Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

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shire monokuru hi chijo.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #200732

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { stop(); } frame 1 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } movieClip 5 { frame 1 { if (Math.random() < 0.6) { so_idol_normal._visible = false; } if (voice_on != true) { kutipaku._visible = false; } } frame 11 { if (so_idol_normal._visible == false) { so_idol_normal._visible = true; } } frame 41 { if (so_idol_normal._visible == false) { so_idol_normal.visible = true; } gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance so_id of movieClip 5 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { so_id_visible_flag = this._visible; = 'ノーマルアイドル表示 ' + so_id_visible_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '外出し' && _parent.prop_box.emission_mode != 'エンド') { if (voice_on == true) { kutipaku._visible = true; } else { kutipaku._visible = false; } if (idol_flag == true && _parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 0 && _parent.climax_anime._visible == false && _parent.sotodashi_anime._visible == false && this._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; idol_flag = true; } else { idol_flag = false; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { idol_flag = true; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; idol_flag = true; } if (_parent.climax_anime._visible == true) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent.sotodashi_anime._visible == true) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this._visible = false; var so_id_visible_flag; var idol_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 8 { frame 1 { if (Math.random() < 0.2) { so_idol_bu_normal._visible = false; } if (voice_on != true) { kutipaku._visible = false; } } frame 11 { if (so_idol_bu_normal._visible == false) { so_idol_bu_normal._visible = true; } } frame 41 { if (so_idol_bu_normal._visible == false) { so_idol_bu_normal.visible = true; } gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 8 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { so_id_bu_visible_flag = this._visible; = 'ぶっかけアイドル表示 ' + so_id_bu_visible_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '中出し' && _parent.prop_box.emission_mode != 'エンド') { if (voice_on == true) { kutipaku._visible = true; } else { kutipaku._visible = false; } if (idol_flag == true && _parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 0 && _parent.climax_anime._visible == false && _parent.sotodashi_anime._visible == false && this._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; idol_flag = true; } else { idol_flag = false; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { idol_flag = true; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; } if (_parent.climax_anime._visible == true) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent.sotodashi_anime._visible == true) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this._visible = false; var so_id_bu_visible_flag; var idol_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 129 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance sounyuu_anime_mc of movieClip 129 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { sounyuu_visible_flag = this._visible; = '挿入アニメ表示 ' + sounyuu_visible_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '外出し') { if (_parent.sotodashi_anime.anime_flag != true) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num <= 10 && _parent.climax_anime._currentframe == 1) { _parent.climax_anime.anime_flag = true; sounyuu_iya_flag = true; sounyuu_anime_flag = true; sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag = true; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true) { this._visible = true; } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true && sounyuu_iya_flag == true && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < 400) { sounyuu_iya_flag = false; if (Math.random() < 0.6) { _parent.iyan_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _parent.aaatu_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num > 10 && _parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true && sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag == true && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < 400) { sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag = false; _parent.gutyu_normal_se.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count == 40 && action_stick_01_flag == true) { action_stick_01_flag = false; if (_parent.action_stick._currentframe != 1) { _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } } if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count == 400 && action_stick_02_flag == true) { action_stick_02_flag = false; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.climax_anime.anime_flag == true) { this._visible = false; } else { if (_parent.climax_anime._visible == true) { this._visible = false; } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.sounyuu_flag == true) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num); } else {} } else { this._visible = false; } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this._visible = false; var sounyuu_visible_flag; var pantu_time = 0; var sounyuu_anime_flag = true; var sounyuu_iya_flag = false; var sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag = false; var action_01_flag = true; var action_stick_01_flag = true; var action_stick_02_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 250 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance sounyuu_anime_bu_mc of movieClip 250 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { sounyuu_visible_flag = this._visible; = '挿入アニメbu表示 ' + sounyuu_visible_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '中出し') { if (_parent.sotodashi_anime.anime_flag != true) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num <= 10 && _parent.climax_anime_bu._currentframe == 1) { _parent.climax_anime_bu.anime_flag = true; sounyuu_iya_flag = true; sounyuu_anime_flag = true; sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag = true; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true) { this._visible = true; } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true && sounyuu_iya_flag == true && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < 500) { sounyuu_iya_flag = false; if (Math.random() < 0.6) { _parent.iyan_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _parent.aaatu_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num > 10 && _parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true && sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag == true && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < 500) { sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag = false; _parent.gutyu_normal_se.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count == 40 && action_stick_01_flag == true) { action_stick_01_flag = false; if (_parent.action_stick._currentframe != 1) { _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } } if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count == 500 && action_stick_02_flag == true) { action_stick_02_flag = false; if (_parent.action_stick._currentframe != 1) { _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.climax_anime.anime_flag == true) { this._visible = false; } else { if (_parent.climax_anime._visible == true) { this._visible = false; } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.sounyuu_flag == true) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num); } else {} } else { this._visible = false; } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this._visible = false; var sounyuu_visible_flag; var pantu_time = 0; var sounyuu_anime_flag = true; var sounyuu_iya_flag = false; var sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag = false; var action_01_flag = true; var action_stick_01_flag = true; var action_stick_02_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 253 { frame 1 { if (Math.random() < 0.2) { climax_metoji._visible = false; } } frame 38 { gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; if (climax_metoji._visible == false) { climax_metoji._visible = true; } } } instance climax_anime of movieClip 253 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { visible_flag = this._visible; = 'クライマックス表示 ' + visible_flag; = 'クライマックス発動可能 ' + anime_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '外出し') { if (anime_flag == true) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.soto_start_number) { _parent.prop_box.climax_count += 10; if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.soto_start_number) { this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this.anime_flag = false; } else { this.anime_flag = false; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag != true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; } } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this._visible = false; var visible_flag; var anime_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 256 { frame 1 { if (Math.random() < 0.2) { climax_metoji_bu._visible = false; } } frame 38 { gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; if (climax_metoji_bu._visible == false) { climax_metoji_bu._visible = true; } } } instance climax_anime_bu of movieClip 256 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { visible_flag = this._visible; = 'クライマックスbu表示 ' + visible_flag; = 'クライマックスbu発動可能 ' + anime_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '中出し') { if (anime_flag == true) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.naka_start_number) { _parent.prop_box.climax_count += 10; if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.naka_start_number) { this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this.anime_flag = false; } else { this.anime_flag = false; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag != true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; } } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this._visible = false; var visible_flag; var anime_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 299 { frame 2 { if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count < 400) { fuaaaatu_voice_p = fuaaaatu_voice.position; if (fuaaaatu_voice_p == 0 || fuaaaatu_voice_p == fuaaaatu_voice.duration) { fuaaaatu_voice.start(0, 1); } } } frame 21 { if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.soto_start_number) { _parent.prop_box.climax_count += 10; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.piston_speed_count != 30) { this._visible = false; this.anime_flag = true; gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance piston_speed_anime of movieClip 299 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { visible_flag = this._visible; = 'ピストンスピード表示 ' + visible_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '外出し') { if (anime_flag == true) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.slider_set.slider.piston_speed_count == 30 && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.soto_start_number) { _parent.prop_box.climax_count += 10; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); anime_flag = false; } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this.stop(); this._visible = false; var visible_flag; var anime_flag = true; var fuaaaatu_voice = new Sound(this); fuaaaatu_voice.attachSound('fuaaaatu'); var fuaaaatu_voice_p = 0; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 342 { frame 2 { if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count < 500) { fuaaaatu_voice_p = fuaaaatu_voice.position; if (fuaaaatu_voice_p == 0 || fuaaaatu_voice_p == fuaaaatu_voice.duration) { fuaaaatu_voice.start(0, 1); } } } frame 21 { if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.naka_start_number) { _parent.prop_box.climax_count += 10; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.piston_speed_count != 30) { this._visible = false; this.anime_flag = true; gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 342 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { visible_flag = this._visible; = 'ピストンスピード表示 ' + visible_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '中出し') { if (anime_flag == true) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.slider_set.slider.piston_speed_count == 30 && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.naka_start_number) { _parent.prop_box.climax_count += 10; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); anime_flag = false; } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this.stop(); this._visible = false; var visible_flag; var anime_flag = true; var fuaaaatu_voice = new Sound(this); fuaaaatu_voice.attachSound('fuaaaatu'); var fuaaaatu_voice_p = 0; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 345 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 393 { this._visible = false; this.anime_flag = false; _parent.prop_box.climax_count = 0; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '外出し') { _parent.prop_box.emission_mode = '中出し'; } else { _parent.prop_box.emission_mode = 'エンド'; } gotoAndStop(1); this.sotodashi_ok_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_mc.pantu_time = 0; _parent.sounyuu_anime_mc.action_01_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_mc.action_stick_01_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_mc.action_stick_02_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_mc.action_stick_03_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_mc.action_stick_04_flag = true; } } instance sotodashi_anime of movieClip 345 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; var anime_flag = false; var sotodashi_visible_flag; var sotodashi_ok_flag = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { sotodashi_visible_flag = this._visible; = '外出しアニメ表示 ' + sotodashi_visible_flag; if (anime_flag == true && sotodashi_ok_flag == true) { sotodashi_ok_flag = false; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 347 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 522 { this._visible = false; this.anime_flag = false; _parent.prop_box.climax_count = 0; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '中出し') { _parent.prop_box.emission_mode = '外出し'; } else { _parent.prop_box.emission_mode = 'エンド'; } gotoAndStop(1); this.nakadashi_ok_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_bu_mc.pantu_time = 0; _parent.sounyuu_anime_bu_mc.action_01_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_bu_mc.action_stick_01_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_bu_mc.action_stick_02_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_bu_mc.action_stick_03_flag = true; _parent.sounyuu_anime_bu_mc.action_stick_04_flag = true; if (nakadashi_play_num >= 1 && nakadashi_play_num_flag == true) { nakadashi_play_num_flag = false; _parent.kaerino_kai.count_flag = true; } } } instance nakadashi_anime of movieClip 347 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { nakadashi_visible_flag = this._visible; = '中出しアニメ表示 ' + nakadashi_visible_flag; if (anime_flag == true && nakadashi_ok_flag == true) { nakadashi_ok_flag = false; nakadashi_play_num += 1; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } this._visible = false; var anime_flag = false; var nakadashi_visible_flag; var nakadashi_ok_flag = true; var nakadashi_play_num = 0; var nakadashi_play_num_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 351 { frame 1 { if (Math.random() < 0.2) { so_mae_idol_normal._visible = false; } if (voice_on != true) { kutipaku._visible = false; } } frame 13 { if (so_mae_idol_normal._visible == false) { so_mae_idol_normal._visible = true; } } frame 51 { if (so_mae_idol_normal._visible == false) { so_mae_idol_normal.visible = true; } gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance so_mae_idol of movieClip 351 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { so_mae_id_visible_flag = this._visible; = '挿入前アイドル表示 ' + so_mae_id_visible_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '挿入') { if (voice_on == true) { kutipaku._visible = true; } else { kutipaku._visible = false; } if (idol_flag == true && _parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 0 && _parent.so_suberi_after._visible == false && _parent.so_insert._visible == false && this._currentframe == 1) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; idol_flag = true; } else { idol_flag = false; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { idol_flag = true; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; idol_flag = true; } if (_parent.so_suberi_after._visible == true) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent.so_insert._visible == true) { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this._visible = true; var so_mae_id_visible_flag; var idol_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 472 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance so_suberi_first of movieClip 472 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { so_suberi_first_visible_flag = this._visible; = '挿入すべり表示 ' + so_suberi_first_visible_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '挿入') { if (_parent.so_insert.anime_flag != true) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num <= 10 && _parent.so_suberi_after._currentframe == 1) { _parent.so_suberi_after.anime_flag = true; sounyuu_suberi_anime_flag = true; sounyuu_suberi_iya_flag = true; sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag = true; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true) { this._visible = true; } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true && sounyuu_suberi_anime_flag == true) { sounyuu_suberi_anime_flag = false; if (action_01_flag == true && pantu_time < 110) { pantu_time += 10; } else { action_01_flag = false; } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true && sounyuu_suberi_iya_flag == true && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < 60) { sounyuu_suberi_iya_flag = false; if (Math.random() < 0.7) { _parent.aaatu_so_mae_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _parent.suberi_oto.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num > 10 && _parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true && sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag == true && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < 60) { sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag = false; _parent.gutyu_se.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (pantu_time >= 10 && action_stick_01_flag == true) { action_stick_01_flag = false; if (_parent.action_stick._currentframe != 1) { _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } if (_parent.so_point_anime._currentframe == 24) { _parent.so_point_anime.gotoAndPlay(24); } } if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count == 60 && action_stick_02_flag == true) { action_stick_02_flag = false; _parent.tenmetu_suberi.all_flag = false; } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.so_suberi_after.anime_flag == true) { this._visible = false; } else { if (_parent.so_suberi_after._visible == true) { this._visible = false; } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.sounyuu_flag == true) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num); } else {} } else { this._visible = false; } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this._visible = false; var so_suberi_first_visible_flag; var pantu_time = 0; var sounyuu_suberi_anime_flag = true; var sounyuu_suberi_iya_flag = false; var sounyuu_mae_suberi_iya_flag = false; var action_01_flag = true; var action_stick_01_flag = true; var action_stick_02_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 474 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 57 { gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; } } instance so_suberi_after of movieClip 474 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { visible_flag = this._visible; = 'すべりアフタ~表示 ' + visible_flag; = 'すべりアフタ~発動可能 ' + anime_flag; if (_parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '挿入') { if (anime_flag == true) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.frame_num == 60 && _parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.insert_start_number) { _parent.prop_box.climax_count += 10; if (_parent.prop_box.climax_count < _parent.prop_box.insert_start_number) { this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); this.anime_flag = false; } else { this.anime_flag = false; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag != true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; } } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } this._visible = false; var visible_flag; var anime_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 476 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 114 { this._visible = false; this.anime_flag = false; _parent.prop_box.climax_count = 0; _parent.prop_box.emission_mode = '外出し'; _parent.orgasm_level._visible = true; gotoAndStop(1); } } instance so_insert of movieClip 476 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { so_insert_visible_flag = this._visible; = '挿入アニメ表示 ' + so_insert_visible_flag; if (anime_flag == true && insert_ok_flag == true) { insert_ok_flag = false; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } this._visible = false; var anime_flag = false; var so_insert_visible_flag; var insert_ok_flag = true; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 479 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); _parent.tenmetu_suberi._visible = true; _parent.tenmetu_suberi.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.tenmetu_suberi.all_flag = true; _parent.slider_set._visible = true; } frame 31 { stop(); this._visible = false; } } instance so_point_anime of movieClip 479 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 481 { frame 1 { } frame 349 { _parent.prop_box.emission_mode = '挿入'; } frame 350 { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.otintin_omatani_voice.count_flag = true; } } movieClip 483 { } movieClip 485 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 20 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 486 { instance slider_area of movieClip 483 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance slider of movieClip 485 { onClipEvent (load) { function initSlider() { rectA = _parent.slider_area.getBounds(_parent._parent.slider_set); rectS = this.getBounds(this); left = this._x; right = this._x; top = rectA.yMin - rectS.yMin; bottom = rectA.yMax - rectS.yMax; height = bottom - top; } function moveSlider() { onPress = myPress; onRelease = myRelease; onReleaseOutside = myReleaseOutside; onRollOver = myRollOver; onRollOut = myRollOut; getSliderFrame(); } function myPress() { onPressFlag = true; sounyuu_flag = true; this.startDrag(false, left, top, right, bottom); } function myRelease() { this.stopDrag(); onPressFlag = false; sounyuu_flag = false; this._y = bottom; if (this._currentframe == 10) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } piston_speed_count = 0; } function myReleaseOutside() { this.stopDrag(); onPressFlag = false; sounyuu_flag = false; this._y = bottom; if (this._currentframe == 10) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } piston_speed_count = 0; } function getSliderFrame() { = 'ピストンレベル ' + piston_speed_count; if (_parent._parent.prop_box.emission_mode != '挿入' && _parent._parent.prop_box.emission_mode != 'スタート') { if (_parent._parent.sotodashi_anime.anime_flag != true && _parent._parent.nakadashi_anime.anime_flag != true && _parent._parent.so_insert.anime_flag != true) { if (piston_speed_count < 30 && onPressFlag == true && frame_num == 60) { piston_speed_count += 1; } if (onPressFlag == true && frame_num != 60) { piston_speed_count = 0; } } else { piston_speed_count = 0; } } frame_num = Math.floor(60 - (this._y - top) * 60 / height); = frame_num; } var onPressFlag = false; var frame_num; var sounyuu_flag = false; var bukkake_flag = false; var piston_speed_count = 0; initSlider(); onEnterFrame = moveSlider; } } } instance slider_set of movieClip 486 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 488 { } instance prop_box of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { = '今は ' + emission_mode + 'モードです'; switch (emission_mode) { case insert: emission_number = insert_start_number; break; case soto: emission_number = soto_start_number; break; case naka: emission_number = naka_start_number; break; case start_camera: emission_number = start_camera_number; break; case so_end: emission_number = so_end_number; } = 'クライマックスレベル ' + climax_count; if (climax_count == emission_number) { switch (emission_mode) { case soto: _parent.sotodashi_anime.anime_flag = true; break; case naka: _parent.nakadashi_anime.anime_flag = true; break; case insert: _parent.so_insert.anime_flag = true; } } } var climax_count = 0; this._visible = false; var soto = '外出し'; var naka = '中出し'; var insert = '挿入'; var start_camera = 'スタート'; var so_end = 'エンド'; var insert_start_number = 60; var soto_start_number = 400; var naka_start_number = 500; var start_camera_number = 300; var so_end_number = 300; var emission_number; var emission_mode = start_camera; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 490 { } instance tenmetu_suberi of movieClip 490 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { if (all_flag == true) { if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == true && play_flag == true) { play_flag = false; stop_flag = true; this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_parent.slider_set.slider.onPressFlag == false && stop_flag == true) { play_flag = true; stop_flag = false; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } else { this._visible = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; var play_flag = true; var stop_flag = false; var all_flag = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 492 { } instance fukidashi_itai of movieClip 492 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { onRelease = myRelease; if (count_flag == true && count_num < 70) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 70) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; this._visible = true; } } function myRelease() { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = true; _parent.kimotii_nante_uso_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this._x = 530; this._y = 288; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } instance fukidashi_uso of movieClip 492 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { onRelease = myRelease; if (count_flag == true && count_num < 70) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 70) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; this._visible = true; } } function myRelease() { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = true; _parent.kimotii_nante_uso_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this._x = 530; this._y = 288; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } instance fukidashi_dame of movieClip 492 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { onRelease = myRelease; if (count_flag == true && count_num < 70) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 70) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; this._visible = true; } } function myRelease() { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = true; _parent.dame_sonnano_dame_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this._x = 530; this._y = 288; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } instance fukidashi_iya of movieClip 492 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { onRelease = myRelease; if (count_flag == true && count_num < 70) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 70) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; this._visible = true; } } function myRelease() { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = true; _parent.ufuun_sonnano_iya_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this._x = 530; this._y = 288; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } instance fukidashi_iyaa_sonnano of movieClip 492 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { onRelease = myRelease; if (count_flag == true && count_num < 70) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 70) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; this._visible = true; } } function myRelease() { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = true; _parent.iyaa_sonnano_zettai_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this._x = 530; this._y = 288; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } instance fukidashi_rina_no of movieClip 492 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { onRelease = myRelease; if (count_flag == true && count_num < 70) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 70) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; this._visible = true; } } function myRelease() { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; _parent.action_00_count_script.count_flag = true; _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(16); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = ''; } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this._x = 530; this._y = 288; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 498 { } movieClip 499 { instance orgasm_line of movieClip 498 { onClipEvent (load) { this._width = 0; } } } movieClip 503 { frame 1 { kotoba._visible = false; orgasm_level._visible = false; } frame 16 { stop(); kotoba._visible = true; if (_parent.prop_box.ona_start_flag == true) { orgasm_level._visible = true; } } frame 17 { orgasm_level._visible = false; } frame 37 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance action_stick of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._alpha = 90; this._visible = false; } } movieClip 505 { } instance action_01_count_script of movieClip 505 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { onRelease = myRelease; if (count_flag == true && count_num < 50) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 50) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; _parent.so_point_anime._visible = true; _parent.so_point_anime.gotoAndPlay(1); } } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } instance action_00_count_script of movieClip 505 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { onRelease = myRelease; if (count_flag == true && count_num < 130) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 130) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = true; _parent.rina_no_omanko_voice.gotoAndPlay(2); } } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 508 { } instance kaerino_kai of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { onRelease = myRelease; if (count_flag == true && count_num < 20) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 20) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; this._visible = true; this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } function myRelease() { this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; _parent.so_end._visible = true; _parent.so_end.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.slider_set._visible = false; } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 511 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 226 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.action_stick._visible = true; _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = '痛いから気持ち良いんだよ。\nすぐ良くなるから我慢しようね。'; _parent.fukidashi_itai.count_flag = true; } } instance otintin_omatani_voice of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { if (count_flag == true && count_num < 30) { count_num += 1; } if (count_num == 30) { count_flag = false; count_num = 0; this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = true; } } var count_num = 0; var count_flag = false; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } movieClip 513 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 324 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.action_stick._visible = true; _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = '大丈夫だって、壊れない程度に中をメチャメチャに犯してあげるからさ。'; _parent.fukidashi_dame.count_flag = true; } } instance kimotii_nante_uso_voice of movieClip 513 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 515 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 180 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.action_stick._visible = true; _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = 'じゃあ、優しくオマンコしてもらえるように里奈ちゃんも変わらなきゃいけないね。'; _parent.fukidashi_iya.count_flag = true; } } instance dame_sonnano_dame_voice of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 517 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 123 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.action_stick._visible = true; _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = '聞き分けのない子は、お尻の穴も滅茶苦茶にしちゃうよ!'; _parent.fukidashi_iyaa_sonnano.count_flag = true; } } instance ufuun_sonnano_iya_voice of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 519 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 35 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance aaatu_voice of movieClip 519 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 521 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 35 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance iyan_voice of movieClip 521 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 523 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 331 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = 'じゃあ「里奈のオマンコ犯してほしい」って言ってごらん。ちゃんと言えたら滅茶苦茶にはしないであげるよ。'; _parent.fukidashi_rina_no.count_flag = true; } } instance iyaa_sonnano_zettai_voice of movieClip 523 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 525 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 511 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.action_stick.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.action_stick.kotoba.text = '上手に言えたね。次からは本音で言えるようにしようね…'; _parent.action_01_count_script.count_flag = true; } } instance rina_no_omanko_voice of movieClip 525 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 527 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 38 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance haaaaaan_voice of movieClip 527 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 529 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 24 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance fuaaaatu_voice of movieClip 529 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 531 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 22 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance aaatu_so_mae_voice of movieClip 531 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 533 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 22 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance suberi_oto of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 535 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 49 { _parent.so_mae_idol.voice_on = false; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance sotodashi_orgasm_voice of movieClip 535 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 537 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 22 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance gutyu_se of movieClip 537 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 539 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 17 { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance gutyu_normal_se of movieClip 539 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 541 { } movieClip 542 { instance orgasm_line of movieClip 541 { onClipEvent (load) { function animeAction() { if (_parent._parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '挿入' && _parent._parent.so_insert.anime_flag == false) { level_num = _parent._parent.prop_box.emission_number / 100; this._height = _parent._parent.prop_box.climax_count / level_num; } if (_parent._parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '外出し' && _parent._parent.sotodashi_anime.anime_flag == false) { level_num = _parent._parent.prop_box.emission_number / 100; this._height = _parent._parent.prop_box.climax_count / level_num; } if (_parent._parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '中出し' && _parent._parent.nakadashi_anime.anime_flag == false) { level_num = _parent._parent.prop_box.emission_number / 100; this._height = _parent._parent.prop_box.climax_count / level_num; } if (_parent._parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '挿入' && _parent._parent.so_insert.anime_flag == true) { if (this._height != 0) { this._height -= 1; } } if (_parent._parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '外出し' && _parent._parent.sotodashi_anime.anime_flag == true) { if (this._height != 0) { this._height -= 1; } } if (_parent._parent.prop_box.emission_mode == '中出し' && _parent._parent.nakadashi_anime.anime_flag == true) { if (this._height != 0) { this._height -= 1; } } } var level_num = 0; this._visible = true; this._color; onEnterFrame = animeAction; } } } instance orgasm_level of movieClip 542 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 544 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 301 { if (_parent._parent.play_mode_check.now_mode == 1) { _parent._parent.return_select._visible = false; _parent._parent.ss_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.caution_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.title_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.start_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.fe_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.el_no_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.el_pa_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.el_os_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.el_fu_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.so_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.tu_display.unloadMovie(); _parent._parent.load_script.paramReset(); } else { end_flag = true; _parent.prop_box.emission_mode = 'エンド'; this.stop(); } } } instance so_end of movieClip 544 { onClipEvent (load) { var end_flag = false; this._visible = false; } }
Created: 11/10 -2018 19:23:00 Last modified: 11/10 -2018 19:23:00 Server time: 14/11 -2024 17:22:49