/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2596 · P5191 |
This is the info page for Flash #19548 |
Advanced Audio |
Graphics |
Simple Games |
Higher Score |
Audio Portal |
Statistics |
Test Download Performance |
Advanced Tips |
On |
Off |
Created By: Iamasuckah |
Click to mail! |
1 |
Techno |
Off |
2 |
Rock |
3 |
DnB |
Advanced Audio |
In the first tutorial, I have told something about buttons. I have told something about audio as well, remember...Well, here comes a combination of those 2. Look at the bottom of the screen...See the on/off button thing? Well, that is actually the source of the sound you are hearing... |
Next |
You see, when your working with a "stop movie" based game/movie like this, adding sound to the main timeline won't comply. You'll have to make a sound layer INSIDE a "movie clip". To do so, click on Insert - New Symbol - Movie Clip (See image below!) |
Previous |
Inside the movie clip, make a certain number of frames, depending on the lenght of the song or effect you want to use. I usually create the max number of frames (547) and stretch it if I see the song/effect is bigger than 547 frames. Add the song to the timeline. |
You have succesfully added the sound to the timeline in your movie clip. Put the movieclip in the frames on the main timeline and you will not be bothered by stopping or flipping sounds in your movie. Wanne make on/off buttons? Continue! |
Inside the movie clip you have created, make two buttons(See tutorial 1 on how the make buttons!). One saying "On", the other saying "Off". Ok, on to the actionscript part of this section! |
Right-Click your mouse button on the button you've created and select actions. For the "On" button, put in this: on (press) { play(); } |
For the "Off" button, put in this: on (press) { stop(); stopAllSounds(); } You now have succesfully created a movie clip which contains sound, has a "On" button and has a "Off" button! Have fun with the knowledge you aquired! |
Menu |
So you have a storyline, sound, effects, a really good idea and flash. Good, all you'll need now are some pretty neat graphics and you got it made. But wait..."I can't draw!" No problemo! There are loads of good movies that don't have superb graphics (Banana Phone, Arfenhouse TM, etc.) Here are some things you'll need to create a good flash! |
Graphics |
HI! |
Ok, first rule. You don't have to be a great drawer to be a great animator. Animation and drawing are two completely different things ! Take one of my first movies as an Example (Could Have Been Worse II). The drawings were not to complicated, just a misshaped ball with some gradiant filling.... |
However, the animation made up for the fact that the graphics were completly sucky! So, the first rule is: Animating compensates for bad graphics. Well, that's not the whole truth, there are a few other points you'll need to keep in mind if you can't draw! |
A storyline, good interactivity and even a good movie name, are some exapmles. I will teach you how to draw the basics here! Ok, let's make a figure. Let's start with the head! |
A simpel circle with 2 lines. No, this is not going to be a madness rip-off... Add the body lines! |
A few "rules" when drawing "humanoids"... The arms should be as long as the distance between the hands and the hips. Head shouldn't be too big and the legs should be longer than the body... |
Experiment with "extra" lines after that one. But you now have your first basic figure! Remember, you'll only learn from trial and error... LOL :P Backgrounds in the next episode! |
After a review I got, I decided to explain how the draw weapons aswell. It's quite easy actually, if you take the easy approach ofcrouse! :) Well, let's get started...See the weapons below? Good, here come a few easy steps on how to create a good-looking weapon! |
To do it the easy way, first download an image of a weapon from google or something. Once you have it, import it into flash! |
Trace bitmap (Click on image, modify, Trace Bitmap). After you do that, make it a graphic and you can start! (Or you could just used the traced weapon, but let's say you'r not a big stealer...) |
Create 2 layers in the graphic. Layer 1 with the traced gun on it, layer 2 with nothing (yet). Start to re-draw the lines of the gun on layer 2. |
After that, all you need to do is to add colors, add some details and you'r finished! Go give it a try! And remember, you'll learn by trial and error! Good luck! |
Simple Games |
In this part of the Tutorial, I am going to teach you how to make a simple game. I'm going to use "Could Have Been Worse 3" (A very simple game I made a month or two ago) as an example. The first thing, you'll need to know, is that it takes some time to make a game, even a very simple, almost no- action script, game. |
Open a new flash document and let's get started. First, make some characters or something. Try to keep it simple, this is your first time! Let's make a ball as a character, ok? |
I'm only going to teach you the basics, so let's keep it simple. Let's make the ball walk to the "chair" if you click the red ball, ok? |
Make the ball, chair and red dot a graphic. Then, convert the red dot to a movie clip and then to a button. This way, you can use the ball as a clickadble button! |
Put all the objects on frame one and stop the frame (Actionscript, right mouse, actions, stop). Also, give the red dot the following action script code: on (press) { gotoAndPlay(2); } |
Give it a try now :) What I did in the movie clip below, is stop the first frame, and continue the movement on the second. You've ordered the movie to stop at he first frame, so it won't continue till you click the red ball... |
So now you know the basics. This way, you can make a good "on-click goto" kind of game. Practice alot, keep trying and you'll be the best in no time! Just give it a try! Next week, a better, more in-depth part about this subject! |
Higher Score |
Ever tried to upload something you thought was the best, but didn't quite make it trough judgement? Well, here's your chance to get trough judgement fine :) Let's go! |
The first thing you need, is, ofcourse, a good movie. A good move consists of the following things: - A Good Plot/Storyline - Avarage or Good Graphics - Good Sound - Humor/Violence and/or Interactivity |
Next, you'll need to spend time on it. You won't make it past judgement with a movie that you've made in 10 minutes, unless ofcrouse, you'r a genius. A good movie/game takes hours,days and maybe even weeks to complete. Do you seriously think Madness was made in 10 minutes? C'mon dude! |
So your file is done? Good, now upload it. To attract attention, think of an original and catchy name. Stick Fight ICX Beta Trailer will be blammed on sight, or atleast attract negative attention. Think of something good, something people will recognize or get positive thoughts of. |
Once you've done that, enjoy the sight of your movie not being blammed. Maybe you can even advertise a little bit on the BBS, by putting your movie in your Sig :) That's atleast what I do... :P Good Luck! |
Audio Portal |
"That's some crazy shit man!" Yep, the audio portal is underestimated. I'm not going to beg Tom or Wade to give th audio portal more attention, but, c'mon. About 1/1000 of the site's traffic goes to the audio portal, agains 1/25 to the portal... That says something, doesn't it! |
This is the audio portal: |
In the audio portal, people like HeavyMetalHampster, Iamasuckah and ParagonX9, upload music for people to use in their flash movies. This actually makes the audio portal some sort of Libary for flash artists. Royalty free music. Wow :) Now where do you find that these days? |
Not only is the Audio Portal good for flash purposes, but it's also good for getting some really cool music. I tend to listen to ParagonX9 tracks all friggin' day! So go to the audio portal now, tell your friends to go, and maybe, the audio portal will be as big as the flash portal someday... |
Statistics |
I doubted if I would do this part. I still do, but think it's kinda fun :) So, here come some pretty cool, and rediculus, statistics, right from Newgrounds, the place to be (a complainer) |
Top 10, most experience Points: |
1. humantarget52 16,306 2. Pimp 16,276 3. Shrapnel 16,069 4. -bomb- 16,024 5. BlueAsterisk 15,213 6. oblivion 14,701 7. Mike27112 14,296 8. Brewed_Beaner 14,246 9. NeMeSiSM66 14,150 10. ReverendYates 14,117 |
Top 10, most Blammes/Saves: |
1. fixit 49,501 2. ramagi 39,925 3. gfoxcook 37,291 4. GaryHobson 33,957 5. Crono- 33,655 6. DuMa_RyoHahn 32,284 7. Recon_Rebel 31,138 8. Bila 29,691 9. alexsmolik 26,587 10. chaotic1 25,951 |
Top 10, best artists: |
1. BrunoBozzetto 2. TLF 3. chluaid 4. LegendaryFrog 5. jotandjab 6. Sarkazm 7. WatermanAlmighty 8. SecretAgentBob 9. DL-Misteroo 10. ToonZone-Matt |
Top 3, Sponsors of NG: |
SbB "Girls" Bullz-Eye Notice, how all of these sponsors are related to Girls, not to say Nude Girls :) From that, we can conclude NG is mostly visited by men :) |
Top 3, best things of NG: |
Flash Portal Audio Portal Games Section Users who are new to Newgrounds, will visit the Games/Assasin section of the site. The "older" NG users, will spend loads of their time on the BBS or the Flash Portal. Musical people, will be in the Audio Portal alot! |
Test Download Performance |
Yes! With flash, you can actually test the time it would take to dowload your flash movie. Handy for loading screens... It's very simple! |
1 Save your document and choose Control > Test Movie. 2 From the Debug menu, select a modem speed to determine the download rate that Flash will simulate. You can also choose Customize to enter a download rate. 3 Choose View > Bandwidth Profiler to see the SWF with a download performance chart. |
The shaded bar represents the first and only frame in your main movie. Movies with multiple frames will have multiple shaded bars. The height of the bar represents the frame's size in bytes and kilobytes. Bars that extend above the red line, especially if the bar represents a frame other than the first frame, indicate there could be delays in movie playback. You can optimize your movie for faster downloads. |
Advanced Tips |
Wheter you'r a beginner or an expert, tips are always useful. So here is a list of good tips for you to use! |
Shortcuts |
Move to bottom of page Page Down Move to top of file Control+Home Move to bottom of file Control+End Select word left Shift+Control+Left Arrow Select word right Shift-Control+Right Arrow |
Move word left Control+Left Arrow Move word right Control+Right Arrow Move to start of line Home Move to end of line End Move to top of page Page Up |
Select to start of line Shift+Home Select to end of line Shift+End Select to start of page Shift+Page Up Select to end of page Shift+Page Down Select to start of file Shift+Control+Home Select to end of file Shift+Control+End |
General |
To get a higher voting power, blam and save alot, vote on movies every day and go post alot on the BBS :) Good luck with becomming Newgrounds's best ranked user :)! |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 51stop();Frame 52stop();Frame 53stop();Frame 54stop();Frame 55stop();Frame 56stop();Frame 57stop();Frame 58stop();Frame 59stop();Frame 60stop();Frame 61stop();Frame 62stop();Frame 63stop();Frame 64stop();Frame 65stop();Frame 66stop();Frame 67stop();Frame 68stop();Frame 69stop();Frame 78stop();Frame 79stop();Frame 80stop();Frame 81stop();Frame 82stop();Frame 83stop();Frame 84stop();Frame 85stop();Frame 86stop();Symbol 10 Buttonon (release) {; }Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded); } else { gotoAndStop (3); }Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 2gotoAndPlay (1);Symbol 18 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (52); }Symbol 21 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (59); }Symbol 24 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (71); }Symbol 27 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (78); }Symbol 30 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (83); }Symbol 33 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (87); }Symbol 36 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (93); }Symbol 39 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (96); }Symbol 43 Buttonon (press, release) { play(); }Symbol 46 Buttonon (press, release) { stop(); stopAllSounds(); }Symbol 51 Buttonon (press, release) { getURL ("mailto:"); }Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 30stop();Symbol 58 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 61 Buttonon (press, release) { stop(); stopAllSounds(); }Symbol 65 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndPlay (759); }Symbol 69 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndPlay (2002); }Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 758gotoAndPlay (2);Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 2000gotoAndPlay (759);Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 3000gotoAndPlay (2002);Symbol 78 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (53); }Symbol 81 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (54); }Symbol 85 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (52); }Symbol 88 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (55); }Symbol 89 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (53); }Symbol 92 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (56); }Symbol 93 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (54); }Symbol 95 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (57); }Symbol 96 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (55); }Symbol 99 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (58); }Symbol 100 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (56); }Symbol 105 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (51); }Symbol 106 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (57); }Symbol 110 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (60); }Symbol 118 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (61); }Symbol 119 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (59); }Symbol 121 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (62); }Symbol 122 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (60); }Symbol 125 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (63); }Symbol 126 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (61); }Symbol 129 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (64); }Symbol 130 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (62); }Symbol 133 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (65); }Symbol 134 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (63); }Symbol 137 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (66); }Symbol 138 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (64); }Symbol 150 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (67); }Symbol 151 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (65); }Symbol 155 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (68); }Symbol 156 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (66); }Symbol 159 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (69); }Symbol 160 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (67); }Symbol 163 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (70); }Symbol 164 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (68); }Symbol 166 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (69); }Symbol 169 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (72); }Symbol 172 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (73); }Symbol 173 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (71); }Symbol 176 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (74); }Symbol 177 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (72); }Symbol 179 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (75); }Symbol 180 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (73); }Symbol 182 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (76); }Symbol 183 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (74); }Symbol 187 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (2); }Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 191 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (77); }Symbol 192 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (75); }Symbol 194 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (76); }Symbol 197 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (79); }Symbol 199 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (80); }Symbol 200 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (78); }Symbol 202 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (81); }Symbol 203 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (79); }Symbol 205 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (82); }Symbol 206 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (80); }Symbol 208 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (81); }Symbol 211 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (84); }Symbol 214 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (85); }Symbol 215 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (83); }Symbol 217 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (86); }Symbol 218 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (84); }Symbol 220 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (85); }Symbol 223 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (88); }Symbol 226 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (89); }Symbol 227 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (87); }Symbol 230 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (90); }Symbol 231 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (88); }Symbol 234 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (91); }Symbol 235 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (89); }Symbol 238 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (92); }Symbol 239 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (90); }Symbol 242 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (91); }Symbol 245 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (94); }Symbol 247 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (95); }Symbol 248 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (93); }Symbol 250 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (94); }Symbol 253 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (97); }Symbol 258 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (98); }Symbol 259 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (96); }Symbol 261 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (99); }Symbol 262 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (97); }Symbol 265 Buttonon (press, release) { gotoAndStop (98); }
Library Items
Symbol 1 Bitmap | Used by:2 | |
Symbol 2 Graphic | Uses:1 | Used by:11 Timeline |
Symbol 3 Graphic | Used by:4 | |
Symbol 4 MovieClip | Uses:3 | Used by:11 |
Symbol 5 Graphic | Used by:11 | |
Symbol 6 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 7 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 8 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 9 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 10 Button | Uses:6 7 8 9 | Used by:11 |
Symbol 11 MovieClip | Uses:4 5 2 10 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 12 Graphic | Used by:13 | |
Symbol 13 MovieClip | Uses:12 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 14 Graphic | Used by:17 18 20 21 23 24 26 27 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 | |
Symbol 15 Font | Used by:16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 41 44 48 50 54 57 59 62 64 66 68 71 72 80 87 91 94 98 101 108 109 116 117 120 124 128 132 136 147 154 158 162 165 167 168 171 175 178 181 190 193 195 196 198 201 204 207 209 210 212 216 219 221 222 224 225 228 229 232 233 236 237 240 241 243 244 246 249 251 252 255 256 257 260 263 264 | |
Symbol 16 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:17 18 |
Symbol 17 MovieClip | Uses:14 16 | Used by:18 |
Symbol 18 Button | Uses:17 14 16 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 19 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:20 21 |
Symbol 20 MovieClip | Uses:14 19 | Used by:21 |
Symbol 21 Button | Uses:20 14 19 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 22 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:23 24 |
Symbol 23 MovieClip | Uses:14 22 | Used by:24 |
Symbol 24 Button | Uses:23 14 22 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 25 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:26 27 |
Symbol 26 MovieClip | Uses:14 25 | Used by:27 |
Symbol 27 Button | Uses:26 14 25 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 28 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:29 30 |
Symbol 29 MovieClip | Uses:14 28 | Used by:30 |
Symbol 30 Button | Uses:29 14 28 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 31 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:32 33 |
Symbol 32 MovieClip | Uses:14 31 | Used by:33 |
Symbol 33 Button | Uses:32 14 31 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 34 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:35 36 |
Symbol 35 MovieClip | Uses:14 34 | Used by:36 |
Symbol 36 Button | Uses:35 14 34 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 37 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:38 39 |
Symbol 38 MovieClip | Uses:14 37 | Used by:39 |
Symbol 39 Button | Uses:38 14 37 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 40 Graphic | Used by:42 43 45 46 55 58 60 61 63 65 67 69 | |
Symbol 41 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:42 43 |
Symbol 42 MovieClip | Uses:40 41 | Used by:43 |
Symbol 43 Button | Uses:42 40 41 | Used by:47 |
Symbol 44 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:45 46 |
Symbol 45 MovieClip | Uses:40 44 | Used by:46 |
Symbol 46 Button | Uses:45 40 44 | Used by:47 |
Symbol 47 MovieClip | Uses:43 46 SS2 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 48 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:49 |
Symbol 49 MovieClip | Uses:48 | Used by:51 |
Symbol 50 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:51 |
Symbol 51 Button | Uses:49 50 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 52 Graphic | Used by:53 | |
Symbol 53 MovieClip | Uses:52 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 54 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:55 58 |
Symbol 55 MovieClip | Uses:40 54 | Used by:58 |
Symbol 56 Graphic | Used by:58 65 69 | |
Symbol 57 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:58 |
Symbol 58 Button | Uses:55 56 57 40 54 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 59 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:60 61 |
Symbol 60 MovieClip | Uses:40 59 | Used by:61 |
Symbol 61 Button | Uses:60 40 59 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 62 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:63 65 |
Symbol 63 MovieClip | Uses:40 62 | Used by:65 |
Symbol 64 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:65 |
Symbol 65 Button | Uses:63 56 64 40 62 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 66 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:67 69 |
Symbol 67 MovieClip | Uses:40 66 | Used by:69 |
Symbol 68 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:69 |
Symbol 69 Button | Uses:67 56 68 40 66 | Used by:70 |
Symbol 70 MovieClip | Uses:58 61 65 69 SS3 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 71 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 72 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 73 Graphic | Used by:74 78 81 82 85 88 89 92 93 95 96 99 100 106 110 118 119 121 122 125 126 129 130 133 134 137 138 150 151 155 156 159 160 163 164 166 169 172 173 176 177 179 180 182 183 191 192 194 197 199 200 202 203 205 206 208 211 214 215 217 218 220 223 226 227 230 231 234 235 238 239 242 245 247 248 250 253 258 259 261 262 265 | |
Symbol 74 MovieClip | Uses:73 | Used by:78 81 88 92 95 99 110 118 121 125 129 133 137 150 155 159 163 169 172 176 179 182 191 197 199 202 205 211 214 217 223 226 230 234 238 245 247 253 258 261 |
Symbol 75 Graphic | Used by:78 81 88 92 95 99 110 118 121 125 129 133 137 150 155 159 163 169 172 176 179 182 191 197 199 202 205 211 214 217 223 226 230 234 238 245 247 253 258 261 | |
Symbol 76 Font | Used by:77 84 103 | |
Symbol 77 Text | Uses:76 | Used by:78 81 88 92 95 99 110 118 121 125 129 133 137 150 155 159 163 169 172 176 179 182 191 197 199 202 205 211 214 217 223 226 230 234 238 245 247 253 258 261 |
Symbol 78 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 79 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 80 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 81 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 82 MovieClip | Uses:73 | Used by:85 89 93 96 100 106 119 122 126 130 134 138 151 156 160 164 166 173 177 180 183 192 194 200 203 206 208 215 218 220 227 231 235 239 242 248 250 259 262 265 |
Symbol 83 Graphic | Used by:85 89 93 96 100 106 119 122 126 130 134 138 151 156 160 164 166 173 177 180 183 192 194 200 203 206 208 215 218 220 227 231 235 239 242 248 250 259 262 265 | |
Symbol 84 Text | Uses:76 | Used by:85 89 93 96 100 106 119 122 126 130 134 138 151 156 160 164 166 173 177 180 183 192 194 200 203 206 208 215 218 220 227 231 235 239 242 248 250 259 262 265 |
Symbol 85 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 86 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 87 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 88 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 89 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 90 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 91 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 92 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 93 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 94 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 95 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 96 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 97 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 98 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 99 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 100 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 101 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 102 Graphic | Used by:104 105 | |
Symbol 103 Text | Uses:76 | Used by:104 105 |
Symbol 104 MovieClip | Uses:102 103 | Used by:105 |
Symbol 105 Button | Uses:104 102 103 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 106 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 107 Text | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 108 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 109 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 110 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 111 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 112 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 113 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 114 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 115 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 116 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 117 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 118 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 119 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 120 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 121 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 122 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 123 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 124 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 125 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 126 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 127 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 128 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 129 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 130 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 131 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 132 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 133 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 134 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 135 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 136 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 137 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 138 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 139 Graphic | Used by:140 | |
Symbol 140 MovieClip | Uses:139 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 141 Graphic | Used by:142 | |
Symbol 142 MovieClip | Uses:141 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 143 Graphic | Used by:144 | |
Symbol 144 MovieClip | Uses:143 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 145 Graphic | Used by:146 | |
Symbol 146 MovieClip | Uses:145 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 147 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 148 Graphic | Used by:149 | |
Symbol 149 MovieClip | Uses:148 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 150 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 151 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 152 Bitmap | Used by:153 | |
Symbol 153 Graphic | Uses:152 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 154 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 155 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 156 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 157 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 158 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 159 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 160 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 161 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 162 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 163 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 164 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 165 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 166 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 167 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 168 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 169 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 170 Graphic | Used by:189 Timeline | |
Symbol 171 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 172 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 173 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 174 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 175 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 176 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 177 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 178 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 179 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 180 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 181 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 182 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 183 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 184 Graphic | Used by:189 | |
Symbol 185 Graphic | Used by:186 187 188 | |
Symbol 186 MovieClip | Uses:185 | Used by:187 188 |
Symbol 187 Button | Uses:186 185 | Used by:189 |
Symbol 188 Button | Uses:186 185 | Used by:189 |
Symbol 189 MovieClip | Uses:184 170 187 188 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 190 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 191 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 192 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 193 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 194 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 195 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 196 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 197 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 198 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 199 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 200 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 201 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 202 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 203 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 204 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 205 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 206 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 207 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 208 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 209 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 210 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 211 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 212 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 213 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 214 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 215 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 216 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 217 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 218 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 219 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 220 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 221 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 222 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 223 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 224 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 225 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 226 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 227 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 228 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 229 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 230 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 231 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 232 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 233 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 234 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 235 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 236 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 237 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 238 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 239 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 240 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 241 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 242 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 243 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 244 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 245 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 246 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 247 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 248 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 249 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 250 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 251 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 252 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 253 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 254 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 255 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 256 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 257 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 258 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 259 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 260 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 261 Button | Uses:74 75 77 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 262 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 263 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 264 Text | Uses:15 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 265 Button | Uses:82 83 84 73 | Used by:Timeline |
Streaming Sound 1 | Used by:Timeline | |
Streaming Sound 2 | Used by:Symbol 47 MovieClip | |
Streaming Sound 3 | Used by:Symbol 70 MovieClip |
Instance Names
"bar" | Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 4 MovieClip |
"loaded" | Symbol 11 MovieClip Frame 3 |