Frame 1
global = new Sound();
_root.soundOn = true;
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 2
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "credits";
text2 = "sound";
text3 = "ON";
text4 = "OFF";
text5 = "start";
text6 = "main";
text8 = "help";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "credits";
text2 = "sound";
text3 = "AN";
text4 = "AUS";
text5 = "starten";
text6 = "men\u00FC";
text8 = "hilfe";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "presente";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "equipo";
text2 = "sonido";
text3 = "SI";
text4 = "NO";
text5 = "comenzar";
text6 = "menu";
text8 = "ayuda";
lan = _root.language - 1;
Instance of Symbol 52 MovieClip in Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soundOn == false) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 3
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Story";
text2 = "Screenplay";
text3 = "Direction / Edition";
text4 = "Graphics / Programming";
text5 = "back";
text6 = "main";
text7 = "next";
text8 = "Sound / Music";
text40 = "Cruising Room may be distributed by everyone, as long it is done free of charge. It's prohibited to make any changes to the gameplay, graphics or code.";
text41 = "Direct download:";
text42 = "All actors are drawn with pens over the legal age of 21. Spoof on file.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Story";
text2 = "Dialoge";
text3 = "Regie und Schnitt";
text4 = "Grafik und Programmierung";
text5 = "zur\u00FCck";
text6 = "men\u00FC";
text7 = "weiter";
text8 = "Sound und Musik";
text40 = "Weitergeben ausdr\u00FCcklich erw\u00FCnscht. Dieses Spiel darf von jedem weitergegeben werden, solange damit keine kommerziellen Absichten verfolgt werden. Es ist jedoch nicht erlaubt, das Spiel in irgendeiner Form zu ver\u00E4ndern.";
text41 = "Direkter Link zum Download sexfun/games/cruisingroom";
text42 = "Alle Darsteller wurden mit vollj\u00E4hrigen Stiften gezeichnet!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "presente";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Gui\u00F3n";
text2 = "Di\u00E1logos";
text3 = "Direcci\u00F3n / Montaje";
text4 = "Dibujos / Programaci\u00F3n";
text5 = "volver";
text6 = "men\u00FA";
text7 = "seguir";
text8 = "Sonido y M\u00FAsica";
text40 = "Reproducci\u00F3n expresamente permitida, exclusivamente sin fines comerciales. No est\u00E1 permitido modificar el juego de ninguna forma.";
text41 = "Bajada directa en:";
text42 = "Todos los actores fueron dibujados con l\u00E1pices mayores de edad.";
delayval = 5000;
Frame 4
text6 = "men\u00FC";
Frame 5
text6 = "men\u00FC";
Frame 6
text6 = "men\u00FA";
Frame 7
text6 = "main";
Frame 8
function refreshObjects() {
var counter = _root.activePlace;
while (counter < 10) {
nextframe = counter + 1;
_root.icon[counter] = _root.icon[nextframe];
_root.activePlace = 20;;
function addObject(obj) {
var counter = 0;
while (_root.icon[counter] != 1) {
_root.icon[counter] = obj;;
function addMen(man) {
var counter = 0;
while ([counter] != 1) {
}[counter] = man;;
function delObject(obj) {
var counter = 0;
while (_root.icon[counter] != obj) {
_root.icon[counter] = 1;;
delayval = 5000;
diele = 1;
_root.activePlace = 20;
vergeigt = (toilettenglasstatus = (leerglasstatus = (sechsup = (rasiererstatus = (couchglasstatus = (bodyglasstatus = (geschuttetstatus = (handystatus = (datingcardstatus = (smsstatus = (mickeyvideostatus = (videostatus = (schlitztstatus = (zigarettenstatus = (osostatus = (tomsstatus = (blottostatus = (barmanstatus = 0))))))))))))))))));
schlusselstatus = 1;
icon = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
nameicon = new Array(0, 0, ["Coins", "Kleingeld", "Monnaie", "Monedas"], ["Empty glass", "Leeres Bierglas", "Monnaie", "Porr\u00F3n vac\u00EDo"], ["Two glasses filled with beer", "Zwei volle Biergl\u00E4ser", "Monnaie", "Dos porrones de cerveza"], ["Haircutter", "Langhaarschneider", "Monnaie", "Afeitadora"], ["Cigarettes 'GayRomeo'", "Zigaretten Marke 'GayRomeo'", "Monnaie", "Cigarrillos marca 'Gayromeo'"], ["Keys", "Schl\u00FCssel", "Monnaie", "Llaves"], ["Mobile phone", "Handy", "Monnaie", "Celular"], ["Dating Card", "Dating Card", "Monnaie", "Tarjeta personal"], ["Cleaning Tape 'Gayromeo'", "Reinigungscassette Marke 'GayRomeo'", "Monnaie", "Limpiador de cabezal marca 'GayRomeo'"], ["Empty glasses", "Zwei leere Biergl\u00E4ser", "Monnaie", "Dos porrones vac\u00EDos"], ["My memo", "Mein Merkzettel", "Monnaie", "Lista de tareas"]);
men = new Array(1, 1, 1, 1);
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "presents";
text3 = "skip intro";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "pr\u00E4sentiert";
text3 = "\u00FCberspringen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "presente";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "presenta";
text3 = "saltear";
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 10
delayval = 8000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Our favourite Hottie: Ken G. Romeo in";
text20 = "Cruising Room is not suitable for persons under the age of sixteen. It contains sexual innuendo, images and equivocal humour. Some clich\u00E9s may be enforced too. If you have a problem with that or don\u2019t like queer people, you might be better of playing Tetris.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "unseren sexs\u00FCchtigen User KEN in";
text20 = "Kens Abenteuer sind f\u00FCr Spieler unter 18 Jahren nicht geeignet. Sie enthalten sexuelle Anspielungen, Bilder und zweideutigen Humor. Wir bedienen auch gern einige Klischees... wollen damit aber niemand auf die F\u00FC\u00DFe treten. Spieler, die damit Probleme haben oder denen schlecht wird, wenn sie Schwule sehen, sollten weiterhin besser Moorh\u00FChner jagen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "presente";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "a nuestro miembro sex\u00F3pata KEN en";
text20 = "Sus aventuras no son aptas para menores de 18 a\u00F1os. Contienen alusiones sexuales, im\u00E1genes er\u00F3ticas y doble sentido. Nos valemos tambi\u00E9n de algunos clich\u00E9s... sin intenci\u00F3n de ofender a nadie. Los usuarios que tengan problemas o que se asqueen solo de ver a un puto, deber\u00E1n continuar jugando a las bolitas.";
Frame 12
delayval = 8000;
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 82;
Frame 144
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Another night, another city...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Eine weitere Nacht in einer fremden Stadt...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Una noche m\u00E1s en una ciudad extra\u00F1a...";
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 144
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 178
delayval = 3000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = " A little lonesome perhaps.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "... aber keinen Grund, Tr\u00FCbsal zu blasen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "... no es motivo para afligirse.";
Frame 213
delayval = 3000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "You're on your own, but not for too long.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Du bist allein... aber willst es nicht bleiben.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Est\u00E1s solo... y no quieres estarlo.";
Frame 237
delayval = 3000;
Frame 239
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "There's a gay-joint just 'round the corner...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Die Nacht ist jung, du bist es auch...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "La noche es joven, como tu...";
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 239
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 273
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = " party your blues away...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Also auf in die n\u00E4chstgelegene dunkle Bar...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "A encontrar el pr\u00F3ximo bar oscuro...";
Frame 307
_root.ziel = "firstdialog";;
Frame 309
Frame 310
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 310
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 311
clicked4 = true;
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 311
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 315
delayval = 2000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Stop. Who goes there?";
choice1 = "I'm Ken from the lower southside of Newark, on avisit to my Auntie Rose for her 75th birthday. ";
choice2 = "Ahem. Fancy a shag?";
choice3 = "Great place you have here. I saw you got three stripes in the Gay Galor Guide.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Was willst du denn hier, Kleiner?";
choice1 = "Ich bin der Ken aus Kleinberg im Hochschwarzwald und m\u00F6chte meine Tante Ingrid zu ihrem 75. Geburtstag besuchen.";
choice2 = "\u00C4hm poppen?";
choice3 = "Toller Laden. Ihr habt ja im Guide Fick\u00E8lin f\u00FCnf Sterne bekommen...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFQu\u00E9 buscas aqu\u00ED muchacho?";
choice1 = "Soy Ken de Pueblo Chico en Provincia del Este y vine a visitar a mi t\u00EDa Asunta por su 75mo. cumplea\u00F1os.";
choice2 = "Eeeh, \u00BFsexo?";
choice3 = "Lindo lugar. Les dieron tres estrellas en la gu\u00EDa gay.";
answer1 = "schoen";
answer2 = "ahja";
answer3 = "sauraus";
Frame 316
Frame 317
clicked1 = true;
Frame 318
delayval = 3000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Im pretty sure, she isn't here. Thursday night's her bingo night.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass die heute nicht hier ist. Bingo ist immer Donnerstag Abend";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Ella seguramente no se encuentra aqu\u00ED. Bingo es siempre los jueves.";
Frame 319
Frame 320
clicked2 = true;
Frame 321
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I see. Well, we've got a darkroom down the back. Just get a number and wait for your call.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ach? Da hinten gibts'n Darkroom, zieh einfach 'ne Nummer.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFS\u00ED? Ve al s\u00F3tano, debes sacar un n\u00FAmero y esperar turno.";
Frame 322
Frame 323
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
Frame 324
delayval = 4000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yes. We\u2019re reputed for the surprisingly wide range of sexual pleasures we cater for. If you\u2019re into stuff like that";
choice1 = "You bet. Tonights the night. ";
choice2 = "Naw. Im pretty shy actually.";
choice3 = "Sounds great. I'm working under the golden arches - so it doesn\u2019t matter if I can\u2019t sit down.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ja, unser reichhaltiges Paarungsangebot ist weit \u00FCber die Stadtgrenzen bekannt. Wenn du darauf Wert legst...?";
choice1 = "Ja klar - heut geht's rund!";
choice2 = "Nein, ich bin ein ganz Sch\u00FCchterner.";
choice3 = "Klingt gut. Ich arbeite in 'nem Stehimbiss... da ist's egal, ob ich Montag schon wieder sitzen kann.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "S\u00ED, nuestras diversas ofertas de apareo son famosas a\u00FAn fuera de la ciudad... Si eso es lo que buscas...";
choice1 = "\u00A1Qu\u00E9 bien! \u00A1Hoy es mi d\u00EDa!";
choice2 = "No no, yo soy muy t\u00EDmido.";
choice3 = "Muy bueno. Trabajo en un bar al paso... con lo cual no importa si el lunes no me puedo sentar.";
answer1 = "rekord";
answer2 = "rauskehren";
answer3 = "grins";
Frame 325
Frame 326
clicked3 = true;
Frame 327
delayval = 6000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "That's the spirit. Youre gettin' right into the groove dude.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Das ist die richtige Einstellung f\u00FCr dieses Spiel!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Has comprendido lo esencial del juego, muchachito!";
Frame 328
Frame 329
clicked2 = true;
Frame 330
delayval = 6000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah right. It's the shy ones we have to chuck out every morning. Kicking ans screaming.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ja genau, so Leute m\u00FCssen wir morgens fr\u00FCh immer rauskehren.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Entiendo, eres de la gente que tenemos que barrer por la ma\u00F1ana.";
Frame 331
Frame 332
clicked2 = (clicked3 = false);
Frame 333
delayval = 4000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Once I met four really amazing guys in just one night. And I really mean 'met'";
choice2 = "Oh. And what must I do to 'meet' you. Like real up close.";
choice3 = "Cut the cackle and let me in. It's party time!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich hab schon mal vier nette Kerle an einem Abend *\u00E4hem* kennen gelernt";
choice2 = "Ach? Und was muss ich machen, um dich kennen zu lernen?";
choice3 = "Lass mich endlich rein, ich will Party machen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "He *ehm* 'conocido' una vez a cuatro chicos en una noche";
choice2 = "Aha, \u00BFy que tengo que hacer para 'conocerte' a ti?";
choice3 = "D\u00E9jame entrar ya, \u00A1quiero hacerme la fiesta!";
answer2 = "sehman";
answer3 = "funfer";
clicked1 = true;
Frame 334
Frame 335
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "If you make out with four guys, like I did, you might ask again *smirk*. If you\u2019re not tooooo wasted by then.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Solltest du wie ich vier Dates an einem Abend schaffen, kannst du noch mal anfragen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Si logras superar mi r\u00E9cord de cuatro levantes, vuelve a preguntarme";
Frame 336
Frame 337
clicked1 = (clicked2 = false);
Frame 338
delayval = 4000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Five bucks and you're in...";
choice1 = "Ahem. How exactly do I give you the dough?";
choice2 = "You're cute, all things considered.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Lass mal 'nen F\u00FCnfer r\u00FCberwachsen, dann geht's los.";
choice1 = "Wie kann ich dir das Geld geben?";
choice2 = "Eigentlich bist du ja ganz drollig!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "P\u00E1same unas monedas, y comienza la fiesta";
choice1 = "\u00BFC\u00F3mo te doy dinero?";
choice2 = "En realidad te ves muy bonito.";
answer1 = "geld";
answer2 = "backen";
clicked3 = true;
Frame 339
Frame 340
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "All things considered? I'd be amazed if you make out with one guy, not to mention four...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Drollig? Wenn du wie ich vier Dates geschafft hast, zeige ich dir mal drollig!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFBonito? Si rompes mi r\u00E9cord de cuatro apareos, \u00A1te dar\u00E9 bonito!";
Frame 341
Frame 342
delayval = 4000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Simple. Grab the money from your purse above (1), by clicking on it. Drag the money on me (2) - and drop it! And before you ask Mister Genius you can use that trick an all the stuff you find inside - just drag and drop!.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Zuerst klickst du oben mit der linken Maustaste auf das Geld (1). Danach l\u00E4sst du die Taste los und bewegst das Geld auf mich (2). Dann klickst du nochmal mit der linken Maustaste, um mir das Geld zu geben.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Primero cliquea con la tecla izquierda del rat\u00F3n sobre las monedas (1). Luego mueve el rat\u00F3n con el dinero hacia mi (2). Vuelve a cliquear para d\u00E1rmelo. Adentro funciona todo de la misma manera.";
Frame 344
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
Frame 345
Frame 436
_root.ziel = "diele";;
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 437
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 438
if (diele == 1) {
dielebuttons.doorman._visible = false;
Frame 439
Frame 440
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Well? Already done with your task? Four dates?";
choice1 = "I'm getting to it.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Na, Kleiner, hast du es schon geschafft, vier Dates zu machen?";
choice1 = "Ich bin noch am Baggern...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFQu\u00E9 tal muchachito? \u00BFYa lograste los cuatro apareos?";
choice1 = "Estoy en eso...";
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked1 = false;
answer1 = "diele1";
Frame 441
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Well? Already done with your task? Four dates?";
choice1 = "Naw, they where too much diva for that.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Na, Kleiner, hast du es schon geschafft, vier Dates zu machen?";
choice1 = "N\u00F6, daf\u00FCr waren die da drin viel zu zickig...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFQu\u00E9 tal muchachito? \u00BFYa lograste los cuatro apareos?";
choice1 = "No, ah\u00ED adentro son muy hist\u00E9ricos...";
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked1 = false;
answer1 = "vergeigt2";
Frame 442
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Gee, sorry, guess that means no fun for us *grin*.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Sorry, dann wird's wohl nichts mit uns...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Lam\u00E9ntolo. Entonces olvida lo nuestro";
Frame 443
gotoAndPlay (439);
Frame 444
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
clicked4 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "It's rather chilly for that time of the year...";
choice2 = "Wow, what a night. Four dates and six guys 'met' in total...";
choice3 = "I've got some distant ringing in my ears.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Ganz schon k\u00FChl f\u00FCr diese Jahreszeit.";
choice2 = "Wow, was f\u00FCr'n Abend. Vier Dates und sechs neue 'Bekanntschaften'...";
choice3 = "Ich hab ein leichtes Fiepen im Ohr.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Bastante fresco para esta \u00E9poca del a\u00F1o.";
choice2 = "\u00A1Qu\u00E9 noche tuve!. Cuatro veces sexo y seis nuevos 'conocidos'...";
choice3 = "Siento un silbido lejano en los o\u00EDdos.";
answer1 = "a41";
answer2 = "b41";
answer3 = "c41";
Frame 445
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "That's because of a cyclone heading up from the east. The Hellmann Meter has shown unusual amounts of rain over the past three nights.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Das liegt an den Tiefdruckausl\u00E4ufern, die von D\u00E4nemark herankommen. Der Hellmann-Niederschlagsmesser hat gestern erstaunliche hohe Wert angegeben.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Eso se debe a las corrientes de baja presi\u00F3n provenientes del sudoeste. Las mediciones meteorol\u00F3gicas de ayer dieron valores sorprendentes.";
Frame 447
Frame 448
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Six? That's more than I ever did! Bet you're deadbeat now?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Sechs? Das ist mehr als ich geschafft hab. DU bist jetzt sicher v\u00F6llig geschafft.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFCon seis? Eso es m\u00E1s de lo que pude yo. Ahora est\u00E1s seguramente destruido.";
Frame 449
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "I\u2019m not as spent as all that. When did you say you\u2019d be done here?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "So geschafft nun auch nicht. Wann sagtest du hast Feierabend?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "No estoy tan agotado. \u00BFCuando dijiste que terminas aqu\u00ED?";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
answer3 = "a42";
Frame 450
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "That's Jasper my pet hamster. He keeps me company on long lonely nights like this.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Das ist Jasper, meine Feldmaus. Ich hab ihn immer dabei, er leistet mir Gesellschaft in langen einsamen N\u00E4chten.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Es Gaspar, mi hamster. Siempre lo llevo conmigo, \u00E9l me acompa\u00F1a en las largas noches solitarias.";
Frame 452
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "What a very sad story. How about me keeping you company?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Och wie traurig. Wie w\u00E4r's, wenn ich dir Gesellschaft leiste?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Uy, que triste. \u00BFQu\u00E9 te parece si te acompa\u00F1o yo tambi\u00E9n?";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
answer3 = "b42";
Frame 453
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "How about now?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wie w\u00E4rs mit jetzt?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Y... \u00BFAhora mismo?";
_root.ziel = "rahmenaus";
Frame 454
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Good thinking. Gotta feeling my shift's ending right now.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Klingt gut. Ich hab das Gef\u00FChl meine Schicht ist grade zu Ende...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Buena idea. Tengo la impresi\u00F3n de que mi turno acaba de terminar...";
Frame 455
_root.ziel = "rahmenaus";
Frame 456
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 457
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 458
if (diele == 1) {
dielebuttons.doorman._visible = false;
Frame 459
delayval = 3000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich glaube, dies ist der Beginn einer wunderbaren...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Supongo que este es el comienzo de una maravillosa...";
Frame 461
delayval = 3000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "...Hot...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "... geilen...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "... y caliente...";
Frame 463
delayval = 3000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Night...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "... nacht!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "... \u00A1noche!";
Frame 465
delayval = 3000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = " presented his favourite hottie KEN in";
text2 = "Cruising Room may be distributed by everyone, as long it is done free of charge.";
text3 = "Direkter Link zu Download";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = " pr\u00E4sentierte unseren sexs\u00FCchtigen User KEN in";
text2 = "Weitergeben ausdr\u00FCcklich erw\u00FCnscht! Dieses Spiel darf von jedem weitergegeben werden, solange damit keine kommerziellen Absichten verfolgt werden.";
text3 = "Direkter Link zu Download";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = " present\u00F3 a su miembro sex\u00F3pata KEN en";
text2 = "\u00A1Reproducci\u00F3n expresamente permitida! Este juego se puede reproducir libremente, siempre que sea sin fines comerciales.";
text3 = "Direcci\u00F3n de bajada";
Frame 467
Frame 468
meldung = "";
diele = 0;
if (_root.leftalign) {
right.enabled = false;
leftalign = false;
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = false)));
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 468
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 469
Frame 470
if (_root.leftalign) {
right.enabled = false;
leftalign = false;
Frame 471
delayval = 2000;
_root.leftalign = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "Gee, folks round here really do suck.";
choice2 = "Do you mind if I smoke?";
choice3 = "Hey, weren't you guys at Frank's birthday party?";
choice4 = "Gee, kissing makes me always so thisty...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Die Leute hier sind ja alle scheu\u00DFlich.";
choice2 = "Machts euch was aus, wenn ich rauche?";
choice3 = "Hab ich euch nicht neulich auf Franks Geburtstagsparty gesehen?";
choice4 = "Also beim Rumknutschen werde ich ja immer ziemlich durstig...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Horrible la gente que hay aqu\u00ED.";
choice2 = "\u00BFLes molestar\u00EDa si fumo?";
choice3 = "\u00BFPuede ser que los haya visto en el cumplea\u00F1os de Franco?";
choice4 = "Si le meto la lengua en la boca a alguien termino sediento...";
answer1 = "a";
answer2 = "b";
answer3 = "c";
answer4 = "d";
Frame 472
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yes!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ja!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1T\u00FA lo dices!";
Frame 473
Frame 474
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Sweetheart, wie woudln't turn a hair if you burst into flames.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "N\u00F6... Pass aber auf, dass du kein Feuer f\u00E4ngst, S\u00FC\u00DFer.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No... Pero no te quemes con los f\u00F3sforos, cari\u00F1o.";
Frame 475
Frame 476
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Frank? Has he turned 27... again?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Frank? Ist er schon wieder 27 geworden?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFFranco? \u00BFVolvi\u00F3 a cumplir 27 a\u00F1os?";
clicked1 = (clicked4 = true);
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = false;
Frame 477
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Yep. He turned 27, the virtue of only celebrating every leap year. You two sat around, being grumpy to everybody until somebody fetched yaa a drink.";
choice3 = "Uh Oh. Gotta go nature calls";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Genau. Er ist 27 geworden und das, obwohl er nur alle Schaltjahre feiert. Trinkt ihr immer noch so gerne Bier wie damals?";
choice3 = "Ich glaub ich mu\u00DF weg. Mein Nummer wurde aufgerufen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Exacto. Cumpli\u00F3 27 a pesar de que solo festeja los a\u00F1os bisiesto. \u00BFLes gusta tomar tanta cerveza como esa vez?";
choice3 = "Creo que tengo que irme. Acaban de llamar mi n\u00FAmero";
answer2 = "b1";
answer3 = "bar";
Frame 478
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah. We do wait for some time now for a drink.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wir sind auch schon am Verdursten und warten schon ewig auf'n Bier...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Nos morimos tambi\u00E9n de sed y esperamos hace horas las cervezas...";
Frame 479
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Uh Oh. Gotta go. Nature calls.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ich glaube, ich muss weg. Meine Nummer wurde aufgerufen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Creo que debo irme. Dej\u00E9 la leche sobre el fuego.";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
_root.tomsstatus = 1;
answer3 = "bar";
Frame 480
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Why sure. It's just so hard to get a drink round here. If you like to fetch some...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Tun wir. Aber im Moment sitzen wir auf dem Trockenen... kannst uns ja mal zwei Bier besorgen!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "As\u00ED es, pero por ahora no hemos logrado que nos den nada... \u00BFnos podr\u00EDas traer dos cervezas?";
Frame 482
_root.tomsstatus = 1;
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 483
clicked1 = true;
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = false));
Frame 484
fondo3buttons.Toms.enabled = false;
delayval = 2000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Here we go... Two beers for you...";
choice3 = "I heard you two are really lousy in bed...";
choice4 = "Is it just me, or do you get those really dry hands in smoked-up places too?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Hier, ich habe euch zwei Bier besorgt.";
choice3 = "Wenn ich mir so eure Hosen anschaue, scheint sich dort wohl nicht viel zu verbergen.";
choice4 = "Habt ihr in rauchigen R\u00E4umen auch immer so rauhe H\u00E4nde?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Aqu\u00ED les he traido dos cervezas.";
choice3 = "Me contaron que los dos son medio flojos en la cama...";
choice4 = "\u00BFTienen tambi\u00E9n manos resecas en lugares poco ventilados?";
answer2 = "a6";
answer3 = "b6";
answer4 = "c6";
Frame 485
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Gee thanks, *gulp* Guess we take off to the men's room... get rid of them beers... *wink-wink*.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Hey Danke! *gluck* Ich glaub, wir m\u00FCssen gleich mal auf's Klo, die Biere... \u00E4h... wegbringen... *zwinker*";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Eh, gracias! *glug-glug* Creo que debemos ir al ba\u00F1o, para... eh... devolver las cervezas... *gui\u00F1o*";
Frame 487
_root.leftalign = true;
_root.tomsstatus = 2;
fondo3buttons.Toms._visible = false;
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 488
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = true));
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Who has sex in bed? Get lost buzzo.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Als ob du Ahnung h\u00E4ttest! Und jetzt verpiss dich!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1No tienes ni idea! \u00A1Te vas de aqu\u00ED!";
Frame 489
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Yeah yeah... whatever...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Habe ich doch gar nicht n\u00F6tig!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "\u00A1Me voy porque tengo ganas!";
_root.vergeigt = 1;
_root.tomsstatus = 3;
answer2 = "b7";
Frame 490
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "It puts the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it's told.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Er soll sich mit der Lotion einreiben!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Que se ponga la 'crema'!";
clicked1 = (clicked4 = true);
clicked3 = false;
if (b1 == true) {
clicked2 = true;
} else {
clicked2 = false;
Frame 492
_root.leftalign = true;
_root.tomsstatus = 3;
fondo3buttons.Toms._visible = false;
_root.vergeigt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 493
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "It's one of these days. Told you we shoud\u00B4ve stayed home.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ach ist das wieder einer dieser Tage? Ich hab gesagt, wir h\u00E4tten zuhause bleiben sollen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Bien, hoy es uno de esos d\u00EDas! Te dije que mejor nos qued\u00E1bamos en casa";
Frame 495
_root.leftalign = true;
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 498
_root.clicked1 = true;
_root.clicked2 = false;
if (_root.barmanstatus == 2) {
_root.clicked2 = true;
_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false);
fondo3buttons.Toms.enabled = false;
delayval = 2000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Be an angel and give me two beers.";
choice3 = "If you dont mind, I\u00B4d like to order two glasses of sparkling wine. Cool but not too cool please";
choice4 = "Do you come here often, honey buns?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Mundschenk, zwei Bier bitte.";
choice3 = "Wenn's keine Umst\u00E4nde macht... w\u00FCrde ich gerne zwei nicht zu k\u00FChle Prosecco bestellen.";
choice4 = "Kann man dich Schnuckel hier \u00F6fters treffen?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Be an angel and give me two beers.";
choice3 = "If you dont mind, I\u00B4d like to order two glasses of sparkling wine. Cool but not too cool please";
choice4 = "Do you come here often, honey buns?";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Labios gruesos, dos cervezas por favor.";
choice3 = "Si no es inconveniente... te pedir\u00EDa dos copas de champagne no muy fr\u00EDas.";
choice4 = "Beb\u00E9, \u00BFte puedo encontrar siempre por aqu\u00ED?";
answer2 = "b2";
answer3 = "c2";
answer4 = "d2";
Frame 499
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = false)));
Frame 500
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Sorry man, no clean glasses.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Sorry Mann, sind keine sauberen Gl\u00E4ser mehr da.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Lo lamento, no me quedan m\u00E1s porrones lavados.";
Frame 501
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "I don't mind. If they are not to yucky. The're not for me after all";
choice2 = "Would it be of any assistance if i'looked around and collected a few glasses?";
choice3 = "I'd rather take you.";
choice4 = "Don't bother. The bottle ist fine for me.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Ist schon okay, wenn sie nicht allzu dreckig sind. Ist ja nicht f\u00FCr mich.";
choice2 = "W\u00FCrde es helfen, wenn ich ein paar Gl\u00E4ser einsammle?";
choice3 = "Du w\u00E4rst mir entschieden lieber...";
choice4 = "Kein Thema, ich trinke auch aus der Flasche.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "No hay problema sie no est\u00E1n demasiado sucios. En realidad no son para m\u00ED.";
choice2 = "\u00BFTe ser\u00EDa \u00FAtil que recoja algunos?";
choice3 = "Te preferir\u00EDa a ti.";
choice4 = "No hay problema, bebo de la botella.";
answer1 = "a4";
answer2 = "b4";
answer3 = "c4";
answer4 = "d4";
Frame 502
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Beer?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Bier?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Cerveza?";
clicked3 = true;
Frame 503
Frame 504
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Beer?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Bier?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Cerveza?";
clicked4 = true;
Frame 505
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "I'd rather take you.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Du w\u00E4rst mir entschieden lieber!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "\u00A1Sin duda te preferir\u00EDa a ti!";
answer3 = "c4";
Frame 506
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Even the yucky ones are booked.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Selbst die dreckigen sind schon vorbestellt.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Hasta los sucios est\u00E1n reservados.";
Frame 507
Frame 508
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Good thinkin, dude. You get em' I'll fill em'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Das w\u00E4re klasse. Ich f\u00FClle sie dir auch gleich wieder auf.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Eso ser\u00EDa fant\u00E1stico. Te dar\u00E9 las cervezas sin esperar.";
Frame 509
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Sheesh, amazing what one does to get laid.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Mann... Was man nicht alles f\u00FCr die Kerle macht...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Uf... Las cosas que uno hace por sexo...";
barmanstatus = ((barmanstatus == 2) ? 2 : 1);
answer3 = "bar";
Frame 510
delayval = 5000;
clicked3 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah I wish. Unfortunatelly I'm stuck at my post because my five star customer over there needs some extended atention";
text2 = "Tention?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Du mir auch. Ich kann hier nur grad nicht weg, mein bester Kunde braucht etwas Seelsorge.";
text2 = "Sorge?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Y yo a ti. Pero no puedo irme ahora, mi mejor cliente necesita apoyo moral.";
text2 = "\u00BFApoyo?";
Frame 511
Frame 512
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 513
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "That\u00B4ll be the day. Adventures are not the place for logical solutions";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Das w\u00E4re zu einfach. In solchen Spielen kann man nicht einfach die logischste L\u00F6sung w\u00E4hlen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Eso ser\u00EDa demasiado f\u00E1cil. En estos juegos no se permite elegir la soluci\u00F3n m\u00E1s l\u00F3gica";
clicked4 = true;
Frame 514
Frame 515
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Even the yucky ones are booked";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Selbst die dreckigen sind schon vorbestellt.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Hasta los sucios est\u00E1n reservados.";
Frame 516
Frame 517
fondo3buttons.Toms.enabled = false;
delayval = 2000;
clicked1 = true;
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = false));
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "There you go. Now gimme them beers.";
choice3 = "Did I ever mention you look remarkably like the distant friend of my brother-in-laws wife, half-brother Jordan, from Chapaquidiq, Maryland?";
choice4 = "Do you come here often, gorgeus?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Hier sind die Gl\u00E4ser... Machst mir mal zwei Helle?";
choice3 = "Wei\u00DFt du, dass du dem Freund des Halbbruders meiner Schwippschw\u00E4gerin \u00E4hnlich siehst?";
choice4 = "Kann man dich hier \u00F6fters treffen?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Aqu\u00ED tienes los porrones... \u00BFMe das dos cervezas?";
choice3 = "\u00A1No me lo vas a creer, pero te pareces mucho a la pareja del medio hermano de mi cu\u00F1ada!";
choice4 = "\u00BFAndas seguido por aqu\u00ED guapo?";
answer2 = "a9";
answer3 = "b9";
answer4 = "c9";
Frame 518
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Right away, Captain";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Kommt sofort, Meister...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Ya mismo se\u00F1or...";
Frame 520
_root.barmanstatus = 2;
_root.schlusselstatus = 0;
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 521
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah. I get that all the time.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Das h\u00F6re ich nicht zum ersten Mal.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No es la primera vez que oigo eso.";
b9 = 1;
clicked3 = true;
Frame 522
Frame 523
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Beer?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Bier?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Cerveza?";
Frame 524
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "I'd rather take you...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Du w\u00E4rst mir entschieden lieber!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "\u00A1Sin duda te preferir\u00EDa a ti!";
answer3 = "a11";
Frame 525
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
clicked2 = false;
if (b9 == 1) {
clicked3 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah I wish. Unfortunately I\u2019m stuck at my post because my five star customer over there needs some extended attention";
text2 = "Tention?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Du mir auch. Ich kann hier nur grad nicht weg, mein bester Kunde braucht etwas Seelsorge.";
text2 = "Sorge?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Y yo a ti. Pero justo ahora no puedo, mi mejor cliente necesita algo de apoyo moral.";
text2 = "\u00BFApoyo?";
Frame 526
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "There you go. Now gimme them beers.";
choice3 = "Did I ever mention you look remarkably like the distant friend of my brother-in-laws wife, half brother Jordan, from Chapaquidiq, Maryland?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Ich habe dir die Gl\u00E4ser besorgt... Machst mir mal zwei Helle?";
choice3 = "Wei\u00DFt du, dass du dem Freund des Halbbruders meiner Schwippschw\u00E4gerin \u00E4hnlich siehst?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Aqu\u00ED tienes los porrones... \u00BFMe das dos cervezas?";
choice3 = "\u00A1No me lo crees, pero te pareces mucho a la pareja del medio hermano de mi cu\u00F1ada!";
answer2 = "a9";
answer3 = "b9";
Frame 527
fondo3buttons.Toms.enabled = false;
delayval = 2000;
clicked1 = (clicked4 = true);
clicked3 = (clicked2 = false);
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Well, sweetmeat if you\u2019re done with Mister Blotto how about coming over here. I could use a little 'attention' too\u2026";
choice3 = "Hey Fancypants. Care for a quick polish on something thats not a glass for a change?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Na, Tresenschnecke... Hast du die Seelsorge beendet? Ich k\u00F6nnte auch etwas Aufmerksamkeit brauchen.";
choice3 = "Na S\u00FC\u00DFer, Lust mal was anderes als nur Gl\u00E4ser zu polieren?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Na, Tresenschnecke... Hast du die Seelsorge beendet? Ich k\u00F6nnte auch etwas Aufmerksamkeit brauchen.";
choice3 = "Na S\u00FC\u00DFer, Lust mal was anderes als nur Gl\u00E4ser zu polieren?";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "\u00BFComo va Barman? \u00BFSe termin\u00F3 el apoyo moral? Yo tambi\u00E9n necesitar\u00EDa algo de apoyo...";
choice3 = "\u00BFY beb\u00E9? \u00BFTienes ganas de frotar algo m\u00E1s que copas?";
answer2 = "a12";
answer3 = "b12";
Frame 528
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Sure. Always can spare five minutes for customer care. Come over.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Die Zeit nehme ich mir. Komm r\u00FCber!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Me tomo una pausa. \u00A1Entra aqu\u00ED!";
clicked4 = true;
Frame 530
gotoAndPlay (533);
Frame 531
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I just love your dirty-talk-routine.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich liebe, es wenn man mir schmutzige Sachen sagt.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Amo cuando me dicen porquer\u00EDas.";
clicked4 = true;
Frame 533
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 1;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 4;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 0;;
Frame 534
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Wow. That's what I call well hung.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Wow...! Das nenne ich mal einen wirklich gro\u00DFen Zapfhahn!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "\u00A1Guau! \u00A1Eso fue realmente una generosa canilla libre!";
answer3 = "bar";
barmanstatus = 3;
Frame 535
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Hey, we had a great time.. but I\u2019ve gotta work now";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Hey, du warst echt lecker, aber jetzt muss ich mal was f\u00FCr mein Geld tun...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Oye, lo he pasado bien contigo, pero ahora debo ganar algo de dinero";
Frame 536
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Ohh, what a pitty.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ooooohhhh wie schade.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Oooooy, que peeena.";
barmanstatus = ((barmanstatus == 2) ? 2 : 1);
answer3 = "bar";
Frame 537
fondo3buttons.Toms.enabled = false;
delayval = 2000;
clicked1 = (clicked4 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked2 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Hey old red eyes.. Wuzzup? Twin-sighted already?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Hey, old red eyes... Wie sieht's aus? Alles doppelt?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Hola ojos colorados... \u00BFC\u00F3mo est\u00E1s? \u00BFVisi\u00F3n doble?";
answer2 = "a13pre";
Frame 538
delayval = 2000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Nooodyed! Me\u2019s waidin furme gud friend\u2026 Djak Nanniels.. I could innnroduce him to yaa!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Noch nis... isch warte auf meinen guten Freund Sch\u00E4ck Daniels... Isch k\u00F6nnt ihn dir vorstellen!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Tuav\u00EDa no... eshpero a mi buen amigo Shak Danielsh. Shi quieresh te lo preshento";
clicked2 = true;
Frame 539
clicked1 = (clicked4 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked2 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Sounds like a good plan. See ya.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Das klingt wie ein guter Plan. Bis sp\u00E4ter...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Buena idea, te veo luego...";
answer2 = "bar";
Frame 540
fondo3buttons.Toms.enabled = false;
delayval = 2000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "My cats breath, smells like catfood.";
choice3 = "Shouldn't you go home?";
choice4 = "Gee, what a great red nose you have there. Any plans for tonight?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Der Atem meiner Katze riecht nach Katzenfutter.";
choice3 = "Ist es nicht langsam Zeit f\u00FCr dich, heimzugehen?";
choice4 = "Du hast eine tolle rote Nase. Hast du heute Abend schon was vor?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "El aliento de mi gato huele a alimento Gatex.";
choice3 = "\u00BFNo es de a poco la hora de irse a casa?";
choice4 = "Me encanta tu naricita colorada. \u00BFTienes planes para hoy?";
answer2 = "a13";
answer3 = "b13";
answer4 = "c13";
Frame 541
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Weird. Meine smells of beer. 'cept when it smells of wine. Or hard liqueur. Or paint-thinner...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Komisch, meiner riecht nach Bier. Aussa wenner nach Wein riecht. Oder nach Sch... Sch... *hicks*... naps. Oder nach Lik\u00F6r. Oder nach Verd\u00FCnner.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Que raro, mi gato huele a cervesha. Shalvo cuando huele a vino. O a... a... *hic*... guardiente. O a lic-cor. O a dilussshente.";
clicked2 = true;
Frame 542
Frame 543
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Lovetaa... But the keys to me flat are jusss gone... like real gone...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Isch w\u00FCrd ja gern... Aber ich hab m-mein Haupt-Schl\u00FCssel... \u00E4h Haus-Schl\u00FCssel verlorn. Verlegt... Weg...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Eso quishiera sho... Pero perd\u00ED la shave de mi ca... la shave de mi... eh... *hic*... casa. Perdida.";
Frame 544
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Lost your keys? Now where is that...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Deinen Hausschl\u00FCssel? Verloren? Wo denn das nu wieder?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "\u00BFTu llave de casa? \u00BFSe perdi\u00F3? \u00BFY por donde?";
answer3 = "a14";
Frame 545
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Honey i don't do three-ways. Get your twin-mate and get lost.";
choice4 = "I'm already gone...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Sch-Schatzi isch mach keine Dreier. Nimm deinen Kumpel und geh.";
choice4 = "Okay, ich gehe ja schon...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
choice4 = "Okay, ich gehe ja schon...";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Tesshoro, no me revuelco de a tresh. Vete con tu hermano.";
choice4 = "Ya me fui...";
answer4 = "bar";
Frame 547
Frame 548
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Good quession. I wus sittin' ere all de time basicly. Just went off for quick nap inna sling back there. Den everythins turned black and now... 'ere I am";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Fragt mich was Leises. Isch war die gansse Sseit hier. Nur vorhin hab ich kurss inner H\u00E4ngemadde bissel gepennt. Dann wurd alless dungel und ich bin hier aufgewacht...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Preg\u00FAntame algo m\u00E1s f\u00E1shil. Eshtuve todo el tiempo aqu\u00ED. Antesh dorm\u00ED un poco en la hamaca del sh\u00F3tano. Luego se oshcureshi\u00F3 todo y aqu\u00ED me deshpert\u00E9...";
Frame 550
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Have gun will travel. I'll be back";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ich guck mal. Miss Marple ermittelt. Wenn ich nur w\u00FCsste, wo sich unser Mr. Schnaps rumgetrieben hat...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Ya veo. Sherlock Holmes investigar\u00E1. Si tan solo lograra encontrar a Watson...";
_root.blottostatus = 1;
answer3 = "bar";
Frame 551
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Look what I found in that darkroom-thingy. These keys, three cockrings, a rubber chicken and this oversized peppermill.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ich habe folgendes gefunden: diesen Schl\u00FCssel, drei Cockringe, ein Gummihuhn und diese riesige Pfefferm\u00FChle. Such dir was aus.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "He encontrado esto: estas llaves, tres cockrings, un patito de goma y un enorme molinillo de pimienta. Elige lo que quieras";
answer3 = "a15";
Frame 552
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I'll take them keys. Keep the chicken. Done is done.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich nehme den Schl\u00FCssel... *hicks*... Das Gummihuhn kannst du behalten. Vorbei ist vorbei *hicks*";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Me quedo con las llavessh... *hic*... y te dejo el patito. Lo pashado pishado *hic*";
Frame 554
_root.blottostatus = 2;
fondo3buttons.blotto._visible = false;
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 555
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "You've got the card... Just ring me up or send me a text message...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Die Karte haste ja, meld dich einfach die Tage mal oder schick 'ne SMS...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Ya tienes mi tarjeta, ll\u00E1mame o enviame un mensaje de texto...";
clicked1 = true;
Frame 557
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 558
fondo3buttons.Toms.enabled = false;
delayval = 2000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "Wow, what big teeht you've got...";
choice2 = "You just hit the jackpot: an unforgettable evening with a real hunk. Me.";
choice3 = "Hi, wuzzup? Stats? Wanna?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Du hast bestimmt wundersch\u00F6ne gro\u00DFe Z\u00E4hne!";
choice2 = "Du hast grad einen unvergesslichen Abend mit einem wirklich geilen Typen gewonnen. Mit mir.";
choice3 = "Hi, was suchst du? Bock auf live?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice1 = "Du hast bestimmt wundersch\u00F6ne gro\u00DFe Z\u00E4hne!";
choice2 = "Du hast grad einen unvergesslichen Abend mit einem wirklich geilen Typen gewonnen. Mit mir.";
choice3 = "Hi, was suchst du? Bock auf live?";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "\u00A1Adivino que tienes bellos y enormes dientes!";
choice2 = "Acabas de ganar una velada excepcional con un macho muy er\u00F3tico. Conmigo.";
choice3 = "Hola, \u00BFQue buscas? \u00BFDeseas sexo?";
answer1 = "a16";
answer2 = "b16";
answer3 = "c16";
Frame 559
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "You'd amazed how wide I can open that mouth of mine.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nee, aber den Mund bekomme ich sehr weit auf!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "En realidad no, pero mi boca es bien grande";
clicked1 = true;
Frame 561
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Well. Show me... But close your eyes while doing so...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Na dann zeig doch mal... aber Augen zu dabei!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "\u00BFA ver? Mu\u00E9strame... \u00A1Pero cerrando los ojos!";
answer3 = "b16";
Frame 562
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Nice try. It's just that i\u00B4m already waiting for my Planet-Romeo-date. If I don't show up, he'll think I'm a faker...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Netter Versuch. Ich habe aber schon ein Date auf GayRomeo gemacht. Wenn ich nicht da bin, hei\u00DFt es nachher ich sei ein Faker.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Buen intento. Pero ya tengo una cita a trav\u00E9s de GayRomeo. Si me voy, dir\u00E1n que mi perfil tiene fotos falsas.";
Frame 564
clicked1 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked2 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "*givehimthebambieeyes*";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "*herzzerrei\u00DFender Dackelblick*";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "*Pucheritos y ojos h\u00FAmedos*";
answer2 = "a17";
Frame 565
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Hi there! Thanks for talking to me. But I really don\u00B4t think that we click or that we are compatible in any way. Happy hunting and my best wishes for your success!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Danke, dass du mich angequatscht hast. Ich glaube aber, wir passen nicht gut zusammen. Auf jeden Fall w\u00FCnsche ich dir weiterhin viel Spa\u00DF und Erfolg bei der Suche.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Gracias por el inter\u00E9s, que me halaga profundamente. Pero creo que no va a funcionar. En todo caso te deseo mucho \u00E9xito y diversi\u00F3n en la b\u00FAsqueda.";
clicked3 = true;
Frame 566
Frame 567
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "OK, OK. Don't like to see a grown man cry. Here's my Dating-Card, maybe we can get it on next time...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ok, ok, weine nicht gleich. Hier haste meine Dating Card... Da steht meine Telefonnummer drauf. Vielleicht ergibt sich ein anderes Mal noch was.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Bueno, no te pongas a llorar. Toma mi tarjeta... All\u00ED est\u00E1 mi n\u00FAmero de tel\u00E9fono. Por ah\u00ED nos encontramos en otro momento.";
Frame 569
Frame 570
clicked1 = true;
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = false));
_root.bikerstatus = 1;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "What was it about that big mouth of yours, again?";
choice3 = "Still lonely, Bikerboy?";
choice4 = "Am I the only one who perspires when it's hot?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Kannst du mir deinen gro\u00DFen Mund nicht doch mal vorf\u00FChren?";
choice3 = "Immer noch alleine, Biker?";
choice4 = "Schwitzt du auch immer so furchtbar, wenn du hei\u00DF bist?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Kannst du mir deinen gro\u00DFen Mund nicht doch mal vorf\u00FChren?";
choice3 = "Immer noch alleine, Biker?";
choice4 = "Schwitzt du auch immer so furchtbar, wenn du hei\u00DF bist?";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "\u00BFMe muestras tu enorme boca abierta?";
choice3 = "\u00BFTodav\u00EDa solito?";
choice4 = "\u00BFTranspiras tambi\u00E9n tanto cuando est\u00E1s caliente?";
answer2 = "a18";
answer3 = "a18";
answer4 = "b18";
Frame 571
Frame 572
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "My date just called off. Hum. Guess I could show you some of my oral talents now.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Mein Date hat grade abgesagt. Mhm. Ich k\u00F6nnte dir mal zeigen, wie weit ich den Mund aufbekomme.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Mi cita acaba de cancelarse. Mmmm. Te podr\u00EDa mostrar mi enorme boca abierta.";
Frame 574
clicked1 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked2 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Well girls watch your panties... Here we go...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Na dann raff die R\u00F6cke. Ladies first!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "!A revolear las faldas, primero las damas!";
answer2 = "dateda";
Frame 575
delayval = 5000;
clicked4 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Sweat? What a turn on...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ja. Aber das macht mich erst so richtig geil!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFTranspiraci\u00F3n? Oye, \u00A1me est\u00E1s calentando!";
Frame 576
Frame 577
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Well how about that Mr. Biker25x8? - I'm not even five minutes late and you're already talkin' business with another guy.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wie nett, Herr Biker25x8, da kommt man f\u00FCnf Minuten zu sp\u00E4t und du schiebst mit dem n\u00E4chsten Kerl ab.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Qu\u00E9 bieeen, Se\u00F1or Motokero25x8, uno llega cinco minutos m\u00E1s tarde y \u00E9l se va con el primer tipo.";
Frame 579
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "What you're doing here? Hadn't you got some burst pipes in your apartment that needed fixing?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Was machst du denn hier? Ich denke, deine Wohnung steht knietief unter Wasser!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFQu\u00E9 haces aqu\u00ED? \u00BFNo se te hab\u00EDa inundado el piso?";
Frame 581
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Burst pipes? What burst pipes? You\u2019re talking shit. I\u2019ve been going crazy just to make it on time and when I get here what do I see but you tongue-locked to another guy!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wasser? Was redest du f\u00FCr'n Zeugs? Ich hetze mich ab, um rechtzeitig hier zu sein, und du schn\u00E4belst schon mit dem n\u00E4chstbesten Kerl herum!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFInundado? \u00BFTe has vuelto loco? \u00A1Salgo corriendo para llegar puntual, y tu ya est\u00E1s coqueteando con el primer hombre guapo que ves!";
Frame 582
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Look man, i'm sorry. Thought you called it off. But if it wasn't you... Who was it?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Mann, sorry... Ich dachte, du kommst nicht mehr. Aber wenn du nicht abgesagt hast, wer dann?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Lo siento... Pens\u00E9 que no vendr\u00EDas. Pero si tu no cancelaste la cita, \u00BFqui\u00E9n lo hizo?";
Frame 583
delayval = 2000;
clicked4 = true;
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked1 = false));
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "Who cares who sent that stupid text-message?. The only thing that matters is that you two have now found each other.";
choice2 = "Well, theres a lot of fun things three guys can do. What do you say?";
choice3 = "Ahem, I think the tow of you have a lot to talk about. Maybe I better leave you alone...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Ist doch ganz egal wer die SMS geschrieben hat. Hauptsache ihr habt euch gefunden und alles ist gut.";
choice2 = "Naja... Man kann doch auch zu dritt eine Menge Spa\u00DF haben.";
choice3 = "Ich glaube, ihr habt eine Menge zu besprechen. Vielleicht sollte ich euch besser alleine lassen...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "No tiene la mas m\u00EDnima importancia quien escribi\u00F3 ese mensaje. Lo importante es que se encontraron.";
choice2 = "Y bueno... De a tres puede ser muy divertido.";
choice3 = "Me parece que tienen mucho de que hablar. Seguramente es mejor que los deje solos...";
answer1 = "a19";
answer2 = "b19";
answer3 = "c19";
Frame 584
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Text-message? Who said anything about a message?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "SMS? Wer hat denn hier von einer SMS geredet? Hm???";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFMensaje? \u00BFQui\u00E9n habl\u00F3 de mensaje aqu\u00ED, eh?";
Frame 586
clicked1 = (clicked4 = true);
clicked2 = (clicked3 = false);
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Did I say message? Ahem... Well. Glad to see the problm with his washing-machine is fixed after all.";
choice3 = "Ahem, I think the two of you have a lot to talk about. Maybe I better leave you alone...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Hab ich SMS gesagt? \u00C4hm... Naja. Auf jeden Fall scheint das Problem mit deiner Waschmaschine ja gel\u00F6st zu sein.";
choice3 = "Ich glaube, ihr habt eine Menge zu besprechen. Vielleicht sollte ich euch besser alleine lassen...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Did I say message? Ahem... Well. Glad to see the problm with his washingmachine is all fixed then.";
choice3 = "Ahem I think the two of you have lots of things to sort out. Maybe I better leave you alone...";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "\u00BFDije 'mensaje' yo? Eeeeh... Y bueno. En todo caso parece que se arreglo el problema del lavarropa.";
choice3 = "Me parece que ustedes tienen mucho para contarse. Es mejor que los deje solos...";
answer2 = "a20";
answer3 = "c19";
Frame 587
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "We really just wanted to start off by getting to know one another";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Eigentlich wollten wir beide uns ja erstmal kennen lernen...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "En realidad nos acab\u00E1bamos de conocer...";
Frame 589
clicked1 = true;
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = false));
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "All good things come by threes, that's what my grandaddy always said.";
choice3 = "Maybe there's a chance for me to act as a go-between...";
choice4 = "Ahem, I think the two of you have lots to talk about. Maybe I better leave you alone...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Alle guten Dinge sind drei, wie mein Opa immer gesagt hat.";
choice3 = "Vielleicht kann ich zwischen euch 'vermitteln'...";
choice4 = "Ich glaube, ihr habt eine Menge zu besprechen. Vielleicht sollte ich euch besser alleine lassen...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Todo lo bueno viene de a tres, as\u00ED dec\u00EDa mi abuelito.";
choice3 = "Quiz\u00E1s pueda 'mediar' entre ustedes.";
choice4 = "Creo que ustedes tienen mucho de que hablar. Ser\u00E1 mejor que los deje a solas.";
answer2 = "a21";
answer3 = "b22";
answer4 = "c19";
Frame 590
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Not so fast... Who are you anyway...?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nicht so schnell. Wer bist du \u00FCberhaupt...?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Tu no te mueves de aqu\u00ED. \u00BFQui\u00E9n eres tu?";
Frame 591
delayval = 2000;
clicked4 = (clicked1 = true);
clicked2 = (clicked3 = false);
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "I'm Ken. Pleased to meet you.";
choice3 = "Gee. Guess I'll find something less complicated...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Ich bin der Ken... Nett, dich kennen zu lernen.";
choice3 = "Ich glaube, ich gehe lieber und suche mir was unkomplizierteres. Viel Spa\u00DF noch beim turteln.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Yo me llamo Ken... Encantado de conocerte.";
choice3 = "Me parece que mejor me voy y me busco algo menos complicado. \u00A1Que se diviertan!";
answer2 = "a22";
answer3 = "c19vergeigt";
Frame 592
_root.vergeigt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 593
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Beg your pardon, what?";
text2 = "I never mentioned a washing-machine!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Moment mal, wie bitte?";
text2 = "Von einer Waschmaschine hab ich eben nix gesagt...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Momento!, \u00BFC\u00F3mo dices?";
text2 = "De una lavadora no mencion\u00E9 nada hasta ahora...";
Frame 594
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Hm, I just got an idea, who'd sent that message...";
text2 = "Was you? Why you little [censored]...!!!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich glaub ich habe grade eine Idee, wer die SMS-Absage geschrieben hat...";
text2 = "Dann warst du das? Du mieser kleiner *Zensiert*!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Hm, I just got an idea, who'd sent that message...";
text2 = "You? Why you little [censored]...";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Tengo la impresi\u00F3n de que s\u00E9 qui\u00E9n escribi\u00F3 el mensaje...";
text2 = "\u00BFFuiste tu? \u00A1Pedazo de [censurado]!";
Frame 595
_root.vergeigt = 1;
_root.datingcardstatus = 2;
Frame 596
Frame 597
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "There's a whole load of wisdom in old folks' sayings *smirk*. So what's on your mind?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Alte Leute sagen ja oft sehr gescheite Sachen *grins*. Was schl\u00E4gst du vor, was wir machen sollen?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Los viejos dicen con frecuencia cosas muy sabias *sonrisa maligna*. \u00BFQu\u00E9 propones que hagamos?";
Frame 598
clicked4 = true;
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "Maybe theres a chance for me to act as go-between...";
choice2 = "A guided tour thru the historical 'Cruising Room'-vaults and dungeons. Follow me and please watch your step.";
choice3 = "Well, I bet we find something more inspiring to do, than fixing his stupid washing-machine.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Vielleicht kann ich zwischen euch vermitteln...";
choice2 = "Eine F\u00FChrung durch die historischen Kellergew\u00F6lbe dieses Gastbetriebes... Bitte hier entlang.";
choice3 = "Naja... uns dreien wird doch was Lustigeres einfallen, als deine kaputte Waschmaschine zu reparieren.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Yo podr\u00EDa hacer de 'mediador' entre ustedes...";
choice2 = "Una visita tur\u00EDstica a las catacumbas de este hist\u00F3rico edificio... Por aqu\u00ED por favor.";
choice3 = "Y bueno... A los tres se nos va a ocurrir algo m\u00E1s entretenido que reparar una lavadora.";
answer1 = "b22";
answer2 = "a23";
answer3 = "a20";
Frame 599
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Seems like we've got one date too many...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Hi Ken, wie's aussieht, haben wir jetzt wohl ein Date zuviel...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Encantado Ken, parece que nos sobra una cita ahora...";
Frame 600
delayval = 2000;
clicked4 = (clicked1 = true);
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Well, there's a lot of fun things to do for three guys. What do you say?";
choice3 = "There's a whole load of wisdom in old folks' sayings. *Smirk* So what's on your mind?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Naja... Man kann doch auch zu dritt eine Menge Spa\u00DF haben.";
choice3 = "Alle guten Dinge sind drei, wie mein Opa immer gesagt hat.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Bien... De a tres se lo puede pasar muy bien.";
choice3 = "Todo lo bueno, viene de a tres dec\u00EDa siempre mi abuelito.";
answer2 = "b19";
answer3 = "a21";
Frame 601
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "So if you wanna be a go-between what sort of thing do you wanna get between?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Und was f\u00FCr eine Vermittlungst\u00E4tigkeit stellst du dir so vor?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFY qu\u00E9 tipo de mediaci\u00F3n se te ocurre?";
Frame 602
delayval = 2000;
clicked4 = true;
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "A guided tour thru the historical 'Cruising Room'-vaults and dungeons. Please watch your step.";
choice2 = "One up front, one up rear. Don't mind where I am.";
choice3 = "Well, I bet we can find somehting more inspiring to do than fixing his stupid washing-machine.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Eine F\u00FChrung durch die historischen Kellergew\u00F6lbe dieses Gastbetriebes... Bitte hier entlang...";
choice2 = "Einer vorn, einer hinten. Reihenfolge egal.";
choice3 = "Naja... uns dreien wird doch was Lustigeres einfallen, als deine kaputte Waschmaschine zu reparieren.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Una visita guiada a las catacumbas de este edificio hist\u00F3rico... Por aqu\u00ED por favor...";
choice2 = "Uno por delante, otro por detr\u00E1s. No importa en qu\u00E9 orden.";
choice3 = "Y bueno... A los tres se nos va a ocurrir algo m\u00E1s entretenido que reparar su lavarropas.";
answer1 = "a23";
answer2 = "b23";
answer3 = "a20";
Frame 603
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah. Like we'll pass troll-bridge and pick up a riddle? Any other brilliant ideas?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Da sitzen ja doch nur wieder \u00E4ltere Herren in Ruhestand. Wei\u00DF nicht... hast du noch andere brilliante Ideen?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Ah\u00ED se reunen los jubilados. No me tienta demasiado... \u00BFtienes otra idea brillante?";
Frame 604
delayval = 2000;
clicked4 = (clicked1 = true);
clicked2 = (clicked3 = false);
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "One up front, one up rear. Don't mind where I am.";
choice3 = "Well, I bet we can find somehting more inspiring to do than fixing his stupid washing-machine.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Einer vorn, einer hinten. Reihenfolge egal.";
choice3 = "Naja... uns dreien wird doch was Lustigeres einfallen, als deine kaputte Waschmaschine zu reparieren.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Uno por delante, otro por detr\u00E1s. En qu\u00E9 orden no importa.";
choice3 = "Y bueno... Seguramente a los tres se nos va a ocurrir algo m\u00E1s entretenido que reparar una lavadora.";
answer2 = "b23";
answer3 = "a20";
Frame 605
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Twice the fun, for the price of one\u2026";
text2 = "Shut up and get going";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Dann gibt's ja f\u00FCr mich heute den doppelten Spa\u00DF f\u00FCr's selbe Geld.";
text2 = "Quatsch nicht, sondern komm...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Entonces hoy obtengo el doble por el mismo precio.";
text2 = "Calla y ven...";
Frame 606
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 10;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 4;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 0;;
_root.datingcardstatus = 2;
Frame 607
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Four hands, two cocks, two mouths... two... - you get the idea. These guys really know to put their bodys to good use.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Vier H\u00E4nde, zwei D\u00F6del, vier K\u00F6rper\u00F6ffnungen, verteilt auf zwei geile Kerle. Die beiden waren die M\u00FChe wert...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Cuatro manos, dos penes, cuatro orificios repartidos en dos machos. Realmente ha valido bien la pena...";
answer3 = "bar";
bikerstatus = 1;
Frame 608
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
Frame 610
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Hey, watch it old-man! Always these ancient guys in their late twenties\u2026";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Hey, wenn du was zum Festhalten brauchst, nimm 'nen Kr\u00FCckstock Opi. Immer diese Mittzwanziger.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Ey! Si necesitas algo para no caerte, cons\u00EDguete un bast\u00F3n abuelo. Siempre lo mismo con los veintea\u00F1eros.";
Frame 611
_root.leftalign = true;
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 612
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;;
Frame 614
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "What are you up to? Sexual harassment? Get lost you\u2026 jeansboy!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Was soll'n das werden? Sexuelle Bel\u00E4stigung? Verzieh dich du... du... Jeansboy!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Epa! \u00BFCu\u00E1l es? \u00BFAcoso sexual? Pi\u00E9rdete pedazo de... de... \u00A1usavaqueros!";
Frame 615
_root.leftalign = true;
gotoAndPlay (470);
Frame 616
if (_root.rightalign) {
right.enabled = false;
rightalign = false;
if (_root.rasiererstatus == 1) {
fondo6pan.fondo6buttons.skinaugen._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 616
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 617
Frame 618
_root.delayval = 1500;
if (_root.rightalign) {
fondo6pan.fondo6buttons.glasvoll._visible = false;
right.enabled = false;
} else {
left.enabled = false;
rightalign = false;
if (_root.rasiererstatus == 1) {
fondo6pan.fondo6buttons.skinaugen._visible = false;
Frame 619
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Naw I don't wanna...";
text2 = "C'mon give a try. You'll see you'll look twice as hot with all that greasy-spaghetti gone.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nee mach isch nisch...";
text2 = "Ey probiers doch mal... du siehst gleich dreimal so geil aus, wenn die Alt\u00F6lsammelstelle aufm Kopp weg ist.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Nee mach isch nisch...";
text2 = "Ey probiers doch mal... du siehst gleich dreimal so geil aus, wenn die Alt\u00F6lsammelstelle aufm Kopp weg ist.";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No che, dejame en paz...";
text2 = "Pru\u00E9balo... te ver\u00E1s tres veces mejor si te quitas el juntagrasa de la cabeza.";
direkt = 1;
Frame 621
delayval = 6000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yur nutz or wutt? I don't wanna go bald.";
text2 = "Okay, you go bald and I go bottom - that a deal?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ey spinnstu voll, ey? Isch mach misch nix Glatze.";
text2 = "Komm, du machst dich Glatze und daf\u00FCr lieg ich heut unten.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Nee mach isch nisch...";
text2 = "Ey probiers doch mal... du siehst gleich dreimal so geil aus, wenn die Alt\u00F6lsammelstelle aufm Kopp weg ist.";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFTas loco vos? Ninguna pelada, entendeme loco.";
text2 = "Ven vos, te haces la pelada y a cambio me pongo hoy en cuatro.";
Frame 623
Frame 624
delayval = 4000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Your always bottom.";
text2 = "Now stop arguing and off with the mop!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Du liegst eh immer unten.";
text2 = "Jetzt mach nich rum und wech mit der Matte!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Vos siempre te pon\u00E9s en cuatro, che!";
text2 = "Bueno, \u00A1qu\u00EDtate la alfombra y basta!";
Frame 625
clicked4 = true;
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked1 = false));
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "Excuse me but it smells like rancid grease here. I wonder where that smell comes from.";
choice2 = "May I have a look at that shaver? It's the TX-Cutmaster Deluxe, is it?";
choice3 = "May I touch your head, baldy?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Tschuldigung wenn ich st\u00F6re. Hier riechts nach Brill-Creme, kommt das von euch?";
choice2 = "Darf ich den Schneider mal eben sehen? Ist das etwa ein TX-Cutmaster-Deluxe?";
choice3 = "Darf ich mal deine Glatze anfassen?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Disculpen si molesto. Aqu\u00ED huele a fijador de cabello, \u00BFviene de este lado?";
choice2 = "\u00BFMe permites ver la afeitadora? \u00BFEs una TX-Cutmaster-Deluxe?";
choice3 = "\u00BFMe dejas acariciarte la pelada?";
answer1 = "a39";
answer2 = "b39";
answer3 = "c39";
Frame 626
clicked4 = true;
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked1 = false));
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "Excuse me but it smells like rancid grease here. I wonder where that smell comes from.";
choice2 = "May I have a look at that shaver? It's the TX-Cutmaster Deluxe, is it?";
choice3 = "May I touch your head, baldy?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Tschuldigung wenn ich st\u00F6re. Hier riechts nach Brill-Creme, kommt das von euch?";
choice2 = "Darf ich den Schneider mal eben sehen? Ist das etwa ein TX-Cutmaster Deluxe?";
choice3 = "Darf ich mal deine Glatze anfassen?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Disculpen si molesto. Aqu\u00ED huele a fijador de cabello, \u00BFviene de este lado?";
choice2 = "\u00BFMe permites ver la afeitadora? \u00BFEs una TX-Cutmaster-Deluxe?";
choice3 = "\u00BFMe dejas acariciarte la pelada?";
answer1 = "a39";
answer2 = "b39";
answer3 = "c39";
Frame 627
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Gotta problem, what are you gay or what?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Willste Probleme, \u00C4lda?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFBusc\u00E1s problemas vieja?";
Frame 629
clicked1 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked2 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Ahem... gotta go!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "\u00C4hm... ich muss weg.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Eh... Mejor me voy.";
answer2 = "flipper2";
Frame 630
delayval = 5000;
text2 = "";
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Um. Thingy makes hair short.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "\u00C4hm... der mach Haare goil";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Eh... Te pone lindo el pelaje";
Frame 632
clicked1 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked2 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Jesus. It really is that dangerous Cutmaster Line. They had to do a call-back, because people kept cutting their heads off. I'll better take it with me.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Ohjehh. Der TX-Cutmaster. Da gabs doch diese Enthauptungsunf\u00E4lle! Gef\u00E4hrlich! Die ganze Serie wurde zur\u00FCckgerufen. Ich entsorge den lieber mal!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "\u00A1Ay no! El Tx-Cutmaster. \u00A1Hubo casos de decapitaci\u00F3n!\u00A1Muy peligroso! Toda la serie debi\u00F3 destruirse. No te preocupes, yo me encargo del aparato.";
answer2 = "a40";
Frame 633
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Christ not again. Oh well, make it snappy then.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Das geht schon den ganzen Abend so. Okay, aber nur noch einmal.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Siempre lo mismo. Hazlo pero s\u00F3lo una vez y no te entusiames.";
Frame 635
clicked1 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked2 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice2 = "Wow, feels like the butt of my ex-boyfriend.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice2 = "Hm... f\u00FChlt sich an wie der Hintern von meinem Ex.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice2 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice2 = "Oy... Se siente como el culito de mi ex.";
answer2 = "b40";
Frame 636
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Really? Take it away! I can't stand the sight of blood!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Echt ey? Nimm weg das Ding. Ich kann doch kein Blut sehen!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFEn serio? Ll\u00E9vatela. \u00A1No soporto ver sangre!";
Frame 637
Frame 638
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Damn right...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Stimmt genau.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Exactamente igual.";
Frame 640
gotoAndPlay (618);
Frame 641
Instance of Symbol 503 MovieClip in Frame 641
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.bodyglasstatus == 1) || (_root.leerglasstatus == 2)) {
glasleer.enabled = false;
Frame 642
delayval = 3700;
if (_root.bodyglasstatus == 1) {
glasleer.enabled = false;
_root.geschuttetstatus = 1;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Watch it. Now i can slip on another hot body top.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Pass doch auf! Jetzt darf ich mir schon wieder ein neues T-Shirt anziehen!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Ten cuidado! \u00A1Ahora me tengo que cambiar de ropa!";
Frame 644
delayval = 3700;;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "And for reasons we have no need to go into at this point in time I just happen to have a huge selection of them with me...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Warum m\u00FCsst ihr Typen immer was \u00FCber mein Shirt versch\u00FCtten? Zum Gl\u00FCck habe ich immer ein paar in Reserve dabei.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFPor qu\u00E9 siempre me tienen que mojar los tipos la ropa? Menos mal que traigo siempre algo de reserva.";
Frame 684
delayval = 1000;
Instance of Symbol 503 MovieClip in Frame 684
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.bodyglasstatus == 1) {
glasleer.enabled = false;
Frame 685
rightalign = true;
gotoAndPlay (618);
Frame 686
if (_root.videostatus > 1) {
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 686
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 687
Frame 688
if (_root.videostatus > 1) {
Frame 689
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
clicked4 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "If I may say so: Drool!";
choice2 = "Do you know how many innocent little animals had to die for your jacket?";
choice3 = "Deary me. Looks like a marine or navy seal!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Wenn ich das mal so formulieren darf: Grunz!";
choice2 = "Wei\u00DFt du, wie viele unschuldige Tiere f\u00FCr deine Lederhose sterben mussten?";
choice3 = "Hach wie schick, ein starker Wachmeister!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice1 = "Wenn ich das mal so formulieren darf: Grunz!";
choice2 = "Wei\u00DFt du, wie viele unschuldige Tiere f\u00FCr deine Lederhose sterben mussten?";
choice3 = "Hach wie schick, ein starker Wachmeister!";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Si me permites formularlo as\u00ED: \u00A1oink!";
choice2 = "\u00BFSabes cu\u00E1ntos animalitos inocentes debieron morir por tu pantal\u00F3n de cuero?";
choice3 = "\u00A1Qu\u00E9 bien! \u00A1Un valiente guardi\u00E1n!";
answer1 = "a24";
answer2 = "b24";
answer3 = "c24";
Frame 690
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Move it buzzo.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Tritt beiseite, Junge.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Hazte a un lado, ni\u00F1o.";
Frame 692
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Your blocking my view on Mr. Hot over there.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Du versperrst mir den Blick auf den geilen Typen da auf dem Sofa!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Me bloqueas la visi\u00F3n sobre el macho del sof\u00E1";
Frame 694
_root.videostatus = 1;
gotoAndPlay (688);
Frame 695
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Sixteen. At least. One of 'em called babe";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "16 mindestens! Eines davon hie\u00DF Babe.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Por lo menos 16! Uno de ellos se apodaba Beb\u00E9.";
Frame 696
Frame 697
gotoAndPlay (688);
Frame 698
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Beat it Kiddo.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Zieh Leine, Bubi!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Pi\u00E9rdete mocoso!";
Frame 700
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Right now I've got my sights on something better.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Zur Zeit habe ich besseres im Visier...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Tengo algo mejor en vista...";
Frame 701
_root.videostatus = 1;
gotoAndPlay (688);
Frame 702
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
clicked4 = true;
Frame 703
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "If I may say so: Drool!";
choice2 = "It's really scary in here. Will you protect me?";
choice3 = "Where's is that Troll-Bridge, where i get me riddles?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Wenn ich das noch mal so formulieren darf: Grunz!";
choice2 = "Ich find's unheimlich dunkel hier. Besch\u00FCtzt du mich?";
choice3 = "Sitzen hier denn \u00FCberall in den Kellern Herren im Ruhestand?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice1 = "Wenn ich das noch mal so formulieren darf: Grunz!";
choice2 = "Ich find's unheimlich dunkel hier. Besch\u00FCtzt du mich?";
choice3 = "Sitzen hier denn \u00FCberall in den Kellern Herren im Ruhestand?";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Si se me permite volver a formularlo as\u00ED: \u00A1oink!";
choice2 = "Esta oscuridad me da miedo. \u00BFMe proteges?";
choice3 = "\u00BFAqu\u00ED se encuentran solo los jubilados?";
answer1 = "a25";
answer2 = "b25";
answer3 = "c25";
Frame 704
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Well, whaddayaknow. A little pig goes a long way. Need a napkin or are you trying to hit on me, babe?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Guck an. Soll das 'ne Anmache werden, Milchgesicht?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Aj\u00E1. \u00BFEso es un intento de levante, cara de leche?";
Frame 705
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "Tough luck. I'd never stand a chance of sleazy sex with a great butch bastard like you.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Nein, nein. Ich h\u00E4tte bei so einem Macho wie dir ja eh keine Chance auf ne schnelle geile Nummer...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "No, no. Seguramente con un macho como tu no tengo ninguna chance para el sexo r\u00E1pido.";
answer4 = "a26";
Frame 706
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I never felt an urge to become a swineherd.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich wollte eigentlich nicht auf Schweineh\u00FCter umlernen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No tengo intenciones de convertirme en granjero.";
Frame 707
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "But pigs are noted for their total lack of inhibition!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Schweine k\u00F6nnen aber auch ganz sch\u00F6n wild rumsauen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "Los chanchitos pueden hacer muchas chanchadas.";
answer4 = "b26";
Frame 708
delayval = 5000;
clicked3 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Go ask Fistbert. son of Crisco, King of the dark lands.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Erst seit hier ein Treppenlift eingebaut wurde.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "As\u00ED es, desde que pusieron un ascensor para sillas de rueda";
Frame 709
Frame 710
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I'll show you who's the bastard here, You'll be dripping with it and begging for more by the time I've finished with you! What I need now is a cigarette for after...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Bei mir gibt's keine schnellen Nummern, hier pr\u00FCft der Meister noch selbst. Ich hab nur grad keine Zigarette f\u00FCr 'danach'.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Conmigo no hay sexo r\u00E1pido, el maestro se toma todo el tiempo del mundo. Solo me faltar\u00EDa el cigarrillo para 'despu\u00E9s'";
Frame 711
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "But smoking may cause impotence. Or so they say.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Aber Rauchen macht impotent, hei\u00DFt es doch immer.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "Fumar produce impotencia, se dice.";
answer4 = "a27";
Frame 712
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Sure. Get me some butts and I'll take care of your butt, punk.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ganz sch\u00F6n gro\u00DFe Klappe f\u00FCr so'n Rotzl\u00F6ffel. Wenn ich was zum Rauchen f\u00FCr danach h\u00E4tte, w\u00FCrde ich dir den Mund schon stopfen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Bastante boc\u00F3n para un mocoso. Si tuviera algo para fumar luego, te llenar\u00EDa la boca hasta la garganta.";
Frame 713
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "But smoking may cause impotence. Or so they say.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Aber Rauchen macht impotent, hei\u00DFt es doch immer.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "Fumar produce impotencia, se dice.";
answer4 = "a27";
Frame 714
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah? I failed to notice... yet. Get me some butts and I'll screw you from wall to wall, punk";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Davon merke ich nichts! Wenn du mir Kippen besorgst, schieb ich dich r\u00FCckw\u00E4rts durch den Darkroom.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "A m\u00ED no me hace ning\u00FAn efecto. Si me consigues unos cigarrillos, te revuelco por todo el darkroom.";
Frame 715
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "I get it. I get it. No shag without fags for the fag. Don't move. I'll be right back.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Hm. Das hei\u00DFt wohl, eh du's mir besorgst, muss ich erstmal Kippen besorgen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "Quiere decir que antes de que me la des, tengo que darte unos cigarrillos.";
_root.videostatus = 3;
answer4 = "videoraum2";
Frame 718
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
clicked4 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "Oink oink Mister Leather Pig!";
choice2 = "You wouldn't happen to have a lighter for this packet of cigarettes would you?";
choice3 = "I'm so tired of this guy. Uggh. I've just put my hand in something sticky over there... That's enough...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Ein fr\u00F6hliches Gott zum Grunz, Gevatter Master.";
choice2 = "Du hast nicht zuf\u00E4llig Feuer f\u00FCr die ganze Packung Kippen, die ich bei mir habe?";
choice3 = "Nach dem ganzen Gerenne, habe ich auch kein Bock mehr. Und ich habe da grade in was Klebriges gefasst...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Un buen d\u00EDa de oinks, Se\u00F1or Maestro";
choice2 = "\u00BFTienes por casualidad fuego para el paquet\u00F3n de cigarrillos que te traigo?";
choice3 = "Luego de la corrida, no tengo m\u00E1s ganas. Y a todo esto acabo de tocar algo pegajoso...";
answer1 = "a28";
answer2 = "b28";
answer3 = "c28";
Frame 719
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Oh. Old man trouble is back. With breaking news from the outer regions I suppose.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ach, unser kleines Schweinchen ist zur\u00FCck. Mit Neuigkeiten aus dem Auenland.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Ah! Nuestro chanchito ha vuelto, con novedades del exterior.";
Frame 720
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "Behold! I bring you fine pipe-weed! Extra long and tightly packed! Fiep!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Ich habe dir feines Pfeifenkraut besorgt. Extra fest gestopft.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "Te he conseguido fina hierba de pipa, metida a alta presi\u00F3n.";
answer4 = "a29";
Frame 721
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Hand 'em over and I'll light up your life baby. Like real bright.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Dann mal los! Erst brennt's bei dir und dann die Kippen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Andando! Primero te toca a ti, y luego a los cigarrillos";
Frame 722
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "Meep!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Fiep!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "\u00A1Papiiiito!";
answer4 = "b29";
Frame 723
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "What did it taste like?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wonach hat's geschmeckt?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFQu\u00E9 sabor ten\u00EDa?";
Frame 724
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "Fruit and flower notes with a tang of elderberry. Slight aftertaste like rotten hazelnuts";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Fruchtig blumig, mit einer Holundernote. Etwas pelzig im Abgang.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "Frutal, floral, con un dejo de pescado de tres d\u00EDas. Permanece una nota de nogal.";
answer4 = "c29";
Frame 725
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "How deep and tight YOU like to get packed?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wie TIEF und FEST m\u00F6chtest du denn gestopft werden?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFY con cu\u00E1nta presi\u00F3n tengo que met\u00E9rtela?";
Frame 726
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
clicked4 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "I like it rough. Don't hold yourself back...";
choice2 = "I'm more of a softsex-guy. Don't like no ouchies...";
choice3 = "I only do it in the dark, I'm an honourable catholic girl!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Ich mag's richtig hart, nur keine Hemmungen.";
choice2 = "Ich mag's eher soft, denn ich steh nicht so auf Aua.";
choice3 = "Ich mag's nur im Dunkeln, denn ich bin ein anst\u00E4ndiges katholisches M\u00E4dchen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice1 = "I like it rough. Don't hold yourself back...";
choice2 = "I'm more of a softsex-guy. Don't like no ouchies...";
choice3 = "I only do it in the dark, I'm an honourable catholic girl!";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Me gusta bien duro, no tengas compasi\u00F3n.";
choice2 = "Me gusta m\u00E1s bien suave, no me gusta que me hagan doler.";
choice3 = "Me gusta a oscuras, soy una chica cat\u00F3lica y decente.";
answer1 = "a30";
answer2 = "sexscenesoft";
answer3 = "blackscene";
Frame 727
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Your wet yet, kiddo? How hard do you want it?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Bist wohl schon ganz feucht, Kleiner. Wie hart vertr\u00E4gst du's denn?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Ya est\u00E1s goteando, beb\u00E9. \u00BFCu\u00E1nto puedes soportar?";
Frame 728
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
clicked4 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "I like it rough. Don't hold yourself back...";
choice2 = "I'm more of a softsex-guy. Don't like no ouchies...";
choice3 = "I only do it in the dark, I'm an honourable catholic girl!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Ich mag's richtig hart, nur keine Hemmungen.";
choice2 = "Ich mag's eher soft, denn ich steh nicht so auf Aua.";
choice3 = "Ich mag's nur im Dunkeln, denn ich bin ein anst\u00E4ndiges katholisches M\u00E4dchen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice1 = "I like it rough. Don't hold yourself back...";
choice2 = "I'm more of a softsex-guy. Don't like no ouchies...";
choice3 = "I only do it in the dark, I'm an honourable catholic girl!";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Me gusta bien duro, no tengas compasi\u00F3n.";
choice2 = "Me gusta m\u00E1s bien suave, no me gusta que me hagan doler.";
choice3 = "Me gusta a oscuras, soy una chica cat\u00F3lica y decente.";
answer1 = "a30";
answer2 = "sexscenesoft";
answer3 = "blackscene";
Frame 729
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Why do I even ask. Bye Kiddo.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Warum frage ich auch... Tschau, Bubi!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFPara qu\u00E9 pregunto? \u00A1Adi\u00F3s mocoso!";
_root.vergeigt = 1;
Frame 731
gotoAndPlay (688);
Frame 732
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Well, lets go what no one has done before... to you.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Dann wollen wir mal dorthin gehen, wo noch keiner bei dir gewesen ist...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Entonces encontraremos los l\u00EDmites que nadie ha descubierto en ti...";
Frame 734
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 5;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 5;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 0;;
Frame 735
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "I'll always remember him as a master of his ways...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ich werde ihn immer in Erinnerung behalten. Seine Art war einfach meisterhaft.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Lo recordar\u00E9 por siempre, ha dejado en m\u00ED un vac\u00EDo dif\u00EDcil de llenar...";
answer3 = "videoraum2";
videosex = 1;
Frame 737
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 18;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 5;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 0;;
Frame 738
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "I'll always remember him as a master of his ways...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ich werde ihn immer in Erinnerung behalten. Seine Art war einfach meisterhaft.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Lo recordar\u00E9 por siempre, ha dejado en m\u00ED un vac\u00EDo dif\u00EDcil de llenar.";
answer3 = "videoraum2";
videosex = 1;
Frame 739
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 23;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 8;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 0;;
Frame 740
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "I'll always remember him as a master of his ways...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ich werde ihn immer in Erinnerung behalten. Seine Art war einfach meisterhaft.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Lo recordar\u00E9 por siempre, ha dejado en m\u00ED un vac\u00EDo dif\u00EDcil de llenar.";
answer3 = "videoraum2";
videosex = 1;
Frame 741
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = false));
clicked4 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "Looks kind a complicated. What's that guy with the rope and the pulley doing?";
choice2 = "Aw, I know that movie. Shall I spoil the ending?";
choice3 = "The director's cut is much better. They tacked on this phoney happy ending to give it popular appeal.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Was die beiden da im Film machen sieht umst\u00E4ndlich aus. Wozu braucht man den Flaschenzug?";
choice2 = "Den Film kenne ich schon. Soll ich dir verraten, wie's ausgeht?";
choice3 = "Der Directors-Cut von dem Film ist besser, dieses schei\u00DF Happy-End haben sie doch nur aus Kommerzgr\u00FCnden gedreht!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice1 = "Looks kind a complicated. Whats that guy with the rope and the pulley doing?";
choice2 = "Aw, I know that movie. Shall I spoil the ending?";
choice3 = "The director's cut is much better. They tacked on this phoney happy ending to give it popular appeal.";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Lo que est\u00E1n haciendo en la pel\u00EDcula se ve complicado. \u00BFQu\u00E9 est\u00E1n haciendo con la polea?";
choice2 = "Ya vi esta pel\u00EDcula. Quieres que te cuente como termina?";
choice3 = "El Directors-Cut de la pel\u00EDcula es mejor, \u00A1a este final feliz lo pusieron con fines comerciales!";
answer1 = "a31";
answer2 = "b31";
answer3 = "c31";
Frame 742
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Shut up! I wanna see that!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Halt die Klappe, ich will den Film sehen!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Cerr\u00E1 el pico, estoy viendo la pel\u00EDcula!";
Frame 744
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "Yeah Yeah. I'm already gone.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Ja ja, ich geh ja schon.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "Bien, s\u00ED, ya me voy.";
answer4 = "a32";
Frame 745
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Lemme guess. They hump a while and scream like Meg Ryan getting a colonic irrigation?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Lass mich raten: Sie schieben 'ne Nummer und schreien dabei wie Meg Ryan bei der Darmsp\u00FClung?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "D\u00E9jame adivinar: \u00BFtienen sexo y gritan como Meg Ryan haci\u00E9ndose un enema?";
Frame 747
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "You already know that one? Then you won't mind switching over to 'Forbidden Secrets' - I'd really like to find out what's up between Jane and Mr. Sinistra.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Du kennst den Film schon? Dann k\u00F6nnen wir ja mal 'Verbotene Hiebe' einlegen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "\u00BFYa la has visto entonces? Entonces podemos cambiar a 'Amores prohibidos'.";
answer4 = "b32";
Frame 748
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah. I'm really looking forward to the DVD of 'Juice Oozing Hot Rods in the Temple of SM Doom Part 11'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich warte auf die DVD mit Regiekommentar und Bonus-Szenen von 'Sahnige Saftgurken im SM-Temple der Lust II'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Estoy esperando que salga el DVD con reportaje al director de 'pepinos lechosos en el templo sadomaso II'";
Frame 750
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = true));
clicked4 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice4 = "What about going over to your place and watching 'Gayroticas Most Wanted'?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice4 = "Wollen wir zu dir gehen und das alternative Ende von 'Aktenzeichen XL ungel\u00F6st' gucken?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice4 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice4 = "\u00BFVamos a tu casa a ver el final alternativo de 'Archivo XL sin soluci\u00F3n'?";
answer4 = "c32";
Frame 751
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Growl.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Knurr.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Grrr.";
Frame 753
gotoAndPlay (688);
Frame 754
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Touch that VCR and you've get your wrist broken.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wenn du den Videorekorder anfasst, hast du ein gebrochenes Handgelenk!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Si toc\u00E1s la video, vas a andar con una mu\u00F1eca quebrada!";
Frame 756
gotoAndPlay (688);
Frame 757
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Bugger off, Boy!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Zieh Leine, Kleiner!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Pi\u00E9rdete mocoso!";
Frame 759
gotoAndPlay (688);
Frame 760
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Shit!! What's up with that thing?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Shit! Was ist mit dem Video los?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Co\u00F1o! \u00BFQu\u00E9 le pasa al video?";
Frame 761
Frame 762
delayval = 1500;
Frame 764
gotoAndPlay (768);
Frame 765
Frame 766
_root.delayval = 100;
if (_root.osostatus == 2) {
oso._visible = false;
if (_root.schlitztstatus == 0) {
schlitzt._visible = false;
if (_root.zigarettenstatus != 1) {
zigaretten.zigaretten._visible = false;
if ((_root.videostatus != 1) || (_root.mickeyvideostatus == 1)) {
mickeyvideo._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 590 MovieClip "zigaretten" in Frame 766
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.zigarettenstatus != 1) {
zigaretten._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 766
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 767
if (_root.zigarettenstatus != 1) {
zigaretten.zigaretten._visible = false;
Frame 768
_root.delayval = 1500;
if (_root.osostatus == 2) {
oso._visible = false;
if (_root.schlitztstatus == 0) {
schlitzt._visible = false;
if ((_root.videostatus != 1) || (_root.mickeyvideostatus == 1)) {
mickeyvideo._visible = false;
Frame 769
delayval = 700;
Frame 770
gotoAndPlay (760);
Frame 771
clicked1 = (clicked2 = false);
clicked3 = (clicked4 = true);
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "My I have some cigarettes?";
choice2 = "Seeing you reminds me of the rainforest...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "K\u00F6nnte ich ein paar Zigaretten haben?";
choice2 = "Wenn ich dich sehe, muss ich an den Regenwald denken...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice1 = "K\u00F6nnte ich ein paar Zigaretten haben?";
choice2 = "Wenn ich dich sehe, muss ich an den Regenwald denken...";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "\u00BFPodr\u00EDa sacar un paquete de cigarrillos?";
choice2 = "Verte me hace pensar el la selva...";
answer1 = "a35";
answer2 = "b35";
Frame 772
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Buzz off, babyface.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Verpiss dich, Milchbubi!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Vete mocoso!";
Frame 774
osostatus = 1;
gotoAndPlay (768);
Frame 775
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Seeing you, reminds me of baby-powder.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wenn ich dich sehe, muss ich an Baby\u00F6l denken...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Verte a ti me hace pensar en pa\u00F1ales...";
Frame 777
osostatus = 1;
gotoAndPlay (768);
Frame 778
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked4 = true));
clicked3 = false;
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "I'm armed and dangerous.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ich muss dich warnen, ich bin bewaffnet.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Te lo advierto, estoy armado";
answer3 = "a36";
Frame 779
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "What are you up to?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Was soll denn das mit dem Ding da werden?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFQu\u00E9 te propones hacer con eso?";
Frame 781
clicked1 = (clicked2 = false);
clicked3 = (clicked4 = true);
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "If everybody stays calm, nobody will lose his hair!";
choice2 = "Auh come on honeybuns let me give you a real close shave";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Wenn keiner eine Dummheit macht, wird auch niemand seine Haare verlieren!";
choice2 = "Na komm schon Schnuckie, lass dich rasieren.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice1 = "Wenn keiner eine Dummheit macht, wird auch niemand seine Haare verlieren!";
choice2 = "Na komm schon Schnuckie, lass dich rasieren.";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Si todos obedecen, nadie perder\u00E1 su pelaje.";
choice2 = "Ac\u00E9rcate tesorito, d\u00E9jame esquilarte.";
answer1 = "a37";
answer2 = "a38";
Frame 782
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Okay okay, I'll back off. No need to get violent.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Schon okay, ich weiche der nackten glatten Gewalt.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Tu ganas, me rindo ante la violencia desnuda";
Frame 784
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "You better do. I know how to use this thing...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Besser f\u00FCr dich. Noch 'ne Minute und ich h\u00E4tte auf 1mm gestellt!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Besser f\u00FCr dich. Noch 'ne Minute und ich h\u00E4tte auf 1mm gestellt!";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Mejor as\u00ED. Un minuto m\u00E1s y hubiera ajustado la m\u00E1quina para 1mm.";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
osostatus = 2;
schlitztstatus = 1;
answer3 = "kippen";
Frame 785
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "ZU HILFE! KREISCH!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1SOCORRO MAMAAAA!";
Frame 787
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "*smirk* It's not as if we're enforcing any clichees here...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Jaja, es ist ja nicht so, dass wir auf Klischees herumreiten...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Jaja, es ist ja nicht so, dass wir auf Klischees herumreiten...";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Bueno, no es que queramos reafirmar clich\u00E9s...";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
osostatus = 2;
schlitztstatus = 1;
answer3 = "kippen";
Frame 788
if (_root.schlusselstatus == 1) {
schlussel._visible = false;
if (_root.videostatus > 1) {
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 788
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 789
Frame 790
if (_root.schlusselstatus == 1) {
schlussel._visible = false;
if (_root.videostatus > 1) {
Frame 791
clicked1 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = true));
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "Cute. I think I saw undies like them in Garrys Adult Erotic Supplies. Buy one get two free.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Ich glaube, den gab's neulich bei Jennys Modewelt im Sonderangebot... drei zum Preis von Einem.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Creo haber visto esto en 'Todo por un peso' en oferta especial... Tres por un peso.";
answer1 = "culito";
Frame 792
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Damn! And I payed full prize!";
text2 = "Help! Let me outta here!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Help! Let me outta here!";
text2 = "Hiiiilfeee... holt mich hier raus!!!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text2 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Co\u00F1o! He pagado el precio normal...";
text2 = "\u00A1Socorro... s\u00E1quenme de aqu\u00ED!";
Frame 794
Frame 795
gotoAndPlay (790);
Instance of Symbol 40 MovieClip "newMouse" in Frame 796
onClipEvent (load) {
startDrag (this, true);
Frame 797
Frame 798
Frame 799
clicked1 = (clicked2 = (clicked3 = (clicked4 = false)));
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "You guys here? Don't I know you from someplace else?";
choice2 = "Did you know that 76% of all sexual diseases are transmitted by improper use of doorknobs in public toilets?";
choice3 = "Seems like you already got rid of my two beers...";
choice4 = "Charming place. Do you come here often?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "Ach... ihr hier? Kennen wir uns nicht von irgendwo?";
choice2 = "Wusstest du, dass 76% aller Geschlechtskrankheiten durch die unsachgem\u00E4\u00DFe Benutzung von Klot\u00FCrgriffen \u00FCbertragen werden?";
choice3 = "Wie ich sehe, habt ihr eure Biere schon weggebracht?!";
choice4 = "Eigentlich ein romantisches \u00D6rtchen. Kommt ihr hier \u00F6fters her?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "\u00BFUstedes aqu\u00ED? \u00BFNos conocemos de alg\u00FAn lado?";
choice2 = "\u00BFSab\u00EDas que el 76% de todas las enfermedades sexuales se transmiten a trav\u00E9s del uso inadecuado de manijas de ba\u00F1os?";
choice3 = "\u00A1Parece que ya han devuelto las cervezas!";
choice4 = "Esto es en realidad un lugar muy rom\u00E1ntico. \u00BFSuelen venir seguido por aqu\u00ED?";
answer1 = "a33";
answer2 = "b33";
answer3 = "c33";
answer4 = "d33";
Frame 800
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Like from next door? If you're a professional moron you are doing a real good job.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Na vom Sofa nebenan. Stellst du beruflich dumme Fragen?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Del sof\u00E1 de al lado. \u00BFHaces preguntas tontas por oficio?";
Frame 802
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "I did cuecards on Jerry Springer for some time.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ich habe fr\u00FCher mal Fragen f\u00FCr TV-Preisr\u00E4tsel entworfen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Ich habe fr\u00FCher mal Fragen f\u00FCr TV-Preisr\u00E4tsel entworfen.";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "He inventado adivinanzas para la televisi\u00F3n anteriormente.";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
answer3 = "a34";
Frame 803
delayval = 5000;
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Did you know, that 99% of all cheap pick-up-lines containing stupid trivia, hit rock bottom like a teenstar turning 20?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wusstest du, dass 99% aller Anmachen mit aufgeschnapptem Allgemeinwissen ganz furchtbar in die Hose gehen?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFSab\u00EDas que el 99% de todos las charlas pseudocient\u00EDficas en busca de sexo terminan para el c...";
Frame 805
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "And what kind of trivial knowledge would make you want to... rock my bottom?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Und welches Allgemeinwissen brauche ich, damit ihr mir AN die Hose geht?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Und welches Allgemeinwissen brauche ich, damit ihr mir AN die Hose geht?";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "\u00BFY que charla tendr\u00EDa \u00E9xito para que t\u00FA termines en mi c...?";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
answer3 = "b34";
Frame 806
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "So sorry. Didn't realize you wanted a handle on that .";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Sorry - wir wussten nicht, dass du dabei sein wolltest, wenn's passiert.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Disculpa, no sab\u00EDamos que quer\u00EDas estar presente cuando sucediera";
Frame 808
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "I'm writing a thesis on pee-pattern behavoir in male-urban sodomites.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ich interessiere mich f\u00FCr das Verhalten von geilen M\u00E4nnern in den Klos von zwielichtiger Bars.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "I'm writing a thesis on pee-pattern behavoir in male-urban sodomites.";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Estoy haciendo un informe sobre el comportamiento de machos salvajes en bares oscuros.";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
answer3 = "c34";
Frame 809
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Only when I'm in hot pursuit of cheap sex, with a total stranger in a crowded toilet cubicle. And you?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nur wenn ich spontanen Sex mit Fremden in einer ausgebuchten Klokabine suche. Und du?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Solo cuando tenemos ganas de sexo con extra\u00F1os en una cabina de ba\u00F1o repleta. \u00BFY tu?";
Frame 811
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Lucky me, I got my reservation in time, huh?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "So ein Gl\u00FCck, dass ich im Voraus reserviert habe!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "So ein Gl\u00FCck, dass ich im Voraus reserviert habe!";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "\u00A1Qu\u00E9 suerte que reserv\u00E9 mi lugar a tiempo!";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
answer3 = "d34";
Frame 812
delayval = 5000;
clicked1 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "You'd do for a consolation prize. *smirk*";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Als Trostpreis w\u00FCrden wir dich nehmen... *frechgrins*";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Te tomar\u00EDamos como premio consuelo... *risas";
Frame 814
gotoAndPlay (798);
Frame 815
clicked2 = true;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "We loathe having sex with men before we've been properly introduced. By the way I'm Tom and so is he";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wir machen keinen Sex mit Leuten, die nicht mal unseren Namen kennen. \u00DCbrigens hei\u00DFen wir zuf\u00E4llig beide Thomas.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Odiamos tener sexo con gente que ni siquiera sabe como nos llamamos. A prop\u00F3sito, los dos nos llamamos Tom\u00E1s.";
Frame 817
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Hi Toms - I'm quite curious to explore what other striking similarities you have... Beside your names.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Hallo Toms... ich bin mal gespannt, was au\u00DFer den Namen bei euch noch alles gleich ist...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Hi Toms - I'm quite curious to explore what other striking similarities you have... Beside your names.";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Hola Tomases... Me pregunto, aparte del nombre, qu\u00E9 mas tendr\u00E1n en com\u00FAn...";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
answer3 = "d34";
Frame 818
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "You've surely got your questionnaire at hand?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Daf\u00FCr hast du doch sicher 'nen Fragebogen dabei, oder?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Para eso debes tener un formulario de preguntas, \u00BFcierto?";
Frame 820
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Whoops, forget that. Gotta go...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Ups... den habe ich glatt vergessen. Ich bin gleich wieder da.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Ahem. Gotta go. Nature calls.";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "Ups... Lo olvid\u00E9 por completo. Vuelvo enseguida.";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
answer3 = "toilette2";
Frame 821
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Come on in then. Get cosy... Like real cosy ";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Dann mal rein in die gute Stube...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Entonces entrando al ba\u00F1o...";
Frame 823
gotoAndPlay (824);
Frame 824
tomsstatus = 3;
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 14;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 4;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 0;;
Frame 825
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice3 = "Good sex. But I had the doorknob against my back...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice3 = "Daf\u00FCr, dass ich immer die T\u00FCrklinke im R\u00FCcken hatte, war es echt geiler Sex.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
choice3 = "Daf\u00FCr, dass ich immer die T\u00FCrklinke im R\u00FCcken hatte, war es echt geiler Sex.";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice3 = "A pesar de tener la manija de la puerta en la espalda, el sexo fue de primera.";
clicked3 = false;
clicked2 = (clicked1 = (clicked4 = true));
answer3 = "toilette2";
Symbol 4 Button
on (release) {
_root.language = 1;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 8 Button
on (release) {
_root.language = 2;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 11 Button
on (release) {
_root.language = 4;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.geld = true;
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.glasleer = true;
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.glasvoll = true;
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.rasierer = true;
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.zigaretten = true;
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 7
_root["schl\u0178ssel"] = true;
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.handy = true;
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.datingcard = true;
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.activePlace = 20;
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.activePlace = 20;
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 43 Button
on (release) {
_root.soundOn = false;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 50 Button
on (release) {
_root.soundOn = true;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 2;
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 3;
Symbol 53 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (8);
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 54 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 55 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.language == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (7);
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
gotoAndPlay (6);
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 62 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 87 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 104 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 1
tiempo = getTimer() + _root.delayval;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "continue";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "weiter";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "continuar";
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 3
tiemactual = getTimer();
if (tiemactual < tiempo) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {;
Symbol 112 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 133 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[0] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[0] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 0;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[0]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 134 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[1] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[1] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 1;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[1]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 135 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[2] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[2] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 2;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[2]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 136 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[3] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[3] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 3;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[3]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 137 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[4] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[4] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 4;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[4]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 138 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[5] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[5] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 5;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[5]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 139 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[6] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[6] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 6;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[6]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 140 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[7] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[7] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 7;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[7]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 141 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[8] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[8] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 8;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[8]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 142 Button
on (press) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.icon[9] == 8) {
} else if (_root.icon[9] == 12) {
} else {
_root.activePlace = 9;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
iconhier = this[9]._currentframe;
lan = _root.language - 1;
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[iconhier][lan];
blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.newMouse._currentframe == 3) {
_root.helptext = "";
blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 146 MovieClip Frame 1
var barloop = 0;
while (barloop < 11) {
var framex = _root.icon[barloop];
if (framex == 1) {
this[barloop + 10].enabled = false;
} else {
this[barloop + 10].enabled = true;
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.sexuebergang != 1) {
} else {;
_root.sexuebergang = 0;
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 20;
Symbol 160 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 163 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 2
f1Color = new Color(f1.buttonMovie);
f1Color.ra = 40 + (Math.random() * 60); = 40 + (Math.random() * 60); = 0;
f1.flag = _root.choice1;
f1.buttonMovie.buttonField._rotation = (90 * Math.round(Math.random() * 3)) + (Math.random() * 7);
f1.buttonMovie._width = 165;
ancho = Math.round((f1.flag.length / 33) + 0.8) * 20;
f1.buttonMovie._height = ancho;
f1.buttonMovie._y = ancho / 2;
if (_root.clicked1 == true) {
f1._visible = false;
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 3
f2Color = new Color(f2.buttonMovie);
f2Color.ra = 40; = 80 + (Math.random() * 20); = 0;
f2.flag = _root.choice2;
f2.buttonMovie.buttonField._rotation = (90 * Math.round(Math.random() * 3)) + (Math.random() * 7);
ancho = Math.round((f2.flag.length / 33) + 0.8) * 20;
f2.buttonMovie._height = ancho;
f2.buttonMovie._y = ancho / 2;
f2.buttonMovie._width = 165;
if (_root.clicked2 == true) {
f2._visible = false;
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 4
f3Color = new Color(f3.buttonMovie);
f3Color.ra = 0; = 60; = 80 + (Math.random() * 20);
f3.flag = _root.choice3;
f3.buttonMovie.buttonField._rotation = (90 * Math.round(Math.random() * 3)) + (Math.random() * 7);
ancho = Math.round((f3.flag.length / 33) + 0.8) * 20;
f3.buttonMovie._height = ancho;
f3.buttonMovie._y = ancho / 2;
f3.buttonMovie._width = 165;
if (_root.clicked3 == true) {
f3._visible = false;
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 5
f4Color = new Color(f4.buttonMovie);
f4Color.ra = 80 + (Math.random() * 20); = 80 + (Math.random() * 20); = 0;
f4.flag = _root.choice4;
f1.buttonMovie.answer = _root.answer1;
f2.buttonMovie.answer = _root.answer2;
f3.buttonMovie.answer = _root.answer3;
f4.buttonMovie.answer = _root.answer4;
f4.buttonMovie.buttonField._rotation = (90 * Math.round(Math.random() * 3)) + (Math.random() * 7);
ancho = Math.round((f4.flag.length / 33) + 0.8) * 20;
f4.buttonMovie._height = ancho;
f4.buttonMovie._y = ancho / 2;
f4.buttonMovie._width = 165;
if (_root.clicked4 == true) {
f4._visible = false;
Symbol 175 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (345);
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt != 2) {
on (rollOut) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt != 2) {
Symbol 182 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 2) {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt != 2) {
on (rollOut) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt != 2) {
Symbol 184 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (356);
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt != 2) {
on (rollOut) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt != 2) {
Symbol 189 Button
on (rollOver) {
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
if (_root.language == 1) {
_root.helptext = "Rubber";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
_root.helptext = "Cond\u00F3n sin usar";
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 194 Button
on (release) {
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.helptext = "";
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 1;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 4;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 1;;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.language == 1) {
_root.helptext = "Replay sexscene";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
_root.helptext = "Sexszene wiederholen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
_root.helptext = "Repetir escena er\u00F3tica";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 196 Button
on (release) {
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.helptext = "";
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 5;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 5;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 1;;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.language == 1) {
_root.helptext = "Replay sexscene";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
_root.helptext = "Sexszene wiederholen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
_root.helptext = "Repetir escena er\u00F3tica";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 198 Button
on (release) {
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.helptext = "";
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 10;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 4;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 1;;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.language == 1) {
_root.helptext = "Replay sexscene";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
_root.helptext = "Sexszene wiederholen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
_root.helptext = "Repetir escena er\u00F3tica";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 200 Button
on (release) {
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.helptext = "";
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 14;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 4;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 1;;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.language == 1) {
_root.helptext = "Replay sexscene";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
_root.helptext = "Sexszene wiederholen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
_root.helptext = "Repetir escena er\u00F3tica";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 202 Button
on (release) {
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.helptext = "";
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 14;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 4;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 1;;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.language == 1) {
_root.helptext = "Replay sexscene";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
_root.helptext = "Sexszene wiederholen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
_root.helptext = "Repetir escena er\u00F3tica";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 203 Button
on (release) {
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.helptext = "";
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 18;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 5;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 1;;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.language == 1) {
_root.helptext = "Replay sexscene";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
_root.helptext = "Sexszene wiederholen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
_root.helptext = "Repetir escena er\u00F3tica";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 204 Button
on (release) {
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.helptext = "";
_root.sexszenen.aktuell = 23;
_root.sexszenen.sexfotonumber = 8;
_root.dontPlayRoot = 1;;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.language == 1) {
_root.helptext = "Replay sexscene";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
_root.helptext = "Sexszene wiederholen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
_root.helptext = "Repetir escena er\u00F3tica";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 206 Button
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.language == 1) {
_root.helptext = "You screwed it up, sorry";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
_root.helptext = "Du hast diese Nummer vergeigt";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
_root.helptext = "Unbenutztes Kondom";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
_root.helptext = "Te has perdido esta oportunidad";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 208 MovieClip Frame 1
var barloop = 0;
while (barloop < 6) {
var framex =[barloop];
Symbol 213 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "fondo3";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 214 Button
on (release) {
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe != 3) {
} else {
if ((_root.sechsup == 4) && (_root.vergeigt == 0)) {
} else if ((_root.sechsup == 4) && (_root.vergeigt != 0)) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
clicked1 = true;
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.delayval = 1000;
if (_root.toms == 1) {
_root.toms = 0;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "No thanks, we're not into that stuff...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nein danke, wir stehen nicht drauf...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No, gracias, no lo necesitamos...";
} else if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "No thanks, i\u00B4m not into that stuff...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nein, danke, ich stehe nicht drauf...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No, gracias, no lo necesito...";
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.delayval = 1000;
if (_root.toms == 1) {
_root.toms = 0;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "No thanks, we're not into that stuff...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nein danke, wir stehen nicht drauf...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No, gracias, no lo necesitamos...";
} else if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "No thanks, i\u00B4m not into that stuff...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nein, danke, ich stehe nicht drauf...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No, gracias, no lo necesito...";
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root.sexuebergang != 1) {
} else {;
_root.sexuebergang = 0;
Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 13;
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 23
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Oh yeah... Cool... Youre so hot. Is so large!";
text3 = "skip";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Oh ja geil hm... Mann ist der gro\u00DF!";
text3 = "zur\u00FCck";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Qu\u02DB buscas aqu\u00D5?";
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 24
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Oh yeah... Cool... Youre so hot. Is so large!";
text3 = "skip";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Oh ja geil hm... Mann ist der gro\u00DF!";
text3 = "zur\u00FCck";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Qu\u02DB buscas aqu\u00D5?";
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "You're rubbing my arm.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Das ist mein Unterarm, den du da reibst.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Qu\u02DB buscas aqu\u00D5?";
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 26
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "You're rubbing my arm.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Das ist mein Unterarm, den du da reibst.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Qu\u02DB buscas aqu\u00D5?";
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 27
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah yeah push it! Deeper deeper! Oh oh oh oh...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ja ja machs mir... Oh ja... Oh oh oh oh...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Qu\u02DB buscas aqu\u00D5?";
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 28
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah yeah push it! Deeper deeper! Oh oh oh oh...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ja ja machs mir... Oh ja... Oh oh oh oh...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Qu\u02DB buscas aqu\u00D5?";
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 29
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "... Shit. Gotta towel and some body spray?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "... Schei\u00DFe, das wars. Hast du'n Lappen da? Und ein Erfrischungstuch?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Qu\u02DB buscas aqu\u00D5?";
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 30
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "... Shit. Gotta towel and some body spray?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "... Schei\u00DFe, das wars. Hast du'n Lappen da? Und ein Erfrischungstuch?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Qu\u02DB buscas aqu\u00D5?";
Symbol 270 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 276 Button
on (release) {
_root.gotsms = 1;
gotoAndPlay (1);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 2
lastfoto = (sexfotonumber + aktuell) - 1;
_root.delayval = 4000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text3 = "skip";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text3 = "\u00FCberspringen";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text3 = "presente";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text3 = "saltear";
_root.sexuebergang = 1;
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.dontPlayRoot != 1) {;
disabler.enabled = false;
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.dontPlayRoot = 0;
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 5
eingehend = aktuell + 1;
if (eingehend > lastfoto) {
_root.sexuebergang = 1;
gotoAndPlay (52);
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 51
aktuell = eingehend;
gotoAndPlay (4);
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 52
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 54
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 55
if (_root.language == 1) {
choice1 = "*Send message to mum: regards from your prefered child*";
if (_root.datingcardstatus == 1) {
choice2 = "*Send message to the motorcyclist: the date has canceled*";
} else {
choice2 = "";
bikersms._visible = false;
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
choice1 = "SMS an Mutti senden: 'Liebe Gr\u00FCsse vom braven S\u00F6hnchen'";
if (_root.datingcardstatus == 1) {
choice2 = "SMS an Biker25x8 senden: 'Waschmaschine kaputt, Wohnung unter Wasser, kann nicht kommen. Sorry.";
} else {
choice2 = "";
bikersms._visible = false;
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
choice1 = "Mensaje a mam\u00E1: 'Saluditos de tu hijito'";
if (_root.datingcardstatus == 1) {
choice2 = "Mensaje a Motokero25x8: 'Lavarropas roto, apartamento inundado, no puedo ir al bar, disculpa.";
} else {
choice2 = "";
bikersms._visible = false;
disabler.enabled = false;
Symbol 291 MovieClip Frame 56
delayval = 5000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Memo";
text2 = "1. Register at Gayromeos";
text3b = "2. Buy stuffed animal for mum";
text4 = "3. Take a shower";
text5 = "4. Take last subway downtown";
text6 = "5. Get layed four times";
text7 = "6. Get it done with the Bumber-Guy";
text8 = "7. Tell others about Gayromeo";
text3 = "back";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Mein Merkzettel";
text2 = "1. Ein Profil bei GayRomeo anmelden";
text3b = "2. Mutti ein Souvenir kaufen";
text4 = "3. Untenrum frisch machen";
text5 = "4. Letzte U-Bahn nicht verpassen";
text6 = "5. In der Bar vier Mal Sex haben";
text7 = "6. Sich vom T\u00FCrsteher abschleppen lassen";
text8 = "7. GayRomeo weiterempfehlen";
text3 = "zur\u00FCck";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text3 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Mi lista de tareas";
text2 = "1. Registrarse en Gayromeo";
text3b = "2. Comprarle un recuerdo a mam\u00E1";
text4 = "3. Lavarme la cola";
text5 = "4. No perderme el \u00FAltimo subte";
text6 = "5. Tener cuatro veces sexo en el bar";
text7 = "6. Dejarme llevar por el portero";
text8 = "7. Recomendar GayRomeo";
text3 = "volver";
disabler.enabled = false;
Symbol 294 Button
on (release) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "continue";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "weiter";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "continuar";
Symbol 304 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 316 Button
on (release) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 320 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if ((_root.datingcardstatus == 0) && (mausframe == 3)) {
_root.clicked4 = true;
_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked1 = false));
if ((_root.gotsms == 1) && (mausframe == 3)) {
} else if (mausframe != 3) {
falschemaus._x = 359;
falschemaus._y = -97;;
} else {
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 322 Button
on (release) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.handystatus = 1;
handy._visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[8][_root.lan];
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 324 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if ((mausframe == 3) && (_root.barmanstatus == 2)) {
_root.clicked1 = true;
_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false));
if ((mausframe == 3) && (_root.barmanstatus < 2)) {
if (mausjetzt == 4) {
if (_root.right.enabled == true) {
falschemausblotto._x = -94;
falschemausblotto._y = -58;
} else {
falschemausblotto._x = 142;
falschemausblotto._y = -117;;
if (((mausjetzt != 7) && (mausjetzt != 4)) && (mausframe != 3)) {
if (_root.right.enabled == true) {
falschemaus._x = -73;
falschemaus._y = -77;
} else {
falschemaus._x = 160;
falschemaus._y = -67;;
if ((_root.blottostatus == 1) && (mausjetzt == 7)) {
_root.clicked1 = true;
_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false));
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.blottostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 7))) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.blottostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 7))) {
Symbol 326 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe == 3) {
_root.clicked1 = (_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false)));
if ((mausjetzt != 4) && (mausframe != 3)) {
_root.toms = 1;
falschemaus._x = -414;
falschemaus._y = -97;;
if ((_root.tomsstatus == 1) && (mausjetzt == 4)) {
_root.clicked1 = true;
_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false));
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.tomsstatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 4))) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.tomsstatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 4))) {
Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 331 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if ((mausframe == 3) && (_root.blottostatus != 2)) {
if ((mausjetzt != 11) && (mausframe != 3)) {
falschemaus._x = 30;
falschemaus._y = -120;;
if (mausjetzt == 11) {
_root.clicked1 = true;
_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false));
if ((_root.barmanstatus == 2) && (_root.blottostatus == 2)) {
if (_root.barmanstatus == 3) {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 333 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "diele";;
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 135;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 334 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "flipper";;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 335 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "zigaretten";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 337 Button
on (release) {
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe == 3) {
_root.clicked1 = (_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false)));
} else {
falschemaus._x = -152;
falschemaus._y = -97;;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 339 Button
on (release) {
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe == 3) {
_root.clicked1 = (_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false)));
} else {
falschemaus._x = -72;
falschemaus._y = -97;;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 345 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe == 3) {
if ((mausjetzt != 5) && (mausframe != 3)) {
falschemaus._x = -524;
falschemaus._y = -126;
if ((_root.osostatus == 1) && (mausjetzt == 5)) {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.osostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 5))) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.osostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 5))) {
Symbol 347 Button
on (release) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.couchglasstatus = 1;
glasleer._visible = false;
if (_root.leerglasstatus == 1) {
_root.leerglasstatus = 2;
} else {
_root.leerglasstatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[3][_root.lan];
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 349 MovieClip Frame 1
clicked1 = true;
Symbol 349 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.delayval = 3000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "No more beer today, *hicup* just schnapps";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Heute kein *hicks* Bier mehr... nur noch Schnaps...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Por hoy *hic* no m\u00E1s cerveza, solo aguardiente...";
Symbol 349 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 349 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.delayval = 3000;
_root.delayval = 3000;
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "No more beer today, *hicup* just schnapps";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Heute kein *hicks* Bier mehr... nur noch Schnaps...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Por hoy *hic* no m\u00E1s cerveza, solo aguardiente...";
Symbol 350 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.glasLeerStatus == 1) {
leer1._visible = false;
leer2._visible = false;
if ((_root.tomsstatus == 2) || (_root.tomsstatus == 3)) {
Toms._visible = false;
if (_root.blottostatus == 2) {
blotto._visible = false;
if (_root.bikerstatus == 1) {
biker._visible = false;
if (_root.handystatus == 1) {
handy._visible = false;
if ((_root.couchglasstatus == 0) && (_root.leerglasstatus < 2)) {
glasleer._visible = true;
} else {
glasleer._visible = false;
if (_root.bikerstatus == 1) {
biker._visible = false;
glasvoll._visible = false;
if (_root.osostatus == 2) {
oso._visible = false;
Symbol 351 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.right.enabled = false;
_root.left.enabled = true;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 351 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.left.enabled = false;
_root.right.enabled = true;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 352 Button
on (release) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 135;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 357 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 4) {
} else if (mausframe != 1) {
_root.toms = 1;;
Symbol 368 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 11) {
} else if (mausframe != 1) {;
Symbol 376 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 11) {
} else if (mausframe != 1) {;
Symbol 384 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (_root.blottostatus == 0) {
_root.clicked1 = true;
_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false));
if ((_root.blottostatus == 1) && (mausjetzt == 7)) {
_root.clicked1 = true;
_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false));
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.blottostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 7))) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.blottostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 7))) {
Symbol 393 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 7) {
_root.clicked1 = true;
_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false));
_root.blottostatus = 1;
} else if (mausjetzt == 4) {
} else if (mausframe != 1) {;
Symbol 397 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 7) {
_root.clicked1 = true;
_root.clicked2 = (_root.clicked3 = (_root.clicked4 = false));
_root.blottostatus = 1;
} else if (mausframe != 1) {;
Symbol 401 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 8) {
Symbol 407 Button
on (release) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.datingcardstatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[9][_root.lan];
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 423 MovieClip Frame 11;
Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 432 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 438 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 445 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -45;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 446 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 135;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 461 Button
on (release) {
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe != 3) {
falschemaus._x = -42;
falschemaus._y = -176;
} else if (_root.direkt != 1) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 465 Button
on (release) {
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe != 3) {
falschemaus._x = 37;
falschemaus._y = -127;
} else if (_root.direkt != 1) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 466 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "fondo3";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -135;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 467 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "videoraum";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 471 Button
on (release) {
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 472 Button
on (release) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.bodyglasstatus = 1;
glasleer._visible = false;
if (_root.leerglasstatus == 1) {
_root.leerglasstatus = 2;
} else {
_root.leerglasstatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[3][_root.lan];
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 473 MovieClip Frame 1
if (((_root.geschuttetstatus == 1) && (_root.bodyglasstatus == 0)) && (_root.leerglasstatus < 2)) {
glasleer._visible = true;
glasvoll._visible = false;
} else {
glasleer._visible = false;
if (_root.rasiererstatus == 1) {
skinaugen._visible = false;
latino.enabled = false;
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.right.enabled = true;
_root.left.enabled = false;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.left.enabled = true;
_root.right.enabled = false;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 485 Button
on (release) {
_root.bodyglasstatus = 1;
glasleer._visible = false;
if (_root.couchglasstatus == 1) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 488 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "fondo3";
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -135;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 489 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "videoraum";
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 45;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 494 Button
on (release) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.rasiererstatus = 1;
gotoAndPlay (618);
on (rollOver) {
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[5][_root.lan];
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 501 MovieClip Frame 31;
Symbol 502 Button
on (release) {
_root.bodyglasstatus = 1;
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
glasleer._visible = false;
if (_root.leerglasstatus == 1) {
_root.leerglasstatus = 2;
} else {
_root.leerglasstatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[3][_root.lan];
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 506 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "flipper";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -135;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 517 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 517 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 517 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 517 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 517 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 521 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe != 3) {
falschemaus._x = 58;
falschemaus._y = -143;
} else {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.videostatus != 2) {;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 523 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if ((mausjetzt != 6) && (mausframe != 3)) {
falschemaus._x = -94;
falschemaus._y = -108;
if ((_root.videostatus < 2) && (mausframe == 3)) {
if ((_root.videostatus > 1) && (mausframe == 3)) {
if ((_root.videostatus == 3) && (mausjetzt == 6)) {
if ((_root.videostatus != 3) && (mausjetzt == 6)) {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.videostatus > 1) {
videogucker._visible = false;
if (_root.videosex == 1) {
videobutton._visible = false;
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 2
gagnumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 10) + 3;
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "If this couch could talk, would you like to listen?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wenn dieses Sofa reden k\u00F6nnte... W\u00FCrde man zuh\u00F6ren wollen?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Si este sof\u00E1 hablara... querr\u00EDa oirlo alguien?";
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I'm not going that way without a guide!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich traue mich nicht hinzugehen ohne F\u00FChrer und Ausr\u00FCstung.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No me animo a seguir caminando sin equipamiento ni mapa.";
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Go away! All of you! I\u2019m not gay!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Geht alle weg! Ich bin nicht schwul!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1D\u00E9jenme en paz! \u00A1No soy gay!";
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 6
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Gee, that cushion moved all by itself";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich k\u00F6nnte schw\u00F6ren, das Kissen hat sich eben bewegt.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Podr\u00EDa jurar que el almohad\u00F3n acaba de moverse solo...";
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "According to rumours all darkrooms are intersected...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Angeblich sind alle Darkrooms der Welt \u00FCber ein System von Tunneln miteinander verbunden - sicher nur ein Ger\u00FCcht.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Me contaron que todos los darkoom del mundo est\u00E1n conectados por t\u00FAneles - seguramentees un invento";
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Tha's where the old hermit lives. He swore to never wash again. I'm not going there";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Dort hinten lebt ein alter Eremit - er hat ein Gel\u00FCbde abgelegt, nie wieder zu baden. Da geh ich nicht hin.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "All\u00ED atr\u00E1s vive un viejo eremita - ha hecho una promesa de no ba\u00F1arse. No ir\u00E9 para ese lado.";
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 9
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "What's that fellow doing with that eggplant? He's not eating it, that's for sure.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Was macht der Mann da mit der Aubergine? Essen tut sie nicht...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFQu\u00E9 hace ese hombre con la berenjena? Cualquier cosa menos comerla.";
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "No I\u2019m not dead, I just smell that way.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nein, ich bin nicht gestorben, ich rieche so!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No he muerto, \u00A1siempre huelo as\u00ED!";
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah uh yeah... that's good that's good that's- ok now. Done. Gotta go.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ja, so ist gut... Ja richtig... Gut so... Ja ja ja ja! Ups das wars. Ich muss gehen.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Ah... Ah... S\u00ED, s\u00ED\u00ED\u00ED\u00ED... AAAHHHH... Listo, me tengo que ir...";
Symbol 542 MovieClip Frame 12
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Be quiet. I want to finish reading Plato";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Kann man den nirgendwo in Ruhe Hegel lesen?!?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1\u00BFNo ser\u00E1 posible leer a Borges con tranquilidad?!";
Symbol 543 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "schwarz";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
if (_root.videostatus < 2) {;
Symbol 544 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "schwarz";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
if (_root.videostatus < 2) {;
Symbol 545 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "slingroom";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -90;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
if (_root.videostatus < 2) {;
Symbol 547 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 555 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 6) {
_root.videostatus = 3;
} else if (mausframe != 1) {
Symbol 576 Button
on (release) {;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 90;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 577 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (686);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -135;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 578 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (686);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 579 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (686);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 135;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 580 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (686);
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 583 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 584 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 2) {
schlitzt._visible = false;
_root.schlitztstatus = 0;
zigaretten.zigaretten._visible = true;
_root.zigarettenstatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || (mausjetzt != 2)) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || (mausjetzt != 2)) {
Symbol 585 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 10) {
recorder._visible = false;
_root.videostatus = 2;
gotoAndPlay (769);
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || (mausjetzt != 10)) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || (mausjetzt != 10)) {
Symbol 586 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe == 3) {
if ((mausjetzt != 5) && (mausframe != 3)) {
if ((_root.osostatus == 1) && (mausjetzt == 5)) {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.osostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 5))) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.osostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 5))) {
Symbol 587 Button
on (release) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
mickeyvideo._visible = false;
_root.mickeyvideostatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[10][_root.lan];
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
Symbol 589 Button
on (release) {
_root.zigarettenstatus = 0;
zigaretten._visible = false;
on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 2
gagnumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 28) + 3;
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Chain me, Mr Cheney'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Geile Gayronten - Hei\u00DFer Boysaft r\u00FCstiger Fr\u00FChrentner'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Gerontes calientes - Jugo fresco de jubilados precoces'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'The Cheesy Dick-Experience'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Nackig, speckig, ungewaschen - Ein Doppel-Whooper zieht blank'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Desnuda, grasosa y sin lavar - una hamburguesa se vengar\u00E1'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'K.Y.P.D. Blue - Return of the Cockcops'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Burschikose Bumsgeschichten Blutjunger Bauernboys'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Machas historias de machos salvajes'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 6
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Soldiers and Forced Homosexuality - A shocking Document'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Phimose Total - Mit extra K\u00E4se!'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Fimosis total - con queso doble'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Homo Improvement - The Toolman gets nailed'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Anale Apokapypse - Rimmen bis der Arzt kommt'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Apocalipsis anal - Chupar agujeros hasta que llegue la ambulancia'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Fat Chicks with Big Fries'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Ficken, Fisten, Frauenfu\u00DFball - Die perversen Fantasien lustiger Lesben'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Dildo, pu\u00F1o y f\u00FAtbol - Las perversas fantas\u00EDas de tiernas lesbianas'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 9
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'James and the Giant Prick'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Dr. Fick auf Hausbesuch - Kopf nach rechts und husten!'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Dr. Sexo visita a domicilio - Diga 69 y tosa'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Hole in One - Getting Iron 69'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'B\u00E4renbr\u00FCder - Geiler Inzest zottiger Speckbacken'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Hermanos Osos - Incesto caliente de cachetones peludos'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Brother Bear - Hairy Harry and his Siblings'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Wenn der Zeuge Jehovas zweimal klingelt - Ficken bis zum j\u00FCngsten Tag!'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Cuando el testigo de Jehov\u00E1 llama - \u00A1Sexo hasta el d\u00EDa final!'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 12
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Sperm Hammer - Thrust me, I know what I do'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Mit dem Ex beim Kettensex - Jetzt rasselts in der Kiste!'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Cadenas con el ex - \u00A1ahora matraquea la cama!'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 13
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Sperminator 2 - I\u201All be bareback'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Speckm\u00F6sen Teil 23 - Ged\u00FCnstet im eigenen Saft.'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Co\u00F1os grasosos Parte 23 - Envasados en su jugo'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'American Pee - Wedding Cock!'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Einer geht noch - Gangbangparty im Arbeitsamt Euskirchen'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'El colmo del placer - Un pasivo y veinte activos en la oficina'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 15
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Where the wild things suck - Gay Monster Party'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Eingelocht - Geile Golfer - Hei\u00DFe Eisen!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Hoyo 18 - Golfistas calientes y palos ardientes'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 16
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Dawsons Cock - It's all about teen angst really'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Dennis, Schl\u00E4ger und Kanonen - Zwei Tennistunten r\u00E4umen auf!'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Reveses y remates - Dos locas tenistas barren con todo'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Waiting for Mr. Fist'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Alle Neune - Orgien auf der Bowlingbahn'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'\u00A1A voltear! - Org\u00EDas en la cancha de bowling'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 18
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'The scent of seamen'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Hausmeister Report - Im Flur wird nicht gelaufen'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Informe de porter\u00EDa - por el pasillo no se camina'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 19
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Super Size me - Adventures in Plastic Surgery'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Diether D\u00FCbels Heimwerkerstunde - Flexen bis die Kimme qualmt'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Carpinter\u00EDa pr\u00E1ctica - serruchando hasta que salga humo'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 20
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Dr. Fuck does home appointments'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Warten auf Klodot'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Buscando al Sr. Pu\u00F1o'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 21
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Queer as Cock - What Showtime didn't showed ya!'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Hinter Gattern - Im Knast wird richtig reinger\u00FCsselt'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Tras las rejas - los castigos de la c\u00E1rcel'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 22
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Keep it cumming - When the bough breaks'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Lost in Transpiration - Heise Schwei\u00DFschlecker lassens Tropfen'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Dulce transpiraci\u00F3n - Chupaaxilas calientes no dejan ni una gota'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 23
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Ken Parks'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Der Smegma-Report - K\u00E4sige R\u00FCssel eiskalt enth\u00FCllt'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Informe yogur - trompitas pegajosas al descubierto'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 24
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Cunning Cunts and what to do with 'em'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'K.Y.P.P. Blue - Wenn der Schlagstock locker sitzt'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Co\u00F1os ardientes - Manual de instrucciones'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 25
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Blowing for Columbine'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Soldaten und Zwangshomosexualit\u00E4t - Ein Tatsachenbericht'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Soldados y homosexualidad condicionada - toda la verdad'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 26
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Just a pretty face.. to sit on'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Garry Poppers und die M\u00F6se des Schreckens'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'De cara un culo, de culo un kilo'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 27
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Spank me, Condoleza! - One hard hitting gal!'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'The XL-Men - Die Superd\u00F6del'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "Hombres XL - Los superh\u00E9roes del pene'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 28
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Things to do in Denver, with your Dad'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Wo die Heide st\u00F6hnt - Bl\u00FCmchensex im Bl\u00FCtenfeld'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Sexo florido en el campo de magnolias'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 29
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Garry Poppers and the clit of terror'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Soldaten und Zwangshomosexualit\u00E4t - Ein Tatsachenbericht'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'El inspector a la b\u00FAsqueda del cl\u00EDtoris asesino'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 30
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'Suckula - He cums at night'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Soldaten und Zwangshomosexualit\u00E4t - Ein Tatsachenbericht'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Esperma voladora'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 31
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'I'm going in - call for backup!'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "'Soldaten und Zwangshomosexualit\u00E4t - Ein Tatsachenbericht'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Te entr\u00F3 entera'";
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 32
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "'GayRomeo Cleaning tape'";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Reinigungscassette Marke 'GayRomeo'";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "'Cassette limpiacabezales marca Gayromeo'";
Symbol 594 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "toilette";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 45;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 595 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "fondo3";
_root.leftalign = true;
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -135;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 596 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 2) {
schlitzt._visible = false;
_root.schlitztstatus = 0;
zigaretten.zigaretten._visible = true;
_root.zigarettenstatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || (mausjetzt != 2)) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || (mausjetzt != 2)) {
Symbol 597 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 10) {
recorder._visible = false;
_root.videostatus = 2;
gotoAndPlay (766);
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || (mausjetzt != 10)) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || (mausjetzt != 10)) {
Symbol 598 Button
on (rollOver) {;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 600 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausjetzt == 5) {
_root.osostatus = 1;
} else if (mausframe != 1) {;
Symbol 607 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.osostatus == 0) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.osostatus == 1) && (mausjetzt == 5)) {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.osostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 5))) {
on (rollOut) {
if ((_root.activePlace == 20) || ((_root.osostatus == 0) && (mausjetzt == 5))) {
Symbol 630 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 630 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 630 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 630 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 630 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 632 Button
on (release) {
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe != 3) {
} else {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 636 Button
on (release) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
schlussel._visible = false;
_root.schlusselstatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[7][_root.lan];
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 637 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 638 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "videoraum";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 90;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 643 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 648 Button
on (release) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.toilettenglasstatus = 1;
glasleer._visible = false;
if (_root.leerglasstatus == 1) {
_root.leerglasstatus = 2;
} else if (_root.leerglasstatus == 0) {
_root.leerglasstatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
_root.helptext = _root.nameicon[3][_root.lan];
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 100;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.helptext = "";
_root.objectsBar.blauebalke._alpha = 0;
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 652 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.delayval = 1500;
Symbol 654 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe != 3) {
falschemaus._x = 35;
falschemaus._y = -122;
} else {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 656 Button
on (release) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe != 3) {
falschemaus._x = -114;
falschemaus._y = -122;;
} else {
on (rollOver) {
mausjetzt = _root.newMouse.objects._currentframe;
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
Symbol 657 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.tomsstatus != 2) {
Tom1._visible = false;
Tom2._visible = false;
if ((_root.toilettenglasstatus == 0) && (_root.leerglasstatus < 2)) {
glasleer._visible = true;
} else {
glasleer._visible = false;
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 2
gagnumber = Math.round(Math.random() * 14) + 3;
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Help me I\u2019m stuck! - Just Relax, Jasper, relaaaax!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Hilfe, ich stecke fest! Dieter, entspann' dich!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Auxilio! \u00A1Estoy atorado! \u00A1Rel\u00E1jate Gaspar!";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "No, I Won\u2019t come out. I want my pants back first!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich komme nicht raus, solange ich nicht meine Hose wieder habe...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No saldr\u00E9 hasta que me devuelvan los pantalones...";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Go away! All of you! I\u2019m not gay!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Geht alle weg! Ich bin nicht schwul!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1D\u00E9jenme en paz, no soy gay!";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 6
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I won\u2019t come out until the media people go away!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Solange die Presse da drau\u00DFen ist, komme ich nicht raus!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1No saldr\u00E9 hasta que se vayan los periodistas!";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Nobody told me you\u2019d get diarrhea from drinking that!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Niemand hat mir gesagt, dass man davon Durchfall bekommt...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Nadie me ha dicho que tomar eso produce diarrea!";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Three days! Ist three days now! I wanna get outta here!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Drei Tage... jetzt sind es schon drei Tage! Ich will hier raus!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Tres d\u00EDas! \u00A1Ya van tres d\u00EDas! \u00A1Quiero salir de aqu\u00ED!";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 9
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Where am I? Who are you? Why am I wearing a dress?";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Wo bin ich? Wer seid ihr? Wieso habe ich ein Kleid an?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFD\u00F3nde estoy? \u00BFQui\u00E9n eres? \u00BFPor qu\u00E9 tengo un vestido puesto?";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I think we\u2019re not in Kansas anymore, Toto!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ich glaube, wir sind nicht mehr in Kansas, Toto...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Toto, ya no estamos m\u00E1s en Kansas!";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "No I\u2019m not dead, I just smell that way.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Nein, ich bin nicht gestorben, ich rieche so!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "No mor\u00ED, siempre huelo as\u00ED.";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 12
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Yeah uh yeah.. thats good thats good thats- okay now. Done. Gotta go.";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ja, so ist gut... Ja richtig... Gut so... Ja ja ja ja! Ups, das wars... Ich muss gehen...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "S\u00ED, s\u00ED, as\u00ED\u00ED\u00ED... as\u00ED, as\u00ED, S\u00CD\u00CD\u00CD, AAHH... Listo. Me tengo que ir";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 13
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "I told you not to flush your used rubbers! Look at that mess now. Eeech!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ihr sollt die benutzten Gummis nicht ins Klo werfen! Verdammt, jetzt ist wieder alles \u00FCberschwemmt!";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1No tiren los condones en el inodoro! \u00A1Co\u00F1o! \u00A1Ahora se inund\u00F3 todo, puaj!";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "And I woke up here. All shaved and sticky...";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "...und als ich wieder aufgewacht bin, hat alles geklebt und ich war \u00FCberall rasiert...";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "... y cuando me despert\u00E9, me sent\u00EDa todo pegajoso y ten\u00EDa todo el cuerpo afeitado...";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 15
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Go into the light Carol-Anne";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Ruhe nebenan! Ich kann mich nicht konzentrieren, wenn da dauernd gest\u00F6hnt wird.";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00A1Silencio al lado! \u00A1No me puedo concentrar si jadean todo el tiempo!";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 16
if (_root.language == 1) {
text1 = "Be quiet. I want to finish reading Plato!";
} else if (_root.language == 2) {
text1 = "Kann man denn nirgendwo in Ruhe Hegel lesen?!?";
} else if (_root.language == 3) {
text1 = "Non entrez pas";
} else if (_root.language == 4) {
text1 = "\u00BFNo es posible poder leer a Hegel en paz?";
Symbol 675 Button
on (release) {
_root.ziel = "zigaretten";
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = -135;
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.activePlace == 20) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 676 Button
on (release) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 45;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 678 Button
on (release) {
_root.toilettenglasstatus = 1;
glasleer._visible = false;
if (_root.leerglasstatus == 1) {
_root.leerglasstatus = 2;
} else if (_root.leerglasstatus == 0) {
_root.leerglasstatus = 1;
on (rollOver) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
on (rollOut) {
_root.newMouse._rotation = 0;
Symbol 679 Button
on (release) {
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe != 1) {;
Symbol 685 Button
on (release) {
mausframe = _root.newMouse._currentframe;
if (mausframe != 1) {