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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #16348

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


setting it to Medium (the quality is set to High by default)

Press Q at any time to adjust quality settings and improve performance, I would recommend

of the main menu) since the projector version works faster than the browser plugin.

scfa5 will work A LOT FASTER if you download it (there is a "download scfa5" button at the bottom

This game requires a really fast machine. I would recommend Pentium 4 - 2.5-3 Ghz. Also note that

I have some useful info for you here.  Look through it while the game is loading.


you will be able to SAVE the game, spend cash on defences, upgrades, etc.

The game is divided into 27 waves (rounds). There is a pause  between the waves during which

plasma balls.

Spore Colonies will shoot BOTH air and ground units and the Zerg Spire is a superweapon shooting

Note that most things work differently here (in comparison with the original StarCraft). For instance

The Overmind will earn experience and level up, obtaining one new psionic spell each level.

combined attacks. You will be playing Zergs this time with the Overmind in the center of  your base.

SCFA5 is a defence game, you will have to build a base and defend it against Terran and Protoss


* Miscellaneous upgrades

Goliath, Wraith.)

Terran: Marine, Marine[railgun], Siegetank, Bombtank, Ghost, Battlecruiser

* 13 enemy types (Protoss: Dragoon, Archon, Dark Archon, Carrier, Corsair;

* 8 Psionic Spells (Smite, Heal, True Sight, Psionic Storm, Psionic Blast etc.)

* 4 special structures  (Queen's Nest, Zerg Mound, The Spire, The Elder Brain)

* 4 defence structures (Sunken Colony, Spore Colony, Defiler, Corrosive Germ Colony)

* 27 waves (levels)


on and have found any errors  - please inform me by writing a rewiew.

VERSION 1.0b  [21.NOV.2006]

There are probably some bugs and spelling mistakes left in the game. If you are playing this game













previous topic

next topic

Press Q to adjust quality if the
game lags too much

This is your progress bar, when it reaches maximum a new round begins.

Your current cash, to be spent on buildings & upgrades, you earn cash by killing enemies.


enemies with powers!

IMPORTANT: you receive exp points ONLY for damaging

you receive a new power and 1 skillpoint to improve your abilities.

Overmind experience level raises. Each time you levelup

Overmind experience. Once the maximum is reached

to cast spells (powers).

This thing is similar to mana and is used

Overmind energy and energy regeneration rate.

When overmind hp falls to desor you will lose.

Overmind hitpoints and hp regeneration rate.

MENU SUBSECTIONS                                                                       DESCRIPTION                           MENU SECTIONS

ingame menu structure:

Use this tool to destroy installed buildings.

be installed into 3 special slots.

misc special abilities. Special buildings can

These are special buildings that will unlock

be installed into the front slots.

enemy units as they get close. Defence buildings can


These are the defence buildings that will be shooting










(thes does not affect Overmind hit points!)

Adds 50% to maximum hitpoints of all buildings.

Note that this upgrade greatly raises the efficiency of sunken colonies!

Corrosive germ colony damage +10%

Defiler damage +30%

Spore colony damage +25%

Sunken colony damage +300%

Improves the damage, dealt by your defences:

These upgrades will become available once the Overmind has reached lvl 6.


- unused skillpoints

- current level

- how much more exp points is necessary to get to the next level

- maximum energy

- maximum hit points

In this section you can find the following information about your Overmind:


Increases the damage dealt by powers. 8% per skillpoint.

So choose wisely.

Increases Energy regeneration rate by 15% per skillpoint.

Increases Overmind HP regeneration rate by 15% per skillpoint.

Maximum lvl the overmind can reach in this game is 8, so you will have 7 skillpoints to spend (unless you use cheats).

Each time you levelup you gein one skillpoint to be spent in this section:


This upgrade will greatly raise the chanses of your survival!

Overmind HP regeneration rate +100%

Overmind hit points                    +100%

(expirience level 4 is required)


for killing enemy units with powers!

Note that you gain experience points ONLY

You gain a new spell each time you levelup.

Here you will find all the psionic spells available to you at the moment.


infested terran.

You DO get experience for killing enemies with

dont waste it by simply killing them!

Terran marines are an important resource

stored and deployed onces are counted!

up to five more infested ones. Note that both

You can hold up to five captured marines and

towards the enemy and explode, dealing great damage.

Deploy Infested Terran to the battlefield, they will run

Transform captured terran marines into Infested Terran.

move it over terran marines and click to capture them.

This will attach the Zerg  Queen to your mouse cursor,


will  become awailable to you.

Overmind lvl 4 is required to build Queen's Nest. Once you have it installed POWERS->QUEEN menu subsection


than infested terran.

Spore mines do more damage on larger area


You can have up to 5 spore mines, including those that are deployed!

between damaged buildings, including Overmind.

Gives you additional 6000 HP to be distributed

[5 captured marines required to use this]

Deploy a sporemine.

into a spore mine.

Transform TWO captured terran marines

POWERS->Zerg mound menu subsection will  become awailable to you enabling more options for utilizing captured marines.

Overmind lvl 6 and installed Queen's Nest are required tu build The Zerg Mound. Once you have it installed



I would recommmend replacing all your spore colonies with this ones by the end of the game, its expensive though.

battelfield for a while, damaging anything that passes through.

Similar to spore colonies, however after the projectile explodes it leaves a toxic cloud that remains on the

Disadvantages - narrow attack  zone, low hitpoints, you cant have more than one defiler.

Burrows after each shot, regenerating all the damage. Invincible while burrowed.

Has the longest range of all, the only unit that can shoot siegetanks and battlecruisers!

Shoot spores exploding on impact.

Disadvantage - can not attack units at close range.

Unlike the original StarCraft, spore colonies attack both ground and air units in this game.

Damage Upgrade will greatly raise its damage, making SC effective for finishing protoss units that get past other defences.

Disadvantage - can not attack air units, no splash damage.

Cheapest of the defence structures. Main advantage - large attack zone, can attack enemies at close range.




This building gives no bonuses to energy.

larger than the one of Psionic Blast, however it takes longer to  reload.

Hurls enormous plasma balls into the battlefield, causing huge explosion on impact, the area affected by  the explosion is

High energy regeneration rate will allow you tu use such powers as Implosion and Psionic Storm more frequently.

High amount of stored energy makes you vulnerable to Dark Archon's energy burning attacks, so be careful.

Doubles your energy and energy regeneration rate  so that you will be able to use lvl 8 power - Psionic Blast,

Queen's Nest and Zerg Mound are discribed on pages 9 - 10.

When the Overmind reaches lvl 8 you will have a choice to build either The Spire or The Elder Brain, you can't have both!

PSIONIC powers


You can destroy the whole armies with this spell.

Creates a HUGE explosion, disintegrating everything caught within.

use it without building The Elder Brain.

This spell consumes enormous amount of energy! You can't

enemy units.

will suffer heavy damage. Perfect for annihilating groups of

All units caught inside the area effect of the Psionic Storm

against fast-moving targets.

battlecruisers, dark archons) Requires good timing when used

Perfect for finishing off stationary enemies (siege tanks,

The first mass destruction psionic spell you will have.

relatively low energy consumption, moderate damage over the area!

Probably the most efficient offencive power in the game:

Dont forget to do so between waves.

Non offencive power, allows you to heal damaged buildings.

unless you stop it by clicking anywhere in the menu area.

resistant to it. Note that it will drain all your energy very fast

against terran forces, while most protoss are highly

This one has splash damage and is rather effective

Note that cloaked units are invincible in this game.

Non offencive power, allows you to detect cloaked units.

marines and goliaths, no splash damage.

Your first psionic spell, effective only against terran

13. Overmind Powers (Psionic Spells)

13. Overmind Powers (Psionic Spells)

13. Overmind Powers (Psionic Spells)

12. Special Buildings Description

12. Special Buildings Description

12. Special Buildings Description

11. Defence Buildings Description

11. Defence Buildings Description

11. Defence Buildings Description

10. Interface - Powers  - Zerg Mound

10. Interface - Powers  - Zerg Mound

10. Interface - Powers  - Zerg Mound

9. Interface - Powers  - Queen

9. Interface - Powers  - Queen

9. Interface - Powers  - Queen

8. Interface - Powers  - Overmind

8. Interface - Powers  - Overmind

8. Interface - Powers  - Overmind

7. Interface - Overmind Upgrade

7. Interface - Overmind Upgrade

7. Interface - Overmind Upgrade

6. Interface - Overmind Skillpoints

6. Interface - Overmind Skillpoints

6. Interface - Overmind Skillpoints

5. Interface - Overmind Info

5. Interface - Overmind Info

5. Interface - Overmind Info

4. Interface - Defence Upgrades

4. Interface - Defence Upgrades

4. Interface - Defence Upgrades

3. Interface - Building

3. Interface - Building

3. Interface - Building

2. Interface - Ingame Menu Structure

2. Interface - Ingame Menu Structure

2. Interface - Ingame Menu Structure

1. Interface - General

1. Interface - General

1. Interface - General





Next Wave: 1

- if the game is running slow change quality to medium or low by pressing Q

- build Sunken Colony as soon as you earn enough cash

- use 'smite' power to kill terran marines


Primary Objectives:

- Survive

Next Wave: 2

- you earn experience only for damaging enemy units with Powers!

Next Wave: 3

by your defences you gain only 50% experience!

for example if you hit enemy unit for half of its hitpoints with any of Overmind Powers and then it gets killed

- you earn experience only for damaging enemy units with Powers:

Next Wave: 4

(CLick the OVERMIND button and go to "use skillpoints" subsection)

- don't forget to spend skill points when you  level up

Next Wave: 5

- Eliminate Terran Ghost to stop the nuclear strike.

- Search along the cliffs.

- True Sight is a lvl 2 Power.

- Terran forces are planning a nuclear strike! Use True Sight to detect cloaked Terran Ghost.

- Gain Experience Level 2

Next Wave: 6

- Upgraded marines are extremely vulnerable to your smite power.

Next Wave: 7

- don't forget to spend skill points when you lvlup

Next Wave: 8

- Destroy Terran SuicideBombTank

(CLick the OVERMIND button and go to "use skillpoints" subsction)

- don't forget to spend skill points when you gain levelup

Next Wave: 9

otherwise it wont stop untill you run out of energy

- click anywhere in the menu below to diactivate the Discharge Power

- Destroy Terran Siege Tanks

- defiler is the only unit that can hit terran siege tanks and battlecruisers

Next Wave: 10

- once you have Queen's Nest installed - [powers] -> [queen] subsection will be available to you

- Queen's Nest enables you to capture terran marines and Shell Upgrade doubles Overmind hit points

- when Overmind gains level 4 Queen's Nest and Shell Upgrade will be available to you

Next Wave: 11

- terran Wraiths are invincible while cloaked

- you DO gain experience for killing enemies with infested terran

- captured terran  marines can be transformed into Infested Terran and used in agains the enemy

Next Wave: 12

- don't forget to heal (lvl 4 power) damaged units between the attacks

Next Wave: 13

- using the Zerg Queen is the best way to gert rid of terran marines

Next Wave: 14

Next Wave: 15

- Destroy terran Battlecruiser

- dont let the battlecruiser shoot you

Next Wave: 16

- protoss Corsairs  are extremely  dangerous as they can suck out your stored energy

Next Wave: 17

Building Upgrades subsection [BUILD] -> [upgrade]

Zerg Mound special building (will unlock a new subsection in the Powers menu);

- once Overmind has reached level 6 the following will become available to you:

Next Wave: 18

- Damage Upgrade greatly increases the attack power of Sunken Colonies

- most protoss units are highly  resistant to Discharge

Next Wave: 19

to use HP Regeneration Boost, the best way to fix damaged defences during combat

- building Zerg Mound enables you to transform captured terran marines into Spore Mines and

Next Wave: 20

the more energy you have - the more damage you receive

- Dark Archons will attack you, using your stored energy, burning it all at once

Next Wave: 21

browser version is 15-30% slower

- If the game is running too slow - download it. (there is a download scfa5 button in the main menu)

Next Wave: 22

- Protoss Corsairs have the ability to drain your energy

- most protoss units are highly  resistant to your Discharge Power (corsairs are not)

Next Wave: 23

Next Wave: 24

thus making lvl 8 power - Psyonic Blast available to you.

however the recharge time is very long. The Elder Brain doubles your enery and energy regeneration rate

however you wont be able to build both. The Spire enables you to use a  similar to terran nuke attack

- once Overmind has reached level 8 The Spire and The Elder Brain will become available

Next Wave: 25

Get ready for the worse.

The enemy is about to throw all the remaining forces against you!

Next Wave: 26

Next Wave: 27

Gantrithor is protected by the impenetrable forcefield! You can not do any damage to it while the forcefield is on.


- Destroy Gantrithor

Next Wave: 28




can't attack air units

large attack zone

250-400, instant





can't attack at close range

area effect

30-50, duration 13




you can deploy only 1 defiler

fully heals while burrowed

can hit enemy units at distance, burrows after each shot,

narrow atack zone, low hitpoints

500-1300, duration *



targeting air units

has difficulties when

high price

for a long period

that remains in the shot area

creates a dealy cloud

1-100, duration 110,



transform them into Infested Terran!

Using the Zerg Queen you will be able to capture terran marines and

in the powers menu: [powers] -> [queen]

Once installed  Queen's Nest enables you to use a new subsection



giving acess to more ways of utilizing captured terran marines

in the powers menu: [powers] -> [zerg mound]

Once installed  the Zerg Mound enables you to use a new subsection


to dark archon's attacks

makes you extremely vulnerable

Psionic Blast without this building!

thus enabling you to use Psionic Blast power. You can not use

Once built, doubles your energy and energy regeneration rate



it ineffective in some situations

very long recharge time makes

disintegrated  immediately.

huge explosion on impact. Anything in the area of explosion is

Hurls enormous plasma ball into the battlefield, causing



(because I'm lazy)

Note that invulnerability is not absolute, nuke will kill you anyway =3

Unlimited cash, unlimited skillpoints, invulnerability, no limitations for  defilers.

Manually set your starting cash, experience level and skill points.

number is not limited )

at once. (While NC option is on there can only be 5 alive ground units on the screen; air units

Turning off the NO COLLISIONS  option may also cause a severe lag as too many units will spawn

spot at the same time, so that they dont walk over each other (that looks rather silly ;)   )

NO COLLISIONS option keeps enemy units from spawning in the same

You' ll have to set the enemy respawn rates manually in this  section.


(see INFO section for

severe lag and misc bugs

option off may cause

Turning the no collisions

1 - slowest, 10 - very fast, inst - instant.



Unlimited cash


<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">9999</font></p>











possible t

possible te

possible ter

possible terr

possible terra

possible terran

possible terran  c

possible terran  cl

possible terran  clo

possible terran  cloa

possible terran  cloak

possible terran  cloake

possible terran  cloaked

possible terran  cloaked u

possible terran  cloaked un

possible terran  cloaked uni

possible terran  cloaked unit

possible terran  cloaked unit l

possible terran  cloaked unit lo

possible terran  cloaked unit loc

possible terran  cloaked unit loca

possible terran  cloaked unit locat

possible terran  cloaked unit locati

possible terran  cloaked unit locatio

possible terran  cloaked unit location

possible terran  cloaked unit locations

possible terran  cloaked unit locations d

possible terran  cloaked unit locations de

possible terran  cloaked unit locations det

possible terran  cloaked unit locations dete

possible terran  cloaked unit locations detec

possible terran  cloaked unit locations detect

possible terran  cloaked unit locations detecte

possible terran  cloaked unit locations detected

victory snd

infested snd

negatie snd

StarCraft Flash Action 5                 Engine Test  v0.099  [march.2k6]        Crafted by DimonZerg

not enough energy

not enough energy





<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>57567</b></font></p>

menu zone


3 special install buttons

4 frotn install buttons



<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="25" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>999</b></font></p>
















mariner 10 shots

mariner 9 shots

mariner 8 shots

mariner 7 shots

mariner 6 shots

mariner 5 shots

mariner 4 shots

mariner 3 shots

mariner 2 shots

mariner 1 shots
























Q - toggle quality

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="16" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">999</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="13" color="#0099ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">999</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="13" color="#0099ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">999</font></p>


lvl:  1

lvl:  2

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>


Terran Goliath


Terran Marine

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

Bomb Tank

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

Siege Tank

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

Protoss Dragoon

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

Protoss Archon

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

Dark Archon

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

Protoss Corsair



<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>


build\upgrade menu



secret unlocked!!!

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#0099ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>0</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>0</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>0</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#00ccff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>0</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>0</b></font></p>




price: 1 skill point

boosts hp regeneration by 15%

boosts energy regeneration by 15%

boosts powers efficiency  by 8%

overmind regeneration rate +50%

overmind hit points +100%

price: 3000

price: 500

price: 1000

price: 2500

Corrosive germ

price: 4300

Queen's NEst

price: 3000

Destroy Building

Zerg mound

price: 8500



Overmind lvl 2


Overmind lvl 3

Overmind lvl 6

Overmind lvl 4

Deployed Queen's Nest

deployed Zerg Mound

deployed Queen's Nest

Overmind lvl 8

Colony  +10%

Corrosive Germ

Defiler  +25%

Spore Colony  +30%

Sunken Colony +300%

price: 5000

[increases the damage of your  defences]

by 50%

boosts hitpoints of all buildings





Reveals cloaked units

True Sight









Elysium Tear







Psionic Storm




Psionic Blast




/ 5

<p align="left"><font face="Times New Roman" size="15" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>9</b></font></p>

/ 5

<p align="left"><font face="Times New Roman" size="15" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>9</b></font></p>

plus up to five infested ones.

You can keep up to five alive marines

over and click.

To capture a terran marine move the queen

/ 4

<p align="left"><font face="Times New Roman" size="15" color="#009900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>9</b></font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Times New Roman" size="15" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>9</b></font></p>

only once per wave

you can use HP Regen Boost

any damage

points, that will  be used to heal

gives you additional 6000 hit





fscommand("showmenu", "true");


Status: Locked

- unknown -

Unlocking method:

Status: Unlocked

secret #2

Solve this puzzle to unlock



heheh... lol.. i was  drunk


pool's closed due to stingrAIDS


experience level 5.

the Overmind earns

This one will be unlocked once

will be unlocked!

and the Construct Mode

Get to the center of the maze


you wont find it :P


to gain access to this secret.

You must finish the game

starting wave, etc...

set invulnerability, cash,

cheat mode from here,

You will be able to unlock






- attack 2

- attack 1

- movement



Left arrow, right arrow


















































11Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. 12It exercises all
the authority of the first beast in its presence,[c] and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose
mortal wound was healed. 13It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people,
14and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of[d] the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling
them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15And it was allowed to give breath to
the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the
image of the beast to be slain. 16Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,[e] to be
marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the
beast or the number of its name. 18This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the
beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666

5And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for
forty-two months. 6It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling,[a] that is,
those who dwell in heaven. 7Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them.[b] And authority was given it
over every tribe and people and language and nation, 8and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has
not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain. 9If anyone has an ear, let
him hear:
10If anyone is to be taken captive,
to captivity he goes;
if anyone is to be slain with the sword,
with the sword must he be slain.
Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.

1And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous
names on its heads. 2And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth was like a lion's
mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. 3One of its heads seemed to have a mortal
wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. 4And they worshiped the
dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who can
fight against it?"


[click anywhere to skip]



This is a Test Version

v. 0.800




through secret #6

Can be unlocked


work if you load the game]

[note that invulnerability wont


after each wave.

You can save the game

new abilities and spells!

Build up your base and obtain

terran and protoss attacks.

27 waves of combined

Survive through


through secret #4


Everything can be set
manually here: from enemy
respawn rates to starting
cash and experience




<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>



<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

MEtasynaptic node:

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

MEtabolic boost:

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

Cerebellum Glands:

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999 </b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999 </b></font></p>


<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffcc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

overmind level:

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

NExt wave:

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffcc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>

Open the SWF file with flash player and enjoy!

Here is a direct link to flash player 9:

downloaded. You can get one here:

Now you need a Standalone Flash player to play  the SWF file that you've just

recommend Flash Get, you can download it here:

Select and copy this link to any download manager. Dont have one? I would

<p align="justify"><font face="Impact" size="17" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"></font></p>

Downloading  scfa5 SWF file. Here is the link to SWF file on newgrounds: :P The game will run a lot faster in the Standalone Flash Player (Projector)

Since I could not find a reliable place to host Projector version of the game I will explain how to download it from

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
fscommand ("showmenu", "false"); _root.global_quality = 3;
Frame 2
if (poexaliujeblya eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (31);
Frame 4
startDrag ("_root.kursor", true); Mouse.hide(); if (tutorial_mode eq 1) { _root.menu_objectives.gotoAndStop(2); _root.disable_lower_menubar = 0; } if (c_mode eq 1) { _root.menu_objectives.gotoAndStop(2); if (c_mode_play != 1) { _root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao = 1; } else { _root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao = 0; } if (c_mode_play eq 1) { if (c_mode_nocollisions eq 1) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; dragoon1_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; goliath1_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; mariner1_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner2_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; dragoon2_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; goliath2_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; mariner3_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner4_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; supermariner1_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; siegetank_rr = c_mode_siegetank_rr; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; dragoon3_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; goliath3_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; mariner5_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner6_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; supermariner2_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; bombtank_rr = c_mode_bombtank_rr; darkarchon_rr = c_mode_darkarchon_rr; } else { darkarchon_rr = 0; archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; dragoon4_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; goliath4_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; mariner7_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner8_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; supermariner3_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; dragoon5_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; goliath5_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; mariner9_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner10_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; supermariner4_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; supermariner5_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } } else { mariner1_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner2_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner3_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner4_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner5_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner6_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner7_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner8_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner9_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; mariner10_rr = c_mode_mariner_rr; goliath1_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; goliath2_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; goliath3_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; goliath4_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; goliath5_rr = c_mode_goliath_rr; supermariner1_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; supermariner2_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; supermariner3_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; supermariner4_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; supermariner5_rr = c_mode_supermariner_rr; bombtank_rr = c_mode_bombtank_rr; siegetank_rr = c_mode_siegetank_rr; dragoon1_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; dragoon2_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; dragoon3_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; dragoon4_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; dragoon5_rr = c_mode_dragoon_rr; archon1_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; archon2_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; archon3_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; archon4_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; archon5_rr = c_mode_archon_rr; darkarchon_rr = c_mode_darkarchon_rr; } battlecruiser_rr = c_mode_battlecruiser_rr; wraith1_rr = c_mode_wraith_rr; wraith2_rr = c_mode_wraith_rr; wraith3_rr = c_mode_wraith_rr; wraith4_rr = c_mode_wraith_rr; wraith5_rr = c_mode_wraith_rr; corsair1_rr = c_mode_corsair_rr; corsair2_rr = c_mode_corsair_rr; corsair3_rr = c_mode_corsair_rr; ghost_rr = c_mode_ghost_rr; } } if (_root.tutorial_mode != 1) { if (((blahblahblahhrghasgg != 1337) and (lvl > 4)) and (restart_all_vars eq 1337)) { blahblahblahhrghasgg = 1337; savedsecrets = SharedObject.getLocal("savedsecrets"); = 1; } } if (_root.global_quality eq 1) { _quality = "low"; } else if (_root.global_quality eq 2) { _quality = "medium"; } else if (_root.global_quality eq 3) { _quality = "high"; } else if (_root.global_quality eq 4) { _quality = "best"; } setProperty("shockwavepodnogame", _x , this.grandexplosion._x); setProperty("shockwavepodnogame", _y , this.grandexplosion._y); if ((((front_slot_1 != 0) and (front_slot_2 != 0)) and (front_slot_3 != 0)) and (front_slot_4 != 0)) { frontslots_full = 1; } else { frontslots_full = 0; } if (((special_slot_1 != 0) and (special_slot_2 != 0)) and (special_slot_3 != 0)) { specialslots_full = 1; } else { specialslots_full = 0; } if (((marines_captured >= 5) and (power_in_hand eq 7)) and (queen_glotaet eq 0)) { power_in_hand = 0; } if (you_lose eq 1) { menu_objectives.gotoAndStop(3); power_in_hand = 0; build_what = 0; } if (lvl >= 2) { spore_disabled = 0; spell2_disabled = 0; } else { spore_disabled = 1; spell2_disabled = 1; } if (lvl >= 3) { spell3_disabled = 0; defiler_disabled = 0; } else { spell3_disabled = 1; defiler_disabled = 1; } if (lvl >= 4) { spell4_disabled = 0; queennest_disabled = 0; } else { spell4_disabled = 1; queennest_disabled = 1; } if (lvl >= 5) { spell5_disabled = 0; } else { spell5_disabled = 1; } if (lvl >= 6) { if (queennest_installed eq 1) { zergmound_disabled = 0; } else { zergmound_disabled = 1; } hatchery_disabled = 0; spell6_disabled = 0; } else { hatchery_disabled = 1; zergmound_disabled = 1; spell6_disabled = 1; } if (lvl >= 7) { spell7_disabled = 0; } else { spell7_disabled = 1; } if (lvl >= 8) { if ((queennest_installed eq 1) and (zergmound_installed eq 1)) { spire_disabled = 0; elderbrain_disabled = 0; } else { spire_disabled = 1; elderbrain_disabled = 1; } spell8_disabled = 0; } else { spell8_disabled = 1; } if ((onhold eq 0) and (you_lose != 1)) { timer_ = timer_ + 0.0454545454545455; timer = Math.floor(timer_); } else { timer_ = 0; } if (wave eq 1) { wave_length_in_seconds = 80; } else if (wave eq 2) { wave_length_in_seconds = 80; } else if (wave eq 3) { wave_length_in_seconds = 60; } else if (wave eq 4) { wave_length_in_seconds = 65; } else if (wave eq 5) { wave_length_in_seconds = 150; } else if (wave eq 6) { wave_length_in_seconds = 65; } else if (wave eq 7) { wave_length_in_seconds = 65; } else if (wave eq 8) { wave_length_in_seconds = 100; } else if (wave eq 9) { wave_length_in_seconds = 80; } else if (wave eq 10) { wave_length_in_seconds = 70; } else if (wave eq 11) { wave_length_in_seconds = 70; } else if (wave eq 12) { wave_length_in_seconds = 80; } else if (wave eq 13) { wave_length_in_seconds = 80; } else if (wave eq 14) { wave_length_in_seconds = 100; } else if (wave eq 15) { wave_length_in_seconds = 40; } else if (wave eq 16) { wave_length_in_seconds = 100; } else if (wave eq 17) { wave_length_in_seconds = 60; } else if (wave eq 18) { wave_length_in_seconds = 60; } else if (wave eq 19) { wave_length_in_seconds = 45; } else if (wave eq 20) { wave_length_in_seconds = 175; } else if (wave eq 21) { wave_length_in_seconds = 50; } else if (wave eq 22) { wave_length_in_seconds = 80; } else if (wave eq 23) { wave_length_in_seconds = 120; } else if (wave eq 24) { wave_length_in_seconds = 80; } else if (wave eq 25) { wave_length_in_seconds = 110; } else if (wave eq 26) { wave_length_in_seconds = 100; } else if (wave eq 27) { wave_length_in_seconds = 30; } if (_root.wave_progress_percentage < 100) { _root.wave_progress_percentage = timer_ / wave_length_in_seconds; } else { _root.wave_progress_percentage = 1; } if (((enemydead_checked eq 1) and (onhold eq 0)) and (timer >= wave_length_in_seconds)) { onhold = 1; wave = wave + 1; hpregenboost_used = 0; timer_ = 0; _root.menu_objectives.gotoAndPlay(3);; enemydead_checked = 0; power_in_hand = 0; build_what = 0; overmind_hp = overmind_hp_max; overmind_en = overmind_en_max; } terran_alive = (((((((((((((((((((((((((((_root.mariner1_alive + _root.mariner2_alive) + _root.mariner3_alive) + _root.mariner4_alive) + _root.mariner5_alive) + _root.mariner6_alive) + _root.mariner7_alive) + _root.mariner8_alive) + _root.mariner9_alive) + _root.mariner10_alive) + goliath1_alive) + goliath2_alive) + goliath3_alive) + goliath4_alive) + goliath5_alive) + supermariner1_alive) + supermariner2_alive) + supermariner3_alive) + supermariner4_alive) + supermariner5_alive) + ghost_alive) + bombtank_alive) + battlecruiser_alive) + wraith1_alive) + wraith2_alive) + wraith3_alive) + wraith4_alive) + wraith5_alive) + siegetank_alive; protoss_alive = (((((((((((((dragoon1_alive + dragoon2_alive) + dragoon3_alive) + dragoon4_alive) + dragoon5_alive) + archon1_alive) + archon2_alive) + archon3_alive) + archon4_alive) + archon5_alive) + darkarchon_alive) + corsair1_alive) + corsair2_alive) + corsair3_alive) + carier_alive; enemycount = (terran_alive + protoss_alive) + wave_27_bloker; archons_online = ((((archon1_alive + archon2_alive) + archon3_alive) + archon4_alive) + archon5_alive) + darkarchon_alive; if (enemycount eq 0) { enemydead_checked = 1; } else { enemydead_checked = 0; } if (((((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) or (goliath1_alive eq 1)) or (dragoon1_alive eq 1)) or (archon1_alive eq 1)) { ground_enemy_row_1_occupied = 1; } else { ground_enemy_row_1_occupied = 0; } if (((((((siegetank_alive eq 1) or (mariner3_alive eq 1)) or (mariner4_alive eq 1)) or (supermariner1_alive eq 1)) or (goliath2_alive eq 1)) or (dragoon2_alive eq 1)) or (archon2_alive eq 1)) { ground_enemy_row_2_occupied = 1; } else { ground_enemy_row_2_occupied = 0; } if ((((((((mariner5_alive eq 1) or (mariner6_alive eq 1)) or (supermariner2_alive eq 1)) or (goliath3_alive eq 1)) or (dragoon3_alive eq 1)) or (archon3_alive eq 1)) or (darkarchon_alive eq 1)) or (bombtank_alive eq 1)) { ground_enemy_row_3_occupied = 1; } else { ground_enemy_row_3_occupied = 0; } if ((((((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (mariner8_alive eq 1)) or (supermariner3_alive eq 1)) or (goliath4_alive eq 1)) or (dragoon4_alive eq 1)) or (archon4_alive eq 1)) { ground_enemy_row_4_occupied = 1; } else { ground_enemy_row_4_occupied = 0; } if (((((((mariner9_alive eq 1) or (mariner10_alive eq 1)) or (supermariner4_alive eq 1)) or (supermariner5_alive eq 1)) or (goliath5_alive eq 1)) or (dragoon5_alive eq 1)) or (archon5_alive eq 1)) { ground_enemy_row_5_occupied = 1; } else { ground_enemy_row_5_occupied = 0; } if (shell_upgraded eq 1) { shell_regen_bonus = 1.85; shell_hp_modifier = 2; } else { shell_regen_bonus = 1; shell_hp_modifier = 1; } if ((onhold eq 1) and (force_respawnrates != 1)) { if (c_mode_play != 1) { overmind_hp = overmind_hp_max; overmind_en = overmind_en_max; } } overmind_hp_max = (overmind_hp_base + (150 * lvl)) * shell_hp_modifier; if (overmind_hp < 0) { overmind_hp = -10; } if (overmind_hp < overmind_hp_max) { overmind_hp = overmind_hp + hp_regeneration_rate; } else if (overmind_hp >= overmind_hp_max) { overmind_hp = overmind_hp_max; } if (elderbrain_installed eq 1) { overmind_en_max = (overmind_en_base + (50 * lvl)) * 1.9; elderbrain_regen_multiplier = 2; } else { elderbrain_regen_multiplier = 1; overmind_en_max = overmind_en_base + (50 * lvl); } if (overmind_en < overmind_en_max) { overmind_en = overmind_en + en_regeneration_rate; } else if (overmind_en >= overmind_en_max) { overmind_en = overmind_en_max; } if (overmind_en < 0) { overmind_en = 1; } hp_regeneration_rate = (((hp_regeneration_lvl * 0.15) + 1) * ((random(100) + 100) / 1000)) * shell_regen_bonus; en_regeneration_rate = (((en_regeneration_lvl * 0.15) + 1) * ((20 + random(80)) / 100)) * elderbrain_regen_multiplier; if (lvl eq 1) { exp_max = 930; } else if (lvl eq 2) { exp_max = 1500; } else if (lvl eq 3) { exp_max = 2000; } else if (lvl eq 4) { exp_max = 2500; } else if (lvl eq 5) { exp_max = 2750; } else if (lvl eq 6) { exp_max = 3000; } else if (lvl eq 7) { exp_max = 4100; } else if (lvl eq 8) { exp_max = 90000 /* 0x015F90 */; } if (exp >= exp_max) { overmind_hp = overmind_hp_max; overmind_en = overmind_en_max; exp = 0; lvl = lvl + 1; skill_points = skill_points + 1;; } if (hp_upgraded eq 1) { hpupgrade_modifier = 1.5; } else { hpupgrade_modifier = 1; } sunken_hp_max = sunken_hp_base * hpupgrade_modifier; spore_hp_max = spore_hp_base * hpupgrade_modifier; defiler_hp_max = defiler_hp_base * hpupgrade_modifier; hatchery_hp_max = hatchery_hp_base * hpupgrade_modifier; queennest_hp_max = queennest_hp_base * hpupgrade_modifier; zergmound_hp_max = zergmound_hp_base * hpupgrade_modifier; spire_hp_max = spire_hp_base * hpupgrade_modifier; elderbrain_hp_max = elderbrain_hp_base * hpupgrade_modifier; powerdmgupgradebonus = 0.08; healing_dmg = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * 100; smite_dmg = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * (random(100) + 100); psystorm_dmg = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * (random(150) + 50); grandexplosion_dmg1 = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * random(1500); grandexplosion_dmg2 = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * (random(400) + 100); discharge_dmg = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * random(100); discharge_en_cost_partial = 3 + random(4); implosion_dmg = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * 300; infestedterran_dmg = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * 300; infestedmine_dmg = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * 400; infestedmine2_dmg = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * 200; elysium_tear_dmg = (1 + (power_dmg_lvl * powerdmgupgradebonus)) * (random(100) + 100); airstrike_dmg = random(3000); if (damage_upgraded eq 1) { sunken_dmg = (250 + random(150)) * 3; spore_dmg = (30 + random(20)) * 1.3; hatchery_dmg = (100 + random(100)) * 1.1; hatchery2_dmg = random(100) * 1.1; defiler_dmg = (500 + random(800)) * 1.25; } else { sunken_dmg = 250 + random(150); spore_dmg = 30 + random(20); hatchery_dmg = 100 + random(100); hatchery2_dmg = random(100); defiler_dmg = 500 + random(800); } skolkointerov = (((((((((inter_1_dead + inter_2_dead) + inter_3_dead) + inter_4_dead) + inter_5_dead) + inter_6_dead) + inter_7_dead) + inter_8_dead) + inter_9_dead) + inter_10_dead) + inter_11_dead; if (skolkointerov > 8) { inter_dmg = random(4) * (random(300) + 50); } else { inter_dmg = random(150) + 100; } wraith_dmg_base = 250 + random(300); if (wave > 13) { wraith_dmg = wraith_dmg_base * 1.8; } else { wraith_dmg = wraith_dmg_base; } nuke_dmg = 8000; mariner_dmg = 7 + random(20); supermariner_dmg = 200 + random(200); siegetank_dmg = 400 + random(400); corsair_dmg = random(100) + 100; goliath_dmg_base = 35 + random(55); if (wave > 13) { goliath_dmg = goliath_dmg_base * 2; } else { goliath_dmg = goliath_dmg_base; } if (wave > 21) { dragoon_dmg = 350 + random(450); archon_dmg = 1000 + random(1500); battlecruiser_dmg = 1500 + random(1250); } else { dragoon_dmg = 250 + random(400); archon_dmg = 700 + random(1500); battlecruiser_dmg = 1000 + random(1300); } bombtank_dmg = 1000 + random(1000); if (wave > 13) { siegetank_hp = siegetank_hp_base * 1.2; goliath_hp = goliath_hp_base * 1.5; } else { siegetank_hp = siegetank_hp_base; goliath_hp = goliath_hp_base; } if (wave > 22) { battlecruiser_hp = battlecruiser_hp_base * 1.2; dragoon_hp = dragoon_hp_base * 1.2; archon_hp = archon_hp_base * 1.3; darkarchon_hp = darkarchon_hp_base * 1.3; } else { battlecruiser_hp = battlecruiser_hp_base; dragoon_hp = dragoon_hp_base; archon_hp = archon_hp_base; darkarchon_hp = darkarchon_hp_base; } _Project_StarCraft_FA_5 = "started 25.12.2k5 \\\\\\\\\\ (C) DimonZerg \\\\\\\\ []"; if ((restart_all_vars != 1337) and (suka_spizdil_a_vot_hyi_tebe != 1)) { if (loading eq 1) { loading = 1337; } restart_all_vars = 1337; gfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfg = 1337; nuke_timer = 1000; wave = 1; exp = 0; lvl = 1; exp_max = 0; overmind_hp_max = 1500; overmind_hp_base = 1500; overmind_hp = 1500; overmind_en_max = 200; overmind_en_base = 150; overmind_en = 200; discharge2inter_modifier = 2; smite_to_supermariner_dmg_modifier = 2.5; discharge_to_highlvlunits_dmg_modifier = 0.333333333333333; spore_to_wraith_dmg_modifier = 2.5; bombtank_sporedmg_modifier = 0.09; hp_regeneration_rate = (random(100) + 100) / 1000; en_regeneration_rate = 1; cash = 350; friendly_fire_modifier = 0.7; mariner_exp = 15; mariner_cash = 15; goliath_exp = 35; goliath_cash = 40; ghost_exp = 100; ghost_cash = 100; supermariner_exp = 50; supermariner_cash = 40; bombtank_exp = 150; bombtank_cash = 700; siegetank_exp = 200; siegetank_cash = 700; battlecruiser_exp = 200; battlecruiser_cash = 700; wraith_exp = 50; wraith_cash = 70; dragoon_exp = 70; dragoon_cash = 65; archon_exp = 75; archon_cash = 80; darkarchon_exp = 90; darkarchon_cash = 90; corsair_exp = 60; corsair_cash = 60; mariner_dmg = 60; supermariner_dmg = 250 + random(350); goliath_dmg = 100; bombtank_dmg = 300; healing_dmg = 100; smite_dmg = random(200) + 200; psystorm_dmg = 200; grandexplosion_dmg1 = 1500; grandexplosion_dmg2 = 500; discharge_dmg = 200; implosion_dmg = 100; infestedterran_dmg = 150; infestedmine_dmg = 200; infestedmine2_dmg = 150; elysium_tear_dmg = 250; airstrike_dmg = 1000; sunken_dmg = 250 + random(150); spore_dmg = 50 + random(100); hatchery_dmg = 300 + random(300); hatchery2_dmg = random(50); defiler_dmg = 1500; elysium_tear_en_cost = 110; smite_en_cost = 70; truesight_en_cost = 25; psystorm_en_cost = 380; grandexplosion_en_cost = 850; discharge_en_cost = 30; discharge_en_cost_partial = 2.5; implosion_en_cost = 250; healing_en_cost = 50; sunken_price = 500; spore_price = 1000; defiler_price = 2500; hatchery_price = 4300; queennest_price = 3000; zergmound_price = 3000; spire_price = 8500; elderbrain_price = 8500; siegetank_hp_base = 3000; goliath_hp_base = 750; supermariner_hp = 900; bombtank_hp = 2000; wraith_hp = 900; corsair_hp = 650; battlecruiser_hp_base = 6500; dragoon_hp_base = 3700; archon_hp_base = 5000; darkarchon_hp_base = 1700; sunken_hp_base = 700; spore_hp_base = 1000; defiler_hp_base = 500; hatchery_hp_base = 1500; queennest_hp_base = 1500; zergmound_hp_base = 2500; spire_hp_base = 2000; elderbrain_hp_base = 2000; defence_buildings_animation = 1; special_buildings_animation = 0; hp_regeneration_lvl = 0; en_regeneration_lvl = 0; power_dmg_lvl = 0; carier_field_on = 1; carier_show_forcefield = 0; inter_dmg = random(100); inter_hp = 500; carier_hp = 24000; inter_1_dead = 0; inter_2_dead = 0; inter_3_dead = 0; inter_4_dead = 0; inter_5_dead = 0; inter_6_dead = 0; inter_7_dead = 0; inter_8_dead = 0; inter_9_dead = 0; inter_10_dead = 0; inter_11_dead = 0; inter_12_dead = 0; inter_1_dmg_received = 0; inter_2_dmg_received = 0; inter_3_dmg_received = 0; inter_4_dmg_received = 0; inter_5_dmg_received = 0; inter_6_dmg_received = 0; inter_7_dmg_received = 0; inter_8_dmg_received = 0; inter_9_dmg_received = 0; inter_10_dmg_received = 0; inter_11_dmg_received = 0; inter_12_dmg_received = 0; tassadar_has_died = 0; wave_27_bloker = 0; discharge_release = 0; hpregenboost_used = 0; damage_upgraded = 0; hp_upgraded = 0; shell_upgraded = 0; force_respawnrates = 0; menu.middle_pannel.change = 1; menu.middle_pannel.kyda = "overmind"; skill_points = 0; you_lose = 0; onhold = 1; timer = 0; timer_ = 0; wave_5_trigger = 0; wave_8_trigger = 0; wave_9_trigger = 0; wave_15_trigger = 0; wave_20_trigger = 0; wave_20_2_trigger = 0; wave_22_trigger = 0; maintenance_timer_1 = 0; wave_progress_percentage = 0.01; disable_lower_menubar = 0; wave_progress_percentage = 0.1; spore_disabled = 1; defiler_disabled = 1; hatchery_disabled = 1; zergmound_disabled = 1; spire_disabled = 1; elderbrain_disabled = 1; queennest_disabled = 1; spell2_disabled = 1; spell3_disabled = 1; spell4_disabled = 1; spell5_disabled = 1; spell6_disabled = 1; spell7_disabled = 1; spell8_disabled = 1; hp_upgrade_disabled = 1; damage_upgrade_disabled = 1; marines_captured = 0; marines_infested = 0; spore_mines = 0; smite_delay = 0; nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao = 0; gunshot_animation_enabled = 0; menu_subsections_block = 0; queen_glotaet = 0; power_in_hand = 0; lock_grand_explosion = 0; lock_elysium_tear = 0; lock_psy_storm = 0; lock_implosion = 0; lock_true_sight = 0; installing_front_defence = 0; installing_special_buildings = 0; destroy_buildings = 0; build_what = 0; supermariner1_shooting = 0; supermariner2_shooting = 0; supermariner3_shooting = 0; supermariner4_shooting = 0; supermariner5_shooting = 0; goliath1_shooting = 0; goliath2_shooting = 0; goliath3_shooting = 0; goliath4_shooting = 0; goliath5_shooting = 0; mariner1_shooting = 0; mariner2_shooting = 0; mariner3_shooting = 0; mariner4_shooting = 0; mariner5_shooting = 0; mariner6_shooting = 0; mariner7_shooting = 0; mariner8_shooting = 0; mariner9_shooting = 0; mariner10_shooting = 0; mariner1_alive = 0; mariner2_alive = 0; mariner3_alive = 0; mariner4_alive = 0; mariner5_alive = 0; mariner6_alive = 0; mariner7_alive = 0; mariner8_alive = 0; mariner9_alive = 0; mariner10_alive = 0; goliath1_alive = 0; goliath2_alive = 0; goliath3_alive = 0; goliath4_alive = 0; goliath5_alive = 0; supermariner1_alive = 0; supermariner2_alive = 0; supermariner3_alive = 0; supermariner4_alive = 0; supermariner5_alive = 0; ghost_alive = 0; siegetank_alive = 0; battlecruiser_alive = 0; wraith1_alive = 0; wraith2_alive = 0; wraith3_alive = 0; wraith4_alive = 0; wraith5_alive = 0; dragoon1_alive = 0; dragoon2_alive = 0; dragoon3_alive = 0; dragoon4_alive = 0; dragoon5_alive = 0; archon1_alive = 0; archon2_alive = 0; archon3_alive = 0; archon4_alive = 0; archon5_alive = 0; darkarchon_alive = 0; corsair1_alive = 0; corsair2_alive = 0; corsair3_alive = 0; carier_alive = 0; sunken1_targeted = 0; sunken2_targeted = 0; sunken3_targeted = 0; sunken4_targeted = 0; sunken1_dodmmg = 0; sunken2_dodmmg = 0; sunken3_dodmmg = 0; sunken4_dodmmg = 0; sunken_1_installed = 0; sunken_2_installed = 0; sunken_3_installed = 0; sunken_4_installed = 0; spore_1_installed = 0; spore_2_installed = 0; spore_3_installed = 0; spore_4_installed = 0; defiler_1_installed = 0; defiler_2_installed = 0; defiler_3_installed = 0; defiler_4_installed = 0; hatchery_1_installed = 0; hatchery_2_installed = 0; hatchery_3_installed = 0; hatchery_4_installed = 0; queennest_installed = 0; zergmound_installed = 0; spire_installed = 0; infested_terran_1_installed = 0; infested_terran_2_installed = 0; infested_terran_3_installed = 0; infested_terran_4_installed = 0; infested_terran_5_installed = 0; spore_mine_1_installed = 0; spore_mine_2_installed = 0; spore_mine_3_installed = 0; spore_mine_4_installed = 0; front_slot_1 = 0; front_slot_2 = 0; front_slot_3 = 0; front_slot_4 = 0; special_slot_1 = 0; special_slot_2 = 0; special_slot_3 = 0; slot_1_dmg = 0; slot_2_dmg = 0; slot_3_dmg = 0; slot_4_dmg = 0; special_slot_1_dmg = 0; special_slot_2_dmg = 0; special_slot_3_dmg = 0; slot_1_death = 0; slot_2_death = 0; slot_3_death = 0; slot_4_death = 0; special_slot_1_death = 0; special_slot_2_death = 0; special_slot_3_death = 0; c_mode_mariner_rr = 0; c_mode_goliath_rr = 0; c_mode_supermariner_rr = 0; c_mode_bombtank_rr = 0; c_mode_siegetank_rr = 0; c_mode_dragoon_rr = 0; c_mode_archon_rr = 0; c_mode_darkarchon_rr = 0; c_mode_battlecruiser_rr = 0; c_mode_wraith_rr = 0; c_mode_corsair_rr = 0; c_mode_ghost_rr = 0; c_mode_mariner_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_goliath_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_supermariner_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_bombtank_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_siegetank_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_dragoon_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_archon_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_darkarchon_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_battlecruiser_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_wraith_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_corsair_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_ghost_rr_modifier = 1000; c_mode_nocollisions = 1; c_mode_defiler = 0; c_mode_unlim_cash = 0; c_mode_unlim_sp = 0; c_mode_invul_over = 0; c_mode_invul_build = 0; yiffffffff456456 = 0; yiffffffff133333337 = 0; } function proverkaframereita() { clearInterval(intervalId); intervalId = setInterval(this, "proverkaframereita", duration); _root.current_fps = frame_count; _root.frame_count = 0; } var duration = 2000; if (startframeratecheckscript != 0) { intervalId = setInterval(this, "proverkaframereita", duration); startframeratecheckscript = 0; frame_count = 0; current_fps = 44; } frame_count = frame_count + 1; gamespeed_ = Math.floor((current_fps / 44) * 100) + 5; if (gamespeed_ < 100) { gamespeed = gamespeed_; } else { gamespeed = 100; }
Frame 5
if ((restart_all_vars eq 1337) and (scenario_cheat eq 1)) { if (scenario_cheat_invul_bld eq 1) { special_slot_1_dmg = 0; special_slot_2_dmg = 0; special_slot_3_dmg = 0; slot_1_dmg = 0; slot_2_dmg = 0; slot_3_dmg = 0; slot_4_dmg = 0; } if (scenario_cheat_invul_over eq 1) { overmind_hp = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; } if (scenario_cheat_cash eq 1) { cash = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; } if (scenario_cheat_defiler eq 1) { c_mode_defiler = 1; } if (scenario_cheat_skill eq 1) { skill_points = 99; } if ((scenario_cheat_lvl > 0) and (scenario_cheat_lvl < 9)) { if (lvl < scenario_cheat_lvl) { lvl = scenario_cheat_lvl; skill_points = scenario_cheat_lvl - 1; } } if ((yiffffffff456456 != 1) and (scenario_cheat_wave > 1)) { yiffffffff456456 = 1; wave = scenario_cheat_wave; } if ((yiffffffff133333337 != 1) and (scenario_cheat_cashammount > 0)) { cash = scenario_cheat_cashammount; yiffffffff133333337 = 1; } } if ((c_mode eq 1) and (c_mode_play eq 1)) { if (c_mode_unlim_cash eq 1) { cash = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; } if (c_mode_unlim_sp eq 1) { skill_points = 99; } if (c_mode_invul_over eq 1) { overmind_hp = 99999 /* 0x01869F */; } if (c_mode_invul_build eq 1) { special_slot_1_dmg = 0; special_slot_2_dmg = 0; special_slot_3_dmg = 0; slot_1_dmg = 0; slot_2_dmg = 0; slot_3_dmg = 0; slot_4_dmg = 0; } } if (c_mode eq 1) { if (c_mode_mariner_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_mariner_rr = (11 - c_mode_mariner_rr_modifier) * 100; } else if (c_mode_mariner_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_mariner_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_mariner_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_mariner_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_supermariner_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_supermariner_rr = (11 - c_mode_supermariner_rr_modifier) * 100; } else if (c_mode_supermariner_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_supermariner_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_supermariner_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_supermariner_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_archon_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_archon_rr = (11 - c_mode_archon_rr_modifier) * 100; } else if (c_mode_archon_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_archon_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_archon_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_archon_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_dragoon_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_dragoon_rr = (11 - c_mode_dragoon_rr_modifier) * 100; } else if (c_mode_dragoon_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_dragoon_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_dragoon_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_dragoon_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_goliath_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_goliath_rr = (11 - c_mode_goliath_rr_modifier) * 100; } else if (c_mode_goliath_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_goliath_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_goliath_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_goliath_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_wraith_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_wraith_rr = (11 - c_mode_wraith_rr_modifier) * 100; } else if (c_mode_wraith_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_wraith_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_wraith_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_wraith_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_corsair_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_corsair_rr = (11 - c_mode_corsair_rr_modifier) * 70; } else if (c_mode_corsair_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_corsair_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_corsair_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_corsair_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_battlecruiser_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_battlecruiser_rr = (11 - c_mode_battlecruiser_rr_modifier) * 50; } else if (c_mode_battlecruiser_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_battlecruiser_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_battlecruiser_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_battlecruiser_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_siegetank_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_siegetank_rr = (11 - c_mode_siegetank_rr_modifier) * 50; } else if (c_mode_siegetank_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_siegetank_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_siegetank_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_siegetank_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_ghost_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_ghost_rr = (11 - c_mode_ghost_rr_modifier) * 50; } else if (c_mode_ghost_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_ghost_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_ghost_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_ghost_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_bombtank_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_bombtank_rr = (11 - c_mode_bombtank_rr_modifier) * 50; } else if (c_mode_bombtank_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_bombtank_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_bombtank_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_bombtank_rr = 0; } if (c_mode_darkarchon_rr_modifier < 11) { c_mode_darkarchon_rr = (11 - c_mode_darkarchon_rr_modifier) * 50; } else if (c_mode_darkarchon_rr_modifier eq 11) { c_mode_darkarchon_rr = 10; } else if (c_mode_darkarchon_rr_modifier eq 1000) { c_mode_darkarchon_rr = 0; } } infested_terran_1.installed = infested_terran_1_installed; infested_terran_2.installed = infested_terran_2_installed; infested_terran_3.installed = infested_terran_3_installed; infested_terran_4.installed = infested_terran_4_installed; infested_terran_5.installed = infested_terran_5_installed; infested_terran_1.number = 1; infested_terran_2.number = 2; infested_terran_3.number = 3; infested_terran_4.number = 4; infested_terran_5.number = 5; spore_mine_1.number = 1; spore_mine_2.number = 2; spore_mine_3.number = 3; spore_mine_4.number = 4; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_1shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_2shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_3shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_4shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_5shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_6shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_7shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_8shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_9shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; tellTarget ("_root.mariner_10shell.mariner_1") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (slot_1_dmg < 0) { slot_1_dmg = 0; } if (slot_2_dmg < 0) { slot_2_dmg = 0; } if (slot_3_dmg < 0) { slot_3_dmg = 0; } if (slot_4_dmg < 0) { slot_4_dmg = 0; } if (special_slot_1_dmg < 0) { special_slot_1_dmg = 0; } if (special_slot_2_dmg < 0) { special_slot_2_dmg = 0; } if (special_slot_3_dmg < 0) { special_slot_3_dmg = 0; } ge_low_overmind_test = _root.zone_overmind.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); ge_low_fs_1_test = _root.zone_front_slot_1.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); ge_low_fs_2_test = _root.zone_front_slot_2.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); ge_low_fs_3_test = _root.zone_front_slot_3.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); ge_low_fs_4_test = _root.zone_front_slot_4.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); ge_low_ss_1_test = _root.zone_special_slot_1.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); ge_low_ss_2_test = _root.zone_special_slot_2.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); ge_low_ss_3_test = _root.zone_special_slot_3.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); ge_high_overmind_test = _root.zone_overmind.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); ge_high_fs_1_test = _root.zone_front_slot_1.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); ge_high_fs_2_test = _root.zone_front_slot_2.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); ge_high_fs_3_test = _root.zone_front_slot_3.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); ge_high_fs_4_test = _root.zone_front_slot_4.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); ge_high_ss_1_test = _root.zone_special_slot_1.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); ge_high_ss_2_test = _root.zone_special_slot_2.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); ge_high_ss_3_test = _root.zone_special_slot_3.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (ge_low_overmind_test eq "true") { overmind_hp = overmind_hp - (grandexplosion_dmg2 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_low_fs_1_test eq "true") { slot_1_dmg = slot_1_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg2 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_low_fs_2_test eq "true") { slot_2_dmg = slot_2_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg2 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_low_fs_3_test eq "true") { slot_3_dmg = slot_3_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg2 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_low_fs_4_test eq "true") { slot_4_dmg = slot_4_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg2 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_low_ss_1_test eq "true") { special_slot_1_dmg = special_slot_1_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg2 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_low_ss_2_test eq "true") { special_slot_2_dmg = special_slot_2_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg2 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_low_ss_3_test eq "true") { special_slot_3_dmg = special_slot_3_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg2 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_high_overmind_test eq "true") { overmind_hp = overmind_hp - (grandexplosion_dmg1 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_high_fs_1_test eq "true") { slot_1_dmg = slot_1_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg1 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_high_fs_2_test eq "true") { slot_2_dmg = slot_2_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg1 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_high_fs_3_test eq "true") { slot_3_dmg = slot_3_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg1 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_high_fs_4_test eq "true") { slot_4_dmg = slot_4_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg1 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_high_ss_1_test eq "true") { special_slot_1_dmg = special_slot_1_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg1 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_high_ss_2_test eq "true") { special_slot_2_dmg = special_slot_2_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg1 * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (ge_high_ss_3_test eq "true") { special_slot_3_dmg = special_slot_3_dmg + (grandexplosion_dmg1 * friendly_fire_modifier); } psystorm_overmind_test = _root.zone_overmind.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); psystorm_fs_1_test = _root.zone_front_slot_1.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); psystorm_fs_2_test = _root.zone_front_slot_2.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); psystorm_fs_3_test = _root.zone_front_slot_3.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); psystorm_fs_4_test = _root.zone_front_slot_4.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); psystorm_ss_1_test = _root.zone_special_slot_1.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); psystorm_ss_2_test = _root.zone_special_slot_2.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); psystorm_ss_3_test = _root.zone_special_slot_3.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_overmind_test eq "true") { overmind_hp = overmind_hp - (psystorm_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_fs_1_test eq "true") { slot_1_dmg = slot_1_dmg + (psystorm_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_fs_2_test eq "true") { slot_2_dmg = slot_2_dmg + (psystorm_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_fs_3_test eq "true") { slot_3_dmg = slot_3_dmg + (psystorm_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_fs_4_test eq "true") { slot_4_dmg = slot_4_dmg + (psystorm_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_ss_1_test eq "true") { special_slot_1_dmg = special_slot_1_dmg + (psystorm_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_ss_2_test eq "true") { special_slot_2_dmg = special_slot_2_dmg + (psystorm_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_ss_3_test eq "true") { special_slot_3_dmg = special_slot_3_dmg + (psystorm_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } implosion_overmind_test = _root.zone_overmind.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); psystorm_fs_1_test = _root.zone_front_slot_1.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); psystorm_fs_2_test = _root.zone_front_slot_2.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); psystorm_fs_3_test = _root.zone_front_slot_3.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); psystorm_fs_4_test = _root.zone_front_slot_4.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); psystorm_ss_1_test = _root.zone_special_slot_1.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); psystorm_ss_2_test = _root.zone_special_slot_2.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); psystorm_ss_3_test = _root.zone_special_slot_3.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_overmind_test eq "true") { overmind_hp = overmind_hp - (implosion_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_fs_1_test eq "true") { slot_1_dmg = slot_1_dmg + (implosion_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_fs_2_test eq "true") { slot_2_dmg = slot_2_dmg + (implosion_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_fs_3_test eq "true") { slot_3_dmg = slot_3_dmg + (implosion_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_fs_4_test eq "true") { slot_4_dmg = slot_4_dmg + (implosion_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_ss_1_test eq "true") { special_slot_1_dmg = special_slot_1_dmg + (implosion_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_ss_2_test eq "true") { special_slot_2_dmg = special_slot_2_dmg + (implosion_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (psystorm_ss_3_test eq "true") { special_slot_3_dmg = special_slot_3_dmg + (implosion_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } tear_overmind_test = _root.zone_overmind.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); tear_fs_1_test = _root.zone_front_slot_1.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); tear_fs_2_test = _root.zone_front_slot_2.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); tear_fs_3_test = _root.zone_front_slot_3.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); tear_fs_4_test = _root.zone_front_slot_4.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); tear_ss_1_test = _root.zone_special_slot_1.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); tear_ss_2_test = _root.zone_special_slot_2.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); tear_ss_3_test = _root.zone_special_slot_3.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); tear_ss_4_test = _root.zone_special_slot_4.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (tear_overmind_test eq "true") { overmind_hp = overmind_hp - (elysium_tear_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (tear_fs_1_test eq "true") { slot_1_dmg = slot_1_dmg + (elysium_tear_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (tear_fs_2_test eq "true") { slot_2_dmg = slot_2_dmg + (elysium_tear_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (tear_fs_3_test eq "true") { slot_3_dmg = slot_3_dmg + (elysium_tear_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (tear_fs_4_test eq "true") { slot_4_dmg = slot_4_dmg + (elysium_tear_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (tear_ss_1_test eq "true") { special_slot_1_dmg = special_slot_1_dmg + (elysium_tear_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (tear_ss_2_test eq "true") { special_slot_2_dmg = special_slot_2_dmg + (elysium_tear_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if (tear_ss_3_test eq "true") { special_slot_3_dmg = special_slot_3_dmg + (elysium_tear_dmg * friendly_fire_modifier); } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 1)) { if (((timer_ > 1) and (timer_ < wave_length_in_seconds)) and (enemycount < 5)) { mariner1_rr = 375; mariner2_rr = 375; mariner3_rr = 375; mariner4_rr = 425; mariner5_rr = 325; mariner6_rr = 325; mariner7_rr = 425; mariner8_rr = 400; mariner9_rr = 400; mariner10_rr = 355; } else { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner4_rr = 0; mariner5_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; mariner8_rr = 0; mariner9_rr = 0; mariner10_rr = 0; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 2)) { if ((timer_ > 1) and (timer_ < wave_length_in_seconds)) { mariner1_rr = 200; mariner2_rr = 200; mariner3_rr = 200; mariner4_rr = 200; mariner5_rr = 200; mariner6_rr = 200; mariner7_rr = 200; mariner8_rr = 200; mariner9_rr = 200; mariner10_rr = 200; } else { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner4_rr = 0; mariner5_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; mariner8_rr = 0; mariner9_rr = 0; mariner10_rr = 0; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 3)) { if ((timer_ > 1) and (timer_ < wave_length_in_seconds)) { mariner1_rr = 100; mariner2_rr = 100; mariner3_rr = 100; mariner4_rr = 100; mariner5_rr = 100; mariner6_rr = 100; mariner7_rr = 100; mariner8_rr = 100; mariner9_rr = 100; mariner10_rr = 100; } else { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner4_rr = 0; mariner5_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; mariner8_rr = 0; mariner9_rr = 0; mariner10_rr = 0; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 4)) { if ((timer_ > 1) and (timer_ < 5)) { goliath1_rr = 5; goliath2_rr = 5; goliath3_rr = 5; goliath4_rr = 5; goliath5_rr = 5; } else if ((timer_ > 5) and (timer_ < 20)) { if (goliath1_alive eq 1) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } else { mariner1_rr = 200; mariner2_rr = 200; } if (goliath2_alive eq 1) { mariner3_rr = 0; mariner4_rr = 0; } else { mariner3_rr = 200; mariner4_rr = 200; } if (goliath3_alive eq 1) { mariner5_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; } else { mariner5_rr = 200; mariner6_rr = 200; } if (goliath4_alive eq 1) { mariner7_rr = 0; mariner8_rr = 0; } else { mariner7_rr = 200; mariner8_rr = 200; } if (goliath5_alive eq 1) { mariner9_rr = 0; mariner10_rr = 0; } else { mariner9_rr = 200; mariner10_rr = 200; } if ((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) { goliath1_rr = 0; } else { goliath1_rr = 300; } if ((mariner3_alive eq 1) or (mariner4_alive eq 1)) { goliath2_rr = 0; } else { goliath2_rr = 350; } if ((mariner5_alive eq 1) or (mariner6_alive eq 1)) { goliath3_rr = 0; } else { goliath3_rr = 300; } if ((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (mariner8_alive eq 1)) { goliath4_rr = 0; } else { goliath4_rr = 350; } if ((mariner9_alive eq 1) or (mariner10_alive eq 1)) { goliath5_rr = 0; } else { goliath5_rr = 350; } } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 5)) { if ((timer_ > 1) and (timer_ < 95)) { if (goliath1_alive eq 1) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } else { mariner1_rr = 200; mariner2_rr = 200; } if (goliath2_alive eq 1) { mariner3_rr = 0; mariner4_rr = 0; } else { mariner3_rr = 200; mariner4_rr = 200; } if (goliath3_alive eq 1) { mariner5_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; } else { mariner5_rr = 200; mariner6_rr = 200; } if (goliath4_alive eq 1) { mariner7_rr = 0; mariner8_rr = 0; } else { mariner7_rr = 200; mariner8_rr = 200; } if (goliath5_alive eq 1) { mariner9_rr = 0; mariner10_rr = 0; } else { mariner9_rr = 200; mariner10_rr = 200; } if ((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) { goliath1_rr = 0; } else { goliath1_rr = 350; } if ((mariner3_alive eq 1) or (mariner4_alive eq 1)) { goliath2_rr = 0; } else { goliath2_rr = 350; } if ((mariner5_alive eq 1) or (mariner6_alive eq 1)) { goliath3_rr = 0; } else { goliath3_rr = 400; } if ((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (mariner8_alive eq 1)) { goliath4_rr = 0; } else { goliath4_rr = 350; } if ((mariner9_alive eq 1) or (mariner10_alive eq 1)) { goliath5_rr = 0; } else { goliath5_rr = 350; } } else if ((timer_ > 95) and (timer_ < 103)) {; if (wave_5_trigger != 1337) { ghost_rr = 5; } else { ghost_rr = 0; } if (ghost_alive eq 1) { wave_5_trigger = 1337; } } else if (timer_ > 103) { ghost_rr = 0; if (goliath1_alive eq 1) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } else { mariner1_rr = 200; mariner2_rr = 200; } if (goliath2_alive eq 1) { mariner3_rr = 0; mariner4_rr = 0; } else { mariner3_rr = 200; mariner4_rr = 200; } if (goliath3_alive eq 1) { mariner5_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; } else { mariner5_rr = 200; mariner6_rr = 200; } if (goliath4_alive eq 1) { mariner7_rr = 0; mariner8_rr = 0; } else { mariner7_rr = 200; mariner8_rr = 200; } if (goliath5_alive eq 1) { mariner9_rr = 0; mariner10_rr = 0; } else { mariner9_rr = 200; mariner10_rr = 200; } if ((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) { goliath1_rr = 0; } else { goliath1_rr = 450; } if ((mariner3_alive eq 1) or (mariner4_alive eq 1)) { goliath2_rr = 0; } else { goliath2_rr = 450; } if ((mariner5_alive eq 1) or (mariner6_alive eq 1)) { goliath3_rr = 0; } else { goliath3_rr = 400; } if ((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (mariner8_alive eq 1)) { goliath4_rr = 0; } else { goliath4_rr = 350; } if ((mariner9_alive eq 1) or (mariner10_alive eq 1)) { goliath5_rr = 0; } else { goliath5_rr = 450; } } } if (((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 6)) or ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 7))) { if (timer_ > 1) { if (goliath1_alive eq 1) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } else { mariner1_rr = 200; mariner2_rr = 200; } if (goliath2_alive eq 1) { mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; } else { mariner3_rr = 200; supermariner1_rr = 400; } if (goliath3_alive eq 1) { supermariner2_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; } else { supermariner2_rr = 400; mariner6_rr = 200; } if (goliath4_alive eq 1) { mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } else { mariner7_rr = 200; supermariner3_rr = 450; } if (goliath5_alive eq 1) { supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } else { supermariner4_rr = 350; supermariner5_rr = 250; } if ((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) { goliath1_rr = 0; } else { goliath1_rr = 300; } if ((mariner3_alive eq 1) or (supermariner1_alive eq 1)) { goliath2_rr = 0; } else { goliath2_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner2_alive eq 1) or (mariner6_alive eq 1)) { goliath3_rr = 0; } else { goliath3_rr = 300; } if ((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (supermariner3_alive eq 1)) { goliath4_rr = 0; } else { goliath4_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner4_alive eq 1) or (supermariner5_alive eq 1)) { goliath5_rr = 0; } else { goliath5_rr = 350; } } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 8)) { if ((timer_ > 1) and (timer_ < 30)) { if (goliath1_alive eq 1) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } else { mariner1_rr = 200; mariner2_rr = 200; } if (goliath2_alive eq 1) { mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; } else { mariner3_rr = 200; supermariner1_rr = 400; } if (goliath3_alive eq 1) { supermariner2_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; } else { supermariner2_rr = 400; mariner6_rr = 200; } if (goliath4_alive eq 1) { mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } else { mariner7_rr = 200; supermariner3_rr = 400; } if (goliath5_alive eq 1) { supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } else { supermariner4_rr = 350; supermariner5_rr = 250; } if ((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) { goliath1_rr = 0; } else { goliath1_rr = 300; } if ((mariner3_alive eq 1) or (supermariner1_alive eq 1)) { goliath2_rr = 0; } else { goliath2_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner2_alive eq 1) or (mariner6_alive eq 1)) { goliath3_rr = 0; } else { goliath3_rr = 400; } if ((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (supermariner3_alive eq 1)) { goliath4_rr = 0; } else { goliath4_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner4_alive eq 1) or (supermariner5_alive eq 1)) { goliath5_rr = 0; } else { goliath5_rr = 350; } } else if ((timer_ > 30) and (wave_8_trigger != 1337)) { if ((((goliath3_alive != 1) and (supermariner2_alive != 1)) and (mariner6_alive != 1)) and (wave_8_trigger != 1337)) { goliath3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 5; } if (bombtank_alive eq 1) { bombtank_rr = 0; wave_8_trigger = 1337; } } if (wave_8_trigger eq 1337) { ghost_rr = 2300; if (goliath1_alive eq 1) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } else { mariner1_rr = 400; mariner2_rr = 400; } if (goliath2_alive eq 1) { mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; } else { mariner3_rr = 250; supermariner1_rr = 500; } if (goliath3_alive eq 1) { supermariner2_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; } else { supermariner2_rr = 500; mariner6_rr = 200; } if (goliath4_alive eq 1) { mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } else { mariner7_rr = 200; supermariner3_rr = 500; } if (goliath5_alive eq 1) { supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } else { supermariner4_rr = 400; supermariner5_rr = 400; } if ((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) { goliath1_rr = 0; } else { goliath1_rr = 300; } if ((mariner3_alive eq 1) or (supermariner1_alive eq 1)) { goliath2_rr = 0; } else { goliath2_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner2_alive eq 1) or (mariner6_alive eq 1)) { goliath3_rr = 0; } else { goliath3_rr = 300; } if ((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (supermariner3_alive eq 1)) { goliath4_rr = 0; } else { goliath4_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner4_alive eq 1) or (supermariner5_alive eq 1)) { goliath5_rr = 0; } else { goliath5_rr = 350; } } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 9)) { if (timer_ > 1) { if (goliath1_alive eq 1) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } else { mariner1_rr = 350; mariner2_rr = 350; } if (goliath3_alive eq 1) { supermariner2_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; } else { supermariner2_rr = 400; mariner6_rr = 350; } if (goliath4_alive eq 1) { mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } else { mariner7_rr = 350; supermariner3_rr = 450; } if (goliath5_alive eq 1) { supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } else { supermariner4_rr = 350; supermariner5_rr = 450; } if ((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) { goliath1_rr = 0; } else { goliath1_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner2_alive eq 1) or (mariner6_alive eq 1)) { goliath3_rr = 0; } else { goliath3_rr = 300; } if ((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (supermariner3_alive eq 1)) { goliath4_rr = 0; } else { goliath4_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner4_alive eq 1) or (supermariner5_alive eq 1)) { goliath5_rr = 0; } else { goliath5_rr = 350; } if (wave_8_trigger != 1337) { siegetank_rr = 4; } if (siegetank_alive eq 1) { wave_8_trigger = 1337; } if (wave_8_trigger eq 1337) { if (goliath2_alive eq 1) { siegetank_rr = 0; } else { siegetank_rr = 450; } if (siegetank_alive eq 1) { goliath2_rr = 0; } else { goliath2_rr = 300; } } } } if (((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 10)) or ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 11))) { if (wave eq 11) { ghost_rr = 2000; } if (enemycount < 4) { wraith1_rr = 1000; wraith2_rr = 1000; wraith3_rr = 1000; wraith4_rr = 1000; wraith5_rr = 1000; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; } if (timer_ > 1) { if (goliath1_alive eq 1) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } else { mariner1_rr = 200; mariner2_rr = 200; } if (goliath2_alive eq 1) { mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; } else { mariner3_rr = 200; supermariner1_rr = 400; } if (goliath3_alive eq 1) { supermariner2_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; } else { supermariner2_rr = 400; mariner6_rr = 200; } if (goliath4_alive eq 1) { mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } else { mariner7_rr = 200; supermariner3_rr = 450; } if (goliath5_alive eq 1) { supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } else { supermariner4_rr = 450; supermariner5_rr = 450; } if ((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) { goliath1_rr = 0; } else { goliath1_rr = 300; } if ((mariner3_alive eq 1) or (supermariner1_alive eq 1)) { goliath2_rr = 0; } else { goliath2_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner2_alive eq 1) or (mariner6_alive eq 1)) { goliath3_rr = 0; } else { goliath3_rr = 300; } if ((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (supermariner3_alive eq 1)) { goliath4_rr = 0; } else { goliath4_rr = 350; } if ((supermariner4_alive eq 1) or (supermariner5_alive eq 1)) { goliath5_rr = 0; } else { goliath5_rr = 350; } } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 12)) { goliath1_rr = 400; goliath2_rr = 400; goliath3_rr = 400; goliath4_rr = 400; goliath5_rr = 400; if (enemycount < 5) { wraith1_rr = 400; wraith2_rr = 400; wraith3_rr = 400; wraith4_rr = 400; wraith5_rr = 400; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 13)) { if (timer_ < 5) { wraith2_rr = 10; wraith3_rr = 10; wraith4_rr = 10; wraith5_rr = 10; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; } if (timer_ > 10) { mariner1_rr = 300; mariner2_rr = 300; mariner3_rr = 300; mariner6_rr = 300; mariner7_rr = 300; supermariner1_rr = 200; supermariner2_rr = 200; supermariner3_rr = 200; supermariner4_rr = 200; supermariner5_rr = 200; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 14)) { if (goliath1_alive eq 1) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } else { mariner1_rr = 350; mariner2_rr = 350; } if (goliath4_alive eq 1) { mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } else { mariner7_rr = 300; supermariner3_rr = 300; } if (goliath5_alive eq 1) { supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } else { supermariner4_rr = 400; supermariner5_rr = 300; } if ((mariner1_alive eq 1) or (mariner2_alive eq 1)) { goliath1_rr = 0; } else { goliath1_rr = 300; } if ((mariner7_alive eq 1) or (supermariner3_alive eq 1)) { goliath4_rr = 0; } else { goliath4_rr = 300; } if ((supermariner4_alive eq 1) or (supermariner5_alive eq 1)) { goliath5_rr = 0; } else { goliath5_rr = 400; } if (goliath2_alive eq 1) { siegetank_rr = 0; } else { siegetank_rr = 600; } if (siegetank_alive eq 1) { goliath2_rr = 0; } else { goliath2_rr = 300; } if (goliath3_alive eq 1) { bombtank_rr = 0; } else { bombtank_rr = 600; } if (bombtank_alive eq 1) { goliath3_rr = 0; } else { goliath3_rr = 300; } if (timer_ > 80) { ghost_rr = 300; } if (enemycount < 3) { wraith1_rr = 1400; wraith2_rr = 1200; wraith3_rr = 1100; wraith4_rr = 1300; wraith5_rr = 1200; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 15)) { if (timer_ < 25) { wraith2_rr = 300; wraith3_rr = 300; wraith4_rr = 300; wraith5_rr = 300; } else { wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; } if ((timer_ > 25) and (wave_15_trigger != 1337)) { battlecruiser_rr = 10; goliath1_rr = 100; goliath2_rr = 100; goliath3_rr = 100; goliath4_rr = 100; goliath5_rr = 100; supermariner1_rr = 200; supermariner2_rr = 200; supermariner3_rr = 200; supermariner4_rr = 200; supermariner5_rr = 200; } else { battlecruiser_rr = 0; } if (battlecruiser_alive eq 1) { wave_15_trigger = 1337; } } if (onhold eq 1) { if (elderbrain_installed eq 1) { brain_mode = 1; spire_mode = 0; } else { brain_mode = 0; spire_mode = 1; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 16)) { if (timer_ < 2) { dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; archon3_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ >= 2) and (timer_ < 12)) { dragoon1_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; archon3_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; } else if ((timer_ >= 12) and (timer_ < 30)) { mariner1_rr = 150; mariner2_rr = 150; mariner3_rr = 150; mariner6_rr = 150; mariner7_rr = 150; supermariner1_rr = 150; supermariner2_rr = 150; supermariner3_rr = 150; supermariner4_rr = 150; supermariner5_rr = 150; if (enemycount < 5) { wraith1_rr = 900; wraith2_rr = 1100; wraith3_rr = 1000; wraith4_rr = 1000; wraith5_rr = 1000; corsair1_rr = 700; corsair2_rr = 700; corsair3_rr = 700; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ >= 30) and (timer_ < 45)) { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } else if ((timer_ >= 45) and (timer_ < 47)) { archon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; dragoon3_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; archon5_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ >= 47) and (timer_ < 60)) { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; archon5_rr = 0; } else if (timer_ > 60) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 700; dragoon1_rr = 500; goliath1_rr = 500; mariner1_rr = 700; mariner2_rr = 700; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 700; dragoon2_rr = 500; goliath2_rr = 500; mariner3_rr = 700; supermariner1_rr = 500; siegetank_rr = 600; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 700; dragoon3_rr = 500; goliath3_rr = 500; mariner6_rr = 700; supermariner2_rr = 500; bombtank_rr = 600; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 700; dragoon4_rr = 500; goliath4_rr = 500; mariner7_rr = 700; supermariner3_rr = 700; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 700; dragoon5_rr = 500; goliath5_rr = 500; supermariner4_rr = 700; supermariner5_rr = 700; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } if (enemycount < 3) { wraith1_rr = 900; wraith2_rr = 900; wraith3_rr = 900; wraith4_rr = 900; wraith5_rr = 900; corsair1_rr = 700; corsair2_rr = 700; corsair3_rr = 700; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 17)) { if (enemycount < 3) { corsair1_rr = 500; corsair2_rr = 500; corsair3_rr = 500; } else { corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 700; dragoon1_rr = 500; goliath1_rr = 500; mariner1_rr = 700; mariner2_rr = 700; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 700; dragoon2_rr = 500; goliath2_rr = 500; mariner3_rr = 700; supermariner1_rr = 500; siegetank_rr = 450; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 700; dragoon3_rr = 500; goliath3_rr = 500; mariner6_rr = 700; supermariner2_rr = 500; bombtank_rr = 600; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 700; dragoon4_rr = 500; goliath4_rr = 500; mariner7_rr = 700; supermariner3_rr = 700; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 700; dragoon5_rr = 500; goliath5_rr = 500; supermariner4_rr = 700; supermariner5_rr = 700; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 18)) { if (timer_ < 54) { if (enemycount < 4) { wraith1_rr = 600; wraith2_rr = 600; wraith3_rr = 600; wraith4_rr = 600; wraith5_rr = 600; corsair1_rr = 600; corsair2_rr = 600; corsair3_rr = 600; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } if (enemycount < 8) { mariner1_rr = 300; mariner2_rr = 300; mariner3_rr = 300; mariner6_rr = 300; mariner7_rr = 300; supermariner1_rr = 200; supermariner2_rr = 200; supermariner3_rr = 200; supermariner4_rr = 200; supermariner5_rr = 200; } else { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 54) and (timer_ < 57)) { ghost_rr = 10; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } else if (timer_ > 56) { ghost_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; archon3_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 19)) { ghost_rr = 4000; dragoon1_rr = 200; dragoon2_rr = 200; dragoon3_rr = 200; dragoon4_rr = 200; dragoon5_rr = 200; } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 20)) { if (timer_ < 30) { if (enemycount < 7) { mariner1_rr = 150; mariner2_rr = 150; mariner3_rr = 150; mariner6_rr = 150; mariner7_rr = 150; supermariner1_rr = 150; supermariner2_rr = 150; supermariner3_rr = 150; supermariner4_rr = 150; supermariner5_rr = 150; } else { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 30) and (timer_ < 35)) { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } else if ((timer_ > 35) and (timer_ < 75)) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 700; dragoon1_rr = 500; goliath1_rr = 500; mariner1_rr = 700; mariner2_rr = 700; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 700; dragoon2_rr = 500; goliath2_rr = 500; mariner3_rr = 700; supermariner1_rr = 500; siegetank_rr = 600; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 700; dragoon3_rr = 500; goliath3_rr = 500; mariner6_rr = 700; supermariner2_rr = 500; bombtank_rr = 600; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 700; dragoon4_rr = 500; goliath4_rr = 500; mariner7_rr = 700; supermariner3_rr = 700; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 700; dragoon5_rr = 500; goliath5_rr = 500; supermariner4_rr = 700; supermariner5_rr = 700; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } if (enemycount < 3) { wraith1_rr = 900; wraith2_rr = 900; wraith3_rr = 900; wraith4_rr = 900; wraith5_rr = 900; corsair1_rr = 700; corsair2_rr = 700; corsair3_rr = 700; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 75) and (timer_ < 80)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 80) and (timer_ < 85)) { if (enemycount < 7) { mariner1_rr = 100; mariner2_rr = 100; mariner3_rr = 100; mariner6_rr = 100; mariner7_rr = 100; supermariner1_rr = 100; supermariner2_rr = 100; supermariner3_rr = 100; supermariner4_rr = 100; supermariner5_rr = 100; } else { mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 85) and (timer_ < 90)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 90) and (timer_ < 92)) { corsair2_rr = 5; } else if ((timer_ > 92) and (timer_ < 95)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 95) and (timer_ < 125)) { if (wave_20_trigger != 1) { darkarchon_rr = 5; } if (darkarchon_alive eq 1) { wave_20_trigger = 1; darkarchon_rr = 0; } dragoon1_rr = 100; dragoon2_rr = 100; if ((ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) and (wave_20_trigger eq 1)) { dragoon3_rr = 100; } else { dragoon3_rr = 0; } dragoon4_rr = 100; dragoon5_rr = 100; } else if ((timer_ > 110) and (timer_ < 115)) { ghost_rr = 8; } else if ((timer_ > 115) and (timer_ < 125)) { ghost_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 250; corsair2_rr = 250; } else if ((timer_ > 125) and (timer_ < 130)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 130) and (timer_ < 140)) { mariner1_rr = 100; mariner2_rr = 100; mariner3_rr = 100; mariner6_rr = 100; mariner7_rr = 100; supermariner1_rr = 100; supermariner2_rr = 100; supermariner3_rr = 100; supermariner4_rr = 100; supermariner5_rr = 100; } else if ((timer_ > 140) and (timer_ < 145)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if (timer_ > 145) { dragoon1_rr = 100; dragoon2_rr = 100; if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { dragoon3_rr = 100; darkarchon_rr = 100; } else { dragoon3_rr = 0; darkarchon_rr = 0; } dragoon4_rr = 100; dragoon5_rr = 100; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 21)) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 600; dragoon1_rr = 500; goliath1_rr = 500; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 700; dragoon2_rr = 500; goliath2_rr = 500; siegetank_rr = 700; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 700; dragoon3_rr = 500; goliath3_rr = 500; bombtank_rr = 600; darkarchon_rr = 400; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 700; dragoon4_rr = 500; goliath4_rr = 500; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 700; dragoon5_rr = 500; goliath5_rr = 500; supermariner4_rr = 400; supermariner5_rr = 400; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } if (enemycount < 2) { wraith1_rr = 100; wraith2_rr = 100; wraith3_rr = 100; wraith4_rr = 200; wraith5_rr = 200; corsair1_rr = 200; corsair2_rr = 200; corsair3_rr = 200; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 22)) { if (timer_ < 10) { mariner1_rr = 100; mariner2_rr = 100; mariner3_rr = 100; mariner6_rr = 100; mariner7_rr = 100; supermariner1_rr = 100; supermariner2_rr = 100; supermariner3_rr = 100; supermariner4_rr = 100; supermariner5_rr = 100; } else if ((timer_ > 10) and (timer_ < 15)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 15) and (timer_ < 70)) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 600; dragoon1_rr = 500; goliath1_rr = 500; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 700; dragoon2_rr = 500; goliath2_rr = 500; siegetank_rr = 400; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 700; dragoon3_rr = 500; goliath3_rr = 500; bombtank_rr = 600; darkarchon_rr = 400; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 700; dragoon4_rr = 500; goliath4_rr = 500; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 700; dragoon5_rr = 500; goliath5_rr = 500; supermariner4_rr = 300; supermariner5_rr = 300; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } if (enemycount < 2) { wraith1_rr = 100; wraith2_rr = 100; wraith3_rr = 100; wraith4_rr = 200; wraith5_rr = 200; corsair1_rr = 200; corsair2_rr = 200; corsair3_rr = 200; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 70) and (timer_ < 76)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if (timer_ > 76) { dragoon1_rr = 30; dragoon2_rr = 30; dragoon3_rr = 30; dragoon4_rr = 30; dragoon5_rr = 30; if (wave_22_trigger != 1337) { battlecruiser_rr = 5; } else { battlecruiser_rr = 0; } if (battlecruiser_alive eq 1) { wave_22_trigger = 1337; } } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 23)) { if (timer_ < 5) { mariner1_rr = 100; mariner2_rr = 100; mariner3_rr = 100; mariner6_rr = 100; mariner7_rr = 100; supermariner1_rr = 100; supermariner2_rr = 100; supermariner3_rr = 100; supermariner4_rr = 100; supermariner5_rr = 100; } else if ((timer_ > 7) and (timer_ < 20)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 20) and (timer_ < 22)) { battlecruiser_rr = 4; corsair2_rr = 4; ghost_rr = 4; wraith1_rr = 4; wraith5_rr = 4; dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; dragoon3_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 22) and (timer_ < 39)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 39) and (timer_ < 41)) { wraith2_rr = 4; corsair2_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; wraith3_rr = 4; wraith4_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 41) and (timer_ < 54)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 54) and (timer_ < 56)) { dragoon1_rr = 4; siegetank_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 56) and (timer_ < 75)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 75) and (timer_ < 77)) { darkarchon_rr = 4; dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; archon2_rr = 4; archon4_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 77) and (timer_ < 95)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 95) and (timer_ < 105)) { mariner1_rr = 100; mariner2_rr = 100; mariner3_rr = 100; mariner6_rr = 100; mariner7_rr = 100; supermariner1_rr = 100; supermariner2_rr = 100; supermariner3_rr = 100; supermariner4_rr = 100; supermariner5_rr = 100; } else if ((timer_ > 105) and (timer_ < 110)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if (timer_ > 110) { dragoon1_rr = 15; dragoon2_rr = 15; dragoon3_rr = 15; dragoon4_rr = 15; dragoon5_rr = 15; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 24)) { if (timer_ < 50) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { goliath1_rr = 300; mariner1_rr = 200; mariner2_rr = 200; } else { goliath1_rr = 0; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { goliath2_rr = 300; mariner3_rr = 200; supermariner1_rr = 200; siegetank_rr = 500; } else { goliath2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { goliath3_rr = 300; mariner6_rr = 300; supermariner2_rr = 300; bombtank_rr = 500; } else { goliath3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { goliath4_rr = 300; mariner7_rr = 200; supermariner3_rr = 200; } else { goliath4_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { goliath5_rr = 300; supermariner4_rr = 200; supermariner5_rr = 200; } else { dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } if (enemycount < 4) { wraith1_rr = 900; wraith2_rr = 900; wraith3_rr = 900; wraith4_rr = 900; wraith5_rr = 900; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 50) and (timer_ < 60)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if (timer_ > 60) { dragoon1_rr = 8; dragoon2_rr = 8; dragoon3_rr = 8; dragoon4_rr = 8; dragoon5_rr = 8; } } if (((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 25)) and (brain_mode eq 1)) { if (timer_ < 30) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 400; dragoon1_rr = 400; goliath1_rr = 400; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 400; dragoon2_rr = 400; goliath2_rr = 400; siegetank_rr = 400; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 400; dragoon3_rr = 400; goliath3_rr = 400; bombtank_rr = 400; darkarchon_rr = 400; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 400; dragoon4_rr = 400; goliath4_rr = 400; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 400; dragoon5_rr = 400; goliath5_rr = 400; supermariner4_rr = 400; supermariner5_rr = 400; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 30) and (timer_ < 45)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 45) and (timer_ < 46)) { battlecruiser_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 46) and (timer_ < 47)) { battlecruiser_rr = 0; } else if ((timer_ > 48) and (timer_ < 49)) { dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; corsair1_rr = 4; corsair2_rr = 4; corsair3_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 49) and (timer_ < 70)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if (timer_ > 70) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 200; dragoon1_rr = 200; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 200; dragoon2_rr = 200; siegetank_rr = 200; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 200; dragoon3_rr = 200; darkarchon_rr = 200; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 200; dragoon4_rr = 200; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 200; dragoon5_rr = 200; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } } } if (((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 26)) and (brain_mode eq 1)) { if (timer_ < 1) { wraith1_rr = 4; wraith2_rr = 4; wraith3_rr = 4; wraith4_rr = 4; wraith5_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 1) and (timer_ < 2)) { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; battlecruiser_rr = 4; dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; corsair1_rr = 4; corsair2_rr = 4; corsair3_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 2) and (timer_ < 20)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 20) and (timer_ < 35)) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 300; dragoon1_rr = 300; goliath1_rr = 300; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 300; dragoon2_rr = 300; siegetank_rr = 300; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 300; dragoon3_rr = 250; darkarchon_rr = 650; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 300; dragoon4_rr = 300; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 300; dragoon5_rr = 300; supermariner5_rr = 200; supermariner4_rr = 200; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } if (enemycount < 3) { wraith1_rr = 400; wraith2_rr = 400; wraith3_rr = 400; wraith4_rr = 400; wraith5_rr = 400; corsair1_rr = 400; corsair2_rr = 400; corsair3_rr = 400; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 35) and (timer_ < 50)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 50) and (timer_ < 60)) { if (timer_ < 51) { ghost_rr = 4; } ghost_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 20; dragoon2_rr = 20; dragoon4_rr = 20; dragoon5_rr = 20; darkarchon_rr = 20; } else if ((timer_ > 60) and (timer_ < 70)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if (timer_ > 70) { if (timer_ > 99) { battlecruiser_rr = 4; } ghost_rr = 1200; dragoon1_rr = 300; dragoon2_rr = 300; dragoon3_rr = 300; dragoon4_rr = 300; dragoon5_rr = 300; if (enemycount < 4) { wraith1_rr = 400; wraith2_rr = 400; wraith3_rr = 400; wraith4_rr = 400; wraith5_rr = 400; corsair1_rr = 400; corsair2_rr = 400; corsair3_rr = 400; } else { wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; } } } if (((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 25)) and (spire_mode eq 1)) { if (timer_ < 15) { dragoon1_rr = 8; dragoon2_rr = 8; dragoon3_rr = 8; dragoon4_rr = 8; dragoon5_rr = 8; } else if ((timer_ > 15) and (timer_ < 25)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 25) and (timer_ < 26)) { battlecruiser_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 26) and (timer_ < 27)) { battlecruiser_rr = 0; } else if ((timer_ > 27) and (timer_ < 28)) { dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; corsair1_rr = 4; corsair2_rr = 4; corsair3_rr = 4; wraith2_rr = 4; wraith4_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 28) and (timer_ < 43)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 43) and (timer_ < 44)) { dragoon1_rr = 8; dragoon2_rr = 8; dragoon3_rr = 8; dragoon4_rr = 8; dragoon5_rr = 8; } else if ((timer_ > 44) and (timer_ < 54)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 54) and (timer_ < 63)) { mariner1_rr = 100; mariner2_rr = 100; mariner3_rr = 100; mariner6_rr = 100; mariner7_rr = 100; supermariner1_rr = 100; supermariner2_rr = 100; supermariner3_rr = 100; supermariner4_rr = 100; supermariner5_rr = 100; } else if ((timer_ > 63) and (timer_ < 70)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 70) and (timer_ < 85)) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 700; dragoon1_rr = 500; goliath1_rr = 500; mariner1_rr = 700; mariner2_rr = 700; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 700; dragoon2_rr = 500; goliath2_rr = 500; mariner3_rr = 700; supermariner1_rr = 500; siegetank_rr = 600; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 700; dragoon3_rr = 500; goliath3_rr = 500; mariner6_rr = 700; supermariner2_rr = 500; bombtank_rr = 800; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 700; dragoon4_rr = 500; goliath4_rr = 500; mariner7_rr = 700; supermariner3_rr = 700; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 700; dragoon5_rr = 500; goliath5_rr = 500; supermariner4_rr = 700; supermariner5_rr = 700; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 85) and (timer_ < 93)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 93) and (timer_ < 94)) { battlecruiser_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 94) and (timer_ < 95)) { battlecruiser_rr = 0; } else if ((timer_ > 95) and (timer_ < 96)) { dragoon1_rr = 4; siegetank_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; corsair1_rr = 4; wraith3_rr = 4; corsair3_rr = 4; wraith2_rr = 4; wraith4_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 96) and (timer_ < 98)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if (timer_ > 100) { dragoon1_rr = 40; dragoon2_rr = 40; dragoon3_rr = 40; dragoon4_rr = 40; dragoon5_rr = 40; if (timer_ < 101) { darkarchon_rr = 4; } else { darkarchon_rr = 0; } } } if (((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 26)) and (spire_mode eq 1)) { if (timer_ < 2) { dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; dragoon3_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; corsair2_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 2) and (timer_ < 9)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 9) and (timer_ < 10)) { dragoon1_rr = 4; siegetank_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; corsair1_rr = 4; wraith3_rr = 4; wraith1_rr = 4; wraith5_rr = 4; corsair3_rr = 4; wraith2_rr = 4; wraith4_rr = 4; battlecruiser_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 10) and (timer_ < 15)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 15) and (timer_ < 33)) { mariner1_rr = 100; mariner2_rr = 100; mariner3_rr = 100; mariner6_rr = 100; mariner7_rr = 100; supermariner1_rr = 100; supermariner2_rr = 100; supermariner3_rr = 100; supermariner4_rr = 100; supermariner5_rr = 100; } else if ((timer_ > 33) and (timer_ < 36)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 36) and (timer_ < 52)) { if (ground_enemy_row_1_occupied eq 0) { archon1_rr = 700; dragoon1_rr = 500; goliath1_rr = 500; mariner1_rr = 700; mariner2_rr = 700; } else { archon1_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_2_occupied eq 0) { archon2_rr = 700; dragoon2_rr = 500; goliath2_rr = 500; mariner3_rr = 700; supermariner1_rr = 500; siegetank_rr = 500; } else { archon2_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_3_occupied eq 0) { archon3_rr = 700; dragoon3_rr = 500; goliath3_rr = 500; mariner6_rr = 700; supermariner2_rr = 500; bombtank_rr = 500; } else { archon3_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_4_occupied eq 0) { archon4_rr = 700; dragoon4_rr = 500; goliath4_rr = 500; mariner7_rr = 700; supermariner3_rr = 700; } else { archon4_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; } if (ground_enemy_row_5_occupied eq 0) { archon5_rr = 700; dragoon5_rr = 500; goliath5_rr = 500; supermariner4_rr = 700; supermariner5_rr = 700; } else { archon5_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; } } else if ((timer_ > 52) and (timer_ < 57)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 57) and (timer_ < 66)) { dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; dragoon3_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; corsair2_rr = 120; if (timer_ > 63) { ghost_rr = 300; } } else if ((timer_ > 66) and (timer_ < 73)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 73) and (timer_ < 74)) { goliath1_rr = 4; archon2_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; archon4_rr = 4; goliath5_rr = 4; wraith2_rr = 4; wraith4_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 74) and (timer_ < 80)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 80) and (timer_ < 81)) { dragoon1_rr = 4; siegetank_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; corsair1_rr = 4; corsair2_rr = 4; wraith3_rr = 4; wraith1_rr = 4; wraith5_rr = 4; corsair3_rr = 4; wraith2_rr = 4; wraith4_rr = 4; battlecruiser_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 81) and (timer_ < 96)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if (timer_ > 96) { dragoon1_rr = 4; dragoon2_rr = 4; dragoon3_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; } } if ((onhold eq 0) and (wave eq 27)) { if (timer_ < 1) { wave_27_bloker = 1; siegetank_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; dragoon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; wraith2_rr = 4; wraith3_rr = 4; wraith4_rr = 4; battlecruiser_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 1) and (timer_ < 2)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 6) and (timer_ < 16)) { mariner1_rr = 200; mariner2_rr = 200; mariner3_rr = 200; mariner6_rr = 200; mariner7_rr = 200; supermariner1_rr = 200; supermariner2_rr = 200; supermariner3_rr = 200; supermariner4_rr = 200; supermariner5_rr = 200; } else if ((timer_ > 16) and (timer_ < 19)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if ((timer_ > 19) and (timer_ < 20)) { dragoon1_rr = 4; archon2_rr = 4; darkarchon_rr = 4; archon4_rr = 4; dragoon5_rr = 4; } else if ((timer_ > 21) and (timer_ < 22)) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } else if (timer_ > 22) { carier_rr = 4; } else if (timer_ > 24) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 1; } } if (sunken_1_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _x , "1200"); } if (sunken_2_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _x , "1200"); } if (sunken_3_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _x , "1200"); } if (sunken_4_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _x , "1200"); } if (spore_1_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.spore_1", _x , "1200"); } if (spore_2_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.spore_2", _x , "1200"); } if (spore_3_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.spore_3", _x , "1200"); } if (spore_4_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.spore_4", _x , "1200"); } if (defiler_1_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _x , "1200"); } if (defiler_2_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _x , "1200"); } if (defiler_3_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _x , "1200"); } if (defiler_4_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _x , "1200"); } if (hatchery_1_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _x , "1200"); } if (hatchery_2_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _x , "1200"); } if (hatchery_3_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _x , "1200"); } if (hatchery_4_installed eq 0) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _x , "1200"); } hatchery_1.number = 1; hatchery_2.number = 2; hatchery_3.number = 3; hatchery_4.number = 4; defiler_1.number = 1; defiler_2.number = 2; defiler_3.number = 3; defiler_4.number = 4; if (front_slot_1 eq "sunken1") { sunken_1.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "sunken2") { sunken_2.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "sunken3") { sunken_3.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "sunken4") { sunken_4.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "spore1") { spore_1.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "spore2") { spore_2.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "spore3") { spore_3.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "spore4") { spore_4.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "defiler1") { defiler_1.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "defiler2") { defiler_2.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "defiler3") { defiler_3.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "defiler4") { defiler_4.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "hatchery1") { hatchery_1.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "hatchery2") { hatchery_2.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "hatchery3") { hatchery_3.slot = "slot1"; } else if (front_slot_1 eq "hatchery4") { hatchery_4.slot = "slot1"; } if (front_slot_2 eq "sunken1") { sunken_1.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "sunken2") { sunken_2.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "sunken3") { sunken_3.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "sunken4") { sunken_4.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "spore1") { spore_1.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "spore2") { spore_2.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "spore3") { spore_3.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "spore4") { spore_4.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "defiler1") { defiler_1.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "defiler2") { defiler_2.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "defiler3") { defiler_3.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "defiler4") { defiler_4.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "hatchery1") { hatchery_1.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "hatchery2") { hatchery_2.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "hatchery3") { hatchery_3.slot = "slot2"; } else if (front_slot_2 eq "hatchery4") { hatchery_4.slot = "slot2"; } if (front_slot_3 eq "sunken1") { sunken_1.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "sunken2") { sunken_2.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "sunken3") { sunken_3.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "sunken4") { sunken_4.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "spore1") { spore_1.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "spore2") { spore_2.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "spore3") { spore_3.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "spore4") { spore_4.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "defiler1") { defiler_1.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "defiler2") { defiler_2.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "defiler3") { defiler_3.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "defiler4") { defiler_4.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "hatchery1") { hatchery_1.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "hatchery2") { hatchery_2.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "hatchery3") { hatchery_3.slot = "slot3"; } else if (front_slot_3 eq "hatchery4") { hatchery_4.slot = "slot3"; } if (front_slot_4 eq "sunken1") { sunken_1.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "sunken2") { sunken_2.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "sunken3") { sunken_3.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "sunken4") { sunken_4.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "spore1") { spore_1.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "spore2") { spore_2.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "spore3") { spore_3.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "spore4") { spore_4.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "defiler1") { defiler_1.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "defiler2") { defiler_2.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "defiler3") { defiler_3.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "defiler4") { defiler_4.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "hatchery1") { hatchery_1.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "hatchery2") { hatchery_2.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "hatchery3") { hatchery_3.slot = "slot4"; } else if (front_slot_4 eq "hatchery4") { hatchery_4.slot = "slot4"; } if ((((front_slot_1 eq "sunken1") or (front_slot_1 eq "sunken2")) or (front_slot_1 eq "sunken3")) or (front_slot_1 eq "sunken4")) { slot_1_hp = sunken_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_1 eq "spore1") or (front_slot_1 eq "spore2")) or (front_slot_1 eq "spore3")) or (front_slot_1 eq "spore4")) { slot_1_hp = spore_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_1 eq "defiler1") or (front_slot_1 eq "defiler2")) or (front_slot_1 eq "defiler3")) or (front_slot_1 eq "defiler4")) { slot_1_hp = defiler_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_1 eq "hatchery1") or (front_slot_1 eq "hatchery2")) or (front_slot_1 eq "hatchery3")) or (front_slot_1 eq "hatchery4")) { slot_1_hp = hatchery_hp_max; } if ((((front_slot_2 eq "sunken1") or (front_slot_2 eq "sunken2")) or (front_slot_2 eq "sunken3")) or (front_slot_2 eq "sunken4")) { slot_2_hp = sunken_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_2 eq "spore1") or (front_slot_2 eq "spore2")) or (front_slot_2 eq "spore3")) or (front_slot_2 eq "spore4")) { slot_2_hp = spore_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_2 eq "defiler1") or (front_slot_2 eq "defiler2")) or (front_slot_2 eq "defiler3")) or (front_slot_2 eq "defiler4")) { slot_2_hp = defiler_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_2 eq "hatchery1") or (front_slot_2 eq "hatchery2")) or (front_slot_2 eq "hatchery3")) or (front_slot_2 eq "hatchery4")) { slot_2_hp = hatchery_hp_max; } if ((((front_slot_3 eq "sunken1") or (front_slot_3 eq "sunken2")) or (front_slot_3 eq "sunken3")) or (front_slot_3 eq "sunken4")) { slot_3_hp = sunken_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_3 eq "spore1") or (front_slot_3 eq "spore2")) or (front_slot_3 eq "spore3")) or (front_slot_3 eq "spore4")) { slot_3_hp = spore_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_3 eq "defiler1") or (front_slot_3 eq "defiler2")) or (front_slot_3 eq "defiler3")) or (front_slot_3 eq "defiler4")) { slot_3_hp = defiler_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_3 eq "hatchery1") or (front_slot_3 eq "hatchery2")) or (front_slot_3 eq "hatchery3")) or (front_slot_3 eq "hatchery4")) { slot_3_hp = hatchery_hp_max; } if ((((front_slot_4 eq "sunken1") or (front_slot_4 eq "sunken2")) or (front_slot_4 eq "sunken3")) or (front_slot_4 eq "sunken4")) { slot_4_hp = sunken_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_4 eq "spore1") or (front_slot_4 eq "spore2")) or (front_slot_4 eq "spore3")) or (front_slot_4 eq "spore4")) { slot_4_hp = spore_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_4 eq "defiler1") or (front_slot_4 eq "defiler2")) or (front_slot_4 eq "defiler3")) or (front_slot_4 eq "defiler4")) { slot_4_hp = defiler_hp_max; } else if ((((front_slot_4 eq "hatchery1") or (front_slot_4 eq "hatchery2")) or (front_slot_4 eq "hatchery3")) or (front_slot_4 eq "hatchery4")) { slot_4_hp = hatchery_hp_max; } if ((front_slot_1 eq "defiler1") and (_root.defiler_1.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_1_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_1 eq "defiler2") and (_root.defiler_2.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_1_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_1 eq "defiler3") and (_root.defiler_3.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_1_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_1 eq "defiler4") and (_root.defiler_4.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_1_dmg = 0; } if ((front_slot_3 eq "defiler1") and (_root.defiler_1.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_3_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_3 eq "defiler2") and (_root.defiler_2.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_3_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_3 eq "defiler3") and (_root.defiler_3.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_3_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_3 eq "defiler4") and (_root.defiler_4.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_3_dmg = 0; } if ((front_slot_2 eq "defiler1") and (_root.defiler_1.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_2_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_2 eq "defiler2") and (_root.defiler_2.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_2_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_2 eq "defiler3") and (_root.defiler_3.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_2_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_2 eq "defiler4") and (_root.defiler_4.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_2_dmg = 0; } if ((front_slot_4 eq "defiler1") and (_root.defiler_1.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_4_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_4 eq "defiler2") and (_root.defiler_2.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_4_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_4 eq "defiler3") and (_root.defiler_3.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_4_dmg = 0; } else if ((front_slot_4 eq "defiler4") and (_root.defiler_4.core.immortal eq 1)) { slot_4_dmg = 0; } if (front_slot_1 eq 0) { slot_1_death = 0; slot_1_dmg = 0; } if (front_slot_2 eq 0) { slot_2_death = 0; slot_2_dmg = 0; } if (front_slot_3 eq 0) { slot_3_death = 0; slot_3_dmg = 0; } if (front_slot_4 eq 0) { slot_4_death = 0; slot_4_dmg = 0; } if ((slot_1_dmg >= slot_1_hp) and (front_slot_1 != 0)) { slot_1_death = 1; if ((((front_slot_1 != "defiler1") and (front_slot_1 != "defiler2")) and (front_slot_1 != "defiler3")) and (front_slot_1 != "defiler4")) { tellTarget ("_root.slot_1_dead_oshmetki") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } } if ((slot_2_dmg >= slot_2_hp) and (front_slot_2 != 0)) { slot_2_death = 1; if ((((front_slot_2 != "defiler1") and (front_slot_2 != "defiler2")) and (front_slot_2 != "defiler3")) and (front_slot_2 != "defiler4")) { tellTarget ("_root.slot_2_dead_oshmetki") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } } if ((slot_3_dmg >= slot_3_hp) and (front_slot_3 != 0)) { slot_3_death = 1; if ((((front_slot_3 != "defiler1") and (front_slot_3 != "defiler2")) and (front_slot_3 != "defiler3")) and (front_slot_3 != "defiler4")) { tellTarget ("_root.slot_3_dead_oshmetki") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } } if ((slot_4_dmg >= slot_4_hp) and (front_slot_4 != 0)) { slot_4_death = 1; if ((((front_slot_4 != "defiler1") and (front_slot_4 != "defiler2")) and (front_slot_4 != "defiler3")) and (front_slot_4 != "defiler4")) { tellTarget ("_root.slot_4_dead_oshmetki") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } } if (queennest_installed eq 0) { setProperty("queennest", _x , "1200"); } if (zergmound_installed eq 0) { setProperty("zergmound", _x , "1200"); } if (spire_installed eq 0) { setProperty("spire", _x , "1200"); } if (elderbrain_installed eq 0) { setProperty("elderbrain", _x , "1200"); } if (special_slot_1 eq "queennest") { queennest.slot = "special_slot1"; } else if (special_slot_1 eq "zergmound") { zergmound.slot = "special_slot1"; } else if (special_slot_1 eq "spire") { spire.slot = "special_slot1"; } else if (special_slot_1 eq "elderbrain") { elderbrain.slot = "special_slot1"; } if (special_slot_2 eq "queennest") { queennest.slot = "special_slot2"; } else if (special_slot_2 eq "zergmound") { zergmound.slot = "special_slot2"; } else if (special_slot_2 eq "spire") { spire.slot = "special_slot2"; } else if (special_slot_2 eq "elderbrain") { elderbrain.slot = "special_slot2"; } if (special_slot_3 eq "queennest") { queennest.slot = "special_slot3"; } else if (special_slot_3 eq "zergmound") { zergmound.slot = "special_slot3"; } else if (special_slot_3 eq "spire") { spire.slot = "special_slot3"; } else if (special_slot_3 eq "elderbrain") { elderbrain.slot = "special_slot3"; } if (special_slot_1 eq "queennest") { special_slot_1_hp = queennest_hp_max; } else if (special_slot_1 eq "zergmound") { special_slot_1_hp = zergmound_hp_max; } else if (special_slot_1 eq "spire") { special_slot_1_hp = spire_hp_max; } else if (special_slot_1 eq "elderbrain") { special_slot_1_hp = elderbrain_hp_max; } if (special_slot_2 eq "queennest") { special_slot_2_hp = queennest_hp_max; } else if (special_slot_2 eq "zergmound") { special_slot_2_hp = zergmound_hp_max; } else if (special_slot_2 eq "spire") { special_slot_2_hp = spire_hp_max; } else if (special_slot_2 eq "elderbrain") { special_slot_2_hp = elderbrain_hp_max; } if (special_slot_3 eq "queennest") { special_slot_3_hp = queennest_hp_max; } else if (special_slot_3 eq "zergmound") { special_slot_3_hp = zergmound_hp_max; } else if (special_slot_3 eq "spire") { special_slot_3_hp = spire_hp_max; } else if (special_slot_3 eq "elderbrain") { special_slot_3_hp = elderbrain_hp_max; } if (special_slot_1 eq 0) { special_slot_1_death = 0; special_slot_1_dmg = 0; } if (special_slot_2 eq 0) { special_slot_2_death = 0; special_slot_2_dmg = 0; } if (special_slot_3 eq 0) { special_slot_3_death = 0; special_slot_3_dmg = 0; } if ((special_slot_1_dmg >= special_slot_1_hp) and (special_slot_1 != 0)) { special_slot_1_death = 1; tellTarget ("_root.special_slot_1_dead_oshmetki") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } if ((special_slot_2_dmg >= special_slot_2_hp) and (special_slot_2 != 0)) { special_slot_2_death = 1; tellTarget ("_root.special_slot_2_dead_oshmetki") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } if ((special_slot_3_dmg >= special_slot_3_hp) and (special_slot_3 != 0)) { special_slot_3_death = 1; tellTarget ("_root.special_slot_3_dead_oshmetki") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } if (gotomenu eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("1"); gotomenu = 0; } else { gotoAndPlay (4); } if (gfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfg != 999999) { menu_objectives.gotoAndPlay(3); gfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfg = 999999 /* 0x0F423F */; } if (((((onhold eq 1) or (you_lose eq 1)) or (timer >= wave_length_in_seconds)) and (force_respawnrates != 1)) or (set_all_resprates_to_zero eq 1)) { if (c_mode_play != 1) { set_all_resprates_to_zero = 0; mariner1_rr = 0; mariner2_rr = 0; mariner3_rr = 0; mariner4_rr = 0; mariner5_rr = 0; mariner6_rr = 0; mariner7_rr = 0; mariner8_rr = 0; mariner9_rr = 0; mariner10_rr = 0; goliath1_rr = 0; goliath2_rr = 0; goliath3_rr = 0; goliath4_rr = 0; goliath5_rr = 0; supermariner1_rr = 0; supermariner2_rr = 0; supermariner3_rr = 0; supermariner4_rr = 0; supermariner5_rr = 0; ghost_rr = 0; bombtank_rr = 0; siegetank_rr = 0; battlecruiser_rr = 0; wraith1_rr = 0; wraith2_rr = 0; wraith3_rr = 0; wraith4_rr = 0; wraith5_rr = 0; dragoon1_rr = 0; dragoon2_rr = 0; dragoon3_rr = 0; dragoon4_rr = 0; dragoon5_rr = 0; archon1_rr = 0; archon2_rr = 0; archon3_rr = 0; archon4_rr = 0; archon5_rr = 0; darkarchon_rr = 0; corsair1_rr = 0; corsair2_rr = 0; corsair3_rr = 0; carier_rr = 0; } } if (loading eq 1337) { loading = 0; saveslot1 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot1"); saveslot2 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot2"); if (save_slot eq 1) { _root.wave =; _root.exp =; _root.lvl =; =; _root.skill_points =; _root.hp_regeneration_lvl =; _root.en_regeneration_lvl =; _root.power_dmg_lvl =; _root.damage_upgraded =; _root.hp_upgraded =; _root.shell_upgraded =; _root.marines_captured =; _root.marines_infested =; _root.spore_mines =; _root.temp_front_slot_1 =; _root.temp_front_slot_2 =; _root.temp_front_slot_3 =; _root.temp_front_slot_4 =; _root.temp_special_slot_1 =; _root.temp_special_slot_2 =; _root.temp_special_slot_3 =; _root.slot_1_dmg =; _root.slot_2_dmg =; _root.slot_3_dmg =; _root.slot_4_dmg =; _root.special_slot_1_dmg =; _root.special_slot_2_dmg =; _root.special_slot_3_dmg =; load_buildings = 1; } if (save_slot eq 2) { _root.wave =; _root.exp =; _root.lvl =; =; _root.skill_points =; _root.hp_regeneration_lvl =; _root.en_regeneration_lvl =; _root.power_dmg_lvl =; _root.damage_upgraded =; _root.hp_upgraded =; _root.shell_upgraded =; _root.marines_captured =; _root.marines_infested =; _root.spore_mines =; _root.temp_front_slot_1 =; _root.temp_front_slot_2 =; _root.temp_front_slot_3 =; _root.temp_front_slot_4 =; _root.temp_special_slot_1 =; _root.temp_special_slot_2 =; _root.temp_special_slot_3 =; _root.slot_1_dmg =; _root.slot_2_dmg =; _root.slot_3_dmg =; _root.slot_4_dmg =; _root.special_slot_1_dmg =; _root.special_slot_2_dmg =; _root.special_slot_3_dmg =; load_buildings = 1; } if (load_buildings eq 1) { load_buildings = 0; if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "hatchery1") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "hatchery1"; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; _root.hatchery_1_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "hatchery2") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "hatchery2"; _root.hatchery_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "hatchery3") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "hatchery3"; _root.hatchery_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "hatchery4") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "hatchery4"; _root.hatchery_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "defiler1") { setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _y , "111.5");; _root.front_slot_1 = "defiler1"; _root.defiler_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "defiler2") { setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _y , "111.5");; _root.front_slot_1 = "defiler2"; _root.defiler_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "defiler3") { setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _y , "111.5");; _root.front_slot_1 = "defiler3"; _root.defiler_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "defiler4") { setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _y , "111.5");; _root.front_slot_1 = "defiler4"; _root.defiler_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "spore1") { setProperty("_root.spore_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_1", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "spore1"; _root.spore_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "spore2") { setProperty("_root.spore_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_2", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "spore2"; _root.spore_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "spore3") { setProperty("_root.spore_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_3", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "spore3"; _root.spore_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "spore4") { setProperty("_root.spore_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_4", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "spore4"; _root.spore_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "sunken1") { setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "sunken1"; _root.sunken_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "sunken2") { setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "sunken2"; _root.sunken_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "sunken3") { setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "sunken3"; _root.sunken_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_1 eq "sunken4") { setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "sunken4"; _root.sunken_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_1 = 0; } if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "hatchery1") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "hatchery1"; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; _root.hatchery_1_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "hatchery2") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "hatchery2"; _root.hatchery_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "hatchery3") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "hatchery3"; _root.hatchery_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "hatchery4") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "hatchery4"; _root.hatchery_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "defiler1") { setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "defiler1"; _root.defiler_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "defiler2") { setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "defiler2"; _root.defiler_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "defiler3") { setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "defiler3"; _root.defiler_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "defiler4") { setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "defiler4"; _root.defiler_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "spore1") { setProperty("_root.spore_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_1", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "spore1"; _root.spore_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "spore2") { setProperty("_root.spore_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_2", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "spore2"; _root.spore_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "spore3") { setProperty("_root.spore_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_3", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "spore3"; _root.spore_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "spore4") { setProperty("_root.spore_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_4", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "spore4"; _root.spore_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "sunken1") { setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "sunken1"; _root.sunken_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "sunken2") { setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "sunken2"; _root.sunken_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "sunken3") { setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "sunken3"; _root.sunken_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_2 eq "sunken4") { setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "sunken4"; _root.sunken_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_2 = 0; } if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "hatchery1") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "hatchery1"; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; _root.hatchery_1_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "hatchery2") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "hatchery2"; _root.hatchery_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "hatchery3") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "hatchery3"; _root.hatchery_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "hatchery4") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "hatchery4"; _root.hatchery_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "defiler1") { setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "defiler1"; _root.defiler_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "defiler2") { setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "defiler2"; _root.defiler_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "defiler3") { setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "defiler3"; _root.defiler_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "defiler4") { setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "defiler4"; _root.defiler_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "spore1") { setProperty("_root.spore_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_1", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "spore1"; _root.spore_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "spore2") { setProperty("_root.spore_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_2", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "spore2"; _root.spore_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "spore3") { setProperty("_root.spore_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_3", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "spore3"; _root.spore_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "spore4") { setProperty("_root.spore_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_4", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "spore4"; _root.spore_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "sunken1") { setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "sunken1"; _root.sunken_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "sunken2") { setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "sunken2"; _root.sunken_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "sunken3") { setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "sunken3"; _root.sunken_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_3 eq "sunken4") { setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "sunken4"; _root.sunken_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_3 = 0; } if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "hatchery1") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "hatchery1"; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; _root.hatchery_1_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "hatchery2") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "hatchery2"; _root.hatchery_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "hatchery3") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "hatchery3"; _root.hatchery_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "hatchery4") { setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "hatchery4"; _root.hatchery_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "defiler1") { setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "defiler1"; _root.defiler_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "defiler2") { setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "defiler2"; _root.defiler_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "defiler3") { setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "defiler3"; _root.defiler_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "defiler4") { setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "defiler4"; _root.defiler_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "spore1") { setProperty("_root.spore_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_1", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "spore1"; _root.spore_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "spore2") { setProperty("_root.spore_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_2", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "spore2"; _root.spore_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "spore3") { setProperty("_root.spore_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_3", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "spore3"; _root.spore_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "spore4") { setProperty("_root.spore_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_4", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "spore4"; _root.spore_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "sunken1") { setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "sunken1"; _root.sunken_1_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "sunken2") { setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "sunken2"; _root.sunken_2_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "sunken3") { setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "sunken3"; _root.sunken_3_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } else if (_root.temp_front_slot_4 eq "sunken4") { setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "sunken4"; _root.sunken_4_installed = 1; _root.temp_front_slot_4 = 0; } if (_root.temp_special_slot_1 eq "queennest") { setProperty("_root.queennest", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.queennest", _y , "137"); tellTarget ("_root.queennest") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_1 = "queennest"; _root.temp_special_slot_1 = 0; _root.queennest_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_special_slot_1 eq "zergmound") { setProperty("_root.zergmound", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.zergmound", _y , "137"); tellTarget ("_root.zergmound") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_1 = "zergmound"; _root.temp_special_slot_1 = 0; _root.zergmound_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_special_slot_1 eq "spire") { setProperty("_root.spire", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.spire", _y , "137"); tellTarget ("_root.spire") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_1 = "spire"; _root.temp_special_slot_1 = 0; _root.spire_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_special_slot_1 eq "elderbrain") { setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _y , "137"); tellTarget ("_root.elderbrain") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_1 = "elderbrain"; _root.temp_special_slot_1 = 0; _root.elderbrain_installed = 1; } if (_root.temp_special_slot_2 eq "queennest") { setProperty("_root.queennest", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.queennest", _y , "323"); tellTarget ("_root.queennest") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_2 = "queennest"; _root.temp_special_slot_2 = 0; _root.queennest_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_special_slot_2 eq "zergmound") { setProperty("_root.zergmound", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.zergmound", _y , "323"); tellTarget ("_root.zergmound") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_2 = "zergmound"; _root.temp_special_slot_2 = 0; _root.zergmound_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_special_slot_2 eq "spire") { setProperty("_root.spire", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.spire", _y , "323"); tellTarget ("_root.spire") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_2 = "spire"; _root.temp_special_slot_2 = 0; _root.spire_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_special_slot_2 eq "elderbrain") { setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _y , "323"); tellTarget ("_root.elderbrain") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_2 = "elderbrain"; _root.temp_special_slot_2 = 0; _root.elderbrain_installed = 1; } if (_root.temp_special_slot_3 eq "queennest") { setProperty("_root.queennest", _x , "680"); setProperty("_root.queennest", _y , "282"); tellTarget ("_root.queennest") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_3 = "queennest"; _root.temp_special_slot_3 = 0; _root.queennest_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_special_slot_3 eq "zergmound") { setProperty("_root.zergmound", _x , "680"); setProperty("_root.zergmound", _y , "282"); tellTarget ("_root.zergmound") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_3 = "zergmound"; _root.temp_special_slot_3 = 0; _root.zergmound_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_special_slot_3 eq "spire") { setProperty("_root.spire", _x , "680"); setProperty("_root.spire", _y , "282"); tellTarget ("_root.spire") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_3 = "spire"; _root.temp_special_slot_3 = 0; _root.spire_installed = 1; } else if (_root.temp_special_slot_3 eq "elderbrain") { setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _x , "680"); setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _y , "282"); tellTarget ("_root.elderbrain") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_3 = "elderbrain"; _root.temp_special_slot_3 = 0; _root.elderbrain_installed = 1; } } }
Frame 7
Frame 9
restart_all_vars = "yes";
Frame 10
gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_return");
Frame 11
_root.secret_describe = 0; savedsecrets = SharedObject.getLocal("savedsecrets"); secret_unlocked_6 =; secret_unlocked_1 =; secret_unlocked_4 =; if (secret_unlocked_6 eq 1) { _root.secret_unlocked_6 = 1; } if (secret_unlocked_1 eq 1) { _root.secret_unlocked_1 = 1; } if (secret_unlocked_4 eq 1) { _root.secret_unlocked_4 = 1; }
Frame 12
stop(); secret_locker_1.number = 1; secret_locker_2.number = 2; secret_locker_3.number = 3; secret_locker_4.number = 4; secret_locker_5.number = 5; secret_locker_6.number = 6; secret_locker_7.number = 7;
Frame 13
if (_root.gotosecret_4 eq 1) { _root.gotosecret_4 = 0; gotoAndStop ("maze"); stopAllSounds(); }
Frame 15
if (gobacktomenu eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_return"); gobacktomenu = 0; }
Frame 16
gotoAndPlay (15);
Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (11);
Frame 25
square._alpha = 0; stop();
Instance of Symbol 5847 MovieClip "finishhh" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { wintest = _root.square.hitTest(_root.finishhh.hitzone); if (wintest eq "true") { play_ = 1; } }
Instance of Symbol 5866 MovieClip "darkness" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty(_root.darkness, _x , _root.square._x); setProperty(_root.darkness, _y , _root.square._y); }
Instance of Symbol 5869 MovieClip "maze" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { with (_root.square) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _y = _y + 2; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { _y = _y - 2; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { _x = _x - 2; } if (Key.isDown(39)) { _x = _x + 2; } if (walls.hitTest(getBounds(_root).xMax, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 2; } if (walls.hitTest(getBounds(_root).xMin, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 2; } if (walls.hitTest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) { _y = _y - 2; } if (walls.hitTest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMin, true)) { _y = _y + 2; } } }
Instance of Symbol 5941 MovieClip "broodling" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty(_root.broodling, _x , _root.square._x); setProperty(_root.broodling, _y , _root.square._y); if (Key.isDown(38) and Key.isDown(39)) { _root.broodling.gotoAndStop(2);; } else if (Key.isDown(40) and Key.isDown(39)) { _root.broodling.gotoAndStop(4);; } else if (Key.isDown(40) and Key.isDown(37)) { _root.broodling.gotoAndStop(6);; } else if (Key.isDown(38) and Key.isDown(37)) { _root.broodling.gotoAndStop(8);; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.broodling.gotoAndStop(1);; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.broodling.gotoAndStop(5);; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.broodling.gotoAndStop(7);; } else if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.broodling.gotoAndStop(3);; } else { _root.broodling.movement.stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 5947 MovieClip "sekretka" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty("_root.sekretka", _alpha , 0); _root.prohojdenie_test = _root.sekretka.hitTest(_root.square); if (_root.prohojdenie_test eq "true") { if ((((_root.zzzzzzzzzz eq 1) and (_root.aaaaaaaaaa eq 1)) and (_root.wwwwwwwwww eq 1)) and (_root.qqqqqqqqqq eq 1)) { _root.prohojdenie.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { _root.zzzzzzzzzz = 0; _root.aaaaaaaaaa = 0; _root.wwwwwwwwww = 0; _root.qqqqqqqqqq = 0; } }
Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (11);
Frame 31
startDrag ("_root.kursor", true); Mouse.hide(); stop();
Frame 32
Frame 33
Frame 34
Frame 35
startDrag ("_root.kursor", true); Mouse.hide();
Frame 144; stop(); kyda = 0; kudaidem = 0; c_mode = 0; tutorial_mode = 0; scenario_cheat = 0;
Instance of Symbol 6347 MovieClip in Frame 144
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty("aaaa", _rotation , aaaa._rotation - shesterenkarotation); if (sukablyapizdecnax14 != 22) { shesterenkarotation = 0; sukablyapizdecnax14 = 22; } if (shesterenkarotation < 0.5) { shesterenkarotation = shesterenkarotation + 0.01; } }
Frame 167
if ((kudaidem eq 3) or (tutorial_mode eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_off"); } else if (kudaidem eq 2) { gotoAndPlay ("newgame_menu"); } else if ((kudaidem eq 1) or (kudaidem eq 555)) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_off"); } else { play(); }
Frame 228
gotoAndPlay (144);
Frame 257
Frame 289
game_mode_describe = 0; savedsecrets = SharedObject.getLocal("savedsecrets"); construct_unlocked_ =; if (construct_unlocked_ eq 1) { construct_unlocked = 1; }
Frame 299
Frame 312
if (kyda eq 7331) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_return"); } else if (kyda eq 1337) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_off"); }
Frame 359
if ((kyda eq 1337) or (tutorial_mode eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (401); } else if (kudaidem eq 3) { gotoAndPlay (361); } else if (kudaidem eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (kudaidem eq 555) { gotoAndStop (482); } else { gotoAndStop (144); }
Frame 381; stop();
Frame 401
startDrag ("_root.kursor", true); Mouse.hide(); stopAllSounds(); startDrag ("_root.kursor", true); Mouse.hide();
Frame 412
background_loaded = 0;
Frame 481
if (background_loaded eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("startgame"); } else { gotoAndPlay (480); }
Frame 482; stop();
Symbol 26 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 38 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 45 Button
on (release) { _root.poexaliujeblya = 1; }
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.loaded_ eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 70 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 82 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 100 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 124 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.loaded_ eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 132 MovieClip Frame 2
PercentLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); if (longcatisloooo000ng != "wryyyyyyyy") { longcatisloooo000ng = "wryyyyyyyy"; dlinna = bar._width; } if (PercentLoaded >= 1) { _root.loaded_ = 1; } _root.bytesloaded.zagrujeno = _root.getBytesLoaded(); = _root.getBytesTotal(); setProperty("bar", _width , dlinna * PercentLoaded); gotoAndPlay (1);
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip in Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { setProperty("krutilka", _rotation , krutilka._rotation - (16 * _root.procentipreloadera)); }
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.procentipreloadera = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); migala.show_.procenti = Math.floor((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 186 Button
on (release) { hittest1 = _root.grand_explosion_maydrop_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if ((_root.overmind_en >= _root.grandexplosion_en_cost) and (hittest1 eq "true")) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.grandexplosion_en_cost; _root.power_in_hand = 0; setProperty("_root.grandexplosion", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.grandexplosion", _y , _root.kursor._y); tellTarget ("_root.grandexplosion") { play(); }; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.grandexplosion_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } else { _root.power_in_hand = 0; } }
Symbol 204 Button
on (release) { hittest1 = _root.grand_explosion_maydrop_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if ((_root.overmind_en >= _root.psystorm_en_cost) and (hittest1 eq "true")) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.psystorm_en_cost; _root.power_in_hand = 0; setProperty("_root.psy_storm", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.psy_storm", _y , _root.kursor._y); tellTarget ("_root.psy_storm") { play(); }; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.psystorm_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } else { _root.power_in_hand = 0; } }
Symbol 210 Button
on (press) { hittest1 = _root.grand_explosion_maydrop_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if ((_root.overmind_en >= _root.discharge_en_cost) and (hittest1 eq "true")) { go = 1; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.discharge_en_cost) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; _root.power_in_hand = 0; } else { _root.power_in_hand = 0; } }
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 2
if (go != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 4
if (go eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 6
if (go eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.discharge_en_cost;
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 9
if (go eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.discharge_en_cost_partial; if (_root.overmind_en <= 5) { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 11
if (go eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 13
go = 0;
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.power_in_hand = 0;
Symbol 234 Button
on (release) { hittest1 = _root.grand_explosion_maydrop_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if ((_root.overmind_en >= _root.implosion_en_cost) and (hittest1 eq "true")) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.implosion_en_cost; _root.power_in_hand = 0; setProperty("_root.implosion", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.implosion", _y , _root.kursor._y); tellTarget ("_root.implosion") { play(); }; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.implosion_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } else { _root.power_in_hand = 0; } }
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(20) eq 3) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 245 Button
on (release) { hittest1 = _root.grand_explosion_maydrop_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if ((_root.overmind_en >= _root.truesight_en_cost) and (hittest1 eq "true")) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.truesight_en_cost; _root.power_in_hand = 0; setProperty("_root.truesight", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.truesight", _y , _root.kursor._y); tellTarget ("_root.truesight") { play(); }; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.truesight_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } else { _root.power_in_hand = 0; } }
Symbol 288 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.queen_glotaet = 0;
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.queen_glotaet eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.queen_glotaet eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 303 Button
on (release) { hittest2 = _root.infested_deploy_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if ((hittest2 eq "true") and (_root.infested_terran_1_installed eq 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.infested_terran_1_installed = 1; _root.snd_infested.play_ = 1; setProperty("_root.infested_terran_1", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.infested_terran_1", _y , _root.kursor._y); } else if ((hittest2 eq "true") and (_root.infested_terran_2_installed eq 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.infested_terran_2_installed = 1; _root.snd_infested.play_ = 1; setProperty("_root.infested_terran_2", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.infested_terran_2", _y , _root.kursor._y); } else if ((hittest2 eq "true") and (_root.infested_terran_3_installed eq 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.infested_terran_3_installed = 1; _root.snd_infested.play_ = 1; setProperty("_root.infested_terran_3", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.infested_terran_3", _y , _root.kursor._y); } else if ((hittest2 eq "true") and (_root.infested_terran_4_installed eq 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.infested_terran_4_installed = 1; _root.snd_infested.play_ = 1; setProperty("_root.infested_terran_4", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.infested_terran_4", _y , _root.kursor._y); } else if ((hittest2 eq "true") and (_root.infested_terran_5_installed eq 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.infested_terran_5_installed = 1; _root.snd_infested.play_ = 1; setProperty("_root.infested_terran_5", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.infested_terran_5", _y , _root.kursor._y); } else if (hittest2 eq "false") { _root.power_in_hand = 0; tellTarget ("_root.snd_negative") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 320 Button
on (release) { hittest2 = _root.mines_deploy_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if ((hittest2 eq "true") and (_root.spore_mine_1_installed eq 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.spore_mine_1_installed = 1; setProperty("_root.spore_mine_1", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.spore_mine_1", _y , _root.kursor._y); tellTarget ("_root.spore_mine_1") { play(); }; } else if ((hittest2 eq "true") and (_root.spore_mine_2_installed eq 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.spore_mine_2_installed = 1; setProperty("_root.spore_mine_2", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.spore_mine_2", _y , _root.kursor._y); tellTarget ("_root.spore_mine_2") { play(); }; } else if ((hittest2 eq "true") and (_root.spore_mine_3_installed eq 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.spore_mine_3_installed = 1; setProperty("_root.spore_mine_3", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.spore_mine_3", _y , _root.kursor._y); tellTarget ("_root.spore_mine_3") { play(); }; } else if ((hittest2 eq "true") and (_root.spore_mine_4_installed eq 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.spore_mine_4_installed = 1; setProperty("_root.spore_mine_4", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.spore_mine_4", _y , _root.kursor._y); tellTarget ("_root.spore_mine_4") { play(); }; } else if (hittest2 eq "false") { _root.power_in_hand = 0; tellTarget ("_root.snd_negative") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 332 Button
on (release) { hittest_f_slot_1 = _root.zone_front_slot_1.hitTest(hitzone); hittest_f_slot_2 = _root.zone_front_slot_2.hitTest(hitzone); hittest_f_slot_3 = _root.zone_front_slot_3.hitTest(hitzone); hittest_f_slot_4 = _root.zone_front_slot_4.hitTest(hitzone); hittest_s_slot_1 = _root.zone_special_slot_1.hitTest(hitzone); hittest_s_slot_2 = _root.zone_special_slot_2.hitTest(hitzone); hittest_s_slot_3 = _root.zone_special_slot_3.hitTest(hitzone); hittest_overmind = _root.zone_overmind.hitTest(hitzone); if (_root.overmind_en >= _root.healing_en_cost) { if ((hittest_f_slot_1 eq "true") and (_root.front_slot_1 != 0)) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.healing_en_cost; _root.slot_1_dmg = _root.slot_1_dmg - _root.healing_dmg; tellTarget ("snd") { play(); }; } else if ((hittest_f_slot_2 eq "true") and (_root.front_slot_2 != 0)) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.healing_en_cost; _root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg - _root.healing_dmg; tellTarget ("snd") { play(); }; } else if ((hittest_f_slot_3 eq "true") and (_root.front_slot_3 != 0)) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.healing_en_cost; _root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg - _root.healing_dmg; tellTarget ("snd") { play(); }; } else if ((hittest_f_slot_4 eq "true") and (_root.front_slot_4 != 0)) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.healing_en_cost; _root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg - _root.healing_dmg; tellTarget ("snd") { play(); }; } else if ((hittest_s_slot_1 eq "true") and (_root.special_slot_1 != 0)) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.healing_en_cost; _root.special_slot_1_dmg = _root.special_slot_1_dmg - _root.healing_dmg; tellTarget ("snd") { play(); }; } else if ((hittest_s_slot_2 eq "true") and (_root.special_slot_2 != 0)) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.healing_en_cost; _root.special_slot_2_dmg = _root.special_slot_2_dmg - _root.healing_dmg; tellTarget ("snd") { play(); }; } else if ((hittest_s_slot_3 eq "true") and (_root.special_slot_3 != 0)) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.healing_en_cost; _root.special_slot_3_dmg = _root.special_slot_3_dmg - _root.healing_dmg; tellTarget ("snd") { play(); }; } else if (hittest_overmind eq "true") { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.healing_en_cost; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp + _root.healing_dmg; tellTarget ("snd") { play(); }; } else { _root.power_in_hand = 0; } } else { _root.power_in_hand = 0; tellTarget ("_root.snd_negative") { play(); }; } }
Symbol 339 Button
on (release) { hittest1 = _root.grand_explosion_maydrop_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if ((_root.overmind_en >= _root.elysium_tear_en_cost) and (hittest1 eq "true")) { _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.elysium_tear_en_cost; _root.power_in_hand = 0; setProperty("_root.elysium_tear", _x , _root.kursor._x); setProperty("_root.elysium_tear", _y , _root.kursor._y); tellTarget ("_root.elysium_tear") { play(); }; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.elysium_tear_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } else { _root.power_in_hand = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 348 MovieClip "kursor" in Symbol 349 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.build_what eq "sunken") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.build_what eq "spore") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.build_what eq "defiler") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (_root.build_what eq "hatchery") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 3) { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 4) { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 5) { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (_root.build_what eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (_root.build_what eq "destroy") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 6) { gotoAndPlay (25); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 7) { gotoAndPlay (27); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 8) { gotoAndPlay (29); } else if (_root.build_what eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (31); } else if (_root.build_what eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (33); } else if (_root.build_what eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (35); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 9) { gotoAndPlay (37); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 10) { gotoAndPlay (39); } else if (_root.power_in_hand eq 15) { gotoAndPlay (41); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 354 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 10
savedsecrets = SharedObject.getLocal("savedsecrets"); = 1;
Symbol 383 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 388 Button
on (release) { _root.gotomenu = 1; }
Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.tassadar_has_died != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 389 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.you_lose eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 420 Button
on (release) { _root.tutorialz.gotoAndStop(16); }
Symbol 425 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 446 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 452 MovieClip Frame 1 = "build";
Symbol 457 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 1 = "upgrade";
Symbol 504 MovieClip Frame 1 = "info";
Symbol 513 MovieClip Frame 1 = "lvlup";
Symbol 648 MovieClip Frame 1 = "upgrade";
Symbol 666 MovieClip Frame 1 = "overmind";
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 1 = "queen";
Symbol 756 MovieClip Frame 1 = "mound";
Instance of Symbol 840 MovieClip in Symbol 842 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 847 MovieClip in Symbol 848 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 867 MovieClip in Symbol 868 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 896 MovieClip in Symbol 898 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 914 MovieClip in Symbol 915 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 979 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 984 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (14); }
Symbol 989 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (13); }
Symbol 994 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 999 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (11); }
Symbol 1004 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (10); }
Symbol 1009 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (9); }
Symbol 1014 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 1019 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (7); }
Symbol 1024 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (6); }
Symbol 1029 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 1034 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1039 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1046 Button
on (release) { _root.gotomenu = 1; }
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.tutorial_mode != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndStop (16); }
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 5
if ( != "build") { = 1; = "build"; }; = 0; _root.lvl = 7;
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 6
if ( != "build") { = 1; = "build"; }; = 0; _root.lvl = 7;
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 7
if ( != "overmind") { = 1; = "overmind"; }; = 0; _root.lvl = 7;
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 8
if ( != "overmind") { = 1; = "overmind"; }; = 0; _root.lvl = 7; _root.skill_points = 7;
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 9
if ( != "overmind") { = 1; = "overmind"; }; = 0; _root.lvl = 7; _root.skill_points = 7;
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 10
if ( != "powers") { = 1; = "powers"; }; = 0; _root.lvl = 8; _root.skill_points = 7;
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 11
if ( != "powers") { = 1; = "powers"; }; = 0; _root.lvl = 8; _root.skill_points = 7; _root.queennest_installed = 1;
Instance of Symbol 752 MovieClip in Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 12
if ( != "powers") { = 1; = "powers"; }; = 0; _root.lvl = 8; _root.skill_points = 7; _root.zergmound_installed = 1;
Symbol 1047 MovieClip Frame 13
if ( != "build") { = 1; = "build"; }; = 0; _root.lvl = 7;
Symbol 1054 MovieClip Frame 1
if (yiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiff != 1) { yiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiff = 1; a = 0; } hittest = test.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { if (a < 3) { a = a + 0.1; } } else if (a > 0) { a = a - 0.1; } else { a = 0; } setProperty("shesterenka", _rotation , shesterenka._rotation + a);
Symbol 1054 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 1
if (yiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiff != 1) { yiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiff = 1; a = 0; } hittest = test.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { if (a < 10) { a = a + 0.5; } } else if (a > 0) { a = a - 0.2; } else { a = 0; } setProperty("krutilka", _rotation , krutilka._rotation - a);
Symbol 1059 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1158 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 1161 Button
on (release) { play(); action = 2; }
Symbol 1162 Button
on (release) { play(); action = 1; }
Symbol 1163 MovieClip Frame 2
action = 0;
Symbol 1163 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 1163 MovieClip Frame 38
if (action eq 1) { tellTarget ("_root.menu_objectives") { gotoAndStop (2); _root.onhold = 0; }; } else if (action eq 2) { tellTarget ("_root.menu_objectives") { gotoAndPlay (3); }; }
Symbol 1186 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1207 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1210 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 1211 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.save_slot = 1; stop();
Symbol 1211 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.save_slot = 2; stop();
Symbol 1218 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1223 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1223 MovieClip Frame 8
saveslot1 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot1"); saveslot2 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot2"); if (_root.save_slot eq 1) { = 1; = _root.wave; = _root.exp; = _root.lvl; =; = _root.skill_points; = _root.hp_regeneration_lvl; = _root.en_regeneration_lvl; = _root.power_dmg_lvl; = _root.damage_upgraded; = _root.hp_upgraded; = _root.shell_upgraded; = _root.marines_captured; = _root.marines_infested; = _root.spore_mines; = _root.front_slot_1; = _root.front_slot_2; = _root.front_slot_3; = _root.front_slot_4; = _root.special_slot_1; = _root.special_slot_2; = _root.special_slot_3; = _root.slot_1_dmg; = _root.slot_2_dmg; = _root.slot_3_dmg; = _root.slot_4_dmg; = _root.special_slot_1_dmg; = _root.special_slot_2_dmg; = _root.special_slot_3_dmg; } else if (_root.save_slot eq 2) { = 1; = _root.wave; = _root.exp; = _root.lvl; =; = _root.skill_points; = _root.hp_regeneration_lvl; = _root.en_regeneration_lvl; = _root.power_dmg_lvl; = _root.damage_upgraded; = _root.hp_upgraded; = _root.shell_upgraded; = _root.marines_captured; = _root.marines_infested; = _root.spore_mines; = _root.front_slot_1; = _root.front_slot_2; = _root.front_slot_3; = _root.front_slot_4; = _root.special_slot_1; = _root.special_slot_2; = _root.special_slot_3; = _root.slot_1_dmg; = _root.slot_2_dmg; = _root.slot_3_dmg; = _root.slot_4_dmg; = _root.special_slot_1_dmg; = _root.special_slot_2_dmg; = _root.special_slot_3_dmg; }
Symbol 1223 MovieClip Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 1221 MovieClip in Symbol 1223 MovieClip Frame 16
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); }
Symbol 1312 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1401 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 840 MovieClip in Symbol 1401 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 752 MovieClip in Symbol 1401 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 767 MovieClip in Symbol 1401 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 1408 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 1416 Button
on (press) { _root.showkakuyuinfu = 7; }
Symbol 1418 Button
on (press) { _root.showkakuyuinfu = 8; }
Symbol 1420 Button
on (press) { _root.showkakuyuinfu = 6; }
Symbol 1422 Button
on (press) { _root.showkakuyuinfu = 5; }
Symbol 1425 Button
on (press) { _root.showkakuyuinfu = 4; }
Symbol 1427 Button
on (press) { _root.showkakuyuinfu = 3; }
Symbol 1429 Button
on (press) { _root.showkakuyuinfu = 2; }
Symbol 1432 Button
on (press) { _root.showkakuyuinfu = 1; }
Symbol 1439 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1440 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); _root.showkakuyuinfu = 0;
Instance of Symbol 1305 MovieClip in Symbol 1440 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wave eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if (_root.wave eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.wave eq 3) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if (_root.wave eq 4) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.wave eq 5) { gotoAndPlay (6); } else if (_root.wave eq 6) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (_root.wave eq 7) { gotoAndPlay (8); } else if (_root.wave eq 8) { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (_root.wave eq 9) { gotoAndPlay (10); } else if (_root.wave eq 10) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (_root.wave eq 11) { gotoAndPlay (12); } else if (_root.wave eq 12) { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (_root.wave eq 13) { gotoAndPlay (14); } else if (_root.wave eq 14) { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (_root.wave eq 15) { gotoAndPlay (16); } else if (_root.wave eq 16) { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (_root.wave eq 17) { gotoAndPlay (18); } else if (_root.wave eq 18) { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (_root.wave eq 19) { gotoAndPlay (20); } else if (_root.wave eq 20) { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (_root.wave eq 21) { gotoAndPlay (22); } else if (_root.wave eq 22) { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (_root.wave eq 23) { gotoAndPlay (24); } else if (_root.wave eq 24) { gotoAndPlay (25); } else if (_root.wave eq 25) { gotoAndPlay (26); } else if (_root.wave eq 26) { gotoAndPlay (27); } else if (_root.wave eq 27) { gotoAndPlay (28); } else if (_root.wave eq 28) { gotoAndPlay (29); } else if (_root.wave eq 29) { gotoAndPlay (30); } else if (_root.wave eq 30) { gotoAndPlay (31); } }
Symbol 1440 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 1401 MovieClip in Symbol 1440 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.showkakuyuinfu eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if (_root.showkakuyuinfu eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.showkakuyuinfu eq 3) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if (_root.showkakuyuinfu eq 4) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.showkakuyuinfu eq 5) { gotoAndPlay (6); } else if (_root.showkakuyuinfu eq 6) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (_root.showkakuyuinfu eq 7) { gotoAndPlay (8); } else if (_root.showkakuyuinfu eq 8) { gotoAndPlay (9); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Symbol 1446 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1446 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.disable_lower_menubar = 1;
Symbol 1446 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 1446 MovieClip Frame 44
_root.disable_lower_menubar = 0;
Symbol 1451 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1462 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); }
Symbol 1467 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); }
Symbol 1472 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 1495 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 1518 Button
on (release) { _root.c_mode_nocollisions = 0; }
Symbol 1521 Button
on (release) { _root.c_mode_nocollisions = 1; }
Symbol 1531 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 1534 Button
on (release) { prevFrame(); }
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 1
rr = 1000; stop();
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 2
rr = 1;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 3
rr = 2;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 4
rr = 3;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 5
rr = 4;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 6
rr = 5;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 7
rr = 6;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 8
rr = 7;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 9
rr = 8;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 10
rr = 9;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 11
rr = 10;
Symbol 1537 MovieClip Frame 12
rr = 11;
Symbol 1543 Button
on (release) { if (a > 1) { a = a - 1; } }
Symbol 1547 Button
on (release) { if (a < 8) { a = a + 1; } }
Symbol 1549 Button
on (release) { if (cash > 0) { cash = cash - 5000; } }
Symbol 1551 Button
on (release) { if (cash < 100000) { cash = cash + 5000; } }
Symbol 1561 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1564 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); a = 0;
Symbol 1564 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); a = 1;
Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1522 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.c_mode_nocollisions eq 1) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 1538 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (checkoutside != 1337) { checkoutside = 1337; if (_root.c_mode_mariner_rr_modifier != 1000) { mariner.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_mariner_rr_modifier + 1); } else { mariner.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_supermariner_rr_modifier != 1000) { supermariner.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_supermariner_rr_modifier + 1); } else { supermariner.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_goliath_rr_modifier != 1000) { goliath.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_goliath_rr_modifier + 1); } else { goliath.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_ghost_rr_modifier != 1000) { ghost.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_ghost_rr_modifier + 1); } else { ghost.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_bombtank_rr_modifier != 1000) { bombtank.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_bombtank_rr_modifier + 1); } else { bombtank.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_siegetank_rr_modifier != 1000) { siegetank.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_siegetank_rr_modifier + 1); } else { siegetank.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_wraith_rr_modifier != 1000) { wraith.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_wraith_rr_modifier + 1); } else { wraith.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_battlecruiser_rr_modifier != 1000) { battlecruiser.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_battlecruiser_rr_modifier + 1); } else { battlecruiser.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_dragoon_rr_modifier != 1000) { dragoon.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_dragoon_rr_modifier + 1); } else { dragoon.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_archon_rr_modifier != 1000) { archon.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_archon_rr_modifier + 1); } else { archon.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_darkarchon_rr_modifier != 1000) { darkarchon.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_darkarchon_rr_modifier + 1); } else { darkarchon.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.c_mode_corsair_rr_modifier != 1000) { corsair.gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_corsair_rr_modifier + 1); } else { corsair.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (checkoutside eq 1337) { _root.c_mode_mariner_rr_modifier = mariner.rr; _root.c_mode_supermariner_rr_modifier = supermariner.rr; _root.c_mode_goliath_rr_modifier = goliath.rr; _root.c_mode_ghost_rr_modifier = ghost.rr; _root.c_mode_bombtank_rr_modifier = bombtank.rr; _root.c_mode_siegetank_rr_modifier = siegetank.rr; _root.c_mode_wraith_rr_modifier = wraith.rr; _root.c_mode_battlecruiser_rr_modifier = battlecruiser.rr; _root.c_mode_dragoon_rr_modifier = dragoon.rr; _root.c_mode_archon_rr_modifier = archon.rr; _root.c_mode_darkarchon_rr_modifier = darkarchon.rr; _root.c_mode_corsair_rr_modifier = corsair.rr; } }
Instance of Symbol 1548 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy != 333333) { yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy = 333333 /* 0x051615 */; a = _root.skill_points; } else { _root.skill_points = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1548 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy != 333333) { yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy = 333333 /* 0x051615 */; a = _root.lvl; } else { _root.lvl = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1552 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yifffff != 555) { yifffff = 555; cash =; } else { = cash; } if (cash < 0) { cash = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_defiler + 1); } else { _root.c_mode_defiler = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_invul_build + 1); } else { _root.c_mode_invul_build = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_invul_over + 1); } else { _root.c_mode_invul_over = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_unlim_sp + 1); } else { _root.c_mode_unlim_sp = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 1565 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.c_mode_unlim_cash + 1); } else { _root.c_mode_unlim_cash = a; } }
Symbol 1576 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 1577 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (5); _root.c_mode_play = 1; }
Symbol 1583 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1590 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.c_mode != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1590 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); _root.disable_lower_menubar = 1;
Symbol 1590 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.disable_lower_menubar = 0;
Symbol 1590 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.disable_lower_menubar = 0; stop();
Symbol 1590 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao = 1; _root.c_mode_play = 0; _root.power_in_hand = 0; _root.build_what = 0;
Symbol 1590 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao = 0;
Symbol 1590 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 1597 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1606 MovieClip Frame 1
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; exp = _root.exp; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * exp) / _root.exp_max); raznica = exp - _root.exp; if ((raznica >= 500) or (raznica <= -500)) { a = 50; } else if (((raznica >= 300) and (raznica < 500)) or ((raznica <= -300) and (raznica > -500))) { a = 25; } else if (((raznica >= 100) and (raznica < 300)) or ((raznica <= -100) and (raznica > -300))) { a = 15; } else if (((raznica >= 50) and (raznica < 100)) or ((raznica <= -50) and (raznica > -100))) { a = 5; } else if (((raznica >= 10) and (raznica < 50)) or ((raznica <= -10) and (raznica > -50))) { a = 2; } else if (((raznica >= 1) and (raznica < 10)) or ((raznica <= -1) and (raznica > -10))) { a = 1; } else if (((raznica > 0) and (raznica < 1)) or ((raznica < 0) and (raznica > -1))) { a = 0; } if (_root.exp > exp) { exp = exp + a; } else if (_root.exp < exp) { exp = exp - a; } if (exp > _root.exp_max) { exp = _root.exp_max; }
Symbol 1606 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1609 MovieClip Frame 1
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; en = _root.overmind_en; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * en) / _root.overmind_en_max); raznica = en - _root.overmind_en; if ((raznica >= 1000) or (raznica <= -1000)) { a = 150; } else if (((raznica >= 500) and (raznica < 1000)) or ((raznica <= -500) and (raznica > -1000))) { a = 50; a = 50; } else if (((raznica >= 300) and (raznica < 500)) or ((raznica <= -300) and (raznica > -500))) { a = 25; } else if (((raznica >= 100) and (raznica < 300)) or ((raznica <= -100) and (raznica > -300))) { a = 15; } else if (((raznica >= 50) and (raznica < 100)) or ((raznica <= -50) and (raznica > -100))) { a = 5; } else if (((raznica >= 10) and (raznica < 50)) or ((raznica <= -10) and (raznica > -50))) { a = 2; } else if (((raznica >= 1) and (raznica < 10)) or ((raznica <= -1) and (raznica > -10))) { a = 1; } else if (((raznica > 0) and (raznica < 1)) or ((raznica < 0) and (raznica > -1))) { a = 0; } if (_root.overmind_en > en) { en = en + a; } else if (_root.overmind_en < en) { en = en - a; } if (en > 1000) { en = 1000; }
Symbol 1609 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1616 MovieClip Frame 1
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; hp = _root.overmind_hp; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / _root.overmind_hp_max); raznica = hp - _root.overmind_hp; if ((raznica >= 1000) or (raznica <= -1000)) { a = 150; } else if (((raznica >= 500) and (raznica < 1000)) or ((raznica <= -500) and (raznica > -1000))) { a = 50; } else if (((raznica >= 300) and (raznica < 500)) or ((raznica <= -300) and (raznica > -500))) { a = 25; } else if (((raznica >= 100) and (raznica < 300)) or ((raznica <= -100) and (raznica > -300))) { a = 15; } else if (((raznica >= 50) and (raznica < 100)) or ((raznica <= -50) and (raznica > -100))) { a = 5; } else if (((raznica >= 10) and (raznica < 50)) or ((raznica <= -10) and (raznica > -50))) { a = 2; } else if (((raznica >= 1) and (raznica < 10)) or ((raznica <= -1) and (raznica > -10))) { a = 1; } else if (((raznica > 0) and (raznica < 1)) or ((raznica < 0) and (raznica > -1))) { a = 0; } if (_root.overmind_hp > hp) { hp = hp + a; } else if (_root.overmind_hp < hp) { hp = hp - a; } if (hp > _root.overmind_hp_max) { hp = _root.overmind_hp_max; }
Symbol 1616 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1620 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("shesterenka", _rotation , shesterenka._rotation + a);
Symbol 1620 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1629 MovieClip Frame 1
if (renew != 1) { renew = 1; boost = 6000; } if (boost < 0) { boost = 0; } indicator.boost = boost; regen_rate = 5; if ((((((((_root.slot_1_dmg + _root.slot_2_dmg) + _root.slot_3_dmg) + _root.slot_4_dmg) + _root.special_slot_1_dmg) + _root.special_slot_2_dmg) + _root.special_slot_3_dmg) > 0) or (_root.overmind_hp < _root.overmind_hp_max)) { krutilka.a = 1; } else { krutilka.a = 0; } if (boost > 0) { if (_root.overmind_hp < _root.overmind_hp_max) { _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp + regen_rate; boost = boost - regen_rate; } if (_root.slot_1_dmg > 0) { _root.slot_1_dmg = _root.slot_1_dmg - regen_rate; boost = boost - regen_rate; } if (_root.slot_2_dmg > 0) { _root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg - regen_rate; boost = boost - regen_rate; } if (_root.slot_3_dmg > 0) { _root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg - regen_rate; boost = boost - regen_rate; } if (_root.slot_4_dmg > 0) { _root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg - regen_rate; boost = boost - regen_rate; } if (_root.special_slot_1_dmg > 0) { _root.special_slot_1_dmg = _root.special_slot_1_dmg - regen_rate; boost = boost - regen_rate; } if (_root.special_slot_2_dmg > 0) { _root.special_slot_2_dmg = _root.special_slot_2_dmg - regen_rate; boost = boost - regen_rate; } if (_root.special_slot_3_dmg > 0) { _root.special_slot_3_dmg = _root.special_slot_3_dmg - regen_rate; boost = boost - regen_rate; } }
Symbol 1629 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1630 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); operating = 0; stop();
Symbol 1630 MovieClip Frame 2
operating = 1; if (renew eq 1) { renew = 0; regenbooster.renew = 1337; }
Symbol 1630 MovieClip Frame 3
if (regenbooster.boost <= 0) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 1635 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1637 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1638 MovieClip Frame 1
on_ = 0;
Symbol 1638 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.tutorial_mode eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1638 MovieClip Frame 3
on_ = 1;
Symbol 1638 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); on_ = 1;
Symbol 1638 MovieClip Frame 6
on_ = 0; stop();
Symbol 1644 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 1648 Button
on (release) { _root.gotomenu = 1; }
Symbol 1649 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1657 MovieClip Frame 2
if (play_ eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Instance of Symbol 1656 MovieClip in Symbol 1657 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.global_quality eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (_root.global_quality eq 2) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (_root.global_quality eq 3) { gotoAndStop (4); } else if (_root.global_quality eq 4) { gotoAndStop (5); } }
Symbol 1657 MovieClip Frame 4
if (play_ eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1663 MovieClip Frame 128
Symbol 1706 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1708 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 2
if (play_ eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 4
a = random(7); if (a eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (10); } else if (a eq 3) { gotoAndPlay (20); } else if (a eq 4) { gotoAndPlay (25); } else if (a eq 5) { gotoAndPlay (30); } else { gotoAndPlay (15); }
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 9
play_ = 0; gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 14
play_ = 0; gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 19
play_ = 0; gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 24
play_ = 0; gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 29
play_ = 0; gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1716 MovieClip Frame 34
play_ = 0; gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1720 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1726 MovieClip Frame 2
if (play_ != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1726 MovieClip Frame 23
play_ = 0;
Symbol 1729 MovieClip Frame 2
if (play_ != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1729 MovieClip Frame 23
play_ = 0;
Symbol 1740 MovieClip Frame 1
if (aaaa66 != 1337) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 1337; } setProperty("bar", _width , dlinna * _root.wave_progress_percentage);
Symbol 1740 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_4_hp - _root.slot_4_dmg) / _root.slot_4_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_4_hp - _root.slot_4_dmg) / _root.slot_4_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_4_hp - _root.slot_4_dmg) / _root.slot_4_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 8
if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_4_hp - _root.slot_4_dmg) / _root.slot_4_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1792 MovieClip Frame 10
if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_4 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_4_hp - _root.slot_4_dmg) / _root.slot_4_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1793 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.front_slot_4 != 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1793 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root.front_slot_4 != 0) { gotoAndPlay (16); } else { play(); }
Symbol 1795 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_3_hp - _root.slot_3_dmg) / _root.slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1795 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_3_hp - _root.slot_3_dmg) / _root.slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1795 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_3_hp - _root.slot_3_dmg) / _root.slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1795 MovieClip Frame 8
if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_3_hp - _root.slot_3_dmg) / _root.slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1795 MovieClip Frame 10
if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_3 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_3_hp - _root.slot_3_dmg) / _root.slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1796 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.front_slot_3 != 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1796 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root.front_slot_3 != 0) { gotoAndPlay (16); } else { play(); }
Symbol 1798 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_2_hp - _root.slot_2_dmg) / _root.slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1798 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_2_hp - _root.slot_2_dmg) / _root.slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1798 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_2_hp - _root.slot_2_dmg) / _root.slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1798 MovieClip Frame 8
if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_2_hp - _root.slot_2_dmg) / _root.slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1798 MovieClip Frame 10
if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_2 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_2_hp - _root.slot_2_dmg) / _root.slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1799 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.front_slot_2 != 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1799 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root.front_slot_2 != 0) { gotoAndPlay (15); } else { play(); }
Symbol 1801 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_1_hp - _root.slot_1_dmg) / _root.slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1801 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_1_hp - _root.slot_1_dmg) / _root.slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1801 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_1_hp - _root.slot_1_dmg) / _root.slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1801 MovieClip Frame 8
if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_1_hp - _root.slot_1_dmg) / _root.slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1801 MovieClip Frame 10
if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if ((((_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery1") or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery2")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery3")) or (_root.front_slot_1 eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.slot_1_hp - _root.slot_1_dmg) / _root.slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 1802 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.front_slot_1 != 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1802 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root.front_slot_1 eq 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (16); }
Symbol 1807 MovieClip Frame 1
if (aaaa66 != 666) { cash =; aaaa66 = 666; } raznica = cash -; if ((raznica >= 1000) or (raznica <= -1000)) { a = 250; } else if (((raznica >= 500) and (raznica < 1000)) or ((raznica <= -500) and (raznica > -1000))) { a = 100; } else if (((raznica >= 300) and (raznica < 500)) or ((raznica <= -300) and (raznica > -500))) { a = 50; } else if (((raznica >= 100) and (raznica < 300)) or ((raznica <= -100) and (raznica > -300))) { a = 25; } else if (((raznica >= 50) and (raznica < 100)) or ((raznica <= -50) and (raznica > -100))) { a = 10; } else if (((raznica >= 10) and (raznica < 50)) or ((raznica <= -10) and (raznica > -50))) { a = 2; } else if (((raznica >= 1) and (raznica < 10)) or ((raznica <= -1) and (raznica > -10))) { a = 1; } else if (((raznica > 0) and (raznica < 1)) or ((raznica < 0) and (raznica > -1))) { a = 0; } if ( > cash) { cash = cash + a; } else if ( < cash) { cash = cash - a; } if (cash < 0) { cash = 0; }
Symbol 1807 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1809 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.you_lose eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1809 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 1820 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.power_in_hand eq 9) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1820 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.power_in_hand eq 9) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1822 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.power_in_hand eq 8) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1822 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.power_in_hand eq 8) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1826 Button
on (release) { _root.power_in_hand = 0; }
Symbol 1827 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.power_in_hand eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 1827 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.power_in_hand eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 1831 Button
on (release) { _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.destroy_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; }
Symbol 1832 MovieClip Frame 2
if (((_root.installing_front_defence != 1) and (_root.installing_special_buildings != 1)) and (_root.destroy_buildings != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 1832 MovieClip Frame 4
if (((_root.installing_front_defence != 1) and (_root.installing_special_buildings != 1)) and (_root.destroy_buildings != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 1839 Button
on (release) { if (_root.build_what eq "queennest") { setProperty("_root.queennest", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.queennest", _y , "323"); tellTarget ("_root.queennest") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_2 = "queennest"; _root.queennest_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.queennest_price; } if (_root.build_what eq "zergmound") { setProperty("_root.zergmound", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.zergmound", _y , "323"); tellTarget ("_root.zergmound") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_2 = "zergmound"; _root.zergmound_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.zergmound_price; } if (_root.build_what eq "spire") { setProperty("_root.spire", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.spire", _y , "323"); tellTarget ("_root.spire") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_2 = "spire"; _root.spire_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spire_price; } if (_root.build_what eq "elderbrain") { setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _y , "323"); tellTarget ("_root.elderbrain") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_2 = "elderbrain"; _root.elderbrain_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.elderbrain_price; } }
Symbol 1840 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_slot_2 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1840 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.special_slot_2 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1842 Button
on (release) { if (_root.build_what eq "queennest") { setProperty("_root.queennest", _x , "680"); setProperty("_root.queennest", _y , "282"); tellTarget ("_root.queennest") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_3 = "queennest"; _root.queennest_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.queennest_price; } if (_root.build_what eq "zergmound") { setProperty("_root.zergmound", _x , "680"); setProperty("_root.zergmound", _y , "282"); tellTarget ("_root.zergmound") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_3 = "zergmound"; _root.zergmound_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.zergmound_price; } if (_root.build_what eq "spire") { setProperty("_root.spire", _x , "680"); setProperty("_root.spire", _y , "282"); tellTarget ("_root.spire") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_3 = "spire"; _root.spire_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spire_price; } if (_root.build_what eq "elderbrain") { setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _x , "680"); setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _y , "282"); tellTarget ("_root.elderbrain") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_3 = "elderbrain"; _root.elderbrain_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.elderbrain_price; } }
Symbol 1843 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_slot_3 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1843 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.special_slot_3 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1844 Button
on (release) { if (_root.build_what eq "queennest") { setProperty("_root.queennest", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.queennest", _y , "137"); tellTarget ("_root.queennest") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_1 = "queennest"; _root.queennest_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.queennest_price; } if (_root.build_what eq "zergmound") { setProperty("_root.zergmound", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.zergmound", _y , "137"); tellTarget ("_root.zergmound") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_1 = "zergmound"; _root.zergmound_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.zergmound_price; } if (_root.build_what eq "spire") { setProperty("_root.spire", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.spire", _y , "137"); tellTarget ("_root.spire") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_1 = "spire"; _root.spire_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spire_price; } if (_root.build_what eq "elderbrain") { setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _x , "560"); setProperty("_root.elderbrain", _y , "137"); tellTarget ("_root.elderbrain") { play(); }; _root.special_slot_1 = "elderbrain"; _root.elderbrain_installed = 1; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.elderbrain_price; } }
Symbol 1845 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_slot_1 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1845 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.special_slot_1 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1846 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.installing_special_buildings eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1846 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.installing_special_buildings eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1852 Button
on (release) { if (_root.build_what eq "sunken") { if (_root.sunken_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "sunken1"; _root.sunken_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "sunken2"; _root.sunken_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "sunken3"; _root.sunken_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "sunken4"; _root.sunken_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "spore") { if (_root.spore_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_1", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "spore1"; _root.spore_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_2", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "spore2"; _root.spore_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_3", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "spore3"; _root.spore_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_4", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "spore4"; _root.spore_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "defiler") { if (_root.defiler_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "defiler1"; _root.defiler_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "defiler2"; _root.defiler_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "defiler3"; _root.defiler_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "defiler4"; _root.defiler_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "hatchery") { if (_root.hatchery_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "hatchery1"; _root.hatchery_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "hatchery2"; _root.hatchery_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "hatchery3"; _root.hatchery_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _y , "312.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_4 = "hatchery4"; _root.hatchery_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } } }
Symbol 1853 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.front_slot_4 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1853 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.front_slot_4 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1855 Button
on (release) { if (_root.build_what eq "sunken") { if (_root.sunken_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "sunken1"; _root.sunken_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "sunken2"; _root.sunken_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "sunken3"; _root.sunken_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "sunken4"; _root.sunken_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "spore") { if (_root.spore_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_1", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "spore1"; _root.spore_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_2", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "spore2"; _root.spore_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_3", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "spore3"; _root.spore_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_4", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "spore4"; _root.spore_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "defiler") { if (_root.defiler_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "defiler1"; _root.defiler_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "defiler2"; _root.defiler_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "defiler3"; _root.defiler_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "defiler4"; _root.defiler_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "hatchery") { if (_root.hatchery_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "hatchery1"; _root.hatchery_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "hatchery2"; _root.hatchery_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "hatchery3"; _root.hatchery_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _y , "246.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_3 = "hatchery4"; _root.hatchery_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } } }
Symbol 1856 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.front_slot_3 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1856 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.front_slot_3 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1857 Button
on (release) { if (_root.build_what eq "sunken") { if (_root.sunken_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "sunken1"; _root.sunken_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "sunken2"; _root.sunken_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "sunken3"; _root.sunken_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "sunken4"; _root.sunken_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "spore") { if (_root.spore_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_1", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "spore1"; _root.spore_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_2", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "spore2"; _root.spore_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_3", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "spore3"; _root.spore_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_4", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "spore4"; _root.spore_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "defiler") { if (_root.defiler_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "defiler1"; _root.defiler_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "defiler2"; _root.defiler_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "defiler3"; _root.defiler_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "defiler4"; _root.defiler_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "hatchery") { if (_root.hatchery_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "hatchery1"; _root.hatchery_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "hatchery2"; _root.hatchery_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "hatchery3"; _root.hatchery_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _y , "178.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_2 = "hatchery4"; _root.hatchery_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } } }
Symbol 1858 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.front_slot_2 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1858 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.front_slot_2 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1859 Button
on (release) { if (_root.build_what eq "sunken") { if (_root.sunken_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_1", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "sunken1"; _root.sunken_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_2", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "sunken2"; _root.sunken_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_3", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "sunken3"; _root.sunken_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } else if (_root.sunken_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.sunken_4", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.sunken_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "sunken4"; _root.sunken_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.sunken_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "spore") { if (_root.spore_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_1", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "spore1"; _root.spore_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_2", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "spore2"; _root.spore_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_3", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "spore3"; _root.spore_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } else if (_root.spore_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.spore_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.spore_4", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.spore_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "spore4"; _root.spore_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.spore_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "defiler") { if (_root.defiler_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_1", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "defiler1"; _root.defiler_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_2", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "defiler2"; _root.defiler_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_3", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "defiler3"; _root.defiler_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } else if (_root.defiler_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.defiler_4", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.defiler_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "defiler4"; _root.defiler_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.defiler_price; } } if (_root.build_what eq "hatchery") { if (_root.hatchery_1_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_1", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_1") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "hatchery1"; _root.hatchery_1_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_2_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_2", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_2") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "hatchery2"; _root.hatchery_2_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_3_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_3", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_3") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "hatchery3"; _root.hatchery_3_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } else if (_root.hatchery_4_installed != 1) { setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _x , "446.5"); setProperty("_root.hatchery_4", _y , "111.5"); tellTarget ("_root.hatchery_4") { play(); }; _root.front_slot_1 = "hatchery4"; _root.hatchery_4_installed = 1; _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.build_what = 0; = - _root.hatchery_price; } } }
Symbol 1860 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.front_slot_1 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1860 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.front_slot_1 eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.installing_front_defence != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1861 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.installing_front_defence eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 1868 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1893 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.carier_show_forcefield != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 1893 MovieClip Frame 39
_root.carier_show_forcefield = 0;
Symbol 1953 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1953 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.finalblock.gotoAndStop(2); _root.carier_alive = 0;
Symbol 1953 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.slot_1_dmg = 99999990 /* 0x5F5E0F6 */; _root.slot_2_dmg = 9999990 /* 0x989676 */; _root.slot_3_dmg = 9999990 /* 0x989676 */; _root.slot_4_dmg = 99999990 /* 0x5F5E0F6 */; _root.special_slot_1_dmg = 99999999990; _root.special_slot_2_dmg = 99999999990; _root.special_slot_3_dmg = 99999999990;
Symbol 1953 MovieClip Frame 58
_root.overmind_hp = -99999999999;
Symbol 1953 MovieClip Frame 96
Symbol 1953 MovieClip Frame 107
Symbol 1959 MovieClip Frame 83
Symbol 1966 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 2009 MovieClip Frame 1
if (asasfasf != 666666) { asasfasf = 666666 /* 0x0A2C2A */; timer = _root.nuke_timer; } if (timer > 0) { timer = timer - 1; }
Symbol 2009 MovieClip Frame 2
if (timer > 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); timer = timer - 1; }
Symbol 2009 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.nuke_cantstop = 1;
Symbol 2009 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.slot_1_dmg = _root.slot_1_dmg + _root.nuke_dmg; _root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg + _root.nuke_dmg; _root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.nuke_dmg; _root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.nuke_dmg; _root.special_slot_1_dmg = _root.special_slot_1_dmg + _root.nuke_dmg; _root.special_slot_2_dmg = _root.special_slot_2_dmg + _root.nuke_dmg; _root.special_slot_3_dmg = _root.special_slot_3_dmg + _root.nuke_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.nuke_dmg; _root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao = 1;
Symbol 2009 MovieClip Frame 85
asasfasf = 666662346 /* 0x27BC75CA */; _root.nuke.go = 0; _root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao = 0;
Symbol 2010 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.nuke_cantstop = 0; _root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao = 0;
Symbol 2010 MovieClip Frame 2
if (go eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2010 MovieClip Frame 4
if (go eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2017 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 2022 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 2026 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2026 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.corsair_dmg; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.corsair_dmg;
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2027 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.corsair_dmg; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.corsair_dmg;
Symbol 2031 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2031 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.corsair_dmg; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.corsair_dmg;
Symbol 2074 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 2148 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2152 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.special_slot_1_dmg = _root.special_slot_1_dmg + _root.battlecruiser_dmg; _root.special_slot_2_dmg = _root.special_slot_2_dmg + _root.battlecruiser_dmg; _root.special_slot_3_dmg = _root.special_slot_3_dmg + _root.battlecruiser_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.battlecruiser_dmg;
Instance of Symbol 2148 MovieClip in Symbol 2152 MovieClip Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { play(); }
Symbol 2152 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.slot_1_dmg = _root.slot_1_dmg + _root.battlecruiser_dmg; _root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.battlecruiser_dmg; _root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.battlecruiser_dmg; _root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg + _root.battlecruiser_dmg;
Symbol 2164 MovieClip Frame 1
cantstop = 0; stop();
Symbol 2164 MovieClip Frame 63
cantstop = 1;
Symbol 2164 MovieClip Frame 126
cantstop = 0;
Symbol 2170 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 2172 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2172 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_root.elderbrain_installed eq 1) { _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.overmind_en * 7); } else { _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.overmind_en * 5); }
Symbol 2172 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.overmind_en = 0;
Symbol 2182 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 2189 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2189 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2189 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2189 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2191 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2193 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2195 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2195 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2195 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2195 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2197 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2197 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2197 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2197 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.wraith_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2236 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2236 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.special_slot_2_dmg = _root.special_slot_2_dmg + _root.siegetank_dmg; _root.special_slot_3_dmg = _root.special_slot_3_dmg + _root.siegetank_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.siegetank_dmg;
Symbol 2239 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2239 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.siegetank_dmg; _root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg + (_root.siegetank_dmg / 2); _root.special_slot_2_dmg = _root.special_slot_2_dmg + (_root.siegetank_dmg / 2); _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.siegetank_dmg;
Symbol 2242 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2242 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.siegetank_dmg; _root.special_slot_1_dmg = _root.special_slot_1_dmg + _root.siegetank_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.siegetank_dmg;
Symbol 2284 MovieClip Frame 2
if (fly eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2284 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg + (_root.bombtank_dmg / 1.5); _root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + (_root.bombtank_dmg / 2); _root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + (_root.bombtank_dmg / 2); _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.bombtank_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2284 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + (_root.bombtank_dmg / 2); _root.slot_1_dmg = _root.slot_1_dmg + (_root.bombtank_dmg / 2);
Symbol 2284 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.special_slot_1_dmg = _root.special_slot_1_dmg + _root.bombtank_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.bombtank_dmg; _root.special_slot_2_dmg = _root.special_slot_2_dmg + (_root.bombtank_dmg / 2); _root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg + (_root.bombtank_dmg / 3); _root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + (_root.bombtank_dmg / 3);
Symbol 2284 MovieClip Frame 33
fly = 0;
Symbol 2294 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2294 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.slot_1_dmg = _root.slot_1_dmg + _root.archon_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.archon_dmg;
Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2295 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.archon_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.archon_dmg;
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2296 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.archon_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.archon_dmg;
Symbol 2297 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2297 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg + (_root.archon_dmg / 3); _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.archon_dmg;
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2298 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + (_root.archon_dmg / 5); _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.archon_dmg;
Symbol 2312 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2315 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2315 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + (_root.dragoon_dmg * 0.7); _root.special_slot_1_dmg = _root.special_slot_1_dmg + (_root.dragoon_dmg * 0.5); _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.dragoon_dmg * 0.8);
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2316 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.dragoon_dmg; _root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + (_root.dragoon_dmg * 0.5); _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.dragoon_dmg;
Symbol 2317 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2317 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.special_slot_1_dmg = _root.special_slot_1_dmg + _root.dragoon_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.dragoon_dmg * 1.3);
Symbol 2318 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2318 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.dragoon_dmg; _root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.dragoon_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.dragoon_dmg;
Symbol 2319 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2319 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + (_root.dragoon_dmg * 0.7); _root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg + (_root.dragoon_dmg * 0.7); _root.special_slot_2_dmg = _root.special_slot_2_dmg + (_root.dragoon_dmg * 0.7); _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - (_root.dragoon_dmg * 0.7);
Symbol 2328 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 2374 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2380 MovieClip Frame 1
a = random(4); if (a eq 3) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (35); } else { gotoAndPlay (65); }
Symbol 2401 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.lock_elysium_tear = 0; stop();
Symbol 2405 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.lock_elysium_tear = 1;
Symbol 2412 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.lock_true_sight = 0; stop();
Symbol 2415 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.lock_true_sight = 1;
Symbol 2549 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.lock_implosion = 0; stop();
Symbol 2549 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.lock_implosion = 1;
Symbol 2582 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.lock_psy_storm = 0; stop();
Symbol 2582 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.lock_psy_storm = 1;
Symbol 2582 MovieClip Frame 72
setProperty("_root.psy_storm", _x , -1000);
Symbol 2607 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 2614 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.lock_grand_explosion = 0; stop(); stop();
Symbol 2614 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.lock_grand_explosion = 1;
Symbol 2614 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.lock_grand_explosion = 1;
Symbol 2614 MovieClip Frame 20
tellTarget ("_root.shockwavepodnogame") { play(); }; _root.lock_grand_explosion = 1;
Symbol 2614 MovieClip Frame 75
setProperty("_root.grandexplosion", _x , -1000);
Symbol 2617 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { dmg = dmg + (_root.inter_hp * 2);; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 2622 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 2626 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2626 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.smite_delay = 1;
Symbol 2626 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.smite_delay = 0;
Symbol 2637 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2637 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2638 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2638 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_11_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2638 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2638 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_11_dead = 1;
Symbol 2643 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2643 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2644 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2644 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_10_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2644 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2644 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_10_dead = 1;
Symbol 2645 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2645 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2646 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2646 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_9_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2646 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2646 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_9_dead = 1;
Symbol 2649 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2649 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2650 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2650 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_8_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2650 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2650 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_8_dead = 1;
Symbol 2655 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2655 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2656 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2656 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_7_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2656 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2656 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_7_dead = 1;
Symbol 2661 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2661 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2662 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2662 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_6_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2662 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2662 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_6_dead = 1;
Symbol 2667 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2667 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2668 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2668 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_5_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2668 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2668 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_5_dead = 1;
Symbol 2673 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2673 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2674 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2674 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_4_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2674 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2674 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_4_dead = 1;
Symbol 2679 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2679 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2680 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2680 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_3_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2680 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2680 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_3_dead = 1;
Symbol 2681 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2681 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2682 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2682 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_2_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2682 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2682 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_2_dead = 1;
Symbol 2685 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2685 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.inter_dmg;
Symbol 2686 MovieClip Frame 1
if (imso1337 != "true") { imso1337 = "true"; dmg = 0; } if ((dmg >= _root.inter_hp) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } lowdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge2inter_modifier); } implosion_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 2686 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.inter_1_dead eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2686 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 2686 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.inter_1_dead = 1;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((interrelease != 1) or (_root.carier_alive != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 13;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 17;;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 19;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 22;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 26;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 28;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 31;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 34;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 37;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 42;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 79
_root.smite_delay = 0;
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 210
skolkO_Ostalos = (((((((((_root.inter_1_dead + _root.inter_2_dead) + _root.inter_3_dead) + _root.inter_4_dead) + _root.inter_5_dead) + _root.inter_6_dead) + _root.inter_7_dead) + _root.inter_8_dead) + _root.inter_9_dead) + _root.inter_10_dead) + _root.inter_11_dead; if (skolkO_Ostalos > 10) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 2687 MovieClip Frame 214
Symbol 2695 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 2703 MovieClip Frame 1
a = random(8); if (a eq 7) { gotoAndStop (7); } else if (a eq 6) { gotoAndStop (6); } else if (a eq 5) { gotoAndStop (5); } else if (a eq 4) { gotoAndStop (4); } else if (a eq 3) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 2707 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.supermariner_dmg;
Symbol 2707 MovieClip Frame 67
_root.supermariner5_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2708 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.supermariner5_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2708 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.supermariner5_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2711 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.supermariner_dmg; _root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.supermariner_dmg; _root.special_slot_3_dmg = _root.special_slot_3_dmg + _root.supermariner_dmg;
Symbol 2711 MovieClip Frame 67
_root.supermariner4_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2712 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.supermariner4_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2712 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.supermariner4_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2715 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.supermariner_dmg; _root.special_slot_3_dmg = _root.special_slot_3_dmg + _root.supermariner_dmg;
Symbol 2715 MovieClip Frame 67
_root.supermariner3_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2716 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.supermariner3_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2716 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.supermariner3_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2726 MovieClip Frame 1
a = random(8); if (a eq 7) { gotoAndStop (7); } else if (a eq 6) { gotoAndStop (6); } else if (a eq 5) { gotoAndStop (5); } else if (a eq 4) { gotoAndStop (4); } else if (a eq 3) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 2728 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.supermariner_dmg;
Symbol 2728 MovieClip Frame 67
_root.supermariner2_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2729 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.supermariner2_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2729 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.supermariner2_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2732 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.supermariner_dmg; _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.supermariner_dmg;
Symbol 2732 MovieClip Frame 67
_root.supermariner1_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2733 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.supermariner1_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2733 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.supermariner1_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2765 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 2766 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.gunshot_animation_enabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2766 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.gunshot_animation_enabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2767 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2767 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2767 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2767 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.goliath5_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2768 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.goliath5_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2768 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.goliath5_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2770 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2770 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2770 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.goliath4_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2771 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.goliath4_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2771 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.goliath4_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2773 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2773 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2773 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2773 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2773 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.goliath3_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2774 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.goliath3_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2774 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.goliath3_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2776 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2776 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2776 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2776 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.goliath2_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2777 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.goliath2_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2777 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.goliath2_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2779 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2779 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2779 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.goliath_dmg;
Symbol 2779 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.goliath1_shooting = 0;
Symbol 2780 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.goliath1_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2780 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.goliath1_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_1_dmg = _root.slot_1_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_1_dmg = _root.slot_1_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2782 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2783 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner10_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2783 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner10_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2785 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_1_dmg = _root.slot_1_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2785 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2785 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2785 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2785 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2786 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner9_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2786 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner9_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2788 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2788 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2788 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2788 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2788 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2789 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner8_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2789 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner8_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2791 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2791 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2791 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2791 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2791 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2792 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner7_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2792 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner7_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2794 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2794 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_2_dmg = _root.slot_2_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2794 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2794 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2794 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2795 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner6_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2795 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner6_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2797 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2797 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2797 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2797 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2797 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2798 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner5_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2798 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner5_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2800 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2800 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2800 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2800 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2800 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2801 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner4_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2801 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner4_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2803 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2803 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2803 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2803 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2803 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2803 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2804 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner3_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2804 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner3_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2806 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2806 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2806 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2806 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.slot_3_dmg = _root.slot_3_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2806 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2807 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner2_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2807 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner2_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2809 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2809 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.slot_4_dmg = _root.slot_4_dmg + _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2809 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2809 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp - _root.mariner_dmg;
Symbol 2810 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.mariner1_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2810 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.mariner1_shooting eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2851 Button
on (release) { if (_root.destroy_buildings eq 1) { if (slot eq "special_slot1") { _root.special_slot_1_dmg = 6031995 /* 0x5C0A7B */; } else if (slot eq "special_slot2") { _root.special_slot_2_dmg = 6031995 /* 0x5C0A7B */; } else if (slot eq "special_slot3") { _root.special_slot_3_dmg = 6031995 /* 0x5C0A7B */; } _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.destroy_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; } }
Symbol 2857 MovieClip Frame 1
if (burov_gadina_ept != "yes") { burov_gadina_ept = "yes"; timer4ik = 0; dlinna = poloska._width; } interval = 50; if (interval > timer4ik) { timer4ik = timer4ik + 0.0454545454545455; } else {; timer4ik = interval; } setProperty("poloska", _width , (dlinna * timer4ik) / interval); if (_root.onhold eq 1) { timer4ik = interval + 1; }
Symbol 2857 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 2869 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (20);
Symbol 2870 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("shesterenka", _rotation , shesterenka._rotation + 1);
Symbol 2873 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 2890 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 2944 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 914 MovieClip in Symbol 2944 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 2944 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 2944 MovieClip Frame 46
tellTarget ("_root.airstrike") { play(); };
Symbol 2970 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 2970 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "special_slot1") and (_root.special_slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "special_slot2") and (_root.special_slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "special_slot3") and (_root.special_slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 2970 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "special_slot1") { _root.special_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "special_slot2") { _root.special_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "special_slot3") { _root.special_slot_3 = 0; } _root.spire_installed = 0;
Symbol 2977 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 896 MovieClip in Symbol 2977 MovieClip Frame 65
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 2977 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "special_slot1") and (_root.special_slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "special_slot2") and (_root.special_slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "special_slot3") and (_root.special_slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 2977 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "special_slot1") { _root.special_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "special_slot2") { _root.special_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "special_slot3") { _root.special_slot_3 = 0; } _root.elderbrain_installed = 0;
Symbol 2981 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 767 MovieClip in Symbol 2981 MovieClip Frame 65
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 2981 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "special_slot1") and (_root.special_slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "special_slot2") and (_root.special_slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "special_slot3") and (_root.special_slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 2981 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "special_slot1") { _root.special_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "special_slot2") { _root.special_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "special_slot3") { _root.special_slot_3 = 0; } _root.zergmound_installed = 0;
Symbol 2982 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 752 MovieClip in Symbol 2982 MovieClip Frame 65
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 2982 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "special_slot1") and (_root.special_slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "special_slot2") and (_root.special_slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "special_slot3") and (_root.special_slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 2982 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "special_slot1") { _root.special_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "special_slot2") { _root.special_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "special_slot3") { _root.special_slot_3 = 0; } _root.queennest_installed = 0;
Symbol 2992 MovieClip Frame 2
if (go eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 2992 MovieClip Frame 3
if (goo_alpha40._alpha < 40) { setProperty("goo_alpha40", _alpha , goo_alpha40._alpha + 1); } if (fog_alpha60._alpha < 60) { setProperty("fog_alpha60", _alpha , fog_alpha60._alpha + 1); } setProperty("goo_alpha40", _rotation , goo_alpha40._rotation + 1); if (fadeaway eq 1) { if (goo_alpha40._alpha > 0) { setProperty("goo_alpha40", _alpha , goo_alpha40._alpha - 2); } if (fog_alpha60._alpha > 0) { setProperty("fog_alpha60", _alpha , fog_alpha60._alpha - 2); } } if ((fadeaway eq 1) and (fog_alpha60._alpha <= 5)) { fadeaway = 0; go = 0; }
Symbol 2992 MovieClip Frame 4
if (go eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3009 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 3057 MovieClip Frame 21
Instance of Symbol 840 MovieClip in Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 86
if (acid_fog_1.go eq 1) { acid_fog_1.fadeaway = 1; } if (acid_fog_2.go eq 1) { acid_fog_2.fadeaway = 1; } if (acid_fog_3.go eq 1) { acid_fog_3.fadeaway = 1; }
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 87
if (_root.mariner1_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner1_1 = _root.mariner_1shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner1_2 = _root.mariner_1shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner1_3 = _root.mariner_1shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner1_1 = 0; hittest_mariner1_2 = 0; hittest_mariner1_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner2_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner2_1 = _root.mariner_2shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner2_2 = _root.mariner_2shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner2_3 = _root.mariner_2shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner2_1 = 0; hittest_mariner2_2 = 0; hittest_mariner2_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner3_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner3_1 = _root.mariner_3shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner3_2 = _root.mariner_3shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner3_3 = _root.mariner_3shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner3_1 = 0; hittest_mariner3_2 = 0; hittest_mariner3_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner4_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner4_1 = _root.mariner_4shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner4_2 = _root.mariner_4shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner4_3 = _root.mariner_4shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner4_1 = 0; hittest_mariner4_2 = 0; hittest_mariner4_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner5_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner5_1 = _root.mariner_5shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner5_2 = _root.mariner_5shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner5_3 = _root.mariner_5shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner5_1 = 0; hittest_mariner5_2 = 0; hittest_mariner5_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner6_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner6_1 = _root.mariner_6shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner6_2 = _root.mariner_6shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner6_3 = _root.mariner_6shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner6_1 = 0; hittest_mariner6_2 = 0; hittest_mariner6_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner7_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner7_1 = _root.mariner_7shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner7_2 = _root.mariner_7shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner7_3 = _root.mariner_7shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner7_1 = 0; hittest_mariner7_2 = 0; hittest_mariner7_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner8_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner8_1 = _root.mariner_8shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner8_2 = _root.mariner_8shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner8_3 = _root.mariner_8shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner8_1 = 0; hittest_mariner8_2 = 0; hittest_mariner8_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner9_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner9_1 = _root.mariner_9shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner9_2 = _root.mariner_9shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner9_3 = _root.mariner_9shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner9_1 = 0; hittest_mariner9_2 = 0; hittest_mariner9_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner10_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner10_1 = _root.mariner_10shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner10_2 = _root.mariner_10shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner10_3 = _root.mariner_10shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner10_1 = 0; hittest_mariner10_2 = 0; hittest_mariner10_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath1_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath1_1 = _root.goliath_1shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath1_2 = _root.goliath_1shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath1_3 = _root.goliath_1shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath1_1 = 0; hittest_goliath1_2 = 0; hittest_goliath1_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath2_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath2_1 = _root.goliath_2shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath2_2 = _root.goliath_2shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath2_3 = _root.goliath_2shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath2_1 = 0; hittest_goliath2_2 = 0; hittest_goliath2_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath3_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath3_1 = _root.goliath_3shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath3_2 = _root.goliath_3shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath3_3 = _root.goliath_3shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath3_1 = 0; hittest_goliath3_2 = 0; hittest_goliath3_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath4_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath4_1 = _root.goliath_4shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath4_2 = _root.goliath_4shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath4_3 = _root.goliath_4shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath4_1 = 0; hittest_goliath4_2 = 0; hittest_goliath4_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath5_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath5_1 = _root.goliath_5shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath5_2 = _root.goliath_5shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath5_3 = _root.goliath_5shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath5_1 = 0; hittest_goliath5_2 = 0; hittest_goliath5_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner1_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner1_1 = _root.supermariner1_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner1_2 = _root.supermariner1_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner1_3 = _root.supermariner1_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner1_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner1_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner1_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner2_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner2_1 = _root.supermariner2_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner2_2 = _root.supermariner2_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner2_3 = _root.supermariner2_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner2_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner2_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner2_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner3_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner3_1 = _root.supermariner3_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner3_2 = _root.supermariner3_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner3_3 = _root.supermariner3_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner3_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner3_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner3_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner4_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner4_1 = _root.supermariner4_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner4_2 = _root.supermariner4_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner4_3 = _root.supermariner4_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner4_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner4_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner4_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner5_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner5_1 = _root.supermariner5_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner5_2 = _root.supermariner5_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner5_3 = _root.supermariner5_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner5_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner5_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner5_3 = 0; } if (_root.bombtank_alive eq 1) { hittest_bombtank_1 = _root.bombtank_shell.bombtank_core_duplicate.bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_bombtank_2 = _root.bombtank_shell.bombtank_core_duplicate.bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_bombtank_3 = _root.bombtank_shell.bombtank_core_duplicate.bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_bombtank_1 = 0; hittest_bombtank_2 = 0; hittest_bombtank_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith1_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith1_1 = _root.wraith_1shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith1_2 = _root.wraith_1shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith1_3 = _root.wraith_1shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith1_1 = 0; hittest_wraith1_2 = 0; hittest_wraith1_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith2_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith2_1 = _root.wraith_2shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith2_2 = _root.wraith_2shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith2_3 = _root.wraith_2shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith2_1 = 0; hittest_wraith2_2 = 0; hittest_wraith2_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith3_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith3_1 = _root.wraith_3shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith3_2 = _root.wraith_3shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith3_3 = _root.wraith_3shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith3_1 = 0; hittest_wraith3_2 = 0; hittest_wraith3_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith4_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith4_1 = _root.wraith_4shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith4_2 = _root.wraith_4shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith4_3 = _root.wraith_4shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith4_1 = 0; hittest_wraith4_2 = 0; hittest_wraith4_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith5_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith5_1 = _root.wraith_5shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith5_2 = _root.wraith_5shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith5_3 = _root.wraith_5shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith5_1 = 0; hittest_wraith5_2 = 0; hittest_wraith5_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon1_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon1_1 = _root.dragoon_1shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon1_2 = _root.dragoon_1shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon1_3 = _root.dragoon_1shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon1_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon1_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon1_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon2_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon2_1 = _root.dragoon_2shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon2_2 = _root.dragoon_2shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon2_3 = _root.dragoon_2shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon2_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon2_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon2_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon3_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon3_1 = _root.dragoon_3shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon3_2 = _root.dragoon_3shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon3_3 = _root.dragoon_3shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon3_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon3_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon3_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon4_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon4_1 = _root.dragoon_4shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon4_2 = _root.dragoon_4shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon4_3 = _root.dragoon_4shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon4_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon4_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon4_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon5_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon5_1 = _root.dragoon_5shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon5_2 = _root.dragoon_5shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon5_3 = _root.dragoon_5shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon5_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon5_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon5_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon1_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon1_1 = _root.archon_1shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon1_2 = _root.archon_1shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon1_3 = _root.archon_1shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon1_1 = 0; hittest_archon1_2 = 0; hittest_archon1_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon2_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon2_1 = _root.archon_2shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon2_2 = _root.archon_2shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon2_3 = _root.archon_2shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon2_1 = 0; hittest_archon2_2 = 0; hittest_archon2_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon3_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon3_1 = _root.archon_3shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon3_2 = _root.archon_3shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon3_3 = _root.archon_3shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon3_1 = 0; hittest_archon3_2 = 0; hittest_archon3_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon4_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon4_1 = _root.archon_4shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon4_2 = _root.archon_4shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon4_3 = _root.archon_4shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon4_1 = 0; hittest_archon4_2 = 0; hittest_archon4_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon5_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon5_1 = _root.archon_5shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon5_2 = _root.archon_5shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon5_3 = _root.archon_5shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon5_1 = 0; hittest_archon5_2 = 0; hittest_archon5_3 = 0; } if (_root.carier_field_on != 1) { hittest_carier_1 = _root.carier_shell.carier_core.carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_carier_2 = _root.carier_shell.carier_core.carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_carier_3 = _root.carier_shell.carier_core.carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_carier_1 = 0; hittest_carier_2 = 0; hittest_carier_3 = 0; } if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hittest_mariner1_1 eq "true") or (hittest_mariner2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner6_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner7_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner8_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner9_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner10_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_bombtank_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_carier_1 eq "true")) { strelyaem_v_zony_1 = 1; } else { strelyaem_v_zony_1 = 0; } if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hittest_mariner1_2 eq "true") or (hittest_mariner2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner6_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner7_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner8_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner9_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner10_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_bombtank_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_carier_2 eq "true")) { strelyaem_v_zony_2 = 1; } else { strelyaem_v_zony_2 = 0; } if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hittest_mariner1_3 eq "true") or (hittest_mariner2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner6_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner7_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner8_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner9_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner10_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_bombtank_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_carier_3 eq "true")) { strelyaem_v_zony_3 = 1; } else { strelyaem_v_zony_3 = 0; }
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 88
if (strelyaem_v_zony_1 eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("tozone1"); } else if (strelyaem_v_zony_2 eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("tozone2"); } else if (strelyaem_v_zony_3 eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("tozone3"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("on_hold"); } dmg_1 = 0; dmg_2 = 0; dmg_3 = 0;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 125
dmg_1 = 1;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 129
acid_fog_1.go = 1;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 135
dmg_1 = 0;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 159
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 196
dmg_2 = 1;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 198
acid_fog_2.go = 1;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 207
dmg_2 = 0;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 230
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 277
dmg_3 = 1;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 280
acid_fog_3.go = 1;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 287
dmg_3 = 0;
Symbol 3058 MovieClip Frame 310
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3059 Button
on (release) { if (_root.destroy_buildings eq 1) { if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.slot_1_dmg = 6031995 /* 0x5C0A7B */; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.slot_2_dmg = 6031995 /* 0x5C0A7B */; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.slot_3_dmg = 6031995 /* 0x5C0A7B */; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.slot_4_dmg = 6031995 /* 0x5C0A7B */; } _root.installing_front_defence = 0; _root.installing_special_buildings = 0; _root.destroy_buildings = 0; _root.build_what = 0; } }
Symbol 3060 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3060 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 3060 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } if (number eq 1) { _root.hatchery_1_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.hatchery_2_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.hatchery_3_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.hatchery_4_installed = 0; }
Symbol 3149 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 3161 MovieClip Frame 1
immortal = 0;
Symbol 3161 MovieClip Frame 45
if ((((((((((_root.mariner1_alive + _root.mariner2_alive) + _root.mariner3_alive) + _root.mariner4_alive) + _root.mariner5_alive) + _root.mariner6_alive) + _root.mariner7_alive) + _root.mariner8_alive) + _root.mariner9_alive) + _root.mariner10_alive) > 0) { hittest_mariner_1 = _root.mariner_1shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_mariner_2 = _root.mariner_2shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_mariner_3 = _root.mariner_3shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_mariner_4 = _root.mariner_4shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_mariner_5 = _root.mariner_5shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_mariner_6 = _root.mariner_6shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_mariner_7 = _root.mariner_7shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_mariner_8 = _root.mariner_8shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_mariner_9 = _root.mariner_9shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_mariner_10 = _root.mariner_10shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_mariner_1 = 0; hittest_mariner_2 = 0; hittest_mariner_3 = 0; hittest_mariner_4 = 0; hittest_mariner_5 = 0; hittest_mariner_6 = 0; hittest_mariner_7 = 0; hittest_mariner_8 = 0; hittest_mariner_9 = 0; hittest_mariner_10 = 0; } if (((((_root.goliath1_alive + _root.goliath2_alive) + _root.goliath3_alive) + _root.goliath4_alive) + _root.goliath5_alive) > 0) { hittest_goliath_1 = _root.goliath_1shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_goliath_2 = _root.goliath_2shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_goliath_3 = _root.goliath_3shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_goliath_4 = _root.goliath_4shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_goliath_5 = _root.goliath_5shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_goliath_1 = 0; hittest_goliath_2 = 0; hittest_goliath_3 = 0; hittest_goliath_4 = 0; hittest_goliath_5 = 0; } if (((((_root.supermariner1_alive + _root.supermariner2_alive) + _root.supermariner3_alive) + _root.supermariner4_alive) + _root.supermariner5_alive) > 0) { hittest_supermariner_1 = _root.supermariner1_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_supermariner_2 = _root.supermariner2_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_supermariner_3 = _root.supermariner3_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_supermariner_4 = _root.supermariner4_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_supermariner_5 = _root.supermariner5_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_supermariner_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner_3 = 0; hittest_supermariner_4 = 0; hittest_supermariner_5 = 0; } if (_root.bombtank_alive eq 1) { hittest_bombtank = _root.bombtank_shell.bombtank_core_duplicate.bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_bombtank = 0; } if (_root.siegetank_alive eq 1) { hittest_siegetank = _root.siegetank_shell.siegetank_duplicate.siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_siegetank = 0; } if (_root.battlecruiser_alive eq 1) { hittest_battlecruiser = _root.battlecruiser_shell.battlecruiser_duplicate.battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_battlecruiser = 0; } if (((((_root.wraith1_alive + _root.wraith2_alive) + _root.wraith3_alive) + _root.wraith4_alive) + _root.wraith5_alive) > 0) { hittest_wraith_1 = _root.wraith_1shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_wraith_2 = _root.wraith_2shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_wraith_3 = _root.wraith_3shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_wraith_4 = _root.wraith_4shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_wraith_5 = _root.wraith_5shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_wraith_1 = 0; hittest_wraith_2 = 0; hittest_wraith_3 = 0; hittest_wraith_4 = 0; hittest_wraith_5 = 0; } if (((((_root.dragoon1_alive + _root.dragoon2_alive) + _root.dragoon3_alive) + _root.dragoon4_alive) + _root.dragoon5_alive) > 0) { hittest_dragoon_1 = _root.dragoon_1shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_dragoon_2 = _root.dragoon_2shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_dragoon_3 = _root.dragoon_3shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_dragoon_4 = _root.dragoon_4shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_dragoon_5 = _root.dragoon_5shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_dragoon_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon_3 = 0; hittest_dragoon_4 = 0; hittest_dragoon_5 = 0; } if (((((_root.archon1_alive + _root.archon2_alive) + _root.archon3_alive) + _root.archon4_alive) + _root.archon5_alive) > 0) { hittest_archon_1 = _root.archon_1shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_archon_2 = _root.archon_2shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_archon_3 = _root.archon_3shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_archon_4 = _root.archon_4shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); hittest_archon_5 = _root.archon_5shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_archon_1 = 0; hittest_archon_2 = 0; hittest_archon_3 = 0; hittest_archon_4 = 0; hittest_archon_5 = 0; } if (_root.carier_field_on != 1) { hittest_carier = _root.carier_shell.carier_core.carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(detect_zone); } else { hittest_carier = 0; } if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hittest_mariner_1 eq "true") or (hittest_mariner_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner_4 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner_5 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner_6 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner_7 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner_8 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner_9 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner_10 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath_4 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath_5 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner_4 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner_5 eq "true")) or (hittest_bombtank eq "true")) or (hittest_siegetank eq "true")) or (hittest_battlecruiser eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith_4 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith_5 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon_4 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon_5 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon_4 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon_5 eq "true")) or (hittest_carier eq "true")) { shoot = 1; } else { shoot = 0; }
Symbol 3161 MovieClip Frame 46
if (shoot eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay ("on_hold"); }
Symbol 3161 MovieClip Frame 111
immortal = 1;
Symbol 3161 MovieClip Frame 216
immortal = 0;
Symbol 3183 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3183 MovieClip Frame 39
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (40); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (40); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (40); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (40); } else { gotoAndPlay (38); }
Symbol 3183 MovieClip Frame 65
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } if (number eq 1) { _root.defiler_1_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.defiler_2_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.defiler_3_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.defiler_4_installed = 0; }
Symbol 3208 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(3) eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (10); } else { gotoAndPlay (30); }
Symbol 3208 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 3208 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 3278 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg_1 = 0; dmg_2 = 0; dmg_3 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 867 MovieClip in Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 40
if (_root.mariner1_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner1_1 = _root.mariner_1shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner1_2 = _root.mariner_1shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner1_3 = _root.mariner_1shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner1_1 = 0; hittest_mariner1_2 = 0; hittest_mariner1_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner2_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner2_1 = _root.mariner_2shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner2_2 = _root.mariner_2shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner2_3 = _root.mariner_2shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner2_1 = 0; hittest_mariner2_2 = 0; hittest_mariner2_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner3_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner3_1 = _root.mariner_3shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner3_2 = _root.mariner_3shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner3_3 = _root.mariner_3shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner3_1 = 0; hittest_mariner3_2 = 0; hittest_mariner3_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner4_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner4_1 = _root.mariner_4shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner4_2 = _root.mariner_4shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner4_3 = _root.mariner_4shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner4_1 = 0; hittest_mariner4_2 = 0; hittest_mariner4_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner5_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner5_1 = _root.mariner_5shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner5_2 = _root.mariner_5shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner5_3 = _root.mariner_5shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner5_1 = 0; hittest_mariner5_2 = 0; hittest_mariner5_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner6_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner6_1 = _root.mariner_6shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner6_2 = _root.mariner_6shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner6_3 = _root.mariner_6shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner6_1 = 0; hittest_mariner6_2 = 0; hittest_mariner6_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner7_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner7_1 = _root.mariner_7shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner7_2 = _root.mariner_7shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner7_3 = _root.mariner_7shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner7_1 = 0; hittest_mariner7_2 = 0; hittest_mariner7_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner8_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner8_1 = _root.mariner_8shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner8_2 = _root.mariner_8shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner8_3 = _root.mariner_8shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner8_1 = 0; hittest_mariner8_2 = 0; hittest_mariner8_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner9_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner9_1 = _root.mariner_9shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner9_2 = _root.mariner_9shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner9_3 = _root.mariner_9shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner9_1 = 0; hittest_mariner9_2 = 0; hittest_mariner9_3 = 0; } if (_root.mariner10_alive eq 1) { hittest_mariner10_1 = _root.mariner_10shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_mariner10_2 = _root.mariner_10shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_mariner10_3 = _root.mariner_10shell.mariner_1duplicate.mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_mariner10_1 = 0; hittest_mariner10_2 = 0; hittest_mariner10_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath1_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath1_1 = _root.goliath_1shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath1_2 = _root.goliath_1shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath1_3 = _root.goliath_1shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath1_1 = 0; hittest_goliath1_2 = 0; hittest_goliath1_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath2_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath2_1 = _root.goliath_2shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath2_2 = _root.goliath_2shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath2_3 = _root.goliath_2shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath2_1 = 0; hittest_goliath2_2 = 0; hittest_goliath2_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath3_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath3_1 = _root.goliath_3shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath3_2 = _root.goliath_3shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath3_3 = _root.goliath_3shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath3_1 = 0; hittest_goliath3_2 = 0; hittest_goliath3_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath4_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath4_1 = _root.goliath_4shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath4_2 = _root.goliath_4shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath4_3 = _root.goliath_4shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath4_1 = 0; hittest_goliath4_2 = 0; hittest_goliath4_3 = 0; } if (_root.goliath5_alive eq 1) { hittest_goliath5_1 = _root.goliath_5shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_goliath5_2 = _root.goliath_5shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_goliath5_3 = _root.goliath_5shell.goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_goliath5_1 = 0; hittest_goliath5_2 = 0; hittest_goliath5_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner1_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner1_1 = _root.supermariner1_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner1_2 = _root.supermariner1_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner1_3 = _root.supermariner1_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner1_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner1_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner1_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner2_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner2_1 = _root.supermariner2_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner2_2 = _root.supermariner2_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner2_3 = _root.supermariner2_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner2_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner2_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner2_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner3_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner3_1 = _root.supermariner2_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner3_2 = _root.supermariner3_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner3_3 = _root.supermariner3_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner3_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner3_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner3_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner4_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner4_1 = _root.supermariner4_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner4_2 = _root.supermariner4_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner4_3 = _root.supermariner4_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner4_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner4_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner4_3 = 0; } if (_root.supermariner5_alive eq 1) { hittest_supermariner5_1 = _root.supermariner5_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_supermariner5_2 = _root.supermariner5_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_supermariner5_3 = _root.supermariner5_shell.mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_supermariner5_1 = 0; hittest_supermariner5_2 = 0; hittest_supermariner5_3 = 0; } if (_root.bombtank_alive eq 1) { hittest_bombtank_1 = _root.bombtank_shell.bombtank_core_duplicate.bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_bombtank_2 = _root.bombtank_shell.bombtank_core_duplicate.bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_bombtank_3 = _root.bombtank_shell.bombtank_core_duplicate.bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_bombtank_1 = 0; hittest_bombtank_2 = 0; hittest_bombtank_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith1_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith1_1 = _root.wraith_1shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith1_2 = _root.wraith_1shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith1_3 = _root.wraith_1shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith1_1 = 0; hittest_wraith1_2 = 0; hittest_wraith1_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith2_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith2_1 = _root.wraith_2shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith2_2 = _root.wraith_2shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith2_3 = _root.wraith_2shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith2_1 = 0; hittest_wraith2_2 = 0; hittest_wraith2_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith3_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith3_1 = _root.wraith_3shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith3_2 = _root.wraith_3shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith3_3 = _root.wraith_3shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith3_1 = 0; hittest_wraith3_2 = 0; hittest_wraith3_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith4_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith4_1 = _root.wraith_4shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith4_2 = _root.wraith_4shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith4_3 = _root.wraith_4shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith4_1 = 0; hittest_wraith4_2 = 0; hittest_wraith4_3 = 0; } if (_root.wraith5_alive eq 1) { hittest_wraith5_1 = _root.wraith_5shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_wraith5_2 = _root.wraith_5shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_wraith5_3 = _root.wraith_5shell.wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_wraith5_1 = 0; hittest_wraith5_2 = 0; hittest_wraith5_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon1_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon1_1 = _root.dragoon_1shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon1_2 = _root.dragoon_1shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon1_3 = _root.dragoon_1shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon1_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon1_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon1_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon2_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon2_1 = _root.dragoon_2shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon2_2 = _root.dragoon_2shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon2_3 = _root.dragoon_2shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon2_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon2_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon2_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon3_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon3_1 = _root.dragoon_3shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon3_2 = _root.dragoon_3shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon3_3 = _root.dragoon_3shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon3_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon3_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon3_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon4_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon4_1 = _root.dragoon_4shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon4_2 = _root.dragoon_4shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon4_3 = _root.dragoon_4shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon4_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon4_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon4_3 = 0; } if (_root.dragoon5_alive eq 1) { hittest_dragoon5_1 = _root.dragoon_5shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_dragoon5_2 = _root.dragoon_5shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_dragoon5_3 = _root.dragoon_5shell.dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_dragoon5_1 = 0; hittest_dragoon5_2 = 0; hittest_dragoon5_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon1_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon1_1 = _root.archon_1shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon1_2 = _root.archon_1shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon1_3 = _root.archon_1shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon1_1 = 0; hittest_archon1_2 = 0; hittest_archon1_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon2_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon2_1 = _root.archon_2shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon2_2 = _root.archon_2shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon2_3 = _root.archon_2shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon2_1 = 0; hittest_archon2_2 = 0; hittest_archon2_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon3_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon3_1 = _root.archon_3shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon3_2 = _root.archon_3shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon3_3 = _root.archon_3shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon3_1 = 0; hittest_archon3_2 = 0; hittest_archon3_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon4_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon4_1 = _root.archon_4shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon4_2 = _root.archon_4shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon4_3 = _root.archon_4shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon4_1 = 0; hittest_archon4_2 = 0; hittest_archon4_3 = 0; } if (_root.archon5_alive eq 1) { hittest_archon5_1 = _root.archon_5shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_archon5_2 = _root.archon_5shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_archon5_3 = _root.archon_5shell.archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_archon5_1 = 0; hittest_archon5_2 = 0; hittest_archon5_3 = 0; } if (_root.carier_field_on != 1) { hittest_carier_1 = _root.carier_shell.carier_core.carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(atackzone_1); hittest_carier_2 = _root.carier_shell.carier_core.carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(atackzone_2); hittest_carier_3 = _root.carier_shell.carier_core.carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(atackzone_3); } else { hittest_carier_1 = 0; hittest_carier_2 = 0; hittest_carier_3 = 0; } if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hittest_mariner1_1 eq "true") or (hittest_mariner2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner6_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner7_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner8_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner9_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner10_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_bombtank_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon1_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon2_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon3_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon4_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon5_1 eq "true")) or (hittest_carier_1 eq "true")) { strelaem_v_zonu_1 = 1; } else { strelaem_v_zonu_1 = 0; } if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hittest_mariner1_2 eq "true") or (hittest_mariner2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner6_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner7_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner8_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner9_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner10_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_bombtank_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon1_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon2_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon3_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon4_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon5_2 eq "true")) or (hittest_carier_2 eq "true")) { strelaem_v_zonu_2 = 1; } else { strelaem_v_zonu_2 = 0; } if (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hittest_mariner1_3 eq "true") or (hittest_mariner2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner6_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner7_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner8_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner9_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_mariner10_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_goliath5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_supermariner5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_bombtank_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_wraith5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_dragoon5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon1_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon2_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon3_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon4_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_archon5_3 eq "true")) or (hittest_carier_3 eq "true")) { strelaem_v_zonu_3 = 1; } else { strelaem_v_zonu_3 = 0; }
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 41
if (strelaem_v_zonu_2 eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("tozone_2"); } else if (strelaem_v_zonu_1 eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("tozone_1"); } else if (strelaem_v_zonu_3 eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("tozone_3"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("on_hold"); } dmg_1 = 0; dmg_2 = 0; dmg_3 = 0;
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 58
dmg_1 = 1;
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 71
dmg_1 = 0;
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 80
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 97
dmg_2 = 1;
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 111
dmg_2 = 0;
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 119
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 137
dmg_3 = 1;
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 151
dmg_3 = 0;
Symbol 3288 MovieClip Frame 159
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 3289 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } _root.spore_4_installed = 0;
Symbol 3290 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3290 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 3290 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } _root.spore_3_installed = 0;
Symbol 3291 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3291 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 3291 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } _root.spore_2_installed = 0;
Symbol 3294 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3294 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 3294 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } _root.spore_1_installed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 847 MovieClip in Symbol 3320 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 3320 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sunken4_targeted != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3320 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.sunken4_dodmmg = 1;
Symbol 3320 MovieClip Frame 49
_root.sunken4_dodmmg = 0; _root.sunken4_targeted = 0;
Symbol 3321 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3321 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 3321 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } _root.sunken_4_installed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 847 MovieClip in Symbol 3322 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 3322 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sunken3_targeted != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3322 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.sunken3_dodmmg = 1;
Symbol 3322 MovieClip Frame 49
_root.sunken3_dodmmg = 0; _root.sunken3_targeted = 0;
Symbol 3323 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3323 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 3323 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } _root.sunken_3_installed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 847 MovieClip in Symbol 3324 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 3324 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sunken2_targeted != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3324 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.sunken2_dodmmg = 1;
Symbol 3324 MovieClip Frame 49
_root.sunken2_dodmmg = 0; _root.sunken2_targeted = 0;
Symbol 3325 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3325 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 3325 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } _root.sunken_2_installed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 847 MovieClip in Symbol 3326 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 3326 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.sunken1_targeted != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3326 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.sunken1_dodmmg = 1;
Symbol 3326 MovieClip Frame 49
_root.sunken1_dodmmg = 0; _root.sunken1_targeted = 0;
Symbol 3327 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3327 MovieClip Frame 69
if ((slot eq "slot1") and (_root.slot_1_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot2") and (_root.slot_2_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot3") and (_root.slot_3_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else if ((slot eq "slot4") and (_root.slot_4_death eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (70); } else { gotoAndPlay (68); }
Symbol 3327 MovieClip Frame 95
if (slot eq "slot1") { _root.front_slot_1 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot2") { _root.front_slot_2 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot3") { _root.front_slot_3 = 0; } else if (slot eq "slot4") { _root.front_slot_4 = 0; } _root.sunken_1_installed = 0;
Symbol 3370 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.shell_upgraded eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3370 MovieClip Frame 103
stop(); _root.overmind_hp = _root.overmind_hp_max;
Symbol 3379 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.overmind_hp > 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3379 MovieClip Frame 70
_root.you_lose = 1;
Symbol 3379 MovieClip Frame 115
Symbol 3388 MovieClip Frame 1
a = random(4); if (a eq 1) { play(); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (20); } else { gotoAndPlay (50); }
Symbol 3388 MovieClip Frame 19
go = 0; gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3388 MovieClip Frame 20
a = random(4); if (a eq 1) { play(); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (20); } else { gotoAndPlay (50); }
Symbol 3388 MovieClip Frame 49
go = 0; gotoAndPlay (20);
Symbol 3388 MovieClip Frame 50
a = random(4); if (a eq 1) { play(); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (20); } else { gotoAndPlay (50); }
Symbol 3388 MovieClip Frame 89
go = 0; gotoAndPlay (50);
Symbol 3407 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 3410 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 3412 MovieClip Frame 25
remove = 1; stop();
Symbol 3413 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3414 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((go != 1) or (installed eq 0)) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3414 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((go eq 1) and (blowup != 1)) { setProperty("infested", _x , infested._x - 4); } if (blowup eq 1) { tellTarget ("infested") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } if ((infested.death.remove eq 1) or (infested._x < -1400)) { if (number eq 1) { _root.infested_terran_1_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.infested_terran_2_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.infested_terran_3_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.infested_terran_4_installed = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.infested_terran_5_installed = 0; } _root.marines_infested = _root.marines_infested - 1; go = 0; blowup = 0; if (number eq 1) { setProperty("_root.infested_terran_1", _y , 1000); } else if (number eq 2) { setProperty("_root.infested_terran_2", _y , 1000); } else if (number eq 3) { setProperty("_root.infested_terran_3", _y , 1000); } else if (number eq 4) { setProperty("_root.infested_terran_4", _y , 1000); } else if (number eq 5) { setProperty("_root.infested_terran_5", _y , 1000); } }
Symbol 3414 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((go eq 1) and (installed eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 3475 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3475 MovieClip Frame 3
if (blowup != 1) { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 3475 MovieClip Frame 43
if (number eq 1) { _root.spore_mine_1_installed = 0; setProperty("_root.spore_mine_1", _y , 1000); } else if (number eq 2) { _root.spore_mine_2_installed = 0; setProperty("_root.spore_mine_2", _y , 1000); } else if (number eq 3) { _root.spore_mine_3_installed = 0; setProperty("_root.spore_mine_3", _y , 1000); } else if (number eq 4) { _root.spore_mine_4_installed = 0; setProperty("_root.spore_mine_4", _y , 1000); } _root.spore_mines = _root.spore_mines - 1; blowup = 0;
Symbol 3480 MovieClip Frame 1
hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "carier"; = _root.carier_hp; = _root.carier_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 3480 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3488 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 3502 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.carier_alive = 0;
Symbol 3502 MovieClip Frame 108
stop(); _root.tassadar_has_died = 1;
Symbol 3503 MovieClip Frame 1
if (nogohujc != 1337) { nogohujc = 1337; dmg = 0; } hpscript.dmg = dmg; if (dmg > _root.carier_hp) { gotoAndStop (3); } spore_1_test_1 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_1); spore_1_test_2 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_2); spore_1_test_3 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_3); spore_2_test_1 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_1); spore_2_test_2 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_2); spore_2_test_3 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_3); spore_3_test_1 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_1); spore_3_test_2 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_2); spore_3_test_3 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_3); spore_4_test_1 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_1); spore_4_test_2 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_2); spore_4_test_3 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_3); if (_root.carier_field_on eq 1) { if ((((((((((((spore_1_test_1 eq "true") or (spore_1_test_2 eq "true")) or (spore_1_test_3 eq "true")) or (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or (spore_2_test_2 eq "true")) or (spore_2_test_3 eq "true")) or (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or (spore_3_test_2 eq "true")) or (spore_3_test_3 eq "true")) or (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or (spore_4_test_2 eq "true")) or (spore_4_test_3 eq "true")) { _root.carier_show_forcefield = 1; } } else { if ((((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore1dodmg = 1; } else { spore1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore2dodmg = 1; } else { spore2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore3dodmg = 1; } else { spore3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore4dodmg = 1; } else { spore4dodmg = 0; } if (spore1dodmg eq 1) { dmg = dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore2dodmg eq 1) { dmg = dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore3dodmg eq 1) { dmg = dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore4dodmg eq 1) { dmg = dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } } defiler_test_1 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if (_root.carier_field_on eq 1) { if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { _root.carier_show_forcefield = 1; } } else if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { dmg = dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); if (_root.carier_field_on eq 1) { if ((((((((((((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { _root.carier_show_forcefield = 1; } } else { if (((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_1_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_1_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_2_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_2_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_3_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_3_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_4_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_4_deathfog = 0; } if (hatchery_4_deathfog eq 1) { dmg = dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_3_deathfog eq 1) { dmg = dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_2_deathfog eq 1) { dmg = dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_1_deathfog eq 1) { dmg = dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } } lowdmgzone_test = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (_root.carier_field_on eq 1) { if ((highdmgzone_test eq "true") or (lowdmgzone_test eq "true")) { _root.carier_show_forcefield = 1; } } else { if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } } psystorm_test = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (_root.carier_field_on eq 1) { if (psystorm_test eq "true") { _root.carier_show_forcefield = 1; } } else if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } implosion_test = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (_root.carier_field_on eq 1) { if (implosion_test eq "true") { _root.carier_show_forcefield = 1; } } else if (implosion_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (_root.carier_field_on eq 1) { if (airstrike_test eq "true") { _root.carier_show_forcefield = 1; } } else if (airstrike_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + (_root.airstrike_dmg / 3); } elysium_test = carier_movementbox.shadow_.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (_root.carier_field_on eq 1) { if (elysium_test eq "true") { _root.carier_show_forcefield = 1; } } else if (elysium_test eq "true") { dmg = dmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 3503 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3503 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); _root.carier_shell.stop();
Symbol 3508 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3508 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3509 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3509 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3511 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3511 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3513 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); turnoff = 1;
Symbol 3514 MovieClip Frame 2
if (box.turnoff != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3514 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.inters.interrelease = 1; stop();
Symbol 3517 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3517 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3518 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3518 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3519 MovieClip Frame 28
stop(); turnoff = 1;
Symbol 3520 MovieClip Frame 2
if (box.turnoff != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3520 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(_root.carier_rr) != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.carier_alive = 1;
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.carier_alive = 1;
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 46
_root.carier_alive = 1;
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 63
_root.carier_alive = 1;
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 104
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 105
if (_root.skolkointerov < 9) { gotoAndPlay ("ostanovka"); }
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 106
carier_core.engines.gotoAndStop(1); _root.carier_field_on = 0;
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 230;
Symbol 3521 MovieClip Frame 231
Symbol 3524 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "corsair"; = _root.corsair_hp; = _root.corsair_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 3524 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3526 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { skilldmg = skilldmg + (_root.smite_dmg * 1.7); tellTarget ("smite") { play(); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3544 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 3555 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 3566 MovieClip Frame 9;
Symbol 3572 MovieClip Frame 4 = + _root.corsair_cash; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.corsair_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.corsair_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.corsair_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.corsair_exp; }
Symbol 3572 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 3573 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 3567 MovieClip "shootingbox" in Symbol 3573 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (number eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (number eq 2) { gotoAndStop (1); } else if (number eq 3) { gotoAndStop (3); } }
Symbol 3573 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((skilldmg > (_root.corsair_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.corsair_hp / 2.5))) { death.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.corsair_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.corsair_hp / 1.8))) { death.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.corsair_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.corsair_hp / 1.2))) { death.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.corsair_hp / 1.2)) { death.expbonus = 100; }
Symbol 3575 MovieClip Frame 1
remove = 1;
Symbol 3577 MovieClip Frame 1
if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.corsair_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; corsair_movementbox.skilldmg = 0; } corsair_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = corsair_movementbox.skilldmg; corsair_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; corsair_movementbox.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; corsair_movementbox.number = number; if (hp <= (corsair_movementbox.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; corsair_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } if (death != 1) { if (corsair_movementbox._x < 403) { setProperty("corsair_movementbox", _x , corsair_movementbox._x + 5.5); } else { tellTarget ("corsair_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else { tellTarget ("corsair_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } spore_1_test_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_1); spore_1_test_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_2); spore_1_test_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_3); spore_2_test_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_1); spore_2_test_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_2); spore_2_test_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_3); spore_3_test_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_1); spore_3_test_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_2); spore_3_test_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_3); spore_4_test_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_1); spore_4_test_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_2); spore_4_test_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore1dodmg = 1; } else { spore1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore2dodmg = 1; } else { spore2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore3dodmg = 1; } else { spore3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore4dodmg = 1; } else { spore4dodmg = 0; } if (spore1dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore2dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore3dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore4dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } defiler_test_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } hatchery_1_test_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_1_test_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_1_test_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_2_test_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_2_test_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_2_test_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_3_test_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_3_test_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_3_test_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_4_test_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_4_test_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_4_test_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery1dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery2dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery3dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery4dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery4dodmg = 0; } if ((((hatchery1dodmg + spore2dodmg) + spore3dodmg) + spore4dodmg) > 0) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery_dmg; } hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); if (((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_1_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_1_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_2_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_2_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_3_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_3_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_4_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_4_deathfog = 0; } if (hatchery_4_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_3_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_2_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_1_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } lowdmgzone_test = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { corsair_movementbox.skilldmg = corsair_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { corsair_movementbox.skilldmg = corsair_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { corsair_movementbox.skilldmg = corsair_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { corsair_movementbox.skilldmg = corsair_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.discharge_dmg; } implosion_test = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { corsair_movementbox.skilldmg = corsair_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = corsair_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { corsair_movementbox.skilldmg = corsair_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 3577 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } if (number eq 1) { _root.corsair1_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.corsair2_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.corsair3_alive = 1; } if (corsair_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3577 MovieClip Frame 3
if (number eq 1) { _root.corsair1_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.corsair2_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.corsair3_alive = 0; }
Symbol 3578 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("corsair_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.corsair3_rr) eq 3) { if ((corsair_core_duplicate.corsair_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("corsair_core", "corsair_core_duplicate", 0); } } corsair_core_duplicate.number = 3; corsair_core_duplicate.corsair_movementbox.shootingbox.number = 3;
Symbol 3578 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3579 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("corsair_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.corsair2_rr) eq 3) { if ((corsair_core_duplicate.corsair_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("corsair_core", "corsair_core_duplicate", 0); } } corsair_core_duplicate.number = 2; corsair_core_duplicate.corsair_movementbox.shootingbox.number = 2;
Symbol 3579 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3580 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("corsair_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.corsair1_rr) eq 3) { if ((corsair_core_duplicate.corsair_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("corsair_core", "corsair_core_duplicate", 0); } } corsair_core_duplicate.number = 1; corsair_core_duplicate.corsair_movementbox.shootingbox.number = 1;
Symbol 3580 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3582 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { skilldmg = skilldmg + _root.smite_dmg; tellTarget ("smite") { play(); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3585 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "battlecruiser"; = _root.battlecruiser_hp; = _root.battlecruiser_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 3585 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3595 MovieClip Frame 1;
Symbol 3601 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 3605 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 3608 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 3618 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 3620 MovieClip Frame 14 = + _root.battlecruiser_cash; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.battlecruiser_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.battlecruiser_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.battlecruiser_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.battlecruiser_exp; }
Symbol 3620 MovieClip Frame 41
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 3621 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3621 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((skilldmg > (_root.battlecruiser_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.battlecruiser_hp / 2.5))) { death.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.battlecruiser_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.battlecruiser_hp / 1.8))) { death.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.battlecruiser_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.battlecruiser_hp / 1.2))) { death.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.battlecruiser_hp / 1.2)) { death.expbonus = 100; }
Symbol 3622 MovieClip Frame 1
if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.battlecruiser_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg = 0; } battlecruiser_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg; battlecruiser_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; battlecruiser_movementbox.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; if (hp <= (battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; battlecruiser_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } if (death != 1) { if (battlecruiser_movementbox._x < -1) { setProperty("battlecruiser_movementbox", _x , battlecruiser_movementbox._x + 1); } else { tellTarget ("battlecruiser_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else { if (_root.yamato_gun_shot.cantstop != 1) { _root.yamato_gun_shot.gotoAndStop(1); } tellTarget ("battlecruiser_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } defiler_test_1 = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } lowdmgzone_test = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg = battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg = battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg = battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg = battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge_to_highlvlunits_dmg_modifier); } implosion_test = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg = battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = battlecruiser_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg = battlecruiser_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 3622 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } _root.battlecruiser_alive = 1; if (battlecruiser_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3622 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.battlecruiser_alive = 0;
Symbol 3623 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("battlecruiser") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.battlecruiser_rr) eq 3) { if ((battlecruiser_duplicate.battlecruiser_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("battlecruiser", "battlecruiser_duplicate", 0); } }
Symbol 3623 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3625 Button
on (release) { if ((((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) and (cloaked != 1)) { skilldmg = skilldmg + (_root.smite_dmg * 1.7); tellTarget ("smite") { play(); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3628 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "wraith"; = _root.wraith_hp; = _root.wraith_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 3628 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3631 MovieClip Frame 2
if (cloaked eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3631 MovieClip Frame 4
if (cloaked eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3638 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 3640 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 3641 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3651 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3659 MovieClip Frame 6 = + _root.wraith_cash; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.wraith_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.wraith_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.wraith_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.wraith_exp; }
Symbol 3659 MovieClip Frame 18
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 3660 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3660 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 3651 MovieClip "kydastrelyaem" in Symbol 3660 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (number eq 1) { gotoAndStop (1);; } else if (number eq 2) {; gotoAndStop (2); } else if (number eq 3) {; gotoAndStop (3); } else if (number eq 4) {; gotoAndStop (4); } else if (number eq 5) {; gotoAndStop (5); } }
Symbol 3660 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((skilldmg > (_root.wraith_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.wraith_hp / 2.5))) { death.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.wraith_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.wraith_hp / 1.8))) { death.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.wraith_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.wraith_hp / 1.2))) { death.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.wraith_hp / 1.2)) { death.expbonus = 100; } if (number eq 1) { _root.wraith_shot_1.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (number eq 2) { _root.wraith_shot_2.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (number eq 3) { _root.wraith_shot_3.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (number eq 4) { _root.wraith_shot_4.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (number eq 5) { _root.wraith_shot_5.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 3661 MovieClip Frame 1
if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.wraith_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; wraith_movementbox.skilldmg = 0; } wraith_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = wraith_movementbox.skilldmg; wraith_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; wraith_movementbox.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; wraith_movementbox.number = number; if (hp <= (wraith_movementbox.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; wraith_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } if ((wraith_movementbox._x > 0) and (cloakingtrigger != 1)) { wraith_movementbox.wraith_cloakingbox.gotoAndStop(2); cloaked = 1; cloakingtrigger = 1; } if ((wraith_movementbox._x > 255) and (cloaked eq 1)) { cloaked = 0; wraith_movementbox.wraith_cloakingbox.gotoAndStop(3); } revealtest = wraith_movementbox.shadow2.hitTest(_root.truesight.detectzone); wraith_movementbox.shadow.cloaked = cloaked; wraith_movementbox.cloaked = cloaked; if ((revealtest eq "true") and (cloaked eq 1)) { cloaked = 0; wraith_movementbox.wraith_cloakingbox.gotoAndStop(3); } if (death != 1) { if (wraith_movementbox._x < 300.2) { setProperty("wraith_movementbox", _x , wraith_movementbox._x + 3.5); } else { tellTarget ("wraith_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else { tellTarget ("wraith_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } spore_1_test_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_1); spore_1_test_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_2); spore_1_test_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_3); spore_2_test_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_1); spore_2_test_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_2); spore_2_test_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_3); spore_3_test_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_1); spore_3_test_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_2); spore_3_test_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_3); spore_4_test_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_1); spore_4_test_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_2); spore_4_test_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore1dodmg = 1; } else { spore1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore2dodmg = 1; } else { spore2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore3dodmg = 1; } else { spore3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore4dodmg = 1; } else { spore4dodmg = 0; } if (spore1dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + (_root.spore_dmg * _root.spore_to_wraith_dmg_modifier); } if (spore2dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + (_root.spore_dmg * _root.spore_to_wraith_dmg_modifier); } if (spore3dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + (_root.spore_dmg * _root.spore_to_wraith_dmg_modifier); } if (spore4dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + (_root.spore_dmg * _root.spore_to_wraith_dmg_modifier); } defiler_test_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } hatchery_1_test_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_1_test_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_1_test_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_2_test_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_2_test_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_2_test_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_3_test_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_3_test_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_3_test_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_4_test_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_4_test_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_4_test_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery1dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery2dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery3dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery4dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery4dodmg = 0; } if ((((hatchery1dodmg + spore2dodmg) + spore3dodmg) + spore4dodmg) > 0) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery_dmg; } hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); if (((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_1_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_1_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_2_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_2_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_3_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_3_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_4_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_4_deathfog = 0; } if (hatchery_4_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_3_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_2_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_1_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } lowdmgzone_test = wraith_movementbox.shadow2.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = wraith_movementbox.shadow2.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { wraith_movementbox.skilldmg = wraith_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { wraith_movementbox.skilldmg = wraith_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { wraith_movementbox.skilldmg = wraith_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { wraith_movementbox.skilldmg = wraith_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.discharge_dmg; } implosion_test = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { wraith_movementbox.skilldmg = wraith_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = wraith_movementbox.shadow2.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } elysium_test = wraith_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { wraith_movementbox.skilldmg = wraith_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 3661 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } if (number eq 1) { _root.wraith1_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.wraith2_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.wraith3_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.wraith4_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.wraith5_alive = 1; } if (wraith_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3661 MovieClip Frame 3
if (number eq 1) { _root.wraith1_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.wraith2_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.wraith3_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.wraith4_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.wraith5_alive = 0; }
Symbol 3662 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("wraith_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.wraith5_rr) eq 3) { if ((wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("wraith_core", "wraith_core_duplicate", 0); } } wraith_core_duplicate.number = 5; wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 5;
Symbol 3662 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3663 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("wraith_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.wraith4_rr) eq 3) { if ((wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("wraith_core", "wraith_core_duplicate", 0); } } wraith_core_duplicate.number = 4; wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 4;
Symbol 3663 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3664 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("wraith_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.wraith3_rr) eq 3) { if ((wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("wraith_core", "wraith_core_duplicate", 0); } } wraith_core_duplicate.number = 3; wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 3;
Symbol 3664 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3665 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("wraith_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.wraith2_rr) eq 3) { if ((wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("wraith_core", "wraith_core_duplicate", 0); } } wraith_core_duplicate.number = 2; wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 2;
Symbol 3665 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3666 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("wraith_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.wraith1_rr) eq 3) { if ((wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("wraith_core", "wraith_core_duplicate", 0); } } wraith_core_duplicate.number = 1; wraith_core_duplicate.wraith_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 1;
Symbol 3666 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3668 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { skilldmg = skilldmg + _root.smite_dmg; tellTarget ("smite") { play(); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3671 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "siegetank"; = _root.siegetank_hp; = _root.siegetank_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 3671 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3735 MovieClip Frame 40
a = random(91); if ((a > 0) and (a < 30)) { gotoAndPlay ("lower"); } else if ((a > 30) and (a < 60)) { gotoAndPlay ("upper"); } else { gotoAndPlay ("forward"); }
Symbol 3735 MovieClip Frame 47;
Symbol 3735 MovieClip Frame 64
gotoAndPlay ("delay");
Symbol 3735 MovieClip Frame 67;
Symbol 3735 MovieClip Frame 84
gotoAndPlay ("delay");
Symbol 3735 MovieClip Frame 87;
Symbol 3735 MovieClip Frame 143
gotoAndPlay ("targeted");
Symbol 3763 MovieClip Frame 13 = + _root.siegetank_cash; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.siegetank_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.siegetank_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.siegetank_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.siegetank_exp; }
Symbol 3763 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 3816 MovieClip Frame 10 = + _root.siegetank_cash; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.siegetank_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.siegetank_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.siegetank_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.siegetank_exp; }
Symbol 3816 MovieClip Frame 36
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 3817 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 3817 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((skilldmg > (_root.siegetank_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.siegetank_hp / 2.5))) { death.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.siegetank_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.siegetank_hp / 1.8))) { death.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.siegetank_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.siegetank_hp / 1.2))) { death.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.siegetank_hp / 1.2)) { death.expbonus = 100; }
Symbol 3817 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((skilldmg > (_root.siegetank_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.siegetank_hp / 2.5))) { death.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.siegetank_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.siegetank_hp / 1.8))) { death.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.siegetank_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.siegetank_hp / 1.2))) { death.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.siegetank_hp / 1.2)) { death.expbonus = 100; }
Symbol 3818 MovieClip Frame 1
if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.siegetank_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = 0; } siegetank_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg; siegetank_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; siegetank_movementbox.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; if (hp <= (siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; siegetank_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } if (death != 1) { if (siegetank_movementbox._x < 52) { setProperty("siegetank_movementbox", _x , siegetank_movementbox._x + 1.8); } else { siege_mode = 1; tellTarget ("siegetank_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else if (siege_mode eq 1) { tellTarget ("siegetank_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else { tellTarget ("siegetank_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } defiler_test_1 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } lowdmgzone_test = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.discharge_dmg; } implosion_test = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } infested_startrun_test_1 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_2 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_3 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_4 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_5 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.start_running_zone); infested_blowup_test_1 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_2 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_3 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_4 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_5 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowupDMG_test_1 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_2 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_3 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_4 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_5 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.death.dmg_zone); if (infested_startrun_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.go = 1; } if (infested_blowup_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.blowup = 1; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_1 eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_2 eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_3 eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_4 eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_5 eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } sporemine_explosion_test_1 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_2 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_3 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_4 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.dmg_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_1 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_2 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_3 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_4 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.toxic_zone); sporemine_detect_test_1 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_2 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_3 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_4 = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.detect_zone); if (sporemine_detect_test_1 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_1.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_2 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_2.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_3 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_3.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_4 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_4.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_1 eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_2 eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_3 eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_4 eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if ((((sporemine_toxic_test_1 eq "true") or (sporemine_toxic_test_2 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_3 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_4 eq "true")) { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine2_dmg; } elysium_test = siegetank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg = siegetank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 3818 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } _root.siegetank_alive = 1; if (siegetank_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3818 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.siegetank_alive = 0;
Symbol 3819 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("siegetank") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.siegetank_rr) eq 3) { if ((siegetank_duplicate.siegetank_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("siegetank", "siegetank_duplicate", 0); } }
Symbol 3819 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3823 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 3825 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { gotoAndStop (5); _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; _root.overmind_exp = _root.overmind_exp + _root.ghost_exp; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3846 MovieClip Frame 6
if (_root.wave eq 5) { _root.exp = _root.exp + 1100; = + 500; } else { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.ghost_exp; = + _root.ghost_cash; }
Symbol 3846 MovieClip Frame 25
stop(); _root.ghostisdead = 1;
Symbol 3847 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = _root.truesight.detectzone.hitTest(hitzone); if (hittest eq "true") { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3847 MovieClip Frame 3
discharge_test = _root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); alysiumtear_test = _root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); implosion_test = _root.implosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); psystorm_test = _root.psy_storm.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_1 = _root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_2 = _root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); airstrike_test = _root.airstrike.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if (((((((discharge_test eq "true") or (alysiumtear_test eq "true")) or (implosion_test eq "true")) or (psystorm_test eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_1 eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_2 eq "true")) or (airstrike_test eq "true")) { gotoAndStop (5); } if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 3847 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 3847 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); if (_root.nuke_cantstop != 1) { _root.nuke.go = 0; }
Symbol 3848 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { gotoAndStop (5); _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3852 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = _root.truesight.detectzone.hitTest(hitzone); if (hittest eq "true") { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3852 MovieClip Frame 3
discharge_test = _root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); alysiumtear_test = _root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); implosion_test = _root.implosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); psystorm_test = _root.psy_storm.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_1 = _root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_2 = _root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); airstrike_test = _root.airstrike.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if (((((((discharge_test eq "true") or (alysiumtear_test eq "true")) or (implosion_test eq "true")) or (psystorm_test eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_1 eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_2 eq "true")) or (airstrike_test eq "true")) { gotoAndStop (5); } if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 3852 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 3852 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); if (_root.nuke_cantstop != 1) { _root.nuke.go = 0; }
Symbol 3853 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { gotoAndStop (5); _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; _root.overmind_exp = _root.overmind_exp + _root.ghost_exp; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3857 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = _root.truesight.detectzone.hitTest(hitzone); if (hittest eq "true") { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3857 MovieClip Frame 3
discharge_test = _root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); alysiumtear_test = _root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); implosion_test = _root.implosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); psystorm_test = _root.psy_storm.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_1 = _root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_2 = _root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); airstrike_test = _root.airstrike.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if (((((((discharge_test eq "true") or (alysiumtear_test eq "true")) or (implosion_test eq "true")) or (psystorm_test eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_1 eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_2 eq "true")) or (airstrike_test eq "true")) { gotoAndStop (5); } if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 3857 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 3857 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); if (_root.nuke_cantstop != 1) { _root.nuke.go = 0; }
Symbol 3858 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { gotoAndStop (5); _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; _root.overmind_exp = _root.overmind_exp + _root.ghost_exp; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3862 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = _root.truesight.detectzone.hitTest(hitzone); if (hittest eq "true") { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3862 MovieClip Frame 3
discharge_test = _root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); alysiumtear_test = _root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); implosion_test = _root.implosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); psystorm_test = _root.psy_storm.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_1 = _root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_2 = _root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); airstrike_test = _root.airstrike.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if (((((((discharge_test eq "true") or (alysiumtear_test eq "true")) or (implosion_test eq "true")) or (psystorm_test eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_1 eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_2 eq "true")) or (airstrike_test eq "true")) { gotoAndStop (5); } if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 3862 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 3862 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); if (_root.nuke_cantstop != 1) { _root.nuke.go = 0; }
Symbol 3863 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { gotoAndStop (5); _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; _root.overmind_exp = _root.overmind_exp + _root.ghost_exp; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3866 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = _root.truesight.detectzone.hitTest(hitzone); if (hittest eq "true") { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3866 MovieClip Frame 3
discharge_test = _root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); alysiumtear_test = _root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); implosion_test = _root.implosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); psystorm_test = _root.psy_storm.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_1 = _root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); grandexplosion_test_2 = _root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); airstrike_test = _root.airstrike.dmg_zone.hitTest(hitzone); if (((((((discharge_test eq "true") or (alysiumtear_test eq "true")) or (implosion_test eq "true")) or (psystorm_test eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_1 eq "true")) or (grandexplosion_test_2 eq "true")) or (airstrike_test eq "true")) { gotoAndStop (5); } if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndStop (5); }
Symbol 3866 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 3866 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); if (_root.nuke_cantstop != 1) { _root.nuke.go = 0; }
Symbol 3867 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.ghostisdead = 0;
Symbol 3867 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.ghost_alive = 0; if ((random(_root.ghost_rr) eq 3) and (_root.nuke.go != 1)) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3867 MovieClip Frame 3
a = random(15); _root.nuke.go = 1; if (((a eq 1) or (a eq 2)) or (a eq 3)) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if (((a eq 4) or (a eq 5)) or (a eq 6)) { gotoAndPlay (6); } else if (((a eq 7) or (a eq 8)) or (a eq 9)) { gotoAndPlay (8); } else if ((((a eq 13) or (a eq 12)) or (a eq 11)) or (a eq 10)) { gotoAndPlay (10); } else { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 3867 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.ghost_alive = 1; if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } if (_root.ghostisdead eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (4); }
Symbol 3867 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.ghost_alive = 1; if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } if (_root.ghostisdead eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (6); }
Symbol 3867 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.ghost_alive = 1; if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } if (_root.ghostisdead eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (8); }
Symbol 3867 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.ghost_alive = 1; if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } if (_root.ghostisdead eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 3867 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.ghost_alive = 1; if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } if (_root.ghostisdead eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (12); }
Symbol 3876 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "darkarchon"; = _root.darkarchon_hp; = _root.darkarchon_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 3876 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3878 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { skilldmg = skilldmg + _root.smite_dmg; tellTarget ("smite") { play(); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 3880 MovieClip Frame 1
if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.darkarchon_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; archon_movementbox.skilldmg = 0; } archon_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg; archon_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; archon_movementbox.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; if (hp <= (archon_movementbox.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; archon_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } lowdmgzone_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge_to_highlvlunits_dmg_modifier); } implosion_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } infested_startrun_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_5 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.start_running_zone); infested_blowup_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_5 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowupDMG_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_5 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.death.dmg_zone); if (infested_startrun_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.go = 1; } if (infested_blowup_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.blowup = 1; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_1 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_2 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_3 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_4 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_5 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } sporemine_explosion_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.dmg_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.toxic_zone); sporemine_detect_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.detect_zone); if (sporemine_detect_test_1 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_1.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_2 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_2.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_3 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_3.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_4 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_4.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_1 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_2 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_3 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_4 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if ((((sporemine_toxic_test_1 eq "true") or (sporemine_toxic_test_2 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_3 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_4 eq "true")) { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine2_dmg; } elysium_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 3880 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } if (death eq 1) { _root.darkarchon.gotoAndPlay("death"); } gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 3990 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 3996 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.darkarchon_alive = 0;
Symbol 3996 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(_root.darkarchon_rr) eq 3) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 3996 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.darkarchon_alive = 1;
Symbol 3996 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.darkarchon_alive = 1;
Symbol 3996 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.darkarchon_alive = 1;
Symbol 3996 MovieClip Frame 91;
Symbol 3996 MovieClip Frame 222
gotoAndPlay ("omg");
Symbol 3996 MovieClip Frame 257
_root.darkarchon_alive = 0; = + _root.darkarchon_cash; _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.darkarchon_exp;
Symbol 3999 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "bombtank"; = _root.bombtank_hp; = _root.bombtank_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 3999 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4001 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { skilldmg = skilldmg + _root.smite_dmg; tellTarget ("smite") { play(); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 4018 MovieClip Frame 1
dodmg = 0; stop();
Symbol 4018 MovieClip Frame 8
dodmg = 1;
Symbol 4018 MovieClip Frame 11
dodmg = 0;
Symbol 4045 MovieClip Frame 1 = 1;
Symbol 4045 MovieClip Frame 22
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 4054 MovieClip Frame 7
if (_root.wave eq 8) { = + 1000; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + 360; } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + 360; } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + 480; } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + 600; } } else { = + _root.bombtank_cash; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.bombtank_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.bombtank_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.bombtank_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.bombtank_exp; } }
Symbol 4054 MovieClip Frame 23
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 4055 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4055 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((skilldmg > (_root.bombtank_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.bombtank_hp / 2.5))) { death2.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.bombtank_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.bombtank_hp / 1.8))) { death2.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.bombtank_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.bombtank_hp / 1.2))) { death2.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.bombtank_hp / 1.2)) { death2.expbonus = 100; } stop();
Symbol 4057 MovieClip Frame 1
if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.bombtank_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = 0; } bombtank_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg; bombtank_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; bombtank_movementbox.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; if (hp <= (bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; bombtank_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } if (death != 1) { if (bombtank_movementbox._x < 0) { setProperty("bombtank_movementbox", _x , bombtank_movementbox._x + 3.5); } else { tellTarget ("bombtank_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else { tellTarget ("bombtank_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } sunken_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_1.sunken1_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_2.sunken2_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_3.sunken3_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_4 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_4.sunken4_core.atack_zone); if (obnulenie != 1) { sunken1_targeted = 0; sunken2_targeted = 0; sunken3_targeted = 0; sunken4_targeted = 0; obnulenie = 1; } sunkentargeted234 = (sunken2_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_1 eq "true") and (_root.sunken1_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted234 eq 0)) { _root.sunken1_targeted = 1; sunken1_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken1_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken1_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("bombtank_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (bombtank_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken1_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted134 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_2 eq "true") and (_root.sunken2_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted134 eq 0)) { _root.sunken2_targeted = 1; sunken2_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken2_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken2_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("bombtank_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (bombtank_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken2_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted124 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_3 eq "true") and (_root.sunken3_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted124 eq 0)) { _root.sunken3_targeted = 1; sunken3_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken3_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken3_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("bombtank_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (bombtank_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken3_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted123 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken3_targeted; if (((sunken_test_4 eq "true") and (_root.sunken4_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted123 eq 0)) { _root.sunken4_targeted = 1; sunken4_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken4_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken4_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("bombtank_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (bombtank_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken4_targeted = 0; } } spore_1_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_1); spore_1_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_2); spore_1_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_3); spore_2_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_1); spore_2_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_2); spore_2_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_3); spore_3_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_1); spore_3_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_2); spore_3_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_3); spore_4_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_1); spore_4_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_2); spore_4_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore1dodmg = 1; } else { spore1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore2dodmg = 1; } else { spore2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore3dodmg = 1; } else { spore3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore4dodmg = 1; } else { spore4dodmg = 0; } if (spore1dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + (_root.spore_dmg * _root.bombtank_sporedmg_modifier); } if (spore2dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + (_root.spore_dmg * _root.bombtank_sporedmg_modifier); } if (spore3dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + (_root.spore_dmg * _root.bombtank_sporedmg_modifier); } if (spore4dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + (_root.spore_dmg * _root.bombtank_sporedmg_modifier); } defiler_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } hatchery_1_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_1_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_1_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_2_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_2_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_2_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_3_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_3_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_3_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_4_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_4_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_4_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery1dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery2dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery3dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery4dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery4dodmg = 0; } if ((((hatchery1dodmg + spore2dodmg) + spore3dodmg) + spore4dodmg) > 0) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery_dmg; } hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); if (((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_1_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_1_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_2_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_2_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_3_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_3_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_4_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_4_deathfog = 0; } if (hatchery_4_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_3_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_2_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_1_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } lowdmgzone_test = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.discharge_dmg; } implosion_test = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } infested_startrun_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_4 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_5 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.start_running_zone); infested_blowup_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_4 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_5 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowupDMG_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_4 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_5 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.death.dmg_zone); if (infested_startrun_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.go = 1; } if (infested_blowup_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.blowup = 1; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_1 eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_2 eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_3 eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_4 eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_5 eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } sporemine_explosion_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_4 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.dmg_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_4 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.toxic_zone); sporemine_detect_test_1 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_2 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_3 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_4 = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.detect_zone); if (sporemine_detect_test_1 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_1.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_2 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_2.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_3 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_3.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_4 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_4.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_1 eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_2 eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_3 eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_4 eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if ((((sporemine_toxic_test_1 eq "true") or (sporemine_toxic_test_2 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_3 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_4 eq "true")) { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine2_dmg; } elysium_test = bombtank_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg = bombtank_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 4057 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } _root.bombtank_alive = 1; if ((bombtank_movementbox.death1.remove eq 1) or (bombtank_movementbox.death2.remove eq 1)) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4057 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.bombtank_alive = 0; bombtankdied = 1;
Symbol 4058 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("bombtank_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.bombtank_rr) eq 3) { if ((bombtank_core_duplicate.bombtankdied eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("bombtank_core", "bombtank_core_duplicate", 0); } }
Symbol 4058 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4060 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { skilldmg = skilldmg + (_root.smite_dmg * _root.smite_to_supermariner_dmg_modifier); tellTarget ("smite") { play(); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } if (_root.power_in_hand eq 7) { captured = 1; _root.overmind_exp = _root.overmind_exp + _root.mariner_exp; _root.queen_glotaet = 1; _root.marines_captured = _root.marines_captured + 1; } }
Symbol 4063 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "supermariner"; = _root.supermariner_hp; = _root.supermariner_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 4063 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4085 MovieClip Frame 1
if (number eq 1) { _root.supermariner1_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.supermariner2_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.supermariner3_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.supermariner4_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.supermariner5_shooting = 1; }
Symbol 4085 MovieClip Frame 12
if ((number eq 1) and (_root.supermariner1_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if ((number eq 2) and (_root.supermariner2_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if ((number eq 3) and (_root.supermariner3_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if ((number eq 4) and (_root.supermariner4_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if ((number eq 5) and (_root.supermariner5_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); }
Symbol 4090 MovieClip Frame 1
if (number eq 1) { _root.supermariner1_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.supermariner2_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.supermariner3_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.supermariner4_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.supermariner5_shooting = 1; }
Symbol 4090 MovieClip Frame 12
if ((number eq 1) and (_root.supermariner1_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if ((number eq 2) and (_root.supermariner2_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if ((number eq 3) and (_root.supermariner3_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if ((number eq 4) and (_root.supermariner4_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if ((number eq 5) and (_root.supermariner5_shooting eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (11); }
Symbol 4091 MovieClip Frame 2
shooting.number = number; if ((number eq 2) or (number eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4091 MovieClip Frame 4
shooting.number = number; if ((number eq 2) or (number eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4097 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(3) eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (10); } else { gotoAndPlay (30); }
Symbol 4097 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 4097 MovieClip Frame 51
Symbol 4112 MovieClip Frame 3
if (giveexp eq 1) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.mariner_exp; } if (supermariner != 1) { = + _root.mariner_cash; } else { = + _root.supermariner_cash; }
Symbol 4112 MovieClip Frame 4
if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.supermariner_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.supermariner_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.supermariner_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.supermariner_exp; }
Symbol 4112 MovieClip Frame 57
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 4113 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4113 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((skilldmg > (_root.goliath_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.goliath_hp / 2.5))) { death.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.goliath_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.goliath_hp / 1.8))) { death.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.goliath_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.goliath_hp / 1.2))) { death.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.goliath_hp / 1.2)) { death.expbonus = 100; } death.supermariner = 1;
Symbol 4114 MovieClip Frame 1
number = mariner_core.shooting_shell.number; if (mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.supermariner_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; mariner_core.skilldmg = 0; } mariner_core.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg; mariner_core.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; mariner_core.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; if (hp <= (mariner_core.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; mariner_core.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } if (death != 1) { if (mariner_core._x < 330) { setProperty("mariner_core", _x , mariner_core._x + 2.6); } else { tellTarget ("mariner_core") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else { tellTarget ("mariner_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } sunken_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_1.sunken1_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_2.sunken2_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_3.sunken3_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_4 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_4.sunken4_core.atack_zone); if (obnulenie != 1) { sunken1_targeted = 0; sunken2_targeted = 0; sunken3_targeted = 0; sunken4_targeted = 0; obnulenie = 1; } sunkentargeted234 = (sunken2_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_1 eq "true") and (_root.sunken1_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted234 eq 0)) { _root.sunken1_targeted = 1; sunken1_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken1_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken1_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("mariner_core.sunken") { play(); }; if (mariner_core.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken1_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted134 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_2 eq "true") and (_root.sunken2_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted134 eq 0)) { _root.sunken2_targeted = 1; sunken2_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken2_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken2_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("mariner_core.sunken") { play(); }; if (mariner_core.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken2_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted124 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_3 eq "true") and (_root.sunken3_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted124 eq 0)) { _root.sunken3_targeted = 1; sunken3_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken3_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken3_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("mariner_core.sunken") { play(); }; if (mariner_core.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken3_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted123 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken3_targeted; if (((sunken_test_4 eq "true") and (_root.sunken4_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted123 eq 0)) { _root.sunken4_targeted = 1; sunken4_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken4_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken4_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("mariner_core.sunken") { play(); }; if (mariner_core.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken4_targeted = 0; } } spore_1_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_1); spore_1_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_2); spore_1_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_3); spore_2_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_1); spore_2_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_2); spore_2_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_3); spore_3_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_1); spore_3_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_2); spore_3_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_3); spore_4_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_1); spore_4_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_2); spore_4_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore1dodmg = 1; } else { spore1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore2dodmg = 1; } else { spore2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore3dodmg = 1; } else { spore3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore4dodmg = 1; } else { spore4dodmg = 0; } if (spore1dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore2dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore3dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore4dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } defiler_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } hatchery_1_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_1_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_1_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_2_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_2_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_2_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_3_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_3_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_3_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_4_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_4_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_4_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery1dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery2dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery3dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery4dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery4dodmg = 0; } if ((((hatchery1dodmg + spore2dodmg) + spore3dodmg) + spore4dodmg) > 0) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery_dmg; } hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); if (((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_1_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_1_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_2_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_2_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_3_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_3_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_4_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_4_deathfog = 0; } if (hatchery_4_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_3_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_2_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_1_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } lowdmgzone_test = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.discharge_dmg; } implosion_test = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } infested_startrun_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_4 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_5 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.start_running_zone); infested_blowup_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_4 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_5 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowupDMG_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_4 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_5 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.death.dmg_zone); if (infested_startrun_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.go = 1; } if (infested_blowup_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.blowup = 1; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_1 eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_2 eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_3 eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_4 eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_5 eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } sporemine_explosion_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_4 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.dmg_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_4 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.toxic_zone); sporemine_detect_test_1 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_2 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_3 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_4 = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.detect_zone); if (sporemine_detect_test_1 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_1.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_2 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_2.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_3 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_3.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_4 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_4.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_1 eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_2 eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_3 eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_4 eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if ((((sporemine_toxic_test_1 eq "true") or (sporemine_toxic_test_2 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_3 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_4 eq "true")) { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine2_dmg; } elysium_test = mariner_core.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { mariner_core.skilldmg = mariner_core.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 4114 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } if (number eq 1) { _root.supermariner1_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.supermariner2_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.supermariner3_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.supermariner4_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.supermariner5_alive = 1; } if (_root.you_lose eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } if ((mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) or (mariner_core.captured eq 1)) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4114 MovieClip Frame 3
if (number eq 1) { _root.supermariner1_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.supermariner2_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.supermariner3_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.supermariner4_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.supermariner5_alive = 0; } stop();
Symbol 4115 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.supermariner5_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner", "mariner_duplicate", 0); _root.supermariner5_alive = 1; } } mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shooting_shell.number = 5; mariner_duplicate.number = 5; if (mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) { _root.supermariner5_alive = 0; }
Symbol 4115 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4116 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.supermariner4_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner", "mariner_duplicate", 0); _root.supermariner4_alive = 1; } } mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shooting_shell.number = 4; mariner_duplicate.number = 4; if (mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) { _root.supermariner4_alive = 0; }
Symbol 4116 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4117 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.supermariner3_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner", "mariner_duplicate", 0); _root.supermariner3_alive = 1; } } mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shooting_shell.number = 3; if (mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) { _root.supermariner3_alive = 0; }
Symbol 4117 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4118 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.supermariner2_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner", "mariner_duplicate", 0); _root.supermariner2_alive = 1; } } mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shooting_shell.number = 2; if (mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) { _root.supermariner2_alive = 0; }
Symbol 4118 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4119 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.supermariner1_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner", "mariner_duplicate", 0); _root.supermariner1_alive = 1; } } mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.shooting_shell.number = 1; if (mariner_duplicate.mariner_core.death.remove eq 1) { _root.supermariner1_alive = 0; }
Symbol 4119 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4122 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "archon"; = _root.archon_hp; = _root.archon_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 4122 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4156 MovieClip Frame 25
if (number eq 1) {; } else if (number eq 2) {; } else if (number eq 3) {; } else if (number eq 4) {; } else if (number eq 5) {; }
Symbol 4159 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 4164 MovieClip Frame 11 = + _root.archon_cash; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.archon_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.archon_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.archon_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.archon_exp; }
Symbol 4164 MovieClip Frame 38
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 4165 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4165 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 4165 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((skilldmg > (_root.archon_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.archon_hp / 2.5))) { death.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.archon_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.archon_hp / 1.8))) { death.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.archon_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.archon_hp / 1.2))) { death.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.archon_hp / 1.2)) { death.expbonus = 100; } if (number eq 1) { _root.archon_1_shot.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (number eq 2) { _root.archon_2_shot.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (number eq 3) { _root.archon_3_shot.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (number eq 4) { _root.archon_4_shot.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (number eq 5) { _root.archon_5_shot.gotoAndStop(1); } stop();
Symbol 4166 MovieClip Frame 1
if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.archon_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; archon_movementbox.skilldmg = 0; } archon_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg; archon_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; archon_movementbox.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; if (hp <= (archon_movementbox.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; archon_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } if (death != 1) { if (archon_movementbox._x < 406) { setProperty("archon_movementbox", _x , archon_movementbox._x + 2); } else { tellTarget ("archon_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else { tellTarget ("archon_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } sunken_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_1.sunken1_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_2.sunken2_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_3.sunken3_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_4.sunken4_core.atack_zone); if (obnulenie != 1) { sunken1_targeted = 0; sunken2_targeted = 0; sunken3_targeted = 0; sunken4_targeted = 0; obnulenie = 1; } sunkentargeted234 = (sunken2_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_1 eq "true") and (_root.sunken1_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted234 eq 0)) { _root.sunken1_targeted = 1; sunken1_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken1_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken1_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("archon_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (archon_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken1_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted134 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_2 eq "true") and (_root.sunken2_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted134 eq 0)) { _root.sunken2_targeted = 1; sunken2_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken2_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken2_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("archon_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (archon_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken2_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted124 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_3 eq "true") and (_root.sunken3_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted124 eq 0)) { _root.sunken3_targeted = 1; sunken3_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken3_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken3_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("archon_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (archon_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken3_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted123 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken3_targeted; if (((sunken_test_4 eq "true") and (_root.sunken4_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted123 eq 0)) { _root.sunken4_targeted = 1; sunken4_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken4_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken4_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("archon_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (archon_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken4_targeted = 0; } } spore_1_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_1); spore_1_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_2); spore_1_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_3); spore_2_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_1); spore_2_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_2); spore_2_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_3); spore_3_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_1); spore_3_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_2); spore_3_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_3); spore_4_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_1); spore_4_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_2); spore_4_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore1dodmg = 1; } else { spore1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore2dodmg = 1; } else { spore2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore3dodmg = 1; } else { spore3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore4dodmg = 1; } else { spore4dodmg = 0; } if (spore1dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore2dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore3dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore4dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } defiler_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } hatchery_1_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_1_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_1_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_2_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_2_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_2_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_3_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_3_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_3_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_4_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_4_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_4_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery1dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery2dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery3dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery4dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery4dodmg = 0; } if ((((hatchery1dodmg + spore2dodmg) + spore3dodmg) + spore4dodmg) > 0) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery_dmg; } hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); if (((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_1_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_1_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_2_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_2_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_3_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_3_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_4_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_4_deathfog = 0; } if (hatchery_4_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_3_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_2_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_1_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } lowdmgzone_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge_to_highlvlunits_dmg_modifier); } implosion_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } infested_startrun_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_5 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.start_running_zone); infested_blowup_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_5 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowupDMG_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_5 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.death.dmg_zone); if (infested_startrun_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.go = 1; } if (infested_blowup_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.blowup = 1; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_1 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_2 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_3 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_4 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_5 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } sporemine_explosion_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.dmg_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.toxic_zone); sporemine_detect_test_1 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_2 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_3 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_4 = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.detect_zone); if (sporemine_detect_test_1 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_1.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_2 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_2.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_3 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_3.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_4 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_4.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_1 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_2 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_3 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_4 eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if ((((sporemine_toxic_test_1 eq "true") or (sporemine_toxic_test_2 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_3 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_4 eq "true")) { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine2_dmg; } elysium_test = archon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { archon_movementbox.skilldmg = archon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 4166 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } if (number eq 1) { _root.archon1_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.archon2_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.archon3_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.archon4_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.archon5_alive = 1; } if (archon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4166 MovieClip Frame 3
if (number eq 1) { _root.archon1_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.archon2_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.archon3_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.archon4_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.archon5_alive = 0; }
Symbol 4167 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("archon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.archon5_rr) eq 3) { if ((archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("archon_core", "archon_core_duplicate", 0); } } archon_core_duplicate.number = 5; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shootingbox.number = 5; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.number = 5;
Symbol 4167 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4168 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("archon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.archon4_rr) eq 3) { if ((archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("archon_core", "archon_core_duplicate", 0); } } archon_core_duplicate.number = 4; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shootingbox.number = 4; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.number = 4;
Symbol 4168 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4169 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("archon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.archon3_rr) eq 3) { if ((archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("archon_core", "archon_core_duplicate", 0); } } archon_core_duplicate.number = 3; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shootingbox.number = 3; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.number = 3;
Symbol 4169 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4170 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("archon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.archon2_rr) eq 3) { if ((archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("archon_core", "archon_core_duplicate", 0); } } archon_core_duplicate.number = 2; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shootingbox.number = 2; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.number = 2;
Symbol 4170 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4171 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("archon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.archon1_rr) eq 3) { if ((archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("archon_core", "archon_core_duplicate", 0); } } archon_core_duplicate.number = 1; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.shootingbox.number = 1; archon_core_duplicate.archon_movementbox.number = 1;
Symbol 4171 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4173 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { skilldmg = skilldmg + _root.smite_dmg; tellTarget ("smite") { play(); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 4176 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "dragoon"; = _root.dragoon_hp; = _root.dragoon_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 4176 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4210 MovieClip Frame 15
if (number eq 1) {; } else if (number eq 2) {; } else if (number eq 3) {; } else if (number eq 4) {; } else if (number eq 5) {; }
Symbol 4210 MovieClip Frame 70
gotoAndPlay ("syda");
Symbol 4236 MovieClip Frame 11 = + _root.dragoon_cash; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.dragoon_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.dragoon_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.dragoon_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.dragoon_exp; }
Symbol 4236 MovieClip Frame 48
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 4237 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4237 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((skilldmg > (_root.dragoon_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.dragoon_hp / 2.5))) { death.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.dragoon_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.dragoon_hp / 1.8))) { death.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.dragoon_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.dragoon_hp / 1.2))) { death.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.dragoon_hp / 1.2)) { death.expbonus = 100; }
Symbol 4238 MovieClip Frame 1
if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.dragoon_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = 0; } dragoon_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg; dragoon_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; dragoon_movementbox.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; if (hp <= (dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; dragoon_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } if (death != 1) { if (dragoon_movementbox._x < 389) { setProperty("dragoon_movementbox", _x , dragoon_movementbox._x + 3); } else { tellTarget ("dragoon_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else { tellTarget ("dragoon_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } sunken_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_1.sunken1_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_2.sunken2_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_3.sunken3_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_4 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_4.sunken4_core.atack_zone); if (obnulenie != 1) { sunken1_targeted = 0; sunken2_targeted = 0; sunken3_targeted = 0; sunken4_targeted = 0; obnulenie = 1; } sunkentargeted234 = (sunken2_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_1 eq "true") and (_root.sunken1_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted234 eq 0)) { _root.sunken1_targeted = 1; sunken1_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken1_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken1_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("dragoon_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (dragoon_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken1_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted134 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_2 eq "true") and (_root.sunken2_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted134 eq 0)) { _root.sunken2_targeted = 1; sunken2_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken2_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken2_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("dragoon_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (dragoon_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken2_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted124 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_3 eq "true") and (_root.sunken3_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted124 eq 0)) { _root.sunken3_targeted = 1; sunken3_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken3_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken3_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("dragoon_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (dragoon_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken3_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted123 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken3_targeted; if (((sunken_test_4 eq "true") and (_root.sunken4_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted123 eq 0)) { _root.sunken4_targeted = 1; sunken4_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken4_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken4_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("dragoon_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (dragoon_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken4_targeted = 0; } } spore_1_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_1); spore_1_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_2); spore_1_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_3); spore_2_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_1); spore_2_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_2); spore_2_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_3); spore_3_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_1); spore_3_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_2); spore_3_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_3); spore_4_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_1); spore_4_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_2); spore_4_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore1dodmg = 1; } else { spore1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore2dodmg = 1; } else { spore2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore3dodmg = 1; } else { spore3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore4dodmg = 1; } else { spore4dodmg = 0; } if (spore1dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore2dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore3dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore4dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } defiler_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } hatchery_1_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_1_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_1_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_2_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_2_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_2_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_3_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_3_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_3_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_4_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_4_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_4_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery1dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery2dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery3dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery4dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery4dodmg = 0; } if ((((hatchery1dodmg + spore2dodmg) + spore3dodmg) + spore4dodmg) > 0) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery_dmg; } hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); if (((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_1_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_1_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_2_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_2_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_3_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_3_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_4_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_4_deathfog = 0; } if (hatchery_4_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_3_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_2_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_1_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } lowdmgzone_test = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + (_root.discharge_dmg * _root.discharge_to_highlvlunits_dmg_modifier); } implosion_test = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } infested_startrun_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_4 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_5 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.start_running_zone); infested_blowup_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_4 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_5 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowupDMG_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_4 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_5 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.death.dmg_zone); if (infested_startrun_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.go = 1; } if (infested_blowup_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.blowup = 1; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_1 eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_2 eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_3 eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_4 eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_5 eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } sporemine_explosion_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_4 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.dmg_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_4 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.toxic_zone); sporemine_detect_test_1 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_2 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_3 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_4 = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.detect_zone); if (sporemine_detect_test_1 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_1.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_2 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_2.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_3 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_3.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_4 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_4.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_1 eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_2 eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_3 eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_4 eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if ((((sporemine_toxic_test_1 eq "true") or (sporemine_toxic_test_2 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_3 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_4 eq "true")) { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine2_dmg; } elysium_test = dragoon_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg = dragoon_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 4238 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } if (number eq 1) { _root.dragoon1_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.dragoon2_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.dragoon3_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.dragoon4_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.dragoon5_alive = 1; } if (dragoon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4238 MovieClip Frame 3
if (number eq 1) { _root.dragoon1_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.dragoon2_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.dragoon3_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.dragoon4_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.dragoon5_alive = 0; }
Symbol 4239 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("dragoon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.dragoon5_rr) eq 3) { if ((dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("dragoon_core", "dragoon_core_duplicate", 0); } } dragoon_core_duplicate.number = 5; dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shooting_box.number = 5;
Symbol 4239 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4240 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("dragoon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.dragoon4_rr) eq 3) { if ((dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("dragoon_core", "dragoon_core_duplicate", 0); } } dragoon_core_duplicate.number = 4; dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shooting_box.number = 4;
Symbol 4240 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4241 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("dragoon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.dragoon3_rr) eq 3) { if ((dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("dragoon_core", "dragoon_core_duplicate", 0); } } dragoon_core_duplicate.number = 3; dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shooting_box.number = 3;
Symbol 4241 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4242 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("dragoon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.dragoon2_rr) eq 3) { if ((dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("dragoon_core", "dragoon_core_duplicate", 0); } } dragoon_core_duplicate.number = 2; dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shooting_box.number = 2;
Symbol 4242 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4243 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("dragoon_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.dragoon1_rr) eq 3) { if ((dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("dragoon_core", "dragoon_core_duplicate", 0); } } dragoon_core_duplicate.number = 1; dragoon_core_duplicate.dragoon_movementbox.shooting_box.number = 1;
Symbol 4243 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4245 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { skilldmg = skilldmg + _root.smite_dmg; tellTarget ("smite") { play(); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 4248 MovieClip Frame 1
dmg = skilldmg + defence_dmg; hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if ((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) { = "goliath"; = _root.goliath_hp; = _root.goliath_hp - dmg; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and (death eq 1)) { = "0"; }
Symbol 4248 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4296 MovieClip Frame 10
if (number eq 1) { _root.goliath1_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.goliath2_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.goliath3_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.goliath4_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.goliath5_shooting = 1; }
Symbol 4296 MovieClip Frame 33
if (number eq 1) { _root.goliath1_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.goliath2_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.goliath3_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.goliath4_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.goliath5_shooting = 0; }
Symbol 4301 MovieClip Frame 10
if (number eq 1) { _root.goliath1_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.goliath2_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.goliath3_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.goliath4_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.goliath5_shooting = 1; }
Symbol 4301 MovieClip Frame 33
if (number eq 1) { _root.goliath1_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.goliath2_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.goliath3_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.goliath4_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.goliath5_shooting = 0; }
Symbol 4306 MovieClip Frame 10
if (number eq 1) { _root.goliath1_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.goliath2_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.goliath3_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.goliath4_shooting = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.goliath5_shooting = 1; }
Symbol 4306 MovieClip Frame 33
if (number eq 1) { _root.goliath1_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.goliath2_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.goliath3_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.goliath4_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.goliath5_shooting = 0; }
Symbol 4307 MovieClip Frame 1
shooting.number = number;
Symbol 4307 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((number eq 3) or (number eq 2)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (number eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 4307 MovieClip Frame 3
shooting.number = number;
Symbol 4307 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((number eq 3) or (number eq 2)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (number eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 4307 MovieClip Frame 5
shooting.number = number;
Symbol 4307 MovieClip Frame 6
if ((number eq 3) or (number eq 2)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (number eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 4309 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 4311 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 4317 MovieClip Frame 12 = + _root.goliath_cash; if (expbonus eq 40) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.goliath_exp * 0.4); } else if (expbonus eq 60) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.goliath_exp * 0.6); } else if (expbonus eq 80) { _root.exp = _root.exp + (_root.goliath_exp * 0.8); } else if (expbonus eq 100) { _root.exp = _root.exp + _root.goliath_exp; }
Symbol 4317 MovieClip Frame 24
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 4318 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4318 MovieClip Frame 3
if ((skilldmg > (_root.goliath_hp / 3.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.goliath_hp / 2.5))) { death.expbonus = 40; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.goliath_hp / 2.5)) and (skilldmg < (_root.goliath_hp / 1.8))) { death.expbonus = 60; } else if ((skilldmg > (_root.goliath_hp / 1.8)) and (skilldmg < (_root.goliath_hp / 1.2))) { death.expbonus = 80; } else if (skilldmg > (_root.goliath_hp / 1.2)) { death.expbonus = 100; }
Symbol 4319 MovieClip Frame 1
if (blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg != 111) { blablablaanggsfgsfgsfg = 111; hpmax = _root.goliath_hp; hp = hpmax; death = 0; defence_dmg = 0; goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = 0; } goliath_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg; goliath_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; goliath_movementbox.defence_dmg = defence_dmg; if (hp <= (goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + defence_dmg)) { death = 1; goliath_movementbox.hp_indicator_script.death = 1; } if (blablabla != 1) { blablabla = 1; randomness = random(15); } if (death != 1) { if (goliath_movementbox._x < (418 + randomness)) { setProperty("goliath_movementbox", _x , goliath_movementbox._x + 1.8); } else { tellTarget ("goliath_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } } else { tellTarget ("goliath_movementbox") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } sunken_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_1.sunken1_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_2.sunken2_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_3.sunken3_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_4 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_4.sunken4_core.atack_zone); if (obnulenie != 1) { sunken1_targeted = 0; sunken2_targeted = 0; sunken3_targeted = 0; sunken4_targeted = 0; obnulenie = 1; } sunkentargeted234 = (sunken2_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_1 eq "true") and (_root.sunken1_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted234 eq 0)) { _root.sunken1_targeted = 1; sunken1_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken1_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken1_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("goliath_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (goliath_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken1_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted134 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_2 eq "true") and (_root.sunken2_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted134 eq 0)) { _root.sunken2_targeted = 1; sunken2_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken2_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken2_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("goliath_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (goliath_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken2_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted124 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_3 eq "true") and (_root.sunken3_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted124 eq 0)) { _root.sunken3_targeted = 1; sunken3_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken3_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken3_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("goliath_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (goliath_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken3_targeted = 0; } } sunkentargeted123 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken3_targeted; if (((sunken_test_4 eq "true") and (_root.sunken4_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted123 eq 0)) { _root.sunken4_targeted = 1; sunken4_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken4_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken4_dodmmg eq 1)) { tellTarget ("goliath_movementbox.sunken") { play(); }; if (goliath_movementbox.sunken.dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.sunken_dmg; sunken4_targeted = 0; } } spore_1_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_1); spore_1_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_2); spore_1_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_3); spore_2_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_1); spore_2_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_2); spore_2_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_3); spore_3_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_1); spore_3_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_2); spore_3_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_3); spore_4_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_1); spore_4_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_2); spore_4_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore1dodmg = 1; } else { spore1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore2dodmg = 1; } else { spore2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore3dodmg = 1; } else { spore3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore4dodmg = 1; } else { spore4dodmg = 0; } if (spore1dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore2dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore3dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } if (spore4dodmg eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.spore_dmg; } defiler_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.defiler_dmg; } hatchery_1_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_1_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_1_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_2_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_2_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_2_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_3_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_3_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_3_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_4_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_4_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_4_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery1dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery2dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery3dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (hatchery_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery4dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery4dodmg = 0; } if ((((hatchery1dodmg + spore2dodmg) + spore3dodmg) + spore4dodmg) > 0) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery_dmg; } hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); if (((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_1_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_1_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_2_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_2_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_3_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_3_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_4_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_4_deathfog = 0; } if (hatchery_4_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_3_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_2_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } if (hatchery_1_deathfog eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.hatchery2_dmg; } lowdmgzone_test = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if (highdmgzone_test eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg1; } if (lowdmgzone_test eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.grandexplosion_dmg2; } psystorm_test = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.psystorm_dmg; } discharge_test = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.discharge_dmg; } implosion_test = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.implosion_dmg; } airstrike_test = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + _root.airstrike_dmg; } infested_startrun_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_4 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_5 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.start_running_zone); infested_blowup_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_4 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_5 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowupDMG_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_4 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_5 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.death.dmg_zone); if (infested_startrun_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.go = 1; } if (infested_blowup_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.blowup = 1; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_1 eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_2 eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_3 eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_4 eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } if (infested_blowupDMG_test_5 eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedterran_dmg; } sporemine_explosion_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_4 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.dmg_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_4 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.toxic_zone); sporemine_detect_test_1 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_2 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_3 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_4 = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.detect_zone); if (sporemine_detect_test_1 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_1.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_2 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_2.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_3 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_3.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_4 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_4.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_1 eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_2 eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_3 eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_4 eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine_dmg; } if ((((sporemine_toxic_test_1 eq "true") or (sporemine_toxic_test_2 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_3 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_4 eq "true")) { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.infestedmine2_dmg; } elysium_test = goliath_movementbox.shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { goliath_movementbox.skilldmg = goliath_movementbox.skilldmg + _root.elysium_tear_dmg; }
Symbol 4319 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { defence_dmg = defence_dmg + 99999; } if (number eq 1) { _root.goliath1_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.goliath2_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.goliath3_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.goliath4_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.goliath5_alive = 1; } if (goliath_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4319 MovieClip Frame 3
if (number eq 1) { _root.goliath1_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.goliath2_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.goliath3_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.goliath4_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.goliath5_alive = 0; }
Symbol 4320 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("goliath_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.goliath5_rr) eq 3) { if ((goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("goliath_core", "goliath_core_duplicate", 0); } } goliath_core_duplicate.number = 5; goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 5;
Symbol 4320 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4321 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("goliath_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.goliath4_rr) eq 3) { if ((goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("goliath_core", "goliath_core_duplicate", 0); } } goliath_core_duplicate.number = 4; goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 4;
Symbol 4321 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4322 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("goliath_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.goliath3_rr) eq 3) { if ((goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("goliath_core", "goliath_core_duplicate", 0); } } goliath_core_duplicate.number = 3; goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 3;
Symbol 4322 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4323 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("goliath_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.goliath2_rr) eq 3) { if ((goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("goliath_core", "goliath_core_duplicate", 0); } } goliath_core_duplicate.number = 2; goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 2;
Symbol 4323 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4324 MovieClip Frame 1
tellTarget ("goliath_core") { gotoAndStop (3); }; if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.goliath1_rr) eq 3) { if ((goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("goliath_core", "goliath_core_duplicate", 0); } } goliath_core_duplicate.number = 1; goliath_core_duplicate.goliath_movementbox.kydastrelyaem.number = 1;
Symbol 4324 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4326 Button
on (release) { if (((_root.power_in_hand eq 1) and (_root.overmind_en >= _root.smite_en_cost)) and (_root.smite_delay != 1)) { death_smite = 1; gotoAndStop (4); tellTarget ("smite") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; _root.overmind_en = _root.overmind_en - _root.smite_en_cost; _root.overmind_exp = _root.overmind_exp + _root.mariner_exp; } else if ((_root.overmind_en < _root.smite_en_cost) and (_root.power_in_hand eq 1)) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } if (_root.power_in_hand eq 7) { death_smite = 1; gotoAndStop (5); _root.overmind_exp = _root.overmind_exp + _root.mariner_exp; _root.queen_glotaet = 1; _root.marines_captured = _root.marines_captured + 1; } }
Symbol 4329 MovieClip Frame 1
hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (((hittest eq "true") and (death != 1)) and (death2 != 1)) { = "mariner"; } else if ((hittest eq "true") and ((death eq 1) or (death2 eq 1))) { = "0"; }
Symbol 4329 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4344 MovieClip Frame 8
if (mariner eq 1) { _root.mariner1_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 2) { _root.mariner2_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 3) { _root.mariner3_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 4) { _root.mariner4_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 5) { _root.mariner5_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 6) { _root.mariner6_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 7) { _root.mariner7_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 8) { _root.mariner8_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 9) { _root.mariner9_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 10) { _root.mariner10_shooting = 1; }
Symbol 4344 MovieClip Frame 28
if (mariner eq 1) { _root.mariner1_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 2) { _root.mariner2_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 3) { _root.mariner3_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 4) { _root.mariner4_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 5) { _root.mariner5_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 6) { _root.mariner6_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 7) { _root.mariner7_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 8) { _root.mariner8_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 9) { _root.mariner9_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 10) { _root.mariner10_shooting = 0; }
Symbol 4351 MovieClip Frame 8
if (mariner eq 1) { _root.mariner1_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 2) { _root.mariner2_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 3) { _root.mariner3_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 4) { _root.mariner4_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 5) { _root.mariner5_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 6) { _root.mariner6_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 7) { _root.mariner7_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 8) { _root.mariner8_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 9) { _root.mariner9_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 10) { _root.mariner10_shooting = 1; }
Symbol 4351 MovieClip Frame 28
if (mariner eq 1) { _root.mariner1_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 2) { _root.mariner2_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 3) { _root.mariner3_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 4) { _root.mariner4_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 5) { _root.mariner5_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 6) { _root.mariner6_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 7) { _root.mariner7_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 8) { _root.mariner8_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 9) { _root.mariner9_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 10) { _root.mariner10_shooting = 0; }
Symbol 4358 MovieClip Frame 8
if (mariner eq 1) { _root.mariner1_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 2) { _root.mariner2_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 3) { _root.mariner3_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 4) { _root.mariner4_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 5) { _root.mariner5_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 6) { _root.mariner6_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 7) { _root.mariner7_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 8) { _root.mariner8_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 9) { _root.mariner9_shooting = 1; } else if (mariner eq 10) { _root.mariner10_shooting = 1; }
Symbol 4358 MovieClip Frame 28
if (mariner eq 1) { _root.mariner1_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 2) { _root.mariner2_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 3) { _root.mariner3_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 4) { _root.mariner4_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 5) { _root.mariner5_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 6) { _root.mariner6_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 7) { _root.mariner7_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 8) { _root.mariner8_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 9) { _root.mariner9_shooting = 0; } else if (mariner eq 10) { _root.mariner10_shooting = 0; }
Symbol 4359 MovieClip Frame 2
if (((mariner eq 1) or (mariner eq 2)) or (mariner eq 3)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((mariner eq 4) or (mariner eq 5)) or (mariner eq 6)) or (mariner eq 7)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (((mariner eq 8) or (mariner eq 9)) or (mariner eq 10)) { gotoAndPlay (5); } shooting_1.mariner = mariner; shooting_3.mariner = mariner; shooting_2.mariner = mariner;
Symbol 4359 MovieClip Frame 4
if (((mariner eq 1) or (mariner eq 2)) or (mariner eq 3)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((mariner eq 4) or (mariner eq 5)) or (mariner eq 6)) or (mariner eq 7)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (((mariner eq 8) or (mariner eq 9)) or (mariner eq 10)) { gotoAndPlay (5); } shooting_1.mariner = mariner; shooting_3.mariner = mariner; shooting_2.mariner = mariner;
Symbol 4359 MovieClip Frame 6
if (((mariner eq 1) or (mariner eq 2)) or (mariner eq 3)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ((((mariner eq 4) or (mariner eq 5)) or (mariner eq 6)) or (mariner eq 7)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (((mariner eq 8) or (mariner eq 9)) or (mariner eq 10)) { gotoAndPlay (5); } shooting_1.mariner = mariner; shooting_3.mariner = mariner; shooting_2.mariner = mariner;
Symbol 4360 MovieClip Frame 1
dodmg = 0;
Symbol 4360 MovieClip Frame 7
dodmg = 1;
Symbol 4360 MovieClip Frame 10
dodmg = 0;
Symbol 4360 MovieClip Frame 12
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 4362 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 4363 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); _root.mariner1_shooting = 0;
Symbol 4363 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 4363 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 4363 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); if ((death_smite eq 1) or (death_skill eq 1)) { death.giveexp = 1; }
Symbol 4364 MovieClip Frame 1
death_smite = mariner.death_smite; if (blablabla != 1) { blablabla = 1; randomness = random(21); } if (((go eq 1) and (death != 1)) and (death_smite != 1)) { if (mariner._x < (346 + randomness)) { setProperty("mariner", _x , mariner._x + 2); } else { tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } sunken_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_1.sunken1_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_2.sunken2_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_3.sunken3_core.atack_zone); sunken_test_4 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.sunken_4.sunken4_core.atack_zone); if (obnulenie != 1) { sunken1_targeted = 0; sunken2_targeted = 0; sunken3_targeted = 0; sunken4_targeted = 0; obnulenie = 1; } sunkentargeted234 = (sunken2_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_1 eq "true") and (_root.sunken1_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted234 eq 0)) { _root.sunken1_targeted = 1; sunken1_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken1_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken1_dodmmg eq 1)) { death = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } sunkentargeted134 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken3_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_2 eq "true") and (_root.sunken2_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted134 eq 0)) { _root.sunken2_targeted = 1; sunken2_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken2_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken2_dodmmg eq 1)) { death = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } sunkentargeted124 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken4_targeted; if (((sunken_test_3 eq "true") and (_root.sunken3_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted124 eq 0)) { _root.sunken3_targeted = 1; sunken3_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken3_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken3_dodmmg eq 1)) { death = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } sunkentargeted123 = (sunken1_targeted + sunken2_targeted) + sunken3_targeted; if (((sunken_test_4 eq "true") and (_root.sunken4_targeted != 1)) and (sunkentargeted123 eq 0)) { _root.sunken4_targeted = 1; sunken4_targeted = 1; } if ((sunken4_targeted eq 1) and (_root.sunken4_dodmmg eq 1)) { death = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } } spore_1_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_1); spore_1_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_2); spore_1_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_1.core.dmgzone_3); spore_2_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_1); spore_2_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_2); spore_2_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_2.core.dmgzone_3); spore_3_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_1); spore_3_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_2); spore_3_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_3.core.dmgzone_3); spore_4_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_1); spore_4_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_2); spore_4_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore1dodmg = 1; } else { spore1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore2dodmg = 1; } else { spore2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore3dodmg = 1; } else { spore3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { spore4dodmg = 1; } else { spore4dodmg = 0; } if ((((spore1dodmg + spore2dodmg) + spore3dodmg) + spore4dodmg) > 0) { death = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } defiler_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_1.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_2.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_3.core.damage_zone); defiler_test_4 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.defiler_4.core.damage_zone); if ((((defiler_test_1 eq "true") or (defiler_test_2 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_3 eq "true")) or (defiler_test_4 eq "true")) { death = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } hatchery_1_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_1_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_1_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_2_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_2_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_2_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_3_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_3_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_3_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.dmgzone_3); hatchery_4_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_1); hatchery_4_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_2); hatchery_4_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.dmgzone_3); if ((((_root.hatchery_1.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_1.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_1_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery1dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery1dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_2.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_2.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_2_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery2dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery2dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_3.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_3.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_3_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery3dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery3dodmg = 0; } if ((((_root.hatchery_4.core.dmg_1 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_1 eq "true")) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_2 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_2 eq "true"))) or ((_root.spore_4.core.dmg_3 eq 1) and (spore_4_test_3 eq "true"))) { hatchery4dodmg = 1; } else { hatchery4dodmg = 0; } if ((((hatchery1dodmg + spore2dodmg) + spore3dodmg) + spore4dodmg) > 0) { death = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_1.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_2.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_3.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_1.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_2.dmg_zone); hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.hatchery_4.core.acid_fog_3.dmg_zone); if (((hatchery_1_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_1_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_1_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_1_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_2_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_2_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_2_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_2_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_3_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_3_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_3_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_3_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_4_deathfogtest_1 eq "true") or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_2 eq "true")) or (hatchery_4_deathfogtest_3 eq "true")) { hatchery_4_deathfog = 1; } else { hatchery_4_deathfog = 0; } if (((hatchery_1_deathfog + hatchery_2_deathfog) + hatchery_3_deathfog) + hatchery_4_deathfog) { death = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } lowdmgzone_test = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.shockwavepodnogame.dmg_zone); highdmgzone_test = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.grandexplosion.dmg_zone); if ((lowdmgzone_test eq "true") or (highdmgzone_test eq "true")) { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } psystorm_test = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.psy_storm.dmg_zone); if (psystorm_test eq "true") { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } discharge_test = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.kursor.kursor.discharge.dmg_zone); if (discharge_test eq "true") { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } implosion_test = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.implosion.dmg_zone); if (implosion_test eq "true") { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } airstrike_test = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.airstrike.dmg_zone); if (airstrike_test eq "true") { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } infested_startrun_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_4 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.start_running_zone); infested_startrun_test_5 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.start_running_zone); infested_blowup_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_4 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowup_test_5 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.detonation_radius); infested_blowupDMG_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_1.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_2.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_3.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_4 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_4.infested.death.dmg_zone); infested_blowupDMG_test_5 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.infested_terran_5.infested.death.dmg_zone); if (infested_startrun_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.go = 1; } else if (infested_startrun_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.go = 1; } if (infested_blowup_test_1 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_1.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_2 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_2.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_3 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_3.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_4 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_4.blowup = 1; } else if (infested_blowup_test_5 eq "true") { _root.infested_terran_5.blowup = 1; } if (((((infested_blowupDMG_test_1 eq "true") or (infested_blowupDMG_test_2 eq "true")) or (infested_blowupDMG_test_3 eq "true")) or (infested_blowupDMG_test_4 eq "true")) or (infested_blowupDMG_test_5 eq "true")) { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } sporemine_explosion_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.dmg_zone); sporemine_explosion_test_4 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.dmg_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.toxic_zone); sporemine_toxic_test_4 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.toxic_zone); sporemine_detect_test_1 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_1.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_2 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_2.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_3 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_3.detect_zone); sporemine_detect_test_4 = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.spore_mine_4.detect_zone); if (sporemine_detect_test_1 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_1.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_2 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_2.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_3 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_3.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_detect_test_4 eq "true") { _root.spore_mine_4.blowup = 1; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_1 eq "true") { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_2 eq "true") { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_3 eq "true") { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (sporemine_explosion_test_4 eq "true") { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if ((((sporemine_toxic_test_1 eq "true") or (sporemine_toxic_test_2 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_3 eq "true")) or (sporemine_toxic_test_4 eq "true")) { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } elysium_test = mariner.living_shadow.hitTest(_root.elysium_tear.dmg_zone); if (elysium_test eq "true") { death = 1; mariner.death_skill = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } mariner.hpindicator.death = death; mariner.hpindicator.death2 = death_smite;
Symbol 4364 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.nuke_die_all_bitches_pwned_lmao eq 1) { death = 1; tellTarget ("mariner") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } if (_root.you_lose eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } if (number eq 1) { _root.mariner1_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.mariner2_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.mariner3_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.mariner4_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.mariner5_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 6) { _root.mariner6_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 7) { _root.mariner7_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 8) { _root.mariner8_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 9) { _root.mariner9_alive = 1; } else if (number eq 10) { _root.mariner10_alive = 1; } if (mariner.death.remove eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } if ((death eq 1) or (death_smite eq 1)) { if (number eq 1) { _root.mariner1_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.mariner2_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.mariner3_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.mariner4_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.mariner5_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 6) { _root.mariner6_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 7) { _root.mariner7_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 8) { _root.mariner8_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 9) { _root.mariner9_shooting = 0; } else if (number eq 10) { _root.mariner10_shooting = 0; } }
Symbol 4364 MovieClip Frame 3
if (number eq 1) { _root.mariner1_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.mariner2_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.mariner3_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.mariner4_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.mariner5_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 6) { _root.mariner6_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 7) { _root.mariner7_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 8) { _root.mariner8_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 9) { _root.mariner9_alive = 0; } else if (number eq 10) { _root.mariner10_alive = 0; }
Symbol 4365 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner4_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 4; mariner_1duplicate.number = 4;
Symbol 4366 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner10_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.number = 10; mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 10;
Symbol 4367 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner9_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 9; mariner_1duplicate.number = 9;
Symbol 4368 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner8_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 8; mariner_1duplicate.number = 8;
Symbol 4369 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner7_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 7; mariner_1duplicate.number = 7;
Symbol 4370 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner6_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 6; mariner_1duplicate.number = 6;
Symbol 4371 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner5_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 5; mariner_1duplicate.number = 5;
Symbol 4372 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner3_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 3; mariner_1duplicate.number = 3;
Symbol 4373 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner2_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 2; mariner_1duplicate.number = 2;
Symbol 4384 MovieClip Frame 2
if (uhiennayaperemennaya != 76767) { uhiennayaperemennaya = 76767 /* 0x012BDF */; starter = 1; } if (random(_root.mariner1_rr) eq 3) { if ((mariner_1duplicate.mariner.death.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1)) { starter = 0; duplicateMovieClip ("mariner_1", "mariner_1duplicate", 0); mariner_1duplicate.go = 1; } } mariner_1duplicate.mariner.shooting_pack.mariner = 1; mariner_1duplicate.number = 1;
Symbol 4386 Button
on (release) { carier_rr = 4; }
Symbol 4387 Button
on (release) { exp = exp + 5000; cash = cash + 5000; }
Symbol 4389 Button
on (press, keyPress "Q") { gotoAndPlay (2); if (_root.global_quality < 4) { _root.global_quality = _root.global_quality + 1; } else if (_root.global_quality eq 4) { _root.global_quality = 1; } } on (keyPress "q") { gotoAndPlay (2); if (_root.global_quality < 4) { _root.global_quality = _root.global_quality + 1; } else if (_root.global_quality eq 4) { _root.global_quality = 1; } }
Symbol 4390 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4390 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.show_quality.play_ = 1;
Symbol 4390 MovieClip Frame 35
_root.show_quality.play_ = 0;
Symbol 4395 Button
on (release) { force_respawnrates = 1; menu_objectives.gotoAndStop(2); discharge_release = 1; }
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 1
a1 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 2
a2 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 3
a3 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 4
a4 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 5
a5 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 6
a6 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 7
a7 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 8
a8 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 9
a9 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 10
a10 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 11
a11 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 12
a12 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 13
a13 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 14
a14 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 15
a15 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 16
a16 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 17
a17 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 18
a18 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 19
a19 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4398 MovieClip Frame 20
a20 = _root.hp_regeneration_rate; average = (((((((((((((((((((a1 + a2) + a3) + a4) + a5) + a6) + a7) + a8) + a9) + a10) + a11) + a12) + a13) + a14) + a15) + a16) + a17) + a18) + a19) + a20) / 20; floored = Math.floor(average * 100); final = floored / 100;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 1
a1 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 2
a2 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 3
a3 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 4
a4 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 5
a5 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 6
a6 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 7
a7 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 8
a8 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 9
a9 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 10
a10 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 11
a11 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 12
a12 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 13
a13 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 14
a14 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 15
a15 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 16
a16 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 17
a17 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 18
a18 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 19
a19 = _root.en_regeneration_rate;
Symbol 4400 MovieClip Frame 20
a20 = _root.en_regeneration_rate; average = (((((((((((((((((((a1 + a2) + a3) + a4) + a5) + a6) + a7) + a8) + a9) + a10) + a11) + a12) + a13) + a14) + a15) + a16) + a17) + a18) + a19) + a20) / 20; floored = Math.floor(average * 100); final = floored / 100;
Symbol 4404 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 4406 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.disable_lower_menubar eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4406 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.disable_lower_menubar eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4420 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (4); = 1; = "save"; }
Symbol 4426 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (3); = 1; = "powers"; }
Symbol 4430 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (2); = 1; = "build"; }
Symbol 4434 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); = 1; = "overmind"; }
Symbol 4439 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); _root.omgomgomgyifflolz = 0;
Symbol 4439 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); _root.omgomgomgyifflolz = 0;
Symbol 4439 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); _root.omgomgomgyifflolz = 0;
Symbol 4439 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); _root.omgomgomgyifflolz = 1;
Symbol 4445 MovieClip Frame 1
if (go eq 1) { setProperty(shesterenka_1, _rotation , shesterenka_1._rotation + 5); }
Symbol 4445 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4449 MovieClip Frame 1
hittest = lalala.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { setProperty("mehanizm", _alpha , 70); mehanizm.go = 1; } else { mehanizm.go = 0; setProperty("mehanizm", _alpha , 50); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 1
timer = 0;
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 2
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 3
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 4453 MovieClip in Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wave > 13) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 4
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 5
hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } setProperty("bar", _width , dlinna); timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 6
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 7
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 8
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 9
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 10
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 11
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 4476 MovieClip in Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wave > 13) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 12
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 13
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 4481 MovieClip in Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wave > 21) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 14
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 15
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 4486 MovieClip in Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wave > 13) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 16
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 17
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 4486 MovieClip in Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 17
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wave > 21) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 18
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 19
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 20
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 21
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 22
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 23
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 4486 MovieClip in Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.wave > 13) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 24
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 25
if (aaaa66 != 666) { dlinna = bar._width; aaaa66 = 666; } setProperty("bar", _width , (dlinna * hp) / hp_max); hittest = _root.menu_ZONE.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { show = 0; } timer = timer + 0.046454545; if (timer > 1) { show = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 4513 MovieClip in Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.carier_field_on eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Symbol 4519 MovieClip Frame 26
if (show eq "goliath") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (show eq "mariner") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (show eq "supermariner") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (show eq "bombtank") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (show eq "siegetank") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (show eq "battlecruiser") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (show eq "wraith") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (show eq "dragoon") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (show eq "archon") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (show eq "darkarchon") { gotoAndPlay (21); } else if (show eq "corsair") { gotoAndPlay (23); } else if (show eq "carier") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4531 Button
on (release) { choose = "upgrade"; }
Symbol 4536 Button
on (release) { choose = "lvlup"; }
Symbol 4542 Button
on (release) { choose = "info"; }
Symbol 4543 MovieClip Frame 1
choose = "info";
Symbol 4543 MovieClip Frame 2
if (( eq "overmind") and (_root.menu_subsections_block != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4543 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.menu_subsections_block = 1;
Symbol 4543 MovieClip Frame 24
if ( eq "overmind") { if (choose eq "info") { gotoAndPlay ("info"); } else if (choose eq "lvlup") { gotoAndPlay ("lvlup"); } else if (choose eq "upgrade") { gotoAndPlay ("upgrade"); } } else { gotoAndPlay ("close"); }
Symbol 4543 MovieClip Frame 26
if ( eq "overmind") { if (choose eq "info") { gotoAndPlay ("info"); } else if (choose eq "lvlup") { gotoAndPlay ("lvlup"); } else if (choose eq "upgrade") { gotoAndPlay ("upgrade"); } } else { gotoAndPlay ("close"); }
Symbol 4543 MovieClip Frame 28
if ( eq "overmind") { if (choose eq "info") { gotoAndPlay ("info"); } else if (choose eq "lvlup") { gotoAndPlay ("lvlup"); } else if (choose eq "upgrade") { gotoAndPlay ("upgrade"); } } else { gotoAndPlay ("close"); }
Symbol 4543 MovieClip Frame 44
_root.menu_subsections_block = 0;
Symbol 4551 Button
on (release) { subsection = "upgrade"; }
Symbol 4558 Button
on (release) { subsection = "build"; }
Symbol 4560 MovieClip Frame 1
subsection = "build";
Symbol 4560 MovieClip Frame 2
if (( eq "build") and (_root.menu_subsections_block != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4560 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.menu_subsections_block = 1;
Symbol 4560 MovieClip Frame 19
subsection = "build";
Symbol 4560 MovieClip Frame 22
if ( eq "build") { if (subsection eq "build") { gotoAndPlay ("build"); } else if (subsection eq "upgrade") { gotoAndPlay ("upgrade"); } } else { gotoAndPlay ("close"); }
Symbol 4560 MovieClip Frame 24
if ( eq "build") { if (subsection eq "build") { gotoAndPlay ("build"); } else if (subsection eq "upgrade") { gotoAndPlay ("upgrade"); } } else { gotoAndPlay ("close"); }
Symbol 4560 MovieClip Frame 41
_root.menu_subsections_block = 0;
Symbol 4570 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.zergmound_installed eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); } if (_root.zergmound_installed eq 0) { setProperty("zaglushka", _alpha , 100); }
Symbol 4570 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.zergmound_installed eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4571 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.queennest_installed eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); } if (_root.queennest_installed eq 0) { setProperty("zaglushka", _alpha , 100); }
Symbol 4571 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.queennest_installed eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4579 Button
on (release) { powerlist = "mound"; }
Symbol 4584 Button
on (release) { powerlist = "queen"; }
Symbol 4588 Button
on (release) { powerlist = "overmind"; }
Symbol 4590 MovieClip Frame 2
if (( eq "powers") and (_root.menu_subsections_block != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4590 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.menu_subsections_block = 1;
Symbol 4590 MovieClip Frame 14
powerlist = "overmind";
Symbol 4590 MovieClip Frame 24
if ( eq "powers") { if (powerlist eq "overmind") { gotoAndPlay ("overr"); } else if (powerlist eq "queen") { gotoAndPlay ("queen"); } else if (powerlist eq "mound") { gotoAndPlay ("mound"); } } else { gotoAndPlay ("close"); }
Symbol 4590 MovieClip Frame 26
if ( eq "powers") { if (powerlist eq "overmind") { gotoAndPlay ("overr"); } else if (powerlist eq "queen") { gotoAndPlay ("queen"); } else if (powerlist eq "mound") { gotoAndPlay ("mound"); } } else { gotoAndPlay ("close"); }
Symbol 4590 MovieClip Frame 28
if ( eq "powers") { if (powerlist eq "overmind") { gotoAndPlay ("overr"); } else if (powerlist eq "queen") { gotoAndPlay ("queen"); } else if (powerlist eq "mound") { gotoAndPlay ("mound"); } } else { gotoAndPlay ("close"); }
Symbol 4590 MovieClip Frame 44
_root.menu_subsections_block = 0;
Symbol 4598 MovieClip Frame 1
if (go eq 1) { setProperty(shesterenka_1, _rotation , shesterenka_1._rotation + 1); setProperty(shesterenka_2, _rotation , shesterenka_2._rotation - 2); setProperty(shesterenka_3, _rotation , shesterenka_3._rotation + 3); }
Symbol 4598 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4600 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 4605 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4605 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.secret_unlocked_3 = 1;
Symbol 4606 MovieClip Frame 1
hittest = lalala.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { setProperty("mexanizm", _alpha , 70); mexanizm.go = 1; } else { mexanizm.go = 0; setProperty("mexanizm", _alpha , 50); }
Instance of Symbol 4605 MovieClip in Symbol 4606 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.omgomgomgyifflolz != 1) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 4624 MovieClip Frame 1
if (aaa1337 != 1337) { aaa1337 = 1337; gotoAndPlay (11); }
Symbol 4624 MovieClip Frame 2
if ( != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4624 MovieClip Frame 11 = 0; if ( eq "overmind") { tellTarget ("") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ( eq "build") { tellTarget ("") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ( eq "powers") { tellTarget ("") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ( eq "save") { tellTarget ("") { gotoAndStop (4); }; }
Symbol 4630 MovieClip Frame 2
skill_points = _root.skill_points;
Symbol 4632 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); lvl = _root.lvl;
Symbol 4661 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.shell_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 4661 MovieClip Frame 2
procentihp = (_root.overmind_hp / _root.overmind_hp_max) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 4661 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.shell_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 4661 MovieClip Frame 4
procentihp = (_root.overmind_hp / _root.overmind_hp_max) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 4661 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.shell_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 4670 MovieClip Frame 1
if (aaaa66 != 666) { exp = _root.exp; aaaa66 = 666; } raznica = exp - _root.exp; if ((raznica >= 1000) or (raznica <= -1000)) { a = 250; } else if (((raznica >= 500) and (raznica < 1000)) or ((raznica <= -500) and (raznica > -1000))) { a = 100; } else if (((raznica >= 300) and (raznica < 500)) or ((raznica <= -300) and (raznica > -500))) { a = 50; } else if (((raznica >= 100) and (raznica < 300)) or ((raznica <= -100) and (raznica > -300))) { a = 25; } else if (((raznica >= 50) and (raznica < 100)) or ((raznica <= -50) and (raznica > -100))) { a = 10; } else if (((raznica >= 10) and (raznica < 50)) or ((raznica <= -10) and (raznica > -50))) { a = 5; } else if (((raznica >= 1) and (raznica < 10)) or ((raznica <= -1) and (raznica > -10))) { a = 1; } else if (((raznica > 0) and (raznica < 1)) or ((raznica < 0) and (raznica > -1))) { a = 0.1; } else { a = 0; } if (_root.exp > exp) { exp = exp + a; } else if (_root.exp < exp) { exp = exp - a; } if (exp < 0) { exp = 0; } exp_floored = Math.floor(exp);
Symbol 4670 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); exp_max = _root.exp_max;
Symbol 4674 MovieClip Frame 1
if (aaaa66 != 666) { en = _root.overmind_en; aaaa66 = 666; } raznica = en - _root.overmind_en; if ((raznica >= 1000) or (raznica <= -1000)) { a = 250; } else if (((raznica >= 500) and (raznica < 1000)) or ((raznica <= -500) and (raznica > -1000))) { a = 100; } else if (((raznica >= 300) and (raznica < 500)) or ((raznica <= -300) and (raznica > -500))) { a = 50; } else if (((raznica >= 100) and (raznica < 300)) or ((raznica <= -100) and (raznica > -300))) { a = 25; } else if (((raznica >= 50) and (raznica < 100)) or ((raznica <= -50) and (raznica > -100))) { a = 10; } else if (((raznica >= 10) and (raznica < 50)) or ((raznica <= -10) and (raznica > -50))) { a = random(6); } else if (((raznica >= 1) and (raznica < 10)) or ((raznica <= -1) and (raznica > -10))) { a = 1; } else if (((raznica > 0) and (raznica < 1)) or ((raznica < 0) and (raznica > -1))) { a = 0; } if (_root.overmind_en > en) { en = en + a; } else if (_root.overmind_en < en) { en = en - a; } if (en < 0) { en = 0; } en_floored = Math.floor(en);
Symbol 4674 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); enmax = _root.overmind_en_max;
Symbol 4677 MovieClip Frame 1
if (aaaa66 != 666) { hp = _root.overmind_hp; aaaa66 = 666; } raznica = hp - _root.overmind_hp; if ((raznica >= 1000) or (raznica <= -1000)) { a = 250; } else if (((raznica >= 500) and (raznica < 1000)) or ((raznica <= -500) and (raznica > -1000))) { a = 100; } else if (((raznica >= 300) and (raznica < 500)) or ((raznica <= -300) and (raznica > -500))) { a = 50; } else if (((raznica >= 100) and (raznica < 300)) or ((raznica <= -100) and (raznica > -300))) { a = 25; } else if (((raznica >= 50) and (raznica < 100)) or ((raznica <= -50) and (raznica > -100))) { a = 10; } else if (((raznica >= 10) and (raznica < 50)) or ((raznica <= -10) and (raznica > -50))) { a = 5; } else if (((raznica >= 1) and (raznica < 10)) or ((raznica <= -1) and (raznica > -10))) { a = 1; } else if (((raznica > 0) and (raznica < 1)) or ((raznica < 0) and (raznica > -1))) { a = 0.1; } else { a = 0; } if (_root.overmind_hp > hp) { hp = hp + a; } else if (_root.overmind_hp < hp) { hp = hp - a; } if (hp < 0) { hp = 0; } if ((_root.overmind_hp_max - hp) < 1.5) { hp_floored = _root.overmind_hp_max; } else { hp_floored = Math.floor(hp); }
Symbol 4677 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); hpmax = _root.overmind_hp_max;
Symbol 4683 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 4691 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 4691 MovieClip Frame 4
a = random(7); if (a eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("1"); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndPlay ("2"); } else if (a eq 3) { gotoAndPlay ("3"); } else if (a eq 4) { gotoAndPlay ("4"); } else if (a eq 5) { gotoAndPlay ("5"); } else if (a eq 6) { gotoAndPlay ("6"); } else if (a eq 0) { gotoAndPlay ("7"); }
Symbol 4691 MovieClip Frame 135
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4691 MovieClip Frame 255
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4691 MovieClip Frame 320
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4691 MovieClip Frame 386
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4691 MovieClip Frame 427
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4691 MovieClip Frame 505
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 4776 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 4776 MovieClip Frame 39
if (random(6) eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4776 MovieClip Frame 71
Symbol 4776 MovieClip Frame 73
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 4780 Button
on (release) { if (_root.skill_points > 0) { _root.skill_points = _root.skill_points - 1; _root.power_dmg_lvl = _root.power_dmg_lvl + 1; } else {; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.showwwhichskilldescription = 3; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.showwwhichskilldescription = 0; }
Symbol 4783 Button
on (release) { if (_root.skill_points > 0) { _root.skill_points = _root.skill_points - 1; _root.en_regeneration_lvl = _root.en_regeneration_lvl + 1; } else {; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.showwwhichskilldescription = 2; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.showwwhichskilldescription = 0; }
Symbol 4787 Button
on (release) { if (_root.skill_points > 0) { _root.skill_points = _root.skill_points - 1; _root.hp_regeneration_lvl = _root.hp_regeneration_lvl + 1; } else {; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.showwwhichskilldescription = 1; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.showwwhichskilldescription = 0; }
Symbol 4789 MovieClip Frame 2
power_dmg_lvl = _root.power_dmg_lvl;
Symbol 4791 MovieClip Frame 2
en_regeneration_lvl = _root.en_regeneration_lvl;
Symbol 4793 MovieClip Frame 2
hp_regeneration_lvl = _root.hp_regeneration_lvl;
Symbol 4824 Button
on (release) { if ( >= 3000) { = - 3000; _root.shell_upgraded = 1; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } }
Symbol 4828 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.shell_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 4828 MovieClip Frame 3
if (_root.shell_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 4828 MovieClip Frame 5
if (_root.shell_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 4834 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.lvl < 4) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4834 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.lvl < 4) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4835 MovieClip Frame 2
if ( eq "info") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ( eq "lvlup") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Instance of Symbol 4808 MovieClip in Symbol 4835 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.showwwhichskilldescription eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if (_root.showwwhichskilldescription eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.showwwhichskilldescription eq 3) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Symbol 4835 MovieClip Frame 4
if ( eq "info") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ( eq "lvlup") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 4835 MovieClip Frame 6
if ( eq "info") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ( eq "lvlup") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 4839 Button
on (release) { if ( >= _root.elderbrain_price) { _root.installing_special_buildings = 1; _root.build_what = "elderbrain"; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "elderbrain"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4841 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.elderbrain_installed != 1) and (_root.specialslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4841 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((_root.elderbrain_installed != 1) and (_root.specialslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4844 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "elderbrain_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4845 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.elderbrain_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4845 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.elderbrain_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4846 Button
on (release) { if ( >= _root.spire_price) { _root.installing_special_buildings = 1; _root.build_what = "spire"; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spire"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4847 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.spire_installed != 1) and (_root.specialslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4847 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((_root.spire_installed != 1) and (_root.specialslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4850 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spire_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4851 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.spire_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4851 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.spire_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4852 Button
on (release) { if ( >= _root.zergmound_price) { _root.installing_special_buildings = 1; _root.build_what = "zergmound"; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "zergmound"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4853 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.zergmound_installed != 1) and (_root.specialslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4853 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((_root.zergmound_installed != 1) and (_root.specialslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4855 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "zergmound_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4856 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.zergmound_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4856 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.zergmound_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4857 Button
on (release) { if ( >= _root.queennest_price) { _root.installing_special_buildings = 1; _root.build_what = "queennest"; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "queennest"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4858 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((_root.queennest_installed != 1) and (_root.specialslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4858 MovieClip Frame 4
if ((_root.queennest_installed != 1) and (_root.specialslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4860 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "queennest_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4861 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.queennest_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4861 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.queennest_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4862 Button
on (release) { if ( >= _root.hatchery_price) { _root.installing_front_defence = 1; _root.build_what = "hatchery"; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "hatchery"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4864 MovieClip Frame 2
checksum = ((_root.hatchery_1_installed + _root.hatchery_2_installed) + _root.hatchery_3_installed) + _root.hatchery_4_installed; if ((checksum < 4) and (_root.frontslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4864 MovieClip Frame 4
checksum = ((_root.hatchery_1_installed + _root.hatchery_2_installed) + _root.hatchery_3_installed) + _root.hatchery_4_installed; if ((checksum < 4) and (_root.frontslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4867 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "hatchery_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4868 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.hatchery_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4868 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.hatchery_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4869 Button
on (release) { if ( >= _root.defiler_price) { _root.installing_front_defence = 1; _root.build_what = "defiler"; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "defiler"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4871 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.c_mode_defiler eq 1) { checksum = 0; } else { checksum = ((_root.defiler_1_installed + _root.defiler_2_installed) + _root.defiler_3_installed) + _root.defiler_4_installed; } if ((checksum < 1) and (_root.frontslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4871 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.c_mode_defiler eq 1) { checksum = 0; } else { checksum = ((_root.defiler_1_installed + _root.defiler_2_installed) + _root.defiler_3_installed) + _root.defiler_4_installed; } if ((checksum < 1) and (_root.frontslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4874 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "defiler_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4875 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.defiler_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4875 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.defiler_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4876 Button
on (release) { if ( >= _root.spore_price) { _root.installing_front_defence = 1; _root.build_what = "spore"; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spore"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4878 MovieClip Frame 2
checksum = ((_root.spore_1_installed + _root.spore_2_installed) + _root.spore_3_installed) + _root.spore_4_installed; if ((checksum < 4) and (_root.frontslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4878 MovieClip Frame 4
checksum = ((_root.spore_1_installed + _root.spore_2_installed) + _root.spore_3_installed) + _root.spore_4_installed; if ((checksum < 4) and (_root.frontslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4881 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spore_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4882 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.spore_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4882 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.spore_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4890 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "destroy"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; } on (release) { _root.destroy_buildings = 1; _root.build_what = "destroy"; }
Symbol 4926 Button
on (release) { if ( >= _root.sunken_price) { _root.installing_front_defence = 1; _root.build_what = "sunken"; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "sunken"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 4928 MovieClip Frame 2
checksum = ((_root.sunken_1_installed + _root.sunken_2_installed) + _root.sunken_3_installed) + _root.sunken_4_installed; if ((checksum < 4) and (_root.frontslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4928 MovieClip Frame 4
checksum = ((_root.sunken_1_installed + _root.sunken_2_installed) + _root.sunken_3_installed) + _root.sunken_4_installed; if ((checksum < 4) and (_root.frontslots_full != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4947 Button
on (release) { if (_root.hp_upgraded != 1) { if ( >= 5000) { = - 5000; _root.hp_upgraded = 1; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.upgradebuildingsdescribe = 2; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.upgradebuildingsdescribe = 0; }
Symbol 4949 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.upgradebuildingsdescribe = 2; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.upgradebuildingsdescribe = 0; }
Symbol 4953 Button
on (release) { if (_root.damage_upgraded != 1) { if ( >= 5000) { = - 5000; _root.damage_upgraded = 1; } else { _root.message_lowcash.play_ = 1; } } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.upgradebuildingsdescribe = 1; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.upgradebuildingsdescribe = 0; }
Symbol 4955 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.upgradebuildingsdescribe = 1; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.upgradebuildingsdescribe = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 4944 MovieClip "bldupgrddscrpt" in Symbol 4965 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.upgradebuildingsdescribe eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (_root.upgradebuildingsdescribe eq 2) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 4950 MovieClip in Symbol 4965 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hp_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 4956 MovieClip in Symbol 4965 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.damage_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 4960 MovieClip in Symbol 4965 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hp_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 4961 MovieClip in Symbol 4965 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.damage_upgraded eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 4925 MovieClip in Symbol 4966 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.describe_what eq "sunken") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spore") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "defiler") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "hatchery") { gotoAndPlay (9); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (11); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "destroy") { gotoAndPlay (13); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (15); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (17); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (19); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spore_requirements") { gotoAndPlay (25); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "defiler_requirements") { gotoAndPlay (26); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "hatchery_requirements") { gotoAndPlay (27); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "queennest_requirements") { gotoAndPlay (28); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "zergmound_requirements") { gotoAndPlay (29); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spire_requirements") { gotoAndPlay (30); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "elderbrain_requirements") { gotoAndPlay (31); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Symbol 4966 MovieClip Frame 2
if ( eq "build") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Instance of Symbol 4965 MovieClip in Symbol 4966 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.lvl > 5) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (3); } }
Symbol 4966 MovieClip Frame 4
if ( eq "build") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 4972 MovieClip Frame 2
if (((_root.onhold eq 1) and (_root.discharge_release != 1)) and (_root.c_mode_play != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 4972 MovieClip Frame 4
if (((_root.onhold eq 1) and (_root.discharge_release != 1)) and (_root.c_mode_play != 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5042 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5044 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("shesterenka", _rotation , shesterenka._rotation + 1);
Symbol 5044 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5046 Button
on (release) { if (_root.overmind_en >= _root.grandexplosion_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 2; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.grandexplosion_en_cost) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell8"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5047 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.lock_grand_explosion eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 5047 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.lock_grand_explosion eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 5049 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell8_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5050 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.spell8_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5050 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.spell8_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5053 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5055 Button
on (release) { if (_root.overmind_en >= _root.psystorm_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 3; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.psystorm_en_cost) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell7"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5056 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.lock_psy_storm eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 5056 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.lock_psy_storm eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 5058 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell7_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5059 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.spell7_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5059 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.spell7_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5061 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5063 Button
on (release) { if (_root.overmind_en >= _root.implosion_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 5; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.implosion_en_cost) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell6"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5064 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.lock_implosion eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 5064 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.lock_implosion eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 5066 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell6_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5067 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.spell6_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5067 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.spell6_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5068 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5070 Button
on (release) { if (_root.overmind_en >= _root.elysium_tear_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 15; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.elysium_tear_en_cost) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell5"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5071 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.lock_elysium_tear eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 5071 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.lock_elysium_tear eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } else { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 5073 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell5_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5074 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.spell5_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5074 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.spell5_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5076 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5077 Button
on (release) { if (_root.overmind_en >= _root.healing_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 10; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.healing_en_cost) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell4"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5079 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell4_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5080 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.spell4_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5080 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.spell4_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5081 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5083 Button
on (release) { if (_root.overmind_en >= _root.discharge_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 4; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.discharge_en_cost) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell3"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5085 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell3_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5086 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.spell3_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5086 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.spell3_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5088 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5090 Button
on (release) { if (_root.overmind_en >= _root.truesight_en_cost) { _root.power_in_hand = 6; } else if (_root.overmind_en < _root.truesight_en_cost) { _root.message_lowenergy.play_ = 1; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell2"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5091 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.lock_true_sight eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5091 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.lock_true_sight eq 0) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5093 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell2_requirements"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5094 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.spell2_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5094 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.spell2_disabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5095 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5096 Button
on (release) { _root.power_in_hand = 1; } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.describe_what = "spell1"; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.describe_what = 0; }
Symbol 5141 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 5142 Button
on (release) { if ((_root.marines_captured > 0) and (_root.marines_infested < 5)) { play(); } else { tellTarget ("_root.snd_negative") { play(); }; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.queendescription = 2; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.queendescription = 0; }
Symbol 5144 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5144 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.marines_captured = _root.marines_captured - 1; _root.marines_infested = _root.marines_infested + 1;
Symbol 5145 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 5147 Button
on (release) { checksum = (((_root.infested_terran_1_installed + _root.infested_terran_2_installed) + _root.infested_terran_3_installed) + _root.infested_terran_4_installed) + _root.infested_terran_5_installed; check2 = _root.marines_infested - checksum; if (((_root.marines_infested > 0) and (checksum < 5)) and (check2 > 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 8; } else { tellTarget ("_root.snd_negative") { play(); }; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.queendescription = 3; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.queendescription = 0; }
Symbol 5148 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 5151 Button
on (release) { if (_root.marines_captured < 5) { _root.power_in_hand = 7; } else { tellTarget ("_root.snd_negative") { play(); }; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.queendescription = 1; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.queendescription = 0; }
Symbol 5174 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.zergmounddescription = 3; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.zergmounddescription = 0; }
Symbol 5176 Button
on (release) { if (_root.marines_captured eq 5) { if (_root.regen_booster.operating eq 1) { _root.regen_booster.renew = 1; } else {; } _root.hpregenboost_used = 1; _root.marines_captured = 0; } else { tellTarget ("_root.snd_negative") { play(); }; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.zergmounddescription = 4; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.zergmounddescription = 0; }
Symbol 5178 Button
on (release) { if ((_root.marines_captured > 1) and (_root.spore_mines < 4)) { play(); } else { tellTarget ("_root.snd_negative") { play(); }; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.zergmounddescription = 1; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.zergmounddescription = 0; }
Symbol 5180 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5180 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.marines_captured = _root.marines_captured - 2; _root.spore_mines = _root.spore_mines + 1;
Symbol 5182 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 5184 Button
on (release) { checksum = ((_root.spore_mine_1_installed + _root.spore_mine_2_installed) + _root.spore_mine_3_installed) + _root.spore_mine_4_installed; check2 = _root.spore_mines - checksum; if (((_root.spore_mines > 0) and (checksum < 4)) and (check2 > 0)) { _root.power_in_hand = 9; } else { tellTarget ("_root.snd_negative") { play(); }; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.zergmounddescription = 2; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.zergmounddescription = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 5038 MovieClip in Symbol 5196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.describe_what eq "spell2_requirements") { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell3_requirements") { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell4_requirements") { gotoAndStop (4); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell5_requirements") { gotoAndStop (5); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell6_requirements") { gotoAndStop (6); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell7_requirements") { gotoAndStop (7); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell8_requirements") { gotoAndStop (8); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell1") { gotoAndStop (11); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell2") { gotoAndStop (12); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell3") { gotoAndStop (13); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell4") { gotoAndStop (14); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell5") { gotoAndStop (15); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell6") { gotoAndStop (16); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell7") { gotoAndStop (17); } else if (_root.describe_what eq "spell8") { gotoAndStop (18); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 5196 MovieClip Frame 2
if ( eq "oved") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ( eq "queen") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ( eq "mound") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5196 MovieClip Frame 3
marines_captured = _root.marines_captured; marines_infested = _root.marines_infested;
Instance of Symbol 5162 MovieClip "descr" in Symbol 5196 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.queendescription eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (_root.queendescription eq 2) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (_root.queendescription eq 3) { gotoAndStop (4); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 5196 MovieClip Frame 4
if ( eq "overmind") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ( eq "queen") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ( eq "mound") { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 5196 MovieClip Frame 5
marines_captured = _root.marines_captured; spore_mines = _root.spore_mines;
Instance of Symbol 5177 MovieClip in Symbol 5196 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hpregenboost_used eq 1) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Instance of Symbol 5195 MovieClip in Symbol 5196 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.zergmounddescription eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (_root.zergmounddescription eq 2) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (_root.zergmounddescription eq 3) { gotoAndStop (4); } else if (_root.zergmounddescription eq 4) { gotoAndStop (5); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 5196 MovieClip Frame 6
if ( eq "overmind") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if ( eq "queen") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ( eq "mound") { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Symbol 5201 Button
on (release) { _root.music_theme.gotoAndPlay(6); }
Symbol 5206 Button
on (release) { _root.music_theme.gotoAndPlay(3); }
Symbol 5216 Button
on (release) { _root.gunshot_animation_enabled = 1; }
Symbol 5219 Button
on (release) { _root.gunshot_animation_enabled = 0; }
Symbol 5220 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.gunshot_animation_enabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5220 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.gunshot_animation_enabled eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5224 Button
on (release) { _root.special_buildings_animation = 1; }
Symbol 5225 Button
on (release) { _root.special_buildings_animation = 0; }
Symbol 5226 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5226 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.special_buildings_animation eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5230 Button
on (release) { _root.defence_buildings_animation = 1; }
Symbol 5231 Button
on (release) { _root.defence_buildings_animation = 0; }
Symbol 5232 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5232 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.defence_buildings_animation eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5233 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5233 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 5233 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 5233 MovieClip Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 5207 MovieClip in Symbol 5233 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.music_theme.on_ eq 1) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Symbol 5237 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5240 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5294 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_3_hp - _root.special_slot_3_dmg) / _root.special_slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5294 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_3_hp - _root.special_slot_3_dmg) / _root.special_slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5294 MovieClip Frame 6
if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_3_hp - _root.special_slot_3_dmg) / _root.special_slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5294 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_3_hp - _root.special_slot_3_dmg) / _root.special_slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5294 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_3 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_3_hp - _root.special_slot_3_dmg) / _root.special_slot_3_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5295 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_slot_3 != 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5295 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root.special_slot_3 eq 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (16); }
Symbol 5297 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_2_hp - _root.special_slot_2_dmg) / _root.special_slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5297 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_2_hp - _root.special_slot_2_dmg) / _root.special_slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5297 MovieClip Frame 6
if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_2_hp - _root.special_slot_2_dmg) / _root.special_slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5297 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_2_hp - _root.special_slot_2_dmg) / _root.special_slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5297 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_2 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_2_hp - _root.special_slot_2_dmg) / _root.special_slot_2_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5298 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_slot_2 != 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5298 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root.special_slot_2 eq 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (16); }
Symbol 5300 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_1_hp - _root.special_slot_1_dmg) / _root.special_slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5300 MovieClip Frame 4
if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_1_hp - _root.special_slot_1_dmg) / _root.special_slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5300 MovieClip Frame 6
if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_1_hp - _root.special_slot_1_dmg) / _root.special_slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5300 MovieClip Frame 8
if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_1_hp - _root.special_slot_1_dmg) / _root.special_slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5300 MovieClip Frame 10
if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (1); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else if (_root.special_slot_1 eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (7); } else { gotoAndPlay (9); } procentihp = ((_root.special_slot_1_hp - _root.special_slot_1_dmg) / _root.special_slot_1_hp) * 100; if (procentihp >= 85) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (1); }; } else if ((procentihp < 85) and (procentihp >= 65)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (2); }; } else if ((procentihp < 65) and (procentihp >= 50)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (3); }; } else if ((procentihp < 50) and (procentihp >= 30)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (4); }; } else if ((procentihp < 30) and (procentihp >= 15)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (5); }; } else if ((procentihp < 15) and (procentihp > 0)) { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (6); }; } else { tellTarget ("hpindicator") { gotoAndStop (7); }; }
Symbol 5301 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.special_slot_1 != 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5301 MovieClip Frame 17
if (_root.special_slot_1 eq 0) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (16); }
Symbol 5307 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.global_quality eq 1) { _root._quality = "low"; } else if (_root.global_quality eq 2) { _root._quality = "medium"; } else if (_root.global_quality eq 3) { _root._quality = "high"; } else if (_root.global_quality eq 4) { _root._quality = "best"; }
Symbol 5313 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_return"); }
Symbol 5318 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("shesternya", _rotation , shesternya._rotation + 0.4);
Symbol 5318 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5320 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 5323 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5326 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5329 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5332 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5335 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5338 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5341 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5344 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5347 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5350 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 5351 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 5352 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5353 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 5354 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 5355 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (40); }
Symbol 5356 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 5360 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5361 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 5362 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (15); }
Symbol 5363 Button
on (release) { nextFrame(); }
Symbol 5365 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5365 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 5365 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.secret_unlocked_1 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_2 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_3 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_4 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_5 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_6 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_7 = 1;
Symbol 5365 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 5365 MovieClip Frame 35
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 5365 MovieClip Frame 42
stop(); fscommand ("showmenu", "true");
Instance of Symbol 5365 MovieClip in Symbol 5366 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.secret_describe != 0) { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 5369 MovieClip Frame 1
if (yiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiff != 1) { yiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiff = 1; a = 0; } trace(hittest); hittest = test.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { if (a < 3) { a = a + 0.1; } } else if (a > 0) { a = a - 0.1; } else { a = 0; } setProperty("shesterenka", _rotation , shesterenka._rotation + a);
Symbol 5369 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5374 Button
on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.secret_describe = (number * 2) - 1; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.secret_describe = 0; }
Symbol 5377 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 5380 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 5382 Button
on (release) { if (number eq 1) {; _root.gotosecret_1 = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.gotosecret_2 = 1;; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.gotosecret_3 = 1;; } else if (number eq 4) { _root.gotosecret_4 = 1;; } else if (number eq 5) { _root.gotosecret_5 = 1;; } else if (number eq 6) { _root.gotosecret_6 = 1;; } else if (number eq 7) { _root.gotosecret_7 = 1;; } } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.secret_describe = number * 2; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.secret_describe = 0; }
Symbol 5386 MovieClip Frame 1
if (yiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiff != 1) { yiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiffyiff = 1; a = 0; } trace(hittest); hittest = test.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { if (a < 10) { a = a + 0.5; } } else if (a > 0) { a = a - 0.2; } else { a = 0; } setProperty("krutilka", _rotation , krutilka._rotation - a);
Symbol 5386 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5387 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((number eq 1) and (_root.secret_unlocked_1 eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((number eq 2) and (_root.secret_unlocked_2 eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((number eq 3) and (_root.secret_unlocked_3 eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((number eq 4) and (_root.secret_unlocked_4 eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((number eq 5) and (_root.secret_unlocked_5 eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((number eq 6) and (_root.secret_unlocked_6 eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((number eq 7) and (_root.secret_unlocked_7 eq 1)) { gotoAndPlay (3); }
Symbol 5387 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5387 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 5422 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 5422 MovieClip in Symbol 5423 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((_root.secret_describe > 0) and (_root.secret_describe < 15)) { gotoAndStop(_root.secret_describe + 1); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 5429 Button
on (release) { _root.gobacktomenu = 1; }
Symbol 5433 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.errrrrrrrrrror != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5433 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.ring_on_1_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_4 = 0;
Symbol 5433 MovieClip Frame 17
_root.errrrrrrrrrror = 0; _root.rrrrrrestart = 1;
Symbol 5436 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.snd_perenos_play eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5436 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.snd_perenos_play = 0;
Symbol 5441 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.puzzlereloading = 0;
Symbol 5441 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.restorepower != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5441 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.ring_on_1_1 = 1; _root.puzzlereloading = 1;
Symbol 5441 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.ring_on_1_2 = 1;
Symbol 5441 MovieClip Frame 13
_root.ring_on_1_3 = 1;
Symbol 5441 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.ring_on_1_4 = 1;
Symbol 5441 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.restorepower = 0;
Symbol 5444 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.snd_deselect_play eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5444 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.snd_deselect_play = 0;
Symbol 5447 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.snd_select_play eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5447 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.snd_select_play = 0;
Symbol 5450 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.snd_negative_play eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5450 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.snd_negative_play = 0;
Symbol 5464 Button
on (release) { if (_root.otkuda_perenosim eq 0) { if ((((ring_on_1 + ring_on_2) + ring_on_3) + ring_on_4) > 0) { _root.snd_select_play = 1; if (number eq 1) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 1; } else if (number eq 2) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 2; } else if (number eq 3) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 3; } } else { _root.snd_negative_play = 1; } } }
Symbol 5465 Button
on (release) { if (_root.otkuda_perenosim eq number) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 0; _root.snd_deselect_play = 1; } else { _root.snd_perenos_play = 1; if ((_root.otkuda_perenosim eq 1) and (number eq 2)) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 0; if (_root.ring_on_1_1 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_1_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_1 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_1_2 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_1_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_2 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_1_3 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_1_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_3 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_1_4 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_1_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_4 = 1; } } else if ((_root.otkuda_perenosim eq 1) and (number eq 3)) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 0; if (_root.ring_on_1_1 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_1_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_1 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_1_2 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_1_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_2 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_1_3 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_1_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_3 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_1_4 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_1_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_4 = 1; } } else if ((_root.otkuda_perenosim eq 2) and (number eq 1)) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 0; if (_root.ring_on_2_1 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_2_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_1 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_2_2 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_2_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_2 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_2_3 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_2_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_3 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_2_4 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_2_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_4 = 1; } } else if ((_root.otkuda_perenosim eq 2) and (number eq 3)) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 0; if (_root.ring_on_2_1 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_2_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_1 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_2_2 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_2_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_2 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_2_3 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_2_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_3 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_2_4 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_2_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_4 = 1; } } else if ((_root.otkuda_perenosim eq 3) and (number eq 1)) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 0; if (_root.ring_on_3_1 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_3_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_1 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_3_2 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_3_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_2 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_3_3 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_3_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_3 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_3_4 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_3_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_4 = 1; } } else if ((_root.otkuda_perenosim eq 3) and (number eq 2)) { _root.otkuda_perenosim = 0; if (_root.ring_on_3_1 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_3_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_1 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_3_2 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_3_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_2 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_3_3 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_3_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_3 = 1; } else if (_root.ring_on_3_4 eq 1) { _root.ring_on_3_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_4 = 1; } } } }
Symbol 5466 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5466 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 5468 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("shesterenka", _rotation , shesterenka._rotation + rotation);
Symbol 5468 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5471 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("krutilka", _rotation , krutilka._rotation + rotation);
Symbol 5471 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5474 MovieClip Frame 1
rotor_1.rotation = rotation; rotor_2.rotation = -rotation;
Symbol 5475 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); core.rotation = 2;
Symbol 5475 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); core.rotation = 4;
Symbol 5475 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); core.rotation = 6;
Symbol 5475 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); core.rotation = 8;
Symbol 5475 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); core.rotation = 10;
Symbol 5480 MovieClip Frame 2
loading = 1;
Symbol 5480 MovieClip Frame 9
loading = 0;
Symbol 5480 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 5486 MovieClip Frame 2
loading = 1;
Symbol 5486 MovieClip Frame 9
loading = 0;
Symbol 5486 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 5492 MovieClip Frame 2
loading = 1;
Symbol 5492 MovieClip Frame 9
loading = 0;
Symbol 5492 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 5498 MovieClip Frame 2
loading = 1;
Symbol 5498 MovieClip Frame 9
loading = 0;
Symbol 5498 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 5504 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.puzzlereloading != 1) { if ((ring_2.rrr.loading eq 1) and (ring_on_1 eq 1)) { _root.errrrrrrrrrror = 1; } if ((ring_3.rrr.loading eq 1) and ((ring_on_2 + ring_on_1) > 0)) { _root.errrrrrrrrrror = 1; } if ((ring_4.rrr.loading eq 1) and (((ring_on_3 + ring_on_2) + ring_on_1) > 0)) { _root.errrrrrrrrrror = 1; } } skolko = ((ring_on_1 + ring_on_2) + ring_on_3) + ring_on_4; if (skolko eq 0) { shesterenka.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (skolko eq 1) { shesterenka.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (skolko eq 2) { shesterenka.gotoAndStop(3); } else if (skolko eq 3) { shesterenka.gotoAndStop(4); } else if (skolko eq 4) { shesterenka.gotoAndStop(5); } knopka.ring_on_1 = ring_on_1; knopka.ring_on_2 = ring_on_2; knopka.ring_on_3 = ring_on_3; knopka.ring_on_4 = ring_on_4; knopka.number = number; if (ring_on_1 eq 1) { ring_1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { ring_1.gotoAndStop(2); } if (ring_on_2 eq 1) { ring_2.gotoAndStop(1); } else { ring_2.gotoAndStop(2); } if (ring_on_3 eq 1) { ring_3.gotoAndStop(1); } else { ring_3.gotoAndStop(2); } if (ring_on_4 eq 1) { ring_4.gotoAndStop(1); } else { ring_4.gotoAndStop(2); }
Instance of Symbol 5466 MovieClip "knopka" in Symbol 5504 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.otkuda_perenosim eq 0) { gotoAndStop (1); } else { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Symbol 5504 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); if (_root.otkuda_perenosim eq number) { poodsvetka.gotoAndStop(2); } else { poodsvetka.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 5507 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 5513 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5513 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.secret_unlocked_2 = 1;
Symbol 5514 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.rrrrrrestart != 0) { _root.restorepower = 1; _root.snd_negative_play = 0; _root.snd_select_play = 0; _root.snd_deselect_play = 0; _root.snd_perenos_play = 0; _root.errrrrrrrrrror = 0; _root.rrrrrrestart = 0; reactor_1.number = 1; reactor_2.number = 2; reactor_3.number = 3; _root.ring_on_1_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_1_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_2_4 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_1 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_2 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_3 = 0; _root.ring_on_3_4 = 0; _root.otkuda_perenosim = 0; _root.reactorselected = 0; } reactor_1.ring_on_1 = _root.ring_on_1_1; reactor_1.ring_on_2 = _root.ring_on_1_2; reactor_1.ring_on_3 = _root.ring_on_1_3; reactor_1.ring_on_4 = _root.ring_on_1_4; reactor_2.ring_on_1 = _root.ring_on_2_1; reactor_2.ring_on_2 = _root.ring_on_2_2; reactor_2.ring_on_3 = _root.ring_on_2_3; reactor_2.ring_on_4 = _root.ring_on_2_4; reactor_3.ring_on_1 = _root.ring_on_3_1; reactor_3.ring_on_2 = _root.ring_on_3_2; reactor_3.ring_on_3 = _root.ring_on_3_3; reactor_3.ring_on_4 = _root.ring_on_3_4;
Instance of Symbol 5507 MovieClip in Symbol 5514 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { skokapawera = ((_root.ring_on_1_1 + _root.ring_on_1_2) + _root.ring_on_1_3) + _root.ring_on_1_4; if (skokapawera eq 4) { gotoAndStop (1); } else if (skokapawera eq 0) { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (skokapawera eq 1) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (skokapawera eq 2) { gotoAndStop (4); } else if (skokapawera eq 3) { gotoAndStop (5); } }
Instance of Symbol 5513 MovieClip in Symbol 5514 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { skokapawera2 = ((_root.ring_on_3_1 + _root.ring_on_3_2) + _root.ring_on_3_3) + _root.ring_on_3_4; if (skokapawera2 eq 0) { gotoAndStop (1); } else if (skokapawera2 eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (skokapawera2 eq 2) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (skokapawera2 eq 3) { gotoAndStop (4); } else if (skokapawera2 eq 4) { gotoAndStop (5); } }
Symbol 5514 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5532 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (159); }
Symbol 5534 MovieClip Frame 160
Symbol 5540 Button
on (release) { _root.batpenis_varbox.retry = 1; }
Symbol 5544 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.batpenis_varbox.death != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5544 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 5545 Button
on (release) { _root.gobacktomenu = 1; stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 5547 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 5547 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 5547 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 5554 MovieClip Frame 1
if (yiff != 1) { yiff = 1; BblCOTA = bar._height; } yiffness = _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp / _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp_max; if (yiffness < 0) { bar._height = 0.1; } else { bar._height = yiffness * BblCOTA; }
Symbol 5554 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5564 MovieClip Frame 1
if (yiff != 1) { yiff = 1; BblCOTA = bar._height; } yiffness = _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points / 1000; if (yiffness < 0) { bar._height = 0.1; } else { bar._height = yiffness * BblCOTA; }
Instance of Symbol 5561 MovieClip in Symbol 5564 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points eq 1000) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 5564 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5576 Button
on (keyPress "z") { if (((_root.batpenis_varbox.shootinginprogress != 1) and (_root.batpenis_varbox.block_shooting != 1)) and (death != 1)) { if (sperm_number > 10) { sperm_number = 0; } if (sperm_number eq 0) { sperm_number = 1; } else { sperm_number = sperm_number + 1; } duplicateMovieClip ("sperm", "spermflyer" + sperm_number, sperm_number); setProperty("spermflyer" + sperm_number, _alpha , 100); _root.batpenis_varbox.spermnumber = sperm_number;; movement_speed = 0; movingtime = 0; tellTarget ("spermflyer" + sperm_number) { number = _root.batpenis_varbox.spermnumber; go = 1; }; } } on (keyPress "Z") { if (((_root.batpenis_varbox.shootinginprogress != 1) and (_root.batpenis_varbox.block_shooting != 1)) and (death != 1)) { if (sperm_number > 10) { sperm_number = 0; } if (sperm_number eq 0) { sperm_number = 1; } else { sperm_number = sperm_number + 1; } duplicateMovieClip ("sperm", "spermflyer" + sperm_number, sperm_number); setProperty("spermflyer" + sperm_number, _alpha , 100); _root.batpenis_varbox.spermnumber = sperm_number;; movement_speed = 0; movingtime = 0; tellTarget ("spermflyer" + sperm_number) { number = _root.batpenis_varbox.spermnumber; go = 1; }; } }
Symbol 5597 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 5599 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5599 MovieClip Frame 50
alpha = 1;
Symbol 5600 MovieClip Frame 2
if (go != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5600 MovieClip Frame 3
if (stop_ != 1) { sperma._y = sperma._y - 10; } if (sperma.alpha eq 1) { sperma._alpha = 0; }
Symbol 5600 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (3);
Symbol 5604 Button
on (keyPress "x") { if (_root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points eq 1000) { play(); _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_reload = 1; } } on (keyPress "X") { if (_root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points eq 1000) { play(); _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_reload = 1; } }
Symbol 5613 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); _root.batpenis_varbox.block_shooting = 0;
Symbol 5613 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.batpenis_varbox.block_shooting = 1;
Symbol 5635 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.batpenis_varbox.shootinginprogress = 0; stop();
Symbol 5635 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.batpenis_varbox.shootinginprogress = 1;
Symbol 5645 MovieClip Frame 50
Symbol 5647 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5652 MovieClip Frame 2
a = random(4); if (a eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (20); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (30); } else { gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 5652 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 5652 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 5652 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 5654 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.batpenis_varbox.hitlorisheart = 0; stop();
Symbol 5654 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.batpenis_varbox.hitlorisheart = 1;
Symbol 5735 MovieClip Frame 2
a = random(4); if (a eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (20); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndPlay (30); } else { gotoAndPlay (10); }
Symbol 5735 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 5735 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 5735 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 5742 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.batpenis_varbox.kills = _root.batpenis_varbox.kills + 1;
Symbol 5742 MovieClip Frame 26
stop(); remove = 1;
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 1
shooting = 0; if (dead eq 1) { gotoAndStop ("death"); }
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 2
if (shoot eq 1) { gotoAndPlay ("shoot_beam"); } else if (shoot eq 2) { gotoAndPlay ("shoot_projecttile"); } else if (shoot eq 3) { gotoAndPlay ("swastika_blast"); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 3
shoot = 0;
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 16
shooting = 0;
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 29
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 31
shoot = 0;
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 42
shooting = 0;
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 54
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 56
shoot = 0;
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 79
shooting = 0;
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 115
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5743 MovieClip Frame 117
Symbol 5744 MovieClip Frame 1
if (hitlorpower != 1) { hitlorpower = 1; dmg = 0; } if (dmg > _root.batpenis_varbox.hitlor_hp) { dead = 1; core.gotoAndStop("death"); } if ((((core.death.remove != 1) and (core.shooting != 1)) and (go eq 1)) and (dead != 1)) { if (core._y < 800) { core._y = core._y + 1.5; } } if ((core.death.remove eq 1) or (core._y > 725)) { remove = 1; } if ((core._y < 200) and (core._y > 50)) { if (random(_root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate) eq 1) { core.shoot = 1; } } else if ((core._y < 400) and (core._y > 200)) { if (random(_root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate) eq 1) { core.shoot = 2; } } else if ((core._y < 650) and (core._y > 400)) { if (random(_root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate) eq 1) { core.shoot = 3; } }
Symbol 5744 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5744 MovieClip Frame 3
remove = 1;
Symbol 5745 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((random(_root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate) eq 1) and ((hitlor_duplicate.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1))) { duplicateMovieClip ("hitlor", "hitlor_duplicate", 1); hitlor_duplicate.go = 1; starter = 0; } if (hitl0rstarted != 1) { starter = 1; hitl0rstarted = 1; }
Symbol 5745 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); hitlor.gotoAndStop(3);
Symbol 5746 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((random(_root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate) eq 1) and ((hitlor_duplicate.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1))) { duplicateMovieClip ("hitlor", "hitlor_duplicate", 1); hitlor_duplicate.go = 1; starter = 0; } if (hitl0rstarted != 1) { starter = 1; hitl0rstarted = 1; }
Symbol 5746 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); hitlor.gotoAndStop(3);
Symbol 5747 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((random(_root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate) eq 1) and ((hitlor_duplicate.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1))) { duplicateMovieClip ("hitlor", "hitlor_duplicate", 1); hitlor_duplicate.go = 1; starter = 0; } if (hitl0rstarted != 1) { starter = 1; hitl0rstarted = 1; }
Symbol 5747 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); hitlor.gotoAndStop(3);
Symbol 5748 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((random(_root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate) eq 1) and ((hitlor_duplicate.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1))) { duplicateMovieClip ("hitlor", "hitlor_duplicate", 1); hitlor_duplicate.go = 1; starter = 0; } if (hitl0rstarted != 1) { starter = 1; hitl0rstarted = 1; }
Symbol 5748 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); hitlor.gotoAndStop(3);
Symbol 5749 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((random(_root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate) eq 1) and ((hitlor_duplicate.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1))) { duplicateMovieClip ("hitlor", "hitlor_duplicate", 1); hitlor_duplicate.go = 1; starter = 0; } if (hitl0rstarted != 1) { starter = 1; hitl0rstarted = 1; }
Symbol 5749 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); hitlor.gotoAndStop(3);
Symbol 5750 MovieClip Frame 1
if ((random(_root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate) eq 1) and ((hitlor_duplicate.remove eq 1) or (starter eq 1))) { duplicateMovieClip ("hitlor", "hitlor_duplicate", 1); hitlor_duplicate.go = 1; starter = 0; } if (hitl0rstarted != 1) { starter = 1; hitl0rstarted = 1; }
Symbol 5750 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1); hitlor.gotoAndStop(3);
Symbol 5757 MovieClip Frame 1
sperm._x = bat_cock_core._x; if (movingtime > 20) { speedlimit = 20; } else { speedlimit = 10; } if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37)) { if (movement_speed < speedlimit) { movement_speed = movement_speed + 0.5; } movingtime = movingtime + 1; } else { movement_speed = 0; movingtime = 0; } if (_root.batpenis_varbox.block_shooting eq 1) { movement_speed = 30; } else { if (Key.isDown(37) and (moving_right eq 1)) { movement_speed = 0; } if (Key.isDown(39) and (moving_left eq 1)) { movement_speed = 0; } if (Key.isDown(39) and Key.isDown(37)) { movement_speed = 0; } } if (Key.isDown(39)) { if (bat_cock_core._x < 324) { bat_cock_core._x = bat_cock_core._x + movement_speed; } } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { if (bat_cock_core._x > -163) { bat_cock_core._x = bat_cock_core._x - movement_speed; } } if (death != 1) { if (_root.batpenis_varbox.kills < 15) { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate = 100; _root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate = 100; _root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate = 100; _root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate = 300; } else if ((_root.batpenis_varbox.kills > 15) and (_root.batpenis_varbox.kills < 30)) { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate = 100; _root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate = 50; _root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate = 100; _root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate = 200; } else if ((_root.batpenis_varbox.kills > 30) and (_root.batpenis_varbox.kills < 40)) { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate = 100; _root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate = 50; _root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate = 100; _root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate = 150; } else if ((_root.batpenis_varbox.kills > 40) and (_root.batpenis_varbox.kills < 60)) { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate = 70; _root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate = 40; _root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate = 90; _root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate = 100; } else if ((_root.batpenis_varbox.kills > 60) and (_root.batpenis_varbox.kills < 80)) { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate = 60; _root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate = 40; _root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate = 70; _root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate = 70; } else if ((_root.batpenis_varbox.kills > 80) and (_root.batpenis_varbox.kills < 100)) { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate = 50; _root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate = 40; _root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate = 60; _root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate = 70; } else if (_root.batpenis_varbox.kills > 100) { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate = 10; _root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate = 10; _root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate = 10; _root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate = 10; } } else { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate = 0; _root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate = 0; _root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate = 0; _root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate = 0; } if (restart != 0) { restart = 0; movement_speed = 0; sperm_number = 0; death = 0; _root.batpenis_varbox.death = 0; _root.batpenis_varbox.hitlorisheart = 0; _root.batpenis_varbox.kills = 0; _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_rate = 100; _root.batpenis_varbox.projectile_rate = 50; _root.batpenis_varbox.swastika_rate = 100; _root.batpenis_varbox.respawn_rate = 200; _root.batpenis_varbox.hitlor_hp = 1000; _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp_max = 1000; _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp = 1000; _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_regenrate = 1; _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points = 1000; } killcount.kills = _root.batpenis_varbox.kills; randomyiffffffff = random(100); if (randomyiffffffff < 30) { _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg = random(160); } else if ((randomyiffffffff > 30) and (randomyiffffffff < 80)) { _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg = random(80); } else if ((randomyiffffffff > 80) and (randomyiffffffff < 95)) { _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg = random(40); } else { _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg = 1337; } _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_beam_dmg = 5000; _root.batpenis_varbox.hitlor_beam_dmg = random(70); _root.batpenis_varbox.hitlor_projectile_dmg = random(180); _root.batpenis_varbox.hitlor_swastika_dmg = random(666); hp_ = _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp; if ((_root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp < _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp_max) and (death != 1)) { _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp = _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp + _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_regenrate; } if (_root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp <= 0) { death = 1; _root.batpenis_varbox.death = 1; _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp = -10; } trace(_root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp); _root.batpenis_varbox.death = death; if (_root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points < 1000) { if (((_root.batpenis_varbox.hitlorisheart eq 1) and (death != 1)) and (_root.batpenis_varbox.block_shooting != 1)) { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points = _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points + 6; } _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_ready = 0; } else { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_ready = 1; _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points = 1000; } if (_root.batpenis_varbox.beam_reload eq 1) { _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_reload = 0; _root.batpenis_varbox.beam_points = 0; } sperm_1_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer1.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_1_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer1.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_1_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer1.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_1_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer1.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_1_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer1.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_1_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer1.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_2_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer2.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_2_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer2.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_2_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer2.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_2_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer2.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_2_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer2.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_2_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer2.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_3_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer3.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_3_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer3.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_3_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer3.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_3_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer3.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_3_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer3.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_3_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer3.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_4_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer4.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_4_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer4.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_4_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer4.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_4_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer4.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_4_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer4.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_4_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer4.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_5_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer5.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_5_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer5.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_5_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer5.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_5_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer5.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_5_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer5.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_5_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer5.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_6_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer6.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_6_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer6.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_6_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer6.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_6_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer6.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_6_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer6.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_6_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer6.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_7_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer7.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_7_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer7.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_7_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer7.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_7_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer7.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_7_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer7.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_7_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer7.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_8_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer8.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_8_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer8.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_8_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer8.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_8_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer8.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_8_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer8.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_8_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer8.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_9_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer9.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_9_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer9.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_9_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer9.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_9_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer9.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_9_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer9.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_9_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer9.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_10_vs_hitlor_1 = spermflyer10.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_10_vs_hitlor_2 = spermflyer10.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_10_vs_hitlor_3 = spermflyer10.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_10_vs_hitlor_4 = spermflyer10.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_10_vs_hitlor_5 = spermflyer10.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); sperm_10_vs_hitlor_6 = spermflyer10.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); hitlorbeamtest_1 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.beam); hitlorbeamtest_2 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.beam); hitlorbeamtest_3 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.beam); hitlorbeamtest_4 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.beam); hitlorbeamtest_5 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.beam); hitlorbeamtest_6 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.beam); hitlorprojectiletest_1 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.projectile); hitlorprojectiletest_2 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.projectile); hitlorprojectiletest_3 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.projectile); hitlorprojectiletest_4 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.projectile); hitlorprojectiletest_5 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.projectile); hitlorprojectiletest_6 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.projectile); hitlorswastikatest_1 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.swastikadmg); hitlorswastikatest_2 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.swastikadmg); hitlorswastikatest_3 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.swastikadmg); hitlorswastikatest_4 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.swastikadmg); hitlorswastikatest_5 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.swastikadmg); hitlorswastikatest_6 = bat_cock_core.shadow_.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.swastikadmg); spermbeam_vs_hitlor_1 = bat_cock_core.mmm.beam.hitTest(hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); spermbeam_vs_hitlor_2 = bat_cock_core.mmm.beam.hitTest(hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); spermbeam_vs_hitlor_3 = bat_cock_core.mmm.beam.hitTest(hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); spermbeam_vs_hitlor_4 = bat_cock_core.mmm.beam.hitTest(hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); spermbeam_vs_hitlor_5 = bat_cock_core.mmm.beam.hitTest(hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_); spermbeam_vs_hitlor_6 = bat_cock_core.mmm.beam.hitTest(hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.core.shadow_);
Instance of Symbol 5647 MovieClip "bat_cock_core" in Symbol 5757 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.batpenis_varbox.death eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } }
Symbol 5757 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.batpenis_varbox.retry != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); } if (Key.isDown(39)) { moving_right = 1; } else { moving_right = 0; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { moving_left = 1; } else { moving_left = 0; } if ((((((sperm_1_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_1_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_1_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_1_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_1_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_1_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer1.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((sperm_2_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer2.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((sperm_3_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer3.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((sperm_4_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer4.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((sperm_5_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer5.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((sperm_6_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer6.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((sperm_7_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer7.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((sperm_8_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer8.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((sperm_9_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer9.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((sperm_10_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; spermflyer10.stop_ = 1; } if ((((((((((sperm_1_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true")) {; hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg; } if ((((((((((sperm_1_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true") or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true")) {; hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg; } if ((((((((((sperm_1_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true") or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true")) {; hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg; } if ((((((((((sperm_1_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true") or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true")) {; hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg; } if ((((((((((sperm_1_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true") or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true")) {; hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg; } if ((((((((((sperm_1_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true") or (sperm_2_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) or (sperm_3_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) or (sperm_4_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) or (sperm_5_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) or (sperm_6_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) or (sperm_7_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) or (sperm_8_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) or (sperm_9_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) or (sperm_10_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true")) {; hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_dmg; } if ((((((hitlorbeamtest_1 eq "true") or (hitlorbeamtest_2 eq "true")) or (hitlorbeamtest_3 eq "true")) or (hitlorbeamtest_4 eq "true")) or (hitlorbeamtest_5 eq "true")) or (hitlorbeamtest_6 eq "true")) { _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp = _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp - _root.batpenis_varbox.hitlor_beam_dmg; } if ((((((hitlorprojectiletest_1 eq "true") or (hitlorprojectiletest_2 eq "true")) or (hitlorprojectiletest_3 eq "true")) or (hitlorprojectiletest_4 eq "true")) or (hitlorprojectiletest_5 eq "true")) or (hitlorprojectiletest_6 eq "true")) { _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp = _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp - _root.batpenis_varbox.hitlor_projectile_dmg; } if ((((((hitlorswastikatest_1 eq "true") or (hitlorswastikatest_2 eq "true")) or (hitlorswastikatest_3 eq "true")) or (hitlorswastikatest_4 eq "true")) or (hitlorswastikatest_5 eq "true")) or (hitlorswastikatest_6 eq "true")) { _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp = _root.batpenis_varbox.batpenis_hp - _root.batpenis_varbox.hitlor_swastika_dmg; } if (spermbeam_vs_hitlor_1 eq "true") {; hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_1.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_beam_dmg; } if (spermbeam_vs_hitlor_2 eq "true") {; hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_2.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_beam_dmg; } if (spermbeam_vs_hitlor_3 eq "true") {; hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_3.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_beam_dmg; } if (spermbeam_vs_hitlor_4 eq "true") {; hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_4.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_beam_dmg; } if (spermbeam_vs_hitlor_5 eq "true") {; hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_5.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_beam_dmg; } if (spermbeam_vs_hitlor_6 eq "true") {; hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.dmg = hitlor_6.hitlor_duplicate.dmg + _root.batpenis_varbox.sperm_beam_dmg; }
Symbol 5757 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.batpenis_varbox.retry = 0; restart = 1; stopAllSounds();
Symbol 5758 Button
on (release) { stopAllSounds(); play(); }
Symbol 5759 Button
on (release) { _root.gobacktomenu = 1; stopAllSounds(); }
Symbol 5760 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5760 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 5777 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 5779 Button
on (release) { _root.gobacktomenu = 1; }
Symbol 5780 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 5787 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5787 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 5787 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 5798 Button
on (release) { if (a < 27) { a = a + 1; } }
Symbol 5804 Button
on (release) { _root.cheat_mode_unlocked = 1; }
Symbol 5808 Button
on (release) { _root.cheat_mode_unlocked = 0; }
Symbol 5818 Button
on (release) { _root.secret_unlocked_1 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_2 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_3 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_4 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_5 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_6 = 1; _root.secret_unlocked_7 = 1; }
Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.gotosecret_1 eq 1) { gotoAndStop ("sw_puzzle"); _root.gotosecret_1 = 0; } else if (_root.gotosecret_2 eq 1) { gotoAndStop ("hitlor"); _root.gotosecret_2 = 0; } else if (_root.gotosecret_3 eq 1) { gotoAndStop ("pool's cllosed"); _root.gotosecret_3 = 0; } else if (_root.gotosecret_5 eq 1) { gotoAndStop ("baklanavr"); _root.gotosecret_5 = 0; } else if (_root.gotosecret_6 eq 1) { gotoAndStop ("cheats"); _root.gotosecret_6 = 0; } else if (_root.gotosecret_7 eq 1) { gotoAndStop ("crafted_by"); _root.gotosecret_7 = 0; } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 28
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 37
Instance of Symbol 5790 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.cheat_mode_unlocked eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 1552 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scenariocheatcashammount_set != 1) { _root.scenariocheatcashammount_set = 1; _root.scenario_cheat_cashammount = 0; } if (yifffff != 555) { yifffff = 555; cash = _root.scenario_cheat_cashammount; } else { _root.scenario_cheat_cashammount = cash; } if (cash < 0) { cash = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 5799 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scencheatwave_set != 1) { _root.scencheatwave_set = 1; _root.scenario_cheat_wave = 1; } if (yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy != 333333) { yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy = 333333 /* 0x051615 */; a = _root.scenario_cheat_wave; } else { _root.scenario_cheat_wave = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1548 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scencheatlvl_set != 1) { _root.scencheatlvl_set = 1; _root.scenario_cheat_lvl = 1; } if (yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy != 333333) { yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy = 333333 /* 0x051615 */; a = _root.scenario_cheat_lvl; } else { _root.scenario_cheat_lvl = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 5809 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.cheat_mode_unlocked eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.scenario_cheat_defiler + 1); } else { _root.scenario_cheat_defiler = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.scenario_cheat_invul_bld + 1); } else { _root.scenario_cheat_invul_bld = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.scenario_cheat_invul_over + 1); } else { _root.scenario_cheat_invul_over = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.scenario_cheat_skill + 1); } else { _root.scenario_cheat_skill = a; } }
Instance of Symbol 1564 MovieClip in Symbol 5836 MovieClip Frame 50
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (yiffffffff != "fhtagn") { yiffffffff = "fhtagn"; gotoAndStop(_root.scenario_cheat_cash + 1); } else { _root.scenario_cheat_cash = a; } }
Symbol 5840 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (12); }
Symbol 5847 MovieClip Frame 2
if (play_ != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5847 MovieClip Frame 33
stop(); savedsecrets = SharedObject.getLocal("savedsecrets"); = 1;
Symbol 5859 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(600) != 5) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 5859 MovieClip Frame 761
Symbol 5866 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 5941 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5945 Button
on (keyPress "q") { qqqqqqqqqq = 1; } on (keyPress "w") { wwwwwwwwww = 1; } on (keyPress "a") { aaaaaaaaaa = 1; } on (keyPress "z") { zzzzzzzzzz = 1; } on (keyPress "d") { zzzzzzzzzz = 0; aaaaaaaaaa = 0; wwwwwwwwww = 0; qqqqqqqqqq = 0; } on (keyPress "f") { zzzzzzzzzz = 0; aaaaaaaaaa = 0; wwwwwwwwww = 0; qqqqqqqqqq = 0; } on (keyPress "c") { zzzzzzzzzz = 0; aaaaaaaaaa = 0; wwwwwwwwww = 0; qqqqqqqqqq = 0; } on (keyPress "s") { zzzzzzzzzz = 0; aaaaaaaaaa = 0; wwwwwwwwww = 0; qqqqqqqqqq = 0; } on (keyPress "x") { zzzzzzzzzz = 0; aaaaaaaaaa = 0; wwwwwwwwww = 0; qqqqqqqqqq = 0; }
Symbol 5952 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 5964 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 6028 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("shesterenka", _rotation , shesterenka._rotation - 1);
Symbol 6028 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 6031 MovieClip Frame 130
tellTarget ("_root") { play(); };
Symbol 6187 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 6190 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("starz", _rotation , starz._rotation + 0.5);
Symbol 6190 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 6203 MovieClip Frame 148
tellTarget ("_root") { play(); };
Symbol 6205 MovieClip Frame 108
Symbol 6209 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (144); }
Symbol 6262 MovieClip Frame 56
Instance of Symbol 6187 MovieClip in Symbol 6303 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); }
Instance of Symbol 6187 MovieClip in Symbol 6346 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { stop(); }
Symbol 6351 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(squarerandom) eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } square_left = 69 - _root.squarecount2; if (square_left > 25) { squarerandom = Math.floor(square_left / 6); } else if ((square_left < 25) and (square_left > 15)) { squarerandom = 5; } else { squarerandom = 2; }
Symbol 6351 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.squarecount2 = _root.squarecount2 + 1;
Symbol 6351 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 6352 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.squarecount2 = 0;
Symbol 6352 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 6383 MovieClip Frame 2
if (gooo != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6383 MovieClip Frame 30
savedsecrets = SharedObject.getLocal("savedsecrets"); = 1;
Symbol 6383 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 6384 MovieClip Frame 1
hittest = testzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); testzone.hittest = hittest; if ((hittest eq "true") and (testzone.yifffffffffffff != 1)) { aim.gotoAndStop(2); } else { aim.gotoAndStop(1); } if (testzone.yifffffffffffff eq 1) { guard.gooo = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 6372 MovieClip "testzone" in Symbol 6384 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (hittest eq "true") { yifffffffffffff = 1; } }
Symbol 6384 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 6385 MovieClip Frame 1
yiff = random(5); if (yiff eq 1) { gotoAndStop (5); } else if (yiff eq 2) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (yiff eq 3) { gotoAndStop (4); } else { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 6386 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(400) eq 5) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6405 MovieClip Frame 1
if (random(5) eq 1) { gotoAndStop (5); } else if (random(5) eq 2) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (random(5) eq 3) { gotoAndStop (4); } else { gotoAndStop (2); }
Symbol 6406 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(400) eq 5) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6408 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(1600) eq 50) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6434 MovieClip Frame 2
if (random(1000) eq 50) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6482 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 6520 MovieClip Frame 1
a = random(9); if (a eq 1) { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (a eq 2) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (a eq 3) { gotoAndStop (4); } else if (a eq 4) { gotoAndStop (5); } else if (a eq 5) { gotoAndStop (6); } else if (a eq 6) { gotoAndStop (7); } else { gotoAndStop (8); }
Symbol 6595 MovieClip Frame 2
if ((random(10) eq 2) and (_root.defilergogoggogo eq 1)) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6595 MovieClip Frame 82
Symbol 6641 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.defilergogoggogo = 1;
Symbol 6641 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.defilergogoggogo = 0;
Symbol 6641 MovieClip Frame 180
if (random(3) eq 2) { hhh = 1; } else { hhh = 0; }
Symbol 6641 MovieClip Frame 181
if (random(3) eq 2) { ggg = 1; } else { ggg = 0; }
Symbol 6641 MovieClip Frame 182
if ((ggg eq 1) or (hhh eq 1)) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6641 MovieClip Frame 399;
Symbol 6641 MovieClip Frame 400
Symbol 6647 Button
on (release) { play(); kudaidem = 555; }
Symbol 6651 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6651 MovieClip Frame 4
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6655 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6655 MovieClip Frame 4
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6660 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6660 MovieClip Frame 4
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6665 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6665 MovieClip Frame 4
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6670 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6670 MovieClip Frame 4
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6676 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6676 MovieClip Frame 4
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6678 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("shesterenka", _rotation , shesterenka._rotation + 15);
Symbol 6678 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 6683 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("krutilka", _rotation , krutilka._rotation + 25);
Symbol 6683 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 6756 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 6757 MovieClip Frame 2
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6757 MovieClip Frame 4
hittest = hitzone.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); if (hittest eq "true") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6762 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 6766 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 6768 Button
on (release) { play(); kudaidem = 1; }
Symbol 6770 Button
on (release) { play(); kudaidem = 3; tutorial_mode = 0; }
Symbol 6772 Button
on (release) { play(); kudaidem = 2; tutorial_mode = 0; }
Symbol 6775 Button
on (release) { play(); tutorial_mode = 1; }
Symbol 6804 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 6804 MovieClip "modedescribtion" in Symbol 6805 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.game_mode_describe eq 4) { gotoAndStop (2); } else if (_root.game_mode_describe eq 3) { gotoAndStop (3); } else if (_root.game_mode_describe eq 1) { gotoAndStop (4); } else if (_root.game_mode_describe eq 5) { gotoAndStop (5); } else if (_root.game_mode_describe eq 6) { gotoAndStop (6); } else { gotoAndStop (1); } }
Symbol 6815 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_return"); }
Symbol 6845 MovieClip Frame 63
if (random(2) eq 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6851 Button
on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.game_mode_describe = 0; } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.game_mode_describe = 5; }
Symbol 6857 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 6861 Button
on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.game_mode_describe = 0; } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.game_mode_describe = 6; } on (release) {; _root.kyda = 1337; _root.c_mode = 1; _root.scenario_cheat = 0; }
Symbol 6862 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.construct_unlocked != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6862 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 6863 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 6865 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (300); kyda = 1337; c_mode = 0; scenario_cheat = 0; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.game_mode_describe = 0; } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.game_mode_describe = 1; }
Symbol 6866 Button
on (release) { play(); kyda = 7331; }
Symbol 6867 Button
on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.game_mode_describe = 0; } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.game_mode_describe = 4; }
Symbol 6871 Button
on (release) {; _root.kyda = 1337; _root.c_mode = 0; _root.scenario_cheat = 1; } on (rollOut, dragOut) { _root.game_mode_describe = 0; } on (rollOver, dragOver) { _root.game_mode_describe = 3; }
Symbol 6872 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.cheat_mode_unlocked != 1) { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6872 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 6874 Button
on (release) { play(); kuda = 7331; }
Symbol 6881 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_return"); }
Symbol 6888 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_return"); }
Symbol 6890 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 6894 Button
on (release) { play(); }
Symbol 6922 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 6939 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 6943 Button
on (release) {; _root.loading = 1; _root.save_slot = 1; }
Symbol 6944 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 6944 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 2
saveslot1 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot1"); if ( eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 3
saveslot1 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot1"); wave =; exp =; lvl =; cash =; skill_points =; hp_regeneration_lvl =; en_regeneration_lvl =; power_dmg_lvl =; damage_upgraded =; hp_upgraded =; shell_upgraded =; defence_slot_1_info.ktotam =; defence_slot_2_info.ktotam =; defence_slot_3_info.ktotam =; defence_slot_4_info.ktotam =; special_slot_1_info.ktotam =; special_slot_2_info.ktotam =; special_slot_3_info.ktotam =;
Instance of Symbol 6950 MovieClip "special_slot_3_info" in Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (ktotam eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if (ktotam eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (ktotam eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if (ktotam eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6950 MovieClip "special_slot_2_info" in Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (ktotam eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if (ktotam eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (ktotam eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if (ktotam eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6950 MovieClip "special_slot_1_info" in Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (ktotam eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if (ktotam eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (ktotam eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if (ktotam eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6956 MovieClip "defence_slot_4_info" in Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((ktotam eq "hatchery1") or (ktotam eq "hatchery2")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery3")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if ((((ktotam eq "spore1") or (ktotam eq "spore2")) or (ktotam eq "spore3")) or (ktotam eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((ktotam eq "sunken1") or (ktotam eq "sunken2")) or (ktotam eq "sunken3")) or (ktotam eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if ((((ktotam eq "defiler1") or (ktotam eq "defiler2")) or (ktotam eq "defiler3")) or (ktotam eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6956 MovieClip "defence_slot_3_info" in Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((ktotam eq "hatchery1") or (ktotam eq "hatchery2")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery3")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if ((((ktotam eq "spore1") or (ktotam eq "spore2")) or (ktotam eq "spore3")) or (ktotam eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((ktotam eq "sunken1") or (ktotam eq "sunken2")) or (ktotam eq "sunken3")) or (ktotam eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if ((((ktotam eq "defiler1") or (ktotam eq "defiler2")) or (ktotam eq "defiler3")) or (ktotam eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6956 MovieClip "defence_slot_2_info" in Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((ktotam eq "hatchery1") or (ktotam eq "hatchery2")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery3")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if ((((ktotam eq "spore1") or (ktotam eq "spore2")) or (ktotam eq "spore3")) or (ktotam eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((ktotam eq "sunken1") or (ktotam eq "sunken2")) or (ktotam eq "sunken3")) or (ktotam eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if ((((ktotam eq "defiler1") or (ktotam eq "defiler2")) or (ktotam eq "defiler3")) or (ktotam eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6956 MovieClip "defence_slot_1_info" in Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((ktotam eq "hatchery1") or (ktotam eq "hatchery2")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery3")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if ((((ktotam eq "spore1") or (ktotam eq "spore2")) or (ktotam eq "spore3")) or (ktotam eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((ktotam eq "sunken1") or (ktotam eq "sunken2")) or (ktotam eq "sunken3")) or (ktotam eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if ((((ktotam eq "defiler1") or (ktotam eq "defiler2")) or (ktotam eq "defiler3")) or (ktotam eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Symbol 6985 MovieClip Frame 4
saveslot1 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot1"); if ( eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 6987 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 6994 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 6995 Button
on (release) {; _root.loading = 1; _root.save_slot = 2; }
Symbol 6996 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 6996 MovieClip Frame 53
Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 2
saveslot2 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot2"); if ( eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 3
saveslot2 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot2"); wave =; exp =; lvl =; cash =; skill_points =; hp_regeneration_lvl =; en_regeneration_lvl =; power_dmg_lvl =; damage_upgraded =; hp_upgraded =; shell_upgraded =; defence_slot_1_info.ktotam =; defence_slot_2_info.ktotam =; defence_slot_3_info.ktotam =; defence_slot_4_info.ktotam =; special_slot_1_info.ktotam =; special_slot_2_info.ktotam =; special_slot_3_info.ktotam =;
Instance of Symbol 6950 MovieClip "special_slot_3_info" in Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (ktotam eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if (ktotam eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (ktotam eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if (ktotam eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6950 MovieClip "special_slot_2_info" in Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (ktotam eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if (ktotam eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (ktotam eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if (ktotam eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6950 MovieClip "special_slot_1_info" in Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (ktotam eq "zergmound") { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if (ktotam eq "queennest") { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if (ktotam eq "spire") { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if (ktotam eq "elderbrain") { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6956 MovieClip "defence_slot_4_info" in Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((ktotam eq "hatchery1") or (ktotam eq "hatchery2")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery3")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if ((((ktotam eq "spore1") or (ktotam eq "spore2")) or (ktotam eq "spore3")) or (ktotam eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((ktotam eq "sunken1") or (ktotam eq "sunken2")) or (ktotam eq "sunken3")) or (ktotam eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if ((((ktotam eq "defiler1") or (ktotam eq "defiler2")) or (ktotam eq "defiler3")) or (ktotam eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6956 MovieClip "defence_slot_3_info" in Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((ktotam eq "hatchery1") or (ktotam eq "hatchery2")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery3")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if ((((ktotam eq "spore1") or (ktotam eq "spore2")) or (ktotam eq "spore3")) or (ktotam eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((ktotam eq "sunken1") or (ktotam eq "sunken2")) or (ktotam eq "sunken3")) or (ktotam eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if ((((ktotam eq "defiler1") or (ktotam eq "defiler2")) or (ktotam eq "defiler3")) or (ktotam eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6956 MovieClip "defence_slot_2_info" in Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((ktotam eq "hatchery1") or (ktotam eq "hatchery2")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery3")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if ((((ktotam eq "spore1") or (ktotam eq "spore2")) or (ktotam eq "spore3")) or (ktotam eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((ktotam eq "sunken1") or (ktotam eq "sunken2")) or (ktotam eq "sunken3")) or (ktotam eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if ((((ktotam eq "defiler1") or (ktotam eq "defiler2")) or (ktotam eq "defiler3")) or (ktotam eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Instance of Symbol 6956 MovieClip "defence_slot_1_info" in Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((((ktotam eq "hatchery1") or (ktotam eq "hatchery2")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery3")) or (ktotam eq "hatchery4")) { gotoAndPlay (2); } else if ((((ktotam eq "spore1") or (ktotam eq "spore2")) or (ktotam eq "spore3")) or (ktotam eq "spore4")) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else if ((((ktotam eq "sunken1") or (ktotam eq "sunken2")) or (ktotam eq "sunken3")) or (ktotam eq "sunken4")) { gotoAndPlay (4); } else if ((((ktotam eq "defiler1") or (ktotam eq "defiler2")) or (ktotam eq "defiler3")) or (ktotam eq "defiler4")) { gotoAndPlay (5); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); } }
Symbol 7008 MovieClip Frame 4
saveslot2 = SharedObject.getLocal("saveslot2"); if ( eq 1) { gotoAndPlay (3); } else { gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 7012 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("startgame"); }
Symbol 7026 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("startgame"); }
Symbol 7033 MovieClip Frame 27
stop(); _root.background_loaded = 1;
Symbol 7035 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 7059 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 7064 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 7070 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 7083 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("mainmenu_return"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 BitmapUsed by:3
Symbol 3 GraphicUses:2Used by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 4 BitmapUsed by:5
Symbol 5 GraphicUses:4Used by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 6 BitmapUsed by:7
Symbol 7 GraphicUses:6Used by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 8 BitmapUsed by:9
Symbol 9 GraphicUses:8Used by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 11 GraphicUsed by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 14 BitmapUsed by:15
Symbol 15 GraphicUses:14Used by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 16 BitmapUsed by:17
Symbol 17 GraphicUses:16Used by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:1731  Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:26 46
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:23Used by:26 46
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26 184 567 639 1408 2152 2182 4543 4590 4624 5142 5178 5313 5563 5758 5759 5818 6815 6845 6866 6874 6881 6888 7083  Timeline
Symbol 26 ButtonUses:22 24 25Used by:29
Symbol 27 BitmapUsed by:28 39
Symbol 28 GraphicUses:27Used by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClipUses:26 28Used by:46
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:38 360 361 499 501 568 612 693 795 799 1166 1416 1418 1420 1422 1425 1427 1429 1432 1446 1809 4404 4405 4406 4780 4783 4787 4839 4846 4852 4857 4862 4864 4866 4867 4869 4871 4873 4874 4876 4878 4880 4881 4890 4926 4947 4948 4949 4953 4954 4955 5859 6203 6205 6351 6677 7009 7035  Timeline
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:31 32 33 34 35 36 37Used by:46
Symbol 39 GraphicUses:27Used by:46
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41 1451
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:40Used by:45 46
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 43 SoundUsed by:45 388 420 1046 1186 1207 1210 1218 1312 1439 1451 1462 1467 1472 1495 1583 2873 4420 4426 4430 4434 4531 4536 4542 4551 4558 4579 4584 4588 4824 5216 5219 5224 5225 5230 5231 5313 6647 6815 6861 6865 6866 6871 6874 6881 6888 6939 6943 6994 6995 7083
Symbol 44 SoundUsed by:45 388 420 425 446 1046 1186 1207 1210 1218 1312 1439 1451 1462 1467 1472 1495 1518 1521 1583 4420 4426 4430 4434 4531 4536 4542 4551 4558 4579 4584 4588 4824 5201 5206 5216 5219 5224 5225 5230 5231 5313 5804 5808 6647 6815 6861 6865 6866 6871 6874 6881 6888 6939 6943 6994 6995 7083
Symbol 45 ButtonUses:41 42 43 44Used by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:29 38 30 24 22 39 41 45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 MovieClipUses:47Used by:Timeline
Symbol 49 FontUsed by:50 54 56 57 58 59 62 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 80 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 92 94 95 97 7055 7060 7065 7066 7071 7072 7076 7079 7080
Symbol 50 TextUses:49Used by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClipUses:50Used by:100
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClipUses:52Used by:100
Symbol 54 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 55 FontUsed by:56
Symbol 56 TextUses:49 55Used by:100
Symbol 57 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 58 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 59 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClipUses:60Used by:100
Symbol 62 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 63 FontUsed by:64 81 93 98
Symbol 64 TextUses:63Used by:100
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:100 1047
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:70 82 425 446
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:70 82 425 446
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:70 82 425 446
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70 82 425 446
Symbol 70 ButtonUses:66 67 68 69Used by:100
Symbol 71 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 72 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 73 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 74 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 75 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 76 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 77 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:78Used by:100
Symbol 80 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 81 TextUses:63Used by:100
Symbol 82 ButtonUses:66 67 68 69Used by:100
Symbol 83 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 84 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 85 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 86 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 87 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 88 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 89 TextUses:49Used by:100
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Symbol 93 TextUses:63Used by:100
Symbol 94 TextUses:49Used by:100
Symbol 95 TextUses:49Used by:96
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Symbol 97 TextUses:49Used by:100
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Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:105
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Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107
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Symbol 262 BitmapUsed by:263
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Symbol 288 MovieClipUses:269 271 272 275 278 281 284 287Used by:289
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Symbol 356 GraphicUsed by:357
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Symbol 358 GraphicUsed by:359
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Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:386 388
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Symbol 474 TextUses:134Used by:1047
Symbol 475 TextUses:134Used by:1047
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Instance Names

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hpSymbol 4471 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>"
hpSymbol 4474 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>"
hpSymbol 4479 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>"
hpSymbol 4484 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>"
hpSymbol 4489 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>"
hpSymbol 4494 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>"
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hpSymbol 4507 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999</b></font></p>"
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marines_capturedSymbol 5167 EditableText"<p align="left"><font face="Times New Roman" size="15" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>9</b></font></p>"
killsSymbol 5751 EditableText"9999"
aSymbol 5797 EditableText"0"
hp_upgradedSymbol 6963 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
damage_upgradedSymbol 6964 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
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en_regeneration_lvlSymbol 6969 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
hp_regeneration_lvlSymbol 6971 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
power_dmg_lvlSymbol 6973 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
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hp_upgradedSymbol 6997 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
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en_regeneration_lvlSymbol 7000 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
hp_regeneration_lvlSymbol 7001 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
power_dmg_lvlSymbol 7002 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
skill_pointsSymbol 7003 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
cashSymbol 7004 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999 </b></font></p>"
expSymbol 7005 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>99999 </b></font></p>"
lvlSymbol 7006 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ffcc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
waveSymbol 7007 EditableText"<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="18" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>66 </b></font></p>"
Created: 1/6 -2019 22:29:29 Last modified: 1/6 -2019 22:29:29 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:13:45