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function BuildDoc() {
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if (Page == 1) {
Doc[1] = "1*<B>The Wayward Gift</B>";
Doc[3] = "1*by";
Doc[5] = "2*CGMan_Logo*375*81";
Doc[6] = "1*A Female Muscle Growth Story.";
Doc[10] = "1*This story is Copyright 2017 CGMan Productions - All Rights Reserved";
Doc[11] = ("4*This story is a reward exclusivly for the eyes of " + DonorName) + " only.";
Doc[12] = "4*" + DonorEMail;
Doc[13] = "4*Click on the speaker icon to play audio clip!";
Doc[14] = "1*Dialog performed by Moni -";
Doc[15] = "0* ";
Doc[16] = "4*Click on the image icon to show an image!";
Doc[18] = "0* ";
Doc[20] = "4*Click on the arrow icon to proceed";
Doc[22] = "00";
if (Page == 2) {
Doc[1] = "1*";
Doc[3] = "1*";
Doc[5] = "4*Note1: In the finished story, additional images will only show if you donated $6 or more towards this story.";
Doc[6] = "4*Note2: In the finished story, interactive (branching) story elements will only show if you donated $12 or more towards this story.";
Doc[7] = "0*<B>CONTROLS:</B> Click on this window to make it active. Once it's active, use following keys for navigation:<BR>Up & Down cursor keys: Scroll<BR>Spacebar: Toggle auto-scroll<BR>Ctrl: Preferences panel";
Doc[17] = "0*<B>NOTE:</B> This story is not intended for minors. It is intended for mature adults who know the difference between reality and fantasy.";
Doc[18] = "1*Please, please do not redistribute this. Thank you!!";
Doc[19] = "4*Start the Story";
Doc[20] = "00";
if (Page == 4) {
Doc[1] = "4*The Wayward Gift by CGMan";
Doc[2] = ((("0*Guy headed took one more look in the bathroom mirror. He double-check his hair, then his teeth. He hopped up and down a couple of times then smiled and said, \"" + ColGuy) + "Calm yourself, Guy.") + ColBlack) + "\" He took one last look in the mirror and gave himself a wink of confidence. He grabbed his man-bag and headed out of his apartment.";
Doc[3] = "0*Guy was heading to a first date with someone he met on <i>FUCupid</i>. They had been emailing back and forth for a week now. The photos she posted on the site strained Guy's confidence.";
Doc[5] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "It's probably not even her.") + ColBlack) + "\" he thought to himself. \"") + ColGuy) + "Nobody on that site is <i>THAT</i> hot.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[5] = "0*They were meeting in a very public and casual place, a coffee shop. This way it is relatively safe to back out if this is some kind of scam. \"FitGrl799\" or Carly, as she called herself was quite a knockout. That is, if her photos were actually of her. Reddish-brown hair, beautiful face with a dimpled smile. There were no full-body shots but it was obvious from what was shown that she was thin. One of the photos showed enough below her collar bones to suggest that she had quite a substantial set of breasts on her. His favorite photo of Carly was the one where she was laughing and flexing her arm. She had a modestly sized but sharply defined bicep poking up from her svelte arm.";
Doc[7] = "0*Guy thought to himself that Carly was the hottest girl he has ever dated, if the photos are to be believed. So hot, in fact, that it made him feel a bit nervous. He never thought of himself as overly attractive. Perhaps a bit cute, but fairly average in the face. Carly could be way out of his league.";
Doc[9] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Okay, stop thinking this way.") + ColBlack) + "\" he muttered to himself as he walked towards the FarBucks coffee shop. \"") + ColGuy) + "Time to get confident.") + ColBlack) + "\" He opened the door and scanned the place. She wasn't here yet. He ordered himself an herbal tea at the counter then took a seat where he could watch the front door.";
Doc[11] = ((("0*Several minutes later, Guy saw her. \"" + ColGuy) + "Oh my God.") + ColBlack) + "\" he said to himself. Carly was outrageously stacked. She smiled sweetly as she walked up to his table. Guy stood to meet her, trying not to stare at the melons jauntily bobbing under her taut blouse.";
Doc[13] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Hey Guy.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly said as she shook his hand. \"") + ColCarly) + "Nice to finally meet you.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[15] = ((("0*Guy watched her massive chest jostle from the handshake. \"" + ColGuy) + "Uh.. Hi.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[17] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Yes.. I know.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly said. \"") + ColCarly) + "This happens to everyone who sees me for the first time.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[19] = ((("0*Guy shook his head. \"" + ColGuy) + "I, uh.. I'm sorry.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[21] = ((((((((((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "It's okay, really.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly said. \"") + ColCarly) + "I know they are really big and what effect they have on men.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly did a subtle shimmy that made her bosom shift heavily. Guy could not help but stare at them. Carly laughed. \"") + ColCarly) + "You men are all the same. It's a good thing I find it flattering. Let's sit down.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[23] = ((("0*Guy felt more at ease by Carly's words. He smiled as they both sat down. \"" + ColGuy) + "I've got to say. I had my doubts that your photos were genuine. I didn't think it could be true that you would be so beautiful.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[25] = ((((((("0*Carly's jaw dropped as she smiled. \"" + ColCarly) + "Oh my God, you are so sweet! Thank you!") + ColBlack) + "\" She looked down at his cup. \"") + ColCarly) + "What are you drinking?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[27] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Oh, uh. It's an herbal tea. You want coffee, right?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[29] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Oh hell yes.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly said enthusiastically. \"") + ColCarly) + "Like I told you in E-Mail, I can't survive without coffee!") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[31] = "0*Guy smiled and got up and ordered her a coffee. Carly eyed the coffee hungrily as he handed it to her.";
Doc[33] = ((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Thank you") + ColBlack) + ".\" She said, sniffing coffee's the aroma.";
Doc[35] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Sure thing.") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy said as he watched her pre-coffee ritual of stirring in a packet of sugar. \"") + ColGuy) + "You know, my favorite picture on there is the one where you are laughing.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[37] = ((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Oh, where I was flexing my big gun?") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly said with a big smile.";
Doc[39] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Yeah, that's the one.") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy said.";
Doc[40] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Actually, that pic is almost a year old. I've been working out a lot and my arms are bigger now.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly said. \"") + ColCarly) + "Do you want to see me flex them here?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[42] = "0* ";
Doc[44] = "4*Engage with enthusiasm!";
Doc[46] = "0* ";
if (DonorMode == 3) {
Doc[48] = "4*Play it cool.";
Doc[50] = "00";
if (Page == 5) {
Doc[1] = "0*After they parted ways, Guy was in an understandably upbeat mood. He decided to stroll around the town. He wandered into an area he had never visited before. The New England buildings were older. They had a colonial look to them. He spotted one with a sign on it for psychic readings.";
Doc[2] = "0*\"Could be interesting.\" Guy thought to himself.";
Doc[4] = "0*The door chimed when Guy opened the door. Immediately he smelled burning incense. He looked around the place and saw all kinds of things for sale. Books, dolls, cards, sculptures and other trinkets were displayed on every inch of the walls.";
Doc[6] = ((("0*\"" + ColMomma) + "What can I do for you, young man?") + ColBlack) + "\" a female voice with a cajun accent said from behind Guy. He spun around and saw a black woman watching him from behind a counter. She was in her late forties, her hair ornately braided. At least a dozen necklaces rested on her generous bosom.";
Doc[8] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Oh, hi.") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy said with a breath. \"") + ColGuy) + "You startled me.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[10] = ((("0*\"" + ColMomma) + "Mamma Donna can tell you 'ave heavy thoughts on your mind 'dere.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[12] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Well..") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy approached the counter. \"") + ColGuy) + "I thought I might get a psychic reading. I just met someone and I want to know how I can make it work out well.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[14] = ((("0*\"" + ColMomma) + "Ver' good. You gon' follow Momma Donna now.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[15] = "0* ";
Doc[16] = "4*To be continued in the completed story!!!!!";
Doc[100] = "00";
if (Page == 6) {
if (Page == 7) {
Doc[100] = "00";
if (Page == 8) {
Doc[100] = "00";
if (Page == 10) {
Doc[2] = ((("0*Guy leaned forward in his chair. \"" + ColGuy) + "Absolutely! I love it when fit women show what they put so much work into!") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[4] = "0*Carly smiled and brought her arms up. Then she cocked her elbows and flexed with a smile. Guy's eyes widened as he saw muscles the size of small potatoes pop out of her arms.";
Doc[6] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Oh wow!") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy said. \"") + ColBlack) + "That is amazing!") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[8] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "I've been going to the gym a lot.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly said as she flexed her arms again. \"") + ColCarly) + "Like four times a week. Give them a feel.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[9] = ((("0*Guy reached out and probed her flexing bicep with his fingers. \"" + ColGuy) + "Wow.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[10] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "No, I mean <I>really</I> squeeze 'em.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly held her flex and leaned over the table a bit. \"") + ColCarly) + "See if you can dent them.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[11] = ((("0*Guy gripped her bicep and gave it a good, hard squeeze. \"" + ColGuy) + "Nnngh.. I can't! It's completely solid!") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[12] = (((((((("0*Carly watched his failed attempt to reshape her bicep and smiled with pride. \"" + ColCarly) + "Thank you. I'm pretty proud of how solid they are.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath. Guy watched her bosom rise.") + " Keeping her arms up, she said, \"") + ColCarly) + "Now watch this.") + ColBlack) + "\" She grunted as she flexed as hard as she could.";
Doc[14] = ((("0*Guy watched her biceps tense harder than before and then slowly peak just a bit higher. \"" + ColGuy) + "Holy crap!") + ColBlack) + "\" he said loudly.";
Doc[16] = ((("0*Carly relaxed her flex and lowered her arms. Her bounteous bosom heaved as she breathed deeply to catch her breath. \"" + ColCarly) + "Whew.. Flexing is a rush!") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[18] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "That is amazing!") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy said.";
Doc[20] = ((((((((((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Thank you.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly said with a nod. \"") + ColCarly) + "I've been working them really hard, curling heavier and heavier weights. It's paying off with these bigger peaks.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly gave another little flex with her left arm while she took a sip from her coffee. \"") + ColCarly) + "I think it's really neat to have muscles.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[24] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Plus,") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy added, \"") + ColGuy) + "You don't have to ask anyone to open jars!") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[28] = ((("0*Carly giggled. She looked at her arms as she flexed her biceps again. \"" + ColCarly) + "It's true. I've gotten much stronger. Do you like strong women?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[30] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "I never knew how much I did until just a moment ago.") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy surprised himself at how smooth that sounded.";
Doc[32] = ((("0*Carly lowered her head and smiled. \"" + ColCarly) + "Thank you, Guy.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[34] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "How much muscle do you want to have?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[36] = (((((((((((("0*Carly placed her left hand on her right bicep. \"" + ColCarly) + "Hmm... I don't know.") + ColBlack) + "\" She squeezed her tensed bicep. \"") + ColCarly) + "I'll just see how far I can go with it I guess.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly looked into Guy's eyes. \"") + ColCarly) + "What do you think? Would you still like me if I was ") + "<i>really</i> muscular? Like a real bodybuilder?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[38] = ((("0*Guy formed a mental image of Carly's body swollen up with huge muscles. \"" + ColGuy) + "I think it would blow my mind.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[40] = ((((((("0*Carly smiled and looked down at her chest. \"" + ColCarly) + "I'll need to work on my chest muscles anyway.") + ColBlack) + "\" She placed her palms on either side of her melon-sized breasts. \"") + ColCarly) + "If I want to keep these big puppies firm.") + ColCarly) + "\"";
Doc[42] = "0*Guy's eyes widened as he watched her hold her massive breasts in her hands.";
Doc[44] = ((("0*Carly chuckled. \"" + ColCarly) + "Men. All the same.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[46] = ((("0*Guy shook his head and regained eye contact with Carly. \"" + ColGuy) + "I'm sorry, Carly.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[50] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Don't worry about it.") + ColBlack) + "\" she said. \"") + ColCarly) + "Since you like my muscles so much, why don't you join me at the gym on Monday? You can help me work out.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[64] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "I've never been in a gym outside of grade school. How can I help?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[66] = ((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "You can spot me. Don't worry, it's easy. I'll make you a master spotter in no time.") + ColBlack) + "\" she said with a wink.";
Doc[68] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Okay, sound great. I'll be there!") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy said.";
Doc[70] = "0*Guy and Carly chatted some more as they finished their drinks. They ended their first date with a hug. Guy enjoyed the feeling of Carly pressing her massive breasts against him.";
Doc[72] = "0* ";
Doc[90] = "4*Leave the coffee shop";
Doc[100] = "00";
if (Page == 11) {
Doc[2] = ((("0*Guy leaned back in his chair. \"" + ColGuy) + "Sure, alright. Let's see what you've got.") + ColGuy) + "\"";
Doc[4] = "0*Carly looked around the coffee shop. Then she looked to her right arm and breifly flexed it. Her bicep popped out. It was the size of a small potato.";
Doc[5] = ((("0*Guy's eyebrows popped up. \"" + ColGuy) + "Whoa!") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[6] = ((("0*As quickly as she as she flexed it, she relaxed and brought her arm down. She covered her upper arm with her left hand. \"" + ColCarly) + "Sometimes I feel self-concious about them. Like people will think I have too much muscle.") + ColCarly) + "\"";
Doc[7] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Well you shouldn't. I think that was very impressive what you did just now.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[8] = ((("0*Carly smiled sweetly. \"" + ColCarly) + "Thanks, Guy.") + ColCarly) + "\"";
Doc[24] = ((((((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Plus,") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy added, \"") + ColGuy) + "You don't have to ask anyone to open jars!") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[28] = ((("0*Carly giggled. She looked at her arms as she flexed her biceps again. \"" + ColCarly) + "It's true. I've gotten much stronger. Do you like strong women?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[30] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "I never knew how much I did until just a moment ago.") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy surprised himself at how smooth that sounded.";
Doc[32] = ((("0*Carly lowered her head and smiled. \"" + ColCarly) + "Thank you, Guy.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[34] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "How much muscle do you want to have?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[36] = (((((((((((("0*Carly placed her left hand on her right bicep. \"" + ColCarly) + "Hmm... I don't know.") + ColBlack) + "\" She squeezed her tensed bicep. \"") + ColCarly) + "I'll just see how far I can go with it I guess.") + ColBlack) + "\" Carly looked into Guy's eyes. \"") + ColCarly) + "What do you think? Would you still like me if I was ") + "<i>really</i> muscular? Like a real bodybuilder?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[38] = ((("0*Guy formed a mental image of Carly's body swollen up with huge muscles. \"" + ColGuy) + "I think it would blow my mind.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[40] = ((((((("0*Carly smiled and looked down at her chest. \"" + ColCarly) + "I'll need to work on my chest muscles anyway.") + ColBlack) + "\" She placed her palms on either side of her melon-sized breasts. \"") + ColCarly) + "If I want to keep these big puppies firm.") + ColCarly) + "\"";
Doc[42] = "0*Guy's eyes widened as he watched her hold her massive breasts in her hands.";
Doc[44] = ((("0*Carly chuckled. \"" + ColCarly) + "Men. All the same.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[46] = ((("0*Guy shook his head and regained eye contact with Carly. \"" + ColGuy) + "I'm sorry, Carly.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[50] = ((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Don't worry about it.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[52] = ((("0*There was a brief awkward silence, then Guy asked, \"" + ColGuy) + "What are you plans for next week?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[54] = ((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Well I'm going to the gym on Monday. I am there several times a week.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[56] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Would you like some company while you work out?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[58] = ((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "Sure. You can help me, too.") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[64] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "I've never been in a gym outside of grade school. How can I help?") + ColBlack) + "\"";
Doc[66] = ((("0*\"" + ColCarly) + "You can spot me. Don't worry, it's easy. I'll make you a master spotter in no time.") + ColBlack) + "\" she said with a wink.";
Doc[68] = ((("0*\"" + ColGuy) + "Okay, sound great. I'll be there!") + ColBlack) + "\" Guy said.";
Doc[70] = "0*Guy and Carly chatted some more as they finished their drinks. They ended their first date with a hug. Guy enjoyed the feeling of Carly pressing her massive breasts against him.";
Doc[72] = "0* ";
Doc[90] = "4*Leave the coffee shop";
Doc[100] = "00";
if (FirstTime == undefined) {
var DonorMode = 3;
var DonorName = "Awesome P. Donor";
var DonorEMail = "DonorMail@email.eml";
var Page;
var SpeechCount;
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var ColBlack = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000000\">";
var ColGuy = "<FONT COLOR=\"#0000aa\">";
var ColCarly = "<FONT COLOR=\"#aa0000\">";
var ColMomma = "<FONT COLOR=\"#880088\">";
var ColOlivia = "<FONT COLOR=\"#993300\">";
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Event[48] = "1*11*1048*1342*028*3";
Event[49] = "1*11*1122*1430*021*3";
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Frame 3
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Symbol 166 Button
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Symbol 175 Button
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Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 178 Button
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Symbol 181 MovieClip Frame 1