Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2599 · P5197

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

PW editor.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #15732

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
_main = new support.EditorLoader(this);
Frame 10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class support.EditorLoader { var _bace, _loadBar, _mainPar, _sePar, _bgmPar, _mainEnd, _seEnd, _bgmEnd, _se, _bgm, _main, _mainLoader, _seLoader, _bgmLoader; function EditorLoader (bace) { _bace = bace; _bace.stop(); _loadBar = _bace.loadBar; _mainPar = 0; _sePar = 0; _bgmPar = 0; _mainEnd = false; _seEnd = false; _bgmEnd = false; _se = _bace.createEmptyMovieClip("seMc", Init2.seDepth); _bgm = _bace.createEmptyMovieClip("bgmMc", Init2.bgmDepth); _main = _bace.createEmptyMovieClip("mainMc", Init2.mainDepth); _mainLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); _seLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); _bgmLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); _mainLoader.addListener(this); _seLoader.addListener(this); _bgmLoader.addListener(this); var _local3 = _root._url; var _local4 = _local3.split("/"); _local4.pop(); _local3 = _local4.join("/"); _mainLoader.loadClip((_local3 + "/") + Init2.editorFileURL, _main); _seLoader.loadClip((_local3 + "/") + Init2.seFileURL, _se); _bgmLoader.loadClip((_local3 + "/") + Init2.bgmFileURL, _bgm); _bace._master = this; bace.onEnterFrame = function () { this._master.onEnterFrame(); }; _main._visible = false; _loadBar._xscale = 0; } function onLoadProgress(target_mc, loadedBytes, totalBytes) { var _local2 = loadedBytes / totalBytes; if (isNaN(_local2)) { return(undefined); } switch (target_mc) { case _main : _mainPar = _local2; break; case _se : _sePar = _local2; break; case _bgm : _bgmPar = _local2; } } function onLoadComplete(listenerObject, target_mc) { switch (target_mc) { case _main : _mainEnd = true; break; case _se : _seEnd = true; break; case _bgm : _bgmEnd = true; } if ((_mainEnd && (_seEnd)) && (_bgmEnd)) { onEnd(); } } function onEnterFrame() { var _local2 = basic.MathS.min(_mainPar, _sePar, _bgmPar); _loadBar._xscale = _loadBar._xscale + (((_local2 * 100) - _loadBar._xscale) / 2); } function onEnd() { _bace.onEnterFrame = null; _bace._master = null; _main._visible = true; _bace.gotoAndStop("loadEnd"); } }
Symbol 11 MovieClip [__Packages.Init2] Frame 0
class Init2 { function Init2 () { } static var editorFileURL = "swf/editor_main.swf"; static var playerFileURL = "swf/player_main.swf"; static var seFileURL = "swf/se.swf"; static var bgmFileURL = "swf/bgm.swf"; static var siteURL = ""; static var capcomURL = ""; static var dalettoURL = ""; static var playPageURL = ""; static var publicPageURL = ""; static var mainDepth = 1; static var seDepth = 2; static var bgmDepth = 3; }
Symbol 12 MovieClip [__Packages.basic.MathS] Frame 0
class basic.MathS { function MathS () { } static function oddsRandom() { return(null); } static function transRandom4(balance, fluency) { if (balance == undefined) { balance = 0.5; } if (fluency == undefined) { fluency = 0.3; } var _local6; var _local4; var _local5; var _local1; _local1 = Math.random(); if (_local1 < balance) { _local4 = sqrt4(_local1 / balance) * balance; } else { _local5 = 1 - balance; _local4 = ((-sqrt4((1 - _local1) / _local5)) * _local5) + 1; } _local6 = (_local4 * (1 - fluency)) + (_local1 * fluency); return(_local6); } static function sqrt4(arg) { return(Math.sqrt(Math.sqrt(arg))); } static function transRandom2(balance, fluency) { if (balance == undefined) { balance = 0.5; } if (fluency == undefined) { fluency = 0; } var _local6; var _local4; var _local5; var _local1; _local1 = Math.random(); if (_local1 < balance) { _local4 = Math.sqrt(_local1 / balance) * balance; } else { _local5 = 1 - balance; _local4 = ((-Math.sqrt((1 - _local1) / _local5)) * _local5) + 1; } _local6 = (_local4 * (1 - fluency)) + (_local1 * fluency); return(_local6); } static function normalDistribution(division) { if (division == undefined) { division = 3; } var _local3 = 0; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < division) { _local3 = _local3 + (Math.random() / division); _local1++; } return(_local3); } static function compromise(first, rate, end) { var _local2; if (first == end) { return(end); } if (first < end) { _local2 = 1; } else { _local2 = -1; } if ((_local2 * (end - first)) < rate) { return(end); } return(first + (_local2 * rate)); } static function maxLimit(num, max) { if (max < 0) { max = max * -1; } if (max < num) { return(max); } if (num < (-max)) { return(-max); } return(num); } static function maxLimitCompromise(num, rate, max) { if (max < 0) { max = max * -1; } if (max < num) { return(compromise(num, rate, max)); } if (num < (-max)) { return(compromise(num, rate, -max)); } return(num); } static function clamp(min, main, max) { if (min > max) { var _local3 = min; min = max; max = _local3; } return(Math.min(Math.max(min, main), max)); } static function max() { var _local2 = -Infinity; for (var _local3 in arguments) { _local2 = Math.max(_local2, arguments[_local3]); } return(_local2); } static function min() { var _local2 = Infinity; for (var _local3 in arguments) { _local2 = Math.min(_local2, arguments[_local3]); } return(_local2); } static function hypotenuse(x, y) { return(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2))); } static function hypotenuse3(x, y, z) { return(hypotenuse(hypotenuse(x, y), z)); } static function random2(maxNum) { return(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxNum)); } static function drawing(arg) { return((Math.random() * arg) < 1); } static function randomPM() { return((random2(2) * 2) - 1); } static function randomBoolean() { return(Math.random() < 0.5); } static function get toRadian() { return(_toRadian); } static function get toDegree() { return(_toDegree); } static var _toRadian = (Math.PI/180); static var _toDegree = 57.2957795130823; }

Library Items

Symbol 1 MovieClipUses:SS1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 2 BitmapUsed by:3
Symbol 3 GraphicUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 4 FontUsed by:5
Symbol 5 TextUses:4Used by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClipUses:7Used by:Timeline
Symbol 10 MovieClip []
Symbol 11 MovieClip [__Packages.Init2]
Symbol 12 MovieClip [__Packages.basic.MathS]
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 1 MovieClip

Instance Names

"loadBar"Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as "__Packages.Init2"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 12 as "__Packages.basic.MathS"


"loadEnd"Frame 10
Created: 2/6 -2019 12:08:01 Last modified: 2/6 -2019 12:08:01 Server time: 13/03 -2025 06:32:57