Frame 1
function getNewLetter() {
alphaInc = 90 / theString.length;
pos = random(theString.length);
if (stringArray[pos] != null) {
} else {
stringArray[pos] = theString.charAt(pos);
displayString = "";
count = 0;
while (count < stringArray.length) {
if (stringArray[count] == null) {
displayString = displayString + " ";
} else {
displayString = displayString + stringArray[count];
phrase.text = displayString;
phrase2.text = displayString;
phrase._alpha = _root.phrase._alpha + alphaInc;
phrase2._alpha = _root.phrase2._alpha - alphaInc;
function setQuality(thisSpeed) {
if (thisSpeed == 1) {
total = 1;
iter = 11;
totalArms = 1;
startMagnitude = 16;
} else if (thisSpeed == 2) {
total = 1;
iter = 13;
totalArms = 1;
startMagnitude = 20;
} else {
total = 1;
iter = 15;
totalArms = 1;
startMagnitude = 24;
function flex(p, t, d, c, v, f) {
var _local2 = {d:(((t - p) / c) * v) + (d * f), p:p + d};
function chase(p, t, c) {
var _local1 = p + ((t - p) / c);
function createBackground() {
var _local2 = 1;
this.createEmptyMovieClip("navy", _local2++);
var _local3 =;
function clearAll() {
function createProbes(x, y, stAngle, stMag) {
var _local29 =;
var _local28 = totalArms;
_local29.createEmptyMovieClip("albatroz" + inc, inc);
var _local24 = _local29["albatroz" + inc];
_local29.createEmptyMovieClip("albatroz" + (inc + 1), inc + 1);
var albatroz2 = _local29["albatroz" + (inc + 1)];
albatroz2.attachMovie("abatroz_cabeca", "abatroz_cabeca_mc", 1);
albatroz2.abatroz_cabeca_mc._xscale = 300;
albatroz2.abatroz_cabeca_mc._yscale = 300;
_local24.stMag = stMag;
_local24.speed = _local24.stMag / 8;
_local24.tcount = tcount;
_local24.count = count;
_local24.dir = dir;
_local24.vari = Math.ceil(_local24.speed * 5);
_local24.newAng = newAng;
_local24.changeAngle = changeAngle;
_local24.abatroz_cabeca = new Object();
var _local4 = _local24.abatroz_cabeca;
_local4.dx = 0;
_local4.dy = 0;
_local4.x = x;
_local4.y = y;
_local4.ang = stAngle;
_local4.mag = _local24.stMag;
_local4.arm_array = new Array();
var _local25 = stAngle;
var _local15 = _local24.abatroz_cabeca;
var _local23 = 1;
while (_local23 < (_local28 + 1)) {
var _local19 = new Array();
var _local21 = _local25;
var _local7 = _local24.stMag;
var _local17 = _local7 * Math.sin((_local21 * Math.PI) / 180);
var _local16 = gravity + (_local7 * Math.cos((_local21 * Math.PI) / 180));
var _local13 = 2.4;
var _local11 = 1;
while (_local11 < (iter + 1)) {
var _local3 = new Object();
if (_local11 == 1) {
_local3.c = _local13 * 4;
} else {
_local3.c = _local13;
_local13 = _local13 - 0.02;
_local3.ang = _local25;
_local3.tAng = _local3.ang;
_local3.mag = _local7;
_local7 = _local7 * 0.9;
_local3.tx = _local7 * Math.sin((_local3.ang * Math.PI) / 180);
_local3.ty = _local7 * Math.cos((_local3.ang * Math.PI) / 180);
_local3.x = _local15.x + _local3.tx;
_local3.y = _local15.y + _local3.ty;
_local3.dx = _local3.tx - _local3.x;
_local3.dy = _local3.ty - _local3.y;
_local15 = _local3;
_local24.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local3 = this.abatroz_cabeca;
var _local20 = _xmouse;
var _local19 = _ymouse;
if ((((_local20 < (left - 100)) || (_local20 > (right + 100))) || (_local19 < (top - 100))) || (_local19 > (bottom + 100))) {
if (_local3.tx < (left - 100)) {
_local3.tx = left - 100;
} else if (_local3.tx > (right + 100)) {
_local3.tx = right + 100;
} else if (_local3.ty < (top - 100)) {
_local3.ty = top - 100;
} else if (_local3.ty > (bottom + 100)) {
_local3.ty = bottom + 100;
} else if ((Math.abs(_local3.x - _xmouse) < 50) && (Math.abs(_local3.y - _ymouse) < 50)) {
var _local17 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(_xmouse - _local3.x, 2) + Math.pow(_ymouse - _local3.y, 2));
var _local18 = (Math.random() * 30) + 10;
if (_local3.x < _xmouse) {
_local3.tx = _local3.tx - ((3 * _local17) / Math.exp(_local17 / _local18));
if (_local3.x > _xmouse) {
_local3.tx = _local3.tx + ((3 * _local17) / Math.exp(_local17 / _local18));
if (_local3.y < _ymouse) {
_local3.ty = _local3.ty - ((3 * _local17) / Math.exp(_local17 / _local18));
if (_local3.y > _ymouse) {
_local3.ty = _local3.ty + ((3 * _local17) / Math.exp(_local17 / _local18));
} else {
_local3.ty = ((bottom - top) / 2) + top;
_local3.tx = ((right - left) / 2) + left;
if (this.count == this.tcount) {
this.count = -1;
this.dir = this.dir * -1;
if (this.dir == 1) {
_local3.ty = _local3.ty + 10;
this.newAng = this.newAng + ((Math.random() * 4) - 2);
this.newAng = this.newAng * (this.dir * -1);
} else {
_local3.ty = _local3.ty - 10;
this.newAng = this.newAng + ((Math.random() * 4) - 2);
this.newAng = this.newAng * this.dir;
} else {
var _local21 = flex();
_local3.dx = (((_local3.tx - _local3.x) / 95) * 0.65) + (_local3.dx * 0.85);
_local3.dy = (((_local3.ty - _local3.y) / 45) * 0.55) + (_local3.dy * 0.95);
_local3.x = _local3.x + _local3.dx;
_local3.y = _local3.y + _local3.dy;
albatroz2.abatroz_cabeca_mc._x = _local3.x;
albatroz2.abatroz_cabeca_mc._y = _local3.y;
var _local16 = _local3.arm_array;
var _local14 = 0;
while (_local14 < _local16.length) {
var _local6 = 35;
var _local9 = 85;
var _local7 = 21;
var _local8 = _local16[_local14];
var _local15 = _local8.length;
var _local10 = gravity;
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local15) {
var _local2 = _local8[_local5];
if (_local5 == 0) {
_local3.ang = _local3.ang + this.changeAngle;
var _local13 = _local2.ang + this.newAng;
_local2.tAng = _local13;
var _local4 = this.abatroz_cabeca;
_local2.ang = _local2.ang + ((_local2.tAng - _local2.ang) / _local2.c);
var _local12 = _local4.x + (_local2.mag * Math.sin((_local2.ang * Math.PI) / 180));
var _local11 = (_local4.y + _local10) + (_local2.mag * Math.cos((_local2.ang * Math.PI) / 180));
_local2.x = _local12;
_local2.y = _local11;
this.lineStyle(_local7, 6710886, _local6);
this.moveTo(_local4.x, _local4.y);
this.lineTo(_local2.x, _local2.y);
albatroz2.lineStyle(0, 13369548, _local9);
albatroz2.moveTo(_local4.x, _local4.y);
albatroz2.lineTo(_local2.x, _local2.y);
this.lineStyle(_local7, 6710886, _local6);
this.moveTo(_local4.x, _local4.y);
this.lineTo(_local3.x - (_local2.x - _local3.x), _local2.y);
albatroz2.lineStyle(0, 13369548, _local9);
albatroz2.moveTo(_local4.x, _local4.y);
albatroz2.lineTo(_local3.x - (_local2.x - _local3.x), _local2.y);
} else {
this.changeAngle = 0;
var _local4 = _local8[_local5 - 1];
_local2.tx = _local4.x + (_local2.mag * Math.sin((_local8[0].ang * Math.PI) / 180));
_local2.ty = (_local4.y + _local10) + (_local2.mag * Math.cos((_local8[0].ang * Math.PI) / 180));
_local2.x = _local2.x + ((_local2.tx - _local2.x) / _local2.c);
_local2.y = _local2.y + ((_local2.ty - _local2.y) / _local2.c);
this.lineStyle(_local7, 6710886, _local6);
this.moveTo(_local4.x, _local4.y);
this.lineTo(_local2.x, _local2.y);
albatroz2.lineStyle(0, 13369548, _local9);
albatroz2.moveTo(_local4.x, _local4.y);
albatroz2.lineTo(_local2.x, _local2.y);
this.lineStyle(_local7, 6710886, _local6);
this.moveTo(_local3.x - (_local4.x - _local3.x), _local4.y);
this.lineTo(_local3.x - (_local2.x - _local3.x), _local2.y);
albatroz2.lineStyle(0, 13369548, _local9);
albatroz2.moveTo(_local3.x - (_local4.x - _local3.x), _local4.y);
albatroz2.lineTo(_local3.x - (_local2.x - _local3.x), _local2.y);
_local10 = _local10 * 0.92;
_local7 = _local7 * 0.85;
_local6 = _local6 * 0.95;
function Cor_Mar(a, b, mix) {
var _local2 = a >> 16;
var _local4 = (a >> 8) & 255;
var _local3 = a & 255;
var _local9 = b >> 16;
var _local8 = (b >> 8) & 255;
var _local7 = b & 255;
_local2 = (_local2 * (1 - mix)) + (r2 * mix);
_local4 = (_local4 * (1 - mix)) + (_local8 * mix);
_local3 = (_local3 * (1 - mix)) + (_local7 * mix);
return(((_local2 << 16) | (_local4 << 8)) | _local3);
phraseArray = new Array();
phraseArray[0] = "\"Overhead the Albatross\"";
phraseArray[1] = "\"Hangs motionless upon the air\"";
phraseArray[2] = "\"And deep beneath the rolling waves\"";
phraseArray[3] = "\"In labyrinths of coral caves\"";
phraseArray[4] = "\"The echo of a distant time\"";
phraseArray[5] = "\"Comes willowing across the sand\"";
phraseArray[6] = "\"And everything is green and submarine.\"";
phraseArray[7] = "";
phraseArray[8] = "";
phraseArray[9] = "";
phraseArray[10] = "";
phraseArray[11] = "";
phraseArray[12] = "";
phraseCount = 0;
theString = phraseArray[phraseCount];
stringArray = new Array();
phrase._alpha = 20;
phrase2._alpha = 90;
var left = this.quadro._x;
var right = (left + this.quadro._width);
var top = this.quadro._y;
var bottom = (top + this.quadro._height);
var inc = 0;
var depth = 300;
var startAngle = 60;
var count = 0;
var tcount = 32;
var dir = 1;
var newAng = 30;
var changeAngle = 0;
var gravity = 1.35;
var total;
var iter;
var totalArms;
var startMagnitude;
createProbes(((right - left) / 2) + left, ((bottom - top) / 2) + top, startAngle, startMagnitude);
var C = 100;
var F = 2.5;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("Alvo", 0);
_root.Alvo._x = 362.5;
_root.Alvo._y = 400;
MovieClip.prototype.Sol = function () {
var _local2 = C * F;
var _local6 = [C, 0];
var _local5 = [15, 240];
var _local4 = [16744207, 16744367];
var _local3 = {matrixType:"box", x:-_local2, y:-_local2, w:_local2 * 2, h:_local2 * 2, r:C};
this.moveTo(-_local2, -_local2);
this.beginGradientFill("radial", _local4, _local6, _local5, _local3);
this.lineTo(_local2, -_local2);
this.lineTo(_local2, _local2);
this.lineTo(-_local2, _local2);
this.lineTo(-_local2, -_local2);
MovieClip.prototype.Oceano = function (Prof, C_Ondas, Vales, Ram_Ondas) {
this.Picos = [];
this.C_Ondas = C_Ondas;
this.Vales = Vales;
this.Ram_Ondas = Ram_Ondas;
this.Prof = Prof;
this.Crista = 0.2;
this.Crista2 = 0.8;
var _local3 = C * 7.25;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < 15) {
this.Picos[_local2] = {x:-1 + (_local2 * _local3), y:0, Fx:0, Fy:0, Vx:0, Vy:0, L_Ondas:0.8 * _local3, jy:0};
MovieClip.prototype.M_Ondas = function () {
var _local2;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < this.Picos.length) {
this.Picos[_local2].Fx = 0;
if (Math.random() < this.Ram_Ondas) {
this.Picos[_local2].Fy = (Math.random() * this.Vales) - (this.Vales / 2);
} else {
this.Picos[_local2].Fy = 0;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < (this.Picos.length - 1)) {
var _local3 = this.Picos[_local2];
var _local4 = this.Picos[_local2 + 1];
var _local7 = _local4.x - _local3.x;
var _local6 = _local4.y - _local3.y;
var _local5 = Math.sqrt((_local7 * _local7) + (_local6 * _local6));
var _local10 = this.Crista * (_local5 - _local3.L_Ondas);
var _local9 = (_local10 * _local7) / _local5;
var _local8 = (_local10 * _local6) / _local5;
if (_local2 != 0) {
_local3.Fx = _local3.Fx + _local9;
_local3.Fy = _local3.Fy + _local8;
if (_local2 != (this.Picos.length - 2)) {
_local4.Fx = _local4.Fx - _local9;
_local4.Fy = _local4.Fy - _local8;
this.beginFill(this.C_Ondas, C);
this.moveTo(this.Picos[0].x, this.Picos[0].y);
_local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < (this.Picos.length - 1)) {
Pico = this.Picos[_local2];
Pico.Vx = Pico.Vx * this.Crista2;
Pico.Vy = Pico.Vy * this.Crista2;
Pico.Vx = Pico.Vx + Pico.Fx;
Pico.Vy = Pico.Vy + Pico.Fy;
Pico.x = Pico.x + Pico.Vx;
Pico.y = Pico.y + Pico.Vy;
this.lineTo(Pico.x, Pico.y);
_local2 = this.Picos.length - 1;
this.lineTo(this.Picos[_local2].x, this.Picos[_local2].y);
this.lineTo(this.Picos[_local2].x, this.Prof);
this.lineTo(this.Picos[0].x, this.Prof);
this.lineTo(this.Picos[0].x, this.Picos[0].y);
var D_Ondas = 0;
var Marola = 24;
var Ondas = 6;
var i = 0;
while (i < Ondas) {
var R1 = (i / (Ondas - 1));
var R3 = (1 - R1);
var Ferias_do_Navy = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("Ferias_do_Navy" + i, ((Ondas * 2) + 1) - (i * 2));
Ferias_do_Navy._x = 0;
Ferias_do_Navy._y = (C * 4.2) - D_Ondas;
var Prof;
if (i == 0) {
Prof = C * 1.5;
} else {
Prof = D_Ondas * 2;
Ferias_do_Navy.Oceano(Prof, Cor_Mar(3381708, 6750207, R1 * 0.9), 0.1 + ((4 * R3) * R3), 0.1);
Ferias_do_Navy.onEnterFrame = Ferias_do_Navy.M_Ondas;
D_Ondas = D_Ondas + Marola;
Marola = Marola / 1.75;
Instance of Symbol 13 MovieClip "logo" in Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 16 MovieClip "phrase" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.displayString != _root.theString) {
if (random(13) < 13) {
} else {;
Symbol 11 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1
function Filtros() {
this.filters = [glow, bevel];
var bevel_conf = {type:"inner", blurX:2, blurY:2, knockout:false, strength:1, quality:100, shadowAlpha:60, shadowColor:0, highlightAlpha:1, highlightColor:16777215, angle:45, distance:2};
var glow_conf = {knockout:false, strength:1, quality:100, blurY:2, blurX:2, inner:false, quality:1, alpha:100, color:0, distance:1};
var bevel = (new flash.filters.BevelFilter());
var glow = (new flash.filters.GlowFilter());
for (var i in bevel_conf) {
bevel[i] = bevel_conf[i];
for (var i in glow_conf) {
glow[i] = glow_conf[i];
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 50
_root.stringArray.length = 0;
_root.phrase._alpha = 20;
_root.phrase2._alpha = 90;
if (_root.phraseCount == _root.phraseArray.length) {
_root.phraseCount = 0;
_root.theString = _root.phraseArray[_root.phraseCount];
gotoAndStop (1);