Archived flashes:
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This is the info page for
Flash #18938

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

At first there was nothing

No time, no space, nothing at all

Then in a moment of unimaginable
power and violence

everything... absolutely everything
there is exploded into being.

The universe... the whole of creation,
exploded outwards, making the
space it expanded into as it went.

Gradually patterns appeared, matter
condensed from energy and spiralled
in on itself to form the first stars.

These stars burst into life, lighting
the primordial universe, and
roasted the first atoms into all the
other elements around us today.

Eventually they exploded. Dying in
huge fireballs that blasted their
star-stuff out into the void.

This stardust eventually spiralled
back in on itself, and some of it
ended up here, making the earth,
and our sun, the moon and all the
other planets you can see in the
sky at night.

After a long time, something
magical happened here on the
earth. Some of the stardust
began to combine into patterns
that replicated themselves.

These evolved and grew and became
bacteria, and fish, and huge
monstrous dinosaurs. After a long,
long time the stardust had become

Each part of you, each tiny cell in
your body, each impossibly small
atom from which you are made,
is part of this stardust.

Billions of years ago every single
atom in your body was buried in
the burning heart of a fiery star
shining in the darkness of the
primordial universe.

And so now this stardust has become
us, it can look up to the heavens at
night and marvel at the beauty
of creation.

We can look at the stars in the sky
and wonder at their majesty. And
when you look at those stars in
the night sky, you are looking at
them as they were many years ago.

The light that reaches your eye as
you stand in your garden may have
taken millions of years to get here,
and so to look at the stars is to look
backwards in time.

The further away the star you are
looking at is, the further back in
time you are seeing.

Now we have telescopes in space,
floating above the earth, and we
can look further than ever before.

Now we, who are made of stardust,
can see back so far in time that we
have photographed those first,
impossibly ancient, primordial stars
that made the atoms which
became us.

And so, the stardust of the new-born
universe can finally look back at
itself, and marvel at the wonder
of its own creation.

Music: Braces Tower - Ten Fingers
Text: Joel Veitch,
This is the beauty of the universe.
We are all made of stardust.

Library Items

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Created: 30/5 -2019 11:40:12 Last modified: 30/5 -2019 11:40:12 Server time: 06/06 -2024 20:25:46