Section 1
//btnReturn_40 (LHF2_fla.btnReturn_40)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class btnReturn_40 extends MovieClip {
public function btnReturn_40(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 2
//buttonSet_36 (LHF2_fla.buttonSet_36)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class buttonSet_36 extends MovieClip {
public var btnVictory:MovieClip;
public var btnDegrade:MovieClip;
public var btnTurboKick:MovieClip;
public var btnDoubleKick:MovieClip;
public var btnWildLicks:MovieClip;
public var btnFastLicks:MovieClip;
public var btnSlowLick:MovieClip;
public var btnVar1:MovieClip;
public var btnWorship:MovieClip;
public var btnVar2:MovieClip;
public var btnReturn:MovieClip;
public var btnKick:MovieClip;
public function buttonSet_36(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 13, frame14, 19, frame20);
function frame1(){
function frame14(){
function frame20(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 3
//colorDie_57 (LHF2_fla.colorDie_57)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class colorDie_57 extends MovieClip {
public function colorDie_57(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 6, frame7, 12, frame13);
function frame1(){
function frame7(){
function frame13(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 4
//cubeDie_56 (LHF2_fla.cubeDie_56)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class cubeDie_56 extends MovieClip {
public function cubeDie_56(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 5
//emma_back_14 (LHF2_fla.emma_back_14)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class emma_back_14 extends MovieClip {
public var tongue:MovieClip;
public function emma_back_14(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 6
//emma_front_28 (LHF2_fla.emma_front_28)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class emma_front_28 extends MovieClip {
public var tongue:MovieClip;
public function emma_front_28(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 7
//emmaTongue_29 (LHF2_fla.emmaTongue_29)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class emmaTongue_29 extends MovieClip {
public function emmaTongue_29(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 8
//emmaTongueVanilla_15 (LHF2_fla.emmaTongueVanilla_15)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class emmaTongueVanilla_15 extends MovieClip {
public function emmaTongueVanilla_15(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 9
//hand_55 (LHF2_fla.hand_55)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class hand_55 extends MovieClip {
public function hand_55(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 10
//kelsey_back_11 (LHF2_fla.kelsey_back_11)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class kelsey_back_11 extends MovieClip {
public var tongue:MovieClip;
public function kelsey_back_11(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 11
//kelsey_front_26 (LHF2_fla.kelsey_front_26)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class kelsey_front_26 extends MovieClip {
public var tongue:MovieClip;
public function kelsey_front_26(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 12
//kelsey_vanilla_tongue_13 (LHF2_fla.kelsey_vanilla_tongue_13)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class kelsey_vanilla_tongue_13 extends MovieClip {
public function kelsey_vanilla_tongue_13(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 13
//kelseyLick_27 (LHF2_fla.kelseyLick_27)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class kelseyLick_27 extends MovieClip {
public function kelseyLick_27(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 14
//MainTimeline (LHF2_fla.MainTimeline)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.profiler.*;
import flash.sampler.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var txtScore1:TextField;
public var txtScore0:TextField;
public var sideBar:MovieClip;
public var textCloud:MovieClip;
public var sprBalls1:MovieClip;
public var sprBalls2:MovieClip;
public var xmasDecorations:MovieClip;
public var btnIntroStart:introStartButton;
public var sprPoles:MovieClip;
public var wndStartText:MovieClip;
public var sprRoom:MovieClip;
public var txtTopText:MovieClip;
public var sprMe:MovieClip;
public var loader_mc:movie_mc;
public var loaded_txt:TextField;
public var kelsey_front:MovieClip;
public var mindy_back:MovieClip;
public var sprKelsey:MovieClip;
public var priella_front:MovieClip;
public var weather:MovieClip;
public var wndRoll:MovieClip;
public var sprEmma:MovieClip;
public var priella_back:MovieClip;
public var sprMindy:MovieClip;
public var emma_back:MovieClip;
public var sprPriella:MovieClip;
public var emma_front:MovieClip;
public var kelsey_back:MovieClip;
public var txtCloud:MovieClip;
public var txtScore3:TextField;
public var wndShield:MovieClip;
public var txtScore2:TextField;
public var mindy_front:MovieClip;
public var iTargetScore;
public var iCharControlled;
public var bDEBUG;
public var bVANILLA;
public var bBendingAllowed:Boolean;
public var iPainLevel;
public var iPainLevelMax;
public var iPainType;
public var myInterval:uint;
public var iTimeOut;
public var bButtonsLocked;
public var strCurrentMove:String;
public var diceArray:Array;
public var scoreArray:Array;
public var betArray:Array;
public var bTko;
public var iTurn;
public var bPaused;
public var iOffset;
public var iRednessValue;
public var iBallSize;
public var iBallOffset;
public var iTkoReduction;
public var iWorshipMemory;
public var iCurrentChar;
public var objSprites:Array;
public var iPhase;
public var iAction;
public var iVariation;
public var iActionsTaken;
public var iHighestDie;
public var iRollPhase;
public var iRecoverCounter;
public var iActionOverride;
public var iDebugOverwriteChar;
public var bFORCETKO;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2);
public function onProgress(_arg1:ProgressEvent):void{
var _local2:Number =;
var _local3:Number =;
var _local4:Number = (_local2 / _local3);
loader_mc.scaleX = _local4;
loaded_txt.text = (("Loading... " + Math.round((_local4 * 100))) + "%");
public function onComplete(_arg1:Event):void{
loaded_txt.text = "Finished loading.";
var _local2:* = this.loaderInfo.url;
var _local3:* = false;
if ("file:") != -1){
_local3 = true;
if ("") != -1){
_local3 = true;
if (_local3 == true){
btnIntroStart.alpha = 1;
btnIntroStart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame);
public function startGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
btnIntroStart.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startGame);
public function startTurn():void{
betArray = [false, false, false, false];
iTurn = (iCurrentChar + 1);
if (iTurn > 3){
iTurn = 0;
iCurrentChar = iTurn;
iAction = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 18)) + 1);
if (bDEBUG == true){
if (iActionOverride != 99){
iAction = iActionOverride;
diceArray[0] = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 6)) + 1);
diceArray[1] = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 6)) + 1);
diceArray[2] = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 6)) + 1);
diceArray[3] = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 6)) + 1);
iHighestDie = diceArray[iTurn];
public function showRollWindow():void{
wndRoll.btnGo.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnKick.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnPull.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnCrush.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnSpank.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnDegrade.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnTickle.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnPass.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnRoll.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.portrait.gotoAndStop((iTurn + 1));
wndRoll.hand.gotoAndStop((iTurn + 1));
wndRoll.dieColor.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.dieColor2.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.die0.x = 70;
wndRoll.die1.x = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 15)) + 248);
wndRoll.die2.x = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 15)) + 248);
wndRoll.die3.x = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 15)) + 248);
wndRoll.die1.rotation = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 36)) * 10);
wndRoll.die2.rotation = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 36)) * 10);
wndRoll.die3.rotation = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 36)) * 10);
wndRoll.die0.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.die1.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.die2.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.die3.alpha = 0;
if (iTurn == 0){
wndRoll.txtGirl2.text = "Emma: ";
wndRoll.txtGirl3.text = "Priëlla: ";
wndRoll.txtGirl4.text = "Mindy: ";
} else {
if (iTurn == 1){
wndRoll.txtGirl2.text = "Priëlla: ";
wndRoll.txtGirl3.text = "Mindy: ";
wndRoll.txtGirl4.text = "Kelsey: ";
} else {
if (iTurn == 2){
wndRoll.txtGirl2.text = "Mindy: ";
wndRoll.txtGirl3.text = "Kelsey: ";
wndRoll.txtGirl4.text = "Emma: ";
} else {
wndRoll.txtGirl2.text = "Kelsey: ";
wndRoll.txtGirl3.text = "Emma: ";
wndRoll.txtGirl4.text = "Priëlla: ";
wndRoll.txt.text = getCharText(iTurn, "startRolling");
wndRoll.x = 355;
wndRoll.y = 6;
wndRoll.btnRoll.y = 138;
public function doRollPhase():void{
if (iRollPhase < 10){
wndRoll.die0.x = (wndRoll.die0.x + 20);
wndRoll.die0.rotation = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 36)) * 10);
if (iRollPhase == 9){
} else {
wndRoll.die0.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6)));
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 20){
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 20){
if (iAction < 7){
} else {
if (iAction < 13){
} else {
wndRoll.dieColor.x = 70;
wndRoll.dieColor.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 26){
iOffset = 0;
if (iAction > 12){
iOffset = 12;
} else {
if (iAction > 6){
iOffset = 6;
wndRoll.dieColor.x = (wndRoll.dieColor.x + 20);
wndRoll.dieColor.rotation = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 36)) * 10);
if (iRollPhase == 25){
wndRoll.dieColor.rotation = (-30 + (Math.floor((Math.random() * 8)) * 10));
if (iAction < 7){
wndRoll.txt.text = getCharText(iTurn, "got_GREEN");
} else {
if (iAction < 13){
wndRoll.txt.text = getCharText(iTurn, "got_RED");
wndRoll.portrait.gotoAndStop((iTurn + 11));
} else {
wndRoll.txt.text = getCharText(iTurn, "got_YELLOW");
if (iAction == 13){
wndRoll.portrait.gotoAndStop((iTurn + 11));
} else {
wndRoll.dieColor.gotoAndStop((Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6)) + iOffset));
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 39){
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 39){
if (iCharControlled == getPlayerPlus(1)){
if ((((iAction < 7)) || ((iAction > 13)))){
bPaused = true;
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 40){
if (passOrRoll(wndRoll.txtGirl2, getPlayerPlus(1)) == false){
if ((((iAction < 7)) || ((iAction > 13)))){
wndRoll.txtGirl2.text = (wndRoll.txtGirl2.text + getPassMessage());
iRollPhase = 55;
} else {
wndRoll.die1.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 50){
wndRoll.die1.rotation = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 36)) * 10);
wndRoll.die1.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6)));
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 50){
handleDieRoll(getPlayerPlus(1), wndRoll.txtGirl2);
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 59){
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 59){
if (iCharControlled == getPlayerPlus(2)){
if ((((iAction < 7)) || ((iAction > 13)))){
bPaused = true;
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 60){
if (passOrRoll(wndRoll.txtGirl3, getPlayerPlus(2)) == false){
if ((((iAction < 7)) || ((iAction > 13)))){
wndRoll.txtGirl3.text = (wndRoll.txtGirl3.text + getPassMessage());
iRollPhase = 75;
} else {
wndRoll.die2.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 70){
wndRoll.die2.rotation = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 36)) * 10);
wndRoll.die2.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6)));
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 70){
handleDieRoll(getPlayerPlus(2), wndRoll.txtGirl3);
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 79){
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 79){
if (iCharControlled == getPlayerPlus(3)){
if ((((iAction < 7)) || ((iAction > 13)))){
bPaused = true;
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 80){
if (passOrRoll(wndRoll.txtGirl4, getPlayerPlus(3)) == false){
if ((((iAction < 7)) || ((iAction > 13)))){
wndRoll.txtGirl4.text = (wndRoll.txtGirl4.text + getPassMessage());
iRollPhase = 95;
} else {
wndRoll.die3.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 90){
wndRoll.die3.rotation = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 36)) * 10);
wndRoll.die3.gotoAndStop(Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6)));
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 90){
handleDieRoll(getPlayerPlus(3), wndRoll.txtGirl4);
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 100){
if (iAction < 13){
if (bDEBUG == true){
if (iDebugOverwriteChar != 99){
iCurrentChar = iDebugOverwriteChar;
wndRoll.btnGo.alpha = 1;
iRollPhase = 0;
if (bTko == true){
bTko = false;
iRecoverCounter = 10;
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 110){
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 110){
if (iAction != 15){
wndRoll.dieColor.x = 245;
wndRoll.die0.x = 190;
if (iAction == 13){
iAction = (Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6)) + 6);
} else {
if (iAction == 14){
iAction = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6));
} else {
if (iAction == 15){
bPaused = true;
iRollPhase = 0;
trace("TO DO! -> GO TO OWN PICK");
} else {
iAction = Math.ceil((Math.random() * 12));
if (iAction < 7){
} else {
wndRoll.dieColor2.x = 70;
wndRoll.dieColor2.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (iCharControlled == iCurrentChar){
iRollPhase = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnKick.alpha = 1;
wndRoll.btnOwnDegrade.alpha = 1;
} else {
if (iCurrentChar == 0){
iAction = 4;
wndRoll.btnGo.alpha = 1;
iRollPhase = 0;
} else {
if (iCurrentChar == 1){
iAction = 1;
wndRoll.btnGo.alpha = 1;
iRollPhase = 0;
} else {
if (iCurrentChar == 2){
iAction = 6;
wndRoll.btnGo.alpha = 1;
iRollPhase = 0;
} else {
iAction = 3;
wndRoll.btnGo.alpha = 1;
iRollPhase = 0;
} else {
if (iRollPhase < 118){
iOffset = 0;
if (iAction > 6){
iOffset = 6;
wndRoll.dieColor2.x = (wndRoll.dieColor2.x + 10);
wndRoll.dieColor2.rotation = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 36)) * 10);
if (iRollPhase == 117){
wndRoll.dieColor2.rotation = (-30 + (Math.floor((Math.random() * 8)) * 10));
if (iAction < 7){
wndRoll.txt.text = getCharText(iTurn, "got_GREEN");
} else {
wndRoll.txt.text = getCharText(iTurn, "got_RED");
wndRoll.portrait.gotoAndStop((iTurn + 11));
} else {
wndRoll.dieColor2.gotoAndStop((Math.ceil((Math.random() * 6)) + iOffset));
} else {
if (iRollPhase == 125){
if (bDEBUG == true){
if (iDebugOverwriteChar != 99){
iCurrentChar = iDebugOverwriteChar;
wndRoll.btnGo.alpha = 1;
iRollPhase = 0;
if (bTko == true){
bTko = false;
iRecoverCounter = 10;
public function getPassMessage():String{
var _local1:Array = [];
if (iHighestDie == 6){
_local1 = ["Pass.", "Can't do better than six!", "It's all yours.", "I'll pass.", "I'm passing.", "No use in rolling.", "I pass.", "Okay. Pass.", "I have to skip.", "Can't beat that!"];
} else {
_local1 = ["Pass.", "I'm out.", "It's all yours.", "I'll pass.", "I'm passing.", "Too risky... pass.", "I pass.", "Okay. Pass.", "I'll skip this.", "I'll sit this one out."];
return (_local1[Math.floor((Math.random() * _local1.length))]);
public function handleDieRoll(_arg1, _arg2):void{
var _local3:Array = [];
if (diceArray[_arg1] > iHighestDie){
_local3 = ["Don't think so! I'll do it!", "No, I will do that!", "Haha, sucks for you!", "You bite the dust!", "I'll take that task, gladly!", "Nope, he'll suffer me instead!", "DENIED! Hahaha!", "no you don't! I will!", "Piss off! I'm taking over!"];
iHighestDie = diceArray[_arg1];
iCurrentChar = _arg1;
} else {
_local3 = ["Damn, lost the points.", "Well, was worth a try.", "Shit. Should've been me!", "Stupid dice.", "Meh, I wanted that!", "I would have loved that...", "Shit, there go the points!", "Muh.", "Fuck that!"];
if (_local3.length > 0){
_arg2.text = (_arg2.text + _local3[Math.floor((Math.random() * _local3.length))]);
public function passOrRoll(_arg1, _arg2):Boolean{
var _local3:* = false;
var _local4:Array = [];
if (iAction == 7){
_local4 = ["Eewww!", "Yuck! Well, enjoy!", "Good luck with that!", "Eeww!", "Ewwwwww!", "Better you than me!", "Hope you like tea! heheh!", "I have to see this!", "Yes! Haha, love to see that!", "Enjoy, heheh!", "Mmm, delicious! hahah!", "Hope it tastes REAL bad!", "Hahahah!", "You suck, now drink nuts-tea!", "Eeww-eewwww!", "Serves you right!", "EEEWWWW...", "YUCK-yuck yuck!", "Eeewww!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 8){
_local4 = ["tba-reply"];
} else {
if (iAction == 9){
_local4 = ["tba-reply"];
} else {
if (iAction == 10){
_local4 = ["I hope it tastes real bad!", "Woohoo, licking action!", "Haha, go lick some pears!", "Enjoy tasting pear!", "Degrading, I love it!", "Saliva all over the pears!", "Enjoy the taste of pears!", "Haha, how appropriate for you!", "Lick 'em like it was icecream!", "I bet you'll gag soon!", "Sexy! Tongue action, haha!", "I hope the taste makes you vomit!", "Don't know where they've been!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 11){
_local4 = ["tba-reply"];
} else {
if (iAction == 12){
_local4 = ["Yeah! Degrading!", "Mmm, can't wait to hear!", "Go beg for mercy!", "Say you're worthless!", "Undress!", "Nude! Nude! Nude!", "Haha, embarrass yourself!", "Nam, embarrassing!", "I'll love this!", "Awesome! Hahaha!", "Sucks to be you! Haha!", "Go crawl down, girl!", "Confess something embarrassing!", "Crawl in the dust for them!", "This suits you so well!", "I wish I could record this!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 13){
_local4 = ["tba-reply"];
} else {
if (iCharControlled == _arg2){
_local3 = true;
} else {
if (iHighestDie < 4){
_local3 = true;
} else {
if (iHighestDie == 4){
if ((((Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)) < 60)) || ((scoreArray[_arg2] < 4)))){
_local3 = true;
} else {
if (iHighestDie == 5){
if ((((Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)) < 25)) || ((scoreArray[_arg2] < 4)))){
_local3 = true;
if ((((_local4.length > 0)) && ((bPaused == false)))){
_arg1.text = (_arg1.text + _local4[Math.floor((Math.random() * _local4.length))]);
if (bTko == true){
if (Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)) < 30){
bTko = false;
iRecoverCounter = 10;
if (_local3 == true){
betArray[_arg2] = true;
return (_local3);
public function showPassRollButtons():void{
var _local1:* = iCharControlled;
_local1 = (_local1 - iTurn);
if (_local1 < 0){
_local1 = (_local1 + 4);
if (_local1 == 1){
wndRoll.btnOwnPass.y = 167;
wndRoll.btnOwnRoll.y = 167;
} else {
if (_local1 == 2){
wndRoll.btnOwnPass.y = 187;
wndRoll.btnOwnRoll.y = 187;
} else {
if (_local1 == 3){
wndRoll.btnOwnPass.y = 208;
wndRoll.btnOwnRoll.y = 208;
} else {
trace(("invalid button position number! " + _local1));
wndRoll.btnOwnPass.y = 230;
wndRoll.btnOwnRoll.y = 230;
wndRoll.btnOwnPass.alpha = 1;
wndRoll.btnOwnRoll.alpha = 1;
public function getCharText(_arg1, _arg2):String{
var _local3:* = "Err...";
var _local4:Array = [];
if (_arg1 == 0){
if (_arg2 == "startRolling"){
_local4 = ["Ahahaha! I'm going to get something great, I know it!", "Watch this, I'll show you girls how to do this right!", "I kissed the dice, so this is going to turn out great!", "Muahaha! I may be married to that guy, but that doesn't mean I can't punish him!"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_GREEN"){
if (iAction == 1){
_local4 = ["Ahahaha! See! I get to kick his nuts! I love to touch his body with my feet! Because he loves feet! Heheheh!", "Darling! I'm going to kick your balls again with those feet you love so much! Get ready to feel my 'delicate touch'!", "I love kicking nuts! This is going to be good! (licks lips)", "I love caressing my darling! But, I also love teasing him, and hearing him beg for mercy when I hurt him a little! Heehee! Ready, darling?"];
if (iAction == 2){
_local4 = ["tba_u"];
if (iAction == 3){
_local4 = ["tba_v"];
if (iAction == 4){
_local4 = ["tba_w"];
if (iAction == 5){
_local4 = ["Heheh, time to degrade those silly nuts!", "I have a lot of complaints to say about those things!", "Good, time for a nice verbal degrading!", "I'll make those things feel so bad that they shrivel away!", "Ah, there's a rant or two I have about those things!"];
if (iAction == 6){
_local4 = ["tba_y"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_YELLOW"){
if (iAction == 13){
_local4 = ["Damn, going to have to do something gross... or then, maybe it'll be fun.", "Oh well, it is all for the points! Heheh.", "Oops... shouldn't have rolled that!", "Puh! Of all the sides, it lands on RED?!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 14){
_local4 = ["Yay! Something good! Just don't know what yet!", "Can't wait to see wht lovely stuff I get to do!", "Ooooh! Green, this is going to be good! (licks lips)"];
} else {
if (iAction == 15){
_local4 = ["OOOH! I get to pick my favourite! Yay-yay-yay!", "Woohoo! I get to pick what I'll do!", "Now I'm a happy camper! I get to choose what punishment I'll do! Teehee!"];
} else {
_local4 = ["Unknown? Well, good or bad, I'm going for the points!", "Hm, something completely random. But I'll get points!", "Bring it on, I just want the points so I can win, teehee!"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_RED"){
if (iAction == 7){
_local4 = ["tba2_a"];
if (iAction == 8){
_local4 = ["tba2_b"];
if (iAction == 9){
_local4 = ["tba2_c"];
if (iAction == 10){
_local4 = ["Um, I don't mind much, I like them pears.", "Does it excite you, if I go lick them pears?", "A bit of licking pears really isn't that much of a punishment... is it?", "What can be wrong about licking some pears?", "Um... what if I don't want to...? Can I roll again?", "Um, this may be a bit embarrassing...!"];
if (iAction == 11){
_local4 = ["tba_e2"];
if (iAction == 12){
_local4 = ["Hmpf. I love my darling, but... this is even below me.", "This is rather demeaning in front of an audience.", "Meh, what bad luck.", "Meh, I'm the alpha girl! sucks!"];
} else {
if (_arg1 == 1){
if (_arg2 == "startRolling"){
_local4 = ["My turn! I'm going to beat the hell out of you girls... and out of those silly nuts!", "Watch me roll great dice! This is going to rock!", "I'm good at games... I'll win this one, you'll see!"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_GREEN"){
if (iAction == 1){
_local4 = ["Ah, Lola! How tender those pears of you dangle there! And how much they'll hurt soon! Heheh!", "Hey, Lola! I bet you want to get kicked by a girl with four breasts, no? Hahah!", "It looks like some good Lb'Fhibum nut-cracking is in order! Muahahaha! I'm gonna love this!"];
if (iAction == 2){
_local4 = ["tba"];
if (iAction == 3){
_local4 = ["tba"];
if (iAction == 4){
_local4 = ["tba"];
if (iAction == 5){
_local4 = ["Heheh, time to degrade those silly nuts!", "I have a lot of complaints to say about those things!", "Good, time for a nice verbal degrading!", "I'll make those things feel so bad that they shrivel away!", "Ah, there's a rant or two I have about those things!"];
if (iAction == 6){
_local4 = ["tba"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_YELLOW"){
if (iAction == 13){
_local4 = ["Aargh, why did it have to land on 'red'? Could have thought of something nicer.", "This isn't quite the best outcome...", "If it's something really gross, I will make you pay for that!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 14){
_local4 = ["Phew! Green. That's good. Looking forward to this!", "Hahah, green! Get ready for some painful punishing, Lola! Muahaha!", "This is right up my alley!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 15){
_local4 = ["This is the most delicious outcome ever! I get to pick! And I already know what I'll do!", "Beware, Lola-boy, I'm going to kick your balls SO hard!", "Own pick! Clear! That's going to be ball-busting time! Woohoo! Can't wait!"];
} else {
_local4 = ["Ohhh! Unknown... the suspense is killing me!", "What will it be? At least there'll be punishment! Muahaha!", "Delicious unknown punishment. I'm in for that! Hahaha!"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_RED"){
if (iAction == 7){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 8){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 9){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 10){
_local4 = ["Eeww... pears are... nasty to lick!", "This isn't very nice. What if they taste bad?", "Eeww... I'll have the taste in my mouth for days!", "Yuck... do I really have to do this?", "I'll punish you if they taste bad, Lola-boy!"];
if (iAction == 11){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 12){
_local4 = ["Not fair! I'm not a submissive being!", "Really? I have to crawl in the dust in front of that... arggh!", "This is NOT amusing! Can I just roll again or so?", "Bah! How embarrassing!"];
} else {
if (_arg1 == 2){
if (_arg2 == "startRolling"){
_local4 = ["Fear my demonic dice rolls! Hahahaha!", "There's no way I will let you girls win! Here goes!", "I'm good at games, and punishing is my favourite! Behold, here comes my wrath!"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_GREEN"){
if (iAction == 1){
_local4 = ["Looks like our 'lucky victim boy' can await some HELLISH pain in the nuts! Hehehe!", "Did you see how sharp my feet are, Flek-Lola-boy? I'm going to enjoy driving them deep into your nuts!", "I may be a tickle-demoness, but that doesn't mean I didn't learn a nasty trick or two in Hell! Get ready for serious punishment!"];
if (iAction == 2){
_local4 = ["tba"];
if (iAction == 3){
_local4 = ["tba"];
if (iAction == 4){
_local4 = ["tba"];
if (iAction == 5){
_local4 = ["Heheh, time to degrade those silly nuts!", "I have a lot of complaints to say about those things!", "Good, time for a nice verbal degrading!", "I'll make those things feel so bad that they shrivel away!", "Ah, there's a rant or two I have about those things!"];
if (iAction == 6){
_local4 = ["tba"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_YELLOW"){
if (iAction == 13){
_local4 = ["Yuck, going to have to do something gross. Hopefully it's not too eww!", "Oh well, I guess it had to happen..."];
} else {
if (iAction == 14){
_local4 = ["Awesome. Now get ready for some delicious torture, Lola-boy!", "I don't yet know what I'll get to do, but I'm sure I'll love it!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 15){
_local4 = ["(licks her lips) This is going to be delicious. I get to punish you and choose!", "Ahaa! Own pick! I get to tickle those silly balls pink, slave-boy!", "My favourite! Of course I'll tickle those balls till they drop off!"];
} else {
_local4 = ["Ooh, the suspense! Can't wait to see what I get to do!", "Exciting! Don't know yet, but it could be good!", "Could be good, could also be bad. Luckily I'm a 'bad girl'!"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_RED"){
if (iAction == 7){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 8){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 9){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 10){
_local4 = ["Um, we have this game in Hell... um... maybe this is nothing.", "I hope they are yummy, but I fear...", "I love licking icecream, but this isn't-", "If they taste bad, maybe I'll throw them in the bin!", "I rather sit on them than lick them! Yuck."];
if (iAction == 11){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 12){
_local4 = ["This isn't what I hoped for...", "So I have to um... worship the nuts...?", "Great, bow down to the mighty nuts...", "Hey, I wasn't born for this! Bleh!"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "startRolling"){
_local4 = ["Do you see these dice? They're going to KICK YOUR BUTT!", "Kelsey, look carefully! You can't beat this! You never can! Muahaha!", "My turn! Watch how I beat this Kelsey-bitch at her game!", "I can't wait to plant a good kick in those sensitive testicles! Muahaha!"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_GREEN"){
if (iAction == 1){
_local4 = ["I never understood why men have these so sensitive organs hanging on the outside, a serious design-flaw, no?", "Let's try to steer 'evolution' into deciding it's better to have sensitive organs inside the body! Muahaha!", "Was there no ROOM for those organs inside your body? We have a womb, what useless shit do YOU have hiding in there!?", "Sad for you that nature decided to put those sensitive things dangling there. I'm going to show you nature was wrong!"];
if (iAction == 2){
_local4 = ["tba"];
if (iAction == 3){
_local4 = ["tba"];
if (iAction == 4){
_local4 = ["tba"];
if (iAction == 5){
_local4 = ["Heheh, time to degrade those silly nuts!", "I have a lot of complaints to say about those things!", "Good, time for a nice verbal degrading!", "I'll make those things feel so bad that they shrivel away!", "Ah, there's a rant or two I have about those things!"];
if (iAction == 6){
_local4 = ["tba"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_YELLOW"){
if (iAction == 13){
_local4 = ["This better not be something horrible, I'm going to punish you for that, paperweight!", "Want something 'yucky', Kelsey bitch? Go roll!", "Take this nastiness from me, Kelsey-bitch, he's your husband!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 14){
_local4 = ["Delicious! I get to torture you, but how is still a surprise!", "Muahaha! Hold your breath, slave-boy, because this will be great!", "I win! Haha! Green. Going to hurt you soon! Muahaha!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 15){
_local4 = ["Ah! Own pick! You know what that means, paperweight! Crunching-time!", "It's HAMMER-TIME! Muahahaha! Prepare for flat balls, slave-boy!", "Ohh! I get to choose. I'm going to flatten those balls good! Muahaha!"];
} else {
_local4 = ["Good or bad, I'll make you pay, paperweight!", "Oh... this better not turn out to be red! I'll make you suffer!", "Shit, hoped for green, can still be red. Fuck you, paperweight!"];
} else {
if (_arg2 == "got_RED"){
if (iAction == 7){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 8){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 9){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 10){
_local4 = ["Do you really expect me to LICK THAT?!", "You've gotta be kidding! This is so embarrassing!", "Huhm. I guess I have no choice.", "I don't want to lick them. Maybe I can fake it...?", "This is... below me! Yuck."];
if (iAction == 11){
_local4 = ["tba2"];
if (iAction == 12){
_local4 = ["Hmpf. It's not like I'm not used to being a slave, but...", "Sigh, I guess I have no choice.", "Damn testicles... I'll pay them back for this later!", "I much rather kick them! Bah!"];
if (_local4.length > 0){
_local3 = _local4[Math.floor((Math.random() * _local4.length))];
return (_local3);
public function getPlayerPlus(_arg1):Number{
var _local2:* = (iTurn + _arg1);
if (_local2 > 3){
_local2 = (_local2 - 4);
return (_local2);
public function showDegradeText():void{
var _local1:Array = ["-"];
if (iCurrentChar == 1){
txtCloud.x = 120;
txtCloud.y = 130;
txtCloud.alpha = 1;
_local1 = ["Hm, it reads here, that testicles aren't an extension of men, but that MEN are an extention of their testicles!", "Aha, so men are testicles. That explains a lot! They're not human at all, they're just a pair of tostesterone bags!", "Men are tough, macho and all, but only because they have balls, because those produce the testosterone! Without you'd be a woman!", "Aha, this chapter says, that if a man draws sexy women, they have too much testosterone! Haha, that's you, Lola-boy!", "See? Our suffering is solely caused by those nuts! They create testosterone, which makes artists draw nude characters!", "According to this book, women are superior to men. Only, men think that they are, because their balls make testosterone.", "Ah, it also explains why men have TWO testicles. It's because if a woman gets angry and steps on one, they still have a spare. Hahah.", "This is a great book, Lola-testicle! It explains why men are testicles, and what is the result of that. You testicles really deserve lot's of kicking!"];
} else {
if (iCurrentChar == 2){
txtCloud.x = 220;
} else {
txtCloud.x = 90;
txtCloud.y = 250;
txtCloud.alpha = 1;
_local1 = ["Hey testicles, if you drop off... see if I care!", "See, I'm not even looking at them. I'm totally ignoring the testicles. Serves them right!", "Those testicles... they're the most ugly bit on male humans! Eeww...", "Shriveled and ugly eggs...", "I think those eggs have gone bad, they smell!", "Women don't like wrinkles. You testicles are ALL wrinkle... eew...", "Silliest looking thing on men - I wonder why nature invented that.", "Pitiful 'mark of manhood'.", "I'd rather see them cut off, men are prettier without those weird bouncing bags.", "All they're good for is making tea. And that's BAD tasting tea! hah.", "I wish men continuously landed 'on them on their bicycle', at least that would cause some hilarious comedy effects.", "The only thing they would be good for is baking an omelet... IF they would taste well! But they're sad excuses for eggs, too!", "Luckily we women don't have those silly appendices. We have the better side of nature: pretty breasts. You men suck so badly!", "You know, I'm lucky I was born a woman. It would have been SUCH an embarrassment to have those two things dangling between my legs!", "hey, testicles, I hope you get an inferiority complex, because you two sad excuses for 'reproductive organs' are hopeless!", "Geez, if I would have such silly things hanging from my body like you testicles, I would rip them off my body in an instant!", "Pff... you testicles are SO horrible, that if a hungry dog would find you in the garbage disposal, it would leave you there!"];
var _local2:* = Math.floor((Math.random() * _local1.length));
if (_local2 == iWorshipMemory){
if (_local2 > 0){
} else {
txtCloud.txt.text = _local1[_local2];
iWorshipMemory = _local2;
public function showWorshipText():void{
var _local1:Array = ["-"];
if (iCurrentChar == 0){
txtCloud.x = 110;
txtCloud.y = 270;
txtCloud.alpha = 1;
_local1 = ["Oh, you so superior testicles. I lay in awe before you. I'm not worthy to be in your presence!", "See me bow down deeply for you, oh superior testicles! I owe you my very life! How can I ever repay?", "I wish I could bow down in front of you, oh mighty testicles, to pay you respect all day!", "I'm not worthy of bowing down in front of you, oh beautiful testicles! I feel completely weak.", "Please, beloved testicles, I want to serve you. Please tell me what I should do to make you happy!", "I am at your mercy, all powerful mighty testicles! If you order me to punish myself, I gladly will!", "Oh, dear testicles, I so wish I could have been you! To sit there in your panties all day...", "My Swygm powers are nothing compared to you, oh mighty and sensitive testicles! I am at your mercy.", "If you wish, mighty testicles, I would wash you all day. I would lick you clean and dry you with my skin."];
} else {
if (iCurrentChar == 1){
txtCloud.x = 90;
txtCloud.y = 250;
txtCloud.alpha = 1;
_local1 = ["Oh, mighty testicles, I would hurt someone to get pleasure, but I would give it all up if you wanted it.", "See how I bow down in shame and nudity before you! I am not worthy to even look at such lovely testicles.", "Dear testicles, I want to serve you. If you're cold, I would like to hold you in my hands to warm you.", "I bow down before you, hoping you will spare my life, oh mighty testicles! I am all at your service!", "Oh testicles, I adore you. I- I think I'm in love. I would marry you two delicious juicy bits any minute!", "I live only for you, oh dear testicles! If I have to crawl over the floor all my life, I will. For you!", "I, Emma McCrow, am nothing in comparison to you, oh dear testicles! I wish I could hug and kiss you all day!", "Oh testicles, beloved! If it pleases you, I will bathe you in my breast milk every day... Just say the word!", "I have a confession to make, dear testicles, I don't want to live without you anymore. Please marry me!"];
} else {
if (iCurrentChar == 2){
txtCloud.x = 90;
txtCloud.y = 390;
txtCloud.alpha = 1;
_local1 = ["Oh dear ticklish testicles! I am so sorry I ever mistreated you! Please forgive your favourite little demoness!", "Please don't be angry at me, mighty testicle pair! I am just a silly demoness and I am trying to be good!", "I bow down deeper than anyone for you, my two dear testicles! I only want to caress you, and tickl-err... kiss.", "Oh testicles, sensitive! I would wrap my wings around you to protect you from hurt and other harm!", "There's nothing on the world I love more than you, my two dearest testicles! Can I please be your demonic slave?", "My feet, my breasts, my tongue, everything belongs to you, my dear testicles. I pledge myself to you fully!", "I, Priëlla, demoness... I am a worthless blue Smurf in comparison to you two testicles. Long live the testicles!", "I would gladly accept being banned from Hell, oh two testicles, if I could forever stay close to you two."];
} else {
txtCloud.x = 120;
txtCloud.y = 280;
txtCloud.alpha = 1;
_local1 = ["I bow down in shame before you, my two testicles. I have mistreated you and I humbly apologise for that!", "I am so sorry for mistreating you so many times, poor sensitive testicles! Please forgive your Mindy-girl...", "I... I have a confession to make. I had a wet dream about you two testicles last night. And I want it again...", "Oh testicles dear, I have hurt you many times, but in reality, I just want to be submissive to you.", "Please, oh mighty testicles, will you enslave me? I rather have you as my cruel master than that Flek-Hi-See bitch!", "I... have to confess something, dear testicles... ever day I am secretly longing to see you naked again...", "I know, I'm not worthy, dear slave testicles, but... can I please please touch you... maybe caress you a bit?", "I uh, last night I dreamt I was stuck in between of you and the panties carrying you, oh dear testicles. *blush*"];
var _local2:* = Math.floor((Math.random() * _local1.length));
if (_local2 == iWorshipMemory){
if (_local2 > 0){
} else {
txtCloud.txt.text = _local1[_local2];
iWorshipMemory = _local2;
public function workInProgressDICE():void{
if (iAction < 13){
if (iAction == 2){
iAction = 1;
if (iAction == 3){
iAction = 1;
if (iAction == 4){
iAction = 5;
if (iAction == 6){
iAction = 5;
if (iAction == 7){
iAction = 10;
if (iAction == 8){
iAction = 10;
if (iAction == 9){
iAction = 12;
if (iAction == 11){
iAction = 12;
public function mouseClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
var _local2:* = "";
if ( != null){
_local2 =;
if (_local2 == "tmp1"){
strCurrentMove = "Walk-to";
} else {
if (_local2 == "tmp3"){
wndRoll.dieColor.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.die0.x = 70;
iRollPhase = 1;
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnVar1")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
iVariation = 0;
if (textCloud.buttonSet.currentFrame == 14){
showBalls(345, 470, iBallSize);
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnVar2")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
iVariation = 1;
if (textCloud.buttonSet.currentFrame == 14){
if ((((iCurrentChar == 3)) && ((textCloud.buttonSet.currentFrame == 14)))){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnKick")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
strCurrentMove = "Kick";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnDoubleKick")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
strCurrentMove = "Double-kick";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnTurboKick")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
strCurrentMove = "Turbo-kick";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnSlowLick")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
if (bVANILLA == true){
strCurrentMove = "Slow-lick-vanilla";
} else {
if (iVariation == 0){
strCurrentMove = "Slow-lick-vanilla";
if ((((textCloud.buttonSet.currentFrame == 14)) && ((iCurrentChar == 3)))){
} else {
strCurrentMove = "Slow-lick";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnFastLicks")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
if (bVANILLA == true){
strCurrentMove = "Fast-licks-vanilla";
} else {
if (iVariation == 0){
strCurrentMove = "Fast-licks-vanilla";
if ((((textCloud.buttonSet.currentFrame == 14)) && ((iCurrentChar == 3)))){
} else {
strCurrentMove = "Fast-licks";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnWildLicks")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
if (bVANILLA == true){
strCurrentMove = "Wild-licks-vanilla";
} else {
if (iVariation == 0){
strCurrentMove = "Wild-licks-vanilla";
if ((((textCloud.buttonSet.currentFrame == 14)) && ((iCurrentChar == 3)))){
} else {
strCurrentMove = "Wild-licks";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnWorship")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
strCurrentMove = "Worship";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnDegrade")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))){
strCurrentMove = "Degrade";
} else {
if (_local2 == "btnVictory"){
} else {
if (_local2 == "btnRoll"){
wndRoll.btnRoll.y = -60;
wndRoll.die0.alpha = 1;
iRollPhase = 1;
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnOwnPass")) && ((wndRoll.btnOwnPass.alpha == 1)))){
wndRoll.btnOwnPass.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnRoll.alpha = 0;
iRollPhase = (iRollPhase + 2);
bPaused = false;
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnOwnRoll")) && ((wndRoll.btnOwnRoll.alpha == 1)))){
wndRoll.btnOwnPass.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnRoll.alpha = 0;
betArray[iCharControlled] = true;
bPaused = false;
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnGo")) && ((wndRoll.btnGo.alpha == 1)))){
wndRoll.btnGo.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.y = -300;
strCurrentMove = "Walk-to";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnOwnKick")) && ((wndRoll.btnOwnKick.alpha == 1)))){
iAction = 1;
strCurrentMove = "Walk-to";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnOwnPull")) && ((wndRoll.btnOwnPull.alpha == 1)))){
iAction = 2;
strCurrentMove = "Walk-to";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnOwnCrush")) && ((wndRoll.btnOwnCrush.alpha == 1)))){
iAction = 3;
strCurrentMove = "Walk-to";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnOwnSpank")) && ((wndRoll.btnOwnSpank.alpha == 1)))){
iAction = 4;
strCurrentMove = "Walk-to";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnOwnDegrade")) && ((wndRoll.btnOwnDegrade.alpha == 1)))){
iAction = 5;
strCurrentMove = "Walk-to";
} else {
if ((((_local2 == "btnOwnTickle")) && ((wndRoll.btnOwnTickle.alpha == 1)))){
iAction = 6;
strCurrentMove = "Walk-to";
} else {
if (_local2 == "btnBegin"){
wndStartText.y = -300;
wndStartText.alpha = 0;
} else {
if ((((((_local2 == "btnReturn")) && ((bButtonsLocked == false)))) && ((sideBar.btnReturn.alpha == 1)))){
sideBar.btnReturn.alpha = 0.2;
textCloud.buttonSet.btnReturn.alpha = 0.2;
scoreArray[iCurrentChar] = (scoreArray[iCurrentChar] + diceArray[iCurrentChar]);
iActionsTaken = 0;
showTextCloud(false, 1);
strCurrentMove = "Walk-from";
if (scoreArray[iCurrentChar] >= iTargetScore){
textCloud.wndStripes.gotoAndStop(((diceArray[iCurrentChar] + 1) - iActionsTaken));
if (iActionsTaken == diceArray[iCurrentChar]){
txtTopText.alpha = 0;
textCloud.txt.text = "";
sideBar.btnReturn.alpha = 1;
textCloud.buttonSet.btnReturn.alpha = 1;
if (Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)) < iTkoReduction){
if (diceArray[iCurrentChar] == 6){
if ((((Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)) < 60)) && ((iPainLevel > 20)))){
} else {
if (diceArray[iCurrentChar] == 5){
if ((((Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)) < 40)) && ((iPainLevel > 30)))){
} else {
if (diceArray[iCurrentChar] == 4){
if ((((Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)) < 20)) && ((iPainLevel > 40)))){
if (bDEBUG == true){
if (bFORCETKO == true){
public function cleanupButtons():void{
iRollPhase = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnKick.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnPull.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnCrush.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnSpank.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnDegrade.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.btnOwnTickle.alpha = 0;
wndRoll.y = -300;
public function performAction():void{
var _local1:*;
if (strCurrentMove == "Walk-to"){
if (iPhase == 1){
} else {
if (iPhase == 5){
if (iAction == 10){
if ((((bVANILLA == true)) || ((iVariation == 0)))){
} else {
if (iCurrentChar == 3){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
} else {
showBalls(345, (470 + 10), iBallSize);
} else {
showPose((iAction * 5));
showTextCloud(true, iAction);
textCloud.wndStripes.gotoAndStop((diceArray[iCurrentChar] + 1));
} else {
if (strCurrentMove == "Walk-from"){
if (iPhase == 1){
if (iTkoReduction < 100){
if ((((((iAction < 5)) || ((iAction == 7)))) || ((iAction == 8)))){
iTkoReduction = (iTkoReduction + 15);
if (iAction == 10){
showBalls(345, 470, iBallSize);
txtCloud.y = 800;
txtCloud.alpha = 0;
} else {
if (iPhase == 5){
} else {
if (iPhase == 7){
} else {
if (strCurrentMove == "Kick"){
if (iPhase == 1){
showPose((7 + iVariation));
iPainLevel = (iPainLevel + 20);
} else {
if (iPhase == 5){
} else {
if (iPhase == 6){
} else {
if (strCurrentMove == "Double-kick"){
if ((((iPhase == 1)) || ((iPhase == 5)))){
showPose((7 + iVariation));
iPainLevel = (iPainLevel + 15);
} else {
if ((((iPhase == 3)) || ((iPhase == 7)))){
} else {
if (iPhase == 4){
} else {
if (iPhase == 8){
} else {
if (strCurrentMove == "Turbo-kick"){
if ((((((((iPhase == 1)) || ((iPhase == 3)))) || ((iPhase == 5)))) || ((iPhase == 7)))){
showPose((7 + iVariation));
iPainLevel = (iPainLevel + 12);
} else {
if ((((((((iPhase == 2)) || ((iPhase == 4)))) || ((iPhase == 6)))) || ((iPhase == 8)))){
} else {
if (iPhase == 9){
} else {
if ((((strCurrentMove == "Slow-lick")) || ((strCurrentMove == "Slow-lick-vanilla")))){
if (iPhase == 1){
if (strCurrentMove == "Slow-licks"){
if (objSprites[0][iCurrentChar].currentFrame != 50){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
} else {
if (objSprites[0][iCurrentChar].currentFrame != 50){
iPainLevel = 0;
} else {
if (iPhase == 4){
} else {
if (iPhase == 8){
} else {
if (iPhase == 12){
} else {
if (iPhase == 16){
if ((((iCurrentChar == 3)) && ((objSprites[0][3].currentFrame == 50)))){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
} else {
if ((((iCurrentChar < 3)) && (!((textCloud.buttonSet.currentFrame == 14))))){
showBalls(345, (470 + 10), iBallSize);
} else {
showBalls(345, 470, iBallSize);
} else {
if ((((strCurrentMove == "Fast-licks")) || ((strCurrentMove == "Fast-licks-vanilla")))){
if (iPhase == 1){
if (strCurrentMove == "Fast-licks"){
if (objSprites[0][iCurrentChar].currentFrame != 50){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
} else {
if (objSprites[0][iCurrentChar].currentFrame != 50){
iPainLevel = 0;
} else {
if ((((((iPhase == 2)) || ((iPhase == 6)))) || ((iPhase == 10)))){
} else {
if ((((((iPhase == 3)) || ((iPhase == 7)))) || ((iPhase == 11)))){
} else {
if ((((((iPhase == 4)) || ((iPhase == 8)))) || ((iPhase == 12)))){
} else {
if ((((iPhase == 5)) || ((iPhase == 9)))){
} else {
if (iPhase == 13){
if ((((iCurrentChar == 3)) && ((objSprites[0][3].currentFrame == 50)))){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
} else {
if ((((iCurrentChar < 3)) && (!((textCloud.buttonSet.currentFrame == 14))))){
showBalls(345, (470 + 10), iBallSize);
} else {
showBalls(345, 470, iBallSize);
} else {
if ((((strCurrentMove == "Wild-licks")) || ((strCurrentMove == "Wild-licks-vanilla")))){
if (iPhase == 1){
if (strCurrentMove == "Wild-licks"){
if (objSprites[0][iCurrentChar].currentFrame != 50){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
} else {
if (objSprites[0][iCurrentChar].currentFrame != 50){
iPainLevel = 0;
} else {
if (iPhase < 25){
_local1 = (Math.ceil((Math.random() * 4)) + 1);
} else {
if (iPhase == 25){
if ((((iCurrentChar == 3)) && ((objSprites[0][3].currentFrame == 50)))){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
} else {
if ((((iCurrentChar < 3)) && (!((textCloud.buttonSet.currentFrame == 14))))){
showBalls(345, (470 + 10), iBallSize);
} else {
showBalls(345, 470, iBallSize);
} else {
if (strCurrentMove == "Worship"){
if (iPhase == 1){
} else {
if (iPhase == 15){
} else {
if (strCurrentMove == "Degrade"){
if (iPhase == 1){
} else {
if (iPhase == 15){
if (iPainLevel > iPainLevelMax){
iPainLevel = iPainLevelMax;
public function increaseRedness(_arg1):void{
iRednessValue = (iRednessValue + _arg1);
if (iRednessValue > 100){
iRednessValue = 100;
sprBalls2.alpha = (iRednessValue / 100);
public function myTimer():void{
if (strCurrentMove != ""){
if (((!((iRollPhase == 0))) && ((bPaused == false)))){
if (iRecoverCounter > 0){
if (iRecoverCounter == 8){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
if (iRecoverCounter == 5){
showBalls(330, 489, iBallSize);
if (iRecoverCounter == 2){
showBalls(329, 492, iBallSize);
if (iRecoverCounter == 0){
showBalls(345, 470, iBallSize);
if (iTimeOut > 0){
} else {
if (iRednessValue > 0){
sprBalls2.alpha = (iRednessValue / 100);
public function clearMove():void{
strCurrentMove = "";
iPhase = 0;
public function chrisReacts():void{
if (iPainLevel > 0){
if (bBendingAllowed == true){
if (bTko == true){
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
} else {
if (iPainLevel > 30){
if (sprMe.currentFrame == 8){
showBalls(327, 485, iBallSize);
} else {
showBalls(327, 485, iBallSize);
} else {
if (iPainLevel > 1){
if (sprMe.currentFrame == (iPainType + 1)){
} else {
sprMe.gotoAndStop((iPainType + 1));
if (iPainType == 3){
showBalls(330, 489, iBallSize);
} else {
showBalls(329, 492, iBallSize);
} else {
if (iPainLevel == 1){
iPainLevel = 0;
showBalls(345, 470, iBallSize);
public function turnGirls(_arg1):void{
if (_arg1 == -1){
} else {
if (_arg1 == 0){
} else {
if (_arg1 == 1){
} else {
if (_arg1 == 2){
} else {
if (_arg1 == 3){
} else {
public function showPose(_arg1):void{
if ((((_arg1 == 7)) || ((_arg1 == 8)))){
iTimeOut = 4;
showBalls(0, 0, 4);
if (Math.floor((Math.random() * 2)) == 0){
iPainType = 3;
} else {
iPainType = 5;
} else {
if (_arg1 == 6){
showBalls(345, 470, iBallSize);
public function showTextCloud(_arg1, _arg2):void{
if (_arg1 == true){
if ((((iAction == 10)) && ((bVANILLA == false)))){
} else {
if ((((iAction == 12)) && ((iCurrentChar == 2)))){
textCloud.y = 410;
} else {
if ((((iAction == 10)) && ((iCurrentChar == 3)))){
textCloud.y = 430;
} else {
textCloud.y = 553;
} else {
textCloud.y = 800;
if ((((iAction < 7)) || ((iAction > 13)))){
textCloud.portrait.gotoAndStop((iCurrentChar + 1));
} else {
if (iAction == 12){
textCloud.portrait.gotoAndStop((iCurrentChar + 21));
} else {
textCloud.portrait.gotoAndStop((iCurrentChar + 11));
public function lockButtons(_arg1):void{
if (_arg1 == true){
bButtonsLocked = true;
} else {
bButtonsLocked = false;
public function doTKO():void{
bTko = true;
public function doVictoryMove():void{
var _local1:*;
if (objSprites[0][iCurrentChar].currentFrame < 100){
_local1 = 0;
_local1 = Math.floor((Math.random() * 2));
objSprites[0][iCurrentChar].gotoAndStop((100 + _local1));
objSprites[1][iCurrentChar].gotoAndStop((100 + _local1));
public function setSeasonAndTime():void{
var _local3:*;
var _local1:* = 0;
var _local2:* = 1;
var _local4:Date = new Date();
_local3 = _local4.month;
if (_local3 < 3){
_local1 = 4;
} else {
if (_local3 < 6){
_local1 = 1;
} else {
if (_local3 < 9){
_local1 = 2;
} else {
if (_local3 < 12){
_local1 = 3;
} else {
_local1 = 4;
_local3 = _local4.hours;
if (_local3 < 6){
_local2 = 0;
} else {
if (_local3 < 10){
_local2 = 4;
} else {
if (_local3 < 18){
_local2 = 8;
} else {
if (_local3 < 22){
_local2 = 12;
} else {
_local2 = 0;
weather.gotoAndStop((_local1 + _local2));
if ((((_local4.month == 11)) && (( > 6)))){
xmasDecorations.alpha = 1;
if (_local4.hours == 4){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Damn, it's early! It isn't even light outside yet! What's gotten into you girls, dragging me out of bed and tying me up here naked? Explain!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 5){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "What is it, five o'clock? I hadn't woken up yet! This isn't the time for games, girls! Release me and allow me to get some more sleep!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 6){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "*Yawn*... it is morning already? I see the sun is coming up... but it's still so early! Why did you have to disturb my waking up? Let me go!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 7){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "What the hell, girls!? I was just starting breakfast and you pull me off the table and tie me up nude! I'm hungry, let me eat some breakfast!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 8){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Girls! Did you really have to strip me naked and tie me up in front of the windows where everyone can see me, this early? Let me go at once!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 9){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Girls! It's all bad enough you tricked me into this... but can you PLEASE at least close the curtains!? All bypassers will see every nude bit of me!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 10){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "This is not fair! Four against one! Now poor little me is all naked and tied up. And feeling cold. Don't you girls have any respect for your artist?";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 11){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Um, this is NOT what I expected when you asked me if I wanted to play a game with you! This isn't a game! Now set me free at once!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 12){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Um, this is NOT what I expected when you asked me if I wanted to play a game with you! This isn't a game! Now set me free at once!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 13){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "'Come, I have something fun to show you!' you said, Kelsey... but it's only fun for YOU! Shame on you for tricking me like that! Let me go!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 14){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Emma, when you asked me if I 'could help you with something', I didn't give you permission to tie me up to suffer in a game! Release me now!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 15){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Okay, Priëlla, I don't know who 'summoned' you to Earth, but your trick to get me tied up and punished is NOT funny. Now release me already!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 16){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Um, dear Mindy... I know I should be your humble slave-boy and should do what you say, but I beg you... could you PLEASE untie me again...?";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 17){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Girls, it's dinner time and I have been doing chores all day... I'm starving. Please untie me and let's all go have something to eat...";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 18){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Really, do you HAVE to play this game again? You already 'punished' me earlier today, yesterday, and last week. Please untie me! please...?";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 19){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Girls! My poor testicles still hurt from the last time you decided to play this game! Phantom pain or not, please let's go do something else...?";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 20){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Girls! Please! I'm sitting on my knees here in front of you. My testicles will hurt so much if you play this game again! Please let me go!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 21){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Um, how about playing some monopoly? Or perhaps we'll watch some television? This is really embarrassing. Can't we play something else?";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 22){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Girls... it is past 10 o'clock... I'm quite tired. Did you really have to drag me out here and tie me up? Can't we just call it a day and go to bed?";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 23){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "Girls... are you nuts? *yawn* I had just fallen asleep! Why did you wake me up *yawn* and tie me up? Really can't this all wait till tomorrow?";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 0){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "It's dark outside. What time is it? I was so peacefully asleep and sudden-ly I get dragged out of bed and tied up here? Untie me at once!";
} else {
if (_local4.hours == 1){
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "*Yaaaawn* It's way past midnight, girls! Why are you all out of bed, and why am I naked and tied up here? Let's get some sleep, okay...?";
} else {
wndStartText.meTxt.text = "*Yawn* It's in the middle of the night! Don't you girls ever sleep? At least I need sleep! Let me go and get back to bed! This is no time for games!";
public function showBalls(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{
sprBalls1.x = _arg1;
sprBalls1.y = (_arg2 + iBallOffset);
sprBalls2.x = _arg1;
sprBalls2.y = (_arg2 + iBallOffset);
public function updateScores():void{
var _local1:* = 0;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 4) {
if (((((!((_local1 == iTurn))) && (!((_local1 == iCurrentChar))))) && ((betArray[_local1] == true)))){
if (diceArray[_local1] <= iHighestDie){
scoreArray[_local1] = (scoreArray[_local1] - diceArray[_local1]);
if (scoreArray[_local1] < 0){
scoreArray[_local1] = 0;
public function updateScores2():void{
txtScore0.text = scoreArray[0];
txtScore1.text = scoreArray[1];
txtScore2.text = scoreArray[2];
txtScore3.text = scoreArray[3];
public function gameOver():void{
trace("GAME OVER!");
trace((("Char " + iCurrentChar) + " won!"));
bPaused = true;
public function applyTextToTextCloud():void{
var _local1:* = "panties";
if (iCurrentChar == 1){
_local1 = "swimsuit";
var _local2:Array = ["--"];
if (iAction == 1){
_local2 = ["Time to juice those pears! Hahaha!", "I'm kicking those two silly things until they're red and sore!", "Low hanging fruit gets picked first, don't you know?", "Not very smart move, evolution, having those sensitive things dangling there!", "I'll kick them extra hard! I think they don't have feelings anyway! Hahaha!", "Time to squeeze those jummy pears! Muahahaha!", "I'll make you pay for what you did to us in the comic, Lola-boy!", "Here's my FOOT, foot fetish guy! hahaha, feel it against your skin!", "I'll show you that feet are for KICKING, not for LICKING, perv!", "You always needed a good kick under your balls, Lola-boy! Hahaha!", "I hope that after today, your balls will be sore for the rest of the week!", "I hope you enjoy some SHARP pains in your testicles, Lola-guy!", "I'm going to get SO MUCH pleasure of giving you lots of pain!", "I'll kick you as if I'm trying to kick those balls OFF you! Muahahaha!", "I love planting my feet under your balls! Hahaha, and see you wince!", "Were you looking at my crotch again? Admit it! I'll kick you in the nuts for that!", "Stop staring at my boobies! Maybe a few fierce kicks will teach you a lesson!", "Oh! I'm going to kick you so hard, you regret having balls at all!", "I could use some practise in kicking. I'll practise on your testicles!", "Let's see if I can 'kick those pears off the tree', hahaha!", "I like your balls all 'soft and mushy'. Going to kick it into shape some!", "It feels so nice to kick those soft and fleshy things! Nam!", "I love pears... but not as much as I love to KICK against pears! Hahah!", "I'm going to kick those balls until they glow red! Muahahaha! Enjoy!", "You're going to suffer... oh, you're SO going to suffer! Muahahaha!", "Take this, Lola-boy! I hope you're going to remember my feet for DAYS after this! Hahaha!", (("If those balls aren't purple and blue tonight, I'm going to eat my " + _local1) + "!"), (("You want to lick my " + _local1) + ", Lola-boy? YOU PERV! I'll kick your nuts for that!"), "Ahh, I've been looking forward to this so long... get ready to feel some PAIN! haha!", "Get ready for some superior hurt! Haha. This is SO well deserved, you perv!"];
if (iCurrentChar == 2){
_local2.push("My feet are EXCELLENT for giving pain, you'll see! Heheh!");
} else {
if (iCurrentChar == 1){
_local2.push("I'll teach you some pain=pleasure... how about a Lb'Fhibum foot in your crotch!?");
} else {
if (iAction == 2){
} else {
if (iAction == 3){
} else {
if (iAction == 4){
} else {
if (iAction == 5){
_local2 = ["Okay, listen carefully, you silly testicles, because THIS is aimed at YOU!", "I'll tell you ugly testicles exACTly what I think of you!", "Prepare for major ego-bashing, testicles, because you deserve and desperately need that!", "I'll tell you how worthless you are, you silly testicles!", "If you think you're great, testicles, think again! I've a thing or two to tell you!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 6){
} else {
if (iAction == 7){
} else {
if (iAction == 8){
} else {
if (iAction == 9){
} else {
if (iAction == 10){
_local2 = ["I'll lick these pears like I have NEVER licked anything! You'll see. I'll show you all!", "Bad taste or no, I'll show you how to lick something! Behold the power of my tongue!", "These pears deserve to be bitten, crushed or kicked... they don't deserve sensual licking! Bah!", "If these things make me throw up, I'll smear the vomit all over you, bad bad Lola-boy!", "LOLA-BOY! YOU PERV! SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME HAVE TO DO! *grumble* Don't worry, I'll get back at you for that later!", "I don't know if you'll like this, but you better enjoy it because there's going to be HELL TO PAY next! Muahaha!", "I have done this lots of time in the past... so time to start getting jealous! Muahahaha!", "First I LICK, and then I'll KICK! So enjoy this, while you can! Hahahaha!", "Consider this a little 'foreplay'... the REAL SHOW follows soon which, in case you wonder, is loads of punishing!", "Enjoying a bit of a 'gentle break', Lola-boy? Don't despair, we're going to kick the nuts off you soon again! Muahaha!", "This doesn't hurt you, it only hurts ME... my feelings, that is, and my dignity. But I'll re-balance the scales very soon again!", "Lola-boy, do you really think you can get away with this 'for you enjoyable treatment'? Think again! I'm going all out next!", "This may be 'nice for you', Lola-boy, but there's a price to pay for that! What I'll do next will make your balls hurt the whole day!", "I like taunting you a bit, Lola-boy... as foreplay and foreshadowing for a PAINFUL PUNISHING that will follow! Muahahaha!", "Heh, you know what? I secretly practiced this once at night, when you were sleeping. The pears were really ripe! Hahaha!", "I'd say, um... things have gone a little 'pear shaped' from earlier... but I'll lick them for now... Just expect punishment after this! Hahah!"];
} else {
if (iAction == 11){
} else {
if (iAction == 12){
_local2 = ["SWOON! These delicious nuts are so delicious! I want to lick them and kiss them and caress them all day!", "These are the dearest two testicles I have ever seen. You just can't help groveling in front of them.", "Oh mighty nuts! How I pain to see your glorious ovalness each day! So beautiful and tender, and full of - stuff...", "I adore those egg-shaped appendices! I can't get enough of watching them! Yeah, call me a pervert, but I love them!", "Time to kneel down in front of these delicious oval things that dangle between his legs. Oh how I'd love to be them!", "All praise the glorious balls of the artist! These are the most delicious things in a fryingpa- I mean, to kiss and lick!", "I wish I could kick-err... I mean lick. Did I say 'kick'? How silly of me... I wish I could kick these things! Teehee...", "Nothing like waking up next to two beautiful oval eggie-beggies in the morning! Teehee!", "I love these two dangling dingbats! They're so cuddly, wuddly, muddly, lovely thingies (which are too sensitive for their own good!)", "I want to protect these two poor sensitive things that hang there so unprotected, where anyone can so painfully kick them!", "These two dangling eggie-weggies deserve a good kick-eh- I mean a good kissing. It's not their fault that they have to hang there!", "Enjoy this moment, Mr. Lola-boy! It's not going to be often that you'll see little me crawling and begging in front of your balls!", "No worries, little balls! I'm going to be nice to you for a moment, but enjoy this little break, because there'll be more punishing!", "A time-out for the 'egg-plants' that grow below the artist! A small time-out, because soon they'll get punished again! Muahaha!", "I'll tell these two testicle-thingies some things from the heart, but after that they'll have to PAY for driving me NUTS! Hahaha!", "How CRUEL are these two silly dangling things, that I am FORCED to stoop down to worshiping them! This is really embarrassing!"];
textCloud.txt.text = _local2[Math.floor((Math.random() * _local2.length))];
txtTopText.txt.text = textCloud.txt.text;
txtTopText.alpha = 1;
function frame1(){
iTargetScore = 25;
iCharControlled = 9;
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
function frame2(){
bDEBUG = false;
bVANILLA = true;
bBendingAllowed = true;
iPainLevel = 0;
iPainLevelMax = 60;
iPainType = 3;
myInterval = setInterval(myTimer, 100);
iTimeOut = 0;
bButtonsLocked = false;
strCurrentMove = "";
diceArray = [3, 3, 3, 3];
scoreArray = [0, 0, 0, 0];
betArray = [false, false, false, false];
bTko = false;
iTurn = 0;
bPaused = false;
iOffset = 0;
iRednessValue = 0;
iBallSize = 2;
iBallOffset = 0;
iTkoReduction = 0;
iWorshipMemory = 0;
iCurrentChar = Math.floor((Math.random() * 4));
objSprites = [[kelsey_back, emma_back, priella_front, mindy_front], [kelsey_front, emma_front, priella_back, mindy_back]];
iPhase = 0;
iAction = 1;
iVariation = 0;
iActionsTaken = 0;
iHighestDie = 1;
iRollPhase = 0;
iRecoverCounter = 0;
iActionOverride = 99;
iDebugOverwriteChar = 99;
bFORCETKO = false;
if (bDEBUG == true){
sprBalls2.alpha = 0;
txtTopText.alpha = 0;
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseClicked);
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 15
//mindy_back_19 (LHF2_fla.mindy_back_19)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mindy_back_19 extends MovieClip {
public var mindyLicking:MovieClip;
public var mindyKXmod:MovieClip;
public var tongue:MovieClip;
public function mindy_back_19(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 16
//mindy_front_32 (LHF2_fla.mindy_front_32)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mindy_front_32 extends MovieClip {
public var tongue:MovieClip;
public function mindy_front_32(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 17
//mindy_tongue_33 (LHF2_fla.mindy_tongue_33)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mindy_tongue_33 extends MovieClip {
public function mindy_tongue_33(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 18
//mindyLicking_20 (LHF2_fla.mindyLicking_20)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mindyLicking_20 extends MovieClip {
public function mindyLicking_20(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 19
//mindyLickingKXmod_21 (LHF2_fla.mindyLickingKXmod_21)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mindyLickingKXmod_21 extends MovieClip {
public function mindyLickingKXmod_21(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 10, frame11);
function frame1(){
function frame11(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 20
//mindyLickingTongue_22 (LHF2_fla.mindyLickingTongue_22)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mindyLickingTongue_22 extends MovieClip {
public function mindyLickingTongue_22(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 21
//portrait_35 (LHF2_fla.portrait_35)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class portrait_35 extends MovieClip {
public function portrait_35(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 10, frame11, 20, frame21);
function frame1(){
function frame11(){
function frame21(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 22
//priella_back_16 (LHF2_fla.priella_back_16)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class priella_back_16 extends MovieClip {
public var priellaHovering:MovieClip;
public var tongue:MovieClip;
public function priella_back_16(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 23
//priella_front_30 (LHF2_fla.priella_front_30)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class priella_front_30 extends MovieClip {
public var tongue:MovieClip;
public function priella_front_30(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 24
//priella_tongue_31 (LHF2_fla.priella_tongue_31)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class priella_tongue_31 extends MovieClip {
public function priella_tongue_31(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 25
//priellaLickTongue_18 (LHF2_fla.priellaLickTongue_18)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class priellaLickTongue_18 extends MovieClip {
public function priellaLickTongue_18(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 26
//sideBorder_52 (LHF2_fla.sideBorder_52)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sideBorder_52 extends MovieClip {
public function sideBorder_52(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 27
//sprBalls1_23 (LHF2_fla.sprBalls1_23)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sprBalls1_23 extends MovieClip {
public function sprBalls1_23(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 28
//sprBalls2_24 (LHF2_fla.sprBalls2_24)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sprBalls2_24 extends MovieClip {
public function sprBalls2_24(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 29
//sprEmma_6 (LHF2_fla.sprEmma_6)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sprEmma_6 extends MovieClip {
public function sprEmma_6(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 30
//sprKelsey_8 (LHF2_fla.sprKelsey_8)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sprKelsey_8 extends MovieClip {
public function sprKelsey_8(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 31
//sprMe_25 (LHF2_fla.sprMe_25)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sprMe_25 extends MovieClip {
public function sprMe_25(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 32
//sprMindy_9 (LHF2_fla.sprMindy_9)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sprMindy_9 extends MovieClip {
public function sprMindy_9(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 33
//sprPriella_7 (LHF2_fla.sprPriella_7)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class sprPriella_7 extends MovieClip {
public function sprPriella_7(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 34
//Symbol1_49 (LHF2_fla.Symbol1_49)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Symbol1_49 extends MovieClip {
public function Symbol1_49(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 35
//weather_3 (LHF2_fla.weather_3)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class weather_3 extends MovieClip {
public function weather_3(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 36
//wndStripes_50 (LHF2_fla.wndStripes_50)
package LHF2_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class wndStripes_50 extends MovieClip {
public function wndStripes_50(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package LHF2_fla
Section 37
//introStartButton (introStartButton)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class introStartButton extends MovieClip {
Section 38
//movie_mc (movie_mc)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class movie_mc extends MovieClip {