Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Interactive Pregnant Shola by Barn-flakes.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #196996

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 6 vanish { frame 11 { stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 8 babykick { frame 1 { if (this.started != 5) { this.started = 5; this.kicking = 30 + Math.random() * 20; this.thisrot = Math.PI; this.maxsize = 50; this._xscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; this._yscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; this._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x != this.centerx) { this._x += (this.centerx - this._x) / this.kicking; } if (this._y != this.centery) { this._y += (this.centery - this._y) / this.kicking; } if (this.started == 5) { if (this.thisrot < 6.283185307179586) { this.thisrot += 6.283185307179586 / this.kicking; this._xscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; this._yscale = Math.sin(this.thisrot) * this.maxsize; } else { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } } frame 1 { stop(); var testing = false; var zoeytotal = _root.getBytesTotal(); var thisloaded = 0; var zsize2 = 1; var zsize = 1; var ztotalsize = 300; var my_cm = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false; my_cm.builtInItems.print = false; = false; my_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false; my_cm.builtInItems.loop = false; = my_cm; zoey.body.lbar.onPress = function () { if (testing == true) { if (zsize2 < 330) { zsize2 += 15; } else { zsize2 = 1; } } else { if (zoeyloaded == 300) { gotoAndStop(2); } } }; onEnterFrame = function () { var v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (testing == true) { zoeyloaded = (zsize / ztotalsize) * 300; } else { zoeyloaded = (v2 / zoeytotal) * 300; } if (zsize2 != zsize) { zsize += Math.floor((zsize2 - zsize) / 15); } zoey.head.eye.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.hornsandears.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.head.mouth.gotoAndStop(1 + Math.floor(zoeyloaded / 30)); zoey.body.l_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.r_breast.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.shirt.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); zoey.body.lbar.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(zoeyloaded * 3)); }; } movieClip 15 { } movieClip 40 { } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 66 { } movieClip 68 { } movieClip 76 { } // unknown tag 88 length 122 movieClip 81 { } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 95 { } movieClip 107 { } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 109 { } frame 2 { var debugging = false; var boxes = new Array(); var inkcolour = 'C'; var randombox = 0; var randomink = 0; var randomfillrate = 0; var Ypoints = 0; var Cpoints = 0; var Mpoints = 0; var boxesblocked = false; var tubesfull = false; var pregwater = 0; var pressure = 0; var minitime = 0; var taptime = 0; var Hiscore = 0; var resetboxes = 0; var lastrun = 0; var boxEmpty = -2; var boxMini = 10; var Fscore = 0; var kickID = 0; var kickran = 0; var babykick = 0; var firstawakened = 0; var bonus = 15000; var bonusScore = 0; var bonustrue = 0; var bonusdelay = 0; var Gspeechdelay = 0; var Gbelly = 1; var overGtail = false; var Gtailoff = 0; var Ghastail = true; var bellysize = 1; var Tbellysize = 1; var bustsize = 1; var Tbustsize = 1; var hipsize = 1; var Thipsize = 1; var naked = false; var Gspeed = 1; var Gpoints = 0; var growing = false; var rlegrot = 0; BBB._alpha = 0; shola.babyarm._visible = false; = false; var birthdelay = 0; var birthclicks = 1000; var birthdecrease = 50; var birthing = 0; var Bnotready = 0; var Bshow = 0; var spendingB = false; var spendB = 0; var Rdelay = 0; var resetting = 0; var Rpressed = false; var helpme = false; var scorealpha = 100; var SASB = -100; var backupState = ''; var states = new Object(); var curState = new Object(); var pX = shola.head.eye.pupil._x; var pY = shola.head.eye.pupil._y; var stateTimer = 0; var speechTimer = 0; var speech = new Object(); var curspeech = bellysize; var nextPhase = 0; var curPhase = 0; var ranlines = new Array(); var idlespeak = 0; resetLines = function () { ranlines = []; ranlines.push(6); ranlines.push(7); ranlines.push(8); ranlines.push(9); ranlines.push(10); }; resetLines(); var headwhite1 = new Color(Psprinkler); var intenseWhite = 0; var brightWhite = new Object(); brightWhite.ra = 100; = 100; = 100; brightWhite.rb = 500; = 500; = 0; headwhite1.setTransform(brightWhite); colourpurple(); var tailoff = 0; var hastail = true; var keydetect = new Object(); var keyspressed = []; Key.addListener(keydetect); for (i in boxes) { boxes[i].fillrate = 0; boxes[i].full = 0; boxes[i].Bline = 5; } var HBtext = new Object(); HBtext.expand = {'_line': 'This is the expand button. You can use it to spend points on Shola\'s growth. Earn points by playing the plumbing minigame.'}; = {'_line': 'This is the help button. Mousing over things while this button is active will tell you more about them.'}; HBtext.reset = {'_line': 'This is the Reset button. Clicking this will reset most things you\'ve done in the animation so far.'}; HBtext.slider = {'_line': 'This is the speed slider. Click and drag it to control how fast shola will grow (or shrink) when you click the expand button. '}; = {'_line': 'This is Shola\'s plumbing system. Pregnancy fluid flows into the pipes over time. In order to prevent the pressure flushing your purple fluids out, you must empty a chamber when the fluid overtakes the water.'}; HBtext.chamber = {'_line': 'This is one of the plumbing chambers. Click on it or press the letter key on it to empty it. It\'s up to you to choose the right time for each chanmber.'}; HBtext.pressure = {'_line': 'This is the pressure bar. if it fills up completely, the plumbing system will reset. pressure is built by letting a chamber fill up or emptying a chamber when there\'s less purple fluid than blue in that chamber.'}; HBtext.belly = {'_line': 'This is Sholas belly. I think you know what happens here.'}; HBtext.leg = {'_line': 'This is Shola\'s leg, which she waves with abandon.'}; HBtext.boobs = {'_line': 'These are Shola\'s breasts, covered by a bra. Be gentle, they\'re sensitive.'}; HBtext.blank = {'_line': 'blank'}; = {'_line': 'This is Shola\'s new child.... Why are you reading this? You obviously don\'t need any more help.'}; HBtext.sprinkler = {'_line': 'This is the sprinkler you\'re pretending you\'re here to fix. Of course, you\'re here for much more than that, aren\'t you?'}; HBtext.grass = {'_line': 'This is a tuft of grass. It is a plant commonly used on lawns and eaten by grazing animals.'}; HBtext.speech = {'_line': 'This is what Shola is saying to you. It\'s rather rude to be reading this instead of paying attention to her.'}; HBtext.tail = {'_line': 'This is Shola\'s tail, which is firmly attached to her body.'}; HBtext.notail = {'_line': 'This is where Shola\'s tail used to be, when it was firmly attached to her body.'}; HBtext.arms = {'_line': 'This is one of Shola\'s arms. These are useful for her to have.'}; HBtext.shola = {'_line': 'This is Shola. She\'s an otter, and an anthropomorphic one at that!'}; HBtext.stash = {'_line': 'This is measure of how many pregpoints you have to spend on making Shola bigger. You must play the plumbing minigame to earn them.'}; HBtext.question = {'_line': 'This is a question. If you click on it, Shola will answer it for you.'}; HBtext.score = {'_line': 'This is how much pregnancy fluid you\'ve managed to accumulate. You need to have at least 500 before you\'ll be able to spend it on anything though.'}; HBtext.head = {'_line': 'This is Shola\'s head. You can click on it to make her talk.'}; HBtext.birth = {'_line': 'This is the birth button. When Shola is ready, you can use this to make her give birth. click once to reduce a point for free, click and hold to spend your pregnancy fluid on reducing it very quickly. It also decreses over time on it\'s own for free, once Shola is ready.'}; var fourletterwords = new Array(); var fiveletterwords = new Array(); var sixletterwords = new Array(); var sevenplusletterwords = new Array(); var bannedwords = new Array(); var birthgain = 0; var banthisword = ''; setcode = function (n) { _root[n + 'sofar'] = []; _root[n + 'totalcode'] = []; i = 0; while (i < n.length) { _root[n + 'totalcode'].push(n.charCodeAt(i) - 32); ++i; } if (n.length <= 4) { fourletterwords.push(n); } if (n.length == 5) { fiveletterwords.push(n); } if (n.length == 6) { sixletterwords.push(n); } if (n.length >= 7) { sevenplusletterwords.push(n); } }; setcode('arse'); setcode('adds'); setcode('afar'); setcode('ares'); setcode('area'); setcode('dads'); setcode('awed'); setcode('dare'); setcode('dead'); setcode('deaf'); setcode('deer'); setcode('dear'); setcode('deed'); setcode('draw'); setcode('drew'); setcode('ears'); setcode('ease'); setcode('ewer'); setcode('ewes'); setcode('fade'); setcode('fads'); setcode('fare'); setcode('fear'); setcode('free'); setcode('fees'); setcode('feed'); setcode('rare'); setcode('read'); setcode('rear'); setcode('reef'); setcode('safe'); setcode('sass'); setcode('saws'); setcode('sear'); setcode('serf'); setcode('sews'); setcode('wade'); setcode('wads'); setcode('ward'); setcode('seas'); setcode('were'); setcode('wear'); setcode('wars'); setcode('weed'); setcode('added'); setcode('adder'); setcode('areas'); setcode('asses'); setcode('award'); setcode('aware'); setcode('darer'); setcode('dares'); setcode('dared'); setcode('dears'); setcode('deers'); setcode('deeds'); setcode('defer'); setcode('draws'); setcode('dread'); setcode('drear'); setcode('dress'); setcode('dwarf'); setcode('eased'); setcode('erase'); setcode('aeses'); setcode('erred'); setcode('ewers'); setcode('farad'); setcode('fades'); setcode('faded'); setcode('feeds'); setcode('fears'); setcode('fewer'); setcode('fared'); setcode('fears'); setcode('fares'); setcode('frees'); setcode('freed'); setcode('freer'); setcode('rarer'); setcode('radar'); setcode('rares'); setcode('rawer'); setcode('readd'); setcode('reads'); setcode('reeds'); setcode('reefs'); setcode('rewed'); setcode('resew'); setcode('resaw'); setcode('refer'); setcode('safer'); setcode('safes'); setcode('sawed'); setcode('sawer'); setcode('seeds'); setcode('sears'); setcode('serer'); setcode('seres'); setcode('serfs'); setcode('sewed'); setcode('sewer'); setcode('swear'); setcode('waded'); setcode('wader'); setcode('wades'); setcode('wafer'); setcode('wards'); setcode('wared'); setcode('wares'); setcode('wears'); setcode('weeds'); setcode('adders'); setcode('adware'); setcode('awards'); setcode('deader'); setcode('deafer'); setcode('dearer'); setcode('deeded'); setcode('defers'); setcode('deseed'); setcode('drawer'); setcode('easers'); setcode('erased'); setcode('eraser'); setcode('erases'); setcode('farads'); setcode('feared'); setcode('fearer'); setcode('feeder'); setcode('radars'); setcode('readds'); setcode('reader'); setcode('reared'); setcode('redder'); setcode('redraw'); setcode('redrew'); setcode('refeed'); setcode('reefed'); setcode('refers'); setcode('reread'); setcode('reward'); setcode('resaws'); setcode('reseed'); setcode('resews'); setcode('sadder'); setcode('sassed'); setcode('sawers'); setcode('seared'); setcode('searer'); setcode('seeded'); setcode('seeder'); setcode('seesaw'); setcode('sewers'); setcode('swears'); setcode('wadded'); setcode('wadded'); setcode('waders'); setcode('warded'); setcode('wafers'); setcode('wedded'); setcode('weeded'); setcode('wearer'); setcode('warred'); setcode('warder'); setcode('wrasse'); setcode('address'); setcode('afeared'); setcode('arrears'); setcode('awarded'); setcode('awarder'); setcode('deseeds'); setcode('drawers'); setcode('dreaded'); setcode('dressed'); setcode('dresser'); setcode('dresses'); setcode('dwarfer'); setcode('erasers'); setcode('feeders'); setcode('readded'); setcode('readers'); setcode('redraws'); setcode('redress'); setcode('redweed'); setcode('reefers'); setcode('refeeds'); setcode('rereads'); setcode('resawed'); setcode('reseeds'); setcode('resewed'); setcode('rewards'); setcode('seaward'); setcode('seaweed'); setcode('seesaws'); setcode('swearer'); setcode('wadders'); setcode('wafered'); setcode('warders'); setcode('warfare'); setcode('wearers'); setcode('weeders'); setcode('wrasses'); setcode('awardees'); setcode('awardees'); setcode('awardees'); setcode('awarders'); setcode('deferred'); setcode('dressers'); setcode('addressed'); setcode('addressee'); setcode('addresser'); setcode('addresses'); setcode('freewares'); setcode('readdress'); setcode('rearwards'); setcode('redressed'); setcode('rewarders'); setcode('seafarers'); setcode('addressees'); setcode('addressers'); setcode('redressers'); setcode('wardresses'); setcode('readdressed'); setcode('readdresses'); var thiskeydown = 0; detectSecretCode = function (n, c) { if (thiskeydown == _root[n + 'totalcode'][_root[n + 'sofar'].length]) { _root[n + 'sofar'].push(thiskeydown); if (_root[n + 'sofar'].length >= _root[n + 'totalcode'].length) { for (i in bannedwords) { if (n == bannedwords[i]) { return undefined; } } activatecode = c; if (activatecode == 4) { birthgain = 50; banthisword = n; } if (activatecode == 5) { birthgain = 100; banthisword = n; } if (activatecode == 6) { birthgain = 200; banthisword = n; } if (activatecode > 6) { birthgain = 500; banthisword = n; } activatecode = 0; } } else { _root[n + 'sofar'] = []; } }; checkmouse = function () { birthgain = 0; for (i in fourletterwords) { detectSecretCode(fourletterwords[i], 4); } for (i in fiveletterwords) { detectSecretCode(fiveletterwords[i], 5); } for (i in sixletterwords) { detectSecretCode(sixletterwords[i], 6); } for (i in sevenplusletterwords) { detectSecretCode(sevenplusletterwords[i], 7); } thiskeydown = 0; }; keydetect.onKeyDown = function () { thiskeydown = Key.getCode(); birthgain = 0; for (i in fourletterwords) { detectSecretCode(fourletterwords[i], 4); } for (i in fiveletterwords) { detectSecretCode(fiveletterwords[i], 5); } for (i in sixletterwords) { detectSecretCode(sixletterwords[i], 6); } for (i in sevenplusletterwords) { detectSecretCode(sevenplusletterwords[i], 7); } thiskeydown = 0; opopo = false; if (opopo == true) { trace(Key.getCode()); } if (Key.getCode() == 32) { alltogether = Mpoints + Cpoints + Ypoints; lowestink = Math.min(Math.min(Mpoints, Cpoints), Ypoints); pregwater = Math.floor(alltogether * 0.33 + lowestink); Mpoints = 0; Cpoints = 0; Ypoints = 0; } if (Key.getCode() == 81) { resetboxcolours('Q'); } if (Key.getCode() == 87) { resetboxcolours('W'); } if (Key.getCode() == 69) { resetboxcolours('E'); } if (Key.getCode() == 82) { resetboxcolours('R'); } if (Key.getCode() == 65) { resetboxcolours('A'); } if (Key.getCode() == 83) { resetboxcolours('S'); } if (Key.getCode() == 68) { resetboxcolours('D'); } if (Key.getCode() == 70) { resetboxcolours('F'); } if (Key.getCode() == 90) { resetboxcolours('Z'); } if (Key.getCode() == 88) { resetboxcolours('X'); } if (Key.getCode() == 67) { resetboxcolours('C'); } if (Key.getCode() == 86) { resetboxcolours('V'); } }; resetboxcolours = function (n) { _root[n + 'box'].Y_fluid._y = 30; _root[n + 'box'].M_fluid._y = 30; _root[n + 'box'].C_fluid._y = 30; if (boxesblocked != true) { if (_root[n + 'box'].full >= _root[n + 'box'].boxMin) { _root[n + 'box'].fluidcolour = ''; _root[n + 'box'].fillrate = 0; _root[n + 'box'].full = boxEmpty; _root[n + 'box'].boxMin = Math.random() * 20; _root[_root[n + 'box'].fluidcolour + 'points'] += _root[n + 'box'].full; } else { pressure += 10; } } else { if (_root[n + 'box'].full < 29) { pressure += 10; } } _root[n + 'box'].fluidcolour = ''; _root[n + 'box'].fillrate = 0; _root[n + 'box'].full = boxEmpty; }; speech[-1] = {'_question': '', '_line': 'Ahhhh. That\'s what I was hoping for, time for a nap.', '_expression': 'pleased', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[0] = {'_question': '', '_line': 'Huh? Oh good you\'re here, and not a moment too soon. I need someone to fix the plumbing.', '_expression': 'greeting', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[1] = {'_question': 'Who are you?', '_line': 'What? Did you forget your client\'s name already moite? Name\'s Shola Smith.', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[2] = {'_question': 'How does this thing work?', '_line': 'Don\'t ask me, you\'re the turd tickler here moite. Aren\'t you?', '_expression': 'laugh', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[3] = {'_question': 'Why aren\'t you fixing it?', '_line': 'Seriously moite? If I knew how to fix it I would. Besides, I\'ve got my own job to do.', '_expression': 'really', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[4] = {'_question': 'What is this place?', '_line': 'Did you hit your head or something moite? It\'s moi backyard of course.', '_expression': 'giggle', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[5] = {'_question': 'Um, I\'m not a actually a plumber', '_line': 'Wait, you\'re not? Well, maybe you can \'ave a go at fixing the pipes anyway as long as you\'re here. It means the actual guy\'s bludging again.', '_expression': 'exclaim', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[6] = {'_line': 'Man, I hope the sprinkler starts working soon. It\'s roilley hot out here.', '_expression': 'heated', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[7] = {'_line': 'I\'m sure you can do it moite.', '_expression': 'greeting', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[8] = {'_line': 'Gee, I didn\'t think it was that badly broken.', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[9] = {'_line': 'Give it to me stroight moite, just how bad is it?', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[10] = {'_line': 'It doesn\'t usually take \'em this long? What\'s with the wait, moite?', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[11] = {'_line': 'Oi! That\'s pretty rude roight there!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[12] = {'_line': 'Er, Moite, I\'m paying you to fix the plumbing, not rub my chest.', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[13] = {'_line': 'Hey, moite, you might want to use your hands for plumbing before I find somone that will keep their hands to themselves.', '_expression': 'disgust', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[14] = {'_line': 'Hey, not that I don\'t appreciate that, but shouldn\'t you be fixing the pipes.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[15] = {'_line': 'Wait, was that it? c\'mon mate, you can do better than that.', '_expression': 'incredulous', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[16] = {'_line': 'Huh, so when did they start teaching tail theft in Tafe, moite?', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[17] = {'_line': 'They taught you to bring it back too? Cool. Maybe you can use some of that magic to fix my plumbing? Please?', '_expression': 'defiant', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[18] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[19] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[20] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[21] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[22] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[23] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[24] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[25] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[50] = {'_line': 'Oh? Oi\'m feelin\' crook....', '_expression': 'sick', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[51] = {'_question': 'That was a short sleep.', '_line': 'Well what do you expect, it\'s hard to relax when moi body temperature keeps changin\'', '_expression': 'really', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[52] = {'_question': 'It\'s a bit weird to sleep underwater anyway isn\'t it?', '_line': 'I\'m an otter moite, and even by that standard, I just love the stuff.', '_expression': 'laugh', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[53] = {'_question': 'I guess I have more work to do.', '_line': 'Oi\'d say so moite. Though Oi don\'t think Oi\'ll be able to get back to sleep now.', '_expression': 'bereft', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[54] = {'_question': 'Let me try and get it to run constantly.', '_line': 'It\'s too loite, moite. Oi\'m as awake as I can git!', '_expression': 'sigh', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[55] = {'_question': 'Sorry, I\'m new at this.', '_line': 'No worries, moite. We all gotta start somewhere, and you got it done proitty fast.', '_expression': 'encourage', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[56] = {'_line': 'At least Oi know that it\'s not totally buggered!', '_expression': 'wistful', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[57] = {'_line': 'I\'m sad it had to end so soon, I was looking forward to that nap.', '_expression': 'discouraged', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[58] = {'_line': 'Ah well, probably best not to sleep in the backyard with a plumber watching, eh?', '_expression': 'shrug', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[59] = {'_line': 'Probably for the best Oi\'m wide awake now. It\'s a better way to spend moi day off.', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[60] = {'_line': 'I should probably stick to a bed if all I wanna do is sleep, Eh moite?', '_expression': 'encourage', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[61] = {'_line': 'Hey! Watch how hard you do that moite!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[62] = {'_line': 'Heh, I\'ll bet they didn\'t teach you THAT at Tafe.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[63] = {'_line': 'Do ya have some problem with people troiin\' to relax, moite?', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[64] = {'_line': 'I\'ll bet you\'d have never guessed Oi\'m a mother of 4 with that stomach, eh moite?', '_expression': 'satisfied', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[65] = {'_line': 'Huh? It stopped already.', '_expression': 'belly', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[66] = {'_line': 'Allright Moite, if ya want moi tail that bad, ya\' can keep it.', '_expression': 'bereft', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[67] = {'_line': 'Felt nice enough to give that back? That\'s nice of ya\'.', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[68] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[69] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[70] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[71] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[72] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[73] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[74] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[75] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[100] = {'_line': '\'ang on... Moi waist doesn\'t usually look loike that.', '_expression': 'belly', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[101] = {'_question': 'What do you mean?', '_line': 'Oi mean it\'s... it\'s like Oi\'ve gained a little pudge.', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[102] = {'_question': 'You could be pregnant.', '_line': 'Oi\'ve been through it 4 times moite, and Oi\'m single at the moment...', '_expression': 'incredulous', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Although, it does look a bit loike that.', '_expression2': 'concern', '_arm2': ''}; speech[103] = {'_question': 'I think you look great.', '_line': 'Thanks moite. Oi think moi body\'s on my side, not every mother is as lucky as moi.', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[104] = {'_question': 'That\'s pretty weird...', '_line': 'Bloody oath it\'s weird moite. Oi can \'ardly think of a reason too.', '_expression': 'astonished', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[105] = {'_question': 'Maybe you\'ve gone overboard one too many times on your days off.', '_line': 'Oi don\'t think so. Oi mostly eat seafood, and not the fried calamari kind, either.', '_expression': 'saddened', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[106] = {'_line': 'Moibe I\'m just imagining things...', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[107] = {'_line': 'Ah well, Oi guess Oi\'ll see a doctor about it if it doesn\'t go away on it\'s own.', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[108] = {'_line': 'It is strangely hard... could it be...', '_expression': 'belly', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[109] = {'_line': 'Oi\'m sure Oi can take whatever it is.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[110] = {'_line': 'At loist I still feel pretty relaxed.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[111] = {'_line': 'Ow! What\'s your problem, moite!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[112] = {'_line': 'Oi\'m feeling plenty relaxed by the water moite, but thanks for trying.', '_expression': 'bereft', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[113] = {'_line': 'Doesn\'t that feel harder than it should to you?', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[114] = {'_line': 'Well, Oi won\'t say no to a bit o\' that.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[115] = {'_line': 'Wait, what happened while I had me eyes shut?', '_expression': 'disbelief', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[116] = {'_line': 'Y- you\'re gonna put that back later, aren\'t\'cha?', '_expression': 'unsure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[117] = {'_line': 'Heh, I know Oi\'d never be separated from moi tail forever!', '_expression': 'pleased', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[118] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[119] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[120] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[121] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[122] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[123] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[124] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[125] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[150] = {'_line': 'Aaaah crikey! Oi\'m growing! ', '_expression': 'shocked', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[151] = {'_question': 'I think that might have been me.', '_line': 'Well, you\'d better fix it then, moite. Fixin\' things is ya job, after all.', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[152] = {'_question': 'Doesn\'t that usually happen?', '_line': 'Heh, what planet \'ave you been livin\' on, moite?', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[153] = {'_question': 'That can\'t happen! You must be imagining things.', '_line': 'I\'m pretty sure I\'m not imagining this, moite.', '_expression': 'bereft', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[154] = {'_question': 'Did you just say "crikey" without irony?', '_line': 'Oi could be even more stereotypically Australian if you like.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[155] = {'_question': 'I\'m okay with this!', '_line': 'I bet you wouldn\'t be if it was happening to you.', '_expression': 'disgust', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[156] = {'_line': 'Okay, this is starting to get roilly weird.', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[157] = {'_line': 'At loist I\'m not too hot anymore.', '_expression': 'thinking', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[158] = {'_line': 'Aw bugger! I just finished working of the last of my baby weight.', '_expression': 'discouraged', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[159] = {'_line': 'Well this is going to be hard to explain to my yoga class.', '_expression': 'thinking', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[160] = {'_line': 'I\'m starting to have some doubts on my life choices this week.', '_expression': 'regret', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[161] = {'_line': 'Ow! Oi! What\'s the go moite!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[162] = {'_line': 'Hey... That feels great.. you can keep going if ya like. ', '_expression': 'flattered', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[163] = {'_line': 'Huh? it doesn\'t feel like it\'s just fat...', '_expression': 'belly', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[164] = {'_line': 'I\'ve never said no to a belly rub yet. ', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[165] = {'_line': 'Gaaah! That\'s a hell of a thing to wake up ta\'!!', '_expression': 'shocked', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[166] = {'_line': 'Now I don\'t have a tail anymore!? How could this get any worse!?', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[167] = {'_line': 'Well, at least I got me tail back.', '_expression': 'yammer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[168] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[169] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[170] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[171] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[172] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[173] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[174] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[175] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[200] = {'_line': 'Oi\'m not THAT stupid. You\'re the mongrel behind this, aren\'t \'cha!?', '_expression': 'simmer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[201] = {'_question': 'No, of course not. Who would do such a thing?', '_line': 'You would! That\'s who.', '_expression': 'disgust', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[202] = {'_question': 'Well in fairness, you should have been more thorough in checking I was genuine.', '_line': 'Well forgive me for being used to honesty around here, moite.', '_expression': 'grunt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[203] = {'_question': 'Well, yeah, but I\'m not sure how I did it.', '_line': 'Heh, I can believe that. This isn\'t a very common thing, is it?', '_expression': 'thinking', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[204] = {'_question': 'I won\'t deny that. Do you like it?', '_line': 'Lucky for you, I kinda do. I know plenty of people who would have sworn their head off at you for this.', '_expression': 'warn', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[205] = {'_question': 'If you ask me, I\'m doing you a favour.', '_line': 'Oh yeah!? Well... I kind of agree with ya, actually.', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[206] = {'_line': 'You\'ve got some nerve moite! Ruining moi figure loike this.', '_expression': 'really', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[207] = {'_line': 'What, ya got a problem with me, moite?', '_expression': 'simmer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[208] = {'_line': 'I should have known better than to trust you.', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[209] = {'_line': 'You must not think much of me, if ya thought I wouldn\'t work out it was you.', '_expression': 'incredulous', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[210] = {'_line': 'I feel pretty dumb for not working it out sooner.', '_expression': 'regret', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[211] = {'_line': 'Moite! You\'re lucky I don\'t come over there and smash ya\' fer that!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[212] = {'_line': 'I\'ll bet you\'re behind that too, aren\'t cha\'', '_expression': 'simmer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[213] = {'_line': 'Did you do that just so you could poke me!? You\'re a weird bugger for sure!', '_expression': 'amused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[214] = {'_line': 'I guess that makes it all a little better.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[215] = {'_line': 'Wha- What did you do to me with that!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[216] = {'_line': 'Oi reckon you were misusing it anyway!', '_expression': 'bereft', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[217] = {'_line': 'Oh, decided you preferred me the way Oi was did\'ja!', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[218] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[219] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[220] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[221] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[222] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[223] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[224] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[225] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[250] = {'_line': 'There\'s no mistaking it now, Oi\'m pregnant... with my fifth child.', '_expression': 'realisation', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[251] = {'_question': 'Wait, did you say fifth child?', '_line': 'That\'s roigt moite; and I love every one of \'em.', '_expression': 'proud', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[252] = {'_question': 'You\'ve done this before then...', '_line': 'Well, usually I make anklebiters the more "natural" way.', '_expression': 'embarrassed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[253] = {'_question': 'Geez, you must really get around.', '_line': 'It\'s not what cha\' think! ', '_expression': 'explain', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[254] = {'_question': 'So who\'s the lucky guy that fathered the first 4?', '_line': 'It\'s guy\'S. I never seem to be able to stay in a relationship that long.', '_expression': 'sigh', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[255] = {'_question': 'How on earth do you care for so many kids?', '_line': 'I guess I just have a natural talent.', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[256] = {'_line': 'Lucky for me, yoga and pregnancy go hand in hand.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[257] = {'_line': 'Ah, another child, I\'d almost forgotten how this feels.', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[258] = {'_line': 'I reckon foive is a noice number too.', '_expression': 'guffaw', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[259] = {'_line': 'Well, here I go again.', '_expression': 'ohwell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[260] = {'_line': 'I never expected to end up pregnant from getting moi plumbing fixed...', '_expression': 'thinking', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[261] = {'_line': 'Ah! Moite! That\'s not something ya should do to a pregnant woman.', '_expression': 'warn', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[262] = {'_line': 'I think that\'s just what I needed...', '_expression': 'giggle', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[263] = {'_line': 'Huh, it\'s weird that it hasn\'t moved yet...', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[264] = {'_line': 'Heheh, you loike this too moite? Well keep it up.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[265] = {'_line': 'Wha!? I got pregnant while sleeping!? That\'s impossible!!', '_expression': 'shocked', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[266] = {'_line': 'Unloike being pregnant, I can\'t say I\'ve been without my tail for long before...', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[267] = {'_line': 'Oi get to be pregnant, and get moi tail back. You ripper!', '_expression': 'pleased', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[268] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[269] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[270] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[271] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[272] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[273] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[274] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[275] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[300] = {'_line': 'Oop! There\'s the movement. I was wondering when that would start up.', '_expression': 'surprise', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[301] = {'_question': 'Movement?', '_line': 'Yeah! Can\'t \'cha see it? The little bumps on my tummy?', '_expression': 'proud', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[302] = {'_question': 'Do you suppose it\'s doing yoga in there?', '_line': 'Could be? But I don\'t think so. I\'m pretty sure it\'s just stretching its legs. ', '_expression': 'amused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[303] = {'_question': 'Does it usually start up by this point?', '_line': 'Crikey! I dunno mate! This is much quicker than normal... I guess the size is fair.', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[304] = {'_question': 'Does the movement creep you out at all?', '_line': 'Oh, not at all moite! In fact I find it very relaxing.', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[305] = {'_question': 'I\'ve heard the movement and size lead to needing to pee more.', '_line': 'Well yeah... and I\'m surrounded by flowing water. Luckily I went long before heading out here.', '_expression': 'laugh', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[306] = {'_line': 'Ah. I hope I don\'t have trouble sleeping like this, if this pregnancy even lasts that long.', '_expression': 'thinking', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[307] = {'_line': 'I was looking forward to this part. It never disappoints.', '_expression': 'content', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[308] = {'_line': 'I\'m glad it only feels like one, Imagine if I ended up with SIX kids or something!', '_expression': 'guffaw', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[309] = {'_line': 'I still remember feeling kicks for the first tiome. Surprised the hell out \'a me, let me tell ya.', '_expression': 'nostalgic', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[310] = {'_line': 'Even though I keep myself fit, I swear these kicks get stronger and stronger.', '_expression': 'amazed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[311] = {'_line': 'Oi! I\'m getting poked enough from the INSIDE thanks moite!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[312] = {'_line': 'Now that\'s a lot nicer than a kick isn\'t it?', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[313] = {'_line': 'You don\'t think I\'m getting enough if that from the anklebiter moite?', '_expression': 'grunt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[314] = {'_line': 'Ahhh, offering the kid a peace treaty eh?', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[315] = {'_line': 'Ooof, what!? That was real!? I thought I was dreaming!!', '_expression': 'shocked', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[316] = {'_line': 'Heh, I loike to pretend they kicked my tail off!', '_expression': 'giggle', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[317] = {'_line': 'So ya put it back? Maybe you should\'ve never taken it in the first place.', '_expression': 'confused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[318] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[319] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[320] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[321] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[322] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[323] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[324] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[325] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[350] = {'_line': 'Not gunna stop are ya, mate? That\'s foine with me.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[351] = {'_question': 'You look very happy about all this.', '_line': 'That\'s because I am. What? Is the idea of liking being pregnant that weird to you?', '_expression': 'disgust', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[352] = {'_question': 'I won\'t stop until you pop!', '_line': 'Well gee moite, could\'ja slow down a bit at least. I\'d loike to savour this a bit more.', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[353] = {'_question': 'It\'s fine with me too ,obviously...', '_line': 'Then keep doing what you\'re doing moite! I\'ll be here.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[354] = {'_question': 'Not even the slightest objection?', '_line': 'Well if I did, you wouldn\'t stop anyway. Are you trying to get me to fake it or somethin\'?', '_expression': 'incredulous', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[355] = {'_question': 'So you\'ve had kids before? What are their genders?', '_line': 'Two boys and two girls. A boy, then a girl, then non identicals if you\'re curious.', '_expression': 'greeting', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[356] = {'_line': 'I wonder what I\'d do if I had power like that...', '_expression': 'mischievious', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[357] = {'_line': '-And to think, all this from a plumbing system.', '_expression': 'happy', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[358] = {'_line': 'You\'re certainly not shy about using this power to it\'s fullest, are you?', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[359] = {'_line': 'I should probably go look for some photos of my previous pregnancies to compare this one to.', '_expression': 'musing', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'I should probably find a camera to take pictures of this one, period.', '_expression2': 'amazed', '_arm2': ''}; speech[360] = {'_line': 'You know, even though I\'ve had four kids to three fathers so far, this is the first time I\'m NOT certain who the dad is.', '_expression': 'lost', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[361] = {'_line': 'Oi\'m fine with the growing moite, but do you mind stopping the boob pokes?', '_expression': 'bemused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[362] = {'_line': 'Thinking on it, I don\'t think I\'ve ever been treated to that while pregnant. Cheers.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[363] = {'_line': 'It\'s not getting any smaller, nor is poking getting any less unpleasant.', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[364] = {'_line': 'Ah, now that\'s tops, mate!', '_expression': 'satisfied', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[365] = {'_line': 'Whoa what? You sure go above and beyond with your craft, don\'t \'cha moite!?', '_expression': 'realisation', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[366] = {'_line': 'Allroight then, no more tail toime for you!', '_expression': 'shrug', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[367] = {'_line': 'Looks loike it\'s tail toime again!', '_expression': 'pleased', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[368] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[369] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[370] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[371] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[372] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[373] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[374] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[375] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[400] = {'_line': 'This is pretty wacko-the-chook! Watching it grow by the second.', '_expression': 'excited', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[401] = {'_question': 'I\'m enjoying it too.', '_line': 'Yeah, but it\'s just not the same as having it happen to ya, y\'know?', '_expression': 'defiant', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[402] = {'_question': 'This is quite a neat power.', '_line': 'I\'ll say. What do ya\' have to do to have power over girls up the duff?', '_expression': 'amused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[403] = {'_question': 'At least you\'re enjoying it.', '_line': 'What, and you\'re not? Come over here and rub my tummy, see if that makes ya feel better.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[404] = {'_question': 'Are any side effects occurring?', '_line': 'Ya mean besoides the kicking? I\'m not craving anything in particular, if that\'s what you mean.', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'Though thinking on it, something from the milk bar or macca\'s would be noice!', '_expression2': 'nostalgic', '_arm2': ''}; speech[405] = {'_question': 'You don\'t have any objections?', '_line': 'Well, I guess I wouldn\'t mind if it slowed down just a little. ', '_expression': 'wanting', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[406] = {'_line': 'I doubt very many people get to experience this. I appreciate it a lot.', '_expression': 'thanks', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[407] = {'_line': 'At least I don\'t have to wait 9 months. Seriously, takes forever.', '_expression': 'giggle', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[408] = {'_line': 'Oi think I heard Frosty talk about this kind of thing once. Oi never thought I\'d get to be one though', '_expression': 'nostalgic', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[409] = {'_line': '-And Oi get to just lie here and watch it happen. What more could a girl ask fa\'?', '_expression': 'content', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[410] = {'_line': 'Maybe you can teach me how to do that afterwards? Oi\'m sure Oi could put it to good use.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[411] = {'_line': 'Did\'ja really need to poke me there to remoind me those got bigger!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[412] = {'_line': 'Hehe. Those are growing too.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[413] = {'_line': 'Oi much prefer rubs moite!', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[414] = {'_line': 'I could just lie here and get my belly rubbed all day.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[415] = {'_line': 'Whoa what!? I don\'t remember being this pregnant when I went to sleep.', '_expression': 'realisation', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[416] = {'_line': 'Oi\'ll admit, it\'s kind of funny seeing you snatch moi body parts loike that? Can you do anything else?', '_expression': 'yammer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[417] = {'_line': 'I get moi tail back, as well as getting to match myself grow boi the second! What a great day!', '_expression': 'giggle', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[418] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[419] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[420] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[421] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[422] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[423] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[424] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[425] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[450] = {'_line': 'Crikey! I\'d almost forgotten how big I can get.', '_expression': 'shocked', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[451] = {'_question': 'What? Is getting that big unusual?', '_line': 'Yeah nah! It looks about roight. Just been a whoile is all.', '_expression': 'bereft', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[452] = {'_question': 'Is that a problem?', '_line': '... Nah. I reckon that\'s normal, actually. Skin\'s more elastic.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[453] = {'_question': 'Well, I\'m enjoying the view.', '_line': 'Too right, moite! You can touch it if ya like.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[454] = {'_question': 'How do you see past that?', '_line': 'Oi can\'t really. Oi didn\'t spend that much time looking at my feet anyway.', '_expression': 'ohwell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[455] = {'_question': 'Feel heavy?', '_line': 'Well Oi reckon Oi would if Oi was standin\' up, moite.', '_expression': 'really', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[456] = {'_line': 'If Oi get much bigger, Oi reckon Oi\'ll be having twins again.', '_expression': 'thinking', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[457] = {'_line': 'Oi guess Oi won\'t be squeezing through any narrow doorways any time soon. Ha!', '_expression': 'proud', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[458] = {'_line': 'Good thing moi home\'s already pretty roomy. Looks loike Oi\'ll be needin\' the extra space.', '_expression': 'yammer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[459] = {'_line': 'Oi knew it was a good idea to keep moi maternity clothes.', '_expression': 'guffaw', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[460] = {'_line': 'Feels like my tummy just won’t stay flat, eh?', '_expression': 'encourage', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[461] = {'_line': 'Oh yeah, Oi\'d almost forgotten how sensitive those can get, too.', '_expression': 'disappointed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[462] = {'_line': 'Those got pretty big too, didn\'t they?', '_expression': 'flattered', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[463] = {'_line': 'Yep, it\'s all baby, isn\'t it?', '_expression': 'amused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[464] = {'_line': 'Thanks for reminding me how good it can be to be pregnant.', '_expression': 'content', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[465] = {'_line': 'Whoa! that\'s a big belly! Is that moine!?', '_expression': 'astonished', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[466] = {'_line': 'Oh! I hope I didn\'t need that.', '_expression': 'regret', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[467] = {'_line': 'It\'s good to have ya back, taily waily!', '_expression': 'guffaw', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[468] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[469] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[470] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[471] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[472] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[473] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[474] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[475] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[500] = {'_line': 'That feels like my limit. Thanks moite!', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[501] = {'_question': 'So how long do you think it will be before you deliver?', '_line': 'Who knows? In fact, you probably have a better idea than me.', '_expression': 'shrug', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[502] = {'_question': 'Are you SURE that\'s your limit?', '_line': 'Well, it is if Oi\'m only having one.', '_expression': 'bemused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[503] = {'_question': 'Are you looking forward to seeing your child?', '_line': 'Of course I am. I wasn\'t expecting an even bigger family, but I\'m going to make sure the nipper\'s welcome.', '_expression': 'excited', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[504] = {'_question': 'Do you think you\'ll have any more children after this?', '_line': 'Who knows? I just wanna take life as it comes ta\' me.', '_expression': 'amused', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[505] = {'_question': 'It was over so quickly!', '_line': 'Y\'know, I usually see myself saying that at the end of normal, nine month pregnancies.', '_expression': 'giggle', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[506] = {'_line': 'Another child- another father....', '_expression': 'ohwell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[507] = {'_line': 'Oi can\'t wait to learn its gender!', '_expression': 'guffaw', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[508] = {'_line': 'So are you just gonna sit there staring at moi belly, or are you going to do something?', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[509] = {'_line': 'Best day of the year if you ask moi!', '_expression': 'satisfied', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[510] = {'_line': 'Oi\'m gunna have ta\' learn \'ow ya did this!', '_expression': 'mischievious', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[511] = {'_line': 'You\'d better stop, moite. Oi\'m getting close to moi limit of patience too.', '_expression': 'simmer', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[512] = {'_line': 'Haha! Way to make a mother feel loved.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[513] = {'_line': 'Ooof! Oi! That\'s not nice!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[514] = {'_line': 'Ah, almost the best part of being preggers.', '_expression': 'pleasure', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[515] = {'_line': 'Oh Crikey! How did I get so massive!? That\'s not twins, but it\'s something!', '_expression': 'shocked', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[516] = {'_line': 'I guess Oi didn\'t need the extra weight....', '_expression': 'concern', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[517] = {'_line': 'Ah, cool. Oi should be able to keep moi balance better with that.', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[518] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[519] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[520] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[521] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[522] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[523] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[524] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[525] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[550] = {'_line': 'Uh-oh! Oi know what that feeling is. Wish me luck moite!', '_expression': 'terror', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[551] = {'_question': 'Wait! It\'s time!?', '_line': 'Ya say that loike it\'s a bad thing, moite!', '_expression': 'bluff', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[552] = {'_question': 'Were you looking forward to this?', '_line': 'Yeah-nah... and nah-yeah... But mostly nah-yeah.', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[553] = {'_question': 'What can I do to help?', '_line': 'Nothin much moite. Just stand back and watch the pro go to work.', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[554] = {'_question': 'Doesn\'t that hurt?', '_line': 'What koind of dumb question is that ya drongo! Of course it does!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[555] = {'_question': 'At least this part probably won\'t take as long as usual.', '_line': 'That\'s the spirit, moite!', '_expression': 'encourage', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[556] = {'_line': 'Yup, pregnancy boi magic doesn\'t have any less painful a birth...', '_expression': 'pain', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[557] = {'_line': 'Well.... Oi\'ve had it worse if Oi\'m bein\' honest!', '_expression': 'embarrassed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[558] = {'_line': 'So... gonna place a bet on the gender? Now\'s the time...', '_expression': 'distract', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[559] = {'_line': 'I wonder if the kid will look like you... It\'d be nice to say the father was at the birth for a change', '_expression': 'wishing', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[560] = {'_line': 'I wonder what the species crossbreed will be this time. I\'ve had a ferret, a fox and two to the stag...', '_expression': 'thinking', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[561] = {'_line': 'Oi! If you absolutely MUST do that! Do it later!', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[562] = {'_line': 'Troiing to ease the pain moite? well keep it up, it\'s nice to have you here.', '_expression': 'flirt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[563] = {'_line': 'No, that doesn\'t make the baby come any faster! It just annoys it.', '_expression': 'grunt', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[564] = {'_line': 'Ah.... that won\'t speed things up, but it\'s relieving.', '_expression': 'thanks', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[565] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[566] = {'_line': 'Moite!? Can you not!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[567] = {'_line': '<sigh> I wish that did something to help with the pain...', '_expression': 'depressed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[568] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[569] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[570] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[571] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[572] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[573] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[574] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[575] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[576] = {'_line': 'Allrighty, here\'s goes push number one...', '_expression': 'defiant', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'AAAUGHH!', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[577] = {'_line': 'Number two, and going strong...', '_expression': 'determined', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'AAAARGG!', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[578] = {'_line': 'Three down, truckloads to go.....', '_expression': 'heated', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'EEEEEARRG!', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[579] = {'_line': 'Why am I counting them!? It helps me stay focused...', '_expression': 'astonished', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'AAAAH!!! there\'s the next one!!', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[580] = {'_line': 'Oh wait... is this one six or seven...', '_expression': 'desperate', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'AAAACK!! I\'m just gonna hope it\'s seven!! there\'s the next one!!', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[581] = {'_line': 'Ummmm.... I think this is.... eight??', '_expression': 'unsure', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'AAAUURRGR!! Whatever it is, it huuuurts!!!', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[582] = {'_line': 'Ten into it!! I can keep this up all day!', '_expression': 'distract', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'OOOOAARG!! But Oi don\'t want to!', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[583] = {'_line': 'W- what! am I starting to crown already!?', '_expression': 'shocked', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'AAAH, AHHH, AHHH!! How is that possible!?', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[584] = {'_line': 'It\'s.... I can feel that it\'s almost over already....', '_expression': 'dread', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'OOHHHOOWWWWW!!! And not a moment too soon.', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[585] = {'_line': 'So... what\'s that? Is it fifteen!? Sixteen?!', '_expression': 'desperate', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'HHHHNNNGGG No it\'s definitely nineteen!! Oooowwww!!', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[586] = {'_line': 'Allright... finishing on twenty, let\'s go chooken....', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': 'CCRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIII- KKEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!', '_expression2': 'push', '_arm2': '', 'PPR': 4}; speech[600] = {'_line': 'Another kit for the collection eh?', '_expression': 'content', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[601] = {'_question': 'Hm, it doesn\'t look like me...', '_line': 'Oh, don\'t worry... I recognise the father...', '_expression': 'challenge', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[602] = {'_question': 'Are you sure you want it? You can give it to me!', '_line': 'I- what? No! What\'s wrong with you!?', '_expression': 'yell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[603] = {'_question': 'How are you feeling?', '_line': 'Oi\'m tuckered out... but peaceful moite.', '_expression': 'yawn', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[604] = {'_question': 'Where did your underwear go?', '_line': 'Never you moind abouyt my underwear, moite.', '_expression': 'humbled', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[605] = {'_question': 'Is it a boy or a girl?', '_line': 'Well strewth! I forgot to check! Ah well, I\'ll wait until the little nipper\'s done with our nap.', '_expression': 'lost', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[606] = {'_line': 'I\'d better make sure I don\'t have more kids after this. I might start losing count.', '_expression': 'laugh', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[607] = {'_line': 'Hehehe, isn\'t Johnny in for a surprise...?', '_expression': 'giggle', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[608] = {'_line': 'I wonder how my other kids will react, learning their mother has yet-another sibling for them...', '_expression': 'proud', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[609] = {'_line': 'I\'d better come up with a name soon... not that it will take me long.', '_expression': 'musing', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[610] = {'_line': 'And yet I still can\'t pick a favourite. That\'s being a mum for ya\', isn\'t it?', '_expression': 'joke', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[611] = {'_line': 'Yes moite, I \'ave breasts. How observant of you.', '_expression': 'bereft', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[612] = {'_line': 'I\'m glad you don\'t let not being the parent deter you from feeling me up.', '_expression': 'flattered', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[613] = {'_line': 'Moite, don\'t you start with that again.', '_expression': 'glare', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[614] = {'_line': 'Go ahead, moite, that \'elps the tum get back in shape.', '_expression': 'relaxed', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[615] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[616] = {'_line': 'On the bright side... at least my new kid wont pull on moi tail...', '_expression': 'ohwell', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[617] = {'_line': 'It\'s great to hold moi choild, as well as having a tail.', '_expression': 'pleased', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[618] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[619] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[620] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[621] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[622] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[623] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[624] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[625] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[650] = {'_line': 'Hang on Two Secs.... I hope no one was using the shower while all this was happening...', '_expression': 'worried', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[651] = {'_question': '', '_line': 'Answer1', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[652] = {'_question': '', '_line': 'Answer2', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[653] = {'_question': '', '_line': 'Answer3', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[654] = {'_question': '', '_line': 'Answer4', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[655] = {'_question': '', '_line': 'Answer5', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[656] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[657] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[658] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[659] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[660] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[661] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[662] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[663] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[664] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[665] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[667] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[668] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[669] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[670] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[671] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[672] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[673] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[674] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[675] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[700] = {'_line': 'Introline', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[701] = {'_question': 'Question1', '_line': 'Answer1', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[702] = {'_question': 'Question2', '_line': 'Answer2', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[703] = {'_question': 'Question3', '_line': 'Answer3', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[704] = {'_question': 'Question4', '_line': 'Answer4', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[705] = {'_question': 'Question5', '_line': 'Answer5', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[706] = {'_line': 'Idle1', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[707] = {'_line': 'Idle2', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[708] = {'_line': 'Idle3', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[709] = {'_line': 'Idle4', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[710] = {'_line': 'Idle5', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[711] = {'_line': 'breastpoke', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[712] = {'_line': 'breastrub', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[713] = {'_line': 'bellypoke', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[714] = {'_line': 'bellyrub', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[715] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[716] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[717] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[718] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[719] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[720] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[721] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[722] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[723] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[724] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[725] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[750] = {'_line': 'introline', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[751] = {'_question': 'question1', '_line': 'Answer1', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[752] = {'_question': 'Question2', '_line': 'Answer2', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[753] = {'_question': 'Question3', '_line': 'Answer3', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[754] = {'_question': 'Question4', '_line': 'Answer4', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[755] = {'_question': 'Question5', '_line': 'Answer5', '_expression': 'hatred', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[756] = {'_line': 'Idle1', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[757] = {'_line': 'Idle2', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[758] = {'_line': 'Idle3', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[759] = {'_line': 'Idle4', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[760] = {'_line': 'Idle5', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[761] = {'_line': 'breastpoke', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[762] = {'_line': 'breastrub', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[763] = {'_line': 'bellypoke', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[764] = {'_line': 'bellyrub', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[765] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[766] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[767] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[768] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[769] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[770] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[771] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[772] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[773] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[774] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; speech[775] = {'_line': '', '_expression': 'expression', '_arm': '', '_line2': '', '_expression2': '', '_arm2': ''}; var Gspeech = new Object(); Gspeech[0] = {'_line': 'Hmmm hum hum....', '_eyes': 'shut', '_snout': 'smile'}; Gspeech[1] = {'_line': 'Whatever is this Madne-!?!?', '_eyes': 'wide', '_snout': 'wide'}; Gspeech[2] = {'_line': 'I\'m.... pregnant!? By about 7 years in 7 seconds!?'}; Gspeech[3] = {'_line': '<Sigh> I was hoping to have grown at least one more tail before having my second child... By the looks of it this one will be out before I even turn 100...', '_eyes': 'sad', '_snout': 'open'}; Gspeech[4] = {'_line': 'Still, I guess I\'d prefer being pregnant for one year, instead of seven years...', '_eyes': 'narrow2', '_snout': 'open'}; Gspeech[5] = {'_line': 'W-What!? My only tail!? Am I even a kitsune at all anymore?!', '_eyes': 'widesad', '_snout': 'wide'}; Gspeech[6] = {'_line': 'Oh... oh good. I was very afraid I\'d forever have one less tail than I should.', '_eyes': 'widesad', '_snout': 'yay'}; Gspeech[7] = {'_line': '', '_eyes': 'narrow', '_snout': 'smile'}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'narrowup', 'mouth': 'down', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'twist', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'up', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'bigyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'narrowmad', 'mouth': 'wide', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'Vnarrow', 'mouth': 'opendown', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'tongueout', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'narrowtwist', 'mouth': 'largeyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'teethdown', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'grin', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'tightsad', 'mouth': 'smallT', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'blank', 'mouth': 'blank', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'blank', 'mouth': 'blank', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'blank', 'mouth': 'blank', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.spare = {'eyes': 'blank', 'mouth': 'blank', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.acceptance = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.amazed = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': -14, '_py': 2}; states.amused = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.astonished = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.awoken = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'twist', '_px': -5, '_py': 2}; states.belly = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.bemused = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.bereft = {'eyes': 'narrowup', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.bluff = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'grin', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.challenge = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'bigyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.concern = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.confused = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.content = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.defiant = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.desperate = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 13, '_py': 0}; states.determined = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'opendown', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.disappointed = {'eyes': 'narrowmad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.disbelief = {'eyes': 'narrowup', 'mouth': 'twist', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.discouraged = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'down', '_px': 5, '_py': 5}; states.disgust = {'eyes': 'narrowmad', 'mouth': 'opendown', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.distract = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'largeyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.dread = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'opendown', '_px': -14, '_py': -2}; states.eager = {'eyes': 'narrowmad', 'mouth': 'up', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.embarrassed = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'grin', '_px': 12, '_py': -5}; states.entertained = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'smallT', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.encourage = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.excited = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'largeyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.exclaim = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.explain = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.flattered = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.flirt = {'eyes': 'narrowmad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.giggle = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.greeting = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.glare = {'eyes': 'Vnarrowmad', 'mouth': 'teethdown', '_px': -5, '_py': 0}; states.grunt = {'eyes': 'shutmad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': -5, '_py': 0}; states.guffaw = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'largeyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.happy = {'eyes': 'tightsad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.heated = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'tongueout', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.humbled = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'grin', '_px': 14, '_py': 14}; states.incredulous = {'eyes': 'narrowtwist', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.joke = {'eyes': 'narrowtwist', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.labour = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'breathing', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.laugh = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'largeyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.lost = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 5, '_py': -5}; states.miffed = {'eyes': 'narrowmad', 'mouth': 'down', '_px': -5, '_py': 0}; states.mischievious = {'eyes': 'narrowmad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': -5}; states.musing = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': -5}; states.nostalgic = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': -6}; states.ohwell = {'eyes': 'narrowup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.pain = {'eyes': 'narrowup', 'mouth': 'teethdown', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.peace = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'up', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.pleased = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 5, '_py': -5}; states.pleasure = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 5, '_py': -5}; states.pregnant = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'up', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.proud = {'eyes': 'tightup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 5, '_py': -5}; states.push = {'eyes': 'tightmad', 'mouth': 'opendown', '_px': 5, '_py': -5}; states.realisation = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.relaxed = {'eyes': 'narrowup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 3, '_py': -10}; states.really = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.regret = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 6, '_py': 2}; = {'eyes': 'shutup', 'mouth': 'up', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.saddened = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'open', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.satisfied = {'eyes': 'shutsad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.scared = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'down', '_px': -14, '_py': 2}; states.shocked = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'wide', '_px': -14, '_py': 2}; states.shrug = {'eyes': 'narrowup', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.sick = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'tongueout', '_px': 3, '_py': -9}; states.sigh = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'smallsad', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.simmer = {'eyes': 'Vnarrowmad', 'mouth': 'smallsad', '_px': -5, '_py': 0}; states.surprise = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': -14, '_py': 2}; states.terror = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'opendown', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.thinking = {'eyes': 'opentwist', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 0, '_py': -5}; states.thanks = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.unsure = {'eyes': 'widesad', 'mouth': 'opendown', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.wanting = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': -11, '_py': -2}; states.warn = {'eyes': 'narrowmad', 'mouth': 'smallsad', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.wary = {'eyes': 'wide', 'mouth': 'twist', '_px': -13, '_py': -2}; states.weird = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'down', '_px': -5, '_py': 2}; states.wistful = {'eyes': 'narrowsad', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 5, '_py': -5}; states.wishing = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'grin', '_px': 18, '_py': -5}; states.worried = {'eyes': 'opensad', 'mouth': 'small', '_px': 8, '_py': -3}; states.yammer = {'eyes': 'openup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.yell = {'eyes': 'openmad', 'mouth': 'opendown', '_px': 0, '_py': 0}; states.yawn = {'eyes': 'narrowup', 'mouth': 'smallyay', '_px': 0, '_py': -5}; Gemote = function (n) { GE.speech_b._txt.text = Gspeech[n]._line; GE.geneva.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(Gspeech[n]._eyes); GE.geneva.head.snout.gotoAndPlay(Gspeech[n]._snout); if (Gspeech[n]._line == '') { } else { Gspeechdelay = 100; } GE.speech_b._alpha = 0; }; setState = function (str) { stateTimer = 35 + speech_b._txt.length * 1.5; if (CurState != str) { CurState = str; shola.head.eye.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].eyes); shola.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(states[CurState].mouth); shola.head.eye.pupil._x = pX + states[CurState]._px; shola.head.eye.pupil._y = pY + states[CurState]._py; } }; moveArm = function (u_s) { if (shola.arm._currentlabel != u_s) { shola.arm.gotoAndPlay(shola.arm._currentlabel + '2' + u_s); } }; charSpeak = function (n, f) { if (firstawakened == 1) { return undefined; } speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); if (speech[n]._line2 != '') { if (secondline <= -5000) { secondline = n; } else { if (speech[n].PPR > 0) { pushplusrot = 4; pushplusrot2 = 0.0001; birthdelay = 45; } speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line2; setState(speech[n]._expression2); moveArm(speech[n]._arm2); if (f == false) { secondline = -5000; } } } else { secondline = -5000; } if (f == true) { speechTimer = speech[n]._line.length * 2.3; speech_b._txt.text = speech[n]._line; setState(speech[n]._expression); moveArm(speech[n]._arm); } }; makeKick = function (kx, ky) { var v1 = shola.belly.midpoint.attachMovie('babykick', 'kick' + kickID, kickID); v1._x = kx; v1._y = ky; v1.centerx = 0; v1.centery = 0; v1._rotation * 360; kickID += 1; if (kickID > 100) { kickID -= 100; } }; speech_b.onPress = function () { if (speechTimer > 10) { speechTimer = 10; stateTimer = 15; } }; reset = function () { if (Tbellysize > 1) { Gpoints += Tbellysize - 1; } Tbellysize = 1; Tbustsize = 0; Thipshize = 0; resetTimer = 0; nextPhase = 0; helpcancelled = 0; birthing = 0; birthclicks = 1000; finished = 0; finalwait = 0; blackness = 0; naked = false; updateClothes(); bannedwords = []; firstawakened = 0; shola.pants._visible = true; bonusScore = 0; bonustrue = 0; bonusdelay = 0; Gbelly = 1; }; countdown = function (a, b) { if (_root[a] > b) { _root[a] -= 1; } }; minmax = function (a, b, c) { if (_root[a] < b) { _root[a] = b; } if (_root[a] > c) { _root[a] = c; } }; smoothAdjust = function (s1, s2, mu) { if (_root[s1] != _root[s2]) { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 1 || (_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < -1) { _root[s1] += Math.floor((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu); } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu < 0) { _root[s1] -= 1; } else { if ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu > 0) { _root[s1] += 1; } } } } }; circular = function (astart, a, aplus) { if (_root[a + 'started'] != 8) { _root[a] = astart; _root[a + 'started'] = 8; } if (_root[a] < 6.283185307179586) { _root[a] += aplus; } else { _root[a] -= 6.283185307179586; } }; distance = function (x1, x2, y1, y2) { return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); }; shola.belly.onPress = function () { startrub = 10; }; shola.L_breast.onPress = function () { bstartrub = 10; }; shola.R_breast.onPress = shola.L_breast.onPress; onMouseUp = function () { mousepressed = false; if (startrub > 1) { startrub = 2; } if (bstartrub > 1) { bstartrub = 2; } spendingB = false; rubbing = 0; brubbing = 0; mousemove = 0; Theld = false; growing = false; Rpressed = false; if (firstawakened == 1) { firstawakened = 2; charSpeak(curPhase + 15); } }; shola.head.onPress = function () { idlespeak = 8000; if (oopopp == true) { if (Tbellysize < 600) { Tbellysize += 60; } else { Tbellysize = 1; } } }; onMouseDown = function () { mousepressed = true; if (overtail == true) { tailoff += 8; } if (overGtail == true) { Gtailoff += 9; } if (tailoff > 70) { hastail = !hastail; tailoff = 0; var v2 = _root.attachMovie('vanish', 'vanish1', 0); vanish1._x = shola._x + shola.tail._x; vanish1._y = shola._y + shola.tail._y; vanish1._xscale = 200; vanish1._yscale = 300; if (hastail == true) { charSpeak(curPhase + 17); } else { charSpeak(curPhase + 16); } } }; if (bellysize != Tbellysize) { if (bellydiff() > 1 || bellydiff() < -1) { bellysize += Math.floor(bellydiff()); } else { if (bellydiff() < 0) { bellysize -= 1; } else { if (bellydiff() > 0) { bellysize += 1; } } } } O_panel.S_bar.Tbox.onPress = function () { Theld = true; }; O_panel.HB.onPress = function () { helpme = !helpme; }; O_panel.reset_b.onPress = function () { if (Rdelay <= 0) { Rpressed = true; } }; O_panel.birth_b.onPress = function () { if (birthgain > 0) { birthclicks -= birthgain; birthgain = 0; bannedwords.push(banthisword); } if (Tbellysize >= 600 && birthclicks > 0) { birthclicks -= 1; Bshow = 15; spendingB = true; } else { Bnotready = 15; } if (birthdelay <= 0) { if (birthing >= 1 && finished != 1) { charSpeak(curPhase + 25 + birthing); birthdelay = 200; birthing += 1; } } if (finished == 1 && bonusScore >= bonus) { bonustrue = 1; bonusdelay = 1; } }; GE.resetS.onPress = function () { bonusdelay = 0; bonustrue = 0; }; GE.resetA.onPress = function () { reset(); }; helpdetect = function (n, l) { if (n.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { helpbox._txt.text = HBtext[l]._line; } }; O_panel.expand_b.Ypowerbar._x = -134; O_panel.birth_b.Ypowerbar._x = -134; O_panel.reset_b.Ypowerbar._x = -134; YbarSB = -134; PbarSB = -134; O_panel.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Theld == true) { Tmouseis = _xmouse - 6; this.S_bar.Tbox._x = Tmouseis; this.S_bar.Tbox._x = Math.max(0, Math.min(Tmouseis, 130)); Gspeed = Math.floor((this.S_bar.Tbox._x - 65) / 9); this.expand_b._txt.text = 'Expand'; if (Gspeed <= -1) { Gspeed = Math.min(-1, Math.floor(Gspeed / 2)); this.expand_b._txt.text = 'Revert'; } else { Gspeed = Math.floor(Math.max(1, Gspeed * (Gspeed / 4))); } } circular(0, 'powerrot', 0.2); this.expand_b.powerbar._alpha = 100 + Math.sin(powerrot) * 35; if (helpme == true) { HMYSB = 512; } else { HMYSB = 612; } if (overHB == true) { HMYSB = 512; } if (helpbox._y != HMYSB) { helpbox._y += (HMYSB - helpbox._y) * 0.2; } helpdetect(O_panel.expand_b, 'expand'); helpdetect(O_panel.HB, 'help'); helpdetect(O_panel.S_bar, 'slider'); helpdetect(O_panel.birth_b, 'birth'); helpdetect(O_panel.reset_b, 'reset'); helpdetect(O_panel.scorebox, 'score'); helpdetect(O_panel.Gscore, 'stash'); i = 1; while (i < 6) { helpdetect(O_panel['question' + i], 'question'); ++i; } if (resetting > 0) { resetting -= 2; } if (Rpressed == true) { resetting += 8; } if (resetting > 133) { reset(); resetting = 0; Rdelay = 20; Rpressed = false; } if (Rdelay > 0) { Rdelay -= 1; } this.Gscore.text = Gpoints; if (finished != 1) { PbarSB = -133.15 + (1000 - birthclicks) * 0.13315; } else { PbarSB = Math.min(-133.15 + bonusScore * (133.15 / bonus), 0); } this.birth_b.powerbar._x += (PbarSB - this.birth_b.powerbar._x) * 0.23; testing = 10; if (birthgain > 0) { YbarSB = -133.15 + Math.min((1000 - birthclicks + birthgain) * 0.13315, 133.15); } else { YbarSB = -134; } this.birth_b.Ypowerbar._x += (YbarSB - this.birth_b.Ypowerbar._x) * 0.23; this.reset_b.powerbar._x = -133.15 + resetting; this.expand_b.powerbar._x = Math.min(-133.15 + Gpoints * 0.221, 0); this.S_bar.Tbox._txt.text = Gspeed; OpanXSB = -210; this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Birth'; if (Bnotready > 0) { Bnotready -= 1; this.birth_b._txt.text = 'Not Yet...'; } if (finished == 1) { this.birth_b._txt.text = 'BONUS!!!'; } if (Bshow > 0) { Bshow -= 1; this.birth_b._txt.text = birthclicks; } if (spendingB == true) { Bshow = 15; if (spendB < 15) { spendB += 1; } } else { if (spendB > 0) { spendB -= 3; } } if (spendB >= 15) { if (Gspeed > 0) { if (Gpoints > 3 * Gspeed && birthclicks > 0) { Gpoints -= 3 * Gspeed; birthclicks -= 1 * Gspeed; } } } this.reset_b._txt.text = 'Reset'; if (O_panel.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { OpanXSB = 0; } if (O_panel._x != OpanXSB) { O_panel._x -= (O_panel._x - OpanXSB) * 0.3; } O_panel.scorebox.Gscore.text = taptime; O_panel.question1._txt.text = speech[curPhase + 1]._question; O_panel.question2._txt.text = speech[curPhase + 2]._question; O_panel.question3._txt.text = speech[curPhase + 3]._question; O_panel.question4._txt.text = speech[curPhase + 4]._question; O_panel.question5._txt.text = speech[curPhase + 5]._question; }; GE.resetA._txt.text = 'Reset everything back to the way it was at the start.'; GE.resetS._txt.text = 'Go back to Shola after having given birth.'; O_panel.expand_b.onPress = function () { growing = true; if (firstawakened <= 0 && Gspeed > 0) { charSpeak(-1); firstawakened = 1; } }; answerQ = function (n) { charSpeak(curPhase + n); }; i = 1; while (i < 6) { _root.O_panel['question' + i].innerV = i; _root.O_panel['question' + i].onPress = function () { charSpeak(curPhase + this.innerV); }; ++i; } lshinystart = shola.Lshin._y; lshinxstart = shola.Lshin._x; pushplusrot = 0; pushplusrot2 = 0; headrotstart = shola.head._rotation; birthstrength = -10; blackness = 0; finalwait = 0; finished = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { Psprinkler._visible = false; if (growing == true && birthing <= 0) { if (Gspeed > 0) { if (sprinkler._currentlabel != 'on' && sprinkler._currentlabel != 'turnon') { sprinkler.gotoAndPlay('turnon'); } if (Gpoints > 0) { Psprinkler._visible = true; } if (Gpoints >= Gspeed) { Gpoints -= Gspeed; Tbellysize += Gspeed; } else { Tbellysize += Gpoints; Gpoints = 0; } if (Tbellysize > 600) { Gpoints += Tbellysize - 600; Tbellysize = 600; } } if (Gspeed < 0) { if (Tbellysize >= Gspeed) { Gpoints -= Gspeed; Tbellysize += Gspeed; } else { Gpoints += Tbellysize - 1; Tbellysize = 1; } if (Tbellysize < 1) { Gpoints += Tbellysize - 1; Tbellysize = 1; } } } else { if (sprinkler._currentlabel != 'off' && sprinkler._currentlabel != 'turnoff') { sprinkler.gotoAndPlay('turnoff'); } } sprinkler._visible = !Psprinkler._visible; Psprinkler.gotoAndStop(sprinkler._currentframe); minmax('Tbellysize', 0, 600); tubesfull = false; if (Ypoints >= 100) { Ypoints = 100; tubesfull = true; } if (Cpoints >= 100) { Cpoints = 100; tubesfull = true; } if (Mpoints >= 100) { Mpoints = 100; tubesfull = true; } taptime += 1; if (pressure <= 0) { minitime += 1; if (minitime > 5) { minitime = 0; taptime += 1; } } if (pressure > 0) { pressure -= 0.1; } if (Fscore > 0) { Fscore -= 3; } if (Fscore > 100) { Fscore -= 7; } O_panel.hiscorebox._alpha = Math.min(Fscore, 1) * (Fscore * 0.9); if (O_panel.hiscorebox._y < 300) { O_panel.hiscorebox._y += Fscore * 0.008; } if (pressure > 200) { lastrun = taptime; if (taptime >= 500) { Fscore = 350; O_panel.hiscorebox._y = 80; O_panel.hiscorebox._txt.text = 'Great! You scored \n ' + taptime + ' points!'; if (lastrun >= Hiscore - 1) { O_panel.hiscorebox._txt.text = 'New High Score! \n' + Hiscore; } } if (taptime > 500) { Gpoints += Math.floor(Hiscore / 500) * 100 + Math.floor(taptime / 50); bonusScore += taptime; } if (taptime >= 3500) { bonusScore += 15000; } pressure = 0; taptime = 0; resetboxes = 3; } if (scorealpha < SASB) { scorealpha += 1; } if (scorealpha > SASB) { scorealpha -= 1; } if (taptime > 500) { SASB = 100; } else { SASB = 20; } O_panel.scorebox._alpha = scorealpha; var v2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16720384, 50, 5, 5, 2, 3); inktube.filters = [v2]; YFYSB = 100 - Ypoints; CFYSB = 100 - Cpoints; MFYSB = 100 - Mpoints; inktube.Y_fluid._y += (YFYSB - inktube.Y_fluid._y) * 0.25; inktube.C_fluid._y += (CFYSB - inktube.C_fluid._y) * 0.25; inktube.M_fluid._y += (MFYSB - inktube.M_fluid._y) * 0.25; randomink = Math.random(); randomfillrate = 0.05 + (Math.random() * 0.3 + Math.random() * (taptime * 0.0001)); if (randomink < 0.33) { inkcolour = 'C'; } else { if (randomink < 0.66) { inkcolour = 'M'; } else { inkcolour = 'Y'; } } randombox = Math.floor(Math.random() * boxes.length); if (boxes[randombox].fillrate == 0) { boxes[randombox].fluidcolour = 'M'; boxes[randombox].fillrate = randomfillrate; } boxesblocked = false; if (resetboxes > 0) { resetboxes -= 1; } helpdetect(sprinkler, 'sprinkler'); if (speech_b._alpha > 10) { helpdetect(speech_b, 'speech'); } helpdetect(shola, 'shola'); helpdetect(shola.f_arm, 'arms'); helpdetect(shola.b_arm, 'arms'); helpdetect(shola.belly, 'belly'); helpdetect(shola.L_breast, 'boobs'); helpdetect(shola.R_breast, 'boobs'); if ( == true) { helpdetect(, 'baby'); } helpdetect(shola.Lshin, 'leg'); helpdetect(shola.head, 'head'); helpdetect(blocked, 'plumbing'); helpdetect(Pbar, 'pressure'); if (hastail == true) { helpdetect(shola.tail, 'tail'); shola.tail._alpha = 100; } else { helpdetect(shola.tail, 'notail'); shola.tail._alpha = 0; } overtail = false; if (shola.tail.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { overtail = true; } countdown('tailoff', 0); for (i in boxes) { helpdetect(boxes[i], 'chamber'); boxes[i]._txt.text = boxes[i]._name.charAt(0); if (resetboxes > 0) { boxes[i].full = boxEmpty; } if (boxes[i].full < 30) { boxes[i].full += boxes[i].fillrate; } else { boxes[i].full = 30; } boxes[i].filters = []; if (boxes[i].full > 25) { boxes[i].filters = [v2]; } if (boxes[i].full >= 30) { boxesblocked = true; pressure += 1; } boxes[i][boxes[i].fluidcolour + '_fluid']._y = 30 - boxes[i].full; boxes[i].CSB = 30 - boxes[i].boxMin; boxes[i].YSB = 30; if (birthgain > 0) { boxes[i].YSB = boxes[i].CSB; } boxes[i].C_fluid._y += (boxes[i].CSB - boxes[i].C_fluid._y) * 0.25; boxes[i].Y_fluid._y += (boxes[i].YSB - boxes[i].Y_fluid._y) * 0.25; inktube.C_fluid._y += (CFYSB - inktube.C_fluid._y) * 0.25; } if (boxesbocked == true) { pressure += 1; } Pbar.redbar._x = -200 + pressure; if (taptime > Hiscore) { Hiscore = taptime; } blocked._visible = boxesblocked; if (curPhase == 0) { backupState = 'rest'; } else { if (curPhase == 50) { backupState = 'awoken'; } else { if (curPhase == 100) { backupState = 'weird'; } else { if (curPhase == 150) { backupState = 'scared'; } else { if (curPhase == 200) { backupState = 'miffed'; } else { if (curPhase == 250) { backupState = 'disbelief'; } else { if (curPhase == 300) { backupState = 'pregnant'; } else { if (curPhase == 350) { backupState = 'eager'; } else { if (curPhase == 400) { backupState = 'entertained'; } else { if (curPhase == 450) { backupState = 'wary'; } else { if (curPhase == 500) { backupState = 'peace'; } else { if (curPhase == 550) { backupState = 'labour'; } else { if (curPhase == 600) { backupState = 'pregnant'; } } } } } } } } } } } } } countdown('stateTimer', 0); countdown('speechTimer', 0); if (speechTimer > 0) { idlespeak = 0; } if (Math.random() * 8000 < idlespeak) { rannum = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranlines.length); charSpeak(curPhase + ranlines[rannum]); ranlines.splice(rannum, 1); if (ranlines.length <= 0) { resetLines(); } idlespeak = 0; } else { idlespeak += 1; } if (stateTimer <= 5) { setState(backupState); if (secondline > -5000) { charSpeak(secondline, false); } } if (startrub > 0) { startrub -= 1; } if (startrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(curPhase + 13); } if (bstartrub > 0) { bstartrub -= 1; } if (bstartrub == 1 && mousemove < 1) { charSpeak(curPhase + 11); } if (mousemove > 1 && overbelly == true) { startrub = 0; if (rubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(curPhase + 14); } rubbing = 10; } if (mousemove > 1 && overbreast == true) { bstartrub = 0; if (brubbing <= 0) { charSpeak(curPhase + 12); } brubbing = 10; } if (xmsb != _xmouse || ymsb != _ymouse) { if (mousepressed == true) { mousemove += distance(xmsb, _xmouse, ymsb, _ymouse) / 5; } xmsb = _xmouse; ymsb = _ymouse; } if (rubbing > 0) { rubbing -= 1; } if (brubbing > 0) { brubbing -= 1; } if (mousemove > 0) { mousemove -= 1; } if (mousemove > 20) { mousemove = 20; } overbreast = false; overbelly = false; if (shola.L_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (shola.R_breast.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbreast = true; } if (shola.belly.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true) == true) { overbelly = true; } if (Tbellysize >= 600) { countdown('birthdecrease', 0); if (birthdecrease <= 0) { birthdecrease = 50; if (birthclicks > 5) { birthclicks -= 1; } } } if (birthclicks <= 0) { birthclicks = 0; if (birthing <= 0 && Tbellysize >= 600) { birthing = 1; } } curPhase = (Math.floor(Tbellysize / 60) + Math.min(1, birthing)) * 50 + finished * 50 + bonustrue * 50; if (nextPhase <= curPhase) { nextPhase += 50; charSpeak(curPhase); } if (Tbellysize >= 360 && finished != 1) { kickran += 1; if (Math.random() * 8000 < Tbellysize + kickran && kickran > 0) { kickran = -30; bellysize -= 7 + Math.floor(Tbellysize / 60); makeKick(25 - Math.random() * 50, 25 - Math.random() * 50); } } else { kickran = 0; } if (birthing > 0) { shola.pants._visible = false; if (shola.R_leg._rotation > -4) { shola.R_leg._rotation -= 0.25; } if (shola.L_thigh._rotation < 4) { shola.L_thigh._rotation += 0.25; } } countdown('babykick', 0); smoothAdjust('bellysize', 'Tbellysize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('bustsize', 'Tbustsize', 0.1); smoothAdjust('hipsize', 'Thipsize', 0.1); circular(0.4, 'testrot', 0.6); circular(0, 'tailrot', 0.03); circular(0, 'headrot', 0.0078); circular(1.4, 'shinrot', 0.088); birthstrength = -10; birthstrength2 = 0.021; if (birthing >= 12 && birthing < 20) { birthstrength = 15; birthstrength2 = 0.011; if (pushplusrot2 > 1.570796326794897) { pushplusrot2 = 1.570796326794897; blackness += 2.5; } } if (blackness >= 100) { finalwait += 1; } if (finalwait > 50) { birthing = 20; finished = 1; blackness -= 8; } shola.f_arm._visible = true; shola.babyarm._visible = false; = false; if (finished == 1) { shola.babyarm._visible = true; = true; shola.f_arm._visible = false; } minmax('blackness', 0, 100); BBB._alpha = blackness; shola.head._rotation = headrotstart + Math.sin(headrot) * 2 + Math.sin(pushplusrot2) * birthstrength; shola.Lshin._rotation = Math.sin(shinrot) * 1.5; countdown('pushplusrot', 0); if (birthing > 0) { shola.pants._visible = false; if (shola.R_leg._rotation > -4) { shola.R_leg._rotation -= 0.25; } else { shola.R_leg._rotation = -4 + pushplusrot; } if (shola.L_thigh._rotation < 4) { shola.L_thigh._rotation += 0.25; } else { shola.L_thigh._rotation = 4 + pushplusrot; } if (pushplusrot2 > 0) { pushplusrot2 += 0.06597344572538566; } if (pushplusrot2 > Math.PI) { pushplusrot2 = 0; } shola.Lshin._rotation = shola.L_thigh._rotation * 8; shola.Lshin._y = lshinystart - shola.L_thigh._rotation * 4.1; shola.Lshin._x = lshinxstart + shola.L_thigh._rotation * 4.1; } countdown('birthdelay', 0); shola.belly.gotoAndStop(bellysize - 400 * finished); shola.L_breast.gotoAndStop(bellysize); shola.R_breast.gotoAndStop(bellysize); shola.bra.gotoAndStop(bellysize); shola.pants.gotoAndStop(bellysize); shola.L_thigh.gotoAndStop(bellysize); shola.R_leg.gotoAndStop(bellysize); shola.tail._rotation = Math.sin(tailrot) * 8; if (speech_b._alpha < speechTimer * 10) { speech_b._alpha += 10; } else { speech_b._alpha = speechTimer * 10; } if (speech_b._alpha > 100) { speech_b._alpha = 100; } if (speech_b._alpha < 1) { speech_b._visible = false; } else { speech_b._visible = true; } if (bonusdelay >= 1) { bonusdelay += 1; } if (bonusdelay == 3) { Gemote(0); } GE._visible = false; if (bonusdelay <= 0) { if (_root._x < 0) { GE._visible = true; if (nextPhase >= 700) { nextPhase = 0; } _root._x += 100; } else { Gbelly = 1; } } if (bonusdelay > 60) { GE._visible = true; if (_root._x > -800) { _root._x -= 100; } } if (bonusdelay == 100) { Gemote(1); } if (bonusdelay == 135) { Gemote(2); } if (bonusdelay == 180) { Gemote(3); } if (bonusdelay == 250) { Gemote(4); } if (bonusdelay > 100) { if (Gbelly < 200) { Gbelly += Math.floor(Math.max((200 - Gbelly) * 0.08, 1)); } } if (Gspeechdelay > 0) { Gspeechdelay -= 1; if (GE.speech_b._alpha < 100) { GE.speech_b._alpha += 10; } } else { if (GE.speech_b._alpha > 0) { GE.speech_b._alpha -= 10; } if (GE.speech_b._alpha <= 0) { Gemote(7); } } overGtail = false; if (GE.geneva.tail.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { overGtail = true; } if (Gtailoff > 0) { Gtailoff -= 1; } if (Gtailoff > 70) { Ghastail = !Ghastail; Gtailoff = 0; var v3 = GE.geneva.Tpoint.attachMovie('vanish', 'vanish1', 0); v3._xscale = 500; v3._yscale = 500; if (Ghastail == true) { Gemote(6); GE.geneva.tail._alpha = 100; } else { Gemote(5); GE.geneva.tail._alpha = 0; } } circular(0, 'Gtailrot', 0.04); GE.geneva.tail._rotation = Math.sin(Gtailrot) * 8; GE.geneva.L_breast.gotoAndStop(Gbelly); GE.geneva.R_breast.gotoAndStop(Gbelly); GE.geneva.L_leg.gotoAndStop(Gbelly); GE.geneva.R_leg.gotoAndStop(Gbelly); GE.geneva.belly.gotoAndStop(Gbelly); if (debugging == true) { debug_01.text = bonusScore * (133.15 / bonus); debug_02.text = nextPhase; debug_03.text = HBYSB; } else { debug_01.text = ''; debug_02.text = ''; debug_03.text = ''; } overHB = false; if (O_panel.HB.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { overHB = true; } }; if (debugging == true) { Gpoints = 10000; Tbellysize = 600; birthclicks = 500; birthing = 0; finished = 0; bonusScore = 25000; } } movieClip 112 { } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 117 { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 124 { } movieClip 128 { } movieClip 136 { } movieClip 142 { } movieClip 147 { } movieClip 150 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.coverthigh.gotoAndStop(this._currentframe); }; } } movieClip 154 { } movieClip 159 { } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 175 { frame 81 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 180 { } movieClip 184 { } movieClip 187 { } movieClip 188 { } movieClip 189 { frame 1 { if (this.started != 1) { this.started = 1; this.tailrot = 1.570796326794897; this.tailrotstart = this.tail._rotation; this.tailrotplus = 0.07853981633974483; this.headrot = 0; this.headrotplus = 0.023; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.headrot += this.headrotplus; if (this.headrot > 6.283185307179586) { this.headrot -= 6.283185307179586; } this.tailrot += this.tailrotplus; if (this.tailrot > 6.283185307179586) { this.tailrot -= 6.283185307179586; } this.head._rotation = Math.sin(headrot) * 10; this.tail._rotation = tailrotstart + Math.sin(tailrot) * 40; }; } } movieClip 192 { } movieClip 196 { } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 230 { frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'smallyay'; } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'twist'; } frame 6 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'down'; } frame 8 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'up'; } frame 10 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'none'; } frame 12 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'open'; } frame 14 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 15 { _currentlabel = 'small'; } frame 16 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 17 { _currentlabel = 'largeyay'; } frame 18 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 19 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 20 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 21 { _currentlabel = 'opendown'; } frame 22 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 23 { _currentlabel = 'tongueout'; } frame 24 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 25 { _currentlabel = 'smallsad'; } frame 26 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 27 { _currentlabel = 'bigyay'; } frame 28 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 29 { _currentlabel = 'teethdown'; } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 31 { _currentlabel = 'grin'; } frame 32 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 33 { _currentlabel = 'smallT'; } frame 34 { gotoAndStop(_currentlabel); } frame 35 { _currentlabel = 'breathing'; } frame 59 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 275 { frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'narrowup'; } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 7 { _currentlabel = 'narrowsad'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 9 { _currentlabel = 'openup'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 11 { _currentlabel = 'shutup'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'opentwist'; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 15 { _currentlabel = 'openmad'; } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 17 { _currentlabel = 'opensad'; } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 19 { _currentlabel = 'narrowmad'; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 21 { _currentlabel = 'Vnarrowmad'; } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 23 { _currentlabel = 'shutsad'; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 25 { _currentlabel = 'narrowtwist'; } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 27 { _currentlabel = 'widesad'; } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 29 { _currentlabel = 'shutmad'; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 31 { _currentlabel = 'tightup'; } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 33 { _currentlabel = 'tightsad'; } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 35 { _currentlabel = 'tightmad'; } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 276 { } movieClip 277 { } movieClip 290 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'off'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'turnon'; } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'on'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'turnoff'; } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay('off'); } } movieClip 293 { frame 1 { _currentlabel = 'off'; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 3 { _currentlabel = 'turnon'; } frame 5 { _currentlabel = 'on'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 13 { _currentlabel = 'turnoff'; } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay('off'); } } movieClip 296 { } movieClip 300 { } movieClip 302 { } movieClip 304 { } // unknown tag 88 length 65 movieClip 307 { frame 1 { this.fillrate = 0; this.full = 0; this.boxMin = Math.random() * 20; _root.boxes.push(this); this.onPress = function () { _root.resetboxcolours(this._name.charAt(0)); _root.thiskeydown = this._name.charCodeAt(0); _root.checkmouse(); }; } } movieClip 311 { } movieClip 313 { } movieClip 316 { } movieClip 318 { } movieClip 322 { } movieClip 327 { } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 345 { } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 361 { } movieClip 365 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 384 { frame 2 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 4 { _currentlabel = 'shut'; } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 6 { _currentlabel = 'sad'; } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 8 { _currentlabel = 'narrow'; } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 10 { _currentlabel = 'narrow2'; } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 12 { _currentlabel = 'widesad'; } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 395 { frame 2 { _currentlabel = 'open'; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 4 { _currentlabel = 'smile'; } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 6 { _currentlabel = 'wide'; } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } frame 8 { _currentlabel = 'yay'; } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_currentlabel); } } movieClip 397 { } movieClip 398 { } movieClip 401 { } // unknown tag 88 length 88 movieClip 405 { } movieClip 411 { frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 420 { } movieClip 422 { } movieClip 429 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += 1; if (this._x > 133.15) { this._x -= 266.3; } }; } } movieClip 430 { } movieClip 432 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += 1; if (this._x > 133.15) { this._x -= 266.3; } }; } } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 435 { } movieClip 438 { } movieClip 442 { } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 444 { } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 450 { } // unknown tag 88 length 282 movieClip 456 { }
Created: 13/10 -2018 09:13:29 Last modified: 13/10 -2018 09:13:29 Server time: 18/01 -2025 05:24:16