Frame 2
_root.langue = 0;
Frame 3
_root.langue = 1;
Frame 4
_root.langue = 2;
Frame 5
_root.langue = 3;
Frame 6
Frame 50
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.text1 = "presents";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.text1 = "pr\u00E9sente";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.text1 = "presente";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.text1 = "stellt vor";
Frame 82
gotoAndStop (83);
Frame 83
music = new Sound();
music.start(0, 10000000);
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.titre1 = "Another very special afternoon";
_root.titre2 = "Another very special afternoon";
_root.text1 = "A sexy game by";
_root.text2 = "English version : XERIS89-CROSSY";
_root.text3 = "Spanish version : MANDRILETTI";
_root.text6 = "German version : SPITZERTYP";
_root.text4 = "START";
_root.text5 = "HELP";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.titre1 = "Un nouvel apr\u00E8s-midi tr\u00E8s sp\u00E9cial";
_root.titre2 = "Un nouvel apr\u00E8s-midi tr\u00E8s sp\u00E9cial";
_root.text1 = "Un jeu sexy de";
_root.text2 = "Version anglaise : XERIS89-CROSSY";
_root.text3 = "Version espagnole : MANDRILETTI";
_root.text6 = "Version allemande : SPITZERTYP";
_root.text4 = "JOUER";
_root.text5 = "AIDE";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.titre1 = "Otra tarde muy especial";
_root.titre2 = "Otra tarde muy especial";
_root.text1 = "Un juego sexy de";
_root.text2 = "Versi\u00F3n inglesa : XERIS89-CROSSY";
_root.text3 = "Versi\u00F3n espa\u00F1ola : MANDRILETTI";
_root.text6 = "Versi\u00F3n alemana : SPITZERTYP";
_root.text4 = "JUGAR";
_root.text5 = "AYUDA";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.titre1 = "Ein neuer sehr spezieller nachmittag";
_root.titre2 = "Ein neuer sehr spezieller nachmittag";
_root.text1 = "ein sexy spiel von";
_root.text2 = "englische version: XERIS89-CROSSY";
_root.text3 = "spanische Version : MANDRILETTI";
_root.text6 = "deutsche version : SPITZERTYP";
_root.text4 = "SPIELEN";
_root.text5 = "HILFE";
Frame 84
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.text1 = "You were introduced to Wendy in the game ''Horny Afternoon'' (on She is the pretty young girl of a rich and respected family. She received an excellent education at a private boarding school and has returned to the family house for the holidays. Nanny, the housekeeper, keeps the luxurious house in order and watches over Wendy during the frequent times when her parents are absent. The house is pleasant... but Wendy gets bored. She would like more exciting activities... Will you be able to offer her another special afternoon? Wendy is a very sensual girl, but be careful! Nanny is always on the lookout for good manners and respectable behavior...";
_root.text2 = "HOW TO PLAY";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.text1 = "Vous avez fait la connaissance de Wendy dans le jeu ''horny afternoon'' (sur wwww.sharks-lagoonfr).C'est la jeune et jolie jeune fille d'une famille riche et respectable. Elle a re\u00E7u une excellente \u00E9ducation dans un pensionnat et a rejoint la maison familiale pour les vacances... Nanny, la gouvernante, s'occupe de la luxueuse maison et veille sur la jeune fille durant les fr\u00E9quentes absences de ses parents... La maison est agr\u00E9able... mais Wendy s'ennuie... Elle cherche des activit\u00E9s plus ...excitantes... Saurez vous lui offrir un nouvel apr\u00E8s midi un peu ''sp\u00E9cial''? .Wendy est une jeune fille tr\u00E8s sensuelle... mais attention, Nanny veille au respect des bonnes mani\u00E8res ...";
_root.text2 = "COMMENT JOUER";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.text1 = "Has conocido a Wendy en el juego ''Horny Afternoon'' ( Wendy es la joven y hermosa hija de una familia rica y respetable. Ha recibido una esmerada educaci\u00F3n en un internado y ahora regresa a la mansi\u00F3n familiar por vacaciones...Nanny, el ni\u00F1era, se ocupa de la lujosa casa y cuida de la muchacha durante las frecuentes ausencias de sus casa es acogedora...pero Wendy se aburre...y busca actividades m\u00E1s excitantes.\u00BFSabr\u00E1s ofrecerle una tarde ''especial''? Wendy es una jovencita muy sensual...pero, cuidado, Nanny vigila para que se respeten los buenos modales...";
_root.text2 = "C\u00D3MO JUGAR";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.text1 = "Du hast Wendy ja im Spiel ''Horny Afternoon'' ( kennengelernt. Sie ist ein h\u00FCbsches junges M\u00E4dchen aus einer wohlhabenen und angesehen Familie. Sie erh\u00E4lt die beste Erziehung in einem Internat und verbringt ihre Ferien im Stammsitz der Familie... Nanny, die Haush\u00E4lterin, h\u00E4lt das luxuri\u00F6se Anwesen in Ordnung und k\u00FCmmert sich von Zeit zu Zeit auch um die Tochter des Hauses, wenn deren Eltern abwesend sind.... Das Haus und das Anwesen sind wundersch\u00F6n - aber Wendy langweilt sich. Sie w\u00FCrde gerne aufregende Dinge tun und erleben... Bist Du dazu bereit, ihr einen weiteren aufregenden Nachmittag zu bieten? Wendy ist ein sehr sinnliches M\u00E4dchen, aber sei vorsichtig! Nanny achtet streng darauf, da\u00DF die Etikette und gute Umgangsformen eingehalten werden!";
_root.text2 = "WIE ZU SPIELEN";
Frame 85
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.text1 = "HOW TO PLAY";
_root.text2 = "- Find the good places to click to start Wendy actions";
_root.text3 = "- maintain the left mouse buttoon down to continue the action";
_root.text4 = "- look at the action efficacity on the bottom gauge";
_root.text5 = "Good luck...";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.text1 = "COMMENT JOUER";
_root.text2 = "- Trouvez les bons endroit o\u00F9 cliquer pour d\u00E9clencher les actions";
_root.text3 = "- Maintenez le bouton enfonc\u00E9 pour poursuivre l'action";
_root.text4 = "- v\u00E9rifiez l'efficacit\u00E9 sur la jauge en bas \u00E0 gauche de l'\u00E9cran";
_root.text5 = "Bonne chance...";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.text1 = "C\u00D3MO JUGAR";
_root.text2 = "- Encuentre el buen lugar donde presionar para desencadenar las acciones";
_root.text3 = "- Mantenga el bot\u00F3n insertado para proseguir el acci\u00F3n";
_root.text4 = "- compruebe el eficacia sobre la capacidad abajo a la izquierda del pantalla";
_root.text5 = "Buena suerte...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.text1 = "WIE ZU SPIELEN";
_root.text2 = "- Finde den richtigen Punkt um Wendys Aktionen zu starten (linke Maustaste)";
_root.text3 = "- um die Aktionen auszuf\u00FChren linke Maustaste gedr\u00FCckt halten";
_root.text4 = "- der Balken unten links zeigt den Erfolg deiner Aktion";
_root.text5 = "Viel spass...";
Frame 86
_root.nivgirl = 0;
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 86
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 86
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 95
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Hello, Nanny, I am back. My horse riding lesson has just finished.";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Hello, Nanny, je suis rentr\u00E9e. Ma le\u00E7on d'\u00E9quitation est termin\u00E9e.";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Hola, Nanny, ya he vuelto. Mi clase de equitaci\u00F3n ha terminado.";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Hallo Nanny, ich bin zur\u00FCck. Meine Reitstunde ist vor\u00FCber.";
Frame 164
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Very well Miss Wendy... Good to see you. I hope the ride in the forest was good for you...";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Tr\u00E8s bien miss Wendy... J'esp\u00E8re que cette promenade en for\u00EAt vous a fait le plus grand bien...";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Muy bien, se\u00F1orita Wendy...espero que este paseo por el bosque le haya sentado bien...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Sehr sch\u00F6n, Miss Wendy. Freut mich, Sie wiederzusehen. Ich hoffe, der Ausritt im Wald war sch\u00F6n f\u00FCr Sie..?";
Frame 240
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "I am exhausted! I wanted to ride ''Hurricane'' and it was terrible! I was bucked like a rag doll !";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Plut\u00F4t \u00E9prouvant... J'ai voulu monter Ouragan et il a \u00E9t\u00E9 terrible... Il m'a secou\u00E9e comme un vulgaire sac de paille !";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Ha sido bastante cansado...He querido montar a Hurac\u00E1n y ha sido terrible...Me ha sacudido como a un vulgar saco de paja.";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Ich bin etwas ersch\u00F6pft... Ich wollte 'Hurricane' reiten, und es war f\u00FCrchterlich. Es hat mich durchger\u00FCttelt wie ein Erdbeben.";
Frame 310
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "I hurt everywhere... I feel like a horde of barbarians has been through between my thighs...";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "J'ai mal partout... J'ai l'impression qu'une horde de barbares s'est acharn\u00E9e entre mes cuisses...";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Me duele todo...tengo la impresi\u00F3n de que una horda de b\u00E1rbaros se ha encarnizado con mi entrepierna...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Mir tut alles weh. Ich f\u00FChle mich, als h\u00E4tte mich eine Horde Barbaren gev\u00F6gelt...";
Frame 378
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Miss Wendy!!! I have told you 100 times that this language is not suitable for such a well educated young girl...Will you never learn!";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Miss Wendy !!! Je vous ai r\u00E9p\u00E9t\u00E9 100 fois que ce langage n'\u00E9tait pas celui d'une jeune fille bien \u00E9duqu\u00E9e... Vous \u00EAtes incorrigible !";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1Se\u00F1orita Wendy! Le he repetido m\u00E1s de 100 veces que ese lenguaje no es propio de una joven bien educada... \u00A1Es usted incorregible!";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Miss Wendy!!! Ich habe Ihnen schon tausendmal gesagt, da\u00DF das nicht die angemessene Ausdrucksweise f\u00FCr eine wohlerzogene Dame ist!";
Frame 447
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Why don\u2019t you go take a nice hot bath that will relax you. I will come to brush your hair when you finish...";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Allez plut\u00F4t prendre un bon bain chaud, cela vous d\u00E9tendra. Je viendrai brosser vos cheveux lorsque vous aurez termin\u00E9...";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Vaya a tomar un buen ba\u00F1o caliente, eso la relajar\u00E1. Yo vendr\u00E9 a peinarla cuando haya terminado...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Nehmen Sie besser ein sch\u00F6nes hei\u00DFes Bad. Ich werde nachher nach Ihnen schauen, um Ihr Haar zu k\u00E4mmen, wenn Sie fertig sind...";
Frame 553
gotoAndPlay (554);
Frame 554
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
_root.partie = 1;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 554
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 554
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 598
_root.action = 1;
tellTarget (_root.animation2) {
_root.animation2._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Frame 599
Frame 625
gotoAndStop (626);
Frame 626
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
_root.action = 1;
tellTarget (_root.animation2) {
_root.animation2._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animcrem) {
_root.animcrem._visible = false;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 626
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 626
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 627
Frame 628
tellTarget ("controleur3") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
Frame 698
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Miss Wendy ... Is your bath finished ?";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Miss Wendy ... Avez-vous termin\u00E9 votre bain ?";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Se\u00F1orita Wendy... \u00BF ha terminado ya ?";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Miss Wendy... Sind Sie fertig mit Baden ?";
Frame 791
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
Frame 796
if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Good... Nothing like a good hot bath to help ease your aches and pains...";
} else if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Bien...Rien de tel qu'un bon bain chaud pour vous r\u00E9conforter de tous ces efforts...";
} else if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Bien...Nada como un buen ba\u00F1o caliente para recuperarse de un esfuerzo...";
} else if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Gut... Es gibt doch nichts besseres als ein sch\u00F6nes hei\u00DFes Bad nach solchen Anstrengungen...";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "No!!! What are you doing? ... Such indecency ! Have you gone mad !!!? ";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Mais !!! Qu'\u00EAtes-vous en train de faire !.. Quelle ind\u00E9cence ! Vous \u00EAtes devenue folle ! ";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1\u00A1\u00A1Pero!!!...\u00A1Qu\u00E9 est\u00E1 usted haciendo! ... \u00A1Qu\u00E9 indecencia! \u00A1Se ha vuelto loca!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Aber... Was machen Sie da? Was f\u00FCr eine Schamlosigkeit! Sind Sie verr\u00FCckt geworden?";
Frame 861
if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "horse riding is a noble sport that any well educated young lady should practice.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "L'\u00E9quitation est un sport noble que toute demoiselle bien \u00E9duqu\u00E9e se doit de pratiquer.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "La equitaci\u00F3n es un noble deporte que toda dama bien educada debe practicar.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Reiten ist ein nobler Sport, den jede bessere Dame erlernen sollte.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Shame on you! Your parents will be very shocked when they learn what kind of pervert you are !";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Quelle honte!.. Vos parents seront tr\u00E8s choqu\u00E9s lorsqu'ils apprendrons quel genre de d\u00E9prav\u00E9e vous \u00EAtes!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1Qu\u00E9 verg\u00FCenza! Sus padres estar\u00E1n sorprendidos cuando sepan qu\u00E9 clase de pervertida es usted!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Sch\u00E4men Sie sich! Ihre Eltern werden schockiert sein, wenn Sie erfahren, wie verdorben Sie wirklich sind!";
Frame 925
if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Come on, it is time to get out of the water now. I will dry you and then brush your hair.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Allez, il est temps de sortir de l'eau maintenant. Je vais vous s\u00E9cher et brosser vos cheveux.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Vamos, ya es hora de salir del agua. Voy a secarle el pelo...";
} else if ((_root.condition2 == 0) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Nun, es ist Zeit, aus dem Wasser zu steigen. Ich werde Sie abtrocknen und Sie frisieren.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Get out of the bath, dry off, and go to your room until they return!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Sortez du bain, s\u00E9chez-vous et filez vous enfermer dans votre chambre jusqu'\u00E0 leur retour!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1Salga del ba\u00F1o, s\u00E9quese y vaya a encerrarse en su habitaci\u00F3n hasta que regresen!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 0) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Verlassen Sie die Wanne, trocknen Sie sich ab und ziehen Sie sich in Ihr Zimmer zur\u00FCck, bis Ihre Eltern heimkehren!";
Frame 1012
if (_root.condition2 == 0) {
gotoAndPlay (1013);
} else {
gotoAndStop (3499);
Frame 1013
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
_root.partie = 2;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1013
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 1013
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 1028
_root.action = 1;
tellTarget (_root.animation2) {
_root.animation2._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Frame 1029
Frame 1073
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Tell me Nanny... What do you think of my breasts ?";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Dis-moi Nanny... que penses-tu de mes seins ?";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Dime, Nanny... \u00BF qu\u00E9 piensas de mis pechos ?";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Sagen Sie, Nanny... Was halten Sie von meinen Br\u00FCsten?";
Frame 1142
gotoAndPlay (1143);
Frame 1143
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1143
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 1143
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 1147
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Your breasts? Well... They are very nice of course... Yes, they are really very pretty... You are a very beautiful girl, Miss Wendy.";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Vos seins ?... Et bien ...Ils sont tr\u00E8s mignons, bien s\u00FBr... Oui, vraiment tr\u00E8s jolis... Vous \u00EAtes une tr\u00E8s jolie personne, miss Wendy";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "\u00BF Sus pechos ?...Bueno...Son muy bonitos, claro...S\u00ED, verdaderamente bonitos...Es usted una bell\u00EDsima joven, se\u00F1orita Wendy";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Ihre Br\u00FCste? Nun...Die sind sehr h\u00FCbsch, in der Tat... Ja, wirklich ausgesprochen sch\u00F6n... Sie sind eine wundervolle Erscheinung.";
Frame 1241
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Personally, I feel they are too small. I would like so much to have a big beautiful bust...";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Moi, je les trouve trop petits... J'aimerais tellement avoir une grosse et jolie poitrine...";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "A mi me parecen muy peque\u00F1os... Me gustar\u00EDa tanto tener unos pechos grandes y hermosos...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Ich denke, da\u00DF sie eher zu klein sind... Ich h\u00E4tte so gern einen gro\u00DFen und sch\u00F6nen Busen...";
Frame 1312
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = " you Nanny. They must be splendid... so big! Show me Nanny, show me your breasts.";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "...Comme toi Nanny... Ils doivent \u00EAtre magnifiques... si gros... Montre les moi Nanny, montre moi tes seins.";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "...Como los tuyos, Nanny...deben ser magn\u00EDficos...tan grandes...Ense\u00F1amelos, Nanny, ense\u00F1ame tus pechos...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "...wie Sie, Nanny... Die m\u00FCssen herrlich sein...So gro\u00DF...Zeigen Sie sie mir, Nanny... Zeigen Sie mir Ihre Br\u00FCste!";
Frame 1395
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Oh my! Miss Wendy! That is very rude... and embarrassing!";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Voyons Miss Wendy ! Cela ne se fait pas !.. C'est tr\u00E8s g\u00EAnant.";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1Pero, se\u00F1orita Wendy! \u00A1Eso no se hace! Es tan embarazoso...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Oh Gott, Miss Wendy! Das ist sehr unanst\u00E4ndig...Und schockierend!";
Frame 1457
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Frame 1462
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Pleeeease Nanny, show me your breasts.";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Allez, Nanny... s'il te plait, montre-moi tes seins...";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Venga, Nanny... ense\u00F1ame tus pechos, por favor...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Oh biiiiittteeeee Nanny, zeigen Sie mir Ihre Br\u00FCste...";
Frame 1521
Frame 1647
gotoAndStop (1648);
Frame 1648
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
_root.action = 1;
tellTarget (_root.animation3) {
_root.animation3._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation2) {
_root.animation2._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1648
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 1648
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 1649
Frame 1650
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
Frame 1708
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Oh Miss Wendy ! Look what I am doing because of you ! What if someone comes ?";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Oh Miss Wendy... Que me faites-vous faire ? ... Et si quelqu'un venait ?";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Oh, se\u00F1orita Wendy... \u00BF Qu\u00E9 estoy haciendo ?... \u00BF Y si viene alguien ?";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Herrje Miss Wendy... Was mach ich blo\u00DF mit Ihnen...? Und wenn jemand kommt?";
Frame 1773
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Nanny, I just need so much to relax today. You cannot refuse me a little tenderness can you? You are always so attentive with me...";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Nanny ... J'ai tellement besoin de me d\u00E9tendre, tu ne peux pas me refuser un peu de douceur, tu es toujours si pr\u00E9venante avec moi...";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Nanny... Necesito tanto relajarme, no puedes negarme un poco de dulzura, eres siempre tan atenta conmigo...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Nanny... Ich habe Entspannung so dringend n\u00F6tig, Sie k\u00F6nnen mir ein wenig Schw\u00E4che nicht ver\u00FCbeln...Sie sind immer so streng mit mir...";
Frame 1841
gotoAndStop (1842);
Frame 1842
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
_root.action = 1;
tellTarget (_root.animation4) {
_root.animation3._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation3) {
_root.animation3._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation2) {
_root.animation2._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 1842
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 1842
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 1843
Frame 1886
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
tellTarget (_root.animation2) {
_root.animation2._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Frame 1889
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Hello... Is anybody there? It's me, Frank, the farm managers son.";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Il y a quelqu'un ?... C'est moi, Franck, le fils du r\u00E9gisseur.";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "\u00BF Hay alguien ? Soy yo, Franck, el hijo del administrador.";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Hallo...Ist da jemand? Ich bins, Frank, der Sohn des Hausmeisters.";
Frame 2004
if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Sorry to disturb you, I thought that the house was empty\u2026 My father asked me to come and repair the lighting in the bathroom.";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "D\u00E9sol\u00E9 de vous d\u00E9ranger, je pensais que la maison \u00E9tait vide... Mon p\u00E8re m'a demand\u00E9 de passer pour r\u00E9parer l'\u00E9clairage de la salle de bain.";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Siento molestar, pens\u00E9 que la mansi\u00F3n estaba vac\u00EDa... Mi padre me ha pedido que pase a reparar las luces del ba\u00F1o.";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Entschuldigen Sie die St\u00F6rung, ich dachte, das Haus sei leer...Mein Vater bat mich, die Beleuchtung im Badezimmer zu reparieren.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Oops!! I think that I have disturbed you\u2026 I, I thought that the house was empty\u2026 My father, er, had asked me to come and do some work.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Oups !! Je crois que je d\, je pensais que la maison \u00E9tait vide...Mon p\u00E8re, euh, m'avait demand\u00E9 de passer pour quelques travaux.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1Ops! Me temo que molesto...yo...yo...pens\u00E9 que la mansi\u00F3n estaba vac\u00EDa... Mi padre, euh, me ha pedido que pase a hacer unas reparaciones.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Huch! Ich denke, ich st\u00F6re... Ich...Ich dachte, das Haus sei leer...Mein Vater...\u00E4hm...bat mich, hier etwas zu erledigen.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Oops!! I think that I have disturbed you\u2026 I, I thought that the house was empty\u2026 My father, er, had asked me to come and do some work.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Oups !! Je crois que je d\, je pensais que la maison \u00E9tait vide...Mon p\u00E8re, euh, m'avait demand\u00E9 de passer pour quelques travaux.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1Ops! Me temo que molesto...yo...yo...pens\u00E9 que la mansi\u00F3n estaba vac\u00EDa... Mi padre, euh, me ha pedido que pase a hacer unas reparaciones.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Huch! Ich denke, ich st\u00F6re... Ich...Ich dachte, das Haus sei leer...Mein Vater...\u00E4hm...bat mich, hier etwas zu erledigen.";
Frame 2083
if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "But perhaps it is not a good time\u2026 Excuse my impoliteness. I can return later if you like.";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Mais ce n'est peut-\u00EAtre pas le moment... Excusez-moi pour mon impolitesse. Je peux revenir plus tard si vous voulez.";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Pero quiz\u00E1 no es buen momento... Perdonen mi falta de delicadeza. Puedo volver m\u00E1s tarde si quieren.";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Aber offensichtlich ist das gerade kein guter Zeitpunkt. Entschuldigen Sie meine Aufdringlichkeit. Ich kann sp\u00E4ter wiederkommen.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "But obviously, these ladies are, er, very busy\u2026 I do not think that I am welcome. Goodbye.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Mais manifestement, ces dames sont, humm, tr\u00E8s occup\u00E9es...Je ne pense pas que je sois vraiment le bienvenu... Au revoir.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Pero ya veo que las se\u00F1oras est\u00E1n, hummm, muy ocupadas... no creo que sea bienvenido aqu\u00ED... adi\u00F3s.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Aber offensichtlich sind die Damen...\u00E4hmm... sehr besch\u00E4ftigt... Ich glaube nicht, da\u00DF ich sehr gelegen komme. Wiedersehn!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "But obviously, these ladies are, er, very busy\u2026 I do not think that I am welcome. Goodbye.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Mais manifestement, ces dames sont, humm, tr\u00E9s occup\u00E9es...Je ne pense pas que je sois vraiment le bienvenu... Au revoir.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Pero ya veo que las se\u00F1oras est\u00E1n, hummm, muy ocupadas... no creo que sea bienvenido aqu\u00ED...adi\u00F3s.";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Aber offensichtlich sind die Damen...\u00E4hmm... sehr besch\u00E4ftigt... Ich glaube nicht, da\u00DF ich sehr gelegen komme. Wiedersehn!";
Frame 2167
if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Er\u2026 You did not disturb us at all\u2026 We\u2026 we had finished\u2026 It is I who asked your father for this work to be done...";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Euh... Vous ne nous d\u00E9rangez pas du tout...Nous...nous avions termin\u00E9... C'est moi qui ait demand\u00E9 ces travaux \u00E0 votre p\u00E8re...";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Euh...No es molestia, de verdad...nosotras...nosotras ya hab\u00EDamos yo quien le ha pedido a tu padre la reparaci\u00F3n...";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "\u00C4\u00E4hm... Sie haben uns keineswegs gest\u00F6rt...Wir... Wir sind fertig... Ich war es, der Ihren Vater um diese Reparatur gebeten hat...";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Oh my god, I have never been so ashamed in my life! What did I do because of you, Miss Wendy! I am terribly angry with you!";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Oh mon dieu, je n'ai jamais eu aussi honte de ma vie... Que m'avez-vous fait faire Miss Wendy ! Je vous en veux terriblement !";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Dios m\u00EDo, nunca hab\u00EDa pasado tanta verg\u00FCenza...\u00A1qu\u00E9 hemos hecho, se\u00F1orita Wendy! \u00A1Estoy terriblemente enfadada con usted!";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Oh mein Gott, ich habe mich in meinem ganzen Leben noch sie so gesch\u00E4mt, und Sie sind schuld! Ich bin wirklich w\u00FCtend auf Sie!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Oh my god, I have never been so ashamed in my life! What did I do because of you, Miss Wendy! I am terribly angry with you!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Oh mon dieu, je n'ai jamais eu aussi honte de ma vie... Que m'avez vous fait faire Miss Wendy ! je vous en veux terriblement !";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Dios m\u00EDo, nunca hab\u00EDa pasado tanta verg\u00FCenza...\u00A1qu\u00E9 hemos hecho, se\u00F1orita Wendy! \u00A1Estoy terriblemente enfadada con usted!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Oh mein Gott, ich habe mich in meinem ganzen Leben noch sie so gesch\u00E4mt, und Sie sind schuld! Ich bin wirklich w\u00FCtend auf Sie!";
Frame 2231
if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "We will let you to work, young man. Miss Wendy, get dressed and join me in the living room please.";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Nous allons vous laisser travailler, jeune homme. Miss Wendy, allez vous habiller et rejoignez moi au salon s'il vous plait.";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Te dejamos trabajar, chico. Miss Wendy, vaya a vestirse y venga conmigo al sal\u00F3n ,por favor.";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Wir werden Sie arbeiten lassen, junger Mann. Miss Wendy, ziehen Sie sich an und folgen mir ins Wohnzimmer, bitte.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Go immediately up to your bedroom, I do not want to see you again today\u2026 What a bad situation!!! What a shameful situation!!!";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Montez imm\u00E9diatement dans votre chambre, je ne veux plus vous voir de la journ\u00E9e... Quelle situation !!! Quelle honte !!!";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1\u00A1Suba inmediatamente a su habitaci\u00F3n, no quiero verla m\u00E1s en todo el d\u00EDa!! \u00A1\u00A1Qu\u00E9 situaci\u00F3n tan violenta!! \u00A1\u00A1Qu\u00E9 verg\u00FCenza!!!";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Gehen Sie sofort rauf in Ihr Zimmer, ich m\u00F6chte Sie heute nicht mehr sehen! Was f\u00FCr eine schrechliche Situation! Welch eine Schande!!!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "Go immediately up to your bedroom, I do not want to see you again today\u2026 What a bad situation!!! What a shameful situation!!!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Montez imm\u00E9diatement dans votre chambre, je ne veux plus vous voir de la journ\u00E9e... Quelle situation !!! Quelle honte !!!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1\u00A1Suba inmediatamente a su habitaci\u00F3n, no quiero verla m\u00E1s en todo el d\u00EDa!! \u00A1\u00A1Qu\u00E9 situaci\u00F3n tan violenta!! \u00A1\u00A1Qu\u00E9 verg\u00FCenza!!!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Gehen Sie sofort rauf in Ihr Zimmer, ich m\u00F6chte Sie heute nicht mehr sehen! Was f\u00FCr eine schrechliche Situation! Welch eine Schande!!!";
Frame 2296
if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "First, I have to apply some moisturizer to my legs, Nanny. I will join you as soon as I finished...";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Je dois d'abord passer un peu de cr\u00E8me sur mes jambes, Nanny. Je te rejoins d\u00E8s que j'ai termin\u00E9...";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Tengo que ponerme crema en las piernas, Nanny. Voy en cuanto termine...";
} else if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Erst muss ich noch meine Beine mit Feuchtigkeitsmilch einreiben, Nanny. Ich folge Ihnen, sobald ich damit fertig bin.";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "What a pity, Nanny\u2026 The situation could have become so interesting! You are really much too fearful!";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Quel dommage, Nanny...Tout cela devenait tr\u00E8s int\u00E9ressant... Tu es vraiment trop coinc\u00E9e !";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Es una pena, cosa se estaba poniendo tan interesante...\u00A1La verdad es que eres demasiado escrupulosa!";
} else if ((_root.condition1 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Wie schade, Nanny... Die Situation wurde gerade richtig interessant! Sie sind aber wirklich sehr \u00E4ngstlich!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 0)) {
_root.texte = "What a pity, Nanny\u2026 The situation could have become so interesting! You are really much too fearful!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 1)) {
_root.texte = "Quel dommage, Nanny...Tout cela devenait tr\u00E8s int\u00E9ressant... Tu es vraiment trop coinc\u00E9e !";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 2)) {
_root.texte = "Es una pena, cosa se estaba poniendo tan interesante...\u00A1La verdad es que eres demasiado escrupulosa!";
} else if ((_root.condition2 != 1) and (_root.langue == 3)) {
_root.texte = "Wie schade, Nanny... Die Situation wurde gerade richtig interessant! Sie sind aber wirklich sehr \u00E4ngstlich!";
Frame 2381
if ((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (2382);
} else {
gotoAndStop (3499);
Frame 2382
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2382
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 2382
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 2396
_root.action = 1;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Frame 2397
Frame 2424
gotoAndPlay (2425);
Frame 2425
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
_root.action = 1;
tellTarget (_root.animation2) {
_root.animation2._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2425
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 2425
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 2426
Frame 2468
gotoAndPlay (2469);
Frame 2469
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
_root.action = 1;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
gotoAndPlay (31);
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2469
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 2469
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 2470
Frame 2618
gotoAndPlay (2619);
Frame 2619
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
tellTarget (_root.animation4) {
_root.animation4._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation3) {
_root.animation3._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation2) {
_root.animation2._visible = true;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2619
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 2619
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 2633
_root.action = 1;
Frame 2634
Frame 2635
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 0;
_root.condition3 = 0;
_root.condition4 = 0;
_root.condition5 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 2635
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl < 200) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
Frame 2831
gotoAndPlay (2832);
Frame 2832
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.orgasm = 0;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 2832
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 2991
_root.orgasm = 1;
Frame 3082
gotoAndPlay (3083);
Frame 3083
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
Instance of Symbol 84 MovieClip "gaugegirl" in Frame 3083
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.posx = _root.gaugegirl._x;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.posy = _root.gaugegirl._height;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl > 0) and (_root.mvtgauge == -1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl - 1;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.nivgirl < 100) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 1;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 150) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.5;
} else if ((_root.nivgirl < 180) and (_root.mvtgauge == 1)) {
_root.nivgirl = _root.nivgirl + 0.2;
_root.gaugegirl._width = _root.nivgirl;
_root.gaugegirl._x = _root.posx + (_root.nivgirl / 2);
_root.gaugegirl._height = _root.posy;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nivgirl > 100) {
_root.condition5 = 1;
Instance of Symbol 88 MovieClip in Frame 3083
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
_root.cible._x = _xmouse + 30;
_root.cible._y = _ymouse + 30;
Frame 3097
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Nanny, the farm managers son has left. He said he will return tomorrow to complete the work.";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Nanny, le fils du r\u00E9gisseur est parti. Il a dit qu'il reviendrait demain pour terminer les travaux.";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "Nanny, el hijo del administrador ya se ha marchado. Dijo que volver\u00EDa ma\u00F1ana para terminar el trabajo.";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Nanny, der Sohn des Hausmeisters ist gegangen. Er will morgen wiederkommen, um seine Arbeit zu erledigen.";
Frame 3183
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "What! This boy has been in the house this entire time and you remained in that dress?... Such indecent behavior !";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Quoi ! Ce gar\u00E7on \u00E9tait dans la maison jusqu'\u00E0 pr\u00E9sent et vous \u00EAtes rest\u00E9e dans cette tenue ?... Quelle ind\u00E9cence !";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1 C\u00F3mo ! \u00BF Ha estado aqu\u00ED hasta ahora y usted iba casi desnuda ? ... \u00A1 Qu\u00E9 indecencia !";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Wie bitte?? Dieser Bursche war bis jetzt im Haus und Sie haben sich nicht ordentlich angezogen? Was f\u00FCr ein unanst\u00E4ndiges Verhalten!";
Frame 3257
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "But Nanny, he came and disturbed me while I was washing up! It was necessary that I finish!";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Mais Nanny, c'est lui qui est venu me d\u00E9ranger pendant ma toilette ! Il fallait bien que je termine tout de m\u00EAme !";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1Pero, Nanny, ha sido \u00E9l quien ha interrumpido mi ba\u00F1o! \u00A1Ten\u00EDa que terminar de todos modos!";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Aber Nanny, er st\u00F6rte mich dabei, als ich mich gerade abwusch! Das mu\u00DFte ich doch zu Ende bringen";
Frame 3327
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "You were washing up? What an excuse!\u2026 You were so disturbed by this boy that you still have some moisturizer on your legs!";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Votre toilette ? Quelle excuse! Vous \u00E9tiez tellement troubl\u00E9e par ce gar\u00E7on que vous avez encore de la cr\u00E8me adoucissante sur les jambes !";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "\u00BFEl ba\u00F1o? qu\u00E9 excusa tan penosa...\u00A1Estaba usted tan alterada por ese chico que todav\u00EDa tiene algo de crema hidratante en las piernas!";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Was f\u00FCr eine Entschuldigung !... Dieser Junge hat Sie anscheinend sehr j\u00E4h unterbrochen - Sie haben ja immer noch Creme an Ihren Beinen!";
Frame 3402
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.texte = "Oops! Sorry, the tube was so full that it dripped on to my thighs... I will pay more attention the next time...";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.texte = "Oups ! D\u00E9sol\u00E9e, Le tube devait \u00EAtre tellement rempli qu'il a coul\u00E9 sur mes cuisses... Je ferai plus attention la prochaine fois...";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.texte = "\u00A1Ops! Lo siento, el tubo estaba tan lleno que se me ha derramado toda la crema por los muslos...Ser\u00E9 m\u00E1s cuidadosa la pr\u00F3xima vez...";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.texte = "Huch! Entschuldigung, die Tube war so voll da\u00DF es auf meine Schenkel getropft ist... Beim n\u00E4chsten Mal werde ich besser darauf achten...";
Frame 3498
gotoAndStop (3500);
Frame 3499
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.text1 = "What a pity ! When Nanny is angry, negotiating is pointless... Wendy will have a boring afternoon in her bedroom. Next time, more caution will be necessary...";
_root.text2 = "TRY AGAIN";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.text1 = "Quel dommage ! Lorsque Nanny est fach\u00EAe, il ne sert \u00E0 rien d'insister... Wendy va passer un apr\u00E8s-midi ennuyeux dans sa chambre. La prochaine fois, il faudra d'avantage de prudence...";
_root.text2 = "REJOUER";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.text1 = "\u00A1Qu\u00E9 l\u00E1stima! Cuando Nanny est\u00E1 furiosa no hay nada que hacer...Wendy pasar\u00E1 una tarde aburrida encerrada en su habitaci\u00F3n. La pr\u00F3xima vez habr\u00E1 que tener m\u00E1s precauci\u00F3n...";
_root.text2 = "REINICIAR";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.text1 = "Wie schade! Wenn die Nanny w\u00FCtend ist, haben Verhandlungen keinen Sinn... Wendy wird einen langweiligen Nachmittag auf Ihrem Zimmer verbringen. Beim n\u00E4chsten Mal ist mehr Aufmerksamkeit gefragt...";
_root.text2 = "NOCH EINMAL";
Frame 3500
if (_root.langue == 0) {
_root.text1 = "Congratulations,";
_root.text2 = "Wendy had a very exciting afternoon.";
_root.text3 = "You win...";
_root.text4 = "AGAIN";
_root.text5 = "MORE";
} else if (_root.langue == 1) {
_root.text1 = "Bravo,";
_root.text2 = "Wendy a pass\u00E9 un apr\u00E8s-midi tr\u00E8s excitant.";
_root.text3 = "Tu as gagn\u00E9...";
_root.text4 = "REJOUER";
_root.text5 = "+ DE JEUX";
} else if (_root.langue == 2) {
_root.text1 = "\u00A1Felicidades!";
_root.text2 = "Wendy ha pasado una tarde muy excitante.";
_root.text3 = "Has ganado...";
_root.text4 = "REINICIAR";
_root.text5 = "MAS JUEGOS";
} else if (_root.langue == 3) {
_root.text1 = "Gl\u00FCckwunsch!";
_root.text2 = "Wendy hatte einen sehr aufregenden Nachmittag...";
_root.text3 = "Du hast gewonnen...";
_root.text4 = "NOCH EINMAL";
_root.text5 = "MEHR";
Symbol 10 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bytes_totales = _level0.getBytesTotal();
_root["bytes_charg\u00E9es"] = _level0.getBytesLoaded();
_root.bytes_rapport = Math.round((_root["bytes_charg\u00E9es"] / _root.bytes_totales) * 100);
_root.bytes_chargement_affichage = Math.round(_root.bytes_rapport) add " %";
if (_root.bytes_rapport == 100) {;
tellTarget (_root.barre_chargement_bytes) {
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 13 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 21 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 30 Button
on (press, release) {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 34 Button
on (press, release) {
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 36 Button
on (press, release) {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 38 Button
on (press, release) {
gotoAndStop (4);
Symbol 40 Button
on (press, release) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 55 Button
on (press) {
_root.nivgirl = 0;
gotoAndPlay (86);
Symbol 56 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndStop (84);
Symbol 70 Button
on (press, release) {
gotoAndStop (85);
Symbol 73 Button
on (press) {
gotoAndPlay (86);
Symbol 93 Button
on (keyPress "<Tab>") {
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) {
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 5
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 162 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) {
tellTarget (_root.animation2) {
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animation1._visible = false;
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 8
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 185 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur1") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur1") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation1") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition1 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 186 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation2") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition2 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 187 Button
on (press) {
if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (600);
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.finmvt = 1;
Symbol 261 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 276 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 276 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 276 MovieClip Frame 14
_root.finmvt = 1;
_root.animcrem._visible = false;
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 277 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.condition1 == 0) {
tellTarget ("controleur1") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
_root.condition1 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.condition1 == 0) {
tellTarget ("controleur1") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation1") {
tellTarget ("animcrem") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
_root.animcrem._visible = true;
Symbol 278 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.condition1 == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
on (press) {
if (_root.condition1 == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation2") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.condition1 == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition1 = 0;
_root.condition2 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.condition1 == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 279 Button
on (press) {
if ((_root.condition2 == 1) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (628);
on (press) {
if ((_root.condition2 == 1) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 27
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 49
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (41);
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) {
tellTarget (_root.animation3) {
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 326 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur3") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition2 = 0;
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 1
i = random(3);
if (i == 2) {
j = 0;
tellTarget (_root.animcoif) {
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 15
tellTarget (_root.animcoif) {
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 9
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 405 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 405 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 405 MovieClip Frame 9
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 405 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 406 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.condition1 == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
on (press) {
if (_root.condition1 == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation2") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.condition1 == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition2 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.condition1 == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 407 Button
on (press) {
if ((_root.condition2 == 1) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (1030);
on (press) {
if ((_root.condition2 == 1) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 450 MovieClip Frame 90
Symbol 534 MovieClip Frame 112
Symbol 540 Button
on (press) {
_root.cible._visible = false;
tellTarget (_root.animation1) {
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 12
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 23
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (13);
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 7
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animation1._visible = false;
Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 6
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 617 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (7);
Symbol 618 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation2") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition2 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 619 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur3") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur3") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation3") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition3 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 620 Button
on (press) {
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (1650);
Symbol 672 MovieClip Frame 47
Symbol 682 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 682 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 682 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (6);
Symbol 701 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 701 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 701 MovieClip Frame 8
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 701 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animation1._visible = false;
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 9
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 726 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 739 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animation1._visible = true;
Symbol 739 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animation1._visible = false;
Symbol 739 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.finmvt = 1;
Symbol 740 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 740 MovieClip Frame 2
if (_root.finmvt == 1) {
tellTarget (_root.animation4) {
Symbol 740 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 741 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
tellTarget ("controleur4") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
gotoAndPlay (1844);
on (press) {
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
tellTarget ("controleur4") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation4") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition3 = 1;
on (press) {
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 756 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.tetnan._visible = false;
Symbol 756 MovieClip Frame 52
Symbol 777 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 781 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("animation1") {
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition1 = 1;
Symbol 782 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("animation2") {
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition2 = 1;
Symbol 823 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 832 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 841 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.w = random(5);
if (_root.w > 1) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (22);
Symbol 841 MovieClip Frame 85
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 873 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animationmas._visible = true;
Symbol 873 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animationmas._visible = false;
Symbol 873 MovieClip Frame 27
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (17);
Symbol 874 Button
on (press) {
if ((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (2398);
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
Symbol 902 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 902 MovieClip Frame 22
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 915 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 942 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animationmas._visible = true;
Symbol 942 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animationmas._visible = false;
Symbol 942 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (11);
Symbol 961 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animationmas._visible = true;
Symbol 961 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animationmas._visible = false;
Symbol 961 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (12);
Symbol 962 Button
on (press) {
if (((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (2427);
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
Symbol 986 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 986 MovieClip Frame 41
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 988 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 989 Button
on (press) {
if ((_root.action = 1)) {
gotoAndPlay (2471);
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
Symbol 1034 MovieClip Frame 50
gotoAndPlay (40);
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animcuis._visible = true;
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animcuis._visible = false;
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 8
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 1071 MovieClip Frame 19
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 1094 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animcuis._visible = true;
Symbol 1094 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animcuis._visible = false;
Symbol 1094 MovieClip Frame 8
son = new Sound();
s = 0;
s = random(5);
if (s == 0) {
} else if (s == 1) {
} else if (s == 2) {
} else if (s == 3) {
} else if (s == 4) {
if (_root.mvtgauge == 1) {
Symbol 1094 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (9);
Symbol 1119 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
_root.animcuis._visible = true;
_root.yeuxman._visible = true;
Symbol 1119 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
_root.animcuis._visible = false;
_root.yeuxman._visible = false;
Symbol 1119 MovieClip Frame 28
_root.finmvt = 1;
gotoAndPlay (18);
Symbol 1126 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.bouton1._visible = true;
_root.bouton2._visible = true;
_root.bouton3._visible = true;
_root.bouton4._visible = true;
_root.finmvt = 0;
_root.cible._visible = true;
Symbol 1126 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.bouton1._visible = false;
_root.bouton2._visible = false;
_root.bouton3._visible = false;
_root.bouton4._visible = false;
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 1126 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.finmvt = 1;
Symbol 1128 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur1") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
tellTarget (_root._root.yeuxgirl) {
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur1") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation1") {
tellTarget (_root.yeuxgirl) {
gotoAndStop (50);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition1 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 1129 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
tellTarget (_root._root.yeuxgirl) {
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur2") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation2") {
tellTarget (_root.yeuxgirl) {
gotoAndStop (50);
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition2 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 1130 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
tellTarget ("controleur3") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
on (press) {
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
tellTarget ("controleur3") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation3") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition4 = _root.condition4 + 1;
on (press) {
if ((((_root.condition1 == 1) and (_root.condition2 == 1)) and (_root.condition3 == 1)) and (_root.condition5 == 1)) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.condition4 == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (2635);
Symbol 1131 Button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur4") {
gotoAndPlay ("start");
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
tellTarget ("controleur4") {
gotoAndStop ("stop");
tellTarget ("animation4") {
on (release, releaseOutside) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = -1;
_root.condition3 = 1;
on (press) {
if (_root.action == 1) {
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.cible._visible = false;
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 57
son = new Sound();
_root.mvtgauge = 1;
Symbol 1169 MovieClip Frame 67
gotoAndPlay (57);
Symbol 1230 MovieClip Frame 1
son = new Sound();
Symbol 1230 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_root.orgasm == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (12);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1230 MovieClip Frame 12
son = new Sound();
Symbol 1230 MovieClip Frame 66
Symbol 1254 Button
on (press) {
if (_root.partie == 1) {
gotoAndPlay (554);
} else if (_root.partie == 2) {
gotoAndPlay (1013);
Symbol 1257 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (86);
Symbol 1258 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");