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This is the info page for
Flash #199503

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function randRange(min, max) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; return v1; } function autoFeed() { Checkem = 0; _root.gameMenu.inputFeed1.text = Pop[0]; _root.gameMenu.inputFeed2.text = Pop[1]; ERROR.htmlText = ''; } function autoDeport() { Checkem = 0; if (Pop[1] >= 50) { _root.gameMenu.inputDeport.text = 10; _root.gameMenu.inputKill.text = 40; } else { if (Pop[1] >= 10) { _root.gameMenu.inputDeport.text = 10; _root.gameMenu.inputKill.text = Pop[1] - 10; } else { _root.gameMenu.inputDeport.text = Pop[1]; _root.gameMenu.inputKill.text = 0; } } ERROR.htmlText = ''; } function autoPlant() { Checkem = 0; _root.gameMenu.inputPlant.text = Land + int(_root.gameMenu.inputTrade.text); ERROR.htmlText = ''; } function resetInputFields() { _root.gameMenu.inputFeed1.text = 0; _root.gameMenu.inputFeed2.text = 0; _root.gameMenu.inputPlant.text = 0; _root.gameMenu.inputTrade.text = 0; _root.gameMenu.inputKill.text = 0; _root.gameMenu.inputDeport.text = 0; } function checkNewGame() { if (GAME_OVER == '') { ++Checkem; if (Checkem == 1) { ERROR.htmlText = 'You are still playing. Really start over?'; } if (Checkem == 2) { 0; ERROR.htmlText = 'You absolutely sure?'; } if (Checkem == 3) { Outcome.htmlText = HelloThere; Outcome2.htmlText = HelloThere2; GAME_OVER = 'default'; Checkem = 0;;;; _root.gameMenu.gotoAndStop(2); ERROR.htmlText = ''; } } else { if (GAME_OVER == 'default') { newGame(); Checkem = 0; } else { Outcome.htmlText = HelloThere; Outcome2.htmlText = HelloThere2; GAME_OVER = 'default';;;; _root.gameMenu.gotoAndStop(2); ERROR.htmlText = ''; } } } function newGame() { Outcome.htmlText = ''; Outcome2.htmlText = ''; ERROR.htmlText = ''; Year = 1; Food = 3000; LandCost = 20; Land = 1000; Pop = new Array(100, 10); PopHunger = new Array(20, 10); PopGrowthMod = new Array(1, 1.5); PopGrow = new Array(0, 0); Deaths = new Array(0, 0); Relations = new Array(7, 4, 5); Purity = 100; Crime = new Array(0, 0, 0); CrimeTemp = new Array(0, 0, 0); Deaths = new Array(0, 0); Starvations = new Array(0, 0); Deportations = 0; Executions = 0; AveragePurity = 0; GAME_OVER = ''; if (LoopMusic == 3) {; } else {; } _root.gameMenu.gotoAndStop(1); displayStats(); } function Confirm() { Checkem = 0; if (FoodTemp < 0) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Insufficient bushels (Cannot end year with less than 0)'; } else { if (int(_root.gameMenu.inputPlant.text) > Pop[0] * 10) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Not enough people to work the fields (Max: 10 acres per person)'; } else { if (int(_root.gameMenu.inputPlant.text) > Land + int(_root.gameMenu.inputTrade.text)) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Not enough land to grow food on'; } else { if (int(_root.gameMenu.inputKill.text) > 40) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Unable to kill more than 40 Refugees in 1 year'; } else { if (int(_root.gameMenu.inputDeport.text) > 10) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Unable to deport more than 10 Refugees in 1 year'; } else { if (int(_root.gameMenu.inputFeed1.text) < 0) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Feeding requires positive value'; } else { if (int(_root.gameMenu.inputFeed2.text) < 0) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Feeding requires positive value'; } else { if (int(_root.gameMenu.inputPlant.text) < 0) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Planting requires positive value'; } else { if (int(_root.gameMenu.inputKill.text) < 0) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Execution requires positive value'; } else { if (int(_root.gameMenu.inputDeport.text) < 0) { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Deportation requires positive value'; } else { if (GAME_OVER != '') { ERROR.htmlText = 'ERROR: Start a new game!'; } else { nextYear(); } } } } } } } } } } } } function nextYear() { ++Year; Outcome.htmlText = 'It is Year ' + Year + ' of your Rule over ' + Kingdom + '\n'; Outcome2.htmlText = ''; ERROR.htmlText = ''; PopGrowthMod[0] *= PopGrowthDecay[0]; PopGrowthMod[1] *= PopGrowthDecay[1]; Land += int(_root.gameMenu.inputTrade.text); Food -= int(_root.gameMenu.inputTrade.text * LandCost); LandCost = int(randRange(LandCostRange[0], LandCostRange[1])); FoodGrowth = randRange(FoodGrowthRange[0], FoodGrowthRange[1]) / 10; Food += int(_root.gameMenu.inputPlant.text) * FoodGrowth; FoodConsumed = int(_root.gameMenu.inputFeed1.text * PopHunger[0]) + int(_root.gameMenu.inputFeed2.text) * PopHunger[1]; Food -= FoodConsumed; Deaths[0] = int(_root.gameMenu.inputFeed1.text) - Pop[0]; if (_root.Deaths[0] < Pop[0] * StarvationThreshold) { GAME_OVER = 'starvation'; } if (Deaths[0] < 0) { Pop[0] += Deaths[0]; Starvations[0] += Deaths[0]; Outcome.htmlText += '<font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + Deaths[0] * -1 + '</font> Swedes died of hunger' + '\n'; } else { Outcome.htmlText += 'Nobody important died of hunger\r'; } Deaths[1] = int(_root.gameMenu.inputFeed2.text) - Pop[1]; Purity = int(100 / ((Pop[0] + Pop[1]) / Pop[0])); AveragePurity += Purity; if (Purity < RiotStarvationThreshold[0]) { if (_root.Deaths[1] < Pop[1] * RiotStarvationThreshold[1]) { if (GAME_OVER == '') { GAME_OVER = 'riot'; } } } if (Deaths[1] < 0) { Pop[1] += Deaths[1]; Starvations[1] += Deaths[1]; Outcome.htmlText += '<font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Deaths[1] * -1 + '</font> Refugees died of hunger' + '\n'; } else { Outcome.htmlText += 'No refugees died of hunger\r'; } Deports = int(_root.gameMenu.inputDeport.text); if (Deports > 0) { if (Pop[1] < Deports) { Deports = Pop[1]; } Outcome.htmlText += '<font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Deports + '</font> Refugees were deported' + '\n'; Pop[1] -= Deports; Deportations += Deports; } Kills = int(_root.gameMenu.inputKill.text); if (Kills > 0) { if (Pop[1] < Kills) { Kills = Pop[1]; } Outcome.htmlText += '<font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + Kills + '</font> Refugees were EXECUTED!' + '\n'; Pop[1] -= Kills; Executions += Kills; } i = 0; while (i < 3) { CrimeTemp[i] = int(randRange(0, Pop[1] * Pop[1]) * CrimeGrowth[i] / 100); Crime[i] += CrimeTemp[i]; ++i; } if (CrimeTemp[2] > Pop[0]) { CrimeTemp[2] = Pop[0]; } Pop[0] -= CrimeTemp[2]; if (CrimeTemp[0] > 0 || CrimeTemp[1] > 0 || CrimeTemp[2] > 0) { Outcome.htmlText += '\r<font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + CrimeTemp[0] + '</font> Thefts, ' + '<font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + CrimeTemp[1] + '</font> Rapes, and ' + '<font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + CrimeTemp[2] + '</font> Murders were committed by refugees this year.' + '\n' + '\n'; } else { Outcome.htmlText += '\r<font color=\'#00FF00\'>This year was 100% crime free!</font>\r\r'; } PopGrow[0] = int(randRange(PopGrowthRange[0] * PopGrowthMod[0], PopGrowthRange[1] * PopGrowthMod[0])); Pop[0] += PopGrow[0]; Outcome.htmlText += '<font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + PopGrow[0] + '</font> Swedes were born' + '\n'; PopGrow[1] = int(randRange(PopGrowthRange[0] * PopGrowthMod[1], PopGrowthRange[1] * PopGrowthMod[1])); Pop[1] += PopGrow[1]; Outcome.htmlText += '<font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + PopGrow[1] + '</font> new Refugees have arrived' + '\n'; Outcome.htmlText += '---------------\r'; displayStats(); } function displayStats() { if (Year == 1) { Outcome.htmlText = 'It is Year <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Year + '</font> of your Rule over ' + Kingdom + '\n'; } Purity = int(100 / ((Pop[0] + Pop[1]) / Pop[0])); Outcome.htmlText += 'Total Population of ' + Kingdom + ': ' + int(Pop[0] + Pop[1]) + '\n'; Outcome.htmlText += '<font color=\'#FFDD22\'>Swedes: ' + Pop[0] + '</font> / ' + '<font color=\'#FF5555\'>Refugees: ' + Pop[1] + '</font> ' + '\n' + 'Racial Purity: <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Purity + '%</font>' + '\n'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Acres of land in ' + Kingdom + ': <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Land + '</font>' + '\n'; if (Year != 1) { Outcome.htmlText += 'Harvested <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + FoodGrowth + '</font> bushels per acre this year' + '\n' + '\n'; } Outcome.htmlText += 'Food storage: <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Food + '</font> bushels' + '\n'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Land trade value is at <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + LandCost + '</font> bushels per acre' + '\n'; Outcome2.htmlText += 'Thefts: <font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + int(Crime[0]) + ' </font>/ ' + 'Rapes: <font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + int(Crime[1]) + ' </font>/ ' + 'Murders: <font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + int(Crime[2]) + '</font>'; if (Year == 1) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Denmark is displeased that you allow refugees to live your Kingdom.\r'; } else { rollDiploDice(); if (Deaths[0] + Deaths[1] != 0) { Outcome2.htmlText += '\n'; unacceptableDeathThreshold = randRange(-50, -30); if (Deaths[0] + Deaths[1] <= unacceptableDeathThreshold) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'A leader that allows mass starvation on such an epidemic level to occur is an enemy to the human race. <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered with all)</font>\r'; Relations[0] -= 2; Relations[1] -= 2; Relations[2] -= 2; } else { if (ROLL_who == 1) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'The United States wonders what kind of cruel nation starves its people. <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[0] -= 1; } else { if (ROLL_who == 2) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Denmark feels that nobody, not even their enemies, should go hungry. <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[1] -= 1; } else { if (ROLL_who == 3) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Germany feels that nobody, not even their enemies, should go hungry. <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[2] -= 1; } } } } } rollDiploDice(); if (Kills > 0) { Outcome2.htmlText += '\n'; if (ROLL_who == 1) { if (ROLL_chance <= 15) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'The United States is extremely angry that you are killing refugees! <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[0] -= 2; } else { Outcome2.htmlText += 'The United States has turned a blind eye to your executions. (Reputation unchanged)\r'; } } else { if (ROLL_who == 2) { if (ROLL_chance <= 10) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Denmark is extremely angery that you must resort to killing to solve your problems! <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[1] -= 2; } else { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Denmark finds your methods of dealing with refugees to extreme, but understandable. (Reputation unchanged)\r'; } } else { if (ROLL_who == 3) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Germany is pleased with your methods of achieving racial purity. <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>(Reputation improved)</font>\r'; Relations[2] += 1; } } } } rollDiploDice(); if (Deports > 0) { Outcome2.htmlText += '\n'; if (ROLL_who == 1) { if (ROLL_chance <= 10) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Deporting refugees violates the contract you made with The United States! <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[0] -= 1; } else { Outcome2.htmlText += 'The United States has turned a blind eye to your deportations. (Reputation unchanged)\r'; } } else { if (ROLL_who == 2) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Denmark is happy about your decision to deport some refugees. <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>(Reputation improved)</font>\r'; Relations[1] += 1; } else { if (ROLL_who == 3) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Germany is extremely angry that you are deporting refugees! <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[2] -= 2; } } } } rollDiploDice(); if (ROLL_chance <= 10) { Outcome2.htmlText += '\n'; if (Purity >= 85) { if (ROLL_who == 1) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'The United States is annoyed at the lack of racial diversity in Sweden. <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[0] -= 1; } else { if (ROLL_who == 2) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Denmark is very pleased about the strong racial purity in Sweden. <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>(Reputation improved)</font>\r'; Relations[1] += 1; } else { if (ROLL_who == 3) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Germany is very pleased about the strong racial purity in Sweden. <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>(Reputation improved)</font>\r'; Relations[2] += 1; } } } } else { if (Purity >= 70) { if (ROLL_who == 1) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'The United States thinks sweden could be more racially diverse. (Reputation unchanged)\r'; } else { if (ROLL_who == 2) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Denmark is concerned about the refugee ratio in Sweden. (Reputation unchanged)\r'; } else { if (ROLL_who == 3) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Germany has mixed feelings about the refugee ratio in Sweden. (Reputation unchanged)\r'; } } } } else { if (Purity >= 50) { if (ROLL_who == 1) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'The United States is happy to see how much diversity is in Sweden! <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>(Reputation improved)</font>\r'; Relations[1] += 1; } else { if (ROLL_who == 2) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Denmark is angry about the high refugee ratio in Sweden. <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[1] -= 1; } else { if (ROLL_who == 3) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Germany is happy you are dealing with the refugees so they don\'t have to. <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>(Reputation improved)</font>\r'; Relations[2] += 1; } } } } else { if (Purity >= 30) { if (ROLL_who == 1) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'The United States worries about the safety of Sweden. (Reputation unchanged)\r'; } else { if (ROLL_who == 2) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Denmark is extremely angry about the swarm of refugees. <font color=\'#FF5555\'>(Reputation lowered)</font>\r'; Relations[1] -= 1; } else { if (ROLL_who == 3) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Germany is happy you are dealing with the refugees so they don\'t have to. <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>(Reputation improved)</font>\r'; Relations[2] += 1; } } } } } } } } rollDiploDice(); if (ROLL_chance >= 10) { Outcome2.htmlText += '\n'; if (ROLL_who == 1) { if (Relations[0] >= 8) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Due to good relations, The US has shipped a one year\'s supply of Alex Jones Super Male Vitality. <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>+10% to birth rates</font>\r'; PopGrowthMod[0] *= 1.1; } } else { if (ROLL_who == 2) { if (Relations[1] >= 8) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Due to good relations, Denmark\'s ambassador lends a hand in foreign politics. <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>(Reputation improved with all)</font>\r'; Relations[1] += 1; Relations[2] += 1; Relations[3] += 1; } } else { if (ROLL_who == 3) { if (Relations[2] >= 8) { Outcome2.htmlText += 'Due to good relations, Germany has decided to help out and take on extra Refugees. <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>-10% Refugee Arrival Rate</font>\r'; PopGrowthMod[1] *= 0.92; } } } } } if (GAME_OVER == '') { if (ROLL_chance >= 5) { if (ROLL_who == 1) { if (Relations[0] < 1) { GAME_OVER = 'america'; } } else { if (ROLL_who == 2) { if (Relations[1] < 1) { GAME_OVER = 'denmark'; } } else { if (ROLL_who == 3) { if (Relations[2] < 1) { GAME_OVER = 'germany'; } } } } } } } Outcome2.htmlText += '\n'; i = 0; while (i < 3) { if (Relations[i] < 0) { Relations[i] = 0; } ++i; } Outcome2.htmlText += 'Relations with The USA: ' + RelationHints[Relations[0]] + '\n'; Outcome2.htmlText += 'Relations with Denmark: ' + RelationHints[Relations[1]] + '\n'; Outcome2.htmlText += 'Relations with Germany: ' + RelationHints[Relations[2]] + '\n'; if (Year == 11) { GAME_OVER = 'victory'; } if (GAME_OVER != '') { gameOver(GAME_OVER); } else { if (Purity > 50) {;; } else {;; } } resetInputFields(); } function rollDiploDice() { ROLL_chance = int(randRange(1, 20)); ROLL_who = int(randRange(1, 3)); } function gameOver(WHICH) {; _root.gameMenu.gotoAndStop(2); Outcome.htmlText = ''; Outcome2.htmlText = ''; if (WHICH == 'starvation') { Outcome.htmlText = 'You starved off ' + Deaths[0] * -1 + ' Swedes in a single year!'; Outcome.htmlText += 'The once glorious kingdom of Sweden is now in ruin thanks to your horrible mismanagement. You have been exiled to Finland.\r\r<font color=\'#FF5555\'>Game Over</font>'; } if (WHICH == 'riot') { Outcome.htmlText = 'Due to mass starvation, the Refugees form a riot and rampage through the streets!'; Outcome.htmlText += 'The once glorious kingdom of Sweden is now in ruin thanks to your horrible mismanagement. Normally you\'d be exiled from the Kingdom, but there\'s no kingdom to even speak of.\r\r<font color=\'#FF5555\'>Game Over</font>'; } if (WHICH == 'america') { Outcome.htmlText = 'You\'ve been conquered by The United States of America!'; Outcome.htmlText += 'America has finally decided that Sweden\'s people can only prosper in the hands of a competent nation. Their powerful army has marched in and annexed your kingdom and exiled you to Finland.\r\r<font color=\'#FF5555\'>Game Over</font>'; } if (WHICH == 'denmark') { Outcome.htmlText = 'You\'ve been couped by Denmark!'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Denmark feels that Sweden can only become a proud viking motherland again by weeding out the weak. They\'ve overthrown you and put someone more suitable in charge. You\'ve been exiled to Finland.\r\r<font color=\'#FF5555\'>Game Over</font>'; } if (WHICH == 'germany') { Outcome.htmlText = 'You\'ve been assassinated by a German spy'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Germany has been your ally for far too long it seems, as a professional hitman was sent to murder you in your sleep. You are dead!\r\r<font color=\'#FF5555\'>Game Over</font>'; } if (WHICH == 'victory') { Outcome.htmlText += 'Congratulations! You stayed in office for 10 years, but is Sweden better off thanks to you? Let\'s see:\r\r'; } else { Outcome.htmlText += '----------------------'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Years in government: <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Year + '</font>'; } Outcome.htmlText += 'Acres of Land Held: <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Land + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Swede Starvations: <font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + Starvations[0] * -1 + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Refugee Starvations: <font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + Starvations[1] * -1 + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Refugee Deportations: <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Deportations + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Refugee Executions: <font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + Executions + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Final Racial Purity: <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + Purity + '%' + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Average Racial Purity: <font color=\'#C3FF62\'>' + int(AveragePurity / 10) + '%' + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Thefts: <font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + Crime[0] + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Rapes: <font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + Crime[1] + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Murders: <font color=\'#FF5555\'>' + Crime[2] + '</font>'; Outcome.htmlText += 'Relations with The USA: ' + RelationHints[Relations[0]]; Outcome.htmlText += 'Relations with Denmark: ' + RelationHints[Relations[1]]; Outcome.htmlText += 'Relations with Germany: ' + RelationHints[Relations[2]]; if (WHICH == 'victory') {; if (LoopMusic == 3) {; } else {; } finalScore = Year * 200; finalScore += Land * 5; finalScore += Starvations[0] * 15; finalScore += Starvations[1] * 5; finalScore += Deportations * 5; finalScore -= Executions * 10; finalScore -= Crime[0] * 5; finalScore -= Crime[1] * 15; finalScore -= Crime[2] * 25; finalScore += 10 * int(AveragePurity / 10); finalScore += Relations[0] * 50; finalScore += Relations[1] * 50; finalScore += Relations[2] * 50; finalScore *= Purity / 100; if (finalScore < 0) { finalScore = 0; } Outcome.htmlText += '\r\rFinal Score: <font color=\'#FFCC00\'>' + int(finalScore) + '</font>'; } else { Outcome.htmlText += '\r\rFinal Score: N/A\rServe a full 10 year term to be evaluated.'; } } var Year = 1; var Food = 0; var FoodGrowth = 2; var Land = 0; var LandCost = 0; var Pop = new Array(0, 0); var PopGrow = new Array(0, 0); var PopGrowthMod = new Array(1, 1.5); var Purity = 100; var Crime = new Array(0, 0, 0); var CrimeTemp = new Array(0, 0, 0); var Deaths = new Array(0, 0); var Relations = new Array(0, 0, 0); var GAME_OVER = 'default'; var LoopMusic = 1; var Kingdom = 'Sweden'; var FoodGrowthRange = new Array(16, 24); var LandCostRange = new Array(18, 26); 'Swedes'; var PopNames = 'Syrian Refugees'; var PopHunger = new Array(20, 10); var CrimeGrowth = new Array(10, 5, 0.33); var PopGrowthRange = new Array(5, 15); var PopGrowthDecay = new Array(0.92, 1.1); var RelationHints = new Array('<font color=\'#FF0000\'>WAR IMMINENT</font>', '<font color=\'#FF0000\'>WAR IMMINENT</font>', '<font color=\'#FF5555\'>Aggressive</font>', '<font color=\'#FF5555\'>Bad</font>', '<font color=\'#FF5555\'>Poor</font>', 'Fine', '<font color=\'#C3FF62\'>Good</font>', '<font color=\'#C3FF62\'>Great</font>', '<font color=\'#C3FF62\'>Excellent</font>', '<font color=\'#62FFFA\'>Alliance</font>'); var RiotStarvationThreshold = new Array(70, -0.5); var StarvationThreshold = -0.5; var Starvations = new Array(0, 0); var Deportations = 0; var Executions = 0; var AveragePurity = 0;;;; _root.gameMenu.gotoAndStop(2); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { FoodTemp = int(Food - (int(_root.gameMenu.inputFeed1.text * PopHunger[0]) + int(_root.gameMenu.inputFeed2.text * PopHunger[1]) + int(_root.gameMenu.inputPlant.text) + int(_root.gameMenu.inputTrade.text * LandCost))); _root.gameMenu.foodLeftHint = FoodTemp + ' bushels remain'; }; Outcome.html = true; Outcome2.html = true; ERROR.html = true; Outcome2.htmlText = ''; ERROR.htmlText = ''; smorggs = 0; var HelloThere = '<font color=\'#FFCC00\'>SWEDEN\'S</font> <font color=\'#66CCFF\'>HAMURABI</font>\r\rTry to Govern the Glorious Kingdom of Sweden for 10 years. Your objective is to make sure your people don\'t starve to death while keeping immigration and foreign politics in check over your 10 year term. Based on the classic computer game HAMURABI (1968)\r\r<font color=\'#FFCC00\'>Click New Game to play</font>'; Outcome.htmlText = HelloThere; var HelloThere2 = 'HOW TO PLAY\r\r1. Choose how many people to feed by typing in a number. Everyone else will starve to death.\r\r2. Select how many acres in which you will plant crops for next year\'s harvest. Each Swede can work up to 10 acres of farmland.\r\r3. If you don\'t have enough food to feed everyone or plant crops in all your acres of land, consider selling some land to avoid starvation.\r\r4. Keep refugees in check and don\'t anger leaders of other countries!'; Outcome2.htmlText = HelloThere2; Checkem = 0; } movieClip 4 { } movieClip 7 { frame 562 { if (_root.LoopMusic == 2) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 9 { frame 571 { if (_root.LoopMusic == 2) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 11 { frame 1774 { if (_root.LoopMusic == 2) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 12 { } // unknown tag 88 length 78 movieClip 30 { } movieClip 33 { } movieClip 38 { } movieClip 51 { } movieClip 52 { instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.Confirm(); } } instance of movieClip 33 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.autoFeed(); } } instance of movieClip 33 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.autoPlant(); } } instance of movieClip 38 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.LoopMusic); } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.LoopMusic == 1) { _root.LoopMusic = 2;; } else { if (_root.LoopMusic == 2) { _root.LoopMusic = 3;; } else { if (_root.LoopMusic == 3) { _root.LoopMusic = 1;; } } } gotoAndStop(_root.LoopMusic); } } instance of movieClip 51 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.LoopMusic); } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.LoopMusic == 1) { _root.LoopMusic = 3; } else { _root.LoopMusic = 1; } gotoAndStop(_root.LoopMusic); } } } movieClip 57 { } instance of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.checkNewGame(); } }
Created: 12/10 -2018 07:29:44 Last modified: 12/10 -2018 07:29:44 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:25:17