Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Interactive Pregnant Ariana by Barn-flakes.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #178187

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 4 babykick { frame 12 { removeMovieClip(this); } } frame 1 { stop(); var testing = false; var zoeytotal = _root.getBytesTotal(); var thisloaded = 0; var zsize2 = 1; var zsize = 1; var ztotalsize = 300; var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false; my_cm.builtInItems.print = false; = false; my_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false; my_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = my_cm; zoey.body.lbar.onPress = function () { if (testing == true) { if (zsize2 < 330) { zsize2 += 15; } else { zsize2 = 1; } } else { if (zoeyloaded == 300) { gotoAndStop(2); } } }; onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (testing == true) { zoeyloaded = (zsize / ztotalsize) * 300; } else { zoeyloaded = (v2 / zoeytotal) * 300; } if (zsize2 != zsize) { zsize += Math.floor((zsize2 - zsize) / 15); } zoey.head.eye.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.hornsandears.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.body.l_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.r_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.lbar.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); }; } movieClip 11 { } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 49 { } movieClip 62 { } movieClip 64 { } movieClip 72 { } // unknown tag 88 length 122 movieClip 77 { } movieClip 84 { } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 103 { } movieClip 104 { } movieClip 105 { } frame 2 { var debugging = false; var bellysize = 1; var Tbellysize = 1; var bustsize = 1; var Tbustsize = 1; var hipsize = 1; var Thipsize = 1; var naked = false; var birthclicks = 1000; var birthing = 0; var birthBdelay = 0; var birthprogress = 1; var birthdelay = 0; var finalpush = 0; var finalscreen = 3; var onetotwo = false; var onetothree = false; var onetofour = false; var twotothree = false; var twotofour = false; var threetofour = false; var poslinks = new Array(); poslinks.push('onetotwo'); poslinks.push('onetothree'); poslinks.push('onetofour'); poslinks.push('twotothree'); poslinks.push('threetofour'); poslinks.push('twotofour'); var linksmade = 0; var mostlinks = 0; var mostClinks = 0; var ringbase = 280; var ringheight = new Array(); ringheight[0] = -500; ringheight[1] = -300; ringheight[2] = -200; ringheight[3] = -10; ringheight[4] = 100; ringheight[5] = 180; ringheight[6] = ringbase; ringheight[7] = ringbase; ringheight[8] = ringbase; ringheight[9] = ringbase; ringheight[10] = ringbase; ringheight[11] = ringbase; ringheight[12] = ringbase; ringheight[13] = ringbase; var ringYSB = ringheight[0]; var resetDelay = 0; var backupState = 'rest'; var states = new Object(); var curState = new Object(); var lpX = ariana.head.eyes.l_pupil._x; var lpY = ariana.head.eyes.l_pupil._y; var rpX = ariana.head.eyes.r_pupil._x; var rpY = ariana.head.eyes.r_pupil._y; var stateTimer = 0; var speechTimer = 0; var speech = new Object(); var nextspeech = 0; var curspeech = bellysize; resetLines = function () { ranlines = []; ranlines.push(1); ranlines.push(2); ranlines.push(3); ranlines.push(4); }; resetLines(); setcolourchanges = function (n, nn) { _root[n + 'change'].ra = 100; _root[n + 'change'].ba = 100; _root[n + 'change'].ga = 100; _root[n + 'change'].rb = 0; _root[n + 'change'].bb = 0; _root[n + 'change'].gb = 0; if (nn < 1) { _root[n + 'C' + nn].setTransform(n + 'change'); } else { i = 0; while (i < nn) { _root[n + 'C' + i].setTransform(n + 'change'); ++i; } } }; var shirtC0 = new Color(ariana.shirt); var addshirtbright = 0; var shirtchange = new Object(); setcolourchanges('shirt', 0); var wholepants = new Array(); wholepants.push(ariana.belt); wholepants.push(ariana.l_pants); wholepants.push(ariana.r_pants); var pantsC0 = new Color(ariana.l_pants); var pantsC1 = new Color(ariana.r_pants); var pantsC2 = new Color(ariana.belt); var addpantsbright = 0; var pantschange = new Object(); setcolourchanges('pants', 0); var wholebracers = new Array(); wholebracers.push(ariana.l_arm.bracer); wholebracers.push(ariana.r_arm.bracer); var bracersC0 = new Color(ariana.l_arm.bracer); var bracersC1 = new Color(ariana.r_arm.bracer); var addbracersbright = 0; var bracerschange = new Object(); setcolourchanges('bracers', 2); var wholeveil = new Array(); wholeveil.push(ariana.head.veil); var veilC0 = new Color(ariana.head.veil); var addveilbright = 0; var veilchange = new Object(); setcolourchanges('veil', 0); speech[0] = {'_line': 'W-what\'s going on!? I can barely move!', '_expression': 'scared', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[1] = {'_line': ' Oh boy... this sure isn\'t good', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[2] = {'_line': ' If only I\'d paid more attention to my horoscope..', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[3] = {'_line': ' Figures something like this would happen. Just my luck.', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[4] = {'_line': ' Ngh! Why of all the crossroads did I have to pick THIS one!?', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[5] = {'_line': ' H-Hey! That hurts! ', '_expression': 'stressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[6] = {'_line': ' Wha-? It feels like something\'s rubbing my breasts. ', '_expression': 'surprised', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[7] = {'_line': ' What\'s doing that? Stop it! ', '_expression': 'anger', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[8] = {'_line': ' Huh? It feels like something\'s rubbing me...', '_expression': 'surprised', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[9] = {'_line': ' Heeheeheeheee. Something\'s tickling me...', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[10] = {'_line': 'Aieee! My top!? Why am I topless!?', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[11] = {'_line': 'Hey! My pants!?', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[12] = {'_line': 'My bracers!? Thank goodness they weren\'t made of real gold.', '_expression': 'shockedup', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[13] = {'_line': 'Ah! My veil! How will I look mysterious to my customers now!?', '_expression': 'crosseyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[14] = {'_line': 'My necklace! That was real gold! Give it back!', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[15] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[16] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[17] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[18] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[19] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[20] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[21] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[22] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[23] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[24] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[25] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[26] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[27] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[28] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[29] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[30] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[31] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[32] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[33] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[34] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[35] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[36] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[37] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[38] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[39] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[40] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[41] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[42] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[43] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[44] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[45] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[46] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[47] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[48] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[49] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[50] = {'_line': ' Oh. I feel something weird inside me...', '_expression': 'sick', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[51] = {'_line': ' T-that couldn\'t happen, could it...? Surely my counter spell makes me immune to another pregnancy...', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[52] = {'_line': ' What on earth is this weird beam doing to me?', '_expression': 'beamfear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[53] = {'_line': ' At least I\'m not in any pain...', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[54] = {'_line': ' I\'m sure I don\'t like whatever these aliens have planned for me...', '_expression': 'beamfear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[55] = {'_line': ' Augh! How are they doing that!?', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[56] = {'_line': ' I can feel pressure on my breasts now, too.', '_expression': 'sick', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[57] = {'_line': ' This weird feeling is bad enough without feeling sudden pressure on my stomach.', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[58] = {'_line': ' Is it just me, or is my navel a bit less flat now?.', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[59] = {'_line': ' Ha ha ha ha... at least being tickled still feels like it should.', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[60] = {'_line': ' What? My shirt!? What are you going to do to me!?', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[61] = {'_line': ' My pants! I... I don\'t even want to think about why I lost those.', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[62] = {'_line': ' My bracers? Well, it\'s not like I had that much freedom to lose.', '_expression': 'shockedup', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[63] = {'_line': ' Hey! My veil! I wonder how that\'s connected to this weird feeling.', '_expression': 'crosseyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[64] = {'_line': ' My collar! So much for protection against curses.', '_expression': 'crosseyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[65] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[66] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[67] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[68] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[69] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[70] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[71] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[72] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[73] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[74] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[75] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[76] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[77] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[78] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[79] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[80] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[81] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[82] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[83] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[84] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[85] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[86] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[87] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[88] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[89] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[90] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[91] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[92] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[93] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[94] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[95] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[96] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[97] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[98] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[99] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[100] = {'_line': ' Huh? My breasts feel so warm...', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[101] = {'_line': ' Are they...bigger...?', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[102] = {'_line': ' Oh great... I\'ve been captured by the perv aliens...', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[103] = {'_line': ' I guess I wouldn\'t mind a bigger bust all that much....', '_expression': 'grudge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[104] = {'_line': ' Why am I still getting more and more anxious?', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[105] = {'_line': ' Ow! Surely that shouldn\'t hurt so much!', '_expression': 'pain', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[106] = {'_line': ' Oh! It\'s like someone is massaging them.', '_expression': 'soothed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[107] = {'_line': ' Oh! My stomach! That definitely didn\'t feel like it should.', '_expression': 'sick', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[108] = {'_line': ' Oh man... I hope that\'s fat building...', '_expression': 'nervous', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[109] = {'_line': ' Hee hee hee hahaha. That isn\'t helping matters.', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[110] = {'_line': ' Aaah! Oh great! Now my breasts have been exposed to the night air to compensate.', '_expression': 'enraged', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[111] = {'_line': ' My pants!? That evens out the warm feeling in my chest I guess...', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[112] = {'_line': ' My bracers!? W-why? Do they have a forearm fetish?', '_expression': 'shockedup', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[113] = {'_line': ' Hey! My veil! Oh, I hope I don\'t get seen without it.', '_expression': 'crosseyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[114] = {'_line': ' My collar! Oh, they aren\'t going to inject something into my neck, are they?', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[115] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[116] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[117] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[118] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[119] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[120] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[121] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[122] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[123] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[124] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[125] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[126] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[127] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[128] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[129] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[130] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[131] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[132] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[133] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[134] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[135] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[136] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[137] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[138] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[139] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[140] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[141] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[142] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[143] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[144] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[145] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[146] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[147] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[148] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[149] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[150] = {'_line': ' Th- this feeling in my belly... it\'s getting stronger... and I think I feel...', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': 'Oh no.... oh no! Oh no! Oh no!', '_expression2': 'fear'}; speech[151] = {'_line': ' No- no please, I came here to UNDO that...', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[152] = {'_line': ' There... there must be something else these aliens want with me...', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[153] = {'_line': ' I\'d much prefer the breast expansion to...', '_expression': 'bust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[154] = {'_line': ' I- I can\'t... I\'m not ready for it...', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[155] = {'_line': ' Listen! I\'ll be fine with that if I can lose the belly. Please?', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[156] = {'_line': ' Yeah! Yeah, keep doing that! It\'s better than...', '_expression': 'soothed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[157] = {'_line': ' No! No it feels... it feels hard...', '_expression': 'scared', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[158] = {'_line': ' It feels round.... it feels just like...', '_expression': 'scared', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[159] = {'_line': ' Heehehehee... I much prefer the tickling to the possibility that I\'m...', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[160] = {'_line': ' My shirt!? I- I can see my breasts better... they\'re... bigger...', '_expression': 'bust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[161] = {'_line': ' Oh! now that my pants are gone, I feel a release... which means they were getting tighter...', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[162] = {'_line': ' My bracers!... Nope, I can\'t think of a way they\'re connected...', '_expression': 'bracers', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[163] = {'_line': ' Hey! My veil! I really don\'t want anyone to see my face right now...', '_expression': 'depressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[164] = {'_line': ' Ah! My collar! I sure hope that wasn\'t that useful.', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[165] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[166] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[167] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[168] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[169] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[170] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[171] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[172] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[173] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[174] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[175] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[176] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[177] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[178] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[179] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[180] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[181] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[182] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[183] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[184] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[185] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[186] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[187] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[188] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[189] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[190] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[191] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[192] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[193] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[194] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[195] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[196] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[197] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[198] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[199] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[200] = {'_line': 'No! That\'s kicking! It\'s moving... I\'M PREGNANT!', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[201] = {'_line': 'To think I came here to get rid of a magical pregnancy only to get struck by a scientific one!', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[202] = {'_line': 'This is an alien pregnancy too. Who knows what\'s inside my belly...', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[203] = {'_line': ' Given the way this is going, I might end up with even MORE babies than before.', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[204] = {'_line': 'I must seriously be the most unlucky girl on the planet... to get pregnant like this!', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[205] = {'_line': 'Stop it! StopitStopitStopit!', '_expression': 'pain', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[206] = {'_line': 'They already feel milk laden, too. I\'m going to be a cow.', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[207] = {'_line': 'Ngh! Leave my belly alone! Isn\'t it enough you made me pregnant!', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[208] = {'_line': 'You know, if you really wanted to be nice to me, you\'d have not made me pregnant in the first place...', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[209] = {'_line': 'Hey! -- hehehehheehe. You- ! Is this.. hahaha a game to you!?', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[210] = {'_line': ' Ngh! I can feel the weight of my breasts without my shirt.', '_expression': 'pain', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[211] = {'_line': ' Oh! I can feel the release of my belly from losing the pants... I wish I could be happy about that.', '_expression': 'surprised', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[212] = {'_line': ' Weird how losing my bracers makes me feel more entrapped, instead of the opposite.', '_expression': 'bracers', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[213] = {'_line': ' Man, I hope this is a prank to make me freak out, and then capture my face without a veil.', '_expression': 'crosseyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[214] = {'_line': ' Aw man. That collar cost me so much!', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[215] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[216] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[217] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[218] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[219] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[220] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[221] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[222] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[223] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[224] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[225] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[226] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[227] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[228] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[229] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[230] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[231] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[232] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[233] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[234] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[235] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[236] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[237] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[238] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[239] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[240] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[241] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[242] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[243] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[244] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[245] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[246] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[247] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[248] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[249] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[250] = {'_line': ' Alright, Ariana. Keep a clear head... there has to be a way out of this...', '_expression': 'desperate', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[251] = {'_line': ' It would really help if I wasn\'t suspended in mid air...', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[252] = {'_line': ' Let\'s see, what spells can I use with no ingredients and while I can barely move...', '_expression': 'frantic', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[253] = {'_line': ' All I\'ve come up with so far is to pay more attention to alien sightings...', '_expression': 'frustrated', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[254] = {'_line': ' C\'mon, there must be some alien movie or something I can use to get the upper hand.', '_expression': 'groan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[255] = {'_line': ' They can touch me without touching me... maybe if I struggle hard enough...', '_expression': 'frantic', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[256] = {'_line': ' They can manage such subtle touching, and use that to grope me...maybe I can use that somehow.', '_expression': 'groan', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[257] = {'_line': ' Oh my poor midsection! Hang in there, I\'ll get you out of this....', '_expression': 'scared', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[258] = {'_line': ' It\'s like they\'re taunting me... anyone that confident would make a mistake somewhere.', '_expression': 'frantic', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[259] = {'_line': ' Hehahahehehaa. They must be doing that- hahaha- to distract me...hehehaha.. it\'s working...', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[260] = {'_line': ' Aaaah! I\'ve got to get out of this soon, before I become completely naked.', '_expression': 'wince', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[261] = {'_line': ' Aieee! They\'re stripping me!', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[262] = {'_line': ' My bracers!? I don\'t like where this is going...', '_expression': 'bracers', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[263] = {'_line': ' My veil... oh no... ', '_expression': 'crosseyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[264] = {'_line': ' My collar! They\'re thieves too! ... Maybe they want my gold...', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[265] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[266] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[267] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[268] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[269] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[270] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[271] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[272] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[273] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[274] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[275] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[276] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[277] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[278] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[279] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[280] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[281] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[282] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[283] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[284] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[285] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[286] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[287] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[288] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[289] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[290] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[291] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[292] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[293] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[294] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[295] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[296] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[297] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[298] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[299] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[300] = {'_line': ' All right, you grey skinned freaks! You\'d better let me go right now or else!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[301] = {'_line': ' Don\'t make me hex you! There\'s no end to the amount of spells I know.', '_expression': 'threaten', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[302] = {'_line': ' I\'ll sneeze on you! I\'ll bet you\'re not resistant to our horrible earth germs.', '_expression': 'threaten', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[303] = {'_line': ' You\'d better let me go right now. I\'ll tell the earth authorities about you if you don\'t. They\'ll mess you up good.', '_expression': 'threaten', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[304] = {'_line': ' You can forget about getting any free palm readings!', '_expression': 'dismiss', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[305] = {'_line': ' You\'re only making it worse for yourself!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[306] = {'_line': ' That\'s not my idea of an apology. Try releasing me for a start.', '_expression': 'threaten', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[307] = {'_line': ' Yeah! Let\'s poke the cause of her anger! That will make her less angry!', '_expression': 'miffed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[308] = {'_line': ' Yeah. You\'d better make this flat again, or else!', '_expression': 'anger', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[309] = {'_line': ' Hehehhehehe. You shouldn\'t do that... hehaha... I\'m laughing, but that doesn\'t mean I\'ll forgive you...haha... ', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[310] = {'_line': ' Oh what! You think I\'m going to give up just because you took my top off!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[311] = {'_line': ' Joke’s on you! I can move even more freely without my pants!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[312] = {'_line': ' I\'m not scared! Those bracers didn\'t provide much armour anyway!', '_expression': 'dismiss', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[313] = {'_line': ' Oh yeah! Now you\'re going to SEE the face of terror!', '_expression': 'taunt', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[314] = {'_line': ' Like I need that little trinket. Remind me to strangle whoever took it.', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[315] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[316] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[317] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[318] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[319] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[320] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[321] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[322] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[323] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[324] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[325] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[326] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[327] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[328] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[329] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[330] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[331] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[332] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[333] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[334] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[335] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[336] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[337] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[338] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[339] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[340] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[341] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[342] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[343] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[344] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[345] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[346] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[347] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[348] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[349] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[350] = {'_line': 'Alright, alright, you win! Please, set me free and put me back to normal, I\'ll do anything!', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[351] = {'_line': ' Are you listening to me? I said I\'m willing to co-operate.', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[352] = {'_line': ' What do you want from me? An ambassador? I\'m sure I can pull a few strings that way...', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[353] = {'_line': ' Do you want a magic caster? Or someone that can teach you? I can do that...', '_expression': 'offer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[354] = {'_line': ' I\'m sure you\'re all reasonable aliens... c\'mon, surely we can work something out...', '_expression': 'offer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[355] = {'_line': ' Arg! Well, that would be better than having a baby...', '_expression': 'grudge', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[356] = {'_line': 'Is that what you want? It\'s not so bad for me. Let me go and I\'ll let you do that more...', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[357] = {'_line': ' Are you taunting me? Please! Make me an offer!', '_expression': 'beamfear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[358] = {'_line': ' <Sigh> no, no. I DON\'T want this belly.', '_expression': 'depressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[359] = {'_line': ' Hehehhaahaaha! Is that what you want? To tickle me? I\'ll submit to that if you release me...', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[360] = {'_line': ' My shirt! Is that what you want!? To see me naked? That\'s better than being pregnant...', '_expression': 'desperate', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[361] = {'_line': ' My pants... do you want... I.... I can\'t decide if that\'s better or worse...', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[362] = {'_line': ' Gold? Is that what you want? I have plenty more of those bracers if so...', '_expression': 'offer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[363] = {'_line': ' Did...did you just want to see my face?...This is a very roundabout way to go about it, but very flattering if so...', '_expression': 'offer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[364] = {'_line': ' collarless', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[365] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[366] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[367] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[368] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[369] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[370] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[371] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[372] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[373] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[374] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[375] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[376] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[377] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[378] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[379] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[380] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[381] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[382] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[383] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[384] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[385] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[386] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[387] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[388] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[389] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[390] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[391] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[392] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[393] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[394] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[395] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[396] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[397] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[398] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[399] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[400] = {'_line': ' Oh, what\'s the use. They probably can\'t even understand me...', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[401] = {'_line': ' <sigh> Looks like I\'ll need to buy diapers after all...', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[402] = {'_line': ' I hope there\'s only one... in fact, that would still be an improvement over the state I arrived here in...', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[403] = {'_line': ' I wonder what my baby looks like? I guess I\'ll find out soon.', '_expression': 'beamfear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[404] = {'_line': ' I don\'t know what\'s worse, being released at this point, or being brought on board their ship...', '_expression': 'scared', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[405] = {'_line': ' Oh geeze. I hope I don\'t start leaking everywhere...', '_expression': 'scared', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[406] = {'_line': ' At least you have some degree of mercy...', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[407] = {'_line': ' Yeah... like I needed to be reminded of my condition....', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[408] = {'_line': ' That is a little soothing I guess... and it only feels like one...but it still doesn\'t really help me.', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[409] = {'_line': ' Heheheha... at least I can still laugh at a -haha- at a time like this- hehehehe.', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[410] = {'_line': ' Oh man! It actually feels a little good to let my breasts free, especially with the suspension from this beam...', '_expression': 'soothed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[411] = {'_line': ' Ah! Those pants were getting awfully tight...', '_expression': 'soothed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[412] = {'_line': ' Um, well I guess I won\'t miss those bracers all THAT much... ', '_expression': 'bracers', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[413] = {'_line': ' I guess I can always get another veil... if I get set free...', '_expression': 'crosseyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[414] = {'_line': ' Aw, man! I had to be someone else’s personal mage for a week to get that necklace...', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[415] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[416] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[417] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[418] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[419] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[420] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[421] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[422] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[423] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[424] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[425] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[426] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[427] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[428] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[429] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[430] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[431] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[432] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[433] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[434] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[435] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[436] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[437] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[438] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[439] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[440] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[441] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[442] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[443] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[444] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[445] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[446] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[447] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[448] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[449] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[450] = {'_line': 'What\'s that ring thing? I don\'t like the look of it.', '_expression': 'beamfear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[451] = {'_line': 'I never thought I\'d be so unhappy to see a ring just for me.', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[452] = {'_line': 'I\'m scared of hospitals, but I\'d rather take my chances there than with that thing.', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[453] = {'_line': 'I- I\'m warning you! I\'ll make a mess of that ring if you don\'t get it away from me!', '_expression': 'yell', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[454] = {'_line': 'What are you doing? I\'m sure whatever this tube is for, I don\'t want it!', '_expression': 'panic', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[455] = {'_line': 'Why are you poking my breasts now of all times!?', '_expression': 'anger', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[456] = {'_line': 'Can\'t you just lift the tube away from me, and then rub my chest?', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[457] = {'_line': 'Ngh! No! I\'m stressed enough already!', '_expression': 'pain', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[458] = {'_line': 'Wait? Why are you rubbing my belly? What are you going to do to me once I\'m in that tube?', '_expression': 'bust', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[459] = {'_line': 'Hehehe- stop trying to distract- heheha- me. It\'s not going to work...', '_expression': 'tickled', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[460] = {'_line': ' My shirt!? I.. I don\'t even want to think of what they want with my breasts up there... if I need to be topless...', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[461] = {'_line': ' My pants!? They, they\'re either going to put something else there or...<gulp>...', '_expression': 'worried', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[462] = {'_line': ' My bracers? They aren\'t going to put anything into my wrists, are they?', '_expression': 'bracers', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[463] = {'_line': ' My veil? I hope they don\'t intend on messing with my face.', '_expression': 'crosseyed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[464] = {'_line': ' My necklace! Oh, now I have an exposed neck!', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[465] = {'_line': ' I-it\'s getting lower! ', '_expression': 'beamfear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[466] = {'_line': ' Ah! It\'s over my head!', '_expression': 'fear', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[467] = {'_line': 'Oh? Now it\'s around my... breasts...', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[468] = {'_line': ' Huh? It\'s over my belly? Well NOW what do they want? Haven\'t they done enough?', '_expression': 'anger', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[469] = {'_line': ' Weird, it settled over my hips. I wonder why it took so long.', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[470] = {'_line': ' Ah! It\'s spreading my legs- Oh no... This thing isn\'t going to make me go into labour is it?...', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[471] = {'_line': ' What the- MY PANTS! It- uh, spread my legs too.... Oh no.... I think I see where this is going and I don\'t like it...', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[472] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[473] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[474] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[475] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[476] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[477] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[478] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[479] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[480] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[481] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[482] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[483] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[484] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[485] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[486] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[487] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[488] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[489] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[490] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[491] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[492] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[493] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[494] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[495] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[496] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[497] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[498] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[499] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[500] = {'_line': ' Agh! That felt like water leaving my... it\'s time...', '_expression': 'shocked', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[501] = {'_line': ' Oh good grief! You\'d think this tube would at least have some kind of pain relief.', '_expression': 'pout', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[502] = {'_line': ' No! Please, someone help me! I\'m not ready for this.', '_expression': 'terrified', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[503] = {'_line': ' I sure hope my body can take this much punishment. It sure doesn\'t feel like it. ', '_expression': 'frantic', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[504] = {'_line': ' Oh! What state am I going to be left in once this is done?', '_expression': 'depressed', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[505] = {'_line': ' You are so lucky I\'m completely incapable of fighting you!', '_expression': 'anger', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[506] = {'_line': ' I guess that\'s better than having this baby tear me open.', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[507] = {'_line': ' Ngh! Hey! Can\'t you at least manage basic sympathy?', '_expression': 'anger', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[508] = {'_line': ' I guess that\'s probably more for the baby than for me, right?', '_expression': 'defeat', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[509] = {'_line': ' Heeheehaahaa. I suppose I can still laugh at a time like this, it isn\'t all over.', '_expression': 'tickle', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[510] = {'_line': ' Hey! M-my shirt! At least leave me some pride if I have to give birth like this.', '_expression': 'plead', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[511] = {'_line': ' I don\'t know how I even still had pants at this point.', '_expression': 'confused', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[512] = {'_line': ' I guess it could be worse.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[513] = {'_line': ' So I don\'t even get to cover my face during this? C\'mon.', '_expression': 'crosseyedmad', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[514] = {'_line': ' At least I might be able to breathe easier without that.', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[515] = {'_line': ' AAAAAAAH! Oh man!', '_expression': 'ouch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[516] = {'_line': ' GRRRRRRR! This hurts even more than I ever imagined!', '_expression': 'suffer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[517] = {'_line': ' AAAAAARRGG! To think... I put one of my clients through this... Even if she wanted me to I still feel...', '_expression': 'ouch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[518] = {'_line': ' *pant pant* okay, here comes the next one. HHHHHHHHNG!!', '_expression': 'suffer', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[519] = {'_line': ' Gods. How come masters of space travel can\'t find a way to make this hurt les- AAAAAAAAH', '_expression': 'ouch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[520] = {'_line': ' AAAAAAAAHHH!.... oh my god... I think I feel it... I think I feel the head com- HNG!', '_expression': 'ouch', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[521] = {'_line': ' I *pant pant* hope this is the last HNG- One .... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!....', '_expression': 'final', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[522] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[523] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[524] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[525] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[526] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[527] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[528] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[529] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[530] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[531] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[532] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[533] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[534] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[535] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[536] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[537] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[538] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[539] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[540] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[541] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[542] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[543] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[544] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[545] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[546] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[547] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[548] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; speech[549] = {'_line': ' spareline ', '_expression': 'facial', '_line2': '', '_expression2': ''}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'sad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'madtight', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'mad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'madup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'madwide', 'mouth': 'sad', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'sadup', 'mouth': 'bigyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'sadtight', 'mouth': 'small', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'grin', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'half', 'mouth': 'puff', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'huh', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'sadshut', 'mouth': 'tiny', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'madhalf', 'mouth': 'grind', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'madshut', 'mouth': 'blank', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'sadhalf', 'mouth': 'blank', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.anger = {'eyes': 'mad', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -2}; states.beamfear = {'eyes': 'sad', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -16}; states.bracers = {'eyes': 'huh', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -16}; states.bust = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.crosseyed = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -2, '_rpy': -2}; states.crosseyedmad = {'eyes': 'madwide', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -2, '_rpy': -2}; states.confused = {'eyes': 'huh', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.contemplate = {'eyes': 'madhalf', 'mouth': 'puff', '_lpx': -2, '_lpy': -4, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -3}; states.defeat = {'eyes': 'sadshut', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.depressed = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 2, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -2, '_rpy': -2}; states.desperate = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': -7, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -2}; states.dismiss = {'eyes': 'madshut', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': -7, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -2}; states.disbelief = {'eyes': 'sadtight', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': -7, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -2}; states.doom = {'eyes': 'sadhalf', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -2}; states.enraged = {'eyes': 'madwide', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.fear = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -6, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -6}; = {'eyes': 'sadtight', 'mouth': 'screaming', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.frantic = {'eyes': 'sad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': -7, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -2}; states.frustrated = {'eyes': 'madhalf', 'mouth': 'sad', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -4, '_rpx': 3, '_rpy': -4}; states.furious = {'eyes': 'madup', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -6, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -6}; states.groan = {'eyes': 'madtight', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.grudge = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'puff', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.ill = {'eyes': 'sadhalf', 'mouth': 'tiny', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.miffed = {'eyes': 'madup', 'mouth': 'small', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -6, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -6}; states.nervous = {'eyes': 'sadup', 'mouth': 'small', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.offer = {'eyes': 'sad', 'mouth': 'grin', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -16}; states.ouch = {'eyes': 'sadup', 'mouth': 'grind', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.pain = {'eyes': 'madtight', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.panic = {'eyes': 'sad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -6, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -6}; states.plead = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -16}; states.plot = {'eyes': 'huh', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': -7, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -2}; states.pouty = {'eyes': 'madshut', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': -7, '_lpy': -2, '_rpx': -3, '_rpy': -2}; states.puppy = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -16, 'puppyeyes': true}; = {'eyes': 'sad', 'mouth': 'grit', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.scared = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.shocked = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.shockedup = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -16}; states.sick = {'eyes': 'half', 'mouth': 'puff', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.sigh = {'eyes': 'sadshut', 'mouth': 'small', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.stressed = {'eyes': 'madtight', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.soothed = {'eyes': 'sadshut', 'mouth': 'small', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.suffer = {'eyes': 'madtight', 'mouth': 'grind', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.surprised = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'small', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.taunt = {'eyes': 'madwide', 'mouth': 'yay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -16}; states.terrified = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -6, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': -6, 'puppyeyes': true}; states.threaten = {'eyes': 'mad', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -16}; states.tickled = {'eyes': 'sadtight', 'mouth': 'bigyay', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.unnerved = {'eyes': 'sad', 'mouth': 'down', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.wince = {'eyes': 'half', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.worried = {'eyes': 'sadwide', 'mouth': 'urg', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': 0, '_rpx': 0, '_rpy': 0}; states.yell = {'eyes': 'madwide', 'mouth': 'wide', '_lpx': 0, '_lpy': -13, '_rpx': 4, '_rpy': -16}; setState = function (str) { stateTimer = 35 + speech_b._txt.length * 1.5; if (CurState != str) { CurState = str; ariana.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].eyes); ariana.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].mouth); ariana.head.eyes.l_pupil._x = lpX + states[CurState]._lpx; ariana.head.eyes.l_pupil._y = lpY + states[CurState]._lpy; ariana.head.eyes.r_pupil._x = rpX + states[CurState]._rpx; ariana.head.eyes.r_pupil._y = rpY + states[CurState]._rpy; ariana.head.eyes.l_pupil.puppy_p._visible = false; ariana.head.eyes.r_pupil.puppy_p._visible = false; ariana.head.eyes.l_pupil.puppy_p._visible = states[CurState].puppyeyes; ariana.head.eyes.r_pupil.puppy_p._visible = states[CurState].puppyeyes; } }; moveArm = function (u_s) { if (ariana.arm._currentlabel != u_s) { ariana.arm.gotoAndPlay(ariana.arm._currentlabel + '2' + u_s); } }; charSpeak = function (n, f) { speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); if (speech[n]._line2 != '') { if (secondline <= -5000) { secondline = n; } else { speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line2; setState(speech[n]._expression2); moveArm(speech[n]._arm2); if (f == false) { secondline = -5000; } } } else { secondline = -5000; } if (f == true) { speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); } }; speech_b.onPress = function () { if (speechTimer > 10) { speechTimer = 10; stateTimer = 15; } }; reset = function () { Tbellysize = 1; Tbustsize = 0; Thipshize = 0; resetTimer = 0; nextspeech = 0; nextPhase = -1; helpcancelled = 0; birthing = 0; birthprogress = 1; birthclicks = 1000; birthdelay = 0; naked = false; finalpush = 0; finalscreen = 3; changebright('pants', -20000); changebright('bracers', -20000); changebright('veil', -20000); changebright('shirt', -20000); onetotwo = false; onetothree = false; onetofour = false; twotothree = false; twotofour = false; threetofour = false; Cdet1._alpha = 100; Cdet2._alpha = 100; linksmade = 0; mostlinks = 0; mostClinks = 0; ariana.shirt._visible = true; ariana.shirt._alpha = 100; ariana.head.veil._visible = true; ariana.head.veil._alpha = 100; ariana.r_leg._rotation = 0; ariana.r_pants._rotation = 0; ariana.l_leg._rotation = 0; ariana.l_pants._rotation = 0; for (i in wholepants) { wholepants[i]._visible = true; wholepants[i]._alpha = 100; } for (i in wholebracers) { wholebracers[i]._visible = true; wholebracers[i]._alpha = 100; } var v1 = 0; ariana.Fring.gotoAndStop(1); }; countdown = function (a, b) { if (_root[a] > b) { _root[a] -= 1; } }; minmax = function (a, b, c) { if (_root[a] < b) { _root[a] = b; } if (_root[a] > c) { _root[a] = c; } }; smoothAdjust = function (s1, s2, mu, F) { if (_root[s1] != _root[s2]) { if (F != true) { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 1 || (_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < -1) { _root[s1] += Math.floor((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu); } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < 0) { _root[s1] -= 1; } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 0) { _root[s1] += 1; } } } } else { _root[s1] += Math.floor((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu); } } }; circular = function (astart, a, aplus) { if (_root[a + 'started'] != 8) { _root[a] = astart; _root[a + 'started'] = 8; } if (_root[a] < 6.283185307179586) { _root[a] += aplus; } else { _root[a] -= 6.283185307179586; } }; distance = function (x1, x2, y1, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); }; ariana.belly.onPress = function () { startrub = 10; }; ariana.l_breast.onPress = function () { bstartrub = 10; }; ariana.r_breast.onPress = ariana.l_breast.onPress; ariana.head.onPress = function () { idlespeak = 9000; }; dragthis1 = false; dragthis2 = false; orb2.onPress = function () { dragthis2 = true; }; orb1.onPress = function () { dragthis1 = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { mousepressed = false; if (startrub > 1) { startrub = 2; } if (bstartrub > 1) { bstartrub = 2; } rubbing = 0; brubbing = 0; mousemove = 0; dragthis1 = false; dragthis2 = false; helpdrag = false; }; onMouseDown = function () { mousepressed = true; if (finalpush >= 41) { finalpush = 41; finalscreen += 1; _root.gotoAndStop(finalscreen); } }; Bclothes = function (n, nn) { _root[n + 'change'].ra = 100 - _root['add' + n + 'bright'] * 0.6; _root[n + 'change'].ga = 100; _root[n + 'change'].ba = 100 - _root['add' + n + 'bright'] * 0.6; _root[n + 'change'].rb = _root['add' + n + 'bright']; _root[n + 'change'].gb = _root['add' + n + 'bright']; _root[n + 'change'].bb = _root['add' + n + 'bright']; if (nn < 1) { _root[n + 'C' + nn].setTransform(_root[n + 'change']); if (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] > 200) { ariana[n]._alpha = 200 - (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] - 200) * 6.5; } if (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] > 230) { if (ariana[n]._visible == true) { if (n == 'shirt') { charSpeak(curPhase + 10); } } ariana[n]._visible = false; } } else { i = 0; while (i < nn) { _root[n + 'C' + i].setTransform(_root[n + 'change']); if (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] > 200) { ariana[n]._alpha = 200 - (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] - 200) * 6.5; } if (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] > 230) { if (_root['whole' + n][i]._visible == true) { if (n == 'pants') { if (Math.max(mostlinks, clicklinks) >= 6) { charSpeak(curPhase + 21); } else { charSpeak(curPhase + 11); } } if (n == 'veil') { charSpeak(curPhase + 13); } if (n == 'bracers') { charSpeak(curPhase + 12); } } _root['whole' + n][i]._visible = false; } ++i; } if (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] > 200) { for (i in _root['whole' + n]) { _root['whole' + n][i]._alpha = 200 - (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] - 200) * 6.5; } } } }; changebright = function (n, nn) { _root['add' + n + 'bright'] += nn; if (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] < 0) { _root['add' + n + 'bright'] = 0; } if (_root['add' + n + 'bright'] > 300) { _root['add' + n + 'bright'] = 300; } }; if (bellysize != Tbellysize) { if (bellydiff() > 1 || bellydiff() < -1) { bellysize += Math.floor(bellydiff()); } else { if (bellydiff() < 0) { bellysize -= 1; } else { if (bellydiff() > 0) { bellysize += 1; } } } } beamwidth = 0.5; flickering = 0; AstartY = ariana._y; flinching = 0; flinchadd = 0.21; idlespeak = 0; var OXIS = o_panel._x; var HBXS = o_panel.help_b._x; var HBXIS = o_panel.help_b._x; var HBYS = o_panel.help_b._y; var HBYIS = o_panel.help_b._y; var HBASB = 0; var HBA = 0; changeHB = function (n) { HBASB = 100; o_panel.help_b.textbox.gotoAndStop(n); }; o_panel.onEnterFrame = function () { OXSB = 815; if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true || helpdrag == true) { OXSB = 530; } if (o_panel._x != OXSB) { smoothAdjust('OXIS', 'OXSB', 0.3, true); o_panel._x = OXIS; } this.birth_b._txt.text = 'birth'; countdown('birthBdelay', 0); countdown('resetDelay', 0); if (birthBdelay > 0) { if (Tbellysize < 400) { this.birth_b._txt.text = 'not yet...'; } else { this.birth_b._txt.text = birthclicks; } } if (birthclicks <= 0) { this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Push'; } if (birthdelay > 0) { this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Pushing'; } this.reset_b._txt.text = 'reset'; if (resetDelay > 0) { this.reset_b._txt.text = 'really ?'; } HBXIS = o_panel.help_b._x; HBYIS = o_panel.help_b._y; if (helpdrag == true) { this.help_b._x = _xmouse - o_panel._x; this.help_b._y = _ymouse - o_panel._y; } else { if (this.help_b._x != HBXS) { this.help_b._x += (HBXS - this.help_b._x) * 0.2; } if (this.help_b._y != HBYS) { this.help_b._y += (HBYS - this.help_b._y) * 0.2; } } smoothAdjust('HBA', 'HBASB', 0.2, true); this.help_b.textbox._alpha = HBA; }; o_panel.birth_b.onPress = function () { if (birthBdelay <= 0) { birthBdelay = 25; } if (birthclicks <= 1 && birthdelay <= 0) { birthdelay = 45; if (birthclicks <= 0) { birthing += 1; } } if (Tbellysize >= 400) { birthclicks -= 1; birthBdelay = 25; } minmax('birthclicks', 0, 1000); }; o_panel.reset_b.onPress = function () { if (resetDelay <= 0) { resetDelay = 35; } else { reset(); } }; o_panel.help_b.tribut.onPress = function () { helpdrag = true; }; tickle = function () { charSpeak(curPhase + 9); flinching += flinchadd; }; ariana.l_leg.foot.onPress = function () { tickle(); }; ariana.r_leg.foot.onPress = function () { tickle(); }; ariana.l_arm.HB.onPress = function () { tickle(); }; ariana.r_arm.HB.onPress = function () { tickle(); }; var DL1XS = o_panel.Dlight1._x; var DL1YS = o_panel.Dlight1._y; var DL2XS = o_panel.Dlight2._x; var DL2YS = o_panel.Dlight2._y; var DL3XS = o_panel.Dlight3._x; var DL3YS = o_panel.Dlight3._y; var DL4XS = o_panel.Dlight4._x; var DL4YS = o_panel.Dlight4._y; var XmaxBoun = 900; var XminBoun = 0; var YmaxBoun = 700; var YminBoun = 0; var bellynudge = 0; var zeronudge = 0; var kickID = 1; var kickchance = 0; var patterns = new Array(); patterns.push(1); patterns.push(2); patterns.push(3); patterns.push(4); patterns.push(5); patterns.push(6); patterns.push(7); patterns.push(8); patterns.push(9); guidepattern = patterns[Math.floor(Math.random() * patterns.length)]; setguidelights = function () { Xdev1 = +(Math.random() * 100); XD1start = 200 + Math.random() * 100; Ydev1 = 50 + Math.random() * 150; YD1start = 200 + Math.random() * 200; Xdev2 = +(Math.random() * 100); XD2start = 500 + Math.random() * 100; Ydev2 = 50 + Math.random() * 150; YD2start = 200 + Math.random() * 200; if (Math.random() * 1 < 0.15) { Xdev1 = 0; Xdev2 = 0; } }; if (debugging == true) { ariana.tail.onPress = function () { Tbellysize += 50; if (Tbellysize >= 400) { birthclicks -= 100; } }; } setguidelights(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (beamwidth < 17 - Tbellysize * 0.02) { beamwidth += 2.25; } minmax('beamwidth', 0, 17 - Tbellysize * 0.03); if (Math.random() < 0.5) { flickering = 0; } else { flickering = 10; } HBASB = 0; circular(0, 'Tbeamglow', 0.12); o_panel.Dlight1._x = DL1XS + Math.sin(Tbeamglow) * 21; o_panel.Dlight1._y = DL1YS + Math.cos(Tbeamglow) * 21; o_panel.Dlight2._x = DL2XS - Math.cos(Tbeamglow) * 21; o_panel.Dlight2._y = DL2YS - Math.sin(Tbeamglow) * 21; o_panel.Dlight3._x = DL3XS - Math.sin(Tbeamglow) * 21; o_panel.Dlight3._y = DL3YS - Math.cos(Tbeamglow) * 21; o_panel.Dlight4._x = DL4XS + Math.cos(Tbeamglow) * 21; o_panel.Dlight4._y = DL4YS + Math.sin(Tbeamglow) * 21; Tbeam._alpha = 90 + flickering * 0.35 + Math.sin(Tbeamglow) * 34; Tbeambase._alpha = 100 + flickering * 0.35 + Math.sin(Tbeamglow) * 34; circular(0, 'Ahover', 0.04); ariana._y = AstartY + Math.sin(Ahover) * 14; alienbay.vortibaby._y = AstartY - 350 + Math.sin(Ahover) * 14; alienbay.vortibaby._rotation = +(Math.cos(bodyrot) * 2); circular(0, 'Gtime', 0.07000000000000001); if (tryingtoscore != false) { midpointmade = 0; Cdet1._xscale = 100; Cdet1._yscale = 100; Cdet2._xscale = 100; Cdet2._yscale = 100; if (scoring < 5) { if (Cdet1._alpha < 0) { Cdet1._alpha = 0; } if (Cdet2._alpha < 0) { Cdet2._alpha = 0; } if (Cdet1._alpha < 100) { Cdet1._alpha += 4; } if (Cdet2._alpha < 100) { Cdet2._alpha += 4; } } if (guidepattern == 0) { Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Xdev1; Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev1; Cdet2._x = XD2start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Xdev2; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev2; } if (guidepattern == 1) { Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Ydev1; Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev1; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Ydev2; Cdet2._x = XD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev2; } if (guidepattern == 2) { Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev1; Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev1; Cdet2._x = XD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev2; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev2; } if (guidepattern == 3) { Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev1; Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.cos(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev1; Cdet2._x = XD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev2; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.cos(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev2; } if (guidepattern == 4) { Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev1; Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.cos(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev1; Cdet2._x = XD2start + Math.cos(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev2; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev2; } if (guidepattern == 5) { Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Xdev1; Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev1; Cdet2._x = XD2start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 - 1.570796326794897) * Xdev2; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev2; } if (guidepattern == 6) { Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 - 1.570796326794897) * Ydev1; Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev1; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Ydev2; Cdet2._x = XD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev2; } if (guidepattern == 7) { Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev1; Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.cos(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev1; Cdet2._x = XD2start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Xdev2; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev2; } if (guidepattern == 8) { Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Xdev1; Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev1; Cdet2._x = XD2start + Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev2; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.cos(Gtime + Math.PI) * Ydev2; } if (guidepattern == 9) { Cdet1._y = YD1start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Ydev1; Cdet1._x = XD1start + Math.sin(Gtime - Math.PI) * Xdev1; Cdet2._y = YD2start + Math.sin(Gtime * 2 + 1.570796326794897) * Ydev2; Cdet2._x = XD2start - Math.sin(Gtime + Math.PI) * Xdev2; } } else { if (beamwidth > 0) { beamwidth -= 3.5; } if (beamwidth < 0) { beamwidth = 0; laserbox._visible = false; } if (midpointmade <= 0) { midpointmade = 1; CmidpointX = (Cdet1._x + Cdet2._x) / 2; CmidpointY = (Cdet1._y + Cdet2._y) / 2; scoring = 45; } Cdet1._x += (CmidpointX - Cdet1._x) * 0.2; Cdet1._y += (CmidpointY - Cdet1._y) * 0.2; Cdet2._x += (CmidpointX - Cdet2._x) * 0.2; Cdet2._y += (CmidpointY - Cdet2._y) * 0.2; Cdet1._xscale += 3; Cdet1._yscale += 3; Cdet2._xscale += 3; Cdet2._yscale += 3; if (scoring < 35) { CmidpointX = 385; CmidpointY = 330; Cdet1._xscale += 2; Cdet1._yscale += 2; Cdet2._xscale += 2; Cdet2._yscale += 2; } if (scoring < 25) { if (midpointmade == 1) { midpointmade = 2; Tbellysize += 50; } Cdet1._alpha -= 8; Cdet2._alpha -= 8; } if (scoring < 10) { tryingtoscore = true; midpointmade = 0; laserbox._visible = true; guidepattern = patterns[Math.floor(Math.random() * patterns.length)]; setguidelights(); } } if (Tbellysize >= 400) { Cdet1._x = -100; Cdet1._x = -100; Cdet1._alpha = 0; Cdet2._y = -100; Cdet2._y = -100; Cdet2._alpha = 0; } countdown('scoring', 0); GLHB1._x = Cdet1._x; GLHB1._y = Cdet1._y; GLHB2._x = Cdet2._x; GLHB2._y = Cdet2._y; YD = orb1._y - orb2._y; XD = orb1._x - orb2._x; angle = Math.atan2(YD, XD); rotis = angle * 180 / Math.PI; if (turning == true) { if (rotis > -90 && rotis < 90) { overrot = rotis; } else { overrot = rotis - 180; } } overrot = rotis; dragginganything = false; if (dragthis1 == true) { orb1._x = _xmouse; orb1._y = _ymouse; dragginganything = true; if (orb1._x > XmaxBoun) { orb1._x = XmaxBoun; } if (orb1._x < XminBoun) { orb1._x = XminBoun; } if (orb1._y > YmaxBoun) { orb1._y = YmaxBoun; } if (orb1._y < YminBoun) { orb1._y = YminBoun; } } if (dragthis2 == true) { orb2._x = _xmouse; orb2._y = _ymouse; dragginganything = true; if (orb2._x > XmaxBoun) { orb2._x = XmaxBoun; } if (orb2._x < XminBoun) { orb2._x = XminBoun; } if (orb2._y > YmaxBoun) { orb2._y = YmaxBoun; } if (orb2._y < YminBoun) { orb2._y = YminBoun; } } if (helpdrag == true) { dragginganything = true; HBASB = 0; } O1LPX = orb1._x + Math.sin(Math.PI - angle) * -beamwidth; O1LPY = orb1._y + Math.cos(Math.PI - angle) * -beamwidth; O1RPX = orb1._x + Math.sin(Math.PI - angle) * beamwidth; O1RPY = orb1._y + Math.cos(Math.PI - angle) * beamwidth; O2LPX = orb2._x + Math.sin(Math.PI - angle) * -beamwidth; O2LPY = orb2._y + Math.cos(Math.PI - angle) * -beamwidth; O2RPX = orb2._x + Math.sin(Math.PI - angle) * beamwidth; O2RPY = orb2._y + Math.cos(Math.PI - angle) * beamwidth; _root.laserbox.createEmptyMovieClip('beam1', 1); var redglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, 35, (2.5 + Math.sin(glowshift)) * 5, (2.5 + Math.sin(glowshift)) * 5, 1, 1); var yellowglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(14540032, 45, (2.5 + Math.sin(glowshift)) * 5, (2.5 + Math.sin(glowshift)) * 5, 2, 1); var greenglow2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(56576, 45, (2.5 + Math.sin(glowshift)) * 5, (2.5 + Math.sin(glowshift)) * 5, 3, 1); orb1.filters = [redglow]; orb2.filters = [redglow]; with (_root.laserbox.beam1) { beginFill(16711680, 30 + Math.random() * 10); lineStyle(3, 15728640, 60 - flickering); if (beamhit1 == true || beamhit2 == true) { beginFill(16776960, 40); lineStyle(4, 6324224, 80); orb1.filters = [yellowglow]; orb2.filters = [yellowglow]; } if (activebeam == true) { beginFill(3407616, 65); lineStyle(6, 65280, 100); orb1.filters = [greenglow2]; orb2.filters = [greenglow2]; } moveTo(O1LPX, O1LPY); lineTo(O2LPX, O2LPY); lineTo(O2RPX, O2RPY); lineTo(O1RPX, O1RPY); lineTo(O1LPX, O1LPY); endFill(); } orb1._rotation = overrot + 270; orb2._rotation = overrot + 90; activebeam = false; beamhit1 = false; beamhit2 = false; if (laserbox.beam1.hitTest(Cdet1._x, Cdet1._y, true) == true) { beamhit1 = true; } if (laserbox.beam1.hitTest(Cdet2._x, Cdet2._y, true) == true) { beamhit2 = true; } if (beamhit1 == true && beamhit2 == true) { activebeam = true; tryingtoscore = false; } if (Cdet1._alpha < 75) { activebeam = false; beamhit1 = false; beamhit2 = false; } if (scoring > 10) { activebeam = true; } minihitOne = false; minihitTwo = false; minihitThree = false; minihitFour = false; if (Tbellysize >= 400) { if (laserbox.beam1.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.Dlight1._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.Dlight1._y, true) == true) { minihitOne = true; } if (laserbox.beam1.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.Dlight2._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.Dlight2._y, true) == true) { minihitTwo = true; } if (laserbox.beam1.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.Dlight3._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.Dlight3._y, true) == true) { minihitThree = true; } if (laserbox.beam1.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.Dlight4._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.Dlight4._y, true) == true) { minihitFour = true; } } if (minihitOne == true && minihitTwo == true) { onetotwo = true; } if (minihitOne == true && minihitThree == true) { onetothree = true; } if (minihitOne == true && minihitFour == true) { onetofour = true; } if (minihitTwo == true && minihitThree == true) { twotothree = true; } if (minihitTwo == true && minihitFour == true) { twotofour = true; } if (minihitThree == true && minihitFour == true) { threetofour = true; } o_panel.bar1to2._visible = onetotwo; o_panel.bar1to3._visible = onetothree; o_panel.bar1to4._visible = onetofour; o_panel.bar2to3._visible = twotothree; o_panel.bar2to4._visible = twotofour; o_panel.bar3to4._visible = threetofour; linksmade = 0; for (i in poslinks) { if (_root[poslinks[i]] == true) { linksmade += 1; } } if (linksmade > mostlinks && Tbellysize >= 400) { mostlinks = linksmade; charSpeak(curPhase + 14 + mostlinks); } if (mostlinks >= 6 && birthclicks > 1) { birthclicks = 1; } clicklinks = Math.floor((1000 - birthclicks) / 170) + 1; if (birthclicks >= 1000) { clicklinks = 0; } if (clicklinks > mostClinks) { mostClinks = clicklinks; charSpeak(curPhase + 13 + clicklinks); } if (birthclicks > 1000 - (mostlinks - 1) * 170) { birthclicks = 1000 - (mostlinks - 1) * 170; } if (birthclicks <= 0) { linksmade = 6; } minmax('birthclicks', 0, 1000); if (birthclicks <= 0) { if (ariana.Fring._currentframe <= 1) { var pantsStillOn = true; if (ariana.l_pants._visible == false) { pantsStillOn = false; } ariana.Fring.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (ariana.r_leg._rotation > -5) { ariana.r_leg._rotation -= 0.1; } ariana.r_pants._rotation = ariana.r_leg._rotation; if (ariana.l_leg._rotation < 15) { ariana.l_leg._rotation += 0.3; } ariana.l_pants._rotation = ariana.l_leg._rotation; changebright('pants', 12); if (pantsStillOn == false) { charSpeak(curPhase + 20); } } if (ringYSB != ringheight[Math.max(mostlinks, clicklinks)]) { ringYSB += (ringheight[Math.max(mostlinks, clicklinks)] - ringYSB) * 0.12; } ariana.Fring._y = ringYSB; ariana.Bring._y = ringYSB; if (o_panel.help_b.tribut.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true && helpdrag == false) { changeHB('helpbutton'); } if (helpdrag == true) { if (ariana.belly.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true) == true) { changeHB('belly'); } if ((orb1.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true) || orb2.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true)) == true) { changeHB('drone'); } if (laserbox.beam1.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true) == true) { changeHB('laser'); } if (ariana.l_breast.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true) == true || ariana.r_breast.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true) == true) { changeHB('boobs'); } if (o_panel.reset_b.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true) == true) { changeHB('reset'); } if (o_panel.birth_b.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true) == true) { changeHB('birth'); } if (GLHB1.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true) == true || GLHB2.hitTest(o_panel._x + o_panel.help_b._x, o_panel._y + o_panel.help_b._y, true) == true) { changeHB('guidelight'); } } changebright('pants', -1); changebright('bracers', -1); changebright('veil', -1); changebright('shirt', -1); if (ariana.shirt.hitTest(orb1._x, orb1._y, true) == true || ariana.shirt.hitTest(orb2._x, orb2._y, true) == true) { changebright('shirt', 5); } if (ariana.head.veil.hitTest(orb1._x, orb1._y, true) == true || ariana.head.veil.hitTest(orb2._x, orb2._y, true) == true) { changebright('veil', 5); } for (i in wholepants) { if (wholepants[i].hitTest(orb1._x, orb1._y, true) == true || wholepants[i].hitTest(orb2._x, orb2._y, true) == true) { changebright('pants', 5); } } for (i in wholebracers) { if (wholebracers[i].hitTest(orb1._x, orb1._y, true) == true || wholebracers[i].hitTest(orb2._x, orb2._y, true) == true) { changebright('bracers', 5); } } Bclothes('shirt', 0); Bclothes('bracers', 2); Bclothes('pants', 3); Bclothes('veil', 1); backupstate = 'rest'; if (Tbellysize >= 50) { backupState = 'ill'; } if (Tbellysize >= 100) { backupState = 'unnerved'; } if (Tbellysize >= 150) { backupState = 'panic'; } if (Tbellysize >= 200) { backupState = 'disbelief'; } if (Tbellysize >= 250) { backupState = 'contemplate'; } if (Tbellysize >= 300) { backupState = 'furious'; } if (Tbellysize >= 350) { backupState = 'puppy'; } if (Tbellysize >= 400) { backupState = 'doom'; } if (curPhase > 400) { backupState = 'nervous'; } if (curPhase > 450) { backupState = 'rest'; } if (startrub > 0) { startrub -= 1; } if (startrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(curPhase + 7); } if (bstartrub > 0) { bstartrub -= 1; } if (bstartrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(curPhase + 5); } if (mousemove > 1 && overbelly == true) { startrub = 0; if (rubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(curPhase + 8); } rubbing = 10; } if (mousemove > 1 && overbreast == true) { bstartrub = 0; if (brubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(curPhase + 6); } brubbing = 10; } if (xmsb != _xmouse || ymsb != _ymouse) { if (mousepressed == true) { mousemove += distance(xmsb, _xmouse, ymsb, _ymouse) / 5; } xmsb = _xmouse; ymsb = _ymouse; } if (rubbing > 0) { rubbing -= 1; } if (brubbing > 0) { brubbing -= 1; } if (mousemove > 0) { mousemove -= 1; } if (mousemove > 20) { mousemove = 20; } overbreast = false; overbelly = false; if (dragginganything == false) { if (ariana.l_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (ariana.r_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (ariana.belly.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbelly = true; } } if (Math.random() < 0.01 && flinching <= 0 && speechTimer < 10) { flinching += flinchadd; setState('stressed'); } minmax('Tbellysize', 0, 400); circular(0, 'bodyrot', 0.025); smoothAdjust('bellysize', 'Tbellysize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('bustsize', 'Tbustsize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('hipsize', 'Thipsize', 0.1); ariana.belly.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5) - bellynudge); ariana.torso.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana.Wtorso.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana.pelvis.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana.l_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana.r_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana.l_leg.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana.r_leg.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana.belt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5) - bellynudge); ariana.r_pants.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana.l_pants.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana.shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(bellysize * 1.5)); ariana._rotation = +(Math.cos(bodyrot) * 2) + Math.sin(flinching) * 1; ariana.backhair._rotation = -(Math.cos(bodyrot) * 2) + Math.sin(flinching) * 1 + Math.sin(Tbeamglow) * 2; ariana.l_arm._rotation = +(Math.sin(bodyrot) * 5) + Math.cos(flinching) * 2; ariana.r_arm._rotation = +(Math.sin(bodyrot) * 5) + Math.sin(flinching) * 2; ariana.tail._rotation = +(Math.sin(bodyrot) * 15) + Math.sin(flinching) * 6; circular(0, 'glowshift', 0.24); if (flinching > 0) { flinching += flinchadd; } if (flinching > 6.283185307179586) { flinching = 0; setState(backupState); } var greenglow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(65280, 55, (1 + Math.sin(glowshift)) * 8, (1 + Math.sin(glowshift - Math.PI)) * 8, 3, 1); ariana.filters = [greenglow]; circular(0.4, 'testrot', 0.6); curPhase = Math.floor(Tbellysize / 50) * 50 + Math.min(1, Math.max(mostlinks, clicklinks)) * 50 + Math.min(1, birthing) * 50; if (curPhase >= nextPhase) { forcenotaboo = true; charSpeak(curPhase, true); nextPhase = curPhase + 50; } countdown('stateTimer', 0); countdown('speechTimer', 0); if (speechTimer > 0) { idlespeak = 0; } if (Math.random() * 8000 < idlespeak) { rannum = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranlines.length); charSpeak(curPhase + ranlines[rannum]); ranlines.splice(rannum, 1); if (ranlines.length <= 0) { resetLines(); } idlespeak = 0; } else { idlespeak += 1; } if (stateTimer <= 5) { setState(backupState); moveArm(backupArm); if (secondline > -5000) { charSpeak(secondline, false); } } if (speech_b._alpha < speechTimer * 10) { speech_b._alpha += 10; } else { speech_b._alpha = speechTimer * 10; } if (speech_b._alpha > 100) { speech_b._alpha = 100; } if (speech_b._alpha < 1) { speech_b._visible = false; } else { speech_b._visible = true; } if (Tbellysize < 250) { if (kickchance > 500) { kickchance = 500; } } if (Tbellysize - 200 - bellynudge * 10000 > Math.random() * kickchance) { var newkick = ariana.belly.attachMovie('babykick', 'babykick' + kickID, kickID); kickID += 1; if (kickID > 10) { kickID = 1; } kickchance = 5000; newkick._x = 35 - Math.random() * 50; newkick._y = 100 - Math.random() * 45; newkick.XSB = 10; newkick.YSB = 65; newkick._rotation = Math.random() * 360; bellysize -= 25; bellynudge = 25; } else { if (Tbellysize >= 200) { kickchance -= 1; } } if (newkick._x != newkick.XSB) { newkick._x += (newkick.XSB - newkick._x) * 0.2; } smoothAdjust('bellynudge', 'zeronudge', 0.5); i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (Tbellysize >= 400) { if (o_panel['Dlight' + i]._currentlabel != 'green') { o_panel['Dlight' + i].gotoAndPlay('green'); } } else { if (o_panel['Dlight' + i]._currentlabel != 'red') { o_panel['Dlight' + i].gotoAndPlay('red'); } } ++i; } countdown('birthdelay', 0); if (birthing >= birthprogress) { birthprogress = birthing + 1; charSpeak(curPhase + 14 + birthing); } if (birthing >= 7) { finalpush += 1; } if (finalpush == 30) { finalflash.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (finalpush > 40) { _root.gotoAndStop(finalscreen); } if (debugging == true) { debug_01.text = clicklinks; debug_02.text = finalpush; debug_03.text = finalscreen; } else { debug_01.text = ''; debug_02.text = ''; debug_03.text = ''; } }; } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 111 { } movieClip 113 { } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 120 { } movieClip 124 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 144 { } movieClip 148 { } movieClip 153 { } movieClip 156 { } movieClip 159 { } movieClip 167 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(this._parent._currentframe); }; } } movieClip 172 { } movieClip 188 { } movieClip 195 { } movieClip 207 { } movieClip 209 { } movieClip 220 { } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 242 { } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 274 { } movieClip 279 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 289 { } movieClip 316 { frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'sad'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'madtight'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'mad'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'sadup'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'sadtight'; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 15 { _currentlabel = 'madup'; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 17 { _currentlabel = 'sadwide'; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 19 { _currentlabel = 'huh'; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 21 { _currentlabel = 'half'; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 23 { _currentlabel = 'sadshut'; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 25 { _currentlabel = 'madwide'; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 27 { _currentlabel = 'madhalf'; } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 29 { _currentlabel = 'madshut'; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 31 { _currentlabel = 'sadhalf'; } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 337 { frame 2 { _currentlabel = 'grit'; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 4 { _currentlabel = 'urg'; } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 6 { _currentlabel = 'smallyay'; } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 8 { _currentlabel = 'bigyay'; } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 10 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 12 { _currentlabel = 'small'; } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 14 { _currentlabel = 'puff'; } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 16 { _currentlabel = 'sad'; } frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 18 { _currentlabel = 'grin'; } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 20 { _currentlabel = 'down'; } frame 21 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 22 { _currentlabel = 'tiny'; } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 24 { _currentlabel = 'grind'; } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 26 { _currentlabel = 'screaming'; } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 346 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 355 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 120 { gotoAndPlay(100); } } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 358 { } // unknown tag 88 length 36 movieClip 363 { } // unknown tag 88 length 60 movieClip 371 { } movieClip 378 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'red'; } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 20 { _currentlabel = 'green'; } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 381 { } movieClip 397 { } movieClip 398 { } movieClip 399 { } // unknown tag 88 length 282 movieClip 405 { } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 410 { } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 413 { } movieClip 415 { } movieClip 418 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 8 { startover_b._txt.text = 'reset'; startover_b.onPress = function () { reset(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); }; } movieClip 446 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(Math.random() * 45)); }; } } movieClip 457 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(Math.random() * 45)); }; } } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 461 { } movieClip 463 { } movieClip 466 { } movieClip 469 { }
Created: 8/8 -2019 09:00:46 Last modified: 8/8 -2019 09:00:46 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:36:11