Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Submachine 10 the Exit.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #206397

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { stop(); go_live = true; shortcut = function () { if (go_live != true) { item_quantity_czek('vector_rod'); item_quantity_czek('vector_rod'); item_quantity_czek('vector_rod'); item_quantity_czek('vector_rod'); item_quantity_czek('vector_rod'); jump(610); } }; } frame 1 { has_amb_menu = true; load_to = 'menu'; hd_link = ''; var sound_list = new Array('combineSnd', 'btnSnd', 'pickSnd', 'pickEnd', 'findSnd', 'useSnd', 'errorSnd', 'documentsSnd', 'documentsEnd', 'itemSnd', 'move_snd', 'portal_charge_snd', 'portal_fail_snd', 'layer_snd', 'portal_btn_1_snd', 'portal_btn_2_snd', 'locked_snd', 'unlock_snd', 'door_snd', 'door_end', 'door_main_snd', 'tasma_snd', 'snd_mecha_lever', 'snd_light_warp', 'snd_power_up', 'snd_lever', 'snd_tumble', 'snd_rebuild', 'snd_metal_hinge', 'snd_metal_valve', 'snd_komp_btn', 'snd_elev_btn', 'snd_elev_door', 'snd_elev', 'snd_metal_turn', 'snd_stone', 'snd_dzwon_1', 'snd_dzwon_2', 'snd_dzwon_3', 'snd_dzwon_4', 'snd_open_botpod', 'snd_charge_portal', 'snd_turn_plate', 'snd_small_lever', 'snd_ladder_drop', 'snd_electric', 'snd_wiertlo', 'snd_power_light', 'snd_power_down', 'snd_move_ashtray', 'snd_scanner', 'snd_karma_power_up', 'snd_anubis', 'snd_stone_move', 'snd_open_slot', 'snd_lampa_klik', 'snd_remove_sewer', 'snd_open_metal_door', 'snd_ladder_pump', 'snd_ladder_move', 'snd_wooden_lever_1', 'snd_wooden_lever_2', 'snd_elev_ding', 'snd_wood_hit', 'snd_metal_hit', 'snd_krata', 'snd_chip', 'snd_turn_stone', 'snd_drawer', 'snd_torba', 'amb_01a', 'amb_01b', 'amb_02a', 'amb_02b', 'amb_03a', 'amb_03b', 'amb_04a', 'amb_04b', 'amb_05a', 'amb_05b', 'amb_06a', 'amb_06b', 'amb_07a', 'amb_07b', 'amb_08a', 'amb_08b', 'amb_09a', 'amb_09b', 'amb_10', 'amb_menu', 'amb_intro', 'amb_outro', 'amb_outro_short', 'amb_bonus', 'amb_00'); } frame 1 { function full_screen_respond() { if (Stage.displayState == 'normal') { ingame_menu.fs_btn.gotoAndStop(2); } else { ingame_menu.fs_btn.gotoAndStop(1); } } game_width = 400; game_height = 500; middleX = 200; middleY = 200; music_on = true; sfx_on = true; footer_rgb = 3495795; var shadow_jasny = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(5, 45, 0, 0.8, 5, 10, 1, 1, false, false, false); var shadow_ciemny = new flash.filters.DropShadowFilter(5, 45, 0, 2, 5, 10, 2, 3, false, false, false); var btn_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 25, 3, 3, 1, 10, false, false); var outline_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(0, 100, 1.2, 1.2, 10, 5, false, false); Stage.showMenu = false; fscommand('showmenu', 'false'); Button.prototype.tabEnabled = false; MovieClip.prototype.tabEnabled = false; _global.root = this; _quality = 'BEST'; if (full_screen) { fscommand('fullscreen', 'true'); } else { Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale'; fscommand('trapallkeys', true); } save_file = SharedObject.getLocal('__save__'); _global.s =; _global.sfx = function (co) { if (sfx_on) { root[co].start(); } }; _global.sfx_once = function (co) { if (s[co + s.current_frame] != true) { if (sfx_on) { root[co].start(); } s[co + s.current_frame] = true; } }; _global.amb = function (ktory) { if (music_on && ktory_ambient != ktory) { stopAllSounds(); root[ktory].start(); ktory_ambient = ktory; } root[ktory].onSoundComplete = function () { root[ktory].start(); }; if (ktory != 'amb_menu') { s.current_ambient = ktory; } }; _global.rem = function (ktory_obiekt, nr) { ktory_save = 'obiekt_' + s.current_frame + '_' + ktory_obiekt._x + '_' + ktory_obiekt._y; if (nr == undefined) { if (s[ktory_save] != undefined) { ktory_obiekt.gotoAndStop(s[ktory_save]); } } else { if (nr == 't') { s[ktory_save] = ktory_obiekt._totalframes; } else { if (nr == 'c') { s[ktory_save] = ktory_obiekt._currentframe; } else { s[ktory_save] = nr; } } } }; atacz_sounds = function () { i = 0; while (i < sound_list.length) { this[sound_list[i]] = new Sound(this); this[sound_list[i]].attachSound(sound_list[i]); ++i; } }; get_url = function (jaki_link) { if (go_live) { sfx('btnSnd'); getURL(jaki_link, '_blank'); } }; MovieClip.prototype.draw_rectangle = function (w, h, alfa) { var v2 = this.createEmptyMovieClip('kwadrat1', 1); v2.beginFill(0, alfa); v2.moveTo(0, 0); v2.lineTo(w, 0); v2.lineTo(w, h); v2.lineTo(0, h); v2.endFill(); }; przechodzimy = false; przejscie = function (gdzie) { przejscie_dest = gdzie; if (!przechodzimy) { przechodzimy = true; this.createEmptyMovieClip('przejscieMC', this.getNextHighestDepth()); przejscieMC.draw_rectangle(game_width, game_height, 100); przejscieMC._alpha = 1; przejscieMC.dissolve = false; przejscieMC.onEnterFrame = przejscie_ef; } }; przejscie_ef = function () { if (!this.dissolve) { this._alpha += 15; } else { this._alpha -= 15; } if (this._alpha >= 140) { root.gotoAndStop(root.przejscie_dest); this.dissolve = true; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { root.przechodzimy = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; toggle_full_screen = function () { sfx('btnSnd'); if (Stage.displayState == 'fullScreen') { full_screen = false; fscommand('fullscreen', 'false'); } else { full_screen = true; fscommand('fullscreen', 'true'); } }; var full_screen_listener = new Object(); Stage.addListener(full_screen_listener); full_screen_listener.onFullScreen = full_screen_respond; toggle_music = function () { if (music_on) { stopAllSounds(); music_on = false; } else { root[ktory_ambient].start(); music_on = true; } sfx('btnSnd'); }; toggle_sfx = function () { if (sfx_on) { sfx('btnSnd'); sfx_on = false; } else { sfx_on = true; sfx('btnSnd'); } }; function () { stopAllSounds(); if (has_amb_menu) { amb('amb_menu'); } else { amb('');
Created: 24/7 -2019 07:40:51 Last modified: 24/7 -2019 07:40:51 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:58:03