Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

[V2.1] Interactive pregnant Samus Aran by SqwarkDemon.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #197665

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

How to doctor

How to stop
so many books

stop(); - the story

How to not
kill a patient





Why are you over here? Look over there!

See the stars from our
new patent pending
space windows!

>>PC wonders...
>>Who would win?
>>Doom or Barney?
>>This PC totally
>>wasn't to avoid
>>drawing books,..
>>Not at all.


Oh look, I've won the award for the shittest flash.


Text goes here







ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
function setState(str) { if (state != str) { statetimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); curState.state = str; stat = str; for (var _local2 in states[str]) { curState[_local2] = states[str][_local2]; } samus.head.eyes.gotoAndPlay(curState.eyes); samus.head.mouth.gotoAndPlay(curState.mouth); } } function speak(n) { lastspeech = n; speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[n]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); if (questioned == true) { speech_b._txt.text = questions[n]._line; moveArm(questions[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(questions[n]._expression); } questioned = false; } function grow() { if (size < samus.belly._totalframes) { size++; samus.belly.gotoAndStop(size); samus.breasts.gotoAndStop(size); } else { growth = 0; } } function revert() { if (size > 1) { size--; samus.belly.gotoAndStop(size); samus.breasts.gotoAndStop(size); } else { growth = 0; } } var speechidle = 0; var lastspeech = 0; var ranspeeches = []; resetSpeeches = function () { ranspeeches.push(1); ranspeeches.push(2); ranspeeches.push(3); ranspeeches.push(4); ranspeeches.push(5); }; var _state = ""; var states = new Object(); var curState = new Object(); var state = ""; var backupState = "default"; var lines = new Object(); var questions = new Object(); var reactions = new Object(); var helpbit1 = ""; var nextsize = 30; var PXis = 0; var BPXis = 1150; var size = 1; var growth = 0; expand_mc.onPress = function () { growth = 1; }; expand_mc.onMouseUp = function () { growth = 0; }; revert_mc.onPress = function () { growth = -1; }; revert_mc.onMouseUp = function () { growth = 0; }; bg.reset_mc.onRelease = function () { reset(); }; lines[-16] = {_expression:"default", _line:"-16"}; lines[-15] = {_expression:"default", _line:"-15"}; lines[-14] = {_expression:"default", _line:"I don't mind a nice breast massage! makes me feel rather plesant!"}; lines[-13] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Ohhh..."}; lines[-12] = {_expression:"default", _line:"That's starting to feel rather nice."}; lines[-11] = {_expression:"default", _line:"I'll let you off... this time..."}; lines[-10] = {_expression:"default", _line:"They're... a lot more tender than I remember... maybe I'm just growing? Is my Varia suit too small for me now? "}; lines[-9] = {_expression:"default", _line:"That was painful! Please leave my being alone!"}; lines[-8] = {_expression:"default", _line:"I highly suggest you don't continue these shenanigans, Doctor... or you could end up losing something other than your medical license..."}; lines[-7] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Seeing as I'm in this odd state, I wouldn't mind a massage at all!"}; lines[-6] = {_expression:"default", _line:"You know, maybe being pregnant isn't so bad after all!"}; lines[-5] = {_expression:"default", _line:"I'm starting to like that."}; lines[-4] = {_expression:"default", _line:"That felt... alright... I wouldn't mind if you continued that..."}; lines[-3] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Why does my stomach feel hard? And why did you touching it feel somewhat... pleasant?"}; lines[-2] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Don't you think that I have enough to worry about right now? I can't take any missions up until I feel better!"}; lines[-1] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Do you mind? It's generally considered rude to just poke someone in their stomach."}; lines[0] = {_expression:"default", _line:"-0"}; lines[0] = {_expression:"smirk", _line:"You've just got to do things by the book."}; lines[1] = {_expression:"default", _line:"I don't usually do these kinds of check-ups, but I've been getting this sharp feeling in my stomach ever since I came back."}; lines[2] = {_expression:"smirk", _line:"I've seen many things, doctor. The best thing has to be... the sunset on Tallon IV. It's breath-taking!"}; lines[3] = {_expression:"smirk", _line:"Doctor, do you know of a planet called Aether? The planet has some interesting buildings on it."}; lines[4] = {_expression:"smirk", _line:"I've seen many things, doctor. The best thing has to be... the sunset on Tallon IV. It's breath-taking!"}; lines[5] = {_expression:"smirk", _line:"Ah, Zebes, that one takes me back! The Motherbrain was uglier in person, trust me!"}; lines[6] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_6"}; lines[7] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_7"}; lines[8] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_8"}; lines[9] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_9"}; questions[1] = {_question:"I understand you just got back from a mission on SR-388. Do you feel odd at all?", _expression:"default", _line:"Yes, actually. I've been feeling a slight pain in my abdomen. That \"space food\" they sell hasn't done me any good I believe."}; questions[2] = {_question:"What's with the suit?", _expression:"confused", _line:"It's my examination suit? You don't think I wear that all the time, do you?"}; questions[3] = {_question:"Your suit \"suits\" you!", _expression:"happy", _line:"Thank you, but this suit is nothing more than an examination suit. It'd be highly impractical to wear this in combat."}; questions[4] = {_question:"You look fantastic for a (insert generic age here) year old!", _expression:"smirk", _line:"Thanks! I need to be at my best to survive being out at space for months on end."}; questions[5] = {_question:"I'm going to start by pressing down on your stomach. Tell me how much it hurts.", _expression:"pain", _line:"Agh!! That hurt a lot!"}; lines[10] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_10"}; lines[11] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_11"}; lines[12] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_12"}; lines[13] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_13"}; lines[14] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_14"}; lines[15] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_15"}; lines[16] = {_expression:"mad", _line:"Wait a second... you're not even a doctor are you?! You just took the doctors jacket!"}; lines[17] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_17"}; lines[18] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_18"}; lines[19] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_19"}; questions[6] = {_question:"Uh, your breast are kind of growing...", _expression:"confused", _line:"Kind of...? "}; questions[7] = {_question:"Not going to lie to you Samus, but I believe you might be pregnant.", _expression:"shock", _line:"But... how?! I think you're wrong, Doctor!"}; questions[8] = {_question:"I thought you knew that eating space junk food would make you explode if you ate too much?", _expression:"mad", _line:"I'm not 12, doctor, I expected you to treat me with some form of respect."}; questions[9] = {_question:"You still look stunning though, Samus.", _expression:"blush2", _line:"Oh doctor... do you say that to all your patients?"}; questions[10] = {_question:"I'm a professional, and I say that your stomach needs a few more feels... just to make sure everything is as it seems.", _expression:"confused", _line:"I, uh, okay? You're the professional, doc."}; lines[20] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_20"}; lines[21] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_21"}; lines[22] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_22"}; lines[23] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_23"}; lines[24] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_24"}; lines[25] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_25"}; lines[26] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_26"}; lines[27] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_27"}; lines[28] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_28"}; lines[29] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_29"}; questions[11] = {_question:"I'm picking up a lifesign inside your womb. You've become pregnant with a Metroid. Comgrats, Samus!", _expression:"horror", _line:"W-wait what?! I can't be! That's impossible! A metroid?!"}; questions[12] = {_question:"There's not much I can suggest. Has settling down ever occured to you?", _expression:"mad", _line:"No, of course not! I make my living off of bounty hunting! If I have a child, how will I work?!"}; questions[13] = {_question:"Got a father in mind?", _expression:"mad", _line:"I'm not even sure if it's mine, let along who's the father!!"}; questions[14] = {_question:"At least you skipped morning sickness though.", _expression:"confused", _line:"I mean... I guess..."}; questions[15] = {_question:"If it makes you feel any better, I can rub your stomach.", _expression:"confused", _line:"I, uh, okay? I guess that'd be fine...?"}; lines[30] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_30"}; lines[31] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_31"}; lines[32] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_32"}; lines[33] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_33"}; lines[34] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_34"}; lines[35] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_35"}; lines[36] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_36"}; lines[37] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_37"}; lines[38] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_38"}; lines[39] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_39"}; questions[16] = {_question:"You look happy about this now. Had a change of heart?", _expression:"smirk", _line:"Not entirely... but I'm at least fine with this."}; questions[17] = {_question:"You're pregnant with a metroid. We should evacuate it from your body asap!", _expression:"horror", _line:"N-no, I don't think that'll be necessary!"}; questions[18] = {_question:"Your breasts are still growing too, by the way.", _expression:"shock", _line:"I had completely forgot about them! That explains the tenderness!"}; questions[19] = {_question:"Ready for the journey to motherhood?", _expression:"blush", _line:"I mean... I'm not saying no at this point."}; questions[20] = {_question:"There's nothing I can do for you other than rub your tummy!", _expression:"confused", _line:"I'm pretty sure that's not the only option here, but if you're offering I'll take it."}; lines[40] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_40"}; lines[41] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_41"}; lines[42] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_42"}; lines[43] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_43"}; lines[44] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_44"}; lines[45] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_45"}; lines[46] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_46"}; lines[47] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_47"}; lines[48] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_48"}; lines[49] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_49"}; questions[21] = {_question:"You're looking quite big now, I think it's nearly over.", _expression:"shock", _line:"O-oh, so soon? I mean, I'm not complaining..."}; questions[22] = {_question:"If you don't mind me saying, you look amazing like that, Samus.", _expression:"blush2", _line:"Oh, well, thank you! That's very kind of you, Doctor!"}; questions[23] = {_question:"I don't mean to be \"that guy\", but you've still got a metroid in you.", _expression:"pain", _line:"Yeah, I can tell... it hurts a lot! I bet it cant wait to get out!"}; questions[24] = {_question:"Gee, that metroid looks restless! Even though your belly isn't animated...", _expression:"default", _line:"You know you can't just break the 4th wall like that... That's bad practice."}; questions[25] = {_question:"Mind if I felt the baby?", _expression:"smirk", _line:"Well, seeing as you've been here for this, I see no reason to decline you that."}; lines[50] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_50"}; lines[51] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_51"}; lines[52] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_52"}; lines[53] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_53"}; lines[54] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_54"}; lines[55] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_55"}; lines[56] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_56"}; lines[57] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_57"}; lines[58] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_58"}; lines[59] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_59"}; questions[26] = {_question:"I think it's pretty much over!", _expression:"blush", _line:"Anymore and I think I would've burst!"}; questions[27] = {_question:"That's all well and good... but do you know how to look after a baby metroid?", _expression:"default", _line:"I've looked after a baby metroid in the past, it's not entirely difficult."}; questions[28] = {_question:"I guess having a metroid as a baby is rather... draining! *sniggering*", _expression:"default", _line:"..........."}; questions[29] = {_question:"I think we've both forgotten about the birth.", _expression:"horror", _line:"I think you're right...! What am I going to do?!"}; questions[30] = {_question:"I'd love to rub your belly. Mind if I do?", _expression:"blush2", _line:"Go ahead! I'm all up for soothing massages."}; lines[60] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_60"}; lines[61] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_61"}; lines[62] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_62"}; lines[63] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_63"}; lines[64] = {_expression:"default", _line:"Random_64"}; questions[31] = {_question:"You saw that too, right?", _expression:"confused", _line:"Saw it? I felt it! What was that?"}; questions[32] = {_question:"You went to Aether before you came back. Did you encounter any strange gas forms?", _expression:"shock", _line:"Well... now that you mention it..."}; questions[33] = {_question:"Could be something you've ingested.", _expression:"default", _line:"Very true. The pain started happening after I ate one of those \"space burgers\"."}; questions[34] = {_question:"The only other thing I can think of is that you could be pregnant.", _expression:"mad", _line:"That's impossible, Doctor! Don't even suggest something so... scary..."}; questions[35] = {_question:"I'm going to have to feel that lump on your abdomen... for science...", _expression:"confused", _line:"A... lump? What?!"}; states.default = {eyes:"default", mouth:"default"}; states.mad = {eyes:"mad", mouth:"mad"}; states.horror = {eyes:"horror", mouth:"horror"}; states.shock = {eyes:"horror", mouth:"default"}; states.happy = {eyes:"happy", mouth:"smile"}; = {eyes:"happy", mouth:"glee"}; states.pain = {eyes:"pain", mouth:"mad"}; states.smirk = {eyes:"content", mouth:"smirk"}; = {eyes:"default", mouth:"smirk"}; states.confused = {eyes:"confused", mouth:"default"}; states.blush = {eyes:"happy", mouth:"blush"}; states.blush2 = {eyes:"content", mouth:"blush"}; smoothAdjust = function (s1, s2, mu) { if (_root[s1] != _root[s2]) { if ((((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu) > 1) || (((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu) < -1)) { _root[s1] = _root[s1] + Math.floor((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu); } else if (((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu) < 0) { _root[s1] = _root[s1] - 1; } else if (((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu) > 0) { _root[s1] = _root[s1] + 1; } } }; superSmoothAdjust = function (s1, s2, mu) { if (_root[s1] != _root[s2]) { _root[s1] = _root[s1] + ((_root[s2] - _root[s1]) * mu); } }; circular = function (astart, a, aplus) { if (_root[a + "started"] != 8) { _root[a] = astart; _root[a + "started"] = 8; } if (_root[a] < (Math.PI*2)) { _root[a] = _root[a] + aplus; } else { _root[a] = _root[a] - (Math.PI*2); } }; distance = function (x1, x2, y1, y2) { return(Math.sqrt(((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2)) + ((y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)))); }; chatpanel.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { PXSB = -3; } else { PXSB = -200; } smoothAdjust("PXis", "PXSB", 0.2); this._x = PXis; }; speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b.onPress = function () { if (speechtimer > 10) { speechtimer = 10; } }; askSamus = function (n) { questioned = true; speak((Math.floor(nextsize / 50) * 10) + n); }; samus.head.onPress = function () { speechidle = 1; }; samus.breasts.onPress = function () { if (size < 45) { setState("mad"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-8]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 45) { setState("mad"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-9]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 80) { setState("confused"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-10]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 160) { setState("smirk"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-11]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 240) { setState("smile"); statetimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-12]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 320) { setState("blush2"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-13]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 400) { setState("blush"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-14]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } }; samus.belly.onPress = function () { if (size < 45) { setState("mad"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-1]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 45) { setState("mad"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-2]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 80) { setState("confused"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-3]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 160) { setState("smirk"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-4]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 240) { setState("smile"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-5]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 320) { setState("blush2"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-6]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } if (size >= 400) { setState("blush"); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[-7]._line; moveArm(lines[n]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[n]._expression); } }; onEnterFrame = function () { statetimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); if (speech_b._alpha <= 1) { speech_b._visible = false; } else { speech_b._visible = true; } if (speechidle < Math.random()) { speechidle = speechidle + 0.0005; } else { speechidle = 0; idlespeak(Math.floor(Math.random() * ranspeeches.length)); } if (speechtimer > 0) { speechtimer = speechtimer - 1; if (speech_b._alpha < 100) { speech_b._alpha = speech_b._alpha + 8; } speechidle = 0; } else if (speech_b._alpha > 0) { speech_b._alpha = speech_b._alpha - 8; if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer = 10; } } if (size < 45) { statetimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer = statetimer - 1; } else { setState("default"); } chatpanel.question_1._txt.text = questions[1]._question; chatpanel.question_2._txt.text = questions[2]._question; chatpanel.question_3._txt.text = questions[3]._question; chatpanel.question_4._txt.text = questions[4]._question; chatpanel.question_5._txt.text = questions[5]._question; chatpanel.question_1.onPress = function () { askSamus(1); }; chatpanel.question_2.onPress = function () { askSamus(2); }; chatpanel.question_3.onPress = function () { askSamus(3); }; chatpanel.question_4.onPress = function () { askSamus(4); }; chatpanel.question_5.onPress = function () { askSamus(5); }; } if (size >= 45) { statetimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer = statetimer - 1; } else { setState("confused"); } chatpanel.question_1._txt.text = questions[31]._question; chatpanel.question_2._txt.text = questions[32]._question; chatpanel.question_3._txt.text = questions[33]._question; chatpanel.question_4._txt.text = questions[34]._question; chatpanel.question_5._txt.text = questions[35]._question; chatpanel.question_1.onPress = function () { askSamus(31); }; chatpanel.question_2.onPress = function () { askSamus(32); }; chatpanel.question_3.onPress = function () { askSamus(33); }; chatpanel.question_4.onPress = function () { askSamus(34); }; chatpanel.question_5.onPress = function () { askSamus(35); }; } if (size >= 80) { if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer = statetimer - 1; } else { setState("shock"); } chatpanel.question_1._txt.text = questions[6]._question; chatpanel.question_2._txt.text = questions[7]._question; chatpanel.question_3._txt.text = questions[8]._question; chatpanel.question_4._txt.text = questions[9]._question; chatpanel.question_5._txt.text = questions[10]._question; chatpanel.question_1.onPress = function () { askSamus(6); }; chatpanel.question_2.onPress = function () { askSamus(7); }; chatpanel.question_3.onPress = function () { askSamus(8); }; chatpanel.question_4.onPress = function () { askSamus(9); }; chatpanel.question_5.onPress = function () { askSamus(10); }; } if (size >= 160) { if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer = statetimer - 1; } else { setState("horror"); } chatpanel.question_1._txt.text = questions[11]._question; chatpanel.question_2._txt.text = questions[12]._question; chatpanel.question_3._txt.text = questions[13]._question; chatpanel.question_4._txt.text = questions[14]._question; chatpanel.question_5._txt.text = questions[15]._question; chatpanel.question_1.onPress = function () { askSamus(11); }; chatpanel.question_2.onPress = function () { askSamus(12); }; chatpanel.question_3.onPress = function () { askSamus(13); }; chatpanel.question_4.onPress = function () { askSamus(14); }; chatpanel.question_5.onPress = function () { askSamus(15); }; } if (size >= 240) { if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer = statetimer - 1; } else { setState("confused"); } chatpanel.question_1._txt.text = questions[16]._question; chatpanel.question_2._txt.text = questions[17]._question; chatpanel.question_3._txt.text = questions[18]._question; chatpanel.question_4._txt.text = questions[19]._question; chatpanel.question_5._txt.text = questions[20]._question; chatpanel.question_1.onPress = function () { askSamus(16); }; chatpanel.question_2.onPress = function () { askSamus(17); }; chatpanel.question_3.onPress = function () { askSamus(18); }; chatpanel.question_4.onPress = function () { askSamus(19); }; chatpanel.question_5.onPress = function () { askSamus(20); }; } if (size >= 320) { if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer = statetimer - 1; } else { setState("shock"); } chatpanel.question_1._txt.text = questions[21]._question; chatpanel.question_2._txt.text = questions[22]._question; chatpanel.question_3._txt.text = questions[23]._question; chatpanel.question_4._txt.text = questions[24]._question; chatpanel.question_5._txt.text = questions[25]._question; chatpanel.question_1.onPress = function () { askSamus(21); }; chatpanel.question_2.onPress = function () { askSamus(22); }; chatpanel.question_3.onPress = function () { askSamus(23); }; chatpanel.question_4.onPress = function () { askSamus(24); }; chatpanel.question_5.onPress = function () { askSamus(25); }; } if (size >= 400) { if (statetimer > 0) { statetimer = statetimer - 1; } else { setState("blush"); } chatpanel.question_1._txt.text = questions[26]._question; chatpanel.question_2._txt.text = questions[27]._question; chatpanel.question_3._txt.text = questions[28]._question; chatpanel.question_4._txt.text = questions[29]._question; chatpanel.question_5._txt.text = questions[30]._question; chatpanel.question_1.onPress = function () { askSamus(26); }; chatpanel.question_2.onPress = function () { askSamus(27); }; chatpanel.question_3.onPress = function () { askSamus(28); }; chatpanel.question_4.onPress = function () { askSamus(29); }; chatpanel.question_5.onPress = function () { askSamus(30); }; } if (size == 400) {; } }; samus.belly.onEnterFrame = function () { if (growth != 1) { if (growth == -1) { revert(); if (!(true === (size < 60))) { } else { setState("confused"); } } } else { grow(); switch (true) { case size < 45 : setState("confused"); return; case size < 80 : setState("shock"); return; case size < 160 : setState("horror"); return; case size < 240 : setSate("confused"); case size < 320 : setState("shock"); return; case size == 400 : setState("blush"); } } }; hint.onPress = function () { statetimer = 5 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); speech_b._alpha = 0; speech_b._txt.text = lines[0]._line; moveArm(lines[0]._arm); speechtimer = 35 + Math.floor(speech_b._txt.length * 2.2); setState(lines[0]._expression); }; reset = function () { size = 0; samus.belly.gotoAndPlay(1); samus.breasts.gotoAndPlay(1); setState("default"); };
Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1
stopstars.onPress = function () { this.stop(); }; startstars.onPress = function () {; };
Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 54 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 65 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
_currentlabel = "default";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 3
_currentlabel = "mad"; stop();
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 5
_currentlabel = "horror";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 7
_currentlabel = "shock";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 9
_currentlabel = "happy";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 11
_currentlabel = "content";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 13
_currentlabel = "pain";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 15
_currentlabel = "confused";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 17
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 19
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 21
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 23
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 25
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 1
_currentlabel = "default";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 3
_currentlabel = "mad"; stop();
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 5
_currentlabel = "horror";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 7
_currentlabel = "shock";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 9
_currentlabel = "smile";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 11
_currentlabel = "glee";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 13
_currentlabel = "smirk";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 15
_currentlabel = "blush";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 17
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 19
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 21
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 23
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 25
_currentlabel = "";
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
_currentlabel = "lowerleft";
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 2

Library Items

Symbol 1 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:4
Symbol 4 MovieClipUses:3Used by:6
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:1 2 4 5Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 8 FontUsed by:9
Symbol 9 EditableTextUses:8Used by:Timeline
Symbol 10 FontUsed by:11 12 13 19 24 37 101
Symbol 11 EditableTextUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 EditableTextUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 EditableTextUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 14 FontUsed by:15 16 17 18 26
Symbol 15 EditableTextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 16 EditableTextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 EditableTextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 EditableTextUses:14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 19 EditableTextUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClipUses:20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClipUses:22Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 EditableTextUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:27
Symbol 26 EditableTextUses:14Used by:27
Symbol 27 MovieClipUses:25 26Used by:Timeline
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:31
Symbol 29 FontUsed by:30
Symbol 30 EditableTextUses:29Used by:31
Symbol 31 MovieClipUses:28 30Used by:Timeline
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 34 FontUsed by:35
Symbol 35 EditableTextUses:34Used by:39
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 37 TextUses:10Used by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClipUses:36 37Used by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:33 35 38Used by:Timeline
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:40Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:99
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClipUses:44Used by:99
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 47 MovieClipUses:46Used by:99
Symbol 48 ShapeTweeningUsed by:54
Symbol 49 ShapeTweeningUsed by:54
Symbol 50 ShapeTweeningUsed by:54
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:54
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:54
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:54
Symbol 54 MovieClipUses:48 49 50 51 52 53Used by:99
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:56
Symbol 56 MovieClipUses:55Used by:99
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:58
Symbol 58 MovieClipUses:57Used by:99
Symbol 59 ShapeTweeningUsed by:65
Symbol 60 ShapeTweeningUsed by:65
Symbol 61 ShapeTweeningUsed by:65
Symbol 62 ShapeTweeningUsed by:65
Symbol 63 ShapeTweeningUsed by:65
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClipUses:59 60 61 62 63 64Used by:99
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClipUses:69Used by:85
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:85
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:67 68 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84Used by:98
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96Used by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:66 85 97Used by:99
Symbol 99 MovieClipUses:43 45 47 54 56 58 65 98Used by:Timeline
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 101 EditableTextUses:10Used by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:100 101Used by:Timeline
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:116
Symbol 104 FontUsed by:105 106 108 110 112 114
Symbol 105 EditableTextUses:104Used by:116
Symbol 106 EditableTextUses:104Used by:107
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:106Used by:116
Symbol 108 EditableTextUses:104Used by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClipUses:108Used by:116
Symbol 110 EditableTextUses:104Used by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:116
Symbol 112 EditableTextUses:104Used by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClipUses:112Used by:116
Symbol 114 EditableTextUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:116
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:103 105 107 109 111 113 115Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"expand_mc"Frame 1Symbol 21 MovieClip
"revert_mc"Frame 1Symbol 23 MovieClip
"puzzle"Frame 1Symbol 27 MovieClip
"bg"Frame 1Symbol 39 MovieClip
"hint"Frame 1Symbol 41 MovieClip
"samus"Frame 1Symbol 99 MovieClip
"speech_b"Frame 1Symbol 102 MovieClip
"chatpanel"Frame 1Symbol 116 MovieClip
"spaaace"Symbol 6 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 4 MovieClip
"_txt"Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 30 EditableText
"reset_mc"Symbol 39 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 38 MovieClip
"eyes"Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 85 MovieClip
"mouth"Symbol 98 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 97 MovieClip
"belly"Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 54 MovieClip
"breasts"Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 65 MovieClip
"head"Symbol 99 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 98 MovieClip
"_txt"Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 101 EditableText
"_txt"Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 106 EditableText
"_txt"Symbol 109 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 108 EditableText
"_txt"Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 110 EditableText
"_txt"Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 112 EditableText
"_txt"Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 114 EditableText
"question_1"Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 107 MovieClip
"question_2"Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 109 MovieClip
"question_3"Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 111 MovieClip
"question_4"Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 113 MovieClip
"question_5"Symbol 116 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip


"default"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 1
"mad"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 3
"horror"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 5
"shock"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 7
"happy"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 9
"content"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 11
"pain"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 13
"confused"Symbol 85 MovieClip Frame 15
"default"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 1
"mad"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 3
"horror"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 5
"shock"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 7
"smile"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 9
"glee"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 11
"smirk"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 13
"blush"Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 15
"lowerleft"Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
Created: 1/8 -2019 17:53:48 Last modified: 1/8 -2019 17:53:48 Server time: 11/03 -2025 11:24:22