Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #203253

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 16 { } movieClip 17 { } movieClip 19 { } movieClip 21 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 24 { } movieClip 25 { } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 31 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 32 Preloader { frame 1 { function enterFrameHandler() { var v2 = 0; v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); if (loadingBar) { loadingBar.gotoAndStop(int(v2 * (loadingBar._totalframes - 1)) + 1); } if (v2 >= 1) { onEnterFrame = null; gotoAndStop('loaded'); } } stop(); var autoPlay; var className; onEnterFrame = enterFrameHandler; } frame 10 { function _onPlayClick() { _root.nextFrame();; _parent._onLoaded(); } if (playButton) { playButton.onRelease = _onPlayClick; playButton.stop(); } if (autoPlay) { _onPlayClick(null); } } } movieClip 34 Newgrounds API Classes { #initclip Object.registerClass('Newgrounds API Classes', com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim); #endinitclip } movieClip 74 { } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 82 { } movieClip 86 { } movieClip 87 { } movieClip 88 { } movieClip 89 FlashAd { #initclip Object.registerClass('FlashAd', com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase); #endinitclip frame 1 { function initPlayButton() { if (this.playButton) { this.playButton.onRelease = onPlayClick; if (!this.showPlayButton) { this.playButton._visible = false; } } } function onPlayClick() { removeAd(); _visible = false; } stop(); } frame 2 { initPlayButton(); } } movieClip 90 APIConnector { frame 1 { function _onLoaded() { gotoAndStop('invisible'); if (_redirect) { com.newgrounds.API.loadOfficialVersion(); return undefined; } } function _apiConnect() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.API; if (v2 && !v2.connected) { if (!apiId) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No API ID entered in the API Connector component.', 'You can create an API ID for this submission at', 'Enter your API ID into the API Connector using the Component Inspector (Window -> Component Inspector).'); return undefined; } switch (debugMode) { case 'Off': default: v2.debugMode = v2.RELEASE_MODE; goto 1299; case 'Simulate Logged-in User': //Invalid switch } v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN; goto 1299; case 'Off': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT; goto 1299; case 'Simulate Logged-in User': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION; goto 1299; case 'Simulate Logged-out User': v2.debugMode = v2.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED; label 1299: v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, _onConnected); v2.connect(_root, apiId, encryptionKey, movieVersion); } } function _onConnected(event) { if (redirectOnNewVersion && event.__get__success() && (event.__get__data()).newVersion) { _redirect = true; } if (redirectOnHostBlocked && !event.__get__success() && event.__get__error() == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED) { _redirect = true; } if (_redirect) { gotoAndStop('adPreloader'); forceAlwaysOnTop(); } } function forceAlwaysOnTop() { var v2 = getNextHighestDepth(); swapDepths(v2); if (Stage) { _x = (Stage.width - _width) / 2; _y = (Stage.height - _height) / 2; _visible = true; } if (_root && _root instanceof MovieClip) { (MovieClip(_root)).stop(); } } stop(); if (_root && _root instanceof MovieClip) { (MovieClip(_root)).stop(); } var apiId; var encryptionKey; var movieVersion; var debugMode; var connectorType; var redirectOnHostBlocked; var redirectOnNewVersion; var adType; var className; var _redirect; _x = int(_x); _y = int(_y); if (!debugMode) { debugMode = 'Simulate Logged-in User'; } if (!connectorType) { connectorType = 'Flash Ad + Preloader'; } if (!adType) { adType = 'Video'; } if (ad) { ad.adType = adType; } switch (connectorType) { case 'Flash Ad + Preloader': gotoAndStop('adPreloader'); break; case 'Flash Ad Only': gotoAndStop('ad'); break; case 'Invisible': gotoAndStop('invisible'); } _apiConnect(); } instance ad of movieClip 89 FlashAd { onClipEvent (construct) { apiId = ''; showBorder = true; adType = 'Video'; } } instance loader of movieClip 32 Preloader { onClipEvent (construct) { autoPlay = false; mainClass = ''; } } } frame 1 { mochi.as2.MochiServices.connect('11f70d656126ce89'); mochi.as2.MochiScores.setBoardID('2b7f7320704f53c5'); } frame 1 { stop(); Stage.showMenu = false; _global.loadingsave = false; _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); _global.loadingsaveframe = 44; _global.optionsframe = 45; _global.creditsframe = 48; _global.mainmenuframe = 49; _global.highscoreframe = 42; _global.mutesound = false; _global.endingframe = 40; = 0; if (dev == 1) { Stage.showMenu = true; } _global.necrotag = false; } movieClip 93 { } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { score1 = dex + pwr + arm; score2 = score1 * 10; score3 = gld * 10; score4 = wvalue + evalue; score5 = lvl * 100; score6 = exp; _global.score = Math.round((score2 + score3 + score4 + score5 + score6) * diffscore); _root.scoretext = score; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hp <= 0) { _global.hp = 0; _global.playerdead = true; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } if (hpe <= 0) { _global.hpe = 0; _global.enemydead = true; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } if (maxhp < hp) { _global.hp = maxhp; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } if (gld > 999) { _global.gld = 999; } if (maxhp > 999) { _global.maxhp = 999; } if (pwr > 999) { _global.pwr = 999; } if (dex > 999) { _global.dex = 999; } if (arm > 999) { _global.arm = 999; } } onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (expn < 1 && lvl <= 24) { _root.beepSound.start(); _global.lvl += 1; _global.vicious += 2; _global.vicmin += 2; _global.dex += dexgain; _global.pwr += pwrgain; _global.arm += armgain; _global.maxhp += maxgain; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.curcharge = maxcharge; if (lvl >= 6) { _global.expn = 325 + (lvl - 6) * 25; } else { _global.expn = lvl * 50; } if (lvl >= 4) { _global.vicious += 1; } } if (lvl == 25) { _global.expn = 999; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (vicious > 14) { _global.vicious = 15; } if (vicmin > 14) { _global.vicmim = 14; } } } instance of movieClip 90 APIConnector { onClipEvent (construct) { apiId = '25359:DR00ySRJ'; encryptionKey = 'kOnKewWnQWgkaedd2liSNqeAGsX47bXn'; debugMode = 'Off'; movieVersion = '1.0'; connectorType = 'Invisible'; redirectOnNewVersion = true; redirectOnHostBlocked = true; adType = 'Video'; } } // unknown tag 88 length 81 movieClip 100 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 100 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { percent = Math.floor((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); _root.loading = percent; if (percent == 100) { _root.beginner.nextFrame(); } } onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } movieClip 115 { frame 1 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 11 { gotoAndStop(2); } } instance intro of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.intro._alpha = -50; lightout = false; lightin = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (lightout == false) { _root.intro._alpha += 1; } if (_root.intro._alpha >= 150 && lightout == false) { lightout = true; lightin = false; } if (lightin == false) { _root.intro._alpha -= 1.5; } if (_root.intro._alpha <= 0 && lightin == false) { _root.intro.nextFrame(); lightin = true; lightout = false; } } } movieClip 118 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(creditsframe); } } } movieClip 42 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this.reset(); }; com.newgrounds.APIConnection = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__hostURL = function () { return this._hostURL; }; v2.__set__hostURL = function (value) { this._hostURL = value; this.hostDomain = null; if (this._hostURL) { var v2 = this._hostURL.split('/'); if (v2[0] != 'file:' && this._hostURL != 'localhost') { this.hostDomain = v2[2]; } } if (!this.hostDomain) { this.hostDomain = 'localhost'; } return this.__get__hostURL(); }; v2.__get__sandboxType = function () { return; }; v2.__get__isNetworkHost = function () { switch (this.__get__sandboxType()) { return true; case 'localWithFile': case 'localWithNetwork': case 'localTrusted': case 'application': return false; case 'remote': } return true; }; v2.__get__hasUserSession = function () { return this.sessionId != null && this.sessionId != '' && this.publisherId != 0; }; v2.__get__connected = function () { return this.connectionState == com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED; }; v2.reset = function () { this.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.NOT_CONNECTED; this.encryptionKey = null; this.sessionId = null; this.userEmail = null; this.username = null; this.userId = 0; this.userpageFormat = 0; }; v2.assertInitialized = function () { if (!this.initialized) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('You must initialized the API using API.connect() before using this command.'); return false; } return true; }; v2.assertConnected = function () { if (!this.connectionState == com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('You must establish a connection using API.connect() before using this command.'); return false; } return true; }; v2.sendSimpleCommand = function (command, completeHandler, parameters, secureParameters) { if (parameters == undefined) { parameters = null; } if (secureParameters == undefined) { secureParameters = null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand(command); v2.__set__parameters(parameters); v2.__set__secureParameters(secureParameters); if (completeHandler != null) { v2.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, completeHandler); } v2.send(this); }; v2.sendCommand = function (command) { command.send(this); }; v2.loadInBrowser = function (command, newWindow, parameters) { if (newWindow == undefined) { newWindow = true; } if (parameters == undefined) { parameters = null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand(command); v2.__set__parameters(parameters); v2.loadInBrowser(this, newWindow); }; v1.NOT_CONNECTED = 'notConnected'; v1.CONNECTING = 'connecting'; v1.CONNECTED = 'connected'; v2.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.NOT_CONNECTED; v2.apiURL = ''; v2.addProperty('connected', v2.__get__connected, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hasUserSession', v2.__get__hasUserSession, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hostURL', v2.__get__hostURL, v2.__set__hostURL); v2.addProperty('isNetworkHost', v2.__get__isNetworkHost, function () {}); v2.addProperty('sandboxType', v2.__get__sandboxType, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIConnection.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 36 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { this._listeners = {}; }; com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.addEventListener = function (type, listener) { if (!this._listeners[type]) { this._listeners[type] = []; } if (typeof listener == 'function') { this._listeners[type].push({'target': null, 'func': listener}); } else { this._listeners[type].push(listener); } }; v2.removeEventListener = function (type, listener) { var v3 = this._listeners[type]; if (v3) { var v5 = v3.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { if (v3[v2].func == listener || v3[v2] == listener) { v3.splice(v2, 1); return undefined; } ++v2; } } }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (event) { var v4 = this._listeners[event.__get__type()]; if (v4) { var v5 = v4.length; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v5) { var v3 = v4[v2];, event); ++v2; } } return true; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 35 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (type) { this._type = type; }; com.newgrounds.Event = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Event.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 37 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher = v1; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher extends com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__globalDispatcher = function () { return com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher; }; v1.__set__globalDispatcher = function (value) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher = value; return com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.__get__globalDispatcher(); }; v1.initEventQueue = function () { setInterval(com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.runEventQueue, 50); return []; }; v2.dispatchEvent = function (event) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue.push({'dispatcher': this, 'event': event}); return true; }; v2.actualDispatchEvent = function (event) { var v3 = super.dispatchEvent(event); if (com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher && this != com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher) { com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._globalDispatcher.dispatchEvent(event); } }; v1.runEventQueue = function (event) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue.length; if (v3) { var v4 = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue; com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher._eventQueue = []; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < v3) { var v2 = v4[v1]; v2.dispatcher.actualDispatchEvent(v2.event); ++v1; } } }; v1._eventQueue = com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.initEventQueue(); v1.addProperty('globalDispatcher', v1.__get__globalDispatcher, v1.__set__globalDispatcher); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 40 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (hash) { if (hash) { this._hash = hash; } else { this._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN.DEFAULT_HASH; } this._base = this._hash.length; this._reverseHash = new Object(); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < this._hash.length) { this._reverseHash[this._hash.charAt(v2)] = v2; ++v2; } }; com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.encodeUint = function (number, minimumChars) { if (minimumChars == undefined) { minimumChars = 1; } var v2 = ''; var v3 = number; while (v3 != 0) { v2 = this._hash.charAt(v3 % this._base) + v2; v3 /= this._base; v3 = int(v3); } while (v2.length < minimumChars) { v2 = this._hash.charAt(0) + v2; } return v2; }; v2.decodeUint = function (encodedNumber) { var v3 = 0; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < encodedNumber.length) { v3 *= this._base; v3 += this._reverseHash[encodedNumber.charAt(v2)]; ++v2; } return v3; }; v1.DEFAULT_HASH = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ`~@#$%^&*()+|;/'; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 46 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (command) { super(); this._command = command; this._parameters = new Object(); this._secureParameters = new Object(); this._hasTimeout = true; }; com.newgrounds.APICommand = v1; com.newgrounds.APICommand extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.stopPendingCommands = function () { for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]; v1.close(); } com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands = []; }; v1.onThrottleTimer = function (event) { if (getTimer() - com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleTimestamp >= com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_INTERVAL) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount = 0; com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount = 0; for (;;) { if (!(com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.length && com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount < com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD)) break; var v1 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.shift(); v1.command.send(v1.connection); ++com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount; } } }; v1.encryptHex = function (hexValue) { var v4 = hexValue.length % 6; var v3 = ''; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < hexValue.length) { v3 += com.newgrounds.APICommand._encryptor.encodeUint(int('0x' + hexValue.substr(v1, 6)), 4); v1 += 6; } return v4.toString() + v3; }; v2.__get__command = function () { return this._command; }; v2.__set__command = function (value) { this._command = value; return this.__get__command(); }; v2.__get__hasTimeout = function () { return this._hasTimeout; }; v2.__set__hasTimeout = function (val) { this._hasTimeout = val; return this.__get__hasTimeout(); }; v2.__get__parameters = function () { return this._parameters; }; v2.__set__parameters = function (object) { this._parameters = new Object(); if (object) { for (var v3 in object) { this._parameters[v3] = object[v3]; } } return this.__get__parameters(); }; v2.__get__preventCache = function () { return this._preventCache; }; v2.__set__preventCache = function (value) { this._preventCache = value; return this.__get__preventCache(); }; v2.__get__secureParameters = function () { return this._secureParameters; }; v2.__set__secureParameters = function (object) { this._secureParameters = new Object(); if (object) { for (var v3 in object) { this._secureParameters[v3] = object[v3]; } } return this.__get__secureParameters(); }; v2.__get__hasSecureParameters = function () { for (var v2 in this._secureParameters) { return true; } return false; }; v2.addFile = function (filename, data, dataField, contentType) { if (contentType == undefined) { contentType = 'application/octet-stream'; } if (!this._files) { this._files = new Object(); } var v3 = {'filename': filename, 'data': data, 'dataField': dataField, 'contentType': contentType}; this._files[filename] = v3; }; v2.removeFile = function (filename) { if (this._files) { delete this._files[filename]; } }; v2.clearFiles = function () { this._files = null; }; v2.close = function () { if (this._loader) { clearInterval(this._timeoutTimer); var v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.length) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2] == this) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.splice(v2, 1); break; } ++v2; } this._loader = null; } }; v2.loadInBrowser = function (connection, newWindow) { this._parameters.command_id = this._command; this._parameters.tracker_id = connection.apiId ? connection.apiId : 1; if (connection.debug) { this._parameters.debug = 1; } var v3 = connection.apiURL + '?host=' + escape(connection.hostDomain); for (var v4 in this._parameters) { v3 += '&' + escape(v4) + '=' + escape(this._parameters[v4]); } var v6; if (newWindow) { v6 = '_blank'; } else { v6 = '_top'; } _root.getURL(v3, v6); }; v2.send = function (connection) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount >= com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD) { com.newgrounds.APICommand._commandQueue.push({'connection': connection, 'command': this}); } else { this.sendInternal(connection); } }; v2.sendInternal = function (connection) { var v4; v4 = new LoadVars(); v4.command_id = this._command; v4.tracker_id = connection.apiId; if (connection.debug) { v4.debug = 1; } if (this._preventCache) { v4.seed = Math.random(); } var v2; var v3; var v7; for (v2 in this._parameters) { v3 = this._parameters[v2]; if (v3 != null) { if (typeof v3 == 'boolean') { v4[v2] = int(v3); } else { v4[v2] = v3; } } } if (this.__get__hasSecureParameters()) { var v6 = new Object(); for (v2 in this._secureParameters) { v3 = this._secureParameters[v2]; if (v3 != null) { if (typeof v3 == 'boolean') { v6[v2] = int(v3); } else { v6[v2] = v3; } } } var v8 = ''; v7 = 0; while (v7 < 16) { v8 += com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX.charAt(int(Math.random() * com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX.length)); ++v7; } v4.command_id = 'securePacket'; v6.command_id = this._command; v6.as_version = 3; v6.session_id = connection.sessionId; v6.user_email = connection.userEmail; v6.publisher_id = connection.publisherId; v6.seed = v8; var v13 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.hash(v8); var v11 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v6), connection.encryptionKey); = com.newgrounds.APICommand.encryptHex(v13 + v11); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Sending packet:', v4); var v12; v12 = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; for (v2 in v4) { if (typeof v4[v2] == 'object') { v4[v2] = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v4[v2]); } } if (this._files) { for (var v10 in this._files) { var v5 = this._files[v10]; if (typeof == 'string') { v4[v10] =; } else { v4[v10] = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(; } } } com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.push(this); ++com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleCount; com.newgrounds.APICommand._throttleTimestamp = getTimer(); this.startLoader(connection.apiURL, v4, v12); }; v2.startLoader = function (url, data, contentType) { this._loader = LoadVars(data); this._loader.onData = this.as2CompleteHandler; this._loader.contentType = contentType; this._loader.sendAndLoad(url, this._loader, 'POST'); if (this._hasTimeout) { setInterval(this, this.onTimeout, com.newgrounds.APICommand.TIMEOUT_INTERVAL); } }; v2.as2CompleteHandler = function (data) { var v3; var v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands.length) { if (com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]._loader == this) { v3 = com.newgrounds.APICommand._pendingCommands[v2]; break; } ++v2; } v3.onComplete(data); }; v2.onTimeout = function (event) { this.close(); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Command timed out.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_TIMED_OUT)); }; v2.onError = function (error) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error when sending command:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_UNKNOWN)); this.close(); }; v2.onComplete = function (data) { try { if (!data || data == '') { throw new Error(); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Received packet:', data); var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(data); if (!v2) { throw new Error(); } if (com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge) { com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge.sendEvent(v2.command_id, v2); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, v2, (v2 && v2.success) ? com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE : com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_COMMAND_FAILED)); } catch (e) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid response returned from server: ' + data); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE)); } this.close(); }; v1.TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 10000; v1.THROTTLE_INTERVAL = 10050; v1.THROTTLE_TICK_INTERVAL = 1000; v1.THROTTLE_THRESHOLD = 24; v1._throttleCount = 0; v1._commandQueue = []; v1._throttleTimer = setInterval(com.newgrounds.APICommand.onThrottleTimer, com.newgrounds.APICommand.THROTTLE_TICK_INTERVAL); v1.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX = '/g8236klvBQ#&|;Zb*7CEA59%s`Oue1wziFp$rDVY@TKxUPWytSaGHJ>dmoMR^<0~4qNLhc(I+fjn)X'; v1._encryptor = new com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN(com.newgrounds.APICommand.ENCRYPTOR_RADIX); v1._pendingCommands = []; v1.CRLF = '\r\n'; v2.addProperty('command', v2.__get__command, v2.__set__command); v2.addProperty('hasSecureParameters', v2.__get__hasSecureParameters, function () {}); v2.addProperty('hasTimeout', v2.__get__hasTimeout, v2.__set__hasTimeout); v2.addProperty('parameters', v2.__get__parameters, v2.__set__parameters); v2.addProperty('preventCache', v2.__get__preventCache, v2.__set__preventCache); v2.addProperty('secureParameters', v2.__get__secureParameters, v2.__set__secureParameters); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APICommand.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 41 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (id) { this._widgetId = id; this._inConnection = new LocalConnection(); this._outConnection = new LocalConnection(); this._inConnection.receiveEvent = this.receiveEvent; try { this._inConnection.connect('rec_' + this._widgetId); } com.newgrounds.Logger.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.LOG, {'target': this, 'func': this.onLogMessage}); }; com.newgrounds.Bridge = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.onLogMessage = function (event) { try { this._outConnection.send(this._widgetId, 'sendEvent', 'trace', String(event.__get__data())); } }; v2.sendEvent = function (command, parameters) { if (this._outConnection) { parameters = {'data': parameters}; this._outConnection.send(this._widgetId, 'sendEvent', command, parameters); } }; v2.receiveEvent = function (event, parameters) {}; v2.onStatus = function (event) {}; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Bridge.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 38 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (type, data, error) { super(type); if (data == undefined) { data = null; } if (error == undefined) { error = null; } if (!error || error == '' || error == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE) { this._error = com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE; this._success = true; } else { this._error = error; this._success = false; } if (data) { this._data = data; } else { this._data = {}; } }; com.newgrounds.APIEvent = v1; com.newgrounds.APIEvent extends com.newgrounds.Event; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.clone = function () { return new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(this.__get__type(), this._data, this._error); }; v2.__get__success = function () { return this._success; }; v2.__get__data = function () { return this._data; }; v2.__get__error = function () { return this._error; }; v1.COMMAND_COMPLETE = 'commandComplete'; v1.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED = 'medalUnlockConfirmed'; v1.ICON_LOADED = 'iconLoaded'; v1.API_CONNECTED = 'movieConnected'; v1.LOG = 'log'; v1.MEDAL_UNLOCKED = 'medalUnlocked'; v1.SCORES_LOADED = 'scoresLoaded'; v1.SCORE_POSTED = 'scorePosted'; v1.QUERY_COMPLETE = 'queryComplete'; v1.FILE_LOADED = 'fileLoaded'; v1.FILE_SAVED = 'fileSaved'; v1.FILE_REQUESTED = 'fileRequested'; v1.VOTE_COMPLETE = 'voteComplete'; v1.ERROR_NONE = 'noError'; v1.ERROR_UNKNOWN = 'unknownError'; v1.ERROR_COMMAND_FAILED = 'commandFailed'; v1.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED = 'notConnected'; v1.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 'invalidArgument'; v1.ERROR_TIMED_OUT = 'timedOut'; v1.ERROR_BAD_FILE = 'badFile'; v1.ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE = 'badResponse'; v1.ERROR_SENDING_COMMAND = 'errorSendingCommand'; v1.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED = 'hostBlocked'; v1.ERROR_ALREADY_VOTED = 'alreadyVoted'; v1.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN = 'notLoggedIn'; v1.ERROR_WRONG_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 'wrongEncryptionKey'; v2.addProperty('data', v2.__get__data, function () {}); v2.addProperty('error', v2.__get__error, function () {}); v2.addProperty('success', v2.__get__success, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 57 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.API = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__connected = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__connected(); }; v1.__get__isNetworkHost = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__isNetworkHost(); }; v1.__get__apiId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.apiId; }; v1.__get__debugMode = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._debugMode; }; v1.__set__debugMode = function (val) { com.newgrounds.API._debugMode = val; return com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode(); }; v1.__get__publisherId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId; }; v1.__get__sessionId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId; }; v1.__get__hostDomain = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain; }; v1.__get__hostURL = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hostURL(); }; v1.__get__isNewgrounds = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId == 1; }; v1.__get__hasUserSession = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hasUserSession(); }; v1.__get__username = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.username; }; v1.__get__userId = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized(); return com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId; }; v1.assertConnected = function (eventType) { if (eventType == undefined) { eventType = null; } if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertConnected()) { return true; } else { if (eventType) { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(eventType, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); } return false; } }; v1.__get__adsApproved = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._adsApproved; }; v1.__get__adFeedURL = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL; }; v1.__get__medals = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray; }; v1.__get__scoreBoards = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray; }; v1.__get__saveGroups = function () { return com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray; }; v1.connect = function (_root, apiId, encryptionKey, movieVersion) { if (encryptionKey == undefined) { encryptionKey = null; } if (movieVersion == undefined) { movieVersion = ''; } com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher.__set__globalDispatcher(com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher);''); if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.initialized) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Connection already in progress. Please call API.disconnect() before attempting another connection.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED); return undefined; } apiId = com.newgrounds.API.trimWhitespace(apiId); if (encryptionKey) { encryptionKey = com.newgrounds.API.trimWhitespace(encryptionKey); } if (!apiId || apiId == '') { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No apiId given. Please use the API ID from your API settings page.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('====== Newgrounds API v' + com.newgrounds.API.VERSION + ' ======'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTING; _root = _root; com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion = movieVersion; com.newgrounds.API._connection.apiId = apiId; var v4; v4 = apiId.indexOf(':'); if (v4 != -1) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId = int(apiId.substring(0, v4)); } else { com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId = int(apiId); } if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid API ID: ' + apiId); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, false, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey = encryptionKey; com.newgrounds.API._connection.initialized = true; com.newgrounds.API._connection.__set__hostURL(_root._url); com.newgrounds.API.doConnect(_root); }; v1.doConnect = function (flashVars) { if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__isNetworkHost() && com.newgrounds.API._debugMode != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Live file detected, turning off debug mode.'); com.newgrounds.API._debugMode = com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE; } if (flashVars && flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID) { com.newgrounds.API._bridge = new com.newgrounds.Bridge(flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SandboxID); com.newgrounds.APICommand.bridge = com.newgrounds.API._bridge; } if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { if (flashVars) { if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserName) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.username = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserName; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_PublisherID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserpageFormat) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.userpageFormat = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_UserpageFormat; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SessionID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveGroupID) { com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveGroupId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveGroupID; } if (flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveFileID) { com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId = flashVars.NewgroundsAPI_SaveFileID; } } } else { com.newgrounds.API._connection.debug = true; if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN || com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId = 1; } if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sessionId = 'D3bu64p1U53R'; com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId = 10; com.newgrounds.API._connection.username = 'API-Debugger'; } } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('connectMovie', com.newgrounds.API.onConnect, {'host': com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain, 'movie_version': com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion, 'publisher_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId}); }; v1.onConnect = function (event) { var v1 = event.__get__data(); if (!event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to connect to the API.'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, event.__get__data(), event.__get__error()); return undefined; } if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode() != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL = com.newgrounds.API.TEST_AD_FEED_URL; } else { if (v1.ad_url) { com.newgrounds.API._adFeedURL = unescape(v1.ad_url); } } switch (v1.ad_status) { case -1: com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Your movie is not approved to run Flash Ads.'); break; case 0: com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Your movie is still awaiting approval to run Flash Ads.'); break; case 1: com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Your movie is approved to run Flash Ads!'); } com.newgrounds.API._adsApproved = v1.ad_status == 1; if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED || v1.deny_host) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(com.newgrounds.API._connection.hostDomain + ' does not have permission to host this movie!', 'Update your API configuration to allow this host.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'officialURL': unescape(v1.movie_url)}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_HOST_BLOCKED); com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._movieName = v1.movieName ? v1.movieName : ''; com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Connecting to the Newgrounds API Gateway...', '----- ' + v1.movie_name + ' -----'); if (com.newgrounds.API._debugMode == com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION) { v1.movie_version = 'Debug Mode'; } if (v1.movie_version) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('A new version of this movie is available.', 'Current version:\t' + com.newgrounds.API._movieVersion, 'Newest version:\t' + v1.movie_version, 'Use API.loadOfficialVersion() to link to the latest version.'); com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = true; } else { com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = false; } if (v1.request_portal_url) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('setPortalID', null, {'portal_url': com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__hostURL()}); } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('preloadSettings', com.newgrounds.API.onMetadataLoaded, {'publisher_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.publisherId, 'user_id': com.newgrounds.API._connection.userId}); }; v1.onMetadataLoaded = function (event) { var v11 = event.__get__data(); var v4; var v1; if (!event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Unable to load movie metadata.'); com.newgrounds.API.disconnect(); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, null, event.__get__error()); return undefined; } var v10 = 0; if (v11.medals) { v10 = v11.medals.length; var v18; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { v18 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); } else { v18 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked'); } v4 = 0; while (v4 < v10) { var v5 = v11.medals[v4]; var v15 = v5.medal_unlocked; var v17 = v18 && v18[v5.medal_id]; var v14 = com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession() ? v15 : v17; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__debugMode() != com.newgrounds.API.RELEASE_MODE) { v14 = false; } var v6 = new com.newgrounds.Medal(com.newgrounds.API._connection, v5.medal_id, v5.medal_name, v5.medal_description, Boolean(int(v5.secret)), v14, v5.medal_value, v5.medal_difficulty, v5.medal_icon); v6.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlocked, false, 0, true); v6.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlockConfirmed, false, 0, true); com.newgrounds.API._medals[v6.__get__name()] = v6; com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray.push(v6); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v6); if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession() && v17 && !v15) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Server missed the "' + v6.__get__name() + '" unlock. Resending...'); v6.unlock(); } ++v4; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' medal' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); v10 = 0; if (v11.score_boards) { v10 = v11.score_boards.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v10) { var v16 = v11.score_boards[v4]; var v9 = new com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard(com.newgrounds.API._connection,,; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[v9.__get__name()] = v9; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray.push(v9); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v9); ++v4; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' scoreboard' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); v10 = 0; if (v11.save_groups) { v10 = v11.save_groups.length; v4 = 0; while (v4 < v10) { var v2 = v11.save_groups[v4]; var v13 = []; if (v2.keys) { v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.keys.length) { var v7 = v2.keys[v1]; v13.push(new com.newgrounds.SaveKey(,, v7.type)); ++v1; } } var v12 = []; if (v2.ratings) { v1 = 0; while (v1 < v2.ratings.length) { var v3 = v2.ratings[v1]; v12.push(new com.newgrounds.SaveRating(,, v3.float, v3.min, v3.max)); ++v1; } } var v8 = new com.newgrounds.SaveGroup(com.newgrounds.API._connection, v2.group_name, v2.group_id, v2.group_type, v13, v12); com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[v8.__get__name()] = v8; com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray.push(v8); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v8); ++v4; } } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage(v10 + ' save group' + ((v10 != 1) ? 's' : '') + ' initialized.'); if (v11.save_file_path) { com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath = v11.save_file_path + '/'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._saveFilePath = com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath; com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Save file path: ' + com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath); } if (v11.image_file_path) { com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath = v11.image_file_path + '/'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._imageFilePath = com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath; com.newgrounds.Logger.logInternal('Image file path: ' + com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Connection complete!'); com.newgrounds.API._connection.connectionState = com.newgrounds.APIConnection.CONNECTED; com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'movieName': com.newgrounds.API._movieName, 'newVersion': com.newgrounds.API._newVersion}); if (com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId && com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveGroupId) { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, com.newgrounds.API.onRequestedFileLoaded); com.newgrounds.API.loadSaveFile(com.newgrounds.API._requestedSaveFileId, false); } }; v1.disconnect = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.__get__connected()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('The Newgrounds API is already disconnected.'); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.reset(); for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.API._medals) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[v2]; v1.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlocked); v1.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, com.newgrounds.API.onMedalUnlockConfirmed); } com.newgrounds.API._newVersion = false; com.newgrounds.API._medals = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._medalsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoardsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._saveGroupsArray = []; com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects = new Object(); com.newgrounds.API._imageFilePath = null; com.newgrounds.API._saveFilePath = null; com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Disconnected from the Newgrounds API.'); }; v1.loadNewgrounds = function () { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadNewgrounds'); }; v1.loadOfficialVersion = function () { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadOfficialVersion', false); } }; v1.loadMySite = function () { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadMySite'); } }; v1.loadCustomLink = function (linkName) { if (com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { com.newgrounds.API._connection.loadInBrowser('loadCustomLink', true, {'link': linkName}); } }; v1.getMedal = function (medalName) { return com.newgrounds.API._medals[medalName]; }; v1.unlockMedal = function (medalName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return undefined; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[medalName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No medal named "' + medalName + '" w.'); return undefined; } v1.unlock(); }; v1.onMedalUnlocked = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { var v2 = com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data()); var v1; if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } v1[v2.__get__id()] = true; com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username(), v1); } else { v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked'); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } v1[(com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data())).__get__id()] = true; com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked', v1); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('User instanceof not logged in. Medal "' + v2.__get__name() + '" unlocked locally.'); } } }; v1.onMedalUnlockConfirmed = function (event) { if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.loadLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username()); if (!v1) { v1 = new Object(); } else { delete v1[(com.newgrounds.Medal(event.__get__data())).__get__id()]; } com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked_' + com.newgrounds.API.__get__username(), v1); } }; v1.clearLocalMedals = function () { for (var v2 in com.newgrounds.API._medals) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._medals[v2]; v1.setUnlocked(false); } if (!com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.API.saveLocal('medals_unlocked', new Object()); } }; v1.getScoreBoard = function (scoreBoardName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; }; v1.loadScores = function (scoreBoardName, period, firstResult, numResults, tag) { if (period == undefined) { period = 'All-Time'; } if (firstResult == undefined) { firstResult = 1; } if (numResults == undefined) { numResults = 10; } if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No scoreboard named "' + scoreBoardName + '" w.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return null; } v1.__set__period(period); v1.__set__firstResult(firstResult); v1.__set__numResults(numResults); v1.__set__tag(tag); v1.loadScores(); return v1; }; v1.postScore = function (scoreBoardName, numericScore, tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return undefined; } if (!com.newgrounds.API.__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to post a score.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN); return undefined; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._scoreBoards[scoreBoardName]; if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No scoreboard named "' + scoreBoardName + '" w.'); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return undefined; } v1.postScore(numericScore, tag); }; v1.getSaveGroup = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[groupName]; }; v1.getSaveGroupById = function (id) { for (var v3 in com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.API._saveGroups[v3]; if (v1.__get__id() == id) { return v1; } } return null; }; v1.createSaveFile = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroup(groupName); if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + groupName + '" w found.'); return null; } return new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(v1); }; v1.loadSaveFile = function (saveId, loadContents) { if (loadContents == undefined) { loadContents = true; } com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('loadSaveFile', com.newgrounds.API.onFileLoaded, {'save_id': saveId, 'get_contents': loadContents}); }; v1.onFileLoaded = function (event) { var v2; if (event.__get__success()) { v2 = com.newgrounds.SaveFile.fromObject(com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroupById((event.__get__data()).group_id), (event.__get__data()).file); if ((event.__get__data()).get_contents) { v2.load(); } else { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, v2); } } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load file:', event.__get__error()); com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, null, event.__get__error()); } }; v1.createSaveQuery = function (groupName) { if (!com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { return null; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.getSaveGroup(groupName); if (!v1) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + groupName + '" w found.'); return null; } var v2 = new com.newgrounds.SaveQuery(v1); return v2; }; v1.createSaveQueryByDate = function (groupName, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = true; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); if (!v1) { return null; } v1.sortOn(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.CREATED_ON, sortDescending); return v1; }; v1.createSaveQueryByName = function (groupName, filename, exactMatch, sortDescending) { if (exactMatch == undefined) { exactMatch = false; } if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = false; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); if (!exactMatch) { v1.addCondition(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.OPERATOR_CONTAINS, filename); return v1; } v1.addCondition(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.OPERATOR_EQUAL, filename); return v1; }; v1.createSaveQueryByRating = function (groupName, ratingName, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = true; } var v1 = com.newgrounds.API.createSaveQuery(groupName); v1.sortOn(ratingName, sortDescending); return v1; }; v1.onRequestedFileLoaded = function (event) { com.newgrounds.API.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, com.newgrounds.API.onRequestedFileLoaded); if (event.__get__success()) { var v1 = event.__get__data(); if (v1) { com.newgrounds.API.dispatchEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_REQUESTED, v1); } } }; v1.addEventListener = function (eventType, listener, priority, useWeakReference) { if (priority == undefined) { priority = 0; } if (useWeakReference == undefined) { useWeakReference = true; } com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, listener, false, priority, useWeakReference); }; v1.removeEventListener = function (eventType, listener) { com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, listener); }; v1.dispatchEvent = function (event, data, error) { if (data == undefined) { data = null; } if (error == undefined) { error = null; } com.newgrounds.API._dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(event, data, error)); }; v1.saveLocal = function (saveId, saveData) { try { var v3; var v2 = 'ng_ap_secure_' + com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId + '_' + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(saveId, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); if (!com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]) { com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId] = SharedObject.getLocal(v2); } v3 = com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]; = com.newgrounds.API.encodeData(saveData); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to save local data.', error); return false; return true; } throw v0; } return true; }; v1.loadLocal = function (saveId) { try { var v1; var v3 = 'ng_ap_secure_' + com.newgrounds.API._connection.trackerId + '_' + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(saveId, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); if (!com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]) { com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId] = SharedObject.getLocal(v3); } v1 = com.newgrounds.API._sharedObjects[saveId]; if (v1 && && { return com.newgrounds.API.decodeData(; } return null; } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load local data.', error); return null; } throw v0; } return null; }; v1.logCustomEvent = function (eventName) { if (com.newgrounds.API.assertConnected()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Logged event: ' + eventName); com.newgrounds.API._connection.sendSimpleCommand('logCustomEvent', null, {'event': eventName}); } }; v1.encodeData = function (data) { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { return null; } return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.encrypt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(data), com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey); }; v1.decodeData = function (data) { if (!com.newgrounds.API._connection.assertInitialized()) { return null; } try { return com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.decrypt(data, com.newgrounds.API._connection.encryptionKey)); } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); return null; } throw v0; } return null; }; v1.stopPendingCommands = function () { com.newgrounds.APICommand.stopPendingCommands(); com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Pending commands stopped.'); }; v1.trimWhitespace = function (string) { if (!string) { return null; } var v3 = 0; while (string.charAt(v3) == ' ') { ++v3; } var v1 = string.length - 1; for (;;) { if (!(string.charAt(v1) == ' ' && v1 >= 0)) break; --v1; } return string.slice(v3, v1 + 1); }; v1.VERSION = '3.1.4 AS2'; v1.RELEASE_MODE = 'releaseMode'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN = 'debugModeLoggedIn'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_OUT = 'debugModeLoggedOut'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_NEW_VERSION = 'debugModeNewVersion'; v1.DEBUG_MODE_HOST_BLOCKED = 'debugModeHostBlocked'; v1.TEST_AD_FEED_URL = ''; v1._dispatcher = new com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher(); v1._connection = new com.newgrounds.APIConnection(); v1._debugMode = com.newgrounds.API.DEBUG_MODE_LOGGED_IN; v1._adsApproved = false; v1._medals = new Object(); v1._medalsArray = []; v1._scoreBoards = new Object(); v1._scoreBoardsArray = []; v1._saveGroups = new Object(); v1._saveGroupsArray = []; v1._sharedObjects = new Object(); v1.addProperty('adFeedURL', v1.__get__adFeedURL, function () {}); v1.addProperty('adsApproved', v1.__get__adsApproved, function () {}); v1.addProperty('apiId', v1.__get__apiId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('connected', v1.__get__connected, function () {}); v1.addProperty('debugMode', v1.__get__debugMode, v1.__set__debugMode); v1.addProperty('hasUserSession', v1.__get__hasUserSession, function () {}); v1.addProperty('hostDomain', v1.__get__hostDomain, function () {}); v1.addProperty('hostURL', v1.__get__hostURL, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNetworkHost', v1.__get__isNetworkHost, function () {}); v1.addProperty('isNewgrounds', v1.__get__isNewgrounds, function () {}); v1.addProperty('medals', v1.__get__medals, function () {}); v1.addProperty('publisherId', v1.__get__publisherId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('saveGroups', v1.__get__saveGroups, function () {}); v1.addProperty('scoreBoards', v1.__get__scoreBoards, function () {}); v1.addProperty('sessionId', v1.__get__sessionId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('userId', v1.__get__userId, function () {}); v1.addProperty('username', v1.__get__username, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.API.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 54 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (hashLength, charsPerPixel) { if (hashLength) { this._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.DEFAULT_HASH.substr(0, hashLength); } this._baseN = new com.newgrounds.encoders.BaseN(this._hash); if (charsPerPixel) { this._charsPerPixel = charsPerPixel; } this.__set__encodeAlpha(false); }; com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__encodeAlpha = function () { return this._encodeAlpha; }; v2.__set__encodeAlpha = function (v) { this._encodeAlpha = v; this._maxPerChannel = int(Math.pow(this._hash.length, this._charsPerPixel / (this._encodeAlpha ? 4 : 3))); if (this._maxPerChannel > 256) { this._maxPerChannel = 256; } return this.__get__encodeAlpha(); }; v2.encode = function (source, callbackFunction, callbackObject) { var v4 = {'callbackFunction': callbackFunction, 'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'source': source, 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'output': null}; var v2 = source.width.toString(); var v3 = source.height.toString(); while (v2.length < 3) { v2 = '0' + v2; } while (v3.length < 3) { v3 = '0' + v3; } v4.output = v2 + v3; var v6 = setInterval(this, 'doEncode', com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL, v4); v4.interval = v6; }; v2.decode = function (source, callbackFunction, callbackObject) { var v2 = {'callbackFunction': callbackFunction, 'callbackObject': callbackObject, 'source': source, 'i': 6, 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'output': null}; var v5 = int(source.substr(0, 3)); var v6 = int(source.substr(3, 3)); v2.output = new flash.display.BitmapData(v5, v6, this._encodeAlpha); var v4 = setInterval(this, 'doDecode', com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL, v2); v2.interval = v4; }; v2.doEncode = function (state) { var v3 = getTimer(); for (;;) { if (!(state.y < state.source.height && getTimer() - v3 < com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL)) break; state.output += this.encodePixel(state.source.getPixel32(state.x, state.y)); ++state.x; if (state.x == state.source.width) { state.x = 0; ++state.y; } } if (state.y == state.source.height) { clearInterval(state.interval);, state.output); } }; v2.doDecode = function (state) { var v4 = getTimer(); for (;;) { if (!(state.y < state.output.height && getTimer() - v4 < com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.WORK_INTERVAL)) break; var v3 = this.decodePixel(state.source.substr(state.i, this._charsPerPixel)); state.output.setPixel32(state.x, state.y, v3); state.i += this._charsPerPixel; ++state.x; if (state.x == state.output.width) { state.x = 0; ++state.y; } } if (state.y == state.output.height) { clearInterval(state.interval);, state.output); } }; v2.encodePixel = function (pixel) { var v3 = pixel >> 24 & 255; var v4 = pixel >> 16 & 255; var v5 = pixel >> 8 & 255; var v2 = pixel & 255; v3 = int((v3 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v4 = int((v4 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v5 = int((v5 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); v2 = int((v2 / 256) * this._maxPerChannel); var v7 = v4 * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel + v5 * this._maxPerChannel + v2; if (this._encodeAlpha) { v7 += v3 * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel * this._maxPerChannel; } return this._baseN.encodeUint(v7, this._charsPerPixel); }; v2.decodePixel = function (encodedPixel) { var v3 = 255; var v5; var v6; var v4; var v7 = 0; var v2 = this._baseN.decodeUint(encodedPixel); v4 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); v6 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); v5 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); if (this._encodeAlpha) { v3 = v2 % this._maxPerChannel; v2 /= int(this._maxPerChannel); } return v3 << 24 | v5 << 16 | v6 << 8 | v4; }; v1.DEFAULT_HASH = '0123456789aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ<>?:;-_=+()!&'; v2._hash = com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.DEFAULT_HASH; v2._charsPerPixel = 2; v1.WORK_INTERVAL = 33.33333333333334; v2.addProperty('encodeAlpha', v2.__get__encodeAlpha, v2.__set__encodeAlpha); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 55 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (group) { super(); this._iconLoader = new com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DEFAULT_ICON, null); this._group = group; this._keys = {}; this._ratings = {}; }; com.newgrounds.SaveFile = v1; com.newgrounds.SaveFile extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.__get__currentFile = function () { return com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile; }; v1.fromObject = function (group, fileData) { var v4 = new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(group); v4._name = fileData.filename; v4._description = fileData.description; v4._id = fileData.save_id; v4._authorId = fileData.user_id; v4._authorName = fileData.user_name; v4._createdDate = fileData.created; v4._modifiedDate = fileData.last_update; v4._views = fileData.views; if (fileData.thumb && fileData.thumb != '') { v4._iconLoader.__set__url(com.newgrounds.SaveFile._imageFilePath + fileData.thumb); } v4._dataURL = com.newgrounds.SaveFile._saveFilePath + fileData.file; v4._fileSize = fileData.file_size; v4._approved = fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_UNAPPROVED; v4._readOnly = false; v4._public = fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_PRIVATE && fileData.status != com.newgrounds.SaveFile.STATUS_UNAPPROVED; for (var v8 in fileData.keys) { var v6 = fileData.keys[v8]; var v2 = group.getKeyById(; if (v2) { v4._keys[v2.__get__name()] = v2.validateValue(v6.value); } } for (var v9 in fileData.ratings) { var v5 = fileData.ratings[v9]; var v3 = group.getRatingById(; if (v3) { v4._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3.validateValue(v5.score); } } return v4; }; v2.__get__group = function () { return this._group; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__set__name = function (val) { this._name = val; return this.__get__name(); }; v2.__get__description = function () { return this._description; }; v2.__set__description = function (val) { this._description = val; return this.__get__description(); }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__data = function () { return this._data; }; v2.__set__data = function (val) { this._data = val; return this.__get__data(); }; v2.__get__bytesLoaded = function () { if (this._data) { return this.__get__bytesTotal(); } else { if (!this._dataLoader) { return 0; } else { return this._dataLoader.getBytesLoaded(); } } }; v2.__get__bytesTotal = function () { return this._fileSize; }; v2.__get__readOnly = function () { return this._readOnly; }; v2.__get__draft = function () { return this._draft; }; v2.__set__draft = function (v) { this._draft = v; return this.__get__draft(); }; v2.__get__authorId = function () { return this._authorId; }; v2.__get__authorName = function () { return this._authorName; }; v2.__get__keys = function () { return this._keys; }; v2.__get__ratings = function () { return this._ratings; }; v2.__get__views = function () { return this._views; }; v2.__get__createdDate = function () { return this._createdDate; }; v2.__get__updatedDate = function () { return this._modifiedDate; }; v2.toString = function () { return 'Save File: ' + this._name; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__set__icon = function (v) { this.createIcon(v); return this.__get__icon(); }; v2.__get__iconLoaded = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__loaded(); }; v2.createIcon = function (source) { var v9 = new flash.display.BitmapData(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT, false, 0); var v6; var v5; var v10 = 0; var v8 = 0; if (source instanceof flash.display.BitmapData) { v6 = source.width; v5 = source.height; } else { if (source instanceof MovieClip) { v6 = source._width; v5 = source._height; var v7 = (MovieClip(source)).getBounds(source); v10 = v7.xMin; v8 = v7.yMin; } } var v3 = new flash.geom.Matrix(); var v4; v4 = Math.min(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH / v6, com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT / v5); v3.translate(-v10, -v8); v3.scale(v4, v4); v3.translate((com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_WIDTH - v6 * v4) / 2, (com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_HEIGHT - v5 * v4) / 2); v9.draw(source, v3); this._iconLoader.__set__bitmapData(v9); }; v2.attachIcon = function (parent) { if (this._iconLoader) { return this._iconLoader.attachBitmap(parent); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No icon available for this sumbission.'); return null; }; = function () { if (!(this._group.__get__connection()).__get__hasUserSession()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The user must be logged-in to save a file.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN)); return undefined; } ++com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader._cacheSeed; com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile = this; if (this.__get__iconLoaded()) { com.newgrounds.SaveFile.ICON_IMAGE_SCANNER.encode(this.__get__icon(), this.onIconEncoded, this); } else { this.encodeData(true); } }; v2.onIconEncoded = function (encodedIcon) { this._encodedIcon = encodedIcon; this.encodeData(true); }; v2.doSave = function () { var v4 = new com.newgrounds.APICommand('saveFile'); (v4.__get__secureParameters()).group =; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).user_name = (this._group.__get__connection()).username; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).filename = this._name; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).description = this._description; if (this._draft) { (v4.__get__secureParameters()).draft = true; } if (this._id && !this._readOnly) { (v4.__get__secureParameters()).overwrite = 1; (v4.__get__secureParameters()).save_id = this._id; } var v8 = []; for (var v9 in this._keys) { var v2 = this._group.getKey(v9); if (v2) { v8.push({'id': v2.__get__id(), 'value': v2.validateValue(this._keys[v9])}); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No key named "' + v9 + '" in save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '".'); } } (v4.__get__secureParameters()).keys = v8; var v7 = []; for (var v10 in this._ratings) { var v3 = this._group.getRating(v10); if (v3) { v7.push({'id': v3.__get__id(), 'value': v3.validateValue(this._ratings[v10])}); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No rating named "' + v10 + '" in save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '".'); } } (v4.__get__secureParameters()).ratings = v7; if (typeof this._encodedData == 'string') { v4.addFile('file', this._encodedData, 'file'); } else { v4.addFile('file', com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(this._encodedData), 'file'); } if (this.__get__iconLoaded()) { v4.addFile('thumbnail', this._encodedIcon, 'thumbnail'); } v4.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.COMMAND_COMPLETE, {'target': this, 'func': this.onSaveComplete}); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendCommand(v4); }; v2.encodeData = function (encode) { this._encoderQueue = []; this._encoding = encode; if (encode) { this._encodedData = this._data; this.preEncodeObject(this, '_encodedData'); } else { this.preEncodeObject(this, '_data'); } this.encodeObject(); }; v2.preEncodeObject = function (parent, property) { var v3 = parent[property]; var v5; try { if (this._encoding) { v5 = v3 instanceof flash.display.BitmapData; } else { v5 = v3.type == '__bitmap'; } } var v2 = v3; var v8; if (v5) { this._encoderQueue.push({'parent': parent, 'property': property}); } else { if (typeof v3 == 'object' && !v8) { if (this._encoding) { if (v3 instanceof Array) { v2 = []; } else { v2 = {}; } for (var v4 in v3) { v2[v4] = v3[v4]; } parent[property] = v2; } for (v4 in v2) { this.preEncodeObject(v2, v4); } } } }; v2.encodeObject = function () { if (!this._encoderQueue.length) { if (this._encoding) { this.doSave(); } else { this._dataLoaded = true; this.checkLoadComplete(); } return undefined; } var v6 = this._encoderQueue.pop(); var v4 = v6.parent; var v3 =; var v2 = v4[v3]; var v5; if (this._encoding) { v5 = {'type': '__bitmap', 'width': v2.width, 'height': v2.height, 'transparent': v2.transparent}; v4[v3] = v5; this._encodingParent = v5; this._encodingProperty = 'data'; com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.__set__encodeAlpha(v2.transparent); com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.encode(flash.display.BitmapData(v2), this.encodeBitmapComplete, this); } else { this._encodingParent = v4; this._encodingProperty = v3; com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.__set__encodeAlpha(v2.transparent); com.newgrounds.SaveFile.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER.decode(String(, this.encodeBitmapComplete, this); } }; v2.encodeBitmapComplete = function (data) { this._encodingParent[this._encodingProperty] = data; this.encodeObject(); }; v2.load = function () { com.newgrounds.SaveFile._currentFile = this; this._dataLoaded = false; this._data = null; if (!this.__get__iconLoaded()) { this._iconLoader.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, {'target': this, 'func': this.onIconLoaded}); this._iconLoader.load(); } this._dataLoader = new LoadVars(); var file = this; this._dataLoader.onData = function (data) { file.onDataLoaded(data); }; this._dataLoader.load(this._dataURL); }; v2.onIconLoaded = function (event) { if (!event.__get__success() && this._iconLoader.__get__url()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Unable to load the icon for this save file.'); } this._iconLoader.removeEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, this.onIconLoaded); this.checkLoadComplete(); }; v2.checkLoadComplete = function () { if (this._dataLoaded && this.__get__iconLoaded()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Data loaded.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this)); } }; v2.onDataLoaded = function (data) { try { if (data) { if (data.charAt(0) == '{') { this._data = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode(String(data)); } else { this._data = String(data); } this.encodeData(false); } } catch (v0) { if (Error(v0) != null) { var error = Error(v0); com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error while loading data:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); } else { throw v0; } } }; v2.onDataError = function (error) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load data:', error); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_LOADED, this, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); }; v2.onSaveComplete = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('File "' + this._name + '" saved!'); if (event.__get__data()) { this._id = (event.__get__data()).save_id; this._dataURL = unescape((event.__get__data()).file_url); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, this)); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error saving file "' + this._name + '":', event.__get__error()); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.FILE_SAVED, this, event.__get__error())); } }; v2.sendVote = function (ratingName, vote) { var v2 = this._group.getRating(ratingName); if (!v2) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('No save rating named "' + ratingName + '" exists for this save group.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, {}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } vote = v2.validateValue(vote); if (isNaN(vote)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid vote (' + vote + '). ' + ratingName + ' allows a range of ' + v2.__get__minimum() + '-' + v2.__get__maximum() + '.'); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, {}, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Voting ' + vote + ' for ' + ratingName + ' on ' + this._name + '...'); (this._group.__get__connection()).sendSimpleCommand('rateSaveFile', {'target': this, 'func': this.onVoteComplete}, null, {'group': this._group.__get__id(), 'save_id': this._id, 'rating_id': v2.__get__id(), 'vote': vote}); }; v2.onVoteComplete = function (event) { var v2 = event.__get__error(); if ((event.__get__data()).already_voted) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Vote failed. You\'ve already voted on this rating today.'); v2 = com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_ALREADY_VOTED; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_NONE) { var v3 = this._group.getRatingById((event.__get__data()).rating_id); if (v3) { this._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3.validateValue((event.__get__data()).score); } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Vote complete!'); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.VOTE_COMPLETE, this, v2)); }; v2.clone = function () { var v3 = new com.newgrounds.SaveFile(this._group); v3._data = this._data; v3._description = this._description; v3._draft = this._draft; v3._fileSize = this._fileSize; v3._iconLoader.__set__bitmapData(this._iconLoader.bitmapData); var v2; for (v2 in this._keys) { v3._keys[v2] = this._keys[v2]; } for (v2 in this._ratings) { v3._ratings[v2] = this._ratings[v2]; } v3._name = this._name; return v3; }; v1.ICON_WIDTH = 90; v1.ICON_HEIGHT = 90; v1.DEFAULT_ICON = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('DefaultSaveIcon'); v1.STATUS_PRIVATE = 0; v1.STATUS_SHARED = 1; v1.STATUS_UNAPPROVED = 2; v1.STATUS_APPROVED = 3; v1._imageFilePath = ''; v1._saveFilePath = ''; v1.ICON_IMAGE_SCANNER = new com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner(); v1.DATA_IMAGE_SCANNER = new com.newgrounds.encoders.ImageScanner(64, 6); v2.addProperty('authorId', v2.__get__authorId, function () {}); v2.addProperty('authorName', v2.__get__authorName, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesLoaded', v2.__get__bytesLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('bytesTotal', v2.__get__bytesTotal, function () {}); v2.addProperty('createdDate', v2.__get__createdDate, function () {}); v1.addProperty('currentFile', v1.__get__currentFile, function () {}); v2.addProperty('data', v2.__get__data, v2.__set__data); v2.addProperty('description', v2.__get__description, v2.__set__description); v2.addProperty('draft', v2.__get__draft, v2.__set__draft); v2.addProperty('group', v2.__get__group, function () {}); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, v2.__set__icon); v2.addProperty('iconLoaded', v2.__get__iconLoaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('keys', v2.__get__keys, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, v2.__set__name); v2.addProperty('ratings', v2.__get__ratings, function () {}); v2.addProperty('readOnly', v2.__get__readOnly, function () {}); v2.addProperty('updatedDate', v2.__get__updatedDate, function () {}); v2.addProperty('views', v2.__get__views, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveFile.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 53 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, name, id, type, keys, ratings) { this._connection = connection; this._id = id; this._name = name; this._type = type; this._keysArray = keys; this._ratingsArray = ratings; this._keys = new Object(); this._ratings = new Object(); var v11; for (var v7 in keys) { var v2 = keys[v7]; this._keys[v2.__get__name()] = v2; } for (var v6 in ratings) { var v3 = ratings[v6]; this._ratings[v3.__get__name()] = v3; } }; com.newgrounds.SaveGroup = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__connection = function () { return this._connection; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__keys = function () { return this._keysArray; }; v2.__get__ratings = function () { return this._ratingsArray; }; v2.getKey = function (name) { return this._keys[name]; }; v2.getRating = function (name) { return this._ratings[name]; }; v2.getKeyById = function (id) { for (var v4 in this._keys) { var v2 = this._keys[v4]; if (v2.__get__id() == id) { return v2; } } return null; }; v2.getRatingById = function (id) { for (var v4 in this._ratings) { var v2 = this._ratings[v4]; if (v2.__get__id() == id) { return v2; } } return null; }; v2.toString = function () { return 'SaveGroup: ' + this.__get__name() + ' Keys: ' + this._keysArray + ' Ratings: ' + this._ratingsArray; }; v1.TYPE_SYSTEM = 0; v1.TYPE_PRIVATE = 1; v1.TYPE_PUBLIC = 2; v1.TYPE_MODERATED = 3; v2.addProperty('connection', v2.__get__connection, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('keys', v2.__get__keys, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('ratings', v2.__get__ratings, function () {}); v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveGroup.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 51 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (name, id, type) { this._name = name; this._id = id; this._type = type; }; com.newgrounds.SaveKey = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__type = function () { return this._type; }; v2.validateValue = function (value) { switch (this._type) { return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_INTEGER: value = Number(value); if (!isNaN(value)) { var v3 = int(value); if (v3 != value) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Float value ' + value + ' given for integer key "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + v3 + '.'); } return v3; } return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_FLOAT: value = Number(value); if (!isNaN(value)) { return isNaN(Number(value)); } return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_BOOLEAN: return Boolean(value); return null; case com.newgrounds.SaveKey.TYPE_STRING: return value ? value.toString() : ''; return null; } return null; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._name; }; v1.TYPE_FLOAT = 1; v1.TYPE_INTEGER = 2; v1.TYPE_STRING = 3; v1.TYPE_BOOLEAN = 4; v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('type', v2.__get__type, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveKey.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 52 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (name, id, isFloat, minimum, maximum) { this._name = name; this._id = id; this._isFloat = isFloat; this._minimum = minimum; this._maximum = maximum; }; com.newgrounds.SaveRating = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__isFloat = function () { return this._isFloat; }; v2.__get__minimum = function () { return this._minimum; }; v2.__get__maximum = function () { return this._maximum; }; v2.validateValue = function (value) { var v2 = Number(value); if (isNaN(v2)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Invalid value for rating "' + this._name + '".'); return NaN; } if (v2 < this._minimum) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(v2 + ' is out of acceptable range for rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + this._minimum + '.'); return this._minimum; } if (v2 > this._maximum) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning(v2 + ' is out of acceptable range for rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + this._maximum + '.'); return this._maximum; } if (!this.__get__isFloat()) { var v3 = int(v2); if (v3 != v2) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Float value ' + v2 + ' given for integer rating "' + this._name + '". Clamping to ' + v3 + '.'); } return v3; } return v2; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._name; }; v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('isFloat', v2.__get__isFloat, function () {}); v2.addProperty('maximum', v2.__get__maximum, function () {}); v2.addProperty('minimum', v2.__get__minimum, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveRating.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 47 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (defaultBitmap, url) { super(); this._bitmapData = defaultBitmap; this._url = url; }; com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader = v1; com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__url = function () { return this._url; }; v2.__set__url = function (v) { this._loaded = false; this._url = v; return this.__get__url(); }; v2.__get__bitmapData = function () { return this._bitmapData; }; v2.__set__bitmapData = function (v) { this._bitmapData = v; this._loaded = true; return this.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__get__loaded = function () { return this._loaded; }; v2.disposeLoader = function () { if (this._loader) { if (this._loaderClip._parent == _root) { this._loader.unloadClip(this._loaderClip.bitmap); this._loaderClip.removeMovieClip(); } this._loader = null; this._loaderClip = null; } }; v2.load = function () { if (!this._url || this._url == '') { this.onLoadComplete(); return undefined; } this._loaded = false; if (this._bitmapData) { this._bitmapData.dispose(); this._bitmapData = null; } this.disposeLoader(); this.attachBitmap(null); }; v2.attachBitmap = function (parent) { if (!parent) { parent = _root; } var v5 = parent.getNextHighestDepth(); var v3 = parent.createEmptyMovieClip('__bitmap' + v5, v5); if (!this._loaded && this._url && this._url != '') { v3.createEmptyMovieClip('bitmap', 0); this._loader = new MovieClipLoader(); this._loaderClip = v3; if (parent == _root) { this._loaderClip._visible = false; } var thisObj = this; this._loaderClip.onEnterFrame = function () { thisObj.pollLoad(); }; this._loader.addListener({'onLoadError': function () { thisObj.onLoadComplete(); }}); this._loader.loadClip(this._url, v3.bitmap); return v3; } v3.attachBitmap(this._bitmapData, 0); return v3; }; v2.pollLoad = function () { if (this._loaderClip._width) { this.onLoadComplete(); } }; v2.onLoadComplete = function () { var v2; if (this._loader && this._loaderClip && this._loaderClip._width) { try { this._loaderClip.onEnterFrame = null; v2 = new flash.display.BitmapData(this._loaderClip._width, this._loaderClip._height, true, 0); v2.draw(this._loaderClip); this._bitmapData = v2; this._loaded = true; } catch (error) { if (v2) { v2.dispose(); } } } this.disposeLoader(); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ICON_LOADED, this, this._loaded ? null : com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_BAD_FILE)); }; v1._cacheSeed = 0; v2._loaded = true; v2.addProperty('bitmapData', v2.__get__bitmapData, v2.__set__bitmapData); v2.addProperty('loaded', v2.__get__loaded, function () {}); v2.addProperty('url', v2.__get__url, v2.__set__url); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 56 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (group) { super(); this._group = group; this._connection = group.connection; this.reset(); }; com.newgrounds.SaveQuery = v1; com.newgrounds.SaveQuery extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__group = function () { return this._group; }; v2.__get__resultsPerPage = function () { return this._resultsPerPage; }; v2.__set__resultsPerPage = function (val) { this._resultsPerPage = Math.min(Math.max(val, 1), 100); return this.__get__resultsPerPage(); }; v2.__get__page = function () { return this._page; }; v2.__set__page = function (val) { this._page = Math.max(val, 1); return this.__get__page(); }; v2.prevPage = function () { this.__set__page(this.__get__page() - 1); }; v2.nextPage = function () { this.__set__page(this.__get__page() + 1); }; v2.__get__isRandomized = function () { return this._isRandomized; }; v2.__set__isRandomized = function (val) { this._isRandomized = val; return this.__get__isRandomized(); }; v2.__get__files = function () { return this._files; }; v2.reset = function () { this._page = 1; this._resultsPerPage = 10; this._isRandomized = false; this._lookupKeys = []; this._lookupRatings = []; this._fileConditions = []; this._keyConditions = []; this._ratingConditions = []; this._sortFields = []; this._files = []; this.includeAllFields(); }; v2.clone = function () { var v2 = new com.newgrounds.SaveQuery(this._group); v2._page = this._page; v2._resultsPerPage = this._resultsPerPage; v2._isRandomized = this._isRandomized; v2._lookupKeys = this._lookupKeys.concat(); v2._lookupRatings = this._lookupRatings.concat(); v2._fileConditions = this._fileConditions.concat(); v2._keyConditions = this._keyConditions.concat(); v2._ratingConditions = this._ratingConditions.concat(); return v2; }; v2.includeAllFields = function () { for (var v5 in this._group.__get__keys()) { var v2 = (this._group.__get__keys())[v5]; this._lookupKeys.push(v2.__get__id()); } for (var v4 in this._group.__get__ratings()) { var v3 = (this._group.__get__ratings())[v4]; this._lookupRatings.push(v3.__get__id()); } }; v2.addCondition = function (field, operator, value) { var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { if (com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS[v2] == field) { break; } ++v2; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { v2 = -1; } if (v2 >= 0) { this._fileConditions.push({'field': v2, 'operator': operator, 'value': value}); } else { var v3 = this._group.getKey(field); if (v3) { value = v3.validateValue(value); this._keyConditions.push({'key_id': v3.__get__id(), 'operator': operator, 'value': value}); return undefined; } var v4 = field.split('.'); var v6 = this._group.getRating(v4[0]); if (v6) { value = v6.validateValue(value); this._ratingConditions.push({'rating_id': v6.__get__id(), 'operator': operator, 'value': value, 'column': v4[1] ? v4[1] : 'score'}); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '" does not have a field named "' + field + '".'); } }; v2.sortOn = function (field, sortDescending) { if (sortDescending == undefined) { sortDescending = false; } var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { if (com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS[v2] == field) { break; } ++v2; } if (v2 == com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_FIELDS.length) { v2 = -1; } if (v2 >= 0) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_FILES, 'field': v2, 'desc': sortDescending}); } else { var v5 = this._group.getKey(field); if (v5) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_KEYS, 'field': v5.__get__id(), 'desc': sortDescending}); return undefined; } var v3 = field.split('.'); var v6 = this._group.getRating(v3[0]); if (v6) { this._sortFields.push({'table': com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.TABLE_RATINGS, 'field': v6.__get__id(), 'desc': sortDescending, 'extra': v3[1] ? v3[1] : 'score'}); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('The save group "' + this._group.__get__name() + '" does not have a field named "' + field + '".'); } }; v2.execute = function () { var v5 = {}; = this._page; v5.num_results = this._resultsPerPage; if (this._isRandomized) { v5.randomize = 1; } if (this._lookupKeys && this._lookupKeys.length) { v5.lookup_keys = this._lookupKeys; } if (this._lookupRatings && this._lookupRatings.length) { v5.lookup_ratings = this._lookupRatings; } if (this._fileConditions && this._fileConditions.length) { v5.file_conditions = this._fileConditions; } if (this._keyConditions && this._keyConditions.length) { v5.key_conditions = this._keyConditions; } if (this._ratingConditions && this._ratingConditions.length) { v5.rating_conditions = this._ratingConditions; } if (this._sortFields && this._sortFields.length) { v5.sort_conditions = this._sortFields; } this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('lookupSaveFiles', {'target': this, 'func': this.onQueryComplete}, {'publisher_id': this._connection.publisherId, 'group_id': this._group.__get__id(), 'query': v5}); }; v2.onQueryComplete = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { var v4 = event.__get__data(); this._files = []; if (v4.files) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < v4.files.length) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.SaveFile.fromObject(this._group, v4.files[v2]); if (v3) { this._files.push(v3); } ++v2; } } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, this)); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Query failed: ' + event.__get__error()); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.QUERY_COMPLETE, this, event.__get__error())); } }; v1.FILE_ID = 'fileId'; v1.AUTHOR_ID = 'authorId'; v1.AUTHOR_NAME = 'authorName'; v1.FILE_NAME = 'fileName'; v1.CREATED_ON = 'createdOn'; v1.UPDATED_ON = 'updatedOn'; v1.FILE_VIEWS = 'fileViews'; v1.FILE_STATUS = 'fileStatus'; v1.FILE_FIELDS = [com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_ID, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.AUTHOR_ID, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.AUTHOR_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_NAME, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.CREATED_ON, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.UPDATED_ON, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_VIEWS, com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.FILE_STATUS]; v1.OPERATOR_EQUAL = '='; v1.OPERATOR_LESS_THAN = '<'; v1.OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN = '>'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL = '!='; v1.OPERATOR_LESS_OR_EQUAL = '<='; v1.OPERATOR_GREATER_OR_EQUAL = '>='; v1.OPERATOR_CONTAINS = '*'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_CONTAINS = '!*'; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_BEGINS_WITH = '!*='; v1.OPERATOR_NOT_ENDS_WITH = '!=*'; v1.OPERATOR_BEGINS_WITH = '*='; v1.OPERATOR_ENDS_WITH = '=*'; v1.TABLE_FILES = 1; v1.TABLE_KEYS = 2; v1.TABLE_RATINGS = 3; v2._page = 1; v2._resultsPerPage = 10; v2._isRandomized = false; v2.addProperty('files', v2.__get__files, function () {}); v2.addProperty('group', v2.__get__group, function () {}); v2.addProperty('isRandomized', v2.__get__isRandomized, v2.__set__isRandomized); v2.addProperty('page', v2.__get__page, v2.__set__page); v2.addProperty('resultsPerPage', v2.__get__resultsPerPage, v2.__set__resultsPerPage); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.SaveQuery.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 48 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, id, name, description, secret, unlocked, value, difficultyId, iconURL) { super(); this._connection = connection; this._id = id; this._name = name; this._description = description; this._secret = secret; this._unlocked = unlocked; this._value = value; this._difficulty = com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTIES[difficultyId]; this._iconLoader = new com.newgrounds.BitmapLoader(com.newgrounds.Medal.DEFAULT_ICON, iconURL); this._iconLoader.load(); }; com.newgrounds.Medal = v1; com.newgrounds.Medal extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__difficulty = function () { return this._difficulty; }; v2.__get__icon = function () { return this._iconLoader.__get__bitmapData(); }; v2.__get__id = function () { return this._id; }; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__description = function () { return this._description; }; v2.__get__secret = function () { return this._secret; }; v2.__get__unlocked = function () { return this._unlocked; }; v2.__get__value = function () { return this._value; }; v2.toString = function () { if (!this._unlocked) { return 'Medal: ' + this._name + '\t\t(' + 'locked, ' + this._value + 'pts, ' + this._difficulty + ')'; } return 'Medal: ' + this._name + '\t\t(' + 'unlocked, ' + this._value + 'pts, ' + this._difficulty + ')'; }; v2.attachIcon = function (parent) { return this._iconLoader.attachBitmap(parent); }; v2.unlock = function () { if (this._unlocked) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logWarning('Medal "' + this._name + '" is already unlocked.'); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Unlocking medal "' + this.__get__name() + '"...'); this._unlocked = true; if (this._connection.__get__hasUserSession()) { this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('unlockMedal', {'target': this, 'func': this.onUnlockConfirmed}, null, {'medal_id': this.__get__id()}); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, this)); }; v2.setUnlocked = function (unlocked) { this._unlocked = unlocked; }; v2.onUnlockConfirmed = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Medal "' + this.__get__name() + '" unlocked.'); } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Failed to unlock "' + this.__get__name() + '"!'); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCK_CONFIRMED, this, event.__get__error())); }; v1.ICON_WIDTH = 50; v1.ICON_HEIGHT = 50; v1.DEFAULT_ICON = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('DefaultMedalIcon'); v1.DIFFICULTY_EASY = 'Easy'; v1.DIFFICULTY_MODERATE = 'Moderate'; v1.DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGING = 'Challenging'; v1.DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT = 'Difficult'; v1.DIFFICULTY_BRUTAL = 'Brutal'; v1.DIFFICULTIES = ['Unknown', com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_EASY, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_MODERATE, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_CHALLENGING, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_DIFFICULT, com.newgrounds.Medal.DIFFICULTY_BRUTAL]; v2.addProperty('description', v2.__get__description, function () {}); v2.addProperty('difficulty', v2.__get__difficulty, function () {}); v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, function () {}); v2.addProperty('id', v2.__get__id, function () {}); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('secret', v2.__get__secret, function () {}); v2.addProperty('unlocked', v2.__get__unlocked, function () {}); v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Medal.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 50 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (connection, name, id) { super(); this._connection = connection; this._name = name; this._id = id; }; com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard = v1; com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard extends com.newgrounds.APIEventDispatcher; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__name = function () { return this._name; }; v2.__get__scores = function () { return this._scores; }; v2.__get__period = function () { return this._period; }; v2.__set__period = function (val) { this._period = val; return this.__get__period(); }; v2.__get__firstResult = function () { return this._firstResult; }; v2.__set__firstResult = function (val) { this._firstResult = Math.max(1, val); return this.__get__firstResult(); }; v2.__get__numResults = function () { return this._numResults; }; v2.__set__numResults = function (val) { this._numResults = val; return this.__get__numResults(); }; v2.__get__tag = function () { return this._tag; }; v2.__set__tag = function (val) { this._tag = val; return this.__get__tag(); }; v2.__get__page = function () { return Math.ceil((this._firstResult - 1) / this._numResults) + 1; }; v2.prevPage = function () { if (this.__get__firstResult() > this._numResults) { this.firstResult -= this._numResults; } }; v2.nextPage = function () { this.firstResult += this._numResults; }; v2.loadScores = function () { this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('loadScores', {'target': this, 'func': this.onScoresLoaded}, {'publisher_id': this._connection.publisherId, 'board': this._id, 'page': (this._firstResult - 1) / this._numResults + 1, 'num_results': this._numResults, 'period': this._period, 'tag': this._tag}); }; v2.postScore = function (numericScore, tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = null; } if (isNaN(numericScore)) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Cannot post invalid score: ' + numericScore); this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, null, com.newgrounds.APIEvent.ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT)); return undefined; } com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Posting a score of ' + numericScore + ' by ' + this._connection.username + ' to scoreboard "' + this._name + '"...'); this._connection.sendSimpleCommand('postScore', {'target': this, 'func': this.onScorePosted}, null, {'user_name': this._connection.username, 'board': this._id, 'value': numericScore, 'tag': tag}); }; v2.onScoresLoaded = function (event) { var v4 = event.__get__data(); this._scores = []; var v5; if (v4.first_result) { v5 = v4.first_result; } else { v5 = this._firstResult; } if (v4.scores) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v4.scores.length) { var v2 = v4.scores[v3]; if (v2) { this._scores[v3] = new com.newgrounds.Score(v5, v2.username, v2.value, v2.numeric_value, v2.tag); } v3++; v5++; } } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORES_LOADED, this)); }; v2.onScorePosted = function (event) { if (event.__get__success()) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logMessage('Score posted!'); var v4 = event.__get__data(); var v2 = {}; v2.score = v4.value; v2.scoreBoard = this; } else { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Error posting score: ' + event.__get__error()); } this.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.SCORE_POSTED, storedv2, event.__get__error())); }; v2.toString = function () { return 'Scoreboard: ' + this._name; }; v1.TODAY = 'Today'; v1.THIS_WEEK = 'This Week'; v1.THIS_MONTH = 'This Month'; v1.THIS_YEAR = 'This Year'; v1.ALL_TIME = 'All-Time'; v2._period = com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard.ALL_TIME; v2._firstResult = 1; v2._numResults = 10; v2.addProperty('firstResult', v2.__get__firstResult, v2.__set__firstResult); v2.addProperty('name', v2.__get__name, function () {}); v2.addProperty('numResults', v2.__get__numResults, v2.__set__numResults); v2.addProperty('page', v2.__get__page, function () {}); v2.addProperty('period', v2.__get__period, v2.__set__period); v2.addProperty('scores', v2.__get__scores, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tag', v2.__get__tag, v2.__set__tag); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.ScoreBoard.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 39 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.Logger = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.logInternal = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_INTERNAL, v2); }; v1.logMessage = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE, v2); }; v1.logWarning = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_WARNING, v2); }; v1.logError = function () { var v2 = arguments; com.newgrounds.Logger.log(com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_ERROR, v2); }; v1.log = function (priority, messages) { if (priority == undefined) { priority = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE; } if (messages == undefined) { messages = null; } if (priority >= com.newgrounds.Logger._messageLevel) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < messages.length) { trace(com.newgrounds.Logger.HEADER + messages[v1]); com.newgrounds.Logger._eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new com.newgrounds.APIEvent(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.LOG, messages[v1])); ++v1; } } if (priority >= com.newgrounds.Logger._throwLevel) { throw new Error(messages.join('\n')); } }; v1.addEventListener = function (event, listener) { com.newgrounds.Logger._eventDispatcher.addEventListener(event, listener, false, 0, false); }; v1.PRIORITY_INTERNAL = 0; v1.PRIORITY_MESSAGE = 1; v1.PRIORITY_WARNING = 2; v1.PRIORITY_ERROR = 3; v1.PRIORITY_MAX = 4; v1.HEADER = '[Newgrounds API] :: '; v1._eventDispatcher = new com.newgrounds.EventDispatcher(); v1._messageLevel = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MESSAGE; v1._throwLevel = com.newgrounds.Logger.PRIORITY_MAX; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Logger.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 58 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); try {'');''); } this.gotoAndStop('idle'); this._x = int(this._x); this._y = int(this._y); this.stop(); if (this.__get___newgroundsButton()) { (this.__get___newgroundsButton()).onRelease = this.onNGClick; } this.onUnload = this.removeAd; var v4 = this; this._adListener = {'onLoadError': function (target, error, httpStatus) { target._parent.onAdError(target, error, httpStatus); }}; if (this.__get__fullScreen()) { this.drawFullScreenRect(); } if (com.newgrounds.API.__get__adFeedURL()) { this.loadAdFeed(); } else { com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.API_CONNECTED, {'target': this, 'func': this.loadAdFeed}); } }; com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase = v1; com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get___adContainer = function () { return this.adContainer; }; v2.__get___newgroundsButton = function () { return this.newgroundsButton; }; v2.__get__fullScreen = function () { return this._fullScreen; }; v2.__set__fullScreen = function (v) { this._fullScreen = v; if (v) { this.drawFullScreenRect(); } else { this.clear(); } return this.__get__fullScreen(); }; v2.__get__showBorder = function () { return this._showBorder; }; v2.__set__showBorder = function (value) { this._showBorder = value; if (this._showBorder) { if (this._ad) { var v2 = this._ad.getProgress(this.__get___adContainer()); if (v2.bytesLoaded >= v2.bytesTotal) { this.gotoAndStop('loaded'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('loading'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('noBorder'); } return this.__get__showBorder(); }; v2.loadAdFeed = function (event) { if (event == undefined) { event = null; } this._adFeedLoader = new LoadVars(); var target = this; this._adFeedLoader.onData = function (data) { target.onAdFeedLoaded(data); }; this._adFeedLoader.load(com.newgrounds.API.__get__adFeedURL(), this._adFeedLoader); }; v2.onAdFeedLoaded = function (data) { if (data && data != '') { this.loadAd(data); } else { this.onAdError(); } }; v2.loadAd = function (adURL) { if (this.adType != this.VIDEO_ADS) { if (adURL.indexOf('?') >= 0) { adURL += '&'; } else { adURL += '?'; } adURL += 'blockoverlays=1'; } this._ad = new MovieClipLoader(); this._ad.addListener(this._adListener); (this.__get___adContainer())._lockroot = true; this._ad.loadClip(adURL, this.__get___adContainer()); }; v2.removeAd = function () { this._adFeedLoader.onData = null; this._adFeedLoader = null; this._ad.removeListener(this._adListener); if (this.__get___adContainer()) { this._ad.unloadClip(this.__get___adContainer()); } this._ad = null; }; v2.onAdError = function (target, error, httpStatus) { com.newgrounds.Logger.logError('Unable to load ad.'); this.removeAd(); }; v2.onNGClick = function () { com.newgrounds.API.loadNewgrounds(); }; v2.drawFullScreenRect = function () { this._x = (Stage.width - this._width) / 2; this._y = (Stage.height - this._height) / 2; this.beginFill(0); this.moveTo(-Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(-Stage.width, Stage.height); this.lineTo(-Stage.width, -Stage.height); this.endFill(); }; v2._showBorder = true; v2.adType = com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase.prototype.VIDEO_ADS; v2.VIDEO_ADS = 'Video'; v2.SIMPLE_ADS = 'Simple'; v2.addProperty('_adContainer', v2.__get___adContainer, function () {}); v2.addProperty('_newgroundsButton', v2.__get___newgroundsButton, function () {}); v2.addProperty('fullScreen', v2.__get__fullScreen, v2.__set__fullScreen); v2.addProperty('showBorder', v2.__get__showBorder, v2.__set__showBorder); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.components.FlashAdBase.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 49 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (rank, username, score, numericValue, tag) { this._rank = rank; this._username = username; this._score = score; this._numericValue = numericValue; this._tag = tag; }; com.newgrounds.Score = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__get__numericValue = function () { return this._numericValue; }; v2.__get__rank = function () { return this._rank; }; v2.__get__score = function () { return this._score; }; v2.__get__tag = function () { return this._tag; }; v2.__get__username = function () { return this._username; }; v2.toString = function () { return this._rank + '.\t' + this._username + '\t' + this._score; }; v2.addProperty('numericValue', v2.__get__numericValue, function () {}); v2.addProperty('rank', v2.__get__rank, function () {}); v2.addProperty('score', v2.__get__score, function () {}); v2.addProperty('tag', v2.__get__tag, function () {}); v2.addProperty('username', v2.__get__username, function () {}); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.Score.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 33 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () { super(); }; com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim = v1; com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.shims.APIShim.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 43 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.hash = function (src) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.hex_md5(src); }; v1.hex_md5 = function (src) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.binl2hex(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.core_md5(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.str2binl(src), src.length * 8)); }; v1.core_md5 = function (x, len) { x[len >> 5] |= 128 << len % 32; x[(len + 64 >>> 9 << 4) + 14] = len; var v4 = 1732584193; var v3 = -271733879; var v2 = -1732584194; var v1 = 271733878; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < x.length) { var v10 = v4; var v9 = v3; var v8 = v2; var v7 = v1; v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 0], 7, -680876936); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 1], 12, -389564586); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 2], 17, 606105819); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 3], 22, -1044525330); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 4], 7, -176418897); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 5], 12, 1200080426); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 6], 17, -1473231341); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 7], 22, -45705983); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 8], 7, 1770035416); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 9], 12, -1958414417); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 10], 17, -42063); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 11], 22, -1990404162); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 12], 7, 1804603682); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 13], 12, -40341101); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 14], 17, -1502002290); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ff(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 15], 22, 1236535329); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 1], 5, -165796510); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 6], 9, -1069501632); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 11], 14, 643717713); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 0], 20, -373897302); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 5], 5, -701558691); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 10], 9, 38016083); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 15], 14, -660478335); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 4], 20, -405537848); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 9], 5, 568446438); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 14], 9, -1019803690); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 3], 14, -187363961); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 8], 20, 1163531501); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 13], 5, -1444681467); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 2], 9, -51403784); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 7], 14, 1735328473); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_gg(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 12], 20, -1926607734); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 5], 4, -378558); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 8], 11, -2022574463); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 11], 16, 1839030562); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 14], 23, -35309556); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 1], 4, -1530992060); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 4], 11, 1272893353); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 7], 16, -155497632); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 10], 23, -1094730640); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 13], 4, 681279174); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 0], 11, -358537222); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 3], 16, -722521979); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 6], 23, 76029189); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 9], 4, -640364487); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 12], 11, -421815835); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 15], 16, 530742520); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_hh(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 2], 23, -995338651); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 0], 6, -198630844); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 7], 10, 1126891415); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 14], 15, -1416354905); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 5], 21, -57434055); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 12], 6, 1700485571); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 3], 10, -1894986606); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 10], 15, -1051523); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 1], 21, -2054922799); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 8], 6, 1873313359); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 15], 10, -30611744); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 6], 15, -1560198380); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 13], 21, 1309151649); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v4, v3, v2, v1, x[v5 + 4], 6, -145523070); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v1, v4, v3, v2, x[v5 + 11], 10, -1120210379); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v2, v1, v4, v3, x[v5 + 2], 15, 718787259); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_ii(v3, v2, v1, v4, x[v5 + 9], 21, -343485551); v4 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v4, v10); v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v3, v9); v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v2, v8); v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(v1, v7); v5 += 16; } return new Array(v4, v3, v2, v1); }; v1.md5_cmn = function (q, a, b, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.bit_rol(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(a, q), com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.safe_add(x, t)), s), b); }; v1.md5_ff = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b & c | ~b & d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_gg = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b & d | c & ~d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_hh = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(b ^ c ^ d, a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.md5_ii = function (a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.md5_cmn(c ^ (b | ~d), a, b, x, s, t); }; v1.bit_rol = function (num, cnt) { return num << cnt | num >>> 32 - cnt; }; v1.safe_add = function (x, y) { var v1 = (x & 65535) + (y & 65535); var v2 = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (v1 >> 16); return v2 << 16 | v1 & 65535; }; v1.str2binl = function (str) { var v3 = new Array(); var v4 = 255; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length * 8) { v3[v1 >> 5] |= (str.charCodeAt(v1 / 8) & v4) << v1 % 32; v1 += 8; } return v3; }; v1.binl2hex = function (binarray) { var v4 = new String(''); var v3 = new String('0123456789abcdef'); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < binarray.length * 4) { v4 += v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 + 4 & 15) + v3.charAt(binarray[v1 >> 2] >> (v1 % 4) * 8 & 15); ++v1; } return v4; }; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.crypto.MD5.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 44 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4 = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.encrypt = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.charsToHex(v2); }; v1.encryptbin = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return v2; }; v1.decrypt = function (src, key) { var v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.hexToChars(src); var v1 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.strToChars(key); var v2 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.calculate(v3, v1); return com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.charsToStr(v2); }; v1.initialize = function (pwd) { var v2 = 0; var v3; var v4 = pwd.length; var v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 255) { com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.mykey[v1] = pwd[v1 % v4]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = v1; ++v1; } v1 = 0; while (v1 <= 255) { v2 = (v2 + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.mykey[v1]) % 256; v3 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2] = v3; ++v1; } }; v1.calculate = function (plaintxt, psw) { com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.initialize(psw); var v1 = 0; var v2 = 0; var v9 = new Array(); var v7; var v5; var v6; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < plaintxt.length) { v1 = (v1 + 1) % 256; v2 = (v2 + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]) % 256; v5 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]; com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2] = v5; var v4 = (com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v1] + com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v2]) % 256; v7 = com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.sbox[v4]; v6 = plaintxt[v3] ^ v7; v9.push(v6); ++v3; } return v9; }; v1.charsToHex = function (chars) { var v4 = new String(''); var v3 = new Array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < chars.length) { v4 += v3[chars[v1] >> 4] + v3[chars[v1] & 15]; ++v1; } return v4; }; v1.hexToChars = function (hex) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = (hex.substr(0, 2) == '0x') ? 2 : 0; while (v1 < hex.length) { v3.push(parseInt(hex.substr(v1, 2), 16)); v1 += 2; } return v3; }; v1.charsToStr = function (chars) { var v3 = new String(''); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < chars.length) { v3 += String.fromCharCode(chars[v1]); ++v1; } return v3; }; v1.strToChars = function (str) { var v3 = new Array(); var v1 = 0; while (v1 < str.length) { v3.push(str.charCodeAt(v1)); ++v1; } return v3; }; v1.sbox = new Array(255); v1.mykey = new Array(255); ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.crypto.RC4.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 45 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.encode = function (arg, noquotes) { var v3; var v2; var v6; var v1 = ''; var v4; if (arg.isSServerVar()) { var v8 = 'sservervariable'; } else { var v8 = typeof arg; } switch (v8) { return 'null'; case 'sservervariable': return '?' + arg.getEncodedValue(); break; case 'object': if (arg) { if (arg instanceof Array) { v2 = 0; while (v2 < arg.length) { v4 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(arg[v2]); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += v4; ++v2; } return '[' + v1 + ']'; } else { if (typeof arg.toString != 'undefined') { for (v2 in arg) { v4 = arg[v2]; if (typeof v4 != 'undefined' && typeof v4 != 'function') { v4 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v4); if (v1) { v1 += ','; } v1 += com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode(v2) + ':' + v4; } } return '{' + v1 + '}'; } } } return 'null'; case 'number': return isFinite(arg) ? String(arg) : 'null'; case 'string': v6 = arg.length; if (noquotes) { var v7 = ''; } else { var v7 = '"'; } v1 = v7; v2 = 0; while (v2 < v6) { v3 = arg.charAt(v2); if (v3 >= ' ') { if (v3 == '\\' || v3 == '"') { v1 += '\\'; } v1 += v3; } else { switch (v3) { case '\b': v1 += '\\b'; break; case '\f': v1 += '\\f'; break; case '\n': v1 += '\\n'; break; case '\r': v1 += '\\r'; break; case '\t': v1 += '\\t'; break; default: v3 = v3.charCodeAt(); v1 += '\\u00' + (Math.floor(v3 / 16)).toString(16) + (v3 % 16).toString(16); } } v2 += 1; } return v1 + v7; case 'boolean': return String(arg); default: return 'null'; } }; v1.background_encode = function (arg, callback) { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Cannot encode a new file until the previous file is completed'); return false; } else { if (!callback) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Missing a callback function, skipping encode'); return false; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = true; var v2 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start = v2.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache = {'busy': false, 'complete': false, 'arg': arg, 'target': arg, 'parents': [], 'encoded': '', 'callback': callback, 'encode_chunk': function () { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode_chunk(); }}; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(arg) == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = '{'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'encode_chunk', 25); return true; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(arg) == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = '['; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'encode_chunk', 25); return true; }; v1.background_decode = function (arg, callback) { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Cannot decode a new file until the previous file is completed'); return false; } else { if (!callback) { trace('[Newgrounds Encoder] :: Missing a callback function, skipping decode'); return false; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = true; var v1 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start = v1.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache = {'busy': false, 'callback': callback, 'complete': false, 'arg': arg, 'pos': 0, 'parents': ['root'], 'target': null, 'scratch': '', 'decode_chunk': function () { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode_chunk(); }}; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval = setInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache, 'decode_chunk', 25); return true; }; v1.decode = function (text) { var at = 0; var ch = ' '; var _value; var _error = function (m) { throw {'name': 'JSONError', 'message': m, 'at': at - 1, 'text': text}; }; var _next = function () { ch = text.charAt(at); at += 1; return ch; }; var _white = function () { while (ch) { if (ch <= ' ') { _next(); } else { if (ch == '/') { switch (_next()) { case '/': for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')) break; } break; case '*': _next(); for (;;) { if (ch) { if (ch == '*') { if (_next() == '/') { _next(); break; } } else { _next(); } continue; } _error('Unterminated comment'); } break; default: _error('Syntax error'); } } else { break; } } } }; var _string = function () { var v4; var v1 = ''; var v3; var v2; var v5 = false; if (ch == '"') { while (_next()) { if (ch == '"') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch == '\\') { switch (_next()) { case 'b': v1 += '\b'; break; case 'f': v1 += '\f'; break; case 'n': v1 += '\n'; break; case 'r': v1 += '\r'; break; case 't': v1 += '\t'; break; case 'u': v2 = 0; v4 = 0; while (v4 < 4) { v3 = parseInt(_next(), 16); if (!isFinite(v3)) { v5 = true; break; } v2 = v2 * 16 + v3; v4 += 1; } if (v5) { v5 = false; } else { v1 += String.fromCharCode(v2); break; default: v1 += ch; } } } else { v1 += ch; } } } } _error('Bad string'); }; var _array = function () { var v1 = []; if (ch == '[') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v1.push(_value()); _white(); if (ch == ']') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad array'); }; var _object = function () { var v2; var v1 = {}; if (ch == '{') { _next(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } while (ch) { v2 = _string(); _white(); if (ch != ':') { break; } _next(); v1[v2] = _value(); _white(); if (ch == '}') { _next(); return v1; } else { if (ch != ',') { break; } } _next(); _white(); } } _error('Bad object'); }; var _number = function () { var v1 = ''; var v2; if (ch == '-') { v1 = '-'; _next(); } for (;;) { if (!(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; _next(); } if (ch == '.') { v1 += '.'; for (;;) { if (!(_next() && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) break; v1 += ch; } } v2 = 1 * v1; if (!isFinite(v2)) { _error('Bad number'); } else { return v2; } }; var _word = function () { switch (ch) { case 't': if (_next() == 'r' && _next() == 'u' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return true; } break; case 'f': if (_next() == 'a' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 's' && _next() == 'e') { _next(); return false; } break; case 'n': if (_next() == 'u' && _next() == 'l' && _next() == 'l') { _next(); return null; } } _error('Syntax error'); }; _value = function () { _white(); switch (ch) { case '{': return _object(); case '[': return _array(); case '"': return _string(); case '-': return _number(); } return (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') ? _number() : _word(); }; return _value(); }; v1.getType = function (v) { if (v instanceof Array) { return 'array'; } else { return typeof v; } }; v1.decode_chunk = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy && !com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = true; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.decode_chunks) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.chunk_decoder(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { break; } ++v1; } trace(Math.round((com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos / com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.length) * 100) + '% decoded'); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = false; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { var v2 = new Date(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = false; clearInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.callback(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.root, v2.getTime() - com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg = ''; } }; v1.encode_chunk = function () { if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy && !com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = true; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.encode_chunks) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.chunk_encoder(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { break; } ++v1; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.busy = false; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { var v3 = new Date(); var v2 = v3.getTime(); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.busy = false; clearInterval(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.interval); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.callback(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded, v2 - com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.start); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded = ''; } }; v1.chunk_decoder = function () { function _object() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'object'; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Malformed object key in encoded string. Keys must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; _setTargetValue({}); } else { if (v1 == ',') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Malformed object key in encoded string. Keys must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; } else { if (v1 == '}') { _useParent(); } else { if (v1 == '"') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 != ':') { throw 'Malformed object notation. Object keys and values must be separated by colons(:)'; } _addParent(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = null; } else { if (v1 == '\\') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; } } } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _array() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'array'; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); _setTargetValue([]); if (v1 != ']') { _addArrayKey(); } else { _useParent(); } return undefined; } else { if (v1 == ',') { _addArrayKey(); } else { if (v1 == ']') { _useParent(); } } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _boolean() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 == 't') { _setTargetValue(true); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 3; } else { if (v1 == 'f') { _setTargetValue(false); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 4; } else { throw 'Bool values must be true or false'; } } _useParent(); } function _null() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (v1 == 'n') { _setTargetValue(null); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos += 2; } else { throw 'Null values must be null'; } _useParent(); } function _string() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { if (v1 != '"') { throw 'Strings must be wrapped in quotes ("")'; } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'string'; } else { if (v1 == '"') { _setTargetValue(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch); _useParent(); } else { if (v1 == '\\') { ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); switch (v1) { case 'n': v1 = '\n'; break; case 'r': v1 = '\n'; break; case 't': v1 = '\t'; break; case 'u': v1 = '\\' + v1; } } com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; } } ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } function _number() { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); var v2 = '01234567890.-'; if (!com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = 'number'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch = ''; } if (v2.indexOf(v1) < 0) { _setTargetValue(Number(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch)); _useParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.scratch += v1; ++com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos; } } function _setTargetValue(newval) { var v2 = (_getParent()).obj; var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length - 1]; v2[v1] = newval; } function _useParent() { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType((_getParent()).obj); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.pop(); } function _getParent() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length - 1) { v2 = v2[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]]; ++v1; } return {'obj': v2, 'name': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]}; } function _getCurrent() { var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache; var v1 = 0; while (v1 < com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length) { v2 = v2[com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]]; ++v1; } return {'obj': v2, 'name': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents[v1]}; } function _addParent(child) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(child); } function _addArrayKey() { var v1 = (_getCurrent()).obj.length; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(v1); com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode = null; } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos >= com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.length) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete = true; return undefined; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode) { ('_' + com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.mode)(); } else { var char = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.arg.charAt(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.pos); switch (char) { case '{': _object(); break; case '[': _array(); break; case '"': _string(); break; case 'n': _null(); break; case 't': _boolean(); break; case 'f': _boolean(); break; default: _number(); } } } }; v1.chunk_encoder = function () { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete) { return undefined; } var v2 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(; switch (v2) { case 'number': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded +=; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'string': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '"' + ('"')).join('\\"') + '"'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'boolean': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ( == true) ? 'true' : 'false'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'null': com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += 'null'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); break; case 'array': if ( < 1) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ']'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(; =[0]; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '['; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '{'; } } } break; case 'object': for (var v1 in { break; } if (v1 === undefined) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '}'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.push(; =[v1]; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '"' + (v1.split('"')).join('\\"') + '":'; if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'array') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '['; } else { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType( == 'object') { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += '{'; } } } break; default: com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += 'null'; com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getParent(); } }; v1.getParent = function () { if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.length > 0) { var v1 = com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.parents.pop(); if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'array') { v1.shift(); } else { for (var v3 in v1) { delete v1[v3]; break; } } if (com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'object' or com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.getType(v1) == 'array') { for (var v2 in v1) { break; } if (v2 !== undefined) { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.encoded += ','; } } = v1; } else { com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.cache.complete = true; } }; v1.encode_chunks = 20000; v1.decode_chunks = 20000; v1.busy = false; ASSetPropFlags(com.newgrounds.encoders.json.JSON.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { _global.highscoreframe = 51; } frame 2 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); characterMusic.start(0, 999); mochi.as2.MochiEvents.startPlay(); _root.flavor1 = 'Choose your class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Pick wisely, adventurer!'; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 3; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 5; _global.hp = 45; _global.gld = 25; _global.lvl = 1; _global.wepatk = 0; _global.dexatk = 0; _global.armclass = 0; _global.temp = 0; _global.action = false; _global.hit = undefined; _global.turn = true; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.swordset = 1; _global.hammerset = 47; _global.daggerset = 28; _global.staffset = 38; _global.bowset = 10; _global.beltset = 19; _global.armorset = 1; _global.sealset = 10; _global.cloakset = 19; _global.fluteset = 28; _global.arrowset = 37; _global.runeset = 46; _global.gemset = 55; _global.shieldset = 64; _global.curpouch = 0; _global.mageyes = false; _global.hit = false; _global.turn = true; = 1; _global.sw = 1; _global.firstframe = 1; _global.loadingsave = false; upSound = new Sound(this); upSound.attachSound('upsound'); potSound = new Sound(this); potSound.attachSound('potsound'); bipSound = new Sound(this); bipSound.attachSound('bipsound'); beepSound = new Sound(this); beepSound.attachSound('beep'); offersound = new Sound(this); offersound.attachSound('offersound'); wrongsound = new Sound(this); wrongsound.attachSound('wrongsound'); nopesound = new Sound(this); nopesound.attachSound('nopesound'); offerSound = new Sound(this); offerSound.attachSound('offersound'); wrongSound = new Sound(this); wrongSound.attachSound('wrongsound'); nopeSound = new Sound(this); nopeSound.attachSound('nopesound'); boomSound = new Sound(this); boomSound.attachSound('boom'); jingleS = new Sound(this); jingleS.attachSound('smithy'); jingleI = new Sound(this); jingleI.attachSound('infirmary'); jingleL = new Sound(this); jingleL.attachSound('level'); jingleC = new Sound(this); jingleC.attachSound('church'); _global.bestequip = false; _global.bestwep = false; _global.wepfive = false; _global.equipfive = false; _global.dmdead = false; } movieClip 128 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Utility Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Successfully play the flute 3 times to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'Bards are a Utility Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They play songs to alter the battle!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(daggerset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(fluteset); _global.wepset = daggerset; _global.eqset = fluteset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 6; _global.arm = 3; _global.pwr = 3; _global.gld = 25; _global.roothp = 35; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 3; _global.armgain = 1; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 4; _global.unlocked = true; _global.turn = true; } } movieClip 132 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Utility Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get 350 coins to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Mercenaries are a Utility Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They can tap extra power, for a price!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(daggerset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(armorset); _global.wepset = daggerset; _global.eqset = armorset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 4; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 3; _global.gld = 35; _global.roothp = 45; _global.maxgain = 25; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 6; } } movieClip 136 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Melee Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get -3 in any stat to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { stop(); _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Blackguards are a Melee Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They languish in their corruption...'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(swordset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(armorset); _global.wepset = swordset; _global.eqset = armorset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 3; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 5; _global.roothp = 45; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 15; _global.pots = 1; _global.demon = 0; _global.mageyes = false; } } movieClip 140 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Melee Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Reach level 10 to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { stop(); _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Paladins are a Melee Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They\'re the holy warriors of the gods!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(swordset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(armorset); _global.wepset = swordset; _global.eqset = armorset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 3; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 5; _global.roothp = 40; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 16; _global.pots = 1; _global.mageyes = false; } } movieClip 143 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are an Essence Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Upgrade your weapon to Tier 5 to unlock!!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { stop(); _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Red Knights are an Essence Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They absorb and wield the power of the gods!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(swordset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(shieldset); _global.wepset = swordset; _global.eqset = shieldset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 3; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 4; _global.roothp = 40; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 1; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 1; _global.btlset = 20; _global.pots = 1; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = true; } } movieClip 146 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are an Essence Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Upgrade your equip to Tier 5 to unlock!!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Lime Knights are an Essence Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They absorb and use the power of the gods!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(hammerset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(shieldset); _global.wepset = hammerset; _global.eqset = shieldset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 3; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 4; _global.roothp = 40; _global.maxgain = 21; _global.dexgain = 1; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 1; _global.btlset = 21; _global.pots = 1; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = true; } } movieClip 150 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Melee Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get 35+ on any stat to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Avengers are a Melee Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Their devotion to the gods empower them!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(swordset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(cloakset); _global.wepset = swordset; _global.eqset = cloakset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 4; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 4; _global.gld = 25; _global.roothp = 45; _global.maxgain = 25; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 7; } } movieClip 154 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Martial Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get an Orange Belt to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Enforcers are a Melee Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They create combo\'s to break for damage!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(beltset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(armorset); _global.wepset = beltset; _global.eqset = armorset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 5; _global.arm = 2; _global.pwr = 5; _global.roothp = 25; _global.maxgain = 15; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 8; _global.mageyes = false; } } movieClip 158 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Mage Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Hold 10 potions at once to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Clerics are a Mage Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They are the holy healers!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(staffset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(runeset + 1); _global.wepset = staffset; _global.eqset = runeset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 5; _global.arm = 3; _global.pwr = 4; _global.roothp = 30; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 1; _global.pwrgain = 1; _global.btlset = 11; _global.mageyes = true; } } movieClip 162 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Mage Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Hold a Rune of Enragement to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Necromancers are a Mage Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They master dark magic to forever battle!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(staffset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(runeset + 1); _global.wepset = staffset; _global.eqset = runeset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 5; _global.arm = 3; _global.pwr = 4; _global.roothp = 30; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 1; _global.pwrgain = 1; _global.btlset = 12; _global.mageyes = true; } } movieClip 166 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Mage Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Reach the Second Area to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Druids are a Mage Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They have multiple transformations!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(staffset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(runeset); _global.wepset = staffset; _global.eqset = runeset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 5; _global.arm = 3; _global.pwr = 4; _global.roothp = 30; _global.maxgain = 15; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 13; _global.mageyes = true; } } movieClip 170 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Mage Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Reach the Third Area to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Darkfolk are a Mage Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They relentlessly pound their foes with mana!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(staffset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(runeset); _global.wepset = staffset; _global.eqset = runeset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 4; _global.arm = 3; _global.pwr = 6; _global.roothp = 25; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 1; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 10; _global.mageyes = true; } } movieClip 174 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Martial Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Beat the game to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Oni\'s are a Martial Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They sacrificed humanity to forever be metsu!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(beltset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(sealset); _global.wepset = beltset; _global.eqset = sealset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 4; _global.arm = 3; _global.pwr = 5; _global.roothp = 40; _global.maxgain = 15; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 1; _global.pwrgain = 3; _global.btlset = 14; _global.mageyes = false; } } movieClip 178 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = '??? are a Psionic Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get 30 PP as a Psion to unlock!'; _global.unlocked = false; } frame 2 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Saiyans are a Psionic Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They combine their martial and mental prowess!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(beltset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(gemset); _global.wepset = beltset; _global.eqset = gemset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 4; _global.arm = 2; _global.pwr = 4; _global.roothp = 35; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 1; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 19; _global.mageyes = true; _global.knightyes = false; _global.bcharge = 1; _global.maxcharge = dex + bcharge; _global.curcharge = dex + bcharge; } } movieClip 181 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(3); } frame 2 { stop(); gotoAndStop(22); } frame 3 { stop(); _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Warriors are a Core Melee Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They\'re well rounded, good for beginners!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(swordset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(armorset); _global.wepset = swordset; _global.eqset = armorset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 3; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 5; _global.roothp = 40; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 1; _global.pots = 1; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } frame 4 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Rangers are a Core Range Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They unleash a hailstorm of arrows!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(bowset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(arrowset); _global.wepset = bowset; _global.eqset = arrowset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 5; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 3; _global.roothp = 30; _global.maxgain = 25; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 5; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } frame 5 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Wizards are a Core Mage Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They tap their inner mana to destroy foes!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(staffset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(runeset); _global.wepset = staffset; _global.eqset = runeset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 5; _global.arm = 3; _global.pwr = 5; _global.roothp = 30; _global.maxgain = 15; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 9; _global.mageyes = true; _global.knightyes = false; } frame 6 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Rogues are a Core Utility Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They can steal anything, money or power!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(daggerset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(cloakset); _global.wepset = daggerset; _global.eqset = cloakset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 6; _global.arm = 3; _global.pwr = 3; _global.roothp = 40; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 3; _global.armgain = 1; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 3; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } frame 7 { _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Monks are a Core Martial Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They metsu their attacks for damage and accuracy!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(beltset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(sealset); _global.wepset = beltset; _global.eqset = sealset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 4; _global.arm = 2; _global.pwr = 6; _global.roothp = 45; _global.maxgain = 20; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 1; _global.pwrgain = 3; _global.btlset = 2; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } frame 8 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 128 { onClipEvent (load) { if (bardunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 9 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 132 { onClipEvent (load) { if (mercunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 10 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 136 { onClipEvent (load) { if (blackunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 11 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 140 { onClipEvent (load) { if (paladinunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 12 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 143 { onClipEvent (load) { if (redknightunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 13 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 146 { onClipEvent (load) { if (limeknightunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 14 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 150 { onClipEvent (load) { if (avengerunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 15 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 154 { onClipEvent (load) { if (enforcerunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 16 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = true; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 158 { onClipEvent (load) { if (clericunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 17 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = true; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 162 { onClipEvent (load) { if (necrounlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 18 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = true; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 166 { onClipEvent (load) { if (druidunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 19 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = true; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 170 { onClipEvent (load) { if (darkfolkunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 20 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 174 { onClipEvent (load) { if (oniunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 21 { stop(); _global.unlocked = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Espers are a Core Psion Class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They use power points to augment attacks!'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(hammerset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(gemset); _global.wepset = hammerset; _global.eqset = gemset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 5; _global.arm = 1; _global.pwr = 3; _global.roothp = 35; _global.maxgain = 15; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 17; _global.pots = 1; _global.mageyes = true; _global.bcharge = 1; _global.maxcharge = dex + bcharge; _global.curcharge = dex + bcharge; _global.knightyes = false; } frame 22 { _global.btlset = 18; _global.mageyes = true; _global.knightyes = false; } instance of movieClip 178 { onClipEvent (load) { if (sayanunlock == true) { _global.unlocked = true; this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 23 { stop(); if (dev == 1) { } else { if (dev == 0) { nextFrame(); } } _root.flavor1 = 'Testers are a core sucker class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They can pound through dungeons!'; _global.unlocked = true; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(swordset); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(armorset); _global.wepset = swordset; _global.eqset = armorset; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 80; _global.arm = 80; _global.pwr = 80; _global.roothp = 999; _global.maxgain = 25; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.btlset = 1; _global.pots = 1; _global.mageyes = false; _global.knightyes = false; } frame 24 { gotoAndStop(3); } } instance charport of movieClip 181 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.hp = roothp; _global.maxhp = roothp; } } button 188 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You gallantly slash the beast!'; _root.flavor2 = ''; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme + tempe; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d6) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 190 { on (release) { _root.charport.prevFrame(); bipSound.start(); } } button 192 { on (release) { _root.charport.nextFrame(); bipSound.start(); } } button 197 { on (release) { if (btlset == 2) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Monk'); } if (btlset == 3) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Rogue'); } if (btlset == 4) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bard'); } if (btlset == 5) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Ranger'); } if (btlset == 6) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Mercenary'); } if (btlset == 7) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Avenger'); } if (btlset == 8) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Enforcer'); } if (btlset == 9) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Wizard'); } if (btlset == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Darkfolk'); } if (btlset == 11) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Cleric'); } if (btlset == 12) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Necromancer'); } if (btlset == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Druid'); } if (btlset == 14) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Oni'); } if (btlset == 15) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Blackguard'); } if (btlset == 16) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Paladin'); } if (btlset == 17) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Psion'); } if (btlset == 18) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Locked'); } if (btlset == 19) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Sayan'); } if (btlset == 20) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Red Knight'); } if (btlset == 21) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lime Knight'); } if (btlset == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Warrior'); } if (unlocked == true) { beepSound.start(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Begin Game'); _root.nextFrame(); } } } button 200 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Attack the beast with your might!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D6) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 202 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Shift into a defensive position!'; _root.flavor2 = '(1/2 arm)+equip) temporary armor until its broken!'; } } } button 204 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Parry the next attack, auto-hit 1/3 damage!'; _root.flavor2 = 'However you let your guard down!'; } } } button 208 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Harness your inner Ki for a single attack!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Powers damage by your belt and seal\'s accuracy!'; } } } button 210 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash a ball of pure flame!'; _root.flavor2 = '(Pwr + D4) damage and (Dex + D8) accuracy!'; } } } button 213 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Knock your foe with a flaming uppercut!'; _root.flavor2 = '(Pwr + D8) damage and (Dex + D4) accuracy!'; } } } button 214 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sneakily stab your opponent!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D6) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 216 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Absorb the next blast into your cloak! Costs 10!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your next attack is powered by your foe!'; } } } button 218 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sneakily steal from your opponent!'; _root.flavor2 = 'This is a dexterity check!'; } } } button 220 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Become a sneaky bard!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 222 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sing of terrible storms to break accuracy!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Dex/2)*Flute) foe accuracy reduction!'; } } } button 224 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sing of great legends!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Replaces your mock with ((Dex + D6)*Flute)!'; } } } button 226 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Cautiosly take a single shot!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Pwr+D6)xWeapon+Arrow) damage and +(Arm/2) defense!'; } } } button 228 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Quickly take two shots!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Pwr+D4)xWeapon+Arrow) per shot!'; } } } button 230 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Let three arrows slip!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Pwr) x Weapon + Arrow) per arrow -(Arm/2) defense!'; } } } button 232 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It needs to be done!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr + D6) x Weapon) x Fund) damage!'; } } } button 234 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Slam your opponent with your might!'; _root.flavor2 = '(Arm + D6 + Equip) x fund damage! You take 1/4!'; } } } button 236 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Pay 10 coins for a damage boost!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Adds .5 to your fund modifier!'; } } } button 238 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You purify the souls of these damned!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) + Enmity!'; } } } button 240 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Use the blessed power of your offerings!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Armon) x Cloak) + Spediphis!'; } } } button 242 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Boosts your attack by Krillix Offer/2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Boosts enemies attack by Krillix Offer/3!'; } } } button 244 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash a storm of kicks!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr) x Belt) per kick! Three kicks!'; } } } button 246 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash one, accurate, chop!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr + D4) x Belt)!'; } } } button 248 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Break your combo for damage!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Combo + D4) x Belt)!'; } } } button 250 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Zap your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D12) damage! Needs 1 mana!'; } } } button 252 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Send forth a powerfult bolt of lightning!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D4) and buffs power +D12! 2 mana!'; } } } button 254 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Place a vile curse upon your foe! Costs 2 mana!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D4) and debuffs (-Dex/3) accuracy!'; } } } button 256 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Zap your foe harder!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D20) damage! Needs 2 mana!'; } } } button 258 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Empty your mana on your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Pwr)*Remaining Charge) damage!'; } } } button 260 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Send forth holy divination!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D6) damage! Needs 1 mana!'; } } } button 262 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Use the powers of holy water!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heals ((Staff*5) + Dex)! Needs 2 mana!'; } } } button 264 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Bless your weapon! Needs 2 mana!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Increases encounter attack by dex/5!'; } } } button 266 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Drain your foe of its precious health!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D6) damage! Heals half!'; } } } button 268 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Use your foe\'s attack against itself!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals foe\'s (Pwr + D6)! Needs 2 mana!'; } } } button 270 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Place a vile curse upon your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D4) and debuffs (-Dex/3) accuracy!'; } } } button 271 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Place a vile curse upon your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D4) and debuffs (-D12) accuracy!'; } } } button 272 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Obscure your opponents vision! Needs 1 mana!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Debuffs (-Dex/3) permanent accuracy!'; } } } button 274 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Transform into a swarm!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Accesses new powers and charges mana!'; this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 276 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Harass your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Dex + D12) damage! Needs 1 mana!'; } } } button 278 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Ruin your opponents focus! Needs 1 mana!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Debuffs (-Pwr/3) permanent attack!'; } } } button 280 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Form back into your regular state!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Accesses new powers and charges mana!'; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 282 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 283 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Hold yourself back!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Do not get damaged by your next attack!'; } } } button 285 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash a ball of demonic flame!'; _root.flavor2 = '(Pwr + D4) metsu\'d damage! You lose 1/5!'; } } } button 287 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash an inhuman uppercut!'; _root.flavor2 = '(Pwr + D8) metsu\'d damage! You lose 1/5!'; } } } button 289 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Attack the beast with your might!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr + D6) x Weapon) + Aura) damage!'; } } } button 291 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Summon your aura of evil...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Gain (Demon x 1.5) power'; } } } button 293 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Lose 1 Dex and 5 Max HP!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Gain dex and upgrade your Aura\'s strength!'; } } } button 295 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Pass judgement on this beast!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 297 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Give your opponent mercy! Costs 5!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A random blessing, doesn\'t stack!'; } } } button 299 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Offer to your god for health! Costs 15!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heals (Dex x 5)!'; } } } button 300 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Hammer using your melee weapon!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 302 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sense their weakness! Costs 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'x2 multiplier on attack power!'; } } } button 304 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Focus on your attack! Costs 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Gives a Dex/2 bonus to dexterity!'; } } } button 309 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Beat down your opponent!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 311 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Awaken your belt! Costs 5 PP!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Belt modifier applies for the encounter!'; } } } button 313 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Super your everything! Costs 15 PP!'; _root.flavor2 = 'An additional x3 for the encounter!'; } } } button 315 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Attack and absorb some essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 317 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Focus on absorbing essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A raw (Pwr x Weapon) essence gain!'; } } } button 319 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Dump your accumulated essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Essence x Weapon)'; } } } button 321 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Transmit your essence into your exp!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Only do this if you\'re gonna win!'; } } } button 323 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Craft a potion from essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Costs ' + String(craftcost) + '!'; } } } movieClip 325 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _global.metsu = 1; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 3 { stop(); _global.counter = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 4 { stop(); _global.lsong = false; _global.ssong = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 5 { stop(); _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 6 { stop(); = 1; _global.funded = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 1.25); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 1); } frame 7 { stop(); = 1; _global.funded = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 1.25); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 0.75); } frame 8 { stop(); _global.combo = 0; } frame 9 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; } frame 12 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = 0; } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { _global.craftcost = lvl * 5 + Math.round(hp / 20); _global.deuscost = Math.round(dex + pwr + arm) / 3; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 0.5); } } instance of movieClip 325 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(btlset); } } instance loader of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); _global.bardunlock =; _global.blackunlock =; _global.paladinunlock =; _global.mercunlock =; _global.avengerunlock =; _global.enforcerunlock =; _global.oniunlock =; _global.darkfolkunlock =; _global.druidunlock =; _global.clericunlock =; _global.necrounlock =; _global.redknightunlock =; _global.limeknightunlock =; _global.sayanunlock =; } onClipEvent (load) { if (bardunlock == undefined) { _global.bardunlock = false; } if (blackunlock == undefined) { _global.blackunlock = false; } if (paladinunlock == undefined) { _global.paladinunlock = false; } if (mercunlock == undefined) { _global.mercunlock = false; } if (avengerunlock == undefined) { _global.avengerunlock = false; } if (enforcerunlock == undefined) { _global.enforcerunlock = false; } if (oniunlock == undefined) { _global.oniunlock = false; } if (darkfolkunlock == undefined) { _global.darkfolkunlock = false; } if (druidunlock == undefined) { _global.druidunlock = false; } if (clericunlock == undefined) { _global.clericunlock = false; } if (necrounlock == undefined) { _global.necrounlock = false; } if (redknightunlock == undefined) { _global.redknightunlock = false; } if (limeknightunlock == undefined) { _global.limeknightunlock = false; } if (sayanunlock == undefined) { _global.sayanunlock = false; } } } instance bleh of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = hp; = gld; _root.level = lvl; _root.dexstat = dex; _root.armstat = arm; _root.pwrstat = pwr; _root.expget = expg; _root.goldget = gldg; _root.expneed = expn; _root.deadtext = deadt; _root.price = shopcharge; _root.price2 = shopcharge; _global.hittime -= 1; _root.soulcount = souls; if (isNaN(pots)) { pots = 2; } } } button 337 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Sword of Novelty!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It does not amplify your attack!'; } } button 339 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Sword of Betterness!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.2!'; } } button 341 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Sword of Lesser Limitation!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.4!'; } } button 343 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Sword of Greater Hacking!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.5!'; } } button 345 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Sword of Supperior Mincing!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.6!'; } } button 347 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Sword of Efficient Filler!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.8!'; } } button 349 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Sword of Golden Mastery!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 2!'; } } button 351 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Sword of Dimensional Significance!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 2.5!'; } } button 353 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Sword of Ultimate Ultimacy!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 3!'; } } button 354 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Lucky Shots!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It does not amplify your attack!'; } } button 356 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Mountyship!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It does not amplify your attack!'; } } button 358 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Good Hunting!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.1!'; } } button 360 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Short Legacies!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.2!'; } } button 362 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Elven Things!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.3!'; } } button 364 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Orphanification!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.4!'; } } button 366 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Broken Hearts!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.5!'; } } button 368 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Golden Archery!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.7!'; } } button 370 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Plainal Smiting!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 2!'; } } button 372 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Bow of Cold Murder!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 2.5!'; } } button 374 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a White Belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your attack by 1.5!'; } } button 376 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Yellow Belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your attack by 1.8!'; } } button 378 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Green Belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your attack by 2!'; } } button 380 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Blue Belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your attack by 2.2!'; } } button 382 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Purple Belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your attack by 2.5!'; } } button 384 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s an Orange Belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your attack by 3!'; } } button 386 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Red Belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your attack by 3.3!'; } } button 388 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Brown Belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your attack by 3.5!'; } } button 390 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Black Belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your attack by 4!'; } } button 392 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of Lollercy!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It does not amplify your attack!'; } } button 394 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of Vagrancy!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.1!'; } } button 396 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of Molarity!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.2!'; } } button 398 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of Cleanliness!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.3!'; } } button 400 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of Confusion!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.4!'; } } button 402 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of Red Herrings!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.5!'; } } button 404 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of Golden Treachery!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.6!'; } } button 406 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of Obsidian Souls!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.7!'; } } button 408 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of Infinite Pain!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 1.8!'; } } button 410 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Dagger of No Equal!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by 2!'; } } button 412 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Staff of Simple Intent!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a max charge value of 3!'; } } button 414 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Staff of Mixed Interest!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a max charge value of 5!'; } } button 416 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Staff of Complex Reasoning!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a max charge value of 7!'; } } button 418 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Staff of Variable Functions!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a max charge value of 10!'; } } button 420 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Staff of Deep Manuals!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a max charge value of 12!'; } } button 422 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Staff of Bitter Designs!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a max charge value of 15!'; } } button 424 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Staff of Golden Process!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a max charge value of 17!'; } } button 426 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Staff of Irrational Schemes!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a max charge value of 20!'; } } button 428 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Staff of Grand Wizardry!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a max charge value of 25!'; } } button 430 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Hammer of Mediocrity!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by ' + String(wep) + '!'; } } button 432 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Hammer of Order!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by ' + String(wep) + '!'; } } button 434 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Hammer of Nope!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by ' + String(wep) + '!'; } } button 436 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Hammer of Whomping!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by ' + String(wep) + '!'; } } button 439 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Hammer of Discouragement!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by ' + String(wep) + '!'; } } button 441 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Hammer of Refinement!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It amplifies your attack by ' + String(wep) + '!'; } } movieClip 445 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.wep = 1; _global.wvalue = 10; _global.nwvalue = 50; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Sword of Betterness!'; _global.uptext = 'Mighty fine weapon! Thank you for upgrading!'; } frame 2 { _global.wep = 1.2; _global.wvalue = 50; _global.nwvalue = 125; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Sword of Lesser Limitation!'; } frame 3 { _global.wep = 1.4; _global.wvalue = 125; _global.nwvalue = 200; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Sword of Greater Hacking!'; } frame 4 { _global.wep = 1.5; _global.wvalue = 200; _global.nwvalue = 300; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Sword of Supperior Mincing!'; } frame 5 { _global.wep = 1.6; _global.wvalue = 300; _global.nwvalue = 425; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Sword of Efficient Filler!'; _global.wepfive = true; } frame 6 { _global.wep = 1.8; _global.wvalue = 425; _global.nwvalue = 600; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Sword of Golden Mastery!'; } frame 7 { _global.wep = 2; _global.wvalue = 600; _global.nwvalue = 750; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Sword of Dimensional Significance!'; } frame 8 { _global.wep = 2.5; _global.wvalue = 750; _global.nwvalue = 900; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Sword of Ultimate Ultimacy!'; } frame 9 { _global.wep = 3; _global.wvalue = 900; _global.nwvalue = 999; _global.nwtext = 'You already have the best Sword!'; _global.wepnumber = 9; _global.bestwep = true; } frame 10 { stop(); _global.wep = 1; _global.wvalue = 10; _global.nwvalue = 75; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Bow of Good Hunting!'; _global.uptext = 'That\'s an interesting new bow!'; } frame 11 { stop(); _global.wep = 1.1; _global.wvalue = 75; _global.nwvalue = 150; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Bow of Short Legacies!'; } frame 12 { stop(); _global.wep = 1.2; _global.wvalue = 150; _global.nwvalue = 225; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Bow of Elven Things!'; } frame 13 { stop(); _global.wep = 1.3; _global.wvalue = 225; _global.nwvalue = 350; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Bow of Orphanification!'; } frame 14 { stop(); _global.wep = 1.4; _global.wvalue = 350; _global.nwvalue = 500; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Bow of Broken Hearts!'; _global.wepfive = true; } frame 15 { stop(); _global.wep = 1.5; _global.wvalue = 500; _global.nwvalue = 600; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Bow of Golden Archery!'; } frame 16 { stop(); _global.wep = 1.7; _global.wvalue = 600; _global.nwvalue = 750; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Bow of Plainal Smiting!'; } frame 17 { stop(); _global.wep = 2; _global.wvalue = 750; _global.nwvalue = 900; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Bow of Cold Murder!'; } frame 18 { stop(); _global.wep = 2.5; _global.wvalue = 999; _global.nwvalue = 999; _global.nwtext = 'You have already have the best Bow!'; _global.bestwep = true; } frame 19 { stop(); _global.belt = 1.5; _global.wvalue = 10; _global.nwvalue = 50; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired a Yellow Belt!'; _global.uptext = 'That\'s an honorable new belt!'; } frame 20 { _global.belt = 1.8; _global.wvalue = 50; _global.nwvalue = 125; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired a Green Belt!'; } frame 21 { _global.belt = 2; _global.wvalue = 125; _global.nwvalue = 200; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired a Blue Belt!'; } frame 22 { _global.belt = 2.2; _global.wvalue = 200; _global.nwvalue = 300; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired a Purple Belt!'; } frame 23 { _global.belt = 2.5; _global.wvalue = 300; _global.nwvalue = 425; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired an Orange Belt!'; _global.wepfive = true; } frame 24 { _global.belt = 3; _global.wvalue = 425; _global.nwvalue = 600; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired a Red Belt!'; if (enforcerunlock == false) { _root.unlocker.gotoAndStop(9); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('World Warrior'); _global.enforcerunlock = true; } _global.enforcerunlock = true; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('World Warrior'); } frame 25 { _global.belt = 3.3; _global.wvalue = 600; _global.nwvalue = 750; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired a Brown Belt!'; } frame 26 { _global.belt = 3.5; _global.wvalue = 750; _global.nwvalue = 900; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired a Black Belt!'; } frame 27 { _global.belt = 4; _global.wvalue = 900; _global.nwvalue = 999; _global.nwtext = 'This is already the best belt around!'; _global.bestwep = true; } frame 28 { stop(); _global.wep = 1; _global.wvalue = 10; _global.nwvalue = 75; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Dagger of Vagrancy!'; _global.uptext = 'That\'s a nice dagger! Thank you for upgrading!'; } frame 29 { _global.wep = 1.1; _global.wvalue = 75; _global.nwvalue = 175; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Dagger of Molarity!'; } frame 30 { _global.wep = 1.2; _global.wvalue = 175; _global.nwvalue = 250; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Dagger of Cleanliness!'; } frame 31 { _global.wep = 1.3; _global.wvalue = 250; _global.nwvalue = 325; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Dagger of Confusion!'; } frame 32 { _global.wep = 1.4; _global.wvalue = 325; _global.nwvalue = 475; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Dagger of Red Herrings!'; _global.wepfive = true; } frame 33 { _global.wep = 1.5; _global.wvalue = 475; _global.nwvalue = 625; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Dagger of Golden Treachery!'; } frame 34 { _global.wep = 1.6; _global.wvalue = 625; _global.nwvalue = 750; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Dagger of Obsidian Souls!'; } frame 35 { _global.wep = 1.7; _global.wvalue = 750; _global.nwvalue = 850; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Dagger of Infinite Pain!'; } frame 36 { _global.wep = 1.8; _global.wvalue = 850; _global.nwvalue = 925; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Dagger of No Equal!'; } frame 37 { _global.wep = 2; _global.wvalue = 925; _global.nwvalue = 999; _global.nwtext = 'You already have the best dagger!'; _global.bestwep = true; } frame 38 { stop(); _global.maxcharge = 3; _global.wvalue = 10; _global.nwvalue = 60; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Staff of Mixed Interest!'; _global.uptext = 'That\'s an interesting staff! Good upgrade!'; } frame 39 { _global.maxcharge = 5; _global.wvalue = 60; _global.nwvalue = 130; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Staff of Complex Reasoning!'; } frame 40 { _global.maxcharge = 7; _global.wvalue = 130; _global.nwvalue = 210; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Staff of Variable Functions!'; } frame 41 { _global.maxcharge = 10; _global.wvalue = 210; _global.nwvalue = 320; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Staff of Deep Manuals!'; } frame 42 { _global.maxcharge = 12; _global.wvalue = 320; _global.nwvalue = 440; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Staff of Bitter Designs!'; _global.wepfive = true; } frame 43 { _global.maxcharge = 15; _global.wvalue = 440; _global.nwvalue = 600; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Staff of Golden Process!'; } frame 44 { _global.maxcharge = 17; _global.wvalue = 600; _global.nwvalue = 720; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Staff of Irrational Schemes!'; } frame 45 { _global.maxcharge = 20; _global.wvalue = 720; _global.nwvalue = 850; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Staff of Grand Wizardry!'; } frame 46 { _global.maxcharge = 25; _global.wvalue = 850; _global.nwvalue = 999; _global.nwtext = 'You already have the greatest staff!'; _global.bestwep = true; } frame 47 { stop(); _global.wep = 1; _global.wvalue = 10; _global.nwvalue = 50; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Hammer of Order!'; _global.uptext = 'Glorious Hammer! Thank you for upgrading!'; } frame 48 { _global.wep = 1.1; _global.wvalue = 50; _global.nwvalue = 100; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Hammer of Nope!'; } frame 49 { _global.wep = 1.2; _global.wvalue = 100; _global.nwvalue = 200; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Hammer of Whomping!'; } frame 50 { _global.wep = 1.4; _global.wvalue = 200; _global.nwvalue = 300; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Hammer of Discouragement!'; } frame 51 { _global.wep = 1.6; _global.wvalue = 300; _global.nwvalue = 400; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Hammer of Discouragement!'; _global.wepfive = true; } frame 52 { _global.wep = 1.8; _global.wvalue = 400; _global.nwvalue = 550; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Hammer of Refinement!'; } frame 53 { _global.wep = 2; _global.wvalue = 550; _global.nwvalue = 700; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Hammer of Unknowing!'; } frame 54 { _global.wep = 2.3; _global.wvalue = 700; _global.nwvalue = 900; _global.nwtext = 'You have aquired the Hammer of Revelations!'; } frame 55 { _global.wep = 2.7; _global.wvalue = 900; _global.nwvalue = 999; _global.nwtext = 'You already have the strongest hammer!'; _global.bestwep = true; } } button 447 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Armor of Insecurity!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It provides 1 resistence to damage!'; } } button 449 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Armor of Lesser Insecurties!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It provides 3 resistence to damage!'; } } button 451 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Armor of Better Protection!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It provides 6 resistence to damage!'; } } button 453 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Armor of Endangered Hides!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It provides 8 resistence to damage!'; } } button 454 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Armor of Solid Elements!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It provides 10 resistence to damage!'; } } button 457 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Armor of Royal Servitude!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It provides 10 resistence to damage!'; } } button 459 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Armor of Golden Tonage!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It provides 15 resistence to damage!'; } } button 461 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Armor of Escher Recursion!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It provides 20 resistence to damage!'; } } button 463 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Armor of Invincible Invincibility!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It provides 30 resistence to damage!'; } } button 465 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Seal of Notquite!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your accuracy by 1!'; } } button 467 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Seal of Getting There!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your accuracy by 3!'; } } button 468 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Seal of Better Karma!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your accuracy by 4!'; } } button 471 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Seal of Upper Castes!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your accuracy by 5!'; } } button 473 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Seal of Falacies!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your accuracy by 7!'; } } button 475 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Seal of Clear Patience!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your accuracy by 9!'; } } button 477 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Seal of Dark Repentance!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your accuracy by 11!'; } } button 479 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Seal of Enlightenment!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your accuracy by 15!'; } } button 481 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Seal of Oblivion!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It metsu\'s your accuracy by 20!'; } } button 482 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Cloak of Raggitry!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a cloak value of ' + String(cloak) + '!'; } } button 484 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Cloak of Dimlight!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a cloak value of ' + String(cloak) + '!'; } } button 487 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Cloak of Forest Shadows!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a cloak value of ' + String(cloak) + '!'; } } button 490 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Cloak of Foul Blood!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a cloak value of ' + String(cloak) + '!'; } } button 492 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Cloak of Golden Source!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a cloak value of ' + String(cloak) + '!'; } } button 494 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Cloak of Forgotten Talents!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a cloak value of ' + String(cloak) + '!'; } } button 496 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Cloak of Rift Displacement!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a cloak value of ' + String(cloak) + '!'; } } button 498 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Cloak of Hidden Light!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has a cloak value of ' + String(cloak) + '!'; } } button 500 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Flute of Standard Play!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It whistles to the tune of 1!'; } } button 502 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Flute of Small Ovations!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It whistles to the tune of 1.2!'; } } button 504 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Flute of Lost Forrest Songs!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It whistles to the tune of 1.4!'; } } button 506 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Flute of Winter Bells!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It whistles to the tune of 1.6!'; } } button 508 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Flute of Royal Mockery!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It whistles to the tune of 1.8!'; } } button 510 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Flute of Hurrian Hymns!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It whistles to the tune of 2.2!'; } } button 512 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Flute of Golden Pavillions!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It whistles to the tune of 2.5!'; } } button 514 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Flute of Solemn Secrets!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It whistles to the tune of 2.7!'; } } button 516 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Flute of Heavenly Crowds!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It whistles to the tune of 3!'; } } button 518 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Arrows of Skimming!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It doesn\'t do any additional damage!'; } } button 520 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Arrows of Pelting!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They do 1 additional damage on hit!'; } } button 522 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Arrows of Piercing!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They do 2 additional damage on hit!'; } } button 524 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Arrows of Pinning!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They do 4 additional damage on hit!'; } } button 526 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Arrows of Firing!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They do 6 additional damage on hit!'; } } button 528 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Arrows of Love!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They do 8 additional damage on hit!'; } } button 530 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Arrows of Golden Gunning!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They do 10 additional damage on hit!'; } } button 532 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Arrows of Rift Skipping!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They do 12 additional damage on hit!'; } } button 534 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Arrows of Elimination!'; _root.flavor2 = 'They do 15 additional damage on hit!'; } } button 536 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Rune of Beginnerment!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It restores ' + String(charge) + ' mana per charge!'; } } button 538 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Rune of Astonishment!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It restores ' + String(charge) + ' mana per charge!'; } } button 540 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Rune of Testament!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It restores ' + String(charge) + ' mana per charge!'; } } button 542 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Rune of Ovalment!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It restores ' + String(charge) + ' mana per charge!'; } } button 544 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Rune of Enragement!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It restores ' + String(charge) + ' mana per charge!'; } } button 546 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Rune of Chargiment!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It restores ' + String(charge) + ' mana per charge!'; } } button 548 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Rune of Wonderment!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It restores ' + String(charge) + ' mana per charge!'; } } button 551 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Rune of Finality!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It restores ' + String(charge) + ' mana per charge!'; } } button 553 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Gem of Incompetence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It adds bonus ' + String(bcharge) + ' to your max!'; } } button 555 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Gem of Distractions!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It adds bonus ' + String(bcharge) + ' to your max!'; } } button 557 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Gem of Concentration!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It adds bonus ' + String(bcharge) + ' to your max!'; } } button 559 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Gem of Remembrance!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It adds bonus ' + String(bcharge) + ' to your max!'; } } button 561 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Gem of Recollection!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It adds bonus ' + String(bcharge) + ' to your max!'; } } button 563 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Gem of Formation!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It adds bonus ' + String(bcharge) + ' to your max!'; } } button 565 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Gem of Realization!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It adds bonus ' + String(bcharge) + ' to your max!'; } } button 567 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Gem of Amnesty!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It adds bonus ' + String(bcharge) + ' to your max!'; } } button 569 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Gem of the Gifted!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It adds bonus ' + String(bcharge) + ' to your max!'; } } button 571 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Shield of the Initiate!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can store up to ' + String(maxpouch) + ' essence!'; } } button 573 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Shield of the Assigned!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can store up to ' + String(maxpouch) + ' essence!'; } } button 575 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Shield of the Heavy!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can store up to ' + String(maxpouch) + ' essence!'; } } button 577 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Shield of the Blood!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can store up to ' + String(maxpouch) + ' essence!'; } } button 579 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Shield of the Protectorate!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can store up to ' + String(maxpouch) + ' essence!'; } } button 581 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Shield of the Quickfoot!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can store up to ' + String(maxpouch) + ' essence!'; } } button 583 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Shield of the Wraith!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can store up to ' + String(maxpouch) + ' essence!'; } } button 585 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Shield of the Riders!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can store up to ' + String(maxpouch) + ' essence!'; } } button 587 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Shield of the Ascended!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can store up to ' + String(maxpouch) + ' essence!'; } } movieClip 589 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.equip = 1; _global.evalue = 10; _global.nevalue = 50; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Armor of Lesser Insecurities!'; _global.eqtext = 'Mighty fine armor! Thanks for upgrading!'; } frame 2 { _global.equip = 3; _global.evalue = 50; _global.nevalue = 125; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Armor of Better Protection!'; } frame 3 { _global.equip = 6; _global.evalue = 125; _global.nevalue = 225; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Armor of Endangered Hides!'; } frame 4 { _global.equip = 8; _global.evalue = 225; _global.nevalue = 325; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Armor of Solid Elements!'; } frame 5 { _global.equip = 10; _global.evalue = 325; _global.nevalue = 450; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Armor of Royal Servitude!'; _global.equipfive = true; } frame 6 { _global.equip = 12; _global.evalue = 450; _global.nevalue = 600; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Armor of Golden Tonnage!'; } frame 7 { _global.equip = 15; _global.evalue = 600; _global.nevalue = 750; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Armor of Escher Recursion!'; } frame 8 { _global.equip = 20; _global.evalue = 750; _global.nevalue = 900; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Armor of Invincible Invincibility!'; } frame 9 { _global.equip = 30; _global.evalue = 900; _global.nevalue = 999; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Armor of Better Protection!'; _global.bestequip = true; } frame 10 { stop(); _global.luk = 1; _global.evalue = 10; _global.nevalue = 50; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Seal of Getting There!'; _global.eqtext = 'What a sacred seal! Thanks for upgrading!'; } frame 11 { stop(); _global.luk = 3; _global.evalue = 50; _global.nevalue = 150; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Seal of Better Karma!'; } frame 12 { stop(); _global.luk = 4; _global.evalue = 150; _global.nevalue = 250; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Seal of Upper Castes!'; } frame 13 { stop(); _global.luk = 5; _global.evalue = 250; _global.nevalue = 325; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Seal of Fallacies!'; } frame 14 { stop(); _global.luk = 7; _global.evalue = 325; _global.nevalue = 400; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Seal of Clear Patience!'; _global.equipfive = true; } frame 15 { stop(); _global.luk = 9; _global.evalue = 400; _global.nevalue = 550; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Seal of Dark Repentance!'; } frame 16 { stop(); _global.luk = 11; _global.evalue = 550; _global.nevalue = 700; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Seal of Enlightenment!'; } frame 17 { stop(); _global.luk = 15; _global.evalue = 700; _global.nevalue = 900; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Seal of Oblivion!'; } frame 18 { stop(); _global.luk = 20; _global.evalue = 900; _global.nevalue = 999; _global.netext = 'This is the best seal around!'; _global.bestequip = true; } frame 19 { stop(); _global.cloak = 1.1; _global.evalue = 10; _global.nevalue = 50; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Cloak of Dimlight!'; _global.eqtext = 'A well suited cloak! Thanks for upgrading!'; } frame 20 { _global.cloak = 1.2; _global.evalue = 50; _global.nevalue = 150; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Cloak of Forest Shadows!'; } frame 21 { _global.cloak = 1.3; _global.evalue = 150; _global.nevalue = 300; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Cloak of Dark Waters!'; } frame 22 { _global.cloak = 1.5; _global.evalue = 300; _global.nevalue = 425; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Cloak of Foul Blood!'; } frame 23 { _global.cloak = 1.8; _global.evalue = 425; _global.nevalue = 550; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Cloak of Golden Source!'; _global.equipfive = true; } frame 24 { _global.cloak = 2; _global.evalue = 550; _global.nevalue = 650; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Cloak of Forgotten Talents!'; } frame 25 { _global.cloak = 2.2; _global.evalue = 650; _global.nevalue = 750; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Cloak of Rift Displacement!'; } frame 26 { _global.cloak = 2.4; _global.evalue = 750; _global.nevalue = 900; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Cloak of Hidden Light!'; } frame 27 { _global.cloak = 2.7; _global.evalue = 900; _global.nevalue = 999; _global.netext = 'You already have the greatest cloak!'; _global.bestequip = true; } frame 28 { _global.flute = 1; _global.evalue = 10; _global.nevalue = 50; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Flute of Small Ovations!'; _global.eqtext = 'What a beautiful flute! Thank you for upgrading!'; } frame 29 { _global.flute = 1.2; _global.evalue = 50; _global.nevalue = 100; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Flute of Lost Forrest Songs!'; } frame 30 { _global.flute = 1.4; _global.evalue = 150; _global.nevalue = 250; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Flute of Winter Bells!'; } frame 31 { _global.flute = 1.6; _global.evalue = 250; _global.nevalue = 350; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Flute of Royal Mockery!'; } frame 32 { _global.flute = 2; _global.evalue = 350; _global.nevalue = 500; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Flute of Hurrian Hymns!'; _global.equipfive = true; } frame 33 { _global.flute = 2.2; _global.evalue = 500; _global.nevalue = 600; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Flute of Golden Pavillions!'; } frame 34 { _global.flute = 2.5; _global.evalue = 600; _global.nevalue = 750; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Flute of Golden Pavillions!'; } frame 35 { _global.flute = 2.7; _global.evalue = 750; _global.nevalue = 950; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Flute of Heavenly Crowds!'; } frame 36 { _global.flute = 3; _global.evalue = 950; _global.nevalue = 999; _global.netext = 'You already have the greatest flute!'; _global.bestequip = true; } frame 37 { _global.arw = 0; _global.evalue = 10; _global.nevalue = 50; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Arrows of Pelting!'; _global.eqtext = 'What nice arrows! Thank you for upgrading!'; } frame 38 { _global.arw = 1; _global.evalue = 75; _global.nevalue = 150; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Arrows of Piercing!'; } frame 39 { _global.arw = 2; _global.evalue = 150; _global.nevalue = 250; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Arrows of Pinning!'; } frame 40 { _global.arw = 4; _global.evalue = 250; _global.nevalue = 350; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Arrows of Firing!'; } frame 41 { _global.arw = 6; _global.evalue = 350; _global.nevalue = 475; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Arrows of Love!'; _global.equipfive = true; } frame 42 { _global.arw = 8; _global.evalue = 475; _global.nevalue = 600; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Arrows of Golden Gunning!'; } frame 43 { _global.arw = 10; _global.evalue = 600; _global.nevalue = 750; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Arrows of Rift Skipping!'; } frame 44 { _global.arw = 12; _global.evalue = 750; _global.nevalue = 900; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Arrows of Elimination!'; } frame 45 { _global.arw = 15; _global.evalue = 900; _global.nevalue = 999; _global.netext = 'You already have the best arrows!'; _global.bestequip = true; } frame 46 { stop(); _global.charge = 2; _global.evalue = 10; _global.nevalue = 50; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Rune of Astonishment!'; _global.eqtext = 'What a mystic rune! Thank you for upgrading!'; } frame 47 { _global.charge = 3; _global.evalue = 50; _global.nevalue = 100; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Rune of Testament!'; } frame 48 { _global.charge = 4; _global.evalue = 100; _global.nevalue = 200; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Rune of Ovalment!'; } frame 49 { _global.charge = 6; _global.evalue = 200; _global.nevalue = 300; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Rune of Enragement!'; } frame 50 { _global.charge = 8; _global.evalue = 300; _global.nevalue = 400; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Rune of Chargiment!'; if (necrounlock == false) { _root.unlocker.gotoAndStop(8); } _global.necrounlock = true; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Raging for a Bit'); _global.necrotag = true; } frame 51 { _global.charge = 10; _global.evalue = 400; _global.nevalue = 500; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Rune of Wonderment!'; _global.necrounlock = true; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Raging for a Bit'); } frame 52 { _global.charge = 12; _global.evalue = 500; _global.nevalue = 650; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Rune of Reimbursement!'; } frame 53 { _global.charge = 14; _global.evalue = 650; _global.nevalue = 800; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Rune of Finality!'; } frame 54 { _global.charge = 16; _global.evalue = 800; _global.nevalue = 999; _global.netext = 'You already have the greatest rune!'; _global.bestequip = true; } frame 55 { _global.bcharge = 1; _global.evalue = 10; _global.nevalue = 100; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Gem of Distractions!'; _global.eqtext = 'What a clear gem! Thank you for upgrading!'; } frame 56 { _global.bcharge = 3; _global.evalue = 100; _global.nevalue = 200; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Gem of Concentration!'; } frame 57 { _global.bcharge = 5; _global.evalue = 200; _global.nevalue = 300; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Gem of Remembrance!'; } frame 58 { _global.bcharge = 8; _global.evalue = 300; _global.nevalue = 400; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Gem of Recollection!'; } frame 59 { _global.bcharge = 11; _global.evalue = 400; _global.nevalue = 500; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Gem of Formation!'; } frame 60 { _global.bcharge = 14; _global.evalue = 600; _global.nevalue = 700; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Gem of Realization!'; _global.equipfive = true; } frame 61 { _global.bcharge = 16; _global.evalue = 700; _global.nevalue = 800; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Gem of Amnesty!'; } frame 62 { _global.bcharge = 18; _global.evalue = 800; _global.nevalue = 900; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Gem of the Gifted!'; } frame 63 { _global.bcharge = 20; _global.evalue = 900; _global.nevalue = 999; _global.netext = 'You already have the rarest Gem!'; _global.bestequip = true; } frame 64 { stop(); _global.maxpouch = 15; _global.evalue = 10; _global.nevalue = 50; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Shield of Assigned!'; _global.eqtext = 'What a dignified shield! Thanks for upgrading!'; } frame 65 { _global.maxpouch = 30; _global.evalue = 50; _global.nevalue = 100; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Shield of the Heavy!'; } frame 66 { _global.maxpouch = 50; _global.evalue = 100; _global.nevalue = 200; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Shield of Blood!'; } frame 67 { _global.maxpouch = 70; _global.evalue = 200; _global.nevalue = 350; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Shield of Protectorate!'; } frame 68 { _global.maxpouch = 100; _global.evalue = 350; _global.nevalue = 500; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Shield of Quickfoot!'; _global.equipfive = true; } frame 69 { _global.maxpouch = 120; _global.evalue = 500; _global.nevalue = 700; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Shield of Wraith!'; } frame 70 { _global.maxpouch = 300; _global.evalue = 700; _global.nevalue = 800; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Shield of the Riders!'; } frame 71 { _global.maxpouch = 400; _global.evalue = 800; _global.nevalue = 900; _global.netext = 'You have aquired the Shield of the Ascended!'; } frame 72 { _global.maxpouch = 500; _global.evalue = 999; _global.nevalue = 999; _global.netext = 'You already have the holiest Shield!'; _global.bestequip = true; } } instance equip of movieClip 589 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(startarm); } } button 590 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'This is how many health points you have left.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your Max HP is ' + String(maxhp) + '! You have ' + String(pots) + ' pots!'; } } button 591 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'This is how many gold coins you have left.'; _root.flavor2 = 'This is the currency of the land!'; } } button 592 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'This is your current character level.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Top out your exp to level up!'; } } button 593 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'Dexterity is your armor breaking attribute!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It represents your general quickness and skill.'; } } button 594 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'Armor is your general defensive attribute!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It represents your inheret toughness.'; } } button 595 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'Power is your general damage dealing attribute!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It represents your raw strength.'; } } movieClip 636 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.effects._alpha = 100; _global.blueframe = 18; _global.purpleframe = 34; _global.whiteframe = 48; _global.blackframe = 64; _global.deadblackframe = 65; _global.blackfadeoutframe = 66; _global.surpriseframe = 67; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hite == true) { _root.effects.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (white == true) { _root.effects.gotoAndPlay(whiteframe); } } } frame 17 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hite == false) { _root.effects.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 33 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 47 { stop();; _root.effects.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 63 { stop(); _global.white = false; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 64 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.effects._alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.effects._alpha += 0.5; if (_root.effects._alpha == 100) { _root.gotoAndStop(endingframe); _root.effects.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 65 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.effects._alpha = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.effects._alpha += 1; if (_root.effects._alpha == 100) { _root.gotoAndStop(42); } } } frame 66 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.effects._alpha = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.effects._alpha -= 1; if (_root.effects._alpha <= 0) { _root.effects.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 67 { stop(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Monsters Encountered'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { stopAllSounds(); _root.effects._alpha = 0; lightout = false; lightin = true;; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (lightout == false) { _root.effects._alpha += 5; } if (_root.effects._alpha >= 130 && lightout == false) { lightout = true; lightin = false; _root.gotoAndStop(monsterframe); } if (lightin == false) { _root.effects._alpha -= 5; } if (_root.effects._alpha <= 0 && lightin == false) { _root.effects.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } instance effects of movieClip 636 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.pcurve = Math.round(pwr / pwrgain / 4); _global.dcurve = Math.round(dex / dexgain / 4); _global.acurve = Math.round(arm / armgain / 4); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (mutesound == false) { _global.battleDMusic = new Sound(this); _global.battleDMusic.attachSound('Battle D'); _global.bossMusic = new Sound(this); _global.bossMusic.attachSound('Boss'); _global.fintroMusic = new Sound(this); _global.fintroMusic.attachSound('Final Intro'); _global.fbattleMusic = new Sound(this); _global.fbattleMusic.attachSound('Final Battle'); _global.battleOMusic = new Sound(this); _global.battleOMusic.attachSound('Battle O'); _global.battlePMusic = new Sound(this); _global.battlePMusic.attachSound('Battle P'); _global.dungeonMusic = new Sound(this); _global.dungeonMusic.attachSound('Dungeon'); _global.outdoorMusic = new Sound(this); _global.outdoorMusic.attachSound('Outdoors'); _global.pentMusic = new Sound(this); _global.pentMusic.attachSound('Pentplane'); _global.characterMusic = new Sound(this); _global.characterMusic.attachSound('CharacterSelect'); } if (mutesound == true) { _global.battleDMusic = new Sound(this); _global.battleDMusic.attachSound('wombo'); _global.bossMusic = new Sound(this); _global.bossMusic.attachSound('wombo'); _global.fintroMusic = new Sound(this); _global.fintroMusic.attachSound('wombo'); _global.fbattleMusic = new Sound(this); _global.fbattleMusic.attachSound('wombo'); _global.battleOMusic = new Sound(this); _global.battleOMusic.attachSound('wombo'); _global.battlePMusic = new Sound(this); _global.battlePMusic.attachSound('wombo'); _global.dungeonMusic = new Sound(this); _global.dungeonMusic.attachSound('wombo'); _global.outdoorMusic = new Sound(this); _global.outdoorMusic.attachSound('wombo'); _global.pentMusic = new Sound(this); _global.pentMusic.attachSound('wombo'); _global.jingleS = new Sound(this); _global.jingleS.attachSound('wombo'); _global.jingleI = new Sound(this); _global.jingleI.attachSound('wombo'); _global.jingleL = new Sound(this); _global.jingleL.attachSound('wombo'); _global.jingleC = new Sound(this); _global.jingleC.attachSound('wombo'); _global.characterMusic = new Sound(this); _global.characterMusic.attachSound('wombo'); } } } movieClip 641 { } movieClip 656 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _global.bardunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; trace(; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bard Unlocked'); } instance of movieClip 641 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 3 { _global.blackunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Blackguard Unlocked'); } frame 4 { _global.paladinunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Paladin Unlocked'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Pro Leveler'); } frame 5 { _global.mercunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Mercenary Unlocked'); } frame 6 { _global.avengerunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Avenger Unlocked'); } frame 7 { _global.clericunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Cleric Unlocked'); } frame 8 { _global.necrounlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Necromancer Unlocked'); } frame 9 { _global.enforcerunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Enforcer Unlocked'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('World Warrior'); } frame 10 { _global.druidunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Druid Unlocked'); } frame 11 { _global.darkfolkunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Darkfolk Unlocked'); } frame 12 { _global.oniunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Oni Unlocked'); } frame 13 { _global.redknightunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Red Knight Unlocked'); } frame 14 { _global.limeknightunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lime Knight Unlocked'); } frame 15 { _global.sayanunlock = true; = true; save_so.flush; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Sayan Unlocked'); } } instance unlocker of movieClip 656 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (flutecount == 3 && bardunlock == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Friend of Newts'); } if ((dex <= -3 or pwr <= -3 or arm <= -3) && blackunlock == false) { this.gotoAndStop(3); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Pessimist'); } if (lvl >= 10 && paladinunlock == false) { this.gotoAndStop(4); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Pro Leveler'); } if (gld >= 350 && mercunlock == false) { this.gotoAndStop(5); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Rich Jerk'); } if ((dex >= 35 || pwr >= 35 || arm >= 35) && avengerunlock == false) { this.gotoAndStop(6); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Almost Perfect'); } if (pots >= 10 && clericunlock == false) { this.gotoAndStop(7); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Pot Addict'); } if (wepfive == true && redknightunlock == false) { this.gotoAndStop(13); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Armed and Dangerous'); } if (equipfive == true && limeknightunlock == false) { this.gotoAndStop(14); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Well Equipped'); } if (necrotag == true && necrounlock == false) { this.gotoAndStop(8); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Raging for a Bit'); } if (btlset == 17 && (maxcharge >= 30 && sayanunlock == false)) { this.gotoAndStop(15); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Power Point Pursuer'); } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (permamute == true) { stopAllSounds(); } } } movieClip 658 { } movieClip 661 { } movieClip 665 { } movieClip 669 { } movieClip 675 { } movieClip 677 { } movieClip 679 { } movieClip 681 { } movieClip 683 { } movieClip 685 MedalPopup { frame 1 { function onMedalUnlocked(event) { if (event.__get__success()) { _medalQueue.push(event.__get__data()); showNextUnlock(); } } function showNextUnlock() { if (_unlockedMedal) { return undefined; } if (!_medalQueue.length) { gotoAndStop('hidden'); onEnterFrame = null; return undefined; } _unlockedMedal = com.newgrounds.Medal(_medalQueue.shift()); gotoAndPlay('medalUnlocked'); } gotoAndStop('hidden'); com.newgrounds.API.addEventListener(com.newgrounds.APIEvent.MEDAL_UNLOCKED, onMedalUnlocked); var alwaysOnTop; _x = int(_x); _y = int(_y); var _unlockedMedal; var _medalQueue = []; var _alwaysOnTop = true; if (alwaysOnTop) { _alwaysOnTop = alwaysOnTop == 'true'; } } frame 15 { function medalPopupEnterFrame() { if (_alwaysOnTop) { var v1 = getNextHighestDepth(); swapDepths(v1); } if (_medalScrollRect) { _medalScrollRect.offset(2, 0); medalNameClip.scrollRect = _medalScrollRect; if (_medalScrollRect.left >= medalNameClip.textField.textWidth + 10) { _medalScrollRect = null; play(); } } } var _medalScrollRect; if (_unlockedMedal) { if (medalNameClip && medalNameClip.textField) { medalNameClip.textField.text =; } if (medalPointsText) { medalPointsText.text = _unlockedMedal.value.toString(); } if (medalNameClip.textField.textWidth > medalNameClip._width) { _medalScrollRect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(-medalNameClip._width, 0, medalNameClip._width, medalNameClip._height); medalNameClip.textField._width = 1000; medalNameClip.scrollRect = _medalScrollRect; } onEnterFrame = medalPopupEnterFrame; } } frame 23 { if (_unlockedMedal && medalIcon) { _unlockedMedal.attachIcon(medalIcon); } } frame 84 { if (_medalScrollRect) { stop(); } } frame 105 { stop(); _unlockedMedal = null; showNextUnlock(); } } instance of movieClip 685 MedalPopup { onClipEvent (construct) { alwaysOnTop = 'true'; } } frame 3 { stop(); _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.flutecount = 0; if (secondwind == undefined) { _global.playerdead = false; _global.maxhp = roothp; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.startframe = 3; _global.exploreframe = 4; _global.monsterframe = 5; _global.lootframe = 6; _global.deadframe = 7; _global.shopframe = 8; _global.forgeframe = 9; _global.infframe = 10; _global.eventframe = 11; _global.churchframe = 12; _global.npcframe = 13; _global.spawnframe = 14; _global.dropframe = 15; _global.antikube = 0; _global.gascan = 0; _global.shaftkey = 0; _global.multitool = 0; _global.pitkey = false; _global.yspawn = false; _global.enddungeon = false; _global.pots = 1; _root.flavor1 = 'You are in a dungeon.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There is an explore button here.'; _global.koffer = 0; _global.doffer = 0; _global.qoffer = 0; _global.noffer = 0; _global.roffer = 0; _global.vicious = 5; _global.vicmin = 0; _global.secondwind = false; } stopAllSounds(); dungeonMusic.start(0, 999); _global.whatarea = 1; if (btlset == 2) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Karma Killer'); } if (btlset == 3) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('What\'s Yours is Mine'); } if (btlset == 4) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Spoony'); } if (btlset == 5) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Sun Blocker'); } if (btlset == 6) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Just Cause'); } if (btlset == 7) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Avenge Me!'); } if (btlset == 8) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Duty Calls'); } if (btlset == 9) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('I Shall Pass'); } if (btlset == 10) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('The Quiet, Shady Type'); } if (btlset == 11) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Water Walker'); } if (btlset == 12) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Necrophiliac'); } if (btlset == 13) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Tree Hugger'); } if (btlset == 14) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Satsu No Hadou'); } if (btlset == 15) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('A Fair Price'); } if (btlset == 16) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Lawful Good'); } if (btlset == 17) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Minds do Matter'); } if (btlset == 19) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Kamehameha!'); } if (btlset == 20) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Anger of the Earth'); } if (btlset == 21) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Crafting 101'); } if (btlset == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Sword Specialist'); } } button 692 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } instance progress of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (loadingsave == true) { _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); _global.loadingsave = false; _global.hp =; _global.maxhp =; _global.maxgain =; _global.roothp =; _global.mageyes =; _global.knightyes =; _global.gld =; _global.lvl =; _global.expn =; _global.arm =; _global.pwr =; _global.dex =; _global.pots =; _global.btlset =; _global.enddungeon =; _global.secondwind =; _global.wepnumber =; _global.equipnumber =; _global.maxgain =; _global.vicious =; _global.vicmin =; _global.kdone =; _global.kdefeat =; _global.adone =; _global.adefeat =; _global.sdone =; _global.sdefeat =; _global.zdone =; _global.zdefeat =; _global.rdone =; _global.rdefeat =; _global.spoiled =; _global.gazebor =; _global.gazebow =; _global.gazebob =; _global.whatarea =; _global.diffscore =; _global.diffhp =; _global.difficulty =; _global.wepset =; _global.equipset =; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(wepnumber); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(equipnumber); _global.bestwep =; _global.bestequip =; _global.maxcharge =; _global.curcharge =; _global.rank =; save_so.flush(); } if (loadingsave == false) { _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); = true; = hp; = maxhp; = roothp; = maxgain; = gld; = lvl; = expn; = arm; = pwr; = dex; = btlset; = whatarea; _global.wepnumber = _root.weapon._currentframe; = wepnumber; _global.equipnumber = _root.equip._currentframe; = equipnumber; = vicious; = vicmin; = kdone; = kdefeat; = adone; = adefeat; = sdone; = sdefeat; = zdone; = zdefeat; = rdone; = rdefeat; = spoiled; = gazebor; = gazebob; = gazebow; = enddungeon; = whatarea; = diffscore; = diffhp; = difficulty; = bestwep; = bestequip; = wepset; = equipset; = maxcharge; = curcharge; = mageyes; = knightyes; = rank; save_so.flush(); } = pots; = secondwind; = mageyes; = mageyes; save_so.flush(); } } frame 4 { stop(); _global.hp += Math.round(maxhp / diffhp); _global.temp = 0; _global.hite = false; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(; _root.equip.gotoAndStop(; upSound = new Sound(this); upSound.attachSound('upsound'); potSound = new Sound(this); potSound.attachSound('potsound'); bipSound = new Sound(this); bipSound.attachSound('bipsound'); beepSound = new Sound(this); beepSound.attachSound('beep'); offersound = new Sound(this); offersound.attachSound('offersound'); wrongsound = new Sound(this); wrongsound.attachSound('wrongsound'); nopesound = new Sound(this); nopesound.attachSound('nopesound'); offerSound = new Sound(this); offerSound.attachSound('offersound'); wrongSound = new Sound(this); wrongSound.attachSound('wrongsound'); nopeSound = new Sound(this); nopeSound.attachSound('nopesound'); boomSound = new Sound(this); boomSound.attachSound('boom'); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Explored'); } movieClip 701 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.edone = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); r = int(Math.random() * 23) + 1; dec = r; if (dec >= 1 && dec <= 7) { _root.effects.gotoAndStop(surpriseframe); } if (dec >= 8 && dec <= 12) { _root.gotoAndStop(eventframe); } if (dec >= 13 && dec <= 14) { _root.gotoAndStop(churchframe); } if (dec >= 15 && dec <= 17) { _root.gotoAndStop(infframe); } if (dec >= 18 && dec <= 19) { _root.gotoAndStop(shopframe); } if (dec >= 20 && dec <= 21) { _root.gotoAndStop(forgeframe); } } } instance of movieClip 701 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 5; _root.flavor1 = ''; _root.flavor2 = ''; _global.curcharge += 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 5; } } } frame 5 { stop(); _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.playerdead = false; _global.enemydead = false; _global.temp = false; _global.infoact = false; _global.turn = true; stopAllSounds(); battleDMusic.start(0, 999); } movieClip 742 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { this._parent.gotoAndStop(red); } } } frame 6 { _global.temp -= 1; if (dexe - 3 < arm) { _global.temp -= 1; } com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Hit'); } frame 13 { stop(); _global.hittime = 25; } frame 14 { _root.effects.gotoAndPlay(blueframe); } frame 17 { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Effect'); } frame 23 { stop(); _global.hittime = 50; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 28 { _global.hite = false; } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) {; } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } } } frame 56 { stop(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Monsters Killed'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } } } frame 61 { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Missed'); } frame 68 { stop(); _global.hittime = 25; _global.temp -= 1; gotoAndStop(1); } frame 69 { _root.effects.gotoAndPlay(purpleframe); } frame 80 { stop(); gotoAndStop(1); } frame 81 { _global.white = true; } frame 92 { stop(); } } movieClip 750 { } movieClip 766 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.hpe = 20; _global.dexe = 3 + lvl; _global.arme = 2 + lvl; _global.pwre = 1 + lvl; _global.expg = 10; _global.gldg = 15; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Blandomorph.'; _root.flavor2 = 'So bland, such a waste.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You see nothing of interest.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Blandomorph appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The blandomorph takes damage, it sighs.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'The blandomorph stares blandly as you miss.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It uncreativily tries to kill you!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It somehow manages to hit.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It fails, it shrugs.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Blandomorph collapses unceremoniously'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Blandomorph killer is you!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed A Blandomorph');; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were killed by a Blandomorph, how unexciting.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed By Blandomorph'); _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.hpe = 30; _global.dexe = 1 + lvl; _global.arme = 2 + lvl; _global.pwre = 2 + lvl; _global.expg = 25; _global.gldg = 17; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Red Shroom.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You don\'t detect any size changing properties.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You feel a presence here.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Red Shroom appears!'; hits = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You attack the shroom, is it hurt?';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You miss the shroom... Yet it\'s stationary?'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s doing... something...'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; hits += 1; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel... Something.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - Math.round(hp / (hits + 1)); = hp;; _global.temp = 0; hits += 1; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You don\'t feel... Anything.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Shroom pops its cap'; _root.flavor2 = 'Its spores heal you slightly!'; _global.hp += Math.round(maxhp / (hits + 1));; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were killed by a Red Shroom... How!?!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _global.hpe = 30; _global.dexe = 3 + lvl; _global.arme = 1 + lvl; _global.pwre = 2 + lvl; _global.expg = 25; _global.gldg = 17; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Avant-Garde Clay.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It seems daring, yet simple.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You feel the urge to critique.'; _root.flavor2 = 'An Avant-Garde Ball of Clay Appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'It doesn\'t understand your vision!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You miss the Clay, it cirticizes your execution.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It attempts to sculpt its ideas.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Its abstract vision damages your mainstream mind!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You don\'t understand its vision.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Clay commits artistic suicide'; _root.flavor2 = 'That was deep.';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Life\'s a tragedy, an Avant Garde Ball of Clay killed you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 4 { stop(); _global.hpe = 30; _global.dexe = 1 + lvl; _global.arme = 2 + lvl; _global.pwre = 2 + lvl; _global.expg = 30; _global.gldg = 20; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Rooky Orc.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You wonder about higher ranking Orcs.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You hear a nervous grunt.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Rookie Orc appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Rooky panics as it takes damage!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Rooky sighs as you miss.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Rooky swallows his pride!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He packs his courage and hits!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'His trembling hands cause him to miss!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Rooky nervously realizes his demise.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He wobbles to the floor!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You became a Rooky Orc\'s first kill!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 5 { stop(); _global.hpe = 35; _global.dexe = 3 + lvl; _global.arme = 5 + lvl; _global.pwre = 2 + lvl; _global.expg = 35; _global.gldg = 25; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Obvious Mimic.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is it even making an effort to hide?'; } } instance of movieClip 750 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.mon = r; this.gotoAndStop(mon); } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You feel a general lack of effort.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s an Obvious Mimic!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You don\'t fall for its unclever ruse!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Come on, it\'s not that hard to figure it out!'; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It blatantly tries to hit you.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It quite obviously hits!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It can\'t hide OR attack!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Obvious Mimic reveals its true form.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It wasn\'t that different from its \'disguise.\'';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'How did you fall for that? That was an Obvious Mimic!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 6 { stop(); _global.hpe = 60; _global.dexe = 3 + lvl; _global.arme = 6 + lvl; _global.pwre = 4 + lvl; _global.expg = 50; _global.gldg = 30; _global.monlvl = 2; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Harmless Lichen.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s immobile, yet you cannot escape it.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Oh it\'s nothing to worry about!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Harmless Lichen appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Why are you killing it?';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'I can\'t let you do that, adventurer.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The lichen tries to feel you!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You start choking, it\'s nothing, really!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tickles!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The lichen explodes into harmless spores.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Killing a lichen? You monster!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Woops, it wasn\'t so harmless, my bad.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 7 { stop(); _global.hpe = 40; _global.dexe = 3 + lvl; _global.arme = 5 + lvl; _global.pwre = 7 + lvl; _global.expg = 53; _global.gldg = 32; _global.monlvl = 2; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Skeleton Soldier.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It looks rather skeletal.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You hear a skeleton sound.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Skeleton Soldier appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'It feels skeletal pain.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You skelataly miss.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It swings its skeleton sword!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6 - lvl; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It has a skeleton hit!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It has a skeleton miss!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Skeleton Soldier breaks down to pieces.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Skeleton pieces, that is.';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Kinda\' ironic that a skeleton killed you.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 8 { stop(); _global.hpe = 32; _global.dexe = 7 + lvl; _global.arme = 7 + lvl; _global.pwre = 9 + lvl; _global.expg = 56; _global.gldg = 40; _global.monlvl = 3; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Cute Gridbug.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Aww, look at those little claws!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You hear heart-warming snapping.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Cute Gridbug appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'It nibbles in terror.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t bring yourself to do it.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It inches closer to you.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'That little pest just bit you!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It winks, and jumps back.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Gridbug explodes in a show of color.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s a rainbow!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'That little thing killed you?'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 9 { stop(); _global.hpe = 64; _global.dexe = 11 + lvl; _global.arme = 9 + lvl; _global.pwre = lvl - 2; _global.expg = 60; _global.gldg = 43; _global.monlvl = 3; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Kosher Kube.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s not gelatinous, it\'s diet friendly.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t smell gelatin!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Kosher Kube appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your weapon strikes, yet not soaked in gelatin.'; _global.ehp -= kubekill;; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You bounce off its non-gelatinous exterior.'; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Kube tries to cube you!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; wepatke *= wepatke; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your damage is cubed!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip + kubekill; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You must be irrational!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Kosher Kube is cube rooted.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Its flat 2D surface falls to the floor!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed A Cube');; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were multiplied by yourself by a Kosher Kube!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed By Cube'); _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { if (antikube > 0) { r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'Your Anti-Kube activates!'; _root.flavor2 = 'This Kube should be easy pickings.'; kubekill = d6 * 4; trace(kubekill); _global.dexe = 1; _global.arme = 1; _global.pwre = 1; _global.antikube -= 1; } else { kubekill = 0; } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 10 { stop(); _global.hpe = 55; _global.dexe = 14 + lvl; _global.arme = 7 + lvl; _global.pwre = 12 + lvl; _global.expg = 70; _global.gldg = 45; _global.monlvl = 4; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Goddamn Friggin\' Bat.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The sight of it alone is aggravating.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You feel extremely aggrevated!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s a Goddamn Friggin\' Bat!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'DIE DAMMIT! DIE!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'ARGH! WHY IS IT SWOOPING? WHO THE HELL SWOOPS?'; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Goddamn Friggin\' Bat swoops down!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'ARGH GODAMMIT THAT\'S SO CHEAP IT HITS!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'UGH THANKFULLY IT DIDN\'T HIT THAT TIME, UGH!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'That two winged rat FINALLY drops dead.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You have done a service to us all!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'GODAMMIT THAT WAS THE CHEAPEST DEATH EVER! ARGH!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 11 { stop(); _global.hpe = 70; _global.dexe = 9 + lvl; _global.arme = 7 + lvl; _global.pwre = 18 + lvl; _global.expg = 72; _global.gldg = 48; _global.monlvl = 4; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Drunken Acolyte.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Are those chants he\'s saying, or rambling?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You hear holy stumbling in the hall.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s a Drunken Acolyte!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You strike his drunken holiness!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You miss, he\'s not the only stumbling one.'; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'He tries to cast a drunken chant.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel drunken holy ecstacy!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel pretty sobered up.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Drunken Acolyte stumbles over.'; _root.flavor2 = 'That might not have been your fault...';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You join the Acolyte for a few drinks, it\'s holy, man.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 12 { stop(); _global.hpe = 90; _global.dexe = 14 + lvl; _global.arme = 11 + lvl; _global.pwre = 3 + lvl; _global.expg = 75; _global.gldg = 50; _global.monlvl = 5; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Frightening Ghost.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s quite the scare there.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You feel a sullen fear building!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s a Frightening Ghost!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel momenta- OH GOD WHY\'S IT SMILING?';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot kill what isn\'t alive!'; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Frightening Ghost inches ever so slowly closer.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d12; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your heart freezes as it touches you.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It passes right through you, relief!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'That Ghost stares quietly and dissapears.'; _root.flavor2 = 'She never sleeps!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Frozen in fear by a Frightening Ghost, boo.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { if (antikube > 0) { r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'Your Anti-Kube activates!'; _root.flavor2 = 'This Ghost should be easy pickings.'; kubekill = d6 * 4; _global.dexe = 1; _global.arme = 1; _global.pwre = 1; _global.antikube -= 1; } else { kubekill = 0; } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 4); } } } frame 13 { stop(); _global.hpe = 75; _global.dexe = 25 + lvl; _global.arme = 10 + lvl; _global.pwre = 10 + lvl; _global.expg = 77; _global.gldg = 52; _global.monlvl = 5; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Elite Orc.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Not only does he have armor, he has style.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You see the ceiling break as a rope drops.'; _root.flavor2 = 'An Elite Orc appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The veteran keeps his stance as you hit.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'The veteran skillfully dodges your attack!'; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Veteran Orc searches for your weakpoint.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d12; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He lands a hit right in your chest!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He can\'t seem to locate it.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Veteran Orc jumps out the window.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Going out in style!'; API.logCustomEvent('Killed An Elite Orc');; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Taken out by an Elite Orc, tango down!'; API.logCustomEvent('Killed By Elite Orc'); _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 4); } } } frame 14 { stop(); _global.hpe = 200; _global.dexe = 16 + lvl; _global.arme = 13 + lvl; _global.pwre = 12 + lvl; _global.expg = 80; _global.gldg = 65; _global.monlvl = 6; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Angry Dungeon Mob.'; _root.flavor2 = 'They aren\'t open for negotiations!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You\'ve overstayed your welcome!'; _root.flavor2 = 'An angry Dungeon Mob appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You break the Geneva Conventions.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'There\'s too many to hit!'; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The mob attacks with sticks and stones!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12 - kubekill; wepatke = pwre + d12 - kubekill; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'They break your bones!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip + kubekill; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Nevermind, it was just words.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The crowd forgets its original purpose.'; _root.flavor2 = 'We are the dead!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed A Mob');; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Maimed and hung by an angry Dungeon Mob!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed By Mob'); _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { if (gascan > 0) { r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You toss a Gas Can!'; _root.flavor2 = 'The crowd is distracted and weakened!'; kubekill = d6 * 4; _global.dexe = 1; _global.arme = 1; _global.pwre = 1; _global.gascan -= 1; } else { kubekill = 0; } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 1; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 4); } } } frame 15 { stop(); _global.hpe = 120; _global.dexe = 22; _global.arme = 20; _global.pwre = 29; _global.expg = 85; _global.gldg = 60; _global.monlvl = 6; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Dungeon Wanderer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It seems cold and soulless.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You feel emptiness...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Behold, the damned Dungeon Wanderer!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Something ticks inside his cavernous soul.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Nothing more can be done to this man.'; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'He reaches out a cold, metal hand.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d20; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He grabs your chest, and feels your heart.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Something stops him from going through.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You hear a sorrowful human cry, it is done.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He drops a key, it screams of emptiness.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed A Dungeon Wanderer'); _global.pitkey = true;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You joined the legions of the Dungeon Wanderer.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed By Dungeon Wanderer'); _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 1; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 4); } } } frame 16 { stop(); _global.hpe = 120; _global.dexe = 22; _global.arme = 20; _global.pwre = 27; _global.expg = 85; _global.gldg = 60; _global.monlvl = 6; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } frame 17 { stop(); _global.hpe = 120; _global.dexe = 22; _global.arme = 20; _global.pwre = 27; _global.expg = 85; _global.gldg = 60; _global.monlvl = 6; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } frame 18 { stop(); _global.hpe = 120; _global.dexe = 22; _global.arme = 20; _global.pwre = 27; _global.expg = 85; _global.gldg = 60; _global.monlvl = 6; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } frame 19 { stop(); _global.hpe = 120; _global.dexe = 22; _global.arme = 20; _global.pwre = 27; _global.expg = 85; _global.gldg = 60; _global.monlvl = 6; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } frame 20 { stop(); _global.hpe = 120; _global.dexe = 22; _global.arme = 20; _global.pwre = 27; _global.expg = 85; _global.gldg = 60; _global.monlvl = 6; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; if (monlvl > lvl) { prevFrame(); } } } instance enemy of movieClip 766 { onClipEvent (load) { mpick = Math.floor(Math.random() * (vicious - vicmin) + vicmin + 1); this.gotoAndStop(mpick); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == false) { _root.acts._visible = false; = false; _root.potb._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == true) { _root.acts._visible = true; = true; _root.potb._visible = true; } } } button 767 { on (release) { if (pots <= 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have any health potions.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get some from the infirmary!'; _root.potb._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } if (pots >= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You quaff a health potion!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel healthier! ' + String(pots - 1) + ' pots left!'; n = lvl + 2; plus = n * 10; trace('n is' + n); trace('plus' + plus); _global.hp = hp + (lvl + 2) * 10; _global.pots -= 1; _global.temp = 5; trace('temp is' + temp); trace('pots is' + pots);; _global.turn = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Pots Used'); } } } button 769 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You gallantly slash the beast!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; _global.temp -= 2; } } } } } button 770 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You brace for impact.'; _global.temp = Math.round(arm / 2 + equip); _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re ready for the next hit!';; _global.turn = false; } } } button 771 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You parry the next attack!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwre + d6) * wep / 2.5); _global.temp -= 15; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } } } button 772 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Attack the beast with your might!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D6) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 773 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Shift into a defensive position!'; _root.flavor2 = '(1/2 arm)+equip) temporary armor until its broken!'; } } } button 774 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Parry the next attack, auto-hit 1/3 damage!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Breaks Armor! You let your guard down!'; } } } button 775 { on (release) { if (turn == true && metsu == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You scream the two part word!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your belt and seal glow! Get powered up!'; _global.metsu = belt; _global.luksu = luk; _global.turn = false;; } if (turn == true && metsu >= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have already Metsu\'d!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re ready to devastate your foe!'; } } } button 776 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You release an accurate ball of psionic fire!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + luksu; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * metsu); _global.metsu = 1; _global.luksu = 0; trace(wepatk); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 777 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You spiral upwards in a Dragon Punch!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d4 + luksu; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d8) * metsu); _global.metsu = 1; _global.luksu = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 778 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash a ball of pure flame!'; _root.flavor2 = '(Pwr + D4) damage and (Dex + D8) accuracy!'; } } } button 779 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Knock your foe with a flaming uppercut!'; _root.flavor2 = '(Pwr + D8) damage and (Dex + D4) accuracy!'; } } } button 780 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Harness your inner Ki for a single attack!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Powers damage by your belt and seal\'s accuracy!'; } } } button 781 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; if (counter == true) { cdmg = Math.round((pwre + d12) * cloak); chit = Math.round((dexe + d8) * cloak); } if (counter == false) { cdmg = 0; chit = 0; } if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You sneak a shot at your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + chit; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6 + cdmg) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; _global.counter = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 782 { on (release) { if (turn == true && counter == false && gld < 10) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have enough gold to counter!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You need 10!'; } if (turn == true && counter == false && gld >= 10) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your cloak absorbs the next blast.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your dagger glows red!'; _global.gld -= 10; _global.counter = true; _global.turn = false;; } if (turn == true && counter == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You already have a counter stored!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Strike now for massive damage!'; } } } button 783 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You try to steal from your opponent.'; if (turn == true) { dexatk = dex * sw + d4; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep / 2); _global.turn = false; if (dexatk >= dexe) { _global.gld += Math.round(gldg / 4); _global.expg += Math.round(expg / 10); _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _root.flavor2 = 'Your robbery is a success!';; } if (dexatk < dexe) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your robbery is a failure!';; } } } } } button 784 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sneakily stab your opponent!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D6) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 785 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Absorb the next blast into your cloak! Costs 10!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your next attack is powered by your foe!'; } } } button 786 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sneakily steal from your opponent!'; _root.flavor2 = 'This is a dexterity check!'; } } } button 787 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You humiliate and sneak shots at your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; _global.counter = false; if (lsong == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your dagger channels the spirits of legends!'; wepatk = Math.round((dex * sw + d6) * flute); } if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 788 { on (release) { if (ssong == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'This tune\'s too familiar!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re still singing until you switch songs!'; } if (ssong == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You sing of terrible storms!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your foe can\'t see a thing!'; _global.dexded = Math.round((dex / 2) * flute); _global.temp += Math.round((dex / 4) * flute); _global.dexe -= dexded; _global.ssong = true; _global.lsong = false;; } } } button 789 { on (release) { if (lsong == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'This tune\'s too familiar!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re still singing until you switch songs!'; } if (lsong == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sing of great legends!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your dagger sounds a familiar tune!'; _global.turn = false;; if (_global.ssong == true) { _global.dexe += dexded; _global.temp -= Math.round((dex / 4) * flute);; } _global.lsong = true; _global.ssong = false; _global.turn = false; } } } button 790 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Become a sneaky bard!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 791 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sing of terrible storms to break accuracy!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Dex/2)*Flute) foe accuracy reduction!'; } } } button 792 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sing of great legends!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Replaces your mock with ((Dex + D6)*Flute)!'; } } } button 793 { on (release) { if (oneshot == true) { _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; } if (threeshot == true) { _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 2); _global.threeshot = false; } if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You cautiously shoot!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6) * wep + arw); _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 794 { on (release) { dis = Math.round(lvl / 2); trace(dis); if (oneshot == true) { _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; } if (threeshot == true) { _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 2); _global.threeshot = false; } sh = 0; ones = false; twos = false; if (ones == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; d2 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a first time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d6 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && ones == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; ones = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && ones == false) { ones = true; } } } if (twos == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a second time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d4; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && twos == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; twos = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && twos == false) { twos = true; } } } } on (release) { trace(sh); if (sh == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot two times! Both miss!'; _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } if (sh == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot two times! One hits!'; _global.hit = true; _global.arme -= 1;; } if (sh == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot two times! Both hit!'; _global.hit = true;; } _global.turn = false; } } button 795 { on (release) { dis = Math.round(lvl / 2) + 1; if (oneshot == true) { _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; } if (threeshot == true) { _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 2); _global.threeshot = false; } sh = 0; ones = false; twos = false; threes = false; if (ones == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; d2 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a first time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d6 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep + arw); _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 2); _global.oneshot = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse && ones == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; ones = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && ones == false) { ones = true; } } } if (twos == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a second time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d4 - dis; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && twos == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; twos = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && twos == false) { twos = true; } } } if (threes == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a third time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex - dis; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && threes == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; threes = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && threes == false) { threes = true; } } } } on (release) { trace(sh); if (sh == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! All miss!'; _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } if (sh == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! One hits!'; _global.hit = true;; _global.arme -= 1; } if (sh == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! Two hit!'; _global.hit = true; _global.arme -= 1;; } if (sh == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! All hit!'; _global.hit = true; } _global.turn = false; } } button 796 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Cautiosly take a single shot!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Pwr+D6)xWeapon+Arrow) damage! Really accurate!'; } } } button 797 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Quickly take two shots!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Pwr+D4)xWeapon+Arrow) per shot!'; } } } button 798 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Let three shots slip!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Pwr+D4)xWeapon+Arrow) per arrow -(Arm/2) defense!'; } } } button 799 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You force a knife into your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6) * wep * fund); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 800 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You slam your opponent!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = dexe + tempe; dexatk = arm + d8 + equip; wepatk = Math.round((arm + d6 + equip) * fund); _global.hp -= Math.round(wepatk / 4); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 801 { on (release) { if (funded == 3) { ocharge = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Looks like you\'re well funded already!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You can only fund 3 times max!'; } else { ocharge = false; } r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You throw some coins down for power!'; if (gld < 10 && ocharge == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Insufficiant funds! You need 10!'; } if (gld >= 10 && ocharge == false) { += 0.5; _global.funded += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'No sins on the battlefield!';; _global.gld -= 10; _global.turn = false; } } } button 802 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It needs to be done!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr + D6) x Weapon) x Fund) damage!'; } } } button 803 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Slam your opponent with your might!'; _root.flavor2 = '(arm + d6 + equip) x fund damage! You take 1/4!'; } } } button 804 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Pay 10 coins for a damage boost!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Adds .5 to your fund modifier!'; } } } button 805 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You will purify this damned soul!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep) + enmity; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 806 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'May the gods empower you! Die demon!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((doffer + d4) * cloak) + qoffer; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 807 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You swear to Krillix! ' + String(Math.round(koffer / 2)) + ' Attack up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your enemy seems with hatred! ' + String(Math.round(koffer / 3)) + ' Attack up!'; _global.enmity += Math.round(koffer / 2); _global.pwre += Math.round(koffer / 3);; _global.turn = false; } } button 808 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You purify the souls of these damned!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) + Enmity!'; } } } button 809 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Use the blessed power of your offerings!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Armon) x Cloak) + Spediphis!'; } } } button 810 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Boosts your attack by Krillix Offer/2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Boosts enemies attack by Krillix Offer/3!'; } } } button 811 { on (release) { dis = lvl + 3; wam = lvl * 2; sh = 0; ones = false; twos = false; threes = false; if (ones == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; d2 = r; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d6 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw - wam) * belt); _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 2); _global.oneshot = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse && ones == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; ones = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && ones == false) { ones = true; } } } if (twos == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick a second time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d4 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw - wam) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse && twos == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; twos = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && twos == false) { twos = true; } } } if (threes == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick a third time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw - wam) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse && threes == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; threes = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && threes == false) { threes = true; } } } } on (release) { trace(sh); if (sh == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! All miss!'; _global.hit = false; } if (sh == 1) { _global.combo += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! One hits! ' + String(combo) + ' combo!'; _global.hit = true; } if (sh == 2) { _global.combo += 2; _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! Two hit! ' + String(combo) + ' combo!'; _global.hit = true; } if (sh == 3) { _global.combo += 3; _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! All hit! ' + String(combo) + ' combo!'; _global.hit = true; } _global.turn = false; } } button 812 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You lay down one good hit! '; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.combo += 1;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } _root.flavor1 += String(combo) + ' combo!'; } } } button 813 { on (release) { if (combo == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have a combo to break!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Hit some to break some!'; } if (combo > 0) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'C-c-c-ombo Breaker!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((combo + d4) * belt); _global.combo = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 814 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash a storm of kicks!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr) x Belt) per kick! Three kicks!'; } } } button 815 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash one, accurate, chop!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr + D6) x Belt)!'; } } } button 816 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Break your combo for damage!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Combo + D4) x Belt)!'; } } } button 817 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d12 + bextra); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.bextra = 0; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 818 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 3; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You unleash a bolt of lightning!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d4 + bextra); _global.bextra = d12; _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 819 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sendforth a vile curse!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d4 + bextra); _global.wcursed = Math.round(dex / 3); _global.dexe -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 820 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Zap your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D12) damage! Needs 1 mana!'; } } } button 821 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Send forth a powerfult bolt of lightning!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D4) and buffs power +D12!'; } } } button 822 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Place a vile curse upon your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D4) and debuffs (-Dex/3) accuracy!'; } } } button 823 { on (release) { _global.curcharge += charge; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You get all charged up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your ready for some more wizardry!';; _global.arme -= 2; } } button 825 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d12); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 826 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 14) + 6; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe harder!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d20); _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 827 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1 minimum!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; d10 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You empty your mana into your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d10; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw * curcharge); _global.curcharge = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 828 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Zap your foe harder!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D20) damage! Needs 2 mana!'; } } } button 829 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Empty your mana on your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Pwr)*Remaining Charge) damage!'; } } } button 830 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'The power God compels you!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d6) + bextra; _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 831 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You pour holy water on your wounds.'; plus = Math.round(maxcharge * 5 + dex); _global.hp = hp + plus; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel healthy!';; _global.curcharge -= 2; _global.turn = false; } } } button 832 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2 minimum!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You bless your weapon! ' + String(Math.round(dex / 5)) + ' Attack up!'; _global.bextra += Math.round(dex / 5);; _global.curcharge -= 2; _global.turn = false; } } } button 833 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Send forth holy divination!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D6) damage! Needs 1 mana!'; } } } button 834 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Use the powers of holy water!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heals ((Staff*5) + Dex)! Needs 2 mana!'; } } } button 835 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Bless your weapon! Needs 2 mana!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Increases encounter attack by dex/5!'; } } } button 836 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You drain your foe! Delicious!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d6); plus = Math.round(wepatk / 1.5); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hp = hp + plus; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 837 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You force your foe to attack itself!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwre + d6); _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 838 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Drain your foe of its precious health!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D6) damage! Heals half!'; } } } button 839 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Use your foe\'s attack against itself!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals foe\'s (Pwr + D6)! Needs 2 mana!'; } } } button 840 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sendforth a vile curse!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d4 + bextra); _global.wcursed = Math.round(dex / 3); _global.dexe -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 841 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You unleash an obscuring smog!'; _global.turn = false; _global.wcursed = Math.round(dex / 3); _global.dexe -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.hit = true; } } } button 842 { on (release) { _global.curcharge += charge; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You get all charged up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your ready for some more wizardry!';; this.nextFrame(); } } button 843 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Obscure your opponents vision! Needs 1 mana!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Debuffs (-Dex/3) permanent accuracy!'; } } } button 844 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Transform into a swarm!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Accesses new powers and charges mana!'; } } } button 845 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sting your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(dex * sw + d12); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.bextra = 0; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 846 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You ruin your opponents focus!'; _global.turn = false; _global.wcursed = Math.round(pwr * pw / 3); _global.pwre -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.hit = true; } } } button 847 { on (release) { _global.curcharge += charge; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You get all charged up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your ready for some more wizardry!';; this.prevFrame(); } } button 848 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Harass your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Dex + D12) damage! Needs 1 mana!'; } } } button 849 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Ruin your opponents focus! Needs 1 mana!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Debuffs (-Pwr/3) permanent attack!'; } } } button 850 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Form back into your regular state!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Accesses new powers and charges mana!'; } } } button 856 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d12 + bextra); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.bextra = 0; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 858 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You unleash an obscuring smog!'; _global.turn = false; _global.wcursed = Math.round(dex / 3); _global.dexe -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.hit = true; } } } button 860 { on (release) { _global.curcharge += charge; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You get all charged up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your ready for some more wizardry!';; this.nextFrame(); } } button 862 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sting your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(dex * sw + d12); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.bextra = 0; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 864 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You ruin your opponents focus!'; _global.turn = false; _global.wcursed = Math.round(pwr * pw / 3); _global.pwre -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.hit = true; } } } button 866 { on (release) { _global.curcharge += charge; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You get all charged up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your ready for some more wizardry!';; this.prevFrame(); } } button 868 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sting your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D12) damage! Needs 1 mana!'; } } } button 869 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Ruin your opponents focus! Needs 1 mana!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Debuffs (-Pwr/3) permanent attack!'; } } } button 875 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr + d12 + bextra); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.bextra = 0; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 877 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You unleash an obscuring smog!'; _global.turn = false; _global.wcursed = Math.round(dex / 3); _global.dexe -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.hit = true; } } } button 879 { on (release) { _global.curcharge += charge; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You get all charged up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your ready for some more wizardry!';; this.nextFrame(); } } button 881 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sting your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d12; wepatk = Math.round(dex + d12); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.bextra = 0; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 883 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You ruin your opponents focus!'; _global.turn = false; _global.wcursed = Math.round(pwr / 3); _global.pwre -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.hit = true; } } } button 885 { on (release) { _global.curcharge += charge; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You get all charged up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your ready for some more wizardry!';; this.prevFrame(); } } movieClip 887 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } button 888 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You spare yourself the pain!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You reclaim some humanity!'; _global.methurt = 0; _global.turn = false;; } } } button 889 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You send forth demonic flames!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + luk; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hp = hp - methurt; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; _global.methurt = Math.round(wepatk / 5);; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 890 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You charge upwards in a demonic punch!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + luk; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d8) * belt); _global.metsu = 1; _global.luksu = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hp = hp - methurt; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; _global.methurt = Math.round(wepatk / 5);; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 891 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash a ball of demonic flame!'; _root.flavor2 = '(Pwr + D4) metsu\'d damage! You lose 1/5!'; } } } button 892 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Unleash an inhuman uppercut!'; _root.flavor2 = '(Pwr + D8) metsu\'d damage! You lose 1/5!'; } } } button 893 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Hold yourself back!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Do not get damaged by your next attack!'; } } } button 894 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'Your corrupted steel strikes your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + demond; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep + aura); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 895 { on (release) { if (auraused == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You already have the presence of this aura.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot call upon it again...'; } if (auraused == false) { _global.aura = Math.round(demon * 1.5); _root.flavor1 = 'Your aura screams of evil...'; _root.flavor2 = String(aura) + ' power... It is unholy...'; _global.turn = false; _global.auraused = true;; } } } button 896 { on (release) { if (demonused == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Endless demonic corruption...'; _root.flavor2 = 'No... That is enough for now...'; } if (demonused == false) { _global.demond = demon + 3; _root.flavor2 = String(demond) + ' dex... It feels good...'; _global.turn = false; _global.demon += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Terrible whispers fill your soul... ' + String(demon) + ' times...'; _global.dex -= 1; _global.maxhp -= 5; _global.demonused = true; _global.temp = 0;; } } } button 897 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'There\'s no rest for sinners!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) + Aura) damage!'; } } } button 898 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Summon your aura of evil...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Gain (Demon x 1.5) power'; } } } button 899 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Lose 1 Dex and 5 Max HP!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Gain dex and upgrade your Aura\'s strength!'; } } } button 900 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'It is time to pass judgement!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + mercd; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw * mercp + d4) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 901 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { mercy = 0; _root.flavor1 = 'You show your opponent mercy.'; if (gld < 5 && turn == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Not enough coins! You need 5!'; } if (gld > 4 && turn == true) { mercy = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.gld -= 5; } if (mercy == 1) { _global.mercp = 1.5; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = 0; _root.flavor2 = 'You are blessed with superior power!';; _global.turn = false; } else { if (mercy == 2) { _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = dex * 1.5; _global.temp = 0; _root.flavor2 = 'You are blessed with superior dexterity!';; _global.turn = false; } else { if (mercy == 3) { _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = Math.round(arm + equip); _root.flavor2 = 'You are blessed with superior armor!';; _global.turn = false; } } } } } } button 902 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You offer your god some coins.'; if (gld < 14 && turn == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Not enough! You need 15!'; } if (gld > 14 && turn == true) { plus = Math.round(dex * 5); _global.hp = hp + plus; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel healthy!';; _global.gld -= 15; _global.turn = false; } } } } button 903 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Pass judgement on this beast!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 904 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Give your opponent mercy! Costs 5!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A random blessing, doesn\'t stack!'; } } } button 905 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Offer to your god for health! Costs 15!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heals (Dex x 5)!'; } } } button 906 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You smash your foe with your hammer!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + fbonus; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep * sbonus); _global.temp -= 1;; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } _global.sbonus = 1; _global.fbonus = 0; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _root.acts.act2._visible = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = true; } } } button 907 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1 && power1 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per explore!'; } if (curcharge >= 1 && power1 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sense their weakness.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Next attack deals x2!'; _global.sbonus = 2;; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power1 = true; _root.acts.act2._visible = false; } } } button 908 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1 && power2 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per explore!'; } if (curcharge >= 1 && power2 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You focus on your attack.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Next attack\'s more accurate!'; _global.fbonus += Math.round(dex / 2);; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power2 = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = false; } } } button 909 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Hammer using your melee weapon!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 910 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sense their weakness! Costs 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'x2 multiplier on attack power!'; } } } button 911 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Focus on your attack! Costs 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Next attack has a Dex/2 accuracy bonus!'; } } } button 912 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You punch your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * awaken * supermode); _global.temp -= 1;; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.curcharge += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 913 { on (release) { if (power1 == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You already awakened your belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go get punchin\'!'; } if (curcharge < 5 && power1 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 5!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per punch!'; } if (curcharge >= 5 && power1 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You activate your belt.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel invigorated!'; _global.awaken = wep;; _global.curcharge -= 5; _global.power1 = true; _root.acts.act2._visible = false; } } } button 914 { on (release) { if (power3 == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You\'re already supered!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Doing it again? That\'s just dangerous!'; _root.acts.act3._visible = false; } if (curcharge < 15 && power2 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 15!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per punch!'; } if (curcharge >= 15 && power2 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'CHIAAAAAAAA!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your body is warped with raw energy!'; _global.supermode = 3;; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power2 = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = false; } } } button 915 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sucker punch your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 916 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Awaken your belt! Costs 5 PP!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Belt modifier applies for the encounter!'; } } } button 917 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Super your everything! Costs 15 PP!'; _root.flavor2 = 'An additional x3 for the encounter!'; } } } button 918 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You perform your duty!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; _global.curpouch += Math.round(wepatk / 3); } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; _global.temp -= 1; } } } } } button 919 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You focus on generating essence.'; _global.curpouch += Math.round(pwr * wep); _root.flavor2 = 'Your bag glows in accordance!';; _global.turn = false; } } } button 920 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You dump your essence!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((curpouch * pw + d4) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.curpouch = 0;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; _global.temp -= 1; _global.curpouch = 0; } } } } } button 921 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Attack and absorb some essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals ((Pwr + D4) x Weapon) damage!'; } } } button 922 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Focus on absorbing essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A raw (Pwr x Weapon) essence gain!'; } } } button 923 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Dump your accumulated essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Essence x Weapon)'; } } } button 924 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You focus on your opponent.'; _global.expg += curpouch; _global.curpouch = 0; _root.flavor2 = 'The reward is now higher!';; _global.turn = false; } } } button 925 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Transmit your essence into your exp!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Only do this if you\'re gonna win!'; } } } button 926 { on (release) { if (curpouch < craftcost) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough essence! You need ' + String(craftcost) + '!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go gather more essence!'; } if (curpouch >= craftcost) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; d10 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You craft a potion out of essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Biw that\'s what I call service!'; _global.turn = false; _global.pots += 1; _global.curpouch -= craftcost;; } } } button 927 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Craft a potion from essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Costs ' + String(craftcost) + '!'; } } } movieClip 928 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _global.metsu = 1; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 3 { stop(); _global.counter = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 4 { stop(); _global.lsong = false; _global.ssong = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 5 { stop(); _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 5); } frame 6 { stop(); = 1; _global.funded = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 1.25); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 0.75); } frame 7 { stop(); = 1; _global.funded = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 1.25); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 0.75); _global.enmity = 0; } frame 8 { stop(); _global.combo = 0; } frame 9 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 10 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 11 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); _global.bextra = 0; } frame 12 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 13 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 14 { stop(); _global.metsu = 1; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); _global.methurt = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 0.5); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 1); } frame 15 { stop(); _global.demonused = false; _global.auraused = false; _global.demond = 0; _global.aura = 0; } frame 16 { stop(); _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = 0; } frame 17 { _global.maxcharge = dex + bcharge; _global.sbonus = 1; _global.fbonus = 0; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hpe <= 0 && wombodone == false) {; wombodone = true; } } } frame 19 { _global.maxcharge = dex + bcharge; _global.awaken = 1; _global.supermode = 1; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { _global.craftcost = lvl * 5 + Math.round(hp / 20); _global.deuscost = Math.round(dex + pwr + arm) / 3; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 0.5); } } instance acts of movieClip 928 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(btlset); } } button 929 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You try to run!'; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; runsuc = r; } if (runsuc == 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'You succeed! You leave 1/3 of your wealth behind.'; _global.expg = 0; _global.gldg = 0; _global.gld = gld - Math.round(gld / 3); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Monsters Ran From'); _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } else { _root.flavor2 = 'You fail!';; _global.turn = false; } } } movieClip 942 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance cmeter of movieClip 942 { onClipEvent (load) { if (mageyes == false) { _root.cmeter._visible = false; } else { _root.cmeter._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxcharge; cone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.8); cthree = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.7); cfour = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.4); csix = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.3); cseven = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.2); ceight = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (curcharge < cmax && curcharge >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curcharge < cone && curcharge >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curcharge < ctwo && curcharge >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curcharge < cthree && curcharge >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curcharge < cfour && curcharge >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curcharge < cfive && curcharge >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curcharge < csix && curcharge >= cseven) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curcharge < ceight && curcharge >= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (curcharge <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge > maxcharge) { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; } if (curcharge < 0) { _global.curcharge = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curcharge) + ' charge!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum charge is ' + String(maxcharge) + '!'; } } movieClip 947 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance soulpouch of movieClip 947 { onClipEvent (load) { if (knightyes == false) { _root.soulpouch._visible = false; } else { _root.soulpouch._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxpouch; cone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.7); cthree = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.6); cfour = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.3); csix = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curpouch < cmax && curpouch >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curpouch < cone && curpouch >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curpouch < ctwo && curpouch >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curpouch < cthree && curpouch >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curpouch < cfour && curpouch >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curpouch < cfive && curpouch >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curpouch <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch > maxpouch) { _global.curpouch = maxpouch; } if (curpouch < 0) { _global.curpouch = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curpouch) + ' essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum essence is ' + String(maxpouch) + '!'; } } frame 6 { stop(); bipSound.start(); _global.enemydead = false; _global.turn = true; stopAllSounds(); dungeonMusic.start(0, 999); } button 949 { on (release) { if (enddungeon == false) { _global.gld += gldg; _global.exp += expg; _global.expn -= expg; _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } if (enddungeon == true) { _global.npc = 7; _global.gld += gldg; _global.exp += expg; _global.expn -= expg; _root.gotoAndStop(npcframe); _global.enddungeon = false; } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { deduct = true; } else { deduct = false; } if (deduct == true && gldg > 0) { _global.gldg -= 1; _global.gld += 1; waittime = 2; } if (gldg == 0) { nextphase = true; } if (nextphase == true && expg > 0) { _global.expg -= 1; _global.expn -= 1; } } } frame 7 { stop(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Another One Bites the Dust'); } button 961 { on (release) { if (secondwind == false) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Second Winded'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('You\'re Only Human'); _root.flavor1 = 'Hey, you\'re only human.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Don\'t forget your second wind!'; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.gld = Math.round(gld / 3); _global.playerdead = false; _global.secondwind = true; = 1.25; _global.sw = 1.25; _root.gotoAndStop(startframe); } else { if (secondwind == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not like a boxer in a title fight.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'ve already used your second wind!'; _root.windbutton._visible = false; } } } } instance progress of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); = false; save_so.flush(); } } button 964 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Game Over'); _root.effects.gotoAndStop(deadblackframe); } } frame 8 { _root.price = 0; _global.shopplus = int(Math.random() * 25) + 1; _global.shopneg = int(Math.random() * 25) + 1; _global.shopcharge = nwvalue + shopplus - shopneg; _root.price = shopcharge; if (nwvalue >= 999) { _global.shopcharge = 999; } if (bestwep == true) { this.nextFrame(); } } movieClip 968 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 981 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Ezekial\'s curiosly located armory!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Finnley\'s regretfully located armory!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Daedalus\'s cleverly located armory!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Drexel\'s well hidden weapons armory!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Eli\'s suspicionless weapons armory!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to McMurphy\'s super-convenient armory!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Wombo\'s scarcely-visited armory!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } } instance owner of movieClip 981 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; shop = r; this.gotoAndStop(shop); _root.flavor2 = 'Feel free to upgrade your weapon to the next level!'; _root.jingleS.start(); } } button 982 { on (release) { if (gld >= shopcharge && nwvalue < 999) { _root.flavor1 = nwtext; _root.flavor2 = uptext; _root.weapon.nextFrame(); _global.gld -= shopcharge; upSound.start(); _root.upgrade._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Weapon Upgraded'); } else { if (gld < shopcharge && nwvalue < 999) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have enough for an upgrade!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Stop loitering and get lost!'; _root.upgrade._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } if (nwvalue == 999) { _root.flavor1 = nwtext; _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t upgrade anymore!'; _root.upgrade._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } } button 986 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } frame 9 { _root.price2 = 0; _global.shopplus = int(Math.random() * 25) + 1; _global.shopneg = int(Math.random() * 25) + 1; _global.shopcharge = nevalue + shopplus - shopneg; _root.price2 = shopcharge; if (nevalue >= 999) { _global.shopcharge = 999; } if (bestequip == true) { this.nextFrame(); } } movieClip 1000 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Randolf\'s unfortunate forge!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Ward\'s forgotten forge!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Zangief\'s dungeon-proof forge!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Kluse\'s sealed-off forge!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Xavier\'s custumizable forge!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 968 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Helio\'s forge down under!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 30; } } } } instance owner of movieClip 1000 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; shop = r; this.gotoAndStop(shop); _root.flavor2 = 'Feel free to upgrade your equip to the next level!'; _root.jingleS.start(); } } button 1001 { on (release) { trace(shopcharge); if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = netext; _root.flavor2 = eqtext; _root.equip.nextFrame(); _global.gld -= shopcharge; _root.price = 0; upSound.start(); _root.upgrade._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Equip Upgraded'); } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have enough for an upgrade!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Stop loitering and get lost!'; _root.upgrade._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } if (nwvalue == 999) { _root.flavor1 = nwtext; _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t upgrade anymore!'; _root.upgrade._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } } frame 10 { _root.potcount = pots; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Infirmary Visited'); } button 1003 { on (release) { _global.potcharge = 20 + Math.round((lvl / 2 - 0.5) * 5); if (gld >= potcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You bought a health potion!'; _root.flavor2 = '\'Hope it serves you well out there!\''; _global.pots += 1; _global.gld -= potcharge; potSound.start(); _root.potcount = pots; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Pots Bought'); } else { if (gld < potcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have ' + String(potcharge) + ' coins for a potion!'; _root.flavor2 = '\'This is an infirmary, not a charity!\''; _root.order._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } } } movieClip 1015 { frame 1 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Schindler\'s fortunate infirmary!'; } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Sammy\'s profiteering infirmary!'; } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Claire\'s stocked infirmary!'; } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Remi\'s electric infirmary!'; } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Robin\'s humble infirmary!'; } frame 6 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Nikki\'s ailing infirmary!'; } frame 7 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Susan\'s healthy infirmary!'; } frame 8 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome to Alex\'s misty infirmary!'; } } instance of movieClip 1015 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; shop = r; this.gotoAndStop(shop); blank = 20 + Math.round((lvl / 2 - 0.5) * 5); _root.flavor2 = 'Health potions here! Only ' + String(blank) + ' a pot!'; _root.jingleI.start(); } } frame 11 { stop(); } button 1017 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You look inside to see what you can find...'; r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; what = r; _root.nopeSound.start(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bag Opened'); if (what == 1) { _root.event.bag.gotoAndStop(2); = false; } if (what == 2) { _root.event.bag.gotoAndStop(3); = false; } if (what == 3) { _root.event.bag.gotoAndStop(4); = false; } } } button 1019 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1022 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a bag.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Who knows what could be inside?'; } } button 1024 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here some money.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It looks rather valuable.'; } } movieClip 1031 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _global.hp -= 10; } frame 7 { stop(); _global.hite = true; } } button 1033 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a mutten.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It looks delicious.'; } } movieClip 1035 { frame 1 { stop(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bag Found'); } frame 2 { stop(); _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s your lucky day! Free money!'; r = int(Math.random() * 100) + 1; prize = r; _global.gld += prize; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bag Prize Gold'); } frame 3 { stop(); _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s a inconveniently placed bomb. Run!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bag Prize Bomb'); } instance of movieClip 1031 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { nextFrame(); waittime = 5; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were killed by a bomb!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 4 { stop(); _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s a delicious mutton, scarf it down!'; _global.hp += 30; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bag Prize Mutton'); } frame 5 { stop(); _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s a delicious mutton, scarf it down!'; r = int(Math.random() * 50) + 1; prize = r; _global.hp += prize; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bag Prize Mutton'); } } button 1036 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here 7 angry newts.'; _root.flavor2 = 'They will only respect a master flute player.'; } } button 1037 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; attempt = dex + d6; challenge = int(Math.random() * 20) + 3; if (multitool >= 1) { challenge = 1; _global.multitool -= 1; } if (attempt >= challenge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You play a beautiful melody.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The newts are happy! They reward you.'; _global.expg = int(Math.random() * 30) + 1; _global.gldg = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; _global.enemydead = false; _global.white = true; _global.flutecount += 1; _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } if (attempt < challenge) { _root.wrongSound.start();; _root.flavor1 = 'You play some horrid tunes.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The angry newts get angrier! They attack!'; _global.hp -= int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; _global.hite = true; = false; } } } button 1040 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a flute.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will need quick fingers to play it.'; } } button 1042 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 16) + 1; note = r; _root.bipSound.start(); if (note == 1) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Vote Wombo for Dungeon President!\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'I won\'t try to kill you!\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 2) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Visit Herschell\'s Kosher Kube Kitchen!\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'Located behind the Red Kosher Kube\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 3) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Beware of Dungeon Wanderers!\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'When one feels six, one needs to be quick.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 4) { _root.flavor1 = '\'They don\'t want you to know about the pit!\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'It\'s not bottomless, another world lies beneath.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 5) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Hey, anyone seen my spare keys to the pit room?\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'- Frendle, Dungeon Maintenance Worker\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 6) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Hey, who knows about those weird churches?\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'They apparently have six important texts.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 7) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Ever wonder where the DM is?\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'I think he\'s hiding somewhere.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 8) { _root.flavor1 = '\'I think the shopkeepers are working together.\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'They keep raising and lowering their prices!\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 9) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Kinda feel sorry for Dungeon Wanderers.\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'I think a few of em\' carry keys, though.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 10) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Hey, anyone ever wonder about the churches?\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'Maybe there\'s a little truth to them.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 11) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Pfft, Randology is such a scam. Look at them!\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'What kinda\' monk wears a bowler hat?\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 12) { _root.flavor1 = '\'I am sick of this filth on the walls.\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'Somebody clean this mess up! - DM\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 13) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Hey, about those pots laying around.\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'I think they can just as easily help or hurt.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 14) { _root.flavor1 = '\'What\'s with all the angry newts around?\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'I heard good flute players have quick fingers.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 15) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Hey, you can avoid bombs!\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'If you see one, leave before it blows.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } if (note == 16) { _root.flavor1 = '\'Red Shrooms apparently can\'t kill.\''; _root.flavor2 = '\'In fact, I feel healthier when they die.\''; _root.event.use._visible = false; } } } button 1045 { on (release) { if (shaftkey > 0) { _root.beepSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You open the Maitenance Shaft door!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Where to now?'; _root.event.shaftdoor.nextFrame(); _global.shaftkey -= 1; _global.white = true; = false; } else { if (shaftkey == 0) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You can\'t open the Maintenance Door!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You don\'t have a Shaft Key!'; _global.white = true; = false; } } } } button 1049 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(monsterframe); } } button 1051 { on (release) { _root.event.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 1053 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(churchframe); } } button 1055 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(shopframe); } } button 1057 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(forgeframe); } } button 1059 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(infframe); } } movieClip 1061 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1062 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You chug it down!'; _root.offerSound.start(); _global.white = true; what = Math.round(int(Math.random() * 8) + 1); trace(what); if (what == 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tastes bitter, you feel drained.'; _global.hp -= Math.round(Math.random() * 30 + 1); _root.event.drink._visible = false; } if (what == 5) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tastes refreshing, you feel healthier.'; _global.hp += Math.round(Math.random() * 30 + 1); _root.event.drink._visible = false; } if (what == 2) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tastes solid, you feel harder.'; _global.arm += 1; _root.event.drink._visible = false; } if (what == 3) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tastes powerful, you feel stronger.'; _global.pwr += 1; _root.event.drink._visible = false; } if (what == 4) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tastes quick, you feel faster.'; _global.dex += 1; _root.event.drink._visible = false; } if (what == 6) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tastes unhealthy, you feel softer.'; _global.arm -= 1; _root.event.drink._visible = false; } if (what == 7) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tastes aweful, you feel weaker.'; _global.pwr -= 1; _root.event.drink._visible = false; } if (what == 8) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tastes like turtle soup, you feel slower.'; _global.dex -= 1; _root.event.drink._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1069 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You find a misty clear potion!'; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You find a ancient brown potion!'; } frame 3 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You find a sparkling green potion!'; } frame 4 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You find a sweet red potion!'; } frame 5 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You find a lonely purple potion!'; } } button 1070 { on (release) { d4 = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; attempt = arm + d4; challenge = int(Math.random() * 15) + 5; if (multitool >= 1) { challenge = 1; _global.multitool -= 1; } if (attempt >= challenge) { _root.potSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You charge through with great power.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Success! You break on through to the other side!'; _root.event.kube.nextFrame(); _global.white = true; = false; } else { if (attempt < challenge) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You charge through somewhat.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The Kube catches you. Ouch!'; _global.hp -= int(Math.random() * 25) + 5; _global.hite = true; = false;; } } } } button 1072 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a 10x10x10 doorway.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You smell Kosher jelly from the other side.'; } } button 1074 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a 10x10x10 Kosher Kube.'; _root.flavor2 = 'With some defense, maybe you can charge through.'; } } movieClip 1075 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _global.npc = 1; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Herschel Loves You Too'); _root.gotoAndStop(npcframe); } } } button 1076 { on (release) { _root.upSound.start(); _root.event.godchest.gotoAndStop(6); _root.event.answer._visible = false; } } button 1079 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Crimson Chest.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There is a sword stricken here.'; } } button 1081 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Crimson Chest.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There is a shield sealed here.'; } } button 1083 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Crimson Chest.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There is a wing engraved here.'; } } button 1085 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Crimson Chest.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There is a cross infused here.'; } } button 1087 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Crimson Chest.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There is a Psi placed here.'; } } button 1089 { on (release) { if (answer3 == false) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'That answer was wrong!'; _root.flavor2 = 'No prize for you!'; } else { if (answer3 === true) { _root.offerSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'That answer was correct!'; _global.white = true; if (dexprize === true && answer3 === true) { _global.dex += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel quicker!'; } if (armprize == true && answer3 == true) { _global.arm += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel tougher!'; } if (pwrprize == true && answer3 == true) { _global.pwr += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel stronger!'; } if (hpprize == true && answer3 == true) { _global.hpmax += 5; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel livelier!'; } } } _root.event.godchest.ab1._visible = false; _root.event.godchest.ab2._visible = false; _root.event.godchest.ab3._visible = false; } } button 1091 { on (release) { if (answer2 == false) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'That answer was wrong!'; _root.flavor2 = 'No prize for you!'; } else { if (answer2 == true) { _root.offerSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'That answer was correct!'; _global.white = true; if (dexprize == true && answer2 == true) { _global.dex += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel quicker!'; } if (armprize == true && answer2 == true) { _global.arm += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel tougher!'; } if (pwrprize == true && answer2 == true) { _global.pwr += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel stronger!'; } if (hpprize == true && answer2 == true) { _global.hpmax += 5; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel livelier!'; } } } _root.event.godchest.ab1._visible = false; _root.event.godchest.ab2._visible = false; _root.event.godchest.ab3._visible = false; } } button 1093 { on (release) { if (answer1 == false) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'That answer was wrong!'; _root.flavor2 = 'No prize for you!'; } else { if (answer1 == true) { _root.offerSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'That answer was correct!'; _global.white = true; if (dexprize == true && answer1 == true) { _global.dex += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel quicker!'; } if (armprize == true && answer1 == true) { _global.arm += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel tougher!'; } if (pwrprize == true && answer1 == true) { _global.pwr += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel stronger!'; } if (hpprize == true && answer1 == true) { _global.hpmax += 5; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel livelier!'; } } } _root.event.godchest.ab1._visible = false; _root.event.godchest.ab2._visible = false; _root.event.godchest.ab3._visible = false; } } movieClip 1095 { frame 1 { _root.flavor1 = 'There is a crimson chest here.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It rages with power.'; dexprize = false; armprize = false; pwrprize = true; hpprize = false; r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; qpick = r; if (qpick == 1) { _global.questiontext = '\'Where does Krillix reside?\''; _global.a1t = 'At the Mountains of Madness'; _global.a2t = 'In the Eternal Arena'; _global.a3t = 'In the Tower of Blood'; _global.answer1 = false; _global.answer2 = true; _global.answer3 = false; } if (qpick == 2) { _global.questiontext = '\'How does Krillix appear?\''; _global.a1t = 'Wearing a mask of terror'; _global.a2t = 'A long red beard and magestic sword'; _global.a3t = 'Crimson battle armor'; _global.answer1 = false; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = true; } if (qpick == 3) { _global.questiontext = '\'What did Krillix use to create the world?\''; _global.a1t = 'Blood'; _global.a2t = 'Power'; _global.a3t = 'Fire'; _global.answer1 = true; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = false; } } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'There is a blue chest here.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s hard and impenetrable.'; dexprize = false; armprize = true; pwrprize = false; hpprize = false; r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; qpick = r; if (qpick == 1) { _global.questiontext = '\'Where does Armon reside?\''; _global.a1t = 'Behind the Infinite Wall'; _global.a2t = 'Inside the Eternal Armory'; _global.a3t = 'On the Forsaken Path'; _global.answer1 = true; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = false; } if (qpick == 2) { _global.questiontext = '\'How does Armon appear?\''; _global.a1t = 'He is omnipotent'; _global.a2t = 'He never shows his face'; _global.a3t = 'In full war armor'; _global.answer1 = false; _global.answer2 = true; _global.answer3 = false; } if (qpick == 3) { _global.questiontext = '\'What did Armon use to create the world?\''; _global.a1t = 'Water'; _global.a2t = 'Layers'; _global.a3t = 'Structure'; _global.answer1 = false; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = true; } } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'There is a white chest here.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It bends time to its will.'; dexprize = true; armprize = false; pwrprize = false; hpprize = false; r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; qpick = r; if (qpick == 1) { _global.questiontext = '\'Where does Spediphis wander?\''; _global.a1t = 'On the Path of Time'; _global.a2t = 'On the Road of Epochs'; _global.a3t = 'On the Rails of Speed'; _global.answer1 = false; _global.answer2 = true; _global.answer3 = false; } if (qpick == 2) { _global.questiontext = '\'How does Spediphis appear?\''; _global.a1t = 'Angelic in Gold'; _global.a2t = 'Demonic in Black'; _global.a3t = 'Neutral in White'; _global.answer1 = true; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = false; } if (qpick == 3) { _global.questiontext = '\'What is Spediphis\'s goal?\''; _global.a1t = 'To conquer time'; _global.a2t = 'To become infinite'; _global.a3t = 'To meet someone on her path'; _global.answer1 = false; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = true; } } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'There is a neon chest here.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It screams with life.'; dexprize = false; armprize = true; pwrprize = false; hpprize = true; r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; qpick = r; if (qpick == 1) { _global.questiontext = '\'Where does Zorom reside?\''; _global.a1t = 'On the Tower of Life'; _global.a2t = 'In the Court of Justice'; _global.a3t = 'Among the Living Dead'; _global.answer1 = true; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = false; } if (qpick == 2) { _global.questiontext = '\'What is Zorom\'s largest irony?\''; _global.a1t = 'He is dead'; _global.a2t = 'He appears as a corpse'; _global.a3t = 'He is not a god'; _global.answer1 = false; _global.answer2 = true; _global.answer3 = false; } if (qpick == 3) { _global.questiontext = '\'How does Zorom view his destiny?\''; _global.a1t = 'As a puzzle'; _global.a2t = 'As a trap'; _global.a3t = 'As a tower'; _global.answer1 = true; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = false; } } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'There is a purple chest here.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It wonders with mystery.'; dexprize = false; armprize = false; pwrprize = false; hpprize = false; r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; qpick = r; if (qpick == 1) { _global.questiontext = '\'What did Randal Smith create?\''; _global.a1t = 'Everything'; _global.a2t = 'Nothing'; _global.a3t = 'Half of All'; _global.answer1 = true; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = false; pwrprize = true; } if (qpick == 2) { _global.questiontext = '\'Where does Randal Smith reside?\''; _global.a1t = 'The Throne of Gold'; _global.a2t = 'The Castle of Platinum'; _global.a3t = 'The Hell of Diamond'; _global.answer1 = true; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = false; armprize = true; } if (qpick == 3) { _global.questiontext = '\'What does Randal Smith fear?\''; _global.a1t = 'The gods rebelling'; _global.a2t = 'Boredom'; _global.a3t = 'His dynasty\'s end'; _global.answer1 = false; _global.answer2 = false; _global.answer3 = true; dexprize = true; } } frame 6 { _root.event.godchest.a1 = a1t; _root.event.godchest.a2 = a2t; _root.event.godchest.a3 = a3t; _root.flavor1 = 'Here is a question for you.'; _root.flavor2 = questiontext; } } button 1097 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; attempt = pwr + d4; r = int(Math.random() * 5) + 20; challenge = r; if (multitool >= 1) { challenge = 1; _global.multitool -= 1; } if (attempt >= challenge) { _root.potSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You lift with all your might!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Success! The gem is yours for the taking!'; _global.gldg = int(Math.random() * 40) + 30; _global.expg = 0; _global.enemydead = false; _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } else { if (attempt < challenge) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You lift with all your might.'; _root.flavor2 = 'BACKSTRAIN! You just can\'t do it!'; _global.hp -= int(Math.random() * 40) + 5; _global.hite = true; = false; } } } } button 1101 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; attempt = pwr + d4; r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 23; challenge = r; if (multitool >= 1) { challenge = 1; _global.multitool -= 1; } if (attempt >= challenge) { _root.potSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You give the Dungeon Wanderer a warm hug.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Success! He feels much better now.'; _global.gldg = 0; _global.expg = int(Math.random() * 30) + 30; _global.enemydead = false; _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } else { if (attempt < challenge) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You awkwardly try to hug the Wanderer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He misunderstands your actions and chokes you.'; _global.hp -= int(Math.random() * 45) + 5; _global.hite = true; = false; } } } } button 1104 { on (release) { if (pitkey == true) { _global.yspawn = true; _global.spawn = 1; _global.pitkey = false; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } else { if (pitkey == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You can\'t open the Pit Room Door!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You need a Pit Room Key!'; = false; } } if (dmdead == true) { _global.npc = 7; _global.gld += gldg; _global.exp += expg; _global.expn -= expg; _root.gotoAndStop(npcframe); _global.enddungeon = false; } } } button 1105 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); _global.enddungeon = false; } } movieClip 1107 { frame 1 { _global.done = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a bag.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What could possibly be inside?'; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You see here 7 angry newts and a flute.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can play music to appease them!'; if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } instance info of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Your flute playing skills were terrible! The newts mauled you.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } } frame 3 { stop(); _global.npc = int(Math.random() * 5) + 1; _global.npc = npc + 1; _root.gotoAndStop(npcframe); } frame 4 { stop(); _global.npc = int(Math.random() * 5) + 1; _global.npc = npc + 1; _root.gotoAndStop(npcframe); } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'There\'s a notice pinned on the wall.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What could it possibly say?'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a notice.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Why are these things everywhere?'; } } frame 6 { if (lvl > 5) { this.gotoAndStop(15); } _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the door to the Maintenance Shaft.'; _root.flavor2 = 'With a key, you can open this.'; } frame 7 { stop(); _root.flavor2 = 'Will you drink it?'; } instance of movieClip 1069 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 5) + 1; _global.mon = r; this.gotoAndStop(mon); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were poisoned by an unlabeled potion!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 8 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You encounter a 10x10x10 Kosher Kube.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is blocking a 10x10 doorway, cross?'; } instance kube of movieClip 1075 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You tried to charge a Kosher Kube, you got stuck and it ate you.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } } frame 9 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You chopped your head off with a guillotine, idiot.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } instance godchest of movieClip 1095 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 5) + 1; what = r; gotoAndStop(what); } } frame 10 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You encounter a gem inside a cage.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You can try to lift the cage.'; if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You tried to lift a cage, you collapsed from strain.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a caged gem.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Looks valuable, but is it worth it?'; } onClipEvent (load) { if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } } frame 11 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You encounter a sad Dungeon Wanderer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He\'s on the bench feeling bad.'; if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Your hug was misinterpreted by a Dungeon Wanderer.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a sad Dungeon Wanderer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'All alone on a bench, its heart melting.'; } onClipEvent (load) { if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } } frame 12 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'Here is the pit room.'; _root.flavor2 = 'One of the monsters might have a key!'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Pit Room Door.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You think there might be someone behind it.'; } } } instance event of movieClip 1107 { onClipEvent (load) { l = lvl + 6; r = int(Math.random() * l) + 1; _global.mon = r; this.gotoAndStop(mon); } } frame 12 { stop(); } button 1109 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1111 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer is not enough for Krillix'; _root.flavor2 = 'MORE! He demands MORE! 25 Coins should do!'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.koffer += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Krillix, you feel stronger!'; _global.pwr += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel some will removed from you.'; _global.dex -= 1; _global.gld -= 25; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Krillix'); } } } button 1113 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Ichor 1:1 In the beginning, there was blood.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It flowed throughout the world, it created life.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Ichor 1:5 Krillix absorbed the holy substance'; _root.flavor2 = 'And spread it among the men of the world.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'War 2:7 And in the arena of man, Krillix sat,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'You shall fight for your right on this earth!\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vengence 3:12 Without murder, there is no blood.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Without blood, there is no life!'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vengence 5:11 Krillix is the supreme way.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Kill Everybody! All who do not believe his ways!'; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'Worth 3:24 Krillix awaits his greatest challenger.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The Nether Lands, in his Eternal Arena he waits.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Worth 2:7 Donned in his finest crimson armor,'; _root.flavor2 = 'The god Krillix sharpens his blade.\''; } } } button 1119 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Walls 1:1 In the beginning, there was chaos.'; _root.flavor2 = 'And Armon controlled it, he kept it contained.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Walls 2:3 These bricks, they cannot hold.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There is a crack, and they will break in the end.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Defcon 3:9 And behind the walls of infinity,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon sat, never to be damaged by mortals.'; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Jericho 4:5 A man who hides in the open,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is a man waiting for his death.'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Length 5:2 Armon commanded his followers,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'Do not fear death, it cannot hurt you here!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'Absolution 3:24 Armon awaits the inevitible,'; _root.flavor2 = 'A breach, death will break down his wall.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Defcon 7:11 Hidden behind inpenetrable protection,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon will never show his true form.\''; } } } button 1120 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer is not enough for Armon'; _root.flavor2 = 'Not enough, protectorate, 25 Coins should do.'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25 && maxhp >= 6) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.doffer += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Armon, you feel protected!'; _global.arm += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel your heart beat slower.'; _global.maxhp -= 5; _global.gld -= 25; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Armon'); } if (gld >= 25 && maxhp <= 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'What are you doing?'; _root.flavor2 = 'If your heart beats any slower, you will die!'; } } } button 1122 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Reflex 1:1 In the beginning, time was sentient.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis controlled it, she was its master.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Reflex 2:8 She controlled time using her will.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There was nothing she could not reach.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Trace 3:15 And on the Road of Epochs,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis walked, her power infinite.'; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Marathon 5:11 A man who cannot act,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is a man waiting for others to beat him so.'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Nimble 5:2 Spediphis addressed her shadows,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'Do not fear action, it is the path to resolve!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vigilance 7:7 Spediphis will reach her goal,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Someone who she will meet on her path.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Trace 9:3 Wearing her finest golden sandals,'; _root.flavor2 = 'The angelic goddess Spediphis walks.\''; } } } button 1123 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer is not enough for Spediphis'; _root.flavor2 = 'More coins, Quickfoot! 25 Coins should do.'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.qoffer += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Spediphis, you feel quicker!'; _global.dex += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel somewhat lighter.'; _global.arm -= 1; _global.gld -= 25; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Spediphis'); } } } button 1124 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer is not complete to Zorom'; _root.flavor2 = 'More coins, Wraith! 25 Coins should do.'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.noffer += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Zorom, you feel infinite!'; _global.maxhp += 5; _global.hp = maxhp; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel somewhat weaker.'; _global.pwr -= 1; _global.gld -= 25; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Zorom'); } } } button 1126 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Rise 1:1 In the beginning, the laws were unknown,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom commanded that they bring order.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Rise 2:4 He commanded the laws to find logic.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There was nothing that could not be explained.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vanguard 3:3 And in the Tower of Life,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom walked, his world complete.'; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Eternal 6:1 A man who will let die,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is a man who does not understand his world.'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Revive 5:2 Zorom addressed his spirits,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'I made these laws so you could conquer them!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'End 9:3 Zorom will see his puzzle complete,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Someone who will climb to his tower.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vanguard 5:2 Inside his shriveled corpse,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom made sure his life is eternal.\''; } } } button 1128 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Randal demands more tribute!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Fork it over, One! 25 Coins at least!'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.roffer += 1; smith = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Randal'); } if (smith == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Smith, you feel infinite!'; _global.maxhp += 10; _global.hp = maxhp; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel weaker.'; _global.pwr -= int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.gld -= 25; smith = 0; } if (smith == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Smith, you feel powerful!'; _global.pwr += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel slower.'; _global.dex -= int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.gld -= 25; smith = 0; } if (smith == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Smith, you feel harder!'; _global.arm += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel limited.'; _global.maxhp -= 10; _global.gld -= 25; smith = 0; } if (smith == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Smith, you feel quicker!'; _global.dex += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel softer.'; _global.arm -= int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.gld -= 25; smith = 0; } } } button 1129 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Begin 1:1 In the beginning, there was Randal Smith,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Smith was not pleased, so he created the world.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Begin 1:2 Randal Smith commanded the atoms.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There was not anything he could not create.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Quantum 3:4 And on the Throne of Gold,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith sat, awaiting no man.'; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Electron 7:2 A man who does not take chances,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is a man who\'s worth absolutely nothing.'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Roy 8:2 Smith adressed his Ones,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'Among you is the guiding spirits of chance!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sky 3:4 Smith will see his dynasty fall,'; _root.flavor2 = 'One will challenge his infinite might.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sky 10:11 High above the ruins of man,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Smith can see all.\''; } } } movieClip 1131 { frame 1 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, Brother, to the church of Killogy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix rests his sword for you.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (koffer >= 0 && koffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (koffer >= 4 && koffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix seems to feel your presence.'; } if (koffer >= 9 && koffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (koffer >= 13 && koffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (koffer >= 17 && koffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix feels challenged by you.'; } if (koffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix demands your presence.'; } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Killogist priest...'; _root.flavor2 = 'He seems to harbor quiet bloodlust.'; } } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, Protectorate, to the church of Defolgy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon offers his protection to you.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Armon Church Visited'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Defogist monk...'; _root.flavor2 = 'He seems to feel no pain.'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (doffer >= 0 && doffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (doffer >= 4 && doffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon seems to feel your presence.'; } if (doffer >= 9 && doffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (doffer >= 13 && doffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (doffer >= 17 && doffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon feels challenged by you.'; } if (doffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon demands your presence.'; } } } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, Quickfoot, to the church of Quilogy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis infuses you with her will.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Spediphis Church Visited'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (qoffer >= 0 && qoffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (qoffer >= 4 && qoffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis seems to feel your presence.'; } if (qoffer >= 9 && qoffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (qoffer >= 13 && qoffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (qoffer >= 17 && qoffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis feels challenged by you.'; } if (qoffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis demands your presence.'; } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Quilogist priestess...'; _root.flavor2 = 'She seems to embrace the light.'; } } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, Wraith, to the church of Necrogy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom awaits your answer.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Zorom Church Visited'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Necrogist doctor...'; _root.flavor2 = 'He seems unafraid of death.'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (noffer >= 0 && noffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (noffer >= 4 && noffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom seems to feel your presence.'; } if (noffer >= 9 && noffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (noffer >= 13 && noffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (noffer >= 17 && noffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom feels challenged by you.'; } if (noffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom demands your presence.'; } } } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, One, to the church of Randology.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith might have time for you.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Randal Church Visited'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (qoffer >= 0 && qoffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (qoffer >= 4 && qoffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith seems to feel your presence.'; } if (qoffer >= 9 && qoffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (qoffer >= 13 && qoffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (qoffer >= 17 && qoffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith feels challenged by you.'; } if (qoffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith demands your presence.'; } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Randogist figure...'; _root.flavor2 = 'He seems confident in his luck.'; } } } instance church of movieClip 1131 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 5) + 1; church = r; this.gotoAndStop(church); if (church == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Krillix Church Visited'); } } } frame 13 { stop(); } button 1133 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with the eccentric baker...'; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Kosher Kube\'s have no pork perservetives, yep!\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Kosher Kubes are the perfect Gelatin replacement!\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Anti-Kube is sure to work, every time!\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Anti-Kube works on ANY plasma-based monster!\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Kosher Kube\'s actually are quite delicious!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor2 = '\'What? Kubes trying to kill you? Nonsense!\''; } } } button 1135 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1136 { on (release) { _global.shopcharge = 20; _global.white = true; _root.upsound.start(); if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You buy some Anti-Kube.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Thank you for your business!'; _global.antikube += 1; _global.gld -= shopcharge; = false; _root.upSound.start(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bought Anti-Kube'); } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'I\'m sorry, but Anti-Kube\'s cost 20.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Not everything is cheap, my friend!'; = false; } } } } button 1138 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Herschell.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He smiles brightly back at you.'; } } button 1139 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with the misplaced tree...'; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Why do I have to exist?\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'I\'m just here... Yea, don\'t mind me.\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Wood in a sea of stone...\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'I can\'t get no sunlight here...\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'How did I even come to be?\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor2 = '\'I wish I knew why I\'m here...\''; } } } button 1140 { on (release) { _global.white = true; _root.wrongSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You try to kill it for wood, but can\'t.'; _root.flavor2 = '\'It\'s no use, I\'m actually useless.\''; _root.npcpick.kill._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tried to Kill Tree'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Mercy Kill'); } } button 1143 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Misplaced Tree.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It ponders its own placement rationale.'; } } button 1145 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with the corrupt leader...'; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Revolution! Revolutions everywhere!\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'I\'m not crazy, they were just robots!\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'These gas cans work, I use them myself!\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Hey, only one way to deal with protests, kill!\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Why don\'t they like a guy like me?\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Viva La Oligarchy!\''; } } } button 1146 { on (release) { _global.shopcharge = 20; _global.white = true; if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.upSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You buy some Gas Cans!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Thank you for your shady trade!'; _global.gascan += 1; _global.gld -= shopcharge; = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bought Gas Can'); } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'I\'m sorry, but Gas Cans cost 20.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Shady AND Cheap? A steal!'; = false; } } } } button 1148 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Orc Dictator.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He reeks of corruption!'; } } button 1150 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with the blue collar...'; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Dang Kube\'s blocking the ventillation...\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Just cleared a whole dang hive of Gridbugs!\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Who\'s littering those bottles everywhere?\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'I can get you into those shafts for a fee.\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Can you at least TRY to clean the corpses?\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Dungeon Wanderer took my pit room key!\''; } } } button 1151 { on (release) { _global.shopcharge = 20; _global.white = true; if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You buy a Maintenance Key.'; _root.flavor2 = '\'You didn\'t get it from me!\''; _global.shaftkey += 1; _global.gld -= shopcharge; = false; _root.upSound.start(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bought Key'); } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'Shaft Keys cost 20, price don\'t change.'; _root.flavor2 = 'I aint\' doing any favors!'; = false; } } } } button 1153 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Maintenance Worker.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He\'s had a tough day.'; } } button 1155 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with the agent...'; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Bravery isn\'t a function of swordpower\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'My vision is augmented.\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Hmm, inappropriate cameo\'s, must be Templars.\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'What do you know about Bob Page?\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'My multitools can autopass skillchecks.\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Multitools shouldn\'t exist yet, they do.\''; } } } button 1156 { on (release) { _global.shopcharge = 20; _global.white = true; if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You buy a Multitool.'; _root.flavor2 = '\'You can autopass a skillcheck!\''; _global.multitool += 1; _global.gld -= shopcharge; = false; _root.upSound.start(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bought Multitool'); } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'Multitools cost 20 credits.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Wrong currency? Where am I?'; = false; } } } } button 1158 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Denton.'; _root.flavor2 = 'His vision is augmented.'; } } button 1160 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with the masseur...'; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Takes a life\'s training to become a masseur.\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'My hands are tuned to perfection.\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'You can\'t wait to see my technique!\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Let me release that tension building.\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'My massages can make you a better adventurer!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor2 = '\'I travel to find the most needy ones.\''; } } } button 1161 { on (release) { _global.shopcharge = 20; _global.white = true; if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You buy a massage.'; massage = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; _global.gld -= shopcharge; _root.upSound.start(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bought Massage'); if (massage == 1) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor2 = 'You feel less tense!'; _global.dex += 1; = false; } if (massage == 2) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel less sore!'; _global.arm += 1; = false; } if (massage == 3) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel less weak!'; _global.pwr += 1; = false; } if (massage >= 4) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel as good as new!'; _global.hp += 999; = false; } } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'Massages cost 20 coins!'; _root.flavor2 = 'That\'s the price for quality!'; = false; } } } } button 1163 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Butch.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He seems relaxed.'; } } button 1164 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Near Endless Pit.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You smell sunshine down there.'; } } button 1165 { on (release) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _global.white = true; _root.gotoAndStop(dropframe); } } movieClip 1168 { frame 1 { _root.flavor1 = 'Hello brave adventurer!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Welcome to Herschell\'s Kosher Kube Kitchen!'; } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a misplaced tree.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What\'s it doing in a dungeon?'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Misplaced Tree Visited'); } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'You hear political propoganda.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s a former Orc Dictator!'; } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'This is Sam.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He\'s a dungeon maintenance worker.'; } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'You hear cool ambient.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Woah! It\'s JC Denton! So cool.'; } frame 6 { _root.flavor1 = 'You feel tense.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s the traveling masseur, Butch!'; } frame 7 { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the near endless pit!'; _root.flavor2 = 'There\'s no turning back!'; } } instance npcpick of movieClip 1168 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(npc); } } frame 14 { stop(); _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.playerdead = false; _global.enemydead = false; _global.temp = false; _global.infoact = false; stopAllSounds(); bossMusic.start(0, 999); } movieClip 1182 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.hpe = 300; _global.dexe = 35; _global.arme = 22; _global.pwre = 30; _global.expg = 120; _global.gldg = 85; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.tempe = 7; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Dungeon Master.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Defeat him to proceed down the pit!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Bow down, mortal!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is the Dungeon Master!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'He squeels with pain!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot kill one that has no life!'; arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'DM says you\'re gonna die, he rolls a D6!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He fudges a hit!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Dang it! Dice obstruction!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You finish off the Dungeon Master!'; _root.flavor2 = 'He falls down a terrible pit.'; _global.enddungeon = true; _global.dmdead = true;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'DM says you\'re gonna die, well, you die.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.hpe = 300; _global.dexe = 27 + lvl; _global.arme = 32 + lvl; _global.pwre = 30 + lvl; _global.expg = 150; _global.gldg = 90; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Scarlet Fencer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He is your Red Trial!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Let your Red Trial begin!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Behold the Scarlet Fencer!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'It seems to recognize its pain!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'It parry\'s your attack!'; arme -= 1; _global.hp = hp - Math.round(pwre / 3) + equip; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Scarlet Fencer assumes a striking pose!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It strikes your chest!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You block its attack!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated the Scarlet Fencer!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It lets you activate the Red Gazebo.'; _global.gazebor = true;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were no match for the Scarlet Fencer!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _global.hpe = 325; _global.dexe = 29 + lvl; _global.arme = 34 + lvl; _global.pwre = 32 + lvl; _global.expg = 150; _global.gldg = 90; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Crystal Fencer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He is your Blue Trial!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Let your Blue Trial begin!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Behold the Crystal Fencer!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Its solid exterior falters!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot penetrate its defense!'; arme -= 1; _global.hp = hp - Math.round(pwre / 2) + equip; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Crystal Fencer assumes a striking pose!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It strikes your heart!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You dodge its attack!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated the Crystal Fencer!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It lets you activate the Blue Gazebo.'; _global.gazebob = true;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were no match for the Crystal Fencer!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 4 { stop(); _global.hpe = 325; _global.dexe = 31 + lvl; _global.arme = 36 + lvl; _global.pwre = 34 + lvl; _global.expg = 150; _global.gldg = 90; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Ancient Fencer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He is your White Trial!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Let your White Trial begin!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Behold the Ancient Fencer!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Its aged exterior breaks!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You are no match for it!'; _global.hp = hp - Math.round(pwre) + equip; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Ancient Fencer assumes a striking pose!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It strikes your soul!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You dodge its attack!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated the Ancient Fencer!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It lets you activate the White Gazebo.'; _global.gazebow = true;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were no match for the Ancient Fencer!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 5 { stop(); _global.hpe = 275; _global.dexe = 38 + lvl; _global.arme = 40 + lvl; _global.pwre = 45 + lvl; _global.expg = 150; _global.gldg = 75; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Construct'; _root.flavor2 = 'Give some, take some more.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'It whirs to existence...'; _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT OPERATIONAL!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT HULL BREACHED!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT ARMOR DAMAGED!'; _global.hp = hp - Math.round(pwre) + equip; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'CONSTRUCT ATTACKING!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT SUCCESSFUL!!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT NOT SUCCESSFUL!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'CONSTRUCT CRITICAL! SELF DESTRUCT IMMINENT!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It explodes, releasing three souls!'; _global.souls += 3;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'CONSTRUCT TARGET DEMOLISHED!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 6 { stop(); _global.hpe = 125 + lad * 5; _global.dexe = 35 + lad; _global.arme = 35 + lad; _global.pwre = 35 + lad; _global.expg = 100 + lad * 5; _global.gldg = 50 + lad * 5; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Arena Fighter.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It stands between you and victory!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You\'re challenging a Arena Fighter!'; _root.flavor2 = 'This is for rank ' + (rank - 1) + '!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Its life bar loses a few rungs!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'It blocks your attack!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It strikes!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'The crowd cheers!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'The crowd boos!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You\'ve defeated the Arena Fighter!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You are now rank ' + (rank - 1) + '!'; _global.souls += 1; _global.rank -= 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You\'ve been defeated by the Arena Fighter!!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 7 { stop(); _global.hpe = 275; _global.dexe = 40 + lvl; _global.arme = 45 + lvl; _global.pwre = 38 + lvl; _global.expg = 150; _global.gldg = 75; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Construct'; _root.flavor2 = 'Give some, take some more.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'It whirs to existence...'; _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT OPERATIONAL!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT HULL BREACHED!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT ARMOR DAMAGED!'; _global.hp = hp - Math.round(pwre) + equip; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'CONSTRUCT ATTACKING!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT SUCCESSFUL!!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'CONSTRUCT NOT SUCCESSFUL!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'CONSTRUCT CRITICAL! SELF DESTRUCT IMMINENT!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It explodes, releasing three souls!'; _global.souls += 3;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'CONSTRUCT TARGET DEMOLISHED!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 8 { stop(); _global.hpe = 125; _global.dexe = 40; _global.arme = 45; _global.pwre = 35; _global.expg = 100; _global.gldg = 100; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Wall Guard.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There\'s quite a few of these.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Halt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Wall Guard appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'They don\'t pay this guy enough!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Damn life insurance benefits...'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Just another day on the force...'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He loves his job.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He hates his job.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'And another Guard bites the dust...'; _root.flavor2 = 'He had a wife and kids, you know!'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were arrested by the Wall Guard!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 9 { stop(); _global.hpe = 200; _global.dexe = 45; _global.arme = 40; _global.pwre = 38; _global.expg = 150; _global.gldg = 75; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'The pieces are corrupted...'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Chrono Wraith appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'It flickers for a second.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'It phases out of your range.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It approaches...'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It blinks infront of you!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s a really slow approach!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Chrono Wraith is defeated!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Piece of Time is released!'; _global.tpiece += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You felt the wrath of the Chrono Wraith!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 10 { stop(); _global.hpe = 175; _global.dexe = 43; _global.arme = 37; _global.pwre = 43; _global.expg = 150; _global.gldg = 75; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Future Agent.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heh, this is Rare. Get it? Rare?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Well, this is a Rare occurance...'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Future Agent appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'She takes a few hits!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'She cartwheels out of the way!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'She points her pistol...'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'BANG! BANG! BANG! Hit!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'She misses every shot!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Future Agent is defeated!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Piece of Time is released!'; _global.tpiece += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were taken out by the Future Agent!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 11 { stop(); _global.hpe = 225; _global.dexe = 38; _global.arme = 43; _global.pwre = 40; _global.expg = 150; _global.gldg = 75; _global.monlvl = 1; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Mr. Roboto.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot see his true identity!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Do you have something to hide?'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Mr. Roboto appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'These circumastances are out of his control!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'He\'s not a robot, without emotions!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Thank you very much, Mr. Roboto.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'There\'s too much technology!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'For doing the jobs nobody wants to!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Piece of Time is released!'; _global.tpiece += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Mr. Roboto\'s circumstances are out of your control!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } } instance enemy of movieClip 1182 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(spawn); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == false) { _root.acts._visible = false; = false; _root.potb._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == true) { _root.acts._visible = true; = true; _root.potb._visible = true; } } } instance acts of movieClip 928 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(btlset); } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hpe <= 0) { _global.enddungeon = true; } } } instance cmeter of movieClip 942 { onClipEvent (load) { if (mageyes == false) { _root.cmeter._visible = false; } else { _root.cmeter._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxcharge; cone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.8); cthree = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.7); cfour = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.4); csix = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.3); cseven = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.2); ceight = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (curcharge < cmax && curcharge >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curcharge < cone && curcharge >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curcharge < ctwo && curcharge >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curcharge < cthree && curcharge >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curcharge < cfour && curcharge >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curcharge < cfive && curcharge >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curcharge < csix && curcharge >= cseven) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curcharge < ceight && curcharge >= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (curcharge <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge > maxcharge) { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; } if (curcharge < 0) { _global.curcharge = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curcharge) + ' charge!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum charge is ' + String(maxcharge) + '!'; } } instance soulpouch of movieClip 947 { onClipEvent (load) { if (knightyes == false) { _root.soulpouch._visible = false; } else { _root.soulpouch._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxpouch; cone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.7); cthree = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.6); cfour = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.3); csix = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curpouch < cmax && curpouch >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curpouch < cone && curpouch >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curpouch < ctwo && curpouch >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curpouch < cthree && curpouch >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curpouch < cfour && curpouch >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curpouch < cfive && curpouch >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curpouch <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch > maxpouch) { _global.curpouch = maxpouch; } if (curpouch < 0) { _global.curpouch = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curpouch) + ' essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum essence is ' + String(maxpouch) + '!'; } } frame 15 { stop(); _global.vicious = 5; _global.vicmin = 0; _global.gazebor = false; _global.gazebob = false; _global.gazebow = false; _global.cave = Math.random() * 6 + 1; _global.dronekill = 0; _global.woodaxe = 0; viccorrect = (lvl - 7) * 2; if (viccorrect <= 0) { viccorrect = 0; } _global.vicious += viccorrect; if (druidunlock == false) { _root.unlocker.gotoAndStop(10); } com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Second Area'); } movieClip 1192 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.edone = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); _global.secondwind = undefined; _root.nextFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 1192 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 7; _root.flavor1 = 'Dropping down the Near Endless Pit...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get ready for the next zone!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 8; } } } frame 16 { stop(); _global.curcharge = maxcharge; if (secondwind == undefined) { _global.playerdead = false; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.wepatk = 0; _global.dexatk = 0; _global.armclass = 0; _global.startframe = 16; _global.exploreframe = 17; _global.monsterframe = 18; _global.lootframe = 19; _global.deadframe = 20; _global.shopframe = 21; _global.forgeframe = 22; _global.infframe = 23; _global.eventframe = 24; _global.churchframe = 25; _global.npcframe = 26; _global.spawnframe = 27; _global.endframe = 28; _global.yspawn = false; = 1; _global.sw = 1; _root.flavor1 = 'You land on the green grass with a thump.'; _root.flavor2 = 'This world seems lush... Yet hollow...'; _global.secondwind = false; } stopAllSounds(); outdoorMusic.start(0, 999); _global.whatarea = 2; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('O Green World'); _global.dronekill = 0; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { score1 = dex + pwr + arm; score2 = score1 * 10; score3 = gld * 10; score4 = wvalue + evalue; score5 = lvl * 100; score6 = exp; _global.score = Math.round((score2 + score3 + score4 + score5 + score6) * diffscore); _root.scoretext = score; trace(vicious); trace(vicmin); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hp <= 0) { _global.hp = 0; _global.playerdead = true; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } if (hpe <= 0) { _global.hpe = 0; _global.enemydead = true; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } if (maxhp < hp) { _global.hp = maxhp; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } if (gld > 999) { _global.gld = 999; } if (maxhp > 999) { _global.maxhp = 999; } if (pwr > 999) { _global.pwr = 999; } if (dex > 999) { _global.dex = 999; } if (arm > 999) { _global.arm = 999; } } onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (expn < 1 && lvl <= 24) { _root.beepSound.start(); _global.lvl += 1; _global.vicious += 2; _global.vicmin += 2; _global.dex += dexgain; _global.pwr += pwrgain; _global.arm += armgain; _global.maxhp += maxgain; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.curcharge = maxcharge; if (lvl >= 6) { _global.expn = 325 + (lvl - 6) * 25; } else { _global.expn = lvl * 50; } if (lvl >= 4) { _global.vicious += 1; } } if (lvl == 25) { _global.expn = 999; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (vicious > 14) { _global.vicious = 15; } if (vicmin > 14) { _global.vicmim = 14; } } } button 1198 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } instance progress of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (loadingsave == true) { _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); _global.loadingsave = false; _global.hp =; _global.maxhp =; _global.maxgain =; _global.roothp =; _global.mageyes =; _global.knightyes =; _global.gld =; _global.lvl =; _global.expn =; _global.arm =; _global.pwr =; _global.dex =; _global.pots =; _global.btlset =; _global.enddungeon =; _global.secondwind =; _global.wepnumber =; _global.equipnumber =; _global.maxgain =; _global.vicious =; _global.vicmin =; _global.kdone =; _global.kdefeat =; _global.adone =; _global.adefeat =; _global.sdone =; _global.sdefeat =; _global.zdone =; _global.zdefeat =; _global.rdone =; _global.rdefeat =; _global.spoiled =; _global.gazebor =; _global.gazebow =; _global.gazebob =; _global.whatarea =; _global.diffscore =; _global.diffhp =; _global.difficulty =; _global.wepset =; _global.equipset =; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(wepnumber); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(equipnumber); _global.bestwep =; _global.bestequip =; _global.maxcharge =; _global.curcharge =; _global.rank =; save_so.flush(); } if (loadingsave == false) { _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); = true; = hp; = maxhp; = roothp; = maxgain; = gld; = lvl; = expn; = arm; = pwr; = dex; = btlset; = whatarea; _global.wepnumber = _root.weapon._currentframe; = wepnumber; _global.equipnumber = _root.equip._currentframe; = equipnumber; = vicious; = vicmin; = kdone; = kdefeat; = adone; = adefeat; = sdone; = sdefeat; = zdone; = zdefeat; = rdone; = rdefeat; = spoiled; = gazebor; = gazebob; = gazebow; = enddungeon; = whatarea; = diffscore; = diffhp; = difficulty; = bestwep; = bestequip; = wepset; = equipset; = maxcharge; = curcharge; = mageyes; = knightyes; = rank; save_so.flush(); } = pots; = secondwind; = mageyes; = mageyes; save_so.flush(); } } frame 17 { stop(); _global.hp += Math.round(maxhp / diffhp); _global.temp = 0; upSound = new Sound(this); upSound.attachSound('upsound'); potSound = new Sound(this); potSound.attachSound('potsound'); bipSound = new Sound(this); bipSound.attachSound('bipsound'); beepSound = new Sound(this); beepSound.attachSound('beep'); offersound = new Sound(this); offersound.attachSound('offersound'); wrongsound = new Sound(this); wrongsound.attachSound('wrongsound'); nopesound = new Sound(this); nopesound.attachSound('nopesound'); offerSound = new Sound(this); offerSound.attachSound('offersound'); wrongSound = new Sound(this); wrongSound.attachSound('wrongsound'); nopeSound = new Sound(this); nopeSound.attachSound('nopesound'); boomSound = new Sound(this); boomSound.attachSound('boom'); jingleS = new Sound(this); jingleS.attachSound('smithy'); jingleI = new Sound(this); jingleI.attachSound('infirmary'); jingleL = new Sound(this); jingleL.attachSound('level'); jingleC = new Sound(this); jingleC.attachSound('church'); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Explored'); } movieClip 1208 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.edone = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); r = int(Math.random() * 23) + 1; dec = r; if (dec >= 1 && dec <= 6) { _root.effects.gotoAndStop(surpriseframe); } if (dec >= 7 && dec <= 12) { _root.gotoAndStop(eventframe); } if (dec >= 13 && dec <= 14) { _root.gotoAndStop(churchframe); } if (dec >= 15 && dec <= 17) { _root.gotoAndStop(infframe); } if (dec >= 18 && dec <= 19) { _root.gotoAndStop(shopframe); } if (dec >= 20 && dec <= 21) { _root.gotoAndStop(forgeframe); } } } instance of movieClip 1208 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 5; _root.flavor1 = ''; _root.flavor2 = ''; _global.curcharge += 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 5; } } } frame 18 { stop(); _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.playerdead = false; _global.enemydead = false; _global.temp = false; _global.infoact = false; _global.turn = true; stopAllSounds(); battleOMusic.start(0, 999); } movieClip 1233 { } movieClip 1234 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.hpe = 55; _global.dexe = 16 + lvl; _global.arme = 16 + lvl; _global.pwre = 11 + lvl; _global.expg = 80; _global.gldg = 50; _global.tempe = 15; _global.monlvl = 7; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe = dexe + curve; _global.dexe = arme + curve; _global.dexe = pwre + curve; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Monster.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t take this anymore!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'What... Is that...'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Monster appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Monster squirms in pain.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Those horrid wings... They\'re invincible!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It flies ever so closer!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It lands on your nose.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It tickles your cheek.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Monster drops to the floor.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Away! You winged demon!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'It was horrible... That Monster...'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.hpe = 60; _global.dexe = 18 + lvl; _global.arme = 16 + lvl; _global.pwre = 15 + lvl; _global.expg = 83; _global.gldg = 40; _global.tempe = 10; _global.monlvl = 7; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Purple Shroom.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Anything purple is harmful, right?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Oh look, some local shrubery.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Purple Shroom appears!'; hits = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You attack the Shroom, it bleeds?';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You miss the Shroom... Can\'t damage the scenery.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It does something interesting.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; hits += 1; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You breath in those wonderful spores.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - Math.round(hp / (hits + 4)); = hp;; _global.temp = 0; hits += 1; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'That wasn\'t interesting at all.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Shroom pops its cap'; _root.flavor2 = 'It releases poisonous spores!'; _global.hp -= Math.round(maxhp / (hits + 2));; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Purple shrooms are known to be poisonous.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _global.hpe = 80; _global.dexe = 15 + lvl; _global.arme = 14 + lvl; _global.pwre = 15 + lvl; _global.expg = 85; _global.gldg = 50; _global.tempe = 13; _global.monlvl = 7; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Boar.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Such a bore.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Well THIS is unintresting....'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Boar appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Boar bounces back!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Huh? Sorry, wasn\'t paying attention.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Boar just sits there...'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'That was maybe TOO interesting'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Oh God, when will this end?'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Boar dies of its own boredom.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Looks like someone just bore through a Boar.';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'While fighting a Boar, you died of boredome.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 4 { stop(); _global.hpe = 40; _global.dexe = 16 + lvl; _global.arme = 18 + lvl; _global.pwre = 9 + lvl; _global.expg = 80; _global.gldg = 55; _global.tempe = 10; _global.monlvl = 7; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Shameless Plug Encountered'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Shameless Plug.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Have you tried going to Harry Games?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'What are ya, a walking advertisement?'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Shameless Plug appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You retain your free expression!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You sell out!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You\'re shamelessy beaten!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'For shame!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You have more dignity then THAT.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Shameless Plug has one last message.'; _root.flavor2 = '\'Don\'t forget to go to Haaairy Gaaaames!\''; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Shameless Plug Killed');; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were shamelessy beaten by a Shameless Plug!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 5 { stop(); _global.hpe = 60; _global.dexe = 13 + lvl; _global.arme = 15 + lvl; _global.pwre = 11 + lvl; _global.expg = 70; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 12; _global.monlvl = 7; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here Something Endangered.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Someone must care about this, right?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Here\'s something important.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Something Endangered appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The IUCN is not pleased!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Trying to kill Something Endangered?'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Something Endangered head rams you!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It succeeds!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You hear a crack, no wonder it\'s endangered...'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'That Something Endangered falls over cold.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s not like anyone cares, right?';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'That Something Endangered just endangered you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 6 { stop(); _global.hpe = 90; _global.dexe = 17 + lvl; _global.arme = 16 + lvl; _global.pwre = 15 + lvl; _global.expg = 90; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 15; _global.monlvl = 8; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Eternal Flame.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Seems pretty holy.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Stop! You are on holy ground!'; _root.flavor2 = 'An Eternal Flame appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You reduce its burn expectancy!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot kill Eternal Flame!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Eternal Flame burns brightly!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You are blinded by its light!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s not bright enough!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Eternal Flame fizzes out.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You just ruined somebody\'s religion!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You caught fire with the Eternal Flame!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 7 { stop(); _global.hpe = 40; _global.dexe = 19 + lvl; _global.arme = 20 + lvl; _global.pwre = 5 + lvl; _global.expg = 90; _global.gldg = 40; _global.tempe = 20; _global.monlvl = 8; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Scout Drone.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Now who left this here?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Well, this is misplaced.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Scout Drone appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You damage its sensors!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your attack bounces off its hull!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Scout Drone senses you all over!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel dirty!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You have too much protection!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Scout Drone begins to beep.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It self destructs!'; _global.dronekill += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were violated by the Scout Drone!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 8 { stop(); _global.hpe = 100; _global.dexe = 17 + lvl; _global.arme = 19 + lvl; _global.pwre = 14 + lvl; _global.expg = 90; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 10; _global.monlvl = 9; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Nativist Fauna.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It doesn\'t like your kind around here.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You feel offended.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Nativist Fauna appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You damage its perfect lineage!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t destroy tradition!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It doesn\'t like your kind around here!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You head to the back of the field!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You demand your rights!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Nativist fauna wilts.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There goes the commmunity!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Your were personally offended by a nativist fauna!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } onClipEvent (load) { if (woodaxe > 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You chop this sucker down!'; _root.flavor2 = 'This Nativist Fauna should be easy pickings.'; _global.dexe = 1; _global.arme = 1; _global.pwre = 1; _global.woodaxe -= 1; } } } frame 9 { stop(); _global.hpe = maxhp; _global.dexe = dex; _global.arme = arm; _global.pwre = pwr; _global.expg = 120; _global.gldg = 80; _global.tempe = 15; _global.monlvl = 9; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Mokujin.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It seems to have taken your stats.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You sense your own presence.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Mokujin appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You outmatch it!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s your perfect match!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It uses your own stats against you!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You have a taste of your own power!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It misses using your own dex!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Mokujin crumbles.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It was the perfect match!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'A Mokujin kills you, it was a failure of your own!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } onClipEvent (load) { if (woodaxe > 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You chop this sucker down!'; _root.flavor2 = 'This Mokujin should be easy pickings.'; _global.dexe = 1; _global.arme = 1; _global.pwre = 1; _global.woodaxe -= 1; } } } frame 10 { stop(); _global.hpe = 80; _global.dexe = 19 + lvl; _global.arme = 19 + lvl; _global.pwre = 20 + lvl; _global.expg = 85; _global.gldg = 50; _global.tempe = 13; _global.monlvl = 9; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Ribbon Boar.'; _root.flavor2 = 'This is just unoriginal.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Oh come on, that\'s hardly even trying.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Ribbon Boar appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Ribbon Boar bounces back!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Ribbon\'s are better armor then one would think.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Ribbon Boar takes the creative approach.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Ribbon\'s also provide attack bonuses.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'At least it look stylish.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Ribbon Boar falls flat.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Well, no real high expectations after that.';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'That ribbon sure does add some power to that Boar.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 11 { stop(); _global.hpe = 60; _global.dexe = 20 + lvl; _global.arme = 20 + lvl; _global.pwre = 23 + lvl; _global.expg = 90; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 25; _global.monlvl = 10; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Troubled Fairy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Leave the poor thing alone you jerk!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Stop it! You\'re tearing these fey apart!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Troubled Fairy appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Troubled Fairy cries!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'This fairy is already damaged enough!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Troubled Fairy asks how would you like it.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You wouldn\'t like it at all.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Yea, you like that.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Troubled Fairy has its own problems.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It can\'t take this anymore!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'The Troubled Fairy was nothing but trouble!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 12 { stop(); _global.hpe = 100; _global.dexe = 22 + lvl; _global.arme = 25 + lvl; _global.pwre = 10 + lvl; _global.expg = 85; _global.gldg = 50; _global.tempe = 20; _global.monlvl = 10; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Hard Rock.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Are you ready to rock?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'This is going to be a tough one!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Hard Rock appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You break on through!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Hard Rock holds its ground!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Hard Rock goes rockin\'.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You just got rocked!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t feel the rock!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Hard Rock shatters.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It was the day the rock died!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'The Hard Rock just rocked you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 13 { stop(); _global.hpe = 120; _global.dexe = 24 + lvl; _global.arme = 20 + lvl; _global.pwre = 22 + lvl; _global.expg = 90; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 20; _global.monlvl = 11; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Infinite Flame.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Seems rather holy.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Halt! You are on even holier ground!'; _root.flavor2 = 'An Infinite Flame appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You reduce its burn expectancy!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t kill THIS flame!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Infinite Flame burns blindingly!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your eyes burn! Behold!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s still not bright enough!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Infinite Flame fizzes out.'; _root.flavor2 = 'De Ja Vu?';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You caught fire with the Infinite Flame!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 4); } } } frame 14 { stop(); _global.hpe = 60; _global.dexe = 21 + lvl; _global.arme = 23 + lvl; _global.pwre = 23 + lvl; _global.expg = 93; _global.gldg = 40; _global.tempe = 20; _global.monlvl = 11; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Advanced Drone.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There\'s more of them?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Well, this is even more misplaced.'; _root.flavor2 = 'An Advanced Drone appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You break its advanced shield!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You miss, it regenerates!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; _global.hpe += Math.round(hpe / 10); } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Advance Drone zaps you all over!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel really dirty!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s okay, you\'re used to this.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Advance Drone wails its siren.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It self destructs!'; _global.dronekill += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were obliterated by the Advanced Drone!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 4); } } } frame 15 { stop(); _global.hpe = 60; _global.dexe = 22 + lvl; _global.arme = 22 + lvl; _global.pwre = 19 + lvl; _global.expg = 95; _global.gldg = 55; _global.tempe = 20; _global.monlvl = 12; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Ent Ancient.'; _root.flavor2 = 'When will you kids ever learn?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Children these days!'; _root.flavor2 = 'An Ent Ancient appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You meddling kids!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Respect your elders!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Ent Ancient beats you!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You learn your lesson!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Eh, it\'s just a wooden stick.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Ent Ancient crumbles.'; _root.flavor2 = 'So disrespectful!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were taught a lesson by the Ent Ancient!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 4); } } onClipEvent (load) { if (woodaxe > 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You chop this sucker down!'; _root.flavor2 = 'This Ent Ancient should be easy pickings.'; _global.dexe = 1; _global.arme = 1; _global.pwre = 1; _global.woodaxe -= 1; } } } frame 16 { stop(); _global.hpe = 70; _global.dexe = 21 + lvl; _global.arme = 20 + lvl; _global.pwre = 25 + lvl; _global.expg = 95; _global.gldg = 55; _global.tempe = 20; _global.monlvl = 12; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Discreet Bear.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s completely unassuming.'; } } instance of movieClip 1233 { onClipEvent (load) { mpick = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1; this.gotoAndStop(mpick); } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'This is completely inconspicious!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Discreet Bear appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Bear is hit!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'It shifts slightly!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Discreet Bear subtly mauls you!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re cautiosly maimed!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You prudently dodge.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Discreet Bear evaporates.'; _root.flavor2 = 'That wasn\'t the least bit suspicious!';; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were subtly mauled by a Discreet Bear!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 4); } } } } instance enemy of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (load) { mpick = Math.floor(Math.random() * (vicious - vicmin) + vicmin + 1); this.gotoAndStop(mpick); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == false) { _root.acts._visible = false; = false; _root.potb._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == true) { _root.acts._visible = true; = true; _root.potb._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { locwait = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { locwait += 1; if (locwait == 20) { _global.dexe += dcurve; _global.pwre += pcurve; _global.arme += acurve; } } } button 1235 { on (release) { if (pots <= 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have any health potions.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get some from the infirmary!'; _root.potb._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } if (pots >= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You quaff a health potion!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel healthier! ' + String(pots - 1) + ' pots left!'; n = lvl + 2; plus = n * 10; trace('n is' + n); trace('plus' + plus); _global.hp = hp + (lvl + 2) * 10; _global.pots -= 1; _global.temp = 5; trace('temp is' + temp); trace('pots is' + pots);; _global.turn = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Pots Used'); } } } button 1237 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You gallantly slash the beast!'; _root.flavor2 = ''; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1239 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You brace for impact.'; _global.temp = Math.round(arm / 2 + equip); _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re ready for the next hit!';; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1241 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You parry the next attack!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwre * pw + d6) * wep / 2.5); _global.temp -= 15; _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } } } button 1243 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Parry the next attack, auto-hit 1/3 damage!'; _root.flavor2 = 'However you let your guard down!'; } } } button 1246 { on (release) { if (turn == true && metsu == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You scream the two part word!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your belt and seal glow! Get powered up!'; _global.metsu = belt; _global.luksu = luk; _global.turn = false;; } if (turn == true && metsu >= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have already Metsu\'d!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re ready to devastate your foe!'; } } } button 1248 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You release an accurate ball of psionic fire!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + luksu; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * metsu); _global.metsu = 1; _global.luksu = 0; trace(wepatk); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1251 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You spiral upwards in a Dragon Punch!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d4 + luksu; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d8) * metsu); _global.metsu = 1; _global.luksu = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1252 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; if (counter == true) { cdmg = Math.round((pwre + d12) * cloak); chit = Math.round((dexe + d8) * cloak); } if (counter == false) { cdmg = 0; chit = 0; } if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You sneak a shot at your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + chit; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6 + cdmg) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; _global.counter = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1254 { on (release) { if (turn == true && counter == false && gld < 10) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have enough gold to counter!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You need 10!'; } if (turn == true && counter == false && gld >= 10) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your cloak absorbs the next blast.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your dagger glows red!'; _global.gld -= 10; _global.counter = true; _global.turn = false;; } if (turn == true && counter == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You already have a counter stored!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Strike now for massive damage!'; } } } button 1256 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You try to steal from your opponent.'; if (turn == true) { dexatk = dex * sw + d4; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep / 2); _global.turn = false; if (dexatk >= dexe) { _global.gld += Math.round(gldg / 4); _global.expg += Math.round(expg / 10); _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _root.flavor2 = 'Your robbery is a success!';; } if (dexatk < dexe) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your robbery is a failure!';; } } } } } button 1258 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You humiliate and sneak shots at your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; _global.counter = false; if (lsong == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your dagger channels the spirits of legends!'; wepatk = Math.round((dex + d6) * flute); } if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1260 { on (release) { if (ssong == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'This tune\'s too familiar!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re still singing until you switch songs!'; } if (ssong == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You sing of terrible storms!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your foe can\'t see a thing!'; _global.dexded = Math.round((dex / 2) * flute); _global.temp += Math.round((dex / 4) * flute); _global.dexe -= dexded; _global.ssong = true; _global.lsong = false;; } } } button 1262 { on (release) { if (lsong == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'This tune\'s too familiar!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re still singing until you switch songs!'; } if (lsong == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sing of great legends!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your dagger sounds a familiar tune!'; _global.turn = false;; if (_global.ssong == true) { _global.dexe += dexded; _global.temp -= Math.round((dex / 4) * flute);; } _global.lsong = true; _global.ssong = false; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1264 { on (release) { if (oneshot == true) { _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; } if (threeshot == true) { _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 2); _global.threeshot = false; } if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You cautiously shoot!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6) * wep + arw); _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1266 { on (release) { dis = Math.round(lvl / 2); trace(dis); if (oneshot == true) { _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; } if (threeshot == true) { _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 2); _global.threeshot = false; } sh = 0; ones = false; twos = false; if (ones == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; d2 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a first time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d6 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && ones == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; ones = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && ones == false) { ones = true; } } } if (twos == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a second time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d4; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && twos == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; twos = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && twos == false) { twos = true; } } } } on (release) { trace(sh); if (sh == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot two times! Both miss!'; _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } if (sh == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot two times! One hits!'; _global.hit = true; _global.arme -= 1;; } if (sh == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot two times! Both hit!'; _global.hit = true;; } _global.turn = false; } } button 1268 { on (release) { dis = Math.round(lvl / 2) + 1; if (oneshot == true) { _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; } if (threeshot == true) { _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 2); _global.threeshot = false; } sh = 0; ones = false; twos = false; threes = false; if (ones == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; d2 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a first time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d6 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep + arw); _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 2); _global.oneshot = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse && ones == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; ones = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && ones == false) { ones = true; } } } if (twos == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a second time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d4 - dis; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && twos == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; twos = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && twos == false) { twos = true; } } } if (threes == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a third time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex - dis; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && threes == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; threes = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && threes == false) { threes = true; } } } } on (release) { trace(sh); if (sh == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! All miss!'; _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } if (sh == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! One hits!'; _global.hit = true;; _global.arme -= 1; } if (sh == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! Two hit!'; _global.hit = true; _global.arme -= 1;; } if (sh == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! All hit!'; _global.hit = true; } _global.turn = false; } } button 1270 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Cautiosly take a single shot!'; _root.flavor2 = '((Pwr+D6)xWeapon+Arrow) damage and +(Arm/2) defense!'; } } } button 1271 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You force a knife into your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6) * wep * fund); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1273 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You slam your opponent!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = dexe + tempe; dexatk = arm + d8 + equip; wepatk = Math.round((arm + d6 + equip) * fund); _global.hp -= Math.round(wepatk / 4); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1275 { on (release) { if (funded == 3) { ocharge = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Looks like you\'re well funded already!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You can only fund 3 times max!'; } else { ocharge = false; } r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You throw some coins down for power!'; if (gld < 10 && ocharge == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Insufficiant funds! You need 10!'; } if (gld >= 10 && ocharge == false) { += 0.5; _global.funded += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'No sins on the battlefield!';; _global.gld -= 10; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1277 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You will purify this damned soul!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep) + enmity; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1279 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'May the gods empower you! Die demon!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((doffer + d4) * cloak) + qoffer; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1281 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You swear to Krillix! ' + String(Math.round(koffer / 2)) + ' Attack up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your enemy seems with hatred! ' + String(Math.round(koffer / 3)) + ' Attack up!'; _global.enmity += Math.round(koffer / 2); _global.pwre += Math.round(koffer / 3);; _global.turn = false; } } button 1283 { on (release) { dis = lvl + 3; wam = lvl * 2; sh = 0; ones = false; twos = false; threes = false; if (ones == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; d2 = r; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d6 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw - wam) * belt); _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 2); _global.oneshot = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse && ones == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; ones = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && ones == false) { ones = true; } } } if (twos == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a second time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d4 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw - wam) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse && twos == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; twos = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && twos == false) { twos = true; } } } if (threes == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a third time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw - wam) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse && threes == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; threes = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && threes == false) { threes = true; } } } } on (release) { trace(sh); if (sh == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! All miss!'; _global.hit = false; } if (sh == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! One hits!'; _global.hit = true; _global.combo += 1; } if (sh == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! Two hit!'; _global.hit = true; _global.combo += 2; } if (sh == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! All hit!'; _global.hit = true; _global.combo += 3; } _global.turn = false; } } button 1285 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You lay down one good hit!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * belt); _global.combo += 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1287 { on (release) { if (combo == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have a combo to break!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Hit some to break some!'; } if (combo > 0) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'C-c-c-ombo Breaker!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((combo + d4) * belt); _global.combo = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1289 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d12 + bextra); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.bextra = 0; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1290 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 3; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You unleash a bolt of lightning!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d4 + bextra); _global.bextra = d12; _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1292 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sendforth a vile curse!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d4 + bextra); _global.wcursed = Math.round(dex / 3); _global.dexe -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1294 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d12); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1295 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 14) + 6; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe harder!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d20); _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1297 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1 minimum!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; d10 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You empty your mana into your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d10; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw * curcharge); _global.curcharge = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1299 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'The power God compels you!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d6); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1301 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You pour holy water on your wounds.'; plus = Math.round(maxcharge * 5 + dex); _global.hp = hp + plus; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel healthy!';; _global.curcharge -= 2; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1303 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2 minimum!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You bless your weapon! ' + String(Math.round(dex / 5)) + ' Attack up!'; _global.bextra += Math.round(dex / 5);; _global.curcharge -= 2; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1305 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You drain your foe! Delicious!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d6); plus = Math.round(wepatk / 1.5); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hp = hp + plus; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1307 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You force your foe to attack itself!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwre * pw + d6); _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1309 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } wcurse = true; if (wcurse) { _global.dexe += wcursed; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sendforth a vile curse!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * pw + d4 + bextra); _global.wcursed = d12; _global.dexe -= wcursed; _global.wcurse = true; _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1310 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Place a vile curse upon your foe!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Deals (Pwr + D4) and debuffs (-D12) accuracy!'; } } } button 1311 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You spare yourself the pain!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You reclaim some humanity!'; _global.methurt = 0; _global.turn = false;; } } } button 1313 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You send forth demonic flames!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + luk; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hp = hp - methurt; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; _global.methurt = Math.round(wepatk / 5);; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1315 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You charge upwards in a demonic punch!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + luk; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d8) * belt); _global.metsu = 1; _global.luksu = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hp = hp - methurt; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; _global.methurt = Math.round(wepatk / 5);; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1317 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'Your corrupted steel strikes your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + demond; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep + aura); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1319 { on (release) { if (auraused == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You already have the presence of this aura.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot call upon it again...'; } if (auraused == false) { _global.aura = Math.round(demon * 1.5); _root.flavor1 = 'Your aura screams of evil...'; _root.flavor2 = String(aura) + ' power... It is unholy...'; _global.turn = false; _global.auraused = true;; } } } button 1321 { on (release) { if (demonused == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Endless demonic corruption...'; _root.flavor2 = 'No... That is enough for now...'; } if (demonused == false) { _global.demond = demon + 3; _root.flavor2 = String(demond) + ' dex... It feels good...'; _global.turn = false; _global.demon += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Terrible whispers fill your soul... ' + String(demon) + ' times...'; _global.dex -= 1; _global.maxhp -= 5; _global.demonused = true; _global.temp = 0;; } } } button 1323 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'It is time to pass judgement!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + mercd; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw * mercp + d4) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1325 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { mercy = 0; _root.flavor1 = 'You show your opponent mercy.'; if (gld < 5 && turn == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Not enough coins! You need 5!'; } if (gld > 4 && turn == true) { mercy = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.gld -= 5; } if (mercy == 1) { _global.mercp = 1.5; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = 0; _root.flavor2 = 'You are blessed with superior power!';; _global.turn = false; } else { if (mercy == 2) { _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = dex * 1.5; _global.temp = 0; _root.flavor2 = 'You are blessed with superior dexterity!';; _global.turn = false; } else { if (mercy == 3) { _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = Math.round(arm + equip); _root.flavor2 = 'You are blessed with superior armor!';; _global.turn = false; } } } } } } button 1327 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You offer your god some coins.'; if (gld < 14 && turn == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Not enough! You need 15!'; } if (gld > 14 && turn == true) { plus = Math.round(dex * 5); _global.hp = hp + plus; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel healthy!';; _global.gld -= 15; _global.turn = false; } } } } button 1328 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Give your opponent mercy! Costs 10!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A random blessing, doesn\'t stack!'; } } } button 1329 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You smash your foe with your hammer!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + fbonus; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep * sbonus); _global.temp -= 1;; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } _global.sbonus = 1; _global.fbonus = 0; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _root.acts.act2._visible = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = true; } } } button 1331 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1 && power1 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per explore!'; } if (curcharge >= 1 && power1 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sense their weakness.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Next attack deals x2!'; _global.sbonus = 2;; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power1 = true; _root.acts.act2._visible = false; } } } button 1333 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1 && power2 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per explore!'; } if (curcharge >= 1 && power2 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You focus on your attack.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Next attack\'s more accurate!'; _global.fbonus += Math.round(dex / 2);; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power2 = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = false; } } } button 1335 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You punch your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * awaken * supermode); trace(awaken); trace(supermode); _global.temp -= 1;; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.curcharge += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1337 { on (release) { if (power1 == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You already awakened your belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go get punchin\'!'; } if (curcharge < 5 && power1 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 5!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per punch!'; } if (curcharge >= 5 && power1 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You activate your belt.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel invigorated!'; _global.awaken = wep;; _global.curcharge -= 5; _global.power1 = true; _root.acts.act2._visible = false; } } } button 1339 { on (release) { if (power3 == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You\'re already supered!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Doing it again? That\'s just dangerous!'; _root.acts.act3._visible = false; } if (curcharge < 15 && power2 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 15!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per punch!'; } if (curcharge >= 15 && power2 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'CHIAAAAAAAA!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your body is warped with raw energy!'; _global.supermode = 3;; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power2 = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = false; } } } button 1341 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You perform your duty!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; _global.curpouch += Math.round(wepatk / 3); } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; _global.temp -= 1; } } } } } button 1343 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You focus on generating essence.'; _global.curpouch += Math.round(pwr * wep); _root.flavor2 = 'Your bag glows in accordance!';; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1345 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You dump your essence!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((curpouch * pw + d4) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.curpouch = 0;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; _global.temp -= 1; _global.curpouch = 0; } } } } } button 1347 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You focus on your opponent.'; _global.expg += curpouch; _global.curpouch = 0; _root.flavor2 = 'The reward is now higher!';; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1349 { on (release) { if (curpouch < craftcost) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough essence! You need ' + String(craftcost) + '!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go gather more essence!'; } if (curpouch >= craftcost) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; d10 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You craft a potion out of essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Biw that\'s what I call service!'; _global.turn = false; _global.pots += 1; _global.curpouch -= craftcost;; } } } movieClip 1351 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _global.metsu = 1; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 3 { stop(); _global.counter = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 4 { stop(); _global.lsong = false; _global.ssong = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 5 { stop(); _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 4); } frame 6 { stop(); = 1; _global.funded = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 1.25); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 0.75); } frame 7 { stop(); = 1; _global.funded = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 1.25); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 0.75); _global.enmity = 0; } frame 8 { stop(); _global.combo = 0; } frame 9 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 10 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 11 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 12 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 13 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } instance of movieClip 887 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 14 { stop(); _global.metsu = 1; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); _global.methurt = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 0.5); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 1); } frame 15 { stop(); _global.demonused = false; _global.auraused = false; _global.demond = 0; _global.aura = 0; } frame 16 { stop(); _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = 0; } frame 17 { _global.maxcharge = dex + bcharge; _global.sbonus = 1; _global.fbonus = 0; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hpe <= 0 && wombodone == false) {; wombodone = true; } } } frame 18 { stop(); _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = 0; } frame 19 { _global.maxcharge = dex + bcharge; _global.awaken = 1; _global.supermode = 1; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { _global.craftcost = lvl * 5 + Math.round(hp / 20); _global.deuscost = Math.round(dex + pwr + arm) / 3; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 0.5); } } instance acts of movieClip 1351 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(btlset); } } button 1352 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You try to run!'; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; runsuc = r; } if (runsuc == 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'You succeed! You leave 1/3 of your wealth behind.'; _global.expg = 0; _global.gldg = 0; _global.gld = gld - Math.round(gld / 3); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Monsters Ran From'); _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } else { _root.flavor2 = 'You fail!';; _global.turn = false; } } } instance cmeter of movieClip 942 { onClipEvent (load) { if (mageyes == false) { _root.cmeter._visible = false; } else { _root.cmeter._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxcharge; cone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.8); cthree = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.7); cfour = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.4); csix = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.3); cseven = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.2); ceight = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (curcharge < cmax && curcharge >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curcharge < cone && curcharge >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curcharge < ctwo && curcharge >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curcharge < cthree && curcharge >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curcharge < cfour && curcharge >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curcharge < cfive && curcharge >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curcharge < csix && curcharge >= cseven) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curcharge < ceight && curcharge >= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (curcharge <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge > maxcharge) { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; } if (curcharge < 0) { _global.curcharge = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curcharge) + ' charge!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum charge is ' + String(maxcharge) + '!'; } } instance soulpouch of movieClip 947 { onClipEvent (load) { if (knightyes == false) { _root.soulpouch._visible = false; } else { _root.soulpouch._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxpouch; cone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.7); cthree = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.6); cfour = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.3); csix = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curpouch < cmax && curpouch >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curpouch < cone && curpouch >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curpouch < ctwo && curpouch >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curpouch < cthree && curpouch >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curpouch < cfour && curpouch >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curpouch < cfive && curpouch >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curpouch <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch > maxpouch) { _global.curpouch = maxpouch; } if (curpouch < 0) { _global.curpouch = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curpouch) + ' essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum essence is ' + String(maxpouch) + '!'; } } frame 19 { stop(); _global.enemydead = false; _global.turn = true; stopAllSounds(); outdoorMusic.start(0, 999); } button 1355 { on (release) { if (enddungeon == false) { _global.gld += gldg; _global.exp += expg; _global.expn -= expg; _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } if (enddungeon == true) { _global.npc = 7; _root.gotoAndStop(npcframe); enddungeon = false; } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { deduct = true; } else { deduct = false; } if (deduct == true && gldg > 0) { _global.gldg -= 1; _global.gld += 1; waittime = 2; gldsound.start(); } if (gldg == 0) { nextphase = true; } if (nextphase == true && expg > 0) { _global.expg -= 1; _global.expn -= 1; expsound.start(); } if (expn < 1) { _global.lvl += 1; _global.dex += dexgain; _global.pwr += pwrgain; _global.arm += armgain; _global.maxhp += maxgain; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.expn = lvl * 75; } } } frame 20 { stop(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Another One Bites the Dust'); } button 1362 { on (release) { if (secondwind == false) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Second Winded'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('You\'re Only Human'); _root.flavor1 = 'Hey, you\'re only human.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Don\'t forget your second wind!'; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.gld = Math.round(gld / 3); _global.playerdead = false; _global.secondwind = true; = 1.15; _global.sw = 1.15; _root.gotoAndStop(startframe); } else { if (secondwind == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not like a boxer in a title fight.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'ve already used your second wind!'; _root.windbutton._visible = false; } } } } button 1364 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Game Over'); _root.effects.gotoAndStop(deadblackframe); } } frame 21 { _root.price = 0; _global.shopplus = int(Math.random() * 25) + 1; _global.shopneg = int(Math.random() * 25) + 1; _global.shopcharge = nwvalue + shopplus - shopneg; _root.price = shopcharge; _root.jingleS.start(); if (nwvalue >= 999) { _global.shopcharge = 999; } if (bestwep == true) { this.nextFrame(); } } instance owner of movieClip 981 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; shop = r; this.gotoAndStop(shop); _root.flavor2 = 'Feel free to upgrade your weapon to the next level!'; } } button 1367 { on (release) { if (gld >= shopcharge && nwvalue < 999) { _root.flavor1 = nwtext; _root.flavor2 = uptext; _root.weapon.nextFrame(); _global.gld -= shopcharge; upSound.start(); _root.upgrade._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Weapon Upgraded'); } else { if (gld < shopcharge && nwvalue < 999) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have enough for an upgrade!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Stop loitering and get lost!'; _root.upgrade._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } if (nwvalue == 999) { _root.flavor1 = nwtext; _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t upgrade anymore!'; _root.upgrade._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } } button 1370 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } frame 22 { _root.price2 = 0; _global.shopplus = int(Math.random() * 25) + 1; _global.shopneg = int(Math.random() * 25) + 1; _global.shopcharge = nevalue + shopplus - shopneg; _root.price2 = shopcharge; if (nevalue >= 999) { _global.shopcharge = 999; } if (bestequip == true) { this.nextFrame(); } } instance owner of movieClip 1000 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; shop = r; this.gotoAndStop(shop); _root.flavor2 = 'Feel free to upgrade your equip to the next level!'; jingleS.start(); } } button 1372 { on (release) { trace(shopcharge); if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = netext; _root.flavor2 = eqtext; _root.equip.nextFrame(); _global.gld -= shopcharge; _root.price = 0; upSound.start(); _root.upgrade._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Equip Upgraded'); } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have enough for an upgrade!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Stop loitering and get lost!'; _root.upgrade._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } if (nwvalue == 999) { _root.flavor1 = nwtext; _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t upgrade anymore!'; _root.upgrade._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } } frame 23 { _root.potcount = pots; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Infirmary Visited'); } button 1374 { on (release) { _global.potcharge = 20 + Math.round((lvl / 2 - 0.5) * 5); if (gld >= potcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You bought a health potion!'; _root.flavor2 = '\'Hope it serves you well out there!\''; _global.pots += 1; _global.gld -= potcharge; potSound.start(); _root.potcount = pots; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Pots Bought'); } else { if (gld < potcharge) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have ' + String(potcharge) + ' coins for a potion!'; _root.flavor2 = '\'This is an infirmary, not a charity!\''; _root.order._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } } } } instance of movieClip 1015 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; shop = r; this.gotoAndStop(shop); blank = 20 + Math.round((lvl / 2 - 0.5) * 5); _root.flavor2 = 'Health potions here! Only ' + String(blank) + ' a pot!'; _root.jingleI.start(); } } frame 24 { stop(); } button 1377 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You look inside to see what you can find...'; r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; what = r; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bag Opened'); if (what == 1) { _root.event.bag.gotoAndStop(2); = false; } if (what == 2) { _root.event.bag.gotoAndStop(3); = false; } if (what == 3) { _root.event.bag.gotoAndStop(4); = false; } } } button 1379 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1381 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; attempt = pwr + d6; challenge = int(Math.random() * 20) + 15; if (multitool >= 1) { challenge = 1; _global.multitool -= 1; } if (attempt >= challenge) { _root.potSound.start(); _global.white = true; _root.flavor1 = 'You climb the highest mountain.'; _root.flavor2 = 'That didn\'t seem to stop you, did it?'; _global.expg = int(Math.random() * 20) + 50; _global.gldg = int(Math.random() * 40) + 10; _global.enemydead = false; _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } if (attempt < challenge) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _global.hite = true; _root.flavor1 = 'You climb the highest mountain.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You slip and fall!'; _global.hp -= int(Math.random() * 60) + 1; = false; } } } button 1384 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here the highest mountain.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Only a strong adventurer could climb this!'; } } movieClip 1390 { } button 1392 { on (release) { _root.beepSound.start(); _root.gotoAndStop(endframe); } } movieClip 1395 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a stonehenge.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What purpose could this have served?'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a peculiar structure.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is a pair of two platforms.'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an irregular structure.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is a series of three rocks.'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a curious structure.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It seems to once have had some significance.'; } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a stonehenge.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You sense a distant power.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a peculiar structure.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It seems to be glowing.'; } } frame 3 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a stonehenge.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You sense mystical revelations.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an irregular structure.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It seems to be empowered.'; } } frame 4 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a stonehenge.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It has been awakened.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a curious structure.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is holding another world.'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a portal.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You hear an airy howling from within.'; } } } button 1397 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You read the rune...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Four is under one.'; _root.event.rune.use._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Runes Read'); } } button 1400 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You read the rune...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Soul compels them.'; _root.event.rune.use._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Runes Read'); } } button 1402 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You read the rune...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Life lifts them.'; _root.event.rune.use._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Runes Read'); } } button 1404 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You read the rune...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Structure stands them.'; _root.event.rune.use._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Runes Read'); } } button 1407 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You read the rune...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Time enlightens them.'; _root.event.rune.use._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Runes Read'); } } button 1409 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You read the rune...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Four are in unity.'; _root.event.rune.use._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Runes Read'); } } button 1411 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You read the rune...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Man is comprised of many.'; _root.event.rune.use._visible = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Runes Read'); } } movieClip 1412 { instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Rune.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Strange symbols tell their tale.'; } } } button 1414 { on (release) { _global.white = true; smith = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; _root.drinktrue == true; _root.flavor1 = 'Your take a drink.'; _root.offerSound.start(); if (smith == 1) { _global.maxhp += 5; _global.hp = maxhp; _root.flavor2 = 'This tastes healthy!'; } if (smith == 2) { _global.pwr += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'This tastes nutritous!'; } if (smith == 3) { _global.arm += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'This tastes like cement!'; } if (smith == 4) { _global.dex += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel enlightened!'; } if (smith == 5) { _global.pwr += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re knocked back by the taste!'; } if (smith == 6) { _global.arm += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'This leaves a hard revolting taste!'; } if (smith == 7) { _global.dex += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'This tastes wretched and loose!'; } _root.event.drink._visible = false; } } button 1417 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a fountain.'; _root.flavor2 = 'This isn\'t just ordinary liquid...'; } } button 1418 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gazebor == false) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.spawn = 2; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } else { if (gazebor == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'Can\'t you see?'; _root.flavor2 = 'You already completed the Red Gazebo\'s trial!'; = false; } } } } movieClip 1422 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Red Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'This seems pretty plot centric.'; } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Red Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It screams of Crimson Power!'; } } } button 1423 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; attempt = arm + d6; challenge = int(Math.random() * 10) + 25; if (multitool >= 1) { challenge = 1; _global.multitool -= 1; } if (attempt >= challenge) { _root.potSound.start(); _global.white = true; _root.flavor1 = 'You cross the lowest valley.'; _root.flavor2 = 'That didn\'t seem to stop you, did it?'; _global.expg = int(Math.random() * 40) + 60; _global.gldg = int(Math.random() * 20) + 20; _global.enemydead = false; _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } if (attempt < challenge) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _global.hite = true; _root.flavor1 = 'You cross the lowest valley.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel dehydrated!'; _global.hp -= int(Math.random() * 60) + 1; = false; } } } button 1426 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here the lowest valley.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Only a quick adventurer could cross this!'; } } button 1427 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gazebob == false) { _global.white = true; _global.spawn = 3; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } else { if (gazebob == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'Can\'t you see?'; _root.flavor2 = 'You already completed the Blue Gazebo\'s trial!'; = false; _root.event.gotoAndStop(10); } } } } movieClip 1430 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Blue Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'This seems pretty plot centric.'; } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Blue Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It screams of Crystal Power!'; } } } button 1431 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; attempt = dex + d6; challenge = int(Math.random() * 10) + 30; if (multitool >= 1) { challenge = 1; _global.multitool -= 1; } if (attempt >= challenge) { _root.potSound.start(); _global.white = true; _root.flavor1 = 'You skip across the widest river.'; _root.flavor2 = 'That didn\'t seem to stop you, did it?'; _global.expg = int(Math.random() * 40) + 60; _global.gldg = int(Math.random() * 20) + 20; _global.enemydead = false; _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } if (attempt < challenge) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _global.hite = true; _root.flavor1 = 'You cross the widest river.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe it\'s a little too wide!'; _global.hp -= int(Math.random() * 60) + 1; = false; } } } button 1434 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gazebow == false) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.spawn = 4; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } else { if (gazebow == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'Can\'t you see?'; _root.flavor2 = 'You already completed the White Gazebo\'s trial!'; = false; } } } } movieClip 1437 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a White Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'This seems pretty plot centric.'; } } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a White Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It screams of Ancient Power!'; } } } button 1438 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gazebob == false) { _global.white = true; _global.spawn = 3; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } else { if (gazebob == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'Can\'t you see?'; _root.flavor2 = 'You already completed the Blue Gazebo\'s trial!'; = false; } } } } movieClip 1439 { frame 1 { _global.done = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a bag.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What could possibly be inside?'; } frame 2 { stop(); _global.npc = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.npc = npc + 1; _root.gotoAndStop(npcframe); } frame 3 { stop(); _global.npc = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.npc = npc + 1; _root.gotoAndStop(npcframe); } frame 4 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the highest mountain!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can climb it!'; if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } instance info of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You fell while climbing the highest mountain.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 5 { _global.done = false; } instance of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (load) { if (gazebor == true) { this.nextFrame(); } if (gazebob == true) { this.nextFrame(); } if (gazebow == true) { this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 6 { _root.flavor1 = 'There\'s a notice pinned on the wall.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What could it possibly say?'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Runes Visited'); } instance rune of movieClip 1412 { onClipEvent (load) { l = 7; r = int(Math.random() * l) + 1; ev = r; this.gotoAndStop(ev); } } frame 7 { _global.done = false; _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a fountain!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You have no idea what liquid it flows.'; } frame 8 { _global.done = false; if (gazebor == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the Red Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You must complete its trial to activate!'; } else { if (gazebor == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the Red Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You have already completed its trial!'; _root.event.gotoAndStop(14); } } } instance of movieClip 1422 { onClipEvent (load) { if (gazebor == false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (gazebor == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 9 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the lowest valley!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can cross it!'; if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } instance info of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You collapsed while crossing the lowest valley.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 10 { _global.done = false; if (gazebob == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the Blue Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You must complete its trial to activate!'; } else { if (gazebob == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the Blue Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You have already completed its trial!'; _root.event.gotoAndStop(15); } } } instance of movieClip 1430 { onClipEvent (load) { if (gazebob == false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (gazebob == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 11 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the widest river!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can skip it!'; if (multitool >= 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your multitool makes this easy!'; } } instance info of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You drowned while skipping the widest river.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 12 { _global.done = false; if (gazebow == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the White Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You must complete its trial to activate!'; } else { if (gazebow == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the White Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You have already completed its trial!'; _root.event.gotoAndStop(8); } } } instance of movieClip 1437 { onClipEvent (load) { if (gazebow == false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (gazebow == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 13 { _global.done = false; } instance of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (load) { if (gazebor == true) { this.nextFrame(); } if (gazebob == true) { this.nextFrame(); } if (gazebow == true) { this.nextFrame(); } } } frame 14 { _global.done = false; if (gazebob == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the Blue Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You must complete its trial to activate!'; } else { if (gazebob == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the Blue Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You have already completed its trial!'; } } } instance of movieClip 1430 { onClipEvent (load) { if (gazebob == false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (gazebob == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 15 { _global.done = false; if (gazebow == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the White Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You must complete its trial to activate!'; } else { if (gazebow == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It is the White Gazebo.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You have already completed its trial!'; } } } instance of movieClip 1437 { onClipEvent (load) { if (gazebow == false) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (gazebow == true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 16 { _global.done = false; } instance of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (load) { if (gazebor == true) { this.nextFrame(); } if (gazebob == true) { this.nextFrame(); } if (gazebow == true) { this.nextFrame(); } } } } instance event of movieClip 1439 { onClipEvent (load) { l = lvl - 7 + 6; r = int(Math.random() * l) + 1; ev = r; this.gotoAndStop(ev); } } frame 25 { stop(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Church Visited'); } button 1440 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1442 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer is not enough for Krillix'; _root.flavor2 = 'MORE! He demands MORE! 25 Coins should do!'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.koffer += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Krillix, you feel stronger!'; _global.pwr += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel some will removed from you.'; _global.dex -= 1; _global.gld -= 25; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Krillix'); } } } button 1444 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Ichor 1:1 In the beginning, there was blood.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It flowed throughout the world, it created life.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Ichor 1:5 Krillix absorbed the holy substance'; _root.flavor2 = 'And spread it among the men of the world.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'War 2:7 And in the arena of man, Krillix sat,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'You shall fight for your right on this earth!\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vengence 3:12 Without murder, there is no blood.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Without blood, there is no life!'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vengence 5:11 Krillix is the supreme way.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Kill Everybody! All who do not believe his ways!'; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'Worth 3:24 Krillix awaits his greatest challenger.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The Nether Lands, in his Eternal Arena he waits.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Worth 2:7 Donned in his finest crimson armor,'; _root.flavor2 = 'The god Krillix sharpens his blade.\''; } } } button 1449 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Walls 1:1 In the beginning, there was chaos.'; _root.flavor2 = 'And Armon controlled it, he kept it contained.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Walls 2:3 These bricks, they cannot hold.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There is a crack, and they will break in the end.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Defcon 3:9 And behind the walls of infinity,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon sat, never to be damaged by mortals.'; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Jericho 4:5 A man who hides in the open,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is a man waiting for his death.'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Length 5:2 Armon commanded his followers,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'Do not fear death, it cannot hurt you here!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'Absolution 3:24 Armon awaits the inevitible,'; _root.flavor2 = 'A breach, death will break down his wall.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Defcon 7:11 Hidden behind inpenetrable protection,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon will never show his true form.\''; } } } button 1450 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer is not enough for Armon'; _root.flavor2 = 'Not enough, protectorate, 25 Coins should do.'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25 && maxhp >= 6) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.doffer += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Armon, you feel protected!'; _global.arm += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel your heart beat slower.'; _global.maxhp -= 5; _global.gld -= 25; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Armon'); } if (gld >= 25 && maxhp <= 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'What are you doing?'; _root.flavor2 = 'If your heart beats any slower, you will die!'; } } } button 1452 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Reflex 1:1 In the beginning, time was sentient.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis controlled it, she was its master.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Reflex 2:8 She controlled time using her will.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There was nothing she could not reach.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Trace 3:15 And on the Road of Epochs,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis walked, her power infinite.'; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Marathon 5:11 A man who cannot act,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is a man waiting for others to beat him so.'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Nimble 5:2 Spediphis addressed her shadows,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'Do not fear action, it is the path to resolve!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vigilance 7:7 Spediphis will reach her goal,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Someone who she will meet on her path.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Trace 9:3 Wearing her finest golden sandals,'; _root.flavor2 = 'The angelic goddess Spediphis walks.\''; } } } button 1453 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer is not enough for Spediphis'; _root.flavor2 = 'More coins, Quickfoot! 25 Coins should do.'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.qoffer += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Spediphis, you feel quicker!'; _global.dex += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel somewhat lighter.'; _global.arm -= 1; _global.gld -= 25; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Spediphis'); } } } button 1454 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer is not complete to Zorom'; _root.flavor2 = 'More coins, Wraith! 25 Coins should do.'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.noffer += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Zorom, you feel infinite!'; _global.maxhp += 5; _global.hp = maxhp; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel somewhat weaker.'; _global.pwr -= 1; _global.gld -= 25; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Zorom'); } } } button 1456 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Rise 1:1 In the beginning, the laws were unknown,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom commanded that they bring order.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Rise 2:4 He commanded the laws to find logic.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There was nothing that could not be explained.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vanguard 3:3 And in the Tower of Life,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom walked, his world complete.'; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Eternal 6:1 A man who will let die,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is a man who does not understand his world.'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Revive 5:2 Zorom addressed his spirits,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'I made these laws so you could conquer them!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'End 9:3 Zorom will see his puzzle complete,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Someone who will climb to his tower.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Vanguard 5:2 Inside his shriveled corpse,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom made sure his life is eternal.\''; } } } button 1458 { on (release) { _global.white = true; if (gld < 25) { _root.flavor1 = 'Randal demands more tribute!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Fork it over, One! 25 Coins at least!'; = false; _root.wrongSound.start(); } if (gld >= 25) { _root.offerSound.start(); _global.roffer += 1; smith = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Tribute Smith'); } if (smith == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Smith, you feel infinite!'; _global.maxhp += 10; _global.hp = maxhp; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel weaker.'; _global.pwr -= int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.gld -= 25; smith = 0; } if (smith == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Smith, you feel powerful!'; _global.pwr += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel slower.'; _global.dex -= int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.gld -= 25; smith = 0; } if (smith == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Smith, you feel harder!'; _global.arm += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel limited.'; _global.maxhp -= 10; _global.gld -= 25; smith = 0; } if (smith == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your offer reaches Smith, you feel quicker!'; _global.dex += int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _root.flavor2 = 'Yet you feel you feel softer.'; _global.arm -= int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.gld -= 25; smith = 0; } } } button 1459 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Lore Learned'); _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Begin 1:1 In the beginning, there was Randal Smith,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Smith was not pleased, so he created the world.'; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Begin 1:2 Randal Smith commanded the atoms.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There was not anything he could not create.'; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'Quantum 3:4 And on the Throne of Gold,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith sat, awaiting no man.'; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor1 = 'Electron 7:2 A man who does not take chances,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is a man who\'s worth absolutely nothing.'; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor1 = 'Roy 8:2 Smith adressed his Ones,'; _root.flavor2 = '\'Among you is the guiding spirits of chance!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sky 3:4 Smith will see his dynasty fall,'; _root.flavor2 = 'One will challenge his infinite might.'; } if (ask == 7) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sky 10:11 High above the ruins of man,'; _root.flavor2 = 'Smith can see all.\''; } } } movieClip 1461 { frame 1 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, Brother, to the church of Killogy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix rests his sword for you.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (koffer >= 0 && koffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (koffer >= 4 && koffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix seems to feel your presence.'; } if (koffer >= 9 && koffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (koffer >= 13 && koffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (koffer >= 17 && koffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix feels challenged by you.'; } if (koffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the powerful sword symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Krillix demands your presence.'; } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Killogist priest...'; _root.flavor2 = 'He seems to harbor quiet bloodlust.'; } } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, Protectorate, to the church of Defolgy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon offers his protection to you.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Armon Church Visited'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Defogist monk...'; _root.flavor2 = 'He seems to feel no pain.'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (doffer >= 0 && doffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (doffer >= 4 && doffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon seems to feel your presence.'; } if (doffer >= 9 && doffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (doffer >= 13 && doffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (doffer >= 17 && doffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon feels challenged by you.'; } if (doffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the hard shield symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Armon demands your presence.'; } } } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, Quickfoot, to the church of Quilogy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis infuses you with her will.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Spediphis Church Visited'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (qoffer >= 0 && qoffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (qoffer >= 4 && qoffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis seems to feel your presence.'; } if (qoffer >= 9 && qoffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (qoffer >= 13 && qoffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (qoffer >= 17 && qoffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis feels challenged by you.'; } if (qoffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the light wing symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Spediphis demands your presence.'; } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Quilogist priestess...'; _root.flavor2 = 'She seems to embrace the light.'; } } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, Wraith, to the church of Necrogy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom awaits your answer.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Zorom Church Visited'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Necrogist doctor...'; _root.flavor2 = 'He seems unafraid of death.'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (noffer >= 0 && noffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (noffer >= 4 && noffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom seems to feel your presence.'; } if (noffer >= 9 && noffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (noffer >= 13 && noffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (noffer >= 17 && noffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom feels challenged by you.'; } if (noffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the veiny cross symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Zorom demands your presence.'; } } } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'Welcome, One, to the church of Randology.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith might have time for you.'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Randal Church Visited'); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { if (qoffer >= 0 && qoffer <= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith seems to be indifferent towards you.'; } if (qoffer >= 4 && qoffer <= 8) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith seems to feel your presence.'; } if (qoffer >= 9 && qoffer <= 12) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith seems suspicious of your motives.'; } if (qoffer >= 13 && qoffer <= 16) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith seems paranoid of your arrival.'; } if (qoffer >= 17 && qoffer <= 19) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith feels challenged by you.'; } if (qoffer >= 20) { _root.flavor1 = 'You examine the odd quantum symbol...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Randal Smith demands your presence.'; } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Randogist figure...'; _root.flavor2 = 'He seems confident in his luck.'; } } } instance of movieClip 1461 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 5) + 1; church = r; this.gotoAndStop(church); if (church == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Krillix Church Visited'); } } } frame 26 { stop(); } button 1463 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with your fellow adventurer...'; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Adventurer kits can help with any task!\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'I wonder what\'s up with those mysterious gazebo\'s...\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'You don\'t even need skills to use Adventurer Kits!\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Adventurer kits fit into any adventurers budget!\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'You need an Adventurer Kit to survive around here!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor2 = '\'I\'m sure there\'s a way to activate that portal.\''; } } } button 1465 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1466 { on (release) { _global.shopcharge = 50; if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.upSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You buy an Adventurer Kit.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Thank you for your business!'; _global.multitool += 1; _global.gld -= shopcharge; = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bought Adventure Kit'); } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'I\'m sorry, but Adventurer Kits cost 50.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Looks like you\'ll have to do it the hard way!'; = false; } } } } button 1469 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Fellow Adventurer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He looks well prepared.'; } } button 1471 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with Kat...'; r = int(Math.random() * 5) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'This Axe is good for any plant-like monster!\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'They had to build the Stonehenge from STONE?\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'This Axe will really save you some time!\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'I use Axe\'s all the time!\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'This Axe will cut em\' down!\''; } } } button 1472 { on (release) { _global.shopcharge = 30; if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.upSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You buy an Axe.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go cut those plants right down!'; _global.woodaxe += 1; _global.gld -= shopcharge; = false; } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'Sorry, but these Axe\'s cost 30.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Hey, it\'s quality!'; = false; } } } } button 1474 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Kat.'; _root.flavor2 = 'She looks ready to cut something.'; } } button 1476 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with the Rebel...'; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'The Rebels oppose the Empire!\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Drones can relay coordinates to HQ!\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'We\'re an underground movement!\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'We need help destroying those drones!\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Drones tend to violate you, watch out!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor2 = '\'We\'re renegades of the Iron Age!\''; } } } button 1477 { on (release) { if (dronekill >= 1) { _root.upSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You collect your ' + String(dronekill) + ' Drone bounty!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Fifteen per Drone killed!'; _global.gld += 15 * dronekill; _global.dronekill = 0; = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Collected Bounty'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('That\'s No Dungeon'); } else { if (dronekill == 0) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'What do you mean you want a bounty?'; _root.flavor2 = 'You haven\'t killed any Scout Drones!'; = false; } } } } button 1480 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Rebel.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Ok, these references are getting ridiculous.'; } } button 1481 { on (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Herb Pharmacist.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Well, this can\'t hurt.'; } } button 1483 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You chat with the Herb Pharmacist...'; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; ask = r; if (ask == 1) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Herbs are good for you, really!\''; } if (ask == 2) { _root.flavor2 = '\'These are the finest herbs around!\''; } if (ask == 3) { _root.flavor2 = '\'This is how medicine used to be done!\''; } if (ask == 4) { _root.flavor2 = '\'Herbs are cheap, 50 gold, discount price!\''; } if (ask == 5) { _root.flavor2 = '\'These herbs will really give you a boost!\''; } if (ask == 6) { _root.flavor2 = '\'With herbs, anything is possible.\''; } } } button 1484 { on (release) { _global.shopcharge = 50; if (gld >= shopcharge) { _root.offerSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You buy some Herbs.'; massage = int(Math.random() * 7) + 1; _global.gld -= shopcharge; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Bought Herb'); if (massage == 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel focused!'; _global.dex += 2; = false; } if (massage == 2) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel relaxed!'; _global.arm += 2; = false; } if (massage == 3) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel charged!'; _global.pwr += 2; = false; } if (massage >= 4) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel refreshed!'; _global.hp += 999; = false; } } else { if (gld < shopcharge) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'Herbs cost 50 coins!'; _root.flavor2 = 'That\'s the price for quality!'; = false; } } } } movieClip 1486 { frame 1 { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Fellow Adventurer!'; _root.flavor2 = 'He looks well prepared!'; } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s Kat the Lumberjack!'; _root.flavor2 = 'That\'s a sharp axe!'; } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Rebel!'; _root.flavor2 = 'A bounty for any drone\'s destroyed!'; } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Herb Pharmacist!'; _root.flavor2 = 'He reeks of different plants.'; } } instance npcpick of movieClip 1486 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(npc); } } frame 27 { stop(); _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.playerdead = false; _global.enemydead = false; _global.temp = false; _global.infoact = false; stopAllSounds(); bossMusic.start(0, 999); } instance enemy of movieClip 1182 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(spawn); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == false) { _root.acts._visible = false; = false; _root.potb._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == true) { _root.acts._visible = true; = true; _root.potb._visible = true; } } } instance acts of movieClip 1351 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(btlset); } } instance cmeter of movieClip 942 { onClipEvent (load) { if (mageyes == false) { _root.cmeter._visible = false; } else { _root.cmeter._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxcharge; cone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.8); cthree = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.7); cfour = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.4); csix = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.3); cseven = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.2); ceight = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (curcharge < cmax && curcharge >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curcharge < cone && curcharge >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curcharge < ctwo && curcharge >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curcharge < cthree && curcharge >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curcharge < cfour && curcharge >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curcharge < cfive && curcharge >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curcharge < csix && curcharge >= cseven) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curcharge < ceight && curcharge >= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (curcharge <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge > maxcharge) { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; } if (curcharge < 0) { _global.curcharge = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curcharge) + ' charge!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum charge is ' + String(maxcharge) + '!'; } } instance soulpouch of movieClip 947 { onClipEvent (load) { if (knightyes == false) { _root.soulpouch._visible = false; } else { _root.soulpouch._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxpouch; cone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.7); cthree = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.6); cfour = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.3); csix = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curpouch < cmax && curpouch >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curpouch < cone && curpouch >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curpouch < ctwo && curpouch >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curpouch < cthree && curpouch >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curpouch < cfour && curpouch >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curpouch < cfive && curpouch >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curpouch <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch > maxpouch) { _global.curpouch = maxpouch; } if (curpouch < 0) { _global.curpouch = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curpouch) + ' essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum essence is ' + String(maxpouch) + '!'; } } frame 28 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = ''; _root.flavor2 = ''; _global.spoiled = false; _global.vicious = 5; _global.vicmin = 0; _global.souls = 0; _global.rank = 4; _global.tpiece = 0; viccorrect = (lvl - 13) * 2; if (viccorrect <= 0) { viccorrect = 0; } _global.vicious += viccorrect; _global.kdone = false; _global.kdefeat = false; _global.adone = false; _global.adefeat = false; _global.sdone = false; _global.sdefeat = false; _global.zdone = false; _global.zdefeat = false; _global.rdone = false; _global.rdefeat = false; if (darkfolkunlock == false) { _root.unlocker.gotoAndStop(11); } com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Third Area'); } movieClip 1494 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.edone = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); _global.secondwind = undefined; _root.nextFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 1494 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 7; _root.flavor1 = 'Dropping down the Near Endless Pit...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get ready for the next zone!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 8; } } } frame 29 { stop(); _global.rank = 4; _global.curcharge = maxcharge; if (secondwind == undefined) { _global.playerdead = false; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.wepatk = 0; _global.dexatk = 0; _global.armclass = 0; _global.startframe = 29; _global.exploreframe = 30; _global.monsterframe = 31; _global.lootframe = 32; _global.deadframe = 33; _global.gachaframe = 34; _global.godframe = 35; _global.wanderframe = 36; _global.chatframe = 37; _global.spawnframe = 38; _global.bossframe = 39; _global.yspawn = false; = 1; _global.sw = 1; _root.flavor1 = 'This is the PentPlane.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What have you come for?'; _global.secondwind = false; } stopAllSounds(); pentMusic.start(0, 999); _global.whatarea = 3; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Thinking With Portals'); _global.buttonuse = true; _global.souls = 0; _global.tpiece = 0; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { score1 = dex + pwr + arm; score2 = score1 * 10; score3 = gld * 10; score4 = wvalue + evalue; score5 = lvl * 100; score6 = exp; _global.score = Math.round((score2 + score3 + score4 + score5 + score6) * diffscore); _root.scoretext = score; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hp <= 0) { _global.hp = 0; _global.playerdead = true; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } if (hpe <= 0) { _global.hpe = 0; _global.enemydead = true; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } if (maxhp < hp) { _global.hp = maxhp; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } if (gld > 999) { _global.gld = 999; } if (maxhp > 999) { _global.maxhp = 999; } if (pwr > 999) { _global.pwr = 999; } if (dex > 999) { _global.dex = 999; } if (arm > 999) { _global.arm = 999; } } onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (expn < 1 && lvl <= 24) { _root.beepSound.start(); _global.lvl += 1; _global.vicious += 2; _global.vicmin += 2; _global.dex += dexgain; _global.pwr += pwrgain; _global.arm += armgain; _global.maxhp += maxgain; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.curcharge = maxcharge; if (lvl >= 6) { _global.expn = 325 + (lvl - 6) * 25; } else { _global.expn = lvl * 50; } if (lvl >= 12) { _global.vicious += 1; } } if (lvl == 25) { _global.expn = 999; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (vicious > 19) { _global.vicious = 19; } if (vicmin > 19) { _global.vicmim = 18; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (isNaN(pots)) { _global.pots = 10; } } } button 1501 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } instance progress of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (loadingsave == true) { _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); _global.loadingsave = false; _global.hp =; _global.maxhp =; _global.maxgain =; _global.roothp =; _global.mageyes =; _global.knightyes =; _global.gld =; _global.lvl =; _global.expn =; _global.arm =; _global.pwr =; _global.dex =; _global.pots =; _global.btlset =; _global.enddungeon =; _global.secondwind =; _global.wepnumber =; _global.equipnumber =; _global.maxgain =; _global.vicious =; _global.vicmin =; _global.kdone =; _global.kdefeat =; _global.adone =; _global.adefeat =; _global.sdone =; _global.sdefeat =; _global.zdone =; _global.zdefeat =; _global.rdone =; _global.rdefeat =; _global.spoiled =; _global.gazebor =; _global.gazebow =; _global.gazebob =; _global.whatarea =; _global.diffscore =; _global.diffhp =; _global.difficulty =; _global.wepset =; _global.equipset =; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(wepnumber); _root.equip.gotoAndStop(equipnumber); _global.bestwep =; _global.bestequip =; _global.maxcharge =; _global.curcharge =; _global.rank =; save_so.flush(); } if (loadingsave == false) { _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); = true; = hp; = maxhp; = roothp; = maxgain; = gld; = lvl; = expn; = arm; = pwr; = dex; = btlset; = whatarea; _global.wepnumber = _root.weapon._currentframe; = wepnumber; _global.equipnumber = _root.equip._currentframe; = equipnumber; = vicious; = vicmin; = kdone; = kdefeat; = adone; = adefeat; = sdone; = sdefeat; = zdone; = zdefeat; = rdone; = rdefeat; = spoiled; = gazebor; = gazebob; = gazebow; = enddungeon; = whatarea; = diffscore; = diffhp; = difficulty; = bestwep; = bestequip; = wepset; = equipset; = maxcharge; = curcharge; = mageyes; = knightyes; = rank; save_so.flush(); } = pots; = secondwind; = mageyes; = mageyes; save_so.flush(); } } frame 30 { stop(); _global.hp += Math.round(maxhp / diffhp); _global.temp = 0; upSound = new Sound(this); upSound.attachSound('upsound'); potSound = new Sound(this); potSound.attachSound('potsound'); bipSound = new Sound(this); bipSound.attachSound('bipsound'); beepSound = new Sound(this); beepSound.attachSound('beep'); offersound = new Sound(this); offersound.attachSound('offersound'); wrongsound = new Sound(this); wrongsound.attachSound('wrongsound'); nopesound = new Sound(this); nopesound.attachSound('nopesound'); offerSound = new Sound(this); offerSound.attachSound('offersound'); wrongSound = new Sound(this); wrongSound.attachSound('wrongsound'); nopeSound = new Sound(this); nopeSound.attachSound('nopesound'); boomSound = new Sound(this); boomSound.attachSound('boom'); jingleS = new Sound(this); jingleS.attachSound('smithy'); jingleI = new Sound(this); jingleI.attachSound('infirmary'); jingleL = new Sound(this); jingleL.attachSound('level'); jingleC = new Sound(this); jingleC.attachSound('church'); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Explored'); } movieClip 1511 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.edone = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); r = int(Math.random() * 23) + 1; dec = r; if (dec >= 1 && dec <= 9) { _root.effects.gotoAndStop(surpriseframe); } if (dec >= 10 && dec <= 13) { _root.gotoAndStop(gachaframe); } if (dec >= 14 && dec <= 20) { _root.gotoAndStop(godframe); } } } instance of movieClip 1511 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 5; _root.flavor1 = ''; _root.flavor2 = ''; _global.curcharge += 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { play(); waittime = 5; } } } frame 31 { stop(); _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.playerdead = false; _global.enemydead = false; _global.temp = false; _global.infoact = false; _global.turn = true; stopAllSounds(); battlePMusic.start(0, 999); } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 1535 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.hpe = 99; _global.dexe = 24 + lvl; _global.arme = 27 + lvl; _global.pwre = 26 + lvl; _global.expg = 90; _global.gldg = 50; _global.tempe = 25; _global.monlvl = 13; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Rodney.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He\'s looking for an amulet of some sort.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'This must be a bones level.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Rodney appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You hit Rodney!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You miss Rodney!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Rodney attacks with his dagger!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He hits!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He misses!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Rodney dies.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He drops his possessions.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Killed by a Rodney, do you want your possessions identified?'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.hpe = 120; _global.dexe = 24 + lvl; _global.arme = 25 + lvl; _global.pwre = 28 + lvl; _global.expg = 40; _global.gldg = 30; _global.tempe = 15; _global.monlvl = 13; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Luminiscent Shroom.'; _root.flavor2 = 'This seems rather rare.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'This seems rather rare.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Luminiscent Shroom appears!'; hits = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You attack the Shroom, it cracks?';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You miss the Shroom... Can\'t damage this plane.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It does something you don\'t see often'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; hits += 1; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Well that was quite amazing, actually.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - Math.round(hp / (hits + 4)); = hp;; _global.temp = 0; hits += 1; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Eh, you\'ve seen that before.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Shroom pops its cap!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It releases nourishing spores!'; _global.maxhp += 5; _global.souls += 1; _global.hp += Math.round(maxhp / 5);; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You came all this way to get killed by Shroom?'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _global.hpe = 40 + (lvl - 1) * 20; _global.dexe = 3 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.arme = 4 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.pwre = 5 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.expg = 99; _global.gldg = 30; _global.tempe = Math.round(arm / 3); _global.monlvl = 13; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Fallen Knight.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heed its warning.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Let this be a warning to all future warriors...'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Fallen Knight has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Fallen Knight buckles.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Fallen Knight is not harmed.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Fallen Knight gallantly slashes you.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'The wound glows black.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It misses.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Knight has Fallen.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What seperates a man from a creature?'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'The Fallen Knight has ended you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 4 { stop(); _global.hpe = 99; _global.dexe = 22 + lvl; _global.arme = 23 + lvl; _global.pwre = 30 + lvl; _global.expg = 92; _global.gldg = 30; _global.tempe = 25; _global.monlvl = 13; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Headcrab.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s like a crab, but for heads.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Well now you know things are screwy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Headcrab appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Headcrab jumps back!'; _global.arme += 1;; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Should\'ve used a crowbar!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Headcrab jumps at your head!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d20; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It latches on!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It goes flying past your head!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'There goes the Headcrab.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Nicely done, Freeman.'; _global.souls += 1; _global.pitkey = true;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You became a Headcrab zombie!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 5 { stop(); _global.hpe = 99; _global.dexe = 35 + lvl; _global.arme = 26 + lvl; _global.pwre = 25 + lvl; _global.expg = 92; _global.gldg = 30; _global.tempe = 25; _global.monlvl = 13; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Error Message.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Description.exe has failed to execute.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Application plane.exe has stopped working...'; _root.flavor2 = 'An Error Message has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'C:/wrldfiles/dungeon/defense/hit.exe';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'C:/wrldfiles/dungeon/defense/miss.exe'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'C:/wrldfiles/dungeon/combat/int.exe'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'C:/wrldfiles/adventurer/health/damage.exe'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'C:/wrldfiles/adventurer/health/miss.exe'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You quit the application.'; _root.flavor2 = 'If this problem persists, reinstall your drivers.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You lost all your work!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 6 { stop(); _global.hpe = 30 + (lvl - 1) * 25; _global.dexe = 5 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.arme = 4 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.pwre = 3 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.expg = 99; _global.gldg = 30; _global.tempe = Math.round(arm / 3); _global.monlvl = 14; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Roamer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heed its warning.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Let this be a warning to all future rangers...'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Roamer has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Roamer buckles.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Roamer is not harmed.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Roamer lets off one good shot.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Its arrows pierce your skin.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It misses.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Raomer is no more.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You shouldn\'t have come here.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'The Roamer has ended you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 7 { stop(); _global.hpe = 120; _global.dexe = 24 + lvl; _global.arme = 26 + lvl; _global.pwre = 32 + lvl; _global.expg = 95; _global.gldg = 35; _global.tempe = 25; _global.monlvl = 14; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Little Box of Abominations.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What a wonderful surprise!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Oh, what timeless wonderful fun.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Little Box of Abominations appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Oh, you should not have done that, dear.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'No... That was not nice...'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'What\'s in the little box tonight?'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Oh dear, that was just scarring, wasn\'t it?'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'A disturbed face peers out, and pops back in.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'This Little Box went wee wee wee...'; _root.flavor2 = '...all the way to hell.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'Well that was a wonderful Little Box, wasn\'t it?'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 8 { stop(); _global.hpe = 30 + (lvl - 1) * 15; _global.dexe = 5 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.arme = 3 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.pwre = 5 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.expg = 99; _global.gldg = 30; _global.tempe = Math.round(arm / 3); _global.monlvl = 15; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Conjurer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heed its warning.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Let this be a warning to all future magi...'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Conjurer has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Conjurer buckles.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Conjurer is not harmed.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Conjurer uses its darkest spell.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re jolted with soulless magic.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It misses.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Conjurer is no more.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will bring this upon yourself.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'The Conjurer has ended you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 9 { stop(); _global.hpe = 135; _global.dexe = 26 + lvl; _global.arme = 27 + lvl; _global.pwre = 34 + lvl; _global.expg = 100; _global.gldg = 50; _global.tempe = 25; _global.monlvl = 15; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here an Abysmal Boar.'; _root.flavor2 = 'How many of these are there?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'I don\'t think this a spelling error.'; _root.flavor2 = 'An Abysmal Boar appears!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Abysmal Boar bounces back!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Well, its armor certainly isn\'t abysmal.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Abysmal Boar charges you head on.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'That was worth the effort.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'That wasn\'t worth the effort.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Abysmal Boar explodes.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Hopefully for the last time.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were more abysmal then an Abysmal Boar.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 10 { stop(); _global.hpe = 35 + (lvl - 1) * 20; _global.dexe = 6 + (lvl - 1) * 3; _global.arme = 3 + (lvl - 1) * 1; _global.pwre = 2 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.expg = 99; _global.gldg = 30; _global.tempe = 15; _global.monlvl = 16; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Piper.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heed its warning.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Let this be a warning to all future artists...'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Piper has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Piper buckles.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Piper is not harmed.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Piper sings of forbidden legends.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your mind is filled with dark whispers.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It misses.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Piper is no more.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You were not the first to desire this end.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'The Piper has ended you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 11 { stop(); _global.hpe = 160; _global.dexe = 28 + lvl; _global.arme = 28 + lvl; _global.pwre = 36 + lvl; _global.expg = 120; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 25; _global.monlvl = 16; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'u see here a zombie goast.'; _root.flavor2 = 'u really should leve this place.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'u shudnt come here.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Zombie Goast has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'you went faster then the speed of sound.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'looks like you need a better wepon.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'the zombie goast feels sorry for you...'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = '...becaus u cant live here anymore.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = '...becaus u cant be at piece.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'ZOMBIE GOASTS LEAVE THIS PLACE!'; _root.flavor2 = 'the zombie goast is at piece'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'u were killed by the Zombie Goast'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 12 { stop(); _global.hpe = 30 + (lvl - 1) * 20; _global.dexe = 5 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.arme = 1 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.pwre = 4 + (lvl - 1) * 2; _global.expg = 99; _global.gldg = 30; _global.tempe = Math.round(arm / 3); _global.monlvl = 17; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Wraith.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Heed its warning.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Let this be a warning to all future gifted...'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Wraith has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Wraith buckles.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'The Wraith is not harmed.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Wraith tries to dominate you.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Mind over matter, demon over soul.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It misses.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Wraith is no more.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re not perfect.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'The Wraith has ended you!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 13 { stop(); _global.hpe = 200; _global.dexe = 30 + lvl; _global.arme = 30 + lvl; _global.pwre = 38 + lvl; _global.expg = 125; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 20; _global.monlvl = 17; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Miscreant.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The Miscreant sees you.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Well that\'s just terrible.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Greater Miscreant has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You blow off one of its eyes, it\'s got more.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Those eyes... They\'re watching...'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'It shoots off an eye laser!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Which eye? No idea.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Which eye? The bad one.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Eyes shoot off in every direction!'; _root.flavor2 = 'That\'s just gross...'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were zapped by the Miscreant!'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 14 { stop(); _global.hpe = 225; _global.dexe = 33 + lvl; _global.arme = 32 + lvl; _global.pwre = 40 + lvl; _global.expg = 150; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 20; _global.monlvl = 18; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Devil.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is legion, for it is many.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Your status is... Malignant...'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Devil has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Fire bursts from its chest.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'It has no soul to lose.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Metsu... METADOSHORYUKAMETAKI!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re only human.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'It\'s too blinded by itself.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You could not save yourself.'; _root.flavor2 = 'How could you save them?'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'A Devil for every good soul lost.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 15 { stop(); _global.hpe = 240; _global.dexe = 31 + lvl; _global.arme = 36 + lvl; _global.pwre = 36 + lvl; _global.expg = 160; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 20; _global.monlvl = 18; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Plane Wanderer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'It seems warm and terrible.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; } onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You feel insanity...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Behold, the cursed Plane Wanderer!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Something whirs inside his soul...';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot banish what is banished.'; _global.arme -= 1; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'He reaches out a warm, obsolete hand.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d6; wepatke = pwre + d20; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He grabs your chest, and absorbs your heart.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Something stops him from going through.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You hear a remorseless, inhuman cry...'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is done, he is not among this world.'; _global.souls += 1; _global.pitkey = true;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You joined the legions of the Plane Wanderers.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 16 { stop(); _global.hpe = 222; _global.dexe = 36 + lvl; _global.arme = 36 + lvl; _global.pwre = 36 + lvl; _global.expg = 165; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 30; _global.monlvl = 19; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Slendy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You should have given him twenty dollars.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You hear static.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Slendy has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You shouldn\'t have done that, child.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'He is static.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Warning... Warning... Warning...'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your soul screeches from within you.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You cough up blood.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Slendy dissapears.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There are no conclusions here.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were taken by the Slenderman.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 17 { stop(); _global.hpe = 240; _global.dexe = 34 + lvl; _global.arme = 36 + lvl; _global.pwre = 38 + lvl; _global.expg = 165; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 15; _global.monlvl = 19; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Celestial Squid.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Probably rarer then a Non-celestial Squid.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You feel dreamy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Celestial Squid has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re ruining the skies.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You can\'t reach for some things...'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Can you dream?'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Can you feel nightmares?'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'No, they are just illusions.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Celestial Squid evaporates.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Back to the heavens.'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You were dreamt away by a Celestial Squid.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 18 { stop(); _global.hpe = 300; _global.dexe = 36 + lvl; _global.arme = 37 + lvl; _global.pwre = 40 + lvl; _global.expg = 165; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 10; _global.monlvl = 20; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Moon'; _root.flavor2 = 'THREE DAYS! THREE DAYS! THREE DAYS!'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Why hello there.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The Moon has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You can try to stop this...';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You will never stop this...'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Three days...'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'GAME OVER!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = '...Only a Few More Hours...'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'The Moon crashes to the ground.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Crises averted?'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You just ran out of time... Hello Mr. Moon, what a wonderful day.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } frame 19 { stop(); _global.hpe = 200; _global.dexe = 34 + lvl; _global.arme = 40 + lvl; _global.pwre = 38 + lvl; _global.expg = 165; _global.gldg = 60; _global.tempe = 30; _global.monlvl = 20; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Polite Flayer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Would you like some more caviar?'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You\'re cordially invited to a banquet.'; _root.flavor2 = 'A Polite Flayer has appeared!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Oh dear, what a mess...';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'This is not proper etiquette!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Would you like to come for dinner?'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d4; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'We\'re serving the most delicious meal.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; _global.hpe += Math.round(wepatke / 5); } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Oh, you\'re busy then, I understand.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false;; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You politely decline the Polite Flayer!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Busy world, isn\'t it?'; _global.souls += 1;; donethisbefore = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You had dinner with the Polite Flayer.'; _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } onClipEvent (load) { declvl = monlvl + 2; if (declvl <= lvl) { _global.expg = Math.round(expg / 2); } } } } instance enemy of movieClip 1535 { onClipEvent (load) { mpick = Math.floor(Math.random() * (vicious - vicmin) + vicmin + 1); this.gotoAndStop(mpick); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == false) { _root.acts._visible = false; = false; _root.potb._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == true) { _root.acts._visible = true; = true; _root.potb._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { locwait += 1; if (locwait == 20) { _global.dexe += dcurve; _global.pwre += pcurve; _global.arme += acurve; } } } button 1536 { on (release) { if (pots <= 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have any health potions.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get some from the infirmary!'; _root.potb._visible = false; nopesound.start(); } if (pots >= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You quaff a health potion!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel healthier! ' + String(pots - 1) + ' pots left!'; n = lvl + 2; plus = n * 10; trace('n is' + n); trace('plus' + plus); _global.hp = hp + (lvl + 2) * 10; _global.pots -= 1; _global.temp = 5; trace('temp is' + temp); trace('pots is' + pots);; _global.turn = false; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Pots Used'); } } } button 1538 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You gallantly slash the beast!'; _root.flavor2 = ''; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d6) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1540 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You brace for impact.'; _global.temp = Math.round(arm / 2 + equip); _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re ready for the next hit!';; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1542 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You parry the next attack!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwre + d6) * wep / 2.5); _global.temp -= 15; _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } } } button 1546 { on (release) { if (turn == true && metsu == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You scream the two part word!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your belt and seal glow! Get powered up!'; _global.metsu = belt; _global.luksu = luk; _global.turn = false;; } if (turn == true && metsu >= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have already Metsu\'d!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re ready to devastate your foe!'; } } } button 1549 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You release an accurate ball of psionic fire!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8 + luksu; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * metsu); _global.metsu = 1; _global.luksu = 0; trace(wepatk); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1552 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You spiral upwards in a Dragon Punch!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d4 + luksu; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d8) * metsu); _global.metsu = 1; _global.luksu = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1553 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; if (counter == true) { cdmg = Math.round((pwre + d12) * cloak); chit = Math.round((dexe + d8) * cloak); } if (counter == false) { cdmg = 0; chit = 0; } if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You sneak a shot at your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + chit; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6 + cdmg) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; _global.counter = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1555 { on (release) { if (turn == true && counter == false && gld < 10) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have enough gold to counter!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You need 10!'; } if (turn == true && counter == false && gld >= 10) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your cloak absorbs the next blast.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your dagger glows red!'; _global.gld -= 10; _global.counter = true; _global.turn = false;; } if (turn == true && counter == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You already have a counter stored!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Strike now for massive damage!'; } } } button 1557 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You try to steal from your opponent.'; if (turn == true) { dexatk = dex + d4; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep / 2); _global.turn = false; if (dexatk >= dexe) { _global.gld += Math.round(gldg / 4); _global.expg += Math.round(expg / 10); _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _root.flavor2 = 'Your robbery is a success!';; } if (dexatk < dexe) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your robbery is a failure!';; } } } } } button 1559 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You humiliate and sneak shots at your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d6) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; _global.counter = false; if (lsong == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Your dagger channels the spirits of legends!'; wepatk = Math.round((dex + d6) * flute); } if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1561 { on (release) { if (ssong == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'This tune\'s too familiar!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re still singing until you switch songs!'; } if (ssong == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _global.turn = false; _root.flavor1 = 'You sing of terrible storms!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your foe can\'t see a thing!'; _global.dexded = Math.round((dex / 2) * flute); _global.temp += Math.round((dex / 4) * flute); _global.dexe -= dexded; _global.ssong = true; _global.lsong = false;; } } } button 1563 { on (release) { if (lsong == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'This tune\'s too familiar!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'re still singing until you switch songs!'; } if (lsong == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sing of great legends!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your dagger sounds a familiar tune!'; _global.turn = false;; if (_global.ssong == true) { _global.dexe += dexded; _global.temp -= Math.round((dex / 4) * flute);; } _global.lsong = true; _global.ssong = false; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1565 { on (release) { if (oneshot == true) { _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; } if (threeshot == true) { _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 2); _global.threeshot = false; } if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You cautiously shoot!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d12; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d6) * wep + arw); _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1567 { on (release) { dis = Math.round(lvl / 2); trace(dis); if (oneshot == true) { _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; } if (threeshot == true) { _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 2); _global.threeshot = false; } sh = 0; ones = false; twos = false; if (ones == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; d2 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a first time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d6 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && ones == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; ones = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && ones == false) { ones = true; } } } if (twos == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a second time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d4; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && twos == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; twos = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && twos == false) { twos = true; } } } } on (release) { trace(sh); if (sh == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot two times! Both miss!'; _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } if (sh == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot two times! One hits!'; _global.hit = true; _global.arme -= 1;; } if (sh == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot two times! Both hit!'; _global.hit = true;; } _global.turn = false; } } button 1569 { on (release) { dis = Math.round(lvl / 2) + 1; if (oneshot == true) { _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 4); _global.oneshot = false; } if (threeshot == true) { _global.temp += Math.round(arm / 2); _global.threeshot = false; } sh = 0; ones = false; twos = false; threes = false; if (ones == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; d2 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a first time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d6 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep + arw); _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 2); _global.oneshot = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse && ones == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; ones = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && ones == false) { ones = true; } } } if (twos == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a second time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d4 - dis; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && twos == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; twos = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && twos == false) { twos = true; } } } if (threes == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a third time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex - dis; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * wep + arw); if (dexatk >= armclasse && threes == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; threes = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && threes == false) { threes = true; } } } } on (release) { trace(sh); if (sh == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! All miss!'; _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } if (sh == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! One hits!'; _global.hit = true;; _global.arme -= 1; } if (sh == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! Two hit!'; _global.hit = true; _global.arme -= 1;; } if (sh == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot three times! All hit!'; _global.hit = true; } _global.turn = false; } } button 1571 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You force a knife into your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d6) * wep * fund); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1573 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You slam your opponent!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = dexe + tempe; dexatk = arm + d8 + equip; wepatk = Math.round((arm + d6 + equip) * fund); _global.hp -= Math.round(wepatk / 4); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1575 { on (release) { if (funded == 3) { ocharge = true; _root.flavor1 = 'Looks like you\'re well funded already!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You can only fund 3 times max!'; } else { ocharge = false; } r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You throw some coins down for power!'; if (gld < 10 && ocharge == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Insufficiant funds! You need 10!'; } if (gld >= 10 && ocharge == false) { += 0.5; _global.funded += 1; _root.flavor2 = 'No sins on the battlefield!';; _global.gld -= 10; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1577 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You will purify this damned soul!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep) + enmity; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1579 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'May the gods empower you! Die demon!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((doffer + d4) * cloak) + qoffer; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1581 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You swear to Krillix! ' + String(Math.round(koffer / 2)) + ' Attack up!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your enemy seems with hatred! ' + String(Math.round(koffer / 3)) + ' Attack up!'; _global.enmity += Math.round(koffer / 2); _global.pwre += Math.round(koffer / 3);; _global.turn = false; } } button 1583 { on (release) { dis = lvl + 3; wam = lvl * 2; sh = 0; ones = false; twos = false; threes = false; if (ones == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; d2 = r; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d6 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr - wam) * belt); _global.temp -= Math.round(arm / 2); _global.oneshot = false; if (dexatk >= armclasse && ones == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; ones = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && ones == false) { ones = true; } } } if (twos == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a second time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d4 - dis; wepatk = Math.round((pwr - wam) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse && twos == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; twos = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && twos == false) { twos = true; } } } if (threes == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You shoot a third time!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex; wepatk = Math.round((pwr - wam) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse && threes == false) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; threes = true; sh += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse && threes == false) { threes = true; } } } } on (release) { trace(sh); if (sh == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! All miss!'; _global.hit = false; } if (sh == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! One hits!'; _global.hit = true; _global.combo += 1; } if (sh == 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! Two hit!'; _global.hit = true; _global.combo += 2; } if (sh == 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You kick three times! All hit!'; _global.hit = true; _global.combo += 3; } _global.turn = false; } } button 1585 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You lay down one good hit!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d12; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * belt); _global.combo += 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1587 { on (release) { if (combo == 0) { _root.flavor1 = 'You don\'t have a combo to break!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Hit some to break some!'; } if (combo > 0) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'C-c-c-ombo Breaker!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round((combo + d4) * belt); _global.combo = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1589 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr + d12 + bextra); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.bextra = 0; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1590 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 3; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You unleash a bolt of lightning!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round(pwr + d4 + bextra); _global.bextra = d12; _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1592 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sendforth a vile curse!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round(pwr + d4 + bextra); _global.wcursed = Math.round(dex / 3); _global.dexe -= wcursed; _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1594 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr + d12); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1595 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 6; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 14) + 6; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You zap your foe harder!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr + d20); _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1597 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1 minimum!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; d10 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You empty your mana into your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d10; wepatk = Math.round(pwr * curcharge); _global.curcharge = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1599 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'The power God compels you!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr + d6); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1601 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You pour holy water on your wounds.'; plus = Math.round(maxcharge * 5 + dex); _global.hp = hp + plus; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel healthy!';; _global.curcharge -= 2; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1603 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2 minimum!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You bless your weapon! ' + String(Math.round(dex / 5)) + ' Attack up!'; _global.bextra += Math.round(dex / 5);; _global.curcharge -= 2; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1605 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You drain your foe! Delicious!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwr + d6); plus = Math.round(wepatk / 1.5); _global.curcharge -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hp = hp + plus; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1607 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 4; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You force your foe to attack itself!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d12; wepatk = Math.round(pwre + d6); _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.dexe += wcursed; _global.wcurse = false; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1609 { on (release) { if (curcharge <= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough mana! You need 2!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Press the \'charge\' button to charge mana!'; } wcurse = true; if (wcurse) { _global.dexe += wcursed; } if (curcharge >= 2) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sendforth a vile curse!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round(pwr + d4 + bextra); _global.wcursed = d12; _global.dexe -= wcursed; _global.wcurse = true; _global.curcharge -= 2; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1610 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You spare yourself the pain!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You reclaim some humanity!'; _global.methurt = 0; _global.turn = false;; } } } button 1612 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You send forth demonic flames!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + luk; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * belt); if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hp = hp - methurt; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; _global.methurt = Math.round(wepatk / 5);; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1614 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You charge upwards in a demonic punch!'; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + luk; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d8) * belt); _global.metsu = 1; _global.luksu = 0; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hp = hp - methurt; _global.hit = true; _global.turn = false; _global.methurt = Math.round(wepatk / 5);; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.turn = false; _global.arme -= 1; } } } } } button 1616 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'Your corrupted steel strikes your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8 + demond; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep + aura); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1618 { on (release) { if (auraused == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You already have the presence of this aura.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot call upon it again...'; } if (auraused == false) { _global.aura = Math.round(demon * 1.5); _root.flavor1 = 'Your aura screams of evil...'; _root.flavor2 = String(aura) + ' power... It is unholy...'; _global.turn = false; _global.auraused = true;; } } } button 1620 { on (release) { if (demonused == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Endless demonic corruption...'; _root.flavor2 = 'No... That is enough for now...'; } if (demonused == false) { _global.demond = demon + 3; _root.flavor2 = String(demond) + ' dex... It feels good...'; _global.turn = false; _global.demon += 1; _root.flavor1 = 'Terrible whispers fill your soul... ' + String(demon) + ' times...'; _global.dex -= 1; _global.maxhp -= 5; _global.demonused = true; _global.temp = 0;; } } } button 1622 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'It is time to pass judgement!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + mercd; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw * mercp + d4) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1624 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { mercy = 0; _root.flavor1 = 'You show your opponent mercy.'; if (gld < 5 && turn == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Not enough coins! You need 5!'; } if (gld > 4 && turn == true) { mercy = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; _global.gld -= 5; } if (mercy == 1) { _global.mercp = 1.5; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = 0; _root.flavor2 = 'You are blessed with superior power!';; _global.turn = false; } else { if (mercy == 2) { _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = dex * 1.5; _global.temp = 0; _root.flavor2 = 'You are blessed with superior dexterity!';; _global.turn = false; } else { if (mercy == 3) { _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = Math.round(arm + equip); _root.flavor2 = 'You are blessed with superior armor!';; _global.turn = false; } } } } } } button 1626 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You offer your god some coins.'; if (gld < 14 && turn == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Not enough! You need 15!'; } if (gld > 14 && turn == true) { plus = Math.round(dex * 5); _global.hp = hp + plus; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel healthy!';; _global.gld -= 15; _global.turn = false; } } } } button 1627 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You smash your foe with your hammer!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8 + fbonus; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep * sbonus); _global.temp -= 1;; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } _global.sbonus = 1; _global.fbonus = 0; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _root.acts.act2._visible = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = true; } } } button 1629 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1 && power1 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per explore!'; } if (curcharge >= 1 && power1 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sense their weakness.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Next attack deals x2!'; _global.sbonus = 2;; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power1 = true; _root.acts.act2._visible = false; } } } button 1631 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1 && power2 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per explore!'; } if (curcharge >= 1 && power2 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You focus on your attack.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Next attack\'s more accurate!'; _global.fbonus += Math.round(dex / 2);; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power2 = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = false; } } } button 1633 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You smash your foe with your hammer!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8 + fbonus; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * wep * sbonus); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } _global.sbonus = 1; _global.fbonus = 0; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _root.acts.act2._visible = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = true; } } } button 1634 { on (release) { if (curcharge < 1 && power1 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per explore!'; } if (curcharge >= 1 && power1 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You sense their weakness.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Next attack deals x2!'; _global.sbonus = 1;; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power1 = true; _root.acts.act2._visible = false; } } } button 1635 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Focus on your attack! Costs 1!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Guarenteed hit!'; } } } button 1636 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You punch your foe!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr + d4) * awaken * supermode); trace(awaken); trace(supermode); _global.temp -= 1;; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.curcharge += 1; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; } } } } } button 1638 { on (release) { if (power1 == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You already awakened your belt!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go get punchin\'!'; } if (curcharge < 5 && power1 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 5!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per punch!'; } if (curcharge >= 5 && power1 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You activate your belt.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel invigorated!'; _global.awaken = wep;; _global.curcharge -= 5; _global.power1 = true; _root.acts.act2._visible = false; } } } button 1640 { on (release) { if (power3 == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You\'re already supered!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Doing it again? That\'s just dangerous!'; _root.acts.act3._visible = false; } if (curcharge < 15 && power2 == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough PP! You need 15!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will accumulate one per punch!'; } if (curcharge >= 15 && power2 == false) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'CHIAAAAAAAA!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your body is warped with raw energy!'; _global.supermode = 3;; _global.curcharge -= 1; _global.power2 = true; _root.acts.act3._visible = false; } } } button 1642 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You perform your duty!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((pwr * pw + d4) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true;; _global.curpouch += Math.round(wepatk / 3); } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; _global.temp -= 1; } } } } } button 1644 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You focus on generating essence.'; _global.curpouch += Math.round(pwr * wep); _root.flavor2 = 'Your bag glows in accordance!';; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1646 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You dump your essence!'; _global.turn = false; armclasse = arme; dexatk = dex * sw + d8; wepatk = Math.round((curpouch * pw + d4) * wep); _global.temp -= 1; if (dexatk >= armclasse) { _global.hpe = hpe - wepatk + tempe; _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.hit = true; _global.curpouch = 0;; } else { if (dexatk < armclasse) { _global.hit = false; _global.arme -= 1; _global.temp -= 1; _global.curpouch = 0; } } } } } button 1648 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You focus on your opponent.'; _global.expg += curpouch; _global.curpouch = 0; _root.flavor2 = 'The reward is now higher!';; _global.turn = false; } } } button 1650 { on (release) { if (curpouch < craftcost) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not enough essence! You need ' + String(craftcost) + '!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go gather more essence!'; } if (curpouch >= craftcost) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 8) + 1; d8 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; d10 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; _root.flavor1 = 'You craft a potion out of essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Biw that\'s what I call service!'; _global.turn = false; _global.pots += 1; _global.curpouch -= craftcost;; } } } movieClip 1652 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); _global.metsu = 1; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 3 { stop(); _global.counter = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 4 { stop(); _global.lsong = false; _global.ssong = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 5 { stop(); _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 4); } frame 6 { stop(); = 1; _global.funded = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 1.25); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 0.75); } frame 7 { stop(); = 1; _global.funded = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 1.25); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 0.75); _global.enmity = 0; } frame 8 { stop(); _global.combo = 0; } frame 9 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 10 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 11 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 12 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.bextra = 0; _global.wcurse = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 13 { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } instance of movieClip 887 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 14 { stop(); _global.metsu = 1; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); _global.methurt = 0; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 0.5); _global.expg = Math.round(expg * 1); } frame 15 { stop(); _global.demonused = false; _global.auraused = false; _global.demond = 0; _global.aura = 0; } frame 16 { stop(); _global.mercp = 1; _global.mercd = 0; _global.temp = 0; } frame 17 { _global.maxcharge = dex + bcharge; _global.sbonus = 1; _global.fbonus = 0; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hpe <= 0 && wombodone == false) {; wombodone = true; } } } frame 19 { _global.maxcharge = dex + bcharge; _global.awaken = 1; _global.supermode = 1; _global.power1 = false; _global.power2 = false; _global.equip = Math.round(arm / 3); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { _global.craftcost = lvl * 5 + Math.round(hp / 20); _global.deuscost = Math.round(dex + pwr + arm) / 3; _global.gldg = Math.round(gldg * 0.5); } } instance acts of movieClip 1652 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(btlset); } } button 1653 { on (release) { if (turn == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You try to run!'; r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; runsuc = r; } if (runsuc == 1) { _root.flavor2 = 'You succeed! You leave 1/3 of your wealth behind.'; _global.expg = 0; _global.gldg = 0; _global.gld = gld - Math.round(gld / 3); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Monsters Ran From'); _root.gotoAndStop(lootframe); } else { _root.flavor2 = 'You fail!';; _global.turn = false; } } } instance cmeter of movieClip 942 { onClipEvent (load) { if (mageyes == false) { _root.cmeter._visible = false; } else { _root.cmeter._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxcharge; cone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.8); cthree = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.7); cfour = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.4); csix = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.3); cseven = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.2); ceight = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (curcharge < cmax && curcharge >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curcharge < cone && curcharge >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curcharge < ctwo && curcharge >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curcharge < cthree && curcharge >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curcharge < cfour && curcharge >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curcharge < cfive && curcharge >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curcharge < csix && curcharge >= cseven) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curcharge < ceight && curcharge >= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (curcharge <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge > maxcharge) { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; } if (curcharge < 0) { _global.curcharge = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curcharge) + ' charge!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum charge is ' + String(maxcharge) + '!'; } } instance soulpouch of movieClip 947 { onClipEvent (load) { if (knightyes == false) { _root.soulpouch._visible = false; } else { _root.soulpouch._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxpouch; cone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.7); cthree = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.6); cfour = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.3); csix = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curpouch < cmax && curpouch >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curpouch < cone && curpouch >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curpouch < ctwo && curpouch >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curpouch < cthree && curpouch >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curpouch < cfour && curpouch >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curpouch < cfive && curpouch >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curpouch <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch > maxpouch) { _global.curpouch = maxpouch; } if (curpouch < 0) { _global.curpouch = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curpouch) + ' essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum essence is ' + String(maxpouch) + '!'; } } frame 32 { stop(); _global.enemydead = false; _global.turn = true; stopAllSounds(); pentMusic.start(0, 999); if (rank == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Russel Crow'); } } button 1656 { on (release) { if (buttonuse == true) { _global.gld += gldg; _global.exp += expg; _global.expn -= expg; _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); if (kreward == true or areward == true or sreward == true or zreward == true) { this.gotoAndStop(chatframe); } } } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { waittime = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { waittime -= 1; if (waittime == 0) { deduct = true; } else { deduct = false; } if (deduct == true && gldg > 0) { _global.gldg -= 1; _global.gld += 1; waittime = 2; gldsound.start(); } if (gldg == 0) { nextphase = true; } if (nextphase == true && expg > 0) { _global.expg -= 1; _global.expn -= 1; expsound.start(); } if (expn < 1) { _global.lvl += 1; _global.dex += dexgain; _global.pwr += pwrgain; _global.arm += armgain; _global.maxhp += maxgain; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.expn = lvl * 75; } } } frame 33 { stop(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Another One Bites the Dust'); } button 1663 { on (release) { if (secondwind == false) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Second Winded'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('You\'re Only Human'); _root.flavor1 = 'Hey, you\'re only human.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Don\'t forget your second wind!'; _global.hp = maxhp; _global.gld = Math.round(gld / 3); _global.playerdead = false; _global.secondwind = true; _root.gotoAndStop(startframe); } else { if (secondwind == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Not like a boxer in a title fight.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You\'ve already used your second wind!'; _root.windbutton._visible = false; } } } } button 1665 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Game Over'); _root.effects.gotoAndStop(deadblackframe); } } frame 34 { stop(); com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Gachapon Visited'); com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Shut Up and Take My Money'); } button 1668 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Soul Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (souls < 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at three souls per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Kill monsters to get more souls!'; } if (souls >= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit three souls...'; _global.souls -= 3; _root.soulcount = souls; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 3) { hpgacha = true; } if (gacha == 3) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha == 4) { dexgacha = true; } if (gacha == 5) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 5 && gacha < 8) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 7 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One hundred coins!'; _global.gld += 100; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Four extra souls!'; _global.souls += 4; } } _root.pon.gacha1._visible = false; } } button 1670 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1672 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Gold Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (gld < 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at 75 coins per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go get more coins!'; } if (gld >= 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit 75 coins...'; _global.gld -= 75; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 3) { hpgacha = true; } if (gacha == 3) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha == 4) { dexgacha = true; } if (gacha == 5) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 5 && gacha < 8) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 7 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One hundred coins!'; _global.gld += 100; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Four extra souls!'; _global.souls += 4; } } _root.pon.gacha2._visible = false; } } button 1675 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Soul Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (souls < 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at three souls per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Kill monsters to get more souls!'; } if (souls >= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit three souls...'; _global.souls -= 3; _root.soulcount = souls; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 3) { hpgacha = true; } if (gacha == 3) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha == 4) { dexgacha = true; } if (gacha > 4 && gacha < 7) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 6 && gacha < 9) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 8 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One hundred coins!'; _global.gld += 100; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Four extra souls!'; _global.souls += 4; } } _root.pon.gacha1._visible = false; } } button 1676 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Gold Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (gld < 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at 75 coins per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go get more coins!'; } if (gld >= 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit 75 coins...'; _global.gld -= 75; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 3) { hpgacha = true; } if (gacha == 3) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha == 4) { dexgacha = true; } if (gacha > 4 && gacha < 7) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 6 && gacha < 9) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 8 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One hundred coins!'; _global.gld += 100; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Four extra souls!'; _global.souls += 4; } } _root.pon.gacha2._visible = false; } } button 1678 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Soul Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (souls < 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at three souls per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Kill monsters to get more souls!'; } if (souls >= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit three souls...'; _global.souls -= 3; _root.soulcount = souls; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 3) { hpgacha = true; } if (gacha == 3) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha > 3 && gacha < 7) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 6 && gacha < 8) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 8 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Seventy five coins!'; _global.gld += 75; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Three extra souls!'; _global.souls += 3; } } _root.pon.gacha1._visible = false; } } button 1679 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Gold Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (gld < 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at 75 coins per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go get more coins!'; } if (gld >= 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit 75 coins...'; _global.gld -= 75; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 3) { hpgacha = true; } if (gacha == 3) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha > 3 && gacha < 7) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 6 && gacha < 8) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 8 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Seventy five coins!'; _global.gld += 75; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Three extra souls!'; _global.souls += 3; } } _root.pon.gacha2._visible = false; } } button 1681 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Soul Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (souls < 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at three souls per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Kill monsters to get more souls!'; } if (souls >= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit three souls...'; _global.souls -= 3; _root.soulcount = souls; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 2) { hpgacha = true; } if (gacha == 2) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha == 3) { dexgacha = true; } if (gacha == 4) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 4 && gacha < 8) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 7 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Fifty coins!'; _global.gld += 50; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Six extra souls!'; _global.souls += 6; } } _root.pon.gacha1._visible = false; } } button 1682 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Gold Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (gld < 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at 75 coins per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go get more coins!'; } if (gld >= 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit 75 coins...'; _global.gld -= 75; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 2) { hpgacha = true; } if (gacha == 2) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha == 3) { dexgacha = true; } if (gacha == 4) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 4 && gacha < 8) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 7 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Fifty coins!'; _global.gld += 50; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Six extra souls!'; _global.souls += 6; } } _root.pon.gacha2._visible = false; } } button 1684 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Soul Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (souls < 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at three souls per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Kill monsters to get more souls!'; } if (souls >= 3) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit three souls...'; _global.souls -= 3; _root.soulcount = souls; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 3) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha > 2 && gacha < 5) { dexgacha = true; } if (gacha > 4 && gacha < 7) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 6 && gacha < 8) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 7 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Twenty-five coins!'; _global.gld += 25; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One soul!'; _global.souls += 1; } } _root.pon.gacha1._visible = false; } } button 1685 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Gold Gachapon'); _root.offerSound.start(); hpgacha = false; pwrgacha = false; armgacha = false; dexgacha = false; soulgacha = false; goldgacha = false; if (gld < 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need at 75 coins per gacha!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Go get more coins!'; } if (gld >= 75) { _root.flavor1 = 'You deposit 75 coins...'; _global.gld -= 75; r = int(Math.random() * 10) + 1; gacha = r; if (gacha > 0 && gacha < 3) { pwrgacha = true; } if (gacha > 2 && gacha < 5) { dexgacha = true; } if (gacha > 4 && gacha < 7) { armgacha = true; } if (gacha > 6 && gacha < 8) { soulgacha = true; } if (gacha > 7 && gacha < 11) { goldgacha = true; } if (hpgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One HP potion!'; _global.pots += 1; } if (pwrgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One power boost!'; _global.pwr += 1; } if (dexgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One dexterity boost!'; _global.dex += 1; } if (armgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One armor boost!'; _global.arm += 1; } if (goldgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! Twenty-five coins!'; _global.gld += 25; } if (soulgacha == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'Gacha Pon! One soul!'; _global.souls += 1; } } _root.pon.gacha2._visible = false; } } movieClip 1686 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the Central Limbo Gachapon!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Roll for random rewards!'; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the North Gihannom Gachapon!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Roll for random rewards!'; } frame 3 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the South Perdition Gachapon!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Roll for random rewards!'; } frame 4 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the West Abyss Gachapon!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Roll for random rewards!'; } frame 5 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s the East Underworld Gachapon!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Roll for random rewards!'; } } instance pon of movieClip 1686 { onClipEvent (load) { mpick = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 1); this.gotoAndStop(mpick); } } frame 35 { stop(); } button 1690 { on (release) { if (kdone == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already challenged Krillix.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot explore his arena anymore.'; } if (kdone == false) { _global.wander1 = 1; _global.wander2 = 2; _global.wander3 = 3; _global.wander4 = 4; _root.gotoAndStop(wanderframe); } } } button 1692 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1693 { on (release) { if (kdone == true && kdefeat == false) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already challenged Krillix.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot challenge him again!'; } if (kdone == true && kdefeat == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already defeated Krillix.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot challenge him again!'; } if (kdone == false && kdefeat == false) { _global.whichchat = 2; _root.gotoAndStop(chatframe); } } } button 1696 { on (release) { if (adone == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already challenged Armon.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot explore his wall anymore.'; } if (adone == false) { _global.wander1 = 5; _global.wander2 = 6; _global.wander3 = 7; _global.wander4 = 8; _root.gotoAndStop(wanderframe); } } } button 1697 { on (release) { if (adone == true && adefeat == false) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already challenged Armon.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot challenge him again!'; } if (adone == true && adefeat == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already defeated Armon.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot challenge him again!'; } if (adone == false && adefeat == false) { _global.whichchat = 3; _root.gotoAndStop(chatframe); } } } button 1699 { on (release) { if (sdone == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already challenged Soediphis.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot explore her road anymore.'; } if (sdone == false) { _global.wander1 = 9; _global.wander2 = 10; _global.wander3 = 11; _global.wander4 = 12; _root.gotoAndStop(wanderframe); } } } button 1700 { on (release) { if (sdone == true && sdefeat == false) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already challenged Spediphis.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot challenge her again!'; } if (sdone == true && sdefeat == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already defeated Spediphis.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot challenge her again!'; } if (sdone == false && sdefeat == false) { _global.whichchat = 4; _root.gotoAndStop(chatframe); } } } button 1703 { on (release) { if (zdone == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already challenged Zorom.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot explore his tower anymore.'; } if (zdone == false) { _global.wander1 = 13; _global.wander2 = 14; _global.wander3 = 15; _global.wander4 = 16; _root.gotoAndStop(wanderframe); } } } button 1704 { on (release) { if (zdone == true && zdefeat == false) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already challenged Zorom.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot challenge him again!'; } if (zdone == true && zdefeat == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already defeated Zorom.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot challenge him again!'; } if (zdone == false && zdefeat == false) { _global.whichchat = 5; _root.gotoAndStop(chatframe); } } } button 1707 { on (release) { if (rdone == true) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have already challenged Zorom.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot explore his tower anymore.'; } if (rdone == false) { _global.wander1 = 17; _global.wander2 = 18; _global.wander3 = 19; _global.wander4 = 20; _root.gotoAndStop(wanderframe); } } } button 1708 { on (release) { _global.whichchat = 6; _root.gotoAndStop(chatframe); } } movieClip 1709 { frame 1 { stop(); if (kdone == true) { _root.godzone.nextFrame(); } _root.flavor1 = 'It is an Arena.'; _root.flavor2 = 'An aura of power overcomes you.'; } frame 2 { stop(); if (adone == true) { _root.godzone.nextFrame(); } _root.flavor1 = 'It is a Wall, it seems to stretch forever.'; _root.flavor2 = 'An aura of balance overcomes you.'; } frame 3 { stop(); if (sdone == true) { _root.godzone.nextFrame(); } _root.flavor1 = 'It is a Road.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You were meant to be here.'; } frame 4 { stop(); if (zdone == true) { _root.godzone.nextFrame(); } _root.flavor1 = 'It is a Tower.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Life is only a test.'; } frame 5 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It is a Throne of Gold.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Ascenion is near, finality overcomes you.'; } } instance godzone of movieClip 1709 { onClipEvent (load) { mpick = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 1); this.gotoAndStop(mpick); } } frame 36 { stop(); _global.lad = (5 - rank) * 5; } button 1711 { on (release) { if (souls <= 0) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'This construct will not live.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You need more souls.'; _root.event.soul._visible = false; } else { if (souls >= 1) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _global.souls -= 1; _global.pentspawn = 5; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } } } } button 1716 { on (release) { _root.offerSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You dip into the Pool of Power.'; _root.flavor2 = 'YOU FEEL POWERFUL. You feel slower.'; _global.pwr += 3; _global.dex -= 3; _root.event.dip._visible = false; } } button 1720 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; note = r; if (note == 1) { _root.flavor1 = '1. Lo\' the world!'; _root.flavor2 = '2. One arisen of four.\''; = false; } if (note == 2) { _root.flavor1 = '7. Each for their own,'; _root.flavor2 = '8. Creatures in their image\''; = false; } if (note == 3) { _root.flavor1 = '17. He turned against them,'; _root.flavor2 = '18. A war against his makers,'; = false; } if (note == 4) { _root.flavor1 = '33. Their powers weakened,'; _root.flavor2 = '34. Their influence diminished,'; = false; } } } button 1724 { on (release) { if (rank >= 2) { _global.pentspawn = 6; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } else { if (rank == 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You\'re already top rank.'; _root.flavor2 = 'There are no more challengers!'; _root.event.yes._visible = false; } } } } button 1728 { on (release) { if (souls <= 0) { _root.nopeSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'This construct will not live.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You need more souls.'; _root.event.soul._visible = false; } else { if (souls >= 1) { _root.wrongSound.start(); _global.souls -= 1; _global.pentspawn = 7; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } } } } button 1730 { on (release) { _root.offerSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You dip into the Pool of Order.'; _root.flavor2 = 'YOU FEEL STRUCTURED. You feel less lively.'; _global.arm += 3; _global.maxhp -= 15; _root.event.dip._visible = false; } } button 1733 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; note = r; if (note == 1) { _root.flavor1 = '3. Armon gave it structure,'; _root.flavor2 = '4. Krillix gave it soul,'; = false; } if (note == 2) { _root.flavor1 = '23. They fought back,'; _root.flavor2 = '24. Not one a match.'; = false; } if (note == 3) { _root.flavor1 = '29. Taken to another plane,'; _root.flavor2 = '30. A land of no harm.'; = false; } } } button 1735 { on (release) { r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; note = r; if (note == 1) { _root.flavor1 = '3. Armon gave it structure,'; _root.flavor2 = '4. Krillix gave it soul,'; = false; } if (note == 2) { _root.flavor1 = '23. They fought back,'; _root.flavor2 = '24. Not one a match.'; = false; } if (note == 3) { _root.flavor1 = '29. Taken to another plane,'; _root.flavor2 = '30. A land of no harm.'; = false; } } } button 1736 { on (release) { _root.offerSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; s = r; if (s == 1) { _global.pentspawn = 9; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } if (s == 2) { _global.pentspawn = 10; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } if (s == 3) { _global.pentspawn = 11; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } } } button 1740 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; note = r; if (note == 1) { _root.flavor1 = '9. Yet there was one to dominate,'; _root.flavor2 = '10. Thus became man.'; = false; } if (note == 2) { _root.flavor1 = '15. Yet his power too great,'; _root.flavor2 = '16. His mind corrupted.'; = false; } if (note == 3) { _root.flavor1 = '19. All in one,'; _root.flavor2 = '20. A fatal mistake.'; = false; } if (note == 4) { _root.flavor1 = '27. Yet in turn,'; _root.flavor2 = '28. Undo themselves.'; = false; } } } button 1743 { on (release) { _root.offerSound.start(); if (tpiece <= 1) { _root.flavor1 = 'You need two Pieces of Time.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Get them from Time Anomolies!'; _root.event.dip._visible = false; } else { if (tpiece >= 2) { _root.flavor1 = 'You assemble Two Pieces of Time!'; _root.flavor2 = 'The pedestal lights! You feel faster!'; _global.tpiece -= 2; _global.dex += 1; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Anomalous Materials'); } } } } button 1747 { on (release) { _root.potSound.start(); _root.flavor1 = 'You pluck the Health Fruit.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You now have one more health potion!'; _global.pots += 1; = false; } } button 1750 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 3) + 1; note = r; if (note == 1) { _root.flavor1 = '5. Spediphis gave it depth,'; _root.flavor2 = '6. Zorom gave it life.'; = false; } if (note == 2) { _root.flavor1 = '11. Each gave their own,'; _root.flavor2 = '12. Man from four.'; = false; } if (note == 3) { _root.flavor1 = '25. Yet united,'; _root.flavor2 = '26. They would undo him.'; = false; } } } button 1755 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; note = r; if (note == 1) { _root.flavor1 = '13. Smith became his name,'; _root.flavor2 = '14. One combined image.'; = false; } if (note == 2) { _root.flavor1 = '21. All is greater then one,'; _root.flavor2 = '22. And so he fought.'; = false; } if (note == 3) { _root.flavor1 = '31. But with him, they came,'; _root.flavor2 = '32. Five in this hell.'; = false; } if (note == 4) { _root.flavor1 = '35. Only in their dreams,'; _root.flavor2 = '36. May they affect their world.'; = false; } } } button 1758 { on (release) { _root.bipSound.start(); r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; note = r; if (note == 1) { _root.flavor1 = '13. Smith became his name,'; _root.flavor2 = '14. One combined image.'; = false; } if (note == 2) { _root.flavor1 = '21. All is greater then one,'; _root.flavor2 = '22. And so he fought.'; = false; } if (note == 3) { _root.flavor1 = '31. But with him, they came,'; _root.flavor2 = '32. Five in this hell,'; = false; } if (note == 4) { _root.flavor1 = '35. Only in their dreams,'; _root.flavor2 = '36. May they affect their world.'; = false; } } } movieClip 1760 { frame 1 { _global.done = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Here is a construct.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Chained down, it needs a soul to activate.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Construct.'; _root.flavor2 = 'For all you know, it\'s dead.'; } } frame 2 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It is the Pool of Power!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Dip yourself here at your own risk.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Pool of Power.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel an aura of soul.'; } } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'Here are some sheets from the Hymn.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can arrange these in due time.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a PentPlane Hymn'; _root.flavor2 = 'Who wrote this?'; } } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'Here is the Gated Arena Entrance.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You are rank ' + String(rank) + '. Would you like to challenge?'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Gated Arena Entrance.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You hear cheering from inside.'; } } frame 5 { _global.done = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Here is a construct.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Chained down, it needs a soul to activate.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Construct.'; _root.flavor2 = 'For all you know, it\'s dead.'; } } frame 6 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It is the pool of Order!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Dip yourself here at your own risk.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Pool of Order.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You feel an aura of justice.'; } } frame 7 { _root.flavor1 = 'Here are some sheets from the Hymn.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can arrange these in due time.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a PentPlane Hymn'; _root.flavor2 = 'Who wrote this?'; } } frame 8 { _global.pentspawn = 8; _root.gotoAndStop(spawnframe); } frame 9 { _global.done = false; _root.flavor1 = 'This is a Time Anomoly.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You sense a Piece of Time beckoning from within.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Time Anomoly.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You hear scattered voices from within.'; } } frame 10 { _global.done = false; _root.flavor1 = 'This is a time anomoly.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You sense a Piece of Time beckoning from within.'; } frame 11 { _root.flavor1 = 'Here are some sheets from the Hymn.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can arrange these in due time.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a PentPlane Hymn'; _root.flavor2 = 'Who wrote this?'; } } frame 12 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It\'s a Time Pedestal!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Assemble two Pieces of Time!'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Time Pedestal.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Assemble Pieces of Time here, you have ' + String(tpiece) + '!'; } } frame 13 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It seems to be a Health Fruit.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is this what Health Potions are made of?'; } frame 14 { _root.flavor1 = 'Here are some sheets from the Hymn.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can arrange these in due time.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a PentPlane Hymn'; _root.flavor2 = 'Who wrote this?'; } } frame 15 { _root.flavor1 = 'Here are some sheets from the Hymn.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can arrange these in due time.'; } frame 16 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'It seems to be a Health Fruit.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Is this what Health Potions are made of?'; } frame 17 { _root.flavor1 = 'Here are some sheets from the Hymn.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can arrange these in due time.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a PentPlane Hymn'; _root.flavor2 = 'Who wrote this?'; } } frame 18 { _root.flavor1 = 'Here are some sheets from the Hymn.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Maybe you can arrange these in due time.'; } frame 19 { _global.done = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Here is a construct.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Chained down, it needs a soul to activate.'; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here a Construct.'; _root.flavor2 = 'For all you know, it\'s dead.'; } } frame 20 { _global.done = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Here is a construct.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Chained down, it needs a soul to activate.'; } } instance event of movieClip 1760 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; s = r; if (s == 1) { gotoAndStop(wander1); } if (s == 2) { gotoAndStop(wander2); } if (s == 3) { gotoAndStop(wander3); } if (s == 4) { gotoAndStop(wander4); } } } frame 37 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); fintroMusic.start(0, 999); } button 1761 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(whichchat); } } button 1763 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1766 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 1768 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 1771 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } button 1775 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } } button 1777 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 1780 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } } button 1782 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } } button 1785 { on (release) { _global.spawn = 1; _root.gotoAndStop(bossframe); } } button 1791 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } button 1794 { on (release) { _root.kreward == false; _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } movieClip 1796 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'What\'s this, a mortal?'; _root.flavor2 = 'Why do you come to challenge your maker?'; if (kreward == true) { _global.kreward = false; this.gotoAndStop(9); } } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'How could you question my existence?'; _root.flavor2 = 'Without me, there is no soul.'; } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'Is that not what all mortals desire?'; _root.flavor2 = 'To conquer their lords?'; } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'Soul is what brought you here...'; _root.flavor2 = 'The signs, messages, they are illusions.'; } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'Then it makes sense that you would come...'; _root.flavor2 = 'If you want power, defeat me.'; } frame 6 { _root.flavor1 = 'Nonsense, you will not fool me.'; _root.flavor2 = 'I know why you have come...'; } frame 7 { _root.flavor1 = 'I know them for I empowered them.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You are here because you must conquer.'; } frame 8 { _root.flavor1 = 'You had a choice to come here.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You came, you will get your fight.'; } frame 9 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'That was impressive, you defeated me.'; _root.flavor2 = 'I will reward you with one wish.'; } frame 10 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'Then so be it.'; _root.flavor2 = 'I offer you the strongest of weapons.'; _root.weapon.gotoAndStop(wepset + 8); _global.secondwind = false; } } button 1804 { on (release) { _global.spawn = 2; _root.gotoAndStop(bossframe); } } button 1811 { on (release) { _root.areward == false; _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } movieClip 1812 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'So you have come, Protectorate.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What brings you to challenge me?'; if (areward == true) { _global.areward = false; this.gotoAndStop(9); } } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'Alas, it\'s true.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The greatest of walls couldn\'t stop this.'; } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'But you have come so far.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Climbed my walls.'; } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'This is true.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You must turly want this.'; } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'Hiding doesn\'t make a coward.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Cowards just never know when to strike.'; } frame 6 { _root.flavor1 = 'What else could you want?'; _root.flavor2 = 'My walls are destroyed.'; } frame 7 { _root.flavor1 = 'That is my domain.'; _root.flavor2 = 'You will have to defeat me.'; } frame 8 { _root.flavor1 = 'Don\'t we all?'; _root.flavor2 = 'But Order must be maintained.'; } frame 9 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'You have pentrated what is holy.'; _root.flavor2 = 'I will capitulate, you have one wish.'; } frame 10 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'Then so be it.'; _root.flavor2 = 'I offer you the strongest of tools.'; _root.equip.gotoAndStop(eqset + 8); _global.secondwind = false; } } button 1813 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } button 1815 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } } button 1818 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } } button 1820 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } } button 1822 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } } button 1824 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } } button 1826 { on (release) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } } button 1829 { on (release) { _global.spawn = 3; _root.gotoAndStop(bossframe); } } button 1834 { on (release) { nextFrame(); } } button 1836 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Dex Boost Chosen'); _global.dex += superboost; gotoAndStop(13); } } button 1838 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Arm Boost Chosen'); _global.arm += superboost; gotoAndStop(12); } } button 1840 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Pwr Boost Chosen'); _global.pwr += superboost; nextFrame(); } } button 1842 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } button 1844 { on (release) { _root.sreward == false; _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } movieClip 1845 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'Alas, it was only inevitable.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What compels man to fight the good?'; if (sreward == true) { _global.sreward = false; this.gotoAndStop(9); } } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'It is true, we began this.'; _root.flavor2 = 'I should have stopped it when I could.'; } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'That\'s what you think.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Good only exists outside the truth.'; } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'Before Smith, before time, before Man.'; _root.flavor2 = 'When the world was at harmony.'; } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'It is too late to stop you.'; _root.flavor2 = 'But not too late to stop the pain.'; } frame 6 { _root.flavor1 = 'No, but for you, maybe yes.'; _root.flavor2 = 'The truth doesn\'t bring peace, only flux.'; } frame 7 { _root.flavor1 = 'It was only a matter of time...'; _root.flavor2 = 'Even gods desire something greater.'; } frame 8 { _root.flavor1 = 'Virtue isn\'t merely a lie.'; _root.flavor2 = 'We made it, to stop you, it\'s an illusion...'; } frame 9 { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated me.'; _root.flavor2 = 'As it is written, you have one wish.'; } frame 10 { _global.superboost = 15; _root.flavor1 = 'A human desire indeed.'; _root.flavor2 = 'What would you like to spare training?'; } frame 11 { _root.flavor1 = 'You have chosen the path of a striker.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Who am I to decide whether for good or bad?'; _global.secondwind = false; } frame 12 { _root.flavor1 = 'You have chosen the path of a tank.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Who am I to decide whether for good or bad?'; _global.secondwind = false; } frame 13 { _root.flavor1 = 'You have chosen the path of a controller.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Who am I to decide whether for good or bad?'; _global.secondwind = false; } } button 1856 { on (release) { _global.spawn = 4; _root.gotoAndStop(bossframe); } } button 1861 { on (release) { _root.zreward == false; _root.gotoAndStop(exploreframe); } } movieClip 1862 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'the wraith has come, it wishes...'; _root.flavor2 = ' complete itself. and so it will be.'; if (zreward == true) { _global.zreward = false; this.gotoAndStop(9); } } frame 2 { _root.flavor1 = 'i am zorom, of life and logic.'; _root.flavor2 = 'i am why you stand here.'; } frame 3 { _root.flavor1 = 'because you are incomplete.'; _root.flavor2 = 'you were made so, you desire completion.'; } frame 4 { _root.flavor1 = 'what is logical?'; _root.flavor2 = 'an entity can be designed as a corpse.'; } frame 5 { _root.flavor1 = 'whether i am dead or alive.'; _root.flavor2 = 'i may be both.'; } frame 6 { _root.flavor1 = 'you will never understand.'; _root.flavor2 = 'lest you destroy what is yours.'; } frame 7 { _root.flavor1 = 'this is true.'; _root.flavor2 = 'a creature must conquer its parts.'; } frame 8 { _root.flavor1 = 'made the greatest sacrifice.'; _root.flavor2 = 'to undo was to be undone.'; } frame 9 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'it is so, i am defeated...'; _root.flavor2 = 'not dead... make a wish...'; } frame 10 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'then so be it.'; _root.flavor2 = 'i give you 50 potions'; _global.pots += 50; _global.secondwind = false; } } button 1876 { on (release) { _global.spawn = 5; _root.gotoAndStop(bossframe); } } button 1880 { on (release) { _global.whichending = 1; _root.effects.gotoAndStop(blackframe); } } movieClip 1882 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'Why hello there, adventurer.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Have you not come to claim your prize?'; } frame 2 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'And so it is.'; _root.flavor2 = 'I knew you would turn.'; } frame 3 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'Yes, to complete the task I beckoned you.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Well, here to, come and finish this.'; } frame 4 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'Yes, it is the purpose of man.'; _root.flavor2 = 'To complete himself, dominate his makers.'; } frame 5 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'I brought you here to join me.'; _root.flavor2 = 'But I knew I would crush you.'; } frame 6 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'This is true, we are doomed creations.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Man vs Man, how it always shall be.'; } frame 7 { stop(); _root.flavor1 = 'And so we shall.'; _root.flavor2 = 'Let us ascend together.'; } } movieClip 1883 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Krillix Challenged'); } frame 3 { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Armon Challenged'); } frame 4 { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Spediphis Challenged'); } frame 5 { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Zorom Challenged'); } frame 6 { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Randal Challenged'); } } instance of movieClip 1883 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (kreward == true or areward == true or sreward == true or zreward == true) { this.gotoAndStop(whichchat); } } } frame 38 { stop(); _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.playerdead = false; _global.enemydead = false; _global.temp = false; _global.infoact = false; stopAllSounds(); battlePMusic.start(0, 999); } instance enemy of movieClip 1182 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.enemy.gotoAndStop(pentspawn); trace(pentspawn); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == false) { _root.acts._visible = false; = false; _root.potb._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == true) { _root.acts._visible = true; = true; _root.potb._visible = true; } } } instance acts of movieClip 1652 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.gotoAndStop(btlset); } } instance cmeter of movieClip 942 { onClipEvent (load) { if (mageyes == false) { _root.cmeter._visible = false; } else { _root.cmeter._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxcharge; cone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.8); cthree = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.7); cfour = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.4); csix = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.3); cseven = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.2); ceight = Math.round(maxcharge * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxcharge * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } if (curcharge < cmax && curcharge >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curcharge < cone && curcharge >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curcharge < ctwo && curcharge >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curcharge < cthree && curcharge >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curcharge < cfour && curcharge >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curcharge < cfive && curcharge >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curcharge < csix && curcharge >= cseven) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curcharge < ceight && curcharge >= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (curcharge <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(11); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curcharge > maxcharge) { _global.curcharge = maxcharge; } if (curcharge < 0) { _global.curcharge = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curcharge) + ' charge!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum charge is ' + String(maxcharge) + '!'; } } instance soulpouch of movieClip 947 { onClipEvent (load) { if (knightyes == false) { _root.soulpouch._visible = false; } else { _root.soulpouch._visible = true; } } onClipEvent (load) { cmax = maxpouch; cone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.9); ctwo = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.7); cthree = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.6); cfour = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.5); cfive = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.3); csix = Math.round(maxpouch * 0.1); cdone = Math.round(maxpouch * 0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch >= cmax) { this.gotoAndStop(9); } if (curpouch < cmax && curpouch >= cone) { this.gotoAndStop(8); } if (curpouch < cone && curpouch >= ctwo) { this.gotoAndStop(7); } if (curpouch < ctwo && curpouch >= cthree) { this.gotoAndStop(6); } if (curpouch < cthree && curpouch >= cfour) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } if (curpouch < cfour && curpouch >= cfive) { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (curpouch < cfive && curpouch >= csix) { this.gotoAndStop(3); } if (curpouch <= cdone) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (curpouch > maxpouch) { _global.curpouch = maxpouch; } if (curpouch < 0) { _global.curpouch = 0; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have ' + String(curpouch) + ' essence!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Your maximum essence is ' + String(maxpouch) + '!'; } } frame 39 { stop(); _root.enemyhp = hpe; _global.playerdead = false; _global.enemydead = false; _global.temp = false; _global.infoact = false; _global.whichending = 2; if (_global.spoiled == false) { _global.whichending = 3; } stopAllSounds(); fbattleMusic.start(0, 999); } movieClip 1896 { instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here Spediphis.'; _root.flavor2 = 'She is the Lady of Time and Fate.'; } } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here Spediphis.'; _root.flavor2 = 'She is the Lady of Time and Fate.'; } } } movieClip 1900 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.hpe = 555; _global.dexe = 65; _global.arme = 60; _global.pwre = 75; _global.expg = 300; _global.gldg = 100; _global.monlvl = 30; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here Krillix.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He is the Lord of Blood and Soul.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Behold true ferverous power!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is Krillix, God of Blood and Soul.'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'He roars in anger!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'Your cannot destroy your god.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Behold the power of Krillix!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'He unleashes a severe slash!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'The ground quakes as he misses!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated Krillix!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You are the master of blood and soul!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Krillix Killed');; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Top Gun'); _global.spoiled = true; donethisbefore = true; _global.kdefeat = true; _global.kdone = true; _global.kreward = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You cannot defeat your maker.'; _global.kdefeat = false; _global.kdone = true; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed By Krillix'); _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 2 { stop(); _global.hpe = 555; _global.dexe = 65; _global.arme = 75; _global.pwre = 60; _global.expg = 300; _global.gldg = 100; _global.monlvl = 30; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here Armon.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He is the Lord of Structure and Order.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Behold the spirit of justice!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is Armon, God of Structure and Order.'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'His stainless armor crunches!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot defy true justice.'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Armon raises his mighty hammer!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'WE WILL HAVE ORDER!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'Justice is blind to no one!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated Armon!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You are the master of structure and order!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Armon Killed');; donethisbefore = true; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('B&'); _global.adefeat = true; _global.adone = true; _global.areward = true; _global.spoiled = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You cannot defy Armon\'s order.'; _global.adefeat = false; _global.adone = true; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed By Armon'); _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 3 { stop(); _global.hpe = 555; _global.dexe = 75; _global.arme = 60; _global.pwre = 65; _global.expg = 300; _global.gldg = 100; _global.monlvl = 30; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 1896 { onClipEvent (load) { r = int(Math.random() * 2) + 1; spedalt = r; this.gotoAndStop(spedalt); } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Behold the inevitability of this world!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is Spediphis, Goddess of Time and Fate.'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You clip her intricate wings!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You fail to catch her off guard!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Sepediphis blinks, as time begins to slow.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You are solemnly still as pain becomes you.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You resist the inevitable!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated Sepdephis!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You are the master of time and fate!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Spediphis Killed');; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Fallen Angel'); donethisbefore = true; _global.sdefeat = true; _global.sdone = true; _global.sreward = true; _global.spoiled = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You cannot stop the tides of Spediphis\'s time.'; _global.sdefeat = false; _global.sdone = true; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed By Spediphis'); _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 4 { stop(); _global.hpe = 777; _global.dexe = 55; _global.arme = 75; _global.pwre = 55; _global.expg = 300; _global.gldg = 100; _global.monlvl = 30; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here Zorom.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He is the Lord of Life and Logic.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Behold the unraveling of life itself!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is Zorom, God of Life and Logic.'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You unravel his very existence.';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'You cannot outdo he who controls!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Zorom sends forth a vile tentacle.'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You feel your very essence undone.'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You slash his horrible features away!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated Zorom!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You are the master of life and logic!'; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Zorom Killed');; com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Dafuq?'); donethisbefore = true; _global.zdefeat = true; _global.zdone = true; _global.zreward = true; _global.spoiled = true; } if (playerdead == true) { _global.deadt = 'You cannot understand the ways of Zorom\'s logic.'; _global.zdefeat = false; _global.zdone = true; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Killed By Zorom'); _root.gotoAndStop(deadframe); } } } frame 5 { stop(); _global.hpe = 777; _global.dexe = 75; _global.arme = 75; _global.pwre = 75; _global.expg = 300; _global.gldg = 100; _global.monlvl = 30; _global.wepatke = 0; _global.dexatke = 0; _global.armclasse = 5; _global.tempe = 0; _root.enemyhp = hpe; } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.flavor1 = 'You see here Smith.'; _root.flavor2 = 'He is the true creation, Lord of All.'; } } instance control of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (load) { donethisbefore = false; _root.flavor1 = 'Behold the true creation!'; _root.flavor2 = 'It is Smith, God of All.'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hit == true) { _root.flavor2 = 'You pierce his human flesh!';; _global.hittime = 75; _global.hit = undefined; } else { if (hit == false) { _root.flavor2 = 'He is too perfect for flaw!'; _global.hittime = 75;; _global.hit = undefined; } } if (hittime == 1) { r = int(Math.random() * 4) + 1; d4 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 6) + 1; d6 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 12) + 1; d12 = r; r = int(Math.random() * 20) + 1; d20 = r; go = true; } if (go == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'Smith sends forth a vile destruction!'; armclass = arm + temp; dexatke = dexe + d12; wepatke = pwre + d6; if (dexatke >= armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You are unworthy!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = true; _global.hp = hp - wepatke + equip; = hp;; _global.temp = 0; go = false; } else { if (dexatke < armclass) { _root.flavor2 = 'You absorb the pain!'; _global.turn = true; _global.hite = false; } } } go = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false && spoiled == false) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated Smith!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You are the master of all!';; _global.whichending = 3; _root.effects.gotoAndStop(blackframe); donethisbefore = true; _global.buttonuse = false; _root.unlocker.gotoAndStop(12); } else { if (enemydead == true && donethisbefore == false && spoiled == true) { _root.flavor1 = 'You have defeated Smith!'; _root.flavor2 = 'You are the master of all!';; _global.buttonuse = false; _global.whichending = 2; _root.effects.gotoAndStop(blackframe); donethisbefore = true; _root.unlocker.gotoAndStop(12); } } if (playerdead == true) { _global.whichending = 4; _root.effects.gotoAndStop(blackframe); } } } } instance enemy of movieClip 1900 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(spawn); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == false) { _root.acts._visible = false; = false; _root.potb._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (turn == true) { _root.acts._visible = true; = true; _root.potb._visible = true; } } } frame 40 { trace(whichending + 'ending'); _global.oniunlock = true; } movieClip 1908 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.score = Math.round(score * 1.25); _root.scoretext = score; _global.dumpscore = score; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Ending - Bad'); } frame 2 { _global.score = Math.round(score * 1.75); _root.scoretext = score; _global.dumpscore = score; if (oniunlock == false) { _root.unlocker.gotoAndStop(12); } com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Ending - Normal'); } frame 3 { _global.score = Math.round(score * 2); _root.scoretext = score; _global.dumpscore = score; if (oniunlock == false) { _root.unlocker.gotoAndStop(12); } com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Ending - Good'); } frame 4 { _global.score = Math.round(score * 1.25); _root.scoretext = score; _global.dumpscore = score; com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Ending - Very Bad'); } } instance ending of movieClip 1908 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.ending._alpha = 0; _root.ending.gotoAndStop(whichending); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.ending._alpha += 0.7; } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.ending._alpha >= 100) { _root.nextFrame(); } _root.ending._alpha = 100; } } frame 41 { _root.scoretext = dumpscore; if (whichending == 1) { _root.endingtext = 'Really Bad'; } if (whichending == 2) { _root.endingtext = 'Average'; } if (whichending == 3) { _root.endingtext = 'Great?'; } if (whichending == 4) { _root.endingtext = 'Not Good'; } if (difficulty == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Wimp'); } if (difficulty == 2) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Rodney'); } if (difficulty == 3) { com.newgrounds.API.unlockMedal('Yendor'); } } button 1916 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(firstframe); } } button 1918 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.postScore('Top Dungeoneers', score); _global.secondwind = undefined; _root.gotoAndStop(43); } } frame 42 { _root.effects.gotoAndStop(blackfadeoutframe); } button 1921 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(mainmenuframe); } } button 1922 { on (release) { com.newgrounds.API.postScore('Top Dungeoneers', score); _global.secondwind = undefined; _root.nextFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 89 FlashAd { onClipEvent (construct) { apiId = '25359:DR00ySRJ'; showBorder = true; adType = 'Simple'; } } movieClip 1929 { } movieClip 1930 { } movieClip 1933 { } movieClip 1935 { } movieClip 1936 { } movieClip 1940 { frame 1 { stop(); mouseChildren = false; } } movieClip 1946 { frame 1 { function setListItems(listItems) { if (!listItems) { _listItems = []; } else { _listItems = listItems.concat(); } var v1 = 0; while (v1 < _listItems.length) { if (typeof _listItems[v1] == 'string') { _listItems[v1] = {'label': _listItems[v1], 'data': _listItems[v1]}; } ++v1; } setSelectedIndex(0); } function setSelectedItem(data) { var v1 = 0; while (v1 < _listItems.length) { if (_listItems[v1].data == data) { setSelectedIndex(v1); return undefined; } ++v1; } } function setSelectedIndex(i) { if (i < _listItems.length) { _selectedItem = _listItems[i]; if (currentItem && currentItem.label) { currentItem.label.text = _selectedItem.label; } } } function hideList() { _listDown = false; gotoAndStop('sortUP'); } function _onListClick() { _listDown = !_listDown; if (_listDown) { gotoAndStop('sortDOWN'); } else { gotoAndStop('sortUP'); } } stop(); if (listButton) { listButton.onRelease = _onListClick; } if (currentItem) { currentItem.onRelease = _onListClick; if (currentItem.label) { if (_selectedItem) { currentItem.label.text = _selectedItem.label; } else { currentItem.label.text = ''; } } } var _listItems; var _listDown; var _selectedItem; if (!_listItems) { _listItems = []; } } frame 10 { function _onItemClick() { var v3 = MovieClip(this); if (v3.item) { setSelectedItem(; } if (v3 && _parent && _parent instanceof MovieClip && (MovieClip(_parent))._onListChange) { (MovieClip(_parent))._onListChange(v3.item); } } var i = 0; var itemClip = item0; while (itemClip) { if (i < _listItems.length) { itemClip.item = _listItems[i]; itemClip.label.text = _listItems[i].label; itemClip.onRelease = _onItemClick; } else { itemClip._visible = false; } ++i; itemClip = this['item' + i]; } } } movieClip 1959 { frame 1 { stop(); mouseChildren = false; } } movieClip 1960 { } movieClip 1962 { } movieClip 1969 ScoreBrowser { frame 1 { } frame 2 { if (listBox) { listBox.setListItems(_listItems); listBox.setSelectedItem(period); } } frame 11 { function onScoreClick() { var v3 = MovieClip(this); if (v3.usernameText) { _root.getURL('http://' + v3.usernameText.text + '', '_blank'); } } var i = 0; var scoreClip = scoreContainer.score0; while (scoreClip) { var score = com.newgrounds.Score(_scoreBoard.scores[i]); if (score) { if (scoreClip.rankText) { scoreClip.rankText.text = (score.__get__rank()).toString(); } if (scoreClip.usernameText) { scoreClip.usernameText.text = score.username; } if (scoreClip.scoreText) { scoreClip.scoreText.text = score.score; } scoreClip.onRelease = onScoreClick; } else { if (scoreClip.rankText) { scoreClip.rankText.text = ''; } if (scoreClip.usernameText) { scoreClip.usernameText.text = ''; } if (scoreClip.scoreText) { scoreClip.scoreText.text = ''; } scoreClip.enabled = false; } ++i; scoreClip = scoreContainer['score' + i]; } } frame 21 { function onReloadClick() { loadScores(); } if (reloadButton) { reloadButton.onRelease = onReloadClick; } } frame 30 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1969 ScoreBrowser { onClipEvent (construct) { scoreBoardName = 'Top Dungeoneers'; period = 'Today'; title = 'Top Dungeoneers'; } } frame 44 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); = 0; _root.flavor1 = 'Choose your class!'; _root.flavor2 = 'Pick wisely, adventurer!'; _global.expn = 75; _global.exp = 0; _global.dex = 3; _global.arm = 4; _global.pwr = 5; _global.hp = 45; _global.maxhp = 45; _global.gld = 25; _global.lvl = 1; _global.wepatk = 0; _global.dexatk = 0; _global.armclass = 0; _global.temp = 0; _global.action = false; _global.hit = undefined; _global.turn = true; _global.dexgain = 2; _global.armgain = 2; _global.pwrgain = 2; _global.swordset = 1; _global.hammerset = 47; _global.daggerset = 28; _global.staffset = 38; _global.bowset = 10; _global.beltset = 19; _global.armorset = 1; _global.sealset = 10; _global.cloakset = 19; _global.fluteset = 28; _global.arrowset = 37; _global.runeset = 46; _global.gemset = 55; _global.mageyes = false; _global.hit = false; _global.turn = true; = 1; _global.sw = 1; _global.firstframe = 1; } button 1971 { on (release) { _global.loadingsave = true; _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); _global.hp =; _global.maxhp =; _global.gld =; _global.lvl =; _global.expn =; _global.arm =; _global.pwr =; _global.dex =; _global.pots =; _global.btlset =; _global.mageyes =; _global.whatweapon =; _global.whatequip =; if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(16); } if ( == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop(29); } } } button 1973 { on (release) { _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); = false; _root.gotoAndStop(optionsframe); } } frame 45 { _global.secondwind = undefined; } movieClip 1983 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.diffhp = 5; _global.diffscore = 0.5; _global.difficulty = 1; } frame 2 { _global.diffhp = 10; _global.diffscore = 1; _global.difficulty = 2; } frame 3 { _global.diffhp = 999; _global.diffscore = 1.5; _global.difficulty = 3; } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 1983 { onClipEvent (release) { this.nextFrame(); beepSound.start(); } } button 1984 { on (release) { if (difficulty == 1) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Easy Mode'); } if (difficulty == 2) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Normal Mode'); } if (difficulty == 3) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Nethack Mode'); } _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 46 { stop(); _global.loadingsave = false; _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); _global.loadingsaveframe = 44; _global.optionsframe = 45; } button 1987 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(mainmenuframe); } } movieClip 1991 { frame 1 { stop(); _global.permamute = false; _global.mutesound = false; mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent('sound'); } frame 2 { _global.mutesound = true; _global.permamute = false; } frame 3 { _global.permamute = true; _global.mutesound = true; } frame 4 { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 1991 { onClipEvent (release) { this.nextFrame(); } } frame 47 { stop(); _global.loadingsave = false; _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); _global.loadingsaveframe = 44; _global.optionsframe = 45; } button 1992 { on (release) { _global.loadingsave = true; _global.save_so = SharedObject.getLocal('SaveData'); _global.hp =; _global.maxhp =; _global.gld =; _global.lvl =; _global.expn =; _global.arm =; _global.pwr =; _global.dex =; _global.pots =; _global.btlset =; _global.mageyes =; _global.whatweapon =; _global.whatequip =; if ( == 1) { _root.gotoAndStop(3); } if ( == 2) { _root.gotoAndStop(16); } if ( == 3) { _root.gotoAndStop(29); } } } frame 48 { connect(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.connect('11f70d656126ce89', root, onConnectError); } movieClip 1999 { } movieClip 2000 { } movieClip 2003 { } movieClip 2004 { } movieClip 2006 { } movieClip 2010 { } movieClip 2011 { } movieClip 2018 { } movieClip 2022 { } movieClip 2025 { } movieClip 2026 { } movieClip 2028 { } movieClip 2029 { } movieClip 2030 { } movieClip 2032 { } movieClip 2036 { frame 67 { stop(); } } movieClip 2040 { frame 67 { stop(); } } movieClip 2042 { } movieClip 2044 { frame 67 { stop(); } } movieClip 2046 { } movieClip 2047 { } movieClip 2048 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 93 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.credits._alpha = 150; _root.credits.nextFrame(); } } instance of movieClip 2032 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', ''); } } instance of movieClip 2047 { onClipEvent (press) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Hairy Games'); getURL('', _self); } } frame 7 { _root.gotoAndStop(mainmenuframe); } } instance credits of movieClip 2048 { onClipEvent (load) { stopAllSounds(); _root.effects._alpha = 0; lightout = false; lightin = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (lightout == false) { _root.credits._alpha += 1.5; } if (_root.credits._alpha >= 114 && lightout == false) { lightout = true; lightin = false; } if (lightin == false) { _root.credits._alpha -= 1; } if (_root.credits._alpha <= -6 && lightin == false) { _root.credits.nextFrame(); lightin = true; lightout = false; } } } frame 49 { _root.effects.gotoAndStop(blackfadeoutframe); stopAllSounds(); } button 2052 { on (release) { if ( == true) { _root.gotoAndStop(loadingsaveframe); } else { _root.gotoAndStop(optionsframe); } } } button 2055 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop(46); } } button 2057 { on (press) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent('hairy games'); getURL('', _self); } } // unknown tag 88 length 81 button 2063 { on (press) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Facebook'); getURL('', _self); } } button 2066 { on (press) { com.newgrounds.API.logCustomEvent('Twitter'); getURL('', _self); } } movieClip 2069 { } movieClip 2070 { } instance of movieClip 2070 { onClipEvent (press) { getURL('', _self); } } frame 50 { prevFrame(); }
Created: 11/10 -2018 05:12:05 Last modified: 11/10 -2018 05:12:05 Server time: 18/01 -2025 06:05:04