Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

dddd by laser56.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #163016

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
function makeFlashVars() { var _local4; var _local12; var _local5; var _local1; var _local11; var _local10; var _local2; var _local8; var _local6; var _local9; var _local7; var _local3; _local4 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local8 = my_xml.childNodes.length; while (_local4 < _local8) { if (my_xml.childNodes[_local4].nodeName == "DSFM") { for (_local7 in my_xml.childNodes[_local4].attributes) { params[_local7] = my_xml.childNodes[_local4].attributes[_local7]; } _local5 = 0; _local6 = my_xml.childNodes[_local4].childNodes.length; while (_local5 < _local6) { _local2 = my_xml.childNodes[_local4].childNodes[_local5]; if (_local2.nodeName == "item") { _local3++; for (_local1 in _local2.attributes) { if (_local1 == "name") { params["Caption" + _local3] = _local2.attributes[_local1]; } else if (_local1 == "url") { params["URL" + _local3] = _local2.attributes[_local1]; } else if (_local1 == "bgImage") { params["Image" + _local3] = _local2.attributes[_local1]; } else if (_local1 == "target") { params["Target" + _local3] = _local2.attributes[_local1]; } } } _local5++; } } _local4++; } delete my_xml; } xmlString = "<DSFM Align=\"Center\" CaptionColor=\"0x000000\" CaptionFocusColor=\"0xFF0000\" CaptionFontName=\"Verdana\" CaptionFontSize=\"8\" CaptionFontStyle=\"Plain\" CaptionsAbove=\"true\" Accelerate=\"true\" Spacing=\"10\" ChangeDirection=\"true\" ClickDown=\"true\" DefaultTarget=\"_self\" BorderColor=\"0x000000\" BorderWidth=\"2\" FocusTint=\"true\" TintColor=\"0x000000\" LoadProgressBorderColor=\"0x000000\" LoadProgressFillColor=\"0x808080\" LoadText=\"Loading...\" LoadTextColor=\"0x000000\" ShowMasks=\"true\" MaskHeight=\"8\" MaskColor=\"0x000000\" ScrollAmount=\"15\" ScrollDelay=\"30\" ScrollFromMouse=\"true\" StartScrollFrom=\"Top\" sound=\"\" flashWidth=\"300\" flashHeight=\"200\"><item name=\"Agregame\" url=\";\" callback=\"onClick\" bgImage=\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrador\\Escritorio\\psd0126 copia.jpg\"/><item name=\"Comentame\" url=\";\" callback=\"onClick\" bgImage=\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrador\\Escritorio\\psd0124 copia.jpg\"/><item name=\"Dame 1 Five\" url=\";\" callback=\"onClick\" bgImage=\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrador\\Escritorio\\psd0130 copia.jpg\"/><item name=\"Fotos\" bgImage=\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrador\\Escritorio\\psd0125 copia.jpg\"/><item name=\"Exit\" bgImage=\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrador\\Escritorio\\psd0258 copia.jpg\"/></DSFM>"; params = new LoadVars(); var my_xml = new XML(); my_xml.ignoreWhite = true; my_xml.parseXML(xmlString); makeFlashVars();
Frame 2
function getParam(nm, def) { var _local1 = params[nm]; if ((_local1 != "undefined") && (_local1 != null)) { if (_local1 == "true") { _local1 = "Yes"; } if (_local1 == "false") { _local1 = "No"; } return(_local1); } return(def); } function cur(ftarget, fvalue) { ftarget.useHandCursor = fvalue;; } function getSupportedFont(fontlist) { var _local5 = ""; var _local3 = fontlist.toLowerCase().split("|"); var _local4 = TextField.getFontList(); var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3.length) { var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local4.length) { if (_local4[_local1].toLowerCase() == _local3[_local2]) { _local5 = _local3[_local2]; break; } _local1++; } if (_local5 != "") { break; } _local2++; } if (_local5 != "") { return(_local5); } if (fontlist.indexOf("sans") > -1) { return("_sans"); } if (fontlist.indexOf("serif") > -1) { return("_serif"); } if (fontlist.indexOf("typewriter") > -1) { return("_typewriter"); } return("_sans"); } function isspace(c) { return((c == 32) || ((c >= 9) && (c <= 13))); } function trim(str) { var _local1 = 0; while ((_local1 < str.length) && (isspace(str.charCodeAt(_local1)))) { _local1++; } if (_local1 == str.length) { return(""); } var _local3 = str.length; while (_local3-- , isspace(str.charCodeAt(_local3))) { } return(str.substring(_local1, _local3 + 1)); } function stringWidth(str, format) { var _local2 = -1; this.createTextField("ftestfield", -100000, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.ftestfield._visible = false; this.ftestfield.autoSize = true; this.ftestfield.selectable = false; this.ftestfield.setNewTextFormat(format); this.ftestfield.border = false; this.ftestfield.text = str; _local2 = this.ftestfield._width; this.ftestfield.removeTextField(); return(_local2); } function Rectangle(x, y, w, h) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = w; this.height = h; } function inside(rect, mx, my) { if (arguments.length == 1) { mx = _xmouse; my = _ymouse; } return((((mx >= rect.x) && (mx <= (rect.x + rect.width))) && (my >= rect.y)) && (my <= (rect.y + rect.height))); } function fontSizeFromPointSize(xfpoints) { return(xfpoints + Math.floor((xfpoints + 1) / 3)); } function createFormatFromParam(xfparam, xfcolor) { xh1 = xfparam.split(","); if (xh1.length == 2) { xh1.push("plain"); } xff = new TextFormat(); xff.font = getSupportedFont(trim(xh1[0])); var _local1 = Number(trim(xh1[1])); xff.size = fontSizeFromPointSize(_local1); xff.color = xfcolor; xff.bold = xh1[2].toLowerCase().indexOf("bold") > -1; xff.italic = xh1[2].toLowerCase().indexOf("italic") > -1; return(xff); } function createFieldWithFormat(target, fieldname, depth, format, xpos, ypos, txt) { target.createTextField(fieldname, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); with (eval ((target + ".") + fieldname)) { autoSize = true; selectable = false; _x = xpos; _y = ypos; text = txt; setTextFormat(format); setNewTextFormat(format); } } function gotoURL(u, t) { getURL (u, t); } function doOnMsg(ms) { if (onMsg) { onMsg(thisname, ms); } else { fscommand ("status", ms); } } function run(min, max) { var _local1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min; if ((_local1 < 0) || (_local1 > max)) { if ((new Date().getDate() % 2) == 1) { _local1 = 0; } else { _local1 = max; } } return(_local1); } Stage.showMenu = false; Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; MovieClip.prototype.tag = -1; TextField.prototype.disabled = false; String.prototype.replace = function (strng, rep) { var _local2 = this.split(strng); return(_local2.join(rep)); }; MovieClip.prototype.drawRect = function (x, y, right, bottom) { this.moveTo(x, y); this.lineTo(right, y); this.lineTo(right, bottom); this.lineTo(x, bottom); this.lineTo(x, y); }; gotoAndStop (2); loaded = false; stagewidth = 0; stageheight = 0; onMsg = null; onLoaded = null; cmo = "" + _parent; thisname = this; fn = _url; datafilecounter = 0; robj = new Object(); var nID = setInterval(function () { if (((Stage.width > 0) && (Stage.height > 0)) && (_framesloaded >= _totalframes)) { clearInterval(nID); nID = 0; stagewidth = Stage.width; stageheight = Stage.height; gotoAndStop (3); } }, 50); ASSetPropFlags(this, ["run", "robj"], 7, 0);
Frame 3
function firstImage() { clip_mc1 = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("clip_mc1", 100); clip_mc2 = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("clip_mc2", 200); clip_mc1.createEmptyMovieClip(iparams[0], 101 + pos); clip_mc2.createEmptyMovieClip(iparams[0], 201 + pos); clip_mc1.createEmptyMovieClip(iparams[0] + "sel", 300001 + pos); clip_mc2.createEmptyMovieClip(iparams[0] + "sel", 400001 + pos); var mc = eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[0]); mc._visible = false; mc.idx = 0; mc._y = -5000; mc.onData = OnData; mc.loadFile(iurls[0]); } function OnData(percentLoaded) { if ((iparams.length == 1) && (percentLoaded < 100)) { fillProgress(percentLoaded, 100); } if (percentLoaded < 100) { return(undefined); } var imgw = this._width; var imgh = this._height; widths[pos] = imgw; eval ((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[pos]).loadMovie(iurls[pos], method); drawBorder(eval (((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[pos]) + "sel"), imgw, imgh); drawBorder(eval (((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[pos]) + "sel"), imgw, imgh); if (iparams.length == 1) { fillProgress(100, 100); } else { fillProgress(pos + 1, iparams.length - 1); } updateAfterEvent(); var fieldh = 0; if ((iparams.length > 1) && (icaptions[pos] != "")) { var p = (captop ? (ypos) : (ypos + imgh)); createFieldWithFormat(clip_mc1, "caption" + pos, 301 + pos, capfmt, 0, p, icaptions[pos]); createFieldWithFormat(clip_mc2, "caption" + pos, 401 + pos, capfmt, 0, p, icaptions[pos]); with (eval ((clip_mc1 + ".caption") + pos)) { tag = p; autoSize = "left"; wordWrap = true; multiline = true; _width = stagewidth; fieldh = Math.ceil(_height); } with (eval ((clip_mc2 + ".caption") + pos)) { tag = p; autoSize = "left"; wordWrap = true; multiline = true; _width = stagewidth; } if (captop) { ypos = ypos + fieldh; } } eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[pos])._y = ypos; eval ((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[pos])._y = ypos; eval (((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[pos]) + "sel")._y = ypos; eval (((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[pos]) + "sel")._y = ypos; eval (((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[pos]) + "sel").tag = pos; eval (((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[pos]) + "sel").tag = pos; istart[pos] = ypos; istop[pos] = istart[pos] + imgh; ypos = ypos + (spacing + imgh); if (!captop) { ypos = ypos + fieldh; } if (imgw > maxwidth) { maxwidth = imgw; } pos++; if (pos > (iparams.length - 1)) { totalheight = istop[pos - 1] - spacing; if (!captop) { totalheight = totalheight + fieldh; } removeMovieClip(loader.progress); removeMovieClip(loader); clip._visible = true; gotoAndStop (4); } else { clip_mc1.createEmptyMovieClip(iparams[pos], 101 + pos); clip_mc2.createEmptyMovieClip(iparams[pos], 201 + pos); clip_mc1.createEmptyMovieClip(iparams[pos] + "sel", 300001 + pos); clip_mc2.createEmptyMovieClip(iparams[pos] + "sel", 400001 + pos); var mc = eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[pos]); mc._visible = false; mc._y = -5000; mc.idx = pos; mc.onData = OnData; mc.loadFile(iurls[pos]); } } function readImageParams() { var _local1 = 1; var _local2 = ""; while (true) { par = "Image" + _local1; img = getParam(par, null); if (img == null) { break; } iparams.push(par); iurls.push(img); _local2 = getParam("Caption" + _local1, ""); icaptions.push(_local2); _local1++; } } function fillProgress(num, total) { perc = (num / total) * 100; with (loader.progress) { lineStyle(1, fprogborder, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(120, 0); lineTo(120, 5); lineTo(0, 5); lineTo(0, 0); moveTo(0, 0); endFill(); beginFill(fprogfill, 100); lineStyle(1, fprogfill, 100); moveTo(1, 1); lineTo(perc * 1.19, 1); lineTo(perc * 1.19, 4); lineTo(1, 4); lineTo(1, 1); endFill(); } } function drawBorder(c, iw, ih) { with (c) { _visible = false; beginFill(tintcolor, (usetint ? 15 : 0)); if (borderwidth > -1) { lineStyle(borderwidth, bordercolor, 100); } moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(iw, 0); lineTo(iw, ih); lineTo(0, ih); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } } createEmptyMovieClip("clip", 0); dummy = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("dummy", -1); with (dummy) { beginFill(0, 0); drawRect(0, 0, stagewidth, stageheight); endFill(); } clip.setMask(dummy); iparams = new Array(); iurls = new Array(); icaptions = new Array(); widths = new Array(); readImageParams(); if (iparams.length == 0) { gotoAndStop (4); return(undefined); } MovieClip.prototype.loadFile = function (url, method) { this.createEmptyMovieClip("tmpmc_loadfile", -474747); this.tmpmc_loadfile.createEmptyMovieClip("loadTarget", 0); this.tmpmc_loadfile._visible = false; this.tmpmc_loadfile.loadTarget.loadMovie(url, method); this.tmpmc_loadfile.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local2 = (this.loadTarget.getBytesLoaded() / this.loadTarget.getBytesTotal()) * 100; this._parent.onData((isNaN(_local2) ? 0 : (_local2))); if (_local2 == 100) { this._parent.loadMovie(url, method); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; TextField.prototype.tag = 0; maskcolor = parseInt(getParam("MaskColor", "FFFFFF"), 16); floadtext = getParam("LoadText", "Loading..."); floadtextcolor = parseInt(getParam("LoadTextColor", "000000"), 16); fprogborder = parseInt(getParam("LoadProgressBorderColor", "000000"), 16); fprogfill = parseInt(getParam("LoadProgressFillColor", "00FF00"), 16); spacing = Number(getParam("Spacing", "10")); bordercolor = parseInt(getParam("BorderColor", getParam("BgColor", "FFFFFF")), 16); tintcolor = parseInt(getParam("TintColor", "FFFFFF"), 16); usetint = getParam("FocusTint", "yes").toLowerCase() != "no"; borderwidth = Number(getParam("BorderWidth", "2")); borderwidth = borderwidth - 1; falign = getParam("Align", "center").toLowerCase(); clip._visible = false; loader = createEmptyMovieClip("loader", 100000); _fmt = new TextFormat(); _fmt.font = getSupportedFont("Tahoma|Verdana|sans"); _fmt.size = 11; _fmt.color = floadtextcolor; createFieldWithFormat(loader, "loadtext", 1, _fmt, 0, 0, floadtext); loader.createEmptyMovieClip("progress", 2); loader.progress._x = 2; loader.progress._y = loader.loadtext._height; fillProgress(0, captions.length - 1); var f1 = getParam("CaptionFontName", "Sans"); var f2 = getParam("CaptionFontSize", "8"); var f3 = getParam("CaptionFontStyle", "Plain"); var ff = ((((f1 + ",") + f2) + ",") + f3); capcolor = parseInt(getParam("CaptionColor", "000000"), 16); capfocuscolor = parseInt(getParam("CaptionFocusColor", "FF0000"), 16); var capfmt = createFormatFromParam(ff, capcolor); capfmt.align = falign; captop = getParam("CaptionsAbove", "yes").toLowerCase() != "no"; istart = new Array(iparams.length); istop = new Array(iparams.length); pos = 0; ypos = spacing; if (iparams.length == 1) { spacing = 0; ypos = 0; borderwidth = -1; } maxwidth = -1; totalheight = -1; firstImage();
Frame 4
function createMask(clp) { var rnd = eval ((clp + ".") + iparams[robj.rcap]); var fmt = createFormatFromParam("Tahoma|Verdana|_sans,8,plain", 0); fmt.align = "center"; createFieldWithFormat(rnd, "field", 0, fmt, 1, 1, "Flash Menu"); rnd.field.multiline = true; rnd.field.autoSize = "left"; rnd.field.background = true; rnd.field.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; rnd.field.border = true; rnd.field.borderColor = 0; } function scrollToTop() { if (paused || (down)) { return(undefined); } clip_mc1._y = clip_mc1._y - amount; clip_mc2._y = clip_mc2._y - amount; if ((clip_mc1._y <= amount) && (clip_mc2._y < clip_mc1._y)) { clip_mc2._y = clip_mc1._y; clip_mc1._y = ((clip_mc2._y + totalheight) + spacing) - Math.max(borderwidth * 2, 0); } else if ((clip_mc2._y <= amount) && (clip_mc1._y < clip_mc2._y)) { clip_mc1._y = clip_mc2._y; clip_mc2._y = ((clip_mc1._y + totalheight) + spacing) - Math.max(borderwidth * 2, 0); } updateAfterEvent(); } function scrollToBottom() { if (paused || (down)) { return(undefined); } clip_mc1._y = clip_mc1._y + amount; clip_mc2._y = clip_mc2._y + amount; if ((clip_mc1._y >= (-amount)) && (clip_mc2._y > clip_mc1._y)) { clip_mc2._y = clip_mc1._y; clip_mc1._y = clip_mc2._y - ((totalheight + spacing) - Math.max(borderwidth * 2, 0)); } else if ((clip_mc2._y >= (-amount)) && (clip_mc1._y > clip_mc2._y)) { clip_mc1._y = clip_mc2._y; clip_mc2._y = clip_mc1._y - ((totalheight + spacing) - Math.max(borderwidth * 2, 0)); } updateAfterEvent(); } function dummyRollOver() { exited = false; } function dummyRollOut() { resetClickedImage(); selected1._visible = false; selected2._visible = false; hicaption(clip_mc1, seltag, false); hicaption(clip_mc2, seltag, false); this.useHandCursor = false; exited = true; curimg = -1; selected1 = null; selected2 = null; amount = defamount; paused = false; down = false; doOnMsg(" "); } function clipEnterFrame() { if (exited) { amount = defamount; paused = false; return(undefined); } getImage(); center = visibleheight / 2; hs = hotspotheight / 2; if ((_ymouse > (center - hs)) && (_ymouse < (center + hs))) { paused = true; return(undefined); } paused = false; if (!changedir) { return(undefined); } if (scrolldown && (((!reverse) && (_ymouse > (visibleheight / 2))) || (reverse && (_ymouse < (visibleheight / 2))))) { if (scrollid != null) { clearInterval(scrollid); } scrolldown = false; scrollid = setInterval(scrollToTop, 10); paused = false; } else if ((!scrolldown) && (((!reverse) && (_ymouse < (visibleheight / 2))) || (reverse && (_ymouse > (visibleheight / 2))))) { if (scrollid != null) { clearInterval(scrollid); } scrolldown = true; scrollid = setInterval(scrollToBottom, 10); paused = false; } if (!accel) { return(undefined); } diff = ((_ymouse > (center + hs)) ? (_ymouse - center) : (center - _ymouse)); perc = ((defamount / 100) * (diff / center)) * 150; amount = Math.ceil(defamount + perc); } function getImage() { mc = null; if (clip_mc1.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) { mc = clip_mc1; } else if (clip_mc2.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse)) { mc = clip_mc2; } if ((mc == null) || (exited)) { hicaption(clip_mc1, seltag, false); hicaption(clip_mc2, seltag, false); selected1._visible = false; selected2._visible = false; selected1 = null; selected2 = null; curimg = -1; cur(dummy, false); if (robj.featureson) { doOnMsg(" "); } return(undefined); } yy = _ymouse - mc._y; img = -1; i = 0; while (i < istart.length) { if ((yy >= istart[i]) && (yy <= istop[i])) { img = i; break; } i++; } if (img == -1) { curimg = -1; cur(dummy, false); hicaption(clip_mc1, seltag, false); hicaption(clip_mc2, seltag, false); selected1._visible = false; selected2._visible = false; selected1 = null; selected2 = null; if (robj.featureson) { doOnMsg(" "); } return(undefined); } if (img == curimg) { return(undefined); } showSelection(img, mc); } function showSelection(g, c) { hicaption(clip_mc1, seltag, false); hicaption(clip_mc2, seltag, false); if (selected1 != null) { if (selected1._visible) { selected1._visible = false; } selected1 = null; } if (selected2 != null) { if (selected2._visible) { selected2._visible = false; } selected2 = null; } selected1 = eval (((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[g]) + "sel"); selected2 = eval (((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[g]) + "sel"); seltag = eval (((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[g]) + "sel").tag; selected1._visible = true; selected2._visible = true; curimg = g; hicaption(clip_mc1, seltag, true); hicaption(clip_mc2, seltag, true); if (imgHasURL(g)) { cur(dummy, true); } else { cur(dummy, false); } if (robj.featureson) { doOnMsg(getParam("Message" + (g + 1), " ")); } } function hicaption(rclip, tg, hi) { eval ((rclip + ".caption") + tg).textColor = (hi ? (capfocuscolor) : (capcolor)); } function imgHasURL(g) { if (g == robj.rcap) { return(true); } s = getParam("URL" + (g + 1), null); return((s != null) && (s != "undefined")); } function clipMouseDown() { if ((curimg > -1) && (selected1 != null)) { if (imgHasURL(curimg)) { down = true; amt = (clickdown ? 2 : 0); clickedtop = eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[curimg])._y; eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[curimg])._y = eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[curimg])._y + amt; selected1._y = selected1._y + amt; eval ((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[curimg])._y = eval ((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[curimg])._y + amt; selected2._y = selected2._y + amt; fieldtop = eval ((clip_mc1 + ".caption") + seltag)._y; eval ((clip_mc1 + ".caption") + seltag)._y = eval ((clip_mc1 + ".caption") + seltag)._y + amt; eval ((clip_mc2 + ".caption") + seltag)._y = eval ((clip_mc2 + ".caption") + seltag)._y + amt; clickedimg = curimg; if (ClickSound != null) { ClickSound.start(); } } } } function clipMouseUp() { ci = clickedimg; resetClickedImage(); if (!down) { return(undefined); } down = false; if ((((curimg != null) && (ci == curimg)) && (ReleaseSound != null)) && (!exited)) { ReleaseSound.start(); } if ((ci > -1) && (curimg != null)) { uu = getParam("URL" + (ci + 1), null); tt = getParam("Target" + (ci + 1), deftarget); if (ci == robj.rcap) { uu = "Flash Menu"; tt = "_blank"; } if ((uu != null) && (uu.indexOf("$") != 0)) { gotoURL(uu, tt); } } } function resetClickedImage() { if (clickedimg > -1) { eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[clickedimg])._y = clickedtop; selected1._y = clickedtop; eval ((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[clickedimg])._y = clickedtop; selected2._y = clickedtop; eval ((clip_mc1 + ".caption") + seltag)._y = fieldtop; eval ((clip_mc2 + ".caption") + seltag)._y = fieldtop; clickedimg = -1; } } dummy.useHandCursor = false; dummy.onRollOut = (dummy.onDragOut = dummyRollOut); dummy.onRollOver = dummyRollOver; scrolldown = getParam("StartScrollFrom", "bottom").toLowerCase() == "top"; deftarget = getParam("DefaultTarget", "_self"); hotspotheight = Number(getParam("HotSpotHeight", "40")); if ((hotspotheight % 2) != 0) { hotspotheight++; } changedir = getParam("ChangeDirection", "yes").toLowerCase() != "no"; accel = getParam("Accelerate", "yes").toLowerCase() != "no"; clickdown = getParam("ClickDown", "yes").toLowerCase() != "no"; if (iparams.length == 1) { clickdown = false; } nameforsatellite = getParam("Name", null); reverse = getParam("ScrollFromMouse", "yes").toLowerCase() != "no"; reverse = !reverse; amount = Number(getParam("ScrollAmount", "15")); delay = Number(getParam("ScrollDelay", "10")); if (amount < 1) { amount = 1; } amount = amount / 10; amount = Math.ceil(amount); ClickSound = null; ReleaseSound = null; s = getParam("Sound", null); if (s != null) { ClickSound = new Sound(null); ClickSound.loadSound(s, false); } s = getParam("SoundRelease", null); if (s != null) { ReleaseSound = new Sound(null); ReleaseSound.loadSound(s, false); } ASSetPropFlags(this, ["run", "robj"], 0, 7); robj.rcap = -111; if (robj.needrandom) { robj.rcap = run(0, iparams.length - 1); createMask(clip_mc1); createMask(clip_mc2); } ASSetPropFlags(this, ["run", "robj"], 7, 0); totalheight = Math.ceil(totalheight); clip_mc1._height = totalheight; clip_mc2._height = totalheight; if (iparams.length == 1) { clip_mc1._height = eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[0])._height; clip_mc2._height = clip_mc1._height; } clip_mc1._y = 0; clip_mc2._y = (scrolldown ? (-((totalheight + spacing) - Math.max(borderwidth * 2, 0))) : ((totalheight + spacing) - Math.max(borderwidth * 2, 0))); if (falign == "center") { var i = 0; while (i < iparams.length) { var ht = widths[i]; if (ht < stagewidth) { var diff = ((stagewidth - ht) / 2); eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[i])._x = diff; eval ((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[i])._x = diff; debug((eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[i])._x + ", ") + eval ((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[i])._x); eval (((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[i]) + "sel")._x = diff; eval (((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[i]) + "sel")._x = diff; } i++; } } else { var i = 0; while (i < iparams.length) { var xx = widths[i]; if (falign == "right") { xx = stagewidth - (xx + 1); } else { xx = 1; } eval ((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[i])._x = xx; eval ((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[i])._x = xx; eval (((clip_mc1 + ".") + iparams[i]) + "sel")._x = xx; eval (((clip_mc2 + ".") + iparams[i]) + "sel")._x = xx; i++; } } clip_mc1.onEnterFrame = clipEnterFrame; clip_mc1.onMouseDown = clipMouseDown; clip_mc1.onMouseUp = clipMouseUp; maskheight = Number(getParam("MaskHeight", "12")); if (getParam("ShowMasks", "yes").toLowerCase() != "no") { masktop = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("masktop", 9000); maskbottom = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("maskbottom", 9001); with (masktop) { var gcols = [maskcolor, maskcolor]; var galphas = [100, 0]; var gratios = [0, 255]; var gmatrix = {matrixType:"box", x:0, y:0, w:stagewidth, h:maskheight, r:1.570796}; beginGradientFill("linear", gcols, galphas, gratios, gmatrix); drawRect(0, 0, stagewidth, maskheight); endFill(); _y = 0; _x = 0; } with (maskbottom) { var gcols = [maskcolor, maskcolor]; var galphas = [0, 100]; var gratios = [0, 255]; var gmatrix = {matrixType:"box", x:0, y:0, w:maxwidth, h:maskheight, r:1.570796}; beginGradientFill("linear", gcols, galphas, gratios, gmatrix); drawRect(0, 0, stagewidth, maskheight); endFill(); _x = 0; _y = stageheight - _height; } } curimg = -1; clickedimg = -1; clickedtop = 0; fieldtop = 0; exited = true; selected1 = null; selected2 = null; seltag = 0; visibleheight = Math.min(totalheight, stageheight); paused = false; down = false; defamount = amount; scrollid = null; if (!scrolldown) { scrollid = setInterval(scrollToTop, delay); } else { scrollid = setInterval(scrollToBottom, delay); } loaded = true; if (onLoaded) { onLoaded(thisname); } createEmptyMovieClip("datafilewatcher", -419); newdatafile = ""; datafilewatcher.onEnterFrame = function () { if (newdatafile != "") { datafile = newdatafile; newdatafile = ""; delete params; delete clip_mc1.onEnterFrame; dummyRollOut(); clearInterval(scrollid); delete datafilewatcher.onEnterFrame; clip.removeMovieClip(); datafilewatcher.removeMovieClip(); gotoAndStop (2); } };

Special Tags

Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""
Created: 20/10 -2018 01:34:50 Last modified: 20/10 -2018 01:34:50 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:29:13