Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 1373 MovieClip "progressbar" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
totalFileSize = _root.getBytesTotal();
startTime = getTimer();
startBytes = _root.getBytesLoaded();
this._xscale = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
bytesLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
amountLoaded = bytesLoaded / totalFileSize;
percentLoaded = int(100 * amountLoaded);
this._xscale = percentLoaded;
_root.loadingMessage = percentLoaded + "%";
timeSoFar = getTimer() - startTime;
speed = bytesLoaded / timeSoFar;
bytesLeft = totalFileSize - bytesLoaded;
timeLeft = (bytesLeft / 1000) * (speed / 1000);
speed = int(10 * speed) / 10;
_root.bytesMessage = ((int(bytesLoaded / 1000) + "kb/") + int(totalFileSize / 1000)) + "kb";
_root.speedMessage = speed + "k/sec";
_root.timeMessage = int(timeLeft) + " seconds remaining";
if (amountLoaded >= 1) {
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
Frame 5
function shootweapon() {
if (currentweapon == "singlelazer") {
this.attachMovie("lasercenter", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "broad") {
this.attachMovie("laserleft", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("lasercenter2", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("laserright", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "speed") {
this.attachMovie("lasercenter", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
cooldowntime = 4;
if (currentweapon == "power") {
this.attachMovie("laserpower", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
function insertenemy(enemytype, xpos, ypos) {
this.attachMovie(enemytype, "enemy" + enemycount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xpos, _y:ypos});
enemies.push("enemy" + enemycount);
function removeenemy(enemyid) {
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
if (enemies[enemysearch] == enemyid) {
enemies.splice(enemysearch, 1);
eval (enemyid).removeMovieClip();
function removeweapon(weaponid) {
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
if (weapons[weaponsearch] == weaponid) {
weapons.splice(weaponsearch, 1);
eval (weaponid).removeMovieClip();
function addpoints(points) {
score = score + points;
function hitship() {
if (ship._currentframe == 1) {
if (ship._currentframe == 2) {
function respawnship() {
if (ship != undefined) {
this.attachMovie("ship", "ship", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height - 50});
cooldowntime = 4;
function loselife() {
if (lives > 0) {
currentweapon = "singlelazer";
} else {
if (ship != undefined) {
function resetlevel() {
enemyloop = 0;
while (enemyloop < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemyloop]).removeMovieClip();
weaponloop = 0;
while (weaponloop < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponloop]).removeMovieClip();
enemies = [];
weapons = [];
enemycount = 0;
weaponcount = 0;
currentenemies = new Array().concat(eval (("level" + currentlevel) + "enemies"));
levelposition = 0;
if (ship != undefined) {
if (currentlevel > 0) {
this.attachMovie("showlevel", "showlevel", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function newgame() {
currentlevel = 1;
function showmainscreen() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("D1 Intro", "D1 Intro", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:450, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function losegame() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("lost1", "lost1", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function winlevel() {
if (totallevels >= currentlevel) {
} else {
this.attachMovie("dimensionxcomplete", "dimensionxcomplete", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function addtiem(points) {
tiem = tiem + points;
mySoundc = new Sound();
mySoundc.start(0, 999);
var level0enemies = [];
var level1enemies = [[0, "bulletwall1", -80], [0, "bulletwall2", 705], [0, "bulletwall3", 0], [0, "bulletwall4", 0], [0, "Dimension X", 0], [100, "f1a", 113], [100, "f1a", 513], [150, "f1a", 213], [150, "f1a", 413], [200, "f1a", 313], [250, "f1a", 213], [250, "f1a", 413], [300, "f1a", 113], [300, "f1a", 313], [300, "f1a", 513], [300, "f1a", 113], [320, "f1a", 513], [340, "f1a", 213], [360, "f1a", 413], [380, "f1a", 313], [400, "f1b", 113], [400, "f1b", 213], [400, "f1b", 313], [400, "f1b", 413], [400, "f1b", 513], [500, "f1b", 113], [500, "f1b", 213], [500, "f1b", 313], [500, "f1b", 413], [500, "f1b", 513], [600, "f1b", 113], [650, "f1b", 513], [650, "f1a", 213], [700, "f1a", 213], [700, "f1b", 113], [750, "f1b", 113], [750, "f1b", 163], [750, "f1b", 213], [750, "f1b", 263], [750, "f1b", 313], [750, "f1b", 363], [750, "f1b", 413], [750, "f1b", 463], [750, "f1b", 513], [750, "f1b", 563], [800, "f1a", 213], [800, "f1a", 413], [850, "f1a", 113], [850, "f1a", 313], [850, "f1a", 513], [900, "f1c", 213], [900, "f1c", 413], [950, "f1c", 113], [950, "f1c", 513], [950, "f1a", 313], [1000, "f1a", 113], [1010, "f1a", 213], [1020, "f1a", 313], [1030, "f1a", 413], [1040, "f1a", 513], [1050, "f1a", 413], [1060, "f1a", 313], [1070, "f1a", 213], [1080, "f1a", 113], [1100, "f1c", 113], [1100, "f1c", 313], [1100, "f1c", 513], [1150, "f1c", 263], [1150, "f1c", 363], [1150, "f1c", 463], [1200, "f1d", 213], [1200, "f1d", 413], [1250, "f1d", 113], [1250, "f1d", 313], [1250, "f1d", 513], [1300, "f1e", 213], [1300, "f1e", 413], [1350, "f1e", 113], [1350, "f1e", 313], [1350, "f1e", 513], [1400, "f1a", 113], [1400, "f1b", 213], [1400, "f1c", 313], [1400, "f1d", 413], [1400, "f1e", 513], [1450, "f1a", 513], [1450, "f1b", 413], [1450, "f1c", 313], [1450, "f1d", 213], [1450, "f1e", 113], [1500, "f1e", 313], [1555, "f1e", 213], [1555, "f1e", 413], [1600, "f1e", 113], [1600, "f1e", 513], [1650, "f1e", 213], [1650, "f1e", 413], [1700, "f1e", 313], [1750, "f1e", 163], [1750, "f1e", 463], [1800, "f1b", 113], [1800, "f1d", 213], [1800, "f1b", 313], [1800, "f1d", 413], [1800, "f1b", 513], [1900, "f1c", 113], [1900, "f1e", 213], [1900, "f1c", 313], [1900, "f1e", 413], [1900, "f1c", 513], [2000, "bossxtitle", 0], [2099, "bossfoemain", 0], [2100, "bossfoe", 0], [2130, "bossfoeenemy1", 0], [2130, "bossfoeenemy2", 0], [2130, "bossfoeabduction", 0]];
var totallevels = 1;
var currentweapon = "singlelazer";
var currentlevel = 1;
var cooldowntime = 4;
var guncooldown = 0;
var enemies = [];
var weapons = [];
var enemycount = 0;
var weaponcount = 0;
var currentenemies = [];
var levelposition = 0;
var gamepaused = false;
var lives = 4;
var tiem = 5;
var score = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(80)) {
gamepaused = !gamepaused;
if (!gamepaused) {
while ((currentenemies[0][0] <= levelposition) && (currentenemies.length > 0)) {
insertenemy(currentenemies[0][1], currentenemies[0][2], 0);
guncooldown = Math.max(0, guncooldown - 1);
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemysearch]).enemyaction();
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponsearch]).weaponaction();
if (Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(88)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = cooldowntime;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
ship._x = ship._x - 7;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
ship._x = ship._x + 7;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
ship._y = ship._y - 7;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
ship._y = ship._y + 7;
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation - 10;
if (Key.isDown(86)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation + 10;
if (ship._x <= 0) {
ship._x = 624;
if (ship._x >= 625) {
ship._x = 1;
if (ship._y <= 0) {
ship._y = 649;
if (ship._y >= 650) {
ship._y = 1;
Frame 6
function shootweapon() {
if (currentweapon == "singlelazer") {
this.attachMovie("lasercenter", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "broad") {
this.attachMovie("laserleft", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("lasercenter2", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("laserright", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "power") {
this.attachMovie("laserpower", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
function insertenemy(enemytype, xpos, ypos) {
this.attachMovie(enemytype, "enemy" + enemycount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xpos, _y:ypos});
enemies.push("enemy" + enemycount);
function removeenemy(enemyid) {
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
if (enemies[enemysearch] == enemyid) {
enemies.splice(enemysearch, 1);
eval (enemyid).removeMovieClip();
function removeweapon(weaponid) {
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
if (weapons[weaponsearch] == weaponid) {
weapons.splice(weaponsearch, 1);
eval (weaponid).removeMovieClip();
function addpoints(points) {
score = score + points;
function hitship() {
if (ship._currentframe == 1) {
if (ship._currentframe == 2) {
function respawnship() {
if (ship != undefined) {
this.attachMovie("ship", "ship", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height - 50});
function loselife() {
if (lives > 0) {
currentweapon = "singlelazer";
} else {
if (ship != undefined) {
function resetlevel() {
enemyloop = 0;
while (enemyloop < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemyloop]).removeMovieClip();
weaponloop = 0;
while (weaponloop < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponloop]).removeMovieClip();
enemies = [];
weapons = [];
enemycount = 0;
weaponcount = 0;
currentenemies = new Array().concat(eval (("level" + currentlevel) + "enemies"));
levelposition = 0;
if (ship != undefined) {
if (currentlevel > 0) {
this.attachMovie("showlevel", "showlevel", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function newgame() {
currentlevel = 1;
function showmainscreen() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("D1 Intro", "D1 Intro", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:450, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function losegame() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("lost2", "lost2", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function winlevel() {
if (totallevels >= currentlevel) {
} else {
this.attachMovie("dimensionycomplete", "dimensionycomplete", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function addtiem(points) {
tiem = tiem + points;
mySoundc = new Sound();
mySoundc.start(0, 999);
var level0enemies = [];
var level1enemies = [[0, "bulletwall1", -80], [0, "bulletwall2", 705], [0, "bulletwall3", 0], [0, "bulletwall4", 0], [0, "Dimension Y", 0], [100, "f1a", 13], [100, "f1a", 313], [100, "f1a", 613], [150, "f1a", 38], [150, "f1a", 288], [150, "f1a", 338], [150, "f1a", 588], [200, "f1a", 63], [200, "f1a", 263], [200, "f1a", 363], [200, "f1a", 563], [250, "f1a", 88], [250, "f1a", 238], [250, "f1a", 388], [250, "f1a", 538], [300, "f1a", 113], [300, "f1a", 213], [300, "f1a", 413], [300, "f1a", 513], [350, "f1a", 138], [350, "f1a", 188], [350, "f1a", 438], [350, "f1a", 488], [400, "f1a", 163], [400, "f1a", 463], [500, "f1a", 13], [500, "f1a", 38], [500, "f1a", 63], [500, "f1a", 88], [500, "f1a", 113], [500, "f1a", 138], [500, "f1a", 163], [500, "f1a", 188], [500, "f1a", 213], [500, "f1a", 238], [500, "f1a", 263], [500, "f1a", 288], [500, "f1a", 313], [500, "f1a", 338], [500, "f1a", 363], [500, "f1a", 388], [500, "f1a", 413], [500, "f1a", 438], [500, "f1a", 463], [500, "f1a", 488], [500, "f1a", 513], [500, "f1a", 538], [500, "f1a", 563], [500, "f1a", 588], [500, "f1a", 613], [550, "f1c", 38], [550, "f1c", 288], [550, "f1c", 338], [550, "f1c", 588], [600, "f1c", 63], [600, "f1c", 263], [600, "f1c", 363], [600, "f1c", 563], [650, "f1c", 88], [650, "f1c", 238], [650, "f1c", 388], [650, "f1c", 538], [700, "f1c", 113], [700, "f1c", 213], [700, "f1c", 413], [700, "f1c", 513], [750, "f1c", 138], [750, "f1c", 188], [750, "f1c", 438], [750, "f1c", 488], [800, "f1a", 163], [800, "f1a", 188], [800, "f1a", 213], [800, "f1a", 238], [800, "f1a", 263], [800, "f1a", 288], [800, "f1a", 313], [800, "f1a", 338], [800, "f1a", 363], [800, "f1a", 388], [800, "f1a", 413], [800, "f1a", 438], [800, "f1a", 463], [850, "f1c", 188], [850, "f1c", 438], [900, "f1c", 213], [900, "f1c", 413], [950, "f1c", 238], [950, "f1c", 388], [1000, "f1d", 263], [1000, "f1d", 363], [1050, "f1d", 288], [1050, "f1d", 338], [1100, "f1d", 313], [1150, "f1a", 113], [1150, "f1b", 213], [1150, "f1c", 313], [1150, "f1d", 413], [1150, "f1e", 513], [1200, "f1a", 113], [1200, "f1a", 213], [1200, "f1a", 313], [1200, "f1a", 413], [1200, "f1a", 513], [1200, "f2a", 113], [1200, "f2a", 213], [1200, "f2a", 313], [1200, "f2a", 413], [1200, "f2a", 513], [1300, "f1b", 113], [1300, "f1b", 213], [1300, "f1b", 313], [1300, "f1b", 413], [1300, "f1b", 513], [1300, "f2b", 113], [1300, "f2b", 213], [1300, "f2b", 313], [1300, "f2b", 413], [1300, "f2b", 513], [1400, "f1c", 113], [1400, "f1c", 213], [1400, "f1c", 313], [1400, "f1c", 413], [1400, "f1c", 513], [1400, "f2c", 113], [1400, "f2c", 213], [1400, "f2c", 313], [1400, "f2c", 413], [1400, "f2c", 513], [1500, "f1d", 113], [1500, "f1d", 213], [1500, "f1d", 313], [1500, "f1d", 413], [1500, "f1d", 513], [1500, "f2d", 113], [1500, "f2d", 213], [1500, "f2d", 313], [1500, "f2d", 413], [1500, "f2d", 513], [1600, "f1e", 113], [1600, "f1e", 213], [1600, "f1e", 313], [1600, "f1e", 413], [1600, "f1e", 513], [1600, "f2e", 113], [1600, "f2e", 213], [1600, "f2e", 313], [1600, "f2e", 413], [1600, "f2e", 513], [1700, "bossytitle", 0], [1799, "bosshavoce1", 0], [1799, "bosshavoce2", 0], [1800, "bosshavoc", 0]];
var totallevels = 1;
var currentweapon = "singlelazer";
var currentlevel = 1;
var cooldowntime = 4;
var guncooldown = 0;
var enemies = [];
var weapons = [];
var enemycount = 0;
var weaponcount = 0;
var currentenemies = [];
var levelposition = 0;
var gamepaused = false;
var lives = 4;
var tiem = 5;
var score = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(80)) {
gamepaused = !gamepaused;
if (!gamepaused) {
while ((currentenemies[0][0] <= levelposition) && (currentenemies.length > 0)) {
insertenemy(currentenemies[0][1], currentenemies[0][2], 0);
guncooldown = Math.max(0, guncooldown - 1);
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemysearch]).enemyaction();
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponsearch]).weaponaction();
if (Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(88)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = cooldowntime;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
ship._x = ship._x - 7;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
ship._x = ship._x + 7;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
ship._y = ship._y - 7;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
ship._y = ship._y + 7;
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation - 10;
if (Key.isDown(86)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation + 10;
if (ship._x <= 0) {
ship._x = 624;
if (ship._x >= 625) {
ship._x = 1;
if (ship._y <= 0) {
ship._y = 649;
if (ship._y >= 650) {
ship._y = 1;
Frame 7
function shootweapon() {
if (currentweapon == "singlelazer") {
this.attachMovie("lasercenter", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "broad") {
this.attachMovie("laserleft", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("lasercenter2", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("laserright", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "power") {
this.attachMovie("laserpower", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
function insertenemy(enemytype, xpos, ypos) {
this.attachMovie(enemytype, "enemy" + enemycount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xpos, _y:ypos});
enemies.push("enemy" + enemycount);
function removeenemy(enemyid) {
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
if (enemies[enemysearch] == enemyid) {
enemies.splice(enemysearch, 1);
eval (enemyid).removeMovieClip();
function removeweapon(weaponid) {
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
if (weapons[weaponsearch] == weaponid) {
weapons.splice(weaponsearch, 1);
eval (weaponid).removeMovieClip();
function addpoints(points) {
score = score + points;
function hitship() {
if (ship._currentframe == 1) {
if (ship._currentframe == 2) {
function respawnship() {
if (ship != undefined) {
this.attachMovie("ship", "ship", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height - 50});
function loselife() {
if (lives > 0) {
currentweapon = "singlelazer";
} else {
if (ship != undefined) {
function resetlevel() {
enemyloop = 0;
while (enemyloop < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemyloop]).removeMovieClip();
weaponloop = 0;
while (weaponloop < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponloop]).removeMovieClip();
enemies = [];
weapons = [];
enemycount = 0;
weaponcount = 0;
currentenemies = new Array().concat(eval (("level" + currentlevel) + "enemies"));
levelposition = 0;
if (ship != undefined) {
if (currentlevel > 0) {
this.attachMovie("showlevel", "showlevel", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function newgame() {
currentlevel = 1;
function showmainscreen() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("D1 Intro", "D1 Intro", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:450, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function losegame() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("lost3", "lost3", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function winlevel() {
if (totallevels >= currentlevel) {
} else {
this.attachMovie("dimensionzcomplete", "dimensionzcomplete", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function addtiem(points) {
tiem = tiem + points;
mySoundc = new Sound();
mySoundc.start(0, 999);
var level0enemies = [];
var level1enemies = [[0, "bulletwall1", -80], [0, "bulletwall2", 705], [0, "bulletwall3", 0], [0, "bulletwall4", 0], [0, "Dimension Z", 0], [100, "f1f", 313], [100, "f1f", 413], [100, "f1f", 513], [150, "f2f", 313], [150, "f2f", 413], [150, "f2f", 513], [200, "f1f", 113], [200, "f1f", 213], [200, "f1f", 313], [200, "f1f", 413], [200, "f1f", 513], [250, "f2f", 113], [250, "f2f", 213], [250, "f2f", 313], [250, "f2f", 413], [250, "f2f", 513], [300, "f1f", 303], [300, "f1f", 313], [300, "f1f", 323], [302, "f1f", 308], [302, "f1f", 318], [304, "f1f", 313], [350, "f2f", 303], [350, "f2f", 313], [350, "f2f", 323], [352, "f2f", 308], [352, "f2f", 318], [354, "f2f", 333], [400, "f1g", 313], [425, "f2g", 313], [450, "f1g", 213], [450, "f2g", 213], [450, "f1g", 413], [450, "f2g", 413], [500, "f1a", 13], [500, "f1a", 38], [500, "f1a", 63], [500, "f1a", 88], [500, "f1a", 113], [500, "f1a", 138], [500, "f1a", 163], [500, "f1a", 188], [500, "f1a", 213], [500, "f1a", 238], [500, "f1a", 263], [500, "f1a", 288], [500, "f1a", 313], [500, "f1a", 338], [500, "f1a", 363], [500, "f1a", 388], [500, "f1a", 413], [500, "f1a", 438], [500, "f1a", 463], [500, "f1a", 488], [500, "f1a", 513], [500, "f1a", 538], [500, "f1a", 563], [500, "f1a", 588], [500, "f1a", 613], [500, "f2a", 13], [500, "f2a", 38], [500, "f2a", 63], [500, "f2a", 88], [500, "f2a", 113], [500, "f2a", 138], [500, "f2a", 163], [500, "f2a", 188], [500, "f2a", 213], [500, "f2a", 238], [500, "f2a", 263], [500, "f2a", 288], [500, "f2a", 313], [500, "f2a", 338], [500, "f2a", 363], [500, "f2a", 388], [500, "f2a", 413], [500, "f2a", 438], [500, "f2a", 463], [500, "f2a", 488], [500, "f2a", 513], [500, "f2a", 538], [500, "f2a", 563], [500, "f2a", 588], [500, "f2a", 613], [555, "f1g", 313], [555, "f2g", 313], [700, "f1g", 113], [700, "f1g", 213], [700, "f1g", 313], [700, "f1g", 413], [700, "f1g", 513], [800, "f1g", 113], [800, "f1g", 213], [800, "f1g", 313], [800, "f1g", 413], [800, "f1g", 513], [900, "f1h", 113], [900, "f1h", 213], [900, "f1h", 313], [900, "f1h", 413], [900, "f1h", 513], [1000, "f1h", 113], [1000, "f1h", 213], [1000, "f1h", 313], [1000, "f1h", 413], [1000, "f1h", 513], [1100, "f1i", 113], [1100, "f1i", 213], [1100, "f1i", 313], [1100, "f1i", 413], [1100, "f1i", 513], [1200, "f1i", 113], [1200, "f1i", 213], [1200, "f1i", 313], [1200, "f1i", 413], [1200, "f1i", 513], [1300, "f2j", 113], [1300, "f2j", 213], [1300, "f2j", 313], [1300, "f2j", 413], [1300, "f2j", 513], [1400, "f1j", 113], [1400, "f1j", 213], [1400, "f1j", 313], [1400, "f1j", 413], [1400, "f1j", 513], [1500, "musiccontainer", 0]];
var totallevels = 1;
var currentweapon = "singlelazer";
var currentlevel = 1;
var cooldowntime = 4;
var guncooldown = 0;
var enemies = [];
var weapons = [];
var enemycount = 0;
var weaponcount = 0;
var currentenemies = [];
var levelposition = 0;
var gamepaused = false;
var lives = 4;
var tiem = 25;
var score = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(80)) {
gamepaused = !gamepaused;
if (!gamepaused) {
while ((currentenemies[0][0] <= levelposition) && (currentenemies.length > 0)) {
insertenemy(currentenemies[0][1], currentenemies[0][2], 0);
guncooldown = Math.max(0, guncooldown - 1);
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemysearch]).enemyaction();
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponsearch]).weaponaction();
if (Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(88)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = cooldowntime;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
ship._x = ship._x - 7;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
ship._x = ship._x + 7;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
ship._y = ship._y - 7;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
ship._y = ship._y + 7;
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation - 10;
if (Key.isDown(86)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation + 10;
if (ship._x <= 0) {
ship._x = 624;
if (ship._x >= 625) {
ship._x = 1;
if (ship._y <= 0) {
ship._y = 649;
if (ship._y >= 650) {
ship._y = 1;
Frame 8
Frame 9
function shootweapon() {
if (currentweapon == "singlelazer") {
this.attachMovie("lasercenter", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "broad") {
this.attachMovie("laserleft", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("lasercenter2", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("laserright", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "power") {
this.attachMovie("laserpower", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
function insertenemy(enemytype, xpos, ypos) {
this.attachMovie(enemytype, "enemy" + enemycount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xpos, _y:ypos});
enemies.push("enemy" + enemycount);
function removeenemy(enemyid) {
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
if (enemies[enemysearch] == enemyid) {
enemies.splice(enemysearch, 1);
eval (enemyid).removeMovieClip();
function removeweapon(weaponid) {
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
if (weapons[weaponsearch] == weaponid) {
weapons.splice(weaponsearch, 1);
eval (weaponid).removeMovieClip();
function addpoints(points) {
score = score + points;
function hitship() {
if (ship._currentframe == 1) {
if (ship._currentframe == 2) {
function respawnship() {
if (ship != undefined) {
this.attachMovie("ship", "ship", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height - 50});
function loselife() {
if (lives > 0) {
currentweapon = "singlelazer";
} else {
if (ship != undefined) {
function resetlevel() {
enemyloop = 0;
while (enemyloop < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemyloop]).removeMovieClip();
weaponloop = 0;
while (weaponloop < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponloop]).removeMovieClip();
enemies = [];
weapons = [];
enemycount = 0;
weaponcount = 0;
currentenemies = new Array().concat(eval (("level" + currentlevel) + "enemies"));
levelposition = 0;
if (ship != undefined) {
if (currentlevel > 0) {
this.attachMovie("showlevel", "showlevel", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function newgame() {
currentlevel = 1;
function showmainscreen() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("D1 Intro", "D1 Intro", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:450, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function losegame() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("lost4", "lost4", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function winlevel() {
if (totallevels >= currentlevel) {
} else {
this.attachMovie("wdcomplete", "wdcomplete", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function addtiem(points) {
tiem = tiem + points;
var level0enemies = [];
var level1enemies = [[0, "bulletwall1", -80], [0, "bulletwall2", 705], [0, "bulletwall3", 0], [0, "bulletwall4", 0], [0, "bosswtitle", 313], [100, "bossweegeedoll", 0], [100, "bossweegeedolldiamonds", 0]];
var totallevels = 1;
var currentweapon = "singlelazer";
var currentlevel = 1;
var cooldowntime = 4;
var guncooldown = 0;
var enemies = [];
var weapons = [];
var enemycount = 0;
var weaponcount = 0;
var currentenemies = [];
var levelposition = 0;
var gamepaused = false;
var lives = 2;
var tiem = 5;
var score = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(80)) {
gamepaused = !gamepaused;
if (!gamepaused) {
while ((currentenemies[0][0] <= levelposition) && (currentenemies.length > 0)) {
insertenemy(currentenemies[0][1], currentenemies[0][2], 0);
guncooldown = Math.max(0, guncooldown - 1);
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemysearch]).enemyaction();
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponsearch]).weaponaction();
if (Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(88)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = cooldowntime;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
ship._x = ship._x - 7;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
ship._x = ship._x + 7;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
ship._y = ship._y - 7;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
ship._y = ship._y + 7;
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation - 10;
if (Key.isDown(86)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation + 10;
if (ship._x <= 0) {
ship._x = 624;
if (ship._x >= 625) {
ship._x = 1;
if (ship._y <= 0) {
ship._y = 649;
if (ship._y >= 650) {
ship._y = 1;
Frame 10
gotoAndStop ("main");
mySoundm = new Sound();
mySoundm.start(0, 999);
Frame 11
gotoAndStop ("dimensionw");
Frame 12
function shootweapon() {
if (currentweapon == "singlelazer") {
this.attachMovie("lasercenter", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "broad") {
this.attachMovie("laserleft", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("lasercenter2", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("laserright", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "speed") {
this.attachMovie("lasercenter", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
cooldowntime = 4;
if (currentweapon == "power") {
this.attachMovie("laserpower", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
function insertenemy(enemytype, xpos, ypos) {
this.attachMovie(enemytype, "enemy" + enemycount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xpos, _y:ypos});
enemies.push("enemy" + enemycount);
function removeenemy(enemyid) {
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
if (enemies[enemysearch] == enemyid) {
enemies.splice(enemysearch, 1);
eval (enemyid).removeMovieClip();
function removeweapon(weaponid) {
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
if (weapons[weaponsearch] == weaponid) {
weapons.splice(weaponsearch, 1);
eval (weaponid).removeMovieClip();
function addpoints(points) {
score = score + points;
function hitship() {
if (ship._currentframe == 1) {
if (ship._currentframe == 2) {
function respawnship() {
if (ship != undefined) {
this.attachMovie("ship", "ship", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height - 50});
cooldowntime = 4;
function loselife() {
if (lives > 0) {
currentweapon = "singlelazer";
} else {
if (ship != undefined) {
function resetlevel() {
enemyloop = 0;
while (enemyloop < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemyloop]).removeMovieClip();
weaponloop = 0;
while (weaponloop < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponloop]).removeMovieClip();
enemies = [];
weapons = [];
enemycount = 0;
weaponcount = 0;
currentenemies = new Array().concat(eval (("level" + currentlevel) + "enemies"));
levelposition = 0;
if (ship != undefined) {
if (currentlevel > 0) {
this.attachMovie("showlevel", "showlevel", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function newgame() {
currentlevel = 1;
function showmainscreen() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("D1 Intro", "D1 Intro", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:450, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function losegame() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("lost1", "lost1", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function winlevel() {
if (totallevels >= currentlevel) {
} else {
this.attachMovie("dimensionxcompletelun", "dimensionxcompletelun", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function addtiem(points) {
tiem = tiem + points;
mySoundc = new Sound();
mySoundc.start(0, 999);
var level0enemies = [];
var level1enemies = [[0, "bulletwall1", -80], [0, "bulletwall2", 705], [0, "bulletwall3", 0], [0, "bulletwall4", 0], [0, "Dimension X", 0], [100, "f1a", 113], [100, "f1a", 513], [150, "f1a", 213], [150, "f1a", 413], [200, "f1a", 313], [250, "f1a", 213], [250, "f1a", 413], [300, "f1a", 113], [300, "f1a", 313], [300, "f1a", 513], [300, "f1a", 113], [320, "f1a", 513], [340, "f1a", 213], [360, "f1a", 413], [380, "f1a", 313], [400, "f1b", 113], [400, "f1b", 213], [400, "f1b", 313], [400, "f1b", 413], [400, "f1b", 513], [500, "f1b", 113], [500, "f1b", 213], [500, "f1b", 313], [500, "f1b", 413], [500, "f1b", 513], [600, "f1b", 113], [650, "f1b", 513], [650, "f1a", 213], [700, "f1a", 213], [700, "f1b", 113], [750, "f1b", 113], [750, "f1b", 163], [750, "f1b", 213], [750, "f1b", 263], [750, "f1b", 313], [750, "f1b", 363], [750, "f1b", 413], [750, "f1b", 463], [750, "f1b", 513], [750, "f1b", 563], [800, "f1a", 213], [800, "f1a", 413], [850, "f1a", 113], [850, "f1a", 313], [850, "f1a", 513], [900, "f1c", 213], [900, "f1c", 413], [950, "f1c", 113], [950, "f1c", 513], [950, "f1a", 313], [1000, "f1a", 113], [1010, "f1a", 213], [1020, "f1a", 313], [1030, "f1a", 413], [1040, "f1a", 513], [1050, "f1a", 413], [1060, "f1a", 313], [1070, "f1a", 213], [1080, "f1a", 113], [1100, "f1c", 113], [1100, "f1c", 313], [1100, "f1c", 513], [1150, "f1c", 263], [1150, "f1c", 363], [1150, "f1c", 463], [1200, "f1d", 213], [1200, "f1d", 413], [1250, "f1d", 113], [1250, "f1d", 313], [1250, "f1d", 513], [1300, "f1e", 213], [1300, "f1e", 413], [1350, "f1e", 113], [1350, "f1e", 313], [1350, "f1e", 513], [1400, "f1a", 113], [1400, "f1b", 213], [1400, "f1c", 313], [1400, "f1d", 413], [1400, "f1e", 513], [1450, "f1a", 513], [1450, "f1b", 413], [1450, "f1c", 313], [1450, "f1d", 213], [1450, "f1e", 113], [1500, "f1e", 313], [1555, "f1e", 213], [1555, "f1e", 413], [1600, "f1e", 113], [1600, "f1e", 513], [1650, "f1e", 213], [1650, "f1e", 413], [1700, "f1e", 313], [1750, "f1e", 163], [1750, "f1e", 463], [1800, "f1b", 113], [1800, "f1d", 213], [1800, "f1b", 313], [1800, "f1d", 413], [1800, "f1b", 513], [1900, "f1c", 113], [1900, "f1e", 213], [1900, "f1c", 313], [1900, "f1e", 413], [1900, "f1c", 513], [2000, "bossxtitle", 0], [2099, "bossfoemain", 0], [2100, "bossfoe", 0], [2130, "bossfoeenemy1", 0], [2130, "bossfoeenemy2", 0], [2130, "bossfoeabduction", 0]];
var totallevels = 1;
var currentweapon = "singlelazer";
var currentlevel = 1;
var cooldowntime = 4;
var guncooldown = 0;
var enemies = [];
var weapons = [];
var enemycount = 0;
var weaponcount = 0;
var currentenemies = [];
var levelposition = 0;
var gamepaused = false;
var lives = 0;
var tiem = 5;
var score = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(80)) {
gamepaused = !gamepaused;
if (!gamepaused) {
while ((currentenemies[0][0] <= levelposition) && (currentenemies.length > 0)) {
insertenemy(currentenemies[0][1], currentenemies[0][2], 0);
guncooldown = Math.max(0, guncooldown - 1);
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemysearch]).enemyaction();
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponsearch]).weaponaction();
if (Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(88)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = cooldowntime;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
ship._x = ship._x - 7;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
ship._x = ship._x + 7;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
ship._y = ship._y - 7;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
ship._y = ship._y + 7;
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation - 10;
if (Key.isDown(86)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation + 10;
if (ship._x <= 0) {
ship._x = 624;
if (ship._x >= 625) {
ship._x = 1;
if (ship._y <= 0) {
ship._y = 649;
if (ship._y >= 650) {
ship._y = 1;
Frame 13
function shootweapon() {
if (currentweapon == "singlelazer") {
this.attachMovie("lasercenter", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "broad") {
this.attachMovie("laserleft", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("lasercenter2", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("laserright", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "power") {
this.attachMovie("laserpower", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
function insertenemy(enemytype, xpos, ypos) {
this.attachMovie(enemytype, "enemy" + enemycount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xpos, _y:ypos});
enemies.push("enemy" + enemycount);
function removeenemy(enemyid) {
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
if (enemies[enemysearch] == enemyid) {
enemies.splice(enemysearch, 1);
eval (enemyid).removeMovieClip();
function removeweapon(weaponid) {
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
if (weapons[weaponsearch] == weaponid) {
weapons.splice(weaponsearch, 1);
eval (weaponid).removeMovieClip();
function addpoints(points) {
score = score + points;
function hitship() {
if (ship._currentframe == 1) {
if (ship._currentframe == 2) {
function respawnship() {
if (ship != undefined) {
this.attachMovie("ship", "ship", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height - 50});
function loselife() {
if (lives > 0) {
currentweapon = "singlelazer";
} else {
if (ship != undefined) {
function resetlevel() {
enemyloop = 0;
while (enemyloop < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemyloop]).removeMovieClip();
weaponloop = 0;
while (weaponloop < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponloop]).removeMovieClip();
enemies = [];
weapons = [];
enemycount = 0;
weaponcount = 0;
currentenemies = new Array().concat(eval (("level" + currentlevel) + "enemies"));
levelposition = 0;
if (ship != undefined) {
if (currentlevel > 0) {
this.attachMovie("showlevel", "showlevel", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function newgame() {
currentlevel = 1;
function showmainscreen() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("D1 Intro", "D1 Intro", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:450, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function losegame() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("lost2", "lost2", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function winlevel() {
if (totallevels >= currentlevel) {
} else {
this.attachMovie("dimensionycompletelun", "dimensionycompletelun", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function addtiem(points) {
tiem = tiem + points;
mySoundc = new Sound();
mySoundc.start(0, 999);
var level0enemies = [];
var level1enemies = [[0, "bulletwall1", -80], [0, "bulletwall2", 705], [0, "bulletwall3", 0], [0, "bulletwall4", 0], [0, "Dimension Y", 0], [100, "f1a", 13], [100, "f1a", 313], [100, "f1a", 613], [150, "f1a", 38], [150, "f1a", 288], [150, "f1a", 338], [150, "f1a", 588], [200, "f1a", 63], [200, "f1a", 263], [200, "f1a", 363], [200, "f1a", 563], [250, "f1a", 88], [250, "f1a", 238], [250, "f1a", 388], [250, "f1a", 538], [300, "f1a", 113], [300, "f1a", 213], [300, "f1a", 413], [300, "f1a", 513], [350, "f1a", 138], [350, "f1a", 188], [350, "f1a", 438], [350, "f1a", 488], [400, "f1a", 163], [400, "f1a", 463], [500, "f1a", 13], [500, "f1a", 38], [500, "f1a", 63], [500, "f1a", 88], [500, "f1a", 113], [500, "f1a", 138], [500, "f1a", 163], [500, "f1a", 188], [500, "f1a", 213], [500, "f1a", 238], [500, "f1a", 263], [500, "f1a", 288], [500, "f1a", 313], [500, "f1a", 338], [500, "f1a", 363], [500, "f1a", 388], [500, "f1a", 413], [500, "f1a", 438], [500, "f1a", 463], [500, "f1a", 488], [500, "f1a", 513], [500, "f1a", 538], [500, "f1a", 563], [500, "f1a", 588], [500, "f1a", 613], [550, "f1c", 38], [550, "f1c", 288], [550, "f1c", 338], [550, "f1c", 588], [600, "f1c", 63], [600, "f1c", 263], [600, "f1c", 363], [600, "f1c", 563], [650, "f1c", 88], [650, "f1c", 238], [650, "f1c", 388], [650, "f1c", 538], [700, "f1c", 113], [700, "f1c", 213], [700, "f1c", 413], [700, "f1c", 513], [750, "f1c", 138], [750, "f1c", 188], [750, "f1c", 438], [750, "f1c", 488], [800, "f1a", 163], [800, "f1a", 188], [800, "f1a", 213], [800, "f1a", 238], [800, "f1a", 263], [800, "f1a", 288], [800, "f1a", 313], [800, "f1a", 338], [800, "f1a", 363], [800, "f1a", 388], [800, "f1a", 413], [800, "f1a", 438], [800, "f1a", 463], [850, "f1c", 188], [850, "f1c", 438], [900, "f1c", 213], [900, "f1c", 413], [950, "f1c", 238], [950, "f1c", 388], [1000, "f1d", 263], [1000, "f1d", 363], [1050, "f1d", 288], [1050, "f1d", 338], [1100, "f1d", 313], [1150, "f1a", 113], [1150, "f1b", 213], [1150, "f1c", 313], [1150, "f1d", 413], [1150, "f1e", 513], [1200, "f1a", 113], [1200, "f1a", 213], [1200, "f1a", 313], [1200, "f1a", 413], [1200, "f1a", 513], [1200, "f2a", 113], [1200, "f2a", 213], [1200, "f2a", 313], [1200, "f2a", 413], [1200, "f2a", 513], [1300, "f1b", 113], [1300, "f1b", 213], [1300, "f1b", 313], [1300, "f1b", 413], [1300, "f1b", 513], [1300, "f2b", 113], [1300, "f2b", 213], [1300, "f2b", 313], [1300, "f2b", 413], [1300, "f2b", 513], [1400, "f1c", 113], [1400, "f1c", 213], [1400, "f1c", 313], [1400, "f1c", 413], [1400, "f1c", 513], [1400, "f2c", 113], [1400, "f2c", 213], [1400, "f2c", 313], [1400, "f2c", 413], [1400, "f2c", 513], [1500, "f1d", 113], [1500, "f1d", 213], [1500, "f1d", 313], [1500, "f1d", 413], [1500, "f1d", 513], [1500, "f2d", 113], [1500, "f2d", 213], [1500, "f2d", 313], [1500, "f2d", 413], [1500, "f2d", 513], [1600, "f1e", 113], [1600, "f1e", 213], [1600, "f1e", 313], [1600, "f1e", 413], [1600, "f1e", 513], [1600, "f2e", 113], [1600, "f2e", 213], [1600, "f2e", 313], [1600, "f2e", 413], [1600, "f2e", 513], [1700, "bossytitle", 0], [1799, "bosshavoce1", 0], [1799, "bosshavoce2", 0], [1800, "bosshavoc", 0]];
var totallevels = 1;
var currentweapon = "singlelazer";
var currentlevel = 1;
var cooldowntime = 4;
var guncooldown = 0;
var enemies = [];
var weapons = [];
var enemycount = 0;
var weaponcount = 0;
var currentenemies = [];
var levelposition = 0;
var gamepaused = false;
var lives = 0;
var tiem = 5;
var score = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(80)) {
gamepaused = !gamepaused;
if (!gamepaused) {
while ((currentenemies[0][0] <= levelposition) && (currentenemies.length > 0)) {
insertenemy(currentenemies[0][1], currentenemies[0][2], 0);
guncooldown = Math.max(0, guncooldown - 1);
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemysearch]).enemyaction();
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponsearch]).weaponaction();
if (Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(88)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = cooldowntime;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
ship._x = ship._x - 7;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
ship._x = ship._x + 7;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
ship._y = ship._y - 7;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
ship._y = ship._y + 7;
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation - 10;
if (Key.isDown(86)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation + 10;
if (ship._x <= 0) {
ship._x = 624;
if (ship._x >= 625) {
ship._x = 1;
if (ship._y <= 0) {
ship._y = 649;
if (ship._y >= 650) {
ship._y = 1;
Frame 14
function shootweapon() {
if (currentweapon == "singlelazer") {
this.attachMovie("lasercenter", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "broad") {
this.attachMovie("laserleft", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("lasercenter2", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
this.attachMovie("laserright", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
if (currentweapon == "power") {
this.attachMovie("laserpower", "weapons" + weaponcount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:ship._x, _y:ship._y, _rotation:ship._rotation});
weapons.push("weapons" + weaponcount);
function insertenemy(enemytype, xpos, ypos) {
this.attachMovie(enemytype, "enemy" + enemycount, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xpos, _y:ypos});
enemies.push("enemy" + enemycount);
function removeenemy(enemyid) {
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
if (enemies[enemysearch] == enemyid) {
enemies.splice(enemysearch, 1);
eval (enemyid).removeMovieClip();
function removeweapon(weaponid) {
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
if (weapons[weaponsearch] == weaponid) {
weapons.splice(weaponsearch, 1);
eval (weaponid).removeMovieClip();
function addpoints(points) {
score = score + points;
function hitship() {
if (ship._currentframe == 1) {
if (ship._currentframe == 2) {
function respawnship() {
if (ship != undefined) {
this.attachMovie("ship", "ship", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height - 50});
function loselife() {
if (lives > 0) {
currentweapon = "singlelazer";
} else {
if (ship != undefined) {
function resetlevel() {
enemyloop = 0;
while (enemyloop < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemyloop]).removeMovieClip();
weaponloop = 0;
while (weaponloop < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponloop]).removeMovieClip();
enemies = [];
weapons = [];
enemycount = 0;
weaponcount = 0;
currentenemies = new Array().concat(eval (("level" + currentlevel) + "enemies"));
levelposition = 0;
if (ship != undefined) {
if (currentlevel > 0) {
this.attachMovie("showlevel", "showlevel", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function newgame() {
currentlevel = 1;
function showmainscreen() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("D1 Intro", "D1 Intro", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:450, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function losegame() {
currentlevel = 0;
this.attachMovie("lost3", "lost3", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function winlevel() {
if (totallevels >= currentlevel) {
} else {
this.attachMovie("dimensionzcompletelun", "dimensionzcompletelun", this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:Stage.width / 2, _y:Stage.height / 3});
function addtiem(points) {
tiem = tiem + points;
mySoundc = new Sound();
mySoundc.start(0, 999);
var level0enemies = [];
var level1enemies = [[0, "bulletwall1", -80], [0, "bulletwall2", 705], [0, "bulletwall3", 0], [0, "bulletwall4", 0], [0, "Dimension Z", 0], [100, "f1f", 313], [100, "f1f", 413], [100, "f1f", 513], [150, "f2f", 313], [150, "f2f", 413], [150, "f2f", 513], [200, "f1f", 113], [200, "f1f", 213], [200, "f1f", 313], [200, "f1f", 413], [200, "f1f", 513], [250, "f2f", 113], [250, "f2f", 213], [250, "f2f", 313], [250, "f2f", 413], [250, "f2f", 513], [300, "f1f", 303], [300, "f1f", 313], [300, "f1f", 323], [302, "f1f", 308], [302, "f1f", 318], [304, "f1f", 313], [350, "f2f", 303], [350, "f2f", 313], [350, "f2f", 323], [352, "f2f", 308], [352, "f2f", 318], [354, "f2f", 333], [400, "f1g", 313], [425, "f2g", 313], [450, "f1g", 213], [450, "f2g", 213], [450, "f1g", 413], [450, "f2g", 413], [500, "f1a", 13], [500, "f1a", 38], [500, "f1a", 63], [500, "f1a", 88], [500, "f1a", 113], [500, "f1a", 138], [500, "f1a", 163], [500, "f1a", 188], [500, "f1a", 213], [500, "f1a", 238], [500, "f1a", 263], [500, "f1a", 288], [500, "f1a", 313], [500, "f1a", 338], [500, "f1a", 363], [500, "f1a", 388], [500, "f1a", 413], [500, "f1a", 438], [500, "f1a", 463], [500, "f1a", 488], [500, "f1a", 513], [500, "f1a", 538], [500, "f1a", 563], [500, "f1a", 588], [500, "f1a", 613], [500, "f2a", 13], [500, "f2a", 38], [500, "f2a", 63], [500, "f2a", 88], [500, "f2a", 113], [500, "f2a", 138], [500, "f2a", 163], [500, "f2a", 188], [500, "f2a", 213], [500, "f2a", 238], [500, "f2a", 263], [500, "f2a", 288], [500, "f2a", 313], [500, "f2a", 338], [500, "f2a", 363], [500, "f2a", 388], [500, "f2a", 413], [500, "f2a", 438], [500, "f2a", 463], [500, "f2a", 488], [500, "f2a", 513], [500, "f2a", 538], [500, "f2a", 563], [500, "f2a", 588], [500, "f2a", 613], [555, "f1g", 313], [555, "f2g", 313], [700, "f1g", 113], [700, "f1g", 213], [700, "f1g", 313], [700, "f1g", 413], [700, "f1g", 513], [800, "f1g", 113], [800, "f1g", 213], [800, "f1g", 313], [800, "f1g", 413], [800, "f1g", 513], [900, "f1h", 113], [900, "f1h", 213], [900, "f1h", 313], [900, "f1h", 413], [900, "f1h", 513], [1000, "f1h", 113], [1000, "f1h", 213], [1000, "f1h", 313], [1000, "f1h", 413], [1000, "f1h", 513], [1100, "f1i", 113], [1100, "f1i", 213], [1100, "f1i", 313], [1100, "f1i", 413], [1100, "f1i", 513], [1200, "f1i", 113], [1200, "f1i", 213], [1200, "f1i", 313], [1200, "f1i", 413], [1200, "f1i", 513], [1300, "f2j", 113], [1300, "f2j", 213], [1300, "f2j", 313], [1300, "f2j", 413], [1300, "f2j", 513], [1400, "f1j", 113], [1400, "f1j", 213], [1400, "f1j", 313], [1400, "f1j", 413], [1400, "f1j", 513], [1500, "musiccontainer", 0]];
var totallevels = 1;
var currentweapon = "singlelazer";
var currentlevel = 1;
var cooldowntime = 4;
var guncooldown = 0;
var enemies = [];
var weapons = [];
var enemycount = 0;
var weaponcount = 0;
var currentenemies = [];
var levelposition = 0;
var gamepaused = false;
var lives = 0;
var tiem = 25;
var score = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (Key.isDown(80)) {
gamepaused = !gamepaused;
if (!gamepaused) {
while ((currentenemies[0][0] <= levelposition) && (currentenemies.length > 0)) {
insertenemy(currentenemies[0][1], currentenemies[0][2], 0);
guncooldown = Math.max(0, guncooldown - 1);
enemysearch = 0;
while (enemysearch < enemies.length) {
eval (enemies[enemysearch]).enemyaction();
weaponsearch = 0;
while (weaponsearch < weapons.length) {
eval (weapons[weaponsearch]).weaponaction();
if (Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(88)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = cooldowntime;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
ship._x = ship._x - 7;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
ship._x = ship._x + 7;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
ship._y = ship._y - 7;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
ship._y = ship._y + 7;
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation - 10;
if (Key.isDown(86)) {
ship._rotation = ship._rotation + 10;
if (ship._x <= 0) {
ship._x = 624;
if (ship._x >= 625) {
ship._x = 1;
if (ship._y <= 0) {
ship._y = 649;
if (ship._y >= 650) {
ship._y = 1;
Frame 15
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(9));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("0");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("1");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("2");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("3");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndPlay ("4");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndPlay ("5");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndPlay ("6");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndPlay ("7");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndPlay ("8");
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 38
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(11));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("0");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("1");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndStop ("2");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndStop ("3");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndStop ("4");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndStop ("5");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndStop ("6");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndStop ("7");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndStop ("8");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndStop ("9");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndStop ("10");
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 25 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(24));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("0");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("1");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("2");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("3");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndPlay ("4");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndPlay ("5");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndPlay ("6");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndPlay ("7");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndPlay ("8");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndPlay ("9");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("10");
if (randomattack == 11) {
gotoAndPlay ("11");
if (randomattack == 12) {
gotoAndPlay ("12");
if (randomattack == 13) {
gotoAndPlay ("13");
if (randomattack == 14) {
gotoAndPlay ("14");
if (randomattack == 15) {
gotoAndPlay ("15");
if (randomattack == 16) {
gotoAndPlay ("16");
if (randomattack == 17) {
gotoAndPlay ("17");
if (randomattack == 18) {
gotoAndPlay ("18");
if (randomattack == 19) {
gotoAndPlay ("19");
if (randomattack == 20) {
gotoAndPlay ("20");
if (randomattack == 21) {
gotoAndPlay ("21");
if (randomattack == 22) {
gotoAndPlay ("22");
if (randomattack == 23) {
gotoAndPlay ("23");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 2
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 11
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 12
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 21
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 22
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 31
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 32
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 41
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 42
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 10));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 51
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 52
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 10));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 61
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 62
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 10));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 71
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 72
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 10));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 81
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 82
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 10));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 91
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 92
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 10));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 101
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 102
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 10));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 111
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 112
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 10));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 121
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 122
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 5));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 131
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 132
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 5));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 141
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 142
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 5));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 151
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 152
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 5));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 161
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 162
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 5));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 171
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 172
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 5));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 181
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 182
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 5));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 191
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 192
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 15));
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 5));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 201
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 202
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 211
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 212
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 221
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 222
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 231
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 232
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - (Math.random() * 15));
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 241
gotoAndPlay ("end");
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 242
Symbol 28 MovieClip [explodep] Frame 243
Symbol 31 MovieClip [laserright] Frame 1
function weaponaction() {
if ((_y + _height) < 0) {
curenemy = 0;
while (curenemy < _parent.enemies.length) {
if (!eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehitareas) {
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".d1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall2"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall3"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall4"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
} else if (eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehittests(_name, weaponstrength)) {
weaponstrength = 1;
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip "newBullet" in Symbol 31 MovieClip [laserright] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 31 MovieClip [laserright] Frame 15
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 32 MovieClip [laserleft] Frame 1
function weaponaction() {
if ((_y + _height) < 0) {
curenemy = 0;
while (curenemy < _parent.enemies.length) {
if (!eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehitareas) {
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".d1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall2"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall3"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall4"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
} else if (eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehittests(_name, weaponstrength)) {
weaponstrength = 1;
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip "newBullet" in Symbol 32 MovieClip [laserleft] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 32 MovieClip [laserleft] Frame 15
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 34 MovieClip [lasercenter2] Frame 1
function weaponaction() {
if ((_y + _height) < 0) {
curenemy = 0;
while (curenemy < _parent.enemies.length) {
if (!eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehitareas) {
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".d1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall2"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall3"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall4"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
} else if (eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehittests(_name, weaponstrength)) {
weaponstrength = 1;
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip "newBullet" in Symbol 34 MovieClip [lasercenter2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 34 MovieClip [lasercenter2] Frame 15
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 36 MovieClip [laserpower] Frame 1
function weaponaction() {
if ((_y + _height) < 0) {
curenemy = 0;
while (curenemy < _parent.enemies.length) {
if (!eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehitareas) {
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".d1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall2"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall3"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall4"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
} else if (eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehittests(_name, weaponstrength)) {
weaponstrength = 3;
Symbol 36 MovieClip [laserpower] Frame 21
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 44 MovieClip [coin] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
if (q.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 44 MovieClip [coin] Frame 2
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("mc3", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 44 MovieClip [coin] Frame 101
Symbol 44 MovieClip [coin] Frame 102
Symbol 79 MovieClip [Boss Complete] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 79 MovieClip [Boss Complete] Frame 2
mySoundy = new Sound();
mySoundy.start(0, 0);
Symbol 79 MovieClip [Boss Complete] Frame 15
Symbol 79 MovieClip [Boss Complete] Frame 16
Symbol 91 MovieClip [Dimension Complete] Frame 1
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore("score3", _root.score, function (response) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The score was submitted successfully");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 91 MovieClip [Dimension Complete] Frame 2
mySoundy = new Sound();
mySoundy.start(0, 0);
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("comp3", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 91 MovieClip [Dimension Complete] Frame 15
Symbol 91 MovieClip [Dimension Complete] Frame 16
Symbol 100 MovieClip [foelaser] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 100 MovieClip [foelaser] Frame 30
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r10.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r11.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r12.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r13.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r14.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r15.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r16.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r17.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r18.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r19.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r20.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r21.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r22.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r23.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r24.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r25.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r26.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r27.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r28.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r29.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r30.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r31.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r32.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 100 MovieClip [foelaser] Frame 50
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 2
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 3
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 4
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 5
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 6
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 7
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 8
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 9
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 10
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 11
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 12
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 13
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 14
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 16
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 17
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 18
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 19
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 20
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 21
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 22
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 23
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 24
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 25
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 26
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 27
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 28
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 29
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 45
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r10.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r11.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r12.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r13.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r14.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r15.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r16.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r17.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r18.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r19.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r20.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r21.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r22.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r23.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r24.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r25.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r26.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r27.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r28.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r29.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r30.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r31.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r32.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 112 MovieClip [bossfinalmoonlaser] Frame 65
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 116 MovieClip [bossfinalbullet2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 12;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 116 MovieClip [bossfinalbullet2] Frame 2
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 12;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 116 MovieClip [bossfinalbullet2] Frame 31
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 188 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 192 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 193 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 198 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 202 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 225 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 248 MovieClip Frame 295
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (meteor1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (meteor2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (laserfinal1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (laserfinal2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (laserfinal3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
startx = _x;
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 2
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.bossfinal.final555)) {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 90
randomattack = int(random(11));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("a1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("a2");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("a3");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("a4");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndPlay ("a5");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndPlay ("a6");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndPlay ("a7");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndPlay ("a8");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndPlay ("a9");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndPlay ("a10");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("a11");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 91
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (meteor1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (meteor2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 226
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 227
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (laserfinal1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (laserfinal2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (laserfinal3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (laserfinal4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (laserfinal5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
startx = _x;
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 286
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 287
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (blackhole.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 3);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 3);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 3);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 3);
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.zahit)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 3);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.zahit)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 3);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.zahit)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 3);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.zahit)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 3);
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 437
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 438
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (ball.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 580
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 581
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (plus.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (minus.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (times.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (divide.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (pi.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 683
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 684
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (c1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c10.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c11.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c12.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c13.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c14.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c15.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c16.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c17.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (c18.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (lfn.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 803
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 804
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (q1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q10.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (q11.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 884
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 885
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 5555555 /* 0x54C563 */;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfinalbullet2", _x + 45.8, _y + 68.5);
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 889
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 969
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 5555555 /* 0x54C563 */;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfinalmoonlaser", _x + 50, _y + 115);
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 1061
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 1105
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (shooplazah.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 1153
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 1154
function enemyaction() {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (final2.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (zio555.hitTest(_parent.final555.hitarea)) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
if (za.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (za2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 1338
gotoAndPlay ("a0");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 1339
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
Symbol 249 MovieClip [bossfinal2] Frame 1340
Symbol 258 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 259 MovieClip [boss4] Frame 1
_y = 30;
Symbol 259 MovieClip [boss4] Frame 56
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("boss4bullet1", _x - 0.2, _y + 26.6);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 5);
} else {
_x = (_x - 5);
if (boss4r0.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
health = 125;
guncooldown = 20;
Symbol 259 MovieClip [boss4] Frame 58
Symbol 259 MovieClip [boss4] Frame 66
Symbol 265 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 266 MovieClip [bossptbullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 15;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 61
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 61
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 272 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 273 MovieClip [bosspt1] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("bossptbullet", _x, _y);
_x = (_x + 7);
_y = (_y - 10);
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_x = 5;
if (_x < 4) {
_x = (Stage.width - 5);
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = 5;
if (_y < 4) {
_y = (Stage.height - 5);
if (shine.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
xrotation = _x - _parent.ship._x;
yrotation = -(_y - _parent.ship._y);
totalrotation = Math.atan(yrotation / xrotation);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_rotation = (90 - ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180));
} else {
_rotation = (-(90 + ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180)));
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
health = 5555555 /* 0x54C563 */;
guncooldown = 15;
Symbol 273 MovieClip [bosspt1] Frame 3
Symbol 273 MovieClip [bosspt1] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
time5 = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (time5 == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 273 MovieClip [bosspt1] Frame 11
Symbol 273 MovieClip [bosspt1] Frame 12
Symbol 277 MovieClip [D1 Boss Win] Frame 1
my_sound5 = new Sound();
my_sound5.start(0, 0);
my_sound5.onSoundComplete = function () {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 277 MovieClip [D1 Boss Win] Frame 2
my_sound5a = new Sound();
my_sound5a.start(0, 99999);
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 277 MovieClip [D1 Boss Win] Frame 32
Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 282 MovieClip [star3] Frame 1
newspeedandsize = (Math.random() * 5) + 1;
speed = newspeedandsize;
_width = newspeedandsize;
_height = newspeedandsize;
_y = (Math.random() * Stage.height);
_x = (Math.random() * Stage.width);
Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 45
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 286 MovieClip [m1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = ((_x + xmov) + 1);
_y = ((_y + ymov) + 1);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 15;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 287 MovieClip [D1 Intro] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 290 MovieClip [bulletwall4] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
health = 100000000000;
_y = 115;
Symbol 293 MovieClip [bulletwall2] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
health = 100000000000;
startx = _x;
Symbol 294 MovieClip [bulletwall3] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
health = 100000000000;
_y = -175;
Symbol 295 MovieClip [bulletwall1] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
health = 100000000000;
_y = 65;
Symbol 307 MovieClip Frame 45
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 45
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 313 MovieClip Frame 45
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 347 MovieClip Frame 195
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 1
time7 = 115;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (time7 == 0) {
gotoAndStop (3);
a = 9;
b = 18;
c = 27;
duplicateMovieClip (mission, "mission", c);
mission._x = random(a);
mission._y = random(b);
mission._alpha = random(85);
mission._rotation = random(a);
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 3
a = 0;
b = 0;
c = 0;
duplicateMovieClip (mission, "mission", c);
mission._x = random(a);
mission._y = random(b);
mission._alpha = 0;
mission._rotation = 0;
Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay (109);
Symbol 360 MovieClip Frame 82
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
_x = _x;
_y = _y;
function enemyaction() {
if (time0 == 0) {
time0 = 105;
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (life == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (32);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 35;
_parent.insertenemy("m1", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 35;
_parent.insertenemy("m2", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown3 == 0) {
guncooldown3 = 35;
_parent.insertenemy("m3", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown4 == 0) {
guncooldown4 = 35;
_parent.insertenemy("m4", _x, _y);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 5);
} else {
_x = (_x - 5);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 5);
} else {
_y = (_y - 5);
if (_x <= 0) {
_x = 624;
if (_x >= 625) {
_x = 1;
if (_y <= 15) {
_y = 645;
if (_y >= 650) {
_y = 20;
if (bossmission.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
xrotation = _x - _parent.ship._x;
yrotation = -(_y - _parent.ship._y);
totalrotation = Math.atan(yrotation / xrotation);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_rotation = (90 - ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180));
} else {
_rotation = (-(90 + ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180)));
health = 1000;
guncooldown = 5;
guncooldown2 = 15;
guncooldown3 = 25;
guncooldown4 = 35;
time0 = 55;
life = 5;
_y = 200;
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 3
function enemyaction() {
if (time0 == 0) {
time0 = 105;
gotoAndPlay (4);
if (life == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (32);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 35;
_parent.insertenemy("m1", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 35;
_parent.insertenemy("m2", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown3 == 0) {
guncooldown3 = 35;
_parent.insertenemy("m3", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown4 == 0) {
guncooldown4 = 35;
_parent.insertenemy("m4", _x, _y);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 5);
} else {
_x = (_x - 5);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 5);
} else {
_y = (_y - 5);
if (_x <= 0) {
_x = 624;
if (_x >= 625) {
_x = 1;
if (_y <= 15) {
_y = 645;
if (_y >= 650) {
_y = 20;
if (bossmission.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
xrotation = _x - _parent.ship._x;
yrotation = -(_y - _parent.ship._y);
totalrotation = Math.atan(yrotation / xrotation);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_rotation = (90 - ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180));
} else {
_rotation = (-(90 + ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180)));
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 16
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 17
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (life == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 22
_x = ((Math.random() * 575) + 50);
_y = ((Math.random() * 525) + 125);
guncooldown55 = 55555;
onEnterFrame = function () {
xrotation = _x - _parent.ship._x;
yrotation = -(_y - _parent.ship._y);
totalrotation = Math.atan(yrotation / xrotation);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_rotation = (90 - ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180));
} else {
_rotation = (-(90 + ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180)));
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 31
gotoAndStop (3);
guncooldown = 5;
guncooldown2 = 15;
guncooldown3 = 25;
guncooldown4 = 35;
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 32
function enemyaction() {
if (guncooldown55 == 0) {
guncooldown55 = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfinalninebomb", _x, _y);
guncooldown55 = 15;
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 172
gotoAndPlay (22);
time0 = 55;
life = 5;
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 173
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("m5ss5on555", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
function enemyaction() {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 0);
} else {
_y = (_y - 0);
onEnterFrame = function () {
xrotation = _x - _parent.ship._x;
yrotation = -(_y - _parent.ship._y);
totalrotation = Math.atan(yrotation / xrotation);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_rotation = _rotation;
} else {
_rotation = _rotation;
time0 = 5555555555;
life = 5555555555;
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown55 = 55555;
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 500
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 501
Symbol 363 MovieClip [bossmission] Frame 502
Symbol 364 MovieClip [m2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = ((_x + xmov) - 1);
_y = ((_y + ymov) - 1);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 11;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 365 MovieClip [m4] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = ((_x + xmov) + 3);
_y = ((_y + ymov) + 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 11;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 366 MovieClip [bosspt2] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("bossptbullet2", _x, _y);
_x = (_x + 7);
_y = (_y + 10);
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_x = 5;
if (_x < 4) {
_x = (Stage.width - 5);
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = 5;
if (_y < 4) {
_y = (Stage.height - 5);
if (boss4spr0.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
xrotation = _x - _parent.ship._x;
yrotation = -(_y - _parent.ship._y);
totalrotation = Math.atan(yrotation / xrotation);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_rotation = (90 - ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180));
} else {
_rotation = (-(90 + ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180)));
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
health = 5555555 /* 0x54C563 */;
guncooldown = 15;
Symbol 366 MovieClip [bosspt2] Frame 3
Symbol 366 MovieClip [bosspt2] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
time5 = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (time5 == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 366 MovieClip [bosspt2] Frame 11
Symbol 366 MovieClip [bosspt2] Frame 12
Symbol 367 MovieClip [bosspt3] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("bossptbullet", _x, _y);
_x = (_x - 7);
_y = (_y + 10);
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_x = 5;
if (_x < 4) {
_x = (Stage.width - 5);
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = 5;
if (_y < 4) {
_y = (Stage.height - 5);
if (boss4spr0.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
xrotation = _x - _parent.ship._x;
yrotation = -(_y - _parent.ship._y);
totalrotation = Math.atan(yrotation / xrotation);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_rotation = (90 - ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180));
} else {
_rotation = (-(90 + ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180)));
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
health = 5555555 /* 0x54C563 */;
guncooldown = 15;
Symbol 367 MovieClip [bosspt3] Frame 3
Symbol 367 MovieClip [bosspt3] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown = 55555;
time5 = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (time5 == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 367 MovieClip [bosspt3] Frame 11
Symbol 367 MovieClip [bosspt3] Frame 12
Symbol 368 MovieClip [bosspt4] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("bossptbullet2", _x, _y);
_x = (_x - 7);
_y = (_y - 10);
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_x = 5;
if (_x < 4) {
_x = (Stage.width - 5);
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = 5;
if (_y < 4) {
_y = (Stage.height - 5);
if (boss4spr0.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
xrotation = _x - _parent.ship._x;
yrotation = -(_y - _parent.ship._y);
totalrotation = Math.atan(yrotation / xrotation);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_rotation = (90 - ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180));
} else {
_rotation = (-(90 + ((totalrotation / 3.141593) * 180)));
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
health = 5555555 /* 0x54C563 */;
guncooldown = 15;
Symbol 368 MovieClip [bosspt4] Frame 3
Symbol 368 MovieClip [bosspt4] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
time5 = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (time5 == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 368 MovieClip [bosspt4] Frame 11
Symbol 368 MovieClip [bosspt4] Frame 12
Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 370 MovieClip [bossptbullet2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 15;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 371 MovieClip [m3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = ((_x + xmov) - 3);
_y = ((_y + ymov) - 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 11;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 374 MovieClip [bossfinalninebomb] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = _parent.ship._x;
_y = _parent.ship._y;
Symbol 374 MovieClip [bossfinalninebomb] Frame 2
function enemyaction() {
_x = _parent.ship._x;
_y = _parent.ship._y;
Symbol 374 MovieClip [bossfinalninebomb] Frame 3
function enemyaction() {
_x = _x;
_y = _y;
Symbol 374 MovieClip [bossfinalninebomb] Frame 46
function enemyaction() {
_x = _x;
_y = _y;
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 374 MovieClip [bossfinalninebomb] Frame 54
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 10);
_y = (_y + 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(11));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndStop ("c");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndStop ("d");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndStop ("e");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndStop ("f");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndStop ("g");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndStop ("h");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndStop ("i");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndStop ("j");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndStop ("k");
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 378 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(35));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("2");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndStop ("3");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndStop ("4");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndStop ("5");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndStop ("6");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndStop ("7");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndStop ("8");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndStop ("9");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndStop ("10");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndStop ("11");
if (randomattack == 11) {
gotoAndStop ("12");
if (randomattack == 12) {
gotoAndStop ("13");
if (randomattack == 13) {
gotoAndStop ("14");
if (randomattack == 14) {
gotoAndStop ("15");
if (randomattack == 15) {
gotoAndStop ("16");
if (randomattack == 16) {
gotoAndStop ("17");
if (randomattack == 17) {
gotoAndStop ("18");
if (randomattack == 18) {
gotoAndStop ("19");
if (randomattack == 19) {
gotoAndStop ("20");
if (randomattack == 20) {
gotoAndStop ("21");
if (randomattack == 21) {
gotoAndStop ("22");
if (randomattack == 22) {
gotoAndStop ("23");
if (randomattack == 23) {
gotoAndStop ("24");
if (randomattack == 24) {
gotoAndStop ("25");
if (randomattack == 25) {
gotoAndStop ("26");
if (randomattack == 26) {
gotoAndStop ("27");
if (randomattack == 27) {
gotoAndStop ("28");
if (randomattack == 28) {
gotoAndStop ("29");
if (randomattack == 29) {
gotoAndStop ("30");
if (randomattack == 30) {
gotoAndStop ("31");
if (randomattack == 31) {
gotoAndStop ("32");
if (randomattack == 32) {
gotoAndStop ("33");
if (randomattack == 33) {
gotoAndStop ("34");
if (randomattack == 34) {
gotoAndStop ("35");
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 29
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 34
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 417 MovieClip Frame 37
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 437 MovieClip [d1a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 1);
} else {
_x = (_x - 1);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
Symbol 437 MovieClip [d1a] Frame 3
Symbol 437 MovieClip [d1a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 437 MovieClip [d1a] Frame 24
Symbol 444 MovieClip [d3a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 30;
_parent.insertenemy("d3bullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("d3bullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("d3bullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("d3bullet4", _x, _y);
health = 3;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 35;
Symbol 444 MovieClip [d3a] Frame 3
Symbol 444 MovieClip [d3a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 444 MovieClip [d3a] Frame 24
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 451 MovieClip [d4a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 3);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 30;
_parent.insertenemy("d4bullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("d4bullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("d4bullet3", _x, _y);
health = 4;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 30;
Symbol 451 MovieClip [d4a] Frame 3
Symbol 451 MovieClip [d4a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 451 MovieClip [d4a] Frame 24
Symbol 457 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 458 MovieClip [d5a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 30;
_parent.insertenemy("d5bullet1", _x - 20, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("d5bullet2", _x + 20, _y);
health = 5;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 30;
Symbol 458 MovieClip [d5a] Frame 3
Symbol 458 MovieClip [d5a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 458 MovieClip [d5a] Frame 24
Symbol 464 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 465 MovieClip [d6a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 10;
_parent.insertenemy("d6bullet1", _x, _y);
health = 6;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 10;
Symbol 465 MovieClip [d6a] Frame 3
Symbol 465 MovieClip [d6a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 465 MovieClip [d6a] Frame 24
Symbol 472 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 474 MovieClip [d7a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_y < 0) {
_y = (_y - 3);
health = 10;
startx = _x;
_y = 624;
Symbol 474 MovieClip [d7a] Frame 3
Symbol 474 MovieClip [d7a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 474 MovieClip [d7a] Frame 24
Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 491 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 493 MovieClip [d8bullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((__y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 15;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 494 MovieClip [d8a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 4);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 4);
} else {
_x = (_x - 4);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 5;
_parent.insertenemy("d8bullet", _x + 17.9, _y - 13.4);
health = 8;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 5;
Symbol 494 MovieClip [d8a] Frame 3
Symbol 494 MovieClip [d8a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 494 MovieClip [d8a] Frame 9
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("dom3", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 494 MovieClip [d8a] Frame 24
Symbol 499 MovieClip [d9a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 5;
_parent.insertenemy("d9bullet", _x, _y);
health = 15;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 5;
Symbol 499 MovieClip [d9a] Frame 3
Symbol 499 MovieClip [d9a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 499 MovieClip [d9a] Frame 24
Symbol 506 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 509 MovieClip Frame 35
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 510 MovieClip Frame 35
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 513 MovieClip [d10a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 10);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 5);
} else {
_x = (_x - 5);
health = 5;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 5;
Symbol 513 MovieClip [d10a] Frame 3
Symbol 513 MovieClip [d10a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 513 MovieClip [d10a] Frame 24
Symbol 517 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 519 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 520 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
Symbol 520 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 520 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 521 MovieClip [d1bullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 524 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 527 MovieClip [d2bullet1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 529 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(11));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndStop ("c");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndStop ("d");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndStop ("e");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndStop ("f");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndStop ("g");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndStop ("h");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndStop ("i");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndStop ("j");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndStop ("k");
Symbol 531 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("2");
Symbol 531 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 531 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 532 MovieClip [d3bullet2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 533 MovieClip [d3bullet3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 537 MovieClip [Wave 4] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 537 MovieClip [Wave 4] Frame 91
Symbol 541 MovieClip [Wave 5] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 541 MovieClip [Wave 5] Frame 91
Symbol 543 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 544 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 545 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 546 MovieClip [d5bullet1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 546 MovieClip [d5bullet1] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 546 MovieClip [d5bullet1] Frame 31
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 547 MovieClip [d5bullet2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 547 MovieClip [d5bullet2] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 547 MovieClip [d5bullet2] Frame 31
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 549 MovieClip [d6bullet1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((__y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 10;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 550 MovieClip [d7bullet1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 551 MovieClip [d7bullet2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 552 MovieClip [d7bullet3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 553 MovieClip [d7bullet4] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 554 MovieClip [d7bullet5] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 555 MovieClip [d7bullet6] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 556 MovieClip [d7bullet7] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 557 MovieClip [d7bullet8] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 559 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 560 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 561 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
Symbol 561 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 561 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(19));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndStop ("c");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndStop ("d");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndStop ("e");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndStop ("f");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndStop ("g");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndStop ("h");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndStop ("i");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndStop ("j");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndStop ("k");
if (randomattack == 11) {
gotoAndStop ("l");
if (randomattack == 12) {
gotoAndStop ("m");
if (randomattack == 13) {
gotoAndStop ("n");
if (randomattack == 14) {
gotoAndStop ("o");
if (randomattack == 15) {
gotoAndStop ("p");
if (randomattack == 16) {
gotoAndStop ("q");
if (randomattack == 17) {
gotoAndStop ("r");
if (randomattack == 18) {
gotoAndStop ("s");
if (randomattack == 19) {
gotoAndStop ("t");
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 2
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 0);
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 3
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 2);
_y = (_y + 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 4
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 3);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 5
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y + 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 6
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 5);
_y = (_y + 2);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 7
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 7);
_y = (_y + 0);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 8
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 5);
_y = (_y - 2);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 9
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y - 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 10
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 3);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 11
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 2);
_y = (_y - 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 12
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 0);
_y = (_y - 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 13
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 2);
_y = (_y - 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 14
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 3);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y - 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 16
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 5);
_y = (_y - 2);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 17
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 7);
_y = (_y + 0);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 18
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 5);
_y = (_y + 2);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 19
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y + 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 20
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 3);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 21
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 2);
_y = (_y + 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 562 MovieClip [d9bullet] Frame 22
Symbol 563 MovieClip [d3bullet4] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 567 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 568 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 569 MovieClip [d4bullet1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 570 MovieClip [d4bullet2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 571 MovieClip [d4bullet3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 575 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 577 MovieClip [d3bossbullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((__y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 12;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 578 MovieClip [d3acoin] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 30;
_parent.insertenemy("d3bullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("d3bullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("d3bullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("d3bullet4", _x, _y);
health = 3;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 35;
Symbol 578 MovieClip [d3acoin] Frame 3
Symbol 578 MovieClip [d3acoin] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 578 MovieClip [d3acoin] Frame 9
_parent.insertenemy("coin", _x, _y);
Symbol 578 MovieClip [d3acoin] Frame 24
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 160
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 584 MovieClip [bwdwb1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 6;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 585 MovieClip [bwdwb2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 11;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 586 MovieClip [bwdwb3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 16;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 587 MovieClip [bwdwb4] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 21;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 588 MovieClip [bwdwb5] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 26;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 591 MovieClip [bossxiwhiteout] Frame 96
Symbol 591 MovieClip [bossxiwhiteout] Frame 97
Symbol 593 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 594 MovieClip [dbullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea2)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 5;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 594 MovieClip [dbullet] Frame 2
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 594 MovieClip [dbullet] Frame 3
Symbol 603 MovieClip Frame 160
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 612 MovieClip [bossweegeedoll] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 166;
Symbol 612 MovieClip [bossweegeedoll] Frame 31
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 19;
_parent.insertenemy("bwdwb1", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 32;
_parent.insertenemy("bwdwb2", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown3 == 0) {
guncooldown3 = 47;
_parent.insertenemy("bwdwb3", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown4 == 0) {
guncooldown4 = 55;
_parent.insertenemy("bwdwb4", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown5 == 0) {
guncooldown5 = 66;
_parent.insertenemy("bwdwb5", _x, _y);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 3);
} else {
_y = (_y - 3);
health = 666;
guncooldown = 19;
guncooldown2 = 32;
guncooldown3 = 47;
guncooldown4 = 55;
guncooldown5 = 66;
Symbol 612 MovieClip [bossweegeedoll] Frame 33
Symbol 612 MovieClip [bossweegeedoll] Frame 34
function enemyaction() {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 0);
} else {
_y = (_y - 0);
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
guncooldown5 = 55555;
Symbol 612 MovieClip [bossweegeedoll] Frame 100
function enemyaction() {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 0);
} else {
_y = (_y - 0);
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
guncooldown5 = 55555;
Symbol 612 MovieClip [bossweegeedoll] Frame 135
Symbol 622 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 624 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 625 MovieClip [bossweegeedolldiamonds] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 625 MovieClip [bossweegeedolldiamonds] Frame 31
function enemyaction() {
if (guncooldown1 == 0) {
guncooldown1 = 111;
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 26.6, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 78.7, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 130.8, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 182.8, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 234.9, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 287, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 339.1, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 391.2, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 443.3, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 495.4, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 547.4, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 599.5, _y + 37.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 599.5, _y + 118.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 599.5, _y + 200);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 599.5, _y + 282);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 599.5, _y + 365);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 599.5, _y + 448);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 599.5, _y + 531);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 26.6, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 78.7, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 130.8, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 182.8, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 234.9, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 287, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 339.1, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 391.2, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 443.3, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 495.4, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 547.4, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 599.5, _y + 612.6);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 26.6, _y + 118.8);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 26.6, _y + 200);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 26.6, _y + 282);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 26.6, _y + 365);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 26.6, _y + 448);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 26.6, _y + 531);
_parent.insertenemy("dbullet", _x + 26.6, _y + 612.6);
if (hitareadm1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (hitareadm2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (hitareadm3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (hitareadm4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
health = 555555555 /* 0x211D1AE3 */;
guncooldown1 = 111;
Symbol 625 MovieClip [bossweegeedolldiamonds] Frame 32
guncooldown1 = 55555;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 625 MovieClip [bossweegeedolldiamonds] Frame 33
Symbol 633 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 634 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b1");
Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 638 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(8));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("b");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("c");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("d");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndPlay ("e");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndPlay ("f");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndPlay ("g");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndPlay ("h");
Symbol 638 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 639 MovieClip [c100] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 25;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 640 MovieClip [c1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 25);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 641 MovieClip [c99] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 23);
_y = (_y - 2);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 642 MovieClip [c98] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 22);
_y = (_y - 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 643 MovieClip [c97] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 21);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 644 MovieClip [c96] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 20);
_y = (_y - 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 645 MovieClip [c95] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 19);
_y = (_y - 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 646 MovieClip [c94] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 18);
_y = (_y - 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 647 MovieClip [c93] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 17);
_y = (_y - 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 648 MovieClip [c92] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 16);
_y = (_y - 9);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 649 MovieClip [c91] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 15);
_y = (_y - 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 650 MovieClip [c90] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 14);
_y = (_y - 11);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 651 MovieClip [c89] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 24);
_y = (_y - 1);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 652 MovieClip [c88] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12.5);
_y = (_y - 12.5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 653 MovieClip [c87] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 11);
_y = (_y - 14);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 654 MovieClip [c86] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 10);
_y = (_y - 15);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 655 MovieClip [c85] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 9);
_y = (_y - 16);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 656 MovieClip [c84] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 8);
_y = (_y - 17);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 657 MovieClip [c83] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 7);
_y = (_y - 18);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 658 MovieClip [c82] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 6);
_y = (_y - 19);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 659 MovieClip [c81] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 5);
_y = (_y - 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 660 MovieClip [c80] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y - 21);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 661 MovieClip [c79] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 3);
_y = (_y - 22);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 662 MovieClip [c78] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 2);
_y = (_y - 23);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 663 MovieClip [c77] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 1);
_y = (_y - 24);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 664 MovieClip [c76] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 24);
_y = (_y - 1);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 665 MovieClip [c75] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 23);
_y = (_y - 2);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 666 MovieClip [c74] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 22);
_y = (_y - 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 667 MovieClip [c73] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 21);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 668 MovieClip [c72] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 20);
_y = (_y - 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 669 MovieClip [c71] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 19);
_y = (_y - 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 670 MovieClip [c70] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 18);
_y = (_y - 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 671 MovieClip [c69] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 17);
_y = (_y - 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 672 MovieClip [c68] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 16);
_y = (_y - 9);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 673 MovieClip [c67] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 15);
_y = (_y - 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 674 MovieClip [c66] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 14);
_y = (_y - 11);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 675 MovieClip [c65] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 13);
_y = (_y - 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 676 MovieClip [c64] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y - 13);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 677 MovieClip [c63] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 11);
_y = (_y - 14);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 678 MovieClip [c62] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 10);
_y = (_y - 15);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 679 MovieClip [c61] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 9);
_y = (_y - 16);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 680 MovieClip [c60] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 8);
_y = (_y - 17);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 681 MovieClip [c59] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 7);
_y = (_y - 18);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 682 MovieClip [c58] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 6);
_y = (_y - 19);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 683 MovieClip [c57] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 5);
_y = (_y - 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 684 MovieClip [c56] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y - 21);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 685 MovieClip [c55] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 3);
_y = (_y - 22);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 686 MovieClip [c54] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 2);
_y = (_y - 23);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 687 MovieClip [c53] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 1);
_y = (_y - 24);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 688 MovieClip [c52] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 25);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 689 MovieClip [c51] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 25);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 690 MovieClip [c50] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 24);
_y = (_y + 1);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 691 MovieClip [c49] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 23);
_y = (_y + 2);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 692 MovieClip [c48] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 22);
_y = (_y + 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 693 MovieClip [c47] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 21);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 694 MovieClip [c46] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 20);
_y = (_y + 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 695 MovieClip [c45] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 19);
_y = (_y + 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 696 MovieClip [c44] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 18);
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 697 MovieClip [c43] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 17);
_y = (_y + 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 698 MovieClip [c42] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 16);
_y = (_y + 9);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 699 MovieClip [c41] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 15);
_y = (_y + 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 700 MovieClip [c40] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 14);
_y = (_y + 11);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 701 MovieClip [c39] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 13);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 702 MovieClip [c38] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12);
_y = (_y + 13);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 703 MovieClip [c37] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 11);
_y = (_y + 14);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 704 MovieClip [c36] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 10);
_y = (_y + 15);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 705 MovieClip [c35] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 9);
_y = (_y + 16);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 706 MovieClip [c34] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 8);
_y = (_y + 17);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 707 MovieClip [c33] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 7);
_y = (_y + 18);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 708 MovieClip [c32] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 6);
_y = (_y + 19);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 709 MovieClip [c31] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 5);
_y = (_y + 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 710 MovieClip [c30] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y + 21);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 711 MovieClip [c29] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 3);
_y = (_y + 22);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 712 MovieClip [c28] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 2);
_y = (_y + 23);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 713 MovieClip [c27] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 1);
_y = (_y + 24);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 714 MovieClip [c26] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 25);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 715 MovieClip [c25] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 24);
_y = (_y + 1);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 716 MovieClip [c24] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 23);
_y = (_y + 2);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 717 MovieClip [c23] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 22);
_y = (_y + 3);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 718 MovieClip [c22] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 21);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 719 MovieClip [c21] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 20);
_y = (_y + 5);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 720 MovieClip [c20] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 19);
_y = (_y + 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 721 MovieClip [c19] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 18);
_y = (_y + 7);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 722 MovieClip [c18] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 17);
_y = (_y + 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 723 MovieClip [c17] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 16);
_y = (_y + 9);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 724 MovieClip [c16] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 15);
_y = (_y + 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 725 MovieClip [c15] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 14);
_y = (_y + 11);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 726 MovieClip [c14] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 13);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 727 MovieClip [c13] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y + 13);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 728 MovieClip [c12] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 11);
_y = (_y + 14);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 729 MovieClip [c11] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 10);
_y = (_y + 15);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 730 MovieClip [c10] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 9);
_y = (_y + 16);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 731 MovieClip [c9] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 8);
_y = (_y + 17);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 732 MovieClip [c8] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 7);
_y = (_y + 18);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 733 MovieClip [c7] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 6);
_y = (_y + 19);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 734 MovieClip [c6] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 5);
_y = (_y + 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 735 MovieClip [c5] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y + 21);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 736 MovieClip [c4] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 3);
_y = (_y + 22);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 737 MovieClip [c3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 2);
_y = (_y + 23);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 738 MovieClip [c2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 1);
_y = (_y + 24);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 739 MovieClip [bosshinafocusbullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 15;
Symbol 739 MovieClip [bosshinafocusbullet] Frame 2
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 15;
Symbol 741 MovieClip [bosshinapt9] Frame 1
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
randomattack = int(random(4));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("z1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("z2");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("z3");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("z4");
Symbol 741 MovieClip [bosshinapt9] Frame 2
gotoAndStop ("end");
_parent.insertenemy("bosshinafocusbullet", _x + 1, (_y + (Math.random() * 625)) + 25);
Symbol 741 MovieClip [bosshinapt9] Frame 3
gotoAndStop ("end");
_parent.insertenemy("bosshinafocusbullet", _x + 624, (_y + (Math.random() * 625)) + 25);
Symbol 741 MovieClip [bosshinapt9] Frame 4
gotoAndStop ("end");
_parent.insertenemy("bosshinafocusbullet", (_x + (Math.random() * 600)) + 25, _y + 1);
Symbol 741 MovieClip [bosshinapt9] Frame 5
gotoAndStop ("end");
_parent.insertenemy("bosshinafocusbullet", (_x + (Math.random() * 600)) + 25, _y + 649);
Symbol 741 MovieClip [bosshinapt9] Frame 6
function enemyaction() {
Symbol 741 MovieClip [bosshinapt9] Frame 7
function enemyaction() {
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 1
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x, _y);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 12) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 5
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 37.3, _y - 43.9);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 9
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 32, _y + 35);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 13
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 42.5, _y + 23.9);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 17
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 34.5, _y - 59.7);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 21
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 34.9, _y - 95);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 25
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 89.3, _y - 31.7);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 29
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 77.3, _y + 50.8);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 33
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 4.6, _y + 94.5);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 37
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 81, _y + 80.5);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 41
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 98.3, _y - 3.5);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 45
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 74.3, _y - 86.2);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 49
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 15.9, _y - 147.7);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 53
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 68.9, _y - 156.7);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 57
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 128.3, _y - 97.5);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 61
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 140.9, _y - 14.2);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 65
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 157.7, _y + 50);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 69
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 233.2, _y + 23.8);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 73
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 297.1, _y + 21.9);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 77
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 277.1, _y + 103.3);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 81
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 207.3, _y + 152.6);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 85
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 121.3, _y + 153.1);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 89
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 36.8, _y + 157.1);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 93
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 40.9, _y + 195.5);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 97
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 119.9, _y + 206.2);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 101
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 162.6, _y + 133.2);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 105
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 220.8, _y + 69.8);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 109
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 277.6, _y + 16.1);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 113
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 216.2, _y - 43.8);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 117
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 200.8, _y - 108);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 121
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 199.4, _y - 190.7);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 125
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 134.8, _y - 244.8);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 129
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x + 49, _y - 238.5);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 133
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 35.3, _y - 232.1);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 137
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 112.3, _y - 271.3);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 141
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 189.8, _y - 273.8);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 145
_parent.insertenemy("kfollow", _x - 258.4, _y - 220.2);
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 151
function enemyaction() {
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 152
function enemyaction() {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 12) {
Symbol 743 MovieClip [bosshinabulletpattern] Frame 153
function enemyaction() {
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 2;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 2
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 4;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 3
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 6;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 4
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 8;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 5
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 10;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 6
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 12;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 7
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 14;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 8
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 16;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 9
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 18;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 10
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
movespeed = 20;
Symbol 744 MovieClip [kfollow] Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 745 MovieClip [k6] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y - 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 746 MovieClip [k5] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12);
_y = (_y - 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 747 MovieClip [k4] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 748 MovieClip [k3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 749 MovieClip [k2a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 750 MovieClip [k1a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 751 MovieClip [k2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 751 MovieClip [k2] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_parent.insertenemy("k2a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("k5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("k6", _x, _y);
Symbol 752 MovieClip [k1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 752 MovieClip [k1] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_parent.insertenemy("k1a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("k3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("k4", _x, _y);
Symbol 753 MovieClip [j4a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 754 MovieClip [j3a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12);
_y = (_y - 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 755 MovieClip [j2a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y - 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 756 MovieClip [j1a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 757 MovieClip [j8] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 758 MovieClip [j7] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 759 MovieClip [j6] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 760 MovieClip [j5] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 761 MovieClip [j4] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 761 MovieClip [j4] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_parent.insertenemy("j1a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j2a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j3a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j4a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j8", _x, _y);
Symbol 762 MovieClip [j3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12);
_y = (_y - 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 762 MovieClip [j3] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_parent.insertenemy("j1a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j2a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j3a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j4a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j8", _x, _y);
Symbol 763 MovieClip [j2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y - 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 763 MovieClip [j2] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_parent.insertenemy("j1a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j2a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j3a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j4a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j8", _x, _y);
Symbol 764 MovieClip [j1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 764 MovieClip [j1] Frame 15
function enemyaction() {
_parent.insertenemy("j1a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j2a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j3a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j4a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("j8", _x, _y);
Symbol 765 MovieClip [h16] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 8);
_y = (_y + 16);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 766 MovieClip [h15] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 767 MovieClip [h14] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 16);
_y = (_y + 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 768 MovieClip [h13] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 769 MovieClip [h12] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 16);
_y = (_y - 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 770 MovieClip [h11] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 12);
_y = (_y - 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 771 MovieClip [h10] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 8);
_y = (_y - 16);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 772 MovieClip [h9] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 773 MovieClip [h8] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 8);
_y = (_y - 16);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 774 MovieClip [h7] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y - 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 775 MovieClip [h6] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 16);
_y = (_y - 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 776 MovieClip [h5] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 777 MovieClip [h4] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 16);
_y = (_y + 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 778 MovieClip [h3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 12);
_y = (_y + 12);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 779 MovieClip [h2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 8);
_y = (_y + 16);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 780 MovieClip [h1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 20);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 17
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 807 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 20) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 95
randomattack = int(random(10));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("c1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("c2");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("c3");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("c4");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndPlay ("c5");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndPlay ("c6");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndPlay ("c7");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndPlay ("c8");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndPlay ("c9");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndPlay ("c10");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 96
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 3);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 3);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 3);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 3);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 196
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 197
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 3);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 3);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 3);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 3);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 297
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 298
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 3);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 3);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 3);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 3);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 398
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 399
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 3);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 3);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 3);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 3);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 499
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 500
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 3);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 3);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 3);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 3);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 600
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 601
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 3);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 3);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 3);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 3);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 701
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 702
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 1.5);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 1.5);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 1.5);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 1.5);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 802
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 803
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 1.5);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 1.5);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 1.5);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 1.5);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 903
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 904
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 1.5);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 1.5);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 1.5);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 1.5);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 1004
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 1005
function enemyaction() {
if (s1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.min(Stage.width - (_parent.ship._width / 2), _parent.ship._x + 1.5);
if (s2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._x = Math.max(_parent.ship._width / 2, _parent.ship._x - 1.5);
if (s3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 1.5);
if (s4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.min(Stage.height - _parent.ship._height, _parent.ship._y + 1.5);
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 1105
gotoAndPlay ("cstart");
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 1106
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 20) {
Symbol 819 MovieClip [bossxicompasses] Frame 1107
Symbol 822 MovieClip [bossxibullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 13;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 20) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 822 MovieClip [bossxibullet] Frame 2
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 20) {
Symbol 822 MovieClip [bossxibullet] Frame 3
Symbol 825 MovieClip Frame 25
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 20) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 66
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 90
randomattack = int(random(6));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("f1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("f2");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("f3");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("f4");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndPlay ("f5");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndPlay ("f6");
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 121
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (l1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 141
gotoAndPlay ("fluff");
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 172
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (l2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 192
gotoAndPlay ("fluff");
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 223
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (l3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 243
gotoAndPlay ("fluff");
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 274
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (l4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 294
gotoAndPlay ("fluff");
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 325
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (l5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 345
gotoAndPlay ("fluff");
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 376
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (l6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 396
gotoAndPlay ("fluff");
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 397
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 20) {
Symbol 838 MovieClip [bossxipillar] Frame 398
Symbol 862 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 863 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 864 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 866 MovieClip Frame 1
volume =;
if (volume > 0) {
volume = volume - 1;;
} else {
Symbol 866 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 63;
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 66
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 10);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (p1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (p2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (p3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (p4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (p5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (p6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (p7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (p8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (p9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_x = 5;
if (_x < 4) {
_x = (Stage.width - 5);
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = 5;
if (_y < 4) {
_y = (Stage.height - 5);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 13;
_parent.insertenemy("bossxibullet", _x - 0.2, _y + 18);
if (moveright) {
_x = (_x + 10);
if (_x > (startx + maxdist)) {
moveright = false;
} else {
_x = (_x - 10);
if (_x < (startx - maxdist)) {
moveright = true;
if (time2 == 0) {
_y = (_y + 10);
time2 = 140;
time3 = 70;
if ((time3 < 70) && (time2 > 0)) {
_y = (_y - 5);
if (time3 == 0) {
_y = (_y - 5);
time2 = 70;
time3 = 140;
if ((time2 < 70) && (time3 > 0)) {
_y = (_y + 10);
health = 113;
moveright = true;
time2 = 70;
time3 = 0;
maxdist = 160;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 13;
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 68
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 69
function enemyaction() {
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_x = _x;
if (_x < 4) {
_x = _x;
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = _y;
if (_y < 4) {
_y = _y;
if (moveright) {
_x = (_x + 0);
if (_x > (startx + maxdist)) {
moveright = false;
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (_x < (startx - maxdist)) {
moveright = true;
if (time2 == 0) {
_y = (_y + 0);
time2 = 140;
time3 = 70;
if ((time3 < 70) && (time2 > 0)) {
_y = (_y - 0);
if (time3 == 0) {
_y = (_y - 0);
time2 = 70;
time3 = 140;
if ((time2 < 70) && (time3 > 0)) {
_y = (_y + 0);
moveright = true;
time2 = 70;
time3 = 0;
maxdist = 160;
startx = _x;
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 95
_x = 313;
_y = 200;
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 96
_parent.insertenemy("bossxiwhiteout", _x, _y);
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 213
volume =;
if (volume <= 99) {
volume = 100;;
} else {
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 214
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 215
_parent.insertenemy("bosshtitle", _x, _y);
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 315
_parent.insertenemy("bosshina", _x, _y);
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 317
Symbol 867 MovieClip [bossxi] Frame 318
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 1
_x = 315.1;
_y = 488.5;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 32
randomattack = int(random(3));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("2");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("3");
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 33
function enemyaction() {
if (e7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 63
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 64
function enemyaction() {
if (e8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 94
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 95
function enemyaction() {
if (e9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 125
gotoAndPlay (32);
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 126
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 879 MovieClip [bosshavoce2] Frame 127
Symbol 890 MovieClip [bosshavoce1] Frame 1
_x = 313.9;
_y = 204.1;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 890 MovieClip [bosshavoce1] Frame 32
function enemyaction() {
if (e1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (e2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (e3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 890 MovieClip [bosshavoce1] Frame 87
function enemyaction() {
if (e4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (e5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (e6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 890 MovieClip [bosshavoce1] Frame 142
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 890 MovieClip [bosshavoce1] Frame 143
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 890 MovieClip [bosshavoce1] Frame 144
Symbol 899 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 899 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2a] Frame 30
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r10.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r11.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r12.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r13.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r14.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r15.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r16.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r17.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r18.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r19.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r20.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r21.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r22.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r23.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r24.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r25.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r26.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r27.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r28.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r29.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r30.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r31.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r32.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 899 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2a] Frame 50
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 899 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2a] Frame 51
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 899 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2a] Frame 52
Symbol 902 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 902 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1a] Frame 30
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r10.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r11.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r12.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r13.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r14.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r15.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r16.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r17.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r18.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r19.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r20.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r21.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r22.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r23.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r24.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r25.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r26.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r27.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r28.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r29.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r30.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r31.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r32.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 902 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1a] Frame 50
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 902 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1a] Frame 51
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 902 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1a] Frame 52
Symbol 906 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 907 MovieClip [bosshavocbullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 15;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 907 MovieClip [bosshavocbullet] Frame 2
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 907 MovieClip [bosshavocbullet] Frame 3
Symbol 912 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 912 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2] Frame 30
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r10.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r11.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r12.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r13.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r14.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r15.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r16.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r17.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r18.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r19.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r20.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r21.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r22.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r23.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r24.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r25.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r26.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r27.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r28.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r29.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r30.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r31.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r32.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 912 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2] Frame 50
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 912 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2] Frame 51
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 912 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser2] Frame 52
Symbol 917 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
movespeed = 0;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 917 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1] Frame 30
function enemyaction() {
if (r1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r5.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r6.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r7.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r8.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r9.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r10.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r11.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r12.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r13.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r14.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r15.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r16.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r17.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r18.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r19.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r20.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r21.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r22.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r23.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r24.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r25.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r26.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r27.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r28.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r29.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r30.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r31.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (r32.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 917 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1] Frame 50
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 917 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1] Frame 51
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 917 MovieClip [bosshavoclaser1] Frame 52
Symbol 919 MovieClip [bosshavoccontainer] Frame 1
_parent.insertenemy("bosshavoc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
Symbol 919 MovieClip [bosshavoccontainer] Frame 2
Symbol 952 MovieClip Frame 200
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 958 MovieClip Frame 30
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 978 MovieClip Frame 16
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 979 MovieClip [bosshavoc] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 979 MovieClip [bosshavoc] Frame 31
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (a1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (a2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (a3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (a4.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("bosshavocbullet", _x, _y - 70);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 124;
_parent.insertenemy("bosshavoclaser1a", _x - 260, _y - 292);
if (guncooldown3 == 0) {
guncooldown3 = 124;
_parent.insertenemy("bosshavoclaser1", _x + 265, _y + 295);
if (guncooldown4 == 0) {
guncooldown4 = 124;
_parent.insertenemy("bosshavoclaser2a", _x - 260, _y + 295);
if (guncooldown5 == 0) {
guncooldown5 = 124;
_parent.insertenemy("bosshavoclaser2", _x + 265, _y - 292);
health = 175;
guncooldown = 15;
guncooldown2 = 31;
guncooldown3 = 62;
guncooldown4 = 93;
guncooldown5 = 124;
Symbol 979 MovieClip [bosshavoc] Frame 33
Symbol 979 MovieClip [bosshavoc] Frame 34
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
guncooldown5 = 55555;
Symbol 979 MovieClip [bosshavoc] Frame 60
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(11));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndStop ("c");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndStop ("d");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndStop ("e");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndStop ("f");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndStop ("g");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndStop ("h");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndStop ("i");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndStop ("j");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndStop ("k");
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 991 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(2));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("a1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndStop ("b1");
Instance of Symbol 991 MovieClip in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
Instance of Symbol 991 MovieClip in Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 15;
Symbol 992 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 993 MovieClip [foebullet16a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y + 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 994 MovieClip [foebullet15a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 6);
_y = (_y + 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 995 MovieClip [foebullet14a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 8);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 996 MovieClip [foebullet13a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 997 MovieClip [foebullet12a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 8);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 998 MovieClip [foebullet11a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 6);
_y = (_y - 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 999 MovieClip [foebullet10a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y - 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1000 MovieClip [foebullet9a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1001 MovieClip [foebullet8a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y - 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1002 MovieClip [foebullet7a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 6);
_y = (_y - 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1003 MovieClip [foebullet6a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 8);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1004 MovieClip [foebullet5a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1005 MovieClip [foebullet4a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 8);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1006 MovieClip [foebullet3a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 6);
_y = (_y + 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1007 MovieClip [foebullet2a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y + 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1008 MovieClip [foebullet1a] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1012 MovieClip [bossfoeabduction] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
_parent.ship._y = Math.max(0, _parent.ship._y - 3);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
_x = 313;
_y = 145.4;
Symbol 1012 MovieClip [bossfoeabduction] Frame 2
Symbol 1012 MovieClip [bossfoeabduction] Frame 3
Symbol 1029 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1030 MovieClip [fuzzy] Frame 1
_y = 200;
Symbol 1030 MovieClip [fuzzy] Frame 55
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 1);
_y = (_y + 20);
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_x > Stage.width) {
_x = 5;
if (_x < 4) {
_x = (Stage.width - 5);
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = 5;
if (_y < 4) {
_y = (Stage.height - 5);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
health = 55555;
startx = _x;
Symbol 1030 MovieClip [fuzzy] Frame 57
Symbol 1030 MovieClip [fuzzy] Frame 78
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [f1eboss] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15a", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16a", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown3 == 0) {
guncooldown3 = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13a", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown4 == 0) {
guncooldown4 = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14a", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16a", _x, _y);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
guncooldown2 = 40;
guncooldown3 = 60;
guncooldown4 = 80;
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [f1eboss] Frame 3
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [f1eboss] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [f1eboss] Frame 24
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [f1eboss] Frame 25
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [f1eboss] Frame 26
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
Symbol 1039 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1042 MovieClip [bossfoemain] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 46.3;
Symbol 1042 MovieClip [bossfoemain] Frame 32
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (moveright) {
_x = (_x + 2);
if (_x > (startx + maxdist)) {
moveright = false;
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (_x < (startx - maxdist)) {
moveright = true;
health = 155;
moveright = true;
maxdist = 50;
startx = _x;
Symbol 1042 MovieClip [bossfoemain] Frame 34
Symbol 1042 MovieClip [bossfoemain] Frame 35
function enemyaction() {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 0);
} else {
_y = (_y - 0);
Symbol 1042 MovieClip [bossfoemain] Frame 136
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy2] Frame 1
_x = 547.7;
_y = -50;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy2] Frame 2
_parent.insertenemy("f1eboss", _x, _y);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy2] Frame 100
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy2] Frame 101
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy2] Frame 102
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy2] Frame 103
Symbol 1044 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy1] Frame 1
_x = 77.7;
_y = -50;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 1044 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy1] Frame 2
_parent.insertenemy("f1eboss", _x, _y);
Symbol 1044 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy1] Frame 100
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1044 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy1] Frame 101
Symbol 1044 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy1] Frame 102
Symbol 1044 MovieClip [bossfoeenemy1] Frame 103
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [bossfoebullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 15);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1054 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 1055 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 63;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 31
randomattack = int(random(22));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("1");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("2");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("3");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("4");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndPlay ("5");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndPlay ("6");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndPlay ("7");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndPlay ("8");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndPlay ("9");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndPlay ("10");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("11");
if (randomattack == 11) {
gotoAndPlay ("12");
if (randomattack == 12) {
gotoAndPlay ("13");
if (randomattack == 13) {
gotoAndPlay ("14");
if (randomattack == 14) {
gotoAndPlay ("15");
if (randomattack == 15) {
gotoAndPlay ("16");
if (randomattack == 16) {
gotoAndPlay ("17");
if (randomattack == 17) {
gotoAndPlay ("18");
if (randomattack == 18) {
gotoAndPlay ("19");
if (randomattack == 19) {
gotoAndPlay ("20");
if (randomattack == 20) {
gotoAndPlay ("21");
if (randomattack == 21) {
gotoAndPlay ("22");
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 32
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 152, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 36
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 37
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 142, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 41
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 42
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 132, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 46
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 47
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 122, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 51
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 52
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 112, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 56
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 57
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 102, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 61
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 62
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 92, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 66
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 67
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 82, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 71
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 72
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 72, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 76
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 77
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 62, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 81
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 82
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x - 52, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 86
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 87
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 152, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 91
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 92
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 142, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 96
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 97
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 132, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 101
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 102
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 122, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 106
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 107
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 112, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 111
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 112
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 102, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 116
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 117
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 92, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 121
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 122
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 82, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 126
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 127
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 72, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 131
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 132
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 62, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 136
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 137
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (d3.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 555;
_parent.insertenemy("bossfoebullet", _x + 52, _y + 47);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 141
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 142
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 143
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 144
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 162
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 182
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 202
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 1056 MovieClip [bossfoe] Frame 203
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
Symbol 1060 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1061 MovieClip [boss3bullet2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 10;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
Symbol 1062 MovieClip [f3] Frame 16
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 2);
} else {
_y = (_y - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("foefocusbullet", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 1;
Symbol 1062 MovieClip [f3] Frame 17
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1062 MovieClip [f3] Frame 37
Symbol 1068 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 1085 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 1086 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 1090 MovieClip [dimensionycompletelun] Frame 1
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore("scorecxi2", _root.score, function (response) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The score was submitted successfully");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1090 MovieClip [dimensionycompletelun] Frame 2
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("dimylc5m5", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1096 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 1100 MovieClip [dimensionxcompletelun] Frame 1
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore("scorecxi1", _root.score, function (response) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The score was submitted successfully");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1100 MovieClip [dimensionxcompletelun] Frame 2
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("dimxlcom5", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1106 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 1119 MovieClip [lost4] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 1119 MovieClip [lost4] Frame 2
mySoundls = new Sound();
mySoundls.start(0, 0);
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 1119 MovieClip [lost4] Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [lost3] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [lost3] Frame 2
mySoundls = new Sound();
mySoundls.start(0, 0);
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore("scorecxi3", _root.score, function (response) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The score was submitted successfully");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 1134 MovieClip [lost3] Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 1149 MovieClip [lost2] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 1149 MovieClip [lost2] Frame 2
mySoundls = new Sound();
mySoundls.start(0, 0);
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore("scorecxi2", _root.score, function (response) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The score was submitted successfully");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 1149 MovieClip [lost2] Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 1155 MovieClip [wdcomplete] Frame 1
Symbol 1155 MovieClip [wdcomplete] Frame 2
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("we555ll55", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1169 MovieClip [dimensionzcomplete] Frame 1
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore("scorecxi3", _root.score, function (response) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The score was submitted successfully");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1169 MovieClip [dimensionzcomplete] Frame 2
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("dimzc5m5", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 2
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 37);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 609.9);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 17
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 100.7);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 546.2);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 32
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 164.3);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 482.6);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 47
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 227.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 418.9);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 62
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 291.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 355.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 77
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 355.3);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 291.6);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 92
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 418.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 227.9);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 107
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 482.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 164.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 122
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 546.2);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 100.7);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 137
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 35.5, _y + 609.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 592.7, _y + 37);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 152
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 609.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 37);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 167
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 609.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 37);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 182
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 609.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 37);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 197
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 609.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 37);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 212
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 609.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 37);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 227
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 609.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 37);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 242
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 609.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 37);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 257
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 546.2);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 100.7);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 272
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 482.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 164.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 287
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 418.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 227.9);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 302
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 355.3);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 291.6);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 317
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 291.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 355.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 332
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 227.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 418.9);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 347
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 164.3);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 482.6);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 362
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 523, _y + 100.7);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 105.2, _y + 546.2);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 377
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 546.2);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 100.7);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 392
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 546.2);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 100.7);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 407
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 546.2);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 100.7);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 422
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 546.2);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 100.7);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 437
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 546.2);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 100.7);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 452
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 482.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 164.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 467
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 418.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 227.9);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 482
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 355.3);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 291.6);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 497
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 291.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 355.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 512
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 227.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 418.9);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 527
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 453.4, _y + 164.3);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 174.8, _y + 482.6);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 542
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 482.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 164.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 557
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 482.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 164.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 572
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 482.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 164.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 587
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 418.9);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 227.8);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 602
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 355.3);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 291.6);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 617
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 291.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 355.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 632
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 383.8, _y + 227.8);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 244.4, _y + 418.9);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 647
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 227.8);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 418.9);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 662
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 291.6);
_parent.insertenemy("f3", _x + 314.1, _y + 355.3);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 700
_parent.insertenemy("bossztitle", _x, _y);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 800
_parent.insertenemy("bossxi", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("bossxipillar", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("bossxicompasses", _x, _y);
Symbol 1170 MovieClip [musiccontainer] Frame 801
Symbol 1171 MovieClip [foefocusbullet] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + xmov);
_y = (_y + ymov);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
movespeed = 10;
xdist = _parent.ship._x - _x;
ydist = _parent.ship._y - _y;
totaldist = Math.abs(xdist) + Math.abs(ydist);
_rotation = ((Math.atan2(ydist, xdist) / 3.141593) * 180);
xmov = movespeed * (xdist / totaldist);
ymov = movespeed * (ydist / totaldist);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 20) {
gotoAndStop ("explode2");
Symbol 1172 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 1176 MovieClip [dimensionycomplete] Frame 1
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore("scorecxi2", _root.score, function (response) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The score was submitted successfully");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1176 MovieClip [dimensionycomplete] Frame 2
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("dimycom5", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1177 Button
on (press) {
Symbol 1181 MovieClip [dimensionxcomplete] Frame 1
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore("scorecxi1", _root.score, function (response) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The score was submitted successfully");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1181 MovieClip [dimensionxcomplete] Frame 2
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement("dimxcom5", function (response, count) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The achievement was successfully awarded.");
trace(("It has been awarded " + count) + " times.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in.");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
Symbol 1185 MovieClip [bosswtitle] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 1185 MovieClip [bosswtitle] Frame 2
mySounda = new Sound();
mySounda.start(0, 999);
Symbol 1185 MovieClip [bosswtitle] Frame 91
Symbol 1199 MovieClip [bosshtitle] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 1199 MovieClip [bosshtitle] Frame 2
mySounda = new Sound();
mySounda.attachSound("Hina Music");
mySounda.start(0, 999);
Symbol 1199 MovieClip [bosshtitle] Frame 91
Symbol 1215 MovieClip [bossztitle] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 1215 MovieClip [bossztitle] Frame 2
mySounda = new Sound();
mySounda.attachSound("Boss Music");
mySounda.start(0, 999);
Symbol 1215 MovieClip [bossztitle] Frame 91
Symbol 1223 MovieClip [bossytitle] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 1223 MovieClip [bossytitle] Frame 2
mySounda = new Sound();
mySounda.attachSound("Boss Music");
mySounda.start(0, 999);
Symbol 1223 MovieClip [bossytitle] Frame 91
Symbol 1229 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1230 MovieClip [d2a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 1);
} else {
_x = (_x - 1);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 30;
_parent.insertenemy("d2bullet1", _x - 20, _y);
health = 2;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 25;
Symbol 1230 MovieClip [d2a] Frame 3
Symbol 1230 MovieClip [d2a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1230 MovieClip [d2a] Frame 24
Symbol 1231 MovieClip [foebullet16] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y + 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1232 MovieClip [foebullet15] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 6);
_y = (_y + 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1233 MovieClip [foebullet14] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 8);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1234 MovieClip [foebullet13] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1235 MovieClip [foebullet12] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 8);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1236 MovieClip [foebullet11] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 6);
_y = (_y - 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1237 MovieClip [foebullet10] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x - 4);
_y = (_y - 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1238 MovieClip [foebullet9] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1239 MovieClip [foebullet8] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y - 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1240 MovieClip [foebullet7] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 6);
_y = (_y - 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1241 MovieClip [foebullet6] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 8);
_y = (_y - 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1242 MovieClip [foebullet5] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1243 MovieClip [foebullet4] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 8);
_y = (_y + 4);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1244 MovieClip [foebullet3] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 6);
_y = (_y + 6);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1245 MovieClip [foebullet2] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_x = (_x + 4);
_y = (_y + 8);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1246 MovieClip [f2j] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y + 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x - 15, _y + 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x + 15, _y + 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x + 15, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x + 15, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x + 15, _y + 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x - 15, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x + 15, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x - 15, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x - 15, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x - 15, _y + 15);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 15;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1246 MovieClip [f2j] Frame 3
Symbol 1246 MovieClip [f2j] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1246 MovieClip [f2j] Frame 24
Symbol 1247 MovieClip [f2i] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown3 == 0) {
guncooldown3 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown4 == 0) {
guncooldown4 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown5 == 0) {
guncooldown5 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown6 == 0) {
guncooldown6 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown7 == 0) {
guncooldown7 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown8 == 0) {
guncooldown8 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown9 == 0) {
guncooldown9 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown10 == 0) {
guncooldown10 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown11 == 0) {
guncooldown11 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown12 == 0) {
guncooldown12 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown13 == 0) {
guncooldown13 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown14 == 0) {
guncooldown14 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown15 == 0) {
guncooldown15 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown16 == 0) {
guncooldown16 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 5;
guncooldown2 = 6;
guncooldown3 = 7;
guncooldown4 = 8;
guncooldown5 = 9;
guncooldown6 = 10;
guncooldown7 = 11;
guncooldown8 = 12;
guncooldown9 = 13;
guncooldown10 = 14;
guncooldown11 = 15;
guncooldown12 = 16;
guncooldown13 = 17;
guncooldown14 = 18;
guncooldown15 = 19;
guncooldown16 = 20;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1247 MovieClip [f2i] Frame 3
Symbol 1247 MovieClip [f2i] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
guncooldown5 = 55555;
guncooldown6 = 55555;
guncooldown7 = 55555;
guncooldown8 = 55555;
guncooldown9 = 55555;
guncooldown10 = 55555;
guncooldown11 = 55555;
guncooldown12 = 55555;
guncooldown13 = 55555;
guncooldown14 = 55555;
guncooldown15 = 55555;
guncooldown16 = 55555;
Symbol 1247 MovieClip [f2i] Frame 24
Symbol 1248 MovieClip [f2h] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 10;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 25;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 10;
guncooldown = 25;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1248 MovieClip [f2h] Frame 3
Symbol 1248 MovieClip [f2h] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
Symbol 1248 MovieClip [f2h] Frame 24
Symbol 1249 MovieClip [f2g] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 15;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip [f2g] Frame 3
Symbol 1249 MovieClip [f2g] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1249 MovieClip [f2g] Frame 24
Symbol 1250 MovieClip [f2f] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 25;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 25;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1250 MovieClip [f2f] Frame 3
Symbol 1250 MovieClip [f2f] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1250 MovieClip [f2f] Frame 24
Symbol 1251 MovieClip [f2e] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown3 == 0) {
guncooldown3 = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown4 == 0) {
guncooldown4 = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
guncooldown2 = 40;
guncooldown3 = 60;
guncooldown4 = 80;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1251 MovieClip [f2e] Frame 3
Symbol 1251 MovieClip [f2e] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
Symbol 1251 MovieClip [f2e] Frame 24
Symbol 1252 MovieClip [f2d] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 40;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 40;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
guncooldown2 = 40;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1252 MovieClip [f2d] Frame 3
Symbol 1252 MovieClip [f2d] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
Symbol 1252 MovieClip [f2d] Frame 24
Symbol 1253 MovieClip [f2c] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1253 MovieClip [f2c] Frame 3
Symbol 1253 MovieClip [f2c] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1253 MovieClip [f2c] Frame 24
Symbol 1254 MovieClip [f2b] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1254 MovieClip [f2b] Frame 3
Symbol 1254 MovieClip [f2b] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1254 MovieClip [f2b] Frame 24
Symbol 1255 MovieClip [f2a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y - 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
_y = 624;
Symbol 1255 MovieClip [f2a] Frame 3
Symbol 1255 MovieClip [f2a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1255 MovieClip [f2a] Frame 24
Symbol 1256 MovieClip [f1j] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y + 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x - 15, _y + 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x + 15, _y + 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x + 15, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x + 15, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x + 15, _y + 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x - 15, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x + 15, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x - 15, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x - 15, _y - 15);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x - 15, _y + 15);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 15;
Symbol 1256 MovieClip [f1j] Frame 3
Symbol 1256 MovieClip [f1j] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1256 MovieClip [f1j] Frame 24
Symbol 1257 MovieClip [f1i] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown3 == 0) {
guncooldown3 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown4 == 0) {
guncooldown4 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown5 == 0) {
guncooldown5 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown6 == 0) {
guncooldown6 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown7 == 0) {
guncooldown7 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown8 == 0) {
guncooldown8 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown9 == 0) {
guncooldown9 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown10 == 0) {
guncooldown10 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown11 == 0) {
guncooldown11 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown12 == 0) {
guncooldown12 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown13 == 0) {
guncooldown13 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown14 == 0) {
guncooldown14 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown15 == 0) {
guncooldown15 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown16 == 0) {
guncooldown16 = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 5;
guncooldown2 = 6;
guncooldown3 = 7;
guncooldown4 = 8;
guncooldown5 = 9;
guncooldown6 = 10;
guncooldown7 = 11;
guncooldown8 = 12;
guncooldown9 = 13;
guncooldown10 = 14;
guncooldown11 = 15;
guncooldown12 = 16;
guncooldown13 = 17;
guncooldown14 = 18;
guncooldown15 = 19;
guncooldown16 = 20;
Symbol 1257 MovieClip [f1i] Frame 3
Symbol 1257 MovieClip [f1i] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
guncooldown5 = 55555;
guncooldown6 = 55555;
guncooldown7 = 55555;
guncooldown8 = 55555;
guncooldown9 = 55555;
guncooldown10 = 55555;
guncooldown11 = 55555;
guncooldown12 = 55555;
guncooldown13 = 55555;
guncooldown14 = 55555;
guncooldown15 = 55555;
guncooldown16 = 55555;
Symbol 1257 MovieClip [f1i] Frame 24
Symbol 1258 MovieClip [f1h] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 10;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 25;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 10;
guncooldown = 25;
Symbol 1258 MovieClip [f1h] Frame 3
Symbol 1258 MovieClip [f1h] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
Symbol 1258 MovieClip [f1h] Frame 24
Symbol 1259 MovieClip [f1g] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 15;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 15;
Symbol 1259 MovieClip [f1g] Frame 3
Symbol 1259 MovieClip [f1g] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1259 MovieClip [f1g] Frame 24
Symbol 1260 MovieClip [f1f] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 2);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 25;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 25;
Symbol 1260 MovieClip [f1f] Frame 3
Symbol 1260 MovieClip [f1f] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1260 MovieClip [f1f] Frame 24
Symbol 1261 MovieClip [f1e] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown3 == 0) {
guncooldown3 = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown4 == 0) {
guncooldown4 = 80;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet4", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet6", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet8", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet10", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet12", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet14", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
guncooldown2 = 40;
guncooldown3 = 60;
guncooldown4 = 80;
Symbol 1261 MovieClip [f1e] Frame 3
Symbol 1261 MovieClip [f1e] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
guncooldown3 = 55555;
guncooldown4 = 55555;
Symbol 1261 MovieClip [f1e] Frame 24
Symbol 1262 MovieClip [f1d] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 40;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet5", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet9", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet13", _x, _y);
if (guncooldown2 == 0) {
guncooldown2 = 40;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet7", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet11", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
guncooldown2 = 40;
Symbol 1262 MovieClip [f1d] Frame 3
Symbol 1262 MovieClip [f1d] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
guncooldown2 = 55555;
Symbol 1262 MovieClip [f1d] Frame 24
Symbol 1263 MovieClip [f1c] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet3", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet15", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
Symbol 1263 MovieClip [f1c] Frame 3
Symbol 1263 MovieClip [f1c] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1263 MovieClip [f1c] Frame 24
Symbol 1264 MovieClip [f1b] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet2", _x, _y);
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet16", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
Symbol 1264 MovieClip [f1b] Frame 3
Symbol 1264 MovieClip [f1b] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1264 MovieClip [f1b] Frame 24
Symbol 1265 MovieClip [f1a] Frame 1
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 1);
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_y > Stage.height) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 20;
_parent.insertenemy("foebullet1", _x, _y);
health = 1;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 20;
Symbol 1265 MovieClip [f1a] Frame 3
Symbol 1265 MovieClip [f1a] Frame 4
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1265 MovieClip [f1a] Frame 24
Symbol 1266 MovieClip [foebullet1] Frame 1
function enemyaction() {
_y = (_y + 10);
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (this.hitTest(_parent.ship.graze)) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1268 MovieClip [lasercenter] Frame 1
function weaponaction() {
if ((_y + _height) < 0) {
curenemy = 0;
while (curenemy < _parent.enemies.length) {
if (!eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehitareas) {
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".d1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall1"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall2"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall3"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
if (this.hitTest(eval (("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]) + ".bulletwall4"))) {
eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).takedamage(weaponstrength);
} else if (eval ("_parent." + _parent.enemies[curenemy]).multiplehittests(_name, weaponstrength)) {
weaponstrength = 1;
Instance of Symbol 30 MovieClip "newBullet" in Symbol 1268 MovieClip [lasercenter] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((((_y > Stage.height) || (_y < 0)) || (_x > Stage.width)) || (_x < 0)) {
Symbol 1268 MovieClip [lasercenter] Frame 21
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
Symbol 1283 MovieClip [lost1] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 1283 MovieClip [lost1] Frame 2
mySoundls = new Sound();
mySoundls.start(0, 0);
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore("scorecxi1", _root.score, function (response) {
switch (response) {
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SUCCESS :
trace("The score was submitted successfully");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.NOT_LOGGED_IN :
trace("The user is not logged in");
case Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.ERROR :
trace("An error occurred.");
_x = 313;
_y = 225;
Symbol 1283 MovieClip [lost1] Frame 7
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 1284 MovieClip [d3bossenemy] Frame 1
randomattack = int(random(50));
if (randomattack == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("0");
if (randomattack == 1) {
gotoAndPlay ("1");
if (randomattack == 2) {
gotoAndPlay ("2");
if (randomattack == 3) {
gotoAndPlay ("3");
if (randomattack == 4) {
gotoAndPlay ("4");
if (randomattack == 5) {
gotoAndPlay ("5");
if (randomattack == 6) {
gotoAndPlay ("6");
if (randomattack == 7) {
gotoAndPlay ("7");
if (randomattack == 8) {
gotoAndPlay ("8");
if (randomattack == 9) {
gotoAndPlay ("9");
if (randomattack == 10) {
gotoAndPlay ("10");
if (randomattack == 11) {
gotoAndPlay ("11");
if (randomattack == 12) {
gotoAndPlay ("12");
if (randomattack == 13) {
gotoAndPlay ("13");
if (randomattack == 14) {
gotoAndPlay ("14");
if (randomattack == 15) {
gotoAndPlay ("15");
if (randomattack == 16) {
gotoAndPlay ("16");
if (randomattack == 17) {
gotoAndPlay ("17");
if (randomattack == 18) {
gotoAndPlay ("18");
if (randomattack == 19) {
gotoAndPlay ("19");
if (randomattack == 20) {
gotoAndPlay ("20");
if (randomattack == 21) {
gotoAndPlay ("21");
if (randomattack == 22) {
gotoAndPlay ("22");
if (randomattack == 23) {
gotoAndPlay ("23");
if (randomattack == 24) {
gotoAndPlay ("24");
if (randomattack == 25) {
gotoAndPlay ("25");
if (randomattack == 26) {
gotoAndPlay ("26");
if (randomattack == 27) {
gotoAndPlay ("27");
if (randomattack == 28) {
gotoAndPlay ("28");
if (randomattack == 29) {
gotoAndPlay ("29");
if (randomattack == 30) {
gotoAndPlay ("30");
if (randomattack == 31) {
gotoAndPlay ("31");
if (randomattack == 32) {
gotoAndPlay ("32");
if (randomattack == 33) {
gotoAndPlay ("33");
if (randomattack == 34) {
gotoAndPlay ("34");
if (randomattack == 35) {
gotoAndPlay ("35");
if (randomattack == 36) {
gotoAndPlay ("36");
if (randomattack == 37) {
gotoAndPlay ("37");
if (randomattack == 38) {
gotoAndPlay ("38");
if (randomattack == 39) {
gotoAndPlay ("39");
if (randomattack == 40) {
gotoAndPlay ("40");
if (randomattack == 41) {
gotoAndPlay ("41");
if (randomattack == 42) {
gotoAndPlay ("42");
if (randomattack == 43) {
gotoAndPlay ("43");
if (randomattack == 44) {
gotoAndPlay ("44");
if (randomattack == 45) {
gotoAndPlay ("45");
if (randomattack == 46) {
gotoAndPlay ("46");
if (randomattack == 47) {
gotoAndPlay ("47");
if (randomattack == 48) {
gotoAndPlay ("48");
if (randomattack == 49) {
gotoAndPlay ("49");
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
if (health <= 55555) {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_parent.tiem == 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode2");
health = 55555;
_y = ((Math.random() * 625) + 25);
Symbol 1284 MovieClip [d3bossenemy] Frame 2
function enemyaction() {
if (d2.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
Symbol 1284 MovieClip [d3bossenemy] Frame 181
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1284 MovieClip [d3bossenemy] Frame 182
Symbol 1284 MovieClip [d3bossenemy] Frame 183
Symbol 1286 MovieClip [D3 Boss] Frame 1
_y = 200;
Symbol 1286 MovieClip [D3 Boss] Frame 56
function takedamage(strength) {
health = health - strength;
if (health <= 0) {
gotoAndPlay ("explode");
if (health <= 200) {
gotoAndPlay ("hit");
function enemyaction() {
if (d1.hitTest(_parent.ship.hitarea)) {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 2);
} else {
_x = (_x - 2);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 2);
} else {
_y = (_y - 2);
if (guncooldown == 0) {
guncooldown = 10;
_parent.insertenemy("d3bossbullet", _x, _y);
health = 200;
startx = _x;
guncooldown = 10;
Symbol 1286 MovieClip [D3 Boss] Frame 58
Symbol 1286 MovieClip [D3 Boss] Frame 59
function enemyaction() {
if (_parent.ship._x > _x) {
_x = (_x + 0);
} else {
_x = (_x - 0);
if (_parent.ship._y > _y) {
_y = (_y + 0);
} else {
_y = (_y - 0);
gotoAndPlay (60);
guncooldown = 55555;
Symbol 1286 MovieClip [D3 Boss] Frame 155
Symbol 1294 MovieClip [bossxtitle] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 1294 MovieClip [bossxtitle] Frame 2
mySounda = new Sound();
mySounda.attachSound("Boss Music");
mySounda.start(0, 999);
Symbol 1294 MovieClip [bossxtitle] Frame 91
Symbol 1298 MovieClip [Dimension Z] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 1298 MovieClip [Dimension Z] Frame 91
Symbol 1302 MovieClip [Dimension Y] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 1302 MovieClip [Dimension Y] Frame 91
Symbol 1306 MovieClip [Dimension X] Frame 1
_x = 313;
_y = 325;
Symbol 1306 MovieClip [Dimension X] Frame 91
Symbol 1369 MovieClip [ship] Frame 1
life = 7;
t1._visible = true;
t2._visible = true;
t3._visible = true;
t4._visible = true;
t5._visible = true;
t6._visible = true;
if (warmedup == undefined) {
gotoAndPlay ("warmup");
Symbol 1369 MovieClip [ship] Frame 3
Symbol 1369 MovieClip [ship] Frame 4
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (life == 6) {
t1._visible = false;
t2._visible = true;
t3._visible = true;
t4._visible = true;
t5._visible = true;
t6._visible = true;
if (life == 5) {
t1._visible = false;
t2._visible = false;
t3._visible = true;
t4._visible = true;
t5._visible = true;
t6._visible = true;
if (life == 4) {
t1._visible = false;
t2._visible = false;
t3._visible = false;
t4._visible = true;
t5._visible = true;
t6._visible = true;
if (life == 3) {
t1._visible = false;
t2._visible = false;
t3._visible = false;
t4._visible = false;
t5._visible = true;
t6._visible = true;
if (life == 2) {
t1._visible = false;
t2._visible = false;
t3._visible = false;
t4._visible = false;
t5._visible = false;
t6._visible = true;
if (life == 1) {
t1._visible = false;
t2._visible = false;
t3._visible = false;
t4._visible = false;
t5._visible = false;
t6._visible = false;
if (life == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (35);
Symbol 1369 MovieClip [ship] Frame 33
gotoAndStop (2);
if (warmedup == undefined) {
gotoAndPlay ("warmup");
Symbol 1369 MovieClip [ship] Frame 34
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 1369 MovieClip [ship] Frame 35
time = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (time == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (36);
Symbol 1369 MovieClip [ship] Frame 46
Symbol 1369 MovieClip [ship] Frame 108
warmedup = 1;
Symbol 1370 MovieClip [starfield] Frame 1
function movestars() {
starcount = 1;
while (starcount <= stars) {
eval ("star3" + starcount)._y = eval ("star3" + starcount)._y + eval ("star3" + starcount).speed;
if (eval ("star3" + starcount)._y > Stage.height) {
newspeedandsize = (Math.random() * 4) + 1;
eval ("star3" + starcount).speed = newspeedandsize;
eval ("star3" + starcount)._width = newspeedandsize;
eval ("star3" + starcount)._height = newspeedandsize;
eval ("star3" + starcount)._y = -newspeedandsize;
eval ("star3" + starcount)._x = Math.random() * Stage.width;
stars = 25;
starcount = 1;
while (starcount <= stars) {
this.attachMovie("star3", "star3" + starcount, this.getNextHighestDepth());
Symbol 1561 MovieClip [__Packages.Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI] Frame 0
class Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI
static var api;
function NonobaAPI () {
throw new Error("ERROR!: You cannot create an instance of the NonobaAPI class!");
static function SubmitScore(key, score, callback) {
if (!isInited) {
if (failed) {
if (callback) {
if (api && (api.SubmitScore)) {
api.SubmitScore(key, score, callback);
} else {
cachedRequests.push(function () {
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SubmitScore(key, score, callback);
static function AwardAchievement(key, callback) {
if (!isInited) {
if (failed) {
if (callback) {
callback(ERROR, 0);
if (api && (api.AwardAchievement)) {
api.AwardAchievement(key, callback);
} else {
cachedRequests.push(function () {
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.AwardAchievement(key, callback);
static function SetUserData(key, value, callback) {
if (!isInited) {
if (failed) {
if (callback) {
if (api && (api.SetUserData)) {
api.SetUserData(key, value, callback);
} else {
cachedRequests.push(function () {
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.SetUserData(key, value, callback);
static function GetUserData(key, callback) {
if (!isInited) {
if (failed) {
if (callback) {
callback(ERROR, "");
if (api && (api.GetUserData)) {
api.GetUserData(key, callback);
} else {
cachedRequests.push(function () {
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.GetUserData(key, callback);
static function GetUsername(callback) {
if (!isInited) {
if (failed) {
if (callback) {
callback(ERROR, "");
if (api && (api.GetUsername)) {
} else {
cachedRequests.push(function () {
static function Init(container) {
function emptyCache() {
var _local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.cachedRequests.length) {
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.cachedRequests = [];
if (isInited) {
throw new Error("NonobaAPI can not be re-initialized!");
isInited = true;
var _local3 = _root.nonoba$apicodeas2;
if (!_local3) {
failed = true;
container = container || _root;
api = container.createEmptyMovieClip("___NonobaAPI__loader", container.getNextHighestDepth());
var _local5 = new MovieClipLoader();
_local5.addListener({onLoadComplete:function () {
var loadTimer = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI, function () {
if (!(Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.api.SubmitScore === undefined)) {
}), 500);
}, onLoadError:function () {
Nonoba.api.NonobaAPI.failed = true;
_local5.loadClip(_local3, api);
static var SUCCESS = "SUCCESS";
static var NOT_LOGGED_IN = "user not logged in";
static var ERROR = "error";
static var isInited = false;
static var loading = false;
static var cachedRequests = [];
static var failed = false;
Symbol 1562 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.utils.Delegate extends Object
var func;
function Delegate (f) {
func = f;
static function create(obj, func) {
var _local2 = function () {
var _local2 =;
var _local3 = arguments.callee.func;
return(_local3.apply(_local2, arguments));
}; = obj;
_local2.func = func;
function createDelegate(obj) {
return(create(obj, func));
Symbol 1385 MovieClip Frame 55
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1387 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("main");
mySoundm = new Sound();
mySoundm.start(0, 999);
Symbol 1415 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("dimensionw");
Symbol 1417 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 1428 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 1444 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 1445 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 1455 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 1461 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 1482 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (6);
Symbol 1488 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (7);
Symbol 1504 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("main");
Symbol 1517 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("dimensionw");
Symbol 1518 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
if (password == "LHAIG") {
gotoAndStop ("dimensiony");
} else if (password == "5ANIH") {
gotoAndStop ("dimensionz");
} else {
gotoAndStop ("dimensionx");
Symbol 1532 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Enter>") {
if (password == "LHAIG") {
gotoAndStop ("dimensiony");
} else if (password == "5ANIH") {
gotoAndStop ("dimensionz");
} else {
gotoAndStop ("dimensionx");
Symbol 1538 MovieClip Frame 35
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1540 MovieClip Frame 70
gotoAndPlay (1);