Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2599 · P5197

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Furry Fury Legend of the Twin Orbs 0.710.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #205315

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 63 bosshealthbarorange { } movieClip 65 badguyhealthbar { } movieClip 68 heightbox { frame 1 { if (_root.testmode == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } var testmode = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 71 { frame 1 { if (_root.testmode == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 73 trashwall { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 21 { _root.quest_fireout = true; loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 78 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndStop(2); } } stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 64 // unknown tag 88 length 75 movieClip 86 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_zombiecount <= 0) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 88 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_pirateboss == 0) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 90 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shipclear == 0) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 92 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_getmedkit >= 2) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 97 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_savemage == 5 or _root.quest_savemage == 6) { stop(); } } frame 2 { if (_root.player == 11) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 99 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_zombiecount <= 0 and _root.quest_armdoor >= 2) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 101 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shippower == 7 or _root.quest_shippower == 11) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 111 { frame 1 { var monstercounter = 5; if (_root.quest_zombiecount <= 0) { --monstercounter; } if (_root.quest_pirateboss == 0) { --monstercounter; } if (_root.quest_shipclear == 0) { --monstercounter; } gotoAndStop(monstercounter); } } movieClip 120 { frame 1 { var questcounter = 6; if (_root.quest_getmedkit >= 2) { --questcounter; } if (_root.quest_savemage == 5 or _root.quest_savemage == 6 or _root.player == 11) { --questcounter; } if (_root.quest_zombiecount <= 0 and _root.quest_armdoor >= 2) { --questcounter; } if (_root.quest_shippower == 7 or _root.quest_shippower == 11) { --questcounter; } gotoAndStop(questcounter); } } button 125 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(3); _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _root.camframe.removeMovieClip(); _root.fadeout.removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } button 127 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 129 checklistboxact1 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; } frame 5 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 6 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 7 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 8 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 9 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 10 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 11 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 12 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 13 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 14 { this._alpha = 100; } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 22 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 23 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 24 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 25 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 26 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 27 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 28 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 29 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 30 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 31 { this._alpha = 0; = _root.maxhealth; _root.cumchest = 5; _root.cumface = 5; _root.poisonlevel = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('Comic-A2Start'); _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _root.camframe.removeMovieClip(); _root.fadeout.removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 135 { } movieClip 136 energyball2 { } movieClip 138 { } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 141 energyball-dark { } movieClip 145 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndPlay(41); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } } } movieClip 148 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndPlay(41); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } } } movieClip 149 energyball { } movieClip 194 { } movieClip 225 item_symbol_drop { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 228 { frame 1 { if (_root.testmode == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 229 item_drop { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'Pick up this item?'; if (_root.player % 10 == 3 and item_symbol._currentframe > 340 and item_symbol._currentframe < 351) { _root.choiceA = 'Warriors may not equip staves'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (_root.player % 10 == 1 and item_symbol._currentframe > 330 and item_symbol._currentframe < 341) { _root.choiceA = 'Wizards may not equip large weapons.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.choiceA = 'yes'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { _root.held = 901;; if (this.item_symbol._currentframe > 600) { _root.itemnew = this.item_symbol._currentframe - 600; _root.itemnewh = 601; _root.itemselect = 3; } else { if (this.item_symbol._currentframe > 300) { _root.itemnew = this.item_symbol._currentframe - 300; _root.itemnewh = 301; _root.itemselect = 1; } else { _root.itemnew = 1 + Math.floor((this.item_symbol._currentframe - 1) / 10) * 10; _root.itemnewh = (this.item_symbol._currentframe - _root.itemnew) * 25; _root.itemselect = 2; } } } frame 52 { loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 275 item_symbol { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 276 item_drop_ani { frame 1 { var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; } frame 1 { var wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 2 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 3 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 4 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 5 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 6 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 7 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 8 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 9 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 10 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 11 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 12 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 13 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 100, 400, true)) { this._x -= 25; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 100, 400, true)) { this._x += 25; } } frame 14 { wallcheck = _root.camframe._x + item_symbol._x * this._xscale / 100; if (_root.rightwall.hitTest(wallcheck + 125, 400, true)) { this._x -= 50; } if (_root.leftwall.hitTest(wallcheck - 125, 400, true)) { this._x += 50; } } frame 15 { _root.attachMovie('item_drop', 'obj' + itemnumber, 1001 + itemnumber); _root['obj' + itemnumber]._x = this._x + 3.75 * this._xscale; _root['obj' + itemnumber]._y = 550; _root['obj' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(this.item_symbol._currentframe); loadMovie('', this); stop(); } } movieClip 278 { } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 285 { } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 289 { } movieClip 291 { } movieClip 292 { frame 11 { this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 293 zombiedoor { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 295 { } movieClip 297 { } movieClip 299 { } movieClip 301 { } movieClip 303 { } movieClip 305 { } movieClip 307 { } movieClip 309 { } movieClip 311 { } movieClip 313 { } movieClip 315 { } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 319 { } movieClip 321 { } movieClip 326 { } movieClip 328 { } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 334 { } movieClip 336 { } movieClip 337 { } movieClip 338 { } movieClip 339 { } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 342 { } movieClip 343 { frame 1 { var unloadcounter = 0; if (_root._currentframe > 49) { unloadcounter = 240; } } frame 21 { ++unloadcounter; if (unloadcounter < 240) { gotoAndPlay(16); } } frame 23 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 24 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 25 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 26 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 27 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 28 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 29 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 30 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 31 { this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 345 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 352 { } movieClip 357 { } movieClip 358 { frame 24 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 25 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 26 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 27 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 28 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 29 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 30 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 31 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 32 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 33 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 34 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 35 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 36 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 37 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 38 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 39 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 40 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 41 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 42 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 43 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 44 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 45 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 46 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 47 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 48 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 49 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 50 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 51 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 52 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 53 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 54 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 55 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 56 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 57 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 58 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 59 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 60 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 61 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 62 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 63 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 64 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 65 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 66 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 67 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 68 { this._parent._x += this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 69 { loadMovie('', this._parent); } } movieClip 359 { } movieClip 360 wolfman { } movieClip 362 { } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 370 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 376 { } movieClip 378 { } movieClip 380 { } movieClip 382 { } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 389 { } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 397 { } movieClip 398 { } movieClip 400 { } movieClip 402 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 408 { frame 1 { var unloadcounter = 0; if (_root._currentframe > 40) { unloadcounter = 240; } } frame 21 { ++unloadcounter; if (unloadcounter < 240) { gotoAndPlay(16); } } frame 23 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 24 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 25 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 26 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 27 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 28 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 29 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 30 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 31 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 32 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 33 { this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 417 { } movieClip 418 { frame 31 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 32 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 33 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 34 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 35 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 36 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 37 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 38 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 39 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 40 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 41 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 42 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 43 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 44 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 45 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 46 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 47 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 48 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 49 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 50 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 51 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 52 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 53 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 54 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 55 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 56 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 57 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 58 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 59 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 60 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 61 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 62 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 63 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 64 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 65 { this._parent._x -= this._parent._xscale / 2; } frame 66 { loadMovie('', this._parent); } } movieClip 419 catguy { } movieClip 461 earthmound { } movieClip 490 wave { } movieClip 496 { } movieClip 506 { } movieClip 508 { } movieClip 512 { } movieClip 530 { } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 552 { } movieClip 562 { } movieClip 564 { } movieClip 568 { } movieClip 569 { } movieClip 570 { } movieClip 571 { frame 1 { i = 0; var movebosshere = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; } frame 10 { whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { _root['bghb' + i]._y = 1000; } ++i; } if (Math.random() > 0.66) { gotoAndPlay('Attack2'); } } frame 11 { movebosshere = _root.camframe._x; if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 12 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 13 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 14 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 15 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 16 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 17 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 18 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 19 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 20 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 21 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 22 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 23 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 24 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 25 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 26 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 27 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 28 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 29 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 30 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 31 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 32 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 33 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 34 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 35 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 36 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 37 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 38 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 39 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } } frame 40 { if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - movebosshere) > 50) { if (this._parent._x > movebosshere) { this._parent._x -= 50; } else { this._parent._x += 50; } } else { this._parent._x = movebosshere; } gotoAndPlay('EndAttack'); } frame 51 { if (_root.camframe._x > 0) { movebosshere = -50; } else { movebosshere = 50; } this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 52 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 53 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 54 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 55 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 56 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 57 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 58 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 59 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 60 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 61 { if (_root.BGA.length > 6) { if (_root.held < 100) { i = 2; while (i >= 0) { if (_root.BGA[i][0] == 11) { _root[_root.BGA[i][5]].gotoAndStop(21); _root[_root.BGA[i][6]].removeMovieClip; _root.BGA.splice([i][0], 1); } --i; } } } _root.addmobs(11, -2100, 3000, 50, 2); _root.addmobs(11, -2100, 3000, 50, 2); } frame 61 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 62 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 63 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 64 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 65 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 66 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 67 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 68 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 69 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 70 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 71 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 72 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 73 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 74 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 75 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 76 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 77 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 78 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 79 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; } frame 80 { this._parent._x += movebosshere; gotoAndPlay('EndAttack'); } frame 100 { whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { _root[_root.BGA[i][6]]._x = this._parent._x; _root[_root.BGA[i][6]]._y = 550; } ++i; } stop(); } } movieClip 573 { } movieClip 574 { frame 1 { _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(51); _root.held = 905; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(9); } frame 21 { _root.quest_shipclear = 0; loadMovie('', this._parent); } } movieClip 581 { frame 150 { _root.BGA[0][9] = _root.BGtype[18][5]; _root.bghb0._y = 550; } frame 181 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } movieClip 582 slimeboss { } movieClip 584 { } movieClip 586 { } movieClip 588 { } movieClip 590 { } movieClip 592 { } movieClip 594 { } movieClip 596 { } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 600 { } movieClip 605 { } movieClip 607 { } movieClip 609 { } movieClip 611 { } movieClip 613 { } movieClip 615 { } movieClip 618 { } movieClip 619 M19loader { frame 1 { blackout._alpha = 50; } frame 2 { if (_root.camframe._x > this._parent._x) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_root._currentframe == 40) { if (Math.abs(_root.camframe._x - this._parent._x) > 500) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 3 { blackout._alpha = 75; } frame 4 { blackout._alpha = 100; } frame 8 { blackout._alpha = 75; } frame 10 { blackout._alpha = 50; } frame 12 { blackout._alpha = 25; } frame 30 { j = 0; i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { _root.BGA[i][9] = _root.BGtype[19][5]; _root['bghb' + i]._y = 550 + i * 2; } ++i; } } } movieClip 620 { } movieClip 621 { frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 623 { } movieClip 624 { frame 9 { var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('m19_punchbox', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 8, 1, 75]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 200; } else { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 8, -1, 75]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 200; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 200; } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 629 { } movieClip 630 { } movieClip 631 { frame 3 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 5 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { if (_root.quest_pirateboss > 1) { --_root.quest_pirateboss; } this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 632 pirate { } movieClip 641 { } movieClip 710 { frame 56 { gotoAndPlay(6); } } movieClip 732 { frame 54 { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 734 { } movieClip 741 { frame 6 { this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 743 { frame 20 { var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { _root.BGA[i][9] = _root.BGtype[11][5]; _root['bghb' + i]._y = 550 + i * 2; } ++i; } stop(); } } movieClip 744 slimetentacle { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 747 symbol_poison { frame 1 { var loopcount = 0; } frame 5 { this._y -= 5; ++loopcount; if (loopcount < 30) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { this.unloadMovie(); } } } movieClip 750 M22_HighHammerBox { frame 1 { if (_root.testmode == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 751 m19_punchbox { frame 1 { if (_root.testmode == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 752 { } movieClip 754 { } movieClip 756 { } movieClip 758 { } movieClip 760 { } movieClip 762 { } movieClip 764 { } movieClip 766 { } movieClip 768 { } movieClip 770 { } movieClip 772 { } movieClip 774 { } movieClip 776 { } movieClip 779 { } movieClip 783 { } movieClip 786 { } movieClip 788 { } movieClip 790 { } movieClip 792 { } movieClip 794 { } movieClip 796 { } movieClip 798 { } // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 802 M20loader { frame 2 { if (Math.abs(_root.camframe._x - this._parent._x) > 400) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _root.held = 990; _root.xstart = -125; _root.xfinish = -124;; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 12 { if (_root.held >= 900) { gotoAndPlay(11); } } frame 13 { _root.crate1.gotoAndStop(6); _root.crate2.gotoAndStop(6); _root.leftwall._y = 0; _root.rightwall._y = 0; if (_root.quest_pirateboss > _root.BGA.length) { addmobs(19, -1000, 1500, 750, 2); } } frame 14 { _root.BGA[0][9] = _root.BGtype[20][5]; _root.bghb0._y = 550; } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 804 { } movieClip 806 { } movieClip 807 { } movieClip 808 { frame 21 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 820 { } movieClip 837 { frame 1 { if (_root.BGA.length < _root.quest_pirateboss / 2) { gotoAndPlay('addBGs'); } } frame 14 { var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('m20whiphitbox', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 6, 1, 75]); if (_parent._xscale == -100) { _root.monatt[a][3] = -1; _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 250; } else { _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 250; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 200; } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 31 { if (_root.quest_pirateboss > _root.BGA.length) { _root.addmobs(19, -1000, 2000, 250, 2); _root.addmobs(19, -1000, 2000, 250, 2); } } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 841 { } movieClip 842 { } movieClip 843 { frame 3 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 5 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { if (_root._currentframe == 44) { _root.quest_pirateboss = 0; _root.crate1.gotoAndStop(11); _root.crate2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.crate1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1202', 1202); _root.crate2.swapDepths(_root.topbox1202); _root.topbox1202.unloadMovie(); _root.leftwall._y = 1000; _root.rightwall._y = 1000; } this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 844 pirateboss { } movieClip 845 m20whiphitbox { frame 1 { if (_root.testmode == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 846 firepile { } movieClip 847 ss_fire { frame 16 { var damage = _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; var i = 0; i = _root.BGA.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[i][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; _root.BGA[i][7] += damage; _root[_root.BGA[i][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } --i; } this._xscale -= 5; this._yscale -= 5; if (this._xscale <= 40) { loadMovie('', this); } else { gotoAndPlay('Loop'); } } } movieClip 854 ss_earth { frame 1 { var damage = _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; } frame 25 { if (_root.held !== 50) { this.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } frame 31 { if (_root.wpn == 42 and _root.held == 50) { gotoAndPlay('Loop'); } } frame 75 { damage *= this._xscale / 2; var i = 0; i = _root.BGA.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[i][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; if (_root.BGA[i][7] < 500) { _root.BGA[i][7] += damage; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] = damage; } _root[_root.BGA[i][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } --i; } } frame 79 { this.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 865 { } movieClip 875 ss_water { frame 16 { this._xscale -= 2; this._yscale -= 2; if (_root.BGA[0][8] == 50) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[0][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[0][4] -= _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._yscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; } } } frame 21 { this._xscale -= 2; this._yscale -= 2; if (_root.BGA[0][8] == 50) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[0][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[0][4] -= _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._yscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; } } } frame 26 { this._xscale -= 2; this._yscale -= 2; if (_root.BGA[0][8] == 50) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[0][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[0][4] -= _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._yscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; } } } frame 31 { this._xscale -= 2; this._yscale -= 2; if (_root.BGA[0][8] == 50) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[0][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[0][4] -= _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._yscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; } } } frame 36 { this._xscale -= 2; this._yscale -= 2; if (_root.BGA[0][8] == 50) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[0][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[0][4] -= _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._yscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; } } } frame 41 { this._xscale -= 2; this._yscale -= 2; if (_root.BGA[0][8] == 50) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[0][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[0][4] -= _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._yscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; } } } frame 46 { this._xscale -= 2; this._yscale -= 2; if (_root.BGA[0][8] == 50) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[0][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[0][4] -= _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._yscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; } } } frame 51 { var damage = _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag; var i = 0; i = _root.BGA.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.BGA[i][5]].bghitbox)) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; _root.BGA[i][7] += damage; _root[_root.BGA[i][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } --i; } this._xscale -= 2; this._yscale -= 2; if (this._xscale <= 40) { loadMovie('', this); } else { gotoAndPlay(10 + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 20)); } } } movieClip 877 { } movieClip 879 { } movieClip 881 { } movieClip 883 { } movieClip 885 { } movieClip 887 { } movieClip 889 { } movieClip 891 { } movieClip 893 { } movieClip 895 { } movieClip 897 { } movieClip 899 { } movieClip 901 { } movieClip 903 { } movieClip 905 { } movieClip 907 { } movieClip 911 { } movieClip 913 { } movieClip 915 { } movieClip 917 { } movieClip 919 { } movieClip 924 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 925 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_savemage == 6) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_root.quest_savemage == 5) { stop(); } } } frame 3 { function BGjumpcheck() { if (Math.abs(_root.camframe._x - _root.obj3._x) < 500) { _root.bg10._x -= 100; _root.bg10._y = 575; _root.BGA[_root.BGA.length - 1][3] = _root.BGtype[16][3] * _root.gamediff; if (llhbb < 100) { _root.quest_savemage = 5; _root.firechecked[7] = 2; gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.quest_savemage = 10; gotoAndPlay(51); } } } var llhbb = 20; var b = 16; var i = 10; _root.attachMovie(_root.BGtype[b][0], 'bg' + i, i); _root['bg' + i]._x = 1250; _root['bg' + i]._y = 1575; _root.BGA.push([b, _root.BGtype[b][1] * _root.gamediff, _root.BGtype[b][2] * _root.gamediff, 0, 50 + _root.BGtype[b][1] * 10 * _root.gamediff, 'bg' + i, 'bghb' + i, 0, _root.BGtype[b][4], _root.BGtype[b][5], _root.BGtype[b][6]]); _root.attachMovie('badguyhealthbar', 'bghb' + i, i + 100); _root['bghb' + i]._x = 1250; _root['bghb' + i]._y = 600; _root['bghb' + i]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } frame 6 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 9 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 12 { if (llhbb < 100) { ++llhbb; leileihealth.healthbarblock._xscale = llhbb; _root.BGA[_root.BGA.length - 1][4] -= 1; } else { leileieye.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 12 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 15 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 18 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 20 { if (llhbb < 100) { ++llhbb; leileihealth.healthbarblock._xscale = llhbb; _root.BGA[_root.BGA.length - 1][4] -= 1; } else { leileieye.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 21 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 24 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 27 { if (llhbb < 100) { ++llhbb; leileihealth.healthbarblock._xscale = llhbb; _root.BGA[_root.BGA.length - 1][4] -= 1; } else { leileieye.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 27 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 31 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 34 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 35 { if (llhbb < 100) { ++llhbb; leileihealth.healthbarblock._xscale = llhbb; _root.BGA[_root.BGA.length - 1][4] -= 1; } else { leileieye.gotoAndStop(6); } gotoAndPlay('Loop'); } frame 52 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 53 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 54 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 55 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 56 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 57 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 58 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 59 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 60 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 61 { removeMovieClip(_root.obj3); } } movieClip 936 magerescue { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_savemage == 0) { _root.held = 988; _root.xfinish = 1350; _root.xsprite = obj3;; _root.quest_savemage = 1; gotoAndPlay(301); } else { stop(); } } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_savemage > 5) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'This wizard is offering you her magical hat as a reward for saving her life.'; _root.choiceA = '(accept starter wizard hat)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = '(body/say) What are you doing up here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = '(spirit/say) Anything else I should know about this area?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'Speak with the wizard Lei-Lei'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(body/say) What are you doing up here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = '(spirit/say) Anything else I should know about this area?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 55 { _root.quest_savemage = 6; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 2; _root.itemnewh = 601; stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.quest_savemage > 5) { gotoAndPlay(106); } } frame 105 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 111 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 151 { if (_root.quest_savemage > 5) { gotoAndPlay(156); } } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 161 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 306 { stop(); } } movieClip 973 { } movieClip 974 slimewall { frame 21 { loadMovie('', this); } } // unknown tag 88 length 73 movieClip 982 endingtalkact1 { frame 1 { var delaycount = 0; } frame 20 { ++delaycount; if (delaycount < 3) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 21 { delaycount = 0; } frame 61 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 62 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 63 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 64 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 65 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 66 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 67 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 68 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 69 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 70 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 71 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 72 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 73 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 74 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 75 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 76 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 77 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 78 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 79 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 80 { this._alpha = 100; } frame 181 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 182 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 183 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 184 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 185 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 186 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 187 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 188 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 189 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 190 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 191 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 192 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 193 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 194 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 195 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 196 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 197 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 198 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 199 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 200 { this._alpha = 100; } frame 241 { this._alpha = 100; } frame 281 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 282 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 283 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 284 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 285 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 286 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 287 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 288 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 289 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 290 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 291 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 292 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 293 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 294 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 295 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 296 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 297 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 298 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 299 { this._alpha -= 5; } frame 300 { this._alpha = 100; _root.attachMovie('checklistboxact1', 'CLB1', 2002); _root.CLB1._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.CLB1._y = 0; loadMovie('', this); stop(); } } movieClip 984 { } movieClip 986 { } movieClip 988 { } movieClip 990 { } movieClip 992 { } movieClip 994 { } movieClip 996 { } movieClip 998 { } movieClip 1000 { } movieClip 1002 { } movieClip 1004 { } movieClip 1006 { } movieClip 1008 { } movieClip 1010 { } movieClip 1012 { } movieClip 1014 { } movieClip 1016 { } movieClip 1018 { } movieClip 1020 { } movieClip 1022 { } movieClip 1024 { } movieClip 1026 { } movieClip 1027 { } movieClip 1028 { } movieClip 1030 { } movieClip 1033 { frame 11 { var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('m20whiphitbox', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 8, 1, 85]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x; } else { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 8, -1, 85]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 200; } frame 14 { var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('earthmound', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 12, 10, 200]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 150; } else { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 12, -10, 200]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 150; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 600; } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 1034 { } movieClip 1035 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe < 101) { if (Math.random() <= 0.33) { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay(51); } else { gotoAndPlay(101); } } } } frame 3 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; if (_root._currentframe < 101) { ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; if (Math.random() > 0.5) { var itemnew = 342; } else { var itemnew = 113; } _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x - this._parent._xscale * 2; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = this._parent._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(itemnew); } } frame 5 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { ++_root.villagebunnies; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } frame 53 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; var itemnew = 342; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x - this._parent._xscale * 2; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = this._parent._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(itemnew); } frame 55 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 57 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 59 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 61 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 63 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 65 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 67 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 69 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 71 { ++_root.villagebunnies; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } frame 103 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; var itemnew = 113; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x - this._parent._xscale * 2; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = this._parent._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(itemnew); } frame 105 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 107 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 109 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 111 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 113 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 115 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 117 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 119 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 121 { ++_root.villagebunnies; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 1036 bunnygirl { } movieClip 1038 { } movieClip 1040 { } movieClip 1042 { } movieClip 1044 { } movieClip 1046 { } movieClip 1048 { } movieClip 1050 { } movieClip 1052 { } movieClip 1054 { } movieClip 1056 { } movieClip 1061 { } movieClip 1063 { } movieClip 1065 { } movieClip 1067 { } movieClip 1069 { } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1073 { } movieClip 1075 { } movieClip 1076 { } movieClip 1077 { } movieClip 1079 { } movieClip 1081 { } movieClip 1082 { frame 20 { var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('energyball2', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 10, 20, 150]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 200; } else { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 10, -20, 150]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 200; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 300; } frame 26 { a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('energyball2', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 10, 20, 150]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 200; } else { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 10, -20, 150]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 200; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 300; } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 1083 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe == 72) { if (_root.KFoxHealth > 0 and _root.KFoxHealth < 100) { _root.KFoxHealth = 105; _root.obj6.gotoAndStop(1); } i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (_root.BGA[i][9] == 2) { _root.BGA[i][9] = _root.BGtype[28][5]; } ++i; } } } } movieClip 1085 { } movieClip 1086 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe == 72) { if (_root.KFoxHealth > 0 and _root.KFoxHealth < 100) { _root.KFoxHealth = 105; _root.obj6.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root._currentframe < 101) { if (Math.random() <= 0.33) { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay(51); } else { gotoAndPlay(101); } } } } frame 3 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 5 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { ++_root.villagebunnies; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } frame 52 { ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; var itemnew = 311; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x - this._parent._xscale * 2; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = this._parent._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(itemnew); } frame 53 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 55 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 57 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 59 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 61 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 63 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 65 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 67 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 69 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 71 { ++_root.villagebunnies; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } frame 102 { ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; var itemnew = 609; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x - this._parent._xscale * 2; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = this._parent._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(itemnew); } frame 103 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 105 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 107 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 109 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 111 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 113 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 115 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 117 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 119 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 121 { ++_root.villagebunnies; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 1090 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1092 { } movieClip 1094 { } movieClip 1096 { } movieClip 1098 { } movieClip 1100 { } movieClip 1102 { } movieClip 1104 { } movieClip 1106 { } movieClip 1108 { } movieClip 1110 { } movieClip 1112 { } movieClip 1115 { } movieClip 1117 { } movieClip 1119 { } movieClip 1121 { } movieClip 1123 { } movieClip 1125 { } movieClip 1127 { } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1137 { } movieClip 1147 { } movieClip 1155 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 1157 { } movieClip 1165 { } movieClip 1167 { } movieClip 1170 { } movieClip 1172 { } movieClip 1174 { } movieClip 1176 { } movieClip 1178 { frame 1 { function BGjumpcheck() { if (Math.abs(_root.camframe._x - this._parent._x) < 250) { _root.KFoxHealth = 105; _root.obj6.gotoAndStop(1); i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (_root.BGA[i][9] == 2) { _root.BGA[i][9] = _root.BGtype[28][5]; } ++i; } } } } frame 81 { splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 100 { if (_root.held > 900) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 5); } else { _root.bghb0._y = 550; _root.bghb1._y = 550; } } frame 105 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 110 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 115 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 120 { BGjumpcheck(); } frame 121 { _root.KFoxHealth -= 6; KFHB._x += 20; _root.BGA[0][4] -= 4; _root.BGA[1][4] -= 4; _root.bghb0._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root.bghb1._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; if (_root.KFoxHealth > 0) { gotoAndPlay('Grab'); } } frame 151 { _root.KFoxHealth = 0; removeMovieClip(_root.obj6); i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (_root.BGA[i][9] == 2) { _root.BGA[i][9] = _root.BGtype[28][5]; } ++i; } stop(); } } movieClip 1179 bunnyguy { } movieClip 1181 { } movieClip 1183 { } movieClip 1185 { } movieClip 1187 { } movieClip 1189 { } movieClip 1191 { } movieClip 1193 { } movieClip 1195 { } movieClip 1197 { } movieClip 1199 { } movieClip 1201 { } movieClip 1203 { } movieClip 1205 { } movieClip 1207 { } movieClip 1209 { } movieClip 1211 { } movieClip 1213 { } movieClip 1215 { } movieClip 1217 { } movieClip 1218 { } movieClip 1219 { } movieClip 1220 { frame 1 { whoamihb = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { whoamihb = _root.BGA[i][6]; } ++i; } } frame 10 { this._parent._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 11 { this._parent._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 12 { this._parent._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('m20whiphitbox', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 9, 1, 85]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 100; } else { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 9, -1, 85]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 100; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 200; } frame 13 { this._parent._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 14 { this._parent._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 1222 { } movieClip 1223 { } movieClip 1224 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe < 101) { if (Math.random() <= 0.33) { gotoAndPlay(51); } } } frame 3 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 5 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { ++_root.villagehumans; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } frame 53 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; var itemnew = 321; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x - this._parent._xscale * 2; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = this._parent._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(itemnew); } frame 55 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 57 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 59 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 61 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 63 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 65 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 67 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 69 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 71 { ++_root.villagehumans; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 1225 barbariangirl { } movieClip 1227 { } movieClip 1229 { } movieClip 1231 { } movieClip 1233 { } movieClip 1235 { } movieClip 1237 { } movieClip 1239 { } movieClip 1241 { } movieClip 1243 { } movieClip 1245 { } movieClip 1247 { } movieClip 1249 { } movieClip 1251 { } movieClip 1253 { } movieClip 1255 { } movieClip 1257 { } movieClip 1259 { } movieClip 1261 { } movieClip 1262 { } movieClip 1264 { } movieClip 1265 { } movieClip 1268 { frame 1 { whoamihb = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { whoamihb = _root.BGA[i][6]; } ++i; } } frame 8 { var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('m20whiphitbox', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 18, 1, 75]); if (_parent._xscale == -100) { _root.monatt[a][3] = -1; _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 300; } else { _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 300; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 200; } frame 23 { var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('m20whiphitbox', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 18, 1, 75]); if (_parent._xscale == -100) { _root.monatt[a][3] = -1; _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 300; } else { _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 300; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 200; } frame 29 { this._parent._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 30 { this._parent._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 31 { this._parent._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 32 { this._parent._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 33 { this._parent._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; } } movieClip 1270 { } movieClip 1271 { } movieClip 1273 { } movieClip 1275 { } movieClip 1276 { frame 11 { _root.DropItem(this._parent._x, this._parent._xscale * -1, 611); _root.obj1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.obj2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.obj3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.obj1.objecthitbox.gotoAndStop(1); _root.obj2.objecthitbox.gotoAndStop(1); _root.obj3.objecthitbox.gotoAndStop(1); _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(1); _root.act2clear += 1; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; _root.DropItem(this._parent._x, this._parent._xscale, 333); } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 23 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 25 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 27 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 29 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 31 { this._parent._alpha = 100; i = 5; while (i >= 0) { _root['bg' + i].removeMovieClip(); _root['bghb' + i].removeMovieClip(); _root.BGA.splice([i][0], 1); --i; } } } movieClip 1279 { } movieClip 1281 { } movieClip 1283 { } movieClip 1285 { } movieClip 1288 { } movieClip 1290 { } movieClip 1292 { } movieClip 1294 { } movieClip 1297 { } movieClip 1299 { } movieClip 1301 { } movieClip 1303 { } movieClip 1305 { } movieClip 1308 { } movieClip 1310 { } movieClip 1312 { } movieClip 1314 { } movieClip 1316 { } // unknown tag 88 length 69 movieClip 1327 { } movieClip 1334 { } movieClip 1339 { } movieClip 1341 { } movieClip 1360 { frame 2 { if (_root.camframe._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _root.held = 982; _root.xstart = 0; _root.xfinish = 1250;; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); _root.obj1.gotoAndStop(201); _root.obj2.gotoAndStop(201); _root.obj3.gotoAndStop(201); _root.obj1.objecthitbox.gotoAndStop(11); _root.obj2.objecthitbox.gotoAndStop(11); _root.obj3.objecthitbox.gotoAndStop(11); } frame 25 { if (_root.held <= 986) { gotoAndPlay(6); } } frame 51 { _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(6); _root.BGA[0][9] = _root.BGtype[27][5]; _root.bghb0._y = 550; _root.addmobs(22, -1300, -1300, 0, 0); _root.BGA[1][3] = 0; _root.addmobs(22, -1250, -1250, 0, 0); _root.BGA[2][3] = 0; _root.bg2._y += 50; _root.addmobs(22, 1800, 1800, 0, 0); _root.BGA[3][3] = 0; _root.bg3._xscale = -100; _root.addmobs(22, 1750, 1750, 0, 0); _root.BGA[4][3] = 0; _root.bg4._y += 50; _root.bg4._xscale = -100; stop(); } } movieClip 1361 vendel { } movieClip 1363 { } movieClip 1365 { } movieClip 1367 { } movieClip 1369 { } movieClip 1371 { } movieClip 1373 { } movieClip 1375 { } movieClip 1377 { } movieClip 1379 { } movieClip 1381 { } movieClip 1383 { } movieClip 1385 { } movieClip 1387 { } movieClip 1389 { } movieClip 1391 { } movieClip 1393 { } movieClip 1395 { } movieClip 1397 { } movieClip 1399 { } movieClip 1400 { } movieClip 1401 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe == 80) { stop(); } } } movieClip 1403 { } movieClip 1405 { } movieClip 1407 { } movieClip 1409 { } movieClip 1410 { frame 1 { whoamihb = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { whoamihb = _root.BGA[i][6]; } ++i; } } frame 10 { this._parent._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 11 { this._parent._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 12 { this._parent._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.2 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 13 { this._parent._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.1 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 14 { var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('M22_HighHammerBox', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 15, 1, 75]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 300; } else { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 15, -1, 75]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 300; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 100; } frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 1412 { } movieClip 1413 { } movieClip 1415 { } movieClip 1417 { } movieClip 1418 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe < 101) { if (Math.random() <= 0.33) { gotoAndPlay(51); } } } frame 3 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 5 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { ++_root.villagehumans; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } frame 52 { var itemnew = 332; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x - this._parent._xscale * 2; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = this._parent._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(itemnew); } frame 53 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 55 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 57 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 59 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 61 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 63 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 65 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 67 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 69 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 71 { ++_root.villagehumans; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 1419 barbarianguy { } movieClip 1421 { } movieClip 1423 { } movieClip 1425 { } movieClip 1427 { } movieClip 1429 { } movieClip 1431 { } movieClip 1433 { } movieClip 1435 { } movieClip 1437 { } movieClip 1439 { } movieClip 1441 { } movieClip 1443 { } movieClip 1445 { } movieClip 1447 { } movieClip 1449 { } movieClip 1451 { } movieClip 1453 { } movieClip 1455 { } movieClip 1456 { } movieClip 1457 { frame 2 { j = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { _root.BGA[i][1] = 2 * _root.gamediff; } ++i; } } } movieClip 1458 { frame 6 { var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { _root.BGA[i][1] = 3 * _root.gamediff; } ++i; } stop(); } } movieClip 1461 { } movieClip 1462 { frame 1 { whoamihb = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { whoamihb = _root.BGA[i][6]; _root.BGA[i][1] = 5 * _root.gamediff; _root.BGA[i][7] = 984; } ++i; } } frame 4 { cloud1._alpha -= 15; cloud2._alpha -= 10; cloud3._alpha -= 10; } frame 5 { cloud1._alpha -= 15; cloud2._alpha -= 10; cloud3._alpha -= 10; } frame 6 { cloud1._alpha -= 15; cloud2._alpha -= 10; cloud3._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { cloud1._alpha -= 15; cloud2._alpha -= 10; cloud3._alpha -= 10; } frame 8 { cloud1._alpha -= 15; cloud2._alpha -= 10; cloud3._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { cloud1._alpha -= 15; cloud2._alpha -= 10; cloud3._alpha -= 10; } frame 10 { cloud1._alpha = 0; cloud2._alpha -= 10; cloud3._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { cloud1._alpha = 0; cloud2._alpha -= 10; cloud3._alpha -= 10; } frame 12 { cloud1._alpha = 0; cloud2._alpha -= 10; cloud3._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { cloud1._alpha = 0; cloud2._alpha = 0; cloud3._alpha = 0; } frame 15 { this._parent._x += 4 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 4 * this._parent._xscale; if (this._parent._x < _root.camframe._x) { this._parent._xscale = 100; } else { this._parent._xscale = -100; } stop(); } } movieClip 1464 { } movieClip 1465 { frame 1 { j = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { if (_root.BGA[i][1] == 3 * _root.gamediff) { _root.BGA[i][1] = 4 * _root.gamediff; this._parent.gotoAndStop(12); } } ++i; } stop(); } } movieClip 1467 { } movieClip 1468 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe < 101) { if (Math.random() <= 0.33) { gotoAndPlay(51); } } } frame 3 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 5 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { ++_root.villageelves; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } frame 53 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; var itemnew = 610; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x - this._parent._xscale * 2; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = this._parent._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(itemnew); } frame 55 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 57 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 59 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 61 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 63 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 65 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 67 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 69 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 71 { ++_root.villageelves; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 1469 elfgirl { } movieClip 1471 { } movieClip 1473 { } movieClip 1475 { } movieClip 1477 { } movieClip 1479 { } movieClip 1481 { } movieClip 1483 { } movieClip 1485 { } movieClip 1487 { } movieClip 1489 { } movieClip 1493 { } movieClip 1495 { } movieClip 1497 { } movieClip 1499 { } movieClip 1501 { } movieClip 1503 { } movieClip 1505 { } movieClip 1507 { } movieClip 1509 { } movieClip 1510 { } movieClip 1511 gnomemerchant { } movieClip 1513 { } movieClip 1515 { } movieClip 1517 { } movieClip 1519 { } movieClip 1521 { } movieClip 1523 { } movieClip 1525 { } movieClip 1527 { } movieClip 1529 { } movieClip 1531 { } movieClip 1533 { } movieClip 1535 { } movieClip 1537 { } movieClip 1539 { } movieClip 1541 { } movieClip 1543 { } movieClip 1544 { } movieClip 1546 { } movieClip 1548 { } movieClip 1549 { frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1550 mcelfguy { } movieClip 1552 { } movieClip 1554 { } movieClip 1556 { } movieClip 1558 { } movieClip 1560 { } movieClip 1562 { } movieClip 1564 { } movieClip 1566 { } movieClip 1568 { } movieClip 1570 { } movieClip 1572 { } movieClip 1574 { } movieClip 1576 { } movieClip 1578 { } movieClip 1580 { } movieClip 1582 { } movieClip 1583 { } movieClip 1584 { } movieClip 1585 { frame 1 { whoamihb = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { whoamihb = _root.BGA[i][6]; } ++i; } } frame 4 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 5 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('m20whiphitbox', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 208, 5, 100]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x; } else { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 208, -5, 100]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 200; } frame 6 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 7 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 8 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 9 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 10 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 11 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 12 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 13 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 14 { this._parent._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 0.25 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 1587 { } movieClip 1588 { } movieClip 1590 { } movieClip 1592 { } movieClip 1594 { } movieClip 1596 { } movieClip 1597 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe < 101) { if (Math.random() <= 0.33) { gotoAndPlay(51); } } } frame 3 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 5 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { ++_root.villageelves; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } frame 52 { var itemnew = 302; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x - this._parent._xscale * 2; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = this._parent._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(itemnew); } frame 53 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 55 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 57 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 59 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 61 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 63 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 65 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 67 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 69 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 71 { ++_root.villageelves; this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 1603 { frame 2 { if (Math.abs(_root.camframe._x - this._parent._x) > 400) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 3 { _root.held = 990; _root.xstart = 1000; _root.xfinish = 1000;; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 12 { if (_root.held >= 900) { gotoAndPlay(11); } } frame 13 { _root.act2clear += 2; k = 0; j = 0; i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; i = 2; while (i <= 6) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2 + 25); if (b > 26) { b = 26; } _root.addmobs(b, -500, -100, 200, 0); ++i; } } frame 14 { _root.BGA[0][9] = _root.BGtype[25][5]; _root.bghb0._y = 550; var NewItemNumber = 612; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = this._parent._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 1604 elfguy { } movieClip 1605 fireball_staff { } movieClip 1606 fireball { } movieClip 1617 Quest_RescueKFox { frame 1 { if (_root.KFoxHealth == 101) { _root.KFoxHealth = 100; _root.held = 987; _root.xstart = _root.camframe._x; _root.xfinish = -2200;; } if (_root.KFoxHealth <= 101) { gotoAndStop(201); } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.KFoxHealth == 110) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.KFoxHealth == 106) { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.KFoxHealth <= 101) { gotoAndStop(201); } _root.choicetext = 'K. would like to reward you for saving her. Although barely clothed, she\'s carrying around quite a bit of extra stuff in her pack.'; _root.choiceA = '(Accept reward / say) Sure, what do you have?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = '(body/say) What are you doing here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'K. would like to reward you for saving her. Although barely clothed, she\'s carrying around quite a bit of extra stuff in her pack.'; _root.choiceA = '(Accept) Balistic Armor'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = '(Accept) Medkit'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.player % 10 == 1) { _root.choiceD = '(Accept) Staff of Water (mop)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Accept) Fireaxe'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'K. is packing up her stuff, looks like she\'s getting read to leave.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(body/say) What are you doing here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.KFoxHealth == 106) { gotoAndPlay(61); } } frame 60 { _root.KFoxHealth = 106; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(11); stop(); } frame 65 { _root.KFoxHealth = 110; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 41; _root.itemnewh = 150; stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.KFoxHealth == 106) { gotoAndPlay(111); } } frame 105 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 116 { _root.KFoxHealth = 110; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 4; _root.itemnewh = 601; stop(); } frame 155 { _root.KFoxHealth = 110; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; if (_root.player % 10 == 1) { _root.itemnew = 41; _root.itemnewh = 301; } else { _root.itemnew = 31; _root.itemnewh = 301; } stop(); } } movieClip 1619 M29_FlowerDone { } movieClip 1620 heightchanger { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1623 { frame 1 { if (_root.testmode == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1625 { } movieClip 1627 { } movieClip 1629 { } movieClip 1632 { } movieClip 1634 { } movieClip 1636 { } movieClip 1638 { } movieClip 1640 { } movieClip 1642 { } movieClip 1644 { } movieClip 1646 { } movieClip 1647 { } movieClip 1672 { } movieClip 1675 { frame 1 { if (_root.testmode == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1680 { } movieClip 1683 { } movieClip 1685 { } movieClip 1688 { } movieClip 1716 { frame 12 { whoamihb = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { whoamihb = _root.BGA[i][6]; } ++i; } this._parent._x += 1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 1 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 15 { whoamihb = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { whoamihb = _root.BGA[i][6]; } ++i; } this._parent._x += 1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 1 * this._parent._xscale; var a = _root.monatt.length; ++_root.mpnum; if (_root.mpnum > 40) { _root.mpnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie('M22_HighHammerBox', 'mp' + _root.mpnum, 250 + _root.mpnum); if (_parent._xscale == 100) { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 1210, 35, 75]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x + 350; } else { _root.monatt.push([0, ['mp' + _root.mpnum], 1210, -35, 75]); _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._x = _parent._x - 350; } _root['mp' + _root.mpnum]._y = 500; } frame 18 { whoamihb = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { whoamihb = _root.BGA[i][6]; } ++i; } this._parent._x += 1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 1 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 21 { whoamihb = 0; var i = 0; var whoami = this._parent._target; i = 0; while (i < _root.BGA.length) { if (whoami == '/' + _root.BGA[i][5]) { whoamihb = _root.BGA[i][6]; } ++i; } this._parent._x += 1 * this._parent._xscale; _root[whoamihb]._x += 1 * this._parent._xscale; } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 1718 { } movieClip 1719 { } movieClip 1721 { } movieClip 1722 { frame 3 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 5 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 7 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 9 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 11 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 13 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 15 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 17 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 19 { this._parent._alpha -= 10; } frame 21 { this._parent._alpha = 100; this._parent.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 1723 snakeman { frame 26 { this.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 1745 roc { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_shippower < 7) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'Talk to Rock?'; _root.choiceA = '(say): What are you planning to do now?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); switch (_root.quest_armdoor) { case 0: _root.choiceS = '(body / say): As a reward for defeating the pirates, how about a better weapon?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 1: _root.choiceS = '(body / say): The Armory is locked. Any idea how to open it?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 3: _root.choiceS = '(body / say): All the guns in the armory are empty!'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); break; default: _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.quest_getmedkit == 1) { _root.choiceD = '(spirit / say): The captain is badly hurt & needs a medkit.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root.quest_fireout == false) { _root.choiceD = 'Any idea how I could put out that fire blocking the Cargo Bay?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); } } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'Talk to Rock?'; _root.choiceA = '(say): What happened? How did you end up locked in here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); switch (_root.quest_armdoor) { case 0: _root.choiceS = '(body / say): I\'ll help you fight the pirates. Is there anything I can use here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 1: _root.choiceS = '(body / say): The Armory is locked. Any idea how to open it?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 3: _root.choiceS = '(body / say): All the guns in the armory are empty!'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); break; default: _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.quest_getmedkit > 0 and _root.quest_getmedkit < 3) { _root.choiceD = '(spirit / say): The captain is badly hurt & needs a medkit.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.quest_shippower < 7) { gotoAndPlay(61); } } frame 55 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 65 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 101 { switch (_root.quest_armdoor) { case 0: gotoAndPlay(111); break; case 1: gotoAndPlay(121); break; case 3: gotoAndPlay(141); break; default: stop(); } } frame 105 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 115 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 125 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 145 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 151 { if (_root.quest_getmedkit == 0 or _root.quest_getmedkit == 3) { gotoAndPlay(171); } else { if (_root.acc == 4) { gotoAndPlay(161); } if (_root.backpack1 == 4 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { gotoAndPlay(161); } if (_root.backpack2 == 4 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { gotoAndPlay(161); } if (_root.backpack3 == 4 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { gotoAndPlay(161); } if (_root.backpack4 == 4 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { gotoAndPlay(161); } } } frame 156 { if (_root.backpack2 == -1) {; _root.backpack2 = 4; _root.backpack2h = 601; _root.held = 0; } else { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 4; _root.itemnewh = 601; } stop(); } frame 166 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 176 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 1748 { } movieClip 1750 { } movieClip 1752 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1756 { } movieClip 1758 { } movieClip 1761 ShipBckGrnd_Elev_Broke { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'The doors to this elevator have been forced open. You could probably reach the other decks by climbing these cables.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root._currentframe !== 30) { _root.choiceS = '(Body Check) Climb up the cables.'; if (_root.body > 4) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } } else { _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root._currentframe < 40) { _root.choiceD = 'Slide down the cables.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root.quest_shipclear !== 0 or _root.quest_pirateboss !== 0 or _root._currentframe == 48) { _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); } else { _root.choiceD = 'Slide further down the cables.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 106 { switch (_root._currentframe) { case 20: _root.gohere = 30; _root.gox = 0; break; case 40: _root.gohere = 20; _root.gox = 5500; break; case 48: _root.gohere = 40; _root.gox = 0; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 155 { switch (_root._currentframe) { case 20: _root.gohere = 40; _root.gox = 0; break; case 30: _root.gohere = 20; _root.gox = 5500; break; case 40: _root.gohere = 48; _root.gox = 0; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 1766 { frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 1767 ShipBckGrnd_Elev { frame 2 { if (_root.quest_shippower < 7) { gotoAndPlay(11); } _root.choicetext = 'The elevator seems to be working now that the power has been restored.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root._currentframe !== 30) { _root.choiceS = 'Ride the elevator up?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root._currentframe < 40) { _root.choiceD = 'Ride the elevator down?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root.quest_shipclear !== 0 or _root.quest_pirateboss !== 0 or _root._currentframe == 48) { _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); } else { _root.choiceD = 'Ride the elevator further down?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'This elevator is useless as long as the power is out.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 131 { switch (_root._currentframe) { case 20: _root.gohere = 30; _root.gox = 0; break; case 40: _root.gohere = 20; _root.gox = 5500; break; case 48: _root.gohere = 40; _root.gox = 0; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 181 { switch (_root._currentframe) { case 20: _root.gohere = 40; _root.gox = 0; break; case 30: _root.gohere = 20; _root.gox = 5500; break; case 40: _root.gohere = 48; _root.gox = 0; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 1773 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 39) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root._currentframe > 29) { gotoAndStop(11); } } stop(); } } movieClip 1778 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 39) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root._currentframe > 29) { gotoAndStop(11); } } stop(); } } movieClip 1779 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1782 { } movieClip 1784 { } movieClip 1790 { frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 1795 Ship_RecAreaDoubleDoors { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_shippower < 7) { if (_root._currentframe == 20) { gotoAndStop(16); } else { gotoAndStop(11); } } else { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; gotoAndPlay(51); } } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'This door is locked.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Body Check) Try to Force Door'; if (_root.body >= 6) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 16 { _root.choicetext = 'This door is locked, and there appear to be people on the other side.'; _root.choiceA = '(Say) Pirates? Don\'t Worry, I know how to handle pirates.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = '(Body Check) Try to Force Door'; if (_root.body >= 6) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check / Say) Let me in, I\'m here to help.'; if (_root.spirit >= 4) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.quest_shippower < 7) { gotoAndPlay(91); } } frame 80 { if (_root._currentframe == 20) { _root.gohere = 22; _root.gox = 500; } else { _root.gohere = 20; _root.gox = 3000; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 95 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 131 { if (_root._currentframe == 20) { _root.gohere = 22; _root.gox = 500; } else { _root.gohere = 20; _root.gox = 3000; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 156 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 1805 gbararrow_r { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1819 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(101); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndStop(51); } } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndPlay(102); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndPlay(52); } } } frame 20 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 70 { gotoAndStop(51); } frame 120 { gotoAndStop(101); } } // unknown tag 88 length 64 movieClip 1824 { frame 1 { if (_root.camframe.hero._currentframe == 59 or _root.camframe.hero._currentframe == 106 or _root.camframe.hero._currentframe == 107) { this._x = 0; } else { this._x = 200; } if (_root.armorh <= 0 or _root.armor > 100) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 18 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1828 { } movieClip 1833 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndStop(6); } } stop(); } } movieClip 1835 { } movieClip 1837 { } movieClip 1839 { } movieClip 1840 grapplebar { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } } movieClip 1842 M29+29_LargeFlower { } frame 2 { var continues = 5; gunhmax = 0; var gunh = 0; var gameoverman = false; var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = myMenu; stop(); } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 1849 { } button 1857 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 1859 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1849 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._xscale = 100 - 100 * (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()); if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) {; loadMovie('', this); } } } frame 6 { stop(); } } frame 3 { var camzoom = 0.75; var qualitytext = 'High'; var gspeed = 4; var gamestart = 'GameStart'; gox = 0; var gohere = 0; doorleftgox = 0; doorleftgo = 0; doorrightgox = 0; var doorrightgo = 0; xsprite = 0; xfinish = 0; var xstart = 0; var maxitems = 0; choiceF = ''; choiceD = ''; choiceS = ''; choiceA = ''; var choicetext = ''; var activeobject = 0; var gamediff = 1; var held = 0; gbararrowcheck = 0; var grapple = 0; escbgvar = 0; var escherovar = 0; var testmode = 0; var player = 0; sptrace = 0; var bodrace = 0; sptclass = 0; var bodclass = 0; spirit = 1; var body = 1; maxhealth = 100; var health = 100; wpndmgmag = 1; wpndmgphy = 1; var wpn = 1; var armor = 31; armorh = 100; var armorhmax = 100; var acc = 1; HeroMainColorB = 0; HeroMainColorG = 0; var HeroMainColorR = 0; HeroSecondColorB = 0; HeroSecondColorG = 0; var HeroSecondColorR = 0; HeroMainColorSetB = 0; HeroMainColorSetG = 0; var HeroMainColorSetR = 0; HeroSecondColorSetB = 0; HeroSecondColorSetG = 0; var HeroSecondColorSetR = 0; cumface = 5; var cumchest = 5; poisoncolor = 0; var poisonlevel = 0; var godmode = 1; var hordemax = 10; var hordelevel = 1; HordeModeOptionsCount = 0; var HordeModeOptions = 0; var HMArmor = new Array(); var HMWeapon = new Array(); var HMAccessory = new Array(); var HMPotion = new Array(); var quest_shippower = 0; var quest_armdoor = 0; var quest_fireout = false; var quest_getmedkit = 0; var quest_zombiecount = 10; var quest_pirateboss = 12; var quest_savemage = 0; var quest_shipclear = 10; var quest_getmop = 0; var quest_getaxe = 0; var quest_getjumpsuit = 0; var brigopen = 0; var quest_getbokken = 0; var quest_opencastle = 0; var quest_openhuman = 0; var quest_openelves = 0; villagebunnies = 0; villageelves = 0; var villagehumans = 0; var act2clear = 0; var quest_gettorch = 0; GotBreastPlate = 1; GotStarterPlate = 1; GotTravelingRobes = 1; var GotGreenDress = 1; var quest_helpdunecrawler = -1; R15Loc = 0; R14Loc = 0; var R13Loc = 0; var KFoxHealth = 101; var quest_HelpBeka = 0; var quest_HumanStash = 0; var quest_dunecrawlershop = 0; var quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes = 1; var quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate = 1; var quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini = 1; var quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 0; var quest_gnomesleep = 0; var firechecked = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); var weapon = new Array(); weapon.push([0, 'spaceholder', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([1, 'fists', 2, 2, 2.5, 0, 'Bare Fists. The basic weapons for martial artists everywhere. Note that Space Marshals recieve additional attacks when using fist weapons.']); weapon.push([2, 'Weighted Gloves', 4, 4, 2.75, 0, 'Weighted Gloves. For the martial artist who wants a little more martial & a little less artist.']); weapon.push([3, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([4, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([5, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([6, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([7, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([8, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([9, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([10, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([11, 'wand', 2, 5, 4, 0, 'Magic Wand. Basic starting weapon for Wizards. Conjures multiple tiny balls of magical force.']); weapon.push([12, 'Wand of Fire', 2, 6, 3, 0, 'Wand of Fire. Much like a normal wand, only better. Because everything is better with fire.']); weapon.push([13, 'Deathwand', 2, 7, 2.5, 0, 'Deathwand. A powerful, but cursed wand. Wielding death magic takes it\'s toll on living creatures. This wand also damages the caster with each use.']); weapon.push([14, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([15, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([16, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([17, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([18, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([19, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([20, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([21, 'longsword', 4, 0, 3, 0, 'Longsword. Good basic starting weapon for warriors. It has a pointy end & a non-pointy end. I recommend holding it by the non-pointy one.']); weapon.push([22, 'bokken', 2, 0, 1.25, 0, 'Bokken. A wooden sword designed for practicing. Very light and easy to use, but doesn\'t do much damage. Great for those who consider clubs to be advanced weapons.']); weapon.push([23, 'magic torch', 2, 1, 4, 0, 'Magic Torch. This fire on this torch has been enchanted to give off a very bright light but very little heat. Can be used to light up almost any room. (Will NOT set objects on fire).']); weapon.push([24, 'stonemace', 6, 0, 3.25, 0, 'Stone Mace. The bastard child born from combining the best attributes of both rock-tech and stick-tech. Is the world truely ready for a weapon of such destructive power?']); weapon.push([25, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([26, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([27, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([28, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([29, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([30, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([31, 'firemansaxe', 7, 0, 4.5, 50, 'Fireman\'s Axe. This axe is too off balance to be a great weapon, but it will work in a pinch. Also great for destroying anything on fire. (Heavy weapons may not be equiped by Wizards).']); weapon.push([32, 'stonemaul', 10, 0, 3.25, 0, 'Stone Maul. A large rock on the end of a large stick. It\'s what all the young rocks aspire to be when they grow up. (Heavy weapons may not be equiped by Wizards)']); weapon.push([33, 'battleaxe', 8, 0, 3, 0, 'Battle Axe. A heavy weapon, properly balanced for combat. Only the strongest warriors can harness its true potential. (Heavy weapons may not be equiped by Wizards)']); weapon.push([34, 'greatsword', 6, 0, 2.25, 0, 'Greatsword. The greatsword isn\'t nearly as massive as other large weapons, which makes it much easier to use. Young warriors often train with greatswords until they are ready for larger weapons.']); weapon.push([35, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([36, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([37, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([38, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([39, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([40, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([41, 'mop', 3, 5, 3.25, 50, 'Elemental Staff of Water. An advanced weapon for wizards. Can be used to summon large storms which attack all nearby enemies (Hold S, but watch your health). Apparently it can also be used to clean floors & toilets. (Magical Staves may not be equiped by Warriors).']); weapon.push([42, 'earthstaff', 5, 6, 3.25, 0, 'Elemental Staff of Earth. An advanced weapon for wizards. Can be used to summon a meteor from space which will smash opponents in front of the caster. (Hold S, but watch your health). (Magical Staves may not be equiped by Warriors)']); weapon.push([43, 'firestaff', 4, 5, 3.25, 0, 'Elemental Staff of Fire. An advanced weapon for wizards. Summons fire around the caster to burn all nearby enemies. (Hold S, but watch your health). (Magical Staves may not be equiped by Warriors)']); weapon.push([44, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([45, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([46, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([47, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([48, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); weapon.push([49, 'reserved', 1, 1, 1, 0, '']); var armorarray = new Array(); armorarray.push([1, 'naked', 0, 0, '']); armorarray.push([11, 'Traveling Robes', 100, 0, 'Travelling Robes. These Wizard robs have been hemmed a bit higher to allow easy movement over rough or muddy terain.']); armorarray.push([21, 'Starter Plate', 150, 0, 'Journeyman\'s Armor. A heavy armor made primarily from hardened leather & hides. Often comes with some metal pieces as well. (Not useable by Wizards)']); armorarray.push([31, 'Jumpsuit', 100, 0, 'Space Marshall\'s Jumpsuit. A form fitting suit designed to offer some protection while maximizing flexibility. Standard issue for Space Marshalls.']); armorarray.push([41, 'Ballistic Armor', 150, 0, 'Military grade padded armor. Offers a combination of moderate protection with little encumbrance.']); armorarray.push([51, 'Breast Plate', 125, 0, 'Breast Plate. Heavy plate mail across the vitals combined with much looser armor at the joints. Provides a good mix of protection and flexibility.']); armorarray.push([61, 'Green Summer Dress', 100, 0, 'Green Summer Dress. A casual dress, not really meant for armor.']); armorarray.push([71, 'reserved', 100, 0, '']); armorarray.push([81, 'Sorceress Robes', 125, 22, 'Magically Enchanted Wizard Robes. Nothing says \'magic\' more than a set of wizard robes. In addition to providing protection from physical attacks, these robes have also been enhanced to enhance performance during grapples. (Moderate bonus to sexual attack & defense).']); armorarray.push([91, 'Ruby Plate', 200, 20, 'Magical Plate Mail. This set of heavy armor is magically enchanted to protect the wearer from grapple attacks. (Moderate bonus to sexual defense, Not useable by Wizards)']); armorarray.push([101, 'Chain Mail Bikini', 50, 2, 'The chain mail bikini is a very unusual set of armor. Although indestructable, it offers very little protection for the wearer (No Armor Save, Moderate bonus to sexual attack).']); armorarray.push([111, 'Simple Brown Dress', 50, 0, 'The closest thing to wearing nothing at all, the simple brown dress is designed to be easy to slip on & off. Perfect for those \'formal occasions\' that require actual clothing. (No Armor Save).']); armorarray.push([121, 'Red Lingerie', 25, 22, 'Red lingerie is sure to draw attention. Not really great for armor though. (No Armor Save, Moderate bonus to both sexual attack & sexual defense).']); armorarray.push([131, 'reserved', 100, 0, '']); armorarray.push([141, 'reserved', 100, 0, '']); armorarray.push([151, 'reserved', 100, 0, '']); var accessory = new Array(); accessory.push([0, 'spaceholder', 0, 0, 0, '']); accessory.push([1, 'empty', 0, 0, 0, '']); accessory.push([2, 'Floppy Wizard Hat', 0, 1, 0, 'Starter Wizard Hat. Offers a Minor boost to your Spirit stat.']); accessory.push([3, 'One Tooth Necklace', 1, 0, 0, 'One Tooth Necklace. Offers a Minor boost to your Body stat.']); accessory.push([4, 'Medical Kit', 0, 0, 0.1, 'Medical Kit. Increases regeneration rate while equiped.']); accessory.push([5, 'Long Purple Pipe', 0, 0, 0, 'Long Purple Pipe. Can be used to patch a single large section of broken pipe, which may help restore power to the ship.']); accessory.push([6, 'Medium Yellow Pipe', 0, 0, 0, 'Medium Yellow Pipe. Can be used to patch a single medium section of broken pipe, which may help restore power to the ship.']); accessory.push([7, 'Short Green Pipe', 0, 0, 0, 'Short Green Pipe. Can be used to patch a single small section of broken pipe, which may help restore power to the ship.']); accessory.push([8, 'Combo Pipe', 0, 0, 0, 'Long Combination Pipe. Can be used to patch a single large section of broken pipe, which may help restore power to the ship.']); accessory.push([9, 'Mystical Hat', 0, 2, 0, 'A wizard hat coverd with magical inscriptions. Offers a Moderate boost to your Spirit stat.']); accessory.push([10, 'Collar of Submission', -1, -1, 3, 'Collar of Submission. This bondage collar marks you as a playtoy of an Elvin noble. It makes it hard to breathe or even focus, but it seems to also convey other benefits during grapples (Minor Penalty to both Body & Spirit, Massive bonus to sexual defense.']); accessory.push([11, 'Chains of Command', 2, 0, 0, 'Chains of Command. There is a saying among the desert barbarians - A tribe is only as strong as its weakest link. As such, chain necklaces are often worn by tribe leaders or coucilmen. This particular chain has also been enchanted to grant a Moderate bonus to your Body stat.']); accessory.push([12, 'Elvin Tiara', 1, 1, 0, 'Elvin Tiara. Tiaras are widely used amoung the Elves to mark people of prestige. This particular one is plain, but incredibly well made. Grants a Minor boost to both your Body & Sprit stats.']); accessory.push([13, 'Dunecrawler Restrictor', 0, 0, 0, 'Dunecrawler Restrictor. This piece of machinery looks really out of place here. It is clearly not from this village. Perhaps it\'s valuable to someone.']); accessory.push([14, 'Dunecrawler Resonator', 0, 0, 0, 'Dunecrawler Resonator. This piece of machinery looks really out of place here. It is clearly not from this village. Perhaps it\'s valuable to someone.']); accessory.push([15, 'Dunecrawler Regulator', 0, 0, 0, 'Dunecrawler Regulator. This piece of machinery looks really out of place here. It is clearly not from this village. Perhaps it\'s valuable to someone.']); accessory.push([16, 'Washcloth', 0, 0, 2, 'Washcloth. This cloth can be used to clean up a bit. (One use only. Equip to Accessory slot to use).']); accessory.push([17, 'Small Health Potion', 0, 0, 50, 'Small Health Potion. This small potion will heal some health when used. (One use only. Equip to Accessory slot to use).']); accessory.push([18, 'Large Health Potion', 0, 0, 100, 'Large Health Potion. This potion will heal a significant amount of health when used. (One use only. Equip to Accessory slot to use).']); accessory.push([19, 'Keg of Health', 0, 0, 500, 'Keg of Health. This keg is full of healing tonics. It will fully heal all wounds. (One use only. Equip to Accessory slot to use).']); accessory.push([20, 'cheattowin', 3, 3, 0, '']); var backpack1 = 1; backpack4 = -1; backpack3 = -1; var backpack2 = -1; backpack4h = 301; backpack3h = 301; backpack2h = 301; var backpack1h = 301; itemnewh = 0; itemnew = 0; var itemselect = 0; var itemdescription = ''; var pnum = 0; var proj = new Array(); var mpnum = 0; var monatt = new Array(); var BGA = new Array(); var BGtype = new Array(); BGtype.push(['trashwall', 10, 10, 0, 50, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 3, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 4, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 5, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['zombiedoor', 4, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['slimewall', 5, 1, 0, 3, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 8, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 9, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['heightchanger', 0, 0, 0, 9999, 0, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['slimetentacle', 6, 4, 0, 2, 0.975, 950, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 13, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 13, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 14, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 15, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['wolfman', 4, 2.5, 2, 2, 0.995, 950, 0]); BGtype.push(['catguy', 4, 2, 2.5, 2, 0.995, 950, 0]); BGtype.push(['slimeboss', 8, 8, 8, 3, 0.975, 950, 0]); BGtype.push(['pirate', 6, 3, 4, 0, 0.975, 980, 0]); BGtype.push(['pirateboss', 6, 6, 3.5, 0, 0.95, 970, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 21, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['barbarianguy', 7, 2, 5, 0, 0.98, 960, 0]); BGtype.push(['barbariangirl', 5, 4, 5, 0, 0.97, 970, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 24, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['elfguy', 5, 3, 7, 0, 0.96, 975, 0]); BGtype.push(['elfgirl', 2, 5, 4, 1, 0.95, 970, 0]); BGtype.push(['vendel', 10, 4, 6, 1, 0.97, 955, 0]); BGtype.push(['bunnyguy', 4, 5, 3, 0, 0.99, 955, 0]); BGtype.push(['bunnygirl', 3, 6, 3, 0, 0.99, 970, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 30, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['snakeman', 7, 4, 7, 0, 0.96, 965, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 32, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['gnomemerchant', 3, 3, 10, 0, 1, 1000, 1]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 34, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['mcelfguy', 5, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 36, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 37, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 38, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 39, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 40, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 41, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 42, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 43, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 44, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 45, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 46, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 47, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 48, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 49, 1, 1000, 0]); BGtype.push(['reserved', 5, 1, 0, 50, 1, 1000, 0]); zzz = 0; yyy = 0; xxx = 0; var ffps = 0; Ar5 = 0; Ar4 = 0; Ar3 = 0; Ar2 = 0; Ar1 = 0; var Ar0 = 0; Ar15 = 0; Ar14 = 0; Ar13 = 0; Ar12 = 0; Ar11 = 0; var Ar10 = 0; addmobs = function (MobNumber, Minx, Maxx, Spacex, Paused) { var v3 = Minx; if (Minx !== Maxx) { v3 = Minx + Math.round(Math.random() * (Maxx - Minx)); if (_root.BGtype[MobNumber][3] == 0 and _root._currentframe > 100) { if (v3 < Minx + 250 or v3 > Maxx - 250) { v3 = _root.camframe._x / -2; } } if (Math.abs(_root.camframe._x - v3) < Spacex) { if (_root.camframe._x > v3) { v3 -= Spacex; } else { v3 += Spacex; } } } var v2 = 0; j = 0; while (j <= _root.BGA.length) { k = 0; while (k <= _root.BGA.length) { if ('bg' + v2 == _root.BGA[k][5]) { ++v2; } ++k; } ++j; } _root.BGA.push([MobNumber, _root.BGtype[MobNumber][1] * _root.gamediff, _root.BGtype[MobNumber][2] * _root.gamediff, _root.BGtype[MobNumber][3] * _root.gamediff, 50 + _root.BGtype[MobNumber][1] * 10 * _root.gamediff, 'bg' + v2, 'bghb' + v2, 0, _root.BGtype[MobNumber][4], _root.BGtype[MobNumber][5], _root.BGtype[MobNumber][6]]); _root.attachMovie(_root.BGtype[MobNumber][0], 'bg' + v2, v2); _root['bg' + v2]._x = v3; _root['bg' + v2]._y = 575 + 4 * v2; _root.attachMovie('badguyhealthbar', 'bghb' + v2, v2 + 100); _root['bghb' + v2]._x = v3; _root['bghb' + v2]._y = 550 + 4 * v2; _root['bghb' + v2]._xscale = _root.BGA[v2][4]; if (Paused == 2) { _root.BGA[v2][9] = 2; _root['bg' + v2].gotoAndStop(26); } else { _root['bg' + v2].gotoAndStop(1); } }; DropItem = function (StartX, FacingX, ItemCode) { ++_root.maxitems; var v2 = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + v2, 300 + v2); _root['obj_drop_ani' + v2]._x = StartX; _root['obj_drop_ani' + v2]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + v2]._xscale = FacingX; _root['obj_drop_ani' + v2].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(ItemCode); }; } frame 4 { var codemsg = 'enter codes'; codes.text = ''; stage.focus = codes; stop(); } // unknown tag 88 length 78 movieClip 1870 { } movieClip 1878 { } button 1880 { on (release) { _root.gamestart = 'HordeMode'; gotoAndStop('charselect'); } } button 1881 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('about'); } } button 1882 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('basics'); } } movieClip 1886 { } instance of movieClip 1886 { onClipEvent (keyPress '<Enter>') { switch ( { case 'NotToThirty': if (_root.continues !== 30) { _root.continues = 30; _parent.codemsg = 'code NotToThirty accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code NotToThirty already entered'; } break; case 'nottothirty': if (_root.continues !== 30) { _root.continues = 30; _parent.codemsg = 'code NotToThirty accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code NotToThirty already entered'; } break; case 'Harder': _root.gamediff += 0.25; _parent.codemsg = 'Difficult Increased to ' + _root.gamediff * 100 + '%'; break; case 'harder': _root.gamediff += 0.25; _parent.codemsg = 'Difficult Increased to ' + _root.gamediff * 100 + '%'; break; case 'Softer': _root.gamediff -= 0.25; if (_root.gamediff <= 0.25) { _root.gamediff = 0.25; _parent.codemsg = 'That\'s as easy as it gets'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'Difficult Decreased to ' + _root.gamediff * 100 + '%'; } break; case 'softer': _root.gamediff -= 0.25; if (_root.gamediff <= 0.25) { _root.gamediff = 0.25; _parent.codemsg = 'That\'s as easy as it gets'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'Difficult Decreased to ' + _root.gamediff * 100 + '%'; } break; case 'GameOverMan': if (_root.gameoverman == false) { _root.gameoverman = true; _parent.codemsg = 'code GameOverMan accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code GameOverMan already entered'; } break; case 'gameoverman': if (_root.gameoverman == false) { _root.gameoverman = true; _parent.codemsg = 'code GameOverMan accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code GameOverMan already entered'; } break; case 'SmotheredAndCovered': if (_root.cumface !== 1) { _root.cumchest = 1; _root.cumface = 1; _parent.codemsg = 'code SmotheredAndCovered accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code SmotheredAndCovered already entered'; } break; case 'smotheredandcovered': if (_root.cumface !== 1) { _root.cumchest = 1; _root.cumface = 1; _parent.codemsg = 'code SmotheredAndCovered accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code SmotheredAndCovered already entered'; } break; case 'SlimeTime': if (_root.gamestart !== 'SlimeBoss') { _root.gamestart = 'SlimeBoss'; _parent.codemsg = 'code SlimeTime accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code SlimeTime already entered'; } break; case 'slimetime': if (_root.gamestart !== 'SlimeBoss') { _root.gamestart = 'SlimeBoss'; _parent.codemsg = 'code SlimeTime accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code SlimeTime already entered'; } break; case 'OffTheBoat': if (_root.quest_shipclear !== 0) { _root.gamestart = 'Comic-A2Start'; _parent.codemsg = 'code OffTheBoat accepted'; _root.quest_shippower = 7; _root.quest_armdoor = 3; _root.quest_fireout = true; _root.quest_getmedkit = 3; _root.quest_zombiecount = 0; _root.quest_pirateboss = 0; _root.quest_savemage = 6; _root.firechecked[7] = 2; _root.quest_shipclear = 0; _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301; _root.gotoAndStop('CheatItems'); } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code OffTheBoat (or better) already entered'; } break; case 'offtheboat': if (_root.quest_shipclear !== 0) { _root.gamestart = 'Comic-A2Start'; _parent.codemsg = 'code OffTheBoat accepted'; _root.quest_shippower = 7; _root.quest_armdoor = 3; _root.quest_fireout = true; _root.quest_getmedkit = 3; _root.quest_zombiecount = 0; _root.quest_pirateboss = 0; _root.quest_savemage = 6; _root.firechecked[7] = 2; _root.quest_shipclear = 0; _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301; _root.backpack1h = 301; _root.gotoAndStop('CheatItems'); } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code OffTheBoat (or better) already entered'; } break; case 'VillagePillage': if (_root.act2clear !== 10) { _root.gamestart = 'Act3Start'; _parent.codemsg = 'code VillagePillage accepted'; _root.quest_shippower = 7; _root.quest_armdoor = 3; _root.quest_fireout = true; _root.quest_getmedkit = 3; _root.quest_zombiecount = 0; _root.quest_pirateboss = 0; _root.quest_savemage = 6; _root.firechecked[7] = 2; _root.quest_shipclear = 0; _root.quest_opencastle = 3; _root.quest_openhuman = 1; _root.quest_openelves = 1; _root.act2clear = 10; _root.quest_helpdunecrawler = 10; _root.KFoxHealth = 110; _root.quest_HelpBeka = 2; _root.quest_HumanStash = 1; _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301; _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301; _root.gotoAndStop('CheatItems'); } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code VillagePillage already entered'; } break; case 'villagepillage': if (_root.act2clear !== 10) { _root.gamestart = 'Act3Start'; _parent.codemsg = 'code VillagePillage accepted'; _root.quest_shippower = 7; _root.quest_armdoor = 3; _root.quest_fireout = true; _root.quest_getmedkit = 3; _root.quest_zombiecount = 0; _root.quest_pirateboss = 0; _root.quest_savemage = 6; _root.firechecked[7] = 2; _root.quest_shipclear = 0; _root.quest_opencastle = 3; _root.quest_openhuman = 1; _root.quest_openelves = 1; _root.act2clear = 10; _root.quest_helpdunecrawler = 10; _root.KFoxHealth = 110; _root.quest_HelpBeka = 2; _root.quest_HumanStash = 1; _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301; _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301; _root.gotoAndStop('CheatItems'); } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code VillagePillage already entered'; } break; case 'BabyHorde': if (_root.hordemax !== 5) { _root.hordemax = 5; _parent.codemsg = 'code BabyHorde accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code BabyHorde already entered'; } break; case 'babyhorde': if (_root.hordemax !== 5) { _root.hordemax = 5; _parent.codemsg = 'code BabyHorde accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code BabyHorde already entered'; } break; case 'TowardTheHorde': if (_root.HordeModeOptions <= 1) { _root.HordeModeOptions = 1; _parent.codemsg = 'code Toward the Horde accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code Toward the Horde (or better) already entered'; } break; case 'towardthehorde': if (_root.HordeModeOptions <= 1) { _root.HordeModeOptions = 1; _parent.codemsg = 'code Toward the Horde accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code Toward the Horde (or better) already entered'; } break; case 'SwordOfTheHorde': if (_root.HordeModeOptions <= 3) { _root.HordeModeOptions = 3; _parent.codemsg = 'code Sword of the Horde accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code Sword the Horde (or better) already entered'; } break; case 'swordofthehorde': if (_root.HordeModeOptions <= 3) { _root.HordeModeOptions = 3; _parent.codemsg = 'code Sword of the Horde accepted'; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'code Sword the Horde (or better) already entered'; } break; case 'test': if (_root.testmode == 0) { _parent.codemsg = 'Test Mode Enabled'; _root.testmode = 1; } else { _parent.codemsg = 'Test Mode Disabled'; _root.testmode = 0; } break; default: _parent.codemsg = 'invalid code'; } = ''; } } button 1887 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('charselect'); } } button 1889 { on (release) { _root.gamestart = 'GameStart'; _root.quest_shippower = 0; _root.quest_armdoor = 0; _root.quest_fireout = false; _root.quest_getmedkit = 0; _root.quest_zombiecount = 10; _root.quest_pirateboss = 12; _root.quest_savemage = 0; _root.firechecked[7] = 0; _root.quest_shipclear = 10; _root.gotoAndStop('charselect'); } } button 1892 { on (release) { _root.gamestart = 'Act2Start'; _root.quest_opencastle = 0; _root.quest_openhuman = 0; _root.quest_openelves = 0; _root.act2clear = 0; _root.quest_helpdunecrawler = -1; _root.KFoxHealth = 101; _root.quest_HelpBeka = 0; _root.quest_HumanStash = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('charselect'); } } button 1893 { on (release) { _root.gamestart = 'GameStart'; _root.quest_shippower = 0; _root.quest_armdoor = 0; _root.quest_fireout = false; _root.quest_getmedkit = 0; _root.quest_zombiecount = 10; _root.quest_pirateboss = 12; _root.quest_savemage = 0; _root.firechecked[7] = 0; _root.quest_shipclear = 10; _root.quest_opencastle = 0; _root.quest_openhuman = 0; _root.quest_openelves = 0; _root.act2clear = 0; _root.quest_helpdunecrawler = -1; _root.KFoxHealth = 101; _root.quest_HelpBeka = 0; _root.quest_HumanStash = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('charselect'); } } movieClip 1895 { frame 1 { if (_root.gamestart == 'Comic-A2Start') { gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.gamestart == 'Act3Start') { gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 1902 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } button 1903 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('stats'); } } button 1904 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('grapples'); } } button 1906 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('basics'); } } movieClip 1913 { } button 1914 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('grapples'); } } button 1920 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('stats'); } } button 1925 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('about'); } } movieClip 1928 { } movieClip 1930 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1980 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1983 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 41; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected341.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 41; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected341.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } button 1984 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 31; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected331.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 31; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected331.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } button 1985 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 41; _root.backpack1h = 150; Selected41.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 41; _root.backpack2h = 150; Selected41.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } button 1986 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 2; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected602.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 2; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected602.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } button 1987 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 3; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected603.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 3; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected603.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } button 1988 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 4; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected604.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 4; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected604.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } button 1995 { on (release) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected331.gotoAndStop(2); Selected341.gotoAndStop(2); Selected41.gotoAndStop(2); Selected602.gotoAndStop(2); Selected603.gotoAndStop(2); Selected604.gotoAndStop(2); gotoAndStop('Pick2'); } } button 1997 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } button 1999 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 41; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected341.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 41; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected341.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 41; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected341.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2000 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 31; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected331.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 31; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected331.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 31; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected331.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2001 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 41; _root.backpack1h = 150; Selected41.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 41; _root.backpack2h = 150; Selected41.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 41; _root.backpack3h = 150; Selected41.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2002 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 2; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected602.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 2; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected602.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 2; _root.backpack3h = 601; Selected602.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2003 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 3; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected603.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 3; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected603.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 3; _root.backpack3h = 601; Selected603.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2004 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 4; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected604.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 4; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected604.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 4; _root.backpack3h = 601; Selected604.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2005 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 22; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected322.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 22; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected322.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 22; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected322.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2006 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 2; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected302.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 2; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected302.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 2; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected302.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2007 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 24; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected324.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 24; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected324.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 24; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected324.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2008 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 23; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected323.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 23; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected323.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 23; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected323.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2009 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 33; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected333.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 33; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected333.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 33; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected333.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2010 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 32; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected332.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 32; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected332.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 32; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected332.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2011 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 34; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected334.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 34; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected334.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 34; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected334.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2012 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 13; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected313.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 13; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected313.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 13; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected313.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2013 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 12; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected312.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 12; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected312.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 12; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected312.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2014 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 43; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected343.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 43; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected343.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 43; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected343.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2015 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 42; _root.backpack1h = 301; Selected342.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 42; _root.backpack2h = 301; Selected342.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 42; _root.backpack3h = 301; Selected342.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2016 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 111; _root.backpack1h = 50; Selected111.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 111; _root.backpack2h = 50; Selected111.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 111; _root.backpack3h = 50; Selected111.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2017 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 61; _root.backpack1h = 100; Selected61.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 61; _root.backpack2h = 100; Selected61.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 61; _root.backpack3h = 100; Selected61.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2018 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 51; _root.backpack1h = 125; Selected51.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 51; _root.backpack2h = 125; Selected51.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 51; _root.backpack3h = 125; Selected51.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2019 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 9; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected609.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 9; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected609.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 9; _root.backpack3h = 601; Selected609.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2020 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 11; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected611.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 11; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected611.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 11; _root.backpack3h = 601; Selected611.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2021 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 12; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected612.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 12; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected612.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 12; _root.backpack3h = 601; Selected612.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2022 { on (release) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1 = 10; _root.backpack1h = 601; Selected610.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2 = 10; _root.backpack2h = 601; Selected610.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3 = 10; _root.backpack3h = 601; Selected610.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } } button 2024 { on (release) { Selected331.gotoAndStop(2); Selected341.gotoAndStop(2); Selected41.gotoAndStop(2); Selected602.gotoAndStop(2); Selected603.gotoAndStop(2); Selected604.gotoAndStop(2); Selected302.gotoAndStop(2); Selected322.gotoAndStop(2); Selected323.gotoAndStop(2); Selected324.gotoAndStop(2); Selected332.gotoAndStop(2); Selected333.gotoAndStop(2); Selected334.gotoAndStop(2); Selected312.gotoAndStop(2); Selected313.gotoAndStop(2); Selected342.gotoAndStop(2); Selected343.gotoAndStop(2); Selected111.gotoAndStop(2); Selected51.gotoAndStop(2); Selected61.gotoAndStop(2); Selected609.gotoAndStop(2); Selected610.gotoAndStop(2); Selected611.gotoAndStop(2); Selected612.gotoAndStop(2); _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301; _root.backpack2h = 301; _root.backpack1h = 301; gotoAndStop('Pick3'); } } movieClip 2025 { frame 1 { this.item_symbol331.gotoAndStop(331); this.item_symbol341.gotoAndStop(341); this.item_symbol41.gotoAndStop(41); this.item_symbol602.gotoAndStop(602); this.item_symbol603.gotoAndStop(603); this.item_symbol604.gotoAndStop(604); if (_root.gamestart == 'Act3Start') { gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301; _root.backpack1h = 301; stop(); } } frame 11 { this.item_symbol302.gotoAndStop(302); this.item_symbol322.gotoAndStop(322); this.item_symbol323.gotoAndStop(323); this.item_symbol324.gotoAndStop(324); this.item_symbol332.gotoAndStop(332); this.item_symbol333.gotoAndStop(333); this.item_symbol334.gotoAndStop(334); this.item_symbol312.gotoAndStop(312); this.item_symbol313.gotoAndStop(313); this.item_symbol342.gotoAndStop(342); this.item_symbol343.gotoAndStop(343); this.item_symbol111.gotoAndStop(111); this.item_symbol51.gotoAndStop(51); this.item_symbol61.gotoAndStop(61); this.item_symbol609.gotoAndStop(609); this.item_symbol610.gotoAndStop(610); this.item_symbol611.gotoAndStop(611); this.item_symbol612.gotoAndStop(612); _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301; _root.backpack2h = 301; _root.backpack1h = 301; stop(); } } frame 10 { stop(); } button 2032 { on (release) { _root.player = 23; _root.bodrace = 5; _root.sptrace = 3; _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 255; _root.HeroMainColorR = 255; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 238; _root.HeroMainColorG = 238; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 204; _root.HeroMainColorB = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 51; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 51; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 0; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 0; _root.bodclass = 2; _root.sptclass = 0; _root.wpn = 21; _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][3]; _root.armor = 21; _root.armorhmax = 150; _root.armorh = 150; _root.acc = 1; _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; if (_root.godmode == 4) { _root.maxhealth = (50 + _root.body * 10) * (_root.godmode / 2) + 100; = _root.maxhealth; } else { _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; = _root.maxhealth; } _root.heroview.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_Farah.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_KFox.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_LeiLei.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Warrior.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_SpaceMarshal.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Magician.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.Select_StartButton.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2034 { } movieClip 2036 { } movieClip 2038 { } movieClip 2040 { } movieClip 2042 { } movieClip 2044 { } movieClip 2046 { } movieClip 2048 { } movieClip 2050 { } movieClip 2052 { } movieClip 2054 { } movieClip 2056 { } movieClip 2060 { } movieClip 2062 { } movieClip 2064 { } movieClip 2067 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 2069 { } movieClip 2071 { } movieClip 2073 { } movieClip 2075 { } movieClip 2076 { } movieClip 2081 { frame 2 { if (_root.player == 0) { stop(); } if (_root.player < 20 || _root.player > 29) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 2084 { on (release) { _root.player = 2; _root.bodrace = 4; _root.sptrace = 4; _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 170; _root.HeroMainColorG = 170; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 238; _root.HeroMainColorB = 238; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 255; _root.bodclass = 1; _root.sptclass = 1; _root.wpn = 1; _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][3]; _root.armor = 31; _root.armorhmax = 100; _root.armorh = 100; _root.acc = 1; _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; if (_root.godmode == 4) { _root.maxhealth = (50 + _root.body * 10) * (_root.godmode / 2) + 100; = _root.maxhealth; } else { _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; = _root.maxhealth; } _root.heroview.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_Farah.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_KFox.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_LeiLei.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Warrior.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_SpaceMarshal.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Magician.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.Select_StartButton.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2086 { } movieClip 2088 { } movieClip 2090 { } movieClip 2091 { } movieClip 2096 { frame 2 { if (_root.player == 0) { stop(); } if (_root.player > 9) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 2098 { on (release) { _root.player = 11; _root.bodrace = 3; _root.sptrace = 5; _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 238; _root.HeroMainColorR = 238; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 221; _root.HeroMainColorG = 221; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 0; _root.HeroMainColorB = 0; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 238; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 238; _root.bodclass = 0; _root.sptclass = 2; _root.wpn = 11; _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][3]; _root.armor = 11; _root.armorhmax = 100; _root.armorh = 100; _root.acc = 2; _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; if (_root.godmode == 4) { _root.maxhealth = (50 + _root.body * 10) * (_root.godmode / 2) + 100; = _root.maxhealth; } else { _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; = _root.maxhealth; } _root.heroview.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_Farah.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_KFox.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_LeiLei.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Warrior.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_SpaceMarshal.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Magician.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.Select_StartButton.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2099 { } movieClip 2104 { frame 2 { if (_root.player == 0) { stop(); } if (_root.player < 10 || _root.player > 19) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2107 { } button 2111 { on (release) { _root.player = Math.floor(_root.player / 10) * 10; _root.player += 3; _root.bodclass = 2; _root.sptclass = 0; _root.wpn = 21; _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][3]; _root.armor = 21; _root.armorhmax = 150; _root.armorh = 150; _root.acc = 1; _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; if (_root.godmode == 4) { _root.maxhealth = (50 + _root.body * 10) * (_root.godmode / 2) + 100; = _root.maxhealth; } else { _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; = _root.maxhealth; } if (_root.backpack1 >= 41 and _root.backpack1 <= 50 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { _root.backpack1 = 1; } if (_root.backpack2 >= 41 and _root.backpack2 <= 50 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { _root.backpack2 = 1; } _root.heroview.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_Farah.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_KFox.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_LeiLei.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Warrior.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_SpaceMarshal.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Magician.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2112 { frame 2 { if (_root.player == 0) { stop(); } } frame 3 { if (_root.player % 10 !== 3) { stop(); } } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 2114 { } button 2118 { on (release) { _root.player = Math.floor(_root.player / 10) * 10; _root.player += 2; _root.bodclass = 1; _root.sptclass = 1; _root.wpn = 1; _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][3]; _root.armor = 31; _root.armorhmax = 100; _root.armorh = 100; _root.acc = 1; _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; if (_root.godmode == 4) { _root.maxhealth = (50 + _root.body * 10) * (_root.godmode / 2) + 100; = _root.maxhealth; } else { _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; = _root.maxhealth; } _root.heroview.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_Farah.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_KFox.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_LeiLei.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Warrior.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_SpaceMarshal.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Magician.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2119 { frame 2 { if (_root.player == 0) { stop(); } } frame 3 { if (_root.player % 10 !== 2) { stop(); } } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 2121 { } button 2125 { on (release) { _root.player = Math.floor(_root.player / 10) * 10; _root.player += 1; _root.bodclass = 0; _root.sptclass = 2; _root.wpn = 11; _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][3]; _root.armor = 11; _root.armorhmax = 100; _root.armorh = 100; _root.acc = 2; _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; if (_root.godmode == 4) { _root.maxhealth = (50 + _root.body * 10) * (_root.godmode / 2) + 100; = _root.maxhealth; } else { _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; = _root.maxhealth; } _root.heroview.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_Farah.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_KFox.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectPlayer_LeiLei.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Warrior.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_SpaceMarshal.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.SelectClass_Magician.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.Select_StartButton.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2126 { frame 2 { if (_root.player == 0) { stop(); } } frame 3 { if (_root.player % 10 !== 1) { stop(); } } frame 4 { stop(); } } button 2128 { on (release) { if (_root.player % 10 == 3) { if (_root.backpack1 >= 41 and _root.backpack1 <= 50 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { _root.backpack1 = 1; } if (_root.backpack2 >= 41 and _root.backpack2 <= 50 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { _root.backpack2 = 1; } if (_root.backpack3 >= 41 and _root.backpack3 <= 50 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { _root.backpack3 = 1; } if (_root.backpack4 >= 41 and _root.backpack4 <= 50 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { _root.backpack4 = 1; } } if (_root.player % 10 == 1) { if (_root.backpack1 >= 31 and _root.backpack1 <= 40 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { _root.backpack1 = 1; } if (_root.backpack2 >= 31 and _root.backpack2 <= 40 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { _root.backpack2 = 1; } if (_root.backpack3 >= 31 and _root.backpack3 <= 40 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { _root.backpack3 = 1; } if (_root.backpack4 >= 31 and _root.backpack4 <= 40 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { _root.backpack4 = 1; } } if (_root.gamestart == 'GameStart') { switch (_root.player) { case 2: _root.gotoAndStop('Start-KFox'); break; case 11: _root.gotoAndStop('Start-LeiLei'); break; case 23: _root.gotoAndStop('Start-Farah'); break; default: _root.gotoAndStop([_root.gamestart]); } } else { _root.gotoAndStop([_root.gamestart]); } } } movieClip 2130 { frame 2 { if (_root.player == 0) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } button 2134 { on (release) { var i = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); switch (i) { case 0: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 170; _root.HeroMainColorG = 170; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 238; _root.HeroMainColorB = 238; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 255; break; case 1: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 238; _root.HeroMainColorR = 238; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 221; _root.HeroMainColorG = 221; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 0; _root.HeroMainColorB = 0; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 238; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 238; break; case 2: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 255; _root.HeroMainColorR = 255; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 238; _root.HeroMainColorG = 238; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 204; _root.HeroMainColorB = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 51; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 51; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 0; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 0; break; default: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 153; _root.HeroMainColorB = 153; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 204; } this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 2136 { on (release) { var i = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); switch (i) { case 0: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 221; _root.HeroMainColorR = 221; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 53; _root.HeroMainColorB = 53; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 240; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 240; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 187; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 187; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 85; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 85; break; case 1: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 221; _root.HeroMainColorR = 221; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 170; _root.HeroMainColorG = 170; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 255; _root.HeroMainColorB = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 238; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 238; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 255; break; case 2: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 221; _root.HeroMainColorR = 221; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 170; _root.HeroMainColorG = 170; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 119; _root.HeroMainColorB = 119; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 255; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 51; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 51; break; default: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 153; _root.HeroMainColorB = 153; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 204; } this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 2138 { on (release) { var i = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); switch (i) { case 0: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 34; _root.HeroMainColorR = 34; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 0; _root.HeroMainColorG = 0; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 51; _root.HeroMainColorB = 51; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 136; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 136; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 136; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 136; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 153; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 153; break; case 1: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 153; _root.HeroMainColorB = 153; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 221; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 221; break; case 2: _root.HeroMainColorSetSetR = 250; _root.HeroMainColorR = 250; _root.HeroMainColorSetSetG = 240; _root.HeroMainColorG = 240; _root.HeroMainColorSetSetB = 220; _root.HeroMainColorB = 220; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 32; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 32; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 32; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 32; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 32; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 32; break; default: _root.HeroMainColorSetR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorR = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorG = 153; _root.HeroMainColorSetB = 153; _root.HeroMainColorB = 153; _root.HeroSecondColorSetR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetG = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorSetB = 204; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 204; } _root.heroview.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2144 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2146 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2148 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2150 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2152 { } movieClip 2154 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2156 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2159 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2161 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2163 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(111); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndStop(101); } } } frame 100 { if ( > 0) { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 2165 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 2167 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2170 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2173 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2176 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2178 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2181 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2184 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2186 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 2188 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2197 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 2198 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2200 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2212 { frame 1 { if (_root.wpn == 2 and (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12 or Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8 and _root.armorh < 100)) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } } movieClip 2214 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } movieClip 2216 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2232 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 2237 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.cumchest + 1); } } movieClip 2238 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2241 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 2243 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2245 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2248 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2251 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2267 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 2269 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2271 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2274 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2277 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2279 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2282 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2285 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2286 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 2288 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2290 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2292 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2294 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2298 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.acc); } } movieClip 2316 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 2318 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB + 17; if (red > 255) { red = 255; } if (green > 255) { green = 255; } if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2319 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2323 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.cumchest + 1); } } movieClip 2325 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 2327 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2329 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB + 17; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB + 17; } if (red > 255) { red = 255; } if (green > 255) { green = 255; } if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2331 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2333 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 2335 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2337 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB + 17; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB + 17; } if (red > 255) { red = 255; } if (green > 255) { green = 255; } if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2339 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2346 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2348 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2350 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2366 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 2368 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red += 17; if (red > 255) { red = 255; } green += 17; if (green > 255) { green = 255; } blue += 17; if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2369 { frame 1 { if (_root.player >= 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2371 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2373 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2375 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2377 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2380 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2383 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2395 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 2397 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2399 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2401 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2403 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2406 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2409 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2411 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2413 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2416 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2419 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2420 { frame 1 { if (_root.player == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } } movieClip 2422 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.acc); } } movieClip 2457 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2463 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.cumface + 1); } } movieClip 2465 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2467 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2470 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2472 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2475 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2477 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2479 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 2481 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2483 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2485 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2487 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2490 { frame 1 { var red = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorR / 2.5); var green = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorG / 2.5); var blue = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorB / 2.5); if (red < 16) { red = 16; } if (green < 16) { green = 16; } if (blue < 16) { blue = 16; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2492 { frame 1 { var red = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorR / 2.5 + 25); var green = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorG / 2.5 + 25); var blue = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorB / 2.5 + 25); if (red < 32) { red = 32; } if (green < 32) { green = 32; } if (blue < 32) { blue = 32; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2494 { frame 1 { var red = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorR / 2.5 - 25); var green = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorG / 2.5 - 25); var blue = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorB / 2.5 - 25); if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2500 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.cumface + 1); } } movieClip 2506 { frame 1 { if (_root.acc == 12) { gotoAndStop(10 + Math.floor(_root.player / 10)); } else { if (_root.acc == 10 or _root.acc == 11) { stop(); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.acc); } } } } movieClip 2508 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2510 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2512 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2514 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2517 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2519 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2521 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red += 17; if (red > 255) { red = 255; } green += 17; if (green > 255) { green = 255; } blue += 17; if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2524 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 2526 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2528 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red += 25; if (red > 255) { red = 255; } green += 25; if (green > 255) { green = 255; } blue += 25; if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2530 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 2532 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2538 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 2541 { frame 1 { var red = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorR / 2); var green = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorG / 2); var blue = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorB / 2); (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2543 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2547 { frame 1 { var red = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorR / 2); var green = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorG / 2); var blue = Math.floor(_root.HeroMainColorB / 2); (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2549 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2553 { frame 1 { var red = Math.floor(_root.HeroSecondColorR / 1.5); var green = Math.floor(_root.HeroSecondColorG / 1.5); var blue = Math.floor(_root.HeroSecondColorB / 1.5); (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2554 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 2569 { frame 1 { if (_root.wpn < 10) { gotoAndStop(_root.wpn + 1); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.wpn); } } } movieClip 2571 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2575 { frame 1 { if (_root.body > 1) { gotoAndStop(_root.body); } var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); stop(); } } movieClip 2584 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 2585 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2587 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 2589 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2593 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2597 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2599 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2603 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2606 { frame 1 { if (_root.player >= 21) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.camframe.hero._currentframe < 51 and _root.wpn > 10) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } stop(); } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(31); } else { if (_root.camframe.hero._currentframe < 51 and _root.wpn > 10) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } stop(); } } movieClip 2608 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2610 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2612 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red += 17; if (red > 255) { red = 255; } green += 17; if (green > 255) { green = 255; } blue += 17; if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2627 { frame 1 { if (_root.wpn == 2 and (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12 or Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8 and _root.armorh < 100)) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } } movieClip 2630 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2632 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2634 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red += 17; if (red > 255) { red = 255; } green += 17; if (green > 255) { green = 255; } blue += 17; if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2636 { frame 1 { if (_root.player <= 20) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(22); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 2638 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2642 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2646 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(8912896); } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } movieClip 2650 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2652 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 2654 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 2656 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2659 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2662 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2665 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 2667 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2670 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2673 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2675 { frame 1 { if (_root.player >= 21) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 2676 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(_root.wpn / 10)); } } movieClip 2677 { frame 1 { if (_root.player == 0) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2680 { } button 2684 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { _root.FadeoutBlack.gotoAndPlay(32); } } on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.FadeoutBlack.gotoAndPlay(32); } } button 2690 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } on (keyPress '<Right>') { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } button 2695 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1); } } on (keyPress '<Left>') { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1); } } movieClip 2708 { } movieClip 2710 { } // unknown tag 88 length 73 button 2732 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { _root.FadeoutBlack.gotoAndPlay(32); } } } movieClip 2734 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2737 { frame 31 { stop(); } frame 50 { _root.gotoAndStop([_root.gamestart]); stop(); } } movieClip 2740 { } button 2746 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { _root.FadeoutBlack.gotoAndPlay(32); } } on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.FadeoutBlack.gotoAndPlay(32); _root.acc = 2; } } button 2747 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } on (keyPress '<Right>') { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } movieClip 2751 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2754 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2757 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2759 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 2769 { } movieClip 2771 { } movieClip 2773 { } movieClip 2775 { } movieClip 2776 { } movieClip 2781 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2784 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2787 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 2789 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } button 2794 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { _root.FadeoutBlack.gotoAndPlay(32); _root.acc = 2; } } } movieClip 2795 { frame 1 { _root.acc = 1; stop(); } } movieClip 2798 { } movieClip 2800 { } movieClip 2802 { } movieClip 2804 { } movieClip 2806 { } movieClip 2808 { } movieClip 2811 { } button 2814 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { _root.FadeoutBlack.gotoAndPlay(32); } } on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.FadeoutBlack.gotoAndPlay(32); } } button 2815 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } on (keyPress '<Right>') { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } movieClip 2834 { } movieClip 2836 { } movieClip 2842 { } movieClip 2844 { } movieClip 2861 { } // unknown tag 88 length 68 button 2881 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutBlack._currentframe <= 31) { _root.FadeoutBlack.gotoAndPlay(32); } } } movieClip 2882 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2887 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 39) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root._currentframe > 29) { gotoAndStop(11); } } stop(); } } movieClip 2889 { } movieClip 2891 { } movieClip 2893 { } movieClip 2895 { } movieClip 2897 { } movieClip 2899 { } movieClip 2901 { } movieClip 2903 { } movieClip 2905 { } movieClip 2907 { } movieClip 2910 { } movieClip 2912 { } movieClip 2914 { } movieClip 2917 { } movieClip 2919 { } movieClip 2921 { } movieClip 2924 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shipclear == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2926 { } movieClip 2928 { } movieClip 2930 { } movieClip 2932 { } movieClip 2934 { } movieClip 2939 { } movieClip 2941 { } movieClip 2943 { } movieClip 2945 { } movieClip 2947 { } movieClip 2949 { } movieClip 2951 { } movieClip 2953 { } movieClip 2955 { } movieClip 2957 { } movieClip 2959 { } movieClip 2961 { } movieClip 2963 { } movieClip 2965 { } movieClip 2967 { } movieClip 2969 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 2971 { } movieClip 2973 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 2975 { } movieClip 2977 { } movieClip 2979 { } movieClip 2981 { } movieClip 2986 { } movieClip 2988 { } movieClip 2990 { } movieClip 2992 { } movieClip 2994 { } movieClip 2996 { } button 2999 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutWhite._currentframe <= 31) { _root.FadeoutWhite.gotoAndPlay(32); } } on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.FadeoutWhite.gotoAndPlay(32); } } button 3000 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutWhite._currentframe <= 31) { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } on (keyPress '<Right>') { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } movieClip 3005 { } button 3012 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutWhite._currentframe <= 31) { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1); } } on (keyPress '<Left>') { this.gotoAndStop(_currentframe - 1); } } movieClip 3043 { } movieClip 3044 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 3058 { } movieClip 3060 { } movieClip 3062 { } button 3070 { on (release) { if (_root.FadeoutWhite._currentframe <= 31) { _root.FadeoutWhite.gotoAndPlay(32); } } } movieClip 3088 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_getmedkit < 3) { gotoAndStop(21); } stop(); } } movieClip 3091 { frame 31 { stop(); } frame 50 { _root.held = 0; _root.gamestart = 'Act2Start'; _root.gotoAndStop([_root.gamestart]); stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 3096 { } movieClip 3097 { } movieClip 3100 { } movieClip 3102 { } movieClip 3104 { } movieClip 3106 { } movieClip 3108 { } movieClip 3111 { } movieClip 3115 { } movieClip 3118 { } movieClip 3120 { } movieClip 3122 { } movieClip 3124 { } movieClip 3126 { } movieClip 3128 { } movieClip 3130 { } movieClip 3132 { } movieClip 3134 { } movieClip 3136 { } movieClip 3138 { } movieClip 3140 { } movieClip 3142 { } movieClip 3144 { } movieClip 3146 { } movieClip 3148 { } movieClip 3150 { } movieClip 3152 { } movieClip 3154 { } movieClip 3156 { } movieClip 3158 { } movieClip 3173 { } movieClip 3201 { frame 1 { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50 + 3] < 2) { loadMovie('', smoke); } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root._currentframe == 54) { if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 1) { gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.quest_savemage == 5 or _root.quest_savemage == 6) { gotoAndStop(21); } } } else { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50 + 3] >= 2) { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; gotoAndPlay(51); } } _root.choicetext = 'The entrance to this home is locked.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.body >= 7) { _root.choiceS = '(Body Check) Force Door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = '(Body Check) Force Door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'This is LeiLei\'s home. Despite the chaos outside, it looks like no one has broken in yet.'; _root.choiceA = 'Unlock door & go inside.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.body >= 7) { _root.choiceS = '(Body Check) Force Door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = '(Body Check) Force Door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'As you approach, a familar faces opens the door & beckons you inside'; _root.choiceA = 'Enter Lei-Lei\'s home'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { play(); } frame 81 { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe + 3; _root.gox = -1800; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 130 { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe + 3; _root.gox = -1800; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 3208 { } movieClip 3210 { } movieClip 3211 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_opencastle % 2 < 1) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 3216 { } movieClip 3217 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_opencastle < 2) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 3223 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_opencastle >= 3) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'This building appears to be the main warren of the village. Although there is no physical front gate, there is clearly magical energy sealing the archway.'; _root.choiceA = 'Attempt to open door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.spirit >= 5) { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Study Gate'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Study Gate'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'With the wards deactivated, you are free to enter the great hall.'; _root.choiceA = 'Enter Building'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 1) { _root.quest_opencastle = 3; } if (_root.quest_opencastle < 2) { if (_root.wpn == 11 or _root.wpn == 42) { _root.quest_opencastle += 2; wardyellow.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (_root.quest_opencastle % 2 < 1) { var clothescheck = false; if (_root.acc == 2) { clothescheck = true; } if (_root.acc == 9) { clothescheck = true; } if (_root.armor >= 11 and _root.armor <= 15) { clothescheck = true; } if (_root.armor >= 111 and _root.armor <= 113) { clothescheck = true; } clothescheck = true; if (clothescheck) { _root.quest_opencastle += 1; wardpurple.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (_root.quest_opencastle >= 3) { gotoAndPlay(61); } } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 65 { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.gox = -1750; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 3236 { } movieClip 3239 { } movieClip 3241 { } movieClip 3246 { } movieClip 3282 { } movieClip 3316 { } movieClip 3356 { } movieClip 3376 { } movieClip 3391 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3396 { frame 1 { if (_root.villagehumans + _root.villageelves + _root.villagebunnies >= 30) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 3398 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear >= 10) { stop(); } if (_root.act2clear % 2 == 1) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 3400 { frame 1 { if (_root.KFoxHealth >= 105) { stop(); } } frame 2 { if (_root.player <= 10) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 3402 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear >= 2) { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 3404 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler >= 10) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3416 { frame 1 { if (_root.villagehumans + _root.villageelves + _root.villagebunnies >= 30) { stop(); } else { var monstercounter = Math.floor((_root.villagehumans + _root.villageelves + _root.villagebunnies) / 30); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 3419 { frame 1 { var questcounter = 6; if (_root.act2clear >= 3) { questcounter -= 2; } else { if (_root.act2clear >= 1) { --questcounter; } } if (_root.KFoxHealth >= 105 or _root.player < 10) { --questcounter; } if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler >= 10) { --questcounter; } gotoAndStop(questcounter); } } button 3420 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay(3); _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } } button 3421 { on (release) {;; } } movieClip 3422 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; } frame 5 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 6 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 7 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 8 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 9 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 10 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 11 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 12 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 13 { this._alpha += 10; } frame 14 { this._alpha = 100; } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 22 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 23 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 24 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 25 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 26 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 27 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 28 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 29 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 30 { this._alpha -= 10; } frame 31 { this._alpha = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 3423 { frame 31 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 71 { _root.gohere = 70; _root.gox = 0; _root.held = 0; _root.gotoAndStop(70); stop(); } } frame 18 { _root.maxitems = 2; _root.doorrightgo = 50; _root.doorrightgox = -1500; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.gamestart == 'GameStart') { _root.gamestart = 'Act1'; _root.camframe._x = -1000; } _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1211', 1211); _root.crawl1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1211); _root.topbox1211.unloadMovie(); } movieClip 3426 { } movieClip 3428 { } movieClip 3431 { } movieClip 3436 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 3437 { } movieClip 3438 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shipclear == 0) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } } movieClip 3440 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; _root.gohere = 20; _root.gox = -500; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 3444 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.player <= 10) { _root.choicetext = 'Your ship is trashed. You\'d think TK-9 would have warned ya there\'d be trouble landing.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'This wreckage is different than the rest. It looks like a single person could sit inside if they wanted.'; } _root.choiceA = 'Search Around'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { if (_root.player <= 10) { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s not much to salvage, but you do find a single jumpsuit packed away.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'This is all foreign to you. However, you do find what appears to be a female outfit made from a strange, stretchable material.'; } _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = 'Take Jumpsuit'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel) Leave it for now.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.quest_getjumpsuit == 0) { _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 106 { _root.quest_getjumpsuit = 1; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 31; _root.itemnewh = 100; stop(); } } movieClip 3446 { } movieClip 3449 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; if (_root._currentframe < 50) { if (_root.quest_shippower == 7 or _root.quest_shippower == 11) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(3); } } if (_root._currentframe == 18) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root._currentframe == 24 or _root._currentframe == 39) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.wpn == 23) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 3 { if (_root.wpn == 23) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 3461 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe < 200) { gotoAndStop(50); } var phase = Math.floor(_root.hordelevel / 10) + 1; var level = _root.hordelevel % 10; } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } frame 150 { stop(); } } movieClip 3463 { } movieClip 3465 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 3467 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3485 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 3487 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB + 17; if (red > 255) { red = 255; } if (green > 255) { green = 255; } if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3488 { frame 1 { if (_root.player >= 21) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 3489 { frame 1 { if (_root.wpn > 30) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } frame 6 { if (_root.wpn == 34) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } movieClip 3490 { frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3491 { frame 1 { if (_root.wpn > 30) { gotoAndPlay(31); } } frame 21 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 51 { gotoAndPlay(31); } } movieClip 3492 { frame 1 { if (_root.wpn > 30) { gotoAndPlay(31); } } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 43 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3502 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndPlay(41); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 31 { gotoAndPlay(21); } frame 51 { gotoAndPlay(41); } } movieClip 3503 { frame 1 { _root.held = 50; } frame 2 { _root.held = 50; } frame 3 { _root.held = 50; } frame 4 { _root.held = 50; } frame 5 { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3504 { frame 1 { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3506 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3509 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 3512 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3516 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3519 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 3521 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(8912896); } else { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } movieClip 3525 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3528 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(8912896); } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } movieClip 3532 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3534 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 23 { stop(); } } movieClip 3536 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 3538 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3541 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3544 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3548 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 3550 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3553 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } } movieClip 3556 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3558 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 3559 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 3561 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3565 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3569 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3572 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 3573 { frame 5 { if (_root.camframe.gameover._currentframe == 1) { _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 43 { stop(); } } movieClip 3574 { frame 1 { if (_root.armor <= 1 and !(_root.acc == 2 or _root.acc == 9 or _root.acc == 12)) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } frame 13 { NewItemHealthNumber = 1; var NewItemNumber = 1; if (_root.acc == 2) { NewItemNumber = _root.acc; NewItemHealthNumber = 601; _root.acc = 1;; _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth; } NewItemNumber += NewItemHealthNumber - 1; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop', 'obj' + _root.maxitems, 1001 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x - 300; _root['obj' + _root.maxitems]._y = 550; _root['obj' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); head.accessory.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor; NewItemHealthNumber = _root.armorh; _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; NewItemNumber += Math.ceil(NewItemHealthNumber / 25); ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); forearm.armor.gotoAndStop(1); shoulder.armor.gotoAndStop(1); chest.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); thigh.armor.gotoAndStop(1); footrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); footrear.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); thighrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); forearmrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); shoulderrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 21 { head.cum.gotoAndStop(1); cumboobs.gotoAndStop(1); thighrear.cum.gotoAndStop(1); cumchest.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 61 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == -100) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } frame 62 { stop(); } } movieClip 3577 { } movieClip 3579 { } movieClip 3581 { } movieClip 3583 { } movieClip 3586 { frame 1 { head.cum.gotoAndStop(1); cumboobs.gotoAndStop(1); thighrear.cum.gotoAndStop(1); cumchest.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root._currentframe == 80) { gotoAndStop(101); } } frame 10 { if (_root.acc !== 12) { stop(); } } frame 17 { SmokePuff1._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff2._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff3._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff4._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff5._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff6._alpha -= 25; } frame 19 { SmokePuff1._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff2._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff3._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff4._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff5._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff6._alpha -= 25; } frame 21 { SmokePuff1._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff2._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff3._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff4._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff5._alpha -= 25; SmokePuff6._alpha -= 25; } frame 65 { if (_root.cumface < 5) { ++_root.cumface; } if (_root.cumchest < 5) { ++_root.cumchest; } head.cum.gotoAndStop(1); cumboobs.gotoAndStop(1); thighrear.cum.gotoAndStop(1); cumchest.gotoAndStop(1); gotoAndPlay('Loop1'); } } movieClip 3587 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(Math.ceil(_root.wpn / 10)); } } movieClip 3588 { frame 1 { _root.held = 500; if (_root.armor <= 1 and !(_root.acc == 2 or _root.acc == 9 or _root.acc == 12)) { gotoAndStop(21); } } frame 13 { NewItemHealthNumber = 1; var NewItemNumber = 1; if (_root.acc == 2) { NewItemNumber = _root.acc; NewItemHealthNumber = 601; _root.acc = 1;; _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth; } NewItemNumber += NewItemHealthNumber - 1; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop', 'obj' + _root.maxitems, 1001 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x - 300; _root['obj' + _root.maxitems]._y = 550; _root['obj' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); head.accessory.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor; NewItemHealthNumber = _root.armorh; _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; NewItemNumber += Math.ceil(NewItemHealthNumber / 25); ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = -100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); forearm.armor.gotoAndStop(1); shoulder.armor.gotoAndStop(1); chest.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); thigh.armor.gotoAndStop(1); footrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); footrear.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); thighrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); forearmrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); shoulderrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.held = 0; } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 3589 { frame 1 { var chaincost = 10 * _root.weapon[_root.wpn][4]; if (_root.player % 10 == 2) { chaincost -= 10; } var scale = 100 + 10 * _root.body; } frame 2 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 3 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 4 { ++_root.held; scale -= chaincost; } frame 4 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 6 { if (_root.held == 9) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A2'); } } } } frame 8 { if (_root.held <= 10 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A2'); } } } } frame 12 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 22 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 23 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 24 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 15; } scale -= chaincost; } frame 24 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held == 14) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A3'); } } } } frame 28 { if (_root.held <= 15 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A3'); } } } } frame 32 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 42 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 43 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 44 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 46 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 20; } scale -= chaincost; } frame 48 { if (_root.held == 19) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A4'); } } } } frame 50 { if (_root.held <= 20 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A4'); } } } } frame 55 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 64 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 10; } scale -= chaincost; } frame 66 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 10; } } frame 71 { if (_root.held == 9) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { if (_root.wpn < 11) { gotoAndPlay('A5'); } } } } } frame 74 { if (_root.held <= 10 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { if (_root.wpn < 11) { gotoAndPlay('A5'); } } } } } frame 80 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 91 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 92 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 40; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 40; } } } frame 93 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 10; } } frame 93 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 40; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 40; } } } frame 94 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 97 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 25; } } frame 105 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 3590 { frame 1 { var a = 0; var chaincost = 10 * _root.weapon[_root.wpn][4]; ballscale = 100 + 10 * _root.spirit; var scale = ballscale; if (ballscale < 150) { ballscale = 150; } var ElementType = 'energyball'; var AttackSound = new Sound(); AttackSound.attachSound('magicsound'); if (_root.wpn == 12) { ElementType = 'fireball'; AttackSound.attachSound('fireballsound'); } if (_root.wpn == 13) { ElementType = 'energyball-dark'; } } frame 13 { a = _root.proj.length; ++_root.pnum; if (_root.pnum > 10) { _root.pnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie(ElementType, 'p' + _root.pnum, 200 + _root.pnum); _root.proj.push([0, ['p' + _root.pnum], 5, 25, ballscale]); AttackSound.start(0, 1); if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.proj[a][3] = -25; _root['p' + _root.pnum]._x = _root.camframe._x - 150; } else { _root['p' + _root.pnum]._x = _root.camframe._x + 150; } _root['p' + _root.pnum]._y = 220; _root['p' + _root.pnum]._xscale = scale; _root['p' + _root.pnum]._yscale = scale; if (_root.wpn == 13) { -= 1; } } frame 18 { if (_root.held <= 10) { scale -= chaincost; if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A1'); } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held <= 10) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 3594 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndPlay(41); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } } } movieClip 3595 { frame 1 { var chaincost = 10 * _root.weapon[_root.wpn][4]; var scale = 100 + 10 * _root.body; } frame 4 { ++_root.held; scale -= chaincost; } frame 6 { if (_root.held == 9) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A2'); } } } } frame 8 { if (_root.held <= 10 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A2'); } } } } frame 13 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 22 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 23 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 24 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 10; } scale -= chaincost; } frame 31 { if (_root.held <= 10 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A3'); } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 52 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 53 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 54 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 55 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 56 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 57 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 20; } scale -= chaincost; } frame 57 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 58 { if (_root.held == 19) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A4'); } } } } frame 60 { if (_root.held <= 20 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A4'); } } } } frame 67 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 81 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 40; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 40; } } } frame 82 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 40; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 40; } } } frame 83 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 85 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 10; } } frame 87 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 25; } } frame 96 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 3605 { frame 1 { var chaincost = 10 * _root.weapon[_root.wpn][4]; var scale = 100 + 10 * _root.body; } frame 3 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 4 { ++_root.held; scale -= chaincost; } frame 10 { if (_root.held == 9) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A2'); } } } } frame 12 { if (_root.held <= 10 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A2'); } } } } frame 23 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 33 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 34 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 35 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 10; } scale -= chaincost; } frame 39 { if (_root.held == 9) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A3'); } } } } frame 41 { if (_root.held <= 10 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A3'); } } } } frame 61 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 73 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 74 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 75 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 40; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 40; } } } frame 76 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 80; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 80; } } } frame 77 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 80; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 80; } } } frame 78 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 20; } scale -= chaincost; } frame 78 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 80; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 80; } } } frame 79 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 80; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 80; } } } frame 80 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 80; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 80; } } } frame 81 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 40; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 40; } } } frame 82 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 83 { if (_root.held <= 20 and _root.held > 0) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A4'); } } } } frame 83 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 88 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } frame 103 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 104 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 105 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 25; } } frame 105 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 107 { if (_root.held <= 25 and _root.held > 0) { _root.held = 25; } } frame 116 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 3606 { frame 1 { var chaincost = 10 * _root.weapon[_root.wpn][4]; var scale = 100 + 10 * _root.spirit; var AttackSound = new Sound(); switch (_root.wpn) { case 41: var energytype = 'wave'; var projectilespeed = 15; AttackSound.attachSound('wavesound'); break; case 42: var energytype = 'earthmound'; var projectilespeed = 10; scale += 50; AttackSound.attachSound('rocksound'); break; case 43: var energytype = 'fireball_staff'; var projectilespeed = 50; AttackSound.attachSound(''); break; default: var energytype = 'energyball'; var projectilespeed = 25; AttackSound.attachSound(''); } } frame 3 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 4 { ++_root.held; scale -= chaincost; } frame 5 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 6 { var a = _root.proj.length; ++_root.pnum; if (_root.pnum > 10) { _root.pnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie(energytype, 'p' + _root.pnum, 200 + _root.pnum); _root['p' + _root.pnum]._y = 575; if (_root.wpn == 43) { _root['p' + _root.pnum]._y = 300; } AttackSound.start(0, 1); if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == -100) { _root['p' + _root.pnum]._x = _root.camframe._x - 150; _root.proj.push([0, ['p' + _root.pnum], 5, -1 * projectilespeed, scale]); } else { _root['p' + _root.pnum]._x = _root.camframe._x + 150; _root.proj.push([0, ['p' + _root.pnum], 5, projectilespeed, scale]); } } frame 7 { } frame 8 { } frame 21 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held <= 25) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 36 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5; } } } } movieClip 3607 { frame 2 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 50; } } frame 4 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 5 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 5 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 6 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 7 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 7 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 8 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 9 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 9 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 10 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 11 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 12 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 13 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 15 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 60; } } frame 17 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 60; } } frame 19 { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(_root.camframe.hero._currentframe + 1); } frame 24 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3608 { frame 6 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3609 { frame 1 { var a = 0; var chaincost = 15; ballscale = 100 + 10 * _root.spirit; var scale = ballscale; var ElementType = 'energyball'; var AttackSound = new Sound(); AttackSound.attachSound('magicsound'); if (_root.wpn == 12) { ElementType = 'fireball'; AttackSound.attachSound('fireballsound'); } if (_root.wpn == 13) { ElementType = 'energyball-dark'; } } frame 2 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 50; } } frame 7 { a = _root.proj.length; ++_root.pnum; if (_root.pnum > 10) { _root.pnum = 1; } _root.attachMovie(ElementType, 'p' + _root.pnum, 200 + _root.pnum); _root.proj.push([0, ['p' + _root.pnum], 5, 25, ballscale]); AttackSound.start(0, 1); if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.proj[a][3] = -25; _root['p' + _root.pnum]._x = _root.camframe._x - 150; } else { _root['p' + _root.pnum]._x = _root.camframe._x + 150; } if (scale % 2 == 1) { _root['p' + _root.pnum]._y = 210; } else { _root['p' + _root.pnum]._y = 230; } _root['p' + _root.pnum]._xscale = scale; _root['p' + _root.pnum]._yscale = scale; if (_root.wpn == 13) { -= 1; } } frame 9 { if (_root.held <= 50) { scale -= chaincost; if (scale >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('A1'); } } } frame 20 { if (_root.held <= 50) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 3610 { frame 2 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 50; } } frame 4 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 4 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w2._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w6._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w10._alpha = 0; } frame 5 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w6._alpha = 75; } frame 6 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w6._alpha = 100; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 75; } frame 7 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w6._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 50; } frame 8 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 8 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w6._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 25; } frame 9 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w10._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w2._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 0; } frame 10 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w10._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w2._alpha = 50; } frame 11 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w10._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w2._alpha = 25; } frame 12 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 12 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w10._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w2._alpha = 0; } frame 13 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w6._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 0; } frame 14 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w6._alpha = 100; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 75; } frame 15 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w6._alpha = 50; } frame 16 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 16 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w6._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 25; } frame 17 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w2._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w10._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 0; } frame 18 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w2._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w10._alpha = 50; } frame 19 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w2._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w10._alpha = 25; } frame 20 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 60; } } frame 20 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w2._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 75; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w10._alpha = 0; } frame 21 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w3._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 50; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w9._alpha = 0; } frame 22 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w4._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 25; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w8._alpha = 0; } frame 23 { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(_root.camframe.hero._currentframe + 1); } frame 23 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 0; } frame 30 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3611 { frame 1 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 1 { _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w5._alpha = 0; _root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.w7._alpha = 0; } frame 8 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3630 { frame 2 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 50; } } frame 4 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 7 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; this._xscale *= -1; } frame 8 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 11 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; this._xscale *= -1; } frame 12 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 15 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; this._xscale *= -1; } frame 16 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 19 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; this._xscale *= -1; } frame 20 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 23 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; this._xscale *= -1; } frame 24 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 55; } } frame 27 { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(_root.camframe.hero._currentframe + 1); } frame 27 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; this._xscale *= -1; } frame 45 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3631 { frame 23 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3632 { frame 1 { switch (_root.wpn) { case 41: var energytype = 'ss_water'; var projectileheight = 100; var projectiledistance = _root.camframe._x; break; case 42: var energytype = 'ss_earth'; var projectileheight = 550; var projectiledistance = _root.camframe._x + _root.camframe.hero._xscale * 4; break; case 43: var energytype = 'ss_fire'; var projectileheight = 800; var projectiledistance = _root.camframe._x; break; default: var energytype = 'energyball'; var projectileheight = 100; var projectiledistance = _root.camframe._x; } } frame 2 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 50; } } frame 2 { var chargesound = new Sound(); chargesound.attachSound('stormcharge'); chargesound.start(0, 2); } frame 3 { _root.attachMovie(energytype, 'ss', 249); var scale = 20; var maxscale = 100 * _root.spirit; var chargecount = 0; = projectiledistance; = projectileheight; = scale; = scale; } frame 4 { var scale = 40; = scale; = scale; } frame 5 { var scale = 60; = scale; = scale; } frame 6 { if (scale < maxscale) { scale += _root.spirit; } = scale; = scale; } frame 8 { if (scale < maxscale) { scale += _root.spirit; } = scale; = scale; } frame 10 { if (scale < maxscale) { scale += _root.spirit; } = scale; = scale; } frame 12 { if (scale < maxscale) { scale += _root.spirit; } = scale; = scale; } frame 14 { if (scale < maxscale) { scale += _root.spirit; } = scale; = scale; } frame 15 { ++chargecount; if (chargecount <= 5) { if (Key.isDown(83)) { -= 5; gotoAndPlay('L1'); } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held == 50) { _root.held = 51; } } frame 16 { chargesound.stop(); } frame 24 { if (chargecount <= 1) { gotoAndPlay(56); } } frame 40 { if (chargecount <= 3) { gotoAndPlay(56); } } frame 60 { if (_root.held <= 60) { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 3633 { frame 2 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 3 { if (_root.held == 41) { _root.held = 40; } } frame 3 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 4 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 40; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 40; } } } frame 5 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 40; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 40; } } } frame 6 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } } } frame 7 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } } } frame 9 { if (_root.held <= 41) { _root.held = 39; } } frame 15 { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3634 { frame 1 { var monsterdamage = Math.floor(_root.monatt[0][2] % 100); if (isNaN(monsterdamage)) { monsterdamage = 5; } var monsterKB = Math.floor(_root.monatt[0][2] % 100) * 10; if (isNaN(monsterKB)) { monsterKB = 50; } if (_root.held == 97) { monsterdamage /= 2; if (Math.floor(_root.monatt[0][2] / 200) == 1) { monsterKB += 200; } if (Math.floor(_root.monatt[0][2] / 200) == 6) { monsterKB += 200; } } else { if (_root.held == 99) { monsterdamage *= 2; monsterKB *= 5; } } if (_root.armorh > 0) { -= monsterdamage / 2; _root.armorh -= monsterdamage / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } } else { -= monsterdamage; } if (_root.held == 97) { gotoAndPlay(11); } else { if (_root.held == 99) { gotoAndPlay(21); } else {} } } frame 2 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 3 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 4 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 5 { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 11 { if (_root.wpn > 30) { gotoAndPlay(16); } if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 12 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 13 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } _root.held = 0; if (Key.isDown(40) or Key.isDown(87)) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 16 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 17 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 18 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } _root.held = 0; if (Key.isDown(40) or Key.isDown(87)) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 21 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 22 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 23 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 24 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 25 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 26 { if (monsterKB > 0) { if (_root.monatt[0][3] > 0) { if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x += 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x += monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } else { if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { if (monsterKB > 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 100; monsterKB -= 100; } else { _root.camframe._x -= monsterKB; monsterKB = 0; } } } monsterKB -= 100; } } frame 44 { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3635 { frame 1 { var monsterdamage = _root.BGA[0][1]; _root.camframe._x += _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._xscale * monsterdamage / 5; if (_root.armorh > 0) { -= monsterdamage / 2; _root.armorh -= monsterdamage / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } } else { -= monsterdamage; } } frame 5 { _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3645 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndPlay(22); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndPlay(12); } else { play(); } } } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 3675 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 3677 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3680 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3683 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3687 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 3689 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 3692 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3695 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3697 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 4204 { frame 1 { G = 0; B = 0; var R = 0; var ArmorColorCheck = 0; ArmorColorCheck = Math.floor(_root.armor / 10); switch (ArmorColorCheck) { case 1: R = 102; G = 102; B = 102; break; case 2: R = 153; G = 102; B = 0; break; case 3: R = 34; G = 51; B = 51; break; case 4: R = 0; G = 102; B = 0; break; case 5: R = 102; G = 51; B = 0; break; case 6: R = 0; G = 255; B = 0; break; case 8: R = 0; G = 0; B = 153; break; case 9: R = 255; G = 0; B = 0; break; case 10: R = 204; G = 204; B = 204; break; case 11: R = 153; G = 102; B = 51; break; case 12: R = 153; G = 0; B = 0; break; default: R = 51; G = 51; B = 51; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(R * 256 * 256 + G * 256 + B); } } movieClip 4206 { } movieClip 4223 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 3) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 2) { j = 2; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 3; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root.camframe._x -= _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root.BGA[0][7] = 950; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]].gotoAndStop(11); _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 200; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 7 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 40 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1301); _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x; } frame 75 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 127 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1301); _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x; } frame 131 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison2', 1302); _root.symbol_poison2._y = 125; _root.symbol_poison2._x = _root.camframe._x + 25; } frame 180 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 181 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 181 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 186 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 191 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 191 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 196 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 200 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); _root.grapple = -75; } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 201 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 210 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } _root.poisonlevel += 25; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1301); _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x; } frame 240 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 241 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 241 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 246 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 251 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 251 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 256 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 261 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 262 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 268 { } frame 314 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 316 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 326 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 4264 { } movieClip 4321 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 2; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held == 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 7 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 33 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 90 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 126 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 131 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 131 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 136 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 140 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { if (Math.random() > 0.33) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2Loop'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 141 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 146 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 151 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 151 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 156 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 160 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 161 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 163 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 220 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 236 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 240 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 241 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 242 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 280 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 281 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; if (_root.armor == 51 and _root.armorh > 100) { thigh.armor.gotoAndStop(2); thighrear.armor.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 281 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 286 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 291 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 293 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 296 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 307 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 312 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 354 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 356 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 366 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 4368 { } movieClip 4394 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 2; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held == 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 7 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 35 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 90 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 107 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 113 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 116 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 125 { if (Math.random() > 0.33) { gotoAndPlay('BGCum2Loop'); } } frame 130 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 182 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 183 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 183 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 188 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 193 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 193 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 198 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 202 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 203 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 203 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 242 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 243 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 243 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 248 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 253 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 255 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 258 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 263 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 268 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 269 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 273 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 311 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 318 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 328 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 4404 { } movieClip 4406 { } movieClip 4408 { } movieClip 4410 { } movieClip 4412 { } movieClip 4615 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 4617 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4620 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4623 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4626 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 4628 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4631 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 4634 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4636 { frame 1 { if (_root.player >= 21) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 4757 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 6) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 175; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 6; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x = _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root.held = 95; _root.quest_shipclear = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(9); } else { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 11 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } else { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } frame 11 { _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1301); _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; } frame 12 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } else { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } frame 13 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } else { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } frame 14 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } else { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } frame 15 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } else { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } frame 16 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 20; } else { _root.camframe._x += 20; } } frame 30 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 31 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 6; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 41 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 46 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 50 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 51 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 60 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1302); _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; } frame 61 { _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(51); } frame 64 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1303); _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x + 50; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; } frame 91 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 115 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 116 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 121 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1302); _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; } frame 123 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1303); _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x + 50; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; } frame 125 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1304); _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x - 50; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; } frame 126 { _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(51); } frame 131 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1305); _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; } frame 156 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 181 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 181 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 186 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 191 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 191 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 196 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 200 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 201 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 210 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1302); _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; } frame 211 { _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(51); } frame 213 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } _root.poisonlevel += 50; if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1303); _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x + 50; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100; } frame 241 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 251 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; _root.grapple = 75; _root.held = 106; } } var lassoloop = 0; } frame 265 { ++lassoloop; if (lassoloop < 3) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Loop'); } } frame 271 { _root.BGA[0][4] -= (_root.body + _root.spirit) * 2; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x -= 10 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; } frame 286 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } unloadarrows(); } frame 310 { forearm.armor.gotoAndStop(1); shoulder.armor.gotoAndStop(1); armorchest.gotoAndStop(1); armorbra.gotoAndStop(1); chest.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); thigh.armor.gotoAndStop(1); footrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); footrear.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); thighrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); forearmrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); shoulderrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 311 { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; = 100; _root.grapple = 40; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } frame 331 { _root.quest_shipclear = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 4759 { } movieClip 4761 { } movieClip 4763 { } movieClip 4765 { } movieClip 4786 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 4788 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4792 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4796 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 4798 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4802 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4804 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 4829 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 2) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 1) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 2; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 10 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (Math.random() > 0.25) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1loop'); } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 40 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 70 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + '9'); herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 110 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 121 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 126 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 130 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2Loop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 131 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 151 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 229 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 270 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 281 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 281 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 286 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 290 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 291 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 296 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 301 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 310 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2loop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 319 { } frame 354 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 356 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 366 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 4832 { } movieClip 4833 { } movieClip 4846 { } movieClip 4848 { } movieClip 4858 { } movieClip 4871 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 4874 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4880 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 4882 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4885 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4887 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 4889 { } movieClip 4891 { } movieClip 4893 { } movieClip 4897 { } movieClip 4899 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 4901 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4904 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4907 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4911 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 4913 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4916 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4919 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4921 { frame 1 { if (_root.player >= 21) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 4925 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 4927 { frame 1 { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4931 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4934 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 4936 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 4940 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(8); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(12); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4942 { frame 1 { if (_root.player >= 21) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 4951 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 125; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); if (j > 2) { j = 2; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); m20thigh.spankred._alpha = 0; } frame 20 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } else { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } frame 21 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } else { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } frame 22 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } else { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } frame 23 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } else { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } frame 24 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } else { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } frame 25 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe._x -= 10; } else { _root.camframe._x += 10; } } frame 30 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } } frame 43 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } } frame 51 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 51 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } } frame 58 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } } frame 66 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 67 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 68 { m20thigh.spankred._alpha = 0; } frame 120 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 121 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } } frame 125 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } } frame 129 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 129 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } } frame 133 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } } frame 137 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 138 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 139 { m20thigh.spankred._alpha = 0; } frame 144 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 175 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 176 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 176 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { _root.escbgvar -= 3; } } frame 182 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { _root.escbgvar -= 3; } } frame 188 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 188 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { _root.escbgvar -= 3; } } frame 194 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { _root.escbgvar -= 3; } } frame 200 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 201 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 203 { m20thigh.spankred._alpha = 0; } frame 241 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 251 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 251 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { _root.escbgvar -= 6; } } frame 256 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { _root.escbgvar -= 6; } } frame 256 { if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha < 75) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha += 25; } else { m20thigh.spankred._alpha = 100; } } frame 258 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 261 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } if (m20thigh.spankred._alpha > 0) { m20thigh.spankred._alpha -= 5; } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { _root.escbgvar -= 6; } } frame 265 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 266 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 295 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 302 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 312 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 4953 { } movieClip 4955 { } movieClip 4957 { } movieClip 4991 { } movieClip 4993 { } movieClip 5015 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } i = 1; while (i <= 3) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 3; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 15 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 58 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 100 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 132 { if (Math.random() > 0.25) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 139 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 186 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; foothitbox.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 230 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 232 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 281 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; foothitbox.armor.gotoAndStop(2); foothitbox.armor2.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 321 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 326 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 331 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 332 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 340 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 5017 { } movieClip 5019 { } movieClip 5022 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(8912896); } else { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } movieClip 5025 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.player < 10) { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5028 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(8912896); } else { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } } movieClip 5031 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5033 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 5035 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 5037 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5039 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 5041 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5045 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.acc); } } movieClip 5058 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 5059 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 5061 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 5063 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5065 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB + 17; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB + 17; } if (red > 255) { red = 255; } if (green > 255) { green = 255; } if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5067 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5069 { } movieClip 5076 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 5077 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; if (i == 2) { _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j + 90; } else { _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; } ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 20 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 45 { } frame 76 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 6; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 137 { if (Math.random() > 0.25) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 145 { } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 213 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 224 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 225 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 232 { } frame 281 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 327 { if (Math.random() > 0.25) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2CumLoop'); } } frame 329 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 5121 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 2) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 20 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 51 { } frame 76 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 113 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 124 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 125 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 145 { if (Math.random() > 0.25) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 155 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 191 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 231 { } frame 261 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 331 { } frame 360 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 5123 { } movieClip 5125 { } movieClip 5126 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 2) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 + 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } instance of movieClip 1461 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 75; } } instance of movieClip 1461 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 50; } } instance of movieClip 1461 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 25; } } frame 20 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 53 { if (Math.random() > 0.33) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } } frame 56 { } frame 81 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 6; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 133 { if (Math.random() > 0.33) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 139 { } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 230 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 246 { } frame 281 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 331 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 5145 { } movieClip 5171 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5183 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 5184 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 5187 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 5189 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 5191 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5193 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 5195 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5198 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5201 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5215 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 5217 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 5219 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5223 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5225 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 5227 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5230 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 5233 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5234 { frame 1 { if (_root.player == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } } movieClip 5236 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 5238 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5240 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5244 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5254 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 5256 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 5258 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5260 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5264 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5266 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 5268 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 5272 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 5273 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 5288 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 125; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 20 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 55 { if (Math.random() < 0.6) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } } frame 62 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 91 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 136 { if (_root.held < 1000) { moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else {} } frame 141 { if (Math.random() > 0.33) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cumloop'); } } frame 144 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; foothitbox.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 230 { } frame 261 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; foothitbox.armor.gotoAndStop(2); foothitbox.armor2.gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 331 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 5355 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; j += 1; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 20 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 33 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 41 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 45 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 46 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 65 { if (Math.random() > 0.25) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } } frame 75 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 100 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 134 { if (Math.random() > 0.15) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cumLoop'); } } frame 137 { } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 213 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 224 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 225 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 237 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 271 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 331 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 5357 { } movieClip 5381 { } movieClip 5411 { } movieClip 5453 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; j -= 1; if (j < 0) { j = 3; } ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; if (_root._currentframe <= 100) { ++_root.maxitems; var v2 = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('M29_FlowerDone', 'obj' + v2, 300 + v2); _root['obj' + v2]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale * -1; _root['obj' + v2]._x = _root.camframe._x + 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj' + v2]._y = 550; } } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 35 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 51 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 51 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 56 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 61 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 61 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 66 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 70 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 71 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 81 { } frame 115 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 121 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 126 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 131 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 131 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 136 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 140 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 141 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 151 { } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 231 { } frame 261 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 331 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 5464 { } movieClip 5466 { } movieClip 5468 { } movieClip 5580 { } movieClip 5680 { } movieClip 5790 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 150; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 2) { j = 2; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 5; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale !== _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._xscale) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held == 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 43 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 45 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 90 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 122 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 124 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 170 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 222 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 224 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 261 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; if (_root.armor == 51 and _root.armorh > 100) { thigh.armor.gotoAndStop(2); thighrear.armor.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 322 { } frame 324 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 361 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 372 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 5795 { } movieClip 5797 { } movieClip 5799 { } movieClip 5801 { } movieClip 5870 { } movieClip 5872 { } movieClip 5881 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(10 + Math.floor(_root.player / 10)); } frame 2 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 4 movieClip 5888 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); stop(); } } movieClip 5891 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); stop(); } } movieClip 5893 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); stop(); } } movieClip 5895 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB; red -= 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } green -= 25; if (green < 0) { green = 0; } blue -= 25; if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); stop(); } } movieClip 5932 { } movieClip 5944 { } movieClip 6045 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 4 + Math.floor(_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle / 10) * 2) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 125 + Math.floor(_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle / 10) * 50; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j += 1; if (j > 2) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4 + Math.floor(_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle / 10) * 2; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; if (_root.grapple >= 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] -= 0.5; } else { -= 0.5; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root.dunecrawlerbed.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndPlay(1);; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } var loopcounter = 5; _root.obj1.gotoAndStop(51); _root.gbararrowcheck = -25; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { switch (_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } if (_root.grapple > 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } case 12: var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - 0.5) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndPlay('Kink2'); break; case 22: var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - 1) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndPlay('Kink3'); break; case 32: var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - 1) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndPlay('Kink3'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 2; if (_root.held == 105) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else {} } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { if (_root.grapple == -100) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } } frame 42 { loopcounter = 5; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 59 { if (loopcounter > 0) { loopcounter -= 1; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1Loop'); } } frame 60 { dsl += 1; herovoicecall(); } frame 60 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 110 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 7; _root.quest_gnomesleep = 0; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 1; if (_root.held < 105) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 121 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 126 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 130 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple == 100) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1Cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } frame 131 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 150 { if (loopcounter > 0) { loopcounter -= 1; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1Loop'); } } frame 153 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 190 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 9; _root.quest_gnomesleep = 1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 2; if (_root.held == 105) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 321 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } } frame 321 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 326 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 330 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple == -100) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } } } } frame 332 { loopcounter = 5; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 349 { if (loopcounter > 0) { loopcounter -= 1; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2Loop'); } } frame 350 { dsl += 1; herovoicecall(); } frame 350 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 400 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 17; _root.quest_gnomesleep = 0; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 401 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 1; if (_root.held < 105) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 401 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 406 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 411 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } } } frame 411 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 416 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 420 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple == 100) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } } } frame 421 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 450 { if (loopcounter > 0) { loopcounter -= 1; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Loop'); } } frame 460 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 500 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 19; _root.quest_gnomesleep = 1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 581 { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab3'); } frame 601 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 2; if (_root.held == 105) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 601 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 606 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 611 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab3cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab3'); } else {} } } frame 611 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 616 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 620 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab3cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab3'); } else { if (_root.grapple == -100) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab3cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab3'); } } } } frame 621 { loopcounter = 5; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 622 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 626 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 631 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 636 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 641 { if (loopcounter > 0) { loopcounter -= 1; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab3loop'); } } frame 642 { dsl += 1; herovoicecall(); } frame 642 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 696 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 27; _root.quest_gnomesleep = 0; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 701 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 1; if (_root.held < 105) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 701 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 706 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 711 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab3Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab3'); } } } frame 711 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 716 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 720 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab3Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple == 100) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab3Cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab3'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab3'); } } } frame 721 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 722 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 727 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 732 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 737 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 741 { if (loopcounter > 0) { loopcounter -= 1; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab3Loop'); } } frame 742 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 800 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 29; _root.quest_gnomesleep = 1; heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 6074 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 2) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { unloadarrows(); if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 20 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 51 { } frame 76 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 113 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 124 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 125 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 145 { if (Math.random() > 0.25) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 155 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 191 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 231 { } frame 261 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 331 { } frame 360 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 6076 { } movieClip 6141 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 6143 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6145 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6148 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6151 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6165 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 6167 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6169 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6172 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6175 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6177 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6180 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 6183 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6184 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 6186 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 6188 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 6190 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6192 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 6194 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6197 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6200 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6213 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 6215 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 6217 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6219 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 6221 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6224 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6227 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6229 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 6231 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6234 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 6237 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6238 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); if (_root.player == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 6240 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 6242 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6258 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 6259 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB + 17; if (red > 255) { red = 255; } if (green > 255) { green = 255; } if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6260 { frame 1 { if (_root.player >= 21) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 6286 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 6354 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 3) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 3; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[1][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held == 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 35 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 49 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 90 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 131 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 139 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1Loop'); } } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 236 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 240 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 241 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 251 { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } } frame 254 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 257 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 300 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 6356 { } movieClip 6402 { } movieClip 6437 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.7) { j = 180; } i = 1; while (i <= 3) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 3; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[1][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held == 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.BGA[0][0] == 17) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(_root.camframe.hero._currentframe + 2); } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 35 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 49 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 90 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 131 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 139 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1Loop'); } } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 236 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 240 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 241 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 251 { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } } frame 254 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 257 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 300 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); } } movieClip 6516 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 3) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation = 180; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 3; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[1][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held == 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 35 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 49 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 90 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 131 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 139 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1Loop'); } } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 236 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 240 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 241 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 251 { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } } frame 254 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 257 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 300 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); } } movieClip 6595 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.3) { j = 180; } i = 1; while (i <= 3) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 3; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[0][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { if (_root.quest_zombiecount > 0) { --_root.quest_zombiecount; } _root.BGA[1][1] = 0; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held == 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0;; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 35 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 49 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 90 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 131 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 139 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1Loop'); } } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 236 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 240 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 241 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 251 { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } } frame 254 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 257 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 300 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 6597 { } movieClip 6624 { } movieClip 6644 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 6646 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 6648 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6650 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 6652 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6655 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6658 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6675 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25)); } } movieClip 6677 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 6679 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6681 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 6683 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6686 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 50; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 50; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 50; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6689 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6691 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } } movieClip 6693 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6695 { frame 1 { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR + 17; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG + 17; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB + 17; if (red > 255) { red = 255; } if (green > 255) { green = 255; } if (blue > 255) { blue = 255; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 6698 { frame 1 { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } movieClip 6701 { frame 1 { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 6702 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); if (_root.player == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 6716 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 3) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 1) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 3; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 10 { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + '9'); herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 22 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 39 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 47 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1B'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 48 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 50 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 55 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 71 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 110 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1B'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1B'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 126 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 131 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2B'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1B'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 132 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 144 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 149 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 155 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 186 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 230 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 271 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 376 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 6771 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 125; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); if (j > 2) { j = 2; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 11 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 16 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 30 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 32 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 41 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 76 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 131 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 136 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 166 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { if (_root.held !== 112) { _root.escbgvar -= 3; } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { if (_root.held !== 112) { _root.escbgvar -= 3; } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { if (_root.held !== 112) { _root.escbgvar -= 3; } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { if (_root.held !== 112) { _root.escbgvar -= 3; } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 231 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 275 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { if (_root.held !== 112) { _root.escbgvar -= 6; } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { if (_root.held !== 112) { _root.escbgvar -= 6; } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { if (_root.held !== 112) { _root.escbgvar -= 6; } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } if (_root._currentframe == 44) { if (_root.held !== 112) { _root.escbgvar -= 6; } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { if (_root.escbgvar * -1 - 100 > _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 330 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 6773 { } movieClip 6801 { } movieClip 6862 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 4) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 125; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 1) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 4; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 58 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 63 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 100 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 132 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 138 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 141 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 230 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 232 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 236 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 281 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); if (_root.armor == 51 and _root.armorh > 100) { thigh.armor.gotoAndStop(2); thighrear.armor.gotoAndStop(2); } _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 321 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 326 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 331 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 332 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 340 { } frame 346 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 370 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 371 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 381 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 6900 { } movieClip 6923 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 1) { j = 1; } if (i == 1 or i == 3) { _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j + 90; } else { _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; } ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 5; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 61 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 133 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } } frame 138 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 143 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } } frame 180 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 232 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 238 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 241 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } } frame 281 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_root.armor == 51 and _root.armorh > 100) { thigh.armor.gotoAndStop(2); thighrear.armor.gotoAndStop(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 321 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 326 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 330 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 331 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 336 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } } frame 339 { } frame 381 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 401 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 401 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 406 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 411 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 411 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 416 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 420 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 421 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 431 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } } frame 434 { } frame 470 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 471 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 481 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 6925 { } movieClip 6927 { } movieClip 6928 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 75; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; if (i == 1 or i == 3) { _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j + 90; } else { _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; } ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 5; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 55 { if (Math.random() < 0.6) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } } frame 61 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } } frame 64 { } frame 100 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 6; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 133 { if (Math.random() < 0.6) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 138 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } } frame 141 { } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 226 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 230 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 231 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 232 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } } frame 236 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } } frame 281 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 330 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } } frame 333 { } frame 370 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 371 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 381 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 6990 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 1) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 5; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 50 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 54 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 100 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 113 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 124 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 125 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 144 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 154 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 156 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 231 { } frame 233 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 266 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 321 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 322 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 329 { } frame 332 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 370 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 371 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 381 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 7013 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 5; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; if (_root.BGA[0][0] == 26) { gotoAndPlay('girlfirst'); } } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 51 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 130 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 134 { } frame 161 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 213 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 224 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 225 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 244 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 254 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 256 { } frame 281 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 331 { } frame 333 { } frame 366 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 401 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 401 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 406 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 411 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 411 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 416 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 421 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 422 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 431 { } frame 432 { } frame 466 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 471 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 481 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 7014 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 100; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 2) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 + 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 5; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 53 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } } frame 55 { } frame 57 { } frame 100 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 133 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 138 { } frame 140 { } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 213 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 224 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 225 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 240 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } } frame 248 { } frame 250 { } frame 281 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 321 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 322 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 329 { } frame 332 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 370 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 7031 { } movieClip 7033 { } movieClip 7086 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } i = 1; while (i <= 6) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 125; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; j += 1; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 6; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 33 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 41 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 45 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 46 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 65 { if (Math.random() > 0.25) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } } frame 75 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 77 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 96 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 138 { if (Math.random() > 0.33) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cumLoop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cumEnd'); } } frame 150 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 152 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 212 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 221 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 224 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 225 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 236 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 238 { if (_root.cumfchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 271 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 330 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 332 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 7092 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 7098 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 7099 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2); } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } movieClip 7101 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 7102 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 7104 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 7105 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 7107 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 7109 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 7111 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 7113 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroMainColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorG * 256 + _root.HeroMainColorB); } else { (new Color(this)).setRGB(_root.HeroSecondColorR * 256 * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorG * 256 + _root.HeroSecondColorB); } } } movieClip 7115 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { var red = _root.HeroMainColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroMainColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroMainColorB - 25; } else { var red = _root.HeroSecondColorR - 25; var green = _root.HeroSecondColorG - 25; var blue = _root.HeroSecondColorB - 25; } if (red < 0) { red = 0; } if (green < 0) { green = 0; } if (blue < 0) { blue = 0; } (new Color(this)).setRGB(red * 256 * 256 + green * 256 + blue); } } movieClip 7117 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 7120 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.player); } } movieClip 7121 { frame 1 { if (_root.player <= 20) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(22); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 7122 { frame 1 { if (_root.player >= 21) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } else { if (_root.camframe.hero._currentframe < 51 and _root.wpn > 10) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } else { if (_root.camframe.hero._currentframe < 51 and _root.wpn > 10) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } } } } movieClip 7124 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(22); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 2 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } frame 22 { if (_root.wpn == 2) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); } } } movieClip 7168 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } i = 1; while (i <= 6) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 125; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; j += 1; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 6; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { _root.armorh = temparmor; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; } var temparmor = _root.armorh; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { var alphamodifier = 10; FadeOutTimer = setInterval(function () { if ((eval(M28_Hand))._alpha <= 0 or _currentframe > 15) { clearInterval(FadeOutTimer); } else { M28_Hand._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Weapon._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Forearm._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Shoulder._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Foot._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Thigh._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Eye._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Head._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Jaw._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Cock._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Balls._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Torso._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Tail._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_HandRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_ForearmRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_ShoulderRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_FootRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_ThighRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_FistRearFingers._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Hand._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Weapon._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Forearm._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Shoulder._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Foot._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Thigh._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Eye._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Head._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Jaw._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Dress._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Nipple._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Boob._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_NippleRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_BoobRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Torso._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Tail._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_FootRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_ThighRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_FistRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_ForearmRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_ShoulderRear._alpha -= alphamodifier; Shadow._alpha -= alphamodifier; M28_Shadow._alpha -= alphamodifier; M29_Shadow._alpha -= alphamodifier; } --time; }, 50); } frame 16 { _root.armorh = 0;; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); forearm.armor.gotoAndStop(1); shoulder.armor.gotoAndStop(1); chest.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor.gotoAndStop(1); foothitbox.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); thigh.armor.gotoAndStop(1); footrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); footrear.armor2.gotoAndStop(1); thighrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); forearmrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); shoulderrear.armor.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 31 { C1_Forearm._alpha = 0; C1_Fist._alpha = 0; C1_shoulder._alpha = 0; C1_Eye._alpha = 0; C1_Head._alpha = 0; C1_Jaw._alpha = 0; C1_Foot._alpha = 0; C1_Thigh._alpha = 0; C1_Nipple._alpha = 0; C1_Boob._alpha = 0; C1_NippleRear._alpha = 0; C1_BoobRear._alpha = 0; C1_Chest._alpha = 0; C1_Cock._alpha = 0; C1_Balls._alpha = 0; C1_Tail._alpha = 0; C1_FootRear._alpha = 0; C1_ThighRear._alpha = 0; C1_ForearmRear._alpha = 0; C1_ShoulderRear._alpha = 0; C1_FistRear._alpha = 0; C2_Forearm._alpha = 0; C2_Fist._alpha = 0; C2_shoulder._alpha = 0; C2_Eye._alpha = 0; C2_Head._alpha = 0; C2_Jaw._alpha = 0; C2_Foot._alpha = 0; C2_Thigh._alpha = 0; C2_Nipple._alpha = 0; C2_Boob._alpha = 0; C2_NippleRear._alpha = 0; C2_BoobRear._alpha = 0; C2_Chest._alpha = 0; C2_Cock._alpha = 0; C2_Balls._alpha = 0; C2_Tail._alpha = 0; C2_FootRear._alpha = 0; C2_ThighRear._alpha = 0; C2_ForearmRear._alpha = 0; C2_ShoulderRear._alpha = 0; C2_FistRear._alpha = 0; alphamodifier2 = 10; FadeInTimer = setInterval(function () { if ((eval(C1_Forearm))._alpha >= 100 or _currentframe > 45) { C1_Forearm._alpha = 100; C1_Fist._alpha = 100; C1_shoulder._alpha = 100; C1_Eye._alpha = 100; C1_Head._alpha = 100; C1_Jaw._alpha = 100; C1_Foot._alpha = 100; C1_Thigh._alpha = 100; C1_Nipple._alpha = 100; C1_Boob._alpha = 100; C1_NippleRear._alpha = 100; C1_BoobRear._alpha = 100; C1_Chest._alpha = 100; C1_Cock._alpha = 100; C1_Balls._alpha = 100; C1_Tail._alpha = 100; C1_FootRear._alpha = 100; C1_ThighRear._alpha = 100; C1_ForearmRear._alpha = 100; C1_ShoulderRear._alpha = 100; C1_FistRear._alpha = 100; C2_Forearm._alpha = 100; C2_Fist._alpha = 100; C2_shoulder._alpha = 100; C2_Eye._alpha = 100; C2_Head._alpha = 100; C2_Jaw._alpha = 100; C2_Foot._alpha = 100; C2_Thigh._alpha = 100; C2_Nipple._alpha = 100; C2_Boob._alpha = 100; C2_NippleRear._alpha = 100; C2_BoobRear._alpha = 100; C2_Chest._alpha = 100; C2_Cock._alpha = 100; C2_Balls._alpha = 100; C2_Tail._alpha = 100; C2_FootRear._alpha = 100; C2_ThighRear._alpha = 100; C2_ForearmRear._alpha = 100; C2_ShoulderRear._alpha = 100; C2_FistRear._alpha = 100; clearInterval(FadeInTimer); } else { C1_Forearm._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Fist._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_shoulder._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Eye._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Head._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Jaw._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Foot._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Thigh._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Nipple._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Boob._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_NippleRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_BoobRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Chest._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Cock._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Balls._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_Tail._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_FootRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_ThighRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_ForearmRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_ShoulderRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C1_FistRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Forearm._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Fist._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_shoulder._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Eye._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Head._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Jaw._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Foot._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Thigh._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Nipple._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Boob._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_NippleRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_BoobRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Chest._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Cock._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Balls._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_Tail._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_FootRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_ThighRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_ForearmRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_ShoulderRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; C2_FistRear._alpha += alphamodifier2; } --time; }, 50); } frame 46 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 113 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 125 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 126 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 135 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } BGred.gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 138 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } BGblue.gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 171 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 214 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 215 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 221 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } BGred.gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 223 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } BGblue.gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 251 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 310 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 330 { BGred.gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 332 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } BGblue.gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 366 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 401 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 4; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 401 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 406 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 411 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 411 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 416 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 420 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 421 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 430 { BGred.gotoAndPlay(10); } frame 432 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } BGblue.gotoAndPlay(15); } frame 460 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 461 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 7178 { } movieClip 7317 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); if (j > 3) { j = 3; } i = 1; while (i <= 6) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 125; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 90 * j; j -= 1; if (j < 0) { j = 3; } ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 6; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; if (_root._currentframe <= 100) { if (_root.held >= 116) { ++_root.maxitems; var v2 = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('M29+29_LargeFlower', 'obj' + v2, 300 + v2); _root['obj' + v2]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale * -1; _root['obj' + v2]._x = _root.camframe._x + 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj' + v2]._y = 550; } } } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 41 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 41 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 46 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 51 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 51 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 56 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 60 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 61 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 70 { } frame 72 { } frame 100 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 130 { } frame 132 { } frame 161 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 230 { } frame 232 { } frame 261 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 330 { } frame 332 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 7337 { } movieClip 7343 { } movieClip 7685 { } movieClip 7715 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 150; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 2) { j = 2; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 5; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 104) {; dsl = 2; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.spirit + _root.body) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 103) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 104; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 48 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 50 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 90 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 25; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 103) {; dsl = 5; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit + herobonusdmg) / 2) * 0.5 / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 103; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 120 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 102; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 121 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 126 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 129 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 170 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 105) {; dsl = 0; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = (_root.BGA[0][2] * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) * 0.75 / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 106) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 105; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 225 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 227 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 271 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 106) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1]) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 106; if (_root.armor == 51 and _root.armorh > 100) { thigh.armor.gotoAndStop(2); thighrear.armor.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 320 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 107;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1001; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 321 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 108; } } frame 323 { } frame 325 { } frame 360 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 361 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 361 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 372 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 7773 { frame 1 { function attacharrows() { i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie('gbararrow_r', 'arrow' + i, 1800 + i); _root['arrow' + i]._x = _root.camframe._x - 50 * i + 150; _root['arrow' + i]._y = 100; j = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2); if (j > 1) { j = 1; } _root['arrow' + i]._rotation += 180 * j; ++i; } _root.gbararrowcheck = 5; } function unloadarrows() { _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['arrow' + i].unloadMovie(); ++i; } } function damagecall() { _root.grapple += strdiff; _root.BGA[0][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[0][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; } _root.BGA[1][4] -= herodmg; if (_root.BGA[1][4] < 0) { _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= mondmg / 2; -= mondmg / 2; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; if (_root.armor <= 100) { gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } } } else { -= mondmg; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == -1) { attacharrows(); } if (_root.gbararrowcheck < -1) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck !== -100) { _root.gbararrowcheck += _root.spirit; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -1) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; } } } function heroesc() { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; } if (_root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; } else { _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2.5 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550; }; if (_root.held < 1000 or _root.held >= 1100) { if (_root.held == 1100) { _root.obj4._y -= 2000; } _root.held = 49; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.poisonlevel = 199; } _root.gbararrowcheck = -1; _root.escbgvar = 0; _root.escherovar = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; var herodr = Math.floor(_root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] / 10); var herobonusdmg = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][3] % 10; if (_root.acc == 10) { herodr += _root.accessory[10][4]; }; } frame 1 { function herovoicecall() { sl += Math.random() - / 200; if (sl < 0) { sl = 0; } if (dsl + Math.floor(sl) > 0) { herovoice.attachSound('HV' + hl + (dsl + Math.floor(sl))); if (herovoiceplay == true) { herovoiceplay = false; herovoice.start(0, 1); herovoice.onSoundComplete = function () { herovoiceplay = true; }; } } if (sl > 1) { sl = 0; } } var hl = Math.floor(_root.player / 10); var dsl = 0; var moandelay = 0; var sl = 0; var herovoiceplay = true; var herovoice = new Sound(); } frame 2 { if (_root.grapple > 0) { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } else { var strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } var mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } var herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 114) {; dsl = 7; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.75 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 113) { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 114; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 26 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else {} } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 31 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 36 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 40 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 41 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 50 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 52 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } } frame 54 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 100 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.armorh > 0 and _root.armor <= 100) {; _root.armorh -= 40; if (_root.armorh < 0) { _root.armorh = 0; } gotoAndPlay('clothestear'); } if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held > 113) {; dsl = 8; strdiff = (_root.body - (_root.BGA[0][1] + _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) * 0.75) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = 0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 1.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.5 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 113; } } } frame 101 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 106 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 111 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 113 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1B'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 116 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 121 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 124 { if (_root.grapple < -100) { _root.grapple = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 112; }; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1B'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 125 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 144 { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2cum'); } } frame 154 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 155 { if (Math.random() > 0.5) { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } } frame 156 { if (_root.cumchest > 1) { --_root.cumchest; } } frame 181 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held !== 115) {; dsl = 3; strdiff = (_root.body - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = ((_root.BGA[0][2] + _root.BGA[1][2] / 2) * 0.5 - herodr) / _root.gspeed; if (mondmg < 0) { mondmg = 0; } herodmg = (((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2) * 0.75 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; if (_root.held == 116) { _root.grapple -= 10; splashmonster.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.held = 115; } } } frame 201 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 206 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else {} } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 211 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 216 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 220 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 221 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 231 { } frame 232 { } frame 233 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 266 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { if (_root.held < 116) {; dsl = 1; strdiff = (_root.body * 0.75 - _root.BGA[0][1] - _root.BGA[1][1] / 2) / _root.gspeed; if (Math.abs(strdiff) < 0.25) { strdiff = -0.25; } mondmg = 0; herodmg = ((_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2 + herobonusdmg) / _root.gspeed; _root.grapple += 10; splash.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.held = 116; } } } frame 301 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 306 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 311 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 311 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 316 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 321 { if (_root.grapple > 100) { _root.grapple = 100; _root.held = 117;; if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; strdiff = 0; } if (_root.held < 1000) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1011; _root.camframe.gameover.gotoAndPlay(2); unloadarrows(); } } if (_root.BGA[0][4] <= 0 and _root.BGA[1][4] <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2Cum'); } else { if (_root.grapple > 0) { if (_root.grapple > 50) { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('HeroGrab1'); } } else { if (_root.grapple < -50) { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('BGgrab1'); } } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { if (_root.escherovar * -1 + 100 < _root.grapple) { heroesc(); } } } frame 322 { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { unloadarrows(); } _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 118; } } frame 329 { } frame 331 { } frame 332 { if (_root.cumface > 1) { --_root.cumface; } } frame 370 { heroesc(); stop(); } frame 371 {; if (_root.held < 1000) { _root.held = 101; } } frame 371 { if (_root.held < 1000) { damagecall(); moandelay -= Math.random(); if (moandelay < 0) { herovoicecall(); moandelay = ( / _root.maxhealth) * 10; } } else { if (_root.held < 1100) { if (_root.grapple > -100) { _root.grapple -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } } } } frame 381 { heroesc(); stop(); } } movieClip 7774 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 7777 { } button 7779 { on (release) { _root.armorh -= 26; } } button 7780 { on (release) { _root.wpn += 10; if (_root.wpn > 41) { _root.wpn = 1; } _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][4];; } } button 7782 { on (release) { if (_root.player > 20) { _root.player = 2; _root.bodrace = 4; _root.sptrace = 4; _root.bodclass = 1; _root.sptclass = 1; _root.armor = 31; _root.armorhmax = 100; _root.armorh = 100; _root.wpn = 1; _root.acc = 1; } else { if (_root.player > 10) { _root.player = 23; _root.bodrace = 5; _root.sptrace = 3; _root.bodclass = 2; _root.sptclass = 0; _root.wpn = 21; _root.armor = 21; _root.armorhmax = 150; _root.armorh = 150; _root.acc = 1; } else { _root.player = 11; _root.bodrace = 3; _root.sptrace = 5; _root.bodclass = 0; _root.sptclass = 2; _root.wpn = 11; _root.armor = 11; _root.armorhmax = 100; _root.armorh = 100; _root.acc = 2; } } _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; = _root.maxhealth;;;; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(8); } } button 7783 { on (release) { _root.armor += 10; if (_root.armor > 151) { _root.armor = 1; } _root.armorhmax = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.armor / 10)][2]; _root.armorh = _root.armorhmax;; } } movieClip 7810 { frame 1 { } frame 2 { if (_root.testmode == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } stop(); } } movieClip 7816 { frame 2 { if (_root.backpack4h > 300) { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.backpack4 + _root.backpack4h - 1); } else { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.backpack4); } if (_root.backpack4 < 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } stop(); } } movieClip 7817 { frame 2 { if (_root.backpack3h > 300) { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.backpack3 + _root.backpack3h - 1); } else { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.backpack3); } if (_root.backpack3 < 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } stop(); } } movieClip 7818 { frame 2 { if (_root.backpack2h > 300) { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.backpack2 + _root.backpack2h - 1); } else { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.backpack2); } if (_root.backpack2 < 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } stop(); } } movieClip 7819 { frame 2 { if (_root.backpack1h > 300) { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.backpack1 + _root.backpack1h - 1); } else { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.backpack1); } stop(); } } movieClip 7826 { frame 1 { if (_root.backpack2 >= 0) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack3 >= 0) { gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.backpack4 >= 0) { gotoAndStop(41); } } frame 2 { if (_root.backpack2 >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(12); } if (_root.backpack3 >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(22); } if (_root.backpack4 >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(32); } } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 21 {; stop(); } frame 31 {; stop(); } frame 40 {; stop(); } } movieClip 7827 { frame 2 { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.acc + 600); stop(); } } movieClip 7829 { frame 2 { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.armor); stop(); } } movieClip 7831 { frame 2 { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.wpn + 300); stop(); } } movieClip 7833 { } movieClip 7835 { } movieClip 7838 { frame 1 { if ( > 150) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 7841 { } movieClip 7845 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndPlay(22); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndPlay(12); } } } frame 2 { if (_root.poisonlevel > 0) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } stop(); } frame 12 { if (_root.poisonlevel > 0) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } stop(); } frame 22 { if (_root.poisonlevel > 0) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } stop(); } } movieClip 7848 { frame 1 { if (_root.gunhmax > 0) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } } button 7851 { on (release) { if (_root.held == 0) { _root.held = 904; gotoAndPlay(10); } } } button 7856 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[16][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[16][7] = 1; CheckM16.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[16][7] = 0; CheckM16.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7857 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[17][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[17][7] = 1; CheckM17.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[17][7] = 0; CheckM17.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7858 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[19][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[19][7] = 1; CheckM19.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[19][7] = 0; CheckM19.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7859 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[20][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[20][7] = 1; CheckM20.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[20][7] = 0; CheckM20.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7860 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[11][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[11][7] = 1; CheckM11.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[11][7] = 0; CheckM11.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7861 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[22][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[22][7] = 1; CheckM22.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[22][7] = 0; CheckM22.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7862 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[23][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[23][7] = 1; CheckM23.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[23][7] = 0; CheckM23.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7863 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[25][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[25][7] = 1; CheckM25.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[25][7] = 0; CheckM25.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7864 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[26][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[26][7] = 1; CheckM26.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[26][7] = 0; CheckM26.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7865 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[28][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[28][7] = 1; CheckM28.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[28][7] = 0; CheckM28.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } button 7866 { on (release) { if (_root.BGtype[29][7] == 0) { if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount < _root.HordeModeOptions) { ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; _root.BGtype[29][7] = 1; CheckM29.gotoAndStop(3); } } else { _root.BGtype[29][7] = 0; CheckM29.gotoAndStop(2); if (_root.HordeModeOptionsCount > 0) { --_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } } } } movieClip 7869 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } button 7870 { on (release) { _root.held = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 7886 { frame 1 { if (_root.HordeModeOptions == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root._currentframe < 100) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 19 { _root.HordeModeOptionsCount = 0; if (_root.BGtype[16][7] == 1) { CheckM16.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[17][7] == 1) { CheckM17.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[19][7] == 1) { CheckM19.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[20][7] == 1) { CheckM20.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[11][7] == 1) { CheckM11.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[22][7] == 1) { CheckM22.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[23][7] == 1) { CheckM23.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[25][7] == 1) { CheckM25.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[26][7] == 1) { CheckM26.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[28][7] == 1) { CheckM28.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } if (_root.BGtype[29][7] == 1) { CheckM29.gotoAndStop(3); ++_root.HordeModeOptionsCount; } stop(); } } button 7888 { on (release) { if (_quality == 'LOW') { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; _root.qualitytext = 'Medium'; } else { if (_quality == 'MEDIUM') { _quality = 'HIGH'; _root.qualitytext = 'High'; } else { _quality = 'LOW'; _root.qualitytext = 'Low'; } } } } movieClip 7891 { } button 7892 { on (release) { switch (_root.gspeed) { case 2: _root.gspeed = 10; break; case 3: _root.gspeed = 2; break; case 4: _root.gspeed = 3; break; case 6: _root.gspeed = 4; break; default: _root.gspeed = 6; } grapplespeedbars.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 7899 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gspeed); } } // unknown tag 88 length 75 movieClip 7915 { frame 16 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 8017 { frame 1 { if (_root.itemnewh > 300) { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.itemnew + _root.itemnewh - 1); } else { this.item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.itemnew); } if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 5 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 10 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 15 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 20 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 25 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 30 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 35 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 40 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 55 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 60 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 65 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 70 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 75 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 80 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 85 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } frame 90 { if (_root.itemnew < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 + 46); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.itemselect * 5 - 4); } } } movieClip 8020 { } button 8022 { on (release) { if (_root.armorh > 0) { _root.armorh -= 15; } } } button 8023 { on (release) { _root.wpn += 10; if (_root.wpn > 41) { _root.wpn = 1; } _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][4]; } } button 8025 { on (release) { if (_root.player > 20) { _root.player = 2; _root.bodrace = 4; _root.sptrace = 4; _root.bodclass = 1; _root.sptclass = 1; _root.armor = 31; _root.armorh = 100; _root.wpn = 1; _root.acc = 1; } else { if (_root.player > 10) { _root.player = 23; _root.bodrace = 5; _root.sptrace = 3; _root.bodclass = 2; _root.sptclass = 0; _root.wpn = 21; _root.armor = 21; _root.armorh = 150; _root.acc = 1; } else { _root.player = 11; _root.bodrace = 3; _root.sptrace = 5; _root.bodclass = 0; _root.sptclass = 2; _root.wpn = 11; _root.armor = 11; _root.armorh = 75; _root.acc = 2; } } _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; = _root.maxhealth;;;; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(8); } } button 8026 { on (release) { switch (_root.camx) { case 800: _root.camx = 1024; _root.camy = 768; _root.camframe._xscale = 100; _root.camframe._yscale = 100; break; case 1024: _root.camx = 1280; _root.camy = 960; _root.camframe._xscale = 125; _root.camframe._yscale = 125; break; case 1280: _root.camx = 1600; _root.camy = 1200; _root.camframe._xscale = 156.25; _root.camframe._yscale = 156.25; break; case 1600: _root.camx = 800; _root.camy = 600; _root.camframe._xscale = 78.125; _root.camframe._yscale = 78.125; } _root.camframe.gotoAndStop(1); _root.camframe.dark._xscale = 100; _root.camframe.dark._yscale = 100; } } movieClip 8034 { frame 1 { } frame 2 { if (_root.testmode == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } stop(); } } movieClip 8037 { frame 1 { if (_root.held < 1000) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8039 { } movieClip 8042 { frame 1 { if (_root.held == 910) { gotoAndStop(20); } } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 8043 { frame 1 { if ( > 150) { = 150; } else { = _root.maxhealth; } = _root.armorhmax; = _root.gunhmax; if (_parent._parent._y !== 100) { _root.camzoom = 0.75; _parent._parent._y = 100; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } stop(); } instance armorbar of movieClip 7835 { } instance healthbar of movieClip 7845 { } frame 2 { play(); } frame 11 { stop(); } instance invbox of movieClip 8017 { onClipEvent (load) { var delay2 = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.held == 901) { if (delay2 == 0) { if (Key.isDown(71)) { delay2 = 3; switch (_root.gspeed) { case 2: _root.gspeed = 10; break; case 3: _root.gspeed = 2; break; case 4: _root.gspeed = 3; break; case 6: _root.gspeed = 4; break; default: _root.gspeed = 6; } this._parent.grapplespeedbars.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (Key.isDown(89)) { delay2 = 3; if (_quality == 'LOW') { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; _root.qualitytext = 'Medium'; } else { if (_quality == 'MEDIUM') { _quality = 'HIGH'; _root.qualitytext = 'High'; } else { _quality = 'LOW'; _root.qualitytext = 'Low'; } } } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(81)) { delay2 = 3; --_root.itemselect; if (_root.itemselect < 1) { _root.itemselect = 1; } if (_root.itemselect == 7 and _root.backpack4 < 0) { _root.itemselect = 6; } if (_root.itemselect == 6 and _root.backpack3 < 0) { _root.itemselect = 5; } if (_root.itemselect == 5 and _root.backpack2 < 0) { _root.itemselect = 4; } if (_root.itemnew > 0) { if (_root.itemselect <= 3) { if (_root.itemnewh > 600) { _root.itemselect = 3; } else { if (_root.itemnewh > 300) { _root.itemselect = 1; } else { _root.itemselect = 2; } } } } } if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(69)) { delay2 = 3; ++_root.itemselect; if (_root.itemselect > 8) { _root.itemselect = 8; } if (_root.itemselect == 5 and _root.backpack2 < 0) { _root.itemselect = 8; } if (_root.itemselect == 6 and _root.backpack3 < 0) { _root.itemselect = 8; } if (_root.itemselect == 7 and _root.backpack4 < 0) { _root.itemselect = 8; } if (_root.itemnew > 0) { if (_root.itemselect <= 3) { _root.itemselect = 4; } } } if (Key.isDown(65)) { delay2 = 5; if (_root.itemnew < 1) { switch (_root.itemselect) { case 1: _root.itemnew = _root.wpn; _root.itemnewh = 301; _root.wpn = 1; _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][3];; break; case 2: _root.itemnew = _root.armor; _root.itemnewh = _root.armorh; _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; break; case 3: _root.itemnew = _root.acc; _root.itemnewh = 601; _root.acc = 1; _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; if (_root.godmode == 4) { _root.maxhealth = (50 + _root.body * 10) * (_root.godmode / 2) + 100; if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth; } } else { _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth; } }; break; case 4: _root.itemnew = _root.backpack1; _root.itemnewh = _root.backpack1h; _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; break; case 5: _root.itemnew = _root.backpack2; _root.itemnewh = _root.backpack2h; _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; break; case 6: _root.itemnew = _root.backpack3; _root.itemnewh = _root.backpack3h; _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; break; case 7: _root.itemnew = _root.backpack4; _root.itemnewh = _root.backpack4h; _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; break; case 8: _root.held = 0; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); _root.itemnewh = 0; _root.itemnew = 0; _root.itemselect = 0;; } if (_root.itemnewh > 300) { + _root.itemnewh - 1); } else {; } if (_root.itemselect < 4) { _root.itemselect = 4; } else { if (_root.itemselect < 8) { if (_root.itemnewh > 600) { _root.itemselect = 3; } else { if (_root.itemnewh > 300) { _root.itemselect = 1; } else { _root.itemselect = 2; } } } } } else { a = 0; b = 0; switch (_root.itemselect) { case 1: if (_root.wpn > 1) { a = _root.wpn; b = 301; } _root.wpn = _root.itemnew; _root.wpndmgphy = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][2]; _root.wpndmgmag = _root.weapon[_root.wpn][3];; if (_root.wpn == 23) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); } break; case 2: if (_root.armor > 1) { a = _root.armor; b = _root.armorh; } _root.armor = _root.itemnew; _root.armorhmax = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.itemnew / 10)][2]; _root.armorh = _root.itemnewh;; break; case 3: if (_root.acc > 1) { a = _root.acc; b = 601; } _root.acc = _root.itemnew; if (_root.acc === 16) { _root.cumface += _root.accessory[_root.acc][4]; if (_root.cumface > 5) { _root.cumface = 5; } _root.cumchest += _root.accessory[_root.acc][4]; if (_root.cumchest > 5) { _root.cumchest = 5; } _root.acc = 1; } if (_root.acc >= 17 and _root.acc <= 19) { += _root.accessory[_root.acc][4]; if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth; } _root.acc = 1; } _root.body = _root.bodrace + _root.bodclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][2]; _root.spirit = _root.sptrace + _root.sptclass + _root.accessory[_root.acc][3]; if (_root.godmode == 4) { _root.maxhealth = (50 + _root.body * 10) * (_root.godmode / 2) + 100; if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth; } } else { _root.maxhealth = 50 + _root.body * 10; if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth; } }; break; case 4: if (_root.backpack1 > 1) { a = _root.backpack1; b = _root.backpack1h; } _root.backpack1 = _root.itemnew; _root.backpack1h = _root.itemnewh; if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1h = 301; }; break; case 5: if (_root.backpack2 > 1) { a = _root.backpack2; b = _root.backpack2h; } _root.backpack2 = _root.itemnew; _root.backpack2h = _root.itemnewh; if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2h = 301; }; break; case 6: if (_root.backpack3 > 1) { a = _root.backpack3; b = _root.backpack3h; } _root.backpack3 = _root.itemnew; _root.backpack3h = _root.itemnewh; if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3h = 301; }; break; case 7: if (_root.backpack4 > 1) { a = _root.backpack4; b = _root.backpack4h; } _root.backpack4 = _root.itemnew; _root.backpack4h = _root.itemnewh; if (_root.backpack4 == 1) { _root.backpack4h = 301; }; break; case 8: if (_root.itemnew > 1) { if (_root.itemnewh > 300) { _root.itemnew += _root.itemnewh - 1; } else { _root.itemnew += Math.ceil(_root.itemnewh / 25); } ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.itemnew); } } if (a > 1) { if (_root.backpack1 == 1 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { _root.backpack1 = a; _root.backpack1h = b; if (_root.backpack1 == 1) { _root.backpack1h = 301; }; } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 1 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { _root.backpack2 = a; _root.backpack2h = b; if (_root.backpack2 == 1) { _root.backpack2h = 301; }; } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 1 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { _root.backpack3 = a; _root.backpack3h = b; if (_root.backpack3 == 1) { _root.backpack3h = 301; }; } else { if (_root.backpack4 == 1 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { _root.backpack4 = a; _root.backpack4h = b; if (_root.backpack4 == 1) { _root.backpack4h = 301; }; } else { if (b > 300) { a += b - 1; } else { a += Math.ceil(b / 25); } ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(a); } } } } a = 0; b = 0; } _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(8); _root.itemnewh = 0; _root.itemnew = 0; _root.itemselect = 0;; } } if (Key.isDown(70) or Key.isDown(73)) { delay2 = 5; if (_root.itemnew > 0) { if (_root.itemnew !== 1 and _rootitemnewh !== 301) { if (_root.itemnewh > 300) { _root.itemnew += _root.itemnewh - 1; } else { _root.itemnew += Math.ceil(_root.itemnewh / 25); } ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(_root.itemnew); } } _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(8); _root.itemnewh = 0; _root.itemnew = 0; _root.itemselect = 0;; } } } if (delay2 > 0) { --delay2; } if (_root.itemnew < 1) { _root.itemdescription = ''; _parent.inv_desc.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root.itemnewh > 600) { _root.itemdescription = _root.accessory[_root.itemnew][5]; _parent.inv_desc.gotoAndStop(36); } else { if (_root.itemnewh > 300) { _root.itemdescription = _root.weapon[_root.itemnew][6]; _root.itemv1 = _root.weapon[_root.itemnew][2]; _root.itemv2 = _root.weapon[_root.itemnew][3]; _parent.inv_desc.gotoAndStop(16); } else { _root.itemdescription = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.itemnew / 10)][4]; _root.itemv1 = _root.armorarray[Math.floor(_root.itemnew / 10)][2]; _parent.inv_desc.gotoAndStop(26); } } } } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 100) { gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 31 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } instance healthbar of movieClip 7845 { } frame 32 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; play(); } frame 33 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 34 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 35 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 36 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 37 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 38 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 39 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 40 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._parent._y -= 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 41 { _root.camzoom = 1; _parent._parent._y = 0; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; stop(); } instance armorbar of movieClip 7835 { onClipEvent (load) { this._xscale = _root.armorhmax; } } instance healthbar of movieClip 7845 { onClipEvent (load) { if ( > 150) { this._xscale = 150; } else { if (_root.maxhealth > 150) { this._xscale = 150; } else { this._xscale = _root.maxhealth; } } } } frame 42 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._parent._y += 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 43 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._parent._y += 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 44 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._parent._y += 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 45 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._parent._y += 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 46 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._parent._y += 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 47 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._parent._y += 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 48 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._parent._y += 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 49 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._parent._y += 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 50 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._parent._y += 10; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 51 { _root.camzoom = 0.75; _parent._parent._y = 100; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; if (_root.held < 100) { gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } instance armorbar of movieClip 7835 { } instance healthbar of movieClip 7845 { } frame 61 { if (_root.xfinish !== _root.xstart) { var xshift = (_root.xfinish - _root.xstart) / 50; if (xshift > 0 and xshift < 10) { xshift = 10; } if (xshift < 0 and xshift > -10) { xshift = -10; } boxslide = setInterval(function () { _root.camframe._x += xshift; _root.camframe.hero._x -= xshift; if (xshift > 0) { if (_root.camframe._x >= _root.xfinish) { clearInterval(boxslide); } } else { if (_root.camframe._x <= _root.xfinish) { clearInterval(boxslide); } } }, 25); } } frame 101 { if (_root.held <= 910) { stop(); } else { if (_root.held < 990) { ++_root.held; gotoAndPlay(81); } } } instance of movieClip 8042 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.held == 910 and Key.isDown(65)) { clearInterval(_parent.boxslide);; } } } frame 102 { if (_root.xfinish !== _root.xstart) { xshift = (_root.xstart - _root.xfinish) / 10; if (xshift > 0 and xshift < 10) { xshift = 10; } if (xshift < 0 and xshift > -10) { xshift = -10; } boxslide2 = setInterval(function () { _root.camframe._x += xshift; _root.camframe.hero._x -= xshift; if (xshift > 0) { if (_root.camframe._x >= _root.xstart) { _root.camframe._x = _root.xstart; _root.camframe.hero._x = 0; clearInterval(boxslide2); } } else { if (_root.camframe._x <= _root.xstart) { _root.camframe._x = _root.xstart; _root.camframe.hero._x = 0; clearInterval(boxslide2); } } }, 25); } } frame 121 { _root.held = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 8048 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 10; if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndPlay(21); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndPlay(11); } } } frame 3 { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 2; } gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 13 { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 2; } gotoAndPlay(12); } frame 23 { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 2; } gotoAndPlay(22); } } movieClip 8053 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndStop(11); } } stop(); } } button 8054 { on (release) { l = 0; k = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; i = 50; while (i >= 0) { _root['bg' + i].removeMovieClip(); _root['bghb' + i].removeMovieClip(); _root.BGA.splice([i][0], 1); --i; } j = _root.monatt.length - 1; while (j >= 0) { loadMovie('', _root[_root.monatt[j][1]]); _root.monatt.splice([j][0], 1); --j; } l = _root.proj.length - 1; while (l >= 0) { loadMovie('', _root[_root.proj[l][1]]); _root.proj.splice([l][0], 1); --l; }; k = _root.maxitems; while (k > 0) { _root['obj' + k].removeMovieClip(); --k; } _root.doorleft.removeMovieClip(); _root.doorright.removeMovieClip(); _root.doorleftgox = 0; _root.doorleftgo = 0; _root.doorrightgox = 0; _root.doorrightgo = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent._parent._x = 0; _parent._parent._y = 0; _parent._parent._xscale = 100; _parent._parent._yscale = 100; _root.camframe.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 8061 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndPlay(21); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndPlay(11); } } stop(); } } movieClip 8071 { frame 1 { if (_root.player > 20) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root.player > 10) { gotoAndStop(11); } } stop(); } } button 8072 { on (release) { = _root.maxhealth;; _root.poisonlevel = 0; _root.poisoncolor = 0; _root.HeroMainColorR = _root.HeroMainColorSetR; _root.HeroSecondColorR = _root.HeroSecondColorSetR; _root.HeroMainColorG = _root.HeroMainColorSetG; _root.HeroSecondColorG = _root.HeroSecondColorSetG; _root.HeroMainColorB = _root.HeroMainColorSetB; _root.HeroSecondColorB = _root.HeroSecondColorSetB; if (_root.armor < 10) { var a = _root.player % 10; if (a == 1) { _root.armor = 11; _root.armorhmax = 100; } if (a == 2) { _root.armor = 31; _root.armorhmax = 100; } if (a == 3) { _root.armor = 21; _root.armorhmax = 150; } } _root.armorh = _root.armorhmax;; if (_root.held == 1001) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550;; } if (_root.held == 1011) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550;; } i = _root.BGA.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[_root.BGA[i][5]]._x - _root.camframe._x) < 300) { if (_root[_root.BGA[i][5]]._x > _root.camframe._x) { _root[_root.BGA[i][5]]._x += 400; _root[_root.BGA[i][6]]._x += 400; } else { _root[_root.BGA[i][5]]._x -= 400; _root[_root.BGA[i][6]]._x -= 400; } } --i; } _root.held = 49; --_root.continues; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); this.gotoAndStop(1); } } button 8075 { on (release) { = _root.maxhealth;; _root.poisonlevel = 0; _root.poisoncolor = 0; _root.HeroMainColorR = _root.HeroMainColorSetR; _root.HeroSecondColorR = _root.HeroSecondColorSetR; _root.HeroMainColorG = _root.HeroMainColorSetG; _root.HeroSecondColorG = _root.HeroSecondColorSetG; _root.HeroMainColorB = _root.HeroMainColorSetB; _root.HeroSecondColorB = _root.HeroSecondColorSetB; if (_root.armor < 10) { var a = _root.player % 10; if (a == 1) { _root.armor = 11; _root.armorhmax = 100; } if (a == 2) { _root.armor = 31; _root.armorhmax = 100; } if (a == 3) { _root.armor = 21; _root.armorhmax = 150; } } _root.armorh = _root.armorhmax;; if (_root.held == 1001) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550;; } if (_root.held == 1011) { _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[0][6]]._y = 550; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][5]]._y = 575; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._x += 2 * _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root[_root.BGA[1][6]]._y = 550;; } i = _root.BGA.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { if (Math.abs(_root[_root.BGA[i][5]]._x - _root.camframe._x) < 300) { if (_root[_root.BGA[i][5]]._x > _root.camframe._x) { _root[_root.BGA[i][5]]._x += 400; _root[_root.BGA[i][6]]._x += 400; } else { _root[_root.BGA[i][5]]._x -= 400; _root[_root.BGA[i][6]]._x -= 400; } } --i; } _root.held = 49; --_root.continues; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(6); this.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 8076 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.gameoverman == true) { gotoAndPlay(51); } } frame 42 { if (_root.continues > 0) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 91 { if (_root.continues > 0) { gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } stop(); } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 8077 { instance hero of movieClip 7774 { onClipEvent (load) { var runstatus = 2; k = 0; j = 0; i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var hityes = false; dr = 0; damage = 0; bghb = 0; var bg = 0; escattempt = 0; keyread = 0; var arrowread = 0; monscale2 = 0; var monscale = 0; var hitsound = new Sound(); var spsound = new Sound(); oldtime = 1; var newtime = 1; this._x = 0; this._y = 50; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; _parent._parent._x = 400 - _root.camframe._x * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._y = 100; _parent._parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox2', 1000); _root.camframe.swapDepths(_root.topbox2); _root.topbox2.unloadMovie(); _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox3', 1900); _root.box3.swapDepths(_root.topbox3); _root.topbox3.unloadMovie(); _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox4', 2000); _root.fadeout.swapDepths(_root.topbox4); _root.topbox4.unloadMovie(); if (_root.fadeout._currentframe < 10) { _root.fadeout.gotoAndStop(21); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { newtime = getTimer(); _root.ffps = Math.round(1000 / (newtime - oldtime)); oldtime = newtime; = _root.held; _root.yyy =; _root.zzz = _root.poisonlevel; _root.monsterarraylength = _root.BGA.length; _root.Ar0 = _root.BGA[0][5]; _root.Ar1 = _root.BGA[1][5]; _root.Ar2 = _root.BGA[2][5]; _root.Ar3 = _root.BGA[3][5]; _root.Ar4 = _root.BGA[4][5]; _root.Ar5 = _root.BGA[5][5]; _root.Ar10 = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root.Ar11 = _root.BGA[1][4]; _root.Ar12 = _root.BGA[2][4]; _root.Ar13 = _root.BGA[3][4]; _root.Ar14 = _root.BGA[4][4]; _root.Ar15 = _root.BGA[5][4]; _parent._parent._x = 400 - _root.camframe._x * _root.camzoom; if ( < 0) { = 0; } if (_root.godmode > 1) { if ( > 150) { = 0; } else { = 100 * (150 - / 150; } } else { = 100 * (_root.maxhealth - / _root.maxhealth; } = 100 * (_root.armorhmax - _root.armorh) / _root.armorhmax; if (_root.poisonlevel > 0) { if (_root.held < 100) { _root.poisonlevel -= _root.body * 0.02 * _root.godmode; } = 17 - Math.round(_root.poisonlevel / 6); if (_root.poisonlevel <= 0) { _root.poisonlevel = 0;; if (_root.poisoncolor !== 0) { _root.HeroMainColorR = _root.HeroMainColorSetR; _root.HeroSecondColorR = _root.HeroSecondColorSetR; _root.HeroMainColorG = _root.HeroMainColorSetG; _root.HeroSecondColorG = _root.HeroSecondColorSetG; _root.HeroMainColorB = _root.HeroMainColorSetB; _root.HeroSecondColorB = _root.HeroSecondColorSetB; _root.poisoncolor = 0; } } else { if (_root.poisonlevel > 200) { _root.held = 90; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(13); if (_root.poisoncolor !== 3) { if (_root.HeroMainColorSetG > _root.HeroSecondColorSetG) { _root.HeroMainColorB = 192; _root.HeroMainColorG = 192; _root.HeroMainColorR = 192; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 128; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 128; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 128; } else { _root.HeroMainColorB = 128; _root.HeroMainColorG = 128; _root.HeroMainColorR = 128; _root.HeroSecondColorB = 192; _root.HeroSecondColorG = 192; _root.HeroSecondColorR = 192; } _root.poisoncolor = 3; } } else { if (_root.poisonlevel > 100) { if (_root.held == 90) { _root.held = 0; } -= Math.ceil(_root.poisonlevel / 100) * 0.01; if (_root.poisoncolor !== 2) { if (_root.HeroMainColorSetG > _root.HeroSecondColorSetG) { _root.HeroMainColorG = 153 + Math.ceil((_root.HeroMainColorSetG - 153) / 1.5); _root.HeroSecondColorG = 102 + Math.ceil((_root.HeroSecondColorSetG - 102) / 1.5); } else { _root.HeroMainColorG = 102 + Math.ceil((_root.HeroMainColorSetG - 102) / 1.5); _root.HeroSecondColorG = 153 + Math.ceil((_root.HeroSecondColorSetG - 153) / 1.5); } if (_root.HeroMainColorG > 255) { _root.HeroMainColorG = 255; } if (_root.HeroSecondColorG > 255) { _root.HeroSecondColorG = 255; } _root.HeroMainColorR = Math.ceil(_root.HeroMainColorSetR / 1.5); _root.HeroSecondColorR = Math.ceil(_root.HeroSecondColorSetR / 1.5); _root.HeroMainColorB = Math.ceil(_root.HeroMainColorSetB / 4); _root.HeroSecondColorB = Math.ceil(_root.HeroSecondColorSetB / 4); _root.poisoncolor = 2; } } else { if (_root.poisoncolor !== 1) { if (_root.HeroMainColorSetG > _root.HeroSecondColorSetG) { _root.HeroMainColorG = 204 + Math.ceil((_root.HeroMainColorSetG - 204) / 1.125); _root.HeroSecondColorG = 153 + Math.ceil((_root.HeroSecondColorSetG - 153) / 1.125); } else { _root.HeroMainColorG = 153 + Math.ceil((_root.HeroMainColorSetG - 153) / 1.125); _root.HeroSecondColorG = 204 + Math.ceil((_root.HeroSecondColorSetG - 204) / 1.125); } if (_root.HeroMainColorG > 255) { _root.HeroMainColorG = 255; } if (_root.HeroSecondColorG > 255) { _root.HeroSecondColorG = 255; } _root.HeroMainColorR = Math.ceil(_root.HeroMainColorSetR / 1.125); _root.HeroSecondColorR = Math.ceil(_root.HeroSecondColorSetR / 1.125); _root.HeroMainColorB = Math.ceil(_root.HeroMainColorSetB / 2); _root.HeroSecondColorB = Math.ceil(_root.HeroSecondColorSetB / 2); _root.poisoncolor = 1; } } } } } if (_root.held < 6 or _root.held == 107 or _root.held == 117) { if ( <= 0) { _root.held = 1000; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(10); } else { if ( < _root.maxhealth) { if (_root.poisonlevel == 0) { += _root.spirit * 0.01 * _root.godmode; if (_root.acc == 4) { += _root.accessory[4][4] * _root.godmode; } if ( > _root.maxhealth) { = _root.maxhealth; } } } if (_root.armor == 101) { if (_root.armorh < _root.armorhmax) { _root.armorh += 0.05; } } } } if (_root.held < 100) { if (_root.gunhmax > 0) { = 100 * (_root.gunhmax - _root.gunh) / _root.gunhmax; } if (_root.held <= 40) { if (Key.isDown(83)) { if ( > 10) { if (runstatus > 2) { runstatus = 2; } _root.held = 50; -= 10; spsound.attachSound('super'); spsound.start(0, 1); this.gotoAndStop(31 + Math.floor((_root.wpn - 1) / 10) * 2); } } } if (_root.held <= 30) { if (Key.isDown(68)) { if (runstatus > 2) { runstatus = 2; } this.gotoAndStop(41); _root.held = 41; } } if (_root.held <= 2) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (runstatus > 2) { runstatus = 2; } _root.held = 9; this.gotoAndStop(21 + Math.floor((_root.wpn - 1) / 10)); } } if (_root.held <= 2) { if (_root.poisonlevel < 200) { if (Key.isDown(40) or Key.isDown(87)) { _root.held = 2; if (runstatus > 2) { runstatus = 2; } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(81)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 400, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 3 * runstatus; } } else { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(69)) { this.gotoAndStop(3); if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 400, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 3 * runstatus; } } else { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } else { if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(81)) { _root.held = 1; if (runstatus > 2) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } else { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (this._xscale == 100) { this._xscale = -100; } if (!_root.leftwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x -= 5 * runstatus; } } else { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(69)) { _root.held = 1; if (runstatus > 2) { this.gotoAndStop(5); } else { this.gotoAndStop(4); } if (this._xscale == -100) { this._xscale = 100; } if (!_root.rightwall.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 200, true)) { _root.camframe._x += 5 * runstatus; } } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.held <= 2) { _root.held = 0; } } } if (_root.poisonlevel > 100) { runstatus = 1; } else { if (_root.poisonlevel == 0) { if (Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(82)) { runstatus = 5; } } if (runstatus == 1) { runstatus = 2; } } } } } if (_root.doorrightgo > 0) { if (_root.doorright.hitTest(_root.camframe._x + 100, 400, true)) { _root.held = 905; _root.gohere = _root.doorrightgo; _root.gox = _root.doorrightgox; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (_root.doorleftgo > 0) { if (_root.doorleft.hitTest(_root.camframe._x - 100, 400, true)) { _root.held = 905; _root.gohere = _root.doorleftgo; _root.gox = _root.doorleftgox; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (_root.held < 3) { k = _root.maxitems; while (k > 0) { if (_root.camframe.hero.chesthitbox.hitTest(_root['obj' + k].objecthitbox)) { _root['obj' + k]._xscale = 110; _root['obj' + k]._yscale = 110; if (Key.isDown(32) and _root.held == 0) { _root.held = 900; this.gotoAndStop(1); _root['obj' + k].gotoAndStop(2); _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.box3._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.activeobject = k; } } else { _root['obj' + k]._xscale = 100; _root['obj' + k]._yscale = 100; _root['obj' + k].gotoAndStop(1); } --k; } } if (_root.held == 0) { if ( == 1) { if (Key.isDown(73)) { _root.held = 901;; _root.itemselect = 4; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } else { if (runstatus > 2) { runstatus = 2; } if (Key.isDown(83)) { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -100) {; _root.escherovar += (_root.body + _root.spirit) / 2; } } else { if (_root.gbararrowcheck > 0) { arrowread = (eval(_root['arrow' + _root.gbararrowcheck]))._rotation; if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(81)) { if (arrowread == 180) { _root['arrow' + _root.gbararrowcheck].gotoAndPlay(2); --_root.gbararrowcheck; } else { _root.grapple -= 2; } } else { if (Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(82)) { if (arrowread == -90) { _root['arrow' + _root.gbararrowcheck].gotoAndPlay(2); --_root.gbararrowcheck; } else { _root.grapple -= 2; } } else { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(69)) { if (arrowread == 0) { _root['arrow' + _root.gbararrowcheck].gotoAndPlay(2); --_root.gbararrowcheck; } else { _root.grapple -= 2; } } else { if (Key.isDown(40) or Key.isDown(87)) { if (arrowread == 90) { _root['arrow' + _root.gbararrowcheck].gotoAndPlay(2); --_root.gbararrowcheck; } else { _root.grapple -= 2; } } } } } } } if (_root.held >= 1100) { if (_root.grapple < 100) { if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(81)) { _root.grapple += 1; } } if (_root.grapple > -100) { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(69)) { _root.grapple -= 1; } } if (Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(82)) { _root.BGA[0][4] = 0; _root.BGA[1][4] = 0; } } if (_root.escherovar > 0) { _root.escherovar -= 0.25; = -400 + _root.escherovar * 4; } if (_root.escbgvar < 0) { _root.escbgvar += 0.25; = 400 + _root.escbgvar * 4; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck > -100 or _root.held >= 1100) { = -4 * _root.grapple; } else { = 0; } = 100 * (monscale - _root.BGA[0][4]) / monscale; if (_root.camframe.hero._currentframe > 99) { = 100 * (monscale2 - _root.BGA[1][4]) / monscale2; } if (_root.gbararrowcheck == 0) { _root.gbararrowcheck = -99; _root.grapple += (_root.spirit + 5) * 10 / _root.gspeed; cleararrows = setInterval(function () { var v2 = 0; v2 = 1; while (v2 < 10) { _root['arrow' + v2].unloadMovie(); ++v2; } clearInterval(cleararrows); }, 500); } } if (_root.held < 500) { j = _root.proj.length - 1; while (j >= 0) { _root[_root.proj[j][1]]._x += _root.proj[j][3]; _root.proj[j][4] -= 5; if (_root.proj[j][3] > 0) { _root[_root.proj[j][1]]._xscale = _root.proj[j][4]; } else { _root[_root.proj[j][1]]._xscale = -1 * _root.proj[j][4]; } _root[_root.proj[j][1]]._yscale = _root.proj[j][4]; if (Math.abs(_root.proj[j][4]) < 50) { loadMovie('', _root[_root.proj[j][1]]); _root.proj.splice([j][0], 1); } --j; } j = _root.monatt.length - 1; while (j >= 0) { _root[_root.monatt[j][1]]._x += _root.monatt[j][3]; _root.monatt[j][4] -= 5; --j; } j = _root.monatt.length - 1; while (j >= 0) { if (Math.abs(_root.monatt[j][4]) > 60) { if (_root.held < 100) { if (_root.camframe.hero.chesthitbox.hitTest(_root[_root.monatt[j][1]])) { if (_root.camframe.hero._currentframe == 2) { _root.held = 97; hitsound.attachSound('blocksound'); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.monatt[j][2] / 1000) == 1) { _root.poisonlevel += 50; _root.attachMovie('symbol_poison', 'symbol_poison', 1300 + Math.ceil(_root.monatt[0][2] / 1000)); _root.monatt[j][2] -= 1000; _root.symbol_poison._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.symbol_poison._y = 100;; } if (_root.camframe.hero._currentframe == 5) { runstatus = 2; _root.held = 99; hitsound.attachSound('hit2'); } else { _root.held = 98; hitsound.attachSound('hit1'); } } if (Math.floor(_root.monatt[j][2] / 200) !== 1 and Math.floor(_root.monatt[j][2] / 200) !== 6) { _root.monatt[j][4] = 60; } _root.monatt.unshift([_root.monatt[j][0], _root.monatt[j][1], _root.monatt[j][2], _root.monatt[j][3], _root.monatt[j][4]]); _root.monatt.splice([j + 1][0], 1); this.gotoAndStop(50); hitsound.start(0, 1); } } } else { if (Math.abs(_root.monatt[j][4]) < 50) { loadMovie('', _root[_root.monatt[j][1]]); _root.monatt.splice([j][0], 1); } } --j; } i = _root.BGA.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { bg = _root.BGA[i][5]; bghb = _root.BGA[i][6]; dr = _root.BGA[i][8] - _root.weapon[_root.wpn][5]; if (dr < 0) { dr = 0; } j = _root.proj.length - 1; while (j >= 0) { if (_root.BGA[i][8] !== 9999) { if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root[_root.proj[j][1]])) { if (Math.floor(_root.wpn / 10) == 4) { damage = (_root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag - dr) / 10; } else { damage = _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgmag - dr; _root.proj[j][4] = 25; hitsound.attachSound('hit1'); hitsound.start(0, 1); } if (damage > 0) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; if (_root.BGA[i][7] < 500) { _root.BGA[i][7] += damage; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] = damage; } _root[bghb]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; if (_root.BGA[i][0] < 6) { _root[bghb]._yscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } } } k = _root.monatt.length - 1; while (k >= 0) { if (Math.abs(_root.monatt[j][3]) >= 5) { if (_root[_root.proj[j][1]].hitTest(_root[_root.monatt[j][1]])) { _root.proj[j][4] = 25; _root.monatt[j][4] = 25; } } --k; } } --j; } if (this._xscale !== _root[bg]._xscale) { switch (_root.held) { case 10: if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.heroattack.wpnhitbox)) { damage = _root.body + _root.wpndmgphy - dr; if (damage > 0) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; if (_root.wpn <= 10) { damage += 3; } if (_root.BGA[i][7] < 500) { _root.BGA[i][7] += damage; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] = damage; } _root[bghb]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; if (_root.BGA[i][0] < 6) { _root[bghb]._yscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } hityes = true; hitsound.attachSound('hit1'); hitsound.start(0, 1); } } break; case 15: if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.heroattack.bfisthitbox)) { damage = _root.body + _root.wpndmgphy - dr; if (damage > 0) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; if (_root.wpn <= 10) { damage += 3; } if (_root.BGA[i][7] < 500) { _root.BGA[i][7] += damage; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] = damage; } _root[bghb]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; if (_root.BGA[i][0] < 6) { _root[bghb]._yscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } hityes = true; hitsound.attachSound('hit1'); hitsound.start(0, 1); } } break; case 20: if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.heroattack.foothitbox)) { damage = _root.body + 3 - dr; if (damage > 0) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; if (_root.BGA[i][7] < 500) { _root.BGA[i][7] += damage * 2; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] = damage * 2; } _root[bghb]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; if (_root.BGA[i][0] < 6) { _root[bghb]._yscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } hityes = true; hitsound.attachSound('hit1'); hitsound.start(0, 1); } } break; case 25: if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.heroattack.wpnhitbox)) { damage = _root.body + _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgphy - dr; if (damage > 0) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; if (_root.BGA[i][7] < 500) { _root.BGA[i][7] += damage * 2; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] = damage * 2; } _root[bghb]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; if (_root.BGA[i][0] < 6) { _root[bghb]._yscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } hityes = true; hitsound.attachSound('hit3'); hitsound.start(0, 1); } } break; case 40: if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.heroattacksex.bfisthitbox)) { _root.held = 100; if (i > 0) { _root.BGA.unshift([_root.BGA[i][0], _root.BGA[i][1], _root.BGA[i][2], _root.BGA[i][3], _root.BGA[i][4], _root.BGA[i][5], _root.BGA[i][6], _root.BGA[i][7], _root.BGA[i][8], _root.BGA[i][9], _root.BGA[i][10]]); _root.BGA.splice([i + 1][0], 1); } if (_root[bg]._x > _root.camframe._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } if (_root.BGA[0][0] < 11) { this.gotoAndStop(51); } else { this.gotoAndStop(41 + _root.BGA[0][0]); _root[bg]._y += 2000; _root[bghb]._y += 2000; _root.grapple = 25 + ( - _root.BGA[0][4]) * 0.25;; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; if (_root.BGA[0][4] > monscale) { monscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; } = monscale; = 0; } } break; case 55: if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.wpnhitbox)) { damage = _root.body + _root.wpndmgphy - dr; if (damage > 0) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; if (_root.BGA[i][7] < 500) { if (Math.floor((_root.wpn - 1) / 10) !== 2) { _root.BGA[i][7] += damage; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] += 3; } } else { if (Math.floor((_root.wpn - 1) / 10) !== 2) { _root.BGA[i][7] = damage; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] = 3; } } _root[bghb]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; if (_root.BGA[i][0] < 6) { _root[bghb]._yscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } hityes = true; hitsound.attachSound('hit1'); hitsound.start(0, 1); } } break; case 60: if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.wpnhitbox)) { damage = _root.body + _root.spirit + _root.wpndmgphy - dr; if (damage > 0) { _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; if (_root.BGA[i][7] < 500) { _root.BGA[i][7] += damage; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] = damage; } _root[bghb]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; if (_root.BGA[i][0] < 6) { _root[bghb]._yscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } } hityes = true; hitsound.attachSound('hit3'); hitsound.start(0, 1); } } } if (_root.held == 50) { if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.herospecialattack.splashhitbox)) { damage = _root.spirit - dr; if (damage < 0) { damage = 1; } _root.BGA[i][4] -= damage; if (_root.BGA[i][7] < 500) { _root.BGA[i][7] += 15; } else { _root.BGA[i][7] = 15; } _root[bghb]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; if (_root.BGA[i][0] < 6) { _root[bghb]._yscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } hityes = true; hitsound.attachSound('hit2'); hitsound.start(0, 1); } } if (_root.BGA[i][7] == 0) { if (_root.BGA[i][9] !== 2) { if (Math.abs(_root[bg]._x - _root.camframe._x) > 150) { _root[bg].gotoAndStop(6); if (_root[bg]._x < _root.camframe._x) { _root[bg]._xscale = 100; if (_root.held < 100) { _root[bg]._x += _root.BGA[i][3]; _root[bghb]._x += _root.BGA[i][3]; } else { _root[bg]._x += _root.BGA[i][3] / 2; _root[bghb]._x += _root.BGA[i][3] / 2; } } else { _root[bg]._xscale = -100; if (_root.held < 100) { _root[bg]._x -= _root.BGA[i][3]; _root[bghb]._x -= _root.BGA[i][3]; } else { _root[bg]._x -= _root.BGA[i][3] / 2; _root[bghb]._x -= _root.BGA[i][3] / 2; } } } else { _root[bg].gotoAndStop(1); } } if (_root.held > 101) { if (_root.held < 106) { if (Math.abs(_root.BGA[0][0] - _root.BGA[i][0]) <= 1) { if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.doublehitbox)) { _root.held = 110; clearInterval(cleararrows); _root.gbararrowcheck = -100; j = 1; while (j < 10) { _root['arrow' + j].unloadMovie(); ++j; } if (i > 1) { _root.BGA.splice([1][0], 0, [_root.BGA[i][0], _root.BGA[i][1], _root.BGA[i][2], _root.BGA[i][3], _root.BGA[i][4], _root.BGA[i][5], _root.BGA[i][6], _root.BGA[i][7], _root.BGA[i][8], _root.BGA[i][9], _root.BGA[i][10]]); _root.BGA.splice([i + 1][0], 1); } this.gotoAndStop(68 + _root.BGA[0][0] + _root.BGA[1][0]); _root[bg]._y += 2000; _root[bghb]._y += 2000; _root.grapple -= 0.25 * _root.BGA[i][4]; if (_root.grapple < -49) { _root.grapple = -49; }; monscale2 = 50 + _root.BGA[1][1] * 10; if (_root.BGA[1][4] > monscale2) { monscale2 = _root.BGA[1][4]; } = monscale2; = 100; } } } } if (_root.held < 100) { if (_root[bg].bghitbox.hitTest(_root.camframe.hero.chesthitbox)) { if (_root.BGA[0][0] == 10) { _root.camframe.hero._y = _root[bg]._y; } else { _root.held = 100; if (i > 0) { _root.BGA.unshift([_root.BGA[i][0], _root.BGA[i][1], _root.BGA[i][2], _root.BGA[i][3], _root.BGA[i][4], _root.BGA[i][5], _root.BGA[i][6], _root.BGA[i][7], _root.BGA[i][8], _root.BGA[i][9], _root.BGA[i][10]]); _root.BGA.splice([i + 1][0], 1); } if (_root[bg]._x > _root.camframe._x) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } if (_root.BGA[0][0] < 10) { if (runstatus > 2) { -= _root.BGA[0][1]; } this.gotoAndStop(51); } else { stopAllSounds(); this.gotoAndStop(41 + _root.BGA[0][0]); _root[bg]._y += 2000; _root[bghb]._y += 2000; _root.grapple = -25 + ( - _root.BGA[0][4] * runstatus / 2) * 0.25; if (_root.grapple < -49) { _root.grapple = -49; }; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; if (_root.BGA[0][4] > monscale) { monscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; } = monscale; = 0; } } } } if (_root.held < 100) { if (Math.abs(_root[bg]._x - _root.camframe._x) > 175) { if (Math.random() > _root.BGA[i][9]) { _root.BGA[i][7] = _root.BGA[i][10]; _root[bg].gotoAndStop(11); } } } } else { if (_root.BGA[i][7] >= 500) { ++_root.BGA[i][7]; if (_root.BGA[i][7] >= 1000) { _root.BGA[i][7] = 0; } } else { if (_root.BGA[i][7] >= 10) { if (_root.BGA[i][0] > 15) { _root[bg]._x -= _root[bg]._xscale; _root[bghb]._x -= _root[bg]._xscale; } _root.BGA[i][7] -= 10; _root[bg].gotoAndStop(16); } else { if (_root.BGA[i][0] > 15) { _root[bg]._x -= 0.05 * _root.BGA[i][7] * _root[bg]._xscale; _root[bghb]._x -= 0.05 * _root.BGA[i][7] * _root[bg]._xscale; } _root.BGA[i][7] = 0; _root[bg].gotoAndStop(16); } } } if (_root.held < 100) { if (_root.BGA[i][4] <= 0) { if (_root.BGA[i][1] > 0) { _root[bg].gotoAndStop(21); } else { _root[bg].gotoAndStop(22); } loadMovie('', _root[bghb]); _root.BGA.splice([i][0], 1); } } --i; } if (hityes == true) { --_root.held; hityes = false; } } if (_root.held == 900) { if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (_root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA._currentframe < 6) { _root.held = 905; _root['obj' + _root.activeobject].gotoAndPlay(51); _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(12); } } if (Key.isDown(83)) { if (_root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS._currentframe < 6) { _root.held = 905; _root['obj' + _root.activeobject].gotoAndPlay(101); _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(12); } } if (Key.isDown(68)) { if (_root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD._currentframe < 6) { _root.held = 905; _root['obj' + _root.activeobject].gotoAndPlay(151); _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(12); } } if (Key.isDown(70)) { _root.held = 0; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(12); } } } } } movieClip 8087 { frame 1 { this._x = _root.camframe._x; var facing = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; } frame 9 { l = 0; k = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; i = 25; while (i >= 0) { _root['bg' + i].removeMovieClip(); _root['bghb' + i].removeMovieClip(); _root.BGA.splice([i][0], 1); --i; } j = _root.monatt.length - 1; while (j >= 0) { loadMovie('', _root[_root.monatt[j][1]]); _root.monatt.splice([j][0], 1); --j; } l = _root.proj.length - 1; while (l >= 0) { loadMovie('', _root[_root.proj[l][1]]); _root.proj.splice([l][0], 1); --l; }; k = _root.maxitems; while (k > 0) { _root['obj' + k].removeMovieClip(); --k; } _root.doorleft.removeMovieClip(); _root.doorright.removeMovieClip(); _root.doorleftgox = 0; _root.doorleftgo = 0; _root.doorrightgox = 0; _root.doorrightgo = 0; _root.leftwall.removeMovieClip(); _root.rightwall.removeMovieClip(); } frame 12 { if (_root.gohere >= 18) { _root.gotoAndStop(_root.gohere); _root.camframe._x = _root.gox; this._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.camframe.hero._xscale = facing; _root.held = 0; } else { = _root.maxhealth; _root.cumchest = 5; _root.cumface = 5; _root.poisonlevel = 0; _root.gotoAndStop('Comic-A3Start'); _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _root.camframe.removeMovieClip(); _root.fadeout.removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } frame 21 { if (_root.held < 100) { _root.held = 0; } stop(); } frame 25 { this._x = _root.camframe._x; } frame 45 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 51 { this._x = _root.camframe._x; } frame 81 { l = 0; k = 0; j = 0; var i = 0; i = 25; while (i >= 0) { _root['bg' + i].removeMovieClip(); _root['bghb' + i].removeMovieClip(); _root.BGA.splice([i][0], 1); --i; } j = _root.monatt.length - 1; while (j >= 0) { loadMovie('', _root[_root.monatt[j][1]]); _root.monatt.splice([j][0], 1); --j; } l = _root.proj.length - 1; while (l >= 0) { loadMovie('', _root[_root.proj[l][1]]); _root.proj.splice([l][0], 1); --l; }; k = _root.maxitems; while (k > 0) { _root['obj' + k].removeMovieClip(); --k; } _root.doorleft.removeMovieClip(); _root.doorright.removeMovieClip(); _root.leftwall.removeMovieClip(); _root.rightwall.removeMovieClip(); if (_root._currentframe == 26) { _root.attachMovie('endingtalkact1', 'ETA1', 2001); _root.ETA1._x = _root.camframe._x; _root.ETA1._y = 0; stop(); } } frame 100 { stop(); } } movieClip 8096 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 8103 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 8110 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 8117 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 8118 { } movieClip 8119 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } frame 20 { _root.maxitems = 3; _root.doorrightgo = 26; _root.doorrightgox = -2250; _root.doorleftgo = 18; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); removeMovieClip(_root.crawl1); if (_root.quest_fireout == false) { var i = 0; var b = 0; _root.attachMovie('trashwall', 'bg' + i, i); _root['bg' + i]._x = 7500; _root['bg' + i]._y = 575 + 4 * i; _root.BGA.push([b, _root.BGtype[b][1], _root.BGtype[b][2], _root.BGtype[b][3], 50 + _root.BGtype[b][1] * 10, 'bg' + i, 'bghb' + i, 0, _root.BGtype[b][4], _root.BGtype[b][5], _root.BGtype[b][6]]); _root.attachMovie('firepile', 'bghb' + i, i + 100); _root['bghb' + i]._x = 7000; _root['bghb' + i]._y = 550; _root['bghb' + i]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } if (_root.quest_zombiecount == 10) { addmobs(16, 2500, 2500, 0, 0); } } movieClip 8120 { } movieClip 8122 { } movieClip 8124 { } movieClip 8126 { } movieClip 8128 { } movieClip 8130 { } movieClip 8132 { } movieClip 8136 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 39) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root._currentframe > 29) { gotoAndStop(11); } } stop(); } } movieClip 8138 { } movieClip 8140 { } // unknown tag 88 length 62 movieClip 8147 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8150 { } movieClip 8152 { } movieClip 8154 { } frame 22 { _root.maxitems = 4; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); } movieClip 8156 { } movieClip 8158 { } movieClip 8160 { } movieClip 8162 { } movieClip 8164 { } movieClip 8166 { } movieClip 8168 { } movieClip 8170 { } movieClip 8172 { } movieClip 8174 { } movieClip 8176 { } movieClip 8178 { } movieClip 8180 { } movieClip 8182 { } movieClip 8185 { } movieClip 8187 { } movieClip 8188 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8189 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; gotoAndPlay(51); } frame 80 { _root.gohere = 20; _root.gox = 3000; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8193 { } movieClip 8195 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); play(); } frame 20 { _root.gohere = 24; _root.gox = -1000; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8198 { } movieClip 8200 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); play(); } frame 20 { _root.gohere = 25; _root.gox = -2200; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 24 { _root.maxitems = 5; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); } movieClip 8202 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8205 { } movieClip 8207 { } movieClip 8208 { } movieClip 8210 { } movieClip 8212 { } movieClip 8214 { } movieClip 8216 { } movieClip 8218 { } movieClip 8220 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8223 { } movieClip 8225 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 20 { _root.gohere = 22; if (_root._currentframe == 24) { _root.gox = -1250; } else { _root.gox = 2100; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8231 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A sink. You can wash your face here.'; _root.choiceA = 'Wash up'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 65 { if (_root.cumface < 5) { _root.cumface = 5; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndPlay(8); } _root.held = 0; gotoAndPlay('Use'); } } movieClip 8237 { } movieClip 8238 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A shower. You can wash up, but it will take a little while.'; if (_root.BGA.length > 0) { _root.choiceA = '(Cancel) You really need to secure this room first!'; } else { if (_root._currentframe == 38 or _root.quest_shipclear == 0 and _root._currentframe == 39) { _root.choiceA = 'Wash up'; } else { _root.choiceA = '(Cancel) Not now. I don\'t think I\'m alone.'; } } _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.BGA.length == 0 and _root._currentframe == 38 or _root.quest_shipclear == 0 and _root._currentframe == 39) { _root.held = 982; _root.xfinish = _root.obj4._x - 150; _root.xstart = _root.xfinish;; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(4); } else { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } frame 53 { if (Math.abs(_root.camframe._x - (_root.obj4._x - 150)) > 25) { if (_root.camframe._x > _root.obj4._x - 150) { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = -100; } _root.camframe._x -= 4; } else { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.camframe._x += 4; } gotoAndPlay(52); } else { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = -100; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 75 { if (_root.cumface < 5) { ++_root.cumface; } if (_root.cumchest < 5) { ++_root.cumchest; } if (_root.cumface == 5 or _root.quest_zombiecount <= 0) { if (_root.held > 910) { _root.held = 910; } gotoAndPlay('washloop'); } } frame 76 { _root.camzoom = 0.75; _parent._y = 100; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 77 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._y -= 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 78 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._y -= 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 79 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._y -= 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 80 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._y -= 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 81 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._y -= 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 82 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._y -= 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 83 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._y -= 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 84 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._y -= 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 85 { _root.camzoom += 0.025; _parent._y -= 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 86 { _root.camzoom = 1; _parent._y = 0; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 91 { _root.addmobs(16, _root.camframe._x + 450, _root.camframe._x + 450, 0, 2); _root.bg0._xscale = -100; } frame 96 { if (_root.cumface < 5) { ++_root.cumface; } if (_root.cumchest < 5) { ++_root.cumchest; } } frame 116 { if (_root.cumface < 5) { ++_root.cumface; } if (_root.cumchest < 5) { ++_root.cumchest; } } frame 136 { if (_root.cumface < 5) { ++_root.cumface; } if (_root.cumchest < 5) { ++_root.cumchest; } } frame 156 { _root.cumchest = 5; _root.cumface = 5; } frame 171 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._y += 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 172 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._y += 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 173 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._y += 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 174 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._y += 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 175 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._y += 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 176 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._y += 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 177 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._y += 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 178 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._y += 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 179 { _root.camzoom -= 0.025; _parent._y += 10; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; } frame 180 { _root.camzoom = 0.75; _parent._y = 100; _parent._xscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _parent._yscale = 100 * _root.camzoom; _root.BGA[0][9] = _root.BGtype[16][5]; _root.bghb10._y = 550; stop(); } } movieClip 8243 { } movieClip 8247 { } movieClip 8249 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A toilet stall. The door is currently closed.'; _root.choiceA = 'Open Door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } frame 25 { _root.maxitems = 5; } movieClip 8250 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8256 { } movieClip 8261 { } movieClip 8262 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A toilet stall. The door is currently closed.'; _root.choiceA = 'Open Door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } frame 26 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorleftgo = 20; _root.doorleftgox = 8400; if (_root.quest_shipclear == 10) { addboss = setInterval(function () { if (_root._currentframe !== 26) { clearInterval(addboss); } else { if (_root.camframe._x > 1700) { addmobs(18, 500, 500, 0, 2); _root.BGA[0][4] = 220 * _root.gamediff; _root.bghb0._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root.leftwall._y = 0; _root.held = 985; _root.xstart = _root.camframe._x; _root.xfinish = 700;; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); clearInterval(addboss); } } }, 1000); } } movieClip 8264 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shipclear == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8266 { } movieClip 8268 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shipclear == 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8269 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 30 { _root.maxitems = 4; if (_root.quest_shippower < 7 and _root.quest_zombiecount > 4) { addmobs(6, 2288, 2288, 0, 0); } } movieClip 8272 { } movieClip 8273 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8275 { } movieClip 8282 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 39) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root._currentframe > 29) { gotoAndStop(11); } } stop(); } } movieClip 8287 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe > 39) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root._currentframe > 29) { gotoAndStop(11); } } stop(); } } movieClip 8289 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_shippower >= 7) { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; gotoAndPlay(51); } else { _root.choicetext = 'This door leads to the bridge. It doesn\'t appear locked, but with the power out, there doesn\'t appear to be an easy way to open it either.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Body Check) Try to Force Door'; if (_root.body >= 5) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } frame 81 { _root.gohere = 32; _root.gox = 0; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 131 { _root.gohere = 32; _root.gox = 0; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; } } movieClip 8291 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_shippower >= 7) { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; gotoAndPlay(51); } else { _root.choicetext = 'This door should lead to the crew quarters. With the power out, you\'ll have to force it open if you want to get through.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Body Check) Try to Force Door'; if (_root.body >= 5) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } frame 51 { if (_root.quest_shippower < 7) { gotoAndPlay(91); } } frame 81 { _root.gohere = 34; _root.gox = -2000; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 131 { _root.gohere = 34; _root.gox = -2000; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; } } frame 32 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorrightgo = 30; _root.doorrightgox = -1500; if (_root.quest_shipclear == 0) { loadMovie('', _root.obj1); } } movieClip 8294 { } movieClip 8295 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8297 { } movieClip 8299 { } movieClip 8301 { } movieClip 8308 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_getmedkit == 3) { gotoAndStop(6); } stop(); } } movieClip 8310 { frame 1 { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 8334 { frame 1 { var havemedkit = false; if (_root.acc == 4) { havemedkit = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 4 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { havemedkit = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 4 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { havemedkit = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 4 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { havemedkit = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 4 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { havemedkit = true; } if (_root.quest_getmedkit == 0) { _root.held = 910; _root.xstart = 0; _root.xfinish = -1000;; this.gotoAndStop(201); _root.quest_getmedkit = 1; } else { stop(); } } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_getmedkit == 3) { gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choicetext = 'The captain appears to be unconcious & badly hurt. The first mate is hoping you have a medkit, or can find one.'; if (havemedkit == true) { _root.choiceA = '(say): Yes, I have one right here.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = '(say): Ok, I\'ll try & find a medkit for you.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.quest_armdoor == 1) { _root.choiceS = '(body / say): Do you know the passcode to the Armory door?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.spirit >= 5) { _root.choiceD = '(spirit / say): Uhm... Why is she drenched?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(spirit / say): Uhm... Why is she drenched?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'Let the first officer use your medkit? (Yes, you get it back).'; _root.choiceA = 'Hand it to him.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.quest_armdoor == 1) { _root.choiceS = '(body / say): Do you know the passcode to the Armory door?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { if (_root.quest_zombiecount >= 0) { if (_root.acc !== 3) { gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.backpack1 !== 3 and _root.backpack1h !== 601) { gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.backpack2 !== 3 and _root.backpack2h !== 601) { gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.backpack3 !== 4 and _root.backpack3h !== 601) { gotoAndStop(31); } if (_root.backpack4 !== 4 and _root.backpack4h !== 601) { gotoAndStop(31); } } _root.choicetext = 'The captain looks much better now, thanks to you.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 31 { if (_root.quest_zombiecount == 0) { gotoAndStop(36); } _root.choicetext = 'According to the first officer, bringing a deranged crew member to orgasm should restore them to normal. He\'d like you to save all the crew members in the Crew quarters.'; _root.choiceA = '(Say): I\'ll see what I can do.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = '(Say): No thanks, I\'ll pass.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 36 { _root.choicetext = 'The first officer is offering you a small necklace as a reward.'; _root.choiceA = '(Accept)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (havemedkit == true) { gotoAndPlay(61); } if (_root.quest_getmedkit == 3) { gotoAndPlay(71); } } frame 55 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 65 { _root.quest_getmedkit = 3; _root.quest_armdoor = 2; this.captain.eye.gotoAndStop(6); _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 71 { if (_root.quest_zombiecount == 0) { gotoAndPlay(76); } var helpcount = 'Thank you for your help. According to my calculations, there should be ' + _root.quest_zombiecount + ' crew members left who need your abilities.'; } frame 75 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 80 { _root.quest_zombiecount = -1; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 3; _root.itemnewh = 601; stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.quest_getmedkit == 3) { gotoAndPlay(111); } } frame 105 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 115 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 201 { } } frame 34 { _root.maxitems = 7; _root.doorleftgo = 30; _root.doorleftgox = 2000; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); i = 0; var b = 0; i = 0; while (i < Math.ceil(_root.quest_zombiecount / 2)) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 16; if (b > 17) { b = 17; } addmobs(b, -1250, 3250, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 8335 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8339 { } movieClip 8341 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 30 { if (_root.camframe._x > 1000) { _root.gohere = 37; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x - 4000; _root.xstart = _root.gox; } else { _root.gohere = 36; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8342 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 30 { _root.gohere = 38; _root.gox = -1000; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8343 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 30 { _root.gohere = 39; _root.gox = -1000; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8353 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_getmop == 1 and _root.gamestart !== 'Act1') { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.wpn == 41) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack1 == 41 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack2 == 41 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack3 == 41 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack4 == 41 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotoAndStop(21); } stop(); _root.choicetext = 'Janitor\'s Closet. Nothing here but cleaning supplies.'; _root.choiceA = 'Look for something to put out the fire.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Search for Magical Auras.'; if (_root.player % 10 !== 3 and (_root.spirit >= 6 or _root.acc == 2)) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'Janitor\'s Closet. Nothing here but cleaning supplies.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 156 { _root.quest_getmop = 1; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 41; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } } frame 36 { _root.maxitems = 4; if (_root.quest_shipclear !== 0) { i = 0; var b = 0; i = 0; while (i < Math.ceil(_root.quest_zombiecount / 3)) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 16; if (b > 17) { b = 17; } addmobs(b, -1500, 200, 300, 0); ++i; } } } movieClip 8354 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8355 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 30 { _root.gohere = 34; if (_root._currentframe == 37) { _root.gox = _root.camframe._x + 4000; } else { _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8356 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shippower % 8 > 3) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.acc == 5) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack1 == 5 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack2 == 5 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack3 == 5 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack4 == 5 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { gotoAndStop(21); } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_shippower >= 7) { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.quest_shippower % 8 > 3) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.acc == 5) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack1 == 5 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack2 == 5 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack3 == 5 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack4 == 5 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { gotoAndStop(21); } stop(); _root.choicetext = 'This large pipe appears to have been knocked loose in the explosion. It might be useful for repairing the back up generator.'; _root.choiceA = 'Get Pipe'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'This large pipe appears to have been knocked loose in the explosion. It would have been great for fixing the power, but you\'ve already done that.'; _root.choiceA = 'Get Pipe Anyway'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 5; _root.itemnewh = 601; stop(); } } movieClip 8359 { } movieClip 8361 { } movieClip 8364 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shipclear !== 0) { loadMovie('', this); } stop(); } frame 2 { var funtime = 0; _root.choicetext = 'These injured crewmen appear to be sleeping.'; _root.choiceA = '(Say) Hey boys, how about some fun?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'Who do you want to have fun with?'; _root.choiceA = '(Say) Sure, both of you. C\'mon.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = '(Say) Just you blue. For now. ;)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = '(Say) Just you red. For now. ;)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { if (funtime == 0) { funtime = 1; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor; NewItemHealthNumber = _root.armorh; _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; NewItemNumber += Math.ceil(NewItemHealthNumber / 25); ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(101); _root.grapple = 75; _root.held = 1100; _root.BGA.push([16, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([17, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]);; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 100; monscale2 = 100; = monscale2; = 100; this._y += 2000; } stop(); stop(); } frame 105 { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor; NewItemHealthNumber = _root.armorh; _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; NewItemNumber += Math.ceil(NewItemHealthNumber / 25); ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(57); _root.grapple = 75; _root.held = 1100; _root.BGA.push([16, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]);; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; = 0; this._y += 2000; stop(); } frame 155 { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor; NewItemHealthNumber = _root.armorh; _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; NewItemNumber += Math.ceil(NewItemHealthNumber / 25); ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(58); _root.grapple = 75; _root.held = 1100; _root.BGA.push([16, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]);; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; = 0; this._y += 2000; stop(); } } frame 37 { _root.maxitems = 3; if (_root.player !== 11 and _root.quest_savemage <= 1) { _root.attachMovie('magerescue', 'obj3', 303); _root.obj3._x = 1350; _root.obj3._y = 250; } i = 0; var b = 0; i = 0; while (i < Math.ceil(_root.quest_zombiecount / 4)) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 16; if (b > 17) { b = 17; } addmobs(b, -1500, 1200, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 8365 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 38 { _root.maxitems = 5; _root.camframe.hero._xscale = -100; i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; i = 0; while (i < Math.ceil(_root.quest_zombiecount / 3)) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 16; if (b > 17) { b = 17; } addmobs(b, -2000, -1000, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 8366 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8369 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 20 { _root.gohere = 34; if (_root._currentframe == 38) { _root.gox = 1000; } else { _root.gox = 1600; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8373 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_shipclear !== 0 and _root._currentframe == 39) { _root.choicetext = 'A toilet stall. The door is locked.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } else { _root.choicetext = 'A toilet stall. The door is currently closed.'; _root.choiceA = 'Open Door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } frame 39 { _root.maxitems = 6; _root.camframe.hero._xscale = -100; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.quest_shipclear == 0) { loadMovie('', _root.obj6); } } movieClip 8375 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8397 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'This crew memeber appears nervous, but otherwise unharmed.'; _root.choiceA = '(Say) What happened? All the other crew up here have lost their minds.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = '(Say) Don\'t worry, I\'m here to deal with the \'problem\'.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = '(Say) Are you alright? Are there any other survivors?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; } frame 80 { stop(); } frame 106 { _root.held = 0; if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 1) { stop(); } } frame 131 { stop(); } frame 156 { _root.held = 0; } frame 181 { stop(); } } frame 40 { _root.maxitems = 3; _root.doorrightgo = 44; _root.doorrightgox = -1250; _root.doorleftgo = 30; _root.doorleftgox = 2000; removeMovieClip(_root.crate1); removeMovieClip(_root.crate2); if (_root.quest_pirateboss > 1) { var i = 0; i = 0; while (i < (_root.quest_pirateboss - 1) / 4) { addmobs(19, -1000, 1500, 750, 2); ++i; } } } movieClip 8399 { } movieClip 8400 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8404 { } movieClip 8406 { } movieClip 8408 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_armdoor <= 1) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'This door looks much more solid than the others on this ship. A nearby terminal glows dimly requesting a password.'; _root.choiceA = '(Enter Armory): Input Passcode: 1-2-3-4-5'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { if (_root.quest_armdoor == 0) { _root.quest_armdoor = 1; } _root.choicetext = 'This door looks much more solid than the others on this ship. A nearby terminal glows dimly requesting a password.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { _root.quest_armdoor = 3; } frame 81 { _root.gohere = 42; _root.gox = 2250; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 42 { _root.maxitems = 4; _root.doorrightgo = 40; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; } movieClip 8409 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8416 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_getaxe == 1 and _root.gamestart !== 'Act1') { gotoAndStop(60); } if (_root.wpn == 31) { gotoAndStop(60); } if (_root.backpack1 == 31 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotoAndStop(60); } if (_root.backpack2 == 31 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotoAndStop(60); } if (_root.backpack3 == 31 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotoAndStop(60); } if (_root.backpack4 == 31 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotoAndStop(60); } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.player % 10 == 1) { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.quest_getaxe == 1 and _root.gamestart !== 'Act1') { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.wpn == 31) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack1 == 31 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack2 == 31 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack3 == 31 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.backpack4 == 31 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choicetext = 'You see a fireaxe behind the glass. A small sign says: \'break glass in emergency\'.'; _root.choiceA = 'Get Axe'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'You see a fireaxe behind the glass. With years of training, you might be able to use it as a weapon. But you\'re a little short on time today.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'An empty box.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.quest_getaxe = 1; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 31; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } } movieClip 8420 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'These lockers are full of military clothing. You could make a set of armor from what is here.'; _root.choiceA = 'Get ballistic armor'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 41; _root.itemnewh = 150; stop(); } } movieClip 8424 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'An Empty Cabinet.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } frame 44 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = 40; _root.doorleftgox = 1750; _root.doorrightgo = 46; _root.doorrightgox = -2000; removeMovieClip(_root.crawl1); if (_root.quest_pirateboss > 0) { addmobs(20, 250, 250, 0, 2); _root.BGA[0][4] = 220 * _root.gamediff; _root.bghb0._xscale = _root.BGA[0][4]; _root.BGA[0][8] = 2; } else { _root.crate1.gotoAndStop(11); _root.crate2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.crate1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1202', 1202); _root.crate2.swapDepths(_root.topbox1202); _root.topbox1202.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 8425 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8429 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'This box contains a pile of pipes. They look could probably be used to restore the backup generator.'; _root.choiceA = 'Get Short Green Pipe'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Get Medium Yellow Pipe'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.quest_shippower == 0) { _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root.spirit >= 5) { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit check) Try & combine two pipes into a large one.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit check) Try & combine two pipes into a large one.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 7; _root.itemnewh = 601; stop(); } frame 106 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 6; _root.itemnewh = 601; stop(); } frame 155 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 8; _root.itemnewh = 601; stop(); } } movieClip 8433 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 46 { _root.maxitems = 4; _root.doorleftgo = 44; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; removeMovieClip(_root.crate1); removeMovieClip(_root.crate2); _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1211', 1211); _root.crawl1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1211); _root.topbox1211.unloadMovie(); var a = 0; var b = 11; var i = 0; if (_root.quest_shippower % 2 < 1) { a = -300; i = 0; _root.BGA.push([b, _root.BGtype[b][1] * _root.gamediff, _root.BGtype[b][2] * _root.gamediff, _root.BGtype[b][3] * _root.gamediff, 50 + _root.BGtype[b][1] * 10 * _root.gamediff, 'bg' + i, 'bghb' + i, 0, _root.BGtype[b][4], _root.BGtype[b][5], _root.BGtype[b][6]]); _root.attachMovie(_root.BGtype[b][0], 'bg' + i, i); _root['bg' + i]._x = a; _root['bg' + i]._y = 575; _root.attachMovie('badguyhealthbar', 'bghb' + i, i + 100); _root['bghb' + i]._x = a - 50; _root['bghb' + i]._y = 200; _root['bghb' + i]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } if (_root.quest_shippower % 4 < 2) { a = 1150; i = 1; _root.BGA.push([b, _root.BGtype[b][1] * _root.gamediff, _root.BGtype[b][2] * _root.gamediff, _root.BGtype[b][3] * _root.gamediff, 50 + _root.BGtype[b][1] * 10 * _root.gamediff, 'bg' + i, 'bghb' + i, 0, _root.BGtype[b][4], _root.BGtype[b][5], _root.BGtype[b][6]]); _root.attachMovie(_root.BGtype[b][0], 'bg' + i, i); _root['bg' + i]._x = a; _root['bg' + i]._y = 575; _root.attachMovie('badguyhealthbar', 'bghb' + i, i + 100); _root['bghb' + i]._x = a - 50; _root['bghb' + i]._y = 200; _root['bghb' + i]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } if (_root.quest_shippower < 4) { a = 2500; i = 2; _root.BGA.push([b, _root.BGtype[b][1] * _root.gamediff, _root.BGtype[b][2] * _root.gamediff, _root.BGtype[b][3] * _root.gamediff, 50 + _root.BGtype[b][1] * 10 * _root.gamediff, 'bg' + i, 'bghb' + i, 0, _root.BGtype[b][4], _root.BGtype[b][5], _root.BGtype[b][6]]); _root.attachMovie(_root.BGtype[b][0], 'bg' + i, i); _root['bg' + i]._x = a; _root['bg' + i]._y = 575; _root.attachMovie('badguyhealthbar', 'bghb' + i, i + 100); _root['bghb' + i]._x = a - 50; _root['bghb' + i]._y = 200; _root['bghb' + i]._xscale = _root.BGA[i][4]; } } movieClip 8436 { } movieClip 8438 { } movieClip 8440 { } movieClip 8442 { } movieClip 8443 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8452 { } movieClip 8453 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shipclear !== 0) { loadMovie('', this); } stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'Looks like there\'s still one small leak left in these pipes. You think you see a small tentacle swiming around in the puddle.'; _root.choiceA = '(Sex) A small tentacle could be a lot of fun... '; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100;; = -400; = 400; = 100; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(52); _root.BGA.push([11, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); = 0; monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; stop(); } } movieClip 8470 { } movieClip 8471 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shippower % 2 == 1) { gotoAndStop(11); } stop(); } frame 2 { var havepipe = false; if (_root.acc == 7) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 7 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 7 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 7 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 7 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } _root.choicetext = 'It looks like a short piece of pipe is missing from this section. Perhaps replacing it would restore power.'; if (havepipe == true) { _root.choiceA = 'Install a short green pipe here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 56 { if (_root.acc == 7) { _root.acc = 1;; } else { if (_root.backpack1 == 7 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 7 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 7 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack4 == 7 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } } } } } _root.quest_shippower += 1; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); _root.bg0.removeMovieClip(); _root.bghb0.removeMovieClip(); _root.held = 0; if (_root.quest_shippower == 7 or _root.quest_shippower == 11) { _root.crawl1.gotoAndPlay(5); _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(5); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(5); } stop(); } } movieClip 8472 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shippower % 4 >= 2) { gotoAndStop(11); } stop(); } frame 2 { var havepipe = false; if (_root.acc == 6) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 6 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 6 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 6 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 6 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } _root.choicetext = 'It looks like a piece of pipe is missing from this section. Perhaps replacing it would restore power.'; if (havepipe == true) { _root.choiceA = 'Install a medium yellow pipe here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 56 { if (_root.acc == 6) { _root.acc = 1;; } else { if (_root.backpack1 == 6 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 6 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 6 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack4 == 6 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } } } } } _root.quest_shippower += 2; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); _root.bg1.removeMovieClip(); _root.bghb1.removeMovieClip(); _root.held = 0; if (_root.quest_shippower == 7 or _root.quest_shippower == 11) { _root.crawl1.gotoAndPlay(5); _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(5); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(5); } stop(); } } movieClip 8473 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shippower % 8 > 3) { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.quest_shippower % 16 > 7) { gotoAndStop(21); } stop(); } frame 2 { var havepipe = false; if (_root.acc == 5) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 5 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 5 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 5 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 5 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { var havepipe = true; } _root.choicetext = 'It looks like a large piece of pipe is missing from this section. Perhaps replacing it would restore power.'; if (havepipe == true) { _root.choiceA = 'Install a large purple pipe here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); var havepipe2 = false; if (_root.acc == 8) { var havepipe2 = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 8 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { var havepipe2 = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 8 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { var havepipe2 = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 8 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { var havepipe2 = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 8 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { var havepipe2 = true; } if (havepipe2 == true) { _root.choiceD = 'Install a combined pipe here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 56 { if (_root.acc == 5) { _root.acc = 1;; } else { if (_root.backpack1 == 5 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 5 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 5 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack4 == 5 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } } } } } _root.quest_shippower += 4; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); _root.bg2.removeMovieClip(); _root.bghb2.removeMovieClip(); _root.held = 0; if (_root.quest_shippower == 7) { _root.crawl1.gotoAndPlay(5); _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(5); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(5); } stop(); } frame 156 { if (_root.acc == 8) { _root.acc = 1;; } else { if (_root.backpack1 == 8 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 8 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 8 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack4 == 8 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } } } } } _root.quest_shippower += 8; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); _root.bg2.removeMovieClip(); _root.bghb2.removeMovieClip(); _root.held = 0; if (_root.quest_shippower == 11) { _root.crawl1.gotoAndPlay(5); _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(5); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(5); } stop(); } } movieClip 8474 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shippower == 7 or _root.quest_shippower == 11) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8476 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shippower == 7 or _root.quest_shippower == 11) { gotoAndStop(50); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8477 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shippower == 7 or _root.quest_shippower == 11) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } frame 48 { _root.maxitems = 4; if (_root.brigopen >= 2) { loadMovie('', _root.obj4); } } movieClip 8479 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8485 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_shipclear !== 0) { loadMovie('', this); } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.brigopen % 2 == 0) { gotoAndStop(31); } var funtime = 0; _root.choicetext = 'You are talking to pirate captain Luka & her defeated crew.'; _root.choiceA = '(Say) Arrrrrrrr?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'Who do you want to have fun with?'; _root.choiceA = '(Say) I just be needing ye captain.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = '(Say) Captain. And bring one of your strong friends wit ye.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = '(Say) I just be needing the boys fer now.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'Who do you want to have fun with?'; _root.choiceA = '(Say) Just one of ye mates. For now.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = '(Say) Two of ye boys, that sounds mighty fine.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = '(Say) I changed me mind. Captain, ye need ta be joining us.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 31 { _root.choicetext = 'You see the pirate captain & her defeated crew locked up in the brig.'; _root.choiceA = '(Say) Arrrrrrrr?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.brigopen % 2 == 0) { gotoAndPlay(61); } } frame 55 { if (funtime == 0) { funtime = 1; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor; NewItemHealthNumber = _root.armorh; _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; NewItemNumber += Math.ceil(NewItemHealthNumber / 25); ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (funtime == 1) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(61); _root.BGA.push([20, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]); } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(60); _root.BGA.push([19, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]); }; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; = 0; _root.grapple = 75; _root.held = 1100; this._y += 2000; _root.brigopen += 2; } stop(); stop(); } frame 65 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 105 { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor; NewItemHealthNumber = _root.armorh; _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; NewItemNumber += Math.ceil(NewItemHealthNumber / 25); ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (funtime == 1) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(107); _root.BGA.push([20, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([19, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]); } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(106); _root.BGA.push([19, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([19, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0]); }; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 100; monscale2 = 100; = monscale2; = 100; _root.grapple = 75; _root.held = 1100; this._y += 2000; _root.brigopen += 2; stop(); } frame 155 { if (funtime == 1) { funtime = 2; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(21); } else { funtime = 1; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(11); } } } movieClip 8487 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'This button appears to open & close the door to the brig.'; if (_root.brigopen % 2 == 0) { _root.choiceA = 'open brig door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = 'open brig door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.brigopen % 2 == 1) { _root.choiceS = 'close brig door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = 'close brig door'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.brigopen += 1; _root.brigdoor.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.rightwall.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 106 { _root.brigopen += 1; if (_root.bridgeopen >= 4) { loadMovie('', _root.obj4); _root.bridgeopen = 2; } _root.brigdoor.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.rightwall.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8491 { } movieClip 8492 { frame 1 { if (_root.brigopen % 2 == 1) { gotoAndStop(51); } } frame 41 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 8493 { frame 1 { if (_root.brigopen % 2 == 1) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } frame 50 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorleftgo = 18; _root.doorleftgox = 3750; _root.doorrightgo = 51; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); removeMovieClip(_root.crawl1); if (_root.gamestart == 'Act2Start') { _root.gamestart = 'Act2'; _root.camframe._x = -1500; _root.R13Loc = 66 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); if (_root.R13Loc > 68) { _root.R13Loc = 68; } _root.R14Loc = 62 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); if (_root.R14Loc > 64) { _root.R14Loc = 64; } _root.R15Loc = 82 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); if (_root.R15Loc > 84) { _root.R15Loc = 84; } } _root.quest_gnomesleep = 0; } movieClip 8497 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 51 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = 50; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.doorrightgo = 52; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; removeMovieClip(_root.ShrubLineFront); } movieClip 8501 { } movieClip 8503 { } movieClip 8505 { } movieClip 8506 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8512 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_getbokken == 0) { gotoAndPlay(6); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay('loop'); } } movieClip 8533 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear >= 10) { loadMovie('', this); } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_getbokken == 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'From the description, you would guess those orbs are affecting these villagers. Maybe there\'s something you can do to help.'; if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 0 and _root.quest_getbokken <= 1) { _root.choiceA = '(Say) Peace Festival? What\'s that?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Say) Stay here & warn anyone else. I\'ll fix this.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.quest_getbokken < 10) { _root.choiceS = '(Say) Do you have anything that can help?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceD = '(Say/Spirit) Why weren\'t you affected? Is anyone else still ok too?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a frantic young bunnykin here. It sounds like something bad has happened up ahead.'; _root.choiceA = '(Say) Easy now. What exactly is going on?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'An empty box.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.quest_getbokken == 0) { _root.quest_getbokken = 1; gotoAndPlay(91); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 0 and _root.quest_getbokken <= 1) { _root.quest_getbokken = 2; gotoAndPlay(61); } } } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 85 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 95 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.wpn > 1) { gotoAndPlay(111); } } frame 105 { _root.quest_getbokken = 10; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 22; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } frame 116 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 155 { if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) !== 1) { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } frame 180 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } frame 52 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorleftgo = 51; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.doorrightgo = 54; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.ShrubLineFront.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } } else { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } } } addmobs(b, -750, 1250, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8534 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8535 { } frame 54 { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); removeMovieClip(_root.ShrubLineFront); removeMovieClip(_root.crawl1); _root.maxitems = 2; _root.doorleftgo = 52; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.doorrightgo = 58; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; _root.firechecked[2] = 2; } movieClip 8536 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8549 { frame 1 { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50 + 1] < 2) { loadMovie('', smoke); } stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 30 { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.gox = -1800; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 55 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = -1100; } movieClip 8552 { } movieClip 8554 { } movieClip 8556 { } movieClip 8558 { } movieClip 8560 { } movieClip 8563 { } movieClip 8565 { } movieClip 8567 { } movieClip 8569 { } movieClip 8571 { } movieClip 8574 { } movieClip 8576 { } movieClip 8578 { } movieClip 8579 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8583 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] + 2); } } movieClip 8586 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 8588 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { switch (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50]) { case 0: _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is wood sitting ready, but the ashes are cold.'; _root.choiceA = 'Start a Fire.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 1: _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is a small fire still smoldering.'; _root.choiceA = 'Stoke fire a bit.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); break; default: _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is a cozy fire burning.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 2; fire.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); _root.held = 0; stop(); } } frame 57 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.maxitems = 6; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 3; _root.doorleftgox = 500; _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.crawl1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); if (_root.quest_savemage < 5 or _root.quest_savemage > 6 or Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 1) { loadMovie('', _root.obj6); } } movieClip 8591 { } movieClip 8593 { } movieClip 8594 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8598 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] + 2); } } movieClip 8600 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { switch (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50]) { case 0: _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is wood sitting ready, but the ashes are cold.'; _root.choiceA = 'Start a Fire.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 1: _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is a small fire still smoldering.'; _root.choiceA = 'Stoke fire a bit.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); break; default: _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is a cozy fire burning.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. With the fire extinguished, you now see a small tunnel you could crawl through.'; _root.choiceA = 'Build a new fire.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 2; fire.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8602 { frame 1 { if (_root.LeiLeiRobeHat == 1) { gotoAndStop(7); } if (_root.LeiLeiRobeHat == 2) { gotoAndStop(12); } if (_root.LeiLeiRobeHat == 3) { gotoAndStop(17); } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.GotTravelingRobes > 0) { _root.choicetext = 'Coatracks filled with stater wizard robes & hats. Although clearly sized for childern, there\'s one large one robe that might fit you.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'Coatracks filled with stater wizard robes & hats.'; } if (_root.GotTravelingRobes > 0) { _root.choiceA = 'Get Traveller\'s Robe'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = 'Get Starter Wizard\'s Hat'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { --_root.GotTravelingRobes; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 11; _root.itemnewh = 100; stop(); } frame 105 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 2; _root.itemnewh = 601; stop(); } } movieClip 8604 { } movieClip 8606 { } movieClip 8608 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A washbasin. You can wash your face here.'; _root.choiceA = 'Wash up'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { if (_root.cumface < 5) { _root.cumface = 5; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndPlay(8); } _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8611 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { var gotdeathwand = 0; if (_root.wpn == 13) { gotdeathwand = 2; } if (_root.backpack1 == 13 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotdeathwand = 2; } if (_root.backpack2 == 13 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotdeathwand = 2; } if (_root.backpack3 == 13 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotdeathwand = 2; } if (_root.backpack4 == 13 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotdeathwand = 2; } _root.choicetext = 'This shelf contains a pile of basic wands, as well as some schoolbooks.'; _root.choiceA = 'Take a basic wand'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (gotdeathwand < 2) { if (_root.spirit >= 5) { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit) Search around a bit more.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit) Search around a bit more.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } } else { _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'You sense dark magic nearby. Searching around reveals a wand sized box on the top shelf.'; _root.choiceA = 'Take a basic wand'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = 'Take Deathwand'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 11; _root.itemnewh = 301; } frame 156 { if (gotdeathwand == 0) { gotdeathwand = 1; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 13; _root.itemnewh = 301; } stop(); } } movieClip 8613 { } movieClip 8622 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.act2clear >= 10) { gotAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'Lei Lei looks bruised, tired, & very concerned. She is clearly glad to see you.'; _root.choiceA = 'What is this place?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'What happened here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = 'Are you ok?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'Lei Lei thanks you for a job well done.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 106 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8624 { frame 1 { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50 + 3] < 2) { loadMovie('', smoke); } stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A simple straw bed.'; if (_root.quest_savemage < 5 or _root.quest_savemage > 6) { _root.choiceA = 'It\'s not safe to rest here.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(6); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Restore Health) Take a quick rest.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { = _root.maxhealth; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(25); stop(); } } frame 58 { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); removeMovieClip(_root.crawl1); removeMovieClip(_root.crawl2); _root.maxitems = 3; _root.doorleftgo = 54; _root.doorleftgox = 1250; _root.doorrightgo = 62; _root.doorrightgox = -1500; } movieClip 8626 { } movieClip 8628 { } movieClip 8629 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8643 { frame 1 { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50 + 2] < 2) { loadMovie('', smoke); } stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 30 { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe + 2; if (_root._currentframe == 58) { if (_root.camframe._x < 0) { _root.gox = -1800; } else { _root.gox = 4800; } } else { _root.gox = -1800; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8645 { frame 2 { if (_root._currentframe == 58) { _root.choicetext = 'This road runs through HoppyKin Village. In the distance, you can see what looks like a Human camp to the West (up).'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'This road runs through HoppyKin Village. You think you see traces of an Elvin camp farther to the East (down).'; } _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Head West.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Head East.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root._currentframe == 58) { _root.gohere = 78; _root.gox = -1750; } else { _root.gohere = 58; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 151 { if (_root._currentframe == 70) { _root.gohere = 82; _root.gox = -1750; } else { _root.gohere = 70; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 60 { if (_root.camframe._x < 0) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = -100; } if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 2; _root.doorleftgox = -450; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe - 2; _root.doorrightgox = 750; _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.crawl1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1202', 1202); _root.crawl2.swapDepths(_root.topbox1202); _root.topbox1202.unloadMovie(); if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 4 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } } else { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } } } addmobs(b, 500, 2500, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8647 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 62 { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); removeMovieClip(_root.crawl1); _root.maxitems = 2; _root.doorleftgo = 58; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; var dropR14 = false; if (_root.R14Loc == _root._currentframe) { dropR14 = true; } if (_root.acc == 14) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 14 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 14 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 14 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 14 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (dropR14 == true) { var NewItemNumber = 614; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = 1150; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 2; i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } } else { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } } } addmobs(b, -750, 1250, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8649 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 63 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = -1100; var dropR14 = false; if (_root.R14Loc == _root._currentframe) { dropR14 = true; } if (_root.acc == 14) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 14 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 14 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 14 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 14 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (dropR14 == true) { var NewItemNumber = 614; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = 400; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } } else { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } } } addmobs(b, -250, 750, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8652 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 64 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.crawl1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 2; _root.doorleftgox = 600; var dropR14 = false; if (_root.R14Loc == _root._currentframe) { dropR14 = true; } if (_root.acc == 14) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 14 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 14 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 14 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 14 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropR14 = false; } if (dropR14 == true) { var NewItemNumber = 614; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = 2200; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 4 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } } else { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } } } addmobs(b, -250, 750, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8654 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 66 { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); removeMovieClip(_root.crawl1); removeMovieClip(_root.ShrubLineFront); _root.maxitems = 3; _root.doorrightgo = 70; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; var dropR13 = false; if (_root.R13Loc == _root._currentframe) { dropR13 = true; } if (_root.acc == 13) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 13 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 13 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 13 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 13 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (dropR13 == true) { var NewItemNumber = 613; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = -2500; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 2; i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } } else { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } } } addmobs(b, -750, 1250, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8656 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 67 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.maxitems = 2; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 900; var dropR13 = false; if (_root.R13Loc == _root._currentframe) { dropR13 = true; } if (_root.acc == 13) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 13 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 13 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 13 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 13 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (dropR13 == true) { var NewItemNumber = 613; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = 200; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } } else { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } } } addmobs(b, 0, 500, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8658 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 68 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.crawl1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 2; _root.doorleftgox = -1000; var dropR13 = false; if (_root.R13Loc == _root._currentframe) { dropR13 = true; } if (_root.acc == 13) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 13 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 13 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 13 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 13 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropR13 = false; } if (dropR13 == true) { var NewItemNumber = 613; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = 2200; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { if (Math.random() < 0.7) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } } else { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } } } addmobs(b, 1000, 3000, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8660 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 70 { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); _root.maxitems = 2; _root.doorleftgo = 66; _root.doorleftgox = 1400; _root.doorrightgo = 74; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } addmobs(b, -750, 1250, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8662 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 71 { removeMovieClip(_root.crawl1); if (_root.camframe._x < 0) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = -100; } _root.maxitems = 5; _root.doorleftgo = 70; _root.doorleftgox = 100; _root.firechecked[20] = 2; } movieClip 8664 { } movieClip 8668 { } movieClip 8670 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear >= 10) { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8672 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.act2clear < 10) { gotoAndPlay(41); } else { var funtime = 0; _root.choicetext = 'You see an outright orgy behind the curtain. Looks like the bunnykin are doing what they know best.'; _root.choiceA = 'Join the fun with a single partner.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Join the fun with two partners.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'You see an outright orgy behind the curtain. Looks like the bunnykin are doing what they know best.'; _root.choiceA = 'Find a male bunnykin.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Find a female bunnykin.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'You see an outright orgy behind the curtain. Looks like the bunnykin are doing what they know best.'; _root.choiceA = 'Find two male bunnykins.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Find a male and a female bunnykin.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = 'Fine two female bunnykins.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 41 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 45 { _root.gohere = 72; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 56 { if (funtime == 0) { funtime = 10; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100;; = -400; = 400; = 100; if (funtime == 10) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(69); _root.BGA.push([28, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); = 0; monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(124); _root.BGA.push([28, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([28, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); monscale2 = 100; monscale = 100; = monscale2; = 100; } } stop(); } frame 105 { if (funtime == 0) { funtime = 20; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100;; = -400; = 400; = 100; if (funtime == 10) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(70); _root.BGA.push([29, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(125); _root.BGA.push([28, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([29, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); monscale2 = 100; monscale = 100; = monscale2; = 100; } } stop(); } frame 155 { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100;; = -400; = 400; = 100; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(126); _root.BGA.push([29, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([29, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); monscale2 = 100; monscale = 100; = monscale2; = 100; stop(); } } movieClip 8679 { } movieClip 8680 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear < 2) { gotoAndStop(5); } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 8686 { } movieClip 8687 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear < 3) { if (_root.act2clear !== 1) { gotoAndStop(5); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 8692 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.act2clear >= 3) { gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.act2clear == 0) { _root.choicetext = 'You see stairs leading down, but three more wardstones block your path. Oddly, the center one appears to have already been deactivated.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'You see stairs leading down, but one remaining ward is still blocking the entryway.'; } } _root.choiceA = 'Attempt to go down the stairs'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.spirit >= 5) { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Study the stairway'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Study the stairway'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'You see stairs leading down. All three wardstones have been deactivated.'; _root.choiceA = 'Go down the stairs'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.act2clear == 3) { gotoAndPlay(71); } if (_root.act2clear > 3) { gotoAndPlay(61); } } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 65 { _root.gohere = 73; if (_root._currentframe == 71) { _root.gox = -2500; } else { _root.gox = 3000; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 76 { _root.act2clear = 10; _root.gamestart == 'Act3Start'; if (_root.quest_opencastle < 3) { _root.quest_opencastle = 3; } _root.gohere = 15; _root.gox = 0; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } frame 72 { _root.maxitems = 5; if (_root.KFoxHealth < 110 and _root.player >= 10) { _root.maxitems += 1; _root.attachMovie('Quest_RescueKFox', 'obj6', 306); _root.obj6._x = -2800; _root.obj6._y = 355; if (_root.KFoxHealth < 105) { addmobs(28, -2200, -2200, 0, 2); _root.bghb0._y = 1000; addmobs(28, -2600, -2600, 0, 2); _root.bg1.gotoAndStop(27); _root.bghb1._y = 1000; } } else { if (_root.act2clear < 10) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 4 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 28; if (b == 30) { b = 29; } addmobs(b, -2000, 2500, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8694 { } movieClip 8696 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 5 { _root.gohere = 71; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8698 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_gettorch > 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8700 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_gettorch > 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'The mounting on this magical torch is damaged. You could probably pry it out & use it to light any dark rooms.'; _root.choiceA = 'Get Torch'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'You see a broken mounting for a torch.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.quest_gettorch = 1; torch.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 23; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } } frame 73 { if (_root.camframe._x < 0) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; } else { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = -100; } _root.maxitems = 5; _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.crawl1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); } movieClip 8702 { } movieClip 8707 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.box3.gotoAndStop(1); _root.held = 905; play(); } frame 5 { if (_root.camframe._x < 0) { _root.gohere = 71; _root.gox = 3000; } else { _root.gohere = 77; _root.gox = -2000; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8709 { } movieClip 8711 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.GotGreenDress > 0) { _root.choicetext = 'A clothing rack. Looks like the matron really likes the color green. In back you think there might be one dress that could fit you.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'A clothing rack. Looks like the matron really likes the color green.'; } if (_root.GotGreenDress > 0) { _root.choiceA = 'Get green summer dress.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { --_root.GotGreenDress; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 61; _root.itemnewh = 100; stop(); } } movieClip 8713 { frame 1 { if (_root.wpn == 43) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack1 == 43 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack2 == 43 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack3 == 43 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack4 == 43 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 8715 { frame 1 { if (_root.wpn == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack1 == 12 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack2 == 12 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack3 == 12 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack4 == 12 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 8716 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_HumanStash < 2) { gotoAndStop(201); } stop(); } frame 2 { var gotfirewand = false; if (_root.wpn == 12) { gotfirewand = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 12 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotfirewand = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 12 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotfirewand = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 12 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotfirewand = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 12 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotfirewand = true; } if (gotfirewand == true) { firewand.gotoAndStop(3); } var gotfirestaff = false; if (_root.wpn == 43) { gotfirestaff = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 43 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotfirestaff = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 43 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotfirestaff = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 43 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotfirestaff = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 43 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotfirestaff = true; } if (gotfirestaff == true) { firestaff.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.choicetext = 'This rock has been roughly carved to make a small table.'; if (gotfirewand == false) { _root.choiceA = 'Get fire wand.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } if (gotfirestaff == false) { _root.choiceS = 'Get staff of fire.'; if (_root.player % 10 !== 3) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } } else { _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 12; _root.itemnewh = 301; firewand.gotoAndStop(3); stop(); } frame 106 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 43; _root.itemnewh = 301; firestaff.gotoAndStop(3); stop(); } } movieClip 8721 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'The bunnykin matron seems to have halted the ritual that was driving the town crazy.'; _root.choiceA = 'Glad I could help. Is there anything else I can do?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } frame 74 { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); _root.maxitems = 4; _root.doorleftgo = 70; _root.doorleftgox = 2600; _root.doorrightgo = 88; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; removeMovieClip(_root.bridge); if (_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle % 10 == 7) { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle -= 6; } if (_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle % 10 == 9) { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle += 1; } } movieClip 8722 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8728 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler == 10) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler > 0) { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler % 2 == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8733 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler >= 4) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8738 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler == 10) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler > 0) { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler % 4 >= 2) { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8755 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear >= 10) { this.unloadMovie(); } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler >= 10) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler >= 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } } if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 0) { _root.choicetext = 'You see a large machine blocking the path out of the village. It appears to be a vehicle of some sort.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'You see a dunecrawler blocking the path out of the village. Merchants use these vehicles to travel the wastelands.'; } _root.choiceA = '(Knock/Say): Hello?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { var haveparts = false; if (_root.acc == 13 or _root.acc == 14 or _root.acc == 15) { haveparts = true; } if ((_root.backpack1 == 13 or _root.backpack1 == 14 or _root.backpack1 == 15) and _root.backpack1h == 601) { haveparts = true; } if ((_root.backpack2 == 13 or _root.backpack2 == 14 or _root.backpack2 == 15) and _root.backpack2h == 601) { haveparts = true; } if ((_root.backpack3 == 13 or _root.backpack3 == 14 or _root.backpack3 == 15) and _root.backpack3h == 601) { haveparts = true; } if ((_root.backpack4 == 13 or _root.backpack4 == 14 or _root.backpack4 == 15) and _root.backpack4h == 601) { haveparts = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 0) { _root.choicetext = 'You see a large vehicle blocking the path out of the village. The driver sounds quite angry.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'You see a dunecrawler blocking the path out of the village. The driver sounds quite angry.'; } _root.choiceA = '(say): What are you doing here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler >= 0) { if (haveparts == true) { _root.choiceD = '(say): I think I found some parts for your dunecrawler.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(say): Is it running yet?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _root.choiceD = '(spirit / say): Why are you blocking the road?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'You\'re standing in front of a dunecrawler. The owner seems happy to stay inside for now.'; _root.choiceA = 'Okay, so now what?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'You made this backpack? Got anything else?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler >= 10) { gotoAndPlay(71); } else { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler >= 0) { gotoAndPlay(61); } } } frame 55 { _root.quest_helpdunecrawler = 0; _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 65 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 75 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 105 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 151 { if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler < 0) { gotoAndPlay(161); } else { if (_root.acc == 13 or _root.backpack1 == 13 or _root.backpack2 == 13 or _root.backpack3 == 13 or _root.backpack4 == 13) { gotoAndPlay(171); } else { if (_root.acc == 14 or _root.backpack1 == 14 or _root.backpack2 == 14 or _root.backpack3 == 14 or _root.backpack4 == 14) { gotoAndPlay(176); } else { if (_root.acc == 15 or _root.backpack1 == 15 or _root.backpack2 == 15 or _root.backpack3 == 15 or _root.backpack4 == 15) { gotoAndPlay(181); } } } } } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 165 { _root.quest_helpdunecrawler = 0; _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 171 { _root.quest_helpdunecrawler += 1; _root.R13Loc = 0; r13.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_root.acc == 13) { _root.acc = 1;; } else { if (_root.backpack1 == 13 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 13 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 13 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack4 == 13 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } } } } } if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler == 7) { gotoAndPlay(186); } } frame 175 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 176 { _root.quest_helpdunecrawler += 2; _root.R14Loc = 0; r14.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_root.acc == 14) { _root.acc = 1;; } else { if (_root.backpack1 == 14 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 14 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 14 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack4 == 14 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } } } } } if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler == 7) { gotoAndPlay(186); } } frame 180 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 181 { _root.quest_helpdunecrawler += 4; _root.R15Loc = 0; r15.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_root.acc == 15) { _root.acc = 1;; } else { if (_root.backpack1 == 15 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack2 == 15 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack3 == 15 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } else { if (_root.backpack4 == 15 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } } } } } if (_root.quest_helpdunecrawler == 7) { gotoAndPlay(186); } } frame 185 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 186 { _root.quest_helpdunecrawler = 10; } frame 190 { if (_root.backpack2 == -1) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301; } if (_root.backpack3 == -1) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8756 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear >= 10) { this.unloadMovie(); } } } movieClip 8775 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear < 10) { this.unloadMovie(); } var armorchoice = 0; var ShopKeeperTextBox1 = ''; var armorrepairrequest = 0; var seducetext = ''; if (_root.player % 10 == 1) { _root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate = 0; } stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 1) { gotoAndStop(41); } else { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlershop >= 10) { gotoAndStop(21); } else { _root.choicetext = 'Now that everyone is settling down again, it seems this merchant is almost ready to open his shop.'; _root.choiceA = '(Knock/Say): Hello?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } } stop(); } frame 11 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlershop == 0) { _root.choicetext = 'The shopkeeper is offering you a reward for saving the village.'; ShopKeeperTextBox1 = 'AH! Well Elo Thar. Whole town chipped in to buy ya sumthin\' nice for saving ta day. Take a look. '; if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate + _root.quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini + _root.quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes > 0) { _root.choiceA = 'I\'d like some new armor.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Sold Out) I\'d like some new armor.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.backpack3 < 1) { _root.choiceD = 'I\'d like a larger backpack'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Max Size) I\'d like a larger backpack.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choicetext = 'The shopkeeper is offering you a reward for your \'aid\'.'; ShopKeeperTextBox1 = 'Thanks again for your... \'help\' fixing up my shop. Should be ready to open... \'soon\'.'; if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate + _root.quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini + _root.quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes > 0) { _root.choiceA = 'I\'d like some new armor.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = 'I\'d like some armor. (Sold Out)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.armorh < _root.armorhmax) { _root.choiceS = 'Can you repair my armor?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = 'Armor repair (Already at Max)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.backpack3 < 1) { _root.choiceD = 'I\'d like a larger backpack'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = 'Larger backpack (Already at Max)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 16 { armorchoice = 2; _root.choicetext = 'Which armor would you like?'; if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate == 1) { _root.choiceA = 'Ruby Plate'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = 'Ruby Plate (sold out)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini == 1) { _root.choiceS = 'Chain Mail Bikini'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = 'Chain Mail Bikini (sold out)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes == 1) { _root.choiceD = 'Sorceress Robes'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = 'Sorceress Robes (sold out)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'The merchant is still busy setting up, but is willing to talk with you.'; _root.choiceA = '(Say): Do you have anything ready for sale?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.armorh < _root.armorhmax) { _root.choiceS = '(Say) My armor is damaged. Can you repair it?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = '(Say) My armor is damaged. Can you repair it? (Armor at Max)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } if (_root.spirit >= 6) { _root.choiceD = '(Charm/Say) I really like your stuff. Perhaps I could help you set-up? *wink*'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Charm/Say) I really like your stuff. Perhaps I could help you set-up? *wink*'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 31 { _root.choicetext = 'The merchant is willing to fix your armor for a fee. How would you like to pay?'; _root.choiceA = '(Say): Oh. Nevermind'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.spirit >= 3) { _root.choiceD = '(Charm/Say) Why don\'t I come inside & see if we can think of something? *wink*'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Charm/Say) Why don\'t I come inside & see if we can think of something? *wink*'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 41 { _root.choicetext = 'Sounds like the shopkeeper is fast asleep. Guess you wore him out.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { if (armorchoice == 2) { gotoAndPlay(61); } else { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlershop >= 10) { if (armorrepairrequest == 0) { gotoAndPlay(71); } else { gotoAndPlay(81); } } else { _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); if (armorchoice == 0) { armorchoice = 1; gotoAndStop(11); } else { gotoAndStop(16); } } } stop(); } frame 61 { play(); } frame 65 { _root.quest_dunecrawlershop += 10; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 91; _root.itemnewh = 200; _root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate = 0; armorchoice = 0; stop(); } frame 71 { play(); } frame 75 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 81 { play(); } frame 85 { armorrepairrequest = 0; _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 101 { if (armorchoice == 2) { gotoAndPlay(111); } else { armorrepairrequest = 1; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); gotoAndStop(31); } } frame 105 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 111 { play(); } frame 115 { _root.quest_dunecrawlershop += 10; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 101; _root.itemnewh = 50; _root.quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini = 0; armorchoice = 0; stop(); } frame 150 { _root.quest_dunecrawlershop -= 9; _root.gohere = 75; _root.gox = 250; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 151 { play(); } frame 155 { if (armorchoice == 2) { gotoAndPlay(161); } else { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlershop >= 10) { gotoAndPlay(171); } else { _root.quest_dunecrawlershop += 10; if (_root.backpack2 == -1) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301; } if (_root.backpack3 == -1) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } } } stop(); } frame 161 { play(); } frame 165 { _root.quest_dunecrawlershop += 10; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 81; _root.itemnewh = 125; _root.quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes = 0; armorchoice = 0; stop(); } frame 171 { play(); if (armorrepairrequest == 0) { seducetext = 'OH! Well, uhm, actually. Yes. I could use help with that. Why don\'t you step inside? Quietly.'; } else { seducetext = 'OH! I like the way you think. Why don\'t you step inside? Quietly.'; } } frame 230 { _root.gohere = 75; _root.gox = 250; if (armorrepairrequest == 1) { armorrepairrequest = 0; _root.armorh = _root.armorhmax; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 75 { if (_root.camframe.hero._xscale < 0) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale *= -1; } _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(8); _root.maxitems = 5; _root.doorrightgo = 74; _root.doorrightgox = 2400; } movieClip 8785 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8791 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 1) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8794 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 1 or _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle % 10 < 5) { gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 1 or _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle % 10 < 5) { gotoAndStop(12); } else { _root.choicetext = 'You are talking to the tailor who owns the dunecrawler.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 12 { _root.choicetext = 'Looks like our tailor had a bit too much fun for one day.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8797 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini == 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini == 0) { gotoAndStop(12); } else { if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 0) { _root.choicetext = 'These chain links appear to form a very light suit of \'armor\'. If you could distract the tailor, perhaps you could take it.'; _root.choiceA = '(Merchant is watching) Take Chainmail Bikini'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.choicetext = 'These chain links appear to form a very light suit of \'armor\'. With the tailor soundly asleep, perhaps you could take it.'; _root.choiceA = 'Take Chainmail Bikini'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 12 { var havebikini = false; if (_root.armor == 101) { havebikini = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 101 and _root.backpack1h <= 300) { havebikini = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 101 and _root.backpack2h <= 300) { havebikini = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 101 and _root.backpack3h <= 300) { havebikini = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 101 and _root.backpack4h <= 300) { havebikini = true; } _root.choicetext = 'A workbench. There\'s lots of chain links & clutter, but nothing of immediate value.'; if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 1 and havebikini == true) { _root.choiceA = 'Return Chain Mail Bikini to workbench.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (havebikini == true) { _root.choiceA = '(Merchant is watching) Return Chain Mail Bikini to workbench.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Don\'t Have) Return Chain Mail Bikini to workbench.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { play(); } frame 55 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini == 1) { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 101; _root.itemnewh = 50; _root.quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini = 0; } else { if (_root.armor == 101) { _root.armor = 1; _root.armorh = 0; _root.armorhmax = 0;;; } if (_root.backpack1 == 101 and _root.backpack1h <= 300) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } if (_root.backpack2 == 101 and _root.backpack2h <= 300) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } if (_root.backpack3 == 101 and _root.backpack3h <= 300) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } if (_root.backpack4 == 101 and _root.backpack4h <= 300) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } _root.quest_dunecrawlerChainmailBikini = 1; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndPlay(8); } stop(); } } movieClip 8801 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate == 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate == 0) { gotoAndStop(12); } else { if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 0) { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a magnificent suit of heavy plate mail on this rack. If you could distract the tailor, perhaps you could take it.'; _root.choiceA = '(Merchant is watching) Take Ruby Plate'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a magnificent suit of heavy plate mail on this rack. With the tailor soundly asleep, perhaps you could take it.'; _root.choiceA = 'Take Ruby Plate'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 12 { var haverubyplate = false; if (_root.armor == 91) { haverubyplate = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 91 and _root.backpack1h <= 300) { haverubyplate = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 91 and _root.backpack2h <= 300) { haverubyplate = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 91 and _root.backpack3h <= 300) { haverubyplate = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 91 and _root.backpack4h <= 300) { haverubyplate = true; } _root.choicetext = 'An empty armor rack.'; if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 1 and haverubyplate == true) { _root.choiceA = 'Return Ruby Plate to armor rack.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (haverubyplate == true) { _root.choiceA = '(Merchant is watching) Return Ruby Plate to armor rack.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Don\'t Have) Return Ruby Plate to armor rack.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { play(); } frame 55 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate == 1) { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 91; _root.itemnewh = 200; _root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate = 0; } else { if (_root.armor == 91) { _root.armor = 1; _root.armorh = 0; _root.armorhmax = 0;;; } if (_root.backpack1 == 91 and _root.backpack1h <= 300) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } if (_root.backpack2 == 91 and _root.backpack2h <= 300) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } if (_root.backpack3 == 91 and _root.backpack3h <= 300) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } if (_root.backpack4 == 91 and _root.backpack4h <= 300) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } _root.quest_dunecrawlerRubyPlate = 1; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndPlay(8); } stop(); } } movieClip 8804 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes == 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes == 0) { gotoAndStop(12); } else { if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 0) { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a suit of magical clothing on this rack. If you could distract the tailor, perhaps you could take it.'; _root.choiceA = '(Merchant is watching) Take Sorceress Robes'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a suit of magical clothing on this rack. With the tailor soundly asleep, perhaps you could take it.'; _root.choiceA = 'Take Sorceress Robes'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 12 { var haverobes = false; if (_root.armor == 81) { haverobes = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 81 and _root.backpack1h <= 300) { haverobes = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 81 and _root.backpack2h <= 300) { haverobes = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 81 and _root.backpack3h <= 300) { haverobes = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 81 and _root.backpack4h <= 300) { haverobes = true; } _root.choicetext = 'An empty armor rack.'; if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 1 and haverobes == true) { _root.choiceA = 'Return Sorceress Robes to armor rack.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (haverobes == true) { _root.choiceA = '(Merchant is watching) Return Sorceress Robes to armor rack.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Don\'t Have) Return Sorceress Robes to armor rack.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { play(); } frame 55 { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes == 1) { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 81; _root.itemnewh = 125; _root.quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes = 0; } else { if (_root.armor == 81) { _root.armor = 1; _root.armorh = 0; _root.armorhmax = 0;;; } if (_root.backpack1 == 81 and _root.backpack1h <= 300) { _root.backpack1 = 1; _root.backpack1h = 301;; } if (_root.backpack2 == 81 and _root.backpack2h <= 300) { _root.backpack2 = 1; _root.backpack2h = 301;; } if (_root.backpack3 == 81 and _root.backpack3h <= 300) { _root.backpack3 = 1; _root.backpack3h = 301;; } if (_root.backpack4 == 81 and _root.backpack4h <= 300) { _root.backpack4 = 1; _root.backpack4h = 301;; } _root.quest_dunecrawlerSorceressRobes = 1; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndPlay(8); } stop(); } } movieClip 8813 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_gnomesleep == 0) { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle % 10 == 0) { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle == 0) { gotoAndPlay('first'); } if (_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle == 10) { gotoAndPlay('second'); } if (_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle == 20) { gotoAndPlay('third'); } if (_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle == 30) { gotoAndPlay('final'); } } else { if (_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle % 10 == 1) { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle += 1; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(16); _root.addmobs(33, 500, 500, 0, 0); _root.bg0._xscale *= -1; } } } switch (Math.floor(_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle / 10)) { case 0: stop(); break; case 1: gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); break; case 2: _root.choicetext = 'This workbench holds a sadle with several attachments. It looks a bit like a torture device.'; gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 3); break; case 3: _root.choicetext = 'This workbench holds a sadle with several attachments. It looks a bit like a tortue device.'; gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 3); break; default: stop(); } } frame 2 { switch (Math.floor(_root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle / 10)) { case 0: _root.choicetext = 'An elegant saddle sits ontop of this workbench.'; break; case 1: _root.choicetext = 'This workbench holds a sadle with an unusual attachment.'; gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); break; case 2: _root.choicetext = 'This workbench holds a sadle with several attachments. It looks a bit like a torture device.'; gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); break; case 3: _root.choicetext = 'This workbench holds a sadle with several attachments. It looks a bit like a tortue device.'; gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 2); break; default: _root.choicetext = 'An elegant saddle sits ontop of this workbench.'; } _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 1; _root.held = 910; _root.xstart = 0; _root.xfinish = 0;; stop(); } frame 16 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 11; _root.held = 910; _root.xstart = 0; _root.xfinish = 0;; stop(); } frame 21 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 21; _root.held = 910; _root.xstart = 0; _root.xfinish = 0;; stop(); } frame 26 { _root.quest_dunecrawlersaddle = 31; _root.held = 910; _root.xstart = 0; _root.xfinish = 0;; stop(); } } frame 76 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 2; _root.doorleftgox = 500; } movieClip 8815 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 77 { if (_root.camframe._x > -1900) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = -100; _root.camframe._x = 3100; if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); } _root.maxitems = 3; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe - 3; _root.doorrightgox = -900; removeMovieClip(_root.crawl1); } movieClip 8817 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8823 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] == 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] == 1) { _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is a small fire still smoldering.'; _root.choiceA = 'Stoke fire a bit.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is a cozy fire burning.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.spirit >= 5) { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Search fireplace'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Search fireplace'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. With the fire extinguished, you now see a small tunnel you could crawl through.'; _root.choiceA = 'Build a new fire.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 2; fire.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); overlay.gotoAndStop(1); _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(2); _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 156 { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 0; fire.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); overlay.gotoAndStop(3); _root.leftwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8825 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] == 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] == 1) { _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is a small fire still smoldering.'; _root.choiceA = 'Stoke fire a bit.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. There is a cozy fire burning.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.spirit >= 5) { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Search fireplace'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (_root._currentframe == 77) { _root.choiceD = 'Extinguish Fire'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Search fireplace'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'A stone fireplace. With the fire extinguished, you now see a small tunnel you could crawl through.'; _root.choiceA = 'Build a new fire.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 2; fire.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); overlay.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(2); _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 156 { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 0; fire.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); overlay.gotoAndStop(3); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8826 { frame 2 { stop(); } } frame 78 { _root.maxitems = 2; if (_root.camframe._x < 0) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.doorleftgo = 58; _root.doorleftgox = 1850; _root.doorrightgo = 80; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; if (_root.quest_HelpBeka == 2) { _root.quest_HelpBeka = 3; } if (_root.quest_HumanStash > 1) { _root.quest_HumanStash = 1; } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 2; i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 3 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } addmobs(b, -750, 1250, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8827 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8830 { frame 2 { if (_root._currentframe == 78) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'There is a shallow path here leading to the opposite side of the village.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Move to West side of village.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'There is a shallow path here leading deeper into the human camp.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Walk into human encampment.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root._currentframe == 78) { _root.gohere = 79; _root.gox = 1400; } else { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe - 12; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe + 12; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 8837 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_openhuman > 0) { gotoAndStop(50); } } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 8843 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_openhuman > 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'This tent is much larger than the others, and appears to be guarded by a magical barrier.'; _root.choiceA = 'Attempt to cross the ward.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.spirit >= 5) { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Study ward'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Study ward'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'With the ward deactivated, you are free to enter the tent.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 2) { _root.quest_openhuman = 1; _root.rightwall.gotoAndPlay(1); wardrings.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.wpn == 21 or _root.wpn == 32) { _root.quest_openhuman = 1; _root.rightwall.gotoAndPlay(1); wardrings.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.quest_openhuman > 0) { gotoAndPlay(61); } } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 65 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8844 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_openhuman > 0) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } frame 79 { _root.maxitems = 2; if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 4 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } addmobs(b, -500, 3000, 500, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8845 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8847 { frame 2 { if (_root._currentframe == 79) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'There is a shallow path here leading to the opposite side of the village.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Move the East side of the village.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'There is a shallow path here leading out of this camp.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Leave the camp.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe - 12; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 151 { if (_root._currentframe == 79) { _root.gohere = 78; _root.gox = 750; } else { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe + 12; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } instance of movieClip 8628 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.act2clear >= 10) { loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 8850 { } movieClip 8852 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear < 10) { loadMovie('', this); } stop(); } frame 2 { var funtime = 0; var NewItemNumber = 0; _root.choicetext = 'You hear loud voices from inside. Sounds like the few humans who are still awake have moved the party to this tent.'; _root.choiceA = 'Join the party & find a guy.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Join the party & find a girl.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'After some drink & meriment, you decide now would be a good time to sneak off quietly for some real fun.'; _root.choiceA = 'Sneak outside with just your partner.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Sneak outside and bring an extra guy.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = 'Sneak outside and bring an extra girl.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { if (funtime == 0) { funtime = 1; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100; if (funtime == 1) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(63); _root.BGA.push([22, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(64); _root.BGA.push([23, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); }; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; = 0; } stop(); } frame 105 { if (funtime == 0) { funtime = 2; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100; if (funtime == 1) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(112); _root.BGA.push([22, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([22, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(113); _root.BGA.push([22, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([23, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); }; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 100; monscale2 = 100; = monscale2; = 100; } stop(); } frame 155 { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100; if (funtime == 1) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(113); _root.BGA.push([22, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([23, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(114); _root.BGA.push([23, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([23, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); }; = -400; = 400; = 100; monscale = 100; monscale2 = 100; = monscale2; = 100; stop(); } } frame 80 { _root.maxitems = 6; _root.doorleftgo = 78; _root.doorleftgox = 2600; if (_root.act2clear < 3) { if (_root.act2clear % 2 < 1) { addmobs(27, 1400, 1400, 0, 2); _root.bghb0._y = 1000; _root.BGA[0][4] = 250; _root.obj1.gotoAndStop(201); _root.obj2.gotoAndStop(201); } } } movieClip 8854 { } movieClip 8856 { } movieClip 8859 { } movieClip 8861 { } movieClip 8862 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8863 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8866 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_HumanStash == 2) { gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8869 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_HumanStash == 2) { gotoAndStop(11); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8874 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_HumanStash == 2) { objecthitbox.gotoAndStop(11); } stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'You see a magestic throne.'; _root.choiceA = 'Have a seat.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.quest_HumanStash >= 1) { _root.choiceD = 'Push Throne Aside.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Search Throne.'; if (_root.spirit >= 8) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { _root.held = 910; _root.xfinish = 1300; _root.xstart = 1300; _root.camframe._x = 1300; _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100;; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(12); } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 151 { if (_root.quest_HumanStash < 1) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); } else { _root.quest_HumanStash = 2; ThroneAni.gotoAndPlay(1); CurtainAni.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.obj5.gotoAndStop(1); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(6); } } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 156 { _root.quest_HumanStash = 1; } frame 160 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8876 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 8880 { } movieClip 8903 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_HelpBeka == 0) { gotoAndStop(26); } else { if (_root.quest_HelpBeka <= 2) { gotoAndStop(16); } else { var dropchainsofcommand = true; if (_root.acc == 11) { dropchainsofcommand = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 11 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropchainsofcommand = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 11 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropchainsofcommand = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 11 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropchainsofcommand = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 11 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropchainsofcommand = false; } if (dropchainsofcommand == true) { chain.gotoAndStop(2); } else { chain.gotoAndStop(3); } stop(); } } } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_HelpBeka == 0) { gotoAndStop(21); } if (_root.quest_HelpBeka == 1 or _root.quest_HelpBeka == 2) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'Looks like Beka is going to make it. Good thing Vendel is already dead, or he\'d be in for a lot of pain.'; _root.choiceA = 'You\'re looking better. Any changes with the tribe while I was gone?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); if (dropchainsofcommand == true) { _root.choiceS = 'Wasn\'t Vendel wearing that chain?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceD = 'I could really use some better gear.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { if (_root.quest_HelpBeka == 2) { _root.choicetext = 'Looks like Beka is going to make it. Good thing Vendel is already dead, or he\'d be in for a lot of pain.'; _root.choiceA = 'Beka, Vendel\'s been defeated. Can you stay & watch the rest of the tribe?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = 'Beka, what were you doing here?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choicetext = 'The woman is clearly going to be sore later, but otherwise she seems to be recovering quickly.'; _root.choiceA = 'Are you going to be alright? I need to save the rest of this town.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = 'Who are you?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 21 { if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 2) { _root.choicetext = 'Beka is unconcious, but appears to be breathing.'; _root.choiceA = 'Beka! Are you alright?!!'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choicetext = 'This girl is unconcious, but appears to be breathing.'; _root.choiceA = 'Hey there, are you alright?'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); } stop(); } frame 51 { switch (_root.quest_HelpBeka) { case 3: gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 15); break; case 2: gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 10); break; case 1: gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); break; default: if (Math.floor(_root.player / 10) == 2) { _root.quest_HelpBeka = 2; } else { _root.quest_HelpBeka = 1; } } } frame 55 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 60 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 65 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 66 { if (dropchainsofcommand == true) { chain.gotoAndStop(2); } else { chain.gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 70 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root.quest_HumanStash < 1) { _root.quest_HumanStash = 1; } if (dropchainsofcommand == true) { chain.gotoAndStop(2); } else { chain.gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 121 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 11; _root.itemnewh = 601; dropchainsofcommand == false; stop(); } frame 151 { if (_root.quest_HelpBeka >= 3) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 10); } else { if (_root.quest_HelpBeka == 2) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); } else { _root.quest_HelpBeka = 2; } } } frame 155 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 156 { if (_root.quest_HumanStash < 1) { _root.quest_HumanStash = 1; } } frame 160 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 161 { if (_root.quest_HumanStash < 1) { _root.quest_HumanStash = 1; } } frame 165 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8904 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8905 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8908 { frame 1 { if (objecthitbox._currentframe > 10) { gotoAndStop(201); } stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A weapon rack. These weapons look like they\'ve seen a few too many battles, but they\'ll still do in a pinch.'; _root.choiceA = 'Get Longsword'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Get Practice Sword'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 21; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } frame 106 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 22; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } } movieClip 8910 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A weapon rack. These weapons look like they\'ve seen a few too many battles, but they\'ll still do in a pinch.'; _root.choiceA = 'Get Stone Maul (large weapon)'; if (_root.player % 10 !== 1) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceS = 'Get Stone Mace'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 32; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } frame 106 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 24; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } } movieClip 8914 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_HumanStash < 2) { gotoAndStop(201); } stop(); } frame 2 { var gotgreatsword = false; if (_root.wpn == 34) { gotgreatsword = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 34 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotgreatsword = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 34 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotgreatsword = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 34 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotgreatsword = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 34 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotgreatsword = true; } if (gotgreatsword == true) { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.GotStarterPlate > 0) { _root.choicetext = 'A large trunk. Inside you see some pieces of plate mail and a very large sword. You think there\'s enough pieces here to make one set of armor that would fit you.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'A large trunk. Inside you see some pieces of plate mail and a very large sword.'; } if (_root.GotStarterPlate > 0) { _root.choiceA = 'Get starter plate (heavy armor)'; if (_root.player % 10 !== 1) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(6); } } else { _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = 'Get greatsword (large weapon)'; if (_root.player % 10 !== 1) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { if (_root.GotStarterPlate > 0) { _root.choicetext = 'A large trunk. Inside you see some pieces of plate mail. You think there\'s enough pieces here to make one set of armor that would fit you.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'A large trunk. Inside you see some pieces of plate mail.'; } if (_root.GotStarterPlate > 0) { _root.choiceA = 'Get starter plate (heavy armor)'; if (_root.player % 10 !== 1) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(6); } } else { _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { --_root.GotStarterPlate; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 21; _root.itemnewh = 150; stop(); } frame 106 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 34; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } } movieClip 8916 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { var gotbattleaxe = false; if (_root.wpn == 33) { gotbattleaxe = true; } if (_root.backpack1 == 33 and _root.backpack1h == 301) { gotbattleaxe = true; } if (_root.backpack2 == 33 and _root.backpack2h == 301) { gotbattleaxe = true; } if (_root.backpack3 == 33 and _root.backpack3h == 301) { gotbattleaxe = true; } if (_root.backpack4 == 33 and _root.backpack4h == 301) { gotbattleaxe = true; } if (_root.quest_HelpBeka <= 2) { gotbattleaxe = true; } if (gotbattleaxe == true) { gotoAndStop(11); } if (_root.GotBreastPlate > 0) { _root.choicetext = 'A large trunk. Inside you see some pieces of armor and a large axe. It looks like there\'s enough pieces here to build you one set of armor.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'A large trunk. Inside you see some pieces of armor and a large axe.'; } if (_root.GotBreastPlate > 0) { _root.choiceA = 'Get breast plate'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceS = 'Get battle axe (large weapon)'; if (_root.player % 10 !== 1) { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'A large trunk. Inside you see some pieces of armor.'; _root.choiceA = 'Get breast plate'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { --_root.GotBreastPlate; _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 2;; _root.itemnew = 51; _root.itemnewh = 150; stop(); } frame 106 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 1;; _root.itemnew = 33; _root.itemnewh = 301; stop(); } } frame 82 { _root.maxitems = 3; if (_root.camframe._x < 0) { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); _root.doorleftgo = 70; _root.doorleftgox = 1850; var dropR15 = false; if (_root.R15Loc == _root._currentframe) { dropR15 = true; } if (_root.acc == 15) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 15 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 15 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 15 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 15 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (dropR15 == true) { var NewItemNumber = 615; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = 1800; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { _root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] = 2; i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } addmobs(b, -750, 1250, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8917 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8925 { frame 1 { if (_root.quest_openelves > 0) { gotoAndStop(50); } } frame 49 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 8930 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_root.quest_openelves > 0) { gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choicetext = 'This dark tent appears to have a magical barrier preventing anyone from entering.'; _root.choiceA = 'Attempt to cross the ward.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (_root.spirit >= 5) { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Study ward'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Spirit Check) Study ward'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(6); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'You peer inside a large tent, but it\'s too dark inside to make out any details.'; _root.choiceA = 'Enter Tent'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { if (_root.wpn == 2 or _root.acc == 10) { _root.quest_openelves = 1; wardrings.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_root.quest_openelves > 0) { gotoAndPlay(61); } } frame 56 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } frame 66 { _root.gohere = 85; _root.gox = -1000; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 156 { _root.held = 0; stop(); } } movieClip 8932 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'You peer inside a large tent, but it\'s too dark inside to make out any details.'; _root.choiceA = 'Enter Tent'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { if (_root.camframe._x < 600) { _root.gohere = 83; _root.gox = 1500; } else { _root.gohere = 84; _root.gox = -1000; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 83 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.hero._xscale = -100; _root.doorrightgo = 82; _root.doorrightgox = 300; var dropR15 = false; if (_root.R15Loc == _root._currentframe) { dropR15 = true; } if (_root.acc == 15) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 15 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 15 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 15 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 15 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (dropR15 == true) { var NewItemNumber = 615; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = -1600; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 3 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } addmobs(b, -2000, 500, 300, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8935 { } movieClip 8937 { } movieClip 8939 { } movieClip 8941 { } movieClip 8943 { } movieClip 8945 { frame 1 { if (_root._currentframe == 85 && _root.act2clear >= 2) { loadMovie('', this); } stop(); } } movieClip 8946 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 84 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; _root.doorleftgo = 82; _root.doorleftgox = 1000; var dropR15 = false; if (_root.R15Loc == _root._currentframe) { dropR15 = true; } if (_root.acc == 15) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 15 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 15 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 15 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 15 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { dropR15 = false; } if (dropR15 == true) { var NewItemNumber = 615; ++_root.maxitems; var itemnumber = _root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber, 300 + itemnumber); _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._x = 1200; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber]._xscale = 100; _root['obj_drop_ani' + itemnumber].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } if (_root.act2clear < 10) { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50] < 2) { i = 0; b = 0; var a = 0; var MaxMonsters = 3 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 25; if (b == 27) { b = 26; } addmobs(b, -750, 0, 2000, 0); ++i; } } } } movieClip 8947 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 85 { _root.maxitems = 2; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; _root.doorleftgo = 82; _root.doorleftgox = 650; if (_root.act2clear < 2) { addmobs(25, 800, 800, 0, 2); _root.BGA[0][4] = 120 * _root.gamediff; } } movieClip 8950 { } movieClip 8952 { } movieClip 8954 { } movieClip 8956 { } movieClip 8957 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8961 { frame 1 { if (_root.acc == 12) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack1 == 12 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack2 == 12 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack3 == 12 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { gotoAndStop(3); } if (_root.backpack4 == 12 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { gotoAndStop(3); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 8962 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear < 2) { loadMovie('', this); } stop(); } frame 2 { droptiara = true; if (_root.acc == 12) { droptiara = false; } if (_root.backpack1 == 12 and _root.backpack1h == 601) { droptiara = false; } if (_root.backpack2 == 12 and _root.backpack2h == 601) { droptiara = false; } if (_root.backpack3 == 12 and _root.backpack3h == 601) { droptiara = false; } if (_root.backpack4 == 12 and _root.backpack4h == 601) { droptiara = false; } _root.choicetext = 'You see a magestic throne.'; _root.choiceA = 'Have a seat.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); if (droptiara == true) { _root.choiceS = 'Take Tiara'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { _root.held = 910;; _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(12); if (_root.acc == 12) { gotoAndPlay(61); } } frame 55 { stop(); } frame 61 { _root.held = 910; } frame 65 { stop(); } frame 105 { _root.held = 901; _root.itemselect = 3;; _root.itemnew = 12; _root.itemnewh = 601; droptiara == false; tiara.gotoAndStop(3); stop(); } } movieClip 8964 { frame 1 { if (_root.act2clear < 10) { loadMovie('', this); } stop(); } frame 2 { var funtime = 0; var NewItemNumber = 0; _root.choicetext = 'Pungent pefumes assault you as you peer around the curtain. You see several shadows dancing and twisting in the darkness.'; _root.choiceA = 'Join the dance and find one partner.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Join the dance and find two partners.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = 'Skip the dance and grab three partners.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 11 { _root.choicetext = 'The erotic dancing is overwhelming your senses.'; _root.choiceA = 'Sneak outside with a guy.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Sneak outside with a girl.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 21 { _root.choicetext = 'The erotic dancing is overwhelming your senses.'; _root.choiceA = 'Sneak outside with two guys.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = 'Sneak outside with a guy and girl.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = 'Sneak outside with two girls.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 56 { if (funtime == 0) { funtime = 10; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(11); } else { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100;; = -400; = 400; = 100; if (funtime == 10) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(66); _root.BGA.push([25, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); = 0; monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(118); _root.BGA.push([25, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([25, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); monscale2 = 100; monscale = 100; = monscale2; = 100; } } stop(); } frame 105 { if (funtime == 0) { funtime = 20; _root.held = 900; _root.box3.gotoAndPlay(2); this.gotoAndStop(21); } else { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100;; = -400; = 400; = 100; if (funtime == 10) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(67); _root.BGA.push([26, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); monscale = 50 + _root.BGA[0][1] * 10; } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(119); _root.BGA.push([25, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([26, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); monscale2 = 100; monscale = 100; = monscale2; = 100; } } stop(); } frame 155 { if (_root.armor > 1) { NewItemNumber = _root.armor + Math.ceil(_root.armorh / 25); _root.armor = 1; _root.armorhmax = 0; _root.armorh = 0;; ++_root.maxitems; _root.attachMovie('item_drop_ani', 'obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems, 300 + _root.maxitems); _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._x = _root.camframe._x; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._y = 300; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems]._xscale = _root.camframe.hero._xscale; _root['obj_drop_ani' + _root.maxitems].item_symbol.gotoAndStop(NewItemNumber); } _root.grapple = 25; _root.held = 1100;; = -400; = 400; = 100; if (funtime == 20) { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(120); _root.BGA.push([26, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([26, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); monscale2 = 100; monscale = 100; = monscale2; = 100; } else { _root.camframe.hero.gotoAndStop(201); _root.BGA.push([25, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([25, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); _root.BGA.push([26, 0, 0, 0, 50, 'na', 'nahb', 2, 0, 0, 0]); monscale2 = 100; monscale = 100; = monscale2; = 100; } stop(); } } frame 88 { _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(2); _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = 74; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.bridge.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); var i = 0; var b = 10; i = 1; while (i <= 5) { _root.attachMovie('heightchanger', 'bg' + i, i); _root['bg' + i]._x = 225 * i; _root['bg' + i]._y = 75 - i * 25; _root.BGA.push([b, _root.BGtype[b][1], _root.BGtype[b][2], _root.BGtype[b][3], 50 + _root.BGtype[b][1] * 10, 'bg' + i, 'bghb' + i, 0, _root.BGtype[b][4], _root.BGtype[b][5], _root.BGtype[b][6]]); ++i; } i = 6; while (i <= 10) { _root.attachMovie('heightchanger', 'bg' + i, i); _root['bg' + i]._x = 225 * i; _root['bg' + i]._y = i * 25 - 200; _root.BGA.push([b, _root.BGtype[b][1], _root.BGtype[b][2], _root.BGtype[b][3], 50 + _root.BGtype[b][1] * 10, 'bg' + i, 'bghb' + i, 0, _root.BGtype[b][4], _root.BGtype[b][5], _root.BGtype[b][6]]); ++i; } if (_root.gamestart == 'Act3Start') { _root.gamestart = 'Act3'; _root.camframe._x = -500; } } movieClip 8967 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8969 { } movieClip 8971 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a shallow path here. You can move East (down) & follow the river, or you can head West (up) into the mountains.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Head west into the mountains (Not built yet).'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(6); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Head east along the river.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { if (_root._currentframe == 58) { _root.gohere = 78; _root.gox = -1750; } else { _root.gohere = 58; _root.gox = _root.camframe._x; } _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = 111; _root.gox = -1750; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 92 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; } movieClip 8974 { } movieClip 8976 { } movieClip 8978 { } movieClip 8980 { } movieClip 8982 { } movieClip 8983 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 93 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; } movieClip 8985 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8989 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a path here that leads back towards the lake.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Follow the path South.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = 103; _root.gox = -1400; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 94 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; } movieClip 8991 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 95 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; } movieClip 8993 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8995 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a path here that back to the lake.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Follow the path South.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = 105; _root.gox = 1600; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 103 { _root.maxitems = 2; var i = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { addmobs(31, -1750, 1750, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 8997 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 8999 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a path here that leads further into the woods.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Follow the path North.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { _root.gohere = 93; _root.gox = -1100; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 9001 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'The water here is too deep to cross, and the jungle is too thick to follow the coast any farther north.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) The path North is blocked.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(11); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Return back to the river mouth.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = 113; _root.gox = 1850; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 105 { _root.maxitems = 2; } movieClip 9003 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9005 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a sandbar here. It\'s tall enough that you could wade out to the island in the middle of the lake.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Walk South to the main island.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = 115; _root.gox = -900; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 9007 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'This path leads deeper into the woods.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Follow the path North.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { _root.gohere = 95; _root.gox = 2000; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 111 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorleftgo = 88; _root.doorleftgox = 3000; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; removeMovieClip(_root.bridge); addmobs(31, 0, 1000, 300, 0); addmobs(31, 0, 1000, 300, 0); _root.quest_gnomesleep = 0; } movieClip 9011 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 112 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.obj1.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); } movieClip 9014 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9017 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A log has fallen accross the river here. It looks sturdy enough to cross.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Cross River.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = 122; _root.gox = 250; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 113 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; removeMovieClip(_root.bridge); var i = 0; var MaxMonsters = 1 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { addmobs(31, -1750, 1750, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 9019 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9021 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'The river opens up into a small lake with a few islands. It is too deep to cross here, but you may be able to get there by following the shore.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Follow the beach North.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { _root.gohere = 103; _root.gox = 1300; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 114 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; } movieClip 9023 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 115 { _root.maxitems = 2; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; var i = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random() * 2); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { addmobs(31, -1750, 1750, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 9025 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9027 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'There is a shallow sandbar here. You should be able to walk across it to get to the other side of the river.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Walk to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(211); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { _root.gohere = 105; _root.gox = 500; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 9029 { frame 2 { var swimtest = false; if (_root.armorh == 0) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 1) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 6) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 11) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { swimtest = true; } if (_root.body >= 6) { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 3) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 10) { swimtest = true; } } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choicetext = 'The water here looks shallow. You could probably swim across to the other river bank.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'The water here looks shallow. You could probably swim across if your armor wasn\'t so heavy.'; } _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); if (swimtest == true) { _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = 125; _root.gox = 750; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 120 { _root.camframe.hero._xscale = 100; _root.maxitems = 2; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorleftgox = -4700; } movieClip 9031 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9033 { frame 1 { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50 + 3] < 2) { loadMovie('', smoke); } stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A simple straw bed.'; _root.choiceA = '(Restore Health) Take a quick rest.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 55 { = _root.maxhealth; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(25); stop(); } } frame 121 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; } movieClip 9036 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9038 { frame 1 { if (_root.firechecked[_root._currentframe - 50 + 1] < 2) { loadMovie('', smoke); } stop(); } frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'This looks like an old HoppyKin burrow. It appears to be abbandoned.'; _root.choiceA = 'Enter burrow.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { _root.gohere = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.gox = -1800; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 122 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; removeMovieClip(_root.Beach3x4Folliage); } movieClip 9040 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9043 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'A log has fallen accross the river here. It looks sturdy enough to cross.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Cross River'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { _root.gohere = 112; _root.gox = 500; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 123 { _root.maxitems = 2; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; _root.attachMovie('heightbox', 'topbox1201', 1201); _root.Beach3x4Folliage.swapDepths(_root.topbox1201); _root.topbox1201.unloadMovie(); var i = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { addmobs(31, -1750, 1750, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 9045 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9047 { frame 2 { var swimtest = false; if (_root.armorh == 0) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 1) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 6) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 11) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { swimtest = true; } if (_root.body >= 6) { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 3) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 10) { swimtest = true; } } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a small island just off the shore here. You could probably swim to it.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a small island just off the shore here. You could probably swim to it if your armor wasn\'t so heavy.'; } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choiceA = '(Go Right) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Go Right) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { _root.gohere = 124; _root.gox = -1000; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 9048 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a break in the dune weeds here. You could pass walk deeper into the folliage here without any trouble.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Walk South into the scrub-brush.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = 133; _root.gox = -200; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 9049 { } frame 124 { _root.maxitems = 2; removeMovieClip(_root.Beach3x4Folliage); } movieClip 9051 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9053 { frame 2 { var swimtest = false; if (_root.armorh == 0) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 1) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 6) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 11) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { swimtest = true; } if (_root.body >= 6) { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 3) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 10) { swimtest = true; } } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choicetext = 'You can see the shoreline from here. You could probably swim to it.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'You can see the shoreline from here. You could probably swim to it if your armor wasn\'t so heavy.'; } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choiceA = '(Go Right) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Go Right) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { _root.gohere = 125; _root.gox = -1250; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 9055 { frame 2 { var swimtest = false; if (_root.armorh == 0) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 1) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 6) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 11) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { swimtest = true; } if (_root.body >= 6) { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 3) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 10) { swimtest = true; } } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choicetext = 'You can see the shoreline from here. You could probably swim to it.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'You can see the shoreline from here. You could probably swim to it if your armor wasn\'t so heavy.'; } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choiceA = '(Go Left) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Go Left) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { _root.gohere = 123; _root.gox = 1500; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 125 { _root.maxitems = 3; var i = 0; var MaxMonsters = 2 + Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { addmobs(31, -1750, 1750, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 9057 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9059 { frame 2 { var swimtest = false; if (_root.armorh == 0) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 1) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 6) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 11) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { swimtest = true; } if (_root.body >= 6) { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 3) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 10) { swimtest = true; } } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choicetext = 'The water here looks shallow. You could probably swim out to the other island.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'The water here looks shallow. You could probably swim out to the other island if your armor wasn\'t so heavy.'; } _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); if (swimtest == true) { _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Swim to the island.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceS = '(Go Up) Swim to the island.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { _root.gohere = 115; _root.gox = 2100; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 9061 { frame 2 { var swimtest = false; if (_root.armorh == 0) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 1) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 6) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 8) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 11) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 12) { swimtest = true; } if (_root.body >= 6) { if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 3) { swimtest = true; } if (Math.floor(_root.armor / 10) == 10) { swimtest = true; } } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a small island just off the shore. You could probably swim to it.'; } else { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s a small island just off the shore. You could probably swim to it if your armor wasn\'t so heavy.'; } if (swimtest == true) { _root.choiceA = '(Go Left) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(1); } else { _root.choiceA = '(Go Left) Swim to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(11); } _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 51 { _root.gohere = 124; _root.gox = 2500; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } movieClip 9063 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s path here that leads away from the beach.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceD = '(Go Down) Walk South.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 151 { _root.gohere = 135; _root.gox = 1500; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 133 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1750; removeMovieClip(_root.Beach3x4Folliage); var i = 0; var MaxMonsters = +Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { addmobs(31, -1750, 1750, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 9066 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9069 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'There\'s path through the weeds here. Looks like it leads back to the river.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up). Walk North to the river bank.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { _root.gohere = 123; _root.gox = 0; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 134 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2250; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = -1500; var i = 0; var MaxMonsters = +Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { addmobs(31, -1750, 1750, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 9071 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 135 { _root.maxitems = 1; _root.doorleftgo = _root._currentframe - 1; _root.doorleftgox = 2500; var i = 0; var MaxMonsters = +Math.round(Math.random()); i = 0; while (i < MaxMonsters) { addmobs(31, -1750, 1750, 300, 0); ++i; } } movieClip 9074 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9076 { frame 2 { _root.choicetext = 'The river empties out into the ocean here. Although most of the beach is blocked, there is a small path leading north back towards the river mouth.'; _root.choiceA = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonA.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceS = '(Go Up). Walk North to the river mouth.'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonS.gotoAndStop(1); _root.choiceD = ''; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonD.gotoAndStop(21); _root.choiceF = '(Cancel)'; _root.box3.choicebox.choicebuttonF.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 101 { _root.gohere = 125; _root.gox = 2300; _root.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); stop(); } } frame 201 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = 0; _root.camframe.dark.gotoAndStop(1); _root.quest_pirateboss = 0; removeMovieClip(_root.shrubwall2); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(2); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.camframe._x = 0; if (_root.hordelevel == 1) { if (Math.floor(_root.player % 10) == 1) { _root.HMArmor.splice(0, 1, 15, 35, 47, 113, 56, 65); _root.HMWeapon.splice(0, 1, 311, 321, 341, 302, 322, 342, 313, 312); } else { if (Math.floor(_root.player % 10) == 3) { _root.HMArmor.splice(0, 1, 15, 27, 35, 47, 113, 56, 65); _root.HMWeapon.splice(0, 1, 311, 321, 331, 302, 322, 332, 313, 312, 334, 333); } else { _root.HMArmor.splice(0, 1, 15, 27, 35, 47, 113, 56, 65); _root.HMWeapon.splice(0, 1, 311, 321, 341, 333, 334, 302, 322, 342, 313, 312); } } _root.HMAccessory.splice(0, 1, 602, 603, 604, 609, 610, 611, 612); _root.HMPotion.splice(0, 1, 616, 617, 618, 619); } DetermineItemCode = function () { var v3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4); var v2 = 0; switch (v3) { case 0: v2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 * _root.gamediff); if (v2 >= _root.HMArmor.length) { v2 = _root.HMArmor.length - 1; } v3 = _root.HMArmor[v2]; break; case 1: v2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4 * _root.gamediff); if (v2 >= _root.HMWeapon.length) { v2 = _root.HMWeapon.length - 1; } v3 = _root.HMWeapon[v2]; break; case 2: v2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 * _root.gamediff); if (v2 >= _root.HMAccessory.length) { v2 = _root.HMAccessory.length - 1; } v3 = _root.HMAccessory[v2]; break; default: v2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2 * _root.gamediff); if (v2 >= _root.HMPotion.length) { v2 = _root.HMPotion.length - 1; } v3 = _root.HMPotion[v2]; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { DropItem(Math.random() * 200 - 100, 100, v3); } else { DropItem(Math.random() * 200 - 100, -100, v3); } }; additems = setInterval(function () { if (_root.maxitems <= _root.hordelevel / 10) { DetermineItemCode(); } else { clearInterval(additems); } }, 100); var mcount = 0; var mtotal = Math.floor(4 * _root.gamediff); var b = 0; addmonsters = setInterval(function () { if (_root._currentframe == 201) { if (mcount < mtotal) { if (_root.BGA.length < _root.hordemax) { if (math.random() * _root.gamediff <= 1) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 16; if (b == 18) { b = 17; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 15; if (b < 16) { b = 11; } if (b == 18) { b = 19; } if (b == 21) { b = 22; } if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 28; } if (b > 29) { b = 29; } } if (_root.BGtype[b][7] == 0 or b == 16 or b == 17) { ++mcount; addmobs(b, -1000, 1000, 500, 0); } } } else { if (_root.BGA.length == 0) { _root.crate1.gotoAndStop(11); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.doorright.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(51); ++_root.hordelevel; = _root.maxhealth; clearInterval(addmonsters); } } } else { clearInterval(addmonsters); } }, 1000); stop(); } movieClip 9077 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9079 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 9080 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 9081 { frame 2 { stop(); } } frame 202 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = 0; removeMovieClip(_root.crate1); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(2); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(1); additems = setInterval(function () { if (_root.maxitems <= _root.hordelevel / 10) { DetermineItemCode(); } else { clearInterval(additems); } }, 100); var mcount = 0; var mtotal = Math.floor(6 * _root.gamediff); var b = 0; addmonsters = setInterval(function () { if (_root._currentframe == 202) { if (mcount < mtotal) { if (_root.BGA.length < _root.hordemax) { if (math.random() * _root.gamediff <= 1) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 15; if (b < 16) { b = 11; } if (b == 18) { b = 19; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 15; if (b < 16) { b = 11; } if (b == 18) { b = 19; } if (b == 21) { b = 22; } if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 28; } if (b > 29) { b = 29; } } if (_root.BGtype[b][7] == 0 or b == 11 or b == 19) { ++mcount; addmobs(b, -1250, 1250, 500, 0); } } } else { if (_root.BGA.length == 0) { _root.crate2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.doorright.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(51); ++_root.hordelevel; = _root.maxhealth; clearInterval(addmonsters); } } } else { clearInterval(addmonsters); } }, 1000); stop(); } movieClip 9082 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 203 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = 0; removeMovieClip(_root.crate2); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(2); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(1); additems = setInterval(function () { if (_root.maxitems <= _root.hordelevel / 10) { DetermineItemCode(); } else { clearInterval(additems); } }, 100); var mcount = 0; var mtotal = Math.floor(10 * _root.gamediff); var b = 0; addmonsters = setInterval(function () { if (_root._currentframe == 203) { if (mcount < mtotal) { if (_root.BGA.length < _root.hordemax) { if (math.random() * _root.gamediff <= 1) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 15; if (b < 16) { b = 11; } if (b == 18) { b = 19; } if (b == 21) { b = 20; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 15; if (b < 16) { b = 11; } if (b == 18) { b = 19; } if (b == 21) { b = 22; } if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 28; } if (b > 29) { b = 29; } } if (_root.BGtype[b][7] == 0 or b == 20) { ++mcount; addmobs(b, -1500, 1500, 500, 0); } } } else { if (_root.BGA.length == 0) { _root.crate3.gotoAndStop(11); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.doorright.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(51); ++_root.hordelevel; = _root.maxhealth; clearInterval(addmonsters); } } } else { clearInterval(addmonsters); } }, 1000); stop(); } movieClip 9083 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 204 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = 0; removeMovieClip(_root.crate3); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(2); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(1); additems = setInterval(function () { if (_root.maxitems <= _root.hordelevel / 10) { DetermineItemCode(); } else { clearInterval(additems); } }, 100); var mcount = 0; var mtotal = Math.floor(8 * _root.gamediff); var b = 0; addmonsters = setInterval(function () { if (_root._currentframe == 204) { if (mcount < mtotal) { if (_root.BGA.length < _root.hordemax) { if (math.random() * _root.gamediff <= 1) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 23; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 15; if (b < 16) { b = 11; } if (b == 18) { b = 19; } if (b == 21) { b = 22; } if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 28; } if (b > 29) { b = 29; } } if (_root.BGtype[b][7] == 0 or b == 22 or b == 23) { ++mcount; addmobs(b, -1250, 1250, 500, 0); } } } else { if (_root.BGA.length == 0) { _root.dune1.gotoAndStop(11); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.doorright.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(51); ++_root.hordelevel; = _root.maxhealth; clearInterval(addmonsters); } } } else { clearInterval(addmonsters); } }, 1000); stop(); } movieClip 9084 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9085 { frame 2 { stop(); } } frame 205 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = 0; removeMovieClip(_root.dune1); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(2); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(1); additems = setInterval(function () { if (_root.maxitems <= _root.hordelevel / 10) { DetermineItemCode(); } else { clearInterval(additems); } }, 100); var mcount = 0; var mtotal = Math.floor(10 * _root.gamediff); var b = 0; addmonsters = setInterval(function () { if (_root._currentframe == 205) { if (mcount < mtotal) { if (_root.BGA.length < _root.hordemax) { if (math.random() * _root.gamediff <= 1) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 26; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 15; if (b < 16) { b = 11; } if (b == 18) { b = 19; } if (b == 21) { b = 22; } if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 28; } if (b > 29) { b = 29; } } if (_root.BGtype[b][7] == 0 or b == 25 or b == 26) { ++mcount; addmobs(b, -1500, 1500, 500, 0); } } } else { if (_root.BGA.length == 0) { _root.dune2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.doorright.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(51); ++_root.hordelevel; = _root.maxhealth; clearInterval(addmonsters); } } } else { clearInterval(addmonsters); } }, 1000); stop(); } movieClip 9086 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } frame 206 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorrightgo = _root._currentframe + 1; _root.doorrightgox = 0; removeMovieClip(_root.dune2); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(2); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(1); additems = setInterval(function () { if (_root.maxitems <= _root.hordelevel / 10) { DetermineItemCode(); } else { clearInterval(additems); } }, 100); var mcount = 0; var mtotal = Math.floor(10 * _root.gamediff); var b = 0; addmonsters = setInterval(function () { if (_root._currentframe == 206) { if (mcount < mtotal) { if (_root.BGA.length < _root.hordemax) { if (math.random() * _root.gamediff <= 1) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 28; } if (b > 29) { b = 29; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 15; if (b < 16) { b = 11; } if (b == 18) { b = 19; } if (b == 21) { b = 22; } if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 28; } if (b > 29) { b = 29; } } if (_root.BGtype[b][7] == 0 or b == 28 or b == 29) { ++mcount; addmobs(b, -1500, 1500, 500, 0); } } } else { if (_root.BGA.length == 0) { _root.shrubwall1.gotoAndStop(11); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.doorright.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(51); ++_root.hordelevel; = _root.maxhealth; clearInterval(addmonsters); } } } else { clearInterval(addmonsters); } }, 1000); stop(); } movieClip 9087 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } } movieClip 9088 { frame 2 { stop(); } } frame 207 { _root.maxitems = 0; _root.doorrightgo = 101; _root.doorrightgox = 0; removeMovieClip(_root.shrubwall1); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(2); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(1); additems = setInterval(function () { if (_root.maxitems <= _root.hordelevel / 10) { DetermineItemCode(); } else { clearInterval(additems); } }, 100); var mcount = 0; var mtotal = Math.floor(12 * _root.gamediff); var b = 0; addmonsters = setInterval(function () { if (_root._currentframe == 207) { if (mcount < mtotal) { if (_root.BGA.length < _root.hordemax) { if (math.random() * _root.gamediff <= 1) { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8) + 22; if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 28; } if (b > 29) { b = 29; } } else { b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 15) + 15; if (b < 16) { b = 11; } if (b == 18) { b = 19; } if (b == 21) { b = 22; } if (b == 24) { b = 25; } if (b == 27) { b = 28; } if (b > 29) { b = 29; } } if (_root.BGtype[b][7] == 0) { ++mcount; addmobs(b, -1500, 1500, 500, 0); } } } else { if (_root.BGA.length == 0) { _root.shrubwall2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.rightwall.gotoAndStop(3); _root.doorright.gotoAndStop(3); _root.camframe.HordeModeText.gotoAndPlay(101); _root.hordelevel += 4; switch (_root.hordelevel) { case 11: if (_root.backpack2 == -1) {; _root.backpack2 = 1; } break; case 21: if (_root.backpack3 == -1) {; _root.backpack3 = 1; } break; case 31: if (_root.backpack4 == -1) {; _root.backpack4 = 1; } } _root.gamediff += 0.25; = _root.maxhealth; clearInterval(addmonsters); } } } else { clearInterval(addmonsters); } }, 1000); stop(); } movieClip 9089 { frame 1 { this.cacheAsBitmap = true; } }
Created: 19/7 -2019 00:23:37 Last modified: 19/7 -2019 00:23:37 Server time: 13/03 -2025 08:50:55