Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 7 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
goto = 5;
Frame 3
IK._visible = false;
Frame 5
action = "drag";
IK.selected = null;
IK.handle6.Vx = 0;
IK.handle6._x = 0;
IK.handle6._visible = false;
IK._visible = true;
Frame 10
action = "walk";
IK.selected = "initWalk";
IK.handle6.Vx = 0;
IK.handle6._x = 320;
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip "walkControl" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
crouch = Math.floor((slider1.slider._y / 4) - 185);
bounce = Math.floor((slider2.slider._y / 12) + 13);
stepSize = 200 - Math.floor((slider3.slider._y / 2) + 100);
handSwing = 180 - Math.floor((slider4.slider._y / 2) + 100);
delay = Math.floor((slider5.slider._y + 91) * 3) + 1;
kneelift = ((slider6.slider._y + 91) / 50) + 3;
onClipEvent (load) {
Frame 15
action = "auto";
IK2._visible = false;
IK._visible = false;
Frame 16
IK2._visible = true;
IK2.selected = "initWalk";
IK2.handle6.Vx = 70;
IK._visible = true;
IK.selected = "initWalk";
IK.handle6.Vx = -40;
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1
percent = (_parent.getBytesLoaded() / _parent.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
progress.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(percent) + 1);
if (Math.floor(percent) == 100) {
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 1
name = this._name;
Symbol 33 Button
on (press) {
if (_parent._parent.action == "drag") {
_parent.selected = index;
_parent.drag._x = this._x;
_parent.drag._y = this._y;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_parent._parent.action == "drag") {
_parent.selected = null;
Symbol 41 Button
on (press) {
if (_parent._parent.action == "drag") {
_parent.selected = index;
_parent.drag._x = this._x;
_parent.drag._y = this._y;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_parent._parent.action == "drag") {
_parent.selected = null;
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 180
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 1
name = this._name;
Symbol 82 Button
on (press) {
if (_parent._parent.action == "drag") {
_parent.selected = index;
_parent.drag._x = this._x;
_parent.drag._y = this._y;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_parent._parent.action == "drag") {
_parent.selected = null;
Symbol 88 Button
on (press) {
if (_parent._parent.action == "drag") {
startDrag (this);
_parent.selected = this.index;
_parent.drag._x = _parent.x[index];
_parent.drag._y = _parent.y[index];
_parent.pointDragged = this._name;
_parent.handleDrag = true;
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_parent._parent.action == "drag") {
_parent.selected = null;
_parent.handleDrag = false;
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 92 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
startDrag (this, false, -620, this._y, 700, this._y);
_parent.selected = "initWalk";
on (release, releaseOutside) {
Vx = difX / 3;
Vy = difY / 3;
x = this._x;
y = this._y;
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 2
x = x + Vx;
if (800 < x) {
x = 800;
Vx = -Vx;
} else if (x < -720) {
x = -720;
Vx = -Vx;
this._x = x;
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 10
difX = _parent._xmouse - OldX;
oldX = oldX + (difX / 3);
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
function showSkin(stat) { = stat; = stat; = stat; = stat; = stat; = stat; = stat; = stat;
function showBones(stat) {
leftLeg.shin.thigh.bone._visible = stat;
rightLeg.shin.thigh.bone._visible = stat;
leftLeg.shin.foot.bone._visible = stat;
rightLeg.shin.foot.bone._visible = stat;
leftFoot.bone._visible = stat;
rightFoot.bone._visible = stat;
spine._visible = stat;
leftArm._visible = stat;
rightArm._visible = stat;
function showConstrains(stat) {
spine.MINcon._visible = stat;
spine.MAXcon._visible = stat;
spine.CON._visible = stat;
leftLeg.line._visible = stat;
rightLeg.line._visible = stat;
leftArm.line._visible = stat;
rightArm.line._visible = stat;
function tempCoords() {
c = 0;
while (c < 13) {
tempX[c] = x[c];
tempy[c] = y[c];
function pull(Pa, Ch, constrainD) {
var distance;
var ang;
var rad;
disX = x[Pa] - x[Ch];
disY = y[Pa] - y[Ch];
distance = Math.sqrt((disX * disX) + (disY * disY));
ang = Math.atan2(disY, disX) / RADIANS;
rad = ang * RADIANS;
x[Ch] = x[Ch] - ((constrainD - distance) * Math.cos(rad));
y[Ch] = y[Ch] - ((constrainD - distance) * Math.sin(rad));
function lockAngle(Pa, Ch, constrainD, ConstrainAng) {
x[Ch] = x[Pa] + (constrainD * Math.cos(constrainAng * RADIANS));
y[Ch] = y[Pa] + (constrainD * Math.sin(constrainAng * RADIANS));
function handle(pointDragged, num, constrainD) {
var disX;
var disY;
disX = this[pointDragged]._x - drag._x;
disY = (this[pointDragged]._y + 400) - drag._y;
OverSwingX[num] = OverSwingX[num] + (disX / 20);
OverSwingY[num] = OverSwingY[num] + (disY / 10);
drag._x = drag._x + ((disX / 10) + OverSwingX[num]);
drag._y = drag._y + ((disY / 5) + OverSwingY[num]);
function update(group, A, B, dragable, Pa, Ch) {
var difX;
var dis;
var Pa;
var Ch;
var dragable;
var oldAngle;
var newAngle;
var Angle;
var theta;
var rot;
oldAngle = ("old" + group) + "Angle";
newAngle = ("new" + group) + "Angle";
Angle = group + "Angle";
theta = group + "Theta";
rot = group + "Rot";
if (A == 1) {
knee = 10;
f = "leftFoot";
foot = 12;
oppLeg = "rightLeg";
} else {
knee = 11;
f = "rightFoot";
foot = 13;
oppLeg = "leftLeg";
difX = x[A] - x[B];
difY = y[A] - y[B];
dis = Math.sqrt((difX * difX) + (difY * difY));
if (215 < dis) {
dis = 215;
if (dragable == true) {
pull(Pa, Ch, 215);
} else if (dis < 50) {
dis = 50;
if (dragable == true) {
pull(Pa, Ch, 50);
this[oldAngle] = this[newAngle];
this[newAngle] = Math.round(Math.atan2(difX, difY) / RADIANS) + 180;
if (this[oldAngle] < (this[newAngle] - 180)) {
} else if ((this[newAngle] + 180) < this[oldAngle]) {
this[angle] = this[newAngle] + (360 * this[rot]);
this[theta] = 90 - Math.round(Math.acos((dis / 2) / 110) / RADIANS);
this[group + "ThighAngle"] = (this[angle] - this[theta]) + 90;
this[group + "Dis"] = dis;
if ((hipAngle + 120) < this[group + "ThighAngle"]) {
limit = hipAngle + 120;
this[angle] = -((90 - limit) - this[theta]);
this[group + "ThighAngle"] = (this[angle] - this[theta]) + 90;
x[B] = (dis * Math.sin(this[angle] * RADIANS)) + x[A];
y[B] = (dis * Math.cos(this[angle] * RADIANS)) + y[A];
} else if (this[group + "ThighAngle"] < (hipAngle - 60)) {
limit = hipAngle - 60;
this[angle] = -((90 - limit) - this[theta]);
this[group + "ThighAngle"] = (this[angle] - this[theta]) + 90;
x[B] = (dis * Math.sin(this[angle] * RADIANS)) + x[A];
y[B] = (dis * Math.cos(this[angle] * RADIANS)) + y[A];
this[group].gotoAndStop(Math.round((this[theta] * 2) + 1));
this[group].shin.gotoAndStop(Math.round((this[theta] * 2) + 1));
this[group]._x = x[A];
this[group]._y = y[A];
this[group]._rotation = -this[angle];
leftFootAngle = Math.round(Math.atan2(x[2] - x[12], y[2] - y[12]) / RADIANS) + 180;
x[knee] = (110 * Math.cos((this[angle] - this[theta]) * RADIANS)) + x[A];
y[knee] = (110 * (-Math.sin((this[angle] - this[theta]) * RADIANS))) + y[A];
if (floor < y[B]) {
y[B] = floor;
x[foot] = (70 * Math.sin((this[angle] + this[theta]) * RADIANS)) + x[B];
y[foot] = (70 * Math.cos((this[angle] + this[theta]) * RADIANS)) + y[B];
if (floor < y[foot]) {
y[foot] = floor;
function refreshSpine(group, A, B, dragable, Pa, Ch) {
var difY;
var difX;
var dis;
var Pa;
var Ch;
var dragable;
difX = x[A] - x[B];
difY = y[A] - y[B];
dis = Math.sqrt((difX * difX) + (difY * difY));
if (dis != 120) {
dis = 120;
if (dragable == true) {
pull(Pa, Ch, 120);
if (leftLegThighAngle < rightLegThighAngle) {
hipOffset = -Math.round(rightLegThighAngle + ((leftLegThighAngle - rightLegThighAngle) / 2));
MAX = (rightLegThighAngle - 120) + hipOffset;
MIN = (leftLegThighAngle + 60) + hipOffset;
} else {
hipOffset = -Math.round(leftLegThighAngle + ((rightLegThighAngle - leftLegThighAngle) / 2));
MAX = (leftLegThighAngle - 120) + hipOffset;
MIN = (rightLegThighAngle + 60) + hipOffset;
oldSpineAngle = newSpineAngle;
localHipOffset = hipOffset - (Math.floor(hipOffset / 360) * 360);
newSpineAngle = (Math.round(Math.atan2(difX, difY) / RADIANS) + localHipOffset) + 180;
if ((oldSpineAngle < (newSpineAngle - 180)) && (-1 < spineRot)) {
} else if (((newSpineAngle + 180) < oldSpineAngle) && (spineRot < 1)) {
spineAngle = newSpineAngle + (360 * spineRot);
if (spineAngle < (MAX + 180)) {
lockAngle(0, 5, 120, (hipOffset - 90) - MAX);
if (MAX < 60) {
hipAngle = (MAX + 60) - hipOffset;
spineAngle = 120 + (MAX + 60);
} else {
spineAngle = 120;
} else if ((MIN + 180) < spineAngle) {
lockAngle(0, 5, 120, (hipOffset - 90) - MIN);
if (60 < MIN) {
hipAngle = (MIN - 60) - hipOffset;
spineAngle = 240 - (60 - MIN);
} else {
spineAngle = 240 - (60 - MIN);
if (240 < spineAngle) {
hipAngle = (spineAngle - hipOffset) - 240;
} else if (spineAngle < 120) {
hipAngle = (spineAngle - hipOffset) - 120;
} else {
hipAngle = -hipOffset;
this[group]._rotation = -hipAngle;
this[group].MAXcon._rotation = ((-MAX) - (-hipAngle)) + hipOffset;
this[group].MINcon._rotation = ((-MIN) - (-hipAngle)) + hipOffset;
this[group]._x = x[A];
this[group]._y = y[A];
function updateArm(group, A, B, dragable, Pa, Ch) {
var difX;
var dis;
var theta;
var Pa;
var Ch;
var dragable;
var difX = (x[A] - x[B]);
difY = y[A] - y[B];
dis = Math.sqrt((difX * difX) + (difY * difY));
if (139 < dis) {
dis = 139;
if (dragable == true) {
pull(Pa, Ch, 139);
theta = 90 - (Math.acos((dis / 2) / 70) / RADIANS);
this[group].gotoAndStop(Math.round((theta * 2) + 1));
this[group].foreArm.gotoAndStop(Math.round((theta * 2) + 1));
this[group]._x = x[A];
this[group]._y = y[A];
this[group]._rotation = ((-Math.atan2(difX, difY)) / RADIANS) + 270;
this[group + "Theta"] = Math.round(theta);
this[group + "BA"] = Math.round(this[group]._rotation - theta);
this[group + "APA"] = spineAngle - this[group + "BA"];
function looseArms() {
y[7] = y[7] + (((y[6] + 200) - y[7]) / 5);
y[9] = y[9] + (((y[8] + 200) - y[9]) / 5);
Dx[7] = x[6] - x[7];
Dx[9] = x[6] - x[9];
Ox[7] = Ox[7] + (Dx[7] / 5);
Ox[9] = Ox[9] + (Dx[9] / 10);
x[7] = x[7] + ((Dx[7] / 10) + Ox[7]);
x[9] = x[9] + ((Dx[9] / 20) + Ox[9]);
function DraginitWalk() {
footDif = (x[2] - x[4]) / 2;
if (footDif < 0) {
numRot = Math.floor((-footDif) / 360);
footPos = (-(footDif + (360 * numRot))) / _parent.walkControl.stepSize;
} else {
numRot = Math.floor(footDif / 360);
footPos = (-(footDif - (360 * numRot))) / _parent.walkControl.stepSize;
startAngle = Math.asin(footPos) / (Math.PI/180);
startPos = x[0];
WalkOffset = startAngle;
W._x = x[0];
selected = "walk";
function initHandWalk() {
footDif = (x[2] - x[4]) / 2;
if (footDif < 0) {
numRot = Math.floor((-footDif) / 360);
footPos = (-(footDif + (360 * numRot))) / 100;
} else {
numRot = Math.floor(footDif / 360);
footPos = (-(footDif - (360 * numRot))) / 100;
startAngle = Math.asin(footPos) / (Math.PI/180);
startPos = x[0];
WalkOffset = startAngle;
W._x = x[0];
mouseD = 0;
function walk() {
stepSize = _parent.walkControl.stepSize;
walkRot = ((W._x - startPos) - WalkOffset) * (100 / stepSize);
W._y = _parent.walkControl.crouch;
bounce = _parent.walkControl.bounce;
kneelift = _parent.walkControl.kneelift;
mouseD = this[walkHandle]._x - x[0];
mouseD = Math.sqrt(mouseD * mouseD);
if (200 < mouseD) {
mouseD = 200;
x[2] = x[2] + ((((stepSize * Math.sin((walkRot / 1.5) * RADIANS)) + W._x) - x[2]) / 2);
x[4] = x[4] + ((((stepSize * Math.sin(((walkRot / 1.5) - 180) * RADIANS)) + W._x) - x[4]) / 2);
footHeight1 = (((-mouseD) / kneelift) * Math.cos((walkRot / 1.5) * RADIANS)) + floor;
if (floor >= footHeight1) {
y[2] = footHeight1;
} else {
y[2] = floor;
footHeight2 = (((-mouseD) / kneelift) * Math.cos(((walkRot / 1.5) - 180) * RADIANS)) + floor;
if (floor >= footHeight2) {
y[4] = footHeight2;
} else {
y[4] = floor;
y[0] = ((mouseD / bounce) * Math.cos((walkRot / 0.75) * RADIANS)) + W._y;
function walk2() {
walkRot = (W._x - startPos) - WalkOffset;
if (mouseD < 100) {
mouseD = mouseD + 20;
x[2] = x[2] + (((100 * Math.sin((walkRot / 1.5) * RADIANS)) + W._x) - x[2]);
x[4] = x[4] + (((100 * Math.sin(((walkRot / 1.5) - 180) * RADIANS)) + W._x) - x[4]);
footHeight1 = (((-mouseD) / 4) * Math.cos((walkRot / 1.5) * RADIANS)) + floor;
if (floor >= footHeight1) {
y[2] = footHeight1;
} else {
y[2] = floor;
footHeight2 = (((-mouseD) / 4) * Math.cos(((walkRot / 1.5) - 180) * RADIANS)) + floor;
if (floor >= footHeight2) {
y[4] = footHeight2;
} else {
y[4] = floor;
y[0] = ((mouseD / 8) * Math.cos((walkRot / 0.75) * RADIANS)) + W._y;
function swingArms() {
handSwing = _parent.walkControl.handswing;
x[7] = ((-handSwing) * Math.sin(((walkRot - 30) / 1.5) * RADIANS)) + x[6];
x[9] = ((-handSwing) * Math.sin((((walkRot - 30) / 1.5) - 180) * RADIANS)) + x[8];
y[7] = y[7] + ((y[2] - y[7]) / 20);
y[9] = y[9] + ((y[4] - y[9]) / 20);
function drag0() {
x[selected] = x[selected] + ((drag._x - x[selected]) / 3);
y[selected] = y[selected] + ((drag._y - y[selected]) / 3);
x[1] = (x[3] = x[0]);
y[1] = (y[3] = y[0]);
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, true, 1, 2);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, true, 3, 4);
x[14] = x[2];
y[14] = y[2];
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 0, 5);
x[6] = (x[8] = x[5]);
y[6] = (y[8] = y[5]);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
function drag2() {
x[selected] = x[selected] + ((drag._x - x[selected]) / 3);
y[selected] = y[selected] + ((drag._y - y[selected]) / 3);
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, true, 2, 1);
x[0] = x[1];
y[0] = y[1];
x[3] = x[1];
y[3] = y[1];
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, false);
x[0] = x[0] + ((tempX[0] - x[0]) / 5);
y[0] = y[0] + ((tempY[0] - y[0]) / 5);
x[1] = (x[3] = x[0]);
y[1] = (y[3] = y[0]);
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, false);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, true, 4, 3);
x[0] = (x[1] = x[3]);
y[0] = (y[1] = y[3]);
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, true, 1, 2);
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 0, 5);
x[6] = (x[8] = x[5]);
y[6] = (y[8] = y[5]);
y[7] = y[7] + (((y[6] + 200) - y[7]) / 5);
Dx[7] = x[6] - x[7];
Ox[7] = Ox[7] + (Dx[7] / 5);
x[7] = x[7] + ((Dx[7] / 10) + Ox[7]);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
tempX[2] = x[2];
tempY[2] = y[2];
function drag4() {
x[selected] = x[selected] + ((drag._x - x[selected]) / 3);
y[selected] = y[selected] + ((drag._y - y[selected]) / 3);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, true, 4, 3);
x[0] = x[3];
y[0] = y[3];
x[1] = x[3];
y[1] = y[3];
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, false);
x[0] = x[0] + ((tempX[0] - x[0]) / 5);
y[0] = y[0] + ((tempY[0] - y[0]) / 5);
x[3] = (x[1] = x[0]);
y[3] = (y[1] = y[0]);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, false);
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, true, 2, 1);
x[0] = (x[3] = x[1]);
y[0] = (y[3] = y[1]);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, true, 3, 4);
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 0, 5);
x[6] = (x[8] = x[5]);
y[6] = (y[8] = y[5]);
y[7] = y[7] + (((y[6] + 200) - y[7]) / 5);
Dx[7] = x[6] - x[7];
Ox[7] = Ox[7] + (Dx[7] / 5);
x[7] = x[7] + ((Dx[7] / 10) + Ox[7]);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
tempX[4] = x[4];
tempY[4] = y[4];
function drag5() {
x[selected] = x[selected] + ((drag._x - x[selected]) / 3);
y[selected] = y[selected] + ((drag._y - y[selected]) / 3);
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 5, 0);
x[1] = (x[3] = x[0]);
y[1] = (y[3] = y[0]);
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, true, 1, 2);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, true, 3, 4);
x[6] = (x[8] = x[5]);
y[6] = (y[8] = y[5]);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
tempX[5] = x[5];
tempY[5] = y[5];
function drag7() {
x[selected] = drag._x;
y[selected] = drag._y;
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 7, 6);
x[5] = (x[8] = x[6]);
y[5] = (y[8] = y[6]);
x[5] = x[5] + ((tempX[5] - x[5]) / 2);
y[5] = y[5] + ((tempY[5] - y[5]) / 2);
x[0] = x[0] + ((tempX[0] - x[0]) / 2);
y[0] = y[0] + ((tempY[0] - y[0]) / 2);
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 5, 0);
x[8] = (x[6] = x[5]);
y[8] = (y[6] = y[5]);
y[9] = y[9] + (((y[8] + 200) - y[9]) / 5);
Dx[9] = x[8] - x[9];
Ox[9] = Ox[9] + (Dx[9] / 5);
x[9] = x[9] + ((Dx[9] / 10) + Ox[9]);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
x[1] = (x[3] = x[0]);
y[1] = (y[3] = y[0]);
TX = tempX[0];
if (x[0] < x[7]) {
W._x = tempX[0] - ((tempX[0] - x[0]) / 2);
W._y = W._y + ((-200 - W._y) / 30);
if (W._y < -200) {
W._y = -200;
tempX[0] = x[0];
tempX[5] = x[0];
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 0, 5);
x[6] = (x[8] = x[5]);
y[6] = (y[8] = y[5]);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
x[1] = (x[3] = x[0]);
y[1] = (y[3] = y[0]);
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, false);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, false);
tempX[2] = x[2];
tempX[4] = x[4];
function drag9() {
x[selected] = drag._x;
y[selected] = drag._y;
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 9, 8);
x[5] = (x[6] = x[8]);
y[5] = (y[6] = y[8]);
x[5] = x[5] + ((tempX[5] - x[5]) / 2);
y[5] = y[5] + ((tempY[5] - y[5]) / 2);
x[0] = x[0] + ((tempX[0] - x[0]) / 2);
y[0] = y[0] + ((tempY[0] - y[0]) / 2);
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 5, 0);
x[6] = (x[8] = x[5]);
y[6] = (y[8] = y[5]);
y[7] = y[7] + (((y[6] + 200) - y[7]) / 5);
Dx[7] = x[6] - x[7];
Ox[7] = Ox[7] + (Dx[7] / 5);
x[7] = x[7] + ((Dx[7] / 10) + Ox[7]);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
x[1] = (x[3] = x[0]);
y[1] = (y[3] = y[0]);
TX = tempX[0];
if (x[0] < x[9]) {
W._x = tempX[0] - ((tempX[0] - x[0]) / 2);
W._y = W._y + ((-200 - W._y) / 30);
if (W._y < -200) {
W._y = -200;
tempX[0] = x[0];
tempX[5] = x[0];
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 0, 5);
x[6] = (x[8] = x[5]);
y[6] = (y[8] = y[5]);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
x[1] = (x[3] = x[0]);
y[1] = (y[3] = y[0]);
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, false);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, false);
tempX[2] = x[2];
tempX[4] = x[4];
function dragWalk() {
x[0] = x[0] + ((this[walkHandle]._x - x[0]) / 20);
W._x = W._x + ((this[walkHandle]._x - W._x) / 20);
W._y = W._y + ((this[walkHandle]._y - W._y) / 10);
if (W._y < (floor - 195)) {
W._y = floor - 195;
} else if ((floor - 130) < W._y) {
W._y = floor - 130;
x[1] = (x[3] = x[0]);
y[1] = (y[3] = y[0]);
x[12] = (50 * Math.cos((leftLegAngle + leftLegTheta) * RADIANS)) + x[2];
y[12] = (50 * Math.sin((leftLegAngle + leftLegTheta) * RADIANS)) + y[2];
if ((floor - 10) < y[12]) {
y[12] = floor - 10;
x[13] = (50 * Math.cos((rightLegAngle + rightLegTheta) * RADIANS)) + x[4];
y[13] = (50 * Math.sin((rightLegAngle + rightLegTheta) * RADIANS)) + y[4];
if ((floor - 10) < y[13]) {
y[13] = floor - 10;
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, false);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, false);
x[14] = x[2];
y[14] = y[2];
shoulderDif = (x[0] + 10) - x[5];
shoulderOver = shoulderOver + (shoulderDif / _parent.walkControl.delay);
x[5] = x[5] + ((shoulderDif / 3) + shoulderOver);
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 0, 5);
x[6] = (x[8] = x[5]);
y[6] = (y[8] = y[5]);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
function free() {
tempY[0] = -200;
differenceY0 = tempY[0] - y[0];
overShootY = overShootY + (differenceY0 / 30);
y[0] = y[0] + ((differenceY0 / 10) + overShootY);
differenceX0 = this[walkHandle]._x - x[0];
overShootX = overShootX + (differenceX0 / 50);
x[0] = x[0] + ((differenceX0 / 20) + overShootX);
x[1] = (x[3] = x[0]);
y[1] = (y[3] = y[0]);
if (y[2] < (floor - 10)) {
y[2] = y[2] + 20;
} else {
y[2] = floor;
if (y[4] < (floor - 5)) {
y[4] = y[4] + 10;
} else {
y[4] = floor;
x[2] = x[2] + (((x[0] - 30) - x[2]) / 10);
x[4] = x[4] + (((x[0] + 30) - x[4]) / 20);
update("leftLeg", 1, 2, true, 1, 2);
update("rightLeg", 3, 4, true, 3, 4);
x[14] = x[2];
y[14] = y[2];
x[5] = x[5] + ((x[0] - x[5]) / 20);
refreshSpine("spine", 0, 5, true, 0, 5);
x[7] = x[7] + ((tempX[7] - x[7]) / 10);
x[9] = x[9] + ((tempX[9] - x[9]) / 10);
x[6] = (x[8] = x[5]);
y[6] = (y[8] = y[5]);
updateArm("leftArm", 6, 7, true, 6, 7);
updateArm("rightArm", 8, 9, true, 8, 9);
walkHandle = "handle6";
Rcount = 15;
floor = floor._y - 5;
rail = r._y;
selected = null;
RADIANS = (Math.PI/180);
p0.index = 0;
p1.index = 1;
p2.index = 2;
p3.index = 3;
p4.index = 4;
p5.index = 5;
p6.index = 6;
p7.index = 7;
p8.index = 8;
p9.index = 9;
leftFoot.index = 2;
rightFoot.index = 4;
handle0.index = 0;
handle1.index = 2;
handle2.index = 4;
handle3.index = 5;
handle4.index = 7;
handle5.index = 9;
handle0.hook = 0;
handle1.hook = 1;
handle2.hook = 2;
handle3.hook = 3;
handle4.hook = 4;
handle5.hook = 5;
handle6.hook = 6;
Dx = new Array();
Dy = new Array();
Ox = new Array();
Oy = new Array();
connectInfo = new Array(0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 0);
OverSwingX = new Array(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5);
OverSwingY = new Array(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5);
tempX = new Array(0, 0, 50, 0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
tempY = new Array(-200, 0, 0, 0, 0, -250, 0, 0, 0, 0);
x = new Array(0, 0, 50, 0, -50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
y = new Array(-180, 0, 0, 0, 0, -250, 0, 0, 0, 0);
active = new Array(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
Instance of Symbol 27 MovieClip "leftLeg" in Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 79 MovieClip "spine" in Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
f = this._currentFrame;
Instance of Symbol 94 MovieClip "handle6" in Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
amount = 1;
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 2
this._quality = "low";
if (selected == null) {
if (handleDrag == true) {
this.handle(PointDragged, selected, 700);
} else {
drag._x = _xmouse;
drag._y = _ymouse;
this["drag" + selected]();
c = 0;
while (c < 14) {
this["p" + c]._x = x[c];
this["p" + c]._y = y[c];
leftFoot._x = (leftLegDis * Math.sin(leftLegAngle * RADIANS)) + x[1];
leftFoot._y = (leftLegDis * Math.cos(leftLegAngle * RADIANS)) + y[1];
leftFoot._rotation = ((-Math.atan2(LeftFoot._x - x[12], LeftFoot._y - y[12])) / RADIANS) - 90;
rightFoot._x = (rightLegDis * Math.sin(rightLegAngle * RADIANS)) + x[3];
rightFoot._y = (rightLegDis * Math.cos(rightLegAngle * RADIANS)) + y[3];
rightFoot._rotation = ((-Math.atan2(rightFoot._x - x[13], rightFoot._y - y[13])) / RADIANS) - 90;
if (_parent.action != "auto") {
c = 0;
while (c < 7) {
if ((c != 6) || (_parent.action != "drag")) {
this["line" + c]._visible = true;
this["handle" + c]._visible = true;
this["line" + c]._x = this["handle" + c]._x;
this["line" + c]._y = this["handle" + c]._y;
this["line" + c]._xscale = x[connectInfo[c]] - this["handle" + c]._x;
this["line" + c]._yscale = y[connectInfo[c]] - this["handle" + c]._y;
} else {
this["line" + c]._visible = false;
this["handle" + c]._visible = false;
} else {
c = 0;
while (c < 7) {
this["line" + c]._visible = false;
this["handle" + c]._visible = false;
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 106 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 108 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip "display1" in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
skin = true;
bones = true;
gotoAndStop (2);
Instance of Symbol 108 MovieClip "display2" in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
skin = false;
bones = true;
Instance of Symbol 109 MovieClip "display3" in Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
skin = false;
bones = false;
Symbol 115 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 116 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 124 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 125 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 126 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 127 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 128 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 129 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 132 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 138 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 141 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 142 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 142 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 148 Button
on (press) {
startDrag (this, false, 0, -91, 0, 94);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
Symbol 156 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 159 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1
slider1._visible = false;
slider2._visible = false;
slider3._visible = false;
slider4._visible = false;
slider5._visible = false;
slider6._visible = false;
backG._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "slider5" in Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
slider._y = -40;
Instance of Symbol 151 MovieClip "slider4" in Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
slider._y = 40;
Instance of Symbol 150 MovieClip "slider2" in Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
slider._y = -40;
Instance of Symbol 153 MovieClip "slider1" in Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
slider._y = -70;
Symbol 160 MovieClip Frame 2
slider1._visible = true;
slider2._visible = true;
slider3._visible = true;
slider4._visible = true;
slider5._visible = true;
slider6._visible = true;
backG._visible = true;