| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229820 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2597 · P5194 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #19119 |
Advanced Tweening |
Compression |
Advanced Sprites |
Reviews |
Action Script |
NewGrounds Basics |
Created By: Iamasuckah |
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Off |
Advanced Tweening |
Ok, in the last episode of this tutorial's series, we've discussed the topic "Tweening". The basics were told, and now it's time to get a little deeper into that subject. At the end of this tutorial, you can say more then: "Mommy, mommy, I can make a black dot cross the screen!!!" |
Next |
So you want to make a little more complicated movie, with moving people and stuff? Ok, first realize, a tween only works when 1 graphics, is on 1 layer. Look at the image below to see what IS good... |
Previous |
See, how every part of "Blobs" body, is on a different layer. 1, his body is on layer 1, 2, his eye-white is on layer 2, etc. Only than you can animate this wonderfull little blob :) |
Remember, you'r character should "behave" (read: move) as realistic as possible, so not like the movie below : |
Instead, think about things as gravity, atmosphere, presure when falling and yes, even shadows! |
Put your framerate (buttom of screen, or just click right-mouse button, Document Properties) at atleast 20 fps, for a decent smooth animation! I prefer to work at 28, just try to find what suits you best! |
For one character, make different bodyparts on different layers. Keep in mind that the movie will be more fun if you make the movement as realistic as possible. Unless, ofcourse, you make an "Arfenhouse"-like movie. In that case, bash on your key-board and test if it works. If it does, good luck uploading it.... Let's get to shape tweening, shall we? |
Shape tweening can create cool stuff. Watch the movie clip below! (Click the Play button :P ) You'll see that the character "falls apart" in different pieces. Wanne do it yourself? Go to the next page! |
Create a new layer. In the first frame, draw an image. Don't convert it(f8), otherwize it won't work! Create a Blank KeyFrame on, let's say, frame 15. Draw another image there. A grey line will appear between them. |
Select "shape" from the drop down box, located at the buttom of your screen (if you have flash MX that is). A green line will appear between the 2 Keyframes and tadaaa...Your first shape tween is done :) Go expirement with it! I prefer to work with motion tween, but shape tweening can be fun aswell! |
Menu |
Compression |
So, you have finished your wonderful movie... You see a man walking across the screen, falling of a cliff, kicking a stick figure in front of a nice imported .bmp background, with some pretty cool music playing...You export your movie, and notice, it's 10mB! "WtF? This is sow f*cked up? >:( Not L33T!...Stupid f*cking n00b flash!" |
... |
And this is, where compression comes in handy! Take a look at this: |
And, tadaaa, from almost 10mB to 576,1 kB! (Sorry for the dutch names :P) How did I did this? Compression dear Watson, compression... |
When you export a movie, you'll get the screen shown on the left. Here is where the fun of compression begins... |
Load Order: Don't change :) Options: Select "Compress Movie" Passowrd: Protects from import. JPEG Quality: Change this, to about 50, if you use really big .bmps or .jpegs. This will reduce the size pretty much! Audio Stream: The compression of songs. Use the 16 kbps option to get the best result(size result, not quality result :P) Audio Event: Same as stream, only with effects! Override Sound Settings: Recommended Version: Always select the highest to get the best compression! |
Ok, now you pretty much know all about compression. Also, flash doesn't mind if you use the same sound/graphic twice, it won't matter in size! Go experiment with the best Quality/Size result. Also, keep in mind that a movie that is to big WILL get blammed, and a movie that is to compressed also WILL get blammed... |
Advanced Sprites |
So you still want to make a sprite movie? Ok, fine by me! I'll provide you with some handy tips about sprites and sprite movies. |
This, my friend, is an example of an animated sprite. It is mario doing some silly dance. In fact, it's just a bunch of images pasted behind eachother and edited with the smart technology of "Motion Tweening" Notice how the sprite "Slides". That is done with the motion "In" and "Out" effect. Go experiment with it :) |
Good |
When using sprites, always keep it mind that you don't want to paste the images behind eachother to fast. This will create a chaotic effect and your movie will get blammed. Instead, try to make it as realistic as possible, using the "Motion Tween" option on a regular basis. Not only will this make your movie better to watch, it will increase your movies score/populairity and "Damn-This-Is- Good" rating by an avarage of 150%! |
Thought that I would shut up about storylines? Forget it! A good storyline in a sprite movie is as important as the sprites! We already have enough "Mario VS. Sonic's Great-Great Grand Nephew", so please think of something original :) Look at All-In-One Tutorial 1 to learn more about storylines and why to use them... |
To get sprites and background, search google on images. Insert Sprite Sheet or something and watch as hundreds of sites appear. You also could try to make them yourself, giving an original twist to your movie, but this would take a lot of blood,sweat and tears, so if you'r a lazy person like me, just "Rip-em good Jhonny!" |
Reviews |
(and why not) |
That was an example, of a very bad review. If you write a review like this, the chances of being banned are huge. So if you would like to quit NG, go around and write crappy reviews. For the ones who intent to stay, go on to the next part of this tutorial... |
When reviewing, always think about the following: - Is my review helpfull to the author? If not, quit writing ASAP. - Is my review offencive? If so, quit writing ASAP. - Is my review containing URL's to stupid MMORPG's? If so, shoot yourself. |
Try not to offend the author or anyone else with your review. Just give advice on how the improve the author's (possible) next movies and/or games. When you review like a pro, you turn the author's face from this: :( |
Into this: :) |
Trust me, you'll get a good feedback when you don't review like a newbie or a retard. If seen enough blammable reviews...Blow the whistle on them, it gets you points :) |
Here are some tips for you, about reviewing a movie! - Highlight the good parts of a movie, but never understate the bad ones. - Don't be to gentle, tell the truth! - Don't overdo it. Just don't give a good movie 10 of every stat. Just give them a 10 on overall if you thinks it's really good, but it can't all be perfect. (Unless your name is Tom Fulp ofcourse :P) |
Action script is Flash's programming language. It triggers effents, make things move, add things at a certain time, or do whatever you tell it to do. You have a huge libary to choose actions from :) Read some online tutorials, like the one on www.flashkit.com to learn more about it. Here are some handy scripts for you to use! (Not for beginners!) |
Action Script |
onClipEvent(enterFrame) { this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; } |
Movie Clips Follows Mouse: (Copy and Paste work!) |
Put your movie clip's Instance name between the "" . Otherway, it won't work! |
on (press) { startDrag (""); } on (release) { stopDrag (""); } |
Dragging Script(Dressups :P) : (Copy and Paste work!) |
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse,_root._ymouse,true)) { this._x = int(Math.random()*550); this._y = int(Math.random()*400); } } |
MovieClip "Runs Away" From Mouse : (Copy and Paste work!) |
onClipEvent (load) { // Choose a movespeed moveSpeed = 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) { if (_root.Walls.hitTest(getBounds(_root).xMax, _y, true)) { } else { this._x += moveSpeed; } // Move Right } else if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) { if (_root.Walls.hitTest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMin, true)) { } else { this._y -= moveSpeed; } // Move Up } else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) { if (_root.Walls.hitTest(_x, getBounds(_root).yMax, true)) { } else { this._y += moveSpeed; } // Move Down } else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) { if (_root.Walls.hitTest(getBounds(_root).xMin, _y, true)) { } else { this._x -= moveSpeed; } // Move Left } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.player._x > 500) { this._x -= 10; tellTarget ("_root.walls") { _x -= 10; } } if (_root.player._x < 50) { this._x += 10; tellTarget ("_root.walls") { _x += 10; } } if (_root.player._y > 350) { this._y -= 10; tellTarget ("_root.walls") { _y -= 10; } } if (_root.player._y < 50) { this._y += 10; tellTarget ("_root.walls") { _y += 10; } } } |
Movement (Sorry for the Smallness!) : (Copy and Paste work!) |
When using action script, keep in mind that most of the things are written with ()'s and "" 's . An instance name (edited in the left under corner of your screen when using flash MX) is almost 99% of the time placed between "" 's. Keep in mind, that we will go deeper into action script next week, this one was a noobish one :) |
Ever felt lost in the big mean world of "Blams" and "Protects", of "BBS" and "Tom Fulp"? I was pretty lost when I first joined NewGrounds, so here are some tips and explenations for the beginning users! |
NewGrounds Basics |
This is the most vital part of all NewGrounds. (if you don't count their servers etc.) It's were all the links to the rest of the site are. Well, you found the Portal, so I think you understand that part by now, don't you, mr. smarty pants! |
If you go to the Portal, you'll see that there are 4 main tables: 50 Most Recent: Newer uploaded movies will appear here. When you vote for a movie that it still in the "light-grey" area, you can get protection or blam points. Top Weekly 20: The 20 movies with the highest score this week are displayed here! Past 20 Daily Features: Speaks for Itself :) Top 50 Of All Time: A list that changes every hour. The best rated movies will be displayed here, cheered at and worshipped! |
On NewGrounds, they work with an experience based system. That meens, you can gain experience points by voting (max 10 experience points a day, which equals five movie to vote for) At a certain point of experience points, you'll gain a level. Gaining levels is cool, because it will unlock secrets, get you respect and makes your vote more powerfull... |
About making your vote more powerfull, you can gain more voting power by posting on the BBS or blamming(voting 1 or 0)/saving(voting 2,3,4 or 5) movies that are still under judgement (light gray aread in the portal!) |
You ranking of blam/protect will be displayed in your profile (Sign-In, View Full Profile) |
So that are pretty much the basics. Go explore the site and see if you can find anything usefull :P Blam/Protect much, vote everyday and review a lot (posting on the BBS will also help to get your voting power up) to get a high voting power! Succes on your quest and watch episode 3 of this tutorial in about a week! |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 51stop();Frame 52stop();Frame 53stop();Frame 54stop();Frame 55stop();Frame 56stop();Frame 57stop();Frame 58stop();Frame 61stop();Frame 62stop();Frame 63stop();Frame 64stop();Frame 65stop();Frame 66stop();Frame 67stop();Frame 68stop();Frame 69stop();Frame 70stop();Frame 72stop();Frame 73stop();Frame 74stop();Frame 75stop();Frame 76stop();Frame 77stop();Frame 78stop();Frame 79stop();Frame 80stop();Frame 81stop();Frame 82stop();Frame 83stop();Frame 84stop();Frame 85stop();Frame 86stop();Frame 87stop();Frame 88stop();Frame 89stop();Frame 90stop();Symbol 10 Buttonon (release) { _root.play(); }Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded); } else { gotoAndStop (3); }Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 2gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 18 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (52); }Symbol 21 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (61); }Symbol 24 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (67); }Symbol 27 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (72); }Symbol 30 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (78); }Symbol 34 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (84); }Symbol 40 Buttonon (press, release) { play(); }Symbol 44 Buttonon (press, release) { stop(); stopAllSounds(); }Symbol 53 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (53); }Symbol 57 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (54); }Symbol 61 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (52); }Symbol 64 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (55); }Symbol 65 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (53); }Symbol 73 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (56); }Symbol 74 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (54); }Symbol 77 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (57); }Symbol 78 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (55); }Symbol 80 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (58); }Symbol 81 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (56); }Symbol 86 Buttonon (press, release) { play(); }Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 88 MovieClip Frame 15stop();Symbol 89 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (59); }Symbol 90 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (57); }Symbol 93 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (60); }Symbol 94 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (58); }Symbol 100 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (51); }Symbol 101 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (59); }Symbol 104 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (62); }Symbol 108 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (63); }Symbol 109 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (61); }Symbol 112 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (64); }Symbol 113 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (62); }Symbol 116 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (65); }Symbol 117 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (63); }Symbol 120 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (66); }Symbol 121 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (64); }Symbol 123 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (65); }Symbol 126 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (68); }Symbol 134 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (69); }Symbol 135 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (67); }Symbol 139 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (70); }Symbol 140 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (68); }Symbol 142 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (71); }Symbol 143 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (69); }Symbol 145 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (70); }Symbol 149 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (73); }Symbol 151 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (72); }Symbol 152 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (74); }Symbol 154 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (73); }Symbol 155 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (75); }Symbol 157 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (74); }Symbol 158 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (76); }Symbol 161 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (75); }Symbol 162 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (77); }Symbol 163 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (76); }Symbol 165 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndPlay (51); }Symbol 168 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (79); }Symbol 171 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (80); }Symbol 172 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (78); }Symbol 176 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (81); }Symbol 177 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (79); }Symbol 180 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (82); }Symbol 181 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (80); }Symbol 184 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (83); }Symbol 185 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (81); }Symbol 187 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (82); }Symbol 190 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (85); }Symbol 193 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (86); }Symbol 194 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (84); }Symbol 196 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (87); }Symbol 197 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (85); }Symbol 200 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (88); }Symbol 201 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (86); }Symbol 204 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (89); }Symbol 205 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (87); }Symbol 208 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (90); }Symbol 209 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (88); }Symbol 211 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (89); }
Library Items
Symbol 1 Bitmap | Used by:2 | |
Symbol 2 Graphic | Uses:1 | Used by:11 Timeline |
Symbol 3 Graphic | Used by:4 | |
Symbol 4 MovieClip | Uses:3 | Used by:11 |
Symbol 5 Graphic | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 6 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 7 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 8 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 9 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 10 Button | Uses:6 7 8 9 | Used by:11 |
Symbol 11 MovieClip | Uses:4 5 2 10 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 12 Graphic | Used by:13 | |
Symbol 13 MovieClip | Uses:12 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 14 Graphic | Used by:17 18 20 21 23 24 26 27 29 30 33 34 | |
Symbol 15 Font | Used by:16 19 22 25 28 32 47 52 60 98 102 124 147 148 167 189 | |
Symbol 16 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:17 18 |
Symbol 17 MovieClip | Uses:14 16 | Used by:18 |
Symbol 18 Button | Uses:17 14 16 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 19 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:20 21 |
Symbol 20 MovieClip | Uses:14 19 | Used by:21 |
Symbol 21 Button | Uses:20 14 19 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 22 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:23 24 |
Symbol 23 MovieClip | Uses:14 22 | Used by:24 |
Symbol 24 Button | Uses:23 14 22 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 25 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:26 27 |
Symbol 26 MovieClip | Uses:14 25 | Used by:27 |
Symbol 27 Button | Uses:26 14 25 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 28 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:29 30 |
Symbol 29 MovieClip | Uses:14 28 | Used by:30 |
Symbol 30 Button | Uses:29 14 28 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 31 MovieClip | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 32 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:33 34 |
Symbol 33 MovieClip | Uses:14 32 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 34 Button | Uses:33 14 32 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 35 Font | Used by:36 38 42 48 56 63 71 72 75 79 82 92 96 103 106 107 111 115 119 122 125 133 137 138 141 144 150 153 156 159 160 164 166 169 170 173 174 175 178 179 182 183 186 188 192 195 199 203 207 210 | |
Symbol 36 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 37 Graphic | Used by:39 40 | |
Symbol 38 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:39 40 |
Symbol 39 MovieClip | Uses:37 38 | Used by:40 |
Symbol 40 Button | Uses:39 37 38 | Used by:45 46 |
Symbol 41 Graphic | Used by:43 44 | |
Symbol 42 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:43 44 |
Symbol 43 MovieClip | Uses:41 42 | Used by:44 |
Symbol 44 Button | Uses:43 41 42 | Used by:45 46 |
Symbol 45 MovieClip | Uses:40 44 SS1 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 46 MovieClip | Uses:44 40 SS2 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 47 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 48 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 49 Graphic | Used by:50 53 57 58 61 64 65 73 74 77 78 80 81 89 90 93 94 101 104 108 109 112 113 116 117 120 121 123 126 134 135 139 140 142 143 145 149 151 152 154 155 157 158 161 162 163 168 171 172 176 177 180 181 184 185 187 190 193 194 196 197 200 201 204 205 208 209 211 | |
Symbol 50 MovieClip | Uses:49 | Used by:53 57 64 73 77 80 89 93 104 108 112 116 120 126 134 139 142 149 152 155 158 162 168 171 176 180 184 190 193 196 200 204 208 |
Symbol 51 Graphic | Used by:53 57 64 73 77 80 89 93 104 108 112 116 120 126 134 139 142 149 152 155 158 162 168 171 176 180 184 190 193 196 200 204 208 | |
Symbol 52 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:53 57 64 73 77 80 89 93 104 108 112 116 120 126 134 139 142 149 152 155 158 162 168 171 176 180 184 190 193 196 200 204 208 |
Symbol 53 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 54 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 55 Font | Used by:56 119 195 | |
Symbol 56 Text | Uses:35 55 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 57 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 58 MovieClip | Uses:49 | Used by:61 65 74 78 81 90 94 101 109 113 117 121 123 135 140 143 145 151 154 157 161 163 172 177 181 185 187 194 197 201 205 209 211 |
Symbol 59 Graphic | Used by:61 65 74 78 81 90 94 101 109 113 117 121 123 135 140 143 145 151 154 157 161 163 172 177 181 185 187 194 197 201 205 209 211 | |
Symbol 60 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:61 65 74 78 81 90 94 101 109 113 117 121 123 135 140 143 145 151 154 157 161 163 172 177 181 185 187 194 197 201 205 209 211 |
Symbol 61 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 62 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 63 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 64 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 65 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 66 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 67 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 68 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 69 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 70 MovieClip | Uses:66 67 68 69 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 71 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 72 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 73 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 74 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 75 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 76 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 77 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 78 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 79 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 80 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 81 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 82 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 83 ShapeTweening | Used by:88 | |
Symbol 84 Graphic | Used by:85 86 | |
Symbol 85 MovieClip | Uses:84 | Used by:86 |
Symbol 86 Button | Uses:85 84 | Used by:88 |
Symbol 87 Graphic | Used by:88 | |
Symbol 88 MovieClip | Uses:83 86 87 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 89 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 90 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 91 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 92 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 93 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 94 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 95 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 96 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 97 Graphic | Used by:99 100 165 | |
Symbol 98 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:99 100 165 |
Symbol 99 MovieClip | Uses:97 98 | Used by:100 165 |
Symbol 100 Button | Uses:99 97 98 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 101 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 102 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 103 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 104 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 105 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 106 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 107 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 108 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 109 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 110 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 111 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 112 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 113 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 114 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 115 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 116 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 117 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 118 Font | Used by:119 | |
Symbol 119 Text | Uses:118 35 55 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 120 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 121 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 122 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 123 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 124 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 125 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 126 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 127 Graphic | Used by:132 | |
Symbol 128 Graphic | Used by:132 | |
Symbol 129 Graphic | Used by:132 | |
Symbol 130 Graphic | Used by:132 | |
Symbol 131 Graphic | Used by:132 | |
Symbol 132 MovieClip | Uses:127 128 129 130 131 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 133 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 134 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 135 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 136 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 137 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 138 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 139 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 140 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 141 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 142 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 143 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 144 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 145 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 146 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 147 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 148 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 149 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 150 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 151 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 152 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 153 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 154 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 155 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 156 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 157 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 158 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 159 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 160 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 161 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 162 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 163 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 164 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 165 Button | Uses:99 97 98 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 166 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 167 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 168 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 169 EditableText | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 170 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 171 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 172 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 173 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 174 EditableText | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 175 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 176 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 177 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 178 EditableText | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 179 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 180 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 181 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 182 EditableText | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 183 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 184 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 185 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 186 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 187 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 188 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 189 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 190 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 191 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 192 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 193 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 194 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 195 Text | Uses:35 55 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 196 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 197 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 198 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 199 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 200 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 201 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 202 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 203 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 204 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 205 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 206 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 207 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 208 Button | Uses:50 51 52 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 209 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 210 Text | Uses:35 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 211 Button | Uses:58 59 60 49 | Used by:Timeline |
Streaming Sound 1 | Used by:Symbol 45 MovieClip | |
Streaming Sound 2 | Used by:Symbol 46 MovieClip |
Instance Names
"bar" | Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 4 MovieClip |
"loaded" | Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 3 |