Combined Code
movieClip 3 {
movieClip 5 mini-orb {
frame 1 {
setNewStats = function () {
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
glow = false;
} else {
glow = true;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
thisSize = _root.OMaxS;
} else {
thisSize = _root.OMinS;
this.onPress = function () {
if (thisChange == 0) {
if (this.chosen == false) {
if (_root.selectedOrbs == 0) {
_root.selLarge = this.thisSize;
_root.selGlow = this.glow;
_root.selectedOrbs = 1;
} else {
if (_root.selLarge == this.thisSize && _root.selGlow == this.glow) {
_root.selectedOrbs += 1;
} else {
_root.resetOrbs = 3;
_root.scoreChain = 0;
this.chosen = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.cho_sprite._visible = this.chosen;
if (this.chosen == true && _root.resetOrbs > 0 && thisChange == 0) {
this.thisChange = 1;
if (this.glow == true) {
} else {
this._xscale = this.thisSize * this.thisShrink;
this._yscale = this.thisSize * this.thisShrink;
if (this.thisChange == 1) {
thisShrink -= 0.08;
if (thisShrink <= 0) {
thisChange = 2;
chosen = false;
if (thisChange == 2) {
thisShrink += 0.08;
if (thisShrink >= 1) {
thisShrink = 1;
thisChange = 0;
frame 1 {
movieClip 11 kick {
frame 11 {
movieClip 17 cat_change {
frame 1 {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.follow == true) {
this._x = _root.cynthia.r_arm.hand_point._x + 75;
this._y = _root.cynthia.r_arm.hand_point._y - 5;
frame 17 {
frame 1 {
var testing = false;
var zoeytotal = _root.getBytesTotal();
var thisloaded = 0;
var zsize2 = 1;
var zsize = 1;
var ztotalsize = 300;
var my_cm = new ContextMenu();
my_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.print = false; = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = my_cm;
zoey.body.lbar.onPress = function () {
if (testing == true) {
if (zsize2 < 330) {
zsize2 += 15;
} else {
zsize2 = 1;
} else {
if (zoeyloaded == 300) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
var v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded();
if (testing == true) {
zoeyloaded = (zsize / ztotalsize) * 300;
} else {
zoeyloaded = (v2 / zoeytotal) * 300;
if (zsize2 != zsize) {
zsize += Math.floor((zsize2 - zsize) / 15);
zoey.head.eye.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30));
zoey.head.hornsandears.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30));
zoey.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30));
zoey.body.l_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3));
zoey.body.r_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3));
zoey.body.shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3));
zoey.body.lbar.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3));
movieClip 24 {
movieClip 49 {
movieClip 62 {
movieClip 75 {
movieClip 77 {
movieClip 85 {
// unknown tag 88 length 153
movieClip 90 {
movieClip 97 {
movieClip 104 {
movieClip 116 {
movieClip 117 {
movieClip 118 {
frame 2 {
function idlespeak(n) {
writeSpeech(ranspeeches[n] + speechmul);
if (ranspeeches.length <= 1) {
ranspeeches.splice(n, 1);
function reset() {
expandPower += (totalsize - 1) * 2;
totalsize = 1;
birthclicks = 1000;
delivering = false;
delivered = false;
birthpause = 0;
finalpush = 0;
birthprogress = 0;
if (cat_eyes == true) {
cat_eyes = false;
expandPower += 100;
if (cat_ears == true) {
cat_ears = false;
expandPower += 100;
if (cat_nose == true) {
cat_nose = false;
expandPower += 100;
if (cat_teeth == true) {
cat_teeth = false;
expandPower += 100;
if (cat_hands == true) {
cat_hands = false;
expandPower += 100;
if (cat_tail == true) {
cat_tail = false;
expandPower += 100;
function setState(str) {
statetimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2);
speechtimer = statetimer - 10;
if (_state != str) {
_state = str;
for (var v2 in states[str]) {
curState[v2] = states[str][v2];
cynthia.head.eye.pupil._x = px + curState._px;
cynthia.head.eye.pupil._y = py + curState._py;
if (cynthia.r_arm._currentlabel != curState.arm) {
cynthia.r_arm.gotoAndPlay(cynthia.r_arm._currentlabel + '2' + curState.arm);
cynthia.r_arm_coat.gotoAndPlay(cynthia.r_arm._currentlabel + '2' + curState.arm);
cynthia.l_cover_arm.gotoAndPlay(cynthia.l_cover_arm._currentlabel + '2' + curState.arm);
function distance(ax, ay, bx, by) {
return Math.sqrt((ax - bx) * (ax - bx) + (ay - by) * (ay - by));
function makeChange(i, ix, iy, n, f) {
_root.addHandGlow = f;
if (cat_active != 'tail') {
if (_root.addHandGlow == true) {
var v2 = cynthia.attachMovie('cat_change', 'cat_change' + effectID, effectID);
v2.follow = true;
} else {
var v2 = cynthia.attachMovie('cat_change', 'cat_change' + effectID, effectID);
} else {
var v2 = cynthia.r_leg.attachMovie('cat_change', 'cat_change' + effectID, effectID);
_root.addHandGlow = false;
changeEffect._alpha = 300;
v2._x = _root._x + i._x + ix;
v2._y = _root._y + i._y + iy;
v2._xscale = n;
v2._yscale = n;
effectID += 1;
function makeKick(nx, ny) {
var v1 = cynthia.belly.attachMovie('kick', 'kick' + kickID, kickID);
v1._x = nx;
v1._y = ny;
v1._rotation = 90 - Math.random() * 180;
function showCombo(n) {
inarow._x = _xmouse;
inarow._y = _ymouse;
inarow._alpha = 100;
if (n == 2) {
inarow._txt.text = 'Double!!';
inarow._xscale = 100;
expandPower += 5;
if (n == 3) {
inarow._txt.text = 'Triple!!!';
inarow._xscale = 120;
expandPower += 10;
if (n == 4) {
inarow._txt.text = 'TETRIS!!!!';
inarow._xscale = 140;
expandPower += 15;
if (n == 5) {
inarow._txt.text = 'QINTRIS!!!!!';
inarow._xscale = 160;
expandPower += 25;
if (n >= 6) {
inarow._txt.text = 'M-M-M-MONSTER\nCOMBO!!!!!';
expandPower += 75;
inarow._xscale = 180;
function catEyeUpdate() {
cynthia.head.eye.cat_pupil._x = cynthia.head.eye.pupil._x;
cynthia.head.eye.cat_pupil._y = cynthia.head.eye.pupil._y;
cynthia.head.eye.cat_pupil._visible = cat_eyes;
function catHandsUpdate() {
if (cat_hands == false) {;
cynthia.r_arm.hand_mask._x = hmsx;
cynthia.r_arm.cat_mask._x = cmsx - 2000;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 19);
} else {
cynthia.r_arm.hand_mask._x = hmsx - 2000;
cynthia.r_arm.cat_mask._x = cmsx;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 18);
function catEarsUpdate() {
if (cat_ears == true) {;
} else {;
function catTeethUpdate() {
cynthia.head.mouth.tooth._visible = cat_teeth;
cynthia.head.mouth.tooth2._visible = cat_teeth;
function catNoseUpdate() {
if (cat_nose == true) {
cynthia.head.mouth._y = cmsy - 2;
cynthia.head.eye._xscale = 120;
cynthia.head.eye._yscale = 130;
} else {
cynthia.head.eye._xscale = 100;
cynthia.head.eye._yscale = 100;
cynthia.head.mouth._y = cmsy;
function catTailUpdate() {
cynthia.tail._visible = cat_tail; = cat_tail;
if (cat_tail == true) {
writeSpeech(speechmul + 16);
} else {
writeSpeech(speechmul + 17);
function clothesUpdate(n) {
clothed = n;
cynthia.neckband._visible = clothed;
cynthia.left_pants._visible = clothed;
cynthia.right_pants._visible = clothed;
cynthia.belly.upper_pants._visible = clothed;
cynthia.belly.undershirt._visible = clothed;
cynthia.l_top._visible = clothed;
cynthia.r_top._visible = clothed;
cynthia.top_button._visible = clothed;
cynthia.l_arm_coat._visible = clothed;
cynthia.r_arm_coat._visible = clothed;
cynthia.l_coat._visible = clothed;
cynthia.r_coat._visible = clothed;
function updateBaby() { = delivered;
if (delivered == true) {
} else {
var debug = false;
var orbangle = 0;
var orbradius = 125;
var orbID = 0;
var OMaxS = 120;
var OMinS = 80;
var resetOrbs = 0;
var spinSpeed = 1.5;
var MaxSpin = 6;
var spinANG = 1.5;
var spinMul2 = 1;
var spinChange = 1;
var spinSB = 1;
var spinis = 0;
var scoreChain = 0;
var bestChain = 0;
rock.rotAngle = 0;
var STFSX = spiritomb_face._x;
var STFSY = spiritomb_face._y;
var STBSX = spiritomb._x;
var STBSY = spiritomb._y;
var STangle = 0;
var STangleplus = 0.1;
var STdelay = 1;
var _state = '';
var states = new Object();
var curState = new Object();
var backupstate = 'plain';
var px = cynthia.head.eye.pupil._x;
var py = cynthia.head.eye.pupil._y;
var statetimer = 0;
var glowAngle = 0;
var glowPlus = 0.25;
var lines = new Object();
var speechtimer = 0;
var lastline = 0;
var speechRan = 0;
var bellypressed = false;
var bellyrubbed = 0;
var breastpressed = false;
var breastrubbed = 0;
var breastblocked = 0;
var bellyblocked = 0;
var Gspeed = 1;
var nextsize = 0;
var totalsize = 0;
var maxsize = 600;
var size = 1;
var growth = 0;
var notYetTimer = 0;
var birthclicks = 1000;
var birthscore = 0;
var birthscore2 = 4;
var birthscore3 = 2;
var birthTimer = 0;
var kickID = 1;
var birthSpendDelay = 0;
var birthpressed = false;
var delivering = false;
var birthprogress = 0;
var birthpause = 0;
var finalpush = 0;
black_fade._alpha = 0;
var delivered = false;
var babyrot = 0;
var babyrotplus = 0.03;
var clothed = true;
var selLarge = 100;
var selGlow = true;
var savLarge = 100;
var savGlow = true;
var selectedOrbs = 0;
var helpPressed = false;
var resetdelay = 0;
var cat_eyes = false;
var cat_ears = false;
var cat_nose = false;
var cat_teeth = false;
var cat_hands = false;
var cat_tail = false;
var effectID = 500;
var tailrot = 0;
var tailrotadd = 0.1570796326794897;
var addHandGlow = false;
var expandPower = 0;
var expandAmount = 0;
var newHighScore = 100;
var ranspeeches = [];
resetSpeeches = function () {
var ranEl = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
var ranEl2 = 3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
var ranHelpSpots = new Object();
ranHelpSpots[0] = {'_xpos': 720, '_ypos': 150};
ranHelpSpots[1] = {'_xpos': 370, '_ypos': 30};
ranHelpSpots[2] = {'_xpos': 140, '_ypos': 30};
ranHelpSpots[3] = {'_xpos': 390, '_ypos': 330};
ranHelpSpots[4] = {'_xpos': 700, '_ypos': 550};
ranHelpSpots[5] = {'_xpos': 430, '_ypos': 550};
hint_1._x = ranHelpSpots[ranEl]._xpos;
hint_1._y = ranHelpSpots[ranEl]._ypos;
hint_2._x = ranHelpSpots[ranEl2]._xpos;
hint_2._y = ranHelpSpots[ranEl2]._ypos;
var codesofar = new Array();
var secretcode = [72, 69, 82, 69, 83, 83, 79, 77, 69, 80, 82, 79, 83, 69, 78, 79, 77, 79, 82, 69, 67, 76, 79, 84, 72, 69, 83];
var thiskey = new Object();
thiskey.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == secretcode[codesofar.length]) {
if (codesofar.length >= secretcode.length) {
if (clothed == true) {
} else {
} else {
codesofar = [];
if (debug == true) {
expandPower = 5000;
lines[-1000] = {'_expression': '', '_line': '', '_expression2': '', '_line2': ''};
lines[-1] = {'_expression': 'shock2', '_line': 'Oh! I don\'t know what you did! But you should probably try it again later.', '_expression2': 'spiritomb', '_line2': '', '_spiritomb2': 'wink'};
lines[0] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'Thank you for inviting me here. It\'s a very warming place. ', '_expression2': 'spiritomb', '_line2': 'My Spiritomb seems to like you!', '_spiritomb2': 'wink'};
lines[1] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'Wait, I\'m starting to feel normal again.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[2] = {'_expression': 'spiritomb2', '_line': 'Is it normal for Spiritombs to glow in the company of others?', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': '', '_spiritomb': 'wink'};
lines[3] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'I recently travelled to Unova to meet an old accomplice there. The sunset over Undella Bay is simply spectacular.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[4] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'I\'ve heard in some ancient civilisations, Spiritomb was considered a pokemon of fertility and goodwill.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[5] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'I\'ve been planning a trip to the Orre region, but locals say that it\'s on lockdown because of an outbreak of "heartless pokemon". Sounds intriguing, doesn\'t it?', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[6] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'Have I ever thought of settling down? Well, it\'s come across my mind a couple of times, although I\'ve never found someone whom I would like to settle down with. That would also mean children, and I don\'t believe I\'m too ready for childbirth.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[7] = {'_expression': 'laugh', '_line': 'Oh, I heard that Crusher Wake bathes completely naked in the surf! Now that\'s a scary thought...', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': '', '_spiritomb': 'fail'};
lines[8] = {'_expression': 'unimpressed', '_line': 'Is that all you required me for?', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[9] = {'_expression': 'indignant', '_line': 'I have to keep my figure in top-notch condition if I want to be the face of Sinnoh.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[10] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'Hmm, my eyesight feels strange...', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[11] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Oh. My eyesight feels normal again. ', '_expression2': 'tired', '_line2': 'Everything seems much darker by comparison.'};
lines[12] = {'_expression': 'loud', '_line': 'It\'s almost like everything\'s gotten louder all of a sudden.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[13] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Now everything seems quiet. This is most unusual.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[14] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'Are these... fangs?!', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[15] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': '<Phew>', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Now I don\'t have to worry about cutting my tongue on those things.'};
lines[16] = {'_expression': 'tail1', '_line': 'Did I just...did I just grow...', '_expression2': 'tail2', '_line2': '...a tail?! I have a TAIL!?'};
lines[17] = {'_expression': 'tail2', '_line': 'It\'s gone!', '_expression2': 'tail3', '_line2': 'But... I can still feel it....'};
lines[18] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'My hands! They\'ve changed!', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[19] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'I was really beginning to miss having thumbs.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[20] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'My face feels so strange.', '_expression2': 'satisfied', '_line2': 'Ooooh, I can smell something nice though.'};
lines[21] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Back to normal? Well that\'s a good thing.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[40] = {'_expression': 'huh?', '_line': 'I feel slightly heavier... do I look hefty at all to you?', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[41] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'That might have just been my imagination, but I swore I felt movement in there...', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[42] = {'_expression': 'spiritomb2', '_line': 'At least my spiritomb doesn\'t seem worried.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': '', '_spiritomb': 'evil'};
lines[43] = {'_expression': 'huh?', '_line': 'Perhaps this is an illness. I\'ve been meaning to visit Johto again.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'If the Cianwood pharmacists don\'t know what\'s wrong, than no one will.'};
lines[44] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'Have you ever been to the Sinnoh ruins? They\'re truly beautiful.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[45] = {'_expression': 'reminisce', '_line': 'I was also researching the Abyssal Ruins relentlessly. Archaeology is so much fun!', '_expression2': 'shock2', '_line2': 'Can you beleive some people think that\'s "boring"?!'};
lines[46] = {'_expression': 'worried', '_line': 'Do you know what\'s happening here? Please let me know if you do. This is one area my talents can\'t help me.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[47] = {'_expression': 'reminisce', '_line': 'Maybe I should visit my grandmother again. She always seems to know what to do.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[48] = {'_expression': 'worried', '_line': 'They feel slightly top heavy. ', '_expression2': 'unimpressed', '_line2': 'Although I\'d appreciate it if you kept your hands to yourself.'};
lines[49] = {'_expression': 'worried', '_line': 'I "do" feel slightly more hefty around here... that isn\'t good.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[50] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'I... think my vision just got sharper...', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[51] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Oh. My eyesight feels normal again. ', '_expression2': 'tired', '_line2': 'Everything seems much darker by comparison.'};
lines[52] = {'_expression': 'loud', '_line': 'Ah! Everything just got more noisy!', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[53] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Ahhh. Everything sounds normal again.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[54] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'Fangs? Does this have anything to do with my weighty feeling?', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[55] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': '<Phew>', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'It\'s a relief to know I won\'t have to get used to those teeth.'};
lines[56] = {'_expression': 'tail1', '_line': 'Wait.. What just happened behind me?', '_expression2': 'tail2', '_line2': ' I- I have a TAIL!?'};
lines[57] = {'_expression': 'tail2', '_line': 'It\'s gone!', '_expression2': 'wonder', '_line2': 'I wonder if i can find any myths about that.'};
lines[58] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'My hands! Why do I have paws!?!', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[59] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'I\'m glad I have my thumbs back. Now maybe I can do something about this weird feeling.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[60] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'Now my face feels weird too.', '_expression2': 'worried', '_line2': 'I\'m not sure what\'s happening, but I don\'t think I like it.'};
lines[61] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Back to normal? Well that\'s a good thing.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[80] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'Wait, did I just feel movement...?', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[81] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'Maybe my suspicion was wrong.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[82] = {'_expression': 'spiritomb2', '_line': 'I\'m sure my spiritomb\'s up to something. But I can\'t fathom what...', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': '', '_spiritomb': 'wink'};
lines[83] = {'_expression': 'wonder', '_line': 'I wonder if this is how Arceus felt when she was pregnant with...', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Oh, listen to me me rambling on. I do apologise.'};
lines[84] = {'_expression': 'wonder', '_line': 'Arceus, having shaped the world, is said to show you a glimpse of its true power. The power of possibly making life appear out of nothing...', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Oh, forgive me. I\'m rambling again.'};
lines[85] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'I\'ve been to Unova a lot lately actually. The Pokemon World Tournament is so much fun!', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'I hope to see "you" there soon. You seem to love your pokemon.'};
lines[86] = {'_expression': 'astonishment', '_line': 'If what I suspect is true, it will be a huge discovery! A power previously unheard of. A total revolution in the world of poke-', '_expression2': 'embarrased', '_line2': 'Umm. Haha! I got a little carried away there!'};
lines[87] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'Have you met Red? He\'s an astounding trainer, isn\'t he?', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'But just between you and me, he has the most hilariously dorky voice you\'ve ever heard. No wonder he barely speaks.'};
lines[88] = {'_expression': 'worried', '_line': 'They\'re starting to feel rather tender...', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[89] = {'_expression': 'worried', '_line': 'Feel my stomach. Does it feel weird to you at all? It does doesn\'t it?', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[90] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'Hmm, my eyesight feels strange...', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[91] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Oh. My eyesight feels normal again. ', '_expression2': 'tired', '_line2': 'Everything seems much darker by comparison.'};
lines[92] = {'_expression': 'loud', '_line': 'It\'s almost like everything\'s got louder all of a sudden.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[93] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Now everything seems quiet. This is most unusual.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[94] = {'_expression': 'loud', '_line': 'Ow!', '_expression2': 'huh2?', '_line2': ' I just pierced my own lip!'};
lines[95] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': '<Phew>', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'I wasn\'t looking forward to picking out mouth piercings.'};
lines[96] = {'_expression': 'tail1', '_line': 'Huh?', '_expression2': 'tail2', '_line2': 'Where did that TAIL come from!?'};
lines[97] = {'_expression': 'tail2', '_line': 'It\'s gone!', '_expression2': 'tail3', '_line2': 'I was just starting to get used to it.'};
lines[98] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'Paws! That\'s very unexpected.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ' Though at this point, I\'m no longer sure what I should expect.'};
lines[99] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'At least my hands are back to normal.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[100] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'My face feels so strange.', '_expression2': 'satisfied', '_line2': 'Ooooh, I can smell something... bizzare, yet tantalising.'};
lines[101] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Back to normal? Well that\'s a good thing.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'I do miss that smell a little though.'};
lines[120] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'I had a suspicion... but I guess it\'s now confirmed... I\'m pregnant!', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[121] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'Looks like it\'s over now... that\'s unfortunate.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[122] = {'_expression': 'spiritomb2', '_line': 'Perhaps my spiritomb is more mischievous than I first thought.', '_expression2': 'thanks', '_line2': 'Better mischievious than pure evil I suppose.', '_spiritomb': 'evil'};
lines[123] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'As much as I love travelling abroad, I\'ll never love any place as much as Celestic Town. Have you seen the cave painting? I used to think-', '_expression2': 'embarrased', '_line2': 'Pardon me. I seem to be losing myself more as time goes on.'};
lines[124] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'It seems the legends of spiritomb being a pokemon of fertility and goodwill was more than just a myth.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'What few of them there were.', 'spiritomb': 'wink', '_spiritomb2': 'fail'};
lines[125] = {'_expression': 'astonishment', '_line': 'It\'s rather overwhelming, isn\'t it? Soon I\'ll have a child to share all my interests with!', '_expression2': 'depressed', '_line2': ''};
lines[126] = {'_expression': 'depressed', '_line': 'Who.. is the father of my child? Am I to mother a pokemon-human hybrid?', '_expression2': 'hope', '_line2': 'Or- could it be... you? I hope you\'ll stand by me in that case?', '_spiritomb': 'wink'};
lines[127] = {'_expression': 'laugh', '_line': 'You know, I don\'t think there\'s ever been a pregnant champion before. Won\'t the competitors at the next tournament be surprised!', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[128] = {'_expression': 'breastrub', '_line': 'Actually.. please continue doing that. I enjoy it. Quite a lot.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[129] = {'_expression': 'pleased', '_line': 'Curious to see what it feels like? Well, it\'s rather nice for me.', '_expression2': 'astonishment', '_line2': 'My child seems to like it as well.'};
lines[130] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'Oh? Everything just became much clearer to my eyes.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'I\'m not going to complain about it, though.'};
lines[131] = {'_expression': 'tired', '_line': 'Oh. My regular eyesight has returned.', '_expression2': 'tired', '_line2': ''};
lines[132] = {'_expression': 'loud', '_line': 'Ahh. It sounds like everything around me just went up in decibels ten-fold.', '_expression2': 'wonder', '_line2': 'But, now that I\'m starting to adapt, it\'s not bad...'};
lines[133] = {'_expression': 'tired', '_line': 'Huh? Oh, my hearing must have returned to normal.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[134] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'Fangs? In my mouth?', '_expression2': 'worry', '_line2': 'I didn\'t think that was very likely.'};
lines[135] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'They\'re gone?', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'i never got to see how I look with them.'};
lines[136] = {'_expression': 'tail1', '_line': 'What just happened behind me?', '_expression2': 'tail4', '_line2': 'I- I have a tail! Wow!'};
lines[137] = {'_expression': 'tail2', '_line': 'It\'s gone!?', '_expression2': 'tail2', '_line2': 'I have to admit, I feel somewhat disappointed.'};
lines[138] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'I\'m to have paws?! This isn\'t good.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[139] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Aaah. Thank goodness my hands have returned.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[140] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'My face feels so strange.', '_expression2': 'satisfied', '_line2': 'Ooooh, I can smell something nice though.'};
lines[141] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Back to normal? Well that\'s a good thing.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[160] = {'_expression': 'flattered', '_line': 'It seems like the source of the energy is coming from my spiritomb. ', '_expression2': 'suggest', '_line2': 'A nice stomach massage wouldn\'t hurt while I\'m like this, though.', '_spiritomb': 'wink'};
lines[161] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'Wait, I\'m starting to feel normal again.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[162] = {'_expression': 'spiritomb', '_line': 'Training a spiritomb was the best decision I ever made. This feels delightful.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': '', '_spiritomb': 'wink'};
lines[163] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'I\'d better start making plans to visit Kalos soon!', '_expression2': 'pleased', '_line2': 'What better place to start uncovering new myths with my new child?'};
lines[164] = {'_expression': 'astonishment', '_line': 'I can\'t wait to tell my younger sister that\'s she\'s to be an aunt.', '_expression2': 'depressed', '_line2': 'On the other hand, I CAN wait to tell my grandmother she\'s to be a GREAT grandmother!'};
lines[165] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'I\'d better start thinking of some baby names, shouldn\'t I?', '_expression2': 'wonder', '_line2': '"Celeste" for a girl, after my home town, and... perhaps "Ceus" for a boy, after the creator of space and time.'};
lines[166] = {'_expression': 'astonishment', '_line': 'Have I ever thought of settling down? Well, even though I\'m heavy with child... no.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Because my child would be missing out on so much that I could share with them.'};
lines[167] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'Hey, this may be somewhat unorthodox, but could I ask you to stay with me after, you know, I\'ve delivered. I\'m nervous of the prospect of tackling motherhood without a partner.', '_expression2': 'embarrased', '_line2': 'Having someone like you to help me would be very comforting and... I think you\'re the most suitable for me.'};
lines[168] = {'_expression': 'breastrub', '_line': 'That actually feels rather pleasant... I wouldn\'t mind if you continued.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[169] = {'_expression': 'pleased', '_line': 'Ahhh, that feels heavenly!', '_expression2': 'sultry', '_line2': 'I\'m glad you\'re willing to share this experience with me.'};
lines[170] = {'_expression': 'laugh', '_line': 'With this kind of eyesight, I\'ll never miss a detail in a ruin again!', '_expression2': 'pleased', '_line2': 'I won\'t need much light either.'};
lines[171] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Oh. My eyesight feels normal again. ', '_expression2': 'tired', '_line2': 'Everything seems much darker by comparison.'};
lines[172] = {'_expression': 'loud', '_line': 'Ooof! Who would have thought such sensitive hearing could be so unsettling.', '_expression2': 'wonder', '_line2': 'Mew must have a lot of patience.'};
lines[173] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Ah. Normal hearing again. All that noise was giving me a headache.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'That\'s not something that mixes well alongside a bellyache.'};
lines[174] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'Are these... fangs?!', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[175] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': '<Phew>', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'If my child had those teeth, breastfeeding might have been more of an issue.'};
lines[176] = {'_expression': 'tail2', '_line': 'Ah! Where did that tail come from.', '_expression2': 'shock', '_line2': 'I think my baby grew one too.'};
lines[177] = {'_expression': 'tail2', '_line': 'It\'s gone!', '_expression2': 'tail3', '_line2': '...and so is my child\'s.'};
lines[178] = {'_expression': 'flattered', '_line': 'You like it when I look like this, don\'t you?', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[179] = {'_expression': 'flattered', '_line': 'I\'m glad you appreciate my normal hands as well.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[180] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'I feel much', '_expression2': 'satisfied', '_line2': 'I think "somebody" likes cat-girls. Pregnant catgirls.'};
lines[181] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'That sense of smell was starting to overwhelm me a little.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'What? With the cravings I\'ve been feeling.'};
lines[200] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'Uh, well this is awkward... I think my water just broke...', '_expression2': 'suggest', '_line2': ''};
lines[201] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'Wait, I\'m starting to feel normal again.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[202] = {'_expression': 'fear', '_line': 'Why did you do this to me, Spiritomb!?.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': '', '_spiritomb': 'evil'};
lines[203] = {'_expression': 'fear', '_line': 'I can accomplish this! I must!', '_expression2': 'pleased', '_line2': ''};
lines[204] = {'_expression': 'fear', '_line': 'My child... the world awaits your birth. All Pokémon and people are born because they have a part in the world. I\'m convinced of that.', '_expression2': 'depressed', '_line2': ''};
lines[205] = {'_expression': 'stress', '_line': 'Unf! I should have found a way to better prepare myself for... this.', '_expression2': 'wonder', '_line2': ''};
lines[206] = {'_expression': 'stress', '_line': 'Oh, I do hope this is over soon. I\'m uncertain how much more I can endure.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[207] = {'_expression': 'stress', '_line': 'Those who say that this is excruciating are hardly exaggerating!', '_expression2': 'embarrased', '_line2': ''};
lines[208] = {'_expression': 'unimpressed', '_line': 'That feels nice... But now isn\'t the time for that.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[209] = {'_expression': 'pleased', '_line': 'Oh! Oooh, that helps!', '_expression2': 'sultry', '_line2': 'This is quite stressful, for both of us.'};
lines[210] = {'_expression': 'laugh', '_line': 'Why did you change my eyesight? That\'s not going to help me right now.', '_expression2': 'pleased', '_line2': ''};
lines[211] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'I don\'t think having cat\'s eyesight was a problem.', '_expression2': 'tired', '_line2': ''};
lines[212] = {'_expression': 'rage', '_line': 'Is that supposed to help me? My own screams are awkward enough without being deafened.', '_expression2': 'wonder', '_line2': ''};
lines[213] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Ahhh. The relative peace is a welcome change.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[214] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'Fangs?!', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': 'Are you... trying... to help me clench my teeth better?'};
lines[215] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'I don\'t have to worry about breaking those fangs now at least.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[216] = {'_expression': 'tail2', '_line': 'Did I just grow a tail!?', '_expression2': 'shock', '_line2': 'Actually, I\'m in enough pain to not dwell on it.'};
lines[217] = {'_expression': 'tail2', '_line': 'My tail\'s gone!', '_expression2': 'tail3', '_line2': 'Actually, it wasn\'t helping me here and now much anyway.'};
lines[218] = {'_expression': 'fear', '_line': 'No! Not my hands, please! I\'ll definitely need them for this.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[219] = {'_expression': 'flattered', '_line': 'Thank you. that will definitely help me deliver my child.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[220] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'I kind of wish you hadn\'t done that. The smell of my broken waters is very pungent now.', '_expression2': 'satisfied', '_line2': ''};
lines[221] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Ahh. That\'s better. It\'s good to have my normal sense of smell returned for this.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'What? With the cravings I\'ve been feeling.'};
lines[222] = {'_expression': 'pain', '_line': 'Oh my Arceus! I can already feel it coming! The time is now.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[223] = {'_expression': 'pain', '_line': 'I was fine with the pregnancy part, but I didn\'t expect you to continue through with this!', '_expression2': 'push', '_line2': ' Agh!'};
lines[224] = {'_expression': 'push', '_line': 'Aaah! ', '_expression2': 'push', '_line2': 'It\'s getting hard to understate how much this hurts!'};
lines[225] = {'_expression': 'push', '_line': 'This really is very painful, I wouldn\'t mind if you helped out a bit more! Aaaaghh!', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[226] = {'_expression': 'push', '_line': 'Unf... I\'ve just decided that one child is quite enough for me!', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[227] = {'_expression': 'pain', '_line': 'He- Here it comes. AAAAAAAAGH!.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[240] = {'_expression': 'gratified', '_line': 'My daughter... she\'s very beautiful, isn\'t she?', '_expression2': 'nice', '_line2': 'I named her Celeste, before you ask.'};
lines[241] = {'_expression': 'unimpressed', '_line': 'You shouldn\'t have been able to do that, you know?', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[242] = {'_expression': 'spiritomb3', '_line': 'Thank you, Spiritomb. This is the best gift I could possibly ask for.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': '', '_spiritomb': 'wink'};
lines[243] = {'_expression': 'gratified', '_line': 'The ordeal of birth... the reward couldn\'t be more worthwhile.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[244] = {'_expression': 'huh?', '_line': 'I wonder what starter she will choose.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Assuming she chooses to embark on her own pokemon journey, that is.'};
lines[245] = {'_expression': 'huh?', '_line': 'I do hope little Celeste shares my interests and passions. Of course, I love her utterly and completely.', '_expression2': 'reminisce', '_line2': 'But to be able to share all that with my daughter, that would be a dream come true.'};
lines[246] = {'_expression': 'laugh', '_line': 'You know, since my spiritomb is so playful...', '_expression2': 'spiritomb3', '_line2': ' He won\'t mind babysitting Celeste every once in a while.', '_spiritomb2': 'fail'};
lines[247] = {'_expression': 'reminisce', '_line': 'I can\'t wait to start being a parent. I\'ll raise her just like my grandmother raised me!', '_expression2': 'gratified', '_line2': 'I know she\'s going to love you.'};
lines[248] = {'_expression': 'pleased', '_line': 'These are very tender now. In short, that feels really good. ', '_expression2': 'unimpressed', '_line2': ''};
lines[249] = {'_expression': 'laugh', '_line': 'There\'s not much there to rub any more. That time is past now.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[250] = {'_expression': 'gratified', '_line': 'Now I can see my daughter\'s face all the clearer.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[251] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Oh well. as long as I can still see her, my vision is just fine with me.', '_expression2': 'tired', '_line2': ''};
lines[252] = {'_expression': 'gratified', '_line': 'Oh! Now I can hear her gentle moans all the more clearly', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[253] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Oh? I\'m not to have cat ears? Oh well, I can still hear her well enough.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[254] = {'_expression': 'huh2?', '_line': 'I have... fangs?', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'If that\'s what you like, I won\'t complain. Besides, I believe they suit me well.'};
lines[255] = {'_expression': 'satisfied', '_line': 'Oh well, I didn\'t really need those teeth regardless.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': ''};
lines[256] = {'_expression': 'shock', '_line': 'Huh? my daughter grew a tail as well! How unusual.', '_expression2': 'tail2', '_line2': ''};
lines[257] = {'_expression': 'huh?', '_line': 'The tails are back to normal?', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Just as well. That would have been hard to explain.'};
lines[258] = {'_expression': 'hope', '_line': 'Please don\'t do that to my hands! I don\'t want to risk losing grip of my child.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
lines[259] = {'_expression': 'thanks', '_line': 'Thank you. It\'s nice to have that peace of mind returned.', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Alongside my hands, of course.'};
lines[260] = {'_expression': 'sultry', '_line': 'Do you think I will be a more suitable parent with a cat\'s face?', '_expression2': 'laugh', '_line2': 'Well I don\'t mind. Besides, I\'m sure I can make use of this improved sense of smell.'};
lines[261] = {'_expression': 'laugh', '_line': 'Back to normal? I\'m glad that now I won\'t need to explain to Celeste why her mother has a cat-face.', '_expression2': 'plain', '_line2': ''};
states.astonishment = {'eye': 'focused', 'brow': 'raised', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.astounded = {'eye': 'wide', 'brow': 'highsad', 'mouth': 'curl', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.birth = {'eye': 'tight', 'brow': 'miffed', 'mouth': 'scream', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.breastrub = {'eye': 'flat', 'brow': 'relaxed', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.confused = {'eye': 'slight', 'brow': 'miffed', 'mouth': 'plain', '_px': -2, '_py': 5, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.depressed = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.desperate = {'eye': 'tense', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'breathing', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.embarrased = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.flattered = {'eye': 'flat', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'smile', '_px': 10, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.fear = {'eye': 'tense', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.gratified = {'eye': 'tense', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.huh? = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'flat', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.huh2? = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': -1, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.hope = {'eye': 'focused', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.indignant = {'eye': 'shut', 'brow': 'relaxed', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.laugh = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'raised', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.loud = {'eye': 'wide', 'brow': 'highmad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_px': -1, '_py': -1, 'arm': 'rest'}; = {'eye': 'tired', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'smile', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.nice = {'eye': 'slight', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.nervous = {'eye': 'focused', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.plain = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'flat', 'mouth': 'plain', '_px': 0, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.pain = {'eye': 'tense', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_px': -2, '_py': 5, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.pleased = {'eye': 'shut', 'brow': 'relaxed', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': 0, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.push = {'eye': 'tight', 'brow': 'miffed', 'mouth': 'grind', '_px': 0, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.rage = {'eye': 'wide', 'brow': 'highmad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.relax = {'eye': 'shut', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'smile', '_px': 0, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.relief = {'eye': 'slight', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'smile', '_px': 0, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.reminisce = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'raised', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': 2, '_py': -2, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.satisfied = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'relaxed', 'mouth': 'smile', '_px': 0, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.shock = {'eye': 'wide', 'brow': 'raised', 'mouth': 'wide', '_px': -2, '_py': 5, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.shock2 = {'eye': 'wide', 'brow': 'raised', 'mouth': 'wide', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.spiritomb = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'flat', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': 10, '_py': 2, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.spiritomb2 = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'flat', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 10, '_py': 2, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.spiritomb3 = {'eye': 'tense', 'brow': 'flat', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': 10, '_py': 2, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.stress = {'eye': 'tense', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.suggest = {'eye': 'highshut', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': 8, '_py': 4, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.sultry = {'eye': 'flat', 'brow': 'flat', 'mouth': 'smile', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.surprise = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'raised', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 0, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.tail1 = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'flat', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 11, '_py': 2, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.tail2 = {'eye': 'wide', 'brow': 'raised', 'mouth': 'wide', '_px': 11, '_py': 2, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.tail3 = {'eye': 'focused', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 11, '_py': 2, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.tail4 = {'eye': 'wide', 'brow': 'raised', 'mouth': 'happy', '_px': 11, '_py': 2, 'arm': 'rest'};
states.thanks = {'eye': 'plain', 'brow': 'flat', 'mouth': 'smile', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'breast'};
states.tired = {'eye': 'flat', 'brow': 'down', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.worried = {'eye': 'focused', 'brow': 'sad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.wonder = {'eye': 'focused', 'brow': 'raised', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': -2, '_py': 3, 'arm': 'belly'};
states.unimpressed = {'eye': 'flat', 'brow': 'down', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 5, '_py': 0, 'arm': 'breast'};
writeSpeech = function (n) {
speech_b._txt.text = lines[n]._line;
lastline = n;
if (lines[n]._spiritomb != 'undefined') {
writeSpeech2 = function (n) {
speech_b._txt.text = lines[n]._line2;
lastline = -1000;
if (lines[n]._spiritomb2 != 'undefined') {
speech_b.onPress = function () {
if (speechtimer > 10) {
speechtimer = 10;
statetimer = 15;
hmsx = cynthia.r_arm.hand_mask._x;
cmsx = cynthia.r_arm.cat_mask._x;
cmsy = cynthia.head.mouth._y;
makeMiniorb = function () {
var v1 = spiritomb.attachMovie('mini-orb', 'miniorb' + orbID, orbID);
v1.chosen = false;
v1._x = Math.sin(orbangle) * orbradius;
v1._y = Math.cos(orbangle) * orbradius;
v1.thisChange = 0;
v1.thisShrink = 1;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
v1.thisSize = OMaxS;
} else {
v1.thisSize = OMinS;
v1._xscale = v1.thisSize * v1.thisShrink;
v1._yscale = v1.thisSize * v1.thisShrink;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
v1.glow = true;
} else {
v1.glow = false;
if (orbradius == 125) {
orbradius = 100;
} else {
orbradius = 125;
orbangle += 0.3141592653589793;
orbID += 1;
update_cat_buttons = function () {
_panel.cat_eye_button.validO = false;
_panel.cat_nose_button.validO = false;
_panel.cat_teeth_button.validO = false;
_panel.cat_ears_button.validO = false;
_panel.cat_hands_button.validO = false;
_panel.cat_tail_button.validO = false;
if (catify_pressed == true) {
if (cat_eyes == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
_panel.cat_eye_button.validO = true;
} else {
_panel.cat_eye_button.validO = true;
if (cat_teeth == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
_panel.cat_teeth_button.validO = true;
} else {
_panel.cat_teeth_button.validO = true;
if (cat_nose == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
_panel.cat_nose_button.validO = true;
} else {
_panel.cat_nose_button.validO = true;
if (cat_ears == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
_panel.cat_ears_button.validO = true;
} else {
_panel.cat_ears_button.validO = true;
if (cat_hands == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
_panel.cat_hands_button.validO = true;
} else {
_panel.cat_hands_button.validO = true;
if (cat_tail == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
_panel.cat_tail_button.validO = true;
} else {
_panel.cat_tail_button.validO = true;
_panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'expand';
_panel.catify_b._txt.text = 'catify';
_panel.revert_b._txt.text = 'revert';
_panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'birth';
_panel.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_panel.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) {
if (_panel._x > 260) {
_panel._x -= (_panel._x - 260) / 5;
} else {
if (_panel._x < 645) {
_panel._x -= (_panel._x - 645) / 5;
_panel.speedbar.onPress = function () {
speedpressed = true;
if (speedpressed == true) {
_panel.speedbar.slide._x = _panel.speedbar._xmouse;
if (_panel.speedbar.slide._x < 0) {
_panel.speedbar.slide._x = 0;
if (_panel.speedbar.slide._x < 0) {
_panel.speedbar.slide._x = 0;
if (_panel.speedbar.slide._x > 150) {
_panel.speedbar.slide._x = 150;
Gspeed = 1 + Math.floor(_panel.speedbar.slide._x / 10);
_panel.speedbar.slide._txt.text = '+' + Gspeed;
if (expandPower < maxsize * 2) {
_panel.expand_b.bar1.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(expandPower * 0.416));
} else {
if (expandPower < maxsize) {
_panel.catify_b.bar1.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(expandPower * 0.833));
} else {
_panel.revert_b.bar1.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(totalsize * 0.833));
if (birthclicks > 0) {
_panel.birth_b.bar1.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(birthclicks / 2));
} else {
if (delivered == true || delivering == true) {
_panel.expand_b.bar1._alpha = 100 + Math.sin(glowAngle) * 50;
_panel.revert_b.bar1._alpha = 100 + Math.sin(glowAngle) * 50;
if (totalsize >= maxsize) {
_panel.expand_b.bar1._alpha = 100;
_panel.birth_b.bar1._alpha = 100 + Math.sin(glowAngle) * 50;
if (resetdelay <= 0) {
_panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'reset';
} else {
_panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'Are you sure?';
} else {
_panel.expand_b._txt.text = 'expand';
if (expandPower >= 100) {
_panel.catify_b.bar1._alpha = 100 + Math.sin(glowAngle) * 50;
} else {
_panel.catify_b.bar1._alpha = 100;
if (cat_ears == true && cat_eye == true && cat_teeth == true && cat_hands == true && cat_nose == true && cat_tail == true) {
_panel.catify_b.bar1._alpha = 100;
if (notYetTimer > 0) {
notYetTimer -= 1;
_panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'Not yet...';
} else {
if (birthclicks >= 1000) {
_panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'birth';
} else {
if (birthclicks > 0) {
_panel.birth_b._txt.text = birthclicks;
} else {
_panel.birth_b._txt.text = 'push';
_panel.birth_b._visible = !delivered;
_panel.help_b._txt.text = 'help';
glowAngle += glowPlus;
if (glowAngle > 6.283185307179586) {
glowAngle -= 6.283185307179586;
_panel.catify_b.onPress = function () {
catify_pressed = true;
_panel.expand_b.onPress = function () {
if (totalsize >= maxsize) {
if (resetdelay < 1) {
resetdelay = 50;
} else {
} else {
growth = 1 * Gspeed;
_panel.revert_b.onPress = function () {
if (delivering == false && delivered == false) {
growth = -1 * Gspeed;
_panel.help_b.onPress = function () {
helpPressed = true;
_panel.birth_b.onPress = function () {
if (totalsize >= maxsize) {
birthpressed = true;
if (delivering == false) {
birthclicks -= 1;
} else {
if (birthpause >= birthprogress * 100) {
writeSpeech(speechmul + 22 + birthprogress);
birthprogress += 1;
} else {
notYetTimer = 50;
cynthia.belly.onPress = function () {
bellypressed = true;
cynthia.l_breast.onPress = function () {
breastpressed = true;
cynthia.r_breast.onPress = cynthia.l_breast.onPress;
cynthia.head.back_head.onPress = function () {
idlespeak(Math.floor(Math.random() * ranspeeches.length));
onMouseUp = function () {
growth = 0;
bellypressed = false;
breastpressed = false;
catify_pressed = false;
speedpressed = false;
birthpressed = false;
helpPressed = false;
if (cat_active == 'eye') {
if (cat_eyes == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
cat_eyes = true;
expandPower -= 100;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 10);
} else {
cat_eyes = false;
expandPower += 100;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 11);
makeChange(cynthia.head.eye, 35, -125, 50);
if (cat_active == 'tail') {
cat_tail = !cat_tail;
if (cat_tail == true) {
expandPower -= 100;
} else {
expandPower += 100;
makeChange(cynthia.tail, 120, -100, 150);
if (cat_active == 'nose') {
if (cat_nose == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
cat_nose = true;
expandPower -= 100;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 20);
} else {
cat_nose = false;
expandPower += 100;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 21);
makeChange(cynthia.head.nose, 30, -110, 50);
if (cat_active == 'teeth') {
if (cat_teeth == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
cat_teeth = true;
expandPower -= 100;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 14);
} else {
cat_teeth = false;
expandPower += 100;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 15);
makeChange(cynthia.head.mouth, 30, -130, 50);
if (cat_active == 'hands') {
cat_hands = !cat_hands;
if (cat_hands == true) {
expandPower -= 100;
} else {
expandPower += 100;
makeChange(cynthia.r_arm.hand_point, 0, 0, 100, true);
makeChange(cynthia.l_arm.hand_point, -55, 0, 100);
if (cat_active == 'ears') {
if (cat_ears == false) {
if (expandPower >= 100) {
cat_ears = true;
expandPower -= 100;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 12);
} else {
cat_ears = false;
expandPower += 100;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 13);
makeChange(, 10, 15, 100);
makeChange(, 115, 25, 100);
_xmouseIs = _xmouse;
_ymouseIs = _ymouse;
onEnterFrame = function () {
sizedif = totalsize - size;
if (growth > 0 && expandPower >= 2 && totalsize < maxsize) {
expandPower -= growth * 2;
totalsize += growth;
if (growth < 0 && totalsize > 1) {
totalsize += growth;
expandPower -= growth * 2;
if (expandPower < 0) {
expandPower = 0;
if (totalsize > maxsize) {
expandPower -= (maxsize - totalsize) * 2;
totalsize = maxsize;
if (totalsize < 1) {
expandPower -= (1 - totalsize) * 2;
totalsize = 1;
if (size != totalsize) {
size += Math.floor(sizedif / 10);
if (sizedif / 10 > 0 && sizedif / 10 < 1) {
size += 1;
if (sizedif / 10 < 0 && sizedif / 10 > -1) {
size -= 1;
if (kickID > 100) {
kickID = 0;
kickChance = totalsize - 300;
if (forceKick > 0) {
forceKick = 0;
kickChance = 10000;
if (Math.random() * 5000 < kickChance) {
if (delivered == false) {
makeKick(-(Math.random() * (totalsize / 10)), +(Math.random() * (totalsize / 20)));
size -= 10;
kickID += 1;
STangle += STangleplus;
if (STangle >= 6.283185307179586) {
STangle -= 6.283185307179586;
spiritomb_face._yscale = 100 + Math.sin(STangle) * 10;
if (STdelay > 0) {
STdelay -= 1;
if (STdelay == 1) {
cynthia.r_arm.hand_point._visible = false;
cynthia.l_arm.hand_point._visible = false;
cynthia.tail._rotation = 20 + Math.sin(tailrot) * 25; = 120 + Math.sin(tailrot) * 25;
tailrot += tailrotadd;
if (tailrot > 6.283185307179586) {
tailrot -= 6.283185307179586;
cat_active = 'none';
if (catify_pressed == true) {
if (_panel.cat_eye_button.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
cat_active = 'eye';
if (_panel.cat_teeth_button.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
cat_active = 'teeth';
if (_panel.cat_nose_button.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
cat_active = 'nose';
if (_panel.cat_ears_button.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
cat_active = 'ears';
if (_panel.cat_hands_button.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
cat_active = 'hands';
if (_panel.cat_tail_button.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
cat_active = 'tail';
if (_panel.cat_eye_button._alpha < 100 && _panel.cat_eye_button.validO == true) {
_panel.cat_eye_button._alpha += 9;
_panel.cat_eye_button._visible = true;
} else {
if (_panel.cat_eye_button._alpha > 0) {
_panel.cat_eye_button._visible = true;
_panel.cat_eye_button._alpha -= 9;
} else {
_panel.cat_eye_button._visible = false;
if (_panel.cat_nose_button._alpha < 100 && _panel.cat_nose_button.validO == true) {
_panel.cat_nose_button._alpha += 9;
_panel.cat_nose_button._visible = true;
} else {
if (_panel.cat_nose_button._alpha > 0) {
_panel.cat_nose_button._visible = true;
_panel.cat_nose_button._alpha -= 9;
} else {
_panel.cat_nose_button._visible = false;
if (_panel.cat_teeth_button._alpha < 100 && _panel.cat_teeth_button.validO == true) {
_panel.cat_teeth_button._alpha += 9;
_panel.cat_teeth_button._visible = true;
} else {
if (_panel.cat_teeth_button._alpha > 0) {
_panel.cat_teeth_button._visible = true;
_panel.cat_teeth_button._alpha -= 9;
} else {
_panel.cat_teeth_button._visible = false;
if (_panel.cat_ears_button._alpha < 100 && _panel.cat_ears_button.validO == true) {
_panel.cat_ears_button._alpha += 9;
_panel.cat_ears_button._visible = true;
} else {
if (_panel.cat_ears_button._alpha > 0) {
_panel.cat_ears_button._visible = true;
_panel.cat_ears_button._alpha -= 9;
} else {
_panel.cat_ears_button._visible = false;
if (_panel.cat_hands_button._alpha < 100 && _panel.cat_hands_button.validO == true) {
_panel.cat_hands_button._alpha += 9;
_panel.cat_hands_button._visible = true;
} else {
if (_panel.cat_hands_button._alpha > 0) {
_panel.cat_hands_button._visible = true;
_panel.cat_hands_button._alpha -= 9;
} else {
_panel.cat_hands_button._visible = false;
if (_panel.cat_tail_button._alpha < 100 && _panel.cat_tail_button.validO == true) {
_panel.cat_tail_button._alpha += 9;
_panel.cat_tail_button._visible = true;
} else {
if (_panel.cat_tail_button._alpha > 0) {
_panel.cat_tail_button._visible = true;
_panel.cat_tail_button._alpha -= 9;
} else {
_panel.cat_tail_button._visible = false;
overST = false;
if (spiritomb.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
overST = true;
if (resetdelay > 0) {
resetdelay -= 1;
if (resetOrbs > 0) {
resetOrbs -= 1;
selectedOrbs = 0;
if (resetOrbs == 1) {
if (newHighScore > 100) {
newHighScore -= 8;
if (newHighScore < 100) {
newHighScore = 100;
_panel.score_count._xscale = newHighScore;
_panel.score_count._yscale = newHighScore;
expandAmount = Math.floor(bestChain * 1.1);
if (selectedOrbs >= 4) {
resetOrbs = 3;
selectedOrbs = 0;
expandPower += expandAmount;
scoreChain += 1;
birthscore += 1;
if (scoreChain > bestChain) {
newHighScore = 200;
bestChain = scoreChain;
spinChange = 24 + scoreChain * 0.95;
spinSpeed = 0.03 + scoreChain * 0.001;
spinANG += spinSpeed;
if (spinANG >= 6.283185307179586) {
spinANG -= 6.283185307179586;
spinSB = Math.sin(spinANG) * spinChange;
spindif = spinSB - spinis;
if (spinis != spinSB) {
spinis += spindif / 5;
spiritomb._rotation = spinis;
if (cynthia.belly.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && bellypressed == true) {
bellyrubbed += distance(_xmouseIs, _ymouseIs, _xmouse, _ymouse) * 0.2;
if ((cynthia.l_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) || cynthia.r_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) && breastpressed == true) {
breastrubbed += distance(_xmouseIs, _ymouseIs, _xmouse, _ymouse) * 0.2;
_xmouseIs = _xmouse;
_ymouseIs = _ymouse;
if (bellyrubbed > 0 && bellyrubbed < 35) {
bellyrubbed -= 2;
speechRan = 0;
if (breastrubbed > 0 && breastrubbed < 35) {
breastrubbed -= 2;
speechRan = 0;
if (bellyrubbed >= 35 && bellyblocked <= 0) {
writeSpeech(speechmul + 9);
bellyblocked = speechtimer;
if (bellyblocked > 0) {
bellyblocked -= 1;
if (bellyblocked == 1) {
bellyrubbed = 0;
if (breastblocked > 0) {
breastblocked -= 1;
if (breastblocked == 1) {
breastrubbed = 0;
if (breastrubbed >= 25 && breastblocked <= 0) {
writeSpeech(speechmul + 8);
breastblocked = speechtimer;
speechmul = Math.floor(totalsize / maxsize * 0.25) * 40;
if (delivering == true) {
speechmul = 200;
if (delivered == true) {
speechmul = 240;
if (totalsize < maxsize * 0.25) {
backupState = 'plain';
} else {
if (totalsize < maxsize * 0.5) {
backupState = 'confused';
} else {
if (totalsize < maxsize * 0.75) {
backupState = 'astounded';
} else {
if (totalsize < maxsize) {
backupState = 'relief';
} else {
backupState = 'relax';
if (delivering == true) {
backupState = 'desperate';
if (delivered == true) {
backupState = 'love';
if (totalsize >= nextsize) {
nextsize += 150;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 0);
if (totalsize >= maxsize * 0.5 && totalsize < maxsize * 0.75) {
forceKick = 5;
if (totalsize < nextsize - 150) {
nextsize -= 150;
writeSpeech(speechmul + 1);
if (overST == true) {
speechRan = 0;
if (speechtimer > 0) {
speechtimer -= 1;
speechRan = 0;
} else {
speechRan += 0.0005;
if (speechRan > Math.random()) {
writeSpeech(speechmul + 2 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 6));
idlespeak(Math.floor(Math.random() * ranspeeches.length));
if (speechtimer < 10 && speech_b._alpha > 0) {
speech_b._alpha -= 8;
if (speechtimer >= 10 && speech_b._alpha < 100) {
speech_b._alpha += 8;
if (speech_b._alpha <= 0) {
speech_b._visible = false;
} else {
speech_b._visible = true;
if (statetimer > 0) {
statetimer -= 1;
} else {
if (lines[lastline]._line2 != '') {
} else {
speechtimer = 0;
if (savLarge != selLarge) {
savLarge = selLarge;
birthscore = 0;
birthscore3 = 2;
if (savGlow != selGlow) {
savGlow = selGlow;
birthscore = 0;
birthscore3 = 2;
if (birthscore >= birthscore3) {
birthscore3 += 1;
if (birthscore < 4) {
birthscore2 = 4;
if (birthscore >= 4) {
if (totalsize >= maxsize) {
birthclicks = 0;
} else {
if (birthscore == birthscore2) {
birthscore2 = birthscore + 1;
expandPower += 25;
if (birthTimer > 0) {
birthTimer += 1;
if (birthpressed == true) {
birthSpendDelay += 1;
} else {
birthSpendDelay = 0;
if (birthSpendDelay > 12) {
if (expandPower >= 3 && birthclicks > 0) {
expandPower -= 3;
birthclicks -= 1;
if (birthpause < birthprogress * 100) {
birthpause += 1;
if (birthpause > 500) {
finalpush += 1;
if (finalpush > 20 && finalpush < 80) {
if (finalpush > 50 && finalpush < 120) {
if (black_fade._alpha < 100) {
black_fade._alpha += 5;
} else {
if (black_fade._alpha > 0) {
black_fade._alpha -= 5;
if (finalpush > 120 && finalpush < 130) {
delivered = true;
if (birthclicks <= 0) {
if (delivering == false) {
delivering = true;
birthclicks = 0;
if (delivered == true) {
babyrot += babyrotplus;
if (babyrot > 6.283185307179586) {
babyrot -= 6.283185307179586;
} = +(Math.sin(babyrot) * 5); = 200 - Math.sin(babyrot) * -3;
_panel.current_score.text = scoreChain;
_panel.score_count.best_score.text = bestChain;
_panel.score_box._txt.text = expandPower;
debug_01.text = '';
debug_02.text = '';
debug_03.text = '';
movieClip 121 {
movieClip 128 {
frame 41 {
movieClip 134 {
movieClip 138 {
movieClip 144 {
movieClip 148 {
movieClip 151 {
movieClip 154 {
movieClip 157 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 159 {
movieClip 165 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 170 {
movieClip 179 {
movieClip 192 {
movieClip 197 {
movieClip 201 {
movieClip 207 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 213 {
movieClip 218 {
movieClip 222 {
movieClip 225 {
movieClip 228 {
movieClip 233 {
movieClip 238 {
movieClip 241 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 246 {
movieClip 248 {
movieClip 407 {
frame 1 {
_currentlabel = 'rest';
frame 1 {
onEnterFrame = function () {
this.spawn_magic_x = hand_point._x;
this.spawn_magic_y = hand_point._y;
frame 2 {
frame 14 {
_currentlabel = 'belly';
frame 15 {
frame 27 {
_currentlabel = 'rest';
frame 37 {
_currentlabel = 'breast';
frame 38 {
frame 48 {
_currentlabel = 'rest';
frame 55 {
_currentlabel = 'breast';
frame 56 {
_currentlabel = 'breast2belly';
frame 62 {
_currentlabel = 'belly';
movieClip 533 {
frame 1 {
_currentlabel = 'rest';
frame 2 {
frame 14 {
_currentlabel = 'belly';
frame 15 {
frame 27 {
_currentlabel = 'rest';
frame 37 {
_currentlabel = 'breast';
frame 38 {
frame 48 {
_currentlabel = 'rest';
frame 55 {
_currentlabel = 'breast';
frame 56 {
_currentlabel = 'breast2belly';
frame 62 {
_currentlabel = 'belly';
movieClip 536 {
movieClip 539 {
movieClip 542 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 546 {
movieClip 565 {
frame 1 {
_currentlabel = 'plain';
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
_currentlabel = 'wide';
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
_currentlabel = 'smile';
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
_currentlabel = 'small';
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_currentlabel = 'grit';
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_currentlabel = 'happy';
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_currentlabel = 'open';
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_currentlabel = 'grind';
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
_currentlabel = 'breathing';
frame 39 {
frame 40 {
_currentlabel = 'curl';
frame 41 {
frame 42 {
_currentlabel = 'smallsmile';
frame 43 {
frame 44 {
_currentlabel = 'scream';
frame 47 {
movieClip 568 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 572 {
movieClip 593 {
frame 1 {
_currentlabel = 'plain';
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
_currentlabel = 'wide';
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
_currentlabel = 'flat';
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
_currentlabel = 'shut';
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_currentlabel = 'highshut';
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_currentlabel = 'focused';
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_currentlabel = 'tight';
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_currentlabel = 'tense';
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_currentlabel = 'slight';
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
_currentlabel = 'tired';
frame 20 {
movieClip 594 {
movieClip 597 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 605 {
frame 1 {
_currentlabel = 'flat';
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
_currentlabel = 'raised';
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
_currentlabel = 'down';
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
_currentlabel = 'relaxed';
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
_currentlabel = 'down';
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
_currentlabel = 'sad';
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
_currentlabel = 'miffed';
frame 14 {
frame 15 {
_currentlabel = 'highmad';
frame 16 {
frame 17 {
_currentlabel = 'highsad';
frame 18 {
movieClip 606 {
movieClip 613 {
frame 1 {
var rotAngleplus = 0.005;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
rotAngle += rotAngleplus;
if (rotAngle > 6.283185307179586) {
rotAngle -= 6.283185307179586;
this._rotation = Math.sin(rotAngle * 35);
frame 21 {
movieClip 615 {
frame 1 {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root.STBSX + Math.sin(_root.rock.rotAngle * 15) * 10;
this._y = _root.STBSY + Math.sin(_root.rock.rotAngle * 25) * 10;
movieClip 617 {
movieClip 620 {
frame 1 {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._rotation -= 6;
movieClip 627 {
frame 1 {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = _root.STFSX + Math.sin(_root.rock.rotAngle * 15) * 10;
this._y = _root.STFSY + Math.sin(_root.rock.rotAngle * 25) * 10;
frame 1 {
_root.STangleplus = 0.1;
frame 2 {
_root.STangleplus = 0.35;
_root.STdelay = 70;
frame 3 {
_root.STangleplus = 0.45;
_root.STdelay = 70;
frame 4 {
_root.STangleplus = 0.25;
_root.STdelay = 70;
// unknown tag 88 length 85
movieClip 631 {
frame 1 {
_currentlabel = 'lowerleft';
frame 2 {
// unknown tag 88 length 143
movieClip 640 {
movieClip 647 {
movieClip 649 {
movieClip 652 {
frame 1 {
this._yscale = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.helpPressed == true) {
this.yssb = 100;
} else {
this.yssb = 0;
this._yscale += (this.yssb - this._yscale) / 4;
if (this._yscale < 1) {
this._yscale = 0;
movieClip 656 {
movieClip 657 {
movieClip 660 {
movieClip 670 {
frame 1 {
onEnterFrame = function () {
this.trueSize = 100;
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse) == true) {
this.trueSize = 200;
this._xscale += (this.trueSize - this._xscale) / 10;
this._yscale += (this.trueSize - this._yscale) / 10;
movieClip 671 {
movieClip 674 {
frame 1 {
this.mousedOn = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) == true) {
this.mousedOn += 4;
} else {
this.mousedOn -= 4;
if (this.mousedOn > 100) {
this.mousedOn = 100;
if (this.mousedOn < 10) {
this.mousedOn = 10;
this._alpha = this.mousedOn;
this._xscale = 100 + mousedOn;
this._yscale = 100 + mousedOn;
movieClip 676 {
frame 1 {
onEnterFrame = function () {
this._y -= 1;
if (this._alpha > 0) {
this._alpha -= 3;
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
if (this._visible == true) {
this._xscale += 1;
this._ysclae = this._xscale;
movieClip 678 {