Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Red by marcsi59.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #182627

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
Frame 3
g_soundloopcount = 2; moviesound = new Sound(); moviesound.attachSound("moviesound"); moviesound.start(); moviesound.onSoundComplete = function () { if (g_soundloopcount != -1) { g_soundloopcount--; } if (g_soundloopcount != 0) { moviesound.start(); } }; play();
Frame 4
Frame 5
stop(); g_effectcount = 1;
Frame 6
gotoAndPlay ("loopstart");
Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 76
gotoAndPlay ("repeat");
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 1
ParamsValue = "<ParamsValue><Bg.Color>0xFFFFFF</Bg.Color><Bg.BgColor>0x000000</Bg.BgColor></ParamsValue>"; ParamsDefine = "<ParamsDefine><Bg.Color caption=\"Color\" type=\"color\" default=\"0xFFFFFF\"/><Bg.BgColor caption=\"Background color\" type=\"color\" default=\"0x000000\"/></ParamsDefine>"; param = new Array(); if (ParamsValue != null) { paramXML = new XML(ParamsValue); paramXML.ignoreWhite = true; var i = 0; while (i < paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { node = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]; param[node.nodeName] = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue; i++; } param["Bg.Color"] = parseInt(param["Bg.Color"]); } else { param["Bg.Color"] = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; param["Bg.BgColor"] = 0; } _parent.stop(); var myColor = new Color(loadingCircle); myColor.setRGB(param["Bg.Color"]); bytesDisplay.textColor = param["Bg.Color"];
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 2
var siteLoaded = _parent.getBytesLoaded(); var siteTotal = _parent.getBytesTotal(); var percentage = Math.round((siteLoaded / siteTotal) * 100); bytesDisplay.text = percentage; if (siteLoaded >= siteTotal) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); }
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 121
this._x = random(this.MaxWidth); this._y = random(this.MaxHeight); this._rotation = random(360); this._xscale = random(40) + 80; this._yscale = this._xscale;
Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1
ParamsValue = "<ParamsValue><Movie.Width>900</Movie.Width><Movie.Height>550</Movie.Height><Movie.FPS>24</Movie.FPS><Bg.Alpha>50</Bg.Alpha><Bg.Number>50</Bg.Number><Bg.Color>0xFFFFFF</Bg.Color></ParamsValue>"; ParamsDefine = "<ParamsDefine><Bg.Alpha caption=\"Alpha\" type=\"integer\" min=\"0\" max=\"1000\" default=\"80\"/><Bg.Number caption=\"Number\" type=\"integer\" min=\"1\" max=\"100\" default=\"10\"/><Bg.Color caption=\"Color\" type=\"color\" default=\"0xFFFF00\"/></ParamsDefine>"; param = new Array(); param["Movie.Width"] = _parent._width; param["Movie.Height"] = _parent._height; if (ParamsValue != null) { paramXML = new XML(ParamsValue); paramXML.ignoreWhite = true; var i = 0; while (i < paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { node = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]; param[node.nodeName] = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue; i++; } param["Bg.Alpha"] = parseInt(param["Bg.Alpha"]); param["Bg.Number"] = parseInt(param["Bg.Number"]); param["Bg.Color"] = parseInt(param["Bg.Color"]); param["Movie.Width"] = parseInt(param["Movie.Width"]); param["Movie.Height"] = parseInt(param["Movie.Height"]); } else { param["Bg.Alpha"] = 40; param["Bg.Number"] = 10; param["Bg.Color"] = 16776960 /* 0xFFFF00 */; param["Movie.Width"] = 400; param["Movie.Height"] = 300; } i = 0; while (i < 1) { this["bot" + i]._visible = false; i++; } i = 1; while (i < param["Bg.Number"]) { duplicateMovieClip ("bot0", "bot" + i, i); i++; } i = 0; while (i < param["Bg.Number"]) { this["bot" + i]._visible = true; this["bot" + i]._xscale = random(40) + 80; this["bot" + i]._yscale = this["bot" + i]._xscale; this["bot" + i]._rotation = random(360); this["bot" + i]._alpha = random(30) + 80; this["bot" + i].MaxWidth = param["Movie.Width"]; this["bot" + i].MaxHeight = param["Movie.Height"]; var my_color = new Color(this["bot" + i]); my_color.setRGB(param["Bg.Color"]); this["bot" + i]._x = random(param["Movie.Width"]); this["bot" + i]._y = random(param["Movie.Height"]); this["bot" + i].gotoAndPlay(random(120)); i++; } this._alpha = param["Bg.Alpha"];
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 1
ParamsValue = "<ParamsValue><Movie.Width>900</Movie.Width><Movie.Height>550</Movie.Height><Txt.StrFormatedText><Txt.StrLine><StrText format=\"Font7640default\">Lady in Red</StrText></Txt.StrLine></Txt.StrFormatedText>\r\n<Txt.Font><Txt.Format name=\"Font7640default\"><FontFormatName>Font7640default</FontFormatName><FontSize>20</FontSize><FontUnderline>false</FontUnderline><FontXScale>100</FontXScale><FontYScale>100</FontYScale><Alpha>100</Alpha><TextSpace>0</TextSpace><FillStyle>solid</FillStyle><FontBeginColor>0xFFFFFF</FontBeginColor><FontEndColor>0xFFFFFF</FontEndColor><Border>false</Border><BorderColor>0xFF0000</BorderColor><BorderSize>0</BorderSize><BorderShadow>false</BorderShadow><CharRotation>0</CharRotation></Txt.Format><Txt.Format name=\"Font7640default large\"><FontFormatName>Font7640default large</FontFormatName><FontSize>36</FontSize><FontUnderline>false</FontUnderline><FontXScale>100</FontXScale><FontYScale>100</FontYScale><Alpha>100</Alpha><TextSpace>0</TextSpace><FillStyle>radial</FillStyle><FontBeginColor>0xFF9900</FontBeginColor><FontEndColor>0xFFFFFF</FontEndColor><Border>false</Border><BorderColor>0xFF0000</BorderColor><BorderSize>0</BorderSize><BorderShadow>false</BorderShadow><CharRotation>0</CharRotation></Txt.Format><Txt.Format name=\"Font7640default small\"><FontFormatName>Font7640default small</FontFormatName><FontSize>16</FontSize><FontUnderline>false</FontUnderline><FontXScale>100</FontXScale><FontYScale>100</FontYScale><Alpha>100</Alpha><TextSpace>0</TextSpace><FillStyle>solid</FillStyle><FontBeginColor>0xFFCC00</FontBeginColor><FontEndColor>0x663300</FontEndColor><Border>false</Border><BorderColor>0xFF0000</BorderColor><BorderSize>0</BorderSize><BorderShadow>false</BorderShadow><CharRotation>0</CharRotation></Txt.Format><Txt.Format name=\"Font7640web link\"><FontFormatName>Font7640web link</FontFormatName><FontSize>14</FontSize><FontUnderline>true</FontUnderline><FontXScale>100</FontXScale><FontYScale>100</FontYScale><Alpha>100</Alpha><TextSpace>0</TextSpace><FillStyle>solid</FillStyle><FontBeginColor>0x800000</FontBeginColor><FontEndColor>0xFFFFFF</FontEndColor><Border>false</Border><BorderColor>0xFF0000</BorderColor><BorderSize>0</BorderSize><BorderShadow>false</BorderShadow><CharRotation>0</CharRotation></Txt.Format></Txt.Font><Txt.InSpeed>8</Txt.InSpeed><Txt.InDelay>0</Txt.InDelay><Txt.OutSpeed>8</Txt.OutSpeed><Txt.OutDelay>0</Txt.OutDelay><Txt.PosX>397</Txt.PosX><Txt.PosY>275</Txt.PosY><Txt.Rotation>0</Txt.Rotation><Txt.LineSpace>0</Txt.LineSpace><Txt.LineAlign>1</Txt.LineAlign><Txt.StaticText>false</Txt.StaticText><Txt.DelayFrame>0</Txt.DelayFrame><Txt.SkipEnter>false</Txt.SkipEnter><Txt.LinesSyncEnter>false</Txt.LinesSyncEnter><Txt.DurationFrame>24</Txt.DurationFrame><Txt.SkipLeave>false</Txt.SkipLeave><Txt.LinesSyncLeave>false</Txt.LinesSyncLeave><Txt.LeaveFromBegin>true</Txt.LeaveFromBegin><Txt.KeepText>false</Txt.KeepText><Txt.URL>false</Txt.URL><Txt.URLAddress>about:blank</Txt.URLAddress><Txt.URLTarget></Txt.URLTarget></ParamsValue>"; function noActionIn(charMovie, posX, posY, charAlpha, charRotation) { charMovie._y = posY; charMovie._x = posX; charMovie._rotation = charRotation; charMovie._alpha = 0; charMovie.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((charMovie._alpha + 10) > charAlpha) { charMovie._alpha = charAlpha; delete this.onEnterFrame; this._parent.g_char_num = this._parent.g_char_num - 1; if (this._parent.g_char_num <= 0) {; } } charMovie._alpha = charMovie._alpha + 10; }; } function noActionOut(charMovie) { charMovie.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 10; if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._parent.g_char_num = this._parent.g_char_num - 1; if (this._parent.g_char_num <= 0) {; } delete this.onEnterFrame; this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } ParamsDefine = "<ParamsDefine><Txt.InSpeed caption=\"Entering speed\" type=\"integer\" min=\"1\" max=\"10\" default=\"8\"/><Txt.InDelay caption=\"Entering line delay\" type=\"integer\" min=\"1\" max=\"10\" default=\"0\"/><Txt.OutSpeed caption=\"Leaving speed\" type=\"integer\" min=\"1\" max=\"10\" default=\"8\"/><Txt.OutDelay caption=\"Leaving line delay\" type=\"integer\" min=\"1\" max=\"10\" default=\"0\"/></ParamsDefine>"; var param = new Array(); param["Movie.Width"] = _parent._width; param["Movie.Height"] = _parent._height; if (ParamsValue != null) { paramXML = new XML(ParamsValue); paramXML.ignoreWhite = false; var i = 0; while (i < paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { node = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]; if ((node.nodeName == "Txt.StrFormatedText") || (node.nodeName == "Txt.Font")) { param[node.nodeName] = node.toString(); } else { param[node.nodeName] = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue; } i++; } param["Movie.Width"] = parseInt(param["Movie.Width"]); param["Movie.Height"] = parseInt(param["Movie.Height"]); param["Txt.InSpeed"] = parseInt(param["Txt.InSpeed"]); param["Txt.InDelay"] = parseInt(param["Txt.InDelay"]); param["Txt.OutSpeed"] = parseInt(param["Txt.OutSpeed"]); param["Txt.OutDelay"] = parseInt(param["Txt.OutDelay"]); param["Txt.PosX"] = parseInt(param["Txt.PosX"]); param["Txt.PosY"] = parseInt(param["Txt.PosY"]); param["Txt.Rotation"] = parseInt(param["Txt.Rotation"]); param["Txt.LineSpace"] = parseInt(param["Txt.LineSpace"]); param["Txt.LineAlign"] = parseInt(param["Txt.LineAlign"]); param["Txt.StaticText"] = param["Txt.StaticText"].toLowerCase() == "true"; param["Txt.DelayFrame"] = parseInt(param["Txt.DelayFrame"]); param["Txt.SkipEnter"] = param["Txt.SkipEnter"].toLowerCase() == "true"; param["Txt.LinesSyncEnter"] = param["Txt.LinesSyncEnter"].toLowerCase() == "true"; param["Txt.DurationFrame"] = parseInt(param["Txt.DurationFrame"]); param["Txt.SkipLeave"] = param["Txt.SkipLeave"].toLowerCase() == "true"; param["Txt.LinesSyncLeave"] = param["Txt.LinesSyncLeave"].toLowerCase() == "true"; param["Txt.LeaveFromBegin"] = param["Txt.LeaveFromBegin"].toLowerCase() == "true"; param["Txt.KeepText"] = param["Txt.KeepText"].toLowerCase() == "true"; param["Txt.URL"] = param["Txt.URL"].toLowerCase() == "true"; delete paramXML; } else { param["Movie.Width"] = 400; param["Movie.Height"] = 300; param["Txt.StrFormatedText"] = "<Txt.StrFormatedText><Txt.StrLine><StrText format=\"default\">Aleo Flash Intro and Banner Maker</StrTetxt></Txt.StrLine></Txt.StrFormatedText>"; param["Txt.Font"] = "<Txt.Font><Txt.Format name=\"default\"><FontFormatName>default</FontFormatName><FontSize>24</FontSize><FontUnderline>false</FontUnderline><FontXScale>100</FontXScale><FontYScale>100</FontYScale><Alpha>100</Alpha><TextSpace>0</TextSpace><FillStyle>solid</FillStyle><FontBeginColor>0xFF0000</FontBeginColor><FontEndColor>0x0000FF</FontEndColor><Border>true</Border><BorderColor>0x00ffff</BorderColor><BorderSize>0</BorderSize><BorderShadow>false</BorderShadow><CharRotation>0</CharRotation></Txt.Format></Txt.Font>"; param["Txt.InSpeed"] = 2; param["Txt.InDelay"] = 1; param["Txt.OutSpeed"] = 2; param["Txt.OutDelay"] = 1; param["Txt.PosX"] = 100; param["Txt.PosY"] = 100; param["Txt.Rotation"] = 0; param["Txt.LineSpace"] = 20; param["Txt.LineAlign"] = 1; param["Txt.StaticText"] = false; param["Txt.DelayFrame"] = 20; param["Txt.SkipEnter"] = false; param["Txt.LinesSyncEnter"] = false; param["Txt.DurationFrame"] = 10; param["Txt.SkipLeave"] = false; param["Txt.LinesSyncLeave"] = false; param["Txt.LeaveFromBegin"] = false; param["Txt.KeepText"] = false; param["Txt.URL"] = false; param["Txt.URLAddress"] = "about:blank"; param["Txt.URLTarget"] = "_blank"; } if (param["Txt.StrFormatedText"] != null) { paramXML = new XML(param["Txt.StrFormatedText"]); paramXML.ignoreWhite = false; param["Txt.LineNum"] = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length; var i = 0; while (i < paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { node = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]; param[(node.nodeName + ".") + i] = node.toString(); i++; } delete paramXML; } if (param["Txt.Font"] != null) { paramXML = new XML(param["Txt.Font"]); paramXML.ignoreWhite = false; var i = 0; var format_name; while (i < paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { node = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[i]; format_name =; param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name] = new Array(); var j = 0; while (j < node.childNodes.length) { childNode = node.childNodes[j]; param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name][childNode.nodeName] = childNode.childNodes[0].nodeValue; j++; } param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontSize = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontSize); param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontUnderline = param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontUnderline == "true"; param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontXScale = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontXScale); param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontYScale = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontYScale); param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].Alpha = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].Alpha); param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].TextSpace = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].TextSpace); param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontBeginColor = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontBeginColor); param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontEndColor = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].FontEndColor); param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].Border = param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].Border == "true"; param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].BorderColor = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].BorderColor); param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].BorderSize = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].BorderSize); param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].BorderShadow = param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].BorderShadow.toLowerCase() == "true"; param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].CharRotation = parseInt(param[(node.nodeName + ".") + format_name].CharRotation); i++; } delete paramXML; } this._rotation = param["Txt.Rotation"]; if (param["Txt.StaticText"]) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 3); }
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 3
param["Txt.DelayFrame"] = param["Txt.DelayFrame"] - 1; if (param["Txt.DelayFrame"] > 0) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); }
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 4
function stage1_display(str, fmt_style, pos_xy, char_num, line_char_num, charbot_array) { var i1 = 0; while (i1 < str.length) { var chrcontainer = this.createEmptyMovieClip(((("chrcontainer_" + char_num) + line_char_num) + i1) + 1, ((char_num + line_char_num) + i1) + 1); var charDock = new Array(); charDock.Object = chrcontainer; chrcontainer._visible = false; charbot_array.push(charDock); var i2 = 0; if (fmt_style.Border) { i2 = 0; while (i2 < 8) { var iShadow; if (fmt_style.BorderShadow) { iShadow = 0.6; } else { iShadow = 0; } var dup_x = (((fmt_style.BorderSize * 1.2) * Math.cos(((2 * i2) * 3.141593) / 8)) + iShadow); var dup_y = (((fmt_style.BorderSize * 1.2) * Math.sin(((2 * i2) * 3.141593) / 8)) + iShadow); chrcontainer.createTextField((("t_fielddup_" + i1) + "_") + i2, i2 + 1, dup_x, dup_y, 0, 0); var t_field = chrcontainer[(("t_fielddup_" + i1) + "_") + i2]; t_field.embedFonts = true; t_field.text = str.charAt(i1); var t_fmt = new TextFormat(); t_fmt.font = fmt_style.FontFormatName; t_fmt.color = fmt_style.BorderColor; t_fmt.size = fmt_style.FontSize; t_fmt.underline = fmt_style.FontUnderline; t_field.setTextFormat(t_fmt); t_field.autoSize = "left"; t_field.selectable = false; t_field._xscale = fmt_style.FontXScale; t_field._yscale = fmt_style.FontYScale; i2++; } } var chrobj = chrcontainer.createEmptyMovieClip("chrobj_" + i1, (i1 + i2) + 1); chrobj.createTextField("t_field_" + i1, i1 + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); var t_field = chrobj["t_field_" + i1]; t_field.embedFonts = true; t_field.text = str.charAt(i1); var t_fmt = new TextFormat(); t_fmt.font = fmt_style.FontFormatName; t_fmt.color = fmt_style.FontBeginColor; t_fmt.size = fmt_style.FontSize; t_fmt.underline = fmt_style.FontUnderline; t_field.setTextFormat(t_fmt); t_field.autoSize = "left"; t_field.selectable = false; t_field._xscale = fmt_style.FontXScale; t_field._yscale = fmt_style.FontYScale; if ((fmt_style.FillStyle == "radial") || (fmt_style.FillStyle == "linear")) { with (chrobj) { colors = [fmt_style.FontBeginColor, fmt_style.FontEndColor]; alphas = [100, 100]; ratios = [0, 255]; matrix = {matrixType:"box", x:0, y:0, w:t_field._width * 2, h:t_field._height, r:(Math.PI/2)}; beginGradientFill(fmt_style.FillStyle, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(t_field._width * 2, 0); lineTo(t_field._width * 2, t_field._height); lineTo(0, t_field._height); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } chrobj.setMask(t_field); } var posY; if (param["Txt.LineAlign"] == 0) { posY = pos_xy.Y - 2; } else if (param["Txt.LineAlign"] == 2) { var metrics = t_fmt.getTextExtent(str.charAt(i1)); if ((metrics.ascent == undefined) || (metrics.ascent <= 0)) { posY = (pos_xy.Y - chrcontainer._height) + 2; } else { posY = (pos_xy.Y - 2) - metrics.ascent; } } else { posY = pos_xy.Y - (chrcontainer._height / 2); } charDock.PosX = pos_xy.X; charDock.PosY = posY; charDock.Alpha = fmt_style.Alpha; charDock.CharRotation = fmt_style.CharRotation; if (param["Txt.SkipEnter"]) { chrcontainer._visible = true; noActionIn(chrcontainer, pos_xy.X, posY, fmt_style.Alpha, fmt_style.CharRotation); } var t_margin = (t_field._width - t_field.textWidth); pos_xy.X = ((pos_xy.X + (t_field._width - t_margin)) + 0.5) + fmt_style.TextSpace; if (t_field._height > pos_xy.MaxY) { pos_xy.MaxY = t_field._height; } i1++; } } stop(); var g_char_num = 0; var g_charbot_array = new Array(); var pos_xy = new Array(); pos_xy.X = param["Txt.PosX"]; pos_xy.Y = param["Txt.PosY"]; pos_xy.MaxY = 0; var i1 = 0; i1 = 0; while (i1 < param["Txt.LineNum"]) { var str_line = param["Txt.StrLine." + i1]; if (str_line != null) { var paramXML; var fmt_name; var str_text; var line_char_num; var charbot_line; var charbot_str; paramXML = new XML(str_line); paramXML.ignoreWhite = true; line_char_num = 0; charbot_line = new Array(); pos_xy.X = param["Txt.PosX"]; pos_xy.Y = (pos_xy.Y + pos_xy.MaxY) + param["Txt.LineSpace"]; if (paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length > 0) { pos_xy.MaxY = 0; var i2 = 0; while (i2 < paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length) { node = paramXML.childNodes[0].childNodes[i2]; fmt_name = node.attributes.format; str_text = node.childNodes[0].nodeValue; fmt_style = param["Txt.Format." + fmt_name]; stage1_display(str_text, fmt_style, pos_xy, g_char_num, line_char_num, charbot_line); line_char_num = line_char_num + str_text.length; i2++; } } g_char_num = g_char_num + line_char_num; g_charbot_array.push(charbot_line); delete paramXML; } i1++; } if (!param["Txt.SkipEnter"]) { var a = 6; var b = 1.6; var i1 = 0; while (i1 < g_charbot_array.length) { var line_array; line_array = g_charbot_array[i1]; line_array[0].Object._alpha = line_array[0].Alpha; line_array[0].Object._rotation = line_array[0].CharRotation; line_array[0].Object.XValue = line_array[0].PosX - param["Movie.Width"]; line_array[0].Object.YValue = line_array[0].PosY; line_array[0].Object._x = line_array[0].Object.XValue; line_array[0].Object._y = line_array[0].Object.YValue; line_array[0].Object.Stoped = false; line_array[0].Object.iRadian = 0; line_array[0].Object._visible = true; if (param["Txt.LinesSyncEnter"]) { line_array[0].Object.Delay = 0; } else { line_array[0].Object.Delay = param["Txt.InDelay"] * i1; } var i2 = 1; while (i2 < line_array.length) { line_array[i2].Object._alpha = line_array[i2].Alpha; line_array[i2].Object._rotation = line_array[i2].CharRotation; line_array[i2].Object.XVelocity = 0; line_array[i2].Object.YVelocity = 0; line_array[i2].Object.XValue = line_array[i2].PosX - param["Movie.Width"]; line_array[i2].Object.YValue = line_array[i2].PosY; line_array[i2].Object._x = line_array[i2].Object.XValue; line_array[i2].Object._y = line_array[i2].Object.YValue; line_array[i2].Object.Stoped = false; line_array[i2].Object._visible = true; i2++; } i1++; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local5 = true; var _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < g_charbot_array.length) { var _local2; _local2 = g_charbot_array[_local6]; if ((--_local2[0].Object.Delay) <= 0) { if (_local2[0].Object.iRadian >= Math.PI) { _local2[0].Object.XValue = _local2[0].PosX; _local2[0].Object.YValue = _local2[0].PosY; if (!_local2[0].Object.Stoped) { g_char_num = g_char_num - 1; _local2[0].Object.Stoped = true; } } else { _local2[0].Object.iRadian = _local2[0].Object.iRadian + ((param["Txt.InSpeed"] * Math.PI) / 180); _local2[0].Object.XValue = (_local2[0].PosX - (param["Movie.Width"] / 2)) - ((Math.cos(_local2[0].Object.iRadian) * param["Movie.Width"]) / 2); _local2[0].Object.YValue = _local2[0].PosY + ((Math.sin(_local2[0].Object.iRadian) * param["Movie.Height"]) / 2); } _local2[0].Object._x = _local2[0].Object.XValue; _local2[0].Object._y = _local2[0].Object.YValue; _local5 = _local5 & _local2[0].Object.Stoped; var _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < _local2.length) { if ((Math.abs(_local2[_local3].Object.XValue - _local2[_local3].PosX) < 1) && (Math.abs(_local2[_local3].Object.YValue - _local2[_local3].PosY) < 1)) { _local2[_local3].Object.XValue = _local2[_local3].PosX; _local2[_local3].Object.YValue = _local2[_local3].PosY; if (!_local2[_local3].Object.Stoped) { g_char_num = g_char_num - 1; _local2[_local3].Object.Stoped = true; } } else { var _local4 = _local2[_local3].PosX - _local2[_local3 - 1].PosX; _local2[_local3].Object.XVelocity = (_local2[_local3].Object.XVelocity + (((_local2[_local3 - 1].Object.XValue + _local4) - _local2[_local3].Object.XValue) / a)) / b; _local4 = _local2[_local3].PosY - _local2[_local3 - 1].PosY; _local2[_local3].Object.YVelocity = (_local2[_local3].Object.YVelocity + (((_local2[_local3 - 1].Object.YValue + _local4) - _local2[_local3].Object.YValue) / a)) / b; _local2[_local3].Object.XValue = _local2[_local3].Object.XValue + _local2[_local3].Object.XVelocity; _local2[_local3].Object.YValue = _local2[_local3].Object.YValue + _local2[_local3].Object.YVelocity; } _local2[_local3].Object._x = _local2[_local3].Object.XValue; _local2[_local3].Object._y = _local2[_local3].Object.YValue; _local5 = _local5 & _local2[_local3].Object.Stoped; _local3++; } } _local6++; } if (_local5 && (g_char_num <= 0)) { delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; }
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 6
if (param["Txt.DurationFrame"] < 0) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } else { param["Txt.DurationFrame"] = param["Txt.DurationFrame"] - 1; if (param["Txt.DurationFrame"] > 0) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 1); } }
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 7
if (param["Txt.KeepText"] || (param["Txt.StaticText"])) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 2); }
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 8
stop(); if (!param["Txt.LeaveFromBegin"]) { g_charbot_array.reverse(); var i1 = 0; while (i1 < g_charbot_array.length) { g_charbot_array[i1].reverse(); i1++; } } g_char_num = 0; var i1 = 0; while (i1 < g_charbot_array.length) { g_char_num = g_char_num + g_charbot_array[i1].length; i1++; } if (param["Txt.SkipLeave"]) { var i1 = 0; while (i1 < g_charbot_array.length) { for (var i2 in g_charbot_array[i1]) { noActionOut(g_charbot_array[i1][i2].Object); } i1++; } } else { var a = 6; var b = 1.6; var i1 = 0; while (i1 < g_charbot_array.length) { var line_array; line_array = g_charbot_array[i1]; line_array[0].Object.XValue = line_array[0].Object._x; line_array[0].Object.YValue = line_array[0].Object._y; line_array[0].Object.Stoped = false; line_array[0].Object.iRadian = 0; if (param["Txt.LinesSyncLeave"]) { line_array[0].Object.Delay = 0; } else { line_array[0].Object.Delay = param["Txt.OutDelay"] * i1; } var i2 = 1; while (i2 < line_array.length) { line_array[i2].Object.XValue = line_array[i2].Object._x; line_array[i2].Object.YValue = line_array[i2].Object._y; line_array[i2].Object.XVelocity = 0; line_array[i2].Object.YVelocity = 0; line_array[i2].Object.Stoped = false; i2++; } i1++; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { var _local6 = true; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < g_charbot_array.length) { var _local2; _local2 = g_charbot_array[_local5]; if ((--_local2[0].Object.Delay) <= 0) { if (_local2[0].Object.iRadian >= Math.PI) { _local2[0].Object.XValue = _local2[0].PosX - param["Movie.Width"]; _local2[0].Object.YValue = _local2[0].PosY; if (!_local2[0].Object.Stoped) { g_char_num = g_char_num - 1; _local2[0].Object.Stoped = true; } } else { _local2[0].Object.iRadian = _local2[0].Object.iRadian + ((param["Txt.OutSpeed"] * Math.PI) / 180); _local2[0].Object.XValue = (_local2[0].PosX - (param["Movie.Width"] / 2)) + ((Math.cos(_local2[0].Object.iRadian) * param["Movie.Width"]) / 2); _local2[0].Object.YValue = _local2[0].PosY + ((Math.sin(_local2[0].Object.iRadian) * param["Movie.Height"]) / 2); } _local2[0].Object._x = _local2[0].Object.XValue; _local2[0].Object._y = _local2[0].Object.YValue; _local6 = _local6 & _local2[0].Object.Stoped; var _local4 = 1; while (_local4 < _local2.length) { if (_local2[_local4].Object.XValue < 0) { _local2[_local4].Object.XValue = _local2[_local4].PosX - param["Movie.Width"]; _local2[_local4].Object.YValue = _local2[_local4].PosY; if (!_local2[_local4].Object.Stoped) { g_char_num = g_char_num - 1; _local2[_local4].Object.Stoped = true; } } else { var _local3 = _local2[_local4].PosX - _local2[_local4 - 1].PosX; _local2[_local4].Object.XVelocity = (_local2[_local4].Object.XVelocity + (((_local2[_local4 - 1].Object.XValue + _local3) - _local2[_local4].Object.XValue) / a)) / b; _local3 = _local2[_local4].PosY - _local2[_local4 - 1].PosY; _local2[_local4].Object.YVelocity = (_local2[_local4].Object.YVelocity + (((_local2[_local4 - 1].Object.YValue + _local3) - _local2[_local4].Object.YValue) / a)) / b; _local2[_local4].Object.XValue = _local2[_local4].Object.XValue + _local2[_local4].Object.XVelocity; _local2[_local4].Object.YValue = _local2[_local4].Object.YValue + _local2[_local4].Object.YVelocity; } _local2[_local4].Object._x = _local2[_local4].Object.XValue; _local2[_local4].Object._y = _local2[_local4].Object.YValue; _local6 = _local6 & _local2[_local4].Object.Stoped; _local4++; } } _local5++; } if (_local6 && (g_char_num <= 0)) { _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < g_charbot_array.length) { var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < g_charbot_array[_local5].length) { g_charbot_array[_local5][_local4].Object.removeMovieClip(); _local4++; } _local5++; } delete this.onEnterFrame;; } }; }
Symbol 23 MovieClip Frame 9
stop(); if (!param["Txt.StaticText"]) { _parent.g_effectcount = _parent.g_effectcount - 1; if (_parent.g_effectcount <= 0) {; } }

Library Items

Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:1
Symbol 1 MovieClipUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 5 FontUsed by:6
Symbol 6 EditableTextUses:5Used by:4
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:8Used by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:6 9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 Sound [moviesound]
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:14
Symbol 14 GraphicUses:13Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 Font [Font7640default]
Symbol 16 Font [Font7640default large]
Symbol 17 Font [Font7640default small]
Symbol 18 Font [Font7640web link]
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 23 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline

Instance Names

"movieShapeMaskMC"Frame 1Symbol 1 MovieClip
"dynamictext0"Frame 5Symbol 23 MovieClip
"bytesDisplay"Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 6 EditableText
"loadingCircle"Symbol 4 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 9 MovieClip
"bot0"Symbol 19 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 3Symbol 11 as "moviesound"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 15 as "Font7640default"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 16 as "Font7640default large"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 17 as "Font7640default small"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 4Symbol 18 as "Font7640web link"


"loopstart"Frame 4
"repeat"Symbol 9 MovieClip Frame 36
Created: 16/10 -2018 05:56:25 Last modified: 16/10 -2018 05:56:25 Server time: 18/01 -2025 06:14:53