Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #204781

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)



ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 2
var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/vercheck.swf", vercheck564); var save = new Object(); var save = SharedObject.getLocal("BuchiHigh"); _global.ossanalpha = 30; _global.ossanoff = 0; if ( == 1) { _global.ska =; _global.pan =; _global.bura =; _global.huku =; _global.kutu =; _global.sox =; _global.yoru =; _global.otovol =; _global.koevol =; } else { _global.ska = 1; _global.pan = 1; _global.bura = 1; _global.huku = 1; _global.kutu = 1; _global.sox = 1; _global.momi = 0; _global.ashi = 1; _global.ude = 1; _global.itteru = 0; _global.yoru = 0; _global.otovol = 30; _global.koevol = 30; } _root.jon = new Sound(koukaon); _root.jon.attachSound("oto_j"); _root.jhiton = new Sound(koukaon); _root.jhiton.attachSound("oto_jhit"); _root.son = new Sound(koukaon); _root.son.attachSound("oto_s"); _root.shiton = new Sound(koukaon); _root.shiton.attachSound("oto_shit"); _root.kon = new Sound(koukaon); _root.kon.attachSound("oto_k"); _root.khiton = new Sound(koukaon); _root.khiton.attachSound("oto_khit"); _root.jguardon = new Sound(koukaon); _root.jguardon.attachSound("oto_jguard"); _root.sguardon = new Sound(koukaon); _root.sguardon.attachSound("oto_sguard"); _root.kutuoto = new Sound(koukaon); _root.kutuoto.attachSound("oto_aruki"); _root.ossankutuoto = new Sound(koukaon); _root.ossankutuoto.attachSound("oto_ossanasi"); _root.ossanbasa = new Sound(koukaon); _root.ossanbasa.attachSound("oto_ossanbasa"); _root.oto_skc = new Sound(koukaon); _root.oto_skc.attachSound("oto_skachack"); _root.oto_skb = new Sound(koukaon); _root.oto_skb.attachSound("oto_skabasa"); _root.oto_shb = new Sound(koukaon); _root.oto_shb.attachSound("oto_seihukubasa"); _root.kuchu = new Sound(koukaon); _root.kuchu.attachSound("oto_kuchu"); _root.pansuri = new Sound(koukaon); _root.pansuri.attachSound("oto_pansuri"); _root.pannuga = new Sound(koukaon); _root.pannuga.attachSound("oto_pannuga"); _root.pachu1 = new Sound(koukaon); _root.pachu1.attachSound("oto_pachu1"); _root.pachu2 = new Sound(koukaon); _root.pachu2.attachSound("oto_pachu2"); _root.dopyu1 = new Sound(koukaon); _root.dopyu1.attachSound("oto_dopyu1"); _root.dopyu2 = new Sound(koukaon); _root.dopyu2.attachSound("oto_dopyu2"); _root.k_ko = new Sound(koukaon); _root.k_ko.attachSound("oto_ko"); _root.taosu = new Sound(koukaon); _root.taosu.attachSound("oto_taosu"); _root.taoreta = new Sound(koukaon); _root.taoreta.attachSound("oto_taoreta"); _root.k_hun = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hun.attachSound("koe_hun"); _root.k_ha = new Sound(koe); _root.k_ha.attachSound("koe_ha"); _root.k_ha2 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_ha2.attachSound("koe_ha2"); _root.k_ha3 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_ha3.attachSound("koe_ha3"); _root.k_tei = new Sound(koe); _root.k_tei.attachSound("koe_tei"); _root.k_taa = new Sound(koe); _root.k_taa.attachSound("koe_taa"); _root.k_ike = new Sound(koe); _root.k_ike.attachSound("koe_ike"); _root.k_iya = new Sound(koe); _root.k_iya.attachSound("koe_iya"); _root.k_kono = new Sound(koe); _root.k_kono.attachSound("koe_kono"); _root.k_suu1 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_suu1.attachSound("koe_suu1"); _root.k_suu2 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_suu2.attachSound("koe_suu2"); _root.k_suu3 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_suu3.attachSound("koe_suu3"); _root.k_haku1 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_haku1.attachSound("koe_haku1"); _root.k_haku2 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_haku2.attachSound("koe_haku2"); _root.k_haku3 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_haku3.attachSound("koe_haku3"); _root.k_hyaa = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hyaa.attachSound("koe_hyaa"); _root.k_aegi1 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi1.attachSound("koe_aegi1"); _root.k_aegi2 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi2.attachSound("koe_aegi2"); _root.k_aegi3 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi3.attachSound("koe_aegi3"); _root.k_aegi4 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi4.attachSound("koe_aegi4"); _root.k_aegi5 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi5.attachSound("koe_aegi5"); _root.k_aegi6 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi6.attachSound("koe_aegi6"); _root.k_aegi7 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi7.attachSound("koe_aegi7"); _root.k_aegi8 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi8.attachSound("koe_aegi8"); _root.k_aegi9 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi9.attachSound("koe_aegi9"); _root.k_aegi10 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi10.attachSound("koe_aegi10"); _root.k_aegi11 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi11.attachSound("koe_aegi11"); _root.k_aegi12 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi12.attachSound("koe_aegi12"); _root.k_aegi13 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi13.attachSound("koe_aegi13"); _root.k_aegi14 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_aegi14.attachSound("koe_aegi14"); _root.k_hikaeme1 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme1.attachSound("koe_hikaeme1"); _root.k_hikaeme2 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme2.attachSound("koe_hikaeme2"); _root.k_hikaeme3 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme3.attachSound("koe_hikaeme3"); _root.k_hikaeme4 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme4.attachSound("koe_hikaeme4"); _root.k_hikaeme5 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme5.attachSound("koe_hikaeme5"); _root.k_hikaeme6 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme6.attachSound("koe_hikaeme6"); _root.k_hikaeme7 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme7.attachSound("koe_hikaeme7"); _root.k_hikaeme8 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme8.attachSound("koe_hikaeme8"); _root.k_hikaeme9 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme9.attachSound("koe_hikaeme9"); _root.k_hikaeme10 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme10.attachSound("koe_hikaeme10"); _root.k_hikaeme11 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme11.attachSound("koe_hikaeme11"); _root.k_hikaeme12 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme12.attachSound("koe_hikaeme12"); _root.k_hikaeme13 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme13.attachSound("koe_hikaeme13"); _root.k_hikaeme14 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme14.attachSound("koe_hikaeme14"); _root.k_hikaeme15 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hikaeme15.attachSound("koe_hikaeme15"); _root.k_hagesi1 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi1.attachSound("koe_hagesi1"); _root.k_hagesi2 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi2.attachSound("koe_hagesi2"); _root.k_hagesi3 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi3.attachSound("koe_hagesi3"); _root.k_hagesi4 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi4.attachSound("koe_hagesi4"); _root.k_hagesi5 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi5.attachSound("koe_hagesi5"); _root.k_hagesi6 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi6.attachSound("koe_hagesi6"); _root.k_hagesi7 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi7.attachSound("koe_hagesi7"); _root.k_hagesi8 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi8.attachSound("koe_hagesi8"); _root.k_hagesi9 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi9.attachSound("koe_hagesi9"); _root.k_hagesi10 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi10.attachSound("koe_hagesi10"); _root.k_hagesi11 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi11.attachSound("koe_hagesi11"); _root.k_hagesi12 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_hagesi12.attachSound("koe_hagesi12"); _root.k_iku1 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_iku1.attachSound("koe_iku1"); _root.k_iku2 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_iku2.attachSound("koe_iku2"); _root.k_iku3 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_iku3.attachSound("koe_iku3"); _root.k_iku4 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_iku4.attachSound("koe_iku4"); _root.k_iku5 = new Sound(koe); _root.k_iku5.attachSound("koe_iku5"); _root.k_ikuiku = new Sound(koe); _root.k_ikuiku.attachSound("koe_ikuiku"); _root.jon.setVolume(_global.otovol); _root.k_hun.setVolume(_global.koevol);
Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 300 MovieClip [■フェードイン] "kuro" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99); }
Instance of Symbol 78 MovieClip [デバッグ用状態表示] "debug" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } on (keyPress "R") { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30AA\u30FC\u30D7\u30CB\u30F3\u30B0"); } on (keyPress "P") { this._parent.main.kouen.player.p_stamina = 500; } on (keyPress "E") { _root.p_kando = _root.p_kando + 40; _global.kando = _global.kando + 20; }
Instance of Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] "main" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.highkickver == 11) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); _global.game_pause = 0; key_space = 0; } else { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30A8\u30E9\u30FC"); } this.GamePause = function () { if ((Key.isDown(Key.SPACE) && (!key_space)) && (_global.battle == 1)) { if (_global.game_pause != 0) { if (_global.game_pause == 1) { this._parent.volsetting.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.pausehyouzi.gotoAndPlay("off"); _global.game_pause = 2; } } else { this._parent.volsetting.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent.pausehyouzi.gotoAndPlay("on"); _global.game_pause = 1; } } key_space = Key.isDown(Key.SPACE); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { GamePause(); }
Frame 6
Frame 7
_global.kando = 100; main.gotoAndPlay("\u3044\u304D\u306A\u308A\u30A8\u30C3\u30C1");
Frame 9
Frame 71
Frame 73
Frame 75
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [アオクマシーロゴ] Frame 61
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [アオクマシーロゴ] Frame 63
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip [●予感コマンド] "yokan" in Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { key_x = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((!key_x) && (Key.isDown(88))) { if (this._alpha != 0) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 80; } } if (key_x && (Key.isDown(88))) { } key_x = Key.isDown(88); }
Instance of Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] "kouen" in Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this._x = (this.player.player._x * -1) + 100; this.CameraMove = function () { this._x = (this.player.player._x * -1) + 100; if (0 >= this._x) { if (this._x < -1600) { this._x = -1600; } } else { this._x = 0; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { CameraMove(); }
Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] in Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { _global.battle = 0; this._x = (this.player.player._x * -1) + 100; this.CameraMove = function () { this._x = (this.player.player._x * -1) + 100; if (0 >= this._x) { if (this._x < -1600) { this._x = -1600; } } else { this._x = 0; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { CameraMove(); }
Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 4
Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip [判定用空スプライト] "debughantei" in Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) { this.DebugHyouzi = function () { this._parent._parent.debug.hyouzi = "\u4F4D\u7F6E: " + this._parent.kouen.player.player._x; this._parent._parent.debug.joutai = "\u72B6\u614B: " + _root.p_step; this._parent._parent.debug.ossan = "\u304A\u3063\u3055\u3093: " + this._parent.kouen.enemy.step; this._parent._parent.debug.p_state = "\u611F\u5EA6: " + _global.kando; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { DebugHyouzi(); }
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip [乗算影] in Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.yoru != 1) { gotoAndPlay("\u663C"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u591C"); } }
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "player" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.battle = 1; this.player._x = 20; this.swapDepths(1); key_code_up = Key.UP; key_code_down = Key.DOWN; key_code_left = Key.LEFT; key_code_right = Key.RIGHT; key_code_punch = 90; key_code_yokan = 88; keyIsDownZ = false; onKeyDown = function () { keyCheck(); }; onKeyUp = function () { keyCheck(); }; this.ZkeyCheck = function () { if (!keyIsDownZ) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (0 < p_stamina)) { p_teikou++; p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_teikou; } } keyIsDownZ = Key.isDown(90); }; p_stamina = 500; p_stamina_max = 500; p_kaihuku = 0.5; p_cost_punchj = 8; p_cost_punchs = 16; p_cost_kick = 40; p_cost_teikou = 15; p_jab_damage = 3; p_straight_damage = 6; p_highkick_damage = 38; p_hiza_damage = 8; _root.p_kando = 0; _root.p_kando_max = 200; _root.p_kandoup_l = 1; _root.p_kandoup_m = 1.2; _root.p_kandoup_h = 1.4; step_stand_init = 1; step_stand_exec = 2; step_walk_init = 3; step_walk_exec = 4; step_punchj_init = 5; step_punchj_exec = 6; step_punchs_init = 7; step_punchs_exec = 8; step_kick_init = 9; step_kick_exec = 10; step_tukamare_init = 20; step_tukamare_exec = 21; step_stempty_init = 22; step_stempty_exec = 23; step_tukitobashi_init = 24; step_tukitobashi_exec = 25; step_tukamareudeage_init = 26; step_tukamareudeage_exec = 27; step_momare_init = 28; step_momare_exec = 29; step_chikubi_init = 30; step_chikubi_exec = 31; step_shitasawarare_init = 32; step_shitasawarare_exec = 33; step_shitasawararepin_init = 34; step_shitasawararepin_exec = 35; step_uenugasare_init = 36; step_uenugasare_exec = 37; step_buranugasare_init = 38; step_buranugasare_exec = 39; step_skanugasare_init = 40; step_skanugasare_exec = 41; step_panhipparare_init = 42; step_panhipparare_exec = 43; step_pannugasare_init = 44; step_pannugasare_exec = 45; step_sitdown_init = 46; step_sitdown_exec = 47; step_standup_init = 48; step_standup_exec = 49; step_sitpunch_init = 50; step_sitpunch_exec = 51; step_stop = 100; step_stop_exec = 100; step = step_stand_init; my_dx = 0; count = 0; this.StandMati = function () { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_left) || (Key.isDown(key_code_right)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_down) && (!Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up)))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)) { step = step_punchj_init; } } else { step = step_kick_init; } } else { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } } else { step = step_walk_init; } }; this.SitDownInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F"); step = step_sitdown_exec; }; this.SitDownExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { step = step_standup_init; } else if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (1 < p_stamina))) { StaminaKaihuku(); } else { step = step_sitpunch_init; } } }; this.SitPunchInit = function () { count = 0; _root.jon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchj; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u30D1\u30F3\u30C1"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); step = step_sitpunch_exec; }; this.SitPunchExec = function () { count++; if (8 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { step = step_standup_init; } else if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (1 < p_stamina))) { StaminaKaihuku(); } else { step = step_sitpunch_init; } } }; this.StandUpInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u3078"); step = step_standup_exec; }; this.StandUpExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.WalkInit = function () { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5DE6\u79FB\u52D5"); step = step_walk_exec; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u53F3\u79FB\u52D5"); step = step_walk_exec; } }; this.walkExec = function () { if ((Key.isDown(key_code_left) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina)) { step = step_punchj_init; } if (!((Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina))) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { step = step_stand_init; } else { if (0 < my_dx) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5DE6\u79FB\u52D5"); } my_dx = my_dx - 1; if (-4 >= my_dx) { my_dx = -4; } this.player._x = this.player._x + my_dx; } } else { if (my_dx < 0) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u53F3\u79FB\u52D5"); } my_dx = my_dx + 1; if (my_dx >= 5) { my_dx = 5; } this.player._x = this.player._x + my_dx; } } else { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } }; this.StaminaKaihuku = function () { p_stamina = p_stamina + p_kaihuku; if (p_stamina_max < p_stamina) { p_stamina = p_stamina_max; } }; this.JabInit = function () { _root.jon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchj; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); step = step_punchj_exec; }; this.JabExec = function () { count++; if (!(((count >= 4) && (7 >= count)) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(((count >= 8) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina))) { if (12 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_punchj_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } }; this.StraightInit = function () { _root.son.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchs; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); step = step_punchs_exec; }; this.StraightExec = function () { count++; if (((6 < count) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up))) { step = step_kick_init; } if (14 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.HighkickInit = function () { this.swapDepths(3); _root.kon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_kick; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); step = step_kick_exec; }; this.HighkickExec = function () { count++; if ((((16 < count) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up))) && (0 < p_stamina)) { step = step_kick_init; } if (20 < count) { this.swapDepths(1); step = step_stand_init; } }; this.TsukamareInit = function () { this.player._x = this._parent.enemy._x - 80; this.swapDepths(1); p_teikou = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); step = step_tukamare_exec; }; this.TsukamareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (60 < count) { step = step_tukamareudeage_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.TsukamareudeageInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; }; this.TsukamareudeageExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (180 < count) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_shitasawarare_init; } else { step = step_momare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.MuneMomareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307E\u308C"); step = step_momare_exec; }; this.MuneMomareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!((Key.isDown(key_code_left) && (_global.huku == 0)) && (_global.bura == 0))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_chikubi_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.ChikubiSemerareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3061\u304F\u3073\u305B\u3081\u3089\u308C"); step = step_chikubi_exec; }; this.ChikubiSemerareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.TukitobashiInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); step = step_tukitobashi_exec; }; this.TukitobashiExec = function () { count++; if (20 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.ShitaSawarareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u3089\u308C"); step = step_shitasawarare_exec; }; this.ShitaSawarareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (_global.pan == 1)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawararepin_init; } } else if (_global.pan != 1) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_panhipparare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.ShitaSawararepinInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u3089\u308C\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u30A4\u30F3"); step = step_shitasawararepin_exec; }; this.ShitaSawararepinExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (_global.pan != 1) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_panhipparare_init; } } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.UeNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.huku = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_uenugasare_exec; }; this.UeNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.BuraNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.bura = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_buranugasare_exec; }; this.BuraNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.SkaNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.ska = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_skanugasare_exec; }; this.SkaNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u3051\u3057"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.PanNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); _global.pan = 0; step = step_pannugasare_exec; }; this.PanNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.PanHipparareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u3072\u3063\u3071\u3089\u308C"); step = step_panhipparare_exec; }; this.PanHipparareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else { step = step_pannugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.StEmptyExec = function () { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_left) || (Key.isDown(key_code_right)))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_down) && (!Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_walk_init; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.p_step = step; _root.p_stamina = p_stamina; if (_global.game_pause != 1) { if (_step != step_stop) { if (step != step_stand_init) { if (step != step_stand_exec) { if (step != step_sitdown_init) { if (step != step_sitdown_exec) { if (step != step_sitpunch_init) { if (step != step_sitpunch_exec) { if (step != step_standup_init) { if (step != step_standup_exec) { if (step != step_walk_init) { if (step != step_walk_exec) { if (step != step_kick_init) { if (step != step_kick_exec) { if (step != step_punchj_init) { if (step != step_punchj_exec) { if (step != step_punchs_init) { if (step != step_punchs_exec) { if (step != step_tukamare_init) { if (step != step_tukamare_exec) { if (step != step_tukamareudeage_init) { if (step != step_tukamareudeage_exec) { if (step != step_tukitobashi_init) { if (step != step_tukitobashi_exec) { if (step != step_momare_init) { if (step != step_momare_exec) { if (step != step_chikubi_init) { if (step != step_chikubi_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawarare_init) { if (step != step_shitasawarare_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawararepin_init) { if (step != step_shitasawararepin_exec) { if (step != step_uenugasare_init) { if (step != step_uenugasare_exec) { if (step != step_buranugasare_init) { if (step != step_buranugasare_exec) { if (step != step_skanugasare_init) { if (step != step_skanugasare_exec) { if (step != step_panhipparare_init) { if (step != step_panhipparare_exec) { if (step != step_pannugasare_init) { if (step != step_pannugasare_exec) { if (step == step_stempty_exec) { if (p_stamina >= 0) { step = step_stand_init; } else { StaminaKaihuku(); StEmptyExec(); } } } else { PanNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { PanNugasareInit(); } } else { PanHipparareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { PanHipparareInit(); } } else { SkaNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { SkaNugasareInit(); } } else { BuraNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { BuraNugasareInit(); } } else { UeNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { UeNugasareInit(); } } else { ShitaSawararepinExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ShitaSawararepinInit(); } } else { ShitaSawarareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ShitaSawarareInit(); } } else { ChikubiSemerareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ChikubiSemerareInit(); } } else { MuneMomareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { MuneMomareInit(); } } else { TukitobashiExec(); } } else { TukitobashiInit(); } } else { TsukamareudeageExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareudeageInit(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareInit(); } } else { StraightExec(); } } else { StraightInit(); } } else { JabExec(); } } else { JabInit(); } } else { HighkickExec(); } } else { HighkickInit(); } } else { walkExec(); } } else { WalkInit(); } } else { StandUpExec(); } } else { StandUpInit(); } } else { SitPunchExec(); } } else { SitPunchInit(); } } else { SitDownExec(); } } else { SitDownInit(); } } else if (0 >= p_stamina) { my_dx = 0; StaminaKaihuku(); step = step_stempty_exec; } else { my_dx = 0; StaminaKaihuku(); StandMati(); } } else { this.swapDepths(1); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_stand_exec; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.stop(); } } else { this.stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "enemy" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { step_stand_init = 1; step_stand_exec = 2; step_walk_init = 3; step_walk_exec = 4; step_hitj_init = 5; step_hitj_exec = 6; step_hits_init = 7; step_hits_exec = 8; step_guard_init = 9; step_guard_exec = 10; step_stand_wait = 11; step_tukami_init = 12; step_tukami_exec = 13; step_tukamiai_init = 14; step_tukamiai_exec = 15; step_hitk_init = 16; step_hitk_exec = 17; step_hith_init = 18; step_hith_exec = 19; step_tukitobasare_init = 20; step_tukitobasare_exec = 21; step_tukamiudeage_init = 22; step_tukamiudeage_exec = 23; step_munemomi_init = 24; step_munemomi_exec = 25; step_chikubiseme_init = 26; step_chikubiseme_exec = 27; step_shitasawari_init = 28; step_shitasawari_exec = 29; step_shitasawaripin_init = 30; step_shitasawaripin_exec = 31; step_uenugashi_init = 32; step_uenugashi_exec = 33; step_buranugashi_init = 34; step_buranugashi_exec = 35; step_skanugashi_init = 36; step_skanugashi_exec = 37; step_panhippari_init = 38; step_panhippari_exec = 39; step_pannugashi_init = 40; step_pannugashi_exec = 41; step_enemyko_init = 42; step_enemyko_exec = 43; step_hitsp_init = 44; step_hitsp_exec = 45; step_h_init = 100; step_h_exec = 101; step = step_stand_init; e_stamina = 500; count = 0; this.JabHitInit = function () { _root.jhiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); if (_global.kyori < 80) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 80); } count = 0; e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_jab_damage; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitj_exec; }; this.JabHitExec = function () { count++; if (3 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.StraightHitInit = function () { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_straight_damage; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hits_exec; }; this.StraightHitExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.SitPunchHitInit = function () { _root.jhiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u30D1\u30F3\u30C1"); if (_global.kyori < 80) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 80); } count = 0; e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_jab_damage; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitsp_exec; }; this.SitPunchHitExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.HighkickHitInit = function () { _root.khiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_highkick_damage; if (0 < e_stamina) { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitk_exec; } else { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u8CA0\u3051"); step = step_enemyko_init; } }; this.HighkickHitExec = function () { count++; if (count == 5) { this._parent.player.swapDepths(1); } if (12 < count) { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.HizaHitInit = function () { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF\u3072\u3056"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_hiza_damage; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hith_exec; }; this.HizaHitExec = function () { count++; if (18 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.FarDistance = function () { if (this._parent.player.step == 10) { step = step_guard_init; } count++; if (12 < count) { count = 0; rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { } else { step = step_walk_init; } } }; this.NearDistance = function () { if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 4) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; count = 0; if (rand != 1) { if (rand < 3) { step = step_stand_wait; } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.NearWait = function () { count++; if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 4) { if (24 < count) { step = step_stand_exec; } } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.WalkExec = function () { if (150 >= _global.kyori) { step = step_stand_init; } else { if (((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10)) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { } else { step = step_guard_init; } } this._x = this._x - 3; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u8FD1\u3065\u304F"); } }; this.GuardExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider)) { if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider)) { if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider)) { if (24 < count) { step = step_stand_init; count = 0; } } else { _root.sguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF12"); this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 10; count = 0; } } else { _root.sguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF12"); this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 10; count = 0; } } else { _root.jguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9"); this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 8; count = 0; } }; this.TukamiInit = function () { this._x = this._x - 10; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_tukami_exec; }; this.TukamiExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.tukami.e_tukami.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.p_collider)) { if (24 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } } else { step = step_tukamiai_init; } }; this.TukamiaiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u6210\u529F"); this._parent.player.step = 20; step = step_tukamiai_exec; }; this.TukamiaiExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step == 26) { step = step_tukamiudeage_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.TukamiudeageInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; }; this.TukamiudeageExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.MuneMomiInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307F"); step = step_munemomi_exec; }; this.MuneMomiExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step != 44) { if (this._parent.player.step == 30) { step = step_chikubiseme_init; } } else { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ChikubiSemeInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3061\u304F\u3073\u305B\u3081"); step = step_chikubiseme_exec; }; this.ChikubiSemeExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShitaSawariInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u308A"); step = step_shitasawari_exec; }; this.ShitaSawariExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 34) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawaripin_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.PanHippariInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u3072\u3063\u3071\u308A"); step = step_panhippari_exec; }; this.PanHippariExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShitaSawaripinInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u308A\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u30A4\u30F3"); step = step_shitasawaripin_exec; }; this.ShitaSawaripinExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.UeNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_uenugashi_exec; }; this.UeNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 16) { if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } } else { _root.oto_shb.start(); } }; this.BuraNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_buranugashi_exec; }; this.BuraNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } }; this.SkaNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; _root.oto_skc.start(); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_skanugashi_exec; }; this.SkaNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 20) { if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } } else { _root.oto_skb.start(); } }; this.PanNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_pannugashi_exec; }; this.PanNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } }; this.TukitobasareInit = function () { this._x = this._x - 10; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_tukitobasare_exec; }; this.TukitobasareExec = function () { count++; this._x = this._x + 3; if (20 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } }; this.HInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30BA\u30DC\u30F3\u8131\u304E"); step = step_h_exec; }; this.HExec = function () { }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.game_pause != 1) { if (step != step_h_init) { if (step != step_h_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider) && (step != step_hitj_exec))) { if (step != step_hitj_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider) && (step != step_hits_exec))) { if (step != step_hits_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.sitpunch_collider) && (step != step_hitsp_exec))) { if (step != step_hitsp_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_headcollider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider) && (step != step_hitk_exec))) { if (step != step_hitk_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.hiza_collider) && (step != step_hith_exec))) { if (step != step_hith_exec) { if (step != step_stand_init) { if (step != step_stand_exec) { if (step != step_stand_wait) { if (step != step_guard_init) { if (step != step_guard_exec) { if (!((step == step_walk_init) && (150 < _global.kyori))) { if (step != step_walk_exec) { if (step != step_tukitobasare_init) { if (step != step_tukitobasare_exec) { if (step != step_tukami_init) { if (step != step_tukamiudeage_init) { if (step != step_tukamiudeage_exec) { if (step != step_tukami_exec) { if (step != step_tukamiai_init) { if (step != step_tukamiai_exec) { if (step != step_munemomi_init) { if (step != step_munemomi_exec) { if (step != step_chikubiseme_init) { if (step != step_chikubiseme_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawari_init) { if (step != step_shitasawari_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawaripin_init) { if (step != step_shitasawaripin_exec) { if (step != step_uenugashi_init) { if (step != step_uenugashi_exec) { if (step != step_buranugashi_init) { if (step != step_buranugashi_exec) { if (step != step_skanugashi_init) { if (step != step_skanugashi_exec) { if (step != step_pannugashi_init) { if (step != step_pannugashi_exec) { if (step != step_panhippari_init) { if (step == step_panhippari_exec) { PanHippariExec(); } } else { PanHippariInit(); } } else { PanNugashiExec(); } } else { PanNugashiInit(); } } else { SkaNugashiExec(); } } else { SkaNugashiInit(); } } else { BuraNugashiExec(); } } else { BuraNugashiInit(); } } else { UeNugashiExec(); } } else { UeNugashiInit(); } } else { ShitaSawaripinExec(); } } else { ShitaSawaripinInit(); } } else { ShitaSawariExec(); } } else { ShitaSawariInit(); } } else { ChikubiSemeExec(); } } else { ChikubiSemeInit(); } } else { MuneMomiExec(); } } else { MuneMomiInit(); } } else { TukamiaiExec(); } } else { TukamiaiInit(); } } else { TukamiExec(); } } else { TukamiudeageExec(); } } else { TukamiudeageInit(); } } else { TukamiInit(); } } else { TukitobasareExec(); } } else { TukitobasareInit(); } } else { WalkExec(); } } else { step = step_walk_exec; } } else { GuardExec(); } } else { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9"); step = step_guard_exec; } } else { NearWait(); } } else if (150 >= _global.kyori) { NearDistance(); } else { FarDistance(); } } else { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_stand_exec; } } else { HizaHitExec(); } } else { HizaHitInit(); } } else { HighkickHitExec(); } } else { HighkickHitInit(); } } else { SitPunchHitExec(); } } else { SitPunchHitInit(); } } else { StraightHitExec(); } } else { StraightHitInit(); } } else { JabHitExec(); } } else { JabHitInit(); } } else { HExec(); } } else { HInit(); } } else { this.stop(); } }
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1
var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Player.swf", player); loader.loadClip("data/Ossan.swf", enemy);
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip [判定用空スプライト] "hantei2" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { this._parent.enemy.step = 100; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30BA\u30DC\u30F3\u304A\u308D\u3057\uFF12"); }
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 2
_global.battle = 0; this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Shoumen.swf", shoumen);
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 3
player.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); player.step = 100; shoumen.main.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u3064\u304F\u3057\u5F85\u6A5F"); _root.k_aegi12.start();
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 4
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 9
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 30
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 33
_root.k_hyaa.start(); _global.kando = 117;
Instance of Symbol 550 MovieClip [最初から場所選択] "ikinaribasho" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(61); }
Instance of Symbol 294 MovieClip [シーン選択ズボンおろし後] "firstsentaku" in Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 34
onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(60); }
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 35
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 36
enemy.removeMovieClip(); player.removeMovieClip(); shoumen.removeMovieClip(); tachiback.removeMovieClip(); kage.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Shoumen.swf", shoumenfuck); this._x = 0;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 38
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 40
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 41
shoumen.removeMovieClip(); enemy.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); kage.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Standback.swf", tachiback); this._x = 0;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 43
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 44
tachiback.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Standback.swf", tachibackki); this._x = -2600;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 46
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 48
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 49
tachibackki.removeMovieClip(); haimenzaibura.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Frontstandback.swf", tachibackbura); this._x = -1100;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 51
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 53
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 54
tachibackbura.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Shoumen.swf", shoumenki); this._x = -2600;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 56
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 58
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 59
shoumenki.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/HaimenZai.swf", haimenzaibura); this._x = -1100;
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 61
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 63
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip [乗算影] "kage" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(5); if (_global.yoru != 1) { gotoAndPlay("\u663C"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u591C"); } }
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip [判定用空スプライト] "hantei" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.ShoutotuHantei = function () { _global.kyori = this._parent.enemy._x - this._parent.player.player._x; if (this._parent.player.player.p_collider.hitTest(this._parent.enemy.enemy.e_collider)) { this._parent.player.player._x = this._parent.player.player._x - 10; } if (this._parent.player.player.p_collider.hitTest(this._parent.enemy.enemy.e_collider2)) { this._parent.player.player._x = this._parent.player.player._x - 10; } if (this._parent.player.player.p_sit_collider.hitTest(this._parent.enemy.enemy.e_collider)) { this._parent.player.player._x = this._parent.player.player._x - 10; } if (this._parent.player.player.p_sit_collider.hitTest(this._parent.enemy.enemy.e_collider2)) { this._parent.player.player._x = this._parent.player.player._x - 10; } if (this._parent.player.player.p_collider.hitTest(this._parent.leftwall.collider)) { if (!((_global.kando < 100) || (0 < this._parent.player.p_stamina))) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30A8\u30C3\u30C1\u30B7\u30FC\u30F3"); } else { this._parent.player.player._x = this._parent.player.player._x + 10; } } if (this._parent.enemy.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.leftwall.collider)) { this._parent.enemy._x = this._parent.enemy._x + 10; } if (this._parent.player.player.p_collider.hitTest(this._parent.rightwall.collider)) { this._parent.player.player._x = this._parent.player.player._x - 10; } if (this._parent.enemy.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.rightwall.collider)) { this._parent.enemy._x = this._parent.enemy._x - 10; } if (this._parent.enemy.enemy.e_collider2.hitTest(this._parent.rightwall.collider)) { this._parent.enemy._x = this._parent.enemy._x - 10; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.game_pause == 2) { _global.game_pause = 0; } DebugHyouzi(); ShoutotuHantei(); _global.kando = (_root.p_kando / _root.p_kando_max) * 100; }
Instance of Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] "effect" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(6); this.EffectPos = function () { this._x = this._parent.player.player._x + 320; }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { EffectPos(); }
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "player_down" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); }
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "player" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { _global.battle = 1; this.player._x = 800; this.swapDepths(1); key_code_up = Key.UP; key_code_down = Key.DOWN; key_code_left = Key.LEFT; key_code_right = Key.RIGHT; key_code_punch = 90; key_code_yokan = 88; keyIsDownZ = false; onKeyDown = function () { keyCheck(); }; onKeyUp = function () { keyCheck(); }; this.ZkeyCheck = function () { if (!keyIsDownZ) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (0 < p_stamina)) { p_teikou++; p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_teikou; } } keyIsDownZ = Key.isDown(90); }; p_stamina = 500; p_stamina_max = 500; p_kaihuku = 0.5; p_cost_punchj = 8; p_cost_punchs = 16; p_cost_kick = 40; p_cost_teikou = 15; p_jab_damage = 3; p_straight_damage = 6; p_highkick_damage = 38; p_hiza_damage = 8; _root.p_kando = 0; _root.p_kando_max = 200; _root.p_kandoup_l = 1; _root.p_kandoup_m = 1.2; _root.p_kandoup_h = 1.4; step_stand_init = 1; step_stand_exec = 2; step_walk_init = 3; step_walk_exec = 4; step_punchj_init = 5; step_punchj_exec = 6; step_punchs_init = 7; step_punchs_exec = 8; step_kick_init = 9; step_kick_exec = 10; step_tukamare_init = 20; step_tukamare_exec = 21; step_stempty_init = 22; step_stempty_exec = 23; step_tukitobashi_init = 24; step_tukitobashi_exec = 25; step_tukamareudeage_init = 26; step_tukamareudeage_exec = 27; step_momare_init = 28; step_momare_exec = 29; step_chikubi_init = 30; step_chikubi_exec = 31; step_shitasawarare_init = 32; step_shitasawarare_exec = 33; step_shitasawararepin_init = 34; step_shitasawararepin_exec = 35; step_uenugasare_init = 36; step_uenugasare_exec = 37; step_buranugasare_init = 38; step_buranugasare_exec = 39; step_skanugasare_init = 40; step_skanugasare_exec = 41; step_panhipparare_init = 42; step_panhipparare_exec = 43; step_pannugasare_init = 44; step_pannugasare_exec = 45; step_sitdown_init = 46; step_sitdown_exec = 47; step_standup_init = 48; step_standup_exec = 49; step_sitpunch_init = 50; step_sitpunch_exec = 51; step_sitpushed_init = 52; step_sitpushed_exec = 53; step_down_init = 54; step_down_exec = 55; step_openedleg_init = 56; step_openedleg_exec = 57; step_openedteman_init = 58; step_openedteman_exec = 59; step_downhangeki_init = 60; step_downhangeki_exec = 61; step_openedtemanhard_init = 62; step_openedtemanhard_exec = 63; step_stop = 100; step_stop_exec = 100; step = step_stand_init; my_dx = 0; count = 0; this.StandMati = function () { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_left) || (Key.isDown(key_code_right)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_down) && (!Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up)))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)) { step = step_punchj_init; } } else { step = step_kick_init; } } else { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } } else { step = step_walk_init; } }; this.SitDownInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F"); step = step_sitdown_exec; }; this.SitDownExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { step = step_standup_init; } else if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (1 < p_stamina))) { StaminaKaihuku(); } else { step = step_sitpunch_init; } } }; this.SitPunchInit = function () { count = 0; _root.jon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchj; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u30D1\u30F3\u30C1"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); step = step_sitpunch_exec; }; this.SitPunchExec = function () { count++; if (8 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { step = step_standup_init; } else if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_punch) && (1 < p_stamina))) { StaminaKaihuku(); } else { step = step_sitpunch_init; } } }; this.StandUpInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u3078"); step = step_standup_exec; }; this.StandUpExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.WalkInit = function () { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5DE6\u79FB\u52D5"); step = step_walk_exec; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u53F3\u79FB\u52D5"); step = step_walk_exec; } }; this.walkExec = function () { if ((Key.isDown(key_code_left) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina)) { step = step_punchj_init; } if (!((Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina))) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { step = step_stand_init; } else { if (0 < my_dx) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5DE6\u79FB\u52D5"); } my_dx = my_dx - 1; if (-4 >= my_dx) { my_dx = -4; } this.player._x = this.player._x + my_dx; } } else { if (my_dx < 0) { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u53F3\u79FB\u52D5"); } my_dx = my_dx + 1; if (my_dx >= 5) { my_dx = 5; } this.player._x = this.player._x + my_dx; } } else { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } }; this.StaminaKaihuku = function () { p_stamina = p_stamina + p_kaihuku; if (p_stamina_max < p_stamina) { p_stamina = p_stamina_max; } }; this.JabInit = function () { _root.jon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchj; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); step = step_punchj_exec; }; this.JabExec = function () { count++; if (!(((count >= 4) && (7 >= count)) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch)))) { if (!(((count >= 8) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (0 < p_stamina))) { if (12 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_punchj_init; } } else { step = step_punchs_init; } }; this.StraightInit = function () { _root.son.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_punchs; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); step = step_punchs_exec; }; this.StraightExec = function () { count++; if (((6 < count) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up))) { step = step_kick_init; } if (14 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.HighkickInit = function () { this.swapDepths(3); _root.kon.start(); p_stamina = p_stamina - p_cost_kick; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); step = step_kick_exec; }; this.HighkickExec = function () { count++; if ((((16 < count) && (Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) && (Key.isDown(key_code_up))) && (0 < p_stamina)) { step = step_kick_init; } if (20 < count) { this.swapDepths(1); step = step_stand_init; } }; this.TsukamareInit = function () { this.player._x = this._parent.enemy._x - 80; this.swapDepths(1); p_teikou = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); step = step_tukamare_exec; }; this.TsukamareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (60 < count) { step = step_tukamareudeage_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.SitPushedInit = function () { this.swapDepths(1); this.player._x = this.player._x - 30; this.swapDepths(1); p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u305F\u304A\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C"); step = step_sitpushed_exec; }; this.SitPushedExec = function () { if (200 < this.player._x) { this.player._x = this.player._x - 3; } if (8 >= count) { count++; } else { step = step_down_init; } }; this.DownInit = function () { p_teikou = 0; if (this.player._x >= 200) { this.player._x = this.player._x - 12; } else { this.player._x = 200; } this._parent.player_down._x = this.player._x; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u305F\u304A\u3055\u308C\u547C\u5438"); step = step_down_exec; }; this.DownExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (20 >= p_teikou) { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (this._parent.enemy.step == 49))) { if (180 < count) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { this._parent.enemy.step = 50; step = step_openedleg_init; } else { this._parent.enemy.step = 50; step = step_openedleg_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.enemy.step = 50; step = step_openedleg_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_standup_init; } }; this.OpenedLegInit = function () { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u305F\u304A\u3055\u308C\u3042\u3057\u3072\u3089\u304B\u308C"); step = step_openedleg_exec; }; this.OpenedLegExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (15 >= p_teikou) { if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (60 < count) { step = step_openedteman_init; } } } else { step = step_openedteman_init; } } } } } else { p_teikou = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_downhangeki_init; } }; this.OpenedTemanInit = function () { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.enemy.step = 0; this._parent.enemy.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u3072\u3089\u304D\u624B\u30DE\u30F3"); step = step_openedteman_exec; }; this.OpenedTemanExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (count == 10) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_openedtemanhard_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_downhangeki_init; } }; this.OpenedTemanhardInit = function () { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u3072\u3089\u304D\u624B\u30DE\u30F3\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); step = step_openedtemanhard_exec; }; this.OpenedTemanhardExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (count == 10) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_openedteman_init; } } else { p_teikou = 0; count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_downhangeki_init; } }; this.DownHangekiInit = function () { this._parent.enemy.step = 0; this._parent.enemy.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); count = 0; p_teikou = 0; this._parent.player_down.playerdown.gotoAndPlay("\u53CD\u6483"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); step = step_downhangeki_exec; }; this.DownHangekiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 9) { if (30 < count) { this.player._x = this.player._x + 40; this._parent.enemy.step = 54; step = step_standup_init; } } else { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.enemy.e_stamina = this._parent.enemy.e_stamina - p_straight_damage; } }; this.TsukamareudeageInit = function () { this.swapDepths(1); count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307E\u308C\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; }; this.TsukamareudeageExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (10 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { if (180 < count) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_shitasawarare_init; } else { step = step_momare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.MuneMomareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307E\u308C"); step = step_momare_exec; }; this.MuneMomareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!((Key.isDown(key_code_left) && (_global.huku == 0)) && (_global.bura == 0))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_chikubi_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.ChikubiSemerareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3061\u304F\u3073\u305B\u3081\u3089\u308C"); step = step_chikubi_exec; }; this.ChikubiSemerareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.TukitobashiInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304D\u3068\u3070\u3057"); step = step_tukitobashi_exec; }; this.TukitobashiExec = function () { count++; if (20 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.ShitaSawarareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u3089\u308C"); step = step_shitasawarare_exec; }; this.ShitaSawarareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right) && (_global.pan == 1)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawararepin_init; } } else if (_global.pan != 1) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_panhipparare_init; } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.ShitaSawararepinInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u3089\u308C\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u30A4\u30F3"); step = step_shitasawararepin_exec; }; this.ShitaSawararepinExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (_global.pan != 1) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_panhipparare_init; } } } else if (_global.ska == 1) { step = step_skanugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.UeNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.huku = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_uenugasare_exec; }; this.UeNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.BuraNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.bura = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_buranugasare_exec; }; this.BuraNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.SkaNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; _global.ska = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); step = step_skanugasare_exec; }; this.SkaNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u3051\u3057"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.PanNugasareInit = function () { count = 0; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); this._parent._parent.koesousa.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3055\u308C"); _global.pan = 0; step = step_pannugasare_exec; }; this.PanNugasareExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_tukamareudeage_exec; } }; this.PanHipparareInit = function () { count = 0; this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u3072\u3063\u3071\u3089\u308C"); step = step_panhipparare_exec; }; this.PanHipparareExec = function () { count++; ZkeyCheck(); if (10 >= p_teikou) { if (count != 20) { if (20 < count) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_up)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_down)) { if (!Key.isDown(key_code_left)) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_right)) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_shitasawarare_init; } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("off"); step = step_momare_init; } } else { step = step_pannugasare_init; } } else if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura == 1) { step = step_buranugasare_init; } } else { step = step_uenugasare_init; } } } else { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } } else { p_teikou = 0; step = step_tukitobashi_init; } }; this.StEmptyExec = function () { if (!(Key.isDown(key_code_left) || (Key.isDown(key_code_right)))) { if (Key.isDown(key_code_down) && (!Key.isDown(key_code_punch))) { step = step_sitdown_init; } } else { step = step_walk_init; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.p_step = step; _root.p_stamina = p_stamina; if (_global.game_pause != 1) { if (_step != step_stop) { if (step != step_stand_init) { if (step != step_stand_exec) { if (step != step_sitdown_init) { if (step != step_sitdown_exec) { if (step != step_sitpunch_init) { if (step != step_sitpunch_exec) { if (step != step_standup_init) { if (step != step_standup_exec) { if (step != step_walk_init) { if (step != step_walk_exec) { if (step != step_kick_init) { if (step != step_kick_exec) { if (step != step_punchj_init) { if (step != step_punchj_exec) { if (step != step_punchs_init) { if (step != step_punchs_exec) { if (step != step_tukamare_init) { if (step != step_tukamare_exec) { if (step != step_sitpushed_init) { if (step != step_sitpushed_exec) { if (step != step_tukamareudeage_init) { if (step != step_tukamareudeage_exec) { if (step != step_tukitobashi_init) { if (step != step_tukitobashi_exec) { if (step != step_momare_init) { if (step != step_momare_exec) { if (step != step_chikubi_init) { if (step != step_chikubi_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawarare_init) { if (step != step_shitasawarare_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawararepin_init) { if (step != step_shitasawararepin_exec) { if (step != step_uenugasare_init) { if (step != step_uenugasare_exec) { if (step != step_buranugasare_init) { if (step != step_buranugasare_exec) { if (step != step_skanugasare_init) { if (step != step_skanugasare_exec) { if (step != step_panhipparare_init) { if (step != step_panhipparare_exec) { if (step != step_pannugasare_init) { if (step != step_pannugasare_exec) { if (step != step_down_init) { if (step != step_down_exec) { if (step != step_openedleg_init) { if (step != step_openedleg_exec) { if (step != step_openedteman_init) { if (step != step_openedteman_exec) { if (step != step_openedtemanhard_init) { if (step != step_openedtemanhard_exec) { if (step != step_downhangeki_init) { if (step != step_downhangeki_exec) { if (step == step_stempty_exec) { if (p_stamina >= 0) { step = step_stand_init; } else { StaminaKaihuku(); StEmptyExec(); } } } else { DownHangekiExec(); } } else { DownHangekiInit(); } } else { OpenedTemanhardExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { OpenedTemanhardInit(); } } else { OpenedTemanExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { OpenedTemanInit(); } } else { OpenedLegExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { OpenedLegInit(); } } else { DownExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { DownInit(); } } else { PanNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { PanNugasareInit(); } } else { PanHipparareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { PanHipparareInit(); } } else { SkaNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { SkaNugasareInit(); } } else { BuraNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { BuraNugasareInit(); } } else { UeNugasareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { UeNugasareInit(); } } else { ShitaSawararepinExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ShitaSawararepinInit(); } } else { ShitaSawarareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ShitaSawarareInit(); } } else { ChikubiSemerareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { ChikubiSemerareInit(); } } else { MuneMomareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { MuneMomareInit(); } } else { TukitobashiExec(); } } else { TukitobashiInit(); } } else { TsukamareudeageExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareudeageInit(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { SitPushedExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { SitPushedInit(); } } else { TsukamareExec(); StaminaKaihuku(); } } else { TsukamareInit(); } } else { StraightExec(); } } else { StraightInit(); } } else { JabExec(); } } else { JabInit(); } } else { HighkickExec(); } } else { HighkickInit(); } } else { walkExec(); } } else { WalkInit(); } } else { StandUpExec(); } } else { StandUpInit(); } } else { SitPunchExec(); } } else { SitPunchInit(); } } else { SitDownExec(); } } else { SitDownInit(); } } else if (0 >= p_stamina) { my_dx = 0; StaminaKaihuku(); step = step_stempty_exec; } else { my_dx = 0; StaminaKaihuku(); StandMati(); } } else { this.swapDepths(1); this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_stand_exec; } } else { this.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.stop(); } } else { this.stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト] "enemy" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(2); step_off_init = 0; step_stand_init = 1; step_stand_exec = 2; step_walk_init = 3; step_walk_exec = 4; step_hitj_init = 5; step_hitj_exec = 6; step_hits_init = 7; step_hits_exec = 8; step_guard_init = 9; step_guard_exec = 10; step_stand_wait = 11; step_tukami_init = 12; step_tukami_exec = 13; step_tukamiai_init = 14; step_tukamiai_exec = 15; step_hitk_init = 16; step_hitk_exec = 17; step_hith_init = 18; step_hith_exec = 19; step_tukitobasare_init = 20; step_tukitobasare_exec = 21; step_tukamiudeage_init = 22; step_tukamiudeage_exec = 23; step_munemomi_init = 24; step_munemomi_exec = 25; step_chikubiseme_init = 26; step_chikubiseme_exec = 27; step_shitasawari_init = 28; step_shitasawari_exec = 29; step_shitasawaripin_init = 30; step_shitasawaripin_exec = 31; step_uenugashi_init = 32; step_uenugashi_exec = 33; step_buranugashi_init = 34; step_buranugashi_exec = 35; step_skanugashi_init = 36; step_skanugashi_exec = 37; step_panhippari_init = 38; step_panhippari_exec = 39; step_pannugashi_init = 40; step_pannugashi_exec = 41; step_enemyko_init = 42; step_enemyko_exec = 43; step_hitsp_init = 44; step_hitsp_exec = 45; step_shagamioshi_init = 46; step_shagamioshi_exec = 47; step_shagamiwait_init = 48; step_shagamiwait_exec = 49; step_openleg_init = 50; step_openleg_exec = 51; step_openteman_init = 52; step_openteman_exec = 53; step_standup_init = 54; step_standup_exec = 55; step_standup2_init = 56; step_h_init = 100; step_h_exec = 101; step = step_stand_init; e_stamina = 500; count = 0; this.JabHitInit = function () { _root.jhiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); if (_global.kyori < 80) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 80); } count = 0; e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_jab_damage; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitj_exec; }; this.JabHitExec = function () { count++; if (3 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.StraightHitInit = function () { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_straight_damage; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hits_exec; }; this.StraightHitExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.SitPunchHitInit = function () { _root.jhiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u30D1\u30F3\u30C1"); if (_global.kyori < 80) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 80); } count = 0; e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_jab_damage; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitsp_exec; }; this.SitPunchHitExec = function () { count++; if (10 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.HighkickHitInit = function () { _root.khiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_highkick_damage; if (0 < e_stamina) { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hitk_exec; } else { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u8CA0\u3051"); step = step_enemyko_init; } }; this.HighkickHitExec = function () { count++; if (count == 5) { this._parent.player.swapDepths(1); } if (12 < count) { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.HizaHitInit = function () { _root.shiton.start(); this._parent.effect.gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF\u3072\u3056"); if (_global.kyori < 110) { this._x = this._x - (_global.kyori - 110); } e_stamina = e_stamina - this._parent.player.p_hiza_damage; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); step = step_hith_exec; }; this.HizaHitExec = function () { count++; if (18 < count) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { step = step_stand_init; } else { step = step_guard_init; } } }; this.FarDistance = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 10) { if (this._parent.player.step == 55) { step = step_walk_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } count++; if (8 < count) { count = 0; rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { } else { step = step_walk_init; } } }; this.NearDistance = function () { if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 55) { if (this._parent.player.step != 4) { if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 51) || (this._parent.player.step == 47)) || (this._parent.player.step == 49))) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; count = 0; if (rand != 1) { if (rand < 3) { step = step_stand_wait; } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } } else { step = step_shagamioshi_init; } } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_shagamiwait_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.NearWait = function () { count++; if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 4) { if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 51) || (this._parent.player.step == 47)) || (this._parent.player.step == 49))) { if (this._parent.player.step != 55) { if (12 < count) { step = step_stand_exec; } } else { step = step_shagamiwait_init; } } else { step = step_shagamioshi_init; } } else { step = step_tukami_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } }; this.WalkExec = function () { if (160 >= _global.kyori) { step = step_stand_init; } else { if (((this._parent.player.step == 6) || (this._parent.player.step == 8)) || (this._parent.player.step == 10)) { rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (this._parent.player.step != 55) { } else { step = step_shagamiwait_init; } } else { step = step_guard_init; } if (!(((this._parent.player.step == 51) || (this._parent.player.step == 47)) || (this._parent.player.step == 49))) { if (this._parent.player.step == 55) { step = step_shagamiwait_init; } } else { step = step_shagamioshi_init; } } this._x = this._x - 3; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u8FD1\u3065\u304F"); } }; this.GuardExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider)) { if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider)) { if (!this.enemy.guard.gkarada.e_guard.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider)) { if (24 < count) { step = step_stand_init; count = 0; } } else { _root.sguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF12"); this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 10; count = 0; } } else { _root.sguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\uFF12"); this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 10; count = 0; } } else { _root.jguardon.start(); this._parent.oto.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9"); this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider._y = -100; this._x = this._x + 8; count = 0; } }; this.TukamiInit = function () { this.swapDepths(2); this._x = this._x - 10; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_tukami_exec; }; this.TukamiExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.tukami.e_tukami.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.p_collider)) { if (24 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } } else { step = step_tukamiai_init; } }; this.TukamiaiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u6210\u529F"); this._parent.player.step = 20; step = step_tukamiai_exec; }; this.TukamiaiExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step == 26) { step = step_tukamiudeage_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShagamioshiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u304A\u3057"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_shagamioshi_exec; }; this.ShagamioshiExec = function () { count++; if (!this.enemy.shagamioshi.e_shagamioshi.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.p_sit_collider)) { if (24 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } } else { this._parent.player.step = 52; } }; this.ShagamiwaitInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u5F85\u6A5F"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); this._x = this._parent.player.player._x + 140; this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); step = step_shagamiwait_exec; }; this.ShagamiwaitExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 55) { count++; if (4 < count) { count = 0; step = step_standup2_init; } } }; this.OpenLegInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u3042\u3057\u3072\u3089\u304B\u305B"); step = step_openleg_exec; }; this.OpenLegExec = function () { count++; if (count == 12) { this._parent._parent.yokan.gotoAndPlay("on"); } }; this.StandUpInit = function () { this._x = this._x + 170; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u7ACB\u3061"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); count = 0; step = step_standup_exec; }; this.StandUp2Init = function () { this._x = this._x + 40; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u3083\u304C\u307F\u7ACB\u3061"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); count = 0; step = step_standup_exec; }; this.StandUpExec = function () { count++; if (14 < count) { step = step_stand_init; } }; this.TukamiudeageInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; }; this.TukamiudeageExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.MuneMomiInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307F"); step = step_munemomi_exec; }; this.MuneMomiExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step != 44) { if (this._parent.player.step == 30) { step = step_chikubiseme_init; } } else { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ChikubiSemeInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3061\u304F\u3073\u305B\u3081"); step = step_chikubiseme_exec; }; this.ChikubiSemeExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShitaSawariInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u308A"); step = step_shitasawari_exec; }; this.ShitaSawariExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 34) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawaripin_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.PanHippariInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u3072\u3063\u3071\u308A"); step = step_panhippari_exec; }; this.PanHippariExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.ShitaSawaripinInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F\u3055\u308F\u308A\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u30A4\u30F3"); step = step_shitasawaripin_exec; }; this.ShitaSawaripinExec = function () { if (this._parent.player.step != 24) { if (this._parent.player.step != 28) { if (this._parent.player.step != 32) { if (this._parent.player.step != 36) { if (this._parent.player.step != 38) { if (this._parent.player.step != 40) { if (this._parent.player.step != 42) { if (this._parent.player.step == 44) { step = step_pannugashi_init; } } else { step = step_panhippari_init; } } else { step = step_skanugashi_init; } } else { step = step_buranugashi_init; } } else { step = step_uenugashi_init; } } else { step = step_shitasawari_init; } } else { step = step_munemomi_init; } } else { step = step_tukitobasare_init; } }; this.UeNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3048\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_uenugashi_exec; }; this.UeNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 16) { if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } } else { _root.oto_shb.start(); } }; this.BuraNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_buranugashi_exec; }; this.BuraNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } }; this.SkaNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; _root.oto_skc.start(); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_skanugashi_exec; }; this.SkaNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (count != 20) { if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } } else { _root.oto_skb.start(); } }; this.PanNugashiInit = function () { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3057"); step = step_pannugashi_exec; }; this.PanNugashiExec = function () { count++; if (30 < count) { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u3064\u304B\u307F\u3046\u3067\u3042\u3052\u30AD\u30FC\u30D7"); step = step_tukamiudeage_exec; } }; this.TukitobasareInit = function () { this._x = this._x - 10; count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8\u3042\u305F\u308A"); _root.ossanbasa.start(); step = step_tukitobasare_exec; }; this.TukitobasareExec = function () { count++; this._x = this._x + 3; if (20 < count) { count = 0; step = step_stand_exec; } }; this.HInit = function () { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30BA\u30DC\u30F3\u8131\u304E"); step = step_h_exec; }; this.HExec = function () { }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.game_pause != 1) { if (step != step_h_init) { if (step != step_h_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchj_collider) && (step != step_hitj_exec))) { if (step != step_hitj_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.punchs_collider) && (step != step_hits_exec))) { if (step != step_hits_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.sitpunch_collider) && (step != step_hitsp_exec))) { if (step != step_hitsp_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_headcollider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.highkick_collider) && (step != step_hitk_exec))) { if (step != step_hitk_exec) { if (!(this.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.player.player.hiza_collider) && (step != step_hith_exec))) { if (step != step_hith_exec) { if (step != step_stand_init) { if (step != step_stand_exec) { if (step != step_stand_wait) { if (step != step_guard_init) { if (step != step_guard_exec) { if (!((step == step_walk_init) && (160 < _global.kyori))) { if (step != step_walk_exec) { if (step != step_tukitobasare_init) { if (step != step_tukitobasare_exec) { if (step != step_tukami_init) { if (step != step_tukamiudeage_init) { if (step != step_tukamiudeage_exec) { if (step != step_tukami_exec) { if (step != step_tukamiai_init) { if (step != step_tukamiai_exec) { if (step != step_munemomi_init) { if (step != step_munemomi_exec) { if (step != step_chikubiseme_init) { if (step != step_chikubiseme_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawari_init) { if (step != step_shitasawari_exec) { if (step != step_shitasawaripin_init) { if (step != step_shitasawaripin_exec) { if (step != step_uenugashi_init) { if (step != step_uenugashi_exec) { if (step != step_buranugashi_init) { if (step != step_buranugashi_exec) { if (step != step_skanugashi_init) { if (step != step_skanugashi_exec) { if (step != step_pannugashi_init) { if (step != step_pannugashi_exec) { if (step != step_panhippari_init) { if (step != step_panhippari_exec) { if (step != step_shagamioshi_init) { if (step != step_shagamioshi_exec) { if (step != step_shagamiwait_init) { if (step != step_shagamiwait_exec) { if (step != step_openleg_init) { if (step != step_openleg_exec) { if (step != step_standup_init) { if (step != step_standup_exec) { if (step == step_standup2_init) { StandUp2Init(); } } else { StandUpExec(); } } else { StandUpInit(); } } else { OpenLegExec(); } } else { OpenLegInit(); } } else { ShagamiwaitExec(); } } else { ShagamiwaitInit(); } } else { ShagamioshiExec(); } } else { ShagamioshiInit(); } } else { PanHippariExec(); } } else { PanHippariInit(); } } else { PanNugashiExec(); } } else { PanNugashiInit(); } } else { SkaNugashiExec(); } } else { SkaNugashiInit(); } } else { BuraNugashiExec(); } } else { BuraNugashiInit(); } } else { UeNugashiExec(); } } else { UeNugashiInit(); } } else { ShitaSawaripinExec(); } } else { ShitaSawaripinInit(); } } else { ShitaSawariExec(); } } else { ShitaSawariInit(); } } else { ChikubiSemeExec(); } } else { ChikubiSemeInit(); } } else { MuneMomiExec(); } } else { MuneMomiInit(); } } else { TukamiaiExec(); } } else { TukamiaiInit(); } } else { TukamiExec(); } } else { TukamiudeageExec(); } } else { TukamiudeageInit(); } } else { TukamiInit(); } } else { TukitobasareExec(); } } else { TukitobasareInit(); } } else { WalkExec(); } } else { step = step_walk_exec; } } else { GuardExec(); } } else { this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9"); step = step_guard_exec; } } else { NearWait(); } } else if (160 >= _global.kyori) { NearDistance(); } else { FarDistance(); } } else { count = 0; this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); this.enemy.gotoAndPlay("\u5F85\u6A5F"); step = step_stand_exec; } } else { HizaHitExec(); } } else { HizaHitInit(); } } else { HighkickHitExec(); } } else { HighkickHitInit(); } } else { SitPunchHitExec(); } } else { SitPunchHitInit(); } } else { StraightHitExec(); } } else { StraightHitInit(); } } else { JabHitExec(); } } else { JabHitInit(); } } else { HExec(); } } else { HInit(); } } else { this.stop(); } }
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1
var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Player.swf", player); loader.loadClip("data/Ossan.swf", enemy); loader.loadClip("data/Player_Down.swf", player_down);
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip [判定用空スプライト] "hantei2" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 4
onClipEvent (load) { this.ZubonOroshi = function () { if (!this._parent.enemy.enemy.e_collider.hitTest(this._parent.znugihantei.collider)) { } else { this._parent.enemy.step = 100; this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30BA\u30DC\u30F3\u304A\u308D\u3057\uFF12"); } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.game_pause == 2) { _global.game_pause = 0; } ZubonOroshi(); }
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 4
_global.battle = 0; this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Shoumen.swf", shoumen);
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 5
player.player.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); player.step = 100; shoumen.main.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u3064\u304F\u3057\u5F85\u6A5F"); _root.k_aegi12.start();
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 7
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 8
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 13
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 34
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 37
_root.k_hyaa.start(); _global.kando = 117;
Instance of Symbol 294 MovieClip [シーン選択ズボンおろし後] "firstsentaku" in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 38
onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(60); }
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 39
Instance of Symbol 92 MovieClip [乗算影] in Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 40
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.yoru != 1) { gotoAndPlay("\u663C"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u591C"); } }
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 40
enemy.removeMovieClip(); player.removeMovieClip(); shoumen.removeMovieClip(); tachiback.removeMovieClip(); kage.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Shoumen.swf", shoumenfuck); this._x = 0;
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 42
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 44
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 45
shoumen.removeMovieClip(); enemy.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); kage.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Standback.swf", tachiback); this._x = 0;
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 47
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 48
tachiback.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Standback.swf", tachibackki); this._x = -2600;
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 50
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 52
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 53
tachibackki.removeMovieClip(); haimenzaibura.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); firstsentaku.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Frontstandback.swf", tachibackbura); this._x = -1100;
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 55
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 57
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 58
tachibackbura.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/Shoumen.swf", shoumenki); this._x = -2600;
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 60
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 62
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 63
shoumenki.removeMovieClip(); ikinaribasho.removeMovieClip(); this._parent.vbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); this._parent.sbar.gotoAndPlay("off"); var loader = new MovieClipLoader(); loader.loadClip("data/HaimenZai.swf", haimenzaibura); this._x = -1100;
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 65
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 67
Symbol 22 MovieClip [敵あるき] Frame 1
this._parent._x = this._parent._x - 10;
Symbol 22 MovieClip [敵あるき] Frame 2
Symbol 22 MovieClip [敵あるき] Frame 3
Symbol 10 MovieClip [あたり判定スプライト] Frame 2
Symbol 18 MovieClip [壁] Frame 2
Symbol 26 MovieClip [プレイヤー移動] Frame 16
Symbol 26 MovieClip [プレイヤー移動] Frame 18
Symbol 26 MovieClip [プレイヤー移動] Frame 24
Symbol 26 MovieClip [プレイヤー移動] Frame 26
Symbol 92 MovieClip [乗算影] Frame 2
Symbol 92 MovieClip [乗算影] Frame 4
Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 1
if (_root.p_step >= 55) { gotoAndPlay("\u30C0\u30A6\u30F3\u6642"); }
Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip [▲上] in Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.huku != 1) { if (_global.bura != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u30D6\u30E9"); } } else { gotoAndPlay("\u5236\u670D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip [←左] in Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { if (!(((_root.p_step == 29) && (_global.bura == 0)) && (_global.huku == 0))) { if (!(((_global.pan == 1) && (_root.p_step == 33)) || (_root.p_step == 35))) { if (!(((((_root.p_step == 30) || (_root.p_step == 27)) || (_root.p_step == 33)) || (_root.p_step == 31)) || (_root.p_step == 43))) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u3080\u306D\u3082\u307E\u308C"); } } else { gotoAndPlay("\u3072\u3063\u3071\u308A"); } } else { gotoAndPlay("\u3061\u304F\u3073"); } }
Instance of Symbol 216 MovieClip [→右] in Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { if (!((_root.p_step == 33) && (_global.pan == 1))) { if (!((((_root.p_step == 27) || (_root.p_step == 29)) || (_root.p_step == 31)) || (_root.p_step == 43))) { if (_root.p_step != 55) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u80A1\u3072\u3089\u304D"); } } else { gotoAndPlay("\u3057\u305F"); } } else { gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306E\u4E2D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip [▼下] in Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p_step != 43) { if (_global.ska != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30AB\u30FC\u30C8"); } } else { gotoAndPlay("\u30D1\u30F3\u30C4\u306C\u304C\u3057"); } }
Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 212 MovieClip [▲上] in Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p_step != 59) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } }
Instance of Symbol 218 MovieClip [←左] in Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p_step != 57) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u624B\u30DE\u30F3"); } }
Instance of Symbol 216 MovieClip [→右] in Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p_step != 55) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u80A1\u3072\u3089\u304D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip [▼下] in Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 6
onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p_step != 63) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u3086\u3063\u304F\u308A"); } }
Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] Frame 7
Symbol 210 MovieClip [●予感コマンド] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ] "yokanmatome" in Symbol 210 MovieClip [●予感コマンド] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 20; }
Symbol 210 MovieClip [●予感コマンド] Frame 4
if (yokanmatome._alpha < 100) { yokanmatome._alpha = yokanmatome._alpha + 10; gotoAndPlay("\u30D5\u30A7\u30FC\u30C9\u30A4\u30F3"); }
Symbol 210 MovieClip [●予感コマンド] Frame 6
Symbol 212 MovieClip [▲上] Frame 2
Symbol 212 MovieClip [▲上] Frame 4
Symbol 212 MovieClip [▲上] Frame 6
Symbol 212 MovieClip [▲上] Frame 8
Symbol 214 MovieClip [▼下] Frame 2
Symbol 214 MovieClip [▼下] Frame 4
Symbol 214 MovieClip [▼下] Frame 6
Symbol 214 MovieClip [▼下] Frame 8
Symbol 216 MovieClip [→右] Frame 2
Symbol 216 MovieClip [→右] Frame 4
Symbol 216 MovieClip [→右] Frame 6
Symbol 216 MovieClip [→右] Frame 8
Symbol 218 MovieClip [←左] Frame 2
Symbol 218 MovieClip [←左] Frame 4
Symbol 218 MovieClip [←左] Frame 6
Symbol 218 MovieClip [←左] Frame 8
Symbol 218 MovieClip [←左] Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] "ossanbar" in Symbol 128 MovieClip [■おっさん体力バー] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u304A\u3063\u3055\u3093"); this.StaminaBarE = function () { this._xscale = this._parent._parent.kouen.enemy.e_stamina * 50; if (this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale = 0; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { StaminaBarE(); }
Symbol 128 MovieClip [■おっさん体力バー] Frame 2
Symbol 128 MovieClip [■おっさん体力バー] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] "kandobar" in Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u611F\u5EA6"); this.KandoBar = function () { this._xscale = _global.kando * 250; if (this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale = 0; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { KandoBar(); }
Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 2
Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 4
Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] "staminabar" in Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { this.StaminaBar = function () { this._xscale = _root.p_stamina * 50; if (this._xscale < 0) { this._xscale = 0; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { StaminaBar(); }
Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 2
Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 4
Symbol 300 MovieClip [■フェードイン] Frame 2
Symbol 300 MovieClip [■フェードイン] Frame 39
Symbol 300 MovieClip [■フェードイン] Frame 41
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip [▲ブランコの前] in Symbol 550 MovieClip [最初から場所選択] Frame 41
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 340 MovieClip [▼木の下] in Symbol 550 MovieClip [最初から場所選択] Frame 41
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); } }
Symbol 550 MovieClip [最初から場所選択] Frame 42
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip [●まえから] in Symbol 294 MovieClip [シーン選択ズボンおろし後] Frame 41
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); } } else { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから] in Symbol 294 MovieClip [シーン選択ズボンおろし後] Frame 41
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); }
Symbol 294 MovieClip [シーン選択ズボンおろし後] Frame 42
Symbol 306 MovieClip [◎中出しボタン] Frame 2
Symbol 306 MovieClip [◎中出しボタン] Frame 4
Symbol 338 MovieClip [▼もっとゆっくり] Frame 2
Symbol 20000 Button
on (press) { if (_global.highkickver != 11) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30A8\u30E9\u30FC"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC"); } } on () { }
Symbol 20001 Button
on (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u30D0\u30C8\u30EB\u30B7\u30FC\u30F3"); } on () { }
Symbol 20002 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u64CD\u4F5C\u8AAC\u660E"); } on () { }
Symbol 20003 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u7740\u8863\u8A2D\u5B9A"); } on () { }
Symbol 20004 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u3042\u3089\u3059\u3058"); } on () { }
Symbol 20005 Button
on (press) { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3044\u304D\u306A\u308A\u30A8\u30C3\u30C1"); } on () { }
Symbol 20006 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay("\u6557\u5317\u6761\u4EF6"); }
Symbol 20007 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay("\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC"); }
Symbol 20008 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC"); } on () { }
Symbol 20009 Button
on (press) { = 1; = _global.ska; = _global.pan; = _global.bura; = _global.huku; = _global.kutu; = _global.sox; = _global.yoru; = _global.otovol; = _global.koevol; gotoAndPlay("\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC"); } on () { }
Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 14
Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 16
Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 18
Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 20
Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 701
Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 703
Instance of Symbol 452 MovieClip [制服] in Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 704
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.huku != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 454 MovieClip [ブラジャー] in Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 704
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.bura != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 456 MovieClip [スカート] in Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 704
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.ska != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 458 MovieClip [パンツ] in Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 704
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.pan != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 460 MovieClip [ソックス] in Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 704
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.sox != 1) { if (_global.sox != 2) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u30CB\u30FC\u30BD"); } } else { gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30BD"); } }
Instance of Symbol 462 MovieClip [クツ] in Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 704
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.kutu != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 464 MovieClip [昼夜判定] in Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 704
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.yoru != 1) { gotoAndPlay("\u663C"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u591C"); } }
Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 705
Symbol 336 MovieClip [▲もっと激しく] Frame 2
Symbol 548 MovieClip [●抱えられて] Frame 2
Symbol 548 MovieClip [●抱えられて] Frame 4
Symbol 298 MovieClip [●まえから] Frame 2
Symbol 298 MovieClip [●まえから] Frame 4
Symbol 318 MovieClip [▲ブランコの前] Frame 2
Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから] Frame 2
Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから] Frame 4
Symbol 350 MovieClip [▲トイレ2] Frame 2
Symbol 344 MovieClip [▼トイレ] Frame 2
Symbol 340 MovieClip [▼木の下] Frame 2
Symbol 20010 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20011 Button
on (press) { if (_global.ude != 1) { _global.ude = 1; this._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } else { _global.ude = 2; this._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20012 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20013 Button
on (press) { if (_global.itteru != 1) { if (_global.ude != 1) { _global.ude = 1; this._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } else { _global.ude = 2; this._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip [◎中出しボタン] in Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u767A\u5C04"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u5F8C"); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip [▲もっと激しく] in Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 1
on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this._parent._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [▼もっとゆっくり] in Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 3
on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { this._parent._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip [●まえから] in Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 145
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D\u6728"); }
Instance of Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから] in Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 145
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u3053\u306E\u307E\u307E"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { this._parent._parent.tachibackki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } } else { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D\u6728"); } }
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip [▲ブランコの前] in Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 145
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 344 MovieClip [▼トイレ] in Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 145
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); } }
Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 146
Symbol 20014 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20015 Button
on (press) { if (_global.ude != 1) { _global.ude = 1; this._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } else { _global.ude = 2; this._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20016 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20017 Button
on (press) { if (_global.itteru != 1) { if (_global.ude != 1) { _global.ude = 1; this._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } else { _global.ude = 2; this._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip [◎中出しボタン] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u767A\u5C04"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u5F8C"); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip [▲もっと激しく] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 1
on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this._parent._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [▼もっとゆっくり] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 3
on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { this._parent._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip [●まえから] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 145
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); }
Instance of Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 145
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u3053\u306E\u307E\u307E"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { this._parent._parent.tachiback.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } } else { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip [▲ブランコの前] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 145
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 340 MovieClip [▼木の下] in Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 145
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); } }
Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 146
Symbol 20018 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20019 Button
on (press) { if (_global.momi != 1) { if (_global.momi != 2) { _global.momi = 1; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } else { _global.momi = 0; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } else { _global.momi = 2; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20020 Button
on (press) { if (_global.ashi != 1) { _global.ashi = 1; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } else { _global.ashi = 2; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20021 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20022 Button
on (press) { if (_global.momi != 1) { if (_global.momi != 2) { _global.momi = 1; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } else { _global.momi = 0; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } else { _global.momi = 2; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20023 Button
on (press) { if (_global.ashi != 1) { _global.ashi = 1; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } else { _global.ashi = 2; this._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip [◎中出しボタン] in Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u767A\u5C04"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u5F8C"); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip [▲もっと激しく] in Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 1
on (press) { this._parent._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this._parent._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [▼もっとゆっくり] in Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 3
on (press) { this._parent._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { this._parent._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip [●まえから] in Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 105
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u3053\u306E\u307E\u307E"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); } } else { this._parent._parent.shoumenki.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから] in Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 105
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); }
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip [▲ブランコの前] in Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 105
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 344 MovieClip [▼トイレ] in Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 105
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D"); } }
Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 106
Symbol 20024 Button
on (press) { if (_global.momi != 1) { if (_global.momi != 2) { _global.momi = 1; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } else { _global.momi = 0; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } else { _global.momi = 2; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20025 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20026 Button
on (press) { if (_global.ashi != 1) { _global.ashi = 1; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } else { _global.ashi = 2; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20027 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20028 Button
on (press) { if (_global.momi != 1) { if (_global.momi != 2) { _global.momi = 1; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } else { _global.momi = 0; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } else { _global.momi = 2; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20029 Button
on (press) { if (_global.ashi != 1) { _global.ashi = 1; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } else { _global.ashi = 2; this._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip [◎中出しボタン] in Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u767A\u5C04"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u5F8C"); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip [▲もっと激しく] in Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 1
on (press) { this._parent._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this._parent._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [▼もっとゆっくり] in Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 3
on (press) { this._parent._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { this._parent._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip [●まえから] in Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 105
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u3053\u306E\u307E\u307E"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); } } else { this._parent._parent.shoumenfuck.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから] in Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 105
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); }
Instance of Symbol 318 MovieClip [▲ブランコの前] in Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 105
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 340 MovieClip [▼木の下] in Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 105
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D\u6728"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u6B63\u5E38\u4F4D\u6728"); } }
Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 106
Symbol 20030 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.haimenzaibura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20031 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.haimenzaibura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip [◎中出しボタン] in Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.haimenzaibura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u767A\u5C04"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u5F8C"); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip [▲もっと激しく] in Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 1
on (press) { this._parent._parent.haimenzaibura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this._parent._parent.haimenzaibura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [▼もっとゆっくり] in Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 3
on (press) { this._parent._parent.haimenzaibura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { this._parent._parent.haimenzaibura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから] in Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u3046\u3057\u308D\u304B\u3089"); } on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 548 MovieClip [●抱えられて] in Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u3053\u306E\u307E\u307E"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.haimenzaibura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { } } else { this._parent._parent.haimenzaibura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 350 MovieClip [▲トイレ2] in Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 85
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); } }
Instance of Symbol 340 MovieClip [▼木の下] in Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 85
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); } }
Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 86
Symbol 20032 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.tachibackbura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Symbol 20033 Button
on (press) { if (_global.pan != 1) { } else { _global.pan = 2; this._parent.tachibackbura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } } on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (release) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay(""); } on () { }
Instance of Symbol 306 MovieClip [◎中出しボタン] in Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 1
on (rollOver) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } on (rollOut) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachibackbura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u767A\u5C04"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u5F8C"); } on (releaseOutside) { gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Instance of Symbol 336 MovieClip [▲もっと激しく] in Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 1
on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachibackbura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { this._parent._parent.tachibackbura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u306F\u3052\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 338 MovieClip [▼もっとゆっくり] in Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 3
on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachibackbura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { this._parent._parent.tachibackbura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u3084\u3055\u3057\u304F"); } }
Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから] in Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u3053\u306E\u307E\u307E"); } on (press) { this._parent._parent.tachibackbura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { this._parent._parent.tachibackbura.main.gotoAndPlay("\u901A\u5E38"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } } }
Instance of Symbol 548 MovieClip [●抱えられて] in Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u304B\u304B\u3048\u3089\u308C\u3066"); } on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u80CC\u9762\u5EA7\u4F4D\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(39)) { if (Key.isDown(37)) { } } else { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u80CC\u9762\u5EA7\u4F4D\u30D6\u30E9\u30F3\u30B3\u524D"); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u4E2D\u51FA\u3057\u524D"); } }
Instance of Symbol 350 MovieClip [▲トイレ2] in Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 85
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF"); } }
Instance of Symbol 340 MovieClip [▼木の下] in Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 85
on (press) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.kuro.gotoAndPlay("on"); this._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("\u7ACB\u3061\u30D0\u30C3\u30AF\u6728"); } }
Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 86
Symbol 354 MovieClip [ますく] Frame 2
Symbol 20034 Button
on (press) { _global.huku = 0; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20035 Button
on (press) { _global.huku = 1; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("on"); } on () { }
Symbol 452 MovieClip [制服] Frame 2
Symbol 452 MovieClip [制服] Frame 4
Symbol 20036 Button
on (press) { _global.bura = 0; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20037 Button
on (press) { _global.bura = 1; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("on"); } on () { }
Symbol 454 MovieClip [ブラジャー] Frame 2
Symbol 454 MovieClip [ブラジャー] Frame 4
Symbol 20038 Button
on (press) { _global.ska = 0; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20039 Button
on (press) { _global.ska = 1; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("on"); } on () { }
Symbol 456 MovieClip [スカート] Frame 2
Symbol 456 MovieClip [スカート] Frame 4
Symbol 20040 Button
on (press) { _global.sox = 2; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("\u30CB\u30FC\u30BD"); } on () { }
Symbol 20041 Button
on (press) { _global.sox = 0; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20042 Button
on (press) { _global.sox = 1; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30BD"); } on () { }
Symbol 460 MovieClip [ソックス] Frame 2
Symbol 460 MovieClip [ソックス] Frame 4
Symbol 460 MovieClip [ソックス] Frame 6
Symbol 20043 Button
on (press) { _global.kutu = 0; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20044 Button
on (press) { _global.kutu = 1; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("on"); } on () { }
Symbol 462 MovieClip [クツ] Frame 2
Symbol 462 MovieClip [クツ] Frame 4
Symbol 20045 Button
on (press) { _global.yoru = 0; gotoAndPlay("\u663C"); } on () { }
Symbol 20046 Button
on (press) { _global.yoru = 1; gotoAndPlay("\u591C"); } on () { }
Symbol 464 MovieClip [昼夜判定] Frame 2
Symbol 464 MovieClip [昼夜判定] Frame 4
Symbol 486 MovieClip [CLICK] Frame 2
Symbol 20047 Button
on (press) { _global.pan = 0; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("off"); } on () { }
Symbol 20048 Button
on (press) { _global.pan = 1; this._parent.kisekae.gotoAndPlay("\u8868\u793A\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8"); gotoAndPlay("on"); } on () { }
Symbol 458 MovieClip [パンツ] Frame 2
Symbol 458 MovieClip [パンツ] Frame 4
Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] Frame 2
Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] Frame 4
Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変] Frame 6
Symbol 530 MovieClip [着せ替え表示目まばたき] Frame 38
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1; if (rand != 1) { gotoAndPlay("\u958B\u3051"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u307E\u3070\u305F\u304D"); }
Symbol 530 MovieClip [着せ替え表示目まばたき] Frame 39
Symbol 530 MovieClip [着せ替え表示目まばたき] Frame 52
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1; if (rand != 1) { gotoAndPlay("\u958B\u3051"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u307E\u3070\u305F\u304D\uFF12"); }
Symbol 530 MovieClip [着せ替え表示目まばたき] Frame 54
Symbol 530 MovieClip [着せ替え表示目まばたき] Frame 63
Symbol 530 MovieClip [着せ替え表示目まばたき] Frame 65
Symbol 524 MovieClip [着せ替え表示スカート] Frame 2
Symbol 524 MovieClip [着せ替え表示スカート] Frame 4
Symbol 526 MovieClip [着せ替え表示制服] Frame 2
Symbol 526 MovieClip [着せ替え表示制服] Frame 4
Symbol 522 MovieClip [着せ替え表示パンツ] Frame 2
Symbol 522 MovieClip [着せ替え表示パンツ] Frame 4
Symbol 528 MovieClip [着せ替え表示ブラ] Frame 2
Symbol 528 MovieClip [着せ替え表示ブラ] Frame 4
Symbol 520 MovieClip [着せ替え表示ソックス] Frame 2
Symbol 520 MovieClip [着せ替え表示ソックス] Frame 4
Symbol 520 MovieClip [着せ替え表示ソックス] Frame 6
Symbol 518 MovieClip [着せ替え表示靴] Frame 2
Symbol 518 MovieClip [着せ替え表示靴] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 524 MovieClip [着せ替え表示スカート] in Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.ska != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 526 MovieClip [着せ替え表示制服] in Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.huku != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 528 MovieClip [着せ替え表示ブラ] in Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.bura != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 522 MovieClip [着せ替え表示パンツ] in Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.pan != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 518 MovieClip [着せ替え表示靴] in Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.kutu != 1) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); } }
Instance of Symbol 520 MovieClip [着せ替え表示ソックス] in Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.sox != 1) { if (_global.sox != 2) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("\u30CB\u30FC\u30BD"); } } else { gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30BD"); } }
Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示] Frame 2
Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示] Frame 3
Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示] Frame 5
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 2
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 3
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { _root.k_ha3.start(); } else { _root.k_ha.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 5
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 6
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { _root.k_ha2.start(); } else { _root.k_hun.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 8
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 9
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (rand != 2) { _root.k_ike.start(); } else { _root.k_taa.start(); } } else { _root.k_tei.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 11
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 12
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (rand != 2) { _root.k_aegi14.start(); } else { _root.k_aegi12.start(); } } else { _root.k_hyaa.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 14
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 15
rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (rand != 2) { if (rand != 3) { } else { _root.k_hun.stop(); _root.k_suu3.start(); } } else { _root.k_hun.stop(); _root.k_suu2.start(); } } else { _root.k_hun.stop(); _root.k_suu1.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 17
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 18
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (rand != 2) { _root.k_haku3.start(); } else { _root.k_haku2.start(); } } else { _root.k_haku1.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 20
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 21
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { _root.k_kono.start(); } else { _root.k_iya.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 23
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 24
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { _root.k_aegi13.start(); } else { _root.k_aegi11.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 26
Instance of Symbol 230 MovieClip [■うえぬがされ声] in Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.game_pause != 0) { if (_global.game_pause != 1) { if (_global.game_pause == 2) {; } } else { this.stop(); } } }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 29
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 30
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { _root.k_aegi4.start(); } else { _root.k_aegi7.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 32
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 33
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { _root.k_aegi2.start(); } else { _root.k_aegi3.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 35
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 36
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) + 1; if (rand != 1) { _root.k_aegi4.start(); } else { _root.k_hyaa.start(); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 38
Instance of Symbol 274 MovieClip [■ひかえめあえぎ声] in Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 39
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("on\u3093"); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 40
Instance of Symbol 274 MovieClip [■ひかえめあえぎ声] in Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 41
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("on\u3042"); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 42
Instance of Symbol 272 MovieClip [■ふつうあえぎ声] in Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("on"); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 44
Instance of Symbol 392 MovieClip [■はげしくあえぎ声] in Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 45
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("on"); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 46
Instance of Symbol 394 MovieClip [■絶頂声] in Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 47
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("on"); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 48
Instance of Symbol 538 MovieClip [■絶頂イクイク] in Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("on"); }
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 50
Symbol 274 MovieClip [■ひかえめあえぎ声] Frame 2
Symbol 274 MovieClip [■ひかえめあえぎ声] Frame 3
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (rand != 2) { if (rand != 3) { if (rand != 4) { if (rand != 5) { if (rand != 6) { if (rand != 7) { if (rand == 8) { _root.k_hikaeme12.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme11.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme10.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme7.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme5.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme4.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme2.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme1.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Symbol 274 MovieClip [■ひかえめあえぎ声] Frame 104
Symbol 274 MovieClip [■ひかえめあえぎ声] Frame 105
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (rand != 2) { if (rand != 3) { if (rand != 4) { if (rand != 5) { if (rand != 6) { if (rand == 7) { _root.k_hikaeme15.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme14.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme13.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme9.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme8.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme6.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hikaeme3.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Symbol 274 MovieClip [■ひかえめあえぎ声] Frame 206
Symbol 538 MovieClip [■絶頂イクイク] Frame 2
Symbol 538 MovieClip [■絶頂イクイク] Frame 3
_root.k_hun.stop(); _root.k_ikuiku.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off");
Symbol 538 MovieClip [■絶頂イクイク] Frame 104
Symbol 394 MovieClip [■絶頂声] Frame 2
Symbol 394 MovieClip [■絶頂声] Frame 3
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (rand != 2) { if (rand != 3) { if (rand != 4) { if (rand == 5) { _root.k_iku5.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_iku4.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_iku3.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_iku2.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_iku1.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Symbol 394 MovieClip [■絶頂声] Frame 104
Symbol 392 MovieClip [■はげしくあえぎ声] Frame 2
Symbol 392 MovieClip [■はげしくあえぎ声] Frame 3
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 12) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (rand != 2) { if (rand != 3) { if (rand != 4) { if (rand != 5) { if (rand != 6) { if (rand != 7) { if (rand != 8) { if (rand != 9) { if (rand != 10) { if (rand != 11) { if (rand == 12) { _root.k_hagesi12.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi11.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi10.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi9.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi8.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi7.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi6.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi5.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi4.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi3.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi2.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_hagesi1.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Symbol 392 MovieClip [■はげしくあえぎ声] Frame 104
Symbol 272 MovieClip [■ふつうあえぎ声] Frame 2
Symbol 272 MovieClip [■ふつうあえぎ声] Frame 3
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 14) + 1; if (rand != 1) { if (rand != 2) { if (rand != 3) { if (rand != 4) { if (rand != 5) { if (rand != 6) { if (rand != 7) { if (rand != 8) { if (rand != 9) { if (rand != 10) { if (rand != 11) { if (rand != 12) { if (rand != 13) { if (rand == 14) { _root.k_aegi14.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi13.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi12.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi11.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi10.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi9.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi8.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi7.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi6.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi5.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi4.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi3.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi2.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); } } else { _root.k_aegi1.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Symbol 272 MovieClip [■ふつうあえぎ声] Frame 104
Symbol 230 MovieClip [■うえぬがされ声] Frame 2
Symbol 230 MovieClip [■うえぬがされ声] Frame 3
_root.k_hun.stop(); rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 1; if (rand != 1) { _root.k_aegi6.start(); } else { _root.k_aegi5.start(); }
Symbol 230 MovieClip [■うえぬがされ声] Frame 23
_root.k_hun.stop(); _root.k_haku1.start(); this._parent.gotoAndPlay("off");
Symbol 230 MovieClip [■うえぬがされ声] Frame 25
Symbol 54 MovieClip [声] Frame 3
Symbol 38 MovieClip [効果音] Frame 3
Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] in Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); }
Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 14
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] in Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 15
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u30B9\u30C8\u30EC\u30FC\u30C8"); }
Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 26
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] in Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF"); }
Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 38
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] in Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 39
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u30CF\u30A4\u30AD\u30C3\u30AF\u3072\u3056"); }
Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 50
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] in Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 51
onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay("\u30B8\u30E3\u30D6"); }
Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト] Frame 62
Symbol 78 MovieClip [デバッグ用状態表示] Frame 2
Symbol 78 MovieClip [デバッグ用状態表示] Frame 4
Symbol 70 MovieClip [ボリュームバーボイス] Frame 2
Symbol 60 MovieClip [ボリュームバー効果音] Frame 2
Symbol 88 MovieClip [EMPTY表示] Frame 25
if (0 < _root.p_stamina) { gotoAndPlay("off"); } else { gotoAndPlay("on"); }
Symbol 88 MovieClip [EMPTY表示] Frame 27
Symbol 88 MovieClip [EMPTY表示] Frame 64
if (0 >= _root.p_stamina) { gotoAndPlay("on2"); } else { gotoAndPlay("off"); }
Symbol 88 MovieClip [EMPTY表示] Frame 66
Symbol 88 MovieClip [EMPTY表示] Frame 67
Symbol 74 MovieClip [ポーズ表示] Frame 2
Symbol 74 MovieClip [ポーズ表示] Frame 4
Symbol 20049 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("hyouzi"); } on () { }
Symbol 20050 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("on"); } on () { }
Symbol 20051 Button
on (press) { _root.jhiton.start(); } on () { }
Symbol 20052 Button
on (press) { _root.k_hun.start(); } on () { }
Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 2
Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 60 MovieClip [ボリュームバー効果音] in Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5
on (press) { this.startDrag(false, 132, 61, 232, 61); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(mouse); } onClipEvent (load) { _x = _global.otovol + 132; _global.otovol = _x - 132; _root.jon.setVolume(_global.otovol); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.otovol = _x - 132; _root.jon.setVolume(_global.otovol); }
Instance of Symbol 70 MovieClip [ボリュームバーボイス] in Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5
on (press) { this.startDrag(false, 132, 107, 232, 107); } on (release, releaseOutside) { this.stopDrag(); } onClipEvent (mouseMove) { updateAfterEvent(mouse); } onClipEvent (load) { _x = _global.koevol + 132; _global.koevol = _x - 132; _root.k_hun.setVolume(_global.koevol); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _global.koevol = _x - 132; _root.k_hun.setVolume(_global.koevol); }
Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 6
Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] Frame 8
Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] Frame 17
Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] Frame 39
Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] Frame 48
Symbol 20053 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay("\u30AA\u30FC\u30D7\u30CB\u30F3\u30B0"); } on () { }

Library Items

Symbol 405 BitmapUsed by:406
Symbol 406 GraphicUses:405Used by:19998
Symbol 401 BitmapUsed by:402
Symbol 402 GraphicUses:401Used by:19998 404
Symbol 19998 MovieClip [アオクマシーロゴ]Uses:402 406Used by:Timeline
Symbol 551 FontUsed by:552
Symbol 552 EditableTextUses:551Used by:Timeline
Symbol 541 FontUsed by:542
Symbol 542 EditableTextUses:541Used by:404
Symbol 5 BitmapUsed by:6
Symbol 6 GraphicUses:5Used by:10
Symbol 19 FontUsed by:20
Symbol 20 EditableTextUses:19Used by:78
Symbol 15 FontUsed by:16
Symbol 16 EditableTextUses:15Used by:78
Symbol 23 FontUsed by:24
Symbol 24 EditableTextUses:23Used by:78
Symbol 27 FontUsed by:28
Symbol 28 EditableTextUses:27Used by:26 78
Symbol 559 BitmapUsed by:560
Symbol 560 GraphicUses:559Used by:536 484
Symbol 1 BitmapUsed by:2
Symbol 2 GraphicUses:1Used by:536 484
Symbol 89 BitmapUsed by:90
Symbol 90 GraphicUses:89Used by:92
Symbol 115 BitmapUsed by:116
Symbol 116 GraphicUses:115Used by:92
Symbol 487 BitmapUsed by:488
Symbol 488 GraphicUses:487Used by:516
Symbol 489 BitmapUsed by:490
Symbol 490 GraphicUses:489Used by:524
Symbol 491 BitmapUsed by:492
Symbol 492 GraphicUses:491Used by:520
Symbol 493 BitmapUsed by:494
Symbol 494 GraphicUses:493Used by:520
Symbol 495 BitmapUsed by:496
Symbol 496 GraphicUses:495Used by:522
Symbol 497 BitmapUsed by:498
Symbol 498 GraphicUses:497Used by:528
Symbol 499 BitmapUsed by:500
Symbol 500 GraphicUses:499Used by:526
Symbol 501 BitmapUsed by:502
Symbol 502 GraphicUses:501Used by:530
Symbol 503 BitmapUsed by:504
Symbol 504 GraphicUses:503Used by:516
Symbol 505 BitmapUsed by:506
Symbol 506 GraphicUses:505Used by:530
Symbol 507 BitmapUsed by:508
Symbol 508 GraphicUses:507Used by:530
Symbol 511 BitmapUsed by:512
Symbol 512 GraphicUses:511Used by:518
Symbol 513 BitmapUsed by:514
Symbol 514 GraphicUses:513Used by:516
Symbol 509 BitmapUsed by:510
Symbol 510 GraphicUses:509Used by:516
Symbol 475 BitmapUsed by:476
Symbol 476 GraphicUses:475Used by:20004
Symbol 477 BitmapUsed by:478
Symbol 478 GraphicUses:477Used by:20004
Symbol 479 BitmapUsed by:480
Symbol 480 GraphicUses:479Used by:404
Symbol 469 BitmapUsed by:470
Symbol 470 GraphicUses:469Used by:20009
Symbol 473 BitmapUsed by:474
Symbol 474 GraphicUses:473Used by:Timeline
Symbol 471 BitmapUsed by:472
Symbol 472 GraphicUses:471Used by:20009
Symbol 465 BitmapUsed by:466
Symbol 466 GraphicUses:465Used by:20003
Symbol 467 BitmapUsed by:468
Symbol 468 GraphicUses:467Used by:20003
Symbol 417 BitmapUsed by:418
Symbol 418 GraphicUses:417Used by:20044
Symbol 419 BitmapUsed by:420
Symbol 420 GraphicUses:419Used by:20043
Symbol 421 BitmapUsed by:422
Symbol 422 GraphicUses:421Used by:20038
Symbol 423 BitmapUsed by:424
Symbol 424 GraphicUses:423Used by:20039
Symbol 425 BitmapUsed by:426
Symbol 426 GraphicUses:425Used by:20041
Symbol 427 BitmapUsed by:428
Symbol 428 GraphicUses:427Used by:20048
Symbol 429 BitmapUsed by:430
Symbol 430 GraphicUses:429Used by:20037
Symbol 431 BitmapUsed by:432
Symbol 432 GraphicUses:431Used by:20040
Symbol 433 BitmapUsed by:434
Symbol 434 GraphicUses:433Used by:20047
Symbol 435 BitmapUsed by:436
Symbol 436 GraphicUses:435Used by:20036
Symbol 437 BitmapUsed by:438
Symbol 438 GraphicUses:437Used by:20034
Symbol 439 BitmapUsed by:440
Symbol 440 GraphicUses:439Used by:20035
Symbol 441 BitmapUsed by:442
Symbol 442 GraphicUses:441Used by:20045
Symbol 443 BitmapUsed by:444
Symbol 444 GraphicUses:443Used by:20046
Symbol 445 BitmapUsed by:446
Symbol 446 GraphicUses:445Used by:404
Symbol 447 BitmapUsed by:448
Symbol 448 GraphicUses:447Used by:20042
Symbol 449 BitmapUsed by:450
Symbol 450 GraphicUses:449Used by:404
Symbol 543 BitmapUsed by:544
Symbol 544 GraphicUses:543Used by:20006
Symbol 557 BitmapUsed by:558
Symbol 558 GraphicUses:557Used by:216
Symbol 545 BitmapUsed by:546
Symbol 546 GraphicUses:545Used by:548
Symbol 531 BitmapUsed by:532
Symbol 532 GraphicUses:531Used by:20005
Symbol 415 BitmapUsed by:416
Symbol 416 GraphicUses:415Used by:74
Symbol 533 BitmapUsed by:534
Symbol 534 GraphicUses:533Used by:20005
Symbol 481 BitmapUsed by:482
Symbol 482 GraphicUses:481Used by:20007
Symbol 407 BitmapUsed by:408
Symbol 408 GraphicUses:407Used by:20001
Symbol 409 BitmapUsed by:410
Symbol 410 GraphicUses:409Used by:20001
Symbol 411 BitmapUsed by:412
Symbol 412 GraphicUses:411Used by:20002
Symbol 413 BitmapUsed by:414
Symbol 414 GraphicUses:413Used by:20002
Symbol 397 BitmapUsed by:398
Symbol 398 GraphicUses:397Used by:404
Symbol 399 BitmapUsed by:400
Symbol 400 GraphicUses:399Used by:404 20053
Symbol 333 BitmapUsed by:334
Symbol 334 GraphicUses:333Used by:346 316 342 308 540 348
Symbol 351 BitmapUsed by:352
Symbol 352 GraphicUses:351Used by:354
Symbol 301 BitmapUsed by:302
Symbol 302 GraphicUses:301Used by:300 404
Symbol 323 BitmapUsed by:324
Symbol 324 GraphicUses:323Used by:214 338
Symbol 325 BitmapUsed by:326
Symbol 326 GraphicUses:325Used by:212 336
Symbol 327 BitmapUsed by:328
Symbol 328 GraphicUses:327Used by:350 344
Symbol 329 BitmapUsed by:330
Symbol 330 GraphicUses:329Used by:340
Symbol 331 BitmapUsed by:332
Symbol 332 GraphicUses:331Used by:318
Symbol 309 BitmapUsed by:310
Symbol 310 GraphicUses:309Used by:212 336
Symbol 311 BitmapUsed by:312
Symbol 312 GraphicUses:311Used by:214 338
Symbol 303 BitmapUsed by:304
Symbol 304 GraphicUses:303Used by:306
Symbol 313 BitmapUsed by:314
Symbol 314 GraphicUses:313Used by:548 298 296
Symbol 289 BitmapUsed by:290
Symbol 290 GraphicUses:289Used by:298
Symbol 291 BitmapUsed by:292
Symbol 292 GraphicUses:291Used by:296
Symbol 219 BitmapUsed by:220
Symbol 220 GraphicUses:219Used by:218
Symbol 221 BitmapUsed by:222
Symbol 222 GraphicUses:221Used by:218
Symbol 223 BitmapUsed by:224
Symbol 224 GraphicUses:223Used by:216
Symbol 225 BitmapUsed by:226
Symbol 226 GraphicUses:225Used by:214
Symbol 227 BitmapUsed by:228
Symbol 228 GraphicUses:227Used by:212
Symbol 207 BitmapUsed by:208
Symbol 208 GraphicUses:207Used by:240
Symbol 191 BitmapUsed by:192
Symbol 192 GraphicUses:191Used by:212
Symbol 193 BitmapUsed by:194
Symbol 194 GraphicUses:193Used by:218
Symbol 561 BitmapUsed by:562
Symbol 562 GraphicUses:561Used by:218
Symbol 195 BitmapUsed by:196
Symbol 196 GraphicUses:195Used by:216
Symbol 197 BitmapUsed by:198
Symbol 198 GraphicUses:197Used by:214
Symbol 199 BitmapUsed by:200
Symbol 200 GraphicUses:199Used by:214 344 340
Symbol 201 BitmapUsed by:202
Symbol 202 GraphicUses:201Used by:216 548 298
Symbol 203 BitmapUsed by:204
Symbol 204 GraphicUses:203Used by:218 296
Symbol 205 BitmapUsed by:206
Symbol 206 GraphicUses:205Used by:212 318 350
Symbol 123 BitmapUsed by:124
Symbol 124 GraphicUses:123Used by:128
Symbol 125 BitmapUsed by:126
Symbol 126 GraphicUses:125Used by:34
Symbol 31 BitmapUsed by:32
Symbol 32 GraphicUses:31Used by:34
Symbol 117 BitmapUsed by:118
Symbol 118 GraphicUses:117Used by:34
Symbol 79 BitmapUsed by:80
Symbol 80 GraphicUses:79Used by:128 122 82
Symbol 61 BitmapUsed by:62
Symbol 62 GraphicUses:61Used by:64
Symbol 65 BitmapUsed by:66
Symbol 66 GraphicUses:65Used by:70
Symbol 67 BitmapUsed by:68
Symbol 68 GraphicUses:67Used by:60
Symbol 71 BitmapUsed by:72
Symbol 72 GraphicUses:71Used by:74
Symbol 75 BitmapUsed by:76
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:75Used by:64
Symbol 83 BitmapUsed by:84
Symbol 84 GraphicUses:83Used by:82
Symbol 119 BitmapUsed by:120
Symbol 120 GraphicUses:119Used by:122
Symbol 85 BitmapUsed by:86
Symbol 86 GraphicUses:85Used by:88
Symbol 355 Sound [koe_hagesi1]Used by:54
Symbol 357 Sound [koe_hagesi2]Used by:54
Symbol 359 Sound [koe_hagesi3]Used by:54
Symbol 361 Sound [koe_hagesi4]Used by:54
Symbol 363 Sound [koe_hagesi5]Used by:54
Symbol 365 Sound [koe_hagesi6]Used by:54
Symbol 367 Sound [koe_hagesi7]Used by:54
Symbol 369 Sound [koe_hagesi8]Used by:54
Symbol 371 Sound [koe_hagesi9]Used by:54
Symbol 373 Sound [10]Used by:54
Symbol 375 Sound [koe_hagesi11]Used by:54
Symbol 377 Sound [koe_hagesi12]Used by:54
Symbol 379 Sound [koe_iku1]Used by:54
Symbol 381 Sound [koe_iku2]Used by:54
Symbol 383 Sound [koe_iku3]Used by:54
Symbol 385 Sound [koe_iku4]Used by:54
Symbol 387 Sound [koe_iku5]Used by:54
Symbol 389 Sound [koe_ikuiku]Used by:54
Symbol 241 Sound [koe_hikaeme1]Used by:54
Symbol 243 Sound [koe_hikaeme2]Used by:54
Symbol 245 Sound [koe_hikaeme3]Used by:54
Symbol 247 Sound [koe_hikaeme4]Used by:54
Symbol 249 Sound [koe_hikaeme5]Used by:54
Symbol 251 Sound [koe_hikaeme6]Used by:54
Symbol 253 Sound [koe_hikaeme7]Used by:54
Symbol 255 Sound [koe_hikaeme8]Used by:54
Symbol 257 Sound [koe_hikaeme9]Used by:54
Symbol 259 Sound [koe_hikaeme10]Used by:54
Symbol 261 Sound [koe_hikaeme11]Used by:54
Symbol 263 Sound [koe_hikaeme12]Used by:54
Symbol 265 Sound [koe_hikaeme13]Used by:54
Symbol 267 Sound [koe_hikaeme14]Used by:54
Symbol 269 Sound [koe_hikaeme15]Used by:54
Symbol 159 Sound [koe_aegi1]Used by:54
Symbol 161 Sound [koe_aegi2]Used by:54
Symbol 163 Sound [koe_aegi3]Used by:54
Symbol 165 Sound [koe_aegi4]Used by:54
Symbol 167 Sound [koe_aegi5]Used by:54
Symbol 169 Sound [koe_aegi6]Used by:54
Symbol 171 Sound [koe_aegi7]Used by:54
Symbol 173 Sound [koe_aegi8]Used by:54
Symbol 175 Sound [koe_aegi9]Used by:54
Symbol 177 Sound [koe_aegi10]Used by:54
Symbol 179 Sound [koe_aegi11]Used by:54
Symbol 181 Sound [koe_aegi12]Used by:54
Symbol 183 Sound [koe_aegi13]Used by:54
Symbol 185 Sound [koe_aegi14]Used by:54
Symbol 155 Sound [koe_kono]Used by:54
Symbol 157 Sound [koe_hyaa]Used by:54
Symbol 153 Sound [koe_iya]Used by:54
Symbol 151 Sound [koe_ike]Used by:54
Symbol 129 Sound [koe_ha]Used by:54
Symbol 187 Sound [koe_ha2]Used by:54
Symbol 189 Sound [koe_ha3]Used by:54
Symbol 137 Sound [koe_suu1]Used by:54
Symbol 139 Sound [koe_suu2]Used by:54
Symbol 141 Sound [koe_suu3]Used by:54
Symbol 143 Sound [koe_haku1]Used by:54
Symbol 145 Sound [koe_haku2]Used by:54
Symbol 147 Sound [koe_haku3]Used by:54
Symbol 131 Sound [koe_tei]Used by:54
Symbol 133 Sound [koe_hun]Used by:54
Symbol 149 Sound [koe_taa]Used by:54
Symbol 553 Sound [oto_taosu]Used by:38
Symbol 555 Sound [oto_taoreta]Used by:38
Symbol 281 Sound [oto_pachu1]Used by:38
Symbol 395 Sound [oto_ko]Used by:38
Symbol 283 Sound [oto_pachu2]Used by:38
Symbol 285 Sound [oto_dopyu1]Used by:38
Symbol 287 Sound [oto_dopyu2]Used by:38
Symbol 275 Sound [oto_kuchu]Used by:38
Symbol 277 Sound [oto_pansuri]Used by:38
Symbol 279 Sound [oto_pannuga]Used by:38
Symbol 237 Sound [oto_seihukubasa]Used by:38
Symbol 235 Sound [oto_ossanbasa]Used by:38
Symbol 11 Sound [oto_khit]Used by:38
Symbol 233 Sound [oto_skabasa]Used by:38
Symbol 231 Sound [oto_skachack]Used by:38
Symbol 35 Sound [oto_jhit]Used by:38
Symbol 39 Sound [oto_shit]Used by:38
Symbol 41 Sound [oto_jguard]Used by:38
Symbol 43 Sound [oto_sguard]Used by:38
Symbol 45 Sound [oto_j]Used by:38
Symbol 47 Sound [oto_s]Used by:38
Symbol 29 Sound [oto_k]Used by:22 38
Symbol 49 Sound [oto_aruki]Used by:38
Symbol 51 Sound [oto_ossanasi]Used by:38
Symbol 57 FontUsed by:58
Symbol 58 EditableTextUses:57Used by:20000 20008 20010 20011 20012 20013 20014 20015 20016 20017 20018 20019 20020 20021 20022 20023 20024 20025 20026 20027 20028 20029 20030 20031 20032 20033 20049 20050 20051 20052
Symbol 93 BitmapUsed by:94
Symbol 94 GraphicUses:93Used by:114
Symbol 95 BitmapUsed by:96
Symbol 96 GraphicUses:95Used by:114
Symbol 97 BitmapUsed by:98
Symbol 98 GraphicUses:97Used by:114
Symbol 99 BitmapUsed by:100
Symbol 100 GraphicUses:99Used by:114
Symbol 101 BitmapUsed by:102
Symbol 102 GraphicUses:101Used by:114
Symbol 103 BitmapUsed by:104
Symbol 104 GraphicUses:103Used by:114
Symbol 105 BitmapUsed by:106
Symbol 106 GraphicUses:105Used by:114
Symbol 107 BitmapUsed by:108
Symbol 108 GraphicUses:107Used by:114
Symbol 109 BitmapUsed by:110
Symbol 110 GraphicUses:109Used by:114
Symbol 111 BitmapUsed by:112
Symbol 112 GraphicUses:111Used by:114
Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●]Uses:136 210 122 82 128 484 536 14Used by:Timeline
Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園]Uses:2 92 8 18 14 550 294 308 316 346 560 348 342 540Used by:4
Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園]Uses:92 2 14 18 56 8 294 308 316 346 560 348 342 540Used by:4
Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]Used by:536 484  Timeline
Symbol 22 MovieClip [敵あるき]Uses:29
Symbol 14 MovieClip [判定用空スプライト]Used by:4 536 484
Symbol 10 MovieClip [あたり判定スプライト]Uses:6Used by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClip [壁]Uses:10Used by:536 484
Symbol 26 MovieClip [プレイヤー移動]Uses:28
Symbol 92 MovieClip [乗算影]Uses:90 116Used by:536 484
Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ]Uses:212 218 216 214 208Used by:210
Symbol 210 MovieClip [●予感コマンド]Uses:240Used by:4
Symbol 212 MovieClip [▲上]Uses:206 192 228 326 310Used by:240
Symbol 214 MovieClip [▼下]Uses:200 198 226 324 312Used by:240
Symbol 216 MovieClip [→右]Uses:202 196 224 558Used by:240
Symbol 218 MovieClip [←左]Uses:204 194 220 222 562Used by:240
Symbol 128 MovieClip [■おっさん体力バー]Uses:34 80 124Used by:4
Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー]Uses:354 34 80 120Used by:4
Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー]Uses:34 80 84 88Used by:4
Symbol 300 MovieClip [■フェードイン]Uses:302Used by:Timeline
Symbol 550 MovieClip [最初から場所選択]Uses:318 340Used by:536
Symbol 294 MovieClip [シーン選択ズボンおろし後]Uses:298 296Used by:536 484
Symbol 306 MovieClip [◎中出しボタン]Uses:304Used by:346 316 342 308 540 348
Symbol 338 MovieClip [▼もっとゆっくり]Uses:324 312Used by:346 316 342 308 540 348
Symbol 20000 ButtonUses:58Used by:404
Symbol 20001 ButtonUses:408 410Used by:404
Symbol 20002 ButtonUses:412 414Used by:404
Symbol 20003 ButtonUses:468 466Used by:404
Symbol 20004 ButtonUses:478 476Used by:404
Symbol 20005 ButtonUses:532 534Used by:404
Symbol 20006 ButtonUses:544Used by:404
Symbol 20007 ButtonUses:482Used by:404
Symbol 20008 ButtonUses:58Used by:404
Symbol 20009 ButtonUses:470 472Used by:404
Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル]Uses:402 400 398 20000 542 302 20001 20002 20003 20004 20005 20006 20007 20008 480 516 446 452 454 456 458 460 462 450 464 20009Used by:Timeline
Symbol 336 MovieClip [▲もっと激しく]Uses:326 310Used by:346 316 342 308 540 348
Symbol 548 MovieClip [●抱えられて]Uses:202 546 314Used by:540 348
Symbol 298 MovieClip [●まえから]Uses:202 290 314Used by:294 346 316 342 308
Symbol 318 MovieClip [▲ブランコの前]Uses:206 332Used by:550 346 316 342 308
Symbol 296 MovieClip [●うしろから]Uses:204 292 314Used by:294 346 316 342 308 540 348
Symbol 350 MovieClip [▲トイレ2]Uses:206 328Used by:540 348
Symbol 344 MovieClip [▼トイレ]Uses:200 328Used by:346 342
Symbol 340 MovieClip [▼木の下]Uses:200 330Used by:550 316 308 540 348
Symbol 20010 ButtonUses:58Used by:346
Symbol 20011 ButtonUses:58Used by:346
Symbol 20012 ButtonUses:58Used by:346
Symbol 20013 ButtonUses:58Used by:346
Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー]Uses:306 20010 20011 336 20012 20013 338 298 296 334 318 344Used by:536 484
Symbol 20014 ButtonUses:58Used by:316
Symbol 20015 ButtonUses:58Used by:316
Symbol 20016 ButtonUses:58Used by:316
Symbol 20017 ButtonUses:58Used by:316
Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー]Uses:306 20014 20015 336 20016 20017 338 298 296 334 318 340Used by:536 484
Symbol 20018 ButtonUses:58Used by:342
Symbol 20019 ButtonUses:58Used by:342
Symbol 20020 ButtonUses:58Used by:342
Symbol 20021 ButtonUses:58Used by:342
Symbol 20022 ButtonUses:58Used by:342
Symbol 20023 ButtonUses:58Used by:342
Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー]Uses:306 20018 20019 20020 336 20021 20022 20023 338 298 296 334 318 344Used by:536 484
Symbol 20024 ButtonUses:58Used by:308
Symbol 20025 ButtonUses:58Used by:308
Symbol 20026 ButtonUses:58Used by:308
Symbol 20027 ButtonUses:58Used by:308
Symbol 20028 ButtonUses:58Used by:308
Symbol 20029 ButtonUses:58Used by:308
Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー]Uses:306 20024 20025 20026 336 20027 20028 20029 338 298 296 334 318 340Used by:536 484
Symbol 20030 ButtonUses:58Used by:540
Symbol 20031 ButtonUses:58Used by:540
Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー]Uses:306 20030 336 20031 338 296 548 334 350 340Used by:536 484
Symbol 20032 ButtonUses:58Used by:348
Symbol 20033 ButtonUses:58Used by:348
Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー]Uses:306 20032 336 20033 338 296 548 334 350 340Used by:536 484
Symbol 354 MovieClip [ますく]Uses:352Used by:122
Symbol 20034 ButtonUses:438Used by:452
Symbol 20035 ButtonUses:440Used by:452
Symbol 452 MovieClip [制服]Uses:20034 20035Used by:404
Symbol 20036 ButtonUses:436Used by:454
Symbol 20037 ButtonUses:430Used by:454
Symbol 454 MovieClip [ブラジャー]Uses:20036 20037Used by:404
Symbol 20038 ButtonUses:422Used by:456
Symbol 20039 ButtonUses:424Used by:456
Symbol 456 MovieClip [スカート]Uses:20038 20039Used by:404
Symbol 20040 ButtonUses:432Used by:460
Symbol 20041 ButtonUses:426Used by:460
Symbol 20042 ButtonUses:448Used by:460
Symbol 460 MovieClip [ソックス]Uses:20040 20041 20042Used by:404
Symbol 20043 ButtonUses:420Used by:462
Symbol 20044 ButtonUses:418Used by:462
Symbol 462 MovieClip [クツ]Uses:20043 20044Used by:404
Symbol 20045 ButtonUses:442Used by:464
Symbol 20046 ButtonUses:444Used by:464
Symbol 464 MovieClip [昼夜判定]Uses:20045 20046Used by:404
Symbol 486 MovieClip [CLICK]
Symbol 20047 ButtonUses:434Used by:458
Symbol 20048 ButtonUses:428Used by:458
Symbol 458 MovieClip [パンツ]Uses:20047 20048Used by:404
Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変]Uses:32 118 126Used by:128 122 82
Symbol 530 MovieClip [着せ替え表示目まばたき]Uses:508 502 506Used by:516
Symbol 524 MovieClip [着せ替え表示スカート]Uses:490Used by:516
Symbol 526 MovieClip [着せ替え表示制服]Uses:500Used by:516
Symbol 522 MovieClip [着せ替え表示パンツ]Uses:496Used by:516
Symbol 528 MovieClip [着せ替え表示ブラ]Uses:498Used by:516
Symbol 520 MovieClip [着せ替え表示ソックス]Uses:492 494Used by:516
Symbol 518 MovieClip [着せ替え表示靴]Uses:512Used by:516
Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示]Uses:530 488 514 504 524 526 528 522 518 520 510Used by:404
Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト]Uses:230 274 272 392 394 538Used by:4
Symbol 274 MovieClip [■ひかえめあえぎ声]Used by:136
Symbol 538 MovieClip [■絶頂イクイク]Used by:136
Symbol 394 MovieClip [■絶頂声]Used by:136
Symbol 392 MovieClip [■はげしくあえぎ声]Used by:136
Symbol 272 MovieClip [■ふつうあえぎ声]Used by:136
Symbol 230 MovieClip [■うえぬがされ声]Used by:136
Symbol 54 MovieClip [声]Uses:129 137 139 141 143 145 147 133 131 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 241 243 245 247 249 251 253 255 257 259 261 263 265 267 269 355 357 359 361 363 365 367 369 371 373 375 377 379 381 383 385 387 389Used by:Timeline
Symbol 38 MovieClip [効果音]Uses:35 11 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 29 231 233 235 237 275 277 279 281 283 285 287 395 553 555Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト]Uses:114Used by:484
Symbol 78 MovieClip [デバッグ用状態表示]Uses:28 24 16 20Used by:Timeline
Symbol 70 MovieClip [ボリュームバーボイス]Uses:66Used by:64
Symbol 60 MovieClip [ボリュームバー効果音]Uses:68Used by:64
Symbol 88 MovieClip [EMPTY表示]Uses:86Used by:82
Symbol 74 MovieClip [ポーズ表示]Uses:72 416Used by:Timeline
Symbol 20049 ButtonUses:58Used by:64
Symbol 20050 ButtonUses:58Used by:64
Symbol 20051 ButtonUses:58Used by:64
Symbol 20052 ButtonUses:58Used by:64
Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面]Uses:20049 76 20050 20051 20052 60 70 62Used by:Timeline
Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト]Uses:94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112Used by:56
Symbol 20053 ButtonUses:400Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"_PreLoader"Frame 1Symbol 19998 MovieClip [アオクマシーロゴ]
"vercheck564"Frame 2Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"koukaon"Frame 2Symbol 38 MovieClip [効果音]
"koe"Frame 2Symbol 54 MovieClip [声]
"kuro"Frame 5Symbol 300 MovieClip [■フェードイン]
"debug"Frame 5Symbol 78 MovieClip [デバッグ用状態表示]
"volsetting"Frame 5Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面]
"pausehyouzi"Frame 5Symbol 74 MovieClip [ポーズ表示]
"main"Frame 5Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●]
"ins_"Frame 74Symbol 552 EditableText
"koesousa"Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 1Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト]
"yokan"Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 1Symbol 210 MovieClip [●予感コマンド]
"ebar"Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 1Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー]
"sbar"Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 1Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー]
"vbar"Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 1Symbol 128 MovieClip [■おっさん体力バー]
"kouen"Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 1Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園]
"debughantei"Symbol 4 MovieClip [●●メイン●●] Frame 7Symbol 14 MovieClip [判定用空スプライト]
"player"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"enemy"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"znugihantei"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 2Symbol 18 MovieClip [壁]
"hantei2"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 2Symbol 14 MovieClip [判定用空スプライト]
"shoumen"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 2Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"ikinaribasho"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 34Symbol 550 MovieClip [最初から場所選択]
"firstsentaku"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 34Symbol 294 MovieClip [シーン選択ズボンおろし後]
"tachiseijousentaku"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 36Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー]
"shoumenfuck"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 36Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"tachibacksentaku"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 41Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー]
"tachiback"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 41Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"tachibackki"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 44Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"tachibackbura"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 49Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"shoumenki"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 54Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"haimenzaibura"Symbol 536 MovieClip [◆エッチ:公園] Frame 59Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"kage"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 92 MovieClip [乗算影]
"hantei"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 14 MovieClip [判定用空スプライト]
"rightwall"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip [壁]
"leftwall"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 18 MovieClip [壁]
"effect"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 56 MovieClip [攻撃エフェクト]
"player_down"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"player"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"enemy"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"znugihantei"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 4Symbol 18 MovieClip [壁]
"hantei2"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 4Symbol 14 MovieClip [判定用空スプライト]
"shoumen"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 4Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"firstsentaku"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 38Symbol 294 MovieClip [シーン選択ズボンおろし後]
"tachiseijousentaku"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 40Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー]
"shoumenfuck"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 40Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"tachibacksentaku"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 45Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー]
"tachiback"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 45Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"tachibackki"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 48Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"tachibackbura"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 53Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"shoumenki"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 58Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"haimenzaibura"Symbol 484 MovieClip [◆バトル:公園] Frame 63Symbol 8 MovieClip [読み込み用空スプライト]
"collider"Symbol 18 MovieClip [壁] Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip [あたり判定スプライト]
"ins_p_state"Symbol 26 MovieClip [プレイヤー移動] Frame 1Symbol 28 EditableText
"ins_p_state"Symbol 26 MovieClip [プレイヤー移動] Frame 6Symbol 28 EditableText
"ins_p_state"Symbol 26 MovieClip [プレイヤー移動] Frame 11Symbol 28 EditableText
"ins_p_state"Symbol 26 MovieClip [プレイヤー移動] Frame 19Symbol 28 EditableText
"yokanmatome"Symbol 210 MovieClip [●予感コマンド] Frame 3Symbol 240 MovieClip [予感まとめ]
"ossanbar"Symbol 128 MovieClip [■おっさん体力バー] Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変]
"barmask"Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 1Symbol 354 MovieClip [ますく]
"kandobar"Symbol 122 MovieClip [■感度バー] Frame 2Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変]
"staminabar"Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 1Symbol 34 MovieClip [スタミナバー可変]
"stamina0"Symbol 82 MovieClip [■スタミナバー] Frame 1Symbol 88 MovieClip [EMPTY表示]
"ins_"Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 13Symbol 20000 Button
"ins_"Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 15Symbol 542 EditableText
"ins_"Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 21Symbol 20008 Button
"kisekae"Symbol 404 MovieClip [●オープニングタイトル] Frame 704Symbol 516 MovieClip [●きせかえ女子表示]
"ins_"Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20010 Button
"ins_"Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20011 Button
"ins_"Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20012 Button
"ins_"Symbol 346 MovieClip [■立ちバック木メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20013 Button
"ins_"Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20014 Button
"ins_"Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20015 Button
"ins_"Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20016 Button
"ins_"Symbol 316 MovieClip [■立ちバック壁メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20017 Button
"ins_"Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20018 Button
"ins_"Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20019 Button
"ins_"Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20020 Button
"ins_"Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20021 Button
"ins_"Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20022 Button
"ins_"Symbol 342 MovieClip [■立ち正常位木メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20023 Button
"ins_"Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20024 Button
"ins_"Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20025 Button
"ins_"Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20026 Button
"ins_"Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20027 Button
"ins_"Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20028 Button
"ins_"Symbol 308 MovieClip [■立ち正常位メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20029 Button
"ins_"Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20030 Button
"ins_"Symbol 540 MovieClip [■背面座位ブランコ前メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20031 Button
"ins_"Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 1Symbol 20032 Button
"ins_"Symbol 348 MovieClip [■立ちバックブランコ前メニュー] Frame 3Symbol 20033 Button
"ins_p_state"Symbol 78 MovieClip [デバッグ用状態表示] Frame 3Symbol 28 EditableText
"ins_ossan"Symbol 78 MovieClip [デバッグ用状態表示] Frame 3Symbol 24 EditableText
"ins_joutai"Symbol 78 MovieClip [デバッグ用状態表示] Frame 3Symbol 16 EditableText
"ins_hyouzi"Symbol 78 MovieClip [デバッグ用状態表示] Frame 3Symbol 20 EditableText
"ins_"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 3Symbol 20049 Button
"ins_"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5Symbol 20050 Button
"ins_"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5Symbol 20051 Button
"ins_"Symbol 64 MovieClip [音量設定画面] Frame 5Symbol 20052 Button

Special Tags

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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 373 as "10"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 375 as "koe_hagesi11"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 518 as "着せ替え表示靴"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 394 as "■絶頂声"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 392 as "■はげしくあえぎ声"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 272 as "■ふつうあえぎ声"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 230 as "■うえぬがされ声"
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"スカートぬがされ"Symbol 136 MovieClip [●声操作用スプライト] Frame 33
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"ジャブ"Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] Frame 1
"ストレート"Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] Frame 9
"ハイキック"Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] Frame 18
"ハイキックひざ"Symbol 114 MovieClip [エフェクト] Frame 40

Dynamic Text Variables

hyouziSymbol 20 EditableText""
joutaiSymbol 16 EditableText""
ossanSymbol 24 EditableText""
p_stateSymbol 28 EditableText""
Created: 25/7 -2019 15:15:24 Last modified: 25/7 -2019 15:15:24 Server time: 15/11 -2024 09:23:54