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Interactive Pregnant Miele by barn-flakes (PregnancyInsect GrowthBellyBiggerBabyBugBeeBoobsBreastExpansionSequenceSequential).swf

This is the info page for
Flash #165488

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 18 rflower { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(3); } frame 15 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 19 bud { } movieClip 35 blue_bomb { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 4 { if (this.struck == false) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(5); } } frame 15 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 37 bflower { } frame 1 { function setState(str) { statetimer = 35 + speechb._txt.length * 2.2; if (state != str) { curState.state = str; state = str; for (var v2 in states[str]) { curState[v2] = states[str][v2]; } miele.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(curState.eye); miele.head.eyes.lp._x = lpx + curState.lpx; miele.head.eyes.lp._y = lpy + curState.lpy; miele.head.eyes.rp._x = rpx + curState.rpx; miele.head.eyes.rp._y = rpy + curState.rpy; miele.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(curState.mouth); miele.head.blush.gotoAndPlay(curState.blush); if (miele.f_arm._currentlabel != curState.arm) { miele.f_arm.gotoAndPlay(miele.f_arm._currentlabel + '2' + curState.arm); } if (miele.b_arm._currentlabel != curState.arm) { miele.b_arm.gotoAndPlay(miele.b_arm._currentlabel + '2' + curState.arm); } } } function writePhrase(t) { speechb._alpha = 0; speechb._txt.text = phraseList[t]; speechtimer = speechb._txt.length * 3; } gotoAndStop(1); var growstart = 15; var firstclick = false; var bluefirstclick = false; var birthcount = 0; var birthspeech = 1; var birthtimer = 0; var makebomb = 0; var flightud = 0; var flightbob = 0.2; var fcy = 480; var flowerID = 0; var flowermake = 0; var jiggle = 0; var jiggleshrink = 0; var rbj = 0; var lbj = 0; var size = 1; var totalsize = 0; var maxsize = 0; var sizespeech = 100; var stripped = false; var bmod = 0; var statetimer = 0; var backupState = 'normal'; var lpx = miele.head.eyes.lp._x; var rpx = miele.head.eyes.rp._x; var lpy = miele.head.eyes.lp._y; var rpy = miele.head.eyes.rp._y; var states = new Object(); var curState = new Object(); var _state = ''; var pollen = 0; var budID = -600; var notspawn = 1; var growth = 1; var gspeed = 1; var phraseList = new Array(); phraseList[-1] = 'poop'; phraseList[0] = 'Hey, I\'ve never seen this field of flowers before. I\'ll bet there\'s loads of pollen here.'; phraseList[1] = 'Oh! I don\'t believe we\'ve met! I\'m Miele, pleased to meet you.'; phraseList[2] = 'I\'m on exploration duty. Mother said to me," Miele, I need you to go and find new terrain." So I did, and here I am.'; phraseList[3] = 'You\'re right, my hive is quite a distance from here. I\'m just exploring new terrain. I think Mother is going to like hearing about this place.'; phraseList[4] = 'I can\'t say. I\'ve never seen a flower bed quite like this one. I feel like there\'s a reason it\'s undiscovered.'; phraseList[5] = 'Hehe, I hope you don\'t greet all women you meet like that.'; phraseList[6] = 'Hey! That feels funny.'; phraseList[7] = 'I feel wierd.'; phraseList[8] = 'Nothing lasts forever.'; phraseList[9] = 'What\'s that thing? I\'ve never seen a flower do that before!'; phraseList[10] = 'Oh!? My wings suddenly feel strained.'; phraseList[11] = 'Kind of, it feels more like when I try to carry more then I can manage. These flowers must have even more pollen then I thought!'; phraseList[12] = 'No, no. More like something is weighing me down. Maybe I\'ve found TOO good a pollen ground.'; phraseList[13] = 'Yes, yes. Exactly like that. But I don\'t know how that\'s happening. Something wierd\'s going on here.'; phraseList[14] = 'That\'s strange. Maybe I took one of my sisters\' outfits by mistake. But then, why didn\'t I notice that until I got here?'; phraseList[15] = 'Is that fun for you?'; phraseList[16] = 'That feels oddly squishy, but still funny!'; phraseList[17] = 'Hey, I\'ve never seen this feild of flowers before. I\'ll bet there\'s loads of pollen here.'; phraseList[18] = 'Hey, I\'ve never seen this feild of flowers before. I\'ll bet there\'s loads of pollen here.'; phraseList[19] = 'Hey, I\'ve never seen this feild of flowers before. I\'ll bet there\'s loads of pollen here.'; phraseList[20] = 'What\'s this? Where did all this extra honey come from?'; phraseList[21] = 'Of course they do. What else would be in them?!'; phraseList[22] = 'Hee, that\'s kind of funny. I suppose you can, but I would much prefer Miele.'; phraseList[23] = 'Well, no. But having my assets suddenly grow explanation free is still quite a shock. I wasn\'t exactly small to begin with, you know.'; phraseList[24] = 'I don\'t doubt it, but I don\'t mind. Big or small, they\'re still a part of me, and therefore precious.'; phraseList[25] = 'My honey\'s staying right where it is, silly.'; phraseList[26] = 'Why are you poking my stomach at a time like this? Are you trying to tell me something?'; phraseList[27] = 'unused.'; phraseList[28] = 'unused.'; phraseList[29] = 'unused.'; phraseList[30] = 'I have a belly too? I get what\'s happening. These flowers have made me pregnant.'; phraseList[31] = 'I think you\'re right. It\'s just as well, I won\'t be needing it anymore now that I\'m to be a Queen.'; phraseList[32] = 'I\'m fine, just startled, that\'s all. I definitely wasn\'t prepared for this to happen, so I\'d better start getting used to it.'; phraseList[33] = 'Hmmm, I\'m not sure. I feel like there\'s a little colony in me depending on my success. I\'m not about to disappoint them.'; phraseList[34] = 'It\'s not size, but age that matters. I\'m still quite young, so I have many dozens, if not hundreds of children ahead of me.'; phraseList[35] = 'I take it you\'re amused by the side effects of this.'; phraseList[36] = 'Don\'t do that! You\'re making the kids jiggle!'; phraseList[37] = 'unused.'; phraseList[38] = 'unused.'; phraseList[39] = 'unused.'; phraseList[40] = 'It looks like I\'m going to need a new outfit.'; phraseList[41] = '<giggle> That\'s very true. I even have the evidence right in front of me.'; phraseList[42] = 'Why should I? I\'ve never been ashamed of my body and I never will be, no matter how big I get.'; phraseList[43] = 'Tch, you\'re funny. Although I\'ve always found there\'s something inherently beautiful about nudity. Every body is beautiful.'; phraseList[44] = 'A queen\'s robe, probably. I\'ve always wondered what it feels like to wear one.'; phraseList[45] = 'This must be extra amusing to you now.'; phraseList[46] = 'That feels even more funny without a top.'; phraseList[47] = 'unused.'; phraseList[48] = 'unused.'; phraseList[49] = 'unused.'; phraseList[50] = 'Now I know why no one\'s discovered this field of flowers. All the girls who have got pregnant and had to start their own hive.'; phraseList[51] = 'I know how it works. Worker bees like me aren\'t normally allowed to do that, so that saying is a bit freudian.'; phraseList[52] = 'But it\'s true! You were standing right here when it happened. I\'m sure there are at least a few nearby hives who can vouch for it.'; phraseList[53] = 'Don\'t look so surprised. Yes, I\'m to be a Queen. There\'s no way to stop it, so I\'m going to embrace it.'; phraseList[54] = 'I\'d prefer not to think about it. I just want to wait until the decision is in front of me.'; phraseList[55] = 'It looks like you\'re enjoying yourself there anyway. I\'ll leave you to it.'; phraseList[56] = 'Stop it, I\'m ticklish enough there as it is.'; phraseList[57] = 'unused.'; phraseList[58] = 'I\'m heading for that hollow down there, before it\'s too late!'; phraseList[59] = 'Ahhhh! It\'s starting! It\'s starting now!.'; phraseList[60] = 'I\'m pretty sure I won\'t get any bigger than this. Now it\'s time to start looking for a place to start my colony.'; phraseList[61] = 'That\'s so sweet of you to say. Thank you so much.'; phraseList[62] = 'I don\'t know. I prefer not to worry too much about it. Whatever happens, happens.'; phraseList[63] = 'If I have the time. From the looks of how big I\'ve gotten I\'ll never make it there before my colony is born.'; phraseList[64] = 'Hmm, I think I see a good looking place from the corner of my eye. I\'ll keep it in mind if I feel the eggs coming.'; phraseList[65] = 'Not the type to miss out on an opportunity, I see.'; phraseList[66] = 'Tch, are you trying to make me laugh?'; phraseList[67] = 'Rrrgh! I get it. The blue ones are triggering contractions. I\'d better get ready for this in case they all go off at the same time.'; phraseList[68] = 'Ahh! Those spores have a wierd effect on my belly. Like a massive squeeze.'; phraseList[69] = 'Hey, I haven\'t seen these blue ones yet. I wonder how they\'re different.'; phraseList[70] = 'Ooh, that feels nice.'; states.shock = {'eye': 'shock', 'mouth': 'shock', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': 12, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.contraction = {'eye': 'ouch', 'mouth': 'teeth', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': 12, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.desperate = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -5, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -9, 'rpy': 8, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.breathing = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'teeth', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.labour = {'eye': 'ouch', 'mouth': 'scream', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': 12, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.leftboom = {'eye': 'shock', 'mouth': 'shock', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 13, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.rightboom = {'eye': 'shock', 'mouth': 'shock', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 4, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': 2, 'rpy': 13, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.normal = {'eye': 'normal', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.giggle = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.boobclick = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.ohyou = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 4, 'rpy': -4, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.ohwell = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 4, 'rpy': -4, 'arm': 'shrug'}; states.yay = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'grin', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -3, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': -10, 'rpy': 8, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.ohhi = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.whatsthat = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.concern = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.ugh = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.wingconcern = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'teeth', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.explain = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.explainbelly = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.funnystory = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.wierdflowers = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': 8, 'arm': 'shrug'}; states.tightclothes = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.boobgrow = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -9, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.specialboobs = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'shrug'}; states.noclothes = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'shrug'}; states.determined = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.impregnant = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.lolidunno = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'shrug'}; = {'eye': 'normal', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.why = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'shrug'}; = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'grin', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.newclothes = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.flattered = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.thatspot = {'eye': 'normal', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -5, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -9, 'rpy': 8, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.bellylaugh = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.nice = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 4, 'rpy': -4, 'arm': 'idle'}; writePhrase(0); setState('yay'); panel.vpollen.gotoAndStop(1); miele.ripping._visible = false; cloud_reset = function () { cloud.xmove = Math.random() * 2 + 1; cloud._xscale = Math.random() * 50 + 50; cloud._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 50; cloud._y = Math.random() * 50 + 100; cloud._x = -200; }; cloud_reset2 = function () { cloud2.xmove = Math.random() * 2 + 1; cloud2._xscale = Math.random() * 50 + 50; cloud2._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 50; cloud2._y = Math.random() * 50 + 100; cloud2._x = -200; }; cloud.xmove = Math.random() * 8; cloud2.xmove = Math.random() * 8; onMouseDown = function () { startup = 0; }; panel.q1.onPress = function () { writePhrase(Math.floor(totalsize / 100) * 10 + 1); setState(panel.q1._State); }; panel.q2.onPress = function () { writePhrase(Math.floor(totalsize / 100) * 10 + 2); setState(panel.q2._State); }; panel.q3.onPress = function () { writePhrase(Math.floor(totalsize / 100) * 10 + 3); setState(panel.q3._State); }; panel.q4.onPress = function () { writePhrase(Math.floor(totalsize / 100) * 10 + 4); setState(panel.q4._State); }; panel.onEnterFrame = function () { if (panel.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && panel._x > 645) { panel._x -= (panel._x - 650) / 5; } else { if (panel._x < 800) { panel._x += (800 - panel._x) / 5; } } if (totalsize < 100) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'Hello there. What\'s your name?'; panel.q1._State = 'ohhi'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'Hello there. What are you doing all the way out here?'; panel.q2._State = 'explain'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'Hello there. Where did you come from? I can\'t see any hives around here.'; panel.q3._State = 'concern'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'Hello there. What\'s with all these flowers?'; panel.q4._State = 'wierdflowers'; } else { if (totalsize < 200) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'As in, your wings have suddenly weakened?'; panel.q1._State = 'wingconcern'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'As in, it\'s gotten windy?'; panel.q2._State = 'whatsthat'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'As in, you\'ve gotten heavier somewhere?'; panel.q3._State = 'explain'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'I don\'t remeber your outfit being such a tight fit.'; panel.q4._State = 'tightclothes'; } else { if (totalsize < 300) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'Excess honey? Your boobs have honey in them?'; panel.q1._State = 'giggle'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'If your boobs have honey in them, does that mean I can fairly call you sugar-tits?'; panel.q2._State = 'ohyou'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'What\'s the big deal? It doesn\'t hurt or anything, does it?'; panel.q3._State = 'tightclothes'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'You\'ve gone from big to huge. Do you think you\'ll get much bigger?'; panel.q4._State = 'specialboobs'; } else { if (totalsize < 400) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'That outfit didn\'t stand a chance!'; panel.q1._State = 'specialboobs'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'Are you okay? How do you feel?'; panel.q2._State = 'explainbelly'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'How does it feel being pregnant?'; panel.q3._State = 'determined'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'You\'ve grown awfully fast. How many children do you think you\'ll have?'; panel.q4._State = 'lolidunno'; } else { if (totalsize < 500) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'I think your excuse for losing your uniform is pretty good.'; panel.q1._State = 'giggle'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'You don\'t mind the fact that you\'re nude in front of me?'; panel.q2._State = 'why'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'I like your birthday suit. It suits you much better.'; panel.q3._State = 'smile'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'What did you have in mind?'; panel.q4._State = 'newclothes'; } else { if (totalsize < 600) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'How exactly did this happen, anyway? I thought, y\'know, the birds and the--um--bees.'; panel.q1._State = 'lol'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'The plants made you pregnant? That sounds really far fetched.'; panel.q2._State = 'why'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'Wait, that includes you, right?'; panel.q3._State = 'whatsthat'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'How do you think you\'ll manage as a Queen?'; panel.q4._State = 'lolidunno'; } else { if (totalsize == 600) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'Oh Miele, I don\'t think you could be more beautiful if you tried.'; panel.q1._State = 'flattered'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'How much more time do you think you have?'; panel.q2._State = 'lolidunno'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'Aren\'t you going to say goodbye to your brothers and sisters first?'; panel.q3._State = 'concern'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'Do you have any places in mind?'; panel.q4._State = 'thatspot'; } } } } } } } }; panel.vpollen.onEnterFrame = function () { if (miele.belly.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { pollen = 100; } }; panel.vpollen.onPress = function () { growth = 1; if (pollen == 100 && totalsize == 600 && gspeed > 0) { makebombs = 5; pollen = 55; if (bluefirstclick == false) { setState('wierdflowers'); writePhrase(69); bluefirstclick = true; } } }; panel.speed_b.onPress = function () { if (gspeed == 1) { gspeed = 2; } else { if (gspeed == 2) { gspeed = 5; } else { if (gspeed == 5) { gspeed = 10; } else { if (gspeed == 10) { gspeed = -5; } else { if (gspeed == -5) { gspeed = -1; } else { if (gspeed == -1) { gspeed = 1; } } } } } } }; onMouseUp = function () { growth = 0; }; miele.r_breast.onPress = function () { if (birthspeech < 4) { writePhrase(Math.floor(totalsize / 100) * 10 + 5); setState('boobclick'); } if (rbj == 0) { rbj = 40; jiggle = 2 + Math.floor(totalsize / 300); jiggleshrink = 2 + Math.floor(totalsize / 300); if (miele.r_breast.cmask._x != 900) { lbj = 40; } } }; miele.l_breast.onPress = function () { if (birthspeech < 4) { writePhrase(Math.floor(totalsize / 100) * 10 + 5); setState('boobclick'); } if (lbj == 0) { lbj = 40; jiggle = 2 + Math.floor(totalsize / 300); jiggleshrink = 2 + Math.floor(totalsize / 300); } }; miele.belly.onPress = function () { if (birthspeech < 4) { writePhrase(Math.floor(totalsize / 100) * 10 + 6); setState('bellylaugh'); } }; miele.backhair.onPress = function () { if (birthspeech < 4) { writePhrase(70); setState('nice'); } }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (birthspeech > 1) { if (gspeed == -5 || gspeed == -1) { gspeed = 1; } } if (totalsize > growstart) { if (growstart == 15) { writePhrase(7); setState('ugh'); } else { writePhrase(8); setState('noclothes'); } growstart += 300; } if (miele.ripping._visible == false && totalsize > 300) { miele.ripping._visible = true; miele.ripping.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (miele.ripping._currentframe == 9) { miele.ripping._y = 800; } if (makebombs > 0) { makebombs -= 1; } switch (true) { case makebombs == 3: var v3 = attachMovie('blue_bomb', 'blue_bomb' + flowerID, flowerID + 1200); v3._x = 200; v3._y = 620; v3.vx = -3; v3.vy = -24; v3.gotoAndPlay(3); v3.struck = false; break; case makebombs == 2: var v3 = attachMovie('blue_bomb', 'blue_bomb' + flowerID, flowerID + 1200); v3._x = 400; v3._y = 620; v3.vx = 0; v3.vy = -27; v3.gotoAndPlay(3); v3.struck = false; break; case makebombs == 1: var v3 = attachMovie('blue_bomb', 'blue_bomb' + flowerID, flowerID + 1200); v3._x = 600; v3._y = 620; v3.vx = 3; v3.vy = -24; v3.gotoAndPlay(3); v3.struck = false; } cloud._x += cloud.xmove; cloud2._x += cloud2.xmove; if (cloud._x > 800) { cloud_reset(); } if (cloud2._x > 800) { cloud_reset2(); } if (miele.b_arm._currentlabel == 'belly') { miele.belly.hand_mask._x = -80; } else { miele.belly.hand_mask._x = 100; } if (totalsize >= sizespeech) { writePhrase(sizespeech / 10); switch (true) { case sizespeech == 100: setState('concern'); break; case sizespeech == 200: setState('boobgrow'); break; case sizespeech == 300: setState('impregnant'); break; case sizespeech == 400: setState('ohwell'); break; case sizespeech == 500: setState('funnystory'); break; case sizespeech == 600: setState('bigbelly'); } sizespeech += 100; } if (totalsize > maxsize) { maxsize = totalsize; } if (size > 300) { miele.r_breast.cmask._x = 900; miele.belly.cmask._x = 900; } panel.speed_b._txt.text = 'x' + gspeed; if (growth == 1 && pollen > gspeed && gspeed > 0 && totalsize < 600) { totalsize += gspeed; pollen -= gspeed; } else { if (growth == 1 && pollen <= gspeed && pollen > 0 && gspeed > 0) { totalsize += pollen; pollen = 0; } else { if (gspeed < 0 && growth == 1) { totalsize += gspeed; } } } if (panel.vpollen._currentframe != pollen) { panel.vpollen._currentframe += Math.floor((pollen - panel.vpollen._currentframe) / 40); } if (pollen < 1) { panel.vpollen._currentframe = 1; } if (pollen > 100) { pollen = 100; } else { if (pollen < 0) { pollen = 0; } } if (pollen == 0) { panel.vpollen.gotoAndStop(1); } panel.vpollen.gotoAndStop(pollen); if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer -= 1; } else { setState(backupState); } bmod = size / 35; miele.belly.gotoAndStop(size); miele.l_breast.gotoAndStop(size); miele.r_breast.gotoAndStop(size); if (totalsize > 600) { totalsize = 600; } else { if (totalsize < 0) { totalsize = 0; } } if (size != totalsize) { if (Math.floor((totalsize - size) / 12) > 1 || Math.floor((totalsize - size) / 12) < -1) { size += Math.floor((totalsize - size) / 12); } else { if (size < totalsize) { size += 1; } else { size -= 1; } } } miele.r_breast._x = 135.25 - (size / 130) * 2; miele.l_breast._x = 116.05 - (size / 130) * 2; if (rbj > 0) { miele.r_breast._yscale -= jiggle; miele.r_breast._xscale += jiggle / 3; rbj -= 1; } else { rbj = 0; miele.r_breast._yscale = 100 + bmod; miele.r_breast._xscale = 100 + bmod; } if (lbj > 0) { miele.l_breast._yscale -= jiggle; miele.l_breast._xscale += jiggle / 3; lbj -= 1; } else { lbj = 0; miele.l_breast._yscale = 100 + bmod; miele.l_breast._xscale = 100 + bmod; } if (lbj < 1 && rbj < 1) { jiggle = 0; jiggleshrink = 0; } if (jiggleshrink > 1 && jiggle < jiggleshrink) { jiggle += (jiggleshrink + 4 - jiggle) / 4; } else { if (jiggleshrink < 1 && jiggle > jiggleshrink) { jiggle += (jiggleshrink - 4 - jiggle) / 4; } else { jiggleshrink = -jiggleshrink; } } switch (true) { case birthcount == 1 && birthspeech == 1: birthspeech = 2; setState('shock'); writePhrase(68); backupState = 'breathing'; break; case birthcount == 2 && birthspeech == 2: birthspeech = 3; setState('contraction'); writePhrase(67); break; case birthcount == 3 && birthspeech == 3: birthspeech = 4; setState('labour'); writePhrase(59); birthtimer = 1; panel.q1._visible = false; panel.q2._visible = false; panel.q3._visible = false; panel.q4._visible = false; } flowerID += 1; budID += 1; if (birthtimer < 300) { if (flowermake == 3) { if (Math.random() < notspawn) { var bflower = attachMovie('bflower', 'bflower' + flowerID, flowerID); bflower._y = fcy; bflower._x = -30; bflower._xscale += Math.random() * 40 - 20; bflower._yscale += Math.random() * 40 - 20; bflower._rotation += Math.random() * 40 - 20; notspawn -= 0.01; } else { var rflower = attachMovie('rflower', 'rflower' + flowerID, flowerID + 1000); rflower._y = fcy; rflower._x = -30; rflower.vx = 2; notspawn = 1; } } } if (birthtimer > 0) { birthtimer += 1; pollen -= 1; } if (birthtimer == 130) { setState('desperate'); writePhrase(58); } if (birthtimer == 300) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (flowermake < 5) { flowermake += 1; } else { flowermake = 0; } if (fcy > 500) { fcy -= 5; } else { fcy = 600; } flightud += flightbob; miele._y += flightud + birthtimer / 30; miele._x -= birthtimer / 80; if (miele._y > 80 && flightbob > 0 || miele._y < 50 && flightbob < 0) { flightbob = -flightbob; } if (flightud < -3) { flightud = -3; } else { if (flightud > 3) { flightud = 3; } } rock._x += 2; bflower.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x > 840) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (birthtimer > 298) { removeMovieClip(this); } bflower._x += 2; }; rflower.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x > 840) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (this._y > 620) { removeMovieClip(this); } if (birthtimer > 298) { removeMovieClip(this); } rflower._x += this.vx; rflower._y += this.vy; if (this._currentframe > 2 && this._currentframe < 5) { if (this.vy > 0) { this._xscale = 100 - this.vy * 4; } else { this._xscale = 100 + this.vy * 4; } this._yscale = this._xscale; this.vy += 0.6; } }; storedv3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._y += this.vy; this._x += this.vx; this.vy += 0.6; if (this._y > 620) { birthcount = 0; removeMovieClip(this); } }; rflower.onPress = function () { if (firstclick == false) { writePhrase(9); if (_xmouse < _root._x + 400) { setState('leftboom'); } else { setState('rightboom'); } firstclick = true; } if (this._currentframe < 3) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); this.vx = Math.random() * 6 - 2; this.vy = -(Math.random() * 10) - 15; } else { if (this._currentframe < 7) { pollen += Math.floor(5 + (100 - (100 - this._xscale)) / 5); this.gotoAndPlay(5); } } }; storedv3.onPress = function () { if (this.struck == false) { pollen += 25; this.struck = true; birthcount += 1; } }; if (speechtimer > 0) { speechtimer -= 1; if (speechb._alpha < 100) { speechb._alpha += 10; } } else { if (speechb._alpha > 0) { speechb._alpha -= 10; } } if (speechb._alpha < 1) { speechb._txt.text = 'poop'; } }; } movieClip 40 { } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 48 { } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 145 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'idle'; } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 35 { _currentlabel = 'idle2shrug'; } frame 51 { _currentlabel = 'shrug'; } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 53 { _currentlabel = 'shrug2idle'; } frame 68 { _currentlabel = 'idle'; gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 69 { _currentlabel = 'idle2belly'; } frame 79 { _currentlabel = 'belly'; } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 81 { _currentlabel = 'belly2idle'; } frame 91 { _currentlabel = 'idle'; gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 92 { _currentlabel = 'shrug2belly'; } frame 118 { _currentlabel = 'belly'; gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 119 { _currentlabel = 'belly2shrug'; } frame 145 { _currentlabel = 'shrug'; gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 154 { } movieClip 156 { } movieClip 163 { } movieClip 170 { } movieClip 176 { } movieClip 195 { } movieClip 227 { } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 241 { } movieClip 316 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'idle'; } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 35 { _currentlabel = 'idle2shrug'; } frame 50 { _currentlabel = 'shrug'; } frame 51 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 52 { _currentlabel = 'shrug2idle'; } frame 68 { _currentlabel = 'idle'; gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 69 { _currentlabel = 'idle2belly'; } frame 79 { _currentlabel = 'belly'; } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 81 { _currentlabel = 'belly2idle'; } frame 91 { _currentlabel = 'idle'; gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 92 { _currentlabel = 'shrug2belly'; } frame 119 { _currentlabel = 'belly'; gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 120 { _currentlabel = 'belly2shrug'; } frame 146 { _currentlabel = 'shrug'; gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 327 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'smile'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'teeth'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'grin'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'eh'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'shock'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'laugh'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'scream'; } frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 334 { } movieClip 357 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'normal'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'shock'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'teehee'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'heehee'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'oh'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'eh'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'concern'; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 15 { _currentlabel = 'ouch'; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 17 { _currentlabel = 'rest'; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 368 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 10 { gotoAndStop(9); } } movieClip 369 { } movieClip 380 { } movieClip 382 { } movieClip 385 { } movieClip 388 { } movieClip 389 { } movieClip 391 { } frame 2 { function setState(str) { statetimer = 35 + speechb._txt.length * 2.2; if (state != str) { curState.state = str; state = str; for (var v2 in states[str]) { curState[v2] = states[str][v2]; } queenmiele.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(curState.eye); queenmiele.head.eyes.lp._x = lpx + curState.lpx; queenmiele.head.eyes.lp._y = lpy + curState.lpy; queenmiele.head.eyes.rp._x = rpx + curState.rpx; queenmiele.head.eyes.rp._y = rpy + curState.rpy; queenmiele.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(curState.mouth); } } function writePhrase(t) { speechb._alpha = 0; speechb._txt.text = phraseList[t]; speechtimer = speechb._txt.length * 3; } gotoAndStop(2); var birthagain = 0; var birthpause = 0; var blackon = false; var statetimer = 0; var backupState = 'normal'; var lpx = queenmiele.head.eyes.lp._x; var rpx = queenmiele.head.eyes.rp._x; var lpy = queenmiele.head.eyes.lp._y; var rpy = queenmiele.head.eyes.rp._y; var states = new Object(); var curState = new Object(); var _state = ''; var breath = 0; var breathrise = 0.1; var breathswitch = 0; var phraseList = new Array(); phraseList[-1] = 'poop'; phraseList[0] = 'Well that was exhilarating. I\'m glad to be in a safe place now though.'; phraseList[1] = 'You don\'t need to worry about me. It\'s sweet of you to be concerned.'; phraseList[2] = 'I\'m right as rain. I\'m a bit tired though.'; phraseList[3] = 'Well, the constant births are weighing on my stamina a bit. But besides that, I\'m happy with my lot in life.'; phraseList[4] = 'Miss? Just my siblings really. But I have children of my own to love now. There\'s nothing here I\'d change.'; phraseList[5] = 'You\'re still not tired of that, are you?'; phraseList[6] = 'Agh! It might be for the best you come back later. I think there\'s another baby coming.'; phraseList[10] = 'Ah, sorry about that. It\'s one of my queenly duties.'; phraseList[11] = 'Oh I do. But I\'ve done it so many times now that it doesn\'t have the weight it used to.'; phraseList[12] = 'I\'m fine, really. Believe me when I say my body\'s taking care of itself.'; phraseList[13] = 'You don\'t know? When a bee gets pregnant, she\'s pregnant forever.'; phraseList[14] = 'A bit. But I\'m starting to adapt. Soon I may not even notice it.'; phraseList[16] = 'Uh oh! I\'m afraid I\'m going to have to cut our conversation a bit short.'; phraseList[20] = 'Welcome back. I\'m really sorry about that. It\'s nothing personal, just something I\'d prefer guests not to see.'; phraseList[21] = 'I guess I have. Oh well, that\'s how things work in my world.'; phraseList[22] = 'Yes. I\'m definitly sure. Trust me.'; phraseList[23] = 'Sorry? Don\'t be sorry for something you can\'t change. That never helps any one.'; phraseList[24] = 'I\'m not sure. I guess you could call it instinct.'; phraseList[26] = 'Oof! You\'ll have to excuse me while I take care of this.'; phraseList[36] = 'Oof! You\'ll have to excuse me while I take care of this.'; states.shock = {'eye': 'shock', 'mouth': 'shock', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': 12, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.contraction = {'eye': 'ouch', 'mouth': 'teeth', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': 12, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.desperate = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -5, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -9, 'rpy': 8, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.breathing = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'teeth', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': 2, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.labour = {'eye': 'ouch', 'mouth': 'scream', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': 12, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.leftboom = {'eye': 'heehee', 'mouth': 'shock', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 13, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.rightboom = {'eye': 'shock', 'mouth': 'shock', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 4, 'lpy': 6, 'rpx': 2, 'rpy': 13, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.normal = {'eye': 'rest', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.giggle = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.boobclick = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.ohyou = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 4, 'rpy': -4, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.ohwell = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 4, 'rpy': -4, 'arm': 'shrug'}; states.yay = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'grin', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -3, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': -10, 'rpy': 8, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.ohhi = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.whatsthat = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.concern = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.ugh = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.wingconcern = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'teeth', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 3, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 3, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.explain = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.explainbelly = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.funnystory = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.wierdflowers = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -2, 'lpy': 3, 'rpx': -5, 'rpy': 8, 'arm': 'shrug'}; states.tightclothes = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.boobgrow = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -9, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.specialboobs = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 1, 'lpy': 5, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'shrug'}; states.noclothes = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'shrug'}; states.determined = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.impregnant = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': 1, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.lolidunno = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'shrug'}; = {'eye': 'normal', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.why = {'eye': 'oh', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'shrug'}; = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'grin', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 1, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 1, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.newclothes = {'eye': 'eh', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'idle'}; states.flattered = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 0, 'rpx': 0, 'rpy': 0, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.thatspot = {'eye': 'normal', 'mouth': 'eh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': -5, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -9, 'rpy': 8, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.bellylaugh = {'eye': 'teehee', 'mouth': 'laugh', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 0, 'lpy': 4, 'rpx': -8, 'rpy': 9, 'arm': 'belly'}; states.nice = {'eye': 'concern', 'mouth': 'smile', 'blush': 'blush', 'lpx': 2, 'lpy': -2, 'rpx': 4, 'rpy': -4, 'arm': 'idle'}; setState('normal'); writePhrase(0); queenmiele.r_breast.gotoAndStop(600); queenmiele.l_breast.gotoAndStop(600); queenmiele.belly.gotoAndStop(600); panel.onEnterFrame = function () { if (panel.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) && panel._x > 645 && birthpause == birthagain) { panel._x -= (panel._x - 650) / 5; } else { if (panel._x < 800) { panel._x += (800 - panel._x) / 5; } } if (birthpause == 0) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'There you are. I was getting worried.'; panel.q1._State = 'boobclick'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'Are you okay Miele?'; panel.q2._State = 'ugh'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'How\'s being a life giver for you?'; panel.q3._State = 'lolidunno'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'Is there anything you miss?'; panel.q4._State = 'whatsthat'; } else { if (birthpause == 100) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'Wait! You just had another baby! You hardly seem to care.'; panel.q1._State = 'explain'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'Are you sure you\'re okay?'; panel.q2._State = 'boobclick'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'How come you\'re still pregnant?'; panel.q3._State = 'lolidunno'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'Didn\'t that hurt?'; panel.q4._State = 'whatsthat'; } else { if (birthpause == 200) { panel.q1._txt.text = 'Wow, you\'ve become a literal baby factory.'; panel.q1._State = 'lol'; panel.q2._txt.text = 'Are you really sure you\'re okay?'; panel.q2._State = 'boobclick'; panel.q3._txt.text = 'Oh Miele. I\'m sorry that you\'ll never see your flat stomach again.'; panel.q3._State = 'lolidunno'; panel.q4._txt.text = 'How do you put up with having so many children?'; panel.q4._State = 'whatsthat'; } } } panel.vpollen.gotoAndStop(1); }; panel.q1.onPress = function () { writePhrase(Math.floor((birthpause / 100) * 10) + 1); setState(panel.q1._State); }; panel.q2.onPress = function () { writePhrase(Math.floor((birthpause / 100) * 10) + 2); setState(panel.q2._State); }; panel.q3.onPress = function () { writePhrase(Math.floor((birthpause / 100) * 10) + 3); setState(panel.q3._State); }; panel.q4.onPress = function () { writePhrase(Math.floor((birthpause / 100) * 10) + 4); setState(panel.q4._State); }; queenmiele.r_breast.onPress = function () { setState('ohyou'); writePhrase(5); }; queenmiele.belly.onPress = function () { if (birthpause == birthagain) { setState('breathing'); writePhrase(Math.floor((birthpause / 100) * 10) + 6); birthagain += 0.5; } }; queenmiele.l_breast.onPress = queenmiele.r_breast.onPress; panel.speed_b.onPress = function () { gotoAndStop(1); }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (breathswitch < 28) { breathswitch += 1; } else { breathrise = -breathrise; breathswitch = 0; } breath += breathrise; queenmiele.r_breast._y = -42.35 + breath; queenmiele.l_breast._y = -21.6 + breath; queenmiele.r_breast._x = 88.84999999999999 - breath / 3; queenmiele.l_breast._x = 81.5 - breath / 15; queenmiele.r_breast._yscale = 160 + breath; queenmiele.l_breast._yscale = 160 + breath; queenmiele.r_breast._xscale = 160 + breath; queenmiele.l_breast._xscale = 160 + breath; queenmiele.belly._x = 50.7 - breath / 3; if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer -= 1; } else { setState(backupState); } if (speechtimer > 0) { speechtimer -= 1; if (speechb._alpha < 100) { speechb._alpha += 10; } } else { if (speechb._alpha > 0) { speechb._alpha -= 10; } } if (speechb._alpha < 1) { speechb._txt.text = 'poop'; } if (birthagain > birthpause) { birthpause += 100; } else { if (birthagain < birthpause) { birthagain += 0.5; } else { if (blackon == true) { blackon = false; writePhrase(Math.floor((birthpause / 100) * 10)); setState('normal'); } } } if (birthagain == 300) { birthpause = 200; birthagain = 200; } if (birthagain == birthpause - 60) { blackon = true; } if (blackon == false && black._alpha > 0) { black._alpha -= 2; } else { if (blackon == true && black._alpha < 100) { black._alpha += 2; } } panel.speed_b._txt.text = 'reset'; }; } movieClip 396 { } movieClip 400 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 409 { }
Created: 19/10 -2018 01:05:53 Last modified: 19/10 -2018 01:05:53 Server time: 11/03 -2025 11:55:45