movieClip 515 { } movieClip 516 { } movieClip 519 { } movieClip 522 { } movieClip 525 { } movieClip 527 { } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 534 { } movieClip 537 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h1.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h1.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 10 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Stealing is fun!'); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 541 { } frame 1055 { stop(); } movieClip 543 { } button 544 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1055); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1055); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1055); } } frame 1056 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 295) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 295) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 295) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 545 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h2.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h2.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 546 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h4.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h4.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 10 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Stealing is fun!'); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 547 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h6.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h6.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 548 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h8.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h8.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 549 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h10.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h10.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 550 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h3.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h3.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 551 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h5.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h5.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 552 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h7.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h7.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 2 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 553 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.h9.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { _root.h9.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.gotoAndPlay(1397); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } } frame 1375 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { Player.gotoAndStop(1); }; } frame 1375 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 1393 { _root.splat._x = _root.Player._x - 160; } movieClip 558 { frame 13 { stop(); } } button 559 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1055); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1055); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1055); } } frame 1396 { stop(); } frame 1397 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 561 { } movieClip 566 { } movieClip 568 { } movieClip 571 { } movieClip 574 { } movieClip 576 { } movieClip 579 { } movieClip 583 { } frame 1700 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Daisy, Daisy...'); } movieClip 588 { } frame 1835 { stop(); } button 589 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1836); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1836); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1836); } } frame 1836 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Enemy._y > Player._y) { Enemy.swapDepths(Player.getDepth() + 1); } else { if (Enemy._y < Player._y) { Player.swapDepths(Enemy.getDepth() + 1); } } if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 295) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 295) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 295) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 592 { } movieClip 594 { } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 601 { } movieClip 603 { frame 1 { _root.r2beep.start(); } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(1837); } } } } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.r2beep.stop('R2D2a'); _root.Enemy.gotoAndPlay(4); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= 12; this._y = _root.Player._y - 2; }; } frame 4 { this.onEnterFrame = function () {}; } frame 4 { _root.knifes.start(); } frame 17 { _root.drop.start(); } instance evul2 of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul2; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 50 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 50) { _root.gotoAndPlay(1989); } } } } frame 60 { _root.boom.start(); } frame 61 { _root.burn.start(); } frame 159 { _root.gotoAndPlay(2015); } } frame 1837 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 1837 { stopAllSounds(); } button 605 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1835); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1835); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(1835); } } movieClip 608 { } movieClip 610 { } frame 1988 { stop(); } frame 1989 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 1989 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 2014 { stop(); } frame 2015 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Bleep you!'); } frame 2015 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 2015 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 619 { } movieClip 621 { } movieClip 623 { } frame 2084 { stop(); } button 624 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2085); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2085); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2085); } } frame 2085 { stop(); var i = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Enemy.Shoot == true) { ++i; _root.attachMovie('tbullet', 'tbullet' + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['tbullet' + i]._x = 783; _root['tbullet' + i]._y = Enemy._y; } else { if (Enemy.Shoot2 == true) { ++i; _root.attachMovie('tbullet', 'tbullet' + i, _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root['tbullet' + i]._x = 117; _root['tbullet' + i]._y = Enemy._y; } } if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 634 { frame 2 { _root.zap.start(); } frame 7 { var Shoot; var Shoot2; if (this._xscale > 0) { Shoot = true; } else { if (this._xscale < 0) { Shoot2 = true; } } } frame 8 { Shoot = false; Shoot2 = false; } frame 25 { _root.melt.start(); } frame 74 { this._y = _root.Player._y; if (_root.Player._x < 450 && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (_root.Player._x > 450 && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } } frame 105 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 2086 { stopAllSounds(); } button 635 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2084); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2084); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2084); } } frame 2113 { stop(); } frame 2114 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 2309 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I\'m rubber, you\'re a bitch'); } movieClip 659 { frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 660 { } frame 2385 { stop(); } button 661 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2386); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2386); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2386); } } frame 2386 { stop(); var i = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Enemy._y > Player._y && Enemy.Fly == false) { Enemy.swapDepths(Player.getDepth() + 1); } else { if (Enemy._y < Player._y && Enemy.Fly == false) { Player.swapDepths(Enemy.getDepth() + 1); } else { if (Enemy.Fly == true) { Player.swapDepths(Enemy.getDepth() + 1); } } } if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 664 { } movieClip 667 { } movieClip 671 { frame 1 { _root.swoop.start(); } frame 8 { var Fly; Fly = true; } frame 10 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 11 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 12 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 13 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 14 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 15 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 16 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 17 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 18 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 19 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 20 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 21 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 22 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 23 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 24 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 25 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 26 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 27 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 28 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 29 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 30 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 31 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 32 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 33 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 34 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 35 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 36 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 37 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 38 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 39 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 40 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 41 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 42 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 43 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 44 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 45 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 46 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 47 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 48 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 49 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 50 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 51 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 52 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 53 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 54 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 55 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 56 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 57 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 58 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 59 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 60 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 61 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 62 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 63 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 64 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 65 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 66 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 67 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 68 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 69 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x + 10) { this._x -= 8; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x - 10) { this._x += 8; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 10) { this._y -= 8; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 10) { this._y += 8; } } } frame 70 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x && this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x && this._xscale > 0) { this._xscale *= -1; } } } frame 72 { Fly = false; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2387); } } } } frame 79 { _root.drop.start(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { stopAllSounds(); _root.Enemy.gotoAndPlay(141); } } } } frame 95 { _root.wheels.start(); } frame 110 { _root.blip.start(); } instance eatk2 of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk2; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2414); } } } } frame 125 { _root.wheels.start(); } frame 140 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 141 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 142 { _root.edlegs.start(); } instance evul2 of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul2; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 50 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 50) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2486); } } } } frame 247 { _root.edlegs.stop('robotwalk2s'); } frame 248 { _root.boom.start(); } frame 350 { _root.gotoAndPlay(2511); } } frame 2387 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 2387 { stopAllSounds(); } button 672 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2385); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2385); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(2385); } } movieClip 675 { frame 12 { stop(); } } frame 2413 { stop(); } frame 2414 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 2414 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 686 { } frame 2485 { stop(); } frame 2486 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 2486 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 2486 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 2510 { stop(); } frame 2511 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Buttered toast'); } frame 2511 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } movieClip 699 { } movieClip 702 { } movieClip 703 { } movieClip 705 { } movieClip 709 { } frame 3170 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 722 { } movieClip 725 { } movieClip 727 { } movieClip 729 { } movieClip 731 { } movieClip 733 { } movieClip 736 { } frame 3400 { boss = 3; stop(); } button 737 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(3401); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(3401); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(3401); } } frame 3401 { var i = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 740 { frame 1 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4486); } } } } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { if (_root.boss > 1) { _root.Enemy.gotoAndPlay(91); } else { if (_root.boss <= 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4555); } } } } } } frame 28 { _root.boom.start(); } frame 90 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 91 { _root.boss -= 1; _root.clash.start(); } } movieClip 741 { frame 29 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy2.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy2._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy2._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4486); } } } } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy2.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy2._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy2._y + 10) { if (_root.boss > 1) { _root.Enemy2.gotoAndPlay(91); } else { if (_root.boss <= 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4555); } } } } } } frame 57 { _root.boom.start(); } frame 90 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 91 { _root.boss -= 1; _root.clash.start(); } } movieClip 742 { frame 60 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy3.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy3._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy3._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4486); } } } } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy3.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy3._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy3._y + 10) { if (_root.boss > 1) { _root.Enemy3.gotoAndPlay(91); } else { if (_root.boss <= 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4555); } } } } } } frame 87 { _root.boom.start(); } frame 90 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 91 { _root.boss -= 1; _root.clash.start(); } frame 120 { gotoAndPlay(30); } } movieClip 743 { instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.l1.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4401); } } } } movieClip 744 { instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.l2.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(4401); } } } } frame 4401 { stopAllSounds(); } button 747 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(3400); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(3400); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(3400); } } movieClip 751 { frame 61 { stop(); } } movieClip 753 { } movieClip 755 { } frame 4485 { stop(); } frame 4486 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 4554 { stop(); } frame 4555 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 768 { } movieClip 772 { } frame 4721 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 4949 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Eye scream'); } movieClip 785 { } frame 5070 { stop(); } movieClip 792 { } movieClip 794 { } movieClip 795 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(5072); } } } } } button 796 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5071); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5071); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5071); } } frame 5071 { stop(); var i = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); Enemy.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 405) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; Enemy._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Enemy.gotoAndStop(2); Enemy._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; Enemy._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Enemy.gotoAndStop(2); Enemy._x += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); Enemy.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } }; } frame 5072 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 801 { } movieClip 806 { } frame 5199 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Out with the old...'); } frame 5200 { stop(); boss = 6; } movieClip 808 { instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(5072); } } } } } button 809 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5201); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5201); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5201); } } frame 5201 { stop(); var i = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Enemy._y > Player._y) { Enemy.swapDepths(Player.getDepth() + 1); } else { if (Enemy._y < Player._y) { Player.swapDepths(Enemy.getDepth() + 1); } } if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 814 { } movieClip 817 { } movieClip 824 { frame 1 { var speed; } frame 2 { speed = 10; } frame 21 { _root.swoop.start(); } frame 95 { this.onEnterFrame = function () {}; this._x = 950; this._y = _root.Player._y + 1; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(5202); } } } } frame 96 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= speed; if (this._x < -50) { this.gotoAndPlay(97); } }; } instance evul1 of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul1; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.Enemy.gotoAndPlay(100); } } } } frame 97 { this.onEnterFrame = function () {}; this._x = -50; this._y = _root.Player._y + 1; } frame 98 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += speed; if (this._x > 950) { this.gotoAndPlay(95); } }; } instance evul2 of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul2; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.Enemy.gotoAndPlay(130); } } } } frame 100 { this.onEnterFrame = function () {}; _root.drop.start(); } frame 123 { --_root.boss; speed += 5; } frame 124 { if (_root.boss < 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay(5300); } } frame 125 { if (_root.boss < 2) { gotoAndPlay(95); } else { gotoAndPlay(97); } } frame 130 { this.onEnterFrame = function () {}; _root.drop.start(); } frame 153 { --_root.boss; speed += 5; } frame 154 { if (_root.boss < 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay(5300); } } frame 155 { if (_root.boss < 2) { gotoAndPlay(97); } else { gotoAndPlay(95); } } } frame 5202 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 5202 { stopAllSounds(); } button 825 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5200); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5200); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5200); } } frame 5299 { stop(); } frame 5300 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 5300 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 830 { } movieClip 832 { } movieClip 833 { } frame 5507 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('...and one for yo mama!'); } frame 5508 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 835 { } frame 5575 { stop(); } button 841 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5576); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5576); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5576); } } movieClip 846 { } button 848 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5665); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5665); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(5665); } } movieClip 855 { } movieClip 859 { } movieClip 864 { } frame 6060 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 6063 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Psyche-opath '); } frame 6064 { stop(); boss = 6; boss2 = 6; } button 869 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(6065); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(6065); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(6065); } } frame 6190 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (m2._y > Player._y) { m2.swapDepths(Player.getDepth() + 1); } else { if (m2._y < Player._y) { Player.swapDepths(m2.getDepth() + 1); } } if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 877 { frame 1 { var gunran = random(10) + 1; var shoot; } frame 15 { if (gunran == 1) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 30 { if (gunran == 2) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 45 { if (gunran == 3) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 60 { if (gunran == 4) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 75 { if (gunran == 5) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 90 { if (gunran == 6) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 105 { if (gunran == 7) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 120 { if (gunran == 8) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 135 { if (gunran == 9) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 150 { _root.legs.start(); } frame 179 { _root.biggun.start(); } frame 195 { _root.Enemy4.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 210 { _root.legs.start(); } frame 270 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 879 { } movieClip 880 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.m4.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.m4._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.m4._y + 10) { _root.m4.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } frame 2 { _root.legs.start(); } frame 30 { _root.swoop.start(); } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.m4.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.m4._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.m4._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(6517); } } } } frame 50 { _root.legs.start(); } } movieClip 883 { } movieClip 884 { } movieClip 886 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy4.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy4._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy4._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(6486); } } } } frame 42 { _root.boom.start(); } } movieClip 888 { } movieClip 889 { frame 1 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(6291); } } } } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.Enemy.gotoAndPlay(91); } } } } frame 28 { _root.boom.start(); } frame 89 { if (_root.boss < 1) { stop(); } } frame 90 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 91 { _root.clash.start(); } frame 104 { if (_root.boss < 1) { stop(); } } frame 105 { _root.m5.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 150 { if (_root.boss < 1) { stop(); } } } movieClip 890 { frame 28 { if (_root.boss < 1) { stop(); } } frame 29 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy2.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy2._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy2._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(6291); } } } } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy2.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy2._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy2._y + 10) { _root.Enemy2.gotoAndPlay(91); } } } } frame 57 { _root.boom.start(); } frame 89 { if (_root.boss < 1) { stop(); } } frame 90 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 91 { _root.clash.start(); } frame 105 { _root.m5.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 891 { frame 59 { if (_root.boss < 1) { stop(); } } frame 60 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy3.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy3._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy3._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(6291); } } } } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy3.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy3._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy3._y + 10) { _root.Enemy3.gotoAndPlay(91); } } } } frame 87 { _root.boom.start(); } frame 90 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 91 { _root.clash.start(); } frame 104 { if (_root.boss < 1) { stop(); } } frame 105 { _root.m5.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 120 { gotoAndPlay(30); } } movieClip 894 { } movieClip 905 { } movieClip 906 { frame 1 { var sawran = random(10) + 1; } frame 15 { if (sawran == 1) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 30 { if (sawran == 2) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 45 { if (sawran == 3) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 60 { if (sawran == 4) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 75 { if (sawran == 5) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 90 { if (sawran == 6) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 105 { if (sawran == 7) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 120 { if (sawran == 8) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 135 { if (sawran == 9) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 150 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } frame 151 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 152 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 153 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 154 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 155 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 156 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 157 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 158 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 159 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 160 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 161 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 162 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 163 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 164 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 165 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 166 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 167 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 168 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 169 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 170 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 171 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 172 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 173 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 174 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 175 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 176 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 177 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 178 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 179 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 180 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 181 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 182 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 183 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 184 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 185 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 186 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 187 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 188 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 189 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 190 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 191 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 192 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 193 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 194 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 195 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 195 { _root.saws.start(); } frame 196 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 197 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 198 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy5.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy5._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy5._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(6360); } } } } frame 199 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 200 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 201 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 202 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 203 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 204 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 205 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 206 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 207 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 208 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 209 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 210 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 211 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 212 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 213 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 214 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 215 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 216 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 217 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 218 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 219 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 220 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 221 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 222 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 223 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 224 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 225 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 226 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 227 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 228 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 229 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 230 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 231 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 232 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 233 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 234 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 235 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 236 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } } movieClip 911 { } movieClip 915 { } movieClip 916 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 20 { if (_root.boss < 1) { gotoAndPlay(25); } } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 25 { _root.drop.start(); _root.m3.gotoAndStop(280); } frame 35 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 45 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 55 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 65 { _root.drop.start(); } frame 75 { _root.boom.start(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.m2.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.m2._y - 20 && _root.Player._y < _root.m2._y + 20) { _root.gotoAndPlay(6607); } } } } frame 115 { _root.legs.start(); } frame 142 { _root.charge.start(); } frame 212 { _root.gotoAndPlay(6572); } } movieClip 918 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { if (_root.boss2 < 1) { _root.m2.gotoAndPlay(25); } } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 921 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance evul of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy6.evul; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy6._y - 20 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy6._y + 20) { _root.Enemy6.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } frame 2 { _root.knifes.start(); } frame 3 { _root.boss2 -= 1; } frame 4 { if (_root.boss2 < 1) { _root.m2.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { if (_root.boss2 < 1) { stop(); _root.m4.gotoAndStop(70); } } } movieClip 923 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 5 { _root.boom.start(); _root.boss -= 1; if (_root.boss < 1) { _root.m1.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 6205 { stop(); } movieClip 927 { } movieClip 928 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += 0.1; if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 8) { this._y -= 5; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 8) { this._y += 5; } } }; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.jc.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(6206); } } } } frame 6206 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); m2.swapDepths(10); m2.removeMovieClip(); } frame 6206 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 932 { } button 933 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(6064); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(6064); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(6064); } } frame 6290 { stop(); } frame 6291 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); m2.swapDepths(10); m2.removeMovieClip(); } frame 6291 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 6359 { stop(); } frame 6360 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); m2.swapDepths(10); m2.removeMovieClip(); } frame 6360 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 951 { } movieClip 1010 { } movieClip 1012 { } frame 6485 { stop(); } frame 6486 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); m2.swapDepths(10); m2.removeMovieClip(); } frame 6486 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 1016 { } movieClip 1018 { } movieClip 1020 { } movieClip 1022 { } frame 6516 { stop(); } frame 6517 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); m2.swapDepths(10); m2.removeMovieClip(); } frame 6517 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 1025 { } movieClip 1027 { } movieClip 1031 { } frame 6571 { stop(); } frame 6572 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); m2.swapDepths(10); m2.removeMovieClip(); } frame 6572 { stopAllSounds(); } button 1034 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(6064); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(6064); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(6064); } } movieClip 1036 { } movieClip 1038 { } movieClip 1040 { } movieClip 1042 { } movieClip 1044 { } movieClip 1046 { } movieClip 1048 { } movieClip 1050 { } movieClip 1052 { } movieClip 1054 { } movieClip 1056 { } movieClip 1058 { } frame 6606 { stop(); } frame 6607 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); m2.swapDepths(10); m2.removeMovieClip(); } frame 6607 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 1062 { } movieClip 1064 { } frame 6755 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Heavyweight Champion'); } frame 6755 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 7147 { gotoAndPlay(7149); } frame 7148 { medal = false; stop(); } button 1075 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(7149); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(7149); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(7149); } } frame 7149 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Enemy._y > Player._y) { Enemy.swapDepths(Player.getDepth() + 1); } else { if (Enemy._y < Player._y) { Player.swapDepths(Enemy.getDepth() + 1); } } if (Player.Mobile == true) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { Player.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.swoop.start(); } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35 && Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; Player._y += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(39) && Player._x < 865) { if (Player._xscale < 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x += 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) && Player._x > 35) { if (Player._xscale > 0) { Player._xscale *= -1; } Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._x -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(38) && Player._y > 210) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y -= 5; } else { if (Key.isDown(40) && Player._y < 490) { Player.gotoAndStop(2); Player._y += 5; } else { Player.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } } }; } movieClip 1077 { frame 1 { var speed; } frame 2 { speed = 40; } frame 15 { _root.swoop.start(); } frame 55 { this.onEnterFrame = function () {}; this._x = 950; this._y = _root.Player._y + 1; } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(7901); } } } } frame 56 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= speed; if (this._x < -50) { this.gotoAndPlay(57); } }; } instance evul1 of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul1; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(8001); } } } } frame 57 { this.onEnterFrame = function () {}; this._x = -50; this._y = _root.Player._y + 1; } frame 58 { stop(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += speed; if (this._x > 950) { this.gotoAndPlay(55); } }; } instance evul2 of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy.evul2; if (hitTest(_root.Player.damblade)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(8001); } } } } } movieClip 1078 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(150); } frame 2 { var sawran = random(10) + 1; } frame 15 { if (sawran == 1) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 30 { if (sawran == 2) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 45 { if (sawran == 3) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 60 { if (sawran == 4) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 75 { if (sawran == 5) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 90 { if (sawran == 6) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 105 { if (sawran == 7) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 120 { if (sawran == 8) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 135 { if (sawran == 9) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 150 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } frame 151 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 152 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 153 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 154 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 155 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 156 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 157 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 158 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 159 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 160 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 161 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 162 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 163 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 164 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 165 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 166 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 167 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 168 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 169 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 170 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 171 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 172 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 173 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 174 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 175 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 176 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 177 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 178 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 179 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 180 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 181 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 182 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 183 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 184 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 185 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 186 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 187 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 188 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 189 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 190 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 191 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 192 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 193 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 194 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 195 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 195 { _root.saws.start(); } frame 196 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 197 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 198 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy2.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy2._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy2._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(7775); } } } } frame 199 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 200 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 201 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 202 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 203 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 204 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 205 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 206 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 207 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 208 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 209 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 210 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 211 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 212 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 213 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 214 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 215 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 216 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 217 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 218 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 219 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 220 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 221 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 222 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 223 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 224 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 225 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 226 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 227 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 228 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 229 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 230 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 231 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 232 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 233 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 234 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 235 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 236 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 265 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1079 { frame 1 { var sawran = random(10) + 1; } frame 15 { if (sawran == 1) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 30 { if (sawran == 2) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 45 { if (sawran == 3) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 60 { if (sawran == 4) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 75 { if (sawran == 5) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 90 { if (sawran == 6) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 105 { if (sawran == 7) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 120 { if (sawran == 8) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 135 { if (sawran == 9) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 150 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } frame 151 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 152 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 153 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 154 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 155 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 156 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 157 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 158 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 159 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 160 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 161 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 162 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 163 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 164 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 165 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 166 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 167 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 168 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 169 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 170 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 171 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 172 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 173 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 174 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 175 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 176 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 177 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 178 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 179 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 180 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 181 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 182 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 183 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 184 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 185 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 186 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 187 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 188 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 189 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 190 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 191 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 192 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 193 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 194 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 195 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 195 { _root.saws.start(); } frame 196 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 197 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 198 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy3.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy3._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy3._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(7775); } } } } frame 199 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 200 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 201 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 202 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 203 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 204 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 205 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 206 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 207 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 208 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 209 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 210 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 211 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 212 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 213 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 214 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 215 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 216 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 217 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 218 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 219 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 220 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 221 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 222 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 223 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 224 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 225 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 226 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 227 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 228 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 229 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 230 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 231 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 232 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 233 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 234 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 235 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 236 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } } movieClip 1080 { frame 1 { var sawran = random(10) + 1; } frame 15 { if (sawran == 1) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 30 { if (sawran == 2) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 45 { if (sawran == 3) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 60 { if (sawran == 4) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 75 { if (sawran == 5) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 90 { if (sawran == 6) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 105 { if (sawran == 7) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 120 { if (sawran == 8) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 135 { if (sawran == 9) { gotoAndPlay(150); } } frame 150 { this._x = _root.Player._x; this._y = _root.Player._y; } frame 151 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 152 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 153 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 154 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 155 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 156 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 157 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 158 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 159 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 160 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 161 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 162 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 163 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 164 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 165 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 166 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 167 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 168 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 169 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 170 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 171 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 172 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 173 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 174 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 175 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 176 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 177 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 178 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 179 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 180 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 181 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 182 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 183 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 184 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 185 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 186 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 187 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 188 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 189 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 190 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 191 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 192 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 193 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 194 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 195 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 195 { _root.saws.start(); } frame 196 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 197 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 198 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.Enemy4.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { if (_root.Player._y > _root.Enemy4._y - 10 && _root.Player._y < _root.Enemy4._y + 10) { _root.gotoAndPlay(7775); } } } } frame 199 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 200 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 201 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 202 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 203 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 204 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 205 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 206 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 207 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 208 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 209 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 210 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 211 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 212 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 213 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 214 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 215 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 216 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 217 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 218 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 219 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 220 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 221 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 222 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 223 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 224 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 225 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 226 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 227 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 228 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 229 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 230 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 231 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 232 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 233 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 234 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 235 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } frame 236 { if (this._x > _root.Player._x) { this._x -= 2; } else { if (this._x < _root.Player._x) { this._x += 2; } } if (this._y > _root.Player._y + 5) { this._y -= 2; } else { if (this._y < _root.Player._y - 5) { this._y += 2; } } } } movieClip 1084 { } movieClip 1085 { instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.l1.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(7690); } } } } movieClip 1086 { instance eatk of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.l2.eatk; if (hitTest(_root.Player.pvul)) { _root.gotoAndPlay(7690); } } } } frame 7690 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 7690 { stopAllSounds(); } button 1088 { on (release) { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(7148); } on (keyPress 'z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(7148); } on (keyPress 'Z') { score -= 1; stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(7148); } } frame 7774 { stop(); } frame 7775 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 7775 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); m2.swapDepths(10); m2.removeMovieClip(); } frame 7775 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 7900 { stop(); } frame 7901 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 7901 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 1147 { } frame 8000 { stop(); } frame 8001 { Player.swapDepths(1); Player.removeMovieClip(); Enemy.swapDepths(10); Enemy.removeMovieClip(); } frame 8001 { stopAllSounds(); } movieClip 1156 { } movieClip 1158 { } movieClip 1162 { } movieClip 1167 { } frame 8482 { com.newgrounds.API.postScore('CYB3R SLAYERS', score); } frame 8483 { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Undisputed Champion'); } frame 8484 { if (medal == true) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Ultimate Tag Team Champion'); } } frame 8485 { stop(); } button 1169 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8486); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8486); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8486); } } frame 8486 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 70 Score Board (NewgroundsAPI) { onClipEvent (construct) { board_name = 'CYB3R SLAYERS'; period = 'Today'; tag = ''; } } button 1170 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8487); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8487); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8487); } } frame 8487 { stop(); } button 1172 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8488); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8488); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8488); } } frame 8488 { stop(); } button 1177 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1180 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1183 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1186 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1189 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1192 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1195 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1198 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1199 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8489); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8489); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8489); } } frame 8489 { stop(); } button 1204 { on (release) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8490); } on (keyPress 'z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8490); } on (keyPress 'Z') { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay(8490); } }
Created: 20/10 -2018 20:39:43 Last modified: 20/10 -2018 20:39:43 Server time: 14/11 -2024 06:30:44