Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

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Interactive Pregnant Hero by Barn-flakes.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #161947

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 2 { } movieClip 7 { } movieClip 8 fruit { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._y += this.yspeed; this._x += this.xspeed; this._rotation += this.spinspeed; this.sprite.gotoAndStop(fruitType); }; } } movieClip 10 bird { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.curDream == 'air') { this._x += Math.sin(this.float) * 1.6; this._rotation = Math.sin(this.float) * 15; } }; } } movieClip 14 { } movieClip 20 bubble { frame 1 { stop(); this.onPress = function () { if (this.clickedyet > 0) { _root.curDream = this.storedelement; _root.overrot = 0; if (_root.helpcancelled <= 0) { _root.helping = 1; } if (this.storedelement == 'fire') { _root.overrot = 180; _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._rotation = 0; } _root.resetCbubs(); this.removethis = 1; } else { this.clickedyet = 10; if (this.storedcolour == _root.glowshow) { _root.birthscored += 1; _root.nextcolour = true; } else { _root.resetCbubs(); } } }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.rotangle < 6.283185307179586) { this.rotangle += 0.04; } else { this.rotangle -= 6.283185307179586; } if (this.clickedyet > 0) { this.clickedyet -= 1; } this.glow.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(this.clickedyet * 10)); if (this._xscale < 100) { this._xscale += (100.5 - this._xscale) * 0.09; } else { if (this._xscale < 500) { this._xscale += this._xscale * 0.005; } } this._x = this.BX + Math.sin(this.rotangle) * 50; this._yscale = this._xscale; this._y -= 0.5; }; } frame 1 { if (this.storedelement != 'fire') { this.storedelement = 'fire'; this.storedcolour = 'red'; } } frame 2 { if (this.storedelement != 'water') { this.storedelement = 'water'; this.storedcolour = 'blue'; } } frame 3 { if (this.storedelement != 'earth') { this.storedelement = 'earth'; this.storedcolour = 'green'; } } frame 4 { if (this.storedelement != 'air') { this.storedelement = 'air'; this.storedcolour = 'yellow'; } } } movieClip 22 baby_kick { frame 1 { if (this.started != 5) { this.started = 5; this.kicking = 30 + Math.random() * 20; this.thisrot = Math.PI; this.maxsize = 60; this._xscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; this._yscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; this._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x != this.centerx) { this._x += (this.centerx - this._x) / this.kicking; } if (this._y != this.centery) { this._y += (this.centery - this._y) / this.kicking; } if (this.started == 5) { if (this.thisrot < 6.283185307179586) { this.thisrot += 6.283185307179586 / this.kicking; this._xscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; this._yscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } } movieClip 24 { } movieClip 25 fire_endpoint { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.TYD = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._y - this._y; this.TXD = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._x - this._x; this.innerang = Math.atan2(TYD, TXD); if (this.pulse < 6.283185307179586) { this.pulse += 0.2; } else { this.pulse -= 6.283185307179586; } this._xscale = this.heat + Math.sin(this.pulse) * 20; this._yscale = this.heat + Math.sin(this.pulse) * 20; if (this.moveangle < 0.25) { this._x = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._x + Math.sin(_root.F_angle5 + this.angleoffset) * this.totalmoved; this._y = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._y + Math.cos(_root.F_angle5 + this.angleoffset) * this.totalmoved; } else { if (this.moveangle < 0.5) { this._x = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._x + Math.sin(_root.F_angle6 + this.angleoffset) * this.totalmoved; this._y = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._y + Math.cos(_root.F_angle6 + this.angleoffset) * this.totalmoved; } else { if (this.moveangle < 0.75) { this._x = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._x + Math.sin(_root.F_angle7 + this.angleoffset) * this.totalmoved; this._y = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._y + Math.cos(_root.F_angle7 + this.angleoffset) * this.totalmoved; } else { this._x = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._x + Math.sin(_root.F_angle8 + this.angleoffset) * this.totalmoved; this._y = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._y + Math.cos(_root.F_angle8 + this.angleoffset) * this.totalmoved; } } } }; } } frame 1 { stop(); var testing = false; var zoeytotal = _root.getBytesTotal(); var thisloaded = 0; var zsize2 = 1; var zsize = 1; var ztotalsize = 300; var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false; my_cm.builtInItems.print = false; = false; my_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false; my_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = my_cm; zoey.body.lbar.onPress = function () { if (testing == true) { if (zsize2 < 330) { zsize2 += 30; } else { zsize2 = 1; } } else { if (zoeyloaded >= 300) { gotoAndStop(2); } } }; onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (testing == true) { zoeyloaded = (zsize / ztotalsize) * 300; } else { zoeyloaded = (v2 / zoeytotal) * 300; } if (zsize2 != zsize) { zsize += Math.floor((zsize2 - zsize) / 15); } zoey.head.eye.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.hornsandears.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.body.l_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded)); zoey.body.r_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded)); zoey.body.shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded)); zoey.body.lbar.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded)); }; } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 57 { } movieClip 70 { } movieClip 83 { } movieClip 85 { } movieClip 93 { } // unknown tag 88 length 122 movieClip 98 { } movieClip 105 { } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 124 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 126 { } frame 2 { if (movestart != 7) { moviestart = 7; movieframe = 1; } onMouseDown = function () { movieframe += 1; OPmovie.gotoAndStop(movieframe); if (movieframe >= 6) { gotoAndStop(3); } }; } // unknown tag 88 length 285 movieClip 144 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 3 { function resetbubbles() { bubblesleft.push('green'); bubblesleft.push('yellow'); bubblesleft.push('red'); bubblesleft.push('blue'); } function resetCbubs() { clickedbubs = []; clickedbubs.push('red'); clickedbubs.push('blue'); clickedbubs.push('yellow'); clickedbubs.push('green'); birthscored = 0; } function resetwords() { sleepwords = []; sleepwords.push(1); sleepwords.push(2); sleepwords.push(3); sleepwords.push(4); sleepwords.push(5); sleepwords.push(6); sleepwords.push(7); sleepwords.push(8); wakewords = []; wakewords.push(1); wakewords.push(2); wakewords.push(3); wakewords.push(4); wakewords.push(5); wakewords.push(6); wakewords.push(7); wakewords.push(8); } function makebubble() { var v1 = attachMovie('bubble', 'bubble' + bubbleID, bubbleID); bubbleID += 1; v1.clickedyet = 0; v1._x = hero.head._x + 180; v1.BX = v1._x; v1._y = hero.head._y + 230; v1._xscale = 0; v1.rotangle = Math.random() * 6.283185307179586; pickbubble = Math.floor(Math.random() * bubblesleft.length); v1.gotoAndStop(bubblesleft[pickbubble]); dreambubbles.push(v1); bubblesleft.splice(pickbubble, 1); if (bubblesleft.length <= 0) { resetbubbles(); } } function removequestions() { _panel.question1._visible = false; _panel.question2._visible = false; _panel.question3._visible = false; } function restorequestions() { _panel.question1._visible = true; _panel.question2._visible = true; _panel.question3._visible = true; } function bellydiff() { return (Tbellysize - bellysize) / 12; } function bustdiff() { return (Tbustsize - bustsize) / 12; } function minmax(a, b, c) { if (_root[a] < b) { _root[a] = b; } if (_root[a] > c) { _root[a] = c; } } function countDown(a) { if (_root[a] > 0) { _root[a] -= 1; } } var debugmode = false; var earth_HBs = new Array(); var E_angle = 0; var F_angle = 0; var pregstored = 0; var bellysize = 1; var Tbellysize = 1; var bustsize = 1; var Tbustsize = 1; var Gspeed = 1; var sleepthreshold = 150; var lpX = hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._x; var lpY = hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._y; var rpX = hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._x; var rpY = hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._y; var states = new Object(); var backupState = 'sleeping'; var CurState = ''; var startup = 5; var statetimer = 5; var speech = new Object(); var nextspeech = 0; var curspeech = bellysize; var sleeptalk = 0; var naked = false; var overrot = 180; var sleepwords = new Array(); var wakewords = new Array(); var wakewordDelay = -1; var sleepwordDelay = -1; var chatting = true; var chatTimer = 0; var babykick = 0; var scoreshow = false; var headrot = 0; var headrotSB = 0; var headrot2 = 0; var headrot3 = 0.08; var fruitID = 0; var fruitTimer = 40; var fruittimer2 = 40; var fruits = new Array(); var Ehiscore = 0; var Escore = 0; var water1 = 22; var water1is = 22; var water2 = 45; var water2is = 45; var waterchange = 0; var waterdelay = 0; var Whiscore = 0; var Wscore = 0; var fireballs = new Array(); var fireID = 0; var firedelay = 0; var Fhiscore = 0; var Fscore = 0; var birdID = 0; var birds = new Array(); var Arotwas = 0; var airrot = 0; var windspeed = 0; var winddir = 1; var airdelay = 0; var Ahiscore = 0; var Ascore = 0; var conhits = 1; var curDream = 'none'; var dreamchange = 0; var dreamtime = 0; var dreamtimer = 0; var dreambubbles = new Array(); var bubblesleft = new Array(); var bubbleID = 0; var pickbubble = 0; var bubblewait = 0; var helpcancelled = 0; var helping = 0; var clickedbubs = new Array(); var birthscored = 0; var birthclicks = 1000; var birthclicked = 0; var birthing = 0; var birthing2 = -1; var finalpush = -1; var fading = -150; var flegrot = hero.f_leg._rotation; var blegrot = hero.b_leg._rotation; var blegplus = 0; var birthdelay = 0; var nextcolour = false; var outterworth = 0; var birthbelly = 90; var birthbelly_y = -10; var birthbellyBase = hero.belly._y; var birthbelly_yscale = 120; var resetTimer = 0; var canceltimer = 0; var impYstart = imp._y; var impXstart = imp._x; var improt = 0; var improtplus = 0.08; var impfloat = 0; var impfloatplus = 0.07000000000000001; var impstates = new Object(); var impbackupState = 'sleeping'; var impseen = 0; var impmove = 0; var impmoveplus = -0.007; var impmovemax = 60; var CurImpstate = ''; var forcerot = 0; var BarmrotSB = 0; var babyrot = 0; var bellycount = 1; var kickchance = 0; var kickID = 500; var kickedyet = false; var leakedyet = false; var scannedyet = 5000; var earthtext = 'How To Play: Earth\n Your goal is to catch the fruit that flies through the dream. However, it starts and remains as a seed until it goes through the center. Turn the baskets around with the green disc so that they catch fruit but not seeds.'; var watertext = 'How To Play: Water\n Your goal is to keep the plank level, keeping the air in the two glasses at the top. Turn the blue wheel with the mouse to counter where the different water weights want it to go.'; var firetext = 'How To Play: Fire\n Several metal bars spin around in time with several fireballs trying to escape the dream. Turn the red wheel with the mouse to focus the blue flame. Focusing on the fireballs will cause them to burst, which is your objective, however, heating the metal bars will slow the spinning down. '; var airtext = 'How To Play: Air\n Spin the yellow wheel with the mouse quickly to generate wind speed. You\'ll know you\'ve hit the limit when the wheel glows. Once you have enough speed, release the wheel and direct the wind that follows your mouse to push the birds into the top of the dream.'; if (debugmode == false) { rpleft._visible = false; rpup._visible = false; rpdown._visible = false; rpright._visible = false; lpleft._visible = false; lpup._visible = false; lpdown._visible = false; lpright._visible = false; } else { Tbellysize = 600; birthclicks = 0; birthing = 0; } resetCbubs(); var glowshow = clickedbubs[Math.floor(Math.random() * clickedbubs.length)]; resetbubbles(); resetwords(); makebubble(); speech[-5] = {'_text': 'Fire.......glows.', '_state': 'wake', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[-4] = {'_text': 'Wind.......blows.', '_state': 'wake', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[-3] = {'_text': 'Earth......grows.', '_state': 'wake', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[-2] = {'_text': 'Water......flows.', '_state': 'wake', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[-1] = {'_text': 'Ah! It\'s moving! Why is it moving!', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[0] = {'_text': 'Must be a way...', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[1] = {'_text': 'Gotta find a way back...', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[2] = {'_text': 'ZZZzzzzz......children?......', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[3] = {'_text': '... this strange place...', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[4] = {'_text': '......Lost... Alone...', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[5] = {'_text': 'Zzz... stranded here....', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[6] = {'_text': '.... need... get out of here......', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[7] = {'_text': 'I have a bad feeling.....', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[8] = {'_text': 'This place.... I don\'t trust it....', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[9] = {'_text': 'My friends.... I must return to them....', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[21] = {'_question': 'Hohoho. What\'s this? A cute little elf has fallen into the realm of the gods (and their poltergeist servant). Oooh, She\'s perfect.', '_text': 'What did I tell you about calling me "cute" Nifdur!? You should have more respect for an elven warrior!', '_state': 'sleepcurse', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[22] = {'_question': 'Awww. I think the poor little elf is lost. Not to worry though, she\'s more than welcome here. Hehehe.', '_text': 'I think we should have taken our chances in the wilderness guys.', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[23] = {'_question': 'She\'s a strong one. Just what the gods have been looking for. Oooh, this is going to be great, the strong ones always freak out the best.', '_text': 'You\'ll find I\'m tougher than I look half-orc. I\'ll win my freedom from you no-sweat!', '_state': 'sleepboast', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[50] = {'_text': 'Epsolan....', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'breast'}; speech[51] = {'_text': 'Are you there Epsolan...?', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[52] = {'_text': 'Wait... don\'t go......', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[53] = {'_text': 'I think... It\'s... yours....', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[54] = {'_text': '......Love......', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[55] = {'_text': 'Nightshire....come back....', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[56] = {'_text': 'I....failed you....zzzzz', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[57] = {'_text': 'Please... forgive me! I tried m-..zzz.. best', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[58] = {'_text': 'Farewell... my friends...', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[59] = {'_text': 'Nightshire! That\'s not a chew to-...zzzz', '_state': 'sleepcurse', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[71] = {'_question': 'Ooh. They\'re starting even sooner than I thought! Yes, the poor elf isn\'t going to be skinny for long.', '_text': 'If you\'re trying to break my confidence by insulting me Nifdur then it wont work!', '_state': 'sleepcurse', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[72] = {'_question': 'Oh? It seems her dreams have gotten turbulent. -and she hasn\'t even woken up yet.', '_text': 'ah. These waves. I can\'t see anything.... drowning.... help... ', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[73] = {'_question': 'Uh oh. She\'s been seeded. Too late to go back now.', '_text': 'Oh... I feel a knot in my stomach. You can do this Hero.... just tell him....', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[100] = {'_text': 'Zephyr! Zzzz No... the waves are too strong...', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[101] = {'_text': 'No! Zephyr! My steed.', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[102] = {'_text': 'I\'m stranded.', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[103] = {'_text': 'I\'m sorry...zzz.. Nothing I.... could do....', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[104] = {'_text': '....Have I been..abandoned? ... again?...zzz', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[105] = {'_text': 'I might never se.....zzz', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[106] = {'_text': 'Someone, anyone......Help me....', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[107] = {'_text': ' don\'t want to be....alo-zzzz', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[108] = {'_text': '...Even I feel pain..... sometimes...zzzzz.', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[109] = {'_text': 'I already miss you al- zzzzzzz', '_state': 'sleepcry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[121] = {'_question': 'For someone so strong, there\'s a lot of vulnerability here. I almost feel bad for her... almost.', '_text': 'You don\'t understand me at all Nif! But you know what! I\'d even be happy to see YOU right now.', '_state': 'sleepcurse', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[122] = {'_question': 'These dreams certainly are unpleasant. Let\'s send her a more realistic one.', '_text': 'Ohh... I feel warm...... safe inside me.....', '_state': 'sweetdream', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[123] = {'_question': 'Maybe a little pervertedness will perk her spirits. We wouldn\'t want to waste that bigger bust now, would we?', '_text': 'My boobs are the same size they\'ve always been Nif! Mind your own....zzz', '_state': 'sleepcurse', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[150] = {'_text': 'And unto you... A precious gift... The gift of life...', '_state': 'sweetdream', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[151] = {'_text': 'Mmmm... I love this feeling.....', '_state': 'sweetdream', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[152] = {'_text': 'Don\'t be silly, Epsolan. Of course you can feel my tummy.', '_state': 'sweetdream', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': -2}; speech[153] = {'_text': 'A little life inside of me. I feel so precious.', '_state': 'sweetdream', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[154] = {'_text': 'I agree. I do think motherhood suits me.', '_state': 'sleepchat', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[155] = {'_text': 'Can you get me some deer guts in brine, Dom? Yes, I do know that\'s weird. I was thinking of some alchemy reagents as seasoning, too.', '_state': 'sleepchat', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[156] = {'_text': 'I\'m so excited! Aren\'t you excited, guys?', '_state': 'sleepboast', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[157] = {'_text': 'Hey Dom, do you have any formulas for stretch marks. Not that elves get stretch marks, but just in case.', '_state': 'sleepchat', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[158] = {'_text': 'If you didn\'t want me to take your meal as seconds, Nif, then you should have kept a closer eye on it. A pregnant lady\'s got to eat, you know. And we all thought *you* were the thief in this party.', '_state': 'sleepboast', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[159] = {'_text': 'Being pregnant.... I just love it.', '_state': 'sweetdream', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[160] = {'_text': 'Huh? I must be delirious. I swear I just saw something inside of me.', '_state': 'huh?', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[161] = {'_text': 'What is that?. It looks like a- ... fruit. Yeah. A fruit.', '_state': 'huh?', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[162] = {'_text': 'Huh? I thought I just saw my breasts leak something.', '_state': 'huh?', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[163] = {'_text': 'My shirt feels a bit wet. Is that what woke me up?.', '_state': 'huh?', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[171] = {'_question': 'Oop. It looks like she\'s waking up. I\'d better be quiet.', '_text': 'My pregnancy headache isn\'t THAT bad, Epsolan! Sheesh!', '_state': 'sweetdream', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[172] = {'_question': 'It looks like sleeping though the whole pregnancy isn\'t an option.', '_text': 'I\'d miss out on this wonderful feeling if I did, Dom.', '_state': 'sweetdream', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[173] = {'_question': 'Let\'s see how she reacts when she finds out it\'s real.', '_text': 'Dom. You can\'t seriously be suggesting it isn\'t real. Just look at me.', '_state': 'sleeptalk', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[200] = {'_text': '*yawn* What a strange dream. I dreamt I was pregnant.', '_state': 'waketalk', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 3, 'HR': -2}; speech[201] = {'_text': 'Huh? Why is my shirt so tight? Did the stale air in here have some effect on it?', '_state': 'confused', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[202] = {'_text': 'I look and feel bloated. Maybe I swallowed more sea water than I thought.', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[203] = {'_text': 'Why are my breasts so sore? I must have turned onto them in my sleep.', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[204] = {'_text': 'Erg. I feel a little sick actually.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[205] = {'_text': 'I don\'t know why I feel a knot in my stomach. I haven\'t eaten anything since I came here.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[206] = {'_text': 'Is it just my imagination, or was that statue more.... pregnant when I went to sleep?', '_state': 'thatstatue', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -3, 'HR': -2}; speech[207] = {'_text': 'Is anyone in here? I feel like I\'m being watched.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[208] = {'_text': 'There\'s something about this place... and it doesn\'t feel good.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[209] = {'_text': 'My chest seems to have grown. I sure hope Nif doesn\'t notice.', '_state': 'unamused', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[210] = {'_text': 'Wait. Am I still dreaming? I thought I saw inside myself.', '_state': 'huh?', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[211] = {'_text': 'I think I\'m still dreaming. That looks like a baby inside me.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[212] = {'_text': 'Huh? I might still be dreaming. I thought my breast just leaked.', '_state': 'huh?', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[213] = {'_text': 'Huh? My shirt is wet. Maybe there\'s a drip in the ceiling.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[221] = {'_question': 'Er, yes. A dream. That\'s all it was.', '_text': 'Huh. Was that my conscience? Well, it\'s a good thing it wasn\'t real. A pregnancy is the last thing I need.', '_state': 'waketalk', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[222] = {'_question': '*snicker* At this rate, her boobs will be bigger than her head.', '_text': 'Who said that!? Is that you, Nif? Because while my breasts may seem larger, there\'s no way they\'ll end up that big.', '_state': 'unamused', '_arm': 'breast'}; speech[223] = {'_question': 'Hehe, get ready guys. The fireworks are going to start real soon.', '_text': 'Who\'s there!? And what fireworks? You\'re scaring me, whoever you are....', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[250] = {'_text': 'Hm? Why do I feel....WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE GREAT MOTHER?!!!', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[251] = {'_text': 'Wha- What in the world is happening?!', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[252] = {'_text': 'My chest! My stomach! How could this happen!? What could this mean!?', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[253] = {'_text': 'I\'m glowing too! This is *so* not right!', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[254] = {'_text': 'I think I\'ve sprung a trap! This isn\'t good.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[255] = {'_text': 'I don\'t like this! I REALLY don\'t like this.', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[256] = {'_text': 'B-b-b-but but but How!? WHY!?', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'breast'}; speech[257] = {'_text': 'I\'d think that at least a belly would drive Nifdur away, if my engorged chest wasn\'t going to bring him right back.', '_state': 'unamused', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[258] = {'_text': 'This-! I must be imagining this! Surely.', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[259] = {'_text': 'Just wait \'till I get my hands on the one behind this.', '_state': 'yell', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[260] = {'_text': 'Oh no! I can see it! I can actually see it! I\'m... I\'m... I\'m PREGNANT!', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[261] = {'_text': 'What is doing that!? I get it! I\'m pregnant! Stop making me look at it!', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[262] = {'_text': 'Oh please tell me that milk didn\'t just come out of my breast!', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[263] = {'_text': 'Ah! my breasts! Noooo!', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[271] = {'_question': 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!', '_text': 'You....! This isn\'t funny! You\'d better undo this right now or I\'ll... I\'ll....', '_state': 'yell', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[272] = {'_question': 'Well, maybe now you\'ll think twice before tresspassing like this!', '_text': 'Tresspassing! I didn\'t see a "Do Not Enter" sign anywhere, buddy! And besides, what sort of a punishment is making me expand like this!?', '_state': 'yell', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[273] = {'_question': 'Guess who\'s pregnant. You are! Congratulations.', '_text': 'You can\'t be serious. No. You\'re lying. You\'re trying to get a reaction from me.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[300] = {'_text': 'This can\'t be happening! I can\'t be pregnant! This must be a joke, or a misfired spell!', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[301] = {'_text': 'Nifdur! Is this one of your tricks? Please tell me that it is..... I promise I won\'t throttle you... Gods! For peace of mind, I might even consider letting him feel me up.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[302] = {'_text': 'Dom!? Are you there? If this is a prank you got me! Please! Just let me know.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[303] = {'_text': 'I\'m not pregnant. I\'m not pregnant. I\'m not pregnant. I\'m not pregnant. Just keep saying it to yourself. I\'m not pregnant.....', '_state': 'sleepdistress', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[304] = {'_text': 'Guys? Epsolan? Dom? Nifdur? Are you there? Anyone corporeal?', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[305] = {'_text': 'That statue\'s getting smaller. Are you doing this to me? Answer me!', '_state': 'thatstatue', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[306] = {'_text': 'Look whoever, or whatever\'s behind this, please confirm that I\'m not pregnant. That this is a rock? Or a treasure put in my belly for safe keeping? Anything but pregnancy! Anything!', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': -1}; speech[307] = {'_text': 'It\'s not possible, surely! If Dom was here he\'d tell me. Magic can\'t make you pregnant.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[308] = {'_text': 'There\'s just no way! I didn\'t ask for this. I haven\'t even been in bed with anyone lately.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[309] = {'_text': 'This! There has to be another explanation! Being pregnant is the last thing I need right now.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[310] = {'_text': 'WHAT! NO! NO! That\'s not a child! It can\'t be!', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[311] = {'_text': 'I don\'t want to look at that anymore. Next time I look, I really hope there\'s nothing.', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[312] = {'_text': 'No! No! No! I can lactate when I\'m not pregnant right? There\'s another explanation.', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[313] = {'_text': 'It\'s not stopping. Why isn\'t it stopping? What disease have I caught?', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[321] = {'_question': 'Denying it isn\'t going to help anyone. You. Are. Pregnant.', '_text': 'There has to be another explanation. There has to be!', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[322] = {'_question': 'It\'s out of my hands now, Hero. You\'re not going to stop growing until the baby\'s ready.', '_text': 'What baby!? There\'s no baby! It just can\'t be possible!', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[323] = {'_question': 'You should be grateful. Not many women get to carry a god\'s child.', '_text': 'Grateful!? God\'s child!? You worthless spirit! You\'re not helping at all!', '_state': 'yell', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[350] = {'_text': 'I\'m no mother! I\'m a Ranger and a Hunter! I travel across the world fighting monsters, hunting for treasures, diving headlong into battle! I can\'t take care of a baby! I mean...I don\'t even know how! Besides...I don\'t even know who the father is...if even it has a father....Oh Gods... for all I know it could be a demon.....', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': -2}; speech[351] = {'_text': 'What does this mean for me! I feel like I\'m approaching the end of my life!', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[352] = {'_text': 'How am I supposed to fight or hunt for treasure with a child in tow!', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[353] = {'_text': 'Does this mean I\'ll have to give up being a ranger? I don\'t know if I can do that! It\'s such a huge part of who I am.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[354] = {'_text': 'As if my bow wasn\'t a challenge to use before. On top of that, I\'ll constantly have Nifdur\'s eyes on my chest.', '_state': 'unamused', '_arm': 'breast'}; speech[355] = {'_text': 'What am I going to do!? My friends are about as well equipped to be parents as I am.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[356] = {'_text': 'Maybe it\'s an exotic bug that crawled into my mouth while I was asleep, and is now multiplying inside me!', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[357] = {'_text': 'If it\'s a demon, who knows what it\'s capable of? It might end up possessing me.', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[358] = {'_text': 'Whatever it is. Pregnant or not. I\'m just a host for it now.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[359] = {'_text': 'It keeps getting bigger, too. What if it gets bigger than my skin can hold!?', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[360] = {'_text': 'Oh my goddess! I can see it! It\'s real! I\'m actually, definitely, irrefutably pregnant! ', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[361] = {'_text': 'Whatever is doing that, STOP rubbing it in. I\'m having a hard time accepting this as it is.', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[362] = {'_text': 'Milk? Oh gods! I have to feed it too.', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[363] = {'_text': 'My breasts are more than just a child feeder! They\'re a part of who I am! What I am! They\'re mine, and mine only!', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[371] = {'_question': 'Looks like you\'re going to need to trade diamonds for diapers, Hero.', '_text': 'Don\'t even talk to me. I\'m not in the mood for it.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[372] = {'_question': 'Demon baby? Now that\'s an idea for next time.', '_text': 'I swear, spirit. If you weren\'t incorporeal I\'d....', '_state': 'unamused', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[373] = {'_question': 'What a show. We should do this more often. Up for multiples, Hero?', '_text': '*gasp* You wouldn\'t! Would you?', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[400] = {'_text': '....I\'m scared...and I don\'t scare easily... but this terrifies me more than facing the Gates of Hell\'s Throne', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[401] = {'_text': 'Why me....? Surely there are plenty of women out there that would love for this to happen to them. So why me?', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[402] = {'_text': 'I knew in my gut I should have just stayed outside, under a rock, or a tree, or in a cave or ANYTHING! At least I know the wilderness won\'t make me pregnant.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[403] = {'_text': 'How am I going to explain this to my friends anyway?', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[404] = {'_text': 'I\'ve survived an airship crash, and almost been sold into slavery twice. But this fear trumps all of that.', '_state': 'boohoo', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[405] = {'_text': 'This is a fear all of it\'s own. Not of impending death, but of a great change you\'re powerless to stop. ', '_state': 'boohoo', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': -2}; speech[406] = {'_text': 'I\'m going to have to deliver eventually? What if I have to deliver in here!', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[407] = {'_text': 'What did I ever do to deserve this? All I\'m sure of now, is that I\'m doomed to a life I don\'t want.', '_state': 'boohoo', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[408] = {'_text': 'Growing. Little by little.... with no way of knowing when it\'s going to stop... I\'ve awoken in my personal hell.', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[409] = {'_text': 'Even if I do meet with my friends again, What use is a pregnant ranger going to be to them? And that\'s not even consideirng after it\'s been born!', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[410] = {'_text': 'Is that? Is that the child I\'m destined to mother? As if I wasn\'t scared already.', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[411] = {'_text': 'There\'s no escaping this threat, is there? Even if I run, the baby will still be with me.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[412] = {'_text': 'And now my breasts are leaking? This all just keeps getting scarier.', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[413] = {'_text': 'How do I even know that\'s milk? It could be acid.... or... or.... blood... of some kind.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[421] = {'_question': 'I think Hero needs her security blanket!', '_text': 'Make no mistake, spirit. If I could do anything about the one behind this, they\'d wish they were like my child. Never born!', '_state': 'yell', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[422] = {'_question': 'Can we send you to Hell\'s Throne to get a comparison?', '_text': 'Uh. These gods understand hyperbole, right?', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[423] = {'_question': 'And So the mighty Elven Princess was broken by a mere child.', '_text': 'It\'s not like that and you kn- Wait.. Princess? I\'m not a Princess? Am I?', '_state': 'confusion', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[450] = {'_text': '....maybe it\'s scared too....', '_state': 'wonder', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[451] = {'_text': 'I guess being the child of an adventurous ranger is kinda scary.', '_state': 'wonder', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[452] = {'_text': 'I never considered that my child might have something in common with me. Obvious really..', '_state': 'wonder', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[453] = {'_text': 'I\'m...sorry...About all the horrible things I said about you. You\'re not nearly as bad as I first thought.', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[454] = {'_text': 'Well... I\'m still scared... but I feel the burden lifted somewhat.....', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[455] = {'_text': 'I guess I could bear being pregnant like this for... just a little longer.', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[456] = {'_text': 'It\'s certainly a unique experience. I never imagined I could share emotion with something inside me.', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[457] = {'_text': 'If I find a way to reverse this, maybe I\'ll consider having children properly. Someday.', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[458] = {'_text': 'Don\'t worry, little one. We may not want to admit it, but we\'re both intertwined in this.', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[459] = {'_text': 'Maybe I shouldn\'t have been so quick to judge.', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[460] = {'_text': '*gasp* I can see it! It... actually does seem a little scared.', '_state': 'wonder2', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[461] = {'_text': 'I guess this baby does seem a little scared. I\'m glad I could see it again to find out better.', '_state': 'wonder2', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[462] = {'_text': '*gasp* Goodness. Something just came out of my breast.', '_state': 'wonder2', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[463] = {'_text': 'Haha. I think the kid is so scared it made me lactate.', '_state': 'wonder2', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[471] = {'_question': 'What\'s this? Is Hero finally warming to the idea of motherhood.', '_text': 'Hmmmph! I\'m still reversing this first chance I get. I just might consider having a child properly in future.', '_state': 'huff', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[472] = {'_question': 'Maybe it\'s only scared of the prospect of having you for a mother.', '_text': 'That was cruel! Even for you! Well you\'ll look like a fool, If I have this child, I\'ll do a good job rasing it just to spite you.', '_state': 'unamused', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[473] = {'_question': 'Why would you think something like that?', '_text': 'It\'s just. I don\'t know. Somehow... very softly I can feel what my child feels', '_state': 'like', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[500] = {'_text': '...I...I feel....odd...the more I see and feel this happening...the more...warm...I feel....I...I kinda like it...', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[501] = {'_text': 'I think I can feel movement inside me. It feels delightful.', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[502] = {'_text': 'I could get used to this, actually. The offset in balance isn\'t that bad.', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[503] = {'_text': 'You know, the taut skin on my abdomen... it feels nice to the touch.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[504] = {'_text': 'I feel... so.. warm.. and... accepted.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[505] = {'_text': 'I wonder if my own mother felt this way about me. I wish I could remember her. I must have a mother, surely?', '_state': 'wonder', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': -2}; speech[506] = {'_text': 'If I did find a way to reverse this... I\'d miss you, little one.', '_state': 'reconsider', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[507] = {'_text': 'That bad feeling\'s completely gone. Ahhh.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[508] = {'_text': 'I must admit... I feel... happy. It\'s definitely much nicer than freaking out over this.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[509] = {'_text': 'I... I\'m having a hard time resisting touching my belly..... It\'s just so inviting to interact with this child.....', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[510] = {'_text': 'I... I can see it! Somehow... This feeling... only escalates from this.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[511] = {'_text': 'I wonder why that keeps happening. Being able to see this baby before it\'s born is a bit weird. Not that I\'m complaining.', '_state': 'cheer', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[512] = {'_text': 'Oooh. I just felt my breast ooze milk. It\'s a very warm, reassuring feeling.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[513] = {'_text': 'I could get used to this leaking. My breasts are under a lot of pressure right now.', '_state': 'cheer', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[521] = {'_question': 'Haha. It\'s official. Hero has a soft side after all.', '_text': 'You say that like it\'s a bad thing.', '_state': 'goodconfusion', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[522] = {'_question': 'Rock-a-bye-baby.....', '_text': '...On-the-tree-to- ... Wait, can it hear me? I feel like... it can.', '_state': 'cheer', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[523] = {'_question': 'Sooo... you don\'t miss being light and slender?', '_text': 'Well... yes. But I\'m really starting to think it\'s worth it.', '_state': 'cheer', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[550] = {'_text': 'You\'re no\'re my', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[551] = {'_text': 'Eeeee! I\'m going to be a mommy! I\'d never thought I\'d be so excited over anything, much less this.', '_state': 'eager', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': -2}; speech[552] = {'_text': 'For the first time ever, I\'m having a hard time not unleashing my inner child.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[553] = {'_text': 'I can\'t wait to see you, little one. Though you can stay in there a little while longer if you want. I don\'t mind.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[554] = {'_text': 'I can\'t believe I wanted to reverse this not so long ago. I\'d give up anything for you now, my child.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[555] = {'_text': 'I never understood how women could subject themselves to this... until now....', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[556] = {'_text': 'Whatever bad side effects there may be... It\'s totally worth it just to feel you... my child.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[557] = {'_text': 'I\'ll bet you\'re strong too. Haha. I already have my hands full.', '_state': 'eager', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[558] = {'_text': 'Who-ever did this to me..... Thank you. this is the most precious gift of all.', '_state': 'thatstatue2', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[559] = {'_text': 'I don\'t know what\'s weirder. This surprise pregnancy or the fact I\'m enjoying it. and I wouldn\'t change a thing.', '_state': 'eager', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[560] = {'_text': '*gasp* Oh my Goddess! I can see you! I can actually see you! You\'re beautiful!', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[561] = {'_text': 'I get to see you again? I don\'t think I\'m going to get tired of watching any time soon.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[562] = {'_text': '*Oooh, I was wondering when that was going to happen.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[563] = {'_text': 'I\'m happy to see I wont have any trouble feeding my child.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[571] = {'_question': 'What a big change in such a short time.', '_text': 'Whether you\'re talking about my figure or my temprement... I agree.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[572] = {'_question': 'Geez. I wonder if you can even stand up.', '_text': 'I\'m not that big! I\'m only not getting up because I can\'t do anything to you!', '_state': 'unamused', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[573] = {'_question': 'That\'s a strong baby. Let\'s hope it doesn\'t somehow punch through you.', '_text': 'I\'ve survived far worse things, spirit. Besides, I... trust in this child.', '_state': 'sweetdream', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[600] = {'_text': 'I wonder what my friends will think of you... If I can find my way out of here and off this island.... I hope they\'re alright...', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': -2}; speech[601] = {'_text': 'It probably won\'t be long now before I give birth. that\'s both exciting and terrifying.', '_state': 'anticipate', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[602] = {'_text': 'I don\'t seem to be getting any bigger. I guess I\'ll have some time to get used to this.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[603] = {'_text': 'You know, I\'m still not exactly looking forward to delivering. What if I can\'t find my friends in time?', '_state': 'anticipate', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[604] = {'_text': 'I kind of don\'t want this to end. But I suppose I can\'t be pregnant forever.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[605] = {'_text': 'Have I stopped? I\'d better start looking for a way out of here... in five minutes.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[606] = {'_text': 'I\'ll bet Dom will think of something really dumb to name you if I let him (Of course I won\'t, but that little wizard cracks me up).', '_state': 'eager', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[607] = {'_text': 'I\'ll bet Epsolan is just going to love this. I know there\'s a good heart in that half-orc exterior.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[608] = {'_text': 'I wonder if my friends will fight over fatherhood rights. Ha! They might have to take turns!', '_state': 'eager', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[609] = {'_text': 'Thinking on it, having a baby to take care of might be a downside at first. But if it\'s MY child, I think they\'ll be allright.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': -2}; speech[610] = {'_text': '*gasp* I get to see you early!? That\'s... fantastic! OH, you\'re a wonderful gift. I can\'t wait to hold you now.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[611] = {'_text': 'As much as I love just looking at my new child, I wish I could hold him.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[612] = {'_text': 'Milk? Better late than never.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[613] = {'_text': 'Ah. I love this feeling. that I\'m ready to support my child. I really want to hold it to my breast now.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[621] = {'_question': 'Thinking on it, your friends probably won\'t believe it\'s really you. I mean, Hero gets lost, and when she comes back, she\'s a mother.', '_text': 'Umm, well...I doubt they would believe it wasn\'t me for vey long. We\'ve been through a lot together.', '_state': 'bewildered', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[622] = {'_question': 'For reference, your baby has genes from all three of your travelling companions.', '_text': 'Wait. This is part Nif\'s baby? The perverted thief who won\'t stop trying to get me into bed? I\'m pregnant with his baby? And I have to NURSE it!? Ewww!', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': -2}; speech[623] = {'_question': 'You know, pregnancy leaves a lot of baby weight behind. Your friends will be the first to know that chubby elves exist.', '_text': 'We\'ll wait and see about that, Mr. poltergeist.', '_state': 'sleepboast', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[650] = {'_text': 'Huh? Why did all my clothes disappear?', '_state': 'huh?', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[651] = {'_text': 'Oh great, back to being nervous again.', '_state': 'unamused', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[652] = {'_text': 'I hope I get those back.', '_state': 'boohoo', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[653] = {'_text': 'I really hope my friends don\'t see me like this. especially not Nif.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'breast'}; speech[654] = {'_text': 'As if my clothes didn\'t disappear enough already. With Nif around, and Dom occasionally borrowing them to clean his mess.', '_state': 'boohoo', '_arm': 'breast'}; speech[655] = {'_text': 'Did Dom test a potion on these clothes and forget to tell me?', '_state': 'boohoo', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[656] = {'_text': 'I only just realised how cold it is in here.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': -2}; speech[657] = {'_text': 'How will I keep my baby warm now?', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[658] = {'_text': 'I don\'t like where this is going.', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[659] = {'_text': '<sigh> How do I get myself into these messes?', '_state': 'boohoo', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[660] = {'_text': 'Huh? I\'m not even properly covered by my SKIN!? Oh well. Getting to see my baby now is nice.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[661] = {'_text': 'Well, it\'s not as though I had much to hide anyway.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[662] = {'_text': 'Now I\'m leaking too!? As if I wasn\'t already cold.', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[663] = {'_text': 'All this milk is doing nothing to keep me warm, except for a moment.', '_state': 'tearful', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[671] = {'_question': 'What\'s wrong? There\'s no one here but me.', '_text': 'That\'s what scares me.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[672] = {'_question': 'I think the gods don\'t like your taste in fashion.', '_text': 'The gods can take it up with me personally in that case!', '_state': 'huff', '_arm': 'breast'}; speech[673] = {'_question': 'I guess they figured your curves would ruin your clothes anyway.', '_text': 'Hmph They were holding up just fine, thank you.', '_state': 'huff', '_arm': 'breast'}; speech[700] = {'_text': 'Ouch! Why must you kick so hard, Little one?', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[701] = {'_text': 'Man! I think there\'s a little half-orc in this one. Epsolan would be proud.', '_state': 'anticipate', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[702] = {'_text': 'I know my baby can already throw a punch. Haha.', '_state': 'anticipate', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[703] = {'_text': 'I never would have thought a child could be that strong. I\'ll never underestimate a child again.', '_state': 'anticipate', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[704] = {'_text': 'I think it\'s safe to say, I\'m already quite proud of my little sprout.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[705] = {'_text': 'Epsolan will say the kid gets it from him. Well I say he gets it from me.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': -2}; speech[706] = {'_text': 'Mmph...the pain from the kick hasn\'t stopped...infact I\'m cramping....', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[707] = {'_text': 'Is this a protest to it being colder in there, little one? I\'m sorry, but there\'s nothing Momma can do about it.', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[708] = {'_text': 'Geez, I\'m glad I havent gotten any bigger. Otherwise the kid could kick through an Oliphant.', '_state': 'eager', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[709] = {'_text': 'Ooof! I hope the baby can\'t keep this up. Or else I\'m never going to get any sleep.', '_state': 'wake', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[710] = {'_text': 'Wow! I can SEE the little blessing now! He does look strong.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[711] = {'_text': 'Y\'know. He doesn\'t really look like he\'s hitting me THAT hard.', '_state': 'anticipate', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[712] = {'_text': 'Ooof. Wow! That strike knocked the milk right out of me.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[713] = {'_text': 'And just think, my child will be even stronger once it feeds from me.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[721] = {'_question': 'I don\'t think that was just a kick, Hero.', '_text': 'What do you mean? Surely I\'m not entering labour already.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[722] = {'_question': 'Ooohohoho. They\'re starting already.', '_text': 'Starting? Starting what?', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': -2}; speech[723] = {'_question': 'I\'d get used to that, Hero. It only gets worse from here.', '_text': 'Your antagonisms will get you nowhere, creature.', '_state': 'huff', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[750] = {'_text': 'I feel something giving. Something\'s not right...', '_state': 'push', '_arm': 'belly'}; speech[751] = {'_text': 'Oh no. I can\'t be ready to deliver already! Can I?...', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': -2}; speech[752] = {'_text': 'Little one, if you\'re thinking of coming out to meet me... just please wait a little longer.', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[753] = {'_text': 'Little one. I want to meet you, but not right now. I\'m not ready for this.', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[754] = {'_text': 'Is it time? Oh I sure hope not.', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[755] = {'_text': 'Oooh! I hope this is just another type of pregnancy pain.', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[756] = {'_text': 'This pain! If it really is me getting ready to deliver... it\'s only going to get worse.', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[757] = {'_text': 'Oh gods! Let that be anything but labour pains. I need more time!', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[758] = {'_text': 'I could really use Dom\'s help right about now. He\'d at least be able to put my mind at ease.', '_state': 'worry', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[759] = {'_text': 'Please tell me I\'m still damp from swimming here... please tell me that\'s why....', '_state': 'denial', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[760] = {'_text': 'Oh my? Is that my baby? ... He\'s looking a bit impatient.', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[761] = {'_text': 'My baby seems quite low down. I don\'t like this.', '_state': 'boohoo', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[762] = {'_text': 'What!? I\'m leaking? Now of all times.', '_state': 'shock', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[763] = {'_text': 'Err, I\'m trying to remember if there\'s a link between leaking and giving birth.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[771] = {'_question': 'Ah, here we go. This is where the real screaming starts.', '_text': 'Spirit, I would wring your neck if only I could see it.', '_state': 'unamused', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[772] = {'_question': 'Get ready to introduce your son to everyone, Hero. You haven\'t got much time left.', '_text': 'You\'re not kidding, are you!? I really am about to deliver.', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': -2}; speech[773] = {'_question': 'Lets all see how tough Hero really is.', '_text': 'Hmph! If ordinary women do it on a regular basis, then so can I.', '_state': 'huff', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 1}; speech[800] = {'_text': '*Groan* I\'ve been through countless battles...had many injuries...and felt the kiss of death, but none of that compares to this pain!', '_state': 'push', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[801] = {'_text': 'Oh gods! I can barely believe how much this hurts.', '_state': 'bigcrying', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[802] = {'_text': 'Uuugh! To think I used to believe other women were over-reacting.', '_state': 'hiss', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[803] = {'_text': 'How long is this going to take!? I don\'t know if I can stand being in this much pain for so long.', '_state': 'bigcrying', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[804] = {'_text': 'Little one, I want to meet you too, but do you think you can take it a little easier on my sensitive parts?', '_state': 'hiss', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[805] = {'_text': 'I can do this. Millions of ordinary women have done this, so it should be no problem for me. Aaah!', '_state': 'pain', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[806] = {'_text': 'Agh! I swear I\'d rip Nif\'s balls off if he was here, to make sure he NEVER puts one of his flings through this. ', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[807] = {'_text': 'Agh! Oh gods! Who\'s idea was it to make delivering hurt like this!?', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[808] = {'_text': '*Hiss* Aaah. I don\'t think any amount of herbal remidies would help ease this pain.', '_state': 'pain', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[809] = {'_text': 'As painful as giving birth SOUNDS, actually doing it is even worse.', '_state': 'hiss', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[810] = {'_text': 'Oh goodness! I can see him. He seems to be struggling as much as me..', '_state': 'disbelief', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[811] = {'_text': 'Don\'t give up little one. I can get you through this. Your mother is... strong... enough!', '_state': 'hiss', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[812] = {'_text': 'Wha! My breasts? Does that mean this will be over soon, or am I pushing myself so hard I lactated?', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[813] = {'_text': 'I barely care about leaking right now. Actually delivering is taking up my focus.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[821] = {'_question': 'Ouchie! Looks like Hero needs some panadol.', '_text': 'You little smart-ass! Do something! And what\'s panadol!?', '_state': 'yell', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': -2}; speech[822] = {'_question': 'I\'ve heard the shoulders are the most painful part, after the head of course. Please weigh in once you\'re done here.', '_text': 'Can\'t you contribute something useful, rather than tell me the worst is yet to come!?', '_state': 'horror', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': -2}; speech[823] = {'_question': 'Poor Hero. If only I weren\'t an ethereal creature, I could help you.', '_text': 'I appreciate the sentiment, I guess.', '_state': 'tearful', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[841] = {'_text': ' AAAAH! Oh Great Mother! It can\'t be the peak already?', '_state': 'pain', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[842] = {'_text': 'Grrrrr!.. I can feel the baby coming...hnnnn...I...Can\'t...hold...much longer!!', '_state': 'push2', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[843] = {'_text': 'Hnnnn mmmm...*pant pant*', '_state': 'pain', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[844] = {'_text': 'Hmmmmnnnn please... don\'t let us die here alone!', '_state': 'push2', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[845] = {'_text': 'I feel the head coming!', '_state': 'pain', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[846] = {'_text': 'Here it cooommmes aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!', '_state': 'shriek', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[850] = {'_text': 'By everything that I am..... I found the greatest treasure in existance... more precious than jewels, gold, or even a dragon\'s horde...', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[851] = {'_text': 'My son....Thorfinn...', '_state': 'anticipate', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[852] = {'_text': 'Little Thorfinn... my son... I feel so complete.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[853] = {'_text': 'As much as that hurt, I\'d do it all again.', '_state': 'anticipate', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[854] = {'_text': 'Holding a great treasure, and I feel very treasured myself.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[855] = {'_text': 'It\'s funny, the greatest treasure ever, was literally inside me all along.', '_state': 'relax', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[856] = {'_text': 'My little Thorfinn.... you\'re destined for great things, I know it.', '_state': 'eager', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[857] = {'_text': 'I never would have thought I\'d end up being a mother. I especially never thought I\'d like it.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[858] = {'_text': 'Holding my son close to me like this. I could just drift off to sleep.', '_state': 'eager', '_arm': 'rest'}; speech[859] = {'_text': 'I\'m not going to complain, but I hope my bust returns to normal once I\'m done feeding.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[860] = {'_text': 'Hmmm? What is this power around my belly? It doesn\'t seem to be doing anything.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'belly', 'HR': 2}; speech[861] = {'_text': 'That power doesn\'t seem to do anything anymore.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': 2}; speech[862] = {'_text': 'It\'s about time I started leaking.', '_state': 'pleased', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[863] = {'_text': 'Ooooh, I think my child is hungry. Come to think of it, so am I.', '_state': 'love', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': 2}; speech[871] = {'_question': 'Awww, he looks just like you. I mistook him for a girl at first.', '_text': 'You really are totally heartless to be making fun of a newborn child. I\'ll bet you don\'t look a whole lot better.', '_state': 'yell', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; speech[872] = {'_question': 'Well, even I have to admit, this is a beautiful scene.', '_text': 'So, the so called "helper" has a heart after all. I\'m impressed.', '_state': 'impressed', '_arm': 'breast', 'HR': -2}; speech[873] = {'_question': 'Aren\'t you concerned you\'re stuck in this place?.', '_text': 'There\'s a wilderness surrounding this place, and I could survive in it in my sleep. I\'m not worried.', '_state': 'sleepchat', '_arm': 'rest', 'HR': -2}; states.anticipate = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'rawr', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.anxious = {'eyes': 'sadplain', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.bemusement = {'eyes': 'huh', 'mouth': 'smile', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 0}; states.bewildered = {'eyes': 'plain', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 1}; states.boohoo = {'eyes': 'cry', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': -1}; states.cheer = {'eyes': 'huh', 'mouth': 'chat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 0}; states.goodconfusion = {'eyes': 'huh', 'mouth': 'chat', 'lpx': -5, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': -4}; states.confusion = {'eyes': 'huh', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -5, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': -4}; states.crying = {'eyes': 'tears', 'mouth': 'breathing', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.bigcrying = {'eyes': 'tears', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.denial = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.disbelief = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.eager = {'eyes': 'squee', 'mouth': 'chat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 0}; states.fear = {'eyes': 'sadplain', 'mouth': 'flat', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.huh? = {'eyes': 'huh', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 0}; states.hiss = {'eyes': 'tears', 'mouth': 'gripe', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.horror = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -6, 'lpy': -6, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': -5}; states.huff = {'eyes': 'grumpysleep', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; states.impressed = {'eyes': 'plain', 'mouth': 'chat', 'lpx': -6, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': -5}; = {'eyes': 'serene', 'mouth': 'chat', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 0}; = {'eyes': 'serene', 'mouth': 'smallgrin', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 0}; states.pain = {'eyes': 'madsleep', 'mouth': 'scream', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 1}; states.pleased = {'eyes': 'plain', 'mouth': 'chat', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 1}; states.push = {'eyes': 'madsleep', 'mouth': 'gripe', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 1}; states.push2 = {'eyes': 'tears', 'mouth': 'scream', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.reconsider = {'eyes': 'serene', 'mouth': 'rawr', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 0}; states.relax = {'eyes': 'serene', 'mouth': 'chat', 'lpx': -4, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5}; states.scream = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.shock = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.shriek = {'eyes': 'distresssleep', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': -1, 'lpy': 2, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 2}; states.sleepboast = {'eyes': 'madsleep', 'mouth': 'chat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; states.sleepchat = {'eyes': 'sleep', 'mouth': 'chat', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; states.sleepcry = {'eyes': 'distresssleep', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; states.sleepcurse = {'eyes': 'madsleep', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; states.sleeping = {'eyes': 'sleep', 'mouth': 'shut', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; states.sleeptalk = {'eyes': 'awaresleep', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; states.sweetdream = {'eyes': 'awaresleep', 'mouth': 'smallgrin', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0}; states.tearful = {'eyes': 'cry', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': -1}; states.thatstatue = {'eyes': 'serene', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 7, 'rpy': -4}; states.thatstatue2 = {'eyes': 'serene', 'mouth': 'smile', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': -3, 'rpx': 7, 'rpy': -4}; states.thorfinn = {'eyes': 'serene', 'mouth': 'smile', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': -1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 0}; states.unamused = {'eyes': 'flat', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -6, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': -1, 'rpy': -3}; states.waiting = {'eyes': 'serene', 'mouth': 'smile', 'lpx': -4, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 2, 'rpy': -5}; states.wake = {'eyes': 'tired', 'mouth': 'oh', 'lpx': -4, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5}; states.waketalk = {'eyes': 'tired', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -4, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5}; states.wonder = {'eyes': 'plain', 'mouth': 'oh', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 1}; states.wonder2 = {'eyes': 'plain', 'mouth': 'down', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 1}; states.worry = {'eyes': 'cry', 'mouth': 'small', 'lpx': -4, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': -5}; states.yell = {'eyes': 'mad', 'mouth': 'wide', 'lpx': -6, 'lpy': -5, 'rpx': -2, 'rpy': -5}; hero.head.onPress = function () { if (debugmode == true) { scannedyet = 5000; speechtimer = 2000; statetimer = 2000; setState('impressed'); glowshow = clickedbubs[Math.floor(Math.random() * clickedbubs.length)]; restorequestions(); } else { sleeptalk = 5000; } }; earth_HBs.push(earth_dream.earth_game.boundary.bucket0); earth_HBs.push(earth_dream.earth_game.boundary.bucket1); earth_HBs.push(earth_dream.earth_game.boundary.bucket2); setState = function (str) { statetimer = 35 + speech_b._txt.length * 1.5; if (CurState != str) { CurState = str; hero.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].eyes); hero.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].mouth); hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._x = lpX + states[CurState].lpx; hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._y = lpY + states[CurState].lpy; hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._x = rpX + states[CurState].rpx; hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._y = rpY + states[CurState].rpy; } }; impstates.normal = {'Ieyes': 'smirk', 'Imuzzle': 'smirk'}; impstates.spotted = {'Ieyes': 'surprise', 'Imuzzle': 'ohmy'}; setImpState = function (str) { impStatetimer = 35; if (CurImpState != str) { CurImpState = str; imp.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(impstates[CurImpState].Ieyes); imp.head.muzzle.gotoAndPlay(impstates[CurImpState].Imuzzle); imp.head.eyes.l_pupil._x = lpX + impstates[CurImpState].lpx; imp.head.eyes.l_pupil._y = lpY + impstates[CurImpState].lpy; imp.head.eyes.r_pupil._x = rpX + impstates[CurImpState].rpx; imp.head.eyes.r_pupil._y = rpY + impstates[CurImpState].rpy; } }; reset = function () { Tbellysize = 1; pregstored = 0; resetTimer = 0; scannedyet = 5000; kickedyet = false; leakedyet = false; nextspeech = 0; helpcancelled = 0; birthing = 0; birthing2 = -1; birthscored = 0; birthclicks = 1000; naked = false; updateClothes(); }; moveArm = function (u_s) { if (hero.l_arm._currentlabel != u_s) { hero.l_arm.gotoAndPlay(hero.l_arm._currentlabel + '2' + u_s); } }; heroSpeak = function (n) { speechtimer = speech[n]._text.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._text; setState(speech[n]._state); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); headrotSB = speech[n].HR; if (headrotSB == undefined) { headrotSB = 0; } }; speech_b.onPress = function () { if (speechtimer > 10) { speechtimer = 10; statetimer = 15; } }; setState('sleeping'); forceexpression = function (p) { setState(p); statetimer = 1000000; }; endDream = function () { for (i in fruits) { fruits[i].removethis = 1; } for (i in fireballs) { fireballs[i].removethis = 1; } for (i in birds) { birds[i].removethis = 1; } if (Escore > Ehiscore) { Ehiscore = Escore; } if (Wscore > Whiscore) { Whiscore = Wscore; } if (Fscore > Fhiscore) { Fhiscore = Fscore; } if (Ascore > Ahiscore) { Ahiscore = Ascore; } Escore = 0; Ascore = 0; Fscore = 0; Wscore = 0; conhits = 0; overrot = 0; windspeed = 0; i = 0; while (i <= 4) { fire_dream['bar' + i].heat = 1; i += 1; } }; makeFruit = function () { var v2 = _root.earth_dream.earth_game.attachMovie('fruit', 'fruit' + fruitID, fruitID); v2._x = _root.earth_dream.earth_game.start_shot._x; v2._y = _root.earth_dream.earth_game.start_shot._y; v2.Mspeed = -12 * (Math.random() * 18 + 7); v2.spinspeed = 4 * (Math.random() * 20 - 10); v2.fading = 100; v2.fruitType = Math.floor(1 + Math.random() * 10); v2.xspeed = (_root.earth_dream.earth_game.start_shot._x - _root.earth_dream.earth_game.end_shot._x) / v2.Mspeed; v2.yspeed = (_root.earth_dream.earth_game.start_shot._y - _root.earth_dream.earth_game.end_shot._y) / v2.Mspeed; _root.fruits.push(v2); fruitID += 1; }; makeFireball = function () { var v1 = fire_dream.fire_game.attachMovie('fire_endpoint', 'fireball' + fireID, fireID); v1.moveangle = Math.random(); v1.totalmoved = 0; v1.angleoffset = 0.2 - Math.random() * 0.4; v1.heat = 100; v1.pulse = 0; fireID += 1; fireballs.push(v1); }; makebird = function () { var v1 = air_dream.air_game.attachMovie('bird', 'bird' + birdID, birdID); v1.XSB = 220 - Math.random() * 440; if (v1.XSB > 0) { v1._x = 300; } else { v1._x = -300; } v1.yfall = 0.35 + Math.random() * 0.35; v1.xbase = v1._x; v1.starting = 100; v1.float = 0; birdID += 1; birds.push(v1); }; babyarmrot = 0; babyleg1rot = 0; babyleg2rot = 0; makekick = function () { bellymul = bellysize / 16; if (naked == false) { var v1 = hero.belly_shirt.attachMovie('baby_kick', 'babky_kick' + kickID, kickID); v1.centerx = hero.belly_shirt._x - (hero.belly_shirt._x -; v1.centery = hero.belly_shirt._y - (hero.belly_shirt._y -; v1._x = hero.belly_shirt._x - (hero.belly_shirt._x - + (bellymul - Math.random() * (bellymul * 2)); v1._y = -10 + (hero.belly_shirt._y - (hero.belly_shirt._y - + (bellymul - Math.random() * (bellymul * 2)); } else { var v1 = hero.belly.attachMovie('baby_kick', 'babky_kick' + kickID, kickID); v1.centerx = 40; v1.centery = 40; v1._x = 40 + (bellymul - Math.random() * (bellymul * 2)); v1._y = 40 + (bellymul - Math.random() * (bellymul * 2)); } kickID += 1; babykick = Tbellysize / 20; kickchance = 0; kicklimb = Math.random(); if (kicklimb < 0.33) { babyarmrot = 12; } else { if (kicklimb < 0.65) { babyleg1rot = 12; } else { babyleg2rot = 12; } } if (kkoll == 6) { fdggd = bellymul - Math.random() * (bellymul * 2); } if (kickedyet == false) { kickedyet = true; heroSpeak(-1); } }; hero.belly.onPress = function () { bellypressed = true; }; hero.l_breast.onPress = function () { breastpressed = true; breastdir = 'left'; breastdir2 = 'l'; }; hero.r_breast.onPress = function () { breastpressed = true; breastdir = 'right'; breastdir2 = 'r'; }; lpup.onPress = function () { hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._y -= 1; }; lpdown.onPress = function () { hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._y += 1; }; lpleft.onPress = function () { hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._x -= 1; }; lpright.onPress = function () { hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._x += 1; }; rpup.onPress = function () { hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._y -= 1; }; rpdown.onPress = function () { hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._y += 1; }; rpleft.onPress = function () { hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._x -= 1; }; rpright.onPress = function () { hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._x += 1; }; onMouseDown = function () { mousepressed = true; }; earth_dream.earth_game.grabwheel.onPress = function () { GWturning = true; }; water_dream.grabwheel.onPress = function () { GWturning = true; }; fire_dream.grabwheel.onPress = function () { GWturning = true; }; air_dream.grabwheel.onPress = function () { GWturning = true; }; helpboard.donthelp.onPress = function () { helpcancelled = 1; helping = 0; }; helpboard.letsgo.onPress = function () { helping = 0; }; onMouseUp = function () { mousepressed = false; GWturning = false; statpressed = false; bellypressed = false; breastpressed = false; expanding = false; }; _panel.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { if (this._y < -5) { this._y += (-5 - this._y) / 6; } } else { if (this._y > -130) { this._y += (-130 - this._y) / 6; } } _panel.question1._txt.text = speech[nextspeech - 50 + 21]._question; _panel.question2._txt.text = speech[nextspeech - 50 + 22]._question; _panel.question3._txt.text = speech[nextspeech - 50 + 23]._question; countDown('birthclicked'); if (birthclicked <= 0 && _panel.birth_b._txt.text != 'birth') { _panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'Birth'; } else { if (Tbellysize < 600) { _panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'Too Soon'; } else { _panel.birth_b._txt.text = birthclicks; } } if (birthing >= 1) { _panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'Push'; } if (canceltimer <= 0) { this.cancel_b._txt.text = 'Cancel'; } else { this.cancel_b._txt.text = 'No dream'; } if (resetTimer <= 0) { this.reset_b._txt.text = 'Reset'; } else { this.reset_b._txt.text = 'You Sure?'; } if (birthdelay > 0) { this.birth_b.gotoAndStop(birthdelay * 2); } else { this.birth_b.gotoAndStop(1); } if (chatTimer <= 0) { this.chatter_b._txt.text = 'Chatter'; } else { if (chatting == true) { this.chatter_b._txt.text = 'Enabled'; } else { this.chatter_b._txt.text = 'Disabled'; } } }; _panel.reset_b.onPress = function () { if (resetTimer <= 0) { resetTimer = 25; } else { reset(); } }; _panel.speed_b._txt.text = 'speedX' + Gspeed; _panel.speed_b.onPress = function () { if (Gspeed == 1) { Gspeed = 2; } else { if (Gspeed == 2) { Gspeed = 5; } else { if (Gspeed == 5) { Gspeed = 10; } else { if (Gspeed == 10) { Gspeed = 1; } } } } _panel.speed_b._txt.text = 'speedX' + Gspeed; }; l = 1; while (l < 4) { _panel['question' + l].innerworth = l; l += 1; } _panel.cancel_b.onPress = function () { if (curDream == 'none') { canceltimer = 35; } else { dreamtimer = 24; dreamtime = 1; } }; _panel.chatter_b.onPress = function () { chatting = !chatting; chatTimer = 50; }; _panel.hiscore_b._txt.text = 'Hi Score'; dream_scores._visible = scoreshow; _panel.hiscore_b.onPress = function () { scoreshow = !scoreshow; dream_scores._visible = scoreshow; }; _panel.expand_b.onPress = function () { statpressed = true; expanding = true; }; _panel.question1.onPress = function () { heroSpeak(nextspeech - 50 + 20 + this.innerworth); removequestions(); }; _panel.question2.onPress = function () { heroSpeak(nextspeech - 50 + 20 + this.innerworth); removequestions(); }; _panel.question3.onPress = function () { heroSpeak(nextspeech - 50 + 20 + this.innerworth); removequestions(); }; _panel.birth_b._txt.text = ''; _panel.birth_b.onPress = function () { birthclicked = 75; if (Tbellysize >= 600) { birthclicks -= 1; } if (birthing > 0 && birthdelay <= 0 && birthing < 5) { birthdelay = 50; if (birthing < 4 || birthing2 >= 6) { birthing += 1; } if (birthing == 4 && birthing2 < 6) { birthing2 += 1; heroSpeak(nextspeech - 50 + 40 + birthing2); } hero.f_leg._rotation += 3; hero.b_leg._rotation -= 5; } }; statue.onPress = function () { statpressed = true; headrotSB = -2; }; updateClothes = function () { hero.l_arm.shoulder_sleeve.white._visible = !naked; hero.l_arm.sleeve._visible = !naked; hero.f_leg.thighpants._visible = !naked; hero.f_leg.calfpants._visible = !naked; hero.f_leg.boot._visible = !naked; hero.b_leg.thighpants._visible = !naked; hero.b_leg.calfpants._visible = !naked; hero.b_leg.boot._visible = !naked; hero.shirt._visible = !naked; hero.belly_shirt._visible = !naked; hero.belly.pants._visible = !naked; hero.r_arm.sleeve._visible = !naked; }; updateClothes(); distance = function (x1, x2, y1, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); }; earth_dream._alpha = 0; water_dream._alpha = 0; fire_dream._alpha = 0; fire_dream.fire_game.fire_mask._x = 2000; air_dream._alpha = 0; helpboard._alpha = 0; Dclock.SSB = 100; Dclock._alpha = 0; var GSmod = 0; var glowcol = 16777215; waterflow._alpha = 50; waterfall._alpha = 70; dream_scores._alpha = 50; var waterdelaydif = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (hero.f_leg._rotation != flegrot) { hero.f_leg._rotation += (flegrot - hero.f_leg._rotation) / 10; } if (hero.b_leg._rotation != blegrot + blegrotplus) { hero.b_leg._rotation += (blegrot + blegrotplus - hero.b_leg._rotation) / 10; } if (expanding == true) { pregstored += Gspeed; } countDown('resetTimer'); countDown('canceltimer'); countDown('birthdelay'); countDown('chatTimer'); countDown('forcerot'); countDown('impseen'); if (babykick > 0) { babykick -= 1 + Math.floor(babykick / 5); } if (bellypressed == true) { = hero.belly._xmouse; = hero.belly._ymouse; if (bellycount < 50) { bellycount += 1; } } else { if (bellycount > 1 && breastpressed == false) { bellycount -= 1; } } if (breastpressed == true) { = hero.belly._xmouse; = hero.belly._ymouse; if (bellycount < 50) { bellycount += 1; } else { if (Tbellysize >= 150) { hero.shirt[breastdir + '_milk'].gotoAndPlay(2); hero[breastdir2 + '_breast'].milk.gotoAndPlay('bigooze'); forcerot = 80; BarmrotSB = -5; if (breastdir == 'left') { BarmrotSB = 45; BFarmrotSB = -25; } if (leakedyet == false) { leakedyet = true; heroSpeak(nextspeech - 50 + 12); } else { heroSpeak(nextspeech - 50 + 13); } } bellycount -= 10; breastpressed = false; } } else { if (bellycount > 1 && bellypressed == false) { bellycount -= 1; } } glowXSB = +; glowYSB = +; hero.glow._x += (glowXSB - hero.glow._x) * 0.25; hero.glow._y += (glowYSB - hero.glow._y) * 0.25; imp_mask._x = hero._x + hero.glow._x; imp_mask._y = hero._y + hero.glow._y; if (distance(imp._x, imp_mask._x, imp._y, imp_mask._y) < 50) { impseen += 5; } if (impseen > 150) { impseen = 155; setImpState('spotted'); if (impmove == 0) { impmove = 0.001; } } if (impmove != 0 && imp._x < 880) { impmove += impmoveplus; impmoveplus -= 0.002; impmovemax += 2.9; } if (imp._x >= 880) { imp._x = 880; } if (impmove < -1.570796326794897) { imp._xscale = -46; } imp._x = impXstart + Math.sin(impmove) * impmovemax; hero.glow.gotoAndStop(bellycount); = false; if (bellycount >= 45 && breastpressed == false) { if (birthing < 5) { = true; } if (distance(,,, < 85 && Tbellysize >= 150) { if (scannedyet > 0) { if (scannedyet > 3000) { heroSpeak(nextspeech - 50 + 10); scannedyet = speechtimer; } } else { heroSpeak(nextspeech - 50 + 11); } } } var v2 = pregstored * 0.3; if (GSmod < Math.PI) { GSmod += 0.08; } else { GSmod -= Math.PI; } GSplus = Math.sin(GSmod) * 0.6; var v6 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glowcol, v2 * 0.1, v2 * 1.2, v2 * 1.2, 0.12 + GSplus, 1, false, false); var v4 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glowcol, v2 * 0.1, v2, v2, 0.12 + GSplus, 1, true, false); var v3 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glowcol, 10 + Tbellysize * 0.2, Tbellysize * 0.3, Tbellysize * 0.3, 1 + Tbellysize / 600, 1, false, false); statue.filters = [v4]; statue2.filters = [v6]; statue.belly.filters = [v4]; statue.l_breast.filters = [v4]; statue.r_breast.filters = [v4]; earth_dream.ASB = 0; water_dream.ASB = 0; fire_dream.ASB = 0; air_dream.ASB = 0; Dclock.ASB = 0; helpboard.ASB = 0; helpboard._txt.text = _root[curDream + 'text']; if (helpboard._alpha < 1) { helpboard._visible = false; } else { helpboard._visible = true; } if (helping > 0) { helpboard.ASB = 70; } if (earth_dream._alpha < 1) { earth_dream._visible = false; } else { earth_dream._visible = true; } if (water_dream._alpha < 1) { water_dream._visible = false; } else { water_dream._visible = true; } if (fire_dream._alpha < 1) { fire_dream._visible = false; } else { fire_dream._visible = true; } if (air_dream._alpha < 1) { air_dream._visible = false; } else { air_dream._visible = true; } if (curDream != 'none') { if (dreamtime <= 0) { dreamtime = 30; } if (dreamtime > 0 && helping <= 0) { if (dreamtimer < 25) { dreamtimer += 1; } else { dreamtimer = 0; dreamtime -= 1; if (dreamtime <= 10) { Dclock._xscale = (100 + (120 - dreamtime * 10)) * 1.2; } if (dreamtime == 0) { if (curDream == 'earth') { heroSpeak(-3); } if (curDream == 'water') { heroSpeak(-2); } if (curDream == 'fire') { heroSpeak(-5); } if (curDream == 'air') { heroSpeak(-4); } curDream = 'none'; } } } glowshow = 'grey'; Dclock.innertext._txt.text = dreamtime; } else { if (birthing > 0) { bubblewait = 0; } if (bubblewait < 100) { bubblewait += 1; } else { bubblewait = 0; makebubble(); } if (earth_dream._alpha < 2 && water_dream._alpha < 2 && fire_dream._alpha < 2 && air_dream._alpha < 2) { endDream(); } if (glowshow == 'grey') { glowshow = clickedbubs[Math.floor(Math.random() * clickedbubs.length)]; } } for (b in dreambubbles) { if (dreambubbles[b]._y < -100) { dreambubbles[b].removeMovieClip(); dreambubbles.splice(b, 1); } if (dreambubbles[b].removethis == 1) { dreambubbles[b].removeMovieClip(); dreambubbles.splice(b, 1); } if (curDream != 'none' || birthing > 0) { dreambubbles[b].removethis = 1; } } if (curDream == 'earth' && helping <= 0) { earth_dream.ASB = 50; Dclock.ASB = 50; if (fruitTimer2 > 0) { fruitTimer2 -= 1; } else { if (Math.random() * 40 < fruitTimer) { fruitTimer -= 0.11; } else { fruitTimer = 40; fruitTimer2 = 12; makeFruit(); } } rotwas = angle2 * 180 / 6.283185307179586; angle2 = Math.atan2(ymwas, xmwas); YD = earth_dream.earth_game.grabwheel._y - earth_dream.earth_game._ymouse; ymwas = earth_dream.earth_game.grabwheel._y - earth_dream.earth_game._ymouse; XD = earth_dream.earth_game.grabwheel._x - earth_dream.earth_game._xmouse; xmwas = earth_dream.earth_game.grabwheel._x - earth_dream.earth_game._xmouse; angle = Math.atan2(YD, XD); rotis = angle * 180 / 6.283185307179586; if (GWturning == true) { if (rotis - rotwas > -90 && rotis - rotwas < 90) { overrot += rotis - rotwas; } else { overrot += rotis - rotwas - 180; } } if (E_angle < 6.283185307179586) { E_angle += Math.random() * 1.8; } else { E_angle -= 6.283185307179586; } E_angle2 = E_angle + 4.178318229274425; E_angle3 = E_angle - 4.178318229274425; _root.earth_dream.earth_game.start_shot._x = _root.earth_dream.earth_game.grabwheel._x + Math.sin(E_angle) * 280; _root.earth_dream.earth_game.start_shot._y = _root.earth_dream.earth_game.grabwheel._y + Math.cos(E_angle) * 280; _root.earth_dream.earth_game.end_shot._x = _root.earth_dream.earth_game.grabwheel._x - Math.sin(E_angle) * 280; _root.earth_dream.earth_game.end_shot._y = _root.earth_dream.earth_game.grabwheel._y - Math.cos(E_angle) * 280; for (f in fruits) { if (fruits[i].removethis == 1) { fruits[f].removeMovieClip(); fruits.splice(f, 1); conhits = 0; } if (fruits[f].fruitType > 10) { fruits[f].HB._xscale = 400; fruits[f].HB._yscale = 400; } if (distance(fruits[f]._x, earth_dream.earth_game.center_HB._x, fruits[f]._y, earth_dream.earth_game.center_HB._y) > 120 && fruits[f].fruitType > 10) { fruits[f].fading -= 3; fruits[f]._alpha = fruits[f].fading; if (fruits[f].fading <= 0) { fruits[f].removeMovieClip(); fruits.splice(f, 1); conhits = 0; } } i = 0; while (i <= 2) { if (_root.earth_dream.earth_game.boundary['bucket' + i].true_HB.hitTest(fruits[f].HB) == true) { if (fruits[f].fruitType > 10) { pregstored += 3 + Math.floor(conhits * 1.5); Escore += 3 + Math.floor(conhits * 1.5); conhits += 1; } else { conhits = 0; } fruits[f].removeMovieClip(); fruits.splice(f, 1); } if (_root.earth_dream.earth_game.center_HB.hitTest(fruits[f].HB) == true) { if (fruits[f].fruitType < 11) { fruits[f].fruitType += 10; } } i += 1; } } earth_dream.earth_game.boundary._rotation = overrot; dream_scores.C_score.text = Escore; } if (curDream == 'water' && helping <= 0) { Dclock.ASB = 50; water_dream.ASB = 50; waterchange += 1; if (waterchange > 100) { water1is = Math.random() * 50; water2is = Math.random() * 50; waterchange = 0; } if (water1 != water1is) { water1 += (water1is - water1) * 0.02; } if (water2 != water2is) { water2 += (water2is - water2) * 0.02; } water_dream._visible = true; rotwas = angle2 * 180 / 6.283185307179586; angle2 = Math.atan2(ymwas, xmwas); YD = water_dream.grabwheel._y - water_dream._ymouse; ymwas = water_dream.grabwheel._y - water_dream._ymouse; XD = water_dream.grabwheel._x - water_dream._xmouse; xmwas = water_dream.grabwheel._x - water_dream._xmouse; angle = Math.atan2(YD, XD); rotis = angle * 180 / 6.283185307179586; if (GWturning == true) { if (rotis - rotwas > -90 && rotis - rotwas < 90) { overrot += rotis - rotwas; } else { overrot += rotis - rotwas - 180; } } water_dream.grabwheel.lcup.waterlevel = water1; water_dream.grabwheel.rcup.waterlevel = water2; overrot += (water2 - water1) * 0.12; water_dream.grabwheel._rotation = overrot; waterrot = water_dream.grabwheel._rotation; if (waterrot < 0) { waterrot = -waterrot; } conhits = 1; waterdelaydif = waterdelay; if (waterrot < 1.5 && waterrot > -1.5) { conhits = 2.5; } waterdelay += (50 - waterrot * 1.5) * conhits; if (waterdelaydif < waterdelay) { var v5 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(255, 70, 5, 5, 1, 1, false, false); if (conhits == 2.5) { v5 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(65535, 70, 5, 5, 1, 1, false, false); } } water_dream.grabwheel.filters = [v5]; if (waterdelay < 0) { waterdelay = 0; } if (waterdelay >= 500) { pregstored += 1; Wscore += 1; waterdelay -= 300; } dream_scores.C_score.text = Wscore; } if (curDream == 'fire' && helping <= 0) { Dclock.ASB = 50; fire_dream.ASB = 50; rotwas = angle2 * 180 / 6.283185307179586; angle2 = Math.atan2(ymwas, xmwas); YD = fire_dream.grabwheel._y - fire_dream._ymouse; ymwas = fire_dream.grabwheel._y - fire_dream._ymouse; XD = fire_dream.grabwheel._x - fire_dream._xmouse; xmwas = fire_dream.grabwheel._x - fire_dream._xmouse; angle = Math.atan2(YD, XD); rotis = angle * 180 / 6.283185307179586; if (GWturning == true) { if (rotis - rotwas > -90 && rotis - rotwas < 90) { overrot += rotis - rotwas; } else { overrot += rotis - rotwas - 180; } } = fire_dream.grabwheel._x + Math.sin((overrot / 180) * -Math.PI) * 165; = fire_dream.grabwheel._y + Math.cos((overrot / 180) * -Math.PI) * 165; totalheat = 0; totalheat += fire_dream.bar1.heat; totalheat += fire_dream.bar2.heat; totalheat += fire_dream.bar3.heat; totalheat += fire_dream.bar4.heat; if (F_angle < 6.283185307179586) { F_angle += 0.04 - totalheat * 0.0001; } else { F_angle -= 6.283185307179586; } F_angle2 = F_angle + 1.570796326794897; F_angle3 = F_angle - 1.570796326794897; F_angle4 = F_angle + Math.PI; F_angle5 = F_angle + 0.7853981633974483; F_angle6 = F_angle - 0.7853981633974483; F_angle7 = F_angle + 3.926990816987241; F_angle8 = F_angle - 3.926990816987241; fire_dream.bar1._x = fire_dream.grabwheel._x + Math.sin(F_angle) * 150; fire_dream.bar1._y = fire_dream.grabwheel._y + Math.cos(F_angle) * 150; FYD1 = fire_dream.grabwheel._y - fire_dream.bar1._y; FXD1 = fire_dream.grabwheel._x - fire_dream.bar1._x; FX1angle = Math.atan2(FYD1, FXD1); fire_dream.bar1._rotation = FX1angle * 180 / Math.PI; fire_dream.bar2._x = fire_dream.grabwheel._x + Math.sin(F_angle2) * 150; fire_dream.bar2._y = fire_dream.grabwheel._y + Math.cos(F_angle2) * 150; FYD2 = fire_dream.grabwheel._y - fire_dream.bar2._y; FXD2 = fire_dream.grabwheel._x - fire_dream.bar2._x; FX2angle = Math.atan2(FYD2, FXD2); fire_dream.bar2._rotation = FX2angle * 180 / Math.PI; fire_dream.bar3._x = fire_dream.grabwheel._x + Math.sin(F_angle3) * 150; fire_dream.bar3._y = fire_dream.grabwheel._y + Math.cos(F_angle3) * 150; FYD3 = fire_dream.grabwheel._y - fire_dream.bar3._y; FXD3 = fire_dream.grabwheel._x - fire_dream.bar3._x; FX3angle = Math.atan2(FYD3, FXD3); fire_dream.bar3._rotation = FX3angle * 180 / Math.PI; fire_dream.bar4._x = fire_dream.grabwheel._x + Math.sin(F_angle4) * 150; fire_dream.bar4._y = fire_dream.grabwheel._y + Math.cos(F_angle4) * 150; FYD4 = fire_dream.grabwheel._y - fire_dream.bar4._y; FXD4 = fire_dream.grabwheel._x - fire_dream.bar4._x; FX4angle = Math.atan2(FYD4, FXD4); fire_dream.bar4._rotation = FX4angle * 180 / Math.PI; if (fireID > 50) { fireID = 0; } i = 0; while (i <= 4) { if (Fangle > fire_dream['bar' + i].innerang - 0.55 && Fangle < fire_dream['bar' + i].innerang + 0.55) { fire_dream['bar' + i].heat += 5; } i += 1; } if (firedelay < 65) { firedelay += 1; } else { firedelay = 0; makeFireball(); } if (fireballs.length <= 0) { firedelay = 500; } FYD = fire_dream.grabwheel._y -; FXD = fire_dream.grabwheel._x -; Fangle = Math.atan2(FYD, FXD); = Fangle * 180 / Math.PI - 90; for (i in fireballs) { if (fireballs[i].removethis == 1) { fireballs[i].removeMovieClip(); fireballs.splice(i, 1); } if (Fangle > fireballs[i].innerang - 0.09 && Fangle < fireballs[i].innerang + 0.09) { fireballs[i].heat += 12; } if (fireballs[i].heat > 400) { pregstored += 5 + Math.floor(conhits * 1.5); Fscore += 5 + Math.floor(conhits * 1.5); fireballs[i].removeMovieClip(); fireballs.splice(i, 1); conhits += 1; } if (fireballs[i].totalmoved > 250) { fireballs[i].removeMovieClip(); fireballs.splice(i, 1); conhits = 0; } fireballs[i].totalmoved += 0.6; if (fireballs[i].heat > 100) { fireballs[i].heat -= 2; } fireballs[i]._x += fireballs[i].moveangle; } dream_scores.C_score.text = Fscore; } if (curDream == 'air' && helping <= 0) { Dclock.ASB = 50; air_dream.ASB = 50; air_dream._visible = true; rotwas = angle2 * 180 / 6.283185307179586; angle2 = Math.atan2(ymwas, xmwas); YD = air_dream.grabwheel._y - air_dream._ymouse; ymwas = air_dream.grabwheel._y - air_dream._ymouse; XD = air_dream.grabwheel._x - air_dream._xmouse; xmwas = air_dream.grabwheel._x - air_dream._xmouse; angle = Math.atan2(YD, XD); rotis = angle * 180 / 6.283185307179586; Arotwas = overrot; if (GWturning == true) { if (rotis - rotwas > -90 && rotis - rotwas < 90) { overrot += rotis - rotwas; } else { overrot += rotis - rotwas - 180; } } Arotdif = Arotwas - overrot; if (Arotdif > 0) { windspeed += Arotdif * 0.055; winddir = -1; } if (Arotdif < 0) { windspeed -= Arotdif * 0.055; winddir = 1; } air_dream.grabwheel._rotation = overrot; if (windspeed > 0) { windspeed -= 0.7; } if (air_dream.grabwheel.buffer._alpha > 0) { air_dream.grabwheel.buffer._alpha -= 2; } if (windspeed > 200) { windspeed = 200; air_dream.grabwheel.buffer._alpha += 15; } if (air_dream.grabwheel.buffer._alpha > 200) { air_dream.grabwheel.buffer._alpha = 200; } air_dream.whirlwind._x = air_dream._xmouse; air_dream.whirlwind._y = air_dream._ymouse; air_dream.whirlwind._alpha = windspeed * 1.5; airrot += windspeed * 0.2 * winddir; air_dream.whirlwind._rotation = airrot; if (airrot > 360) { airrot -= 360; } if (airrot < -360) { airrot += 360; } if (birdID > 50) { birdID = 0; } if (airdelay < 70) { airdelay += 1; } else { airdelay = 0; makebird(); } if (birds.length <= 0) { airdelay = 100; } for (i in birds) { if (birds[i].removethis == 1) { birds[i].removeMovieClip(); birds.splice(i, 1); } if (birds[i]._y > 220) { birds[i].removeMovieClip(); birds.splice(i, 1); conhits = 0; } if (birds[i]._y < -150) { birds[i].removeMovieClip(); birds.splice(i, 1); pregstored += 4 + Math.floor(conhits * 2); Ascore += 4 + Math.floor(conhits * 2); conhits += 1; } if (birds[i].float < 6.283185307179586) { birds[i].float += 0.09; } else { birds[i].float -= 6.283185307179586; } birds[i]._y += birds[i].yfall; if (distance(birds[i]._x, air_dream._xmouse, birds[i]._y, air_dream._ymouse) < windspeed * 0.95 && GWturning == false) { if (air_dream._ymouse < birds[i]._y) { birds[i].ymove = -0.05; } else { birds[i].ymove = 0.05; } birds[i]._y -= (windspeed - distance(birds[i]._x, air_dream._xmouse, birds[i]._y, air_dream._ymouse)) * birds[i].ymove; } if (birds[i].starting > 0) { birds[i].starting -= 1; if (birds[i].xbase != birds[i].XSB) { birds[i].xbase += (birds[i].XSB - birds[i].xbase) * 0.09; } if (birds[i]._x != birds[i].xbase) { birds[i]._x += birds[i].xbase - birds[i]._x; } } else { if (birds[i]._x > 255 || birds[i]._x < -255) { birds[i].removeMovieClip(); birds.splice(i, 1); pregstored += 4 + Math.floor(conhits * 2); Ascore += 4 + Math.floor(conhits * 2); conhits += 1; } } } dream_scores.C_score.text = Ascore; } Dclock._x = _root[curDream + '_dream']._x; Dclock._y = _root[curDream + '_dream']._y; if (Dclock._xscale != Dclock.SSB) { Dclock._xscale += (Dclock.SSB - Dclock._xscale) * 0.2; } Dclock._yscale = Dclock._xscale; if (Dclock._alpha != Dclock.ASB) { Dclock._alpha += (Dclock.ASB - Dclock._alpha) * 0.3; } if (helpboard._alpha != helpboard.ASB) { helpboard._alpha += (helpboard.ASB - helpboard._alpha) * 0.3; } if (earth_dream._alpha != earth_dream.ASB) { earth_dream._alpha += (earth_dream.ASB - earth_dream._alpha) * 0.3; } if (water_dream._alpha != water_dream.ASB) { water_dream._alpha += (water_dream.ASB - water_dream._alpha) * 0.3; } if (fire_dream._alpha != fire_dream.ASB) { fire_dream._alpha += (fire_dream.ASB - fire_dream._alpha) * 0.3; } if (air_dream._alpha != air_dream.ASB) { air_dream._alpha += (air_dream.ASB - air_dream._alpha) * 0.3; } if (overrot > 360) { overrot -= 360; } if (overrot < -360) { overrot += 360; } if (statpressed == true && pregstored > 0) { if (pregstored > Gspeed) { pregstored -= Gspeed; Tbellysize += Gspeed; } else { Tbellysize += pregstored; pregstored = 0; } } if (Tbellysize < sleepthreshold) { backupState = 'sleeping'; } else { if (Tbellysize < 200) { backupState = 'wake'; } else { if (Tbellysize < 250) { backupState = 'huh?'; } else { if (Tbellysize < 350) { backupState = 'disbelief'; } else { if (Tbellysize < 450) { backupState = 'tearful'; } else { if (Tbellysize < 500) { backupState = 'bewildered'; } else { if (Tbellysize < 550) { backupState = 'bemusement'; } else { backupState = 'waiting'; } } } } } } } if (birthing == 1) { backupState = 'anxious'; } else { if (birthing == 2) { backupState = 'anxious'; } else { if (birthing == 3) { backupState = 'fear'; } else { if (birthing == 4) { backupState = 'crying'; } else { if (birthing == 5) { backupState = 'thorfinn'; } } } } } if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer -= 1; } else { setState(backupState); moveArm('rest'); headrotSB = 0; } countDown('startup'); if (startup == 1) { setState('sleeping'); } countDown('speechtimer'); if (scannedyet < 5000) { scannedyet -= 1; } if (scannedyet < 0) { scannedyet = -1; } if (speech_b._alpha < speechtimer * 10) { speech_b._alpha += 10; } else { speech_b._alpha = speechtimer * 10; } if (speech_b._alpha < 1) { speech_b._visible = false; } else { speech_b._visible = true; } sleeptalk += 1; if (speechtimer > 0 || curDream != 'none' || chatting == false) { sleeptalk = -1; } if (sleeptalk > Math.random() * 500) { sleeptalk = 0; if (Tbellysize < sleepthreshold) { randword = Math.floor(Math.random() * sleepwords.length); heroSpeak(1 + (nextspeech - 50) + sleepwords[randword]); sleepwordDelay = 3; } else { randword = Math.floor(Math.random() * wakewords.length); heroSpeak(1 + (nextspeech - 50) + wakewords[randword]); wakewordDelay = 3; wakewords.splice(randword, 1); } } countDown('sleepwordDelay'); if (sleepwordDelay == 0) { sleepwordDelay = -1; sleepwords.splice(randword, 1); } countDown('wakewordDelay'); if (sleepwordDelay == 0) { wakewordDelay = -1; wakewords.splice(randword, 1); } if (sleepwords.length <= 0) { resetwords(); } if (wakewords.length <= 0) { resetwords(); } if (Tbellysize + birthing * 50 >= nextspeech) { nextspeech += 50; heroSpeak(nextspeech - 50); restorequestions(); } if (bellysize != Tbellysize) { if (bellydiff() > 1 || bellydiff() < -1) { bellysize += Math.floor(bellydiff()); } else { if (bellydiff() < 0) { bellysize -= 1; } else { if (bellydiff() > 0) { bellysize += 1; } } } if (statpressed == true && Tbellysize < 600) { hero.belly.filters = [v3]; hero.r_breast.filters = [v3]; } } else { hero.belly.filters = []; hero.l_breast.filters = []; hero.r_breast.filters = []; } if (bustsize != Tbustsize) { if (bustdiff() > 1 || bustdiff() < -1) { bustsize += Math.floor(bustdiff()); } else { if (bustdiff() < 0) { bustsize -= 1; } else { if (bustdiff() > 0) { bustsize += 1; } } } if (statpressed == true) { hero.bust.filters = [v3]; hero.r_breast.filters = [v3]; } } Tbustsize = Math.floor(Tbellysize * 1); minmax('Tbellysize', 0, 600); minmax('Tbustsize', 0, 600); minmax('pregstored', 0, 600); if (pregstored > 600 - Tbellysize) { pregstored = 600 - Tbellysize; } hero.belly.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize - babykick)); hero.belly_shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize - babykick)); hero.belly.pants.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize - babykick)); hero.l_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); hero.r_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); hero.shirt.gotoAndStop(bustsize); statue.l_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); statue.r_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); statue.belly.gotoAndStop(bellysize); statue2.belly.gotoAndStop(bellysize); statue2.l_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize); statue2.r_breast.gotoAndStop(bustsize);; = bellysize / 6; =; = + (birthing + birthing2) * 1.5; = + (birthing + birthing2) * 1.5; if (headrot2 < 6.283185307179586) { headrot2 += headrot3; } else { headrot2 -= 6.283185307179586; } if (headrot != headrotSB) { headrot += (headrotSB - headrot) * 0.1; } hero.head._rotation = headrot + Math.sin(headrot2) * 0.5; hero.head.neck._rotation = -(headrot + Math.sin(headrot2) * 0.5); hero.backhair._rotation = -(headrot * 0.3) - Math.sin(headrot2); hero.belly._yscale = 100; hero.belly._y = birthbellyBase; if (birthing >= 5) { hero.belly.gotoAndStop(birthbelly); hero.belly.pants.gotoAndStop(birthbelly);; = 0; =; hero.belly._y = birthbellyBase + birthbelly_y; hero.belly._yscale = birthbelly_yscale; } if (babyrot < 6.283185307179586) { babyrot += 0.04; } else { babyrot -= 6.283185307179586; } if (babyarmrot != 0) { babyarmrot += -babyarmrot / 10; } if (babyleg1rot != 0) { babyleg1rot += -babyleg1rot / 10; } if (babyleg2rot != 0) { babyleg2rot += -babyleg2rot / 10; } = babyarmrot; = babyleg1rot; = babyleg2rot; if (bellysize > 300) { if (bellysize + kickchance > 300 + Math.random() * 9000) { makekick(); } else { kickchance += 1; } } if (forcerot <= 0) { BarmrotSB = Math.sin(babyrot) * 5; BFarmrotSB = 0; } else {} hero.baby_arm.forearm.sleeve._rotation = Math.sin(BarmrotSB / 5) * -3; hero.baby_arm.forearm.endshirt._rotation = Math.sin(BarmrotSB / 5) * -3; = 145 + Math.sin(babyrot) * 5 - (birthing + birthing2) * 1.5; if (hero.baby_arm._rotation != BarmrotSB) { hero.baby_arm._rotation -= (hero.baby_arm._rotation - BarmrotSB) * 0.1; } if (hero.baby_arm.forearm._rotation != BFarmrotSB) { hero.baby_arm.forearm._rotation -= (hero.baby_arm.forearm._rotation - BFarmrotSB) * 0.1; } if (Tbellysize < 600 || birthing >= 5) { glowshow = 'grey'; } blegrotplus = 0; if (birthing > 0 && birthing < 5) { blegrotplus = -3; glowshow = 'white'; } if (birthing2 == 6) { blegrotplus = -9; flegrot = 5; } if (birthing2 == 7) { flegrot = 0; } statue.head.eye.gotoAndStop(glowshow); if (nextcolour == true) { nextcolour = false; for (i in clickedbubs) { if (clickedbubs[i] == glowshow) { clickedbubs.splice(i, 1); } } glowshow = clickedbubs[Math.floor(Math.random() * clickedbubs.length)]; } if (birthclicks > 750 && birthscored >= 1) { birthclicks -= 250; } if (birthclicks > 500 && birthscored >= 2) { birthclicks -= 250; } if (birthclicks > 250 && birthscored >= 3) { birthclicks -= 250; } if (birthclicks > 0 && birthscored >= 4) { birthclicks = 0; } if (birthing2 == 6) { fading += 7; } else { fading -= 7; } countDown('finalpush'); if (fading >= 100) { if (finalpush == -1) { finalpush = 50; } if (finalpush == 0) { birthing2 += 1; birthing = 5; } } fadetoblack._alpha = fading; minmax('fading', -150, 100); minmax('birthclicks', 0, 1000); minmax('birthing', 0, 5); hero.rarmMask.gotoAndStop(1); if (birthclicks <= 0) { naked = true; updateClothes(); if (birthing <= 0) { birthing = 1; } if (birthing == 5) { hero.f_leg.thighpants._visible = true; hero.f_leg.calfpants._visible = true; hero.f_leg.boot._visible = true; hero.b_leg.thighpants._visible = true; hero.b_leg.calfpants._visible = true; hero.b_leg.boot._visible = true; hero.belly.pants._visible = true; hero.baby_arm._visible = true; hero.l_arm._visible = false; hero.rarmMask.gotoAndStop(2); } else { hero.baby_arm._visible = false; hero.l_arm._visible = true; } } else { hero.baby_arm._visible = false; hero.l_arm._visible = true; } if (improt < 6.283185307179586) { improt += improtplus; } else { improt -= 6.283185307179586; } if (impfloat < 6.283185307179586) { impfloat += impfloatplus; } else { impfloat -= 6.283185307179586; } imp._y = impYstart + Math.sin(impfloat) * 15; imp._rotation = Math.sin(improt) * 10; imp.head._rotation = Math.sin(improt) * -9; if (debugmode == true) { debug_01.text = Tbellysize; debug_02.text = impmove; debug_03.text = imp._xscale; } else { debug_01.text = ''; debug_02.text = ''; debug_03.text = ''; } dream_scores.F_score.text = Fhiscore; dream_scores.A_score.text = Ahiscore; dream_scores.W_score.text = Whiscore; dream_scores.E_score.text = Ehiscore; lpleft._txt.text = hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._x - lpX; lpright._txt.text = hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._x; lpup._txt.text = hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._y; lpdown._txt.text = hero.head.eyes.l_pupil._y - lpY; rpleft._txt.text = hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._x - rpX; rpright._txt.text = hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._x; rpup._txt.text = hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._y; rpdown._txt.text = hero.head.eyes.r_pupil._y - rpY; }; } movieClip 147 { } movieClip 189 { } movieClip 231 { } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 245 { } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 260 { } movieClip 266 { } movieClip 279 { frame 1 { if (started != 9) { this.sizerot = 0; this.sizerotplus = 0.1; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_root.statue.head.eye._currentframe - 1); this.sizerot += sizerotplus; if (this.sizerot > 6.283185307179586) { this.sizerot -= 6.283185307179586; } this.x_scale = 100 + Math.sin(this.sizerot) * 20; }; } } movieClip 284 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 287 { } movieClip 289 { } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 294 { } movieClip 296 { } movieClip 302 { } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 312 { } movieClip 316 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 327 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'smirk'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'surprise'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 331 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'smirk'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'ohmy'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 334 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 336 { frame 1 { this.wingrot = 0; this.wingrotplus = 0.95; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.wingrot += this.wingrotplus; if (this.wingrot > 6.283185307179586) { this.wingrot -= 6.283185307179586; } this.wing1._rotation = -(Math.sin(wingrot) * 30); this.wing2._rotation = -(Math.sin(wingrot) * 30); this.wing1._xscale = 100 + Math.sin(wingrot) * 30; this.wing2._xscale = 100 + Math.sin(wingrot) * 30; this.wing1._yscale = 100 - Math.sin(wingrot) * 30; this.wing2._yscale = 100 - Math.sin(wingrot) * 30; }; } } movieClip 340 { } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 344 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 348 { } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 351 { } movieClip 354 { } movieClip 357 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 362 { } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 367 { } movieClip 445 { frame 2 { stop(); _currentlabel = 'stopped'; } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'ooze'; } frame 40 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 41 { _currentlabel = 'bigooze'; } frame 80 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 81 { _currentlabel = 'doubleooze'; } frame 129 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 130 { _currentlabel = 'pressure'; } frame 160 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 168 { _currentlabel = 'stream'; } frame 213 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 451 { } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 475 { } movieClip 568 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { stop(); _currentlabel = 'stopped'; } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'ooze'; } frame 45 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 46 { _currentlabel = 'bigooze'; } frame 100 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 101 { _currentlabel = 'ooze'; } frame 170 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 171 { _currentlabel = 'pressure'; } frame 214 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 215 { _currentlabel = 'stream'; } frame 268 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 571 { } movieClip 574 { } movieClip 577 { } movieClip 579 { } movieClip 581 { } movieClip 585 { } movieClip 586 { } movieClip 594 { } movieClip 606 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 614 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 618 { } movieClip 622 { } movieClip 623 { } movieClip 629 { } movieClip 774 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'rest'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'rest2belly'; } frame 12 { _currentlabel = 'belly'; } frame 13 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 14 { _currentlabel = 'belly2rest'; } frame 22 { _currentlabel = 'rest'; } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay('rest'); } frame 24 { _currentlabel = 'rest2breast'; } frame 34 { _currentlabel = 'breast'; } frame 35 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 36 { _currentlabel = 'breast2rest'; } frame 45 { _currentlabel = 'rest'; } frame 46 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 47 { _currentlabel = 'breast2belly'; } frame 56 { _currentlabel = 'belly'; } frame 57 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 58 { _currentlabel = 'belly2breast'; } frame 66 { _currentlabel = 'breast'; } frame 67 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 778 { } movieClip 785 { } movieClip 787 { } movieClip 798 { } movieClip 799 { } movieClip 800 { } movieClip 801 { frame 1 { this.shoulder_sleeve.white._visible = false; } } movieClip 804 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 808 { } movieClip 813 { } movieClip 819 { } movieClip 821 { } movieClip 823 { } movieClip 830 { } movieClip 832 { } movieClip 862 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'small'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'shut'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'smile'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'sad'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'oh'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'smallgrin'; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 15 { _currentlabel = 'teeth'; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 17 { _currentlabel = 'pout'; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 19 { _currentlabel = 'down'; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 21 { _currentlabel = 'chat'; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 23 { _currentlabel = 'rawr'; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 25 { _currentlabel = 'flat'; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 27 { _currentlabel = 'gripe'; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 31 { _currentlabel = 'breathing'; } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 55 { _currentlabel = 'scream'; } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 867 { } movieClip 871 { } movieClip 907 { } movieClip 909 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'plain'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'sleep'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'tired'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'huh'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'serene'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'awaresleep'; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 15 { _currentlabel = 'distresssleep'; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 17 { _currentlabel = 'sadwide'; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 19 { _currentlabel = 'cry'; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 21 { _currentlabel = 'cry2'; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 23 { _currentlabel = 'madsleep'; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 25 { _currentlabel = 'flat'; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 27 { _currentlabel = 'mad'; } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 29 { _currentlabel = 'grumpysleep'; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 31 { _currentlabel = 'squee'; } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 33 { _currentlabel = 'tears'; } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 35 { _currentlabel = 'sadplain'; } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 910 { } movieClip 911 { } // unknown tag 88 length 280 movieClip 915 { } movieClip 919 { } movieClip 921 { } movieClip 922 { } movieClip 923 { } movieClip 924 { } movieClip 928 { } movieClip 930 { } movieClip 932 { } movieClip 933 { frame 1 { stop(); this.waterlevel = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.mask_block._y = -this.waterlevel; }; } } movieClip 934 { } movieClip 935 { } movieClip 939 { } movieClip 940 { } movieClip 946 { frame 1 { if (this.started != 3) { this.heat = 1; this.waitheat = 0; this.started = 3; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.curDream == 'fire') { this.TYD = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._y - this._y; this.TXD = _root.fire_dream.grabwheel._x - this._x; this.innerang = Math.atan2(TYD, TXD); if (this.heat > 1) { this.waitheat += 1; } if (this.waitheat >= 7) { this.waitheat = 0; this.heat -= 1; } if (this.heat > 100) { this.heat = 100; } this.gotoAndStop(this.heat); } }; } } movieClip 947 { } movieClip 949 { frame 1 { if (this.starting != 3) { this.starting = 3; this.pulse = 0; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.pulse += 0.3; if (this.pulse > 6.283185307179586) { this.pulse -= 6.283185307179586; } this._xscale = 100 + Math.sin(this.pulse) * 10; this._yscale = 100 + Math.sin(this.pulse) * 10; }; } } movieClip 951 { } movieClip 953 { } movieClip 956 { } movieClip 957 { frame 1 { this.gamemask._x = 2000; } } movieClip 959 { } movieClip 963 { } movieClip 964 { } movieClip 969 { } movieClip 972 { } movieClip 973 { } movieClip 980 { } movieClip 985 { } movieClip 988 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 991 { } movieClip 992 { } movieClip 994 { }
Created: 9/8 -2019 09:47:51 Last modified: 9/8 -2019 09:47:51 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:00:11