Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

[V-RAY] Test Game by V--R.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #196904

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function deadClick() {} function gotoPatreon() { getURL('', '_top'); } function gotoDeviantART() { getURL('', '_top'); } function gotoFurAffinity() { getURL('', '_top'); } function gotoWeasyl() { getURL('', '_top'); } ifFrameLoaded (22) { gotoAndPlay(3); } var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); var TMWYT = new ContextMenuItem('Tell me what you think ^w^', deadClick); var ArtBy = new ContextMenuItem('Art by V--R', deadClick); var CodeBy = new ContextMenuItem('Code by V--R', deadClick); var mydALink = new ContextMenuItem('V--R @ deviantART', gotoDeviantART); var mySiteLink = new ContextMenuItem('V--R @ Patreon', gotoPatreon); var myFALink = new ContextMenuItem('V--R @ FurAffinity', gotoFurAffinity); var myWeasylLink = new ContextMenuItem('V--R @ Weasyl', gotoWeasyl); myMenu.customItems.push(mySiteLink, mydALink, myFALink, myWeasylLink, ArtBy, CodeBy, TMWYT); ArtBy.separatorBefore = true; TMWYT.separatorBefore = true; = myMenu; } movieClip 3 { } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 25 { } button 28 { on (press) { gotoAndPlay(22); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 22 { Nude.setMask(Mask); Clothed.setMask(AntiMask); this.onEnterFrame = function () { Mask._x = _root._xmouse; Mask._y = _root._ymouse; AntiMask._x = _root._xmouse; AntiMask._y = _root._ymouse; ViewFinder._x = _root._xmouse; ViewFinder._y = _root._ymouse; }; stop(); } movieClip 31 { } button 32 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 35 { on (press) { _root.Overlay.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 38 { on (press) { _root.Overlay.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 41 { } movieClip 44 { } // unknown tag 88 length 65 button 49 { on (press) { _root.Overlay.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 52 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 55 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 58 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 61 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 63 { } movieClip 64 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 66 { } movieClip 68 { } movieClip 71 { }
Created: 13/10 -2018 10:00:44 Last modified: 13/10 -2018 10:00:44 Server time: 14/11 -2024 23:19:04