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Flash #19080

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Have a Drink

start film

start film

continue film

have a drink   enter the bar

have a drink   enter the bar

have a drink   enter the bar

have a drink   have a talk

have a drink   have a talk

have a drink   place your order

have a drink   place your order

have a drink   pour the drink

have a drink   pour the drink

have a drink   sing karaoke

have a drink   sing karaoke

have a drink   pay the bill

have a drink   pay the bill

have a drink   say good-bye

have a drink   say good-bye


haven't met for a long time.

good evening.

Please sit down.

continue film

repeat film

repeat film

repeat film

have a drink   have a talk

We haven't met for a long time. How are you?

well, quite o.k..

This is the honourable Mr.Yoshida from our sister company.

have a drink   place your order

Two bottles of sake and yakitori, please.

I'll do as you please.


have a drink   pour the drink

have a drink   sing karaoke

Mr.Suzuki ... I have heard you are very good at Karaoke.

Wouldn't you like to sing something?

No, no!! I am not good at all!

Please just sing anything.

have a drink   pay the bill

mama ... the bill!

I'll do as you please.

I am always grateful.

Thank you for the food.

thank you for paying the delicious meal.

have a drink   say good-bye

please excuse us now. Until we meet again ...

thank you very much.


Please come visit me again.

end of film

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
stop(); scrollableText = "The Japanese spend more money in business entertainment than in the national defence. To Japanese employees, entertainment after business hours is just as important as the daytime professional success in the company. Employers spend thousands of Yen each month to finance company activities such as golf playing, excursions or simply drinking parties in traditional Japanese bars, Karaoke bars or hostess clubs. Taking part in those events is essential for the employees in order to keep up a healthy, harmonious relationship, and except for the young, every company member is expected to attend.\r\rWhereas sport related events mostly scheduled for the week-end, the usual drinking parties take place in the evenings after work during the week.\r\rA recent study proves that about 97% of all better paid employees do not return home after work straight away. Spending your evenings in a drinking place ('izakaya' or 'nomiya') with your colleagues is considered as an essential part of the business relations, because this is the time to get closer and to learn to trust each other. Due to the traditional etiquette, Japanese often have to bear the immense pressure of having to suppress their emotions as they always have to be considerate about each other's feelings. Drinking parties make them release their stress and allows them to frankly speak about their emotions and thoughts, no matter if they are of positive or negative nature. In these situations it is quite common to openly discuss difficult business matters or criticize your superior.\r\rTo western people it might seem contradictory that the Japanese, restricted in the daytime, open up in the evenings. For the Japanese, however, there is no right or wrong and the two areas are regarded as completely separate. It is not considered rude to shout, sing, fight, loudly express one's opinion and to expose one's real personality ('honne') when drunk.\r\rWhen working in a Japanese company, western businessmen are expected to take part in the 'hashigo', meaning 'ladder drinking'. It would be very insulting if they did not, as the success of Japanese business relations very much depends on the development of human understanding and mutual trust. Western businessmen who are not willed to take part are considered as 'dorai', from the English 'dry', as they just seem to be neglecting human relationships and only be caring about their own professional advancement.\r\rWomen are usually kept out of the evening entertainment, so do not bring your wife. If you are both invited for dinner, your wife should excuse herself by saying that she is planning to go to the theatre and not accompany you to the bar. Only very recently young company employees prefer spending the evening going out with their wife.\r\rAs a western businesswomen working in a Japanese company you might accompany your male colleagues to a restaurant or bar to show your good will. Keep in mind, however, that Asian women generally drink less then men. As sometimes the pub crawls end up in Karaoke bars with implicit videos or even in sex clubs in the early morning, it is advisable for a woman, however, to excuse herself at an earlier stage.\r\rTraditional 'geisha' houses are sometimes visited by company employees. A professional 'geisha' dances, sings, pours 'sake' (Japanese rice wine) for the guest and indulges him in coquettish conversation. Recently these places have become less popular, however, as an evening in a 'geisha' house costs several hundred dollars per person and since the recent change in economy most Japanese companies can not afford this kind of luxury any longer.";
Frame 216
stop(); scrollableText = "Japan offers a wide range of places to drink and have snacks. Usually a group of businessmen begin drinking at an elegant and expensive spot and then move on to a cheaper one.\r\r'Izakaya' ('sit-down-sake-shop') are very small bars designed for people who wish to drink and talk with friends or colleagues. Very often, an 'izakaya' offers no more than about six seats. Its interior is of simple design and conveys a warm atmosphere. Commonly it is furnished with a wooden counter and simple bar stools. The drinks, snacks and prices are written down on narrow paper strips and displayed on the wall.\r\rThis 'izakaya' offers various kinds of beer, 'sake' (Japanese rice wine) and liquor as well as Japanese limonade, green tea and Chinese black tea. Available snacks include meat spits, preserved pickles, noodle soups, dried shredded squid, fish organs and soft shark bone.\r\rThere is a small house shrine, which serves as a lucky charm in order to promote the good relationship with the customers. The earthen cat figurine called 'maneki neko' has emerged for the first time in the Edo period (1603-1868). It is extremely popular among the Japanese as it is closely connected to the Shinto tradition. Many people keep one in their private home or working place as to promote their lucky future.\r\r'Maneki Nekos' come in various shapes and colours. The most common colours are white (referring to purity), black (against evil) and tri-coloured (gold, white and red). Rare versions include red (against illness) and purple (as to promote love). Very often a 'maneki neko' wears a red necklet and a golden bell. In former times, it was the affluent ladies who used to cherish cats, which were expensive at the time. In order to be able to look after their cats, the women attached a bell to its necklet.\r\rThe 'maneki neko' always raises one paw. The legend of this gesture has its origins at a temple in the Setagaya area. A samurai was beckoned by a straying cat. As he walked forward to where the cat was, a bolt of lightning hit the ground where he had been standing. Thankful that the cat had thus saved his life, he became a patron of this temple. Nowadays the temple enshrines the 'maneki neko'.";
Frame 492
stop(); scrollableText = "An 'izakaya' is often owned by an elderly unmarried woman called 'Mama-san'. Usually the customers of an 'izakaya' are businessmen who want to have a few drinks to relax after work. In this respect the Mama-san plays an important role: it is her duty to listen to her customer's family or profession related problems, which are rarely discussed at home.\r\rThe Mama-san satisfies those men's lingering for a sympathetic, understanding and sheltering mother. This longing, which is called 'amae', is specific for the Japanese as it derives from early childhood, when boys are coddled by their doting mothers. Japanese young boys are allowed and forgiven everything. When adult, they have to accomplish to the restrictive rules of the Japanese society, but the longing for the 'amae' is still present. Because of that, many Japanese men seek for somebody to fulfil this longing, even if they are adult.\r\rAs the relationship between the Mama-san and her regular customers is very intimate, new customers need to be especially introduced to her by somebody who is already a customer. Unfamiliar customers are hardly accepted. Once being introduced, however, you are received kindly as part of the group. Some customers even have their own private bottle of whiskey stored in the bar, which is exclusively opened for and emptied by them.\r\rVery often, regular customers automatically sit down on the 'kamiza' (high seat) closest to the owner of the bar, while newer guests sit on the 'shimoza' (low seat) near the entrance or at a table on the floor.";
Frame 676
stop(); scrollableText = "Smoking is extremely popular in Japan and health hazards are not discussed much. One third of the Japanese population smokes. 900 million cigarettes are bought every day, making Japan the third largest tobacco market in the world. Children and adolescents can buy cigarettes from automatic vending machines that do perform no age check, even though selling cigarettes to minors is against the law. As there is nothing like non-smoking zones, the Japanese smoke almost everywhere.\r\rJapanese traditional drinking places usually provide free green tea (o-cha), as to enable customers to alter between alcoholic and other drinks when they are drunk.\r\rTea first emerged in China during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). As many Japanese monks studied in China to learn about Buddhism at the time, it was them who introduced to Japan. The monks prized tea as a 'mystic medicine' and they particularly found it useful in order to keep their head clear yet not agitated, which greatly aided them in maintaining unbroken concentration throughout their lengthy sutra readings.\r\rThe Emperor soon heard about the mystic drink and once he tasted it he became extremely fond of it and ordered the planting of tea trees. Tea drinking quickly became fashionable among the aristocracy, yet, for some unknown reason, lost its popularity in the tenth century. Only in the thirteenth century it became popular again, as new methods of tea preparation were introduced from China.\r\rIn former times tea was prepared by pounding a roasted block of compacted tea leaves into powder and then boiling it in water. Today there are various kinds of teas and different ways to prepare them: 'Bancha' is a very common, coarse tea. It is generally composed of lower grade tea leaves, which are divided into the large leaf and the small leaf kind. This tea is very cheap and therefore served without charge in common restaurants. Even though this tea is very simple, there are about 22 different quality levels to distinguish.\r\r'Sencha' is the most popular green tea in Japan. To achieve highest quality, the leaves are exposed to direct sunlight and only tender leaves from the shoots are used. This kind of tea is usually drunk with a typical Japanese meal.\r\r'Gyokuro' emerged in the 19th century and is the most refined green tea. It has a slightly sweet taste and its leaves are sheltered from direct sunlight. It is consumed with the very best of Japanese cuisine but more often simply by itself. If you wish to impress your client, employer or another important person, then this is the tea to serve.\r\r'Matcha' is not a whole leaf tea. It is made by grinding steamed dried tea leaves into powder with a stone mortar, which makes it exceptionally smooth. 'Matcha' is used exclusively in the Japanese tea ceremony ('cha-do').\r\rThe Japanese tea ceremony was established in the sixteenth century as an aesthetic form based on Zen philosophy. The traditional tea ceremony attempts to create a complete aesthetic harmony, unifying architecture, gardening, fine arts, crafts, religion, philosophy, literature, food preparation and presentation. The first tea ceremonies took the form of tea-tasting contests, which were extravagant affairs in which gambling and conspicuous consumption figured prominently.\r\rEventually, though, the Zen aesthetic reasserted itself in the tea ceremony toward the end of the fifteenth century. The elaborate Chinese tea accessories were discarded for more simple Japanese utensils and the tea ceremony moved into small huts with the barest amount of decoration. With these changes the tea ceremony elevated from the level of mere art to become a spiritually enhanced ritual.\r\rToday, when brewing green tea, you put tea leaves in a teapot and pour hot water in it. The temperature of water and the brewing time depend on the kind of tea. Green tea is never drunk with sugar or milk.\r\rThe most popular tea pots used for brewing tea are called 'nambu tekki'. The manufacturing of these heavy iron pots dates back to the 17th century, when they were mainly used for boiling water on the open fire. Today these teapots are mostly manufactured in Morioka, a town in the north of Japan. The iron is cast and enamelled with Japanese lacquer inside, which protects it from rust. The naps on its surface enable the pot to retain heat.\r\rThe cups which are used for drinking tea are called 'yunomi' and are traditionally made of lacquered painted clay. If you are a woman, hold the 'yunomi' with one hand and put the other hand at the bottom of the cup while being served tea.";
Frame 1372
stop(); scrollableText = "The Japanese tend to feel uncomfortable when having to express their individual wishes and longings. When you place an order, do not ask for somebody's favourites, because it would make the person feel uncomfortable. It is best to choose whatever you think is appropriate. Ordering the same dish for everybody creates a harmonious atmosphere.\r\rAlthough beer is considered the most popular alcoholic beverage in Japan, 'sake' is drunk during religious festivals and private parties, to consecrate your vow when marrying, after a successful Sumo fight (Japanese wrestling), after or while taking a bath in a mineral spring or simply after work in a small bar.\r\rThe 'kojiki', one of Japan's oldest historical chronicles, traces the origin of 'sake' to the age of Gods. Local histories from the Nara period (710-94) suggest that the first 'sake' in Japan was called 'kuchikami no sake', meaning 'sake that is chewed in the mouth'. As the name indicates, in those times 'sake' was produced by chewing rice, chestnuts or millet and then spitting it into a large wooden tub, where saliva enzymes allowed it to brew for several days. Because not much water was used for brewing, the ancient 'sake' was rather thick and it consistency was similar to that of oatmeal.\r\rMore refined techniques of 'sake' brewing were introduced from China and Korea and improved and developed by the Japanese throughout the centuries. While at the beginning 'sake' was mainly used for religious ceremonies, the Imperial court and the caste of the samurai who indulged in drinking parties with dancing and singing 'geishas', it became more and more popular among merchants and the common people throughout the years.\r\rToday 'sake' is made primarily from highly polished rice with large soft grains ('sakamai') and semi-hard water interacting with microbes known as 'koji' and sake yeast. Altogether there are about 2.000 'sake' breweries in Japan. The brewing of 'sake' is very complex and only 'sake masters' ('toji') can perfectly fulfil the task. Some of them hold religious Shinto ceremonies before the brewing season begins, in order to promote a successful production.\r\rThere are about 10.000 different 'sake' brands in Japan, differing in taste and quality. 'Sake' can be classified in eight different categories. The most popular ones are 'flavourful sake' (low of acid, fruity flowery aroma), 'light sake' (smooth and fresh taste, with a dry aftertaste), 'rich sake' (light and mild flavour, smooth taste), 'aged sake' (light golden colour and spicy, nutty taste similar to sherry) and 'cloudy sake' (filtered in open-weave sacks that leave some of the rice particles suspended in the liquid creating a thick texture). Most kinds of 'sake' have an alcoholic strength of 15%.\r\r'Sake' is drunk hot ('atsukan') or cold ('hiyazake') depending to the season and the food that is served with it. It is served in small elaborately painted flasks called 'tokkuri' which are made of clay, china or wood. The 'sake' is poured into small decorated cups called 'ochocko', 'sakazuki' or 'masu'. Sometimes 'sake' is drunk with a pinch of salt or warmed with a piece of a globe fish's dried fin, giving it a mellow smoky flavour ('hire-zake').\r\rWhenever you lift your cup for the first time, say 'kanpai!', meaning 'cheers!'.";
Frame 1556
stop(); scrollableText = "'Yakitori' is a simple snack often served with alcohol in restaurants, small bars or out door drinking stalls. The dish is generally made from meat and vegetable and grilled on bamboo skewers over charcoal. As the meat is grilled, it is dipped into a sweetened soy-based sauce to give it a strong flavour. The Japanese enjoy eating 'yakitori' with chicken meat, skin, liver, heart, stomach or soft bone. 'Yakitori' can be eaten without chopsticks.";
Frame 1736
stop(); scrollableText = "Beer and 'sake' is served in bottles and shared by everyone. It is most important to never fill your own glass or cup. Pouring is a sign of respect or friendship.\r\rIf someone offers to pour for you, lift up your glass or cup, then offer to serve the other party. An empty glass indicates that somebody wants another serving, so always keep your eyes on everybody's cups, especially on your superior's. If you want to drink more but nobody pours for you, fill somebody else's glass and he will notice.\r\rEither the guest or the person with the highest rank is poured 'sake' first. It is proper to hold the 'sake' bottle in both hands if you are a woman or when you fill the cup of your superior. When you fill it for a person of lower rank you do not need to use both hands. As you extend the bottle, use your use your left hand palm upward lightly supporting the flask with your fingertips. Swivel your wrist and tilt the flask forward so that your palm is down as the 'sake' pours out. Pouring with your palm upward is considered rude.\r\rWhen receiving 'sake', pick up your cup with the thumb and index finger of your right hand, keeping them straight out and parallel to your chest. The other fingers should either be together and in line with your index finger or curled slightly toward your palm. When the pourer raises the bottle, extend the cup toward him.\r\rIf you are woman, use both hands to hold your cup. Use the right hand to hold the cup on one side and the palm of your left hand to support it. Both elbows should be slightly extended but relaxed. Always keep your eyes on your cup.\r\rIf you want to imply that you do not want to have your cup filled to the brim, rise it slightly while it is being filled, pushing up toward the inclined neck of the bottle.\r\rAs a sign of esteem or friendship you might be offered another guest's 'sake' cup in rare occasions. Accept it and raise it to be filled. After that, offer your own cup after having cleaned it and pour 'sake' in return.";
Frame 2828
stop(); scrollableText = "It is the lack of a certain enzyme that makes Asian people get drunk very quickly, which becomes noticeable in their faces which then turn red or purple.\r\rAmong all Asians, the Japanese are the heaviest drinkers in Asia. In Tokyo trains and platforms are full of sleeping drunk businessmen in the evenings and there is a faint smell of alcohol in the air. As drunken behaviour is accepted as part of a businessman's daily life, Japan's tolerance of public drunkenness is very high. Do not pass a remark or make a gesture implying pity when you pass a completely drunk person.\r\rOf course the behaviour of your colleagues drastically changes when they are drunk. While being rather reserved at the beginning they will open up when alcohol is involved as drinking makes them feel comfortable. This is the right time to take off your coat, to speak and sing out loud and to show your true personality. Do not be surprised if your Japanese colleague suddenly behaves less politely or even boorish. This just shows that he feels comfortable in your presence and that he wants to start a friendly relationship with you. Touching and hugging each other ('niko-pon') is part of it and not considered improper.\r\rAs drinking in Japan can be very excessive, people are not regarded responsible for the way they behave in such a situation. If somebody says something which you think is too direct, try not to take it too seriously. Humiliating and disrespectful behaviour, however, is tolerated under no circumstances.\r\rDrinking is a social event and the importance of it in order to achieve a personal relationship is illustrated by the recently coined word 'nomikeshon', which is a combination of the Japanese word 'nomi' (drinking) and the English word 'communication'. When being invited for a drink, take the chance to expand your network of connections and talk to your colleague in order to learn more about him as an individual.\r\rWhen starting a conversation at a bar or restaurant, refer to topics such as common acquaintances, countries you have visited, sports, your personal hobbies or your family. Furthermore the Japanese are always eager to hear about your impression of Japan and the customs of your own country. Do not, however, compare the two directly, as this might leave the impression that you think very critically about Japan.\r\rWhen the evening gets late and there has been a lot of drinking, topics might get more and more personal. Your Japanese colleagues might then frankly talk about the bad behaviour of a colleague or the difficult relationship with their boss. They might as well ask specific questions about your home country such as the dating behaviour of women. In addition, they might ask you what they have always wanted to know, such as why you wear a beard, why you are not married or how much money you earn. You should not take these questions too seriously and you do not need to answer all of them.\r\rListen carefully to what your colleagues say and try not to be too committal, as what you say will be remembered and you will be expected to stand by it. Do not promise anything in an offhand manner.\r\rAlthough taking part in a drinking party is socially extremely important, and refusing alcohol is considered improper, try to pace yourself. Generally, always adjust your pace of drinking to your colleague's. Getting intoxicated or sick or completely loosing one's control is embarrassing.\r\rIf you need a break, do not decline with a straight 'no', as you would be considered a killjoy. Say you have a stomach problem or tell them that your doctor ordered you not to drink too much ('dokuta sutoppu'). You might also just refrain from drinking your 'sake' or place one hand on top of your cup if somebody tries to refill it. As a third possibility, turn over your empty cup and place it onto the table. The hostess or one of your colleagues might then serve you Japanese green tea (never fill the cup to the top as it has no handle and would be too hot to hold it otherwise).";
Frame 3397
stop(); scrollableText = "'Karaoke' literally means empty ('kara-ppo') orchestra ('oke-sutura'). Basically, one stands on a raised platform with a standing microphone and sings along to a music tape. Above the platform is a monitor that displays videos depicting the song's story with the lyrics at the bottom of the screen.\r\rIt is believed that the use of 'karaoke' started about 20 years ago at a snack bar in the city of Kobe: the story claims that a snack bar owner, when a performer failed to appear, put on tapes of music and asked people if they wanted to sing. Since then 'karaoke' has become extremely popular among the Japanese.\r\rIt is said that a 'karaoke' microphone is warbled into about 16.5 million times a day in Japan. Friends, family members and business colleagues join to sing. 'Karaoke' is so popular that a famous beer brand has created a beer that is said to be helping singers to reach the high notes.\r\rThe first real revolution of 'karaoke' technology came with the development of home 'karaoke' sets which meant that you could sing at home whenever you wanted. You can buy karaoke tapes with books to try at home even if you do not have a karaoke set.\r\rUnfortunately, one side problem of the 'karaoke' sets was the noise as Japanese houses tend to be close together and not well insulated so, the 'karaoke Box' was developed. 'Karaoke boxes' were initially built from converted freight cars as soundproof places where you could sing really loudly if you wanted to. The first one appeared in 1984 in a rice field in the countryside of the Okayama prefecture. 'Karaoke' boxes soon became popular and were put up where ever there was space in both rural and urban areas.\r\rThe most common songs to sing in a 'karaoke' are traditional Japanese folk songs called 'enka', which are mostly about the sad fate of a poor farmer or a long lost love. Recently, western songs, especially standards by the Beatles, the Rolling Stones or Elvis, but even English, French or German folk songs such as 'Greensleves' or 'Lorelei' have become more and more popular.\r\rIn a 'karaoke' bar, everybody is expected to sing. Therefore be prepared to be able to sing at least one song of about 4 minutes with all its strophes. It is very embarrassing if you are not able to remember all the lyrics of a native song, as the Japanese, knowing about European music in depth, might be able to finish it for you.\r\rIn a 'karaoke' bar every member of the group has to sing at least once, so do not try to escape the situation. To express your modesty, however, once you are being asked to sing, politely decline the offer several times and be as humble as possible. Never sing without being asked and do not sing too often, as it might seem boastful.\r\rRepeat all of your requests for others to sing, as many times as it takes. If you do not, your Japanese counterpart, too shy to admit his passion to sing, might be disappointed not to be able to perform. Remember that, if you have invited a guest, he should be offered to sing at least twice as much as you do.";
Frame 4692
stop(); scrollableText = "When singing 'karaoke' it is not important to sing perfectly in pitch. Singing in a bar is the best chance to show your personality, individual emotions and performance skills. The more you exaggerate your outrageous gestures and expressive body language, the more you will be cherished by your audience.\r\rAs your audience wants to get to know you your most personal and emotional side while performing, sing on your own and not with a group. Refusing to add to the entertainment of the group leaves a bad taste for all and spoils the mood ('kibun'). However, if you feel extremely uncomfortable singing in front of other people, juggling, performing a skit or imitating animals is another possibility to refrain from being considered a killjoy.\r\rIf you are a good performer or a professional, do not advertise your talents, especially if you have not known the other party for too long. If you verbally mention your real talents your host might think you whish to actually perform, and he will try his best to make it happen. Your ability will be exhibited wherever you are and there will be no way out. It is better to surprise your host with your talent by the end of your stay.\r\rWhen listening to your colleague's singing, support him as much as you can by cheering and clapping your hands.";
Frame 5079
stop(); scrollableText = "For centuries, money has had a connotation of being 'dirty' in Japan. Therefore, when you pay the bill, do so in an unobserved moment without attracting everybody's attention or verbally referring to it.\r\rWhen you have dinner or go out with the members of your company, it is usually the person most superior who pays the bill, but often it is the task of the person with the lowest rank to hand it over. Money is usually transferred in a small envelope. Tipping is not customary in Japan, so give the exact amount of money or accept change.\r\rWhen accepting money, look into the giver's face instead of the money. In Japan you will rarely get handed out the wrong amount, and looking at the money might make the other person feel that you do not trust him.\r\rNever give your money to a cook behind the counter, such as for example a sushi master, as he might feel humiliated having to operate the 'dirty' money.\r\rOnce you are being invited by somebody, thank him by saying 'gochisosama'. Never try to put an invitation down and never suggest to share the bill, as this is considered as extremely rude. Once somebody offers to pay the bill, simply thank him as to show your respect. Accepting an invitation puts you in debt to your host, so repay the favour by inviting him out later for a meal. If somebody has invited you out and invites you again, always say 'thank you for the last time', when accepting the invitation.\r\rIf you are the one who intends to pay the bill, tell the restaurant's staff beforehand in order to prevent your Japanese colleagues to pay before you. If you are invited out by somebody, however, do not pay, because this might indicate that your host can not afford to do so himself.\r\rAs to make clear beforehand that you would like to invite the other party, arrange an evening at a western style restaurant that serves your home country's specialities.\r\rGenerally do not borrow money from or lend it to other employees. If someone else pays your share, settle the debt immediately.";
Frame 5449
stop(); scrollableText = "Once you wish to leave in order to return home or move on to the next pub, say good-bye to the hostess. The least superior person should open the door and let his superiors leave first. The hostess should remain in her bowing position until her guests have left.\r\rDrinking parties are likely to last until the early morning hours, so for some Japanese businessmen it is too complicated to return home for just a few hours of sleep. Many prefer to sleep in a nearby 'capsule hotel' a room packed with tiny containers that include a bed, a TV and an alarm clock.\r\rOnce you meet your colleagues in the office the next day, at all costs avoid talking about the other night. You may thank your senior for the meal, but do not speak about anything that refers to the drinking behaviour of your colleagues. Do not be surprised if your colleagues pretend they do not know what you are talking about. If, under the influence of alcohol, you have behaved in an extremely embarrassing way, do not refer to or apologize for it the next day. The Japanese prefer to ignore the fact, and speaking about it only makes it worse.\r\rIf you have become friendly with your Japanese colleague during your drinking session, do not show in the office and do not be surprised if he behaves rather reserved. The office is not the place to show your personal sympathy as this kind of behaviour excludes other company members.";
Symbol 7 Button
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Symbol 188 Button
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on (press) { gotoAndPlay (3398); }
Symbol 675 Button
on (press) { _root.h.gotoAndPlay(1); gotoAndPlay (2829); }
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 1295
Symbol 779 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (4693); }
Symbol 780 Button
on (press) { _root.i.gotoAndPlay(1); gotoAndPlay (3398); }
Symbol 793 MovieClip Frame 142
Symbol 853 MovieClip Frame 245
Symbol 861 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay (5080); }
Symbol 862 Button
on (press) { _root.j.gotoAndPlay(1); gotoAndPlay (4693); }
Symbol 877 MovieClip Frame 370
Symbol 890 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 891 Button
on (press) { _root.k.gotoAndPlay(1); gotoAndPlay (5080); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 2 FontUsed by:3 11 218 264 321 442 454 472 614 673 778 860 888
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Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 581 612 629 661 774 853 877
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Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 468 581 612 629 661 774 853 877
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Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 468 581 612 629 661 774 853 877
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 468 581 629 661 774 793 853 877
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 468 581 629 661 774 793 853 877
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:141
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Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 468 581 612 629 661 793 853 877
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Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 581 629 661
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:58
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Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 468 581 612 629 661
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Symbol 62 MovieClipUses:60 61Used by:141 237 261 319 429 453 468 581 612 629 661 793 853 877
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Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 429 453 468 581 661 774 793 853 877
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 581 661 774 853 877
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Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 468 581 612 629 661 774 853 877
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 581 661 774 877
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:141 319 429 453 629 661 793 853 877
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:141 237 255 261 280 299 319 340 429 453 468 581 612 629 661 793 853 877
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:141 319 429 453 629 661 793 853 877
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 319 429 453 468 581 612 629 661 793 853 877
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:141 261 793 877
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:141 261 793 877
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:141 261 793 877
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:141 261 793 877
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:141 261 793 877
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:141 261 793 877
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 429 793
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:141 237 261 429 793
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:141 774 853 877
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:141 774 853 877
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:141 774 853 877
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:141 774 853 877
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:141 774 853 877
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:141 774 853 877
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Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:98 100Used by:141 774 853 877
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Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:141 261 793 877
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Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:141 774 853 877
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:141 774 853 877
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Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:141 661 774 853 877
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Symbol 244 TextUses:13Used by:Timeline
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Created: 30/5 -2019 08:32:25 Last modified: 30/5 -2019 08:32:25 Server time: 05/06 -2024 01:11:14