Frame 1
charge.loadMovie("medias/chargement.swf ");
Frame 2
ifFrameLoaded (30) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
Frame 4
ifFrameLoaded (30) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 11
_root.score_min = -1;
loadMovie ("interface/scores.swf", "_root.tableau_scores2");
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip "tableau_scores2" in Frame 11
onClipEvent (data) {
_root.score_min = _root.tableau_scores2.score10_J;
if (_root._currentframe < 15) {
onClipEvent (load) {
l_temps = new Date();
l_string_message = "php/lire_scores.php?idgame=wtc&args=1&TimeStamp=" + String(((l_temps.getDay() + l_temps.getHours()) + l_temps.getMinutes()) + l_temps.getSeconds());
loadVariables (l_string_message, _root.tableau_scores);
Frame 15
Frame 20
Frame 21
function vire_feux() {
_root._pointeur = 0;
if (_root.premier_detruit == "gauche") {
_root.premier_detruit = 0;
while (_root._pointeur < _root.liste_enleve_gauche.length) {
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.liste_enleve_gauche[_root._pointeur]);
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.premier_detruit == "droite") {
_root.premier_detruit = 0;
while (_root._pointeur < _root.liste_enleve_droite.length) {
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.liste_enleve_droite[_root._pointeur]);
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
gotoAndStop (1);
} else if (_root.premier_detruit == 0) {
while (_root._pointeur < 9) {
_root.lenom = "_root.avion" + String(1 + _root._pointeur);
tellTarget (_root.lenom) {
gotoAndStop (1);
function clean_up_planes() {
_root.pointeur = 0;
while (_root.pointeur < 9) {
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur);
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
_root.maframe = _currentframe;
if (10 < _root.maframe) {
_root.my_name = ("_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur)) + ".vol";
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
_root.laframe = _currentframe;
if (_root.laframe < 10) {
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur);
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
function test_collision_tours() {
_root.pointeur = 0;
while (_root.pointeur < 9) {
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.pointeur));
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
_root.maframe = _currentframe;
if (10 < _root.maframe) {
_root.my_name = ("_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.pointeur))) + ".vol";
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
_root.laframe = _currentframe;
if (_root.laframe < 10) {
_root.test_gauche = false;
_root.test_droite = false;
_root.my_name = ("_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.pointeur))) + ".vol.zoneactive";
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
if (hitTest(_root.test_tour_gauche) and (_root.laframe < 10)) {
_root.test_gauche = true;
if (hitTest(_root.test_tour_droite) and (_root.laframe < 10)) {
_root.test_droite = true;
if (_root.test_gauche == true) {
if (_root.contenu_tours[0] < 2) {
with (_root.tour_gauche) {
with (_root.test_tour_gauche) {
_x = -500;
_y = -500;
if (_root.premier_detruit == 0) {
_root.premier_detruit = "gauche";
_root.contenu_tours[0] = 0;
} else {
_root.contenu_tours[0] = 1;
_root.my_name = ("_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.pointeur))) + ".vol";
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
gotoAndPlay (50);
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.pointeur));
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
} else if (_root.test_droite == true) {
if (_root.contenu_tours[1] < 2) {
with (_root.tour_droite) {
with (_root.test_tour_droite) {
_x = -500;
_y = -500;
if (_root.premier_detruit == 0) {
_root.premier_detruit = "droite";
_root.contenu_tours[1] = 0;
} else {
_root.contenu_tours[1] = 1;
_root.my_name = ("_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.pointeur))) + ".vol";
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
gotoAndPlay (50);
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.pointeur));
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
function teste_tours_descendues() {
if ((_root.contenu_tours[0] == 0) and (_root.contenu_tours[1] == 0)) {
_root.index_principal = 0;
while (_root.index_principal < 9) {
_root.drapeau_vole = false;
_root.lenom = "_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.index_principal));
tellTarget (_root.lenom) {
if (10 < _currentframe) {
_root.drapeau_vole = true;
if (_root.drapeau_vole == true) {
_root.drapeau_vole = false;
_root.index_secondaire = 0;
while (_root.index_secondaire < 2) {
if (_root.index_principal == _root.liste_enleve_gauche[_root.index_secondaire]) {
_root.drapeau_vole = true;
_root.index_secondaire = 0;
while (_root.index_secondaire < 2) {
if (_root.index_principal == _root.liste_enleve_droite[_root.index_secondaire]) {
_root.drapeau_vole = true;
if (_root.drapeau_vole == false) {
_root.lenom = "_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.index_principal));
tellTarget (_root.lenom) {
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.reponse = true;
} else {
_root.reponse = false;
function tire_avion(retourFrame) {
_root.ma_proba = (Math.random() * 200) / _root.niveau;
if (retourFrame == true) {
_root.ma_proba = 0;
if (_root.ma_proba < 1) {
_root.pointeur = 0;
while (_root.pointeur < 9) {
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.pointeur));
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
_root.maframe = _currentframe;
if (_root.maframe < 10) {
_root.pointeur2 = 0;
_root.pile = new Array();
while (_root.pointeur2 < 9) {
_root.lenom = "_root.avion" + String(1 + Math.floor(_root.pointeur2));
tellTarget (_root.lenom) {
_root.laframe = _currentframe;
if (10 < _root.laframe) {
if (185 < _root.laframe) {
_root.indexframe = 5 + Math.floor((_root.laframe - 185) / 30);
} else {
_root.indexframe = Math.floor((_root.laframe - 11) / 35);
_root.drapeau_OK = true;
while (_root.drapeau_OK == true) {
_root.tirage = Math.floor(Math.random() * 17);
_root.pointeur3 = 0;
_root.drapeautest = true;
while (_root.pointeur3 < _root.pile.length) {
if (_root.pile[_root.pointeur3] == _root.tirage) {
_root.drapeautest = false;
_root.pointeur3 = _root.pile.length;
if (_root.drapeautest == true) {
_root.drapeau_OK = false;
if (_root.tirage < 5) {
_root.maframe = 11 + (35 * _root.tirage);
} else {
_root.maframe = 186 + (30 * (_root.tirage - 5));
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
_root.pointeur = 9;
function gere(laframe) {
_root.test = _root.teste_tours_descendues();
if (_root.test == true) {
} else {
function fabrique_message(cette_email) {
mon_message = "";
ma_longueur = cette_email.length;
ma_longueur_string = String(ma_longueur);
if (ma_longueur_string.length == 1) {
ma_longueur_string = "0" + ma_longueur_string;
mon_message = mon_message + ma_longueur_string;
mon_message = mon_message + cette_email;
while (mon_message.length < 66) {
mon_message = mon_message + "k";
i = 0;
var_xor = 0;
while (i < 66) {
j = ord(mon_message.charAt(i));
var_xor = var_xor ^ j;
fin_xor = String(var_xor);
if (fin_xor.length == 1) {
fin_xor = "00" + fin_xor;
if (fin_xor.length == 2) {
fin_xor = "0" + fin_xor;
mon_message = mon_message + fin_xor;
function envoi_message(la_email) {
le_message_a_crypter = fabrique_message(la_email);
le_message_a_envoyer = crypte_message(le_message_a_crypter);
l_string_message = "php/update_scores.php?args=" + le_message_a_envoyer;
getURL (l_string_message, "score", "POST");
l_string_message = "php/lire_scores.php?args=1&idgame=wtc&TimeStamp=" + String(((l_temps.getDay() + l_temps.getHours()) + l_temps.getMinutes()) + l_temps.getSeconds());
loadVariables (l_string_message, _root.tableau_scores);
function ascii_philippe(le_char) {
le_code_ascii = ord(le_char);
if ((le_code_ascii >= 48) && (57 >= le_code_ascii)) {
le_code_ascii = le_code_ascii - 48;
} else if ((le_code_ascii >= 65) && (90 >= le_code_ascii)) {
le_code_ascii = le_code_ascii - 55;
} else if ((le_code_ascii >= 97) && (122 >= le_code_ascii)) {
le_code_ascii = le_code_ascii - 61;
} else {
if (le_char == "_") {
le_code_ascii = 62;
if (le_char == "@") {
le_code_ascii = 63;
if (le_char == ".") {
le_code_ascii = 64;
if (le_char == "-") {
le_code_ascii = 65;
if (le_char == "~") {
le_code_ascii = 66;
function char_philippe(le_code_ascii) {
if (le_code_ascii < 10) {
le_code_ascii = le_code_ascii + 48;
le_char = chr(le_code_ascii);
} else if (le_code_ascii < 36) {
le_code_ascii = le_code_ascii + 55;
le_char = chr(le_code_ascii);
} else if (le_code_ascii < 62) {
le_code_ascii = le_code_ascii + 61;
le_char = chr(le_code_ascii);
} else if (le_code_ascii == 62) {
le_char = "_";
} else if (le_code_ascii == 63) {
le_char = "@";
} else if (le_code_ascii == 64) {
le_char = ".";
} else if (le_code_ascii == 65) {
le_char = "-";
} else if (le_code_ascii == 66) {
le_char = "~";
function crypte_message(m_a_c) {
message_a_retourner = "";
code_precedent = 36;
ii = 68;
while (ii >= 0) {
mon_char = m_a_c.charAt(ii);
nouveau_code = ascii_philippe(mon_char) + code_precedent;
if (66 < nouveau_code) {
nouveau_code = nouveau_code - 67;
code_precedent = nouveau_code;
message_a_retourner = char_philippe(nouveau_code) + message_a_retourner;
_root.mon_score = 0;
_root.etape_score = 1;
_root.niveau = 1;
_root.flag_curseur = false;
_root.contenu_tours = new Array(2, 2);
_root.premier_detruit = 0;
_root.liste_enleve_gauche = new Array();
_root.liste_enleve_droite = new Array();
_root.mode_pause = false;
Instance of Symbol 93 MovieClip "tableau_scores" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (data) {
if (40 < _root._currentframe) {
Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip "commande_pause" in Frame 21
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 106 MovieClip "control_center" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
if (_root.flag_curseur == true) {
_root.test_dedans = false;
if (_root.masque.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) {
_root.test_dedans = true;
if (_root.test_dedans == true) {
with (_root.curseur) {
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
} else {
_root.flag_curseur = false;;
with (_root.curseur) {
_x = -100;
_y = -100;
} else {
_root.test_dedans = false;
if (_root.masque.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false)) {
_root.test_dedans = true;
if (_root.test_dedans == true) {
_root.flag_curseur = true;
with (_root.curseur) {
_x = _root._xmouse;
_y = _root._ymouse;
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
_root.test_dedans = false;
if (_root.masque.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, false) and (_root.mode_pause == false)) {
_root.test_dedans = true;
if (_root.test_dedans == true) {
_root._x_milieu = _root._xmouse;
_root._y_milieu = _root._ymouse;
_root._x_gauche = 240;
_root._x_droite = 439;
_root._y_gauche = 358;
_root._y_droite = _root._y_gauche;
_root.delta_x_gauche = _root._x_milieu - _root._x_gauche;
_root.delta_x_gauche_carre = _root.delta_x_gauche * _root.delta_x_gauche;
_root.delta_y_gauche = _root._y_milieu - _root._y_gauche;
_root.delta_y_gauche_carre = _root.delta_y_gauche * _root.delta_y_gauche;
_root.distance_gauche = Math.sqrt(_root.delta_x_gauche_carre + _root.delta_y_gauche_carre);
_root.angle_gauche = Math.acos((_root._x_milieu - _root._x_gauche) / _root.distance_gauche);
if (_root._y_milieu < _root._y_gauche) {
_root.angle_gauche = -_root.angle_gauche;
with (_root.trait_gauche) {
_rotation = 57.2957859617876 * _root.angle_gauche;
_x = (_root._x_milieu + _root._x_gauche) / 2;
_y = (_root._y_milieu + _root._y_gauche) / 2;
_root.trait_gauche.barre._xscale = _root.distance_gauche;
_root.delta_x_droite = _root._x_droite - _root._x_milieu;
_root.delta_x_droite_carre = _root.delta_x_droite * _root.delta_x_droite;
_root.delta_y_droite = _root._y_droite - _root._y_milieu;
_root.delta_y_droite_carre = _root.delta_y_droite * _root.delta_y_droite;
_root.distance_droite = Math.sqrt(_root.delta_x_droite_carre + _root.delta_y_droite_carre);
_root.angle_droite = Math.acos((_root._x_droite - _root._x_milieu) / _root.distance_droite);
if (_root._y_droite < _root._y_milieu) {
_root.angle_droite = -_root.angle_droite;
with (_root.trait_droite) {
_rotation = 57.2957859617876 * _root.angle_droite;
_x = (_root._x_milieu + _root._x_droite) / 2;
_y = (_root._y_milieu + _root._y_droite) / 2;
_root.trait_droite.barre._xscale = _root.distance_droite;
_root.pointeur = 0;
while (_root.pointeur < 9) {
_root.lename = "_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur);
_root.test_sort = false;
tellTarget (_root.lename) {
if (_currentframe < 11) {
_root.test_sort = true;
if (_root.test_sort == false) {
_root.lename = ("_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur)) + ".vol";
_root.letest = false;
tellTarget (_root.lename) {
if (hitTest(_root.curseur) and (_currentframe < 10)) {
_root.letest = true;
if (_root.letest == true) {
_root.lename = "_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur);
tellTarget (_root.lename) {
_root.lename = ("_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur)) + ".vol";
tellTarget (_root.lename) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
_root.pointeur = 9;
_root.mon_score = _root.mon_score + (3 * _root.niveau);
if ((_root.niveau / 2) < _root.etape_score) {
_root.etape_score = 1;
} else {
Frame 24
Frame 25
Frame 26
Frame 27
Frame 28
Frame 29
Frame 30
Frame 31
Frame 32
Frame 33
Frame 34
Frame 35
Frame 36
Frame 37
Frame 38
Frame 39
Frame 40
Frame 41
Frame 42
Frame 43
Frame 44
Frame 45
Frame 46
Frame 47
Frame 48
Frame 49
Frame 50
Frame 51
Frame 52
Frame 53
Frame 54
Frame 55
Frame 56
Frame 57
Frame 58
Frame 59
Frame 60
Frame 61
Frame 62
Frame 63
Frame 64
Frame 65
Frame 80
with (_root.curseur) {
_x = -100;
_y = -100;
Frame 90
if ((_root.score_min < _root.mon_score) and (_root.score_min >= 0)) {
gotoAndStop (100);
Frame 95
Frame 100
_root.mode = 1;
_root.signature = "";
Instance of Symbol 128 MovieClip "plaque_keyboard" in Frame 100
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
l_code_touche = Key.getCode();
l_ascii_touche = Key.getAscii();
l_char = "";
if (_root.mode == 1) {
if ((l_code_touche == 8) or (l_code_touche == 46)) {
_root.signature = "";
if (_root.signature.length < 4) {
if ((l_code_touche >= 65) and (90 >= l_code_touche)) {
l_char = chr(l_ascii_touche);
_root.signature = _root.signature + l_char;
if (_root.mode == 2) {
if ((l_code_touche == 8) or (l_code_touche == 46)) { = "";
if ( < 40) {
l_char = chr(l_ascii_touche);
if ((l_code_touche >= 65) and (90 >= l_code_touche)) { = + l_char;
if ((((l_char == "@") or (l_char == ".")) or (l_char == "-")) or (l_char == "_")) { = + l_char;
} else {
if (l_code_touche == 48) { = + "@";
if (l_code_touche == 190) { = + ".";
if (l_code_touche == 56) { = + "_";
if (l_code_touche == 54) { = + "-";
Symbol 1 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 17 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (21);
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 43 MovieClip Frame 52
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 28
tellTarget ("..") {
gotoAndStop (1);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 72
gotoAndPlay (61);
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 28
tellTarget ("..") {
gotoAndStop (1);
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 72
gotoAndPlay (61);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 45
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 80
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 115
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 150
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 185
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 215
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 245
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 275
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 305
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 335
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 365
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 395
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 425
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 455
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 485
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 515
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 545
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 83 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 98 Button
on (release) {
_root.mode_pause = true;
gotoAndStop (10);
_root.pointeur = 0;
while (_root.pointeur < 9) {
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur);
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
_root.maframe = _currentframe;
if (10 < _root.maframe) {
_root.my_name = ("_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur)) + ".vol";
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
_root.laframe = _currentframe;
if (_root.laframe < 10) {
_root.my_name = "_root.avion" + String(1 + _root.pointeur);
tellTarget (_root.my_name) {
Symbol 101 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);;
_root.mode_pause = false;
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 104 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 110 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 118 Button
on (release) {
monmessage = _root.signature;
if (monmessage == "") {
} else {
monmessage = monmessage + (("~" + _root.mon_score) + "~wtc");
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 16
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 123 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 126 Button
on (release) {
_root.mode = 1;