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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #15664

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


This game is not suitable for
persons under the age of 18.

While clicking on OK, I certify to have taken
knowledge of this warning and to be major in
accord with laws' of my country.


jeu en français

game in english

Ce jeu est réservé aux personnes
agées de plus de 18 ans

En cliquant sur OK, je reconnais avoir pris
connaissance de cet avertissement et être
majeur selon les lois de mon pays.


sensuelle expérience

sensuelle expérience

sensuelle expérience

sensuelle expérience

A sexy game by

English version by Pilotfish

in a blue lagoon

Que se passe t'il lorsque 2 amies décident de passer une soiréee calme devant un bon film ?

En général, rien de réellement excitant... A moins que l'une des deux ait une idée derrière la tête...

Que se passe t'il lorsque 2 amies décident de passer une soiréee calme devant un bon film ?

En général, rien de réellement excitant... A moins que l'une des deux ait une idée derrière la tête...

votre objectif, dans le jeu, est de rendre vraiment chaude cette soirée entre copines ...

- Trouvez les bons endroit où cliquer pour déclencher les actions

- Maintenez le bouton enfoncé pour poursuivre l'action.

- vérifiez l'efficacité des actions sur les jauge situées sur les cotés de l'écran


































































Ok... cette fille est un peu timide et tu n'as pas gagné pour cette fois... Mais elle est prête pour de nouvelles expériences si tu sais etre habile...

parler du jeu ?  regarde sur le forum :

Et si vraiment tu es bloqué, pendant le jeu, tu peux taper "aide" sur ton clavier...

parler du jeu ?  regarde sur le forum :


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
stop(); stop(); _root.langue = 1;
Frame 3
stop(); stop(); _root.langue = 0;
Frame 4
stopAllSounds(); music = new Sound(); music.attachSound("music"); music.start(0, 10000000);
Frame 44
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.text = "pr\u00E9sente"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.text = "presents"; }
Frame 80
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.text1 = "exp\u00E9rience sensuelle"; _root.text2 = "exp\u00E9rience sensuelle"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.text1 = "sensual experiment"; _root.text2 = "sensual experiment"; }
Frame 118
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.text1 = "exp\u00E9rience sensuelle"; _root.text2 = "exp\u00E9rience sensuelle"; _root.text3 = "Un jeu sexy de"; _root.text4 = "Version anglaise de ''PILOTFISH''"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.text1 = "sensual experiment"; _root.text2 = "sensual experiment"; _root.text3 = "A sexy game by"; _root.text4 = "English version by ''PILOTFISH''"; }
Frame 187
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.text1 = "Que se passe t'il lorsque deux amies d\u00E9cident de passer une soir\u00E9e calme devant un bon film ?"; _root.text2 = "En g\u00E9n\u00E9ral, rien de r\u00E9ellement excitant... A moins que l'une des deux ait une id\u00E9e derri\u00E8re la t\u00EAte..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.text1 = "What can happen when two girls decide to have a quiet night in watching a good movie?"; _root.text2 = "Normally nothing really exciting ... unless one of them has more than just films on her mind..."; }
Frame 197
tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); };
Frame 254
stop(); _root.dial = 0; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; _root.nivgirl1 = 0; _root.nivgirl2 = 0; _root.mvtgauge1 = 0; _root.mvtgauge2 = 0; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 0; if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.text1 = "Que se passe t'il lorsque deux amies d\u00E9cident de passer une soir\u00E9e calme devant un bon film ?"; _root.text2 = "En g\u00E9n\u00E9ral, rien de r\u00E9ellement excitant... A moins que l'une des deux ait une id\u00E9e derri\u00E8re la t\u00EAte..."; _root.text3 = "Votre objectif, dans le jeu, est de rendre vraiment chaude cette soir\u00E9e entre copines ..."; _root.text4 = "- Trouvez les bons endroits o\u00F9 cliquer pour d\u00E9clencher les actions."; _root.text5 = "- Maintenez le bouton enfonc\u00E9 pour poursuivre l'action."; _root.text6 = "- V\u00E9rifiez l'efficacit\u00E9 des actions sur les jauges situ\u00E9es sur les cot\u00E9s de l'\u00E9cran."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.text1 = "What can happen when two girls decide to have a quiet night in watching a good movie?"; _root.text2 = "Normally nothing really exciting ... unless one of them has more than just films on her mind..."; _root.text3 = "Your objective in this game is to turn a regular evening at home onto a memorable night for these two friends..."; _root.text4 = "- Find the right places to click to start an action."; _root.text5 = "- Hold the left mouse button to continue that action."; _root.text6 = "- Have a look at the gauges located of each side of the screen to see how well you are doing."; }
Frame 255
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 1; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 255
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 255
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 255
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Brunette's thigh : she really does not appreciate but ,promised, you will not do it again. "; _root.textaide2 = "2- Blond girl's panties: she caresses herself without decency. Let her pleasure level rise."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Brunette's hand: A little tenderness and complicity."; _root.textaide4 = "4- Brunette's shoulder : Let us try a bringing together..."; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- La cuisse de la fille brune: elle n'appr\u00E9cie pas vraiment mais promis, tu ne recommenceras pas."; _root.textaide2 = "2- La culotte de la fille blonde: elle se caresse sans pudeur. Laisse monter sa jauge de plaisir"; _root.textaide3 = "3- La main de la fille brune: Un peu de tendresse et de complicit\u00E9."; _root.textaide4 = "4- L'\u00E9paule de la fille brune : Tentons un rapprochement..."; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 255
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 256
Frame 289
_root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndPlay (993);
Frame 297
_root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndStop (298);
Frame 298
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 2; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 298
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 298
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 298
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Brunette thigh (2 times): she does not seem ready to accept that."; _root.textaide2 = "2- Brunette's thigh (a third time) : she starts to appreciate. Let her pleasure level rise."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Brunette's thigh (fourth time) : Continue until she spread her legs."; _root.textaide4 = "4- Brunette's right breast : It's time to be more explicit..."; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- La cuisse de la fille brune (2 fois) : elle n'a pas l'air d\u00E9cid\u00E9e \u00E0 se laisser faire."; _root.textaide2 = "2- La cuisse de la fille brune une 3\u00B0fois: Elle commence \u00E0 appr\u00E9cier. Laisse monter les jauges"; _root.textaide3 = "3- La cuisse de la fille brune une 4\u00B0fois: Continue jusqu'a ce qu'elle \u00E9carte les jambes."; _root.textaide4 = "4- Le sein droit de la fille brune : Il est temps d'\u00EAtre plus explicite..."; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 298
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 299
Frame 300
tellTarget (_root.animation2) { gotoAndStop (36); }; _root.animation2._visible = true;
Frame 380
_root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; _root.dial = 3; gotoAndPlay (993);
Frame 381
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 6; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; if (_root._root.dial == 5) { _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; } tellTarget (_root.animation3) { stop(); }; _root.animation3._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = true; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 381
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 381
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 381
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Brunette's right breast : she does not appreciate, you will not have to do it again."; _root.textaide2 = "2- Blond girl's panties : to maintain her excitement..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Brunette's head : A small kiss in the neck in the aim she forgives to you (let her pleasure level rise)"; _root.textaide4 = "4- Brunette's left breast : under the shirt, it's more pleasant."; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Le sein droit de la fille brune : elle n'appr\u00E9cie pas, il ne faudra pas recommencer."; _root.textaide2 = "2- La culotte de la fille blonde: pour entretenir son excitation..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- La t\u00EAte de la fille brune: Un petit baiser dans le cou pour se faire pardonner (laisse monter les jauges)"; _root.textaide4 = "4- Le sein gauche de la fille brune : sous le t-shirt, c'est plus agr\u00E9able..."; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 381
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 382
Frame 383
tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Frame 400
_root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndPlay (993);
Frame 401
tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = true;
Frame 471
_root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; _root.dial = 8; gotoAndPlay (993);
Frame 472
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 7; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; _root.carsein = 0; if (_root.dial == 9) { _root.dial = 10; } else { _root.dial = 9; } tellTarget (_root.animation3) { stop(); }; _root.animation3._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 472
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 472
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 472
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Brunette's shoulders : a good massage to relax her."; _root.textaide2 = "2- Brown haired girl's breast: she lets herself do but does not misuse that..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Brunette's hair : a caress on the hair, that's really relaxing."; _root.textaide4 = "4- Brunette's breasts : this time, we will go her bra down."; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Les \u00E9paules de la fille brune : un bon massage pour d\u00E9tendre l'atmosph\u00E8re.(monter les jauges)"; _root.textaide2 = "2- Les seins de la fille brune : elle se laisse faire mais n'en abuse pas..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Les cheveux de la fille brune: une caresse sur les cheveux, c'est vraiment relaxant."; _root.textaide4 = "4- Les seins de la fille brune : cette fois, on va descendre un peu son soutient-gorge."; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 472
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 473
Frame 474
_root.cible._visible = false;
Frame 517
_root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 0; gotoAndStop (518);
Frame 518
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 8; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; _root.dial = 11; if (_root.dial == 9) { _root.dial = 10; } else { _root.dial = 9; } tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 518
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 518
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 518
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Brunette's right breast: Now, it's certain, she loves that (let her pleasure level rise)"; _root.textaide2 = "2- Brown haired girl's left nipple : that's a guaranteed excitement..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Brunette's panties: warning, not before the 2 previous actions."; _root.textaide4 = ""; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Le sein droit de la fille brune : Maintenant, c'est s\u00FBr, elle adore \u00E7a (monter les jauges)"; _root.textaide2 = "2- Le t\u00E9ton gauche de la fille brune : \u00E7a, c'est de l'excitation garantie..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- La culotte de la fille brune: attention, pas avant d'avoir effectu\u00E9 les 2 actions pr\u00E9c\u00E9dentes."; _root.textaide4 = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 518
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 519
Frame 548
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { _root.dial = 13; } else { _root.dial = 11; } _root.cible._visible = true; _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndPlay (993);
Frame 549
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 9; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; tellTarget (_root.animation3) { stop(); }; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 549
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 549
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 549
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Brunette's sex : She is still a little contracted and brings her legs together."; _root.textaide2 = "2- Brunette's cheek : tenderness is important..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Brunette's mouth : for a kiss, after the two preceding actions only."; _root.textaide4 = "4- during the kiss, brunette's sex : this time she accepts the caress.(let her pleasure level rise)"; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Le sexe de la fille brune : Elle est encore un peu crisp\u00E9e et serre les jambes."; _root.textaide2 = "2- La joue de la fille brune : rien de tel qu'un peu de tendresse ..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- La bouche de la fille brune: pour un baiser, mais seulement apr\u00E9s avoir effectu\u00E9 les 2 actions pr\u00E9c\u00E9dentes."; _root.textaide4 = "4- pendant le baiser, le sexe de la fille brune : cette fois elle se laisse faire.(monter les jauges) "; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 549
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 550
Frame 578
gotoAndStop (579);
Frame 579
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 10; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation3) { stop(); }; _root.animation3._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 579
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 579
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 579
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Brunette's mouth : Still a little kiss..."; _root.textaide2 = "2- Brunette's pussy : She is ready and spread her legs..."; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- La bouche de la fille brune : Encore un petit baiser..."; _root.textaide2 = "2- Le sexe de la fille brune : Elle est pr\u00E8te, elle eccarte les jambes ..."; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 579
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 580
Frame 638
_root.cible._visible = true; _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; gotoAndStop (639);
Frame 639
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 11; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 639
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 639
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if (((_root.nivgirl1 < 199) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) and (_root.action == 12)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 198) { _root.action = 13; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 639
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Her pussy : caress it and make the pleasure level rise ..."; _root.textaide2 = "2- Her pussy again: this time, with the finger... until the orgasm ..."; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Son sexe : caresse le et fais monter la jauge..."; _root.textaide2 = "2- Son sexe \u00E0 nouveau : cette fois, on y va avec le doigt... jusqu'\u00E0 l'orgasme."; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 639
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 640
Frame 688
_root.dial = 15; _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndPlay (993);
Frame 689
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 14; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; tellTarget (_root.animation3) { stop(); }; _root.animation3._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 689
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 689
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((((_root.nivgirl1 < 199) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) and (_root.action == 15)) and (_root.orgasmpossible == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 198) { _root.condition4 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 689
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Brunette's pussy : the blond licks it with appetite."; _root.textaide2 = "2- Blond's hand : She drive it into her girlfriend's pussy (let jauge rise)..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Brunette's pussy, one more time : this time, until the orgasm."; _root.textaide4 = "4- Blond's sex : that's her turn to benefit from caresses."; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Le sexe de la fille brune : la blonde le l\u00E8che goul\u00FBment."; _root.textaide2 = "2- La main de la blonde : Elle la plonge dans le sexe de sa copine.(monter la jaugge)"; _root.textaide3 = "3- A nouveau le sexe de la fille brune : cette fois, jusqu'\u00E0 l'orgasme."; _root.textaide4 = "4- Le sexe de la blonde : A son tour de profiter des caresses."; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 689
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 690
Frame 710
_root.dial = 18; _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndPlay (993);
Frame 711
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 16; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; tellTarget (_root.animation3) { stop(); }; _root.animation3._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = true; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 711
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 711
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((((_root.nivgirl1 < 199) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) and (_root.action == 15)) and (_root.orgasmpossible == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 198) { _root.condition4 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 711
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- The dildo : The blond tries to introduce it into her girlfriend's vagina."; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Le god : La blonde essaye de l'introduire dans le vagin de sa copine."; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 711
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 712
Frame 747
_root.dial = 20; _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndPlay (993);
Frame 748
Mouse.hide(); code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop(); _root.action = 16; _root.condition1 = 0; _root.condition2 = 0; _root.condition3 = 0; _root.condition4 = 0; _root.condition5 = 0; _root.condition6 = 0; _root.bouton4._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation4) { stop(); }; _root.animation4._visible = true; tellTarget (_root.animation3) { stop(); }; _root.animation3._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation2) { stop(); }; _root.animation2._visible = false; tellTarget (_root.animation1) { stop(); }; _root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 748
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 748
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if (((_root.nivgirl1 < 199) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) and (_root.orgasmpossible == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 198) { _root.condition4 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 155 MovieClip in Frame 748
onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code1 == 0) and (touche == 104)) { _root.code1 = touche; } else if (((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code2 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 0)) and (touche == 108)) { _root.code3 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 0)) and (touche == 112)) { _root.code4 = touche; } else { _root.code1 = 0; _root.code2 = 0; _root.code3 = 0; _root.code4 = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyDown) { touche = Key.getAscii(); if ((_root.code11 == 0) and (touche == 97)) { _root.code11 = touche; } else if (((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 0)) and (touche == 105)) { _root.code12 = touche; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 0)) and (touche == 100)) { _root.code13 = touche; } else if (((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 0)) and (touche == 101)) { _root.code14 = touche; } else { _root.code11 = 0; _root.code12 = 0; _root.code13 = 0; _root.code14 = 0; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((_root.code1 == 104) and (_root.code2 == 101)) and (_root.code3 == 108)) and (_root.code4 == 112)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "HOT SPOTS :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Brunette's pussy : the blond girl put her hand into the vagina in the aim to ''expand the entry''"; _root.textaide2 = "2- The dildo: this time, it penetrates inside..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Brunette's breasts, while blond girl masturbates her friend with the toy : brunette caresses her breasts."; _root.textaide4 = "4- continue until the orgasm (level at the most)"; } else if ((((_root.code11 == 97) and (_root.code12 == 105)) and (_root.code13 == 100)) and (_root.code14 == 101)) { _root.ecranhelp._visible = true; _root.fermhelp._visible = true; _root.textaide0 = "ACTION SUR :"; _root.textaide1 = "1- Le sexe de la brune : la blonde y plonge la main pour ''\u00E9largir le passage''(monter les jauges)"; _root.textaide2 = "2- Le god : cette fois, \u00E7a rentre..."; _root.textaide3 = "3- Les seins de la brune, pendant que la blonde la masturbe avec le god.La brune se caresse les seins."; _root.textaide4 = "4- Continuer jusqu'\u00E0 l'orgasme (jauge au maximum)"; } }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 748
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Frame 749
Frame 863
_root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndPlay (864);
Frame 864
tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 864
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 864
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if (((_root.nivgirl1 < 199) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) and (_root.orgasmpossible == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 198) { _root.condition4 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 864
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 864
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Frame 884
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.text = "H\u00E8 les mecs, vous savez quoi... le soir, les filles sont incapables de regarder tranquillement un film \u00E0 la t\u00E9l\u00E9... Elles s'endorment avant la fin..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.text = "Hey guys, you know what?.. at night, girls are unable to watch a movies on tv ... They fall asleep before the end..."; }
Frame 978
if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.bouton1 = "REJOUER"; _root.bouton2 = "+ DE JEUX"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.bouton1 = "AGAIN"; _root.bouton2 = "MORE"; }; _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1;
Frame 992
tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } stop();
Frame 993
tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.dial > 8) { _root.shirt1._visible = false; } if (_root.dial > 10) { _root.sout1._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 993
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 993
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Frame 998
if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 1)) { _root.text = "Je pr\u00E9fererais que tu enl\u00E8ves ta main de ma cuisse s'il te plait , je trouve cel\u00E0 tr\u00E9s g\u00E9nant"; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 2)) { _root.text = "Je t'ai demand\u00E9 d'enlever ta main... puisque c'est comme \u00E7a, tu peux continuer ta soir\u00E9e toute seule... Tchao, je rentre chez moi. "; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 3)) { _root.text = "Arr\u00E8te s'il te plait, c'est vraiment g\u00E9nant, je n'ai pas l'habitude de laisser une fille me faire des choses comme \u00E7a"; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 4)) { _root.text = "Humm, c'est vrai que c'est relaxant... mais j'ai tout de m\u00EAme un peu honte, je n'ai jamais laiss\u00E9 une fille me caresser comme cela."; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 6)) { _root.text = "Ce n'est pas d\u00E9sagr\u00E9able mais je pr\u00E9f\u00E8re que tu ne poses pas ta main sur mes seins... laisse moi regarder la suite du film s'il te plait."; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 7)) { _root.text = "Je t'ai demand\u00E9 d'enlever ta main... puisque c'est comme \u00E7a, tu peux continuer ta soir\u00E9e toute seule... Je rentre chez moi. "; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 8)) { _root.text = "Je ne sais pas si ce que nous faisons est tr\u00E9s correct. Je pense que nous devrions arr\u00E9ter, j'ai vraiment honte "; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 9)) { _root.text = "J'aime beaucoup les massages, mais je trouve que tu te concentres un peu trop sur mes seins, reste correcte s'il te plait."; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 10)) { _root.text = "Ok, s'il n'y a que mes seins qui t'int\u00E9ressent, je n'ai plus rien \u00E0 faire ici, tu peux continuer ta soir\u00E9e toute seule... Tchao. "; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 11)) { _root.text = "Ah non! ne me touche pas l\u00E0!... Je ne suis pas lesbienne! c'est vraiment trop g\u00E9nant... Je ne peux pas te laisser faire \u00E7a... "; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 12)) { _root.text = "Non, vraiment je ne peux pas... Je ne me sens pas pr\u00E8te pour ce genre d'\u00E9xp\u00E9rience... je pr\u00E9f\u00E8re rentrer, tchao. "; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 13)) { _root.text = "Oh non, pas l\u00E0 ! Je ne suis pas lesbienne tu sais... J'ai vraiment trop honte... Nous ne pouvons pas faire \u00E7a."; _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 15)) { _root.text = "Waouh ! mais qu'est-ce qui m'arrive ? C'est la pemi\u00E8re fois que j'ai un tel orgasme !... Que c'est-il pass\u00E9 ?"; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 16)) { _root.text = "Et avec une fille !!! Mon Dieu, je crois que je suis vraiment lesbienne... C'est affreux, j'ai joui comme une folle... "; _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 18)) { _root.text = "Ca alors !!! j'ai enfon\u00E7\u00E9 mes doigts dans ton sexe et j'ai aim\u00E9 \u00E7a... Je crois que je suis vraiment une d\u00E9prav\u00E9e, quelle honte!"; _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 20)) { _root.text = "Non... il est vraiment trop gros... c'est impossible ! comment veux-tu rentrer \u00E7a dans ma chatte ?"; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 0; } if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 1)) { _root.text = "Could you remove your hand from my thigh please. I find it very embarrassing."; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 2)) { _root.text = "Look, I told you to remove your hand... If you don't want to understand that then you can continue this evening alone... bye... I\u2019m going home"; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 3)) { _root.text = "Stop, please, this is really uncomfortable. I am not accustomed to letting a girl do things like that"; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 4)) { _root.text = "Hmmm, it is relaxing... but I feel a little bit ashamed, I have never let a girl caress me like that before."; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 6)) { _root.text = "It is not unpleasant but could you not put your hand on my breast, please? ... You are making it difficult to concentrate on the movie."; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 7)) { _root.text = "Look, I told you to remove your hand... If you don't want to understand that then you can continue this evening alone... bye... I\u2019m going home"; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 8)) { _root.text = "I don\u2019t think what we are doing is very proper. I think we should stop, I'm really getting uncomfortable now."; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 9)) { _root.text = "I like your massaging, but I think you are paying a little too much attention to my breasts, please don\u2019t be so aggressive."; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 10)) { _root.text = "Ok, You are only interested in touching my breasts. I do not want to be here any more, you can continue your evening alone ... Goodbye!"; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 11)) { _root.text = "Stop! Don\u2019t touch me there! ... I am not a lesbian! This is really too much ... I can\u2019t let you do that ..."; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 12)) { _root.text = "No! Really, I can\u2019t ... I don\u2019t feel ready for this kind of experience ... yet. I want to go home, goodbye."; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 13)) { _root.text = "Stop ... Not there! I am not lesbian you know ... I'm really too ashamed ... We shouldn\u2019t be doing this."; _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 15)) { _root.text = "Whoa! What just happened to me? This is the first time I have ever had such an orgasm! ... I can't believe I am doing this!"; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 16)) { _root.text = "And that happened with a girl!!! Shit, I think I really must be a lesbian ... This is terrible ... That was so good I thought I would go insane!"; _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 18)) { _root.text = "Wow, I can\u2019t believe I just had my fingers inside you ... and I liked it ... I believe I am really turning into a very bad girl, shame on me!"; _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 20)) { _root.text = "No! It really must be too big ... It will be impossible! How do you think this will fit into my pussy?!"; _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 0; }
Frame 1079
if (_root.dial == 1) { gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 2) { gotoAndPlay (1166); } else if ((_root.dial == 3) or (_root.dial == 4)) { gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 6) { gotoAndStop (381); } else if (_root.dial == 7) { gotoAndPlay (1166); } else if (_root.dial == 8) { gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 9) { gotoAndStop (472); } else if (_root.dial == 10) { gotoAndPlay (1166); } else if (_root.dial == 11) { gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 12) { gotoAndPlay (1166); } else if (_root.dial == 13) { gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 15) { _root.dial = 16; gotoAndPlay (993); } else if (_root.dial == 16) { gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 18) { gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 20) { gotoAndPlay (748); }
Frame 1080
tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.dial > 10) { _root.shirt2._visible = false; } if (_root.dial > 14) { _root.sout2._visible = false; }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 1080
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 1080
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Frame 1085
if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 1)) { _root.text = "Oups... D\u00E9sol\u00E9e, je ne pensais pas que cela te d\u00E9rangerait... Ta peau est vraiment tr\u00E9s douce, tu sais."; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 3)) { _root.text = "Allons, ne sois pas timide, il n'y a aucun mal \u00E0 se d\u00E9tendre entre amies... C'est juste de la relaxation"; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 4)) { _root.text = "Je t'assure qu'il n'y a aucune raison d'avoir honte. Nous sommes amies et nous sommes ensemble pour passer une soir\u00E9e agr\u00E9able."; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 5)) { _root.text = "Arr\u00E8te de te poser des questions et regardons la suite de ce film...Nous devrions retirer nos jupes pour \u00EAtre plus \u00E0 l'aise."; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 8)) { _root.text = "Relax...Je suis s\u00FBre que tu trouves \u00E7a agr\u00E9able, alors d\u00E9tend toi et retire ton t-shirt, je vais te d\u00E9barasser de ton stress. "; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 0; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 11)) { _root.text = "Tu es vraiment trop coinc\u00E9e... Je ne comprend pas pourquoi tu refuses de prendre du plaisir... Il n'y a rien de choquant, tu sais."; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 13)) { _root.text = "Lesbienne? Allons ! ne sois pas coin\u00E7\u00E9e... Mon but n'est pas de te faire renoncer aux hommes... juste de t'offrir un moment de plaisir"; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 14)) { _root.text = "Arrete de culpabiliser sans raison et profite de cet instant... Tu vas fermer les yeux et je vais retirer ta culotte... Laisse moi faire, tu vas adorer..."; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 16)) { _root.text = "Tu d\u00E9couvres des plaisirs nouveaux... diff\u00E9rents... c'est tout. Il n'y a pas de quoi avoir honte. Tu aimes \u00E7a et c'est normal... "; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 17)) { _root.text = "Et j'ai encore beaucoup de choses \u00E0 te faire d\u00E9couvrir... Viens, ta petite chatte est toute mouill\u00E9e, j'ai envie d'y gouter... "; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 18)) { _root.text = "J'ai beaucoup appr\u00E9ci\u00E9 aussi, crois moi, et il n'y a rien d'anormal \u00E0 cela... Tu es une fille tr\u00E9s sensuelle et je t'aime beaucoup."; } else if ((_root.langue == 0) and (_root.dial == 19)) { _root.text = "J'adore te donner du plaisir... Et j'ai envie de te faire essayer mon nouveau jouet, tu vas voir, il est extraordinaire."; } if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 1)) { _root.text = "Oops... Sorry, I didn\u2019t think you would mind... Your skin is just so soft, you know."; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 3)) { _root.text = "Why, don\u2019t be shy. There is no harm in relaxing with a friend ... It\u2019s just a bit of fun."; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 4)) { _root.text = "I can assure you that there is nothing to be ashamed about. We are a couple of friends here just to have a pleasant evening."; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 5)) { _root.text = "Get rid of your bad thoughts and let\u2019s just watch the movie ... Is it warm in here? Why don\u2019t we take off our skirts to be more comfortable?"; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 8)) { _root.text = "Shhhhh ... I am sure you find my caresses pleasant ... Relax ... Take off your shirt; I will help get rid of your stress "; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 0; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 11)) { _root.text = "You are really much too uptight ... I don't understand why you would refuse to have pleasure ... There is nothing shocking about pleasure."; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 13)) { _root.text = "Lesbian? Noooo! There is no need to be so extreme ... My aim isn\u2019t to make us forget men ... I just want to give you some moments of pleasure."; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 14)) { _root.text = "Stop feeling guilty for no reason and enjoy this moment ... Just close your eyes while we take off your panties ... here, let me do it ... you won\u2019t regret a thing ... trust me."; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 16)) { _root.text = "You have just discovered new pleasures ... something a little different; that's all. This is not shameful. You liked it and that is normal ..."; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 17)) { _root.text = "And I still have plenty of other things for you to discover ... Look, your little pussy is so wet, I just want to taste it ..."; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 18)) { _root.text = "I also appreciate what we did, very much, really, and I don\u2019t see anything bad with that... You are a very special girl and I love you very much."; } else if ((_root.langue == 1) and (_root.dial == 19)) { _root.text = "I like to give you pleasure... And I want to make you test my new toy, you will see, it is extraordinary."; }
Frame 1165
if (_root.dial == 1) { gotoAndStop (255); } else if (_root.dial == 3) { _root.dial = 4; gotoAndPlay (993); } else if (_root.dial == 4) { _root.dial = 5; gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 5) { gotoAndStop (381); } else if (_root.dial == 8) { gotoAndStop (472); } else if (_root.dial == 11) { _root.dial = 12; gotoAndPlay (993); } else if (_root.dial == 13) { _root.dial = 14; gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 14) { gotoAndPlay (549); } else if (_root.dial == 16) { _root.dial = 17; gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 17) { gotoAndPlay (689); } else if (_root.dial == 18) { _root.dial = 19; gotoAndPlay (1080); } else if (_root.dial == 19) { gotoAndPlay (711); }
Frame 1166
tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { stop(); }; tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { stop(); }; if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } Mouse.hide(); _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; if (_root.dial == 2) { _root.find2._visible = true; _root.find7._visible = false; _root.find10._visible = false; _root.find12._visible = false; } else if (_root.dial == 7) { _root.find2._visible = false; _root.find7._visible = true; _root.find10._visible = false; _root.find12._visible = false; } else if (_root.dial == 10) { _root.find2._visible = false; _root.find7._visible = false; _root.find10._visible = true; _root.find12._visible = false; } else if (_root.dial == 12) { _root.find2._visible = false; _root.find7._visible = false; _root.find10._visible = false; _root.find12._visible = true; }
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip in Frame 1166
onClipEvent (load) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _root.cible._x = _xmouse; _root.cible._y = _ymouse; Mouse.hide(); }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl2" in Frame 1166
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.posy2 = _root.gaugegirl2._y; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.larg2 = _root.gaugegirl2._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 - 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 1; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } else if ((_root.nivgirl2 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge2 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl2 = _root.nivgirl2 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl2._height = _root.nivgirl2; _root.gaugegirl2._y = _root.posy2 - (_root.nivgirl2 / 2); _root.gaugegirl2._width = _root.larg2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl2 > 100) { _root.condition6 = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "gaugegirl1" in Frame 1166
onClipEvent (load) { _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.posy1 = _root.gaugegirl1._y; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.larg1 = _root.gaugegirl1._width; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == -1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 - 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 20) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 1)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 1; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } else if ((_root.nivgirl1 < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge1 == 2)) { _root.nivgirl1 = _root.nivgirl1 + 0.5; _root.gaugegirl1._height = _root.nivgirl1; _root.gaugegirl1._y = _root.posy1 - (_root.nivgirl1 / 2); _root.gaugegirl1._width = _root.larg1; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 100) { _root.condition5 = 1; } }
Frame 1214; if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.bouton1 = "REJOUER"; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.bouton1 = "AGAIN"; } if (_root.langue == 0) { _root.text10 = "Ok... cette fille est un peu timide et tu n'as pas gagn\u00E9 pour cette fois... Mais elle est pr\u00EAte pour de nouvelles exp\u00E9riences si tu sais etre habile..."; _root.text11 = "Parler du jeu ? Regarde sur le forum :"; _root.text12 = "Et si vraiment tu es bloqu\u00E9, pendant le jeu, tu peux taper ''aide'' sur ton clavier..."; } else if (_root.langue == 1) { _root.text10 = "Ok... this girl is shy and you lose this time... But she is ready for new experiments if you are skilful..."; _root.text11 = "Speak about the game ? Look at the forum :"; _root.text12 = "And if you have really problems, during the game, you can type ''help'' on your keyboard..."; }
Frame 1229
Symbol 8 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bytes_totales = _level0.getBytesTotal(); _root["bytes_charg\u00E9es"] = _level0.getBytesLoaded(); _root.bytes_rapport = Math.round((_root["bytes_charg\u00E9es"] / _root.bytes_totales) * 100); _root.bytes_chargement_affichage = Math.round(_root.bytes_rapport) add " %"; if (_root.bytes_rapport == 100) {; stop(); } tellTarget (_root.barre_chargement_bytes) { gotoAndPlay(_root.bytes_rapport); };
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 21 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (4); }
Symbol 25 Button
on (press, release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 27 Button
on (press, release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 47 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 83 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (255); }
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.cligne2._visible = true;
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.cligne2._visible = false;
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) { tellTarget (_root.animation1) { prevFrame(); }; play(); }
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.cligne1._visible = true;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.cligne1._visible = false;
Symbol 135 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (14);
Symbol 136 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 136 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) { tellTarget (_root.animation2) { prevFrame(); }; play(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 138 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 1) { tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition1 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation1") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 139 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 1) { tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition2 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 2; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 0; } }
Symbol 140 Button
on (press) { if (_root.dial == 1) { _root.dial = 2; gotoAndPlay (257); gotoAndPlay (257); } else { _root.dial = 1; _root.condition3 = 1; gotoAndPlay (257); } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 141 Button
on (press) { if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { gotoAndPlay (290); } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 1) { _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.tete1 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete1 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg1) { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.tete2 == 0) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == -1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if (_root.tete2 == 2) { tellTarget (_root.teteg2) { gotoAndStop (4); }; }
Symbol 163 Button
on (press, release) { code1 = 0; code2 = 0; code3 = 0; code4 = 0; code11 = 0; code12 = 0; code13 = 0; code14 = 0; code21 = 0; code22 = 0; code23 = 0; code24 = 0; code25 = 0; _root.textaide0 = ""; _root.textaide1 = ""; _root.textaide2 = ""; _root.textaide3 = ""; _root.textaide4 = ""; _root.textaide5 = ""; _root.ecranhelp._visible = false; _root.fermhelp._visible = false; }
Symbol 169 Button
on (keyPress "<Tab>") { return(false); }
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 186 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1;
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1;
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root.condition5 == 0) { _root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (11); } if (_root.condition5 == 1) { _root.finmvt = 0; gotoAndPlay (27); }
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndPlay (39);
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); _root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.tete1 = 0;
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.tete1 = 2;
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 56
_root.finmvt = 1; _root.condition2 = 1; gotoAndPlay (42);
Symbol 271 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 2) { _root.action = 3; } else if (_root.action == 3) { _root.action = 4; } else if ((_root.action == 4) or (_root.action == 5)) { _root.action = 5; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if ((_root.action == 2) or (_root.action == 3)) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; tellTarget ("animation1") { play(); }; } if ((_root.action == 4) or (_root.action == 5)) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 4) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } else if (_root.action == 5) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; _root.condition1 = 1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 4) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } else if (_root.action == 5) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if ((_root.action == 2) or (_root.action == 3)) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if (_root.action == 4) { _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if (_root.action == 5) { _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 272 Button
on (press) { if ((((_root.action == 5) and (_root.condition1 == 1)) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) { gotoAndPlay (300); } } on (press) { if ((((_root.action == 5) and (_root.condition1 == 1)) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if ((((_root.action == 5) and (_root.condition1 == 1)) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 312 MovieClip Frame 33
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 325 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (16);
Symbol 371 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.cligne2._visible = true;
Symbol 371 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.cligne2._visible = false;
Symbol 371 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 372 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 372 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) { tellTarget (_root.animation3) { prevFrame(); }; play(); }
Symbol 372 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 379 Button
on (press) { if (_root.dial == 5) { _root.dial = 6; _root.condition1 = 1; gotoAndPlay (383); } else if (_root.dial == 6) { _root.dial = 7; gotoAndPlay (383); } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 380 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 6) { tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition2 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 2; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 0; } }
Symbol 381 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 6) { tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = true; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition3 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation3") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 6) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 382 Button
on (press) { if (((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; _root.dial = 8; gotoAndPlay (401); } } on (press) { if (((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 414 MovieClip Frame 33
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 429 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.cligne2._visible = true;
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.cligne2._visible = false;
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.cligne2._visible = true;
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.cligne2._visible = false;
Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 35
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (18);
Symbol 503 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 7) { tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition1 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation1") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 504 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 7) { tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition2 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 505 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 7) { tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = true; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition3 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation3") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 7) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (((_root.action == 7) and (condition1 == 1)) and (condition2 == 1)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } else if (_root.action == 7) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if ((_root.action == 7) and (_root.carsein == 0)) { _root.carsein = 1; } else if ((_root.action == 7) and (_root.carsein == 1)) { _root.carsein = 2; } else if ((_root.action == 7) and (_root.carsein == 2)) { _root.carsein = 3; } if (((((_root.carsein == 2) and (_root.condition1 == 1)) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 0; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; gotoAndPlay (474); } else if ((_root.carsein == 2) and (_root.dial == 9)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndPlay (993); } else if ((_root.carsein == 2) and (_root.dial == 10)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; gotoAndPlay (993); } } on (press) { if (_root._root.carsein == 1) { _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root._root.carsein == 2) and (_root.dial == 9)) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root._root.carsein == 2) and (_root.dial == 10)) { _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root._root.carsein == 3) and (_root.dial == 9)) { _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if (((((_root.carsein == 3) and (_root.condition1 == 1)) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } else if ((_root._root.carsein == 3) and (_root.dial == 10)) { _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 575 MovieClip Frame 43
Symbol 602 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.cligne2._visible = true;
Symbol 602 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.cligne2._visible = false;
Symbol 602 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true; _root.cligne2._visible = true;
Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false; _root.cligne2._visible = false;
Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 626 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 8) { tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition1 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation1") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 627 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 8) { tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition2 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 8) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 628 Button
on (press) { _root.cible._visible = false; _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; _root.tete1 = 0; _root.tete2 = 1; gotoAndPlay (520); }
Symbol 668 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 709 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 709 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 709 MovieClip Frame 36
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (20);
Symbol 750 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 750 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 750 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 797 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 797 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; if (_root.action == 10) { _root.cible._visible = false; }
Symbol 797 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
Symbol 797 MovieClip Frame 59
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 797 MovieClip Frame 60
gotoAndStop (12);
Symbol 797 MovieClip Frame 61
_root.cible._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 1;
Symbol 797 MovieClip Frame 75
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (65);
Symbol 798 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 9) { tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition1 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation1") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 799 Button
on (press) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition2 = 1; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.tete1 = -1; _root.tete2 = -1; } }
Symbol 800 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) { tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if ((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = true; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition3 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation3") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if ((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1; } } on (press) { if ((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 801 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.bouton4._visible = false; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.finmvt = 0; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation3") { gotoAndPlay (61); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 9) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.condition5 == 1) { gotoAndPlay (551); } }
Symbol 872 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 872 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 872 MovieClip Frame 49
if (_root.condition2 == 0) { gotoAndPlay (41); } if (_root.condition2 == 1) { gotoAndPlay (50); }
Symbol 872 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 873 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 10) { tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 10) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition1 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation1") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 10) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 10) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 10) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 874 Button
on (press) { if (_root.condition3 == 1) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.condition3 == 1) { _root.condition2 = 1; gotoAndPlay (581); } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.condition3 == 1) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.condition3 == 1) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.condition3 == 1) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 875 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 10) { tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 10) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = true; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition3 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation3") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 10) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 10) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 10) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 881 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 881 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 881 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (12);
Symbol 918 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 918 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 918 MovieClip Frame 15
if (_root.action == 12) { _root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (11); } if (_root.action == 13) { gotoAndPlay (16); }
Symbol 918 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 919 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 11) { tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 11) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition1 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation1") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 11) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 11) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 11) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 11) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (((_root.action == 11) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { _root.action = 12; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 12) { tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 12) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition2 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 12) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 12) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 12) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 12) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 13) { gotoAndPlay (641); } }
Symbol 963 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 963 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 963 MovieClip Frame 18
if (_root.nivgirl1 < 198) { _root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (12); } else { gotoAndPlay (20); }
Symbol 963 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndStop (8);
Symbol 963 MovieClip Frame 32
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (26);
Symbol 984 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 984 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 984 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = true; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 1027 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (23);
Symbol 1028 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition1 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation1") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } if (_root.action == 15) { _root.orgasmpossible = 0; } } on (press) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1; } if (_root.action == 15) { _root.orgasmpossible = 1; } } on (press) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 1029 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition2 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1; } } on (press) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.action == 14) or (_root.action == 15)) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (((_root.action == 14) and (_root.condition1 == 1)) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) { _root.action = 15; } }
Symbol 1030 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.condition4 == 1) { tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.condition4 == 1) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = true; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition3 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation3") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.condition4 == 1) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.condition4 == 1) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.condition4 == 1) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 2; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.condition4 == 1) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.condition4 == 1) and (_root.nivgirl2 > 120)) { gotoAndPlay (691); } }
Symbol 1078 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 1078 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 1078 MovieClip Frame 35
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (27);
Symbol 1111 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.finmvt2 = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 1111 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 1111 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.finmvt2 = 1; gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 1154 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 1154 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 1154 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 1154 MovieClip Frame 31
gotoAndStop (22);
Symbol 1154 MovieClip Frame 64
gotoAndPlay (66);
Symbol 1154 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndStop (33);
Symbol 1154 MovieClip Frame 68
_root.finmvt = 1; prevFrame();
Symbol 1155 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 16) { tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } gotoAndPlay (713); } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = true; _root.animation4._visible = false; _root.condition3 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation3") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true; _root.bouton2._visible = true; _root.bouton3._visible = true; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.finmvt = 0; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false; _root.bouton2._visible = false; _root.bouton3._visible = false; _root.bouton4._visible = false; _root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 31
gotoAndStop (22);
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndPlay (39);
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 38
gotoAndStop (33);
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 64
gotoAndPlay (66);
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 65
_root.bouton4._visible = false; gotoAndStop (40);
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 66
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
Symbol 1183 MovieClip Frame 108
_root.finmvt = 1; gotoAndPlay (66);
Symbol 1184 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1184 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt2 == 1) { tellTarget (_root.animation4) { prevFrame(); }; play(); }
Symbol 1184 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 1185 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 16) { tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.animation1._visible = true; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = true; _root.condition1 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur1") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation1") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 1186 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if ((_root.condition5 == 1) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } else { tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if ((_root.condition5 == 1) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = true; _root.animation4._visible = true; _root.condition4 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation3") { play(); }; } else { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = true; _root.animation3._visible = false; _root.animation4._visible = true; _root.condition3 = 1; tellTarget ("controleur2") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation2") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if ((_root.condition5 == 1) and (_root.condition6 == 1)) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } else { _root.mvtgauge1 = 1; _root.mvtgauge2 = 1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 1187 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 198) { gotoAndPlay (750); } else { _root.orgasmpossible = 0; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; tellTarget ("controleur4") { gotoAndPlay ("start"); }; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.animation1._visible = false; _root.animation2._visible = false; _root.animation3._visible = true; _root.animation4._visible = true; _root.orgasmpossible = 1; tellTarget ("controleur3") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("controleur4") { gotoAndStop ("stop"); }; tellTarget ("animation3") { play(); }; tellTarget ("animation4") { play(); }; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.nivgirl1 > 198) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } else { _root.mvtgauge1 = -1; _root.mvtgauge2 = -1; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.mvtgauge1 = 2; _root.mvtgauge2 = 2; } } on (press) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.tete1 = 2; _root.tete2 = 1; } } on (release, releaseOutside) { if (_root.action == 16) { _root.tete1 = 1; _root.tete2 = 1; } }
Symbol 1241 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (255); }
Symbol 1243 Button
on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 1300 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }

Library Items

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Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 49 EditableTextUses:44Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 51 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 63 BitmapUsed by:64
Symbol 64 GraphicUses:63Used by:67
Symbol 65 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:65Used by:67
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Symbol 70 BitmapUsed by:71
Symbol 71 GraphicUses:70Used by:76
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:72Used by:76
Symbol 74 BitmapUsed by:75
Symbol 75 GraphicUses:74Used by:76
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Symbol 78 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 79 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 84 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 BitmapUsed by:86
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 87 BitmapUsed by:88
Symbol 88 GraphicUses:87Used by:109
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:109
Symbol 91 BitmapUsed by:92
Symbol 92 GraphicUses:91Used by:109
Symbol 93 BitmapUsed by:94
Symbol 94 GraphicUses:93Used by:109
Symbol 95 BitmapUsed by:96
Symbol 96 GraphicUses:95Used by:109
Symbol 97 BitmapUsed by:98
Symbol 98 GraphicUses:97Used by:109
Symbol 99 BitmapUsed by:100
Symbol 100 GraphicUses:99Used by:109
Symbol 101 BitmapUsed by:102
Symbol 102 GraphicUses:101Used by:109
Symbol 103 BitmapUsed by:104
Symbol 104 GraphicUses:103Used by:109
Symbol 105 BitmapUsed by:106
Symbol 106 GraphicUses:105Used by:109
Symbol 107 BitmapUsed by:108
Symbol 108 GraphicUses:107Used by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108Used by:Timeline
Symbol 110 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 111 BitmapUsed by:112
Symbol 112 GraphicUses:111Used by:135
Symbol 113 BitmapUsed by:114
Symbol 114 GraphicUses:113Used by:135
Symbol 115 BitmapUsed by:116
Symbol 116 GraphicUses:115Used by:135
Symbol 117 BitmapUsed by:118
Symbol 118 GraphicUses:117Used by:135
Symbol 119 BitmapUsed by:120
Symbol 120 GraphicUses:119Used by:135
Symbol 121 BitmapUsed by:122
Symbol 122 GraphicUses:121Used by:135
Symbol 123 BitmapUsed by:124
Symbol 124 GraphicUses:123Used by:135
Symbol 125 BitmapUsed by:126
Symbol 126 GraphicUses:125Used by:135
Symbol 127 BitmapUsed by:128
Symbol 128 GraphicUses:127Used by:135
Symbol 129 BitmapUsed by:130
Symbol 130 GraphicUses:129Used by:135
Symbol 131 BitmapUsed by:132
Symbol 132 GraphicUses:131Used by:135
Symbol 133 BitmapUsed by:134
Symbol 134 GraphicUses:133Used by:135
Symbol 135 MovieClipUses:112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 137 GraphicUsed by:138 139 140 141 155 271 272 379 380 381 382 503 504 505 626 627 628 798 799 800 801 873 874 875 919 1028 1029 1030 1155 1185 1186 1187 1300
Symbol 138 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 139 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 140 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 141 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 BitmapUsed by:143
Symbol 143 GraphicUses:142Used by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClipUses:143Used by:Timeline
Symbol 145 BitmapUsed by:146
Symbol 146 GraphicUses:145Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClipUses:146Used by:Timeline
Symbol 148 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:149Used by:Timeline
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:151Used by:Timeline
Symbol 153 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClipUses:153Used by:Timeline
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 156 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 157 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 159 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 160 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 163 ButtonUses:161 162Used by:Timeline
Symbol 164 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClipUses:165Used by:168
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClipUses:166 167Used by:Timeline
Symbol 169 ButtonUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 170 BitmapUsed by:171
Symbol 171 GraphicUses:170Used by:186
Symbol 172 BitmapUsed by:173
Symbol 173 GraphicUses:172Used by:186
Symbol 174 BitmapUsed by:175
Symbol 175 GraphicUses:174Used by:186
Symbol 176 BitmapUsed by:177
Symbol 177 GraphicUses:176Used by:186
Symbol 178 BitmapUsed by:179
Symbol 179 GraphicUses:178Used by:186
Symbol 180 BitmapUsed by:181
Symbol 181 GraphicUses:180Used by:186
Symbol 182 BitmapUsed by:183
Symbol 183 GraphicUses:182Used by:186
Symbol 184 BitmapUsed by:185
Symbol 185 GraphicUses:184Used by:186
Symbol 186 MovieClipUses:171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185Used by:Timeline
Symbol 187 BitmapUsed by:188
Symbol 188 GraphicUses:187Used by:201
Symbol 189 BitmapUsed by:190
Symbol 190 GraphicUses:189Used by:201
Symbol 191 BitmapUsed by:192
Symbol 192 GraphicUses:191Used by:201
Symbol 193 BitmapUsed by:194
Symbol 194 GraphicUses:193Used by:201
Symbol 195 BitmapUsed by:196
Symbol 196 GraphicUses:195Used by:201
Symbol 197 BitmapUsed by:198
Symbol 198 GraphicUses:197Used by:201
Symbol 199 BitmapUsed by:200
Symbol 200 GraphicUses:199Used by:201
Symbol 201 MovieClipUses:188 190 192 194 196 198 200Used by:Timeline
Symbol 202 BitmapUsed by:203
Symbol 203 GraphicUses:202Used by:Timeline
Symbol 204 BitmapUsed by:205
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Symbol 215 GraphicUses:214Used by:232 267
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Symbol 217 GraphicUses:216Used by:232 267
Symbol 218 BitmapUsed by:219
Symbol 219 GraphicUses:218Used by:232 267
Symbol 220 BitmapUsed by:221
Symbol 221 GraphicUses:220Used by:232 267
Symbol 222 BitmapUsed by:223
Symbol 223 GraphicUses:222Used by:232
Symbol 224 BitmapUsed by:225
Symbol 225 GraphicUses:224Used by:232
Symbol 226 BitmapUsed by:227
Symbol 227 GraphicUses:226Used by:232
Symbol 228 BitmapUsed by:229
Symbol 229 GraphicUses:228Used by:232
Symbol 230 BitmapUsed by:231
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Symbol 235 BitmapUsed by:236
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Symbol 237 BitmapUsed by:238
Symbol 238 GraphicUses:237Used by:267
Symbol 239 BitmapUsed by:240
Symbol 240 GraphicUses:239Used by:267
Symbol 241 BitmapUsed by:242
Symbol 242 GraphicUses:241Used by:267
Symbol 243 BitmapUsed by:244
Symbol 244 GraphicUses:243Used by:267
Symbol 245 BitmapUsed by:246
Symbol 246 GraphicUses:245Used by:267
Symbol 247 BitmapUsed by:248
Symbol 248 GraphicUses:247Used by:267
Symbol 249 BitmapUsed by:250
Symbol 250 GraphicUses:249Used by:267
Symbol 251 BitmapUsed by:252
Symbol 252 GraphicUses:251Used by:267
Symbol 253 BitmapUsed by:254
Symbol 254 GraphicUses:253Used by:267
Symbol 255 BitmapUsed by:256
Symbol 256 GraphicUses:255Used by:267
Symbol 257 BitmapUsed by:258
Symbol 258 GraphicUses:257Used by:267
Symbol 259 BitmapUsed by:260
Symbol 260 GraphicUses:259Used by:267
Symbol 261 BitmapUsed by:262
Symbol 262 GraphicUses:261Used by:267
Symbol 263 BitmapUsed by:264
Symbol 264 GraphicUses:263Used by:267
Symbol 265 BitmapUsed by:266
Symbol 266 GraphicUses:265Used by:267
Symbol 267 MovieClipUses:205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 266Used by:Timeline
Symbol 268 BitmapUsed by:269
Symbol 269 GraphicUses:268Used by:270
Symbol 270 MovieClipUses:269Used by:Timeline
Symbol 271 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 272 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 274 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 275 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 276 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 277 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 278 BitmapUsed by:279
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Symbol 280 BitmapUsed by:281
Symbol 281 GraphicUses:280Used by:312
Symbol 282 BitmapUsed by:283
Symbol 283 GraphicUses:282Used by:312
Symbol 284 BitmapUsed by:285
Symbol 285 GraphicUses:284Used by:312
Symbol 286 BitmapUsed by:287
Symbol 287 GraphicUses:286Used by:312
Symbol 288 BitmapUsed by:289
Symbol 289 GraphicUses:288Used by:312
Symbol 290 BitmapUsed by:291
Symbol 291 GraphicUses:290Used by:312
Symbol 292 BitmapUsed by:293
Symbol 293 GraphicUses:292Used by:312
Symbol 294 BitmapUsed by:295
Symbol 295 GraphicUses:294Used by:312
Symbol 296 BitmapUsed by:297
Symbol 297 GraphicUses:296Used by:312
Symbol 298 BitmapUsed by:299
Symbol 299 GraphicUses:298Used by:312
Symbol 300 BitmapUsed by:301
Symbol 301 GraphicUses:300Used by:312
Symbol 302 BitmapUsed by:303
Symbol 303 GraphicUses:302Used by:312
Symbol 304 BitmapUsed by:305
Symbol 305 GraphicUses:304Used by:312
Symbol 306 BitmapUsed by:307
Symbol 307 GraphicUses:306Used by:312
Symbol 308 BitmapUsed by:309
Symbol 309 GraphicUses:308Used by:312
Symbol 310 BitmapUsed by:311
Symbol 311 GraphicUses:310Used by:312
Symbol 312 MovieClipUses:279 281 283 285 287 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 314 GraphicUses:313Used by:Timeline
Symbol 315 BitmapUsed by:316
Symbol 316 GraphicUses:315Used by:325
Symbol 317 BitmapUsed by:318
Symbol 318 GraphicUses:317Used by:325
Symbol 319 BitmapUsed by:320
Symbol 320 GraphicUses:319Used by:325
Symbol 321 BitmapUsed by:322
Symbol 322 GraphicUses:321Used by:325
Symbol 323 BitmapUsed by:324
Symbol 324 GraphicUses:323Used by:325
Symbol 325 MovieClipUses:316 318 320 322 324Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 328 BitmapUsed by:329
Symbol 329 GraphicUses:328Used by:354
Symbol 330 BitmapUsed by:331
Symbol 331 GraphicUses:330Used by:354
Symbol 332 BitmapUsed by:333
Symbol 333 GraphicUses:332Used by:354
Symbol 334 BitmapUsed by:335
Symbol 335 GraphicUses:334Used by:354
Symbol 336 BitmapUsed by:337
Symbol 337 GraphicUses:336Used by:354
Symbol 338 BitmapUsed by:339
Symbol 339 GraphicUses:338Used by:354
Symbol 340 BitmapUsed by:341
Symbol 341 GraphicUses:340Used by:354
Symbol 342 BitmapUsed by:343
Symbol 343 GraphicUses:342Used by:354
Symbol 344 BitmapUsed by:345
Symbol 345 GraphicUses:344Used by:354
Symbol 346 BitmapUsed by:347
Symbol 347 GraphicUses:346Used by:354
Symbol 348 BitmapUsed by:349
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Symbol 350 BitmapUsed by:351
Symbol 351 GraphicUses:350Used by:354
Symbol 352 BitmapUsed by:353
Symbol 353 GraphicUses:352Used by:354
Symbol 354 MovieClipUses:327 329 331 333 335 337 339 341 343 345 347 349 351 353Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 357 BitmapUsed by:358
Symbol 358 GraphicUses:357Used by:371
Symbol 359 BitmapUsed by:360
Symbol 360 GraphicUses:359Used by:371
Symbol 361 BitmapUsed by:362
Symbol 362 GraphicUses:361Used by:371
Symbol 363 BitmapUsed by:364
Symbol 364 GraphicUses:363Used by:371
Symbol 365 BitmapUsed by:366
Symbol 366 GraphicUses:365Used by:371
Symbol 367 BitmapUsed by:368
Symbol 368 GraphicUses:367Used by:371
Symbol 369 BitmapUsed by:370
Symbol 370 GraphicUses:369Used by:371
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Symbol 374 GraphicUses:373Used by:375
Symbol 375 MovieClipUses:374Used by:Timeline
Symbol 376 BitmapUsed by:377
Symbol 377 GraphicUses:376Used by:378
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Symbol 379 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 380 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 381 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 382 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 383 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 384 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 385 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 386 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 387 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 388 BitmapUsed by:389
Symbol 389 GraphicUses:388Used by:414
Symbol 390 BitmapUsed by:391
Symbol 391 GraphicUses:390Used by:414
Symbol 392 BitmapUsed by:393
Symbol 393 GraphicUses:392Used by:414
Symbol 394 BitmapUsed by:395
Symbol 395 GraphicUses:394Used by:414
Symbol 396 BitmapUsed by:397
Symbol 397 GraphicUses:396Used by:414
Symbol 398 BitmapUsed by:399
Symbol 399 GraphicUses:398Used by:414
Symbol 400 BitmapUsed by:401
Symbol 401 GraphicUses:400Used by:414
Symbol 402 BitmapUsed by:403
Symbol 403 GraphicUses:402Used by:414
Symbol 404 BitmapUsed by:405
Symbol 405 GraphicUses:404Used by:414
Symbol 406 BitmapUsed by:407
Symbol 407 GraphicUses:406Used by:414
Symbol 408 BitmapUsed by:409
Symbol 409 GraphicUses:408Used by:414
Symbol 410 BitmapUsed by:411
Symbol 411 GraphicUses:410Used by:414
Symbol 412 BitmapUsed by:413
Symbol 413 GraphicUses:412Used by:414
Symbol 414 MovieClipUses:389 391 393 395 397 399 401 403 405 407 409 411 413Used by:Timeline
Symbol 415 BitmapUsed by:416
Symbol 416 GraphicUses:415Used by:Timeline
Symbol 417 BitmapUsed by:418
Symbol 418 GraphicUses:417Used by:429
Symbol 419 BitmapUsed by:420
Symbol 420 GraphicUses:419Used by:429
Symbol 421 BitmapUsed by:422
Symbol 422 GraphicUses:421Used by:429
Symbol 423 BitmapUsed by:424
Symbol 424 GraphicUses:423Used by:429
Symbol 425 BitmapUsed by:426
Symbol 426 GraphicUses:425Used by:429
Symbol 427 BitmapUsed by:428
Symbol 428 GraphicUses:427Used by:429
Symbol 429 MovieClipUses:418 420 422 424 426 428Used by:Timeline
Symbol 430 BitmapUsed by:431
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Symbol 432 BitmapUsed by:433
Symbol 433 GraphicUses:432Used by:462
Symbol 434 BitmapUsed by:435
Symbol 435 GraphicUses:434Used by:462
Symbol 436 BitmapUsed by:437
Symbol 437 GraphicUses:436Used by:462
Symbol 438 BitmapUsed by:439
Symbol 439 GraphicUses:438Used by:462
Symbol 440 BitmapUsed by:441
Symbol 441 GraphicUses:440Used by:462
Symbol 442 BitmapUsed by:443
Symbol 443 GraphicUses:442Used by:462
Symbol 444 BitmapUsed by:445
Symbol 445 GraphicUses:444Used by:462
Symbol 446 BitmapUsed by:447
Symbol 447 GraphicUses:446Used by:462
Symbol 448 BitmapUsed by:449
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Symbol 450 BitmapUsed by:451
Symbol 451 GraphicUses:450Used by:462
Symbol 452 BitmapUsed by:453
Symbol 453 GraphicUses:452Used by:462
Symbol 454 BitmapUsed by:455
Symbol 455 GraphicUses:454Used by:462
Symbol 456 BitmapUsed by:457
Symbol 457 GraphicUses:456Used by:462
Symbol 458 BitmapUsed by:459
Symbol 459 GraphicUses:458Used by:462
Symbol 460 BitmapUsed by:461
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Symbol 462 MovieClipUses:431 433 435 437 439 441 443 445 447 449 451 453 455 457 459 461Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 466 GraphicUses:465Used by:499
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Symbol 468 GraphicUses:467Used by:499
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Symbol 470 GraphicUses:469Used by:499
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Symbol 472 GraphicUses:471Used by:499
Symbol 473 BitmapUsed by:474
Symbol 474 GraphicUses:473Used by:499
Symbol 475 BitmapUsed by:476
Symbol 476 GraphicUses:475Used by:499
Symbol 477 BitmapUsed by:478
Symbol 478 GraphicUses:477Used by:499
Symbol 479 BitmapUsed by:480
Symbol 480 GraphicUses:479Used by:499
Symbol 481 BitmapUsed by:482
Symbol 482 GraphicUses:481Used by:499
Symbol 483 BitmapUsed by:484
Symbol 484 GraphicUses:483Used by:499
Symbol 485 BitmapUsed by:486
Symbol 486 GraphicUses:485Used by:499
Symbol 487 BitmapUsed by:488
Symbol 488 GraphicUses:487Used by:499
Symbol 489 BitmapUsed by:490
Symbol 490 GraphicUses:489Used by:499
Symbol 491 BitmapUsed by:492
Symbol 492 GraphicUses:491Used by:499
Symbol 493 BitmapUsed by:494
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Symbol 495 BitmapUsed by:496
Symbol 496 GraphicUses:495Used by:499
Symbol 497 BitmapUsed by:498
Symbol 498 GraphicUses:497Used by:499
Symbol 499 MovieClipUses:464 466 468 470 472 474 476 478 480 482 484 486 488 490 492 494 496 498Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 504 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
Symbol 505 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 507 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 508 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 509 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 510 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 533 BitmapUsed by:534
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Symbol 535 BitmapUsed by:536
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Symbol 537 BitmapUsed by:538
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Symbol 539 BitmapUsed by:540
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Symbol 541 BitmapUsed by:542
Symbol 542 GraphicUses:541Used by:575
Symbol 543 BitmapUsed by:544
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Symbol 547 BitmapUsed by:548
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Symbol 549 BitmapUsed by:550
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Symbol 553 BitmapUsed by:554
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Symbol 555 BitmapUsed by:556
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Symbol 557 BitmapUsed by:558
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Symbol 559 BitmapUsed by:560
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Symbol 680 GraphicUses:679Used by:709
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Symbol 717 GraphicUses:716Used by:750 872
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Symbol 727 GraphicUses:726Used by:750
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Symbol 729 GraphicUses:728Used by:750
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Symbol 1269 GraphicUses:1268Used by:1270
Symbol 1270 MovieClipUses:1269Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1271 BitmapUsed by:1272
Symbol 1272 GraphicUses:1271Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1273 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1274 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1275 BitmapUsed by:1276
Symbol 1276 GraphicUses:1275Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1277 BitmapUsed by:1278
Symbol 1278 GraphicUses:1277Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1279 BitmapUsed by:1280
Symbol 1280 GraphicUses:1279Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1281 BitmapUsed by:1282
Symbol 1282 GraphicUses:1281Used by:1283
Symbol 1283 MovieClipUses:1282Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1284 BitmapUsed by:1285
Symbol 1285 GraphicUses:1284Used by:1286
Symbol 1286 MovieClipUses:1285Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1287 BitmapUsed by:1288
Symbol 1288 GraphicUses:1287Used by:1289
Symbol 1289 MovieClipUses:1288Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1290 BitmapUsed by:1291
Symbol 1291 GraphicUses:1290Used by:1292
Symbol 1292 MovieClipUses:1291Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1293 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1294 FontUsed by:1295 1296 1298
Symbol 1295 EditableTextUses:1294Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1296 TextUses:1294Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1297 EditableTextUses:28Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1298 EditableTextUses:1294Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 1300 ButtonUses:137Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"barre_chargement_bytes"Frame 1Symbol 11 MovieClip
"teteg1"Frame 197Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 197Symbol 76 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 255Symbol 109 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 255Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 255Symbol 135 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 255Symbol 136 MovieClip
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"bouton3"Frame 255Symbol 140 Button
"bouton4"Frame 255Symbol 141 Button
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"teteg2"Frame 255Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 255Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 255Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 255Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 255Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 255Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 255Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation3"Frame 257Symbol 186 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 298Symbol 232 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 298Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 298Symbol 267 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 298Symbol 136 MovieClip
"cligne1"Frame 298Symbol 144 MovieClip
"cligne2"Frame 298Symbol 270 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 298Symbol 271 Button
"bouton2"Frame 298Symbol 272 Button
"teteg1"Frame 298Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 298Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 298Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 298Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 298Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 298Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 298Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 298Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 300Symbol 267 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 300Symbol 136 MovieClip
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"animation2"Frame 381Symbol 354 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 381Symbol 136 MovieClip
"animation3"Frame 381Symbol 371 MovieClip
"controleur3"Frame 381Symbol 372 MovieClip
"cligne1"Frame 381Symbol 375 MovieClip
"cligne2"Frame 381Symbol 378 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 381Symbol 379 Button
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"bouton3"Frame 381Symbol 381 Button
"bouton4"Frame 381Symbol 382 Button
"teteg1"Frame 381Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 381Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 381Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 381Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 381Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 381Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 381Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 381Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 383Symbol 325 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 383Symbol 354 MovieClip
"cligne1"Frame 383Symbol 375 MovieClip
"cligne2"Frame 383Symbol 378 MovieClip
"cligne1"Frame 401Symbol 375 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 472Symbol 429 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 472Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 472Symbol 462 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 472Symbol 136 MovieClip
"animation3"Frame 472Symbol 499 MovieClip
"controleur3"Frame 472Symbol 372 MovieClip
"cligne2"Frame 472Symbol 502 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 472Symbol 503 Button
"bouton2"Frame 472Symbol 504 Button
"bouton3"Frame 472Symbol 505 Button
"teteg1"Frame 472Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 472Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 472Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 472Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 472Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 472Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 472Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 472Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 518Symbol 602 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 518Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 518Symbol 625 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 518Symbol 136 MovieClip
"cligne2"Frame 518Symbol 502 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 518Symbol 626 Button
"bouton2"Frame 518Symbol 627 Button
"bouton3"Frame 518Symbol 628 Button
"teteg1"Frame 518Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 518Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 518Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 518Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 518Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 518Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 518Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 518Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 549Symbol 709 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 549Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 549Symbol 750 MovieClip
"animation3"Frame 549Symbol 797 MovieClip
"controleur3"Frame 549Symbol 372 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 549Symbol 798 Button
"bouton2"Frame 549Symbol 799 Button
"bouton3"Frame 549Symbol 800 Button
"bouton4"Frame 549Symbol 801 Button
"teteg1"Frame 549Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 549Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 549Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 549Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 549Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 549Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 549Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 549Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 579Symbol 709 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 579Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation3"Frame 579Symbol 797 MovieClip
"controleur3"Frame 579Symbol 372 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 579Symbol 872 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 579Symbol 873 Button
"bouton2"Frame 579Symbol 874 Button
"bouton3"Frame 579Symbol 875 Button
"teteg1"Frame 579Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 579Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 579Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 579Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 579Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 579Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 579Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 579Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 639Symbol 881 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 639Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 639Symbol 918 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 639Symbol 136 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 639Symbol 919 Button
"teteg1"Frame 639Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 639Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 639Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 639Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 639Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 639Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 639Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 639Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 689Symbol 963 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 689Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 689Symbol 984 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 689Symbol 136 MovieClip
"animation3"Frame 689Symbol 1027 MovieClip
"controleur3"Frame 689Symbol 372 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 689Symbol 1028 Button
"bouton2"Frame 689Symbol 1029 Button
"bouton3"Frame 689Symbol 1030 Button
"teteg1"Frame 689Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 689Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 689Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 689Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 689Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 689Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 689Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 689Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 711Symbol 1078 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 711Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 711Symbol 1111 MovieClip
"animation3"Frame 711Symbol 1154 MovieClip
"controleur3"Frame 711Symbol 372 MovieClip
"bouton3"Frame 711Symbol 1155 Button
"teteg1"Frame 711Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 711Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 711Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 711Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 711Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 711Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 711Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 711Symbol 168 MovieClip
"animation1"Frame 748Symbol 1078 MovieClip
"controleur1"Frame 748Symbol 110 MovieClip
"animation2"Frame 748Symbol 1154 MovieClip
"controleur2"Frame 748Symbol 136 MovieClip
"animation3"Frame 748Symbol 1183 MovieClip
"controleur3"Frame 748Symbol 372 MovieClip
"animation4"Frame 748Symbol 1111 MovieClip
"controleur4"Frame 748Symbol 1184 MovieClip
"bouton1"Frame 748Symbol 1185 Button
"bouton2"Frame 748Symbol 1186 Button
"bouton4"Frame 748Symbol 1187 Button
"teteg1"Frame 748Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 748Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 748Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 748Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 748Symbol 150 MovieClip
"ecranhelp"Frame 748Symbol 154 MovieClip
"fermhelp"Frame 748Symbol 163 Button
"cible"Frame 748Symbol 168 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 864Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 864Symbol 150 MovieClip
"teteg1"Frame 864Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 864Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 864Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 864Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 864Symbol 150 MovieClip
"sout1"Frame 993Symbol 1249 MovieClip
"shirt1"Frame 993Symbol 1252 MovieClip
"teteg1"Frame 993Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 993Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 993Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 993Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 993Symbol 150 MovieClip
"sout2"Frame 1080Symbol 1267 MovieClip
"shirt2"Frame 1080Symbol 1270 MovieClip
"teteg1"Frame 1080Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 1080Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 1080Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 1080Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 1080Symbol 150 MovieClip
"find2"Frame 1166Symbol 1283 MovieClip
"find7"Frame 1166Symbol 1286 MovieClip
"find10"Frame 1166Symbol 1289 MovieClip
"find12"Frame 1166Symbol 1292 MovieClip
"cible"Frame 1166Symbol 168 MovieClip
"teteg1"Frame 1166Symbol 67 MovieClip
"teteg2"Frame 1166Symbol 76 MovieClip
"mouvtete"Frame 1166Symbol 148 MovieClip
"gaugegirl2"Frame 1166Symbol 150 MovieClip
"gaugegirl1"Frame 1166Symbol 150 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "music"


"stop"Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
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"stop"Symbol 372 MovieClip Frame 1
"start"Symbol 372 MovieClip Frame 2
"stop"Symbol 1184 MovieClip Frame 1
"start"Symbol 1184 MovieClip Frame 2

Dynamic Text Variables

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text2Symbol 45 EditableText"sensuelle expérience"
text1Symbol 46 EditableText"sensuelle expérience"
text2Symbol 48 EditableText"sensuelle expérience"
text1Symbol 49 EditableText"sensuelle expérience"
text3Symbol 50 EditableText"A sexy game by "
text4Symbol 51 EditableText"English version by Pilotfish"
text1Symbol 57 EditableText"Que se passe t'il lorsque 2 amies décident de passer une soiréee calme devant un bon film ? "
text2Symbol 58 EditableText"En général, rien de réellement excitant... A moins que l'une des deux ait une idée derrière la tête... "
text1Symbol 77 EditableText"Que se passe t'il lorsque 2 amies décident de passer une soiréee calme devant un bon film ? "
text2Symbol 78 EditableText"En général, rien de réellement excitant... A moins que l'une des deux ait une idée derrière la tête... "
text3Symbol 79 EditableText"votre objectif, dans le jeu, est de rendre vraiment chaude cette soirée entre copines ... "
text4Symbol 80 EditableText"- Trouvez les bons endroit où cliquer pour déclencher les actions "
text5Symbol 81 EditableText"- Maintenez le bouton enfoncé pour poursuivre l'action."
text6Symbol 82 EditableText"- vérifiez l'efficacité des actions sur les jauge situées sur les cotés de l'écran "
textaide1Symbol 156 EditableText"textaide1"
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text10Symbol 1293 EditableText"Ok... cette fille est un peu timide et tu n'as pas gagné pour cette fois... Mais elle est prête pour de nouvelles expériences si tu sais etre habile..."
text11Symbol 1295 EditableText"parler du jeu ?  regarde sur le forum :"
text12Symbol 1297 EditableText"Et si vraiment tu es bloqué, pendant le jeu, tu peux taper "aide" sur ton clavier..."
text11Symbol 1298 EditableText"parler du jeu ?  regarde sur le forum :"
bouton1Symbol 1299 EditableText"AGAIN"
Created: 12/8 -2019 02:48:05 Last modified: 12/8 -2019 02:48:05 Server time: 20/09 -2024 22:12:51