Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

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This is the info page for
Flash #206554

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 8 { } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 12 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 17 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 81 effect_bomb_air_01 { frame 33 { this.stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 90 { } movieClip 602 char_ship_arsenal2 { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(); Enemy.setHp(800 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(20000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 20; shotObj.angleBase = 150; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile100'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = -10; = -20; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile100'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 20; = -20; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile100'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 35; = -20; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile100'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 70; = -20; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile200'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 5; shotObj.shotRnd = 0; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 0; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 80; = -30; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile200'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 5; shotObj.shotRnd = 0; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 0; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 40; = -30; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var P_MIS = 1; var P_BIGMIS = 2; var P_WAIT = 3; var phase = P_MIS; var P_MIS_TIME = 5000; var P_BIGMIS_TIME = 999999; var P_WAIT_TIME = 3000; var changeTime = getTimer() + 10000; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (phase == P_MIS) { Enemy.exec(); } else { if (phase == P_BIGMIS) { Enemy.shot(5); Enemy.shot(6); phase = P_WAIT; changeTime = getTimer() + P_WAIT_TIME; } else { if (phase == P_WAIT) { Enemy.tryShotOnly(0); } } } if (getTimer() > changeTime) { if (phase == P_MIS) { phase = P_BIGMIS; changeTime = getTimer() + P_BIGMIS_TIME; } else { if (phase == P_WAIT) { phase = P_MIS; changeTime = getTimer() + P_MIS_TIME; } } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 97 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 10, 20, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 114 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 116 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.8, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 30, 50, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 208 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 604 targetCl_invisble { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 606 tama_mainChar2 { frame 1 { statusObj = new Object(); statusObj.damage = 30; statusObj.extX = 0.993; statusObj.downY = 0.05; statusObj.seeEfcId = 'waterBomb'; statusObj.hitEfcId = 'hitBomb'; statusObj.groundEfcId = 'hitBomb_noDmg'; statusObj.seeEfcScale = 200; statusObj.hitEfcScale = 200; statusObj.groundEfcScale = 200; Shot = new maincharShotClass(); Shot.setStatus(this, statusObj); Shot.setSpeed(speedX, speedY); delete statusObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Shot.exec(); }; } } movieClip 609 { } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 614 tama_mainChar_nk { frame 1 { statusObj = new Object(); statusObj.damage = 150; statusObj.extX = 0.993; statusObj.downY = 0.055; statusObj.seeEfcId = 'waterBomb'; statusObj.hitEfcId = 'hitBomb'; statusObj.groundEfcId = 'hitBomb_noDmg'; statusObj.seeEfcScale = 400; statusObj.hitEfcScale = 400; statusObj.groundEfcScale = 400; Shot = new maincharShotClass(); Shot.setStatus(this, statusObj); Shot.setSpeed(speedX, speedY); delete statusObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Shot.exec(); if (this.hitTest(_root.tcl)) {; this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; this.stop(); } frame 14 { _rotation = 0; } frame 15 { Shot.checkHitEnemySimple(); _root.Vib.setVib(0.8, 0.8, 0.7, 0.7, 20, 40, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 46 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 617 { } movieClip 619 { frame 1 { _visible = false; statusObj = new Object(); statusObj.damage = 1000; statusObj.extX = 0; statusObj.downY = 0; statusObj.seeEfcId = null; statusObj.hitEfcId = 'hitBomb'; statusObj.groundEfcId = null; statusObj.seeEfcScale = 150; statusObj.hitEfcScale = 150; statusObj.groundEfcScale = 150; Shot = new maincharShotClass(); Shot.setStatus(this, statusObj); Shot.setSpeed(speedX, speedY); delete statusObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Shot.checkHitEnemy(); }; } } movieClip 620 { } movieClip 623 { } movieClip 625 { frame 29 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 626 tama_mainChar_le { instance of movieClip 619 { } frame 64 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 629 { } movieClip 630 tama_mainChar_cl { frame 1 { function setAmo() { saX = _root._xmouse - this._x; saY = _root._ymouse - this._y; var v5 = 90 + Math.random() * 20 - 10; kakudo = v5 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = power * Math.cos(kakudo); var v4 = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama1', v4, _global.rDeep); _root[v4]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[v4]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[v4].speedX = sX; _root[v4].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } statusObj = new Object(); statusObj.damage = 50; statusObj.extX = 0.993; statusObj.downY = 0.05; statusObj.seeEfcId = 'waterBomb'; statusObj.hitEfcId = 'hitBomb'; statusObj.groundEfcId = 'hitBomb_noDmg'; statusObj.seeEfcScale = 200; statusObj.hitEfcScale = 200; statusObj.groundEfcScale = 200; Shot = new maincharShotClass(); Shot.setStatus(this, statusObj); Shot.setSpeed(speedX, speedY); delete statusObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Shot.exec(); if (this.hitTest(_root.tcl)) { i = 0; while (i < 5) { this.setAmo();; this.onEnterFrame = null; ++i; } } }; this.stop(); power = 8; } frame 14 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 632 tama_mainChar_bl { frame 1 { statusObj = new Object(); statusObj.damage = 5; statusObj.extX = 0.993; statusObj.downY = 0.04; statusObj.seeEfcScale = 80; statusObj.hitEfcScale = 80; statusObj.groundEfcScale = 80; Shot = new maincharShotClass(); Shot.setStatus(this, statusObj); Shot.setSpeed(speedX, speedY); delete statusObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Shot.exec(); }; } } movieClip 634 tama_mainChar_big { frame 1 { statusObj = new Object(); statusObj.damage = 100; statusObj.extX = 0.993; statusObj.downY = 0.06; statusObj.seeEfcId = 'waterBomb'; statusObj.hitEfcId = 'hitBomb'; statusObj.groundEfcId = 'hitBomb_noDmg'; statusObj.seeEfcScale = 300; statusObj.hitEfcScale = 300; statusObj.groundEfcScale = 300; Shot = new maincharShotClass(); Shot.setStatus(this, statusObj); Shot.setSpeed(speedX, speedY); delete statusObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Shot.exec(); }; } } movieClip 636 tama_mainChar_bakugeki { frame 1 { function setAmo() { var v4 = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_mainChar_big', v4, _global.rDeep); _root[v4]._x = this._x; _root[v4]._y = this._y + 10; _root[v4].speedX = 0; _root[v4].speedY = 3; ++_global.rDeep; } i = 0; this._xscale = -70; theSound = new Sound(this); theSound.attachSound('SE_aircraft'); theSound.setVolume(250); theSound.start(); power = 8; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (i > 2) { i = 0; this.setAmo(); } ++i; this._x += 7; this._y -= 0.2; if (this._x > 700) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 639 { frame 1 { flag = 1; speed = 13; kyori = _parent.kyori + Math.random() * 120 - 60; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._x < kyori && flag) { this._x += speed; } else { if (flag) { flag = 0; _parent._parent._name = 'aa'; this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } }; this.stop(); } frame 19 { this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 21 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 640 atcItem_AApart { frame 1 { this._rotation = Math.random() * 30 - 15; } } movieClip 641 tama_mainChar_AA { frame 1 { saX = _root._xmouse - this._x; saY = _root._ymouse - this._y; _rotation = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433; var k = Math.abs(saX) + Math.abs(saY); kyori = Math.pow(Math.sqrt(k), 2); if (kyori > 300) { kyori = 300; } trace('距離' + kyori); } frame 2 { i = 0; while (i < 5) { trace('tama配置=' + i); tama = 't' + i; this.attachMovie('atcItem_AApart', tama, i); this[tama].kyori = kyori; ++i; } } frame 60 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 643 tama1 { frame 1 { statusObj = new Object(); statusObj.damage = 10; statusObj.extX = 0.993; statusObj.downY = 0.05; statusObj.seeEfcId = 'waterBomb'; statusObj.hitEfcId = 'hitBomb'; statusObj.groundEfcId = 'hitBomb_noDmg'; statusObj.seeEfcScale = 150; statusObj.hitEfcScale = 150; statusObj.groundEfcScale = 150; Shot = new maincharShotClass(); Shot.setStatus(this, statusObj); Shot.setSpeed(speedX, speedY); delete statusObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Shot.exec(); }; } } movieClip 645 tama_rocketB { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } downY = 0.1; extX = 0.995; damage = 70; this.onEnterFrame = function () { tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; this._x += speedX; this._y += speedY; speedX *= extX; speedY += downY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; } } movieClip 646 tama_rocket { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } downY = 0.1; extX = 0.995; damage = 40; this.onEnterFrame = function () { tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; this._x += speedX; this._y += speedY; speedX *= extX; speedY += downY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; } } movieClip 647 tama_rocketS2 { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } damage = 20; this.onEnterFrame = function () { speedX *= 1.01; this._x += speedX; speedY *= 1.01; this._y += speedY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; } } movieClip 648 tama_rocketS { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } damage = 35; this.onEnterFrame = function () { speedX *= 1.01; this._x += speedX; speedY *= 1.01; this._y += speedY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; } } movieClip 650 tama_lastBoss_beamExtra { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 300; _root[tempName]._yscale = 300; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'hitBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } flag = 1; damage = 600; while (flag == 1) { speedX *= 1.01; this._x += speedX; speedY *= 1.01; this._y += speedY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { flag = 0; _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { flag = 0; this.bomb(); } } } } movieClip 653 tama_gyorai { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } damage = 100; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += speedX; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea) && !_root.mapShip.moveFlag) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.bomb(); this.hit(); } if (this._x < -20) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } frame 4 { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 655 tama_cl { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 300; _root[tempName]._yscale = 300; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = _root[tempName]._yscale; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function shot4() { saX = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; saY = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v4 = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433 - 40; i = 0; while (i < 3) { v4 += 20; kakudo = v4 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; ++i; } } downY = 0.05; extX = 0.993; power = 6; this.onEnterFrame = function () { tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; this._x += speedX; this._y += speedY; speedX *= extX; speedY += downY; sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa < 20 && _currentframe == 1) { this.shot4();; } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; this.stop(); } frame 12 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 657 tama_bomber { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } downY = 0.05; extX = 0.993; damage = 50; this.onEnterFrame = function () { tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; this._x += speedX; this._y += speedY; speedX *= extX; speedY += downY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; } } movieClip 659 tama_big3 { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 300; _root[tempName]._yscale = 300; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = _root[tempName]._yscale; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } downY = 0.04; extX = 0.993; damage = 150; this.onEnterFrame = function () { tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; this._x += speedX; this._y += speedY; speedX *= extX; speedY += downY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; } } movieClip 661 { } movieClip 662 tama_beam { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } damage = 40; this.onEnterFrame = function () { speedX *= 1.01; this._x += speedX; speedY *= 1.01; this._y += speedY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; } } movieClip 663 char_grand99 { } movieClip 665 char_grand30 { } movieClip 668 { } movieClip 669 char_grand29 { } movieClip 671 char_grand24 { } movieClip 673 char_grand23 { } movieClip 675 char_grand22 { } movieClip 677 char_grand21 { } movieClip 679 char_grand9 { } movieClip 681 char_grand8 { } movieClip 683 char_grand7 { } movieClip 685 char_grand6.5 { } movieClip 687 char_grand6 { } movieClip 689 { } movieClip 691 { } movieClip 694 char_grand5 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } frame 37 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 696 char_grand3 { } movieClip 698 char_grand2 { } movieClip 700 char_grand1 { } movieClip 702 { } movieClip 704 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 706 char_yousai_sireitou { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_big', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x - 40; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 130; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function setEnemy() { name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('enemy_aricraft', name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x - 30; _root[name]._y = this._y - 130; trace(name); ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 300 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 35000; shotRnd = 0.5 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 2 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.setEnemy(); } } }; this.stop(); } frame 175 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 708 { } movieClip 709 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } frame 75 { _parent.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 125 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 710 char_yousai_rocket2 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocket', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 80; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.hou.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 90 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 9000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 8; syasu = 3; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < syasu) { this.shot(); ++i; } } } }; } } movieClip 711 char_yousai_rocket0 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocket', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 30; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.hou.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 90 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 9000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 8; syasu = 3; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < syasu) { this.shot(); ++i; } } } }; } } movieClip 713 { } movieClip 714 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } frame 70 { _parent.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 120 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 715 char_yousai_kouku2 { frame 1 { function setEnemy() { if (Math.random() > 0.6) { trace('通常'); e = enemyName; } else { trace('ロケット間'); e = enemyName2; } name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(e, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x; _root[name]._y = this._y - 80; trace(name); ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.hou.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 50 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 10000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; if (_global.nowStage > 5) { enemyName2 = 'char_aircraft3'; } else { enemyName2 = 'char_aircraft2'; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 100; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.setEnemy(); } } }; } } movieClip 716 char_yousai_kouku1 { frame 1 { function setEnemy() { if (Math.random() > 0.6) { trace('通常'); e = enemyName; } else { trace('ロケット間'); e = enemyName2; } name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(e, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x; _root[name]._y = this._y - 50; trace(name); ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.hou.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 50 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 10000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; if (_global.nowStage > 5) { enemyName2 = 'char_aircraft3'; } else { enemyName2 = 'char_aircraft2'; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 100; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.setEnemy(); } } }; } } movieClip 717 char_yousai_kouku0 { frame 1 { function setEnemy() { if (Math.random() > 0.6) { trace('通常'); e = enemyName; } else { trace('ロケット間'); e = enemyName2; } name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(e, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x; _root[name]._y = this._y - 30; trace(name); ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.hou.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 50 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 10000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; if (_global.nowStage > 5) { enemyName2 = 'char_aircraft3'; } else { enemyName2 = 'char_aircraft2'; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 100; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.setEnemy(); } } }; } } movieClip 719 { } movieClip 720 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } frame 75 { _parent.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 125 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 721 char_yousai_hou2 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 80; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.hou.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 60 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 9000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } } }; } } movieClip 722 char_yousai_hou1 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 50; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.hou.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 60 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 9000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } } }; } } movieClip 723 char_yousai_hou0 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 30; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.hou.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 60 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 9000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } } }; } } movieClip 725 { } movieClip 726 char_yousai_gate2 { frame 1 { function setEnemy() { if (Math.random() > 0.6) { trace('通常'); e = enemyName; } else { trace('ロケット間'); e = enemyName2; } name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(e, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = 560; _root[name]._y = 200; trace(name); ++_global.rDeep; } function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 150) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketB', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + 10; _root[tamaName]._y = 150; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; trace('巨大戦艦ロケット投射' + kakudo); } function shot2() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 150) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = 150; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 150) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power3 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power3 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_big3', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = 150; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 80000; hp = 600 * _global.gameLv / 3; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 2 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 0.1 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd4 = 0.5 + _global.gameLv; power = 7; power2 = 7; power3 = 6.5; flag = 0; enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; enemyName2 = 'char_aircraft3'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < 3) { this.shot(); ++i; } } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot3(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.shot2(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd4) { this.setEnemy(); } } }; this.stop(); } frame 85 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 728 { } movieClip 729 char_yousai_gate1 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 150) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketB', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + 10; _root[tamaName]._y = 180; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; trace('巨大戦艦ロケット投射' + kakudo); } function shot2() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 150) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = 180; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 150) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power3 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power3 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_big3', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = 180; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 80000; hp = 1000 * _global.gameLv / 3; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 2 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 0.1 + _global.gameLv; power = 7; power2 = 7; power3 = 6.5; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < 3) { this.shot(); ++i; } } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot3(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.shot2(); } } }; this.stop(); } frame 45 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 731 { } movieClip 734 { } movieClip 735 { } movieClip 736 char_g_bTank { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketB', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + 10; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 10; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; trace('巨大戦艦ロケット投射' + kakudo); } function shot2() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power3 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power3 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_big3', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot4() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 10 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power3 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power3 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_cl', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 100000; hp = 700 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 0.5 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 1 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 0.1 + _global.gameLv; power = 7; power2 = 7; power3 = 6.5; flag = 0; shot4wait = 5000; waitTime = getTimer() + shot4wait; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { if (getTimer() > waitTime) { this.shot4(); waitTime = getTimer() + shot4wait; } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < 3) { this.shot(); ++i; } } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot3(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.shot2(); } } }; this.stop(); } frame 66 { this.showGekitin(); } frame 108 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 738 { } movieClip 739 char_aircraft3 { frame 1 { function shot() { saX = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; saY = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v4 = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433 + (Math.random() * 20 - 10); kakudo = v4 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketS2', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function bomb() { trace('飛行機 bombメソッド実行'); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } trace('ロケット攻撃機配備'); speed = Math.random() * 2 + 3; this._rotation = 80; nextRo = 30; flag = 1; score = 500; power = 5; nr1 = -30 + Math.random() * 5; nr2 = Math.random() * 60 - 20; this.onEnterFrame = function () { sa = Math.abs(this._x - _root.mapShip._x); if (sa < 250 && flag == 1) { this.shot(); flag = 2; nextRo = nr2; flag = 2; } if (this.hitTest(_root.aa) && Math.random() < 0.2 && flag != 99) { flag = 99; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.bomb(); } if (this._y < -50 || this._x < -50 || this._x > 750) { trace('飛行機をremove'); this.removeMovieClip(); } this._rotation += (nextRo - this._rotation) / 30; kakudo = _rotation * 0.0174532925199433; speedX = speed * Math.cos(kakudo) * (this._xscale / 100); speedY = speed * Math.sin(kakudo); this._x -= speedX; this._y -= speedY; }; this.stop(); } frame 23 { this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 25 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 740 char_aricraft2 { frame 1 { function setAmo(kakudo) { kakudo = kakudo * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = power * Math.cos(kakudo) * (this._xscale / 100); trace('sX=' + sX + ' sY=' + sY); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_bomber', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function bomb() { trace('飛行機 bombメソッド実行'); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } speed = Math.random() * 2 + 3; this._rotation = 80; nextRo = 0; flag = 0; score = 300; nr1 = -30 + Math.random() * 5; nr2 = Math.random() * 60 - 20; power = -Math.random() * 3; this.onEnterFrame = function () { sa = Math.abs(this._x - _root.mapShip._x); if (sa < 200 && flag == 0) { nextRo = nr1; flag = 1; } if (sa < 100 && flag == 1) { this.setAmo(_rotation); flag = 2; nextRo = nr2; flag = 2; } if (this.hitTest(_root.aa) && Math.random() < 0.2 && flag != 99) { flag = 99; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.bomb(); } if (this._y < -50 || this._x < -50 || this._x > 750) { trace('飛行機をremove'); this.removeMovieClip(); } this._rotation += (nextRo - this._rotation) / 30; kakudo = _rotation * 0.0174532925199433; speedX = speed * Math.cos(kakudo) * (this._xscale / 100); speedY = speed * Math.sin(kakudo); this._x -= speedX; this._y -= speedY; }; this.stop(); } frame 24 { this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 26 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 743 { } movieClip 744 enemy_aricraft_bomber { frame 1 { } } movieClip 745 enemy_aricraft { frame 1 { function setAmo(kakudo) { kakudo = kakudo * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = power * Math.cos(kakudo) * (this._xscale / 100); trace('sX=' + sX + ' sY=' + sY); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_bomber', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function bomb() { trace('飛行機 bombメソッド実行'); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } speed = Math.random() * 2 + 3; this._rotation = 80; nextRo = 0; flag = 0; score = 200; nr1 = -30 + Math.random() * 5; nr2 = Math.random() * 60 - 20; power = -Math.random() * 3; this.onEnterFrame = function () { sa = Math.abs(this._x - _root.mapShip._x); if (sa < 200 && flag == 0) { nextRo = nr1; flag = 1; } if (sa < 100 && flag == 1) { this.setAmo(_rotation); flag = 2; nextRo = nr2; flag = 2; } if (this._y < -50 || this._x < -50 || this._x > 750) { trace('飛行機をremove'); this.removeMovieClip(); } this._rotation += (nextRo - this._rotation) / 30; kakudo = _rotation * 0.0174532925199433; speedX = speed * Math.cos(kakudo) * (this._xscale / 100); speedY = speed * Math.sin(kakudo); this._x -= speedX; this._y -= speedY; }; this.stop(); } } movieClip 748 { } movieClip 749 char_aircraft_heri2 { frame 1 { function shot() { saX = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; saY = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v4 = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433 + (Math.random() * 20 - 10); kakudo = v4 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketS', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; _root.display.changeScore(score); this._name = null; this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function setWater() { tempName = 'water' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBombForHeri', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; _root[tempName].flag = 1; ++_global.rDeep; } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.setWater(); this.removeMovieClip(); } score = 7000; hp = 20 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv / 1.5; power = 5; flag = 1; ext = 20; sa = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; if (sa < 0) { tx = Math.random() * 250 + 30; } else { tx = Math.random() * 250 + 420; } ty = Math.random() * 30 + 100; trace('特殊ヘリ配置されました。tx=' + tx + 'ty=' + ty + 'name=' + _name); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { this._x += (tx - this._x) / ext; this._y += (ty - this._y) / ext; rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } } }; this.stop(); } frame 10 { sp = 0.1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { sp += 0.2; this._y += sp; if (this._y > seaLineY) { this.showGekitin(); } }; } frame 70 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 752 { } movieClip 753 char_aircraft_heri { frame 1 { function shot() { saX = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; saY = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v4 = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433 + (Math.random() * 20 - 10); kakudo = v4 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketS', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; _root.display.changeScore(score); this._name = null; this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function setWater() { tempName = 'water' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBombForHeri', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.setWater(); this.removeMovieClip(); } score = 7000; hp = 40 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 5; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa > 0) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } } }; this._y = 100 + Math.random() * 50; this.stop(); } frame 10 { sp = 0.1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { sp += 0.2; this._y += sp; if (this._y > seaLineY) { this.showGekitin(); } }; } frame 70 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 756 { } movieClip 757 char_aircraft_bHeri2 { frame 1 { function shot() { saX = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; saY = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v4 = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433 + (Math.random() * 20 - 10); kakudo = v4 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketS', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2() { trace('ヘリ:砲発射'); kakudo = (Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo) * muki; tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3(bType) { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power3 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power3 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(bType, tamaName, _global.rDeep); if (bType == 'tama_hou') { x = Math.random() * 120 - 60; } else { x = 0; } _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = 0; _root[tamaName].speedY = 0.5; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; _root.display.changeScore(score); this._name = null; this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function setWater() { tempName = 'water' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBombForHeri', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 600; _root[tempName]._yscale = 600; ++_global.rDeep; } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.setWater(); this.removeMovieClip(); } score = 10000; hp = 400 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 3 + _global.gameLv / 1.5; shotRnd2 = 1 + _global.gameLv / 1.5; shotRnd3 = 5 + _global.gameLv / 1.5; power = 5; power2 = 6; power3 = 5; flag = 0; action1wait = 3000; waitTime = getTimer() + 10000; this._x = 1050; this._y = -150; ext = 30; tx = 350; ty = 200; trace('特殊ヘリ配置されました。tx=' + tx + 'ty=' + ty + 'name=' + _name); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa > 0) { muki = 1; } else { muki = -1; } if (waitTime < getTimer()) { waitTime = getTimer() + action1wait; tx = Math.random() * 500 + 100; ty = Math.random() * 80 + 50; } moveX = (tx - this._x) / ext; this._x += moveX; this._y += (ty - this._y) / ext; if (sa > -30 && sa < 30) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot3('tama_big'); } else { if (rand < shotRnd3 + 3) { this.shot3('tama_hou'); } } } else { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.shot2(); } } } }; this.stop(); } frame 10 { sp = 0.1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { sp += 0.01; this._y += sp; if (this._y > seaLineY) { this.showGekitin(); } }; } frame 81 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { sp += 0.1; this._y += sp; if (this._y > seaLineY) { this.showGekitin(); } }; } frame 120 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 758 char_aircraft_bHeri { frame 1 { function shot() { saX = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; saY = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v4 = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433 + (Math.random() * 20 - 10); kakudo = v4 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketS', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2() { trace('ヘリ:砲発射'); kakudo = (Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo) * muki; tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3(bType) { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power3 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power3 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(bType, tamaName, _global.rDeep); if (bType == 'tama_hou') { x = Math.random() * 120 - 60; } else { x = 0; } _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = 0; _root[tamaName].speedY = 0.5; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; _root.display.changeScore(score); this._name = null; this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function setWater() { tempName = 'water' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBombForHeri', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 600; _root[tempName]._yscale = 600; ++_global.rDeep; } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.setWater(); this.removeMovieClip(); } score = 60000; hp = 500 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 8 + _global.gameLv / 1.5; shotRnd2 = 2 + _global.gameLv / 1.5; shotRnd3 = 10 + _global.gameLv / 1.5; power = 5; power2 = 6; power3 = 5; flag = 0; action1wait = 3000; waitTime = getTimer() + action1wait; this._x = 350; this._y = -200; ext = 30; tx = 350; ty = 100; trace('特殊ヘリ配置されました。tx=' + tx + 'ty=' + ty + 'name=' + _name); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa > 0) { muki = 1; } else { muki = -1; } if (waitTime < getTimer()) { waitTime = getTimer() + action1wait; tx = Math.random() * 500 + 100; ty = Math.random() * 100 + 50; } moveX = (tx - this._x) / ext; this._x += moveX; this._y += (ty - this._y) / ext; if (sa > -30 && sa < 30) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot3('tama_big'); } else { if (rand < shotRnd3 + 3) { this.shot3('tama_hou'); } } } else { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.shot2(); } } } }; this.stop(); } frame 10 { sp = 0.1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { sp += 0.01; this._y += sp; if (this._y > seaLineY) { this.showGekitin(); } }; } frame 81 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { sp += 0.1; this._y += sp; if (this._y > seaLineY) { this.showGekitin(); } }; } frame 120 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 761 { } movieClip 763 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } }; } } movieClip 765 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 767 { } movieClip 771 { } movieClip 772 waterBomb { frame 37 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 773 char_aircraft_bakugeki { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + 10; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2(bType) { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_big', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + 20; _root[tamaName].speedX = 0; _root[tamaName].speedY = 0.5; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; this._x = 800; this._y = 100; this._yscale = 100; this._xscale = 100; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitui'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } trace('\n-----\n爆撃機配置\n-----\n'); hp = 200 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 30000; shotRnd = 5 + _global.gameLv; power = 0; flag = 0; i = 0; scaleExt = 0.2; moveX = -5; moveY = 0.4; theSound = new Sound(this); theSound.attachSound('SE_aircraft'); theSound.setVolume(250); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { if (i == 0) { ++i; theSound.start(); } this._yscale += scaleExt; this._x += moveX; this._y += moveY; if (this._x < -100 && moveX < 0) { theSound.start(); this._x = -200; this._xscale = -100; this._yscale = 100; moveX = -moveX; moveY = -moveY; scaleExt = -scaleExt; this.gotoAndStop('sita'); } if (this._x > 800 && moveX > 0) { theSound.start(); this._x = 900; this._xscale = 100; this._yscale = 100; moveX = -moveX; moveY = -moveY; scaleExt = -scaleExt; this.gotoAndStop('ue'); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot2(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd * 3) { this.shot(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 10 { this.stop(); } frame 193 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 195 { this._name = 'temp'; this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 777 char_ship_yourikutei { frame 1 { function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.bomb(); } } } function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } trace('揚陸艇配置!!'); hp = 3 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 500; damage = 80; flag = 1; speedX = 5 + _global.gameLv / 2; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= speedX; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.bomb(); } if (this._x < -20) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } frame 4 { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 779 { } movieClip 781 { } movieClip 783 { } movieClip 784 { } movieClip 785 char_ship_youriku { frame 1 { function setEnemy() { _root.attachMovie(enemyName3, setE, setD); _root[setE]._x = this._x + 10; _root[setE]._y = this._y; trace('揚陸艇配置されました'); } function setEnemy2() { if (Math.random() > 0.6) { trace('通常'); e = enemyName; } else { trace('ロケット間'); e = enemyName2; } name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(e, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x; _root[name]._y = this._y - 5; trace(name); ++_global.rDeep; } function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocket', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + 10; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 10; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 9000; hp = 80 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 0.5 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 2 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 7; power2 = 7; flag = 0; if (this._name == 'e1' || this._name == 'e2') { setE = 'e3'; setD = 18; } else { if (this._name == 'e3') { setE = 'e4'; setD = 19; } } enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; enemyName2 = 'char_aircraft3'; enemyName3 = 'char_ship_yourikutei'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 100; trace(_root[setE]); if (rand < shotRnd && _root[setE] == undefined) { this.setEnemy(); } rand = Math.random() * 100; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.setEnemy2(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 134 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 788 { } movieClip 790 { } movieClip 791 char_ship_senkan2 { frame 1 { function shot() { var v4 = this._x - mapShip._x; downY = 0.05; x = speedX * extX * f; this._y += speedY; speedY += downY; kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit() { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { --hp; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 20 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 7000; shotRnd = 4 + _global.gameLv; syasu = 3; power = 6; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < syasu) { this.shot(); ++i; } } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 86 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 135 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 793 { } movieClip 795 { } movieClip 796 char_ship_rocketSenkan { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocket', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 100 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 10000; shotRnd = 2 + _global.gameLv; power = 8; flag = 0; syasu = 3; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < syasu) { this.shot(); ++i; } } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 86 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 135 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 798 { } movieClip 799 char_ship_rocket { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocket', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 40 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 3000; shotRnd = 3 + _global.gameLv; power = 7; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 111 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 801 { } movieClip 828 char_ship_kutikiu { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou2', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2() { tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_gyorai', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 20 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 3000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; this.onUnload = function () { trace('駆逐艦 アンロードされました'); }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } if (rand < shotRnd / 2) { this.shot2(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 125 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 831 { } movieClip 833 { } movieClip 834 char_ship_kubo2 { frame 1 { function setEnemy() { if (Math.random() > 0.6) { trace('通常'); e = enemyName; } else { trace('ロケット間'); e = enemyName2; } name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(e, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x; _root[name]._y = this._y - 5; trace(name); ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 9000; hp = 50 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 0.5 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; enemyName2 = 'char_aircraft3'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 100; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.setEnemy(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 134 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 837 { } movieClip 839 { } movieClip 840 char_ship_koukuSenkan { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x - 20; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou2', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x - 20; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function setEnemy() { name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(enemyName, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x + 50; _root[name]._y = this._y; trace(name); ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 40000; hp = 300 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 2 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 4 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 2 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot2(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.setEnemy(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 108 { this.showGekitin(); } frame 195 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 842 char_ship_hyouteki { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou2', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2() { tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_gyorai', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 40; score = 0; shotRnd = 3; power = 6; flag = 0; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 111 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 844 { } movieClip 846 { } movieClip 847 { } movieClip 848 { } movieClip 849 char_ship_bYouriku { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketB', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + 10; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 10; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; trace('巨大戦艦ロケット投射' + kakudo); } function shot2() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power3 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power3 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_big3', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 50000; hp = 550 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 2 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 3 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 0.5 + _global.gameLv; power = 7; power2 = 7; power3 = 6.5; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < 3) { this.shot(); ++i; } } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot3(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.shot2(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 108 { this.showGekitin(); } frame 195 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 851 { } movieClip 853 { } movieClip 854 char_ship_bSenkan { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketB', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + 10; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 10; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; trace('巨大戦艦ロケット投射' + kakudo); } function shot2() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power3 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power3 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_big3', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 50000; hp = 550 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 2 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 3 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 0.5 + _global.gameLv; power = 7; power2 = 7; power3 = 6.5; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < 3) { this.shot(); ++i; } } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot3(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.shot2(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 108 { this.showGekitin(); } frame 195 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 856 { } movieClip 860 { } movieClip 861 { } movieClip 863 { } movieClip 872 { } movieClip 874 hitBomb_noDmg { frame 46 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 896 { } movieClip 900 { } movieClip 902 { } movieClip 903 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { _rotation = Math.random() * 360; }; } } movieClip 906 { } movieClip 915 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 926 { } movieClip 928 { frame 1 { this._rotation += Math.random() * 40 - 20; if (_global.gameLv < 4) { firstLoop = 2; } else { firstLoop = 1; } num = 1; } frame 30 { if (num < firstLoop) { ++num; this.gotoAndPlay('loop'); } else { this.gotoAndPlay('beam'); } } frame 35 { function shot() { thePoint = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y}; _parent.localToGlobal(thePoint); kakudo = this._rotation * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_lastBoss_beamExtra', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = thePoint.x; _root[tamaName]._y = thePoint.y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } power = 7; this.shot(); } frame 52 { if (flag) {; } this.stop(); } } movieClip 942 { } movieClip 983 { frame 87 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 984 char_lastBoss3 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = (Math.random() * 80 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo) * muki; tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + 50; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2() { kakudo = (Math.random() * 80 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo) * muki; tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou2', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + 50; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3(bType) { kakudo = (Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(bType, tamaName, _global.rDeep); x = Math.random() * 120 - 60; _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + 50; _root[tamaName].speedX = 0; _root[tamaName].speedY = 0.5; ++_global.rDeep; } function setEnemyExtra() { trace('特殊ヘリ配置'); var v4 = en + 1; i = 1; while (i < v4) { name = 'e' + i; var v3 = i + 23; _root.attachMovie('char_aircraft_heri2', name, v3); _root[name]._x = this._x; _root[name]._y = this._y + 100; ++i; } } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this.endEnemy(); _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(9999); _root.display.changeScore(score); this._name = null; this.gotoAndPlay('end1'); } } } function shotBeam1() { trace('shotBeam1実行 power2=' + power2); var v4 = Math.random() * 160 + 10; kakudo = v4 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_beam', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + 5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + 80; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; trace('_name' + this[tamaName] + ' sx=' + sx + ' sy=' + sy + ' tKakudo=' + v4); } function shotS() { saX = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; saY = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v4 = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433 + (Math.random() * 20 - 10); kakudo = v4 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power2 * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power2 * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocketS', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + 5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + 80; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } function endEnemy() { i = 1; while (i < 5) { var v2 = 'e' + i; _root[v2].hit(1000); ++i; } } score = 200000; hp = 600 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 4 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 2 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd4 = 1 + _global.gameLv / 2; power = 6; power2 = 5; nowForm = 1; flag = 0; form1wait = 10000; form2wait = 10000; waitTime = getTimer() + form1wait; extraEndFlag = 0; if (_global.gameLv == 1) { en = 1; } else { if (_global.gameLv <= 3) { en = 2; } else { if (_global.gameLv <= 6) { en = 3; } else { en = 4; } } } enemyName = 'char_aircraft_heri2'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hp <= 0) { if (_currentframe < 195) { this.gotoAndPlay('end1'); } else {; } } if (getTimer() > waitTime && flag == 1) { if (nowForm == 1) { trace('展開状態へ移行'); waitTime = getTimer() + form2wait; nowForm = 2; this.gotoAndPlay('p2'); } else { trace('格納状態へ移行'); waitTime = getTimer() + form1wait; nowForm = 1; this.gotoAndPlay('p3'); } } if (flag != 0) { sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa > 0) { muki = 1; } else { muki = -1; } if (sa > -40 && sa < 40) { trace('射撃中'); rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot3('tama_big'); } else { if (rand < shotRnd + 3) { this.shot3('tama_hou'); } } } else { trace('射撃中2'); rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot2(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd4) { this.shotS(); } } } }; } frame 10 { this.stop(); } frame 40 { this.setEnemyExtra(); } frame 102 { this.stop(); } frame 185 { this.gotoAndStop('p1'); } frame 359 { _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(442); } frame 397 { function formChange(f) { trace('\nフォーム変更 formChange=' + f + '\n'); nowForm = f; waitTime = getTimer() + form3wait; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; extraEndFlag = 1; _root.display.changeScore(score); this._name = null; this.gotoAndPlay('end2'); } } } _name = 'boss'; score = 200000; hp = 1000 * _global.gameLv / 1.5; shotRnd = 30 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 1 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 2 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; formMode = 1; flag = 1; form1wait = 8000; form2wait = 9999999; form3wait = 5000; shotRndBase = 200; nowForm = 1; waitTime = getTimer() + form1wait; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag != 0) { sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa > 0) { muki = 1; } else { muki = -1; } if (flag == 1) { rand = Math.random() * shotRndBase; if (rand < shotRnd) { trace('ビーム!!'); this.shotBeam1(); } if (nowForm == 1) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.shot(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot2(); } } if (getTimer() > waitTime && nowForm == 1) { trace('ビーム発射状態へ移行'); flag = 2; nowForm = 2; this.gotoAndPlay('open'); } if (getTimer() > waitTime && nowForm == 3) { trace('通常へ移行'); nowForm = 1; waitTime = getTimer() + form1wait;; } } } if (extraEndFlag == 1 && _currentframe < 530) { this.gotoAndPlay('end2'); } }; } frame 402 { this.formReset(); this.stop(); } frame 439 { if (_global.gameLv > 3) { b = 3; } else { b = 2; } } instance of movieClip 928 { onClipEvent (load) { flag = 1; } } frame 449 { this.stop(); } frame 450 { --b; if (b > 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('beam'); } } frame 475 { flag = 1; this.formChange(3); saveShotRnd = shotRnd; shotRnd *= 2; this.stop(); } frame 477 { shotRnd = saveShotRnd; } frame 516 { this.gotoAndStop('normal'); } frame 725 { _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 728 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 987 { } movieClip 989 { } movieClip 993 { } movieClip 997 { } movieClip 1001 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(800); this.hit(); } }; } frame 4 { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1002 { frame 1 { function beam() { this.gotoAndPlay('charge'); } } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 10 { this.stop(); } instance of movieClip 993 { onClipEvent (load) { cExt = _parent._parent.chargeExt; trace('cExt=' + cExt); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._xscale > 11) { this._yscale += (10 - this._xscale) / cExt; this._xscale = this._yscale; } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('beam'); } } } frame 12 { this.stop(); } frame 94 { _parent.flag = 1; } } movieClip 1004 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_parent._currentframe >= 92 && this._x < 0) { if (_parent.moveFlag == 1) { trace('差を取得'); tempX = this._x; _parent.moveFlag = 2; } if (_parent.moveFlag == 2) { sa = this._x - tempX; _parent._x -= sa * (_parent._xscale / 100); tempX = this._x; } } }; } } movieClip 1006 { } movieClip 1008 { } movieClip 1010 char_lastBoss1 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo) * muki; tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x - 20; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 50; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo) * muki; tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou2', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x - 20; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 50; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3(bType) { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(bType, tamaName, _global.rDeep); if (bType == 'tama_hou') { x = Math.random() * 100 - 50; } else { x = 0; } _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 100; _root[tamaName].speedX = 0; _root[tamaName].speedY = 0.5; ++_global.rDeep; } function setEnemy() { name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(enemyName, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x; _root[name]._y = this._y - 50; _root[name]._xscale *= muki; ++_global.rDeep; } function beam() { flag = 5; this.body.beam(); } function change(com) { if (com == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay('change'); } else { this._name = 'temp'; _root.attachMovie('char_lastBoss2', 'boss', 29); _root.boss._x = this._x; _root.boss._y = this._y; _root.boss.flag = 1; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.removeMovieClip(); } } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; this.change(1); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 50000; hp = 250 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 0.5 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 2 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; chargeExt = 30; flag = 0; moveFlag = 0; enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa > 0) { muki = 1; } else { muki = -1; } if (Key.isDown(36)) { this.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } if (Key.isDown(33)) { this.beam(); } if (flag == 1) { this.walk(); } if (flag != 0 && flag != 5) { if (sa > -100 && sa < 100) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot3('tama_big'); } else { if (rand < shotRnd + 3) { this.shot3('tama_hou'); } } } else { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot2(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.setEnemy(); } } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 80 {; } frame 96 { _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(66); } frame 143 { this.change(2); } } movieClip 1016 char_ship_main { frame 1 { function setAmo(t) { if (t == atcTama) { _root.display.reloadDis.shot(); } else { if (t == 'tama_mainChar_cl' || t == 'tama_mainChar_nk') { _root.display.reloadDis2.shot(); _root.attachMovie('targetCl_invisble', 'tcl', 1000); _root.tcl._x = _root._xmouse; _root.tcl._y = _root._ymouse; } else { _root.display.reloadDis2.shot(); } } saX = _root._xmouse - this._x; saY = _root._ymouse - this._y; var v7 = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433 + (Math.random() * sanpu - sanpu / 2); kakudo = v7 * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = power * Math.cos(kakudo); var v6 = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(t, v6, _global.rDeep); var v4 = _root[v6]; v4._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; v4._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; v4.speedX = sX; v4.speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function setAA() { _root.display.reloadDis2.shot(); _root.attachMovie('tama_mainChar_AA', 'aa', 801); _root.aa._x = this._x; _root.aa._y = this._y; } function setExt() { _root.display.reloadDis2.shot(); _root.attachMovie('tama_mainChar_AA', 'aa', 801); _root.aa._x = this._x; _root.aa._y = this._y; } function setFlash() { var v3; var v4; v4 = 'flash' + _root.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_flash', v4, _root.rDeep); v3 = _root[v4]; v3._y = this._y - 2; v3._x = this._x + Math.random() * 5; _root.flash._yscale = 25; v3._xscale = 25; ++_root.rDeep; } function gekitin() { if (flag) { flag = 0; _name = ''; this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } function nextStage() { trace(_name + '次ステージへ移行 ふぇーず1'); _name = 'tempMainChar'; flag = 2; } function setLe() { _root.display.reloadDis2.shot(); saX = _root._xmouse - this._x; saY = _root._ymouse - this._y; var v3 = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433; _root.attachMovie('tama_mainChar_le', 'leg', 802); _root.leg._rotation = v3; _root.leg._x = this._x; _root.leg._y = this._y; } function setBakugeki() { _root.display.reloadDis2.shot(); _root.attachMovie('tama_mainChar_bakugeki', 'baku', 803); _root.baku._xscale = -70; _root.baku._yscale = 70; _root.baku._x = -100; _root.baku._y = 100; } if (_root.getConfColorMode()) { my_color = new Color(this); my_color.setRGB(3355443); } i = 2; while (i < 7) { if (_root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][i] > 10) { _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][i] = 10; } ++i; } syasu = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][2]; souten = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][3]; seikakusa = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][4]; idou = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][5]; taikyu = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][6]; atcTama = 'tama1'; subE =[9]; if (subE != 99) { if (subE == 7) { taikyu +=[subE]; idou -= 1; trace('増加装甲装備:耐久=' + taikyu); } else { if (subE == 8) { souten +=[subE]; idou -= 1; trace('自動装填装置:装填=' + souten); } else { if (subE == 9) { idou +=[subE]; taikyu -= 1; trace('新型機艦装備:移動=' + idou); } else { if (subE == 10) { seikakusa = -3; trace('散布界増加装置装備'); } else { if (subE == 11) { trace('砲換装装備'); syasu = Math.round(syasu / 2); atcTama = 'tama_mainChar2'; } } } } } } sanpu = 10 - seikakusa; moveX = 0.5 + idou * 0.1; _root.display.setHp(taikyu); power = 8; flag = 0; moveFlag = 0; if ([8] != 99) { extraWeponFlag = 1; syasuExt =[2]; nowExt =[8]; atcNameExt = _root.extraWeponData[nowExt][1]; trace('mainChar 追加武装あり no=' + nowExt + ' name=' + _root.extraWeponData[nowExt][2] + 'atc名:' + atcNameExt); } else { extraWeponFlag = 0; } if ( == 1) { leftKey = 37; rightKey = 39; subKey = 38; } else { leftKey = 90; rightKey = 67; subKey = 32; } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag == 1) { if (Key.isDown(subKey) && extraWeponFlag) { if (_root.display.reloadDis2.getFlag()) { if (nowExt == 0) { this.setFlash(); this.setAA(); } else { if (nowExt == 5) { this.setFlash(); this.setLe(); } else { if (nowExt == 6) { this.setBakugeki(); } else { this.setFlash(); this.setAmo(atcNameExt); } } } } } if (Key.isDown(leftKey) && this._x > 0) { moveFlag = 1; this._x += -moveX; } else { if (Key.isDown(rightKey) && this._x < 640) { if (!_root.grand.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { this._x += moveX; moveFlag = 1; } } else { moveFlag = 0; } } } else { if (flag == 2) { this._x += 5; if (this._x > 640) { _name = 'mapShip'; this._x = 640; _root.nextStageFlag = 1; flag = 0; } } } }; this.onMouseDown = function () { if (flag == 1 && _root.display.reloadDis.getFlag()) { this.setFlash(); i = 0; while (i < syasu) { this.setAmo(atcTama); ++i; } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { this._yscale = 25; this._xscale = 25; } frame 76 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 78 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 20, 40, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 182 { _root.mainCharEnd(); } frame 183 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1019 char_see { } movieClip 1022 { } movieClip 1025 { } movieClip 1082 char_bossOrb { frame 96 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.9, 0.9, 0.8, 0.8, 20, 20, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 202 { trace('orb モード変更'); phase = P_MIS; stop(); } } movieClip 1085 { } // unknown tag 88 length 88 movieClip 1089 { } movieClip 1094 atcItem_warning { frame 1 { i = 1; } frame 90 { if (i == 2) { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } else { ++i; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 1097 { } movieClip 1098 atcItem_MGpart { frame 13 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1099 atcItem_MG { frame 1 { i = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { saX = _root._xmouse - this._x; saY = _root._ymouse - this._y; _rotation = Math.atan2(saY, saX) / 0.0174532925199433; }; } frame 2 { i = 0; while (i < 5) { var name = 'aa' + i; this.attachMovie('atcItem_AApart', name, i); this[name]._rotation = Math.random() * 30 - 15; ++i; } } frame 6 { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1101 { } movieClip 1102 atcItem_hitDis { frame 1 { this._x += Math.random() * 30 - 15; } frame 28 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1105 { } movieClip 1106 atcItem_gekitin { frame 47 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1109 { } movieClip 1110 atcItem_gekiha { frame 47 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1114 atcItem_flash { frame 12 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1116 tama_val_cluster07 { frame 1 { function claster01() { var v9 = 3; var v10 = 30; var v11 = 3; var v13 = 1; var v12 = 'tama_hou2'; var v15 = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; var v14 = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v8 = Math.atan2(v14, v15) * 180 / Math.PI; if (v13 == 1) { v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } else { v8 = -v8; v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v11) { var v4 = v8 * Math.PI / 180; var v6 = v9 * Math.sin(v4); var v7 = -v9 * Math.cos(v4); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(v12, tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -v7; _root[tamaName].speedY = v6; ++_global.rDeep; v8 += v10; ++v5; } } blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(50); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa < 20 && _currentframe < 3) { this.claster01(); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; } frame 2 { myPoint = new Object(); myPoint.x = _root.boss.gun.shotPoint._x; myPoint.y = _root.boss.gun.shotPoint._y; _root.boss.gun.localToGlobal(myPoint); _x = myPoint.x; _y = myPoint.y; blt.speedX = -7; blt.speedY = -3; _rotation = _root.boss.gun._rotation; this.stop(); } frame 16 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1117 tama_val_cluster06 { frame 1 { function claster01() { var v9 = 3; var v10 = 30; var v11 = 1; var v13 = 1; var v12 = 'tama_hou2'; var v15 = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; var v14 = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v8 = Math.atan2(v14, v15) * 180 / Math.PI; if (v13 == 1) { v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } else { v8 = -v8; v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v11) { var v4 = v8 * Math.PI / 180; var v6 = v9 * Math.sin(v4); var v7 = -v9 * Math.cos(v4); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(v12, tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -v7; _root[tamaName].speedY = v6; ++_global.rDeep; v8 += v10; ++v5; } } blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(50); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa < 20 && _currentframe < 3) { this.claster01(); this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; } frame 2 { myPoint = new Object(); myPoint.x = _root.boss.gun.shotPoint._x; myPoint.y = _root.boss.gun.shotPoint._y; _root.boss.gun.localToGlobal(myPoint); _x = myPoint.x; _y = myPoint.y; blt.speedX = -10; blt.speedY = 0; _rotation = _root.boss.gun._rotation; this.stop(); } frame 16 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1254 tama_nc00 { frame 1 { blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(300); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.move(); if (_y > blt.seeY) {; this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; this.stop(); } frame 2 { _y = 300; _rotation = 0; } frame 6 { if (blt.hitCheckHeroExt(this.damageArea)) { blt.appDamage(); } _root.Vib.setVib(0.8, 0.8, 0.7, 0.7, 70, 70, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 69 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1256 { } movieClip 1263 { } movieClip 1266 tama_missile300 { frame 1 { var misObj = new Object(); misObj.maxSpeed = 30; misObj.accel = 0; misObj.accelMag = 1; misObj.accelRotate = 90; misObj.maxRotate = 45; misObj.rorateInterval = 0.1; misObj.rotBreaking = 0; misObj.homingWait = 200 + Math.random() * 200; var Missile = new MissileClass(this); Missile.setStatus(misObj); Missile.setFirstSpeed(10); Missile.setFirstRotation(fRotation); Missile.setDamage(1);; delete misObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Missile.exec(); }; } } movieClip 1268 { } movieClip 1269 tama_missile200 { frame 1 { function shot4() { var v9 = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; var v8 = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.atan2(v8, v9) / 0.0174532925199433 - 45; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < 5) { v7 += 15; kakudo = v7 * Math.PI / 180; var v5 = power * Math.sin(kakudo); var v6 = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -v6; _root[tamaName].speedY = v5; ++_global.rDeep; ++v4; } } var misObj = new Object(); misObj.maxSpeed = 'tama_hou11'; misObj.accel = 0.02; misObj.accelMag = 1; misObj.accelRotate = 0.04; misObj.maxRotate = 2; misObj.rorateInterval = 30; misObj.effectScale = 250; var Missile = new MissileClass(this); Missile.setStatus(misObj); Missile.setFirstSpeed(Math.random() * 2 + 4); Missile.setFirstRotation(fRotation); Missile.setDamage(200);; delete misObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Missile.exec(); sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa < 20 && _currentframe == 1) { this.shot4();; this._rotation = 0; this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; this.stop(); power = 8; } frame 4 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 8, 8, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 29 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1270 tama_missile101 { frame 1 { var misObj = new Object(); misObj.maxSpeed = 'tama_hou11'; misObj.accel = 0.005; misObj.accelMag = 1; misObj.accelRotate = 0.035; misObj.maxRotate = 6; misObj.rorateInterval = 30; misObj.rotBreaking = 0.55; var Missile = new MissileClass(this); Missile.setStatus(misObj); Missile.setFirstSpeed(4); Missile.setFirstRotation(fRotation); Missile.setDamage(100);; delete misObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Missile.exec(); }; } } movieClip 1272 tama_hou02 { frame 1 { blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(100); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); }; this.stop(); } } movieClip 1274 tama_hou11 { frame 1 { blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.07000000000000001, 0.997); blt.setDamage(60); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); }; this.stop(); } } movieClip 1275 tama_hou10 { frame 1 { blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(40); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); }; this.stop(); } } movieClip 1276 tama_cluster06 { frame 1 { function claster01() { var v9 = 3; var v10 = 30; var v11 = 3; var v13 = 1; var v12 = 'tama_hou2'; var v15 = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; var v14 = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v8 = Math.atan2(v14, v15) * 180 / Math.PI; if (v13 == 1) { v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } else { v8 = -v8; v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v11) { var v4 = v8 * Math.PI / 180; var v6 = v9 * Math.sin(v4); var v7 = -v9 * Math.cos(v4); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(v12, tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -v7; _root[tamaName].speedY = v6; ++_global.rDeep; v8 += v10; ++v5; } } blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(50); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa < 20 && _currentframe == 1) { this.claster01();; this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; this.stop(); } frame 15 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1278 tama_cluster05 { frame 1 { function claster01() { var v9 = 3; var v10 = 15; var v11 = 3; var v14 = -1; var v13 = 20; var v12 = 'tama_hou'; var v16 = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; var v15 = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v8 = Math.atan2(v15, v16) * 180 / Math.PI; if (v14 == 1) { v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } else { v8 = -v8; v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v11) { var v4 = (v8 + Math.random() * v13) * Math.PI / 180; var v6 = v9 * Math.sin(v4); var v7 = -v9 * Math.cos(v4); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(v12, tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -v7; _root[tamaName].speedY = v6; ++_global.rDeep; v8 += v10; ++v5; } } blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(50); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa < 20 && _currentframe == 1) { this.claster01();; this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; this.stop(); } frame 15 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1280 tama_cluster04 { frame 1 { function shot4() { var v9 = 9; var v10 = 15; var v11 = 10; var v13 = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; var v12 = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v8 = Math.atan2(v12, v13) * 180 / Math.PI; v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v11) { var v4 = v8 * Math.PI / 180; var v6 = v9 * Math.sin(v4); var v7 = -v9 * Math.cos(v4); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -v7; _root[tamaName].speedY = v6; ++_global.rDeep; v8 += v10; ++v5; } } function shot5() { var v9 = 2; var v10 = 17; var v11 = 5; var v12 = -1; var v14 = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; var v13 = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v8 = Math.atan2(v13, v14) * 180 / Math.PI; if (v12 == 1) { v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } else { v8 = -v8; v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; } var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v11) { var v4 = v8 * Math.PI / 180; var v6 = v9 * Math.sin(v4); var v7 = -v9 * Math.cos(v4); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -v7; _root[tamaName].speedY = v6; ++_global.rDeep; v8 += v10; ++v5; } } blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(50); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa < 20 && _currentframe == 1) { this.shot4(); this.shot5();; this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; this.stop(); } frame 29 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1282 tama_cluster03 { frame 1 { function shot4() { var v9 = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; var v8 = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.atan2(v8, v9) / 0.0174532925199433 - 45; var v4 = 0; while (v4 < 5) { v7 += 15; kakudo = v7 * Math.PI / 180; var v5 = power * Math.sin(kakudo); var v6 = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -v6; _root[tamaName].speedY = v5; ++_global.rDeep; ++v4; } } blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(50); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa < 20 && _currentframe == 1) { this.shot4();; this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; power = 6; this.stop(); } frame 29 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1283 tama_cluster02 { frame 1 { function shot4() { var v9 = 6; var v10 = 20; var v11 = 5; var v13 = _root.mapShip._x - this._x; var v12 = _root.mapShip._y - this._y; var v8 = Math.atan2(v12, v13) * 180 / Math.PI; v8 -= v10 * (v11 - 1) / 2; var v5 = 0; while (v5 < v11) { var v4 = v8 * Math.PI / 180; var v6 = v9 * Math.sin(v4); var v7 = -v9 * Math.cos(v4); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y; _root[tamaName].speedX = -v7; _root[tamaName].speedY = v6; ++_global.rDeep; v8 += v10; ++v5; } } blt = new BulletClass(this); blt.setStatus(0.05, 0.993); blt.setDamage(50); blt.setFirstSpeed(speedX, speedY); this.onEnterFrame = function () { blt.exec(); sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa < 20 && _currentframe == 1) { this.shot4();; this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; this.stop(); } frame 2 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 3, 3, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 29 { this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1284 effect_bomb_air_01_2 { frame 15 { this.stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1285 waterBombForHeri { frame 37 { if (flag != 1) { _root.breakEnemy(); } this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1286 char_ship_kutiku_new { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou2', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2() { tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_gyorai', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { trace(_name + '被弾 hp=' + hp); if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 20 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 3000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } if (rand < shotRnd / 2) { this.shot2(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 111 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1289 { } movieClip 1290 char_ship_goeikan { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(); Enemy.setHp(60 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(3000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_gyorai'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.GYORAI; shotObj.power = 6; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.1; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = 0; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile100'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); this.onEnterFrame = function () { Enemy.exec(); }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 78 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 10, 10, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 120 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1291 char_ship_arsenal { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(); Enemy.setHp(800 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(20000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 20; shotObj.angleBase = 150; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile100'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = -10; = -20; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile100'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 20; = -20; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile100'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 35; = -20; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile100'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 70; = -20; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile200'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 5; shotObj.shotRnd = 0; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 0; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 80; = -30; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile200'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 5; shotObj.shotRnd = 0; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 0; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; shotObj.px = 40; = -30; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var P_MIS = 1; var P_BIGMIS = 2; var P_WAIT = 3; var phase = P_MIS; var P_MIS_TIME = 5000; var P_BIGMIS_TIME = 999999; var P_WAIT_TIME = 3000; var changeTime = getTimer() + 10000; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (phase == P_MIS) { Enemy.exec(); } else { if (phase == P_BIGMIS) { Enemy.shot(5); Enemy.shot(6); phase = P_WAIT; changeTime = getTimer() + P_WAIT_TIME; } else { if (phase == P_WAIT) { Enemy.tryShotOnly(0); } } } if (getTimer() > changeTime) { if (phase == P_MIS) { phase = P_BIGMIS; changeTime = getTimer() + P_BIGMIS_TIME; } else { if (phase == P_WAIT) { phase = P_MIS; changeTime = getTimer() + P_MIS_TIME; } } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 97 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 10, 20, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 114 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 116 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.8, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 30, 50, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 208 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1294 { } movieClip 1296 char_TESTSHIP { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(); Enemy.setHp(100 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(3000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 1; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 20; shotObj.angleBase = 150; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile101'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); this.onEnterFrame = function () { Enemy.exec(); }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 78 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 10, 10, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 120 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1299 { } movieClip 1302 char_TESTGROUND { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(Enemy.T_FORTRESS); Enemy.setHp(200 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(10000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.7; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 40; shotObj.angleBase = 130; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_cluster02'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.1; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 5; shotObj.angleBase = 140; shotObj.px = -71; = -64; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); Enemy.addShot('tama_hou10', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.7, 1, 40, 130); Enemy.addShot('tama_cluster02', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.1, 1, 10, 130, -71, -64); this.onEnterFrame = function () { Enemy.exec(); }; } frame 89 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 91 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.8, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 15, 15, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 182 { _root.breakEnemy(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1304 scene_game_mask { frame 1 { trace('scene_game_mask を配置しました。強制削除します'); } frame 36 { _root.removeAllMc(); } frame 49 { _root.chengeScene('title'); this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1306 scene_ending_mask { frame 35 { _root.allItemClear(); } frame 49 { _root.scene_ending._visible = false; _root.firstDisplay.sceneChenge(99); this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1308 { } movieClip 1311 { } movieClip 1313 { } movieClip 1315 { } movieClip 1316 { } movieClip 1319 scene_clear { frame 106 { if (_global.nowStage == 10) { this.gotoAndPlay('ending'); } } frame 121 { _root.firstDisplay.sceneChenge(99); _root.allItemClear(); _root.mapShip.removeMovieClip(); this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } frame 170 { _root.chengeScene('ending'); _visible = false; _root.removeGameMc(); _root.allItemClear(); stop(); } } movieClip 1323 targetSarcle { frame 1 { function conMeth(c) { if (c == 1) { flag = 1; Mouse.hide(); } else { flag = 0; this._x = 0; this._y = -300;; } } flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { this._rotation += 5; this._x = _root._xmouse; this._y = _root._ymouse; } }; } frame 4 { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 1324 removeShip { frame 20 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1325 removeItem { frame 2 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1328 { } movieClip 1329 hitBomb { frame 46 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1330 bomber { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } downY = 0.05; extX = 0.993; this.onEnterFrame = function () { tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; this._x += speedX; this._y += speedY; speedX *= extX; speedY += downY; if (this.hitTest(_root.enemy)) { this.hit(); } else { if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } } }; } } movieClip 1333 { } movieClip 1334 char_yousai_tower_30 { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(Enemy.T_FORTRESS); Enemy.setHp(200 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(10000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.7; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 40; shotObj.angleBase = 130; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_cluster02'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.1; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 5; shotObj.angleBase = 130; shotObj.px = -71; = -64; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); Enemy.addShot('tama_hou10', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.7, 1, 40, 130); Enemy.addShot('tama_cluster02', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.1, 1, 10, 130, -71, -64); this.onEnterFrame = function () { Enemy.exec(); }; this.stop(); } frame 10 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 103 { _root.breakEnemy(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1337 { } movieClip 1338 char_yousai_tower_20 { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(Enemy.T_FORTRESS); Enemy.setHp(200 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(10000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.7; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 40; shotObj.angleBase = 130; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_cluster02'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.1; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 5; shotObj.angleBase = 130; shotObj.px = -71; = -64; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); Enemy.addShot('tama_hou10', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.7, 1, 40, 130); Enemy.addShot('tama_cluster02', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.1, 1, 10, 130, -71, -64); this.onEnterFrame = function () { Enemy.exec(); }; this.stop(); } frame 10 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 103 { _root.breakEnemy(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1341 { } movieClip 1342 char_yousai_tower_10 { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(Enemy.T_FORTRESS); Enemy.setHp(200 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(10000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.7; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 40; shotObj.angleBase = 130; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_cluster02'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.1; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 5; shotObj.angleBase = 130; shotObj.px = -71; = -64; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); Enemy.addShot('tama_hou10', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.7, 1, 40, 130); Enemy.addShot('tama_cluster02', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.1, 1, 10, 130, -71, -64); this.onEnterFrame = function () { Enemy.exec(); }; this.stop(); } frame 10 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 103 { _root.breakEnemy(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1345 bg_breakTower { } movieClip 1346 char_yousai_rocket1 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 90 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_rocket', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 50; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.hou.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 90 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 9000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 8; syasu = 3; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { i = 0; while (i < syasu) { this.shot(); ++i; } } } }; } } movieClip 1348 char_grand28 { } movieClip 1349 char_yousai_bigGun { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(Enemy.T_FORTRESS); Enemy.setHp(200 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(10000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.7; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 40; shotObj.angleBase = 130; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_cluster02'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.1; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 5; shotObj.angleBase = 140; shotObj.px = -71; = -64; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); Enemy.addShot('tama_hou10', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.7, 1, 40, 130); Enemy.addShot('tama_cluster02', Enemy.HOU, 7, 0.1, 1, 10, 130, -71, -64); this.onEnterFrame = function () { Enemy.exec(); }; } frame 89 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 91 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.8, 0.8, 0.6, 0.6, 15, 15, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 182 { _root.breakEnemy(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1351 char_grand27 { } movieClip 1353 char_grand31 { } movieClip 1356 { } movieClip 1359 { } movieClip 1361 { frame 1 { _visible = false; } } movieClip 1362 { frame 1 { trace(this + ' name = ' + this._name); } } movieClip 1365 char_yousai_val { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(); Enemy.setHp(800 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(20000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 20; shotObj.angleBase = 150; shotObj.px = -15; = -50; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 20; shotObj.angleBase = 180; shotObj.px = 45; = -120; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_val_cluster06'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 4; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 3; shotObj.angleRnd = 20; shotObj.angleBase = 180; shotObj.px = 0; = -400; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_val_cluster07'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 4; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 3; shotObj.angleRnd = 20; shotObj.angleBase = 180; shotObj.px = 300; = -400; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var P_WAIT = 0; var P_MODE1 = 1; var P_MODE2 = 2; var phase = P_WAIT; var P_MODE1_TIME1 = 5000; var P_MODE1_TIME2 = 5000; var changeTime = getTimer() + 5000; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag == 0) { return undefined; } if (phase == P_MODE1) { Enemy.tryShotOnly(0); Enemy.tryShotOnly(1); Enemy.tryShotOnly(2); } else { if (phase == P_MODE2) { Enemy.tryShotOnly(0); Enemy.tryShotOnly(1); Enemy.tryShotOnly(3); } } if (getTimer() > changeTime) { if (phase == P_WAIT) { phase = P_MODE1; changeTime = getTimer() + P_MODE1_TIME1; } else { if (phase == P_MODE1) { phase = P_MODE2; changeTime = getTimer() + P_MODE1_TIME2; gotoAndPlay('val2'); } else { if (phase == P_MODE2) { phase = P_MODE1; changeTime = getTimer() + P_MODE1_TIME1; gotoAndPlay('val1'); } } } } };; } frame 152 { stop(); } frame 193 { stop(); } frame 244 { stop(); } frame 406 { _root.breakEnemy(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1366 char_ship_aegis { frame 1 { var Enemy = new EnemyClass(this); Enemy.init(); Enemy.setHp(100 * _global.gameLv / 2); Enemy.setScore(3000); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_hou11'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.HOU; shotObj.power = 7; shotObj.shotRnd = 1; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 20; shotObj.angleBase = 150; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); var shotObj = new Object(); shotObj.tamaID = 'tama_missile101'; shotObj.ttype = Enemy.MISSILE; shotObj.power = 3; shotObj.shotRnd = 0.2; shotObj.shotRandBaseExt = 1; shotObj.angleRnd = 0; shotObj.angleBase = -90; Enemy.addShot(shotObj); this.onEnterFrame = function () { Enemy.exec(); }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { Enemy.showTextEfc(); } frame 78 { _root.Vib.setVib(0.7, 0.7, 0.6, 0.6, 10, 10, 0, 0); _root.Vib.startVib(); } frame 120 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1367 tama_missile100 { frame 1 { var misObj = new Object(); misObj.maxSpeed = 'tama_hou11'; misObj.accel = 0.005; misObj.accelMag = 1; misObj.accelRotate = 0.025; misObj.maxRotate = 6; misObj.rorateInterval = 30; misObj.rotBreaking = 0.5; var Missile = new MissileClass(this); Missile.setStatus(misObj); Missile.setFirstSpeed(4); Missile.setFirstRotation(fRotation); Missile.setDamage(100);; delete misObj; this.onEnterFrame = function () { Missile.exec(); }; } } movieClip 1368 tama_hou2 { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } downY = 0.05; extX = 0.993; damage = 40; this.onEnterFrame = function () { tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; this._x += speedX; this._y += speedY; speedX *= extX; speedY += downY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; } } movieClip 1369 tama_hou { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } downY = 0.05; extX = 0.993; damage = 100; this.onEnterFrame = function () { tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; this._x += speedX; this._y += speedY; speedX *= extX; speedY += downY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; } } movieClip 1370 tama_big { frame 1 { function bomb() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = 300; _root[tempName]._yscale = 300; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } function hit() { tempName = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y; _root[tempName]._xscale = _root[tempName]._yscale; ++_global.rDeep; this.removeMovieClip(); } downY = 0.05; extX = 0.993; damage = 250; this.onEnterFrame = function () { tempKakudo = Math.atan2(speedY, speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; _rotation = tempKakudo; this._x += speedX; this._y += speedY; speedX *= extX; speedY += downY; if (this.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { _root.display.ChangeHp(damage); this.hit(); } if (this._y > _global.seaLineY) { this.bomb(); } }; } } movieClip 1374 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { score = _global.rankingObj.rankingScore; }; } } movieClip 1377 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { score = _parent._parent.score; }; } } movieClip 1378 { } // unknown tag 88 length 75 movieClip 1384 { } movieClip 1386 { } movieClip 1390 { frame 1 { function getFlag() { return flag; } function shot() { if (_name == 'reloadDis2') { --_parent.amo; if (_parent.amo <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('noAmo'); } else { flag = 0; this.gotoAndStop('reload'); } } else { flag = 0; this.gotoAndStop('reload'); } } function setReloadSpeed() { if (_name == 'reloadDis2') { trace('-----------------------------------'); trace('ディスプレイ リロード速度を設定しました。 武装名=' + _root.extraWeponData[wn]); lvBonus = 1 *[wn] / 1.5; d = _root.extraWeponData[wn][5] * 1.5 + lvBonus; trace('初期R+LVボーナス=' + d); reloadPower = reloadBase - d; trace('基本速度=' + _root.extraWeponData[wn][5] + '武装Lvによるリロード高速化=' + lvBonus + '\nリロード:' + reloadPower); trace('-----------------------------------\n'); } else { reloadPower = reloadBase - _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][3] * 1.5; } if (reloadPower < 1) { reloadPower = 1.1; } } flag = 1; reloadBase = 20; if (_root._currentframe < 41) { wn =[8]; } this.setReloadSpeed(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( < 98) { += (100 - / reloadPower; } else { flag = 1; this.gotoAndStop('ok'); } }; } frame 4 { this.stop(); } frame 11 { this.stop(); } frame 21 { function getFlag() { return false; } this.onEnterFrame = null; this.stop(); } } movieClip 1391 { } movieClip 1395 { } movieClip 1397 { } movieClip 1400 { } movieClip 1401 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } frame 2 { this.dis.mes = dCnt + 'HIT!!'; } frame 5 { this.stop(); } frame 6 { b = Math.round(Math.pow(dCnt, 1.2) * 100 * (_global.gameLv / 1.5)); _root.display.changeScore(b); } instance of movieClip 1400 { onClipEvent (load) { mes = '+' + _parent.b; } } } movieClip 1406 display { frame 2 { function setEnsyu() { this.gotoAndStop('ext'); trace('ディスプレイ:演習モードに設定しました。cf=' + _currentframe); wn = 1; amo = 30; this.reloadDis2.wn = 1; hp = 999999999999999.0; disHp = 999999999999999.0; baseHp = 999999999999999.0; } function setHp(v) { hp = 500 + v * 120; disHp = hp; baseHp = disHp; trace('耐久性=' + baseHp); } function setExtWeponData(a) { amo = a; } function ChangeHp(point) { var v4 = point + point * (_global.gameLv / 6); hp -= v4; trace('ダメージ=' + v4); = (hp / baseHp) * 100; if (hp < 0) { hp = -1.0e-005; = 0; _root.mapShip.gekitin(); } } function changeScore(s) { if (_root._currentframe < 40) { var v3 = Math.round(s * ext); _global.score += v3; score = _global.score; _root.addRankingScore(v3); } } function getSongai() { songai = baseHp - hp; if (songai == 0) { songai = -1000; return songai; } if (songai > baseHp) { songai = baseHp; } return songai; } function ChangeHpMax() { trace('耐久度を初期化'); hp = baseHp; disHp = hp; = 100; this.bar2._xscale = 100; } trace('\n------------------------------------------------------------'); trace('ディスプレイデータのtrace開始'); trace('--------------------------------------------------------------'); wn =[8]; baseAmo = _root.extraWeponData[wn][6]; amo = baseAmo + baseAmo *[wn] / 2; amo = Math.floor(amo); score = _global.score; if (_global.gameLv == 1) { ext = 0.5; } else { if (ext == 1) { ext = 1; } else { if (_global.gameLv == 3) { ext = 2; } else { ext = _global.gameLv - 1; } } } this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.bar2._xscale > { this.bar2._xscale -= 0.25; } }; if ([8] != 99) { no =[8]; lv =[no]; trace('追加武装あり no=' + no + ' 強化lv=' + lv); this.gotoAndStop('ext'); } else { trace('追加武装なし'); this.stop(); } } instance hitDis of movieClip 1401 { onClipEvent (load) { function setCnt(cnt) { if (cnt == 0) { if (_currentframe != 1) {; } else { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { dCnt = cnt; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } frame 10 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1408 ground_see { } movieClip 1410 char_grand4 { } movieClip 1411 char_lastBoss2 { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 120 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo) * muki; tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 110; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot2() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 120 + 90) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo) * muki; tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou2', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 110; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function shot3(bType) { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(bType, tamaName, _global.rDeep); if (bType == 'tama_hou') { x = Math.random() * 120 - 60; } else { x = 0; } _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + x; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y - 100; _root[tamaName].speedX = 0; _root[tamaName].speedY = 0.5; ++_global.rDeep; } function setEnemy() { name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(enemyName, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x; _root[name]._y = this._y - 100; _root[name]._xscale *= muki; ++_global.rDeep; } function beam() { flag = 5; this._xscale = 100 * muki; beamTime = getTimer() + 20000; this.body.beam(); } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; _root.display.changeScore(score); this._name = null; this.gotoAndPlay('bomb'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekiha', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } function walk() { var v2 = Math.random() * 100; if (this._x < 600 && v2 > 98) { this._xscale = -100; flag = 4; this.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } else { if (this._x > 100 && v2 > 96) { this._xscale = 100; flag = 4; this.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } } score = 70000; hp = 300 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd2 = 4 + _global.gameLv; shotRnd3 = 2 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; chargeExt = 30; moveFlag = 0; enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; beamTime = getTimer() + 15000; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (getTimer() > beamTime && flag == 1) { this.beam(); } sa = this._x - _root.mapShip._x; if (sa > 0) { muki = 1; } else { muki = -1; } if (flag == 1) { this.walk(); } if (flag != 0 && flag != 5) { if (sa > -80 && sa < 80) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot3('tama_big'); } else { if (rand < shotRnd + 3) { this.shot3('tama_hou'); } } } else { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd3) { this.shot2(); } rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd2) { this.setEnemy(); } } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 26 { moveFlag = 0; } frame 96 { moveFlag = 1; } frame 125 { moveFlag = 0; flag = 1; this.gotoAndStop('normal'); } frame 350 { _root.breakEnemy(); this.removeMovieClip(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1412 char_ship_kubo { frame 1 { function setEnemy() { name = 'aricraft' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(enemyName, name, _global.rDeep); _root[name]._x = this._x; _root[name]._y = this._y - 5; trace(name); ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } score = 9000; hp = 30 * _global.gameLv / 2; shotRnd = 0.5 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; enemyName = 'char_aricraft2'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 100; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.setEnemy(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 76 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 134 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1416 { } movieClip 1417 { } movieClip 1419 { } // unknown tag 88 length 76 movieClip 1426 { } button 1428 { on (release) { this.sceneChenge(1); } } movieClip 1431 { frame 9 { this.stop(); } } button 1473 { on (release) { if (_root.scene_ending._visible != true) { this.sceneChenge(-1); } } } // unknown tag 88 length 90 movieClip 1481 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1487 { } movieClip 1495 { frame 5 { this.stop(); } frame 10 { this.stop(); } frame 15 { this.stop(); } frame 20 { this.stop(); } frame 25 { this.stop(); } frame 30 { this.stop(); } frame 35 { this.stop(); } frame 40 { this.stop(); } frame 45 { this.stop(); } frame 50 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1501 { } // unknown tag 88 length 103 button 1509 { on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(55, 1); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1511 { on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(55, 2); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1513 { on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(55, 3); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1515 { on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(55, 4); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1517 { on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(55, 5); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } movieClip 1521 { } button 1525 { on (release) { this.dataSave(); _root.chengeScene('game', 0); } } movieClip 1529 { } movieClip 1530 { } button 1531 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(3, 1); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(3, 1); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } movieClip 1533 { } button 1534 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(3, 0); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(3, 0); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1535 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(4, 1); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(4, 1); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1536 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(4, 0); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(4, 0); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1537 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(5, 1); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(5, 1); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1538 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(5, 0); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(5, 0); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1539 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(6, 1); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(6, 1); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1540 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(6, 0); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(6, 0); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1541 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(2, 1); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(2, 1); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1542 { on (release) { this.changeStatas(2, 0); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(2, 0); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } movieClip 1546 { } movieClip 1547 { } // unknown tag 88 length 89 button 1551 { on (release) { this.autoMaking(3); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(33, 3); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1554 { on (release) { this.autoMaking(0); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(33, 0); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1557 { on (release) { this.autoMaking(1); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(33, 1); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1560 { on (release) { this.autoMaking(2); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(33, 2); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } button 1566 { on (release) { this._visible = 0; } } movieClip 1569 { } movieClip 1570 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1573 { frame 12 { this.stop(); } } button 1574 { on (release) { this.dataSave(); _root.chengeScene('game', 0); } } button 1577 { on (release) { backFrame = 'firstLoad'; this.dataSave(); this.gotoAndStop('wepon'); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(44, 0); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } movieClip 1579 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1581 { } movieClip 1585 { } button 1586 { on (release) { _root.see._y = 700; _root.display._y = 700; _root.chengeScene('title'); } } button 1587 { on (release) { if (this.dis._visible == false) { this.dataSave(); trace('_global.nowStage = ' + _global.nowStage); if (_global.nowStage == 10) { _root.endRanking(1); this.attachMovie('scene_game_mask', 'mask', 10); } else { _root.endRanking(0); _parent.sceneChenge(0); } } } } button 1588 { on (release) { backFrame = 'normal'; this.dataSave(); this.gotoAndStop('wepon'); } on (rollOver) { this.changeHelpMes(44, 0); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { this.changeHelpMes(0, 0); } } movieClip 1594 { frame 3 { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1605 { } button 1608 { on (release) { c = 1; _parent._parent.conExtraWepon(c, no); } on (rollOver, dragOver) { c = 1; _parent._parent.setMes(c, useP); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent._parent.setMes(comment); } } // unknown tag 88 length 89 movieClip 1616 { frame 6 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1617 { } button 1620 { on (release) { c = 2; _parent._parent.conExtraWepon(c, no); } on (rollOver, dragOver) { c = 2; _parent._parent.setMes(c, useP); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent._parent.setMes(comment); } } button 1623 { on (release) { c = 3; _parent._parent.conExtraWepon(c, no); } on (rollOver, dragOver) { c = 3; _parent._parent.setMes(c, useP); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent._parent.setMes(comment); } } movieClip 1630 { frame 2 { f = 'f' +; this.gotoAndStop(f); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1636 { frame 2 { f = 'f' +; this.gotoAndStop(f); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1639 { frame 1 { function equipFlagCon(c) { equipFlag = c; = c;; } i = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { if (i < 5) { ++i; _parent._parent.setMes(comment); = true; } } else { if ( == true) { i = 0; _parent._parent.setMes(0); = false; } } }; } frame 3 { this.stop(); } frame 10 { this.stop(); } frame 20 { this.stop(); } frame 30 { this.stop(); } frame 40 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1643 { } button 1647 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { _parent.setMes(99, 0); } } button 1650 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { _parent.setMes(99, 1); } on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay('sub2'); } } button 1652 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { _parent.setMes(99, 0); } on (release) { this.gotoAndPlay('sub1'); } } button 1653 { on (rollOver, dragOver) { _parent.setMes(99, 1); } } movieClip 1655 { instance p0 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p3 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p2 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p1 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p4 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p5 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p6 of movieClip 1639 { } frame 2 { _parent.setPanel(); _parent.checkWepon(); this.stop(); } instance p7 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p10 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p9 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p8 of movieClip 1639 { } instance p11 of movieClip 1639 { } frame 11 { _parent.setPanel(); _parent.checkWepon(); this.stop(); } } button 1661 { on (release) { _parent.conExtraWepon(99, 99); } } movieClip 1663 { frame 1 { comment = '現在装備中の追加兵装を解除します。'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) { if (i < 5) { ++i; _parent.setMes(comment); = true; } } else { if ( == true) { i = 0; _parent.setMes(0); = false; } } }; } frame 3 { this.stop(); } } button 1669 { on (release) { trace('backFrame=' + backFrame); this.gotoAndStop(backFrame); } } movieClip 1670 { frame 1 { function firstSet() {} function dataSave() { _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][0] = name; _root.shipStatas[11][1] = 'ok'; i = 0; while (i < 8) {[i] = _root.shipStatas[11][i]; ++i; } = _root.toCode(_global.score); if (_root.maxHitCnt > _global.allMaxHitCnt) { trace('最大Hit更新 ' + _global.allMaxHitCnt + ' ->' + _root.maxHitCnt); = _root.maxHitCnt; _global.allMaxHitCnt =; } trace('' +; trace('データセーブ実行 score=' + _global.score); } function setStatas() { _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][i]; _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][i]; i = 0; name = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][i]; ++i; comment = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][i]; ++i; syasu = 'x' + _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][i]; i = 3; while (i < 10) { var v4 = 's' + _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][i]; this[i].gotoAndStop(v4); trace('性能=' + i + ':' + v4); ++i; } point = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7]; if (point == null) { _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7] = basePoint; point = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7]; } } function changeStatas(statas, com) { if (this.dis._visible == false || this.dis == undefined) { var v5 = 0; needPoint = this.checkNeedPoint(statas, com); if (com) { if (_root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][statas] < 10) { if (point >= needPoint) { theSe.start(); this.efMask.gotoAndPlay(2); ++_root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][statas]; _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7] -= needPoint; v5 = 1; } else { helpMes = '強化ポイントが不足しています。必要ポイント' + needPoint; } } else { helpMes = 'これ以上強化できません。'; } } else { if (_root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][statas] > 1) { theSe2.start(); --_root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][statas]; _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7] += needPoint; v5 = 1; } } if (v5) { this.changeHelpMes(statas, com); this.setStatas(); } } } function changeHelpMes(statas, comd) { helpMes = ''; trace('\nchangeHlpMes s=' + status + ' comd=' + comd + '\n'); if (statas == 0) { trace('noMesList=' + noMesList.length); var v2 = Math.round(Math.random() * noMesList.length); trace('rand = ' + v2); if (v2 == noMesList.length) { v2 = noMesList.length - 1; } helpMes = noMesList[v2]; } else { if (statas == 44) { helpMes = '武装・性能を強化する副兵装を購入・強化・装備します。'; } else { if (statas == 33) { helpMes = autoMakeMesList[comd]; } else { if (statas == 55) { helpMes = shipStatasMesList[comd]; } else { helpMes = mesList[statas]; if (comd == 1) { addMes = 'を強化します。必要ポイント'; } else { addMes = 'を戻します。還元ポイント'; } p = checkNeedPoint(statas, comd); helpMes = helpMes + addMes + p; } } } } } function checkNeedPoint(statas, com) { var v3; if (statas == 2) { v3 = 15; return v3; } if (com) { v3 = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][statas]; return v3; } v3 = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][statas] - 1; return v3; } function autoMaking(shipNo) { i = 2; while (i < 7) { _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][i] = _root.shipStatas[shipNo][i]; ++i; } _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7] = _root.shipStatas[shipNo][7]; setStatas(); } trace('\n------------------------------------------------------------'); trace('設計画面でのtrace開始'); trace('--------------------------------------------------------------'); ti = 1; theSe = new Sound(); theSe.attachSound('SE_powerUp'); theSe2 = new Sound(); theSe2.attachSound('SE_gunSet6'); _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(55); _global.nowShip = 11; if (_global.nowStage == 1 || firstFlag == 1) { if (_root.dataLoadFlag) { this.gotoAndStop('firstLoad'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('first'); } } else { this.gotoAndStop('normal'); } mesList = [0, '艦名', '砲の発射数', '装填速度', '射撃精度', '機動性', '耐久性']; noMesList = new Array(); noMesList[0] = '艦名はランキングなどで使用されます、好みでどうぞ'; noMesList[1] = '強化ポイントを割り振って、戦艦を設計してください。'; noMesList[2] = '設計が完了したら、「決定」を押してください。'; noMesList[3] = '必要ポイントは変動します。射数強化のみ一律15ポイントです。'; noMesList[4] = '左下のボタンで自動設計を行う事ができます。'; noMesList[5] = '使用しなかったポイントは次の強化に持ち越されます。'; autoMakeMesList = new Array(); autoMakeMesList[0] = '攻撃・防御・機動をバランス良く配分した艦です。'; autoMakeMesList[1] = '射数を強化し、火力を重視した艦です。精度と機動性は低めです。'; autoMakeMesList[2] = '射数を削って射撃精度を強化した艦です。連続HIT狙いに向きます。'; autoMakeMesList[3] = '耐久性を重視した艦です。簡単には沈みません。'; extraWeponMesList = new Array(); extraWeponMesList[1] = '対空攻撃用の高角砲です。航空機を撃墜できます。'; extraWeponMesList[2] = '100cm砲です。驚異的威力を誇ります。弾数制限があります。'; extraWeponMesList[3] = '多連装ロケット発射機です。発射量が自慢ですが、ばらつきます。'; extraWeponMesList[4] = '巨大電磁レールガンです。発射すると自壊しますので単発です。'; extraShipMesList = new Array(); extraShipMesList[1] = '小型戦艦です。船体小型化・機動性上昇、その他性能は低下。'; extraShipMesList[2] = '超大型戦艦です。船体大型化・耐久・火力上昇、機動性大幅低下'; extraShipMesList[3] = '空母です。火力低下・特殊兵装に航空機が追加'; shipStatasMesList = new Array(); shipStatasMesList[1] = '一度の射撃で発射できる弾の数です。攻撃力。'; shipStatasMesList[2] = '次弾発射までの時間に影響します。この値が高いと連続して攻撃できます。'; shipStatasMesList[3] = '弾の集弾性に影響します。この値が低いと弾が照準通りに飛びません。'; shipStatasMesList[4] = '移動の早さに影響します。攻撃の回避がし易くなります。'; shipStatasMesList[5] = '耐久性に影響します。この値が高いと、多くの攻撃に耐えられます。'; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(46) && Key.isDown(18)) { _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7] = 999; } }; nameField.onChanged = function () { trace('リスナー動作'); _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][0] = name;[0] = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][0]; }; if (normalFlag) { this.gotoAndStop('normal'); } this.setStatas(); } frame 2 { this.setStatas(); this.stop(); } frame 10 { noMesList = new Array(); noMesList[0] = '使用しなかったポイントは次の強化に持ち越されます。'; noMesList[1] = '強化ポイントを割り振って、戦艦を強化してください。'; noMesList[2] = '強化が完了したら、「決定」を押してください。'; noMesList[3] = '必要ポイントは変動します。射数強化のみ一律15ポイントです。'; this.setStatas(); this.stop(); } instance dis of movieClip 1579 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent.ti == 1) { _parent.ti = 0; } else { this._visible = 0; } } } frame 20 { noMesList = new Array(); noMesList[0] = '使用しなかったポイントは次の強化に持ち越されます。'; noMesList[1] = '強化ポイントを割り振って、戦艦を強化してください。'; noMesList[2] = '強化が完了したら、「決定」を押してください。'; noMesList[3] = '必要ポイントは変動します。射数強化のみ一律15ポイントです。'; if (ti == 1) { ti = 0; pp = _global.nowStage + _global.gameLv; this.dis.pp = '+' + pp; _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7] += pp; point = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7]; } else { this.dis._visible = 0; } this.setStatas(); this.stop(); } frame 30 {; } frame 32 { function setPanel() { i = 0; while (i < extraWepon.length) { var v3 = 'p' + i; this.selectTable[v3].no = i; this.selectTable[v3].wName = extraWepon[i][7]; if ([i] > 0) { var v7 =[i]; var v6 = 'f' + extraWepon[i][0]; var v4 = Number(2 +[i]); if (v4 >= 7) { tempP = 0; } else { tempP = extraWepon[i][v4]; } trace('temp=' + tempP); this.selectTable[v3].useP = tempP; this.selectTable[v3].lv = v7; this.selectTable[v3].comment = extraWepon[i][8]; this.selectTable[v3].gotoAndStop(v6); this.selectTable[v3].gage.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { lvFlag = 0; il = 0; while (il < 8) { if ([il] == 11) { lvFlag = il + 1; } ++il; } var v5 = extraWepon[i][1]; if (v5 <= lvFlag) { this.selectTable[v3].useP = extraWepon[i][2]; this.selectTable[v3].comment = extraWepon[i][8]; this.selectTable[v3].gotoAndStop('f0'); } else { this.selectTable[v3].comment = '条件を満たしていないため、購入できません。'; } } ++i; } updateAfterEvent(); trace('\n-----パネル再描画-----\n'); } function setMes(mt, p) { trace('MES変更 mt=' + mt + ' p=' + p); if (mt == 0) { var v3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * noMesListE.length); helpMes = noMesListE[v3]; } else { if (mt == 1) { helpMes = 'この追加兵装を購入します。 必要強化ポイント' + p + 'p'; } else { if (mt == 2) { if (p != 0) { helpMes = 'この追加兵装を強化します。 必要強化ポイント' + p + 'P'; } else { helpMes = 'これ以上強化できません。'; } } else { if (mt == 3) { helpMes = 'この追加兵装を装備します。'; } else { helpMes = mt; } } } } if (mt == 99) { helpMes = btnMesList[p]; } } function equip(e1, e2) { theSe2.start(); i = 0; while (i < 12) { var v2 = 'p' + i; this.selectTable[v2].equipFlagCon(0); ++i; } v2 = 'p' + e1; this.selectTable[v2].equipFlagCon(1); v2 = 'p' + e2; this.selectTable[v2].equipFlagCon(1); } function conExtraWepon(c, no) { if (c == 1) { np = 0; np = extraWepon[no][2]; if (point >= np) { theSe.start(); trace('np=' + np);[7] -= np; _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7] =[7]; point = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7];[no]; this.setPanel(); trace('兵装の購入を実行しました。 No=' + no); } else {} } else { if (c == 2) { var v6 =[no]; var v7 = v6 + 2; np = 0; np = extraWepon[no][v7]; trace('no=' + no + ' 武装LV=' + v6 + ' 必要ぽいんと=' + np); if (extraWepon[no][0] == 1 &&[no] < 5) { if (point >= np) { trace('強化前ポイント=' + point); theSe.start();[7] -= np; _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7] =[7]; point = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7]; trace('pont=' + point);[no]; this.setPanel(); trace('兵装の購入を実行しました。 No=' + no); } else {} } else { if (extraWepon[no][0] == 2 &&[no] < 3) { if (point >= np) { theSe2.start();[7] -= np; _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7] =[7]; point = _root.shipStatas[_global.nowShip][7]; trace('pont=' + point);[no]; this.setPanel(); trace('兵装の強化を実行しました。 No=' + no); } else {} } } } else { if (c == 3) { tp = extraWepon[no][9]; if (tp == 1) {[8] = no; } else { if (tp == 2) {[9] = no; } else { if (tp == 3) {[9] = no; } } } this.equip([8],[9]); trace('処理=' + c + ' タイプ=' + tp + ' NO=' + no); } else { if (c == 99) { trace('全装備を解除しました');[8] = 99;[9] = 99; this.equip(99, 99); } } } } } function checkWepon() { this.equip([8],[9]); } trace('\n------------------------------------------------------------'); trace('追加兵装画面のtrace開始'); trace('--------------------------------------------------------------'); extraWepon = new Array(); extraWepon[0] = [1, 0, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, '対空砲', '対航空機用の高角砲です。指定した箇所で炸裂し、航空機を撃墜します。', 1]; extraWepon[1] = [1, 2, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, '大口径臼砲', '非常に威力の高い大型弾を発射します。装填速度・精度は低いです。', 1]; extraWepon[2] = [1, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, '速射砲', '装填速度が非常に速い砲です。威力は弱いですが、連射が可能です。', 1]; extraWepon[3] = [1, 2, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, '拡散垂爆式砲弾', '指定した箇所で炸裂し、直下を攻撃できる特殊弾です。', 1]; extraWepon[4] = [3, 3, 150, 0, 0, 0, 0, '燃料気化砲弾', '指定した箇所で炸裂し、強力な範囲攻撃を行います。', 1]; extraWepon[5] = [3, 4, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, '特零式荷電砲', '強力無比の電磁レールガンです。非常に強力ですが一発しか撃てません。', 1]; extraWepon[6] = [3, 4, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, '爆撃支援要請', '友軍爆撃機が強力な支援攻撃を行います。', 1]; extraWepon[7] = [2, 0, 20, 40, 80, 0, 0, '増加装甲', '耐久性が上昇します。ただし、機動性が1減少します。', 2]; extraWepon[8] = [2, 4, 20, 40, 80, 0, 0, '自動装填装置', '発射速度が上昇します。ただし、機動性が1低下します。', 2]; extraWepon[9] = [2, 3, 20, 40, 80, 0, 0, '新型機関', '機動性が上昇します。ただし、耐久性が1減少します。', 2]; extraWepon[10] = [3, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, '散布界増加装置', '散布界が大きくなり、着弾がバラつきます', 3]; extraWepon[11] = [3, 0, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, '主砲換装', '射数が半分になりますが、一発の威力が2.2倍になります。', 3]; noMesListE = new Array(); noMesListE[0] = 'ここで追加兵装を「購入」「強化」「装備」可能です。'; noMesListE[1] = '強化ポイントを使って、追加兵装を「購入」「強化」できます。'; noMesListE[2] = '追加兵装は「武装追加」と「性能向上」と「特殊効果」の三タイプが存在します。'; noMesListE[3] = '特定の難易度をクリアしないと、購入できない兵装もあります。'; noMesListE[4] = '一部の追加兵装は強化ポイントで性能を向上させることができます。'; btnMesList = new Array(); btnMesList[0] = '敵を直接攻撃する副武装群です。'; btnMesList[1] = '艦の性能を向上させる強化装備です。'; this.setPanel(); this.checkWepon(); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1672 { } movieClip 1674 { frame 99 { _parent.sceneChenge(2); } frame 100 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1676 { } movieClip 1677 { frame 60 { sceneChenge(2); this.stop(); } } movieClip 1678 scene_first { frame 1 { function sceneChenge(tempScene) { if (tempScene == -1) { this.gotoAndStop('kyouka'); } else { if (tempScene == 0) { trace('ブリーフィング呼び出しを行いました _global.nowStage =' + _global.nowStage); scene = 0; _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(33); if (_global.nowStage == 10 || _global.nowStage == 11 || _global.nowStage == 12) { trace('_________scene_first _global.nowStage = ' + _global.nowStage + ' 強制終了へ'); _root.attachMovie('scene_game_mask', 'game_mask', 9999); return undefined; } else { _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(33); ++_global.nowStage; var v6 = _global.gameLv - 1; if (_global.nowStage >[v6]) { trace(v6 + 'ステージクリアデータ更新');[v6] = _global.nowStage; } trace('\n\n現在のシナリオ' + _global.nowStage + '\n\n\n'); var v7 = 's' + _global.nowStage; this.gotoAndStop(v7); } } } if (tempScene == 1) { _root.targetSarcle.conMeth(1); _root.display.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.newStage(); _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(_global.nowStage); scene = tempScene; _root.setStage('first'); wait = getTimer() + scene1wait; this.gotoAndStop('ready'); } if (tempScene == 2) { scene = tempScene; wait = getTimer() + scene2wait; _root.gameStart(); this.gotoAndStop('go'); } if (tempScene == 99) { _root.targetSarcle.conMeth(0); scene = 0; _root.display.hitDis.setCnt(0); _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(22); clearB = 50000 * _global.nowStage * _global.gameLv / 2; hit = _root.getMaxHit(); hitB = hit * 10000; trace('損害=' + _root.songai); if (spMode == 1) { songai = Math.round(_root.songai); songaiB = _root.songai * -100; } else { songai = Math.round(_root.display.getSongai()); songaiB = songai * -100; } if (songai == -1000) { songai = 0; songaiB = 100000; } total = clearB + hitB + songaiB; if (spMode != 1) { trace('\n\n清算画面でのスコア加算=' + total + '\n\n'); _root.display.changeScore(total); } else { trace('\n\n■エンディングでのスコア清算です!!\n\n'); if (_global.gameLv == 1) { ext = 0.5; } else { if (ext == 1) { ext = 1; } else { if (_global.gameLv == 3) { ext = 2; } else { ext = _global.gameLv - 1; } } } var v5 = Math.round(total * ext); _global.score += v5; score = _global.score; _root.addRankingScore(v5); trace('■最終スコア+' + v5); } _root.hitCnt = 0; _root.maxHitCnt = 0; this.gotoAndStop('houkoku'); } } _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(33); scene = 's' + _global.nowStage; this.gotoAndStop(scene); } frame 2 { scene = 0; scene1wait = 2500; scene2wait = 99999; wait = getTimer() + scene0wait; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (scene == 1) { if (wait < getTimer()) { this.sceneChenge(2); } } else { if (scene == 2) { if (wait < getTimer()) { this.gotoAndStop('end'); this.onEnterFrame = null; } } } }; this.stop(); } frame 10 { this.stop(); } frame 20 { this.stop(); } frame 30 { this.stop(); } frame 40 { this.stop(); } frame 50 { this.stop(); } frame 58 { this.stop(); } frame 68 { this.stop(); } frame 78 { this.stop(); } frame 88 { this.stop(); } frame 144 { this.stop(); } frame 155 { this.stop(); } instance of movieClip 1670 { onClipEvent (load) { normalFlag = 1; } } frame 164 { this.stop(); } frame 174 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1680 char_ship_senkan { frame 1 { function shot() { kakudo = -(Math.random() * 40 + 130) * Math.PI / 180; sY = power * Math.sin(kakudo); sX = -power * Math.cos(kakudo); tamaName = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('tama_hou', tamaName, _global.rDeep); _root[tamaName]._x = this._x + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName]._y = this._y + Math.random() * 0.5; _root[tamaName].speedX = -sX; _root[tamaName].speedY = sY; ++_global.rDeep; } function hit(d) { if (hp > 0) { hp -= d; if (hp <= 0) { flag = 0; this._name = null; _root.display.changeScore(score); this.gotoAndPlay('gekitin'); } } } function showGekitin() { tempName = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_gekitin', tempName, _global.rDeep); _root[tempName]._x = this._x; _root[tempName]._y = this._y - 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; } hp = 50 * _global.gameLv / 2; score = 7000; shotRnd = 1 + _global.gameLv; power = 6; flag = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (flag) { rand = Math.random() * 200; if (rand < shotRnd) { this.shot(); } } }; } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 86 { this.showGekitin(); _root.breakEnemy(); } frame 135 { this.stop(); } } frame 1 { _lockroot = true; loaderFlag = false; if (loaderFlag) { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1707 { frame 1 { function changeBgm(bgmNo) { trace('BGM変更 bgmNo=' + bgmNo); bgmNo = 's' + bgmNo; theSound.stop(); _root.theSound.stop(); this.gotoAndStop('first'); this.gotoAndStop(bgmNo); } function setVol(v) { theSound.setVolume(v); } theSound = new Sound(this); this.stop(); } frame 35 { this.stop(); } frame 45 { this.stop(); } frame 55 { } frame 55 { this.stop(); } frame 65 { this.stop(); } frame 75 { this.stop(); } frame 85 { this.stop(); } frame 95 { this.stop(); } frame 106 { this.stop(); } frame 116 { this.stop(); } frame 126 { this.stop(); } frame 136 { this.stop(); } frame 167 { this.stop(); } frame 177 { this.stop(); } frame 187 { this.stop(); } frame 198 { this.stop(); } frame 207 { this.stop(); } frame 217 { this.stop(); } frame 274 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 2002 __Packages.EnemyClass { #initclip if (!_global.EnemyClass) { var v1 = function (tmy) { = tmy; this.flag = false; this.shotTable = new Array(); if (_root.getConfColorMode()) { this.my_color = new Color(; this.my_color.setRGB(3355443); }; trace('EnemyClass 定義されました'); }; _global.EnemyClass = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.init = function (uType) { if (uType == undefined) { this.unitType = this.T_SHIP; } else { this.unitType = uType; } }; v2.actionStart = function () { this.flag = true; }; v2.setHp = function (thp) { this.hp = thp; trace('* hp=' + this.hp); }; v2.setScore = function (tscore) { this.score = tscore; trace('* score=' + this.score); }; v2.addShot = function (obj) { var v3 = this.shotTable.length; this.shotTable[v3] = new Array(); this.shotTable[v3][0] = obj.tamaID; this.shotTable[v3][1] = obj.ttype; this.shotTable[v3][2] = obj.power; this.shotTable[v3][3] = obj.shotRnd; this.shotTable[v3][4] = obj.shotRandBaseExt; this.shotTable[v3][5] = obj.angleRnd; this.shotTable[v3][6] = obj.angleBase; this.shotTable[v3][7] = obj.shotRnd + _global.gameLv * obj.shotRandBaseExt; if (obj.px == undefined) { this.shotTable[v3][8] = 0; } else { this.shotTable[v3][8] = obj.px; } if ( == undefined) { this.shotTable[v3][9] = 0; } else { this.shotTable[v3][9] =; } trace('* パターン追加 ' + this.shotTable[v3]); }; v2.tryShot = function () { var v2; v2 = 0; while (v2 < this.shotTable.length) { if (this.shotTable[v2][7] > Math.random() * 200) { this.shot(v2); } ++v2; } }; v2.tryShotOnly = function (shotID) { if (this.shotTable[shotID][7] > Math.random() * 200) { this.shot(shotID); } }; v2.shot = function (shotID) { switch (this.shotTable[shotID][1]) { case this.HOU: this.shotHou(shotID); break; case this.GYORAI: this.shotGyorai(shotID); break; case this.MISSILE: this.shotMissile(shotID); break; default: trace(' ERROR ENEMY攻撃のタイプが指定されていません。 = ' + this.shotTable[shotID][1]); } }; v2.shotHou = function (shotID) { var v9 = -(Math.random() * this.shotTable[shotID][5] + this.shotTable[shotID][6]) * Math.PI / 180; var v6 = this.shotTable[shotID][2] * Math.sin(v9); var v7 = -this.shotTable[shotID][2] * Math.cos(v9); var v8 = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(this.shotTable[shotID][0], v8, _global.rDeep); var v5 = _root[v8]; trace(v7 + ' ' + v6); v5._x = + this.shotTable[shotID][8]; v5._y = + this.shotTable[shotID][9]; v5.speedX = -v7; v5.speedY = v6; ++_global.rDeep; }; v2.shotGyorai = function (shotID) { var v7 = 0; var v8 = this.shotTable[shotID][2]; var v6 = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(this.shotTable[shotID][0], v6, _global.rDeep); var v4 = _root[v6]; v4._x = + this.shotTable[shotID][8]; v4._y = + this.shotTable[shotID][9]; v4.speedX = -v8; v4.speedY = v7; ++_global.rDeep; }; v2.shotMissile = function (shotID) { var v6 = 'tama' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(this.shotTable[shotID][0], v6, _global.rDeep); var v4 = _root[v6]; v4._x = + this.shotTable[shotID][8]; v4._y = + this.shotTable[shotID][9]; v4.fSpeed = this.shotTable[shotID][2]; v4.fRotation = this.shotTable[shotID][6]; ++_global.rDeep; }; v2.hit = function (d) { if (this.flag) { if (this.hp > 0) { this.hp -= d; if (this.hp <= 0) { this.flag = false; = null; _root.display.changeScore(this.score);'bomb'); = null; } } } }; v2.showTextEfc = function () { trace('撃沈TEXTTTTTTT'); var v5; var v6 = 'gekitin' + _global.rDeep; if (this.unitType == this.T_SHIP) { v5 = 'atcItem_gekitin'; } else { if (this.unitType == this.T_FORTRESS) { v5 = 'atcItem_gekiha'; } } _root.attachMovie(v5, v6, _global.rDeep); var v4 = _root[v6]; v4._x =; v4._y = - 150; v4._xscale = 150; v4._yscale = 150; ++_global.rDeep; }; v2.exec = function () { if (this.flag) { this.tryShot(); } }; v2.T_SHIP = 1; v2.T_FORTRESS = 2; v2.HOU = 1; v2.GYORAI = 2; v2.MISSILE = 3; ASSetPropFlags(_global.EnemyClass.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2003 __Packages.maincharShotClass { #initclip if (!_global.maincharShotClass) { var v1 = function () { this.seeEfcId = 'waterBomb'; this.groundEfcId = 'hitBomb_noDmg'; this.hitEfcId = 'hitBomb'; this.seeEfcScale = 150; this.hitEfcScale = 150; this.groundEfcScale = 150; this.noDamageEfcScale = 150; }; _global.maincharShotClass = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setStatus = function (t_my, t_obj) { = t_my; this.damage = t_obj.damage; this.extX = t_obj.extX; this.downY = t_obj.downY; this.seeEfcId = t_obj.seeEfcId; this.groundEfcId = t_obj.groundEfcId; this.hitEfcId = t_obj.hitEfcId; this.seeEfcScale = t_obj.seeEfcScale; this.hitEfcScale = t_obj.hitEfcScale; this.groundEfcScale = t_obj.groundEfcScale; }; v2.setSpeed = function (sx, sy) { this.speedX = sx; this.speedY = sy; }; v2.move = function () { = Math.atan2(this.speedY, this.speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; += this.speedX; += this.speedY; this.speedX *= this.extX; this.speedY += this.downY; }; v2.checkHitEnemy = function () { var v4; var v3 = 1; while (v3 < 5) { v4 = _root['e' + v3]; if ( { v4.hit(this.damage); v4.Enemy.hit(this.damage); this.hit(); } ++v3; } if ( { _root.boss.hit(this.damage); _root.boss.Enemy.hit(this.damage); this.hit(); } if ( { _root.boss2.hit(this.damage); _root.boss2.Enemy.hit(this.damage); this.hit(); } if ( { _root.boss3.hit(this.damage); _root.boss3.Enemy.hit(this.damage); this.hit(); } if ( { _root.boss4.hit(this.damage); _root.boss4.Enemy.hit(this.damage); this.hit(); } }; v2.checkHitEnemySimple = function () { var v4; var v3 = 1; while (v3 < 5) { v4 = _root['e' + v3]; if ( { v4.hit(this.damage); v4.Enemy.hit(this.damage); } ++v3; } if ( { _root.boss.hit(this.damage); _root.boss.Enemy.hit(this.damage); } if ( { _root.boss2.hit(this.damage); _root.boss2.Enemy.hit(this.damage); } if ( { _root.boss3.hit(this.damage); _root.boss3.Enemy.hit(this.damage); } if ( { _root.boss4.hit(this.damage); _root.boss4.Enemy.hit(this.damage); } }; v2.checkFrameOut = function () { if ( > _global.mapMaxX || < 0) { this.counterReset();; } }; v2.checkHitGround = function () { if (_root.grand.hitTest(,, true)) { this.atcEffect(this.groundEfcId, this.groundEfcScale); this.counterReset();; } }; v2.checkHitSee = function () { if ( > _global.seaLineY) { this.atcEffect(this.seeEfcId, this.seeEfcScale); this.counterReset();; } }; v2.hit = function () { this.counterUp(); this.atcEffect(this.hitEfcId, this.hitEfcScale);; }; v2.counterUp = function () { var v4 = 'dis' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('atcItem_hitDis', v4, _global.rDeep); _root[v4]._x =; _root[v4]._y = + 20; _root[v4].mes = _root.conHitCounter(1); ++_global.rDeep; }; v2.counterReset = function () { _root.conHitCounter(0); }; v2.atcEffect = function (efcId, s) { if (efcId == null) { trace('maincharShotClass setEffect エフェクトの指定なし'); return undefined; } var v4; v4 = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie(efcId, v4, _global.rDeep); _root[v4]._x =; _root[v4]._y =; _root[v4]._yscale = s; _root[v4]._xscale = _root[v4]._yscale; ++_global.rDeep; }; v2.exec = function () { this.move(); this.checkHitEnemy(); this.checkHitSee(); this.checkFrameOut(); this.checkHitGround(); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.maincharShotClass.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2004 __Packages.BulletClass { #initclip if (!_global.BulletClass) { var v1 = function (t_my) { super(); = t_my; this.seeY = _global.seaLineY; if (_root.getConfColorMode()) { this.my_color = new Color(; this.my_color.setRGB(3355443); } }; _global.BulletClass = v1; _global.BulletClass extends MovieClip; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setStatus = function (dy, ex) { this.downY = dy; this.extX = ex; }; v2.setFirstSpeed = function (sx, sy) { this.speedX = sx; this.speedY = sy; }; v2.setEffectScale = function (sc) { this.effectSize = sc; }; v2.setDamage = function (td) { this.damage = td; }; v2.hit = function () { var v4 = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('hitBomb', v4, _global.rDeep); _root[v4]._x =; _root[v4]._y =; _root[v4]._yscale = this.effectSize; _root[v4]._xscale = _root[v4]._yscale; ++_global.rDeep;; }; v2.hitSee = function () { var v4 = 'waterBomb' + _global.rDeep; _root.attachMovie('waterBomb', v4, _global.rDeep); _root[v4]._x =; _root[v4]._y =; _root[v4]._xscale = this.effectSize; _root[v4]._yscale = this.effectSize; ++_global.rDeep;; }; v2.move = function () { = Math.atan2(this.speedY, this.speedX) / 0.0174532925199433; += this.speedX; += this.speedY; this.speedX *= this.extX; this.speedY += this.downY; }; v2.hitCheckHeroExt = function (mc) { if (mc.hitTest(_root.mapShip.dmgArea)) { return true; } else { return false; } }; v2.appDamage = function () { _root.display.ChangeHp(this.damage); }; v2.hitCheck = function () { if ( { this.appDamage(); this.hit(); } if ( > this.seeY) { this.hitSee(); } }; v2.exec = function () { this.move(); this.hitCheck(); }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.BulletClass.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2005 __Packages.MissileClass { #initclip if (!_global.MissileClass) { var v1 = function (t_my) { super(); trace('MissileClass'); = t_my; this.seeY = _global.seaLineY; = _root.mapShip; this.rotate = 0; this.speed = 0; this.phase = this.P_HOMING; this.liveFlag = false; }; _global.MissileClass = v1; _global.MissileClass extends BulletClass; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.setStatus = function (obj) { this.maxSpeed = obj.maxSpeed; this.accel = obj.accel; this.accelMag = obj.accelMag; this.accelRotate = obj.accelRotate; this.maxRotate = obj.maxRotate; this.rorateInterval = obj.rorateInterval; this.rotBreaking = obj.rotBreaking; if (obj.effectSize == undefined) { this.effectSize = 150; } else { this.effectSize = obj.effectSize; } this.nextRotateTime = getTimer() + this.rorateInterval; }; v2.setFirstSpeed = function (spd) { this.speed = spd; }; v2.setFirstRotation = function (rot) { = rot; }; = function () { trace('missile Fire'); this.liveFlag = true; }; v2.move = function () { var v2; this.speed *= this.accelMag; this.speed += this.accel; if (this.speed > this.maxSpeed) { this.speed = this.maxSpeed; } v2 = * Math.PI / 180; var v4 = Math.cos(v2) * this.speed; var v3 = Math.sin(v2) * this.speed; += v4; += v3; }; v2.homing = function () { if (getTimer() > this.nextRotateTime) { this.nextRotateTime = getTimer() + this.rorateInterval; this.homingRotate(); } }; v2.homingRotate = function () { var v3 = Math.atan2( -, -; var v2 = v3 * 180 / Math.PI; if ( - 180 > v2) { v2 += 360; } if ( + 180 < v2) { v2 -= 360; } if ( - v2 > this.maxRotate) { this.rotate -= this.accelRotate; } else { if ( - v2 < -this.maxRotate) { this.rotate += this.accelRotate; } else { this.rotate *= this.rotBreaking; } } if (this.rotate > this.maxRotate) { this.rotate = this.maxRotate; } if (this.rotate < -this.maxRotate) { this.rotate = -this.maxRotate; } += this.rotate; }; v2.exec = function () { if (this.liveFlag) { if (this.phase == this.P_HOMING) { this.homing(); } this.move(); this.hitCheck(); } }; v2.P_INERTIA = 1; v2.P_HOMING = 2; ASSetPropFlags(_global.MissileClass.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 2006 __Packages.McVibrationClass { #initclip if (!_global.McVibrationClass) { var v1 = function (tmy) { this.vibFlag = false; = tmy; this.nTargetX =; this.fx = this.nTargetX; this.nTargetY =; this.fy = this.nTargetY; this.nSpeedX = 0; this.nSpeedY = 0; this.powerdx = 0; this.powerdy = 0; this.xA = 0; this.xB = 0; this.yA = 0; this.yB = 0; }; _global.McVibrationClass = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.execVib = function () { if (this.vibFlag) { var v2 = Number(this.nTargetX) - Number(; var v3 = Number(this.nTargetY) - Number(; this.nSpeedX = Number(this.nSpeedX) * this.xA + Number(v2) * this.xB; this.nSpeedY = Number(this.nSpeedY) * this.yA + Number(v3) * this.yB; += Number(this.nSpeedX); += Number(this.nSpeedY); this.powerdx = Number(this.powerdx); this.powerdy = Number(this.powerdy); this.nSpeedX += Math.random() * this.powerdx - this.powerdx / 2; this.nSpeedY += Math.random() * this.powerdy - this.powerdy / 2; if (Math.abs(this.nSpeedX) + Math.abs(this.nSpeedY) < 0.01) { trace('振動停止'); this.vibFlag = false; = this.fx; = this.fy; } } }; v2.setVib = function (txa, txb, tya, tyb, xp, yp, ax, ay) { this.xA = Number(txa); this.xB = Number(txb); this.yA = Number(tya); this.yB = Number(tyb); this.fpx = Number(this.nTargetX + xp); this.fpy = Number(this.nTargetY + yp); this.powerdx = Number(ax); this.powerdy = Number(ay); }; v2.startVib = function () { = this.fpx; = this.fpy; this.vibFlag = true; }; ASSetPropFlags(_global.McVibrationClass.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { this.stop(); } movieClip 1711 { } button 1715 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } } movieClip 1720 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1722 { } frame 15 { function getConfColorMode() { return false; } function getVol() { trace('_rootの音量を返しました。' + theSound.getVolume()); return theSound.getVolume(); } function setVol(v) { trace('_root音量を変更しました。' + v); = v; theSound.setVolume(v); } function openSpGetWindow() { _root.spGetWindow._x = 320; } function closeSpGetWindow() { _root.spGetWindow._x = 1500; } function execAddSpPoint() { if ( == true) { = false;[7] += 100; i = 0; while (i < 10) { _root.shipStatas[11][i] =[i]; ++i; } trace('スコアを増加させました'); } } function stageSelect(s) { _global.nowStage = s * 1; nowStage = 1 + (s - 1) * 4; } function chengeScene(sceneName, com) { trace('chengeScene() sceneName=' + sceneName + ' com=' + com); theSound.stop(); this.allItemClear(); _root.gotoAndStop(sceneName); } function allItemClear() { trace('allItemClear() 深度0~999のインスタンスを削除'); i = 0; while (i < 1000) { _root.attachMovie('removeItem', 'temp', i); ++i; } } function mainCharEnd() { trace('自艦撃沈されました。'); _root.endRanking(); _root.attachMovie('scene_game_mask', 'mask', 3500); _root.mask._x = 320; _root.mask._y = 200; } function toCode(c) { trace('①元データ=' + c); c <<= 1; c = 'f02' + c + 'f4b'; trace('③暗号化データ=' + c + '\n'); return c; } function unCode(c) { trace('①暗号化データ=' + c); c = String(c); var v4 = c.slice(0, 3); var v3 = c.slice(c.length - 3, c.length); var v5 = n.indexOf('b'); trace(v5); trace('bが見つかった箇所 =' + v5); if (v4 == 'f02' && v3 == 'f4b') { trace('復号成功 score=' + c); c = Number(c.slice(3, c.length - 3)); c >>= 1; trace('check1=' + v4); trace('check2=' + v3); trace('③元データ=' + c); return c; } trace('復号に失敗 不正なデータ'); = 0; _global.score = 0; c = 0; trace('check1=' + v4); trace('check2=' + v3); trace('③元データ=' + c); return c; } function sendRanking() { gScore = _global.rankingObj.rankingScore; trace('ランキング送信 スコア=' + gScore); _root.hiscore_connector.connectHiscore('submit'); } function startRanking() { _global.rankingObj.rankingScore = 0; _global.rankingObj.startStage = _global.nowStage; trace('\n\nランキング開始*************************************'); trace('startStage=' + _global.rankingObj.startStage); trace('************************************************\n\n'); } function endRanking(flag) { if (flag == 1) { _global.rankingObj.endStage = 'オールクリア'; } else { _global.rankingObj.endStage = _global.nowStage; } trace('\n\nランキング終了*************************************'); trace('ステージ' + _global.rankingObj.startStage + '~' + _global.rankingObj.endStage); trace('ハイスコア=' + _global.rankingObj.rankingScore); trace('************************************************\n\n'); } function addRankingScore(s) { _global.rankingObj.rankingScore += s; trace('ランキングスコア=' + _global.rankingObj.rankingScore); } trace('\n------------------------------------------------------------'); trace('タイトルでのtrace開始'); trace('--------------------------------------------------------------'); _global.rankingObj = new Object(); _global.rankingObj.rankingScore = 0; nowVer = '2.51'; _root.attachMovie('targetSarcle', 'targetSarcle', 3111); _root.targetSarcle._y = -300;; _quality = 'HIGH'; theSound = new Sound(); _global.nowStage = 1; nowStage = 1; _global.nowShip = 0; _global.gameLv = 1; _global.mapMaxX = 640; _global.clearFlag = 0; dataLoadFlag = 0; shipStatas = new Array(); shipStatas[0] = ['バランス型', '-', 3, 5, 2, 4, 3, 0, 99, 99]; shipStatas[1] = ['火力重視型', '-', 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 99, 99]; shipStatas[2] = ['精密射撃型', '-', 2, 4, 6, 4, 4, 2, 99, 99]; shipStatas[3] = ['耐久重視型', '-', 2, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1, 99, 99]; shipStatas[8] = ['特殊型甲', '射数が多く高い火力を持つが、連続HITは狙いにくい、初心者向け', 10, 5, 2, 5, 5]; shipStatas[9] = ['特殊型乙', '射数が多く高い火力を持つが、連続HITは狙いにくい、初心者向け', 1, 20, 2, 5, 5]; shipStatas[11] = ['艦名を入力してください。', '-', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 35, 99, 99]; extraWeponData = new Array(); extraWeponData[0] = [0, 'tama_mainChar_AA', '対空砲', 0, 1, 4, 20]; extraWeponData[1] = [0, 'tama_mainChar_big', '大口径臼砲', 0, 1, -3, 10]; extraWeponData[2] = [0, 'tama_mainChar_bl', '速射砲', 5, 0, 11, 50]; extraWeponData[3] = [0, 'tama_mainChar_cl', '拡散垂爆式砲弾', 300, 1, 3, 15]; extraWeponData[4] = [0, 'tama_mainChar_nk', '燃料気化砲弾', 0, 1, 0, 1.6]; extraWeponData[5] = [0, 'zero', '特零式荷電砲', 0, 1, 3, 1]; extraWeponData[6] = [0, '', '爆撃支援要請', 0, 1, 3, 1]; so = SharedObject.getLocal('myData'); if ( != null &&[1] == 'ok') { dataLoadFlag = 1; i = 0; while (i < 10) { _root.shipStatas[11][i] =[i]; ++i; } _global.score = this.unCode(; _global.allMaxHitCnt =; trace('\n戦艦データをロードしました。\n'); } else { shipStatas[11] = ['艦名を入力してください', '-', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 50, 99, 99]; = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]; = new Array(); = new Array(); = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; _global.score = 0; = _root.toCode(_global.score); _global.allMaxHitCnt = 0; = 0; = 70; vol = 70; trace('\n戦艦データは存在しません。\n'); } if ( == null) { = 0; } else { trace('hellClearFlag存在 =' +; } if ( == null) { = new Array(); = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; } else { trace('特殊兵装配列存在=' +[0]); } if ( == null) { = 1; } if ( == null) { = 'HIGH'; } else { trace('画質設定存在' +; _root._quality =; } if ( == null) { = 70; vol = 70; } else { vol =; } if ([8] == null) {[8] = 99; } if ([9] == null) {[9] = 99; } if ( == null) { = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]; trace('クリアデータ存在せず、生成しました'); } else { trace('クリアデータ存在 =' +; } if ( == null || == undefined) { trace('\存在せず 生成しました \n'); = true; } else { trace('\存在します =' + + '\n'); } theSound.setVolume(vol); this.allItemClear(); this.stop(); createDebugFlg = true; } movieClip 1724 { } button 1726 { on (release) { this.changeS('game'); } on (rollOver, dragOver) { this.startSe('bOver'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 88 // unknown tag 88 length 89 movieClip 1740 { frame 1 { if ( == 1) { miniMes = 'YOU\'RE THE BATTLE SHIP MASTER!!'; } } } movieClip 1742 { } movieClip 1743 { } button 1747 { on (release) { this.changeS('credit'); } on (rollOver, dragOver) { this.startSe('bOver'); } } button 1748 { on (release) { this.changeS('option'); } on (rollOver, dragOver) { this.startSe('bOver'); } } movieClip 1750 { } button 1758 { on (release) {; } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); } } button 1764 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1765 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1766 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 1767 { } movieClip 1770 { frame 1 { mes = ''; } } button 1771 { on (release) {; } on (rollOver) { this.startSe('bOver'); } } button 1773 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk');; } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('sinario'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1775 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _parent.gameStart(-1); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1777 { on (release) { _parent.mode = 2; _parent.startSe('bOk'); _parent.mode = 'stageSelect';; } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('stageSelect'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } movieClip 1778 { } movieClip 1781 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } frame 10 { _parent.gotoAndPlay('top'); } } button 1782 { on (release) {; } on (rollOver) { this.startSe('bOver'); } } button 1784 { on (release) { _parent.gameStart(3); _parent.startSe('bOk'); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('hard'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes('selectLv'); } } button 1786 { on (release) { _parent.gameStart(2); _parent.startSe('bOk'); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('normal'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes('selectLv'); } } button 1788 { on (release) { _parent.gameStart(1); _parent.startSe('bOk'); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('easy'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes('selectLv'); } } button 1790 { on (release) { _parent.gameStart(4); _parent.startSe('bOk'); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('veryhard'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes('selectLv'); } } button 1792 { on (release) { _parent.gameStart(8); _parent.startSe('bOk'); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('hell'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes('selectLv'); } } button 1794 { on (release) { _parent.gameStart(6); _parent.startSe('bOk'); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('extreme'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes('selectLv'); } } movieClip 1795 { } button 1796 { on (release) {; } } button 1798 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(1); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1800 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(2); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1802 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(3); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1804 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(4); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1806 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(5); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1808 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(6); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1810 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(7); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1812 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(8); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1814 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(9); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1816 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(10); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1818 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(11); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1820 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(12); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1822 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(13); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1824 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(14); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1826 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(15); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } button 1828 { on (release) { _parent.startSe('bOk'); _root.stageSelect(13); _parent.mode = 1; _parent.gameStart(0); } on (rollOver) { _parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent.setMes('ensyu'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent.setMes(0); } } movieClip 1829 { frame 1 { trace('クリア状態=' + cls); tl = _global.gameLv - 1; cls =[tl]; s = 's' + cls; this.gotoAndStop(s); this.stop(); } frame 5 { this.stop(); } frame 10 { this.stop(); } frame 15 { this.stop(); } frame 20 { this.stop(); } frame 25 { this.stop(); } frame 30 { this.stop(); } frame 35 { this.stop(); } frame 40 { this.stop(); } frame 45 { this.stop(); } frame 50 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1834 { } button 1844 { on (release) { _parent._parent.startSe('bOk'); _root._quality = 'HIGH'; = 'HIGH'; } on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent._parent.setMes('gHIGH'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent._parent.setMes(0); } } button 1846 { on (release) { _parent._parent.startSe('bOk'); _root._quality = 'MEDIUM'; = 'MEDIUM'; } on (rollOver) { _parent._parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent._parent.setMes('gMEDIUM'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent._parent.setMes(0); } } movieClip 1848 { } movieClip 1849 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_quality == 'LOW') { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; } f = _root._quality; this.gotoAndStop(f); }; } } movieClip 1850 { } movieClip 1860 { } button 1861 { on (press) { flag = 1; } on (release, releaseOutside, dragOut) { flag = 0; } } movieClip 1862 { } movieClip 1863 { instance of movieClip 1862 { onClipEvent (load) { function slide() { if (this._x < 0) { this._x = 0; } else { if (this._x > 200) { this._x = 200; } } this._y = 0; vol = Math.floor((200 - this._x) / 2); _parent.vol = vol; _parent.volMask._xscale = vol; _root.setVol(vol); } flag = 0; vol = _root.getVol(); _parent.vol = vol; this._x = 200 - vol * 2; _parent.volMask._xscale = vol; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (flag) { endFlag = 1; this.startDrag(); this.slide(); } else { if (endFlag) { --endFlag; this.stopDrag(); this.slide(); } } } } } button 1865 { on (release) { _parent._parent._parent.startSe('bOk'); this.keyChange(2); } on (rollOver) { _parent._parent._parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent._parent._parent.setMes('conTypeA'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent._parent._parent.setMes(0); } } button 1867 { on (release) { _parent._parent._parent.startSe('bOk'); this.keyChange(1); } on (rollOver) { _parent._parent._parent.startSe('bOver'); _parent._parent._parent.setMes('conTypeB'); } on (releaseOutside, rollOut, dragOut) { _parent._parent._parent.setMes(0); } } movieClip 1868 { frame 1 { function keyChange(c) { = c; var v3 = 'key' + c; this.gotoAndStop(v3); } if ( == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('key1'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('key2'); } } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 10 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1872 { } button 1873 { on (release) {; } } button 1875 { on (release) {; } } movieClip 1882 { } button 1884 { on (release) { this.dataDelete(); } } movieClip 1887 { frame 1 { function dataDelete() { if (delFlag == 1) { = null; = null; = null; _global.score = 0; = _root.toCode(_global.score); = [1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]; _root.chengeScene('priLoad'); } } delFlag = 0; del_txt.onSetFocus = function () { delKey = ''; del_txt.onSetFocus = null; }; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (delFlag != 2) { if (delKey == 'DELETE') { delFlag = 1; mes = '状態:キー入力確認、削除可能'; this.btn._visible = true; } else { delFlag = 0; mes = '状態:キー入力なし、削除不可'; this.btn._visible = false; } } else { mes = 'データの削除完了'; } }; } } movieClip 1889 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } frame 15 { this.stop(); } } movieClip 1890 { frame 2 { function startSe(n) { var v2 = 'se_' + n; this[v2].start(); } function changeS(s) { if (_currentframe == 18) { se_bOk.start(); nextS = s; this.gotoAndPlay(40); } else { if (_currentframe == 39) { se_bOk.start(); nextS = s;; } } } function gameStart(lv) { if (lv == -1) { _global.gameLv = 1; nextS = 'howTo'; } else { if (lv != 0) { _global.gameLv = lv; nextS = 'select'; } } if (mode == 1) { _root.rankingReset(); this.gotoAndPlay('gameStart'); } else { this.gotoAndPlay('stageSelect'); } } function setMes(c) { if (c == 0) { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>プレイするモードを選択してください。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'sinario') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>ストーリにそってゲームをプレイします。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'selectLv') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>ゲームの難易度を選択してください。<br>作成した艦艇やスコアはすべての難易度で引き継がれます。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'easy') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>簡単なモードです。まずはここから始めてみてください。<br>獲得スコア半分、獲得改造ポイント減少、敵弱体化</p>'; } else { if (c == 'normal') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>普通のモードです。このゲームに慣れてきたらこちら。<br>'; } else { if (c == 'hard') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>難しいモードです。あなたの強化艦で挑んでみてください。<br>獲得スコア2倍、獲得改造ポイント増加、敵強化</p>'; } else { if (c == 'veryhard') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>かなり難しいモードです。あなたは生き残れるか?<br>獲得スコア3倍、獲得改造ポイント増加、敵更に強化</p>'; } else { if (c == 'extreme') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>修羅道の入り口。プレイは任意です。<br>獲得スコア4倍、獲得改造ポイント増加、敵相当に強化</p>'; } else { if (c == 'hell') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>地獄の蓋を開けたい方はどうぞ'; } else { if (c == 'ensyu') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>チュートリアルステージです。初めての方はこちら。<br>操作方法のチュートリアルがあり、練習が行えます。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'taikan') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>強力な敵戦艦と1対1で対戦します。<br>(現在準備中です。)</p>'; } else { if (c == 'stageSelect') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>いままでクリアしたステージを自由に選択できます。'; } else { if (c == 'gHIGH') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>高画質に設定します。<br>クオリティは最大ですが、処理がかなり重くなります。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'gMEDIUM') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>普通画質に設定します。<br>基本値です。バランスのとれた画質と負荷になります。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'gLOW') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>低画質に設定します。<br>処理はかなり軽くなりますが、画質はかなり劣化します。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'conTypeA') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>矢印キー[←] [→]キーで移動、[↑]キーで追加兵装を発射します。<br>クリックすると操作モードを切り替えます。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'conTypeB') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>[Z] [C]キーで移動、[SPACE]キーで追加兵装を発射します。<br>クリックすると操作モードを切り替えます。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'chic') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>※特殊 敵からの攻撃量はすくなめですが、一発のダメージが大きく上昇します<br>堅実な操作が要求されるモードです。'; } else { if (c == 'rank') { this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>ハイスコアランキングを表示します。</p>'; } else { if (c == 'rankSave') { if (_global.rankingObj.rankingScore == undefined || _global.rankingObj.rankingScore == 0) { trace('\n\n■ランキングスコア なし'); var v4 = '- ハイスコアデータがありません -'; } else { var v4 = 'プレイステージ 「' + _global.rankingObj.startStage + '~' + _global.rankingObj.endStage + '」 獲得スコア「' + _global.rankingObj.rankingScore + '」'; } this.dis.mes = '<p align=\'center\'>獲得スコアをハイスコアランキングに送信します。<br>' + v4 + '</p>'; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } function changeGameLv(lv) { _global.gameLv = lv; } _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(77); mode = 1; se_bOver = new Sound(this); se_bOk = new Sound(this); se_bOver.attachSound('SE_bOver'); se_bOk.attachSound('SE_bOk'); } frame 18 { this.stop(); } frame 39 { this.stop(); } frame 54 { this.gotoAndPlay(nextS); } frame 77 { this.stop(); } frame 81 { this.gotoAndPlay('top'); } frame 99 { this.stop(); } frame 109 { this.stop(); } frame 118 { this.mode = 1; this.gotoAndStop('gameR'); } frame 125 { this.stageData.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 134 { this.stop(); } frame 143 { this.gotoAndStop('gameR2'); } frame 159 { this.stop(); } frame 168 { this.gotoAndPlay('top'); } frame 221 { _root.startRanking(); } frame 240 { _root.chengeScene(nextS); } } movieClip 1892 { frame 2 { url = _url; ans = url.indexOf('http'); trueUrl = '' + _root.nowVer; trueUrl2 = '' + _root.nowVer; _root.trueUrl = trueUrl; if (ans != -1) { if (_url == trueUrl || _url == trueUrl2) { } else { _root.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.gotoAndStop('addressError'); }; _root.gotoAndStop('addressError'); } } else { trace('ローカルでの実行'); } this.stop(); } } button 1900 { on (release) { _root.execAddSpPoint(); this.gotoAndStop('end'); } } button 1901 { on (release) { _x = 1500; } } movieClip 1904 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(16)) { if (Key.isDown(80)) { if (_x != 320 && == true) { _x = 320; } } } }; this.stop(); } frame 10 { this.stop(); } } frame 17 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } frame 20 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 2); } frame 21 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 2); } frame 24 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } frame 25 { this.stop(); } instance of movieClip 1670 { onClipEvent (load) { firstFlag = 1; } } frame 27 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } frame 34 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } frame 35 { function attachSee() { _root.attachMovie('ground_see', 'see', 3001); _root.see._y = 300; } function attachDisplay() { _root.attachMovie('display', 'display', 3101); _root.display._y = 400; } function attachFirstDisplay() { _root.attachMovie('scene_first', 'firstDisplay', 3201); _root.firstDisplay._x = 324; _root.firstDisplay._y = 151; } function attachBG(id) { _root.attachMovie(id, 'BG', bgDeep); _root.BG._y = 300; _root.BG._x = 640; ++bgDeep; if (bgDeep > bgDeepMax) { bgDeep = bgDeepMin; } } function removeGameMc() { _root.see.removeMovieClip(); _root.display.removeMovieClip(); _root.firstDisplay.removeMovieClip(); _root.BG.removeMovieClip(); } function setStage(command) { trace('\n------------------\nステージ' + nowStage + 'を開始\n------------------\n'); bossFlag = stageData[nowStage][2]; var v6 = Number(stageData[nowStage][3]); if (v6 != 0) { attachGround(v6); } var v7 = stageData[nowStage][15]; if (v7 != undefined) { attachBG(v7); } if (bossFlag) { playBossBgm(); attachWarn(); } setSpace = _global.mapMaxX / 10; if (command == 'first') { setX = 0; } else { setX = _global.mapMaxX; } enemyNo = 0; trace('* ---------------------------------'); var v4 = 4; while (v4 < 15) { var v3 = stageData[nowStage][v4]; if (v3 != 0 && v3 != undefined) { if (v3 == 1) { tempName = 'mapShip'; } else { ++enemyNo; tempName = 'e' + enemyNo; } trace('* ユニット配置 no=' + v3 + ' n=' + tempName); _root.attachMovie(charNameList[v3], tempName, v4 + 30); _root[tempName]._x = setX; _root[tempName]._y = 300; if (v3 == 1) { var v5 = v4 + 10; _root[tempName]._xscale = 10; _root[tempName]._yscale = 10; } if (v3 == 2 || v3 == 23) { _root[tempName]._xscale = -10; _root[tempName]._yscale = 10; } if (v3 == 3 || v3 == 25) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 15; _root[tempName]._xscale = 15; } if (v3 == 4 || v3 == 22) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 15; _root[tempName]._xscale = 15; } if (v3 == 5) { _root[tempName]._x = 1500; _root[tempName]._y = 100; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 16) { _root[tempName]._x = 1232.4; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 17 || v3 == 26) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 30; _root[tempName]._xscale = 30; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 18) { _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 34) { _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 35) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._y = 260; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 36) { _root[tempName]._x = 961; _root[tempName]._y = 12.5; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 38) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 20; _root[tempName]._xscale = 20; } if (v3 == 39) { _root[tempName]._x = 578; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 41) { _root[tempName]._x = 1180; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 250) { _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (v3 == 330) { trace('オーブ要塞配置'); _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } switch (v3) { case 201: _root[tempName]._y = 280; break; case 202: _root[tempName]._y = 250; break; case 203: _root[tempName]._y = 220; } if (v3 == 200 || v3 == 201 || v3 == 202 || v3 == 203 || v3 == 251 || v3 == 252 || v3 == 330 || v3 == 998) { _root[tempName]._x = setX; if (_root.boss2 == undefined) { trace('boss2'); _root[tempName]._name = 'boss2'; } else { if (_root.boss3 == undefined) { trace('boss3'); _root[tempName]._name = 'boss3'; } else { trace('boss4'); _root[tempName]._name = 'boss4'; } } } if (v3 == 500 || v3 == 260) { _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } } setX += setSpace; ++v4; } trace('* ---------------------------------'); } function breakEnemy() { --enemyNo; trace('敵艦撃沈 残り' + enemyNo + '隻'); if (enemyNo <= 0) { trace('\n全敵艦を撃破 ゲームクリア\n'); ++nowStage; _root.grand._name = 'oldGrand'; _root.BG._name = 'oldBG'; if (bossFlag) { _root.attachMovie('scene_clear', 'sceneClear', 3211); _root.sceneClear._x = 320; _root.sceneClear._y = 160; } else { _root.mapShip.nextStage(); this.setStage(); } } } function attachGround(groundNo) { var v4; if (_root.oldGrand != undefined) { v4 = _global.mapMaxX; } var v3 = 'char_grand' + groundNo; _root.attachMovie(v3, 'grand', grandDeep); _root.grand._x = v4; _root.grand._y = 300; ++grandDeep; if (grandDeep > grandDeepMax) { grandDeep = grandDeepMin; } } function playBossBgm() { if (_global.nowStage >= 11) { _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(662); } else { if (_global.nowStage == 10) { _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(663); } else { _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(44); } } } function attachWarn() { _root.attachMovie('atcItem_warning', 'warning', 3151); _root.warning._x = 320; _root.warning._y = 149; } function gameStart() { _root.mapShip.flag = 1; i = 1; while (i < 10) { var v2 = 'e' + i; _root[v2].flag = 1; _root[v2].Enemy.actionStart(); ++i; } _root.boss.flag = 1; _root.boss2.flag = 1; _root.boss3.flag = 1; _root.boss4.flag = 1; _root.boss.Enemy.actionStart(); _root.boss2.Enemy.actionStart(); _root.boss3.Enemy.actionStart(); _root.boss4.Enemy.actionStart(); } function newStage() { _root.display.ChangeHpMax(); } function conHitCounter(flag) { if (flag) { ++hitCnt; if (hitCnt > maxHitCnt) { maxHitCnt = hitCnt; } if (hitCnt == 1) { return 'HIT!'; } else { _root.display.hitDis.setCnt(hitCnt); return hitCnt + 'HIT!!'; } } else { _root.display.hitDis.setCnt(0); hitCnt = 0; } } function getMaxHit() { return maxHitCnt; } function removeRDeep() { trace('\n--------------------\nrDeepに配置されたアイテムを全て消去\n--------------------'); var v2 = rDeepMin; while (v2 < rDeepMax) { _root.attachMovie('removeItem', 'temp', v2); ++v2; } } function removeAllMc() { this.removeRDeep(); this.removeGameMc(); } trace('\n------------------------------------------------------------'); trace('ゲームメイン画面でのtrace開始'); trace('--------------------------------------------------------------'); _quality = 'HIGH'; _global.seaLineY = 300; rDeepMax = 800; rDeepMin = 100; _global.rDeep = rDeepMin; grandDeepMax = 25; grandDeepMin = 20; grandDeep = grandDeepMin; bgDeepMax = 18; bgDeepMin = 15; bgDeep = bgDeepMin; hitCnt = 0; maxHitCnt = 0; nextStageFlag = 0; slideMove = _global.mapMaxX; bossFlag = false; charNameList = new Array(); charNameList[1] = 'char_ship_main'; charNameList[2] = 'char_ship_senkan'; charNameList[3] = 'char_ship_kubo'; charNameList[4] = 'char_ship_kutikiu'; charNameList[5] = 'char_aircraft_bakugeki'; charNameList[10] = 'char_yousai_hou0'; charNameList[11] = 'char_yousai_hou1'; charNameList[12] = 'char_yousai_hou2'; charNameList[13] = 'char_yousai_kouku0'; charNameList[14] = 'char_yousai_kouku1'; charNameList[15] = 'char_yousai_kouku2'; charNameList[16] = 'char_yousai_sireitou'; charNameList[17] = 'char_ship_koukuSenkan'; charNameList[18] = 'char_lastBoss1'; charNameList[19] = 'char_lastBoss2'; charNameList[20] = 'char_ship_hyouteki'; charNameList[21] = 'char_ship_senkan2'; charNameList[22] = 'char_ship_rocket'; charNameList[23] = 'char_ship_rocketSenkan'; charNameList[24] = 'char_aircraft_heri'; charNameList[25] = 'char_ship_kubo2'; charNameList[26] = 'char_ship_bSenkan'; charNameList[27] = 'char_yousai_rocket0'; charNameList[28] = 'char_yousai_rocket1'; charNameList[29] = 'char_yousai_rocket2'; charNameList[34] = 'char_aircraft_bHeri'; charNameList[35] = 'char_g_bTank'; charNameList[36] = 'char_lastBoss3'; charNameList[38] = 'char_ship_youriku'; charNameList[39] = 'char_yousai_gate1'; charNameList[40] = 'char_aircraft_bHeri2'; charNameList[41] = 'char_yousai_gate2'; charNameList[99] = 'removeShip'; charNameList[200] = 'char_yousai_bigGun'; charNameList[201] = 'char_yousai_bigGun'; charNameList[202] = 'char_yousai_bigGun'; charNameList[203] = 'char_yousai_bigGun'; charNameList[250] = 'char_yousai_tower_30'; charNameList[251] = 'char_yousai_tower_20'; charNameList[252] = 'char_yousai_tower_10'; charNameList[260] = 'char_yousai_val'; charNameList[300] = 'char_ship_goeikan'; charNameList[310] = 'char_ship_aegis'; charNameList[330] = 'char_bossOrb'; charNameList[500] = 'char_ship_arsenal'; charNameList[998] = 'char_TESTGROUND'; charNameList[999] = 'char_TESTSHIP'; stageData = new Array(); stageData[0] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; stageData[1] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0]; stageData[2] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 0]; stageData[3] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0]; stageData[4] = [9, 88, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 0]; stageData[5] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 3, 0]; stageData[6] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0]; stageData[7] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 2, 0]; stageData[8] = [9, 88, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 5]; stageData[9] = [9, 88, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 14, 12, 0]; stageData[10] = [9, 88, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 12, 0, 13]; stageData[11] = [9, 88, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 14, 10]; stageData[12] = [9, 88, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 11, 15, 16]; stageData[13] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 2, 0]; stageData[14] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 0, 3, 4]; stageData[15] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 2, 4, 2, 0]; stageData[16] = [9, 88, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0]; stageData[17] = [9, 88, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 14, 12, 0]; stageData[18] = [9, 88, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11, 12, 0, 13]; stageData[19] = [9, 88, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 11, 10, 15]; stageData[20] = [9, 88, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18]; stageData[21] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 22, 0]; stageData[22] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 22, 0]; stageData[23] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 23, 0]; stageData[24] = [9, 88, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 23, 23, 0]; stageData[25] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 22, 25, 0]; stageData[26] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 2, 0, 25, 0]; stageData[27] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 22, 0, 25, 25, 0]; stageData[28] = [9, 88, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 0]; stageData[29] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 38]; stageData[30] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 38]; stageData[31] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 99, 0, 38, 0, 38]; stageData[32] = [9, 88, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; stageData[33] = [9, 88, 0, 6.5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 28, 15]; stageData[34] = [9, 88, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 24, 0, 29, 28]; stageData[35] = [9, 88, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 0, 24, 27, 15]; stageData[36] = [9, 88, 1, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0]; stageData[37] = [9, 88, 0, 21, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 39]; stageData[38] = [9, 88, 0, 22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40]; stageData[39] = [9, 88, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41]; stageData[40] = [9, 88, 1, 24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 36]; stageData[41] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 300, 0]; stageData[42] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 300, 0, 310, 0]; stageData[43] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 310, 0, 310, 0]; stageData[44] = [9, 88, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 500, 0, 0]; stageData[45] = [9, 88, 0, 27, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300, 0, 0, 201, 0]; stageData[46] = [9, 88, 0, 28, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 201, 27, 29, 0]; stageData[47] = [9, 88, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 28, 202, 0]; stageData[48] = [9, 88, 1, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 260, 0, 0]; stageData[49] = [9, 88, 0, 99, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0]; stageData[50] = [9, 88, 0, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0]; stageData[51] = [9, 88, 0, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0]; stageData[52] = [9, 88, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 250, 251, 252, 'bg_breakTower']; stageData[53] = [9, 88, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 330, 0, 0, 0]; stageData[57] = [9, 88, 1, 31, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 260, 0, 0]; stageData[58] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 999, 0, 0, 0]; stageData[59] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 999, 0, 0, 0]; stageData[60] = [9, 88, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 999, 0, 0, 0]; stageData[90] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0]; stageData[91] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0]; stageData[92] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0]; stageData[93] = [9, 88, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13]; Vib = new McVibrationClass(_root); this.attachSee(); this.attachDisplay(); this.attachFirstDisplay(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.rDeep > rDeepMax) { trace('rDeep初期化'); _global.rDeep = rDeepMin; } if (nextStageFlag == 1) { tempMove = slideMove / 20; slideMove -= tempMove; _root.mapShip._x -= tempMove / 1.1; _root.BG._x -= tempMove; _root.oldBG._x -= tempMove * 1.1; _root.grand._x -= tempMove; _root.oldGrand._x -= tempMove * 1.1; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['e' + i]._x -= tempMove; ++i; } _root.boss._x -= tempMove; _root.boss2._x -= tempMove; _root.boss3._x -= tempMove; _root.boss4._x -= tempMove; if (_root.mapShip._x <= 66) { _root.removeRDeep(); slideMove = _global.mapMaxX; this.gameStart(); _root.oldGrand.removeMovieClip(); _root.oldBG.removeMovieClip(); nextStageFlag = 0; } } Vib.execVib(); }; this.stop(); } frame 38 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } frame 45 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } button 1908 { on (release) { _root.see._y = 700; _root.display._y = 700; _root.chengeScene('title'); } } movieClip 1915 { } button 1919 { on (release) { _root.see._y = 700; _root.display._y = 700; _root.chengeScene('title'); } } movieClip 1920 { frame 1 { this.stop(); } frame 2 { this.stop(); } frame 3 { this.stop(); } frame 4 { this.stop(); } frame 5 { this.stop(); } frame 6 { this.stop(); } frame 7 { this.stop(); } } frame 46 { function attachSee() { _root.attachMovie('ground_see', 'see', 3001); _root.see._y = 300; } function attachDisplay() { _root.attachMovie('display', 'display', 3101); _root.display._y = 400; } function setStage(command) { trace('\n------------------\nステージ' + nowStage + 'を開始\n------------------\n'); stageNo = stageData[nowStage][0]; stageName = stageData[nowStage][1]; bossFlag = stageData[nowStage][2]; grandName = stageData[nowStage][3]; if (grandName != 0) { x = 0; trace('grand=' + _root.grand); trace('oldGrand=' + _root.oldGrand); if (_root.oldGrand != undefined) { trace('oldグランド存在'); var x = _global.mapMaxX; } else { trace('oldグランド存在せず'); } grandName = 'char_grand' + grandName; _root.attachMovie(grandName, 'grand', grandDeep); _root.grand._x = x; _root.grand._y = 300; ++grandDeep; if (grandDeep > 6) { trace('----------\n深度をリセット\n----------'); grandDeep = 2; } } if (bossFlag) { if (_global.nowStage == 10) { _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(663); } else { _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(44); } _root.attachMovie('atcItem_warning', 'warning', 30); _root.warning._x = 320; _root.warning._y = 149; } setSpace = _global.mapMaxX / 10; trace('setSpace=' + setSpace); if (command == 'first') { setX = 0; } else { setX = _global.mapMaxX; } enemyNo = 0; i = 4; while (i < stageData[nowStage].length) { no = stageData[nowStage][i]; if (no != 0) { if (no == 1) { tempName = 'mapShip'; } else { ++enemyNo; tempName = 'e' + enemyNo; } _root.attachMovie(charNameList[no], tempName, i + 10); _root[tempName]._x = setX; _root[tempName]._y = 300; if (no == 1) { var v3 = i + 10; trace('主人公の深度は' + v3); _root[tempName]._xscale = 10; _root[tempName]._yscale = 10; } if (no == 2 || no == 23) { _root[tempName]._xscale = -10; _root[tempName]._yscale = 10; } if (no == 3 || no == 25) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 15; _root[tempName]._xscale = 15; } if (no == 4 || no == 22 || no == 20) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 15; _root[tempName]._xscale = 15; } if (no == 5) { _root[tempName]._x = 1500; _root[tempName]._y = 100; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (no == 16) { _root[tempName]._x = 1232.4; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (no == 17 || no == 26) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 30; _root[tempName]._xscale = 30; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (no == 18) { _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (no == 34) { _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (no == 35) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 150; _root[tempName]._xscale = 150; _root[tempName]._y = 260; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (no == 36) { _root[tempName]._x = 961; _root[tempName]._y = 12.5; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (no == 38) { _root[tempName]._yscale = 20; _root[tempName]._xscale = 20; } if (no == 39) { _root[tempName]._x = 578; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } if (no == 41) { _root[tempName]._x = 1180; _root[tempName]._name = 'boss'; } } setX += setSpace; trace('現在のsetX=' + setX); ++i; } } function breakEnemy() { --enemyNo; trace('敵艦撃沈 残り' + enemyNo + '隻'); if (enemyNo <= 0) { trace('\n全敵艦を撃破 ゲームクリア\n'); ++nowStage; _root.grand._name = 'oldGrand'; if (bossFlag) { _root.attachMovie('scene_clear', 'sceneClear', 11); _root.sceneClear._x = 320; _root.sceneClear._y = 160; } else { i = 100; while (i < 200) { var v3 = 'aircraft' + i; _root[v3].bomb(); ++i; } _root.mapShip.nextStage(); this.setStage(); } } } function gameStart() { _root.mapShip.flag = 1; i = 1; while (i < 10) { var v2 = 'e' + i; _root[v2].flag = 1; ++i; } _root.boss.flag = 1; } function newStage() { _root.display.ChangeHpMax(); } function conHitCounter(flag) { if (flag) { ++hitCnt; if (hitCnt > maxHitCnt) { maxHitCnt = hitCnt; } if (hitCnt == 1) { return 'HIT!'; } else { _root.display.hitDis.setCnt(hitCnt); return hitCnt + 'HIT!!'; } } else { _root.display.hitDis.setCnt(0); hitCnt = 0; } } function getMaxHit() { return maxHitCnt; } _root.targetSarcle.conMeth(1); _quality = 'HIGH'; _global.seaLineY = 300; _global.rDeep = 100; _global.nowShip = 0; _global.gameLv = 2; hitCnt = 0; maxHitCnt = 0; nextStageFlag = 0; grandDeep = 2; slideMove = 700; nowStage = 90; charNameList = new Array(); charNameList[1] = 'char_ship_main'; charNameList[2] = 'char_ship_senkan'; charNameList[3] = 'char_ship_kubo'; charNameList[4] = 'char_ship_kutikiu'; charNameList[5] = 'char_aircraft_bakugeki'; charNameList[10] = 'char_yousai_hou0'; charNameList[11] = 'char_yousai_hou1'; charNameList[12] = 'char_yousai_hou2'; charNameList[13] = 'char_yousai_kouku0'; charNameList[14] = 'char_yousai_kouku1'; charNameList[15] = 'char_yousai_kouku2'; charNameList[16] = 'char_yousai_sireitou'; charNameList[17] = 'char_ship_koukuSenkan'; charNameList[18] = 'char_lastBoss1'; charNameList[19] = 'char_lastBoss2'; charNameList[20] = 'char_ship_hyouteki'; charNameList[38] = 'char_ship_youriku'; charNameList[99] = 'removeShip'; stageData = new Array(); stageData[90] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20, 0]; stageData[91] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20, 20, 0]; stageData[92] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0]; stageData[93] = [9, 88, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0]; stageData[94] = [9, 88, 0, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 0]; stageData[95] = [9, 88, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10]; trace('ラベル:演習'); this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.rDeep > 800) { trace('rDeep初期化'); _global.rDeep = 100; } if (nextStageFlag == 1) { tempMove = slideMove / 20; slideMove -= tempMove; _root.mapShip._x -= tempMove / 1.1; _root.grand._x -= tempMove; _root.oldGrand._x -= tempMove; i = 1; while (i < 10) { _root['e' + i]._x -= tempMove; ++i; } _root.boss._x -= tempMove; if (_root.mapShip._x <= 66) { slideMove = _global.mapMaxX;; this.gameStart(); _root.oldGrand.removeMovieClip(); nextStageFlag = 0; } } }; this.attachSee(); this.attachDisplay(); this.setStage('first');; } frame 49 { this.display.setEnsyu(); _root.mapShip.extraWeponFlag = 1; _root.mapShip.nowExt = 1; _root.mapShip.atcNameExt = _root.extraWeponData[1][1]; _root.display.reloadDis2.wn = 1; _root.display.reloadDis2.setReloadSpeed(); _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(0); trace('   演習モードです'); this.gameStart(); this.stop(); } frame 50 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } frame 55 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } instance firstDisplay of movieClip 1678 scene_first { onClipEvent (load) { spMode = 1; this.stop(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { scene = 999; this.stop(); } } movieClip 1923 { } movieClip 1926 { } movieClip 1927 { } // unknown tag 88 length 76 movieClip 1932 { } movieClip 1936 { } movieClip 1939 { } movieClip 1941 { } movieClip 1946 { } movieClip 1947 { } movieClip 1948 { } movieClip 1950 { } movieClip 1951 { frame 2 { function end() { flag = 0; this.attachMovie('scene_ending_mask', 'mask', 999); } _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(99); i = 0; flag = 1; _global.clearFlag = 1; trace(lv + '現在のLVクリア状況=' +[lv]); lv = _global.gameLv - 1;[lv] = 11; trace(lv + '更新後のLVクリア状況=' +[lv]); if (_global.gameLv == 8) { = 1; } this.onMouseDown = function () { ++i; if (i > 3 && flag == 1) { flag = 0; this.end(); this.stop(); } }; } frame 3 { _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(99); } instance of movieClip 1411 char_lastBoss2 { onClipEvent (load) { flag = 0; } } frame 626 { flag = 0; this.end(); } frame 675 { this.stop(); } } frame 56 { _root.targetSarcle.conMeth(0); this.stop(); } frame 58 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } instance display of movieClip 1406 display { onClipEvent (unload) { _root.songai = Math.floor(this.getSongai()); } } movieClip 1982 { } frame 94 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } frame 95 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } button 1992 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } } frame 96 { _root.targetSarcle.conMeth(0); _root.allItemClear(); _root.bgmBox.changeBgm(0); } frame 101 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } frame 102 { this.gotoAndStop('error'); } // unknown tag 88 length 90 button 2000 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 2001 { frame 1 { url = _url; trueUrl = '' + _root.nowVer; url2 = trueUrl; this.stop(); } } frame 115 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); } frame 116 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); } frame 117 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); } frame 118 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); } frame 119 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 5); } frame 123 { this.stop(); } frame 126 { this.stop(); } frame 130 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 5); } frame 131 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 5); } frame 132 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 5); } frame 133 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 5); } frame 134 { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 5); }
Created: 9/10 -2018 20:06:09 Last modified: 9/10 -2018 20:06:09 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:08:30