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![]() | This is the info page for Flash #15631 |
To the casual observer you look happy and content. Your peers heartily admire you for having reached the pinnacle of your chosen lifestyle; |
Mastery of the dark programming arts. |
Experienced escapism into crap Sci-Fi shows. |
And the ability to fall apart completely in social situations. |
Chapter 1 : Preperation |
Chapter 2 : Basic Exercises |
Chapter 3 : Expert Exercises |
Chapter 4 : Danger Exercises |
Chapter 5 : Mega Ultra Super Exercises Chapter 6 : The Perfect Nerd Gym |
A TIT Publishing Product |
Written by MeatCity.co.uk |
By reading this book you are accepting the following terms and conditions: The authour is in no way responsible for any damage |
s |
or harm inflicted through the use of this book. You will also send your first born child to my super battle fortress to assist |
in the |
Unicron Construction Project that is as sinister as it sounds. |
But you have a terrible dark side. A side you express in sordid physical acts behind closed doors that leave you glistening with sweat and gasping for air. |
Yes, secretly you exercise; You do this even though it might shatter your nerd lifestyle into a thousand polygonal shards, as if rendered in glorious 3D. But there is hope! |
Now you can build muscle, whilst maintaining your trendy monitor worshipping life style, using the patented exercise techniques in this book! |
Maintaining your geekdom, succumbing to your body building needs. |
Pg 1 |
Pg 1 |
Pg 1 |
Pg 1 |
Poor neck muscles force the head at about a 20 degrees downward angle to the monitor plane, forcing the eyes to an un-natural angle. They eventually shrivel and fall out. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Fig.1 |
Preperation is like shovelling shit with a teaspoon. No wait, it isn't. |
Without posture you'd most likely be a puddle of loose flesh wriggling uselessly on the floor, so it is most vital! The illustration on the opposite page (Fig.1) shows common posture mistakes. The terrible consequences for these mistakes are below. |
Sitting like this for extended periods of time with weak neck muscles causes the head to be pulled down by gravity. Short term you get a hunch back. Long term your head falls off. |
Using only the front quarter of the chair, despite chair designers best wishes, in an attempt to sit whilst lying down causes permanent spine damage and loss of sex drive. |
Leaning the wrist against the desk edge leads to friction, gradually wearing through the skin resulting excessive bleeding and hand amputation. |
4 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Improved wrist flexibility can be reached by holding the mouse at this angle. Also your fingers may spasm, resulting in an excellent Auto- Fire feature for those troublesome games. |
In this comfortable and healthy position your groin is much more open. This will let it be straddled by beautiful women or simply be aired and de-fragranced. |
5 |
Good happy posture leads to proper physical development. The illustration (Fig.1) demonstrates how you should sit whilst using a computer. The benefits are so obvious even you would understand them, on a good day. |
5 |
Excellent shoulder stretching is achieved in this position. For maximum suppleness try popping your shoulder in and out of the socket a bit. Feel the burn! |
From this position you can also see behind you, allowing you to see any bastards who want to give you a wedgy. You can also practise releasing strings of expletives at anyone who passes by, improving communication skills. |
Individual finger strength can be improved by using a single finger at a time on the keyboard. Build up its sideways shock resistance by only using its side too. |
Just like it is for small babies; it's best to learn how to crawl before learning how to run and frolic. It's the running babies that the military take away after all. Here are some basic exercises that are easy to do and will get quick results! |
For the simple, lazy and under 5s |
It's like practising for |
the Channel X Preview |
Doesn't take much |
effort |
Costs a fucking |
fortune in mice. |
Hold the mouse as normal. Note: |
Normal, not insert deep into arse. |
Lift mouse in arc, using elbow as pivot, |
to about 40 degrees. |
Move your hand down again in an arc |
hard, striking the desk surface. |
Repeat. If the mouse shatters and |
plastic shards are embedded in your |
hand buy a better mouse. |
To complete this exercise you will need at least rudimentary balance and hand to eye co-ordination. Test this now in two easy steps; |
The exercise has |
'Super' in the title. |
It will annihilate your |
hand. |
Blood gets |
everywhere. |
Stand up. |
Point to the sky. |
Delicately balance the mouse on top of your hand, clenching the fingers. |
If the mouse dismounts don't worry, it's |
all part of the process. |
Knuckles bleeding? It shows the exercise is doing its job. Go through |
the pain barrier. COME ON LET'S SEE SOME BONE!! |
If you are able to do this without collapsing onto the floor or gouging out your own eye then you are ready for this deceptively simple exercise. |
Raise and lower the forearm five times a second, hitting the desk as hard as possible. |
Improve the strength of your upper body with this easy to learn but hard to master lifting exercise. What's more these deranged forearm spasms can help to reduce stress! |
Grab your keyboard, hold it on to the back of your head with your |
hands. |
Press the board against your head, depressing some of the |
buttons. This will give you computer beeping noises you can time |
yourself to. |
Now lean forward, crunching those stomach muscles. |
You can pretend you |
are a fireman lifting |
beautiful women - and |
throwing them off the |
roof. |
It almost feels like you |
might be working out. |
You might break a |
sweat. |
Snap back quickly as far as you can until you hear a crack. When |
you recover simply repeat. Fierce! |
Use your natural instinct to rock back and forth to great effect with this exercise. It focuses on building up spinal muscles and cartilage. If you're a spineless maggot then you will just flop around a lot to the amusement of all those that hate you. This exercise is so simple if you can't grasp its basic concept then please take the most rusted skewer you can find and rupture your stomach, resulting in a slow painful death as your body digests your very own organs deliciously slowly. |
Try not to think too hard about your spine. I mean you've not been friends for long have you? It's best to think about life without a spine, and what fun that would be. You could learn to break dance real good! |
Hunches are cool, and due to some weird French story possibly romantic. You'll be glad to know that just thinking about the keyboard back breaker will have you on the way to permanent spine deformation in no time, and lot's of dancing gypsy girlfriends. |
The diagram to the right, entitled "Ye Olde Diagram Of Human Nerd" shows in shocking accuracy what two skinned nerds might look like, should they be pierced with brown sticks and plagued by floating text. Take this opportunity to study the anatomy, and see which muscles might be under developed on your own body. Of course you'll have to get a good look by peeling away some of that un-necessary skin you like so much. Hell you're not gonna look any worse. Now you've gone this far why not kneed some of that flesh? Feels good eh? It looks tasty too. Cut off a slither, microwave for three minutes and enjoy! God, nothing is sacred to this book is it? |
Keeping you in a state of health, we're just not clear exactly which. |
The Expert Exercises are designed to tone, punish and indeed torture your body to its pathetic human limits until you're screaming for the mercy that will never come. We recommend that you master all the basic exercises before you move on to the expert exercises because it sounds like something we should say. Of course it makes no difference, you'll be in agony either way. All the Expert Exercises require more preparation and time to complete, so we recommend setting aside a good couple of hours before starting any of them. Make sure your friends don't know what you're up to. Tell them a bundle of lies to keep them away. Once the verbal sins have been spoken, lock the door and indulge yourself in your dark hobby. |
Bitch Tits |
Skittles |
Digestion |
Centre |
Wedgy |
Bone |
Oversized Brain Case |
Keyboard |
Interface |
Monitor Receptors |
Ye Olde Diagram Of Human Nerd |
Feet |
Knobbly |
More Feet |
Arm Holders |
Hamstrings |
Calves |
Triceps |
Pectorials |
Gamepad |
Smasher |
Jargon Database |
Gore |
Rubbed |
Thighs |
Under Used |
Glasses |
Support |
Credit to syf0n, smart, caseman984 and EvilGenius from Detonate Forums. |
Firstly you'll have to buy it, which creates |
visible credit transactions, showing your peers |
you intend to exercise! |
Secondly it's many design faults will kill you in |
horrible ways! |
* Replace 'may' with 'will'. |
Every day you're assaulted relentlessly by masses of health companies promising easy answers to your muscle building urges. PC PEDALER is one such corporate vampire, offering a product aimed directly at YOU. It's hooked up to your TV/Monitor, and if you don't pedal like a chimpanzee on speed it will turn off said device without mercy!! DO NOT TRUST IT! Our experts examined this system and deemed it technically 'crap'! Here's a quick low-down to why it's such total bollocks.. |
Your exercise is rewarded by the PC PEDALER keeping the monitor on. Fail and it will not only take away your reason to live, but may* launch thousands of electric demons at you. |
Spinal 'melting' is a symptom of too much pepporami polishing, you bad child. |
As shown in the many promotional displays from PC PEDALER, blatant self- creaming is unavoidable from the filthy thoughts radiated by cheap motor components. |
Fig.2 |
36% LOSER |
32% GEEK |
22% DIRTY |
10% CRAZY |
Below is a diagram of what you should use (Fig.2). Get a bike, rip off the wheels with your bare hands, and prop up the resultant scrap as shown. With the monitor in front of your face filling you with radiation and the bike seat hooked up to the electric pylon outside, jump on the 'machine' and don't stop. Ever. We cannot be held responsible if you show weakness and drop dead of exhaustion. The next page shows a larger diagram, and explains the various parts that make up this complex killing machine. I mean exercise machine. Whatever. |
Excessive 'pedaling' in this exact position forced by the PC PEDALER causes them to go rusty unless expensive motor oil is syringed directly into the joint. |
The actual PC PEDALER is expensive, ugly and swears at children. If this blue 'knob' is accidentally struck, it releases a toxic nerve gas killing everyone within three blocks. |
Your blurry shit monitor should be suspended via a fishing pole that has been inserted between your buttocks for maximum support. |
Hope is most important, the only thing that stops you from ending it all. It should be something that stimulates you physically or you have a great lust for, such as spreadsheets or poor quality Inter-web pr0n. |
The awkward position forced by the bike causes an unnatural angle on the neck. This forces it to build up large muscle masses or suffer the consequences. Four times out of ten this works. Result! |
The exercise requires some kind of negative impact if you show weakness. In the 'crap' PC PEDALER this is the PC being turned off. Here it is the 2000 volts travelling through the sharpened bicycle seat. Sit down and die. |
We recommend using your PC to prop up the front so your cables can reach the monitor. You should also use something of low cost for the rear of the bike, like your dodgy speaker or life. |
Let's you peek into the exciting world of sexual relations. |
You can see if your CPU's running hot. |
The sharp edged metal will shred your manhood. |
Make sweet love to it. |
Wipe everything clean. |
Disconnect your PC base unit. |
At last you can unite your passion for computers and healthy exercise in this previously forbidden copulation of man and machine. Dispel all worries that embracing your binary lover is somehow wrong or evil. But you must never be caught. There is also nothing wrong with dressing it with sexy underwear or smearing its plastic surface with seductive red lip stick. But you must never be caught. By carefully positioning your monitor you can load the face of anyone you desire; a celebrity, a digital snap of a neighbour, Doom or perhaps the Little Mermaid. But you must never be caught. You must never, EVER, be caught. |
You look like a complete tit but no-one will ever know. Actually its worse than being a tit. You are depraved. Sport a smug grin. |
Hold on tight, before you know what is happening everything is slippery, you're pregnant and your life is ruined. What a ride! |
With every movement you make clench those buttocks like angry fists. Really squeeze 'em hard.. so hard you think you may die. Try and visualise your colon actually being liquidised and your arteries exploding like burst inner tubes. |
Immediately after the exercise is completed you are likely to feel a tremendous amount of self-loathing. You will hate the computer, you will hate your disgusting penis and most of all you will hate yourself. You will feel filthy and will want to be clean. Take the toilet roll and wipe everything down. Flush it away. It's over now. It never happened. Forget all about it, push it deep down into the back of your mind. Deeper. Squeeze it next to those other repressed memories and never speak of it again. |
You can almost touch God. |
Exercise with bullets and lions Vs Safe Exercise |
Muscle Mass |
300% |
100% |
200% |
Exercise Length (Minutes) |
30 |
15 |
0 |
20 |
25 |
10 |
5 |
The visual growth of |
exercise. |
If you've come this far there is NO turning back. You're in too deep and you know it. You can't play a simple game of Quake without wishing each finger clutching your damned mouse was weighted to the point of snapping just to build up your forearm. What's worse you've started to like it. Even love it; you can't breathe, sleep or eat without somehow exercising muscles. But you need more, and you just can't pin point what it is you crave. The answer is... |
The DANGER sends the blood pumping through your veins. The knowledge that what you're doing is worst than anything you're previously conceived and could blow up in your face at any moment. Look at the graphs, charts and confusing numbers to the right. The test subject exposed to lions and bullets received far larger rewards for the same time span than his lazy comrades. If he had survived he would probably have grown to giant proportions and destroyed us all. Luckily none of the danger exercises in this book result in quite that much DANGER, so you're not too likely to transform into a hellish man beast through over efficient exercise. Your must be so glad. |
The graph to the left clearly shows that when exposed to DANGER muscle mass can grow up to 300%! Safe exercise shows no measurable gain. |
Those exposed to DANGER exercise show considerably higher chances of Muscle Growth, Green Skin, Rage and Pleasure. There is also a marginal increase of Girlfriend probability, pushing it over the zero threshold. Exciting work indeed. |
0% |
50% |
Probability Study |
Death |
Girlfriends |
Lion Attacks |
Ghosts |
Muscle Growth |
Green Skin |
Big Rage |
Pleasure |
6 |
Phone your future victim, promising 'punch and pie' if they come |
round alone. Have a weapon hidden and ready. This will ensure the |
pre-corpse will do what you say. |
Invite him/her in, locking the door immediately and revealing the |
weapon. Do this dramatically, working your triceps. Cue lightning. |
Begin to threaten the victim using a loud clear voice, with |
intermittent swear words, making you appear 'crazy' and 'on the |
edge'. Scream commands, forcing the victim to get onto the floor. |
Now raise the PC above |
your head, working your |
upper body. Proceed to |
smash it against the |
bastards face with an |
increasingly terrifying force |
you never knew you had. |
Close you eyes and enjoy |
every sweet impact and |
savour the sound the steel |
hitting cold, wet flesh. |
NOW! |
For many exercise is a healthy emotional release, and an ideal way to deal with excess stress. However, this particular exercise is not a healthy release, being entirely evil in nature. If you have enough moolah to bribe the local authorities or you're good at disposing bodies then this exercise could be the experiment with violence and upper body building you've been lusting for! |
What you do next is open - you can bury the body, or perhaps wear the skin like a leisure suit, you debased demon. The notes for this exciting exercise are continued on the next page. |
Crush your enemies. |
See them soil themselves for a change |
It will mess the carpet a tad. |
Use surface details to improve your hold on the case. Feel the solid dead weight of the unit shifting in your hands, the unforgiving sharp, hard corners, feel it's strength in your hands, it's crushing power. Let it become part of you. |
Only straighten your elbows when you bring the case down in a sharp, fast and deadly movement aiming directly for the target. The rest of the time keep them slightly bent and loose, swinging the unit side to side in a primal, ape-like manner whilst screaming abuse, chanting or perhaps manically reassuring yourself everything is going to be ok. |
Motivational slogans can really help you get in the mood whilst building your confidence. Use something short and simple and memorise it. Repeat it over and over until it consumes your soul and you're just a slave to it's power. It's not your fault, it's telling you to! |
Stand with both legs seperated about shoulders distance apart. Always remember to kick your target as often as possible, as great pleasure can be derived from this and it gives your calves a great work out too. |
Choose someone who upset you as a child, you owe money to or just looked at you cock-eyed. It's best to choose a person that has little family, lives alone and is difficult to trace back to you. This is because you are going to kill them. You are going to take a human life and you are going to love it. You sicken me. Cool beans! |
Virtual Reality. What could be more geeky? "Goodbye LAN Party associates!" you will say, "I am going away to engage in VR simulations." Incredibly impressed your friends will turn green with jealousy. But you lied. You are actually working for a top secret anti terrorist government hit squad. Your nerdy frame will be pushed to its limits in a real life urban war scenario. Bullets will tear through air and flesh, people will die screaming and blood will splatter the curtains. In the midst of all this you will be doing what you do best - escaping reality playing a lovely game of sudden death Counterstrike! Awesome! |
Sign up for a secret government hit squad, impressing them with your l33t Counterstrike skillz. |
Tell friends you're going on some kind of VR camp for the summer. |
Extreme danger exercises build masses of muscle mass! |
You kill real people and suffer absolutely no PING! |
You will very likely end up dead you fool. |
Bypass years of training by hacking government computers. Also give your self a better call sign, such as CYBERKID. |
Using mission blueprints create a perfect Counterstrike map copy, so your actions in VR correspond exactly to those in real life. |
Use military satellites to form a wireless uplink between your headset and PC at home. Make sure your headset as lot's of fully charged batteries |
You'll have to convert whatever weapons you're assigned so their motions can be tracked in-game. Alternatively just use the novelty coloured gun controller that comes with the headset. Your enemies will be so confused by the lame laser beams caressing their foreheads and you shouting "BANG! YOU'RE DEAD!" they'll happily lie down quietly. |
These have been around for years and are still shit because only nerds buy them. You have several. Dig out the best wireless one you own and use nerd science to boost the transmitter range to the military satellite. You'll find the uncomfortable weight of the unit will also help build grotesque neck muscles with bulging veins. Stupendous. |
Your team mates will automatically assume your either a cyborg super warrior (drawing conclusions from your call sign) or field testing some kind of prototype field battle computer. Because of these laughable conclusions they'll probably protect you firecly, sacrificing their very own lives so that you, the worthless, may live! Hilarious! |
Bah, who needs body armour. It's for girls. All you really need is to look ace, and what better way to look ace than your favourite "Commodore Amiga" Tshirt? Dude that looks so ace its super ace. Anyone who looks as ace as that is never going to get shot. They'll never feel the white hot kiss of deadly shrapnel piercing their epidermis will they? No way! You look too ACE! |
Now all those strange, pleasurable chemicals that are released whilst playing Counterstrike can be intensified and used to help your twisted body building needs, but with the addition of a VR headset you've never looked more a nerd. |
Super Challenge Health Pinnacle Achievment Techniques!! |
What exercise type take all knowledge and skill you possess to make fitness opportunity? Answer follows! |
Using Universal Truth you can become improved with health and great ability of toned bum! Follow with attention techniques told by great masters for learning and reproduction through own actions. But with wise proceeding with skill, responsibility is curse with gift raw power given. Gigantic Responsibility Will Bedfellow With You. Though pleasure comes from Bedfellow your mother will dispair however gigantic. |
One must be strong and durable but also flexible like joystick cable. |
- Ancient Nerd Proverb |
HIIIIIIIYAH! Yeah! TAKE THAT YOU KEYBOARD BITCH! Disguise your usual hatred for crappy peripherals by smashing them. Unknown to your nerd comrades this is actually exercise! Boyah! |
Raise your arm in the air, sucking in air noisily through your mouth whilst looking very cross. |
Makes you look hard. A bit of a nutter too. |
It really really really really hurts, and you'll scream like a girl. |
Your hands will hate you forever. |
Scream Kung Fu type sound effects and punch the keyboard as hard as you can, causing fire to streak behind your fist. |
Dance around the room whimpering in pain, then see a doctor about that nasty looking hand injury. |
Wear one to focus your awesome powers. If someone says it's a bit trendy just say you watch Karate Kid in costume. That'll shut 'em up. |
Years of playing Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter and other shit should have taught you incredible special moves. Use them now. |
Stand with your legs wide apart, and get ready to hop from foot to foot as you chant "OWY OWY OWY OWY" like a demented parrot. |
Scream and curse at the keyboard before throwing it on a coincidentially preconstructed concrete support. Make them believe. |
It's cheap. |
It's tacky. |
It's better than masturbating with sand paper. |
Look at that geek. Sat there writing top ten sci-fi lists in binary whilst simultaneously modelling Lara Croft and believing the Matrix is real. But wait! Look, he appears to be magically floating above the ground and has thighs that could take out a concrete bunker with one squeeze! |
Sit at a computer as normal. Installing XP and Linux on the same hard drive may help you get comfortable. |
Make your legs as rigid as possible and get a trained monkey to whip the chair out from under you, leaving you floating magically. |
Staying in this position for extended periods will cause infinite pain. Using meditation let your essence float away to another dimension. |
You may like to consider iron hinges to replace your abused knees. These ingenious implants also double as lion repellents. |
At first glance it appears you are working away as normal on your latest BASIC flight simulator twice as accurate as reality, but further glances reveal this is indeed lies. You are hovering above a void of empty space, buttocks quivering in effort to keep your gravity defying position. Any further glances should be avoided. |
8 |
6 |
7 |
Look in awe at what has to be the ultimate addition for any truly serious nerd health freak. Within the confides of this dark, damp and sinister Nerd Gym you can take your workout addiction to all new sensual highs and moral lows. The only thing that will be stronger than the stench of lunacy and sense of hopelessness is you. |
9 |
Gigabytes of meaningless and emotionaly void porn at your finger tips. There's plenty of forearm exercises here for the imaginative. |
The warm and seductive gaze of your one true godess should be ample motivation to get hot and sweaty. Let her magnificence drive you forwards. Perhaps one day if you work out enough she won't be digusted by your pitiful frame and you can charm her with your refreshing wit and good nature... or more likely she shall see you for the transparent worm you are. She is a higher life form you fool and the scum on her shoes can do better. Just continue getting hot and sweaty and rid your mind of such nonsense. |
Use a converted Dance Dance Revolution dancing mat of pure insanity to close tiny popup windows obscuring photos of badgers on a screen of gigantic proportions with a rediculous resolution to match, as everything slows to a crawl on the demented Windows XP. |
Attempt to break the light barrier within this oversided rodent play thing, whilst staring with laser beam intensity at the sassy lady across the road. Why she chooses to prance topless for your pleasure no one knows. A Mirage? Unexplained phenonemon? Or just a pack of lies? |
Look! The most interesting thing ever downloaded from Steak And Cheese is playing on that tiny screen! But you just.. can't... see it properly... damn this conveyor belt of frustration!!! DAMN IT! Just stop for a moment will you? I'M BEGGING YOU! Wait, my legs look great! |
They are electric eels and they'd like nothing better than to gnaw at your throat whilst stabbing your eyes with sharp tails. Oh and electricity. |
7 |
Ooooh fire! Delivered straight to your exercise den via a dual supply system that ensures maximum ferocity. Quite why you need fire is not clear. Disposing of sweaty underwear perhaps? Or just somewhere to dump the bodies. Who knows, but fire is just damned cool. Ha ha. |
8 |
Built to an excellent quality using the very best in stereotyped secret entrances this Nerd Gym has gone for the fake bookcase motif. There are many choices to suit all tastes, but sadly they give you AIDS. |
9 |
Fencing is a classic sport that promotes speed, balance and skill and geekyness. But its geek threshold has been pushed through the roof to the very death star itself by using these deadly light sabres. For best effect dress as your favourite Jedi Knight and make the appropiate noises as you cut your blade through the air and monkey opponent. |
This edition first published by Atari Publishing in 1982 - Reprinted in 1994 by Puffin Edited and Reprinted in 2003 by TIT Publishing 54 Propaganda Street Super Battle Fortress Terror Island (somewhere near London) (c) 1982, 1994, 2003 TIT Publishing Limited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any way or by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise. Neither should this publication ever by read quietly or out loud, bought, looked at, worshipped, torn, eaten, fed, walked, loved, hated, licked, stroked, burned, stabbed, insulted or made radioactive without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. You are, however, free to talk to the book as much as you like. ISBN 0-069-66610-3 Publisher: A small man with a nasty rash. Senior Editor: Your mum. Designer: Died in suspicious circumstances. Illustrator: Likes to trace photographs evidently. |
If you now find yourself fully enjoying the many pleasures of physical exercise and already experiencing astonishing results then I have completed my task. But use this book only as a rough guide, it's hardly the weighty words of our almighty God which must be obeyed for fear of eternal torment is it? You should think of this book as an annoying parent whose advise can be ignored and will one day be put in a retirement home to piss its bedsheets to its heart's content. My last advice is Experiment; on family, friends or anyone who wanders too close. The world is your Doom, go forth and strafe. |
If for some freakish reason you enjoyed this mockery of a book you might like to try these other titles by the authour: |
TIT Publishing |
ISBN 0-069-66611-4 | Paperback 89p | Colour Illustrations |
ISBN 0-069-66612-2 | Hardback £1.49 | Colour Illustrations |
ISBN 0-101-88457-1 | Hardback £1.19 | Colour Illustrations |
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Symbol 39 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
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Symbol 49 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
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Symbol 65 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
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Symbol 70 Text | Uses:50 | Used by:Timeline | |
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Symbol 88 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 89 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 90 Text | Uses:50 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 91 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 92 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
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Symbol 94 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 95 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
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Symbol 97 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
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Symbol 502 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 503 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 504 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 505 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 506 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 507 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 508 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 509 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 510 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 511 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 512 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 513 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 514 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 515 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 516 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 517 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 518 Text | Uses:50 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 519 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 520 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 521 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 522 Text | Uses:50 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 523 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 524 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 525 Text | Uses:50 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 526 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 527 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 528 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 529 Text | Uses:2 29 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 530 Font | Used by:531 | ||
Symbol 531 Text | Uses:2 530 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 532 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 533 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 534 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | ||
Symbol 535 Text | Uses:20 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 536 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 537 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 538 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 539 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 540 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 541 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 542 Graphic | Used by:543 | ||
Symbol 543 MovieClip | Uses:542 | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 544 Text | Uses:8 | Used by:Timeline |
Dynamic Text Variables
P2 | Symbol 37 EditableText | "Pg 1" |
P1 | Symbol 38 EditableText | "Pg 1" |
P2 | Symbol 40 EditableText | "Pg 1" |
P1 | Symbol 41 EditableText | "Pg 1" |