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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

A Dreamy Revenge By Veroom by rosp.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #164596

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


A Dreamy Revenge

A sequel to Teacher Will Learn a Lesson, by <a href='' target='_blank'><font color='#0000ff' target='_blank'>rosp</font></a><br>Flash adaptation by <a href='' target='_blank'><font color='#0000ff'>Veroom</font></a>

To read, click on the left and right sides of the text box to change pages!


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function vht() { txt_dialogue._y = 560 - (txt_dialogue._height / 2); fn_speakerbox(); } function reset() { txt_title._visible = 0; txt_credits._visible = 0; txt_direction._visible = 0; adr01._visible = 0; adr02._visible = 0; adr03._visible = 0; adr04._visible = 0; adr05._visible = 0; adr06._visible = 0; adr07._visible = 0; adr08._visible = 0; adr09._visible = 0; adr10._visible = 0; adr11._visible = 0; adr12._visible = 0; brestart._visible = 0; } function fn_speakerbox() { if (!((var_speaker != "") && (var_nothidden == 1))) { mc_speakerbox._visible = 0; txt_speaker._visible = 0; } else { mc_speakerbox._visible = 1; txt_speaker._visible = 1; } } function gotopage() { reset(); btn_previous._visible = true; btn_next._visible = true; if (page < 0) { page = 0; } if (77 < page) { page = 77; } _root["page" + page](); } function page0() { txt_title._x = 400 - (txt_title._width / 2); txt_title._visible = true; txt_credits._x = 400 - (txt_credits._width / 2); txt_credits._visible = true; txt_direction._x = 400 - (txt_direction._width / 2); txt_direction._visible = true; btn_previous._visible = false; mc_prevarrow.gotoAndStop(1); var_speaker = ""; dialogue = " Press H at any time to hide or show this text box!\n You can also flip pages with the arrow keys!"; vht(); } function page1() { adr01._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Leticia approaches her classroom after school.\nAn hour ago, her teacher Lucy sent her a message."; vht(); } function page2() { adr01._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy's Message:"; dialogue = " Leticia,\n Come to the classroom at 17:00.\n - Teacher"; vht(); } function page3() { adr01._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "I should have arrived in time.\nLet's hope everything goes well."; vht(); } function page4() { adr01._visible = true; dialogue = "She opens the door and enters."; vht(); } function page5() { adr02._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Teacher, I'm he- !!"; vht(); } function page6() { adr02._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Leticia is quickly surprised by the sight."; vht(); } function page7() { adr02._visible = true; var_speaker = "Rachel and Katie:"; dialogue = "Mmmrnhh!!"; vht(); } function page8() { adr02._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Alerted by her entry, her tied and gagged classmates cry out."; vht(); } function page9() { adr02._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Ah, you're here Leticia!\nNow we can begin our remedial lesson."; vht(); } function page10() { adr02._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "What are you...?"; vht(); } function page11() { adr02._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Remember what we talked about?\nI said we'd find a way to get revenge, didn't I?"; vht(); } function page12() { adr02._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Leti smiles at the memory, before dashing across the room\nto join her teacher by their former captors."; vht(); } function page13() { adr03._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Yes, you did! Then can we start now?"; vht(); } function page14() { adr03._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Bravo, that's the spirit! So who would you like?"; vht(); } function page15() { adr03._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "While Lucy asks, she hands Leticia one of her large vibrators."; vht(); } function page16() { adr03._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Well if I get to choose, I'll take Katie.\nI want to thank her for last time!"; vht(); } function page17() { adr03._visible = true; var_speaker = "Katie:"; dialogue = "Mmhnfff??"; vht(); } function page18() { adr03._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Ah, I know what you mean! I want to thank Rachel too..."; vht(); } function page19() { adr03._visible = true; var_speaker = "Rachel:"; dialogue = "...nnnhh..."; vht(); } function page20() { adr04._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Lucy reaches to Rachel's arm, where she taped a pink control.\nLeticia notices and finds Katie has one too."; vht(); } function page21() { adr04._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Well then let's start with these. Ready when you are!"; vht(); } function page22() { adr04._visible = true; var_speaker = "Rachel:"; dialogue = "Mnrrhh!!"; vht(); } function page23() { adr04._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "OK! Let's start!"; vht(); } function page24() { adr04._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "The pair turn on the devices, creating a buzzing sound\nat their now-wriggling prisoners' chests."; vht(); } function page25() { adr04._visible = true; var_speaker = "Rachel and Katie:"; dialogue = "Mmmpfhh!! Hnnyrrrnn!!"; vht(); } function page26() { adr04._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Haha... I didn't think it would be so nice to hear their cries!"; vht(); } function page27() { adr05._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "They move around to the front of Rachel's and Katie's chairs."; vht(); } function page28() { adr05._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Well Leticia, I don't know about you but...\nI think we need to add something else."; vht(); } function page29() { adr05._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Yes, I agree!"; vht(); } function page30() { adr05._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "They verbally tease as they press the vibrators into place, before quickly switching them on as well."; vht(); } function page31() { adr05._visible = true; var_speaker = "Rachel and Katie:"; dialogue = "Nnnffh... hrrmmpphh!!"; vht(); } function page32() { adr05._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Before long the chair-bound girls are squirming around a lot."; vht(); } function page33() { adr06._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "You're having fun, aren't you Rachel?"; vht(); } function page34() { adr06._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "The teacher asks her student while rubbing a bared breast."; vht(); } function page35() { adr06._visible = true; var_speaker = "Rachel:"; dialogue = "Nnn~ hnngh..."; vht(); } function page36() { adr06._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "You're right... being tied up and unable to move or speak...\nThat indescribable feeling..."; vht(); } function page37() { adr07._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Meanwhile Leticia brings her fingers up Katie's exposed side."; vht(); } function page38() { adr07._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "I don't have a feather, but I can still try to make you laugh!"; vht(); } function page39() { adr07._visible = true; var_speaker = "Katie:"; dialogue = "<i>Mmmhh-hmhmhmmph!!</i>"; vht(); } function page40() { adr07._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Her friend's helpless body wriggles erratically at Leti's touch."; vht(); } function page41() { adr07._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "I'm good at this, right? I'd say so, the way you're laughing..."; vht(); } function page42() { adr08._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "An hour passes as teacher and student enjoy playing.\nThe trapped girls are looking quite worn out."; vht(); } function page43() { adr08._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Hahaha... this is really fun. So, shall we continue?"; vht(); } function page44() { adr08._visible = true; var_speaker = "Rachel and Katie:"; dialogue = "Mmmnnpffhh?"; vht(); } function page45() { adr08._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Hehe, it seems that some of us don't agree!"; vht(); } function page46() { adr08._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Oh, how cute. But...\nThe lesson has just begun, we can't stop already..."; vht(); } function page47() { adr08._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "I agree! Let's find something new."; vht(); } function page48() { adr09._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Leticia turns to a bag she noticed earlier, that Lucy brought."; vht(); } function page49() { adr09._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Maybe there's something useful in here... can I check?"; vht(); } function page50() { adr09._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Oh uh, that bag... of course...\nLet me know if you find anything that excites you."; vht(); } function page51() { adr09._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "She rummages through the bag. The moaning captives turn toward the sound, still shaking from the vibrators' motions."; vht(); } function page52() { adr09._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Wow, there are strings, tweezers...\nvarious types of vibrators and... maybe this?"; vht(); } function page53() { adr10._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "She stands back up, pulling out a stiff leathery riding crop."; vht(); } function page54() { adr10._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "I like the look of this, but I can only find one of them..."; vht(); } function page55() { adr10._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Well that's because I'm the only one who needs to use it..."; vht(); } function page56() { adr10._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "As Lucy replies, she slips behind Leticia.\nQuickly she places both hands on the girl's shoulders."; vht(); } function page57() { adr10._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Ah... maybe I shouldn't ask, but why is that?"; vht(); } function page58() { adr10._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Leticia, just because you told me you were sorry doesn't mean you can get away with what you did."; vht(); } function page59() { adr10._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Lucy's voice turns stern while her grip tightens.\nLeticia begins fidgeting in concern."; vht(); } function page60() { adr10._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "And since you brought it out for me...\nI would say that we can start the next game..."; vht(); } function page61() { adr11._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Suddenly Leticia finds herself bent forward.\nStruggling, she finds her arms are tied up to the ceiling."; vht(); } function page62() { adr11._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "What?! But how did I end up like this?\nAnd when did you change your clothes??"; vht(); } function page63() { adr11._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "Well well, Leticia... you were a bad girl too, weren't you?\nAre you ready to receive your punishment?"; vht(); } function page64() { adr11._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "The blonde-haired girl twists in a rush of anxiety, while her trussed-up classmates squirm in their chairs and listen on."; vht(); } function page65() { adr11._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "W- wait, teacher!\nI don't understand anymore... let's talk about this!!"; vht(); } function page66() { adr11._visible = true; var_speaker = "Lucy:"; dialogue = "No, no, no~ Words like that are useless now...\nIt's time to start your discipline!"; vht(); } function page67() { adr11._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Lucy takes a step back and swings the crop quickly.\nAs it rushes towards her defenceless behind, Leticia shrieks."; vht(); } function page68() { adr11._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "<i>NOOOOO-</i>"; vht(); } function page69() { adr12._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "<i> -OOOOO!!</i>"; vht(); } function page70() { adr12._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "Bolting upright, she finds herself on her bed."; vht(); } function page71() { adr12._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "...Oh, my... it was just a dream...?"; vht(); } function page72() { adr12._visible = true; var_speaker = ""; dialogue = "She notices her breathing is ragged, and tries to calm down."; vht(); } function page73() { adr12._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Phew... lucky. That was really scary..."; vht(); } function page74() { adr12._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "I'm still excited about the day ahead, but..."; vht(); } function page75() { adr12._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Maybe I should give up on revenge...\nIt might turn out very badly for me."; vht(); } function page76() { adr12._visible = true; var_speaker = "Leti:"; dialogue = "Resolving to be careful around her techer for a while,\nLeticia lies back down into her bed and returns to sleep."; vht(); } function page77() { brestart._visible = true; btn_next._visible = false; mc_nextarrow.gotoAndStop(1); var_speaker = ""; dialogue = " The End!"; vht(); } var_nothidden = 1; adr01._visible = 0; adr02._visible = 0; adr03._visible = 0; adr04._visible = 0; adr05._visible = 0; adr06._visible = 0; adr07._visible = 0; adr08._visible = 0; adr09._visible = 0; adr10._visible = 0; adr11._visible = 0; adr12._visible = 0; keylistener = new Object(); Key.addListener(keylistener); keylistener.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.isDown(37)) { page = page - 1; gotopage(); } if (Key.isDown(39)) { page = page + 1; gotopage(); } if (Key.isDown(72)) { var_nothidden = 1 - var_nothidden; mc_dialoguebox._visible = var_nothidden; txt_dialogue._visible = var_nothidden; mc_speakerbox._visible = var_nothidden; txt_speaker._visible = var_nothidden; fn_speakerbox(); } }; page = 0; gotopage();
Symbol 50 MovieClip [mc_nextarrow] Frame 1
Symbol 50 MovieClip [mc_nextarrow] Frame 10
Symbol 50 MovieClip [mc_nextarrow] Frame 20
Symbol 52 Button [btn_next]
on (rollOver) { mc_nextarrow.gotoAndPlay(2); } on (rollOut) { mc_nextarrow.gotoAndPlay(11); } on (press) { page = page + 1; gotopage(); }
Symbol 53 Button [btn_previous]
on (rollOver) { mc_prevarrow.gotoAndPlay(2); } on (rollOut) { mc_prevarrow.gotoAndPlay(11); } on (press) { page = page - 1; gotopage(); }
Symbol 55 Button [brestart]
on (press) { page = 0; gotopage(); }

Library Items

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Symbol 24 MovieClip [adr08]Uses:23Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 44 EditableText [txt_direction]Uses:37Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 Graphic [box_dialogue]Used by:46
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Symbol 47 Graphic [box_speaker]Used by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClip [mc_speakerbox]Uses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 Graphic [sarrow]Used by:50
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Symbol 51 Graphic [barea]Used by:52 53
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Instance Names

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Special Tags

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NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 18 bytes "..adr08."
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NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 18 bytes "..adr09."
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NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 18 bytes "..adr10."
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NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 116 bytes "(.txt_dialoguei."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 114 bytes ").txt_speaker."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 112 bytes "*.txt_title."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 114 bytes "+.txt_credits."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 116 bytes ",.txt_direction."
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NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 117 bytes "..mc_dialoguebox."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 114 bytes "/.box_speaker."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 116 bytes "0.mc_speakerbox."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 19 bytes "1.sarrow."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 115 bytes "2.mc_nextarrow."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 18 bytes "3.barea."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 111 bytes "4.btn_next."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 115 bytes "5.btn_previous."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 114 bytes "6.txt_restart."
NameCharacter (40)Timeline Frame 111 bytes "7.brestart."

Dynamic Text Variables

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dialogueSymbol 40 EditableText [txt_dialoguei]""
var_speakerSymbol 41 EditableText [txt_speaker]""
Created: 19/10 -2018 06:11:24 Last modified: 19/10 -2018 06:11:24 Server time: 13/03 -2025 06:33:19