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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Umichan Maiko - Female Rivalries.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #201286

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 1 area_mc { } frame 1 { _global.look_at_journal = 0; _global.asked_maiko = 0; _global.sfx = 1; _global.bgm = 1; _global.game_hours = 0; _global.game_minutes = 0; _global.game_seconds = 0; _global.hud = 0; _global.rgirl_hover = 0; _global.rgirl_select = 1; _global.girlr = 0; _global.testx = 1; _global.smarts = 50; _global.sent_frame_max = 300; _global.sent1base = 5; _global.tablet_bg = 1; _global.hairalpha = 100; _global.powerz = 0; _global.colorValue = '0xFFCCFF'; _global.nailColorValue = '0xFF3366'; _global.import_mobile_device_bg = 1; _global.boobcomeup = 0; _global.autoboobcomeup = 1; _global.blink_chance = 20; _global.mood = 1; = 50; _global.melee = 1; _global.clothing_hover = 0; = 1; = 0; _global.hair_clip = 0; _global.dirty = 0; _global.showered = 0; _global.inspired = 0; _global.Money = 50; _global.HairpinEnergy = 100; _global.MaikoPencil = 1; _global.TasksLeft = 8; _global.Days = 1; _global.bloom = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _global.dialogue_clicked = 0; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.random_shit = 0; _global.pillend = 0; _global.pillmelee = 0; _global.pattie_in_party = 0; _global.kyle_in_party = 0; _global.travel_to_area = 0; _global.travel_to_text = ''; _global.cafe_popularity = 0; _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level = 10; _global.cafe_pleasure_clients = 0; _global.cafe_level = 1; _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp = 0; _global.cafe_pattie_sexexp = 0; _global.cafe_leyah_sexexp = 20; _global.cafe_jeni_sexexp = 201; _global.cafe_stacy_sexexp = 401; _global.been_in_class = 0; _global.been_in_pool = 0; _global.been_in_cafe = 0; _global.been_in_boxing = 0; _global.been_in_music = 0; _global.boxing_hentai = 0; _global.pool_hentai = 0; _global.music_hentai = 0; _global.class_hentai = 0; _global.joirysex = 0; _global.classcheat = 0; _global.needpill = 0; _global.pillfix = 0; _global.willing = 0; _global.david_quest = 0; _global.david_sex = 0; _global.david_tried_sex = 0; _global.tsugo_quest = 0; _global.savori_quest = 0; _global.guitar = 0; _global.socialize_chance = 4; _global.socialize_chance_max = 4; _global.auto_change = 0; _global.auto_hair = 0; _global.gamestart = 0; _global.book_pleasure_tips = 0; _global.book_guitar_basics = 0; _global.book_productive_work = 0; _global.book_study_guide = 0; _global.medals_swim = new Array(); _global.medals_swim[0] = null; _global.medals_swim[1] = 0; _global.medals_swim[2] = 0; _global.medals_swim[3] = 0; _global.medals_cafe = new Array(); _global.medals_cafe[0] = null; _global.medals_cafe[1] = 0; _global.medals_cafe[2] = 0; _global.medals_cafe[3] = 0; _global.medals_boxing = new Array(); _global.medals_boxing[0] = null; _global.medals_boxing[1] = 0; _global.medals_boxing[2] = 0; _global.medals_boxing[3] = 0; _global.nothing = 0; _global.hairalpha = 100; _global.temphairalpha = 100; _global.TasksLeft = 8; _global.Days = 1; _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp = 0; _global.game_hours = 0; _global.game_minutes = 0; _global.game_seconds = 0; _global.smarts = 0; _global.testx = 0; _global.tried_test = 0; _global.asked_maiko = 0; _global.reconsider = 0; = 1; _global.umchversion = 20; _global.pattie_in_party = 0; if (_global.gameover == 1) { _global.gameover = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 1 { Mouse.removeListener(mouseListener); } movieClip 7 { } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 11 { frame 5 { stop(); } } button 12 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 75 movieClip 20 { } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 24 { } movieClip 25 { frame 1 { function myWidth(moveObj, newWidth) { moveObj.w = moveObj._width; moveObj.dwidth = newWidth - moveObj.w; moveObj.t = 0; NFRAMES = 6; moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () { if (moveObj.t++ < NFRAMES) { moveObj._width = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.w, moveObj.dwidth, NFRAMES); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } function myMove(moveObj, newX) { moveObj.x = moveObj._x; moveObj.dx = newX - moveObj.x; moveObj.t = 0; NFRAMES = 6; moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () { if (moveObj.t++ < NFRAMES) { moveObj._x = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.x, moveObj.dx, NFRAMES); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } percentLoaded = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); this.myWidth(this.loadBar, percentLoaded * 1.94); this.myMove(this.mc_loadNum, percentLoaded * 1.9 - 8); mc_loadNum.loadNum.text = percentLoaded; easeOutQuad = function (time, beginX, changeX, durationX) { time /= durationX / 2; if (time < 1) { return (changeX / 2) * time * time + beginX; } return (-changeX / 2) * (--time * (time - 2) - 1) + beginX; }; } frame 2 { if (percentLoaded < 100) { gotoAndPlay('loading'); } } frame 25 { _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1262 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (_mc, _ease, _clipX, _clipY, _apertureW, _apertureH, _xoff, _yoff, _cache) { this.__mc = _mc; this.__ease = _ease; this.__mcp = this.__mc._parent; this.__imgW = this.__mc._width; this.__imgH = this.__mc._height; this.__mc._x = _clipX; this.__mc._y = _clipY; if (_cache == undefined) { this.__mc.cacheAsBitmap = false; } else { this.__mc.cacheAsBitmap = _cache; } this.__mc.cacheAsBitmap; this.__control = this.__mc.createEmptyMovieClip('controller', this.__mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this.__rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(_xoff, _yoff, _apertureW, _apertureH); this.__mc.scrollRect = this.__rect; this.__mc.onRollOver = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.initiateMovement); this.__mc.useHandCursor = false; }; com.McPan = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.killMovement = function () { delete this.__control.onEnterFrame; }; v2.initiateMovement = function () { delete this.__mc.onRollOver; this.__control.onEnterFrame = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.moveToMouse); }; v2.moveToMouse = function () { this.__mc.scrollRect = (this.calcXY(this.__mcp._xmouse, this.__mcp._ymouse))[0]; if (!this.__mc.hitTest(this.__mcp._xmouse, this.__mcp._ymouse, true)) { this.killMovement(); if (this.__motionActive) { this.__mc.onRollOver = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.initiateMovement); } } }; v2.moveToPoint = function () { var v2 = this.calcXY(this.__ptX, this.__ptY); this.__mc.scrollRect = v2[0]; if (Math.abs(v2[1] - v2[0].x) < 1) { if (Math.abs(v2[2] - v2[0].y) < 1) { delete this.__control.onEnterFrame; } } }; v2.calcXY = function (XP, YP) { this.__xDiff = XP - this.__mc._x; this.__xRatio = this.__xDiff / this.__rect.width; this.__xPos = this.__xRatio * (this.__imgW - this.__rect.width); this.__yDiff = YP - this.__mc._y; this.__yRatio = this.__yDiff / this.__rect.height; this.__yPos = this.__yRatio * (this.__imgH - this.__rect.height); this.__rect.x = this.__xPos - (this.__xPos - this.__rect.x) * this.__ease; this.__rect.y = this.__yPos - (this.__yPos - this.__rect.y) * this.__ease; return [this.__rect, this.__xPos, this.__yPos]; }; v2.slideToPoint = function (x, y) { this.__ptX = x; this.__ptY = y; this.killMovement(); this.__control.onEnterFrame = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.moveToPoint); }; v2.stopMotion = function () { this.killMovement(); this.__motionActive = false; delete this.__mc.onRollOver; }; v2.startMotion = function () { this.killMovement(); this.__motionActive = true; this.__mc.onRollOver = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.initiateMovement); }; v2.__motionActive = true; ASSetPropFlags(com.McPan.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 1263 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (f) { super(); this.func = f; }; mx.utils.Delegate = v1; mx.utils.Delegate extends Object; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.create = function (obj, func) { var v2 = function () { var v2 =; var v3 = arguments.callee.func; return v3.apply(v2, arguments); }; = obj; v2.func = func; return v2; }; v2.createDelegate = function (obj) { return mx.utils.Delegate.create(obj, this.func); }; ASSetPropFlags(mx.utils.Delegate.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { keyListenerTEXT = new Object(); keyListenerTEXT.onKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 69 || Key.getCode() == 32) { _global.dialogue_clicked = 1; } }; _global.keyword = ''; Key.addListener(keyListenerTEXT); keyListener4 = new Object(); keyListener4.onKeyUp = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 83) { if (_global.powerz == 0) { _global.powerz = 1; } else { if (_global.powerz == 1) { _global.powerz = 0; } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener4); mouseListenerTEXT = new Object(); mouseListenerTEXT.onMouseUp = function () { if (_root.paper_dialogue_box._currentframe == 2) { _global.dialogue_clicked = 1; } }; Mouse.addListener(mouseListenerTEXT); } frame 2 { stop(); _global.cum = 0; _global.in_area = 0; _global.HoldBody = 0; _global.HairpinEnergy = 100; _global.powerz = 0; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; _global.boobs_visible = 1; _global.tablet_in_use = 0; _global.in_cafe = 0; _global.in_gym = 0; _global.in_hentai = 0; _global.in_debug_test = 0; _global.secrets_found = 0; Key.removeListener(keyListener4); Key.removeListener(keyListenerQ); Key.removeListener(keyListenerTEXT); Mouse.removeListener(mouseListenerTEXT); if (_global.gameover == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 2 { stop(); _lockroot = true; _global.in_area = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 0; _global.hud = 0; _root.pswrd = ''; _root.new_dialogue = function (num) { _global.dialogue_scene = 1; _root.dialogue_count = num; _root.dialogue_tracking = 1; _root.dialogue_array = new Array(); }; _global.new_dialogue = function (num) { _global.dialogue_scene = 1; _root.dialogue_count = num; _root.dialogue_tracking = 1; _root.dialogue_array = new Array(); }; _root.check_dialogue = function () { if (_global.dialogue_clicked == 1) { ++_root.dialogue_tracking; if (_root.dialogue_tracking > _root.dialogue_count) { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _global.dialogue_clicked = 0; if (_global.in_area != 1) { _root.img.nextFrame(); } } else { _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[_root.dialogue_tracking]; } _global.dialogue_clicked = 0; } }; _global.check_dialogue = function () { if (_global.dialogue_clicked == 1) { ++_root.dialogue_tracking; if (_root.dialogue_tracking > _root.dialogue_count) { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _global.dialogue_clicked = 0; if (_global.in_area != 1) { _root.img.nextFrame(); } } else { _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[_root.dialogue_tracking]; } _global.dialogue_clicked = 0; } }; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.check_dialogue(); _root.gameloop(); }; } frame 2 { _global.sexsfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _global.randomstuff = random(6); if (_global.randomstuff == 0) { _root.sexx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 1) { _root.sexx1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 2) { _root.sexx1c.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 3) { _root.sexx1d.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 4) { _root.sexx1e.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 5) { _root.sexx1f.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } } }; _global.slurpsfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _global.randomstuff = random(4); if (_global.randomstuff == 0) { _root.slurpx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 1) { _root.slurpx1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 2) { _root.slurpx1c.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 3) { _root.slurpx1d.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } }; _global.squelchsfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _global.randomstuff = random(4); if (_global.randomstuff == 0) { _root.squelchx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 1) { _root.squelchx1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 2) { _root.squelchx1c.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 3) { _root.squelchx1d.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } }; _global.sucksfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _global.randomstuff = random(4); if (_global.randomstuff == 0) { _root.suckx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 1) { _root.suckx1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 2) { _root.suckx1c.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.randomstuff == 3) { _root.suckx1d.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } }; _global.cumsfx = function () { if (_global.sfx != 1) { return undefined; } _root.cumx1a.gotoAndPlay(2); }; _global.musicstop = function () { _root.mischeifx.gotoAndStop(1); _root.eventx.gotoAndStop(1); _root.oddx.gotoAndStop(1); _root.dayx.gotoAndStop(1); _root.eveningx.gotoAndStop(1); _root.nightx.gotoAndStop(1); _root.outsidex.gotoAndStop(1); }; _global.sfxstop = function () { _root.breathex1a.gotoAndStop(1); _root.breathex1b.gotoAndStop(1); }; _global.playbgm = function () { if (_global.bgm != 1) { return undefined; } if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { _global.musicstop(); _root.nightx.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { _global.musicstop(); _root.eveningx.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _global.musicstop(); _root.dayx.gotoAndPlay(2); } } }; _global.dayx_sound = new Sound(_root.dayx); _global.eveningx_sound = new Sound(_root.eveningx); _global.nightx_sound = new Sound(_root.nightx); _global.mischeifx_sound = new Sound(_root.mischeifx); _global.eventx_sound = new Sound(_root.eventx); _global.oddx_sound = new Sound(_root.oddx); _global.outsidex_sound = new Sound(_root.outsidex); _global.sexx_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx); _global.sleepx_sound = new Sound(_root.sleepx); _global.sexx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1a); _global.sexx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1b); _global.sexx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1c); _global.sexx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1d); _global.sexx1e_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1e); _global.sexx1f_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1f); _global.squelchx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1a); _global.squelchx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1b); _global.squelchx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1c); _global.squelchx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1d); _global.slurpx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1a); _global.slurpx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1b); _global.slurpx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1c); _global.slurpx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1d); _global.suckx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1a); _global.suckx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1b); _global.suckx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1c); _global.suckx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1d); _global.breathex1a_sound = new Sound(_root.breathex1a); _global.breathex1b_sound = new Sound(_root.breathex1b); _global.cumx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.cumx1a); _global.cumx1a_sound.setVolume(80); _global.sexx1a_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1b_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1c_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1d_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1e_sound.setVolume(110); _global.sexx1f_sound.setVolume(110); _global.squelchx1a_sound.setVolume(150); _global.squelchx1b_sound.setVolume(150); _global.squelchx1c_sound.setVolume(150); _global.squelchx1d_sound.setVolume(150); _global.slurpx1a_sound.setVolume(150); _global.slurpx1b_sound.setVolume(150); _global.slurpx1c_sound.setVolume(150); _global.slurpx1d_sound.setVolume(150); _global.suckx1a_sound.setVolume(150); _global.suckx1b_sound.setVolume(150); _global.suckx1c_sound.setVolume(150); _global.suckx1d_sound.setVolume(150); _global.breathex1a_sound.setVolume(100); _global.breathex1b_sound.setVolume(90); } frame 2 { function createExplosion(targetX, targetY) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < particleTotal) { var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('sparkle_purple'); var v3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var v4 = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', v3.getNextHighestDepth()); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; v4.attachBitmap(v5, v4.getNextHighestDepth(), 'never', true); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); v3._alpha = random(50) + 50; v3.boundyLeft = targetX - particleRange; v3.boundyTop = targetY - particleRange; v3.boundyRight = targetX + particleRange; v3.boundyBottom = targetY + particleRange; v3.speedX = Math.random(particleMaxSpeed) - Math.random(particleMaxSpeed); v3.speedY = Math.random(particleMaxSpeed) - Math.random(particleMaxSpeed); v3.speedX *= particleMaxSpeed; v3.speedY *= particleMaxSpeed; v3.fadeSpeed = Math.random(particleFadeSpeed) * particleFadeSpeed; ++numberOfParticles; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); --numberOfParticles; } }; ++v6; } } var particleMaxSpeed = 3; var particleFadeSpeed = 10; var particleTotal = 1; var particleRange = 25; mouseListener = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () {}; mouseListener.onMouseMove = function () {}; Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); } frame 2 { _root.gameloop = function () { if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } if (_global.in_area == 0) { _root.area1._visible = true; _root.area2._visible = true; _root.exit._visible = true; } else { _root.area1._visible = false; _root.area2._visible = false; _root.exit._visible = false; } if (_root._currentframe >= 3) { if (_global.dialogue_scene == 1) { _root.paper_dialogue_box.gotoAndStop(2); _root.paper_dialogue_box.dialogue_txt_var = _global.dialogue_text; } else { _root.paper_dialogue_box.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.hand_device._currentframe > 1) { _root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._x = _root._xmouse + 100; _root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._y = _root._ymouse + 50; if (_root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._y < 150) { _root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._y = 150; } if (_root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._x < 310) { _root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._x = 310; } } _root.mouse_position._x = _root._xmouse; _root.mouse_position._y = _root._ymouse; if (_global.powerz == 1) { _root.Hair2.glow.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.Hair2.glow.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.can_use_tablet == 0) { _root.hand_device.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.boobs_visible == 0) { _root.boobs._visible = false; } else { _root.boobs._visible = true; } if (_xmouse - 100 < 350) { _root.HairBox._x = 2 * (350 - (_xmouse - 100)) + (_xmouse - 100); _root.HairBox._y = _ymouse + 150; } else { if (_xmouse - 100 > 350) { _root.HairBox._x = _xmouse - 100 - 2 * (_xmouse - 100 - 350); _root.HairBox._y = _ymouse + 150; } else { _root.HairBox._x = _xmouse - 100; _root.HairBox._y = _ymouse + 150; } } _global.lookx2 = _global.lookx1; _global.looky2 = _global.looky1; _global.lookx1 = _xmouse - 100; _global.looky1 = _ymouse + 150; if (_global.HairpinEnergy <= 0) { _global.HairpinEnergy = 0; _global.powerz = 0; } } }; } button 27 { on (release) { if (_root._currentframe == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(1); } } } button 28 { on (release) { _global.v00 = 0; = 1; = 50; _global.melee = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 0; _global.hud = 0; _global.TasksLeft = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(18); } } button 29 { on (release) { _global.v00 = 0; _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _root.gotoAndStop(5); } } movieClip 31 { } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 35 { } button 36 { on (release) { if (_root.pswrd == '') { _global.v00 = 1; _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _root.gotoAndStop(5); } else { _root.pswrd = 'wrong!'; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 70 // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 50 { } movieClip 53 { } movieClip 54 { frame 20 { if (random(3) == 0) { } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 61 { if (random(3) == 0) { } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 106 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 56 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 1530 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 58 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 1881 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 60 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 1321 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 62 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 2549 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 64 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 1601 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 66 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 2660 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 68 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 2592 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 70 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 22 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 42 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 62 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 83 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 96 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 108 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 119 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 132 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 144 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 72 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 135 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 74 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 76 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 78 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 80 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 82 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 84 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 86 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_global.sfx != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 876 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 87 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_global.sfx != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 513 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 90 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 93 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 95 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 97 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 99 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 101 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 103 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 105 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 108 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 110 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 112 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 114 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 117 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 30 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 124 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 127 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 128 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance pill of movieClip 124 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.pillfix > 0 && _global.needpill > 0) { _global.needpill = 0; } else { if (_global.needpill > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.pillfix > 0 && _global.needpill > 0) { _global.needpill = 0; } else { if (_global.needpill > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 127 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.inspired > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.inspired > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance mood of movieClip 128 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.hud == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_global.girlr > 0) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.stress = _global.mood; this.gotoAndStop(_global.mood + 1); if (_global.hud == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_global.girlr > 0) { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 132 { frame 32 { stop(); } } movieClip 133 { } instance timep of movieClip 133 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.TasksLeft + 1); if (_global.hud == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.TasksLeft + 1); if (_global.hud == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } movieClip 137 { } instance money of movieClip 137 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.hud == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = _global.Money; if (_global.hud == 0) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 171 frame 3 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 3 { _global.in_area = 0; } movieClip 148 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 157 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 168 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); gotoAndStop(29); } } movieClip 173 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 176 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); gotoAndStop(32); } } movieClip 179 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 182 { frame 1 { annie1.smoothing = true; } frame 12 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 31 { if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomspeed = random(50); if (_global.randomspeed > 20) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 32 { annie2.smoothing = true; } frame 42 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 45 { if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomspeed = random(50); if (_global.randomspeed > 20) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay(32); } } } button 183 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(34); } } button 186 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(36); } } movieClip 189 { } movieClip 195 { } movieClip 197 { } movieClip 200 { } movieClip 203 { } movieClip 206 { } movieClip 207 { frame 1 { annie3.smoothing = true; } frame 12 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 31 { if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomspeed = random(50); if (_global.randomspeed > 30) { gotoAndPlay(46); } else { if (_global.randomspeed > 5) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 32 { annie4.smoothing = true; } frame 32 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 39 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 45 { if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomspeed = random(50); if (_global.randomspeed > 30) { gotoAndPlay(46); } else { if (_global.randomspeed > 5) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay(32); } } frame 46 { annie5.smoothing = true; } frame 49 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 55 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 59 { if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomspeed = random(50); if (_global.randomspeed > 30) { gotoAndPlay(46); } else { if (_global.randomspeed > 5) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } else { gotoAndPlay(46); } } frame 60 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 90 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 120 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 150 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 181 { stop(); } } button 208 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(39); } } button 209 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(41); } } button 210 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(43); } } button 213 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(44); } } button 214 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(48); } } button 217 { on (release) { if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 32) { _root.img.cafesex.gotoAndPlay(32); } else { _root.img.cafesex.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } button 218 { on (release) { if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomshit = 0; } else { _global.randomshit = 1; } } } button 219 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(56); } } button 224 { on (release) { if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 32) { _root.img.cafesex.gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 46) { _root.img.cafesex.gotoAndPlay(46); } else { _root.img.cafesex.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } } button 225 { on (release) { _root.img.cafesex.gotoAndPlay(60); } } button 226 { on (release) { _global.sfxstop(); _global.playbgm(); _global.medal = 0; _global.randomshit = 0; _global.randomspeed = 0; = 1; _global.hud = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(5); } } movieClip 229 { frame 1 { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _global.hud = 0; if (_global.medal == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(55); } } instance of movieClip 148 { onClipEvent (load) { _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Well?'; } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: Yeah I gave the hairpin to Maiko. Oh! and the disguise worked! She thinks I am a new transfer student hehe.'; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Maiko huh? You didn\'t tell Maiko why you gave her the hairpin did you? '; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: Nope! I just told her my name and that the hairpin will protect her.'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Well let\'s hope this works... we need her to absorb enough Khalei from that hairpin so she can survive the fight she encounters in the future. As least long enough for me to get there.'; } frame 7 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: I believe your idea will work.. It has to.'; } frame 8 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Welp, only one way to find out.. we travel back and see... are you ready?'; } frame 9 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Annie: Well, we used a lot of energy to travel this far into the past. My necklace isn\'t even glowing. I\'m worried what will happen if we go back too soon before it is charged again...'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Annie: I don\'t want to forget everything again like last time...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 10 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Yeah we still don\'t know much about that necklace. You\'re right, we should make sure it is charged first.'; } frame 11 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: Well we just need to be close to each other for a while to make sure it is charged so... maybe since we need to be so close... we can... well... have sex while we wait... if you want...'; } frame 12 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Well I can\'t say no to that.'; } frame 13 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Uh, Excuse me.'; _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 14 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Oh sorry hah! we might have been talking too loudly.'; } frame 15 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: Oh! So embarrassing...'; } frame 16 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: No, sorry I was only concerned about the girl you gave that hairpin to.'; } frame 17 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: You saw me? That means I messed up again.'; } frame 18 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Looks like we will need to do this all over again.'; } frame 19 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Alma: Please wait!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Alma: You said you gave her the hairpin so she will survive a fight... I don\'t know who you are... or why you are here...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 20 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: I wanted to say thanks for watching over her. I guess for some reason I would not be able to be there for her myself later on.'; } frame 21 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: ...Donavik! our first thanks!'; } frame 22 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Donavik: Yeah I don\'t remember seeing you there... but... who are you?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Alma: I guess I owe it you, I am her mother...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 23 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: A mother\'s love!'; } frame 24 { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Alma: Well, unfortunately she doesn\'t even know I am her mother. It is a complicated situation forced on me...'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Alma: Sorry to bother you. I will make sure she wears it so she will survive the fight you were talking about.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Donavik: Hmm. But I think it is risky... you could just alter something so she is not even there.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 25 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: I want to believe her Donavik...'; } frame 26 { _root.new_dialogue(5); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Donavik: (sigh) okay. Please understand how important this is.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Donavik: we can\'t know what might change the future. Her not being there could be devastating for the entire planet.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Alma: My daughter would change the outcome of the entire planet?'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Donavik: Yes. it\'s complicated. But she\'ll be fine as long as she wears that hairpin.'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Alma: Understood. Again If I never see you two again. Know that you have my deepest thanks. And good luck with whatever you need to do in the future.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 27 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: Aww you are welcome! I think my eyes are getting a little watery.'; } frame 29 { _root.new_dialogue(5); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Donavik: We finally made it out of the city.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Annie: Well that was nice. We got to meet Maiko\'s mother.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Donavik: Yeah, thanks Annie. actually feel a little better now knowing someone will make sure she wears it.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Annie: Now all that\'s left is to make sure my necklace is charged...'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Donavik: Still in the mood?'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 30 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Annie: It is a little embarrassing but yes...'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Donavik: Alright then.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 32 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: It\'s something about forests that makes sex even better.'; _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 34 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: I can fuck you as hard as I want out here.'; _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } instance cafesex of movieClip 182 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(32); } } frame 36 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: This feels amazing every time!'; _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } instance of movieClip 189 { onClipEvent (load) { _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; } } frame 37 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: It\'s so embarrassing when you say that...'; } frame 39 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: S- Slow down!!!'; } instance cafesex of movieClip 207 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(32); } } frame 41 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: I can\'t help it!'; _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } instance cafesex of movieClip 207 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(46); } } instance of movieClip 207 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(60); } } frame 44 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Damn! It hurts cumming so hard.'; _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 45 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: I\'m happy I can make you cum so much.'; } frame 46 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: Let\'s get back to our time.'; } frame 47 { _global.sfxstop(); } frame 48 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: Huh? They just vanished!'; } instance of movieClip 179 { onClipEvent (load) { _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; } } frame 49 { _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.nextFrame(); } instance of movieClip 179 { onClipEvent (load) { _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; } } frame 56 { _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; } instance of movieClip 189 { onClipEvent (load) { _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; } } } movieClip 235 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance glow of movieClip 235 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.bloom == 1) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } else { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.bloom == 1) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } else { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 237 { } instance mouse_position of movieClip 237 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; } } button 238 { on (press) { pressing = 1; } on (release) { pressing = 0; } } movieClip 239 { } instance boob_position of movieClip 239 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = _root.boob_body._x; resty = _root.boob_body._y - 300; k = 3; mass = 9; damping = 0.75; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; this._alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { restx = _root.boob_body._x; resty = _root.boob_body._y - 300; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 30 || this._x < restx - 30 || this._y < resty - 30 || this._y > resty + 30) { pressing = 0; } } } button 241 { on (release) { _global.dialogue_clicked = 1; } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 246 { } movieClip 247 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 250 { } movieClip 287 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 291 { } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 294 { } movieClip 297 { } button 298 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(4); } } movieClip 301 { } button 302 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(11); } } movieClip 305 { } button 306 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(12); } } movieClip 308 { } button 309 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(5); } } movieClip 312 { } button 313 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 316 { } button 317 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(6); } } movieClip 333 { } button 334 { on (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { gotoAndStop(1); } else {; } } } movieClip 339 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 372 { } button 373 { on (release) { if (_global.sfx == 1) { _global.sfx = 0; } else { _global.sfx = 1; } } } button 374 { on (release) { if (_global.bgm == 1) { _global.bgm = 0; _global.musicstop(); } else { _global.bgm = 1; _global.playbgm(); } } } button 375 { on (release) { if (_global.auto_hair == 0) { _global.auto_hair = 1; } else { _global.auto_hair = 0; } } } button 376 { on (release) { if (_global.auto_change == 0) { _global.auto_change = 1; } else { _global.auto_change = 0; } } } movieClip 384 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 385 { } button 386 { on (release) { if (_global.bloom == 0) { _global.bloom = 1; } else { _global.bloom = 0; } } } button 387 { on (release) { if (_global.hairalpha > 95) { _global.hairalpha = 50; } else { if (_global.hairalpha > 45) { _global.hairalpha = 10; } else { if (_global.hairalpha > 9) { _global.hairalpha = 0; } else { if (_global.hairalpha == 0) { _global.hairalpha = 100; } else { _global.hairalpha = 100; } } } } _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; } } button 388 { on (release) { _global.tablet_bg = 20; } } button 389 { on (release) { _quality = 'medium'; _root._quality = 'medium'; } } button 390 { on (release) { _quality = 'high'; _root._quality = 'high'; } } button 391 { on (release) { _quality = 'low'; _root._quality = 'low'; } } button 404 { on (release) { if (_root.input_password_save != '') { _global.decoder_function(); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(5); } else { save_state = 'input the save code first!'; } _global.done_loading = 0; } } button 405 { on (release) { _global.saved_data = 1; umfr_so = SharedObject.getLocal('umfr'); = _global.saved_data; = _global.hairalpha; = _global.temphairalpha; = _global.TasksLeft; = _global.Days; = _global.cafe_popularity; = _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level; = _global.cafe_pleasure_clients; = _global.cafe_level; = _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp; = _global.game_hours; = _global.game_minutes; = _global.game_seconds; = _global.smarts; = _global.testx; = _global.tried_test; = _global.asked_maiko; = _global.reconsider; =; = _global.been_in_class; = _global.been_in_cafe; = _global.pattie_in_party; = _global.medals_cafe[1]; = _global.medals_cafe[2]; = _global.medals_cafe[3]; = 1; _global.encoder_function(); save_state = 'saved UMFR data!'; } } button 406 { on (release) { _global.done_loading = 0; umfr_so = SharedObject.getLocal('umfr'); if ( != undefined) { while (_global.done_loading != 1) { _global.hairalpha =; _global.temphairalpha =; _global.TasksLeft =; _global.Days =; _global.cafe_popularity =; _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level =; _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level =; _global.cafe_level =; _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp =; _global.game_hours =; _global.game_minutes =; _global.game_seconds =; _global.smarts =; _global.testx =; _global.tried_test =; _global.asked_maiko =; _global.reconsider =; =; _global.been_in_class =; _global.been_in_cafe =; _global.pattie_in_party =; _global.medals_cafe[1] =; _global.medals_cafe[2] =; _global.medals_cafe[3] =; _global.done_loading =; } save_state = 'loaded data!'; = 1; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(5); } else { save_state = 'no UMCH save data found!'; } _global.done_loading = 0; } } button 407 { on (release) { umfr_so = SharedObject.getLocal('umfr'); umfr_so.clear(); save_state = 'erased saved UMFR data!'; save_password_text = ''; input_password_save = ''; custom_text = ''; } } button 419 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(8); } } button 420 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(9); } } button 426 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } button 438 { on (release) { _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 441 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 450 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 454 { } movieClip 468 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 474 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _global.medal = 1; _global.hud = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(3); _root.hand_device.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 476 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 477 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _global.medal = 1; _global.hud = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(29); _root.hand_device.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 478 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 479 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _global.medal = 1; _global.hud = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(33); _root.hand_device.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 480 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 481 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _global.medal = 2; _global.hud = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(33); _root.hand_device.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 482 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 483 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _global.medal = 3; _global.hud = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(33); _root.hand_device.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 484 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 495 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 287 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.tablet_bg); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.tablet_bg); } } instance of movieClip 294 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.TasksLeft + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.TasksLeft + 1); } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 372 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent.play_time = '' + _global.game_hours + 'h:' + _global.game_minutes + 'm:' + _global.game_seconds + 's'; _parent.Money = _global.Money; _parent.Days = _global.Days; _parent.TasksLeft = _global.TasksLeft; _parent.stress = _global.mood; _parent.Fitness =; _parent.Melee = _global.melee; _parent.cafe_wages_var = _global.cafe_wages; _parent.cafe_tips_var = _global.cafe_tips; _parent.cafe_earned_var = _global.cafe_wages_earned; _parent.cafe_level_var = _global.cafe_level; _parent.cafe_clients_var = _global.cafe_pleasure_clients; _parent.cafe_popularity_var = _global.cafe_popularity; _parent.cafe_popularity_goal_var = _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level; _parent.cafe_maiko_sexexp = _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp; _parent.cafe_pattie_sexexp = _global.cafe_pattie_sexexp; _parent.cafe_leyah_sexexp = _global.cafe_leyah_sexexp; _parent.cafe_jeni_sexexp = _global.cafe_jeni_sexexp; _parent.cafe_stacy_sexexp = _global.cafe_stacy_sexexp; _parent.Smarts = _global.smarts; _parent.TestLv = _global.testx; _parent.SentHP = _global.sent_frame_max; _parent.SentDmg = _global.sent1base; _parent.cafe_gold = _global.medals_cafe[1]; _parent.cafe_silver = _global.medals_cafe[2]; _parent.cafe_bronze = _global.medals_cafe[3]; _parent.swim_gold = _global.medals_swim[1]; _parent.swim_silver = _global.medals_swim[2]; _parent.swim_bronze = _global.medals_swim[3]; _parent.boxing_gold = _global.medals_boxing[1]; _parent.boxing_silver = _global.medals_boxing[2]; _parent.boxing_bronze = _global.medals_boxing[3]; _parent.frq = _global.been_in_class; _parent.aiq = _global.tsugo_quest; _parent.stmq = _global.savori_quest; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.play_time = '' + _global.game_hours + 'h:' + _global.game_minutes + 'm:' + _global.game_seconds + 's'; } } instance of movieClip 384 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.sfx == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.sfx == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 384 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.bgm == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.bgm == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 384 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.auto_hair == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.auto_hair == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 384 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.auto_change == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.auto_change == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 5 { play_time = '' + _global.game_hours + 'h:' + _global.game_minutes + 'm:' + _global.game_seconds + 's'; save_password_text = ''; input_password_save = ''; custom_text = ''; _global.custom_complete = 0; _global.encoder_function = function () { var v3 = ''; var v2 = ''; var v9 = new String(_global.saved_data); var v20 = new String(_global.hairalpha); var v21 = new String(_global.temphairalpha); var v17 = new String(_global.TasksLeft); var v6 = new String(_global.Days); var v10 = new String(_global.cafe_popularity); var v23 = new String(_global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level); var v22 = new String(_global.cafe_pleasure_clients); var v11 = new String(_global.cafe_level); var v24 = new String(_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp); var v16 = new String(_global.game_hours); var v12 = new String(_global.game_minutes); var v14 = new String(_global.game_seconds); var v7 = new String(_global.smarts); var v25 = new String(_global.testx); var v15 = new String(_global.tried_test); var v19 = new String(_global.asked_maiko); var v26 = new String(_global.reconsider); var v13 = new String(; var v8 = new String(_global.been_in_class); var v18 = new String(_global.been_in_cafe); var v27 = new String(_global.pattie_in_party); var v28 = new String(_global.medals_cafe[1]); var v4 = new String(_global.medals_cafe[2]); var v5 = new String(_global.medals_cafe[3]); var v29 = 1; v2 = v9 + 'F' + v20 + 'F' + v21 + 'F' + v17 + 'F' + v6 + 'F' + v10 + 'F' + v23 + 'F' + v22 + 'F' + v11 + 'F' + v24; v3 += v2; v2 = 'F' + v16 + 'F' + v12 + 'F' + v14 + 'F' + v7 + 'F' + v25 + 'F' + v15 + 'F' + v19 + 'F' + v26 + 'F' + v13; v3 += v2; v2 = 'F' + v8 + 'F' + v18 + 'F' + v27 + 'F' + v28 + 'F' + v4 + 'F' + v5; v3 += v2; save_password_text = v3; }; _global.decoder_function = function () { var v2 = ''; _global.password_load_parsed = new Array(); v2 = input_password_save; _global.password_load_parsed = v2.split('F'); _global.saved_data = int(_global.password_load_parsed[0]); _global.hairalpha = int(_global.password_load_parsed[1]); _global.temphairalpha = int(_global.password_load_parsed[2]); _global.TasksLeft = int(_global.password_load_parsed[3]); _global.Days = int(_global.password_load_parsed[4]); _global.cafe_popularity = int(_global.password_load_parsed[5]); _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level = int(_global.password_load_parsed[6]); _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level = int(_global.password_load_parsed[7]); _global.cafe_level = int(_global.password_load_parsed[8]); _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp = int(_global.password_load_parsed[9]); _global.game_hours = int(_global.password_load_parsed[10]); _global.game_minutes = int(_global.password_load_parsed[11]); _global.game_seconds = int(_global.password_load_parsed[12]); _global.smarts = int(_global.password_load_parsed[13]); _global.testx = int(_global.password_load_parsed[14]); _global.tried_test = int(_global.password_load_parsed[15]); _global.asked_maiko = int(_global.password_load_parsed[16]); _global.reconsider = int(_global.password_load_parsed[17]); = int(_global.password_load_parsed[18]); _global.been_in_class = int(_global.password_load_parsed[19]); _global.been_in_cafe = int(_global.password_load_parsed[20]); _global.pattie_in_party = int(_global.password_load_parsed[21]); _global.medals_cafe[1] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[22]); _global.medals_cafe[2] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[23]); _global.medals_cafe[3] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[24]); }; _global.custom_decoder_function = function () { var v3 = ''; _global.custom_load_parsed = new Array(); v3 = _root.custom_text; _global.custom_load_parsed = v3.split('[F]'); save_state = 'loaded data from code!'; }; } instance of movieClip 468 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.been_in_class == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.cafe_level > 3) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 468 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.been_in_class == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.testx > 4) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 468 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.testx < 5 || _global.cafe_level < 4) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.been_in_class >= 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance of movieClip 476 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.Days > 1 || _global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.testx >= 6 || _global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 480 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.been_in_class == 8 || _global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 482 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.been_in_class == 9 || _global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.been_in_class == 9 && _global.testx >= 6 || _global.v00 == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 497 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.finger_button = 1; _global.tablet_in_use = 0; } frame 2 { _global.tablet_in_use = 1; if (_global.can_use_tablet == 0) { } if (_global.import_mobile_device_bg == 1) { _root.hand_device.hand_device.import_mobile_device_bg.loadMovie('UMCC_import_mobile_device_bg.png'); } } frame 21 { stop(); _root.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.tablet_in_use = 1; } frame 22 { _root.nMC.startMotion(); _global.tablet_in_use = 1; } frame 42 { _root.nMC.startMotion(); _global.tablet_in_use = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 43 { stop(); _global.finger_button = 1; _global.tablet_in_use = 0; } } instance hand_device of movieClip 497 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!(this._currentframe == 1 || this._currentframe == 21)) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_global.gamestart == 0) { } } } movieClip 499 { frame 30 { ++_global.game_seconds; if (_global.game_seconds == 60) { _global.game_seconds = 0; ++_global.game_minutes; } if (_global.game_minutes == 60) { _global.game_minutes = 0; ++_global.game_hours; } } } movieClip 502 { } movieClip 503 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 514 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 515 { on (release) { = 0; } } movieClip 520 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 514 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_global.girlr + 1); } } frame 2 { if (_global.girlr > 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 3 { if (_global.girlr > 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance Hair2 of movieClip 520 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop( + 1); this._alpha = _global.hairalpha; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop( + 1); this._alpha = _global.hairalpha; if ( != 1 && _global.hair_clip == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_global.auto_hair == 1) { = 0; } } } movieClip 521 { } movieClip 524 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance tears of movieClip 524 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.hairalpha == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_global.mood >= 40) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hairalpha == 0) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_global.mood >= 40) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 4 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 4 { _global.in_area = 0; } movieClip 533 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 536 { on (press) { pressing = 1; this.startDrag(); } on (release) { pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } on (releaseOutside) { pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } movieClip 543 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 549 { } movieClip 554 { } movieClip 559 { } movieClip 560 { frame 1 { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) { gotoAndPlay(62); } else { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 2) { gotoAndPlay(122); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 61 { stop(); if (_root._currentframe == 4 || _root._currentframe == 18) { _parent.nextFrame(); } } frame 121 { stop(); } frame 181 { stop(); } } button 561 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(6); } } button 564 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.can_use_tablet = 1; _global.hud = 1; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.nextFrame(); } } movieClip 566 { frame 1 { = 1; } instance of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This hairpin is cute! I\'ll have to thank her again at school tomorrow.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: ugh.. (my head feels little fuzzy. I think I will sleep for a while.)'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _global.musicstop(); _root.sleepx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: No... don\'t shoot...'; } frame 5 { = 1; } frame 6 { _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Ugh... My hair is a mess...'; } instance of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 7 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Maiko? you in there?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Huh? Y- yeah it\'s open Riley...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 8 { _global.musicstop(); _root.eventx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(9); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Geez Maiko why are you skipping class? Alma sent me to find you!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Wait what?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Riley: You missed a whole day of school already!'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: What? How? I only took a quick nap...'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Riley: Shopping for hairpins maybe? When did you buy that?'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Maiko: A transfer student gave it to me earlier today...'; _root.dialogue_array[7] = 'Riley: Maiko, you expect me to believe that? Well Maiko get dressed. and meet me outside Alma is worried about you.'; _root.dialogue_array[8] = 'Riley: ...and now I am too.'; _root.dialogue_array[9] = 'Maiko: Sorry...I\'ll be right out.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } frame 5 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 5 { _global.in_area = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; } button 569 { on (release) { if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 1; } if ( == 4) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Geez Maiko. Put on your bra will ya?'; } else { if ( != 1) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: You should get more comfortable Maiko.'; } else { _root.img.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } button 570 { on (release) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: I always thought you were already popular Maiko.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } button 571 { on (release) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Huh? Geez... quit kidding around Maiko! We need to study!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } button 576 { on (release) { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Wanna have some fun senpai?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Nothing to worry about while I\'m here senpai!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: What chu wanna do next senpai?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Oink!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: What\'s up senpai?'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } button 577 { on (release) { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 2) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(8); } } } } button 578 { on (release) { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Chu know where to find me if you need me senpai.'; } else { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 2) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Greel: I\'m going to head back home babydoll, catch you later.'; } } _global.pattie_in_party = 0; } } movieClip 582 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Ready to study Maiko?.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Okay Maiko, let\'s study for the exam.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Pillows...I mean study!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Time to study? hehe.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Alright Maiko! Let\'s study so you can smash those exams.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } movieClip 593 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 594 { on (release) { if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 2; } if ( != 2) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Whoops! almost forgot to put on clothes...'; } else { if (_global.been_in_class < 1) { _global.musicstop(); _root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } } } button 595 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 1) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (No time to sleep! I need to hurry and get changed, then meet Riley outside.)'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _global.musicstop(); _root.sleepx.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_global.pattie_in_party == 3) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _root.img.gotoAndStop(4); } } } } button 596 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 1) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (Riley will be furious if I spent time taking a shower right now.)'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 4; } if ( != 4) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Can\'t get my clothes wet.'; } else { _root.img.gotoAndStop(5); } } } } button 597 { on (rollOver) { _global.clothing_hover = 1; } on (rollOut) { _global.clothing_hover = 0; } on (releaseOutside) { _global.clothing_hover = 0; } on (release) { if ( == 1) { = 2; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This is why I don\'t like button up shirts...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Why do we have to wear button up shirts?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Squeeze! Squeeze! Ugh.. there! got it! well sorta...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Oh well, this is the best it will fit me.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Can\'t get the button to hold without it tearing off.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { if ( == 2) { = 4; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: At least they can get some air.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: My nipples look so lewd...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: How did they get so big!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Hmm they feel a little heavier than I remember...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Playing with my breasts makes me feel better.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { if ( == 4) { = 1; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Whew! They are finally in there snug.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Well at least it\'s not badge or white.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Quad-boob, but still comfy!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Still a bit bouncy but oh well.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Worth the high price!'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { = 1; } } } } } button 598 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 1) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (Riley will be furious if I spent time relaxing to pass the time.)'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { if (_global.TasksLeft > 0) { --_global.TasksLeft; _global.mood -= 3; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Sometimes doing nothing is the best thing to do.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: It\'s already late. I might aswell sleep'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } } movieClip 607 { } movieClip 608 { frame 60 { stop(); } } button 609 { on (release) { if (_global.Days == 1) { _global.look_at_journal = 1; } _global.musicstop(); _root.dayx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.pattie_in_party = 0; _global.inspired = 0; _global.tablet_bg = 1; _global.david_tried_sex = 0; _global.TasksLeft = 8; _global.Days += 1; = 1; = 1; _global.showered = 0; _global.pillend = 0; _global.pillmelee = 0; _global.smarts += 50; _global.cafe_pleasure_clients = 0; if (_global.medals_cafe[1] >= 10 || _global.v00 == 1) { _global.cafe_pleasure_clients = 5; } _global.mood = 0; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Ugh... My hair is a mess.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Why can\'t my hair stay the same way it was before I went to sleep?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (Yawn) So sleepy...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (Yawn) Where did my shirt go ?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Maybe I should take off my bra when I sleep.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; _root.img.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 612 { on (release) { if (_global.Days == 1) { _global.look_at_journal = 1; } _global.musicstop(); _root.dayx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.pattie_in_party = 0; _global.inspired = 0; _global.tablet_bg = 1; _global.david_tried_sex = 0; _global.TasksLeft = 8; _global.Days += 1; = 1; = 1; _global.showered = 0; _global.smarts -= 2; _global.pillend = 0; _global.pillmelee = 0; if (_global.smarts < 20) { _global.smarts = 20; } _global.cafe_pleasure_clients = 0; if (_global.medals_cafe[1] >= 10 || _global.v00 == 1) { _global.cafe_pleasure_clients = 5; } _global.mood = 0; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Ugh... My hair is a mess.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Why can\'t my hair stay the same way it was before I went to sleep?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (Yawn) So sleepy...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (Yawn) Where did my shirt go ?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Maybe I should take off my bra when I sleep.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; _root.img.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 617 { frame 31 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(32); } } movieClip 619 { frame 31 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 620 { on (release) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 621 { on (release) { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 3) { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: You almost done Maiko?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Yeah.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Riley: Good, we can get back to studying then.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: I will clean your chu chus senpai!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: P- Pattieeeee!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This feels really good.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } _global.tablet_bg = 2; _global.dirty = 0; = 1; _global.showered = 1; _global.mood = 0; } } movieClip 627 { } movieClip 630 { } movieClip 633 { } movieClip 636 { } movieClip 637 { frame 1 { mp1.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 14 { _global.slurpsfx(); } frame 31 { _global.mood -= random(5) + 1; if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomspeed = random(50); if (_global.randomspeed > 25) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 32 { mp2.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1b._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 38 { _global.slurpsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.slurpsfx(); } frame 62 { _global.mood -= random(5) + 1; if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomspeed = random(50); if (_global.randomspeed > 25) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay(32); } } frame 64 { _global.mood = 0; } frame 183 { stop(); } } button 638 { on (release) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.img.cafesex.gotoAndPlay(63); } } button 639 { on (release) { _global.sfxstop(); _global.playbgm(); _root.img.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 642 { instance of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.randomshit = 0; _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _global.mood = 0; _global.sfxstop(); _global.medal = 0; _global.dialogue = 0; if (_global.look_at_journal == 1) { _root.hand_device.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.hand_device.hand_device.gotoAndStop(11); _global.look_at_journal = 0; } } instance rstudy of movieClip 582 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(random(2) + 3); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance character of movieClip 593 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.clothing_hover == 1) { this.gotoAndStop( + 1); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _global.smarts += random(5); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: ZZzz...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Maiko...don\'t worry.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: No Alma...I\'ll help her every day if I have too...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: zzz..soft....squishy...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: ...can\'t... stay... awake...zzz.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 4 { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(3); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: ZZzz...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Mom...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko:'; } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 5 { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; } instance of movieClip 617 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(32); } } } instance of movieClip 619 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 3) { this._visible = true; } else { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = false; } } } } frame 6 { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; } frame 7 { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _global.musicstop(); } instance of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } button 643 { on (release) { if (_root.hand_device._currentframe == 21) {; } else { if (_root.hand_device._currentframe != 1) { _root.hand_device.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.hand_device.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } frame 6 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 6 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 650 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } movieClip 651 { instance of movieClip 148 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); stop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: Maiko-chan! I saw two aliens having sex yesterday. They looked just like people!'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: That\'s because they probably were people Dizzy.'; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: No no, they just vanished right after they... finished making babies...'; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: They even talked about you before they started!'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Me? Then what did they say?'; } frame 7 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Geez Dizzy! Your imagination is really wild.'; } frame 8 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: It\'s true! They said it was nice to meet your mother and they had to charge a necklace then they started having... sex... then they just vanished right after!'; } frame 9 { _global.mood += 15; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: My mother? But Alma told me she died a long time ago...'; } frame 10 { _global.mood += 3; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: I swear that\'s what they said!'; } frame 11 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Dizzy, let\'s just stop talking about it...'; } frame 12 { _global.mood += 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: But!...'; } frame 13 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Dizzy! You are upsetting Maiko! Geez give her some space! You are right in her face!'; } frame 14 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Maiko we need to go see Alma.'; } frame 15 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Alma knew your mother right? Maybe she can help make sense of Dizzy\'s story.'; } frame 16 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: It\'s true...'; } frame 17 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Fine. Let\'s just go to the classroom okay?'; } } frame 7 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 7 { _global.in_area = 0; } movieClip 660 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 676 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(21); } } movieClip 679 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 715 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.been_in_class = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(8); } } movieClip 716 { instance of movieClip 660 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Chris: M- Maiko-chan! Where were you yesterday? Hey are you ok? you seem a little upset...'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _global.musicstop(); _root.eventx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.mood += 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Excuse me little nerdlets! Important people need to pass so get the FUCK out of the way!'; } frame 4 { _global.mood += 20; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Joiry: She said MOVE you little shrimps!'; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Hey! Back off Joiry!'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Riley I know this is like your little friend or whatever, but you need to stop coddling your little nerdlet friends or they will never get anywhere in life.'; } frame 7 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hey! We have a bright future ahead of us...'; } frame 8 { _global.mood += 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: HAH! You are failing in every class nerdlet.'; } frame 9 { _global.mood += 10; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: You have no fucking athletic ability or talent whatsoever.'; } frame 10 { _global.mood += 20; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: and the only reason boys even talk to you is because you have big boobs you DORK!'; } frame 11 { _global.mood += 15; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Only honry desperate boys like that pervert Kyle talks to you! It\'s probably the only reason Chris talks to you too!'; } frame 12 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (starts crying)'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Luma: Haha! You know it\'s true!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 13 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Chris: Hey! That\'s not true!'; } frame 14 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Luma you are upsetting her!'; } frame 15 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: She needs to hear the truth so she can improve herself! Tough love NERD!'; } frame 16 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Now fucking MOVE!'; } frame 17 { _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Geez she can be a asshole sometimes... Maiko let\'s get you to Alma.'; } frame 18 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: Whoa it \'s like a demon possessed her or something.'; } frame 19 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Give it a rest Dizzy. Let\'s go.'; } frame 21 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Maiko! What happened! why are you crying!'; } instance of movieClip 679 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 22 { _global.mood += 10; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I just... I....'; } frame 23 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: We just ran into Luma who decided to be a bit... man sometimes I hate her so much!'; } frame 24 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: But before that, Dizzy said something about her mother being alive that upset her to begin with.'; } frame 25 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Oh... I see.'; } frame 26 { _global.mood += 10; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It\'s true....I...she said I was...'; } frame 27 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Don\'t cry Maiko... it\'s breaking my heart to see you like this...'; } frame 28 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: It\'s true! we need to find her mother! I saw some people talking about her earlier!'; } frame 29 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: I wish that was possible Dizzy... But it isn\'t...'; } frame 30 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: Don\'t worry Maiko! I will go get help!'; } frame 31 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Uh... was it a good idea to let her go?'; } frame 32 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Yes let her go.'; } frame 33 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Okay...think positive right?'; } frame 34 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai is in here?...(gasp)'; } frame 35 { _global.mood -= 5; _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: S- SENPAI!? Why are you crying!!!'; } frame 36 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Pattie! Thank goodness!'; } frame 37 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Who made you cry senpai!'; } frame 38 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Who did this to senpai!? Tell me! I will.. I will...GAH!'; } frame 39 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: It\'ll be ok senpai! Just leave it to me. I will fix this. I promise.'; } frame 40 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: What even happened? You said something about Luma?'; } frame 41 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Luma stormed through telling Maiko she is a failure and that only boys talk to her because of her boobs.'; } frame 42 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Whaaaa! That is poop!'; } frame 43 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: ...'; } frame 44 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai that is POOP! Don\'t cry because of stinky poopy head Luma!'; } frame 45 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: We\'ll show her! wont we!'; } frame 46 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (sniff) huh?'; } frame 47 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: We\'ll show her what you can do!'; } frame 48 { _global.mood += 10; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: But... it\'s probably true...'; } frame 49 { _global.mood -= 20; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai! It isn\'t!'; } frame 50 { _global.mood -= 10; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Don\'t let her get to you Maiko!'; } frame 51 { _global.mood -= 10; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Chis: Luma was definitely lying about me Maiko-chan.'; } frame 52 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: You guys... (sniff)'; } frame 53 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Looks like Luma is being a bully today...'; } frame 54 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: I say you go show her what you are capable of Maiko. And I will need to have a word with her.'; } frame 55 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Yeah I don\'t think she hates you or anything Maiko, she is just harsh sometimes. She chose a horrible time to be a bitch!'; } frame 56 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: (Ahem) Miss Toymiue.'; } frame 57 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Oh... sorry!'; } frame 58 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: So this is a thing?'; } frame 59 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Luma is actually really good at basically everything...she is hard to impress.'; } frame 60 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: So what chu! Senpai is good at stuff too!'; } frame 61 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: And if not, we can help.'; } frame 62 { _global.musicstop(); _root.eventx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Good! because she will need it.'; } frame 63 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Poopy head Luma!'; } frame 64 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Luma! Haven\'t you said enough?'; } frame 65 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: wait she came to say sorry! Right?'; } frame 66 { _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Look, sorry I made you cry nerdlet. I didn\'t know about your mom situation okay? geez!'; } frame 67 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Pull yourself together! Damn you are hot mess right now!'; } frame 68 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: ...'; } frame 69 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: No thanks to you!'; } frame 70 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Hey I\'m just telling the truth! Honestly like, you are not even that much different from me! '; } frame 71 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: so it\'s annoying seeing you so damn lazy and making excuses everyday about your grades.'; } frame 72 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: She is trying Luma...'; } frame 73 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Alma you know it\'s not enough.'; } frame 74 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Now that I think about it.. perhaps you are correct Luma. It would be better if Maiko was a little tougher and smarter for the future...'; } frame 75 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: See? Well nerdlet ready to impress me? I promise it\'ll be worth it.'; } frame 76 { _global.mood = 15; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Okay...'; } frame 77 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I will help senpai.'; } frame 78 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Good. I have some business to take care of so I\'ll see how you are doing later little nerdlet.'; } frame 79 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Right. See you soon Maiko, okay?'; } frame 80 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Okay.'; } frame 81 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: This is going to be great senpai! We\'ll show poopy head what you can do!'; } frame 82 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Good luck Maiko I am counting on your success.'; } frame 83 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: ..and I\'m sure your mother would think that hairpin looks cute on you!'; } frame 84 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Okay, I think it looks cute too hehe.'; } frame 85 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: You are adorable.'; } frame 86 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (big sigh)I feel much better everyone thanks. I wonder what I will do first?'; } frame 87 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: We kick poopy head\'s booty senpai. That\'s what.'; } frame 88 { _global.been_in_class = 1; } } frame 8 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 8 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 727 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } movieClip 728 { instance of movieClip 660 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: Uh… I’ll be going now. I wanted to see if I can find those aliens again...'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Oooh!! Good luck chu! Thanks for telling me about senpai!'; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: S- Sure…'; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Dizzy: Okay… bye.'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Chu!'; } frame 7 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai! we have to figure out how you will prove to that poopy head that you are not just a pair of boobs chu.'; } frame 8 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah... but how?'; } frame 9 { _global.mood += 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Well.. uh...'; } frame 10 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Hmmm… Oh someone is coming senpai.'; } frame 11 { _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(12); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Greel: Oh hey babydoll. What\'s up?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: G- Greel!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: (Greel is talking to me!)'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Peach: Babydoll? Wait what\'s my nickname then?'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Greel: I uh…'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Creamy: Oh? Looks like you have some competition Peach.'; _root.dialogue_array[7] = 'Peach: Bring it on! Greel is mine!'; _root.dialogue_array[8] = 'Maiko: I… didn\'t mean to…'; _root.dialogue_array[9] = 'Greel: Whoa calm down Peach. I was just saying hi. Let\'s go.'; _root.dialogue_array[10] = 'Peach: Fine. I\'ll see you later babyface!'; _root.dialogue_array[11] = 'Creamy: It\'s babydoll.'; _root.dialogue_array[12] = 'Peach: Whatever Creamy!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 12 { _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: What was that all about senpai?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Who knows…'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 13 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Oh that’s it!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Huh what is?'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 14 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: You can show poopy head you are amazing by playing on stage with Greel!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Ha… if that was possible.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 15 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Chu?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: I can’t play a guitar. Plus Greel is always surrounded by girls… why would he ever want to spend time with a nerd like me...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 16 { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Leave that to me senpai!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Huh? What are you going to do?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Pattie: It’s a secret senpai! Meet me in the mall this evening!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 17 { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Wait! Pattie!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: She ran off…'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: well I guess I’ll get to class…'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } frame 9 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 9 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 738 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } movieClip 739 { instance of movieClip 679 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: And then...Icondra developed Khalei weapons and glyphs according to modern particle theory.'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Mr. Belvedere? Are you sle- Ah! Miss Umiya... I need to speak with you.'; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Mr. Belvedere.'; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Mr. Belvedere!!!'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Huh? Whoa I\'m awake ha ha!'; } frame 7 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Something about Icondra right? You know more History than even I do ha ha!'; } frame 8 { _global.mood += 30; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Miss Umiya, Mr. Belvedere and I have noticed your grades are not sufficient to pass from last year.'; } frame 9 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sorry.'; } frame 10 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: No apologizing Miss Umiya, you will simply need to study and come back and pass your old tests.'; } frame 11 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: You mean I don\'t have to retake the class?'; } frame 12 { _global.mood -= 5; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: That\'s right. Miss Toymiue has already agreed to help you study Miss Umiya. Please take advantage of this.'; } frame 13 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: It is very important that you pass these classes Miss Umiya.'; } frame 14 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: I wouldn\'t normally do this but you are a special case.'; } frame 15 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Yeah hear that Maiko-chan? It\'ll all be ok. We\'ll get this little issue sorted out.'; } frame 16 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Thank you, sorry to be a burden.'; } frame 17 { _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.mood -= 2; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Maiko~'; } frame 18 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Riley! I\'m so sorry!'; } frame 19 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: I\'ll take care of her Alma, don\'t worry.'; } frame 20 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: I\'m counting on you Miss Toymiue.'; } frame 21 { _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Right then. Mr. Belvedere? If you don\'t mind can we continue?'; } frame 22 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Heh... sure just let me get some water or something.'; } frame 23 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Am I boring you Mr. Belvedere?'; } frame 24 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Not at all. Just a bit tired I guess hah.'; } frame 25 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Let\'s meet at your house to study Maiko.'; } frame 26 { _global.mood += 2; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: You\'ll need to study a lot to pass these tests Maiko.'; } frame 27 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: sure.'; } frame 28 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Let me know if you are having trouble with my History test Maiko. I\'ll see what I can do.'; } } frame 10 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 10 { _global.in_area = 0; } frame 11 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 11 { _global.in_area = 0; _global.mood = 0; } movieClip 748 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 749 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 3) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (I shouldn\'t leave yet.)'; } else { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } } button 750 { on (release) { if (_global.testx <= 0) { _global.testx = 1; } if (_global.TasksLeft > 4) { if (_global.testx == 1) { _global.testx = 2; _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.tablet_bg = 6; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(15); } else { if (_global.testx == 5) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: We have your test stuff is already done Maiko.'; } else { _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.tablet_bg = 6; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(29); } } } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: It\'s late Maiko. Anything related to class can wait until tomorrow.'; } } } movieClip 755 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 756 { instance of movieClip 748 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } } frame 12 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 12 { _global.in_area = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; } button 758 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 2) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (I should really go to class...)'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(13); } } } button 759 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 2) { _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.been_in_class = 2; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(9); } else { if (_global.been_in_class == 4) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I\'ll worry about it tomorrow. I should go meet Pattie at the Mall.'; } else { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } } } button 760 { on (release) { if (_global.pattie_in_party != 3) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Want to study? I can swing by later.'; _global.pattie_in_party = 3; } else { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 3) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Sure! Let\'s hang out later then.'; _global.pattie_in_party != 3; } } } } movieClip 764 { } movieClip 767 { instance of movieClip 660 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } } frame 13 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 13 { _global.in_area = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; } movieClip 774 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 775 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 1) { _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(7); } else { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } } button 776 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 1) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (I need to visit Alma with Riley before leaving.)'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } } movieClip 782 { } movieClip 785 { } movieClip 786 { instance of movieClip 774 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } } frame 14 { _global.dialogue = 0; } frame 14 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 14 { _global.in_area = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; } button 787 { on (release) { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(13); } } button 788 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class == 4) { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(23); } else { if (_global.been_in_class > 5) { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(22); } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'There was something else I need to do first.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } } button 789 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class == 3 || _global.been_in_class == 4 || _global.been_in_class == 5) { _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_global.been_in_class < 1) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (I need to go to the school with Riley)'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(16); } } } movieClip 793 { } movieClip 796 { instance of movieClip 148 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); if (_global.TasksLeft < 2 && _global.david_tried_sex == 0 && _global.tsugo_quest != 13 && _global.pattie_in_party == 0 && _global.melee >= 15) { if (random(2) == 0) { _global.david_tried_sex = 1; gotoAndStop(3); } } else { if (_global.david_tried_sex == 2 && _global.TasksLeft < 2 && _global.tsugo_quest != 13) { _global.david_tried_sex = 3; _global.travel_to_text = 'umch/story/UMCH_dizzy1.swf'; _global.travel_to_area = 1; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _global.in_area = 0; this.unloadMovie(); } else { if (_global.david_tried_sex == 1 && _global.TasksLeft < 2 && _global.tsugo_quest != 13 && _global.pattie_in_party != 1 && _global.melee >= 15) { _global.david_tried_sex = 2; } } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } } frame 15 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 15 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 797 { on (release) { _global.been_in_class = 3; gotoAndStop(6); } } button 798 { on (release) { _global.been_in_class = 4; gotoAndStop(12); } } button 800 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.eveningx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.TasksLeft = 2; gotoAndStop(8); } } button 801 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.nightx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.TasksLeft = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } button 802 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.dayx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.gotoAndStop(12); } } movieClip 803 { instance of movieClip 748 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Class was usually as it is. Why do we need to know this stuff? I\'ll be a while before I learn any of this stuff well enough to pass a test...'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Finally...'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Classes are over! Pattie wanted me to meet her at the mall'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 4 { _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(6); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Tom: Hold a moment Maiko.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hm?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Tom: Maiko. Uh… I was thinking… about your grades. '; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Crap…'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Tom: Did you understand the lecture today? I can spend some time to go over it again if you have time to stay a while longer.'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Tom: We can have 1-on-1 lesson so you can catch up. Uh, if that\'s ok of course…'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(5); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Uh I guess so… if you think it will help.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Tom: Really? I mean great!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Tom: Hah! I know you want to prove to Luma you are smart so I thought we could go over the lesson again!'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: Yeah. I need all the help I can get so she can stop making fun of me...'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Tom: Well I’m glad that is at least motivation Maiko.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 8 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'We studied that afternoon and I think I actually started to understand it. The question was will I remember it…'; _global.smarts += 100; } frame 9 { _root.new_dialogue(6); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Tom: Well… let\'s call it day. what do you say Maiko? I can stay again tomorrow if you need.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Okay.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Tom: Thanks for the lovely aftertoon with a beautiful young woman.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: uh… sure…'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'He was staring right any my boobs when he said that to me…'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Tom: Please… enjoy the rest of your day.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 12 { _root.new_dialogue(5); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Uh, maybe later? I have something planned right now.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Tom: Oh I see. Well… don’t forget your grades Maiko.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Yeah I won’t. Riley was supposed to come over and help me study.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Tom: Ah right. I forgot about that. Well see you tomorrow then.'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Maiko: okay.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance of movieClip 748 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } frame 16 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 16 { _global.in_area = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; } button 804 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 1) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (I need to go to the school with Riley)'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(5); } } } button 805 { on (release) { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } movieClip 807 { instance of movieClip 157 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } } frame 17 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 17 { _global.in_area = 0; } movieClip 809 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.Days = 1; _global.pattie_in_party = 3; if (_global.been_in_class == 3) { _global.been_in_class = 6; gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.been_in_class == 4) { _global.been_in_class = 6; gotoAndStop(15); } else { if (_global.been_in_class == 5) { _global.been_in_class = 6; gotoAndStop(9); } } } } instance of movieClip 157 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Ah there you are Maiko! Geez! I was about to go home!'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sorry!'; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: What happened? Why are you just now getting home?'; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I decided to stay with Tom and go over the class lesson again.'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Oh ok. Well we can see how well you know it.'; } frame 7 { _global.musicstop(); _root.nightx.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 9 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Ah Maiko there you are. What took you so long?'; } instance of movieClip 157 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 10 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sorry, I met with Pattie in the mall after school. She wanted me to meet her there.'; } frame 11 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Ah no problem.'; } frame 12 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Let’s make sure to get a lot of studying in.'; } frame 13 { _global.musicstop(); _root.eveningx.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 15 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Ah Maiko, good I just got here. Are you ready to study?'; } instance of movieClip 157 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 16 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah, hopefully I can understand this stuff.'; } frame 17 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: At one point you knew this stuff Maiko. It’s more like you forgot somehow.'; } frame 18 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It kinda feels that way yeah.'; } frame 19 { _global.musicstop(); _root.dayx.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 18 { _global.hud = 1; nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; _global.lookx1 = _root.HairBox._x; _global.looky1 = _root.HairBox._y; _global.lookx2 = _root.HairBox._x; _global.looky2 = _root.HairBox._y; } frame 18 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 18 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 810 { on (release) { _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _global.TasksLeft = 8; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 813 { frame 1 { } instance of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(4); _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.nightx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I decided to keep a journal in case I ever lost my memory again.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'My name is Maiko Umiya...'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'and this is a story about how a small hairpin changed my entire life.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'I wasn\'t there for the first part of the story but based on what I know, it went something like this...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance of movieClip 560 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(60); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(60); } } } frame 19 { _global.can_use_tablet = 1; _global.in_cafe = 1; _global.dialogue = 0; if (_global.cafe_popularity == undefined) { _global.cafe_level = 1; _global.cafe_popularity = 0; _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level = 10; _global.cafe_pleasure_clients = 0; } _global.cafe_wages = _global.cafe_level * _global.cafe_level; _global.cafe_tips = 0; _global.cafe_wages_earned = 0; _global.cafe_friend = random(4) + 1; _root.img.ibmc.gotoAndStop(1); _root.img.held_item.gotoAndStop(1); _root.misses = 0; } frame 19 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 19 { _global.in_area = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; } movieClip 820 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 829 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _global.tablet_bg = 13; } frame 4 { _global.tablet_bg = 13; } } movieClip 838 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _global.tablet_bg = 15; } frame 4 { _global.tablet_bg = 15; } } movieClip 841 { } button 842 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class < 6 && _global.TasksLeft == 2) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I should get back home to meet Riley...'; } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 0) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It\'s pretty late, I need to get back home and get some sleep.'; } else { if (_global.been_in_cafe == 1) { if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 3; } if ( == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop(26); } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'I need to wear the maid outfit.'; } } else { if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 3; } if ( != 3) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'I need to wear the maid outfit.'; } else { --_global.TasksLeft; _root.gotoAndStop(20); } } } } } } button 843 { on (release) { if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 2; } if ( == 3) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It\'s too embarrassing to leave wearing this!'; } else { _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _root.gotoAndStop(22); } } } button 844 { on (release) { if (_global.cafe_pleasure_clients > 0) { --_global.cafe_pleasure_clients; _root.gotoAndStop(30); } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hmm.. I guess I don\'t have anymore clients?'; } } } button 845 { on (rollOver) { _global.clothing_hover = 1; } on (rollOut) { _global.clothing_hover = 0; } on (releaseOutside) { _global.clothing_hover = 0; } on (release) { if (_global.been_in_cafe == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(25); } else { if ( == 3) { = 2; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This is why I don\'t like button up shirts...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Why do we have to wear button up shirts?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Squeeze! Squeeze! Ugh.. there! got it! well sorta...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Oh well, this is the best it will fit me.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Can\'t get the button to hold without it tearing off.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { if ( == 2) { = 3; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This barely covers my nipples!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Well I hope they don\'t fall out...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Do we really have to wear this?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This makes my boobs look so lewd.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: I need to make sure I don\'t make any sudden moves in this...'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { = 2; } } } } } button 846 { on (release) { if (_global.TasksLeft > 0) { if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 3; } if ( != 3) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I need to put on the uniform.'; } else { _global.TasksLeft -= 1; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(33); } } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It\'s getting pretty late. Maybe I should get some sleep...'; } } } movieClip 849 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 850 { on (release) { if (_global.pattie_in_party != 1) { _global.pattie_in_party = 1; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I\'ll swing by your house later senpai!'; } else { if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) { _global.pattie_in_party = 0; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: No problem senpai maybe I can come by some other time!'; } } } } movieClip 855 { instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.cafe_friend = 1; _global.mood = 0; } instance quest of movieClip 849 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.cafe_level > 3 && _global.testx > 4 && _global.been_in_class < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } } movieClip 857 { } instance of movieClip 857 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cafe_wages_var = _global.cafe_wages; _root.cafe_tips_var = _global.cafe_tips; _root.cafe_earned_var = _global.cafe_wages_earned; _root.cafe_level_var = _global.cafe_level; _root.cafe_clients_var = _global.cafe_pleasure_clients; _root.cafe_popularity_var = _global.cafe_popularity; _root.cafe_popularity_goal_var = _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.cafe_wages_var = _global.cafe_wages; _root.cafe_tips_var = _global.cafe_tips; _root.cafe_earned_var = _global.cafe_wages_earned; _root.cafe_level_var = _global.cafe_level; _root.cafe_clients_var = _global.cafe_pleasure_clients; _root.cafe_popularity_var = _global.cafe_popularity; _root.cafe_popularity_goal_var = _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level; } } frame 20 { _global.can_use_tablet = 0; _global.tablet_bg = 5; _global.cafe_wages = _global.cafe_level * _global.cafe_level; _global.first_check = 0; var current_cafe_friend = _global.cafe_friend; var friend_is_busy = 0; var friend_away_time = 0; _root.img.friend.gotoAndStop(_global.cafe_friend + 1); var cafe_flirt_chance = 5; var cafe_flirt_max = 10; var cafe_flirt_roll = 0; var talked_to_customers = 0; var cafe_person_wants_to_flirt = 0; _global.cafe_tips = 0; if (_global.cafe_level < 5) { var cafe_level = _global.cafe_level; } else { var cafe_level = 4; } var cafe_end_game_check = cafe_level * cafe_level; var cafe_end_game_counter = 0; _root.serve.gotoAndStop(cafe_level); var minigame_array = new Array(cafe_level * cafe_level); var minigame_complete = new Array(cafe_level * cafe_level); var i = 0; while (i < cafe_level * cafe_level) { minigame_array[i] = random(5) + 1; minigame_complete[i] = 0; ++i; } var timer = 30 * cafe_level; var current_item = 0; _root.img.ibmc.gotoAndStop(2); var target_mc = _root.serve.q0; var z = 0; while (z < cafe_level * cafe_level) { _root.serve['q' + z].item.gotoAndStop(minigame_array[z] + 1); ++z; } _global.dialogue_scene = 0; var dialogue_count = 2; var dialogue_tracking = 0; var dialogue_array = new Array(); _root.check_order = function (array_number) { if (_root.timer <= 0) { cafe_person_wants_to_flirt = 0; _root.img.ibmc.flirt.gotoAndStop(1); _root.img.ibmc.friend_flirt.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.current_item == _root.minigame_array[array_number]) { if (_root.serve['q' + array_number].item._currentframe == 1) { _root.serve['q' + array_number].item.gotoAndStop(_root.minigame_array[array_number] + 1); _root.minigame_complete[array_number] = 1; _global.cafe_tips += 5; _global.cafe_popularity += 10; if (_global.book_productive_work > 0) { _global.cafe_tips += 20; _global.cafe_popularity += 10; } cafe_flirt_roll = random(cafe_flirt_max) + 1; if (cafe_flirt_roll < cafe_flirt_chance) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Looks like someone is eager to chat!'; cafe_person_wants_to_flirt = 1; _root.img.ibmc.flirt.gotoAndStop(2); if (friend_is_busy == 0) { _root.img.ibmc.friend_flirt.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.img.cafegirl._currentframe == 1) { _root.img.cafegirl.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.img.cafegirl._currentframe == 2) { _root.img.cafegirl.gotoAndStop(4); } } } } } } else { _global.cafe_tips -= 5; if (_global.cafe_tips <= 0) { _global.cafe_tips = 0; } _global.mood += 1; _root.misses += 1; } if (friend_is_busy == 1) { --friend_away_time; if (friend_away_time <= 0) { friend_away_time = 0; friend_is_busy = 0; talked_to_customers += 1; _root.img.cafegirl.gotoAndStop(2); _global.cafe_pleasure_clients += 1; _global.cafe_popularity += 2; } } _root.cafe_end_game_counter = 0; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < cafe_level * cafe_level) { if (_root.minigame_complete[v3] == 1) { ++_root.cafe_end_game_counter; } ++v3; } if (_root.cafe_end_game_counter >= _root.cafe_end_game_check) { _global.cafe_wages_earned += _global.cafe_wages + _global.cafe_tips; _global.Money += _global.cafe_wages + _global.cafe_tips; _root.img.ibmc.gotoAndStop(1); if (_global.cafe_popularity >= _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level && _global.cafe_level < 4) { ++_global.cafe_level; _global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level += _global.cafe_level * 50 * _global.cafe_level; } _root.gotoAndStop(21); } } }; _root.cafe_friend_flirt = function () { cafe_person_wants_to_flirt = 0; _root.img.cafegirl.gotoAndStop(5); friend_is_busy = 1; friend_away_time = 2; _root.img.ibmc.flirt.gotoAndStop(1); _root.img.ibmc.friend_flirt.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root.cafe_flirt = function () { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Not working yet'; cafe_person_wants_to_flirt = 0; _root.img.ibmc.flirt.gotoAndStop(1); _root.img.ibmc.friend_flirt.gotoAndStop(1); }; } frame 20 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 20 { _global.in_area = 0; } movieClip 866 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 871 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 876 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 881 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 886 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 891 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 892 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 895 { on (release) { _root.current_item = 1; } } button 896 { on (release) { _root.current_item = 2; } } button 897 { on (release) { _root.current_item = 3; } } button 898 { on (release) { _root.current_item = 4; } } button 899 { on (release) { _root.current_item = 5; } } button 901 { on (release) { _root.cafe_friend_flirt(); } } movieClip 905 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 906 { on (release) { _global.cafe_popularity -= 5; if (_global.cafe_popularity <= 0) { _global.cafe_popularity = 0; } _root.timer = 30 * _root.cafe_level; var z = 0; while (z < _root.cafe_level * _root.cafe_level) { _root.serve['q' + z].item.gotoAndStop(_root.minigame_array[z] + 1); ++z; } } } movieClip 909 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 910 { instance of movieClip 866 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } instance held_item of movieClip 892 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.item.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.item.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 85 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } instance item of movieClip 857 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.img.held_item.gotoAndStop(_root.current_item + 1); if (_root.timer > 0) { --_root.timer; } if (_root.timer == 0) { _root.timer = -1; var i = 0; while (i < _root.cafe_level * _root.cafe_level) { if (_root.minigame_complete[i] == 0) { _root.serve['q' + i].item.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (minigame_complete[i] == 1) { _root.serve['q' + i].item.gotoAndStop(_root.minigame_array[i]); } } ++i; } } } } movieClip 918 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 923 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 928 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 933 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 938 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 939 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance item of movieClip 918 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance item of movieClip 923 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance item of movieClip 928 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance item of movieClip 933 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance item of movieClip 938 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } movieClip 940 { } button 942 { on (release) { _root.check_order(0); } } button 943 { on (release) { _root.check_order(1); } } button 944 { on (release) { _root.check_order(2); } } button 945 { on (release) { _root.check_order(3); } } button 946 { on (release) { _root.check_order(4); } } button 947 { on (release) { _root.check_order(5); } } button 948 { on (release) { _root.check_order(6); } } button 949 { on (release) { _root.check_order(7); } } button 950 { on (release) { _root.check_order(8); } } button 951 { on (release) { _root.check_order(12); } } button 952 { on (release) { _root.check_order(13); } } button 953 { on (release) { _root.check_order(14); } } button 954 { on (release) { _root.check_order(15); } } button 955 { on (release) { _root.check_order(9); } } button 956 { on (release) { _root.check_order(10); } } button 957 { on (release) { _root.check_order(11); } } movieClip 958 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 961 { } movieClip 962 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } } instance arrow_mc of movieClip 962 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.been_in_cafe == 2) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } frame 21 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(14); _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; if (_global.cafe_friend == 1) { if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Senpai I don’t think that guy looked at your face even once hehe.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: It’s easy when I am here senpai.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Oink oink!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Call me crazy senpai, but I could have sworn I heard Kyle’s Camera snap as we walked past that table.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: That guy must have been super hungry or something senpai, he barely even looked at us!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 5) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Lot’s of little piggies left to serve senpai, Oink! Oink!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 6) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: He said I’m not big enough!? Who does he think he is?! I almost smacked him with a cupcake!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 7) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Done and done senpai!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 8) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Senpai I wasn’t making fun of him! honest! The baby just reminded be of a cute little piggy!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 9) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Everything we serve tastes so yummy! Wha? I didn\'t taste any of it! honest!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 10) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Better watch out senpai, these guys are extra frisky today. One even tried to start it with me on the table in front of everyone!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 11) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: You should try leaving your panties at home senpai, that’s how I get all my tips!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 12) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Senpai… did you see our paychecks this week? We really will need more tips if we want to get anything…'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 13) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Senpai, do you know what making bacon means? I oinked near a customer and now he won’t stop saying that.'; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (_global.cafe_friend == 2) { if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Nya finally done!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Whaaa! Done already!? Leyah-nyan was distracted talking to customers nya!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Yay! Now Leyah-nyan can finish her video game spree!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Nyuuuu… Leyah-nya got her bobbles groped so much that time!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Delivering orders with Leyah-nya\'s bobbles out was easier since her top barely stays on her anyway!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 5) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Nya~! you can tell they all like big bobbles! That’s why Leyah’s here!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 6) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Hehe! That guy wanted to serve Leyah-nyan his food! He had something yummy under the table he wanted me to eat too!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 7) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Nya~ nya~ Leyah remembers Mr. Big dick… he wanted to play some more today!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 8) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Nyo Leyah got in trouble from walking with her bobbles out again!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 9) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Phew Maiko-nyan! Leyah-nyan thinks we are the cutest waitresses!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 10) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Leyah-nyan snuck some pickles from that last plate. That guy’s a jerk that doesn’t tip, so he doesn’t deserve any pickles!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 11) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Nyo… why’s Jeni so mean. I was about to get a big tip with this guy but she threw him out just cause he wanted it on the counter…'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 12) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Maiko! Leyah-nyan is one more paycheck away from funding her let’s play channel! First game she\'s playing is Umiya Marko Classroom Cucks, you’ll watch it right?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 13) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Nyo! Maiko-nyan don’t ever tell boys you play games. I thought it would make them want to tip more but it just made them get weird…'; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (_global.cafe_friend == 3) { if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Damn I wish people would stop staring at me so damn much. It’s fucking creepy.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Holy shit! You really know how to turn heads cowtits.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: All people do here is stare at my tits or ass or whatever. I don’t even care anymore.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: One guy asked me why I have gloves on. I don’t think he wanted to know…'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Lots of sex hungry people out there Maiko, let’s keep up the pace.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 5) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Hey I just saw that that asshole that facialed me when I said no! Let\'s go kick his ass Maiko!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 6) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Damn I almost had to crack the guys skull open! Do you even realize how many hands I keep off you?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 7) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: One guy kept rubbing me with his dick… ngh…If my mom wasn\'t nearby I would have smashed his face in!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 8) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Be careful when serving cowtits! You almost mashed that guy’s food down with your tits when you leaned over!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 9) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Maiko I hope you are ready to handle all these boners you are giving people.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 10) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Hey watch out for that bald guy eyeing you over there, he always says he’ll give a big tip for anal but when it comes time to pay up he always ‘left it at home’'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 11) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: You know if you really want more tips you could just lean over more. I mean that’s why there here to start with.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 12) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Hey tell Leyah to stop all that food snatching shit! Otherwise we’ll move all her shifts to back so she can only snatch dick.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 13) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: If this next guy pulls your hair make sure to smack him good. Last time he was here he tried that shit and I ‘conditioned’ him not to again.'; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (_global.cafe_friend == 4) { if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: You\'re lucky I\'m here to help you missy.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: We did it only thanks to me.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: We didn\'t have any trouble at all did we?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: These people should be honored I would even bother serving them!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: Maybe one day people will stare at you as much as do me missy! You\'ll get there!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 5) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: Hey, hey! It\'s that jerk who pinched my nipples! Be right back missy!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 6) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: You\'ll have to do better if you expect to out perform my sister missy!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 7) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: We served them the best tasting food today! What do you mean how do I know?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 8) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: I saw some guy literally mastubating untill he jizzed while starting at me!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 9) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: Ready for sex today missy? I can handle everyone myself if you don\'t want to.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 10) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: Sorry I just got back missy. That guy just would not shut up about my nipples!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 11) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: Maybe you should shorten your dress more like me missy.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 12) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: Why not just move the sex club here?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 13) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Stacy: Ha ha! This guy totally jizzed in his pants when my top fell down.'; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 21 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 21 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 963 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_cafe < 3) { _global.been_in_cafe = 3; _root.gotoAndStop(27); } else { if (_global.cafe_level == 4) { _global.cafe_level = 5; _root.gotoAndStop(35); } else { _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _root.gotoAndStop(19); } } } } movieClip 967 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 968 { instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance medal of movieClip 967 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.cafe_level == 1) { if (_root.misses == 0) { _global.medals_cafe[1] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_root.misses <= 1) { _global.medals_cafe[2] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.misses <= 2) { _global.medals_cafe[3] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } else { if (_global.cafe_level == 2) { if (_root.misses == 0) { _global.medals_cafe[1] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_root.misses <= 1) { _global.medals_cafe[2] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.misses <= 2) { _global.medals_cafe[3] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } else { if (_global.cafe_level == 3) { if (_root.misses <= 4) { _global.medals_cafe[1] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_root.misses <= 6) { _global.medals_cafe[2] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.misses <= 8) { _global.medals_cafe[3] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } else { if (_global.cafe_level >= 4) { if (_root.misses <= 12) { _global.medals_cafe[1] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_root.misses <= 17) { _global.medals_cafe[2] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.misses <= 22) { _global.medals_cafe[3] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } } } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } } frame 22 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 22 { _global.in_area = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; } movieClip 975 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 976 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_cafe == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(24); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; } else { if (_global.been_in_cafe > 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(19); } } } } button 977 { on (release) { if (_global.been_in_class == 4) { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (I need to go check out the Cafe with Pattie)'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(14); } } } movieClip 980 { } button 984 { on (release) { if (_global.dialogue == 0) { _global.dialogue = 1; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Hey Umi! I was wating for Peach and Creamy to get here so we can go to our model shoot.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Don\'t worry Umi, you don\'t have to prove anyhting to me.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: You know, you might try modeling sometime Umi.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: It would be good if these outfits came in a bigger size right?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: My sister is thinking about working in the cafe.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Let\'s talk more later okay?'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } button 986 { on (release) { if (_global.dialogue == 0) { _global.dialogue = 1; _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: Another one.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Huh?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Another student who can\'t fully button her shirt.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: It probably happens to Umi also! Right Umi?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hm?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Peach: Just big boobs problems in general.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Hi Umi, we are just hanging out here until our modeling gig starts.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Peach: Damn, it\'s hard being this damn sexy.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Nice ego Creamy.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Thanks Peach! That was really good! I\'m going to order that again next time!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Peach: See? I told you.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: I would have eaten more if we didn\'t model.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Did you notice Kyle working at the model agency?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Peach: He is definately up to something!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: I\'m breaking any camera he touches just to be safe.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Peach: Any friend of Zytra is friend of mine. But don\'t think I\'ll be soft on you!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } button 988 { on (release) { if (_global.dialogue == 0) { _global.dialogue = 1; _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Greel: Sup babydoll.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Greel!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Isn\'t he great?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Greel: What\'s up babydoll?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Peach: Babydoll again? Have you found a nickname for me yet?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Peach: Maybe you need some... inspiration?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Peach: Zytra was supposed to meet us here.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Greel: Don\'t worry she will be here soon.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Have you seen her around Maiko?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: It\'s about time you got popular Maiko!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Greel: I agree. You deserve it.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Thanks!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: One day I might work in the cafe Maiko. It\'ll be a fun break from modeling.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Greel: I support that.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Yeah Greel you can be my first customer!'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Greel: Let\'s talk later babe.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } button 990 { on (release) { if (_global.dialogue == 0) { _global.dialogue = 1; _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: What\'s up nerdlet?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Joiry: Yo, you why you talking to this girlie?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Luma: She\'ll get to popular girl level soon enough.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Joiry: Yo girlie, you workin\' today?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Luma: Don\'t mind him Maiko. I haven\'t fucked him today yet. He\'s just horny.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: I see.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: You see? all you needed was some motivation nerdlet.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: I guess.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Joiry: Yo, when the hell are you two getting naked?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Joiry: Damn why the fuck am I paying for everything?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Luma: You buy shit, and I fuck the shit out of you. That\'s how this works.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Joiry: Yo! You got a shitload of work to do tonight then to make up for all this shit I bought.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: There\'s my favorite nerdlet!.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Joiry: Yoooo Luma that blowjob was sooo good!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Too much info...'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: Talk later nerdlet, go prove me wrong.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } button 992 { on (release) { if (_global.dialogue == 0) { _global.dialogue = 1; _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Maiko I\'ll be at the school if you want to study just ask.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Chris: Oh? M- maybe I can assist?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Riley: Sorry girls only. We study at Maiko\'s house in our undies hehe.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Chris: M- Maiko chan!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: Are you okay Chris?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Chris: I\'m fine!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Hey you two! What\'s up?.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: We decided to grab some stuff for Alma. She has been really busy lately.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: I see.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Chris: Maiko-chan you don\'t need to prove anything to anyone!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: But it would help if she did.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Geez.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Chris: M- Maiko chan!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hi Chris!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Riley: Geez Chris, try not to stare too hard.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: I\'ll be at school if you need me.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } button 993 { on (release) { if (_global.dialogue == 0) { _global.dialogue = 1; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Have you seen any of those aliens again Maiko-chan?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: There\'s a lot of aliens around here Maiko be careful!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: The cafe is full of horny demons!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Everyone is looking at me!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: I was about to visit the cafe but it\'s too many scary aliens in there.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Be careful out there Maiko-chan.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } button 995 { on (release) { if (_global.dialogue == 0) { _global.dialogue = 1; _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: Are you sure you don\'t want to model? You\'d be super cute!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: Uh, Maiko might be better suited for it.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Why because of her boobs? Have you seen mine?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Heya Maiko!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: What\'s up?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Oh just chatting with Riley until, Zytra and Peach get here.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: So I hear you have a nickname?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: Yeah but let\'s not talk about it.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Booo.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: Hey don\'t let Peach get to you Maiko. She is a nice person, really.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: It\'s fine.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: She is very defensive of Greel though.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: I\'m actually glad I don\'t have big boobs.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: Are you really?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Yes really!'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: See you around Maiko.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } button 997 { on (release) { if (_global.dialogue == 0) { _global.dialogue = 1; _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Watch out for aliens Chris!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Chris: Don\'t worry Dizzy, there\'s nothing here.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Hi Maiko-chan!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Chris: Hey Maiko, what\'s up?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: So many people here!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Chris: Don\'t worry, it is safe Dizzy!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Ah Maiko-chan! I\'m glad aliens haven\'t captured you yet!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Huh?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Maiko-chan is here.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Of course I\'m here, hehe.'; } } } } } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Chris: Good luck Maiko-chan!.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } movieClip 998 { frame 1 { stop(); gotoAndStop(random(19) + 2); } } movieClip 999 { instance of movieClip 975 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } } frame 23 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 23 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1000 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(22); } } movieClip 1001 { frame 1 { } instance of movieClip 975 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Over here senpai!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Pattie? What are you wearing?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Pattie: It\'s a Maid Outfit for the popular Cherry Girls Cafe chu.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Uh...'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Pattie: Chu?'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(9); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Oh sorry senapi.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Pattie: Anyway, I just started working here recently chu, and I told then you wanted a job.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Geez that outfit barely stays over your-... wait what?'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Pattie: Chu! When you get inside Holly will handle everything senpai. She owns the cafe.'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Maiko: Wait wait, But why did you tell them I wanted to work here?'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Pattie: It\'s a good way to get popular senpai. More popular than poopie head! All the boys will want chu!'; _root.dialogue_array[7] = 'Pattie: Even Greel.'; _root.dialogue_array[8] = 'Maiko: Hmmm... I guess it couldn\'t hurt. Plus I could use use the extra money...'; _root.dialogue_array[9] = 'Pattie: Don\'t worry senpai some students work there already chu. Let\'s go inside!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } frame 24 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 24 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1008 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(19); } } movieClip 1009 { instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Oooo hey cutie~!'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Me?'; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Yes you silly! Your Pattie\'s friend right? Maiko was it? Who wanted the job right? I\'m Holly~!'; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh... yes.'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: Yo cowtits! Pattie said you wanted a job right?'; } frame 7 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: We\'ll yeah but...'; } frame 8 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: Those giant tits of yours are perfect for a place like this.'; } frame 9 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: Trust me. You see my mom right? All the customers here love her.'; } frame 10 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: You can start working whenever you want Maiko!'; } frame 11 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh... thanks?'; } frame 12 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: I hate to say it but, you\'d be doing me a favor. I already asked some other girls but they are busy.'; } frame 13 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: With those giant milk sacks of yours, we\'d starting making a lot more money and getting this place more popular.'; } frame 14 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: J- Jeni~! Sorry my daughter can be a bit blunt.'; } frame 15 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: Speaking of blunt. I\'m not gonna lie, we offer a special service here.'; } frame 16 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Ooooh yeah very special~'; } frame 17 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: Some clients are really only interested in fucking maids in the back room.'; } frame 18 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I see...'; } frame 19 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: You don\'t have to, but the option is on the table. It is kind of what we are known for.'; } frame 20 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: The food and drinks are good too~! Honest!'; } frame 21 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: Well let\'s see if we can find an outfit we can squeeze you into.'; } frame 22 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Do I have to wear that?'; } frame 23 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Yes! Don\'t worry it stays on.'; } frame 24 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Well, most of the time!'; } frame 25 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Great...'; } frame 26 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Well? Go try one on!'; } frame 27 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I\'ll come with you senpai!'; } } frame 25 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 25 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1016 { on (release) { = 3; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; gotoAndStop(22); } } button 1018 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.TasksLeft = 2; _global.been_in_cafe = 1; if (_global.been_in_class < 6) { _global.been_in_class = 5; } _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(19); } } movieClip 1019 { frame 1 { } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: There\'s no way this will over my... well... will fit over me.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { = 1; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Let\'s find out senpai!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 4 { = 4; _root.new_dialogue(5); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Yeah okay...'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Pattie: Senpai has the best chu chus!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Geez Pattie...'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Pattie: It\'s chru! Senpai is very big and squishy.'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Maiko: Ugh, I can\'t even get this on.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 5 { = 3; _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Like this senpai.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Oh... thanks.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Looks good on you senpai.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: It\'s feels like it\'s already slipping...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 7 { = 4; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Hehe.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 8 { = 3; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Got it. I think this will work.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 9 { = 4; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Awww poo...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 10 { = 4; _root.new_dialogue(7); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: It\'s ok senpai it happens. Just pull it back up.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: But my boobs are so... lewd. It\'s embarrassing.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Pattie: I love senpai\'s chu chus.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: But... it\'s bad right? I can\'t have my boobs just hanging out in public right?'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Pattie: You can here senpai. Holly doesn\'t mind. In fact she would encourage it. Plus you\'ll probably get more popular and higher tips!'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Maiko: But... What if Greel comes in?'; _root.dialogue_array[7] = 'Pattie: Oooo yeah. He\'s probably like them but might get the wrong idea. You should keep it on as much as possible.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 11 { = 3; _root.new_dialogue(4); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Hmmm maybe this will hold for a while.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Pattie: Just don\'t move too much senpai.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Yours fell down without even moving...'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Pattie: Chu? whoops!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 12 { = 4; _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Now yours fell down again senpai.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Oh Geez.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Pattie: Hehe this is fun senpai.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 13 { _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (Eeep!)'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Jeni: Damn what\'s taking so long?'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 14 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: It\'s just Jeni senpai.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Oh...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 15 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Can\'t keep the top on? I figured as much..'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: I don\'t know what to do. It\'s too embarrassing to work in public like this...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 16 { = 3; _root.new_dialogue(9); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Just pull it back up and move on. Some guys will look away, some won\'t. It\'s not a big deal here cowtits.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Yeah I\'m starting to see that...'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Jeni: Plus if anyone touches you, me or mom will kick thier ass.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: But I don\'t want just anyone to see this much of me. What if other students come?'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Jeni: What? you don\'t want the boys at school beating thier dicks thinking about the time they saw your boobs?'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Maiko: It may be safe here, but I\'m not always here...'; _root.dialogue_array[7] = 'Jeni: Meh, I guess that\'s true. I\'ll have to teach you how to defend yourself one of these days cowtits.'; _root.dialogue_array[8] = 'Maiko: So what do I do?'; _root.dialogue_array[9] = 'Jeni: I\'ll go ask mom.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 17 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Don\'t worry senpai. We\'ll get this figured out.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: I hope so...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 18 { = 4; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Geez...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 19 { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Senpai looks tasty!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: P- Pattie cut it out.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Pattie: Just kidding senpai.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 20 { _root.new_dialogue(5); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Holly: HellooOoo~! Having trouble with the outfit?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Yeah...'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Holly: You probably need to stretch it out some!'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Jeni: Or a lot.'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Maiko: Okay...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 22 { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Holly: Better?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Yeah a little... It\'s not slipping off every five seconds at least...'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Holly: Well looks like we are all set then! You can begin work anytime!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 23 { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie Yay senpai can get popular now!'; if (_global.been_in_class < 6) { _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Well, I might need to start tomorrow. I was supposed to meet Riley to study.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Holly: Sure, do whatever you need to do! I don\'t mind either way.'; } else { _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Pattie: A certain someone will notice chu for sure!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Jeni: Along with several other guys getting a hard on.'; } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } frame 26 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 26 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1020 { on (release) { _global.been_in_cafe = 2; _global.cafe_level = 1; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(20); } } movieClip 1022 { instance of movieClip 866 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft < 7) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: So how do I do this?'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(7); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: People will place orders here senpai.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Pattie: You will need to remember what order goes where and match match to food to the order.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Match the food with the order got it.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: What if I forget?'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Pattie: You can check the orders again senpai, but usually people pay less for forgetting thier orders.'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Maiko: Right.'; _root.dialogue_array[7] = 'Pattie: Let\'s just start with one order for now senpai.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } frame 27 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 27 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1028 { on (release) { _global.cafe_level = 2; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(19); } } movieClip 1029 { instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Order complete~!'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Lester: Mmm that was pretty tasty. I\'ll be back later for my... extras.'; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Uh...'; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Sure! But one of our other girls may handle it for you, since she is new~!'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Lester: Hehe, I can hardly wait!'; } frame 7 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Well Maiko, you did it! You should be able to handle more than one order at a time now. Ready for more?'; } frame 8 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; if (_global.been_in_class < 6) { _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Thanks, but I really need to get back home. Riley is probably waiting on me so she can help me study.'; } else { _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Thanks, I think I\'m ready.'; } } } frame 28 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 28 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1030 { on (release) { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _global.look_at_journal = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(5); } } movieClip 1031 { instance of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(4); _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Okay. I need to see if I can pass that test now... and work in in the cafe so I can get more popular...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } } frame 29 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 29 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1033 { on (release) { _global.TasksLeft = 2; _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); gotoAndStop(46); } } button 1034 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(6); } } button 1036 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _root.eveningx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.TasksLeft = 2; gotoAndStop(8); } } button 1037 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(13); } } button 1038 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); gotoAndStop(20); } } button 1040 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } button 1041 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(17); } } button 1044 { on (release) { _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } button 1045 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(23); } } movieClip 1052 { } movieClip 1055 { } movieClip 1058 { } movieClip 1061 { } movieClip 1062 { frame 1 { tom1.smoothing = true; } frame 16 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 31 { if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomspeed = random(50); if (_global.randomspeed > 25) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 32 { tom2.smoothing = true; } frame 60 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 62 { if (_global.randomshit == 1) { _global.randomspeed = random(50); if (_global.randomspeed > 25) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } else { gotoAndPlay(32); } } frame 63 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 93 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 123 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 153 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 183 { stop(); } } button 1063 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(29); } } button 1064 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(33); } } button 1065 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(34); } } button 1066 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(38); } } button 1069 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); = 2; _global.testx = 6; gotoAndStop(17); } } button 1070 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(11); } } button 1071 { on (release) { _global.sfxstop(); _global.playbgm(); _global.medal = 0; _global.randomshit = 0; _global.randomspeed = 0; = 1; _global.hud = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(5); } } movieClip 1073 { frame 1 { if (_global.medal == 1) { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _global.hud = 0; gotoAndStop(50); } else { if (_global.tried_test > 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance of movieClip 748 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(4); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Alma: Oh? Maiko! I was just leaving. I assume you are here to retake the test?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Yeah... I can try at least.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Alma: Yes, Riley told me you studied last night. Good Luck! We can talk later.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: Sure.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.oddx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Tom: So, how are you feeling about the test Maiko?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Well, hopefully I can pass it...'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Tom: Right, right. We\'ll make sure that happens one way or another.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: Thanks...'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Tom: So uh... did you want to try the text now or go study the material in a 1-on-1 lesson?'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hm…'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Let\'s try the test. I want to see how well I do on it.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Tom: Want see what more you need to study eh? Sure let me find the test papers.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 8 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; if (_global.smarts > 300) { _global.dialogue_text = 'I think I actually did okay on the test this time… hopefully I passed it…'; } else { if (_global.smarts > 200) { _global.dialogue_text = 'I\'m not sure how the test went this time… I think I did okay? maybe?'; } else { if (_global.smarts > 100) { _global.dialogue_text = 'I only understood some of the test questions… I don\'t think I did that well on it.'; } else { _global.dialogue_text = 'It didn\'t feel like the test went that well. I barely understood any of the questions I probably failed it again… ugh.'; } } } } frame 9 { if (_global.smarts > 300) { _global.testx = 5; _root.new_dialogue(4); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Tom: Good news Maiko, you passed!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Great!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'I had finally passed this test! Which makes one of my goals are finished!'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Tom: I\'ll go tell Alma the good news.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { if (_global.asked_maiko == 0) { _root.new_dialogue(20); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Tom: You didn\'t score high enough this time Maiko.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Geez…'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Tom: You will need to study more to pass this test… unless…'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: Hm…?'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Tom: I can probably just swap out your test papers.'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Maiko: Huh? but that\'s cheating right?…'; _root.dialogue_array[7] = 'Tom: Eh… yeah but honestly you wont need to know any of this stuff.'; _root.dialogue_array[8] = 'Maiko: You\'d just do that?'; _root.dialogue_array[9] = 'Tom: Well… since I\'m not supposed to, you could do a small favor for me.'; _root.dialogue_array[10] = 'Geez… he\'s looking right at my boobs…'; _root.dialogue_array[11] = 'Maiko: I see… so what\'s the favor?…'; _root.dialogue_array[12] = 'Tom: Hm… please just keep this between you and me.'; _root.dialogue_array[13] = 'Maiko: Sure…'; _root.dialogue_array[14] = 'Tom: Well, I\'ve been scheduling dates with Alma but it just hasn\'t been working out.'; _root.dialogue_array[15] = 'Tom: She keeps saying next time for sure, but she is always busy with work or whatever else.'; _root.dialogue_array[16] = 'Tom: Which has left me… uh… having to have fun with myself instead.'; _root.dialogue_array[17] = 'Maiko: You mean…'; _root.dialogue_array[18] = 'Tom: Yeah, so if you don\'t find helping a single man out just once?'; _root.dialogue_array[19] = 'Wait so I need to do it with him? But… I wouldn\'t have to worry about this test anymore… But smeone might find out…'; _root.dialogue_array[20] = '…Should I?'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { if (_global.reconsider % 2 == 0) { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Tom: Hey uh… Maiko. My offer still stands if you want. We can help each other out.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hmm…'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Have sex with Tom to pass the test?'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } else { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Tom: You didn\'t score high enough this time Maiko.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Geez…'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Tom: You will need to study more to pass this test… Let\'s try it again later.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } } } frame 10 { if (_global.smarts > 300) { gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_global.asked_maiko == 0) { _global.asked_maiko = 1; gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_global.reconsider % 2 == 0) { ++_global.reconsider; gotoAndStop(11); } else { ++_global.reconsider; gotoAndStop(14); } } } } frame 13 { _root.new_dialogue(5); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Sorry I can\'t. It just seems kinda… weird.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Tom: Ah. No problem. Sorry if I put you in awkward situation.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Yeah… no worries.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: I\'ll just have to study more. I\'ll try the test again later.'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Tom: Right. Good luck then Maiko.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance of movieClip 748 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 17 { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _root.new_dialogue(4); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Alma: Hmm, mhmm yeah, looks good to me! Very nice work Maiko!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: You did it Maiko!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Yeah!'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'My problems with complicated tests are over! At least for now.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } instance of movieClip 679 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 20 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sure...alright.'; } instance of movieClip 748 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 21 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: R- Really? Thanks Maiko ha ha!'; } frame 23 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It\'s really really deep.'; _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _global.musicstop(); _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp += 10; _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 24 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: It feels amazing.'; } frame 25 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: You keep rubbing me so much...'; } frame 26 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Does it feel good?'; } frame 27 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Y- yeah.'; } frame 29 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Ah!'; _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } instance of movieClip 1062 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(32); } } frame 30 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Better?'; } frame 31 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Ah ha!'; } frame 33 { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } instance of movieClip 1062 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(63); } } frame 34 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Aaaahh...'; } frame 35 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: M -Mr.Belvedere!'; } frame 36 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Mmm sorry Maiko. That felt way too good.'; } frame 37 { _global.sfxstop(); } frame 38 { = 4; _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Thanks Maiko, I feel a lot better now ha!'; } instance of movieClip 748 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 39 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: No problem…'; } frame 40 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Now I will keep my end of the bargain and let Alma know you passed the test.'; } frame 41 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Okay…'; } frame 42 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Alright just give me some time to doctor it, and put my clothes back on. Then we can show Alma.'; } frame 43 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Thanks.'; } frame 46 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'We studied that afternoon and I think I actually started to understand it. The question was will I remember it…'; _global.smarts += 100; } instance of movieClip 748 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 47 { _root.new_dialogue(3); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Tom: Well… let\'s call it day.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Okay.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Tom: Thanks for the lovely aftertoon. I\'m here tomorrow if you need.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 50 { _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; } } frame 30 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 30 { _global.tablet_bg = 10; _global.can_use_tablet = 0; _global.in_cafe = 1; _global.hud = 0; _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _root.char_thought = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; var dialogue_count = 2; var dialogue_tracking = 0; var dialogue_array = new Array(); _global.musicstop(); _global.guy_skin = random(6) + 1; _global.guy_cut = random(2) + 1; _global.guy_hair = random(2); _global.guy_body = random(3) + 1; _root.img.guy.guy.gotoAndStop(_global.guy_body); _root.img.guy.gotoAndStop(_global.guy_skin); _root.img.guy.ms_penis.penis.gotoAndStop(_global.guy_skin); _root.img.guy.ms_penis.penis.penis.gotoAndStop(_global.guy_cut); if (_global.guy_hair == 0) { = false; = false; } else { = true; = true; } _global.hj_slow = 1; _global.hj_med = 3; _global.hj_fast = 5; _global.hj_difficuilty = random(20) + 1; _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: I hope this is worth it...'; if (_global.book_pleasure_tips != 1) { } if (_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp > 20) { if (_global.hj_difficuilty >= 18) { _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: His cock feels so lewd... I need to try really hard and ride really fast!'; } else { if (_global.hj_difficuilty >= 15) { _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: Looks like he can take a lot of pleasure. I hope I dont get too sweaty going fast.'; } else { if (_global.hj_difficuilty >= 10) { _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: He seems relaxed so I should ride him a medium amout.'; } else { if (_global.hj_difficuilty >= 5) { _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: I think he is holding it in already. Maybe I should ride a little slower.'; } else { _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: He looks like he is already about to wont take much.'; } } } } } _root.protip.gotoAndStop(2); _global.hj_number_of_strokes = _global.hj_difficuilty + 1; _global.hj_target_number = _global.hj_difficuilty * _global.hj_fast - random(4); _global.hj_tries_to_get_correct = int(_global.hj_difficuilty / _global.hj_fast) + 4; _global.hj_current_try = 1; _global.hj_style = 0; _global.hj_debug = 0; if (!_global.hj_earnings) { _global.hj_earnings = 0; } _global.tip_for_this_job = 10 * _global.hj_difficuilty; _global.hj_stroke_position_index = 0; _global.hj_return_message = ''; _root.quickm = ''; _global.hj_current_total = 0; _global.hj_previous_total = 0; _global.hj_current_speed = 1; _global.hj_wages = 100; _global.hj_stroke_position = new Array(hj_difficuilty); var i = 0; while (i <= _global.hj_stroke_position.length - 1) { _global.hj_stroke_position[i] = 0; ++i; } _global.hj_check_win_condition = function () { if (_global.hj_target_number == _global.hj_current_total) { _global.hj_earnings += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.Money += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp += _global.hj_difficuilty; if (_global.cafe_popularity > 0) { _global.cafe_popularity += 5; } _root.gotoAndStop(31); } else { if (_global.hj_current_total - _global.hj_target_number <= -10) { _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: Looks like he isn\'t even close to cumming yet. (10+ under)'; _root.guess.gotoAndStop(2);; = true; - _global.hj_current_total - 10); = false; trace(_global.hj_current_total - 10); } else { if (_global.hj_current_total - _global.hj_target_number >= 10) { _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: I think I might be having too much fun! (10+ over)'; _root.guess.gotoAndStop(3);; = false; = true; - 10); trace(_global.hj_current_total - 10); } else { if (_global.hj_current_total - _global.hj_target_number <= -5) { = false; = false;; _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: Looks like he can take a little more of me. (5 to 9 under)'; _root.guess.gotoAndStop(4); if (_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp >= 100) { _global.hj_earnings += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.Money += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp += _global.hj_difficuilty; if (_global.cafe_popularity > 0) { _global.cafe_popularity += 5; } _root.gotoAndStop(31); } } else { if (_global.hj_current_total - _global.hj_target_number >= 5) { = false; = false;; _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: Hmm. I might be going a little too fast. (5 to 9 over)'; _root.guess.gotoAndStop(5); if (_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp >= 100) { _global.hj_earnings += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.Money += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp += _global.hj_difficuilty; if (_global.cafe_popularity > 0) { _global.cafe_popularity += 5; } _root.gotoAndStop(31); } } else { if (_global.hj_current_total - _global.hj_target_number <= -1) { = false; = false;; _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: He looks so close. I should ride him just a little more. (1 to 4 under)'; _root.guess.gotoAndStop(6); if (_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp >= 50) { _global.hj_earnings += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.Money += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp += _global.hj_difficuilty; if (_global.cafe_popularity > 0) { _global.cafe_popularity += 5; } _root.gotoAndStop(31); } } else { if (_global.hj_current_total - _global.hj_target_number >= 1) { = false; = false;; _root.char_thought = 'Maiko: I almost have a good pace for him to cum, just a bit slower. (1 to 4 over)'; _root.guess.gotoAndStop(7); if (_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp >= 50) { _global.hj_earnings += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.Money += 100 + _global.tip_for_this_job; _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp += _global.hj_difficuilty; if (_global.cafe_popularity > 0) { _global.cafe_popularity += 5; } _root.gotoAndStop(31); } } } } } } } _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _global.hj_return_message = 'Maiko: Ready to squirt your juice in me? .'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _global.hj_return_message = 'Maiko: My body is so hot and sweaty.'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _global.hj_return_message = 'Maiko: You can cum whenever you like!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _global.hj_return_message = 'Maiko: Don\'t stare at my breasts so much...'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _global.hj_return_message = 'Maiko: Does it feel good?'; } } } } } _global.random_shit = random(5); if (_global.random_shit == 0) { _global.hj_return_message += '\nGuy: That fat ass feels so good on my dick!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 1) { _global.hj_return_message += '\nGuy: I will get you pregnant!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 2) { _global.hj_return_message += '\nGuy: I\'m not sure if I will pull out in time!'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 3) { _global.hj_return_message += '\nGuy: Will you marry me?'; } else { if (_global.random_shit == 4) { _global.hj_return_message += '\nGuy: Keep bouncing that fat ass baby.'; } } } } } if (_global.hj_tries_to_get_correct - _global.hj_current_try >= 3) { _global.hj_return_message += '\nGuy: I still have time for you to milk it more baby. (3+ turns left)'; } else { if (_global.hj_tries_to_get_correct - _global.hj_current_try >= 2) { _global.hj_return_message += '\nGuy: I\'m getting low on time. I better get the service I paid for! (2 turns left)'; _global.tip_for_this_job = int(_global.tip_for_this_job / 2); } else { if (_global.hj_tries_to_get_correct - _global.hj_current_try >= 1) { _global.hj_return_message += '\nGuy: My time is almost up I sure you can do it...(1s turns left)'; _global.tip_for_this_job = 0; } } } _global.dialogue_scene = 1; dialogue_count = 0; dialogue_tracking = 0; dialogue_array[0] = _global.hj_return_message; _global.dialogue_text = dialogue_array[0]; _root.protip.gotoAndStop(2); _global.hj_previous_total = _global.hj_current_total; ++_global.hj_current_try; _root.img.guy.ms_penis.gotoAndStop(1); _global.hj_current_total = 0; _global.hj_stroke_position_index = 0; var v3 = 0; while (v3 <= _global.hj_stroke_position.length - 1) { _global.hj_stroke_position[v3] = 0; ++v3; } if (_global.hj_current_try > _global.hj_tries_to_get_correct) { _global.tip_for_this_job = 0; _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp += random(5) + 1; if (_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp < 200 && _global.book_pleasure_tips > 0) { _global.cafe_maiko_sexexp += 19 + random(21); } _root.gotoAndStop(32); } } }; _global.end_loop_function = function () { if (_global.hj_current_speed == 0) { _root.img.guy.ms_penis.gotoAndStop(1 + _global.hj_style); } else { if (_global.hj_current_speed == 1) { _root.img.guy.ms_penis.gotoAndPlay(1 + _global.hj_style); } else { if (_global.hj_current_speed == 2) { _root.img.guy.ms_penis.gotoAndPlay(41 + _global.hj_style); } else { if (_global.hj_current_speed == 3) { _root.img.guy.ms_penis.gotoAndPlay(61 + _global.hj_style); } } } } }; } frame 30 { _global.in_area = 0; } movieClip 1088 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1095 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance man of movieClip 1088 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(random(6) + 1); } } frame 2 { midle.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 33 { mgrind.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 38 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 53 { _global.squelchsfx(); } frame 63 { gotoAndPlay(33); } frame 64 { mslow.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 91 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 94 { gotoAndPlay(64); } frame 95 { mfast.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1b._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 108 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 110 { gotoAndPlay(95); } } button 1096 { on (release) { _global.hj_current_speed = 0; _global.hj_return_message = ''; _global.hj_stroke_position_index = _global.hj_number_of_strokes; _global.hj_check_win_condition(); } } button 1097 { on (release) { _root.girl.gotoAndPlay(64); _global.hj_current_speed = 3; _global.hj_return_message = ''; if (_global.hj_current_total < 96) { _global.hj_current_total += 5; } } } button 1098 { on (release) { _root.girl.gotoAndPlay(33); _global.hj_current_speed = 2; _global.hj_return_message = ''; if (_global.hj_current_total < 98) { _global.hj_current_total += 3; } } } button 1099 { on (release) { _root.girl.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.hj_current_speed = 1; _global.hj_return_message = ''; if (_global.hj_current_total < 100) { _global.hj_current_total += 1; } } } button 1100 { on (release) { _root.girl.gotoAndPlay(95); _global.hj_current_speed = 3; _global.hj_return_message = ''; if (_global.hj_current_total < 81) { _global.hj_current_total += 20; } } } button 1105 { on (press) { _root.char_thought = ''; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1106 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1125 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1143 { } movieClip 1146 { } movieClip 1147 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1148 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1149 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1152 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance bar of movieClip 1152 { onClipEvent (load) { + 1); + 1); _root.hj_difficulty = _global.hj_difficuilty; _root.hj_position = _global.hj_stroke_position_index + '/' + _global.hj_number_of_strokes; _root.hj_message = _global.hj_return_message; _root.hj_total = _global.hj_current_total; _root.hj_trynum = _global.hj_current_try; _root.hj_prevtotal = _global.hj_previous_total; _root.hj_money = _global.hj_earnings; _root.hj_tip = _global.tip_for_this_job; _root.hj_wages = _global.hj_wages; if (_global.hj_debug == 1) { _root.hj_totaltries = _global.hj_tries_to_get_correct; _root.hj_target = _global.hj_target_number; } else { _root.hj_totaltries = 'X'; _root.hj_target = 'X'; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { + 1); + 1); _root.hj_difficulty = _global.hj_difficuilty; _root.hj_position = _global.hj_stroke_position_index + '/' + _global.hj_number_of_strokes; _root.hj_message = _global.hj_return_message; _root.hj_total = _global.hj_current_total; _root.hj_trynum = _global.hj_current_try; _root.hj_prevtotal = _global.hj_previous_total; _root.hj_money = _global.hj_earnings; _root.hj_tip = _global.tip_for_this_job; _root.hj_wages = _global.hj_wages; if (_global.hj_debug == 1) { _root.hj_totaltries = _global.hj_tries_to_get_correct; _root.hj_target = _global.hj_target_number; } else { _root.hj_totaltries = 'X'; _root.hj_target = 'X'; } } } frame 31 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 31 { _root.img.gotoAndStop(3); _global.cum = 1; _global.mood -= 1; += random(3) + 5; _global.hud = 1; _global.tablet_bg = 10 + random(3); _global.cumsfx(); _global.sfxstop(); _global.cafe_popularity += 20; if (_global.hj_difficuilty >= 18) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_global.hj_difficuilty >= 15) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_global.hj_difficuilty >= 10) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_global.hj_difficuilty >= 5) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _root.img.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It\'s so much...'; } frame 31 { _global.in_area = 0; } movieClip 1159 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1160 { on (release) { _global.playbgm(); _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; if (_global.medal == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _global.playbgm(); _global.medal = 0; _global.randomshit = 0; _global.randomspeed = 0; = 1; _global.hud = 1; _global.can_use_tablet = 1; _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(5); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(19); } } } instance medal of movieClip 967 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.hj_tries_to_get_correct - _global.hj_current_try >= 3) { _global.medals_cafe[1] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_global.hj_tries_to_get_correct - _global.hj_current_try >= 2) { _global.medals_cafe[2] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.hj_tries_to_get_correct - _global.hj_current_try >= 1) { _global.medals_cafe[3] += 1; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } frame 32 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 32 { += 1; _global.hud = 1; _global.sfxstop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sorry! Let\'s try again!'; } frame 32 { _global.in_area = 0; } movieClip 1163 { instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } frame 33 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 33 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1180 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(49); } } button 1181 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(59); } } button 1184 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(47); } } button 1185 { on (release) { if (_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp > 0) { gotoAndStop(114); } else { _global.been_in_class = 8; gotoAndStop(51); } } } button 1187 { on (release) { _global.been_in_class = 9; gotoAndStop(61); } } button 1190 { on (release) { _global.been_in_class = 10; gotoAndStop(73); } } button 1191 { on (release) { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; if (_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp > 0) { gotoAndStop(129); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(34); } } } movieClip 1194 { frame 1 { luma1.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 11 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 24 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 31 { luma2.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 36 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 42 { _global.sucksfx(); } frame 44 { gotoAndPlay(31); } } button 1195 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(83); } } button 1196 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(86); } } movieClip 1198 { frame 1 { luma3.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 16 { _global.slurpsfx(); } frame 26 { _global.sucksfx(); } } button 1199 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(88); } } button 1200 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(91); } } button 1203 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(92); } } movieClip 1204 { frame 21 { stop(); } } button 1205 { on (release) { _global.dialogue_text = ''; _global.dialogue_scene = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(34); } } movieClip 1207 { frame 1 { holly1.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 3 { _global.slurpsfx(); } frame 7 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 16 { _global.sucksfx(); } } button 1208 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(99); } } movieClip 1210 { frame 1 { holly2.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 4 { _global.sexsfx(); } frame 9 { _global.sucksfx(); } } button 1211 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(101); } } button 1212 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(104); } } button 1215 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(105); } } button 1216 { on (release) { _global.sfxstop(); if (_global.testx == 6) { gotoAndStop(107); } else { gotoAndStop(118); } } } button 1222 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(121); } } movieClip 1224 { frame 1 { ht1.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1a.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 16 { _global.slurpsfx(); } } button 1225 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(123); } } movieClip 1227 { frame 1 { ht2.smoothing = true; if (_root.breathex1b._currentframe == 1) { _global.sfxstop(); _root.breathex1b.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { _global.squelchsfx(); } } button 1228 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(126); } } button 1231 { on (release) { _global.sfxstop(); gotoAndStop(107); } } button 1232 { on (release) { if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 31) { _root.img.cafesex.gotoAndPlay(31); } else { _root.img.cafesex.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } button 1233 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(143); } } button 1235 { on (release) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(144); } } button 1236 { on (release) { if (_root.img._currentframe == 146) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(147); } else { _root.img.gotoAndStop(146); } } } button 1237 { on (release) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(148); } } button 1239 { on (release) { if (_root.img._currentframe == 150) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(151); } else { _root.img.gotoAndStop(150); } } } button 1240 { on (release) { _root.img.gotoAndStop(152); } } movieClip 1241 { frame 1 { if (_global.medal == 0) { = 3; _global.been_in_class = 7; } if (_global.medal > 0) { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _global.hud = 0; } if (_global.medal == 1) { this.gotoAndStop(142); } else { if (_global.medal == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(146); } else { if (_global.medal == 3) { this.gotoAndStop(150); } else { if (_global.medal == 4) { this.gotoAndStop(154); } } } } } instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Hi senpai!'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hi Pattie!'; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Whew this place has been getting really crowded lately!'; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Even nerdlet is working here today.'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Oh hey Maiko!'; } frame 7 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: I heard you have finally been getting a little popular nerdlet.'; } frame 8 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Only a little? She is reason this place is packed!'; } frame 9 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Yeah?'; } frame 10 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: It true. She also did really well on the test!'; } frame 11 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Yeah, it\'s not bad I guess.'; } frame 12 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Looks like I was wrong about you then nerdlet.'; } frame 13 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Thanks... I guess.'; } frame 14 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai is so smart and popular!'; } frame 15 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: So what happens now Luma?'; } frame 16 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Now she can feel better about herself?'; } frame 17 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: You humiliated her, made her cry, and doubted she had a bright future. And now she has proved you wrong.'; } frame 18 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Then good for her?'; } frame 19 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: So, you need equal humiliation.'; } frame 20 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Good idea!'; } frame 21 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Bitch please! I said I was wrong, but I\'m not signing up for any of your crazy ass ideas dork.'; } frame 22 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: You don\'t get to decide. Just like Maiko didn\'t sign up to get harassed in the hallway.'; } frame 23 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Whatever nerd. You want to start a shitfest right now? Or do you want to eat?'; } frame 24 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Personally I just want to eat and leave.'; } frame 25 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Too many creepy ass perverts are already looking at me for some reason.'; } frame 26 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: And what the fuck are they lining up for?'; } frame 27 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: That is a bit strange.'; } frame 28 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Whatever, so when are you going to seat us nerdlet?'; } frame 29 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: There you are Luma! Pattie told me you decided to be a guest service girl today.'; } frame 30 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: You already have a long line!'; } frame 31 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Wait, what the fuck?'; } frame 32 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: She said you owed Maiko a favor and wanted to work it off by handling all of our service clients today.'; } frame 33 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Hehe...'; } frame 34 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Pattiecake what the fuck did you just do!?'; } frame 35 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: You owe senpai!'; } frame 36 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Are you batshit crazy!? I\'m not about to fuck bunch of random men!'; } frame 37 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Oh was this a misunderstanding? I might need to handle them myself then.'; } frame 38 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Why? So Luma might not have to endure something she doesn\'t want to?'; } frame 39 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: You nerds can\'t be serious, I didn\'t sign up for this! All I want is some damn food!'; } frame 40 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Food? (sniff sniff)'; } frame 41 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I think I smell some chicken!'; } frame 42 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: hehe...'; } frame 43 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Hardy har nerdlinger. I just don\'t want to put you out of business.'; } frame 44 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: They wouldn\'t ever want service from you if they spent time with me!'; } frame 45 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: I find that really hard to believe.'; } frame 46 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Well what does senpai want to do?'; } frame 47 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Uh... (it\'s pretty long line...)'; } frame 49 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (Luma should handle the pleasure service line to make up for what she did...)'; } frame 51 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It makes us even Luma.'; } frame 52 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I didn\'t ask to be talked down on in the hallway...'; } frame 53 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Exactly.'; } frame 54 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Oh fine! I\'ll take the first couple of guys but that\'s it!'; } frame 55 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Okay.'; } frame 56 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Have fun!'; } frame 57 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Oh shut up! Dork!'; } frame 58 { gotoAndStop(82); } frame 59 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (Making Luma do this seems a little extreme... Plus Holly is more used to it...)'; } frame 61 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It\'s okay, you don\'t have to if Holly can handle it...'; } frame 62 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sorry for the misunderstanding Holly.'; } frame 63 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: No problem!'; } frame 64 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Maiko I almost forgot how nice you are.'; } frame 65 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: What the fuck Pattiecake! You should be in there!'; } frame 66 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I wish, chu.'; } frame 67 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Be back later! Watch the front counter for me ok Maiko?'; } frame 68 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Now that that\'s over with. Can we get some food now?'; } frame 69 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Chu! Follow me.'; } frame 70 { gotoAndStop(98); } frame 71 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (This was Pattie\'s idea to get even with Luma, but maybe we should just tell the people in line it is just a misunderstanding...)'; } frame 73 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: We should tell them it was just a joke...'; } frame 74 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: But it\'s not a joke senpai.'; } frame 75 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Luma admitting she was wrong is good enough for me.'; } frame 76 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Aww...ok senpai.'; } frame 77 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: What the fuck Pattiecake! Go fix your mess!'; } frame 78 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Please enjoy the food at least!'; } frame 79 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: We will if we can ever get some!'; } frame 80 { _global.been_in_class = 3; } frame 82 { _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; _global.musicstop(); _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; } frame 83 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Mmm faster!'; } frame 84 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Mmmhmmm!'; } instance of movieClip 1194 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(31); } } frame 86 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Mmmre!'; } frame 87 { _global.HoldBody = 0; _global.nMC.startMotion(); } frame 88 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Guy: Holy shit!'; } frame 89 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Guy: I\'m about to cum!'; } frame 91 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 92 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Are we good now nerdlet?'; _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.sfxstop(); _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; } instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 93 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yes.'; } frame 94 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Good! I\'ll have a salad, I\'ve had enough meat for one day.'; } frame 95 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hehe.'; } frame 98 { _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; _global.musicstop(); _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; } frame 99 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Hmmmm!'; } frame 101 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Man: H- Holly! I\'m cumming!'; } frame 102 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Mmmhmmm!'; } frame 104 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 105 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Man: I love this place!'; } frame 107 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: Yo. I just got back from boxing. Any idea where my mom is?'; _global.sfxstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _global.HoldBody = 0; _global.nMC.startMotion(); } instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 108 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: She\'s handling clients chu!'; } frame 109 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Jeni: Really? We might have a easy day today then.'; } frame 110 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: I\'m back Maiko! Everything still okay?'; } frame 111 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yes everything is okay.'; } frame 112 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Jeni my darling daughter! It\'s time to get to work!'; } frame 114 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: No fucking way nerdlet. I know you used your body to get this popular!'; } frame 115 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; if (_global.textx == 6) { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: And I know how you passed the test!'; } else { _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: You got smart for the test but...'; } _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 116 { _root.new_dialogue(2); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: Next time try it without using your body if you expect me to pay for it nerdlet!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'How did she find out?'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 117 { gotoAndStop(47); } frame 118 { _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _global.sfxstop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Whoa! You\'re servicing the whole line? Mind if I join in on the fun Holly?'; } frame 119 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: No problem!'; } frame 121 { _global.musicstop(); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Damn that feels good...'; } frame 123 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: Tom your dick is huge!'; } frame 124 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Tom: Holly, that might be little too fast...'; } frame 126 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 142 { _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; } frame 143 { _global.nMC.startMotion(); _global.HoldBody = 0; } frame 144 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 146 { _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; } frame 148 { _global.cumsfx(); } frame 150 { _global.nMC.stopMotion(); _global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0); _global.HoldBody = 1; _root.img._y = 0; } frame 152 { _global.cumsfx(); } } frame 34 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 34 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1243 { on (release) { if (_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp == 0) { gotoAndStop(12); } else { gotoAndStop(10); } } } button 1246 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(36); } } movieClip 1249 { instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: More customers!'; } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Peach: Meh, I guess we can eat here.'; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Hey Umi!'; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Greel: Sup babydoll. I heard this was the place to eat.'; } frame 6 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Holly: That\'s right! Maiko here will show you to your seats!'; } frame 7 { _global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha; _global.hairalpha = 0; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'That is how it all got started. And yeah this was just the beginning.'; } frame 8 { _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Eventually I made a lot of friends from my time working at the cafe. But that is something I will write about later...'; } frame 10 { _global.TasksLeft = 0; = 1; _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _root.new_dialogue(1); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Time to sleep.'; } instance of movieClip 533 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance boobs of movieClip 543 { onClipEvent (load) { restx = 640; resty = 950; k = 2; mass = 13; damping = 0.9; pressing = 0; vx = 0; vy = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(; var dx = restx - this._x; var dy = resty - this._y; if (pressing == 0) { var ax = (k / mass) * dx; var ay = (k / mass) * dy; vx += ax; vy += ay; vx *= damping; vy *= damping; this._x += vx; this._y += vy; var mousex = _xmouse - restx; var mousey = _ymouse - resty; } if (pressing == 1) { } if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) { if (random(3) == 0) { _global.mood -= 1; } if (_global.mood <= 0) { _global.mood = 0; } pressing = 0; this.stopDrag(); } } } frame 12 { _global.TasksLeft = 0; = 1; _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha; _root.new_dialogue(9); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Sleeeepooover!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hehe.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Riley: Maiko, I have to say, I\'m proud of you.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: Huh?'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Riley: I thought you might use your body to gain an advantage to prove Luma wrong, but you didn\'t.'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Riley: I\'m sorry.'; _root.dialogue_array[7] = 'Maiko: Oh, no worries.'; _root.dialogue_array[8] = 'Pattie: I didn\'t either! Senpai didn\'t use sex so I didn\'t either!'; _root.dialogue_array[9] = 'My closest friends will always be these two.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } frame 35 { var clip = _root.img; var easing = 0.75; var sliderXpos = 0; var sliderYpos = 0; var aperatureWidth = 1280; var aperatureHeight = 720; var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2; var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2; var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true); _global.nMC = nMC; } frame 35 { _global.in_area = 0; } button 1254 { on (release) { _global.musicstop(); _global.playbgm(); _root.gotoAndStop(19); } } movieClip 1255 { instance of movieClip 820 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.musicstop(); _root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.new_dialogue(6); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Oh! Senpai looks who\'s here!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: Heya Maiko. Just coming by to grab a bite to eat.'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Dizzy: So many people here...'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Holly: I know right? I love it!'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Pattie: Follow the piggy for a place to sit!'; _root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Chris: Take care Maiko-chan!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 3 { _root.new_dialogue(4); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Hey Umi!'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Peach: Are you sure we want to eat here?'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: It does seem crowded...'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Holly: There is plenty of room my dears!'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 4 { _root.new_dialogue(4); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Jeni: Yo, beauty queens. I got room over here.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Zytra: Great!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Peach: Eww she has her boob out.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Creamy: I\'m not complaining.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } frame 5 { _root.new_dialogue(5); _root.dialogue_array[0] = ''; _root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Lester: Oh Maiko is here today! I hope there is room for me haha! I want to eat more than just food today heh heh. All the girls here look so tasty.'; _root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Holly: Maiko please find a place for him to sit my dear!'; _root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Sure.'; _root.dialogue_array[4] = 'This place has been getting really crowded lately. And many of the customers and students from the school know me by name.'; _root.dialogue_array[5] = 'I guess I must finally be pretty popular hehe.'; _global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1]; } } frame 36 { _global.in_area = 0; } movieClip 1259 { frame 1 { _global.musicstop(); if (_global.bgm != 1) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 5 { stop(); } } button 1260 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 37 { _global.in_area = 0; } frame 38 { _global.in_area = 0; }
Created: 28/7 -2019 00:36:55 Last modified: 28/7 -2019 00:36:55 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:41:03