Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #183562

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 4 { } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 13 { } movieClip 14 { } movieClip 16 { } movieClip 20 { } movieClip 21 { } movieClip 24 { } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 31 { } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 35 { } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 37 { } movieClip 39 { } button 40 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 43 { } button 49 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 51 { frame 1 { function timerHandler() { if (!loadingComplete) { var v4 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); bar._xscale = 100 * v4; if (v4 == 1) { loadingComplete = true; if (AUTO_PLAY) { startMovie(); } else { gotoAndStop('loaded'); } return undefined; } } dt = getTimer() - time; time += dt; frameAccum += dt; var v3 = 0; for (;;) { if (!(frameAccum >= FRAME_TIME && v3 < MAX_FRAME_SKIP)) break; advanceFrame(tankLogo, true, true); advanceFrame(loadingText, false, true); advanceFrame(barGfx, false, true); if (loadingComplete) { advanceFrame(this, false, false); } frameAccum -= FRAME_TIME; v3++; } updateAfterEvent(); } function advanceFrame(clip, recurse, loop) { if (!clip) { return undefined; } clip.stop(); if (clip._currentframe == clip._totalframes) { if (loop) { clip.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { clip.nextFrame(); } if (recurse) { for (childName in clip) { if (typeof clip[childName] == 'movieclip') { advanceFrame(clip[childName], recurse, loop); } } } } function startMovie() { clearInterval(intervalId);; } _root.stop(); stop(); var FRAME_TIME = 33.33333333333334; var AUTO_PLAY = false; var MAX_FRAME_SKIP = 5; var loadingComplete; var intervalId; var time; var frameAccum; loadingComplete = false; intervalId = setInterval(this, 'timerHandler', FRAME_TIME / 2); frameAccum = 0; time = getTimer(); timerHandler(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 140 frame 2 { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('pussymon7'); energy = 100; money = 100; days = 1; hp = 100; xp = 1; xpb = 1; stone = 0; candy = 0; pballs = 0; pots = 0; care = 1; ca = 1; hpmax = 100; q1 = false; q2 = false; q3 = false; q4 = false; q5 = false; bull = false; apple = 1; i1 = 0; i2 = 0; i3 = 0; i4 = false; b1 = false; b2 = false; b3 = false; b4 = false; b5 = false; b6 = false; b7 = false; ehp = 100; etp = 3; elv = 1; p1 = 50; p2 = 0; p3 = 0; p4 = 0; p5 = 0; p6 = 0; p7 = 0; p8 = 0; p9 = 0; p10 = 0; l1 = 3; l2 = 0; l3 = 0; l4 = 0; l5 = 0; l6 = 0; l7 = 0; l8 = 0; l9 = 0; l10 = 0; s1 = false; s2 = false; s3 = false; s4 = false; s5 = false; s6 = false; s7 = false; s8 = false; s9 = false; s10 = false; } button 59 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 62 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(4); } } // unknown tag 88 length 75 movieClip 65 { frame 60 { _root.gotoAndStop(10); } } button 66 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 69 { } button 75 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(14); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 78 { on (release) { if ( == undefined) { _root.b_text.text = 'There is no saved game!'; } else { _root.days =; =; =; _root.pballs =; _root.hp =; _root.xp =; _root.stone =; _root.candy =; _root.pots =; _root.xpb =; =; =; _root.hpmax =; _root.q1 =; _root.q2 =; _root.q3 =; _root.q4 =; _root.q5 =; _root.q6 =; _root.bull =; _root.i1 =; _root.i2 =; _root.i3 =; _root.i4 =; _root.b1 =; _root.b2 =; _root.b3 =; _root.b4 =; _root.b5 =; _root.b6 =; _root.b7 =; _root.ehp =; _root.etp =; _root.elv =; _root.p1 =; _root.p2 =; _root.p3 =; _root.p4 =; _root.p5 =; _root.p6 =; _root.p7 =; _root.p8 =; _root.p9 =; _root.p10 =; _root.l1 =; _root.l2 =; _root.l3 =; _root.l4 =; _root.l5 =; _root.l6 =; _root.l7 =; _root.l8 =; _root.l9 =; _root.l10 =; _root.s1 =; _root.s2 =; _root.s3 =; _root.s4 =; _root.s5 =; _root.s6 =; _root.s7 =; _root.s8 =; _root.s9 =; _root.s10 =; gotoAndStop(20); } } } button 81 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 84 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(12); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 88 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(10); } } frame 14 { stop(); } button 92 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(65); _root.dash2.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } button 96 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Pussymon Center'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 98 { on (release) { _root.b_text.text = ''; this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Close'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 100 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buy'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 101 { on (release) { if ( <= 9) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have energy to do this.'; } if ( >= 10) { _root.b_text.text = 'You restore your HP'; _root.hp = _root.hpmax; -= 10; _root.gotoAndStop(22); } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Heal'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 103 { on (release) { if ( <= 199) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough money to do that!'; } else { >= 200; -= 200; _root.pots += 1; _root.b_text.text = 'You bought a Potion!'; } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buy 1 Potion for $200'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 104 { on (release) { if ( <= 499) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough money to do that!'; } else { >= 500; -= 500; _root.pots += 3; _root.b_text.text = 'You bought 3 Potions!'; } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buy 3 Potions for $500'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 105 { on (release) { if ( <= 699) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough money to do that!'; } else { >= 700; -= 700; _root.pots += 5; _root.b_text.text = 'You bought 5 Potions!'; } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buy 5 Potions for $700'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 106 { on (release) { if ( <= 9) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have energy to do this.'; } if ( >= 10) { _root.b_text.text = 'You restore your HP'; _root.hp = 100; -= 10; _root.gotoAndStop(22); } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Heal'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 108 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 110 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Your tent'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 111 { on (release) { _root.b_text.text = ''; this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Close'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 113 { on (release) { =; = 100; _root.days += 1; = 1; _root.hp = _root.hpmax; _root.gotoAndPlay(22); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sleep!'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 115 { on (release) { = _root.days; =; =; = _root.pballs; = _root.hp; = _root.xp; = _root.stone; = _root.candy; = _root.pots; = _root.xpb; =; =; = _root.hpmax; = _root.q1; = _root.q2; = _root.q3; = _root.q4; = _root.q5; = _root.i1; = _root.i2; = _root.i3; = _root.i4; = _root.b1; = _root.b2; = _root.b3; = _root.b4; = _root.b5; = _root.b6; = _root.b7; = _root.bull; = _root.ehp; = _root.etp; = _root.elv; = _root.p1; = _root.p2; = _root.p3; = _root.p4; = _root.p5; = _root.p6; = _root.p7; = _root.p8; = _root.p9; = _root.p10; = _root.l1; = _root.l2; = _root.l3; = _root.l4; = _root.l5; = _root.l6; = _root.l7; = _root.l8; = _root.l9; = _root.l10; = _root.s1; = _root.s2; = _root.s3; = _root.s4; = _root.s5; = _root.s6; = _root.s7; = _root.s8; = _root.s9; = _root.s10; savefile.flush(); _root.b_text.text = 'Saved!'; } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Save Game'; } } movieClip 116 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 118 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Work collecting fruits (+$100 per turn)'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 119 { on (release) { _root.b_text.text = ''; this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Close'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 121 { on (release) { if ( <= 39) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have enough energy to do that!'; } else { >= 40; -= 40; += 100; _root.b_text.text = 'You earned $100'; _root.gotoAndStop(22); } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Work'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 122 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 124 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Shop'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 127 { on (release) { if ( <= 199) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough money to do that!'; } else { >= 200; -= 200; _root.pballs += 1; _root.b_text.text = 'You bought a Pussyball!'; } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buy 1 Pussyball for $200'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 128 { on (release) { if ( <= 499) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough money to do that!'; } else { >= 500; -= 500; _root.pballs += 3; _root.b_text.text = 'You bought 3 Pussyballs!'; } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buy 3 Pussyballs for $500'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 129 { on (release) { if ( <= 699) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough money to do that!'; } else { >= 700; -= 700; _root.pballs += 5; _root.b_text.text = 'You bought 5 Pussyballs!'; } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buy 5 Pussyballs for $700'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 130 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Close'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 131 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 133 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Cheat house (Codes for Money, Candy, Pussyballs, Evolution Stones and Potions avaiable in Patreon. )'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 134 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 136 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 01 Info: Earn XP and raise your own level defeating wild Pussymons.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 137 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 01 Info:You can raise the level of your Pussymon using them in battle against Crudes or wild Pussymon.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 138 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(25); } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 139 { on (release) { if (_root.b3 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'The path is blocked.'; } if (_root.b3 == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(45); } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 142 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 143 { on (release) { if (_root.b5 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Oswald: Come back again when you’re done the tasks. I’ll be waiting here.'; } if (_root.b5 == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(68); } } on (rollOver) { if (_root.b5 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Oswald: Come back again when you’re done the tasks. I’ll be waiting here.'; } if (_root.b5 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Finish Pussymon Episode 09?'; } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 147 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 148 { instance of movieClip 131 { } instance of movieClip 142 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.b3 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'A tree is blocking the path. (I need a Pussymon with “Incinerate” to clear the path)'; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b3 = true; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.b3 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'A tree is blocking the path. (I need a Pussymon with “Incinerate” to clear the path)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 147 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 153 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 157 { } movieClip 160 { } movieClip 163 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 172 { } movieClip 175 { } movieClip 178 { } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 184 { } movieClip 186 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 188 { } movieClip 192 { } movieClip 195 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 196 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } } movieClip 200 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 203 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 206 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 209 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 219 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 222 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 225 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 228 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 231 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 235 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 239 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 243 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 247 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 251 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 255 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 259 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 263 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 267 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 271 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 272 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 20) [Water = Water]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 10) [Water = Water]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Ice < Water]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 5) [Ice < Water]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Water]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 10) [Neutral = Water]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 40) [Air = Water]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 30) [Air = Water]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Water]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Water]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 40) [Neutral = Water]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Water]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 35) [Plant > Water]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Plant > Water]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 25) [Ice < Water]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Ice < Water]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 45) [Psychic > Water]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Psychic > Water]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 35) [Psychic > Water]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 25) [Psychic > Water]'; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 20) [Water = Bug]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 10) [Water = Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 20) [Bug = Bug]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 10) [Bug = Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Bug]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 45) [Ligth > Bug]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth > Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 45) [Dark > Bug]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark > Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 25) [Fire > Bug]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 15) [Fire > Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 35) [Fire > Bug]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Fire > Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Bug]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 45) [Electric = Bug]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Electric = Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 35) [Psychic > Bug]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 25) [Psychic > Bug]'; } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 20) [Water = Neutral]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 10) [Water = Neutral]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 20) [Bug = Neutral]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 10) [Bug = Neutral]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Neutral]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Neutral]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 40) [Ligth = Neutral]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 30) [Ligth = Neutral]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 40) [Dark = Neutral]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 30) [Dark = Neutral]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 20) [Fire = Neutral]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 10) [Fire = Neutral]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 30) [Fire = Neutral]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 20) [Fire = Neutral]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 20) [Plant = Neutral]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 10) [Plant = Neutral]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 40) [Electric = Neutral]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 30) [Electric = Neutral]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 35) [Psychic > Neutral]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 25) [Psychic > Neutral]'; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water < Light]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 5) [Water < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Bug < Light]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 5) [Bug < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Light]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth < Light]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 25) [Ligth < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 45) [Dark > Light]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark > Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Light]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 5) [Fire < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Fire < Light]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Light]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Electric < Light]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 25) [Electric < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 30) [Psychic = Light]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 20) [Psychic = Light]'; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water < Dark]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 5) [Water < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Bug < Dark]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 5) [Bug < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Dark]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 45) [Ligth > Dark]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth > Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark < Dark]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 25) [Dark < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Dark]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 5) [Fire < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Fire < Dark]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Dark]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Electric < Dark]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 25) [Electric < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 30) [Psychic = Dark]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 20) [Psychic = Dark]'; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 25) [Water > Fire]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water > Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Bug < Fire]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 5) [Bug < Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Fire]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 45) [Ligth > Fire]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth > Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 45) [Dark > Fire]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark > Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 20) [Fire = Fire]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 10) [Fire = Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 30) [Fire = Fire]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 20) [Fire = Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Fire]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 40) [Electric = Fire]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 30) [Electric = Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 35) [Psychic > Fire]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 25) [Psychic > Fire]'; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water < Plant]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 5) [Water < Plant]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 25) [Bug > Plant]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Bug > Plant]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Plant]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Plant]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 45) [Ligth > Plant]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth > Plant]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 45) [Dark > Plant]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark > Plant]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 25) [Fire > Plant]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 15) [Fire > Plant]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 35) [Fire > Plant]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Fire > Plant]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 20) [Plant = Plant]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 10) [Plant = Plant]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Electric < Plant]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 25) [Electric < Plant]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 35) [Psychic > Plant]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 25) [Psychic > Plant]'; } } } frame 9 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 5) [Water < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Bug < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 5) [Bug < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 25) [Neutral < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 15) [Neutral < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 40) [Ligth = Psychic]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 30) [Ligth = Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 40) [Dark = Psychic]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 30) [Dark = Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 5) [Fire < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Fire < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Electric < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 25) [Electric < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 30) [Psychic = Psychic]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 20) [Psychic = Psychic]'; } } } frame 10 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water < Electric]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 5) [Water < Electric]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 20) [Bug = Electric]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 10) [Bug = Electric]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Electric]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Electric]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 45) [Ligth > Electric]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth > Electric]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 45) [Dark > Electric]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark > Electric]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 20) [Fire = Electric]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 10) [Fire = Electric]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 30) [Fire = Electric]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 20) [Fire = Electric]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 25) [Plant > Electric]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant > Electric]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 40) [Electric = Electric]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 30) [Electric = Electric]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 35) [Psychic > Electric]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 25) [Psychic > Electric]'; } } } frame 11 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water < Dark]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 5) [Water < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Bug < Dark]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 5) [Bug < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Dark]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 45) [Ligth > Dark]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth > Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark < Dark]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 25) [Dark < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Dark]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 5) [Fire < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Fire < Dark]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Dark]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Electric < Dark]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 25) [Electric < Dark]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 30) [Psychic = Dark]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 20) [Psychic = Dark]'; } } } frame 12 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 20) [Water = Bug]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 10) [Water = Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 20) [Bug = Bug]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 10) [Bug = Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Bug]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 45) [Ligth > Bug]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth > Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 45) [Dark > Bug]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark > Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 25) [Fire > Bug]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 15) [Fire > Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 35) [Fire > Bug]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Fire > Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Bug]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 45) [Electric = Bug]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Electric = Bug]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 35) [Psychic > Bug]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 25) [Psychic > Bug]'; } } } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 25) [Water > Fire]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water > Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Bug < Fire]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 5) [Bug < Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Fire]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 45) [Ligth > Fire]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth > Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 45) [Dark > Fire]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark > Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 10; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 20) [Fire = Fire]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 10) [Fire = Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 30) [Fire = Fire]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 20) [Fire = Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Fire]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 40) [Electric = Fire]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 30) [Electric = Fire]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 35) [Psychic > Fire]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 25) [Psychic > Fire]'; } } } frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 5) [Water < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Bug < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 5) [Bug < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 25) [Neutral < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 15) [Neutral < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 40) [Ligth = Psychic]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 30) [Ligth = Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 40) [Dark = Psychic]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 30) [Dark = Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 5) [Fire < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Fire < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Electric < Psychic]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 25) [Electric < Psychic]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 30) [Psychic = Psychic]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 20) [Psychic = Psychic]'; } } } frame 16 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p1 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.p1 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p1 += 5; if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p1 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 15) [Water < Light]'; } if (_root.p1 >= 1 and _root.p1 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Lizardish (Damage: 5) [Water < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.p2 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p2 += 5; if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 15) [Bug < Light]'; } if (_root.p2 >= 1 and _root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Bladantis (Damage: 5) [Bug < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p3 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.p3 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p3 += 5; if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p3 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 30) [Neutral = Light]'; } if (_root.p3 >= 1 and _root.p3 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Dayxie (Damage: 20) [Neutral = Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p4 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.p4 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p4 += 5; if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p4 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 35) [Ligth < Light]'; } if (_root.p4 >= 1 and _root.p4 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Buttmorfly (Damage: 25) [Ligth < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p5 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.p5 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 45; _root.p5 += 5; if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p5 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 45) [Dark > Light]'; } if (_root.p5 >= 1 and _root.p5 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Firnifly (Damage: 35) [Dark > Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p6 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.p6 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p6 += 5; if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p6 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Flioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Light]'; } if (_root.p6 >= 1 and _root.p6 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Flioness (Damage: 5) [Fire < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.p7 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p7 += 5; if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 25) [Fire < Light]'; } if (_root.p7 >= 1 and _root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Warmioness (Damage: 15) [Fire < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p8 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 5; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.p8 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 15; _root.p8 += 5; if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p8 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Plantight (Damage: 15) [Plant < Light]'; } if (_root.p8 >= 1 and _root.p8 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Plantight (Damage: 5) [Plant < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p10 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 25; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.p10 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 35; _root.p10 += 5; if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p10 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 35) [Electric < Light]'; } if (_root.p10 >= 1 and _root.p10 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Sparquikel (Damage: 25) [Electric < Light]'; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.p9 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have this Pussymon in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.p9 == 100) { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; _root.p9 += 5; if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 == 0) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } if (_root.p9 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 30) [Psychic = Light]'; } if (_root.p9 >= 1 and _root.p9 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'Attack with Mirageraffe (Damage: 20) [Psychic = Light]'; } } } } button 275 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(30); _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Run'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 276 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(35); _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Run'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 277 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(50); _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Run'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 278 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(25); _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Run'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 279 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(40); _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Run'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 280 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(45); _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Run'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 281 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(66); _root.bgolem1.gotoAndStop(159); _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Run'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 282 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(60); _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Run'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 283 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(67); _root.bgolem2.gotoAndStop(179); _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Run'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 285 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } button 287 { on (release) { if (_root.pots <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any potion in your bag'; } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You used a Potion'; _root.pots -= 1; _root.hp += 30; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(30); if (_root.hp >= _root.hpmax) { _root.hp = _root.hpmax; } } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Use Potion (Heal:30)'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 289 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p1 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p1 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p1 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } button 290 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p2 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p2 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p2 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } button 291 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p3 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p3 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p3 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } button 292 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p4 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p4 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p4 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } button 293 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p5 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p5 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p5 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } button 294 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p6 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p6 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p6 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } button 295 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p7 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p7 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p7 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } button 296 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p8 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p8 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p8 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } button 297 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p9 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p9 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p9 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } button 298 { on (release) { if (_root.pballs <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any Orb in your bag!'; } else { if (_root.p10 <= 0) { if (_root.ehp <= 10) { _root.p10 = 1; _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } else { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.p10 = 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(55); } if (randomNumber >= 11 and randomNumber <= 80) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(80); } if (randomNumber >= 81) { _root.pballs -= 1; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(112); } } } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have one of this Pussymon in your bag'; } } } } movieClip 306 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } } button 311 { on (release) { if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 1) { += 5; this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 2) { += 10; this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 3) { _root.i3 += 1; += 15; this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 4) { _root.i2 += 1; += 25; this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 5) { _root.i2 += 1; += 25; this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 6) { += 10; this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 7) { += 20; this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 8) { _root.i1 += 1; += 5; this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 9) { += 20; this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 10) { += 30; this.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 11) { += 150; _root.b4 = true; this.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 12) { += 20; this.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 13) { += 50; this.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 14) { += 30; this.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 15) { += 40; this.gotoAndStop(16); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 16) { += 150; _root.b5 = true; this.gotoAndStop(17); } } } movieClip 328 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance run of movieClip 285 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 5) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 6) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 8) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 9) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 10) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 11) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 12) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 13) { this.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 14) { this.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 15) { this.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 16) { this.gotoAndStop(16); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 331 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 153 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 20 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 200 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.xp >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.ehp -= 10; if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.xp >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Punch (Damage: 10)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 203 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.xp >= 33) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.xp <= 32) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to reach level 33 to unlock this ability!'; } else { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 20; } if (_root.etp == 2) { _root.ehp -= 20; } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.xp >= 33) { _root.b_text.text = 'Super punch (Damage: 20)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 206 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.xp >= 66) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.xp <= 65) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to reach level 66 to unlock this ability!'; } else { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 30; } if (_root.etp == 2) { _root.ehp -= 30; } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.xp >= 66) { _root.b_text.text = 'Hyper punch (Damage: 30)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 209 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.xp >= 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.xp <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to reach level 100 to unlock this ability!'; } else { if (_root.etp == 1) { _root.ehp -= 40; } if (_root.etp == 2) { _root.ehp -= 40; } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.xp >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Master punch (Damage: 40)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 219 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.hp <= 49 and _root.hp >= 20) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_root.hp <= 19) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 222 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.xpb >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.hp += 10; if (_root.hp >= _root.hpmax) { _root.hp = _root.hpmax; } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.xpb >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Heal (Heal: 10)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 225 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.xpb >= 33) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.xpb <= 32) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to reach level 33 with Bridget to unlock this ability!'; } else { _root.hp += 20; if (_root.hp >= _root.hpmax) { _root.hp = _root.hpmax; } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.xpb >= 33) { _root.b_text.text = 'Super heal (Heal: 20)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 228 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.xpb >= 66) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.xpb <= 65) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to reach level 33 with Bridget to unlock this ability!'; } else { _root.hp += 30; if (_root.hp >= _root.hpmax) { _root.hp = _root.hpmax; } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.xpb >= 66) { _root.b_text.text = 'Super heal (Heal: 30)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.xpb >= 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.xpb <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to reach level 33 with Bridget to unlock this ability!'; } else { _root.hp += 40; if (_root.hp >= _root.hpmax) { _root.hp = _root.hpmax; } if (_root.ehp <= 0) { _root.ehp = 0; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(41); } else { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(21); } } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.xpb >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Super heal (Heal: 40)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance bts of movieClip 272 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 5) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 6) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 8) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 9) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 10) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 11) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 12) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 13) { this.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 14) { this.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 15) { this.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 16) { this.gotoAndStop(16); } } } instance run of movieClip 285 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 5) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 6) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 8) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 9) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 10) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 11) { this.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 12) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 13) { this.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 14) { this.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 15) { this.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 16) { this.gotoAndStop(16); } } } instance of movieClip 306 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 5) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 6) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 8) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 9) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 10) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 11) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 12) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 13) { this.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 14) { this.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 15) { this.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 16) { this.gotoAndStop(16); } } } frame 30 { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 10) { _root.wild.gotoAndStop(20); _root.b_text.text = 'You weren\'t attacked this turn.'; } if (randomNumber >= 11) { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(31); _root.b_text.text = 'You were attacked!'; if (_root.elv == 1) { _root.hp -= 10; } if (_root.elv == 2) { _root.hp -= 20; } if (_root.elv == 3) { _root.hp -= 30; } if (_root.hp <= 0) { _root.hp = 0; } } } frame 40 { if (_root.hp <= 0 and _root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 11) { _root.b_text.text = 'Bad End - Lizardopus won and turned you into her sex slave, she still planning to dominate the world. (Tip: If you are having trouble to defeat Lizardopus unlock all heal skills for Bridget and use the last one constantly in the battle.) '; _root.gotoAndStop(75); } if (_root.hp <= 0) { _root.wild.gotoAndStop(1); _root.gotoAndStop(20); _root.hp = _root.hpmax; = 100; =; _root.days += 1; _root.b_text.text = 'You lost the battle, fainted and waked up in your room'; } else { gotoAndStop(20); } } frame 42 { if (_root.elv == 1) { _root.xp += 1; if (_root.xp >= 100) { _root.xp = 100; } _root.xpb += 1; if (_root.xpb >= 100) { _root.xpb = 100; } } if (_root.elv == 2) { _root.xp += 3; if (_root.xp >= 100) { _root.xp = 100; } _root.xpb += 3; if (_root.xpb >= 100) { _root.xpb = 100; } } if (_root.elv == 3) { _root.xp += 7; if (_root.xp >= 100) { _root.xp = 100; } _root.xpb += 7; if (_root.xpb >= 100) { _root.xpb = 100; } } } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 75 { _root.b_text.text = 'You used a Orb. Gotcha! A new Pussymon was Caught! Go check your bag!'; } instance run of movieClip 285 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 5) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 6) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 8) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 9) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 10) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 11) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 12) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 13) { this.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 14) { this.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 15) { this.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 16) { this.gotoAndStop(16); } } } frame 100 { _root.b_text.text = 'You used a Pussyball. Oh no, the Pussymon Broke Free! Well, at least she didn\'t flee.'; } frame 110 { _root.wild.gotoAndStop(30); } frame 155 { stop(); } frame 155 { _root.b_text.text = 'You used a Pussyball. Oh no, the Pussymon Broke Free! The wild Pussymon fled'; } instance run of movieClip 285 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 5) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 6) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 7) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 8) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 9) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 10) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 11) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 12) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 13) { this.gotoAndStop(13); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 14) { this.gotoAndStop(14); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 15) { this.gotoAndStop(15); } if (_root.wild.wild2._currentframe == 16) { this.gotoAndStop(16); } } } } button 335 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 345 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(21); } } frame 21 { stop(); } movieClip 349 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 352 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 372 { on (release) { if (_root.pots <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have any potion in your bag'; } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You used a Potion'; _root.pots -= 1; _root.hp += 30; if (_root.hp >= _root.hpmax) { _root.hp = _root.hpmax; } } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Use Potion (Heal:30)'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 377 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 380 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 383 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 386 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 389 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 392 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 395 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 398 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 401 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 404 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 424 { } movieClip 431 { } movieClip 440 { } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 449 { } movieClip 457 { } movieClip 477 { } movieClip 486 { } movieClip 499 { } movieClip 507 { } movieClip 508 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } } button 516 { on (release) { if (_root.l1 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s1 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(15); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l1 >= 5 and _root.s1 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(15); _root.s1 = true; _root.hpmax += 10; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } movieClip 523 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l1 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l1 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l1 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l1 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l1 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l1 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 525 { on (release) { if (_root.l1 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l1 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts1.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l1 >= 5) { _root.l1 = 5; } } } } } button 527 { on (release) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon can\'t evolve'; } } button 529 { on (release) { if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p1 += 33; } } if (_root.p1 >= 100) { _root.p1 = 100; } } } movieClip 533 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l2 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l2 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l2 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l2 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l2 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l2 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 534 { on (release) { if (_root.l2 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l2 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts2.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l2 >= 5) { _root.l2 = 5; } } } } } button 537 { on (release) { if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p2 += 33; } } if (_root.p2 >= 100) { _root.p2 = 100; } } } button 538 { on (release) { if (_root.l2 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s2 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(16); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l2 >= 5 and _root.s2 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(16); _root.s2 = true; _root.hpmax += 10; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } movieClip 542 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l3 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l3 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l3 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l3 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l3 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l3 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 543 { on (release) { if (_root.l3 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l3 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts3.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l3 >= 5) { _root.l3 = 5; } } } } } button 546 { on (release) { if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p3 += 33; } } if (_root.p3 >= 100) { _root.p3 = 100; } } } button 547 { on (release) { if (_root.l3 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s3 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(17); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l3 >= 5 and _root.s3 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(17); _root.s3 = true; += 1; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } button 548 { on (release) { if (_root.stone >= 1 and >= 51 and _root.p4 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have the evolution form of this Pussymon in your bag'; } if (_root.stone >= 1 and >= 51 and _root.p4 == 0) { _root.p4 = _root.p3; _root.p3 = 0; _root.stone -= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndPlay(25); } if (_root.stone >= 1 and <= 50 and _root.p5 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have the evolution form of this Pussymon in your bag'; } if (_root.stone >= 1 and <= 50 and _root.p5 == 0) { _root.p5 = _root.p3; _root.p3 = 0; _root.stone -= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndPlay(25); } } } movieClip 552 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l4 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l4 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l4 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l4 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l4 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l4 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 553 { on (release) { if (_root.l4 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l4 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts4.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l4 >= 5) { _root.l4 = 5; } } } } } button 556 { on (release) { if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p4 += 33; } } if (_root.p4 >= 100) { _root.p4 = 100; } } } button 557 { on (release) { if (_root.l4 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s4 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(18); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l4 >= 5 and _root.s4 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(18); _root.s4 = true; _root.hpmax += 10; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } movieClip 560 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l5 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l5 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l5 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l5 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l5 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l5 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 561 { on (release) { if (_root.l5 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l5 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts5.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l5 >= 5) { _root.l5 = 5; } } } } } button 564 { on (release) { if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p5 += 33; } } if (_root.p5 >= 100) { _root.p5 = 100; } } } button 565 { on (release) { if (_root.l5 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s5 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(19); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l5 >= 5 and _root.s5 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(19); _root.s5 = true; _root.hpmax += 20; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } movieClip 568 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l6 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l6 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l6 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l6 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l6 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l6 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 569 { on (release) { if (_root.l6 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l6 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts6.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l6 >= 5) { _root.l6 = 5; } } } } } button 572 { on (release) { if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p6 += 33; } } if (_root.p6 >= 100) { _root.p6 = 100; } } } button 573 { on (release) { if (_root.p7 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already have the evolution form of this Pussymon in your bag'; } else { if (_root.stone >= 1 and _root.p6 >= 50) { _root.p7 = _root.p6; _root.p6 = 0; _root.stone -= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndPlay(25); } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to reach level 50 with this Pussymon and have a evolution stone in order to evolve'; } } } } button 574 { on (release) { if (_root.l6 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s6 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(20); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l6 >= 5 and _root.s6 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(20); _root.s6 = true; += 1; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } movieClip 576 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l7 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l7 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l7 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l7 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l7 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l7 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 577 { on (release) { if (_root.l7 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l7 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts7.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l7 >= 5) { _root.l7 = 5; } } } } } button 580 { on (release) { if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p7 += 33; } } if (_root.p7 >= 100) { _root.p7 = 100; } } } button 581 { on (release) { if (_root.l7 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s7 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(21); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l7 >= 5 and _root.s7 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(21); _root.s7 = true; _root.hpmax += 20; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } movieClip 583 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l8 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l8 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l8 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l8 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l8 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l8 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 584 { on (release) { if (_root.l8 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l8 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts8.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l8 >= 5) { _root.l8 = 5; } } } } } button 587 { on (release) { if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p8 += 33; } } if (_root.p8 >= 100) { _root.p8 = 100; } } } button 588 { on (release) { if (_root.l8 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s8 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(22); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l8 >= 5 and _root.s8 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(22); _root.s8 = true; _root.hpmax += 10; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } movieClip 590 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l9 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l9 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l9 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l9 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l9 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l9 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 591 { on (release) { if (_root.l9 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l9 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts9.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l9 >= 5) { _root.l9 = 5; } } } } } button 594 { on (release) { if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p9 += 33; } } if (_root.p9 >= 100) { _root.p9 = 100; } } } button 595 { on (release) { if (_root.l9 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s9 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(23); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l9 >= 5 and _root.s9 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(23); _root.s9 = true; _root.hpmax += 20; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } movieClip 599 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { if (_root.l10 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l10 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l10 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l10 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l10 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l10 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } button 600 { on (release) { if (_root.l10 >= 5) { _root.b_text.text = 'This Pussymon already loves you enough.'; } else { if ( <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have enough care points to do that! (You earn Care Points each day when you wake up)'; } else { >= 1; _root.l10 += 1; -= 1; _root.pmanager.hearts10.gotoAndPlay(7); if (_root.l10 >= 5) { _root.l10 = 5; } } } } } button 603 { on (release) { if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'You already reach the max level of this Pussymon!'; } else { if (_root.candy <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You dont have any magic candy'; } else { _root.candy >= 1; _root.candy -= 1; _root.p10 += 33; } } if (_root.p10 >= 100) { _root.p10 = 100; } } } button 604 { on (release) { if (_root.l10 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s10 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(24); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l10 >= 5 and _root.s10 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(24); _root.s10 = true; += 1; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } button 608 { on (release) { if (_root.l10 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to fill 5 hearts with this Pussymon to do that!'; } if (_root.s10 == true) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(25); _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon!'; } if (_root.l10 >= 5 and _root.s10 == false) { _root.pmanager.sexcards.gotoAndStop(25); _root.s10 = true; += 1; _root.b_text.text = 'You fuck your Pussymon and unlocked a new bonus.'; } } } movieClip 610 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 349 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Skill 2: Incinerate - Unlocked'; } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to reach level 100 with Warmioness to unlock this skill'; } } } instance of movieClip 352 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 == 100) { _root.b_text.text = 'Skill 1: Slash - Unlocked'; } else { _root.b_text.text = 'You need to reach level 100 with Bladantis to unlock this skill'; } } } instance of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p1 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p1 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p1 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Lizardish'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p2 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p2 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p2 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Bladantis'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 243 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p3 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p3 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p3 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(4); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p3 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Dayxie'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 247 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p4 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p4 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p4 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(5); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p4 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buttmorfly'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 251 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p5 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p5 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p5 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(6); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p5 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Firnifly'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 255 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p6 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p6 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p6 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(7); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p6 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Flioness'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 259 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p7 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p7 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(8); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p7 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Warmioness'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 263 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p8 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p8 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p8 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(9); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p8 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Plantight'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 271 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p9 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p9 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p9 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(10); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p9 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Mirageraffe'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 267 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p10 >= 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p10 <= 0) { _root.b_text.text = 'You didn\'t catch this Pussymon yet!'; } else { _root.p10 >= 1; _root.pmanager.gotoAndStop(11); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.p10 >= 1) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sparquikel'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 377 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s1 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s1 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s1 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Lizardish Bonus + 10HP'; } } } instance of movieClip 380 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s2 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s2 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s2 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Bladantis Bonus + 10HP'; } } } instance of movieClip 383 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s3 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s3 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s3 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Dayxie Bonus + 1 Care Point'; } } } instance of movieClip 386 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s4 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s4 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s4 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buttmorfly Bonus +10HP'; } } } instance of movieClip 389 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s5 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s5 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s5 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Firnifly Bonus +20HP'; } } } instance of movieClip 392 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s6 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s6 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s6 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Flioness Bonus +1 Care Point'; } } } instance of movieClip 395 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s7 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s7 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s7 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Warmioness Bonus +20HP'; } } } instance of movieClip 398 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s8 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s8 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s8 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Plantight Bonus +10HP'; } } } instance of movieClip 401 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s9 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s9 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s9 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Mirageraffe Bonus +20HP'; } } } instance of movieClip 404 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.s10 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.s10 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'Reach 5 hearts with each Pussymon to unlock a bonus.'; } if (_root.s10 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sparquikel Bonus +1 Care Point'; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance hearts1 of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l1 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l1 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l1 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l1 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l1 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l1 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } instance hearts2 of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l2 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l2 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l2 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l2 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l2 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l2 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } instance hearts3 of movieClip 542 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l3 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l3 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l3 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l3 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l3 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l3 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(4); } } instance hearts4 of movieClip 552 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l4 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l4 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l4 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l4 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l4 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l4 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(5); } } instance hearts5 of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l5 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l5 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l5 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l5 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l5 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l5 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(6); } } instance hearts6 of movieClip 568 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l6 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l6 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l6 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l6 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l6 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l6 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(7); } } instance hearts7 of movieClip 576 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l7 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l7 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l7 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l7 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l7 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l7 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 9 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(8); } } instance hearts8 of movieClip 583 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l8 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l8 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l8 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l8 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l8 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l8 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 10 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(9); } } instance hearts9 of movieClip 590 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l9 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l9 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l9 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l9 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l9 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l9 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 11 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(10); } } instance hearts10 of movieClip 599 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.l10 == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.l10 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.l10 == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.l10 == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (_root.l10 == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (_root.l10 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } } frame 12 { stop(); } instance sexcards of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(11); } } frame 35 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 611 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(20); } } frame 22 { stop(); } movieClip 613 { frame 10 { _root.gotoAndStop(20); } } frame 25 { stop(); } button 615 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(20); } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 616 { on (release) { if (_root.q1 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'I can’t pass ’cause the bridge is broken.'; } if (_root.q1 == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(30); } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 618 { on (release) { if (_root.q1 == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.q1 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } } button 619 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 621 { on (release) { if (_root.i1 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'Oh, you need to bypass the bridge? Well, I can use a spell that I learned some days ago if you bring me 5 of Plantight’s petals.'; } if (_root.i1 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _root.b_text.text = 'Do you have my petals?'; } } } button 624 { on (release) { _root.q1 = true; _root.i1 -= 5; _root.map1.bridge.gotoAndStop(2); _root.b_text.text = 'Thanks! Just give me a minute and I’ll fix the bridge. Anyways, if you need money come see me again. I’ll give you $100 for each 5 petals.'; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 625 { on (release) { if (_root.i1 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'Do you have my petals?'; } if (_root.i1 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(5); _root.b_text.text = 'Do you have my petals?'; } } } button 627 { on (release) { += 100; _root.i1 -= 5; _root.b_text.text = 'Thanks here\'s your money.'; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 628 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } button 630 { on (rollOver) { if ( <= 9) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have energy to hunt'; } if ( >= 10 and <= 50) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.elv = 1; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 50; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(8); _root.elv = 1; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 50; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } if ( >= 51) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.elv = 1; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 50; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(8); _root.elv = 1; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 50; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 632 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 633 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 02 Info: In this area you can find Flioness and Plantight.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 634 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 02 Info: The catch rate is random, but any wild Pussymon have a 100% catch rate when their HP is 10 or less.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 635 { instance bridge of movieClip 632 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.q1 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 147 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 636 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(26); } } frame 26 { stop(); } button 637 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(25); } } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } movieClip 640 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 641 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 03 Info: In this area you can find Bladantis.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 642 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 03 Info: Each Pussymon has an elemental property who defines the damage they do in battle.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 643 { on (release) { if (_root.b1 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'The path is blocked.'; } if (_root.b1 == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(35); } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 644 { on (rollOver) { if ( <= 9) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have energy to hunt'; } if ( >= 10 and <= 50) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.elv = 1; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 50; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(12); _root.elv = 1; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 50; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Crude appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } if ( >= 51) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.elv = 1; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 50; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(12); _root.elv = 1; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 50; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Crude appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 645 { instance v1 of movieClip 640 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.b1 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p2 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'I must find a way to remove these vines. (I need a Pussymon with “Slash” to do it)'; } else { _root.p2 == 100; _root.b1 = true; _root.map2.vine.gotoAndStop(2); this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.b1 == true) { _root.b_text.text = 'The vines are blocking the path'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 147 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 646 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(31); } } frame 31 { stop(); } button 647 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(30); } } frame 35 { stop(); } movieClip 650 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 651 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(30); } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 652 { on (release) { if (_root.q3 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'The rock is blocking the path.'; } if (_root.q3 == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(40); } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 654 { on (release) { if (_root.q3 == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.q3 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } } button 656 { on (release) { if (_root.i3 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'There’s a big rock blocking the path. I’ve heard of a spell, but I will need fairy dust to try it. Bring me 5 of them, and I can try to remove this rock.'; } if (_root.i3 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _root.b_text.text = 'Do you have the fairy dust?'; } } } button 658 { on (release) { _root.q3 = true; _root.i3 -= 5; _root.map4.rock.gotoAndStop(2); _root.b_text.text = 'Cool, let me try… Nice! It works! By the way, if you ever need money just bring me more fairy dust. I will always give you $200 for every 5.'; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 659 { on (release) { if (_root.i3 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'Do you have the fairy dust?'; } if (_root.i3 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(5); _root.b_text.text = 'Do you have the fairy dust?'; } } } button 661 { on (release) { += 200; _root.i3 -= 5; _root.b_text.text = 'Thanks, here\'s your money.'; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 662 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } button 663 { on (rollOver) { if ( <= 9) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have energy to hunt'; } if ( >= 10 and <= 50) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(3); _root.elv = 2; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 100; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(9); _root.elv = 2; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 100; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } if ( >= 51) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(3); _root.elv = 2; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 100; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(9); _root.elv = 2; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 100; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 667 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(69); } } movieClip 669 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 670 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 04 Info: In this area you can find Dayxie and Mirageraffe.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 671 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 04 Info: A Dayxie have two evolution forms, one when she evolves at day and another when she evolves at night.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 672 { instance rock of movieClip 650 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.q3 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } instance of movieClip 669 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 147 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 673 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(36); } } frame 36 { stop(); } button 674 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(35); } } frame 40 { stop(); } button 676 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(35); } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 677 { on (release) { if (_root.b2 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'The path is blocked.'; } if (_root.b2 == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(45); } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 678 { on (rollOver) { if ( <= 9) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have energy to hunt'; } if ( >= 10 and <= 50) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(7); _root.elv = 2; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 100; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(14); _root.elv = 2; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 100; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Crude appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } if ( >= 51) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(7); _root.elv = 2; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 100; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(14); _root.elv = 2; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 100; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Crude appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 681 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 682 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 05 Info: In this area you can find Warmioness.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 683 { instance t1 of movieClip 681 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.b2 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'A tree is blocking the path. (I need a Pussymon with “Incinerate” to clear the path)'; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b2 = true; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.b2 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'A tree is blocking the path. (I need a Pussymon with “Incinerate” to clear the path)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 147 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 684 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(41); } } frame 41 { stop(); } button 685 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(40); } } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } button 687 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(40); } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 688 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(50); } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 689 { on (release) { if (_root.b3 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'The path is blocked.'; } if (_root.b3 == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(20); } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 690 { on (rollOver) { if ( <= 9) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have energy to hunt'; } if ( >= 10 and <= 50) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(10); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 150; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(15); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 150; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Crude appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } if ( >= 51) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(10); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 150; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(15); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 150; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Crude appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 691 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 06 Info: In this area you can find Sparquikel.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 692 { instance of movieClip 142 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.b3 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.p7 <= 99) { _root.b_text.text = 'A tree is blocking the path. (I need a Pussymon with “Incinerate” to clear the path)'; } if (_root.p7 == 100) { _root.b3 = true; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } onClipEvent (rollOver) { if (_root.b3 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'A tree is blocking the path. (I need a Pussymon with “Incinerate” to clear the path)'; } else { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 147 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 693 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(46); } } frame 46 { stop(); } button 694 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(45); } } frame 50 { stop(); } movieClip 699 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 700 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(45); } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 701 { on (release) { if (_root.q2 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'I need a key to unlock this gate.'; } if (_root.q2 == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(55); } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 703 { on (release) { if (_root.q2 == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.q2 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } } button 705 { on (release) { if (_root.i2 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'I have the key you need, but in exchange I want 5 time essences. You can get them from Firniflies and Buttmorflies.'; } if (_root.i2 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(3); _root.b_text.text = 'You have 5 time essences?'; } } } button 707 { on (release) { _root.q2 = true; _root.i2 -= 5; _root.map7.gate.gotoAndStop(2); _root.b_text.text = 'Thanks, I will open the gate for you. If you want, you can bring me 5 more anytime you want and I will always pay you $300.'; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 708 { on (release) { if (_root.i2 <= 4) { _root.b_text.text = 'You have 5 time essences?'; } if (_root.i2 >= 5) { this.gotoAndStop(5); _root.b_text.text = 'You have 5 time essences?'; } } } button 710 { on (release) { += 300; _root.i2 -= 5; _root.b_text.text = 'Thanks, here\'s your money.'; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 711 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } button 713 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 717 { on (release) { if ( <= 299) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough money to do that!'; } else { >= 300; -= 300; _root.candy += 1; _root.b_text.text = 'You bought a Magic Candy!'; } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buy 1 Magic Candy for $300'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 719 { on (release) { if ( <= 299) { _root.b_text.text = 'Sorry, you don\'t have enough money to do that!'; } else { >= 300; -= 300; _root.stone += 1; _root.b_text.text = 'You bought a Evolution Stone!'; } } on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Buy 1 Evolution Stone for $300'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 720 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 721 { on (rollOver) { if ( <= 9) { _root.b_text.text = 'You don\'t have energy to hunt'; } if ( >= 10 and <= 50) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(5); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 200; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(5); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 200; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } if ( >= 51) { var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); if (randomNumber <= 95) { } if (randomNumber >= 96 and randomNumber <= 97) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(4); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 200; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } if (randomNumber >= 98) { -= 10; _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(4); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 200; _root.b_text.text = 'A wild Pussymon appears!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 722 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 07 Info: In this area you can find Buttmorfly(at day) and Firnifly(at night).'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } button 723 { on (rollOver) { _root.b_text.text = 'Area 08 Info: If you have problems to defeat a enemy try to use the heal skill more often.'; } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 724 { instance gate of movieClip 699 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.q2 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } instance of movieClip 147 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 725 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(51); } } frame 51 { stop(); } button 726 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(50); } } frame 55 { stop(); } button 728 { on (release) { if (_root.b4 == false) { _root.b_text.text = 'I need to defeat the Dark Twin Golem to pass.'; } if (_root.b4 == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(60); } } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 729 { instance of movieClip 186 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.b4 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(66); } } instance of movieClip 147 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 730 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(56); } } frame 56 { stop(); } button 731 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(55); } } frame 60 { stop(); } button 733 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(55); } on (rollOut) { _root.b_text.text = ''; } } movieClip 734 { instance of movieClip 195 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.b5 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(67); } } instance of movieClip 147 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( <= 30) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( >= 31 and <= 60) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if ( >= 61 and <= 100) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 735 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(61); } } frame 61 { stop(); } button 736 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(60); } } frame 65 { stop(); } button 739 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 743 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(20); } } button 748 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 751 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } button 753 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } } button 756 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 759 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } } button 761 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } } button 763 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } } button 766 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } } button 768 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } } button 770 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } } button 771 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(13); } } button 773 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(14); } } button 775 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(15); } } button 778 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(16); } } button 780 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(17); } } button 782 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(18); } } button 784 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(19); } } button 786 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(20); } } button 788 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(21); } } button 790 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(22); } } button 792 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(23); } } button 794 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(24); } } button 795 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(25); } } button 797 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(26); } } button 799 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(27); } } button 801 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(28); } } button 803 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(29); } } button 805 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(30); } } button 807 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(31); } } button 809 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(32); } } button 811 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(33); } } button 813 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(34); } } button 815 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(35); } } button 817 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(36); } } button 819 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(37); } } button 821 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(38); } } button 823 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(39); } } button 824 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(40); } } button 826 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(41); } } button 828 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(42); } } button 830 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(43); } } button 832 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(44); } } button 834 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(45); } } button 836 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(46); } } button 838 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(47); } } button 840 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(48); } } button 842 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(49); } } button 844 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(50); } } button 846 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(51); } } button 848 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(52); } } button 850 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(53); } } button 852 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(54); } } button 854 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(55); } } button 855 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(56); } } button 857 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(57); } } button 859 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(58); } } button 861 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(59); } } button 863 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(60); } } button 865 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(61); } } button 867 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(62); } } button 869 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(63); } } button 871 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(64); } } button 873 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(65); } } button 875 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(66); } } button 877 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(67); } } button 879 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(68); } } button 881 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(69); } } button 883 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(70); } } button 885 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(71); } } button 888 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(72); } } button 890 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(73); } } button 892 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(74); } } button 894 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(75); } } button 896 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(76); } } button 898 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(77); } } button 900 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(78); } } button 902 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(79); } } button 904 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(80); } } button 906 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(81); } } button 908 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(82); } } button 910 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(83); } } button 912 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(84); } } button 914 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(85); } } button 916 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(86); } } button 918 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(87); } } button 919 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(20); } } button 921 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(20); } } movieClip 922 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } frame 53 { stop(); } frame 54 { stop(); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 56 { stop(); } frame 57 { stop(); } frame 58 { stop(); } frame 59 { stop(); } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { stop(); } frame 62 { stop(); } frame 63 { stop(); } frame 64 { stop(); } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 66 { stop(); } frame 67 { stop(); } frame 68 { stop(); } frame 69 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { stop(); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { stop(); } frame 74 { stop(); } frame 75 { stop(); } frame 76 { stop(); } frame 77 { stop(); } frame 78 { stop(); } frame 79 { stop(); } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } frame 83 { stop(); } frame 84 { stop(); } frame 85 { stop(); } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { stop(); } } frame 66 { stop(); } button 930 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(151); } } button 932 { on (release) { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 450; _root.b_text.text = 'The Dark Twin Golem is challenging you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } button 933 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(152); } } button 935 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(153); } } button 937 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(155); } } button 939 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(156); } } button 941 { on (release) { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 450; _root.b_text.text = 'The Dark Twin Golem is challenging you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } button 943 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(160); } } button 945 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(55); } } button 946 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(55); } } movieClip 948 { frame 1 { if (_root.b4 == false) { this.gotoAndPlay(150); } if (_root.b4 == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(159); } } frame 150 { stop(); } frame 151 { stop(); } frame 152 { stop(); } frame 153 { stop(); } frame 154 { stop(); } frame 155 { stop(); } frame 156 { stop(); } frame 159 { stop(); } frame 160 { stop(); } } frame 67 { stop(); } button 951 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(170); } } button 953 { on (release) { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(16); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 450; _root.b_text.text = 'The Light Twin Golem is challenging you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } button 954 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(171); } } button 956 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(172); } } button 957 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(173); } } button 959 { on (release) { _root.wild.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.wild.wild2.gotoAndStop(16); _root.elv = 3; _root.etp = 1; _root.ehp = 450; _root.b_text.text = 'The Light Twin Golem is challenging you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } } button 961 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(180); } } button 963 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(60); } } button 964 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(181); } } button 966 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(182); } } button 968 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(60); } } movieClip 970 { frame 1 { if (_root.b5 == false) { this.gotoAndStop(169); } if (_root.b5 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(179); } } frame 169 { stop(); } frame 170 { stop(); } frame 171 { stop(); } frame 172 { stop(); } frame 173 { stop(); } frame 179 { stop(); } frame 180 { stop(); } frame 181 { stop(); } frame 182 { stop(); } } frame 68 { stop(); } button 973 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(91); } } button 975 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(75); } } button 976 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(92); } } button 978 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(93); } } button 980 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(94); } } button 982 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(95); } } button 984 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(96); } } button 985 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(97); } } button 987 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(98); } } button 989 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(99); } } button 991 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(100); } } button 993 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(101); } } button 994 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(102); } } button 996 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(103); } } button 998 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(104); } } button 1000 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(105); } } button 1002 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(106); } } button 1004 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(107); } } button 1006 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(108); } } button 1008 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(109); } } button 1010 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(110); } } button 1012 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(111); } } button 1014 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(112); } } button 1016 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(113); } } button 1018 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(75); } } movieClip 1020 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(90); } frame 90 { stop(); } frame 91 { stop(); } frame 92 { stop(); } frame 93 { stop(); } frame 94 { stop(); } frame 95 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } frame 97 { stop(); } frame 98 { stop(); } frame 99 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } frame 101 { stop(); } frame 102 { stop(); } frame 103 { stop(); } frame 104 { stop(); } frame 105 { stop(); } frame 106 { stop(); } frame 107 { stop(); } frame 108 { stop(); } frame 109 { stop(); } frame 110 { stop(); } frame 111 { stop(); } frame 112 { stop(); } frame 113 { stop(); } } frame 69 { stop(); } button 1023 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(190); } } button 1025 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(35); } } button 1026 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(191); } } button 1028 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(192); } } button 1030 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(193); } } button 1032 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(194); } } button 1034 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(195); } } button 1036 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(196); } } button 1038 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(197); } } button 1040 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(198); } } button 1042 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(199); } } button 1044 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(200); } } button 1046 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(201); } } button 1048 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(202); } } movieClip 1059 { } button 1061 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(203); } } button 1063 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(204); } } button 1065 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(205); } } button 1067 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(206); } } button 1068 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(207); } } button 1070 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(208); } } button 1072 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(209); } } button 1074 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(210); } } button 1076 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(211); } } button 1078 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(212); } } button 1080 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(213); } } button 1082 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(214); } } button 1084 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(215); } } button 1086 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(216); } } button 1088 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(217); } } button 1090 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(218); } } button 1092 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(219); } } button 1094 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(220); } } button 1095 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(221); } } button 1097 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(222); } } button 1099 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(223); } } button 1101 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(224); } } button 1103 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(35); } } movieClip 1105 { frame 1 { this.gotoAndPlay(189); } frame 189 { stop(); } frame 190 { stop(); } frame 191 { stop(); } frame 192 { stop(); } frame 193 { stop(); } frame 194 { stop(); } frame 195 { stop(); } frame 196 { stop(); } frame 197 { stop(); } frame 198 { stop(); } frame 199 { stop(); } frame 200 { stop(); } frame 201 { stop(); } frame 202 { stop(); } frame 203 { stop(); } frame 204 { stop(); } frame 205 { stop(); } frame 206 { stop(); } frame 207 { stop(); } frame 208 { stop(); } frame 209 { stop(); } frame 210 { stop(); } frame 211 { stop(); } frame 212 { stop(); } frame 213 { stop(); } frame 214 { stop(); } frame 215 { stop(); } frame 216 { stop(); } frame 217 { stop(); } frame 218 { stop(); } frame 219 { stop(); } frame 220 { stop(); } frame 221 { stop(); } frame 222 { stop(); } frame 223 { stop(); } frame 224 { stop(); } } frame 70 { stop(); } frame 71 { _root.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 73 { _root.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 75 { stop(); } button 1113 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(1); } }
Created: 16/10 -2018 01:45:48 Last modified: 16/10 -2018 01:45:48 Server time: 07/11 -2024 19:10:44