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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Mass Attraction v0.943.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #201213

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) { delete onEnterFrame; play(); } }; _level1._y = 195; var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = myMenu; } movieClip 5 { } movieClip 10 { } instance of movieClip 10 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.carga = _root.getBytesLoaded(); = _root.getBytesTotal(); _root.pos = _root.carga * 100 /; _root.pos = Math.round(_root.pos); this.gotoAndStop(_root.pos); } } movieClip 19 { } button 23 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(703); } } movieClip 30 { frame 100 { stop(); } } frame 703 { function texto(line) { if (_root.talker == 'none') { _root.textBox = line; } else { _root.textBox = _root.talker + ': ' + line; } _root.countField = _root.textBox.length; _root.gameScript.mask.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.startTalking(); } function nextLine() { if (_root.newEvent != '') { _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if ( == 'true') { _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { ++_root.part; _root.gameScript.gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } _root.timeAutoPlay = 1; _root.showButton = false; _root.showRadial = false; _root.choiceText1 = 'vazio'; _root.choiceText2 = 'vazio'; _root.choiceText3 = 'vazio'; } function startTalking() { _root.startCounting = true; if (_root.talker == _root.player) { _root.shepTalk = true; } else { if (_root.talker == 'wait') { } else { if (_root.talker == _root.mainChar) { } else { _root.girlTalk = true; } } } } function stopTalking() { if (_root.talker == _root.player) { _root.shepTalk = false; } else { _root.girlTalk = false; } if (_root.talker == 'wait') { _root.nextLine(); } else { if (_root.choiceText1 != 'vazio') { _root.showRadial = true; } else { _root.showButton = true; } } } function wait(time) { _root.textBox = ''; if (time == 'short') { _root.countField = 60; } if (time == 'med') { _root.countField = 120; } if (time == 'long') { _root.countField = 200; } if (time == 'extra') { _root.countField = 300; } if (time == 100) { _root.countField = 200; } if (time == 200) { _root.countField = 400; } _root.talker = 'wait'; _root.startTalking(); } function eventChange(part) { _root.newEvent = part; } function resetEventVar() { _root.event = _root.newEvent; _root.newEvent = ''; } function startGame() { if (_root.testGame == true) { _root.goToMap(); _root.act = 1; _root.FirstEncounterLiara = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterJack = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterSamara = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterTali = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterMiranda = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterKelly = 'available'; } else { _root.act = 0; _root.event = 1; _root.kellyRomance = 1; _root.liaraRomance = 1; _root.jackRomance = 1; _root.taliRomance = 1; _root.samaraRomance = 1; _root.mirandaRomance = 1; _root.paragonPoints = 30; } _root.paragonCheck(); _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } function resumeGame() { if (_root.saveNumber == 1) { _root.goToMap(); _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } function goToMap() { = 'true'; } function setGraphic(graphic, type, view) { _root.eventGraphic = graphic; _root.graphicType = type; _root.graphicView = view; } function paragonChange(mood) { _root.showParagon = true; _root.moodType = mood; if (_root.eventViewer == false) { if (mood == 1) { _root.paragonPoints += 5; } if (mood == 3) { _root.paragonPoints -= 5; } if (_root.paragonPoints <= 0) { _root.paragonPoints = 1; } if (_root.paragonPoints >= 60) { _root.paragonPoints = 60; } } _root.paragonCheck(); } function paragonCheck() { if (_root.paragonPoints <= 20) { _root.paragonStatus = 1; } else { if (_root.paragonPoints <= 40) { _root.paragonStatus = 2; } else { if (_root.paragonPoints <= 60) { _root.paragonStatus = 3; } } } } function saveGame(saveState) { _root.pos = SharedObject.getLocal('massATGameTest01'); = saveState; = _root.shepFirstName; = _root.player; = _root.blueGirl; = _root.quarianGirl; = _root.punkGirl; = _root.bossyGirl; = _root.justicarGirl; = _root.officeGirl; = _root.doctorGirl; = _root.act; = _root.paragonPoints; = _root.FirstEncounterLiara; = _root.FirstEncounterJack; = _root.FirstEncounterMiranda; = _root.FirstEncounterSamara; = _root.FirstEncounterTali; = _root.FirstEncounterKelly; = _root.SecondEncounterLiara; = _root.SecondEncounterJack; = _root.SecondEncounterMiranda; = _root.SecondEncounterSamara; = _root.SecondEncounterTali; = _root.SecondEncounterKelly; = _root.kellyRomance; = _root.liaraRomance; = _root.jackRomance; = _root.taliRomance; = _root.samaraRomance; = _root.mirandaRomance; = _root.extraGraphicKelly0; = _root.extraGraphicLiara1; = _root.extraGraphicJack1; = _root.extraGraphicTali1; = _root.extraGraphicSamara1; = _root.extraGraphicMiranda1; = _root.extraGraphicKelly1; = _root.extraGraphicLiara2; = _root.extraGraphicJack2; = _root.extraGraphicTali2; = _root.extraGraphicSamara2; = _root.extraGraphicMiranda2; = _root.extraGraphicKelly2; = _root.extraGraphicChakwas1; = _root.viewerEvent1; = _root.viewerEvent2; = _root.viewerEvent3; = _root.viewerEvent4; = _root.viewerEvent5; = _root.viewerEvent6; = _root.viewerEvent7; = _root.viewerEvent8; = _root.viewerEvent9; = _root.viewerEvent10; = _root.viewerEvent11; = _root.viewerEvent12; = _root.viewerEvent13; = _root.viewerEvent14; = _root.viewerEvent15; = _root.viewerEvent16; = _root.viewerEvent17; = _root.viewerEvent18; = _root.viewerEvent19; = _root.viewerEvent20; = _root.viewerEvent21; = _root.viewerEvent22; = _root.extraBioLiara1; = _root.extraBioJack1; = _root.extraBioTali1; = _root.extraBioSamara1; = _root.extraBioMiranda1; = _root.extraBioKelly1; = _root.extraBioLiara2; = _root.extraBioJack2; = _root.extraBioTali2; = _root.extraBioSamara2; = _root.extraBioMiranda2; = _root.extraBioKelly2; = _root.extraBioLiara3; = _root.extraBioJack3; = _root.extraBioTali3; = _root.extraBioSamara3; = _root.extraBioMiranda3; = _root.extraBioKelly3; = _root.extraBioLiara4; = _root.extraBioJack4; = _root.extraBioTali4; = _root.extraBioSamara4; = _root.extraBioMiranda4; = _root.extraBioKelly4; = _root.extraFMGLiara1; = _root.extraFMGJack1; = _root.extraFMGTali1; = _root.extraFMGSamara1; = _root.extraFMGMiranda1; = _root.extraFMGKelly1; = _root.extraFMGLiara2; = _root.extraFMGJack2; = _root.extraFMGTali2; = _root.extraFMGSamara2; = _root.extraFMGMiranda2; = _root.extraFMGKelly2; } function loadGame() { _root.pos = SharedObject.getLocal('massATGameTest01'); _root.saveNumber =; _root.shepFirstName =; _root.player =; _root.blueGirl =; _root.quarianGirl =; _root.punkGirl =; _root.bossyGirl =; _root.justicarGirl =; _root.officeGirl =; _root.doctorGirl =; _root.act =; _root.paragonPoints =; _root.FirstEncounterLiara =; _root.FirstEncounterJack =; _root.FirstEncounterMiranda =; _root.FirstEncounterSamara =; _root.FirstEncounterTali =; _root.FirstEncounterKelly =; _root.SecondEncounterLiara =; _root.SecondEncounterJack =; _root.SecondEncounterMiranda =; _root.SecondEncounterSamara =; _root.SecondEncounterTali =; _root.SecondEncounterKelly =; _root.kellyRomance =; _root.liaraRomance =; _root.jackRomance =; _root.taliRomance =; _root.samaraRomance =; _root.mirandaRomance =; _root.extraGraphicKelly0 =; _root.extraGraphicLiara1 =; _root.extraGraphicJack1 =; _root.extraGraphicTali1 =; _root.extraGraphicSamara1 =; _root.extraGraphicMiranda1 =; _root.extraGraphicKelly1 =; _root.extraGraphicLiara2 =; _root.extraGraphicJack2 =; _root.extraGraphicTali2 =; _root.extraGraphicSamara2 =; _root.extraGraphicMiranda2 =; _root.extraGraphicKelly2 =; _root.extraGraphicChakwas1 =; _root.viewerEvent1 =; _root.viewerEvent2 =; _root.viewerEvent3 =; _root.viewerEvent4 =; _root.viewerEvent5 =; _root.viewerEvent6 =; _root.viewerEvent7 =; _root.viewerEvent8 =; _root.viewerEvent9 =; _root.viewerEvent10 =; _root.viewerEvent11 =; _root.viewerEvent12 =; _root.viewerEvent13 =; _root.viewerEvent14 =; _root.viewerEvent15 =; _root.viewerEvent16 =; _root.viewerEvent17 =; _root.viewerEvent18 =; _root.viewerEvent19 =; _root.viewerEvent20 =; _root.viewerEvent21 =; _root.viewerEvent22 =; _root.extraBioLiara1 =; _root.extraBioJack1 =; _root.extraBioTali1 =; _root.extraBioSamara1 =; _root.extraBioMiranda1 =; _root.extraBioKelly1 =; _root.extraBioLiara2 =; _root.extraBioJack2 =; _root.extraBioTali2 =; _root.extraBioSamara2 =; _root.extraBioMiranda2 =; _root.extraBioKelly2 =; _root.extraBioLiara3 =; _root.extraBioJack3 =; _root.extraBioTali3 =; _root.extraBioSamara3 =; _root.extraBioMiranda3 =; _root.extraBioKelly3 =; _root.extraBioLiara4 =; _root.extraBioJack4 =; _root.extraBioTali4 =; _root.extraBioSamara4 =; _root.extraBioMiranda4 =; _root.extraBioKelly4 =; _root.extraFMGLiara1 =; _root.extraFMGJack1 =; _root.extraFMGTali1 =; _root.extraFMGSamara1 =; _root.extraFMGMiranda1 =; _root.extraFMGKelly1 =; _root.extraFMGLiara2 =; _root.extraFMGJack2 =; _root.extraFMGTali2 =; _root.extraFMGSamara2 =; _root.extraFMGMiranda2 =; _root.extraFMGKelly2 =; _root.paragonCheck(); } function checkSaveData() { _root.pos = SharedObject.getLocal('massATGameTest01'); chec =; if (chec != undefined) { _root.loadGame(); } } function showAct() { if (_root.act == 0) { _root.actTitle = 'Prologue'; } if (_root.act == 1) { _root.actTitle = 'The First Contact'; } if (_root.act == 2) { _root.actTitle = 'Escalation'; } if (_root.act == 9) { _root.actTitle = 'Tutorial'; } _root.graphicAct = true; } function placeSet() { _root.gameOn = true; if (_root.act == 1) { if (_root.FirstEncounterLiara == 'available') { _root.place1 = _root.blueGirl + '\'s Chambers'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterLiara == 'locked') { _root.place1 = '?????'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterLiara == 'complete') { _root.place1 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterJack == 'available') { _root.place2 = _root.punkGirl + '\'s Hangout'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterJack == 'locked') { _root.place2 = '?????'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterJack == 'complete') { _root.place2 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterMiranda == 'available') { _root.place5 = _root.bossyGirl + '\'s Office'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterMiranda == 'locked') { _root.place5 = '?????'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterMiranda == 'complete') { _root.place5 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterSamara == 'available') { _root.place4 = 'Engineering'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterSamara == 'locked') { _root.place4 = '?????'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterSamara == 'complete') { _root.place4 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterKelly == 'available') { _root.place6 = 'Bridge'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterKelly == 'locked') { _root.place6 = '?????'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterKelly == 'complete') { _root.place6 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterTali == 'available') { _root.place3 = 'Main Corridor'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterTali == 'locked') { _root.place3 = '?????'; } if (_root.FirstEncounterTali == 'complete') { _root.place3 = 'Visited'; } } if (_root.act == 2) { if (_root.SecondEncounterLiara == 'available') { _root.place1 = _root.blueGirl + '\'s Chambers'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterLiara == 'locked') { _root.place1 = '?????'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterLiara == 'complete') { _root.place1 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterJack == 'available') { _root.place2 = _root.punkGirl + '\'s Hangout'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterJack == 'locked') { _root.place2 = '?????'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterJack == 'complete') { _root.place2 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterMiranda == 'available') { _root.place5 = _root.bossyGirl + '\'s Office'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterMiranda == 'locked') { _root.place5 = '?????'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterMiranda == 'complete') { _root.place5 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterSamara == 'available') { _root.place4 = 'Engineering'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterSamara == 'locked') { _root.place4 = '?????'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterSamara == 'complete') { _root.place4 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterKelly == 'available') { _root.place6 = 'Bridge'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterKelly == 'locked') { _root.place6 = '?????'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterKelly == 'complete') { _root.place6 = 'Visited'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterTali == 'available') { _root.place3 = 'Main Corridor'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterTali == 'locked') { _root.place3 = '?????'; } if (_root.SecondEncounterTali == 'complete') { _root.place3 = 'Visited'; } } } function endBeta() { if (_root.beta == true) { _root.gotoAndStop('gameOver'); } } function romanceChange(type) { _root.romanceType = type; if (_root.event == 2 || _root.event == 8 || _root.event == 16) { _root.romancePoints = _root.kellyRomance; } if (_root.event == 3 || _root.event == 11) { _root.romancePoints = _root.liaraRomance; } if (_root.event == 4 || _root.event == 12) { _root.romancePoints = _root.jackRomance; } if (_root.event == 5 || _root.event == 13) { _root.romancePoints = _root.taliRomance; } if (_root.event == 6 || _root.event == 14) { _root.romancePoints = _root.samaraRomance; } if (_root.event == 7 || _root.event == 15) { _root.romancePoints = _root.mirandaRomance; } if (_root.eventViewer == false) { if (type == 'up') { ++_root.romancePoints; } else { --_root.romancePoints; } if (_root.romancePoints >= 10) { _root.romancePoints = 10; } if (_root.romancePoints <= 1) { _root.romancePoints = 1; } } if (_root.event == 2 || _root.event == 8 || _root.event == 16) { _root.kellyRomance = _root.romancePoints; } if (_root.event == 3 || _root.event == 11) { _root.liaraRomance = _root.romancePoints; } if (_root.event == 4 || _root.event == 12) { _root.jackRomance = _root.romancePoints; } if (_root.event == 5 || _root.event == 13) { _root.taliRomance = _root.romancePoints; } if (_root.event == 6 || _root.event == 14) { _root.samaraRomance = _root.romancePoints; } if (_root.event == 7 || _root.event == 15) { _root.mirandaRomance = _root.romancePoints; } _root.showRomance = true; } function romanceCheck() { if (_root.romancePoints >= 100) { return true; } else { return false; } } function autoPlayButton() { if (_root.autoPlayActivate == false) { _root.skipActivate = false; _root.autoPlayActivate = true; } else { if (_root.autoPlayActivate == true) { _root.autoPlayActivate = false; } } } function skipButton() { if (_root.skipActivate == false) { _root.autoPlayActivate = false; _root.skipActivate = true; } else { if (_root.skipActivate == true) { _root.skipActivate = false; } } } function startGraphicViewer() { _root.buttonTattoo = false; _root.setBG = 'vazio'; _root.eventGraphic = 'vazio'; _root.graphicView = 'far'; _root.graphicType = 'normal'; _root.gViewerName = ''; _root.gViewerLevel = ''; _root.gViewerStance = 'Nothing'; _root.gViewerZoom = 'Nothing'; _root.tipBox = ''; if (_root.extraGraphicKelly0 == false) { _root.box11.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box11.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicLiara1 == false) { _root.box21.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box21.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicJack1 == false) { _root.box31.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box31.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicTali1 == false) { _root.box41.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box41.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicSamara1 == false) { _root.box51.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box51.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicMiranda1 == false) { _root.box61.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box61.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicKelly1 == false) { _root.box12.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box12.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicLiara2 == false) { _root.box22.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box22.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicJack2 == false) { _root.box32.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box32.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicTali2 == false) { _root.box42.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box42.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicSamara2 == false) { _root.box52.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box52.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicMiranda2 == false) { _root.box62.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box62.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicKelly2 == false) { _root.box13.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box13.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraGraphicChakwas1 == false) { _root.box71.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box71.gotoAndStop('available'); } _root.graphicStance = 1; _root.graphicZoom = 1; } function graphicViewerSelect(char) { _root.buttonTattoo = false; _root.tipBox = ''; _root.graphicViewerStance(); _root.graphicViewerZoom(); if (char == 11) { _root.eventGraphic = 'kelly1'; _root.gViewerName = _root.officeGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 0'; } if (char == 12) { _root.eventGraphic = 'kelly2'; _root.gViewerName = _root.officeGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 1'; } if (char == 13) { _root.eventGraphic = 'kelly3'; _root.gViewerName = _root.officeGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 2'; } if (char == 21) { _root.eventGraphic = 'liara1'; _root.gViewerName = _root.blueGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 1'; } if (char == 31) { _root.eventGraphic = 'jack1'; _root.gViewerName = _root.punkGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 1'; } if (char == 41) { _root.eventGraphic = 'tali1'; _root.gViewerName = _root.quarianGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 1'; } if (char == 51) { _root.eventGraphic = 'samara1'; _root.gViewerName = _root.justicarGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 1'; } if (char == 61) { _root.eventGraphic = 'miranda1'; _root.gViewerName = _root.bossyGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 1'; } if (char == 22) { _root.eventGraphic = 'liara2'; _root.gViewerName = _root.blueGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 2'; } if (char == 32) { _root.eventGraphic = 'jack2'; _root.gViewerName = _root.punkGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 2'; } if (char == 42) { _root.eventGraphic = 'tali2'; _root.gViewerName = _root.quarianGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 2'; } if (char == 52) { _root.eventGraphic = 'samara2'; _root.gViewerName = _root.justicarGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 2'; } if (char == 62) { _root.eventGraphic = 'miranda2'; _root.gViewerName = _root.bossyGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level 2'; } if (char == 71) { _root.eventGraphic = 'chakwas'; _root.gViewerName = _root.doctorGirl; _root.gViewerLevel = 'Muscle Level Unknown'; } } function graphicViewerStance() { if (_root.graphicStance == 1) { _root.graphicType = 'normal'; _root.gViewerStance = 'Normal'; } if (_root.graphicStance == 2) { _root.graphicType = 'smile'; _root.gViewerStance = 'Happy'; } if (_root.graphicStance == 3) { _root.graphicType = 'thinking'; _root.gViewerStance = 'Confused'; } if (_root.graphicStance == 4) { _root.graphicType = 'sad'; _root.gViewerStance = 'Sad'; } if (_root.graphicStance == 5) { _root.graphicType = 'angry'; _root.gViewerStance = 'Angry'; } if (_root.graphicStance == 6) { _root.graphicType = 'shy'; _root.gViewerStance = 'Shy'; } } function graphicViewerZoom() { if (_root.graphicZoom == 1) { _root.graphicView = 'far'; _root.gViewerZoom = 'Far'; } if (_root.graphicZoom == 2) { _root.graphicView = 'mid'; _root.gViewerZoom = 'Half Way'; } if (_root.graphicZoom == 3) { _root.graphicView = 'close'; _root.gViewerZoom = 'Near'; } } function tipUnlock(box) { _root.gViewerName = ''; _root.gViewerLevel = ''; _root.eventGraphic = 'vazio'; if (box == 11) { _root.tipBox = ''; } if (box == 12) { _root.tipBox = 'Find it on ' + _root.punkGirl + '\'s place.'; } if (box == 13) { _root.tipBox = 'Get in a ROMANCE with ' + _root.officeGirl + ' and finish the game to unlock.'; } if (box == 21) { _root.tipBox = 'Find it on ' + _root.bossyGirl + '\'s place.'; } if (box == 22) { _root.tipBox = 'Get in a ROMANCE with ' + _root.blueGirl + ' and finish the game to unlock.'; } if (box == 31) { _root.tipBox = 'Find it on ' + _root.justicarGirl + '\'s place.'; } if (box == 32) { _root.tipBox = 'Get in a ROMANCE with ' + _root.punkGirl + ' and finish the game to unlock.'; } if (box == 41) { _root.tipBox = 'Find it on ' + _root.blueGirl + '\'s place.'; } if (box == 42) { _root.tipBox = 'Get in a ROMANCE with ' + _root.quarianGirl + ' and finish the game to unlock.'; } if (box == 51) { _root.tipBox = 'Find it on ' + _root.quarianGirl + '\'s place.'; } if (box == 52) { _root.tipBox = 'Get in a ROMANCE with ' + _root.justicarGirl + ' and finish the game to unlock.'; } if (box == 61) { _root.tipBox = 'Find it on ' + _root.officeGirl + '\'s place.'; } if (box == 62) { _root.tipBox = 'Get in a ROMANCE with ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' and finish the game to unlock.'; } if (box == 71) { _root.tipBox = 'It\'s a secret, DUH!!'; } } function exitGame() { _root.exitScreen.gotoAndStop(1); } function selectBioCor() { if (_root.selectBioColor < 5) { ++_root.selectBioColor; } else { if (_root.selectBioColor >= 5) { _root.selectBioColor = 1; } } } function selectBioBik() { if (_root.selectBioBikini < 4) { ++_root.selectBioBikini; } else { if (_root.selectBioBikini >= 4) { _root.selectBioBikini = 1; } } } function selectBioView() { if (_root.selectBioV < 5) { ++_root.selectBioV; } else { if (_root.selectBioV >= 5) { _root.selectBioV = 1; } } } function selectProp() { if (_root.selectP < 2) { ++_root.selectP; } else { if (_root.selectP >= 2) { _root.selectP = 1; } } } function selectBioLevelUP() { if (_root.selectBioLevel < 4) { ++_root.selectBioLevel; } else { if (_root.selectBioLevel > 4) { _root.selectBioLevel = 4; } } } function selectBioLevelDOWN() { if (_root.selectBioLevel > 1) { --_root.selectBioLevel; } else { if (_root.selectBioLevel < 1) { _root.selectBioLevel = 1; } } } function selectBioPropHead() { if (_root.selectBioPHead < 2) { ++_root.selectBioPHead; } else { if (_root.selectBioPHead >= 2) { _root.selectBioPHead = 1; } } } function selectBioPropBack() { if (_root.selectBioPBack < 3) { ++_root.selectBioPBack; } else { if (_root.selectBioPBack >= 3) { _root.selectBioPBack = 1; } } } function loadBioData(girl) { if (girl == 1) { _root.bioName = _root.blueGirl + ' D\'Sony'; _root.bioAge = '27'; _root.bioRace = 'Azari'; _root.bioClass = 'Scientist/Info Broker'; _root.bioAffiliation = 'Independent'; _root.bioHeight = ''; _root.bioWeight = ''; _root.bioFat = ''; _root.bioNeck = ''; _root.bioChest = ''; _root.bioBiceps = ''; _root.bioWaist = ''; _root.bioHips = ''; _root.bioLegs = ''; _root.bioCalf = ''; } } function startBioFile() { _root.selectBioGirl = 1; _root.selectBioColor = 1; _root.selectBioV = 1; _root.selectBioBikini = 2; _root.selectBioLevel = 1; _root.selectP = 2; _root.selectBioPHead = 2; _root.selectBioPBack = 3; _root.loadBioData(1); } function startFMGReport() { if (_root.extraFMGKelly1 == false) { _root.box11.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box11.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGKelly2 == false) { _root.box12.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box12.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGLiara1 == false) { _root.box21.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box21.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGLiara2 == false) { _root.box22.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box22.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGJack1 == false) { _root.box31.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box31.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGJack2 == false) { _root.box32.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box32.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGTali1 == false) { _root.box41.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box41.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGTali2 == false) { _root.box42.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box42.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGSamara1 == false) { _root.box51.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box51.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGSamara2 == false) { _root.box52.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box52.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGMiranda1 == false) { _root.box61.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box61.gotoAndStop('available'); } if (_root.extraFMGMiranda2 == false) { _root.box62.gotoAndStop('locked'); } else { _root.box62.gotoAndStop('available'); } } function resetControls() { _root.shepTalk = false; _root.girlTalk = false; _root.skipActivate = false; _root.autoPlayActivate = false; _root.timeAutoPlay = 1; _root.part = 1; _root.showButton = false; _root.showRadial = false; _root.buttonTattoo = false; } stop(); _root.saveNumber = 0; _level1._y = 195; var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = myMenu; _root.beta = false; _root.testGame = false; _root.debugON = false; _root.shepFirstName = 'Joe'; _root.player = 'Shepherd'; _root.blueGirl = 'Lima'; _root.quarianGirl = 'Bali'; _root.punkGirl = 'Mack'; _root.bossyGirl = 'Lavanda'; _root.justicarGirl = 'Masara'; _root.officeGirl = 'Penny'; _root.doctorGirl = 'Chakalaka'; _root.garrusName = 'Jarrus'; _root.act = 0; _root.kellyRomance = 1; _root.liaraRomance = 1; _root.jackRomance = 1; _root.taliRomance = 1; _root.samaraRomance = 1; _root.mirandaRomance = 1; = 1; _root.paragonPoints = 30; _root.paragonCheck(); _root.showRomance = false; _root.graphicAct = false; _root.showParagon = false; _root.graphicType = 'normal'; _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.graphicView = 'close'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; _root.shepTalk = false; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.girlEye = 'nothing'; _root.girlMood = 'normal'; _root.girlTalk = false; _root.girlFacing = 'front'; _root.girlAction = 'still'; _root.startCounting = false; _root.buttonTattoo = false; _root.skipActivate = false; _root.autoPlayActivate = false; _root.timeAutoPlay = 1; _root.newEvent = ''; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.part = 1; _root.event = 1; _root.eventGraphic = ''; _root.scene = 'one'; _root.countField = 1; _root.showButton = false; _root.showRadial = false; _root.choiceText1 = 'vazio'; _root.choiceText2 = 'vazio'; _root.choiceText3 = 'vazio'; _root.fadeMC = ''; _root.tutorialMode = false; _root.paragonStatus = 0; _root.place1 = '???'; _root.place2 = '???'; _root.place3 = '???'; _root.place4 = '???'; _root.place5 = '???'; _root.place6 = '???'; _root.actTitle = '?'; _root.romancePoints = 1; _root.setBG = 'nothing'; = 'false'; _root.FirstEncounterLiara = 'locked'; _root.FirstEncounterJack = 'locked'; _root.FirstEncounterMiranda = 'locked'; _root.FirstEncounterSamara = 'locked'; _root.FirstEncounterTali = 'locked'; _root.FirstEncounterKelly = 'locked'; _root.SecondEncounterLiara = 'locked'; _root.SecondEncounterJack = 'locked'; _root.SecondEncounterMiranda = 'locked'; _root.SecondEncounterSamara = 'locked'; _root.SecondEncounterTali = 'locked'; _root.SecondEncounterKelly = 'locked'; _root.gameOn = false; _root.eventViewer = false; _root.extraGraphicKelly0 = true; _root.extraGraphicLiara1 = true; _root.extraGraphicJack1 = true; _root.extraGraphicTali1 = true; _root.extraGraphicSamara1 = true; _root.extraGraphicMiranda1 = true; _root.extraGraphicKelly1 = true; _root.extraGraphicLiara2 = true; _root.extraGraphicJack2 = true; _root.extraGraphicTali2 = true; _root.extraGraphicSamara2 = true; _root.extraGraphicMiranda2 = true; _root.extraGraphicKelly2 = true; _root.extraGraphicChakwas1 = true; _root.viewerEvent1 = true; _root.viewerEvent2 = false; _root.viewerEvent3 = false; _root.viewerEvent4 = false; _root.viewerEvent5 = false; _root.viewerEvent6 = false; _root.viewerEvent7 = false; _root.viewerEvent8 = false; _root.viewerEvent9 = false; _root.viewerEvent10 = false; _root.viewerEvent11 = true; _root.viewerEvent12 = false; _root.viewerEvent13 = false; _root.viewerEvent14 = false; _root.viewerEvent15 = false; _root.viewerEvent16 = false; _root.viewerEvent17 = false; _root.viewerEvent18 = false; _root.viewerEvent19 = false; _root.viewerEvent20 = false; _root.viewerEvent21 = false; _root.viewerEvent22 = false; _root.extraBioLiara = true; _root.extraBioJack = true; _root.extraBioTali = true; _root.extraBioSamara = true; _root.extraBioMiranda = true; _root.extraBioKelly = true; _root.selectBioGirl = 1; _root.selectBioColor = 1; _root.selectBioV = 1; _root.selectBioBikini = 2; _root.selectBioLevel = 1; _root.selectP = 2; _root.selectBioPHead = 2; _root.selectBioPBack = 3; _root.bioName = ''; _root.bioAge = ''; _root.bioRace = ''; _root.bioClass = ''; _root.bioAffiliation = ''; _root.bioHeight = ''; _root.bioWeight = ''; _root.bioFat = ''; _root.bioNeck = ''; _root.bioChest = ''; _root.bioBiceps = ''; _root.bioWaist = ''; _root.bioHips = ''; _root.bioLegs = ''; _root.bioCalf = ''; _root.FMGReport = false; _root.extraFMGLiara1 = true; _root.extraFMGJack1 = false; _root.extraFMGTali1 = false; _root.extraFMGSamara1 = false; _root.extraFMGMiranda1 = false; _root.extraFMGKelly1 = false; _root.extraFMGLiara2 = true; _root.extraFMGJack2 = false; _root.extraFMGTali2 = false; _root.extraFMGSamara2 = false; _root.extraFMGMiranda2 = false; _root.extraFMGKelly2 = false; if (_root.resetGame == true) { _root.saveGame(0); _root.resetGame = false; } else { _root.checkSaveData(); } } movieClip 40 { } button 48 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('details'); } } movieClip 49 { } button 53 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('extras'); } } button 55 { on (press) { _root.act = 9; _root.event = 23; _root.paragonPoints = 30; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.tutorialMode = true; } } button 60 { on (press) { _root.resumeGame(); } } movieClip 62 { } instance of movieClip 62 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.saveNumber == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 63 { frame 14 { if (_root.newEvent != '') { if (_root.eventViewer == true) { _root.resetEventVar(); _root.resetControls(); _root.gotoAndStop('eventViewer'); } else { _root.resetEventVar(); } } else { if ( == 'true') { = 'false'; _root.part = 1; _root.scene = 'one'; if (_root.eventViewer == true) { _root.resetControls(); _root.gotoAndStop('eventViewer'); } else { if (_root.FMGReport == true) { _root.resetControls(); _root.gotoAndStop('FMGReport'); } else { if (_root.tutorialMode == true) { _root.resetControls(); _root.tutorialMode = false; _root.gotoAndStop('start'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('map'); } } } } else { _root.gotoAndStop('event'); } } } frame 18 { _root.gameScript.gotoAndPlay('loop'); } frame 33 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance fade of movieClip 63 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 83 { } movieClip 87 { } button 88 { on (press) { _root.startGame(); } } button 94 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('start'); } } frame 705 { _root.blockButton = false; _root.placeSet(); _root.showAct(); _root.debugTab._visible = _root.debugON; } movieClip 97 { } button 100 { on (press) { if (_root.act == 1) { if (_root.FirstEncounterJack == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 4; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_root.act == 2) { if (_root.SecondEncounterJack == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 12; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } button 102 { on (press) { if (_root.act == 1) { if (_root.FirstEncounterTali == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 5; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_root.act == 2) { if (_root.SecondEncounterTali == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 13; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } button 104 { on (press) { if (_root.act == 1) { if (_root.FirstEncounterSamara == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 6; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_root.act == 2) { if (_root.SecondEncounterSamara == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 14; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } button 106 { on (press) { if (_root.act == 1) { if (_root.FirstEncounterMiranda == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 7; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_root.act == 2) { if (_root.SecondEncounterMiranda == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 15; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } button 108 { on (press) { if (_root.act == 1) { if (_root.FirstEncounterKelly == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 8; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_root.act == 2) { if (_root.SecondEncounterKelly == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 16; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 111 { frame 37 { stop(); } } movieClip 112 { instance alert of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.saveGame(1); } } } button 121 { on (press) { if (_root.act == 1) { if (_root.FirstEncounterLiara == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 3; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (_root.act == 2) { if (_root.SecondEncounterLiara == 'available' && _root.blockButton == false) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 11; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } button 131 { on (release) { _root.exitGame(); } } button 134 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('extras'); } } button 137 { on (release) { if (_root.blockButton == false) { if (_root.act == 1) { _root.blockButton = true; _root.event = 9; = 'false'; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } movieClip 151 { } instance of movieClip 151 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.liaraRomance); } } instance of movieClip 151 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.kellyRomance); } } instance of movieClip 151 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.jackRomance); } } instance of movieClip 151 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.taliRomance); } } instance of movieClip 151 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.mirandaRomance); } } instance of movieClip 151 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.samaraRomance); } } button 156 { on (press) { _root.resetControls(); if (_root.eventViewer == true) { _root.gotoAndStop('eventViewer'); } else { if (_root.FMGReport == true) { _root.gotoAndStop('FMGReport'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('start'); _root.tutorialMode = false; } } } } button 159 { on (press) { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 160 { frame 1 { _root.map1.enabled = false; _root.map2.enabled = false; _root.map3.enabled = false; _root.map4.enabled = false; _root.map5.enabled = false; _root.map6.enabled = false; _root.map7.enabled = false; _root.map8.enabled = false; _root.map9.enabled = false; _root.map10.enabled = false; _root.saveSystem.saveButton.enabled = false; _root.quitButton.enabled = false; _root.gameScript.script.nextButton.enabled = false; _root.gameScript.script.radial.opt1.enabled = false; _root.gameScript.script.radial.opt2.enabled = false; _root.gameScript.script.radial.opt3.enabled = false; } frame 2 { _root.map1.enabled = true; _root.map2.enabled = true; _root.map3.enabled = true; _root.map4.enabled = true; _root.map5.enabled = true; _root.map6.enabled = true; _root.map7.enabled = true; _root.map8.enabled = true; _root.map9.enabled = true; _root.map10.enabled = true; _root.saveSystem.saveButton.enabled = true; _root.quitButton.enabled = true; _root.gameScript.script.nextButton.enabled = true; _root.gameScript.script.radial.opt1.enabled = true; _root.gameScript.script.radial.opt2.enabled = true; _root.gameScript.script.radial.opt3.enabled = true; } } instance exitScreen of movieClip 160 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 706 { _root.debugTab._visible = _root.debugON; } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 185 { frame 1 { = 'Commander\'s Cabin'; } frame 2 { = 'Bridge'; } frame 3 { = _root.blueGirl + '\'s Quarters'; } frame 4 { = _root.punkGirl + '\'s Corner'; } frame 5 { = 'Main Corridor'; } frame 6 { = 'Engineer\'s Station'; } frame 7 { = _root.bossyGirl + '\'s Office'; } frame 8 { = 'Somewhere in the NoManLand...'; } } movieClip 186 { instance of movieClip 185 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.setBG); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.setBG); } } } movieClip 187 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 189 { } movieClip 191 { } movieClip 193 { } movieClip 196 { } movieClip 197 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 203 { frame 53 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 205 { } movieClip 207 { } movieClip 209 { } movieClip 211 { frame 238 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 341 { gotoAndPlay(239); } frame 440 { gotoAndPlay(342); } } movieClip 213 { } movieClip 215 { } movieClip 217 { } movieClip 222 { } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 226 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 193 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shepTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } instance of movieClip 197 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepLooking); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepLooking); } } instance of movieClip 203 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shepTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } instance of movieClip 211 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepLooking); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepLooking); } } instance of movieClip 213 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shepTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepLooking); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepLooking); } } instance of movieClip 217 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shepTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } instance of movieClip 197 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepLooking); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepLooking); } } } movieClip 228 { } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 232 { } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 244 { } movieClip 246 { } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 252 { } movieClip 253 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 236 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shepTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } instance of movieClip 244 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shepTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } instance of movieClip 236 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.shepTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 260 { instance of movieClip 226 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepMood); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepMood); } } instance of movieClip 253 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepMood); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepMood); } } } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 267 { } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 274 { } movieClip 295 { } movieClip 316 { } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 326 { frame 4 { stop(); _root.scene = 'four'; } } movieClip 329 { } movieClip 331 { } movieClip 333 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 338 { } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 345 { } movieClip 346 { instance of movieClip 341 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 348 { frame 1 { play(); } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } frame 180 { stop(); } } movieClip 351 { frame 15 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 353 { } movieClip 357 { } movieClip 359 { } movieClip 361 { } movieClip 362 { instance of movieClip 357 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 367 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 375 { frame 46 { gotoAndPlay(7); } frame 49 { stop(); _root.graphicType = 'normal'; } } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 381 { } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 384 { instance of movieClip 379 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 385 { } movieClip 389 { } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 394 { instance of movieClip 389 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 396 { } movieClip 397 { frame 95 { gotoAndPlay(7); } } movieClip 401 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 405 { } movieClip 406 { instance of movieClip 401 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 407 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 411 { } movieClip 417 { } movieClip 418 { instance of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 420 { } movieClip 421 { frame 65 { gotoAndPlay(5); } } movieClip 422 { instance of movieClip 375 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } } movieClip 423 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 422 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 425 { } movieClip 427 { } movieClip 428 { } movieClip 430 { } movieClip 431 { } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 437 { } movieClip 439 { } movieClip 441 { frame 46 { gotoAndPlay(7); } frame 49 { stop(); _root.graphicType = 'normal'; } } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 445 { } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 448 { } movieClip 449 { frame 1 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'normal'; } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } frame 61 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'frontSideLeft'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } frame 97 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } frame 100 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'frontSideRight'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } frame 139 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } frame 141 { gotoAndPlay(61); } } movieClip 450 { instance of movieClip 441 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 452 { } movieClip 454 { } movieClip 456 { } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 459 { frame 85 { gotoAndPlay(35); } } movieClip 463 { } movieClip 464 { } movieClip 468 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 472 { } movieClip 474 { instance of movieClip 472 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 476 { } movieClip 478 { } movieClip 480 { } movieClip 482 { } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 488 { } movieClip 490 { instance of movieClip 488 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 492 { } movieClip 494 { } movieClip 495 { frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay(42); } frame 108 { gotoAndPlay(74); } frame 152 { gotoAndPlay(110); } frame 191 { gotoAndPlay(154); } frame 205 { stop(); } } movieClip 496 { instance of movieClip 495 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } } movieClip 497 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 496 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 500 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 502 { } movieClip 504 { } movieClip 508 { } movieClip 510 { } movieClip 512 { } movieClip 513 { instance of movieClip 508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 516 { } movieClip 518 { } movieClip 522 { } movieClip 524 { } movieClip 526 { instance of movieClip 522 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 527 { } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 534 { } movieClip 538 { } movieClip 540 { } movieClip 542 { instance of movieClip 538 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 543 { } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 547 { } movieClip 551 { } movieClip 553 { } movieClip 556 { instance of movieClip 551 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 557 { } movieClip 561 { } movieClip 563 { } movieClip 565 { instance of movieClip 561 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 567 { } movieClip 568 { } movieClip 572 { } movieClip 574 { } movieClip 576 { instance of movieClip 572 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 578 { } movieClip 580 { } movieClip 581 { } movieClip 583 { } movieClip 585 { } movieClip 586 { frame 1 { _root.shepLooking = 'right'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; stop(); } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } frame 2 { prevFrame(); } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 587 { frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 589 { } movieClip 591 { } movieClip 593 { } movieClip 595 { } movieClip 596 { } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 599 { } movieClip 600 { instance of movieClip 253 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepMood); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepMood); } } } movieClip 601 { frame 1 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } frame 101 { _root.shepLooking = 'right'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; stop(); } frame 102 { _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } frame 200 { stop(); } } movieClip 604 { } movieClip 607 { } movieClip 608 { } movieClip 610 { } movieClip 614 { } movieClip 616 { } movieClip 619 { instance of movieClip 614 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 622 { } movieClip 623 { } movieClip 626 { } movieClip 627 { } movieClip 630 { } movieClip 631 { } movieClip 633 { } movieClip 635 { } movieClip 636 { } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 640 { } movieClip 641 { } movieClip 643 { } movieClip 646 { instance of movieClip 614 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 647 { } movieClip 648 { frame 2 { prevFrame(); } frame 59 { gotoAndPlay(3); } frame 96 { gotoAndPlay(60); } instance face of movieClip 619 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } frame 149 { gotoAndPlay(107); } frame 151 { prevFrame(); } frame 166 { stop(); } } movieClip 649 { instance of movieClip 586 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 601 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 648 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } } movieClip 650 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 649 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 653 { } movieClip 654 { instance of movieClip 653 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 656 { } movieClip 660 { } movieClip 662 { } movieClip 664 { instance of movieClip 660 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 667 { } movieClip 668 { instance of movieClip 667 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 669 { } movieClip 673 { } movieClip 675 { } movieClip 677 { instance of movieClip 673 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 680 { } movieClip 681 { instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 682 { } movieClip 684 { } movieClip 688 { } movieClip 690 { } movieClip 692 { instance of movieClip 688 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 695 { } movieClip 696 { instance of movieClip 695 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 697 { } movieClip 701 { } movieClip 703 { } movieClip 705 { instance of movieClip 701 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 708 { } movieClip 709 { instance of movieClip 708 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 710 { } movieClip 712 { } movieClip 716 { } movieClip 718 { } movieClip 720 { instance of movieClip 716 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 721 { } movieClip 725 { } movieClip 727 { } movieClip 729 { instance of movieClip 725 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 732 { } movieClip 733 { instance of movieClip 732 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 736 { } movieClip 737 { instance of movieClip 736 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 738 { } movieClip 742 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 744 { } movieClip 745 { frame 1 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } frame 61 { prevFrame(); } frame 62 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'frontSideRight'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } frame 139 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } frame 142 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'frontSideLeft'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } frame 208 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } frame 210 { gotoAndPlay(62); } frame 211 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'sad'; } instance of movieClip 742 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 240 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'frontSideLeft'; _root.shepMood = 'sad'; } frame 312 { stop(); } } movieClip 746 { frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 749 { } movieClip 750 { instance of movieClip 749 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 753 { } movieClip 754 { instance of movieClip 753 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 757 { } movieClip 760 { } movieClip 763 { } movieClip 764 { instance of movieClip 757 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } instance of movieClip 760 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } instance of movieClip 763 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } instance of movieClip 757 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 767 { } movieClip 768 { instance of movieClip 767 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 771 { } movieClip 772 { instance of movieClip 771 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 775 { } movieClip 776 { instance of movieClip 775 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 779 { } movieClip 780 { instance of movieClip 779 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 783 { } movieClip 784 { instance of movieClip 783 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 787 { } movieClip 788 { instance of movieClip 787 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 792 { } movieClip 798 { instance of movieClip 792 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 801 { } movieClip 802 { instance of movieClip 801 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 805 { } movieClip 806 { instance of movieClip 805 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 809 { } movieClip 810 { instance of movieClip 809 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 813 { } movieClip 814 { instance of movieClip 813 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 817 { } movieClip 818 { instance of movieClip 817 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 820 { } movieClip 822 { } movieClip 825 { } movieClip 828 { } movieClip 829 { instance of movieClip 828 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 832 { } movieClip 833 { instance of movieClip 832 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 836 { } movieClip 837 { instance of movieClip 836 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 839 { } movieClip 841 { } movieClip 845 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 846 { frame 1 { loop = 1; } frame 40 { if (_root.scene != '') { gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 49 { if (_root.scene != '') { gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } else { gotoAndPlay(42); } } frame 60 { if (_root.scene != '') { gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } else { gotoAndPlay(51); } } frame 86 { if (_root.scene != '') { gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } else { gotoAndPlay(76); } } frame 107 { if (loop < 2) { gotoAndPlay(88); ++loop; } else { loop = 1; } } frame 127 { if (loop < 2) { gotoAndPlay(109); ++loop; } else { loop = 1; } } frame 192 { if (_root.scene != '') { gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } else { gotoAndPlay(163); } } frame 227 { if (_root.scene != '') { gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } else { gotoAndPlay(198); } } frame 242 { stop(); } } movieClip 847 { instance of movieClip 745 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 846 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } movieClip 848 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 847 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 851 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 855 { } movieClip 856 { instance of movieClip 855 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 859 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 862 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 863 { } movieClip 867 { } movieClip 868 { instance of movieClip 867 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 871 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 872 { } movieClip 874 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 876 { } movieClip 877 { } movieClip 880 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 881 { } movieClip 884 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 885 { } movieClip 888 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 889 { } movieClip 890 { frame 1 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'normal'; } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } frame 61 { _root.shepLooking = 'left'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; stop(); } } movieClip 891 { frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 894 { } movieClip 896 { } movieClip 898 { } movieClip 900 { } movieClip 901 { } movieClip 902 { } movieClip 903 { } movieClip 905 { } movieClip 908 { } movieClip 910 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 913 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 915 { } movieClip 918 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 921 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 923 { } movieClip 925 { } movieClip 927 { } movieClip 929 { } movieClip 931 { } movieClip 933 { } movieClip 938 { } movieClip 940 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 942 { } movieClip 944 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 948 { } movieClip 952 { } movieClip 959 { } movieClip 961 { } movieClip 963 { } movieClip 964 { frame 1 { _root.shepLooking = 'front'; _root.shepFacing = 'side'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; stop(); } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 43 { gotoAndPlay(35); } frame 83 { gotoAndPlay(77); } frame 153 { gotoAndPlay(142); } frame 272 { gotoAndPlay(261); } frame 290 { stop(); } frame 301 { gotoAndPlay(297); } frame 315 { stop(); } } movieClip 965 { instance of movieClip 964 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } } movieClip 966 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 965 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 968 { } movieClip 970 { } movieClip 972 { } movieClip 976 { } movieClip 978 { } movieClip 981 { instance of movieClip 976 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 982 { } movieClip 984 { } movieClip 988 { } movieClip 990 { } movieClip 993 { instance of movieClip 988 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 994 { } movieClip 996 { } movieClip 1000 { } movieClip 1002 { } movieClip 1005 { instance of movieClip 1000 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1006 { } movieClip 1008 { } movieClip 1012 { } movieClip 1014 { } movieClip 1017 { instance of movieClip 1012 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1019 { } movieClip 1020 { } movieClip 1024 { } movieClip 1026 { } movieClip 1027 { instance of movieClip 1024 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1029 { } movieClip 1030 { } movieClip 1034 { } movieClip 1036 { } movieClip 1039 { instance of movieClip 1034 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1041 { } movieClip 1042 { } movieClip 1044 { } movieClip 1046 { } movieClip 1048 { } movieClip 1050 { } movieClip 1051 { } movieClip 1052 { } movieClip 1053 { } movieClip 1055 { frame 1 { _root.girlEye = 'close'; _root.shepLooking = 'right'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'normal'; } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } instance of movieClip 1039 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.girlEye == 'close') { this.gotoAndStop(100); } if (_root.girlEye == 'open') { this.gotoAndPlay(1);; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlEye == 'close') { this.gotoAndStop(100); } if (_root.girlEye == 'open') { this.gotoAndPlay(1);; } } } frame 170 { _root.girlEye = 'open'; } frame 200 { _root.girlEye = 'nothing'; stop(); } } movieClip 1056 { frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 1058 { } movieClip 1060 { } movieClip 1064 { } movieClip 1066 { instance of movieClip 1064 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1068 { } movieClip 1070 { } movieClip 1073 { } movieClip 1080 { instance of movieClip 1073 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1082 { } movieClip 1084 { } movieClip 1086 { } movieClip 1088 { } movieClip 1091 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1093 { } movieClip 1095 { } movieClip 1097 { } movieClip 1098 { frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(42); } frame 120 { gotoAndPlay(82); } frame 160 { gotoAndPlay(122); } frame 201 { gotoAndPlay(162); } frame 251 { gotoAndPlay(203); } frame 271 { stop(); } } movieClip 1099 { instance of movieClip 1098 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } } movieClip 1100 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 1099 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 1102 { } movieClip 1104 { } movieClip 1106 { } movieClip 1110 { } movieClip 1112 { } movieClip 1118 { instance of movieClip 1110 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } frame 105 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 241 { gotoAndPlay(106); } } movieClip 1119 { } movieClip 1121 { } movieClip 1125 { } movieClip 1127 { } movieClip 1128 { instance of movieClip 1125 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1131 { } movieClip 1133 { } movieClip 1137 { } movieClip 1143 { } movieClip 1147 { instance of movieClip 1137 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } frame 105 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1148 { } movieClip 1150 { } movieClip 1152 { } movieClip 1156 { } movieClip 1158 { } movieClip 1161 { instance of movieClip 1156 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1162 { } movieClip 1164 { } movieClip 1168 { } movieClip 1170 { } movieClip 1173 { instance of movieClip 1168 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1174 { } movieClip 1176 { } movieClip 1180 { } movieClip 1182 { } movieClip 1185 { instance of movieClip 1180 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1186 { } movieClip 1194 { } movieClip 1196 { } movieClip 1197 { } movieClip 1199 { frame 1 { _root.girlEye = 'down'; } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } instance of movieClip 1118 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.girlEye == 'down') { this.gotoAndPlay(106); _root.girlEye = 'nothing'; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlEye == 'down') { this.gotoAndPlay(106);; } if (_root.girlEye == 'open') { this.gotoAndPlay(1);; } if (_root.girlEye == 'left') { this.gotoAndStop(242); } } } frame 51 { _root.shepLooking = 'right'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } frame 100 { stop(); } frame 101 { _root.girlEye = 'left'; } frame 102 { prevFrame(); } frame 103 { _root.shepMood = 'sad'; } instance of movieClip 1147 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.girlEye == 'left') { this.gotoAndStop(106); _root.girlEye = 'nothing'; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlEye == 'left') { this.gotoAndStop(106); _root.girlEye = 'nothing'; } } } frame 110 { stop(); } } movieClip 1200 { frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 1204 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1207 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1210 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1211 { } movieClip 1214 { } movieClip 1215 { } movieClip 1217 { } movieClip 1219 { } movieClip 1221 { } movieClip 1226 { } movieClip 1231 { instance of movieClip 1226 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1233 { } movieClip 1235 { } movieClip 1237 { } movieClip 1241 { } movieClip 1246 { instance of movieClip 1241 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1248 { } movieClip 1249 { frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 108 { gotoAndPlay(82); } frame 138 { gotoAndPlay(110); } frame 168 { gotoAndPlay(140); } frame 220 { gotoAndPlay(170); } frame 272 { gotoAndPlay(222); } frame 290 { stop(); } } movieClip 1250 { instance of movieClip 1199 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 1249 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } } movieClip 1251 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 1250 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 1252 { } movieClip 1253 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 1252 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 1258 { frame 57 { stop(); } } movieClip 1259 { } movieClip 1260 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 1259 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 1262 { } movieClip 1264 { } movieClip 1266 { } movieClip 1269 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1271 { } movieClip 1273 { } movieClip 1275 { } movieClip 1277 { } movieClip 1279 { } movieClip 1281 { } movieClip 1284 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1286 { } movieClip 1291 { } movieClip 1294 { instance of movieClip 1291 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.girlTalk == true) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop('still'); } } } } movieClip 1295 { frame 85 { if (random(5) == 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 181 { if (random(5) == 1) { play(); } else { gotoAndPlay(95); } } frame 191 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1297 { } movieClip 1299 { } movieClip 1302 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1304 { } movieClip 1305 { } movieClip 1307 { } movieClip 1309 { } movieClip 1311 { } movieClip 1313 { } movieClip 1315 { } movieClip 1316 { } movieClip 1318 { } movieClip 1320 { } movieClip 1322 { } movieClip 1324 { } movieClip 1326 { } movieClip 1327 { } movieClip 1329 { } movieClip 1331 { } movieClip 1333 { } movieClip 1335 { } movieClip 1336 { } movieClip 1338 { } movieClip 1340 { } movieClip 1342 { } movieClip 1343 { } movieClip 1345 { frame 205 { stop(); } } movieClip 1346 { frame 130 { stop(); } } movieClip 1348 { } movieClip 1350 { } movieClip 1352 { } movieClip 1354 { } movieClip 1356 { } movieClip 1358 { } movieClip 1360 { } movieClip 1362 { } movieClip 1364 { } movieClip 1366 { } movieClip 1368 { } movieClip 1370 { } movieClip 1372 { } movieClip 1374 { } movieClip 1376 { } movieClip 1378 { } movieClip 1380 { } movieClip 1382 { } movieClip 1384 { } movieClip 1386 { } movieClip 1388 { } movieClip 1390 { } movieClip 1392 { } movieClip 1394 { } movieClip 1396 { } movieClip 1398 { } movieClip 1400 { } movieClip 1402 { } movieClip 1404 { } movieClip 1406 { } movieClip 1408 { } movieClip 1410 { } movieClip 1412 { } movieClip 1414 { } movieClip 1416 { } movieClip 1418 { } movieClip 1420 { } movieClip 1422 { } movieClip 1424 { } movieClip 1426 { } movieClip 1428 { } movieClip 1430 { } movieClip 1432 { } movieClip 1434 { } movieClip 1436 { } movieClip 1438 { } movieClip 1440 { } movieClip 1442 { } movieClip 1444 { } movieClip 1446 { } movieClip 1448 { } movieClip 1450 { } movieClip 1452 { } movieClip 1454 { } movieClip 1456 { } movieClip 1458 { } movieClip 1460 { } movieClip 1462 { } movieClip 1464 { } movieClip 1466 { } movieClip 1468 { } movieClip 1470 { } movieClip 1472 { } movieClip 1474 { } movieClip 1476 { } movieClip 1478 { } movieClip 1480 { } movieClip 1482 { } movieClip 1484 { } movieClip 1486 { } movieClip 1488 { } movieClip 1490 { } movieClip 1492 { } movieClip 1494 { } movieClip 1496 { } movieClip 1498 { } movieClip 1500 { } movieClip 1502 { } movieClip 1504 { } movieClip 1506 { } movieClip 1508 { } movieClip 1510 { } movieClip 1513 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1516 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1518 { } movieClip 1520 { } movieClip 1522 { } movieClip 1524 { } movieClip 1526 { } movieClip 1528 { } movieClip 1530 { } movieClip 1532 { } movieClip 1534 { } movieClip 1536 { } movieClip 1538 { } movieClip 1540 { } movieClip 1542 { } movieClip 1544 { } movieClip 1546 { } movieClip 1548 { } movieClip 1550 { } movieClip 1552 { } movieClip 1554 { } movieClip 1556 { } movieClip 1558 { } movieClip 1560 { } movieClip 1562 { } movieClip 1564 { } movieClip 1566 { } movieClip 1578 { frame 23 { stop(); } } movieClip 1580 { } movieClip 1589 { } movieClip 1592 { } movieClip 1602 { } movieClip 1603 { frame 31 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 181 { gotoAndPlay(131); } frame 234 { gotoAndPlay(190); } frame 325 { gotoAndPlay(274); } frame 385 { gotoAndPlay(336); } frame 485 { gotoAndPlay(435); } frame 545 { gotoAndPlay(496); } frame 695 { gotoAndPlay(636); } frame 755 { gotoAndPlay(696); } } movieClip 1604 { instance of movieClip 1603 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } } movieClip 1605 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 1604 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 1609 { } movieClip 1610 { instance of movieClip 1609 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1613 { } movieClip 1614 { instance of movieClip 1613 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1617 { } movieClip 1618 { instance of movieClip 1617 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1621 { } movieClip 1622 { instance of movieClip 1621 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1625 { } movieClip 1626 { instance of movieClip 1625 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1629 { } movieClip 1632 { } movieClip 1635 { } movieClip 1636 { instance of movieClip 1629 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } instance of movieClip 1632 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } instance of movieClip 1635 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } instance of movieClip 1632 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } instance of movieClip 1629 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1639 { } movieClip 1640 { instance of movieClip 1639 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1642 { } movieClip 1644 { } movieClip 1646 { } movieClip 1649 { } movieClip 1650 { instance of movieClip 1649 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1652 { } movieClip 1653 { } movieClip 1663 { } movieClip 1674 { } movieClip 1676 { } movieClip 1679 { } movieClip 1680 { instance of movieClip 1679 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1682 { } movieClip 1683 { } movieClip 1686 { } movieClip 1687 { instance of movieClip 1686 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1690 { } movieClip 1691 { instance of movieClip 1690 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1693 { } movieClip 1694 { } movieClip 1697 { } movieClip 1698 { instance of movieClip 1697 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1701 { } movieClip 1702 { instance of movieClip 1701 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1705 { } movieClip 1706 { instance of movieClip 1705 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1709 { } movieClip 1710 { instance of movieClip 1709 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1713 { } movieClip 1714 { instance of movieClip 1713 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1716 { } movieClip 1717 { } movieClip 1720 { } movieClip 1721 { instance of movieClip 1720 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1723 { } movieClip 1724 { } movieClip 1727 { } movieClip 1728 { instance of movieClip 1727 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1730 { } movieClip 1731 { } movieClip 1732 { } movieClip 1733 { frame 2 { prevFrame(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 88 { stop(); } frame 96 { stop(); } } movieClip 1736 { } movieClip 1737 { instance of movieClip 1736 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1740 { } movieClip 1742 { } movieClip 1743 { instance of movieClip 1740 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1746 { } movieClip 1747 { instance of movieClip 1746 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1749 { } movieClip 1752 { } movieClip 1753 { instance of movieClip 1752 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1756 { } movieClip 1757 { instance of movieClip 1756 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1760 { } movieClip 1761 { instance of movieClip 1760 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1763 { } movieClip 1766 { } movieClip 1767 { instance of movieClip 1766 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1770 { } movieClip 1771 { instance of movieClip 1770 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1774 { } movieClip 1775 { instance of movieClip 1774 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1778 { } movieClip 1779 { instance of movieClip 1778 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1782 { } movieClip 1783 { instance of movieClip 1782 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1786 { } movieClip 1787 { instance of movieClip 1786 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1790 { } movieClip 1791 { instance of movieClip 1790 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1794 { } movieClip 1795 { instance of movieClip 1794 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1798 { } movieClip 1799 { instance of movieClip 1798 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1802 { } movieClip 1803 { instance of movieClip 1802 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1806 { } movieClip 1807 { instance of movieClip 1806 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1810 { } movieClip 1811 { instance of movieClip 1810 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1814 { } movieClip 1815 { instance of movieClip 1814 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1818 { } movieClip 1819 { instance of movieClip 1818 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1821 { } movieClip 1823 { } movieClip 1826 { } movieClip 1827 { instance of movieClip 1826 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1830 { } movieClip 1831 { instance of movieClip 1830 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1834 { } movieClip 1835 { instance of movieClip 1834 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1838 { } movieClip 1839 { instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1842 { } movieClip 1843 { instance of movieClip 1842 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1846 { } movieClip 1847 { instance of movieClip 1846 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1850 { } movieClip 1851 { instance of movieClip 1850 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1854 { } movieClip 1855 { instance of movieClip 1854 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1858 { } movieClip 1859 { instance of movieClip 1858 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1862 { } movieClip 1863 { instance of movieClip 1862 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1866 { } movieClip 1867 { instance of movieClip 1866 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1870 { } movieClip 1871 { instance of movieClip 1870 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1874 { } movieClip 1875 { instance of movieClip 1874 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1878 { } movieClip 1879 { instance of movieClip 1878 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1882 { } movieClip 1883 { instance of movieClip 1882 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1886 { } movieClip 1887 { instance of movieClip 1886 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1890 { } movieClip 1891 { instance of movieClip 1890 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1893 { } movieClip 1895 { } movieClip 1897 { } movieClip 1899 { } movieClip 1901 { } movieClip 1902 { instance of movieClip 1690 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1905 { } movieClip 1906 { instance of movieClip 1905 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1909 { } movieClip 1910 { instance of movieClip 1909 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1913 { } movieClip 1914 { instance of movieClip 1913 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1919 { } movieClip 1920 { instance of movieClip 1919 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1923 { } movieClip 1924 { instance of movieClip 1923 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1927 { } movieClip 1928 { instance of movieClip 1927 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1931 { } movieClip 1932 { instance of movieClip 1931 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1935 { } movieClip 1936 { instance of movieClip 1935 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1939 { } movieClip 1940 { instance of movieClip 1939 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1944 { } movieClip 1945 { instance of movieClip 1944 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1948 { } movieClip 1949 { instance of movieClip 1948 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1952 { } movieClip 1953 { instance of movieClip 1952 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1956 { } movieClip 1957 { instance of movieClip 1956 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1960 { } movieClip 1961 { instance of movieClip 1960 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1964 { } movieClip 1965 { instance of movieClip 1964 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1969 { } movieClip 1972 { } movieClip 1973 { instance of movieClip 1972 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1977 { } movieClip 1992 { } movieClip 1993 { instance of movieClip 1992 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 1997 { } movieClip 1998 { instance of movieClip 1997 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 2002 { } movieClip 2003 { instance of movieClip 2002 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } movieClip 2006 { } movieClip 2007 { instance of movieClip 1733 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndPlay(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } } movieClip 2008 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 2007 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 2010 { } movieClip 2012 { } movieClip 2014 { } movieClip 2016 { } movieClip 2018 { } movieClip 2020 { } movieClip 2022 { } movieClip 2024 { } movieClip 2026 { } movieClip 2028 { } movieClip 2030 { } movieClip 2031 { } movieClip 2033 { } movieClip 2035 { } movieClip 2037 { } movieClip 2039 { } movieClip 2040 { } movieClip 2042 { } movieClip 2044 { } movieClip 2046 { } movieClip 2047 { } movieClip 2049 { } movieClip 2051 { } movieClip 2053 { } movieClip 2055 { } movieClip 2057 { } movieClip 2058 { } movieClip 2060 { } movieClip 2061 { } movieClip 2063 { } movieClip 2064 { } movieClip 2066 { } movieClip 2068 { } movieClip 2069 { } movieClip 2070 { frame 150 { stop(); } } movieClip 2071 { frame 110 { stop(); } } movieClip 2072 { } movieClip 2073 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 2072 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 2075 { } movieClip 2077 { } movieClip 2079 { } movieClip 2081 { } movieClip 2083 { } movieClip 2085 { } movieClip 2087 { } movieClip 2088 { } movieClip 2090 { } movieClip 2092 { } movieClip 2094 { } movieClip 2096 { } movieClip 2098 { } movieClip 2100 { } movieClip 2101 { } movieClip 2103 { } movieClip 2105 { } movieClip 2106 { } movieClip 2108 { } movieClip 2110 { } movieClip 2112 { } movieClip 2113 { } movieClip 2115 { } movieClip 2116 { } movieClip 2118 { } movieClip 2120 { } movieClip 2121 { } movieClip 2122 { } movieClip 2123 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 2122 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 2125 { } movieClip 2127 { } movieClip 2129 { } movieClip 2131 { } movieClip 2133 { } movieClip 2135 { } movieClip 2137 { } movieClip 2139 { } movieClip 2141 { } movieClip 2143 { } movieClip 2145 { } movieClip 2146 { } movieClip 2148 { } movieClip 2150 { } movieClip 2151 { } movieClip 2153 { } movieClip 2155 { } movieClip 2157 { } movieClip 2159 { } movieClip 2160 { } movieClip 2162 { } movieClip 2164 { } movieClip 2166 { } movieClip 2168 { } movieClip 2169 { } movieClip 2171 { } movieClip 2173 { } movieClip 2175 { } movieClip 2177 { } movieClip 2178 { } movieClip 2180 { } movieClip 2182 { } movieClip 2183 { } movieClip 2184 { } movieClip 2185 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 2184 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 2187 { } movieClip 2189 { } movieClip 2191 { } movieClip 2193 { } movieClip 2195 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2197 { } movieClip 2199 { } movieClip 2201 { } movieClip 2203 { } movieClip 2205 { } movieClip 2207 { } movieClip 2209 { } movieClip 2211 { } movieClip 2212 { } movieClip 2214 { } movieClip 2216 { } movieClip 2218 { } movieClip 2220 { } movieClip 2221 { } movieClip 2223 { } movieClip 2225 { } movieClip 2227 { } movieClip 2229 { } movieClip 2231 { } movieClip 2232 { } movieClip 2234 { } movieClip 2236 { } movieClip 2237 { } movieClip 2239 { } movieClip 2241 { } movieClip 2242 { } movieClip 2244 { } movieClip 2246 { } movieClip 2247 { } movieClip 2248 { } movieClip 2249 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 2248 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 2251 { } movieClip 2252 { frame 108 { stop(); } } movieClip 2266 { } movieClip 2267 { } movieClip 2268 { } movieClip 2270 { } movieClip 2276 { } movieClip 2277 { frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 2278 { } movieClip 2279 { frame 1 { view = 'far'; } instance of movieClip 2278 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicType); } } frame 17 { view = 'mid'; } frame 33 { view = 'close'; } } movieClip 2280 { instance of movieClip 187 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 348 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.scene != '') { this.gotoAndStop(_root.scene); _root.scene = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 351 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('vazio'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.fadeMC == 'in') { this.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.fadeMC = ''; } if (_root.fadeMC == 'out') { this.gotoAndPlay(25); _root.fadeMC = ''; } } } instance of movieClip 423 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 497 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 650 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 848 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 1100 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 1251 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 1253 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 1260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 1605 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 2008 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 2073 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 2123 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 2185 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 2249 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } instance of movieClip 2279 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.graphicView); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicView == 'far') { if (this.view != 'far') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'mid') { if (this.view == 'far') { this.nextFrame(); } if (this.view == 'close') { this.prevFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'close') { if (this.view != 'close') { this.nextFrame(); } } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedClose') { this.gotoAndStop('close'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedFar') { this.gotoAndStop('far'); } if (_root.graphicView == 'fixedMid') { this.gotoAndStop('mid'); } } } } instance of movieClip 2280 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.eventGraphic); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.eventGraphic); } } movieClip 2285 { frame 75 { stop(); } } button 2292 { on (press, keyPress '<Space>') { _root.nextLine(); } } movieClip 2297 { } button 2304 { on (rollOver) { choice1.textColor = 16776960; radial.gotoAndStop(1); } on (rollOut) { choice1.textColor = 16777215; radial.gotoAndStop(4); } on (press, keyPress '1') { _root.part = _root.part * 1000 + 100; _root.nextLine(); } } button 2305 { on (rollOver) { choice2.textColor = 16776960; radial.gotoAndStop(2); } on (rollOut) { choice2.textColor = 16777215; radial.gotoAndStop(4); } on (press, keyPress '2') { _root.part = _root.part * 1000 + 200; _root.nextLine(); } } button 2306 { on (rollOver) { choice3.textColor = 16776960; radial.gotoAndStop(3); } on (rollOut) { choice3.textColor = 16777215; radial.gotoAndStop(4); } on (press, keyPress '3') { _root.part = _root.part * 1000 + 300; _root.nextLine(); } } movieClip 2307 { instance radial of movieClip 2297 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } } movieClip 2308 { } movieClip 2310 { frame 1 { _root.setBG = 'shepBedroom'; if (_root.part == 1) { _root.mainChar = 0; _root.setGraphic('prologue1', 'nothing', 'nothing'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'lust'; _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmmm... Nice... Wild... You\'re all mean, babe...'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You\'ve been behaving badly, huh? \nDon\'t you know who I am?'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.scene = 'two'; _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I hope I still have credit in my account! I didn\'t spend the money from the ad gig on the Citadel yet. \nLet\'s see...'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.girlFacing = 'front'; _root.scene = 'three'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Commander ' + _root.player + '!!'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHAT THE FUCK!!'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('S-sir... ? Are you alright? Are you.... \ndrooling?'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Urgh... never mind that! Commander ' + _root.player + ' speaking. Are the Rippers attacking again? Connectors kidnapping again?! \nThis better be good!'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('This is officer ' + _root.officeGirl + ' , Commander. I need to talk to you on the bridge, sir. \nIt\'s about the crew.'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What about the crew? Tell me already! \nI\'m... kind of busy here! Did someone die? Did ' + _root.punkGirl + ' kill someone again by mistake?'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('No sir. It\'s... a concern of mine. It\'s better we talk directly.'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Shit...'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('S-Sir?'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m on my way. \nGive me a couple minutes.'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('As you say Commander.'); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.scene = 'two'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sigh... I lost the mood. \nI returned from the dead for this?!'); _root.act = 1; _root.eventChange(2); } } instance script of movieClip 2308 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.showButton == true) { if (_root.skipActivate == true) { _root.nextLine(); } else { if (_root.autoPlayActivate == true) { if (_root.timeAutoPlay >= 100) { _root.nextLine(); } else { ++_root.timeAutoPlay; } } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } else { if (_root.showRadial == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { _root.setBG = 'bridge'; if (_root.part == 1) { _root.mainChar = 0; _root.wait('med'); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'fixedFar'); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Here I am, ' + _root.officeGirl + '. Is it the Reavers? The Connectors? Zombies? \nLet\'s hear it.'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Commander ' + _root.player + '! \nThank you for coming.'); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'salute', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'salute'; } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('It\'s not that serious, I don\'t think. It\'s just a concern of mine, Commander sir.'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Easy, ' + _root.officeGirl + '. I\'m not in the military anymore. I guess I\'m an employee of CEREBELUS, like yourself. \nCool down a bit.'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'salute', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'rest'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('If you say so Commander. Can I call you ' + _root.shepFirstName + '?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'It\'s fine.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I changed my mind.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'You can call me anything.'; } if (_root.part == 6101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m fine with it. But keep in mind our roles here.'); } if (_root.part == 6102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Of course. I\'m just trying to break the ice, you\'re the boss.'); _root.part = 6; } if (_root.part == 6201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmmm... I didn\'t like the sound of that. Please go back to the usual method of address. \nSorry, force of habit.'); } if (_root.part == 6202) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('No worries, Commander. \nI prefer this way as well.'); _root.part = 6; } if (_root.part == 6301) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You know, you can call me by anything ' + _root.officeGirl + '... \nYou earned that.'); } if (_root.part == 6302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t do that, Commander! \nMy mouth can run wildly if I let it!'); } if (_root.part == 6303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s good to know that. I look forward to that.'); } if (_root.part == 6304) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Stop it...!'); _root.part = 6; } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Commander, I\'m worried about some crew members. \nThe members of your team.'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('The female personnel, to be exact.'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Are they having... girl problems? Sorry, I can\'t help you with that. \nSurely the infirmary has the means to deal with...'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('No Commander. It\'s serious! They are behaving... weird. \nAnd I think you should know before anything... something...'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Didn\'t you read my report I sent Monday morning?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Too busy.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I don\'t care.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Report? Me?'; } if (_root.part == 11101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Forgive me, I was too busy making plans to save the universe from certain destruction. \nDid you put a red tag on it?'); } if (_root.part == 11102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.part = 11; _root.texto('I guess not. I think maybe it\'s better this way.'); } if (_root.part == 11201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I did see your report and I came with the conclusion that I don’t fucking care.'); } if (_root.part == 11202) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('But did you even read it... a little?'); } if (_root.part == 11203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let me see... I was about to send a message to you about it... then something came to mind.'); } if (_root.part == 11204) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Let me guess: \nYou don\'t fucking care.'); } if (_root.part == 11205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Good. Now you know. Don\'t send me stuff to read. My mail account is just for photos. The right kind of phots.'); } if (_root.part == 11206) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Gotcha.'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 11301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Do I have an e-mail account? Gee! I don\'t know how these computer things work. I barely use the one in my chambers. \nReally!'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Anyway Commander, just listen. The crew are using a new enhancement tech which I never received any requisitional form or further documentation to deliver to you, Sir!'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And what is this tech enhances? How will I know if they\'re using it?'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You will know it. It\'s hard to miss. Believe me.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I need more details.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Now you got me worried!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'CUT THE BULLSHIT!'; } if (_root.part == 14101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I need more information to go on. Are you really sure you don\'t know anything else?'); } if (_root.part == 14102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Yes... I mean, that\'s all! I am not involved in anyway with their plan...'); } if (_root.part == 14103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.officeGirl + '... are you really sure you don\'thave anything else to tell me?'); } if (_root.part == 14104) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Yes! I mean NO! I don\'t know anything!'); } if (_root.part == 14105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s okay. I won\'t press you any further. \nFor now.'); } if (_root.part == 14106) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Commander...'); _root.part = 14; } if (_root.part == 14201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Now you got me worried! Are you really sure this isn\'t one of these problems that are solved by themselves if we just leave them alone?'); } if (_root.part == 14202) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I\'m pretty sure this can get messy fast.'); } if (_root.part == 14203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmmm... got it. Sigh...'); _root.part = 14; } if (_root.part == 14301) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('CUT THE BULLSHIT, COFFEE LADY! My time is super valuable! \nI can\'t be bothered with shit like that while the universe is burning!'); } if (_root.part == 14302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Believe me Commander, I can\'t tell you anything else.'); } if (_root.part == 14303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('SHUT UP! Just do what you do best and pour me a cup!'); } if (_root.part == 14304) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I AM NOT YOUR FUCKING COFFEE LADY! \nI AM YOUR YEOMAN!'); } if (_root.part == 14305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t what that means! I think you made that word up! \nOr it just means COFFEE LADY in Chinese or whatever!'); } if (_root.part == 14306) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('FINE! I will get your coffee!'); _root.part = 14; } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Looks like you can\'t tell me anything else about this matter. I really don\'t know what\'s waiting for me. \nThe girls. They look... dangerous to you?'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('More than usual? I\'m not sure about that. But if there\'s anyone who can handle them it\'s you, Commander ' + _root.player + '!'); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Thank you. I guess.'); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Are you ready, Commander?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Enquiry time!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Bitchslapping time!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Do I really need to do this?'; } if (_root.part == 18101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'ve heard enough! If they\'re hiding something, I must to know the reason!'); _root.part = 18; } if (_root.part == 18201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('The nerve of those cunts! Pulling shit behind my back! \nWell, NOT TODAY!'); _root.part = 18; } if (_root.part == 18301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I get it, I get it. You will come with me, right? '); } if (_root.part == 18302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Me? I have stuff to do. You have my number if you need me!'); _root.part = 18; } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok, I\'m going. Don\'t worry, I will be fair and respectful with them. \nAt least I will try.'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I believe you Commander. Be careful.'); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Be careful with WHAT? Is there something you aren\'t telling me?'); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Just... try not to be yourself... so much. \nYou may need a softer approach this time.'); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Can you do that?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Of course.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Nope.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Are you saying I\'m not smooth?'; } if (_root.part == 23101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course, ' + _root.officeGirl + '. Not all problems are nails. \nI\'ll handle them.'); } if (_root.part == 23102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Ohhh... Commander ' + _root.player + '... I feel so safe in your arms...'); } if (_root.part == 23103) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... I... am glad you think that way.'); } if (_root.part == 23104) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I am so sorry! I was just thinking out loud. \nPlease forget what I said.'); _root.part = 23; } if (_root.part == 23201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let me see... Nah.'); } if (_root.part == 23202) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.player + ' doesn\'t do soft. He pounds hard 24/7. He is a force of nature. Sorry.'); } if (_root.part == 23203) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I tried.'); _root.part = 23; } if (_root.part == 23301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What? Since when am I not smooth? Do you know anyone smoothier than myself? Name one person!'); } if (_root.part == 23302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I don\'t think \'smooth\' is exactly the right word you should be using. \nBut I think you will be fine.'); _root.part = 23; } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Alright. Time to move on. Anything to add?'); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Negative. I await your report about this trouble. With lots of details. \nAnd pictures, if you have the chance.'); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Alright. I guess.'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I feel something ominous in the air...'); _root.FirstEncounterLiara = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterJack = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterMiranda = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterSamara = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterTali = 'available'; _root.FirstEncounterKelly = 'available'; _root.viewerEvent2 = true; _root.goToMap(); } } frame 3 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.mainChar = 0; find1 = false; find2 = false; find3 = false; _root.setBG = 'liaraPlace'; _root.wait('short'); _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.shepFacing = 'front'; _root.shepMood = 'angry'; } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.blueGirl + '? Can I talk to you?'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special1', 'far'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.texto('Of course, Commander ' + _root.player + '. \nWhat can I do for you?'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special2', 'fixedClose'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.wait('extra'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I\'m not sure it\'s polite to stare at someone\'s body... but I can\'t say I\'m displeased about it.'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You look pretty... different.'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special3', 'far'); _root.texto('It looks good, doesn\'t it? It feels good too. I think it was exaggerated...'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special3', 'mid'); _root.texto('... but I think a little more mass wouldn\'t hurt, don\'t you think?'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I...I... wait. Easy doctor. I\'m lost here. This tech: \nI still don\'t understand!'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special3', 'close'); _root.texto('This technology is marvelous! I feel so... \noverjoyed! \nI\'ve never worked on something so thrilling and rewarding!'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Did you come here because of this?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Where exactly did this come from?'; _root.choiceText2 = 'You\'re acting behind my back.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Nope. But since I\'m here...'; } if (_root.part == 11101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Where did this tech come from? Did it come from CEREBELUS? How did you get it?'); } if (_root.part == 11102) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I... I... can\'t say, Commander. I think it\'s best you talk to ' + _root.bossyGirl + '. She can give you that kind of information.'); } if (_root.part == 11103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Alright. It\'s okay. \nI know you had good intentions with it.'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 11201) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You\'re losing focus here, Blueberry. You can\'t do shit like this behind my back! \nI\'m the fucking boss here!'); } if (_root.part == 11202) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'angry', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I am sorry Commander ' + _root.player + '! I easily forget these military conventions. \nDon\'t take this the wrong way.'); } if (_root.part == 11203) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Rest assured everything was taken seriously and carefully planned.'); } if (_root.part == 11204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine! I have my eye on you!'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 11301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I was just strolling around, no particular reason. But since we\'re here, can you tell me what this is all about?'); } if (_root.part == 11302) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.texto('Well... I think you should talk with' + _root.bossyGirl + '. She can fill you in.'); } if (_root.part == 11303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure.'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But one thing I don\'t get. What is your interest in this thing? \nYou\'re a doctor/scientist/whatever for God\'s sake.'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.texto('We call it MIGHT. I know, it\'s a tad silly. \nBut moving on, I have a professional interest in it! I found it\'s origin is very ancient, I have proof! I HAVE!'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Easy. Go on.'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('I believe it was mainly developed in the Prothean era, or even before it! I was working on it right now!'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Do you want to read my current research?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I\'m interested in the present.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Hell no.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'It have pictures?'; } if (_root.part == 16101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m afraid I need more practical knowledge about the current situation. We can cover the historical facts and theories later, doctor.'); } if (_root.part == 16102) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'far'); _root.texto('What a shame. Better for me though, I will have more time to polish it! \nYou will see, you will be proud!'); } if (_root.part == 16103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I... I can\'t wait to read it.'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 16201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I didn\'t enroll in the army to read walls of text. I don\'t have to know where something came from to kill it. If it bleeds, it can die.'); } if (_root.part == 16202) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.texto('Sigh! Is killing other species all you humans aim for? \nIs that it?!'); } if (_root.part == 16203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sometimes we stick our dick in it if it looks wet enough. \nThen we kill it.'); } if (_root.part == 16204) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.texto('What? This is the most revolting, absurd...'); } if (_root.part == 16205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s a joke ' + _root.blueGirl + '. \nLighten up.'); } if (_root.part == 16206) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I really don\'t get your kind of humor!'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 16301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure! It have pictures?! I love those colorful pictures of people riding mammoths and fighting dinosaurs... \nI fucking love dinosurs!'); } if (_root.part == 16302) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Dinosaurs? No, it\'s... what are you...? I guess scientific literature is not your forte!'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Anyway, Commander ' + _root.player + '. MIGHT is very complex. But it has a... how should I say, a minor flaw. It wouldn\'t work so well on you.'); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What? It turns your body blue? Makes you bald? Puts mini-tentacle things in your head?'); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('What... No! It doesn\'t have the same effect on a male subject! We tried computer simulations and the results were a disaster!'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('But I confess we didn\'t have enough data to experiment with. It might work in the end. \nOr not.'); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Care to help us Commander?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You wish.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I\'m busy with something else.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Hands full. Sorry.'; } if (_root.part == 21101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure! Let\'s mess with little ' + _root.player + '! \nThe hope of the universe! \nThe one who can defeat those murdering, kidnapper aliens! Sure, no-one will mind!'); } if (_root.part == 21102) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.texto('I\'m joking! We wouldn\'t harm you in any way... \nmy little ' + _root.player + '!'); _root.part = 21; } if (_root.part == 21201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I... Oh, yes! I was supposed to help Jarrus calibrate the main gun! That damn thing can\'t be calibrated enough! \nHAHAHAHA!'); } if (_root.part == 21202) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'angry', 'far'); _root.texto('No problem, I know Jarrus\' gun is your top priority.'); } if (_root.part == 21203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah... sure it is... wait a minute... \nare you implying something?'); _root.part = 21; } if (_root.part == 21301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I would love to help you in your research ' + _root.blueGirl + ' but believe me, I can\'t risk my life until I wrap up all this trouble. People are counting with me'); } if (_root.part == 21302) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Oh ' + _root.player + '! You are so heroic! \nI was only joking!'); } if (_root.part == 21303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Really? I couldn\'t tell. You know I\'m here if you ever need me, don\'t you?'); } if (_root.part == 21304) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('T-Thank you, Commander.'); _root.part = 21; } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok, you said the tech is dangerous for males, but how did you make sure it was fine for you? You are sure about it, right?'); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Of course I am! There was plenty of data on its use on females. And we managed to get a stable working product for several species.'); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('But sadly, most parts of the data are missing. I had some suspicions which proved correct in the end. It all came from the Prothean era.'); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I believe the original form of MIGHT was a biological artifact developed by an ancient civilisation!'); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('That civilization may be a direct ancestor of us, Azari. We only found records of a female presence. Or there wasn\'t a male gender at all, or...'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Or...?'); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('They exterminated them and created another reproductive mechanism. Their culture is pretty similar to one from your planet, the myth of the amazons.'); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wow, that was a pretty terrifying story, even for me. Angry women are more dangeorous than a rabid Krogan!'); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wait a minute! \nDid you say you made versions of it? Did you give this thing to others?'); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Yes. But do not worry Commander. Dr. ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' and I supervised all the procedures. \nIt\'s completely safe.'); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I don\'t understand your concern about this.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'No-one tells me anything!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'It will blow up in my face.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I am the authority here.'; } if (_root.part == 32101) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m not that upset... but I kinda appreciate being included in things like this. I am your Commander, you know?'); } if (_root.part == 32102) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I understand. I will keep that in mind for next time.'); } if (_root.part == 32103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Next time? What are you guys planning?!'); } if (_root.part == 32104) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('It\'s nothing Commander. I assure you.'); } if (_root.part == 32105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('O-Okay...'); _root.part = 32; } if (_root.part == 32201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You don\'t understand my concern about this fuckup?!'); } if (_root.part == 32202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('When this shit hits the fan, and believe me, it will, who do you think is going to have to clean the mess up?!'); } if (_root.part == 32203) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Feces? Why would you throw feces into a fan? I don\'t comprehend you, Commander.'); } if (_root.part == 32204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Look dammit! Like it or not, you silly cunts, this is my ship!\n NO-ONE shits on my ship without my say-so!'); } if (_root.part == 32205) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I-I see...'); } if (_root.part == 32206) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I think I can talk to ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' about this feces fascination you have. Are solid excrements that interesting?'); } if (_root.part == 32207) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Are you shitting me...! \nARGH! Never mind!'); _root.part = 32; } if (_root.part == 32301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s the issue ' + _root.blueGirl + '. These gaps in information may impact my effectiveness to do my job.'); } if (_root.part == 32302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m dealing with people\'s lives here, mine, yours, and others. My decisions have to be made with a complete understanding of the conditions at hand.'); } if (_root.part == 32303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Neither you nor I can say what kind of facts are important or not. I can\'t risk a bad interpretation of the situation. \nDo you understand my point?'); } if (_root.part == 32304) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I-I am sorry Commander ' + _root.player + '! I didn\'t think this matter through. Please forgive my transgretion. I was selfish.'); } if (_root.part == 32305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s okay ' + _root.blueGirl + '. I know you didn\'t do this to cause any harm. I\'ll talk with the others.'); _root.part = 32; } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I really don\'t entirely understand your motives. I must have more answers before saying anything. \nUntil then, restrain your... impulses. Got it?'); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('As you say, Commander. I am sure you\'ll find the benefits worthwhile to our cause. \nBelieve me.'); _root.part = 500; } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine. I will leave you to your things. I\'ll check with the others now. But I will come for you right afterwards.'); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('One moment ' + _root.player + '. Since you\'re here, I would like to hear a... professional evaluation of my condition. \nI am a scientist after all, I need facts.'); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Evaluation? You want me to test you? \nNOW?'); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special4', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('As you can see, my muscle mass has increased substantially. It\'s unfortunate we don\'t have equipment to measure these improvements.'); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('But I\'m sure you have more... practical ways to test my strength and stamina. I\'m eager for it!'); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Do you want to try me on?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Booty camp time!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I would love to couch you.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I can talk to Grouch about helping you.'; } if (_root.part == 40101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.paragonChange(3); _root.texto('Oh, Babe! I always have time for booty camp with you... \nI can mount one right here and right now!'); } if (_root.part == 40102) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special4', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('That would be awesome! Here, I have gloves! And weights! I can\'t wait! You have good resistance to pain, right? \nI read it in your medical records.'); } if (_root.part == 40103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Huh? You read it wrong. I resist pain better when I\'m the pain inflicting agent. Otherwise I just suck on it.'); } if (_root.part == 40104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sorry. Anyway, I remember I have to be somewhere else.'); _root.part = 40; } if (_root.part == 40201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I would love to assist you in your research doctor, but I have pressing matters at the moment. \nWe can set a time for this little project of ours.'); } if (_root.part == 40202) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t worry about it Commander. I will give a call later. \nAt night.'); _root.part = 40; } if (_root.part == 40301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I see! I got it! Let me call Grouch, I think he\'s tired of hammering his head against walls by himself.'); } if (_root.part == 40302) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special4', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Ah... I was thinking you... \nOh, well... Thank you Commander.'); _root.part = 40; } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special5', 'far'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Right! Back to my business then. \nBe a good girl and behave yourself now.'); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You don\'t need to feel antagonized by my new self. I kinda expected this reaction from you. So long Commander'); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Huh? me? What are you talking about? Care to elaborate a little more?'); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You know, you\'re a male. It\'s biological to feel threatened by a superior female personality. \nYou can\'t avoid it.'); _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'special5', 'far'); _root.scene = 'two'; } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Please do not feel inadequate close to me.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You are mistaken.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'We have a blue Nazi onboard.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Me? I-I... What?!'; } if (_root.part == 45101) { _root.shepMood = 'normal'; _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You\'re mistaken, I\'ve already taken down things twice as big by myself. I think you should recite that theory to someone else.'); } if (_root.part == 45102) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Forgive me Commander. But just replying like that confirmed my theory. \nDo not feel angry with me.'); } if (_root.part == 45103) { _root.shepMood = 'normal'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m not angry. I guess. Let\'s leave it at that.'); } if (_root.part == 45104) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('As you say, Commander.'); _root.part = 45; } if (_root.part == 45201) { _root.shepMood = 'angry'; _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('OH REALLY?! So you pumped some iron in those guns of yours and you\'re already locking horns with the bull of the farm?!'); } if (_root.part == 45202) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Guns? Farm? Horns? What do you mean? \nWho is the bull?'); } if (_root.part == 45203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('ME!! The top dog! \nThe alpha wolf! \nTHE MAN! \nME!'); } if (_root.part == 45204) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Ah, I see. You don\'t look like a bull. Or a wolf, either. Maybe a dog. \nA cute puppy!'); } if (_root.part == 45205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHAT?'); } if (_root.part == 45206) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Forgive me Commander, I think I\'m failing to grasp this conversation. You humans are pretty complex to understand.'); } if (_root.part == 45207) { _root.shepMood = 'normal'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Whatever! DAMMIT! \nI really can\'t tell if you\'re playing dumb or not!'); } if (_root.part == 45208) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Tee-hee! S-sorry Commander!'); _root.part = 45; } if (_root.part == 45301) { _root.shepMood = 'sad'; _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What? You\'re funny! I-I\'m not feeling weak close to you... or smaller... Hahaha.'); } if (_root.part == 45302) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Do you feel weak and small close to me? Tell me more about it. You know you don\'t need to feel threatened by me.'); } if (_root.part == 45303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t! You\'ve got it all wrong. I\'m not worried about you being stronger than me!'); } if (_root.part == 45304) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('So you\'re worried about me being stronger than you. \nWhy is that, Commander ' + _root.player + '?'); } if (_root.part == 45305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I-I\'m not... GEE! Look at the time! It\'s busy work being the commander of a ship!'); } if (_root.part == 45306) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Yes, it is. Come talk to me at night. I need to discuss things with you.'); } if (_root.part == 45307) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('O-Ok. I mean... maybe. If I ain\'t too busy... commanding the ship.'); _root.part = 45; } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Wait Commander. I need to show you... \nsomething.'); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('It\'ll surely make you change your mind about the effectiveness of this tech.'); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Go on.'); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('MIGHT contains small energy particles in its composition. It\'s something... new. Its origin is unknown so far, but I believe it is an evolved compound of...'); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.blueGirl + '. I\'m an army man. I barely know what a particle is.'); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Alright. Look at this, the modified cells needs just a little... \npush...'); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('...Like this!'); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('See? It isn\'t just my muscles stretching. All the cells in my body realocate energy to elevate my physical capacity.'); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'three'; _root.texto('It\'s amazing... with just a small and insignificant effort, my body almost increased one and a half times in size. I wonder what would happen if...'); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + '! You\'re drooling! \nAre you having a stroke?'); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I-I did got a cold. Small thing. I\'m... fine.'); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Then pay attention. \nOne more push...'); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'four'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('YEAH!!! That\'s it!'); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I didn\'t think I would get that big so early! Should I keep pushing it...?'); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'fmg', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'five'; _root.texto('SO! Do I look tougher now?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I need to be thorough before agreeing.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'A little more than that, I guess.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Yes Ma\'am!'; } if (_root.part == 60101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t know, I can\'t be reckless. I need to make a thorough inspection to assess these... \nimprovements.'); } if (_root.part == 60102) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('It would be my pleasure to participate in this... inspection, Commander ' + _root.player + '...'); _root.part = 60; } if (_root.part == 60201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Well, you look pretty... menacing ' + _root.blueGirl + '!! \nI would think twice before crossing you!'); } if (_root.part == 60202) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Oh, thank you ' + _root.player + '! I mean, menacing isn\'t a pleasant thing to say to another person, but I understand your intention!'); _root.part = 60; } if (_root.part == 60301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YES MA\'AM!'); } if (_root.part == 60302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I-I mean... Yes, you look pretty tough. Hum. Yeah.'); } if (_root.part == 60303) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Thank you ' + _root.player + '. I appreciate your sincerity.'); _root.part = 60; } if (_root.part == 61) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Thank you for your visit, Commander. I have taken up much of your time already. \nI need to return to my duties myself.'); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Alright... but... ' + _root.blueGirl + '...'); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Yes Commander?'); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s nothing. Check you again later.'); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('As you wish, Commander.'); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'six'; _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What the fuck was that!? \nSpace Jesus!'); _root.FirstEncounterLiara = 'complete'; _root.viewerEvent3 = true; _root.goToMap(); } if (_root.part == 501) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Speaking of which, I could use more data. I feel I didn\'t get access to the original version of the previous research. You could help me with that.'); } if (_root.part == 502) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Do you think something is being hidden from you? \nJoin the club!'); } if (_root.part == 503) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t help it, I need to be thorough. I need to see the original data, or at least the exact reproduction of it. It may be nothing after all. I am just curious.'); } if (_root.part == 504) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And what do you need my help for? Just ask your trusting colleagues.'); } if (_root.part == 505) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t do that. If my suspicions are true, I could create some unpleasant situations. \nI would prefer not to reveal any movement on my part.'); } if (_root.part == 506) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('And I would be in your debt, Commander. I\'m not asking you to steal anything. Besides, if the data is on this ship, it\'s within your rights to have access to it.'); } if (_root.part == 507) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.texto('I just want to have a little peek. Can you give me a hand?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Accept the quest.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Refuse the quest.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Negotiate.'; } if (_root.part == 507101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine, I\'ll do it. But I want to know everything you learn from it!'); } if (_root.part == 507102) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Of course! It\'s a deal!'); _root.part = 507; } if (_root.part == 507201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!'); } if (_root.part == 507202) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('... did I say something funny?'); } if (_root.part == 507203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HELL YEAH! \nYou\'re trying to manipulate me... it\'s... hilarious!'); } if (_root.part == 507204) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You mean you will not help me?'); } if (_root.part == 507205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course not! \nYou\'re on your own. I don\'t have time to play errand boy with you!'); } if (_root.part == 507206) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I see. Too bad.'); _root.part = 34; } if (_root.part == 507301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You\'ve changed a lot. Do you really think I can be manipulated like that?'); } if (_root.part == 507302) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I\'m not trying to manipulate you Commander. I wouldn\'t be capable of outwitting you...'); } if (_root.part == 507303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Enough ' + _root.blueGirl + '. I will fetch that data of yours because I need to grasp all the information about this mess, and I expect you to assist me.'); } if (_root.part == 507304) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('O-Of course Commander. I will try to help you in any way I can!'); _root.part = 507; } if (_root.part == 508) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok, give me the details. Where is this data you want so much?'); } if (_root.part == 509) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('This is so exciting!! Listen carefully... this is our best chance! \nWe need to act fast and stealthily!'); } if (_root.part == 510) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wait a minute! Didn\'t you tell me I wouldn\'t have to do anything wrong? This sounds like the complete opposite!'); } if (_root.part == 511) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t overthink these details too much! The data is in ' + _root.bossyGirl + 's office. She has it. I am sure of it.'); } if (_root.part == 512) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And you think she will give me the data? You know she doesn\'t give me any slack, don\'t you?'); } if (_root.part == 513) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I know that! But you don\'t need to ask her for anything. Just go in there... and take it! \nShe isn\'t there right now, you should take this chance.'); } if (_root.part == 514) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Whoa! You want me to steal her stuff? Not that I\'m afraid of her, but that\'s wrong. I\'m the Commander of this ship, for God\'s sake! I can\'t mess with people\'s desks like that!'); } if (_root.part == 515) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('It\'s not in her desk, I already checked. \nTry the cabinets and others drawers.'); } if (_root.part == 516) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s not the point! \nYOU\'RE ASKING ME TO STEAL!'); } if (_root.part == 517) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Tee-hee! You aren\'t in the army anymore, this is Cerebelus property. You see? You aren\'t acting bad, you are fulfiling your duty...'); } if (_root.part == 518) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Dang! You\'re right! I can\'t let them get away with this! YES! I have to get that data NOW!'); } if (_root.part == 519) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('YES!! Didn\'t I tell you this would be exciting? Go for it Commander!'); } if (_root.part == 520) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 521) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.setBG = 'MirandaPlace'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m in! How ' + _root.blueGirl + ' got an electronic key for ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' beats me. I\'ll worry about that later.'); } if (_root.part == 522) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('This is a quick job! Find the data and get the hell out! \nTHIS IS IT!'); } if (_root.part == 523) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let me see... where should I look for the data?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Filing cabinet.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Desk.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Walls.'; } if (_root.part == 523101) { if (find1 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 522; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s see...'); } } if (_root.part == 523102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('THE FUCK! That\'s a lot of files! Why do people print this amount of stuff these days?! SAVE THE FUCKING TREES FOR GOD\'S SAKE!'); } if (_root.part == 523103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Receipts... forms... forms... receipts... GOD! That\'s a lot of red tape! Cerebelus is a human organization for sure!'); } if (_root.part == 523104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh... what is this? This folder has a heart drawn on it. There is a data drive inside of it.'); } if (_root.part == 523105) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND AN FMG REPORT! Check the extra section on the start screen to play it.'); } if (_root.part == 523106) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Nice! I\'m curious to see what\'s inside it!'); find1 = true; _root.part = 522; } if (_root.part == 523201) { if (find2 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 522; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s see...'); } } if (_root.part == 523202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Paper. Pen. clips. A mirror. Lipsticks. Gun. And a lot of ammo. \n' + _root.bossyGirl + ' is a really prepared woman.'); } if (_root.part == 523203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s see, this one from the bottom... A self-help book? That\'s sad. And a... coloring book? That\'s... weird. I don\'t want to go deeper.'); } if (_root.part == 523204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What is this... a data card? On the label is written: \nPERFECTION.'); } if (_root.part == 523205) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A BIO SHEET! \nCheck the extra section on the start screen to display it.'); } if (_root.part == 523206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hum. That\'s something. I should give this a look later.'); find2 = true; _root.part = 522; } if (_root.part == 523301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wait! If that data is of something important, that woman wouldn\'t leave it in plain sight. It must be hidden!'); } if (_root.part == 523302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s check the pictures on the walls. It\'s cliché, but I don\'t think ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' would be capable of something crafty.'); } if (_root.part == 523303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I just hope there isn\'t a hidden camera here. It would be pretty ankward. Damn ' + _root.blueGirl + '! What mess!'); } if (_root.part == 523304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('BINGO! \nThere\'s something taped behind this picture...'); } if (_root.part == 523305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND THE ORIGINAL DATA!'); } if (_root.part == 523306) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('THAT\'S IT! Well, I think. It must be it! TIME TO VANISH!'); _root.part = 523; } if (_root.part == 524) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = ''; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 525) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setBG = 'liaraPlace'; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Did you find it? Huh? Where is it? DID YOU FIND IT?'); } if (_root.part == 526) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Calm down! I found this data drive hidden behind a picture. There is one of those coded labels on it. I think that\'s it.'); } if (_root.part == 527) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('YES! It seems you\'re right! The information must be encrypted and coded. Ohhh... I am so thrilled! I can\'t wait to unravel this bad boy!'); } if (_root.part == 528) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' may discover someone took it from her soon. Shouldn\'t we copy the contents and return it?'); } if (_root.part == 529) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Tee-hee! You are so cute! You can\'t copy these files, there are hundreds of counter-measures, at least. I will have to use an offline terminal to access this, and then emulate the Cerebelus network to validate the security pins and... '); } if (_root.part == 530) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yay. I get it. You will need to take your sweet time with it before getting anything out of it.'); } if (_root.part == 531) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' will not suspect any of you girls over the disappearance of that thing?'); } if (_root.part == 532) { _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I believe not. She will direct her suspicions towards a more plausible choice... \nSorry.'); } if (_root.part == 533) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah... Sigh. Thanks a lot ' + _root.blueGirl + '. My fan club gets bigger and bigger.'); } if (_root.part == 534) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t be like that Commander. You will be safe. \nJust avoid eye-contact.'); } if (_root.part == 535) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Thanks for the advice.'); _root.part = 34; } } frame 4 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.mainChar = 0; _root.setBG = 'jackPlace'; find1 = false; find2 = false; find3 = false; _root.buttonTattoo = true; _root.wait('long'); _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'one'; } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.wait('med'); _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'special1', 'far'); _root.scene = 'two'; } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.punkGirl + '? Come out. \nI need to talk to you.'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.wait('extra'); _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'special1', 'far'); _root.scene = 'three'; } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.wait('extra'); _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'special2', 'fixedClose'); _root.scene = 'one'; } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('What the fuck do you want?! Are you spying on me?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'No place is off-limits to me.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'The fucking ship is mine!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I just came to see you!'; } if (_root.part == 6101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Careful with that ' + _root.punkGirl + '. I\'m here with some questions.'); } if (_root.part == 6102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And besides that, I am the Commander of this ship. \nYour Commander. No place is off-limits to me. \nYou\'d better learn that.'); } if (_root.part == 6103) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.texto('I don\'t remember enlisting in the fucking army... \nSo! What\'ll you do, ' + _root.player + '?! Want some fucking push-ups?'); } if (_root.part == 6104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sigh... I agree with you, this is not the army. \nIt\'s more like a kindergarten!'); } if (_root.part == 6105) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('FUCK YOU.'); _root.part = 6; } if (_root.part == 6201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m sorry! I forgot I have to ask permission to walk on MY FUCKING SHIP! \nNext time I\'ll throw you out the airlock!'); } if (_root.part == 6202) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('You can try ' + _root.player + '. But don\'t expect me to play easy with you.'); } if (_root.part == 6203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Shut up. Psycho bitch.'); } if (_root.part == 6204) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Fag.'); _root.part = 6; } if (_root.part == 6301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m sorry!\n It isn\'t like there\'s a doorbell around here! These aren\'t even proper quarters!'); } if (_root.part == 6302) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('So what? Just leave me alone, there are other corridors you can use!'); _root.part = 6; } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Tell me why you\'re here already! Stop staring at me like a hungry dog! Gee!'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Did the blue bitch give you the cold shoulder?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Of course not!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Show respect!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I don\'t dig bald chicks.'; } if (_root.part == 8101) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course not! \nShe... wait... what do you mean by that? I don\'t know what you\'re talking about!'); } if (_root.part == 8102) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Pleeeease! \nI know your kind ' + _root.player + '! Flashing that badge around, the chosen one, you must think we\'re all getting wet around you!'); } if (_root.part == 8103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course not! The thought never crossed my mind!'); } if (_root.part == 8104) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 8105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('EVER!'); } if (_root.part == 8106) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'smile', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Right. I believe it.'); _root.part = 8; } if (_root.part == 8201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Show respect to doctor ' + _root.blueGirl + '! \nShe is a valuable member of this team!'); } if (_root.part == 8202) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Of course she is! \nAnd that smooth skin and fuckable body there have nothing to do with it. You are a joke!'); } if (_root.part == 8203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('ENOUGH! \nI don\'t want to hear you speak of her like that EVER! \nDO YOU HEAR ME!'); } if (_root.part == 8204) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('She\'s still a bitch!'); _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'close'); } if (_root.part == 8205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Drop it!'); _root.part = 8; } if (_root.part == 8301) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.punkGirl + '... if, someday, I ever want a piece of that bald, junkie ass of yours...'); } if (_root.part == 8302) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 8303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Please, please shoot me in the head with the biggest gun you have! \nTWICE! \nDo it for our friendship!'); } if (_root.part == 8304) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.texto('You fucking... fuck... \nFUCKER!'); } if (_root.part == 8305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s a yes, right? \nI don\'t speak slutish!'); } if (_root.part == 8306) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Sure! \nI will see you have something big and thick shoved in your ass as well!'); } if (_root.part == 8307) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That will do, anything is better than... \nurrghh... \ncuddling that bald head!'); } if (_root.part == 8308) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Fuck you, you big faggot!'); _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.part = 8; } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok, enough of the pleasantries! \nI\'m here about the tech. The body enhancement tech.'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'flex', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Humm... you like it don\'t ya?! Too bad, big momma here sucked every last drop of it!'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Where did you obtain it? I need to know!'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('They call it by something, idiot... MIGHT, I guess. I\'m sorry Mr. officer, but I\'m not a snitch. You better go shake another tree.'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('MIGHT... Fine. Why did you use it?'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t believe you\'re asking me that! I\'ve been putting weird stuff on my body since... forever!'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'flex', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('No way am I gonna refuse to get a shot! And besides...'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Doesn\'t this look badass? Oh yeah... I feel your ass tightening from here. '); _root.choiceText1 = 'It backfired with you.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I agree!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'That\'s not the point'; } if (_root.part == 16101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yep, you look big. But it backfired with you. You\'re not affecting my ass. You look sluttier than ever though.'); } if (_root.part == 16102) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('I don\'t care. If I\'m on top, fine with me.'); } if (_root.part == 16103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I finally agree with you on something.'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 16201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I agree! It\'s useful, you can finish fights before they even start!'); } if (_root.part == 16202) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Fuck that! I want to drive these puppies around, I can\'t wait until we get to Omega. I\'ll wreck those pubs! You\'ll join me?'); } if (_root.part == 16203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmmm... no, I can\'t. But I can send a droid to tape you. I mean, I will be there... in spirit.'); } if (_root.part == 16204) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Shit... you are a spineless bastard.'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 16301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s not the point! Didn\'t it occur to you that this tech might be dangerous? You\'re too impulsive!'); } if (_root.part == 16302) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Whatever grandpa. Everyone was at the party. I couldn\'t be the chicken shit.'); } if (_root.part == 16303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Party? Who was there? TELL ME!'); } if (_root.part == 16304) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Nah.'); } if (_root.part == 16305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Grow up!'); } if (_root.part == 16306) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Fuck you.'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Alright, alright. Just gimme a name. A name. You know this is the right thing to to. The truth wants to come out. Just let it out.'); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Nope. There is nothing wanting to come out of me. But, maybe we can work something out... Yeah that\'s it.'); _root.part = 500; } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Ok, time for you to get the fuck out of here.'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Go away. I want to crap.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I will cut your rations!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I\'ve killed people for less.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Childish.'; } if (_root.part == 20101) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine! I\'ll... I will cut your rations... IN HALF! And no jelly for an ENTIRE WEEK! I can be ruthless!'); } if (_root.part == 20102) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Oh no ' + _root.player + '! You will starve me to death. Oh no. I can\'t take this.'); } if (_root.part == 20103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('This will serve you right! If you learn your lesson, I may let you have the jelly back.'); } if (_root.part == 20104) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Really? If I kill you right now, you promise I won\'t have to eat that stinky green jelly anymore?'); } if (_root.part == 20105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Nonsense! The green... the LEMON flavored jelly is delicious! You\'re a strange person ' + _root.punkGirl + '!'); _root.part = 20; } if (_root.part == 20201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.punkGirl + '... my bald and dirty companion... I\'ve killed lots of people, and aliens, for less. Consider yourself lucky.'); } if (_root.part == 20202) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Lucky me. This was supposed to frighten me? Try harder.'); } if (_root.part == 20203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t want to scare you. It\'s too much work, I\'d prefer to shoot you. But sadly, you\'re useful to me. So far.'); } if (_root.part == 20204) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Will I be in danger if I stop being useful?'); } if (_root.part == 20205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('No, no. You\'ll be dead before you stop being useful. It\'s just a matter of how it will happen. I already see it. I promise it will be beautiful and touching.'); } if (_root.part == 20206) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.texto('That was creepy even for you.'); _root.part = 20; } if (_root.part == 20301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Really? GOD! How far I\'ve fallen! Did I come back to life for this?'); } if (_root.part == 20302) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Gee, ' + _root.player + '! Look! That drunk old lady told me about it. She made sure all the procedures were safe and shit.'); } if (_root.part == 20303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can\'t believe ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' is involved in this! I can\'t!'); } if (_root.part == 20304) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Well, that\'s up to you. I don\'t care.'); _root.part = 20; } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('SHIT! I got it! You\'re the boss! Why do you keep bugging me!?'); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.texto('You want me to say I\'M SORRY DADDY or give you a fucking blowjob?!'); _root.choiceText1 = '...'; _root.choiceText2 = 'You are my responsibility.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Hmm... Can you do both?'; } if (_root.part == 22101) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 22102) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('FUCK YOU! What are you thinking about?! It was a rhetorical question!'); } if (_root.part == 22103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I knew that... I just...'); } if (_root.part == 22104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 22105) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.texto('You\'re a PIG! A FUCKING PIG!'); _root.part = 22; } if (_root.part == 22201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.punkGirl + ', whether you like it or not, you\'re my responsibility. It\'s my choice.'); } if (_root.part == 22202) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Fuck you! I didn\'t ask for anything. Do you remember our deal? That\'s it. I\'m not one of you people.'); } if (_root.part == 22203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Too late. You\'re on my team. You can\'t stay on the sidelines. \nGet used to it.'); } if (_root.part == 22204) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Gosh! You don\'t know who you\'re dealing with. \nEven I don\'t trust myself!'); } if (_root.part == 22205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You are more important than you think ' + _root.punkGirl + '. You wouldn\'t be here if I was lying.'); } if (_root.part == 22206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Just don\'t be an ass because I care about you.'); } if (_root.part == 22207) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.texto('... W-Whatever. Gee. You are a pussy!'); _root.part = 22; } if (_root.part == 22301) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Damn ' + _root.punkGirl + '... can you do both? \nThat\'s HOT! I can\'t wait!'); } if (_root.part == 22302) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('WHAT? You wish!\n I was joking!'); } if (_root.part == 22303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hey! You can\'t blow my mind and then walk away! \nThat\'s cruel! Just a handjob will do. Come on.'); } if (_root.part == 22304) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!'); _root.part = 22; } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('DONE? I\'m busy. \nI need my personal time.'); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Not even close. You only answered half of my questions. And most of that was uninteligible groaning.'); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Grrrrrrrrrr....!! \nYou\'re starting to really REALLY PISS ME OFF!!'); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Do you think ugly faces scare me?'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'three'; _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('GGGGGGRRRRRR!! YOU FUCK!! \nYOU\'LL SEE WHO HAS THE UGLY FACE NOW!!'); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Heyyyy... chill out ' + _root.punkGirl + '! You\'re gonna have a stroke or something if you keep this up!'); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('DON\'T TELL ME TO CHILL OUT YOU... YOU... \nGRAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!'); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'four'; _root.wait('short'); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sweet space Jesus!! Calm... just STOP THAT!! I MEAN IT!'); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('I SAID STOP TELLING ME TO WHAT TO DO... \nGGGGGGRRRRRRRrrrrRRRRRrr!!!!!!'); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'five'; _root.wait('extra'); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A-are you alright?'); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'fmg', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'six'; _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Do you want to be next?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You have a bad temper.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'You\'ll pay for that.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Check you later!'; } if (_root.part == 35101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You should handle that temper better. We\'ll continue this later.'); } if (_root.part == 35102) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Fuck you.'); } if (_root.part == 35103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Got it. You too.'); _root.part = 35; } if (_root.part == 35201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oookay... you hate tools, I get it. But this will cost you, you know?'); } if (_root.part == 35202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Do you know how hard it is to get new tools in deep space?! \nI\'ll make easy for you to understand... it\'s a lot of cocks to suck!'); } if (_root.part == 35203) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Fuck you. Just go fuck yourself.'); } if (_root.part == 35204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Not now. Can we wait? I have a job to do!'); } if (_root.part == 35205) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('FUCK YOU!!!!'); } if (_root.part == 35206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Damn girl! \nI will get a dictionary for ya. It\'s becoming dull speaking to you! \nLATER!'); _root.part = 35; } if (_root.part == 35301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'ll leave you to your... business. Can I come back later?'); } if (_root.part == 35302) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('No. \nI will hurt you next time.'); } if (_root.part == 35303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Got it. Well, see you. Or not. \nBye.'); _root.part = 35; } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'seven'; _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Great! Just great! A psychotic murderer on steroids! \nCan it get any better?!'); _root.FirstEncounterJack = 'complete'; _root.viewerEvent4 = true; _root.buttonTattoo = false; _root.goToMap(); } if (_root.part == 501) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Maybe you showing up wasn\'t a complete waste of time. I want you to do something for me.'); } if (_root.part == 502) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh really. What can I do for you, your Highness? I aim to please.'); } if (_root.part == 503) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Shut up you Numbfuck! Will you do it or not?'); } if (_root.part == 504) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It would be easier to answer if I knew what you wanted me to do. And please, don\'t skip the little details.'); } if (_root.part == 505) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Fine! I need another dose of the tech. The MIGHT, whatever the name of it is.'); } if (_root.part == 506) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And you\'re asking me? Do I look like a pusher? And I barely know what it is!'); } if (_root.part == 507) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Godammit! \nI know you don\'t have it! But I know where it is! I just need you to go there and take it!'); } if (_root.part == 508) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Me? \nWhy don\'t you go there with you pretty and beefy legs and take it yourself?'); } if (_root.part == 509) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('IT\'S IN THE LAB!'); } if (_root.part == 510) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I see. It would be strange for you to be sighted in there. Or in schools. Or Libraries. Or churches.'); } if (_root.part == 511) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Funny. Ha ha ha. \nSo funny. Ha. Ha. Heh.'); } if (_root.part == 512) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('And there are the security shenanigans. I would prefer to blow everything up, but sadly I can\'t do that here... right now.'); } if (_root.part == 513) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Got it. But I am stuck with a little problem. \nWhy would I do that? Why do you want another dose?'); } if (_root.part == 514) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('It\'s my problem. I could take it, I could sell it. And you could get another sample for yourself. You could use it as evidence.'); } if (_root.part == 515) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmmm... and the other girls. Wouldn\'t they be angry if you...'); } if (_root.part == 516) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Screw them. I just want an excuse to start bursting heads open.'); } if (_root.part == 517) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok, let\'s leave your involvement concealed for the moment.'); } if (_root.part == 518) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('So, you\'ll do it?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Accept the quest.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Refuse the quest.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Negotiate.'; } if (_root.part == 518101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can try. I can\'t promise anything. Are you sure about this?'); } if (_root.part == 518102) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Fuck yeah! Stop pussying about and go get the stuff.'); } if (_root.part == 518103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m starting to regret this already.'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 518201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hell no. Fetch quests aren\'t for me. My job is kicking teeth and shooting heads. I am very focused on that. It\'s a career.'); } if (_root.part == 518202) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Are you sure? Don\'t you want to get one for yourself? It would help in your ass-busting work.'); } if (_root.part == 518203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What for? At the end of day, you girls will be on your knees, panties down, begging me to be gentle.'); } if (_root.part == 518204) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('We\'ll see about that.'); _root.part = 18; } if (_root.part == 518301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can\'t let this opportunity go by. But if I find just a single sample, that one will be mine.'); } if (_root.part == 518302) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('What the fuck! Do you want to screw me over? How can I know you aren\'t ripping me off?'); } if (_root.part == 518303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Because I will tell you. And that will be enough. Do you understand?'); } if (_root.part == 518304) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('GGGgggrrrr...'); } if (_root.part == 518305) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Whatever. Just bring my shit.'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 519) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine. Just tell me what this MIGHT looks like.'); } if (_root.part == 520) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('How am I supposed to know that? I just got shot with it in that syringe-gun shit. Look for a label, sheesh!'); } if (_root.part == 521) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A secret substance with a label? Oh boy, that will be easy.'); } if (_root.part == 522) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Another thing ' + _root.player + '. I wouldn\'t try to inject yourself with that stuff. I heard from the girls it doesn\'t work on people with dicks. It might waste you. Not that I care.'); } if (_root.part == 523) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You don\'t need to tell me that. Stay right there. I will be back.'); } if (_root.part == 524) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Chop-chop!'); } if (_root.part == 525) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 526) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.setBG = 'lab'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s see... good! No-one is here!'); } if (_root.part == 527) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I was expecting to find Nordini here. Thank you Space God. I can\'t stand his singing anymore.'); } if (_root.part == 528) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I need to find a sample. But where?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Freezing storage'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Hanging coat'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Cabinet.'; } if (_root.part == 528201) { if (find1 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 527; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A coat? Who does it belong to?'); } } if (_root.part == 528202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sniifff... OHhhhh... ' + _root.blueGirl + '... '); } if (_root.part == 528203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Why did she leave this here? Did she forget it?'); } if (_root.part == 528204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Jackpot! There is something in the pocket! A data drive!'); } if (_root.part == 528205) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND AN FMG REPORT! \nCheck the extra section on the start screen to play it.'); } if (_root.part == 528206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m eager to see what\'s inside of this!'); find1 = true; _root.part = 527; } if (_root.part == 528301) { if (find2 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 527; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok, let\'s try the cabinet. Looks sturdy.'); } } if (_root.part == 528302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yep. It\'s closed. But that will not stop me. No doors are closed to me on this ship. Maybe the female bathroom. But not a plain cabinet.'); } if (_root.part == 528303) { _root.talker = ''; _root.texto(_root.player + ' shot the lock.'); } if (_root.part == 528304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Perfect hit! Awesome. Now the loot! There is only one thing here...'); } if (_root.part == 528305) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A BIO SHEET! \nCheck the extra section on the start screen to display it.'); } if (_root.part == 528306) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Must be something important. I will keep it.'); find2 = true; _root.part = 527; } if (_root.part == 528101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s pretty obvious! Duh! \nOf course the sample will be in the freezing storage. \nI guess.'); } if (_root.part == 528102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I need to be careful. Nordini is working in that Genophage virus. I don\'t want to mess with that.'); } if (_root.part == 528103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmmm... \nwho the fuck is keeping wine here!? Wait a moment! Only I can drink on this ship! Consider it confiscated!'); } if (_root.part == 528104) { _root.talker = ''; _root.texto('YOU SCORED A BOTTLE OF WINE! TONIGHT WE PARTY!'); } if (_root.part == 528105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Now the sample. \nHmmm... hrrrrrr... hmmmmmmm...'); } if (_root.part == 528106) { _root.talker = ''; _root.texto('YOU FOUND JACK SHIT!'); } if (_root.part == 528107) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh well, no dice. Of course it wouldn\'t have a sample of tech in plain sight. It\'s time to tell ' + _root.punkGirl + ' the news.'); _root.part = 528; } if (_root.part == 529) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 530) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setBG = 'jackPlace'; _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Where is my shit? \nWHERE IS IT?!'); } if (_root.part == 531) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Calm down. \nThere is no sample in the lab. It just doesn\'t make sense. Why would they keep it there? Nordini would find it sooner or later.'); } if (_root.part == 532) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Grrrrrrr... \nDo you think I\'m a klutz?! I know you\'re hiding something! I see a bulge in your jacket, and it can\'t be that tiny cock of yours!'); } if (_root.part == 533) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ah. You mean this? \nI found this bottle of wine in the freezing storage. Who would...'); } if (_root.part == 534) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('GIMME!'); } if (_root.part == 535) { _root.talker = ''; _root.texto('YOU LOST A BOTTLE OF WINE!'); } if (_root.part == 536) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hey! You can\'t drink on the ship! That\'s illegal goods!'); } if (_root.part == 537) { _root.setGraphic('jack1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('That\'s my favorite kind of goodies! Thank you ' + _root.player + '! You really know how to please a gal!'); } if (_root.part == 538) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But... fine! Just don\'t go walking around the ship wasted. \nI\'m serious!'); _root.part = 18; } } frame 5 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.mainChar = 0; _root.setBG = 'taliPlace'; find1 = false; find2 = false; find3 = false; _root.wait('med'); _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'one'; } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Commander! \nCommander ' + _root.player + '!'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'special2', 'fixedClose'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.wait('long'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Commander ' + _root.player + '! \nI need your assistance!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Let me hear.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'For fuck sake!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Even you? I can\'t believe it!'; } if (_root.part == 4101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Tell me at once ' + _root.quarianGirl + '. I was looking for you too, but I guess you have more pressing issues.'); } if (_root.part == 4102) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('T-Thank you Commander ' + _root.player + '! \nI don\'t deserve your consideration!'); _root.part = 4; } if (_root.part == 4201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HA! Let the games begin! \nI knew it! You silly cunts fuck up and then come to me looking for help!'); } if (_root.part == 4202) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I-I am sorry Commander! I don\'t deserve to be on this ship!'); } if (_root.part == 4203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You are fucking right about that, sister!'); } if (_root.part == 4204) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Oh...'); _root.part = 4; } if (_root.part == 4301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.quarianGirl + '? \nI don\'t believe it! Even you? My heart is in shambles! \nWHHHHYY?!'); } if (_root.part == 4302) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Forgive me Commander ' + _root.player + '! Forgive me! I don\'t deserve to breathe the same air as you! I should leave...'); } if (_root.part == 4303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Gee! Take it easy, ' + _root.quarianGirl + '! \nLighten up a bit, will you?'); _root.part = 4; } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I knew I shouldn\'t have used this tech, the MIGHT! I deserve to burst into flames for that!'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Calm down ' + _root.quarianGirl + '. \nJust tell me what\'s happening.'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I didn\'t think that body enhancement tech would have this kind of effect on Quarians! \nLook!'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yes, your outfit looks a bit tighter than usual. \nDon\'t you girls like it that way? Tight?'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.texto('Of course not! My suit is about to burst! \nI FEEL IT! I\'m hearing the tension of my suit against my body!!'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('So... do you need duct tapes? \nNails?'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.texto('I need to upgrade my suit Commander, with better materials. My life depends on it!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You aren\'t radioactive, are you?'; _root.choiceText2 = 'No use crying over spilt milk.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Aw... you need uncle ' + _root.player + ' help.'; } if (_root.part == 11101) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WAIT! \nAre you telling me you\'re gonna explode?! You aren\'t radioactive, are you?'); } if (_root.part == 11102) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'angry', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Of course not! It\'s the complete opposite, I need my suit to protect me from this filthy environment!'); } if (_root.part == 11103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Filthy? I\'ve traveled in spaceships much dirtier than this. Hell, this thing is spotless!'); } if (_root.part == 11104) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I speak of germs, Commander. Quarians can\'t live in this kind of place, well, on our home planet...'); } if (_root.part == 11105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I got it. You need the suit in perfect state or you\'ll die.'); } if (_root.part == 11106) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('... yes.'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 11201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('We can\'t undo the past, we have to deal with this promptly. Give me a list of the materials you need. I will personally handle it.'); } if (_root.part == 11202) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Will you? Thank you Commander! \nI don\'t know what to say.'); } if (_root.part == 11203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('\'Thank you for not letting me die\' works.'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 11301) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Awww... GEE! \nYou need help from uncle ' + _root.player + ', don\'t you, you silly walking fish bowl?'); } if (_root.part == 11302) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('... yes...'); } if (_root.part == 11303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure thing! I think I\'ll squeeze it on to my TODO list: \nDo not let the stupid and weird alien girl die in my ship.'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Why did you do this? \nWhat is there that\'s so important for you to risk your life?'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Oh... There was much to gain... \nI could be free... I could...'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Free from what?'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t say it Commander! It may be a lost cause. \nI feel so silly! Doctor ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' told me it would be okay.'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Doctor ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' gave the MIGHT to you?'); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Hmmm... I... Are you angry with me?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I smell a conspiracy!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Did she force you to do it?'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Of course not!'; } if (_root.part == 17101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('For fuck sake! \nEveryone is getting beefy, except me! Something is terribly wrong here! I smell a conspiracy!'); _root.part = 17; } if (_root.part == 17201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Tell me! \nDid someone force you to do it? TELL ME NOW!!'); } if (_root.part == 17202) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('No, I gave my permission. I am the only one to blame.'); _root.part = 17; } if (_root.part == 17301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course I ain\'t, ' + _root.quarianGirl + '! \nHow could I be angry with the nicest gal in the universe!?'); } if (_root.part == 17302) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Commander... You are so good to me! I feel so bad now.'); _root.part = 17; } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I need to tell you my reasons. It\'s the least I can do.'); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m all ears.'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I wanted to be a more active member of the team. I know I am no soldier or specialist, like ' + _root.blueGirl + ' or ' + _root.bossyGirl + '.'); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.texto('I feel I could be more resourceful for the mission. For you.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I\'ll put you on the front line now.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I trusted you. But, after this...'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I understand you.'; } if (_root.part == 21101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Don\'t fret about it. I will put all you big girls on the front line from now on!'); } if (_root.part == 21102) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Yes! I will happy to aid you Commander. \nWhat will be the strategy?'); } if (_root.part == 21103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Strategy? I use only one, priorize my body integrity above everything else. It failed one time though. I regret it dearly. Well, at least it was pretty badass.'); } if (_root.part == 21104) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.texto('OH! Sounds like a good battle plan! I can\'t wait to try this!'); _root.part = 21; } if (_root.part == 21201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I asked you to join the mission because I knew what you were capable of. But now, after this, I don\'t know.'); } if (_root.part == 21202) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('C-Commander! \nI know I was selfish but I only did this because we need more strength! Don\'t think ill of me!'); } if (_root.part == 21203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I trust you will help me understand all of this, ' + _root.quarianGirl + '.'); } if (_root.part == 21204) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I will Commander ' + _root.player + '! You will see, I only did this for US... \nI mean, the mission!'); _root.part = 21; } if (_root.part == 21301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I kinda undestand you ' + _root.quarianGirl + '. Sometimes I feel I may be not good enough to lead this operation.'); } if (_root.part == 21302) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('You must be very stressed with all this pressure.'); } if (_root.part == 21303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah... sometimes I think about jumping in one of these pods and flying to a very distant galaxy and spending the rest of my life raising kitty-cats, watching porn, playing games...'); } if (_root.part == 21304) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('... kitty-cats...?'); } if (_root.part == 21305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wha... I WAS JOKING! \nI got you! HA ha ha... \nStop looking at me like that!'); _root.part = 21; } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('You don\'t understand, Commander! \nYou need soldiers, not mechanics or technicians! You deserve the best!'); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Well, we need all the help we can get. But you\'re mistaken if you believe only soldiers will win this war.'); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I believe I am much more capable now!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You look... wider.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'So are you bulletproof now?'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Be careful.'; } if (_root.part == 24101) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can say you definitely look... wider. \nTo tell the truth, you\'re bigger in every direction!'); } if (_root.part == 24102) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Yes, that\'s good right?'); } if (_root.part == 24103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I think so. Easier to get hit, at least.'); _root.part = 24; } if (_root.part == 24201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Really? Let me grab my trusty Stingray and let\'s test that superiority of yours!'); } if (_root.part == 24202) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Wait! I didn\'t mean that. I just said... you know, I can do more stuff now.'); _root.part = 24; } if (_root.part == 24301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Be careful ' + _root.quarianGirl + '. Don\'t bring these thoughts onto the battlefield. It\'s the worst place to prove things.'); } if (_root.part == 24302) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('You are wise ' + _root.player + '. I\'m feeling so... invincible! \nIt\'s better to be cautious.'); _root.part = 24; } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I want to tear this whole suit apart so badly...! I want to...'); _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'flex1', 'far'); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I thought you wanted it intact at all costs.'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I mean... my muscle mass improved a lot since yesterday but I can\'t... feel them properly, check them yet. I\'m so curious!!'); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I see. Do you feel stronger? It\'s working alright?'); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'flex2', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Of course! I tested myself this morning! With not much intensity, a simple bicep flex almost ripped my suit!'); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I am much stronger now! \nI think I can show you!'); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What are you doing to the door ' + _root.quarianGirl + '?'); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I\'m deactivating the safety measure sensors. Done! Tee-hee!'); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('How about a friendly challenge ' + _root.player + '? Let\'s see who manages to hold this door open the longest!'); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I\'ll go first!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Sure, go ahead.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I took a laser to the knee...'; _root.choiceText3 = 'It\'s pointless.'; } if (_root.part == 34101) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure, go ahead! By the way, Dr. ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' knows how to treat your kind, right? I can ask her, just to be safe.'); _root.part = 34; } if (_root.part == 34201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Nonsense! Let me... OH! I can\'t do this sort of thing anymore. Last week... urgh... I took a laser beam to the knee...'); _root.part = 34; } if (_root.part == 34301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.quarianGirl + ', I fail to see what that would prove. And it\'s dangerous, I can\'t take the chance of us being hurt by something so silly!'); _root.part = 34; } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t worry so much ' + _root.player + '! I know how many tons of pressure these doors exert. It\'s safe!'); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Tons? That just doesn\'t sound good. Sounds crazy.'); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('It\'s alright. Just click the button.'); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine. This is silly, I tell you.'); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('You worry too much. Trust me!'); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('There goes.'); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.wait('med'); _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'three'; } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('It\'s fine so far... Yes, it\'s fine! I can take this!'); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Ungh...'); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmm? Did you grunt?'); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'four'; _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('NO! I\'m just getting used... to... hum...'); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('SHIT! The button isn\'t working! Just drop the door and jump out!'); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'five'; _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('NO!!! I can do this! I know it!'); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Urgh! I CAN DO IT!! I CAN!'); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'six'; _root.wait('short'); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('GGGYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!'); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('NOW!! Get out of there ' + _root.quarianGirl + '! Jump away before it closes! I\'ll catch you!'); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I will not RUN! I WILL NOT!'); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'seven'; _root.wait('short'); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('HHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!'); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HOT DAMN!'); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Are you okay?'); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I told you... you can trust me ' + _root.player + '... I can take care of you now...'); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Do you hear that noise? Are you whistling?'); _root.part = 500; } if (_root.part == 61) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'ten'; _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('C-Can you excuse me?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Go patch your suit.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'A-HA! LOSER!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I could help you, but...'; } if (_root.part == 61101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Go patch your suit. I will check on you later.'); _root.part = 61; } if (_root.part == 61201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HA! SURE, YOU LOSER! You will pay for that door! You hear me?'); _root.part = 61; } if (_root.part == 61301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I could help you with the repairs on your suit, but I don\'t want to catch an alien rash or something.'); _root.part = 61; } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + '! I need to repair it right now! I\'ll see you soon! Don\'t worry about the door, I\'ll fix it!'); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('See you later. And please, mind your... strength.'); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'nine'; _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I am so sorry Commander!'); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That was kinda funny... and frightening!'); _root.FirstEncounterTali = 'complete'; _root.viewerEvent5 = true; _root.goToMap(); } if (_root.part == 501) { _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'eight'; _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('MY SUIT! IT\'S BREACHED! YYYYYAHHHHhhhhhHHHH!!!!!'); } if (_root.part == 502) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh... that. It\'s serious?'); } if (_root.part == 503) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Serious? SERIOUS?! I am about to DIE!! I can\'t believe this! The germs are getting close to me!!'); } if (_root.part == 504) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Calm down. This ship is sealed, the air is filtered. The temperature is regulated every single minute...'); } if (_root.part == 505) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('This place is filthy! FILTHY! GAAAAhhhhhHHHH!!! My skin is tickling... I\'m being eaten alive!!!!!'); } if (_root.part == 506) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok. It looks like you really need that suit. I thought it was just to look cool.'); } if (_root.part == 507) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Quarians need a perfect environment to survive! This isn\'t just a suit! This is an enviro-therm...'); } if (_root.part == 508) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I know that. I was just trying to calm you. That suit of yours, doesn\'t it have a lot of layers and compartments? It may just be a leak.'); } if (_root.part == 509) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Y-You may be right! YES! I can survive this! Yes! Now...'); } if (_root.part == 510) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('... What do I do?'); } if (_root.part == 511) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fix the suit?'); } if (_root.part == 512) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('That\'s it! I admire your confidence and serenity, Commander! You are truly a leader!'); } if (_root.part == 513) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I try my best.'); } if (_root.part == 514) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Now... if I... just move slowly...'); } if (_root.part == 515) { _root.talker = ''; _root.texto('THE AIR WHISTLING INTENSIFIES!'); } if (_root.part == 516) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('KKKKKKKKkkkkkYYYYYYIiiiiiAAAAAAAa!!'); } if (_root.part == 517) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('It\'s getting worse! I feel it! THIS DAMN SUIT... IT WILL BE MY COFFIN!!!'); } if (_root.part == 518) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + ' I need assistance...!!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Accept the quest.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Refuse the quest.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Negotiate.'; } if (_root.part == 518101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Got it. First, calm down. Second, can you repair the damage?'); } if (_root.part == 518102) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('What? I... I can! I need to seal the suit back up and reinforce the area around the breach, then I could...'); } if (_root.part == 518103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Great. Let\'s do this! I can find what you need, you stay frozen here!'); } if (_root.part == 518104) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('How will getting frozen help me? Are you giving up on me? Sob!'); } if (_root.part == 518105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Just stay still.'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 518201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh. What? Did you say something?'); } if (_root.part == 518202) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Help! I need help! SOS! MAYDAY!'); } if (_root.part == 518203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m sorry, I can\'t hear you with all that whistling. You really should look into that. Looks ugly from here.'); } if (_root.part == 518204) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('KKKKKKKkkkyyiiiiiiiAAAAAA!!'); _root.part = 60; } if (_root.part == 518301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I know it\'s not the time, but I told you! This is what happens when you do not survey the terrain, make preparat...'); } if (_root.part == 518302) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I agree with you Commander! I made a mistake. But like you said, this is not the time for this. My life is hanging by a thread!'); } if (_root.part == 518303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Alright. I will find some materials for you to repair your suit. Meanwhile, you should really think about all this and how you could help me with the MIGHT mess.'); } if (_root.part == 518304) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I\'m seeing my whole life passing before my eyes... my first helmet... my first air-filter change... the smell of a new filter... OOOhhhh...'); } if (_root.part == 518305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I think I should go get that stuff right now.'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 519) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.quarianGirl + '? Are you hearing me? What do you need for me to get?'); } if (_root.part == 520) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I... I... need isolant materials! And nano-fiber tapes. Lots of them! Bring me everything you can!'); } if (_root.part == 521) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Got it. I can find these materials in a maintenance station on the lower decks. Stay right there.'); } if (_root.part == 522) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + '... I am so sorry... I am so... unreliable.'); } if (_root.part == 523) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s not true. This was just an accident. It happens a lot. Don\'t worry about it.'); } if (_root.part == 524) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Thank you...'); } if (_root.part == 525) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 526) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.setBG = 'jackPlace'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s it! A maintenance station! We have it all here! A workbench! A tool rack! A bed? What the hell?'); } if (_root.part == 527) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('OH SHIT! It\'s ' + _root.punkGirl + '\'s place! Looks like she\'s away. That saves me a lot of trouble.'); } if (_root.part == 528) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok... I need to find sealing... stuff. But where to search?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'The tool rack'; _root.choiceText2 = 'A crate below the bed.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'The Workbench.'; } if (_root.part == 528101) { if (find1 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 527; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s see what we have here...'); } } if (_root.part == 528102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Welding gun... nail gun... a glue gun... I don\'t know what that is but it certainly looks like it would be painful to get shot by!'); } if (_root.part == 528103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s awesome!! I should try this stuff on the shooting range sometime! What else do we have here?'); } if (_root.part == 528104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('There is something on the top shelf... it\'s tucked away... A data drive?'); } if (_root.part == 528105) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A GROWTH REPORT!!\n Check the extra section to view it!'); } if (_root.part == 528106) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Who put this thing here? I need to check this later.'); find1 = true; _root.part = 527; } if (_root.part == 528201) { if (find2 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 527; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('There\'s a lot of stuff tucked below the bed.'); } } if (_root.part == 528202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Shit. Let\'s check this out already. Is this ' + _root.punkGirl + '\'s stash? It\'s a bit obvious.'); } if (_root.part == 528203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What a heavy crate! There must be something valuable in here! Money? Drugs?'); } if (_root.part == 528204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Is this... Chocolate? CHOCOLATE!! I can\'t believe she is hoarding this much! She won\'t mind if I take some... dozens... oh... coconut crumbles... what else do we have here...?'); } if (_root.part == 528205) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A BIO FILE!\n Check the extra section to view it!'); _root.extraBioLiara2 = 1; } if (_root.part == 528206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sigh... that\'s not chocolate. It\'s a data card. Hell, I\'ll take it.'); find2 = true; _root.part = 527; } if (_root.part == 528301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What a mess!! Empty bottles! Bits of food! Opened cans! This is a pigsty!'); } if (_root.part == 528302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s look in the drawers. I just hope I don\'t get infected with tetanus; or something worse!'); } if (_root.part == 528303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Books? Romance novels? Do these belong to' + _root.punkGirl + '? Hard to believe, it\'s more likely they belong to someone else. Faster than the speed of love... it\'s a good title though.'); } if (_root.part == 528304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('AHA!! FOUND IT!'); } if (_root.part == 528305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A NANO-FIBER TAPE AND OTHER SEALING STUFF!'); } if (_root.part == 528306) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Okay, that was quick. I just hope ' + _root.quarianGirl + ' is okay.'); _root.part = 528; } if (_root.part == 529) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 530) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setBG = 'taliPlace'; _root.setGraphic('tali1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'ten'; _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Commander ' + _root.player + '? Is that you? Is this an illusion? You are the gatekeeper? Oh... it\'s too soon...'); } if (_root.part == 531) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Cut that out. You look fine ' + _root.quarianGirl + '. You\'re exactly as I left you.'); } if (_root.part == 532) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('But they might be inside me already! Lurking in my veins... killing me slowly... in my head... is it too late?'); } if (_root.part == 533) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Come on, snap out of it. I got a tape and some isolant foils. It will do the trick.'); } if (_root.part == 534) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Yes! It might work! Maybe I can see another day after all!'); } if (_root.part == 535) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah, it seems like it.'); } if (_root.part == 536) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Thank you Commander! You saved my life! I don\'t know how I can repay you! The only thing I have of value... is myself...'); } if (_root.part == 537) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... hmmm... I didn\'t hear you...'); } if (_root.part == 538) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I-It\'s nothing! It might be the fever speaking! Please forget about it!'); } if (_root.part == 539) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok, try to cool down now.'); _root.part = 60; } } frame 6 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.mainChar = 0; _root.setBG = 'samaraPlace'; find1 = false; find2 = false; find3 = false; _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.wait(200); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'special2', 'fixedClose'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.wait(100); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Is there anything I can do for you Commander' + _root.player + '?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I thought you died.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Did you finish... your thing?'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Yes.'; } if (_root.part == 3101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Thank God! I thought you\'d died! Being so still and with your eyes closed. I mean, you\'re an old gal... don\'t look that old with those muscles anymore though.'); } if (_root.part == 3102) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Did you want to anger me?'); } if (_root.part == 3103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t know. Are you angry?'); } if (_root.part == 3104) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('No. But I am used to hurting people who anger me.'); } if (_root.part == 3105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok! Good to know. You look great by the way.'); _root.part = 500; } if (_root.part == 3201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Well, yes. But you looked so busy. I didn\'t want to wake you up.'); } if (_root.part == 3202) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I wasn\'t sleeping. I was at peace. Until now.'); } if (_root.part == 3203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sorry for bothering you, your Highness.'); _root.part = 500; } if (_root.part == 3301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yes. Are you done?'); } if (_root.part == 3302) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I am now.'); _root.part = 500; } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Anyway. I know the reason you\'re here.'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Okay, that makes my job easier.'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('At first I was reticent about this technology, but after hearing Dr ' + _root.blueGirl + ' and ' + _root.doctorGirl + '\'s concerns about it...'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'flex1', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('It looks fine, doesn\'t it?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Yes.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'NO!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Hmmm...'; } if (_root.part == 7101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You look fine indeed, but that\'s not the point!'); _root.part = 7; } if (_root.part == 7201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('NO! Do you know how I feel? It make me a little less awesome! I can\'t walk around shirtless anymore!'); _root.part = 7; } if (_root.part == 7301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yep... they look fine indeed! So big... and... round... and juicy...'); } if (_root.part == 7302) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('What are you talking about?'); } if (_root.part == 7303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Your arms! I was talking about your arms!'); _root.part = 7; } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Anyway, I can only lament that this upgrade can\'t be handled by male organisms. As a human like yourself, any enhancement is welcome.'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t you agree?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I\'m used to depending on big sticks.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'At least you\'re on our side!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'HEY! I\'m the bully here!'; } if (_root.part == 9101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m fine with the way I am. As a human, I\'ve been used to depending on big and heavy sticks since... forever. '); } if (_root.part == 9102) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I appreciate your fighting spirit, Commander! The will to fight and struggle of you humans is so passionate!'); } if (_root.part == 9103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I need to correct you: To fight and win.'); } if (_root.part == 9104) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Of course.'); _root.part = 9; } if (_root.part == 9201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yes, I am so envious! At least you\'re on our side!'); } if (_root.part == 9202) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('You shouldn\'t depend on me to win your battles ' + _root.player + '. We may share a mission, but not goals.'); } if (_root.part == 9203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Okay... I confess I didn\'t get that.'); } if (_root.part == 9204) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t overstep the boundaries of your humble intellect. Just accept your limitations.'); } if (_root.part == 9205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Okay. I think I\'m angry. I can\'t say anything clever now. Consider yourself lucky.'); _root.part = 9; } if (_root.part == 9301) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hey! I know that game! I\'m the bully here! You withered blueberry!'); } if (_root.part == 9302) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('You talk as if my longevity should be something shameful for me.'); } if (_root.part == 9303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You\'re right. Sorry about that. I blame your bland personality. There\'s not much material for me to work with. You\'re just old... and blue.'); } if (_root.part == 9304) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 9305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ah... I hit a soft spot huh? Good to know. I\'ll work on that later.'); _root.part = 9; } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Looking at it another way, I suppose the use of MIGHT without your approval might look like an act of insubordination.'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Finally! Someone sensible!'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('But the boundaries of my body can only be asserted by me. I feel my colleagues think the same.'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('You are displeased by my actions, aren\'t you?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You can fucking bet on that!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I can\'t lie.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I have feelings too!'; } if (_root.part == 13101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You can fucking bet I\'m pissed about this! What if that thing were a... zombie-making virus or something?'); } if (_root.part == 13102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Zombified muscular girls running around the ship! I cannot deal with that right now!'); } if (_root.part == 13103) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Really? Are you worried about the undead? What are you, a child?'); } if (_root.part == 13104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Being a child or not doesn\'t matter to the undead! They just munch people!'); } if (_root.part == 13105) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'shy', 'sad'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Sigh.'); _root.part = 13; } if (_root.part == 13201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can\'t lie, I\'m not happy with this chain of events. You may be a volunteer ' + _root.justicarGirl + ', but you\'re part of my team.'); } if (_root.part == 13202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You must respect my authority!'); } if (_root.part == 13203) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('You are correct, Commander' + _root.player + '. I will keep that in mind, until we achieve our common objective. After that, I will express my opinions about your... commanding skills'); } if (_root.part == 13204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fair enough. Until then, just follow my lead and stay in line!'); } if (_root.part == 13205) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Affirmative Commander.'); _root.part = 13; } if (_root.part == 13301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course I am! Didn\'t you think I would be upset to be left in the corner? I was supposed to be the boss here!'); } if (_root.part == 13302) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Yes.'); } if (_root.part == 13303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('How I can face you girls now? There is no respect! You must think I\'m just a fool!'); } if (_root.part == 13304) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Calm down Commander. Having a nervous breakdown isn\'t something compatible for a... man. A Commander I mean!'); } if (_root.part == 13305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I am not having that! I\'m just upset! Incredibly UPSET! Do you not feel I\'m right to express this?'); } if (_root.part == 13306) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Yes, you are. But don\'t do that so close to me. Never again.'); _root.part = 13; } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + '... thanks to your remarks, I see I committed a mistake, an infraction against protocol. I deserve punishment.'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Use your belt, punish me as you see fit. Strike me, inflict pain, correct me.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I have a worse punishment!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'You\'re doing it wrong!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I\'m better than that.'; } if (_root.part == 15101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I have a better... I mean, a worse punishment for you! It\'s called the Shame Stare.'); } if (_root.part == 15102) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I confess I haven\'t heard of that. Is it a common human practice?'); } if (_root.part == 15103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh yes! But first we need privacy, my cabin will be the perfect place! I promise, you will feel humiliated and dishonored!'); _root.part = 15; } if (_root.part == 15201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hummm... You\'re doing it wrong! Come to my cabin tonight and I\'ll show you how we do it.'); } if (_root.part == 15202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I have a whip, do you have high heels? Corsets? I have gags! Candles! Do you have candles?'); } if (_root.part == 15203) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I have some. I confess I am a little curious about this punishment, Commander. I can\'t wait for it.'); _root.part = 15; } if (_root.part == 15301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('We don\'t do that anymore, at least not the best of us. I will think of a reasonable measure later, if necessary.'); } if (_root.part == 15302) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('The lack of punishment and correction just weakens the soul. I see I must redeem myself on my own, then. I assure you it will be very painful.'); } if (_root.part == 15303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m not forcing you to do anything. Just let me think of something, ok?'); } if (_root.part == 15304) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I will do as you say. Please, choose something invasive and shameful. I would love to see you cleanse me.'); } if (_root.part == 15305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('G-Got it.'); _root.part = 15; } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I will do as you say Commander. I am surprised about your reprisal over this. There is a lot at stake.'); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.texto('Wouldn\'t you do anything to yourself to achieve victory?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'There are pawns for that. Duh.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'We must fight the good fight.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'There is always an easier path.'; } if (_root.part == 17101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course not. There are pawns for that! War is like a chess game. You must use the other pieces instead moving your own ass.'); } if (_root.part == 17102) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('But there comes a time when the king must make a move, Commander. What\'ll you do then?'); } if (_root.part == 17103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh, well. No-one is obliged to play until the end. You know what I mean, right?'); } if (_root.part == 17104) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Sadly I do.'); _root.part = 17; } if (_root.part == 17201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I understand your motives, but we need to fight the good fight. Only in that way can the victory and all the sacrifices mean something in the end.'); } if (_root.part == 17202) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('This is so high of you ' + _root.player + '. I\'m speechless.'); } if (_root.part == 17203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t blame you if you see me as just any old warmonger. I\'m needed to fulfill this role.'); } if (_root.part == 17204) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I know. I feel better that you are leading us. I believe you will make the best choice, even in a bleak situation.'); _root.part = 17; } if (_root.part == 17301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Not really. I believe there is always an easier and safer path for every situation. We just need to look, no need for rash decisions.'); } if (_root.part == 17302) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Unbelievable! How did you get chosen for this?'); } if (_root.part == 17303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Right? I ask myself the same question all the time!'); } if (_root.part == 17304) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('By the Creator... We are DOOMED!'); _root.part = 17; } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Anyway, I think I get the bigger picture now. Can I ask who the ones who presented this thing to you were? The MIGHT, I mean.'); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Of course. ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' asked for my presence at a meeting. Everyone was there, the female members of the team, I mean.'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I see, ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' organized the meeting. What was about it?'); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto(_root.doctorGirl + ' and ' + _root.blueGirl + ' took the lead. They presented the tech. The advantages of it. It was quite persuasive.'); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('And then she administered the substance to us.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Fucking BITCHES!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'This doesn\'t smell right.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I feel rejected...sigh.'; } if (_root.part == 22101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I knew it! That drunk old hag ' + _root.dorctorGirl + ' and that smart-ass ' + _root.blueGirl + '!! Those cunts!'); } if (_root.part == 22102) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 22103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('If ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' wasn\'t that hot I\'d have had her thrown off this ship weeks ago! I love that ass!'); } if (_root.part == 22104) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('This is becoming a very insightful conversation.'); _root.part = 22; } if (_root.part == 22201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But why hide all of this from me? Is there a reason for me to impede the use of the MIGHT? This doesn\'t smell right.'); } if (_root.part == 22202) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('You are completely right, Commander. But as you can see, there is no reason to be alarmed. As you humans say, it was just a girls\' party.'); _root.part = 22; } if (_root.part == 22301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I know that stuff doesn\'t work on guys etc. But you could have included me in the meeting! I feel neglected... like I wasn\'t good enough for you!'); } if (_root.part == 22302) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Rest assured that doesn\'t have anything to do with this. It was just a particular decision. Your presence would just have been pointless.'); } if (_root.part == 22303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('POINTLESS? Now I\'m a pointless person! How low I\'ve fallen! I don\'t matter to you anymore! Sob!'); } if (_root.part == 22304) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Commander, get a grip on yourself! Behave like a man!'); } if (_root.part == 22305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s easy for you to say that!'); } if (_root.part == 22306) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('What\'s that supposed to mean...?'); _root.part = 22; } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Anyway. I know why you are so reticent about the MIGHT. You don\'t know the true meaning of its blessing!'); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Blessing? Aren\'t you giving too much credit to that thing?'); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'flex2', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('These aren\'t just big muscles ' + _root.player + '. I felt my whole body being reconfigured, being optimized, adjusted for dominance!'); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Right... are you sure that feeling isn\'t just in your head?'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Hu hu hu! I am completely sure, Commander. This thing I feel isn\'t an illusion. I know because I know it\'s affecting you too!'); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Affecting me? What you are talking about?'); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'flex2', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I can smell your fear, your reluctance in facing me! How it does it feel to be so close to a much more powerful and evolved being like myself?'); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Okay. I think ' + _root.officeGirl + ' can help you with that. Just take it easy these next few days, and stay away from the weapons!'); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I don\'t need weapons! I AM a weapon! Don\'t you feel it?! These arms can break, twist you, rip you apart easily!'); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I-I don\'t have any doubt about that but...'); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Look how much power flows through them... ah...!'); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Look at this! I\'m barely making an effort!'); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Give me all you got ' + _root.player + '! Hit me with all your might! STRIKE ME!!'); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHOA! WHOA! TAKE IT EASY!!'); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'three'; _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('HuHuhUu!! You sorry excuse of a man! BEHOLD MY SUPERIORITY!! BEHOLD!!!'); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHOA! WHOA! Who do you think you\'re talking to?!'); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Nothing!! Compared to me YOU ARE NOTHING!!!'); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'four'; _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('NOTHING!! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!'); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Damn...'); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Hahaha... ha... ha'); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'fmg', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'five'; _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Ungh...'); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Are you... OK?'); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Humm...?'); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'six'; _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('F-Forgive me Commander ' + _root.player + '! I don\'t know what came over me! SHAME!!'); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I lost myself in this... lust! I feel so... dirty!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'It\'s my fault!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'You got lucky!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'You need help.'; } if (_root.part == 47101) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s okay! It\'s my fault! I did upset you! No need for crushing heads and twisting spines!!'); } if (_root.part == 47102) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('No!! The blame is on me! I was weak! Let me repair this!'); } if (_root.part == 47103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Nonono! It\'s okay, I am the weak one, I know that, please don\'t get angry with me!'); _root.part = 47; } if (_root.part == 47201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Y-You got lucky! If I had my blaster...'); } if (_root.part == 47202) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('You are carrying a blaster.'); } if (_root.part == 47203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('D-Don\'t push your luck, Lady!'); _root.part = 47; } if (_root.part == 47301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.justicarGirl + ' , You need help. Your lost your shit just now. What the hell was that?!'); } if (_root.part == 47302) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I-I know! I couldn\'t avoid it. It just came out! It felt good... but not anymore. The shame! You must be thinking I\'m mad!'); } if (_root.part == 47303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Don\'t worry about me. Just deal with it!'); _root.part = 47; } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I ask you to leave me Commander ' + _root.player + '. I have to sort something out.'); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You going to be okay? I can...'); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('It\'s kind of you, but I need to handle this by myself. I MUST!'); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Got it. Check you later.'); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'fmg', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'seven'; _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Looks like this will be one of those days...'); _root.FirstEncounterSamara = 'complete'; _root.viewerEvent6 = true; _root.goToMap(); } if (_root.part == 501) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Something is bothering me. My conscience is tormenting me, and I feel I will not be able to move forward until I make a decision.'); } if (_root.part == 502) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Tell me what\'s troubling you. I\'ll help you if I can. What\'s the problem?'); } if (_root.part == 503) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('You. You\'re the problem.'); } if (_root.part == 504) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... What? What did I do to you? Did I kill someone close to you? Those damn secondary quests! I knew it! It was too much trouble just for some extra XP and lame weapons!'); } if (_root.part == 505) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('No. You didn\'t do anything to me. It\'s WHO you are that aflicts me.'); } if (_root.part == 506) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ah. Ok... Sorry for... that. I will try to be better.'); } if (_root.part == 507) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Your actions are affecting the destiny of billions. In the beginning I thought the right path was the same of yours. But now... it\'s not that clear.'); } if (_root.part == 508) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('You are impulsive! Reckless! And worse! You don\'t follow a straight path! It feels like with every decision, three differents choices are presented to you.'); } if (_root.part == 509) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What I can say? I like choices. But I can let you in on a little secret, most of the time they take you to the same place. It\'s just an illusion. But it\'s better than yes or no options. By the way, JRPG\'s suck.'); } if (_root.part == 510) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'angry', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('You are wrong! There is no choice! There is just one path! You can\'t fool me! You are moved by a chaotic force! You are dangerous!'); } if (_root.part == 511) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hey, keep calm. See, the problem is with you. And by the way, why does this bother you so much?'); } if (_root.part == 512) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I must smite evil! Every stain of it! And you... you have spots all over you! So dirty! Gahhhh!!!'); } if (_root.part == 513) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hey, I\'m not evil. I\'m only bad with bad guys, and that is totally alright. It\'s okay to throw bad people out the window.'); } if (_root.part == 514) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I need to see who you really are. And I need to know why you are here. I need to know why they brought you back...'); } if (_root.part == 515) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('That\'s it! I need to weigh your actions, know your past! Yes! Cerebelus paid a great deal to reconstruct you, who is better to tell me your value?'); } if (_root.part == 516) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t know about that. You know, they tried to kill me before. I guess we could find another person to defend my case.'); } if (_root.part == 517) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('That\'s why they are perfect for this! They must have built up a dossier about you. There must be cold and exact numbers of your achievements... and failures.'); } if (_root.part == 518) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Get it for me! Your life depends on it!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Accept the quest.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Refuse the quest.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Negotiate.'; } if (_root.part == 518101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Alright, alright! If this is so important to you I will get it!'); } if (_root.part == 518102) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Thank you Commander! Bring me proof you deserve to live! I think it\'s a fool\'s errand, but... don\'t give up!'); } if (_root.part == 518103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You sure have a strange way of encouraging people.'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 518201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s your business. I will not give my dirty secrets to you. Get it yourself!'); } if (_root.part == 518202) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I see. You don\'t want me to bask in your inglorious deeds, the filth of who you really are!'); } if (_root.part == 518203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Right on!'); } if (_root.part == 518204) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t wait to hear your last breath escape from your crushed throat between my hands... OH! I am trembling!'); } if (_root.part == 518205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Gee lady. Get help. Better yet, drop dead, will ya?'); _root.part = 3; } if (_root.part == 518301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You want me to give you documented proof to not murder me? This is absurd!'); } if (_root.part == 518302) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('But I can\'t look for it. It\'s forbidden for us Busticars to advocate against crime. We just cleanse the evil. I just need to know if you are rotten or not.'); } if (_root.part == 518303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And a document made for a terrorist organization falling in your lap will tell you that?'); } if (_root.part == 518304) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Y-Yeah... look, I am trying my best here. Some years ago I would have just snapped your neck during coffee break.'); } if (_root.part == 518305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine. I will get it. I confess I want to read what Cerebelus has managed to dig up about me.'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 519) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Do you even know if we have this dossier on the ship? Who would have access to it?'); } if (_root.part == 520) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I don\'t know. I thought you would know that, after all you are the commander of this ship. If I was the commander, I would know that.'); } if (_root.part == 521) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course I know where the file is! Don\'t you know what a rhetorical question is?'); } if (_root.part == 522) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I\'ve heard about it. I don\'t have use for those silly speech mechanisms you humans adore so much. Just say what you mean and you\'re gonna save yourself a lot of pain.'); } if (_root.part == 523) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I was joking!'); } if (_root.part == 524) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'close.'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I\'m not. I never joke.'); } if (_root.part == 525) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('OKAY. I will get the dossier. If it exists.'); } if (_root.part == 526) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 527) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.setBG = 'bridge'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Where the hell will I find that thing? I doubt it will be in the S section of a filing cabinet! I know! ' + _root.officeGirl + '! She is a yeoman... Yeowoman? A file person!'); } if (_root.part == 528) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHAT THE FUCK?! She isn\'t here! Where is she? Slackers! Am I the only one working here?'); } if (_root.part == 529) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I will have to look for it by myself!'); } if (_root.part == 530) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Where do I search for that dossier?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Secret folder.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'P'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Backup folder.'; } if (_root.part == 530101) { if (find1 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 529; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What is this?'); } } if (_root.part == 530102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A folder called SECRET FOLDER. Really? Is she that dumb or is this a trap? I can\'t resist it! I need to click on it!'); } if (_root.part == 530103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 530104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A lot of... photos of BUTTS? Everyone\'s butt is here! From Chocker to Mordin! What are these numbers... is she giving them a score?!'); } if (_root.part == 530105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHAT?! How did she give ' + _root.blueGirl + ' a 5 and ' + _root.punkGirl + ' an 8! It can\'t be! Is ' + _root.punkGirl + '\'s booty that juicy? Astonishing!'); } if (_root.part == 530106) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I got an 8 too. NICE! She gave ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' a 10... I agree with that score, she has pure gold back there. And she gave herself a 3. That\'s a bit sad. And weird.'); } if (_root.part == 530107) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What is this? It\'s a not an image file!'); } if (_root.part == 530108) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A BIO SHEET! Check the extra section on the start screen to display it.'); } if (_root.part == 530109) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('More booties? I can\'t get enough of it! I just hope it isn\'t the guy\'s arses. Nothing against, but this isn\'t that kind of game.'); find1 = true; _root.part = 529; } if (_root.part == 530201) { if (find2 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 529; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s try here... a folder called P. what is that? Potatoes? Peaches?'); } } if (_root.part == 530202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What the hell? Is this a cartoon... a little horses cartoon? Ponies? With hats?'); } if (_root.part == 530203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What the hell?! I was expecting porn or something like that. This is freaking me out!'); } if (_root.part == 530204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wait. I found porn. Cartoon Pony porn. It\'s cute but sexy... Oh my GOD! This is so confusing! I don\'t know what to think! I need to unsee it!'); } if (_root.part == 530205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Quick! Close everything! Close dammit! Get me out of here! Wait! What is this? This isn\'t a picture file. '); } if (_root.part == 530206) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A BIO SHEET! Check the extra section on the start screen to display it.'); } if (_root.part == 530207) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Thank God! I don\'t want to see another of those drawings of cute ponies with cute and big eyes and long beautiful hair and long sexy legs...'); find2 = true; _root.part = 529; } if (_root.part == 530301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A backup folder. Let\'s see, what do we have here...'); } if (_root.part == 530302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Lists and reports. And files. And we even have reports of reports being reported. Boring and dull, like her. I bet she giggles a lot when she files those reports. I don\'t want to see another report any time soon.'); } if (_root.part == 530303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wait. We have something else. A file about me... My sweet XDCommanderXD. What the hell is a XD? Is this a code?'); } if (_root.part == 530304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Dammit! It\'s protected! This will have to do! USB drive, I choose you!'); } if (_root.part == 530305) { _root.talker = ''; _root.texto('USB DRIVE USED TO COPY FILE! IT\'S SUPER EFFECTIVE!'); } if (_root.part == 530306) { _root.talker = ''; _root.texto('YOU GOT THE XDMY COMMANDERXD FILE!'); } if (_root.part == 530307) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Okay, ' + _root.justicarGirl + ' will have to accept this or I am fucked!'); _root.part = 530; } if (_root.part == 531) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 532) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setBG = 'samaraPlace'; _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Back already Commander ' + _root.player + '?'); } if (_root.part == 532) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('My mind was whirling around some ideas of how I should punish you. What do you think about castration? Limb removal? Are you resilient to pain?'); } if (_root.part == 533) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hold that thought. Better yet, forget it completely! I have your dossier. Take it.'); } if (_root.part == 534) { _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t wait to see it. All the nasty things you ever did, Cerebelus wouldn\'t be interested in you this much for nothing.'); } if (_root.part == 535) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('What crimes you did commit, Commander? What depravity has your mind plotted? OHHHhhhHHHHhhhummmm! Do you want to see this with me? In my chambers?'); } if (_root.part == 536) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('First, that freaked me out. Second, sadly, the file is protected. It looks like we may never know what\'s inside it, so...'); } if (_root.part == 537) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('It\'s okay. I can hack it.'); } if (_root.part == 538) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('GAH! You can hack it?!'); } if (_root.part == 539) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Oh? You didn\'t know I was capable of that? You would be delighted to know what this woman can do when she puts her mind to it.'); } if (_root.part == 540) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sigh... will you at least tell me if and when you\'re coming to fucking murder me?'); } if (_root.part == 541) { _root.setGraphic('samara1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.justicarGirl; _root.texto('Of course! I am not an assassin! I like to look deep into the eyes of my prey, their tears falling on skin, then the blood... It\'s so invigorating!'); } if (_root.part == 542) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Thanks. I will try not to shoot you when I see you again.'); _root.part = 3; } } frame 7 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.setBG = 'mirandaPlace'; find1 = false; find2 = false; find3 = false; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.wait(100); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.bossyGirl + '! I need to have a serious talk with you RIGHT NOW!'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t know what you and your boss are doing, but I\'m taking a stand NOW!'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Good morning Commander' + _root.player + '. I\'m fine, thank you for asking.'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('What brings you here? I\'m BUSY.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'No time for pleasantries!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Sorry to bother.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Cut the crap!'; } if (_root.part == 7101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('No time for pleasantries, Miss. I need to get to the bottom of this!'); } if (_root.part == 7102) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Fine.'); _root.part = 7; } if (_root.part == 7201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('G-good morning! Sorry to barge in to your office like this. I\'m kinda stressed.'); } if (_root.part == 7202) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Of course you are. That\'s why I\'m here. To help you.'); } if (_root.part == 7203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Thank... you?'); _root.part = 7; } if (_root.part == 7301) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('GOOD MORNING?! We\'re in FUCKING SPACE you silly cunt! It\'s complete darkness 24/7! Cut the crap!'); } if (_root.part == 7302) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You\'re as sweet as always, Commander.'); _root.part = 7; } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Anyway. It would be nice if you explained your request a little more. The entire universe doesn\'t revolve around you, you know.'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('All my girls... I mean, my soldiers, are making use of an unauthorized tech. A body enhancement tech called MIGHT.'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I see. Don\'t worry about it. I\'m taking care of it. By the way, I copyrighted the name, so don\'t go getting any silly ideas, okay?'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Nonsense! I demand...'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Sit down Commander.'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I want to know...'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'three'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('SIT YOUR ASS DOWN RIGHT NOW!'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('G-Got it!'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'special2', 'fixedClose'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.wait(100); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('This is a private matter. I don\'t want anyone to bother us. And just so you know, I don\'t mind if you keep staring at me.'); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Anyway! How did you learn about it? It was that nerd Azari, am I right? Doesn\'t matter, you would have noticed it sooner or later.'); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Tell me what\'s bugging you.'); _root.choiceText1 = '...Can I talk now?'; _root.choiceText2 = 'You\'re acting behind my back.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I wasn\'t invited to the party!'; } if (_root.part == 19101) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... C-Can I talk now?'); } if (_root.part == 19102) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.texto('YES!'); } if (_root.part == 19103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You girls should have let me know all this. I guess. It would have been good. Don\'t you think?'); _root.part = 19; } if (_root.part == 19201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You\'re acting behind closed doors. I can\'t allow this kind of behaviour under my command. Who brought this tech on to the ship?'); _root.part = 19; } if (_root.part == 19301) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Everyone is getting buff and tight-butted while little me is having a tough time on the weights. DEAL ME IN, DAMMIT!'); _root.part = 19; } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Sigh. '); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('This is not a military operation ' + _root.player + '. Not everything needs to be disclosed to you.'); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Your job is to pull the trigger. Everything else is up to me.'); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('If you\'re bored, just go clean your guns.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You\'re just a secretary.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'BUT but BUT...!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'We can\'t have two bosses.'; } if (_root.part == 23101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.bossyGirl + ' dear... you are only a... glorified secretary. Stop kidding yourself.'); } if (_root.part == 23102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I haven\'t thrown you out the airlock so far because I fucking love staring at your ass.'); } if (_root.part == 23103) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You bastard...!'); } if (_root.part == 23104) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Sigh... but you know, I like my ass getting checked out...'); _root.part = 23; } if (_root.part == 23201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s not fair! I didn\'t sign up for this! Call the Intrusive Guy, now!'); } if (_root.part == 23202) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('He is busy.'); } if (_root.part == 23203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('H-How do you know? Just message him, I don\'t know, send an e-mail...'); } if (_root.part == 23204) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I just know. I will let him know you want to speak with him.'); } if (_root.part == 23205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine! Just tell him I\'m displeased! VERY!'); _root.part = 23; } if (_root.part == 23301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('This is WAR! We can\'t have two bosses here lady. I AM the Commander in Chief here!'); } if (_root.part == 23302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('If you want this ship to still have one, you better patch me in to the Intrusive Guy RIGHT NOW!'); _root.part = 23; } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You are something ' + _root.player + '! We just rebuilt you from ashes and you keep stomping us around!'); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('CEREBELUS OWNS YOUR ASS!! I OWN YOU!'); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I didn\'t ask for it. You can\'t have a part of me. No, you get 100% ol\' ' + _root.player + '. No more, no less.'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Fine! Godammit! If we continue this I might end up killing you!'); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Cerebelus doesn\'t have anything to do with this. Wait. Speaking about our dearest patrons, oh yes...'); _root.part = 500; } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Where did we leave the previous conversation? Yes, you said Cerebelus doesn\'t have anything to do with this MIGHT. How did you get your hands on it? Black market?'); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Negative. I took it from a Cerebelus lab when I was working on you. It was gathering dust in some cryo storage.'); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s not good. You stole stuff from the meanest bastards in the universe. Did you put some coins in its place?'); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I saw an opportunity and I took it. I will use any means to achieve success! Who are you to say what I can or cannot do?'); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I didn\'t get here by sucking cocks!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'What\'s wrong with blowjobs?'; _root.choiceText2 = 'This was reckless of you.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Please tell me this won\'t blow back on me.'; } if (_root.part == 33101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Blasphemy! Don\'t underestimate the power of a good blowjob! There is nothing in this world you can\'t achieve with a good and thorough blowjob!'); } if (_root.part == 33102) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I\'m not a feminist but I\'m tempted to cave your face in with my own hands!'); } if (_root.part == 33103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s okay, I\'m a liberal guy. I find it beautiful when two girls kiss each other... while I\'m banging one of them! GIMME FIVE!'); } if (_root.part == 33104) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Unbelievable... your ego is unstoppable! I like that!'); _root.part = 33; } if (_root.part == 33201) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I understand it. But I can\'t approve it. There are so many ways this could have a sour outcome. Why was the thing locked away?'); } if (_root.part == 33202) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Knowledge is power ' + _root.player + '. They may not have had any use for it, but there was still something to gain, by the simple fact of making that information hidden from others.'); } if (_root.part == 33203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t understand.'); } if (_root.part == 33204) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('That\'s why you are the tip of the spear, and not holding it.'); } if (_root.part == 33205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Er... I... I... Let\'s return to that later.'); _root.part = 33; } if (_root.part == 33301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok, I just need to know one more thing. Can this be traced back here?'); } if (_root.part == 33302) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Of course not! It isn\'t like I stole from them. I just forgot to place some acquisition forms.'); } if (_root.part == 33303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m relieved! It\'s not like they would kill someone just for forgetting to file reports, right?'); } if (_root.part == 33304) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Well, I might have killed some four or five employees for that. We may be clandestine, but we have standards!'); } if (_root.part == 33305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hahahaha! That\'s a good joke! HA!'); } if (_root.part == 33306) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s a joke right?'); } if (_root.part == 33307) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Of course it is. Just don\'t delay your reports and we\'ll be a great and happy family.'); _root.part = 33; } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Proceeding. We\'re halfway there now. But one thing is still bugging me.'); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'ve seen psycho drugs, pain-removing meds, super anabolyzants, but I\'ve never seen anything like this! I mean, look at you!'); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You\'re taller! And I saw you yesterday! It looks like you aren\'t even the same person anymore!'); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'flex1', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('See? I knew you would understand it, the value of this technology! You know, this isn\'t just muscle, this is POWER!'); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I know you want a piece of this. If you behave I can let you touch me a bit... and who knows... hehehe...'); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('BUT my point is: why didn\'t Cerebelus use this before? I mean, why not? Why haven\'t they made a profit from it?'); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Oh. Well. The thing is... sigh. What a mood destroyer you are!'); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I don\'t know why they didn\'t resume the research on it. I didn\'t find much, I had to start from scratch.'); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('At least tell me the little you know. Where they found it? How it works?'); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('The previous research team recovered artifacts on a remote planet. They say it belongs to the Prothean era.'); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Who were the people who developed it? Did they find any clues about that?'); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Just stories and myths, they don\'t have any use to me. They\'re about an ancient tribe of warriors. You could ask ' + _root.justicarGirl + ' about it.'); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Great! Then why didn\'t they develop a proper product? Did they leave some schedule, report, something behind?'); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Well about that... I just found an early version of the tech. The original lab team... er...'); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Come on, shoot. I\'m used to bad news.'); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Most of them are dead. The rest are missing. That\'s it.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'That\'s it?'; _root.choiceText2 = 'It\'s a good sign.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'It\'s dangerous to work with you.'; } if (_root.part == 48101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s it? THAT\'S IT? How did they die? An accident? A heist? Spoiled food?'); } if (_root.part == 48102) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Oh, I traced the death reports. Most of them were mangled and ripped apart. Definitely not an accident! So, dry your panties already!'); } if (_root.part == 48103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It can\'t be that simple, IT CAN\'T!!'); _root.part = 48; } if (_root.part == 48201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Everyone is dead? That\'s a good sign, huh? You don\'t have to pay them any credits, right?'); } if (_root.part == 48202) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Tee-hee! Well, you\'re damn right about that!'); } if (_root.part == 48203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Damn, I was joking... You\'re creeping me out! I DON\'T LIKE THAT!!'); _root.part = 48; } if (_root.part == 48301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s why you guys have so much unfinished research. You guys should treat your employees better! I can\'t wait to get away from you people!'); } if (_root.part == 48302) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Is that a formal complaint, Commander? I can pass it through.'); } if (_root.part == 48303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('No need, just keep it in mind for our next meeting.'); _root.part = 48; } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('About my investigation, I found something interesting. About the researchers. Their remains.'); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Any burn injuries? Explosion, maybe?'); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('No, they were torn apart. All the male staff. In pieces. But no sign of the female employees, they just vanished.'); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('And you know, MIGHT is only effective on female organisms. But the effects on a male body aren\'t that... violent at all.'); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I see... so... another... THING killed those researchers. Hmm... did you come to any conclusion?'); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Not yet. I\'m still analysing the evidence. Whatever killed these workers, oh boy, it was strong. And mean!'); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('What is it ' + _root.player + '? You\'re sweating!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'SMILE (remain still)'; _root.choiceText2 = 'SMILE (try to laugh)'; _root.choiceText3 = 'SMILE (reach for your gun)'; } if (_root.part == 55101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s nothing. Your office is a bit... stuffy. Pump the refrigeration a bit could you?'); } if (_root.part == 55102) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Nah. I like it hot. I could take that jacket of yours...'); } if (_root.part == 55103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure. Wait. No. I\'m fine.'); _root.part = 55; } if (_root.part == 55201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ho ho ho! No, I\'m fine. I\'m just dizzy! I mean, I\'m okay. Ha Ha Ha!'); } if (_root.part == 55202) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Are you sure? We could lay on my couch... let me help you.'); } if (_root.part == 55203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('No need! Your arms are too big... I mean, no I just need to... get out!'); _root.part = 55; } if (_root.part == 55301) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m fine... ha ha! SO... are you... doing much stuff these days?'); } if (_root.part == 55302) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I guess. Are you leaving already? I thought you wanted to get to the bottom of this?'); } if (_root.part == 55303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'m filled babe! No need to walk me to the door. Just keep these big arms of yours over there.'); _root.part = 55; } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Oh my! I never thought I would see the amazing Commander ' + _root.player + ' shit his pants!'); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wha? NO! Oh, you? You got me there! I knew you were joking about that.'); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I didn\'t joke about it. The researchers are dead. They were probably killed by the female workers. I\'m pretty sure of that.'); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('But don\'t worry about it. We removed a particular element of the tech which alters the mental stability of the subject.'); } if (_root.part == 61) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What? That thing turns you... crazy?'); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Not crazy, it\'s a state of euphoria, rage, a bit of lust... it\'s complicated. The good doctor handled that part.'); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'flex2', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('As you can see, we\'re alright. Just more... perfect!'); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Are you sure? I think you girls are a bit on edge... no angry feelings towards us guys?'); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'flex2', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Just the usual you know, the urge to rip your penis off with our hands and stomp your testicles... the usual.'); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ha. I better get going.'); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Not yet my little ' + _root.player + '! You barge into my office and stick your finger in my face!'); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sorry about that. That\'s my job.'); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t you know who I am? I am BETTER than you! I know that because I stitched you back together! You\'re just an ordinary piece of sutured meat!'); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I have no time for this. Get back to work.'); } if (_root.part == 71) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I think you need to have a piece of what you\'re going to be handling for now on.'); } if (_root.part == 72) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hm?'); } if (_root.part == 73) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Look at this! Look at this body! Don\'t tell me you don\'t feel envious of all this!'); } if (_root.part == 74) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You speak like I couldn\'t possess that kind of muscle. I could if I...'); } if (_root.part == 75) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t be an idiot! Look! LOOK! You don\'t have what it takes to have this!'); } if (_root.part == 76) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Gulp!'); } if (_root.part == 77) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'three'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I could take two of you... on each arm! I know this because I MADE YOU! Are you MAN enough to prove me wrong?!'); } if (_root.part == 78) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Gulp! Wha-what? *cof* I MEAN...'); } if (_root.part == 79) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'four'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('HAHAHAHAHAHAHAhAhAhAhAHAHA!! You can\'t fool me ' + _root.player + '!'); } if (_root.part == 80) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I can see through your bravado! Come here you pussy! Teach me something! PUT ME IN MY PLACE!'); } if (_root.part == 81) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... ugh... I... I...'); } if (_root.part == 82) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'five'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Just what I thought! You are just a facade. You\'re lucky you have us to back you up!'); } if (_root.part == 83) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Nothing to say? Cat got your tongue... or your balls?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I love pink lingerie!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Guh...?'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I was waiting for the rest.'; } if (_root.part == 83101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('How did you know?! I fucking love pink lingerie! Oh, so SEXY!'); } if (_root.part == 83102) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'close'); _root.scene = 'five'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You are something, aren\'t you? I\'m about to squash your head between my hands and you\'re drooling over my bra?'); } if (_root.part == 83103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I need to have my priorities straight! This might be the last time I see a bra, but my head getting squashed, that can happen at anytime! I have to see the complete set!'); } if (_root.part == 83104) { _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.scene = 'six'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Fucking pervert...'); _root.part = 83; } if (_root.part == 83201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Guh? I-I mean... oh... what did you ask again?'); } if (_root.part == 83202) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I\'m already on to your games, Commander! With all your trembling, I thought you would just piss yourself!'); } if (_root.part == 83203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Nonsense! It\'s that AC of yours! It\'s just freezing!'); } if (_root.part == 83204) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'close'); _root.scene = 'six'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Come here, let\'s try a friendly arm wrestle. What do you say?'); } if (_root.part == 83205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What? I... I.. I-I can\'t! I\'m not prepared! And the air is too cold, my muscles are just... not good.'); } if (_root.part == 83206) { _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'five'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I understand. The cold.'); _root.part = 83; } if (_root.part == 83301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Is that it? I was waiting for something else. I am not afraid of muscles.'); } if (_root.part == 83302) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('This is not just muscle ' + _root.player + '. This is power, raw power. At the end of the day, this is what defines who is above who.'); } if (_root.part == 83303) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'six'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Come here, just try to push me. I promise I won\'t hurt you.'); } if (_root.part == 83304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What will that prove?'); } if (_root.part == 83305) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Just humor me. Or I can do it. I\'ll let you throw some punches if you need to.'); } if (_root.part == 83306) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s silly! One of us could get hurt! Let\'s drop that conversation.'); } if (_root.part == 83307) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('One of us? Tee-hee! Well played Commander. Well played.'); _root.part = 83; } if (_root.part == 84) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I think I got enough... information! I need to think about it. I will have my decision tomorrow.'); } if (_root.part == 85) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'five'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Alright. I don\'t know why it would matter to have your opinion on this, but, what hell, I will be... happy to hear it!'); } if (_root.part == 86) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Go back to your business now. I have to take my new measures.'); } if (_root.part == 87) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'seven'; _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 88) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Goddamit! Why is this happening?! This is a sick joke!'); _root.FirstEncounterMiranda = 'complete'; _root.viewerEvent7 = true; _root.goToMap(); } if (_root.part == 501) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.texto('You may be useful after all! I have a task for you.'); } if (_root.part == 502) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And since when do I work for you?'); } if (_root.part == 503) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Since you were born again, my dear. You know, if someone else had supervised all that work, the chances of you being here wouldn\'t be that great. Now, about your task...'); } if (_root.part == 504) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I will listen to your... request. Whether I\'ll attend to it is another story. But from the looks of it, it doesn\'t sound like an official job.'); } if (_root.part == 505) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Oh my! I wouldn\'t ask you to do something illegal Commander. Who do you take me for?'); } if (_root.part == 506) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A criminal working for a terrorist organization.'); } if (_root.part == 507) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Good. I\'m glad we\'re on the same page. Will you hear me out or what?'); } if (_root.part == 508) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Go ahead. It might be interesting.'); } if (_root.part == 509) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I need you to retrieve an item from our beautiful and blue colleague ' + _root.blueGirl + '. Can you do it?'); } if (_root.part == 510) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Retrieve? Do you mean ' + _root.blueGirl + ' stole something from Cerebelus?'); } if (_root.part == 511) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Yes. I want her diary.'); } if (_root.part == 512) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.blueGirl + ' stole her own diary from Cerebelus. This doesn\'t make any sense!'); } if (_root.part == 513) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('No, you silly jarhead. The contents of it belong to our beloved company. We need it. You can go now.'); } if (_root.part == 514) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But... Why... what... I... Why don\'t you do it?'); } if (_root.part == 515) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Oh, I am just a humble pencil-pusher. Black Ops is your thing. Bring me that diary.'); } if (_root.part == 516) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('This is crazy! I need proof! I will not steal from ' + _root.blueGirl + ' because you asked me to!'); } if (_root.part == 517) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('If you ask, she will deny it. And she will be angry with you. Trust me. This is the easiest and most painless way.'); } if (_root.part == 518) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('So! Will you be my champion?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Accept the quest.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Refuse the quest.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Negotiate.'; } if (_root.part == 518101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah. I guess sometimes we have to dirty our hands, right?'); } if (_root.part == 518102) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You are so heroic!'); } if (_root.part == 518103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah...'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 518201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hell no! Ask me to tell dead fetus jokes to a Krogan instead. Steal a girl\'s diary? I don\'t need that shit in my life.'); } if (_root.part == 518202) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Are you telling me you\'re afraid of our sweet ' + _root.blueGirl + '?'); } if (_root.part == 518203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hell yeah! I don\'t know what\'s written in there! The consequences... could be catastrophic!'); } if (_root.part == 518204) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You\'ve managed to achieve a new level of disappointment.'); _root.part = 28; } if (_root.part == 518301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t know. I\'m not totally sold on your story. I wish to be left out of it.'); } if (_root.part == 518302) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You don\'t have that choice! If you don\'t do it, I will find someone else!'); } if (_root.part == 518303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok.'); } if (_root.part == 518304) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Grrrrrr! Fine! What do you want?'); } if (_root.part == 518305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I want to know what Cerebelus thinks ' + _root.blueGirl + ' stole from them.'); } if (_root.part == 518306) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t tell you that! Your paygrade...'); } if (_root.part == 518307) { _root.talker = ''; _root.texto(_root.player + ' CROSSES HIS ARMS.'); } if (_root.part == 518308) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Fine! I\'ll tell you as soon I have it! That\'s all I can give you! Satisfied?'); } if (_root.part == 518309) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I supposed I can trust you on that.'); } if (_root.part == 518310) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You better!'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 519) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I believe ' + _root.blueGirl + '\'s diary will be in her chambers, right?'); } if (_root.part == 520) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Oh my, you are growing so fast! I can\'t believe yesterday you were just a piece of burnt flesh in a scrap of armor!'); } if (_root.part == 521) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You really think ' + _root.blueGirl + ' would have a pink notebook with \'my diary\' written on the cover? She got into some weird spy shit last I heard.'); } if (_root.part == 522) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('If she had something like a diary, it would be practically impossible to find it. Hell, I bet she wouldn\'t even have have one in the first place!'); } if (_root.part == 523) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Good point! But I believe she must have a log of her activities. She must have a hard copy. You just need to look deeper. Piece of cake.'); } if (_root.part == 524) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah. And how will I know what I\'m looking for? It must be encrypted, protected, jinxed, whatever! It will be like looking for a needle in a haystack!'); } if (_root.part == 525) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t be a drama queen. Here, use this hacking device. Insert the drive, card or anything you find. It will automatically search for the data I want. Even a dead dog wouldn\'t blow this job.'); } if (_root.part == 526) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine! But I warn you, you better not be playing me with this!'); } if (_root.part == 527) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Ciao!'); } if (_root.part == 528) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later on...'); } if (_root.part == 529) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.setBG = 'liaraPlace'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Good! She\'s not here! Let\'s find that diary log thing fast!'); } if (_root.part == 530) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.texto('Where should I look for it?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Computer.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Bookshelf.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Drawers.'; } if (_root.part == 530101) { if (find1 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 529; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It seems logical. Let\'s search for a suspect file.'); } } if (_root.part == 530102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I think I got it! It\'s a big folder! Cultural research? This is it! I feel it!'); } if (_root.part == 530103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... oh...'); } if (_root.part == 530104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Porn. A lot of it, 450 petabytes of porn. That\'s a lot of research indeed. More like she was trying to make a backup of the entire internet. Which is basically porn.'); } if (_root.part == 530105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Two Krogan and a sheep? What the hell? Saladian in heat? People weren\'t joking when they said the Azari are kinky! I\'m afraid to click on these files!'); } if (_root.part == 530106) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But I can\'t waste this opportunity! I\'ll just take the one with Azari. And with Quarians. Can\'t go wrong with humans, either. What the hell, let\'s take some Krogan too!'); } if (_root.part == 530107) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And this file? More porn? Let\'s take it too!'); } if (_root.part == 530108) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A BIO SHEET! Check the extra section on the start screen to display it.'); } if (_root.part == 530109) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh boy! It\'s like Xmas! I can\'t wait to do cultural research in my cabin!'); find1 = true; _root.part = 529; } if (_root.part == 530301) { if (find2 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 529; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Those drawers look suspect. I\'m in!'); } } if (_root.part == 530302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HO HO HO! Panties! Nice! We have all the colors of the rainbow here! I like choices.'); } if (_root.part == 530303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What is this? A secret compartment... I smell secrets! Or is it the panties? It\'s Sweeeeeeet!'); } if (_root.part == 530304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What the fuck! What is this? A nightstick? It\'s too long, is it a staff? The tip is a bit circular... FUCK! I reckon I know this shape!'); } if (_root.part == 530305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Damn! It\'s a fucking DILDO! It\'s huge! This can\'t be real! This is a weapon, look at the size of it! I would run if someone shook that thing in my face!'); } if (_root.part == 530306) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And she has others! This one has spikes! Goddammit! Who... Whata... FUCK! This one is thicker than my arm!'); } if (_root.part == 530307) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('She uses that on herself? What freak? Wait? What if she uses it on others? That freak has mind controlling powers! FUCK ME!!!'); } if (_root.part == 530308) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I must get out of here! I didn\'t sign up for this! My butt, my rules!'); } if (_root.part == 530309) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What now? Something is blocking the latch! What is this? A card?'); } if (_root.part == 530310) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A BIO SHEET! Check the extra section on the start screen to display it.'); } if (_root.part == 530311) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Goddammit! I\'ll take this! I will take no chances when my ass is at risk!'); find2 = true; _root.part = 529; } if (_root.part == 530201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What is that? Are those books? I saw those things in pictures! I heard they\'re made of a thing called p-a-p-e-r!'); } if (_root.part == 530202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh! It\'s so heavy! And full of letters. This is BORING!! Books are lame!'); } if (_root.part == 530203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Look! Another book! This one is thinner. And... there is a naked lady on the cover! Play... boy? This one looks interesting!'); } if (_root.part == 530204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ohhh yeah!! Naked babes! I knew it! Someone would turn books into something awesome! Faith in humanity... RESTORED!'); } if (_root.part == 530205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('MY GOD! There is a huge picture in the middle!! This is mind-blowing, it\'s enormous! This is better than a computer screen! WHY? WHY did they stop making this? WHY?!!'); } if (_root.part == 530206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('OOps! Something fell on the ground! Is it another part of this fantastic treasure? Oh boy! Oh boy!'); } if (_root.part == 530207) { _root.talker = ''; _root.texto('YOU GOT A DATA CARD.'); } if (_root.part == 530208) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sigh... no printed boobies here. Lame.'); } if (_root.part == 530209) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wait! That could be the diary/log thing ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' wants! Let me check with this hacking device.'); } if (_root.part == 530210) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Bullseye! I am outta here! And you come with me, Play-Boy book! I will treasure you for the rest of my life!'); _root.part = 530; } if (_root.part == 531) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 532) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setBG = 'MirandaPlace'; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Good, you\'re back. I bet you had a pleasant time meddling over girly things. I hope you didn\'t snatch her panties...'); } if (_root.part == 533) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Do you think I\'m that kind of man?'); } if (_root.part == 534) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('So cute, I want to take you home! Thank you very much Commander. Now, if you please, let me have it.'); } if (_root.part == 535) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('So, will you tell me what this is all about? I want details. I think I\'ve earned it.'); } if (_root.part == 536) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You play hard ' + _root.player + '! I surrender. Instead of telling you, I can do better: I can show you.'); } if (_root.part == 537) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Give me the data and the hacking tool and I will un-protect it for you to see. What do you think?'); } if (_root.part == 538) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fair enough. Here it is.'); } if (_root.part == 539) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Thank you sweety. It\'s easy peasy. I just need to do this and... this... more of this...'); } if (_root.part == 540) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('... OH. Shame. Oh. Shame.'); } if (_root.part == 541) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What did you find? Is it that bad?'); } if (_root.part == 542) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('It\'s empty. It seems we wasted our time.'); } if (_root.part == 543) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s impossible! The hacking tool indicated that card had several registries of the words you were looking for. It wasn\'t empty... or...'); } if (_root.part == 544) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Or...'); } if (_root.part == 545) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You deleted the card, didn\'t you?'); } if (_root.part == 546) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('...Me? What are you talking about? I would never do that. I... Ah! Fuck it. I\'m too busy right now. Let\'s cut it short, shall we? Call me a bitch and let\'s call it a day.'); } if (_root.part == 547) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I was kinda expecting that. I\'m glad I made a copy.'); } if (_root.part == 548) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('You... did?'); } if (_root.part == 549) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yep, it\'s in the main menu of the hacking tool. It\'s a wonderful gadget. I should get one for myself.'); } if (_root.part == 550) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Hum... and the copy is on you right now?'); } if (_root.part == 551) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course not. I\'ll try to open it soon. Maybe I can ask ' + _root.blueGirl + ' to help me with that.'); } if (_root.part == 552) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + '... You can\'t... We can surely... fix that somehow... we may come to an agreement...'); } if (_root.part == 553) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure, but not now. I came here to attend other business. Let\'s get back to that later.'); } if (_root.part == 554) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Yes... Of course. Come to my chambers tonight, I\'m thinking of making dinner... for us. Bring wine. And don\'t forget the card.'); _root.part = 28; } } frame 8 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.setBG = 'bridge'; find1 = false; find2 = false; find3 = false; _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.wait(100); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.officeGirl + '? Where is that girl?'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I am here Commander!'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'special2', 'fixedClose'); _root.scene = 'salute'; _root.wait(100); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I was just adjusting my clothes. They were a tad tight in the arms.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I can\'t catch a break, can I?'; _root.choiceText2 = 'OMG! Muscles... EVERYWHERE!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I see you aren\'t worried anymore.'; } if (_root.part == 5101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Really? Even you ' + _root.officeGirl + '! I can\'t catch a break, can I? What now? Does even the canteen lady have bigger guns than me?'); } if (_root.part == 5102) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t be like that, Commander! Ok, I was worried about this. But after seeing it closer... I couldn\'t say no!'); _root.part = 5; } if (_root.part == 5201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('O M G!! I see muscles... EVERYWHERE! I think I\'m going crazy!'); } if (_root.part == 5202) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('No, you aren\'t Commander! These muscles are pretty real! Tee-hee!'); _root.part = 5; } if (_root.part == 5301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Great. I see your concerns about that tech are gone now.'); } if (_root.part == 5302) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Well, I know this might look puzzling to you Commander. What can I say, it\'s not a bad thing at all.'); _root.part = 5; } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.scene = 'rest'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('But tell me about your investigation, Commander. Did you get all your answers about the MIGHT?'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yes, most of them. I guess.'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.texto('So, what conclusion have you reached?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'It\'s a mess.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'You girls need a serious spank!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'It\'s alright.'; } if (_root.part == 8101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s a mess. Simple as that.'); } if (_root.part == 8102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('The tech isn\'t dangerous Commander. It\'s just like a... vitamin.'); } if (_root.part == 8103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A vitamin doesn\'t grant you that kind of... power for free. There is a price to pay. Always.'); _root.part = 8; } if (_root.part == 8201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You girls need a serious spank on the ass! I am the boss here! I am the King! No-one does shit behind my back!'); } if (_root.part == 8202) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Really? Do I deserve a spanking too Commander? I know I\'m being a very bad girl these days... MEeeeeeOOW...'); } if (_root.part == 8203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Drop it ' + _root.officeGirl + ', you\'re doing it wrong.'); _root.part = 8; } if (_root.part == 8301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh, well. Hmmm... I think it\'s alright. No reason to overthink any of this...'); } if (_root.part == 8302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I knew it! I knew you would understand!'); } if (_root.part == 8303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... so far. There\'s no danger in a spaceship filled with muscular girls armed with guns, right?'); _root.part = 8; } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t be like that Commander ' + _root.player + '. Not everything will bite you in the ass down the road.'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You should know, so far this is how this series rolls. Do you remember the first game? Every consequence is carried over!'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('What are you talking about?'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sorry, I\'m just stressed. I didn\'t mean to break the fourth wall. At least the guys aren\'t appearing in this. That could get even messier.'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Well, they could appear in the next expansion... Also, I would like to interact with a female ' + _root.player + '...'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Enough! Things are already bad enough as it is! Don\'t give him more ideas!'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Fine. By the way, I\'ve been thinking about something... and I think it would be a great idea!'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Put me on your team! I want to kick ass too!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Great! Another one for the front line!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I can fix the papers.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Negative.'; } if (_root.part == 16101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine by me! You will be great cover from bullets! I mean, a great addition to the team. YAY!'); } if (_root.part == 16102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('YAY! I can\'t wait for this! Can I have rocket launcher?! Please?'); } if (_root.part == 16103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure. Do you know how to fire one?'); } if (_root.part == 16104) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('...Of course. Turn the firing hole towards the enemy and pull the trigger! How hard can it be!?'); } if (_root.part == 16105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmmm...I will give you a peashooter. I mean, a super hand cannon. It\'s nice, you\'ll like it.'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 16201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure! I can fix the papers for you. You made it through boot camp right?'); } if (_root.part == 16202) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Isn\'t that the place where you\'re weighed and fill in that form with your blood type and stuff?'); } if (_root.part == 16203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Well, I don\'t know. I forged my paperwork...'); } if (_root.part == 16204) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('WHAT?'); } if (_root.part == 16205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What? It\'s a Joke! I would never do that! Haha! You\'ll be fine, believe me!'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 16301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can\'t allow that ' + _root.officeGirl + '. You don\'t know what a battlefield is like!'); } if (_root.part == 16302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Of course I know! And how hard can this be? I have a degree in psychology!'); } if (_root.part == 16303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s not that... it\'s... OK, you got me. It isn\'t really that complicated. But you don\'t know what you\'re asking! It\'s horrible out there!'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'flex1', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I know what your problem is! You can\'t separate the old ' + _root.officeGirl + ' from the new ' + _root.officeGirl + '!'); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You used the MIGHT a couple of minutes ago. It\'s too soon for a new ' + _root.officeGirl + '!'); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'flex2', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I\'ll show ya! Come on! Do you want to wrestle me? Don\'t you want to feel these arms around your neck?!'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHOA! Stand down! What is happening with you girls? That drug is making you all a bit... extreme!'); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Of course not!! I am 100% okay. I always kicked ass! You only just noticed it now! '); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I confess I get a little more... energetic than usual. But there is no correlation with MIGHT!'); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course there is! Are you sure that thing isn\'t affecting your mind?'); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I\'m fine Commander. I can assure you of that.'); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Are you REALLY SURE?'); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('GODDAMMIT!! I told you I\'m fine! Why is the problem always with me?! You aren\'t perfect, ' + _root.player + '!'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('................................................................................................................ What did you say?'); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I-I\'m sorry Commander! I don\'t know what came over me! I guess you\'re right, I may be a bit on edge. It must be my new carb diet.'); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure. Eh, I should leave. I have to plan some stuff.'); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I think I upset you ' + _root.player + '. I did this to show you I can be like all the other members of your team. I know I may sound a bit weird sometimes.'); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('What can I do to show you how much better I am now?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You should wear skirts. The small kind.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Stop being so pushy!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'You don\'t have to please me.'; } if (_root.part == 31101) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Well you could wear those skirts. The small and tight type, you know. And you could wear those tiny hats and neck thingy. And heels! Oh man, it\'s been a long time since I\'ve seen heels.'); } if (_root.part == 31102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You want me to dress like a flight attendant?'); } if (_root.part == 31103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yes! How did you know what a flight attendant is?'); } if (_root.part == 31104) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I\'m a psychologist ' + _root.player + '. Do you know what a sexual obessession disorder is?'); } if (_root.part == 31105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You make it sound like a bad thing. I thought you would be an open-minded person!'); } if (_root.part == 31106) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.romanceChange('up'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('But I am! I would love to hear all your secret passions and obssessions! I can receive you in my chambers! I have cookies! And beer! Do you like sausages?!'); } if (_root.part == 31107) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I\'ll pass. You are too weird.'); } if (_root.part == 31108) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You son of a...!! GAHHHH!!'); _root.part = 31; } if (_root.part == 31201) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Well, you could stop being so pushy! ' + _root.player + ' do this! ' + _root.player + ' do that! I can\'t breathe around you!'); } if (_root.part == 31202) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('But that\'s my job! It isn\'t like I\'m ordering you around! If you read my messages I wouldn\'t have to ask anything of you! Why don\'t you read my reports! WHY?!'); } if (_root.part == 31203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You\'re doing it again! I can\'t take this pressure!'); } if (_root.part == 31204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHY?! WHY DO YOU PUSH ME!!!????'); } if (_root.part == 31205) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'far'); _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('FINE! Fine! I\'ll try not to do my job. Happy?'); _root.part = 31; } if (_root.part == 31301) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But you don\'t need to please me ' + _root.officeGirl + '. Just do your job. You do it very well, by the way.'); } if (_root.part == 31302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('R-Really? You never say anything about it.'); } if (_root.part == 31303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But there is nothing to say!'); } if (_root.part == 31304) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'sad', 'close'); _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I\'m that meaningless to you! I knew it!'); } if (_root.part == 31305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I didn\'t say that! You said that! I\'m saying you\'re good at your job, I don\'t have anything to complain about!'); } if (_root.part == 31306) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('But not good enough to receive some praise. Your words hurt. The truth hurts...'); _root.part = 31; } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I guess I should change my behavior to deserve your attention, am I not right? Like those Sinful Sluts from Corderia website?'); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Urgh...? I don\'t know what you\'re talking about...'); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You may not know this, but all your net activity passes through my desk. Don\'t worry, I remove such... personal information from my reports. No-one should know that.'); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Thanks! I mean... that must be Jarrus\' doing. He always asks to use my personal computer. And my credit card! You can\'t trust anyone these days! Alright? Moving on...'); _root.part = 500; } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You don\'t have to hide things from me, you know? I\'m your closest friend. I could be so much more! I know what it is to have a...'); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('...a hidden persona.'); _root.choiceText1 = 'We all have secrets.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Not me. I am all badass.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I wanted to be a chef!'; } if (_root.part == 37101) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('We all have secrets. But luckily they mean little to anyone, they\'re just mine. Only I can decide if I reveal them or not.'); } if (_root.part == 37102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Hmmm... Now I\'m more curious than before! We could exchange intimacies... I can tell you ' + _root.bossyGirl + '\'s weak spots...'); } if (_root.part == 37103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You mean... what are you talking about... THOSE KIND of weak spots? The sexy, hot and wet kind?'); } if (_root.part == 37104) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Tee-hee! Of course! She really crawls the walls when I do it. You know, she may say no, but her body just begs for it!'); } if (_root.part == 37105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I-I see! Just send me a detailed report about it. I-I\'ll think of something nice to exchange for it.'); } if (_root.part == 37106) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('No deal! You deliver the goods first!'); _root.part = 37; } if (_root.part == 37201) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('This psycho-sissy bullshit doesn\'t work with me, girl. I am a fulltime BADASS. Even sleeping or taking a crap, I kick ass. Stick with me and you\'ll see. Ass-kicking 24/7!'); } if (_root.part == 37202) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Sure. You are awesome, Commander. I believe no-one is better than you in the entire universe.'); } if (_root.part == 37203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You know it. And knowing is half the battle. Yeah.'); } if (_root.part == 37204) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Hum-hum.'); _root.part = 37; } if (_root.part == 37301) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I always wanted to say it... I can\'t hold this in my chest anymore! I always wanted to be a CHEF!'); } if (_root.part == 37302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Chief? You want to be a Master Chief? I\'m sorry Commander but that is a completely different franchise...'); } if (_root.part == 37303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A CHEF! A cuisine chef! I always wanted to cook! I discovered this passion when I was in the academy! My life changed on that rainy night... me and my wooden ladle... '); } if (_root.part == 37304) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Wait a minute Commander. I think we should stop this right now.'); } if (_root.part == 37305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Why? Didn\'t you want to see what was inside of the little tiny box called ' + _root.player + '?'); } if (_root.part == 37306) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'far'); _root.romanceChange('down'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Yeah, but I changed my mind. Let\'s just focus on saving the universe, shall we?'); _root.part = 37; } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok! Good talk! Today was pretty tiresome, I would prefer facing hundreds of Rippers than these girls. Tidy your desk a bit. I am OUT.'); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('GrrrRRRR!!!'); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Huh? What did I do?'); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You know what your problem is, ' + _root.player + '?!'); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can\'t sa...'); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DUMB FUCK!'); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I will not let you look down on me anymore! I am smarter than you, I CAN KICK YOUR ASS! RIGHT NOW!!!'); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Whoa! Hey... WHOA! Wait a minute!'); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Come on! Feel these guns! Look at them! This is no toy BITCH!'); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yes, they look great enough but... they are just muscles...'); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('REALLY? Let me shove these down your throat and you tell me if they are enough for you!!'); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Stop that ' + _root.officeGirl + '! You don\'t need to speak like this! This isn\'t you!'); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('HAhahAHAHAhahA! Stop patronizing me! Do you think I have daddy issues?! Watch this closely!'); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'three'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('HELL YEAH!! GOD! This is SO GOOD! I can practically hear my muscles popping!'); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Be careful with this ' + _root.officeGirl + '! We don\'t know if there might be any consequences to... to... all that flexing!'); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I DON\'T GIVE A FUCK!! I have to see! I HAVE TO SEE HOW MUCH BIGGER I CAN GET!!'); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'four'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('OOOHHHHHHHH!!! I AM HUGE!! HUGE!!!'); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('AAAAAAAHHHHhhhhhhAAAAAHHHHHhhhnnnnNNNNNnn!!!'); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Huge... hum... unf...!'); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'five'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Forgive me for... all of this Commander. I don\'t know what came over me! I never felt so much... LUST!!'); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I-It\'s okay. It wasn\'t the first time today. I guess this was a tiresome day for you too. Take the rest of the day off.'); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Alright. Thank you, I don\'t know what to say. Should I make a report of this... incident?'); } if (_root.part == 61) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('About you trying to clobber me? No, it\'s okay. I got everything first-hand.'); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I see... I need to rest commander. My body is still... pumping... C-Can I...'); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You are dismissed ' + _root.officeGirl + '. Have a good rest.'); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'fmg', 'far'); _root.scene = 'six'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Thank you Commander.'); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('No side effects my ASS! These chicks want me dead and buried! I need to make sure my escape pod is good to go at any time!'); _root.FirstEncounterKelly = 'complete'; _root.viewerEvent8 = true; _root.goToMap(); } if (_root.part == 501) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.texto('NOT SO FAST! I want you to do something for me, Commander. I think I deserve it.'); } if (_root.part == 502) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('How so?'); } if (_root.part == 503) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I want you to acquire some documents for me.'); } if (_root.part == 504) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Documents? But it\'s you who handles that for me!'); } if (_root.part == 505) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Gosh! I\'m not talking about those kind of documents. It\'s... it\'s... complicated! I just want you to help me! If it were ' + _root.blueGirl + ' you would have already agreed to help!'); } if (_root.part == 506) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Calm down! I didn\'t say that! I need to know what you want first! Are they... hidden?'); } if (_root.part == 507) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Well, kinda... I want the medical files of the crew. Your crew more precisely. The... girls.'); } if (_root.part == 508) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You want the medical files of the female members of my team?'); } if (_root.part == 509) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('SHHHHHHHHHH! Yeah! That\'s it! Will you do it or not?'); } if (_root.part == 510) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What do you need that for?! Do you suspect something\'s wrong here? Tell me!'); } if (_root.part == 511) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('No! I just want to... check some things. It\'s nothing dangerous. I just want to see. I MUST SEE IT!'); } if (_root.part == 512) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.officeGirl + '... This isn\'t smelling alright. I can see you have some ulterior motive behind this. I can\'t help you this way.'); } if (_root.part == 513) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('GRRRRRrrrr...! If you don\'t do this I will send the financial details of your credit account to ' + _root.bossyGirl + '! I will do it!'); } if (_root.part == 514) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('So?'); } if (_root.part == 515) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('She will love to know you spent 300000 credits in Sweet Smash! And, and you spent 100000 credits on a site called BIG GIRLS WITH HUGE AND HARD DI...'); } if (_root.part == 516) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! What the hell! How do you know that?! Are you spying on me?!'); } if (_root.part == 517) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('It\'s my fucking job to pay your bills! And I can send a lot of others things! Like for example that publicity scheme you have on Citadel...'); } if (_root.part == 518) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Do we have a deal?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Accept the quest.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Refuse the quest.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Negotiate.'; } if (_root.part == 518101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine! I\'ll do it. Space Jesus! I can\'t believe you\'re blackmailing me! You of all people!'); } if (_root.part == 518102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('... I-I am... so...'); } if (_root.part == 518103) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Wait! That means I\'m a bad girl, doesn\'t it? Tee-hee! I knew I could be one!!!'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 518201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Pfff! Go ahead. This is the best you could dig up about me? You\'ll find more shameful and evil deeds of mine in the toilet of my cabin.'); } if (_root.part == 518202) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You really don\'t care about it? Aren\'t you afraid of what people may discover about you? Me for example, I would die if something about me came to light...'); } if (_root.part == 518203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('The important thing is I know the truth: I\'m a rotten, indecent and deceptive bastard to the core. This way every night I can sleep like a baby without giving a single fuck.'); } if (_root.part == 518204) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Oh Commmander... You are so... BADASS! I mean... I\'m pissed about it, but... OH... You are the real deal!'); _root.part = 35; } if (_root.part == 518301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I see... I hope you\'re prepared to go forward with your bluff. It may have consequences.'); } if (_root.part == 518302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I am not bluffing! This is the truth!'); } if (_root.part == 518303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s look for ' + _root.bossyGirl + '.'); } if (_root.part == 518304) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Yeah! Let\'s do it! YEAH!! YEEAAAHHHHH!!!'); } if (_root.part == 518305) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 518306) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I CAN\'T!!! I have no guts! I\'m not confident! I\'m afraid of authority! I can\'t even push a postal office clerk! I SUCK!'); } if (_root.part == 518307) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s enough. Pull yourself together!'); } if (_root.part == 518308) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I\'m fine. I don\'t know how you manage to stay in control of the situation all the time. You don\'t take a single step back. You really are special.'); } if (_root.part == 518309) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Not that much. It\'s a mixture of bravery and madness.'); } if (_root.part == 518310) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I could use some of that! I know I am the weak link here. The worst part is I don\'t know how I can fix that.'); } if (_root.part == 518311) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I get it, ' + _root.officeGirl + '. I will get these medical documents and show you we\'re all the same, we have flaws and no-one here is as special as you think.'); } if (_root.part == 518312) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Thank you Commander ' + _root.player + '.'); _root.part = 518; } if (_root.part == 519) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('So, I bet I can ask ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' for those medical reports.'); } if (_root.part == 520) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'normal', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Wait! You can\'t ask her that. She\'s a medic. She can\'t reveal details about her patients without a formal request.'); } if (_root.part == 521) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Alright. How do I get these reports? Are they on her computer?'); } if (_root.part == 522) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('It\'s not there. I searched for it. She might be using another device to store that data. Or she just hides it. Hmmmm...'); } if (_root.part == 523) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Don\'t jump to conclusions! Doctor ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' is a damn fine professional, there is a good reason for whatever she does. I can vouch for her.'); } if (_root.part == 524) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Sigh... I would love to hear you defend me with this kind of passion...!'); } if (_root.part == 525) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I will do my best to deserve the same attention ' + _root.player + '-senpai!'); } if (_root.part == 526) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Senpa what?'); } if (_root.part == 527) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('GAH! Don\'t mind me, please! Doctor ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' is on her break. This is your best chance!'); } if (_root.part == 528) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 529) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.setBG = 'sickBay'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.officeGirl + ' is right. She isn\'t here. I confess I\'m not happy about barging in on her workplace. Well, no time to waste!'); } if (_root.part == 530) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.texto('Where do I find those medical files?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Exam machine.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Cabinet.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Data Pad.'; } if (_root.part == 530201) { if (find1 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 529; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s try this cabinet.'); } } if (_root.part == 530202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s open. Oooops. What is this... Is this... booze? A lot of it!'); } if (_root.part == 530203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I knew ' + _root.doctorGirl + ' enjoyed some hard water, but damn! She does have a really big collection! I can barely tell what half of them are.'); } if (_root.part == 530204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Should I confiscate this? I mean, she is a medic for God\'s sake, she shouldn\'t work wasted! But I never saw her drunk. Or is she one of those \'always drunk\' kind of people?'); } if (_root.part == 530205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Decisions! Decisions! I don\'t like binary decisions, this means one of them is the wrong one! Dammit! Did I save the game before entering this room? Why didn\'t he implement auto-save?'); } if (_root.part == 530206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('There is something below the glass cup.'); } if (_root.part == 530207) { _root.talker = ''; _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.texto('YOU FOUND A BIO FILE! Check the extra section on the start screen to display it.'); } if (_root.part == 530208) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Nice, it\'s one of those cards with hot data! I will keep it.'); } if (_root.part == 530209) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s leave this untouched! I\'ll make sure to check if she\'s sober before stitching me up next time.'); find1 = true; _root.part = 529; } if (_root.part == 530301) { if (find2 == true) { _root.texto('I already searched in there.'); _root.part = 529; } else { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('She left her data pad over on the table. Let\'s check it.'); } } if (_root.part == 530302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s a log about the last week of appointments. We may get something out of this.'); } if (_root.part == 530303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmmm... ' + _root.blueGirl + ' is concerned about those freckles on her face. I don\'t mind them.'); } if (_root.part == 530304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.punkGirl + ' insists she does have a serious case of glaucoma. But she doesn\'t want pills or injections, she wants a natural alternative. HA! I Already tried that!'); } if (_root.part == 530305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.quarianGirl + ' wants another sequence of exams. She says her throat is a bit sore and she might be dying. The doctor agreed to check on her by Feb 30. That\'s mean.'); } if (_root.part == 530306) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And ' + _root.justicarGirl + ' is asking again if anyone is afflicted by some terminal disease. She says she is available if anyone wishes a quick departure via duel to the death. How sweet!'); } if (_root.part == 530307) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.bossyGirl + ' remarked again about her orthodontical procedure to fix her buck teeth. This was the 37th time she did that. That\'s dumb, who looks at her teeth when she has ALL that!'); } if (_root.part == 530308) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.officeGirl + ' wants to do a series of comestic surgeries: Breast implants, glutteal, lip, lipoaspiration, remove some ribs... WHAT THE HELL? She wants to color her skin blue?'); } if (_root.part == 530309) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Space Jesus! I can\'t read it anymore! Girls\' secrets are horrifying! It challenges logic and common sense! I must preserve my sanity... for the universe!'); } if (_root.part == 530310) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wait. There is card inserted in the pad. What is it?'); } if (_root.part == 530311) { _root.setGraphic('quest1', 'card', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('YOU FOUND A GROWTH REPORT!\n Check the extra section on the start screen to display it.'); _root.extraFMGLiara1 = true; } if (_root.part == 530312) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Shit! I don\'t have the guts to look inside this! I\'ll check this later.'); find2 = true; _root.part = 529; } if (_root.part == 530101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('If' + _root.officeGirl + ' is correct, the data must be stored somewhere else. Let\'s try this... thing.'); } if (_root.part == 530102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s one of those scan-bed machines. There\'s a console attached to it. It can\'t be harder than activating a thermo-nuclear bomb.'); } if (_root.part == 530103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Gah! It is! It\'s fucking DOS! What is this? 1980? Shit! Goddamit! C:... where is the fucking slash key...'); } if (_root.part == 530104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Here! FILES directory! I found it! And I\'m not even an engineer! I should receive the bonus for that class, right?'); } if (_root.part == 530105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Got it! Medical files. All of them! This was so easy! I am a master hacker! Let\'s copy those files... Hey! There\'s a folder with my name on it!'); } if (_root.part == 530106) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... mental evaluation... narcissistic tendencies... mysoginistic... ME? I love the babes! This is completely wrong! How dare that bitch call me mysog...ini... THAT!'); } if (_root.part == 530107) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I have to re-write this! The truth must prevail! ' + _root.player + '... is... awesome. Stuff... of dreams. RIGHT ON! Honest... single... Family values... loves animals... snakes not so much...'); } if (_root.part == 530108) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Now this is a fucking mental evaluation! Alright! Let\'s copy these files and get the fuck out of here!'); _root.part = 530; } if (_root.part == 531) { _root.fadeMC = 'in'; _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Some minutes later...'); } if (_root.part == 532) { _root.fadeMC = 'out'; _root.setBG = 'bridge'; _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'smile', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Tell me you got it! Wait... just blink your eyes at me! Blink with your left eye if you got it, blink with the right if you didn\'t get it. And blink both eyes if you got it but you have not...'); } if (_root.part == 533) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Here is the file.'); } if (_root.part == 534) { _root.setGraphic('kelly2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('THANK YOU! SSSHSHHHHHHH! Silence!! Thank you... thank you...'); } if (_root.part == 535) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You\'re welcome! I hope this helps you with... whatever you decide to do.'); } if (_root.part == 536) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Yes... it will... yesssss... kukukukuku...'); } if (_root.part == 537) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Right! Let\'s return to the... normal. Shall we?'); _root.part = 35; } } frame 9 { _root.setBG = 'end1Place'; if (_root.part == 1) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'vazio', 'fixedFar'); _root.wait(100); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'chakwas', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('So... our dear little ' + _root.player + ' already found out what we\'ve been doing.'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'liara', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('What do you think?\n What do you you think he will do?'); } if (_root.part == 4) { if (_root.paragonStatus == 1) { _root.part = 4101; } if (_root.paragonStatus == 2) { _root.part = 4201; } if (_root.paragonStatus == 3) { _root.part = 4301; } } if (_root.part == 4301) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'chakwas', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('Believe me, he may look tough and fearless, but behind all that \'military man\' facade, he is just a kitten.\n A scared little kitten.'); _root.part = 4; } if (_root.part == 4201) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'chakwas', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('Ah! Don\'t worry, my dear!\n He will not take any action at all!\n He thinks he\'s safe among us! That fool!'); _root.part = 4; } if (_root.part == 4101) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'chakwas', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('He might be... troublesome.\n But don\'t you worry my darlings, the more he struggles, the more painful this will be for him. It will be fun to see him realize that.'); _root.part = 4; } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('Anyway, ' + _root.player + ' isn\'t worth any concern.\n We should move to the next stage of the plan.'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('Thanks to MIGHT, you will all be able to handle your loose ends without any assistance from that silly excuse of a leader.'); } if (_root.part == 7) { if (_root.paragonStatus == 1) { _root.part = 7101; } if (_root.paragonStatus == 2) { _root.part = 7201; } if (_root.paragonStatus == 3) { _root.part = 7301; } } if (_root.part == 7301) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'miranda', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('I agree, we don\'t need that rotten, piece of shit, womanizing, sexist bastard... I want him below my heel!'); _root.part = 7; } if (_root.part == 7201) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'samara', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('It\'s about time!\n His cowardice and lack of self-respect are filthy!\n He doesn\'t deserve to be among us! He should be eradicated from this vessel!'); _root.part = 7; } if (_root.part == 7101) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'tali', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('He isn\'t that bad, he\'s just doing what he thinks is right. We just need to be more... persuasive.'); } if (_root.part == 7102) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'jack', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('A control freak is what he really is! I\'m tired of being handled like a fucking chess piece!\n No-one owns me!'); _root.part = 7; } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'chakwas', 'fixedFar'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('Enough, time is of the essence. Take this opportunity to expand your horizons.\n The more you struggle, more power MIGHT will give you!'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('Let\'s meet again soon. Then we\'ll take one more step towards my...\n OUR goal.'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto(_root.player + ' will not see us coming...'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.setGraphic('endAct1', 'chakwas', 'close'); _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('... FOR HIS HEAD!!'); _root.eventChange(10); _root.viewerEvent9 = true; _root.act = 2; } } frame 10 { _root.setBG = 'shepBedroom'; if (_root.part == 1) { _root.setGraphic('intro2', 'cena1', 'fixedFar'); _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Unnnngh... stop ' + _root.garrusName + '...\n I don\'t... roll like that... *mumble*... hey... put that thing back...\n ....No... guh... get back...'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.setGraphic('intro2', 'cena2', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('NNnnNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooOOOOOoOOOOOOOoOOO!!!'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('*Pant* HUMPH! Shit!\n What a nightmare!!\n I thought for a second this was one of those kind of games!'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('ALRIGHT!\n Time to start Commandering around!\n The universe can\'t be saved by itself!'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s too calm these days... \n' + _root.officeGirl + ' isn\'t bothering with those e-mails anymore...\n ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' isn\'t ordering me around...'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; if (_root.paragonStatus == 1) { _root.texto('DAMN IT!\n Something is happening! I feel it in my bones!\n WHERE\'S MY GUN?!'); } if (_root.paragonStatus == 2) { _root.texto('I LOVE IT!\n First time I\'ve been having a blast since I returned from the grave!\n Being alive really kicks ass!'); } if (_root.paragonStatus == 3) { _root.texto('FUCK IT!\n They know what they\'re doing!! It\'s not like I\'m responsible for them.\n Fuck it. Where is my coffee?'); } } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wait a minute... what if that ROID thing they used KILLED them! Or worse, turned them into ZOMBIES!!\n No, it can\'t be... this is horrifying... and LAME at the same time!'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('DAMN IT!\n I could send a security officer to check on them... or I could sneak into their cabins unnoticed... and...hmmm... panty raid... in space...\n Hum...'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('The rewards totally make the risk worth taking!\n And it\'s morally acceptable for me to do that. After all, this is a ship and I am its Commander!'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!'); _root.SecondEncounterLiara = 'available'; _root.SecondEncounterJack = 'available'; _root.SecondEncounterMiranda = 'available'; _root.SecondEncounterSamara = 'available'; _root.SecondEncounterTali = 'available'; _root.SecondEncounterKelly = 'available'; _root.viewerEvent10 = true; _root.goToMap(); } } frame 11 { _root.setBG = 'liaraPlace'; if (_root.part == 1) { _root.wait('long'); _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'one'; } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I am in! This is really exciting! It\'s like breaking in on a Accumulator\'s dreadnought!'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But far more DANGEROUS! I really don\'t know what these pervy blue girls hide in their closets!'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('The place is tidy. Everything is clean and in its place.'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Let\'s see... books... pens... memory drives... books... HA!! Look at this... trying to hid stuff from me...'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... And more books. And its the worse kind, small letters and no pictures.'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Shit, even her secret stash is DULL! She is the dullest person I...'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I see... I will try my best to keep you entertained from now on.'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.wait('extra'); _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'special2', 'fixedClose'); _root.scene = 'one'; } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('OH! You\'re back! Wait a minute! Where are you gone? I was looking for you... and...'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...You got bigger. Are you still taking that MIGHT thing?'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('No, its not necessary anymore. Once it\'s injected the nano-agents multiply and build several micro-lin...'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('GOT IT. Please, this science talking makes me look dumb. Are you saying that muscle growing process is... continuous? There is no cure?'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('CURE? Please Commander. Anyway, I was about to request your presence. I... Can you please stop staring at my breasts while I talk to you!?'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I know that clothes... that villain... I mean, your mother used something like that, right? I mean, the head thingy.'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Yes. This is fitting for my new composture. Don\'t you agree?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'It\'s not much practical.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Yea... you look real mean!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I prefered it on your mother.'; } if (_root.part == 16101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I am sorry ' + _root.blueGirl + ', but i am not the ideal person to comment on that. But I can say it\'s not much practical for a militay ambient.'); } if (_root.part == 16102) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('True. But I don\'t need armors and suits anymore to assert my combat superiority anymore. I could just not wear anything more... that would be more efficient?'); } if (_root.part == 16103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I-I don\'t know. Please don\'t do that, I can\'t have you walking around naked! We are at war! We need to have to focus on the mission!'); } if (_root.part == 16104) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Oh, no... I don\'t want to... distract your mind, Commander. I will keep me on check.'); } if (_root.part == 16105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Thanks.'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 16201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah! You like a mean and evil witch!'); } if (_root.part == 16202) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('... witch?'); } if (_root.part == 16203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I mean... a really good looking and self-empowering witch! Not the old ones with warts in the nose, those are lame.'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 16301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t know... I did prefer that dress on your late mother... what pair of TITS! They looked they could jump off the dress anytime! DAMN! She looked so FINE!'); } if (_root.part == 16302) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I...I... My bust is much bigger than my mother! I measured... I am sure... this dress is three times larger in the...'); } if (_root.part == 16303) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + '... are you trying to provoke me, don\'t you? You did fail... I am... not upset.'); } if (_root.part == 16304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Who? Little me? NEVER! Gee! But seriously...'); } if (_root.part == 16305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Your mother\'s death. It was one of my biggest regrets.'); } if (_root.part == 16306) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + '...'); } if (_root.part == 16307) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What I wouldn\'t give to motorboat her now!'); } if (_root.part == 16308) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'angry', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('...bastard!'); _root.part = 16; } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ok, ok. I got you first! You will hear my piece first then I will handle whatever you wish.'); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You girls are hiding something from me, huh? While I was walking to here, I found some departure permissions which I didn\'t signed it! And you was one of them!'); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t care what you do in your personal time, but while you are this ship, you can\'t just walk away! What are you into?'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('It doesn\'t concern you. Satisfied?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Don\'t do that ever again. Okay?'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I should kick your ass out of my ship!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'This is unnacepptable!'; } if (_root.part == 20101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HmmmmmMMMmmm...'); } if (_root.part == 20102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Okayyy... But don\'t you do that ever again! Never ever. Never. And if you do... I...'); } if (_root.part == 20103) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You\'ll do what? What you will do to me Commander ' + _root.player); } if (_root.part == 20104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wha? I... Of course I will not tell you that now! My punishment will be so cruel and... and.. you will be so... \'oh... ' + _root.player + ' you are so mean... and manly...\''); } if (_root.part == 20105) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t wait for that.'); _root.part = 20; } if (_root.part == 20201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHA? NOW YOU ARE FUCKED! Who do you think you are talking to? I am not one of your blue slut-hippie-whore sister of yours! I am your fucking superior! I AM THE LAW!'); } if (_root.part == 20202) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('...sigh.'); } if (_root.part == 20203) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You will send me to court-martial?'); } if (_root.part == 20204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Court-martial my ASS! I will throw you down the hatch!'); } if (_root.part == 20205) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Alright. Are you going to throw me right now? Can I defend myself? I can use just one arm.'); } if (_root.part == 20206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... it\'s your luck day. If we aren\'t crossing an asteroid belt I would kick your ass out this ship in a blink of eye.'); } if (_root.part == 20207) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I believe you mistaken, it\'s pretty peaceful out there. This would be the perfect time to, how did you say? Kick my ass through the hatch?'); } if (_root.part == 20208) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Pf... You don\'t know shit. I am the commander, if i say we are crossing a shit storm, we are crossing a shit storm! You don\'t know shit of ...comandeering stuff.'); } if (_root.part == 20209) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Again that fascination with feces. I confess I am getting intrigued by it.'); _root.part = 20; } if (_root.part == 20301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can\'t accept this kind of response ' + _root.blueGirl + '! You know we have secutity protocols. What would happen if were attacked and I needed your assistance?'); } if (_root.part == 20302) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I believe you would have to resolve the situation without me. Simple as that.'); } if (_root.part == 20303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('This is war ' + _root.blueGirl + '! If you aren\'t a willing party on this please tell me right now. If I can\'t count with you, please follow your way right now.'); } if (_root.part == 20304) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('How you dare? After all we passed through, you treats me like a child! I know what is on stake!'); } if (_root.part == 20305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Then just say it in my face! Are you IN OR OUT? If you want to stay, I have to know I HAVE YOU!'); } if (_root.part == 20306) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('... Of course... you have me... ' + _root.player); _root.part = 20; } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You don\'t have to be this dense, commander. I know I am doing, you may refuse to believe but I am not the same person you knew. I made enemies.'); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s about the Shadow Broker guy? Is he going after you? Did he threat you? TELL ME!'); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Quite the contrary my dear. I took the fight at him. Don\'t worry, its over. I thought it would be hard... but it was quite short and pleasant trip!'); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What did you do ' + _root.blueGirl + '...'); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Hu-hu... you are a curious boy don\'t you?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I need to know if this will splash on me.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Yeah! Tell me juicy bit! Tee-hee!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Nah... I really don\'t care.'; } if (_root.part == 25101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Just give me the a general idea of yours... adventures. I have to see if I will have to make some precautions for the future. For us both.'); } if (_root.part == 25102) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Oh ' + _root.player + '! What do you take me for? I am not like ' + _root.punkGirl + '! You should give me more credit! Of course I was careful.'); } if (_root.part == 25103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Didn\'t you do anything... extreme?'); } if (_root.part == 25104) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I am saying I was very careful. I didn\'t leave any loose end. There is nothing at all to be traced back to us. No trace at all... Hu hu hu hu...'); } if (_root.part == 25105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.blueGirl + '... For God sake, what you did do?'); } if (_root.part == 25106) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Be patient Commander! I will tell you! Every single part!! Tee-hee!'); _root.part = 25; } if (_root.part == 25201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HO-HO-HO! Of course I am interested! Tell me! TELL ME!'); } if (_root.part == 25202) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Tee-hee! Easy commander! Try to keep calm! I didn\'t even started to tell you what I did to those puny mercenaries of the Shadow Broker...'); } if (_root.part == 25203) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('...and of course, what I did to the Shadow Broker himself! You would be... outraged!'); } if (_root.part == 25204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('GUUh!! TELL ME NOW! What YOU DID DO?! OH BOY! OH BOY!'); _root.part = 25; } if (_root.part == 25301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Curious? Me? About you boring ass trips?'); } if (_root.part == 25302) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Every time this big guy here goes out, legends and songs are made, universes are destroyed and created. I could let you go with me sometime, but you could be in danger.'); } if (_root.part == 25303) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Danger? More than our usual adventures?'); } if (_root.part == 25304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yes, mind-blowing danger. You know, when I roll, I roll hard. I can\'t control that.'); } if (_root.part == 25305) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Funny. Did you know I can blow minds up for real? I can show you.'); } if (_root.part == 25306) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Damn, you really kills my lines, sheesh. Go on. Tell your lame ass fake story.'); _root.part = 25; } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Alright. I just learned somepeople on Omega would have the exact location of one of the Shadow Broker\'s hideouts. After extracting this information...'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHOA... how did exactly you extract that information? Half part of the people from omega are murderous psychopaths, the other half is made of murderous sick fucks. How did you got the money to pay for something like that?'); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Pay? My little ' + _root.player + '... I didn\'t spend a single credit for it. Some of them just told me the directions, but... OH! Some of them resisted to obey my command! HUMmm!!'); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('So did you enter on a tight spot. I guess you biotic powers really saved the day.'); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Well, my biotic skills weren\'t all that necessary, but they offered me a lot of... methods to persuade them. There is no bigger pleasure than wreck a mind after wrecking its body!'); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... ALRIGHT. Let\'s leave that for now. SO! You did discover the location of a Shadow Broker Hideout. Why did you call for reinforcements. You know I would never refuse to aid you.'); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I swear that thought crossed my mind Commander. But I couldn\'t risk the Shsdow Broker to relocate to another hideout. And besides... You would be in my way.'); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Excuse me? Me on your way? I always choose the best action in any situation!'); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('It always like that! Everything revolves around you, it\'s like everything what happens depends in your decision to move on!! It\'s... unnerving!'); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('See?! You are doing that again!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'I really don\'t know what are you talking about.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'WHAT? THIS IS AWESOME! JRPG\'s suck!!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Three options is too much!'; } if (_root.part == 35101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t know what you are talking about. I think MIGHT is finally showing its side-effects.'); } if (_root.part == 35102) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('ARgh!! Never mind. Your lack of self-awareness is unbelievable!'); _root.part = 35; } if (_root.part == 35201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Pfff!! Of course I am taking my sweet time on this! Look, CHOICES! See? This is the kick-ass choice! I always choose these types! ROCK ON!'); } if (_root.part == 35202) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('But all these choices takes you to the same place! It\'s a illusion of freedom!'); } if (_root.part == 35203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Shut up you! Would you prefer this game to be like an JRPG? YES and NO option? With a loop in the NO option to force you choosing the YES option? BULLSHIT!!'); _root.part = 35; } if (_root.part == 35301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Don\'t press me! It\'s three options! Only one is the right one! I can\'t take this pressure!'); } if (_root.part == 35302) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('There is no the right choice. Just take one of them already!'); } if (_root.part == 35303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s easy for you to say that! Isn\'t on your shoulders the destiny of an entire race! I still have nightmare with the Rachni! I pressed the damn button by mistake!'); } if (_root.part == 35304) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('If it mattered that much to you, why didn\'t you reload the last checkpoint?'); } if (_root.part == 35305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Because... I... oh... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh... I FORGOT I COULD DO THAT!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!'); } if (_root.part == 35306) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('That\'s sad.'); _root.part = 35; } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Enough of this 4th wall nonsense!! Commander ' + _root.player + '! Now it\'s my time to...'); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Not so fast! You said you found the hideout of the Shadow Broker. Did you convince him to cease of his evil ways? I am sure you treated him fair and just.'); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Huhuhu... Of course I did. Let\'s say he is all good! Every PART of him! Huhuhu...'); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh God... what you did to him?'); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Of course I give on chance for him to humiliate himself towards me. Gladly, he resisted. And I made him kneel... by breaking his legs.'); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I believe that weren\'t really necessary, but I can\'t judge you because I wasn\'t there. So, he exposed his schemes and crimes to you. Did you turn him to authorities?'); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Do you take me for a fool ' + _root.player + '? He have agents in every corner of the galaxy. But, yes, I can say I... TURNED him a bit...'); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I am afraid to ask more about this...'); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Hummm... I never felt that... smothering someone between my biceps... the sound of bones cracking... my muscles getting tighter and tighter... OHHHHhhh... it did over too soon!'); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('What? Why are you so silent?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'This is outrageous!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I am confused! I am excited and afraid!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'I can relate to that.'; } if (_root.part == 45101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('This is revolting! Outrageous! We are the good guys! We don\'t... do that kind of stuff!'); } if (_root.part == 45102) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Are you calling me a BAD GIRL, Commander?'); } if (_root.part == 45103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I think you did passed that level of badness some miles away ' + _root.blueGirl + '! Space Jesus! Now what we\'ll do?'); } if (_root.part == 45104) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Rejoice?'); _root.part = 45; } if (_root.part == 45201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I am having a hard time here! I have a boner! And I am shiting on my pants! It\'s me freaking me out!'); } if (_root.part == 45202) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Huhu hu hu!! Just get used to it my little ' + _root.player + '! You know... I don\'t know if I will be able to control this... wild urge around you...'); } if (_root.part == 45203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh, shit! Oh shit! Just stop!'); _root.part = 45; } if (_root.part == 45301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Well... I can relate to that. I am a fulltime badass. Weird and sick shit like that is my butter and bread. Wait... let\'s keep food out of this. That\'s too far even for me.'); } if (_root.part == 45302) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Really? Did you even crushed someone using your bare hands?'); } if (_root.part == 45303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course! I... I... well, I do like to pop some bubble wraps. But I do it in a hyper manly and bat-shit way! It\'s BRUTAL! Do this with a person its so... overated and so last century!'); } if (_root.part == 45304) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Sigh... I\'ll agree to that just for we move on.'); _root.part = 45; } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Anyway! The most important of this little adventure yours its wasn\'t sanctioned by me.'); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto(_root.bossyGirl + ' gave me the clearance.'); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHAT? This is even worse! I can\'t believe this! Where is she? Don\'t tell me she left the ship as well!'); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I think she took a time off. But I believe she is back already. You should visit her right away. By the way...'); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Did you miss me Commander?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Not really.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'OH MY GOD! YES! WHY DID YOU LEFT ME?'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Your absence was felt.'; } if (_root.part == 50101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm...'); } if (_root.part == 50102) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 50103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... Not really. I didn\'t know you were gone. I am a busy person you know. Saving the universe requires a lot of my attention.'); } if (_root.part == 50104) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You never changes...'); } if (_root.part == 50105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yep, that\'s ol\' ' + _root.player + '! Too good to remain dead. I should write a book about my life.'); } if (_root.part == 50106) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('It\'s antonishing how you makes everything turns around yourself.'); _root.part = 50; } if (_root.part == 50201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('If I did miss you?!'); } if (_root.part == 50202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('OH! MY! GOD!! YES! I can\'t believe you left without telling me! I felt... I FELT SO ALONE!'); } if (_root.part == 50203) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('What? Are... Are you being serious?!'); } if (_root.part == 50204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can\'t believe you doubt my feelings! I came here to search for you... to see your face again... to feel your smell...'); } if (_root.part == 50205) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I-I see... that\'s why you were searching into my drawers?'); } if (_root.part == 50206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh? I... YES! I was looking for a memento! Something to apease my mind!'); } if (_root.part == 50207) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Oh... ' + _root.player + '! If I knew my absence would be so painful for you... I would... I would... Oh...'); } if (_root.part == 50208) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But you are here now! So... I am okay! See? HAhahaHA!'); } if (_root.part == 50209) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Yes, it\'s good to be back!'); _root.part = 50; } if (_root.part == 50301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yes, you absence was felt.'); } if (_root.part == 50302) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Ohhh... really...'); } if (_root.part == 50303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('We have no scientific advisor with experience in combat as you. I would be in world of hurt if we had a situation which requires that expertise.'); } if (_root.part == 50304) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I see. I should be expecting that kind of response from you.'); } if (_root.part == 50305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And what else you were expecting from me?'); } if (_root.part == 50306) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Nothing. Never mind.'); _root.part = 50; } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Anyway. This is a ugly situation. I have others things to check in right now. So, did you say You was looking for me? What you want?'); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('YOU. I am happy I got you before of them. Believe me, some of them have some nasty ideas toward you.'); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh... hummmm... I am flattered but what exactly are you mean by that?'); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I will break it simple to you ' + _root.player + '. The only way of you reaching out that door is giving yourself to me first. I want you to be my pet.'); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Pet? Are you serious? Are you out of your mind? I am YOUR COMMANDER!'); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I will be the mistress of your life. I can allow you to continue with you \'macho\' behavior out there, but in the end of the day you will return to me and BEND to my will.'); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Am i not fair?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Can I answer tomorrow?'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I can\'t comply to that.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'This cock can\'t have just one hen.'; } if (_root.part == 57101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Since this a life-changing decision for me I need to sleep on it. Can we meet tomorrow\'s morning, at the cafeteria. '); } if (_root.part == 57102) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('No. Decide it now. Or weep later if I decide to spare you. '); } if (_root.part == 57103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You sure are a tough dealer, Ha ha Haha... ha... ha... eh. '); _root.part = 57; } if (_root.part == 57201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('If you really know me, you already knows the answer to that.'); } if (_root.part == 57202) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Sadly, yes. But I hoped you would act differently. You... ' + _root.player + '... damn you...'); _root.part = 57; } if (_root.part == 57301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Me? Same pussy? Every day? HELL NO! I can\'t give up living the dream! There\'s many pussies out there, different colors, shapes. I enlisted for that! I returned from the dead for that!'); } if (_root.part == 57302) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Hmmmrr...!! I swear I will rip that tiny cock off just for laughs!'); } if (_root.part == 57303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('TINY?! You done! It\'s on Bitch! IT\'S ON!!'); _root.part = 57; } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I see you might need some little motivation to realize the right course action. You see, this isn\'t the peak of my form.'); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What? You are bigger than the last time I see you.'); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('We have to constantly push the limits of our bodies. I didn\'t have the time to warm up. Let me correct that!'); } if (_root.part == 61) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'MBS', 'fixedMid'); _root.scene = 'part1'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Hummmmm... yeah... I don\'t even need to work out my body... I just need to...'); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Yeahhhhh...'); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'MBS', 'fixedMid'); _root.scene = 'part1Burst'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Hummmmmmmmmmmmm!! That\'s it!'); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Damn... that\'s... impossible!'); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I kinda feel bad for the dress. Oh well, you will get another one, right my pet?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'It will be on your own pocket.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'O-Of course!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Nope.'; } if (_root.part == 65101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hell no!! Do I look rich? You might be ripping you clothes just for the kicks. This will be on you sister!'); } if (_root.part == 65102) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('What if i do that? You wouldn\'t enjoy to watch?'); } if (_root.part == 65103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Putting like that... but before doing this next time, let me see price tag of the clothes first.'); _root.part = 65; } if (_root.part == 65201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah! Of course! It\'s sound fair! You didn\'t have any blame on that!'); } if (_root.part == 65202) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Thank you sweety.'); _root.part = 65; } if (_root.part == 65301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Nope. You can wear our regular uniforms, if you manage to fit on them.'); } if (_root.part == 65302) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I prefer to wear nothing then.'); } if (_root.part == 65303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I... I can\'t have that.'); } if (_root.part == 65304) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You are welcome to try covering my body if you dislike looking at it this much.'); } if (_root.part == 65305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You are missing the point!'); _root.part = 65; } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I feel didn\'t convince you yet. And this makes me happy!'); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'MBS', 'fixedMid'); _root.scene = 'part1Trans'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Let me show something more practical.'); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('See this? What do you think? Looks big? Care to wrestle a bit? I will try my best to not hurt you... seriously.'); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('We... We don\'t have a table. That one doesn\'t works. We need a special table. Shame.'); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t hear you ' + _root.player + '. The pads are twitching too loud!'); } if (_root.part == 71) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'MBS', 'fixedMid'); _root.scene = 'part2Burst'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Let me fix it... DONE!'); } if (_root.part == 72) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('It\'s hard to get good material these days. These things were supposed to stand high-pressure enviromments. Imagine what i could do to you?'); } if (_root.part == 73) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I prefer to not think on that.'); } if (_root.part == 74) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'MBS', 'far'); _root.scene = 'part2Trans'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Since I already started, everything must go! I feel trapped in this outfit'); } if (_root.part == 75) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('OOhhh... don\'t you see? I can kill you by just laying over you. I could kill you by accident... if I was you I would begin to treat me nicely!'); } if (_root.part == 76) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Noted.'); } if (_root.part == 77) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You still don\'t get... If you\'re aren\'t mine, You... I will...'); } if (_root.part == 78) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'MBS', 'far'); _root.scene = 'part3Burst'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Huuurrrrr...!!!'); } if (_root.part == 79) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Humm... you don\'t have choice ' + _root.player + '! Not at all! I can\'t be denied!'); } if (_root.part == 80) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.blueGirl + '! Stop that nonsense! What you asking from me, It\'s impossible.'); } if (_root.part == 81) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'MBS', 'far'); _root.scene = 'part3Trans'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I will not accept that! You belongs to me! From the very beginning!'); } if (_root.part == 82) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Look at me! This can be all yours! Just take it, like you do all the time! Conquer me ' + _root.player + '!!!'); } if (_root.part == 83) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I don\'t know how I would do that! I wouldn\'t know where to start!'); } if (_root.part == 84) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('And I can become even larger! HHHRRRRRR!!!'); } if (_root.part == 85) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'MBS', 'far'); _root.scene = 'part4Burst'; _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('HHHHYYYYYYYAAAAAAAA!!!! You don\'t know who you are you dealing with it!'); } if (_root.part == 86) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('DAAAAAAMMMMMNN!!!'); } if (_root.part == 87) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Huuummm... I think I did surpass some numbers now!! There is no way any of the others would achieve this amount of POWER! OOHHHH... I feel so... GODLIKE!'); } if (_root.part == 88) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Oh... right... I should do... something...'); } if (_root.part == 89) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Enough of this nonsense Commander ' + _root.player + '. I am not the only one searching for you today, I can\'t let you go!'); } if (_root.part == 90) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Just the fact of finding you in one piece it means I found you first or they weren\'t good enough... either way you got lucky. SO FAR!'); } if (_root.part == 91) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What you mean by that? What are you going to do?'); } if (_root.part == 92) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You are so stubborn! I made it clear resistance is futile but you are still willing to defy me! I\'ll now offer you a last set of choices!'); } if (_root.part == 93) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Do you wish you limbs to be pulled apart by my biotic powers or by my own hands?'); } if (_root.part == 94) { _root.setGraphic('liara2', 'MBS', 'far'); _root.scene = 'part5'; _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto(_root.blueGirl + ' releases a powerful biotic blast on his direction!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'STAY STILL.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'DO A BARREL ROLL!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'USE YOUR BIOTIC POWERS.'; } else { if (_root.part == 94101) { _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto('For some unknown reason, ' + _root.player + ' doesn\'t move out of the way. Maybe it sounded badass in his mind. Thankfully a thick and hard metallic wall cushioned the impact.'); _root.part = 96; } else { if (_root.part == 94201) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('What...? That\'s impossible...! THAT MOVE! A human body can\'t move like that! Damn you ' + _root.player + '!'); _root.part = 94; } else { if (_root.part == 94301) { _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto('Commander ' + _root.player + ' subtly remembered he belonged to the soldier class in this playthrough. His ego suffered a lot more than his body.'); _root.part = 96; } else { if (_root.part == 95) { _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto(_root.blueGirl + ' advances and tries to punch him!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'ABSORB THE PUNCH WITH HIS FACE.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'PRESS Y.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'TALK ABOUT THIS.'; } else { if (_root.part == 95101) { _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto(_root.blueGirl + '\'s fist almost trepassed ' + _root.player + '\'s head. Thank God this isn\'t that kind of game. Or maybe it is.'); _root.part = 96; } else { if (_root.part == 95201) { _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto('Sorry, this game doesn\'t use a Xbox controller. Thank God ' + _root.player + ' is the main character and this is not the end of the game.'); _root.part = 96; } else { if (_root.part == 95301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHOA! Time out! Do you really want to punch me? Can we talk about this for a moment? I mean... can we just get along?'); _root.part = 95; } else { if (_root.part == 96) { _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto('Do you think you talk you way of this? YOU ARE MINE!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'USE YOUR KI.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'USE YOUR CHI.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'USE YOUR COMMON SENSE.'; } else { if (_root.part == 96101) { _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto('Whatever Commander ' + _root.player + ' tried to do it failed epicly. Even failing he does it in great style.'); _root.part = 96; } else { if (_root.part == 96201) { _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto('Everybody does know that doesn\'t work at all. Buy a gun next time.'); _root.part = 96; } else { if (_root.part == 96301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hey, killing me isn\'t making me... dead? Again? We can make this work it out. We have to.'); _root.part = 99; } else { if (_root.part == 97) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('C-Commander? Are you alright? I didn\'t... I don\'t know what I was thinking... Are you hurt?'); } else { if (_root.part == 98) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s alright, ' + _root.blueGirl + '. I was expecting... ungh... that. Don\'t worry about that blood splat, it happens a lot in these modern games. Nothing a potion doesn\'t fix.'); } else { if (_root.part == 99) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('If you say so.'); _root.part = 102; } else { if (_root.part == 100) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('YOU...!!! Don\'t try to... I WILL... '); } else { if (_root.part == 101) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('You are right! I am so sorry! MIGHT have a... slight side-effect... on our judgement. I... I am the same person of before. I can prove, take this!'); } else { if (_root.part == 102) { _root.talker = 'none'; _root.texto('YOU GOT A BIO FILE! You can view this on the EXTRA SECTION!'); _root.part = 102; } else { if (_root.part == 103) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I can\'t believe I tried to hurt you!'); } else { if (_root.part == 104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Well, it looked a bit more than that I am afraid.'); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (_root.part == 105) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I am so confused! I wanted... things and I don\'t know why I wanted these thing on first place! Like... I was under a spell...'); } if (_root.part == 106) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Surely is that MIGHT thing you girls are using. But don\'t worry about that. Are you okay now?'); } if (_root.part == 107) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Yes, I am.'); } if (_root.part == 108) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('And that\'s what matter.'); } if (_root.part == 109) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Commander...'); if (_root.romanceCheck() == true) { _root.part = 113; } else { _root.part = 109; } } if (_root.part == 110) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.blueGirl + '?'); } if (_root.part == 111) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I will leave you be. There is some things you need to handle now. I hope you manages to fix the problem we are causing.'); } if (_root.part == 112) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You are right. You are dismissed.'); } if (_root.part == 113) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Commander.'); } if (_root.part == 114) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('OHHh Commander... ' + _root.shepFirstName + '.... I can\'t resist this anymore... I NEED THIS!'); } if (_root.part == 115) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('GULP!'); } if (_root.part == 116) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Tee-hee! I am on command now, Commander!'); } if (_root.part == 117) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Y-Yes, unngh...! You are...!'); } if (_root.part == 118) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I-I am sorry, am I too heavy for you?'); } if (_root.part == 119) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('NOOOO! I\'m okay! From where did you... oooof... take that idea!'); } if (_root.part == 120) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('My valiant ' + _root.player + '... I\'ll make this better for both of us.'); } if (_root.part == 121) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Hmmmm.... Ohhhh....'); } } frame 12 { _root.setBG = 'jackPlace'; if (_root.part == 1) { _root.wait('long'); _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'special1', 'fixedClose'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.buttonTattoo = true; } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I think this is the spot ' + _root.punkGirl + 'sleeps. Or hide, more like it.'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But its so clean now. I guess she isn\'t living here anymore. That girl lives like a BUM, but a least she doesn\'t like one!'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh well, let\'s search in these things if I can find a clue about her vanishment. I hope she covered her junky-needles with something, i don\'t want to catch something!'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That would be a pretty lame way to die!'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'special1', 'close'); _root.scene = 'two'; _root.wait('long'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Great. Don\'t tell me ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' forgot to pay the bills.'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'special1', 'close'); _root.scene = 'three'; _root.wait('long'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('GGGGGGRRRrrrrr...'); _root.choiceText1 = 'AAAAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'You will not take me alive!'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Identify yourself!'; } if (_root.part == 9101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('AAAAAaaaAAAIIIIIIIIiiiiEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!!!'); } if (_root.part == 9102) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'special1', 'close'); _root.scene = 'four'; _root.wait('long'); } if (_root.part == 9103) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('...damn... that was... DAMN! You scream like a little girl! What shriek!!'); } if (_root.part == 9104) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.punkGirl + '... is that you? Ho, ho... I didn\'t shriek, it was just a quick response... to... to confuse you! That\'s it!'); } if (_root.part == 9105) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('It worked like a charm! I am... speechless! And i thought you were a butch guy!'); } if (_root.part == 9106) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('BUT I AM A BUTCH GUY! ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! Let\'s forget about this!'); _root.part = 9; } if (_root.part == 9201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh... WHAT THE HELL! BACK OFF! You will not get me alive! NOT TODAY! Taste my lead, creature of the darkn...'); } if (_root.part == 9202) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'special1', 'close'); _root.scene = 'four'; _root.wait('long'); } if (_root.part == 9203) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'angry', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('If you shoot me I swear i will rip you arm off and beat you with it!'); } if (_root.part == 9204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.punkGirl + '? WHAT THE FUCK!? Do not to stalk me ever again! SPACE JESUS!'); } if (_root.part == 9205) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t worry ' + _root.player + '. You will see me coming when I kill you.'); } if (_root.part == 9206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HA HA! I was kinda missing this. Talking thrash with you, the death treats...'); } if (_root.part == 9207) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Yeah, me too.'); _root.part = 9; } if (_root.part == 9301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHAT THE... IDENTIFY YOURSELF! Who let you board MY SHIP!?'); } if (_root.part == 9302) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'special1', 'close'); _root.scene = 'four'; _root.wait('long'); } if (_root.part == 9303) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('WHAT THE FUCK! WHO LET YOU TOUCH MY SHIT! YOU SHIT-SHITTER!'); } if (_root.part == 9304) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.punkGirl + '? Is that you? You look a bit different.'); } if (_root.part == 9305) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('And you still looks the same shit-eater as always!'); } if (_root.part == 9306) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Careful... I am still your commander and this is still my ship! And...'); } if (_root.part == 9307) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'thinking', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('And YOU WHAT?! WHAT?!'); } if (_root.part == 9308) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Its good to see you again.'); } if (_root.part == 9309) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('... Shut up...!'); _root.part = 9; } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Humph. OK. Back to business! Explain yourself!'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Nah, I am fine. Are we done? I should be doing something else.'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You do know you need my authorization to leave and board this ship. MY SHIP!'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.setGraphic('jack2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Yeah. So?'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I DIDN\'T GIVE YOU AUTHORIZATION TO LEAVE THE SHIP!'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.punkGirl; _root.texto('Sigh... '); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Anyway, this is the end of the Beta'); _root.goToMap(); } } frame 13 { _root.setBG = 'taliPlace'; if (_root.part == 1) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'special1', 'fixedFar'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WHAT THE HELL! QUARIAN SOLDIERS!'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WE ARE BEING INVADED! TO THE BATTLESTATIONS! YOU CHOSE THE WRONG DAY TO JACK MY SHIP! HUZZZAAAHHHHHH!!!'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('WAIT!! ' + _root.player + '!! WAIT!!!'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Who is there? Show yourself! Are those your men?!'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = '???'; _root.texto('YES! It\'s me Commander! IT\'S MEEEEEE!!!'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What the hell...?'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'special2', 'fixedClose'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.wait('long'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Admiral ' + _root.quarianGirl + ' requests permission to enter the ship.'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A-A-A-ADMIRAL...?'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Commander? Are you alright?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You are already inside DUMB.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Admiral?'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Did you changed your outfit?'; } if (_root.part == 11101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You are already inside of my ship you... purple... muscle... huge... biceps...person!'); } if (_root.part == 11102) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Ah! It\'s true! Tee-hee! I was just being formal! ' + _root.bossyGirl + ' gave me the clearance to board the ship.'); } if (_root.part == 11103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah... this is happening a lot on these days! FINE! But put these fuckers of yours out of my sight. My fingers get itchy when I see aliens with guns. No offense taken I hope.'); } if (_root.part == 11104) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('O-Okay! I-I mean... AFFIRMATIVE.'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 11201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Admiral... Admiral ' + _root.quarianGirl + '? How did this happened? That was fast!'); } if (_root.part == 11202) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Tee-hee! Indeed! I just pushed here and there... and then... ADMIRAL! Are you proud of me Commander?'); } if (_root.part == 11203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hell yeah! I could use these pushing of yours around here!!'); } if (_root.part == 11204) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'shy', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I would love to push you around ' + _root.player + '!'); } if (_root.part == 11205) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('OH, forgive my indiscretion Commander!'); } if (_root.part == 11206) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s okay, you have credits on the house.'); } if (_root.part == 11207) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Thank you...'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 11301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You are different! I mean, LOOK to that... it\'s so big...'); } if (_root.part == 11302) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Y-yes! I was worried you would approve this... this kind of... I wanna...'); } if (_root.part == 11303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Fine by me! I absolutely love CAPES! I can\'t say no to them! I could be using one myself but these dawn militaries and their rules... ArgH!'); } if (_root.part == 11304) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('M-my cape? You were talking about my cape? THE ONLY THING YOU NOTICIED WAS... MY CAPE?!'); } if (_root.part == 11305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah, why the surprise... OH. Look. You skin is purple! Or something more Blue-ish? Who would guess that? HA! AWESOME!'); } if (_root.part == 11306) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'sad', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('...'); _root.part = 11; } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('Commander ' + _root.player + '! I bring the support of the Aquarian people to our cause! We have soldiers. We have ships. You have...'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.setGraphic('tali2', 'smile', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A... that is... ah...'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.quarianGirl; _root.texto('I wanted to say you have an Aquarian Admiral as an asset in your war room! Tee-hee!'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('OH! I see! I accept you... your assistence Admiral!'); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But, sadly, this is the end of the Beta!'); _root.goToMap(); } } frame 14 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 15 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 16 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 17 { _root.setBG = 'shepBedroom'; = _root.player + ' Cabin'; if (_root.part == 1) { _root.setGraphic('end2', 'nothing', 'nothing'); _root.scene = 'one'; _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('UUUunnnngh... I am wasted! I am so glad this day is over and I didn\'t got killed... again!'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I am outnumbered! All these muscular... sexy... angry... women... I should be happy but I ain\'t! Something is bothering me!'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Maybe you did should listen to your gut Commander.'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(_root.JusticarGirl + '?! Hou did you enter my cabin without my say so?'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It wasn\'t that hard if you must to know Commander. I think you shouldn\'t worry about that right now.'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Please tell me what I should be worrying about ' + _root.blueGirl + '! What is this?'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hu-Hu! I told you he would be pissing his pants all over!'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What? Don\'t you allow girls on your bunk? Are you afraid what we will find over your bed?'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('He keeps his sweet stuff on the lower drawer on his closet! I saw it! Tee-hee!'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Enough! What is this!? I demand answers! '); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I know! This is...'); _root.choiceText1 = '... a mutiny! A rebellion!'; _root.choiceText2 = '... a fuck party!'; _root.choiceText3 = '...Oh fuck. I am screwed, right?'; } if (_root.part == 13101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... A MUTINY! A REBELLION! You want to take the ship by force, don\'t you? Guess what? OVER MY DEAD BODY.'); } if (_root.part == 13102) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sigh... I had so much work on piecing you together. What shame.'); } if (_root.part == 13103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Stop it ' + _root.officeGirl + '. You aren\'t helping.'); } if (_root.part == 13201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... A FUCK PARTY! I will get some booty in this game finally! ' + _root.quarianGirl + '... you naughty girl!'); } if (_root.part == 13202) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wha-wha... I-I... We aren\'t... Ah!'); } if (_root.part == 13203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Please, can i pop a new one on him already?'); } } frame 18 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 19 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 20 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 21 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 22 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 23 { _root.setBG = 'bridge'; if (_root.part == 1) { _root.wait('med'); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'fixedFar'); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.showAct(); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Welcome and thank you for playing MASS ATTRACTION, a game developed by REDDYHEART and with the awesome support of his PATRONS!!!'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'salute', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'salute'; _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I am ' + _root.officeGirl + ' and I will teach you how to play this game!'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'salute', 'mid'); _root.scene = 'rest'; _root.texto('I already know you ' + _root.officeGirl + '! What is this \'game\' you are talking about? Who da fuck is Reddyheart?! Are you on drugs? Why didn\'t you gave me some?'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You play as commander ' + _root.player + ', he is the last hope of the entire universe alien race against the hated FAPPERS!'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('FAPPERS? I am pretty sure the name is Reap...'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Shoosh you!! Just nod to what I say ok?! Don\'t give a hard time to REDDY-SAMA!!'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Whatever. It may be interesting. Please continue.'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + ' is a former member of the intergalactic law enforcers, the ESPHINCTERS. He was chosen between in thousands candidates from different species! He is simple the best of the best!'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You got that part right. What can I say, I rock.'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('But sadly he died in a blink of eye by an attack from the Fappers a little later.'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... heroicly I must say. But I am back, please continue to point with my kicking ass exploits.'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Cerebelus, an evil and naughty pro-human organization, salvaged ' + _root.player + '\'s remains and put him back together! Now he works for them, he\'s a bad guy now!'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('HEY! I am not a bad guy! You work for them too you nutjob! I am just... playing along! Behind the curtains and shit.'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('On the command of the Cerebelus starship, NOMANLAND, ' + _root.player + ' gathered talented and resourceful individuals. Ah, and ' + _root.punkGirl + ' also. Now he\'s ready to bring the fight to the Fappers!'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh boy, my life sounds thrilling indeed! So, that game you\'re talking about, it must be a FPS right? Or an action RPG? Anything what envolves shooting aliens in the face is GOTY to me. '); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('This game is a digital novel with dating elements!'); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... wha... wait, come again? It\'s HENTAI? OH boy... don\'t tell me we\'ll get tentacles in this thing!'); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('The female members of his crew are secretly involved in the fabrication and usage of a mysterious tech! This tech is giving her super strength!'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Ugh... Strong women... that\'s terrifying. Okay then, where\'s my gun? It\'s alright shooting them in the faces with a shotgun?'); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto(_root.player + ' will have to use his charisma and survival instincts to discover the true nature of these events before it\'s too late.'); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Excuse me. I read somewhere, cientists confirms GUNS really solves problems. It\'s pretty effective when used on people\'s face, just saying.'); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You shall be asking me \'How can I solve this mystery?\''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('... well, if the game doesn\'t envolve in shooting in people\'s faces I am ou...'); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('ASK ME OR I\'LL FUCKING SHOOT YOU IN THE DICK!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Gee. How can I solve that mystery?'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Sigh... How... can I sort that out?'; _root.choiceText3 = 'How I can solve this mystery without being shot in the dick?'; } if (_root.part == 25101 || _root.part == 25201 || _root.part == 25301) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Good question! You can count with me to clarify that, Commander!'); _root.part = 25; } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yay...'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You\'ll will have to visit the girls and get deep in their reasons and plans. In certain moments the game will request you take a choice!'); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('So far, so good. How do I know the which choice is the right one?'); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('There is no \'right\' choice. Every choice you take shapes your character and directly reflects how the other characters behaves toward you. This is indicated by the ROLE GAUGE placed in the BOTTOM LEFT CORNER.'); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Now, say something nice to me!'); _root.choiceText1 = 'This is the best tutorial I ever seen!'; _root.choiceText2 = 'I want to grab you by the pussy.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Please don\'t shoot me in the dick.'; } if (_root.part == 30101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('This is the best tutorial I ever see. Good job ' + _root.officeGirl + '!'); } if (_root.part == 30102) { _root.paragonChange(1); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Teehee! Thank you Commander ' + _root.player + '! I hope you didn\'t say that just because I asked you to.'); } if (_root.part == 30103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Of course not! I think I don\'t praise you enough, please allow me to indulge this in every chance I get!'); } if (_root.part == 30104) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Hrrrrrrhh... just take me already!'); } if (_root.part == 30105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What...'); } if (_root.part == 30106) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Excuse me! I was just showing a kind of response. That one is a DADDY kind of choice. This role indicates you are a fair and zealous man, but can still offer kindness when needed. '); _root.part = 30; } if (_root.part == 30201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Okay then. I know you are wanting this so much. I would too. I mean, look at me. Greatness personificated. SO... Let me grab that pussy already!'); } if (_root.part == 30202) { _root.paragonChange(3); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You... PIG!!'); } if (_root.part == 30203) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I am sorry Commander! I think i overeacted, you was just trying to provoke this reaction for demonstration purposes, right?'); } if (_root.part == 30204) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('WRONG! Gimme that pussy! I gonna destroy it with my mighty, thrusting, solid, terrific, HUGE weapon.... Yeah, that\'s right! MY DICK!'); } if (_root.part == 30205) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('That kind of behavior correspond to the PIMP ROLE. As you can see it\'s pretty repulsive and shallow.'); _root.part = 30; } if (_root.part == 30301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('You are nice, ' + _root.officeGirl + '.'); } if (_root.part == 30302) { _root.paragonChange(2); _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Is that all? That\'s the best you can do? I AM NICE?'); } if (_root.part == 30303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Calm down! Just tell me what you want to hear! I don\'t want my dick to be shot!'); } if (_root.part == 30304) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('For fuck sake, just say something nice to me! And make it sincere! -' + _root.officeGirl + ' cocks her gun.-'); } if (_root.part == 30305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I didn\'t sign for this! I can\'t take this pressure! You said this was a date game, the game didn\'t even started and I already got two death threats!'); } if (_root.part == 30306) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('And that\'s the WUSS ROLE. Choose these kind of choices to show everyone around how much you are... sensible.'); _root.part = 30; } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('See? Every choice you takes triggers an imediate response. There is THREE ROLES to be chosen: DADDY, PIMP and WUSS. It\'s your job to find each choice represents each role.'); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Care to try again?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'Sure.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'Nah.'; _root.choiceText3 = 'Do i have to?'; } if (_root.part == 32101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Sure. Let\'s explore the possibilities.'); _root.part = 29; } if (_root.part == 32201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hell no. Let\'s get this done.'); _root.part = 32; } if (_root.part == 32301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Is this one of those tricky questions? You girls aren\'t easy to read!'); } if (_root.part == 32302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Sigh... just pick one of the others choices. The game will not move if you choose this one again.'); _root.part = 31; } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You start the game with the gauge on the middle which corresponds to the WUSS ROLE. Then you can choose to move the gauge to the green-DADDY- or red-PIMP- area.'); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Of course, it will take some choices to make the gauge to point the others areas. You need to choose which side you want to adhere or you will have a big chance on getting stuck on the WUSS ROLE.'); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('But why I need to have a ROLE? Do i gain something if the ROLE GAUGE is saying I am PIMP for example?'); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('YES! Some events will react to the actual position of the ROLE GAUGE. And more, the END of the game will change depending of the ROLE also!'); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Nice. It makes sense I guess. It looks easy to play. I should get back to...'); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('HEY! Come back, we didn\'t finish yet!'); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Come on, we covered everything! YOU! Looking to the screen! Yes, YOU! Press the QUIT button located on the upper right part of the screen! DO IT NOW!'); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! We didn\'t finish yet! PLAYER! Don\'t dare to press that button yet! We still have to talk about the ROMANCE METER!'); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hmmm? ROMANCE? You mean the huggy-huggy, kissy-kissy type or the hot, sweating, moaning... you know, the type with my dick involved!'); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Every time you take a choice, there is a chance to affect the character who you are interacting positively or negatively. This indicated by the ROMANCE METER. It\'s place on top right corner! Isn\'t it cute?'); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Every girl have their own ROMANCE METER. Filling the meter to the MAX LEVEL will turn that character into the LOVED ONE and unlock special scenes in the events of the second act.'); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('OOOOOOOHHHHHHhhh YESSSSSSS! I get what you saying... FUCKFEST! I guess this game will not suck at all!!'); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Like I said, CHOSEN ONE! ONE special partner, ONE true love, ONE lid to ONE pan!'); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Wait, are you saying I can only grab ONE female person by the private parts?'); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Yes, after filling one ROMANCE METER to the MAX, all others meters will get locked out for the entire game session. You check the others ROMANCE METERS in the MAP screen.'); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s a bug!! When he will fix that? Call me when he fix that! What nerve of that Reddy guy, giving us a broken game...'); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('IT\'S A DESIGN CHOICE!! You can\'t have TWO TRUE LOVE you sick fuck!'); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Bullshit! I thought this was an erotic game not a... CHICK game! So much work to get some action! What\'s next? Do I have to give gifts too?'); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Speaking of that, there is the MINI-QUESTS you can can do for the others characters!'); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh God! This sounds like work! Do I really have to do these? Can I just skip them?'); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Yes, you can. BUT you will get nice rewards if you have lucky. Also, you will get a nice bonus in the ROMANCE METER!'); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Alright. And what these rewards are? It\'s ok getting free stuff with low effort, looting corpses are tiresome sometimes.'); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('R-right! There is two types of rewards: BIO FILES and GROWTH REPORTS. Every MINI-QUEST contains pieces of these files. You can access them on the EXTRAS section on MAIN SCREEN or MAP screen.'); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('BIO FILES contains detailed info of the characters. If you find all the 3 BIO FILES PIECES for a particular character, you will get a more... intimate view of her.'); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('GROWTH REPORTS describes the inner mysteryes, the events behind the curtain. Every character possess 2 REPORTS. Gathering all the reports will unlock an even more revealing event...'); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Oh BOY! I must get them ALL! Wait... can I just pay some bucks and get all these things unlocked from start? You know, I am sort a millenium...'); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('OF COURSE NOT!! And don\'t give ideas to Reddyheart either!'); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You can get tips for each unlockable content inside of the EXTRAS section. Just play the damn game, will ya?!'); } if (_root.part == 61) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('FINE! I think I got everything.'); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Ok...'); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('But before you go...'); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Yeah? Spill it out.'); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'shy', 'far'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You will pick me up first, right? I mean, you don\'t need to check all the others girl you know. They aren\'t worthy of your effort, they are so bland and dull.'); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Don\'t you agree?'); _root.choiceText1 = 'You are the best girl here.'; _root.choiceText2 = 'You are one of the girls?'; _root.choiceText3 = 'RUN!'; } if (_root.part == 66101) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Speaking the truth, I already decided what to do since some time ago. There is no choice to be made by me after all.'); } if (_root.part == 66102) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Really? And when you do made that decision?'); } if (_root.part == 66103) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('When I saw you for the first time.'); } if (_root.part == 66104) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Ohhh... if this wasn\'t a tutorial event... OH FUCK IT! TAKE ME NOW, I AM ALREADY UNLOCKED!!'); } if (_root.part == 66105) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('I can\'t do that! I need to earn you first! I don\'t deserve you, i must improve myself as a human being!'); } if (_root.part == 66106) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Then go! I will be waiting for you... my sweet Commander...'); _root.part = 66; } if (_root.part == 66201) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Hahahaha! Wait? Are you serious? You are one of the characters? I mean, this game have just 6 girls. The original material have lots of fuckable characters...'); } if (_root.part == 66202) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'sad', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('W...h...a...t?'); } if (_root.part == 66203) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('That\'s sad. Are you saying EDI isn\'t in the game? Ash is in the roster right? OH! And ' + _root.blueGirl + '\'s mom? She is here too right? Those tit...'); } if (_root.part == 66204) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('YOU ASSHOLE! I give up on you! I can\'t wait for the FEM SHEP MODE!!!'); } if (_root.part == 66205) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Me too! I can\'t wait to fuck myself! Well, in my pussy I mean. With my cock. This will be AWESOME!!!'); } if (_root.part == 66206) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'angry', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('You will not be in there Jackass! At least not looking ans talking like that. You will be a proper lady.'); } if (_root.part == 66207) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.part = 66; _root.texto('What? That\'s ridiculous!! What he is thinking about? The patrons will not allow that! I will shut that nonsense down RIGHT NOW! ' + _root.player + ' out!'); } if (_root.part == 66301) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('What is that sound? I have to go! I am needed somewhere.'); } if (_root.part == 66302) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'thinking', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I don\'t hear a thing.'); } if (_root.part == 66303) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('It\'s a... silent alarm. And secret. It must be important!'); } if (_root.part == 66304) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('So, you are hearing a silent secret alarm. Just go already.'); } if (_root.part == 66305) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('Gotcha! You rocks.'); } if (_root.part == 66306) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Drop dead.'); } if (_root.part == 66307) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto('A-alright! See ya!'); _root.part = 66; } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'smile', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('And that\'s the end of the tutorial. I hope you enjoy the game!'); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.setGraphic('kelly1', 'shy', 'close'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Seriously now, play with me ok? Please?'); _root.goToMap(); } } frame 24 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.mainChar = _root.blueGirl; _root.setBG = 'liaraPlace';'vazio'); _root.role.gotoAndStop('vazio'); _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'fixedClose'); _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('So, how are the final tests going?'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Everything is ready on my part. You don\'t need to check my progress. And by the way...'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Can\'t you announce your entrance before barging in? It\'s unnerving!'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('I could do that. And you? Could you remove all those hidden cameras yours from my office?'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I would, if those cameras belonged to me on first place. Try your Cerebeleus\'s buddies next time.'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Alright. I guess they will be pretty happy because I gave them a nice show last night.'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('... S-show... what show? I didn\'t see any... OH.'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Tee-hee! I can\'t believe you fall for that!'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('I-I don\'t know you are talking about! Please, let me work in peace.'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Fine, fine! I came here to tell you the others pieces are moving to their places. I am just taking care of things.'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('And ' + _root.quarianGirl + '? She just agreed to cooperate?'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Not really. We sent' + _root.punkGirl + ' and ' + _root.justicarGirl + ' to convince her.'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Really? Those two? Something tells me there will be not much convincement. Did you reinforce them the idea we need to be discreet until we... do that thing?'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('Yeah. yeah, I guess. Micromanaging isn\'t not my thing though. Don\'t sweat.'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Forget I asked. Bye.'); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('And you? Did your forget our deal?'); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Of course not! Why do you always asks that?'); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Because you make things so hard sometimes! And don\'t forget to watch the records last night. I used your favorite color!'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('She makes things so hard! Let me see... what she did last night...'); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.texto('Wait! I can\'t do that now! I need to prepare some things before tonight! I can\'t trust that doctor.'); } } frame 25 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 1) { _root.mainChar = _root.officeGirl; _root.setBG = 'taliPlace';'vazio'); _root.role.gotoAndStop('vazio'); _root.setGraphic('vazio', 'normal', 'fixedFar'); _root.wait('med'); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Oh boy! I am so busy! I can\'t believe ' + _root.player + ' isn\'t returning my messages! GRRRRRRrr... I bet he is playing games or watching porn!'); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('What is that? Why is ' + _root.boosyGirl + ' entering ' + _root.blueGirl + '\'s quarters? Her card key shouln\'t allow that!'); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('OH MY GOD! She is a spy! I knew it! She is smoking hot and mysterious! It was in my face all the time! I need to do something!'); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I know! Maybe my voyeuring skills finally could do something moralisticly acceptable!!'); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.setBG = 'liaraPlace'; _root.setGraphic('vazio', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('The password for ' + _root.blueGirl + '\'s room is so cheesy! \'BluGurlRulez\'!'); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Wait! ' + _root.blueGirl + ' is there too! I need to hide!!'); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'fixedMid'); _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.texto('So, how are the final tests going?'); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Everything is ready on my part. You don\'t need to check my progress. And by the way...'); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Can\'t you announce your entrance before barging in? It\'s unnerving!'); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Yeah, that\'s a fucked up thing to do!'); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('I could do that. And you? Could you remove all those hidden cameras yours from my office?'); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('I would, if those cameras belonged to me on first place. Try your Cerebeleus\'s buddies next time.'); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('Shit... I thought I did hid them well!!'); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Alright. I guess they will be pretty happy because I gave them a nice show last night.'); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('That explains a lot... it\'s hot but twerking in the dark by herself is a bit creepy.'); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('... S-show... what show? I didn\'t see any... OH.'); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Tee-hee! I can\'t believe you fall for that!'); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('I-I don\'t know you are talking about! Please, let me work in peace.'); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('She\'s good! It never striked me she was a pervy colleague! We need to share own resources in the future!'); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Fine, fine! I came here to tell you the others pieces are moving to their places. I am just taking care of things.'); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('That\'s it! Tee-hee! They\'ll surely promote me after that!'); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('And ' + _root.quarianGirl + '? She just agreed to cooperate?'); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Not really. We sent' + _root.punkGirl + ' and ' + _root.justicarGirl + ' to convince her.'); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Really? Those two? Something tells me there will be not much convincement. Did you reinforce them the idea we need to be discreet until we... do that thing?'); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Yeah. yeah, I guess. Micromanaging isn\'t not my thing though. Don\'t sweat.'); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Forget I asked. Bye.'); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('What\'s going on? Is ' + _root.quarianGirl + ' in trouble? Poor thing!'); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.bossyGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('And you? Did your forget our deal?'); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Of course not! Why do you always asks that?'); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('miranda1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Because you make things so hard sometimes! And don\'t forget to watch the records last night!! I used your favorite color...'); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('...'); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.officeGirl; _root.texto('I do feel a sexual tension on these two. I can\'t believe I wasn\'t aware of that hot girl on girl action! Is my pervy powers fading out?!'); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('She makes things so hard! Let me see what she did last night...'); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.blueGirl; _root.setGraphic('liara1', 'normal', 'mid'); _root.texto('Wait! I can\'t do that now! I need to prepare some things before tonight! I can\'t trust that doctor.'); } } frame 26 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 27 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 28 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 29 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 30 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 31 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 32 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 33 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 34 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 35 { if (_root.part == 1) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 2) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 3) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 4) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 5) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 6) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 7) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 8) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 9) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 10) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 11) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 12) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 13) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 14) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 15) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 16) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 17) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 18) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 19) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 20) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 21) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 22) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 23) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 24) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 25) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 26) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 27) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 28) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 29) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 30) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 31) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 32) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 33) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 34) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 35) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 36) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 37) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 38) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 39) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 40) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 41) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 42) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 43) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 44) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 45) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 46) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 47) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 48) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 49) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 50) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 51) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 52) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 53) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 54) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 55) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 56) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 57) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 58) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 59) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 60) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 62) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 63) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 64) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 65) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 66) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 67) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 68) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 69) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } if (_root.part == 70) { _root.talker = _root.player; _root.texto(''); } } frame 103 { gotoAndStop(_root.event); } } instance gameScript of movieClip 2310 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.event); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.event); } } movieClip 2312 { } instance animationScript of movieClip 2312 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 1; j = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.startCounting == true) { if (_root.skipActivate == true) { i += 5; } else { ++i; } } if (i >= _root.countField * 0.5) { _root.stopTalking(); _root.startCounting = false; i = 1; } } } movieClip 2318 { } movieClip 2319 { frame 195 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop('vazio'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.graphicAct == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.graphicAct = false; } } } movieClip 2323 { } movieClip 2331 { } movieClip 2338 { } movieClip 2339 { instance of movieClip 2331 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.paragonPoints); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.paragonPoints); } } instance of movieClip 2338 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.moodType); } } instance of movieClip 2338 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.moodType); } } frame 51 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance role of movieClip 2339 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.showParagon == true) { _root.showParagon = false;; } } } movieClip 2342 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2343 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 151 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.romancePoints); } } instance of movieClip 2342 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.romanceType); } } frame 69 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance love of movieClip 2343 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.showRomance == true) { _root.showRomance = false;; } } } button 2349 { on (press, keyPress 'a') { _root.autoPlayButton(); } } button 2355 { on (press, keyPress 's') { _root.skipButton(); } } movieClip 2358 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2359 { instance of movieClip 2358 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.autoPlayActivate); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.autoPlayActivate); } } instance of movieClip 2358 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.skipActivate); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.skipActivate); } } } movieClip 2364 { } button 2366 { on (release) { if ( == 1) { = 2; } else { = 1; } } } movieClip 2367 { instance of movieClip 2364 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; } } } instance of movieClip 2367 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.buttonTattoo == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.buttonTattoo == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2374 { } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } movieClip 2384 { } instance of movieClip 2384 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } movieClip 2385 { instance of movieClip 226 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepMood); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepMood); } } } instance of movieClip 2385 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } instance of movieClip 260 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.shepFacing); } } button 2389 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } button 2420 { on (press) { _root.gotoAndStop('start'); } } movieClip 2421 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } button 2423 { on (press) { if (_root.gameOn == true) { _root.gotoAndStop('map'); } else { _root.gotoAndStop('start'); } } } button 2428 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('graphicViewer'); } } button 2432 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('eventViewer'); _root.eventViewer = true; } } button 2436 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('bio'); } } button 2440 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('FMGReport'); _root.FMGReport = true; } } button 2446 { on (press) { nextFrame(); } } button 2450 { on (press) { _root.resetGame = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(1, Scene5); } } button 2451 { on (press) { prevFrame(); } } movieClip 2452 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 711 { _root.startGraphicViewer(); } instance of movieClip 2280 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.eventGraphic); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.eventGraphic); } } movieClip 2457 { } button 2471 { on (release) { _root.buttonTattoo = false; gotoAndStop('extras'); } } button 2475 { on (release) { if (_root.graphicStance > 1) { --_root.graphicStance; _root.graphicViewerStance(); } } } button 2476 { on (release) { if (_root.graphicStance < 6) { ++_root.graphicStance; _root.graphicViewerStance(); } } } button 2479 { on (release) { if (_root.graphicZoom > 1) { --_root.graphicZoom; _root.graphicViewerZoom(); } } } button 2480 { on (release) { if (_root.graphicZoom < 3) { ++_root.graphicZoom; _root.graphicViewerZoom(); } } } button 2481 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicKelly0 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(11); } else { _root.tipUnlock(11); } } } button 2482 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicKelly1 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(12); } else { _root.tipUnlock(12); } } } button 2483 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicKelly2 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(13); } else { _root.tipUnlock(13); } } } button 2484 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicLiara1 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(21); } else { _root.tipUnlock(21); } } } button 2485 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicLiara2 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(22); } else { _root.tipUnlock(22); } } } button 2486 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicJack1 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(31); _root.buttonTattoo = true; } else { _root.tipUnlock(31); } } } button 2487 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicJack2 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(32); _root.buttonTattoo = true; } else { _root.tipUnlock(32); } } } button 2488 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicTali1 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(41); } else { _root.tipUnlock(41); } } } button 2489 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicTali2 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(42); } else { _root.tipUnlock(42); } } } button 2490 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicSamara1 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(51); } else { _root.tipUnlock(51); } } } button 2491 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicSamara2 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(52); } else { _root.tipUnlock(52); } } } button 2492 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicMiranda1 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(61); } else { _root.tipUnlock(61); } } } button 2493 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicMiranda2 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(62); } else { _root.tipUnlock(62); } } } button 2494 { on (release) { if (_root.extraGraphicChakwas1 == true) { _root.graphicViewerSelect(71); } else { _root.tipUnlock(71); } } } instance of movieClip 2367 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.buttonTattoo == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.buttonTattoo == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 712 { _root.startBioFile(); } movieClip 2498 { } movieClip 2505 { } movieClip 2507 { } movieClip 2508 { instance of movieClip 2505 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } } movieClip 2510 { } movieClip 2514 { } movieClip 2519 { } movieClip 2525 { } movieClip 2527 { } movieClip 2533 { } movieClip 2535 { } movieClip 2541 { } movieClip 2543 { } movieClip 2544 { instance of movieClip 2519 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } instance of movieClip 2525 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } instance of movieClip 2533 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } instance of movieClip 2541 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } } movieClip 2551 { } movieClip 2553 { } movieClip 2559 { } movieClip 2561 { } movieClip 2567 { } movieClip 2569 { } movieClip 2570 { instance of movieClip 2551 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } instance of movieClip 2559 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } instance of movieClip 2567 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } } movieClip 2573 { } movieClip 2574 { instance of movieClip 2573 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioPHead); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioPHead); } } } movieClip 2578 { } movieClip 2580 { } movieClip 2581 { instance of movieClip 2580 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectP); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectP); } } } movieClip 2582 { instance of movieClip 2498 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioPBack); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioPBack); } } instance of movieClip 2508 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } } instance of movieClip 2544 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } } instance of movieClip 2570 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } } } movieClip 2586 { } movieClip 2591 { } movieClip 2592 { instance of movieClip 2591 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } } movieClip 2594 { } movieClip 2601 { } movieClip 2603 { } movieClip 2609 { } movieClip 2611 { } movieClip 2617 { } movieClip 2619 { } movieClip 2620 { instance of movieClip 2601 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } instance of movieClip 2609 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } instance of movieClip 2617 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } } movieClip 2627 { } movieClip 2629 { } movieClip 2635 { } movieClip 2637 { } movieClip 2643 { } movieClip 2645 { } movieClip 2646 { instance of movieClip 2627 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } instance of movieClip 2635 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } instance of movieClip 2643 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioColor); } } } movieClip 2647 { instance of movieClip 2498 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioPBack); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioPBack); } } instance of movieClip 2592 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } } instance of movieClip 2646 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioBikini); } } } movieClip 2648 { } movieClip 2649 { instance of movieClip 2648 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioLevel); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioLevel); } } } movieClip 2650 { instance of movieClip 2649 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioGirl); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioGirl); } } } instance of movieClip 2650 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioV); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectBioV); } } button 2652 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('extras'); } } button 2662 { on (press) { _root.selectBioCor(); } } button 2667 { on (press) { _root.selectBioBik(); } } button 2670 { on (press) { _root.selectBioLevelUP(); } } button 2675 { on (press) { _root.selectBioLevelDOWN(); } } button 2678 { on (press) { _root.selectBioView(); } } button 2681 { on (press) { _root.selectProp(); } } button 2686 { on (press) { _root.selectBioPropHead(); } } button 2689 { on (press) { _root.selectBioPropBack(); } } frame 713 { _root.startFMGReport(); _root.captionField = ''; } movieClip 2707 { } button 2710 { on (release) { _root.FMGReport = false; gotoAndStop('extras'); } } button 2713 { on (release) { if (_root.extraFMGKelly1 == true) { _root.event = 34; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = '1ST Growth Report of ' + _root.officeGirl; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2714 { on (release) { if (_root.extraFMGKelly2 == true) { _root.event = 35; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = '2nd Growth Report of ' + _root.officeGirl; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2715 { on (release) { if (_root.extraFMGLiara1 == true) { _root.event = 24; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'MODEL 1'; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2716 { on (release) { if (_root.extraFMGLiara2 == true) { _root.event = 25; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'MODEL 2'; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } frame 714 { _root.captionField = ''; } movieClip 2726 { } movieClip 2727 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent2 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent3 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent4 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent5 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent6 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent7 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent8 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent9 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent1 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent10 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent11 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent12 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent13 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent14 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent15 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent16 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent17 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent18 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent19 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent20 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent21 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 2727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.viewerEvent22 == true) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 2729 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('extras'); _root.eventViewer = false; } } button 2730 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent1 == true) { _root.event = 1; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'Prologue'; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2731 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent2 == true) { _root.event = 2; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.captionField = 'ACT 1 Intro scene'; } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'ACT 1 Intro Scene'; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2732 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent3 == true) { _root.event = 3; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'First meeting with ' + _root.blueGirl; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2733 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent4 == true) { _root.event = 4; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'First meeting with ' + _root.punkGirl; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2734 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent5 == true) { _root.event = 5; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'First meeting with ' + _root.quarianGirl; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2735 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent6 == true) { _root.event = 6; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'First meeting with ' + _root.justicarGirl; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2736 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent7 == true) { _root.event = 7; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'First meeting with ' + _root.bossyGirl; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2737 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent8 == true) { _root.event = 8; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'First meeting with ' + _root.officeGirl; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2738 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent9 == true) { _root.event = 9; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'ACT 1 End Scene'; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } } button 2740 { on (release) { if (_root.viewerEvent11 == true) { _root.event = 11; _root.part = 1; _root.fade.gotoAndPlay(2); } } on (rollOver) { _root.captionField = 'Second meeting with ' + _root.blueGirl; } on (rollOut) { _root.captionField = ''; } }
Created: 11/10 -2018 14:41:25 Last modified: 11/10 -2018 14:41:25 Server time: 08/03 -2025 07:38:58