Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Elementar More Tentacle Rape by ZNZN.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #197831

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { _global.EcstasyPoint = 0; _global.EcstasyMax = 1000; _global.EcstasyCount = 0; _global.EcstasyTimer = 0; _global.PainTimer = 0; _global.IsSperm = false; _global.IsAnalTouch = false; _global.IsClitorisTouch = false; _global.Anal = 'Wait'; _global.Clitoris = 'Wait'; _global.Face = 'Ecstasy'; _global.EcstasyCountPlus = function (i) { _global.EcstasyPoint += i * (_global.EcstasyCount + 5); if (_global.EcstasyPoint >= _global.EcstasyMax) { _global.EcstasyPoint = 0; _global.EcstasyCount += 1; _global.EcstasyTimer = 60; } }; } movieClip 2 { } movieClip 5 { } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 14 { } movieClip 16 { } movieClip 18 { } movieClip 20 { } movieClip 25 { } movieClip 27 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 34 { instance of movieClip 14 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 0) { _global.Face = 'Normal'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 1) { _global.Face = 'Feel'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 3) { _global.Face = 'Feel2'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 10) { _global.Face = 'Ahe'; } if (_global.IsAnalTouch || _global.IsClitorisTouch) { if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 0) { _global.Face = 'Feel'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 1) { _global.Face = 'Feel2'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 10) { _global.Face = 'Ahe'; } } if (_global.PainTimer > 0) { if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 0) { _global.Face = 'Pain'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 5) { _global.Face = 'Ecstasy'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 10) { _global.Face = 'AheEcstasy'; } } if (_global.EcstasyTimer > 0) { if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 1) { _global.Face = 'Pain2'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 3) { _global.Face = 'Ecstasy'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 5) { _global.Face = 'Ecstasy2'; } if (_global.EcstasyCount >= 10) { _global.Face = 'AheEcstasy2'; } } _parent.gotoAndStop(_global.Face); } } instance of movieClip 16 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(this._parent._parent._currentframe); } } instance of movieClip 20 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(this._parent._parent._currentframe); } } instance of movieClip 27 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(this._parent._parent._currentframe); } } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(this._parent._parent._currentframe); } } instance of movieClip 27 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(this._parent._parent._currentframe); } } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(this._parent._parent._currentframe); } } } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 95 { instance of movieClip 14 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent._visible = _global.IsSperm; } } } movieClip 111 { frame 2 { _global.IsAnalTouch = false; if (_global.Anal == 'Wait') { gotoAndPlay('Wait'); return undefined; } if (_global.Anal == 'Insert' || _global.Anal == 'Piston' || _global.Anal == 'Sperm') { gotoAndPlay('Insert'); return undefined; } if (_global.Anal == 'Open') { gotoAndPlay('Open'); return undefined; } } frame 20 { _global.PainTimer = 15; _global.EcstasyCountPlus(5); _global.IsAnalTouch = true; } frame 44 { if (_global.Anal == 'Insert') { gotoAndPlay('In'); return undefined; } if (_global.Anal == 'Sperm') { gotoAndPlay('Sperm'); return undefined; } gotoAndPlay('Remove'); } frame 63 { _global.PainTimer = 30; _global.IsSperm = true; _global.EcstasyCountPlus(4); } frame 72 { if (_global.Anal == 'Insert') { gotoAndPlay('In'); return undefined; } if (_global.Anal == 'Sperm') { gotoAndPlay('Sperm'); return undefined; } gotoAndPlay('Remove'); } frame 102 { _global.EcstasyCountPlus(2); } frame 114 { if (_global.Anal == 'Piston') { gotoAndPlay('Insert'); return undefined; } gotoAndPlay('Wait'); } frame 133 { _global.EcstasyCountPlus(5); _global.IsAnalTouch = true; } frame 148 { if (_global.Anal == 'Open') { gotoAndPlay('OpenNow'); return undefined; } gotoAndPlay('Close'); } frame 174 { gotoAndPlay('Wait'); } } movieClip 121 { instance of movieClip 14 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.EcstasyTimer != 60) { _parent.stop(); } else {; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.EcstasyTimer != 60) { _parent.stop(); } else {; } } } } movieClip 142 { instance of movieClip 14 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.EcstasyCount == 0) { _parent.stop(); } else {; } } } } movieClip 165 { frame 2 { _global.IsClitorisTouch = false; if (_global.Clitoris == 'Wait') { gotoAndPlay('Wait'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Erection') { gotoAndPlay('Erection'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Rub') { gotoAndPlay('Erection'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Open') { gotoAndPlay('Erection'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'OpenRub') { gotoAndPlay('Erection'); return undefined; } } frame 29 { _global.PainTimer = 15; _global.EcstasyCountPlus(5); _global.IsClitorisTouch = true; } frame 38 { if (_global.Clitoris == 'Rub') { gotoAndPlay('RubLoop'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Open') { gotoAndPlay('Open2'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'OpenRub') { gotoAndPlay('Open2'); return undefined; } } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay('ErectionNow'); } frame 72 { if (_global.Clitoris == 'Wait') { gotoAndPlay('ErectionBack'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Erection') { gotoAndPlay('ErectionNow'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Rub') { gotoAndPlay('Rub'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Open') { gotoAndPlay('Open'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'OpenRub') { gotoAndPlay('Open'); return undefined; } } frame 108 { gotoAndPlay('RubLoop'); } frame 120 { _global.EcstasyCountPlus(2); } frame 126 { if (_global.Clitoris == 'Wait') { gotoAndPlay('ErectionBack2'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Erection') { gotoAndPlay('Erection2'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Rub') { gotoAndPlay('RubLoop'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Open') { gotoAndPlay('Open2'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'OpenRub') { gotoAndPlay('Open2'); return undefined; } } frame 155 { _global.PainTimer = 15; _global.EcstasyCountPlus(5); } frame 159 { if (_global.Clitoris == 'Wait') { gotoAndPlay('OpenBack'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Erection') { gotoAndPlay('OpenBack'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Rub') { gotoAndPlay('OpenBack'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Open') { gotoAndPlay('OpenNow'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'OpenRub') { return undefined; } } frame 167 { _global.PainTimer = 30; _global.EcstasyCountPlus(3); } frame 173 { gotoAndPlay('OpenNow'); } frame 184 { _global.EcstasyCountPlus(2); } frame 190 { if (_global.Clitoris == 'Wait') { gotoAndPlay('ErectionBack2'); return undefined; } if (_global.Clitoris == 'Rub') { gotoAndPlay('Rub2'); return undefined; } } frame 211 { gotoAndPlay('ErectionNow'); } frame 248 { _global.EcstasyCountPlus(2); } frame 272 { gotoAndPlay('Wait'); } } movieClip 166 { } movieClip 167 { frame 121 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } movieClip 168 { instance Lira_mc of movieClip 167 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _y = 0; if (58 <= _global.EcstasyTimer && _global.EcstasyTimer <= 60) { _y = -2; } if (53 <= _global.EcstasyTimer && _global.EcstasyTimer <= 55) { _y = -2; } if (28 <= _global.EcstasyTimer && _global.EcstasyTimer <= 30) { _y = -2; } } } } movieClip 171 { } instance EcstasyPoint_mc of movieClip 171 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.EcstasyTimer > 0) { _global.EcstasyTimer -= 1; } if (_global.PainTimer > 0) { _global.PainTimer -= 1; } _xscale = 100 * _global.EcstasyPoint / _global.EcstasyMax; if (_global.EcstasyTimer > 0) { _xscale = 100; } _parent.EcstasyCount_txt.text = _global.EcstasyCount; } } // unknown tag 88 length 80 button 178 { on (release) { _global.Clitoris = 'Wait'; } } button 179 { on (release) { _global.Clitoris = 'Erection'; } } button 180 { on (release) { _global.Clitoris = 'Rub'; } } button 181 { on (release) { _global.Clitoris = 'Open'; } } button 182 { on (release) { _global.Clitoris = 'OpenRub'; } } button 183 { on (release) { _global.Anal = 'Wait'; } } button 184 { on (release) { _global.Anal = 'Insert'; } } button 185 { on (release) { _global.Anal = 'Piston'; } } button 186 { on (release) { _global.Anal = 'Sperm'; } } button 187 { on (release) { _global.Anal = 'Open'; } }
Created: 1/8 -2019 15:09:25 Last modified: 1/8 -2019 15:09:25 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:10:52