Frame 1 (2.08 KiB) ●
_global.choicelist = [[], ["1 circle", "10 circles", 1, 0], ["5 stars", "8 stars", 0, 1], ["Less than 100 dots", "More than 100 dots", 1, 0], ["1/8 of a pie", "1/10 of a pie", 0, 1], ["14 diamonds", "Plenty of diamonds", 1, 1], ["Cup of soup", "Bowl of soup", 1, 0], ["60 miles per hour", "100 miles per hour", 1, 0], ["8 months", "9 months", 0, 1], ["Five", "Seven", 0, 0], ["100 feet away", "200 feet away", 1, 0], ["One roofie", "No roofies", 1, 0], ["5 apples", "3 oranges", 1, 1], ["Not enough\nminorities", "More than enough\nminorities", 1, 0], ["$19.99", "$34.73", 1, 0], ["This much", "THAT much", 0, 1], ["The same weight", "Beer by the\nPOUND?", 1, 0], ["Burnt Sienna\nwith extra red", "Plain Old\nBurnt Sienna", 0, 1], ["Free", "Priceless", 0, 0], ["3 inches long", "It's how you use it", 1, 0], ["That's 4 R's", "That's 5 R's", 0, 1]];
if (_global.highscore == undefined) {
_global.highscore = 0;
_global.score = 0;
_global.level = 1;
_root.LevelText.text = "Level 1";
_root.ScoreText.text = "Score: 0";
_root.Choice1._visible = false;
_root.Choice2._visible = false;
_root.Choice1Text._visible = false;
_root.Choice2Text._visible = false;
_root.Countdown._visible = false;
_global.nextlevel = function () {
if (_global.level == (choicelist.length - 1)) {
gotoAndStop ("end");
} else {
_global.level = _global.level + 1;
_root.LevelText.text = "Level " + _global.level;
_global.nextchoice = function () {
function delay() {
_root.Choice1._visible = true;
_root.Choice2._visible = true;
_root.Choice1Text.text = _global.choicelist[_global.level][0];
_root.Choice2Text.text = _global.choicelist[_global.level][1];
_root.Choice1Text._visible = true;
_root.Choice2Text._visible = true;
_global.startTimer = getTimer();
_global.go = 1;
_root.Countdown._visible = true;
eval (_global.level)._x = 200 - (eval (_global.level)._width / 2);
eval (_global.level)._y = 130 - (eval (_global.level)._height / 2);
delaytime = setInterval(delay, 500);
Frame 2 (421 B)
if (_global.score == 16) {
_root.TitleText.text = "PERFECT!";
} else if (_global.score > 8) {
_root.TitleText.text = "Pretty Good.";
} else {
_root.TitleText.text = "Terrible.";
if (_global.score > _global.highscore) {
_global.highscore = _global.score;
_root.LastLevelText.text = "Your Score: " + _global.score;
_root.HighestLevelText.text = "Your Highest Score: " + _global.highscore;
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 2 (926 B)
Color1 = new Color(Pie1);
Color2 = new Color(Pie2);
_global.cdtime = setInterval(, 5000);
_root.Countdown.onEnterFrame = function () {
newtime = (getTimer() - _global.startTimer) / 1000;
if (newtime < 2.5) {
Pie1._rotation = -(newtime * 72);
} else if (newtime < 5) {
Pie1._rotation = -((newtime - 2.5) * 72);
} else {
_root.Countdown._visible = false;
}; = function () {
eval ("_root." + _global.level)._x = -500;
if (_global.score > 0) {
_global.score = _global.score - 1;
} else {
_root.Countdown._visible = false;
_root.Choice1._visible = false;
_root.Choice2._visible = false;
_root.Choice1Text._visible = false;
_root.Choice2Text._visible = false;
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 1 (35 B)
_root.PlusOne._alpha = 0;
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 2 (356 B)
_root.ScoreText.text = "Score: " + _global.score;
myTextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat.bold = true;
_root.PlusOne._alpha = 0;
temph = _root.PlusOne._height;
tempw = _root.PlusOne._width;
_root.PlusOne._y = 150 - (_root.PlusOne._height / 2);
_root.PlusOne._x = 200 - (_root.PlusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 5 (211 B)
_root.PlusOne._alpha = 70;
_root.PlusOne._height = temph * 0.7;
_root.PlusOne._width = tempw * 0.7;
_root.PlusOne._y = 150 - (_root.PlusOne._height / 2);
_root.PlusOne._x = 200 - (_root.PlusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 6 (211 B)
_root.PlusOne._alpha = 90;
_root.PlusOne._height = temph * 0.9;
_root.PlusOne._width = tempw * 0.9;
_root.PlusOne._y = 150 - (_root.PlusOne._height / 2);
_root.PlusOne._x = 200 - (_root.PlusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 7 (200 B)
_root.PlusOne._alpha = 100;
_root.PlusOne._height = temph;
_root.PlusOne._width = tempw;
_root.PlusOne._y = 150 - (_root.PlusOne._height / 2);
_root.PlusOne._x = 200 - (_root.PlusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 10 (211 B)
_root.PlusOne._alpha = 90;
_root.PlusOne._height = temph * 0.9;
_root.PlusOne._width = tempw * 0.9;
_root.PlusOne._y = 150 - (_root.PlusOne._height / 2);
_root.PlusOne._x = 200 - (_root.PlusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 11 (211 B)
_root.PlusOne._alpha = 70;
_root.PlusOne._height = temph * 0.7;
_root.PlusOne._width = tempw * 0.7;
_root.PlusOne._y = 150 - (_root.PlusOne._height / 2);
_root.PlusOne._x = 200 - (_root.PlusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 12 (198 B)
_root.PlusOne._alpha = 0;
_root.PlusOne._height = temph;
_root.PlusOne._width = tempw;
_root.PlusOne._y = 150 - (_root.PlusOne._height / 2);
_root.PlusOne._x = 200 - (_root.PlusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 67 MovieClip Frame 17 (138 B)
myTextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat.bold = false;
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 2 (363 B)
_root.ScoreText.text = "Score: " + _global.score;
myTextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat.bold = true;
temph = _root.MinusOne._height;
tempw = _root.MinusOne._width;
_root.MinusOne._alpha = 0;
_root.MinusOne._y = 150 - (_root.MinusOne._height / 2);
_root.MinusOne._x = 200 - (_root.MinusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 5 (218 B)
_root.MinusOne._alpha = 70;
_root.MinusOne._height = temph * 0.7;
_root.MinusOne._width = tempw * 0.7;
_root.MinusOne._y = 150 - (_root.MinusOne._height / 2);
_root.MinusOne._x = 200 - (_root.MinusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 6 (218 B)
_root.MinusOne._alpha = 90;
_root.MinusOne._height = temph * 0.9;
_root.MinusOne._width = tempw * 0.9;
_root.MinusOne._y = 150 - (_root.MinusOne._height / 2);
_root.MinusOne._x = 200 - (_root.MinusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 7 (207 B)
_root.MinusOne._alpha = 100;
_root.MinusOne._height = temph;
_root.MinusOne._width = tempw;
_root.MinusOne._y = 150 - (_root.MinusOne._height / 2);
_root.MinusOne._x = 200 - (_root.MinusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 10 (218 B)
_root.MinusOne._alpha = 90;
_root.MinusOne._height = temph * 0.9;
_root.MinusOne._width = tempw * 0.9;
_root.MinusOne._y = 150 - (_root.MinusOne._height / 2);
_root.MinusOne._x = 200 - (_root.MinusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 11 (218 B)
_root.MinusOne._alpha = 70;
_root.MinusOne._height = temph * 0.7;
_root.MinusOne._width = tempw * 0.7;
_root.MinusOne._y = 150 - (_root.MinusOne._height / 2);
_root.MinusOne._x = 200 - (_root.MinusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 12 (205 B)
_root.MinusOne._alpha = 0;
_root.MinusOne._height = temph;
_root.MinusOne._width = tempw;
_root.MinusOne._y = 150 - (_root.MinusOne._height / 2);
_root.MinusOne._x = 200 - (_root.MinusOne._width / 2);
Symbol 69 MovieClip Frame 17 (138 B)
myTextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat.bold = false;
Symbol 75 Button (76 B)
on (release) {
_root.StartButton._visible = false;
Symbol 82 Button (67 B)
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 85 Button (583 B)
on (release) {
_root.Countdown._visible = false;
_root.Choice1._visible = false;
_root.Choice2._visible = false;
_root.Choice1Text._visible = false;
_root.Choice2Text._visible = false;
eval (_global.level)._x = -500;
if (_global.choicelist[_global.level][2] == 1) {
_global.score = _global.score + 1;
} else if (_global.score > 0) {
_global.score = _global.score - 1;
} else {
Symbol 87 Button (583 B)
on (release) {
_root.Countdown._visible = false;
_root.Choice1._visible = false;
_root.Choice2._visible = false;
_root.Choice1Text._visible = false;
_root.Choice2Text._visible = false;
eval (_global.level)._x = -500;
if (_global.choicelist[_global.level][3] == 1) {
_global.score = _global.score + 1;
} else if (_global.score > 0) {
_global.score = _global.score - 1;
} else {
Symbol 95 Button (40 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay ("start");