Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #19176

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Opens shortly

Welcome to Steven Spielbergs* Off Licence

Bad Luck

try again

Well done

next level



Look at the nice man
He's ready to serve you,
Ask him for what you
want by pressing the
red button.
Just make sure you
sound old enough

Press the button at
right time there, laddy

Whoopee doo
Your bag is full of
lovely stuff.
Nice one Sonny Jim

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
movieSize = this.getBytesTotal(); moviePercent = movieSize / 100; sliderMove = _root.redBar._x; percentMove = _root.percentContain._x;
Frame 2
current = this.getBytesLoaded(); _root.percentContain.percent = Math.round(current / moviePercent); _root.redBar._x = sliderMove + _root.percentContain.percent; _root.percentContain._x = percentMove + _root.percentContain.percent;
Frame 3
if (_root.percentContain.percent >= 100) { gotoAndPlay (6); } else { gotoAndPlay (2); }
Frame 4
ifFrameLoaded (1000) { gotoAndPlay (6); }
Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (4);
Frame 6
Symbol 1 MovieClip [FFPSControllerSymbol] Frame 1
#initclip 1 FPSController = function () { this.setFPSTarget(this._targetInstanceName); this.initPause(); this.init(); }; FPSController.prototype.init = function () { this.sT = getTimer(); this.tF = this._tget._totalframes; this.isStop = false; if (this.playMode == "Forward") { this._tget.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.playMode == "Reverse") { this._tget.gotoAndStop(this.tF); } else if (this.playMode == "PingPong") { this.initPingPong(); } else if (this.playMode == "Random") { this.FgotoToRandom(); } }; FPSController.prototype.initPingPong = function () { this.initialDirection = ((this.initialDirection == undefined) ? "Forward" : (this.initialDirection)); this.playDirection = this.initialDirection.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase(); if (this.playDirection == "f") { this._tget.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.playDirection == "r") { this._tget.gotoAndStop(this.tF); } else { this.tget.gotoAndStop(1); this.playDirection = "f"; } }; FPSController.prototype.setFPSTarget = function (tget) { if (typeof(tget) == "string") { this._tget = this._parent[tget]; } else if (typeof(tget) == "movieclip") { this._tget = tget; } this.tF = this._tget._totalframes; this.attachMethods(); }; FPSController.prototype.getFPSTarget = function () { return(this._tget); }; FPSController.prototype.setFPS = function (fps) { this.fps = fps; this.initPause(); }; FPSController.prototype.getFPS = function () { return(this.fps); }; FPSController.prototype.initPause = function () { this.pauseFor = Math.floor(1000 / this.fps); }; FPSController.prototype.setPlayMode = function (playMode, initialDirection) { this.playMode = playMode; this.initialDirection = initialDirection; if (playMode == "PingPong") { this.initPingPong(); } }; FPSController.prototype.getPlayMode = function () { return(this.playMode); }; FPSController.prototype.FgotoAndStop = function (fnum) { this.gotoAndStop(fnum); this._tget.isStop = true; }; FPSController.prototype.FgotoAndPlay = function (fnum) { this.gotoAndStop(fnum); this._tget.isStop = false; }; FPSController.prototype.Fstop = function () { this.stop(); this._tget.isStop = true; }; FPSController.prototype.Fplay = function () { this._tget.isStop = false; }; FPSController.prototype.FnextFrame = function () { if ((this._tget.cF == this._tget.tF) && (this._tget.playMode == "Forward")) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else if ((this._tget.cF == this._tget.tF) && (this._tget.playMode == "PingPong")) { this.prevFrame(); this._tget.playDirection = "r"; } else { this.nextFrame(); } }; FPSController.prototype.FprevFrame = function () { if ((this._tget.cF == 1) && (this._tget.playMode == "Reverse")) { this.gotoAndStop(this._tget.tF); } else if ((this._tget.cF == 1) && (this._tget.playMode == "PingPong")) { this.nextFrame(); this._tget.playDirection = "f"; } else { this.prevFrame(); } }; FPSController.prototype.FgotoToRandom = function () { var rNum = (1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (this._tget.tF - 1))); this.gotoAndStop(rNum); }; FPSController.prototype.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.isStop) { this.tS = getTimer() - this.sT; this.cF = this._tget._currentframe; if (this.tS >= this.pauseFor) { if (this.playMode == "Forward") { this._tget.FnextFrame(); } else if (this.playMode == "Reverse") { this._tget.FprevFrame(); } else if (this.playMode == "PingPong") { if (this.playDirection == "f") { this._tget.FnextFrame(); } else if (this.playDirection == "r") { this._tget.FprevFrame(); } } else if (this.playMode == "Random") { this._tget.FgotoToRandom(); } this.sT = getTimer(); } } }; FPSController.prototype.attachMethods = function () { this._tget._tget = this; this._tget.FgotoAndStop = this.FgotoAndStop; this._tget.FgotoAndPlay = this.FgotoAndPlay; this._tget.Fstop = this.Fstop; this._tget.Fplay = this.Fplay; this._tget.FnextFrame = this.FnextFrame; this._tget.FprevFrame = this.FprevFrame; this._tget.FgotoToRandom = this.FgotoToRandom; ASSetPropFlags(this._tget, ["_tget", "FgotoAndStop", "FgotoAndPlay", "Fstop", "Fplay", "FnextFrame", "FprevFrame", "FgotoToRandom"], 1); }; FPSController.prototype.addProperty("fps", FPSController.prototype.getFPS, FPSController.prototype.setFPS); FPSController.prototype.addProperty("playMode", FPSController.prototype.getPlayMode, FPSController.prototype.setPlayMode); Object.registerClass("FFPSControllerSymbol", FPSController); #endinitclip
Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 18 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 161
stop(); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (2); tellTarget ("_root.meter.pitch") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; }; gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 321
stop(); stop(); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (4); };
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 362
if (_root.gameplay.endgame == 1) { gotoAndStop (1); }
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 363
stop(); stop(); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (4); };
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 1
completegame = 0; stop(); tellTarget ("_root.background") { gotoAndPlay (1); tellTarget ("_root.meter") { gotoAndStop (1); }; };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 6) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (3); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 5) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (3); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 4) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (3); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 3) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (3); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 2) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 1) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 7) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (4); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 8) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (5); }; } tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (2); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 104
stop(); tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (1); if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne <= 6) { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (322); tellTarget ("_root.meter") { nextFrame(); tellTarget ("_root.background") { nextFrame(); }; }; }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (162); tellTarget ("_root.kid") { gotoAndPlay (1); tellTarget ("_root.sounds") { gotoAndPlay (126); }; }; }; } };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 105
if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 6) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (7); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 5) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (7); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 4) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (7); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 3) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (7); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 2) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (6); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 1) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (6); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 7) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (8); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 8) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (9); }; } tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (2); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 218
stop(); tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (1); if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne <= 5) { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (322); tellTarget ("_root.meter") { nextFrame(); tellTarget ("_root.background") { nextFrame(); }; }; }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (162); tellTarget ("_root.kid") { gotoAndPlay (1); tellTarget ("_root.sounds") { gotoAndPlay (126); }; }; }; } };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 219
if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 6) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (11); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 5) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (11); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 4) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (11); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 3) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (11); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 2) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (10); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 1) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (10); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 7) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (12); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 8) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (13); }; } tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (2); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 306
stop(); tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (1); if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne <= 4) { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (322); tellTarget ("_root.meter") { nextFrame(); tellTarget ("_root.background") { nextFrame(); }; }; }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (162); tellTarget ("_root.kid") { gotoAndPlay (1); tellTarget ("_root.sounds") { gotoAndPlay (126); }; }; }; } };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 307
if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 6) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (15); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 5) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (15); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 4) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (15); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 3) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (15); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 2) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (14); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 1) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (14); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 7) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (16); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 8) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (17); }; } tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (2); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 403
stop(); tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (1); if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne <= 3) { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (322); tellTarget ("_root.meter") { nextFrame(); tellTarget ("_root.background") { nextFrame(); }; }; }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (162); tellTarget ("_root.kid") { gotoAndPlay (1); tellTarget ("_root.sounds") { gotoAndPlay (126); }; }; }; } };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 404
if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 6) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (19); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 5) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (19); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 4) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (19); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 3) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (19); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 2) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (18); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 1) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (18); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 7) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (20); }; } else if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne == 8) { tellTarget ("_root.fagsounds") { gotoAndPlay (21); }; } tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (2); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (1); }; };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 480
completegame = 1; stop(); tellTarget ("_root.kid.kidtalks") { gotoAndPlay (1); if (_root.meter.pitch.theChosenOne <= 2) { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (322); tellTarget ("_root.meter") { nextFrame(); tellTarget ("_root.background") { nextFrame(); }; }; }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (162); tellTarget ("_root.kid") { gotoAndPlay (1); tellTarget ("_root.sounds") { gotoAndPlay (126); }; }; }; } };
Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 481
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 11
stop(); tellTarget ("_root.gameplay") { gotoAndPlay (13); }; stop();
Symbol 46 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); theChosenOne = 1;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 2
theChosenOne = 2;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 3
theChosenOne = 3;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 4
theChosenOne = 4;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 5
theChosenOne = 5;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 6
theChosenOne = 6;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 7
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 8
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 9
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 10
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 11
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 12
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 13
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 14
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 15
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 16
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 17
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 18
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 19
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 20
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 21
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 22
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 23
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 24
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 25
theChosenOne = 8;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 26
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 27
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 28
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 29
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 30
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 31
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 32
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 33
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 34
theChosenOne = 7;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 35
theChosenOne = 6;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 36
theChosenOne = 5;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 37
theChosenOne = 4;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 38
theChosenOne = 3;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 39
theChosenOne = 2;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (2); theChosenOne = 1;
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); thenextlevel = 0; tellTarget ("_root.meter.pitch") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 2
stop(); thenextlevel = 1; tellTarget ("_root.meter.pitch") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 3
stop(); thenextlevel = 1; tellTarget ("_root.meter.pitch") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 4
stop(); thenextlevel = 1; tellTarget ("_root.meter.pitch") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 5
stop(); thenextlevel = 1; tellTarget ("_root.meter.pitch") { gotoAndPlay (1); };
Symbol 74 Button
on (press) { tellTarget ("_root.meter.pitch") { stop(); tellTarget ("_root.kid") { play(); tellTarget ("_root.gameplay") { gotoAndPlay (3); }; }; }; }
Symbol 77 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("_root.gameplay") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; tellTarget ("") { }; tellTarget ("") { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (2); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (1); tellTarget ("_root.background") { gotoAndPlay (2); tellTarget ("_root.sounds") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; }; }; }; } }
Symbol 80 Button
on (release) { tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (2); tellTarget ("_root.background") { nextFrame(); if (_root.meter.thenextlevel == 1) { tellTarget ("_root.sounds") { gotoAndPlay (230); }; } else { tellTarget ("_root.sounds") { gotoAndPlay (2); }; } }; }; gotoAndPlay (1); }
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
stop(); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (3); };
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 13
stop(); endgame = 1; tellTarget ("_root.kid") { gotoAndStop (1); tellTarget ("_root.button") { gotoAndPlay (3); tellTarget ("_root.meter") { gotoAndStop (1); }; }; };
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 85
tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (161); };
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 125
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 172
tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (321); };
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 229
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 293
tellTarget ("_root.shopkeeper") { gotoAndPlay (161); };
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 299
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 15
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 16
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 18
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 110 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);

Library Items

Symbol 1 MovieClip [FFPSControllerSymbol]
Symbol 2 BitmapUsed by:3
Symbol 3 GraphicUses:2Used by:Timeline
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:7
Symbol 7 MovieClipUses:6Used by:Timeline
Symbol 8 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 10 FontUsed by:11 12
Symbol 11 TextUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 TextUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:15 17
Symbol 14 BitmapUsed by:15 16
Symbol 15 GraphicUses:13 14Used by:18 28
Symbol 16 GraphicUses:14Used by:18 28
Symbol 17 GraphicUses:13Used by:18 28
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:15 16 17Used by:28
Symbol 19 FontUsed by:20 22 23 27 75 78 82 83 84
Symbol 20 TextUses:19Used by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:28
Symbol 22 TextUses:19Used by:28
Symbol 23 TextUses:19Used by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClipUses:23Used by:28
Symbol 25 SoundUsed by:28
Symbol 26 SoundUsed by:28
Symbol 27 TextUses:19Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClipUses:18 15 16 17 21 22 24 25 26 27Used by:Timeline
Symbol 29 BitmapUsed by:30
Symbol 30 GraphicUses:29Used by:33
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:30 32Used by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClipUses:33Used by:Timeline
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:46
Symbol 36 BitmapUsed by:37
Symbol 37 GraphicUses:36Used by:46
Symbol 38 BitmapUsed by:39
Symbol 39 GraphicUses:38Used by:46
Symbol 40 BitmapUsed by:41
Symbol 41 GraphicUses:40Used by:46
Symbol 42 BitmapUsed by:43
Symbol 43 GraphicUses:42Used by:46
Symbol 44 BitmapUsed by:45
Symbol 45 GraphicUses:44Used by:46
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:35 37 39 41 43 45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:47 48 49Used by:56
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:50 51 52 53 54 55Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClipUses:62Used by:74 77 80
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:66
Symbol 66 MovieClipUses:65Used by:74 77 80
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:69Used by:74 77 80
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74 77 80
Symbol 74 ButtonUses:58 59 60 61 63 64 66 67 68 70 71 72 73Used by:81
Symbol 75 TextUses:19Used by:76
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:75Used by:81
Symbol 77 ButtonUses:58 59 60 61 63 64 66 67 68 70 71 72 73Used by:81
Symbol 78 TextUses:19Used by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClipUses:78Used by:81
Symbol 80 ButtonUses:58 59 60 61 63 64 66 67 68 70 71 72 73Used by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:57 74 76 77 79 80Used by:Timeline
Symbol 82 TextUses:19Used by:85
Symbol 83 TextUses:19Used by:85
Symbol 84 TextUses:19Used by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:82 83 84Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 SoundUsed by:89
Symbol 87 SoundUsed by:89
Symbol 88 SoundUsed by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClipUses:86 87 88Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 91 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 92 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 93 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 94 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 95 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 96 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 97 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 98 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 99 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 100 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 101 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 102 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 103 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 104 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 105 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 106 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 107 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 108 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 109 SoundUsed by:110
Symbol 110 MovieClipUses:90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 SoundUsed by:Timeline

Instance Names

"redBar"Frame 1Symbol 7 MovieClip
"percentContain"Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip
"shopkeeper"Frame 6Symbol 28 MovieClip
"kid"Frame 6Symbol 34 MovieClip
"background"Frame 6Symbol 46 MovieClip
"meter"Frame 6Symbol 56 MovieClip
"button"Frame 6Symbol 81 MovieClip
"gameplay"Frame 6Symbol 85 MovieClip
"sounds"Frame 6Symbol 89 MovieClip
"fagsounds"Frame 6Symbol 110 MovieClip
"shopkeeptalk"Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip
"shopkeeptalk"Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 161Symbol 18 MovieClip
"shopkeeptalk"Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 321Symbol 18 MovieClip
"shopkeeptalk"Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 363Symbol 18 MovieClip
"kidtalks"Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip
"pitch"Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 50 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "FFPSControllerSymbol"


"What can i get you lad?"Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 2
"LOSE  eh, youre too young for that lad"Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 162
"WIN  here you go mate"Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 322
"rizla please"Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 2
"fags please"Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 105
"lager please"Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 219
"superglue please"Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 307
"kitchen knife please"Symbol 34 MovieClip Frame 404
"rizlaresults"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 3
"fagsresults"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 5
"beerresults"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 7
"superglueresults"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 9
"kniferesults"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 11
"theend"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 13
"hello lad"Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 2
Created: 30/5 -2019 06:41:57 Last modified: 30/5 -2019 06:41:57 Server time: 11/03 -2025 09:59:53