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Minecraft Ride by Kee_Fox.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #179310

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function trim(trimmed) { var n = trimmed.length; lfound = false; while (!lfound) { n -= 1; if (trimmed.charAt(n) != ' ') { lfound = true; } } return trimmed.slice(0, n + 1); } setting = trim('-1,1,3,30.00,480,270,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,000000,0,7c7c7c,cccccc,80ff80,000000,1, '); v_title = trim('MinecraftRide '); v_url = trim(' '); temp = setting.split(','); delete setting; tname = new Array('startFlag', 'endAction', 'urlWindow', 'fps', 'width', 'height'); var i = 0; while (i < 6) { this['v_' + tname[i]] = Number(temp[i]); ++i; } tname = new Array('bslider', 'bvolume', 'bmute', 'btiming', 'bforward', 'brewind', 'preloader'); var i = 0; while (i < 7) { this['v_' + tname[i]] = temp[i + 6] == '1'; ++i; } v_color = '0x' + temp[13]; v_center = temp[14] == '1'; tname = new Array('col1', 'col2', 'col3', 'col4'); var i = 0; while (i < 4) { if (temp[i + 15] != '') { this['v_' + tname[i]] = '0x' + temp[i + 15]; } ++i; } v_mUrlWindow = Number(temp[19]); v_mUrl = temp[20]; delete temp; delete tname; _quality = 'BEST'; var v_mleft = 0; var v_mtop = 0; var v_mbottom = 15; var v_mright = 0; vw = v_width < 275 ? 275 : v_width; vh = v_height; var v_twidth = vw + v_mleft + v_mright; var v_theight = vh + v_mtop + v_mbottom; stop(); } movieClip 4 { } movieClip 5 { instance bar of movieClip 4 { onClipEvent (load) { _rotation = 180; } } } movieClip 6 { } instance loading_mc of movieClip 6 { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var t = 0; var twait = 0.5 * p.v_fps; var v = 120 / p.v_fps; var isOn = false; var r = 180; var vr = 72 / p.v_fps; if (!p.v_center) { _x = p.v_twidth / 2; _y = p.v_theight / 2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++t; if (isOn) { _rotation = _rotation - v; if (r > 0) { r -= vr; = r; = r; } if (p._framesloaded > 2 && t > twait) { p.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { if (t > twait) { if (p.v_preloader && p._framesloaded < 2) { isOn = true; _alpha = 100; twait += p.v_fps * 2; } else { p.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } frame 2 { function fv_check() { if (v_loading) { ++t; fv_setGauge(); if (v_buffstat) { fv_setBuff(); if (_framesloaded > fwait && t > twait) { fv_endBuff(); } } else { fcheck = _currentframe + v_fps; if (fcheck > _totalframes) { fcheck = _totalframes; } if (_framesloaded < fcheck) { fwait = _currentframe + fadd; if (fwait > _totalframes) { fwait = _totalframes; } fv_initBuff(); } } if (_framesloaded >= _totalframes) { fplay = _totalframes; v_loading = false; fv_endBuff(); } } if (v_playstat) { if (_currentframe >= _totalframes) { if (v_endAction == 2) { gotoAndPlay(4); } else { fv_rewind(); if (v_endAction == 3) { var window; if (v_urlWindow == 1) { window = '_self'; } else { if (v_urlWindow == 2) { window = '_blank'; } else { if (v_urlWindow == 3) { window = '_parent'; } else { window = '_top'; } } } getURL(v_url, window); } } } } } function fv_initBuff() { v_buffstat = true; t = 0; fbuff0 = _currentframe; fv_setBuff(); stop(); } function fv_setBuff() { p = (_framesloaded - fbuff0) / (fwait - fbuff0); if (p >= 0.99) { p = 0.99; } c_stat.setBuff(p); } function fv_endBuff() { v_buffstat = false; if (v_playstat) { c_stat.setPlay(); play(); } else { c_stat.setStop(); } } function fv_setGauge() { f = _framesloaded; if (f < _totalframes) { f = Math.max(_currentframe, f - fadd); } fplay = Math.max(f, fplay); c_gauge.setGauge(fplay); } function fv_rewind() { gotoAndStop(4); fv_play(false); } function fv_forward() { gotoAndStop(fplay); fv_play(false); } function fv_play(cond) { v_playstat = cond; c_play.setButton(cond); if (cond) { c_stat.setPlay(); if (!v_buffstat) { play(); } } else { c_stat.setStop(); stop(); } } function fv_jump(f) { f += 3; if (f < 4) { f = 4; } else { if (f > fplay) { f = fplay; } } gotoAndStop(f); fv_play(false); } function fv_mute(cond) { v_mute = cond; c_mute.setButton(cond); if (cond) { v_sound.setVolume(0); } else { v_sound.setVolume(v_vol); } } function fv_volume(vol) { v_vol = vol; if (!v_mute) { v_sound.setVolume(v_vol); } } var v_playstat = true; var v_buffstat = true; var v_loading = true; var fwait; var fbuff0; var fadd = v_fps * 5; var fplay = 3; var t = 0; var twait = v_fps * 3; if (v_startFlag == 0) { fwait = 3 + fadd; v_playstat = false; } else { if (v_startFlag == -1) { fwait = 3 + fadd; } else { if (v_startFlag == -2) { fwait = _totalframes; } else { fwait = 3 + v_startFlag * v_fps; } } } fv_initBuff(); v_sound = new Sound(this); var v_vol = v_sound.getVolume(); var v_mute = false; gotoAndStop(3); } movieClip 8 { } movieClip 10 { frame 1 { (new Color(base_mc)).setRGB(_parent.colBase); } } movieClip 12 { } movieClip 14 { } movieClip 15 { frame 1 { function go(pos) { if (pos < 0) { pos = 0; } else { if (pos > gauge_mc._width) { pos = gauge_mc._width; } } n = Math.ceil((pos / barWidth) * frames); p.fv_jump(n); } function setSlider() { line_mc._x = ((p._currentframe - 3) / frames) * barWidth; } function setGauge(f) { gauge_mc._width = ((f - 3) / frames) * barWidth; } var barWidth = _parent.pos - _x; var p = _parent._parent; var frames = p._totalframes - 3; base_mc._width = barWidth; sh_top._width = barWidth; sh_bottom._width = sh_top._width; sh_right._x = barWidth; (new Color(line_mc)).setRGB(_parent.colText); (new Color(base_mc)).setRGB(_parent.colScreen); (new Color(gauge_mc)).setRGB(_parent.colLight); } instance gauge_mc of movieClip 8 { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var active = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { p.go(p._xmouse); } } onClipEvent (press) { active = true; p.go(p._xmouse); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { active = false; } } } movieClip 16 { frame 1 { icon = _parent.icon_mc; col = new Color(icon); col1 = _parent._parent.colScreen; col2 = _parent._parent.colLight; col.setRGB(col1); this.onPress = function () { icon._alpha = 60; col.setRGB(col1); }; this.onRollOver = function () { icon._alpha = 100; col.setRGB(col2); }; this.onRelease = function () { icon._alpha = 100; col.setRGB(col2); _parent.clicked(); }; this.onDragOut = function () { icon._alpha = 100; col.setRGB(col1); }; this.onRollOut = this.onDragOut; this.onReleaseOutside = this.onDragOut; } } movieClip 18 { } movieClip 19 { } movieClip 20 { frame 1 { function clicked() { _parent._parent.fv_rewind(); } } instance base_mc of movieClip 16 { } } movieClip 21 { frame 1 { function clicked() { _parent._parent.fv_forward(); } } instance base_mc of movieClip 16 { } } movieClip 23 { } movieClip 24 { frame 1 { function clicked() { _parent._parent._parent.fv_play(false); } } instance base_mc of movieClip 16 { } } movieClip 25 { frame 1 { function clicked() { _parent._parent._parent.fv_play(true); } } instance base_mc of movieClip 16 { } } movieClip 26 { frame 1 { function setButton(cond) { if (cond) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(3); } } colScreen = _parent.colScreen; colLight = _parent.colLight; setButton(_parent._parent.v_playstat); stop(); } instance b_play of movieClip 24 { } } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 31 { frame 1 { function clicked() { _parent._parent._parent.fv_mute(true); } } instance base_mc of movieClip 16 { } } movieClip 33 { } movieClip 34 { frame 1 { function clicked() { _parent._parent._parent.fv_mute(false); } } instance base_mc of movieClip 16 { } } movieClip 35 { frame 1 { function setButton(cond) { if (cond) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } colScreen = _parent.colScreen; colLight = _parent.colLight; stop(); } } movieClip 39 { } movieClip 41 { frame 1 { (new Color(base_mc)).setRGB(_parent._parent.colBase); } } movieClip 42 { frame 1 { function setSlider(x) { bar_mc._width = x; if (! { slider_mc._x = x; } } function setVol(x) { if (x < 0) { x = 0; } else { if (x > 35) { x = 35; } } vol = 100 * x / 35; setSlider(x); p.fv_volume(vol); } var p = _parent._parent; var vol = p.v_vol; (new Color(base_mc)).setRGB(_parent.colScreen); (new Color(bar_mc)).setRGB(_parent.colLight); setVol(vol * 0.35); } instance slider_mc of movieClip 41 { onClipEvent (load) { active = false; p = _parent; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { p.setVol(_x); } } onClipEvent (press) { gotoAndStop(2); startDrag(this, true, 0, 0, 35, 0); active = true; } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { gotoAndStop(1); p.setVol(_x); active = false; stopDrag(); } } instance area_mc of movieClip 8 { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var active = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (active) { p.setVol(p._xmouse); } } onClipEvent (press) { active = true; p.setVol(p._xmouse); } onClipEvent (release, releaseOutside) { active = false; } } } movieClip 47 { frame 1 { function setPlay() { gotoAndStop(3); } function setStop() { gotoAndStop(1); } function setBuff(p) { perc = Math.round(p * 100) + '%'; gotoAndStop(2); } var perc; var isPlay; stop(); } } movieClip 49 { frame 1 { function setTime() { t = Math.round((p._currentframe - 3) / fps); time = getS(t / 60) + ':' + getS(t % 60) + '/' + stotal; } function getS(t) { t = Math.floor(t); if (t < 10) { temp = '0' + t; return temp; } temp = String(t); return temp; } var p = _parent._parent; var fps = p.v_fps; var total = Math.round((p._totalframes - 3) / fps); var stotal = getS(total / 60) + ':' + getS(total % 60); var time = stotal; setTime(); stop(); } } movieClip 52 { frame 1 { function animate() { if (p.v_playstat) { teks1._x -= v; teks2._x -= v; if (teks1._x < tlim) { teks1._x = teks2._x + l; } if (teks2._x < tlim) { teks2._x = teks1._x + l; } } } p = _parent._parent; barWidth = _x - _parent.posl; bar_mc._width = barWidth; title = p.v_title; fps = p.v_fps; l = teks1.textWidth + 16; if (l < barWidth) { teks1._x = -l + 8; l = barWidth; } else { teks1._x = -barWidth; } teks1._width = l; teks2._width = l; teks2._x = teks1._x + l; v = 30 / fps; tlim = -barWidth - l; if (title != '') { setInterval(animate, 1000 / fps); } } } movieClip 53 vc_control { frame 1 { var p = _parent; b_slider._visible = p.v_bslider; b_volume._visible = p.v_bvolume; b_mute._visible = p.v_bmute; t_time._visible = p.v_btiming; b_forward._visible = p.v_bforward; b_rewind._visible = p.v_brewind; var pwidth = p.vw; pbar_mc._width = pwidth; var posl = 7; if (b_rewind._visible) { posl += 12; } b_play._x = posl; posl += 12; if (b_forward._visible) { b_forward._x = posl; posl += 12; } if (b_slider._visible) { posl -= 5; b_slider._x = posl; } t_stat._x = posl; posl += 54; var pos = pwidth; if (b_mute._visible) { pos -= 8; b_mute._x = pos; pos -= 3; } if (b_volume._visible) { pos -= 41; b_volume._x = pos; } pos -= 5; t_time._x = pos; if (t_time._visible) { t_title._x = pos - 58; } else { t_title._x = pos; } p.c_stat = t_stat; p.c_gauge = b_slider; p.c_play = b_play; p.c_mute = b_mute; colBase = _parent.v_col1; colScreen = _parent.v_col2; colLight = _parent.v_col3; colText = _parent.v_col4; (new Color(t_title)).setRGB(colText); (new Color(t_stat)).setRGB(colText); (new Color(t_time)).setRGB(colText); } instance b_slider of movieClip 15 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setSlider(); } } instance t_time of movieClip 49 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setTime(); } } } movieClip 55 vc_area { } frame 3 { attachMovie('vc_control', 'control_mc', 10); control_mc._y = v_mtop + v_height; if (v_center) { control_mc._x = -vw / 2; control_mc._y -= v_height / 2; } setInterval(fv_check, 1000 / v_fps); if (v_mUrl != '') { attachMovie('vc_area', 'area_mc', 9); area_mc._width = vw; area_mc._height = vh; area_mc._x = v_mleft; area_mc._y = v_mtop; area_mc.onRelease = function () { var w; if (v_mUrlWindow == 1) { w = '_self'; } else { if (v_mUrlWindow == 2) { w = '_blank'; } else { if (v_mUrlWindow == 3) { w = '_parent'; } else { w = '_top'; } } } getURL(v_mUrl, w); }; if (v_center) { area_mc._x -= vw / 2; area_mc._y -= vh / 2; } } gotoAndStop(4); }
Created: 16/10 -2018 20:22:39 Last modified: 16/10 -2018 20:22:39 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:32:29