Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #16796

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
function itemHandler1(obj, item) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function itemHandler2(obj, item) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function itemHandler3(obj, item) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function itemHandler4(obj, item) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } function makeball(rd) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ball", 7000); with (ball) { lineStyle(0, 16776960, 30); beginFill(16737792); moveTo(rd, 0); am = 0.414213562373095; var angle = 45; while (angle <= 360) { var endx = (rd * Math.cos((angle * Math.PI) / 180)); var endy = (rd * Math.sin((angle * Math.PI) / 180)); var cx = (endx + ((rd * am) * Math.cos(((angle - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); var cy = (endy + ((rd * am) * Math.sin(((angle - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); curveTo(cx, cy, endx, endy); angle = angle + 45; } endFill(); beginFill(16777215); moveTo(3, -7); curveTo(10, -4, 7, 1.5); curveTo(5, -6, 3, -7); endFill(); _x = _width / 2; _y = (SH - (_height / 2)) - 50; } ball.vx = 2; ball.vy = 0; ball.ocount = 0; ball.otarget = random(100) + 10; } function makeback() { cs = random(C1.length); with (_root) { beginFill(C1[cs], 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, SH); lineTo(0, SH); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("fbk", 3000); with (fbk) { incr = SH / 100; fbkY = 0; i = 0; while (i < 101) { beginFill(C2[cs], i); moveTo(0, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY); endFill(); fbkY = fbkY + incr; i++; } } } function makehills(SP) { if (HC == 4000) { HC++; } else { HC--; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bkm" + HC, HC); with (_root["bkm" + HC]) { M = 10; N = random(20) + 5; P = random(25) + 10; TW = 700 + random(800); X = 0; oldX = 0; oldY = 0; beginFill(0, 30); moveTo(0, SH); while (X < TW) { X = X + (random(80) + 40); D = (X - oldX) / 2; E = ((X - D) - (D / 3)) + random(D / 1.5); Y = SH - (random(M) + (M / 2)); if (X < TW) { curveTo(E, Y - random(N), X, Y); } else { curveTo(E, Y - random(N), X, SH); } oldX = X; oldY = Y; if (X < (TW / 2)) { M = M + P; } else { M = M - P; } } endFill(); _x = SP; bkm = _root["bkm" + HC]; if (HC == 4000) { bkp = bkm4001; } else { bkp = bkm4000; } } } function makegrass() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bk", 5000); bk.createEmptyMovieClip("bkf1", 1); with (bk.bkf1) { beginFill(113153, 100); moveTo(0, SH); A = 0; oldA = 0; while (A < 500) { A = A + (random(4) + 1); B = random(50) + 5; C = SH - B; curveTo(oldA - ((A - oldA) / 2), C + (B / 2), A, C); oldA = A; } curveTo(498, SH - 2, 500, SH); endFill(); beginFill(123905, 100); moveTo(0, SH); A = 0; oldA = 0; while (A < 500) { A = A + (random(4) + 1); B = random(40) + 5; C = SH - B; curveTo(oldA - ((A - oldA) / 4), C + (B / 2), A, C); oldA = A; } curveTo(498, SH - 2, 500, SH); endFill(); _width = SW * 2; } bk.bkf1.duplicateMovieClip("bkf2", 2); bk.bkf2._x = bk.bkf1._width - 15; } function maketexts() { yTF = new TextFormat(); xTF = new TextFormat(); rTF = new TextFormat(); sTF = new TextFormat(); tTF = new TextFormat(); dTF = new TextFormat(); hTF = new TextFormat(); gTF = new TextFormat(); ggTF = new TextFormat(); with (ggTF) { color = 16777113 /* 0xFFFF99 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 11; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (yTF) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 11; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (xTF) { color = 268435455 /* 0xFFFFFFF */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "right"; } with (rTF) { color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 17; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (sTF) { color = 16777164 /* 0xFFFFCC */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 10; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (tTF) { color = 16777164 /* 0xFFFFCC */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 60; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (dTF) { color = 16763904 /* 0xFFCC00 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 9; bold = 1; align = "right"; } with (hTF) { color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 14; bold = 1; align = "center"; } with (gTF) { color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 12; bold = 1; align = "left"; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ytMC", 9000); with (ytMC) { lineStyle(0, 16777215, 100); beginFill(16711680, 100); moveTo(-25, -10); lineTo(-15, -10); lineTo(-20, -17); lineTo(-25, -10); endFill(); _x = SW * 0.66; _y = 20; _visible = 0; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("reset", 9001); with (reset) { _x = (SW / 2) - 150; _y = (SH / 2) - 25; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("btt", 9100); with (btt) { _x = SW - 100; _y = SH - 15; _visible = 0; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("hitt", 9200); with (hitt) { _x = 0; _y = 0; _visible = 0; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("GOG", 40000); with (GOG) { _x = 1; _y = -1; } ytMC.createTextField("ytext", 1, -40, -10, 40, 20); reset.createTextField("rtext", 1, 0, 0, 300, 25); reset.createTextField("stext", 2, 0, 25, 300, 25); btt.createTextField("btext", 1, 0, 0, 100, 25); hitt.createTextField("htext", 1, -25, -12, 50, 24); GOG.createTextField("gtext", 1, 0, 0, 180, 40); _root.createTextField("xtext", 9002, SW - 200, 24, 200, 15); _root.createTextField("ostext", 9003, SW - 200, 12, 200, 15); _root.createTextField("oltext", 9005, SW - 200, 0, 200, 15); with (GOG.gtext) { selectable = 0; text = ""; setTextFormat(gTF); } with (reset.rtext) { selectable = 0; text = "RESET"; setTextFormat(rTF); } with (reset.stext) { selectable = 0; setTextFormat(yTF); } with (btt.btext) { selectable = 0; text = "BACK TO TITLE"; setTextFormat(xTF); } with (hitt.htext) { selectable = 0; text = ""; setTextFormat(hTF); } reset.onPress = function () { ball.vx = 2; ball.vy = 0; bX = 0; bY = 0; bk._x = 0; reset.stext.text = ""; ball._x = 0; ball._y = SH - (ball._height / 2); removeMovieClip(bkm); removeMovieClip(bkp); i = 0; while (i < 11) { _root["boost" + i].removeMovieClip(); _root["trap" + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } makeback(); makehills(0); makegrass(); }; btt.onPress = function () { ttl._visible = 1; reset.onPress(); }; GOG.onPress = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; } function loadwr() { makehst(); loadVariables ((rdom + rfolder) + "tigetscores.asp", hst); } function makehst() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("hst", 11000); with (hst) { beginFill(0, 40); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, SH); lineTo(0, SH); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); beginFill(0, 50); lineStyle(0, 16777215, 80); moveTo(10, 10); lineTo(SW - 10, 10); lineTo(SW - 10, SH - 10); lineTo(10, SH - 10); lineTo(10, 10); endFill(); beginFill(16777164, 100); moveTo(298, 10); lineTo(302, 10); lineTo(302, SH - 10); lineTo(298, SH - 10); lineTo(298, 10); endFill(); i = 10; while (i < ((SH - 10) - 1)) { moveTo(10, i); lineTo(SW - 10, i); i = i + ((SH - 20) / 22); } hsa = new Array(10, 50, 220, 298, 302, 345, 515, 590); hsn = new Array("rank", "player", "score", "", "rank", "player", "score"); m = 0; while (m < (hsa.length - 1)) { if (m > 3) { k = 500; } else { k = 400; } hst.createTextField(hsn[m] + k, (m * 50) + k, hsa[m], 8.8, hsa[m + 1] - hsa[m], 15); with (hst[hsn[m] + k]) { text = hsn[m].toUpperCase(); setTextFormat(sTF); } m++; } m = 0; while (m < (hsa.length - 1)) { k = 0; if (m > 3) { k = k + 20; } t = (SH - 20) / 22; i = 10 + (2 * t); while (i < ((SH - 10) - 1)) { k++; hst.createTextField(hsn[m] + k, (m * 50) + k, hsa[m], i - 1.2, hsa[m + 1] - hsa[m], t * 2); with (hst[hsn[m] + k]) { text = "LOADING..."; if ((m == 0) || (m == 4)) { text = k; } setTextFormat(sTF); } i = i + t; } moveTo(hsa[m + 1], 10); lineTo(hsa[m + 1], SH - 10); m++; } _visible = 0; } hst.onPress = function () { this._visible = 0; ttl._visible = 1; }; hst.onData = function () { mi = 1; while (mi < 41) { this["player" + mi].text = this["inplayer" + mi]; this["score" + mi].text = this["inscore" + mi]; this["player" + mi].setTextFormat(sTF); this["score" + mi].setTextFormat(sTF); mi++; } }; } function makesubmit() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("SS", 13000); with (SS) { lineStyle(2, 16777215, 50); beginFill(0, 40); moveTo(130, 50); lineTo(SW - 130, 50); lineTo(SW - 130, SH - 50); lineTo(130, SH - 50); lineTo(130, 50); endFill(); lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); beginFill(0, 40); moveTo(160, 180); lineTo(SW - 160, 180); lineTo(SW - 160, 200); lineTo(160, 200); lineTo(160, 180); endFill(); SS.createTextField("sstoptext", 1, 150, 50, 300, 150); SS.createTextField("sscoretext", 2, 150, 125, 300, 20); SS.createTextField("ssplstext", 3, 150, 150, 300, 20); SS.createTextField("ssinptext", 4, 170, 182, 260, 20); with (SS.sstoptext) { selectable = 0; text = "WINNER!"; setTextFormat(tTF); } with (SS.sscoretext) { selectable = 0; text = "Score: " + bX; setTextFormat(yTF); } with (SS.ssplstext) { selectable = 0; text = "Please enter your name and click SUBMIT"; setTextFormat(yTF); } with (SS.ssinptext) { type = "input"; text = "Mrs Default"; setTextFormat(sTF); } SS.ssinptext.onSetFocus = function () { this.text = ""; }; SS.ssinptext.onChanged = function () { this.setTextFormat(_root.sTF); }; SS.createEmptyMovieClip("submit", 5); with (submit) { lineStyle(1, 16777215, 100); beginFill(16711680, 10); moveTo(250, 215); lineTo(SW - 250, 215); lineTo(SW - 250, 236); lineTo(250, 236); lineTo(250, 215); endFill(); SS.submit.createTextField("submittext", 1, 250, 213, 100, 30); with (SS.submit.submittext) { selectable = 0; text = "SUBMIT"; setTextFormat(rTF); } } } SS.submit.onPress = function () { sscore = bX; splayer = SS.ssinptext.text; pss = "ho6o87dfshoif876h8o65hft23gith7rhsodfy86584hti4368ijti65wre8wgrt23i6"; loadVariablesNum ((rdom + rfolder) + "tiaddscore.asp", 0, "POST"); SS.submit._visible = 0; SS.createTextField("sendtext", 10, 100, 213, 400, 30); with (SS.sendtext) { selectable = 0; text = "SENDING DATA - 5 SECONDS....."; setTextFormat(rTF); } pauser = setInterval(_root.refreshhst, 5000); }; } function refreshhst() { reset.onPress(); loadwr(); hst._visible = 1; clearInterval(_root.pauser); nos = 1; SS.removeMovieClip(); } function maketitle() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ttl", 10000); ttl.createEmptyMovieClip("t1", 1); with (ttl.t1) { incr = SH / 200; beginFill(13870081, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, SH); lineTo(0, SH); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); fbkY = 0; i = 0; while (i < 201) { if (i > 100) { j = 200 - i; col = 5177344 /* 0x4F0000 */; } else { j = i; col = 16737792 /* 0xFF6600 */; } beginFill(col, 100 - j); moveTo(0, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY); lineTo(SW, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY + incr); lineTo(0, fbkY); endFill(); fbkY = fbkY + incr; i++; } lineStyle(0, 16777215, 30); i = 0; while (i < SH) { moveTo(0, i); lineTo(SW, i); i = i + (SH / 50); } } ttl.t1.createEmptyMovieClip("bl", 7); with ( { rd = 10; lineStyle(0, 16776960, 30); beginFill(16737792); moveTo(rd, 0); am = 0.414213562373095; var angle = 45; while (angle <= 360) { var endx = (rd * Math.cos((angle * Math.PI) / 180)); var endy = (rd * Math.sin((angle * Math.PI) / 180)); var cx = (endx + ((rd * am) * Math.cos(((angle - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); var cy = (endy + ((rd * am) * Math.sin(((angle - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); curveTo(cx, cy, endx, endy); angle = angle + 45; } endFill(); beginFill(16777215); moveTo(3, -7); curveTo(10, -4, 7, 1.5); curveTo(5, -6, 3, -7); endFill(); _x = 290; _y = 140; _width = 52; _height = 52; } ttl.createEmptyMovieClip("his", 3); with (ttl.his) { _x = (SW / 2) - 100; _y = (SH / 2) + 75; } ttl.createEmptyMovieClip("GG", 30); with (ttl.GG) { _x = (SW / 2) - 150; _y = (SH / 2) + 18; } ttl.createTextField("denvish", 100, SW - 300, SH - 15, 300, 30); ttl.GG.createTextField("GOG", 200, 0, 0, 300, 20); ttl.t1.createTextField("ttext1", 1, 0, 100, SW, 150); ttl.t1.createTextField("ttext2", 2, 0, 195, SW, 50); ttl.his.createTextField("htext", 1, 20, 0, 160, 16); with (ttl.GG.GOG) { selectable = 0; text = "sponsored by"; setTextFormat(ggTF); } with (ttl.denvish) { selectable = 0; text = "By Denvish Designs"; setTextFormat(dTF); } with (ttl.t1.ttext1) { selectable = 0; text = "THROW IT"; setTextFormat(tTF); } with (ttl.t1.ttext2) { selectable = 0; text = "CLICK TO PLAY"; setTextFormat(yTF); } with (ttl.his.htext) { selectable = 0; text = "VIEW ONLINE SCORE TABLE"; setTextFormat(yTF); } ttl.t1.onPress = function () { ttl._visible = 0; }; ttl.his.onPress = function () { ttl._visible = 0; loadwr(); hst._visible = 1; }; ttl.GG.onPress = function () { getURL ("", "_blank"); }; } function checkstolen() { this_url = _root._url; allowed_urls = new Array("", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); this_url = this_url.substr(7, this_url.length); this_url = this_url.substr(0, this_url.indexOf("/")); var found_good_url = 0; if (_root._url.substr(0, 7) == "file://") { found_good_url = 1; } var i = 0; while (i < allowed_urls.length) { if (this_url == allowed_urls[i]) { found_good_url = 1; break; } i++; } if (found_good_url == 0) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("block", 20000); with (block) { beginFill(16738047, 100); moveTo(0, 0); lineTo(SW, 0); lineTo(SW, SH); lineTo(0, SH); lineTo(0, 0); endFill(); } bTF = new TextFormat(); with (bTF) { color = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; font = "Tahoma"; size = 60; bold = 1; align = "center"; } block.createTextField("gaytext", 1, 0, (SH / 2) - 50, SW, 200); with (block.gaytext) { selectable = 0; text = "STEALING IS BAD"; setTextFormat(bTF); } } } function makeobject() { obno++; if (obno > 10) { obno = 0; } choose = random(100); if (choose > 9) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("boost" + obno, 6000 + obno); with (_root["boost" + obno]) { rd = 110; lineStyle(25, 16737996, 20); beginFill(16777215, 30); moveTo(rd, 0); am = 0.414213562373095; var angle = 45; while (angle <= 360) { var endx = (rd * Math.cos((angle * Math.PI) / 180)); var endy = (rd * Math.sin((angle * Math.PI) / 180)); var cx = (endx + ((rd * am) * Math.cos(((angle - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); var cy = (endy + ((rd * am) * Math.sin(((angle - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); curveTo(cx, cy, endx, endy); angle = angle + 45; } endFill(); lineStyle(2, 0, 60); beginFill(16711680, 60); moveTo(50, 0); lineTo(50, -25); lineTo(0, -65); lineTo(-50, -25); lineTo(-50, 0); lineTo(0, -40); lineTo(50, 0); endFill(); beginFill(16750848, 60); moveTo(40, 30); lineTo(40, 5); lineTo(0, -30); lineTo(-40, 5); lineTo(-40, 30); lineTo(0, -5); lineTo(40, 30); endFill(); beginFill(16776960, 60); moveTo(25, 30); lineTo(0, 5); lineTo(-25, 30); curveTo(-10, 40, 0, 65); curveTo(10, 40, 25, 30); endFill(); lineStyle(1, 0, 0); beginFill(16750848, 0); moveTo(-100, -100); lineTo(100, -100); lineTo(100, 100); lineTo(-100, 100); lineTo(-100, -100); endFill(); ratio = _width / _height; _width = 50; _height = _width / ratio; _x = SW + _width; _y = random(SH - (100 + (_height / 2))) + 100; goleft = 0; _root["boost" + obno].onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.goleft == 1) { _rotation = _rotation - 5; if (_rotation == 0) { this.goleft = 0; } } else { _rotation = _rotation + 5; if (_rotation == 90) { this.goleft = 1; } } if (_root.moving && (_root.heldr)) { _x = _x - (_root.ball.vx / 5); if (hitTest(_root.ball)) { _root.hitt._x = _x; _root.hitt._y = _y; _root.hitt._visible = 1; _root.hitt.htext.text = (90 - _rotation) + "\u00B0"; _root.hitt.htext.setTextFormat(_root.hTF); _root.hitcnt = 0; if (_root.ball.vy > 0) { _root.ball.vy = _root.ball.vy * (-(1 + ((90 - _rotation) / 100))); } else { _root.ball.vy = _root.ball.vy * (1 + ((90 - _rotation) / 100)); } _root.ball.vy = _root.ball.vy - ((90 - _rotation) / 2); _root.ball.vx = _root.ball.vx * (1 + (1 * (_rotation / 100))); _root.ball.vx = _root.ball.vx + (_rotation / 2); _root.ball._x = _x; _root.ball._y = _y; this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (_x < (-_width)) { this._root.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } else { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("trap" + obno, 6500 + obno); with (_root["trap" + obno]) { rd = 110; lineStyle(25, 16737996, 20); beginFill(16711680, 30); moveTo(rd, 0); am = 0.414213562373095; var angle = 45; while (angle <= 360) { var endx = (rd * Math.cos((angle * Math.PI) / 180)); var endy = (rd * Math.sin((angle * Math.PI) / 180)); var cx = (endx + ((rd * am) * Math.cos(((angle - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); var cy = (endy + ((rd * am) * Math.sin(((angle - 90) * Math.PI) / 180))); curveTo(cx, cy, endx, endy); angle = angle + 45; } endFill(); lineStyle(1, 0, 0); beginFill(16750848, 0); moveTo(-100, -100); lineTo(100, -100); lineTo(100, 100); lineTo(-100, 100); lineTo(-100, -100); endFill(); ratio = _width / _height; _width = 50; _height = _width / ratio; _x = SW + _width; _y = random(SH - (100 + (_height / 2))) + 100; _root["trap" + obno].onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.moving && (_root.heldr)) { _x = _x - (_root.ball.vx / 5); if (hitTest(_root.ball)) { i = 1; while (i < 11) { _root["boost" + i].removeMovieClip(); i++; } _root.trapped = 1; _root.ball.vx = 0; _root.ball.vy = 0; _root.ball._x = _x; _root.ball._y = _y; if (_y < (_root.SH - (_height / 2))) { _y = _y + 1; _width = _width * 1.02; _height = _height * 1.02; } else { _root.ball.vx = 0.8; _root.ball.vy = 10; _root.trapped = 0; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }; } } } function makeedges() { edge = new Object(); edge.xMin = ball._width / 2; edge.yMin = ball._height; edge.xMax = SW - (ball._width / 2); edge.yMax = SH - (ball._height / 2); } gravity = 3; friction = 10; Stage.scaleMode = "showAll"; SW = Stage.width; SH = Stage.height; bX = 0; bY = 0; HC = 4000; nos = 1; obno = 0; moving = 0; trapped = 0; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("throw"); oldscore =; if ( == undefined) { oldscore = 0; } root_cm = new ContextMenu(); root_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); aaa_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("Games Of Gondor", itemHandler1); bbb_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("Newgrounds", itemHandler2); ccc_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("My other Flashes", itemHandler3); ddd_cmi = new ContextMenuItem("Planet Bob - Music", itemHandler4); ccc_cmi.separatorBefore = true; root_cm.customItems.push(aaa_cmi, bbb_cmi, ccc_cmi, ddd_cmi); = root_cm; makeball(10); ball.onEnterFrame = function () { with (ball) { if (_root.hitt._visible == 1) { _root.hitcnt++; if (_root.hitcnt > 100) { _root.hitt._visible = 0; } } stlscore = hst.score40.text; if (hst._visible == 1) { GOG._visible = 0; } else { GOG._visible = 1; } ytMC.ytext.text = bY; xtext.text = "CURRENT: " + bX; if (bX > oldscore) { ostext.text = "YOUR BEST: " + bX; } else { ostext.text = "YOUR BEST: " + oldscore; } if (bX > stbscore) { oltext.text = "WORLD BEST: " + bX; } else { stbscore = hst.score1.text; oltext.text = "WORLD BEST: " + stbscore; } ytMC.ytext.setTextFormat(yTF); xtext.setTextFormat(xTF); ostext.setTextFormat(xTF); oltext.setTextFormat(xTF); if (!pressed) { if ((vx > 0.5) || (vx < 0)) { moving = 1; vy = vy + gravity; _x = _x + vx; _y = _y + vy; bX = bX + int(vx / 5); reset._visible = 0; btt._visible = 0; if (_y > edge.yMax) { _y = edge.yMax; vy = vy * -0.85; vx = vx * ((100 - friction) / 100); } else if (_y < edge.yMin) { if (_y < (-(2 * SH))) { pressed = 0; } bY = int((_y * -1) + SH); ytMC._visible = 1; } else { bY = ""; ytMC._visible = 0; } if (_x > (edge.xMax * 0.66)) { _x = edge.xMax * 0.66; heldr = 1; ocount++; if (ocount == otarget) { ocount = 0; otarget = int(random(100) + 10); makeobject(); } bk._x = bk._x - (vx / 5); if (bk._x < (-(bk._width / 2))) { bk._x = -(vx / 5); } bkm._x = bkm._x - (vx / 100); bkp._x = bkp._x - (vx / 100); if (bkm._x < (-(bkm._width - SW))) { makehills(SW); } if (bkm._x < (-bkm._width)) { removeMovieClip(bkm); } } else if (_x < edge.xMin) { _x = edge.xMin; vx = vx * -0.9; } } else if (!trapped) { moving = 0; if (_x > (edge.xMax * 0.6)) { if ((bX >= stlscore) && (nos)) { nos = 0; if (bX > oldscore) { = bX; savefile.flush(); oldscore = bX; } makesubmit(); } else if (bX < stlscore) { if (bX > oldscore) { = bX; savefile.flush(); oldscore = bX; reset.stext.text = ("New personal highscore: " + oldscore) + "!!!"; reset.stext.setTextFormat(yTF); } reset._visible = 1; btt._visible = 1; } } } } else if (_x > (edge.xMax * 0.66)) { pressed = 0; _root.eb.removeMovieClip(); } else if ((_x < (0 + (_width / 2))) && (_root._xmouse < 0)) { pressed = 0; _root.eb.removeMovieClip(); } else if ((_y > (SH - (_height / 2))) && (_root._ymouse > SH)) { pressed = 0; _root.eb.removeMovieClip(); } else { _x = _root._xmouse; _y = _root._ymouse; _root.eb._x = _root._xmouse; _root.eb._y = _root._ymouse; vx = _x - oldX; vy = _y - oldY; oldX = _x; oldY = _y; } } }; ball.onPress = function () { if (this._x < (edge.xMax * 0.66)) { heldr = 0; this.pressed = 1; this.duplicateMovieClip("eb", 7100); new Color(_root.eb).setRGB(16777215); _root.eb._alpha = 30; } }; ball.onRelease = (ball.onReleaseOutside = function () { this.pressed = 0; heldr = 0; _root.eb.removeMovieClip(); if ((this.vx < 0.1) && (this.vx > -0.1)) { this.vx = 1.1; } }); hic = "dj9spo3w"; varig = _root._url.substr(_root._url.length - 4, _root._url.length); C1 = new Array("0x000066", "0x632794", "0xB10303", "0x000033", "0x6D6DFE", "0xCC33FF", "0x4B016B", "0xFF9900", "0xFEBE81"); C2 = new Array("0x00CCFF", "0x00FFFF", "0xFFFF99", "0x003399", "0xE6FFFF", "0x01ADAD", "0xFF99FF", "0xFFFFCC", "0xFFFFC1"); rdom = ""; rfolder = "/overrun/";; ball._y = SH - 100; ball.vx = 2; ball.vy = 0; makeback(); makehills(0); makegrass(); maketexts(); maketitle(); makeedges(); loadwr(); stop();
Created: 1/6 -2019 13:23:29 Last modified: 1/6 -2019 13:23:29 Server time: 18/01 -2025 06:07:19