Instance of Symbol 18 MovieClip in Frame 1 (316 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() < _root.getBytesTotal()) {
this._xscale = 1500 * (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal());
} else {;
_parent.loadtext = ("Loading... " + (Math.floor((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 1000) / 10)) + " Percent";
Frame 2 (8 B)
Frame 3 (381 B)
function colorize(obje, passr, passg, passb, passa) {
tempc = new Color(eval (obje));
tempc = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
tempc.rb = passr; = passg; = passb;
tempc.ab = passa;
eval (obje).Acolor = tempc;
eval (obje).Ccolor = new Color(eval (obje));
eval (obje).Ccolor.setTransform(eval (obje).Acolor);
Frame 5 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 2275 MovieClip "controller" in Frame 5 (16.65 KiB) ● ● ●
onClipEvent (load) {
function Log(s) {
GLOBAL_LOG.unshift(s + newline);
if (256 < GLOBAL_LOG.length) {
function numclamp(v) {
if (v < 0) {
v = 0;
} else {
v = Math.ceil(v);
function addcharactervariables(targ) {
targ.hp = 63;
targ.in_movex = 0;
targ.in_movey = 0;
targ.in_action = 0;
targ.hatk = 32;
targ.matk = 32;
targ.latk = 32;
targ.hdef = 0;
targ.mdef = 0;
targ.ldef = 0;
targ.hdefon = 0;
targ.mdefon = 0;
targ.ldefon = 0;
targ.s_atktype = 0;
targ.s_animbusy = 0;
targ.s_idle = 1;
targ.s_moving = 0;
targ.s_attacking = 0;
targ.s_hit = 0;
targ.s_vx = 0;
targ.s_movespeed = 1;
targ.m_name = "NULL";
targ.m_status = "NULL";
targ._y = GLOBAL_FLOOR;
function pauseall() {
function unpauseall() {
GLOBAL_PAUSE = false;;;;;;;
function movecharacter(obje) {
with (obje) {
framename = "null";
if ((s_idle || (s_moving != 0)) && (((!s_attacking) && (!s_hit)) && (!s_animbusy))) {
if (in_action) {
hdefon = 0;
mdefon = 0;
ldefon = 0;
if (0 < in_movex) {
_xscale = 100;
framename = "atkm";
} else if (in_movex < 0) {
_xscale = -100;
framename = "atkm";
if (0 < in_movey) {
framename = "atkh";
} else if (in_movey < 0) {
framename = "atkl";
} else if (0 < in_movex) {
hdefon = 0;
mdefon = 0;
ldefon = 0;
_xscale = 100;
if (s_moving == 0) {
framename = "walk";
} else if (in_movex < 0) {
hdefon = 0;
mdefon = 0;
ldefon = 0;
_xscale = -100;
if (s_moving == 0) {
framename = "walk";
} else if (in_movex == 0) {
hdefon = 0;
mdefon = 0;
ldefon = 0;
if (0 < in_movey) {
hdefon = 1;
} else if (in_movey < 0) {
ldefon = 1;
} else if (in_movey == 0) {
mdefon = 1;
if (in_movex == 0) {
if ((((s_moving != 0) && (!s_attacking)) && (!s_hit)) && (!s_animbusy)) {
framename = "idle";
def_h._visible = false;
def_m._visible = false;
def_l._visible = false;
if (hdefon != 0) {
def_h._visible = true;
if (mdefon != 0) {
def_m._visible = true;
if (ldefon != 0) {
def_l._visible = true;
if (framename != "null") {
function moveplayer() {
if (50 < GLOBAL_PLAYER._alpha) {
if ((((GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_idle == 0) && (GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_moving != 0)) && (GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_vx == 0)) && (!GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_animbusy)) {
if ((GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_vx != 0) && (!GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_animbusy)) {
} else {
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox.hitTest(GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.cbox)) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER._x = GLOBAL_PLAYER._x + (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMin - GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMax);
} else {
GLOBAL_PLAYER._x = GLOBAL_PLAYER._x + (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMax - GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMin);
function moveenemy() {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy._xscale = 100;
} else {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy._xscale = -100;
if (((GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_idle == 0) && (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_moving != 0)) && (!GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_animbusy)) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY._x = GLOBAL_ENEMY._x + (((GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy._xscale / 100) * GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_moving) * GLOBAL_ENEMY.s_movespeed);
if ((GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_vx != 0) && (!GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_animbusy)) {
} else {
if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.cbox.hitTest(GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox)) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY._x = GLOBAL_ENEMY._x + (GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMin - GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMax);
} else {
GLOBAL_ENEMY._x = GLOBAL_ENEMY._x + (GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMax - GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMin);
function damagecollisions() {
if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_attacking) {
if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.abox.hitTest(GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox)) {
if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_atktype < 1) {
var dmg = (GLOBAL_ENEMY.latk - GLOBAL_PLAYER.ldef);
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.ldefon != 0) {
dmg = dmg / 2;
dmg = numclamp(dmg);
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_hit = true;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_attacking = 0;
Log(((((GLOBAL_ENEMY.m_name + " hit ") + GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_name) + " for ") + dmg) + "!");
} else if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_atktype == 1) {
var dmg = (GLOBAL_ENEMY.matk - GLOBAL_PLAYER.mdef);
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.mdefon != 0) {
dmg = dmg / 2;
dmg = numclamp(dmg);
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_hit = true;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_attacking = 0;
Log(((((GLOBAL_ENEMY.m_name + " hit ") + GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_name) + " for ") + dmg) + "!");
} else if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_atktype == 2) {
var dmg = (GLOBAL_ENEMY.hatk - GLOBAL_PLAYER.hdef);
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.hdefon != 0) {
dmg = dmg / 2;
dmg = numclamp(dmg);
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_hit = true;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_attacking = 0;
Log(((((GLOBAL_ENEMY.m_name + " hit ") + GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_name) + " for ") + dmg) + "!");
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking) {
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.abox.hitTest(GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.cbox)) {
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_atktype < 1) {
var dmg = (GLOBAL_PLAYER.latk - GLOBAL_ENEMY.ldef);
if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.ldefon != 0) {
dmg = dmg / 2;
dmg = numclamp(dmg);
GLOBAL_ENEMY.s_hit = true; = -1;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking = 0;
Log(((((GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_name + " hit ") + GLOBAL_ENEMY.m_name) + " for ") + dmg) + "!");
} else if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_atktype == 1) {
var dmg = (GLOBAL_PLAYER.matk - GLOBAL_ENEMY.mdef);
if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.lmdefon != 0) {
dmg = dmg / 2;
dmg = numclamp(dmg);
GLOBAL_ENEMY.s_hit = true; = -1;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking = 0;
Log(((((GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_name + " hit ") + GLOBAL_ENEMY.m_name) + " for ") + dmg) + "!");
} else if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_atktype == 2) {
var dmg = (GLOBAL_PLAYER.hatk - GLOBAL_ENEMY.hdef);
if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.hdefon != 0) {
dmg = dmg / 2;
dmg = numclamp(dmg);
GLOBAL_ENEMY.s_hit = true; = -1;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking = 0;
Log(((((GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_name + " hit ") + GLOBAL_ENEMY.m_name) + " for ") + dmg) + "!");
function pickEnemy(ev) {
if ((ev < 2) || (GLOBAL_ENEMY._totalframes < ev)) {
if (GLOBAL_ENEMY._totalframes < (GLOBAL_ENEMY._currentframe + 1)) {
} else {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.gotoAndStop(GLOBAL_ENEMY._currentframe + 1);
} else {
Log("A new enemy approaches...");
function ObjHitsBody(obj) {
function ObjHitsBodyCenter(obj) {
function ObjHitsHead(obj) {
function ObjHitsHeadCenter(obj) {
function CanVoreHigh() {
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.hdefon == 0) {
function CanVoreMid() {
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.mdefon == 0) {
function CanVoreLow() {
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.ldefon == 0) {
function CanVore() {
if (((GLOBAL_PLAYER.ldefon == 0) && (GLOBAL_PLAYER.mdefon == 0)) && (GLOBAL_PLAYER.hdefon == 0)) {
GLOBAL_LOG = new Array();
GLOBAL_PLAYER = _parent.player;
GLOBAL_ENEMY = _parent.enemy;
GLOBAL_BG = _parent.MBG;
_parent.colorize(_parent.playershad, -100, -100, -100, -50);
_parent.colorize(_parent.enemyshad, -100, -100, -100, -50);
addcharactervariables(GLOBAL_ENEMY); = 1;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_name = "Barb";
GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_status = "Normal";
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(101) || (Key.isDown(32))) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.in_action = true;
} else {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.in_action = false;
if (Key.isDown(100) || (Key.isDown(37))) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.in_movex = -1;
} else if (Key.isDown(102) || (Key.isDown(39))) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.in_movex = 1;
} else {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.in_movex = 0;
if (Key.isDown(104) || (Key.isDown(38))) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.in_movey = 1;
} else if (Key.isDown(98) || (Key.isDown(40))) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.in_movey = -1;
} else {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.in_movey = 0;
if (((Math.abs(GLOBAL_PLAYER._x - GLOBAL_ENEMY._x) < (2 * GLOBAL_PLAYER._width)) || (!GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking)) && ((GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMax + 16) < GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMin)) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = -1 *;
if ((Math.random() * 10) < 2) { = 1;
} else if (((Math.abs(GLOBAL_PLAYER._x - GLOBAL_ENEMY._x) < (2 * GLOBAL_PLAYER._width)) || (!GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking)) && (GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMax < (GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMin - 16))) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = 1 *;
if ((Math.random() * 10) < 2) { = 1;
} else {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = 0;
if ((GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking && (!GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_attacking)) && (Math.abs(GLOBAL_PLAYER._x - GLOBAL_ENEMY._x) < (2 * GLOBAL_PLAYER._width))) { = -1;
} else if ((((GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_moving != 0) && (!GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_attacking)) && (!GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_hit)) && (!GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_animbusy)) {
} else if (GLOBAL_PLAYER._x < GLOBAL_ENEMY._x) {
if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) == 0) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = 0;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movey = 1;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_action = 1;
} else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) == 0) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = 0;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movey = -1;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_action = 1;
} else {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = 1;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movey = 0;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_action = 1;
} else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) == 0) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = 0;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movey = 1;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_action = 1;
} else if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) == 0) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = 0;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movey = -1;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_action = 1;
} else {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = -1;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movey = 0;
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_action = 1;
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movey = 1;
} else if (Key.isDown(83)) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movey = -1;
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = 1;
} else if (Key.isDown(68)) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_movex = -1;
if (Key.isDown(70)) {
GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.in_action = 1;
if (0 < GLOBAL_PLAYER.hp) {
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMax < 0) {
GLOBAL_BG._x = GLOBAL_BG._x + 320;
if (0 < GLOBAL_BG._x) {
GLOBAL_BG._x = -960;
} else if (320 < GLOBAL_PLAYER.cbox.getBounds(_root).xMin) {
GLOBAL_BG._x = GLOBAL_BG._x - 320;
if (GLOBAL_BG._x < -960) {
GLOBAL_BG._x = 0;
if (GLOBAL_PLAYER.hp < 1) {
if ((!GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_hit) && (!GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_animbusy)) {
if (GLOBAL_ENEMY.hp < 1) {
if (!GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy.s_animbusy) {
Log(("YOU KILLED THE " + GLOBAL_ENEMY.m_name) + "!");
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_atktype = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_animbusy = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_idle = 1;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_moving = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_hit = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._visible = true;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._visible = true;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
} else {
_parent.gui_playername = GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_name;
_parent.gui_playerstatus = GLOBAL_PLAYER.m_status;
_parent.gui_enemyname = GLOBAL_ENEMY.m_name;
_parent.gui_enemystatus = GLOBAL_ENEMY.m_status;
_parent.gui_leveldesc = "Arid Mountains\n";
_parent.gui_leveldesc = _parent.gui_leveldesc + ((GLOBAL_LOG[0] + GLOBAL_LOG[1]) + GLOBAL_LOG[2]);
_parent.gui_points = "Score: " + GLOBAL_POINTS;
_parent.gui_kills = "Kills: " + GLOBAL_KILLS;
_parent.playershad._y = GLOBAL_PLAYER._y;
_parent.playershad._x = GLOBAL_PLAYER._x;
_parent.playershad._yscale = 10;
_parent.playershad._xscale = GLOBAL_PLAYER._xscale;
_parent.playershad._alpha = GLOBAL_PLAYER._alpha;
_parent.playershad.t.head._alpha = GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._alpha;
_parent.playershad.t.head._x = GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._x;
_parent.playershad.t.head._y = GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._y;
_parent.enemyshad._y = GLOBAL_ENEMY._y;
_parent.enemyshad._x = GLOBAL_ENEMY._x;
_parent.enemyshad._yscale = 10;
_parent.enemyshad._xscale = GLOBAL_ENEMY.enemy._xscale;
if (Key.isDown(45)) {
} else {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(35)) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_atktype = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_animbusy = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_idle = 1;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_moving = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_hit = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._visible = true;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._visible = true;
if (Key.isDown(36)) {
if (GLOBAL_PAUSEHFR == true) {
} else {
Symbol 22 MovieClip Frame 1 (952 B)
function camControl() {
var scaleX = (sX / this._width);
var scaleY = (sY / this._height);
_parent._x = cX - (this._x * scaleX);
_parent._y = cY - (this._y * scaleY);
_parent._xscale = 100 * scaleX;
_parent._yscale = 100 * scaleY;
function resetStage() {
var resetTrans = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
_parent._xscale = 100;
_parent._yscale = 100;
_parent._x = 0;
_parent._y = 0;
this._visible = false;
var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode;
Stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";
var cX = (Stage.width / 2);
var cY = (Stage.height / 2);
var sX = Stage.width;
var sY = Stage.height;
Stage.scaleMode = oldMode;
var camColor = new Color(this);
var parentColor = new Color(_parent);
this.onEnterFrame = camControl;
this.onUnload = resetStage;
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1 (780 B)
function setbarvalue(v) {
if (v < 0) {
v = 0;
colorv = int(v / 64);
if (colorv == 0) {
_root.colorize(bar, 0, 200, 0, 0);
_root.colorize(nextcolor, 0, 0, 0, 0);
} else if (colorv == 1) {
_root.colorize(bar, 200, 200, 0, 0);
_root.colorize(nextcolor, 0, 200, 0, 0);
} else if (colorv == 2) {
_root.colorize(bar, 255, 128, 0, 0);
_root.colorize(nextcolor, 200, 200, 0, 0);
} else if (colorv == 3) {
_root.colorize(bar, 200, 0, 0, 0);
_root.colorize(nextcolor, 255, 128, 0, 0);
} else if (colorv == 4) {
_root.colorize(bar, 200, 200, 200, 0);
_root.colorize(nextcolor, 200, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
_root.colorize(bar, 200, 200, 200, 0);
_root.colorize(nextcolor, 50, 50, 50, 0);
v = v % 64;
bar._yscale = v / 0.64;
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 39 Button (438 B)
on (press) {
with (controller) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_atktype = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_animbusy = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_idle = 1;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_moving = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_hit = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._visible = true;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._visible = true;
Symbol 40 Button (594 B)
on (press) {
with (controller) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_atktype = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_animbusy = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_idle = 1;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_moving = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_hit = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._visible = true;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._visible = true;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
} else {
Symbol 55 Button (25 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 62 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 72 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 2 (85 B)
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 10 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 11 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 4;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 21 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 22 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 31 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 32 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 36 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 37 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 49 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 50 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 63 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 64 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 76 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 77 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 6;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 81 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 82 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 86 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 87 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 2;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 91 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 92 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 105 (83 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
hp = 0;
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 110 (8 B)
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 116 (23 B)
gotoAndStop ("blank");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 17 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 22 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 6;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 22 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 28 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("walk");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 32 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 42 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 43 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 47 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 52 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 62 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 67 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 79 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 88 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 98 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 103 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 139 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 146 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 156 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 181 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 184 (40 B)
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 194 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 197 (40 B)
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 207 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 210 (40 B)
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 220 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 223 (40 B)
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 233 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 237 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 249 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 268 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 272 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 285 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 290 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 291 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 296 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 297 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 302 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 303 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 313 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 127 MovieClip Frame 318 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("dead");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 32 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 37 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 2;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 56 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 60 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 70 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 71 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 75 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 80 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 100 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 105 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 116 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 137 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 146 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 156 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 161 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 200 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 207 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 217 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 221 (1 B)
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 222 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 239 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 242 (40 B)
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 252 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 255 (40 B)
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 265 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 268 (40 B)
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 278 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 281 (40 B)
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 291 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 295 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 307 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 326 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 330 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 343 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 348 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 349 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 354 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 355 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 360 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 361 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 371 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 376 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("dead");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 32 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 37 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 2;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 56 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 60 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 70 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 71 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 75 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 80 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 90 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 95 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 96 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 122 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 131 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 151 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 156 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 241 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 248 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 258 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 263 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 283 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 286 (40 B)
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 298 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 301 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 304 (40 B)
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 317 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 319 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 322 (40 B)
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 334 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 336 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 339 (40 B)
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 353 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 355 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 359 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 421 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 490 (39 B)
s_vx = 4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 494 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x + (60 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 507 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 512 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 513 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 518 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 519 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 524 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 525 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 535 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 540 (8 B)
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 32 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 37 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 4;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 56 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 60 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 70 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 71 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 75 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 80 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 104 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 109 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 118 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 137 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 146 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 165 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 170 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 225 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 232 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 242 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 246 (703 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
chance = random(3);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 247 (903 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
chance = random(5);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
chance = random(5);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else {
chance = random(5);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 269 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 274 (55 B)
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 284 (234 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else if (excretedir >= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("intestine");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 286 (25 B)
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 306 (234 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else if (excretedir >= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("intestine");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 308 (55 B)
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 318 (234 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else if (excretedir >= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("intestine");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 323 (55 B)
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 334 (234 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else if (excretedir >= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("intestine");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 339 (55 B)
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 349 (234 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else if (excretedir >= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("intestine");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 353 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 382 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 408 (73 B)
wiggle = 0;
excretedir = 0;
struggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 413 (622 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 435 (183 B)
if (2 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 2;
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdeepdigesting");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 437 (72 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 2;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 447 (181 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdeepdigesting");
} else if (struggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("stomach");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 452 (72 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 2;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 462 (181 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdeepdigesting");
} else if (struggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("stomach");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 467 (72 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 2;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 477 (181 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdeepdigesting");
} else if (struggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("stomach");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 482 (72 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 2;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 493 (181 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdeepdigesting");
} else if (struggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("stomach");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 512 (69 B)
wiggle = 0;
excretedir = 0;
struggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 539 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 570 (39 B)
s_vx = 4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 581 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x + (60 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 583 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 588 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 589 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 594 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 595 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 600 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 601 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 611 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 616 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("dead");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 24 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 29 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 4;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 43 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 47 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 57 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 58 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 62 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 67 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 83 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 88 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 91 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 112 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 121 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 131 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 136 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 203 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 207 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 213 (104 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 221 (104 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 231 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 234 (40 B)
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 247 (305 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
num = random(2);
var _local2 = 0;
switch (num) {
case _local2 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
case 1 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete2");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 250 (40 B)
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 265 (305 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
num = random(2);
var _local2 = 0;
switch (num) {
case _local2 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
case 1 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete2");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 268 (40 B)
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 281 (305 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
num = random(2);
var _local2 = 0;
switch (num) {
case _local2 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
case 1 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete2");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 284 (40 B)
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 299 (305 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
num = random(2);
var _local2 = 0;
switch (num) {
case _local2 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
case 1 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete2");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 303 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 341 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 385 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 400 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 417 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 422 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 423 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 428 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 429 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 434 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 435 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 445 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 450 (8 B)
Symbol 874 MovieClip Frame 495 (188 B)
wiggle = 6;
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 904 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 922 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 929 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 934 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 20 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 25 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 4;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 44 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 48 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 58 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 59 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 63 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 68 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 85 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 90 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 111 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 135 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 144 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 154 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 159 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 250 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 257 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 267 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 272 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 302 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 305 (40 B)
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 315 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 318 (40 B)
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 328 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 331 (40 B)
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 341 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 344 (40 B)
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 354 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 358 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 378 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 436 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 440 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 449 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 454 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 455 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 460 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 461 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 466 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 467 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 477 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 945 MovieClip Frame 482 (8 B)
Symbol 977 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 1031 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1128 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1128 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1128 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 1128 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 1128 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 1128 MovieClip Frame 6 (8 B)
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 32 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 37 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 3;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 52 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 56 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 66 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 67 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 71 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 76 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 91 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 96 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 107 (365 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 122 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 131 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 139 (366 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 158 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 163 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 228 (104 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 241 (107 B)
chance = random(4);
if (chance == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("swallow");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("chewing");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 254 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 304 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 309 (703 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
chance = random(3);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 344 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 347 (40 B)
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 377 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 380 (40 B)
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 399 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 401 (40 B)
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 427 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 430 (40 B)
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 444 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 447 (40 B)
Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip "head" in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 447 (44 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 467 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 471 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 508 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 514 (44 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 539 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 543 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 561 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 561 (44 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 566 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 567 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 567 (44 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 572 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 573 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 573 (44 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 578 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 579 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1128 MovieClip in Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 579 (44 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 595 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 605 (8 B)
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 606 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip Frame 637 (25 B)
gotoAndPlay ("chewing");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 32 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 37 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 6;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 56 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 60 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 70 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 71 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 75 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 80 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 105 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 110 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 135 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 147 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 156 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 166 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 171 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 259 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 266 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 276 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 281 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 301 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 304 (40 B)
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 320 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 323 (40 B)
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 338 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 341 (40 B)
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 352 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 355 (40 B)
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 366 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 370 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 395 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 423 (39 B)
s_vx = 4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 435 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x + (60 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 456 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 461 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 462 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 467 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 468 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 473 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 474 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 484 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1341 MovieClip Frame 489 (8 B)
Symbol 1348 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 32 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 37 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 3;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 54 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 59 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 69 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 70 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 74 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 79 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 93 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 98 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 108 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 120 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 129 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 139 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 144 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 210 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 217 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 227 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 232 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 258 (167 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("deeper!");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 261 (40 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 277 (163 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("deeper!");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("deeper!");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 280 (51 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 285 (75 B)
if (wiggle < 10) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("downdeeper");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 297 (163 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("deeper!");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("deeper!");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 300 (40 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 318 (163 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("deeper!");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("deeper!");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 321 (51 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 331 (163 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("deeper!");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("deeper!");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 345 (19 B)
gotoAndPlay (350);
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 356 (12 B)
wiggle = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 374 (28 B)
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 376 (615 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 390 (183 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdeepdigesting");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 393 (40 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 399 (71 B)
if (wiggle < 10) {
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("backup");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 410 (174 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("backup");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 413 (40 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 423 (175 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 426 (40 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 436 (175 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 439 (40 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 457 (175 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("deepdigest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 461 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 492 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 518 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 531 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 542 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 547 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 548 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 553 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 554 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 559 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 560 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 570 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 581 (8 B)
Symbol 1543 MovieClip Frame 606 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 30 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 35 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 3;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 51 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 55 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 4;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 65 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 66 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 70 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 74 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 85 (372 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 91 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 97 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 110 (372 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 119 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 124 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 134 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 139 (377 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 161 (23 B)
gotoAndPlay ("eatm2");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 164 (377 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 215 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 230 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 240 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 246 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 275 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 278 (40 B)
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 293 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 294 (40 B)
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 304 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 305 (40 B)
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 319 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 320 (40 B)
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 335 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 339 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 361 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 389 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 403 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x + (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 417 (152 B)
num = random(2);
var _local2 = 0;
switch (num) {
case _local2 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete1");
case 1 :
gotoAndPlay ("excrete2");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 447 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 453 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 465 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 470 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 471 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 476 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 477 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 482 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 483 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 493 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1698 MovieClip Frame 498 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("dead");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 32 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 37 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 4;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 56 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 60 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 70 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 71 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 75 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 80 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 115 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 120 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 129 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 142 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 149 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 163 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 166 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 291 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 299 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 309 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 314 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 327 (104 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 340 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 343 (40 B)
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 354 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 356 (40 B)
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 366 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 369 (40 B)
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 379 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 382 (40 B)
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 397 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 401 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 423 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 442 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 446 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 459 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 464 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 465 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 470 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 471 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 476 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 477 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 487 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1791 MovieClip Frame 492 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("dead");
Symbol 1872 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 1877 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 32 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 37 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 6;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 56 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 60 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 70 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 71 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 75 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 80 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 95 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 100 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 108 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 122 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 131 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 135 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 146 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 151 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 199 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 201 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 243 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 248 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 273 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 276 (40 B)
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 288 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 291 (40 B)
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 301 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 304 (40 B)
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 316 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 319 (40 B)
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 331 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 335 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 377 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 401 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 407 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 414 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 419 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 420 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 425 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 426 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 431 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 434 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 440 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 1977 MovieClip Frame 446 (8 B)
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 32 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 37 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 71 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 75 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 85 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 86 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 90 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 95 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 111 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 116 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 130 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 135 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 137 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 147 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 152 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 197 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 213 (608 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 233 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 236 (40 B)
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 246 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 249 (40 B)
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 259 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 262 (40 B)
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 272 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 275 (40 B)
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 285 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 289 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 314 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 333 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 341 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x + (60 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 350 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 355 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 356 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 361 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 362 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 367 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 368 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 378 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2050 MovieClip Frame 383 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("dead");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 1 (147 B)
s_atktype = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
s_idle = 1;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 54 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 57 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 6;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 78 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 80 (74 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 8;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 90 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 91 (16 B)
s_animbusy = 1;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 95 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 100 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 1;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 106 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 119 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 124 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 2;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 136 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 145 (90 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 1;
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_atktype = 0;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "sbox" in Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 150 (375 B)
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.cbox.hitTest(this)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.player.centerbox)) {
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent._parent.player.s_hit = 0;
_parent._parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 155 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 160 (417 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 280 (37 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 287 (331 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 0;
_parent._parent.player.s_animbusy = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_hit = 1;
_parent._parent.player.s_vx = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movex = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_movey = 0;
_parent._parent.player.in_action = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 297 (39 B)
wiggle = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("fathers!");
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 302 (1.26 KiB) ●
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex < 0) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
chance = random(3);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else {
chance = random(3);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movex) {
if (0 < _parent._xscale) {
chance = random(3);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else {
chance = random(3);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
chance = random(3);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else if (_parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey < 0) {
chance = random(3);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
} else if (0 < _parent._parent._parent.player.in_movey) {
chance = random(3);
if (chance == 0) {
} else {
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 322 (175 B)
if (1 < _parent._parent.player.hp) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = _parent._parent.player.hp - 1;
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 325 (40 B)
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 339 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 341 (40 B)
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 353 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 355 (40 B)
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 367 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 369 (40 B)
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 383 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 385 (40 B)
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 395 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 397 (40 B)
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 409 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 411 (40 B)
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 422 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 424 (40 B)
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 436 (171 B)
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("finishdigesting");
} else if (wiggle < 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("digest");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("excrete");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 438 (31 B)
_parent._parent.player.hp = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 468 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 524 (40 B)
s_vx = -4;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 526 (344 B)
_parent._parent.player._alpha = 100;
_parent._parent.player._xscale = _xscale;
_parent._parent.player._x = _parent._x - (80 * (_xscale / 100));
if (_parent._parent.player.hp < 0) {
_parent._parent.player.hp = 1;
_xscale = (-_xscale);
s_hit = 0;
s_animbusy = 0;
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 530 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 535 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 536 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 541 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 542 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 4;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 547 (22 B)
gotoAndPlay ("idle");
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 548 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 558 (85 B)
s_idle = 0;
s_moving = 0;
s_attacking = 0;
s_hit = 1;
s_animbusy = 1;
s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2272 MovieClip Frame 564 (8 B)
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 2 (448 B)
this.m_name = "Yeti";
this.m_status = "Eats Those who Ski Free";
this.maxhp = 30000;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 5000;
this.matk = 3000;
this.latk = 2000;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 3 (420 B)
this.m_name = "Slime";
this.m_status = "Green";
this.maxhp = 100;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 2;
this.matk = 2;
this.latk = 2;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 4 (426 B)
this.m_name = "Lizard Lady";
this.m_status = "Upset";
this.maxhp = 100;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -1;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 2;
this.matk = 1;
this.latk = 4;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 5 (429 B)
this.m_name = "Gigantic Dogfox";
this.m_status = "Grey";
this.maxhp = 310;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 5;
this.matk = 3;
this.latk = 2;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 6 (426 B)
this.m_name = "Allidile";
this.m_status = "Gigantic";
this.maxhp = 200;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 3;
this.matk = 4;
this.latk = 3;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 7 (441 B)
this.m_name = "Green Vixen";
this.m_status = "Large and In Charge";
this.maxhp = 1000;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 5;
this.matk = 5;
this.latk = 5;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 8 (433 B)
this.m_name = "Green Dino";
this.m_status = "Toungewhipper";
this.maxhp = 150;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 2;
this.matk = 3;
this.latk = 2;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 9 (445 B)
this.m_name = "Madame Bisholte";
this.m_status = "'Great and Powerful'";
this.maxhp = 100;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 4;
this.matk = 4;
this.latk = 4;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 10 (427 B)
this.m_name = "Vixentaur";
this.m_status = "6 Limbs!";
this.maxhp = 465;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 1;
this.matk = 3;
this.latk = 2;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 11 (429 B)
this.m_name = "Thirsha";
this.m_status = "Final Boss";
this.maxhp = 10000;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 5;
this.matk = 5;
this.latk = 5;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 12 (430 B)
this.m_name = "LandOrca";
this.m_status = "Killer Whale";
this.maxhp = 300;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 5;
this.matk = 3;
this.latk = 2;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 13 (436 B)
this.m_name = "Gigantic Frog";
this.m_status = "Sticky Tounge";
this.maxhp = 120;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -5;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 4;
this.matk = 3;
this.latk = 4;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 14 (436 B)
this.m_name = "Chomper";
this.m_status = "Stationary Predator";
this.maxhp = 100;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -3;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 5;
this.matk = 3;
this.latk = 2;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Symbol 2273 MovieClip Frame 15 (426 B)
this.m_name = "Red Raptor";
this.m_status = "Hunter";
this.maxhp = 400;
this.hp = this.maxhp;
this.enemy.in_movex = -3;
this.enemy.in_movey = 0;
this.enemy.in_action = 0;
this.hatk = 5;
this.matk = 3;
this.latk = 2;
this.hdef = 1;
this.mdef = 0;
this.ldef = 2;
enemy.s_atktype = 0;
enemy.s_animbusy = 0;
enemy.s_idle = 1;
enemy.s_moving = 0;
enemy.s_attacking = 0;
enemy.s_hit = 0;
enemy.s_vx = 0;
Instance of Symbol 18 MovieClip "player" in Symbol 2274 MovieClip Frame 1 (79 B)
onClipEvent (load) {
in_movex = 0;
in_movey = 0;
in_action = 0;
hp = 100;
Symbol 2282 Button (619 B)
on (press) {
with (controller) {
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_atktype = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_animbusy = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_idle = 1;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_moving = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_attacking = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.s_hit = 0;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._alpha = 100;
GLOBAL_PLAYER.head._visible = true;
GLOBAL_PLAYER._visible = true;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
} else {