Combined Code
movieClip 1 area_mc {
frame 1 {
_global.look_at_journal = 0;
_global.asked_maiko = 0;
_global.sfx = 1;
_global.bgm = 1;
_global.game_hours = 0;
_global.game_minutes = 0;
_global.game_seconds = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
_global.rgirl_hover = 0;
_global.rgirl_select = 1;
_global.girlr = 0;
_global.testx = 1;
_global.smarts = 50;
_global.sent_frame_max = 300;
_global.sent1base = 5; = 0;
_global.SwimLv = 0;
_global.tablet_bg = 1;
_global.hairalpha = 100;
_global.powerz = 0;
_global.colorValue = '0xFFCCFF';
_global.nailColorValue = '0xFF3366';
_global.import_mobile_device_bg = 1;
_global.boobcomeup = 0;
_global.autoboobcomeup = 1;
_global.blink_chance = 20;
_global.mood = 1; = 50;
_global.melee = 1;
_global.clothing_hover = 0; = 1; = 0;
_global.hair_clip = 0;
_global.dirty = 0;
_global.showered = 0;
_global.inspired = 0;
_global.Money = 50;
_global.HairpinEnergy = 100;
_global.MaikoPencil = 1;
_global.TasksLeft = 8;
_global.Days = 1;
_global.bloom = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
_global.dialogue_clicked = 0;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.random_shit = 0;
_global.pillend = 0;
_global.pillmelee = 0;
_global.pattie_in_party = 0;
_global.kyle_in_party = 0;
_global.travel_to_area = 0;
_global.travel_to_text = '';
_global.cafe_popularity = 0;
_global.cafe_popularity_to_next_level = 10;
_global.cafe_pleasure_clients = 0;
_global.cafe_level = 1;
_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp = 0;
_global.cafe_pattie_sexexp = 0;
_global.cafe_leyah_sexexp = 20;
_global.cafe_jeni_sexexp = 201;
_global.cafe_stacy_sexexp = 401;
_global.been_in_class = 0;
_global.been_in_pool = 0;
_global.been_in_cafe = 0;
_global.been_in_boxing = 0;
_global.been_in_music = 0;
_global.boxing_hentai = 0;
_global.pool_hentai = 0;
_global.music_hentai = 0;
_global.class_hentai = 0;
_global.joirysex = 0;
_global.classcheat = 0;
_global.needpill = 0;
_global.pillfix = 0;
_global.willing = 0;
_global.david_quest = 0;
_global.david_sex = 0;
_global.david_tried_sex = 0;
_global.tsugo_quest = 0;
_global.savori_quest = 0;
_global.guitar = 0;
_global.socialize_chance = 4;
_global.socialize_chance_max = 4;
_global.auto_change = 0;
_global.auto_hair = 0;
_global.gamestart = 0;
_global.book_pleasure_tips = 0;
_global.book_guitar_basics = 0;
_global.book_productive_work = 0;
_global.book_study_guide = 0;
_global.medals_swim = new Array();
_global.medals_swim[0] = null;
_global.medals_swim[1] = 0;
_global.medals_swim[2] = 0;
_global.medals_swim[3] = 0;
_global.medals_cafe = new Array();
_global.medals_cafe[0] = null;
_global.medals_cafe[1] = 0;
_global.medals_cafe[2] = 0;
_global.medals_cafe[3] = 0;
_global.medals_boxing = new Array();
_global.medals_boxing[0] = null;
_global.medals_boxing[1] = 0;
_global.medals_boxing[2] = 0;
_global.medals_boxing[3] = 0;
_global.nothing = 0;
_global.hairalpha = 100;
_global.temphairalpha = 100;
_global.TasksLeft = 8;
_global.Days = 1;
_global.cafe_maiko_sexexp = 0;
_global.game_hours = 0;
_global.game_minutes = 0;
_global.game_seconds = 0;
_global.smarts = 0;
_global.testx = 0;
_global.tried_test = 0;
_global.asked_maiko = 0;
_global.reconsider = 0; = 1;
_global.umchversion = 20;
_global.pattie_in_party = 0;
if (_global.gameover == 1) {
_global.gameover = 0;
frame 1 {
// unknown tag 88 length 75
movieClip 11 {
movieClip 13 {
movieClip 15 {
movieClip 16 {
frame 1 {
function myWidth(moveObj, newWidth) {
moveObj.w = moveObj._width;
moveObj.dwidth = newWidth - moveObj.w;
moveObj.t = 0;
moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (moveObj.t++ < NFRAMES) {
moveObj._width = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.w, moveObj.dwidth, NFRAMES);
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
function myMove(moveObj, newX) {
moveObj.x = moveObj._x;
moveObj.dx = newX - moveObj.x;
moveObj.t = 0;
moveObj.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (moveObj.t++ < NFRAMES) {
moveObj._x = easeOutQuad(moveObj.t, moveObj.x, moveObj.dx, NFRAMES);
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
percentLoaded = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
this.myWidth(this.loadBar, percentLoaded * 1.94);
this.myMove(this.mc_loadNum, percentLoaded * 1.9 - 8);
mc_loadNum.loadNum.text = percentLoaded;
easeOutQuad = function (time, beginX, changeX, durationX) {
time /= durationX / 2;
if (time < 1) {
return (changeX / 2) * time * time + beginX;
return (-changeX / 2) * (--time * (time - 2) - 1) + beginX;
frame 2 {
if (percentLoaded < 100) {
frame 25 {
movieClip 1225 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function (_mc, _ease, _clipX, _clipY, _apertureW, _apertureH, _xoff, _yoff, _cache) {
this.__mc = _mc;
this.__ease = _ease;
this.__mcp = this.__mc._parent;
this.__imgW = this.__mc._width;
this.__imgH = this.__mc._height;
this.__mc._x = _clipX;
this.__mc._y = _clipY;
if (_cache == undefined) {
this.__mc.cacheAsBitmap = false;
} else {
this.__mc.cacheAsBitmap = _cache;
this.__control = this.__mc.createEmptyMovieClip('controller', this.__mc.getNextHighestDepth());
this.__rect = new flash.geom.Rectangle(_xoff, _yoff, _apertureW, _apertureH);
this.__mc.scrollRect = this.__rect;
this.__mc.onRollOver = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.initiateMovement);
this.__mc.useHandCursor = false;
com.McPan = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.killMovement = function () {
delete this.__control.onEnterFrame;
v2.initiateMovement = function () {
delete this.__mc.onRollOver;
this.__control.onEnterFrame = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.moveToMouse);
v2.moveToMouse = function () {
this.__mc.scrollRect = (this.calcXY(this.__mcp._xmouse, this.__mcp._ymouse))[0];
if (!this.__mc.hitTest(this.__mcp._xmouse, this.__mcp._ymouse, true)) {
if (this.__motionActive) {
this.__mc.onRollOver = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.initiateMovement);
v2.moveToPoint = function () {
var v2 = this.calcXY(this.__ptX, this.__ptY);
this.__mc.scrollRect = v2[0];
if (Math.abs(v2[1] - v2[0].x) < 1) {
if (Math.abs(v2[2] - v2[0].y) < 1) {
delete this.__control.onEnterFrame;
v2.calcXY = function (XP, YP) {
this.__xDiff = XP - this.__mc._x;
this.__xRatio = this.__xDiff / this.__rect.width;
this.__xPos = this.__xRatio * (this.__imgW - this.__rect.width);
this.__yDiff = YP - this.__mc._y;
this.__yRatio = this.__yDiff / this.__rect.height;
this.__yPos = this.__yRatio * (this.__imgH - this.__rect.height);
this.__rect.x = this.__xPos - (this.__xPos - this.__rect.x) * this.__ease;
this.__rect.y = this.__yPos - (this.__yPos - this.__rect.y) * this.__ease;
return [this.__rect, this.__xPos, this.__yPos];
v2.slideToPoint = function (x, y) {
this.__ptX = x;
this.__ptY = y;
this.__control.onEnterFrame = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.moveToPoint);
v2.stopMotion = function () {
this.__motionActive = false;
delete this.__mc.onRollOver;
v2.startMotion = function () {
this.__motionActive = true;
this.__mc.onRollOver = mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, this.initiateMovement);
v2.__motionActive = true;
ASSetPropFlags(com.McPan.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 1226 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function (f) {
this.func = f;
mx.utils.Delegate = v1;
mx.utils.Delegate extends Object;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.create = function (obj, func) {
var v2 = function () {
var v2 =;
var v3 = arguments.callee.func;
return v3.apply(v2, arguments);
}; = obj;
v2.func = func;
return v2;
v2.createDelegate = function (obj) {
return mx.utils.Delegate.create(obj, this.func);
ASSetPropFlags(mx.utils.Delegate.prototype, null, 1);
frame 2 {
keyListenerTEXT = new Object();
keyListenerTEXT.onKeyUp = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 69 || Key.getCode() == 32) {
_global.dialogue_clicked = 1;
_global.keyword = '';
keyListener4 = new Object();
keyListener4.onKeyUp = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 83) {
if (_global.powerz == 0) {
_global.powerz = 1;
} else {
if (_global.powerz == 1) {
_global.powerz = 0;
mouseListenerTEXT = new Object();
mouseListenerTEXT.onMouseUp = function () {
if (_root.paper_dialogue_box._currentframe == 2) {
_global.dialogue_clicked = 1;
frame 2 {
_global.cum = 0;
_global.in_area = 0;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
_global.HairpinEnergy = 100;
_global.powerz = 0;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
_global.boobs_visible = 1;
_global.tablet_in_use = 0;
_global.in_cafe = 0;
_global.in_gym = 0;
_global.in_hentai = 0;
_global.in_debug_test = 0;
_global.secrets_found = 0;
if (_global.gameover == 1) {
frame 2 {
_lockroot = true;
_global.in_area = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
_root.pswrd = '';
_root.new_dialogue = function (num) {
_global.dialogue_scene = 1;
_root.dialogue_count = num;
_root.dialogue_tracking = 1;
_root.dialogue_array = new Array();
_global.new_dialogue = function (num) {
_global.dialogue_scene = 1;
_root.dialogue_count = num;
_root.dialogue_tracking = 1;
_root.dialogue_array = new Array();
_root.check_dialogue = function () {
if (_global.dialogue_clicked == 1) {
if (_root.dialogue_tracking > _root.dialogue_count) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
_global.dialogue_clicked = 0;
if (_global.in_area != 1) {
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[_root.dialogue_tracking];
_global.dialogue_clicked = 0;
_global.check_dialogue = function () {
if (_global.dialogue_clicked == 1) {
if (_root.dialogue_tracking > _root.dialogue_count) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
_global.dialogue_clicked = 0;
if (_global.in_area != 1) {
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[_root.dialogue_tracking];
_global.dialogue_clicked = 0;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
frame 2 {
_global.sexsfx = function () {
if (_global.sfx != 1) {
return undefined;
_global.randomstuff = random(6);
if (_global.randomstuff == 0) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 1) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 2) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 3) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 4) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 5) {
_global.slurpsfx = function () {
if (_global.sfx != 1) {
return undefined;
_global.randomstuff = random(4);
if (_global.randomstuff == 0) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 1) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 2) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 3) {
_global.squelchsfx = function () {
if (_global.sfx != 1) {
return undefined;
_global.randomstuff = random(4);
if (_global.randomstuff == 0) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 1) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 2) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 3) {
_global.sucksfx = function () {
if (_global.sfx != 1) {
return undefined;
_global.randomstuff = random(4);
if (_global.randomstuff == 0) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 1) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 2) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 3) {
_global.splashsfx = function () {
if (_global.sfx != 1) {
return undefined;
_global.randomstuff = random(4);
if (_global.randomstuff == 0) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 1) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 2) {
} else {
if (_global.randomstuff == 3) {
_global.cumsfx = function () {
if (_global.sfx != 1) {
return undefined;
_global.musicstop = function () {
_global.sfxstop = function () {
_global.playbgm = function () {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
return undefined;
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
_global.dayx_sound = new Sound(_root.dayx);
_global.eveningx_sound = new Sound(_root.eveningx);
_global.nightx_sound = new Sound(_root.nightx);
_global.sadx_sound = new Sound(_root.sadx);
_global.mischeifx_sound = new Sound(_root.mischeifx);
_global.eventx_sound = new Sound(_root.eventx);
_global.oddx_sound = new Sound(_root.oddx);
_global.outsidex_sound = new Sound(_root.outsidex);
_global.sexx_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx);
_global.sleepx_sound = new Sound(_root.sleepx);
_global.splashx_sound = new Sound(_root.splashx);
_global.sadx_sound = new Sound(_root.sadx);
_global.beatx_sound = new Sound(_root.beatx);
_global.sexx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1a);
_global.sexx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1b);
_global.sexx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1c);
_global.sexx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1d);
_global.sexx1e_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1e);
_global.sexx1f_sound = new Sound(_root.sexx1f);
_global.squelchx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1a);
_global.squelchx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1b);
_global.squelchx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1c);
_global.squelchx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.squelchx1d);
_global.slurpx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1a);
_global.slurpx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1b);
_global.slurpx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1c);
_global.slurpx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.slurpx1d);
_global.suckx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1a);
_global.suckx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1b);
_global.suckx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1c);
_global.suckx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.suckx1d);
_global.splashx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.splashx1a);
_global.splashx1b_sound = new Sound(_root.splashx1b);
_global.splashx1c_sound = new Sound(_root.splashx1c);
_global.splashx1d_sound = new Sound(_root.splashx1d);
_global.breathex1a_sound = new Sound(_root.breathex1a);
_global.breathex1b_sound = new Sound(_root.breathex1b);
_global.cumx1a_sound = new Sound(_root.cumx1a);
frame 2 {
function createExplosion(targetX, targetY) {
var v6 = 0;
while (v6 < particleTotal) {
var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap('sparkle_purple');
var v3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', _root.getNextHighestDepth());
var v4 = v3.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', v3.getNextHighestDepth());
v4._x = -v5.width / 2;
v4._y = -v5.height / 2;
v4.attachBitmap(v5, v4.getNextHighestDepth(), 'never', true);
v3._x = targetX;
v3._y = targetY;
v3._rotation = random(360);
v3._alpha = random(50) + 50;
v3.boundyLeft = targetX - particleRange;
v3.boundyTop = targetY - particleRange;
v3.boundyRight = targetX + particleRange;
v3.boundyBottom = targetY + particleRange;
v3.speedX = Math.random(particleMaxSpeed) - Math.random(particleMaxSpeed);
v3.speedY = Math.random(particleMaxSpeed) - Math.random(particleMaxSpeed);
v3.speedX *= particleMaxSpeed;
v3.speedY *= particleMaxSpeed;
v3.fadeSpeed = Math.random(particleFadeSpeed) * particleFadeSpeed;
v3.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed;
this._x += this.speedX;
this._y += this.speedY;
if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) {
var particleMaxSpeed = 3;
var particleFadeSpeed = 10;
var particleTotal = 1;
var particleRange = 25;
mouseListener = new Object();
mouseListener.onMouseDown = function () {};
mouseListener.onMouseMove = function () {};
frame 2 {
_root.gameloop = function () {
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
if (_global.in_area == 0) {
_root.area1._visible = true;
_root.area2._visible = true;
_root.exit._visible = true;
} else {
_root.area1._visible = false;
_root.area2._visible = false;
_root.exit._visible = false;
if (_root._currentframe >= 3) {
if (_global.dialogue_scene == 1) {
_root.paper_dialogue_box.dialogue_txt_var = _global.dialogue_text;
} else {
if (_root.hand_device._currentframe > 1) {
_root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._x = _root._xmouse + 100;
_root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._y = _root._ymouse + 50;
if (_root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._y < 150) {
_root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._y = 150;
if (_root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._x < 310) {
_root.hand_device.hand_device.pointer_arm._x = 310;
_root.mouse_position._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.mouse_position._y = _root._ymouse;
if (_global.powerz == 1) {
} else {
if (_global.can_use_tablet == 0) {
if (_global.boobs_visible == 0) {
_root.boobs._visible = false;
} else {
_root.boobs._visible = true;
if (_xmouse - 100 < 350) {
_root.HairBox._x = 2 * (350 - (_xmouse - 100)) + (_xmouse - 100);
_root.HairBox._y = _ymouse + 150;
} else {
if (_xmouse - 100 > 350) {
_root.HairBox._x = _xmouse - 100 - 2 * (_xmouse - 100 - 350);
_root.HairBox._y = _ymouse + 150;
} else {
_root.HairBox._x = _xmouse - 100;
_root.HairBox._y = _ymouse + 150;
_global.lookx2 = _global.lookx1;
_global.looky2 = _global.looky1;
_global.lookx1 = _xmouse - 100;
_global.looky1 = _ymouse + 150;
if (_global.HairpinEnergy <= 0) {
_global.HairpinEnergy = 0;
_global.powerz = 0;
button 18 {
on (release) {
if (_root._currentframe == 2) {
movieClip 21 {
movieClip 24 {
movieClip 25 {
frame 5 {
button 26 {
on (release) {
_global.v00 = 0; = 1; = 50;
_global.melee = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
_global.TasksLeft = 8;
_global.savori_quest = 0;
_global.been_in_pool = 0;
button 27 {
on (release) {
_global.v00 = 0;
movieClip 29 {
movieClip 30 {
movieClip 32 {
movieClip 33 {
button 34 {
on (release) {
if (_root.pswrd == '') {
_global.v00 = 1;
} else {
_root.pswrd = 'wrong!';
// unknown tag 88 length 70
// unknown tag 88 length 68
movieClip 48 {
movieClip 49 {
frame 20 {
if (random(3) == 0) {
} else {
frame 61 {
if (random(3) == 0) {
} else {
frame 106 {
movieClip 53 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 1530 {
movieClip 55 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 1881 {
movieClip 57 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 1321 {
movieClip 59 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 2549 {
movieClip 61 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 1601 {
movieClip 63 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 2660 {
movieClip 65 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 2592 {
movieClip 67 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 2231 {
movieClip 69 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 22 {
frame 42 {
frame 62 {
frame 83 {
frame 96 {
frame 108 {
frame 119 {
frame 132 {
frame 144 {
movieClip 71 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 135 {
movieClip 73 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 75 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 77 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 79 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 81 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 83 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 85 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.sfx != 1) {
frame 876 {
movieClip 86 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.sfx != 1) {
frame 513 {
movieClip 89 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 92 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 94 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 96 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 98 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 100 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 102 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 104 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 107 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 109 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 111 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 113 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 116 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 117 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 135 {
movieClip 118 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 135 {
movieClip 121 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 123 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 125 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 127 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 134 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 137 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 138 {
frame 1 {
instance pill of movieClip 134 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.pillfix > 0 && _global.needpill > 0) {
_global.needpill = 0;
} else {
if (_global.needpill > 0) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.pillfix > 0 && _global.needpill > 0) {
_global.needpill = 0;
} else {
if (_global.needpill > 0) {
} else {
instance of movieClip 137 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.inspired > 0) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.inspired > 0) {
} else {
instance mood of movieClip 138 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.hud == 0) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
if (_global.girlr > 0) {
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.stress = _global.mood;
this.gotoAndStop(_global.mood + 1);
if (_global.hud == 0) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
if (_global.girlr > 0) {
this._visible = false;
movieClip 141 {
movieClip 142 {
frame 32 {
movieClip 143 {
instance timep of movieClip 143 {
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(_global.TasksLeft + 1);
if (_global.hud == 0) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.gotoAndStop(_global.TasksLeft + 1);
if (_global.hud == 0) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
movieClip 147 {
instance money of movieClip 147 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.hud == 0) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { = _global.Money;
if (_global.hud == 0) {
this._visible = false;
} else {
this._visible = true;
// unknown tag 88 length 171
frame 3 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 3 {
_global.in_area = 0;
movieClip 158 {
frame 1 {
button 163 {
on (press) {
pressing = 1;
on (release) {
pressing = 0;
on (releaseOutside) {
pressing = 0;
movieClip 172 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
button 184 {
on (release) {
movieClip 187 {
frame 1 {
_global.musicstop(); = 2;
instance of movieClip 158 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Hey Umi! Working at the cafe again today?';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Nah, I\'m taking break from there for a while.';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Bummer… Yeah my sister told me that. You inspired her to work there, maybe you can go say hi to her?';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sure.';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Are you just not used to the popularity?';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah I guess… maybe… It\'s just really crowded in there lately…';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Lot\'s of pervy men…';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Well that\'s what happens when you become a popular girl Umi!';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah I guess… but it still doesn\'t feel like I can do much…';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: What do you mean?';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I had to have help with the test…';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Nothing wrong with getting help Umi.';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah I guess…but the cafe, well those outfits…';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Those outfits show everything! How did you even keep your top on by the way?';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (sigh)';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Oh I get it! So you feel like it was only a matter of time before it became popular because of the outfits?';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah…';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Well I don\'t know about that Umi. Jeni and Holly have been there for a while…';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (sigh)';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Geez Umi cheer up!';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Maybe you did need a break. Why don\'t you try swimming then?';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: …I can\'t swim…';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Oh… well… You can show yourself you learned to do something!';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: But what if…';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: You wont drown Umi!';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Mika is there watching us! Aaaaaand keeping pervy guys away. It\'s fun!';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Plus my sister Leyah is there too! She will still have a way to work with you since you are taking a break from the cafe!';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hmmm…';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Oh Umi! Don\'t make me beg!';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Sup Z! Going to a modelling shoot? Oh and nerdlet is here too! What are you gals up to?';
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Umi might join us on swim team Luma!';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Whaaa! You can swim nerdlet?';
frame 34 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: …a little.';
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Really?';
frame 36 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: No…';
frame 37 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Geez nerdlet. You can\'t even swim? you should at least be able to float!';
frame 38 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Fucking hell! Go learn to swim NOW!';
frame 39 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: All the popular girls know how to swim! Plus it might save your life one day? You care about that don\'t you?';
frame 40 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Well… yeah.';
frame 41 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Well then, welcome to the team! See you in the pool dork!';
frame 42 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Zytra: Well, she can be direct. But yes. I\'m rooting for you Umi!';
movieClip 193 {
frame 1 {
instance glow of movieClip 193 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.bloom == 1) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.bloom == 1) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
} else {
movieClip 195 {
instance mouse_position of movieClip 195 {
onClipEvent (load) {
this._alpha = 0;
button 196 {
on (press) {
pressing = 1;
on (release) {
pressing = 0;
movieClip 197 {
instance boob_position of movieClip 197 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = _root.boob_body._x;
resty = _root.boob_body._y - 300;
k = 3;
mass = 9;
damping = 0.75;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
this._alpha = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
restx = _root.boob_body._x;
resty = _root.boob_body._y - 300;
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 30 || this._x < restx - 30 || this._y < resty - 30 || this._y > resty + 30) {
pressing = 0;
button 199 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_clicked = 1;
// unknown tag 88 length 63
movieClip 204 {
movieClip 205 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 208 {
movieClip 245 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 249 {
movieClip 251 {
movieClip 252 {
movieClip 255 {
button 256 {
on (release) {
movieClip 259 {
button 260 {
on (release) {
movieClip 263 {
button 264 {
on (release) {
movieClip 266 {
button 267 {
on (release) {
movieClip 270 {
button 271 {
on (release) {
movieClip 274 {
button 275 {
on (release) {
movieClip 291 {
button 292 {
on (release) {
if (_currentframe != 1) {
} else {;
movieClip 297 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 315 {
button 316 {
on (release) {
if (_global.sfx == 1) {
_global.sfx = 0;
} else {
_global.sfx = 1;
button 317 {
on (release) {
if (_global.bgm == 1) {
_global.bgm = 0;
} else {
_global.bgm = 1;
button 318 {
on (release) {
if (_global.auto_hair == 0) {
_global.auto_hair = 1;
} else {
_global.auto_hair = 0;
button 319 {
on (release) {
if (_global.auto_change == 0) {
_global.auto_change = 1;
} else {
_global.auto_change = 0;
movieClip 327 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 328 {
button 329 {
on (release) {
if (_global.bloom == 0) {
_global.bloom = 1;
} else {
_global.bloom = 0;
button 330 {
on (release) {
if (_global.hairalpha > 95) {
_global.hairalpha = 50;
} else {
if (_global.hairalpha > 45) {
_global.hairalpha = 10;
} else {
if (_global.hairalpha > 9) {
_global.hairalpha = 0;
} else {
if (_global.hairalpha == 0) {
_global.hairalpha = 100;
} else {
_global.hairalpha = 100;
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
button 331 {
on (release) {
_global.tablet_bg = 20;
button 332 {
on (release) {
_quality = 'medium';
_root._quality = 'medium';
button 333 {
on (release) {
_quality = 'high';
_root._quality = 'high';
button 334 {
on (release) {
_quality = 'low';
_root._quality = 'low';
button 347 {
on (release) {
if (_root.input_password_save != '') {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
save_state = 'input the save code first!';
_global.done_loading = 0;
button 348 {
on (release) {
_global.saved_data = 1;
umsm_so = SharedObject.getLocal('umsm'); = _global.saved_data; = _global.hairalpha; = _global.temphairalpha; = _global.TasksLeft; = _global.Days; = _global.game_hours; = _global.game_minutes; = _global.game_seconds; =; = _global.SwimLv; =; = _global.savori_quest; = _global.been_in_pool; = _global.pattie_in_party; = _global.medals_swim[1]; = _global.medals_swim[2]; = _global.medals_swim[3]; = 1;
save_state = 'saved UMSM data!';
button 349 {
on (release) {
_global.done_loading = 0;
umsm_so = SharedObject.getLocal('umsm');
if ( != undefined) {
while (_global.done_loading != 1) {
_global.hairalpha =;
_global.temphairalpha =;
_global.TasksLeft =;
_global.Days =;
_global.game_hours =;
_global.game_minutes =;
_global.game_seconds =; =;
_global.SwimLv =; =;
_global.savori_quest =;
_global.been_in_pool =;
_global.pattie_in_party =;
_global.medals_swim[1] =;
_global.medals_swim[2] =;
_global.medals_swim[3] =;
_global.done_loading =;
save_state = 'loaded data!'; = 1;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
save_state = 'no UMSM save data found!';
_global.done_loading = 0;
button 350 {
on (release) {
umsm_so = SharedObject.getLocal('umsm');
save_state = 'erased saved UMSM data!';
save_password_text = '';
input_password_save = '';
custom_text = '';
button 362 {
on (release) {
button 368 {
on (release) {
button 376 {
on (release) {
movieClip 379 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 383 {
movieClip 393 {
frame 1 {
button 400 {
on (release) {
_global.medal = 1;
_global.hud = 0;
movieClip 402 {
frame 1 {
button 403 {
on (release) {
_global.medal = 1;
_global.hud = 0;
movieClip 404 {
frame 1 {
button 405 {
on (release) {
_global.medal = 1;
_global.hud = 0;
movieClip 406 {
frame 1 {
button 407 {
on (release) {
_global.medal = 1; = 2;
_global.hud = 0;
movieClip 408 {
frame 1 {
button 409 {
on (release) {
_global.medal = 1; = 1;
_global.hud = 0;
movieClip 410 {
frame 1 {
button 411 {
on (release) {
_global.medal = 1; = 3;
_global.hud = 0;
movieClip 412 {
frame 1 {
button 413 {
on (release) {
_global.medal = 1;
_global.hud = 0;
movieClip 414 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 423 {
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 245 {
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
instance of movieClip 252 {
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(_global.TasksLeft + 1);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.gotoAndStop(_global.TasksLeft + 1);
frame 2 {
instance of movieClip 315 {
onClipEvent (load) {
_parent.play_time = '' + _global.game_hours + 'h:' + _global.game_minutes + 'm:' + _global.game_seconds + 's';
_parent.Money = _global.Money;
_parent.Days = _global.Days;
_parent.TasksLeft = _global.TasksLeft;
_parent.stress = _global.mood;
_parent.Fitness =;
_parent.Melee = _global.melee;
_parent.Smarts = _global.smarts;
_parent.SwimLv = _global.SwimLv;
_parent.swim_gold = _global.medals_swim[1];
_parent.swim_silver = _global.medals_swim[2];
_parent.swim_bronze = _global.medals_swim[3];
_parent.frq = _global.been_in_class;
_parent.aiq = _global.tsugo_quest;
_parent.stmq = _global.savori_quest;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_parent.play_time = '' + _global.game_hours + 'h:' + _global.game_minutes + 'm:' + _global.game_seconds + 's';
instance of movieClip 327 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.sfx == 1) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.sfx == 1) {
} else {
instance of movieClip 327 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.bgm == 1) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.bgm == 1) {
} else {
instance of movieClip 327 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.auto_hair == 1) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.auto_hair == 1) {
} else {
instance of movieClip 327 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.auto_change == 1) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.auto_change == 1) {
} else {
frame 5 {
play_time = '' + _global.game_hours + 'h:' + _global.game_minutes + 'm:' + _global.game_seconds + 's';
save_password_text = '';
input_password_save = '';
custom_text = '';
_global.custom_complete = 0;
_global.encoder_function = function () {
var v3 = '';
var v2 = '';
var v9 = new String(_global.saved_data);
var v16 = new String(_global.hairalpha);
var v17 = new String(_global.temphairalpha);
var v15 = new String(_global.TasksLeft);
var v6 = new String(_global.Days);
var v14 = new String(_global.game_hours);
var v10 = new String(_global.game_minutes);
var v12 = new String(_global.game_seconds);
var v4 = new String(;
var v13 = new String(_global.SwimLv);
var v11 = new String(;
var v18 = new String(_global.savori_quest);
var v19 = new String(_global.been_in_pool);
var v20 = new String(_global.pattie_in_party);
var v5 = new String(_global.medals_swim[1]);
var v7 = new String(_global.medals_swim[2]);
var v8 = new String(_global.medals_swim[3]);
var v21 = 1;
v2 = v9 + 'S' + v16 + 'S' + v17 + 'S' + v15 + 'S' + v6;
v3 += v2;
v2 = 'S' + v14 + 'S' + v10 + 'S' + v12 + 'S' + v4 + 'S' + v13 + 'S' + v11;
v3 += v2;
v2 = 'S' + v18 + 'S' + v19 + 'S' + v20 + 'S' + v5 + 'S' + v7 + 'S' + v8;
v3 += v2;
save_password_text = v3;
_global.decoder_function = function () {
var v2 = '';
_global.password_load_parsed = new Array();
v2 = input_password_save;
_global.password_load_parsed = v2.split('S');
_global.saved_data = int(_global.password_load_parsed[0]);
_global.hairalpha = int(_global.password_load_parsed[1]);
_global.temphairalpha = int(_global.password_load_parsed[2]);
_global.TasksLeft = int(_global.password_load_parsed[3]);
_global.Days = int(_global.password_load_parsed[4]);
_global.game_hours = int(_global.password_load_parsed[5]);
_global.game_minutes = int(_global.password_load_parsed[6]);
_global.game_seconds = int(_global.password_load_parsed[7]); = int(_global.password_load_parsed[8]);
_global.SwimLv = int(_global.password_load_parsed[9]); = int(_global.password_load_parsed[10]);
_global.savori_quest = int(_global.password_load_parsed[11]);
_global.been_in_pool = int(_global.password_load_parsed[12]);
_global.pattie_in_party = int(_global.password_load_parsed[13]);
_global.medals_swim[1] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[14]);
_global.medals_swim[2] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[15]);
_global.medals_swim[3] = int(_global.password_load_parsed[16]);
_global.custom_decoder_function = function () {
var v3 = '';
_global.custom_load_parsed = new Array();
v3 = _root.custom_text;
_global.custom_load_parsed = v3.split('[S]');
save_state = 'loaded data from code!';
instance of movieClip 393 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.SwimLv > 0) {
} else {
instance of movieClip 393 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.savori_quest >= 23 && _global.savori_quest <= 26) {
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest >= 14 && _global.savori_quest <= 17) {
} else {
instance of movieClip 402 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.Days > 1 || _global.v00 == 1) {
instance of movieClip 404 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.savori_quest >= 7 || _global.v00 == 1) {
instance of movieClip 406 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.savori_quest >= 19 || _global.v00 == 1) {
instance of movieClip 408 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.savori_quest >= 24 && == 2 || _global.v00 == 1) { = 2;
instance of movieClip 410 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.savori_quest >= 24 && == 1 || _global.v00 == 1) { = 1;
instance of movieClip 412 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.savori_quest >= 24 && == 3 || _global.v00 == 1) { = 3;
instance of movieClip 414 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.medals_swim[1] + _global.medals_swim[2] + _global.medals_swim[3] > 2) {
movieClip 426 {
frame 1 {
_global.finger_button = 1;
_global.tablet_in_use = 0;
frame 2 {
_global.tablet_in_use = 1;
if (_global.can_use_tablet == 0) {
if (_global.import_mobile_device_bg == 1) {
frame 21 {
_global.tablet_in_use = 1;
frame 22 {
_global.tablet_in_use = 1;
frame 42 {
_global.tablet_in_use = 0;
frame 43 {
_global.finger_button = 1;
_global.tablet_in_use = 0;
instance hand_device of movieClip 426 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (!(this._currentframe == 1 || this._currentframe == 21)) {
if (_global.gamestart == 0) {
movieClip 428 {
frame 30 {
if (_global.game_seconds == 60) {
_global.game_seconds = 0;
if (_global.game_minutes == 60) {
_global.game_minutes = 0;
movieClip 431 {
movieClip 432 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 443 {
frame 1 {
button 444 {
on (release) { = 0;
movieClip 449 {
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 443 {
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(_global.girlr + 1);
frame 2 {
if (_global.girlr > 0) {
frame 3 {
if (_global.girlr > 0) {
instance Hair2 of movieClip 449 {
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop( + 1);
this._alpha = _global.hairalpha;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.gotoAndStop( + 1);
this._alpha = _global.hairalpha;
if ( != 1 && _global.hair_clip == 1) {
if (_global.auto_hair == 1) { = 0;
movieClip 450 {
movieClip 453 {
frame 1 {
instance tears of movieClip 453 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.hairalpha == 0) {
} else {
if (_global.mood >= 40) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.hairalpha == 0) {
} else {
if (_global.mood >= 40) {
} else {
frame 4 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 4 {
_global.in_area = 0;
movieClip 462 {
frame 1 {
button 467 {
on (release) {
movieClip 468 {
frame 1 { = 4;
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'And that\'s how it started. And why I\'m wearing this outfit… my boobs look lewd again.';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai!';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Pattie! You are on the swim team too!';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Chu! Don\'t worry senpai I will make sure you don\'t drown!';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh yeah… thanks… for reminding me…';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: No problem senpai!';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Leyah: Maiko~nya is finally here!';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'This is Zytra\'s little sister Leyah. She\'s always very animated and happy. It\'s almost like she is a cat girl or something. I wonder if she is aware she talks that way.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'But then again I\'m not sure why Pattie says chu a lot… I guess I wont worry about it. It\'s just how they are.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Leyah: Leyah~nyan thinks Maiko~nyan looks cute in her swim outfit nya~!';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Thanks but… isn\'t it a little too thin?';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Leyah: Leyah~nyan thinks it is fine! The water is warm and there will be no boys to see our nipples!';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh okay…';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Wait what?';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Nipples senpai.';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Again with nipples? I thought I got away from that at the cafe…';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: At least there\'s no boys here senpai.';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Leyah: Maiko~nyan will see her nipples when she gets into the water!';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Great…';
frame 5 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 5 {
_global.in_area = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
movieClip 477 {
frame 1 {
button 480 {
on (release) {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Wanna have some fun senpai?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Nothing to worry about while I\'m here senpai!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: What chu wanna do next senpai?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Oink!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: What\'s up senpai?';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 481 {
on (release) {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) {
} else {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 2) {
movieClip 486 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Ready to study Maiko?.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Okay Maiko, let\'s study for the exam.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Pillows...I mean study!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Time to study? hehe.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Alright Maiko! Let\'s study so you can smash those exams.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
movieClip 497 {
frame 1 {
button 498 {
on (release) {
if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 2;
if (_global.savori_quest == 27 && == 2) {
_global.savori_quest = 28;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 25 && == 2) {
_global.savori_quest = 26;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 22 && == 2) {
_global.savori_quest = 23;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 16 && == 2) {
_global.savori_quest = 17;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 13 && == 2) {
_global.savori_quest = 14;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I\'m done for today.';
} else {
if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 2;
if ( != 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Whoops! almost forgot to put on clothes...';
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 499 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 18) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I need to meet Kyle at the book store.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I have things I need to do!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 3) {
} else {
button 500 {
on (release) {
if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 3;
if ( != 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Can\'t get my clothes wet.';
} else {
button 501 {
on (rollOver) {
_global.clothing_hover = 1;
on (rollOut) {
_global.clothing_hover = 0;
on (releaseOutside) {
_global.clothing_hover = 0;
on (release) {
if ( == 1) { = 2;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This is why I don\'t like button up shirts...';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Why do we have to wear button up shirts?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Squeeze! Squeeze! Ugh.. there! got it! well sorta...';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Oh well, this is the best it will fit me.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Can\'t get the button to hold without it tearing off.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if ( == 2) { = 3;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: At least they can get some air.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: My nipples look so lewd...';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: How did they get so big!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Hmm they feel a little heavier than I remember...';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Playing with my breasts makes me feel better.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if ( == 3) { = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Whew! They are finally in there snug.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Well at least it\'s not badge or white.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Quad-boob, but still comfy!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Still a bit bouncy but oh well.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Worth the high price!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else { = 1;
button 502 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 18) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I need to meet Kyle at the book store.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I have things I need to do!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft > 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Sometimes doing nothing is the best thing to do.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: It\'s already late. I might aswell sleep';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
movieClip 509 {
movieClip 512 {
movieClip 517 {
movieClip 518 {
frame 1 {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) {
} else {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 2) {
} else {
frame 61 {
if (_root._currentframe == 4 || _root._currentframe == 18) {
frame 121 {
button 519 {
on (release) {
if (_global.Days == 1) {
_global.look_at_journal = 1;
if (_global.savori_quest == 0) {
_global.savori_quest = 1;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 5) {
_global.savori_quest = 6;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 8) {
_global.savori_quest = 9;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 12) {
_global.savori_quest = 13;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 15) {
_global.savori_quest = 16;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 21) {
_global.savori_quest = 22;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 24) {
_global.savori_quest = 25;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 26) {
_global.savori_quest = 27;
_global.pattie_in_party = 0;
_global.inspired = 0;
_global.tablet_bg = 1;
_global.david_tried_sex = 0;
_global.TasksLeft = 8;
_global.Days += 1; = 1; = 1;
_global.showered = 0;
_global.smarts -= 2;
_global.pillend = 0;
_global.pillmelee = 0;
if (_global.smarts < 20) {
_global.smarts = 20;
_global.cafe_pleasure_clients = 0;
if (_global.medals_cafe[1] >= 10) {
_global.cafe_pleasure_clients = 5;
_global.mood = 0;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Ugh... My hair is a mess.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Why can\'t my hair stay the same way it was before I went to sleep?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (Yawn) So sleepy...';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: (Yawn) Where did my shirt go ?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Maybe I should take off my bra when I sleep.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
movieClip 526 {
frame 31 {
frame 62 {
button 527 {
on (release) {
button 528 {
on (release) {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: I will clean your chu chus senpai!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: P- Pattieeeee!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This feels really good.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
_global.tablet_bg = 2;
_global.dirty = 0; = 1;
_global.showered = 1;
_global.mood = 0;
movieClip 534 {
movieClip 535 {
movieClip 538 {
movieClip 541 {
movieClip 544 {
movieClip 545 {
frame 1 {
mp1.smoothing = true;
if (_root.breathex1a._currentframe == 1) {
frame 14 {
frame 31 {
_global.mood -= random(5) + 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 25) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 32 {
mp2.smoothing = true;
if (_root.breathex1b._currentframe == 1) {
frame 38 {
frame 53 {
frame 62 {
_global.mood -= random(5) + 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 25) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 64 {
_global.mood = 0;
frame 183 {
button 546 {
on (release) {
if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 32) {
} else {
button 547 {
on (release) {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomshit = 0;
} else {
_global.randomshit = 1;
button 548 {
on (release) {
button 549 {
on (release) {
movieClip 554 {
instance of movieClip 477 {
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.HoldBody = 0;
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_global.randomshit = 0;
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.mood = 0;
_global.medal = 0;
_global.dialogue = 0;
if (_global.look_at_journal == 1) {
_global.look_at_journal = 0;
instance rstudy of movieClip 486 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 3) {
} else {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(2) + 3);
} else {
instance character of movieClip 497 {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.clothing_hover == 1) {
this.gotoAndStop( + 1);
} else {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 4 {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(3);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: ZZzz...';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Mom...';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko:';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 5 {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
instance of movieClip 526 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.pattie_in_party == 1) {
frame 7 {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
instance of movieClip 477 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
button 555 {
on (release) {
if (_root.hand_device._currentframe == 21) {;
} else {
if (_root.hand_device._currentframe != 1) {
} else {
frame 6 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 6 {
_global.in_area = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
button 556 {
on (release) {
if ( == 4 || == 5) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
if (_global.savori_quest == 4) {
} else {
} else {
if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 4;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
if (_global.savori_quest == 4) {
} else {
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I need to be in swim attire or Mika won\'t let me swim.';
button 557 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'No Maiko, you can do this!';
} else {
if ( != 2) {
if (_global.auto_change == 1) { = 2;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hang on a sec, I can\'t go out there wearing this! It\'s so embarassing!';
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 558 {
on (rollOver) {
_global.clothing_hover = 1;
on (rollOut) {
_global.clothing_hover = 0;
on (releaseOutside) {
_global.clothing_hover = 0;
on (release) {
_global.tablet_bg = 9;
if ( == 2) { = 4;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This stretches very well. Even around my nipples!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This swimsuit has so tension support.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: By boobs still look lewd in this.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Geez, why is the material so thin?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Well, all the other girls have to wear this also.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if ( == 4 || == 5) { = 2;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: This is why I don\'t like button up shirts...';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Why do we have to wear button up shirts?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Squeeze! Squeeze! Ugh.. there! got it! well sorta...';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Oh well, this is the best it will fit me.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Can\'t get the button to hold without it tearing off.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else { = 2;
button 563 {
on (release) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Savori: Hmm? what is it?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Your panties are so cute!';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Savori: oh stop.';
_root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: But it is!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 567 {
on (release) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: But mine are better!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Luma your bra is cute!';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Luma: Didn\'t ask nerdlet!';
_root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: Fine then.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 570 {
on (release) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Hey Kyle-!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Kyle: Keep your voice down will ya?';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 573 {
on (release) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Roise: I have way more revealing clothing.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Geez...';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 576 {
on (release) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Leyah just finished massaging her breasts so they can get big too!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: I like to play with my boobs also heh. It helps me calm down.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Leyah: You musta did that a lot then nya!';
_root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: Probably hehe.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 579 {
on (release) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: So fancy!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Zytra: Ha yeah I guess I just like the good stuff.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 583 {
on (release) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Leyah-nyan is Just kidding! She has her own bobbles to grope nya!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 584 {
on (release) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: What are we doing today senpai? boxing? Swimming?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hmm...';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
movieClip 585 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Savori: Maiko make sure Kyle is not in here okay?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: He\'s probably in here somewhere.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Savori: Gross. He\'s worse than my dad.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: Nice honkers nerdlet!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Kyle: Shhh...';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Kyle! Get out of here!';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Kyle: Soon, I\'ve been getting some fantastic photos heh he heeee!';
_root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: Can you try to laugh less creepy?';
_root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Kyle: Haha!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Roise: Greetings Umiya-san. Going for a swim?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: R- Roise! So lewd!';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Roise: Meh it\'s not that bad.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Leyah: Maiko nyaaaaaa!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: hehe hey Leyah.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Yo Umi! going for a swim?';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Hey cut it out sis! Look Umi is coming!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Leyah: Leyah-nya has more bobbles to grope!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Beat chu here senpai!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hey pattie!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Hi senpai!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hey pattie!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Oink oink! Dirty piggy is here!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hey pattie!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Pattie pull your bra up!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Pattie: It keeps slipping of senpai.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
movieClip 586 {
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
instance bg_students of movieClip 585 {
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(15) + 2);
instance character of movieClip 497 {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.clothing_hover == 1) {
this.gotoAndStop( + 1);
} else {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 7 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 7 {
_global.in_area = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
movieClip 595 {
frame 1 {
button 596 {
on (release) {
if (_global.TasksLeft > 2) {
if (_global.been_in_pool == 0) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
_global.been_in_pool = 1;
} else {
if ( == 4 || == 5) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 4) {
_global.savori_quest = 5;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I can\'t swim in these clothes...';
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Maiko I need to close the pool. Come back tomorrow during the day.';
button 597 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
if (_global.savori_quest == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'I need to swim first.';
} else {
if (_global.been_in_pool == 1 && (_global.medals_swim[1] > 0 || _global.medals_swim[2] > 0 | _global.medals_swim[3] > 0)) {
_global.been_in_pool = 2;
} else {
movieClip 605 {
frame 30 {
if (random(10) != 0) {
} else {
if (random(5) == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Let\'s swim senpai!';
movieClip 606 {
instance of movieClip 595 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 8 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 8 {
_global.in_area = 0;
frame 8 {
_lockroot = true;
_global.hud = 0;
_global.cum = 0;
_global.can_use_tablet = 0;
_global.boobs_visible = 0;
_global.tablet_bg = 3;
_root.swim = 0;
_root.distance = 1;
_root.side = 1;
_root.lap = 1;
_root.seconds = 0;
_root.speed = 0;
_root.Maiko_swim_speed = _global.SwimLv + 2;
_root.dist_check = 0;
_root.checked = 0;
_root.kick = 0;
_root.tryed_to_kick = 0;
keyListenerZ = new Object();
keyListenerZ.onKeyUp = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 90) {
keyListenerZ.onKeyDown = function () {
if (Key.getCode() == 90 && _root.tryed_to_kick == 0) {
_root.kick = 1;
_root.tryed_to_kick = 1;
_root.kick_var = _root.kick;
mouseListenerKICK = new Object();
mouseListenerKICK.onMouseDown = function () {
if (_root.tryed_to_kick == 0) {
_root.kick = 1;
_root.tryed_to_kick = 1;
_root.kick_var = _root.kick;
movieClip 611 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 614 {
movieClip 616 {
movieClip 617 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 618 {
instance water of movieClip 617 {
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Math.floor(_root._ymouse / 17.9) > 0) {
this.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(_root._ymouse / 17.9));
} else {
if (this._currentframe > 30 && _root.swim == 1 && _root.lap != 0) {
_root.swim = 0;
if (_root.distance < 400) {
if (_root.speed < 5) {
_root.speed += _root.Maiko_swim_speed;
} else {
if (this._currentframe < 10 && _root.swim == 0 && _root.lap != 0) {
_root.swim = 1;
if (_root.distance < 400) {
if (_root.speed < 5) {
_root.speed += _root.Maiko_swim_speed;
movieClip 619 {
frame 1 {
instance img of movieClip 619 {
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.dist_check + 10 <= _root.distance) {
_root.checked = 0;
_root.dist_check = Math.round(_root.distance / 10) * 10;
if (_root.distance >= _root.dist_check && _root.checked == 0 && _root.speed > 0) {
_root.checked = 1;
if (_global.powerz == 0 && _global.HairpinEnergy < 100) {
} else {
if (_global.powerz == 1 && _global.HairpinEnergy >= 1) {
if (_root.speed < _root.Maiko_swim_speed + 4) {
_root.speed = _root.Maiko_swim_speed + 4;
if (_global.HairpinEnergy <= 0) {
_global.HairpinEnergy = 0;
_global.powerz = 0;
_root.hairpin_power_var = _global.HairpinEnergy;
_root.speed_var = _root.speed;
_root.kick_var = _root.kick;
if (_root.distance <= 380 || _root.distance >= 400) {
_root.kick = 0;
if (_root.kick == 1) {
_root.distance = 400;
_root.speed = 15;
_root.kick = 0;
if (_root.distance >= 400) {
_root.distance = 400;
} else {
if (_root.distance < 400) {
_root.distance += _root.speed;
_root.distance_var = _root.distance;
_root.lap_var = _root.lap;
if (_root.distance < 10 && _root.lap == 1) {
} else {
if (_root.lap <= 8 && _root.lap > 0) {
_root.time_var = _root.seconds;
if (_root.lap <= 8 && _root.lap > 0) {
if (_root.distance == 400 && _root.side == 1) {
_root.side = 2;
_root.distance = 1;
_root.dist_check = 0;
_root.tryed_to_kick = 0;
_root.kick = 0;;
if (_root.distance == 400 && _root.side == 2) {
_root.side = 1;
_root.distance = 1;
_root.dist_check = 0;
_root.tryed_to_kick = 0;
_root.kick = 0;;
if (_root.lap > 8) {
_root.lap = 0;
_global.mood = 0;
movieClip 622 {
movieClip 623 {
movieClip 624 {
frame 1 {
frame 5 {
movieClip 628 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 629 {
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 628 {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.speed > 6) {
} else {
button 630 {
on (release) {
_global.TasksLeft = 2;
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I\'m done for today. I\'ll practice more tomorrow.';
movieClip 635 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 636 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
instance medal of movieClip 635 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.seconds < 700) {
_global.medals_swim[1] += 1;
} else {
if (_root.seconds < 800) {
_global.medals_swim[2] += 1;
} else {
if (_root.seconds < 900) {
_global.medals_swim[3] += 1;
frame 9 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 9 {
_global.in_area = 0;
frame 9 {
movieClip 657 {
frame 1 {
instance img of movieClip 657 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.seconds < 700) {
_global.tablet_bg = 4;
if (_global.been_in_pool == 1) {
_global.been_in_pool = 2;
this.gotoAndStop(random(2) + 2);
frame 10 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 10 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 658 {
on (release) {
_global.pool_hentai = 1;
movieClip 662 {
frame 24 {
frame 48 {
frame 72 {
button 663 {
on (release) {
button 664 {
on (release) {
button 665 {
on (release) {
button 666 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 672 {
on (release) {
_global.TasksLeft = 2;
button 675 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 676 {
on (release) {
if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 25) {
} else {
if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 49) {
} else {
button 677 {
on (release) {
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
_global.playbgm(); = 1;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 679 {
frame 1 {
if (_global.medal == 1) {
instance of movieClip 595 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Ah Maiko. Looks like you are going to swim?';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hopefully I still remember how to.';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: We haven\'t done your health check up yet. It is required before I can let you swim.';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Aww. How do I get it?';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Well for now I can just do a quick health check on you. We can do the rest later.';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Sounds good?.';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Okay.';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Right. Meet me in the lockeroom then. We will need privacy.';
frame 11 {
_global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0);
_global.HoldBody = 1;
_root.img._y = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: M- M- Miss Mika!?';
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Hm. No signs of cancer. These are very healthy boobs.';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Miss Mika that\'s enough Isn\'t it? My breasts are very sensitive!';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Maiko you will need try to be still so I can finish.';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: B- But!';
frame 17 {
_global.mood += 5;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Alright. Let\'s get some measurements.';
instance of movieClip 662 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Ahh!';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Please be still Maiko.';
frame 21 {
_global.mood += 5;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Hmm. I can\'t seem to get the tape right. I had this problem with a few other girls also.';
instance of movieClip 662 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: M- Mika!';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Almost there Maiko.';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Hm about 41 inches.';
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: No signs of any issues.';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: You are cleared for swimming now Maiko.';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Owie my nipples...';
frame 29 {
_global.mood -= 2;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Meh you\'ll be fine. I have sensitive nipples also if it helps you feel better Maiko.';
frame 31 {
_root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); = 5;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Well that was unpleasant. But I spent the whole first day actually learning how to swim. Pattie and Leyah were helping out a lot and made it fun. Zytra and Luma even stopped by later in the day.';
instance of movieClip 595 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma wanted me to practice doing some laps in the pool tomorrow… but for now I should go home and rest.';
frame 34 { = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Later in the day as I went to change clothes I ran into Savori who seemed a bit upset.';
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Is everything okay Savori?';
frame 36 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Oh… yeah I\'m just taking my time going home.';
frame 37 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh okay…';
frame 38 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Well that was a little weird. Oh well time to go home.';
frame 41 {
_global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0);
_global.HoldBody = 1;
_root.img._y = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 11 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 11 {
_global.in_area = 0;
_global.mood = 0;
movieClip 688 {
frame 1 {
button 692 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 695 {
instance of movieClip 688 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: We’ll go see Kyle in a second Savori. Alma told me to go get her first.';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle?';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: There\'s no time! he’s probably deleting them right now!';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Well, get mad at Alma, not me.';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Why didn’t she just meet us here!';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: I don’t know, probably busy?';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Gah! I\'m going with you then!';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Fine by me.';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'What was that about?...';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maybe I should check on Kyle in the publishing club.';
frame 12 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 12 {
_global.in_area = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
button 696 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 7) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I need to stop by the photo club first.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'There\'s still stuff I need to do!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 697 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 9) {
_global.savori_quest = 10;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 6) {
_global.savori_quest = 7;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest > 3) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'I need to tell Kyle about this.';
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'My swimming plans might be ruined because I need to go to the bookstore now. I think it\'s in the mall.';
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'There\'s still stuff I need to do!';
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 698 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 23) {
_global.savori_quest = 24;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 19) {
_global.savori_quest = 20;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 14) {
_global.savori_quest = 15;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 10 || _global.savori_quest == 26) {
_global.savori_quest = 11;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 7) {
_global.savori_quest = 8;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 3) {
_global.savori_quest = 4;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'I need to go to the bookstore first. I think it\'s in the mall.';
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 1) {
_global.savori_quest = 2;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'I\'ll stop by later.';
movieClip 702 {
instance of movieClip 688 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 13 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 13 {
_global.in_area = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
movieClip 709 {
frame 1 {
button 710 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 1) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 711 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 717 {
movieClip 720 {
movieClip 721 {
instance of movieClip 709 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 14 {
_global.dialogue = 0;
frame 14 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 14 {
_global.in_area = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
button 722 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 18) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I need to meet Kyle at the book store in the Mall.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 12 || _global.savori_quest == 21) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I\'m done for today. Let\'s see what happens tomorrow.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 723 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 12 || _global.savori_quest == 21) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I\'m done for today. Let\'s see what happens tomorrow.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Time for swim practice at the school!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I need to tell Kyle the news.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 724 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 728 {
movieClip 731 {
instance of movieClip 158 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2 && _global.david_tried_sex == 0 && _global.tsugo_quest != 13 && _global.pattie_in_party == 0 && _global.melee >= 15) {
if (random(2) == 0) {
_global.david_tried_sex = 1;
} else {
if (_global.david_tried_sex == 2 && _global.TasksLeft < 2 && _global.tsugo_quest != 13) {
_global.david_tried_sex = 3;
_global.travel_to_text = 'umch/story/UMCH_dizzy1.swf';
_global.travel_to_area = 1;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
_global.in_area = 0;
} else {
if (_global.david_tried_sex == 1 && _global.TasksLeft < 2 && _global.tsugo_quest != 13 && _global.pattie_in_party != 1 && _global.melee >= 15) {
_global.david_tried_sex = 2;
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 15 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 15 {
_global.in_area = 0;
movieClip 740 {
frame 1 {
button 769 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 770 {
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Oink! Oh it’s just senpai!';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Hi senpai!';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Maiko-chan! perfect timing! you have to help me!';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: huh?';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I’m going to send you all my photos to your tablet before Riley comes back in here with Savori and Alma!';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Huh? why?';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: …and send…delete…delete…';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Hehe Such desperation chu.';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Joey: Honestly you deserve to get caught you perverted pig.';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Not now Joey!';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Joey: Ugh, I’m going to get more stories.';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: What’s going on?';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Oh, Maiko? I didn’t know you were part of this club.';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai just came by to visit me chu!';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Oh, I guess that makes sense.';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Kyle, I’ve gotten more reports about your inappropriate camera use. Riley told you I was coming and why, now please hand over the camera.';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Wait you told him!? Why!?';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Here you go Ms. Alma! There’s nothing in my camera at all.';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Yes… I see… as expected.';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I told you! He probably just deleted them! Check Pattie’s camera too!';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Here you go chu.';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: And where is Joey!?';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Oh I just saw her leave I’ll go grab her.';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Please check her camera for me Ms. Toymiue.';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Righto. be right back then.';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: This is why I wanted to come earlier!';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Please calm down Ms. Akiru. We will get to the bottom of this.';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: You don’t understand! This needs to end!';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: We will handle it Ms. Akiru.';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Nothing on Joey’s camera.';
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: I see. I wonder what he did with them this time?';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: They are deleted honest!';
frame 34 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: This is the last time Kyle. Any more reports like this and you will be expelled.';
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: You won’t get any problems from me!';
frame 36 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: We’ll see.';
frame 37 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Wait, that’s it!? You aren’t going to take his camera!?';
frame 38 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: I can’t do that Ms. Akiru. You need to try to have proof.';
frame 39 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: GAH!';
frame 40 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: (sigh) Alright, don’t make me come down here again ok?';
frame 41 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Maiko maybe you can make sure Kyle stays out of trouble for me?';
frame 42 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Okay…?';
frame 43 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle:…!';
frame 44 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Phew! Dodged a khalei laser there!';
frame 45 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: It\'s okay senpai… nothing to worry about!';
frame 46 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: That was intense chu!';
frame 47 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Maiko-chan you need to keep me out of trouble like Alma said!';
frame 48 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Wait, I didn’t say…';
frame 49 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: You said okay!';
frame 50 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (sigh…) fine.';
frame 51 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Awesome! I need you to take those photos to the bookstore owner for me.';
frame 52 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: He is looking for models or something, yeah.';
frame 53 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Oh and make sure Savori isn’t there!';
frame 54 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai look at the pics hehe.';
frame 55 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh yeah…';
frame 56 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Wait…!';
frame 57 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: These are pics of me! and…!';
frame 58 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: When did you even take these!?';
frame 59 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I took yours yesterday senpai remember?';
frame 60 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: No!';
frame 61 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Nevermind all that Maiko-chan! We have a potential buyer. Meet with the bookstore owner and we can split the money!';
frame 62 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: His name is Albert.';
frame 63 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Albert?';
frame 64 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: It’s lots of money Maiko-chan! He is some rich Gemco executive or something!';
frame 65 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I don’t know…';
frame 66 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: At least go see what he wants for them ok?';
frame 67 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: We have lots of sexy girls here at Nanako including yourself Maiko-chan! He will want them for sure.';
frame 68 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: fine…';
frame 16 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 16 {
_global.in_area = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
movieClip 777 {
frame 1 {
button 778 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I need to tell Kyle the news.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I need to to get to the bookstore.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 780 {
instance of movieClip 777 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 17 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 17 {
_global.in_area = 0;
movieClip 787 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 790 {
button 791 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 792 {
instance of movieClip 787 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: E- Excuse me…';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Man: Yes?';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Are you Albert?';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Man: Who’s asking?';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I’m here about the photos…';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Man: Photos? What photos?';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Kyle told me to meet-';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Man: Kyle! Ah yes where is he? I am Albert. Is he coming?';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: No…';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Who are you then?';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: My name is Maiko. I just came to check the offers for Kyle…';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Oh? Ok then Maiko, let me see these pics then.';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Hmmm yes… yes. Some of these pics are even of you I see heh heh…';
_global.mood += 10;
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah…';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: And finally, delicious Lynnelle. Yummy.';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Eh…';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Send me these and I will send Kyle 100,000 for them.';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Holy cow 100,000!?';
_global.mood = 0;
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Ok sent! I will go tell him right away!';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Yes you do that… I have other things to do now in private.';
frame 18 {
_global.hud = 1;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
_global.lookx1 = _root.HairBox._x;
_global.looky1 = _root.HairBox._y;
_global.lookx2 = _root.HairBox._x;
_global.looky2 = _root.HairBox._y;
frame 18 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 18 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 793 {
on (release) {
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.TasksLeft = 8;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 796 {
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 477 {
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.HoldBody = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'I decided to keep a journal in case I ever lost my memory again.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'My name is Maiko Umiya...';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'and this is a story about how a small hairpin changed my entire life.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'I wasn\'t there for the first part of the story but based on what I know, it went something like this...';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
instance of movieClip 518 {
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
frame 19 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 19 {
_global.in_area = 0;
movieClip 806 {
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Oink! Senpai is back!';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai! senpai!';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Maiko-chan! Well? Are we rich?';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: He said he will send you 100,000!';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Whoa! Really? So you made the sale? Let me go check.';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: You did it senpai!';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Who is that guy by the way?';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Kyle says he is looking for modelling talent…';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: But he is probably just a dirty old pervert like Kyle…';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I don’t even want to think about that…';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Probably no different from some of the people at the cafe senpai.';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah… yeah you are right Pattie.';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: You can ask him yourself senpai.';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Yep we are rich! For now at least!';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Thanks for the help Maiko-chan! I sent you a cut of it.';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Annnnnd?';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: And you to Pattie of course!';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: What does he do with the pics Kyle? Is he some kind of model recruiter?';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Uh.. yeah! A model recruiter! Looking for nice looking girls for modeling jobs.';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I see… Zytra is already a model. And I’m not sure Lynn can model since…';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: N- No need to overthink it Maiko-chan!';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I need to find more buyers, I should have some by tomorrow.';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: More?';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: hehe.';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: What are you gonna do for the rest of the day senpai?';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hmm. I still need to meet Luma at the pool.';
frame 20 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 20 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 808 {
on (release) {
button 809 {
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
button 810 {
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
button 811 {
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
button 812 {
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
button 813 {
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
button 814 {
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
button 815 {
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
button 816 {
on (rollOver) {
on (release) {
button 818 {
on (release) {
movieClip 819 {
frame 1 {
if (_global.medal == 1) {
instance of movieClip 595 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); = 5;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Damn what the fuck took you so fucking long? I need to suck my boyfriends dick in a few minutes!';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Gross…';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Your such a dork! Just get in the water before I push your bony ass in!';
frame 6 {
_root.outsidex.gotoAndPlay(2); = 5;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Ok! I\'m in!';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: I know. I have eyes nerd.';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Meanie.';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Move up.';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Okay, now all the way down.';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Now up again.';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Down.';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Got it? Now try it a few times.';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Ok do 8 laps nerdlet. I have to go spend some time with my boyfriend.';
instance of movieClip 595 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Oh? I hope I won\'t find you doing something inappropriate?';
_root.mischeifx.gotoAndPlay(2); = 5;
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Psssh! Always thinking I\'m doing something inappropriate!';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: It\'s not just a thought.';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Nerdlet here needs you to watch her. I\'ll be back before she even finishes! Just need to grab something from Joiry.';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Right.';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Don\'t blame me because you don\'t allow boys back here. So I have to go meet him.';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Luma: Get those laps done nerdlet. Up and Down. Up and down. As fast as you can!';
frame 21 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 21 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 837 {
on (release) {
button 842 {
on (release) {
button 849 {
on (release) {
movieClip 856 {
frame 11 {
frame 31 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed > 5) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 37 {
frame 44 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed > 5) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 56 {
frame 57 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed > 5) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 58 {
frame 87 {
button 857 {
on (release) {
button 858 {
on (release) {
button 859 {
on (release) {
button 861 {
on (release) {
button 862 {
on (release) {
movieClip 867 {
movieClip 868 {
frame 16 {
frame 31 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 25) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 37 {
frame 44 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 25) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 45 {
frame 75 {
button 869 {
on (release) {
button 870 {
on (release) {
button 871 {
on (release) {
button 872 {
on (release) {
button 880 {
on (release) {
if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 32) {
} else {
if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 45) {
} else {
button 881 {
on (release) {
button 882 {
on (release) {
button 885 {
on (release) {
button 886 {
on (release) { = 1;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
movieClip 888 {
frame 1 {
if (_global.medal == 1) {
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Finally! A chance to talk to you Maiko!';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Huh?';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Don’t "huh?" me Maiko!';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: She looks scary senpai!';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Great observation Pattie! I know you are working with that perv Kyle!';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Is this about the model pics?';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Model Pics!? Is that what they told you?';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Well Pattie said the buyer was probably just a pervert…';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Chu.';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: And you sent him pics anyway!? How much of an air-head are you Maiko!?';
_global.mood += 40;
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hey!… I found out after…';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Hey! Listen Savori poopie head-!';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: No you listen! This is serious okay!?';
_global.mood += 40;
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Last night I saw my dad masturbating to… new pictures again…';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: All the photos were deleted from Kyle’s camera, but after thinking about it he had to have given them to you Maiko!';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: What were you doing with Albert at the bookstore with your tablet!?';
_global.mood += 20;
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I know you had to have sent those pics to him for Kyle! Now my gross dad has them!';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: But wait, your dad? What does that have to do with Albert?';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Albert is my dad you idiot! He owns the bookstore!';
_global.mood += 40;
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Wait that’s your dad!? But Kyle told me he was looking for models…';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Don’t listen to Kyle you idiot! he is just a dirty pervert like Pattie told you already!';
_global.mood += 20;
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I don’t even know why you even tolerate him!';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Wait, but you were in some of the photos…';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Is that brain finally working now Maiko?';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Yes he masturbates to pictures of me too. His own daughter.';
_global.mood += 10;
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: That’s gross!';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: It gets worse… he sometimes…';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: does he have sex with you?';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: …';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Whoa is that even okay!?';
_global.mood += 20;
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Not it isn’t okay! okay?';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I’m so sorry Savori!';
frame 34 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: But what about your mom?';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I was told she died… and I look like her so he sees her in me…';
_global.mood += 20;
frame 36 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I hate him… I hate going home…';
frame 37 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: He makes me put on these slutty clothes and…';
frame 39 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: I hope you are as ready for this as I am.';
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
frame 40 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: …';
frame 42 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Like this?…';
frame 43 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Yes you got it! Now turn around on your knees!';
frame 44 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: OooOooh hehe! This outfit is the best one so far!';
frame 45 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: I have all the pics I need for later. Now for some fun!';
frame 47 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Ah yes! Damn this feels good!';
instance of movieClip 856 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 48 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Reminds me of the good old days with your mother!';
frame 50 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Damn! You have such a tight pussy-!';
instance of movieClip 856 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 51 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Hey you said you wouldn\'t stick it in!';
frame 52 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Yes she would say the same thing when we were little!';
frame 54 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Dad stop!';
instance of movieClip 856 {
onClipEvent (load) {
instance of movieClip 856 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 57 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Damn I haven\'t came that hard in weeks!';
frame 58 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I hate you…';
frame 59 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Too bad. Now clean my dick next.';
frame 61 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Ah there we go…';
frame 61 {
_global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0);
_global.HoldBody = 1;
_root.img._y = 0;
frame 63 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Come on-! It\'s not going to clean itself!';
instance of movieClip 868 {
onClipEvent (load) {
instance of movieClip 868 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 66 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Shit… I guess this won\'t work…';
frame 67 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Go clean your mouth and get some sleep…';
frame 69 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: That sounds horrible Savori… I didn’t know your life was like that…';
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 70 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: you are usually always smiling….';
frame 71 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Well it is, So stop letting Kyle trick you into selling photos to him. You just make him crave me more.';
frame 72 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Got that? Sell anything else and I’ll never forgive you!';
_global.mood += 40;
frame 73 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Oh and if you tell anyone about this I’ll- I’ll! Gah!';
frame 74 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai! We have to do something!';
frame 75 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Wow!';
frame 76 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: K- Kyle! Did you hear that? What you are doing is wrong!';
frame 77 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Yeah she has some family issues, but it is making us tons of money!';
frame 78 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Kyle… I don’t like this, this is wrong! And we need to do something to help her!';
frame 79 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: We are helping by making tons of money!';
_global.mood += 10;
frame 80 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: How is that helping? We need to stop this…';
frame 81 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Gah! fine!';
frame 82 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: We still need money, so you\'ll have to make up for all the photos I won\'t have anymore!';
frame 83 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I\'ll do it chu! I am pretty sexy too pervert!';
frame 84 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I can’t deny that. But Maiko-chan need to agree also!';
_global.mood += 40;
frame 85 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I- I just want to help Savori…';
frame 86 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Well I have some ideas… but if you don’t want to…';
frame 87 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: No!';
frame 88 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai will get you laid if you help her!';
_global.mood += 20;
frame 89 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Right senpai?';
frame 90 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Holy shit really!?';
frame 91 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: P- Pattie!';
frame 92 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I guess…?';
_global.mood += 10;
frame 93 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: And photos!';
frame 94 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: And photos!?';
_global.mood += 40;
frame 95 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Awesome!';
frame 96 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Trust me senpai.';
_global.mood -= 20;
frame 97 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Cool, meet me back in the club I have a few ideas.';
frame 98 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: okay…';
frame 99 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai… this was a lot for you to handle maybe I should come home with you to help you feel better…';
frame 100 {
_global.pattie_in_party = 1;
_global.medal = 0;
_global.mood = 0;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
frame 101 {
_global.can_use_tablet = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
_global.medal = 0;
_global.randomshit = 0;
_global.randomspeed = 0;
frame 102 {
_global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0);
_global.HoldBody = 1;
_root.img._y = 0;
frame 22 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 22 {
_global.in_area = 1;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
movieClip 895 {
frame 1 {
button 896 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'There\'s still stuff I need to do here.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 897 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 18) {
_global.savori_quest = 19;
} else {
if (_global.savori_quest == 2) {
_global.savori_quest = 3;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
} else {
if (_global.been_in_cafe > 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Ugh, get me away from that place.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 902 {
on (release) {
if (_global.dialogue == 0) {
_global.dialogue = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Hey Umi! I was wating for Peach and Creamy to get here so we can go to our model shoot.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Don\'t worry Umi, you don\'t have to prove anyhting to me.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: You know, you might try modeling sometime Umi.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: It would be good if these outfits came in a bigger size right?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: My sister is thinking about working in the cafe.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Let\'s talk more later okay?';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 906 {
on (release) {
if (_global.dialogue == 0) {
_global.dialogue = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: Another one.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Huh?';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Another student who can\'t fully button her shirt.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: It probably happens to Umi also! Right Umi?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hm?';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Peach: Just big boobs problems in general.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Hi Umi, we are just hanging out here until our modeling gig starts.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Peach: Damn, it\'s hard being this damn sexy.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Nice ego Creamy.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Thanks Peach! That was really good! I\'m going to order that again next time!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Peach: See? I told you.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: I would have eaten more if we didn\'t model.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Zytra: Did you notice Kyle working at the model agency?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Peach: He is definately up to something!';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: I\'m breaking any camera he touches just to be safe.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Peach: Any friend of Zytra is a friend of mine. But don\'t think I\'ll be soft on you!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 909 {
on (release) {
if (_global.dialogue == 0) {
_global.dialogue = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Greel: Sup babydoll.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Greel!';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Isn\'t he great?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Greel: What\'s up babydoll?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Peach: Babydoll again? Have you found a nickname for me yet?';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Peach: Maybe you need some... inspiration?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Peach: Zytra was supposed to meet us here.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Greel: Don\'t worry she will be here soon.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Have you seen her around Maiko?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: It\'s about time you got popular Maiko!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Greel: I agree. You deserve it.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Thanks!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: One day I might work in the cafe Maiko. It\'ll be a fun break from modeling.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Greel: I support that.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Yeah Greel you can be my first customer!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Greel: Let\'s talk later babe.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 912 {
on (release) {
if (_global.dialogue == 0) {
_global.dialogue = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: What\'s up nerdlet?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Joiry: Yo, you why you talking to this girlie?';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Luma: She\'ll get to popular girl level soon enough.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Joiry: Yo girlie, you workin\' today?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Luma: Don\'t mind him Maiko. I haven\'t fucked him today yet. He\'s just horny.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: I see.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: You see? all you needed was some motivation nerdlet.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: I guess.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Joiry: Yo, when the hell are you two getting naked?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Joiry: Damn why the fuck am I paying for everything?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Luma: You buy shit, and I fuck the shit out of you. That\'s how this works.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Joiry: Yo! You got a shitload of work to do tonight then to make up for all this shit I bought.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: There\'s my favorite nerdlet!.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Joiry: Yoooo Luma that blowjob was sooo good!';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Too much info...';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: Talk later nerdlet, go prove me wrong.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 915 {
on (release) {
if (_global.dialogue == 0) {
_global.dialogue = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Maiko I\'ll be at the school if you want to study just ask.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Chris: Oh? M- maybe I can assist?';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Riley: Sorry girls only. We study at Maiko\'s house in our undies hehe.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Chris: M- Maiko chan!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: Are you okay Chris?';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Chris: I\'m fine!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Hey you two! What\'s up?.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: We decided to grab some stuff for Alma. She has been really busy lately.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: I see.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Chris: Maiko-chan you don\'t need to prove anything to anyone!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: But it would help if she did.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Geez.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Chris: M- Maiko chan!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hi Chris!';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Riley: Geez Chris, try not to stare too hard.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: I\'ll be at school if you need me.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 918 {
on (release) {
if (_global.dialogue == 0) {
_global.dialogue = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Have you seen any of those aliens again Maiko-chan?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: There\'s a lot of aliens around here Maiko be careful!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: The cafe is full of horny demons!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Everyone is looking at me!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: I was about to visit the cafe but it\'s too many scary aliens in there.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Be careful out there Maiko-chan.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 920 {
on (release) {
if (_global.dialogue == 0) {
_global.dialogue = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: Are you sure you don\'t want to model? You\'d be super cute!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: Uh, Maiko might be better suited for it.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Why because of her boobs? Have you seen mine?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Riley: Heya Maiko!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: What\'s up?';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Oh just chatting with Riley until, Zytra and Peach get here.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: So I hear you have a nickname?';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: Yeah but let\'s not talk about it.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Booo.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: Hey don\'t let Peach get to you Maiko. She is a nice person, really.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: It\'s fine.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: She is very defensive of Greel though.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: I\'m actually glad I don\'t have big boobs.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Riley: Are you really?';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Creamy: Yes really!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Creamy: See you around Maiko.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
button 922 {
on (release) {
if (_global.dialogue == 0) {
_global.dialogue = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.random_shit = random(5);
if (_global.random_shit == 0) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Watch out for aliens Chris!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Chris: Don\'t worry Dizzy, there\'s nothing here.';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 1) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Hi Maiko-chan!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Chris: Hey Maiko, what\'s up?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 2) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: So many people here!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Chris: Don\'t worry, it is safe Dizzy!';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 3) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Ah Maiko-chan! I\'m glad aliens haven\'t captured you yet!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Huh?';
} else {
if (_global.random_shit == 4) {
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Dizzy: Maiko-chan is here.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Of course I\'m here, hehe.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
} else {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Chris: Good luck Maiko-chan!.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
movieClip 923 {
frame 1 {
gotoAndStop(random(19) + 2);
movieClip 924 {
instance of movieClip 895 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 23 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 23 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 925 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 926 {
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 895 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Over here senpai!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Pattie? What are you wearing?';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Pattie: It\'s a Maid Outfit for the popular Cherry Girls Cafe chu.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Maiko: Uh...';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Pattie: Chu?';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Oh sorry senapi.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Pattie: Anyway, I just started working here recently chu, and I told then you wanted a job.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Maiko: Geez that outfit barely stays over your-... wait what?';
_root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Pattie: Chu! When you get inside Holly will handle everything senpai. She owns the cafe.';
_root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Maiko: Wait wait, But why did you tell them I wanted to work here?';
_root.dialogue_array[6] = 'Pattie: It\'s a good way to get popular senpai. More popular than poopie head! All the boys will want chu!';
_root.dialogue_array[7] = 'Pattie: Even Greel.';
_root.dialogue_array[8] = 'Maiko: Hmmm... I guess it couldn\'t hurt. Plus I could use use the extra money...';
_root.dialogue_array[9] = 'Pattie: Don\'t worry senpai some students work there already chu. Let\'s go inside!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 24 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 24 {
_global.in_area = 0;
movieClip 935 {
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai!';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Hi Maiko-chan!';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hi Kyle… What ideas do you have to help Savori?';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I guess we can report her dad to GemCo Law Division. That should get him arrested but…';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: But?';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I don’t know what will happen to her without her dad to take care of her.';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh yeah she said her mother is dead…';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: like… mine…';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Aww! Senpai…';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Geez don’t beat yourself up Maiko-chan… We are trying to help savori right?…';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah…';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: She might need her rich dad so… I have another idea heh heh…';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: That laugh is really creepy Kyle…';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Sorry Maiko-chan.';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: What’s the idea?';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: It’s probably perverted chu.';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah…';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Hey you haven’t even heard it yet!';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Watch this senpai.';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: We can petition her dad to leave Savori alone and have sex with you instead!';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: See?';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sigh…';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: hear me out Maiko-chan!';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: If he is arrested the store might close! Or he might get mad at Savori!';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Don’t let the bookstore thing fool you! He is very rich and powerful since he is a GemCo Executive!';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hmm… my head hurts…';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Patie: Senpai are you ok?…';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Savori probably wants us to just not get in her business at all…';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I can’t just let that happen to her…';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: But we aren’t some kind of charity Maiko-chan…';
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I know but…';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Well think it over for at least a day Maiko-chan.';
frame 34 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Savori seemed upset senpai. you shouldn’t wait too long to do something chu!';
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah…';
frame 25 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 25 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 939 {
on (release) {
movieClip 948 {
frame 1 {
button 963 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 964 {
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Kyle?…';
_global.mood += 30;
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I was just trying to get to the pool to talk to pattie! honest!';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Not another word you fucking disgusting pervert!';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: What\'s going on?';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Shut it Maiko! I won’t let you cover for him again!';
_global.mood += 30;
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Alright. Detention! all of you.';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Me? but I just got here…';
_global.mood += 10;
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Mika: Move. Now.';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Woman: Oh, It seems you have guests Alma…';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: M- Maiko?';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Woman: Hmmm? I know that kind of compassion Alma.';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Thanks Ms. Usagi. I’ll take it from here.';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Sorry Tiffany I\'ll need a moment.';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Tiffany: Understood.';
_global.mood -= 5;
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Savori and the perv Kyle are in different rooms.';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Wait what is Maiko doing here? And why is she crying?…';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Thank you Ms. Toymiue. dismissed.';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: …it’ll be ok Maiko.';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Hello Maiko. How are you?…';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: …';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: …';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Maiko. I have noticed Savori has been more edgy than usual lately around Kyle. Do you happen to know why?';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: …';
_global.mood += 20;
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: it’s ok if you don’t want to tell me… But I’m here to help if you need ok?';
_global.mood = 0;
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Okay.';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Great.';
_global.mood = 0;
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: I’m not sure what’s going on but… just please be careful if you are trying to help Savori.';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: …I’m not in trouble?';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: No. I just wanted to talk to you. To see if I can help in some way… I just have a bad feeling about this.';
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Just… intuition I guess…';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I’ll be careful Alma.';
frame 34 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Thanks.';
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: (sigh) unfortunately I have meeting to get back to Maiko, you are free to go.';
frame 26 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 26 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 967 {
on (release) {
_global.savori_quest = 12;
button 968 {
on (release) {
_global.savori_quest = 18;
button 969 {
on (release) {
_global.savori_quest = 27;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 975 {
on (release) {
button 1000 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 1001 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0; = 1;
_global.TasksLeft = 0;
button 1002 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0; = 1;
_global.TasksLeft = 0;
movieClip 1003 {
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai!';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Are you feeling ok senpai? You look like you just woke up.';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah.. I just have a lot on my mind I guess.';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: …chu…';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Well? What do you want to do Maiko-chan?';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I’ll go report Albert.';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I should come with you Maiko-chan!';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Aww! Senpai…';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sure, if you want…';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Umiya-san? What are you doing here?';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Lynn!';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Not you again Kyle…';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: It’s important this time!';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Oh yeah? Spit it out then kiddo.';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: We have a incest crime we want to report. Albert, one of your GemCo execs!';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Incest!?';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: All the proof is here in my camera.';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Wait, what camera is that Kyle? I thought you deleted everything…';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Albert is at it again huh. That guy makes me sick half the time.';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Ms. Yui you know about this?';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Yeah but I was too naive. Should have jailed him. Now he is a GemCo executive… so keeping him in a jail is almost impossible now.';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Savori… is the only other person in his house right? so then…';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It’s not good Lynn.';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Well before we do anything, let’s see that camera evidence first Kyle.';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Here you go my love!';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Thanks, but stop saying that.';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Don\'t worry Umiya-san! I will go on the team that is assigned to bring him in.';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: You know that’s not going to happen kiddo.';
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: But!';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Try not to worry about it. I can take that rookie and a few men to grab him…';
frame 34 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Kyle…';
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Hmm?';
frame 36 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: We are doing the right thing, thanks.';
frame 37 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: No problem Maiko-chan! you can depend on me!';
frame 38 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: want to talk about something while we wait?';
frame 39 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Yes! How did this all start?';
frame 40 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: well uh…';
frame 41 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: What the- Kyle!';
frame 42 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Yes my love?';
frame 43 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Didn’t I already warn you about having these kinds of pics in your camera?';
frame 44 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Uh…';
frame 45 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Wait is this Ly… !?';
frame 46 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Who?';
frame 47 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Oh crap! wait what camera is that!?';
frame 48 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: The one that gives me a good reason to lock you up!';
frame 49 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Well! see ya later Maiko-chan I gotta run!';
frame 50 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: He ran away… should I…?';
frame 51 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Nope. We’ll get him later. I need to go over this evidence so I can set up this mission for tomorrow.';
frame 52 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Tomorrow? That might be too late!';
frame 53 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Aw don’t worry we will send agents to spy on him for now. If he does anything else to her we will grab immediately okay?';
frame 54 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh ok…';
frame 55 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: I’ll make sure it is handled Umiya-san. The situation should be fully cleared up in a few days.';
frame 56 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Thanks…I guess I’ll go home then…';
frame 58 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Really!? So you are okay with sex?';
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 59 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I don’t want to think about it too much let’s just go.';
frame 60 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Sure, but let’s meet there at night okay? To make sure Savori is not around.';
frame 61 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: oh… okay…';
frame 63 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Time to meet Kyle at the book store.';
instance of movieClip 477 {
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.HoldBody = 0;
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 27 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 27 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 1007 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1013 {
frame 15 {
frame 31 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed > 5) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 34 {
frame 44 {
frame 49 {
frame 62 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed > 5) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 70 {
frame 77 {
frame 78 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed > 5) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
button 1014 {
on (release) {
button 1015 {
on (release) {
button 1016 {
on (release) {
button 1019 {
on (release) {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
movieClip 1026 {
movieClip 1027 {
frame 2 {
frame 31 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 38 {
frame 46 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 47 {
frame 76 {
button 1028 {
on (release) {
button 1029 {
on (release) {
button 1030 {
on (release) {
button 1031 {
on (release) {
button 1036 {
on (release) { = 2;
button 1040 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 1041 {
on (release) {
if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 32) {
} else {
if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 63) {
} else {
button 1042 {
on (release) {
button 1044 {
on (release) {
button 1045 {
on (release) { = 1;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
_global.in_area = 0;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
movieClip 1046 {
frame 1 {
if (_global.medal == 1) {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Ah there she is. Maiko from earlier.';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Kyle was telling me about a very interesting offer…';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Yup! For another 100,000 you can have oral sex with this juicy piece of meat!';
_global.mood += 20;
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: M- meat!?';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Did I also mention we will forget about your daughter?';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: You did. Several times in fact.';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: So I can have oral sex with her if I leave my daughter alone… correct?';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Aaaand pay the 100,000!';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I’m meat now Kyle!?';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: I don’t care about your silly threats of reporting. GemCo can’t do anything to me.';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: But I’ll agree on one condition. I want to have the oral sex with both of you.';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Huh?';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Oh! a threesome! Good idea man!';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: uh…';
_global.mood -= 5;
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Glad you think so.';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Now miss Maiko, you came here willingly and I agreed. So I think we have business to do now don’t we?';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: This will be great Maiko-chan!';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Ok Maiko… rub your pussy for me so I can get hard.';
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Okay…';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Ah… don’t suck so hard…';
instance of movieClip 1013 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Mmmm. good.'; = 3;
instance of movieClip 1013 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Well that was very delicious Maiko, but I haven’t came yet…';
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: ugh…';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Mmmm shouldn’t be long now…';
_global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0);
_global.HoldBody = 1;
_root.img._y = 0;
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Oh Maiko-chan…';
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Please hurry…';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Go faster then…';
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: That’s better…';
instance of movieClip 1027 {
onClipEvent (load) {
instance of movieClip 1027 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 38 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: M- Maiko-chan…';
frame 39 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Now for the fun part…';
frame 41 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I came so hard Maiko-chan! This was a good idea!';
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
_global.hud = 1;
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 42 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (I’m glad this is finally over…)';
_global.mood = 0;
frame 43 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Yes, Maiko did her part. Now it’s your turn Kyle.';
frame 44 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Huh? My turn?';
frame 45 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I think he means he wants to have sex with just you now Kyle…';
frame 46 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: Yes by now I am used to young girls… but not young boys…';
frame 47 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: wait that the fuck!? Nah dude! I don’t swing that way!';
frame 48 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: It was part of our deal you agreed to young man.';
frame 49 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: What the fuck!? Abort mission now Maiko-chan!';
frame 50 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Ha! now you can see how it feels to be seen as a piece of meat Kyle…';
frame 51 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Run!';
frame 52 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: So he decided to run away. A pity.';
frame 53 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: …';
frame 54 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Albert: You are free to go Maiko. Kyle did not hold up his end, so the deal is off.';
frame 55 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sigh…';
frame 56 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I understand, I will leave now…';
frame 58 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Maiko-chan! There you are! What happened?';
instance of movieClip 895 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 59 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Kyle… you hurt my feelings calling me a piece of meat. Plus you ruined the deal! Just… leave me alone.';
frame 60 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Wait Maiko-chan! He likes that kind of talk!';
frame 61 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I have been selling stuff to him for a while now. it is how he referred to Savori… and the other girls in the photos.';
frame 62 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I guessed it would turn him on more!';
frame 63 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: …';
frame 64 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It doesn’t feel good to be called that… we need to report this sicko right away!';
frame 65 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Yeah I guess you are right… this was a bad idea after all…';
frame 66 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: …';
frame 67 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: …';
frame 68 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Sorry for calling you that Maiko-chan…';
_global.mood -= 30;
frame 69 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I have some meat you can have though!';
frame 70 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sorry the kids menu is not enough for me.';
_global.mood -= 20;
frame 71 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Ouch! Okay okay! I hope you feel better now…';
frame 72 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: A little…';
frame 73 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: We need to go make a report to GemCo law division.';
frame 74 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Ok Maiko-chan, sorry about this.';
frame 75 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Let\'s meet back in the clubroom then we can go from there.';
frame 76 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I guess…';
frame 79 {
_global.can_use_tablet = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
_global.medal = 0;
_global.randomshit = 0;
_global.randomspeed = 0;
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
frame 80 {
_global.nMC.slideToPoint(0, 0);
_global.HoldBody = 1;
_root.img._y = 0;
frame 28 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 28 {
_global.in_area = 0;
movieClip 1050 {
button 1051 {
on (release) {
_global.savori_quest = 21;
movieClip 1056 {
button 1057 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1062 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1063 {
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: !!!';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Oh it\'s just you Maiko-chan. You okay?';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah.. I just have a lot on my mind I guess.';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Well? Maiko-chan shall we go report Albert now?';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I’ll go report this sicko Albert right now.';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I should come with you Maiko-chan!';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sure, if you want…';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I do!';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Umiya-san? What are you doing here?';
instance of movieClip 1062 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Lynn!';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Not you again Kyle…';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: It’s important this time!';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Oh yeah? Spit it out then kiddo.';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: We have a incest crime we want to report. Albert, one of your GemCo execs!';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Incest!?';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: All the proof is here in my camera.';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Wait, what camera is that Kyle? I thought you deleted everything…';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Albert is at it again huh. That guy makes me sick half the time.';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Ms. Yui you know about this?';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Yeah but I was too naive. Should have jailed him. Now he is a GemCo executive… so keeping him in a jail is almost impossible now.';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Savori… is the only other person in his house right? so then…';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It’s not good Lynn.';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Well before we do anything, let’s see that camera evidence first Kyle.';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Here you go my love!';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Thanks, but stop saying that. I\'m a lot older than you think kiddo.';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Don\'t worry Umiya-san! I will go on the team that is assigned to bring him in.';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: You know that’s not going to happen miss Lynnelle.';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: But!';
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Try not to worry about it. I can take that rookie and a few men to grab him…';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Kyle…';
frame 34 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Hmm?';
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: We are doing the right thing, thanks.';
frame 36 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: No problem Maiko-chan! This is much better than the previous idea! Well it started out ok at least.';
frame 37 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Right…';
frame 38 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Oh? What was your previous idea?';
frame 39 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Nothing! It was nothing!';
frame 40 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: What the- Kyle!';
frame 41 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Yes my love?';
frame 42 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Didn’t I already warn you about having these kinds of pics in your camera?';
frame 43 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Uh…';
frame 44 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Wait is this Ly… !?';
frame 45 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Who?';
frame 46 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Oh crap! wait what camera is that!?';
frame 47 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: The one that gives me a good reason to lock you up!';
frame 48 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Well! see ya later Maiko-chan I gotta run!';
frame 49 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: He ran away… should I…?';
frame 50 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Nope. We’ll get him later. I need to go over this evidence so I can set up this mission for tomorrow.';
frame 51 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Tomorrow? That might be too late!';
frame 52 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Yui: Aw don’t worry we will send agents to spy on him for now. If he does anything else to her we will grab immediately okay?';
frame 53 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh ok…';
frame 54 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: I’ll make sure it is handled Umiya-san. The situation should be fully cleared up in a few days.';
frame 55 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Thanks…I guess I’ll go home then…';
frame 29 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 29 {
_global.in_area = 0;
movieClip 1071 {
instance of movieClip 158 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Oh Maiko there you are.';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: S- Savori… how are you today?';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I’m fine for now. I know what you did to my dad…';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Is he gone?';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Saovri: Yeah…';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I’m sorry! I just wanted to help!';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Relax. I’m not mad. I’m actually surprised there was enough evidence to get him locked up.';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: It was getting really bad and I was feeling hopeless. I had almost given up.';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Given up? what do you mean?';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Well… it’s nothing.';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Just thanks for helping.';
_global.mood = 0;
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: No problem Savori. But it’s also thanks to Kyle… well sort of.';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: …well he helped make it worse too.';
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.hud = 1;
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah… but he did have the photo proof we needed…';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: What he had home photos too? How is that even possible?';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I\'m not sure, I never saw them… I don\'t think anyone did except for Yui…';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: How much do you think he knows about my home life?';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: And why would he sell photos of me back to my dad?';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hmmm… Probably one of his crazy ideas to help you… he was collecting money.';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: For what?';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Who knows… All I know is he was worried what would happen to you if you didn\'t have your dad\'s money to rely on…';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Really? Yeah I got alot of money from a stranger yesterday…';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Really?';
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Yeah I\'ll be fine on my own for a while.';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Wow. That\'s great!';
_global.mood = 0;
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Yeah I guess that creeper actually comes in handy sometimes…';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Gah… I guess I need to thank him too…';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: He’s probably in the publishing club.';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Meet me there? You know, just in case I lose my shit…';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hehe Okay.';
frame 30 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 30 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 1080 {
on (release) { = 1;
button 1081 {
on (release) {
if (_global.savori_quest == 24 || _global.savori_quest > 20) {
} else { = 2;
button 1082 {
on (release) { = 3;
button 1096 {
on (release) {
button 1100 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1107 {
frame 1 {
button 1112 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1118 {
movieClip 1119 {
frame 16 {
frame 31 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 38 {
frame 46 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 47 {
frame 76 {
button 1120 {
on (release) {
button 1121 {
on (release) {
button 1122 {
on (release) {
button 1123 {
on (release) {
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 1132 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1140 {
movieClip 1141 {
frame 16 {
frame 31 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed > 5) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 39 {
frame 47 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed > 5) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 56 {
frame 63 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed > 5) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 64 {
frame 93 {
button 1142 {
on (release) {
button 1143 {
on (release) {
button 1144 {
on (release) {
button 1145 {
on (release) {
button 1146 {
on (release) {
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 1148 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1153 {
movieClip 1154 {
frame 15 {
frame 31 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 39 {
frame 47 {
if (_global.randomshit == 1) {
_global.randomspeed = random(50);
if (_global.randomspeed > 20) {
} else {
if (_global.randomspeed >= 0) {
} else {
frame 48 {
frame 77 {
button 1155 {
on (release) {
button 1156 {
on (release) {
button 1157 {
on (release) {
button 1158 {
on (release) { = 1;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
button 1160 {
on (release) {
if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 32) {
} else {
if (_root.img.cafesex._currentframe < 48) {
} else {
button 1161 {
on (release) {
button 1163 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1164 {
frame 1 {
if (_global.medal == 1) {
if ( == 1) {
} else {
if ( == 2) {
} else {
if ( == 3) {
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai!';
_global.mood = 0;
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Maiko-chan! Oh… hi S- Savori!';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Hi…';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Look I just wanted to say thanks for the help…';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Ha! So my evidence worked!? Awesome!';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Yes about that… it’s over now so… not another picture.';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I won’t need to since Maiko-chan promised to take them instead! Let\'s get started because I\'m broke!';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Also Maiko-chan promised she would help me get laid if I helped! When does that happen?';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Oh yeah…';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: What!?… why am I not surprised you slimy pervert…';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: You only helped me so you can get laid!? I can\'t believe I almost thought…';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Wait! No no!';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Maiko? Is it true?';
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Well…';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: It was my idea chu.';
_global.mood -= 5;
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Wait, so you will help him get laid by who? You didn’t suggest me without my approval did you!?';
frame 19 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Wait, you really did suggest me didn\'t you? I can tell by the way you are looking at me!';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Maiko I just wanted to stop by to say thanks! Not have sex with this perv!';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: But… I guess I do owe you…';
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Well Kyle… you want me? here I am…';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: ……';
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: …of course… why would anyone want me after knowing so much about me… I\'ll never get married…';
_global.mood += 20;
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Savori…';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Awww! He\'s probably just scared chu…';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: He\'s really cares about chu! honest!…';
frame 28 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: He saved up the money and evidence all for you!';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: For me? Why?';
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I said because he likes chu you poopyhead! pay attention!';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: The money was so you can move out of your dads house…';
frame 32 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Really? oh…';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: It was? He never told me… he just kept talking about getting rich…';
frame 34 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Getting rich so he can give Savori a better life chu.';
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Hey quit fooling around… does he seriously like me that much?';
frame 36 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I was pretty sure that anyone who knew how much I was sexually abused wouldn\'t be attracted to me anymore…';
frame 37 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: It could be just because not many other people like him chu…';
frame 38 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: P- Pattie! That\'s not true!';
frame 39 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Well… maybe people would like him more if he wasn\'t so creepy and pervy.';
frame 40 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Ah, that\'s what I can do…';
frame 41 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Chu?';
frame 42 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Well he tried to help me with my dad right? He got the evidence and money to live on my own…';
frame 43 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I can help him be more likable in return… maybe try to knock some of that perv out of him.';
frame 44 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: He probably just needs a girlfriend chu…';
frame 45 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Ha! Probably… oh wait you mean me?… maybe he will grow on me while I am helping him…';
frame 46 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Patie: Chu! I can see that happening!';
frame 47 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Oh well… I guess I need to go find Kyle again to thank him.';
frame 48 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Actually, I\'m about to swim so I\'ll probably find him spying on me in the lockerroom…';
frame 49 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: That\'s very likely…';
frame 50 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Well I\'ll handle the getting laid thing Maiko… see you around.';
_global.mood = 0;
frame 51 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Oink!';
frame 52 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Pattie… I can\'t believe you convinced Savori to give Kyle a second chance.';
frame 53 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Was all that even true?';
frame 54 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Of course it was senpai!';
frame 55 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I\'m in the the publishing club so I talk to him almost everyday chu.';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 56 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Hehe I should go take photos of him and Savori doing it…';
frame 57 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: No peeking! Just stick with me okay?';
frame 58 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Where are we going senpai?';
frame 60 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Come on out perv. I know you are in here spying on me… I promise I won\'t attack you… today… probably.';
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 61 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Hey Savori, sorry for running earlier…';
frame 62 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Don\'t mention it. Follow me… and don\'t run this time. You\'ll hurt my feelings.';
frame 64 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Today is your lucky day perv. I\'ve decided to help you be more likable as thanks for helping me…';
instance of movieClip 1107 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 65 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: You won\'t need this camera!';
frame 66 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Or these clothes!';
frame 67 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Uh…';
frame 68 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Ready? This is what you wanted right?';
frame 69 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Y- yeah?';
frame 70 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Lay down then…';
frame 72 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Savori!';
frame 73 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Stop yelling perv!';
frame 74 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: You\'re yelling too!';
frame 75 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I can\'t help it!';
frame 77 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I can\'t hold it!';
instance of movieClip 1119 {
onClipEvent (load) {
instance of movieClip 1119 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 80 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Over already?… that actually felt good… no pain at all.';
frame 82 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I’ll take responsibility for it.';
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 83 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Sweet. Who are you going to try to get to have sex with me?';
frame 84 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: No one. I will just do it myself.';
frame 85 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I\'m cool with that!';
frame 86 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Honestly perv, there no one else but Maiko and Pattie anyway…';
frame 87 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Chu!';
frame 88 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sigh…';
frame 89 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Maybe I can help you be more likable… I think it will do you some good.';
frame 90 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Sure if it means we can spend quality time together without you hitting me!';
frame 91 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I\'ll try. I don\'t think you are that bad on the inside. you are just a disgusting pervert most of the time is all.';
frame 92 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Thanks?';
frame 93 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I think you would be surprised at who might end up liking you if you were less creepy…';
frame 94 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Maiko I\'m going to run off to the pool… I\'ll let you all know if anything else happens with my dad.';
frame 95 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Maiko-chan am I disgusting?';
frame 96 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Well… Savori… she wants to make you more… appealing to her…';
frame 97 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Why?';
frame 98 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: So she can like you dummy! hehe!';
frame 99 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Really!?… You think she likes me?';
frame 100 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Definitely chu…';
frame 101 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Well I\'d better get my obsession for Maiko-chan\'s tits out of the way first! Right Maiko-chan?';
frame 102 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: But you like Savori too right? You had so many pictures of her. And now\'s your chance to spend some time with her…';
frame 103 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I will, I will… I have to get to the pool! but I can\'t ignore your tits either Maiko-chan! a deal is a deal right?';
frame 104 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I\'m not sure you can handle my boobs Kyle…';
frame 105 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Oooh sounds like a challenge from senpai!';
frame 107 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hehe I can barely even see it!';
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
frame 108 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Maiko-chan your boobs feel too good…!';
frame 110 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Maiko-chan!';
instance of movieClip 1141 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 112 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hey slow down some!';
instance of movieClip 1141 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 113 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: I can\'t!';
instance of movieClip 1141 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 116 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Geez Kyle! You got it all over my face…';
frame 117 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: S- sorry Maiko-chan!';
frame 119 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: I’ll do it senpai!';
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 120 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Sweet! It\'s like cafe delivery service!';
frame 121 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Honestly perv, there no one else anyway but Maiko and Pattie anyway…';
frame 122 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Chu!';
frame 123 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Sigh…';
frame 124 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Maybe I can help you be more likable… I think it will do you some good.';
frame 125 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Sure if it means we can spend quality time together without you hitting me!';
frame 126 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I\'ll try. I don\'t think you are that bad on the inside. you are just a disgusting pervert most of the time is all.';
frame 127 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Thanks?';
frame 128 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I think you would be suprised at who might end up liking you if you were less creepy…';
frame 129 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Maiko I\'m going to run off to the pool… I\'ll let you all know if anything else happens with my dad.';
frame 130 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Maiko-chan am I disgusting?';
frame 131 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Well… Savori… she wants to make you more… appealing to her…';
frame 132 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Why?';
frame 133 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: So she can like you dummy! hehe!';
frame 134 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Really!?… You think she likes me?';
frame 135 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Definitely chu…';
frame 136 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Well Pattie can show me what it\'s like getting an awesome blowjob for motivation! Right Pattie?';
frame 137 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Oink! My dirty mouth is already wet…';
frame 138 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I\'ll uh… watch the door…';
frame 139 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: This won\'t take long senpai.';
frame 141 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Mmmm! Mmmmmmmm!';
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
frame 142 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Oooooo…!';
frame 144 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Oooo wait! I\'m gonna…!';
instance of movieClip 1154 {
onClipEvent (load) {
instance of movieClip 1154 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 147 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Kyle: Pattie stop sucking!';
frame 148 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Nope…';
frame 151 {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
instance of movieClip 1107 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 152 {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
frame 153 {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_global.hud = 0;
frame 155 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Sigh… I could take responsibility for it… but I think I\'ve done my part already with Savori\'s dad Albert… That night really was gross!';
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 156 {
frame 31 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 31 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 1165 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
movieClip 1166 {
instance of movieClip 158 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'savori: I got a letter from my dad…';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: What did it say?';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: He is already out of jail but not going to return home.';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: he will support me from a location at GemCo… I don\'t think he knows I have my own money…';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I don’t know… He has lied before so I was going to stay with Jeni for a while…';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Oh, well you can come over to my place whenever you want too…';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Thanks Maiko. I might take you up on that offer.';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: But I don\'t want to put you in danger. Jeni\'s family is used to dealing with GemCo.';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I see… how is it going with Kyle?…';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I\'m not sure I can get rid of his creepyness… but I\'ll keep trying.';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I see…';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Anyway, see you around. Maybe I\'ll stop by later?';
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Anytime!';
frame 32 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 32 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 1170 {
on (release) {
button 1172 {
on (release) {
button 1174 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1177 {
movieClip 1179 {
movieClip 1180 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 1185 {
button 1192 {
on (release) {
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
movieClip 1193 {
instance of movieClip 709 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Huh?';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Hey what’s going on?';
frame 4 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Oh… Maiko bad news I’m afraid.';
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Yeah…Savori…well some agents watching her found her dead in her room today…';
frame 6 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: D- dead?';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Yeah she apparently hung herself…';
frame 8 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: I heard the news from Lynn but I didn’t think she was suicidal…';
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: I just wish I knew about her home life… I maybe could have prevented this…';
frame 10 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Why didn’t you help me?';
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: S- Savori!? B- but Riley just said you were…';
frame 12 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: (Where is everyone?)';
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: It’s your fault! you didn’t help me!';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 14 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: You didn’t tell Alma, you didn’t report it. You didn’t do anything!';
_global.mood += 10;
frame 15 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Ms. Umiya… are you ok?';
frame 16 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah… I just need to take a walk I guess…';
frame 17 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Oh ok. Please don’t go too far…';
frame 18 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Right…';
frame 20 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: You didn’t help when I needed you the most…';
frame 21 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: Did you enjoy me getting raped and wearing this slutty outfit?';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 22 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: I wanted to help…';
frame 23 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I hate you.';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 24 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: No one even cares.';
_global.mood += 5;
frame 25 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: That pervert Kyle exploiting me makes it even worse…';
frame 26 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I hate everyone…';
frame 27 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I give up…';
frame 29 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai!';
instance of movieClip 709 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 30 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Maiko maybe you should go get some rest…';
frame 31 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: Yeah…';
frame 33 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: S- Savori!?';
_global.mood += 500;
frame 34 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Savori: I give up…';
frame 35 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Maiko: SAVORI!!!';
_global.mood += 500;
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
frame 36 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = '…';
_global.hud = 0;
frame 37 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = '…';
frame 38 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai? S- Senpai!?';
frame 39 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Ms. Alma! Senpai is on the floor!';
frame 40 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Riley: Maiko!';
frame 41 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Oh no no no this isn’t happening… Cain! please!';
frame 42 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Cain: We’re loosing her. How long has she been on the floor?';
frame 43 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Lynn: Maiko-san? can you hear me?…';
frame 44 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: Oh please no…!';
frame 45 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Alma: MAIKO! Please wake up!';
instance of movieClip 709 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 46 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Don\'t cry Ms. Alma…';
frame 47 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = '…';
frame 48 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = '…';
frame 49 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Man’s voice: Right here. stop.';
frame 50 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = '…';
frame 51 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = '…';
frame 52 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Girl’s voice: This is horrible…';
frame 53 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Man’s voice: So this was why she was not there… her mother was missing too.';
frame 54 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Girl’s voice: Donavik… I don\'t think the hairpin was a good idea…';
frame 55 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Girl’s voice: This kind of khalei…';
frame 56 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Donavik: It has to work Annie. Start from there.';
frame 57 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: Okay…';
frame 58 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Man’s voice: we only get one try Annie…';
frame 59 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: Understood.';
frame 60 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: Hey… no dying ok? Your mom is very sad. Plus we need you for later ok?';
instance of movieClip 740 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 61 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Annie: Now go save your friend.';
frame 62 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Pattie: Senpai?';
_global.mood = 0;
frame 33 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 33 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 1195 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1202 {
frame 16 {
frame 31 {
frame 32 {
frame 48 {
frame 63 {
frame 64 {
button 1203 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1204 {
frame 21 {
button 1205 {
on (release) {
button 1206 {
on (release) {
button 1207 {
on (release) {
button 1208 {
on (release) {
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
button 1209 {
on (release) {
button 1210 {
on (release) {
button 1212 {
on (release) {
button 1213 {
on (release) { = 1;
_global.dialogue_text = '';
_global.dialogue_scene = 0;
_global.in_area = 0;
_global.can_use_tablet = 1;
_global.hairalpha = _global.temphairalpha;
_global.HoldBody = 0;
movieClip 1215 {
frame 1 {
if (_global.medal == 1) {
instance of movieClip 462 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'It\'s Luma and Joiry talking… I\'d better hide.';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: Why the fuck are you in here Joiry? You’re almost as bad as that pervert Kyle.';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Luma: We\'ll at least you aren’t sneaking around.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Joiry: Yo babe I need some head.';
_root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Luma: Like… Ugh! This so why you boneheads aren’t allowed in here!';
_root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Luma: Fine, but let\'s make it quick.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 5 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Joiry: Damn that\'s some good shit babe.';
frame 7 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Joiry: Fuuuuck.';
instance of movieClip 1202 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 9 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Joiry: Whoa whoa I\'m done already!';
instance of movieClip 1202 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 11 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'Joiry: Damn!';
instance of movieClip 1202 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 13 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Luma: Good';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Joiry: Best head in a while thanks.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Luma: Good. Now get out of here. I smell a nerd.';
_root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Crap! I need to leave!';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 16 {
_global.temphairalpha = _global.hairalpha;
_global.hairalpha = 0;
instance cum of movieClip 1204 {
onClipEvent (load) {
frame 34 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 34 {
_global.in_area = 0;
button 1217 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1218 {
instance of movieClip 477 {
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.TasksLeft < 2) {
} else {
if (_global.TasksLeft == 2) {
} else {
frame 2 {
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_global.dialogue_text = 'And that is how I got to know Savori better. She is one of my best friends now.';
instance boobs of movieClip 172 {
onClipEvent (load) {
restx = 640;
resty = 950;
k = 2;
mass = 13;
damping = 0.9;
pressing = 0;
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var dx = restx - this._x;
var dy = resty - this._y;
if (pressing == 0) {
var ax = (k / mass) * dx;
var ay = (k / mass) * dy;
vx += ax;
vy += ay;
vx *= damping;
vy *= damping;
this._x += vx;
this._y += vy;
var mousex = _xmouse - restx;
var mousey = _ymouse - resty;
if (pressing == 1) {
if (this._x > restx + 200 || this._x < restx - 200 || this._y < resty - 500 || this._y > resty + 100) {
if (random(3) == 0) {
_global.mood -= 1;
if (_global.mood <= 0) {
_global.mood = 0;
pressing = 0;
frame 3 {
_global.TasksLeft = 0; = 1;
_root.dialogue_array[0] = '';
_root.dialogue_array[1] = 'Pattie: Sleeeepooover!';
_root.dialogue_array[2] = 'Maiko: Hehe.';
_root.dialogue_array[3] = 'Savori: Hey thanks for letting me crash here for tonight. I\'m still not used to being alone in the house.';
_root.dialogue_array[4] = 'Maiko: No problem Savori.';
_root.dialogue_array[5] = 'Pattie: I will keep you company Savowieee chuuu~';
_root.dialogue_array[6] = 'I\'ll guess I\'ll continue the rest of the story later.';
_global.dialogue_text = _root.dialogue_array[1];
frame 35 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 35 {
_global.in_area = 0;
movieClip 1222 {
frame 1 {
if (_global.bgm != 1) {
frame 5 {
button 1223 {
on (release) {
frame 36 {
var clip = _root.img;
var easing = 0.75;
var sliderXpos = 0;
var sliderYpos = 0;
var aperatureWidth = 1280;
var aperatureHeight = 720;
var imgXpos = (clip._width - aperatureWidth) / 2;
var imgYpos = (clip._height - aperatureHeight) / 2;
var nMC = new com.McPan(clip, easing, sliderXpos, sliderYpos, aperatureWidth, aperatureHeight, imgXpos, imgYpos, true);
_global.nMC = nMC;
frame 36 {
_global.in_area = 0;
frame 37 {
_global.in_area = 0;
frame 38 {
_global.in_area = 0;